1 Understanding the Zionist World Cons Piracy

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1 Understanding the Zionist World Cons Piracy 1 Understanding The Zionist World Cons piracy Zionism is a Cultural Cancer that is Destroying White Nations! By Making Destructive Behavior Socially Acceptable The Zionists have emasculated our nation by destroying our pride in America‘s Christian history. Without a commonly held memory a nation ceases to exist as a cohesive unit. The Zionists have labeled America‘s Christian Founding Fathers as ―racists‖ and ―white slavers‖ while at the same time suppressing the fact that the Zionists fi- nanced and participated in the Black slave trade. The Zionists have promoted multicultura lis m, celebrating every culture, no matter how backward and barbaric, except for White Western European culture. The Zionists have dri- ven our Christian heritage from the public square through the efforts of the ADL and the ACLU Lobby Groups. American children will grow up in a society wiped clean of any vestiges of the Bible, Christ or the Cross. However, the Menorah is still allowed in public displays and in the White House for Hannukah celebrations. The Zionists have torn our borders wide open, permitting, indeed cheering, the Third World immigrants who will soon replace the White Christian American majority. The Jacob Javits‘s and the Lautenbergs have designed legislation that will, in the not too distant future, eventually genocide the White Race of people. They have done all this while simultaneously supporting a Zionist-only State in the Middle East. The Zionists have pushed, created and profited from pornography and perverse entertainment. The Zionists make up 90% of all American pornog- raphers. The Hollywood they run has mainstreamed wife-swapping, common law marriages, fornication, homo- sexuality, lesbianism, transvestitism, pedophilia, drug and alcohol abuse and self-indulgence. The Zionists have brought homosexuality out of the closet and into our faces through numerous ―rights‖ legislations. Sodomy is shown in their Zionist-controlled media & movies as normal, healthy, enjoyable and something to celebrate openly in as brazen a fashion as possible. Six year old children in our Public Schools are shown videos promoting anal sex between males. The Zionists have founded, funded and fronted every homosexual advocacy group in America. With their control of the Public Educational System and Collegiate level academia, they have filled the minds of the young with Marxis m, Deconstructionism, relativis m, anti-White hatred, and lies about ―diversity‖ and non- judgmentalism. The Zionists have subverted our government. With Zionist control of the media, both print and television, the two major political parties have been guided away from the interests of the European-American majority, rendering us unworthy of self-preservation. The war in Iraq, the 9/11 attacks and a possible clash with Iran in the near future, are all results of the Zionist subjugation of the most powerful nation on earth, and the prior- itizing of the Middle East‘s concerns over those of the United States. The Zionists have brought radical feminism to American women & girls. Thanks to the steady diet of anti-male, anti-marriage & anti-family books, lectures & college courses from the likes of the Gloria Steinems, the Betty Friedans, and the Susan Sontags, many women now see the prospect of marriage and child-rearing as an impediment to their liberation. Planned Parenthood & the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) is run from top to bottom by Zionists. Unregulated abortion on demand is touted in the controlled Media as a positive social good for the United States. With a large percentage of abortion doctors being ―members of the tribe‖, the Zionists have definitely made a killing out of killing. The Zion- ists have sold us the packaged lies of egalitarianism. All are equal in intelligence, morality, accomplishments — except of course, for the Zionists themselves, whose own leaders refer to their people as being uniquely moral and wise. Our Zionist media masters truly believe they have a God-given right to rule over us. To publicly criticize their ill-gotten power structure, results in being blacklisted & labeled as a ―racist‖, a ―hater‖ or an ―anti-Semite‖! 2 White Nationalist Booklet For Educating Liberals Page #‟s Table of Contents Download the hyperlinked/sourced booklet @ mediafire.com/download/x5x8maai7zxygoz/NDebateBooklet_4-13-14.pdf 5. White people stole the land from the Indians! 38. The Civil War was fought to end Southern Slavery. 6. New Immigrants can steal the land if they want to! 39. Concentration camps were invented by evil Germans! 