'11clair Comment ,On Local Sealfishery VAUXHALL PRESENTS S2095 THE DAILY N'EWS CHOPIN anllable d I ' Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 64. No~ 6.5 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons ammarskjold Confers With Nasser Withdraw From scribes Sealing Negev Desert By WILTON WYNN 'Dangerou_s' CAIRO (AP> - U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold is taking the line that Israel will OTTAWA (CP) - Fisheries Minister Sinclair, have to withdraw from a little triangle in the = 9rcp!,ic description Thursday of Labrador Negev Desert to establish legal right to send ships sealing operatjons, expressed more through the Suez Canal. for the seal hunters than for their This was reported by informed diplomats as Hammarskjold met Egyptian President Nasser Michael Starr, PC • Ontario, asked him in Thursday to explore Middle East issues. They in· "'mnnc whether the ar.nualspring seal hunt elude such varied problems as the Gaza Strip, rried aut humanely. Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba that have become

Mr. Sinclair said that if the question referred 1 snarled in the same ball of •wine. hunters, sealing was "the most dangerous THE ANNUAL 1\lEETING of the fro\'inclal Girl Guide Association of ~cwfoundland wa." h&1d at Geor,.;e Stree'. Because one topic almost always leads to

disasrceable work done by any fishermen l:niled Church Uclure Hall on Wednesday e1•ening. The picture shows, left to right:--Miss Edith Alderrlice. 1 the others they began th~:ir talks at Nasser's bonor:1r~· member who conducted the election of officers: Lad~· Walsh. representing Lad~· Outerbridge. Honorar\' . ' Canada". . President; Mrs. Eric Cook, Provincial Commissioner: Miss Edith Manuel. Honorary Treasurer, giving her rc- ·house Without an agenda. . . The hunters lived in small, crowded boats. port of the ~·ear's work, and Mrs. Kevin McGrath, Honorary Secretary.-maUy News Photo). Before they met, Hammarskrold talked With ~tn end ~unters often were lost on the ice. Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi for E · ~ np,.,. ~mr nrru:.• 1 -- B d E::"hfth ·' :. lhr :~dult ftn .. seal hunting ls really necessary, ermu a three hours. ~ buil ._1 .• , ;!h ri!l·~s and: and whether the rate of kill h so,------­ ~lt\SY SESSIONS ~--· - __ .. __ _

1 U"<' C'r J ., ,. >;:'!('<\ inst~ntJ 1• 1 high that seals may be in dan~r 1 In between he held session< wit!1 lies fully comply with their 194~ t;-; "rx ·• . "" thr back of I of becoming as rare Bs buffaloes. L d . ~!aj.-Gen. E. L. M.. Burns: UN I armistice agree~ent. a state of . ! :•w "d• 1lt, were ~lr. Sinclair sald It Is a com- ea ers Emergenev Force Commander· war no longer w1ll ex1st. -~ ,.,.1\>i'd "bu.t that, mercia! operation which has been Dr. Ralph. Bunch·~. UN undersec: ·!IAN ISRAELI SHIPS 1 Discuss Common Problems hunlm~ opera- carried on for at least 300 years. retary; Lt .• Gen. Raymond A.J Egypt_ has indicated she inten_ds i It yielded leather, seal ol\, baby By LLOYD McDONALD I Gua Strip, tbe Gulf of Aqaba and • the extent that Cyprus must be: White House press secretary, and Wheeler, in charge of the UN.~ conhn\.le to keep Israeli shiP·

I, .• ,_•, .• ,; whether the I Continued on page 18) · Canadla~ Preu Staff Writer 1 the Sue~ Canal." - retained as a key Western defence , P-eter Hope, London ~reign office ' clearance operations in the Suez Ping out of her ~errltorlal waters TUCKERS TOWN, BermuRa NO DETAILS GIVEN base in the Mlddie East. 1spokesman. [Canal, and other aide~. oeca~se she consrders ~erseU still

(CP)-Brltish and American lead· Spoksmen for tlle British And Thursday's meeting oPened wit.."\ i . 1 The connettion bt!tw-een the lit- tee_hmcally_ at war wrth Israel ers met Thursday around the con· American sides refused to g0 into formal statements by both leaders 1 The atmosphere was nollccably I tlc trian~le in the Negev, the so- 1Th1s position could ap]lly to tlle ferencc table not to talk about details of the talks. . . touching on world problems in a bt!tter when scp- called El Auja demi:itarized zone, Gulf of Aqaba as well as the York Court I th_a~ Wedn-::~day 1 spUt mllk Jn the past but to decide It was .understood, howCYell,-,tlllt _genera 1 way, Eisenhower ex- ~rate Bnhsh and Amerlc:o bnef· · and lsrael's rights in the Suez canal. 1 how to face common problems In Macmillan. fee~ the quesllon r:rf pressed mutua~ confidence and un- mgs .wcr_e held, Both Hagel\, anrt 1 Can:~!· i, hi~ Illy important to tQ.e I Th"- F.! Auja znnr, a •li"er ·of the future, Egypt's lntoentlons is paramount. dfntanding wrfh Macmman ud Hope•sa1d the:-;,had reBche~. _m 11 - legal . mindo~d Hammarskjold, tlie &:-se_rt 19 m1les ,lon~_ on_ the ~order Prime Minister Mcmillan and He has been wondering how use said that solldanty and !nendsh1p tual agreement that tho:! bllcfmgs, 1nformanls sa1d. betiiCcn Egypt s Sma1 Pcmmul1 1 President Eioonhower, with their o! the Sue~ Canal u a blackmail bt!tll'~en the two great powers would be held_ Jointly in \he fu!urc; 1 He l1as come here, it has' been and the Is\aeli Negev, is an ex­ hi Miles of & foreign 1ecretarles and advisers, instrument by President Nasser must be the solid co'e any al- Anglo-Amcncan _rllffcr,cn~cs onr: reported, 1rith the hope of getting· ample of ~!.ld~le East _controversy. held the first fOrmal session CYf t_he I can be prevented and how the Hance of the fr~e world. . the role of the ?n1ted Nallons II' as . both >ides. kJ aban_don their as- The arm1sll~~ p~ondcd that it Big Two Bermuda conference w1th Wcst~rn alliance should deal with JOINT BRIEFINGS ! reported to haH ht!en h1gh m th~ 5crtcd bclh~-:crcnt r1~hts. He has sho11ld be dem1htam~d bcc•use of the Middle East u the flnl maJor the situation should Russia back The British leader's statement· ~!1ddie East d1scussions. )!acm1l-: taken the position that if both par- Continued nn page 181 Contempt- topic of discussion. Nasser even more strongly, wa~ in the same vein and the' lan was under_st~o~ ~ ~e takmg a . -- - The talks covered, a spokesman Eisenhower Is expected to ask spirit of agreement was reflected I less than ophmlsllc, \'lCW of the i • I said, "the several urgent and im- In turn the details of British In- In the friendly relations between world body's. effeehveness Willie o· '''' Cl'1 -Slate At-1 second .Supreme Court order had Five le n .-. l.o11J, J. Le!Kowitl ·been obtained, permanently bar­ mediate question~ which eltist in tentlons as to Cypru~. Americans the British and American press I feeling that .E1senh_ower i. PJltln~ -.. ,. · '·1 hr:,•1rrs did not rlng Stahl, now in Rio d! Janeiro, the Middle East-in particular \he are in agr~ment vdth Britain to briefing officers-James Hagerty, too much faith m rt. . :-., .. , ., a• ordered by a Brazil, from furtiler dealings ln '~ S.;.:11r r·llurt t.J an· securities in New York State. · ' ·_, ~r"•rclln~ R Cana: The attorney.general slated that · .c-·, .. ,l!c;rdly cost Jn· Stahl was Involved in an interna. Continues I Highway Mishap ~ ., .. '"1 tiona! fraud tllat "appears to have Doctor Adams' Trial :• · ·'.·:icc· Henry Clay caused investor~ th:! los3 of as had at'Cused Dr. Aams Df drug I Adams had prescribed lor the d). Minn. (AP.>-- . ear passing by the scene . . - ··ct an order can. much as $6,800,000." By EDDY GILMORE ging to cleabh Mr., Edith Allee MAHNO~!EN, glng Mrs. Morrell with heroin- II ing woman. Fil'e youngd per_sons were khiJI.cd Chlark Hoibdah_l, 2t, Win~d.r, ·~!innd. '::.hl. :'\ew York. OHiclals saki today that Miles LONDON (AP)- Dr. John Bod- Morrell. did an about . face and testified She said paraldehyde ·:as dan- early Thurs ay m a strange c am w o came y m a secon car an I· '!i:r;, Edmon- and Stahl now are liable ({) can- kin Adama left hia murder trial There was a jaunty air about 1 there was justification for her gerous if giYen in large noses. 1 of traged1os touched off_ when . a, made another futile rescue at- on Ihis dat~ for tempt of court proeeedlng by the with a broad yaWll and. a big the fat doctor as he left London's 110 1 5 I earlier &tatement, ''\\'hat's a large dnsc?" he de-: car sheared a pale carrymg a 33,- tempt. cc,r: of an inl'sti- ittorncy-general. &mile Thunday night. Old Bailey criminal court for his ~d I 000 - 1olt electric power lill<'. . · rnonlon bokerage LefKowitz claimed that through The 58-year-old• physiclan had cell In gloomy Brixton Prison. STAR WITNESS man . . · 1. . f th " d d . tl A puwcr plant operator at Mah- Lawrcnce hart been grilling her •·r·mlr or fire cc'' (c·ubic crnti- 110 0 'r uCm 12:33 remarks she had, written in record which r_anged fro~ soft coaxing e sp I tlan Mlnro o! suburban Pointe to 12:5.5 p.m. both the mother and book.~ while nursing Mrs. Morrell, and obvww compliments to sllarp · • , Claire. The multiple birth had been the bables, who were placed In Lawrence got her to agree that rebukes - La1tr>enee tore the • U 1 th am t0 n P0 r t indicajed by X-ray examinations incubators, were reported doing when Dr, Adams gave morphine, nurse's previous testimony to ' I R t d P . but the youngsten arriVed ~ well. heroin and oth-er drugs to 81-hear- shreds and shook the_ very faun- I s ecap ure months prDll!aturely, They were Total weight a! the quadruplet! old Mrs. Morrell he was only "try- dation of the prosecution's case. I This would be tte first of a 1er· not expected until May 19. was 12 pounds, H ounces. The ing to give her rest and comfort." Based largely on nur9C Randall's 'Rutrrsl - Angry· les o! "selective" atrikesin 10 key' The exci11ecl father, Wllll1m boy was~ heaviest, rive pounds, "Yes," said the nurse, "I sup- testimony, the prosecution con- ~!ONTREAL (CP)-A dcs~.;-ratc by gunplay, a wild au!Q chas~~..and 0 Thur,rtay night for. industrial zones ordered by the Stewart Munro, 35, uld "It was tllree ounces. Two of the girls pose you are right." lends that Dr. Adams murdered habitual crimin~l's bid fo free- an elderly couple's most 8 goni~ing . 11 complete shutdown Confederation of Shipbuilding and a nightmare and I'm glad it'a all each weighed thret~ and a half Then, Lawrence staggered the i ~Irs. Morrell by drastically step- · ·Sr hma:n transatlantic En111neering Unions 1{1 enforce the over." pound and the other tour pounds, witr.ess when he asked her aboutj ping up the doses of drugs she dom ended early Thursday at gun- experiCnce. ~~~~rl·~m,ptnn. . 10-per.cenl WIJie Increase demand. Munro Is 1n estimator wlth the three ounce1. close rt. paraldehyde which Dr. was receiving. point alter a prison break marked' Marc·~! AYeline, 44, scaled tlle of thc1r jobs be· ----- I grim walls en nearby St. \'lncent· IUR! "ere used on JOV·' o· . f b k H B H l•t v. . •t ! dc-Pau! penitentiary Wednes_day ' ~:~;:e~d~::;~oetrne~s1t~n1o;t:to: 18 en a e r as . U-SY a I ax IS I 11f:'~~J5;:;,\::tl;:~~lf~i • "" revolver shots in the getaway. ~d ilntr for lm aeheduled By HUGH DUNLOP HMOS Magnificent. !l'Ont bencher Ronald Fleld!ng wu returned to the Royal Navy ·and drea\"S, he said, Canada's future While he was away Prime Min- He was bee for ei;:ht rJurs, s!J: :!sday_. They claimed Cln1dl1a Preaa Staff r'rller The Progr~sive Conservative assailing the provincial sovern- replaoed by HMC Bonaventure, will be determined. ister St. Laurent modified tlle pro- in the terrified prese!lce ol Mr. 11111 ·a~1o under repair HALIFAX (CP) - John Dlefen- leader ahook bands with 1tevedores menl fOr Ita tourist policies. Later he stood on the flight deck of. the RIGHTS "SHOVED ASIDE"· posal arid it pas~d the House. 1 and Mr~. James Sllcock, Britlsh· ;ork:ral ~trtke ol 200,000 1baker, national leader ol the Pro- and boar1ied the freighter Leclacl Mr. Dlefenbaker uld that Mr. carrier with a perfect view of Hal- Mr. Diefenbamr was asked by "You might !iay that was an ex- 1born retired rulway C(luple whose 5 began last Sat· I v11reulve Con 1 e r v a tlve party, maerskn on her malden voyage Flelcl!ng was an able speaker. If ax harbor. a· student about to comment on a ample of freedom on a fi&hing house be entered I,!Dder the gulse It PER Thunday heard the ahrW pipe o! from Copenhagen and outbound to At HMCS dockyard Mr. Dlefen- "I can't· re co gnl~e all the statement in whlch he sald there line," he added with a chuckle. of an inJured pollceman. l!j,- -CE:<~'T INCREASE 1 boatawaln's whistle, the oratory Japan with Canadian ubestos, baker was piped aboard by boats- changes since my last visit in was a great need to restore Par. I Mr. Diefenbaker said that Par- f- -::-::JFIED IN BROADCAST a~ .. " 1 t~r lain Macleod of a prDliDCial llberal, the whlne All1lllinlum plu1 newsprint !lOr Pu· wains, At file qarterdeck he waa 1944,-' Mr. Dlefenbaker told Com- llament to its r!ght!ul position, ltiament was denied much Yital ln- He left long after a radio broad· lh,·~ or Commons T!- of 1 ahlp's wineb and the laughter aan · Korea. mel by Commodore E. W. Finch- modore Flnch·Noye's. HE said tbe lndivldual rights of !.ormation by the ministers of t~ cast bared his identity. The Sil· ~ru-'hlpbulldlnll employ- of college 1tudenta 11 be made .WATCHED FJ.BH HANDLERS Noyea, acting flag oHJcer Atlantic "You have a tremendous place," members have ht!en "shoved aside crown who claln1ed it was classi- cocks, elderly and ailing, spent 1i~~ to take the dls- 1 whirl • wind tour ol thla port Mr. DleleDbaker saw handlera command In the absence ol Ad· he added. Mr. Dlefenbaker visltecl and power placed In a ~. lied. most. of the vigil watehing televl· · ~ . Per~nt wage in· elty, Ullloadlng· fresh flsh from the At- miral Bidwell who Is with the Ca- Halifax during the "dar'k days" en "I do not recognize the Parlla- · He left the students laughing slon while Aveline eyed them and rt rtltratlon. Mr. Dlefenbaker, on ~ lhlrd lrintlc fuhlng grounds and special nadian Navy on winter exercises 1940 and In 1916 while on his way ment today as the same one I en- witb a joke about a federal Lib- the windows. 11 •J.l'. ll~, night e e\'er . ... 11ith union leacl- rived here early Tbtlraday after mll!l'anh to all parll rJ, the coun. In company with Commodore Earlier Mr. Dlefenbaker addres- He said Trade Minister Howe who was S]lOtted by a policeman spent In our Uves, said Mr. sn. l~ dnl, .. t about their de· ootot:1n1 eo mllea . from Tnrro try, Flnch • No)'es and Commodore sed the student body of St. Mary's had tried to extend. wartime pow- running down tbe street shouting cock, 72. His wife, 68, 11\lf:f'en fro11 lrect cash otter from where be spent Wednesday night In a change of pace, be viewed John MacGilllvary, superintendent University. rs under the Defenoo Production "No, no, no." a· heart condition. after apeaklng in Sydney, 3 hhtorlc province hOuse and sal on clookyard, Mr. Dlefenbaker toured He sald there was a great need 1 Act and that his party had fought The policeman stopped the mem- Avehne entered t~e ~ml-iso. mini!ter hu been He apent aeveraJ houn on fle the floor D! the House of Assem- the yard by automobile. He elt· lor young pecxple t.J enter public 1 tlle measure for six weeks. He ad- her and asked what was wrong, , latcd St. E~stac~e Sileo· · hom• ~ 1 tim~ both to end -bosUlnJ Hallfu: waterfront 1nd bly with fOrmer Nation1l Progre•· pressed a wlsh to see HMCS Por· llfe so that Canada cquld reach ded that tlle fight might have con- did he need a doctor? i !rom tllto rear, h1s nose bleecllnl 1 • ~2 stnke and ahut toured tile naval dockyard, vleW· lve Conservative pre s.l dent ta,Re, damaged Monday night in a her true destloy. He advised the t!nued much longer but 1\!r. Howe The member wa, insulted. Said, an~ legs injure_d fr?m the era~ '~ of 1.000,000 lndua-~lnJeVerybhlni from 1 model\ bar· Georse Nowland, federal member collision with HMCS Lauzon, 501 students to dream their dreams had gon on a ~!aritim-~ !i>hing 1he, ''In Ottawa I'm_ a yes. man whoch en~ed his n,~ht b.v auto. In tO an&iliHrlq Ill· bor eraft to' the larust ship 111 from DlibY·Annapolls. Klng5, Mr. mUea east CYf Halifax. and live their 1!ve5 ·with th

,\ 2

! People In The News ' • · ' i· On The Doubl

SPANIARD'S BAY, March 17- •on and daughter-In-law, Mr. and I SPANIARD'S BAY, 'Marh 17 - I can be had at su Mr. and Mr1. Wilfred Go11e a! Mn. John L. Chipman. ·p an I a r s 'e ws \' Tf we aay that Newfoundland Is: sun-down. lf one ~·up I! St. John's apent lut 1nekend hen Mr. Ern Greeley who wa1 home I fifty years behind the timel, we I ~nnws that he can~~ a .-lth relatives. J from Gander on a ahlrt visit with 1 ay will not be saying anythinJ o~lg-lln it be!o--e the !lin ~ better Coftll'llulatlol!l are extencled to bls parents ~lr. and Mrs. Lee lnal; but we dare to offer an op!n- 'so he wiU be ab'e ~H! II)() M~andM~~hn (A~a) Hu~~ Greeley of~lt~. returned tohill~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- lon by stating that we shall hardly i more in the morning ~ . lnp to whom a dauahter born WOlk at the Cromoads the wu of p }j • · I Ob" elose this gap in any agpreciable 1and in his office. n his on Thursday, March 14. World on Sund&)', re mtnary B tt w·Il. w dd. g Ituary manner by se!Un) our clocks aheail 1 Two h Vlsltlnc Mr. and Mil. Sol Volley Hm to apend the weekend with arre - 1 lS ,e In I two hours. This business of setting •m•y mea our\ of ··exira" hne for the SL Patrlek'a Day hi• father waa Mr. (;llfford ~ler-! Noti"ce· ' clocks ahead has its merits, but: no chiJtl .. n 8 bot to tho.•e holiday were Mr. and Mn. Leo cer of St. Jilhn'~. I MRS. CAROLINE STRICKLAND Eke evtrything el!e deserving: 'lies in·~· ut for those Greene and their daa&bter Marilyn Mn. J. W. Mercer, a patient at 1 c Mrs. Caroline Strickland wu merit, It can be abuud, There are i i-I·J. we. fcwf~undlar.d Y.ho i from 61. John'a. · the General Hospital, continues to SPANIARD'S BAY ~ h laid ito rest on Sunday aftemoon. only twenty-four houn in each day, , Children' orc•dre a lot of ' 1 17 I' The Infant son of Mr. and Mra. receh•e treatment and mny under· The We! I End Bra'n~harc o[ the For he:, death carn.e on Friday ll no more, no less, and by putting must rem}•e !lePp. 10 if bed Nath Chipman wa& baptized on 1 110 aurger)' In the ne~r luture. c.E.W.A. plan to hold their Spring a merciful release from human aul· clacks ahead two hou•s w!ll not i f h . "'" out ot fc i '· Sund1y, March 10, In the Church Mr~. L. R. ~lurrln is making ex- Social in the school on !uesday ol fering, but for those who have lost ·lengthen the day one second. The •~ 1 e nl~ht it i< cr.!,- , . r 1 I · th th '"I'll be that I . .o expect that lh · Ch t: ·j' or the Holy Redeemer by Rev. c~llent prog~ss at the Grace HOs· Easter \\'cck, April 23 . The public a ovrng 11\P er ere " only reasons we can think o! 1n b d r " "'·Uil · l I Canon T. E. Loder. The name Mr. 1 P1tal anrl ex~ects to be di~chu~ed · is asked to reserve thi date inexpressi?le aching void which/ [avour of !Uch a sugg?stion are e or moH of the da). and Mr1. Chipman choae lor their !rom that lnalitutlon soon. i · 1 · nothing Will ever fill · , (1 l lt wll &ive those who play I The ide• i' 1 .. '• l~lrd ton wu Roderick Glenn. His Mr.1. Jean Whalen is presently j Her &evenly-three yean were i baseball time to finish brlore dnk 'he en trierl he! no .. e. ;R. t:ng that 1he lelt thls mcle In the· car~ of this) and (2) 1t N111 helo mosl people all . ·1 · hospital on Thunday ol last week ' Mrs. Thomu Roberts o! Tilton Edward Porter was !our years H ']d manner 1 ' ' morr.1r.g 10 f same manner. er ml . • 1 the householder to save a little on· of that blew· look Un and Ia COIIYaleseln& at home. went by bus to visit with her uld an Tue•day, ~larch 19. Birthday her gentle voice, her fntndly i his electric light bill or II he uses 'ee!in~ AfiPr. h! k or.d Here ta 'lsit Mr. W. J. Mu:rln dauahter Mu. Dove at Ha:bour g~cetln~a come !rom Mommle and lml'l e 1n d h er ready hoapitality I ·oil a pint or two of ' kerosene. · •wa! no-· ncce,,·t-acf nut· d..-·' 0 11 on Su!!day was his son Con~!. Fred Grace on Thursday lut. However Daddy. will remain In the memorlea , of I For those who wish to go !ish-! ing to comme~rl;i• a:rl , ~~rl ~lurrln o! SL John:•· Also l'illting , before 'he re~chcd her daughter's 0 those who loved her. Sh' lo\Cd; ing no advantages can be seen,~ !y qucHionJble 11 i:eth 1r ~lr. Murrin were h1s daughter and home she was stricken with se- On Friday March 22 Mn. Lloyd I I a people, tapeclally the youn1 folk,: for Is it not true that a good catch 1catch up with ouml~, Wt aon-in-law, Const. ·'· and Mra.J sel'er heart attack and had to be Smith wlll 'obaerve her birthday and they lo~d her. Nothinl wu , ______. ____ ~~ . 1 too much trou~le. ., ------1:I \'oke)-. Hl1 frlenda will be ao:ry helped to her destination by : and best wishes for 1 happy day L to know that Mr. Murrin sullered pauers-by. At time o[ writing come from her san Gerald. We all felt aorry that the last 1 My Uncle Ml"ke's a heart attack on Thuuday and there is no chanie In ~er condi- -- couple of year~ o! her Ufe were painful for her, but the way she !a prncnti)' canllned to his home. t!an. 1 Calvin Peddle wlll be seven on I We wi1h him a quick recovery, const. Lewis Jones, accompan· , Saturda)', March 23. Calvin !1 quite bore her Illness "with quiet brave SP!\~i!ARD'S BAY, March 17 - plans: She knew L'r,cle ~like

