Follow us: fn17.rm.dk Development Strategy #dksdg #fn17midt 2019-2030

Cover photo taken in 2018 on the new motorway near Tvis and Holstebro in Western Jutland. The motorway opened shortly after.

Central Denmark Region This brochure is climate friendly. It is Skottenborg 26 printed on FSC® certifi ed and Svanemærket

S v 9 8800 Viborg a 1 sustainable paper. It is produced at a n 9 e 0 Regonal Council m 1 www.rm.dk æ 04 Svanemærket print offi ce. rk 5 et tryksag “Good partnerships are Central Denmark Region 4fundamental 5to regional 6 and global success” – an attractive and QUALITY GENDER CLEAN EDUCATION EQUALITY WATER & SANITATION Education is one of the most pow- More equality and a strengthening Shortage of water affects more sustainable region. erful and tested methods to obtain of female rights and possibilities than 40% of the global population. sustainable development. The goal are necessary to promote a sustai- This is alarming and is expected to is to ensure that all children will nable development. Elimination of increase with increasing global tem- complete a primary and secondary all types of discrimination against peratures caused by climate chan- education, free of charge, before women and girls is not only a fun- ges. Universal access to safe and For everybody. 2030. Moreover, gender-related and damental human right, but it also cheap drinking water for all before economic inequality will be abolis- has a multiplier effect across all 2030 demands i.e. that we protect hed to obtain universal access to other development areas. and restore water-related ecosy- high-quality further education. stems and invest in infrastructure.

10 11 12

REDUCED SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIBLE INEQUALITIES CITIES & PRODUCTION & COMMUNITIES CONSUMPTION The growing inequality requires ac- More than half of the world’s popu- Economic growth and sustainable tion and adoption of sensible politics lation now live in cities. Sustainable development mean that we must strengthening the lowest income development can only be obtained reduce our environmental foot- groups and promoting more econo- if we change the way we build and print and change the way we pro- mic involvement from all groups in control our cities. Making cities sa- duce and consume our goods and society regardless of gender, race or fer and more sustainable means resources. If we should meet the ethnicity. Inequality is a global pro- to guarantee access to safe and goal, we must efficiently control blem requiring global solutions. This cheap accommodation as well as our natural resources, the way we means e.g. improvements in the re- improvements of housing in slum dispose of toxic waste and polluted gulation and monitoring of fi nancial areas. This also requires invest- substances. That is why it is impor- REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TASKS: markets and institutions. ments in infrastructure and green tant to encourage companies and public places. consumers to recycle and reduce the amount of waste. Ensure access to education for all young people Create a well-functioning infrastructure and mobility 17 Central Denmark Region strives to ensure a good life for all citizens. Our ambition is to be an attractive and sustainable region contributing to and Provide citizens with relevant competencies promoting solutions to major challenges both nationally and globally. Ensure attractive culture, nature and health promo- 16 17 tion offers Central Denmark Region is a part of something bigger and our strategy is based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Find solutions to climate changes

Ensure clean drinking water and help citizens affect- PEACE,To fulfil our ambitions, we know thePARTNERSHIPS importance of strong partnerships JUSTICE & STRONG FOR THE GOALS ed by soil contamination INSTITUTIONSwith knowledge institutions, private and public companies as well as organisations both regionally, nationally and internationally, and we Pave the way for innovation at hospitals, social insti- The goal is to ensure that all types Effective partnerships are needed wish to engage in more partnerships to find new solutions to emerging tutions and other regional areas of violence are reduced and that to meet the sustainable develop- long-lastingchallenges. solutions to confl icts ment goals. This applies to all kinds Make an effort to put green transition on the agenda and insecurities are found in col- of partnerships – public, public-pri- and ensure raw materials for future constructions laborationThe present with governments regional development and vate strategy and partnerships sets the with visions the civil of and local communities. Strengthening society. The world is more closely combines all Central Denmark Region development activities. Ensure sustainability in regional activities and com- of constitutional rights and promo- connected than ever and there is mit to green solutions in society tion of human rights are central to a need for global engagement and this process. collaboration to realise the goals.

