TU 1. Translate this sentence into English: Servābuntne nōs Rōmānī, sī Persae īrātī vēnerint? ​ WILL THE ROMANS SAVE US IF THE ANGRY PERSIANS COME? B1: What kind of conditional is illustrated in that sentence? FUTURE MORE VIVID B2: Now translate this sentence into English: Haec nōn loquerēris nisi tam stultus ​ essēs. YOU WOULD NOT SAY THESE THINGS IF YOU WERE NOT SO STUPID

TU 2. What versatile author may be the originator of , but is more famous for writing fabulae praetextae, fabulae palliatae, and the Annales? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ () ENNIUS B1: What silver age author remarked that Ennius had three hearts on account of his trilingualism? GELLIUS B2: Give one example either a fabula praetexta or a fabula palliata of Ennius. AMBRACIA, CAUPUNCULA, PANCRATIASTES

TU 3. What modern slang word, deriving from the word for “four,” is defined by the Urban Dictionary as “crew, posse, gang; an informal group of individuals with a common identity and a sense of solidarity”? SQUAD B1: What modern slang word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “bend”, means “subtly or not-so-subtly showing off your accomplishments or possessions”? FLEX B2: What modern slang word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “end” and defined by the Urban Dictionary as “a word that modern teens and preteens say even though they have absolutely no idea what it really means,” roughly means “getting around issues or problems in a slick or easy way”? FINESSE TU 4. Who elevated his son Diadumenianus to the rank of Caesar when he became emperor in 217 A.D.? MACRINUS B1: Where did Macrinus arrange for the assisination of Caracalla? CARRHAE/EDESSA B2: What was the name of the person who actually did the stabbing of Caracalla? JULIUS MARTIALIS

TU 5. What man is sometimes substituted for Demophon in the story of at , but is agreed to have sown wheat from a chariot pulled by dragons? B1: What queen of Eleusis was the mother of both Demophon and Triptolemus? METANIRA B2: What king of Eleusis was the husband of Metanira and the father of the same two boys?


TU 6. Dēscrībāmus nunc prōprietātēs dictiōnum in hāc sententiā: “Hanc quidem tē iam diū ​ perdidisse oportuit.” Quō cāsū est “tē”? (IN) ACCŪSĀTĪVŌ B1: Cūius temporis est “oportuit”? ​ PERFECTĪ / IN PERFECTŌ B2: Quae pars ōrātiōnis est “perdidisse”? ​ ĪNFĪNĪTĪVUS

TU 7. What Latin term, which describes a tragedy in a Greek setting, could be used to describe the genre common to and Accius? FABULA COTHURNATA(E) / FABULA CREPIDATA(E) B1: What was the Latin term for a tragedy in a Roman setting? FABULA(E) PRAETEXTA(E) B2: What Latin term could be used to describe the genre common to Plautus and Terence? FABULA(E) PALLIATA(E)

TU 8. What Roman general befriended the Metelli who helped him win the Tribunate in 119 B.C., a step toward his first consulship in 107 B.C.? MARIUS B1: Marius assumed command in Africa after the recall of what general? (Q. CAECILIUS) METELLUS NUMIDICUS B2: After Marius defeated Jugurtha, how was the Numidian king killed in the Tullianum? STRANGULATION

TU 9. For the verb parcō, give the third person plural, perfect active subjunctive. ​ ​ PEPERCERINT B1: Give the second person singular, present imperative of fīō. ​ ​ FĪ B2: Give the future passive infinitive of tollō. ​ ​ SUBLĀTUM ĪRĪ

TU 10. Quid Anglicē significat “hostia”? ​ VICTIM B1: … “pectō”? ​ (TO) COMB B2: Give all four principal parts of pectō. ​ ​ PECTŌ, PECTERE, PEXĪ / PEXUĪ, PEXUM / PECTITUM


TU 11. What mythological group of three participated in the Olympians’ war against the Giants and slew Agrius and Thoas? THE FATES B1: Of course, ‘Fates’ is just what English speakers refer to them as. What did the Romans call them? PARCAE B2: What did the Greeks call them? MOIRAE

TU 12. What Roman family line included a man named Serapio who killed his cousin, a man named Asina who fought against the Carthaginians, and a man named Asiaticus who fought in the Seleucid War? SCIPIO(NES) B1: By what name do we more commonly refer to Serapio? SCIPIO NASICA B2: What consul led the Roman army at the Battle of Camerinum, marking the first notable accomplishment of the Scipio family? (SCIPIO) BARBATUS

TU 13. Please listen to the following excerpt from ’ Rēs Gestae, which I will read ​ ​ twice, and then answer IN LATIN the question that follows.