1 :l!r. and Mra. Jack Mercer from led by ~lin V! 1·ian Holwell, spent 1 proud o[ the !act \hat he helps his endurance" was Indeed an lnspir· My Uncle Mike was Irish, J sup- be home on that vea Sl. John's were week-end vlalt~n Jut ~·eckend here with his par- 1brothers in the distribution ol the a lion. She rarely complained, and pose, but he had sa many diverai· and probahl; a•leep on. the ,j at the home of Mr. and Mra. Rob- enh, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones. DAlLY NEWS, 10 for him beat when 1he did It waa only because !ied ctuallties that he might be btt· settle, so "hat het!er I I'll! ,, 1 1 m se~·mour. Congratulations are extended lo . Wl~hea for a very happy birthday she had 1ympathy for those who ter described u being a mixture . she have !0 "borrow 1; Vl~!t!nl Mr. and Mrs. Richard M d ~~- William Sullivan lo arc in order. had to care for her. We can only of English, Irish, Scotch and When •he got her char.ce ~lur:ln here on Sunday were Mr. ~ ~·~~~n a da'1 :~hter was born on · hope that her 1oul will rest in Dut~h. He had an enviable sense: body look~r.s .'he took and :lira. Chuley Coole !rom St. · M d . Mar~h 18 . Her brother~ and s!stm w!1h peace. of humour, a deep concept of i and smpped. ll'htn John's. ' on a), . . m~s JoycP. Vokey a happy birth· She Ieana lo mourn her hus- thrift. and a staunch 1upporter of, w·okr ur he rli;core~ed !llr. and ~lr~. Samuel Voke> Rev. Caqon T. E. Loder and : c:a1· on Saturdal', March 23. band Benjamin Strickland, two' e\'erythlng that had prO\·ecl its 'side o! his prid• Hd from St. John's \'!sited relatives Mrs., Loder are pr;senti)' in St. • _·__ 1 sons.' Ebenezer and William, lour: worth. Then, too, •ome snid that; missin~. The;e "" no here on Sunda)'. Johns where the Canon ~~ att~nd· Congratulations are oxt~nded to daughters, Susie (Mrs. Charles i he wa~ as aiubborn as a mule, as i 01~r hou.•r that d". acri , Mr. Duncan Chipman spent las\ I ing mertln~s of the Exrcutii'C Com·' ~lr. Au!tin Sheppard who wlll Mercer of Shearatown), Mary nlrs. . sly as a lox, u strong as a bull. M1kt dark coult.!n't co~.! wee~ end bert u the guest ol his 1 mil tee ol the Dloman s_>'r.or!~- cerlbrate hi! birthday on o~lnday, Jame1 Guyton of New Orleans, 1 as !aithful a~ a dog, •~ gentle as ------· - ~larch 2~. U.S.A.), Glady• (Mu. Robert N. j ~ lamb, and as forget!ul as an e!e·. 1 ~ever rl::l f:rcd ou: ho• Se)'lllDUr) and Irena (Mra. Wil· phant. There were others who lrad 1 the ""' n,,,, door •Pt,il~ 1 / Al•n c~lebralln~ their birthdays liam Tilford); twenty grandchil·l dilferent descriptio-ns of him. and'! ter b~caurn' lfcl[are worker,, WAY 1 • • I sl!ter,, Sandra and Shlrler. ,_------~ tache. Wt;ether )Oll liked him or h~d .gone C''~• r.cel, 11'.• l!lbc•logiists, and others 1 disliked him, you could never lor-. didn tal kr '"'·' of 1 ~.'tt this field of · 1 I Con~ratulatlans to ~Irs.· A:·thur • g get him. 1 sars Inc err ma.~t 1 clll~ . 1958, I he . plele cut. 1 Seymour, Sr., whose birthda)' is on Hi~ moustache 1\'U his !lnde and 1

Tuesday, Apr! I 26. , Thinkm ·glory; he loved it. On thinking ---- 1 1 1 back I've wondered why he both· 1 ered with it at a time when all his Church Services 1 SPAI'\IARD'S BAY - A l'ery, The groom's attendants were his t contemporaries were shedding ·pretty wedding was solemnized at brother Hubert as best man, as- I. ·0 ver .their 1. But not Uncle Mike. What St. ~!arlin'• Church, Gander, on sl!led by Preston Genge, Dominic :started out as a hobby b~ame an ANGLICAN February 21 at 7.30 p.m., when Granter and Reuben Wlll!a bro-' 'obsession. He spent his spare time (TIIird Sunda~ in Ltnt) Rei'. J. H. Mos! united in marriage ther of the brid'e. ' I ) getting It to look like he wanted Rector: Rev. Canon T. E. Lode:-. Shd!rley Clari!sa, daughter o[ Mr. A recept!n~ was held at the Air I By Robert L. D!t!lenbacher, D.D. It, There wu 1 centre crease line 1 HOLY_ REDEEMER CHURCH; an Mrs. John Willi! of Dover, Lines Hotel where one hundred GRAVEYARDS of wrecked or 1and both aide• of the handle bar Spaniard'! Bay Bunavistn Ba)', to Isaac Howard, and twenty guests were received rttscarded automobile a dot Amer-1 were p~rfectly s)'lllmetrical. I think, 8.30 a.m., Holy Communion: 11 younge~t ~on of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- and supper serl'ed. Toastmaster lea In the most unusual places. i too, that he had 1 weakness for n.m., Malin!; 2.1~ p.m., Sunday i thur Barrett, Iormer!y of T!lton, lor. the occasion waa Mr. Edgar 1 All usable parts have bl:en sal-~ moustache cups and nothing pleali­ I I DO IT OUR WAY School; 7 p.m., El·enJong and Ser· 'but ,now res!d1ng at .Ganrler, Mrs. I Ba1rd. Rev. J. H. Moss proposed vaged for re!ale to tho&e who can ed him more than 1 gift of one, • man. I W11itam Locke supplied the wed- the tons! to the bride to which the u1e them. Combustible mater.1al 1especially !! the gift came from • 1 1 ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, dmg mu.sic. . . - . groom responded. hu been burned. The rem am~ II he wife or mother of a friend who We ve just Installed the Tilton 1 The hrldc wa; g1ve~ In ';larnage The remainder of the e.venlng are plled up on vacant 1cres unhl[looked upon moustache• and "HENDERSON TIRE 11 a.m., Choral Eucharist, H~·mns! by Mr. Jack Kcarle), fmnd of was spent In ·dancing, mus1c aup- they Cln be &old for junk metal. 1 moustache cup• u 1 nuisance. i and Sermon: 2.l~ p.m., Sundny 1 the groom and looked lol'ely In a piled on the plano by Mr. Bruce Then eye80rea on the landscape I And then 1ometh!ng •hocking: the ' 1School; 7 p.m., El·ensong, floor length gown of nylon end ITaylor. st~n.d AI monumentl to care leu. happened, . • CJ-1ANGER". •1 __ leN' Ol'er white aat!n. Her floor To Mr. and Mrs. Barrett we ex- drlfllnl, 'lO mlatreatment or to tile _ I Neighbors eM ROMAN CATHOLIC length I'Cil was held In place by ltcnrl best wishes for a long and end Clf us!lfulllfta of thOilnnds oi He went to a wake one n12ht W I 1 It's the fast, easy way to St A;lnt'& Chllrcit R pearl tinra and she carried a· happl' married life. once new can, These can have with all the. other young men and e come 1 Cclebra~t, Rev. Fr. Hines. 10.30 ~ouquet of pink and white carna- - · no souls. They have re1ched the women and a~ wu th~ cust.om ·. change a tire, and we'll 'am ~!a•s tlon!. 1 I end l)f tlle road beyond wfuch. stayed until alter breakfast. Ramy · · II y I · ., ' · · Attrn~!ng thr hrlrte as matron! there Is nothing. · 1weather pre1·ented him !rom going I Wi Knock on °111 ' tt~'ITED CHURCH nf honour was ~l:s. Florence Bar-' G ~Irs .. G;horge Dkawe l!fd' Porl hdle I Men also wredc their live~. They I about his dally work and so he: with Gilt! end do It while you wait, ,, · . r h .rave 1s , 11 wee apen 1n§ a o · rt to 1 to f h k' h ttl 1 ~!inistcr, Rev. J. s. H. 'lor~n. re\1, s1ster-!n·l:~w o I e groom,' ·rt ,. hr ·'th h' ft Mr have few pa 1 11 VIQI!! r ur- 1 ~tretched out on t e_ 11t en se e i from F• iendly 1 3 8 .I B.A. 3 p.m. Afternoon Wo~>hi . i and the bridc>mair!s were ~lrs.l • .re WI .•. cr paren • • • ther human. uu. Yet ~od \11111 to have a nap. G01ng_ t~ bed In Cr'ur'• end Social . • P 1Leone Gen~e, ~ti~s Doreen Clarke. and Mrs. Bert Nell. ta~e PVery life and gl\'e 1t reb1rth I broad daylight was unthn1kable. '"

'I and ~li•s ~tary Paul. All wore i 'Irs H Davis and daughter in Hh l!:inl[dom i! man w111 mere-/ Welfare Leaden E O'emenl ..'Pml.formal ~own! in shade! of. Pa.mel·a oi Harbour Grace spent IIY turn lo Him In forgiveneB.' The young womuan !ne~~!dkoorf had TLe B'lr!h of c nga lOa '1 · k . d 1 . God 1 ~ . sore the Jan•- had her e)·e on nc e "' e or a n Canadian Tire _, u : emon, Pin . mau1e an pa e last weekend here wtth ~Irs. Davis' ea~s ·~ e)e 011 . u - d ' ' • · oi· SPANIARD'S BAY, March 17- ~rePn rr.

. ;

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...... 35 Use Our I.A~C. Add-on Plan 30 . '• 13 .. .,- ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND DUily News FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 ., . ! Church Local 4 H Leaders 1Premier Praises Conferences. . . Attend . District Meeting ..• School Boards

Nineteen ·men· and women- Radio Forum, etc. . ! ing the above Information- 1 boy and girl. 4-11 proJects can Members of the Associated School Boards of New-. Ch rl Stla nlty local 4-H leaden In the Claren·l Dr. Flo:cncc O'Neill, Director: presentation of facts following. play a major role in the devel~P; foundland who are meeting at the Board Room of the· vllle·Bonavlata South :ijistrlct! of Adult Education, set Lhe stage 1 by group discussion, buzz, scs·. mmt of lndlv1dual rcsponslbihty Department of Education since Wednesday moming

took part in an intensive two·day 'I !or this. Training-Conference by slons, role playing, films, dem·. and know-how in co-operative • tl -t f h G . t l h h ~ Training-Conference in th11 Duf. discussing "The 4-H Movement- onstratlons and other visual side.! group action. · 1 ~vere 1e gue, s o t e Overnment a a unc eon e ...1 ,

fett Building, Clarenville, March 1 Its Role In th-~ Community", To Newly prepared pro}~ts In the: _Mem?ers of the C.W.A. aBd · m the Nj!wfoundland Hotel at 1.30 p.m. yesterday. 1 Modera~or Will VIsit 1 12·14. Communities o! Canning's help leaders carry out the broad fields of foods, clothing, agricul· Women s Auxiliary of the Can- i Han. Dr. F. W. Rowe, Minister 1. . . · Cove, Musgravetown Central and! program outlined by Dr; O'!'~vcning ses· Prem1er SmaUwoad, welcom1ng tremend~us_lmprovements made. ln. Representatives of Dept. of ed to: What ::11akes the Teenager: specialists as follows: : slons. !,he . members, sa1~ he was always commun1cat1 ~ns. ?Y r~ad~. _durtng ~:::Hirccl Conferences on Christianity and trt: Mines and Resources (Agricul·' Tick, Demonstration 4-H Club I Foods-Miss Olga Anderson, 1 The leaders appreciated the e!· 1er} much impressed 1n Ne~J.found· ~h~· p;s.t ;~1 )e~rs, 1t Wicked!;,· 1 · L:lr w:ll be held this summer and fall across ture and Forestry) Federal Dept I Meeting, Recreation P.2rlods, r.I.Sc., Provincial Nutritionist. 1 fici"ency and Interest of Mr. and, ~and by any group who are devo:- i eR~~- ln·nge :a ~r 0 r~n~po~~ •· ,,,,. n:·. \\', G. Berry, Direc\or of The United of Fisheries,. D~pt. o! Health I Steps ln 91vlng B Demonstration, Fish-Mr. s. Barllett, Mr. H.~ Mrs. Harry Drover, .Managers of! :~g o~ht~~~el~~: t~a:~y o1orkm~~~~~. Provi~~~VIin ho~~~~~p~~~ ~~ectrl~. ; \:.:H'nal E\'angelistic Mission, announced fa!- .(Nutritional ~dvlser), Canadian The Importance of Complete and A. Rjan, Federal Dept. of Fish· Balmoral Lad~~· . money and getting rich, and he is •licapon, water and sewerage, the 1 Broadcasting Corporation, N'a· Accurate Reporting, Utilization erles. . :. From the v..lcomlng addre!~; encouraged to see men of intel· I Premier said 1\"ewfo'undland still ::c \l't't'lJllg of his National Committee. lion Film Board, and Jubilee .of 4-H Radio Program, Planning Gardenlng-1\11·. :"UC 1as s. 1 . , ,,,.,,•,. Thr R1ght· Re1'. • area of dally work. gram. I Demonstration M~etlng with em· ·1 ng and Mr. A. u ivan, Div. I which Magistrate George Tr c ett There is a greatly intensified ef· Newfoundland is among the first :~.,···'~' h• :mnounccu : In NOI'ember, 19~8, the fourth of! Mr. Floyd Griesbach, National phasi~ on Parliamentary Pro· 1 of Agriculture. , was master of ceremonies, the fort along that line in Newfound· three. or four provi~ces in c~n· c :h •.'1:••'"" to the8e new t)'pes ol mluiana will I Secretary, Farm Radio Forum, I cedure, and Program E1•aluation,: Clothing - people of Clar2nvllle freely land for men to meet together and ,.ad m electm potcnllal, ~ 1 1 t~e ~ll~s Constan~ .~:ave 3 hyd~o · ,... rr.. , 11 '" ISits he held namely Civic and Pall-/ Toronto, put recreation and dis· ·A l'arlcty of teaching methods, Cooper, Dh. of A. E. , of services and facilities to make work jointly for the common yet 1t 1s one o_f the few re· 11 hl~ 11 1 ~I.Sc., an~ ,:•:'lr·· herr he ill ·tical Life Mlsaiona, An attempt 1 cuss ion into showing the many of which could be used by Emphasis throughout the pro·; the 4·H Leader Training-Confer- 1 good, the Premier said, and added: mam1ng parts of Canada, where horrnw ac 05 a~tlon, ~· .,..;,· •'I the ~ Pcl to ' will be made here to· have the 1 vital role each can play In any local leaders In their communi· 11ram was placed on the well· ence a pleasant and worthwhile that this de 1·elopment of groups :; great number of the people st11l ~" rhar.~~ ,:c,,.-::1• Dr. 'whole Church tliscuas the Chrb· i group effort, e.g, 4-H Clubs, Farm: ties were employed in present·· rounded development of uch :working together constitutes one 11lummate thw homes by kcro· rr :Mi lhr 1 ~homson e1~nt. ., :ole ''" ' ~ r.;r.~ ical'e; tian's rluly In cil•ic and political ' - ·--- ,· · ~----- o( the mo>t promisin~ thin~s I hal sene lamps. Wbtn r 1 i :'('~wrortd ·~ ~~ \\ct.d! Ln.II"CrSit)", lilc. There will be discuulons and. I • . • I E t c t Blocked has happened in l'\ew!oundland in 1~he del'riopme.nt of "".· trr pOW· 'i':our Grace, lef! on ~l1a1 rcl1 • lng, an eighteen year old youth, sorin~ Committee last night told Icc emerged from law hanging comfort from the ice blockade, an! land's narrow-guage railway was for goods mol'ing !ram the Atlantic .. , tP~R. the ~econd : to enter the Parkey C nle at: won the judges decision after the Newa that the judges had a mist aver the ocean and rafted annual certainty north of Bona· dcscriberi in the Commons Thurs·; provmces to the rest of Canad• . 1 •. :':''" ,, 1 mi.<>ions will; Boston, where he will undergo: speaking on the subjed "ls W;;r dificuit task ln deciding the win· lnto the harbor, leaving a few vista Bay. They 1tock up plenti·: dar as "the greatest ob·i But it would be more help If the ·•. , •.,' ". ·!I he l'nmmun· medical examinations. HI! Ex-~ Ever Justlflcable'', Runner up. to ner last night with the !our cam· lakes ol open water· along the fully In the fall and take the lack I stacle to Newfoundland's prG-, same increase were applied on 1.... ,, • j ccllency will be absent from his the winner was fifteen year old petitors giving a very high calibre southern edge but halting all ship- of fresh foods as a matter of • gress.'' ·shipments to the Atlantic prov· · . , . . . diocese lor about 3 weeks, Lawson Hillier of Grade X ol St. of public speaking, ping course. Alan FrasP.r (L-SI. John's East) inccs. 1 11 1 • :n '"'• " '' ons: Michael'& School. , The following is the list of the N~ vessels entered or left the The Ice claims few victims said it is essential that the single· ·1 ''' !•r .,.,·~ral l~rge w k J _ By his win last night ln the four contestants ln last night's port Thursday although the block· among the Ice-wise Inhabitants of track line across the island prol'· Newfoundland imports from the ... :·11ft r•hmpa1 ;t~h 0 /"t11 I or ers uave eastern leml·llnala Walter will now aeml-flnals: . ade lifted lon'g enough earlier in the northern reaches, but the ice· ince he converted to standard rest of Canada had risen tram ·' ' r · clll · 110 into the finals against the Walter LeRrnlng, age 18, Grade the week to allow several ahlps !Jelds often bring tragedy when guage like the rest of Canada's S55,000,000 before Confederation ···r~: Rrt:am II' con· iF Lake W bu h winners o! the Boys aemi·finals XI at Bishop Feild College; Sub- to come ln. they move In farther south. Con· rail lines.. in 1949 to an estimated $1~,000. '''n:rh.•llr }am~~lgns; Or a S In the western, central and Avalon ject '!a War Ever Justifiable." A shortage of fresb fruit! and ception Bay was icebound· this Speaking in the budget debate, 000 a }·ear. Exports to Canada, Rr.ln~. · oose i Icompetitions held at their respec· Lawson Hillier, age 1~. Grade X vegetables were reported ln St. year at the end of January, earl·· he said Newfoundland's expanding. which were 511,000,000 before • The second Rroup of workers . tlve areas. The !Ina !a in the con· ~t St. ~lichael's School; Subje~,t John's but this was ended by the lest in 30 rem, but periiou~ vcn· 'j imports from the rest of Canada i confcderati_on, _had ,. not shown a ~rnrt~r~· ~r lo ao to Labrador this month left Itest will be held at the regular Woman s Place I! In The Home ·.arrival ol shipments earrled across tures out on the 1ce were w1thout have put an intolerable burden on carrespondmg mcrea~e. i of \•·' '".· \lol·emrnt.1 1 Will here thiR week !or Lake Wabuah weekly luncheon of the Rotary James Simmons, age 16, Grade the ice-clogged Cabot Strait by: mlshap until this week. : tlle line. He hoped the sun·cy ~lr. Fraser also proposed co-op· ' c;" ''" ~ ll~milton,, wh~re they will be employed on Club on Thursday, April 4th. . XI at Macpher!on Academy; sub· 1 Canadian National Railways ves·! Hope has all bul vanished .for, transport prolJlerns of the Atlantic cration between the federal and 1 J.":,lr!1 Soprr of Lon·. the con!truction of the railway I The N!ld, winner in the Boy a · ject "Physic~! Train1n11 Should Be sels and brought to St. John's by I Chesley Littlejohn, 18, and James: provinces, announcer! in the bud- ;>:ewfounct:anct g. orcrnmcnts to Jm · ' :: con~uct mu·. which will connect the hUll! mine Public Spcaklni Conte~! will win I Compulsory. I rail. Ro 5e, 19, ol Bell Island who set 1 get. would lead Jn a thorou~h im- proi"C !err) semc~. b~tll"ccn Port· O·ha'.l'l and /location with the Knob Lake rail·; an all-expen1e1 paid trip to Ot· I Ranntc Norman, R~e· 18 .• Grad~ Moat provisions for Newfound-: out )!onday in search of seals . and prorcmcnt in 1\'ewfoundl;nd's rail u~al C'u1·r """ the 1ron ore ccntl·e . 1 . way. I tawa for four day1, May. 21st., XI at Prince o! Wale! ~,ollo.ge, land come by rail from Nova Sco·: decided to walk 10 miles acrols svslem. of Bell bland. on \be c;~~t ~aa'l "''"'.":.!'. Life ~ll;; ona h · b 1 IO 1 1 d· 22nd., 23rd, and 'l4th. incluaive on· Subject "Sir Franc!! Drake. I tia via Port aux jlasquea and the the tight-packed but treacherous; · ~!r. Fraser •aid he welcome.' The Trans-Can2da- llig'1•o.ay ;:::.rm• ol lhe local T e 11roup nu~ erk n~ 1 ,' r nc u d · blockade of St. JOhn's creates lit- plans to Harbour Grace. the bud~et"s announced inerca,