Anders Kühnau Chairman of Regional Council Central Denmark Region

3 PREFACE About Central Denmark Region

Central Denmark Region is one of five Danish regions. The region covers an area of 13,000 square kilometres, includes 19 municipalities and has 1.3 million

citizens, equivalent to approximately 23% of the total Danish population. 5

The region has a broad business life with many small and medium-sized production companies, strong creative businesses and a flourishing tourism industry. Central Denmark Region is the home of many global market leaders such as Grundfos, Vestas, Siemens Wind Power and Arla Foods giving the region strong positions within green energy, water technology and food production.

The five Danish regions are each led by a regional council with 41 politicians elected every fourth year. The primary regional tasks are within administrative management of healthcare – hospitals, prehospital emergency services, psychiatry and the social area. In addition, the region manages important tasks within the environmental area and collaborates within regional development.

Among other things, Central Denmark Region heads regional partnerships with municipalities, companies, educational institutions, hospitals and other stakeholders within the fields of education, competence and skills development, climate adaptation, circular economy and health innovation.

4 v i s i o n Central Denmark Region – an attractive and sustainable region. For everybody.

THE STRATEGY Ensuring future-proof educations & competence development for THE STRATEGY 2 everybody Giving citizens the possibility to PRIMARY UN SUSTAINABLE GOALS live a good life 1 3 4 17 across the region


9 10 11 17


THE STRATEGY THE STRATEGY 3 Paving the way for a more 4 Taking care of climate, sustainable and efficient environment and citizen-centred healthcare resources to ensure a system of high quality sustainable development


3 9 17 6 7 11 12 13 15 17



At the back you find an over- – an attractive and view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an sustainable region. overview while reading this strategy. For everybody. This is our clear vision and goal.

DIRECT AND INDIRECT Stepping stones Obligation of the UN Sustainable SUSTAINABLE The Regional Council has decided that the Development Goals DEVELOPMENT GOALS UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) World leaders agreed on the 17 UN SDGs at will be the strategic frame for development a summit meeting in 2015. The SDGs con- in Central Denmark Region from 2019 and sist of 17 main goals and 169 subsidiary The 17 UN SDGs are linked and onwards. goals setting the agenda towards 2030 for interact. This strategy is based a globally more sustainable future. The UN on all of the UN goals, but some The UN SDGs are thus the stepping stones SDGs commit all UN members to act. The goals are directly relevant to the of this strategy. The goals constitute the national challenges we face today have core development responsibili- starting point for ensuring that our devel- both local, regional and global consequen- ties of Central Denmark Region. opment activities locally, regionally and ces. The challenges must be met together The indirect goals are positively internationally are also relevant in a global – in local, regional, national and interna- affected when working with a perspective. tional partnerships. direct goal.

Many like Central Denmark Region have adopted the 17 SDGs. However, it takes a long-term effort to include the goals in all regional development activities suppor- ting the vision of a sustainable region.


Denmark is organised at three political and administrative levels: the national (government), the regional (5 regions) and the municipal level (98 municipalities). Central Denmark Region covers 19 municipalities.

Central Denmark Region has a gross budget of 28.9 billion DKK and approximately 30,000 employees.

The primary responsibility of Central Denmark Region is healthcare. This includes being responsible for somatic and psychiatric hospital services, pre-hospital emergency services, general practitioners and practising specialist doctors.

The region also operates a number of specialised social care institutions in agreement with local municipalities.

Central Denmark Region is also responsible for regional development within the areas of public transport/mobility, education, culture and environment (soil contamination, groundwater protection and raw materials planning). INTRODUCTION 11

STRATEGY TRACK 01 Giving citizens the possibility to live a good life across the region STRATEGY TRACK

01XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 The park behind Herning Museum of Contemporary Art


At the back you find an over- view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an overview while reading this strategy.


The 17 UN SDGs are linked and interact. This strategy is based on all of the UN goals, but some goals are directly relevant to the core development responsibili- ties of Central Denmark Region. The indirect goals are positively affected when working with a direct goal.

