Subject Index
Subject Index Abate, properties and uses 338 Alfalfa 120, 157, 175,209,232,276,375, - synthesis 338 422 Acaricides, definition 3 Algae control (see also Slime control) Acetaldehyde 111, 378 5, 115 Acethion, properties and uses 359 Algalol, see Aretan - synthesis 359 Algicides, definition 3 Acetone oxime N-phenylcarbamate, see Alipur 229 Proxypham Allethrin 131 If. 3-( et-Aceton y lbenzy I) -4-h ydroxycoumarin, Allyl alcohol 89 see Warfarin Allyl bromide 35 3-( et-Acetonyl-4' -chlorobenzy 1)-4-hydroxy- Allyl chloride 39 coumarin, see Coumachlor Allyl isothiocyanate 260 Acetophos, properties and uses 351 Alodan, permissible concentration in air - synthesis 351 65 3-Acetyl-6-methylpyrandione-2,4, see - properties and uses 52, 64 If. Dehydroacetic acid - synthesis 64, 268 1-Acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline, Aluminium phosphide, properties and uses see Kyuzol-A 445, 446 Acrex, see Dinobuton Ametryne 436 Acrolein 111 Amiben 148 Acrolein phenylhydrazone 279 Amides, pesticidal properties 124 If. Acrylonitrile 122, 128 Amidithion, properties and uses 363 Acylate, properties and uses 203 - synthesis 363 - synthesis 203 Amines, pesticidal properties 83 If. Adamsite 390 Amibenzenesulfonyl carbamate, see Aerogels, see Silica gel Compound ME-9057 Aerosol compositions 24 Aminocarb, see Matacil Aerosols 12, 20, 22 If. Aminoguanidine, synthesis 429 Agriculture, losses from pests 1, 5 If. 2-Amino-4-methyl-5-carboxanilidothiazole, Agronal295 see Seedvax Agvitor, properties and uses 384 Aminoparathion 324 - synthesis 384 5-Amino-3-phenyl-1,2,4-triazolyl-1- Alanap, properties and uses 152 bis( dimethylamido )phosphate, - synthesis 152 see Wepsin Alcohols, pesticidal properties 89 4-Amino-1 H -pyrazolo-3,4-pyrimidine Aldehydes, pesticidal properties 111 If.
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