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ILLINOIS BASKETBALL GUIDE CHAMPAIGN 1796.32363 .116 1995/96 CENTENNIAL ,W' T Iv^A .OM,%j i E^l^ iwd-yo ngniing mini Daa»K.evDaii i\o^t^ra» Alph abetical umerical Mo. Player Ht. Wt. Yr. Pos. Hometown/High School No. Player 44 Ryan Blackwell F 6-8 207 Fr. Pittsford.N.Y./Pittsford-Sutheriand 21 Matt Heldman 45 Chris Gandy** F 6-9 207 Jr. Kankakee, lll./Bradley-Bourbonnais Kiwane Garris 22 Kiwane Garris** G 6-2 183 Jr. Chicago, Ill./Westinghouse Richard Keene 32 Jerry Gee* F 6-8 239 So. Chicago, Ill./St. Martin De Porres Bryant Notree 21 Matt Heldman* G 6-0 162 So. Libertyville, lll./Libertyville Brett Robisch 40 Jerry Hester** F 6-6 194 Jr. Peoria, lll./Manual Jerry Gee 34 Brian Johnson* F 6-6 196 So. Des Plaines, lll./MaineWest Kevin Turner 24 Richard Keene*** G 6-6 205 Sr. Collinsville, Ill./Collinsville Brian Johnson 25 Bryant Notree* G 6-5 205 So. Chicago, Ill./Simeon Jerry Hester 31 Brett Robisch* C 6-11 239 So. Springfield, Ill./Calvary Ryan Blackwell 33 Kevin Turner* G 6-2 162 So. Chicago, Ill./Simeon Chris Gandy Letters Earned I I The 1995-96 University of Illinois men's basketball team front row (left to right): Head Coach Lou Henson, Assistant Coach Jimmy Collins, Bryant Notree, Kiwane Garris, Matt Heldman, Kevin Turner, Richard Keene, Assistant Coach Mark Bial and Administrative Assistant Scott Frisina. Back row (left to right) Trainer Rod Cardinal, Jerry Hester, Jerry Gee, Chris Gandy, Brett Robisch, Ryan Blackwell, Brian Johnson and Assistant Coach Dick Nagy. — '^n^L.-^,?b MMU mm 9W^6 Table of^Contents ni\isi()n of IiitriTol legiate Athletics About the 1995-96 Opponents 84 lllin(ii> Ouick Fart? The Big Ten Conference 85 All-Time Series Scores 8f. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS «= iM REVIEW Till' I iiivcrsitv i>l Illinois 4 lllin(ii> < imiiniitmt-nt to Success 8 lioaiii of ri'ustecs ' ^OOKSTACKS President James J. Stukel H sponsible for1t:r.L!!?Jl-ateria, ,s riianci'lliir MicliacI T. \iken .e- rn on "^."'cli to or befr.,-^ ., It »,,5 . rn below. '°*-^ DIVISION OF i::z''i Si ':[r-'^ INTERCOLLEGUTE ATHLETICS 'ee of $75.00 for t^''^':^®^ « m.'niS """' ®*''" 'Ost r.T*u."'*" 'n"tll„H„„ ^ book "' '- ""^-^ Athletic Advisory Board •''e Un/verslty S":S^2,'n, "• »« '" lismhsal ..." ""^ cau from Assembly Hall J° W -_^^|^ERSlTy of= ^"'S^Oo Director of Athletics Ron Guenther (ti,No,s i^r!!!'""' Head Coach Lou Henson Assistant Coaches DIA Staff Chief llliniuek Fesi MEET THE FIGHTING ILLINI 1995-96 Pro^peetu^ %7 t ^hris Gandy Kiwane Garris Jem' Gee Matt Heldman THE Jerry Hester Brian Johnson Richard keene 176 Bryant Notree 177 O Brett Robisch 178 Kevin Turner ertion-^ . .. 179 Ryan BlacUell * 180 mini Glossary Vi inners 180 180 THE OPPONENTS 180 Rainbow Classic 181 Illini/Pepsi Classic 181 Ball State Wh 182 enree^ngb^phc 184 California Previou;d;;X:^''-"e..ritene.duedate Duke below LI62 BTING ILLINI Eastern Illinois 67 ifc«-Ta r Illinois-Chicago ()8 BASKtiDn.-^ Indiana 69 Media Information 190 , 7(1 Iowa Sports Inlorniation Stafl 19.3 r Kansas State ,71 mini Sports Network 1'>1 ,72 Michigan 1996 NC.