1 ~ l;".idi 1~ tourlnll: Bruni Wiele Hotel and will preach He Wll In • crltleal condition Thlt. Grand Jury brought In A! al latrhge !Setal 'ht erdfoBff rlab~a~or and I Extend Open Season 0 . ,. d 1' S d at Moncton and Sack· for the 'first few hour1 after ad t bill t d J th s · n e rail e e s e area. · · f ,,. and Re·, d·cated that 2000 to 2500 bea.l'er 1·: ia•trrn Can a a on un ay · . 1 1 Ch ... 1 1 t th H I'•) b t b • rue yes er ay n e upreme The vessels Algerlne and Terra The M1mster o " mcs 1 ~ .c. "l Juhn·a on· ville, Wesley 1\'.emor a ur"''' m IS on o e DIP"', u egan Court in the cue of Patrick Dunn, Nova have re rted back to their sources, the Honourable W. J. I could safely be remared from the' and will conduct a conference on /to Improve following the operation, Gerald Bennett and James Ryan St ~ h , th t th Keough, stated last night that the areas now ope~ to trapp1ng but. 111· 1 0 -· \,,,:.1 1 Sal' :'~larch ,;Christianity and the National He 11 the IOn of Mr. and Mn. charged with breaking and enter: how?m ,n 1 'th n ~d \s ea~~ unusually severe weather ex per· formation rece,1ved !rom. the held •.,r:r n~ conducted.· · Life". , I George Bannlater · Ing, f orc1'bl e de ten tl on, an d d am- stowedaH Bel away. era However,oun aeathe Hall· ienced dunng· J anuary an d F e b ru- sa t f! of th e '' Udl1fe Di"tsion• indi · • ~~ ·chmtianity and: He will preach in St. John a, ages to the Purity Factory en the fax-owned Arc tie Prowler has dam· ary has greatly hampered the trap- cates that the catch up to th~· pres- . L:f 1"' at St. Newfoundland on Sunday, March Report On night of February 5th. aged her rudder and Ia reported ping of beaver. ent is not m~re than 500 amm~ls. 1 • 31rt. !ltayinll: at the N~wfound· The three accused wert arraign. headlng for St. John's for repairs. Trappers have reported great dif· Therefore 1t has been decideil to )! :n I 1 'lontreal, '-larch land Hotel. Co b} ed in the Supreme Court yesterday The blockade of St. John's is ex· ficulty in locating the beaver 1 extend the open se_ason for baver rJf.n~ at the Laur·l April 2nd·3rd Dr. Berry will ffiffillffica e afternoon at 4 Q'clock, and Patrick pectel! to continue today at least hou~es and the ice thickness is 24 i trapp1ng until Apnl 20th. It -~~ and will conduct a conduct 1 conference on "Chrl11- A r & Sons Dunn pleaded guilty, The other with 1 foreca 5t of "continued to 36 lnrhe!, In previom yearR I hopd th~t the extended sea!on Wl o: "Chriltianlty and tianity and the National Ll!e" n~l:leases I ~~he Dire~tors ~~ yp eOllt. ent i two pleaded not iUllty, and the !strong IOU!hea~t wind! of 25 gust· alternate mild periorl~ exposed not only allow I he persons al~eady l.:lr" a·t St. Ja u lin St John'a -""=' ' ., a p m 1 trial Ia set for March 26th. lng to miles an hollr." The Ice· hearer and ice thi,•knrss was. to trap_ th_e quota anna~nceG1 ~b ~ 1 3~ haus~' hcen!~

Ram and drizzle, windy. Hllh 39. professional nursing services. Is given ta graduates of Home Nearly 400 Newfoundland women Nursing to qualify them as Clvll have comp(eted the Home Nunlng De(ence Auxiliaries. course, Of these 111!arly 200 11ave Voluntl!1!~ profeuional nurses TEMPERATIJRE 7000 houn of voluntsry nursing give freel1 of their time. to act as ~ervice ln hospital!, clinics and Instructors. , . in fact In one year Ilia. llu. homes throughout the island. Each 900 ))ours of their time was con­ 11 HaUl ax ...... , 26 year aees an increase In the. num- trlbuted by Instructors in training 'T Sydney . , . , .... , . II ber of women. seeking to lnc~aae 1 home nursing members. Grariuates , 41 St, Jotln'1 ...... Z!l lh~ir skl1L1 by hklng a Red Cross Ia lAo. mist In I hp, Well-Baby Clinic~ Home Nursing eour&P. wh:dnre Pst~bh~h!d In 20 b~anch· Additional course ol instruction es acron Newfoundt'and. , THE DAILY NEWS, •FRIDAY, MARCH '

THE DAILY ·NEWS I. I· iA. .., .. '· . In The ·News . ' ' .. t••. '. Ntwtoundfond's Olff~ ·Morning Pap•r ·' By .VA YF ARER • Tha DAIL'i NEWS Ia 1 morninl PBPII establia;,cd \n 1894, and pub~iahed Bl thtt formerly aupp!ied by the New­ DONALD "tWI Bulldlnl, 3~~3~9 Dl1Cklvort11 lltreet, TUT,TUT, foundland Hallway. He doesn't ~l John'a, New[oundlan:i, by RoblnsM • We have never met Donald '!Ike the look of them as they ap­ 'I ac· ~mpany, Limited. Gordon but his pictures reveal a pear in hls profit and loss rugged and pugnacious· counten· count. He likes still less the in· MEMBER OF TBE CANADIAN PRESS ance that might well have been gratltude of Newfoundlanden, Tbt Calladllll Presa. i.l exclusively' entlt!Pd carved out of the granite of his who, irtstead of being thankful ~ the uu far republlcatlon of aU neWI native Aberdeenithlre. Nor do for anything that C.N.R. decidea In Its' wisdcm1 to give them, com· !~IcilY In tbil paper credited to It or 111 his looks belle him. Witness his frequent clashes with parliament· plcin bitterly of the Inadequacies [he Associated Preu or Reuters and al!o tb• ary committees. Witness particu· · of th.e railway and coastal service. ocal t'lewa puhllahed therein. larly tile fierce exo!langes with • • • our own Ches Carter who seems· But lngra tes though we may All l'ml aervlc• and feature artlclrt . bl B.\Ai... oi.JJW;\..'JUFn.ON RATES to have a peculiar faculty for be, we cling to the curious notion thla paper are eop~·rl1ht 1nd their reproduct!oa rubbinG Mr. Gordon the wrong that we hal'e as much rizht as Cuada ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. , ..... 110.00 per IDIIUII II problblted. way. In the late!! of these jousts, any cltltens of Canada to a good • the President of the Canadian transportation service. That may Ulliled KU11dom aM Ill be unreasonable but it sometlmel Menttltr Au111t Bureau Of Nltional Hallways let It be known FoniJII Countrlca ..... 114.00 per annu• that he thought Newfoundlander• brings results. At least, Mr. ClreulaUona. were an unreasonable lot. Tho Gordon ha~ been goaded into Authorized 11 aecond elw mill Post OWe• reason might be· that we have a sending down a high-powered Department, Ottawa. habit of sa)·lng our piece in good committee tu examine our trans­ set terms when occasion demands port problems and come up with • il. proposals for their solution. What ------FRIDAY MARCH 22, 1957 • • • will come of it remains to ba 1\lr. Gordon h~s had a spe~· seen. Its members have put in a lacuiar career. Tran~late;J to lot of time ln th.eir study. But Speaker. from the moment of his election, C"nnda from his natil•e town of there may be a great dillr.rence between whot ollicials of the I. ceases to be a party member and become:Y Oldmeldrum in Aberdeen, he en· I,. The Session Begins !ered the Bank of Nova Scotia "chosen instrument" will re­ '' the custodian of parliamentary righ l and commend and whnt the penpia lt is immemorial custom that opposi­ as a boy, wns Deputy Gol'ernor privilege in behalf of all members. of the Bank of Canada at 37 and of this province have a right to tion speakers should describe the Speech impcl'ious director nf Canada·~ regard as a minimum standard of The last Speaker, 1\lr. Sparkes, was from the Throne as an emptv document. Wartime Price! and Trade Bnard ellicient lervicr. compelled to retire for reasons of health at the n~e of 40 years. Soon after • • • "More notable for what i't d~es not con­ It is ccrtoin !h<~t :l!r. Gordon after se\'en years of distinguished and' l\'ewfa•,Jndbnd became a pro· tain than for what it does contain'' is the l'incc, he came to the prrsidency has no ri~ht to pat himself on often' arduous ~el'\"ice. His successor, 11[ thr L'.:\'.R. anrl ran headlong the tmk for nll his railway may honoured platitude. But the fact is. of lDve donr. lor Newfoundlanct. has had the ad\'antage of being Deput~· into the he~rie;\ nnd mo~l con· course. that the Speech is a de\'ice which How much l~ immaterial if it Sp~akcr throughout that period and w:1s stnnl barrngr or criticism he ha p in an tmfortun· ~rr.l'ice l'.N.n. rcnJers in New· th~ wol'lrl, mea;ure~ the strength a !l'ar \here tomorrow, we're in it. The meeting o[ reprc~Cll\!1li\'e:; of tl:r. !II' for a long time and changes should be atr• spnl. mu>l h:1l'c constan!l)' loundlamt. Anrl if our nnwillin~· and direction of the rarth' s ron· But lt will be at least two month~. or llll•i )L,:-·. hrfocr: Amalgumated s~hoo\ Boards of ::\ell'­ wi,hetl t11nl a rnilway had nel'i'r ness to tolernte an lnacleqnate ;I antl)·-changing m ngr.·~tic fielf thr tour of thP MiddlP EH~L H~ will Yisit !R rn•:n'l:". !hrPe day~ in each. Thi.1 isn'l much time to ::h'rn n'Jt holida1· in St. John's must be re\'i\·ed. :t As ~chool registration grmrs. as the necJ a 11 ,wa to cHrr)· on the semces rulate. m3~netic north. II A mRrin~r nr A Is at ·least satisfaclor~· to know that it of new classrooms increases. the pressure 3 -·:.--:::=:iilli nal'i!(at~r ,; ~n aircrAft wan!• In th~t h~1·e defied 10lution lor J~ of th~ earth'$ molten Furthermore If Richard~ should annouorr tr't h! I opinions to be full_,. ~entilated. cation can be imprm•ed to the ad,·antnge the functions of the Dominion the Instance of the Profesolonal Ci1il Serl'ice is to be made. He core. 10-million-dotl;:,r ~id program in the fir't coli!llry he ri<,:!, Of wider interest will be the report of of the province's children. !nstitute. Nevcrthele!ls, that, Magnetic chsris showing tfle rli­ \ broke tile news In an addnss to along with other Issues, is a mat­ other 17 would feel hurt If lt didn't get !hr ~"mr. the South West Coast Commission and the Profcosional Institute of the rtction all< nl:u<•r: ~x: remonstralL'n It has hel'n ob.,Pt'\"ed thnt the Spcel'lt fou nda linn ed Ul'B lion. ('<111111H'llli themsrll"rs lu i'Hrlia· JOB area- sl!l·h as the A1·ctic and An­ irleration and relief from the railway think that t?is com·ention of amalgamat­ t:nitrd ~tale.; press that l1e facrs hR, unclouh!edl" rrr'~ hPBrl \~ - , ,r[rul\ 11"1 lll I have these point at which Parliament ha! Whether long or !hart. har~ rletic~ which picks up the rlirrr· b~!ore thrv• ran be put into r!ferl. RrP''"'· I' · I•· ' 1 The matter of public finance ls one that · lost Its onrc intimate knowledge or relatively easy 11ill depend, tion ~nd inl~n~ill' of !lie m~gnPtie agreements during r~ent ) ears ha1·r bren rnnrr r '· . . 1111 ~ • will be full~· _,·entilated in the Budget of the worklns of this body of howel'er more on the contents of lie!d, frnm Bn '8ircrlft ~ra!in2 1 10 WHAT THIS 18 TAKEN In me.1n 1• 1~< ' ' Speech and the subsequent debate. For public !Prvan!~. messages he gets from hi.! folate reeordin;ts pas, tl1rnu:;1! ft h~nk of 11 Strength For Today 1 A DPpartm~nt In Washington, thoo el~etronlc computer!. gj 'in~ In· r~commend! will tml'e to be a 1hnrl rani:P rr"l"~t. '' To large extent, PN"llament t l ,l·r ,,, \rrl that reason, it has hardly required refer­ has been ln!trumental ln the on Mr. Whitney's p~rsonallty. It t t N! ding in th for.n of ing. Ra \1 road and waterways deve l opmrn · · · will also depend upon what In· ! an a s e d ence in the Speech. promotion of this· condlUon by a • . d h\ . [ ,rir< "ii\ ~ fiVPPOBT OF TB! SPIRIT terpretations th eStat De art· numbers and !(!'ap~s. The~ reR . Accompanyll'lll Richar 3 as s pnnr1r• · ~~I El.': too ready acqule!cene ln permls­ e P !n~s make It pomble tn immed· 1 11 In his own opening day statement, · t l t-t" "' ' "" r Admiral Richard E, Byrd, preparing to get un· !'ive legislation brought before ment plaecs on reports. received lately determine the ~trenltth and Latbrum, d eputy asmtant secre ary o ~ ·' c • ' • 1 · • Premier Smallwood has emphasised his !rom II! Ambwsdnr. Vi hat Brit- dl tl of magnet! field in a and Cedric Seager south Asia and AfricJll reponJ der w~y lor thr mn~t haurdous journey yet to lle It by the Government. The result ini!'I'C'S( in the support of pRrl\amenlat·y hn~ bc~n that MlnlsteorB have l!>!n wants mCII'e tllan anything rec on a e International Administration. Both mA~C to thr. antarc!le Ice cap, had anme ver)' Is a definat\on of United particular ftrv:"A. Coop~raUon ~re crcatcrl ~rrcir-t administrative cle<~r in~titution~ with special reference to the rellections to mnke upoh tne necessity all pu tMlddle East project planning. intere~tin~ ~rnups within snme of their Dt!­ States foreign policy, cspeeial!y Kcl" tn the m~ch!nP'~ ~llct'~'' h ., .. r·l!tH·,; sm~ll size of the opposition. In this fnr aound morr.i character. ln respect of mRiter] In which n horizontal lr,>'ro-st<~bilizcd plat. ICA Director John .B. Hollis\t'l' '"t .... n,r '"" , , , partmcnt! to' which they are • . . I ; ~ rl'rn! ' "Operation Deep Frecte" 5aid Admiral Brru, alt,cherl, ha1•e become lnereas· the Free World has a common form, which kP~p~ thP. rrcordln~ 11 1 re5pcet, it might ·well be t•onsidercd projects from the counlnes he .~'~':lrrl " ' · •. , '··'"' :r:' "becau~e of ilA Rcope anrl duration will subject ingl:· <~clive in the dlstrihulion interest. · in~lrumcnt~ lei'PI while in flight. 11 whether the time is not ripe for prol'iiiirm trip around the world. But Hnll1strr '"''' "" • .. '", more men tn the hazard~ nf Ant:~rclka Rnrl to n( puhlic revenues, especially The BritiRh are both hospit. Exact cost of the machine, huill . • l I [ r - ill~ : ,' 1''1 . h1s nr~1n purpo;e~ ~>as · lo ron prnp r " • c • ,,,,d · fnr ~pecial ~ecrelarial sen·ices for the ~ince ~ncial serl'icc5 have hcen able to cmissRries from abrn<.O at th~ Dominion O!Jserl'ltOr)· b~­ • h. 1 11(''"" 1'! lhr pRrtlcul&r haurds of p\onecrin~ in unchR!'tcd and Rpprrciative of thoRc natural thi'TP w~• a new 2QO.mi\iion·rloll~l· J-1' I'",... · ,··~t :rr<· oppr>~itinn. Area~. than any previoUR expcrlition in h\.1\nry. adoplrd •·~ ~ major pRrt o[ the tw('en 19~ and 19~2, i1 not lm~wn llni'!'Tnmcnt'~ business. 'l'hcy rti!f!'Tences of viewpoint in coun· thr~ ei'N)' country .;houlcl lnmy ~nd 1r1 1" • ,,., The le<~rlet· of the opposilioR is nnw To he ~uccP!slul and lo come throu~h iafetv we hec<~lltd transport airtraft. The named by the rarely ell by Its 1rowing remotenHs nHic !i~ld~ tJ. the three Prairie ls ~ajoritv but It rr~her than aubmlt to Communism rtquested Brl!l!h official who nld thAI 1'rovinc~s w~re chilrtPd in detul * from the admlnlstrati\'e proeess@s tryina tn Unlttd yntl yhUr MM. 15 happens that his election' is without th'e Tibetan Blbl• h toon u he reached 'i'oklo. ' of the clvll aervice, end, to a unil~r!land ~~~h til~~ 1ft three $It!. it would hal'e . lf.en art reacblnl today for the &uppCI\'t of the larltt elrtent, Ita IJilor&nce of Stilei policy i.! l!imilir to.al'dP. · 116\hlllt thm.~ ttlren reara til &, 121• .lob by unanimous consent of the whole House. Inc • hanMul of IIMke: "WA~!I th!i to~rtllklnl dll!l An4 it la ript thtt it lh6Ul4 bt ttl tor tl\1 l~t. . thoee proeeuM. . \ ( .

I...... --~· --·- •I

l 'DuPont Of '· :Canada Sales Up I MONTREAL, March 18. - Sales : reached $68,606,000 In 19M, It New wu announced In the annual re· port of Du Pont Company of Can· ada (19~6) Limited released to­ At 1 day. The phyalcal volume of pro- 1 duct. shipped to customers estab­ ~on:: n. Fa&U, Cou,cl! etalllta tl • Sudp, • I Ushed new recorda r.11d wu eisht ~~yre's Men's Department lbl'ft cll'fiiMll, • lfWIPI!III' etltof, I ...... ,lor :per cent rreater than In 19M. lfilrl'•· Ean llltklt t1 1 ....., II 11 ICft1l cUt Mitii'J. 1Subatantlal price reductlonA made

IT,..U n ,...... tb\ u" Mil hal\ wl~ ~ reo \1 on nylon yam late In 19a~ and m~n ... CMU~IerL early In 1966, however, limited 11 the lncnaee In dollar ulea to F -1 want I'D)' own 1 THE COUNCIL: It Ia a very two per cent. . 1 t.ouah thinl for any mill to have Ne( Income of $4,91!9,000 was bu no- . Lhe retponalbUity for makinll ldver~ely 'affected by the price two womf,ll. hlP!l)'. He wl;,. reductloru and expenses Incurred 1, uauall.y wind u~; like Tom, with In connection with the dlvenlflca· ' F- \ly husband WI~ a: maltlnl them boLh. urahappy. tlon proJr&m. I As I result, earn· . . ! 1111 11 40. Twa years I Tam ahould rtallll lL Is not lnil of 117 eenta a common •hare ,:en "e marrlrd 1 he told true tllat Gertrude "doesn't as~ were 23 per cent lower than In . •""ld 1:1 c with his plder I anythlnll for herself." She Is the precedinll yeu, !~!though hllh· ·.,, 1 .hr t·ould "llet uaed. ukln11 for a areat dell, but abe er than the corresponding figure

,ctr.1 of hi• being mar· i ulu for it. cleverly, under the for 19M. Dividends on the corn· T'ru "r wuuid ao tu live: IU1'&a of beinl wllllnl to make rnon atotk at 1!0 ceniJ a ahare . ,,. " h1>~nc. I further aacrlflcu for 1'om'a hap- were at the aame rate as In re- o nr:· ,,qcr, who 1.~ un· p!ne!s. cent years. , ·· . ,,,,iy hrought Tom up.l Gerlruc\.,e hu Tom boLind on In dlscuulnl the year 1 opera· ;, ,,,,,, R ll'ilrn their par·: the altar o! her "aacrlflcea." She ;,ion• tbe report. noted th&t ~ 1c.l ~~~n l;crtrude was a, undoubtedly meant well. She I throughout 19~6 average nylon .· I:" though did ot. realize what aha was I pr!cea WPre 18 per .o · n ~nn . . n I cent below appro~lrnatelythe lel'tls prevailing . rJ • r"•ltr hamr. She! dolna. but with every new sacrl· at the beRlnnlnR of 19~~.'' As ; 1 .,.r• as soon u ~he 1 r!re ahe tied Tom tl&hter to her. part or the dlveulflcatlon pro· : 1 ·~ .::ppurtrd Tom~ She needed him more than h~ gram "twq new planla wero ·' ,. ::r;,·. : needed her, for silt systematic· I brought In Ill producttlon - the .• , .,. ·~>I (r~rlnult hu 1 ally el!minatfd frcml her life •automotive and lndustr!lll. paints ,,_, .!:, ,., for Tom, but I' ~~·er~·t11in1 that could ha\'c 'plant Rt AJu, On!., and \hP.

