Jose State University Since 1934

San 'Bad tasting,Serving A.S.

1.1 been iiicaw one for the board Lack of executive director A.S. lac adviser Gary liarlicit "Now, the thought of A.S. leaves a bad unopposed said the number of vacancies varies on ,!ie board from year to Year, but taste in a lot of people's mouths and I candidates hurt student government work ..this has been AO unusual year in that the resignations have been nuich think that's sad." meet every week has really As ,led By Kimberly Lemke higher than in years before." and Kim Skolnick majority of current position candi- the organaation. Now, the thought Situnions agreed that more ratan Spartan Dail) Staff Writers dates running unopposed for scats of A.S. leaves a had taste in a lot of le, have appeared on the board dur- Dave Wietecha, SJSU academic senator are key issues raised at this current people's mouths and I think that's mg his term but said he felt the res- In light of the "changing of the Juncture. sad." ignations were due to external fac- named, have claimed that the posi- never been interested in applying for guard" in Associated Students, ques- According to Dave Wietecha, a Dandle Fedor, former director of tors tion has been lefi vacant because the position and that he couldn't tions still remain with regard to the San Jose State University student aca- student affairs and an SJSU alumna. Issues remaining in regard to the Simmons is interested in assuming even apply for the job because he organizational and fiscal chaos that demic senator, this year's A.S. board places much of the blame about the ...Latent Associated Students Board of the position after he graduates in doesn't meet the minimum require- plague the 1996-97 Board of has had its share of problems. current board problems at the feel iii )ires tors arc: Ma','. ments. Directors. Wietecha was an A.S. board member A.S. president Jerry Simmons. A consulting ritin Was hired in "Ile's wanted that (executive "I've been accepted into The long-term absence of an in 1995-96. "If people knew what he was really NoVet111,CI I'M(' to find a new A.S. director) position for himself. He's Pepperdine for law school and I plan executive director, multiple vacan- "This has been a very turbulent doing, they wouldn't support hint," exc, nose thus tot, .1 poNiti011 that has wanted that since last year," Fedor on attending," Simmons said. "I have cies on the board, no written min- year for A.S.," Wietecha said. "The Fedor said. cal citirt e ,111Lc %V. Fedor, as well as said. never expressed interest in the posi- utes for several meetings, the void of lack of an executive director, as well Even members of the A.S. inner several Who %\ 101 110t to be However, Simmons said he has tion and I think the fact that people a checks and balance system circle admit that the past term has not as the fact that the board doesn't See AS., page 6 Au revoir, Saint-Jean Candidate Junior forward accused to leave for NBA By Mike Traphagen Spartan Daily Senior Staff Writer on fliers San Jose State University Fans may soon have a National Basketball IVIvsterious posting cuvuses Association player they can call their own. Junior forward Olivier Saint-Jean Roth of sexual harassment announced 'Tuesday he is bypassing his final year of eligibility at SJSU to declare himself available for the NBA draft in By Andy W. Ho and Aaron Williams June. Spartan Daily Staff Writers Saint-Jean, the eighth-ranked scorer in the nation with a 23.8 points per game Accusations, followed by denials more typical with nation- average and who received an honorable Al elections, came to San Jose State University Tuesday when a mention to the 1997 Associated Press All- her targeting an Associated Students presidential candidate America team, will become the first player was distributed throughout the campus. in Spartan history to enter the NBA draft The flier, which was posted on light posts and trees on cam- before completing his senior season. pus, made claims of sexual harassment and discrimination "People need to understand that all my against A.S. presidential candi- life I've been someone who takes advan- date Roland Roth. 'the flier said tage of an opportunity." said Saint-Jean, Roth was forced to resign from who came to the United States from his position as a resident adviser "To the best of France to play college basketball. because of a sexual harassment He said while he lived in France, peo- laim filed against him. my knoledge, ple told him he had "no shot" of playing Furthermore, the flier said a di, no charges basketball for an American college, but he rintination complaint had becii received a scholarship from the University filed against Roth while he was were ever See Saint-Jean, page 4 president of the Jewish Student filed." Both of the accusations were Saint-Jean 1..11owcd by the names of two people the flier said could verify Roland Roth, these facts. flowever, both A.S. presidential may go in Writs were denied by Roth as candidate well as by the two people - first round Mike Pereira and Steve liarko - named in the flier. By Dennis Knight Pereira had proof that a sexual harassment Spartan Daily Staff Writer the flier said laim was made against Roth. Pereira, the president of the An official from the Sacramento Kings Inter-Residence Hall Association, denied any involvement thinks Olivier Saint -lean, San Jose State's with thc flier. honorable-mention All-American for- "I had nothing to do with that." Pereira said. "My MUM is ward, should be a first-round pick in the not on there with my permission." upcoming NBA draft. Pereira also said he spoke with Roth while Roth was A resi- ...cotty Stirling, director of scouting for dent adviser, "but it had nothing to do with sexual harass- the Sacramento Kings, said Saint -Jean's ment." athleticism will make him a marketable Roth said he was not forced to quit but resigned from his commodity in the June 25 NBA Draft position As resident adviser because he had if com- being held at the Charlotte Coliseum in pleting his responsibilities. North Carolina. "To the best of my knowledge, no charges were ever filed," "He's very, very athletic. He can run PHOTO BY ARIC CRABS Spartan Daily Roth said. "RI). (Resident Director) Matt Reese said I made (offensive) comments. I had no idea I was offending anybody, and is a good jumper. He has quickness in which Saint Jean annouced his availabili SJSU basketball player Rick Hite hugs Oliver Saint-Jean alter a press conference though. I was not confronted." See Scouts, page 4 Draft ty for the N91 NBA See Flier, page 6

Great Mall murder hearing Thursday Editorial Tomorrow Assessing the SJSII Delense attorney wants charges dismissed R.11)0.i IN .1k0 partv A profile of KFOG "I don't know why he's Page 2 By Kim Skolnick Feb. 7. for the defense until the D.J. Dave Morey, Spartan Daily Staff Writer Thc motion 'tales thAl all inter- doing this. That's not the (ace goes to Mal a stage A.S. measures who has been view with Jon' Ranoa, A security hr List' 11.4% yet to math. Argo men ts on the motion to dis- Ret.ornmetulation.s on hosting 100 10" guard at the mail Ind witness to the way lawyers act." While Rokill,Ott can miss murder charges against thc man shooting, was withheld by the district all karma whit-it tilt: case the six A.S. ballot for 15 years. Jc c Used in the I NA ober 19% shoot- Attorney's office. goes lo Mal. wit nesse% for ing at the Great Mall in Milpitas will propositions Robinson has been making "outra- -- Joyce Allegro, the defense are not be heard Thursday in Superior Court 2 geous" remarks to the press about his allowed to be called dur- Page at the San Jose Hall of Justice. Deputy District Attorney motion. Deputy District Attorney ing preliminary proceed- Former San lose Fire (;apt. Robert Joyce Allegro said, who is prosecuting ings unless they meet one Spartan Gremminger is accused of the homi- Gremminger's attorney was given two the case. of the following criteria: the witness Baseball cide of Anthony Lamont Gilbert, a other statements from Karma, A writ- "I don't know why he's doing idlers a complete defense; the witness University of suspected shoplifter, who was shot in ten statement and an interview, taken this." Allegro said "That's not the impeaches the testimony 4)1 A prosecu- the parking lot of the Great Mall on on the day of the shooting, she said. Nevada at Reno way lawyers act t tin witness: or the witness can negate Oct. 24, 1996. According to Allegro, the informa. defeats SJSU Robinson could not be reached for some element 441 the pm ices ill ion. Ken Robinson, Gremmingees tion contained within the interview comment. As to Allegro. Ranoa does Page 4 defense attorney, filed a motion to with Ranoa is not crucial and will not Allegro said that Robinson's not qualify. dismiss the case against his diem on change the eventual outcome of the motion will most likely fail. -

