Kismet's Fantasy Name Compendium

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Kismet's Fantasy Name Compendium Kismet’s Fantasy Name Compendium Aamarus Aaminah Aanon Aarlen Abantees Abaris Abasi Abblier Abdel Abelard Abelyra Abeni Abergast Aberik Abi Abira Abkii Abramo Abran Abrasax Abria Acamus Achar Achates Acknar Acrasia Adabel Adah Adalia Adalon Adalwulf Adamina Adamma Adamon Adan Adanja Adar Adarok Adath Adbul Addia Adelard Adelbern Adelhart Adeline Adeliza Adelric Adena Adhemar Adin Adiran Aditi Adjantis Adon Adora Adrac Adramov Adrestia Adrith Adurant Aedon Aedran Aedwyn Aegean Aegir Aegon Aelthas Aelus Aembra Aengrilor Aengus Aerad Aerandir Aerell Aergase Aerlson Aerne Aeron Aery Aesir Aethelmure Aethen Aether Aethicus Aethrys Aethylla Agan Agaros Agarth Agavni Agdan Agentes Aghairon Agika Agios Agladan Aglarel Agneh Agraivin Agrivane Ahazu Ahora Ahrahl Ahtye Ahziree Aiba Aideh Aidhrinn Ailsa Aine Ainmhi Ainsley Ainsworth Airancourt Airlia Aisha Aitana Ajira Akallabeth Akedine Akela Akhir Akienta Akilah Akkabar Akkadian Akmir Akordia Al-Asfan Al-Asraad Al'lyrr Alabon Alaghus Alaine Alaka Alakabon Alamanther Alanar Alandaros Alandri Alanthos Alaoui Alardine Alarice Alarik Alasquae Alasta Alathar Alatos Alaunt Alayne Alba Albion Albraech Alcae Alcarondas Alcira Alcolen Aldaron Aldea Alder Aldeth Alditha Aldora Aldred Aldrich Aldros Aldwerth Aldwin Aldym Aleana Alecto Aleda Alekos Alemandra Alemanni Alemhok Alene Alerena Aleria Aleron Alessandra Alethra Aletta Alexius Algania Algol Algorond Alhulak Aliiza Alina Alinnos Aliosandra Alioth Aliphane Alisen Alissia Alita Alkindus Allard Allister Allon Almar Almathea Almere Almira Almor Almund Alodia Alokair Aloni Aloniira Alonth Aloraea Alotrix Aloufin Alovandre Alpheus Alphor Alrette Alrus Alsinnara Alsta Altair Altani Althea Altier Aluriel Alurius Alussa Alya Alyn Amadee Amado Amael Amain Amalas Amalina Amalith Amara Amarei Amblecrown Ambriel Ambros Amelita Amerine Ameskane Amfast Amir Amistain Amodun Amoret Amorian Ampelio Amphissa Amprei Amra Amriath Amusis Amywiel Anafiel Anaga Anaharath Anait Ananda Anaphia Anastria Anath Anatolia Anauria Ancasta Ancona Andakilsa Andalen Andalor Andalusa Page 1 of 29 Last updated 07/10/2013 with 7,725 names total Compiled & organized by Patricia Willenborg & Nathan Sundberg For updates, see Kismet’s Fantasy Name Compendium Andara Andarys Andeis Andor Andrani Andreana Andrelion Andrelo Andris Andronus Andule Andvari Anfiel Angelar Angharad Angiris Anglean Angrael Angrar Angrule Anhaedra Anhardd Aniari Aniel Anise Anishta Anitra Anjana Ankara Annora Annulus Anokatos Anolda Anred Ansgar Anshurr Answen Antal Anteaus Antek Antigonus Antoria Antos Anwon Anwyr Anzar Aothar Aowyr Aphrista Aporos Apule Arabel Arachin Araekor Arael Aramantus Aramite Arandur Arathor Aravel Arawyn Arbalia Arbane Arbolyte Arbos Arcas Arcen Archaenassa Archean Archveult Ardagundus Ardan Ardeen Ardella Ardemun Ardenor Arding Ardra Areg Arella Arethi Arethusa Aretos Arezu Arfox Argante Argeia Argen Argine Argul Argyth Ariadne Ariane Arick Arien Arigal Arilath Arim Arion Ariope Arismal Aristomachos Ariston Arkhod Arkhosia Arktos Arkwright Arkyn Arlana Arleand Arlin Arlogh