t|V " '> ' "-^',3' ;,h V-*'’ i.r ’ ^r. •:' • * V' / % l .vt--

V ■ V WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1«, 1W7 / ' ) p a g e t w e k t y ^ u i .4.*y )' iHanr^Btfr lEWnittg Ji^roUt rnmmfmmmmmm, , si'iiiiii , '| j , Average Daily Net Pj'ess For Uie M'eek Baded ,Thf..Weather' - 1^. Leonard F. Mencser, direc­ Garden'/Restaurant, 2,849; Tha. January 12, 19*7 ren eeat e f D. B. WMtlMr Beifiy p ' tor of the Bureau of Dental H y­ Elks Card Event Rebats,'2,811; Staul's Paint, 2,804; About Town ^giene, gave a talk on Fluoridation ScKack-Kotsch Wedding S M ^ No. 4, 2 763; Hilinskl’s OoBtinued celd toalgllt,.oeeellkw- Suiloco, 2,734; Fogarty Bros., 2,732; FEATURED AT at the Lincoln FTA meeting Mon­ Has New Leader 12,389 al Hght *B«w likbn tnalght i>r early i' S w tlo n o f olMcora will be held day evening. He quoted statistics Quish Funeral Home, 2,638. ^ Friday. Low 0 t took over the' Member of the Audit ending, somewhat, milder Friday.' 'Of Mencheeter Fridey night at 8 in tooth decay in areas where it lead from The Manchester Herald DORSEY FURNITURE Bureau ef Olmilatloa nigh la 20s. -■ i; ' 'i f A o’clock In Tinker Hall. Following is used. Following his talk, the last night after the 18th aitting - f Washington PTA Mancheiter-^A (Aty o/ f'iUago Charm the xneetlng. whist will be played unit voted unanimously for fluori­ the Elka Setback Tov.mariient at 71 EAST CENTER ST.—TEL. MI 3-7576 a id refreshments serred. dation Of the town’s water supply. the Elks Home. ■ ' ' * ,,- Tours Museum OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Grade 4 pupils won the attendance Team poipv totals and. their VOL. LXXVI. NO. 91 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1957 ((Taaalfled AdvertlMng ea Page 1C) PRICE FIV^.^BNTS f The ladles Aid Society of the banner with the largest number of standings Include: .Smanuel Lutheran Church will parents present. . I j/The Washington PTA held its ■ 7 ^ ...... ' '.;fi The 4XXXX, 8,(M9: Manchester monthly meetiiw in the cafeteria o f' meet tomorrow aftefnoon at 2 E ven in g Herald, 3,048: .The CHECK-UP o'clock at the church. This is the the Waddell School laat evening. i FREE All YW CA activities scheduled Heights. 3,015; . Diamond Jim's, President Howard Chace met with' meeting postponed from last to be held at the Community Y 3,015; Joe's Barber Shop, 3,001; ON YOUR week. WM the executive, committee at 7:30. A have been canceled until Friday yichl's R A T V , 2,983; 4 Deuces, short business mfeeting at 8 o'clock | morning because of lack of heat In 2,947; Elkc. No. 1893, 2.938; Oliva's followed. ■ I Twins, a son ,arti a oaughter. the building. The YW C A office Eisso, g,936; Anderson’s Painters, were bom at thi St. Francis Hos­ Mrs. John Reedy conducted the HOOVER CLEANER will blso be closed. 2,934; Man..‘-ester Trust, 2,917; pital on 3 * ^ 14 to Mr. and Mrs. members on a tour of the Luts by specially trained Hoover representative. Bring yoars alls Anti- Patten's B tllder’s, 2,903. ert .Wrote, 24 Saulters Rd. Museum. A number of new objects in or phone us and we will pick it up. Members of the Girl Scout Petersen's Milkmen, 2,803; V4D. junior camp committee will meet have been acquired and added to 2,892; Woody's Wonders. 2,89l; the Colonial and Indian exhibits. ,.-x3 e^_ge e J. Dormer, son of Ur. and tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock TRADE YOUR OLD CLEANER IN "Mrs. John M. Dormer. 758 Porter Capitol Elquipment, 2,885; Walnut Alter the tour, Mrs. John Ross at the Girl Scout office, 983 Main Clippers, 2,869; State Shoe .Repair, and her refreshment committee St., was chosen recently n "Bache­ St. They are remgjned to bring lor of Rensselaer," an honor, be- 2,857; Leone's TriWklng, 2.851; served cake and coffee. box lunches. atowed upon sophomores at Rens- I aelaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, The banquet In honor of Cliff ■ y . Y „ in recognl'i;onj)f outstand­ ing athletic performance during Herring being held tonight by the. Manchester Custodians Club of the their freshman year. He is in the metallurgical engineering depart­ Board of Education at the Italian American Club has been postponed H a le 's ment. and is a moicber of Alpha until further notice because of thC Chi Rho fraternity. snowstorm. E’robe Told Save Party diet S.C. FuMell S. Allen. BIG VALUES IN FIN€ The Syrlan-Lebanese American t ACRIC FESTIVAL IB, son W'Mrs. Lionel Beaulieu, 31 Women’s (31ub of Hartford will Overland S t> W en tly participated Hoods Steal San Francisco. Jan. 17 f/Pi — meet Jan. 24 at the Avery Me­ with the 11th Akborne DivUlon in The San Francisco Westher Bu­ And Nation, morial, , Hartford. Dr, and Mrs. Hundreds of yards of fine fabrics from well known mills at tiOW, reau has atopped quoting odda in •W ar Hawk," a field training ex­ YARDAGE! LOW pricesJ A wonderful opportunity to purchase beautiful fab­ Douglas Rugh will give a talk on Its foree-asts. ercise in Gerjtany. A. gunner in rics for dresses, skirts* aprons, draperies, spreads, kitchen printSi the Middle East. ' ' Union Dues “ It .was understood by most Battery C of, the division's 88'h cafe curtains, etc. Field ArUllery BatUlion, w en • V people but misinterpreted by . The Rev. C. Henry Anderson of others, weatherman R. Corday tered the Army in Jani.ki, ■ ■■ Wsshington, Jan. 17 (rf*)— and arrived overseas last March. Emanuel Luthman Church an- I The Se.iate investigations Counts said yeaterday. Washington. Jan. 17 - cancellatirn of the Bible FINE QUALITY SPRING and SUMMER The bureau recently had start­ Harold E. Stasaen today might at the church, and subcommittee, in a row with Mrs. Sherry'Jochimsen. general I SM ART ed quoting so-many-chances-out branded “frauduiert” a tele­ chairman of t h e Housewives' S t G. Albert Pearson lias a balky witness and his law-j of-10 odda on the possibility of Bowling Leagues, reporu that all called 6K^ the rehearsals of both I PRINTED yer, heard charges today of rain during the day. gram over his nanjis urging league activities have been post­ choirs toni COTTONS To avoid anv confiiaion with the Republican National com^ “ hoodlum” influence and the ganihling, the bureau now will poned for the remainder of the I “ stealing” of funds in New mittee to keep the partv and w e ^ because of trouble In the The Connecticlit^Assoclation of AND SOLID COLORS aimpl.v report for example. "30 Local Public Welfata^^dmlnistra- York City labor unions. per cent chance of rain," Counts countr.v “safe" from Vice heating system at the Y. The re­ COTTONS Pre.sident Nixon and Sen: spective chairmen, Mrs. Mary tors wHll meet tomorrow at-12:30 • T h e name of Jolm iJohnny Dio) said. WUlhide and Mrs. Eloise Janicke p.m. at the Oakdale 'Titv^n in Dioguardia. a gangster indicted i William F. Knowland. (Monday). Helen McComb‘ (Tues­ Wallingford. Speaker is JosepltM. in connection with the acid blind­ I Tho telegram' was a brief sen- Loughlin, commissioner of fina: day), and Mrs. Celeste Sheldon You'll want to buy more than one ing of la'oor columnist Victor Rie- j sation in maneuvering over the (Thursday) are requested to call for the State of Connecticut. ' I • Colorful kitchen prints and sel, popi>ed up quickly in the pub­ China Upholds . approaching election of a new Re- Mrs. Jochlmsen tonight at her dress length of these beautiful ' cafe curtain prints. lic hearing. I publiimn national chairman to home on 41 Jarvis Rd. Eleanor Duse