Bis ovāns triumphāvī, trīs ēgī curūlīs triumphōs et appellātus sum vīciēns et semel imperātor. Cum autem plūrīs triumphōs mihi senātus dēcrēvisset, iīs supersēdī. Laurum dē fascibus dēposuī in Capitōliō, vōtīs quae quoque bellō nūncupāveram solūtīs. [repeat] ​

Question: Quotiēns Augustus appellātus est imperātor? ​ VĪCIĒNS ET SEMEL B1: Quid Augustus supersēdī? ​ TRIUMPHĪS (QUŌS SENĀTUS DĒCRĒVERAT) B2: Quandō laurum dē fascibus dēposuit? ​ VŌTIS (QUAE QUOQUE BELLŌ NŪNCUPĀVERAM) SOLŪTĪS

TU 14. What Latin includes stories about Protesilaus and Laodameia, Attis and Cybele, and Peleus and Thetis in his 116 poem corpus, although he is most famous for his poems to Lesbia? ( VALERIUS) CATULLUS B1: What Latin term describes the first 16 poems of Catullus’s corpus, which are brief poems of a light nature? NUGAE B2: What Latin term, which means “learned poems,” is attached to poems 61-68 of Catullus’s corpus? CARMINA DOCTA

th TU 15. On the 10 ​ of April, 2015, which state became the most recent state to adopt a Latin ​ motto, in this case “Stella decima quarta fulgeat”? ​ ​ VERMONT st B1: North Dakota is the second most recent state, adopting what motto on August 1 ,​ ​ 2011? SERIT UT ALTERĪ SAECLŌ PRŌSIT st B2: Nine years before on April 1 ,​ 2002, what state adopted Deō gratiam habeāmus as a ​ ​ ​ Latin motto to supplement their English motto “United we stand, divided we fall”? KENTUCKY


TU 16. Who, while besieging the nearby city of Ardea, received news that his son had raped ​ ​ ​ ​ Lucretia and that the Roman people had exiled his whole family to ?

TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS B1: What relative of Tarquinius Superbus pretended to trip in order to fulfill a prophecy - maybe this played a factor in him later becoming consul?


B2: What other relative of Tarquinius Superbus was Brutus' co-consul but exiled himself because of his relation to Superbus?


TU 17. Varius Rufus and Plotius Tucca are famous for the publication of what author’s work, a famous 12 book epic poem in about the journey of ? () VERGIL(IUS) (MARO) B1: What work of Vergil, a collection of 10 poems, includes the song of Silenus, dialogue between Tityrus and Meliboeus, and a poem to a child who will bring about a new and happy cosmic age? ECLOGUES / BUCOLICS B2: Both Vergil and were in the literary circle of what famous patron? (GAIUS) MAECENAS

TU 18. While Laius was living in exile at the court of Pelops, what son of Pelops did kidnap, leading to Pelops cursing the entire royal family of Thebes? CHRYSIPPUS B1: What queen, for whose hand Pelops had run a chariot race, was the step-mother of Chrysippus? HIPPODAMEIA B2: What Elean king was the father of Hippodameia? OENOMAUS

TU 19. Translate this sentence into Latin using the subjunctive: Scipio destroyed the city so that it would never rise again. SCIPIŌ URBEM DĒLĒVIT UT NUMQUAM ITERUM SURGERET B1: Translate this sentence using a compound verb: The man is so much taller than me that I cannot see his face. VIR / HOMŌ TANTŌ ALTIOR QUAM EGO / MĒ EST UT VIDĒRE FACIEM / VULTUM NEQUEAM B2: Translate this sentence using a dative: I ordered the slaves to hurry into the field. PRAECĒPĪ/IMPERAVI/IUSSI SERVĪS UT IN AGRUM / ARVUM PROFICĪSCERENTUR


TU 20. When Odysseus felt the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, he was so concerned with survival that he left behind what follower of his? B1: On what island, now known to be equivalent to Sicily, does Homer say Polyphemus lived on? T(H)RINACRIA B2: Ironically, being abandoned on Thrinacria ended up being a stroke of luck for Achaemenides, as he avoided many subsequent events that killed every Ithacan sailor except for Odysseus. The event that had the highest kill count was a brush with what tribe, a group of giant, man-eaters who lived to the north? LAESTRYGONIANS


TU 1. Complete the following analogy: : Cynthia :: : CORINNA B1: Name one of the two women to whom Tibullus addressed his elegies. (One of:) DELIA / NEMESIS B2: Cynthia is only a pseudonym. According to , what is the true name of Propertius’s Cynthia? HOSTIA

TU 2. Of the words engine, gendarme, registry, German, and jaunt, which does not derive from the same Latin root? REGISTRY B1: From what Latin word, with what meaning, lies at the root of “engine”? GENUS – KIND / TYPE / CLASS ​ B2: From what Latin word, with what meaning, lies at the root of “registry”? GERŌ – TO CARRY / WEAR / POSSESS ​

TU 3. According to Sophocles, who attempted to convince her sister Ismene to ignore Creon’s commands and bury Eteocles, only to do it alone when Ismene chickened out? ANTIGONE B1: What son of Creon fell in love with Antigone and fell upon his sword when he learned that Antigone had hung herself? HAEMON B2: According to many tragedians who wrote about the Theban cycle, what pair were the parents of Antigone? OEDIPUS & JOCASTA / EPICASTA

TU 4. Translate this sentence into English: Quis nostrum nunc ad urbem ībit auxilium ​ petītum? WHO OF US NOW WILL GO TO THE CITY TO SEEK AID? B1: Translate this sentence: Iam fugere quam iterum pugnāre facilius factū est. ​ TO FLEE NOW IS EASIER TO DO THAN TO FIGHT AGAIN B2: … Mox nōbīs tūtiōra loca invenienda sunt. ​ WE MUST FIND SAFER PLACES SOON

TU 5. This emperor had 4 wives, two of the lesser known being Aelia Paetina and Plautia Urgulanilla. He eventually was poisoned by mushrooms and died in 54 A.D. B1. Name the poisoner of the mushrooms. LOCUSTA B2. Name the promiscuous wife of Claudius who was killed by the praetorians after a love affair with C. Silius. MESSALINA


