2019 Stanford CERTAMEN ADVANCED LEVEL ROUND 1 TU 1. Translate this sentence into English: Servābuntne nōs Rōmānī, sī Persae īrātī vēnerint? WILL THE ROMANS SAVE US IF THE ANGRY PERSIANS COME? B1: What kind of conditional is illustrated in that sentence? FUTURE MORE VIVID B2: Now translate this sentence into English: Haec nōn loquerēris nisi tam stultus essēs. YOU WOULD NOT SAY THESE THINGS IF YOU WERE NOT SO STUPID TU 2. What versatile author may be the originator of satire, but is more famous for writing fabulae praetextae, fabulae palliatae, and the Annales? (QUINTUS) ENNIUS B1: What silver age author remarked that Ennius had three hearts on account of his trilingualism? AULUS GELLIUS B2: Give one example either a fabula praetexta or a fabula palliata of Ennius. AMBRACIA, CAUPUNCULA, PANCRATIASTES TU 3. What modern slang word, deriving from the Latin word for “four,” is defined by the Urban Dictionary as “crew, posse, gang; an informal group of individuals with a common identity and a sense of solidarity”? SQUAD B1: What modern slang word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “bend”, means “subtly or not-so-subtly showing off your accomplishments or possessions”? FLEX B2: What modern slang word, deriving from a Latin word meaning “end” and defined by the Urban Dictionary as “a word that modern teens and preteens say even though they have absolutely no idea what it really means,” roughly means “getting around issues or problems in a slick or easy way”? FINESSE TU 4. Who elevated his son Diadumenianus to the rank of Caesar when he became emperor in 217 A.D.? MACRINUS B1: Where did Macrinus arrange for the assisination of Caracalla? CARRHAE/EDESSA B2: What was the name of the person who actually did the stabbing of Caracalla? JULIUS MARTIALIS TU 5. What man is sometimes substituted for Demophon in the story of Demeter at Eleusis, but is agreed to have sown wheat from a chariot pulled by dragons? TRIPTOLEMUS B1: What queen of Eleusis was the mother of both Demophon and Triptolemus? METANIRA B2: What king of Eleusis was the husband of Metanira and the father of the same two boys? CELEUS SCORE CHECK. TU 6. Dēscrībāmus nunc prōprietātēs dictiōnum in hāc sententiā: “Hanc quidem tē iam diū perdidisse oportuit.” Quō cāsū est “tē”? (IN) ACCŪSĀTĪVŌ B1: Cūius temporis est “oportuit”? PERFECTĪ / IN PERFECTŌ B2: Quae pars ōrātiōnis est “perdidisse”? ĪNFĪNĪTĪVUS TU 7. What Latin term, which describes a tragedy in a Greek setting, could be used to describe the genre common to Pacuvius and Accius? FABULA COTHURNATA(E) / FABULA CREPIDATA(E) B1: What was the Latin term for a tragedy in a Roman setting? FABULA(E) PRAETEXTA(E) B2: What Latin term could be used to describe the genre common to Plautus and Terence? FABULA(E) PALLIATA(E) TU 8. What Roman general befriended the Metelli who helped him win the Tribunate in 119 B.C., a step toward his first consulship in 107 B.C.? MARIUS B1: Marius assumed command in Africa after the recall of what general? (Q. CAECILIUS) METELLUS NUMIDICUS B2: After Marius defeated Jugurtha, how was the Numidian king killed in the Tullianum? STRANGULATION TU 9. For the verb parcō, give the third person plural, perfect active subjunctive. PEPERCERINT B1: Give the second person singular, present imperative of fīō. FĪ B2: Give the future passive infinitive of tollō. SUBLĀTUM ĪRĪ TU 10. Quid Anglicē significat “hostia”? VICTIM B1: … “pectō”? (TO) COMB B2: Give all four principal parts of pectō. PECTŌ, PECTERE, PEXĪ / PEXUĪ, PEXUM / PECTITUM SCORE CHECK. TU 11. What mythological group of three participated in the Olympians’ war against the Giants and slew Agrius and Thoas? THE FATES B1: Of course, ‘Fates’ is just what English speakers refer to them as. What did the Romans call them? PARCAE B2: What did the Greeks call them? MOIRAE TU 12. What Roman family line included a man named Serapio who killed his cousin, a man named Asina who fought against the Carthaginians, and a man named Asiaticus who fought in the Seleucid War? SCIPIO(NES) B1: By what name do we more commonly refer to Serapio? SCIPIO NASICA B2: What consul led the Roman army at the Battle of Camerinum, marking the first notable accomplishment of the Scipio family? (SCIPIO) BARBATUS TU 13. Please listen to the following excerpt from Augustus’ Rēs Gestae, which I will read twice, and then answer IN LATIN the question that follows. Bis ovāns triumphāvī, trīs ēgī curūlīs triumphōs et appellātus sum vīciēns et semel imperātor. Cum autem plūrīs triumphōs mihi senātus dēcrēvisset, iīs supersēdī. Laurum dē fascibus dēposuī in Capitōliō, vōtīs quae quoque bellō nūncupāveram solūtīs. [repeat] Question: Quotiēns Augustus appellātus est imperātor? VĪCIĒNS ET SEMEL B1: Quid Augustus supersēdī? TRIUMPHĪS (QUŌS SENĀTUS DĒCRĒVERAT) B2: Quandō laurum dē fascibus dēposuit? VŌTIS (QUAE QUOQUE BELLŌ NŪNCUPĀVERAM) SOLŪTĪS TU 14. What Latin poet includes stories about Protesilaus and Laodameia, Attis and Cybele, and Peleus and Thetis in his 116 poem corpus, although he is most famous for his poems to Lesbia? (GAIUS VALERIUS) CATULLUS B1: What Latin term describes the first 16 poems of Catullus’s corpus, which are brief poems of a light nature? NUGAE B2: What Latin term, which means “learned poems,” is attached to poems 61-68 of Catullus’s corpus? CARMINA DOCTA th TU 15. On the 10 of April, 2015, which state became the most recent state to adopt a Latin motto, in this case “Stella decima quarta fulgeat”? VERMONT st B1: North Dakota is the second most recent state, adopting what motto on August 1 , 2011? SERIT UT ALTERĪ SAECLŌ PRŌSIT st B2: Nine years before on April 1 , 2002, what state adopted Deō gratiam habeāmus as a Latin motto to supplement their English motto “United we stand, divided we fall”? KENTUCKY SCORE CHECK. TU 16. Who, while besieging the nearby city of Ardea, received news that his son had raped Lucretia and that the Roman people had exiled his whole family to Caere? TARQUINIUS SUPERBUS B1: What relative of Tarquinius Superbus pretended to trip in order to fulfill a prophecy - maybe this played a factor in him later becoming consul? (L. JUNIUS) BRUTUS B2: What other relative of Tarquinius Superbus was Brutus' co-consul but exiled himself because of his relation to Superbus? (LUCIUS TARQUINIUS) COLLATINUS TU 17. Varius Rufus and Plotius Tucca are famous for the publication of what author’s work, a famous 12 book epic poem in dactylic hexameter about the journey of Aeneas? (PUBLIUS) VERGIL(IUS) (MARO) B1: What work of Vergil, a collection of 10 poems, includes the song of Silenus, dialogue between Tityrus and Meliboeus, and a poem to a child who will bring about a new and happy cosmic age? ECLOGUES / BUCOLICS B2: Both Vergil and Horace were in the literary circle of what famous patron? (GAIUS) MAECENAS TU 18. While Laius was living in exile at the court of Pelops, what son of Pelops did kidnap, leading to Pelops cursing the entire royal family of Thebes? CHRYSIPPUS B1: What queen, for whose hand Pelops had run a chariot race, was the step-mother of Chrysippus? HIPPODAMEIA B2: What Elean king was the father of Hippodameia? OENOMAUS TU 19. Translate this sentence into Latin using the subjunctive: Scipio destroyed the city so that it would never rise again. SCIPIŌ URBEM DĒLĒVIT UT NUMQUAM ITERUM SURGERET B1: Translate this sentence using a compound verb: The man is so much taller than me that I cannot see his face. VIR / HOMŌ TANTŌ ALTIOR QUAM EGO / MĒ EST UT VIDĒRE FACIEM / VULTUM NEQUEAM B2: Translate this sentence using a dative: I ordered the slaves to hurry into the field. PRAECĒPĪ/IMPERAVI/IUSSI SERVĪS UT IN AGRUM / ARVUM PROFICĪSCERENTUR SCORE CHECK TU 20. When Odysseus felt the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, he was so concerned with survival that he left behind what follower of his? ACHAEMENIDES B1: On what island, now known to be equivalent to Sicily, does Homer say Polyphemus lived on? T(H)RINACRIA B2: Ironically, being abandoned on Thrinacria ended up being a stroke of luck for Achaemenides, as he avoided many subsequent events that killed every Ithacan sailor except for Odysseus. The event that had the highest kill count was a brush with what tribe, a group of giant, man-eaters who lived to the north? LAESTRYGONIANS 2019 Stanford CERTAMEN ADVANCED LEVEL ROUND 2 TU 1. Complete the following analogy: Propertius: Cynthia :: Ovid : CORINNA B1: Name one of the two women to whom Tibullus addressed his elegies. (One of:) DELIA / NEMESIS B2: Cynthia is only a pseudonym. According to Apuleius, what is the true name of Propertius’s Cynthia? HOSTIA TU 2. Of the words engine, gendarme, registry, German, and jaunt, which does not derive from the same Latin root? REGISTRY B1: From what Latin word, with what meaning, lies at the root of “engine”? GENUS – KIND / TYPE / CLASS B2: From what Latin word, with what meaning, lies at the root of “registry”? GERŌ – TO CARRY / WEAR / POSSESS TU 3. According to Sophocles, who attempted to convince her sister Ismene to ignore Creon’s commands and bury Eteocles, only to do it alone when Ismene chickened out? ANTIGONE B1: What son of Creon fell in love with Antigone and fell upon his sword when he learned that Antigone had hung herself? HAEMON B2: According to many tragedians who wrote about the Theban cycle, what pair were the parents of Antigone? OEDIPUS & JOCASTA / EPICASTA TU 4. Translate this sentence into English: Quis nostrum nunc ad urbem ībit auxilium petītum? WHO OF US NOW WILL GO TO THE CITY TO SEEK AID? B1: Translate this sentence: Iam fugere quam iterum pugnāre facilius factū est.
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