How does the Central Denmark Region strategy track 01 9 10 11 17 contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? DIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Our ambition is to develop local communi- spread more seeds. We can contribute to GOALS INDUSTRY, REDUCED SUSTAINABLE CITIES PARTNERSHIPS ties which positively interact with the UN establish attractive communities and at INNOVATION & INEQUALITIES AND COMMUNITIES FOR THE GOALS goals to ensure that cities, local communi- the same time meet the development goal INFRASTRUCTURE ties and settlements are inclusive, safe, ro- on fighting inequality. Culture can facilitate bust and sustainable. Culture is an impor- dialogue and break down prejudices in tant tool to achieve this. The already society. flourishing culture across the region can 3 16 INDIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS GOOD HEALTH PEACE, JUSTICE & WELL-BEING & STRONG INSTITUTIONS

XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Light Rail started its first line in December 2017 from the Central Sta- tion to Aarhus University Hospital. More lines have opened to service a larger part of the region. Giving citizens the possibility to live a good life across the region

“The European Capital of Culture in 2017 has raised the bar and created momentum for Central Denmark Region as a cultural pioneer” 15

9 Flexible and sustainable environmental impact of public transport. We 10 Attractive cultural life across ties on culture is continued within the frame- infrastructure are open to new ideas and international ex- the entire region work of European Region of Culture. Citizens wish to be flexible in relation to periences and we will involve municipalities, Culture contributes to unite the region. A working life, education and leisure activities. citizens, educational institutions, transport strong and ambitious cultural life makes the Culture can also contribute to reduce social We wish to have access to the internet every- service companies and other stakeholders. region attractive, interesting and robust. inequality and activate local communities. 11 where and transportation must be flexible Together we must dare to experiment and find The appointment of Aarhus and Central Being a strong culture region is a branding and adaptable to fit our everyday needs. new ways to meet the challenges concerning 16 Denmark Region as European Capital of Cul- of Central Denmark Region, which makes it mobility in our region. ture in 2017 also put culture on the agenda easier to attract international attention and New transport solutions should be adapted in the rural districts of the region as all 19 pave the way for regional culture stakehold- to the individual citizen and contribute to We also need to focus on connections in and municipalities took part in hosting the one- ers to take part in European partnerships reduce strain on the environment and the out of the region. A good digital infrastruc- year event. and network. 3 global climate changes; maybe new solutions ture with fast internet connections and ade- can even promote public health. quate cell phone coverage will be important The European Capital of Culture in 2017 has to break down geographical barriers and raised the bar and created momentum for A new mobility plan in Central Denmark Region create flexibility for all citizens in the region. Central Denmark Region to be a cultural pio- will give more value for money and reduce the neer. The collaboration across the municipali-

14 STRATEGY TRACK 1 Regional buses connecting the larger cities of the region.

“Good infrastructure also includes fast internet connections and adequate cell phone coverage” The village Sall in Favrskov Municipality was awarded Village of the Year 2018. This annual village award can in future have a more sustainable aim based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

11 Sustainable and attractive local We wish to lead the way for local communi- communities ties and make them exploit their potential Central Denmark Region is the European Re- and obtain a special role to meet the UN gion of Gastronomy. Like culture, also food goals of sustainable development.

and gastronomy are catalysts for creating 17 strong communities and local identities as Solutions to global challenges often start well as an encouragement for developing locally. The ambition is that a regional ef- local food products and tastes. fort in the rural areas will contribute with new ideas and be a part of the other tasks of We wish to take advantage of our position the region within climate, energy solutions, as an internationally acknowledged food environment, health, mobility, culture and region to engage local communities, culture access to education. The Village of the Year and educational institutions to raise the award is an example of this. gastronomical level in the region. We will do this by further taking advantage of lo- Culture and gastronomy make significant cal ingredients to make more and better contributions to ensure the good life across food experiences for citizens and visitors. the whole region. This will create activity within the field of food experiences, culture, nature and gas- tronomy – and it will develop both urban and rural districts of the region.

The gastronomical experiment “Nightshades” challenges our psychological approach to food. This and other experiences put Central Denmark Region on the gastronomy and culture map.


STRATEGY TRACK 02 Ensuring future- proof educations and development of skills and competencies for everybody STRATEGY TRACK


At the back you find an over- view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an overview while reading this strategy.


The 17 UN SDGs are linked and interact. This strategy is based on all of the UN goals, but some goals are directly relevant to the core development responsibili- ties of Central Denmark Region. The indirect goals are positively affected when working with a direct goal.

Central Denmark Region intends to offer a wide variety of high-quality education programmes for young people across the entire region.