Armandek Armida Arminta Armuna Arnthora Arny Arobar Aroden Arolinde Arolme Arrak Arridad Arrille Arshav Arsidus Arslan Artan Artego Artelas Arten Artha Arthagall Arthegal Artilia Artivio Artor Arumdina Arundel Arvan Arvandor Arveene Arvel Arvia Arviden Aryn Arzail Asdrorien Aseir Asenath Asfollen Ashakar Ashald Ashara Ashdod Ashdown Ashling Ashmeddai Ashralaam Askam Askel Asmiak Assaracus Assirari Astarra Asterion Astragalus Astron Aszrad Atala Atemae Athchos Athelm Atherton Athren Athrys Athtor Athyn Atieh Atlak Atrina Atrium Attaroa Aubaureer Aubric Auden Audern Audraine Audrianna Augra Auguhol Aulaire Aulunmar Aulwyr Aumanil Aurek Aurelio Aurikallos Aurnic Auroch Austilan Autorian Auvidarus Auzerais Avahir Avaldamon Avanoa Avaron Avaxa Avel Avendera Avernus Aviatrix Avicenna Avilondra Avir Avramson Avrubel Ayiana Aylara Aylomen Ayzle Azden Azhure Azla Azlaer Azle Azmira Aznar Azonia Azoth Azra Azzedar Baccira Bacola Badem Badon Badria Baduv Baeron Bailey Baiyen Bakutis Balaam Baladi Balaena Balagarn Balamaon Balchae Baldomero Baleth Balian Baliel Balin Balithan Balles Balmund Balmundos Balochi Balogh Balok Balqis Balyn Bandor Banick Banor Banraun Banwell Baphyra Baradras Baragu Baram Baraskur Barbiel Barbul Page 2 of 29 Last updated 07/10/2013 with 7,725 names total Compiled & organized by Patricia Willenborg & Nathan Sundberg For updates, see Kismet’s Fantasy Name Compendium Bardan Bardun Bardwell Baredena Barevont Baridrel Barin Barlithian Barlow Barono Barsena Barten Baruk Barundar Barzula Bashal Basham Basilei Basona Basra Bassilus Batreans Bawdewyn Baxor Bayless Bazullarith Beazor Beckry Bedaidus Bedal Bedarra Bedelda Bedlym Bedwyck Bedwyr Begris Begwynath Behjat Beirgis Beiris Beketa Belanie Belaquo Belarian Beld Beldon Beledia Beledra Belen Beleriand Beless Beleth Belfarg Belgard Belgos Belia Belice Belierin Belim Belina Belionora Beliria Belirias Belisarius Belisma Belita Beljura Beljuril Bellario Bellinus Belmaid Belmara Belmina Belne Belonarra Belor Belphejur Belphessa Belpren Belsameth Belvani Belvia Belzken Benante Benedetto Benelius Benelor Benesek Bennon Bentan Benthen Benuria Benwick Beorn Beornegar Beornhelm Bera Berach Beramedes Beramos Beran Beremere Berenike Bergaine Bergelas Bergwulf Berin Berinna Berronar Berrun Bersk Bertrand Berwyn Besklen Besleth Besmal Besnik Besyran Beszrima Betanio Betharios Betharra Bethshan Bethurel Beticus Bevan Bevene Bhargava Bhaudach Bhavana Biago Bijaya Bildor Billis Bilrentheus Biltis Binalfa Birrella Bissane Bisson Biviana Bizzait Bjornin Bladebiter Bladecrusher Bladud Blaera Blamira Blane Blangan Blanton Blazanar Bleddis Bleis Blesilda Blonia Bloodbeard Bloodsworn Blopono Blubara Blundyth Boaz Bodari Boderill Bodog Bodorian Bogdan Boldbeard Boldblade Bolgreth Bolide Bollard Bolnor Bomar Bopha Borean Boreas Boretha Borgamot Borgul Borias Borich Borneheld Boroleas Boromar Borri Borwyn Bosero Bozen Bracken Brackley Bracton Brae Braegen Braelly Braethri Brage Bragi Brakana Bralas Bramly Bramwell Branchala Branda Brandach Brannagh Branwen Brasidas Brastias Brastias Brattigan Braxious Brecie Bredda Breid Brencis Brenett Brennac Brenner Brenos Briah Brielbara Brielle Brienne Briente Brightbeard