A Bibliography of the Fishes of the Tigris-Euphrates Basin

Bibliographie der Fische des Euphrat - Tigris - Beckens

by Brian W. Coad and Lalth A. J. al·Hassan


The Tigris-Euphrates basin is the major drainage basin of the Middle East, flowing through , , and . Its ichthyofauna provides a useful source of food and has been studied by biologists and systematists. The literature on this fauna is scattered through journals and books published in the Middle East and in many foreign countries and this is the first attempt to bring it all together. The bibliography comprises the principal systematic, distributional and biological works on the freshwater fishes ofthe Tigris-Euphrates basin. Some extralimital papers are included to facilitate study of this fauna as are revisio­ nary works which have an application to this basin. A more extensive bibliography on the fishes of Iran and their environ­ ment is in preparation (CoAD, MS). CoAD and KURU (1986) provide a bibliography on the fishes ofTurkey. Usually, the titel was cited in its original language. How­ ever, for articles in Arabic and Russian the title was translated into English or, if available, the title of the English summary was used. EinfUhrung

Das Euphrat - Tigris - Becken ist das wichtigste Gewiisser­ system des Mittleren Ostens. das die Liinder Tiirkei. Syrien. lrak und Iran umfaBt. Die Fischfauna dieser Gewiisser stellt eine wichtige Nahrungsgrundlage in den Anrainerstaaten dar und ist und war der Gegenstand zahlreicher biologischer Untersuchun­ gen. Diese Literatur ist auf zahlreiche Zeitschriften und Biicher sowohl im Nahen und Mittleren Osten selbst. als auch im Aus­ land verstreut. Dies ist ein Versuch. eine Obersicht iiber all diese Arbeiten zu geben. Die Bibliographie umfaBt Arbeiten zur Syste­ matik. Verbreitung und zur Biologie der SiiBwasserfische des Euphrat-Tigris-Beckens. Einige wichtige Arbeiten. die sich auf Nachbargebiete beziehen. wurden mit aufgenommen. ebenso wie Revisionen. die Material des Euphrat-Tigris-Beckens einschlie­ Ben bzw. die auf dieses Gebiet Anwendung finden. Eine ausffihr­ liche Bibliographie der Fische des Iran ist von COAD in Vorbe­ reitung, eine solche der Fische der Tiirkei wurde jiingst von COAD und KURU (1986) publiziert. In der Regel wurde der Titel einer Arbeit in der Orginal­ sprache zitiert. Bei Publikationen in Arabisch und Russisch jedoch wurde der Titel ins Englische iibersetzt bzw. der Titel der englischen Zusammenfassung herangezogen. ABBASOV, G. S. (1980): Ichthyofauna of the main freshwater bodies of Azerbaidz­ han. Voprosii Ikhtiologii, io: 744 - 746. In Russian. (Journal of Ichthyo- logy, 20: 140 - 143. In English]. . ABDULLAH. S. B. (1981): Age and growth of galtan, Barbus xanthopterus (Heckel) and shabbut Barbus grypus (Heckel) in Habbaniyah Lake. - M. Se. The­ sis, University of Baghdad. ABDURAKHMANOV, Vu. A. (1962): Freshwater fishes of Azerbaidzhan. - Akade­ mii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, Institut Zoologii, Baku. 407 pp. In Rus­ sian. ABDURAKHMANOV, Vu. A. (1966): The Fauna of Azerbaidzhan. 7. Fishes (Pisces). - Zoological Institute, Azerbaidzhan Academy of Science, Baku. 224 pp. In Azerbaidzhanian. AHARONI, I. (1936-1937): Donnees zoogeographiques sur la Faune de la Palestine et des Contrees adjacentes par rapport a celles de la Peninsule Iberique. XII. Congres International.de Zoologie, Lisbonne, 15-21 Septembre 1935, 2: 1132-1137. AHMAD, T. A. & N. A. HUSSAIN (1982): Observations on the food of young Li2a abu (Heckel) from Salihyia river (Basrah, Iraq). - Iraqi Jou~nal of Marine Science, 1(1): 79 - 88. AHMAD, T. A., N. A. SALMAN & N. A. HUSSAIN (1985): Effect of some labora­ tory controlled conditions on the survival of Li2a abu (Heckel). - Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Science, 1985(6): 125 - 131. AHMAD, T., N. A. SLAMAN (sic), & N. A. HUSSAIN (1983): Effects of some expe­ rimental conditions on the behaviour and survival of Li2a abu (Heckel) from Basrah, Iraq. - Journal of the Faculty of Marine Science, Jeddah, 3: 111 -118. AHMED, A. H. & M. M. TAHER (1988): Observations on the extensive and inten­ sive cultured carp, Cyprinus carpio L. in Basrah, Iraq. - Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1: 35 - 47. AHMED, H. A. A. (1974): Study on the age and growth of Barbus grypus Heckel and B. esocinus (Heckel) in Tharthar Reservoir, Iraq. - M. Se. Thesis, College ofScience, University of Baghdad. AHMED, H. A. (1982): Growth of the cyprinid fish, Barbus luteus (Heckel) in Tharthar Reservoir, Iraq. - Bulletin of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 5: 3 - 15. AHMED, H. A., M. A. AL-MUKHTAR & A. H. Y. AL-ADHUB (1984): The repro­ ductive biology of Carasobarbus luteus (Pisces, ) in AI-Hammar Marsh, Iraq. - Cybium, 8(4): 69 - 80. AKGOL, M. (1980): Van Golii Kapah Havzasmda Ya~ayan Chalcalburnus tarichi (Pallas, 1811)'nin Biyo-Ekolojisi iizerinde Ara~tU'malar. - Ph. D. Thesis, Atatiirk Universitesi, Erzurum. AKGOL, M. (1982): Van Golii Kapah Havzasm.da Y~ayan inci Kefalmm Chal­ calburnus tarichi (Pallas, 1811) Biyo-Ekolojisi iizerinde Ara~tll"malar.