Wednaday, March 12, 1997 2 OPINION San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY

Political parties: SJSU needs a unified opposing voice rise of the SJSU Party has given us up of people from sororities and fratern, take a closer look at party politics on this opposing voice. Thesomething interesting to report They claim to want a number of posit's, Editorial campus. Maybe it is the students' fault for not about this Associated Students elec- far-reaching changes in the A.S. govern In light of the fact that there are no other being more involved in student government. tion. Unfortunately, the rumor, innuendo mcnt. parties to challenge the SJSU Party, com- However, we feel even if no one voted, the They want to create an environment in look good on the surface are often problem- bined with the nastiness that seems to be idea of a government where everyone agreed and outright hypocrisy surrounding this atic once the deeper issues come out. party has given us a reason to take a closer which the student government at SJSU get inherent in any partisan election, forces us to is ripe for corruption and narrow-minded along and is able to accomplish something Mysterious phone calls from people condemn slates in this and any other A.S. agendas neither of which have any place look. defending the party before any stories have Who are these people? What do they substantial. election. in higher education or the United States These are noble goals and on the sur- run, anonymous fliers posted throughout the If there were two or three- other campus political arena. want? Why are they forming? campus libeling their foes and the constant For the most part, the SJSU Party is made face seem to he in the best interest of the political parties, we would have less prob- student population. However, things that and unnecessary posturing has caused us to lems with slates, but there is no unified

Supporting films that Recommendations for A.S. measures Shakur and Smalls remind us of the past caught in crossfire always be the case, the system While that may not ....Am whatsoever a Man sowenli hat shall he also cnt ly went to see John Singletons fourth offering Yes on Measure F 1ft, has, for the most part, worked to keep power front reap." Galatians 6:7 -Rosewood" and was blown away by the movie falling into the hands of the few. and by the fact that the theater was virtually empty. semester the TranSil Access Pr, .gram If Measure I passes in this week's A.S. elections, stu- "Rosewood" is a graphic story of America's not-so- Eatil the death of rapper Notorious BIG, the enables students to avoid the parking frenzy. dents at SJSU will no longer have the same protection Withrivalry between East and West Coast artists pretty past. In the film, a white woman falsely accuses a With a flash of a student ID, SJSU students offered in the U.S. Constitution. The measure would black man of beating her to hide the fact that she's been has escalated from absurdity to insanity. may access all Valley Transportation Authority light give the A.S. president more power over the selection of blue death has many convinced gangsta rap carries the brutalized by her lover, who's also white. Her attempt to rail, buses and paratransit services. the Justices on the A.S. Judicial Board. divert attention from her affair is successful, and the seeds of its own destruction. T. cover the increased fares imposed by vrA, We urge the students to vote against Measure I and The Notorious BIG., who is also known as Biggie white citizens set out to "round up the [awls." They go Measure E provides an additional $6 per semester in keep the executive branch out of the judiciary business. on a binge of burning and lynching and in the end black Smalls, was killed in a drive-by the Associated Students fee for the continuation of shooting last weekend. His men, women and children lay TAP. dead, a fact that's downplayed death comes close on the heels Despite the increase, we support the measure. of the death of rapper and rival by historical records. The program still saves students money on a regu- No on Measure J 1 Black people complain there Tupac Shakur six months ago. lar bus or light rail pass. It encourages alternative Shakur and Smalls died in a aren't many films that I ransportation as well as promotes environmental of the features of Measure J is to grant the acknowledge them and the OncA.S. government board of directors the power rain of gunfire, victims of the awareness By participating in TAP. students may climate of rivalry and retalia- struggles they've gone through. avoid stressful traffic and save wear-and-tear on their to adopt provisions of an initiative without stu- It's a valid argument, one that dent body vote, per Article VIII item 3, tion both helped create. cars. This is not to say they I've made myself. But when a Measure J also stipulates that A.S. general elections deserved WRITER'S FORUM movie Issues, to die. They did not, addresses these will be held in April instead of March and candidates for By Di -vin black people avoid them in WRITER'S FORUM executive officers must have attended at least two of the although many have argued Gen..' No on Measure G droves. It makes no sense. By three semesters before the first day in October after the these artists were claimed by My sister and I tried unsuc- Barrio., elections. the same culture of violence that brought them fame and cessfully to convince our Don't shell out that extra $6 for Measure G The plank in the measure that would allow the pass- mother to see it. which, among other things, asks students to ing of the provisions of an initiative without student fortune. We often show little sympathy for the victims of celebrity and stardom when their faces are black. As I said, "Rosewood" is graphic. In one scene, white finance the construction of student group voles is akin to giving the A.S. government a blank families have picnics and take family photos while the offices. check with SJSU students trusting that the A.S. board Rap music is no stranger to criticism and controver- charred bodies of black men and women smolder less The AS. has yet determine where the offices will will fill in the correct amount. sy. While many indict its violence and misogyny, most than 10 feet away. There are many people, like my moth be located and is considering adding a floor to the students are not likely to forget Me furniture overlook its moments of insight and eloquence. er, who simply refuse to see movies like "Rosewood," say Student Union And the Child Care Center. Building debacle where the A.S. executives spent $12,000 on new Moreover, most make little effort to understand or ing it upsets them to see people being brutalized and onto the second floor of the Child Care Center is esti- furniture for their offices. improve the conditions in which this anger flourishes. Others note how white murdered for simply being who they are. I'll say to other mated at $800.000. F-Slimatcs for the Student llnion This measure will maintain checks and balances on youths' appetite for tales of people the same thing I said to my mother, "Cloeing our are pending. decisions made by the AS. government and its board of gunplay and crime influ- eyes to the past doesn't make it go away. It only makes its Because the office locations are not CUllefete, it is directors. ences the content of rap more likely to repeat it." likely there will be a fee increase in subsequent semes- This would put the responsibility back on SJSU stu- How many lyrics. These critics watch A couple of weeks after seeing "Rosewood," the film ters. dents to vote "no" on J and eliminate any moral dilem- more must in disgust as the children "Booty Call," with Jamie Foss and ViVit.1 A. Fox, was Measure G also asks that a portion of the 86 go mas