6. Indians lived peaceful lives before Whites arrived! 39. The Titanic was the worst naval disaster of all time! 6. How dare Whites force Indians to get an education! 42. Germans killed thousands of civilians during air raids. 7. Whites have no right to steal land! Go back to Europe! 42. Ernst Zundel should be banned from Canada & U.S.! 7. Advanced Indians built the Pyramids & Geoglyphs! 42. Japan can remain Japanese but Ireland can‘t be Irish. 7. Whites stole the land in Australia & New Zealand! 43. The U.K. has no right to be a White only country! 8. Movies don‘t brainwash! Their just entertainment! 43. Non-white hiring quotas are fair! Employers are racist! 9. Stop analyzing things so much! Focus on the positive! 44. Half White & half Black children are S0 cute though. 9. "Diversity" (non-whiteness) is our greatest strength! 45. ‗Undocumented workers‘ are only bettering their lives! 10. To end Racism we need more non-white immigrants! 46. Latino‘s can separate from the US if they want to! 10. Who cares what Whites invented! We‘re not smarter! 47. I don‘t judge people by their color of their skin! 11. WHITE ONLY schools are discrimination! 47. Racial crime stats. are all falsified due to Lying Cops! 12. WHITE ONLY countries are discriminatory & selfish! 49. White people commit crimes too! 12. No guns allowed for the Public equals a safer society. 49. White people don‘t deserve their own TV network! 13. Communism in theory is a great idea. 49. How dare you say that dog breeds vary in intelligence! 14. Of course we are a FREE COUNTRY! 50. Whites only have higher IQs because they‘ve cheated! 14. We‘re NOT a White Country! We‘re a Melting Pot! 51. I‘m glad we have ‗Hate Speech‘ Laws, to shut you up! 15. That‘s racist to say. I didn‘t move because I‘m White! 51. I‘m not going to read your books for I am not a Racist! 16. I refuse to hate someone because of their skin color! 51. I don't care what you say for you‘re a racist & a bigot! 17. Who cares if 5 Rothschild brothers took over Banking! 51. Race doesn‘t exist; as it is just a ‗social construct‘! 18. Who cares if Rothschild seized UK banking in 1 day! 52. So what if the non-whites here have advocacy groups? 19. Whites must help Blacks because we enslaved them! 53. Whites would commit crimes too if they were jobless! 19. Dropping the Bomb on the Japs. was the right move. 54. Murdered Whites in South Africa is simply payback! 22. The creation of Israel was ―God‘s Will‖! 56. I‘m relieved that we aren‘t allowed advocacy groups! 32. The Illuminati is just a Conspiracy Theory. 56. Only White people can be RACIST! 33. American Jews never conspired to overthrow Russia! 58. Who cares if we are losing our Christian Identity? 36. Mel Gibson is just a crazy anti-Semite! 59. Who cares if prayers have been removed from schools? 37. Fighting & Violence solves nothing in life! 59. Who cares if kids in schools can‘t celebrate Christmas? 37. Blacks could govern a First World Nation just fine! 60. Who cares if Islam conquers Europe & Christians die? Spring 2012 3 Page #‟s Table of Contents (cont‟d) How to Defeat 120 Common, Liberal & Naïve Arguments 61. Non-whites can date white women; you can‘t stop love! 90. You just can‘t deport the Jews to a remote location! 62. Why do you hate Jews when they‘re ‗God‘s Chosen‘? 91. As if White people aren‘t having kids anymore! 64. Jews run the media so no Holocaust ever happens again. 92. Women are now free & not ruled by their husbands! 67. So what if Nations have deported the Jews 109 times! 93. Women should work; they‘ve been denied it too long! 67. Anti-Semite! You hate Jews just because they‘re Jews! 93. Being a housewife is the lowest thing a woman can do! 68. The Jews media empire is a result of honest hard work. 94. Who cares if homes cost so much, change is inevitable. 69. Jews who are of the white race created these problems! 95. Women are free to abort their children if they want to! 69. As if Jews did WW I, WW II & the Great Depression! 95. So what if Arabs in Europe are out breeding Whites? 71. As if Jews steal our money! Give me an example! 96. The FED is necessary & we should be satisfied with it. 72. The book, Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a forgery! 98. As if Jesus would be upset with the Jewish run FED! 73. So what if White countries are all committing suicide! 99. Germans got tried at Nuremberg & justice prevailed. 73. Today‘s Jews are ‗God‘s Chosen‘! (or Master Race) 103. We Allies ‗Liberated‘ Germany & the German people! 73. How dare you say Jews drink White children‘s blood! 106. As if the US killed over 1 Million POWs after the war! 74. Israel is our friend & only ally in the Middle East! 107.
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