5 TUBITAK VII. Bilim Kongresi Ku~adasl, 1980, Mat. Fiz. Biyol. Ara~. Grubu Tebligleri (Biyoloji seksiyonu), 545: 533 - 544. AKSIRAY, F. (1948): Tiirkische Cyprinodontiden, I. - istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakiiltesi Mecmuasl, Ser. B, 13(2): 97 - 142. AKSIRAY, F. (1952): Genetical contributions to the systematical relationship of Anatolian cyprinodont fishes. - istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakiiltesi Hidro­ bioloji Ara~tuma Enstitiisii Yaymlanndan, Ser. B, 1(1): 33 - 83. AKSIRAY, F. (1955): Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Formenkreises Aphanius dispar (Riippel). - istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakiiltesi Hidrobiologi Ara~tuma Enstitiisii Mecmuasl, Ser. B, 3: 63 - 74, Taf. I-IV. AKSIRAY, F. (1982): Die Umweltfaktoren, die die Verbreitung und Entwicklung von Chalcalburnus tarichi (Pall. 1811) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) im Burdur-See begrenzen. - Water Research, 16(7): 11 07 - 1112. AL-ABOOD, A. M. Y. & L. A. J. AL-HASSAN (1988) Haematocrit values in some fresh water fishes of Iraq. - Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 1: 31 - 34. AL-DAHAM, N. K. (1977): Fishes of Iraq and· the Arabian Gulf. Volume 1. Squali­ formes to Atheriniformes. - Publication 9, Centre for Arab Gulf Studies, University of Basrah, Iraq. 546 pp. In Arabic. AL-DAHAM, N. K. (1979): Fishes of Iraq and the Arabian Gulf. Volume 2. Order Beryciformes - Order Perciformes (Suborder Percoidei). - University of Basrah Press, Basrah, Iraq. 406 pp. In Arabic. AL-DAHAM, N. K. (1982): The ichthyofauna of Iraq and the Arab Gulf: A check­ list. - Publications of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 4: 1 - 102. AL-DAHAM, N. K. (1985): Available possibilities for development of fish culture in Iraq. - Kuwait Bulletin of Marine Science, 1985(6): 39 - 42. AL-DAHAM, N. K. & M. N. BHAlTl (1977): Salinity tolerance of Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) and Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). - Journal of Fish Biology, 11: 309 - 313. AL-DAHAM, N. K. & M. N. BHAlTl (1979): Annual changes in the ovarian activity of the freshwater teleost, Barbus luteus (Heckel) from Southern Iraq. ­ Journal of Fish Biology, 14: 381 - 387. AL-DAHAM, N. K., M. F. HUQ & K. P. SHARMA (1977): Notes on the ecology of fishes of the Aphanius and Gambusia affinis in Southern Iraq. ­ Freshwater Biology, 7: 245 - 251. AL-DAHAM, N. K., A. L. SARKER & S. K. AL-NASIRI (1981): Industrial pollution of inland waters in Iraq - a fishery problem. - in: The Arab Gulf, Univer­ sity of Basrah, Iraq, 13(1): 17 - 25. AL-DAHAM, N. K., A. ~. SARKliR & M. N. BHAlTl (1977): Diel patterns of fee­ ding in Heteropneustes fossilis from Southern Iraq. - Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 106(6): 614 - 616. AL-EMAM, N. A. (1978): Food habits of three Iraqi fishes, Aphanius dispar. Liza abu and Alburnus mossulensis in AI-Saklawiah irrigation drainage system.

