Parish Route Part Status Description Width Number Route Alveley 45 No BOAT Footpath 45 commencing from point A on Order Plan 5 where it joins Minimum Footpath 48 and RUPP 22 (GR 75408645), running in a general north- width of 3 easterly direction along a stoned, hedged lane with a minimum width of metres 3 metres to point B where it meets the County Road (GR 75488672) - a distance of approximately 350 metres. Alveley 22 No BOAT Byway 22 commencing from point A on Order Plan 1 (GR754864), Minimum running in a general easterly direction along a stoned, hedged track with width of 3 a minimum width of 3 metres, passing through two gates to Point B on metres the plan where it meets the county road (CR761863) - a total distance of approximately 750 metres. Alveley 25 & 26 Yes BOAT Byway 25/26 (part) commencing from Point A on Order Plan 2 Minimum (GR769855) where it leaves the county road, running in a general NNE width of 3 direction along a stoned, hedged lane with a minimum width of 3 metres metres to Point B (GR767862) where RUPP25 joins RUPP26, continuing to Point C on the plan where it meets the county road (GR765864) a total distance of approximately 1050 metres. Alveley 30 Yes BOAT Byway 30 commencing from Point A on Order Plan 4 (GR6127601) Approximatel where it leaves the county road, running in a general southerly direction y 3 metres along a stoned access track approximately 3 metres wide (serving a sewage plant) before continuing along an earth, hedged lane approximately 3 metres wide in a southerly and then south-westerly and then southerly direction to point B on the plan (GR76078494) - a total distance of approximately 660 metres. Alveley 54 No BOAT Byway 54 commencing from point A on Order Plan 6 where it leaves the Approximatel county road (GR76728355), running in a general easterly direction along y 3 metres an earth, hedged lane between fields, approximately 3 metres wide, to Point B on the plan where it meets the county road (GR77028362) - a distance of approximately 310 metres. Alveley 29 No BOAT Byway 29 commencing from point A on Order Plan 3 where it leaves 3 metres the county road (GR76118553), running in a general north-easterly followed by northerly direction along a headland track 3 metres wide to a gate at Point B on the plan, continuing in a north-easterly followed by easterly direction along a field path 3 metres wide to a second gate at Point C. The route then runs in a south-easterly direction along an earth track 3 metres wide and then forks continuing in a general north- easterly direction to join a stoned access track 3 metres wide to Point F on the plan where it meets the county road (GR76448586), and also in a southerly direction along a stone access road 3 metres wide to Point E on the plan (GR76618558) where it meets the county road just north of Blunder Bridge - a total distance of approximately 930 metres. Alveley 30 Yes BOAT That part of Byway 30 commencing from Point A on Order Plan 5 Approximatel (GR76078494), running in a general south-westerly direction along an y 3 metres earth, hedged lane, approximately 3 metres wide, for a distance of approximately 190 metres to Point B on the plan (GR75928485) where it meets the county road. Alveley & Quatt UN4 & UN1 No BOAT A byway open to all traffic commencing from point A on Order Plan 1 4 metres Malvern where it leaves the County Road (GR 758877), running in a general north-easterly direction along an access road approximately 4 metres wide to Quatt Farm, then SSE along a stoned, hedged lane approximately 3-4 metres wide, to a gate on the southern boundary of Wallrea Coppice, continuing to point B on the plan (GR 765865) at its junction with Hollow Ash Lane - a total distance of approximately 1,500 metres. Ashford Carbonel UN1 No BOAT A byway to be added from a proposed byway (see Order Plan 3) at point A on Order Plan 2, running along Saltmoor Lane on a general south westerly direction for approximately 835 metres to point B on plan where it connect with a proposed byway Ashford Carbonel UN1 Yes BOAT Upgrading to byway status that part of BW 10, from the County Road at 3-4 metres point A on Order Plan 3 running along Saltmoor Lane, a stone/metalled lane with a width of between 3 and 4 metres, in a general north- westerly direction for approximately 15 metres to point B on plan where it connects with a proposed byway (see Order Plan 2). Also upgrading to byway status that part of BW10 from point C where it connects with a proposed byway (see Order Plan 2) running along Saltmoor Lane in a general NNW direction to where it meets the railway line. Gate as shown on plan. the route has a width of between 3 and 4 metres. Astley 20 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 20 from point A on Order Map 1 where it Minimum leaves the County Road at Bings Heath, running in a general northerly width of 8 direction along a stoned/earth surfaced hedged lane with a minimum metres width of 8 metres between hedges passing the property known as 'Greenfields' and continuing generally northerly along a stoned/grassed surface to terminate at a field gate and its junction with Bridleway 20 at point B on the Order Map; a total distance of approximately 140 metres. Bedstone 2 No BOAT BOAT 2 from point A on Order Plan 1 where the route connects with RUPP 16 on the Hopton Castle/Bedstone Parish boundary at Five Turnings, running in a general ENE and then SE direction along a metalled road for approximately 820 metres to point B Bettws-y-Crwyn 9 Yes BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 9 from point A on the Order plan 1 in Bettws-y- 3 metres Crwyn Parish at the field gate onto the County road, running in a southerly direction following a track that is approximately 3 metres wide, across heathland for a distance of approximately 540 metres to point B at a field gate, then continuing from this point in a general SSE direction over a less defined track for a distance of approximately 360 metres to point C where it meets the County road to Bettws-y-Crwyn. Bettws-y-Crwyn UN3 No BOAT Adding a Byway Open To All Traffic known as 'The Kerry Ridgeway', 9.14 metres commencing from point A on the Order Map in Powys, in Kerry Community Council area, running along a stoned access road in a general ENE direction to point B where the route enters into and Bettws-y-Crwyn