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Jttmb. 53.) 1733



Crawn Land set apart for DilJ'f)Odal by way o.f Sale w Lease Ihowever, to the conditions prescribed by section fifty-one of to Discharged Soldiers, under Special Ten,,res, in the the last-mentioned Act, and section fifteen of the Native Land Taranaki Land Diatrict. Amendment Act, 1914: And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that in the tL.S.J JELL I COE, Governor-General. public interest the said road.Jines should be proclaimed as public roads, l'nd a notification to that effect has been for­ A PROCLAMATION. warded to the :Minister of Lands, in terms of section fifty-one N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913: I me by section four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ And whereas one month's notice in writing of the intention ment Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, to proclaim the said road-lines as public roads has been given Governor - General of the Dominion of New Zeala.nd, do by the Surveyor-General to the local authority of the district hereby procla.im and decla.re that the area of ~wn la.nd concerned, in terms of section fifteen of the Native Land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same is Amendment Act, 1914: hereby set apart and decla.red open for disposal by way of sale And whereas it is now expedient that the said road-lines or lease to discharged soldiers, under special tenures, in the should be proclaimed as public roads : manner provided in the said· Act. Now, therefore, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursu­ SCHEDULE. ance and exercise of the powers conferred by section forty­ eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913; do hereby TARANAKI LAND DISTRIOT.-CROWN LAND. proclaim as. public roads the road-lines described in the SECTION 44, Block V, Cape Survey District: Area, 37 acres Schedule hereto. 0 roods 36 perches. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ SCHEDULE. General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government roads:- Honse at Wellington, this 26th day of ,Tune, 1922. A. R P. Being Portion of , D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. 0 3 7 Kawaha No. 1 Block, situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti Survey District; coloured red. GOD SAVE THE KING! 10 1 3 Kawaha No. 3 Block, situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti, and Block XVI, Rotorua Survey Districts; coloured blue. Proclaiming Road-Unea laid out through Kawaha Nos. 1, 3, 2 0 34 Kawaha No. 4 Block, situated in Block XVI, 4, and 5, and Waikuta No. lb Hlocks to be Public Roads. Rotorua Survey District ; coloured red. 12 0 25 Kawaha No. 5 Block, situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti, and Block XVI, Rotorua Survey [L.s.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. Districts ; coloured yellow. A PROCLAMATION. 0 0 20 Waikuta No. lB Block, situated in Block XVI, HEREAS the parcels of land described in the Schedule Rotorua Survey District; coloured yellow. W hereto were, by orders of the Native Land Court In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more made on the eleventh day of July and the fifth day of particularly delineated on the pla.n marked L. and S. 16/956, November, one thousand nine hundred aud ten, and the deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and twelfth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and Survey, at Wellington, under No. 1959, and thereon coloured eleven, duly la.id out as road-lines, in p111'11uance of section as above mentioned. one hundred and seventeen of Native Land Act, 1909: And whereas by section two of the Native Land Amend­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· ment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1918, it is General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued provided that where any road-line has heretofore been laid under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government out under the said section one hundred and seventeen and House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. has not been proclaimed as a public road, then such road-line D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. may be proclaimed as a public road under section forty. eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913, subject, Go» SAVB THB KING ! A 1734 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53

Revoking the SeUing-aparl of Land for Selection by Discharged I SCHEDULE. So_ldi~rs, under Ordinary Tenures, in the Auckland Land AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-CROWN LAND. District. -- SECTION 16, Block XIV, Urutawa Survey District, Opotiki [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. County: Area, 1,366 acres. A PROCLAMATION. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued I conferred upon me by section three of the Discharged under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount House at Wellington, this 30th day of June. 1922. Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, D. H, GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. do hereby revoke the Proclamation made on the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, GoD SAVE THE KING' and published in the Gazette of the sixth day of September then instant, setting apart Crown lands for selection by dis­ r.and proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed, in Pukeatua charged soldiers, under the Land Act, 1908, in so far as it Parish, Waiwera Survey District, North Auckland Land relates to the land in the Schedule hereto. District. SCHEDULE. [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.--CROWN LAND. A PROCLAMATION. Urutawa Survey District.-Opotiki County. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by SECTION 11, Block XIII Area, 1,966 acres. I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rush­ 12 XIV 1,275 worth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, described in the First Schedule hereto; and also do hereby Genera,! of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issuec' proclaim as closed the road described in the Second under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government Schedule hereto. House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. FIRST SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD. GOD SAVE THE KING! APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road:- RevokiWJ the Setting-apart of Land for Selection by Discharyed A, R. P. Portion of Soldiers, under Special Tenures, in the Auckland Land 1 2 27 Allotments S.E. 224 and 227; coloured red. District. 0 0 28 Allotment 227 ; coloured red. SECOND SCHEDULE. [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. RoAn CLOSED. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed : 1 acre I 1 rood. conferred upon me by the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ Adjoin1ng Allotments S.E. 224, 227, and S.E. and N. W. 284; ment Act, 1915, l, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, d~ coloured grABn. hereby revoke the Proclamation made on the fifth day of All shuated in Pukeatua Parish, Block XIV, Waiwera October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and Survey District. published in the Gazette of the thirteenth day of October, one All in the North Auckland Land District; as the same are thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, setting apart Crown more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. lands for selection by discharged soldiers, under the Dis­ 16/987, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands charged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, in so far as it relates and Survey, at 'Wellington, under No. 1970, and thereon to the land in the Schedule hereto. coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of Hie Excellency the Govemor­ SCHEDULE. General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued under the Seal of tliat Dominion, at the Government AUCKLAND LAND DrsTRfCT.-CROWN LAND.-SECOND­ House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. CLASS LAND. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. West Taupo County.-Wharepapa Survey District.- Wharepuhunga Block. Area. A. R. P. SECTION 1-, Block VIII 309 0 0 8 261 1 0 Lrmd proclaimed as a Road in Waihou Survey District, 12 248 0 0 Aucklllnd [,and District. 14 255 0 0 15 ,, 268 2 0 [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. 1, Block XII 240 0 0 A PROCLAMATION. 3 237 0 0 N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor I section eleven of the Land Act. 1908, I, John Rush­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand : and iss11c, worth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion under the Seal of that Dominion, at the ·Government of IS ew Zeal•nd. do hereby proclaim as a road the land in House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. W aihou Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands SCHEUULE GOD SA VE THE KING I APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road:- A. R. P. Portion of R~ooking the Setting-apart of Land for Selection by Discharged 5 O 7·6 Awaiti No. 1A No. 1 Block (Crown land), SoUiers, under Special Tenures, in the Auck/,and Land situated in Blocks XI & XV; coloured pink. District. 3 2 25·4 Awaiti No. lA No. 2n Section 2n Block, situated iu Block XV; coloured blue. [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. Situated in Waihou Survey District. A PROCLAMATION. In the Auckland Land District; as the same are more N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. I conferred upon me by the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ 15/13/12, deposited in the Head Office, Department of ment Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Go­ Lands and Rurvey, at Wellington, under No. 1968, and vernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby thereon coloured as above mentioned. revoke the Proclamation made on the seventeenth day of June, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ one thousand nine hundred and twenty, And published in General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued the Gazette of the first day of July, one thousand nine under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government hundred and twenty, setting apart Crown lanrls for selection Honse at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. by discharged soldiers, under the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands ment Act, 1915, in so far as it relates to the land in the Schedule hereto. GOD SA VE THE KING ! JULY 6.] · THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'l"f.E. 1735

Land proclaimed as a Road in Maketu Survey District, As the same is more particularly delineated on the plan Auckland Land Distrtct. I marked P. W.D. 54634, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon edged in blue. [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. SECOND SCHEDULE. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by HUTT VALLEY ELEmRIC·POWER DrsTRICT. I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rush­ ALL that area in the Wellington Land District, being the worth, Yiscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion boroughs of Lower Hutt, Petone, and Eastbourne, the Town of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land in District of Upper Hutt, and part of the Hutt County, com­ Maketu Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. mencing at the south-western corner of Section 55, Block III, Paekakariki Survey District ; thence by the southern boundary SCHEDULE. of the said Section 55 and Sections 54 and 50, the southern APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a boundary of the last-mentioned section produced to the eastern boundary of forest reserve, Block IV, Paekakariki road: 1 acre 1 rood 28 perches. , , Survey District; thence by the south-western, southern, and Portion of Section 8, Block V, Maketu Survey District. eastern boundaries of the said forest reserve to the north­ In the Auckland Land District ; as the same is more eastern corner of Section 1, Block V, Akatarawa Survey particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 16/70, District,,; thence along the northern boundary of the said deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Section 1 to the road forming the western boundary of Sec• Survey, a.t Wellington, under No. 1962, and thereon coloured tion 1, Block VI, Akatarawa Survey District; along that red. road to the north-western corner of Sect,ion 5, Block II, Aka tara wa 8urvey District ; thence along the northern Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued boundary of that section to its north-eastern corner; thence under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government along the western boundary of f:lcction 406 to its north­ House at Wellington, this 28th day of June, 1922. · v.estcrn corner; thence along the northern boundary of the said Section 40G to and across the Akatarawa-,Vaikanae D. H. GUTHRIE, 1\iiinister of Lands. Road, the northern boundary of Section 407 to its north­ eastern corner ; thence along the eastern boundaries of Sec­ Gan SA VE THE KING ! tions 407, 404, and 403 to the north-western corner of Sec­ fom ii, Bloek Ill, Akatarawa 8urvey District; thence along the northern boundary of Section 5 to the road forming its Land proclaimed as a Road in Kaeo Survey District, North ea,steni boundary ; thence along that roa.d to the north­ Auckland Land District, eastern corner uf 8cction 2, Block VII, Akatarawa Survey District ; thence along the northern boundary of Section 2 to the road forming the southern boundary of Section 12, [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. Block Ill, Akatarnwa Survey District; thence along that A PROCLAMATION. road to the south-eastern corner of Section 12; thence along N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the eastern bournbry of Sections 12, 11, and 10 to the north­ I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rush­ ea.st.ern bounclriry of the last.inentioned section; thence by worth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion a right line to :\Iount Hector; thence along the range forming of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land the Wt'stern boundary of Fm1therston County as described in Kaeo Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. in the Ne:w Zealmul /Jazette of 19H, page 1753, to Turakirac Head; thence by the sea-coast to the south-western corner SCHEDULE. of the Borough of Petone ; thence in a northerly direction by the Makara County boundary, as described in the New APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a road : Zealand Ga.zette of 1921, page 1597, to the sea ; thence along 2 roods 35 perches. the western boundary of Section 98, Block VIIT, Paekakariki Portion of Section 35, Block XII, Kaeo Survey District. Survey District, to the railway bridge; thence across that In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is bridge to the southern boundary of Section 81 in the said ' more particularly deiineated on the plan marked L. and S. Block VIH; thence by the sea-coast to the point of commence­ -16/913, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands ment. Survey, at Weilington, under No. 1969, and thereon coloured blue. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of tbe Dominion of New Zealand; and issued Giver! under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issue, House at Wellington, this 5th day of July, 1922. under tlie Seal of that Dominion, at the Government J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands Gon SA VE THE KING !

GoD SA VE THE KING ! Land proclaimed as a Road in Block XII, Takahue Survey District, Mangonui Cow,ty.

Constitutina tlie Hutt Valley Electric-power District. [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General., A PROCLAl\lATION A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by 1 section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rush­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred on me worth, Viscount J ellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion I' by the Electric-power Boards Act, 1918,. I, John Rush­ ,f New Zealand, do hereby prociaim as a road the land in worth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion l'akahue Survey District des"ribed m the Schedule hereto. of New Zealand, do hereby alter the proposed boundaries of the district as described in the First Schedule hereto, and SCHEDULE proclaim the district with the altered boundaries as described in the Second Schedule hereto to be an electric-power dis­ \ PPROUMATE area of the piece of l&nd proclaimed as ,. road: trict, and I hereby assign to such district the name of "the 12·9 perches. Hutt Valley Electric-power District." Portion of Section NW. 79, Parish of Maungataniwha, Block XII, Takahue Survey District (Auckland R.D.). (S.O 21761) FIRST SCHEDULE. In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is ALL that area in the Wellington Land District comprising­ more particularly deliue~ted on the plan marked P.W.D. (a.) The Horokiwi, Epuni, }lungaroa, and Wainui-o-mata 5'1576. deposited· in the office of the Minister of Public Ridings of the Hutt County as described in the New Zealand Works at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and Gazette of the year 1899 on pages 1895 and 1896 thereof. ·hereon edged red. (b.) The Lower Hutt Borough as described in the 1Vew Zealand Gazette of the year 1891 on page 131 thereof. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, (c.) The Petone Borough as described in the New Zealand General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued Gazette of 1910 on page 775 thereof. under the Seal of that Dominion, at the G0vernment (d.) The Eas'tbourne Borough as described in the Sew House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. Zealand Gazette of the year 1906 on page 1281 thereof. J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. (e.) The Upper Hutt Town District as described in the New Zealand Gazette of the year 1916 on page 3617 thereof. GoD SAVE TIIE KING! 1736 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 5::3

Land proclaimed as a Road in Blocks I and II, Opot1ki SCHEDULE. Survey District, Opot,ki County. IAPPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :- [L.S.] A, R. P, Portion of JELLICOE, Governor-General. 8 3 31 Awai ti ID No. 2; coloured neutral. A PROCLAMATION. 3 1 32 • No. lo, Crown land; coloured red. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by 1 2 13 Awaiti 1J No. 1, Crown land; coloured burnt I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rush, umber. worth, Viscount J ellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion 6 1 29 Awai ti lJ 2B 3 (D. P. 7833) ; coloured pink. of New Zealaud, do hereby proclaim as a road the land 3 3 26 lJ 2A 1 ; coloured burnt umber. in Opotiki Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. Situated in Block XI, Waihou Survey Districl (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 21490, blue.) In the Auckland Land District; as the same are more SCHEDULE. particularly delineated on the plan marked P. W.D. 54492, APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at road:- WelliQfllon, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon A, R, P. Portion of coloured as above mentioned. 2 0 14-/i Section 409, Block II; coloured red. 0 0 4·7 Lot 5 on D.P. 7175, Blocks I and II; Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ coloured blue. • General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued Situa.ted in W aiotabi Parish, Opotiki Survey District. under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government (S.O. 21496.) House at Wellington, this 28th day of June, 1922. In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 54406, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at GOD SA VE THI: KING ! Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon ------coloured a.s above mentioned. Land taken for the Purposes of a Road in Block V, W aihou Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Survey District. General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Governmcm [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. House at Wellington, this 1st day of July, 1922. A PROCLAMATION. J. G. COAT.h;S, Minister of Public Works N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I. vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of GOD SA VE THE KING ! every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby pro­ Additional Land t11,ken for the Purpose, of a Public School in claim and declare that the land described in the Schedule Block V, Opunake Survey District. hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of a road ; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the seventeenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. and twenty-two. A PROCLAMATION. I N pursuance and exer.tiise of the powers and authorities SCHEDULE. vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of APPROXIMATE a.res. of the piece of land taken : 7 acres 3 roods every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in 14·2 perches. this behalf, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor­ Portion of Section 3, Block V, Waihou Survey District General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby pro­ (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 20212.) claim and declare that the additional land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby to.ken for the purposes of a In the Auckland Land District ; as the same is more public school, and shall vest in the Education Board of the particularly delineated on the plan marked P. W.D. 53521, District of Tare.ne.ki as from the date hereinafter men­ deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at tioned; and I do also declare that this Proclamation she.11 Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon take effect on and after the nineteenth day of July, one coloured neutral. thousand nine hundred and twenty-two. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued SCHEDULE. under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government House at Wellington, this 28th day of June, 1922. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 1 acre. Portion of part Section 22, Block V, Opunake Survey Dis­ J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. trict (Te.re.ne.ki R.D.). (S.O. 5636.) _GoD SAVE THE KrNG ! In the Tare.naki Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P. W.D. 53826, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Land taken for the Purposes of widening Adams and l'aft Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon Streets, and for the Construction of a New Street, in the edged pink. City of Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued [L.S,) JELLICOE, Governor-General. under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government A PROCLAMATION. House at Wellington, this 1st day of July, 1922. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities J. G. COATES, Minister of .Public Works. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me GOD SAVE THE KING! in this behalf, I, John Rushworth, Viscount J ellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zee.land, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of Land take1< for the Purposes uj a livad in Block Xl, widening Adams and Te.ft Streets, and for the construction Waihou Survey District. of a new street, and shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Wellington as from the date [L.S.] JELLI COE, Governor-General. hereinafter mentioned; and I do also declare that this A PROCLAMATION. Proclamation shall take effect on and after the sixth day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in SCHEDULE. this behalf, I, John Rushworth, Viscount J ellicoe, Governor. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land ta.ken :­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby pro­ A. R. P. claim and declare that the land described in the Schedule 0 0 11 Portion of Lots 79 and 80 ; coloured blue. hereto is hereby ta.ken for the purposes of a road ; and I 0 0 1·34 Lot 79; coloured blue. do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on 0 0 12·12 Lots 79 and 80 ; coloured yellow. and after the seventeenth day of July, one thousand nine 0 0 11·75 Lot 80; coloured neutral tint. hundred and twenty-two. (D.P. 392.) JULY 6. 'rHE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1737

Being p•. rt of Section 12, Ohiro District, City of Welling- IProclaiming N°'ive Land, to bs Grown Land under SectiDfl 14 ton, Blook X, Port Nicholson Survey District (Ohiro R.D.;. of the N°'ive Land, Amend,me,u Act, 1914, (S.O. 1672.) . _ In the Wellington L&nd District; as the same are more [L.s.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. partioul&rly deline&ted on the plan marked P.W.D. 542Sl, A PROCLAMATION deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works · at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, •nd thereon WHEREAS by section fourteen of the Native Land coloured as •bove mentioned. Amendment Act, 1914, it is provided, inter alia, that on being satisfied that the purchase of any Native land Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ has been duly completed by or on behalf of the Crown under General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued the authority of the Native Land Act, 1909, the Govemor­ under the Seal of that Dominion, &t the Government General may issue a Procla.mation that such land has become House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. Crown land: J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. And whereas the purchase of the N&tive land set out in the Schedule hereto has been duly completed by or on beh&lf o£ GoD SA VB THE KING ! the Crown under the authority of the N&tive Land Act, 1909: Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power and Land taken fur the Purposes uf widening Lincoln Street e.uthority so conferred upon me by section fourteen of the and for the Construction of a New Street, in the City of Native Land Amendment Act, 1914, I, John Rushworth, WeUington. Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby procl&im the land set out in the Schedule lL,B,) JELLICOE, Governor-General. hereto to be Crown land. A PROCLAMATION. SCHEDULE. N pursue.nee &Dd exercise of the powers &Dd authorities I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of RANGITOTO-TUBU.A 76B No. 6 Block, Survey District: every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in Approximate are&, 589 acres 2 roods 32 perches. this behalf, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby pro­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ claim and decl&re th&t the la.nd described in the Schedule General of the Dominion of New Ze&l&nd ; and issued hereto is hereby t&ken for the purposes of widening Lincoln under the Se&l of that Dominion, at the Government Street and for the construction of a new street, &Dd sh&ll House &t Wellington, this 28th day of June, 1922. vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City J. G. COATES, Native Minister. of Wellington, as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I do also deolare that this Proclamation shall take effect on Goo SAVE THE KING! a.nd after the sixth day of J nly, one thousa.nd nine hundred and ,wenty-two. Authorizing the Laying-off of Streets in the Oity of Wellington SCHEDULE. of a Width less than 66 ft. but not kss than 60 ft. APPROXIMATE &re&s of the pieces of la.nd taken :- JELLICOE, Governor-General. A. IL P, Portion of 0 0 11·83 P&rt Lot 63, on D.P. S92; coloured red. ORDER IN COUNCIL. 0 0 12·SS 6S 392 blue. At the Government House &t Wellington, this 3rd d&y of 0 0 20·78 61 S92 blue. July, 1922. 0 0 0·56 2 2491 red. Present: Being part of Section 12, Ohiro District, City of Welling­ His ExCBLLIIINCJ: TBB GoVUNOR-GENEBAL IN COUNCU... ton, Block X, Port Nicholson Survey District (Ohiro R.D.). (8.0. 1667.) N pursu&nce &nd exercise of the powers vested in him by ' In the Wellington L&nd District ; as the same &re more I the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, and of all other particularly delineated on the plan ma.rked P. W .D. 54250, powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works the Governor-Gener&! of the Dominion of New Zealand, &, Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive coloured as &hove mentioned. Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby authorize the Wellington City Council to permit the laying-off of streets of Given under the ha.nd of His Excellency the Gov~rnor­ a width less than sixty-six feet but not less than fifty feet General of the Dominion of New Zealana; &nd issued within the area described in the Schedule hereto, it being under the Seal of that Dominion, &t· the Government considered inexpedient to lay off streets of a full width of House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. sixty-six feet in such &rea. J. G. COATES, Minister of Public Works. GoD SA VB TBB KINo· ! SCHEDULE. ------Al>l'BOXlllliTE area : 8 &ores 3 roods 30 perches. S&opping a Government Road in Block X, Kaiti,eke Survey Being part of Section 8, Evans Bay Distp.ct, Block XI, Port District. Nicholson Survey District (City of Wellington). In the Wellington Land District; as the s&me is more [r. s.] JELL I COE, Governor-General. p&rticularly deline&ted on the plan marked P.W.D. 49032, A PROCLAMATION. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works a.t Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon N pursuance &nd exercise of the powers and authorities edged green. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1908, and of ,. F. D. THOMSON, every other power and &nthority in anywise enabling me in Clerk of the Executive Council. this behalf, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor­ Genera.l of. the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby pro­ [NOTE.-This Order in Council is issued in lieu of Order in cl&im as stopped the Government road described in the Council dated 22nd November, 1920, and published in New Schedule hereto, such road being no longer required. Zealand Gazette No. 95, page 3145, of 25th November, 1920.]

SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road hereby stopped: Authorizing the Springs-Ellesmere Electric-power Board to 2 roods 1 perch. construct Electric W or L.•. Adjoining or p&ssing through Sections 46 and 47, Block X, Kaitieke Survey District. (8.0. 1670.) JELLICOE, Governor-General. In the Wellington La.nd District ; as the same is more ORDER IN COUNCIL. p&rtioularly deline&ted on the plan marked P. W.D. 5S675, At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works a.t July, 1922. Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured green. Present: HIS EXCELLENCJ: TBB QoVBB.NOR-Gl!lad for a distance Pahiatua County, to be a County Road. of 486·7 links; thence towards the south-west across the aforesaid road for a distance of 1157 links ; thence towards JELLICOE, Governor-General. the south-east for a distance of 1120 links, and again towards ORDER IN COUNCIL. the south-west for a distance of 6698' \inks to the northem side of Henderson's Linc ; thence towards the north-west, At the Government House at WPllington, this 3rd day of north-east, and south-east by the sonthem, western, and July, 1922. part of the northern boundaries of the Borough of Marton, Present: as described in New Zealand Gazette No. 12, of the 10th day HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL. of February, 1921,. page 427, to the place of commencement. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by F. D THOMSON, I the Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in Clerk of the Executive Council. anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the JULY 6.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZET'.fE. 1739

Governor-Genera.I of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by Ia point 25 chains east of the crossing of the Matawhero Stream and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of on the southern boundary of Section 4, Block III, Piopiotea the said Dominion, doth, hereby order and declare that the West Survey District, and proceeding thence generally in an portion of road described in the Schedule hereto she.II, on easterly direction, adjoining or passing through part of the and after the date of this Order in Council, become a county said Section 4, Section 10, and part Section 8 (scenic reserve), road, Block III, Piopiotea West Survey District, and terminating at a point 10 chains east of the boundary between the said SCHEDULE. Sections 10 and 8 (scenic reserve); being a distance of 58·80 · ALL that portion of the Makairo-Coonoor Road, in the chains, more or less. As the said portion of road is more Wellington Land District, Pahiatua County, commencing at particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 54692, the most easterly corner of Section 31, Block VIT, l'tfakuri deposited in the office of the l'tfinister of Public Works at Survey District, and proceeding thence generally in a westerly Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon direction, adjoining or passing through the said Section 31 coloured red. and Section 35, Block VII, Section 55, Block XVI, Section l'. D. THOMSON, 27, Block VII, Section.23 (Crown land), Block VI, and Section Clerk of the Executive Council. 12, Blocks VI and 111, Makuri Survey Di9trict, and terminat­ ing at a point about 8 chains east of the most easterly corner Declaring the Horahora Soldiers' Settle:ment Road, in the of Section 8, Block III, Makuri Survey District. As the Matamata County, to be a County Road. said portion of road is more particularly delineated on the pllm marked P.W.D. 54526, deposited in the office of the JELLICO E, Governor-General. Minister of Public Works at Wellington, in the Wellington ORDER IN COUNCIL. Land District, and thereon coloured red. At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of F. D. THOMSON, July, 1921. Clerk of the Executive Council. Present: His ExcELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GBNERAL IN COUNCIL. Declaring Portions of Takaputahi Road, in the Opotiki County, N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by to be a County Road. I the Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the JELLICOE, Governor-General. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council ORDER IN COUNCIL. of the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that the At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of road described in the Schedule hereto shall, on and after the July, 1922. . date of this Order in Council, become a county road. Present: SCHEDULE. His ExcBLLllNCY THB GoVl!lRNOR-GBNBIUL IN COUNCIL. ALL that road in the Auckland Land District, Matamata N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him by County, known as the Horahora Soldiers' Settlement Rcia.d, I the Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in commencing at its junction with the Cambridge-Horahora anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Go­ Road, and proceeding thence generally in a northerly direc­ vernor-General of the Doininion of New Zealand, acting by tion, adjoining or passing through Sections 8s and 6s, Hora­ and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of hora Settlement, Blocks IV, Maungatautari, and XVI, Cam­ the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that the bridge Survey Districts, and terminating at the northern portions of road described in the Schedule hereto shall, on and boundary of the aforesaid Section 6s ; being a distance of after the date of this Order in Council, become a county road. one mile, more or lees. As the said road is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 54623, deposited in SCHEDULE. the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, in ALL that portion of the Takaputahi Road, in the Auckland the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured red. Land District, Opotiki County, commencing at a point about F. D. THOMSON, 80 chains north of the junction of the Whitikau and Nga Clerk of the Executive Council. Upoko Tangata Streams,.and proceeding thence generally in a northerly direction for a distance of 80 chains, more or less, Fia'ing Fees in connection with Letter~ of N at·uraJ,i,ation itnd.er along the left bank of the Takaputahi Stream, adjoining or the Aliens· Act, 1908. passing through part Section 2, Block XVI, Waiawa Survey District. JELLICOE, Govemor-General. Also all that portion of the aforesaid road commencing at ORDER IN COUNCIL. its junction with the Mangaaland Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting (Samoan) Expeditionary Force 1mder the by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council Expeditionary Forces Act, 1915 0 5 0 of the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that the Letters of naturalization granted in other cases .. 10 0 0 portion of road described in the Schedule hereto shall, on and Endorsement of anv certificate or letters of after the date of this Order in Council, become a county road. naturali7.ation obtained out of New Zealand 10 0 0 Certified copy of any certifirate or letters of SCHEDULE. naturalization 0 10 0 ALL that portion of the Wanganui River Road (right bank), F. D. THOMSON, in the Taranaki Land District, Ohura County, commencing at Cle;:-k of the Executive Council 1740 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'l'TE. [No. 53

Lice118e authorizing the Spring,•-Ellesmere Electric-power Board 18. REQUIREMENTS OF SPRINGS AND ELLESMERE COUNTY to erect Electric Line8 in the Springs-Ellesmere Electric- COUNCILS AND THE SOUTHBRIDGE TOWN BOARD. power District. N otwithstand.ing anything hereinbefore contained, the -- licensee shall not be entitled to erect, maintain, or use any JELLICOE, Governor-General. electric lines within the counties of Springs and Ellesmere ORDER IN COUNCIL. and the Town District of Southbridge except subject to ,mch conditions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this license At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of and tho regulations relating thereto, or any variation of July, 1922. this license or the regulations, or new regulations which may Present: take the place of these regulations, as may from time to HIS EXCELLENCY THIil GoVERNOR-GlllNEBAL IN COUNCIL. time be agreed upon between the licensee and each of the said Councils and Board. I N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1911, and of all other 9. BARE WIRES. powers in anywise enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting Notwithstanding anything herein contained, no bare elec­ by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council tric lines shall be erected unless and until the regulations of the said Dominion, doth-subject to the conditions set have been strictly complied "ith. forth in the Schedule hereto, and to the regulations made under section two of the first-mentioned Act, and dated the 10. CONVERSION OF LINES FROM EARTH-WORKING TO twenty-second day of September, one thousand nine hundred METALLIC, and nineteen, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the licensee the twenty-fifth day of the same month, or any regulations shall bear the cost of converting the Post and Telegraph hereafter made in amendment thereof or in substitution Department's lines which are now erected from earth-working therefor (and hereinafter collectively referred to as " the to metallic if required by the Minister of Telegraphs. regulations"), and which regulations shall be deemed to be F. D. THOMSON, incorporated herein-hereby authorize the Springs-Ellesmere Clerk of the Executive Council. Electric - power Board (hereinafter referred to as " the licensee") to erect and maintain electric lines for lighting, power, and heating purposes within the area of supply here­ License authorizing the Oparau Co-operatfre Dairy Company inafter described, such electric lines at present proposed to (Limited) to 'U8e Water from the Mangapapa Stream far be erected being indicated on the plan marked P.W.D. 53499, the purpose of generating Electricity and to erect Electric -and deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works Line.• in partion of the Kawhia Caunty. at Wellington, in the Wellington Land District. JELLICOE, Governor-General. SCHEDULE. ORDER IN COUNCIL. 1. AREA OF SUPPLY. At the Government House at Wellington, tbia 3rd day of THE area of supply comprises the Springs-Ellesmere Electric­ July, 1922. - power District duly constituted by Proclamation dated the 1st July, 1920, and published in the New Zealand Gazette Present: No. 65, page 2123 of 8th idem. His EXCELLENCY THE GovERNOR-GENl!lRAL IN COUNCIL. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon 2. SYSTEM OF SUPPLY. I him by the Public Works Amendment Act, 1908, and Electrical energy shall be received in bulk from the iake the Public Works Amendment Act, 1911, and of all other Coleridge supply at Public Works Department substations powers in anywise enabling him in that behalf, His Excellency located at the Selwyn River and Motukarara, on the three- the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, phase system, in accordance with paragraph (e) of_olause 3 of Iacting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive the regulations. Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby grant to the 3. DATUM TEMPERATURE. Opara~ Co-operative Dairy Co~pany (Limited) (hereinafter, with its successors and asSigns, referred to as " the For the purpose of calculating the stresses as provided in licensee ")-subject to the terms· and conditions set forth clause 15 of the regulations, the datum temperature shall be in the Schedule hereto and to the regulations dated th

.County, at a point indicated on the plan marked P.W.D., 13. VARIATION IN CONDITIONS OF LICENSE. · !'4391, deposite~ ~ the offic~ of the Minister at Wellington, The terms and conditions of this licel)Sll may at any time m the Land D1Btnct of Wellington. or from time to time, at the request or with the consent in writing of the licensee, be altered by the Governor-General 4, GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORKS, by Order in Council. The licensee is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, and use the following works for the purposes of this license ; 14. SURRENDER OF LICENSE. the position of the said works being indicated on the plans The licensee may at any time, with the consent of the marked P.W.D. 54391 and 54392 hereinbefore referred to:- Minister, surrender this license, and shall thereupon, if so (a.) Headworks consisting of a dam and necessary intake. required by the Minister, remove from the ground all removable (b.) Pipes, water-races, or flumes leading from such dam equipment, machinery, buil

of Part IX of the Property Law Act 1908 apply to this I Preacribing the Rate of Interut that may be paid by the Oamat"!f license. ' ' · Borough Council in rupect of a Loan of £22,000 for repaying its Antecedent Liability. 24. CONTRACT BETWEEN LICENSEE AND CROWN. This license shall be deemed to constitute a contract as JELLICOE, Governor-General. between ·the licensee and His Majesty the King, and may be ORDER IN COUNCIL. enforoed as a contract by and against His said l\fajesty or the licensee accordingly. At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. 25. TntfE FOR SUBSTANTIAL Col\IPLETION OF WORKS. Present: The licensee shall substantially complete the works hereby Hrs ExCELLIINCY THE GOVERNOR-GENDAL IN CoUNCIL. authorized within a period of one year from the date of this license or within such further time as the Minister may allow W HEREAS section eleven of the Finance Act, 1921, as in the'event of the work being delayed by strikes, lockouts, a.mended by section six of the Loos.I Bodies' Loans breakdowns, or other unavoidable ca.uses not due to any Amendment Act, 1921, provides that, notwithstanding any­ thing to the contrary in any Act or in any rule of law, whePe neglect by the licensee. a local authority or public body has been authorize

Borough Council may borrow the said sum of four thousand I "The Wellington City Council, being the local authority pounds shall be ten years, and the said Hamilton Borough ! having control of the streets in the City of Wellington, Council is hereby authorized to borrow the said sum of four hereby declares that the provisions of section one hundred thousand pounds for this term. and seventeen of the Public Works Act, 1908, shall not apply F. D. THOMSON, to that portion of the western side of Adelaide Road begin­ Clerk of the Executive Council ning at its junction with Britomart Street and extending for a distance of 75·75 links, being frontage of Lot 1 and part Lot 2, part Town Section 1016, as set out in certificate of title, Volume 62, folio 277, in office of the District Land Revoking Order in Council licensing Louisa Ann Bigwood to Registrar " ; use a.nd occupy Part of the Fore•hore at Taieri Mouth as a subject to the condition that no building or part of a building Site for a Jetty. shall at any time be erected on the western side of the portion of Adelaide Road described in the Schedule hereto within a JELLICOE, Governor-General. distance of thirty-three feet from the centre-line of the said ORDER IN COUNCIL. portion of street. At the Government House at Wellington, this 26th day of June, 1922. SCHEDULE. ALL that portion of street, situated in the Wellington Land Present: District, City of Wellington, known as Adelaide Road, abutting Hrs ExcBLLBNCY THB Gov11RNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcIL. on Lot 1 and part Lot 2, part Town Section 1016. As the "'\"-XTHEREAS by Order in Council dated the twelfth day said portion of street is more particularly delineated on the V \' of December, one thousand nine hundred and plan marked P,W.D. 54145, deposited in the office of the twenty-one, and published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 103, Minister of Public Works at Wellington, in the Wellington of the fifteenth day of the same month, Louisa Ann Bigwood Land District, and thereon coloured red. was licensed to use and occupy part of the foreshore at F. D. THOMSON, Taieri Mouth as a site for a jetty, as shown on plan marked Clerk of the Executive Council. l\i.D. 5399, and deposited in the office of the Marine Depart­ ment at Wellington: · And whereas the licensee has made application to have The Southern Side of Portion of Kara/ca Stred and the Northern the said license revoked, and it is desira hie to revoke the Side of Portion of Randolph Street, in the City of A uclcland, same: exempted from the Provisions of Section 117 of the Public Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of TV arks Act, 1908, subject to a Condition as to the Building­ the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of li:ne. the power and authority conferred upon him by the Harbours Act, 190R, and of all other powers and authorities enabling JELLICOE, Governor-General. him in that behalf, and acting by. and with the advice and ORDER IN COUNCIL. corusent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of hereby revoke the hereinbefore-recited Order in Council July, 1922. - dated the twelfth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and the rights and privileges thereby Present: conferred. Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GovERNo&-GENIIRAL rN CouNCIL. F. D. THOMSON, N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the Clerk of the Executive Council. I Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in any• wise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with 'Phird Schedule of the Noxious Weeds Act, 1908, extended to the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said include Japanese Wineberry.-Notice No. 2184 Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Auckland City Council on the fifteenth day of JELLICOE, Governor-General. June, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, viz.:- " That the Auckland City Council, having control of ORDER IN COUNCIL. Karaka and Randolph Streets, Auckland, by resolution At the Government House at Wellington, this 26th day of declares that the provisions of section one hundred and June, 1922. seventeen of the Public Works Act, 1908, shall not apply Present: to the said streets fronting .Lots 77 to 82 (inclusive) of Allotment 5, Section 7, Suburbs of Auckland ...... "; Hrs ExcELLENOY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNorL. subject to the condition that no building or part of a building .N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities shall at any time be erected on the southern side of the portion I . conferred upon him by the Noxious Weeds Act, 1908 of Karaka Street and the northern side of the portion of (hereinafter called "the said Act"), His Excellency the Randolph Street described in the Schedule hereto within a Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting distance of twenty-five feet from the centre-line of ·the said by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council portions of streets. of the said Dominion, doth here by extend the operation of .'.the Third Schedule of the said Act by including therein the SCHEDULE. '.:plant known as Japanese wineberry (Rub11s phcenicolasfos), ALL that portion of street, situated in the North Auckland ; and it is hereby declared that this Order shall come into force Lflnd District, City of Auckland, known as Karaka Street, ;on the day of the publication hereof in the Gaze.tie. abutting on Lots 78, 80, and 82 of Allotment 5, Section 7, F. b. THOMSON, Suburbs of Auckland. Clerk of the Executive Council. Also all that portion of street, situated in the said land dis­ trict and city, known as Randolph Street, abutting on Lots 77, 79, and 81 of Allotment 5, Section 7, Suburbs of Auckland. The W eatern Side of Portion of Addaide Road, in the City of ~s the said portions of streets are more parti~ular!y Wellington, exempted from the Provisions of Section 117 of dehneated on the fl'.'n ma~ked 1'..W.D. 54694, de.\'os1ted ~n the Public Works Act. 1908 subject to a Condition as to the I the office of the M1mstcr of Public Works. at Wellmgton, m Building-line. · ' the Wellington Land District, and thereon coloured blue. - F. D. THOMSON, JELLICOE, Governor-General. I Clerk of the Executive Council. ORDER IN COUNCIL. f I Portion of Charlotte Street, in the City of A uclcland, ex~mpted At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day o from the Provisions of Section 117 of the Public Works Act, July, 1922. 1908, s,wject to a Condition as to the Building-line. Present: Hrs EXCELLENCY THII GoVERNOR-GIINERAL rN CouNcIL. JELLICOE, Governor-General. 1N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the ORDER IN COUNCIL. Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the July, 1922. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council P,·ps,•nt Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL. of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following 1 resolution passed by the Wellington City Council on the : .N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the thirtieth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and I Public Works Act, 1908, and of all other powers in twenty-two, viz.:- anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the 1744 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53

Governor,General of the Dominion of New Zealand, aoting I doth hereby revoke the regula.tions made by the hereinbefore• by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council recit.ed Order in Council of the thirtieth day of December of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following one thousand nine hundred and nine, and doth make th; resolution passed by the Auckland City Council on the seven- following regulations amending the said regulations of the t.eenth day o~ November, one thousand nine hundred and sixth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and eight, twenty-one, viz.:- " That the Auckland City Council, having control of Charlotte Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland, by resolution REGULATIONS. declares that the provisions of section onel hundred and 1. SET-NETS having an opening of not more than 9 square seventeen of the Public Works Act, 1908, ;hall not apply feet may be used for the taking of whitebait in the Manawatu to the said portion of the street fronting Lots 40 and 56 Rive~ and its tributaries, and the drains flowing thereinto ; and 24 to 39 of Allotment 2. of Section 5 of the Suburbs of provrded that not less than 1 ft. clear space of water shall Auckland"; be between the end of the net and the bank of the river, subject to the condition that no building or part of a building tributary, or drain opposite from where any person is using shall at any time be erect.ed on either side of the portion of such net. Charlotte Street described in the Schedule hereto within a 2. No person shall ·use more than one set-net, or use a distance of twenty-five feet from the centre-line of the said set-net and hand-net at the same time, or place a set-net or portion of street. use any fishing-net within a distance of 2 chains from another net on the said river and its tributaries and drains flowing SCHEDULE. thereinto. 3. Any person using a set-net shall be in attendance on ALL that portion of street, situated in the North Auckland such net, which shall be removed from the water as 1100n as Land District, City of Auckland, known as Charlotte Street, such person has finished fishing. abutting on Lota 24 to 39 and 40 to 56 of Allotment 2, 4. When any person has ceased fishing and removed his Section 5, Suburbs of Auckland. As the same is more par­ net from a certain place in the said river or its tributaries ticularly delineated on the plan marked P. W.D. 53294, or the drains flowing thereinto, then any other person may deposited in the offioe of the Minister of Public Works at use a net in such place which has been vacated. Wellington, in the Wellington Land District, and thereon 5. Any person committing a breach of the foregoing regula.­ coloured blue. · tions shall be liable to a penalty of not less than £1 and not F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive pouncil. exceeding £20, except where otherwise specially provided. F. D. THOMSON, Clerk of the Executive Conncil. SO'l.lth African Oualom8 Reciprocity Treaty terminated.

JELLICOE, Governor-Genera!. Opening Lands in Auckland Land District for Bale or Selection. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of JELLICOE, Governor-General. July, 1922. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Present: I conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1908, I, John Hrs EXCBlLLENCY TRB GOVBBNOB-GENBBAL IN COUNCIL. Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby declare and provide I conferred upon him by the Customs Amendment Act, as follows, that is to sav :- 1921, and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in 1. The rural landa eiiumerated in the Schedule hereto are this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the hereby set apart for disposal by way of sale or selection on Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and Monday, the twenty-eighth day of August, one thousand nine consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hundred and twenty-two, at the respective prices specified hereby terminate the reciprocal Customs Treaty made between in the said Schedule, and shall be deemed to be "heavy-bush His Majesty's Government of New Zealand and His Majesty's land." Governments of the then South African Colonies and 2. The said lands may be purchased for cash, or be selected Territories following-that is to say, the Colony of the Cape for occupation with·right of purchase, or on renewable lease. of Good Hope, the Colony of Natal, the Orange River Colony, 3. After the first half-year's rent has been paid by the the Transvaal, and Southern Rhodesia ; and doth direct selector the further instalments of rent payable by him for a that this Order in Council shall come into force on and from period of three years shall not be demanded ; provided that if the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred and at any time during the first five years of his occupancy the twenty-two. selector disposes of his interest in the land the rent so con­ F. D. THOMSON, ceded shall be paid by him in full, and thereupon the Land Clerk of the Executive Council. Board may remit such instalments of rent payable by the incoming tenant, not exceeding in the aggregate the amount of rent previously conceded to the selector, as the Board Re,gulatione a& to Taking of Whitebait in the Manawatu River shall think fit. and its Tributaries.

