On-Farm Seed Project Final Report

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On-Farm Seed Project Final Report On-Farm Seed Project Final Report AID/PVC Matching Grant OTR-0290-A-00-7203-00 Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development in cooperation with The Center for PVO/University Collaboration in Development May 15,1987 - September 30,1992 On-Farm Seed Project Final Report Contents Page Acronyms........................................................................................................................ i I. Background to Grant and Project Context.............................................. 1 A. Purpose, Approach, and Special Capability............................................. 1 E. Resources Available................................................................................... 2 H. PVOApproaclL................................................................................................ 3 A. Project Goal, Purpose, and Objective........................................................ 3 B. Approach, Methodology, and Strategy...................................................... 3 IIL Review and Analysis of Project Results................................................... 5 A. Summary of Activities June 1,1991-September 30,1992...................... 5 B. Overall Results........................................................................................... 11 IV. Management, Organization, and Staffing................................................ 17 A. Organization............................................................................................... 17 B. Project Management and Staff Resources................................................ 18 C. Logistic Support.......................................................................................... 19 D. Training and Technical Assistance........................................................... 19 E. Project Fund-raising and Marketing........................................................ 19 F. Role of the Board of Directors................................................................... 20 G. Development Education............................................................................. 20 H. Monitoring and Evaluation....................................................................... 20 V. Financial Report............................................................................................. 23 VL Lessons Learned and Long-term Project Implications........................ 25 A. Local Participation and Leadership Development.................................. 25 B. Innovation and Technology Transfer........................................................ 26 C. Institutionalization.................................................................................... 27 D. Potential for Replication............................................................................ 27 VIL Recommendations for OFPEP..................................................................... 29 A. Difficulty in Reaching Smallholders......................................................... 29 B. Roles of Rural Women................................................................................ 30 C. Basic Concepts of OFPEP......................................................................... 32 D. Proposed Program...................................................................................... 32 E. The Issue of Seeds...................................................................................... 33 F. The Soil Fertility Issue.............................................................................. 33 G. Marketing and Distribution...................................................................... 34 H. Monitoring and Evaluation...................................................................... 34 I. Integration in Implementation................................................................. 35 J. Management and Staffing......................................................................... 35 Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development On-Farm Seed Project Final Report Figures and Tables Figure 1. Organizational chart of OFSR... 17 Figure 2. Organizational chart of OFPEP. 36 Table 1. Rice participatory demonstrations undertaken in Senegal, 1992. Table 2. Number of people trained by OFSP and farmer beneficiaries of training.................................................................... 11 Table 3. Number of demonstrations completed and farmers who observed demonstrations.................7................................................ 12 Table 4. Financial status report as of September 25,1992.......................... 24 Table 5. Estimated cumulative expenditures incurred by September 30,1992........................................................................... 24 Appendices A. "Seed Sowers" Volume 5, Number 1,1992 B. "Using Farmer Participatory Research to Improve Seed and Food Grain Production in Senegal" by Tom Osborn and Alphonse Faye C. Map, "On-farm Seed Project Activities in Senegal and The Gambia, 1988- 1992" D. Summary of "Consultancy Report - On-farm Seed Project - August 1991" by Deirdre Birmingham E. Summary of "Visit with the On-farm Seed Production Project", September - October, 1991, by James C. Delouche F. "Farmer Seed Practices - The Region of Louga, an Assessment of World Vision/OFSP Activities" by Stephen Leisz G. "A Review of Save The Children/USA/Gambia's Rice Extension Program and Collaboration with the On-farm Seed Project" by Stephen Leisz H. "General Guidelines to Build a Data Entry and Verification System for the OFPEP Project" by Robert Deuson, September 1992 I. Publications Lost J. On-fam Seed Project in Senegal and The Gambia Final Evaluation K Final Advisory Council Meeting Minutes Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development On-Farm Seed Project Final Report Acronyms AFSI African Food Systems Initiative AID/PVC Agency for International Development Office of Private and Voluntary Cooperation APCD Associate Peace Corps Director CCF Christian Children's Fund CIAT/SADCC Centro Internacional de Agriculture Tropical (in the Southern Africa region) CONGAD Conseil d'organisations nongouvernementales d'appui au developement CRS Catholic Relief Services CTA Center for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation CUSO Canadian Universities Service Overseas FAO Food and Agriculture Organization PVA/PVC United States Agency of International Development Bureau for Food and Voluntary Assistance, Private and Voluntary Cooperation FFHC Freedom From Hunger Campaign FFHC/WRP Freedom form Hunger Campaign/Women's Rice Project ICMG in-country matching grant ESPTSORMIL International Sorghum and Millet Collaborative Research Program ISRA Institut Senegalais de Recherche Agricole MIS management information systems MSU Mississippi State University NGO nongovernmental organization OFPEP On-fann Productivity Enhancement Project OFSP On-farm Seed Project PC United States Peace Corps PCV Peace Corps Volunteer PVO private, voluntary organization RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal SCF Save the Children Federation WVI World Vision International Winrock International Institute fox Agricultural Development On-Farm Seed Project Final Report I. Background to Grant and Project Context A. Purpose, Approach, and Special Capability Tiie On-Farm Seed Project (OFSP) was a collaborative effort by Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development (Winrock), the Center for PVO/University Collaboration in Development (PVO/University Center), various private voluntary organizations (PVOs), the U.S. Peace Corps, and Mississippi State University (MSU) to implement an innovative project to reach small farmers. This project combined the strength of PVOs and the Peace Corps in the field with the experience of MSU in seed technology, collaboration by the Center for PVO/University Collaboration in Development (PVO/University Center) and leadership by Winrock. USAID supported OFSP through a matching grant that includes contributions from Winrock International, the Center, and MSU. The project assisted the seed-related programs of PVOs and the Peace Corps in Senegal and The Gambia using a process approach that adapts technical assistance to the needs expressed by small farmers. Winrock's organizational mission is to reduce poverty and hunger in the world through sustainable agricultural and rural development. Winrock helps people in developing areas to strengthen their agricultural research and extension systems, develop their human resources, institute appropriate food and agricultural policies, manage their renewable resources, and improve their agricultural production systems. A subcontractor in the project, the PVO/University Center provided a forum for information sharing and exchange among universities and PVOs involved in international agricultural research and development. This growing network comprised 16 universities and 16 PVOs, including institutions involved in OFSP. These included Winrock, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Save the Children Federation (SCF), World Vision International (WVI),andMSU. The Center was a catalyst in the creation of OFSP, providing a forum in which PVO and university interaction led to the development of a concept paper and later to the initiation of OFSP. The Center's role in OFSP was to facilitate collaboration and communication among the organizations involved in the project, and to publish Seed Sowers ILes Semeurs, the OFSP newsletter, which is written by Winrock field and headquarters staff (see appendix A). The rationale for the project arose
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