6 - M. Sc. Thesis, University of Baghdad. AL-HABIB, F. M. K. (1983): Chemical and bacteriological studies of some frozen Iraqi fishes. - M. Sc. Thesis, University Salah AI-Din, Iraq. 147 pp. In Arabic with English summary. . AL-HABBIB, O. A. M. (1981): Acclimation to temperature and death at changing lethal temperatures in the freshwater fish Cha/ca/burnus cha/coides. ­ Journal ofThermal Biology, 6: 365 - 371. AL-HABBIB, O. A. M. (1986): Seasonal variation in the chemical structure of the skeletal muscle of Barbus barbu/us. - Journal of Biological Sciences Rese­ arch, Baghdad, 17(1): 219 - 225. AL-HABBIB, O. A. M. & W. M. S. AL-HABBIB (1977): Nutritive value of some Iraqi fish. Part I: Free amino acid content of the skeletal muscle of Varicorhinus trutta (Heckel) and Chondrostoma regium (Heckel). - Zentralblatt fUr Veterinarmedizin, A, 24: 625 - 628. AL-HABBIB, O. A. ~. & W. M. S. AL-HABBIB (1979): Acclimation to temperature . and death at high .changing lethal temperatures in Cyprinion macrostomus (Heckel). - Journal ofThermal Biology, 4: 75 - 77. AL-HABBIB. O. A. M., T. M. SALEH & W. M. S. AL-HABBIB (1980): Nutritive value of Iraqi fish. 11. Proximate chemical composition of ten freshwater fish species. - Bulletin of the Biologicat Research Centre, Baghdad, 12(1): 65 -70. AL-HABBIB, O. A. M., W. A. SAUH & K. M. HAMED (1980): Proximate chemical composition and amino acid constituent of the skeletal muscle of Barbus barbu/us Heckel. - Journal of Education and Science, College of Educa­ tion, Mosul University, p. 107 - 115. AL-HABBIB, O. A. M., W. A. SAUH & K. M. HAMED (1986): Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition of the skeletal muscle of the freshwater fish Barbus bar~us (Heckle) (sic). - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 17(1): 219 - 225. AL-HAOITHI"I. A. W. & A. H. HABASH (1977): Observations on nematode para­ site (Contracaecum sp.) in some Iraqi fIShes. - Bulletin of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 4: 17 - 25. AL-HAOITHI, I. A. W., A. H. HABASH & Y. T. DAUOO (1980): Seasonal abun­ dance of N. agi/is (Rudolphi, 1819) in Mugi/ hishni from Shatt AI-Arab, Basrah. - Journal of the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, Kuwait, 24: 127 - 139. AL-HADITHI, I. A. W. & L. A. J. JAWAO (1975): Survey on nematode infection of Iraqi fishes. - Bulletin ofthe' Basrah Natural History Museum, 2: 19 - 25. AL-HAKIM, A. W. H. (1976): A study ofthe morphological characters and determi­ nation of sexual maturity in fishes Barbus sharpeyi and Barbus grypus in Razzaza Lake. - M. Sc. Thesis, College ofScience, University of Baghdad. 120 pp. AL-HAKIM, A. H. & M. I. ABBAS (1979): Determination of sexual maturation age

7 of Barbus grypus in Dukan Lake, Iraq. - Fifth Scientific Convention of the Iraqi Biological Society, Basrah. AL-HAKIM, A. W. H., M. I. A. AL-MEHDI & A. H. J. AL-SALMAN (1981): Deter­ mination of age, growth and sexual maturity of Barbus grypus in the Dukan reservoir of Iraq. - Journal of Fish Biology, 18: 299 - 308. AL-HAKIM, A. W. H., A. D. NIAZI & B. J. AL-ANI (1976): A study on the mor­ phological characters and determination of sexual maturity in fishes, Barbus sharpeyi Giinther and Barbus grypus Heckel. - Bulletin of the Natural History Research Centre, Baghdad, 7(1): 177 - 179 (M. Sc. Thesis sum~ mary). AL-HAMED, M. I. (1960): Carp-culture in Iraq. - Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(2): 14·23,3. In Arabic. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1961): The effect of inorganic materials on the growth of carp. - Iraqi Journal ofAgricultural Research, 2(1): 27 - 32. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1965a): Fish culture in ponds. - Technical Bulletin of the Department ofAgricultural Research, Iraq, 21: I- 53. AL-HAMED, M. r. (t965b): On the morphology of the alimentary tract of three cyprinid fishes of Iraq. - Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum, Baghdad, 3(4): 1 - 25. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1966a): On the age and growth of three cyprinid fishes of Iraq. - Ministry ofAgriculture Technical Bulletin, Iraq, 135: 1 - 70. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1966b): On the reproduction of three cyprinid fishes of Iraq. Ministry ofAgriculture Technical Bulletin, Iraq, 136: 1 - 26. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1966c): Limnological studies o~ the inland waters of Iraq. Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum, Baghdad, 3(5): 1 - 22. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1967): Carp culture in the Republic of Iraq, p. 13$ - 142. In: T. V. R. PILLAY (Ed.), Proceedings of the FAO world symposium on warm­ water pond fish culture. - Food and Agriculture Organization Fisheries Report, 44, volume 2: 1 - 174. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1971): Salinity tolerance ofcommon carp (Cyprinus carpio. L.). - Bulletin ofthe Iraq Natural History Museum, Baghdad, 5(1): 1 - 7. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1972): On the reproduction of three cyprinid fishes of Iraq. ­ Freshwater Biology, 2(1): 65 - 76. AL-HAMED, M. I. (1976): Limnological investigations of Dokan Reservoir. - Bul­ letin ofthe Natural History Research Centre, Baghdad, 7(1): 91 - 109. AL-HAMED, M. I. & L. HERMIZ (1973): Experiments on the control of anchor worm (Lernaea cyprinacea). - Aquaculture, 2: 45 - 51. AL-HASANI, Z. I. (1985): Occurrence of two known helminthic parasites in two ver­ tebrate hosts collected from Basra, Iraq. - Dirasat, 12(7): 25. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1981): Vertebral abnormalities' in Barbus sharpeyi and B. luteus from Basrah, Iraq. - Oceans, 81, Conference Record, Volume I, Boston, Massachusetts, September 16-18, 1981, p. 789 -792. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1982a): Vertebral abnormalities in fishes from Iraq and