Lodge,' Daughters qualit.v cottons. Wrangling ataited shortly after ; succeed Leonard Hall who has re- ' of Italy, has canceled its meeting Ktlwin BuBkrr Photo. I • Gold tone prints. Robert F. Kennedy, aubcommittee Soviet Acts in signed effective Feb. 1 . ' Boatswain’s Mate-Alan J. Rice, schedui^ for tonight on account X MRS. RONALD OSCAR SCHACK • Beautiful crease resistant, pre­ Ak-o>o-thah! Ah-o-o-d-ah! counsel, was called as a witness Rep. B. Carroll Reece of Ten­ of the storm. It will be held Jan. 23. to trace the history of AFL-CIO eon of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Rice shrunk finest quality prjnts. I • Crease resistant no-iron prints. Jambe, a five-year-old orang-utan, is having more fun than a nessee. a committee member and Teamsters Union I.SK’al ‘JS4, Ken- 76 Russell St., recently completed with matching headpiece. Her old junglefui o£ monkeyw a-s he rides a coin-operated mechanicsit Hungary Strife • onetime national chairman. toW Because o f the weather, the Miss Irene Ann 'l^msch, daugh­ I nedy said he agreed with Cliair- ]i-eporters he had received the lele- the military police course at the fashioned bouquc.t was formed of • Preshrunk, crease re.sistant I • Fine quality solid color cottons elephant sit the Jungleland, sii -animal compound at Thousand meeting on job descriptions for ter of Mr. anti Mrs. George Roth. Yard. man McClellan iD-Ark.l tliat the 'gram from Stamford, Conn., Army's European Intelligence, tea roses. finest plain broadcloth. Yard , and broadcloth. Oaks, Calif. The big ape waS excited enough when trainers Budapest. Jan. 17 i/P. The Hun- committee chaimnen of the Man­ 6„ Maple 81., bocaue thcjjride of local was established In "a manip- signed with Stassen's name. Reece Military Police and Special weap­ Ronald Oscar Schack. son 'of Mr. The bride's mother selected for put h’im bn the idle elephant's t>ack. biit when they put a coin , . . . . ,• gerian people were told todav that chester Girl Scouts scheduled for VALUES fo VALUES ta , ulation to get gam and prom for : Communist China fully endorses .^ jia s id it read: - —----- r- ons School near Oberammergau, and Mrs. Oscar Schack, 710 KcCncy her daughter's wedding ice blue • Preshrunk Everglaze cotton in:-the slot and the elephant began to jump and buck—ylpee! Germany. Assigned to the U.S. tonight at the Girl Scout office has 69e Yd. individual officers of the union. action taken bv the .Soviet - • "The time has come for Liberals b ^ n ‘ postponed to next Wedn^s- at., In a ceremony performed Jafix, taffeta, and the bridegroom’s satilis. 99c Yd. to take a stand. Let's keep the N avy at Fort Lyautey. Morocco, iiKjther, pink nylon and wool. Both ,aa Mi-Clellan had phrased it. ,,.0,,^ forces In crushing the revo- diiy night 12 at 10 a.m. in the Church of f.ie future of the party and country Rice entered the Navy Ip 1941. Assumption. The Rev. Joseph E. mobicrs wore whit- rose corsages. ! Fred Virgillo. 7908 14th Ave,. I liition in November. The Chinese I Brooklyn. N. Y.. described by the safe from the Nixons and Know- Farrell officiated. Floral decora­ They received with the bridal party Reds alao support Premier Janos $soo subcommittee as a trustee of the Kadar’s ptogram of riithlesa liqui­ lands, Let's elect Mdade Alcorn tions were red and white carna- , at a reccirtion for 40 guests at the llo<-al. then waa called to the wit- dation of i-emainlng rebels. chairman and really clean Up the tlons. ! Hillcrest. Bolton, at noon. BATES "ROB ROY" stock Up— Our 51h Shipment! mess.” ANOTHER SHIPMENT! I neas atand and invoked the Fifth Radio Riidapeit. the voice of the Escorted to the altar and pre- ' When the coilplc left for a wed­ SLIGHT IRREG. OF 98c QUAUTV IN WE NC^m END — IT'S ^ PLAID I Amendment in refiialng to tell Soviet-supported Kadar regime. Alcorn. GOP naUonal ciornmlt- sented In niarriag« b y , her step­ ding trip to Washihgton, D. C., the 1 0 0 -/O ACRILON HLLED teeiniui from ('tnnnactioiiL w npH - father, the bride was attended by bride was ^''earing p -iJclgo wool how he emniLhia-Ilving or whether I bi-oadraal a joint decla-ation sign HEAVY QUALITY CANNON— Teacher he is B member of suy union. ed by Kadar and Red China's Fre- hdfy has the inside track for elec­ Mrs. Janice Schack, sister-in-law; dress and short fur jacket. They Just Like an Old Fashioned Winter tion to succeed Hall. ■Vlrgilto attempted to challenge niier Chou Rn-lai drafted during Qualit;^ Cleaners of the bridegroom. '.Vllllam Sch' -k will be at ho;ne to their friends af­ With a small horse on the scene: anything can be fun, even plowing show. In the Edgar H.^ Others rtet 8anm Telegram of Thompsflnvlllc, brother of the ter Jan. 20 at 16 Lawrence St. BEDSPREAD the subcommittee’s authority , to Chou’s 2A-hoiif visit here. Clarke's yard at 175 E. Center St., Christine Clare, .1. astride the horse, has as horse handlers Reece said he knew of other The bride is a clerk-typist fp> State Capitol, llartford,r“ y the $2l proposed by Ute feov- question him st sll, and hia New The decisration waa similar in FOA EXPERT DRY CLEANING bridegroom, was best man Michael Haponik. 10, left, and her brother Jeffry,-also, 10, Riding the snow-plow rig sCe Debbie GOP committee members, who had Pioneer Parachute Co., and the CATH TOWELS York lawyer, Leon Reich, did lone to the Chinese-Polish state-: For her wedding, the bride chose Jan.Jnh I17 t f __ uGov o\ . KRibicoff io ic o ii exex-; *• to others the Gov-have Clarke. 7. Tommy Hartsog. 6, and partially hidden, Cihrlatine Blake,, 5. Mr. Clarke, the bene- similar conipiunications. / AND LAUNDERING bridegroom is with Keeney Bros. voica the challenge after McClel- meiit relea.-Hid yesterday. in War-, ciary of their fun is in the rear. (Herald Photo by Ofiarai. * a gown of Ivory satin, its sheer X * 6 - ’ * presaCu t)ie hope toda^ .thati«rnor's proposal that any jncrehse In Albany, N. Y.. an aide to L. neckline outlined with seed pearls Dairy. « .'sw. w-here (Jhoii wgs also a visitor Judson Morhonse, New' York'a Re­ Con^^ienriy Located on Depot Sq. ^ ^ Reg. $8.95 .99 the "'Genera’ A.isembly will be apetlflcally earmarked for aab (Oontinued on Page .Seventeen) on s mi.ssion lining up restive Com­ Hriag Ca A ll Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning. and the sUlrt terminating in a m ake it ■pp.8sible to p ro vid e an »''y *ncr*a»e publican state chairman, said cathedral train. She carried an The start' of the YW CA sponsor­ Handsome bright plaids, sturdy and dur­ Reg. $9.95 munist nations )>ehind unquestion­ Morhouse had received the teli- fc ea« ed Kremlin leadership. Diplomats Say old-fashioned bouquet of pink and ed oil painting, classes scheduled able. Only for JamJary at this $2.00 6 9 gram. Morhouse also has been for tonight and tomorrow morning saving. Red, ybUow and green plaids. w ith beautiful rosebud crepe covering. “'c markmg the monty'?or”wlmiet'u Chou flew off in s .Soviet jet white roses. ^500 for Coniwcticut tciicn- bAs6d on the contention Uutts in Israel Airs Terms mentioned for Hall's post. 249 NORTH MAIN STREET The matron of honor was attired has been postponed until next Reg. $8.95 Fringed Bates “Green The irregtilarities arc" so slight they Pink, white, yellow and light blue Youths Seizedij ti'snsport for Moscow to report in Ro^rt L. Pierce, a committee week. Brier" . -...... x...... 86.9.5 will not impair the wearing qualities. grounds. Light as a feather, warmer ei8. ' effect the ita U ’" Would be dlcUl- * F / " * ! ! «l".P«"»f>n to the Kremlin on his Wsr- Kroinlin Fears member from Menomonie. Wls in a gown of salmon colored nylon, It was with Btich an tn^rcaae in ‘og to ■ municipalities what they Reg. $9.95 Bates "Piping Rock" .. 