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The BG News June 26, 1996

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Opinion • Is Tom just a number?

Nation' Mother admits to killing child 4 A couple misses their wedding because the judge forgot about them Sports* NBA teams draft players

E W Page 3 ■

Wednesday, June 26, 1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume'83, Issue 137

The News' Briefs Electric Falcon offers experience Keith Heckelman College of Technology. dents then apply their problem- aspects of the car. According to most competitive pitstop time of Wendy's founder The BC News The electric car project is a solving skills through test runs Major, the first generation car 25 seconds. very motivating project for stu- and races. "This is the newest prodigied a 7.5 horsepower rated According to Tony Palumbo, wants look-alikes Students' ears continuously dents, according to Erekson. academic sport on campus," motor modified to 80 horse- associate professor to the Col- DUBLIN, Ohio-If Tom ring with advice from parents Chip Tietze, a University busi- Piersol said. power. The 1,100 lbs. of batteries, lege of Techonology Systems, the Cruise, Sylvester Stallone ness major, said he is exuberant and Julia Roberts can have and teachers that in order to get According to Piersol, the Elec- which fuel the car, had to be students reap many benefits look-alikes, Wendy's foun- a job they need experience. Such when working under pressure. tric Falcon Is literally pushed to changed manually, and were from this project. Palumbo said der Dave Thomas figures experience is being offered to After something blew up on the its edge until something sparks, housed in aluminum and lexan the students are learning about he can, too. technology students who work on car, Tietze worked on repairs breaks off or just simply quits boxes by groups of three or four. hard work, how to work with oth- Thomas will film his the Electric Falcon. Just in time for the race the very working. Piersol said this is the This proved to be a problem for ers and making deadlines. 500th commercial for the The Electric Falcon Racing next day. reason for test runs and racing the team because it caused Chris DeAmicis, computer sci- fast-food restaurant this Team will compete in the third "A two pitstop race, you know events. Piersol said problems longer pitstop times. ence and engineering major, said fall. The company said it is annual Cleveland electric For- - it's a rush," Tietze said. that occur are taken back to the Improvements on the technol- working on the project is unlike looking for someone who mula classic Staurday at Burke "The key is solving problems," classroom and the shop where so- ogy of the second generation car can look and act like Tho- normal academic assignments. Lake Front Airport. Unlike the said Barry Piersol, assistant to lutions can be found. provided more of a competitive "Unlike other assignments mas to appear with him in the dean. "Our kids are great the ad. average classroom experience, The students, along with facul- edge for the team. The car spor- where if you don't hand it in on A release from the com- these students are directly in- problem solvers." ty and manufacturing com- ted a liquid-cooled 15-horse- time you get a low grade or an F, pany said it is looking for volved in paving the road for Piersol said the students are panies, have made many im- power rated motor cranking out with the car if something isn't "someone who has a certain breakthroughs in technology de- directly involved in the techno- provements since the project be- 100 horse power peak, and a done on time we don't go to the 'Dave-esque' quality." It velopment. logical development. He said gan in 1994. 3-speed automatic drive power- races. You certainly get to know described that person as "This is not a simulated expe- they learn how to solve problems Jeff Major, chief electrical en- shift transaxel. With a newly de- about the meaning of deadline," someone who favors rience, but a real experience," In design and engineering In the gineer on the project, oversees signed battery exchange system, short-sleeved dress shirts said Thomas Erekson, dean of the classroom. Piersol said the stu- all of the design and engineering the Electric Falcon team has the See FALCON, page four. and red ties, the outfit in which Thomas usually is seen in the commercials. A color photo or a video- Can't Get There From Here tape of the contestant in full Clinton declares support of "Dave" attire is required of all contestants. Five fina- lists will receive a three- day, two-night expenses- paid trip to New York in victims' rights amendment September for a final audi- tion. Harry R. Rotenthal At the ceremony were Mark Clinton, as he has before, for em- The grand prize winner bracing GOP themes. will appear in the ad, while The Associated Press Klaas, father of kidnap-murder jmJ the first runner-up will win victim Polly Klaas, and John a visit to the set of the WASHINGTON - Appealing Walsh, who turned the 1981 ab- Es£—r—-SEE commercial. for "simple fairness," President duction and slaying of his son "When someone is a •^H Three second-place fin- Clinton Tuesday declared sup- Adam into an anti-crime crusade. ishers will receive $100 in port for a constitutional amend- A constitutional amendment victim, he or she Wendy's coupons and 100 ment to protect the rights of has support in both parties, said should be at the other entrants will get a crime victims, the first time in White House spokesman Mike certificate recognizing his presidency he has called for of the criminal J «■ McCurry, but the president is not ■ ■ them as a "Dave Double." changing the Constitution. endorsing any specific proposal. n Thomas founded the justice process, not Wendy's restaurants in "Today it is time for us to make At least 20 states already have on the outside looking Columbus, Ohio, in 1969 and sure that while we continue to victims' rights amendments in gave them the name of one protect the rights of the accused, their constitutions. in." Lfcl "3 Mih ■■■1 of his daughters. In 1995, government does not trample on Because a constitutional President Clinton wmmtm - Wendy's merged with Tim the rights of the Innocent," Clin- amendment could take years to Horton's, a quick service ton said. "When someone is a vic- ratify by the states, Clinton di- restaurant chain in Canada. tim, he or she should be at the rected Attorney General Janet In the past, Clinton has op- —p There are nearly 4,800 center of the criminal justice posed constitutional amend- Reno to adopt a nationwide . Wendy's locations world- process, not on the outside look- system to alert victims about ments dealing with flag burning wide and 1,260 Tim Hor- ing In." and balancing the budget. ton's in Canada and the U.S. court proceedings and help as- In a Rose Garden ceremony at- McCurry said he wanted a level L-w 1 sure they will be heard In court. tended by victims of crimes, Presidential support for the playing field so that victims can University sponsors Clinton said a constitutional amendment Is part of a strategy be heard in court. amendment is the only way to as- to take a strong stand on a tra- Dole supports an amendment monthly Spirit Day sure that crime victims are given ditionally Republican issue like introduced in the Senate by Ari- equal treatment In all courts, crime. Bob Dole already has en- zona Republican Jon Kyi and Cal- The University will cele- from Juvenile to military. dorsed a victims' rights amend- ifornia Democrat Dianne Fein- brate another Spirit Day "We want to level the playing ment. stein. A different version has June 28 from 7:30 to 11:30 field. This is about simple fair- The Republican presidential been introduced in the House. a.m. 1 »!The BC Newi/Jo*" Boyle ness," he said. candidate is sure to criticize The Kyl-Feinstein amendment Free coffee will be served and door prizes will be a- i nner campus is expected to look like a concentration camp at warded to those who regis- i east until the beginning of the semester, according to a project ter. i worker. However, when complete, the campus will enjoy green The last Friday of every Sleepy drivers real nightmare says panel • rea from Wooster Street to the Math Science building. month is designated as ■ The AMA urge federal agen- Spirit Day - a time for Brenda Coleman to license commercial and pri- members of the University The Associated Press vate drivers with sleep-related cies to improve enforcement of community to show pride in disorders. existing regulations for truck- the University. - The secret killers The council made no specific driver work periods and consec- on American highways are recommendations about the reg- utive working hours, and in- Buckeye Girls State drowsy drivers and it's time for ulation of drivers with sleep dis- crease awareness of the hazards Ohio strawberries doctors to do something about it, orders, which can range from of driving while fatigued. nonexistent a medical panel says. sleep apnea. In which the mo- arrives at University People looking for Ohio Drivers who aren't fully awake mentary closing of an airway ■ The AMA urge physicians to strawberries this summer cause more than 1,500 traffic awakens a person repeatedly, to learn more about sleep disorders, may have to look elsewhere. deaths a year. In 96 percent of chronic fatigue caused by a lack treat them more effectively and The BG News Verhoff, county government Poor growing conditions the cases, the accidents Involve of sleep. educate patients about them. consultant, and Anita Wiley, Sha- have taken a big bite out of passenger cars, not commercial "It's very poorly understood by Commercial truck drivers The American Legion Auxil- dyside, Ohio mayor, will speak in the state's crop. drivers. There are about 43,000 the American public," said De- must fill out log books verifying iary is sponsoring the 50th an- Anderson Arena. At 10:30 a.m. "It varies by producers, vehicle deaths from all causes the number of hours they are on nual Buckeye Girls State today, Sgt. Virginia Gogt will also but for most producers the ment, who also is chairman of the each year. National Commission on Sleep the road to prevent them from Government Seminar at the Uni- speak In Anderson Arena. Gov. crop is down significantly - versity. probably 25 to 50 percent," "This Is America's hidden Disorders Research. "The Amer- driving on too little sleep. But no George Voinovich will speak at Mike Pullins, executive di- nightmare," said Dr. William ican Medical Association now has regulation exists for passenger The purpose of Buckeye Girls i 7:30 tonight in Anderson Arena. rector of the Ohio Fruit Dement, director of Stanford a chance to be a leader in this drivers. State is to educate young women Thomas Moyer, Chief Justice of Growers Society, said University's sleep disorders pro- whole area." in the duties, privileges, rights the Ohio Supreme Court will also Tuesday. gram. He said the vast majority The 430-member AMA House Dement said if the AMA passes and responsibilities of American speak. Pullins said a cool spring of highway accidents are not of Delegates, which sets policy the council's report and recom- citizenship, said Jo Ann Bond, di- and excess rain are to properly investigated as fatigue- for the 296,000-member group, mendations, "it would just put rector of the 1996 Buckeye Girls At 7 p.m. Thursday, Robert blame. related. will vote on the council's recom- this whole area right on the front State, in a press release. Taft, Ohio Secretary of State; Be- A panel of the American Medi- mendations at the group's annual burner." "We want to give [the girls], in tty Montgomery, Ohio Attorney The conditions killed cal Association panel on Monday meeting this week. AMA policy has no legal force, a realistic manner, an opportuni- General; Mary Nowell, executive some of the berries and called on the AMA to suggest The council recommends that: but It does direct the AMA's re- ty to learn the problems of assistant representing Kenneth 1 slowed the growth of oth- guidelines for drivers to avoid ■ The National Institutes of sources toward influencing legis- government," Bond said. "We Blackwell, Ohio Treasurer of ers. The weather also has falling asleep at the wheel. Health and other groups support lators, doctors and the public. have placed special emphasis State; and Jo Ann Davidson, affected bees and other In- The AMA's Council on Scientif- upon the contribution women can sects that pollinate the more research on the prevalence president of the Ohio Senate ic Affairs said more research, of sleep-related disorders. John Collins, a senior vice make on our political system." Question Period will speak. strawberry plants. president for government affairs Several speakers will address "In many cases, the ber- enforcement and education are ■ The Department of Trans- University President Sidney ries aren't quite as large as needed to keep drivers from be- portation study the links between of the American Trucking Asso- the girls during the rest of their Ribeau will address the group at normal," Pullins said. coming dangerously drowsy. The crashes and operator alertness ciations, said his group supports stay at the University. 