... , "· my own home- brought her personal happiness\ •Freon' fluorinated hydrocarbon3 1 1 , ·• "·"' tl1J\ 11 r ~rr ll.Oin& Rnrl threw on him the responal· re!rl1erant and propellent plant • , , ''·'r.• \ly I111~1Jand ha~ llllity for mr.klnll her happy. ! at 1\l<land, Ont.-and In both Famous Name Brands in a '. . ·, '".,.,,k thr proml5e I Once Tom recognizes these I cue~ the company experienced the 1 1~: ~·r crlll:·r \If llerc ma.r·. r~rll he may be able to CD~ .jnel'!table period when Initial galaxy of colours and patterns! :with lhe problem a little better. l'olurne Is lnsu!llclent to operate ' • ' 1 Should he IUI'e his sister Rlone I at a prnlitahle lHel." To!JII Op!'f· ·: 1 ',I'. ''''.N ha~ 1101: ~nd slrk? There ~N many lac· alln~ costs wm-r sl~n 11ffected ed· · .. , ,, • " ·.ill·r• · for mr, tor~ In consider. 1f she Is seri·: l'ersely by nthPr rxpen!CB Incur· .,. "· ·1·•rd 111'1 lif~. ~llr ou~ll' ill ~mt need~ help, he eRn !red in connection wltn the d!vrr· .•. , .. , hN"~II'P ~hr. w1u! hardly do this. · isillcallon progrAm, inch1dlng the LOCAL SOCKS :> ~ ~11'''"~ lnr me and' If shr. Ia In 1ood health out·jtralnlng of staff for plants not yf'1 . ,,.,' ],)1 mr. :'\nw ~irte or I he d!Uicultie! of tile in operation. ' "CANCRAFT" ANKLE STYLE .,. ·"'·~' "' '''P "0rlrt but. mrnopau~z. It is possible that a. Approximately $11.~88.000 II'a! WORK 1 cll~n!IP In 1\l'lll!: condition~ will i ~pent on cons_truct!on, rturlnR the Wool end nylon, diamond patterns ...... l.OO pr • .,. .,.,,,, r~ r·o~~y. I h~rt do her goQSl. The effort of set·; )'ear, represented pr1n~lpallr by 1007o stretchy nylon, plain shades ...... 8Ck. pr. . •• -·_:_dr w••ttld rc~li7.e ling up 1 new life and 1 newlthe explosil'&e.,Pi<:>nl ~t No.rth Ba)·,• 1 · make· plans to limited mean• Ont., ~nd the Orlan acl"il\c fibre SOC·KS Wool and nylon, fancy patterns ...... 1..40 pr. 1 1 " ·1 · · 1 11ome, tl'en on •• 1 t t 111 It! d 0 t ·Thl f< lo act UP' 11 ....- ut fa moran o!\pan a a an' n. 8 ex· Nylon and silk, 5tretchy ...... 1.50 pr. 'h,-: <~:HI . r may pu cr-"1' 0 0 penditure increas~ total Invest· ,., •. :•c•:·C~:·.~nl. l!n ortun· drpl!ndency and ael!·plty. 1 1 t d tl b 1.50 pr. Orion and nylon, plain ahades ...... 1.80 P"• ' · · 1 • 11 d men 1 n p an s An proper e! v . 1·r ·~o•n I Jrrn 11 e ur· Tom can help Gertrude to·\17 per cent to $7137~ 000 at Dec. :·. • :1~··· 11nd has !>fen un· warda a new and !uller ll!e by 31 on which dat~ $Q 850 000 re- "TOUGHIESu ~ cic I''' m polntlnl out the many opportunl·l m~lned une:oc;pended ~n ~II pre>- 100% St~:etchy Nylon, ankle style, fancy patterns rar. I walk out nn Y ties !or happiness and aoclal1 jecll under construction. A re- 1.00, 1.50 pr. •.~~n ~!•r i~nl In .tlla best, actll'itles tllat exlat In the world [ductlon of $7,328,000 in cash and "FORSYTH" · . ann 1,;;, liP bod~ to turn 1-outBide of hlm. lf Gertrude . marketable aecurltlet stemmed 100~~ Stretchy Nylon, ankle style, Argyle pattern 1.90 pr. :1 :h.a: a n·;~~onalll~. hu·, had thla larRer, more lhtereslini Ifrom the rapid rate or new plnnt 100% Stretchy Nylon, V2 hose, clock pattern ...... l. 90 pr. .... ~.: •.o ''"· Gc1trude ' life, It is even possible that conJtruct!on achlel'ed during the TIES , ml'•' •'~~~'u~h money to! Peggy '1\'ould hBI'e ~S! objec· ~·ear. "GORDON" -~. ~·: .,.;' I 1 an t·untrlbute 1 t\on to their all ill'lng together. In tcl'iewlng sale~ \he r~porl Fancy and Stripes. Mercerized cotton, black and whitl9 ...... 75c. pr • ~.. : "'~1'•"1. but she 1 G 1 noted an enroumglng lnrrea•e In Sugar and Spice. . 1 .,~i•l 1iwl. She a·rally \ (Copyright.. l957 · ) enern ~hlprnenls o! manufactured fibrr1 a.~ lny\IIIIIK tor hcr~elf. Fea .. rt! ('orp. with "an increa~ln~ acceptance of "INTERWOVEN" nylon rorcl lire! resulting in tht! 1·00 1·50 2·00 Special spun soft cotton ankle socks, fancy patterns .1.50 pr. rubb~r lnrlmtry taking a lar~er !hare of tot a! nylnn production. "PENMAN'S" IDemr.nd from the lext!le lnrlustry. Botany wool Y2 hose, clock ond fc.ncy patterns ...... 1.50 pr. howe1·er, WRI ad1·er~ely affected BOWS Work socks ...... 79c, 85c, 1.00, 1.25 pr. by competition from Imported fab­ ric~ ancl flnl~hed good~." S;~l~s Clip-on ...... 1·00 'WORSLEY" ~ '"' 111 t,..IIWllf. ..,... Iii MIA . , 1M. ....»111 'i of Imported "Orion" arn·lle fibre · · · · - --- • ··:-·- . Wool and nylon Y2 hose, plain shades ...... 1.50 pr. 1 have lncrPR~Pd ~ub~Uintlallv and rTORI": Wllh atolen 1old,, monel'· Even· Yankee money." aizeRble mRrltel for I prri· To Tie ...... 50 1 "~ hi~ 1. ••mn •nd Joe Juuer build · M!lrgan reached lnlo his pcx:kel · rlurt hu brrn rleveloperl In &rl· 1111ailhr~d on lhr Kuua~' and took out a ail1·er dollar. He I vance nf thP commPncernrnt ~I · I ha~ 1ora south Into : extend&d It to her. She started . mama!Rcturr. ~t. Ma!lland in the 1a loll rolllrmn In drlvttlto reach !or Jt, thol a quick lopk [middle ol 1A~7." TIES 'rrd•. ar. th~ town Pumre Bt her father's frowning face, Continued growth In the !~l~s hr 1h1pmrnl to market. On , then shook her head. "I'm too Iof "Cellophane'' cellulo!P !lim WB ''WEMBLEY" ~~ mPrU • K!rl, Call old to take money from men.' Indicated with "r..n lnten;lve pre· SWEATERS "~r. Morgan," uld the gen·, motional proil'am during the· year Wash and wear 1007o Terylene, plain colours and ' ' ' era!, "I presume thil Ia your' brlnlinK about lncreued ~ecept· "Regent Knit" a II wool sl ipovers, "Croyden" crease resistant ...... 1.00 \1'\ r th h name on this bill." . an~ of 'Cell6phane' as a wrapping 1 1ooro nylon, plain colours ...... 1.50 - r~r" nu o r ou~r. , · 1 l\1 rt •1 mEterlal for bretld" · 'M , .... • man ln his Pilrly 1t 1s, 1 r. Y pa ner, " r. · . " pullovers and cardigans in all the. Nor-East, non-crush, plain colours ...... 2.00 : . ~d,.. .·hort spade beard, Ja11er, and I ,Ire bulldlnll this . The report 8tatest t1hat grad w1· · 1 • town en tlle new Kanau & Colo· ln 11 consumer 1n1 ere! n pro uc s Fancy stripes ...... 1.00, 1.50, :2.00, 2.50 .,,~, gra)' woo 1en trous· I rado Railroad It's approximate·~ ualnll aProsol propellents u a. dis· new and popular colours . Tortans ...... :...... ;...... , ...... 1.50 r- 1::~r1s. • had· been re· Ily 100 m!lea west· of Kanan City ..1 pen ...-• nil agen t an dl ncreas 1ng Bl'· ; ':11 ... ~ . sides, but the The railroad hu ruaranteed ua'PIIc~tlon of air-conditioning ~hould "ABBEY" o. ~~~m sull showed. He ldl hi t Ill· i l~oo to higher consumption uf 8 1 1 1 L nylon knit, plain colours ...... ""'""""""": ...... 1.50 i' 100ro 1 &ral woolen ahlrt, with 1 ~~- ,~1, amp ~ PP nl ac 'Freon' flourlna!ed' hydrocarbons 111 "'~ lie about the\' e,;'- In the future." SLIPOVERS A !touch hat wu on hla t i-.ou 0 w~ ad ~hole ,;~wn, Milt Reviewing eompany l(l'owth er exc 1 a me au. ou mua \ throurh expanlllon and dlverslfl· comes," IBid Cass be filthy rich!" , cation during the 2~ year period 3.95 "Dad. this is M.r. Mot· Morgan aent n look toward the i from July 191!4 to December 1936, Cable Stitch ~-ants to talll; to you, I three men by the corral. The 12 major )l'l'Ojectr . are summer· • . ~e "rouldn't say why,: ~eneral Interpreted the look.\lzed which "provide for the en· 4.95 1c: In warn you rlaht away. This Ia their ~.ome. I could not try Into four new Industrial fields AYRE'S MEN'S 11 lank•·• " turn th~tm out. with m11nu!actured prodllct! as • • • I SPECIAL '"""'"~lralrd Gener· well as the arldlllon of a new DEPARTMENT ut lie tllrned to J'olor· TIIF. trail wa! a year ·and a ~ynlhetlc fibre to tbe range ci PUlLOVERS '·•nl ;1 Ill), uut ~ld nul, half u!rl. Mauy r~ln•, inow and those belnK msuu!actured In Can· , , .. d.r 1,. ts. "I low du slrt:l hat! eome and tltmt. Yet ada." •roth I con~trurtlon expentll· 111 V Neck : .. · tltPl'~ Voete ll'Prta Of the l'~ar·ltur~! of $~~.800,000 aulhoriud 1 PURCH.ASE '· ·'" "·"ldecl "iluv.· are· 11u~rd »kiranl~h and 'l'um Ah.l~r i umin~ the p~rlou reprP~~nt an 5.90, 6.75, 8.25

''"·'· ,,, . I II ~~t l'i&ht to h~'! I ill:~ !IIIli! tu stud)' th~m. II wdillon of 48 per C~lll to tlle In· ·... . d · IJtl'll of $56618 UOO Cable Stitch '1hcrw hall t·~--~~~llltli on l'e>lmeut 1 In piant• ' · ~ 1 ~1111 1t•rslan yuu • j;l I'J,'., a t~w h~ 3 d of ~al· lloth »idea and he luund the at July 1, 19~L 8.25 i burial mounds, a long loll' "The company's conf!d~nre In RAYON GARBARDINE I •:1·;• rr rt to pau Ol'tr , mound and a shallow grave be· tne future growth oC Canada sun· Crewe Neck •i 1 111 l•·n· ! , tu "Th t' . low, In whloh were buried the porta the Intention to proceed . I ·nlrPI•IInn;J a'! i ·h~1 . '~th r~~. ct . ~ t' · remain• of 11 !orm~r Co'nfeder· with the dil·l'!'!lficatlon and ex· 5.90 1 - r!f~rl~ tn · · ~ ' ~~e A) 5• ca · ates and a more deeply dui, pans!nn of Ita buslne~s." the report Turtle Ntck I :r ror· ·· t td C \ ~mllllcr 11rave ln which five a.ya, "but until 1everal of the new .'mrJrtrlY fu( 1 WIN:DBREAKERS y \ n!( Prrurl k as& I Union aoldlen had been Inter· plants have been cnmplcled anrt s:so "' ~n rr~ too away d · have reuhed a ~~etlsfactorv level ·,.; ~r h•d ~nd the llen·li re Alder wltle~d the IICOPe of o! operations, earnings mu!l con· '· "!n allowed to \'ole his aearch and It wu thus that Unue to tome mainly or rnt.irely Colours of charcoal, he came upon the overturned from tte existing .•ynthetle fibre airl•• wttl be . Ca.,:· ~~id thr gen· ambulance at the edle of the end film dlvlrions." CARDIGANS :.torgan isn't lnlereat· Iight blue, dark blue 1 ~r ~1 1 rtdle problems.'' cane·brall;e. aldln1, were Identification Button Front 1'1!~ 1 onal I ani air,'' aald Mor· He burled the bonea, bLit not enough, And If that were not 5olh are look a folded bill !rom bffore he rrtud\td them carefully enoullh there wll the glganUe 5.50, 9.95, 10.75 and rust ! Sizes 36-44. and openlnll It, ex· and found the ehunk of lead in latrueture Oil the lOUth side of lip Front ': ta General Simcoe. The the skull, In • poaltlon whlcb I tha trackl, tl!at would be the f'''latl'rt, tllrl\ llcaan read· told Alder that It had been drlvn blllllel!t hotel west of Kanan 6.75 .:::. Hr , 11110 k his hrad. Into the head while lll1 brother, City. . Two-Tone Colours 1 '~-,)· -'""."" called, Mr. Jim Alder, ha~ been lying on I Chad Morgan wu a passenller REG. VALUE . ,,, ~·\rd. "F!rcRme 11 th ,!!round. nn the !!rst trAin that went all 6.75 .~ ,.,: .nlrrr.•l~rl. I tried. Alder IIBI't 111~ nttcnllon thtn the WIY, Into Pawnee 0\ty. It .95 '' ·, ~,:1 hrrd nnrl h la~l! tn the Ambulance. He found the wu actually a work train, con: 9.95 •·~ .. ,.,., n[ ~·our-All-: lrnn·slrRppPd wo~n che8l ~t!ll !l!lln~ nf a dozPn con carrylnl ·.:· '·~. ., lin An pxcc\l~ntltate of pre~erva· railroad ties, one· frel.t~ht ear SLEEVELESS r' '11,-j·.. , "", . lion. He a~ ape~ the lnalde with with tuppllea for the firm of . · '•''' · 1111 lrlrnly anap- the aharp point of 1 knife, found J•oer & M~r 1 an and a eabooae I• ,, ~I. , Ri!!raffl They enouth bl~ of 10ld to know that at the end of lt. 1n whl~ Morgan CARDIGANS · '''~ !.•d 11 ith cuttlnll the the chest ha once been looaly traveled. r•r cent, they stampeded' paeke with 1old. He even found (To be eontlnued) 5~90, 8.25 . . ll'e never got to a •10 gold piece on the ifOUnd I was out th nearby, where It had been apllled dri"~-" e expenua In the hasty tranmr of the C!llr· toulcln't be goinll any• reney to anot'her receptaclt. ~lllsuuri.'' uld Mor· • • • I. net City h a conald· THE ram of Lbe Kansu ~ ' '1lllrt we1t o! tha terri· Colorado lt•lll'tlad had reached •h,~h the Jayh&~kera Pawnee City In arly Match. Th& ' ·nc The dr!YI trould· fratnework of a depot Wll ll• ' 1 1~-and and ready ready up ind part of It !lad ev~n · 61: ..JI!'JiNI~. 'lllll~ be waltllll · fer btn boardet! over, but thua wu ....,~- . 1111 alan M 1t t~ 1a~nUb Pawnu erll'd CaH. "!'1\at'll City. It waan't nec~ry, of ·~ hartn't iot 1111 .ol. eoum. T\1• aUI\ollt comple!.td 14 Ukt 14 llavt lUll lltiOcUarctlf ud loadilll "111, th• ---:--·-... _,..-.---- r~-··-4,, ..... - .. ~

THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, l PERSONAL CHIT CHAT Demitasse Coffee. Adds Eleg«nce To Simple Dinner


1 '' They Are by Noted Designers I, . .. . - . . . ':""""''"·- ... - .. :~ ..... ~~-- .... - "" ..... -- :~-". I ..

FROM GRAND FALLS ... Mr. Ken Goodyear of mand Falla arrived In the city by the expren Wednyday on buslneu, and Ia reglate~ at the Newfound· land Hotel.

!IIEJ\IBERS o! Even the elmplcst dioner Ink~" steam. Thrn remo~e It rr 0111 on eie 0ance when it en us with the h"at and turn the whole right, saated:-l\'lr. oerving o! demitnsse co!lee. In the maker 11!"1<1• ~own until l\l J. H. Harding of B 1oft glow o! candlelight, dainty 1 brew I"" drlpp••d thro,1h. (UpS o! !ragr~nt a!l~r-lllnner co!!ce that's ali !hero I< to it! Il•am· o! Mount oet the •cene !or the best kind o( Th"- proportion• o! ll"ller lehurcly convernatlon. . rolfee lor l•.alian rorr!e do ·st. Anthony: l\Ir. E. Althougll do~m\tnsoe co~ce turns !rom the Anrerlcon me peer ~akc: rv!t·. E. any dinner tnlo nn occasion. the llc~"'"" a r\ltft•r,·nt 11!1, sero:d, the of St. George's: · m~i\e. 'fhcre :11'e thr~P- lf':l)"f' ta or Itali~m rn!lee i~ mat:e It: Amrrican.,tyle. Italian, t<•r o! ta>te. l'u a R>ld tSprrsso. hmer\can d~m\tasse \tailon-ro.ut \'~I)' n,~ h rr.~ulat• co[!~e but hal! again as For Herr tltreo me . s!ror.;; as you usually make ll. Just water, use 3 to li Sta Patrick' uae ~our la1·orlte coffee pot and ~!easures lor ; to 1~ fre!h co:!ee. To make ei~ht deml· ing table•poons) or 00 ~,...... IB.,O servings, use 3 measurln~ Ins on the •tren~th C~ps Of fresh, cold Water tO 6 W\11 )'\elt\ •ix ~·OUr,re ebrafio Sutn·!nrd Co!lee Measures (or 12 eight 3-o·.mce oenlnx•. level measurlr.g tablespoons) or serve this dellrlou< bw• co!!c~. Cream is never used in demi· glasses or. o! co11ne, lo ;o·u Here'• proof that maternity clothes can be as beautiful as other of Paris for an ethereal short evening gown with white satin tuse co!lee, · ~ sugar Is. I! you est demitasse cup•. The p'e!er lump sugar, make It the tiny lemon In thl• co" I• clothea. In fld, these are fashions that a lady not In waltln~ bow placed at high waistline. Long streamers fall from bow to d,: •ize !or this coffee. Perhaps must, ,..1,1\e sllglr i< mlgbl very v.·ell waul to wear. E\·enlng gown (left) by Miguel hemline. Finely pl~aled pale-blue linen makes peignoir and 7~u'd \Ike to add a small tvdst ol How To Mak• Eop ferreru o! Spain hn re-embroldered white lace tunic lop over · ,.. ···\ <-··· ... ~ by S~·bll Connolly of Ireland. Bands of lr~nn peel tor ftavor and color. The wry last word 1 Hc,,, To Make Italian Oemitane dlnr.er col!ees I• •1prwo. pale blue aaUn worn with olive green broadcloth 1klrt. Chiffon, chocheted lace are Interwoven with satin ribbons. These faslt· , Italian co!!ee is traditionally co!ree·makero lise 1tum thla aprlng'• fabric, Is uaed (right) In white by Lanvln·Castlllo .... , ""''' '•··•" s lop designers done especially for Mennen. 'made in a macchlnelta, (pro· to brew this n.•anced mock·e·netta), a two-tiered beverage, and •mall 11prru1 Hanan version or our drip col!ee· chines are nvalla~!e !or ho~ 1 l!laker. Once you've learned to use The amount or co~•e 1our macchlnetta, It's ••. easy as determined by the carac:·r o1 1·2·3. This device consists or two machine. ~Between Us Women- •:yiinders, one with a spout. and a Since there ore a ~offee sieve between them. Measure different kind! o! ' tJ.e dark·roaot coffee Into the sieve on the market, It Is ~~.d put it together wittl the cylin· give general directions lcr Sacr o!er hav\n~ the spout on top, and use. Howc1·cr, all ~rem to bl •'·th measured "·ater In the lower tl,·ely simple to orcr>te 1 ~4 were Ma6~ 11 "' c~l\nder. Place the ma~cblnetta one comes with Its own !!I Rel'erend t'ather 1 O'er heat and wait !or the smnii , etruct!ons. Dark-roa!l, Ontlr who Is I hr. >pi ri 1 ot:e!lln~ In !be lower cylinder to. ~on:ee t• alwar• uoed !or of the Star of the Sea