TU 6. Of the words tellūs, vitium, dēsidia, aequor, and coma, which is being described in this ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ sentence? Nīl aliquem facere hoc facit. ​ DĒSIDIA B1: … ad id mīles cadit cum necātur. ​ TELLŪS B2: … Multī hominēs huius vim verentur. ​ AEQUOR

TU 7. “Aeneadum genetrix, hominum divomque voluptas” is the opening line for what magnum opus of ? DE RERUM NATURA B1: Book 1 of the De Rerum Natura contains an invocation to what deity? B2: What is the subject of the end of Book 6 of the De Rerum Natura? ATHENIAN PLAGUE

TU 8. Please listen to the following poem from Martial, which I will read twice, then answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows. Sī nimius videor sērāque corōnide longus esse , legitō pauca: libellus erō. Terque quaterque mihī fīnītur carmine parvō pāgina: fac tibi mē quam cupis ipse brevem. [repeat] ​ Question: What does Martial advise the reader to do if the reader thinks the book is too long? READ A LITTLE B1: According to Martial, what is filled with only three or four small poems? EACH / A PAGE B2: Given this, what can the reader therefore do? MAKE THE BOOK AS SHORT AS THEY WANT

TU 9. Translate the following sentence into Latin using a subjunctive: Since she dared to sleep longer, she is tired now. CUM DIŪTIUS DORMĪRE AUSA SIM, NUNC EST (DĒ)FESSA B1: Now translate this sentence: I have been accustomed to being angry in the morning. SOLITUS SUM ESSE ĪRĀTUS / ESSE ĪRĀTA / ĪRĀSCĪ MĀNE ​ ​ ​ ​ B2: Using a passive verbal form, say in Latin: I have trusted you all too often. VŌBIS (OMNIBUS) SAEPIUS FĪSUS / FĪSA SUM ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

TU 10. What daughter of Thaumas and Electra saved her sisters the Harpies when it appeared the Boreads were on the verge of killing them? IRIS B1: What west wind was said to have been the husband of Iris? ZEPHYRUS B2: It was a pretty common thing for mythological husbands to not always be loyal to each other. What boy did Zephyrus fall in love with, only to kill with a dart out of jealousy? HYACINTHUS


TU 11. What speech of , delivered in 70 BC, was so successful that Cicero did not even have the chance to lay out all of the proofs and evidence collected before the defendant, a governor charged with extortion in Sicily, had fled? (ACTIONES) IN VERREM B1: What speech, delivered by Cicero in the year of his praetorship, was in favor of transferring powers to in the East? PRO LEGE MANILIA / DE IMPERIO GNAEII POMPEII B2: What speech of Cicero, delivered in the days between the first and second Catilinarian, defended a consul designate charged with electoral corruption? PRO MURENA

TU 12. What mythological king was suspected of adultery by his wife, whom he accidentally killed when he pierced her with a javelin fated to never miss? CEPHALUS B1: What was the name of his wife? PROCRIS B2: Before this incident, what goddess of dawn had unsuccessfully attempted to seduce Cephalus? EOS / AURORA

TU 13. Name the Roman emperors who immediately preceded and succeeded Elagabalus. MACRINUS AND SEVERUS ALEXANDER B1: Name the Roman emperors who immediately preceded and succeeded Otho. GALBA AND VITELLIUS B2: Name the Roman emperors who immediately preceded and succeeded Phillip the Arab. GORDIAN III AND TREBONIANUS GALLUS

TU 14. For the phrase quaedam alia creātrīx, give the genitive singular. ​ ​ CŪIUSDAM ALĪUS CREĀTRĪCIS B1: For the phrase hic gibber nauta, give the accusative plural. ​ ​ HŌS GIBBERŌS NAUTĀS B2: For the phrase ille piger ariēs, give the dative plural. ​ ​ ILLĪS PIGRĪS ARIETIBUS

TU 15. What city’s appeal for help from the Romans brought about the 1 st Samnite War? CAPUA B1. quickly made peace with the Samnites and then had them as allies. What war did the Romans begin in 340 BC? (GREAT) LATIN WAR B2. After the defeat of the Latin League, Rome changed Latin legal status by giving them civitas optimo iure and thereby almost all the same rights. Which right was withheld? RIGHT TO VOTE/SUFFRAGIO


TU 16. Who was slain in combat against Idas and Lynceus alongside his brother Pollux? CASTOR B1: According to , what god, Pollux’s father, saved him from also being slain? B2: According to Homer’s Iliad, which of Castor’s and Pollux’ siblings remarks to Priam that it was a surprise they did not come to fight at Troy, ignorant of the fact they had perished? HELEN

TU 17. It might be dead, but Latin pervades everything – even soccer! Manchester City Football Club in England has what Latin phrase as its motto, which translates to “pride in battle”? SUPERBIA IN PROELIŌ B1: What other Premier League team has its motto Audēre est facere? ​ ​ TOTTENHAM (HOTSPUR FC) B2: What is the meaning of the motto of Tottenham Hotspur FC, Nīl satis nisi optimum? ​ ​ NOTHING IS ENOUGH IF NOT THE BEST

TU 18. What battle, although really a draw, was claimed as a victory by the Romans since it ended their war with Pyrrhus of Epirus? BENEVENTUM / MALVENTUM B1: Who was the Roman commander at this battle? (M' CURIUS) DENTATUS B2: Beneventum was fought in 275 B.C. In what year did Tarentum surrender to Rome? 272 B.C.