that could arise if the board of directors had such of poverty prostitute themselves to the children released. "Booty Call" is an inane funny but inane toward supporting a coordinator lies the intramural disc ret ionary powers. die before story that follows two couples on a double date. The day club sports. The CSU Board of Trustees requires one- Measure J will keep power balanced, the choices sim- of privilege. that I went to see the movie, it was standing room only. third of the 86 be "alleged to cover financial aid needs ple and in students' hands. we agree I reacted to the news I only have one question, "Why ?" of SJSU students C.21Pte by this measure." If this measure fails, it will give the A.S board of of Shakur's and Smalls' I'm often teased about my "Three-Person Rule." If a directors no choice, no confusion and no moral dilem- rap's vices death with a mixture of ill it. I check it out. shock and sadness. For movie has at least three black people MA. outnumber its My friends have taken this rule and run with it. Every H years, I had brushed these time a "black" movie comes out they say, "Oh, Genoa's No on Measure virtues? arguments aside, listening going to see that one." They're trivializing something I more to the music than its feel strongly about. easure hi proposes to eliminate five posi- No on Measure K message. This is a luxury When black film makers like Singleton and Spike Lee tions on the A.S. Board of Directors and we can ill-afford. put out a film, there's ))) reit> it than nest what's Seen on replace them with five student representa- How many more black men must get caught in the the big screen. They foe problems that other film mak- tives to the Academic Senate. While not changing J1141 as the presidents and their chosen running mates crossfire as the line between the studio and the streets ers often don't: having their work edited for "sot iii tele, the number of members on the A.S. board, the num- for vice president campaign together for the ultimate blurs? How many more must die before we agree rap's vance: gaining financial backing and getting adequate ber of elected student representatives would fall from Atnerican offices, Measure K on the ballot her the vices outnumber its virtues? publicity for their films once they've been bought. 21 to 16. Associated Students Election Board calls for amending It is time we admit we are ill-served by its confusion I've' taken it tupon myself to support their efforts. We feel the elimination of the five positions the current election bylaws to have candidates for the of machismo with manhood. We are ill-served by the the dilairs branch mitt together. attacks and insults it hurls at women. That's ))))) to say I only go to movies 111.11 have Rid( pill California state director, the environmen executive Branch to fairly reflect the a plc iii thelll or I go to every movie that has 1)1.1, k i ire rue tal affairs three tear, the communications director, the In order flu the Executive Rappers have excused their most offensive lyrics as leis. Some movie plots, regardless of the number iii bla, k intercultural affairs director and the personnel direc- diverse needs and agendas of the vartous student demo- reflection of the conditions in which they live. I however, , har,et ters, simply don't interest me. Nerd I say more tor would leave the A.S. without a balanced rep graphics, the election procedure should allow voters to in the wake of Shaleur's and Smalls' deaths, these argu- than "Mat !kilt II?" It's one thing to support black film resentation of members concerned with student isolate presidential and vice presidential candidates as ments appear flimsy and false. Rappers must take own- its Cs Maker, Mid allOther to tint waste Iwo hours and $7.50 ii individuals. ership of their contributions to the climate of violence. If yon want me to take the time and money to see Elected officials whom voters have no choice but to 'fliere is indication the industry is growing weary of your him. yoll're ping to have to make frle laugh, cry, vote in as a team would provide the officials with too the gangster antics. Dr. Dre, an original architect of think make it worth my while. No on Measure I much power to promote the agendas of a small group gangster rap, has distanced himself from his past work, The powerful performances in "Rosewood" made it of students. treating it with equal parts of embarrassment and ennui. Unfortunately, Shakur and Smalls were worth it. Ihilortimately, people chose to see Jamie Foss. ne- of the (tire-most tenets of the Anterisatt. denied this opportunity. Instead, they died prematurely, I butt licked by a dog. the arc of the star of 'all" having his sermon , if democracy is the separation of Now the-re's a ii,trat moment in black movie history. their evolution cut short. 0 powers 1 lee reitSrill her that is 10 keep Inc en AMU'S Of Ilt1W1 from happening. Genoa Harrow is a Spartan Daily Staff Writer. Dem Fehely is a Spartan Datly Staff Writer

SPARTAN DAILY Opinion page iil Women's low, 'sari "t1920149 (408,9/4 Resource 44,,wittlrit, ‘liiare 3:910 policies Center does not I mail SJSUSLYdaoicom Ex., utive Editor I arry lee ifilers Mk' en( nureged to Managing Editor Mantis Walton endorse A.S. candidate Roland Roth STAFF' WRITERS; expo.. thenoitivris on Ow I ipinion Production Editor Carolyn Can strnan Vasa pagti testIs a Letter u, the FiLditm or are writing this letter steno to the following: building Photo Editor .1. I Clenderun Agawa, Melane Balangue fienoa barrow, t pos Viewpoint Letter to the Editor Opinion Editor . rinsane Ann Nat as Ivan Bergman, Sean Coffey. Andre* W Jays, Wcto cilrreI a MS( On office space Ito student organiza- I A la-lea the 8ditor ex 200. Sports Editor i iu tie Sheliell linen eh!,-y, Jame, rocaogo, I -Vey ception that has been tions, fighting for lower prices in FIP,1011,1P/ ord t an meow or pivot CAssistant Sports Editor Matt Romig ' !o 0'1 " deliberately spread by one- of president because he has come the bookstore and food services, 111,11, tenno. - of rtec that has appear,' in the the Chief Photographer 'Wan Gabon Sp.irt an Daily presidential candidates. Rutland out clearly in support of the completing the child care center, Features Editor William Jeske A Comma, VI...pant im a 450- issues that Campus Editor luiweria I Millado .iher, Jana Seshadri, Roth. concern us. preserving financial aid and other aord ear..y on current ranipos, Iiill Downtown Editor aztara,, Ronda Studer, 'I'he Women's Resource In writing, on his campaign federal funding and increasing Laura I polltaral or metal Editor t,P, touts teidel. taws vants. moue% literature, Wi4copy Sulinnarent1S beentne the proper- Center is not endorsing Roland he states a commit- funding for the Scholarship Sr Staff Writer Mike tiautiagen tali, Deanna ?Unite ty .4- the Spartan Ihuly and Italy he Roth for Associated Students Endowment Fund. edited for elaniv grammar. hbel PINMX:11.11'10 is,. president. When we met him, he struck Advertising Director anshria Barerbrugge and length KnibilYinenbans muirt thb. We never offered to endorse us as being a person who is open Art Director .on I revs contain the siutherea name, We do support Re1)11 Manager Christine Kirdaisth addrears phiine number, signa- hint, and he never even asked us and who will listen to all student y Mahone! Manager Jennifer Vornogola ture. NMI Major. to do sel. the other constituencies. Siaiet Entertainment Manager Nstine Sahli Stltnonm May be put in the Downtown Manager qiiantel Scheeler lie did drop by last week. We think people need to look 4 batten, to the rAttor hoe the Editorial ( 'artoonist at Martieting Manager kik. Benner When we questioned him about candidate, at the issues involved in this and ko, I gee/ Spartan 'lady oilier in I height rf, Marketing Assistant sandy Wong Bente! !fall Roam 209, pent by fen the issues that concern us, he did all student elections, get ,04 Retail Account Executives Avanaiia Noma. E;RAPII ICS Jeffrey Batuhan, te,11080 82441237 or mallerl to the not give us clear or satisfactory involved, go to meetings. pMary Chan, Chris I isher, Chit in Itao, Charlie TIP, NOP Spartan 13aily Editor, Kean. Chen His Lee, %Nis Savo h1 (Lien So answers. (We decided, inciden- for A.S. president This is our Associated Student ADVISS:RS School of Journaliam and Mane Entertainment Account Executives Jesus tally, not to back him for elec- government body. It needs to Advertising COinInunickillnonn, San hoo State a. Deanna !besot Jon Nita. ’,,Y1, because he has serve all of us, but it can't Wheeier 111 .,1117..11, I 'niverastv. (Me Warhington tion). unless Square Downtown Account Executives Parido Editonal ben JO.