... llm bcaun, the Pre• ---- .. ··--·--· ·---. the Star of till' Sr 1'. O'Keefe. adrlrc·>rd t e-t~-?:,'&S Fashion priest on behalf o( th father: Ton:11 t!, V~y: of the Star ol th~ S< Ben Burropght h~ve galhrrrrl o Tips e the fca<: of tb r------~------ol Ireland. S:. r the Star o! ill~ .S ired in PIa ~ • n 11 Coal". "tli~ ... ;:~•1'[ r~or. rurs ago il~ r.. trnrl CUI'YCS ~nct , !UP~: of Ire~ or n[ lri>h rlrce · ' \\"Omen ~nft,::-r J~•D'J~ le:-~. St. Palrick'5 Oa1 h.­ elegance. I traditional occil~ron lo dPmonatration o! th ~!an~· of the ne1t rail h. bloused, ,htrrcd or and clus\ers o! •mJ:l noted on man 1 uf tte The,.~ tOO, arc at the ba:i I .I

There are lots of lively !teps aheod for young growing feet in theso new, well-fitting children's shoes!

j• BOYS' and YOt11tl' Yoor fal'orlte 1tep-in 1tylin1, CLASSIC OXfORDS '"' IUIIIIIII' 1 flatt~ring "prince!!" silltouette- ' .....,_ L•na ,."'' from Featuring sturn~· call l!l~itr tJe, ,.S1250.-IIItllllh!!tl mo,.J 1 what a wonderful combination to upprn • n d long-wtlnnl !111 d in this lovely new dreul MISSES' PATENT composition !Dit; and rub­ MCIIfM,. PA ,.MINt I Simple, 1oft llne1, adaptable to FLAT-HEEL P,UMP ber he<> Is. Blac~ or Bl"l11"n. Ill I 11 I :Ill man~ fabric, many d!Herent occa­ Long-wearing composition Youth>', !iZe! S.l SJ7 .61 I po.94 I SU.27 alontl-it'• aure to be the star of loles. _ Bow trim. 1 your new !Prini wardro~ l Sizes 11 !{) 3, 3.00 up .. Pattern 4616: Mines' Sizes 12, Bo' ,·. ,; 1~, t tn i f U, 18, 18, 20; 40, SIZA!i · 18 takes ·$3.95 1 '~' yard,· 35-inch hbrlc. ·s4.50 "P Thla pattern euy to use, •lm· pie to ·aew, Ia test~d for fit. Hu complete illustrated Instructions. Send FORTY CENTS (40 cents) IIIII: U ..U!ID •D'ILDDIO In coins ( 1\anip~ cannot be accept· · na ... ~,.rt~ llmt· PIIOICii llllloUA edl !or this Pitlern. Please prl!U ...... kiO

Jll..~!~~ ~ .: ~" :~·; :.~: :.::.J:~·:c:~. '.1:-"ll'V...'lil"D'Jn>::n tl!ecn~~· '" 11 Prl -·SI


, ...



'!DIBERS of the Associated School Boards of Newfoundland mel Wednesday for discuoslon at the Department of Education. Left . -~· ,ca:cd:-:\lr. Small, Rev. R. 0. Dav.ics of Corner Broo~: l\-lr. C. C. Loughlin of Corner Brook, president; Mr. C. Tibbo, secretary; .. : 11 ]larding of Buchans; :Mr. R. I. Mercet· and Mr. E. A. Laing o! Bay Roberts. Second row:-Mr. l\1. G. Green of Deer Lake; Capt. ·"· "r :\lount Pearl. Glendale; J. Cater o{ Grand Falls; E. Culbourne of Stephenville; W. H. Moores of Grand Falls; Dr. G. Thomas '. ;· .\"':1Lln,·: :\lr. E. White of Howlcy; Mr. George LeGrow of Gander, and Mr. Harold Dyke of Badger. Third row:-Mr. Bert Stratton ~: J.;\;r: :\It'. E. 0. Whitewav of Bishop's ~'all~; Mr. Clifford Jewer of Stephenville; Major Charles Hickman of Gander; Rev. T. R. ~',; :-;: George's; l\lr. William Hicl. Thr Olfic· SrH," w~ will be abl~ to fuilill any 1clratnrd p:neapple. Combtne !lak· In have the Aerves of a La~ \'e0a1. in ''Lust lor Lifr."l ~ .: ,. 1 ~ 1 JhP sea ann the· hak required or u!." cd Ihh 111\h cream, salt and pep-; ~Rmbler, the courage ol a mone 1 BEST DIBF.CTION: George Stev- 11 ;c:.o"" thr l'atlrl!. I Durlnll Mn11 1levrrcn1l Fnthrr per llnll place on top o! pineapple, stunt man, the buin crlls ol ens fm· "Giant." ~ 1 tlf.-'ll' t11 clel'en the . Hunt apokf on the lite nl St. I'H·IIleut lo,iother the potnto, egg, ChariPs Vnn Duren and the daring ~ BEST SOl\G: "Whatcl'er Will to: ., •.:r;' 1n the sacred trick ann his areal work (11 r God . mt!k and pa~rlka and spread OI'Pi' or a Hollywoon private eye. Br, Will Be." 1"Que Sera, Sera") :. ~ ~.:. ·.•rcr \Ia;; ""' cele· in Ireland. Revct·end Father Hunt' the ll.lh mtxlure. Bake In a' 11·s !he mQst wide-open !ield of, fc·om "The )!on Whn Knew Too ;.· , r.,·.r:rncar. ~~, '-'. ps • c~:.rt :hr fralion it.• artistic merits. ~ r.•hrr "' wnttld lik~ ·the Sacr~d Heart Chur~h. During two members alud)'ln& for the 1if I 80 nver the eli!!. And it ~ottln 1Ln•t year a "little" !ilm, "Mart)·,'' J .. :o I lis Grac•, The~ ill parade around Placentia the l priesthood In Ireland. 1 happen, BP.Iling ml¥ed up with· rnpped the Oscar. This )'ear it's I*

·~• • rrl' hrJI wishes! Star of the 8ea Assoclillon slop· I · In the Afternoon • fru mo1·le r puulera like this: : lhr ,bailie of bill commerciRl .~ ~ .r:.. and Billrr His ped at the home~ of two of .It~ hon·,was shown to the children of·lhe "Has Hollywood !orgil'en the ·-a.nd fal'ouritel-that could split[· ..; "' ronlmurd support! onr)' membcra: Patrie\! .1. O'Keefe town. exile-Ingi·ld llergman?" I the voting, iil'ing Oscars to the· i · : anrl John Hartigan, ll'hcte the A big dance held In the Star "!' \he third time the charm lor long shols. · :. 1 wu "'' br,l ... · i •·•r tn n!lrr lo you; band played lri!h arlectlon,, and Memorial Hall durln11 the night Dthorah Kerr?" I : t 1 hop• and """ ~.rt Fathrr Hunt.: lht officer• extended arcrting Ito bring a l'ery happy close to St. "l!aa 'Baby Doli' bren banned' i ~ · • Piie>l, nur Spiritual! !rom .the Socirl)', Honorar~· Mcm· Patrick'! Day In Placentia. out o! contrntion?" : :1! 1h• tr<~. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GRE.~T 111 I nwmhrr o! our·~· ber, P~trick J. O'Keefe, iB thr.' Tha preaent executive affirm i "Will Hollywood l,il're with the: Tuday's Recipe '~

II " ' ,,, ''""''~ wi•hr' on' ~randlather of \he pr~~!rtent of i of the Star ol the Sea Auoclation l'irw Ynrk flim critics?" 1 I"' ., Oa). and ~l·o our, the Society, Thomu 0 Keefe. A 1 are: President, Thomu O'Keefe;. "Wtll the Academy I'O\rra cnn·; · ·

"" the Annil'tf· · l'isll wu made to the Cottage HM· i Vice-Preslnenl, Albert McLennan: j' slder posthumous awards lor 1 FISH cu;Es ·. Orc:nottnn In the I pllal. Tha nflicera ol the Soclr'.Y 1 Aui&t. \'iee-Presl~ent, Jamea Grlf- Jumea Dean, 11 best 1ctor, 'ann I 1 '1l coo~eri fi!h : . L0 wE R pR Ic E. SALE '"- ·•nuld ltke to [ l'ii6ted lht pptlrntlaccompanied b;· lllha: Secretary, Gordon Brennan: VIctor Young for be!t music acorr 1 cttp mashed potato~s I ",j . :o· '"·': ~~~islinrl to Dr. l'ollinllwood, whilt the band I Treasurer, R1ymond Whlttl~; and -nd hesl song in an eligible mo1•ir?'' · 1 egg, beaten i eA! e.r:r.• 1nr )tar. · pl~)'ed lrl'h tune& ouhl~e. Dr. Aui&tant Treaaurer, Bert Young. "Hal'e reducen billing!, !rom' 1 tbsp. melted butter " iillllliii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~=~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ stars to supporting players, hu~t I Sail, pepper I~ the chances of Mickey Rooney lor ·, tsr. onion .iuict lj There are only 78 suits in the offering, so parents of boys :;hould round them · I 'The Bold and the Brave' and Roll- Mix lngP~'clients well shapr in I z : ert Slack and Dorothy ~!alone, both 10 cakes, dip. in bJci!tl cn1mb•. ~ up and bring them to our boys department and select the suits both you and for 'Written on th~ 'Yind'?" 'Saute or cook in deep fat. whic:1 ll 1 "Will Pall)' McCnrmJck, In 'Ti1e i~ hnt enouRh In brown il piecl! of l the boys like . , , to-morrow, Populo r double-breasted sty Ia in line worsteda, 'BRd s~rd,' ht~o the !I rat juvenile to hrei!d In 40 !ecnnrl.l, Serl'e with;~ , win I besl·lupporllns aelreu 0&· cg~. tomato 0r Hollandaise saucr.l ~ gabardinea and ble11ds • , . smart for Spring and Summer wear, This is on :car':" i fresh cod or l1artdock arc I~ ' • ' • · .g;per.lail)' good for these cakes,';,; exceptional money-saving opportunity ••• toke advantage of it. Wrll. ln)'ll'ay, here are mr nen·· alio the pink salmon. . ;: 1 ~~~~ choice• with lonJ 1ho\a to re· . I~~. ' member: · 1 •• ! BEST PICTURE: "Giant." ICoulrt , ~ ------.he: "Around the World In 10 It GROUP 1 ; Dara.") _, 1 l"Ot~' 11 BEST AC"I'RESS: InJt'id Berl(- · o)\FORDS I mnn in "Ana!ta~ia." (Could be: cal! luther t Sizes to fit 7 to 16 years. ~, • Deborah Kerr in "Th1 KIDJ and w. ·luDi·"'r&!'llll I ], 11 ) i.i. ~1<'• and rub­ in ell: or Bro\\'U. j BEST ACTOR: Kirk Dou1lu ~... PRICED TO $13.75...... CLEARING AT ONLY "Lust foi' Ll!e." tcould he: Yul ,iz~~ 1-l i t ··a· 10., BrynnH ln ''The Klni and I.") :+ 1------....------.- .. ~ .. l tn I a iO ., ~ GROUP 2 SMOKES I FOR CANADIAN Sizes to fit 7 to 16 years. MILITARY PERSON NIL . ui'Ylnt with the .90 PRICED TO $17.75 CLEARING AT ONLY s U11ltttl Nellena Er)'ltriiiiCY Peru In the Mlthll• lint · • i . .-----'GROUP 3 ------~· YOUR RED CROSS Sizes to lit 7 to 16 yooro. S .90 PRICED TO UB.2S CLEA~ING f.T ONLY

~ SJ!! sends 400 ..70 TO HELP OTHERS IX PORT CIOAitiTTIS ., any olhtr Mu,dooald lrand POIIattlncluded TUNIC UNE - Tile flltl4trlal M~n er~tr and rtmi~D~~Cf Itt aew t11~ie llae Ia a ~m •~YI• It)' 1 OYQUlf II.,AIITMINT Taub Br01. of Montrtal, aho lea· MACDONAlD TOIACCD INC. lures the ,eg·top .1ki,l, It Is "'ade lro111 t~ aew 1Uk lllltll ,,If, Ita 4N, "'" ~'Attl"' LIGI l•brlc IJIII Ia ill • ltiltllll"l' Qua. avalltble fSlMPANY Thll ..., lsnilen" •111 Ill•••• JtuuiUul abade ef lUac, tbe top l~shlp11 Cllll!r lor IPrlng, . The Ill '"*'•"''-' ltllllflltlt• 10ft collar has bow trim and the fif,fFOil· akh1, llR)' ull buttllll· ' • THE DAfi. Y W:WS. FRIDAY.