TU 19. What Christian author was rather naughty in his youth, and explored Manichaeism before devoting the second half of his life to Christianity, namely as Bishop of ? ST. AUGUSTINE B1: What is the title of Augustine’s 13 book autobiographical work? CONFESSIONS / CONFESSIONES B2: What 22 book apologetic work of Augustine emphasizes the existence of two cities, one earthly city and one heavenly city? DE CIVITATE DEI


TU 20. Give the comparative form of the adverb bene. ​ ​ MELIUS B1: Give the superlative form of the adjective veterem. ​ ​ VETERRIMUM / VETERRIMAM B2: Give the comparative form of the adjective piōs. ​ ​ MAGIS PIŌS


TU 1: Anticatones, Iter, and De Analogia were all minor literary works of what famous Roman, who is most known for his account of his Gallic campaigns? B1: Name one of the three works that make up the Corpus Caesarianum. ​ ​ BELLUM ALEXANDRINUM / BELLUM HISPANIENSE / BELLUM AFRICUM B2: Although Caesar is famous for his Commentarii de Bello Gallico, authorship cannot ​ ​ be solely credited to him. What lieutenant is said to have written the 8th book of this work? (AULUS) HIRTIUS

TU 2. Differentiate in meaning between incendō and flagrō. ​ ​ ​ ​ TO BURN [i.e. set on fire] // TO BURN [i.e. be on fire] B1: … sūra and vitulus. ​ ​ ​ ​ CALF [OF A LEG] // CALF [I.E. A YOUNG COW] B2: Differentiate in meaning between nūbō and in mātrimōnium dūcō. ​ ​ ​ ​ TO MARRY A MAN // TO MARRY A WOMAN

TU 3. According to Ovid, what is said to have had a metamorphosis into a fountain because she could not escape the passion of the River-God Alphaeus? ARETHUSA B1: What goddess had granted Arethusa this transformation? ARTEMIS B2: Who was Phaethon’s mother? HELIOS

TU 4: What two men, the chief conspirators of the assassination of Julius Caesar two years before, were defeated at the ? CASSIUS AND (LONGINUS) AND (M. PHILIPPUS) BRUTUS B1: Because the Curia Hostilia had burned down in 52 BC and a new Curia was still ​ ​ ​ ​ incomplete in 44 BC, Caesar was not killed in the Curia, but in what other building, which was ​ ​ temporarily housing the Senate? THEATER OF POMPEY B2: Which of the assassins of Caesar was the first to strike him? (C. SERVILIUS) CASCA

TU 5. Please listen to the following excerpt from Tibullus, which I will read twice, and answer IN LATIN the question that follows. Hīc mihi servitium videō dominamque parātam: iam mihi, lībertās illa paterna, vāle. Servitium sed trīste datur, teneorque catēnīs, et numquam miserō vincla remittit Amor, et seu quid meruī seu nīl peccāvimus, ūrit. Ūror, iō, removē, saeva puella, facēs. Question: Quid Tibullus puellam rogat? ​ FACĒS REMOVĒRE B1: Cūr Tibullus puellam removēre faces rogat? ​ QUOD ŪRITUR B2: Quid Tibullus nunc nōn habet? ​ LIBERTĀTEM (ILLAM PATERNAM) ​ ​ ​


TU 6. Sadly, the English word “idiot” derives sadly not from Latin, but from Greek. However, what derivative of the Latin word pullus is a synonym of “idiot,” specifically a cowardly one? ​ ​ POLTROON B1: What derivative of noceō is another Latin-derived synonym of “idiot,” specifically a ​ ​ silly one? NINNY B2: What derivative of noscō is yet another Latin-derived synonym of “idiot,” with no ​ ​ particular difference? IGNORAMUS

TU 7. What queen provoked the Romans into attacking Illyria after she became a noted harborer of pirates? TEUTA B1: What successor to Teuta subsequently waged the Second Illyrian War against Rome? DEMETRIUS B2: To what King of Macedon did Demetrius later serve as an influential advisor? PHILIP V

TU 8. Axilla, castellum, and corpusculus all fall under what category of nouns denoting ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ smallness, intimacy, or endearment? DIMINUTIVES B1: From what Latin noun, with what meaning, does castellum derive? ​ ​ CASTRUM – FORT ​ B2: From what Latin noun does axilla derive? ​ ​ ĀLA – WING ​

TU 9. What is the Latin motto of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, which translates to “a sign of a better age”? AUSPICIUM MELIŌRIS AEVĪ B1: The Canadian retail company Hudson’s Bay Company has what Latin motto, which translates to “skin for skin”? PRŌ PELLE CUTEM B2: What type of subjunctive is illustrated by the Royal Humane Society’s motto Lateat ​ scintillula forsan? ​ POTENTIAL

TU 10. You may now open your visual and inspect it for five seconds. [WAIT FIVE SECONDS] Virum in line two of this epitaph is an example of syncope, where a longer noun form is ​ shortened because of prosodic limitations. Knowing this, how should virum be translated? ​ ​ OF MEN / MEN’S [any acceptable translation of virōrum] ​ ​ B1: The word volitō is a textbook example of what verbal type? ​ ​ FREQUENTATIVE / ITERATIVE / INTENSIVE [do NOT accept “meditatives”] B2: Faxit is an archaic form of what verbal form? ​ ​ FĒCERIT