\-\lmirnainrnl Brackri I'l.". Michigan State 73 Media Calendar I'H. Minnesota , 74 Missouri Northwestern Z Ohio State Penn State 78 PurdiiJue 79 San Jose State 80 o Southeast Missouri State 81 Texas-San \ntonio 82 To access Fighting IllinI basketball information on the Internet 8.3 ^ isc()n>iii Fi^t;li(ini; lUini BaskcihiU LT) aivreNNL\L Division of Intercollegiate Athletics Directory GENERAL STAFF (all arcn co(li'> i!IT cncciiI a~ iicitcd) z 1817 S. Noil Siivft. Suite 201. (:iiam|iai;.'n. II. 61820 lion (iuonllior. Diroflor of Athli-lio :ii'W().'!0 I )aiia liic'iitiiT. V^Mic'iali' Diifctdi' .'^.'53-.H().'50 Tern Cole. AsMjcialo Director .3:i'5-2240 Kami Kahrs. Associate Director .3.33-0171 Torn Porter. VsMH-iate Director 244-0016 Hill 'loiuin. AN-oeialc Din-etor 33.3-.5892 liick Mien. A.^si^tant Director of Vtlileties/Coinpliance 33.3-.5731 Tiiii I racy. Assistant Director 33.3-3630 W .irren Hood. Assistant Director 333-2474 Dcliliie Hiehanlxin. \>sistant Director 33.3-6640 \llcTi lleinze. Director ol lacilitic- 333-2303 Quick Facts on The Ken I )ireii(ir ol I IcM-lopnicTit. llliiii I Zimmcrnian. I'ifilitiiij; .'^cliolar>lii|i iniil 333-6.')9.5 University of Illinois .Steve Greene. Director of DeM-lo|iiiicnl. I'ightinj; llliiii Scliolarsliip I iind (708) <)16-2K)() Shawn \\a\. Kxecntive Director \ arsitv '"F" 244-9277 Founded: 1 867 Mike Hatfield. I'iiket Manager 33.3-3470 Opened: March 2, 1868 Al Martindale. Head Trainer 333-6718 Rod Cardinal. Ha-kctliall Trainer 333-6718 Location: Urbana-Champaign Dr. Robert (;(irtler. Icam Physician Enrollment: 36,000 Dr. Stephen Soborofl. I'eam I'hvsieian President: James J. Stukel Dr. Michael Gernant. Team Physician Chancellor: Michael T. I. CO Vi ard. Strength & Conditioning (jiordinator 244-.")989 Aiken o (ireg Scanlon. (iraduate .Assistant Strength Coach 333-670,5 Conference: Big Ten \ndy Di\on. K(|iii|iincnl Manager 33.3-2063 Arena: Assembly Hall (16,450) .lesM- RallilT. Ba-kcthall K<(ni|inii'nt 333-1926 Nickname: Fighting lllini Phil lanaro. I!i-crniting Coordinator 333-1402 "Illinois 1 Ann Chanc\. Academic Counselor 333-9.530 School Song: Loyalty" Karh \^ard. Food Adininistrator/\ ar>it% Room 333-01 17 Colors: Orange & Blue BASKETBALL STAFF (217) 333-3400 125 A,ssemhi\ Mall. IfiOO S. First Str<>et. Champaign. II, 61820 DFVISION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE Foil llenson. Head Coach ATHLETICS TICKET OFFICE Dick \ag\. As>istant Coach (217) 333-3470 .limmv Collins. Assistant Coach 100 \"eiiihl\ Hall. 1800 S. First Street. Mark Rial. Assistant Coach Champaign. IF 61820 Scott Frisina. Administrative Assistant Dorothy Damewood. .Admini-lrative Sccrctan' Mike llallicld. Ticket Manager Sue Winter. Secretary Der\k (iihnore. .Assistant Picket Manager SPORTS INFORMATION STAFF (217) 333-1391 CREDITS FAX (217) 333-5540 Eveciilivc Kdilon Mike Pcarxin Editors: Kent Rrown and .jiilic Dalpiaz PRESS ROW (217) 333-1227 (:(i\<'r Art: Foiiann W ilcock 1817 S. Neil Sircct. Suite 2(11. (il!;2l) Champaign. IF Interior Design: Fou.iiin W ilcock Mike Pearson. Director of Sport.N hd'ormation (home) 344-3355 Editorial \>>i>tance: DaM' .