CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Marcelo Gleiser Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy 6127 Wilder Laboratory, Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 Email:
[email protected] Telephone: (+1-603) 646-1489/2359 (office) Social Media: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: gleiserofficial YouTube: Date of Birth: March 19th, 1959 Place of Birth: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (U.S. Citizen) Education: Ph.D.: Theoretical Physics from the University of London, King's College London, Jul. 1986. Thesis title: Kaluza-Klein Cosmology Ph.D. advisor: Prof. J.G. Taylor. M.Sc.: Physics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Jul. 1982. Thesis title: Gauge Field Copies and the Higgs Mechanism. B.Sc.: Physics from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Jul. 1981. Honors and Awards: • Doctor Honoris Causa { State University of Maranh~ao,Brazil (2020). • 2019 Templeton Prize laureate. • Doctor Honoris Causa { Pontifical Catholic University of Paran´a,Brazil (2019). • 2019 Education Leadership Award from Educando by Worldfund Foundation. • Honorary Fellow, International Society for Science and Religion. • Fellow of the American Physical Society. • 2018 Drawbridge Lecture in Science and Religion, Saint Paul's Cathedral, London. • Elected Professor Extraordinarius at the University of South Africa. • Winner of the 2017 \Jabuti Award", the highest literary award given in Brazil, for nonfiction book \The Simple Beauty of the Unexpected". • Winner of the 2002 \Jabuti Award", the highest literary award given in Brazil, for nonfiction book \The Prophet and the Astronomer". • Winner of the 1998 \Jabuti Award", the highest literary award given in Brazil, for nonfiction book \The Dancing Universe: From Creation Myths to the Big Bang".