How does the Central Denmark Region strategy track 02 3 4 17 contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? DIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE UN goal 4 is central in education. This goal is cies. These two important factors are also DEVELOPMENT about equal access to quality educations and included in the UN SDGs. To do this we need GOALS GOOD HEALTH QUALITY PARTNERSHIPS possibilities for lifelong learning. The aim of a good and flexible infrastructure ensuring & WELL-BEING EDUCATION FOR THE GOALS this goal is to ensure that more young people mobility. We also need to care for the well- and adults have the relevant skills, including being of our young people, as it requires good technical and vocational competencies. We mental health to complete an education. This must ensure citizens are prepared for the la- is a good starting point for getting a job and 8 9 bour market and that good jobs are available. having a good life as a citizen in Central Den- INDIRECT UN We must focus on offering good educations mark Region. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and develop relevant skills and competen- GOALS DECENT WORK INDUSTRY, & ECONOMIC INNOVATION & GROWTH INFRASTRUCTURE

XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Ensuring future- proof educations and competence development for everybody

“Together we can ensure that the young people become mentally strong and confident adults with good educations leading to a good job” 23

Central Denmark Region wishes to have a variety of high-quality education offers all over the region.

4 An attractive region for students uously rethink the creation of quality educa- Focus on well-being and mental drop-outs and it will be possible for the edu- Central Denmark Region wishes to be attrac- tion programmes and international study en- 3 health among young people cational institutions to predict and prevent tive for students. We thus need a focused vironments, which also take advantage of the An attractive region for students also means students from dropping out. and dedicated effort to offer a wide variety strengths of the local communities. a region able to retain the young people and of high-quality education programmes for where drop-out rates from education pro- If young people do not thrive, the risk of not young people across the entire region. We need citizens with good and high-quality grammes are low. This is a challenge we will completing their education is higher. We 8 educations in our region where industries solve together with municipalities, educational wish to put this challenge on the agenda. Equal access to quality education is a part of and businesses working with environment, institutions and educational counsellors. As a region, we have a good starting point the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We climate, food and energy technology devel- for initiating collaborations with the edu- experience that more and more young people op rapidly. We need qualified employees and To do this, we need to know more about the cational institutions, social psychiatry and 9 move to the larger cities. This makes it chal- talents to constantly develop sustainable challenges young people face. We can use municipalities to help the young people be- lenging to offer high-quality programmes in solutions. New solutions are also an impor- data on sickness absenteeism, attendance lieve in themselves and to support them in the smaller cities of the region. tant tool to lower strain on the environment rates, distance to educational institutions, their completion of an education. and reduce climate changes. type of accommodation and use of student In collaboration with educational institutions, counselling to get familiar with these chal- municipalities and companies, we will contin- lenges. The data will map out reasons for

22 STRATEGY TRACK 2 In the future, there will be a demand for people with technical and digital competencies and skills. Central Denmark Region will find solutions to this in collaboration with a number of partners in the Technology Pact.

Lifelong learning We live longer and have more active years on the labour market. At the same time, the technological development is faster than ever. We need to obtain 4 and develop new competencies and skills – not only when we are young but throughout life.

Denmark is in the top compared to others when it comes to application of technologies – especially basic technologies. The labour market will undergo 9 dramatic changes in the years to come. There will constantly be new demands – also to the active la- bour force with both short and higher educations. Both young and older people must have access to flexible and high-quality education and training pro- grammes. These programmes must be adapted to grown-ups who have been on the labour market for many years. Targeted further education and train- ing is a way to ensure the workforce meets the de- mands.

We also need to work together and be better at tak- ing advantage of digital solutions. In this way, com- panies and educational institutions can integrate the new technology in connection with further edu- cation and training programmes. 25

4 Ready for the future labour organisations. Specific initiatives to ensure market that more people will obtain knowledge and In the future, there will be a shortage of competencies within natural science, digiti- skilled workers and other people with so- sation and technology are part of the pact Many technical and practical competencies called STEM competencies (science, tech- which Central Denmark Region has allocated are needed when the nology, engineering and mathematics). In the 55 million DKK to support. company A/S 8 produces equipment for past decade, there has been an increased road marking. demand for these skills and expertises. Furthermore, there is a demand for people with creative competencies; these compe- In 2017, Central Denmark Region initiated tencies are in demand by many different a regional technology pact inspired by the businesses. The region will continue to col- national and regional technology pacts in laborate with educational institutions, cre- Holland. The pact is an agreement between ative environments and others to integrate the region, educational and knowledge in- creative skills and competencies in educa- stitutions, municipalities, companies and tion programmes.