JELLICOE, Governor-General. SCHEDULE. ORDER IN COUNCIL. AucKLAND LAND DrsTRICT.-0TOROHA.NOA Com,TY.­ WHAREPAPA SURVEY DISTRICT, At the Government House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. Second-class Heaf!y-bush Land. Present: (Exempt from Rent for Three Years.) Hrs EXCIILLBNCY TRB GoVBBNOB-GIINBIUL IN COUNCIL, ooouwrhtlon Reqewable HEREAS by Order in Council dat.ed the sixth day of Capital Right of Leaoe: W October, one thousand nine hundred and eight, and Section. Block. Arca. Value. Pnrehase: Half-yearly published in the New Ze,oJ;;,,nd Gazette No. 76, of the eighth Half.yearly Rent. day of the same month, certain regulations were made pro­ Rent. ------viding, amongst other things, for the use of set-nets for ta.king A, B. p, £ £ s. d. £ s. d. whitebait : · 880 22 0 And whereas by Order in Council dated the thirtieth day 1 VIII 309 0 0 0 0 17 12 of December, one thousand nine hundred and nine, and 8 261 1 0 720 18 0 0 14 8 0 248 0 1,060 26 10 0 21 4 0 published in the New Zealn,nd Gazette No. 1, of the thirteenth 12 0 day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ten, addi­ 14 255 0 0 1,000 25 0 0 20 0 0 15 268 2 0 1,000 25 Q 0 20 0 0 tional regula.tions were made as to the ta.king of white bait 1,020 20 in the Manawatu River and its tributaries : 1 xir 240 0 0 25 10 0 8 0 And whereas it is desirable to revoke such regulations of 3 237 0 0 1,000 25 0 0 20 0 0 the thirtieth day of December, one thousand nine hundred The block is situated on the eastern side of the Otorohanga. and nine, and make other regulations in lieu thereof : County, the eastern boundary of the. area extending nearly Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of to the Waikato River. The north-eastern end of the block the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance of the power is about five miles above Arapuni. Access to the block may and authority conferred upon him by the fifth section of the be obtained from Kihikihi, which is three miles from Tc Fisheries Act, 1908, and of all other powers and authorities Awamutu Railway-station, on the Main Trunk Railway. enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice The northern end of the block is about twenty-five miles and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, south-eastward from Kihikihi, and the distance to the JULY 6.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1745 farthest sections is a bout thirty-three miles. The road is I access is from New Plymouth, twenty-five miles distant, or formed to within a short distance of the northern boundary, there is another access by right-of-way through Puniho Pa, and provision has been made for continuing the formation which is practicable for vehicular traffic. The section com­ of necessary roads of access to all the sections. Access may prises chiefly undulating fern-country which has once been also be obtained to the majority of the sections from Putaruru ploughed and grassed, and also about 10 acres of native bush Railway-station on the Rotorna line, the distance varying in the north-east corner.· The soil is of volcanic loam of from about nineteen to twenty miles. fair depth and quality, resting on volcanic brecoia. The The land in Blocks VIII and XII is mostly flat to easy forest is heavy mixed bush, comprising kohekohe, ngaio, undulating, somewhat broken in places, and partly covered mahoe, rewarewa, karaka, titoki, with a few tawa, rata, with forest comprising principally tawa, maW, rimu, and a and pukatea. Elevation ranges from about 200 ft. to 240 ft. few scattered totara-trecs, with a fairly thick undergrowth above sea-level. of supplejac~, raurekau, mahoe,. pung3:, &c. _The. soil is Section 43, Block V : Area, 102 acres 2 roods 6 perches· mostly of a li~ht loamy nature, mixed WI~h pmmce. m parts, Capital value, £930. Occupation with right of purchase : the whole rest~g on a sandstone or rhyolitc format10n. 1:he Half-yearly rent, £23 6s. Renewable lease: Half-yearly open country 1s capable of early development, the locality rent £18 12s generally. being suitable for dairying. The bush _land and Situated 0 ~ the Puniho Road, about two miles up from the areas adJ~cent thereto are generally of better quality. The South Road by metalled road. There is also access by the open s.ect1ona. at the ?outhern end o~ the block are broken, Mirikau Road (unformed). Access is from New Plymouth, and w,ll re9u11-e considerable expenditure to de;elop. _Most which is about twenty-three miles distant by the South of the section~ are _well watered by streams. The alfatude Road and Puniho Road, both of which are metalled. The ranges from 3o0 ft. t.0 1,960 f~. above se~-level. section comprises level and undulating bush country, open NOTE.-Areas subject fo slight alteration. along Matanehunehu Stream. The soil is of sandy loam, As witness the hand of His Excellency the Govemor­ resting on volcanic-breccia formation fairly close to the General, this 3rd day of July, 1922. surface, making soil in parts somewhat swampy. The forest is heavy mixed bush, comprising tawhero, rewarewa, tawa, D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. rimu, rata, pukatea, kohekohe, kaiwhiria, mahoe, and houhou. The elevation ranges from about 200 ft. to 240 ft. above sea-level. Open·ing tands i1t Taranaki Land District for Sale or Sdection. IMPROVEMENTS. JELLICOE, Governor-General. The improvements included in the capital value of the land are as follows : Section 40, half share of 104 chains boundary N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities fencing, valued at £39. Section 41, half share of 66 chains I conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1908, I, John boundary fencing, valued at £21 ; this does not include the Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the fence on the western boundary from Mirikau Road southward, Domillion of New Zealand, having received the report of as this has been re-erected by the adjoining native lessee the U nder-Seoretary in this behalf, as provided by section since the Crown acquired the block. Section 42, half share one hundred and fifty-four of the said Act, do hereby of 42 chains boundary fencing and 18 chains of internal declare that the lands described in the Schedule hereto shall fencing, valued at £29. Section 43, half share of 77 chains be open for sale or selection on Monday, the twenty-first boundary fencing and 7 chains internal fencing, valued at £34. day of August, one thousand nine hundred and twenty- two; and also that the lands mentioned in the said GENERAL DEsoRIP;ION. Schedule may, at the option of the applicant, be pur- This block is situated between the Puniho and Ruakere chased for cash, or be selected for occupation with right of purchase, or on renewable lease; and I do hereby also fix ~oads, with acc~ss by the Ruakere Roa~ from Warea, "'.hich the prices at which the said lands shall be sold, occupied, or is about one nu!c. and three-~uarters distant! and ~y ng~t­ leased, as mentioned in the said Schedule hereto, and do of-way from Pumho. There is a motor mai!-sel'Vlce tWice declare that the said lands shall be sold, occupied, or leased a day from Ne~ Plymouth _along th~ South Roa~ close to the under and subject to the provisions of the Land Aot 1908. : bloc~. The .sml generally is. vo!caruc )oall; of fair depth and ' quality, restmg on a volcamc gravel, which approaches the surface in places making the soil somewllat swampy. The SCHJ

Opening Settlement Land in Taranaki Land District for Consul-General fw the Republic of Poland at Auckland Selection. appointed.

JELLICOE, Governor-General. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 28th June, 1922. I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities .IS Excellency the Governor-General directs it to be conferred upon me by the Land Act, 1908, and the R notified that he has been informed by His J\lajesty's La,nd for Settlements Aet, I908, and amendments, I, John Secretary of State for the Colonies that the King's Exequatur Rushworth, Viscount ,Jellicoe, Governor - General of the empowering Dominion• of New Zealand, do hereby declare that the The Honourable GEORGE EARP settlement lands described in the Schedule hereto shall be open for selection on renewable lease on Monday, the to act as . Consul-General for the Republic of Poland at twenty-first day of August. one thousand nine hundred and Sydney, with jurisdiction over New Zeal;md, received His twenty-two, at the rehtals mentioned in the said Sched11le; J\lajesty's signature on the 20th J<'ebruary, 1922. and I do also declare that the said lands shall be leased WM. DOWNIE STEWART, under and subject to the provisions of the said Acts. J\linister of Internal Affairs.

SCHEDULE. NoTE.-Published in substitution of notice appearing in New Zwland Gazette No. 20, of the 16th March, 1922. TARANAKI LAND DISTRIOT.-FIRST-CLASS LAND. Taranaki County.-Paritutu Survey District.-Huaroki Settlement. Consul of Serbia at Auckland appointed.

Section. Area. \ Capital Value, I Half-yearly Rent. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 30th June, 1922. Excellency the Governor- General directs it to be "'-· R. P. £ £ s. d. LT1S 8s 8 1 35 270 6 1 6 L:._ no,ified that he has been informed by His Majesty's lls 8 2 10 810 18 4 6 Secretary of State that the Exequatur empowering 12s 7 1 25 810 18 4 6 Mr. G. L. ScANSIE 13s 5 1 35 660 14 17 0 to act as Serbian Consul at Auckland received His Majesty's 14s 4 1 31 550 12 7 6 signature on the 25th April, 1922. 15s 5 1 6 580 13 l 0 17s 10 0 7 740 16 13 0 WM. DOWNIE STEWART, 18s 5 1 38 710 15 19 6 Minister of Internal Affairs. 20s 4 2 33 540 12 3 0 18 13 6 25s 18 0 18 830 Justice of the Peace resigns. 28s 12 3 28 630 14 3 6 The Huatoki Settlement is sit11ated just outside the Borough Department of Justice, of New Plymouth, close to the suburb of Vogeltown. It has Wellington, 5th July, 1922. been cut into suburba.n. allotments suitable for gardening, IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased poultry-farming, bee-keeping, and running a few cows. In H to accept the resignation by places the land is badly overrun with gorse, blackberry, and ALFRED VINCENT TAIT, Esq., fern ; but in small-size allotments these should soon be eradicated. of Kaponga, of his appointment as a Justice of the Peace The Saxton and Bush Roads are completely formed as for the Dominion of New Zealand. earth roads, also the H uatoki Road from Carrington Road to E. P. LEE, Minister of Justice. the southern end of Section 8s, and from the Doralto Road to its junction with the Bush Road. It is proposed to metal the Saxton Road at once, and the Huatoki Road later on. Marshal of the Supreme Court appointed. As wit.ness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Department of J ustfoe, General, this 30th day of Jtme, 1922. Wellington, 3rd July, 1922. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased H to appoint Arrangements /err Ji'irst Election, &c., Taupo Road District. GEORGE GALLOWAY CmsHOLM, Esq., to be a Marshal of the Supreme Court of New Zealand at Department of Internal Affairs, Napier in respe'ct of its jurisdiction as a Colonial Court Wellington, 30th June, 1922. of Admiralty under the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased 1890. H to appoint E. P. LEE, Minister of Justice. Constable THOMAS JoIINSON, of Taupo, i as Returning Officer and person to prepare the roll of electors ·1 Coroner appointed. for the first election of members of the Board of the Taupo Road District, as constituted by the Waikato and King­ Department of Justice, Country Counties Act, 1921-22; also to appoint Saturday, I Wellington, 30th June, 1922. the 15th day of July, 1922, to be the day on which such first IS· Excell.ency the Governor-General has been pleased election shall be held; and also to appoint Saturday, the H to appoint 22nd day of July, 1922, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, to be RonER'.l' MONTGOMERY SOMERVILLE, Esq., J.P., the time, and the Courthouse, Taupo, to be the place, at which the first meeting of the Board so elected shall be held. of Te Kuiti, to be a Coroner within the Dominion of New Zealand. WM. DOWNIE STEWART, E. P. LEE, Minister of Justice. Minister of Internal Affairs. ~---~-----~------Members of Licensing Committees appointed. Offictrs for the Purpost1 of Part II of the Fisheries Act, WOB, appointed. Department of Justice, Wellington, 3rd July, 1922. Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 29~h June, 1922. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased H to appoint IS Excellency the Governor-General has, in pursua.nce FRANK GRIFFEN H a.nd exercise of the power and authority conferred by section 79 of the Fisheries Act, 1908, appointed to be a member of the Licensing Committee for the district WILLI.6.11! KEITH, of Dunedin, and of Riccarton, vice A. Freeman, resigned ; and HUGH THOMPSON BuTTON, of Clinton, J!,..MES WREN to be Officers for the purposes of Part II of that Act. to be a member of the Licensing Committee for the district of Dunedin, vice Isaac Green, resigned. WM. DOWNTF. STEWART, Minister of Internal Affairs. E. P. LEE, Minister of Justice JULY 6. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1747

Clerks of Licensing Committees appointed. Chairman of the Board of Examiners appointed for the Purpose of Section 17 (3a) of the Inspection o.f Machinery Department of Justice, Act, 1908. Wellington, 3rd July, 1922. IS Excellency the Governor-General he.s been plee.sed Office of Public Service Commissioner, H to appoint Wellington, 29th June, 1922. GEORGE GALLOWAY CHISHOLM HE Public Service Commissioner has made the follow­ T ing appointment in the Public Service:- . to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the districl of Ne.pier, vice M. Foley, transferred; NEIL DICKSON Hoon HENRY MORGAN to be Chairman of the Board of Examiners in accordance with the provisions of section 17 (3A) of the Inspection of to be Clerk of the Licensing Committee for the district of Machinery Act, 1908, as from the 26th day of June, 1922. Nelson, i•ice W. Parker; and A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. MICHAEL FOLEY to be Clerk of the Licensing Committees for the districts of Dunedin, Dunedin South, e.nd Chalmers, vice G. H. Lang, transferred. Chief Surveyor of Ships, &c., appointed. E. P. LEE, Minister of Justice. Office of Public Service Commissioner, Wellington, 29th J nne, 1922. Clerk of Courts, &c., appointed. rp HE Public Service Commissioner has made the fol­ ...... _ lowing appointment in the Public Service :- Department of Justice, Wellington, 5th July, 1922. NEIL DICKSON Hoon IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to be Chief Surveyor of Ships, Chief Inspector of Machinery, H to appoint and Chief Examiner for the purposes of the Inspection of Constable HENRY BLUIIRES Machinery Act, 1908, and its amendments, as from the 23rd day of June, 1922. to be Clerk a.nd Bailiff of the M .. gistre.te's e.nd Warden's A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. Courts, Receiver of Gold Revenue, and Mining Registrar e.t Tapanui, on e.nd from the 15th June, 1922, vice Constable R. T. Beadle, transferred. E. P. LEE, Minister of Justice. Registrars of Brands for the Purposes of the Stock Act, 1908, appointed. Appointment of Officer nnder Part II of tM Fisheries Act, 1908. Office of Public Service Commissioner, Wellington, 5th July, 1922. Marine Department, HE Public Service Commissioner has made the fol­ Wellington, 28th June, 1922. T lowing ~ppointments in the Public Service:- I T is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor­ W ALTER DALGLIESH General has, in pursuance of the provisions of the to be Registrar of Brands under the Stock Act, 1908, for Fisheries Act, 1908, and of the Official Appointments and the Golden Bay Branding Registration District, as from Documents Act, 1919, appointed the 22nd June, 1922. DAISY PAERATA HAWIKI, w ALTER SCOTT of Ruatoki, Bay of Plenty, to be an Officer for the purposes of to be Registrar of Brands under the Stock Act, 1908, for Part II of the first-mentioned Act. the Buller Branding Registration District, as from the · G. JAS. ANDERSON, Minister of Marine. 22nd June, 1922. A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary.

Deputy Registrars of JI,[ arriages, &c., appointed.

Registrar-General's Office, Returning O{ficdrs appointed. Wellington, 4th July, 1922. T is hereby notified that the undermentioned persons have I been appointed to be Deputies of the Registrars .of Office of Public Service Commissioner, Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the districts set re­ Wellington, 5th July, 1922. spectively opposite their names, viz. :- HE Public Service Commissioner ha.a made the fol­ T lowing appointments in the Public Service:- Thomas Stanley Black Duntroon. Albert Nyanza Wallace Huntly. FRANK MITCHELL to be the Returning Officer for the Electoral District of W. W. COOK, Registrar-General. Rotorua. for the purposes of the Legislature Act, 1908, a.a from tl;l.e 26th day of June, 1922. Registrars of Births, &c., appointed. THOMAS JAMES MoCAWE to be the Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Office of Public Service Commissioner, Wallace for the purposes of the Legislature Act, 1908, as Wellington, 28th June, 1922. from the 23rd da.y of June, 1922. HE Public Service Commissioner has made the follow­ A. C. TURNBULL, SecretarY.. T ing appointments in the Public Service :- DAVID BARNETT to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Whirinaki, as from the 19th June, 1922. Clerks of Magistrates' Courts appointed. JORN UNO BEER to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Pamoana, Office of Public Service Commissioner, as from the 12th June, 1922. Wellington, 5th July, 1921. HE Public Service Commissioner has me.de the fol­ (Mrs.) MARY DINAH GILLESPIE T lowing appointments in the Public Service:- to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Jllaoris at Karioi, as from the 1st July, 1922. CECIL JOHN HRWLETT SYDNEY JOHN STRONG to be Clerk of the Magistrate's Court a.t Auckland for the purposes of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1908, as from the to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Waitahanui, 15th day of June, 1922; and as from the 12th June, 1922. JACK RICCARTON DEAL THOMAS THOMSON to be Clerk of the Magistrate's Court e.t Balclutha. for the to be Registrar of Births and Deaths of Maoris at Te Rawhiti, purposes of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1908, as from the as from the 16th June, 1922. 16th day of June, 1922. A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. A. C. TURNBULL, Secretary. 1748 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. (No. 53

Appointment of Engineer M~mber of Plumbers' Board. The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains (4th Battalion). Dated 10th June, 1922 :- Health Department, N. R. W. Thomas. K. L. Vickerman. · Wellington, 30th June, 1922. R. Worley, Jf.C. J. A. D. Ritchie. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to 2nd Lieutenant R. W. Harman to be Lieutenant (5th C. H appoint, under section 3, snbsection (1) (c), of the Plumbers Registration Act, 1912, Battalion). Dated 24th June, 1922. WILLIAM HoBBARD MoRTON, Esq., M.Inst.C.E., M.R. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (1st Battalion). San. Inst., Engineer of the Corporation of the City of Dated 26th June, 1922 :- Wellington, Andrew Courtenay Gray. Kismet Kent Wragge. Charles Andrew Noble. to be a member of the Plumbers' Board of New Zealand, as from the 26th June, 1922. Philip Seabrook to be 2nd Lieutenant (on probation), (1st Battalion). Dated 26th June, 1922. C. J. PARR, Minister of Health. The Wellington Regiment. Appointment of Members of Plumbera' Board. Captain C. P. Worley is transferred to the Auckland Regimerlt (5th C. Battalion). Dated 22nd June, 1922. Department of Health, Major A. R. Ryder (8th C. Battalion) is transferred to the · Wellington, 27th June, 1922. Reserve of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 2. Dated 22nd T is hereby notified that, pursuant to the provisions of June, 1922. I the Plumbers Registration Act, 1912, and the regula­ 2nd Lieutenant J. A. Colquhoun is transferred to the Reserve tions thereunder, the undermentioned persons have been of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 6. Dated 22nd June, 1922. elected as members of the Plumbers' Board of New Zealand The Canterbury Regiment. by the Federated Association of Master Plumbers and the Federated Association of Journeymen Plumbers respectively, The undermentioned Lieutenants to be Captains :- as from the 26th June, 1922 :- S. D. Mason (1st Battalion). Dated 23rd February, 1922. E. A. P. Cockroft (8th C. Battalion). Dated 24th June, JAMES SANDILANDS DOUGLAS, Dunedin. 1922. JOHN CLARK, Auckland. With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand C. J. PARR, Minister of Health. Gazette No. 78, of 25th August, 1921, relating to Major J. L. Saunders, D.S.O., for the words " Dated 3rd August, 1921 (1st Battalion)" read "Dated 20th November, 1920 Public Trust Office.-Appointment of Agent at Alexandra. (5th C. Battalion)." Lieutenant F. Milroy is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, T is notified for public information that • Class I (b), R.D. 5. Dated 19th June, 1922. I Mr. C. E. RICHARDS The Otago Regiment. has been appointed agent of the Public Trust Office at Alexandra, vice Mr. John Rivers, resigned. The seniority of Captain J. M. Gillies (2nd Battalion) is ante­ Dated at Wellington this 28th day of June, 1922. dated to 25th July, 1920. The seniority of Lieutenant A. R. C. Smart (2nd Battalion) J. W. MACDONALD, Public. Trustee. is antedated to 15th March, 1917. 2nd Lieutenant H. Crawford, from the Reserve qf Officers, to be 2nd Lieutenant. with seniority as from 1st July, Public Trust Office.-.Appointment of Agent at 0/u:itham 1920. Dated 28th June, 1922. Islands. Captain A. Hoggans is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, Class TI (b), R.D. 11. Dated 27th June, 1922. T is notified for public information that I Constable RYAN HoLMES N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS, has been appointed agent of the Public Trust Office a, Major (temp.) (late Lieut.-Colonel N.Z. E.P.) T. Mill, C . .M.G., Chatham Isle.nds, vice Constable G. H. Fry, transferred. O.B.E., .M.B., is transferred to the Reserve of Officers, Dated at Wellington this 29th d~y of June, 1922. with the rank of Colonel. Dated 5th April, 1921. The notice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 29, of J. W. MACDONALD, Public Trustee. 13th April, 1922, relating to the transfer of the above-named officer to the Reserve of Officers is herebv cancelled. Captain (temp. 21fajor) J. G. Crawford, M.O., Il1.B., relinquishes Appointments, Promotions, Resignations, and Transfers of the temporary rank of Major. Dated 30th June, 1920. Officers of the N.Z. Staff Gorps and Territorial Force. The undermentioned to be Lieutenants :- Department of Defence, J. J. Valentine. Dated 1st July, 1921. Wellington, 5th July, 1922. John Morris Watters. Dated 7th April, 1922. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased Kenneth Scott. Dated 9th April, 1922. H to approve of the appointments, promotions, resig­ Kanfurly Percival Stanley Kelman. Dated 17th April, nations, and transfers of the undermentioned officers of the 1922. N.Z. Staff Corps and Territorial Force. RESERVE OF OFFICERS. Major p. l\L Polson is posted to the Retired List, under the N.Z. STAFF CORPS. prov1s10ns of paragraph 126, General Regulations, 1913. Francis Edward George Batley to be Lieutenant, with Dated 22nd June, 1922. seniority as from 14th December, 1921. Date.r 1st July, The notice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 18, 1922. of the 9th March, 1922, relating to 2nd Lieutenant W. THE REGIMENT OF N.Z. ARTILLERY. Mann is hereby cancelled. 2nd· Lieutenant E. 1<'. Clayton-Greene to be Lieutenant R. HEATON RHODES, Minister of Defence. (2nd Battery). Dated 22nd June, 1922. 2nd Lieutenant W. A. Moore, M.M. (18th Battery), is trans­ ferred to the Reserve of Officers, Class I (b ), R. D. I. Dated 22nd June, 1922. Jfember of House of Representatives elected.-Dunedin North 2nd Lieutenant (temp.) W. L.- Gibson (5th Battery) is posted Electoral District. to the Retired List, with the rank of Lieutenant. Dated 16th June, 1922. Clerk of the Writs Office, THE N.Z. INFANTRY. Wellington, 29th June, 1922. The Auckland Regiment. T HE Clerk of the Writs has received a return to ,he Captain C. P. Worley, from the Wellington Regiment, to writ issued on the 30th day of May, 1922, for the be Captain (5th C. Battalion), with seniority as from election of a. member of Parliament to serve in the House 23rd July, 1919. Dated 22nd June, 1922. of Representatives for the Electoral District of Dunedin 2nd Lieutenant [Captain, Reserve of Officers (temp.)] D. North, and by the endorsement on such writ it appears that Glanfield to be Captain (8th C. Battalion), with seniority JA111ES WRIGHT MUNRO as from the 23rd October, 1919. Dated 26th June, 1922. The notice published in the New· Zealand Gazette No. 89, of has been duly elected to serve as a member for the said 28th October, 1920, relating to the above-named officer district. is hereby cancelled. J. HISLOP, Clerk of the Writs. Promoliona, TratMJIJl'a, d,c,., in Ike Public Bffllio& ~ -- Office of the Pu'blio Service Com.miallioner, Wellingwn, 15th June, 1922. I:" I N accordance with the provisions ot section 60 of the Public Service Act, 1912, the Public Service Commissioner notifies tha.t he has approved of the following promotions, tra.uafen. &c., in ~ o the Public Servioe. -- A. C. TURNBULL, Becreta.ry. 0) OFFICERS PROMOTED.

Promoted from Promoted ,o Nam.a. Date. ·. Poaitlon. Place. PoslUon. Plaoe.

CUSTOMS DBPARTMENT, L'Estrange, Christopher •• .. I Clerk •• I Head Office, Wellington •• I Statistical Clerk,. . . I Head Office, Wellington . . , 18 May, 1922. t-:3 EDUCATION DEPARTM ~NT. Rogers, Herbert .• Head Teacher •• Native School, Whirinaki .. I Head Teacher Native School, Kaikohe 29 May, 1922. Tweed, Sarah Elizabeth Assistant Teacher I Native School, Huiarau • , Sole Teacher I Native School, Te Whaiti I 1 ,June, ~

MARINE AND INSPECTION OF MACHINERY DEPARTMENT. Willers, Percy Robert William J Assistant Keeper / Castlepoint . • I Principal Keeper •• I Portland Island • • I 24 April, 1922. ; MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT. ~ Churchman, James William . . I Senior Attendant I Seacliff . • I Deputy Charge Attendant .. I Seacliff • . I I May, 1922.