8 UAE, Arabian Gulf. - Iraqi Journal of Marine Science, 1(1): 13 - 23. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (l982b): The use of electrophoresis in the identification of fish stock, and its future application in the Arabian Gulf. - Journal of the Faculty of Marine Science, Jeddah, 2: 81 - 84. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1983): Vertebral abnormalities in Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi and Carasobarbus luteus (Pisces. Cyprinidae) from Basrah, Iraq. ­ Cybium, 7(1): 7 - 10. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1984a): Meristic comparison of Liza abu from Basrah, Iraq and Karkhah River, Arabistan, Iran. - Cybium, 8(3): 107 - 108. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (l984b): Comparative electrophoretic studies of muscle and eye lens proteins in freshwater fish of Iraq. - Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 12(2): 205 - 208. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1985a): Vertebral anomalies in Gambusia affinis (Baird and Girard) (feleostei: Poeciliidae) collected from Basrah and Baghdad, Iraq. - Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 17(2): 169 - 171. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1985b): Phosphoglucose isomerase and phosphoglucose mutase isozymes in some freshwater fishes from Basrah, Iraq. - Biochemi­ cal Systematics and Ecology, 13(3): 357 - 364. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. (1987): Variations in meristic characters of Nematalosa nasus from Iraqi and Kuwaiti waters. - Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 33(4): 422 - 425. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & A. Y. AL-ABOOD (1988): Preliminary studies on the haemo­ g1o~in concentration in some freshwater fishes of Iraq. - Cybium, 12(1): 17 -21. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & M. E. H. AL-BADRI (1986): First record of some fishes from Khor AI-Zubair, Khor AbduUah, and Shatt AI-Arab, Basrah, Iraq. ­ Cybium, 10(3): 295 - 297. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J., A. A. AL-SABOONCHI & L. A. A. BINAYAN (1986): A record-size cyprinid fish, Barbus xanthopterus (Heckel) from Shatt AI-Arab river, Iraq. - Cybium, 10(2): 204. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & N. H. ELIAS (1988): Isoenzymes of cypriflids from the vici· nity of Basrah in relation to classification. - Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 16(2): 223 - 226. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & N. A. HUSSAIN (1985): Hydrological parameters influen­ cing the penetration of Arabian Gulf fishes into the Shatt al Arab River, Iraq. - Cybium, 9(1): 7 - 16. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & A. A. MAHDl (1987): Enzyme polymorphism in the mullet Liza dussumieri from Shatt ai-Arab, Khor al-Zubair and the Arabian Gulf. - Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 15(2): 269 - 272. . AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & K. A. MUHSIN (1986): The presence of Barbus luteus and Heteropneustes fossi/is in Khor al-Zubair, north west of the Arabian Gulf. - Zoology in the Middle East, 1: 116 - 118. AL-HASSAN, L. A. J. & A. K. NAAMA (1986): Some vertebral abnormalities in

9 fishes collected from the Euphrates in Iraq. - Indian Journal of Fisheries, 33(2): 237 - 241. All, A. M. (1979): Study of morphological and biological characteristics of gattan, Barbus xanthopterus. from Tigris River and Al-Tharthar water reservoir. ­ The Arab Gulf, University of Basrah, Iraq, 11(1): 181 - 197. In Arabic. All, A. M. (1980): Determination oflength coefficient and mesh size on some Bar­ bus spp. - The Arab Gulf, University of Basrah, 12(1): 215 - 221. In Ara­ bic. All, A. M. (1982): Morphological characteristics of himri (Barbus luteus) from the reservoir ofTharthar and the river Tigris (abstract). - Fourth Congress of European Ichthyologists, Hamburg, September 1982. All, A. M. (1985): Morphometric characterics of the khimri, Barbus luteus (Cypri­ nidae), from Tarthar Reservoir and the Tigris River (Iraq). - Voprosii ·Ikh­ tiologii, 25(5): 867 - 870. In Russian. [Journal of Ichthyology, 25(5): 168 ­ 171. In English). All, A. M., T. M. TERTAR & N. K. TOMAS (1981): Morphological and activity characteristics ofthe fish Barbus grypus in Al-Therthar Reservoir and Tigris River. - The Arab Gulf, University of Basrah, Iraq, 13(3): 117 - 128. All, M. D. (l980b): Studies on the hygienic conditions and nutritive value of Iraqi river fish Barbus xanthopterus. - M. V. Se. Thesis, College of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad University. All, M. D. (1985): Observations on lernaeosis and gyrodactylosis in carp fmger­ lings raised in ponds. - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 16(1): 125 - 132. All, M. D. & A. M. All (1986): The general condition and calorific value of Iraqi fresh water fish Barbus xanthopterus. - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 17(1): 165 - 170. All, M. D., A. M. All & L. M. ZAKl (1986): The general condition and calorific value ofthe fresh water fish Aspius vorax and Barbus luteus in AI-Tharthar Reservoir. - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 17(2): 223 - 230. All, M. D. & F. SHAABAN (1984): Some species ofparasites of freshwater fish rai­ sed in ponds and in Tigris-Al-Tharthar canal region (abstract). - 7th Science Conference, Iraqi Veterinary Medicine Association, 23-25 October 1984. ALl, N. M., A. R. AL-JAFERY & K. N. ABDUL-AMEER (1986): New records of three monogenetic trematods (sic) on some freshwater fIShes from Diyala River, Iraq. - Journal.of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 17(2): 253 - 266. ALl, N. M., A. R. AL-JAFERY & K. N. ABDUL-AMEER (1986): New records of three digenetic trematodes on some freshwater fishes from Diyala River, Iraq. - Proceedings 4th Scientific Conference, Science Research Council, Baghdad, October 23-28.