Parish continuing ENE then turning to follow a general ESE direction to point C. From here the route re-enters Powys and Kerry Community Council area and turns to run in a general ENE then north easterly direction through 'Long Plantation' to point D where the route re-enters Shropshire and Bettws-y-Crwyn Parish and continues in a north easterly followed by ENE direction to terminate at point E on the map; a total distance of approximately 4400 metres with a width of 9.14 metres throughout as defined in the respective Inclosure Awards for the area. Billingsley UN1 No BOAT BOAT 28 commencing from point A on the Order Plan (GR 70438542) 3 metres where it leaves the County Road, running in a general westerly direction along a stoned access track to St. Mary's Church for approximately 80 metres to Point B on the Plan (GR 70358539). The route has a minimum width of 3 metres. Bucknell 51 Yes BOAT That part of the highway being approximately 102.5 metres in length situated at BOAT 51, Bucknell, Shropshire, coloured red on the Plan deposited with the Court and annexed hereto to be stopped up and diverted to run along the area coloured blue measuring approximately 139 metres in length on the said Plan on the grounds that the highway can be diverted so as to make it more commodious to the public and that the highway shown coloured red on the said Plan would then be unnecessary Bucknell UN1 Yes BOAT A Byway Open To All Traffic to be added commencing from point A on See order map 2 where it leaves the County Road, running in a general description WNW direction along a grass/earth track then stoned track 5-6 metres wide turning gradually north westerly then NNW to a point at Grid Reference 338738. A Byway Open To All Traffic to be added commencing from Grid Reference 334738 and running in a generally NNW direction to point B on the map at its junction with FP 3 at the Cwm; a total distance over both sections of approximately 1250 metres. Bucknell & Bedstone 1 & 1 No BOAT Upgrading Footpath 1 to Byway Open To All Traffic status commencing from point A on order map 8 where it leaves the County Road, running in a general westerly direction along a hedged/stoned track, between hedges, turning to follow a general north westerly direction passing a dwelling to the north and continuing to pass a second dwelling to the north; from here the route continues in a general NNW then northerly direction along a stone/earth track. then turns to run in a general NNE then NNW direction within the wood along a grass/earth track then turning to run in a general northerly direction until it exits onto the stoned forestry access track which it follows in a general north easterly, northerly then westerly direction before terminating at point B on the map where it meets BOAT2; a total distance of approximately 2080 metres. Bucknell & UN1 & UN1 Yes BOAT A Byway Open To All Traffic to be added commencing from point A on See order map 1, running in a general northerly then NNE direction along a description stoned track 5 metres wide then a grass track turning northerly and then WNW still along the grass track and then in a NNW direction before meeting a forestry track; the route continues northerly then NNE now along a stone/earth track and then turning northerly then WNW followed by a westerly direction through woodland to a gate at the Parish boundary; the route continues westerly along a stone/earth track across an open cropped field to a second gate at point B on the map at its junction with BOAT 50 and BOAT 51 in Clun Parish, a total distance of approximately 2580 metres. Chelmarsh UN1 No BOAT Adding a Byway Open to All Traffic from point A on the Order Plan(GR Approximatel 72188702) where it leaves BW 15C running in a general ENE and then y 3-4 metres north easterly direction along a stoned track approximately 3-4 metres between hedges to point B on the plan (GR 72468713) where it joins the County Road, a total distance of approximately 310 metres. Chetton 4 Yes BOAT That part of BOAT 4 from point A on the said plan running in a general 4 metres south-westerly and then southerly direction along a track covered in stone chippings passing through a field gate and continuing along a stoned track to point B on the plan the approximate width of the route being 4 metres and its length 66 metres. Chetton 13 No BOAT BOAT 13 from point A on the Order Plan where it leaves the County 3-4 metres Road (GR 656885) running in a general southerly followed by easterly then southerly direction along a stoned hedged lane 3-4 metres wide, to a cattle grid at point B on the order plan (GR 657883). The route has a total length of approximately 300 metres. Chetton 4 No BOAT Footpath 4, with a minimum width of 3 metres from a cattle grid at Minimum point A on Order Plan 1 (GR657883) north of Lower Faintree Farm, width of 3 running along a stoned hedged lane past the farm in a general southerly, metres followed by south easterly direction to a ford and then a gate, continuing south easterly following a track alongside field boundary to a second gate, continuing to a third gate at point B on the plan (GR661876) where it meets the County Road - a total distance of approximately 950 metres. Chirbury 45 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 45 from point A on Order Plan 3 where it See leaves the County Road running in a general northerly direction along a description hedged stone access track then continuing in a general north easterly direction along a stone grass track approximately 3 metres wide to a gate and cattle grid continuing along a grass earth track approximately 4 metres wide between bracken running through the centre of Mitchell's Fold Stone Circle continuing up Stapeley Hill to a gate at point C. The route continues along an earth track bordering a tree plantation then along a stoned forestry track to point D on the plan near Hemford. A total distance of approximately 3200 metres. Chirbury 42 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 42 from point A on Order Plan 4 where it See leaves the County Road running in a general north easterly direction description along a stone track near the Chapel to where it enters a wooded lane following an earth track approximately 3-4 metres wide then running in a general south easterly direction along a grass earth track approximately 