7:30 p.m. Friday. Author Pat Vivo Council also called for guidelines and sleep. the panel's guidelines. At 9:15 a.m. today, Rosella will also speak Friday night. Opinion Page 2 June26,1996 senator approues More than just a number? of tort legislation I woke up this morning feeling time. (For this paragraph only, the Number 19*, but it didn't work out. very much like one of the 250 mil- word TRUE will be placed beside She said she couldn't go out with State Senator Steve Yarbrough lion* Americans that live in this anything that has actually oc- a guy twice her number." Efforts to end lawsuit abuse and introduce tort reform to Ohio's country. More specifically, I felt like curred.) I sat down at my desk, It was time to call it a 24 hour civil justice system are based more on perceptions of the system's American Number 259-79-4683*, and said, "Hello, desk/computer period. I turned on the radio. I problems, rather that the documented reality of those problems. In re- and I know several different fed- ather Number 732 (TRUE)." I typed in turned it to station 92.5 and cent years, the civil justice system's problems have received sensa- eral agencies that will confirm this my employee number 38* (TRUE). crawled in bed. Casey Casern was tional attention in the public eye, leading to an even greater misunder- feeling. My computer flashed, "Good after- on. Tonight's dedication is from standing of the real issues in question. Proponents of House Bill 350. After getting dressed, I jumped so I went to my bank. I entered and noon, 38." (VERY TRUE, AND Caller 9*. He writes, Dear Casey, the Ohio Legislature's tort reform measure, argue the growing threat of into my car and took off. I love my became "Number .3," because at YES IT ACTUALLY DOES THIS.) mine is a case of love at first sound. frivolous lawsuits and million-dollar judgments hurts the state's busi- car. My car is like a real person to my bank, you're not just a number, I don't mind. It's a very personal I wanted to request the song ' T, ness environment. They also assert the prices of goods and services me. I like to call it "PQC - 713." you're a decimal. Afterwards, I computer. It will say either; "Good by the artist formerly known as continue to rise, as the availability of some new products decreases, I was on my way to work, but I thought maybe I should have gone Morning, 38." , "Good Afternoon, Prince. They were taking requests because so many companies are working to shield themselves from had left earty to run some errands. to Fifth - Third Bank, because at 38.", or "Good Evening, 38." de- from Caller 10*. Alas, I called in the risks of a lawsuit. Ail this while more and more people are sup- I bought dry goods at the grocery Fifth - Third, you're not just a deci- pending on the time of day (TRUE). and was informed I was only Caller posed ly filing frivolous suits in the hopes of striking it rich. store. After the purchase, lights mal, you're a fraction. I was glad This is all part of the master plan 9.' Caller 9 goes on to say, 'Just In truth civil caseloads in Ohio courts decreased between 1990 went off and balloons came down. that I had not gone to Extra Big Na- at work, where, you're not just a seconds afterwards, I heard the and 1994 by almost five percent, according to information from the A computerized voice said, "Con- tional Bank where, yeah, you are number, you're a two-digit number. most beautiful voice in the world. Ohio Supreme Court. A survey of 1,200 Ohio businesses by the Na- grat-u-la-tions cus-to-mer ten- just number, but we like you any- After work I headed to the big A young woman was Caller 10, tional Federation of Independent Businesses reported 80 percent of thou-sand." It was going to be a way. game. I wore my old "Number 10" and she requested the song '7, by respondents said the spent less than $10,000 on lawsuits or liability good day. Coming out of my trance, I re- jersey to the game. I can't remem- the artist formerly know as Prince. insurance during 1994. Additionally, fewer than 12 percent of NFIB's I had time to spare, so I went alized I was going to be late for ber who won, but I was fan Num- I never did get a chance to thank respondents said they had raised product prices by more than five to eat at a local cafe. After order- work. So did the cop who pulled ber 137, Row E. her, so I would like to dedicate the percent to reflect legal costs. ing, I learned that I would be known me over. I said, "So, Mr. Officer Finally, I was back home, song 'T to her memory.' Truly a The Ohio Alliance for Civil Justice reports nearly two-thirds of all as "Number 63." This was okay, sir, isn't it a nice day number 177 where people knew who I was. I touching letter, Caller 9. So, with- liability claims in Ohio are settled before lawsuits are filed, with fewer because at this cafe, you're not just of 1996?" opened my mail. out further ado, here's the song "7" of five percent of those filed decided by a court verdict. The rest are a number, you're a specific num- He said, "Not for you, Mr. 85 It read, "Student requested by caller 9, dedicated to settled out of court. In Cuyahoga County, only three percent of all tort ber. Miles Per Hour," However, once P002638393*, this is your bill. caller 10." cases decided by a jury trial involve awards more than $1 million; in Next, I decided to get my hair- he realized that I was Driver's Li- However, don't worry, you are not Still not able to sleep, I shut Franklin County, this number is little more than 4.5 percent. cut. Upon entering the barber- cense Number MQ167892" with just a number to us. To us at this off the radio, and turned to the fool- All these numbers provide evidence that, in fact, Ohio's courts are shop, I learned that I was "Num- no record, and an accident hap- University, you're a number that proof method of falling asleep. I not experiencing a surge in caseloads and that runaway verdicts have ber A-3." This was okay, because pened down the street, I became owes us $7,000." counted sheep. not become commonplace. While few would argue with an individual's at Ron's Barbershop, you're not Lucky Son of a Gun Number 4 of I called my parents to discuss * Some numbers have been right to sue and recover damages, civil lawsuits are viewed by some just a number, you're a number and his career, and he let me off with a the bill. They asked, "So, how's changed to protect the identities of more as games of chance than serious legal actions they really are. a letter. warning. our First-Bom Son?" I said, "I'm persons involved, mostly my own. The legal community, including lawyers, judges, magistrates and the I wanted to cash a few checks, I managed to get to work on doing okay. I met a girl at work, bar association could do better job at educating the public about the civil justice system. The Ohio General Assembly has responded to the concerns of pfPXi MPUW AF» TVfc Cftltt ifcRCEHD HOJ T*Ofc 1© fco HO*E..# residents and is currently reviewing legislation that aims to end lawsuit abuse in our state. House Bill 350 os a tort reform measure that pro- posed many changes in the current system, including caps on punitive damages and limited caps on non-economic damages. These are two provisions that require some explaining. First of all the caps outlined in the bill don't affect the plaintiffs ability to collect damages for tangible losses (economic losses) such as medical bills or lost work; future ex- penses are even included within the economic damage awards. The caps do however, restrict how much a person may be awarded for 6RAMWcTrtttfs noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering. It is important to note there are no caps on noneconomic damages in cases dealing with serious, permanent, physical injury or where punitive damages have been awarded against a defendant. The amount that may be a J awarded as punishment for a defendant's outrageous or malicious be- **rssSii havior, also known as punitive damages, is also limited since the pur- pose of this award is to penalize the defendant, not compensate the plaintiff. The plaintiff receives compensation for losses through eco- V>fc GO"© CW»»* nomic damages. HB 350 also proposes abolishing joint and several liability for ^r&o»&EClS,5INGLE noneconomic damages, as well as establishing new guidelines for eco- nomic damages. The bill also seeks to prevent some people from re- ceiving compensation for injuries or damages from more than one source. The bill also contains a statute of repose for certain types of action, which establishes a time limit for filing a case, regardless of when the plaintiff discovers the injury. BG 350 also speaks to the du- ties of Ohio courts. The bill gives judges the ability to penalize attor- neys and parties in a lawsuit for frivolous conduct. The provisions discussed above are only part of the reforms cap- tured by HB 350, which is a bill I support as a comprehensive effort to sftyi,rc6J&"- update and restore fairness to Ohio civil justice laws. The Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Senate have approved versions of the bill, and a joint conference committee has been convened to settle Compassion needed, ignorance deleted differences between the two versions. I'll tell you something, the people are also those who dismiss out there and stand on the moon. more I look at this world, the more certain people because of certain Gaze at Earth. Ifs a beautiful, gi- I cringe. We have wars, destruc- features, namely racists. ant, blue marble. Turn a'ound, and tion, violence, racism and so on in Ignorance is an ugly enigma you see an endless void of space. The BG News just about every corner of this that rears its sickening head just Then, and only then, can you re- world. I don't know if I'm being King about everywhere. If one stops open your eyes. "A Commitment to excellence" something of a pessimist (normally, becoming ignorant, one will come, See my point yet? (Pardon I'm very optimistic), but I don't like to see and realize what serious the pun.) As far as we know, we're what I'm seeing here on good ol' with pain, looking up at a person trouble we all are really in. alone. Earth is our only home, and Earth. from another country and saying, It's sad enough that there are all we have is each other. Whether Dawn Keller Jay Young We have some traits about "Gee, I feel terrible that you're suf- people who have an absolute ha- we like it or not, we have to learn Managing editor News editor us that are either causing the prob- fering so badly, I wish there was tred for blacks, Jews, Hispanics to live with each other and refrain lems, or the lack of them is mak- something I can do about it!" Then and many other races. Ifs worse ourselves from throttling one an- Joe Boyle Tiffany Wendeln ing things worse. he or she walks away with a shrug. that some of them have to demon- other. You know what, though? Photo editor Copy chief The first of the two is com- It's not just famine in Africa strate that hatred. In my opinion, I We also need to love each other! Anna Wahrman Aaron Weisbrod passion. There's not much of it that requires heartfelt concern, it's think ifs safe to say that the Ku Help out one another and don't be Copy chief Reporter around. According the Heritage also toward the person next to you. Klux Klan, an obviously white su- blinded by ignorance. Dictionary, compassion is defined You don't know the person, of premacist group, is full of people I'd also like to say that other Tanya Markul Antje Schiffler as: The deep feeling of sharing the course not, but you know what? who don't like certain groups of people aren't the only ones we reporter Reporter suffering of another, together with He or she could be having a very people and lets them know. His- should help, there's an important the inclination to give aid or sup- rotten day. You can exercise tory will prove me right here. Look person in all our lives. port or to show mercy." thoughtfulness simply by saying at the black church burnings; that's That important person is All too often we witness and "hil" and smiling to that person. very mature, burning churches of Mother Nature. She is vital to our listen to people with problems and That's all you have to do just to God. The same God, apparently survival and gives us everything Copyright © 1996 by The H< i News. Reprinting of sometimes they don't know who to brighten up someone's day! Pretty from the Bible, that created all of we need. But, thafs all she does: any material in this publication whitout the permission of turn to. There are also times when amazing how easy it is, isn't it? us. Whatever happened to the give. We need to give back, oth- The BG News is strictly prohibited. there's no one to turn to, and that These very simple deeds do notion of "All men are created erwise she'll run out of things to The l« i News is an independent student voice is where compassion comes into a world of good not just for those equal"? give us and that would most cer- founded in 1920 and is published daily during the academic play. in need, but also for yourself. Be Now people, I want you to year and Wednesday's in the summer. tainly signal our doom. She's Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those We have people in Africa tactful, and you will be astonished follow my instructions here care- ceaselessly loving us. Ifs only fair of the student body, faculty or University administration. starving to death by the thousand, at how much happier and proud of fully, for what I'm about to ask you we love her back. Opinions expressed in columns, cartoons and letters are not and there's nothing many of them yourself you would be. to do will hopefully drive my point So, for a day (or better yet, necessarily those of The B< '• News. can do about it. So what do we The next human flaw is igno- home. Upon finishing reading this your whole life), smile, plant a tree, Letters intended for publication must be 200-300 do? We send out a relief effort to rance. Remember the infidel back words long, typed and include the writer's name, phone paragraph, I want you to close your call a friend, put a Band-Aid on a number and University affiliation, if any. The BO News combat this terrible plague. The up there who felt sorry you were eyes. Envision in your mind the kid's scraped knee and respect all reserves the right to edit any and all letters. Red Cross is just one of many or- suffering in Africa yet walks away? area you are in, whether it be in kinds of people. Unfortunately, The BG News encourages its readers to notify the ganizations who excel in helping Well, that person was a perfect the Union or at your home, wher- Utopia is mostly a fantasy. Love paper of any errors in stories or photograph descriptions. others. demonstration of ignorance. By ever you are. Look at yourself from thy neighbor and go in peace. You see, ifs really easy to my definition, it is someone who above, and slowly pull away until Send suggestions or ideas 210 West Hall sympathize those in plight, but ifs doesn't do anything to help others Bowling Green State University you see the entire building that you on something interesting and a sin to do nothing to help them. or even society, or makes things are in. Then, pull away even far- amusing to write about; I'm open Bowling Green , OH 43403-0726 Look at it this way, how would you worse. Why? Because ignorant bgnews @ ther into the sky and see all of to anything. Send your thoughts feel if you were among the mass people think other people's prob- Bowling Green. Now, for the ulti- to me via e-mail at of people starving in Africa, bloated lems aren't theirs. Superficial mate trip, go out into space, way