Quinlivan, ThomM .. I Clerk .. I State Coal Depot, Wellington J Manager I State Coal Depot, Christchurch I 1 Mar., 1922. PRISONS DEPARTMENT. ; Lauder, John James Henry Acting Principal Warder Auckland . . . . j Principal Warder Auckland .. 1 June, 1922. Trimble, Andrew .• I Principal Warder .. New Plymouth . . Chief Warder I Waikeria Reformatory 1

PUBLIC ,voRKS DEPARTMENT. Brydon, William ,Tames Storekeeper's Assistant Paeroa .. J Storekeeper • . . . Hamilton .. 3 April, 1922. i Lander, William .. Storekeeper Gisbome . . Acting District Storekeeper District Office, Wellingt.on 6 June, t-:3 INTERDEPARTMENTAL PROMOTIONS. ~ Hewitt, Mary Attendant Education D. epartml'nt, Indus- , Assistant Matron Prisons Department, Addington 1 June, 1922. trial School, Caversham Reformatory, Christchurch Webb, Water Charles J\fes.•enger (G) Internal Affairs Department, Clerk (C, VII) I Treasury Department, Welling­ 22 May, Wellington , tnn

I-' ~ ~ ~ OFFICERS TRANSFERRED. 1-" -:i Ot 0 Transferred from Transferred ,o Name. 0,.1;e. - Position. Place. Posl'1ou. I Place. I I

AGRIOULTURE DEPARTMENT. Ingram, Arthur Inspector of Stock Lawrence . • . . I Inspector of Stock Palmerston South 1 June, 1922. Paynter, Leona.rd* Orchard Instructor I Hamilton • • . . Orchard Instructor Christchurch I 25 May, ,.

CusToMs DEPARTMENT. Ames, Neil Haldane Cadet .. Head Office, Wellington I Cadet Greymouth 24 May, 1922. Fisher, Albert Clerk .• Clerk Gisbome 26 Haigh, Frank Gordon Statistical Clerk I Exe.mining Officer Wellington .. 18 Hawker, Charles Roland Clerk Clerk Christchurch 29 " Hepworth, John MacKenzie Gisbome Wellington •• 6 June, Stokes, James Edward Head Office, Wellington 29 May, ~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT. z t;J Leo, Winifred Annie I School N UI'S8 Wha.nga.rei . . . . I School N UI'S8 I Na.pier 2 May, 1922.

INTERNAL .AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT. ~ Furlong, Clement Anthony Cadet Hector Observatory, Wellington '. Cadet I Registration Office, Auckland 5 June, 1922. ~ Goldsworthy, William Harold Clerk Head Office, Wellington · Clerk · Office of Registrar of Births, &c., 1 I::;! Christchurch Johnson, Henry Robert Messenger Wellington • . Messenger Auckland 24 May, Ryan, William Charles Clerk .• Head Office, Wellington Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths, Dunedin 5 June, and Marriages, &c. INTJl:RNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT (RELIEVING STAFF). I Colquhoun, Duncan Clerk I Dunedin . . I Clerk I Wellington I 24 May, 1922. Q JUSTIOE DEPARTMENT. Stanaway, John •• Cadet •. • • I Dunedin , , . . I Cadet i Invercargill 3 April, 1922. ~ MARINE AND INBPEOTION OF fuOHINERY DEPARTMENT. ~ Leighton, Robert Henry Principal Keeper Moko Hinou . . I Principal Keeper Castlepoint I 22 May, 1922. Wilson, Robert Stephen I Portland Island . . ,, I Moko Hinou i 9 ,, ,, ~

MENTAL HOSPITALS. McGregor, Albert Edward •. Butcher I Seaoliff . . I Attendant I Seacliff . . I 1 June, 1022.

PuBLIO TBUST DEPARTMENT. Dunn, Violet Christina Shorthand-typist Timaru . . I Shorthand-typist Dunedin .. .. 1 Jnne, 1922. Goyder, John Joseph Gapey Hulme Clerk • • . • Napier . . Clerk . . . • Whangarei •. . • I I I 5 " " Stockman, Knmara Charles District Acconntant Gisbome . . Assistant Accountant District Office, Wellington 10 May, • Amending entry on page 1387 of New Zealand Gazette No. 41, of the 25th May, 1922. z ? Ot 0, OFFICER~ TRANSFERRED-continued. ~ c:1 t' ,

PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Coote, Robert Percy Storekeeper's Assistant Wellington Acting Senior Storekeeper's Assistant I Wellington 19 May, 1922. Wilson, Robert Alexander Assistant Engineer Huntly Assistant Engineer . . . . I Putaruru 23

INTERDEPARTMENTAL TRANSFERS. Chetwynd, William Cadet •. Land and Deeds Branch, Inland I Cadet Stamp Duties Branch, Inland 4 Feb., 1922. Revenue Department, Hoki- 1 Revenue Department, Hoki­ tika tika Cleaver, William Cleaner Internal Affairs Department, Caretaker Tourist and Health Resorts De­ 4 May, 8 Wellington partment, Little Barrier Island Joblin, Percy Augustus Cadet .• Relieving Staff, Internal Affairs , Cadet .. State Advances Department, 17 ,, Department, Wellington 'I Wellington ~ Lindsay, Jemima Margaret Clerk Attendant Education Department, Timaru Shorthand-typist Public Trust Department, Timaru) I June, Robinson, Morris Howard Assistant Photographer and Cine- Agriculture Department, Wei- 1 Assistant Photographer and Cine- Internal Affairs Department, 15 May, !Z matographer lington matographer Wellington ti;! Turner, John Stephen Clerk .. Stamp Duties Branch, Inland Clerk .. Land and Deeds Branch, Inland 4 Feb., Revenue Department, Hoki­ Revenue Department, Hoki­ ~ tika tika N Upham, John Cleve Pensions Departm!j"nt, Welling- Cadet .• Hector Observatory, Internal 6 June, ·· 1 Cadet .. , ti;! ton Affairs Department, Welling- ~ ~ t::,

~ti;! 8 ~

1--" -:i Ot..... 1752 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53


Name. Position.

AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT. Young, Alexander Percy .. Apiary Inspector I Timaru .. I 31 May, 1922. DEFENCE DEPARTMENT. Haselden, John Lane I Clerk .. J Wellington 1 June, 1922. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. Bedingfield, Rosa Maria* .. Dressmaker and Buyer .. I Wellington . . . . 11 April, 1922. Johnston, Grace Leitch .. Sole Teacher Native School, Te Whaiti .. 31 May, HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Dawson, Margaret Moore .. Bath Attendant Hanmer 5 May, 1922. Keightley, Nellie District Midwife I Pa.tea .. 19 April, ,, Sparkes, Emily Margaret .. Staff Nurse Christchurch 20 Feb., INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE DEPARTMENT. Paisley, Albert Accounts Clerk Wellington 31 May, 1922. INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT. Alley, Herbert Clerk . . . . : Registrar - General's Office, 12 June, 1922. i Wellington 1NT"1RNAL A,·,·Ams D>ePARTMENT (RELIEVING STAFF). Talbot, Dorothy Lydia . . I Clerk . . Wellington 31 May, 1922. ,JUS'l'1CE DIWARTMENT. Freeman, William Henry .. Clerk of Magistrate's Court Hawera :n J\fay, 1922. Hampton, Phyllis }Tay Shorthand·typist Patent Office, Wellington .. 14 June, ,, LANDS AND SURVEY DEPAR'fMENT. Fletcher, Jacob .. Oraughting Cadet .. I North Auckland Office, Auck-1 31 May, 1922. land Osborne, Stephen Joseph .. Clerk . . . . Head Office, Wellington . . 31 MENTAL HOSPITALS DEPARTMENT.

Hampton, Bessie Euphemia Nurse. . ! Seacliff 5 June, 1922. Hampton, Mary Elizabeth 5 Henderson, Irene 15 ,, McKerrow, Clarice Cicely .. Charge" Nurse 31 May, Mead, Catherine Ann Nurse .. Ch;lstchurch 28 ,, Morris, Kathleen Louise .. Seacliff .. 10 June, Robertson, Robert Attendant 31 May, Smith, Dora Margaret Farquh,u Nurse .. Tokanui 31 ,, Solomon, Ellen Scott Seacliff .. 6 June, PENSIONS DEPARTMENT. lllcMurchie, Marion Shorthand-typist i Head Office, Wellington 31 May, 1922. PRISONS DEPARTMENT. K.Arr, Harold Stanley Clifford Warder Templeton 31 May, 1922. PUBLIC TRUST DEPARTMENT. Hamilton, George Dacre Accounts Clerk .. ' Dist.riot Office, Wellington 12 June, 1922. Scott, Edna Violet Typist Head Office, Wellington 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Clarke, Charles Williarnt .• 1st Station Operator i Lake Coleridge . • . . 29 Mar., 1922.

Lunie, George Nicolst Overseer • • ! Marakopa . . . . 1 27 May, Robertson, Robert Stanley Storekeeper's Assistant Electrical Branch, Hamilton 1 June, * Amending entry on page 1082 of the New Zealand Ga'°tte No. 30, of 20th April, 1922. t Amending entries on page 1390 of the New Zealand Gazette No. 41, of 25th May, 1922.


Name. Position. Pla.oe. I Da.te left Service. I Reason left Service. ------~------INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Humphrey, Leonard Saxby Cadet .. ] Nelson 26 }fay, 1922 I Appointment an- I I nulled. INTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT (RELIEVING STAFF), Twiss, Frederick George Clerk .• I Wellington . . 12 Jurn,, 1922 /

LABOUR DEPARTMENT. Baldwin, William Alfred •. I Housing Inspector .. I Palmerston North , • I l June, 1922

LANDS AND SURVEY DEP.+l'7YFl"'J' O'Sullivan, John Edmond Clerical Cadet .. [ District 0£0 e "elltng- [ 31 May, 1922 Appointment au- Thomas ton nulled. MARINE AND INSPECTION OF MACHINE!\ ])JtpA.ft'fMENT. Voyle, Philip John Principal Keeper Akaroa Hea 5 June, 1922 Retired on super­ annuation. PRISONS DEPARTMENT, Smith, Archibald James .. Warder ! Auckland 31 May, 19221 Appointment an- nulled. Smith, George Francis Cor­ Borstal Institution, In­ 31 ,, Ditto. nelius vercargill STATE ADVANCES DEPARTMENT. Connor, Jane Dryburgh Cadette l June, 1922 Smith, Inis Mary : : I Well:~gton : : 1 'I) Services terminated under section 51 of the Public Service Act, 1912. JULY 6.) THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'.CTE. 1753

Governn,ent Meteorological Observatory. CLIMATOLOGICAL TABLE. MEANS AND TOTALS FROM THE CHIEF STATIONS. METEOROLOGICAL Observations, Wellington, for April, 1922. 9 the month of April, 1922. Observations ta.ken " I ~.E I Extremes. " a.m. I'" " , =Jfl l·~i Altitude of Observatory, 10 ft. ~': :a;!·~ , - ci. ci. "E g . I;,:; o '"""tii:-...... c .,;8 -- !"1' ~ I .!i.!I, Name of s,ation and I "< I "a "a Observer. I Cl)•.... • _ ·~ § ~.g :l~ ::l~ ~"" I ""' '°o· From Sell-registering Instru I ii~ for Twenty-four Houro prevl:i:~,] 'g ~i ~! £~~I~~! ~.9 il~ !' ~-E" 0 I :;i.aoo . :a 08 =::i.. I • ii """ :.: ~ .ac A~ ,1 _g :~1 a"'" . '"a.:.i . a"'" . s;· 1~ ;; .s: I I ~.--~ lb'!811 'f'l Points. ~] ~i ';;1.S Ft. NORTH ISLAND, Deg. Deg. Deg. 1 Dys. E-i;;"'" r 1 I ~"d,fi t.. g :~ 1;~ r$ 0 "" ]g 125 AUCKLAND 61·3 66·7155·9 116 15 i M"·"' d" ""'l!i.:i ~'.ll 5+> - I 1 ""~ !! ~ 0 &le, F. A. F. Burnett ! I"""~ ~- :r ::il "' 1~! f ~ 131 RUAKURA FARM, 56·3 67·8 44•8 1. 266 10 I I I I HAMILTON EAST \ Fah.i Fah. IFah. I Fab. I Fah.l I I I W. B. Monro I

1 30·280 co·o'l 44·6152·3 114·0 35·0 149 I 9 s.E. 1 4 46 TE ARoHA.. .. 57-7 66·7 48·7 310 JO 2 30·198 57·0. 40·1 48·51105·0 29·0 117 I 8 S.S.E. I. G. F. McGirr

3 30·llO 62·0 47·9 54·91124·0 39·5 82 f 101 N.W. 340[ WAIHI • . 57·7 67·0 48·4 II 263 9 4 30·020 62·0 53·2. 57·6 125·0. 51 ·3 2961101 N. I 1 I C. F. Sims 5 30·043 65·7' 53·3159·5 128·0 45·0 187 01 N. I 100 TAURANGA . . 57·4 67·2 47·7 II 287 11 6 30·039 70·21 61·2 65·7 127·0' 58·0 1511 9 N. I C. J. Butcher 1 7 29·929' 69·31 60·0164·6 128·0 57·3 223 7 N.W. I 925 ROTORUA . . I 56·1 65·7 46·5 I 606 13 8 29·942 66·81 58·3' 62·5 124·0 52·2 210 1 71 N.W. W. E. Penno ' ' 9 29·865. 68·oi 49·5158·7 126·01 39·0 107 I 91 Calm 1 . . NEW PLYMOUTH .• I 57·2 64·0 50·5 327 14 10 29·946 66·3153·3 59·8 122·0 46·01· 167110 S. Trace G. H. Dolby I 11 29·864' 60·7144·0 52·3 ll0·0[ 32·3 210 51N.N.W . . I 250 MOUMAHAKI • . 53·4 62·9 43·9 337 14 12 29·7711 63·0[ 57·8 60·4 126·0: 55·0 483 10,N N. W 7 J. G. McFarle.ne 13 29·588' 64·8 61·8 63·3 108·0! 60·0 615 · 7N N w 2080 TAIHA).'E •. .. I 51·3 58·6 44·0 183 17 14 29·598) 65·81 58 2 62·0 120·0, 54·01 392 1 N. 20 A. R. Fe.nnin I . , 1 15 29·872' 64·0 46·0 55·0 117·01 42•0 397 1 . S. . 100 PALMERSTON NORTH ·1 56•6 I 64·5 48·8 240 L! 16 30·1301 63·01 39·5 51-2 118·0 28·01 49 O N.N.E. i J. A. Colquhoun 17 30·041! 67·0157-5 62·2 ns·o! 49·8 1.96 61 N.W. I 119 CENTRAL DEVELOPMEN'rl 55·3 62·3 48·3 172 1~ 18 30·0111 70·2[ 54·4 62·3 122·0] 49·0: 181 9 N.W. I FARM, WERAROA I 1 19 29·614! 66·5161·0 6:Vi 125·0' 59·0 478 (i N.W. J. Beverley 67 .9 20 29,9421 71·3 50·4 60·8 116·01 37·5 144 o N. I 24 70 GREENMEADOWS, NA-. I 57·6 47·4 28 4 21 29·4571 61 ·8'1' 56·2 59·0 129·01 52·0 538 10 N. w. I 7 PIER I 54·9 66·2 22 29·5191' 63·0148·~ 55·9 98·21' 42·0 359 0 N.W. 377 MASTERTONR. Brown 43·7 132 9 23 29·810160·0 39·0 49·5 1. 12·01 26·8 204 9 E. 186 GREYTOWN 24 29·944 61·0 53·0 57·0 112·0 47·0 ll2 o N.N.WI 22 43·8 217 [ 11 25 29·742166·5148·5 57·5 122·0 47·0 389 10 S. ' 1 101 v/· P. Eccleton I 26 30·043 l13·0 39·0 51·0 106·0 27·0 1071 0 N.W. ELLINGTON 64·3 51·1 112 ' 12 27 30·379 650 39·0 52·0 115·0 27·0 46 O N.E. l 28 30·232 61·8154·8 58·3 113·0 50·0 353 7 N.W. I 18 I SooTH ISLAND. I 29 30·238 62·0 52·0 57·0 115·0 51·0 371 10 S. 6 .. BRIGHTWATER 56•3 66·1 46·6 192 10 30 30·369 60·0 49·5 54·7 94·0 46·8 349 5 S. 1 • • [ Ven. Archdeacon i 1 1 -;- 29-!J5164~ 51-:i: 57"6 ll7-:-3 44ii 25/W ~ -~-I ll;l 34 NELs!~mpthorne 56·3165·1 47·6 98 9 I [ I I 1-- Wm. C. De.vies t 130·043 62-7151 ·2 56·91106·7 1 1220 HW~~-t~:r:on 53·1 63·5 42·7 343 9 ~~-~~~ t~:-~· 1 3:_ * Means,&c. t Means previous years. 25 CHRISTCHUROH 52·8 61-7 43·8 59 8 H.F. Skey 42 LINCOLN 53·3 63·4 43·3 63 7 DIRECTION OF WIND. M. J. Scott I KISSELTON .. N. N.E. E. S.E. S. S.W. W. N.W. Ce.Im. 1220 52·2 63·2 41·3 357 I u A. R. Ble.okwood 10 1 1 I l l6J •• 1 .• 11011 RAKAIA 52·3 63·6 41·1 45 5 Miss A. Hardy 130 TIMARU 53·2 62·8 43·6 40 6 NOTE.-The weather during the month was bright and Careta.ker of Domain sunny, with moderate to strong N. and N. W. winds prevailing. 200 W AIMATE . , 52·1 61·6 42·7 59 8 I F. Akhurst Temperatures and sunshine were above t.he average, and rain­ 300 DUNEDIN .. 52·4 59·8 45·1 236 13 fall 72 per cent. below the mean of previous years. Total I D. Ta.nnock bright sunshine, 167 hours 43 minutes, 51 per cent. of the 245 GORE 50·3 60·0 40·6 321 18 possible, and two sunless days. Mean earth-temperature at A. T. Newman 0 12 HOKITIKA •• 53·5 60·0 47·0 1407 25 l ft. was 58· l , and 59·5° at 3 ft. Mee.n dew-point 48·9° ; J J. A. Cheeney mean elastic force of vapour, 0·346 in. ; and mean relative 12 INVERCARGILL 50·5 59·1 41-9 592 19 humidity, 74 per cent. of sature.tion. I L. Lennie

SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1922. Fair weather prevailed during the first week of April, but the remainder of the month, owing to several extensive westerly depressions, was charMterized by changeable conditions. These disturbances accounted for strong northerly and westerly winds generally and occasional heavy rain in the West Coast districts. On this account places in the West Coast and southernmost districts received a rainfall above the average, but over most of the Dominion the total was below, the East Coe.st provinoes experiencing very dry and mild wee.ther. · D. C. BATES, Director. 1754 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53

NEW ZEALAND RAINFALL FOR APRIL, 1922. New Zealand Rainfall Jor April. 1922-continued.

[NoTll:.-Late returns for stations appear at end of table.] Station. Tote.! F&ll, .I Daye with I(100~~":!~h), Rain. I Station. Tot&! Fall, IDays with (lOO~°:'i.!~h). Rain. I NORTH ISLAN])...... oominm. (B.) NoBTH·WBST AsP:mOT-OAPE M.uuA VAN DtBMBN TO NORTH ISLAND. CAPB EGMoNT-COnlinued. (,\,) NOBTR•BABT ASPBOT-NOBTH CAPB TO EA.ST CAPB. Purangi 445 11 Riversdale, Inglewood (817 ft.) 568 13 Cape Maria van Diemen (the light. 427 11 Inglewood 586 12 houae-keeper) Pilot Station, Waitara 336 10 Mangonui 357 7 Upper Mangorei.. 870 14 Kaeo •• 1350 9 Waterworks, Mangorei 383 15 Ru1118ll •• 241 11 Kawakawa 423 12 (0,) SOUTH•WBST ASPB0T-0APB EGMON'.r TO CAP.Iii PALLIBBR PuhipuN Plantation, Whakapara, 535 11 Opunake 250 14 Whangarei Manaia . • 272 9 Ruatangata 436 10 Rawhitiroa, Mata, Eltham Wairua Falls, Power-station 377 12 Stratford (1,020 ft.) 458 12 Hikurangi 343 10 Stratford Post-office Kamo •• 382 14 Ohawe, Hawera .. 241 9 Whangarei 333 13 Hawera 299 10 Puwera, Whangarei 315 10 Hawera Post-office 303 11 Maungaturoto Patea 170 10 Paparoa 495 13 Mataimoana 543 16 Mangawai 206 6 I Whangamomona.. • • . • 636 17 Warkworth MangapuruaLanding,WanganuiRiver 398 11 Epsom, Auckland 462 13 Taum&runui 450 14 Kaukapakapa, Auckland 38(j 12 Okahukura 416 14 Cuvier Island 192 10 548 10 Rocky Bay, Wa.iheke 279 12 410 13 Tairua .• 209 8 Horopito 508 16 Tuma., Thames .• 167 12 260 12 Me.tame.ta 317 13 Marybank, Wanganui 155 12 The Domain, Paeroa 168 13 Belmont, Tayforth, Wanganui 318 12 Belle Vue Farm, MangaiU •• 256 10 Waitahinga, Kai Iwi 457 17 Karaka 218 9 Wanganui 50 1 Morrinsville 315 7 Fordell •• Springde.J.e, We.itoa 227 12 Dalvey, Turakina 229 8 Omanawa Falls, Tauranga 334 15 Mangaohane Station, Taihape 123 11 Tirau 304 10 Hunterville 249 12 Whakarewarewa, Rotorua 222 11 Wa.itnna West, Feilding 276 14 Waiotapu 256 13 Tho~hy, Marton 240 15 Taneatua 238 6 Wa.itatapia, Bull's 185 J.2 Maraehako, Opotiki 206 10 Glen Orona 205 8 Waiawa, Opotiki 327 6 Foxton 148 8 Mautotara, Te Araroa 396 11 Feilding 259 14 Raukokore, Thames 202 12 Komako 331 15 Pohueroro Station, Raukokore 332 6 Kairanga 264 8 "Woodhey," Palmerston North 269 11 (B.) NOBTR•WBST ASPBOT-0AP.lil MARIA VAN 0IJCMBN TO Arapeti, Mangaore 293 14 . CAPB EGMONT, Arapeti, Mangahao 568 15 Rangitihi 507 11 Mangahao, No. 1 711 15 Kaitaia 417 5 Mangahao, No. 2 No reading. Herekino 615 11 Shannon Umawera, Hokianga. 430 12 Otaki 137 13 Wekaweka 892 11 Kapiti Island 127 13 Rangiahua, Hokianga Harbour 521 13 Makara 80 6 Kohukohu 665 9 Reservoir, Brooklyn 162 13 Waimatenui 505 14 (D,) SOUTH·BAST AsPBOT-EAST CAPB TO CAPID PALLIS.lilR. Donnelly's Crossing, Oranoa 378 7 Keretoki Station, Waima.tenui 55S 9 East Cape 82 4 Terawhati, Pakotai 845 7 Kahukura 282 8 Dargaville 428 11 Wa.iorongoma.i Station, Tapawaeroa 236 6 Helensville 331 11 Waitakaro Onehnnga 522 16 Pakihiroa 304 9 Waiuku, Auokland 380 l:l Owhena, Tokomaru Bay •• 187 8 Onewhero 279 14 Waihau, Tolaga Bay 106 5 Kawhia Kaharoa, Waimata Valley 286 6 Turangaomoana, Matamata 355 10 Ma.rumoko, Motu 546 12 Taupo •• 152 7 llfoanui, Motu Taharua Station, East Taupo Motuhora Waitomo Oaves •• 760 5 Koranga Valley •• 229 12 Cambridge 254 12 Eaai;wood Hill, Giaborne Roto-o-Rangi School, Oambridge 296 11 Otoko •• 229 9 Te Kuiti 378 16 Whatatutu 255 5 Puketiti, Piopio •• 1084 16 Te K&raka 202 6 Hamilton, Waikato 267 20 Puha, Poverty Bay 214 4 State Farm, Waerenga 265 10 Glenroy Station, Gisborne 355 8 Horahora Rapids, Churohill 323 9 Waihuka, Gishorne 199 7 Ngaruawahia 398 12 Ormond 263 4 Waikeria Reformatory, Te Awa.mutu 257 12 Patutahi, Gisborne 76 6 Waitere te Awamntu Whakapunake 238 5 Waiatua, Kaitieke, Raurimu 585 12 Strathblane, Hangaroa Mangaotaki (550ft.) lllO 11 Tabora, Gisborne 255 9 Paekaka, Paemako 5~0 15 Gisborne 100 5 "Te Matai,'' Aria 693 16 Morera •• 211 7 Ohura .. 622 13 "Pihanga," Ruakituri Valley, Napier 273 6 Mangatoi, Mokau River 719 14 Mangaone Valley, Tangitere •• 458 8 Uruti, Taranaki •• 574 15 Portland Island •• 66 6 Okoke .. 528 15 Maungaharuru, Wairoa 174 7 JULY 6.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTK 1755

___ -~•w Zealand Rainfall for April, 1922-oontinued. I New Zealand Rainfall for April, 1922-continued.

Tote.I Fall, IDays with Tote.I Fe.ll, 1Days with Station. Points Re.in Station. I (100 to Inch). · I (lOOP~l~~b). Re.In.