10 ALl, N. M., A. R. AL-JAFERY &; K. N. ABDUL-AMEER (1987): Parasitic fauna of freshwater fishes in Diyala River, Iraq. - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 18(1): 163 - 182. ALl, N. M., N. E. SALlH &; K. N. ABDUL-AMEER (1987): Parasitic fauna of some freshwater fishes from ligris River, Baghdad, Iraq. I. Protozoa. - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 18(2): 11 - 17. ALl, N. M., N. E. SALlH &; K. N. ABDUL-AMEER (1987): Parasitic fauna of some freshwater fishes from ligris River, Baghdad, Iraq. 11. Trematoda. - Jour­ nal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 18(2): 19 - 27. AL-JAFERY, A. R. &; Z. I. F. RAHEMO (1982): Trypanosoma mystuii sp. n. from a freshwater teleost fish Mystus pelusius (Solander), in Iraq. - Journal of Biological Science, Baghdad, 13(1): 3 - 10. - AL-JAFERYE, A. R., M. S. SALEH &; A. H. AL-RAwl (1976): The osteology of two Iraqi fishes, Barbus luteus (Heckel) and Silurus triostegus (Heckel). - Bul­ letin of the Natural History Research Centre, Baghdad, 7(1): 180 - 182 (M. Sc. Thesis summary). AL-JAMAS, R. K. M. (1982): Studies on some enzymes of the freshwater fish, Vari­ corhinus trutta. - M. Sc. Thesis, Mosul University. AL-JARIAN. A. A. (1974): Study on the age and growth of two Barbus species from Iraq. - M. Se. Thesis, University of Baghdad. In Arabic. ALKAHEM, A. F. &; R. J. BEHNKE (1983): Freshwater Fishes of Saudi Arabia. ­ Fauna ofSaudi Arabia, 5: 545 - 567. ALLOUSE, B. E. (1955): A bibliography on the vertebrate fauna- of Iraq and neigh­ bouring countries. IV. Fishes. - Iraq Natural History Museum's Publicati­ ons, Baghdad, 7: 1 - 32. ALMA<;:A, C. (1983): Remarks on some Heckel's species of Barbus from western Asia. - Arquivos do Museu Bocage, B, 11(12): 95 - 102. ALMAc;A, C. (1984a): Notes on some species ofwestem Palearctic Barbus (Cyprini­ dae, Risces). - Arquivos do Museu Bocage, C, 11(1): 1 - 76. ALMAc;A, C. (19 84b): Form relationships among western Palearctic species of Bar­ bus (Cyprinidae, Pisces). - Arquivos do Museu Bocage, A, 11(12): 207 ­ 248. ALMAc;A, C. (1985): Morphological relationship and evolutionary rate of taxono­ mic characters in Euro-Mediterranean Barbus (Cyprinidae, Pisces). ­ Arquivos do Museu Bocage, B, 11(16): 129 - 136. ALMA<;:A, C. (1986): On s0'::Ile Barbus species from Western Asia (Cyprinidae, Pisces). - Annalen des naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, B, 87: 5 - 30. AL-MALAIKA, E. S. (1975): Oxygen consumption for the fish Heteropneustes fossi­ lis in different envirortments. - M. Sc. Thesis, University of Baghdad, 92 pp. (In Arabic with English summary). AL-MEHDI, M. I. A. (1985): Observation on the retinal structure of a freshwater carp Cyprinion macrostomus (Heckel). Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, 3(1): 309 - 319.

