CURRICULUM VITAE KATHERINE ANN BOWIE Revised 11-21-15 Anthropology Department 1-608-262-2866 (office) 5462 Social Sciences Building 1-608-238-8150 (home) University of Wisconsin-Madison Fax: 1-608-265-4216 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Email:
[email protected] I. PERSONAL Birth: May 21, 1950, London, England. Citizenship: U.S. II. RESEARCH SPECIALIZATION. •Theoretical Interests: political anthropology, including political economy, nation-state formation, peasant political movements, rural electoral politics, agrarian class formation, social change; historical anthropology, including oral histories; Theravada Buddhism; gender and Buddhism; gender and politics. •Geographic Area: Southeast Asia, especially Thailand. •Languages: Central Thai, Northern Thai; Swiss-German, German (some Latin, French). III. FORMAL EDUCATION • 1988. Ph.D. University of Chicago (Anthropology). •1981. M.A. University of Chicago (Anthropology). •1974. Thai Language School, Bangkok, Thailand. • 1972. B.A. with Distinction. Stanford University (Major in Anthropology; Minor in Religious Studies). •Title of Theses: PhD: "Peasant Perspectives on the Political Economy ofthe Northern Thai Kingdom ofChiang Mai in the Nineteenth Century: Implications for the Understanding ofPeasant Political Expression." (450 pp). [Dissertation Committee: Ralph Nicholas (chair), Theda Skocpol, Valerio Valeri]. MA: "In the Wake ofthe Lords: A Historical Perspective on the Role of Irrigation in the Political Economy ofNorthern Thailand." (271 pp). IV. POSITIONS HELD •2001-. Professor, Department of Anthropology and Center for Southeast Asian Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin. •2011-14. Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, Wisconsin. •2009-. Affiliated Faculty, Religious Studies. •2004-. Affiliated Faculty, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies •2004-. Affiliated Faculty, Land Tenure Center. •2003-. Affiliated Faculty, Global Studies Program.