88.95 Deep blue, copen blue, deep rose, ycl- than natural libers. Buy for your own \ f L I V l l l P t * 6i O t i x " ' missions. The aald he recelvril a similar wire thia Reg. $14.95 Bates "Pride of Virginia" .iow and turquoise. use or for gifts. mind, hoisaid at a news conferisric^. shouW pay their teachera, ! declaration was biosdcssl three For Quitting Gaza morning and had been ,"ahochad)iv, Heirloom Spread ...... X . $13.85 that.he recommended inIn hii--.^*-hU^ Already before the General As-^.^._- ^ ; noiirshours arierafter his ms departuredepsrtilre. Ike’s ne i AF it.- . , tsrlm message that atule gidritlr^ ?***, • Republican ;-|-t a .fs f- F g M r a v - • '9 * g r a y i *nt» " I f the telegram ia authentic.” HALE'S MERCURY ^ u c a t l o ™ im :rea»ed ^$ 2 1 $45 Increase. . T X a r i l U r U X « i r Yhe S d StiUs U s?cnri^ Moacow, Jsn. 17 i/Pi -Foreign Pierce said, "I think Ihe thing is pupil. He Dflid then that the in-* adminNtrfttion atale I ‘ •'’fuaed imperialists of starting the Hun-, diplomats------in flOBCow say Die United Nations, N. Y.-, Jan. iT.il.vrael is resoived to pursue with most impertinent and highly dis­ r n crease should be “earmarked for ^ ' -y*® General Assembly re- Hartford, Jan. 17 lAh—^Ttvo ' gsrisn "counter-revolution" in or­ Kremlin geniiinel.v fears PresiUr ,t Israel toda.v expressed a the utmost tenacity." she said. respectful to the Vice President the specific purpose of underwiit-1 P^J^*®** calling for murders—one of a Front .St. sec­ der to launch s conquest of the Elsenhower's MldirtleYiast program willingness to withdraw Its'forces " " ’f " " interests and the Senate majority leader." Injc deaperatelv needed “pay ln-|, ' —- million..... — In w-.ii.tnbonds .11to iiiimitjc finance J . « . . . superior to this. H e cannot lake Stassen, special aaslstant’ to ELECTRIC BLANKETS ond liand rlotblng dealer over a East European People’s Democra­ and is trying desperately to find an the Gaza Strip and __ creases” for teacher's. I more educational projects. Those : from the Gaza Strip and the me responsibility of allowing this President' Eisenhower for dia* inieasiires came from Sen. Philip week ago and the other of a cies. It charged the United States effective co' ntpfattabk. Gulf of Aqaba region In the Sinai RlbicofT estimated that there n'Vj j 46-year-eld widow Tuesday night with manipulating t)»e Uiiltd^ Ns- The diplonmts have talked with interest to be endangered, snd of armament problems, was in New Yau'll just lave ane of these blankets! With a 2>year Bauer (R-Avoni. desert if the U.N. can agree on seeing Egyptian guns ever again York for the United Nations meet* 15,.500 public school teachers. His’ —were solved today. Police m.v Foreign' Minister 'tmltri Shepllov arrangements to ssfegusrd Isra- Toiletries, etc. guarantee at. the lowest prices ever! set up to oblitruct the commerce of ing. Reached by reporters there, they have . obtained confesoions (Continued on Page B^enteea) and other Russian leaders. T h ey Of Our 11 interests. nations in this internationsi water­ Stassen. said; vide $8 million more a i*® ’ !lbriea and other studeht service from two youths In connection say the Soviet reaction sir..s up to Foreign Minister Oolila ,Meir I $1.25 NOXZEMA CREAM ...... with the fatal heatings. this: way.” Starts Inveatigation TWIN BED SIZE...... $17.95 municipalities, he said facilities at the University of Con- tpld the General *Assembl.v Jrhat Is­ Australia's Sir Pere.v Spender whlch would average about $500 bonds would be re- t. The Russians see the Eisen­ rael was ready to disptiss with­ " I have sent no telegram, i have for each teacher. Hartford. Jan; 17 lA’i—T w ' teeli- hower doctrine as anothe" step, siiggMted that U.N. forces ajiould authonzed'no'telegrw |i HELEN CURTIS SPRAY NET ...... $ tired with fees collected for the I drawal from both aiehs. the only be sent to ihe Gaza Strip and the|e-'-* — -• «— ~ The Governor, reiterating that j agers were arraigned o c.iorges iivinced false and fraudulent teJegram and use of the facilities. toward western encirclement of the one.s. wlilch will held by Is­ Shsrrn el Sheikh area until agree­ FULL BED SIZE ...... $18.95 "teachers are underpaid." said j of murder in police coii.-t today !n Soviet Union. I ENDEN DANDRUFF SHAMPOO . $ rael’s invading forces sfter next able arrangements could be that towns would be helped by the (Oontimied on Pnge Seventeen) bond’"lss" of'$ 5%.39!otw'"m"tar* ’ *ep»r«te slay­ Seeking 2. Their opposition is not just Tiicsdiiy. worketl ouL Israel, he said, was $21 Increase because the ‘Jgrea test i ings. I ALKA SELTZER...... ”. ous facili.lfts at the four teachers' antl-West -propaganda. She spoke after MshuiOud Faw- entitled to U.N. assurances that its 69c FULL BED SIZE ...... $21.95 pressure on the towns now is Judge Mil liael Radin .Vtrdered ■/ (DUAL CONTROL) colleges. Among the chief alloca­ 3. The Kremlin 'mows it has to zi, Egyptian foreign minister had rights would be respected^ I 75c BAYER ASPtRIN ...... 42c I teachers' salaries." tions would be: Danbury, Benjamin Reid, 19, Hartford, and lit with Reds come up with something concrete, declared that Israel's failuic to R.S.S: Gunewardene of Ceyloti "The key L® education-.” he sjild,; New Britain, $2,176,- Leroy Whitehead. 17. Big P in e ^ not just propaganda, to defeat the withdraw her forces behind the said the Assembly must Insist on "is teAchei-pupil relations.” Wyo.. held without bone and'c5)n- new U.S. mov.e. \ 000; and New Haven. $1,960,000. By JOHN M. inOHTOW RR | 1949 armisticei line is "threatening complete and unconditional w1 th- ' GERITOL LIQUID or In his message to the Legisla­ tinued each case until Feb. \A./ Bulletins Bauer offered three bills yester­ Washington. Jsn. 17 .J».— Sta.e i The foreign diplomats nolnt out. peace In the .Middle East and )>e- drawst of Israeli forces. Clearance Sale! ture last week Riblcoft said: however, that the satejiites are yond.” I TABL^^T^...... $2.98 and $4.98 | day calling for bond isaues totaling Reid was i eld ImconnecUO^ with Department officials were report- from the AP Wires "From 60 to 75 'per cent of. the I draining thi Russian-eennoigy Thurs.i Ffi., Sat.~- Jan, 17f 18, 19 $l8 million for new vocational the slaying of Jifr.s. Flpnne Mc- eu convinced today that Poland’s U . ^ vass a«at/>.Mrs. 4n Pa'.e Seventeen) pperstlng cost of school programs i»chool. technical institute and Cliiney, whose body was found in a heavily the Soviet Union can’t hope : would not be eontent with a slm- j SLEEM TOOTHPASTE ECONOMY .. 65c 1 (Communist government is fill try- i xrllV 141 linVC lilc is spent on teachers' sslaries. I f ' teachers college faciHtles. parking lot yesterday. Whitehead ing to follow an independent iine. ' to match U.’’ dollars pie agreement to have the U.N. .rman iwwspapera, were • I'adershirts Suspenders Come Ini Look ArouruU U.8 . Atty. W. Wilson White en- menta about the oniv difference Ing a federfil sUtutc. And: TTey were the flrit casualties! congreaa adjourna. new appropriations..some o f which to sU rt now to point the Anger told I# M goao by noon temor- a Briefs Men's Jewelry tered the case at the request of was that one group iiMd guns and the bandits could be reasonably . aniioinced in the new Polish gov- Ben. Paslore iD-RI). iD -R lj says thstthat '.would would carry pv^. pyer ..