|ohii>on. Nancy > kcnl linmii. \..i~tant SID (home) 384-6486 llei p-dciih. \iarl\ Kaiilinann. Mile> Rush. l)a\e .lohnson. \ssistant SID (home) 352-2477 t7ii> \\clMin. Rridget 'Foonii'\ Marty Kaufmann. \ssi>tant SID (home) 359-5910 Photography: Mark .lone>. (,ar\ \ndi>rson lulii' Dalpia/. l'ulilieation~ ( Coordinator (!oiii|)oslti<in: Precision (.rapliic^ l.ouann Wili-ock. (graphic Di'-igncr Frlntinu: I nili'il (^rapliii'~ Janice Revell. Secretary C 1905 li\ the I iiiM'r~il\ ol Illinois Rill Rehrn-. Intern z Division of Intercollcgiali- \lhlctics. Ml Nancy llcrp.streith, (,raduale Assistant rights rcsrr\c(l. 2 Figlilin.ij lUini Boskcthull rig™ The University of Illinois wjm M The University of lUinois^ Did you know . Nearly 26,000 undergraduate students are enrolled in 10 under- z graduate divisions at the Ul? . "Money Magazine," in its 1995 survey of colleges, ranked the Uni- versity of Illinois ninth in Its list of the top 100 schools providing the best education for the money? "... Ten Illinois Alumni have won Nobel Prizes for the United States and 16 have won Pulitzer Prizes? "... The Krannert Center for the Performing Arts hosts more than 300 performances each year? "... Each year more than 200 graduates are accepted to medical school and more than 400 are ac- cepted to law school? "... According to a 1 993 survey of o thousands of 1988 graduates, nearly 90 percent indicated they would still choose Illinois if they were to make their choice again? . Illinois has one of the nation's largest study-abroad programs, having exchanges with more than 100 universities abroad? "... The University of Illinois is among the featured universities in the 1994 Guide to 101 of the Best Values in American Colleges and Universities? Champaign (population 1 10.000). the I iii\('rsitv ol Illinois at I rhana- ( ilianipaign is the state's flagship |)ul)lic nni\ersit\. Students The 1 nixersitv has a fundamental welcomes students and visitors to campus. > The alma mater statue commitment to undergraduate educa- tion. Nearly 2().000 undergraduate Sinci" it- Iciiiiidinfi in \H(u. the I ni- i;i'ani> and research di-eiplines. and students are enrolled in 10 under- versitv <il Illinois at I ihana- talented and divcr-e student IkkK graduate divisions, which together of- (ihanipaifiu has oarni'd a repnlalioii eon>lilMle an educaliiinal cdiHinunitN fer some 4.000 courses in more than f)l inlcriialiiinai -taliiic. Il- di-lin- idealK -iiiled liir -cliiiiar>liip and re- I.SO fields of stu(K. The divisions are: guisliod la(ult\. iintslandini; ii'- s(>areh. Liicated in east central Illi- z the College of Agriculture, College of sources. breadth of academic pro- nois in tiic twin cities ot L rhana and 4 Figliling lUini Basketball WM Computing A leader in ^upcrcom|)uting ap|)lica- tioiis. tbe University is home of NCSA (National Center for Su|)ereomputing Apjtlications) wbere Mosaic well browsing software was first developed. Since first released in I')').'). M(i-.aic has spawned exponen- tial glow lb ill tbe use of the world wide web. N(JSA staff also have been instrumental in promoting world wide web access at the White House and in the city of Chicago. Cross-disciplinary The Krannert Center for the Performing Arts hosts more than 300 performances each year. Research Students and scliolars find the I ni- Applied Life Studies.
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