1-2 metres wide to point B where the route forks. The south western spur runs along a hedged lane approximately 3 metres wide then stoned tarmaced access track approximately 3-4 metres to point C on the plan at the County Road. The north eastern spur runs along a earth grass hedged track approximately 3-4 metres wide to near Priestweston Bank and its junction with Footpath 41 where it runs along a atoned access track approximately 3-4 metres wide past a gate and continues along the stoned track which widens in places to approximately 5 metres to point D on the plan where it joins the County Road, a total distance of approximately 1100 metres. Church Pulverbatch UN2 No BOAT Adding a byway in the parish of Church Pulverbatch in the District of Approximatel and Atcham commencing from point A on Order Plan 3 y 3-4 metres running in a general southerly direction along a double hedged hardcore lane, the route continues down a steep track through woods to a shallow ford which is crossed, the route continues in a general south easterly direction up the steep hardcore track to continue in a general SSE direction to point B on the plan, the route has an approximate width of 3-4 metres and a total distance of approximately 930 metres. Church Pulverbatch & 33 & 34 & 34 No BOAT Byway Open To All Traffic 33/34 commencing from point A on Order 3 metres & Plan 4 where it leaves the County Road at a cattle-grid and gate running Pontesbury in a general NNE and then north easterly direction crossing a bridge and along a grassed hedged lane and continuing up a grassed bank and along a well defined grassed track to a gate, the route continues in a general easterly direction along the grassed track to a further gate, the route then turns to run in a general ENE direction across a grass field before running in a general north easterly direction along a grassed track to point B on the plan at a gate where it joins the County Road, the route has an approximate width of 3 metres and a total distance of approximately 1220 metres. Church UN1 No BOAT Adding a byway in the parish of Church Pulverbatch in the District of Approximatel Pulverbatch/Pontesbur Shrewsbury and Atcham commencing from point A on Order Plan 2 y 3-4 metres y running in a general westerly direction along a double hedged tar sealed road to its junction with Footpath 3, the route then continues in a general south westerly and then SSW direction along a hardcore stoned track to point B on the plan, the route has an approximate width of 3-4 metres and a total distance of approximately 2350 metres. UN1 No BOAT A by-way with a minimum width of 3 metres to be added from point A Minimum on Order Plan 20 from the County road, running along a stoned earth width of 3 track known as Watling Street North in a general NNE direction for metres approximately 490 metres to point B where it connects with the A49. Claverley UN1 No BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added commencing from point A on 8 metres order map I where it leaves the County Road at The Cross running in a general SSW direction along a stoned hedged lane approximately 8 metres between hedges to Windy Arbour; from here to the garden centre the route runs in a general southerly then SSE direction following a hedged lane with an earth surface approximately 8 metres between hedges; from here the route continues in a general SSE direction along a stoned track approximately 8 metres between hedges to point B on the map at Upper Farmcote, a total distance of approximately 1050 metres.

Claverley UN8 No BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added commencing from point A on See order map 4 where it leaves the County Road and RUPP 21 near the war description memorial, running in a general ENE followed by north easterly direction along a hedged lane approximately 4-5 metres between hedges with an earth surface to a gate, the route continues in a general north easterly direction, hedged only to the north continuing to a second gate giving access to a hedged lane approximately 3 metres wide between hedges and 2 metres in the bottom of the lane with an earth surface, passing holiday chalets on the southern side and then turning to run in a general easterly direction becoming stoned and then turning to run in a general north easterly direction and becoming surfaced and deeply sunken 2-3 metres in width; shortly before reaching Digbeth Cottage the route becomes less sunken and hedged again, approximately 3 metres and then turns to run in a general NNW direction to exit onto the County Road at point B on the map, a total distance of approximately 950 metres. Claverley UN7 & 7 Yes BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added commencing from point A on See order map 5 where it leaves the County Road at Foley Cross running in a description general south westerly direction along a hedged lane approximately 5-6 metres with an earth surface to the Coppins where the garden and garage extend into the lane; the route narrows to 2-3 metres between hedge and fence then widens again to 4-5 metres where it has been stoned as an access track to point B on the map at Admoor Cottage, a distance of approximately 350 metres. The route continues from point C on the map in a general southerly then SSE direction along an earth surfaced hedged lane approximately 3-4 metres wide widening to 4-5 metres between hedges beyond the brook with a stone/earth surface and running in a general SSW direction to the County Road at point D on the map near Swan Cottage, a distance of approximately 580 metres. Claverley UN7 Yes BOAT Upgrading Footpath 26/27 to byway open to all traffic status from point 3-4 metres A on order map 11 running in a general NNE direction along a stone/earth hedged lane approximately 3-4 metres between hedges continuing past the garage of Admoor Cottage where the route has a gravelled surface to point B, a total distance of approximately 120 metres. Claverley 20 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 20 commencing from point A on order map 1 See where it leaves the county Road running in a general SSE Direction description along a wide hedged lane approximately 4-5 metres wide between hedges widening to approximately 6 metres at its south astern end, with an earth/stoned surface throughout to point B where it