% IA efi 192-0149 But he did not ask us outright we inform ourselves and become ’,teir, ,ro, come out clearly Arguello I arSol Brayrnart, Viven Chen Susan Editor-hamar*, written by, and to endorse him, and we definitely involved. Medved Photo are- clue ronsonso or, the did not endorse him. Artists Judy lung. Joseph Hit Mae Kaspar, lire , M, Nay iiparian l)eily editor., not the in support of the Nine rdieaion staff This is exactly the kind of c-yn- Katherine Bock, Pahltalual News Room 408 924 3280 Fax. 408 924 Advertising 408 924 I, ' opinion. and adver ical and deliberately misleading issues that Joni .l'hissen, too lllll de, 11.01 necei....b oage,t Spartan Daily (USPS1509480) is published every sit., day for (lull acarleit campaigning we do not support! Elizabeth Tirado the Ineara.of year] 525 and (semester) 515 Peepo.c postage pad at San Jose and additional the Spartan Nay. the We do support the can- concern us. Co-coordinators of the diming School Journalism other &hies Mad subscophons at tepted on a remainder at semester basis and Mama mensunical Km,. or S.ISI; didate, Jeffrey Batuhan, for A.S. Women's Resource Center San JoseState POSTMASTER Send address changes to the Spartan Oohs San lose State UNIVERSITY University. One Washington Square, San Jose, CA, 95192 0149

4 Wdnsday, March 12, 1997 3 San Joie State University SPARTAN DAILY

Technology division opens to 3 p.m. today in the Central Classroom Building Eating disorder group meets Room 103. Cost is $5. Call Kim Roth at 924-3110 Recruiting orientation in Union Do you have an eating disorder or know someone house to students A recruiting services orientation will be If you have an unquenchable desire to learn held who does? There is help available. The Eating about technology, Art design exhibits displayed today at 12:30 p.m. at the Costanoan Room in the Disorder Support Group, co-sponsored by the the SJSU Division of Technology "Sam Smidt: A Carter in Graphic Design" open house should meet Student Union. Call the Career Resource Center at Health Education Department and the Student your needs. The open through April 4 at the Thompson Gallery. house will be on Thursday from Hours 924-6033 for more information. Health Center, will meet from 1 p.m. 2 p.m. in 2:00 PM to 7:00 are from 11 a.m.to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday PM in the Industrial Studies Building. Orientation Room 208 of the Health Center. For more informa- will take place in room and Tuesdays 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Gallery 2 will feature Interviewing skills workshop tion call Nancy Black at 924-6118. 108 where refreshments, an exhibit by Senn door prizes, and a raffle and Touze. Gallery 3 displays 1 he Career Resource Center will hold a work- will be offered. sculpture and textiles by Una Mjurka and The open house will focus on Linda Lee shop entitled "Interviewing for Success" at the Clark Library book sale elements of manu- Kerr. Paintings by Wayne Jiang are on display in facturing, quality assurance, document design and Almaden Room in the Student Union today at 2 A books sale will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. management, and electronics Gallery 5. Gallery 8 is showing paintings by Aaron p.m. Call the Career Resource Center at 924-6033 at Wahlquist Library North Room 408 and the and computer technol- Garber-Maikovska and Michael S. A ogy. There will be live demonstrations BA. exhibit by for more information. lobby of Clark Library. Book donations will also be every half Ann Dinapoli will be featured in the Herbert hour and lab tours throughout the day. accepted. Call 924-2705 for more information. Sanders Gallery. Call Sarah Puckitt at 924-4330 for Mariachi history Dr. Joseph Yabu, a Division of Technology pro more information. presented lessor and coordinator of the open house says the A bilingual audio-visual presentation on the his- Mocha meeting today highlight event is a presentation by KTEH Channel tory of the "World's Greatest Mariachi" will be at 8 MECHA will hold a meeting at 3 p.m. in the 54, (PBS) , which used SJSU division of technology Black graduation deadline soon p.m. in Music Room 266. Call 924-4675 for more Chicano Resource Center. Call 295-4318 for more students in the creation of a multimedia CD-ROM Applications for black graduation are due March information. information. related to the KTEH educational show, "Real 14. Auditions for student speakers, singers and poets Science." will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Pacheco Re-entry advisory brown bag Episcopal community events The division of technology has had such events Room in the Student Union. Auditions will also be "I he Re-Entry Advisory program (REAP) will .1 he Episcopal Canterbury Community held will hold before, but they were usually aimed at a much less Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the hold a brown bag lunch on time management today a Holy Eucharist service with prayer, scripture and general audience. "In the past we were focused on Costanoan Room in the Student Union. Call 295- from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Student Union Communion at 11:45 a.m. at St. Paul's Church on high school counselors and administrators," Said 4248 for more information. Pacheco Room. REAP will also hold an evening South 10th Street. A discussion group and free din- Yabu , "this time we will be more broad." advising session at the Student Resource Center ner will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the The open house is free and everyone is welcome Asian discussion group WIC. Call lane at 924-5950 for more information. Student Union Almaden Room. The discussion will to attend. explores issues focus on members' spiritual and academic lives and Sean Coffey A discussion group for Asian and Asian-American Phi Alpha Theta meeting plans for the Easter party. Contact Anna at 293- students to explore academic, cultural, family and Phi Alpha "[beta will hold their weekly meeting 2401 for more information. personal issues in a supportive environment is held in Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 134 at 2:30 p.m. Dance the night away each Wednesday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the The SJSU Ballroom Dance Club will hold an For more information call Aaron at 972-1832. Compiled by Dennis Knight Administration Building Room 201. Call (408) Spartan Dai6 Staff Writer "Intermediate Hustle Lesson" followed by general 924-5910 for more information. dancing at 8 p.m. in SPXE 089. The People's front of Judea Fhe People's Front of Judea will hold their week- Catholic ministry holds mass ly Widening of the Schism at 2 p.m. in Dudley A Catholic Mass will be held today 1 mill 12:05 Moorhead Hall Room 420. Call Brian at 924-6100 Body fat testing for $5 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the John XXIII Center across for more information. 