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Download Horace: the SATIRES, EPISTLES and ARS POETICA +RUDFH 4XLQWXV+RUDWLXV)ODFFXV 7KH6DWLUHV(SLVWOHVDQG$UV3RHWLFD Translated by A. S. Kline ã2005 All Rights Reserved This work may be freely reproduced, stored, and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any non- commercial purpose. &RQWHQWV Satires: Book I Satire I - On Discontent............................11 BkISatI:1-22 Everyone is discontented with their lot .......11 BkISatI:23-60 All work to make themselves rich, but why? ..........................................................................................12 BkISatI:61-91 The miseries of the wealthy.......................13 BkISatI:92-121 Set a limit to your desire for riches..........14 Satires: Book I Satire II – On Extremism .........................16 BkISatII:1-22 When it comes to money men practise extremes............................................................................16 BkISatII:23-46 And in sexual matters some prefer adultery ..........................................................................................17 BkISatII:47-63 While others avoid wives like the plague.17 BkISatII:64-85 The sin’s the same, but wives are more trouble...............................................................................18 BkISatII:86-110 Wives present endless obstacles.............19 BkISatII:111-134 No married women for me!..................20 Satires: Book I Satire III – On Tolerance..........................22 BkISatIII:1-24 Tigellius the Singer’s faults......................22 BkISatIII:25-54 Where is our tolerance though? ..............23 BkISatIII:55-75 We denigrate people unjustly .................24 BkISatIII:76-98 We should be fairer in our judgements...25 BkISatIII:99-119 All sins are not equal ............................25 BkISatIII:120-142 We should accept human imperfection ..........................................................................................26 Satires: Book I Satire IV – A Defence of Satire................28 BkISatIV:1-25 Quality not Quantity in Satire please........28 BkISatIV:26-62 Is a Satirist truly a poet though? .............29 BkISatIV:63-85 Maybe not, but why treat Satire with suspicion? .........................................................................30 BkISatIV:86-106 After all, I’m not the malicious one......31 BkISatIV:107-143 My father taught me to be critical.......31 Satires: Book I Satire V – Journey to Brundisium ............34 BkISatV:1-33 Off to meet Maecenas, going to Brindisi ...34 BkISatV:34-70 Onward to supper at Cocceius’ villa........35 BkISatV:71-104 And so by stages to journey’s end .........36 Satires: Book I Satire VI – On Ambition ..........................38 BkISatVI:1-44 Ancestry matters in public affairs.............38 BkISatVI:45-64 Maecenas’ discernment ..........................39 BkISatVI:65-88 Horace’s debt to his father......................40 BkISatVI:89-109 His satisfaction with his fate.................41 BkISatVI:110-131 The life of freedom.............................41 Satires: Book I Satire VII – A Battle of Wits....................43 BkISatVII:1-35 ‘King’ Rupilius Rex versus Persius.........43 Satires: Book I Satire VIII – Priapus and the Witches ......45 BkISatVIII:1-22 Priapus on the Esquiline ........................45 BkISatVIII:23-50 Witchcraft!...........................................45 Satires: Book I Satire IX – A Nuisance ............................47 BkISatIX:1-34 No Escape! ...............................................47 BkISatIX:35-78 Saved by Apollo!....................................48 Satires: Book I Satire X – On Satire .................................50 BkISatX:1-30 The art of writing well ...............................50 BkISatX:31-49 I decided to write Satire...........................51 BkISatX:50-71 Lucilius would prune his work today.......51 BkISatX:72-92 We should write for the few not the many ..........................................................................................52 Satires: Book II Satire I – On Satire Again.......................54 BkIISatI:1-23 Advise me what to write ............................54 BkIISatI:24-46 It’s my delight to write: it’s self-defence .54 BkIISatI:47-86 I must use the weapons I have.................55 Satires: Book II Satire II – The Simple Life .....................58 BkIISatII:1-22 Food tastes better when you’re hungry.....58 BkIISatII:23-52 Gourmet eating is ridiculous...................58 BkIISatII:53-69 Simplicity doesn’t mean meanness.........60 BkIISatII:70-88 The virtues of the simple life ..................60 BkIISatII:89-111 The penalties of rich-living...................61 BkIISatII:112-136 Make the best of what fate brings.......62 Satires: Book II Satire III – On Human Folly ...................64 BkIISatIII:1-30 Criticism