11 AL-MEHDI, M. I. A. & A. A. KHAN (1984): Haematology of a freshwater carp Cyprinion macrostomus from northern Iraq. - Environmental Ecology, 2(3): 222 - 226. AL-MuKHTAR, E., S. A. MUSA, S. SABRI & N. MODAFAR ALl (1986): Physical and chemical characteristics of the lower reaches of River Diyala, central Iraq. - Journal of Environmental Sciences and Health, A, 21(6): 537 - 550. AL-MUKHTAR, M. A. (1982): Biological studies for two fresh water fish species from Al-Hammar Marsh, Basrah. - M. Se. Thesis, University of Basrah. 203 pp. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & S. M. S. HODA (1975a): Some notes on the larvae and juveni­ les of half-beak, Hemiramphus xanthopterus (Val) in Iraqi waters. - Bulle­ tin of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 2: 3 - 12. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & S. M. S. HODA (1975b): Survey of fish fauna of Shalt-AI-Arab (from Abu-al-Khasib to Karmat Ali). - Bulletin of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 2: 36 - 46. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & S. M. S. HODA (1976): A guide to the freshwater fishes of Iraq. - Basrah Natural History Museum Publication, I: xii + 124 pp. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & A. K. M. S. ISLAM (1978): Age and growth of Liza abu (Hek­ kel) (Perciformes: Mugilidae) from southern Iraq. - Bangladesh Journal of Zoology, 6(2): 85 - 89. AL-NASIRI, S. K., L. A. J. JAWAD, M. A. AL-SALAMI & B. A. MARINA (1975): Biometric studies on Aspius vorax Heckel from Basrah waters. - Bulletin of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 2: 59 - 67. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & N. A. SALMAN (1977): Length-weight relationship and condi­ tion of Heckel, in the Lesser Zab River. - Iraqi Journal ofAgricultural Science, 12: 186 -194. AL-NASIRI, S. K., A. L. SARKER & S. M. S. HODA (1977): Feeding ecology of a mugilid fish, Liza abu (Heckel) in Basrah, Iraq. - Bulletin of the Basrah Natural History Museum, 4: 27 - 40. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & K. P. SHARMA (1977): Fish marketing conditions of Ashar (Basrah, Iraq) fish market, p. 121 - 125. In: Proceedings on the handling, processing and marketing of tropical fish, London, July 1976. - Tropical Products Institute, London. AL-NASIRI, S. K. & K. P. SHARMA (1978): Toxicity of Ekatin 25 on Gambusia, Gambusia. affinis (Baird & Girard) at different ages. - Bulletin of the Biolo­ gical Research Centre, Baghdad, 10: 123 -133. AL-QMAR, M. A., N. H. AL-QGAILY & D.-A. SHEBIL (1986): Residues of organo­ chlorine insecticides in fish .from polluted water. - Bulletin of Environmen­ tal Contamination and Toxicology, 36(1): 109 - 113. ALOUSE, S. B., A. N. KHAF & A. AL-JAFARY (1986): Some biological aspects of Chondrostoma regius (Heckel) (Cyprinidae: ) in Diyala River (Baghdad-Iraq). - Journal of Biological Sciences Research, Baghdad, 17(1): 227 - 239.

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47 Index


Pleurotremata Coad & Papahn (1988: WsharkW), Compagno (1984: wsharkW), Hunt (1951: wsharkW)

Carchariidae Carcharhinus; Garrick (1982)


Ameiuridae Ameiurus nebulosus; Erem;in, Baran & Ergiiven (1971)

Bagridae Jayaram (1955b) Aoria: Jayaram (1962) Horabagrus: Jayaram (1966) Macrones: Jayaram (1962) Macrones ha/epensis: Anuradha (1986) Rama; Jayaram (1966) Rica: Jayaram (1966)

Belonidae Parin, Collette & Shcherbachev (1980)

Cichlidae Coad (1982a) Ti/apia: Hussain (1984) Sarocherodon: Trewavas (1983) Oreochromis: Trewavas (1983) Danaki/ia: Trewavas (1983)

Clariidae C/arias: Teugels (1982)

48 Clupeidae Whitehead (1985) Hi/sa hi/sa: PiIlay & Rosa (1963) NemataJosa nasus: al-Hassan (1987)

Cobitidae' Banarescu (1968), Banarescu & Nalbant (1964, 1966b) Botiinae: Nalbant (1963) Cobitinae: Nalbant (1963) Cobitis: Anonymous (1988), Bacescu (1961, 1962), Greenwood (1976) Cobitis ca/deroni: Bacescu (1961) Cobitis elazigensis: Coad & Saneyyupoglu (1988) Cobitis linea: Bianco & Nalbant (1980) Cobitis taenia: Kottelat (1986) Noemacheilinae: Banarescu, Nalbant & Goren (1982) Noemachei/us: Banarescu & Nalbant (1969) Orthrias: Banarescu, Nalbant & Bahk (1978)

Cyprinidae al-Hamed (1965b, 1966a, 1966b, 1972), Berker & C;olak (1979), Bianco & Bana­ rescu (1982), Howes (1984), Keyserling (1861), Kuru (I980a), Latif, Khalaf & Khalld (1982), Mhaisen, al-Salim &, Khamees (1984, 1986), Pellegrin (1927a), Pietschmann (1933), Wossughi (1978) Acanthobrama: Dragomirescu, Constantinescu & Banarescu (1985), Goren, Fishel- son & Trewavas (1973), Karaman (1972), Tortonese (1952b) Acanthobrama centisquama:. Coad (1984) Acanthobrama hadiyahensis: Coad, Alkahem & Behnke (1983) Acanthobrama marmid: al-Nasiri & Salman (1977); C;olak (1980), Kasim, Rahemo & Warsi (1977), Kelle (1978), OZdemir (1982c), Warsi & Fattohy (1976) Acanthobrama terrae-sanctae: Steinitz (1953a) Alburnus: Berg (1925), Steindachner (1863) Alburnus doriae: Coad (1985) Alburnus heckeli: Ozdemir & Kabukyu (1981) Alburnus macuJatus: Coad (1982b) Alburnus mossulensis: al-Emam (1978), Barak (1978) Aspius vorax: All, Ali & Zaki (1986), al-Nasiri, Jawad, ai-Salami & Marina (1975), Jasim (1980), Jerzy & Ali (1982), Khamees (1983), Mukttar (1982), Shafi & Jasim (1982) Barbus: All (1980), al-Jarian (1974), Almaya (1983, 1984a, 1984b, 1985, 1986), Gunther (1896), Hameed (1980), Jawad (1975), Karaman (1971), Myers (1960), Niazi (1967), Schultz'(1957), Solak (1977a, 1977b, 1978) Barbus barbuJus: al-Habbib (1986), al-Habbib, Salih & Hamed (1980,1986) Barbus belayewi: Khalaf, al-Jafery & Sadek (1985), Khalaf, al-Jafery, Sadek &