1 he Department of Nutrition and Food Science from the SJSU Theater. Call Ginny at 938-1610 for will hold a body fat percentage test from 1:30 p.m. more information. Athletes talk to children about education -,M4OBWOROUG, , By Aaron Williams "Programs like this are really said he got several was a great goal. Dean said to the students. Spartan Daily Staff Writer important because it gives students offers and eventually "It was satisfying to have Dean told the students that once Dean said he thought the program another source giving the same mes- decided to come to he's finished with school he would was a great idea because children arc Miles Mason said children need to sage that I'm putting out," Mason SJSU. things work out the way I like to become a physical education so receptive to the messages put across have role models as examples of what said. "If someone else (besides teach- He let the stu- to (becoming teacher or an athletic director at a to them, especially by athletes. He they can become if they put their ers and parents) tells you then you dents know that wanted them high school. said he was happy to speak to the stu- minds to it. might hear it better." while he might be quarterback) but I never One student asked Dean what dents as a way of giving something Mason a fourth grade teacher at Masons' class got the chance to football player, the team would he like to play for if he back because so many people have Blossom Hill Elementary said that hear from SJSU quarterback Carl "student" in "stu forgot the importance of did make it to the NFI.. He said that helped him along his way. role models can be parents, teachers Dean on Tuesday. dent-athlete" has to it wasn't a goal of his but if he did "This is so important to kids. They or relatives, but children often sec Dean, who will graduate in May, come first. academics." make it to the NFL he would like to need someone as a role model to movie Stars or athletes as heroes, spoke to the class about the impor- "It was satisfying play for the Dallas Cowboys, which explain to them the importance (of thanks to the intense media satura- tance of goal setting and how goals to have things work was met with a collective groan from things like education)," he said, tion in society. are attainable through education and out the way I wanted Carl Dean, SJSU quarterback the class. He laughed and continued adding that it should all start at home. That is the reason that he started a hard work. Ile spoke about the per- them to (becoming talking about how setting goals is a "I think parents are the most impor- pilot project last November with the sonal goals he has set in his quest to quarterback) but I never forgot the iative at first, they were soon sharing good measuring stick for life's tant role model. My mom never Amdahl Corporation called Read to become a student athlete and physical importance of academics," Dean told what their goals were. progress. achieved degrees or things like that Succeed. education major. the students. "It made me a better Some wanted to be football play- "It is so satisfying achieving your but the way she lives her life sets a The program brings student ath- As a high school senior, Dean student because of the commitment ers, one wanted to be a hockey player, goals and is only you know how good model of success (to me)." letes from the area to talk to his knew he wanted to be a college foot- to education. The commitments you and one wanted to hit all the balls it feels once you've reached them," fourth-grade class about the impor- ball player but didn't have any offers. make now will follow you as you go that were pitched to her in softball. tance of reading and school in gener- He decided that he would go to through life." One child named Kyle raised his hand al. It's also designed to have children Bakersfield Junior College and con- He asked the students if they had and said that his goal was to speak become interested in reading through centrate on his studies and hope he any goals that they would be willing correctly. This was met by approval (il positive reinforcement. would get noticed by recruiters. He to share and although they were ten- another student who told Kyle that it tt00" oak Two vye for A.S. director's seat I raining Corps on campus, extend- homosexuals to continue alongside "We're trying to find an avenue :terre4 By Andy W. Ho Spartan Daily Staff Writer ing the drop deadline SJSU's anti-discrimi- such as having ROTC recruits go to saroomarommorisnallnlarnalla 154 for classes, lowering nation policy. Santa Clara for some of their classes," Different agendas mark the posi- book and food prices "I feel they Constantin is referring Constantin said. tions of Rendra Basuki and Chris on campus and to the Solomon Constantin, San Jose State which Constantin said he was not sure retaining 10 percent should keep Amendment ISIBNING , University's two candidates for the of the $18 students states that public uni- how that would satisfy the Solomon office of A.S. director of intercultural pay each semester ROTC, but I versities risk federal Amendment while defeating "Don't 4-0 Medi-Cal Welcome Ask, Don't Tell." I er Ndly Ontonvirtst affairs. toward financing stu- don't agree funding by eliminating 01 St onnnr 0, Near WeeFa), Man Basuki, a native of Indonesia, has dent scholarships. an existing military CALL 408-289-V1SION(84111 been living in the United States for (The $18 fees total with the presence on campus. about two years. He is majoring in from $90,000 to SJSU has recently jeop- business management information $100,00 each semes- discrimination ardized its federal systems. ter.) Constantin also funding by phasing out "I hope I can bring a change to supports dedicating policy." RCM:. the office because a lot of the people an additional 10 per- "I feel they should care about hut I in the office don't really cent of that fee Chris Constantin, keep ROTC, of office itself," Basuki said. don't agree with the the master toward student orga- Be the "Considering meetings, I'm the only' nizations. Candidate for A.S. discrimination policy," candidate who comes into the office.. Constantin said he director of Constantin said, refer- Among 13 officers, 11 officers don't: wanted to find a way intercultural affairs ring to the "Don't Ask, come at all. They're the government:: to keep ROTC on Don't Tell" policy they should care." campus without designed for the your own mind. Basuki also added: "As far as my allowing the discrimination against United States military. opponent. I don't even know whether search of talented visionaries to join our win- it's a he or she because he or she never ning team. up at any meetings that are shows !MIN I. KI.NNI.1)1' Let GTE put your career on the road to suc- important, just gives his or her name. in the following If he or she doesn't even care about cess. We have opportunities the office itself, how can he or she areas: care about international students?" IF YOUR Software Engineers As an international student him- GOAL IS: A CARING Engineers self, Basuki said he wanted to help AND COMPASSIONATE CAREER Hardware international students enroll in SJSU AS A MARRIAGE, FAMILY AND CHILD COUNSELOR Join us during our on-campus visit on more easily and to help make their Thursday, March 13. ideas heard. AND YOU ARE HERE: Basuki also said that he wanted For further information on opportunities national and ultimately international CLOSE TO OR HAVE AN AA DEGREE at GTE, check out our home page: recognition for San Jose State OR WANT A NEW CAREER jobs.mtv.gtegsc.com. You can earn top pay University. and generous benefits and work a unique 9- Chris Constantin's platform sticks -hour schedule per pay period that closer to home. day, 80 Constantin served on the A.S. THE NEXT SIR) IS 40-- lets you maximize your fun by giving you 26 director of business weekends per year. If you are unable Board as the j()IIN F. KENNFDY tAs:IVEISITY's 3-day affairs for the past year. He currently to visit with us on campus, send your serves on the West Valley/Mission It's time to take the next step toward a suc- resume to: GTE, Dept. CW-SU, M/S 7G41, College District BACHELOR 010 AlitTS Joint Community cessful future. We want you to consider the 7188, 100 Ferguson Drive, Trustees. PO Box Board of IN PSYCHOLOGY many advantages available to you at GTE. Part of Constantin's A.S. duties Mountain View, CA 94039; FAX: (415) 966- based on small include helping with the budget and at the Campbell Campus We offer an environment 3162: e-mail: [email protected] organiza- groups working as teams with the support of allocating money to student An equal opportunity employer. tions. He deals with personnel issues SMALL AFTERNOON AND EVENING a global industry giant behind them. And, by on the West Valley Board. CLASSES FOR WORKING ADULTS taking advantage of this opportunity to form