(D.) SoUTH•JIIABT ABPBOT-E.UT 0.t.PB TO 0.t.PB PALLISIIIB-- (E.) NORTH AsPIIIOT-0.lPB FARBWIIILL TO K,UKOURA- COMtlfW, contiaued. Ta.rawera 145 14 Erina, Blenheim •• I 56 5 Tutira Lake 133 6 Avondale Station, Blenheim 115 4 Eekdale, Hedgeley 44 6 Marshlands, Blenheim ... · 1· 13 3 Riverbank; Risaington, Napier 41 4 Hapukn 240 6 Park Island 17 3 Ellerton, Kekerangu 39 5· Napier.. •• .. 17 4 Wahine, Sherenden, Hsatinga (F,) WEST ASPEOT-CAPJD FARRWIDLL TO PuYsmouu POINT. Mokopeka, Hastings 28 2 Frimley, Hastings 8 1 Farewell Spit 123 15 Whanawhana, Hastings 12 3 Karamea, Westport 775 16 M.araekakaho, Hastings 19 6 Ariki 748 13 Te Mata, Havelook North •. 19 3 Westport 738 21 "Matane,'' Havelock North 16 4 Reef ton (643 ft.). • 896 15 Te Roto, Poukawa Nil Greymouth 1080 17 Pukehou, Te Ante Otira (1,2115 ft.) 3362 16 Gwavas, Tikokino 70 12 Lake Kanieri 2037 21 Blackburn, Hawke's Ba.y •• 104 /j Ross, Westland 1670 21 Aramoana, Waipawa Si 8 Okura • • 1269 16 Rangitapu, Waipawa 71 /j Puysegur Point Mount Vernon, Waipawa •• 44 4 Waimarama, Hawke's Bay 81 3 (G.) EAST AsPEOT-KArxou&A !lo CAPl!l 8Ausoi,as. Waipukurau .• 49 4 Culverden 62 3 Motuotaraia, Wanstead 41 3 Riversi:!a Farm, Amuri 87 6 Oruawharo, Takapau 99 7 Highfield, Arouri 150 6 Ormondville 136 12 Weka Pasa, Canterbury 72 6 Woodbank, Wimbledon 127 11 Keinton Combe, Waiau, Arouri 205 6 Pine Grove, Dannevirko 149 7 Waiau •• 153 6 Mangatainoka 297 15 "Glenallen," Wa.ikari 73 9 Pahiatua Gore Bay, Cheviot Eastry, Tane, Eketahuna •• 301 11 Oxford •• 130 7 Tawataia, Eketahuna 467 13 Amberley 83 8 Putara •• 764 10 Alford Forest Eke1i8hnna 374 13 Mount Somers 210 12 Outl.ipoin, 70 3 Arthur's Pass 2979 12 Annedale, Tinui •• 152 11 Rhodes Convalescent Home, Cash- 55 5 Whareama, Masterton 52 7 mere Hills Ditton, Masterton 135 13 Islington 53 4 Bush Grove, Masterton 79 7 Governor's Ba.y •• 105 5 Marangai 46 7 Otahuna, Tai Tapu 104 7 Eringa, Masterton 109 10 Little River 134 5 " Tyneside," Masterton Puaha .. 93 9 Waihakeke, Oarterton 149 9 Ma.gnet Bay, Little River •• 51 2 Glendhu, Martinborough 87 7 Pigeon Bay Martinborough 93 9 Coalga.te 115 6 Featherston 373 8 Hororat11 85 7 • Summit 554 15 Darfield 131 5 Waiwetu 73 5 Akaroa Wainniomata Reservoir 198 12 Mount Torlesse, Springfield Whangai Moana, Pirinoa •• Methven 65 4 Karori 8-rvoir 140 13 Rudstone, Methven 134 8 Seaton• 94 8 Lake Coleridge Homestead Double Hill SOUTH ISLAND. Winohmore, Ashburtou 46 6 Ashburton 54 fl (E.) NORTH ASPBOT-0.lPB FARBWBLL TO KAIKOURA, Roxburgh, Springhurn 94 6 Collingwood 600 13 Staveley 180 7 Bainham 778 11 Evandale, Mount Somers •• Onakaka 574 14 Windemere, Winslow Takaka.. 326 10 Lyunford, Hinds .. 47 4 Motueka 82 !1 Peel Forest 130 8 Upper Moutere 97 6 "Ra.ta View," Peel Forest 214 9 Mapua, Nelson • . 79 9 Kapuna.tiki, Raugita.ta 78 4 Stanley Brook, Nelson 228 11 Cefn Orchard, Geraldine 80 5 "Harakeke," Central Moutere 86 6 Waitui, Geraldine 70 5 , Upper Sherry River • • . • 442 13 Orari Gorge 187 10 Twynham Station Oreek, Glenhope.. 684 15 Orari Estate, Orari 63 5 Gowan, via Glenhope 927 16 Balmoral Tophouse 688 13 Balmora.1 Plantation 56 5 Port Hardy, FreJ:!ch Pass.. 45 8 Braemar 232 5 Stephen Island 112 6 Horwell Downs, Fairlie 316 13 The Brothers 24 2 Lambrook, Fairlie 39 3 Ca)lfl Campbell 33 3 Mona Vale, Albury • , 131 3 Picton • • 50 4 Godley Peaks, Te Kapo, Mackenzie 404 5 Freezing-works, Picton Country Endeavour Inlet 310 12 Waratah, Albury 211 12 Manaroa, Pelorus Sound 168 6 Kakahu Bush, Geraldine 76 6 Y ncyoa, Pelol'UII Sound • • 220 8 "Te Wharua " Cave 62 4 Waitata Bay, Pelorus Sound 190 6 Pleasant Point 61 6 Opouri Valley, Flat Oreek 158 10 Te Pah Farm, Seadown 46 7 Hartley Hills, Hillersden .. 178 4 Smithfield 40 4 Seddon 57 6 Timaru Reservoir 43 4 "Chanoet.'" Ward 95 4 Benmore Station, Omarama 270 9 "Sevenoaks," Renwicktown 32 4 Otiake .. 62 7 Spring Oreek, Blenheim 25 4 Totara. .. 36 9 1756 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 58

Neu, Zealand Ra,nfall Jor April, 1922-oontinued. New Zealand Ra,njall }or April, /922-oontinued.

Total Fall, I Days with Points ToJ:J:.:11• IDa~ltb I(100 to Inob), , Rain. I (100 lo Inob ), · . ' .

SOUTH ISLAND--eominued. SOUTH ISLAND-continued. (G.) EAST ASPIIIOT--KAIKOUBA TO CAPE S4UNDEBS-OOminued. (H.) SOUTH AsPECT-0APE SAUNDERS TO PUYBl!GUR POINT -­ Duntroon 31.i · 5 continued. Pnkeori, Oam&r11 13 3 Creighton 535 15 0amaru # 7 Manapouri :: I 771 17 Steward Settlement, Oamlll'U 12 2 Monowai (Sunnyside) Trotter's Creek, Hillgrove 117 11 Kauroo Hill, Maheno 40 7 (I.) ISLANDS. BUBhey Park, Palmerston South 56 5 Centre Island 8:{9 19 Roslyn • • 228 lo Stewart Island Bumaide, Dunedin 190 14 Ha.If-moon Bay, Stewart Island 1198 22 Fish-hatchery, Portobello • • 189 12 Niue Island . . . . Whare Flat 186 12 Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook lalands 629 13 Mosgiel Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands 1095 us Sawyer's Bay 284 11 Mangaia, Cook Islands 1252 13 Chatham Island .. 203 18 (H.) SOUTH AilPB0T-CAPB SAONDIIIBS TO PUYSBGUR PomT. Vava'u .. 17ii6 20 Paerau • • 214 9 Great Mou Swamp, via Patearoa 142 6 LATE RETURNS. Eweburn Nursery, Ra.nfnrly 87 11 I Wairua Falls, March, 1922 , , 307 20 W aipiata 82 6 Kaukapakapa, December, 1921 . . I 478 11 Nueby •• •• 128 5 I ,, January, 1922 .. 309 9 Robertslea, Middlemaroh • • 168 12 February, 1922 424 9 lrlonnt Pisa Station, Cromwell I, ,, March, 1922 665 23 Hawea Flat 364 9 ! Domain, Paeroa, February, 1922 532 11 Maungawera, Otago 313 7 i ,, ,, March, 1922 489 18 Luggate, Cromwell 307 8 I Springdale, Waitoa, March, 1922 540 18 Manorburn Dam.. 144 10 I Rangitihi, March, 1922 , , 620 15 Frankton 387 12 , Kawhia, August, 1921 .. 504 18 Queenstown 535 11 I ,, November, 1921 335 17 Moa Creek 80 7 M.angaotaki, October, 1921 1321 16 St. Bathe.n's 206 12 I• ,, November, 1921 610 13 Blackstone Hill 86 8 I ,, December, 1921 1013 11 Clyde 196 11 ,, January, 1922 583 11 .Alexandra 143 12 I ,, February, 1922 438 3 Galloway 123 11 ,, March, 1922 1639 21 Ea.rnaclengh 1 72 13 Mangapurua, March, 1922 749 25 Roxburgh 204 11 Arapeti, May, 1921 716 19 Balolutha 169 11 Whakapunake, March, 1922 207 11 Garaton Tabora, March, 1922 · .. 493 13 G!elifallooh Station, Nokomai Napier, November, 1921 , . 323 10 Wendonside ,January, 1922 .. 812 16 Wendon 328 15 ,, March, 1922 114 8 Lawrence Mokopeka, March, 1922 .. 81 6 Owaka •• Aramoana, December, 1921 151 12 Tapanltj Nursery 292 18 Waipukurau, Ma,rch, 1922 185 8 EdievaJe • , 292 12 Tyneside, January, 1922 . , 234 • Waik&wa VaJley.. 680 18 February, 1922 181 Tahakopa, Wharnarimu 688 22 ,, March, 1922 426 Mimihau, Wyndham 569 20 Wainuiomata, February, 1922 159 11 Uplands, Waimahaka 669 17 Bainham, March, 1922 1180 10 ROlilin Estate, Woodlands 618 19 Hartley Hills, Novembel.', 1921 174 6 Dipton • • 402 13 Avondale Station, February, 1922 278 7 Blnff Staveley, March, 1922 541 12 Radio-Awarua 647 18 Kapunatiki, March, 1922 278 10 Nightcaps 508 19 Roxburgh, March, 1922 .• 246 11 Otautau 696 17 Wendonside, January, 1922 348 10

Mining Privikges to be struck off the Regieter.-Notice under the Mining Amendment Act, 1914. The Mining Registrar's Office, Cromwell, 20th June, 1922. URSUANT to section 30, subsection (3), of the Mining Amendment Act, 1914, notice is hereby given that at the expira­ P tion of three months from the date hereof, unless cause to the contrary be shown, the following mining privileges will be struck off the Register. W. J. BLACKER, Mining Registrar. SCHEDULE.

No. Date. Nature of Privilege. Looallty. Registered Bolder.

528 13/3/02 Extended alluvial claim East bank of Pomahaka Harold E. Orkney. River 1702 24/2/12 Special alluvial claim .. West bank of Molyneux John Shanahan. River about half a mile \ above Shanty Creek 1910 7/5/15 Extended alluvial claim Chapman's Gully Chin Foo. JULY 6.1 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1757

Deceased Persons' Estates.


ARTICULARS of the Estates of Deceased Persons placed under the Charge of the PD1'LIO TROBTIIB during the P Month of June, 1922.

Date Na.me of Deceased. Residence. Occupation. of Remarks. ~1 Death.

1 Amyes, Mary Christchurch Widow 7/6/22 Intestate. 2 Andrew, Mary Louise Mabel Auckland Married woman 24/4/22 Testate. 3 Andrews, Charles Burness .. Builder's labourer 22/3/22 Intestate. 4 Atkins, Robert .. Lugg'ate Farmer 28/4/22 5 Bates, Jane Manakan Married woman 3/8/16 6 Bedford, George .. Kirwee .. Farmer 30/5/22 Tes~te. 7 Bennett, Edith May Taupaki Widow 6/6/22 Intestate. 8 Bennett, Joseph Henry Nelson .. Retired miner 1/6/22 Testate. 9 B,,rger, James Commission agent 22/1/22 IO Berghan, Sydney Burke Herekino" Farmer 17/12/21 1ni:state, II Blick, Flora Blenheim Married woman 4/11/21 12 Boardman, Frederick Hobdill Oaonui .. Farm hand 28/5/22 13 Bowbyes, Alfred Clarence Hornby School-teacher 10/6/22 Tes~te. 14 r Bradshaw, James Pickering Sheffield Farmer 25/6/22 15 Breeze, John Christchurch 28/5/22 16 Brighting, Rosa .. Married" woman 12/6/22 17 Brown, Harriet Widow 5/6/22 Ini:state. 18 Burgess, William Sidney Cleverley .. Avondale Slater 1/6/22 Testate. 19 Burke, ,Joseph Denis Wellington Hotel worker 24/6/22 Intestate. 20 Burnip, John Christchurch Retired engineer 20/5/22 Testate. 21 Carter, Edgar Atheling Picton Labourer .. 18/5/22 Intestate. 22 Carter, Eliza ,Jane Hartlepool, England Spinster .. 24/5/06 23 Carter, Frederick .. Naval seaman 26/4/16 24 Carter, Herbert .. Engineer fitter 17/10/21 25 Carter, Mary Ann Married woman 27/3/03 26 Cassidy, Hugh Springfield Farmer 17/6/22 Tes~te. 27 Chappell, Thomas Hamilton Retired builder 26/5/22 28 Clark, Frederick Arthur Auckland Fish -curer .. 2/4/22 29 Clarke, John Christchurch Labourer 23/5/22 30 Coleman, Elizabeth Eleanor London Spinster 19/9/16 31 Craig, John I Waipuku Farmer 23/3/20 32 Dall, George Bruce Trentham Military Student 27/5/22 In~tate. Hospital 33 D'Orsa, Joseph Antoni Petone .. Blacksmith 1/6/22 Testate. 34 Dowding, William Auckland Tobacconist 3/(,/22 35 Fegans, Margaret Brighton Widow 4/6/22 36 Fisher, Arthur Charles Kiokio .. Labourer and share 27/4/22 In~tate. milker 37 Flint, John Henry Riversdale Labourer .. 18/5/22 38 Forrest, James .. Waiwera South Flour-miller 6/6/22 Tes~te. 39 Foster, Jane Dublin, Ireland Widow 24/6/20 Intestate. 40 Fraser, Alison Moir Dunedin Married woman 15/4/22 41 Gordon, Lawrence Henry .. Whangarei Collier 12/9/21 42 Gould, Charles Herbert Napier .. Bank-manager 14/6/22 Testate." 43 Graham, Christina Outram Married woman 8/11/15 44 Green, Thomas ; Tame Kirini, Te Hauturu, near Ka- IFarmer .. 6/7/21 1ni:state. Puaha Hera, Te Puaha Whaiuru, whia Tawhaia Puaha, Tawhaia Greed 45 Guttery, Harry Waimate Labourer .. 14/6/21 46 Hadwin, Robert William .. Auckland Farmer 21/4/22 Testate." 4 7 Hall, Fanny Mary Dunedin Married woman 7/12/05 Intestate. 48 Hare, Ernest Percy Yates Christchurch Chemist's assistant .. 12/6/22 49 Hayes, Catherine Wellington Widow 21/5/22 ,, 50 Henry, Charles .. Christchurch Retired railway ser- 13/6/22 Testate. vant 51 Humphrey, Ernest James .. Pakipaki School-teacher 14/6/22 52 Humphrey, Thomas Aberdeen, Scotland Retired farmer 14/11/21 53 Jakes, Jane Stratford Married woman 7/10/ll Intestate." 54 Jollv, Albert Paerata Contractor 4/6/22 55 Jones, Edith Wellington Waitress 17/5/22 56 Jones, Mary Kate Christchurch Widow 18/6/22 Testate." 57 Jones, Wil!ism .. Raetihi .. Labourer .. 29/6/21 Intestate. 58 Kelly, Thomas Liscannor, Ireland Farmer 9/4/19 59 Kewish, Robert Edward Taupiri .. 20/3/22 60 Kime, Esmond James Wellington Civil servant 15/6/22 Test~te. 61 Knight, Lilian llfay Auckland Spinster .. 1/5/22 Intestate. 62 Krieger, Otto Rotorua Bushman .. 2/4/22 63 Lance, John Christopher Albert ; also Weraroa Labourer .. 12/6/22 Testate." known as John Sigglekow 64 London, Marthit .. Palmerston North Widow 28/10/19 Intestate. 65 Mason, Annie Sa.rah Hamilton Married woman 3/6/22 Testate. 66 Manchland, James England Soldier .. 10/1/22 Intestate. 67 Mead, William Thomas Frankton Junction I Machinist .. 28/4/22 D -1758 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53


Date 0 Na.me of Deeee.sed. Residence. Occupation. of Rema.rks. z Dee.th.

68 Melville, William .• Picton Old-age pensioner 23/4/22 Intestate. 69 Meredith, Gwylfa Sydney .. Spinster 11/2/22 ,, 70 Morine, Albert Victor Auckland Farmer 20/5/22 Testate. 71 Mulvaney, Michael John Ross 26/11/21 72 McCallum, Isabella Brookside Spi~ter 1/6/22 Int;~tate. 73 McCarthy, Annie Agnes Dunedin ,, 19/5/13 74 McCarthy, Henry Retired seaman 29/5/22 Test~te. 75 McCullough, John Chri;tchurch Grocer's assistant 16/6/22 Intestate. 76 McGregor, Andrew Taylor Timaru Police sergeant 23/5/22 Testate. 77 McKeown, Agnes Dublin, Ireland Domestic duties 10/12/17 Intestate. 78 McLaren,·John .. Auckland Labourer .. 30/5/22 79 McLaren, Robert Taihape .. Compositor 9/6/22 80 McMahon, Edward Wanganui Contractor 27/4/22 81 McManus, Michael New Plymouth Paviour 6/1/22 82 McNeil, Annie Mangonui Married woman 18/3/22 83 Nalder, Betty Auckland Minor 31/5/22 " ., 84 Nalder, Ina Mary Spinster 31/5/22 Testate: 85 Nelson, Lucy Lydia Dun~din Married women 8/6/22 86 Norman, Albert Edward Stratford Engine-driver 14/1/22 Int~~tate. 87 Nettage, James .. Middle march Gentleman 12/6/22 Testate. 88 O'Grady, John Robert Francis Glenhope Railway-ganger 12/6/22 Intestate. 89 O'Reilly, Joseph Waverley Labourer 24/5/22 90 Palmer, Jabez Christchurch Joiner 24/5/22 Tes~te. 91 Parkhouse, Marv Jane Westport Widow 19/5/22 Intestate. 92 Parrish, Walter.Hay Auckland Fitter 4/1/21 93 Parsons, James Takapuna Gardener 25/5/22 94 Paterson, Margaret Robertson or Timaru .. Spinster 8/6/22 gie 95 Paterson, Thomas In vercargill Retired farmer 10/2/22 Testate. 96 Phillips, Henry John Camphelltown, Tas- Labourer .. Not known Intestate. mania 97 Prescott, Thomas Ruakaka Settler 17/7/83 98 Price, John Morgan Makarewa Retired farmer 24/5/22 Tes~te. 99 Primmer, Percy .. Christchurch \Varehouseman 29/5/22 100 Rangiamohia, llireme Frankton Junction Widow 9/3/22 101 Reed, Ethel May Avondale, Auckland, Married women 1/6/22 102 Robertson, Allan .. Milton .. Billiard-saloon keeper 7/6/22 103 Say, William Henry Pukeuri Farm labourer 19/10/16 104 Seaberg, Oscar Auckland Fisherman 7/2/22 ,, 105 Scott, Rachel Annan Green Island Widow 8/6/22 Testate. 106 Shearer, Joseph .. Wellington Seaman 14/6/22 Intestate. 107 Sinclair, William Lakemba, N.S.W. Retired master 25/3/22 Testate. mariner 108 Sloan, Charles Cloudey Range Settler 18/12/21 Intestate. 109 Sloan, John Waimate Labourer .. 6/6/22 llO Smith, Alexander Apia, Samoa Accountant 19/5/22 Ill Smith, James Wellington Stone-setter 2/6/22 ll2 Smith, Peter Christchurch Old-age pensioner 2/6/22 ll3 Sowter, Mary Jane Spinster .. 29/5/22 ll4 Stalker, Donald .. Blant;;re, Scotland Marine engineer 7/4/15 ,; ll5 Stanaway, Eliza .. Otahuhu Married woman 24/5/22 Testate. ll6 Stanton, William Leo Vernon New Plymouth School-teacher 27/4/22 Intestate. ll7 Stevens, Isabella McKay Dunedin Widow 25/5/22 Testate. ll8 Stone, George James Hamilton Manager, Old Men's 7/6/22 Intestate. Home ll9 Sullivan, Timothy Auckland Labourer .. 14/6/22 120 Swanson, John .. Selwyn .. Farm labourer 9/3/22 • 121 Taramakau, Ngaki Rangiuru Bushfeller 17/4/22 ,, 122 Taylor, John Bruce Easton Parikawa, Kekera- Ploughman 3/10/18 Testate. ngu 123 Thompson, Helena Francis Elizabeth Port Chalmers Married woman 20/4/22 Intestate. 124 Thomson, Charles Ernest .. Kaitangiweka Farmer 21/5/22 125 Thorn, John Invercargill Engine-driver 27/5/22 126 Venn, Martha Jane Dunedin Widow 15/5/22 ,, 127 Von Dadelszen, Edward John Wellington Gentleman 28/5/22 Testate. 128 Watson, Annie Invercargill Married woman 7/6/22 129 Watson, Harriett Woolston 13/6/22 130 Watts, Alison Mornington, Dun- Widow 29/5/22 edin 131 Weekes, George William or George .. Auckland Linesman .. 3/6/22 132 Weller, Sarah Elizabeth Gisborne Widow 17/5/22 133 Westwood, Thomas Henry Auckland Printer 30/4/22 Int;~tate. 134 White, Annie Patea Married woman 8/5/22 135 Williamson, Alice Ravensbournc 8/6/22 'rest~te. 136 Wilson, Florence Christchurch Spinster" .. 26/7/21 137 Wilson, Robert Alexander .. Newmarket Boxmaker .. 29/4/22 Int;~tate. 138 \Vootton, Laura Nelson .. Spinster 23/5/22 Testate. 139 Wright, John New Plymouth Builder 16/1/22 Intestate.