TU 11. In Book 16 of the Iliad, what two deities carry the corpse of Sarpedon back home to Lycia? HYPNOS & THANATOS B1:Which Greek killed Sarpedon? PATROCLUS B2: How did Zeus respond to Sarpedon’s death? CAUSED SKY TO RAIN BLOOD

TU 12. Translate into Latin using an impersonal verb: It was hailing very heavily. GRANDINĀBAT GRAVISSIMĒ B1: Translate into Latin using another impersonal verb: It pains me to hear your singing. MĒ AUDĪRE TUUM / VESTRUM CANTUM PIGET ​ ​ B2: Translate into Latin using yet another impersonal verb: Your questions bore me, moderator! TUĀRUM QUAESTIŌNUM MĒ TAEDET, MODERĀTOR! [do NOT accept tuārum here] ​ ​

TU 13. The struggle by the plebeians to gain rights and powers which were at first reserved for the patricians had many twists and turns. What events related to that struggle occurred in both 494 BC and 449 BC? SECESSION OF THE PLEBS B1. Name the plebeian man who first became consul and the year it happened LUCIUS SEXTIUS, 366 BC B2. Oddly enough it was many years later that a plebeian was elected . In what year was a plebeian first elected praetor? 337 BC

TU 14. What Silver Age author was exiled to Egypt after he criticized the actor Paris in his seventh satire, drawing the ire of the emperor Domitian? B1: In which of his does Juvenal attack women? 6TH SATIRE B2: In which of his satires does Juvenal attack legacy hunters? 12TH SATIRE

TU 15. Which monster guarded the sinews of Zeus in the Corycian Cave in Cilicia? DELPHYNE B1: Which monster had severed the sinews of Zeus to begin with? TYPHOEUS/TYPHON B2: Which duo retrieved the sinews of Zeus? AEGIPAN & HERMES


TU 16. According to Vergil’s , whose sister Juturna shapeshifts several times to support him in his war against Aeneas over the hand of ? B1: What Latin queen’s sympathies for Turnus helped inflame the war when she advocated that her daughter Lavinia should remain betrothed to Turnus? AMATA B2: What Latin king is caught in the crossfire between two armies when Aeneas and Turnus feud over the hand of his daughter Lavinia? LATINUS

TU 17. What comedy of Plautus, known to be his only play of a mythological theme, describes ’s attempt to obtain the beautiful maiden Alcmena in disguise? AMPHITRUO B1: What comedy of Plautus tells the story of a miser whose pot of gold is stolen by a young lover with the help of a crafty slave? AULULARIA B2: What play of Plautus contains the only remaining fragments of the Carthaginian language? POENULUS

TU 18. Using dēsistō and accipiō, translate this sentence into Latin: The man says, “Stop. Get ​ ​ ​ ​ help.” VIR INQUIT, “DĒSISTE / DĒSISTITE. AUXILIUM ACCIPE / ACCIPITE.” ​ ​ ​ ​ [do NOT accept any other verb except inquit] ​ ​ B1: Now translate this sentence: The others say, “No, I will do what I have always done.” ALIĪ INQUIUNT, “MINIMĒ, FACIAM QUAE SEMPER FĒCĪ [do NOT accept inquunt] ​ ​ B2: Now translate this sentence: Lucius, say to them, “Then why do you wonder why you suffer?” LUCĪ, INQUE EĪS, “TUM / TUNC CŪR MĪRĀMINĪ CŪR PATIĀMINĪ?” ​ ​ [do NOT accept mīrāris or patiāris] ​ ​ ​ ​

TU 19. In nova fert animus mutatas dicere formas corpora is the first line of what famous ​ ​ work of Latin Literature, which is a 15 book poem on mythological transformations? B1: What other work of Ovid is a collection of letters from mythological women to their lovers? HEROIDES B2: Ovid claims he was exiled because of a carmen et error. What poem of Ovid, which ​ ​ instructs men how to seduce women, is most likely the carmen that Ovid mentions? ​ ​ ARS AMATORIA


TU 20. This emperor was a nephew of Constantine, and the last of the Constantian line. He was more famously known as “the apostate” due to his pagan policies. JULIAN B1: During his reign, which king of the Persians did Julian fight against? SHAPUR II B2: Which successor of Julian rescinded his pagan policies and negotiated a treaty with Shapur? JOVIAN

Stanford Certamen 2019 Advanced Semifinal Round

TU 1. Gratulor, nubo, gratificor, studeo, and servio all take what case as their direct object? ​ ​ ​ ​ DATIVE B1: memini, and obliviscor both take what case as their direct object? ​ ​ ​ ​ GENITIVE B2: What do the verbs celo and rogo have in common? ​ ​ ​ ​ BOTH CAN USE DOUBLE ACCUSATIVE CONSTRUCTION

TU 2. Amaryllida resonare, Bacchanalia vivere, and acerba tuens all exemplify what use ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ of the Accusative case? COGNATE B1: What use of the accusative is found in the phrases bonam partem and id temporis? ​ ​ ​ ​ ADVERBIAL B2: What use of the accusative is found in nuda genu and femur tragula ictus? ​ ​ ​ ​ GREEK / SPECIFICATION / SYNECDOCHICAL

TU 3.Which seer divined the future from the flight of birds and was the son of Ampycus and Chloris? B1: How did Mopsus die? VIA SNAKE BITE B2: There in fact was another Mopsus, who was also a seer. Which famous prophet did this Mopsus defeat in a contest of prophecy, leading to that prophet’s death? CALCHAS