joins the County Road at Sytch House Green, a total distance of approximately 535 metres. Claverley 21 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 21 commencing from point A on order map 2 See where it leaves the County road by the War Memorial running in a description general WSW then south westerly direction along a hedged lane approximately 6 metres between hedges with an earth surface to approximately halfway along the route then becoming stoned and narrowing to approximately 4-5 metres between hedges and running in a general SSW direction to the County Road at point B on the map, a total distance of approximately 590 metres. Clee St Margaret 6 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 8 from point A on order plan 7 where it Generally 3-4 connects with the County road in Clee St. Margaret near the Old Corn metres Mill running along a hedged lane in a general N.W., N.E., easterly and then N.N.E. direction for approximately 1100 metres to point B where it meets the County road on Upper Cross Lanes. The route has a general width of 3 - 4 metres Clee St Margaret 29 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 29 from point A on Order Plan 8 running in a Between 2 general southerly followed by south easterly direction for approximately and 3 metres 150 metres along the County road to point B and then continuing along a stoned hedged lane for some 110 metres in a S.E. direction to a gate at point C. From this point the route continues in a S.E. direction following a sunken lane for a further 250 metres approximately to the junction with RUPP 28 (see Order Plan 9) at point D. The route has a width of between 2 and 3 metres. Clee St Margaret 28 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 28 from point A on order plan 9 where it Minimum 3 meets the County road and the end of FP 25 at Marshgate running along metres a stoned access lane and then an earth hedged lane in a general southerly direction for approximately 925 metres to point B where it connects with the County road at Burnt House. The route has a minimum width of 3 metres. Gates as shown on plan. Clun UN2 No BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added from the County road at 3 metres Whitcott Keysett shown as point A on Order Plan 2, running along a hedged earth/ stone lane with minimum width of 3 metres in a general easterly direction for approximately 660 metres to a gate and stile (also see Clun Reclassification Order Plan 11) and then continuing in a general ENE, easterly and then ESE direction for some 780 metres through two gates and over a ford to point B at Bicton. Clun 1 Yes BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added from the County road at point A Minimum on Order Plan 3, running along a stoned track with a minimum width of width of 3 3 metres in a general NE to ENE direction for approximately 300 metres metres to point B at the junction with RUPP 1 (also see Clun Reclassification Order Plan 1) Clun 51 Yes BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added from a gate at point A on Order Plan 4 (see also Reclassification Order Plan 8) at the eastern end of RUPP 50, running along a field track in a general northerly direction for approximately 110 metres to point B at the junction with RUPP 51 (also see Clun Reclassification Order Plans 8 and 9). Clun 50 Yes BOAT Upgrading that part of B.W.50 to byway open to all traffic status from Minimum point A on the County road at Five Turnings in the Parish of Clun, width of 4 running along a hedged track with a minimum width of 4 metres in a metres general ESE direction to point B at the parish boundary. The route then crosses into Stowe parish and runs along the boundary to point G where it connects with RUPP 50. A total distance of approximately 1530 metres. (Also see Clun Reclassification Order Plan 8). Clun 21 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 21 commencing from point A on Order Plan 2 on the County Road following a stoned track with a width of about 3 metres in a general WSW direction through a gate and over a ford for some 100m and then continuing in a general southerly, WSW and then SSW direction along an earth path for approximately 600 metres to a gate at point B at the junction with RUPP 13 and RUPP 28. Clun 50 Yes BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 50 commencing from point A on Order Plan 8 Minimum at the end of BW50 (Also see Clun Modification Order Plan 5) following a width of 4 hedged track with a minimum width of 4 metres in a general ESE metres direction to a gate, the route then continues along a field path in general ESE direction through two gates to a stile. From this point the route takes a general easterly, ESE and then ENE direction, across fields to a gate at point B where it connects with the proposed byway addition amending the line of RUPP 51 (also see Clun Modification Order Plan 4). The route has a total length of approximately 2,400 metres. Clun & Bucknell 51 & 51 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 51 commencing from a proposed byway Minimum addition (see Clun Modification Order Plan 4) at point A on Order Plan 9 width of 5 following the track down the hillside in a general NE direction , through metres four gates to Vron. The route then continues in a general ENE direction over the Parish boundary into Bucknell Parish, along a hedged lane via two gates to Lower Lye. The route then continues over the Parish boundary (the River Red-lake) into Clun Parish along a track to connect with the County road at point B. The route has a total length of approximately 1,520 metres and a minimum width of 3 metres. Clun & Clunbury 1 & 1 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 1 commencing from a proposed byway About 3 addition (also see Clun Modification Order Plan 3)at point A on Order metres plan 1 following a stoned/earth track of about 3 metres in width in a narrowing to general ENE, ESE, NE and then ENE direction for approximately 2,120 2 metres metres to point B where the main track then branches off. The route then continues along an earth track in a general ENE direction over the Parish boundary into Clunbury Parish to a gate, a distance of approximately 315 metres. From this point onwards the track narrows to about 2 metres and takes a north-easterly direction for