STRATEGY TRACK 03 Taking care of the climate, environment and resources to ensure a sustainable development STRATEGY TRACK

03XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Stepping stones in a park in the city of Viborg. This is both a recreational area and a climate project col- MINI GUIDE lecting surface water from the city. At the back you find an over- view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an overview while reading this strategy.


The 17 UN SDGs are linked and interact. This strategy is based on all of the UN goals, but some goals are directly relevant to the core development responsibili- ties of Central Denmark Region. The indirect goals are positively affected when working with a direct goal.

How does the Central Denmark Region strategy track 03 6 7 11 12 13 15 17 contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

We wish to take care of the climate, en- Initiatives and a strong effort in relation vironment and resources to ensure a sus- to climate changes and environmental Clean Affordable Sustainable Responsible Climate Life on Partnerships tainable development; this speaks to the strain will contribute to the global agenda Water & & Clean Cities & Production & Action Land for the Goals

core of the UN SDGs. In many ways, the in connection with two UN SDGs in par- DIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Sanitation Energy Communities Consumption region contributes to the global agenda, ticular: Goal 12 on promoting sustainable such as ensuring our water supply and consumption and production e.g. through avoiding soil contamination. Moreover, we procurement agreements for the hospitals comply with the UN goals to make cities and institutions in the region. Goal 13 about 3 9 14 and local communities inclusive, safe, resil- fast interventions to fight climate changes ient and sustainable. and their consequences. The region must lead the way with innovative solutions and Good Health Industry, Life below act on the challenges through strong col- & Well-being Innovation & Water laborations and partnerships. Infrastructure INDIRECT UN INDIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Taking care of the Flooding can be one of the consequences of climate, environment climate changes. and resources to ensure a sustainable development

“Challenges across both local and national borders demand solutions where we pull together”

A hospital generates large amounts of plastic waste. Aarhus University Hospital works with new ways of ensuring that a large amount of the plastic can be recycled. Photo: Michael Harder

World-class sustainable The spreading of results is also a part of our develop recreational areas, increase var- 7 hospitals and institutions obligation towards the global plan of action iation – biodiversity – in nature and bring The region is responsible for hospitals and – Agenda 21. Each government and local au- nature closer to the cities. The challenges

certain social institutions. They can serve as thorities are responsible for taking sustain- crossing both local and national borders 31 “innovation labs” to try out green transition able initiatives in areas where human beings require solutions where we pull together. 12 models. At hospitals we know what is com- impact on the environment. Currently, the region has strong partner- ing in through purchases and we know what ships such as the six-year-long climate ad- is going out as waste. 11 We face climate changes justment project Coast to Coast Climate together Challenge, which has received DKK 50 million At a hospital we can work with areas such Major transitions of production methods from the EU LIFE programme. 9 as waste, energy, food, buildings, transport, and consumer patterns at the global level water, chemicals, goods and services. More- take time. Meanwhile, there have been and over, we can work with integrated solutions 13 still are some environmental consequences. across the hospital. This “mini-society” re- Climate changes will lead to more and hea- flects the challenges in our surrounding so- vier rain, ocean levels and temperatures will ciety. This makes it possible for us to devel- rise. These challenges go beyond the bor- op solutions that are beneficial to the region 15 ders of municipalities, regions and countri- and to our both private and public collabora- es. The challenges must be solved by differ- tors. Our ambition is to create some of the ent kinds of climate adjustments. world’s most sustainable hospitals. We must be on the forefront and find new Central Denmark Region has positive experi- solutions and ways to adjust to the climate ences with collaborations within renewable 14 changes. We must strive to take care of the energy and circular economy. Broad net- climate changes and translate challenges works and partnerships provide more knowl- into sustainable improvements of society. edge and better solutions; and the results An example could be the use of rainwater cause a ripple effect. reservoirs or other climate adjustments to