TU 4: Vesuvius and Sentinum were both sites of a devotio committed by a man? ​ ​ DECIUS MUS B1: During which war did the battle of Vesuvius occur? (GREAT) LATIN WAR B2: During which war did the battle of Sentinum occur? THIRD SAMNITE

TU 5. What author, ranked first in comedy by Sedigitus, composed plays entitled Gamos, ​ Epicleros, and Plocium? ​ ​ ​ CAECILIUS STATIUS B1: What three word phrase did Cicero attach to Caecilius as an insult to his lack of mastery of the Latin language? MALUS AUCTOR LATINITATIS B2: closely compares Caecilius’s most famous work, Plocium, to the ​ ​ Plokion of what famous Greek playwright? ​ MENANDER


TU 6. According to the Orphic tradition, Zeus and produced a child named Zagreus, who was said to be which god’s prior form? /BACCHUS B1: When Dionysus was maddened by Hera, who in Phrygia cured him? CYBELE B2: Everyone knows that the mother of Dionysus is Semele. What other name is attributed either to a completely different mother of Dionysus, or Semele after she was brought back from the underworld? THYONE

TU 7. Translate the following sentence into Latin using an archaic form: Let them eat so that they may fight more bravely. EDINT QUŌ FORTIUS PUGNENT B1: Translate this sentence: Hey, Aeneas, please go to Italy! HEUS, AENĒĀ, Ī, QUAESŌ, ĪTALIAM! B2: Translate this sentence using an archaic form: If you don’t love the children, they will leave. NISI LIBERŌS AMĀSSIS, DISCĒDENT

TU 8. Which emperor was known for his harsh persecution of Christians, who was also the first emperor killed in battle at Abrittus against the Goths in 251 A.D.? DECIUS B1: Who was the leader of the Goth’s at this battle? KNIVA B2: Which successor of Decius was then also defeated at Interamna? TREBONIANUS GALLUS

TU 9. Change the phrase gravis lampas to the accusative singular. GRAVEM LAMPADA B1: Now change that phrase to the accusative plural. GRAVES LAMPADAS B2: Now change that phrase to the genitive singular. GRAVIS LAMPADOS

TU 10. What officer, who constructed war machines in Caesar’s engineering corps, wrote a 10 book treatise on architecture that is dedicated to Augustus? () VITRUVIUS (POLLIO) B1: What author during the reign of wrote a comprehensive encyclopedia of artes, although only the part on medicine remains today? ​ (AULUS CORNELIUS) CELSUS B2: Who, considered the first pure geographer, wrote a geographical work called Chorographia that proceeds counterclockwise around the Mediterranean starting and ending at ​ the strait of Gibraltar? POMPONIUS MELA


TU 11. Imagine this: you're walking to GA, and as your eyes scan the mass of JCLers ready for spirit, you spot a super cute girl. From what Latin adjective, with what meaning, do we derive “cute”? ĀCER – SHARP B1: Best thing is, you think she's also looking at you - but maybe that's just a figment of your imagination. From what verb, with what meaning, do we derive “figment”? FINGŌ – TO FASHION B2: Sadly, right as you gather the courage to go up and ask for her number, spirit starts, whisking her away and destroying any chance you had. From what Latin verb, with what meaning, do we ultimately derive “destroy”? STRUŌ – TO BUILD [do NOT accept dēstruō, as per “ultimately”]

TU 12. What tense in Latin can be used to indicate a future action, a general truth, or an attempted action, but is used most commonly for actions taking place or incomplete in the present time? PRESENT B1: What does the present indicate about an action if it is used with expressions of duration of time, such as iam dūdum or iam diū? ​ ​ ​ ​ AN ACTION BEGUN IN THE PAST AND CONTINUING IN THE PRESENT B2: What tense is used to quote the extant work of a writer? ​ PRESENT

TU 13. What famous poem closely models ’s Peri Physeos, was transmitted in two ​ ​ manuscripts called oblongus and quadratus, and expounds on concepts such as clinamen and ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ simulacra? ​ DE RERUM NATURA B1: What later author produced a poem entitled Astronomica, which relates astronomy ​ ​ and to Stoic philosophy? MANILIUS B2: What famous political figure, the adopted son of Tiberius, produced a translation of Aratus’s Phaenomina on celestial bodies? ​ ​ GERMANICUS

TU 14. Which Gaetulian chieftain, the son of a Garamantian , sold the land of Carthage to Dido? IARBAS B1: Although Dido may have rejected Iarbas out of piety to her dead husband, whom did she fall in love with? AENEAS B2: To whom did Iarbas pray to, leading to the deserting of Dido by Aeneas? JUPITER

TU 15. November 27th, 43 B.C., is considered by some historians to mark the end of the Republic because it marks the date on which the Second Triumvirate was legally recognized by what law? LEX TITIA B1: Where had the members of the Second Triumvirate met in October of 43 B.C. to plan out their alliance? BONONIA B2: At what city was an agreement forged which renewed the Second Triumvirate for five more years in 38 B.C.? TARENTUM