—InU later year'*.: a$ people v,*to. make tui.,cuU, >.-uihut * I minxthink - row.row' a T-8 hlrta Scales. Take odvontoge of tht saving. President Judge Hazel R.-Brown the oth^r didn't. But this loleranoe aure that pursuit would end at the ^ernment’f desperate campaign tq Senate subcommittee of which he Sortie DemiSctn.s atvd some Re-j a lot of people will rngke' some ! ______j who reported that an Ipplicat/on gave wajrt® ■ngr’ demands Cat state line. ' make a aubstaitttlal showing in the Is a member U ’'ruaning arouad la publtcnna comnlained abort the cuU. 1 think we will do so in the ‘ axvii ri a Ts>ns-Jk etrelea"■ ■ " It^• its • search for a “ fool­...... e hudgfct for the year Treasury,” ' V-?. «UABD E^ B R ITM * SRr H GREEN had been made for- the children t o . apmethlng be done abqut the cien- , Dillinger, wanted'In Indiana for Tote/' < .1 . sise of the hudgiit for tbe year ’Treasury, 1 i / retum $o . Caecboalqyakia with'Wco of the gangatera and rack- th e. murder ef an East (Chicago:’ ’Tbe government, efter Wledyf proof” dishrmamrnt plan. , . . starting next July I, referring to ■ Told that he aoun4ed lik. an^ Bevehtefn - year - eld pro-segrega- thelr parehU. , . ' I eteers. . politemao, was'recognised in Tuc- ‘ ataw Gomulka became haad of the it aa inflationarj-. official who had been_ oyerftauled charged today ^Aat^SSbSSal T h e mother presently is 'unem-i ' Bpeoiel JUdnnp L4** Uonist arrested-4n LouiarUle-after Hits Upending Rise STAMPS WITH son, ArijJ., andlarrcsted with three - Communist United Workers party! 1 ? i B’rehTh F o ^ ployfed while the father Is a jiatient The. eoiaitry and Oongieos caraa members uf hia gang. M ein n p o -, announced a limitifd expansion bf ^om And SeireUo- ^ ’the ;'^aau^ ut i ' M a n c h e s t e r C o n n * u'w'Pbiladelphla mental ioapttaL.. to the .reeltaation that the federal lif e found, among other odd* and tbe list o f imndidatas. Instead of a a.‘ jrieettng the...... youth ...... waa conduct-,...... Humphrey- " - y cautioned------.-----that ; we win 000 Wgger■'■aa'" than W first one El-,: ------—-1 ,t, mhtarithin' CASH SALES tVlUte wrote Judge BroWn that laws were woefully weak in aoin- ends at the Dillinge.r htdb-out, singleIf] set or candidates that! could ing. ’! I'*'’* * depressionlepreaalon that wll makemaze Miihower asniuuv.r ..ntaqnt ut>\three»b\tK»j> yeataago.-|j ------r~ r u ^ lffii^ ililliii UlLi f I S I C f ' r CORfdER MAIN o m I OAK STREETS fOTer^qient , tnv’eatiggta#. intestate ortee. iCH' ninals ttaiW Thomphon stib-rnffchiae either be accepted or rejected, thS FfMirtcon .Haagarina .refugees | your hklr curr unleea the gbvetT- **» that cmild l^.,jyrUfen (he United Stotps whh tha ---- iw fte d that irffatawre betag IS.' . two Wiiwheatec ' riBes vetara would be allowed "to ch'< whorarrived in, Pittsburg recently I raanf cuts down on it* spending.-He at thia mopient, ■said, bnish of "aggrmnlun' " liy s 6 S S ”3t^mqBeL; " mounted as mactaipc gupo, Bve from a larger list of "Natii win havf, ringside seats at 'Pres(-r added that he probably vioukt quit "Thare is no-dii rton or difficuU used on rifli l ^ b e guAa and dent . BUtenbpw^'a irvauguratlonj hia job if,.1n the even) ' ' a dap'.;^- Its cam: L . ‘V (CewtlMod e « Page Bevei)i) •fmamanUi Bara better BMtt (CawHaMd •* I (Claa^waff m Boga ceremohtM in ' Wnhington. , . . gion, Eiaeafaower ’diuiaiztra- (Cea^ued M NIm ^ Mid«a

A" . . ■ rr.■ ‘ .'S.:' /V


' '■ '■ ■ ’ ■ . : . ■' >. ■ ;■ '' ’ ■■' 'V ' MAKCHE8TER BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. IIANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. C »N N , THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. ld»7 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1957 .- PAO K -^ 1PA 6 B T W O __ J e • -ed up several at a dinner-meeting eonftnad to tha eier ha waa driv­ •I; Andover Contumous Music Studentsalnvited held at Cavey's Restaurant Tuea- Donation Starts y 4 m B o U q h ing. Stevenson waa traced through day night ahd the others followed. the regiatratton plate which waa Sheinwold oii Bridge The Story , CHAPTER 10 hy Don Whitehead To Compete for Mancheater barbers have been Scholai'ghip for tdm o ff the car In the miahap. Planned at Ball without an organization since the Trial ^ Joaeph Krosel of Andover, ar­ Nine^Year-Old Boy Suffers Elks Senoiarship abandonment of the local barbers Medical Students NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK-nlAN. 17-11 Justice John Swanson reated on Jin. 1 by State Police­ There will be coaUauou* music group over a year ago. man Arthur Harvey on chargea of gMith dealer X r' . et tha M i o Ball, Leu Oe|mon, GUARD AGAINST A BAD BREAK4 breach of the peace and Intoxica­ Severe Injuries in Mishap -By. A l f ^ Shelnweld Ner(h4eath valaamMe Mancheater High School seniors With a $200 contribution by j A T THE Holds Busy Session in Court tion,- did not appear at the court leader o f the orchestra chosen for n o r t h The bad break In clubs stumped Rebellion Against Crime snd college' students are eligible Jacob and^George Sandals o f V/e1-1 aeaaion. Hia bond of $50 waa ,da- the affair, said todgy. a K 4 to compete for some of the $i,8(X) many of the players who encoun­ don Drug (?o. as a starter the Man-.! (SpwsW)—Trial^ The inv«at4(*tinf officer Uati dared forfeited. AndoVer, Jan. 17 (Special) ^Ijig. Donald McGrath waa elected Gagnon aaid hia decision to a A 1 7 4 in scholaiahip ftinds being made Local Stocks Admbilater Varclnee ckptaln of (he upper grades of tha tered today’s hand In tha recent ' ♦ 8 available aj$aln thlai^ear by the Chester Medicsl Assii. hss estsb-1 lu fU e* Court had a Imay acaslon. fled that both front Urea were bald Peter Hallowall, $, was struck by prpvide a S-plece intermission (Oeattaaed from Fag* Oae) Dr. Richard Demko of Manchea­ unit which was formed this year natlonnl tournament In New Or­ « A $ I 4 1 3 Gonriecttcut Elks Assn. t U i « M k aa aavan eaaaa ware and one had definitely blown out a car at 3:80, yesterday aftemeon group was pronwted by a requeat Quotaliona FUmUhed By lished a scholarahp^.loan fund for ; but he felt it had occurred when ter adminiatered polio vaccinea to to promote aafety on the play­ from Samuel 'neraon, aaeistant leans. Not many ohthem were am­ WEST * A » T bullet-proof veeta and mors than Students In each of three dla- Hoard hy TtiaX *.;ca John Bwar- while aliding acroaa the road in Co hum R MIddlebrook, Ine, deserving local medical atudenta. the car collided ^vltli a guide rail. IM atudenta at the achool yeater- grounds and bus. chairman of tha Ball, th it avail' bitious enough to-climb up to sig AQIIS A t $35,000, part of which waa identi­ tricta In the State who are judged •on. front o f hia Andover Lake Rd. moat deserving on the basis of Ihuik Stocks The Sandals contribute 1 the gift Paul Oran'MiY o f South Oovan- Frank Gilmore, 18 yaara old of day. The achool haa announced op­ Garde* Club Meeting abla dancing tima be Increased do hearts, bnd only a few of the am- Z $ 8 a It $.