Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 6-26-1996 The BG News June 26, 1996 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News June 26, 1996" (1996). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6024. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6024 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Inside the News Opinion • Is Tom just a number? Nation' Mother admits to killing child 4 A couple misses their wedding because the judge forgot about them Sports* NBA teams draft players E W Page 3 ■ Wednesday, June 26, 1996 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume'83, Issue 137 The News' Briefs Electric Falcon offers experience Keith Heckelman College of Technology. dents then apply their problem- aspects of the car. According to most competitive pitstop time of Wendy's founder The BC News The electric car project is a solving skills through test runs Major, the first generation car 25 seconds. very motivating project for stu- and races. "This is the newest prodigied a 7.5 horsepower rated According to Tony Palumbo, wants look-alikes Students' ears continuously dents, according to Erekson. academic sport on campus," motor modified to 80 horse- associate professor to the Col- DUBLIN, Ohio-If Tom ring with advice from parents Chip Tietze, a University busi- Piersol said. power. The 1,100 lbs. of batteries, lege of Techonology Systems, the Cruise, Sylvester Stallone ness major, said he is exuberant and Julia Roberts can have and teachers that in order to get According to Piersol, the Elec- which fuel the car, had to be students reap many benefits look-alikes, Wendy's foun- a job they need experience. Such when working under pressure. tric Falcon Is literally pushed to changed manually, and were from this project. Palumbo said der Dave Thomas figures experience is being offered to After something blew up on the its edge until something sparks, housed in aluminum and lexan the students are learning about he can, too. technology students who work on car, Tietze worked on repairs breaks off or just simply quits boxes by groups of three or four. hard work, how to work with oth- Thomas will film his the Electric Falcon. Just in time for the race the very working. Piersol said this is the This proved to be a problem for ers and making deadlines. 500th commercial for the The Electric Falcon Racing next day. reason for test runs and racing the team because it caused Chris DeAmicis, computer sci- fast-food restaurant this Team will compete in the third "A two pitstop race, you know events. Piersol said problems longer pitstop times. ence and engineering major, said fall. The company said it is annual Cleveland electric For- - it's a rush," Tietze said. that occur are taken back to the Improvements on the technol- working on the project is unlike looking for someone who mula classic Staurday at Burke "The key is solving problems," classroom and the shop where so- ogy of the second generation car can look and act like Tho- normal academic assignments. Lake Front Airport. Unlike the said Barry Piersol, assistant to lutions can be found. provided more of a competitive "Unlike other assignments mas to appear with him in the dean. "Our kids are great the ad. average classroom experience, The students, along with facul- edge for the team. The car spor- where if you don't hand it in on A release from the com- these students are directly in- problem solvers." ty and manufacturing com- ted a liquid-cooled 15-horse- time you get a low grade or an F, pany said it is looking for volved in paving the road for Piersol said the students are panies, have made many im- power rated motor cranking out with the car if something isn't "someone who has a certain breakthroughs in technology de- directly involved in the techno- provements since the project be- 100 horse power peak, and a done on time we don't go to the 'Dave-esque' quality." It velopment. logical development. He said gan in 1994. 3-speed automatic drive power- races. You certainly get to know described that person as "This is not a simulated expe- they learn how to solve problems Jeff Major, chief electrical en- shift transaxel. With a newly de- about the meaning of deadline," someone who favors rience, but a real experience," In design and engineering In the gineer on the project, oversees signed battery exchange system, short-sleeved dress shirts said Thomas Erekson, dean of the classroom. Piersol said the stu- all of the design and engineering the Electric Falcon team has the See FALCON, page four. and red ties, the outfit in which Thomas usually is seen in the commercials. A color photo or a video- Can't Get There From Here tape of the contestant in full Clinton declares support of "Dave" attire is required of all contestants. Five fina- lists will receive a three- day, two-night expenses- paid trip to New York in victims' rights amendment September for a final audi- tion. Harry R. Rotenthal At the ceremony were Mark Clinton, as he has before, for em- The grand prize winner bracing GOP themes. will appear in the ad, while The Associated Press Klaas, father of kidnap-murder jmJ the first runner-up will win victim Polly Klaas, and John a visit to the set of the WASHINGTON - Appealing Walsh, who turned the 1981 ab- Es£—r—-SEE commercial. for "simple fairness," President duction and slaying of his son "When someone is a •^H Three second-place fin- Clinton Tuesday declared sup- Adam into an anti-crime crusade. ishers will receive $100 in port for a constitutional amend- A constitutional amendment victim, he or she Wendy's coupons and 100 ment to protect the rights of has support in both parties, said should be at the other entrants will get a crime victims, the first time in White House spokesman Mike certificate recognizing his presidency he has called for center of the criminal J «■ McCurry, but the president is not ■ ■ them as a "Dave Double." changing the Constitution. endorsing any specific proposal. n Thomas founded the justice process, not Wendy's restaurants in "Today it is time for us to make At least 20 states already have on the outside looking Columbus, Ohio, in 1969 and sure that while we continue to victims' rights amendments in gave them the name of one protect the rights of the accused, their constitutions. in." Lfcl "3 Mih ■■■1 of his daughters. In 1995, government does not trample on Because a constitutional President Clinton wmmtm - Wendy's merged with Tim the rights of the Innocent," Clin- amendment could take years to Horton's, a quick service ton said. "When someone is a vic- ratify by the states, Clinton di- restaurant chain in Canada. tim, he or she should be at the rected Attorney General Janet In the past, Clinton has op- —p There are nearly 4,800 center of the criminal justice posed constitutional amend- Reno to adopt a nationwide . Wendy's locations world- process, not on the outside look- system to alert victims about ments dealing with flag burning wide and 1,260 Tim Hor- ing In." and balancing the budget. ton's in Canada and the U.S. court proceedings and help as- In a Rose Garden ceremony at- McCurry said he wanted a level L-w 1 sure they will be heard In court. tended by victims of crimes, Presidential support for the playing field so that victims can University sponsors Clinton said a constitutional amendment Is part of a strategy be heard in court. amendment is the only way to as- to take a strong stand on a tra- Dole supports an amendment monthly Spirit Day sure that crime victims are given ditionally Republican issue like introduced in the Senate by Ari- equal treatment In all courts, crime. Bob Dole already has en- zona Republican Jon Kyi and Cal- The University will cele- from Juvenile to military. dorsed a victims' rights amend- ifornia Democrat Dianne Fein- brate another Spirit Day "We want to level the playing ment. stein. A different version has June 28 from 7:30 to 11:30 field. This is about simple fair- The Republican presidential been introduced in the House. a.m. 1 »!The BC Newi/Jo*" Boyle ness," he said. candidate is sure to criticize The Kyl-Feinstein amendment Free coffee will be served and door prizes will be a- i nner campus is expected to look like a concentration camp at warded to those who regis- i east until the beginning of the semester, according to a project ter. i worker. However, when complete, the campus will enjoy green The last Friday of every Sleepy drivers real nightmare says panel • rea from Wooster Street to the Math Science building. month is designated as ■ The AMA urge federal agen- Spirit Day - a time for Brenda Coleman to license commercial and pri- members of the University The Associated Press vate drivers with sleep-related cies to improve enforcement of community to show pride in disorders. existing regulations for truck- the University. CHICAGO - The secret killers The council made no specific driver work periods and consec- on American highways are recommendations about the reg- utive working hours, and in- Buckeye Girls State drowsy drivers and it's time for ulation of drivers with sleep dis- crease awareness of the hazards Ohio strawberries doctors to do something about it, orders, which can range from of driving while fatigued.
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