COLLIERS RADAR LOGISTICS | INDUSTRIAL SERVICES | SOUTH CHINA | 29 MAY 2020 Rosanna Tang Head of Research | Hong Kong SAR and Southern China +852 2822 0514
[email protected] Jay Zhong Senior Analyst | Research | Guangzhou +86 20 3819 3851
[email protected] Yifan Yu Assistant Manager | Research | Shenzhen +86 755 8825 8668
[email protected] Justin Yi Senior Analyst | Research | Shenzhen +86 755 8825 8600
[email protected] GREATER BAY AREA LOGISTICS MARKETS AND OPPORTUNITIES COLLIERS RADAR LOGISTICS | INDUSTRIAL SERVICES | SOUTH CHINA | 29 MAY 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INSIGHTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3 MAP OF GBA LOGISTICS MARKETS AND RECOMMENDED CITIES 4 MAP OF GBA TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 5 LOGISTICS INDUSTRY SUPPLY AND DEMAND 6 NEW GROWTH POTENTIAL AREA IN GBA LOGISTICS 7 GBA LOGISTICS CLUSTER – ZHUHAI-ZHONGSHAN-JIANGMEN 8 GBA LOGISTICS CLUSTER – SHENZHEN-DONGGUAN-HUIZHOU 10 GBA LOGISTICS CLUSTER – GUANGZHOU-FOSHAN-ZHAOQING 12 2 COLLIERS RADAR LOGISTICS | INDUSTRIAL SERVICES | SOUTH CHINA | 29 MAY 2020 Insights & Recommendations RECOMMENDED CITIES This report identifies three logistics Zhuhai Zhongshan Jiangmen clusters from the mainland Greater Bay The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau We expect Zhongshan will be The manufacturing sector is Area (GBA)* cities and among these Bridge Zhuhai strengthens the a logistics hub with the now the largest contributor clusters highlights five recommended marine and logistics completion of the Shenzhen- to Jiangmen’s overall GDP. logistics cities for occupiers and investors. integration with Hong Kong Zhongshan Bridge, planned The government aims to build the city into a coastal logistics Zhuhai-Zhongshan-Jiangmen: and Macau. for 2024, connecting the east and west banks of the Peral center and West Guangdong’s > Zhuhai-Zhongshan-Jiangmen’s existing River.