$ fied aa' loot from an East Chicago portunity will be provided for thoae bltieua players made that contract. «Kl$ll33dQtT4 scholarship abUity and need will Bid Asked in-appreciation of their friend^ip ijb n pleaded guilty to a charge of Hancheater, entered a plea of not home. He auffered a broken upper "Conservation Is Kvarybody'a the maximum. bank. who were abaent from achool today M y partner, Leonard B. Hatmen receive $500. Thflr records then First National Bank with physicians, a-id in the hope n ia t m to ntay i- the traveled por. guilty to a charge of apeedlng. He Jaw and. a poasibla fractured Business'' will be diaouaeed by The move la in line with efforts X T « K It 4 I DilUagat was returned to of Manchester ..... 29 34 to receive their ehote at another A. Raymond Kienhols at .the next of tha Polio Ball Ck>aunlttae thla of New Terk, waa among the dOUTM Indiana and placed in the County will be judged on the State level, that it could be used to start such Itfo e o f the hi(hway, waa found waa found guilty and fined $36. shoulder and possible internal in- Hartford National %- a fund. They hope to continue the ; Gilmore waa in'^Ked in an acci­ date. meeting o f the Garden ,Club at 8 year to lessen/-crowding bn the favored few. Ha won the, flrit trick A A J 16 $ 4 ail At CJrown Point to await triil. where a flrat prise of $200 and a W# eeltbratff National Thrift Waek, Jan. 17-23 In ^ FgoUty and fined $96. Aaaiating Dr. Demko and achool with the ace of diamonds, drew aecond prise of $100 will be - Bank and Trust Co. 32 34 gifts in coming yeara. He waa originally charged with dent on Notch Rd. on Dec. 26 when J**''***- .***•'?** J!’ *' pm- Wednesday In the e'lementary dance floor, M K Q J 6 lut he escaped on March 3, 1034. Conn.* Bank and nurae Mra. Alice Robert were Mra. critical list at the time at the three rounds of trumps, and lost a| J ■warded. Dr. Charles E. Jacobson Jr., sec­ honor of the birthday of Benjamin Franklin. Hie ’ hia car left'the road, knocked over school. He is a professor of forest­ Tlckete ar* liirilted to about 400 ♦ A J He siways claimed he frightened Trust Co...... 37'4 ■peeding hy SUte Policeman Fred O. W. Roberta, Mra. Oiarlea Bed­ Windham Community Memorial club fineBse to the king. East; A local avhoiarahip committee of 4014 retary o f the association, setd that ' A very following an accl n. on a mailbox, traveled M feet. ry at the University of Connec- so that there will be only about a Q J the Jail guards with s wooden gun Manchester Trust ...4rB2 67 keen wit is as fresh tod(^y as whan spoken and h« . ford, Mra. Kenneth Perrett and Hospital, according to State Po­ Ucut. ____ 800 at the dance In companion 'Shrewdly returned a diamond, fore tionth West Neath Best which he had fashioned with s the Mancheater Elks Lodge will the group of local ioctors accept- i r iir it t »««. j>ay at the Notch when I knocked down aeveral guide poaU Irigdummy to ruff. Fire Ineuranee Companiea Mra. Burt Jackaon. The clinic waa lice. He la the eon of Mr. and Mra. with the about 1,100 who hava at­ 1 A Peaa 3 A I’ m * razor bisda aa he wiled away the pick the Manchester student for ed the gift with gratitude and voted ' gentle reminders on tha virtues of thrift still sarva Ocaitberg'a car left the road and | and finally anapped off a utility held in the temporary baaement Robert Hallowell. Hospital author­ Sinr* lt'tii cell. The red-faced Hartford Fire ...... 133 113 to set up the fund, (billed Manches- i ewartumed. The aoouaed claimed { pole. daaaroom dealgnated to become ities sald^this morning his .condi­ Tha Ball Iq tcheduled for Jan, 36 want wrong. They led a club to the Winners on the State level will terested men and women are urged I 4 Pats 6 a Paeq guards said DUlinger had a real National Fire ...... 77*4 82'(j ter Medical Association's Medical as a guide to a happier and more secure fututa. a front tire had blown out, caualng Hia counael, Attorney Francla the health room at the achool, Two tion waa vitally improved. He ' la at the Arm ory from $ p.m. to 1 jack, diacovaring the. had break be eligible for one of 27 other Shea of Mancheater, argued that to attend. Prise Peee ■ .45 which someone had slipped to Phoenix ...... 77 82 Student's Scholarship-Loan Fund. (lie aertdent folding cola in the room were put attended by Dr. Edward Otten- a.m. too late,' Now only the king of him. prliea, ranging from $500 to $1,- It will be ■dministe'ed by asso­ the road at that point waa deceiv­ Hoateasee will be Mrs. lAwrence Opening lead— ♦ 5 IJfe and Indemnity Ins. Coe. to uae aa aome of the children aut- heimer. - Gagnon who donated the aervicea spades remained aa an antry to Trape Hprung 000. that are being offered In the ciation officers. j ing in the manner in which the JlUaon, Mrs. George Nelaon and Aetna Life ...... 174 184 ferad "emotional reactions" to the ' No chargea were filed against, of hie bend, said the three pieces dummy. The long chibs could be Elks national competition. anow had been plowed. He aaid injections. the driver of the car, Clifford Mra. Stuart Ferguson. strength in aeveral suits and strong DUlinger grabbed two machine Last year. Betty Mae Brown of Aetna (Casualty ...... 116 126 Dr. Jacobson aaid the fund will I in the intermission group will con established, but they ori'ldn't he Ifuna. locked up the guards, stole It had been puahed back off the Specialist 3rd’ class Maurice Perry, 67, of Gilead, pending fur­ trump support. To bid the clubs Rockville won $5(10 in the Eastern Conn. General ...... 2.50 265 be used primarily for loans, but slat of Jack Oonse, pianist; Walter cashed. the sheriff’s sutomoble and headed xhoulder, leaving the gutter ex­ Spencer has arrived honie for a ther inveatigation. State Trooper Maacliester Evening H era ld first would tell only part o f the Connecticut competition and the Hartford Steam Boiler 78 83 grants iiilght also be made from it. If you do not Wanted Leonard, drummer; and Jim Mul- A Wise Overtake for Chicago. The instant he po eed and that hia client had-be­ 30-day furlough following his ra- Frank Piach of the CoIcheelCr Biar- Andover rorraapoadeat, Mrs. Paul story, not necessarily the moat im­ second prise of $100 in the State Travelers ...... 72 76 OITlcers will probably submit a list ready; base' viol. Harmon aaw a way to guaM him­ crossed the Indiana-Illinoie state of possible candidates {it the come atuck in aott ahoulder. fnlistment for three years. He haa racka investigated. D. Pfaastlehl, telephone Pilgrim self against four cliiba In the East portant part. judging. l*ublic CHlIDea learn to »ave Rccist«rcd nurses snd prae- 3-6856. Tlckats for the dance appear to line, he violated aJTederal law—the Conn. Power ...... 41'4 43’* Medical Assn. meeting next, Proaecutor Renato Cocconl con­ been on duty with the .Third —The boy-XAS-telcen to the hos­ hand. luataad orieh dlng a club ttr (Copyright - It W , Oeiji y l Fea­ Contest sppHcations. which may tied nursM for full urtntrt^ tended that thla would have alowed Armored Division in HanauT fJer- be selling wail Robert Nelswanger; tures Oorp.) Natlonal-MotSr “Vehicle Theft Act, Conn. Light A Power 19 21 month. The association may take pital in the Andover Volunteer ticket chairmen, said today. the jack, he led out dummy's ace be obtained' from Harry Maid- All else mil he time work at the Vernon theaocuaed down and ahoyld have many, for the past six months. Fire Department emergency commonly known as the Dyer Act, Hartford Elec. Lt. ...