\, V State ' Wednesday, June 26,1996 page three Storms cause damage, ' but no injuries in Ohio

The Associated Press Fallen trees damaged at least cials were evacuating the second six houses in the township. Dar- floor because of a tornado warn- Storms that swept through rell Stephens, Rootstown road ing. northeast Ohio downed trees, superintendent, said one tree fell Also on Monday, Gov. George causing power failures and dam- on a car and another on a propane Voinovich declared a state of aging houses, but no injuries tank. emergency because of weekend were reported, authorities said. A pressure release valve on the flooding in Lawrence and Gallia Meanwhile, residents in 3,000-gallon tank owned by Level counties in southern Ohio. • Lawrence County in southern Propane Co. was damaged. Gas Three to 4 inches of rain fell in Ohio were trying to recover from spewed for about 40 minutes un- about three hours Sunday on flash flooding over the weekend ground that had been saturated The AifocUlcd Pren til it could be contained, au- Bill Harrison and Susanna Grammatus planned to get married Saturday and bad hastily booked that destroyed seven homes and thorities said. from rain throughout the day, the a Judge five days earlier. But when they called Central District Court Judge Thomas Campbell eight mobile homes. Weather conditions were ex- weather service said. The rain forced creeks out of to remind him, he had already gone out. It took three hours to find an alternate Judge. Water was up to 10 feet deep in pected to improve today, with some places, said Larry Jewell, mostly sunny skies and lower their banks, damaging bridges deputy director of the county's humidity forecast, the NWS in and roads. No injuries were re- emergency management agency. Cleveland said. ported. "Most of them [affected resi- Ohio Edison spokeswoman De- Terry Hemby, director of Gal- Couple's wedding delayed; lia County's emergency man- dents] got out in their Fruit of the lores Jones said today that about Looms or their frilly night- 12,000 customers in Medina, Por- agement agency, said damage to gowns," he said. "They were tage and Summit counties lost roads and bridges was at least $2 judge forgot to marry them lucky they made It." power Monday for periods rang- million. The National Weather Service ing from 45 minutes to several The worst damage in Lawrence issued a tornado warning about hours. Power had been restored County occurred east of state the Warren area; no clergy many guests had to get to The Associated Press noon Monday for Rootstown to all users. Route 775, primarily around members would do the cere- graduation and birthday par- Township and surrounding, areas Lightning strikes were report- Scottown, Jewell said. MECCA, Ohio -- Here comes mony because the couple had ties. "We had the ceremony, and in Portage County, but a twister ed in several areas, but little or the bride, but where's the not received the required did not form, said forecaster Ken right afterwards everyone no damage was reported. Another 20 homes were heavily Judge? counseling. Reeves. Winds reached speeds of The downtown Akron AAA of- Bill Harrison and Susanna made a line" for their cars, damaged and 15 more had minor Warren Municipal Judge 60 to 80 mph, the weather service fice was struck by lightning damage. Jewell estimated the Grammatus planned to get Harrison said. Five people had Thomas Gysegem later agreed said. shortly before 1 p.m. while offi- property loss today at $500.00tt married Saturday and had has- to handle the ceremony after time to stay for the cake. tily booked a Judge five days he cleaned up from mowing the Susanna Harrison said a earlier. But when they called lawn. missing judge wasn't one of the Central District Court Judge "When we got a hold of wedding disasters for which Thomas Campbell to remind Judge Gysegem, I was about to she had planned. Former Fernald manager him, he had already gone out. say, "Heck with it, let's go eat "In the morning I was a ner- It took three hours to find an and get married another day,' " vous wreck," she said Monday. alternate Judge. Bill Harrison said. "He had "I was worried about the "I feel terrible for the cou- just finished mowing the lawn, weather, what if it rains. I claims cancer study false ple. I don't know how else to and he was waiting for his wife never thought, 'What if the apologize," Campbell said. He to get home and watch the judge doesn't show up?' " she mailed an apology to the new kids." said. The Associated Press than the nation as a whole, all the among workers, a known cause Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Gysegem arrived Just in time The couple ended up being alleged differences simply dis- of lung cancer and respiratory Harrison said he called for the backyard wedding. The married three hours and five CINCINNATI - A former Fer- appear." disease. Campbell twice in an hour Sat- maid of honor had to be at work minutes later than they had nald manager blasted a govern- Cragle said although smoking urday, then every IS minutes in less than hour, the Harr- planned. ment study that linked radiation Dr. Donna Cragle, the study's rates could affect the study re- for two hours, then every 10 isons' three young sons were "It will probably be funny in exposure with higher lung can- principal investigator disagreed. sults, researchers had no practi- minutes. The wedding party grass-stained from playing 10 years, but it wasn't on Sat- cer rates among workers. While the area does have a cal way of determining which tried finding another judge in during the judge search, and urday," Harrison said. Welton Adams, a top executive higher-than-average cancer rate, Fernald workers smoked be- ' at Fernald when the uranium she said the Fernald findings cause plant files did not specify processing plant was run by NLO were valid because the study also smoking habits until 1968. Inc., said the study, released last compared workers with high week, was the "worst scientific doses of radiation to those with The study was conducted by Woman pleads guilty to robberies study I've ever read." low doses - and found a link be- the Oak Ridge Institute for Sci- "I still do not believe that ura- tween lung cancer and higher The Associated Press said. at East High School in Columbus ence and Education based in Oak She was caught in March 1995 for two years and worked as a nium caused any cancers at Fer- radiation doses. Ridge, Term. It was paid for by TOLEDO - A former school- when employees at a branch of special education coordinator in nald. These results were cobbled the Department of Energy, which teacher who donned a wig and the Mid Am Bank in Bowling the Columbus district. up to satisfy politicians," Adams Adams said the study also owns the plant 18 miles north-, threatened bank workers with Green in northwestern Ohio rec- From 1981-86, she taught in said. failed to account for smoking west of Cincinnati. fake detonators has pleaded ognized the device she was hold- small towns in Illinois and in The nine-year study examined guilty to robbing more than ing as a garage door opener and Toledo, working with special ed- 1,064 deaths that occurred $600,000 from banks in at least overpowered her. ucation students, advising cheer- through 1989 among a group of five states since 1991. In court Monday, Paluszak leading squads, and coaching 4,014 Fernald workers hired be- tween 1951 and 1981. £1.25 Jacqueline Paluszak, 48, of pleaded guilty and accepted re- track. 1 Westerville, pleaded guilty in sponsibility for her actions. She She returned to the Columbus The study found an increase in Chicken Fried Rice U.S. District Court on Monday to said she knew she would be going district in 1987 in a Job that deaths among hourly workers ■ • Coupon good at BG only six counts of bank robbery and to prison and asked to be sen- matched graduates with jobs. from lung cancer and respiratory one count of attempted bank rob- tenced to an institution where She resigned in 1990 to follow her disease that were linked to I • Please bring ad with you, bery. she could teach and help inmates. husband Mark to a job in Michi- higher doses of radiation expo- She could receive up to 15 Although it was not mentioned gan. sure. CHINA years in prison. Sentencing was in court Monday, her former at- In addition to the attempted ■ij£$Ati3z postponed until later this sum- torney, Sam Eidy, had said in ear- robbery in Bowling Green, Pal- Adams said the study was mer. lier proceedings she had multiple uszak pleaded guilty to the rob- flawed because it compared can- OPEN DAILY The holdups occurred in Ohio, personalities, and said she had bery of banks in Dalton, near cer death rates at Fernald to U.S. Michigan, , Kentucky and been twice hospitalized for psy- Massillon ($127,000); Coldwater, averages Instead of averages in 11 a.m. -9 p.m. West Virginia, and all followed chiatric help. Mich., ($147,000); Huntingdon, Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. Stop By and See What's Good For Lunch! the same style. Paluszak has been held without W.Va., ($275,000); Florence, Ky., Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom bond since her arrest. ($29,000); Richmond, Ind., "If you compare (the rates) 1080 S. Main St., BG, OH • 353-8413 Secor said Paluszak would enter The former suburban Colum- ($11,000), and Farmington, with the Tristate population, the bank near closing time and bus woman became a teacher in W.Va., ($11,000). which has a higher cancer rate threaten the clerks with an ex- 1978 after earning a bachelor's plosive device or say she was degree in special education from prepared to detonate an explo- Ohio Dominican College. Her ca- I sion. In one robbery, she dis- reer began as a substitute teach- i played a hand grenade that er in Columbus. She taught de- turned out to be a phony, Secor velopmentally disabled students Books Hey Ladies! for

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1 I Nation m page four Wednesday, June 26,1996 Mother admits to Waiting for battle delivering fatal blow to 6 year old