While he didn't have a specific a partnership with GTE, you'll find yourself for students of ethnic minori- To TAKE THE NEXT STEP CALL agenda ahead working with the most advanced ty backgrounds. Constantin promot- 408/364-6904 ed the platform of the SJSU Parry, of technologies found in the industry today. which he is a member. Constantin Right now, we're visiting college campuses in supports keeping Reserve Officers' 1111WIWW^1111.16 SPORTS Wdnaday, March 12, 1997 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Scouts continued from page 1 of him. Seventeen non-seniors were drafted in the first round last year." and has a good body to be a two-guard, which is what I Leventhal says that Saint-Jean needs to make the tran- think he would be up here." sition from forward to guard in order to succeed in the Saint-Jean's success will depend on his work ethic, NBA. according to Stirling. "He has to show that he can defend NBA guards who "He'll need to work on his ball handling. He has to are much quicker than the college forwards he's been improve his judgment on passes and he could use a little guarding," Leventhal said. work on his jump shot," Stirling said. "At San Jose State, he's been like a big fish in a small "He tries to make the tough pass too often. He has a pond. He's gonna have to show he can play with the big lot of plusses and if he works hard, he should be able to boys on a consistent basis." play up here. I feel he could go in the middle of the first Being drafted in the middle of the first round as round. opposed to the end of the first round could mean a sig- "It's hard to say exactly where because of the under- nificant difference in the amount of money Saint-Jean classmen who might declare themselves eligible." gets, if last year's draft is an economic barometer. Don Leventhal, who provides draft rankings for ESP- In the 1996 NBA draft, Santa Clara guard NET SportsZone, an online service, thinks that Saint- was the 15th overall pick for Phoenix. The sharp-shoot- Jean needs to do well in NBA pre-draft camps in order ing guard ended up signing a three-year deal with the to improve his stock for the draft. Suns for a reported $3 million. "He should leave open the option that if he plays Brian Evans, a forward from the University of badly in the NBA pre-draft camp June 3-6 in Chicago, , was selected with the 27th overall pick by the he could go back to school," Leventhal said in 1996. Evans agreed to a three-year "I have him as the 35th (overall pick)," Leventhal contract valued at $1.58 million. said. "That's with about 17 underclassmen going ahead Players react to Saint-Jean's PHOTO BY DREW NIELSEN Spartan Daily decision to enter NBA draft SJSU catcher Steve Ashley, left, and Outfielder Todd Duncan hang their heads in dejection, while Jason Jimenez looks on as the Spartans blow a late lead to lose 12-10 to the University of Nevada, Reno. The Spartans gave up three runs in junior center Rich Taylor junior forward Marmet Williams the top of the ninth inning, which ended any hope of a victory. "With (Olivier) nest year, at the worst, "Myself and Rich (Taylor) will work we are a .500 team." "Its not the hard on our offensive game over the "Next year, Rick (Hite), Mantle summer. We were scorers in high (Williams) and myself are going to have to end of the school, but we have never had to use it take user offensively. We arc a lot better here. Pack players than we have shown so far." world. It's a "We can work on getting our skills devours SJSU used to be." where they senior guard Tito Addison new pitchers and always having someone to refine his pitching with the team. "I feel it might leave a hole in the pro- junior guard Rick Hite SJSU comeback ready in the bullpen for the team's "He has lots of potential. I think beginning." gram with not only Olivier leaving, but "There will be a big void. We got used non-conference games. he has the liveliest arm on the team," also the second and third leading scorers to depending on him for everything. Steve Bonomo was brought in to Piraro said. comes up short on the team." "It's a challenge, but we're looking relieve SJSU starter Christian Cooper The Spartans began their come- Rick Hite, 1 think he made the right decision. forward to it. Its not the end of the in the third inning. After Bonomo back in the bottom of the sixth inning SJSU Basketball By Lew' Venni Even if I was COMIAS beck! would still be world. It's a new beginning." allowed two hits and one walk in one after the Wolfpack added two more Spartan Daily Staff Writer happy for him. There was no more of a Player third of the inning, regular closer runs. Their drive began on a single by challenge for him at this level." The San Jose State University Justin 1-arias was brought in to finish left fielder Ryan Johnson and did not baseball team looked like it was on its out the inning. finish until designated hitter Jon way to a comeback, making up a Earias, with a 3.98 ERA, unchar- Lauderdale struck out. By the end of seven-run deficit in a See-SAW 12-10 acteristically was not in he inning, Wolfpack loss to the University of Nevada, his form, giving up three telief pitchers John Saint-Jean Reno Tuesday. runs in his two innings Sullivan and Luke SPARTANS 110 cr in the modern era drafted into the en tthat would shock the college The Spartans (18-8) gave a good pitched, which were Drakulich gave up five continued from page 1 NBA straight out of college, but the world. effort to even the score early, scoring marred by defense lapses. runs to make the score 8- WOLFPACK 12 of Michigan. choice to leave SJSU did not happen SJSU shocked college basketball five runs on six hits in the sixth, and .1hr Spartans first run After spending a season with the on a whim. last season when Saint-Jean led the four runs in the eighth to bring what came in the bottom or The Spartans situ, k Wolverines, Saint-Jean said he was "He's not the kind of person that Spartans to the Big West champi- was once 8-1 deficit to a 10-9 the fourth, alter right lidder Rob again in if e eighth, scoring four more discouraged by others when he just makes a decision over night," onship and their first NCAA Spartans' lead. Douglass canie in from third on an times. Sec md baseman Tony James, thought about leaving Michigan for a Spartan coach Stan Morrison said. Tournament appearance in 16 years . "Nevada is a very formidable error. who got three hits, scored once. smaller school, but he took advantage "He made the right decision And I S., int can guided his team opponent," head coach Sam Piraro In a surprise move, Piraro sent in Lauderdale, who is hitting .189, came of the opportunity SJSU gave him support him 100 per- through its inaugural said. "We knew this was going to be a outfielder 'Ladd Duncan, currently in the clutch to score the tying run. before the 1996 season. cent." season in the Western high-scoring game. We were prepared batting .303, to pitch against a team 1 he Spartans looked AS if they "People thought it was crazy for Saint-Jean said he Athletic Conference for a lot of runs." he knew would be difficult to beat. were going to keep their lead until the me to go from a big school to a small- came to his conclusion "He made the this year by becoming The Wolfpack (15-8) scored those "We wanted him to get pitching top sf the ninth, until closer Ryan er school," said Saint-Jean during the after the season was the conference's lead- runs the Spartans were expecting early experience," Piraro said. McDermott allowed the Wollpack to right decision news conference at the Simpkins over and he had a ing scorer, but he said in the game. Piraro pointed out that Duncan, come back with three runs to win the Center. "But I wasn't getting any bet- chance to speak to his he has a lot improving labeled AS "Staff Tuesday." Pim() who is a soccer player in the fall sea- game. and I support ter ....an Jose State gave me a great mom, who still lives in to do before playing worked his routine of using many son, does not always get enough time "Wc did a good job coming back. opportunity to become a better play- France. him 100 per- at the professional We showed a lot of character," Piraro er, a better student and a better per- "She asked me how level. said about a game he felt had had son." we did in our last cent." 1 think I'd be pitching and defense. Now Saint-Jean has the opportu- game," Saint-Jean said. considered more as a nity to be the first French-born play- "I told her we lost by Morrison, shooting guard (in - -- 30 points and I didn't Stan the NBA)," Saint- play well. She said she SJSU Head Coach Jean said. "So I will thought it was time for have to work on my ik 1;6 ncake breakfast me to move on. She ball handling and I St la:lent Union, Inc Bowl 1 Game, Get 1 Free. At the 5.1 I, I I, wants me to be in a situation that shooting skills." Bowl I game at the regular puce, bowl makes me a better player and chal- He also said he will participate in a Bowling (form lenges me as a person. and we all pre-draft camp in Chicago to better a second game at no charge, anytime. know how challenging it is for a 22 - his skills and to compete against oth- Center Lanes are available during regular year-old to go into the NBA." ers who have declared their desire to business hours. Not valid with any L5 inday tic also said his move to the pro- enter the NBA draft. ICoupon offer exprrs 1/1 1197 other promotions or spec LII fessional level should challenge young Spartan assistant coach Keith Eriterta March lath basketball players in France to follow Moss added: "He just has to try and A30-1:307rn in his footsteps. work hard on his basic drills. There Wel "What I've wanted to do is prove are no magical drills you Sint doing to my friends and others in France now that you're going into the NBA. SERVERS oriel that you don't have to play high It's all about just getting into the school basketball in America to suc- sweat and grind on the hardwood." You can earn u to $500 er week! 360 S. 11th St. ceed," Saint-Jean said. "France needs Saint-Jean will end his SJSU career $4.00 Student* (Bet wren .5,cri ( to stop saying. 