- .57'4 59>4 action to allocate funds. Only about* 100 tlckete ware of clubs, overtaking hia own jack. which prohibits transportation of ment. High School guidance teach­ Hartford Gas Co...... 36 39 Thla marks the first time the HsTen ConTsleocent Hos­ prevented the entulng damage. Spencer will return to Germany truck. A call had been placed to w est’s discard revealed the club Success doesn’t coma to the fel­ er, mutt be submitted by Feb. 15. The caae waa Inyeatigated by at the close of hia furlough for pieced on aele at points In town. In­ low who hasn’t much gat-up In the A stolen motor vehicle aciosa a So. New England group has had such g scholarship of little value the hospital for an ambulance, but Five Persons break. Harmon therefore 'led the state line. They may be turned in either at pital at Vernon Center 4 State Policeman Donald Kelley. another two years. Hia wife an^ cluding . the office of Town cierk .morning. Tel, ...... 39 41 fund for medical students. It has a fireman passing by the scene re­ nine of clubs from, dummy, ruffing On two occasions, agents the Elks Lodge or to Bruce Noble, miles from Manchester. Two casee were preeented when family expect to join him Uiere turned to the station for the truck Edward Tomkiel in the Municipal SlABUlarturing Companiea ' had, however, s $50$ a year Building, out East's ten. He could then' get thought they had Dilllnger Elks secretary, at the Manchester Arrow, Hart, Heg. .. 5* .57 nurse's scholarship. Good waires and working pereona were arral^ed on chargee this spring. so that the boy might receive more Die in Blasts Trust Oo. Girt Scout Troop 108 will spon­ More will be released for sale back to dummy -with the king of trapped. Each time he escaped in Asso. Spring ...... 34 >j 37 Dr. Jacobson said others may conditions. Phone Rockville of peaeing a halted achool hue. Immediate attention. spades to lead the eight o f clubs T ie contest ie not limited to Proeper Roaeeno. o f H a r tfo r d sor a dance for seventh and eighth ea soon as thoae who have been /J f /V < - I TfC‘^f If a barrage of machine-gun fire, But Bristol Brass 13 '15 contribute to the scholarship, and A member of the departriient and then the rest of the good clubs. students whose fathers are Elks. TRenont 5-2077 at any pleaded jp illty and wad fined $25. grade students at the Community By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Invited to aerve as patrons and '-the circle was tightening. Collins ...... 110 120 the association may add funds 7 said that many persons ar« still There waa no way to guard In April the Dlllihger gang was time. Frank Anedetto of lAet Haven Hall tomorrow from 7 to 10 p.m. unaware that the truck la at their Two gas pipline bleats in Peoria patronasaaa for the Bell Indicate EASTWOOD Dunham Bu.sh ...... ll'a 12% from time to time if the condition a;.'ainat four clubs in tha West hand found at Little Bohemia Lodge, a did not appear to anawer to the service for emergencies if they will whether they plan to accept the Em-Hni) ...... 34 37 of the treasury permits. » Illinois and another pipeline ex­ but Harmon’s, play assured the summer resort some 60 miles north aama. charge and hia $25 bond waa Maacbeater Evealag Herald call the number on the fire cards Invitations, .-.*'Oe* •< Ik* le B«*t PlelaK* *1 Ike 11 More Barbers Fafnlr Bearing ...... 54 57*, / plosion at Liberal, Kan., yesterday o f Rhinelander, Wla. Warned by Boltoa earreapeadent, Mrs. Joaeph n^hlch have been distributed They have been asked to reply slam against four clubs ir tha East Year-” N. Y. FlUa CriUci Landers-Frary Clk. .. 18', 20'4 forfeited. Both arreata ware made n>arking dogs ot the approac.) of '11 by Policeman Kelley on Jan. 2 on D'ltaUa, telepheae Mitchell S-854S. through the community. reaulted in deaths to at least five by today. The number of responses hand. I f the clubs broke normally, N. B. Machine Co. ,. 35 38 K irii F B I raiding party, DillingerVand Now in Union Rt. 44A...... ——■■■■—,... • Because of the distance o f the persona. so far hava been fewer then in ot course, any play at all would North ami Judd .... 37 40 Clayton A. Church' of Cryatal two nearest hospitals, more than former yeara, Alexander Glrelli, succeed. his ^ d d ie a escaped. A short dls- Rueseli M fg...... 9>-4 11 <4 Atk Ytar Dtcttr The Kansas explosion Bashed iaUST FOR LIFE” tence from the lodge, Lester GiliLi, The number of local barbers who Lake pleaded guilty to a charge a half hour may be saved by call­ general chairman of the event, Dally Question Stanley Works ...... 45 48 Quartet to Sing through a pig pipeline compreaeor Partner deals and blda-one.heart. ClaemaSraee. Gator alias “ Baby Face” l*{elsoii, a r .eni-- have Joined the Hartford barbel's o f paaeing at an Intereectlon and ing the dMartmcnt station, killing three workmen and •aid. C*-*Urri8K Aalkaar Qalaa Tcri'.V Steam ...... 150 . — Tt PhMt Ot The next player pasaes. You hold: S:M aa4 l:C( ber of the Dilllnger gang, killed union. Uncreated from 6 to 17 to-jTorringlon waa fined $15. He waa arreated on To Sponsor Cash Gift threatening natural gas supplies aa As In past yeara the names of . At JVorth Church Spades— 8 Hearts-rA $7-4 na> rt^eclAl Agent W. (barter ' Bc.uin, ■ I U.S. Env’lp com. Dec. 23 by Policeman Kelley. A committee appointed by the far east aa Detroit. patrons will be printed in the “THE BOSS” with John PacpM Btniamin franklin 1706 • 1790 Andover Grange has decided to 1-olio Ball .'-*rogram. Diamonds—8 Clubs—A 9 8 4 3 S. and wounded another agent and a Officials of the Journeymen 1 U.S. EnvT) pfd. The caae of Thomaa Steveneon Hope to Restore Servloo ItU. S:M. lerSi A mala quartet from Claflin Uni­ sponsor a cash g ift for the widow A temporary account has been 'What do you do ? . local officer. Barbers. Local 73. snd Master | Veedei-Rodt ... of Hancheater waa noUad. Ha bed Officials of Panhandle Eastern versity, Orangeburg, S, C., will and children of Leslie Anderson set up at the Mancheater Trust Atiaarer: Bid three hearts. This Sun.i Walt Dlaaey*a “ Faataala" On the first day of June, Hoover Barber's Guild, Lsk-s I 43, of the | The above quotations are not to been charged with evading reapen- Pipeline Co., said they hoped to participate in the Musical Vesper who died Jan. 11 following a linger­ Oo. to facllltata handllf^ finances gives a good fast plcturo of called Special Age.nt Samuel P. International Barbers .Union, sign- construed as actual markrta. aiblHty. Invaatigatlon waa handled reatore deliveries to 70 per cent of by State Policeman Arthur Har­ Service in the North Methodist ing iltnesa. In connacton with the Ball. Cowley into his office to give him DURING normal todqy. a apecial assignmeiit. Co'rVley waa Picture Tube vey following a report that a mo- Church Sunday afternoon. The Anderson waa a member of the General tIckeU, at a $7.50 dona­ Mrs. Ahna Cumpanaa, also known as Anna Sage, waa the “ Woirian ' service, which will begin at 5 former Juvenile Grange. Hia In Peoria, meanwhile, the -two tion per couple, are available at a hefty, a4-year-old Utah lawyer toriat had aMdded off tha high­ city gaa line explosions leveled a in Red” who finally led FBI agents and police to John DUlinger, gang o'clock, will be conducted by the mother, Mra. Conrad Schata, and Norman's, Pine Lenox Pharmacy, who had served as a misaiona.y in way at the Notch and atruck 1 house and a two-story building chief of '30s. The bawdyhouse operator later waa deported. Your Nixt fence poet. Rev, John I . Poat. ■later. Miss Frances Andaraon, are Corel