Samuel Maul) the finger of her right hand, ac- The Associated Press cording to a report by Detective Nancy Farrell. She said Lopez NEW YORK - Wiping away admitted she forced Elisa to eat tears, a mother pleaded guilty in her own excrement and had the child abuse death of her cleaned the floor with the child's 6-year-old daughter, admitting head. she delivered a fatal blow after Lopez, 29, told police when she months of physical and emotional was arrested Nov. 22, the day El- abuse. isa was pronounced dead, "I went In a case that symbolized the in the room to check her. Her fallings of the city welfare tongue was hanging out of her system, a sobbing, shaking Awi- mouth and her body was cold. I lda Lopez said Monday that after felt her heart, and I knew she abusing the girl for months, she was dead." hit her in the head and knocked Lopez told police that Elisa was her against a concrete wall on in the devil's thrall, ate snakes Nov. 20. and did not feel pain. She also The child lay still for almost claimed that many of Elisa's in- two days in their Manhattan juries were self-inflicted, that apartment until a neighbor found she had adult strength, and was the scarred and bruised body and sexually promiscuous. called an ambulance. Her five surviving children are "She failed to seek the medical in foster care, where they have attention needed to save her been since her arrest. daughter's life," Assistant Dis- Elisa's death shocked city offi- trict Attorney Donna Hen ken cials and was cited as an example said. of how the child welfare system State Supreme Court Justice failed to protect a child. Officials Alvin Schlesinger said he will were aware of abuse in Elisa's sentence Lopez to IS years to life home, and relatives, teachers, in prison on July 31 for the mur- social workers, doctors and der of Elisa Izquierdo. YMCA employees had tried to The child had sores, cuts and sound the alarm. Elisa's father cigarette burns over her face and had cared for her until he died of body, and a bone protruding from cancer in 1994. Clinton will address Cincinnati convention David Cnibbi/The Associated Prcn The Associated Press zation of education and use of Two unidentified Native Americans In full costume wait for the battle to begin at the re-enactment of the Battle of the Little Big public money for private school Horn near Hardin, Mont. The re-enactment was written by poet Hank Real Bird, giving It the Indian's perspective of the battle. CINCINNATI - President Clin- tuition. ton is to speak at the American Much of the program will focus Federation of Teachers conven- on efforts to adopt promotion and tion at the Sabin Convention graduation standards for stu- Center. dents. About 3,000 union mem- The date and topic of Clinton's bers are to attend. Parents lose fight to hold onto ashes speech have not been announced, Other scheduled speakers in- but a spokeswoman for the union clude John Pepper, chairman and said his staff has confirmed he chief executive officer of Proc- Justine Hyde Soux DeFries Thiry and removed religion as a mix of Quaker and the Thirys' lawyer a letter telling will attend. ter & Gamble Co.; human-rights The Associated Press a cross and two stone markers Native American philosophies, them where they could pick up Issues to be discussed at the activist Harry Wu and actor early Friday while the Thirys won a restraining order from a the remains, which had been bur- convention, to be held Aug. 1-6, Richard Dreyfuss. KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Marc were asleep. state judge in 1994, but lost the ied in August 1992. include charter schools, privati- and Diane DeFries Thiry buried "They snuck in like thieves in case in May 1995. their stillborn daughter on a hill the night and they robbed our A federal appeals court agreed Rees said the state warned the covered with prairie grass, a spot child's grave," Mrs. Thiry said. with the lower court ruling, and family in two letters that the re- Howard's clubM on their 150-acre ranch where "After a primal scream, I kind of earlier this month, a justice of mains would be removed if the Mon-Sot 12-2:30 om ■ ■ they wanted to be buried them- gathered myself together." the U.S. Supreme Court rejected family didn't do it. "It's true we •■■■-'- -g-A'1" 352 - 9951 selves. The Thirys, who live about 30 their request to extend the re- didn't say we'll do it on a given mm.ii'i-.i.T.i For nearly two years, the miles west of Kansas City, Mo., straining order while they filed a date," he said. Tonganoxie, Kan., couple fought have filed a petition with the U.S. new appeal. Tuesday- No Cover to hold onto the four acres of Supreme Court asking for a re- That's when the state moved For now, the Thirys are keep- Loud and Local their land the state wanted for a view of the case. forward. ing the remains on the back of frldoy Satwrvat highway turnaround. They lost The couple sued the state in "We just couldn't put it off any their pickup until they decide Jontll Ju- it earlier this mdhth and refused to October 1994, claiming the turn- longer," Mike Rees, the state what to do next. (Usln Bella dig up the grave. around would violate the Relig- agency's chief counsel, told the Without notifying the family Journal-World of Lawrence. "We "There's nothing more that I Video Gomes electronic Dorts Pinboll ious Freedom Restoration Act, they were entering the ranch, a which bars the government from were facing some real substan- would love than to take them burial company hired by the interfering with the exercise of tial cost if the contractor couldn't right back up there and bury Kansas Department of Transpor- religious freedom unless it can go in there." them," Mrs. Thiry said. "But tation dug up the concrete slab show a "compelling interest." After the ashes were taken to we'd have to guard them 24 hours containing the ashes of Qatlin The couple, who describe their the burial company, Rees faxed a day." RICE« FALCON KREISCHER Continued from page one. marketing partners," Palumbo said. FOOD COURT DeAmicis said. Palumbo said marketing part- Palumbo said high visibility is SUNDIAL ners are also involved in the car just one benefit for the Universi- Dlalag project. ty. He said the college is able to offer companies good employees. "It's unique in that it is a high "Employers want value for $ A L E visibility event, therefore being their buck. We are able to offer very attractive to corporate them that," Palumbo said.

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< I J. Sports Q Wednesday, June 26,1996 page five Future for Bengals uncertain