approximately 120m to a second gate which exits onto the County road at point C. Clunbury 37 Yes BOAT That part of Byway Open to All Traffic 37 , Clunbury which coincides with Generally 3 a County Road, running from point A on the order plan along a partially metres edged lane in a general NE followed by easterly direction for approximately 345 metres to point on plan. Clungunford 27 No BOAT BOAT 27 from point A on order plan 3 (GR 4190 7796) running in a southerly direction for approximately 130 metres to part B (GR 4190 7782) UN 2 No BOAT A Byway Open to All Traffic with a minimum width of 3 metres and a See maximum width of 5 metres with a general width of 3 metres to be description added from Stokewood railway crossing shown as point A on Order Plan 5, running along a partially stoned/earth track through three gates and then through Stoke Wood and along a hedged lane in a general southerly direction for approximately 1440 metres to point B on the County Road at Aldon. Diddlebury No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 14 commencing from point A on Order Plan 1 Approximatel where it leaves the County Road running in a general ESE direction y 3-4 metres through a gate along a grass earth track approximately 2-3 metres wide and 2-3 fenced to the north, hedged to the south, continuing to a gate leading metres across a grass field and then continuing along a hedged earth track approximately 3-4 metres wide to a gate where the route follows an earth grass track approximately 2-3 metres wide wooded to the north 14 past a pheasantry, continuing to a ford and then along a stone earth track approximately 3-4 metres wide to point B where it meets the

County Road, a total distance of approximately 1000 metres. Diddlebury 22 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 22 commencing from point A on Order Plan 2 Varying from where it leaves the County Road running in a general south easterly then 2-5 metres SSE direction along a hedged grass earth track with a general width of approximately 3 metres, but varying in places from 2-5 metres, to the County Road at point B, a total distance of approximately 1000 metres. Ditton Priors 26 Yes BOAT Reclassifying as a Byway Open to all Traffic RUPP 26 (part) from point A 4 metres on Order Plan 4 where it leaves the County Road (GR 60878897) running in a generally SSE direction along a tarmac track approximately 4 metres wide to a set of double gates at point B on the plan. The Byway Open to all Traffic is approximately 50 metres in length. Easthope 1 No BOAT BOAT 1 commencing from point A on Order Plan 1 (GR 568954) where it Minimum leaves the County Road, running in a general north easterly direction width of 3 following the edge of a wood along a stoned access track. The way metres continues in a north easterly followed by easterly direction as a field edge path to a gate, and then follows a field path in a north easterly direction to a stile at point B on the Plan (GR 576959) ;a, total distance of 1020 metres with a minimum width of 3 metres. Eaton-under-Heywood Yes BOAT To add a Byway Open to all Traffic from point C (GR 4757 9184) on order 1 plan 1, where it leaves the County road, running in a general easterly direction for a distance of approximately 90 metres to connect with RUPP 1 at point B (OR 4767 9184) on the order plan. Eaton-under-Heywood 2 Yes BOAT To add as a Public Byway Open to all Traffic a route leading from RUPP 2 at point A on order plan 9 (CR 4820 9202) running in a south-east direction along a hedged track for approximately 90 metres to connect with Common Lane at point B on the order plan (CR 4825 9294). Farlow UN25 & 2 Yes BOAT Adding a byway commencing from point A on Order Plan 8 where it 4-5 metres leaves RUPP 24 running in a general north easterly to ENE direction along an earth surfaced track approximately 4-5 metres wide between hedges to where it meets the access track towards Hill House Farm which is stoned with wide grass verges approximately 4-5 metres wide between hedges to point B on the plan where it joins the County Road, a total distance of approximately 320 metres. Farlow 24 Yes BOAT Byway open to All Traffic 24 (part) commencing from point A on Order Approximatel Plan 4 running in a general SSE then ESE then SSE and then ESE direction y 3-5 metres along a stoned track approximately 3-5 metres wide between hedges to point B on the plan where it joins the County Road, a total distance of approximately 240 metres. Farlow 24 Yes BOAT Byway open to All Traffic 24 (part) commencing from point A on Order Approximatel Plan 5 running in a general NNW direction along a stoned track y 3-5 metres approximately 3-5 metres between hedges to point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 170 metres. Farlow 26 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 25 commencing from point A on Order Plan 6 Approximatel running in a general north easterly direction along a stoned track y 3-5 metres approximately 3-5 metres wide to point B on the plan where it joins RUPP 24, a total distance of approximately 250 metres. Farlow 26 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 26 commencing from point A on Order Plan 7 Approximatel running in a general ENE direction along a stoned track approximately 3- y 3-4 metres 4 metres wide to a gate, it continues along a grassed track approximately 3-4 metres wide and then turns to a northerly direction to run along a stoned track approximately 3-4 metres wide to point B on the plan where it joins RUPP 24, a total distance of approximately 240 metres. Farlow & Hopton 23 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 23 commencing from point A on Order Plan 3 Approximatel Wafers running in a general ENE direction along a stoned track approximately 3- y 3-4 metres 4 metres wide to the parish boundary where it becomes a grassy track approximately 3-4 metres wide to a gate where the track has been incorporated into a pasture field 3-4 metres wide to a gate at The Firs where the route follows a stoned track approximately 3 metres wide to a gate point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 2190 metres. Highley 25a Yes BOAT That part of RUPP 25a to be reclassified to a Byway Open to All Traffic 3-4 metres commencing from point A on Order Plan 1 (GR 74888294), running in a general SSE followed