Ancient Coins

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Ancient Coins ANCIENT COINS EEK CITIE A D KINGS GR S N . FROM VARIOUS COLLECTIONS PR IN C I PA LLY IN GR EAT B R I T A I N ; ILLUSTRA TED AND EXPLAINED . L . R . s JA MES MI LLI NG gn ESQ A R . A N D M E MB E R OF V A RI OU S FORE I GN A CA D E MI E S . N LON D O . M D C C C XXX I . PREFACE . T HE P a tes a nne e to th e resent u ica ti on were en ra e s e era l x d p p bl g v d , v l " “ a o for a wor enti t e nc ient ne ite onu ent s of ree years g , k l d A U d d M m G k ” A rt a nd w a s inten e t o in u e a r es ron es i cti e V G m , d d cl d M bl , B z , F l ases , e s , o i ns nd ot e r r a in i a e s of nti u t . C , h m A q y T h e fi rst nu m er of t is W k a ea re i n 1 8 2 2 a nd w a s ontinue b h or pp d , c d s ucc e ss i e ti f m a nt of en o ura e ent a nd a i n e eri ence v ly , ll ro w c g m , h v g xp d a c onsi era e l th e a ut or wa s o i e t o i e u th e un erta in d bl oss , h bl g d g v p d k g , a nd confi ne i t t o ten nu er or in t w o v lum one of ictile V mb s, f m g o es , F ases , ' th e ot er of a u u nd Ba s - t t es st s a re ie s . h , S , B , l f It i s a rce be cre i te t a t i n a countr s o o u ent a s rea t—Bri w ll c ly d d , h y , p l G t a in ere th e a nt of a si i a r u ica ti on h a s een s o o te n a nd s o , wh w m l p bl b f enera a c no e e the nu er of s u s cri ers did not e cee ent . g lly k wl dg d , mb b b x d Tw y Of th e eri ts or e erits of th e W k in a itera r oint of i e i t m d m or l y p v w , d not e o e th e a ut or t o s ea but in th e se e tion of the va oes b c m h p k , l c ri ous onum ents w ic th e a tes cont a in a nd t eir i ort a nce i t M h h pl , h mp w h re ere nce bo t t o A rt and cien e a nd i t re a r to h e fideli t of th e f h S c , w h g d t y en ra in s i n reser in a s uc a s ibl th e e u ia r st e a nd ch a g v g p v g , m h poss e , p c l yl ' ra ct er of th e ori ina onum ents h e ent ures t o a s sert t a t th e W k g l m , v h or ‘ in ues ti on m a c onten in ro orti on t o its e tent i t th e m os t q y d ( p p x ), w h u i a i c ostly p bl c t ons of th e sam e ki nd which h a ve hithert o a ppea red . It w o uld be forei gn to th e s ubj ect t o invest iga te genera lly th e c auses o f th e s ta te of negl ect int o whic h t h e Fi ne Art s a nd various b ra nches of r ' ll n bser i tera tu e c onnec ted i t th e st li d of t e a re fa e . o e o L w h y h m , S m v a ti ons ow e er i t res ec t o t e N u i s a ti cience i not be h v w h p t h m m c S w ll . is e o i n m pl a c d n th s occa sio . In us tice t o t ruth it ust h e con e s se o e e r re uc ta nt t a t t is j , m f d , h w v l ly, h h ra nc of ea rni n of i c th e ut i it i s s o enera a reci a te a nd b h l g, wh h l y g lly pp d , w i c h a s een cu ti a te it so uc su ces s i n ta ra n e a nd Ger h h b l v d w h m h c I ly, F c P REFAC E . ‘ ' ' iri th i co unt r W a a n h a s een itt e a tten ed to s . e ye no na es t o m y , b l l d y h m o os e t o t ose of V a i a nt Buona rotti S a nhei m o re Ha verca m pp h ll , , p , M l , p , ll V roe i c E ckh e a nd i s onti . F l h , c ' Th e on nu i s m a ti c o r s e ser in of an not l ce i h a e a ly m w k d v g y , wh c h v p ea red i n n a n a re * th e Tas oro B rita nni ca o f a a nd th e a ta p E gl d , H ym , C of th e o e i a n Co ec ti on b i e . h o ue W s . T e fi rs t os ses se s c o si l g B dl ll , y ! p n d era ble eri t es ecia hen c o a re i t ers of the s a m e eri o m , p lly w mp d w th o h p d , a nd ont ri ute rea t t o th e a ance ent of th e num i s a ti s c i enc c b d g ly dv m m c e . I ts a ut or w h o w a s a n ta i a n h a s een a use it reat i ru e nce a nd h , I l , b b d w h g v l Pi n er n but un in k n in s urri i t t o os t ust o e e o f c o s . c l y by k , m j ly , as wl dg a w a s fa r s u eri or to th e a tter w h o w a s ere c o i er a n H ym p l , m ly a mp l d n t ota lly una cqua i te d wi th th e subj ec t . “ Wi se in hi s c ata o ue h a s is a e m uc ea rnin a nd criti ci s a nd l g d pl y d h l g m , i t mus t be re grette d tha t h e h a d not a m ore am ple fi eld fo r t he e xer ci se of h i s t a ent s . It c erta in ref e ct s i tt e c re it on th e nivers i t not l ly l l l d U y , t o h a ve a ll owe d a n a nnua l s um t o keep up a nd improve a c ollection of h i s c oo oun a tion ex is ted a nd i c e er se ina r of ea rn w ch u h a g d f d , , wh h v y m y l i ng o ught t o p os s e ss . ’ ’ h e c a t a o ues f or Pe ro e s i n n T o o ec t o a d of Dr .
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