from Damasippus.....................64 BkIISatIII:31-63 Stertinius on the follies of the world .....65 BkIISatIII:64-81 The madness of creditors.......................66 BkIISatIII:82-110 The madness of avarice .......................67 BkIISatIII:111-141 Men ignore everyday craziness .........68 BkIISatIII:142-167 There’s more than one kind of madness ..........................................................................................69 BkIISatIII:168-186 Servius Oppidius against ambition....70 BkIISatIII:187-223 The desire for glory is a curse ...........71 BkIISatIII:224-246 Profligacy is also a madness..............72 BkIISatIII:247-280 And love is another craziness............73 BkIISatIII:281-299 Stertinius’ concluding words.............74 BkIISatIII:300-326 Damasippus’ concludes the argument75 Satires: Book II Satire IV – The Art of Good Living........77 BkIISatIV:1-23 Catius on the Culinary Arts.....................77 BkIISatIV:24-39 There are subtle theories to master........77 BkIISatIV:40-69 Tricks of the trade .................................78 BkIISatIV:70-95 Towards the happy life! ........................79 Satires: Book II Satire V – Legacy Hunting .....................81 BkIISatV:1-22 Ulysses questions Tiresias........................81 BkIISatV:23-44 The path to riches ...................................81 BkIISatV:45-69 Will-hunting!..........................................82 BkIISatV:70-88 Try every trick, but be careful!...............83 BkIISatV:89-110 Be discrete even after inheriting...........84 Satires: Book II Satire VI – Town versus Country ...........86 BkIISatVI:1-39 On the Sabine Farm.................................86 BkIISatVI:40-58 His relationship with Maecenas ............87 BkIISatVI:59-76 The delights of the country ...................88 BkIISatVI:77-115 The country mouse and the town mouse ..........................................................................................89 Satires: Book II Satire VII – Of Spiritual Freedom...........91 BkIISatVII:1-20 Unstable characters suffer more.............91 BkIISatVII:21-45 And Horace is one ...............................91 BkIISatVII:46-67 Horace’s sexual follies.........................92 BkIISatVII:68-94 Which is the slave? ..............................93 BkIISatVII:95-118 Horace almost routed!........................94 Satires: Book II Satire VIII – A Dinner Party...................96 BkIISatVIII:1-19 Nasidienus’ dinner-party ......................96 BkIISatVIII:20-41 The guests...........................................96 BkIISatVIII:42-78 The trials of being a host ....................97 BkIISatVIII:79-95 The guests disperse! ...........................99 Epistles: Book I Epistle I – Introduction – To Maecenas100 BkIEpI:1-19 An end to verse ..........................................100 BkIEpI:20-40 Everyone can profit from philosophy.......100 BkIEpI:41-69 Money or virtue?......................................101 BkIEpI:70-109 Be steadfast not changeable ...................102 Epistles: Book I Epistle II – Of Right Living – To Lollius Maximus .........................................................................104 BkIEpII:1-31 The value of reading Homer.....................104 BkIEpII:32-54 6DSHUHDXGH: dare to be wise ..................105 BkIEpII:55-71 Limit your desires...................................106 Epistles: Book I Epistle III –Pursue Philosopy – To Julius Florius.............................................................................107 BkIEpIII:1-36 To a friend campaigning with Tiberius ...107 Epistles: Book I Epistle IV – Carpe Diem – To Albius Tibullus...........................................................................109 BkIEpIV:1-16 Imagine every hour is your last...............109 Epistles: Book I Epistle V – A Dinner Invitation – To Torquatus........................................................................110 BkIEpV:1-31 An invitation to dinner .............................110 Epistles: Book I Epistle VI – Of Virtue – To Numicius..112 BkIEpVI:1-27 1LODGPLUDUL: marvel at nothing ..............112 BkIEpVI:28-48 It it’s wealth makes you happy, work! ..113 BkIEpVI:49-68 Pursue what you think brings happiness! ........................................................................................113 Epistles: Book I Epistle VII – A Reply – To Maecenas..115 BkIEpVII:1-28 There’s my health to be considered .......115 BkIEpVII:29-45 Ready to renounce it all .......................116 BkIEpVII:46-98 Volteius the auctioneer ........................116 Epistles: Book I Epistle VIII – Of Ill Health – To Celsus Albinovanus....................................................................119 BkIEpVIII:1-17 Discontent ............................................119 Epistles: Book I Epistle IX – An Introduction
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