'No, there's no possi- with a 20.6 points per game average (total salary & tips) and 5an Salv,Mor) $0.00 Non -Students bility.' I have seen a lot of French tal- and a 47.3 shooting percentage over f r.r info call 9206570 two seasons with the Spartans. Although his last year at SJSU ended on a sour note, Saint-Jean said Hurry in, and his team's disappointing 13-14 record A phenomenal experience for students and 103-70 loss to New Mexico in our opening team! the WAC Tournament had no real zjoin who want to study abroad. impact on his decision. POSITIONS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE "If we won the WAC tournament IN ALL OTHER AREAS. and went tin to the NCAA tourna- Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships ment, then it would have been easier -Cooks -Bussers -Dishwashers its make this decision," Saint-Jean -Bakers -Host Staff -Opera Singers said. "It would have been much easi- Scholarships available: er to come out a winner." Academic Year Scholarship / 9 month THE IT Rotary will pay up to $22,000 /year Full & Part Time. Days & Eves. Flexible Work Multi Year Scholarship / 2 to 3 years Work Environment Schedules. Top Company Benefits. Great Rotary will pay up to $11,000 / year 11.111e3 APPLY IN PERSON a, Mon Fri 9am 6pm & Sat 9om Noon at lieet Cultural Scholarship / 3 to 6 months 110 Ranch Drive Rotary will pay up to $10,000 / $17,000 40) (237 & 880) in the McCarthy Rand, qb Shopping Center Deadline to Apply: March 29, 1997 Featuring me Union Application is comprehensive, you will need West/Dane ePeoleet and the master week plenty of time for preparation. There Time toe, m/f fto 0110. roam nee 1111.114v. //az ROMANO'S ,., Contact Linda Reeves 924-6094 Mettle 1_po ' Opening soon 14 is al 7 pm Applications available in Financial Aid Office, SJSU' Unfi re 5th 8 San F alb"U in Milpitas Wahlquist Library South, Room 275 Tickets $6-5 08) 924-4555 GRILL Groups 8 nto ( 08) 924-4551 Wednesday, March 12, 1997 5 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Daily Funnknees MIXED MEDIA BY JACK OH MAN 's "s ISI SI wit ill 111 isiiiikii ABNORMAL PSYCHOL(XY B Y I B. NFL.m):: (0011 FOR WHAT AYLES YOU BY DANIEL AYLFS


ham. on. ok..001 Vrio=tal" """nyti BOUND AND GAGGED BY DANA SUMMI.KS


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Serving SJSU for 20 years receive 15% discount First appt. 9 Up in the air MOM =IMMO MOOM Day. Swing & Grave Shifts SUMMER CAMP JOBS' prefered. We're a great place to "Great Rates for Good Drivers" 1/2 price if made before 6/1/97. 14 Twofold Cf111/, EMOOMOMMOM DOOM Permanent & Short Term jobs COunCelOrS needed for Ge Scout Da? learn and grow! Call 862.6170. "Good Rates for Non-Good Drrvers" Hair Today Gone TOMPTCM, 621 E. 15 Warty ABCOM Private Security Camp in San Jose: Administrative, FUNDRAISING SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Campbell Ave. #17, Campbell. 16 Brown MOMMO UOMMUM 408-247-4827 Counselors. Special Needs. Arts `IMMEDIATE OPENINGS" "Good Student" "Family Mutthcar" (408) 379-3500 17 Baby's first DOOM= WORM 8, Nature. Join us! For more info, Receptionist. Office Clerk FAST FUNDRAISER Rabe $500 CALL TODAY 2965270 word') WOMB OMEEMOMO MOD SERVICE/ESPRESSO BAR call 408-287-4170 Sales, Customer Support in 5days Greeks. 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6 Wednesday, March 12, 1997 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY A.S. continued from page 1 There is no written record available jobs to take an A.S. office," for the public to view of the last two Simmons said. "Bad press from the are saying I'm inter- Juggling board meetings. Spartan Daily has also classes contributed ested in the job is Simmons said the to a lack of people running for office. simply ridiculous." minutes are avail- No one wants to come to work in Four director's "Things have able to those who the morning and face a hostile positions on the worked out fine ask for them. media." A.S. Board of With the A.S. The Judicial Review Board is Directors are cur- with me no elections today and unable to convene because the board rently vacant. Thursday, 13 of refused to extend the terms of two Daniel Raytis was longer being a the 16 candidates Justices. appointed to the running for A.S. Therefore, the accusations that position of director member of the positions are run- Simmons, Vice President Mike of academic affairs board ... it ning unopposed. Yaghmai and Controller Adrian Dec. II, 1996. Nine candidates Rodriguez misappropriated $12,000 Jeffrey Batuhan means don't did not submit a in A.S. funds for office equipment and Cory Roebuck biography for the and stereo equipment in October were appointed have to be a voter information 1996. Feb. 26. political guide printed by Simmons said he asked the review All three of the the A.S. election board if any complaints had been above appointees 'player' anymore board. filed before voting to suspend the jus- are running for A.S. Wietecha said tices' terms. office, and all are and I can move he is concerned "There was never an official com- members of the that although he plaint filed against any of us in rela- SIM.: Party: Raytis on with my life." has been involved tion to those expenditures," Simmons for vice president. in SJSU's student said. Batuhan for presi- government for "Realistically, there is no possi- dent and Roebuck -Dave Wietecha, SJSU more than four bility that they could have investi- for director of per- academic senator years, he has never gated the issue in a month and a sonnel. Wietecha heard of Aimee half and come up with a conclusion said this is not the Francioni, the candidate running anyway. Besides, the judicial review first time persons running for unopposed for controller. board has no ability to sanction and upcoming offices have been appoint- "A.S. is very complicated organi- they can't really do anything so I'm ed to the A.S. Board of Directors zation ... I wonder how well some of not terribly concerned about right before an election. these candidates are going to do in them." Simmons said the three appointees light of their limited experience," Wietecha said he is glad to no were the only applicants for the posi- Wietecha said. longer be a member of A.S. tions. Simmons claimed the reason for "Personally things have worked "Because the (A.S.) board only the low amount of candidates run- out fine with me no longer being a meets once a month, some of the ning was due to several factors. member of the board," Wietecha said. appointments were delayed," "Students don't want to run "... it means I don't have to be a Simmons said. because many of them have to work political player anymore and I can The A.S. office secretary quit in to put themselves through school move on with life." 1996. Since Jan. 24, no A.S. minutes and they can't afford to give up their have been posted in the A.S. office. Flier continued from page 1 do with Roth," Barko said. "I didn't Barko said he suspected the SJSU file or win a complaint against him." Party, which has 18 members run- The Spartan Daily could not reach A letter written by Phil Sanders, ning for positions in A.S. govern- Iniversity Police officials to confirm the Student Life