30 STRATEGY TRACK 3 dump-site with chemical waste from the new ice age would be the only way to get production of pesticides and mercury prod- new raw materials, so we have to intensify ucts. our focus on recycling together with other relevant partners. Currently, the region collaborates with clean- tech companies with the aim of developing The region will be more involved in promot- new remediation technologies. These news ing alternative, sustainable solutions so we methods can lead to cheaper and more sus- use fewer raw materials and avoid transpor- tainable ways to clean up the chemical dump- tation of materials. We also have to avoid im- site at Groyne 42. Such solutions may be port of raw materials from abroad. beneficial at Harboøre Tange but also in other parts of the world with similar types Within the environment and climate area, of soil contamination. the region will be focused on bringing our knowledge and expertise into play by esta- 12 Necessary focus on raw blishing broad collaborations. Together we materials and recycling can make better efforts and create more Raw materials are scarce all over the world. results. However, in Central Denmark Region we 13 have large gravel pits supplying the active building industry with tons of sand, gravel and stones. The sites where we can find raw materials in our region are getting fewer. A

A so-called climate road in Central Denmark Region, which can absorb increasing amounts of rain. This is part of the EU project Coast to Coast Climate Challenge Photo: Morten Telling 33

6 Clean drinking water 15 Experts in soil contamination – a scarce resource? Central Denmark Region is in the frontline In Denmark, the drinking water supply is concerning competencies in and knowledge based entirely on groundwater undergoing of soil contamination. The region’s main task only a minor filtration process before distri- is to identify, investigate and remediate any buted to consumers. soil contamination that poses a risk for hu- 3 3 man health, the groundwater or the environ- Our drinking water is threatened by contam- ment. ination; part of the contamination happened decades ago, but it also happens today. It At Harboøre Tange on the west coast of the can have consequences for the supply of region, Central Denmark Region is manag- non-contaminated tap water and it is a ma- ing one of the most contaminated areas in jor task to ensure clean drinking water for Denmark. The contamination derives from the future generations. a former company producing pesticides for the agricultural industry. Harboøre Tange is one of the most contaminated area in Central Denmark The regional authorities play an important Region. Polluted sand and soil from a role in taking care of the ground water to- One of the contaminated sites at Harboøre chemical waste depot will be used in tests to find new sustainable methods to gether with the municipalities, the national Tange is located on the beach (Groyne manage contaminated soil. government and water supply companies. 42). This contamination originates from a


STRATEGY TRACK 04 35 Paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient citizen-centred healthcare system of high quality STRATEGY TRACK

04XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 A telemedicine solution makes it possible for some patients to have a consultation from their own home with a nurse at the hospital. MINI GUIDE

At the back you find an over- view of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This helps you to maintain an overview while reading this strategy.


The 17 UN SDGs are linked and interact. This strategy is based on all of the UN goals, but some goals are directly relevant to the core development responsibili- ties of Central Denmark Region. The indirect goals are positively affected when working with a direct goal.

How does the Central Denmark Region strategy track 04 3 9 17 contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? DIRECT UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT We wish to be a region with healthy citi- The healthcare system will be open to new GOALS GOOD HEALTH INDUSTRY, PARTNERSHIPS zens. The aim of the UN SDG number 3 is partnerships and new ways to collaborate & WELL-BEING INNOVATION & FOR THE GOALS to ensure a healthy life for all and promote to find alternative solutions and innovative INFRASTRUCTURE well-being in all age groups. The strategy ways to deliver healthcare services. A new of Central Denmark Region supports this. way in healthcare innovation is culture. We strengthen efforts to find innovative Culture can play an active role in treat- 10 solutions in our healthcare system to en- ment and care as a tool to fight inequality INDIRECT UN sure a continued high level of quality in our in society and health in line with UN goal SUSTAINABLE services. number 10. DEVELOPMENT GOALS REDUCED INEQUALITIES

XX STRATEGY TRACK 3 Paving the way for a more sustainable and efficient citizen-centred healthcare system of high quality

“Improved digitisation is an effective way for citizens to feel closer to the healthcare system A digital overview of patient flow at relevant hospital departments is a with user-friendly IT solutions” useful tool for healthcare staff. Photo: Agata Lenczewska-Madsen

An app used by all acute facilities in Central Denmark Region. Staff across hospitals have direct access to and can type key information into the electronic health record.