by SE direction along a tarmac road 3-4 metres wide to the railway bridge at point B on the plan (GR 74938287), a distance of approximately 90 metres. Highley 25a Yes BOAT That part of RUPP 25a to be reclassified to a Byway Open to All Traffic 3-4 metres commencing from point A on Order Plan 2 (GR 74938287), running in a general south easterly direction from the railway bridge along a stoned track 3-4 metres wide to a gate at point B on the plan (GR 75018281) where it connects with footpath 15, a distance of approximately 100 metres. Hopton Castle 22 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 22 from point A (GR36607808) where the Approximatel County road to Three Ashes connects with the County road through y 5 metres Hopton Castle running in a general northerly direction along the County road to Three Ashes for a distance of approximately 80 metres to point B (GR36617817) where RUPP22 connects with the County road. The route is fully surfaced with an approximate width of 5 metres. Hopton Wafers 26 Yes BOAT Upgrading Bridleway 25 to byway commencing from point A on Order 3 metres Plan 13 where it leaves RUPP 25 at a gate running in a general SSE to south easterly to ENE direction along a stoned track approximately 3 metres wide to point B on the plan where it joins RUPP 26, a total distance of approximately 150 metres. Kinnerley UN3 No BOAT A Byway Open to All Traffic to be added from point A on Order Map 1 9 metres where it leaves the County Road, running in a general southerly direction along a stoned, hedged access track, 9 metres wide between hedges throughout, passing through a field gate and continuing for approximately 250 metres then turning to follow a general south westerly direction for a further 100 metres. The route then becomes a grassy track for the remaining 150 metres to terminate at the river bank at point B on the Order Map; a total distance of approximately 500 metres. Ludford UN1 No BOAT A Byway Open to All Traffic to be added from point A on Order Plan 1 at Approximatel its junction with Footpaths 6, 8 and 9 where it leaves the County Road y 3-4 metres waymarked by a fingerpost running in a south easterly direction along a hedged lane with an earth access track approximately 3-4 metres wide to the County Road at point B on the plan with a fingerpost marking the route. A total distance of approximately 1270 metres. Lydbury North 4 No BOAT BOAT 4 from A (GR.336 861) on the B4385 to B (GR.334 852) near Brockton Lodge on order plan 5 Minsterley 59 No BOAT Byway 59 in the Parish of Minsterley in the District of Shrewsbury and 3-4 metres Atcham commencing from point A on the order plan where it leaves the County Road running in a general NNE direction along a hardcore track the width of 3-4 metres between hedges past cottages, the route continues in this manner to point B on the plan where it joins the County Road, a total distance of approximately 1050 metres. 34 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 34 commencing from point A on Order Map 1 4-5 metres where it leaves the County road, running in a general NNE direction along a stoned/earth hedged lane, 4-5 metres wide, to point B on the map where it meets the County Road; a total distance of approximately 230 metres. Much Wenlock UN2 No BOAT A Byway Open To All Traffic to be added commencing from point A on 5-6 metres Order Map 1 where it leaves the County Road, running in a general ENE direction, along a hedged/stoned lane, 5-6 metres wide, to Bourton Westwood Farm. Here the route turns to run in a general ESE direction continuing as a hedged/stoned lane, 5-6 metres wide, to point B on the map at the County Road; a total distance of approximately 880 metres Munslow 48 No BOAT Byway 48 from point A (GR5386 8939) on Order Plan 8 at the County Varying Road near Malt House Farm, running in a general north-westerly between 5 direction for approximately 900 metres to point B (GR5333 9003) where and 11 metres it meets RUPP 48A. The way has a width varying between 5 and 11 metres as measured between boundaries. Munslow 48A Yes BOAT Byway 48A (part) from point A (GR5333 9003) on Order Plan 9 where it Varying meets the northern end of RUPP 48, running in a north-westerly between 5 direction for approximately 750 metres to point B (GR5279 9050) where and 11 metres it connects with the County road. The way has a width varying between 5 and 11 metres as measured between boundaries. UN1 No BOAT Byway 39 (Part) from point A (GR5008 8665) on Order Plan 15 where it Approximatel Munslow connects with B.W. 37 running in a general NNW direction along the y 3 metres County Road for approximately 200 metres to point B (GR5002 8681). The way has a width of approximately 3 metres. Munslow 14 No BOAT Bridleway 14 from point A (GR558 8849) on Order Plan 12 where it Average width meets RUPP 12 at the Parish boundary with Tugford, running in a of general north-easterly direction for approximately 600 metres to point B approximately (GR5400 8900) where it connects with RUPP 14A, F.P.15 and F.P.18. The 2 metres way has a width varying between 4 and 7 metres between boundaries but contains a track with an average width of approximately 2 metres. Munslow 14A No BOAT Byway 14A from point A on Order Plan 13 where it connects with RUPP Average width 14, F.P.15 and F.P.18, running in a general north-easterly direction for of approximately 550 metres to point B (GR5442 8932) at Primrose approximately Cottage. The way has a width varying between 4 and 9 metres between 2.5 metres boundaries but contains a track with an average width of approximately 2.5 metres. Neen Savage 91 Yes BOAT Upgrading that part of Footpath 91 to byway status from point A on Minimum Order Plan 6 running in a general south westerly direction along a width of 3 stoned, hedged track with a minimum width of 3 metres to point B on metres the plan where it meets the County Road, a distance of approximately 140 metres. Neen Savage 88 No BOAT Byway 88 commencing from point A on Order Plan 1 at the County Road, Minimum running in a general south westerly direction along a stoned access road width of 3 with a minimum width of 3 metres to point B on the plan, a distance of metres approximately 210 metres. Neen Savage 91 No BOAT Byway 91 commencing from point A on Order Plan 2 running in a Minimum general southerly direction