The Associated Press people fear Brown might move Cincinnati Bengals," Bedlnghaus legal way to ensure that his fami- the Bengals out of Cincinnati if said. "Likewise, we've got $500 ly maintained control of the DAYTON - Mike Brown says he finds the stadium site unac- million in our pocket prepared to team. The IRS alleges it was a he's not sure whether it will be ceptable. build new stadiums. It's some- scheme to avoid heavy estate blue skies or dark clouds when it "I just don't have anything to thing that's much more obtaina- taxes. comes to the future of his Cin- say on that," Brown said. "I just ble by dealing with us than any cinnati Bengals. don't want to fuel speculation, so other city. "I see this great future for the it's easier to just say nothing." Bengals in a new state-of-the-art Hamilton County Commis- "Besides, Mike has confirmed "I see this great stadium with a good team," the sioners President Bob Bedingh- to everybody In this community future for the Bengals Bengals' president/general aus said studies showed it will that he is a loyal individual." in a new manager said in an interview take 36 months to build the sta- published today in the Dayton dium, which leaves little time to Meanwhile, Brown is squaring state-of-the-art Chris Sheridan North Carolina State. Robert Par- Daily News. "On the other hand, I reach an agreement if the Ben- off against the IRS in federal stadium with a good The Associated Press ish has to retire sometime, see all the threats. They're both gals are to leave Riverfront Sta- court in Chicago. doesn't he? Fuller stays in-state. there." dium by the 1999 season. team.' The players keep getting 14. Sacramento - Efthimis The Internal Revenue Service Paul Brown, who founded the younger, with possibly 20 under- Retzias, C, Greece. A 20-year-old, took Brown to court this month, Brown has said moving the Bengals in 1968 and died in 1991, classmen, including high 6-11 project for the post-Olden saying the family owes $40 mil- Bengals out of Cincinnati was an sold all but one of his 118 shares Mike Brown schoolers, going in the first Polynice days. lion in back taxes on his late option if the new site is unac- to former team president John Bengals' presidenteneral manager round. Can junior high be far be- 15. Phoenix - Zydrunas Ilgaus- father's estate. Losing the law- ceptable. But Bedlnghaus, who Sawyer in 1983 for $30,000 hind? A look at Wednesday's kas, C, Lithuania. Seven-foot-1 suit could force Brown to sell the promoted the half-cent sales tax apiece. Sawyer, who said he ac- NBA draft: centers who possess offensive team. increase that voters approved in cepted the deal because of finan- "I found it to be one of the 1. Philadelphia -- , skills and can run the floor don't In addition, Brown is fighting March to build stadiums for the cial difficulties, agreed to give more difficult things I've ever G, Georgetown. After a hard look come easily, and the Suns need for a site on Cincinnati's river- Bengals and Cincinnati Reds, Brown's sons Mike and Pete the had to face," said Brown. "It was at , rookie GM one. front for a new stadium, while does not appear to be too wor- option to buy the shares at emotional. The stakes are so high Brad Greenberg chooses the 16. Charlotte - , some local politicians are cam- ried. $25,000 apiece 10 years later. for us ... We've just got to keep quicker of the two point guards. G, West Florida. Another pre- paigning for another site. Some "He's got what we want - the Mike Brown said the deal was a moving along. It's hard." Iverson looks for his own shot draft camp star, he could take the more than Marbury. place of free agent Kenny An- 2. Toronto - Shareef Abdur- derson at point guard. Rahim, F, California. GM Isiah 17. Portland - , Thomas passes on Marcus Ca- F, Louisville. An accurate Notre Dame Stadium to light up mby, who looked like a lock for shooter and good defender who the Raptors a week ago, and goes could replace Buck Williams or Nancy Armour The university hopes to have over five years. NBC is paying duce a quality television pic- for the first freshman to win Clifford Robinson. May not fall The Associated Press them in place by November, in for the project. ture," he said. "The ongoing cost player of the year honors in the this far. time for the upcoming season's NBC previously had brought in of temporary lighting, which is Pac-10. 18. New York - , SOUTH BEND, Ind. - First final two home games. temporary lights for certain paid by NBC, is far greater than 3. Vancouver - Marbury, G, G, Lower Merion (Pa.) H.S. The Wrigley Field, now Notre Dame The decision to add lights was games, but that was getting too the one-time cost of installing Georgia Tech. GM Stu Jackson Knlcks would love to get a shot at Stadium. done to accommodate NBC, expensive, the Rev. William permanent lighting fixtures." would prefer Abdur-Rahim, but the 17-year-old son of ex-76er Joe University officials announced which has a contract to broadcast Beauchamp, the university's ex- he may be gone. In that case, Bryant, and if he falls this far, today they are ending long- all Notre Dame home games. The ecutive vice president, said in a Adding the lights does not Jackson will pick Marbury or New York will take its chances. standing policy and will add university doesn't release exact written statement. mean Notre Dame will begin Camby. 19. New York - Predrag Stoja- permanent lights to the stadium figures, but the contract Is be- "Late-season home games do, holding night home games, 4. Milwaukee - Camby, F, Mas- kovic, F, Greece. Born and raised as part of an expansion project. lieved to be worth $40 million however, require lighting to pro- Beauchamp said. sachusetts. The college player of in Yugoslavia, the youngster the year is too good to pass up for could be the best shooter from GM Mike Dunleavy and coach the Balkans since Drazen Petro- Chris Ford, even though they vic. Torch avoids S.C. county in protest have and Glenn Rob- 20. Cleveland - , C, inson at forward. The Bucks Alabama. More size and muscle would prefer Marbury. for a team that needs it in the Pete lacobelll an anti-gay resolution adopted by county runners were assigned councilman Fletcher Smith, who 5. Minnesota ~ , G, middle. The Associated Press the county council. new spots on the reconfigured voted against the resolution. "I Connecticut. The best off-guard 21. New York - Jerome Wil- Also, the Olympic committee path, Emanuel said. think this will show the county as in the draft fits with the Wolves, liams, F. Georgetown. The COLUMBIA, S.C. ~ The Olym- canceled reservations for 110 He said the torch would travel a pit of hate." who still need a point guard and Knicks love good defenders who pic flame, which has lit rooms at a Holiday Inn, opting to via minivan from the Greenville On May 21, the Greenville tried to swap picks with Grizzlies look to before they look thousands of communities across pick another hotel within the city County line to the city limits, County Council passed a resolu- so they could get Marbury. to score. Williams fits. the nation, will not shine in limits. where runners would bear it to tion saying homosexuality was 6. Boston - , C, 22. Vancouver - Dontae' Jones, Greenville today. Emanuel, who heads the At- the Peace Center, the day's final incompatible with community Mississippi State. The Celtics F, Mississippi State. Those who "We've taken the flame to lanta Committee for the Olympic destination. standards. The council reaffir- traded last week saw him in the NCAA Tourna- every community we said we Games torch caravan, said the "I think ACOG was right to med the vote earlier this month, to move up to No. 6, and they ment loved him; those who saw would, because we have a com- group decided the route simply show some support for toler- throwing the county's torch par- need a center with Dampier's him for a whole season have their mitment to the torch bearers," could not include the county. ance," said Greenville County ticipation in doubt. bulk (6-foot-ll, 26S pounds). The doubts. relay chief David Emanuel said "The Olympic flame stands for pick could be traded for an estab- 23. Denver - Priest Lauder- Monday. "They've earned it and peace and friendship and we did lished center. dale, C, Greece. Played in Europe we'll honor their selections." not think the county's resolution Barry Bagels Late Night!! 7. L.A. Clippers - Antoine Wal- after being ruled Ineligible at Atlanta Games officials de- was symbolic of that," he said. ker, F, Kentucky. Based on histo- Central (Ohio) State. A 7-2 body cided the torch would not be seen The new route lies entirely ry, chances are the Clips will for a team that may lose Dike- In Greenville County to protest within the city, and 22 of the 32 All FOP $1 trade the pick for a solid player mbe Mutombo. HOt Dogs? with one year left on his contract 24. LA. Lakers -- Othella Har- Pizza aage/s/ Garlic Cheese Bread! who will leave as a free agent rington, F, Georgetown. Lakers B e s s e next summer. grab a player who is too short to ??. j. . .*. prss.? t???. . . i i 8. New Jersey - John Wallace, be an NBA center, but who Need a Haircut? HANG OUT ON BARRY'S DECK F, Syracuse. A nc-brainer even should do well at forward. C00KOUT, MUSIC AND OUR NEW NIGHT MENU! for the Nets, who blew their last 25. Utah - , F, In- two lottery picks on diana. The Big Ten player of the Bring in ad June 27th & 28th (Thiirsd»yArTld»>r: and Ed O'Bannon. year goes to a team that's almost 9. Dallas - , C, always looking for a starting for $1.00 off 11:00 P.M. -3:00 A.M. Memphis. Rookie coach Jim small forward or a center. Cleamons will have solved his 26. Detroit - Jermaine O'Neal, normal price 522 E. WOOSTER big-man problems with this pick C, Eau Claire (S.C.) H.S. Don Reid AyJV^ and the trade for Montross. Still was the starting center last year pending: team chemistry trouble. for the Pistons. Enough said. 10. Indiana - , G, 27. Orlando - , G, 832 S. Main Villanova. Insurance in case free Kentucky. A 3 point shooter and Fiesta (Next to Subway) agent Reggie Miller leaves town. a winner who would be drafted a 11. Golden State - , dozen spots higher if he was Hair & Tanning 352-9763 G, Santa Clara Will challenge three inches taller than he is at COUPON point guard Bimbo Coles for 6-foot-l. playing time. 28. Seattle - Walter McCarty, In MONDAY MUSICIANS & FROSTY FREEBIES ll:30AM-U:3OPM 12. Cleveland -- Vitaly Pota- F, Kentucky. An athletic big body 2nd CURT -THE CONDOM MA.N- WHEELER 9:15PM T«ft Room penko, F, Wright State. The 6-10, (6-10) who has shown a touch On »*U *n |p uvj MM ro* onuu Mom ufc mx. 280-pound standout at the Chi- from 3-polnt range In college. 3rd MOVIE::: BACKDRArT ® 8:00PM cago pre-draft camp scoots into 29. Chicago - , G, Sin MONDAY MUSICIANS & FROSTY FREEBIES ll:30AMI2:JOPM the top 12. Georgia Tech. The third son of 13. Charlotte - , C, 9lh AIDS PANEL DISCUSSION 1:00PM IN THE TAFT ROOM Hall of Famer . (3rd Hoof Union) Riprcicnuovci from Dtvvf t Hou* from Toudo (AIDS HoroKvlwiUducaulivini -ah AIDS Md WMr^uirMw)

lOrk MOVIE::: CROOKI.VN ® 8:00PM Tonight's Absolutely FR€€ Film 13* CEDAR POINT AMUSEMENT PARK 52000 uound Irip transporuiion provided) PurcOM. octal .n :* OfnW of SrudeM AIMS DCPWI from 3* bock Lruo*p«rtoi>|!oi if 01X1 mi lad rewn MOuod I; 00 pm


1 I6(h INTERNET WORKSHOP 8 30PM IN THE UNION COMPUTER LAB * FREE wforrun.- dtmooiffiio. of #e .ondin of E-MAIL ir£ iht v.ortdWid»w,t, S«»»«iMOII)oio(So«mAcanon

17* MOVIE::: STAND AMI nn ivrn S 8:00PM

22nd MONDAY MUSICIANS 4 FROSTY FREEBIES I l:J0AMI2:3OPM T\ Y COOLNNSrtfS 24ih MOVIE::. OUTBREAK G H 00PM 23Ui BOWLING & BILLIARDS compos bowlin| * tulliinli in the O SUMMER'96 Umvmity Union 8 30PM-10:30PM-lis FREE!! Dew Drop Inn Tour '96 27ih DAY TRIP TO ANN ARBOR. Ml. S3 OO (toond :np mnsporutiom Ann Afbot Arts Festival! Sifn-«» «ih. Offl:t of Siuetr.i A.-ovniti Desirt from die «.< of 0*« Umn. Otftaog lc«ji*.ii!nircT--ii JULY 31 - 8:00PM :0'ffl pro.