Casuals, Dewey - Richman, t;>o Mormon Church befor- b The service Is sponsored by the members of the Andover Grange. last night, killing two persona. Two Uggatta at the Parkade, North joined the FBI. lie waa to take THRIFT WEEK Hie Court determined that StC' others were -missing and believed O t u M : * ProsoriptioR venson had atopped the car to dC' Board o f Missions ci' the Methodist Persons wishing to contribute to End Pharmacy and tha Tow n charge of the Dilllnger search. the fund can contact the follewing dead. Five more victims were in­ Clerk's office. TELEVISION Cowley's search 1^ him to Chi­ termlne the damage which waa Church. Dr. C. X Hutchinson will jured. Town Meeting at Rockville speak briefly arid introduce the committee members: Miss Anna cago. Dillinf'er was reported in hid- ROASTING CHICKENS STARTING speaker for the service. President Lindholm, Mrs. John Hutchinson, The Central Illiholt Light Co., COLD-COLD SOBER Dig, recovering from a doctor' at­ ,.'v* __ laelndea Installation* plus tax. H. V. Manning of Claflin Univer-' Mra. George Nelson, L. Edward operator of the gas mairis in this New Haven, Jan. 17 (g>)_city PROGRAMS tempt to disguise the DUlinger Passes A ll Items on Agenda WE have plenty of larffc cliickens and capons how for aity. Whitcomb and Max Asher. city of about 113,000, said a com­ Attorney 'Vincent Vlllano aaid It Yisturea by plastic surgbry. Cowley Guawaateed for 1 year. •INERAL and Melvin Purvis, specla' agent delicious winter roasts and if you haven’t tried them Glaflln University has beefi an ' All members o f the Grange will pany truck had been dispatched to really nitiat have been cold ves- CALL "PETE” WILSON objact of Interest and support of be personally contacted, a commit­ the scene before the explosiona oc­ leiday—cold sober. For the first In charge of the Chicago, offiro, Rockville, Jan. 17 (Special)—A w lar plan but for s clear analysis of barbecued over our charcoal pit you haven’t lived; T V SERV ICE the area Methodist Churches for tee spokesman said. curred. The coriipany said an un­ time In anyone's memory no Video Everj*day — T-orked closely with two EMat G' '- special Town Meeting passed all I each alternative, Ml 9-5650 TODAY aevaral years. It is a growing Re-elected Oqptaln identified resident of the neighbor­ drunks ware presented In court. A ll RIghIa Reserved -— eago .policemen, Gapt.' Timothy items on its agenda within 35 miri- ’ In reply to a question he further ROGER OLCOn Days M flje A OoO 1 H. T. IMckintoa d Co., Inc. Wlgtita R Aaw J — Waa Parts school for Negro youth snd was Robert Richards was re-elected hood had complained of a heavy C’Keill and Sgt. Martin Zarkovl'h, ntes-last n igh t. ------| pointed out that the committee re- 403/West Center Street Mitchell 3-7853 Service C'allt odor of leaking gaa. -1. ■ la running down the scores of The 26 citizens present elected quested an out-of-town p^-ofession- T IL . M I 8-5483 aterted by a New Englander. of the Safetv Patrol for Day or Night $2-95 WITH EACH NEW SAVINGS ACCOUKT The public is cordially Invited. Grades 4, 5 and 6 at a recent meet- Police said windows six blocka rumors and tips from people who Town Counsel Harry H. Lugg al study for three reasons. away were shattered. The explo­ thought they had recognized Dii- moderator. The.v then proceeded to Committee members did not feel-f^ sions also shook dishes from cabi­ linger. pass unanimously a $900 apprro- qualified to do the job right, he' ^ OF $10 OR OVER nets and knocked furniture over in Woman In Red priation for interest on tax^ariticl- said. They did not feel civnfident J i;V homes as far as three miras away, ^^laeadlHBBBPilW The break In the case came on pation notes. $4,200 for school po­ that, even if they did do the job OR TO EACH DEPOSITOR W HO IRINGS IN right, the people w o ^ accept their ' police reported. Kirk Deeale, Jake Pkyae, Jely 21. O’KeilP'and Zarkovich lice, a $1,265.27 reappropriatlon to SEE SYLVANIA brought a dark-haired, • niddle- declaiona aa being impartial. And,! We.,Glve ( onsumera The gas company aaid pipelines "LU S T FOR the Board of Education, and ac­ 1957 ANNUAL JANUARY A NEW A C C O U N T O F $10 O R OVER “ TH E BOSS" egid woman to the FBI. She was there is a treniendnus’ amount o f ' Proflt-Sharirig Stamps in the area had been sealed o ff to L IF E " TO N IG H Tl cepted ten roada. determine the cause of the leak. C'Sr»|H> Ilia Tm lght's a good time to Ana Ciimpanaa.and she was in A request of $8,500 for snow re­ work involved in the study ot these ELECTRONICS ■ee Sylvania TV with trouble. The Immigration a n d moval drew a motion from Abner Inequities and a parttime volunteer •at. 1 ■.le. T »a Weiltni—Car««eei! Naturalization Service wanted her See. "Crime le 6lrce<*'’ *Iel Texae’ ainaairig Halolight, the L, Brooks that the item be return- ‘ 8*'99I> could, not do an Intelligent, LABORATORIES biggest advance yet made deported aa an undesirable alien e’d to the Board of Finance for thorough job, Lavltt aaid. in easy TV vleaing. Open ,1,e(Uiuae she wim the n-eda:., of a fl)rther stud.v arid be increased tO .Stunrt C. Neff, member of the We hove sat oside FOR YOU . . . on# of' V-. ■ i i flee, tkre Fri, — lalraSeelertr Boa)'d of Finance, and a former LoFOND Week KeeyeleaeJta velisie Gil $. bawdyhouse In Gary, Ind. cover all town roada. thasa baOutifui atrre to mee, wetoee 'eed teee- 277 BROAD Her proposition was thia. She Brooks brought out.,that the alderman, aaked why the town eaere tor a Mr eervlre rkerae would lead John DUlinger ip the snow-has not been plerired from should pay for the survey -vk^en A B BROTHERS plee ae adaK admlaitoa.- FBI—bat she w|inted.a' promise It would undoubtedly benefit all RADIO I I I F V I S I C N the street in front hia house for STEAK HOUSE that she would -receive a reward the 20 years that he hats lived three governments. and. also that something would be I there. He said he haa tried for Lavitt replied that of the $10.- COIN O RAMA MONSON; >1ASS. Chaaaet t New Nayea, Caaa. done to permit her to remain in the i eight or nine years to have the con­ 000 appropriation, at least $6,000 Ckaaael IS Harifard, Caaa. United States. drastic TMiuctioiif! stor»-wid« saviiigsi CkaBBel tt SariaalleM, Mata. dition corrected. would conie out of city pocket-^ Homa o j Ib rce Sana of Foa The rei^ard was promiaiui. Pur­ hooka, and to ask the city or the COIN BANKS TRT OUR Okaaaal W New BrIliuB. Caaa. Budget Priced I “ Somebody, elected or otherw'lse, rksaael St Walarbary, Caa*. vis said he would do what he could fire district to pay for the survey lOYS; FLANNEL M MEN’S NYLON REINFORCED Shows Thursday, FrMoy. Ckaaael H Nalrake. Matt. to help her, and he would call her ; is supposed to listen to the people would be. compounding a present Watch your monay growl You eon saa lUSINESSMEH'S cooperation to the attention of .the ; sometime.'' Brooks complained. ln(>quity. !Ii: Saturday and Sunday HOTPOINT LalMr Department, which hanIaackeat«r 445 Hartford Rd. Tel. M I $-1834 i delay (he acceptance of new roads, Inequities* Oimmittee, which was The_FBI mfen and the poUcemeri dismissed with thanks. 