Center activities ment, was behind the smear tactics. if charges were filed against Roth, coordinator, obtained by the Spartan Jeffrey Batuhan, SJSU Party A.S. Barko, who was named in the flier Daily, showed that Roth was neither presidential candidate, denied for winning a discrimination com- involved nor named in the suit by involvement or knowledge of the plaint against Roth, vehemently PHOTO BY DAVE LUCHANSKY Spartan Daily Barko. flier. denied ever filing a discrimination "Roland Roth is not anti-any- "I'm clueless (about the flier). I Math and Computer Science professor Brad Jackson polishes up his juggling skills every Monday from 130 charge against Roth Bark said while thing," Barka said. "He wasn't even found out about the flier this after- p.m. to ? .30 p.m near the fountain at Fourth Street and San Carlos. Jackson incorporates his entertainment into he was a member of the JSU, he filed there when the discrimination hap- noon (Tuesday)," he said. "1 knew the college classes he teaches and says that he can teach the average person basic juggling in halt an hour. a charge of age discrimination against pened. He was an innocent victim. about (the claims) but we didn't do it. Those interested can contact Jackson at 924-5129 liillel, an international organization Roth and 1 haven't always gotten We talked about not using a negative responsible for funding the ISI.J. along ... but I would vote for him." approach." "Tilts had absolutely nothing to Attempted bank robbery Four women recant stories ABERDFliN, Md. (AP) - Four have any immunity," Ms. Grant said '[he Army denies the charge. Ill lliill (Al', \ Ili.1110,1 liltIL.m what lit lslli.uiigttl iii female AnIle 11., I 101 1. say they were Monday. -rhey were all alone, they Last week, a female trainee said I, II ilil itt I ord., Pi It 111,11,11 weapon In 11..1 lIke 1St it inves \%iih 1,111111 Anti was coerced into act using their instructors did not have any counsel, and they Army investigators coerced her into ItiC II .1 hank ngai mg It, See it 1.11i I 1,1 Kumun said. Al the Aberdeen Proving Ground of were badgered." stating she had consensual sex with a pc. 111It. Anti W1.1110111114 Mir ht.1011.' 111Volved in Ili, I he hank inhl,er 1111 Shot the rape and will recant their allegations, The four were to appear along trainer at the Aberdeen. lit Wili 01111 111.111 III .1 11.111 111 1,01 IL V Mt Kin non said. 1,.."-q2A l'I" 1,1", an NAACP official said. with two of the accused male trainers Pvt, Toni Moreland, 21, of St. It attack began two blocks 11,5. .1 104:111,01 homl hmaness- bac"- A"'"I".1 Pc'"'" wis The women admit they had con- at a news conference this morning, Louis said she only told military W01.1111.1ctl Iwo blot ks away hum] ii, b.mk win n Me gunman man 151111 1,110,11 tu give II1S 11.011e. sensual sex with trainers at the mili- she said. investigators she had sex with an w." "'"'",1 Shut a man in du. it,.li hitt. WIVE' mun as he ,hot the fusstage, tary facility. but deny they were An Aberdeen spokesman, John instructor after they threatened to jail ity illoolotil al a kink III I 1 days. I )1.piliv lief lit 1111V 'SIll it illey it opt ill ti lire, ,incl blew lum raped, said lank,' I ;rant, president of Yaquiant, denied the women were him on a rape charge if she did not I lie manager and assistant 11.11 111.11i 1A1, 1109/11.111/tAl 111 assay the Ilarfiird Gounty chapter of the coerced into making false accusations. admit they had consensual scx. 01.111.1ret tit I lic ( "Merit a hank 0101111011. I he man saici it sottridecl like National Association for the "All we want is the truth. It does Seven drill instructors at Aberdeen 1,1.,11,11 oil, I )etniii's caS1 side Wctc NAIIII1c011 said the Waillnlail then 200 founds were rued Advancement of Colored People. us no good to have allegations that have been charged with sexual harass- .1111,mr. 1 he death allat k. tl .1 ix ,ind drove to die \lc) 1,0111 r 111Illeed. Alit., 'Ube women said they made the will not hold up," he said. ment, rape or consensual sex with Ittl IC 11111 tally cics(ribecl the bank, hit tied on a (0111111elt 141 it 1,i, h,,,Ichti) file At 1 lIS.tittiTlS It, avOid prosecution for The NAACP has called for an recruits. Four face courts-martial, and IS .111 .11 IcInpii.11 bank strip stiriounclecl by a result:filial Ilarik 01 America in 1.0s Angeles on having consensual sex with superiors, independent investigation of the sex- the others have been discharged or oililiety but later said the guninan's el, 28, mu men died in a brazen she said. Consensual sex between ual misconduct scandal at Aberdeen, dealt with administratively. till,: Vt 15.15 11111 It said, tlic gun- gitiitij.thi VI, 1111 Sixteen police superiors and subordinates is prohib- claiming the Army has unfairly tar- About a dozen others were sus- I-I 1.1111 Ii lit' tattle inti, ihr man shoulekl icligious phrases As he ii hit ets and si1 ins WCIIC Willl 1111.3.1 ited ill the military. geted black soldiers based on com- pended as well and are either under bank .11111 sNas asking moms. at wailed firing 10 iii pituth iii lie1/.1111e. WAS "All of these women were given plaints of white female recruits. The investigation or have already faced some point hitt I tlttii LIMN' Midi 'li 51)1111I""nl Ireri",' did sin' leleVISed het. Iit,iri IICKA hell - some promises, such as immunity, four women are white, Ms. Grant administrative sanctions, Yaquiant II it 11111111.0r rg1.11 sAiA. l'ollle AX,i'lleie's the 1111111t1 . 1011 1,1 1,01.11.' and ii. ,w the [odium- saCt you don't said. said. :hid 1,11.11i \ 1, 10 lit. III lie Ilmir .111,1 ask, (1 Mein A111)10111 its 0111111nel] the gun- "It app, al, as it We have a per- III ttt it the 1 001 s 111.11.1. - men Ak [11111 M.11.1,AfeAll II. 4 30- st III W.11kril III to kill," McKinnon said hi It tit.1 Rumantan emigre. aml his Nt. K 111111111 5.1111 with 1110'11 As 10 NA, slitto0 iitr e. 2r, seal ,i1,1 1.arry IIll It 55.11 Ili. 1111111(111.11l. WOrd !he gttrr 01.1 ii lit 11 gill 1111 .1 Fugene Phitlltpsiit los Angeles. 011 V1'It litrIi, gliiiman had a iliislagc'. III tiilsitht- nil 10/1 the Policy 13EfilisNo N6Ti9yuINpno iiIII New case of flesh-eating strep 6olis Ill Ill, N, - )111.111,1 Who tiled ol I II. up .11/11, FREE! FREE! FREE! Melded] lIlt lieer 10 ti 0111 ken A slier pneumonia 0%13 A Wei k WO 01101 Ases t,t mvasivc I 00111. with a VIIIIIt III slit I, 1/.14 AM( one Ammer Dr. Ni, f.fas A strep oct tared in the niaternits unit iwi, people who died appears ill 1 othcs. tslntl lit I li.1 Med ail aut,,pss. tin It SII010; 1101111,11, h wasn't vet WHEN: Sat 3/15 have commuted rare -flesh-eating" Mts l'toughettv tin `saiiittl.w. said it k moss it it 5111 I /mightily was Inlet 4:00pm to 6:00pm strain. ctliaiiils lt,oks NA, infected cd hdure she WAS AtIttlittet1 to III, Ile SIAIC I IC.11111 I h'i/.011111111 SeIll willi lIlt Ill 111 t IT Str.1111 I it the d1S- 1101,11.11 or il she contracted the dis 10 1(0, lit-sic, 111VCAllg.1100, i .1, I le smti tiirl liti It -sit will he ease iltert.- AtIrt .1 paiholugra said All .1111010V WHERE: Student Union Bowling 1111111 lled S11.111 rhilldleln. tiled IRA rowing lastiiiis. Ilesh destrov tSSIM TurEll sill -DENTS Riley mg strep that poisons Ilssile D011011.1 Ii'. V/, tiled hrIllAy HOW: Bring a canned food item Al St tong Me irk it ia I I lospilal 'she ELM 'Turks 11.1t1 ',Cell 111 Mist. gis lug 1,11111 .thout to the PEP Center in Rdmin 22211 two weeks ago it het thud .1111d. The investigators will in to deter by Wed 3/12 at 4110pm mine II recent lJACS III Wei/ lit lilt' T4/11.t1". mareh 121 1 region are related by identifying the & bacteria in Cat It i.tse and determining $125to whether there were common expo e6Thurs41:1,-Ilarell 1:1111 SIGN UP IN TERMS OF 4! 0 z i i Sponsored by the PEP Center and Round m o Student Union igam 8ptti cot,Si $2 1 5 There have been cases ol 111,, :"1 ill Clark Library %HI tipm I Table Pizza!! tIVe (;111I111) A surepl.litlt ttts In the last c,t-1:,Q BORROW two months in Monroe ( 011111V. MlacQuartie Hall 9ff til 2pni TEST which includes Rochester, compared sa,,ct 'w. l'wscr .t.I.1, with 29 CAM'S III All of last year. 5 l I, Preparation None of those people had necro- Services For More Information: fasciiits, said the countv's (408) 924-5955 (408) 985-7578 x1211 health director. Andrew I Mniger Iei Neither did A 11/-yTar- kw- from (800) 426-2769