2020 BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES, CITRUS & BERRIES ORDER FORM First Name Surname Phone number *Pruning required? Yes Email address *Delivery? No Street address *T&Cs? 29 Parkdale Drive, Leslie Vale TAS 7054 | (03) 6239 6850 |
[email protected] | www.greenhillnursery.com.au | ABN 42 143 986 887 Min. deposit required Order subtotal Total Qty Order total Less discounts BUY ANY 10 FRUITING PLANTS AND SAVE 10%! *bundles of 10 strawberry runners or 10 raspberry canes are considered one plant BARE ROOT FRUIT TREES ALMONDS Price Qty Maturity Pollination All-in-One cv Zaoine (Self Pollinating Almond) $39.95 Early Self-fertile Dwarf Almond Self Pollinating Almond - Dwarf $44.95 Mid Self-fertile APPLES Price Qty Maturity Pollination Akane $27.95 Early Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Crofton, Red Delicious Bramley Triploid $27.95 Very Late Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Jonathon, Sturmer, Akane, Cox's Orange Pippin Cox's Orange Pippin $27.95 Mid Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Jonathon, Red Delicious, Lady in the Snow Crofton $27.95 Mid Jonathon, Golden Delicious, Akane, Red Delicious Gala $27.95 Early-Mid Partially self-fertile. Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Red Fuji, Pink Lady Geeveston Fanny (subject to availability) $29.95 Mid Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, Jonathon, Akane, Red Delicious Golden Delicious $27.95 Mid Partially self-fertile. Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Jonathon, Cox's Orange Pippin Granny Smith $27.95 Late Golden Delicious, Gala, Jonathon, Cox's Orange Pippin, Pink Lady Gravenstein Triploid $27.95 Early Golden Delicious,