Photo: Agata Lenczewska-Madsen 39

3 Health innovation – the driver of Nutrition – an example of health and create new solutions benefitting our an efficient healthcare system innovation health and socio-economics. Central Denmark Region wishes to strengt- Development of new food products, functio- hen our efforts in creating and using new nal foods, which can contribute positively IT solutions – an example of technology and digital solutions. Improved to our health is one of many examples of health innovation 9 digitisation is an effective way for citizens health innovation. In product development, All over the world, we look for solutions pro- to feel closer to the healthcare system with the region is experienced in connecting rel- viding more health and safety for the money. user-friendly IT solutions. At the same time, evant health professional stakeholders with the new solutions will make the healthcare the business community. The electronic health record is a good ex- system more efficient and sustainable. ample of an innovative solution based on For more than a decade, Central Denmark citizens’ health data. The record contributes To make a strategic direction for health in- Region has invested in growth and inno- to establish coherent and optimal patient novation is the first step towards new initi- vation within the food business. Today, pathways across sectors, between hospital atives and solutions for the future. This will we have a well-functioning research and and primary care in the municipality. benefit both citizens and companies produc- development environment within food inno- ing lasting products for the global market. A vation. This must continue in the future Technology and digitisation in the health- strategic forum for innovation including re- and we now focus our contribution on e.g. care sector attract considerable attention search and educational institutions, general solutions to nutritional challenges together and have high priority in Europe. Some practitioners, the region and companies will with other regions, municipalities, hospitals, of the solutions may thus be developed suggest specific efforts to help realise the research and educational institutions, com- through EU programmes and international health innovation potential in our region. panies and citizens. Together we will develop collaborations.

38 STRATEGY TRACK 4 European Region of Culture is the cultural collaboration between the region and its 19 municipalities. The project Rethink Ageing has been supported by the region. It consists of amateur dancers above the age of 60 years. Health is a positive “side effect” for the dancers. 41

3 New possibilities with life science contribute to develop new products to bene- 3 Culture to benefit health and health based on the latest research. The region wishes to strengthen the posi- fit the health of citizens, if we build on this For the citizens, health and new solutions We have e.g. a choir for patients with lung tion of life science, which is characterized by and facilitate a closer collaboration between can be other things than just a visit to the diseases and book clubs where people with public and private partnerships. Research- clinicians and researchers on one side and general practitioner or the municipal reha- stress or depression read together at the ers, hospitals and private companies col- private companies and investors on the other. bilitation facility. Participation in cultural region’s public libraries. 9 laborate to find e.g. new types of drugs and activities can play an important role for our medical equipment. At the same time, the Central Denmark Regi- physical and mental health. The healthcare system should be open to on Technology Pact is focused on promoting 10 the new services. Experiences are positive Life science contributes to create innova- educations in health science and techno- Combining culture and health attracts con- using alternatives to the traditional techno- tion and new services at hospitals and in the logy, which is necessary for the life science siderable attention in the western world, logical and medical offers. primary care health services. business. This is done in collaboration with where more and more people are affected educational and knowledge institutions. by stress, anxiety and depression. Central Denmark Region has solid research and development environments, which can In Central Denmark Region, we will be on the forefront developing and combining culture

40 STRATEGY TRACK 4 Central1 Denmark2 Region3 4 5 6

– NOan POVERTY attractiveZERO andGOOD HEALTH QUALITY GENDER CLEAN HUNGER & WELL-BEING EDUCATION EQUALITY WATER & SANITATION Global poverty rates have been Rapid economic growth and in- Despite incredible progress, more Education is one of the most pow- More equality and a strengthening Shortage of water affects more sustainablemore than halved since 1990, but creased agricultural region. production than six million children die before erful and tested methods to obtain of female rights and possibilities than 40% of the global population. too many still fight to fulfil basic have nearly reduced the number the age of five. Hundreds of women sustainable development. The goal are necessary to promote a sustai- This is alarming and is expected to human needs such as access to of malnourished people by 50%. die in connection with childbirth and is to ensure that all children will nable development. Elimination of increase with increasing global tem- adequate amounts of food, clean Unfortunately, hunger is still a AIDS is the most common cause complete a primary and secondary all types of discrimination against peratures caused by climate chan- drinking water and sanitation. huge barrier to development in of death among young people in education, free of charge, before women and girls is not only a fun- ges. Universal access to safe and ForElimination everybody.of poverty will take many countries. Elimination of Sub-Saharan Africa. These deaths 2030. Moreover, gender-related and damental human right, but it also cheap drinking water for all before a targeted effort in vulnerable hunger requires international col- could be avoided through improve- economic inequality will be abolis- has a multiplier effect across all 2030 demands i.e. that we protect groups, increased access to basic laboration to ensure investments ments in prevention and treatment, hed to obtain universal access to other development areas. and restore water-related ecosy- resources and services as well as in infrastructure and technology, education, immunization campaigns high-quality further education. stems and invest in infrastructure. support to societies affected by which may improve agricultural as well as sexual and reproductive conflicts and climate-related dis- productivity. health. asters.