TU 16. Please listen to the following excerpt from Vergil, which I will read twice, then answer IN ENGLISH the question that follows. Quārē agite ō propriōs generātim discite cultūs, agricolae, fructūsque ferōs mollīte colendō, neu sēgnēs iaceant terrae. Iuvat Ismara Bacchō cōnserere atque oleā magnum vestīre Taburnum. tūque ades inceptumque ūnā dēcurre labōrem, ō decus, ō fāmae meritō pars maxima nostrae, Maecēnās, pelagōque volāns dā vēla patentī. Question: Who are the two people being addressed in this passage? FARMERS AND MAECENAS B1: What is ’s last request to the farmers he is addressing? NOT TO LEAVE THEIR LANDS / SOIL BE IDLE B2: What is Virgil’s first request to Maecenas? BE PRESENT [ades] ​ ​

TU 17. “Mīlitat omnis amāns, et habet sua castra Cupīdō” is a famous phrase from what ​ ​ author? OVID B1: Translate that phrase. EVERY LOVER IS A SOLDIER, AND HAS HIS OWN CAMP B2: What man was the author of the phrase “fallācēs sunt rērum speciēs”? ​ ​

TU 18. What three men took control of the empire in 337 AD following the death of Constantine the Great? CONSTANTINE II, CONSTANTIUS II, CONSTANS B1. What part of the empire did Constans hold? ITALY, AFRICA, ILLYRICUM B2. Constantine II and Constans go to war in 340 AD. Which is victorious? CONSTANS

TU 19. Vitulīna has what meaning when understood to agree with an omitted carō? ​ ​ ​ ​ VEAL B1: Similarly, argentārius has what meaning when understood to agree with an omitted ​ ​ faber? ​ SILVERSMITH B2: What special meaning does Latīnae, and what is the understood word? ​ ​ THE LATIN FESTIVAL; FERIAE


TU 20. Which son of Aeolus and Enarete, married Merope, a Pleiad, and pushed a boulder up a hill repeatedly as a punishment in the underworld? SISYPHUS B1: By whose daughter was Sisyphus said to have fathered Odysseus in some versions of Odysseus’ birth? AUTOLYCUS B2: Whom did Sisyphus inform about the carrying off of Aegina by Zeus? ASOPUS


TU 1. Which son of Garamas and a Tritonian nymph was a Libyan shepherd who killed two for trying to steal his sheep? CAPHAURUS/CEPHALION B1: Who were the 2 Argonauts that were killed? & ERIBOTES B2: Who were the parents of Caphaurus’ dad Garamas? & ACACALLIS

TU 2. Who, the first great Christian poet, wrote a refutation of Symmachus’s plea to keep the Altar of Victory entitled Contra Symmachum, but is more famous for his allegorical poem ​ ​ called the Psychomachia? ​ ​ (AURELIUS) PRUDENTIUS (CLEMENS) B1: What work of Prudentius was composed in honor of Christian martyrs? PERISTEPHANON B2: What work of Prudentius focuses on the origin of sin? HAMARTIGENIA

TU 3. What Latin word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “nourish”, means “offspring”? PRŌLĒS [from alō] ​ ​ ​ B1: What Latin word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “choose,” can either mean “furniture”, “utensils”, or simply “goods”? SUPPELLEX [from legō] ​ ​ ​ B2: What Latin word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “crowd”, generally means “squadron” or “swarm”, but was used by Caesar to refer to a specific cavalry unit made of thirty-two horsemen? TURMA [from turba] ​ ​ ​

TU 4. Translate this sentence into Latin: The hostages will have to use their valor to flee. Ā OBSIDIBUS (SUĀ) VIRTŪTE UTENDUM ERIT UT FUGIANT [do NOT accept ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ virtūtī, as per A&G 500.3] ​ B1: Now translate this sentence using a gerund: Why is it so difficult to do such things? CŪR EST TAM DIFFICILE AD FACIENDUM TĀLIA? B2: Finally translate this sentence: You and I will take care that the children should be defended. TŪ ET EGO CŪRĀBIMUS LĪBERŌS DĒFENDENDŌS ​ ​ [yes, the verb should be first person plural]

TU 5: What pair of Roman emperors succeeded Pupienus and Balbinus to the throne in the year 238 AD? GORDIAN I AND GORDIAN II B1: Which emperor succeeded Pupienus and Balbinus, serving as the final emperor of the year 238 AD? GORDIAN III B2: What Praetorian Prefect of Gordian III proved to be a very capable adviser and virtually ran the empire until his death?



TU 6. While on what island did the foolishness of Odysseus’ crew lead to them being turned into guineafowl? AEAEA B1: Who reported to Odysseus that his crew had been turned into guineafowl? EURYLOCHUS B2: Which sister of Odysseus was Eurylochus married to? CTIMENE

TU 7. What , whose historiographic interests were inspired by , wrote 41 books solely on the principate of Augustus as well as a grammatical work in which he proposed three new letters to the Latin alphabet? CLAUDIUS B1: What Roman emperor wrote a philosophical work entitled Meditations? ​ ​ MARCUS AURELIUS B2: What emperor wrote a poem to his animula vagula blandula? ​ ​ HADRIAN

TU 8. What son of a fuller and pretender to the Macedonian throne was defeated at the 148 BC battle of Pydna? ANDRISCUS B1: Which Roman commander was the victor at the 148 BC battle of Pydna? QUINTUS CAECILIUS METELLUS (MACEDONICUS) B2: Which earlier Macedonian king did Andriscus claim was his father? PERSEUS

TU 9. After having been refused pay by Augeias, which king entertained in Olenus? DEXAMENUS B1: While there, which attempted to marry Dexamenus’ daughter against her will? B2: Who was the daughter of Dexamenus mentioned in the previous bonus? MNESIMACHE