along a stoned access road with a minimum width of 3 width of 3 metres to point B on the plan, a distance of approximately metres 1200 metres. Neen Savage 47 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 47 commencing from point A on Order Plan 3 Minimum running in a general NNE direction along a surfaced access road with a width of 3 minimum width of 3 metres to point B on the plan where it meets the metres County Road, a distance of approximately 250 metres. Neen Savage 49 No BOAT Byway Open to All traffic 49 commencing from point A on Order Plan 5 Minimum at Walfords running in a general NNE NNW direction along a width of 3 stoned/hedged minimum width of 3 metres to point B where it meets metres the County Road, a distance of approximately 800 metres. Neenton 9 No BOAT BW 9 commencing from Point A on the Order Plan (GR 63948787) where it leaves the County Road, running in a general northerly direction, along Minimum a stoned hedged access road crossing footpath 35 to its junction with width of 3 Footpath 5. The route then runs in a general north easterly direction metres past New House Farm to connect with Footpath 21 and then ENE along the hedged lane connecting with footpath 25 before turning south easterly to a gate, and then along the hedged access road to Bank Farm to the County Road at Point B on the Plan OR 64108803) - a total distance of approximately 475 metres with a minimum width of 3 metres. Pontesbury UN1 No BOAT Adding a byway in the parish of Pontesbury in the District of Shrewsbury Approximatel and Atcham commencing from point A on Order Plan 8 running in a y 2-3 metres general SSW direction along a stoned track approximately 2-3 metres wide bounded by gardens and properties to point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 450 metres. Pontesbury UN3 Yes BOAT Adding a byway in the parish of Pontesbury in the District of Shrewsbury Approximatel and Atcham commencing from point A on Order Plan 11 running in a y 3-4 metres general northerly then NNE direction along a partly hardcore surfaced double hedged lane approximately 3-4 metres to point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 600 metres. Pontesbury UN3 Yes BOAT Adding a byway in the parish of Pontesbury in the District of Shrewsbury Approximatel and Atcham commencing from point A on Order Plan 12 running in a y 3-4 metres general southerly direction along an earth surfaced double hedged lane approximately 3-4 metres wide to point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 500 metres. Pontesbury UN3 Yes BOAT Adding a byway in the parish of Pontesbury in the District of Shrewsbury Approximatel and Atcham commencing from point A on Order Plan 13 running in a y 3-4 metres general easterly then ESE direction along an earth surfaced double hedged lane to point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 450 metres. Quatt Malvern 13 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 13/14 from point A on the Order Plan where it Approximatel leaves the County Road running in a general south easterly direction y 5-6 metres along a hedged lane approximately 5-6 metres between hedges with an earth surface, it continues in a general southerly direction down a sunken lane to where a small stream comes onto the route from the east. From here to where a larger stream crosses the main path the surface is a stone stream bed between hedges approximately 5-6 metres wide. Where the larger stream crosses the main path a track continues to the east of the stream crossing the stream by way of a footbridge. The route continues in a general south easterly, easterly and then south easterly direction along an overgrown hedged lane approximately 4-5 metres between hedges to where it joins the County Road at point B, a distance of approximately 760 metres. Ratlinghope 33 No RUPP Adding a way commencing from point A running in a general south (now westerly and then SSW direction along a grassy hedged lane crossing a BOAT) bridge to exit onto the County Road by way of a cattle grid and gate at point B on the plan, a total distance of approximately 260 metres. (Cross reference Church Pulverbatch Reclassification Order Plan 4) Richard's Castle 5 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 5 from a gate on the B4361, north-east of Overton Farm shown as point A on Order Plan 1, running along a hedged earth track with a width of between 2 and 3 metres in a general ESE followed by easterly direction for approximately 350 metres to point B on the A49(T) Richard's Castle 14 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 14 from point A on Order Plan 2 on Wheatcommon Lane, running along a double hedged earth lane in a general southerly followed by south-westerly to SSW direction for approximately 345 metres to a gate. The route then continues as an earth track following field boundaries in a general SSW direction for a further 230 metres to a gate and stile and then follows another double hedged lane in a general SSW direction for some 110 metres to point B on the B4361 south of Yew Tree Cottage. Gates and stile as shown on plan.

Rushbury 201 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 201 from point A on order plan 2 (GR 5472 9384) running in a general easterly direction for approximately 230 metres to point B (GR 5493 9389) where it connects with Pilgrims Lane Stanton Long 8 No BOAT BOAT 8 commencing from point A on Order Plan 2 (GR 565912) where it Minimum leaves the County Road, running in a general north easterly direction width of 3 along a hedged stoned access to Bush Farm, continuing as a metres grassed/hedged lane to point B on the Plan (GR 572917) where it meets the County Road - a total distance of i020 metres with a minimum width of 3 metres Stanton upon Hine UN1 & UN3 No BOAT A Byway Open To All Traffic to be added from point A on the Order Map See Heath & Morton Corbet where it leaves the County Road in the Parish of Morton Corbet & Lee description and Lee Brockhurst Brockhurst, running in a general north easterly direction along a stoned surfaced hedged lane, known as Papermill Lane, with a minimum width of 4 metres but varying in width between 4 and 8 metres between hedges crossing the River Roden via Papermill Bridge. The route continues in the Parish of Stanton Upon Hine Heath running in a general north