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 4th July, 1922, J. W. MACDONALD, Public Trustee. JuLY· 6.J Tlnl N'.EW ZEALAND GAZE'rTE. l7o9~

Notice publiah«l purauant lo tM Pro!Jffl0fl8 of .8ulion 16 of tM Public Trual Office Act, 1908, and 8ediona 18 and 19 of tht Ptlblic Trual Office Al'Mllllmem Act, 1913. ·

NOTICE is hereby given tha.t, no person ha.ving ta.ken out· administra.tion, the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court at Wellington an election to administer the several esta.tos of the persons deceased whose namos, residences, and occupa.tione (so fa.r a.s known) are hereunder respectively set forth, their gross properties being estima.ted not to exceed £400 in ea.ch oa.se.

Teet.ate Stamp Office No.I Name. Relldenee. Occupation. I of DaulDeath. Eltf.'!tnDaul or ooncerned. Intestate. I 1 Amyes, Mary Christchurch Widow .. 7/6/22 1/7/22 Intestate Christchurch. 2 Burnip, John Engineer 20/5/22 27/6/22 Testate 3 Cla.rke, John Labourer 23/5/22 1/7/22 4 Dudfield, Alexa.nder Auckl;nd Seaman 15/8/20 27/6/22 In~sta.te Auckl;nd. 5 Faras, George John Nelson Basketmaker 7/6/22 1/7/22 Nelson. 6 Flint, John Henry Riversdale Labourer 18/5/22 27/6/22 Invercargill. 7 J a.meson, Clara Harriett.; or Napier Widow •. 28/9/19 1/7/22 Napier, La.wrence, Clara Harriet Jameson· 8 Jarvie or Johnston, Robert Hamilton Railway employee 1/8/21 1/7/22 Testate Auckland. 9 McCarthy, Annie Agnes Dunedin .. Spinster 19/5/13 27/6/22 Intestate Dunedin. 10 McLaren, Robert Taihape .. Compositor 9/6/22 27/6/22 Palmerston North. 11 Nelson, Lucy Lydia Dunedin •. Married woman .. 8/6/22 27/6/22 Testate Dunedin. 12 O'Leary, Michael Trentham Soldier .• 14/12/21 1/7/22 Wellington. 13 Paterson, Margaret Robert- Timaru Spinster 8/6/22 1/7/22 Intestate" Christchurch. son or Maggie 14 Robertson, Allan Milton Bi 11 i a. r d-saloon 7/6/22 1/7/22 Dunedin. keeper 15 Smith, Peter Christchurch La.bourer 2/6/22 27/6/22 Christchurch, 16 Sowter, Mary Jane Spinster 30/5/22 1/7/22 17 Weekes, George Willia.m or Auckl~nd Lineman 3/6/22 1/7/22 Test~te Auckl;nd. I 1 George 18 Y oungma.n, Willia.m •. Petone Ca.rpenter 10/5/22 ! 27/6/22 Wellington. I

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 4th July, 1022. J. W. MACDONALD. Public Trustee.

Notice respecting Proposed Borough of Papatoetoe. Road ; thence across and by Station Road· to the southern Iboundary of Lot 2 of Fairburn's Grant (registered in Vol. R Department of Internal Affairs, 1221, folio 74), by the said boundary to the North Island Main Wellington, 29th June, 1922. Trunk Railway, by the said railway to the south side of Portage URSUANT to section 131 of the Municipal Corporations Road, across the railway, and by Portage Road to the P Act, 1920, it is hereby notified that a petition, in Tama.ki Riv6r, the place of commencement. accordance with regulations, signed by not less than one- WM DOWNIE STEWART fifth of the electors of the area. described in the Schedule • Minister of Internal Affairs. hereto, has been presented to His Excellency the Governor- General praying that the said area may be constituted a borough under the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, •by B1trnham Military Oamp declared a Detention-barrack. name the Borough of Papatoetoe. All persons affected are hereby called upon to lod.ge any written objections to or Office of the Minister of Defence, petitions against the proposed constitution within one month Wellington, _3rd July, 1922. from the first publication of this notice. Such objections or N pursuance of the authority conferred on me by para­ petitions are to be addressed and forwarded to the Minister I graph 707 of the Regulations as to Imprisonment and of Internal Affairs, Wellington. Detention, published in the New Zealand Gazette dated 14th Ma.rch, 1918, I, Robert Heaton Rhodes, Minister of Defence, SCHEDULE. do hereby declare the Burnham Military Camp, situated a.t PROPOSED BOROUGH OF PAPATOETOE. Burnham, Canterbury, to be a detention-barrack, a.s from the date of the publication of this notice in the Gazette. Ar.r. that area in the North Auckland Land District, situated in Blocks VI, VII, X, and XI, Otahuhu Survey District, R. HEATON RHODES, Minister of Defence. bounded towards the north-west by the Tamaki River from Portage Road to the tributary forming the boundary between Manurewa and Pakuranga Parishes; thence towards the.north Appointment in i'.l'aval Forces. and east generally by that tributary to a point in Section 21, Manurewa Parish, in line with the eastern boundary of Lot 13 Navy Office, on D.P. 13867 ; thence by a right line to and by the eastern Wellington, 4th July, 1922.. boundary of the said Lot 13 ; thence by the north. eastern IS Excellency the Governor-(',eneral has been pleased to' boundary of Lot 7 to a.nd across Puhinui Road, by the south­ H approve of the appointment of the undermentioned eastern side of Puhinui Road to the north-eastern boundary officers:- of that portion of Clendon's Grant registered at the Deeds Engineer Lieutenant CHARLES MARCHANT, R.N., ap­ Office, Vol. R 136, folio 254, thence by the said boundary, pointed to H.M.S. "Philomel," additional, to date 1st 4053 links; thence towards the south-east by the south-eastern July, 1922. boundary of the said land to and across the Great South Engineer Lieutenant CLIFTON PouT, R.N. (S.R.}, ap­ Road, and by the south-eastern boundaries of subdivisions point,ed to H.M.S. " Chatham " temporarily, for train­ of Clendon's Grant registered in Vols. R 31, folio 515, and ing, to date 2nd April, 1922. R 51, folio 450, to the Puhinui Stream, by the Puhinui Stream to the southern corner of tho subdivision of R. HEATON RHODES, Minister of Defence. Clendon's Grant registered in Vol. R 65, folio 919; thence towards the south-west by the south-wrstern boundary of the said subdivision to and across Puhinui Road; thence Revoking Appointment of Inspector of Sea Fi.sking. towards the south-east by the said road to the south­ western boundary of Section 193, Manurewa Parish ; thence Marine a.nd Inspection of Machinery Department, again towards the south-west by that boundary and its Wellington, 1st ,July, 1922. production to a right line drawn parallel to Portage Road .T is hereby notified tha.t His Excellency the · Governor- . from a point on the north-eastern side of Buckland Road I General has revoked the warrant of the 7th day of July, distant 740 links from its junction with Portage Road; thence 1915, appointing Percy William Willson to be an Inspector towards the north-west by the said right line, a.nd by a right of Sea. Fishing, under subsection (1) of section 4 of the line from the latter point to a point on the western side of Fisheries Act, 1908. Station Road 1250 links from its junction with Portage G. JAS. ANDERSON, Minister of Marine, 1760 TllE NEW .Z:ffiALAND GA.ZE'11Tll1. (No. 53.

Interim Return of SM-£p in the Dot1tinion on 80th April, duties in cases where it is found tha.t adva.ntage is being 1922.-Notice No. 2185. · ta.ken of euch rules to avoid these duties. (Complete a.nd fins.I figures not yet a.va.ila.ble.) W. B. MONTGOMERY, Comptroller of Customs. Depa.rtment of Agriculture, . Wellington, 30th June, 1922. rrHE following particulars a.re published for general NeJJJ Zealand lnBcribed Stack Act, 1917.-C1.o8ing of RegiaterB. information:- APl'BOXDIATB NUMBBR OF SHEEP IN THB Doll!INION ON 'rHE The Treasury, . 30TH APRIL, 1922. Wellington, 30th June, 1922. OTICE is hereby given tha.t the J;tegister of New Zea- · N land 6-per-Cent. Inscribed Stock maturing 1st August, Number of Sheep. 1926, a.nd 1st August, 1931, a.nd the Register of New Zea.land District. Decrease. 5!-per-Cent. Inscribed Stock maturing 1st February, 1927, Fina.I I Interim will be closed from the 16th July to the 1st August, inclusive, Return, 1921. Return, 1922. for the purpose of the issue of ha.If-yearly interest. W. F. MASSEY, Minister of~'jna.nce. Auckla.nd .. .. 1,902,147 1,702,009 200,138 Giebome-Ha.wke'e Ba.y 5,705,715 5,658,142 47,573 Wellington-West Coast 5,166,461 4,822,294 344,167 Auditor under the Friendly Societiee Act, 1909, licenBed. North lela.nd totals •• '12,774-,323 12,182,445 591,878 Friendly Societies Department, · Wellington, 5th July, 1922. Ma.rlborough_ - Nelson - 1,438,055 1,338,994 99,061 N pursuance of the 10th section of the Friendly Societies Westland I Act, 1909, His Excellency the Governor-General has (',anterbury-Ka.ikoura .. 4,796,060 4,542,859 253,201 been pleased to license Ota.go .. .. 4,276,593 4,181,175 95,418 I JULIUS SANDTMANN, of Napier, to a.ct as a. Public Auditor under the Friendly South lsla.nd totals .. 10,510,708 10,063,028 447,680 Societies Act, 1909. J. G. COATES, Minister in Charge. Dominion t.ota.Is .• 23,285,031 22,245,473 1,039,558

Officiating MiniBters for 1922.-Notice No. 20. NUMBJIB OF SHEEP IN THE DOMINION AND EXPORT OF MUTTON AND LAllfB FOB THE PAST TEN YEARS AT 30TH Registrar-General'• Office, APRIL. Wellington, 4th July, 1922. URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Aot, 1908, P the following names of Officiating Ministers within the meaning of the said Act are published for general informa­ tion:- Church of the Province of New Zealand commonly called the Cwt. Church of England. 1913 .. 24,191,810 2,133,226 20,133 3,181,991 The Reverend Henry Charles Gaut. 1914 .. 24,798,763 2,630,962 22,696 3,808,006 Preebyterian Chiirch of New Zealand . 1915 .. 24,901,421 2,392,213 15,274 3,456,597 Illr. Thomae Gibson Shilton. 1916 .. 24,788,150 2,713,247 33,274 3,488,951 Mr. Joseph Alexander Dickson. 1917 .. 25,270,386 2,613,259 7,920 ''2,883,350 1918 .. 26,354,594 2,038,304 8,517 1,945,305 Roman Catholic Ohurch. 1919 .. 25,828,554 1,211,636 12,018 988,747 The Reverend Joseph Edward Rockcliff. 1920 .. 23,919,970 4,199,675 12,472 3,780,523 W. W. COOK, Registrar-General• 1921 .. 23,285,031 5,659,292 21,392 4,327,397 1922, .. 122,245,473* 3,373,018 20,703 5,192,392 Branch of Friendly Sooiety regi,tered. * Interim return. Friendly Societies Department, W. NOSWORTHY, Minister of Agriculture Wellington, 30th June, 1922. T HE Newtown Alpha Bra.nob, No. 1, situa.ted at New· Dumping Duties under Section 11 of the CU8totlt8 Amendment town, is registered as a bra.ooh of The Grand United Act, 1921. Order of Odd Fellows' Friendly Society of New Zea.land, under the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, this 80th day of June, 1922. Customs Department, WILLIAM M. WRlGHT, Wellington, 6th July, 1922. Registrar of Friendly Societies. T is hereby notified, for publio information, that dumping I duties under section 11 of the Customs Amendment Act, 1921, will not be immediately levied except in special , Incorporated Sooietiee :4ct, ~908.-D~laration by the Regiatrar oases in respeot to which Collectors of Customs will exercise I disaolmng a Society. a certain a.mount of judgment. -- 2. No dumping duties will be levied without the notice I DONALD GEORGE CLARK, Registrar of Incorporated hereina.fter provided, where British industries m&y be affected, , Societies, do hereby deola.re that, as it has been made without specia.l reference to the Minister, a.nd only important ' to appear to me that the Bay of Islands Medical Club (In­ ca.sea a.re to be referred, a.ccompanied by copies of invoices. I oorporated) is no longer carrying on operations an!l has no 3. No dumping duties will be levied without the notice assets, the aforesaid society is hereby dissolved, in pursuance hereina.fter provided, where New Zeala.nd industries a.re of section 28 of the Incorporated Societies Act, 1908. a.lfected, unless the importations are of such a character tha.t Dated at Wellington this 3rd day of July, 1922. ~y a.~ likely imme~tely a.n~ for some time to affect local D. G. CLARK, mdustries, &g. (a) the 1mportatio? of 10,000 casks of cement Registrar of Incorporated Sbcieties. to be la.nded by rea.son of dumpmg at a cost below tha.t at which loca.lly m&de cement ca.n be sold; (b) the importation The Induatrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1908.­ of £10,000 worth of tweeds under similar conditions. Col- Ieoto:r11 a.re. ne.verthei- to refer to the Head O~ce any ca.see Notice of Cancellation of Registration. of sufficient importance where dumping, a.s affecting loca.I indwitries~· is· considered to have taken pla.ce. Copies of Department of Labour, invoiCll!B a.i:e a.lso t.o be forwa.i:ded. Wellington, 30th June, 1922. 4. So fa.r a.s is practica.ble, a.nd except in the special cases N OTICE is hereby given that the registration of the bef(ire referred to, three months notice will be given to im­ Auckland Motor Traders' Industrial Union of Em­ porters of intention t.o levy dumping duties. This notice will ployers, registered number 1115, situated at Auckland, is appear in the Gazette a.s oooa.sion a.rises. hereby ca.ncelled as from the da.te of the publication hereof (i. The foregoing general rules a.re for the guida.nce of in the New Zealand Gazette. OGlleot.ors of Customs, but the right is reserved t.o levy dumping F. W. ROWLEY, Registrar of Industria.1 Unions. JULY 6.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1761"

CROWN LANDS NOTICES. ------~------Land in Canterbury Land District for Lease by Public 'Pender. I Terms of Payment.--One-sixth of purchase-price, together -- with £1 ls. license fee and £20 half-yearly ground rent, must District Lands and Survey Office, accompany the tender, and the balance be paid by five equal Christchurch, 4th July, 1922. quarterly instalments from t,he date of sale. OTICE is hereby given that written tenders for tho lease L t 3 N of the undermentioned land will be received at this O • office up to 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, 8th August, 1922; 430 dry kauri-trees, containing by estimation 710,962 super- . under the Land Act, 1908, and amendments. The highest or ficial feet, branded V, II, and X, situated in Block VII, any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Waipoua Survey District, about nine miles from Kaihu Railway-station. SCHEDULE. Upset price, £1,810. Terms of Payment.-One-sixth of purchase-price, together CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT. with £l ls. license fee and £5 half-yearly ground rent, must ALL that piece" of the Orari River bed adjoining Lot 48, accompany the tender, and the balance be paid by five equal Block VI, Geraldine Survey District : Area, 15 acres ; quarterly instalments from the date of sale. minimum annual rental, £1 lOs. Lot 4. This is an isolated piece of river-bed mainly covered in 729 green and dry kauri-trees and 42 rimu-trees, branded gorse, but suitable for grazing. V, and estimated to contain 1,185,392 and 59,515 superficial ABSTRACT OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF LflASR. feet respectively, situated in Hastings Survey District, on I. The lease will be from year to year, terminable at any Black Sawn Creek Watershed, about five miles from Tapu; time ; possession on acceptance of tender. Firth of Thames, 2. The rent shall be paid half-yearly in advance. Upset price, £3,060. 3. No compensation can be claimed by the Jessee, nor shall Terms of Payment.-One-sixth of purchase-price, together any be allowed by the Government, on account of any im­ with £1 ls. license fee and £17 lOs. half-yearly ground rent, provements effected by the lessee, nor on account of the must accompany the tender, and the balance be paid by five aforesaid possible resumption; but the tenant shall have the equal quarterly instalments from the date of sale. right to remove any fencing or buildings he may have erected Lot 5. during his term of occupancy. 4. The lessee shall have no right to sublet, transfer, or other­ 396 green and dry kauri-trees, branded V, estimated to wise dispose of the land comprised in the lease without the contain 74-6,617 superficial feet, and situated in Omahuta written consent of the Commissioner of Crown Lands first State Forest, about fifteen miles from Kohukohu. had and obtained. Upset price, £2,270. 5. The lessee shall prevent the growth and spread of Terms of Payment.-One-sixth of purchase-price, together gorse, broom, and sweetbrier on the land comprised in with £1 ls. license fee and £8 5s. ground rent, must accompany the lease, and he shall with all reasonable despatch remove, the tender, and the balance be paid by five equal quarterly or cause to be removed, all gorse, broom, sweetbrier, or other instalments from the date of sale. noxious weeds or plants, as may be directed by the Com­ ·The time for the removal of the timber from each lot will missioner of Crown Lands. He shall also destroy all rabbits be eighteen months. on the land and prevent their "increase or spread. All instalment-payments shall be secured by" On demand" 6. The lease shall be liable to forfeiture in case the lessee promissory notes made and endorsed to the satisfaction of­ fails to fulfil any of the conditions of the said lease, the Conservator of Forests, and interest at the rate of 5 per Tenders should be marked on envelope " Tender for lease, cent. per annum will be charged on all notes overdue from Orari River bed." the date of maturity to, the date of payment. G. H. BULLARD, Commissioner of Crown Lands. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The right to cut and remove the timber will be sold in accordance with the terms of the Forests Act, 1921-22, the Timber far Sale by Public Tender, Auckland regulations made thereunder, and the following conditions. F arest-consu,,ation Region. 2. Intending tenderers are expected to visit the locality and to satisfy themselves in every particular on all matters Office of the Conservator of Forests, relative to the sale. Auckland, 4th July, 1922. 3. The aforementioned quantities, qualities, and kinds as OTICE is hereby given that written tenders for the to the said timber shail be taken as sufficiently accurate for N purchase of the undermentioned Jots of milling-timber the purposes of this sale, and no contract for the purchase will close at the office of the Conservator of Forests, Auckland, shail be voidable, nor shail the successful purchaser be en­ at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, the 9th day of August, 1922. titled to any abatement in price, by reason of the said timber being of less quantity, quality, or kind than as stated SCHEDULE. herein or in any advertisement having reference to the said timber. Lot l. 4, The promissory notes will be presented at intervals as ALL the milling-timber branded X and K situated on Sec­ indicated in the terms of payment, but they may be presented tions 2 and 3, Block X, Pekapekarau Survey District, between for payment at an earlier date if it is found that more than Kaihu and Whangarei, and estimated in superficial feet as a due proportion of the timber has been cut, or should follows:- any breach of the conditions occur, or if in the opinion Kahikatea 507 trees. 760, 808 feet. of the Conservator the interests of the Crown are being Rimu 249 163,773 ,, jeopardized. Totara .. 63 30,:180 ,, 5. Each tenderer must state the total price that he is pre­ Miro and matai 52 32,645 ,, pared to pay for each species. The highest or any tender Kauri IO 7,774 ,, will not necessarily be accepted, and the timber described is submitted for sale subject to the final acceptance of the Total 881 995,380 ,, tender by the Commissioner of State Forests. Upset, price, £820. 6, A return, verified by affidavit, giving the number of Terms of Payment.-One-sixth of purchase-price, together logs cut of each species and their contents, must be made with £1 ls. license fee and £5 half-yearly ground rent, must quarterly by the licensee each quarter ending on the last day accompany the tender, and the balance be paid by five equal of ,Tune, Septemher, Decem her, and March respee ti vely in quarterly instalments from the date of sale. · each year. A return, similarly verified, must be made quar­ terly on the same dates showing the output of sawn timber Lot 2. of each species. All the milling-timber branded A\ and Y situated on 7. All timber must be cut to the best advantage, and Sections 6 and 7, Block XIII, Pekapekarau Survey District, cutting operations must be carried on regularly and generally between Kaihu and Whangarei, and estimated in superficial in a manner approved of by the Conservator. feet as follows :- 8. The settlement of any disputes shall be effected by the Kahikatea 803 trees. 933, 728 feet. Conservator, and there will be a right of appeal· to the Rimu 324 277,490 ., Commissioner of State Forests, whose decision in aJI cases Totara .. 155 156,022 ,, shall be final. Should the licensee fail to fulfil any aqd Matai and miro 57 30,263 every obligation incumbent upon ,him the license will be Kauri 23 29,419 ,, 'I subject to cancellation. 9. The Commissioner of State Forests may authorize the Total •. 1,362 1,426,922 ,, laying-down and working of tram-lines through the land by Upset price, £1,700. . other persons than the licensees. 1762. TBE NlnW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 58