TU 10. Lycus, Zela, Cyzicus, and Cabira were all battles between Rome and what king of Pontus? MITHRIDATES VI B1: Which Roman commander defeated Mithridates at the battle of Cabira? (L.LICINIUS) LUCULLUS B2: At what Crimean citadel did Mithridates commit suicide. PANTICAPAEUM


TU 11. Fundamental to the law of agency and often quoted in legal cases involving vicarious liability, what Latin phrase states that a master is responsible for the actions of his employees, and is literally translated as “he who acts through another acts through himself”? QUĪ FACIT PER ALIUM FACIT PER SĒ B1: What two-word Latin phrase is used to describe acts that require legal authority but are committed without it actually being given? ULTRĀ VĪRĒS B2: What legal doctrine, more commonly known as the “equitability of unclean hands”, prevents a criminal from suing another criminal, and would be rendered in English as “from a dishonorable cause an action does not arise”? EX TURPĪ CAUSA NŌN ORITUR ĀCTIŌ [note: due to this being a PMAQ, the ​ order of the words must be identical]

TU 12. During whose reign did the Jews revolt under Bar Cocheba in 131 AD? HADRIAN B1. What event had sparked this revolt? BUILDING AN ALTAR OF JUPITER ON THE SITE OF THE DESTROYED JEWISH TEMPLE B2. Whose death in 138 AD caused Hadrian to adopt the future Antoninus Pius? L. AELIUS (CAESAR) / L. CEIONIUS COMMODUS

TU 13. What early author might we consider a bit conceited for his belief that he was in fact the of Homer, a claim he makes in the proem of his magnum opus, the Annālēs? ​ ​ ENNIUS B1: What didactic work of Ennius was a work on gastronomy based on a poem by Archestratus of Gela? HEDYPHAGETICA B2: What work of Ennius contains the first Latin elegiac couplets and was the first appearance of a genre of literature later popularized by such authors as Lucilius, Horace, and Juvenal? SATURAE

TU 14. Please listen to the following passage from Statius’ Silvae, which I will read twice, then ​ ​ answer IN LATIN the question that follows. Quod tibi praereptī, Melior, sōlāmen alumnī improbus ante rogōs et adhūc vīvente favillā ordiar? Abruptīs etiam nunc flēbile vēnīs vulnus hiat, magnaeque patet via lūbrica plāgae, cum iam egomet cantūs et verba medentia saevus cōnserō, tū planctūs lāmentaque fortia māvis ōdistīque chelyn surdāque āverteris aure. Question: Secundum hōs versūs, quis līberīs orbātus est? ​ MELIOR B1: Quis mortuus est? ​ ALUMNUS (MELIŌRIS) ​ ​ ​ B2: Quālis dicta Statius facit? ​ SAEVUS [do NOT accept medentia] ​ ​ ​

TU 15. Translate the following sentence: Spērō fore ut meminerit tantum ut puniātur. ​ I HOPE THAT HE WILL REMEMBER PROVIDED THAT HE IS PUNISHED B1: What two uses of the subjunctive are illustrated in that sentence? SUBSTANTIVE RESULT CLAUSE [A&G 569.3.a] & PROVISO B2: Translate this sentence: Hae quaestiōnēs difficiliōrēs sunt quam quās celeriter ​ respondeam. THESE QUESTIONS ARE TOO HARD FOR ME TO ANSWER QUICKLY [A&G 535.c]


TU 16. Since we’re in the finals round for the Advanced division, I’ll tentatively assume that you know the third declension neuter noun iūs, and its meaning, “law”. However, what other ​ ​ meaning can iūs have? ​ ​ SOUP / GRAVY / BROTH / SAUCE / JUICE B1: As you probably know, the fourth declension noun acus means “needle”. However, ​ ​ what is the meaning of the third declension noun acus? ​ ​ BRAN B2: I’m also going to assume you already know that faber means “artisan”, but what ​ ​ other meaning does faber have? ​ ​ DORY / SUNFISH

TU 17. What freedman born at Vicenza was the most eminent Grammaticus of the early ​ ​ empire, who declared that philology was born with him and would die with him, and was the teacher of and , among others? B1: What Neo-Pythagorean philosopher can be found uttering dark prophecies in book 1 of ’s and once said that the world turned on its own axis at the speed of a ​ ​ potter’s wheel? NIGIDIUS FIGULUS B2: What author wrote a history of Alexander the Great in 10 books, titled Historiae ​ Alexandri Magni? CURTIUS RUFUS ​

TU 18. Give the Latin and the English for the motto of the city of London. DOMINE DIRIGE NOS – LORD, GUIDE US B1: Give the Latin and the English for the motto of Vermont. STELLA QUARTA DECIMA FULGEAT - MAY THE 14TH STAR SHINE BRIGHT B2: Give the Latin and the English for the motto of Paris. FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR – SHE IS TOSSED BY THE WAVES BUT DOES NOT SINK

TU 19. Differentiate in meaning between rima and rixa. CRACK / CHINK and QUARREL B1: Differentiate in meaning between macer and lacer. THIN and TORN / MANGLED B2: Differentiate in meaning between later and vafer. BRICK / TILE and SLY / CUNNING


TU 20. Which Epidaurian outlaw, son of Hephaestus and Anticleia, was killed by Theseus on Theseus’ journey? PERIPHETES B1: What is another name for Periphetes? CORYNETES B2: What was Periphetes’s weapon of choice? CLUB