Equity Strategy June 05, 2012 Monthly Equity Strategy Selling pressure rose in May… Research Team HOLD +90 (212) 334 33 33
[email protected] Following the strong first quarter fuelled by increased risk appetite in developed markets, sentiment has Facts & Figures Close MoM again turned negative over the past two months. The ISE - 100, TRY 55,099 -8.18 mood in the market went south in April on news from ISE - 100, USD 29,939 -12.75 the U.S., while sales accelerated in May on increased Total Volume, TRY mn 43,471 -69.14 uncertainty following the elections in France and Greece. In addition to this, the inability to establish a MSCI EM Turkey 413,199 -13.0% government in Athens, and the emergent likelihood of MSCI EM 906 -11.7% its exit from the euro increased selling pressure in the Benchmark Bond 9.45% -13 bps stock market in May. The ISE-100 index, remaining relatively strong compared to international peers in USD/TL 1.8404 5.23% April, was also buffeted by international sell-off winds EUR/TL 2.2840 -1.26% in the last month. The ISE-100 index, which started the P/E Current month of May at 60,000 levels, has, aside from negative developments in foreign markets, been affected by ISE - 100 10.2 S&P’s downgrading of the country outlook from positive Banking 7.9 to ‘stable’, and Fitch’s statement that the period Industrial 13.2 leading to Turkey’s uptick to investment grade would Steel 8.4 be longer than expected, and retreated to 54,000 levels.