10. The successful tenderers will be granted licenses to out I Applicants must appear personally before the La.nd Board the timber, the periods for which will be a.s a.hove stated, for exa.mina.tion a.t the District La.nds a.nd Survey Office, a.nd will not be extended. The license will ll'Jt be transfer- Wellington, on Tuesday, the 29th da.y of August, 1922, at a.hie, except with the consent of the Commissioner of State 10 o'clock a..m. ; but if any applicant so desires, he ma.y be Forests. Cutting operations must commence within twelve examined by the Land Boa.rd of any other district. months of the da.te of the license. The ballot will be held at the conclusion of the examination l l. The right is reserved to the Commissioner of Sta.ta of applicants. Forests to withdraw from ea.le a.ny or a.II of the said timher either before or a.fter the closing-de.ta for receipt of tenders. SCHEDULE. 12. If no tenders a.re aooepted for either of the lots herein mentioned, they will remain open for application at the upset WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT.-FrnsT-CLABS LAND. price until further notice. Horowhenua C01Lnty.-Waiopehu Survey District.-Weraroa 13. The successful tenderers shall only be permitted to out Training Farm. timber on private la.nds a.nd Warden's licenses simultaneously SECTION 82, Block V : Area, 52 acres l rood 39 perches ; with the lots mentioned herein by obtaining permission from capita.I value, £2,350 ; instalment on · deferred payment the Conserve.tor. (excluding interest), £117 10s.; half-yearly tent on lease, 14. The licensee she.II ta.ke a.ll rea.sona.ble precautions by £52 17s. 6d. wa.y of providing such sa.fegua.rds as may be required by the Section 83, Block V : Area., 53 acres 3 roods 36 perches ; Conserve.tor for the· prevention of damage to the adjacent capita.I va.lue, £2,300 ; instalment on deferred payment bush by fires ca.used by sparks from locomotives, log-ha.ulers, (excluding interest), £115 ; half-yearly rent on lease, £51 15s. or otherwise, a.nd sha.ll be liable for a.ny da.ma.ge thereto in Section 84, Block V : Area., 61 acres O roods 10 perches ; consequence of a.ny negligence or disregard of these conditions ca.pita.I value, £1,760 ; instalment on deferred payment on the pa.rt of the licensee or his workmen, such da.ma.ge to (excluding interest), £88; half-yearly rent on lease, £39"I2s. be assessed by the Conservator of Forests, whose decision This property was originally pa.rt of the Weraroa. Boys' sha.ll be fina.l. Training Fa.rm, and is situated some four miles from Levin 15. Tenders should be addressed " Consorva.tor of Forests, on the Kimberley a.nd Arapaepa.e Roads. The altitude is Auckland," a.nd envelopes endorsed "Tender for Timber." about 100 ft. above sea.-levcl. The land is of good quality, Further pa.rtioula.rs ma.y be obta.ined on a.pplica.tion to the and is flat. It is eminently adapted for dairying and undersigned or to the Hea.d Office, State Forest Service, cropping. The greater portion of the land is at present in Wellington. grass, most of which has been newly laid down. A creamery R. D. CAl\fPBELL, and post-office letter-box are adjacent to the property. The Conservator of Forests. sections are well watered by irrigation channels. The improvements included in ca.pita.I va.lue are as follows : Section 82, 127 cha.ins fencing, ploughing and grassing, valued at £177 ; Section 83, 92 chains fencing, ploughing and grass­ Lands in t/W, Wellington Land District for Sale or Lease to ing, valued at £108 13s. ; Section 84, llO chains fencing, Discharged SoUiers. ploughing and grassing, valued at £158 17s. Special Oonditions.-The Crown reserves the right to con­ District Lands a.nd Survey Office, struct or extend the present drains on any section in the Wellington, 26th June, 1922. settlement, and the lessees shall, whenever necessary, properly 0'.l'ICE is hereby given tha.t tho undermentioned lands clean and clear from weeds and shall at all times keep open N will be offered for sale or lease under the Discharged all drains, ditches, and watercourses now or hereafter upon Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, and the regulations there­ the land comprised in their leases. All plantations now on _under; and applications will be received at the District sections must be carefully preserved, and. no trees thereon La.nds and Survey Office, Wellington, up to 4 o'clock p.m. are to be out unless with the written consent first obtained on Monday, the 28th day of August, 1922. of the Commissioner of Crown La.nds. The lands may be 'purchased for cash or on deferred pay­ ments, or selected on lease for a term of sixty-six yea.rs, with Full particulars ma.y be obtained at this office. right of renewal for further terms of sixty-six years and a G. H. M. McCLURE, right to acquire the freehold. Commissioner of Crown Lands.


ln Ban.lon1ptcy.-ln the Supreme Court holden at In Bankn1ptcy. Auckland. In the estate of WILLIAM STANLEY WATT, of Bull's, N OTICE is hereby given that ALBmaT EDWARD BAT&S, of Farmer. a bankrupt. Auckla.nd, Waterside Worker, we.a ihis day adjudged OTICE is hereby given that a. first dividend of 2s. in bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of credhors N the pound is now pa.ya.hie on all accepted proved · c be holden at my office on Monda.y, the 10th da.y of July, chums at my office, No. 44 Ma.ria Place, Wanga.nui. 1922, a.t 11 o'clock a..m. W. S. FISHER, E. M. SILK, 28th June, 1922. Official Assignee. 4th July, 1922. Deputy Official Assignee.

In Bankruptc1.-ln the Supreme Oourt lwlden at In Ba11,kruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court holden at Auckland. MQJlterton.

OTICE is hereby given faa.t SAMUEL MoRRISON, of Te OTICE is hereby given tha.t CBABL~s ROBERT FENWICK, N Puke, Blacksmith, was this da.y adjudged ba.nkrupt; N of Ma.rtinborough, Drover, was this day adjudged a.nd I hereby summon a. meeting of creditors 10 be holden ba.nkrupt ; a.nd I hereby summon a meeting of creditors a.t the Courthouse, Te Puke, on Tuesday, the 11th da.y of to be holden a.t the Courthouse, Martinborough, on Thurs­ July, 1922, at 11 o'clock a..m. day, the 6th day of July, 1922, a.t 11.30 o'clock a..m. W. S. FISHER, ARTHUR D. :tow, lat July, 1922. Offioia.l Assignee. 26th June, 1922. Deputy Officia.'l Assignee.,.

In Bankruptcy.-ln the Supreme Court holden at In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme IJourt holden at NapieT. MQJlterton.

OTICE is hereby given tha.t WALTER REGINALD PARKER, OTICE is hereby given that· WALTER HENBY GRAY, N of Te Pohue, Hotelkeeper, was this day adjudged N of Martinhorough, Builder, was this day adjudged ha.nkrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden a.t the Courthouse, Hastings, on Friday, the to be holden at the Courthouse, Martinborough, on Thurs­ 7th da.y of July, 1922, at S o'clock p.m. day, the 6th day of July, 1922, a.t 12 o'clock noon. ROBERT BISHOP, ARTHUR D. LOW, 28th June, 1922. Deputy Officia.l Assignee. 3rd July, 1922. Deputy Official Assignee. .JULY 6.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 1763

In Banloruptcy.-ln the Buyreme Oourt holden at I i&nd in certificate of title, Vol. 67, folio 201, and application Wellington. having been made to me for the issue of a provisional lease, I hereby give notice that it is my intention to issue such OTICE is hereby given that HARO:LI> RICHARD PIii.RD, of provisional lease at the expiration of fourteen days from the N Wellington, Auctioneer and Restaurant Proprietor, date of the Gazete containing this notice. formerly carrying on business as "The Dnx Auctioneering Dated at the Land Registry Office at New Plymouth this Company ".and "Peard and Company," was this day ad­ 3rd day of July, 1922. judged bankrupt on creditors' petition; and I hereby A. L. B. ROSS, District Land Registrar. summon a meeting of creditors to be holden in the Board Room, Dominion Farmers' Institute, on Thursday, the 13th day of July, 1922, at 11 o'clock a.m. OTICE is hereby given that the parcel of land herein­ S. TANSLEY, N after described will be brought under the provisions 3rd July, 1922. Official Assignee. of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the e&me on or before the 7th day of August, 1922. In Bankru,tcy.-ln the Buyreme Oourt holden at 13029. MARY ANN BURNIP.-Part of.Rural Section 297, Wellington. corner of High and Hilton Streets, Borough of Kaiapoi. Unoccupied. OTICE is hereby given that GEoRGII 'VANCE SHANNON, Diagram may be inspected at this office. N formerly of Mosstown (near Wanganni), Farmer, Dated this 4th day of July, 1922, at the Land Registry but now of Tr.we.ta, Shepherd, was tbis day adjudged Office, Christchurch. bankrupt on creditors' petition ; and I hereby summon a F. W. BROUGHTON, District Land Registrar. m119ting of creditors to be holden in the Board Room, Do­ minion. ¥armers• Institute, on Friday, the 14th day of July, 1922, at 11 o'clock a.m. S. TANSLEY, 4th July, 1922. Official Assignee. ADVERTISEMENTS,

In Banloruptcy. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). AKE notice tb&t at the expiration of three months from D IVIDENDS on all proved and accepted claims in the T the date hereof the name of the undermentioned undermentioned estates are now due and payable at company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be the office of the undersigned; promissory notes (where struck off the Register, and the company dissolved :- held) to be produced for endorsement:- 1916/1. The Gisborne Farmers' Co-operative Company Duncan MoFarlane Sutherland, formerly of Edendale, now of Gisborne, Farmer: First and final of 2s. lfd. (Limited). in the pound. Dated at Gisborne the 29th day of June, 1922. Torrance Burton Curle, of Birchwood, Nightcaps, R. F. BAIRD, Farmer: First and final of 10d. in the pound. Assistant Registrar of Comp&nies. Alexander Edwin Gardner, trading as" Borne and Co.," of Inveroargill, Printers: First and final of 16s. 3d. in the pound. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908. CHARLES B. ROUT, 28th June, 1922. Deputy Offici&l Assignee. AKE notice that the names of the undermentioned T companies will, at the expiration of three months from tb!l. date he:reof, unleSll cause. be shown to the contrary, be LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES, struck off the Register, and the companies will be dissolved :- The Globe Foundry (Limited). 192-0/6. OTICE is hereby given tb&t the parcels of land herein­ Onga Onga Flour-milling Association (Limited). 1907/14. N after described will be brought under the provisions F. Craven and Company (Limited). 1909/8. of the Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless caveat be lodged Dated at Napier this 29th day of June, 1922. forbidding the e&me on or before the 7th August, 1922. W. JOHNSTON, 6393. THE AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOARD.­ Assistant Registrar of Companies. Allotment 59, Parish of Pakumnga, containing 156 acres 3 roods 9 perches. Occupied by Thomas Richard Willoughby Gill. Plan 11821. THE CO.MPA.1'.TJ:ES ACT, 1908. 6495. THOMAS ANDREW.-Allotments 5 and 10, Parish of Tatarariki, containing together 215 acres 3 roods 24 perches. T AKE notice that the name of the undermentioned Occupied by applicant. Pla.n 13795. company has been struck off the Register, and the 6666. ETHEL PAYKEL.-Pa.rt Lot 15 of Allotment 6, company has been dissolved :- Section 8, Suburbs of Auckl&nd, containing 26·3 perches, W. Tinline and Company (Limited). 1910/11. fronting Clifton Road, Ponsonby. Occupied by applicant. Dated at Napier this 29th day of June, 1922. Plan 15889. 6747. ALICE LILA SHIPHERD.-Part Allotments 63 W. JOHNSTON, and 68, Parish of Manurewa, containing 123 acres 1 rood Assistant Registrar of Companies. 18 perches. Occupied by M. R Kirkbride. Plan 15033. 6863. WALTER ORWELL CRITCHET... CADDY.-Allot­ In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908. ment 6, Section 45, Village of Onehunga, containing J acre 0 roods 4·2 perches, fronting May's Road and Grey Street. To th~ Registrar of Companies in New Zealand, and to Part occupied by Edward Lewis Beasley and part unoccupied. all to whom it may concern. Pi&n 15547. AKE notice that it is the intention of the BRITISH 6926. NEVILLE CLAUDE USSHER.-Lot 69 of Allot­ T GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED), a British ment 4, Parish of Waipareim, containing 18 acres 2 roods company carrying on business at Wellington in New Zealand, 35·8 perches. Occupied by applicant. Plan 15972. at the expiration of three calendar months from the publica­ 6932. MARY ANN PROHL -Part Lots 64, 65, and 66 tion of this notice, to cease carrying on business in New of Allotment 11, Section 48, dty of Auckland, containing Zealand. 12·1 perches, fronting Collingwood Street, Ponsonby. Occu­ Dated this first day of June, 1922. pied by applicant. Plan 16033. ROWLEY & GILL, Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Attorney of the said Company. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1922, at the Land Registry Meek & von Haast, Office, Auckl&nd. Solicitors for the said Attorney, A. V. STURTEVANT, District Land Registrar. Brandon Street, Wellington. 478

VIDENCE having been furnished of the Joss of the In the matter of section 302 of the Companies Act, 1908. E outstanding copy of Memor~ndum of Lease No. 8222, OTICE is hereby given that the registered office or whereof NORMAN BAILEY FLETCHER, of Stratford, N place of business of the AUSTRALASIAN SCALE COM· Stock Agent, is the registered lessee, affecting Sections 11 PANY (LIMITED), where Icga.l process may be served, which ·has and 12, Block II, Ngaire Survey District, being part of the hitherto been situate in Chew's Lane in the City of Wellington 1764 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53

has been transferred to &nd is now situate at Nos. 57 &nd 59 / BOROUGH OF OTAHUHU. Cuba Street in the said City of Wellington. Dated at Wellington this 16th day of June, 1922. WORKER'S DWELLING LOAN OF £1,100.-RESOLUTION MAKING A. ERNEST CLIMO, SPECIAL RATE, Attorney for the Australasian Scale 484 Company (Limited). .N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in I . that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, the · Otahuhu Borough Council hereby resolves as follows :- MASTER'.)'ON COUNTY COUNCIL. That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other charges on a loan of £1,~00, authorized to be raised by the RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE, Otahuhu Borough Counml, under the above-mentioned Act and Part XXXVII of the. Municipal Corporations Act, 1920: I N. pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in for th~ purpose of erec~mg a worker's dwellin_g, the said that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, the Otahunu Borough Council hereby makes and levies a special Masterton County Council hereby resolves as follows :- rate of I7/256ths (seventeen two-hundred-and-fiftv-sixths) of That, for the purpose of providing the instalments in a penny in the pound upon the rateable value of all rateable respect of principal and interest and also the other charges property of the rating district comprising the whole of the on a loan of five thousand pounds, authorized to be raised Borough of Otahuhu ; and that such special rate shall be by the Masterton Cnunty Council, under the Local Bodies' an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan - Loans Act, 1913, for the purpose of providing the l\fasterton and be payable half-yearly on the 31st day of March and th; County Counoil's share of the cost of completing bridges over 30th day of September in each and every year during the the Taueru River and Rorokoko Stream at Taueru and Roro­ currency of such loan, being a period of thirty-six and one-half koko, known as the Taueru Traffic-bridge and the Rorokoko years, or UJ1til the loan is fully paid off. Traffic-bridge, both bridges being on the Masterton-Waimata Road, the said Masterton County C_ouncil here by makes and 520 R. B. TODD, Mayor. levies a special rate of one fifty-sixth of a penny in the pound upon the capital rateable value of all the rateable property of the County of Masterton ; and that such special rate shall MANGAPAPA TOWN BOARD. be an annual-recurring rate, and payable half-yearly on the firs~ days of February and A1J¥ust in each and every year RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. d_urmg the currency of such loan, being for a period of thirty­ six and one-half years, or until the loan is fully paid off. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in 517 W. I. ARMSTRONG, Chairman. J.. that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, the l\fongapapa Town ]3oard hereby resolves as follows :- That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other CASTLECLIFF TOWN BOARD. charges on a loan of £1,500, authorized to be raised by the Manga,papa Town Board, under section 29 of the Reserves THE WATER AND DRAINAGE LOAN No. 2. and other Lands Disposal and Public Bodies Empowering Act, 1920, for the purpose of reducing the said Board's Bank N pursuance of and in exercise of the powers vested in it overdra_ft, the said Mangapapa Town Board hereby makes I . in that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, and levies a epemal rate of 1 /6th of one penny in the £1 upon the Castlecliff Town Board hereby resolves as follows :- the rateable value ?f. all rateable prope.rty of the Mangapapa That, for the purpose of providing the instalments or pay­ Town Board, compr1smg the Mangapapa Town Board District ; ments from time to time due or to become due in respect of and that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring rate principal and interest and all other charges in connection durinir the currency of such loan, and be payable yearly on with the loan of £20,000 (known as the Water and Drainage the .thirtieth (:lOth) day of September in each and every year Loan No. 2) which the Castlecliff Town Board is authorized durmg the curren_cy of such loan, being a period of twenty to raise under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, in order (20) years, or until the loan is fully paid off. (a.) To complete and carry out the water and drainage system at present being established in the Castlecliff 521 W. J. McCLISKIE, Chairman. Town District ; (b.) To extend the said water and drainage system by establishing same in such further and other streets MANGAHOE DRAINAGE BOARD. and roads in the town district as the Board may determine; RES0LU1'I0N MAKING SPECIAL RATE FOR PAYMENT OF (c.) To provide and pay for all appliances, plant, material, INTEREST AND SINKING FUND ON SPECIAL LOAN 01<' £2,000. fittings, connections, things, and labour necessary for the completion and extension of the said water and N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in drainage system and for the efficient working and I that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, the use of same and incidental thereto ; Mangahoe Drainage Board hereby resolves as follows:- the Castlecl!ff Town Board here by makes and levies a special That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other rate of 13/16d. in the pound upon the rateable value of all charges on a loan of two thousand pounds, authorized to be rateable property in the Castlecliff Town District; and that raISe~ by the l\fangahoe Drainage Board, under the above­ such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate during me1~~10ned A?t, fm.' the _puq~ose of deepening, widening, the currency of the said loan, and shall be payable yearly on ~learmg, straightenmg, d1vertmg, and otherwise generally the 1st day of September in each and every year during the 1mprovmg the Mangahoe Stream, the said l\fangahoe Dra'nage currency of the said loan, being a period of 36 ~ years, or Board hereby mal

£ And that such special rate shall be an annual-recurring Rebuilding Loch Norrie Bridge on Inland Road .. 600 rate during the currency of such loan, and shall be payable Rebuilding Tanner's No. 1 Bridge on Wainui-Kau­ yearly upon the 1st day of July in each and every year during kapakapa Road 600 the currency of such Joan, being a period of thirty-six and Rebuilding Tanner's No. 2 Bridge on Wainui-Kau­ a half years, or until the loan is fully paid off. First year's kapakapa Road 600 instalment in respect to interest and principal to be paid Replacing wooden structure with concrete pipe out of loan. culverts and earth fillings- 525 A. K. DREW, County Clerk. Fifield's Culvert on fuland Road, 36 inch pipe 250 Dormer's Culvert on Peak Road, 36 inch pipe 150 W. Drinnan's Culvert on Wainui-Kaukapakapa DANNEVIRKE COUNTY COUNCIL. Road, 48 inch pipe .. 150 L. Drinnan's Culvert on Wainui-Kaukapakapa RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. Road (No. 1), 48 inch pipe ...... 150 L. Drinnan's Culvert on Wainui-Kaukapakapa N pursuance. and exercise of the powers vested in it in Road (No. 2), 48 inch pipe ...... 150 I that cehalf under sections 31, 32, and 33 of the Counties Wright's Quarry Culvert on Wainui-Kaukapakapa Amendment Act, 1913, the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, Road, 48 inch pipe .. 150 and its amendments, and the Housing Act, 1919, the Danne­ Tahekeroa-Makarau Railway-station, two 48 inch virke County Council hereLy resolves ·as follows :- pipe culverts 300 That, for the purpose of providing the instahnents of prin­ Metalling part of Makarau Station to West ('.,oast cipal and interest on a loan of £600 raised for the purpose Road 500 of erecting workers' dwellings in the Mangatoro Riding, the said Dannevirke County Council hereby makes and levies a £3,600 special rate of one two-hundredths of a penny in the pound in the Kaukapakapa Riding of the County of Waitemata, on the unimproved value of all rateable property in the the said Waitemata County Council hereby makes and levies County of Dannevirke ; and that such rate shall be an annual­ a special rate of one farthing in the pound on the ratea blo recurring rate di:.ring the currency of the Joan, being a period value of all rateable property of the Kaukapakapa Riding, of 36! years, or until the Joan is folly paid off, and be payable comprising the whole of the area within the limits of the yearly on the first day of July in each and every year. Kaukapakapa Riding of the- -County of Waitemata; and 526 JAS. W. ELLINGHAM, Chairman. that such special rate shall be an annually recurring rate ---~---·------. during the currency of such Joan, and be payable half-yearly on the first day of June and the first day of December in each WARKWORTH TOWN BOARD. and every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of 36l years, or until the loan is fully paid off. RESOLUTION MARING SPECIAL RATE. 523 C. A. CA WKWELL, County Clerk. HAT, for the purposes of providing for the interest a_nd T other charges on a Joan of £500 (five hundred pounds) WATTEMATA COUNTY COUNCIL. for a period of 36f years, authorized to le raised by the Warkworth Town Board for the purpose of extending the present drainage system, and for the erection of sanitary RESOLl:~'ION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. conveniences at the Town Hall, the said vVarkworth Town . . . . Board here by makes and levies a special rate of one-tenth N pursuance and exercise of th_e powers vested m it m I of a penny in the pound upon the rateable value of all the I that hehalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, the i rateable property of the Warkworth Town District; and that vYaitemata County Council hereby _resolves _as follows:- the spccittl rate shall be an annually recurring rate during That, for the purpose of prov1dm/i the mteres~ and other the currency of the loan, and payable on the 16th day of July ·charges on a loan of £1,000, authonzed to be raised by the in each and everv vear during the currencv of such lrian, or \Yaitemata County Council, under the above-mentioned Act, until the Joan is f;Iifv paid off. - · for the following purposes :- £ 527 - H. B. :\lOORE, Town Clerk. (1.) Bridge at Dawson's Quarry . . 500 ______------(2.) Equipment for Dawson's Quarry 500 , ---i In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908; and in the £1,000 I matter of THE ELECTRIC IRON SAFETY CuT-OUT COM- in the Kaukapakapa Riding of the County of Waitemata, i PA:!'fY (LIMITED), of Auckland. the said Waitemata County Council hereby makes and levies I NI OTICE is hereby given that on the first day of May, _ a special rate of one-twelfth of a penny in the pound upon I one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, at an the rateable value of all property of the Kaukapakapa Riding, extraordinary general meeting of the Electric Iron Safety comprising the whole of the area within the limits of the Cut-out Company (Limited) it was resolved :- Kaukapakapa Riding of the County of Wait

