:_ >&;r'"-'. ~:~ ',~ .' ; ',' I Jttmb. 53.) 1733 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 192:J. Crawn Land set apart for DilJ'f)Odal by way o.f Sale w Lease Ihowever, to the conditions prescribed by section fifty-one of to Discharged Soldiers, under Special Ten,,res, in the the last-mentioned Act, and section fifteen of the Native Land Taranaki Land Diatrict. Amendment Act, 1914: And whereas the said Court is of the opinion that in the tL.S.J JELL I COE, Governor-General. public interest the said road.Jines should be proclaimed as public roads, l'nd a notification to that effect has been for­ A PROCLAMATION. warded to the :Minister of Lands, in terms of section fifty-one N pursuance of the power and authority conferred upon of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913: I me by section four of the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ And whereas one month's notice in writing of the intention ment Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, to proclaim the said road-lines as public roads has been given Governor - General of the Dominion of New Zeala.nd, do by the Surveyor-General to the local authority of the district hereby procla.im and decla.re that the area of ~wn la.nd concerned, in terms of section fifteen of the Native Land described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same is Amendment Act, 1914: hereby set apart and decla.red open for disposal by way of sale And whereas it is now expedient that the said road-lines or lease to discharged soldiers, under special tenures, in the should be proclaimed as public roads : manner provided in the said· Act. Now, therefore, I, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursu­ SCHEDULE. ance and exercise of the powers conferred by section forty­ eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913; do hereby TARANAKI LAND DISTRIOT.-CROWN LAND. proclaim as. public roads the road-lines described in the SECTION 44, Block V, Cape Survey District: Area, 37 acres Schedule hereto. 0 roods 36 perches. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ SCHEDULE. General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government roads:- Honse at Wellington, this 26th day of ,Tune, 1922. A. R P. Being Portion of , D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. 0 3 7 Kawaha No. 1 Block, situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti Survey District; coloured red. GOD SAVE THE KING! 10 1 3 Kawaha No. 3 Block, situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti, and Block XVI, Rotorua Survey Districts; coloured blue. Proclaiming Road-Unea laid out through Kawaha Nos. 1, 3, 2 0 34 Kawaha No. 4 Block, situated in Block XVI, 4, and 5, and Waikuta No. lb Hlocks to be Public Roads. Rotorua Survey District ; coloured red. 12 0 25 Kawaha No. 5 Block, situated in Block XIII, Rotoiti, and Block XVI, Rotorua Survey [L.s.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. Districts ; coloured yellow. A PROCLAMATION. 0 0 20 Waikuta No. lB Block, situated in Block XVI, HEREAS the parcels of land described in the Schedule Rotorua Survey District; coloured yellow. W hereto were, by orders of the Native Land Court In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more made on the eleventh day of July and the fifth day of particularly delineated on the pla.n marked L. and S. 16/956, November, one thousand nine hundred aud ten, and the deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and twelfth day of August, one thousand nine hundred and Survey, at Wellington, under No. 1959, and thereon coloured eleven, duly la.id out as road-lines, in p111'11uance of section as above mentioned. one hundred and seventeen of Native Land Act, 1909: And whereas by section two of the Native Land Amend­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor· ment and Native Land Claims Adjustment Act, 1918, it is General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued provided that where any road-line has heretofore been laid under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government out under the said section one hundred and seventeen and House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. has not been proclaimed as a public road, then such road-line D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. may be proclaimed as a public road under section forty. eight of the Native Land Amendment Act, 1913, subject, Go» SAVB THB KING ! A 1734 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 53 Revoking the SeUing-aparl of Land for Selection by Discharged I SCHEDULE. So_ldi~rs, under Ordinary Tenures, in the Auckland Land AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-CROWN LAND. District. -- SECTION 16, Block XIV, Urutawa Survey District, Opotiki [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. County: Area, 1,366 acres. A PROCLAMATION. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued I conferred upon me by section three of the Discharged under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, I, John Rushworth, Viscount House at Wellington, this 30th day of June. 1922. Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, D. H, GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. do hereby revoke the Proclamation made on the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, GoD SAVE THE KING' and published in the Gazette of the sixth day of September then instant, setting apart Crown lands for selection by dis­ r.and proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed, in Pukeatua charged soldiers, under the Land Act, 1908, in so far as it Parish, Waiwera Survey District, North Auckland Land relates to the land in the Schedule hereto. District. SCHEDULE. [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.--CROWN LAND. A PROCLAMATION. Urutawa Survey District.-Opotiki County. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by SECTION 11, Block XIII Area, 1,966 acres. I section eleven of the Land Act, 1908, I, John Rush­ 12 XIV 1,275 worth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor, described in the First Schedule hereto; and also do hereby Genera,! of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issuec' proclaim as closed the road described in the Second under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Government Schedule hereto. House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. FIRST SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD. GOD SAVE THE KING! APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road:- RevokiWJ the Setting-apart of Land for Selection by Discharyed A, R. P. Portion of Soldiers, under Special Tenures, in the Auckland Land 1 2 27 Allotments S.E. 224 and 227; coloured red. District. 0 0 28 Allotment 227 ; coloured red. SECOND SCHEDULE. [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. RoAn CLOSED. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed : 1 acre I 1 rood. conferred upon me by the Discharged Soldiers Settle­ Adjoin1ng Allotments S.E. 224, 227, and S.E. and N. W. 284; ment Act, 1915, l, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, d~ coloured grABn. hereby revoke the Proclamation made on the fifth day of All shuated in Pukeatua Parish, Block XIV, Waiwera October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, and Survey District. published in the Gazette of the thirteenth day of October, one All in the North Auckland Land District; as the same are thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, setting apart Crown more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. lands for selection by discharged soldiers, under the Dis­ 16/987, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands charged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915, in so far as it relates and Survey, at 'Wellington, under No. 1970, and thereon to the land in the Schedule hereto. coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of Hie Excellency the Govemor­ SCHEDULE. General of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and issued under the Seal of tliat Dominion, at the Government AUCKLAND LAND DrsTRfCT.-CROWN LAND.-SECOND­ House at Wellington, this 30th day of June, 1922. CLASS LAND. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands. West Taupo County.-Wharepapa Survey District.- Wharepuhunga Block. Area. A. R. P. SECTION 1-, Block VIII 309 0 0 8 261 1 0 Lrmd proclaimed as a Road in Waihou Survey District, 12 248 0 0 Aucklllnd [,and District. 14 255 0 0 15 ,, 268 2 0 [L.S.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. 1, Block XII 240 0 0 A PROCLAMATION. 3 237 0 0 N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor I section eleven of the Land Act. 1908, I, John Rush­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand : and iss11c, worth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Dominion under the Seal of that Dominion, at the ·Government of IS ew Zeal•nd. do hereby proclaim as a road the land in House at Wellington, this 3rd day of July, 1922. W aihou Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. D. H. GUTHRIE, Minister of Lands SCHEUULE GOD SA VE THE KING I APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a road:- A. R. P. Portion of R~ooking the Setting-apart of Land for Selection by Discharged 5 O 7·6 Awaiti No.
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