7 8 9 10 11 12

AFFORDABLE DECENT INDUSTRY, REDUCED SUSTAINABLE RESPONSIBLE & CLEAN WORK & ECONOMIC INNOVATION & INEQUALITIES CITIES & PRODUCTION & ENERGY GROWTH INFRASTRUCTURE COMMUNITIES CONSUMPTION Every fifth person still has no ac- The goal is to promote constant Constant investment in infrastruc- The growing inequality requires ac- More than half of the world’s popu- Economic growth and sustainable cess to electricity. Because of the economic growth by creating high- ture and innovation is decisive for tion and adoption of sensible politics lation now live in cities. Sustainable development mean that we must increasing demand, there is a need er productivity and technological economic growth and development. strengthening the lowest income development can only be obtained reduce our environmental foot- for an increase in the production breakthroughs. Focus on politics As more than half of the world’s groups and promoting more econo- if we change the way we build and print and change the way we pro- of renewable energy globally. Uni- beneficial for an entrepreneurial population live in cities, transpor- mic involvement from all groups in control our cities. Making cities sa- duce and consume our goods and versal access to electricity at an culture and creation of jobs will be tation and renewable energy will society regardless of gender, race or fer and more sustainable means resources. If we should meet the affordable price before 2030 re- the key to this. At the same time, it be increasingly important similar to ethnicity. Inequality is a global pro- to guarantee access to safe and goal, we must efficiently control quires investments in clean ener- is important to eradicate forced la- growth of new industries and infor- blem requiring global solutions. This cheap accommodation as well as our natural resources, the way we gy sources such as sun, wind and bour, slavery and human trafficking. mation and communication tech- means e.g. improvements in the re- improvements of housing in slum dispose of toxic waste and polluted thermic energy. nologies. gulation and monitoring of fi nancial areas. This also requires invest- substances. That is why it is impor- REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TASKS: markets and institutions. ments in infrastructure and green tant to encourage companies and public places. consumers to recycle and reduce the amount of waste. Ensure access to education for all young people

Create a well-functioning infrastructure and mobility

Provide citizens with relevant competencies 13 Ensure attractive14 culture, nature and health promo-15 16 17 tion offers

Find solutions to climate changes

CLIMATE Ensure clean drinkingLIFE BELOW water and help citizens affect-LIFE ON PEACE, PARTNERSHIPS ACTION WATER LAND JUSTICE & STRONG FOR THE GOALS ed by soil contamination INSTITUTIONS All countries in the worldPave experi the- way Thefor innovationworld’s oceans at hospitals,- their temper social- insti-Our life depends on the earth con- The goal is to ensure that all types Effective partnerships are needed ence the dramatic consequencestutions and otherature, regional chemistry, areas current and life cerning nutrition and livelihood. As of violence are reduced and that to meet the sustainable develop- of the climate changes. Moreover, – drive global systems that make an example, plants supply 80% of long-lasting solutions to confl icts ment goals. This applies to all kinds global warming causes long-termMake an effortthe to earth put green habitable transition for human on kind. the agendaour diet and farming is an impor- and insecurities are found in col- of partnerships – public, public-pri- changes to our climate system.and ensure If rawManagement materials offor this future vital constructionsresource tant economic resource and means laboration with governments and vate and partnerships with the civil the political will is there and com- is decisive for humans but also for for development. In addition, the local communities. Strengthening society. The world is more closely bined with a broad range ofEnsure techni- sustainabilityalleviating in theregional consequences activities ofand com-goal is important to alleviate the of constitutional rights and promo- connected than ever and there is cal measures, it is possiblemit to curbto green solutionsclimate changes. in society Overfishing and consequences of climate changes. tion of human rights are central to a need for global engagement and the climate changes. This requires ocean pollution are among the this process. collaboration to realise the goals. an immediate collective effort. challenges. CENTRAL DENMARK REGION

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Cover photo taken in 2018 on the new motorway near Tvis and Holstebro in Western Jutland. The motorway opened shortly after.

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