STRANAHAN THEATER 2Wi MONDAY MUSICIANS i FROSTY FREEBIES ! 1 30AM-: 30PM At The Masonic Complex - Toledo 3ISI MOVIE::: I SI Al HI cprfTC. ,j p 1110lscamp 8:00 pm 8<10 N1 Tickets on sale now at The Stranahan Theater and Films are every Wednesday ! outlets. For Questions on this or any other summer program call the office of Student Activites at Charge at (419) 474-1333 or (8101 645-6666 372-2343 For more information call (419) 381-8851

) Entertainment page six Wednesday, June 26, 1996 Wesley Willis Fiasco uses music for inner peace In 1989, Wesley Willis was di- While searching for a way to oped a very large underground wards even , the head musicians as Tom Petty, Danzig, By Aaron Weisbrod agnosed with chronic escape from these seemingly following. That following grew to of American Records, fell in love God Lives Underwater, and In a world where so many schizophrenia , a condition which ever-present taunts, Wesley found include people such as Eddie with with the compassionate writ- Skinny Puppy. musicians lake mental illnesses causes him to hear voices (or as that drawing pictures and writing Vedder, , . ings of Wesley. After fifteen self-produced in a desperate (and pathetic) at- he calls them, "demons") in his and performing music, along with White Zombie, Dead Kennedy's CDs (each consisting of twelve tempt at popularity, it's almost head taunting him and calling him daily doses of medication, helped vocalist , and Spike In fact, he was so impressed hybrid rap/rock pieces about comforting to know that there's at names. his condition greatly. Lee. with The Wesley Willis Fiasco's things such as his friends, people least one musician out there who As one can easily imagine, Finding himself in love with As time passed on Wesley re- work that recently signed the he met, etc). The Wesley Willis is honestly using music as a tool these voices were driving Wesley music, Wesley became a street cruited a thrash-punk-metal quar- band to a multi-record contract on Fiasco has recently released its for inner peace, not as a sicken- mad, for he had no way of silenc- performer on the streets of his tet to provide him with a fuller American Records, a label which debut , titled ing market ploy. ing these voices in his head. native Chicago, and soon devel- musical backbeat, and soon after- has worked with such presigious *SpcckydehanTKrtou9(xrtldneiidB." Classifieds