~el is ha1·ing an exterior coat ot · ~!. V. Linti)· Barb . paint. up. our 11 AT H.M.C. DOCKYARD .,r ·rm.: GREAT EAST;; . Waterfront The ~I.V. Seabeacon, the M.\'. • CO. r:m P..l "r.rinus, the Investigator 2nd.,· fil<·· ~1. and s J 1 which are moored up indefinitely, Jo•cph no~cr.' ' 15 °~;, cr. of . t~e ~t.V. Ch;·istmas Seal Will get. llal'lni! 1 ~"nr 1 a! 01 ·n Directory ready for the T. B. sen•ice abo11t' a tory \o tak 1r:• e., •ul '""______.... ___ .,.~ · the first week in April and the · tlay,, ON DRY DOCK '~I.V. Parr is moore~ up for the :ea· :\'f A· ll . .\II' II ll "·' , The S.S. Cabot Strait, the M.V. son. Tl l ·' • "' Co odrou,J and th•- tug Peel, th•se- I AT STEERS LTD. . HlliiCI!w .i; 1.\'. :liP ·rt·al m· ,.nl ~·,i·h.r" •. C three are slated to remain on d~ 1.' The ~l.V. Bamereng of wh1ch 11 . . " •Or rr,rn dock until the end of. this month." ; Cites ley Riche is the master is wait· . "~ dls~il:"101 ~rd a grnmt' AT DOCK ; ing for the ice to move off lo con· IS now ' ~ound. ~ail in I fax 11ln·n 10e hloc' . The S.S. Ber,·lslone is loading a 1\tnue local fishing_. The vesse is \I \' ''·'•e ' d 1 d 0 I th ~IV . . Hi< II· ""'" h · · cargo of Grand Falls paper for . moore u~ a ong:H e e • · · rargo 111 ...... ··' '' 1 trl:·l 1 Texas and expects to finis htonight )!axwell Corkum. awa1· ·t · 1 rr '"'"ng when the steamer will sail for the ! A'!' CROSBIE & CO. LTD. · :\'!' 1 . , · '·" above port. ~r. V. Colin II, which was lowed Tlw \I.\'. : ···~·m·,·r i 1 011 S. S. Kyle wlll have annual over· from Placentia by toe M.V. Philip Capl~in Bi:IC'I;,, d · 1 .011 n haul. I F.. Lake and arrived Thursday at cr;-1 "''' riL,II. · ' in1 S. S. Nonia will have propeller' 6 p.m., Is moore1l up for the sea· '1\' Tr''il"·"·' ·n h 1 1 1 11 blade adjusted. 1 son. l;•in 1 • ,.! • 1i '. ·, t ar~,1 ~!. V. Henry W. Stone and the 1 ~!.V. Western Explorer and thr ocad::. 111 ,. 1 ~~:1 11 c:!',' :o 0 ~ E. J. BARBEAU S.S . Glencoe are moored up for: whaler Olaf Olsen are moored up· A r _Hil\l'f!l\r; B~n .. who has been elected President the season. for the season. \I \ 111 11 '' and. appointsct General Ma11uger Tug C50, 1222 ls having minor 1 .47' T. 1/Al.LET'I'S T.TD. l ·'' · pl;.rn · · ,.I hornh"' ''·:1t111. lrlllr. :r: · of fhe Mchtnnon Indu~t-rirs 1 1 1 repairs. \ The DOSCO tug Captain Bullen 11:1 1:,,,., ,i:i , ,.,, 1,, 0 1 Limited, the General Molar~ AT A. E. I/ICK.I!A:V CO. T.TD. which l'amr from Bell Is13nrl i' l~c... 1(. ·, .. 1. , , ;' su!J,ictiar)' at St. Catharine~. 1 Ontano. Mr. Barbeau. who was The ~t.V. Camperdown, and the 1wait in~ to go on dry dock when po;t acd ·. .!, : il ; 0 ,'"i:";~.d born in Tor·onto 44 vrars ago Syb1l sc.oll,, the latter mol or ves· 1docbge is ar<~il:tille. 11lten 1hr It'· h,,,.,.,,, . · !JJ~ been a~socialec! ·with th~ McKinnon organi7.Riion for 23 ,'>'ears, latttrl)' as Factory Man­ ager. I;I I Steamship Movements German~·-Marshal Georgi K Zhukov S01·iet Defense Minister, seated left, and East German ' Defense Minister Colonellieneral Willy Staph are sho\1'11 duri1,g ceremonies m 1\'hich lhe Sa~·ict Union and East : Fl!R!'It:SS WARREN LISE l&ZI i"~ Gennany concluded two treaties co1·cring the ·'tempore!'.'' stationing'' of So\'iet forces in East There l'icw!oundlanrt leavin~ Boston IIDIICOAf German~·. IMRrch 19 and Halifax ~!arch 23, ue twent~- divisions of Soviet troop5, numbernig <~bout -100,000 men in Ensl G~nmn~· 8ccorcling to a U.S. arm.v i due Sl. John's ~!arch 25. Sailing !:stm1al!" In standing left lo right: So1·ie 1• Foreign Minister A. 1\. (pointing to Zhukov) :again same day lor Lii'Crpool b?.ck~round Grom~·ko Nora Scotia leaving Liverpool r;. Prem:oer Ott0 Groth"wohl; Walter Ulbricht (with beard: and Deputy Premier I\linister Frttz Sclbmann. The fm·­ )larch 20, due St. John's March I 26. Leaving for Halifax and Boston I millti;.,~ .. ·ere ~ :enuel to an agreement reached JanuRry 'i in Moscow during a visit of an Ertsl German government ' ~larch 2i, due Halifax ~larch 29 aeleg,;::c:1-l.~-. Photos). · and Boston April 1. Leaving Bos· ShrmuS gnl r Shoo 21l5 &151:o !7om m4.1 - 1 ton April 2 and Halifax April 5, 1 "I ~llllor ~aoo ll 8o 90 +e due St. John's April 8, sailing for oiAinru ,0\lO 12 12 ' ' I> L 1 '1 :o;t!c·ce 11w ;~1 H H ' _ 1 I iverpoo Apn 9. Report 4 Stocl{ Market S!oc·an \'11 J'X''J ;1 " 12 I r-;'cwfoundland leaving Liverpool Z'IO M 7! S1rlrnn' 29'0" 38 1:. Jl -!' 1Aprt'l 5, due Sl. John'• Aprt'l 12. 1.l'llch lo• .21 14. C Den \.1.\J 3lll 1!3l'J tJ:j 1J1'4 - Ja -~ 1. L LAc 11 ':~;:':1 ~~~ 1~.., '~l \3 :3 I c DUC'o\·en 2~rt J~} ='J ~9~ Lomt!;:& : 0m 111 1 1:~·- ' 1 , ~:~;~~~~ ~, •• ~~ ~~, ~. 1 April !3. due Halifax April !5 1 41 1 lm 2 1 ~o,·!.=~t: •. :·• ;3 20 C Fen .6l 1!0 llO llO Lorado 11 500 I I ' s"'P 11 JG~C 51~'• :g•l 191, 1 and Boston April 18. Lea1•ing Bas· i -\::u~~ -~1 ~, ~-'.!! J36 -• Clln G!lllu 1c:o 1 1 ! _,. ~~ ', Lyndh,t 1 -l ' '·10 n l-1 30 .'.:1 :F~-~ :: . · 1 j. 111 78 -~ : c GU.l\llla 100 ·~ JI-:~ 21~ 211 I °;'6 8 ° ° "'"~c" 0 " ,. • ton April 1R and Halifax April 23, l.orodo "\I 1 S1.al 'ol'\t U lJ \.;:: ... -R .. , '':• F· 1 ! - ;-a 1 C Hall:'>' SS-.5 SJ S.:J fi] -2 1000 1 ~000 \~ + <~ I· ~ ~ L~n" J~ 1!9 1811 m +~ ~uiJJ>·an 5011 w 11v :;~a -5· due St. John's April 25. Sailing lij n7 I' Ccn HO\Iot)' 20, JrJ JCl 3Cl .'.:-:u~... ~-,,, ~~! :\t».caiU 1 -\:ou a.: 60 8!1 -2 C '1 (1 1 1:~s:: ~hrcu• 8~ ~0 1 ~1l.lcd011 l~6 ~1, ~3 i ~~.~;~~~e :·,,,;~o 1\" 1\ \! :\·for Liverpool April 26 . I .\:-.-':' l j,J :3 ~J l:CIM ~1·5 1~3S ~JlJ 25l, 61~ .. 1 1 ~lac lie JDO 1:.1 1 :11 I T;n.rcon<.• 1c11 1' 42 12 '_ 1 Nova Scotia leal'ing Liverpool ! .~:;;c~ l!I'JO ~~l 101~ 10~) .,. ~ . C ~Jor:-l1on ~10l1 3~ a 28 ~1ucLC'od ·''..!U ~"li. ~a Hl 10 0 Con ~'!ch'll !(',{J l I~ '' • I; :\l11.d1f'n , ~00 H /,0 ~·; :~ Trr'•·ll uo \1.1 I" 73 •l April 2-l, d11e St. John's April 30. A'.!;.:!·RIIl 1.l3l1 lo.l 71 ~ C :'\or1h!d 2~3 ~I 90 91 -1 1 1 3 12 :\t:I.I:HIIt: JIOO1 15 2•, 2.:c l'• -1•·, ;.:;~,:• ~~ ; 2 :. n~ _1 I Sailing for Halifax· and Boston !\ 11.11 11 c Penh 17 7 7 :'11li'H~;t.'!.t ).:.:~tl:t ~o 1~66 L' 70'" :1! 17 .17 -l Tnnollill ~(1(1 31 Jl Jl'i -1 1 <: ~~~v 1 due Halifax Mav 3 and ).~.acha 1700 :~ 231':1 :JL1 - ~~ C Hrd Pep J~ 18 11 17 ~lar.110.'J A'J:T!&eaue 7.\N' H ll - C Rea-ct \JJ 3J -l P.~n 10 ;,, 10 T,,;·h t ooo 4,, J! ~ -3 · • ' . • JJI~ ~; 73~7 1~0 ~hl"l'\'l!"t lBO 173 !i.i Tr.lnl nr.. z.j(l 2"1 •. 1 l.\ I Boston 6. Lei.l\'lng Boston A\1111. .!7\0 0 A ! -1 C S1nnorm 9.'lC~ 18 :h li ]6t~ ~. ~~ ~!ay \lar.!ln·e Nl' 1l J 1 Toln Cl11h 2<)(111 1', , •. , - ,,, ~!al' 7 and Hali!U ~IJI' 11, due Bukeno 7~'J 2J ll 1J Cnn S}ld e:~1 :U 2~~ ~U !\ !.1 rt ~n QO 12 r~ 3 r lun1•1 m·J 9 s 8 :\lrln~~ 1 c 1 1 II::;· E•pl ::('(1 ~ ~! !I Cop Corp q:~ 6 ~~ •J _. I V.:'l ' 'i ~ ·.· ~ I , •·~rna'" " 3ro ;m 111 60!1 -:o · Lil'erpool ~lay 14. ~lch"nt 1 :wn J,, ~~ ~~ ·I !'p 1 1"01n i~ i~ , n B·O'.Iq ~l·) Jl.' l~J 1Jj tl l'np-~hn \.:11 H :,:.; "'lc<\11r r•r,n - \';lr.rl'11l1 16 Hi - L\ I !\ewfoundland lea\'ing Li\'rrpool BUf ~letlll J3')Q H 7~ H fOj'J!".:Ind .UtJ 'J;O JJ"• Jti ~ .\ ~~ J~ .~R '~ ~,1) I~ ; l -J 7'11,:\",'c~l Jli Jl': "',i \'rnlmC'• : 1.·1 5:\i J' :\[a\.' due St. a... "a ~~871 H ~~ ~~ -3 Co•1\~~ :L.1'l F.-, P.! .'\1-:"ll!r'lr il'~~'l'1 .1~ 10, John'~ Ma'.' 1"7. : ~ P.Z\7 ~~~ ll\n p;·, -2 \'1L'l1 ~'}1;\0 :_'fll Zl ~;t':l -41~ Bt~dtcr £.JAl "" li~ ti\ .. ~ r:-oli'IM l:!:c•t 1~ J!'t ~ I"!• till l;:;lIrk nlm 430•' ,a; Jrn 'I 11 3. I I Ill II ' 1 I J h ' t I ·.1\'\ ,.~ ,,·.~·, , •. c;,; En 110 s;•, Z'l'> 77" , "' Bel e Isle I due St. o n 1 o- \ c..tr.·t-:":'1 "'~ ;o: 71\ -• 'Fla can s~o 7 sn FR -n :\'i:"\s~lnJ 11 1 1 'C&:·~!lt J:",'l'' ~·.o ~~"1 U.'l • -10 Fn:'ICt'!i!:IJr 1~~:'1 l:! 11 ~~ -1,J :\"\~! (1 1 ,, 1 , 2" · r o11 r. •II 6()J 2o' 2to M -l dR)', sRiling 23. ~·:n3 ~R 21 ~!arch C-~! ,q.l ~"A' r:~ 3~ l~~ -! F1·ob!r~~!", !:~3 2BO 27~ 2~."1 ·d ~n-:- .. \rm~ • ('S Prlr 6l 7~0 H 7~ l 1 1 CANADIAN TIRE HAS THE RIGHT ANSWER CL-.b'"\1'1 V'l ,~ 2. 2 r;,.c., ~~-~tl ~J'I Sl"'• 1~': UtJ :\.,r.1r.c11 ' 1' ll!q 5''' ~··• + '• c~n "" ou 00 1.1 41 41 .-2 Bedford leaving Halifax March c.u;IJ'!" u~ ;~,., ~ . ., ~1-:t ~o ~'!:-:~:.. :1.c 2:11 21-. 2'-~ ~·(")rl:1rth· ~00Jr.• ~RJR'~ ~;·,p,1~ ;;~~~ -l C'dn All orr 1~0 610 63.1 6JI -II 26, due St. John's ~larch 28, rail· C1nt ?1 . l"' -4 1 Go·:r.• \''r\ ,.., -U 1 1 l~~ ~~, ~ ~~' .rn ~' ~Crt"'riRI l~~~n ;.111 n 1 1'1 l' Br Emp 422Ct 61\ M 66 -2 h Cu~· P~:-· . ., -- '-: l"l G'e~n U f :r:-~ .n n J3 ;no~ 1 2, c Cl•lcflrlln fiiiJO 1111 11 110 , r ing Marc 29. ~orr.n 30 C"•:.k:.:-lo :'~n !J :3 - !·1. G":1~1-'!" ~, .. , .~~'2 ~·wl ~r·2- 1~ ~·{'':"'1'.'1r w~ 11v, , ~·, _ , c Collieries 8~'1 sm 5\1 l'..l - 11 Belle Isle leaving Hali£ax ~larch 61 1 Chu.'•:- :;·.~~ :;1 ~, J"~ -1 r,,~tlcr,;• ,~.., 1~ 12 12 -1: ~·or l!'lc" 6 1 21Jl! 1'"" l2l l!>O1 -.::II ('c ("n\11!loon prwt• wooPOO HS8rl 111n H.'l~0 -l.. ! • 27, due St. John's March 29, sail· c~t lu ~:'.~"~ :~r'l :.,, ~~~ -! (,:-,~ !:l:;.• ~.,, R ~ 1 :s n~.,k ~Jl\ ~ (~·::-~ ~r-.1 1; )!:' ~ Cr":d '11::'1 ~:"'l ,,~ !"", ;,., -~ 110 0 ~·o:lh~P 5 7m3 IRl _1 c Ex ou 30 610 60 62!1 + 2.1 ing April 1. t:~:~:· :.:.~, P o '~ -1 cr L":--t!"' ; 1 :~ :1 2 -~ :\:.rtltp wh 00 18 60 n~ lB !8 ~ c Hll•I ~·.1 c Pro.•P"I 3()(• l7l 371 37l -:!l Aprll 5. C'll'l~.H ,r_,.:., 1•; Gre• \"'.',.t, '''l ·~ -.: q ! flb.l:.U 4700 ~ ll !5 Cnr.oo Net HJI l!Xl 11!.5 !9(1 + Jl I. :1. 1JJ :! -1 r.ulr:O. W r 10 '".t) • • . 'I (...o~aT.H lr.~,, Ji"~'i 1~ D'Brlrn llOO m; u 1111 " con"' 011 1-1n 310 3) 30 Belle Isle leaving Holifax April (ONJtU '~il ~~ 20\ :'t'~ - =/'j G•JII lNtl :ttr'l ·.I, 1 • ll I Oc.tmn lOO , 16 311 •s Crr.l E'o1 400 191 395 -lo 5, due St. John's April 8, 1alling C lt\11!~ ~~j1 2"' 21 " •1 (,•Jnnl:- ,~, t~,.,-~ ;:r·. :o~o. - ~~ l~l Oka Oue 6800 J! ll l! Crnt 1.. ~ 7l !05 7!Xl 795 t .. C Call~rl!'l ".1.\n il JL, ,~, -1L>J lj·1'\~1~ ~V.:'l'1 ·~·· 12 13 ~~ O'Lcnry 230 11 1011 Ch>~ler oll uo 28 ::'11 UJ , K•l April 9. -----·-- ' HJ!l!". .,:- \r) ~"1 ·.~-n jO 11 Opfm ']!oo ll 10 r! 0 2 11 ., 17_, 17 •; Bedford lell'ing Holifal( Aprll 9. r i Orrnnda ~ "lu.nbro ~ 13 3 13 19·Pioco SOCKI:T WRCNCH SI:T­ ------HJUIIHu·~:.o' ~,.~41 3\7 17l! 3117 30 Orzruhy 1000'"80 2~:17 2~ll l.l29 +1 c Drawon 16110 so " 4 M K''•'l due St. John'8 April. 11, 1a1'1' 1ng VI BORED BODY. MOUNT IrH.::1,ul•• bolh o '. .,_' Jd•• H~td.WD)' IC~":l 81 ~1'1 ~1 -~ cum~1el• Oslak.o c. lc·r • .,.d r•••• HeJih 1:>11 l''l IJ 13 -1 1WJ ;•; 711 7\0o - II C ~lie ~Icc Sl.l! m 44 l!l -5 A Jl 12 MlRROR s ...qnrb1r d..al~,,.J In onJ 14' dn•• uu!hl wHit IJU).lulor Poarb~c 867 8~ b9 ~~ _ ron Pr.,k :r.too 10'> 10 1 _ 111 pr · · tha popular huodeJ •lyle. Luuuiou• ""'h nonJ.• I• He\'a 2J~I1 S 8 R ! I' .:II dtt •'•• 1uck•l• unJ What Happens Hl _1, r· Wr>l Prtr m ~:•1 10'\ "'' - '• CLARKE STF.AMSIIIP CO. ruymuL I! 1 -J 1 n·cr 4 1 loa\1 ...... , , . 4.98 Hcll\nJer 41-1 4'1 - 11, r.~1oo ~ 11 Oil 12s 110 170 170 •North Pioneer in port, awaiting ~10 s~~,, I Perron • • Ho~le 1700 ~6~ lll m .! ~aoo 12n 11 2[} -+ 2 cr,.r "h lqJ 2!in 2.~0 2.~0 :~,::·. ~\~.'~: ~-'- ~-~~-'~:.3.98 Pick crow oo 1'" ll Del Hin 916l ~;n ~.1.1 cbRnge In ice condlt;ons. ,..; .. _ .. p .- •• - When You Drink? HuJh·P•m .\CO 30 lO lO 11 Hud B3~' ~~7 1'791, 7~:~ ;~1, .,. :o-., Fl'Jr,ctr 500 P'l . 9 9 '' 1 11om• t:xpl 9lO 1<·, 11'• I~ Norlh Coaster ln port, awaiting Pllrh·Ort Hu,h·P&m oo 30 30 Jo ' 4.~ SPt 1~~~ 12~6 -+ l.t · 0'.1H"< ~200 22 20 -11 Plac~r :l.l'ln l7 3·, ll 1136 •oo m JMl _ :.1 change in ice conditions. Alcohol bits the blood stream 1nd L1kP 1\COO 13 l2 ;3 - ,~ F""" faster when you drink it with Pow l\on :131 ! ~ ' - •1. r.on 1'•1• oo l~J .\l .1.1 • o •North Pioneer leavin~ St. Jnhn, lnlo;~lntlon 1~00 67 r.; li7 - 1 f'r Bord 1nld Cin 621'1 1Cii -3 200 7i., 770 77rl -~ Cil' P!i\\nA 4'2 S-4 42 ~ J 4:1.· · : r eoda. Drinking relaxes tension wt :18~ :tB~ l f'1 r!tlon 100 1.1o ;Jo no 1:r S1r " 11111 :oo m· 111 _:,!•: N.B., Mar. 26, rlue St. John'! ~far. 1nt Siehl 'n~ ._\1111• 10~ 1 ' 11~ · ~~ l'rnr,lo .11 .11 1.1 1 :Iii but it alao lowers your skills. lnt R~T'l W'l 1:1 ~1 :ll • :1 .• IR -I 111<1 l'rr•l .11~nn 10 11 •: • 30, sRi lin~ April l. f'rn~\o wts _ lrl~th Cop .Jnl"fl -:'~'~ Ur'l 11' -~ 1 7n 111J 111 1 ~~~~ ,~ IIIS:h'.l·n:HI 200'0 :11 ;, :12 1 I [You can't do thinp as welt rll11lr\ Jiln :10 1.11 :1; • I!""" 011 1< 1 ,.,, w; 1,,;- Xorlh Coaster lc<~vin~ Halifax 1ron P,"·'' ~n 1~'"1 JYl J~n 1 but you /ffi you can.) (.,111ro l'\ab ;nn !! M f.6 -I .lllplrrr 200 20\ 2111 20\ •• '~!arch 25, nile St. John's :.rarch ,JI\C'Oh11• ... ,~ IU 111 ll~ 2 I 011" lnr .1~~-r·r.,.,l ':~!Jr, 71 71'1 1n -1 l:iM 'H 2 1 Krrw f11\ -'~()11 M 'Jil '1 1 Qllr- l.~h .1 1.\h 1. , , What ia alcohol's r.crmancnt. _,_..!lnr\tl"' \n. n :!Ill '.'l'; ''1~ ~ 1, :" ito "" n.1 , rrl• ~~ 1 11 .11 2R, sailing ~!ar. 2~. , Q ~ll"li.ll ·clfoct on your body? Here, in n\lrl W'n -1:1 1::' ,, lo Q la:'\1'"11'1\ {;~· ~;~·· i,''• ;;··• • ;·,',J;,',~~. ~ ~~, ti,, :~:; :·;~ i .!\'orlh Coa~.t~r lra1·~n~ Halifu ...... 1 .tnnsm.n., :'nn 1~7 'Ji l'i · \ 1 1 1 1 1 April Reader's Digest ill the ""'111'1rf' :ncn " ;·, 7.; -l )lrn"l )~ll J•o 11\ 171 -~· /\pnl 2. nile St. Jnhn I April 4, r lr,'t'~'...... "'-?... r'):o:~· ~ i ,ln11 ~!'I ~~1:'1 'i' 7~ ;•, n:ttr,\ 11\!3 truth about alcohol, from a. top \"• - IJrn r.•1 '' ,, t "m:nln "~' ' Z1 . l' ' 11; ~1.ilin~ April ~. "AJJ!.:I.:,Y" 1-\~1'1''1""' 1n:~;~., 1~ ~1., nHr F. "DOClR.:t:DGE" MIRROR - 1-\rrr .\r1rf ~riil "I_,,, 1.,., ~~'! '"'~ 7n " F7 \lro· rclr ,n, 114'>1 .,., . .,, ' '• . II rl 1 . ,, I 1 A r.r h""t ,., acic~tific e.u~orit.y. Get. your n,.-.:~p1u \rl"'-f'\ 1-' :1 1~ ,1 r \l.rlron ~u~n !21'1 ji":R j •!::; \\·r r~n nc flr\\'lllJ: . fln r~Pa pr. TWIN AUTO fLOOR MATS- Do· r ~,., ro•· ,a,.,,~•• 7 DGU: qi•- r..,rTI•W l'\lk 1T11rl loi.'lf."l '"I J71, li'. ~ l~ ~ 1 lal• ,.,no-J.l (ntl , • .,..~ N•.,t r ... ,.., ... ,... April .Readers Digest today: Oio RtJp 1:·,, .11 1n :11 .: lllll f] 1-1~ ~co rr tin S17'i JT•t. r.•i ~anrl nlv ·------~orthld 1000 66 M f;fi -4 L Shnro l:ll'll 41n -~o~n I~ -' ------01\ ~t1Pd 8100 l' ';11 1'- +1 ,. -- ok•ll• m · u11 :u 210 -1 ·. ~ Ptr PPtfl K'IB S19'l~ 9'!11 9~4 • \.6 Pan We~\ !!00 « 39 41 ·: Puce Rl>er 130 11m l •• • 1!. Permo pr ~ J:lO 31! !30 ~ P•NV 0!11 ,aL!OO 2ll !0 -T CURB SIGNALS - San huder11 for the Petrol .,.o 0 1110 102 ~ l EXHAUST EX'l'EIIBIO!I-I'apular and whlte.,GH tirM. Protect wh ..l PhUilpl !0 53 SS 52 loRa atrctlght tube lrP•· Hlah-lu•tr• cH;nmenl. Hlahl,. Pooder 1o0 1!0 !ll 58 chromed. Pair...... 1 • 29 Prllrlo Oil 00 J!l5 lil 31 triple chrom• Hnlah. For 1 19 Prov Gn liMO :143 138 :U< +1 -'o-.1 popul111 cCU'S •• , • , • , • 0\hon ,IS lo L11 polo BEDR·OOM ••• 'Ret! Epl DI50II 11\> 17 Ill' I - l'.t Rlchwl! 119 II 13 Bl + Soulh U - 000 I! 39 31 +S AUTOMATIC. f;pooner ~ 69 n M -:l Bl•nwell 913 70 M 70 • Tu col 100 12 12 n ~1 Back-up in to-dot and see 'Trans Can 500 ::», 1~ a +T Came TroM·Em 1!00 4 0 ! +! Trl•d 0!1 4191 7!!1 7! 77! s Un 0111 · 11000 270 :uu · 26e +l Light. ~ur wonderful selection Vulcan 2!110 ! + Wayne !0 n lO 30 30 -1 WeiJlJO 8.518 31 2!1 31 1 3.79 TRU!It of fine Bedroom Suites of W MayJIIl 200 130 !30 3 HAND BPOTLAMP- ZIPPER JtEY CASE - \llu"'•••"' W Dee w\1 HOO 90 1.1 9 I Larv• dUfu•lng Plu~ Into aigcU' U;-htu. Smooth aalf.qra.ln ca•· luO'Iol'• ,1C·• W l4111 0 Ill !10 510 -1 typel•n• sends 4" ...al.d beam unit Mde: hold• I h,. a.nd 1n.1ni II 1 W Naco 54! 292 2SO 2l!O -~ a Hoed of light t flr'le styl11s for evary de· Y&n C&n l50 !2 I l b1htnd I he cat. 1 t ..... CUrb ,';;,"t .. 3.98 ~:.;'." ...... 1.25 ...... Drtlhouale 15000 l :IS :u Chrom1 flni•~· cor-every budget. B.I.NK~ Mont 2!-3 l4B 471~ ~i14 - 1'4 d~O S5re ~.Jo.l'~ ~ 14 NS / S.TEElUNG C[JII\m 712 U7 1 6 W.i. 4i~4 'II 4~0 SC7q, fS7 G :~ch aet compl~te with Hu~,.l WHEEL l~ri ,~,,; ,Jv. -4]l'J •1 CANADIAN TIRf 'J'r~t-lhJill I'SU1!STHlAJ.!il MUFF ' Double Bed, Bookcasll · AHnn\nil1m •11 -'12D 1:il l!! AIUIU ~~~~ •ao ld ~ I - \ f' urrw 'JU:'i u~ :n:, ~~ \.1 lJ ~tt"rl 7J) UP1 2111 P~ Chen! anq r 111 1• ! Headboard, ~ur St:~o ,,J :.:,': 21~ .36 1 ASSOCIATE STO ~1111~'"-IMI tl., Sll .f. ~~~'' 1!14 I Slrll11Hil1 l.l S-:ll l 1 Double Dresser, Wnlkt>lll 3()111 sr-1t~.~ 891' fi9'./ NF.\\' YORK l'LOHISCi HTIIC'K" Ta11H th• c:hill oH lh•. alurin.a 1\J The L:an•llin Prru whMI: ane sl .. Ht. all c•r•. .ELIZABETH AVENUE Reth Stul • Kt"nnHolt .. I\orl Warntr •1 Monty \V MOH1oiR MUIT-Wa"" ud 36 C and 0 IU~t SY Ctnt ,.tt, lot .-intu clri-rinv a om fort • Con• Edl•on 4-6 R1dlo Corp DIAL. 90141 JOHN CLOUSTON Ltd. F.l Aulo F.! 36 Sid 011 N.J "'I'UR-rEEL" HY'[,()N-D"P pil•• c;e!'l F.!Pf' ~Jl, PM Alrrull - DIAL 8-0341 · c;norlvur 7.\~. \'lnlr111Jm ...11:. ftft.d h.I. llklll ·.. Jtln.l~·· 9 8. 172 ·ouCKWORTH ST. ca Snr T\~ 4:a1-, WUtl'llll· a.a-nr. Vllriaua aha.dN. •• • •• • lnl T &nd T 32'1 ·-

'' y NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 '

1 ~ l.- ro nl ":,,~ · :c- r frc&l :rrrr~l tl ~:·:l•rt '\.:c ~ DRESS OP Your Home for·

" .

