New Zealand Gazette
:_ >&;r'"-'. ~:~ ',~ .' ; ',' I Jttmb. 53.) 1733 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 192:J. Crawn Land set apart for DilJ'f)Odal by way o.f Sale w Lease Ihowever, to the conditions prescribed by section fifty-one of to Discharged Soldiers, under Special Ten,,res, in the the last-mentioned Act, and section fifteen of the Native Land Taranaki Land Diatrict. Amendment Act, 1914: And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that in the tL.S.J JELL I COE, Governor-General. public interest the said road.Jines should be proclaimed as public roads, l'nd a notification to that effect has been for A PROCLAMATION. warded to the :Minister of Lands, in terms of section fifty-one N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913: I me by section four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle And whereas one month's notice in writing of the intention ment Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, to proclaim the said road-lines as public roads has been given Governor - General of the Dominion of New Zeala.nd, do by the Surveyor-General to the local authority of the district hereby and that the area of ~wn la.nd concerned, in terms of section fifteen of the Native Land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same is Amendment Act, 1914: hereby set apart and open for disposal by way of sale And whereas it is now expedient that the said road-lines or lease to discharged soldiers, under special tenures, in the should be proclaimed as public roads : manner provided in the said· Act.
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