engines, and how to locate information on the Opening for Migrant Head Start cook aide start- Opening for Migrant Head Start bus driver Quality Tuition Painters CAMPUS EVENTS World Wide Web WANTED ing immediately for the following centers: Leip- starting immediately for the following centers: is hiring students Thursday. Jury 11, from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in 126 sc. Portage, Genoa I, Genoa II. New Carlisle A Lepisic. Portage. Genoa I. Genoa II. New Carl- to fill pamter positions Hayes Hall. Plymouth. Responsible for assisting the cook isle ft Plymouth. Transports children to and ttis summer University Compulw S*XV1CM Eudora (Mac). This saminar covers (he basics 1 -2 roommates needed. with the overall food servos operation of the from Center, on field trips, and on other group Earn 16 • S6 working outdoors Summer Seminars of electronic mail (e-mail) using Eudca, includ- Must be fun, laid back 6 like dogs Migrant Head Stan center, including but not oulngs according to all applicable local, state Th# Mowing University Compute* S*rvio»s ing reading, sending and saving e-mail mes- Pool. AC. Call Nicki 354-7329. limited to food production, inventory, docu- and federal standards relating to transportation Call 1-800-356-5987 Scrnmssi will bs offered inn summer. These sages. Pnor knowledge of the Macintosh or at- mentation of meals served, and the mainte- of Head Stan children. Responsible for overall tree semnars are open to anyone at BGSU tendance at the Intro to the Mac and Microsoft nance of sanitation standards. Mm High safety of all passengers on the bus. Performs Please call 372-2911 to register tor the sem- Word is recommended. Please bnng a blank 4th roommate needed for 96/97 school year. school/GED diploma, i yrs. experience in maintenance, regular safety checks, cleaning inars A complete seminar list can be found on 3.5" disk. Attendees must have a BGNet ac- Non-smoking, female, low rent, furnished apt. of the bus and conducts bus evacuation drills RN - Attention New Graduates quantify food preparation, and Bi-lingual in We are currently seeking individuals who are the WWW at: count (created at least 46 hours prior to the Call 419-682 5465. English/Spanish. Contact the Job Service for and related duties as required Maintains main- hn p Jfwww. bg su e d u/depanmen tsAjcs/sem seminar). an application or call 419-837-6503 and ask tor tenance logs. Supervises bus aides/monitor. interested in using their skills in a progressive Female rmte. wanted Own room. $.60/mo Rehabilitation setting Being a pan of the na- tna/s Monday, July 15, from 3 00 • 5:00 p.m. in 126 Washer/dryer. Can Andrea at 3520579 Juanita. Job reamms open until qualified per- Min. High school/GED diploma, must have Intro lo Mlcroson Windows (IBM). This sem- Hayes Hall. son is hired at each cneter. COL license, 1 yr. experience driving full size tion's leading provider of long-term care, we inar covers the bastes of the Microsoft Advanced Microsoft Word (IBM). This sem- Male mite lor 96-97. Year lease. Rent school bus, vehicle mechanical maintenance offer: Career growth potential, unbeatable Windows operang system; this includes creat- inar covers additional features ol Mcrosoft S250/mo. indud gas. Pay electric. AC, own Opening for Migrant Head Stan Health Nutri- and repair, expetence in transporting young company benefits and morel To become a pan ing files, storing dies and editing documents, Word and a few advanced features of the room. Call 354-5047. tion/Mental Health Coordinator staning imme- chxflren, and Bi-lmgual in Englsh/Spanish. of our exceptional organization please call or diately for the following centers Leipsic. Por- apply m person: Please bring a blank 3.5" disk. word processing package. Prior experience Subleaserneeded for Fall & Spring semesters Contact the Job Service for an application or Monday, June 24, from 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. in 207 with Microsoft Word or attendance at Intro to tage. Genoa I, Genoa II. New Carlisle 6 Ply- call 419-837-6503 and ask for Juanita. Job re- Northcrest Nrsg. A Rehab. Ctr. 2 bdrm. apt. i from campus. Pay elec. mouth. Implement the Health/Mental Health & Olscamp Hal. fvacrosoft Word for Windows is recommended onty $25S/mo No deposit Call 352 9409 mains open until qualified person is hired at Rt. 6 240 Northcrest Dr. Intro to the Mae and Microsoft Word. This Tuesday. July 16. from 3:00 -500 p.m. m 207 Nutrition Components at the center level. Co- each center. Napoleon OH 43545 (419) 599-4070 seminar presents the Macintosh operating OlscampHa". ordinates delivery of medical, dental ft nutrition RE:SueCoker.D.O.N. system and introduces the word processing PC-Eudora (IBM). This seminar covers the HELP WANTED activities to the infants, toddlers A preschool software package Microsoft Word including basics of electronic mail (e-mail) using PC-Eu- children enrolled in the Migrant Head Start Opening for Migrant Head Stan custodian start- Program. Provides health and nutrition training School is Out - Summer Help creating Ales, storing flies, and editing docu- dora, including reading, sending and saving e- ing immediately for the following centers: Leip- NURSING ASSISTANTS ments Please bnng a blank 3.5" disk. mail massages. Pnor knowledge of the to parents, staff and volunteers Arranges lor sic. Portage, Genoa I, Genoa II, New Carlisle A Northcrest Nursing Home is a member of Bev- A kind, loving mature nanny needed to care for first aid/CPR training for staff, parents and Thursday. June 27. from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in Windows concepts or attendance to Intro to our 2 children m our BG home. This full-time Plymouth. Responsible for the dairy care A up- erly Enterprises, the nation's leading provider 126 Hayes Hall. Microsoft Windows is recommended. Please volunteers. Maintains food safety standards m keep of the Head Stan centers. He/she keeps of long-term care. We currently have part-time Intro to Mlcrosolt Word tor Windows position requires expenence in working with accordance with local, state and USDA re- bnng a blank 3.5" disk. Attendees must have a young children & light housekeeping. Re'er- the facility clean and sanitary. with keep- openings on all shifts. It you are not already (IBM).This saminar introduces Microsoft Word BGNet account (created at least 46 hours prior quirements. Mm. AA m Health or safety stan- ing outside Center grounds picked up and free encesreq B?3-w> dards in accordance with local, state and state-tested, a new class is forming to begin lor Windows: this includes creating flies, stor- lo the semmar). of trash Responsible tor minor repairs of facili- soon. We offer a compeiliive wage scale as ing files, and editing documents. Prior know- Thursday. July 18. from 10:00 - noon in 207 AIRLINE JOBS USDA requirements. Min. AA in Health or re- ty. Assist with mamnenance of facility. Mm. lated field, 3 yrs expenence in delivery of well as unlimited career growth potential, un- ledge of Windows concepts or attendance at Ol scamp Hall. Now hiring domestic 6 international staff! Flight High Schooi/GED Diploma, able to lift 50 lbs.. beatable company benefits, and morel To be- Intro to Microsoft Windows is recommended. attendants, ticket agents, reservatcnists. health services A families, knowledge of com- custodial expenence desirable, and bi-lingual Newa for Window Users. This seminar covers munity resources ft Bi-lingual m Spanish A come a pan of our exceptional organization. Monday. Jury 1. from 230 - 4:30 p.m. in 207 reading and posting news articles over Ether- ground crew A more. Excellent travel benefits' in Spanish/English Contact Job Service for an please call or apply in person: OtscampHall. net using VN Pnor experience with fie Call Airline Employment Services. English. Contact Job Services for an applica- application or call 419-837-6503 and ask for tion or call 419-837-6503 A ask for Juanita. Job Northcrest Nursing Home Advanced Microsoft Word (Mac).This sem- Windows Operating System is recommended. 