SMART- DESIGN makes thh houae attrac~lve from every point of view. TAMILY ROOM fireplace 11 aeen !rem rear dlnlnl rool'll. · " Women's Preferences / bed room Reflected In New Plan IZ'.o" o 11'·0" By' DAVID G. BAREUTHER A HAPPY HOME nrovldea a place for ench member of the family­ a place for sophomore Sister Sue aa well as for Junior and his pals-a place for Father, to; as well as for Mother and her afternoon teas. Thia blfl order Ia filled completely In Design HW·28 for The House of The Week. . bed room When you look at this plan you 12~·. g~o· can sea places for children to play. teet. Family living and relaxation . You can vlauallze privacy for are secluded !rom the front of with youna people. And Atlil you 1cc \he house. The rear family room little likelihood that adulll arc provides a place for study, games, QOrO'iJt golnll to be pushed out o! their television, barbecue parties. Clut­ own home. ter Is localized. Unexpected gueRll This Is the kind of hou&e most ran be ushered into a presentable women described In tltelr dream front living room without ~s much bed room achemea at the national house· as a gllmpae of scattered toys. ~ 12'-o'ar''·O wive's housing conference In Wash· Even Dad-the lorgo\\cn man In ,,•. ln&ton. It includes so many thlnRs moat house plans--gets somewhat thou delegates said !hoy prefer. of a break from tho ladles in this red that It takes on slight!~ lar· layout. That storage room off the aer and more expensive proportions ~oro~e loo!;s !Ike a dandy place than their feminine optimism hop· for his shop, If you build a two· ed for.; · cnr gnragc (as you certainly . Such Is realism In home build· 'should for prudence and re~ale Ina. The women hoped to have a value} thnt shop grows in size. houae of leu than I,OOO 1qunre ATIRACTIVE !rom all angles, feet, but when you add up all tlih hous~ meets tr.J most exact­ architect, has packed a maximum their loved features shown here, Ing tests lor good desiRn. A brick of housewives' preferencts Into you have 1,7~7 sql4lre feet. HOW TO GET PLAN ON AMPLE BUT A GLANCE- at this plan veneer facade Ia p:casantly re­ tho~ kitchen arH. Thft klt~hen It­ ahowa the power of a women when lieved l!y vertical wood siding AN ESTIMATE self Is eom pact, yet planned for ELECTRIC POWER she cRtchea the ear of an archl· !lanking tr.~ big bowed window of plenty of cablneta and modem ADEQUATE electric power II the living room. A pierce~ brick BUILDING costs vary widely. oven Blld hot plate. A large rear vital for a modem house. With· ' . '\ The best way to get a rou~h NO BASEM!NT wnl! screens the front porch from estimate for your location Is to equipment, such as a separate out proper wiring a house ell\ window laces ue ooildren's play become out of date before It 11 street view. S!!dlng glass doors send lor a stu~y plan and show finished. IS NEEDED merge this recessed porch with It to 'milder o! homes of similar t·2rrace. Step saving Is envision­ Fifteen yean ago, 33 plug.ln the dlnlr.g room. size. ed bolh for lood preparation ud appllancea were In general use YOU CAN build HW-28 over A covered dining porch on lh·~ Design HW-28 Is lor a house serving, whether the table. is set In homes. To-day the number a buemcnt, a crawl spar~. or on ~arncn ~idf of the honRe I< joiner! covering 1,757 square feet with· in lamil)' room or dining room. hu rl!en to ~7, ·a concrete alab. The house is !d the famil)' ro

C·I·L lt1ler C11ter II tbo .mutlonai new ~•lor ud aa~ercUit HARVEY that drlta to allaw recoatiDI Ia enlr 2 haurt. 001 nil nllarmlt LUMBER AND HARDWARE Nail anr poroua 1urfae., .,... - bri d1l n1 rmall pI••• crttlta, - - and mW. 1 ptlfrMI - loandallon fer laterior 6aiM Can Provide You With C•I•L h1ler CHfer llaa H • "!;;;:;i;:;~.;: "ptintr" odour -Ia euliy applied whll bn11ll. C.. I. L~s nlllf er .,.,, 168 STYLISH COLOURS

A Mas(U /rodrct Ill ,.,, l'a llf'fll 1M

Remember-There Is A C. 1.· L. -Paint For Every_ Purpose And Harvey's Have It TIR LUMBER YARD OFFICE & STORE STO Water St. East Duckworth St. ve~UE Dial 6911 . Diai_S577 • 3229 141 •

TH! c•rL Y NEWS • • ECTIO icture tory. ana 130 ave1n peration

I '*. j I '*· *\ * * * * * r I' Mines- .. I Push Early Development Lake Wabush •


I ,I, I ;

' f l

r, • . ~ ! On washday, a capable CON Connor washer lion's sharr of Your shoulders, lamb to your from washday

3 1. Digging of Water Pipe Supply Trench for' Ross Bay Base o!Canadi3n Javelin. 2. Ros! Bay Base during co~structlon period. Large ad:.iitions have been made in past months since ph~to was taken. · Se:·e~1 lslan~s off~s and ·communlcatio~s headquarter! constructed by Can'ldian Javelin Ltd. to service Wabush Lake. 4. Dragline digging ditch for Ross Bay Base sewer and water lines~ Must be deep to pre ,c~~1 (reezmg In Labrador wl11~er temperatures. l!. Lllmber. being loaded at port for base construction of Canadian J aveliLn. 6. Tote road camp. under conitruction. These are mounted on sleighs to move along \\ ::onstruction crr.v1. There -art aix of theat. tote camps. -7. · Haula~t equipment being 1erviced at ReMis Bay Ban. - \ '• '· . . ,· ''

, SECTION II The Daily News SECTION .// I


~TI\' YORK-The astronomers, weathermen and fellows who ~ook up the calendar may that spring r.0: ;;::·i,·e until March 20th. But these youngster:; at public school 6, Manhattan, were equally insistent that GAZA CLTY, Egypt-A!r v{ew of a section of Gaz a City showing (tallest buiulding. ~:,.enter) the Gaza pollee . w;;~ :,ere earlier. Those Dutch tulips did it, and who's to say that the kids and the tulips are mistaken? Fr01n and municipal building ,.,..nich is now being used as United Nations Emergency J

... ~~ '

rn\.\1\FURT, Gennany-These water scooters are makipg a big hit with viistors to the Frankfurt Inter· :r-.:UERNBERG, Gcl'lnan~~-The baby in the carriage d oe~n't seem to know that there's another baby trying to Spring Fair. They are operated by a small lwu· stroke engine and' can really s~cot along. An ingcniou! rom into the go-carl-a baby polm' bear which is curren lly the big attraction for young visitors to the Nuernberg rauses Uhe 5eooter to alow down and revolve slowly i! the operator shllld !all int the drink. (l.N. Photo) Zoo. The youngster in background is getting a big char~ e out of the bear's behavior. (I.N. Photo) CONNOR 401 This economical CONNOR wa5her features o sturdily constructed one- piece titanium porcelain tub, gentle but efficient three-vane gyrator (recessed in tub), automatic pump and famous lovell wringer, I •• GENTLE TO YOUR BUPCETI It's a real wife-saver, and a wonderful investment in a • "gentle" disposition, even on washday. Get ycur1

$ SAVE ~pecicl \ now, at this lew price, $ $

on wo~hdoy, with 0 capable CONNOR. A s30. Connor washer will take tht r· . •on·! short of washday work off 10ur shoulders, and It's gentle as a I '-~mb lo your clothes. Sa take· it on the lam 1-6 ONLY I , rom washday blues, and take advantage of this roaring good value ' .. 111 0 quality washer by • , , , ,


;even Easy ·Monthly Terms. STEERS L. TD. ~,-ent : w1tll

• ' --·' THE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 2 ( 2I 12 . Holds Interesting

Foi'UIIl On -The re11Jlar dinner wu held "Canned" Varlet}' - 12, at 6.45 p.m. st ·A dllli:UUion on loht poulblllty School. Alter a ~~·:i~;.;~ng President of our future entertainment be· special 1~ of tile ''Canu~" va1'icty wu by "ere: His Worship thorouahiY enju)·cd thuae Mercer, Mr. G. W. pr~sent at the M.t:.L.l. laat even· 1jp Mr. R. W. Shep- lna. . clerk of the House Mr. I.Aillt YIQ uf the London and the speaker of Tbeatn Lht Company, opened up Mr. c.' Hannah. r.ubJtd ud l ~d Ule arounawurk e~Iled on Kiwanian for thl l1YilJ dllcUIIIon Wb.lcls the coach o! the roUowed. Hit upllnaUon of the s~hool hockey tum, I orl.aln of the word "canned" In the members, who Lhe movie ltUdlo, and a humour­ visitors to the cluh I·. oua nftrtllet to tbe literal uae tbc Home anrt SchQOI of the word for preaervlna plum The personnel o[ the jam. ehlekln noodle aoup etc., Nick Powell. Edward wu followed by a vary clear run ~--''"'" k Bishop, Eric down of tbe varloua lurma of our h, Ed ~!erccr. eatel'tllnllllllt. '1111 tendency to , Ron Churchill, acetpt pualYI~ raUier than to \"'alter Brown, take part in t.be maklna of our Ches Snow, In· own entertainment allowtd very Austin Mercer. clurly. Thil Ia obvloua aller a . :>!ember~ unablr mcmtnll lhouaht on mualc, Bill Walsh anrt Fred 1 IOI'ill, bockey, wreaUinl and pmident Frank con· T.V. live thulre Ia auflerlna the team on rcachin~ · in the School Leagur ll'fatlJ btcaun of the eflec:t of n of the da)·, Past I • "eannrd" entertainment and II I Introduced Mr In danaer of dylnl out altoaebh· guest speaker. :llr er. Ftl\lrtl are a1·a\lable to ahow the tendency In thla direction. . director of finances Fol\nlll'lna Mr. \'eo'a openlna YESTERDAY AFTERNOON at the offices or the Newfoundland FederaUon of Fishennen II presentabon wa~ cross in Canada a rrmarlu. rmmbera from lha floor\ made to Treasurer Pat Antle on the occasion of hls recent marringe. The gift was a silver service and it '~as Dll loan to the pro•· ..·nc,,,. In the ~~~e~w~rn~u:;~~~~~. \~n ht\~ :~: presented ·by the Federation branches throughout the Provlnce. Pre.sident Ray Riche ma~e the presentation David Decker, Ject themaehn These question• I to Mr. Antle. On hand for the event besides representn tlves of the f1sh trade, were Prem1er Smallwood and Europe ironing from the maney report NAFEL's manl1ger J. Lawes. Seen In during presentation. left to right:-Premier J, R. Smallwood, BATHING A PATIENT IN BED b dem o!ltra!ed to young women !;.king t11e r~nl[l'd pho~o ~n: brought ~rr to tll..J eCfect or T.V. on achool S ; t .' ,., L ,., H A Pat Antle Mrs Antle and Ra\' Riche.-tDailu News Photo). Nursing course by Nursing Director Isabel Sutton, R.N. Classes are held Rl Da\'c who i! rhlldren-rrom the al&nR of ap. era 1 eet e ar~ max ane, m. . ., , · . J quarter& In St. John's undi!T the direction of Miss Sutton with volunleet· nur:.e.~ cl the St. John's Clu pl'f't'latlon of the theatre In St. ' · pleased t~ hear he • John• to the effect or our "can· ing of their time to act as instructors. Thl.! young women in the picture abc~·@ ecjo)'lng hts work. ned" ente ~alnment on the func­ typical group of the hundreds of women who have availed of the free home Hannah developed llunlnl of d~mocracy-from ing cour9e!l given by Red Cros~ to add to their skills. Such skill~ are R benefit became increasing' Shak·~~peare to "modern trll'lal boW his close connecti the for Ne\\'s Phntol. c"mr.d)'" and the l'arloua forms for women participating and the community.-( Dail~· ------(inanclal program of art. Red Cross enabled hi · The nut meet1n1 or bh M.C. i! show the complete L.l. will he 1. debate with rep're· Narrow top level of admi Humanities functions of our ~enUth·ea from !'he Klnamen (ConllnuP~ f:nm The greal lrenrl from He was loud in Club. organization at Ga Association to the cities may be hailed has done !uch of the amenilirl, "h!cn job catering lo I Meeting find in the ci11es, coJ~ci ~ to the rur~l ne~'·

The Premier lhcl men Hery !Here" the)' are doin~ fnr 1uggesten th"t nthu in Newfnunr.Jann the work or enucalion together re~inn~ll; H.~ their problem! .

.I I. ' FOR THE THREi GREATEST YEA OF YOUR LIFE •• CLEAN SHAVES • a worthwhile lob ~'I'' . everJ tlnie ·with • fine comrades ''I Gillette • chancel for travel Blue Blacles and advancement • good pay; excellent

• Sharpeet Edges Ever Honed · medical and dentol • Fut.-U,npr.J..uting Shavea Teleph0111, visit or ll!all fhl cDipDit ~/ow, lo yofl • Double-Edged For Double Ca11adla11 Ar1111 rterulftr at . Economy · ARMY RECRUITING STATION, 437 Wafer Strl'et, St. John's, Nlld. Ttl. -~ r------·------~, •. ,;."' 1 PIHH Hnd 1111 ln'-rrnatlell, wll~aut ~~~ or ftr btra C..Vnltnct , • , 1 111 appor111nl1l11 In the Canadian Arrny: bey GWette Blue Blad11 in d.ilpeDien with UIIICl I I Addre~~.. ______blade compartment.. 20 Bladea,· U .00. 10 Bladel, &Qg, Rerulu - ADDIS ABABA, Ethl9pla-Emperior Halle Selass le·Js shown as he received Vice-Pr~ldent Richard Nixon I City/TOW!IL------packal'!, II ror 2!5c. In the throne room of the Imperial palace at·Addis Ababa shortly aftr the Vee-President's arrival on his current good­ 1 Pravlncet ______

will tour. The Emperlor and Nixon discussed the U.S government's desire to establish an air force communica­ l (,looM prim) tions ball\! on Ethiopian soil and reports indicated that Lh e Emperior implied strongly that he is wllng to grant per­ mission for the Installations. in exchange for U.S .. air. n.N. Photo) L------~------~------~--~------ROAD CLEARANCE AS LOW AS UNCHANGED $2794~00 I (

NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 13 '' Cross· Director IEducation Week At sses Kiwanis ay· otes St. Mark's High Schooi •

er nur:.es 't' abo-.-e "t' homp a lx-1~efil ~hoto '·

!"I !I .

• , p~ li r.rl•rRnma :rP•~. lhP lhPrr ran pie In The News ~UI lh~

1REE ~A ~E •• Hey Mom! can take ASPIRIN it Y~ TAADE 1<4A~K UQ. anv Millions more people !!!!J tl•mre use Aspirin Don't / ~.. without Stomach Upset! nl Forget An Aspirin tablet starts to disintegrate-is actually lien I ready to go to work to relieve your pain-in just ntal two seconds I So be sure you get genuine Aspirin. Mammy's FAST RELIEF FROM: HEADACHE NEURALGIA • BACKACHE' ACHING MUSCLES • COLD DISCOMFORTS Sliced Bread RHEUMATIC PAIN . for My Vou o.an gal nothing bBIIBr. • BVBn Bf TwioB fha PrioB - Lunch Box New I 4 sizes ta choose from Sandwiches ~~~ I! liM II 19~ JIIIM29~ A PICIDUI=t 01' IAYII It's DELICIOUS TRADE SUPPLIED BY

II Iii I iii! II I Iiiii I !I; I ii!i I I I I I II ill I II I @Iii ill II IQU·I'I A . and Stays • so FRESH GERALD S. DOYLE. ,,, II II " II I, I I " I II I "I " II IJ I j ::;;;;J'~

