Racist Internet Radio Broadcasts C Racist Podcasts A

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Racist Internet Radio Broadcasts C Racist Podcasts A The Hate Directory Compiled by Raymond A. Franklin Forward corrections and additions to: Raymond A. Franklin P.O. Box 121 Woodstock, MD 21163-0121 sitemail@hatedirectory.com Hate Groups on the Internet: Web Sites (WWW) File Archives (FTP) Racist Weblogs (Blogs) and Blog Services Mailing Lists (LISTSERV) Newsgroups (USENET) Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Yahoo Clubs, Yahoo Groups and MSN Groups Racist Web Rings Racist Games Available on the Internet Racist Friendly Web Hosting Services Racist Internet Radio Broadcasts C Racist Podcasts A PREFACE The Hate Directory is maintained and presented as an aid in identifying and tracking the proliferation of hate o Internet and other new electronic media. The Directory is an historical document as well as a current reference, sites as well as those no longer in operation. CRITERION STATEMENT Included are Internet sites of individuals and groups that, in the opinion of the author, advocate violence against, defamation of, deception about, or hostility toward others based upon race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual ELECTRONIC EDITION An interactive version of The Hate Directory is available on the World Wide Web at www.hatedirectory.com. COMMENTS Your assistance is appreciated. Please forward information regarding additional sites, errors and changes to mail@hatedirectory.com or the postal address above. Information regarding the value of this publication in your endeavors is especially 2 THE HATE DIRECTORY Racial, Religious, Ethnic, Gender and Sexual Orientation Based Hatred on Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments AAARGH http://aaargh-international.org Holocaust http://aaargh.vho.org/ http://vho.org/aaargh http://aaargh.com.mx http://www.reviso.org/aaargh/ http://www.abbc.com/aaargh/index.html Abigwar’s Home Page http://abigwar.odinsrage.com password This is war! http://hatred.isfun.net http://hatred.iscool.net About My Faith http://www.hometown.aol.com/jw4687/ Acireman National Front http://front14.com/acirema [off Adamic Party U.S.A. http://www.geocities.com/darrickevenson/APUSA.html Adam’s Bible http://www.adamsbible.com Frank H Adam’s Page http://www.whiteawareness.net/Adams%20Page.htm Adam Adelaide Institute http://www.adelaideinstitute.org/ Revisionist http://www.adam.com.au/fredadin/adins.html 3 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments Adolf Hitler and National Socialism http://www.hitlerisgod.com/ Educational Center Adolf Hitler Free Corps http://www.voicenet.com/~cej2/assoc001.htm Adolf Hitler Online Tribute and [off Memorial Aggressive Christianity http://www.aggressivechristianity.net Anti http://users.hubwest.com/prophet/ http://www.tarrnet.com/prophet/ Ainaskin.com http://www.ainaskin.com http://www.club-28.com Air Photo Evidence http://www.air-photo.com/ John Ball Report http://www.air-photo.org/ Holocaust Alabama National Knights http://www.cnkkkk.org/alakkk.htm of the Ku Klux Klan Alabama White Knights, KKK http://www.kukluxklan.net/ http://www.hiwaay.net/~akc/ http://www.scott.net/~akc/ http://www.whitepower88/kkk/ http://www.gulftel.com/~kimheads/ Alabama White Pride http://www.yoderanium.com/webhome/whitepride/ Alabaster’s Archive http://www.geocities.com/alabasters_archive/ al Bayan http://www.ummah.net/albayan/ 4 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments All Men Must Die http://www.sorted.org/~kashka/ammd.html Anti http://www.kfs.org/~kashka/ammd.html [off All White Community http://www.allwhitecommunity.com/ Alpha Web Site http://www.alpha.org [off ALPHA HQ http://www.alpha.org/entry.html Domain Altar of Unholy Blasphemy http://www.anus.com/altar/index.html Satanic Altermedia news U.S.A. http://us.altermedia.info alt.flame.niggers FAQ http://www.tnbsolution.com/afn/ http://members.odinsrage.com/rebbiker/ American Action Knights http://www.dslextreme.com/users/whtknt/action.html California Knights American Christian Ministries [off-line] Anti American Christian Nationalists http://www.smart.net/~nri Anti CyberMinistries [off Sodomy Information Center American Defense League http://www.adl.cc/ Boris http://americandefenseleague.com/ http://www.americandefenseleague.com/ http://adlusa.com/adl/ http://www.adlusa.com/adl/ http://adlusa.com American Dissident Voices http://members.odinsrage.com/espaenaes88 Broadcasts 5 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments American Front http://www.americanskins.net/ http://www.americanfront.com http://web2.airmail.net/bootboy/af.htm http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3343 American Italian White Separatist http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/aiwsf/ Front American Knights of the KKK http://www.americanknights.com/ (Church of) http://www.whitesonly.net/dates.htm American Knights of the KKK - http://www.kajunrealm.itgo.com/ Kajun Realm of Louisiana http://www.yoderanium.com/webhome/RealmofLA/ American Knights of the KKK - http://www.voicenet.com/~cej2/index.html [off Realm of Delaware New Kastle Kounty Knight Riders Klavern American Knights of the KKK - http://home.infospace.com/Lmp41 Realm of Indiana American Knights of the KKK - http://www.americanknights.com/ny/ Realm of New York http://home.infospace.com/gtny1 American Knights of the KKK http://home.infospace.com/bevcd1 Realm of Oklahoma http://home.infospace.com/klanevil1 American Knights of the KKK - http://www.yoderanium.com/webhome/RealmofSC/index.htm Realm of South Carolina American Knights of the KKK - http://texasamericanknights.org/ Realm of Texas http://realmoftx.itgo.com/ Texas American Knights http://www.yoderanium.com/webhome/RealmofTX/akkkk.htm 6 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments American Knights of the KKK http://www.americanknights.com/virginia.htm [off Realm of Virginia American Knights of the White http://www.kamellia.com/wacoklavern.htm Kamellia Waco Texas Klavern Homepage American National Action Party http://www.americannationalactionparty.com American National Conference http://home.swbell.net/crg120/ANC.htm American National Party http://www.anparty.org/ [off American National Socialist http://www.nsmamerica.com/ Roano Workers’ Party http://www.answp.com/ Bill http://www.answp.org/ http://www.nazisozi.com/ ANSWP Forums http://www.nsmamerica.com/forum/ http://www.answp.com/Forum/ ANSWP Illinois http://illinoisanswp.wordpress/com Peoria, American Nazi Party http://www.americannaziparty.org/ [off American Nazi Party http://www.americannaziparty.com/ Westland, American Nazi Party Forum http://www.anpforum.org/ the American Populist Review http://www.apopulistreview.com/ American Pride and Freedom http://www.napanet.net/~dbelasco/ American Reformation Ministries http://kelticklankirk.com/ 7 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments American Renaissance http://www.amren.com Monthly Magazine American Resistance Corps http://www.geocities.com/ARCOrg/ Americans for Self-Determination http://www.separation.org American Skinheads http://www.americanskinheads.com/ [off http://www.strikeforce88.com/AmericanSkinhe/Whitepower_Amx. html American Thule Society http://american-thule-society.org/ Cleona, American Thule Society http://american-thule-society.org/youth.htm Thule Youth Corps American White Knights http://www.awkkkk.org Cordele, http://www.awkkkk.com American White Knights of the Ku http://www.awkkkk.org [off Klux Klan Realm of Georgia New American White Knights of the KKK American White Knights of the KKK http://www.awkkkk.net/ Realm of Texas American White Patriot http://www.whitepatriot.8k.com American Whites http://www.staffnet.com/us/aw.htm [off Whit 8 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments Americas Invisible Empire http://aieonline.freehomepage.com/ A.I.E. Online http://aeroviper.home.att.net http://home.att.net/~aeroviper/KKK.html http://home.att.net/~aeroviper/wsb/html/view.cgi-home.html-.html http://home.att.net/~aeroviper/wsb America's Invisible Empire http://www.aiekkkk.hostmb.com Hartselle, Knights of the KKK http://www.aiekkkk.org/ http://www.aie-usa.com/ http://home.hiwaay.net/~krotos/picturepage.html Americas Invisible Empire http://aieonline.home.att.net/la.html Lafayette, Louisiana Americas Invisible Empire http://aieonline.homestead.com/nij.html New Jersey http://aieonline.home.att.net/nj.html Americas Invisible Empire http://aieonline.homestead.com/va.html [off of Virginia Americas Invisible Empire http://www.aie.hostmb.com/ Erwin, Realm of Tennessee Americas Invisible Empire http://aieunit1100.home.att.net/ Hartselle, Unit 1100 America's Invisible Empire http://home.att.net/~kleagle/300.html Hanceville, Unit 300 Americas Invisible Empire http://expage.com/aie600page Oxford, Unit 600, Kalhoun County http://home.att.net/~kleagle/600.html 9 Web Pages (WWW) Name URL Comments America’s Promise Ministries http://amprom.org/ Anglo-Saxon Israel http://www.anglo-saxonisrael.com/ Angry Aryan Website http://www.front14.org/angryaryans/main.html Angry Too White for You http://internettrash.com/users/angryaryans/ http://www.netjunk.com/users/angryaryans/ Angry White Female http://www.angrywhitefemale.net Angry White Men of America http://www.geocities.com/angrywhitemen/ Anointed Nationalist Forum http://forum.anointedembassies.com/ Answering Christianity http://www.answering-christianity.com Anti-Defamation League – http://compuserb.com/antidefamationleague/ Boris Compuserb Anti-Defamation League USA - http://antidefamationleague.com Boris Compuserb http://adlusa.cc Anti Muslim League http://www.antimuslimleague.t83.net Antipas's Home Page http://www.ksu.edu/~antipas/ [off Anti-Semitism Index http://zog.to/3/antisemi/as-ind.htm http://www.flinet.com/~politics/antisemi/as-index/htm Anti-Semitism

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