Internship Fair Thnrsda. Y
;iijB·ti~b'$t~~.\~~_l'~~'·'t.i~;·~#~!;~~*e, ,~,_·By·~looMGCUl . .. ::':~:, .BirUcli,·.coif·'-:__,~.~,~,...., 8irib.~.:~". cae, ~--8J1._,.~~." ·,·tteus:prejIct::.·iImIaIe...-....:,-= NI· 'Ir""'~ · wri,mg' and' ~l preSentations froM'stU- .. 'den, ,15b.'·ry~g~m.' . '. aU_"three.'·-·...._. _... ofits'schools, :The$Chools of~ .,"! Liberal Arts & Sciences'and Public Af- · fairswill establish asetofrequiredCoIJi.;. '...; mUllication'Intensive-Courses'(CIC) fOI"<." " all students.Although~ details are stin~·"·.~ 'being' worked out, the final plan is ex~· :',. pected to be set in placewithin the next one or two years, according to Provost Lois S. Cronholm. .The strong emphasis on communica ..tionskills will make Baruch a leader in' addressing the concern among colleges . ~:.~ anduniversities nationwide over the de cline of those skills, according to. Croaholm, The Bernard L. Schwartz . · Communication Institute (BLSeI) has. been.createdthis academic yearto over- . see the way each schoolwill implement ··thellew requirements: .' ;; .. -OI1cC,,' these Co_ are. ex- ..: peered to' improve ·the 'likelihood' of 'BalIIcbial1s'fi~gajob.and also the prospectsfor promotion after they have ~hired. ,CrODholm said tbatmany . BamCh gradUateS' have.been unable to -..- -..-... ...... ·;:::~~!::~· - ...·<'·_...,c 'C • '0'. ",' •• .·"'-:-'.n~~ "Ci1IIttIt~1m'~4 ';~-~ '~' o .. ..-., .... ... ' "'S' n.",!.,. u. t..;.;,.1t··~ic..,.o··:;..:,;1;",c.,..lU",''''', - t ,' : -; : :?,I - -; '," , ..... c. P'ii),iiiilDa'iS;;:..ae_. ">.' ,c',':':.':, ..,..l.£ . ..-
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