~ . ' . . . lliE DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 14!_...... • ~ .-.-~------~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.::.:.::.::::.::.::::.::.::.:.:.::L::::::::::~~~==~~~~======~====~IT;u~r:co:m~a~n~~~·a:rr~io:r~~:o:rn~ mounted soldiery f en Oscar Predictions By NEA .. Programmes -On The Air Today :: . Paramount !:;,~:~::~;;~;:~~:: .. illies Erskl·ne Johnson, NEA Hollvwood ,_,.,rter, annually •• , .,_,...______...... - ....·----·--·-..;.:.- .. ~·.. ---- ·-.. ..----· N---P-Z--·.-'---' ~!o!t of the ·xt . his neck out by predicti~g the w~~;rs of the Acad· L------• .... --·- ••""'•• --·- OW ayz,ng filmed on locatia:r:~r lticks ' cis ~- C J 0 N C~lil., amidst the emy o! Motion Picture Arts and Scien~ O&c.ar awar . V 0 C M ON TV .T • ht -- Sierras, llhile lal'ish. But this year Johnson's seeing double,, because .the race FRIDAY, 2! %2 ~CB CJ - . ontg 6.30-FRBolbDALe~~.MSAhRoCwB. JA~~~f~:~N~~~~r!t~TB er~c~ed ~n Holl)~OOd.1 1 ts 50 close between pairs of candidates m the actmg cate· ---~~-=--:--::--- "' , Alter more than three years In nn~u~er ~~~~k ,~ ~!1 &cries. So-pictured below are Johnson's."on the other (1.30-Breakfut Club, Newa. 8.30-Nfld. Newa. production, the George Stevens tune in th 1 ~ tale f 8.30-Hit of the Day. 6.35-Weather. . fllmization of "Giant" la now play· Crossing paths e \hmed! . 111 ,. band , , ." Ch 01ces. 8.30-Ne'llll, Breakfast Club. UO-Open Houae. 8.00-0n Trial. U~Fisbermen'l ~Inn and Fort- ing at the Paramount Theatre. Princess Fallzia th! 11.00-Date With Deny a. !5.00-Howdy Doody, 8.30-Plouffe. Family. nat. Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson S1ewart he fall' ena~ted 5 1 11.16-Foxglove Street. 15.S~Weatern. 9.00-$64,000 Question. 7.0G--News and Sparta. and James Dean star. Her afiections h n. 01 e .' ' II 11.80-Date with Dell)'l. a.OG--Ranch Time. 9.3~oUDtry Hoedown. 7.15---National New1 " Weather Filmed on an epic acale com· 1 ed at ril'al pri~~e o:~~;er, I' 10.00-NIWI. 6.3~avalcade. 10.00--Wrestllnt. 7.30-Round the World Nen. mensurate with the novel's locale, i to her, ~ecks to' cant L" 1 10.06-Date with •Denyl.O'Malle• ,,00-All Star Theatre. 11 .OO-N ews. 1.3~WeatherS RoundUJ. the vast emp 1re o! Texas, "G'1an 'pI ers1a by morn 1n, hro 10 30-!I C m 1 10 : 4 6-D!~! w~ "nenya. •· _,:..::,S:::D-:__..:E:•:.:.r:.::IY_:.8h::.:o:..:":.:.· _ _:_ ____:_1_1._1D-_L_a_~_s_h_ow_. ------~:~:n~ N~~~•'tf· 11 mon than a regional ~to? of m·age batt!~~ inn" er. ' . 1o.M-Newa. 8.~Provloeial Weathtr. Texas and Its people ... 1t s re-I torture de·. im. DPek t . ll.IKJ-.Burton'l of Banner St. Answer Previous Puzzle 8.20-Shlppiii.C RePort. portedly e!sentlally a stirring· vince her of his t;ue lnu 11.1~-Blil Mountain Show. J k l~ttJI lA _1 r~o. 8 . 2~K!ddiel Corner. chronlcl1 of three decades of form~ the hasis ol the oa, 12.00.-Neln North Dakota un et ~~'*taHa Ill 1111 8.30-Nfid. Newa. American !amlly life and the ptrod·i T~e l'ast spec\acle bol.l 12.05-Ramblln' wH.It Reeord1. 1.. a.S5-Weather. found human emotions gener3 e portmg ca~t headed bt !It 1• I 12.S()....Newl. ACROSS 58 Fhh 11 '~ :~ 8.45-Mornillll MIIJT)'-Go RoaM. out of the problems of our chang· Gomez, a caral'an Oll'ne'. 12.3~Ramblln' with Record•. North 59 ScaUm,uha)' lto:l''fllili{ 9.00-Provlriclal Newa. leg t\rnP.I. · B!akr, the llaminR·hair;d l.l'I-Sporucut. 1 Dakota'• DOWN 9.0~Duke Bo1 Review. George Stevens, who directed chieftoin; Ru~rmarie Bo· 1..10-News. official newer • • 'Vll" .· tk. 9.30-NewL tho film and produced it with ~otic dancrr: Paul Pice~'· 1.46-Slmon Myatel')'. Ia tht _ ~ ~~!:Ost\lon • iT ~ 9.31-Duke Boll Review. Henry Ginsberg, is respo.nsible for\ evil Prince ~ur·F:I·Din, an~ ';1.00-RambUn' with Recorda. prairie rosa 3 Sediment .,. 9.4~Murlel McKay. su~h screen masterp1cces as Randolph af thr Caliph U5-News. 8 The- 4 Half (prenx) ~~~li :~ 10.00-Martln'a Corner. "Shane," "A Place In The Sun.''l tinn. Proclucer \l'citrr '· 3,00-Ilollira on Puade. Landi are· in 5 Put into bales :wl"' 10.1~Ma Pepper. ''TJ!k O! The Jown" and "! Re· I Dirrctor !lnn ll'ri~ 1 u•ec 4.00-Newa. its wcitern ,e Ascended 10.31-Who Am I! member Mama. nf extras 1n th~ r.umero·Jl 4.0~Sam'a CoraL parL 7 Scottish river 25 Hops' kilns 42 Siruggle 10.40-Joan Blanchard. "Giant" has b~ome one. of t~e >cquence• ar.rl the cololful 4.M-Newl. 8 lts- il e Too 26 Appear 43 Mimlckef 10.4~F.Jeven for the MoneJ. mo5t eagerly awa1ted moll on pl~· anti caravan !C! r.r1 · 5.00-Ci&co Kid. ~~~:~ miles Y Ro~ter 2B Shoshonean :~ ~f~;~~~se ld.5~Hlt o! tht Day. turea ever to be produc~d. The The .1cn·rn pi'Y for "Tie 5.3G--Melod1 Man. Arrow poison tO Famous Indians Trial 11.00-News. - e:otcilemcnt that began w1th WH·. tur~.1 nf Hajji Raha'' ,. 11 '. 12 29 47 ' B.OO-News. 13 Exist English ichool Covers .... lronuoian 11.01-The Story of Jant ner Bro~.' announcement that' h)' Ril'it:orrl l'ollin• DiM. · "" Mtlody Man. 1 11 Vipers · 30 Wing~ "" " Armi!&dt, Genr•~ Stevens was lo film \he . kin. 1\r;llli·rn.' A11 ''.d B.uu- 14 Land parce 5 19 Unnece!s&ry 31 El'emngs Indian • ., • 1 " 6.15-Sporlscast. 1~ Flower part ~ 0 1\'orkm (poet.) 49 Fruit skin 11.31-Casino. Edna Ferber best-selling nove i "lli~h :\roiJil .. f:,m~. wrot1 rogra 6.20-Melody Man. 16 Prcl'alicate 2 ~ H~brew letter ~~Perched ~D Small hmet 12.00-Newl, Top1 Today. gained in e\'er increa5ing mom~n· 1 rrctrd lhr m"'" fnr 'h:! 8.4~News. 17 Cease 23 Nomad 38 Recompense 52 Hau;a!lan 1.00-Local and National NewL tum as the month! of product1on r ticth C'r:1111:1·i·"' re:w!. 7.00-Ralnbow Riddle. 18.Dyestu!!s 24 Unusual H \\'elrd lood 1.011--Wuther Ferecut. alowly became years. · lighti~.~ 111.' -rn:r :• th1 llcl Dtlttrd Kerr 7.1~Doctor Paul.· 20 Temporary 1.10-Topa TodiJ, Some of the screen's mnst e~· · iighting ln.· 'cwr 1• :l•.t 1.,,1 for "ltllll &nd 1.'' 11 htch \'' for "Anutula." 7.30-BarRaln Hour. Zl ~:o~~:Y 1.15-Newl. 1 citing star~ will be seen in "Giant."; llah~·· Kir.; : 8.00-Philo Vance. Got up 1.3~Erlitorlal Cnmment. Elizabeth Taylor, oft·spok~n as the nn thP sn1111r\ tr.,t~. wl~gfid'l "Bot MtrtH"-tt~ltH Dthor~h attl tht Md. 23 8.30-Hockey. 27 Celei\lal l.~Sport~ Review. 1 most beautiful woma11 in the 1\0rld ------~- 10.3(),-.l'lana. structures U~Art Baker's Notel!ook. ~lay 1 the lead role of Lei lie Bene· ! ~'ft)l'l\!lrJL't · p,,,l!:!\ 10,,~News. 3~ Demolished 2.00-News. diet. Rock Hudson, the popular lice 1airl Tuc"i:•:· 8eM A.dor 11.00-Spor\cut. 33 Produclni 2.00-Never Let Me Lova You. actor who won acclaim in "The tcnni• l'itamr:r.n . 11.10-Forecut. 34 ~~:~~~n 2.15-Thls Man'l YamUy. Magnificent Obsession,". por\ra~s .I has appl.crl rn: 'i 11.4~Ciub 59Q. 2.30-Newl, Ma~nee. Miss Taylor'a husband, B1ck. He 1s in Swcrlrn. S~r onn :11 12.00-News. 3.00-Now&, Hounwlve1 Clu'b. the ruler of a empire of land· in th" ·.•nri1 tab!• 36 i~:r~fn~~~~~s vast nl)uh:~, 12.0~Ciub ~90. 37 Bedaub &.~Ill. Provlnelal .N•n. and ealtle. 1 champ,~n·liip. nm :,q 12.30-News. 39 Worms 4.01-Caslno. James Dean, who ro~e ~o st~r·1 1.00-Closedown. 40 Pilot 4.30-News, R111ch Party. dem in his very li.rst mot10n piC· 42 Worrie1 ~.00-Newl, The ReC!lrd. Show. ture, "Eut of Eden," for wh1ch 46 Much lignite 11.00-News ancl Weather. he also won an Academy Award v·o us coal und~rii~s ti.O~Bulletin Board. nomination stan 11 Jett Rink, an FRIDAY, MARCH zi the- polL (1.10-Natlonal New1. ambltii'UB ~nd hard working ranch , ------· .1 Jo: t ~el sstate 11.15-Sportl Parade. hand who by aheer energy a.nd de· 'I 6.00-Natlonal Anthem and Sian • • 11 1 11.25-Provlnclal NeWI. 1 Gel[ term 6.31-Showcase of Stan. termination turns a small piece 0 1 On. 5~ Sil'r\l'.orm .0l-Rlght to Happlneas. property into 1 fulfillment of his ~.O~Sundlal. ~3 7 6.311-World Ncwft ~nd Weother. 5~ Fo11dlc~ 7.1~Jlm Ameche-Storyteller. dream for riches. 7.00-=-:cwa Highlights and ~5 Boumtat)' 8.00-News. Caalno. __...:======--- Weather. (comb. Cc.-m) 8.30-Newa, Double Fealur1. eG W;~rble 7.311-World News and Weather. ~~ Gaelic 9.4~Do11Co New1. 8.00-Breakfast Club. • 10.01-Nlght Beat. Cornwall 8.30-Make.:up Your Mind. 10.31-:'\l'y Prayer wu An1wered. 8.45-Rex Koury. 4.3G--World News. 8.00-CBC News and Weather. 10.4~Natlonal Newa. 9.00-IL Happened Laat Nleht. 4.~5-Pulse. 8.15-Muslcal Clock. 11.01-Sports. 10.00-Col!ee Tjme. 7.3:>-Gaylen Drnke. 9.00-Mornlng Devotions. 111.30-Houaeparty, New1. To-dav., 8.0G--X Minus One. 9.1~Progrnm Prel'lew. 1.01-Queen and Sign O!f. 11.00-Turn Back the Clock. 1 11.26--Somethlni to Think About. 8.30-Could This Be You? 9.20-Plano Plnytime. 11.30-Pepperrell Juke Club. R.OO-People Are Funny. 1 9.30-Records at Random. NTH! ADV!NTURE5 12.10-News and D.B. 9.30-Basln Street Jazz. 10.01}-Cream of the West. ------OF HAJJI I!ABA" 12.30-Hlllbllly tlatlnee. 10.00-Final 1\rli\ion. 1 10.10-llit of the Day. 1.00-Behlnd the Story. 10.30-L"N Review. ; 10.15-Iris Power. Capitol The magie ~ye o! the Cinema· ! B.llt Doulll: 1.115-Muters of Melody. : 11.00-Muslc 'Til Midnight. 10.2!>-CBC News. Scope umera will br aimed at : ~ 1 _j 1.30-Muslcal Express. 10.30-~lornlng Musicale. .,. 1nci~nt Per~ia v.·hen \\talter V\ran­ lOPS on anrl nn . for ''Lad for Ufe." 1.4~Bob Crosby. 10.45-BBC Variety. ger'a Allied Artisu production of I Isbell, the fal'\boll "Bt.~t Actor'': Kirk, but It eould br Br~rmer t11t Bnld. 2.30-0ne Man's Family. ll.IS-:\'ational School Brodca5t. T o-rnorrow ''The Ad1·enture5 o! Hajji Baha," I Baylor. !shell tnnk 2.4~March ·of· Eventa. CBN 11.45-Regina ~lcBrirle. opens today at th~ Cornwall. ' decided th~t hr·~ · 12.00-Announrcrs Choice. a.OO-Do You Know? J'RID.\1', ~lARCH 22 , . . Starring John Drrk anrt El!in' ; •·' Best. Supporti.ng Actress I 3.30::...VOUS Record Room. 12.l~Farm Broarlrast. 'THE Ji.~Tn[S IN TBP: . Stevmt. thr tolar hy Df: Lu~e ,·rr- I I 4,00-Wnrld Nell'l, 7.30-Si~n On. CB•.' 1\'PII~. 12.45-:'l!id Day Serenade. OZARKS I !ion is 'oaml on thP- famous da~5ic I I 4.011-VOl!S Record l'tonm. 7.~~Tap of thr )!orrinc. 1.00-Doyl~ Bull~lin. -- by Jamr• Morier. ' :------1.15-Leura Limited. 1.30-CBC !\e1•·s and Weather. ~IJng u·~iter.~ h!•.·e I belie! that . All th! romanrr and acti~n o!! . Cf'rUin melorlte~ are In what they· Pema some 2000 ~fir! un ~·ill I I 1.4~-~lll!ical Provamme. Best Supporidng Actor i t'rm a "hit ~roo,·e.',' That th,re 1! sweep uro!s the v~st fcrr~n to · 2.00-Words and ~rusir. I 2.15-Jiiflct. School Brnadmt. also a :'hit ,-MI'e' In movies I.! prolirle the highlight! ol thi1 ex·; I 2.3tl-Atlanlic School Broadcast. : l~prmll'ely demanstr•!,'d by "Th~ 1 eiting starr. The film hoa~t~ ~om~ KettlPft tn th,. n-rark!. npw involving I 2.4~The Happy Ganz, Unl·lsp~ctacular wturnc~! l''!r!al· lnternallnn"l ramedy M· harem t>tautlu alal'e girl! w1lrl: 3.15-For the Piano. shrring Marjori~ Main anti Arthur ' _· __ 3.30-CBC riews . Hunnicutt at the C1pitnl The•trr. 1 • 3.33-Tran5 Canada Malln~e. Thi~ 15 the eighth picture haard · audlencft dlseol'rr ~hat. therP is an .I 4.30-CBC News. by U·I on th~ merrv advtnturu rxtrrmely elo~e kmsh1p betw'l'en 4.3~Timely Tunea. and misadventures of the prodig- Pa and "Uncle S~dg~," . its moat 4.4~Chlldren's Story, lous Kettle tribe 1ince the film In obvious manlfestallon bemg an al­ 5.1S-FJ5herie5 Broadcast. whi~h they made their first appear· lergy to work in ai~Y form .. 5.45-Kindergarten of the Air. ance, ''The Egg and 1," In whleh Of cours1 thla p1cture.' hke all · 6.00-Intermezzo. they weren't the main eharacter! lh predecessors, l.s domln.ated by 6.3G--Supper Guest. but just about stole the •how. the lusty penonahty o! ~llss Moln . -! r.sLIE B.~Fishlng with Blll Green· All that really need be uld a1 Ma,. She's In wonderf.ul form :FRED .o\ST.\Tnf.. · · '. away. Weather. about "The Kettles in the Otarks" and ~~~es her !ani 1 special treat : In "DADD\' LO:'iG 7.00-CBC News and is that It is still very definitely in by. liltmg her· voice In song and i -SOSGS-C!I"DIASCOPL 7.1~Curtain Calla. f I the groove. Judging !rom the !!ales do~ng a spot of dancing 1n .an ex. 7.30-Tops Today. o! laughter which greet the hllar· dhg as well as amusing hillbilly h 7.4~Doyle Bulletin. 1 8.15-Muslcal Program. loua incidents in the new eomedy p::..:a:.:.r;;ty~•e;,::q;u:en::,:~:.:._· --::--:-=-=-:--:=~~~~;;;;;;;;,;iiiiiiiiii 8.30--Rawhide. u they unfold on the se~en, the 8.4~Kltchen Corner. public finds the Kettles -u !unny 9.00-Plano 4o Hand!. today as when they made th~lr 9.3G--Cathedral Devotlon1. film bows In all their nnine~s IUee11 Heellln Ia. I'IH1XOC'~ , some half dozen years ago. . i "Bad Seed," benelf• 10.00-Cathedral Devotion•. - for •'11\e Ball Seed." 1 10.30-F.ventlde, II A! the title promises. Ma Kettle and her brond invade thr Otarkr •snt Supflllrling Actrus": r;lrrn-tmltu PO Ill/ beatr her .out. I !11.00-S~r~nane for Str!ng1. [ . !llclt' Anthony uumn :in the ne\1' picture. They ~o there 11.30-CBC NationAl JI.'PI\'5, Xews, tn vi~it Pa's brother, Sedgwick , ,1,1' for "'Wrll~ on lhe Wind." for "Lui& for J.lfe." Kettlt. who I~ played b~ Ar1hur, ' : ------.. to-meuure part open1 today 1 Rounrtup and Talk. I at the Sllr Theatre. ·Peuie Castle,\ "But Supporting Actor'': Bob Srack 11n leH Tc>!1U Qtlinn cop.! I!. Hunnicutt a welcome ntwcomer to ' thr aeries'. Ma, the kids and the ' T .· John Bromfield, Ron Randell and 1 Star John Sm\lh are the co·stan o! thls' -====..._-~------======f' ad1·enture drama, in color. by De I .. .i"' . Luxr, w~lch riul' with lnlrigur up , . ' on tht Bozeman Trail around Kan· 1 - : To-day Isu and the Indian territory, and : with Indian attacks on the under· I mann rd Army YoriJ of the west. 1 "IIJIICNTIIR seOUT" Beautiful Pe~ale Culle and Mar· I WITH TCNY MAJIITIN tin provide the romanti~ !ntereat I In thll action-packed drama which ~-;: "Qulncanno", Frontier Scout," United Artlsu Ia releaaln1 for Bel· I 1tarr1n1 Tony Martin In hla first NOW PLAYING ------~------t!nlght dramatl~ role, a tailored· Air Produ.c:tlon1. I TO-MORROW A New


/ 1! illies to ·Improve When Pepperrell Falcons ortstop Position Filled Down Curtis 67-38 ~r J.~CK HAND 1lnto the minors and buy elthtr Bouchee .2711 at Mlaml hun't been · Fla. AP-UnUI Chico Fernandez 11r llob Lillll from hlttlnl up to expectation• but he lJm:e Neff High Sc.orerWith 2il Po~nts · 1 rhillirs makt their the Brooklyn or11anlullon. h gettlnl a 1olld trial at lint. L1e !:'eppcrrcl! Fakv .. .; con· mg muot o! the quarter tney 11 ~ d1~l lot a ahortatop, "To bt a stron1 eonltnder we'va .287 with 32 homers 1 ~ cutl to •re how the elub Eel to have a lhorlltop and soma and 811. run1 batted In IJ a full· linued lnei.L· · winnin& 1n th~ ran up loLu·teen more poinll 11 senior High School llasketllll! while the Curtis manaaed to • 10 1 mpro~e on lui 111r'1 better hiltlnl and defenea ill rllhl time eateher thll year with no mora {ln11h. field," nld Smith. He hopta to ahl!ta to flrat 'baae. Relief help will leaue yer,t.erday afternoon as· swish the twines for six more Grar.r.y Hamntr now a come up with tht rl&hWtldu from come from Jot Lonnett .182 and th~y took llleir liecond win in as !JOints to hal"e tile score It ~ 1 11 r1lirl piteher, the the eurrent aquad. Bob Bowman bonua bo)' Mack Burk 1.000 for one many staru when they won over Lhrce-quarlcl· time read Pepper· job :1 "·ide open. At var· .277 tt Miami and, Glen Gorboua at ~at. Curlis Acad~my by il score of ,·ell 411-Curtis 26. In tile lut Ro1· smalled .2211 and .262 at Miami both have atroiiJ Robin Roberta 111-18 II, of 67-JB. quarter of play the Falcons wau · · .I P6, a pair of SO. al'l!\1, ao\)ru, the bll man of the pltchlnl Twenty-thre polnt3 by Dave at their best as ll~y controlled harr bern playlnl the Veteran• Elmer Valo .289 and 1hlf. Curt Slmmona 111-10, who Neff led the Falcons to their the rebound..':i of both basket:! ana Frank Baumholts .liTO alto art wu a doubtful factor a year 110, victory whl!e Bob Joyce and' ran up a score for the quartu mJna~er ~ayo Smith avallablt. · II aolld 111aln and teama with Har­ "Tax" Brabaltz potted tile Ieath· I of €ill"hteen polnt3 while tbe ·rral manager Roy Hamey JONES SEEM& S'lT ny Haddix 18-8 to Jive the club er for !ourte~n points each. ~ Curtis came back wlth twelve: rHA·n'l·r· ::;~·rd t~ pull a trade be­ Smith'a Infield Ia unaett!ed, tll· top flllht lelthanded plteblns. The Kame waa played at st. ' points. : ~>ir~d ;, ;luh lra1·e• Ill l)lrinl cept for WUllt Jonea .177 at Jim Hearn 5-11, acquired from Pat"• IIYm and saw tile Peppers ·. For the CurUs Cec Blackwood New York GlantJ durlllgthe winter ,,. Ro·~·f' • ~uarttr5. third base and even WIU!t might 1Iead1ni at the end of each of! who played a stron1 Jaine d• P:c~nll' ;:T rr.AYf:R Eo (f the rl1ht deal II ut up. II expeded to atart. Jack Sanford SHOWN ABOVE is Dave Pike of Curt;; Academy as he lays down a stone In yeS· 'the quarters. The Curtis h~ld !ens!vely !or the Curtla was also who came back from the army to D:n. •nd .~. 1 ~, ,t~mled In their ef· Ted Ku.a!Uk! .211 and !lolly terday'~ garne in the Schoolboy Curling ,;eries being played at and under the· span· Lhe mllhty Falcllns In the first: hlghllner In tile scorlnl as be ; :anrl ~n t,labllshe~ major Hemua .286, the veteran u..Cardln· beat the Cuba In hiJ only atart last '"·P\ Th S h 00 lb Le t t d Wednes quarter but from there on the' sank the leat~r for a tDlal of·. :rc Wa . t~,r,· pr0bably \\'Ill dip al, may platoon 1econd baH. Ed . fall, alao 11eh * atutlnl chance, sorship, of the St. John's Curling Club. e c oy ague s ar e on - Falcon• control!ed most of the 1 eighteen points while teammate· day with seven teams competing from thr: various city schools.---::Daily .News Photo. play and put their ll1oDl!ng eyes 1 Bruce Newhook who was play· Bantam Hockey · k to the best advanta~. At the I !ng a stron11 !lame up front ac- I •t I Pee wee Hoc ey end a! bhe l!rat quarter of play; counted for ten polnta. •d G T I Sox Bonus the Pepperrel! held a slim lead Bob Joyce was the bli JUn for •ta Is· DeC I In g am e 0n I eI . r1l five polnb with tile score·. rebounds In tile game u he re- Games board readlnll 19-14 ln t~!r fav-! peatedly took the reboundJ of • Ca pI . ,iT1 WO I our. In the second quarter the· the Curtis basket and kept the A big 1ame Is on tap In the Sen-~ The only chanie in tonlghts • Falcons took over the scoring·•. ball In the Falcons possession gram TragiC Io: Hockey LeaiUe t?night w.tth game will be the starting tl~e. ~~ 1 and when the hal!time whistle: most of the time. · I 9 5 the GuardJ and Felld1ans meehng has been decided that !omght s sounded they had potted s!:de-~n: By their win yesterday the :. ~-~1\fl\" l;R."'S0:'\1 1lu• 1 football than cateh 1 bu• ID - In the third game of the _best of I game will g~t und~rway at the PI d more points while holding the· Pepperrel! Falcons now. lead tht .·_,~.'n 1'1•-1:'\EAl-The'halL Ra not anly jumped lht :Red W three aeml·fln~l5 !or the nght to I Stadium. at eight oclock sh~!"ll· aye Curtis aquad to s\)( points for lrague of five team~ with two ,,, '''' raid IPI"er~l timrs ·Sox, but then ha did the ume Jmeet St. Bon 5 In _the ChaJllplon-~ ~he fmais In the champl~n!~lp a halftime score o! 35·20. , wins nn ns many starts. Their ·•.• ,, "~ hnnu ···~~·~ '·He "'" from ean pitch eontributn to It Then o a a e · No c anges are con emp a P Y ·. oo , · 1ps, · • ' . . f . Ln 1 th • y Th be ' h John Norman opened the acorlnll coaehes Sib Quick and Max Bm.1ev Clarke H. Ryan, E. Squires, J. Ran· Goalie Dave Th!!!lle uch reslat- Hr ";'IPri -~ 20 or u •- ere 1 aye rene ""'' " D with just one minute aone in the for tonight's game anrt hath squad~1' dell, A. P1ercey, B. Du!fett, M.l ered well deserved shutouts u Tht St. John's Hoekey Luiue Sixte~n Junior &ames playei\ 1d ~· 10 ''kP