49 Warda (1986) Barbus capito: C;olak (1980) Barbus chantrei: Krupp (1985b) Barbus esocinus: Ahmed (1974), OZdemir (1987), Rahemo (1976) Barbus grypus: Ahmed (1974), al-Hakim &. Abbas (1979), al-Hakim (1976), al-Ha­ kim, al-Mehdi &. al-Salman (1981), AIi, Tertar &. Tomas (1981), Bawazeer (1981), Fattohy (1978), Jerzy &. AIi (1982), Jiad, Hameed &. a1-Faisal (1984), Khalaf, a1-Jafery, Beniamin, Sadek &. Ishaq (1985), Khalaf, al-Ja­ fery, Khalid &. Ishaq (1985), Khalaf, Shafi, Islam, al-Jafery &. Sadek (1984) Barbus lorteti: Krupp (1985a) Barbus luteus: Ahmed (1982), al-Dahan &. Bhatti (1979), al-Hassan (1981), al­ Hassan &. Muhsin (1986), Ali (1982, 1985), AIi, AIi &. Zaki (1986), al-Ja­ ferye, Saleh &. al-Rawi (1976), Barak &. Mohammed (1982, 1983), Bhatti &. al-Daham (1978), Hashim (1982), Jerzy &. AIi (1982), Mukttar (1982) Barbus rajanorum: OZdemir (1983a, 1983b) Barbus sharpeyi: al-Hakim (1976), al-Hakim, Niazi &. aI-Ani (1976), al-Hassan (1981), Jead, Majeed &. al-Faisal (1984), Jiad &. Hameed (1986), Jirian (1974), Qasin &. Niazi (1975), Zahid, al-Barzanchi &. al-Haidari (1982) Barbus subquincuncinatus: Geldiay &. Kelle (1978) Barbus xanthopterus: Abdullah (1981), al-Hassan, al-Saboonchi &. Binayan (1986), AIi (1979, 1980), Ali &. AIi (1986), Bawazeer (1981), Hameed &. Jead (1986), Jerzy &. Ali (1982), Jirian (1974), OZdemir &.. Kabuk~u (1982b), Qasim &. Niazi (1975) Bariliini: Howes (1980) Barilius: Berg (1932a) Bari/ius mesopotamicus: Coad &. Krupp (1983) Bertinichthys: Krupp (1985a) Bertinus: Krupp (1985a) Capoeta: Karaman (1969), 80lak (1982) Capoeta capoeta: OZdemir (1982b, 1982f), OZdemir &. ~en (1984), ~en (1981) Capoeta damascina: Marre (1910) Capoeta pestai: Shafi &. Shalli &. Saeed (1981) Capoeta trutta: OZdemir &. Kabuk~u (1982a), Ozdemir &. ~en (1983) Carasobarbus luteus: Ahmad, a1-Mukhtar &. al-Adhub (1984), al-8alim (1985, 1986), Khamees (1983), Naama &. Muhsen (1986), Yousif (1983) Chalcalburnus chalcoides: al-Habbib (1981), Ebrahim (1981) Chalcalburnus mossulensis: Kelle (1978) Chalcalburnus tarichi: Akgiil (1980, 1982), Ak~\ray (1982), OZdemir (1982e) Chondrostoma: Krupp (1985c), Kuru (1981), Ladiges (1966), Mattias (1921) Chondrostoma regium [regius]: al-Habbib &. al-Habbib (1977), Alouse, Khaf &. a1-Jafary (1986), Gorgees &. Rahemo (1983), Khalaf, a1-Jafery. AIlouse &. Sadek (1986), OZdemir (1982d) Cobitoidea: Sawada (1982)

50 Ctenopharyngodon: Howes (1981) Ctenopharyngodon idella: Shireman & Smith (1983) Cyprinion: Howes (1982), Kafuku (1969) Cyprinion macrostomus: al-Habbib & al-Habbib (1979), al-Mehdi (1985), al-Mehdi & Khan (1984), Bhatnagar, al-Noori & Gorgees (1978), <;olak, Sezgin & Siingii (1984), Gergis (1982), Kasim & Rahemo (1981), Kasim, Rahemo & Warsi (1977), Khan & al-Mehdi (1985), Rahemo (1980), Rahemo & Kasim (1979) Cyprinus carpio: Ahmed & Taher (1988), al-Hamed (1961, 1967, 1971: "carp"), Ali (1985), Bagnall (1919), Dahoud (1986), Erencrin (1978), Hussain (1984: "carp'), Jasim (1980), Lane (1920: "carp"), Light (1917: "carp"), Mackay (1919: "carp"),

