(Iowa City, Iowa), 1901-09-21
A Daily Newspaper Published by the Students of the State University of Iowa. Vol. 34 IOWA CITY, IOWA, SEPl'EMBER 21,1901. No.1 captain and quarter back at West Des MEMORIAL SERVICE. FALL FIELD DAY. FOOTBALL CANDIDATES. Moines last year, and Fordyee, a junior Dent. The squad in camp was later joined by Macy, Hollenbeek, Fitting Tributes Paid in Honor of Our Ninth Annual Field Meet to be Held Speculation as to Prospects - Colthard, Herbert, Siberts, Buckley Late President by Members of the Next Saturday. Class Scoring Personnel of Candidates - Many of and Williamson, all subs and scrubs Faculty and Citizens. Mosts Points Hold Trophy Cup. Last Year's Eleven Out of School. last year; Griffith. Berry and Yavorsky from the city high school team: Cap The Fall convocation was held in the The ninth annual fall track and field Speculation as to the probable tain Brown, of the '00 and '01 track Opera house, Thursday. This convoca- meet of the State Univers~ty of Iowa strength of the Iowa football team for teams; Olinger, from the Woodbine tion which is usually one of joyous will be held at the Athletlc Park on 1901 has been rife since the close of Normal; McQuillan, from Harlan high homecoming, where class and college Saturday afternoon, September 28, the spring athletic season. Conflicting school; Lewis, a Cornell college guard, yells are given with a will, was this 1901. All men in any department of the stories concerning the present condi who will be ineligible for the first year a quiet and sorrowful memor.able unive~sity who ~xpect to ~o track tion and the future outlook of athletics team this year: Miles, from Cedar service, in memory of the NatlOn's athletic work durmg the commg year, at the University have been sent out Rapids and Ochiltree, from Morning assassinated President.
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