Brightblade Brightshield Brilash Brilmara Briniel Brinlemund Brinthia Briona Brithmaur Brodgar Brogach Brolla Brondarin Bronin Bronnia Bronwen Broton Brouthod Browd Brug Brugar Brunn Brurek Brusco Bruten Bruthwol Brynda Brynnlaw Brysa Buleath Bunag Burgell Burgrum Burnel Buthek Byiak Bynarr Bynothas Cacia Cada Cadell Cadeltra Cadelyn Cadmar Cadmus Cadoc Cador Cadry Cadwaller Cadyr Page 3 of 29 Last updated 07/10/2013 with 7,725 names total Compiled & organized by Patricia Willenborg & Nathan Sundberg For updates, see Kismet’s Fantasy Name Compendium Caecil Caelia Caelkoth Caelum Caenis Caerfom Caerthann Caesin Cafal Cafferty Caffery Cahil Cahmir Cahulak Caia Caid Cailynn Caimael Caiphas Cairinn Calabaz Caladan Calandra Calantha Calastian Calathangas Calathra Calaudra Calaurea Calbraith Calder Caldo Caledus Calekoth Calence Calendor Caleotte Calesius Calessio Caletor Caliandros Caliastro Califax Caligarde Calin Calinda Calingnon Calira Calisa Calistria Calitha Callianassa Calliel Callistus Callor Calse Caltha Calton Calum Calurin Calut Calvara Calvert Calwyn Calydon Calyr Camael Camara Camden Caminda Camlo Camulus Cana Candra Candremi Candrian Canegoth Cangana Cannaur Canos Cantaki Cantoria Canzon Capellanus Caperetto Caradas Carados Carasta Carbos Cardell Cardolan Cardosh Cargwig Cariendar Carilla Carnelian Carniel Carolio Carono Carrague Carrandra Carshena Carston Cartavius Cartery Carteya Carth Carus Carvel Caryn Cashgaraal Cassella Castalia Castellan Castianira Castos Cataria Catessa Cathal Catharadomu s Cather Cathera Cathria Caton Catraso Catreus Catterick Catyr Caughell Caulder Cavor Cazna Cean Cebus Cedalion Ceese Cegilune Celad Celaeno Celcalab Celendra Celia Celian Celima Celinda Celinede Celise Celistian Cellador Cellarius Cellwair Celon Celosia Celski Celynnen Celynvian Cemal Cemarest Cemble Cemby Cemetra Cendran Cendrillon Cenedra Cenen Cener Cenetra Cenis Cennetta Cenobio Cenodel Ceola Ceonna Cephas Cephas Cepheus Ceralde Ceratus Cerelia Cerelias Cerenna Cergos Cerigo Cerlito Cernum Cernus Ceros Cerrick Cerridwen Certes Cervando Cervelio Cesta Cestrella Cesya Cetheres Cethrassir Cethric Cethry Ceto Cevil Cevrus Cezria Chadalston Chadra Chadzina Chaitra Chaitram Chakos Chalavar Chalcie Chaldean Chaldir Chalen Chaleta Chalfauna Chalina Chalon Chalono Chalt Chalyik Chamada Chamyel Chandan Chandar Chandira Chanesta Chania Chanista Chanon Chansobal Chaona Charasel Charcemish Chardalyn Chardot Chardun Charien Charlena Charoli Charreen Charva Charys Chasca Chasesk Chatara Chathin Chaulssin Chaya Chayle Chedena Cheladorn Chelan Cheliax Chelish Chemis Chemosh Chenzira Chergoua Chermosk Chernin Cheruu Chesagol Cheslav Cheston Chevoor Chiara Chiedu Chilak Chilash Page 4 of 29 Last updated 07/10/2013 with 7,725 names total Compiled & organized by Patricia Willenborg & Nathan Sundberg For updates, see Kismet’s Fantasy Name Compendium Chione Chira Chiros Chirranirr Chiru Chitira Chlodalin Chora Chradon Chronias Chuff Chuna Chuyo Chyrk Chzandra Cianni Ciaran Ciba Cibald Cibant Cicerenna Cidulla Cielo Cileera Cilidarius Cillian Cinadon Cindra Cinerxes Cinnard Cinwyll Cinyras Cirdan Cirelle
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