easterly followed by easterly direction along the stone surfaced hedged lane with a minimum width of 4 metres but varying in width between 4 metres and 10 metres between hedges to where the route enters a 4 metre wide sunken sandstone cutting now in a general ENE direction then north easterly direction. The route then widens to a width of 10 metres between hedges where it passes between properties, continuing in a general ENE direction along a stoned hedged lane with a minimum width of 8 metres but varying in width between 8 and 10 metres between hedges to terminate at point B on the Order Map where the route meets the County Road; a total distance of approximately 1190 metres. Stowe 11 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 11 commencing from point A on order map 3 Approximatel at its junction with RUPP 13 near Stowe Farm, running in a general south y 3 metres easterly direction along a hedged stoned track approximately 4 metres wide and 5-6 metres between hedges passing through a silage pit to a gate and continuing along a headland track in an ESE direction to a gate where it meets FP 6 at point B on the map; a total distance of approximately 320 metres. Tugford 12 No BOAT Byway 12 in the Parish of Tugford from point A (GR5325 8819) on Order Varying Plan 14 where it leaves the County Road at Beambridge, running in a between 4 general north-easterly direction for approximately 600 metres to point B and 7 metres (GR5368 8849) where it connects with RUPP 14 at the Parish boundary with Munslow. The way has a width varying between 4 and 7 metres between boundaries. Wentnor 9 Yes BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 9 from point A (GR 3852 9254) where it leaves 3 metres the County Road near View, running in a general northerly direction for approximately 205 metres to B (GR 3851 9274). The route has a partially stoned surface with an average width of 3 metres. Wentnor UN1 No BOAT A Byway Open to all traffic to run from point A on the plan (GR 3795 Average width 9285) near Walkmill Cottage, in an east-south-easterly and then in a of 3 metres general south-easterly direction to connect with the County Highway west of Wentnor at point B (GR 3822 9276) Wentnor 9 Yes BOAT A byway open to all Traffic to run from point A on the plan (GR 3840 Average width 9276) for approximately 90 metres in an east-south-easterly direction to of 3 metres connect with RUPP 9 at point B (GR 3851 9274) Wheathill UN3 No BOAT Adding a byway from the B4364 at point A on plan, running along a grassed/earth lane in a general ESE direction for approximately 400 metres to point B on the County road NW of Loughton. Worthen with Shelve 51 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 51 from point A on Order Plan 1 where it 3 metres meets the County Road, running in a general easterly direction over Walton Hill for approximately 1150 metres to a gate at point B where it meets Footpath 50 and the County Road. The way has a general width of approximately 3 metres. Worthen with Shelve 72 Yes BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 72 from point A on Order Plan 2 running in a 5 metres general north easterly then direction for approximately 980 metres along a double hedged lane approximately 5 metres wide to point B where it meets the County Road. Worthen with Shelve 87 No BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 87 from point A on Order Plan 12 at Pennerley 4 metres running in a general south westerly direction along a part stoned, part grassed way 4 metres wide to the road at point B, a total distance of approximately 800 metres Worthen with Shelve 82 Yes BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 82 from point A on Order Plan 13 at Pennerley 4 metres running in a general south easterly then easterly direction along a stoned track 4 metres wide for approximately 775 metres to a gate at point B where it meets Bridleways 82 and 83. Worthen with Shelve 81 Yes BOAT That part of Byway Open to All Traffic 81 from point A on Order Plan 14 4 metres where it leaves the County Road running in a general southerly direction along a stoned access track 4 metres wide for approximately 350 metres, then east for approximately 125 metres to point B. Worthen with Shelve 76 Yes BOAT Byway Open to All Traffic 76 from point A on Order Plan 16 in Pennerley 3-4 metres running in a general south easterly direction along a part stoned, part earth track, varying between 3 and 4 metres in width for in approximately 1050 metres to a gate at point B. Worthen with Shelve UN2 Yes BOAT A Byway open to all traffic to be added on Order Plan 7 at Meadowtown, 3-4 metres running in a general southerly, followed by south easterly and then easterly direction for approximately 400 metres to a gate, then south for approximately 300 metres to a second gate, south westerly and south for approximately 100 metres to point B where it connects with Footpath 23 on Rorrington Hill. The way is a 3-4 metres wide, part stoned and part double hedged track. Worthen with Shelve UN1 No BOAT A byway open to all traffic to be added from point A on Order Plan 13 4 metres where it leaves the County Road in Brockton, running in a general north easterly followed by south easterly and then north easterly direction along a partly stoned hedged lane, 4 metres wide, known as Back Lane, for approximately 675 metres to point B where it meets the County Road in Worthen. Worthen with Shelve UN8 No BOAT A Byway Open To All Traffic to be added from point A on the Order Map See at its junction with BOAT 81, running in a general easterly direction description between the buildings of 5 Pennerley to the northern side and a hedged boundary to the south, with a width of 2.5 metres. The route then becomes fenced on both sides and widens to 3 metres and ascends to pass the Old Mount Zion Chapel to the south and continues to its junction with BOAT 82 at point B on the Order Map; a total distance of approximately 190 metres with a stoned surface throughout. Worthen with Shelve UN6 No BOAT Upgrading Bridleway 88 to Byway Open To All Traffic status 4 metres commencing from point A on Order Map 2 where it leaves the County Road, running in a general westerly direction along a stoned, hedged and fenced track, 4 metres wide, to point B on the map; a total distance of approximately 115 metres.