51 Cyprinodontidae Ak~lray (1948, 1952), Grimm (1980, 1981), Heitmann (1977), Konuralp (1955), Kosswig (1939, 1953: 'Zahnkarpfen'), Myers (1933), NalbandogIu (1959), ()zars­ lan (1958), Oztan (1954), Parenti (1981), Sozer (1942), Steinitz (1951) Apha~iini: Franz & Villwock (1972), Ludwig (1960), Scholl, Corzillius & Villwock (1976, 1978), Villwock (1964) Aphanius: al-Daham, Huq & Sharma (1977), Grimm (1976, 1979), Hoedeman (1951), Huq, al-Daham & Sharma (1977), Radda (1972), Shafi & Shalli (1986), Villwock (1970, 1977, 1980, 1982), Vmwock & Scholl (1982) A,phanius cypris: Krupp (1984b) Aphanius dispar: Ak~lray (1955), al-Emam (1978), al-Watbau (1982), Barak (1978), Goren & Rychwalski (1978), Sharma & al-Daham (1979), Villwock, Scholl & Krupp (1983) Aphanius iberus: Villwock & Scholl (1982) Aphanius mento: Goren & Rychwalski (1978), Krupp (1984b) Aphanius sirhani: Villwock, Krupp & Scholl (1983) Aphanius sophiae: Villwock (1959, 196Ob) Aphanius v/adykovi: Coad (1988) Cyprinodon: Villwock (1980, 1982) Gambusia: Tabibzadeh, Behbehani & Nakhai (1970) Gambusia affUlis: al-Daham & Bhatti (1977), al-Daham, Huq & Sharma (1977), al-Hassan (1985a), al-Nasiri & Sharma (1978), al-Watbau (1982), Huq, al­ Daham & Sharma (1977), Khalil (1930), Mhaisen, Salman & Mahdi (1986), Sharma & al-Daham (1979) Orestias: Parenti (1984), Wildekamp (1983: 'Killifische')

Gobiidae Koumans (1955) Bo/eophtha/mus dentatus: Salih & al-Jaffery (1980) Pseudapocryptes dentatus: Sarker, al-Daham & Bhatti (1980)

Hemiramphidae Hemiramphus xanthopterus: al-Nasiri & Hoda (1975a) Hyporhamphus xanthoperus: Collette (1982)

Heteropneustidae Heteropneustes fossi/is: al-Daham & Bhatti (1977), al-Daham, Sarker & Bhatti (1977), al-Hassan & Muhsin (1986), al-Malaika (1975), Bhatti (1979), Bhatti, al-Nasiri & Rashitl (1977), Islam, al-Nasiri & al-Kadhmoiy (1982), Zakaria (1964)

52 Mastacembelidae Travers (1984a, 1984b) Mastacembelus: Boulenger (1912), Giinther (1896), Wheeler (1956)

Mugilidae Mhaisen, al-Salim & Khamees (1984,1986), Mokhayer (1981b), Wahab (1986) Liza abu: Ahmad & Hussain (1982), Ahmad, Salman & Hussain (1985), Ahmad, Slaman & Hussain (1983), al-Emam (1978), al-Hassan (1984a), al-Nasiri & Islam (1978), al-Nasiri, Sarker & Hoda (1977), Barak (1978), Hussain, a1­ Saboonchi & Hamzah (1987), Islam & a1-Nasiri (1978), Islam & Khalaf (1983), Islam, Khalaf, Jafery & Sadek (1981), Khalaf, al-Jamour, Allouse, al-Jafery & Sadek (1986), Khamees (1983), Mhaisen & Yousif (1988), Naama, Ahmed & al-Adhub (1986), Naama & Muhsen (1986), Neema (1982), Salman, Hussain & al-Zoar (1982), Sharma (1977), Sharma & a1­ Nasiri (1977) Liza dussumieri: al-Hassan & Mahdi (1987) Mugi/: Pietschmann (1912) Mugi/ dussumieri: Neema (1982) Mugi/ hishni: al-Hadithi, Habash & Dauod (1980), Habash & Daoud (1979)

Salmonidae Vladykov (1963), Walczak (1972) Salmo: Aras (1974: walabahkW), Behnke (1965), Lelek (1981: Wtrout'), Tortonese (1954: Wtroun Salmo gairdneri: Bircan (1981), MacCrimmon (1971, 1972), Ozdemir (1982a: •Regenbogenforelle') Salmo (Platysalmo) platycephalus: Behnke (1969) Salmo trutta: Deniz & Uzunhasanoglu (1963), Kuderskii (1974), MacCrimmon & Marshall (1968), MacCrimmon Marshall & Gols (1970)

Sciaenidlie Trewavas (1977)

Siluridae Haig (1952) Mystus: Jayaram (1955a, 1962, 1966) Mystus colvilli: Niazi (1976) Mystus pelusius: Anuradha & Jayaram (1985), al-Jafery & Rahemo (1982), Niazi (1976), Ozcan (1975) Si/urus triostegus: aI-Jaferye, Saleh & a1·Rawi (1976)

53 Sisoridae Coad & Delmastro (1985: •catfish·) Glyptosternum: Pietschmann (1913) Glyptosternum armeniacum: Berg (1918) Glyptosternum kurdistanicum: Be!g (1931) Glyptothorax si/viae: Coad (1981a)