N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in In the matter of the n,mpanies Act·, 1908. I that behalf by the Local :Bodies' Loans Act, HH3, the OTICE is hereby given that FAIRBANKS-MORSE Manawatu County Council hereby resolves as follows :- N That, for the purpose of providing the instalments in respect COMPANY (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED has removed its office from 2nd Floor Colwill's Buildings, Swanson Street, ' -of principal and interest and also other charges on a loan of Auckland, to the offices of Trentham Charles Webster, £750, authorized to be raised by the Manawatu County Solicitor, situated at 31 Shortland Street, Auckland. Council, under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, for the Dated this 26th day of June, 1922. erection of a concrete bridge over the Makino Stream on Wells Street, Feilding, the said Manawatu County Council FAIBBANKS-MORSE COMPANY (AUSTRALASIA) LIMITED, hereby makes and levies a special rate of l,\d. upon the 529 By its Attorney, ROBERT CARR. - rateable value of all rateable property in the Makino Special Rating District, comprising Lot 15, pt. 14, of Sec. 149, Block XIV, Orona Survey District, containing 26 acres 3 roods "I, HE Partnership hitherto subsisting between the under- 14·8 perches, in the ·occupation of the Feilding Agricultural signed HENRY JOHN MATHIAS and HA.ROLD GEORGE and Pastoral Association ; and pt. Lots 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, and DOUGLAS HOPE, trading as Tea Merchants under _the name 14, and Lot<, pt. 7, 16/32, pt. 33, 44, of Section 149, and pt. or style of "The Agra Tea Company" ·at Number l_ King Section 149, Block XIV, Orona Survey District, in the occupa­ Edward Road, South Dm1edin, has been dissolved by mutual tion of the Feilding Jockey Club, containing 118 acres O roQds. consent as from the ninth day of June, one thousand nfue 39·3 perches. hundred and twenty-ho. E 1766 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53

The business will in future be carried on under the old I NOTICE UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1908. firm-name by HENRY JOHN MATHIAS, who will discharge all -- . liabilities of the late Partnership and to whom all moneys NOTICE is hereby given that the Education Board of the owing ~hereto are payabl~...... District of Auckland intends to take, under the pro- As w,tness our hands this th1rt1eth day of June, one thousand v1s1ons of the Public Works Act, 1908, for the purposes of a nine hundred and twenty-two. · public school, the following land, namely: All that piece of H. J. MATHIAS. land situated in Block VIII, Purua Survey District, containing Witness to the signature of Henry John Mathias-Edmund 1 rood, more or less, being Allotment 5 of the Town of Kamo. J. Smith, Solicitor, Dunedin. A plan of the said land is deposited at the post-office at HAROLD G. D. HOPE. Kamo, and is there open for inspection by all persons at all reasonable hours. Witness to the signatr.re of Harold George Douglas Hope All persons affected are hereby required and called upon to -A. Court, Clerk to Messrs. Duncan and MacGregor, Solicitors, set forth in writing any well-grounded objections to the Dunedin. 530 taking of such land, and to send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Educa­ COROMANDEL COUNTY COUNCIL. tion Board of the District of Auckland at its office in William­ son's Chambers, Shortland Street, Auckland. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND IN BLOCK I, MOEHAU Dated at Auckland this 29th day of June, 1922. SURVEY DISTRICT, FOR ROAD PURPOSES. E. C. PURDIE, OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed by the Secretary to the Education Board of N.._ Coromandel County Council, under the provisions of the District of Auckland. the Public Works Act, 1908, to execute a certain public work This notice was first published on the 30th day of June, -to wit, the construction of a. road in Block I, Moehau 1922, in the New Zealand Herald newspaper. 534 Survey District ; and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken. And notice is hereby further given that a plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the Council Chambers of the said Council, Kapanga Road, Coromandel, COUNTY OF WHAKATANE. and is there open for inspection. All persons affected should, if they have any well-grounded NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND FOR PUBLIC WORKS objections to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and OTICE is hereby given that the Whakatane Counti send such wriiing, within forty days from the first pu blica­ N Council proposes, under the provisions of the Counties tion of this notice, to the Clerk of the said Council at Act, 1920, and the Public Works Act, 1908, to execute certain Coromandel. public works-namely, new roads; and for such public SCHEDULE. works the lands described in the Schedule hereto are required THE several parcels of land required to be taken :- to be take':. . . . Approximate area of each of the parcels of land required And notice 1s hereby further given that plans of the sai.d to be taken- I land so required are deposited in the offices of Suckling and A R. p Being Portion of _ Chalmers, Solicitors, New Press Buildings, The Strand, O 1 1' Section 3, Quarry &serve ; coloured blue on I Whakatane: and are open for inspection (without fee) by all plan. · persons durmg office hours. . . . . O 1 8 Section 2 ; coloured red on plan. All persons affecte? b:v the execut10n of the said public- . . . . works or by the takmg of such lands, who have any well- Situated m Block I, Moehau Survey DIStnct. grounded objections thereto, must state their objections in Dated at Coromandel this 24th day of June, 1922. writing, and send the same, within forty (40) days from the For the Coromandel County Council. Ifirst publication of this notice, to the said Solicitors at their said address. SAMUEL JAMES, Chairman. I SCHEDULE. 531 RICH. SIMMONDS, Clerk. , MICHA;~~~~~TUS ROSANOSKI, ~e~tofo~ ~ailed I 5 acres 1 roo? ::·~e~::~~:~:s!;v:~::~h Lot 9 _of Allot- I , and known by the name of Michael Augustus Cornwall, . n;ent 11~. Panah of Matata, coloured on ]i>la~ p.lllk, and of Palmerston North, Porter, hereby give public notice that situated m Block IV, Awa-o-te-atua Survey D1stnct. on -the twenty-seventh day of June, 1922, I formally and (2.) Keegan's Road. absolutely renounced, relinquished, and abandoned the use of my said surname of _Cornwall, and then assumed and . 3 acres O roods 13 perches, passing through part Allot­ adopted and determined thenceforth on all occasions whatso­ ments 8 and 11, Parish of Waimana., coloured on plan pink, ever to use and subscribe the name of Rosanoski instead of and situated in Blocks I and II, Whakatane Survey District. the said name of Cornwall. And I give further notice that (3.) Maata's Deviation. by deed-poll dated the twenty-seventh day of June, 1922, duly executed and attested and enrolled in the Supreme 3 acres 2 roods 23 perches, passing through Lots 72B Nos. 3w Court of New Zealand, Wellington District, Palmerston North and 3v No. 2, Parish of Matata, coloured on plan pink, and lwgistry, I formally and absolutely renounced i,nd abandoned situated in Block VII, Rangitaiki Upper Survey District. the said surname of Cornwall, and declared that I had STOPPING R-OADS. assumed and adopted and intended thenceforth upon all . . . occasions whatsoever to use and subscribe the name of NOTICE 1~ _hereby fur~her given that t~e said _?OUnty, under Rosanoski instead of Cornwall and 80 as to be at all times the prov1S1ons of seot~on 131 of the said Public Works Act, h f II d kn d' d · b d b h f proposes to stop certam roads. t erea ter ca _e , _ own, an escn e y t e name o Th I ds . · th _ d d t be t d RosANOSKI exclusively. ~ an_ compnsmg e roa s propose o s oppe are Dated this 27th day of June 1922. . Idescnbed 11:1 th~ Schedule hereto. . . , ' I And notice 1s hereby further given that plans thereof lie MICHAEL AUGUSTUS ROSANOSKI. • open to public inspection a.t the offices of the said Solicitors .(Formerly known as MICHAEL AUGUSTUS CORNWALL.) during ordinary office hours. 532 SOHEDULE. In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908; and in the 4 acres 2 roods 11 perches, adjoining Sections 173,174,178, matter of the SuocESS GOLD-DREDGING COM-PANY (Lr. 1 and 224A, Parish of Waimana, coloured on plan green, a.nd MITED ). _ situated in Block XI, Whakatarie Survey District. 1',. • OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section 230 of 1 10 acres 3 roods_ 27·4 perch?"•. a_djoining Lots 38A No. 2 .l" the Companies Act, 1908, that a .general meeting of and 3_8B No. ~. Panah of Rang:ita1ki, coloured o"? P!an green, the members of the above-named company will be held at and S1tuated 1n Block IV, Whakatane Survey D1Stnct. the office of Mr. Nonnan H. James, Perry Street, Masterton, 5 acres 1 rood 31 perches, adjoining Lot 9 of Allotment 110, on Wednesday, 12th day of July, 1922, at 2.30 p.m., for the Parish of Matata, coloured on plan green, and situated in purpose of having an account laid before them showing the Block IV, Awa-o-te-a.tua Survey. J?i~trict. . manner in which the winding,up has been conducted and the 3. acres 3 ";'ods 9 perches, adiommg Allotments .s and l_l, property disposed of, and of ·hearing any explanation that, Pansh of Wa1mana, coloured on plan.~n, and s1tuated_m may be given by the Liquidator, and also determining by : Blocks I and II, Whak-atane. S~.":l'. Distnct. · . extraordinary resolution the m=er in which the books, 3 acres 3 roods O perches, adJ01rung !-at 72B. 3w, Panah of accounts, and documents of the company and of the Liqui- Mata~,. ~loured on 'Pla.n g_ree1:1, and S1tuated m Block VII, dators thereof shall be disposed of. · Rang:ita1ki Upper Survey D1Stnct. Dated this 23rd day of June, 1922. SUCKLING AND CHALMERS 1133 . NORMAN H. JAMES, Liquidator. 535 Solicitors for Whakatane County Co~ncil. J.ULY 6.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 176'1

rrHE Partnership hitherto ·subsisting between the under- CUSTOMS TARIFF OF NEW ZEALAND, 1921. . signed DAVID MoLEAN w ALLACE and CHARLES HENRY . PrucE, 2s. 6d. ; POSTAGE, 3d. EXTRA, STEPHENSON, carrying on business at Te Aroha. as " The W. & S. Machine Company " (Weighing a.nd Sampling Ma.­ Obtainable from chine Company), is dissolved by mutual consent as from a.nd after 21st June, 1922. The undersigned DAVID MoLEAN GoVERNMBNT PBINTBR, WELLDIGTON. WALLA.OE has right to the assets and will discharge the liabilities of the Partnership. PECIAL REPORTS ON EDUCATIONAL SUB­ Dated at Te Aroha. the 1st da.y'of July, 1922. s JECTS.-CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF D. McL. WALLACE. C. H. STEPHENSON. NEW ZEALAND: Indigenous a.nd Na.tura.lized Species. Witness to both signatures-P. Gilchrist, Solicitor, Te By T. F. CHEESEJIUN, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Price, ls.; postage, 2d. Aroha. 537 Orders should be addressed- "GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WELLINGTON." SOUTHPORT COAL COMPANY (LIMITED).

A T an extraordinary meeting of shareholders duly called REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF DENNIS GUNN. '""' and held at the Acting-Secretary's office in Eek Street, Invercargill, on Thursday, 1st June, 1922, the following In Pamphlet form. Price, 2a. 6d. ; postage, 3d. motion was moved and adopted, namely :- '"''That it has been proved to the satisfaction of the com­ Orders should be sent to the pany that the company cannot by reason of· its liabilities continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up GOVERNMENT PRINTER, the same." WBLLINGTON. A motion was a.lso adopted as follows :- " That Mr. R. J. CtnlonNG be appointed Liquide.tor, and that the balance of assets, after refunding fourpence half­ BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. penny per share on all " B " shares pa.id up to twenty shillings, be reta.ined by him as Liquide.tor's remuneration." HE public are informed that extracts from the New T 538 R. J. CUMMING, Secretiiry, pro tem. Zealand Gazette, containing all Bankruptcy Notices that appear in ea.ch issue, are published weekly, and will be sent post-free to any address on payment of ~ sub­ THE AUCKLAND AND SUBURBAN DRAINAGE BOARD. scription of 10s. per annum. Single copies, 3d. each. SPEOIA.L ORDER MAKING BY-LAW No. 3. Orders should be addreued- " GoVEBNJIDIT PBINTIIB, WBLLINGTON." rrHE Auckland a.nd Suburban Drainage Board doth hereby, by special resolution intended to operate a.s a specie.I order in terms of section 12 of the Auckla.nd a.nd EDUCATION ACTS AND REGULATIONS. Suburban Drainage Act, 1908, ordain a.s follows:- 1. This by-Ia.w shall be read with and as extending a.nd N. 1. EDUCATION AoT PAMPID,ET, to 1921. Paper cover. amending By-la.we No. I of the Auckland and 8uburba.n Price, 3s. ; postage, 3d. Drainage Boa.rd made by the said Board on 28th July, 1909, N. 2. ACTS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO EDUOATION and words herein used shall have the same meaning and be RESERVES. Paper cover. Price, ls. ; postage, 2d. interpreted in the same way as the same words when t1sed in the said By-Ia.we No. 1. N. 3. GENERAL REGULATIONS UNDER THE EDUCATION AoT 2. Paragraph 87-of the said By-la.we No. I relating to the (exclusive of those printed separately below). quorum at meetings of committees is hereby repealed, a.nd Paper cover. Price, 6d. ; postage, 2d. in lieu thereof the following is enacted, viz.,- N. 4. REGULATIONS FOR JNBPEOTION AND SYLLABUS OF IN­ The quorum of any committee dee.ling in the wa.y of its STRUOTION. Paper cover. Price, ls. ; postage, 3d. ordinary business with works, fine.nee, or legal matters, or all or .any of such matters, shall be five of its members ; and N. 5. REGULATIONS FOR TRAINING - OOLLEGES, PROBA­ the quorum of all other committees shall be half the number TIONERS, AND PuPJL • TEAOHkRS. Paper cove~. of members of such committee, provided that if such number Price, 6d. ; postage, 2d. is odd then the quorum shall be a. majority of such members. N. 6. REGULATIONS : TEAOHERS' SUPERANNUATION (in­ The foregoing specia.l order was made by way of a. special cluding Extracts from Act). Paper cover. 1'6solution passed a.t a. specie.I meeting of the Auckland a.nd Price, 6d. ; postage, 2d. Suburban Drainage Board convened by requisition of the N. 7. REGULATIONS : STAFFS, SALARIES, ATTENDANOE, AND Chairman dated the 26th day of May, 1922, and held on the PAYMENTS BASED THEREON. Paper cover. Price, 31st day of May, 1922. It was publicly notified in the New 6d.; postage, 2d. Zealand HeraJ,d on the 6th, 19th, and 29th days of June, 1922, and the Auckland Star on the 12th, 26th, a.nd 29th days of N. 8. REGULATIONS : EXAMINATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF June, 1922. It was confirmed at a special meeting of the TEAOHERS. Paper cover. Price, ls. ; postage, 2d. said Board convened by resolution of the Board on the 31st N. 9. REGULATIONS : PuBLIO SEBVIOE ENTBANOE Ex­ da.y of May, 1922, and held on the 29th day of June, 1922. AMINATIO_N. Paper cover. Price, 6d. ; postsge, 2d. It was, by resolution passed by the said Board on the 29th day N. 10. REGULATIONS : PuBLIC SERVICE SENIOR EXAJIIINA• of June, 1922, ordered to come into force on the 10th da.y TION. Paper cover. Price, 6d. ; pos~ge, 2d. of July, 1922, or as soon thereafter as the consent of His Excellency the Gove.rnor-GeneraJ:is given·to the said by-la.w. N. 12. REGULATIONS AND CoNDITIONS : EDUOATIONAL 'BUR­ SARIES, SIR GEORGE GREY SOHOLAR.~HlPS. HOME The common sea.I of the Auckla.nd and Suburban Drainage AND DOMESTIC ARTS BURSARIES. Paper cover. Board was hereto affixed this twenty-ninth da.y of June, 1922, Price, 6d. ; postage, 2d. in the presence of- J. H. GUNSON, Chairman. N. 13. REGULATIONS: JUNIOR AND SENIOR NATIONAL EMILY H. MAGUIRE } .SOHOLARSHlPS AND INTEBMEDIA.TE EXillINATION GEO. BAILDON Members. (SENIOR FREE PLAOES). Paper cover. Price, 6d. ; 539 H. H. WATKINS, Engineer and Secretary. postage, 2d. N. 14. REGULATIONS : MANUAL AND TEOHNIOAL INSTRUO, TION. Paper cover. Price, 6d. ; postage, 2d. LAND-TAX AND INCOME-TAX. N. 15. AoTS AND REGULATIONS : PuBLIO AND SEOONDABY SCHOOL TEACHERS' INOOBPOBATION AND COURT Oil' TABLES showing Amount.a payable under the Finance APPEAL. Paper cover. Price, 6d. ; postage, 2d. Act, 1921 :- N. 16. AoTS AND REGULATIONS RELATING TO INDUSTRIAL LAND-TAX TABLBS ls. 6d. SCHOOLS. Paper cover. Price, ls. ; postage, 2d. GB.ADUATBD INOOMB-Til TABLES la. 6d. N. 17. REGULATIONS RELATING TO NATIVE SoHOOLS. Paper (Postage 3d. extra.) cover. Price, ls. ; postage, 3d. The above may be obtained on application to the Now obta.inable from GOVERNMENT PRINTER, GOVERNMF..NT PRINTER, Wellington. WBLLINGTON. 1768 THE NE.W ·ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 58

PATENTS, DESIGNS, TRADE-MARKS, AND CONTENTS. COPYRIGHT. PAGB The Patents, Designs, and Trade-marks Acts : Price, · AnnBTIBBMl!NTB 1763 211. 3d. I post.age. 3d. The Copyright Act, 1913, and Regula.tions : Price, ls. 6d. ; Al'POIHIIBNr&, Bro. 1746 postage, 3d. BANKRUPTCY N OTICll:ll 1762 · The Pat.ant Office J ourna.1, containing applications for patents and trade-marks, abridged descriptions and CB0W111 LANDS IfoTICBs 1761 drawings of inventions, illustrations of trade-marks a.ooepted, &o., published fortnightly : ls. 6d. a copy Onn:NoB FoBCll:ll 1748, 17/i9 (postage 2d. extra), or £1 10s. per annum (including postage). . LAND- The above may be obtained on application to the Borough, Notice respecting Proposed 1759 Boundaries altered . , , . 1736 GOVERNMENT PRINTER, Crown Land proclaimed • • 1735 .WBLI.i[!l'GTOli, Electric-power District constituted . . 1733 Foreshore, Revoking Order in Council_ licensing NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Use and Occupation of •• .. , • 1743 Public School,' Taken for . . 1734 HE following Works, published under the authority of Road-linP.s proclaimed Public Roads . . 1781 T the Government, are now on ea.le at the. Stationery It.oad stoppe!l, Gov_erl).ment ... 1735 Department, Wellington, and will be transmitted at the Roads declared to be County Roads , , 1736 published price to any address in the Dominion :- Roads proclaimed • . . . . 1732, 1739 Roads proclaimed and closed , , l7S2 AWARDS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AGREEMENTS, Roads, Taken for 1734 ETC., made under the Industrial Conciliation and Sale by Public Auction • . .. 174/i Arbitration Act, New Zea.land. Vols. i, ii, iii, v, vi, Bale or Lease to Oisoharged Soldiers . . 1731 and vii are out of print. Vol. iv, year 1903, quarter Sale or Selection .. .. 1744 cloth, 2s. 6d. Vol. viii, year 1907, quarter cloth, Selection by Discharged Soldiers, Revoking the 3s. 6d. Vols. ix to xvii, years 1908 to 1916, cloth Betting•apart of Land for · , , 1782 boards, 7s. 6d.; quarter cloth, 5s. Vols. xix and xx, Settlement; for Selection . . .. 1746 years 1918 and 1919, cloth boards, £1 ; quarter cloth, Street-widening, &c., Consenting to Land being 158. Vol. xxi, 1920, in two Parts, cloth, £1 ea.oh Part; taken for .. . • .. .. 1736 quarter cloth, 158. each Part. Postage, le. Street-widening, &c., Taken for , , 1734 CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF DECISIONS .AND Streets, Authorizing Laying-off of , . , , 1785 INTERPRETATIONS OF THE COURT OF Streets exempted from the Provisions of Sec- ARBITRATION, under the lndustriaJ Conciliation tion 117 of the Public Works ~ct 1743 and Arbitration Acts. Compiled by JOHN H. SALMON. This Digest deals with aJl the cases from LAND TB.t.NSl!'ER Acr N OTIOBS 1763 the inception of the Act till the 31st December, 1914, and thus embraces Vols. i to xv (inclusive) of the MI80BLLA!lll0U8- Book of Awards. Price : cloth boards, 58. ; quarter Auditor licensed . . 1760 cloth,. 3s. 6d. ; paper covers, 3s. Postage, 6d. Further Customs Amendment Act, Dumping Duties nnder 1760 supplementary Digest will be issued annually, bound in Customs Reciprocity Treaty terminated 1744 paper covers, 6d. each Postage, 2d._ Deceased Persons' Estates 1757 CONSOLIDATED DIGEST··,,oF WORKERS' COM­ Election, Arrangements for First, &c. . . 1746 PENSATION CASES. Compiled by JoHN H. Electricity, License to Use Water for, &o. 1738 SALMON, This Digest deals with alf oases under Electric Lin"s, Authorizing Erection of.. 1738 the Act up till· the 31st December, 1914. Price, Elrctrio Works, Authorizing Construction of 17~5 paper covers, Ia. 6d.; postage, 6d. Further supple­ Friendly Society's Branch registered 1760 mentary Digest will be issued annually, bound in paper House of Representatives, Election of Member of 1748 covers, 6d. ea.oh; postage, 2d. · Incorporated Society dissolved 1760 Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Aot: Can, MINING AND ENGINEERING AND MINERS' oellation of Registration , . . , . . . 1760 GUIDE. By H. A. GonnoN, Assoc. M.I.C.E., In­ Inscribed Stock : Closing of Registers , . , , 171\0 specting Engineer. Copiously illustrated. Royal 8 vo. Inspector of Sea Fishing, Revoking Appointment Cloth, 108. ; postage, le. of . .. 1759 MINING HANDBOOK OF NEW ZEALAND. Loan, Prescribing Rate of Interest to be paid in With Maps and Illustrations. Demy 8 vo. Paper respect of . . 1742 cover, 2s. 6d.; cloth boards, 5s.; postage, la. Loans, Prescribing 'ferms of 1742 Meteorological Remrns for April, 1922 . . 1758 THE FIRST GOLD · DISCOVERIES IN NEW Mining Privileges 1756 ZEALAND. 6d. Postage, 3d. Naturalization, Fixing Fees in connection whh 1787 TROUT-FISHING AND SPORT IN MAORILAND. Noxious Weed, Plant declared to be 1743 By Captain G. D. HAllllLTON. Demy 8vo. 450 pp., Officiating MiniHlera for 1922 . . 1760 with illustrations. Cloth boards, 10s. 6d. ; postage, 10d. Public Service, Promotions, &c., in the 1749 Orders should be addressed to- Public Trustee, Ebt&tes administered by 1759 Regula.hons as to taking Whitebait 1744 GOVERNMENT PRINTER, Resignation of Justice of the Peace 1746 WELLINGTON, Sheep, Interim Return of 1760

By Authority: W. A. G. SKINNER, Government Printer, Wellington. Price, ls.] [970/7 /22-9469 ·