1-206-971-3690 ext L5S441. Juanita. Job remains open until qualified per- 240 Northcrest Drive inar covers additional features ol Microsoft Please bnng a blank 3.5' disk. Attendees must 11 remains open until qualified person is hired at son Is hired at each center. Attention Arl Students each center. Napoleon Ohto 43545 Word and a tew advanced features of Via nave a BGNet account (created at least 48 (419)599-4070 word-processing package Prior experience Window Painter needed for local auto dealer Opening for Migrant Head Stan Teacher Aid hours prior to the seminar). Must be quick and efficient Opening for Migrant Head Stan Teacher i RE: Maggie Desgrange LPWStaff Devetop- with Microsoft Word or attendance at Intro to Monday. July 22. from 10 00 - noon in 207 Ola- starting immediately tor the following centers: Great earning potential" starting immediately for the following centers: Leipsic, Portage. Genoa I. Genoa II. New Cart- the Mac and Microsoft Word is recommended. camp Hall. Leipsic. Portage, Genoa I, Genoa II. New Cart- Tuesday, July 0. from 300 - 5:00 p.m. in 126 Send resume to POB 21. BG OH 43402 isle A Plymouth. Provide assistance for teacher News for Mac Users. This seminar covers isle A Plymouth Provide supervision, planning in planning, implementing self-care activities Hayes Hall reading and posting news articles using A implementing a safe, healthy A learning enw WANTED: 100 students to lose weight. Brand World Wide Web. This seminar introduces the Bartenders, waitresses & doormen indoor/outdoor. Provide supervision (or a'l new super/duper program. We pay you to NewsWatcher. Pnor expenence with the Mac- ronment for Migrant Head Start children that children and assist in observation and monitor- World Wide Web using Netscape Topics in- intosh is recommended. Please bring a blank Apply Dtwn Ham -6pm only conforms with devetopm en tally appropriate lose. Guaranteed Results! i -800-666-3829. clude understanding links, bookmarks, search College Station -1616 E. Wooster St. ing progress. Attend parent meetings, trainings 3 5" disk. Attendees must have a BGNet ac- prp.coce* and performance standards. Con- as requested. Mm. CDA, i yr. Experience as a count (created at least 48 hours prior to the duct* home visits Responsible for daily at- staff m a licensed child care corner and Bi- seminar). CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING tendance repels, record child OBS and moni- lingual in Spanish/English. Contact Job Ser- Tuesday. Jury 23. from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. in 126 Earn up to S2,000+/month working on Cruise tor progress for children. Mm. Child Develop- FOR SALE Ships or Land-Tour companies. World travel. vice for an application or call 410-837-6503 Hayes Hall ment 3 yrs. experience as a staff m and ask for Juanita Job remains open until Seasonal & full-time employment available No a licensed child care center, Bi-lmguaJ in Span- qualified person is hired at each center. experience necessary For more information ish/English. Contact Job Service for an appli- 89 Honda Civic DX. Good body, needs work. call 1-206-971-3550 ext.CS5446. cation or caU 419-837-6503 and ask lor Juan- Opening tor Migrant Head Stan cook starting 89.000 miles. $3,600 OBO. Call Brian immediately for the following centers: Leipsic. SERVICES OFFERED EARN $150 ita. Job remains open until qualified person is 352 3552. or aapasti®bgnet hired at each center. Portage. Genoa I. Genoa II, New Carlisle A The Sleep Lab needs female students (age 1990 Ford Tempo 18-28) to participate in a 48 hr. sleep depriva- Plymouth. Responsible for overseeing a Mi- Opening for Migrant Head Stan Educa- grant Head Start Center's food services. Pre- Call 353-5149 tion expenment this summer. Participants must tjorvOisabilites Coordinator starting imme- Summer Tennis Lessons be enrolled m summer dasses. Can 22547 or pare orders for food and kitchen supplies. Or- diately. Develop A implement the objectives A ders, prepares and serves nutritious, appealing All LaveU- $10.00 hour 22474 tor info. ^^ activities of the Education/Disabilities Compo- 353-5248 meals and snacks for infants, toddlers, and Evening office cleaning. nents at the Center level. Coordinates class- pre-school children. Completes aH paperwork FOR RENT 10-15 hrs. per week. Own trans req. room planning A oversees i mole mentation A integration ol Disabilities component plan A tor the USDA CACFP food program at Vie Call 352-5822 center. Ensures that food and service comply services. Establishes staff schedules, obser- 1 apt. tot Fall« smtf a room for malts ves A gives feedback to teaching staff, ensures with all applicable Local, State and Federal PERSONALS Local manufacturing company has need of regulations penaming to the food service oper- Very dose to campus - 9 or 12 mo. lease. part-time unskilled production employees. that dasrooms A playgrounds provide a safe. 353 032S • Cany Rentals healthy learning environment for infants, tod- ation at the center. Min. high schod/GED di- These jobs art mainly assembly of small pans. ploma 1 yr. experience m food preparation in INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE' M.W.C Work 15-20 hours a week around your school dlers A preschoolers in the M^jrant Head Stan an educabon/insotuDonal program, expen- 1 bedroom apt. close to campus Call Ken 4-PLAYEfl SAND VOLLEYBALL-JUNE 27. schedule Only one block off BGSU campus. Program. Min. CDA or AA in Early Childhood ence preparing ethnic foods and Bi-lingual m OFFICE HOURS: 0 AW -12:30 P.M. MON- south of Wooster Street, so you can walk or Development. 3 yrs. exp. in training or superv- 6-9pm. 352-8736 or stop by Z38 B ManyiHe. ising related to children's education programs English/Spanish. Contact Job Service for an DAY. TUSDAY. THURSDAY. AND 9-1130 drive. Many BGSU students work at this plant. application or call 419 837-6503 and ask for House lor Rent - Orchard St »2 One biocK FRIDAY (CLOSED WEDNESDAYS) EN- Rate of pay is $4 25 per hour Come by to pick A Bilingual m Spanish/English. Contact Job from campus. 3 bdrms.. 2 baths, wa* Service for an application or call 419-837-6503 Juanita. Job remains open until quaMed per- TRIES DUE ON DUE DATE BY NOON up an application form. Advanced Specialty son is hired at each center. sher/dryer. Year lease. Call 352-9392 IHE Products. Inc. 428 dough Street. Bowling A ask for Juanita. Job remains open until quad- Green. OH 43402 * lied person is hired at each center. iNTIAL Opening for Migrant Head Stan Center Man- Opening for Migrant Head Start Family Ser- ager (full-wne, seasonal) starling immediately vices Worker starting immediately for the fol- OF YOUR SPECIES! at fie following Ohio locations: Portage, Lsip- lowing centers: Leipsic. Portage. Genoa I. W In my book, SaraB's, s«. New Carlisle and Plymouth. Manage daily Genoa II, New Carlisle A Plymouth. Responsi- Units still available for fall '96 program operations for up to 70 children ages ble 'or recruiting and enrolling children of mi- ray favorite BG restaurant, birth D 5 from migrant farmworker families. grant agnculturaJ farm workers for the Migrant Supervise center personnel, bus drivers, work Head Sun Program m the area of Ohio. Partic- deserves star billing. It's the with and provide training to staff, parents, par- ipants in outreach efforts in assisting families to R.E. Management C

The office of Student Activites Oiiting Center Preferred Properties Welcome Girls Staters MANAGEMENT COMPANY for 530 S. MAPLE ST. 352-9378 BGSU Merchandise Leasing Fall 1996 T-Shirts Mugs Notepads Fox Run Mini Mall Sweatshirts Key Chains Pencils UJe rent tents, bock packs,A ond Small Buildings n Haven House Manor Hats Bears Tumblers sleeping bogs at affordable meek Piedmont Frontier Housing Jackets Candy Jars Pendants and weekly prices. Girchujood Place Houses Pop Snacks

All residents receive a membership to CHERRYWOOD HE A TH SPA JC (In door heated swimming pool, sauna. Hydra - Spa Bursar, cash, or check Whirlpool, complete exercise equipment, complete Collegiate Connection locker room and shower facilities.) 531 Ridge • 362- 8333 Please call 372-2343 Mon.. Tues.. Fit & Sat. 10 -5:50 • Wed. & Thurs. 10-8

I. \\\