0 lavine* account We Have Special'Party Ratea DRAINAGE CO. recognized DUlinger when he en­ j ' B lo k s ' motion was voted down | First qualityr^ull cut. White, gray and as- The $10,000 rqquett now awaits ' sorted colors. All sizes.. ^ . PHONE M I $-414$ 4:M tered the theater with . his • girl ! arid, the item approved, although ' to-day and get your. ( 1) SPORTSCOPE j-there were some disaeriting votes. \the approval of the Board of Fi­ friend and "the Woman in Red." nance and another Town Meeting 6 oz.jar Despite the plastic surgery, the Seymbur E. Lavitt read the re- COINO AAAAA Ultri ( 1) NEWS before the survey-job can be put illi VALIANT l a d y outlaw was- identified beyon|d i port-of the Inequities’ Committee \ r '/!«{ out for bids. (11-Ml TICE TAK DOCON i which was set up at the October (H I MID-DAY MOVIE (Mi CANDID CAMEEA doubt. Cowley railed Hoover, vbhp LADIES' V-NECK SLIFON INFANTS’ CORDUROY bank FREE! Then IltlS ( S) LOFE OF LIFE 7:44 ( tl CELEBRITY PIXYHOl'SE was pacing the library of his home Town Meeting to .study the in- v . HILLCREST RESTAURANT (U) KIDDIE KAKTOON8 in WashiiiglOn. The derision w4a I equities in goveimlnent between the ■'*®**^ '•* watch your tovingi 11 iM I t) HEABCN FOB TOMOKSOW 7:4t ICJItyrvi.. of Rockville.D..VI...III. Townn-___ of-Vernon1,_____ 100 symphony orchestras com- M IZOUI OIL IT COUUI BE YOV made to take Dilllnger as he came 7)14 lS{5^IJfT"grr.‘i?A"p“ out of the theatei^ rather than risk adii the ■ Vernon Fire Dls(ri(^L posed of community petghbors. SWEATERS CRAWLERS grow. ' Route 44-A end 6, Bolton ItiU I l> OCIDIMO UOMT 7:14 U4-M) DOCOLAS EDWAR06 l:te < II BOI,LVWOOD BEST - AND THE NEWS a gun battle inside the crowded The report included a triiation to h W * * . UHTX a S. M. illi NEWS j ask, the Board of Finance to include 35e"*‘-6 7 e ^ < »l AT NOME WITH KITTY (SI I RIOHLIORT8 . show house. (M> Ot'EST COKNEa (St) NEWS When the trio emerged, by pre- :in the current ttm’n budget an M W A Y U W it t s . M . WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE REMAINDIR OF THE me 111) STAND I'P AND BE “ ** 4*® arrangement Purvis lit a cigari Dil- ariiount not to exceed 310,000 for WEN rOCNTED N a-R’S research into the Inequities prob­ lilt (IS) WRATHEHVANE - linger must have sensed' that some­ CANS CORINA (M> STAY WEIX I ( 4) LONE RANOBB lem by an out-of-town professional' M O N TH F 6 R alterations . IT WILL RE-OFEN iiie (IS) AS THE WOBLD’TCBNS thing was wrong; He gipneed over EXTRA FANCY IRISKET (Ml ONK-TBniTV FIXTHOCSK 4aael aa4 Ike Qel- hia shoulder and saw an agent mov­ consultant group. The motion fur-, ENDING JANUARY 23rd (U> ABTHCB nODFBEV ing toward him. He darted toward ther asked that an.- attempt be PASTE 4» FEIRUARY 1 UNDER iiaoti otm MISS bbooks <14*»'^j ^ ^ p b e 8t o n OP t e e Itt) WILLY ah alley, clawing a pistol from his made to I'each a decision in time rMoifp (M-S4) DINAH SHOES SHOW for the necessary changes to be ' 100% interlock-knit ORLON. Large CORNED BEEF (U i FBOM CIV (M) EOVNDVP - pants p<>cket.-But before he could i (Si-Mi NEWS . get his gun into action, three FBI presented to the Genera] Assembly 1 selection of colors, 34-40, t Y K I T I ( 11 TV TIME ■gents fired five shota. Slugs tore before the close of its aeaaion in !iK !* P ® " CVMMINOS BROW April. MANCHESTER (SS-Mi YOU BET VOVB U F B ' Into DiUlngcr’a iMdv and he pitched PINE D F D NEW NAME JMi CIRCrR -nME • on hia face. The rnSse was over. The comroittee'a'report Included | 0 6 00 Cinvley paid Aha dumpanas a letter from A professional con-! ROYS’ NYLON REINFORCED lb LUM BER, inca $5,000 frpm the 110,000 reward suUant firm which stated that a i PHARMACY ei$4 Cleater 8L— TCI. MI 9-6814 ! • lUILDING MATERIALS (Si-Mi DKAGNET ®” **” money Which 4h«' federal govem- survey of the three lb(Uir govern-1 COlii>RAC I ( Si in B K SERVICE jDentrtmrj^ted. The two East GABTOON CAEHIVAL TftA ■ loner Stanley Wo OCT WEST f e d e r a l RESERVE SYSTEM LARGE. JUICY Alls (It) SBOBET STOBM • InhalaUon while battling the gen- F R O X t N t rooJl AlM (II) KDOK OF Hioirr PICK UP eral alarm fire in 15-degree weath­ Hi eiAt (It-M) MODBEN BOMANCES AND er. One. Nicol Campbell, waa kept m c w tiiE f • tM ( S> MICKEY MOtrSE CLVE O to J V I FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION js” TANOERINES 49c (IS) AM(M A ANDY DKLIVERY overnight at a hospital. m HttCROSENBUHM (tt) THE n a S T SHOW Woods said the Are apparently feisl -firit ii fmiMstt (M) COMEDY TIME (U> FKATVEK MOVIE 34 H O im SERVIOE ON started when an explosion of PICTSWEET ' TBWMiCOIflB* ____M A m m m (U) OVT WEST (la Praartea) -BEQUEST yet-undetermined origiii ripped CALL us TODAY! NFBMSidG Rbm * w 6 w I (M l THE JUO SHOW thri Yale Clothing Co., one of two CALIFORNIA LEMONS S**' c wMew er mw neiuN (M> STORIES OP TEE CEN- 29 ■ tenanU in the two »to y building. P® BROCCOLI CUTS SSS£ST^£SSm TI’BY FISHER (U) OENR ACTBT T h 3 other tenan^ waa the State JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL I ( S) HTAOR a DRY CLEANSERS PANCY WBTERN • OZ. CANS MINUTE MAID \ . • PLUS • (M l EARLY SHOW Employment. Security commission. (U) JOHNNY JI'FITEB DIaI M l t-7111, $38 Bread S t Manager khigene Sweeney said all CONNECTICUT COKE o r a n g e JU IC E “ HichMtllhcemnMiMiAon.^SlraMMan«l -lunMr, (H I TWIUQHT THKATBB the office records w en lost, but NATIONAL BANK i CARROTS 2 * * » 2 9 e ^^A^anAAmdaVrQilQBOtllbA • • • A Ei IIMElOYmOTV dlRmR**lllffl • «MG KSded that duplicaU records are 1$ OZ. PkOS. PICTSWEET SLICED kept In the commission’s Bo,stoh MAPLE SUPER SERVICE STATION head(|uarters. OF MANCHESTER STRAWBERRIES MM*' V 1 I • . \ \ . I - I»I.. ^ , I I i. I : I » t ■ Gua Berman, owner of thri Y a le , lARtY b r o t h er ^ Clothing Oo., said he lost $400,$0fi PARSNIFS IBEIXANNA i \ i. ' -• f \ {■ 319 BROAD ST. — T E L . Ml 9-4SSt 'lecrets£.Rief'FASdNATINai . . . They AUSaUIt . . in laarMandise. ■* , **4 Greater Banic Far Greater^ HALIBUT STEAK K . Y. Tlnaea-HeraM !Mh«m*--DaUF $ e w ^ i 1 Only the buildlnE's steel waUs F i^ Oil- - FtaM Hi«t OU Bari^ra WnHar WtaekalL Road Service and aaAMNiry rsiaalRed sUiMHng ...... 4 - I ' ^ . -'rV ' -A, . V'. .,V. y - . m i ' •7' : /v

ICANCHESTEB IVltnN G ' H E R ^ . MANCHESTER. 06NN„ THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1967 UANCHESTEt EYmONG HERALD, MANCHESTER. COMM. THURSDAY, JANUARY J7. 1957 • 7 VA G I FOUR I.'.- - • . ’1 .., i ' ■» !! r l' ■ ’T , V Regional DiUrict 8 tng against the law iteelf together C olu m b ia K torlffiitfr fhtmetliiiit Aboat M irren Ike, Nixon Seen W K N R -a se t m o — 16M Mmiehester Milh Acquires ^ y Uroodles Jobless Qaims with his. fthe'disdain for Individ-, ' Any detailed understanding of Connecticut uala .who made a great,, but In his tfD RO —U M Daily Radio W B AV—fflt Salk Vaccinations Storm Conditio Eofttitts Iffralb. what Is involved is be.vond ns..All By ROGER PMCB oplition spotty show of enforcing For Spread of w o o o -im RaMara Daylight TUaa . Branch Outlet in Rockville ____wsw w ggjit rait we kncrw is" what we see in the it was a thing of joyoos seat. wrop—lilt To Be Given Soon Curtail Meeting . Still on Rise His last vigorous crusade capi* G A U D E T i a ^ Yankee Basic Pay Law - ... - • t headlines. They aay that some-, in the months before Pearl Hra- Tha touowUig program aebaduiaa WTio—ueb Xuriti Maneheater Mills Factory Storea<»a well-lighted parking lot for 7SSMAIN ST. — OPPOSira WOOtWOSTH'S - tBoSua r. risitousoN thing that has been considered a Claims for unemployment com­ "By A. H, O. bor, when his target was that lC-,An_ _ . Columbia, Jan. 17 (Special)— Hebron, Jan. 17 (Bfiecial) Storm i W m K rKRGtnoN Washington, Jan. 17 (ff)—A#Tf- ara aunpliad by Ua radio managa-^ The -Colurobta Lions' Club will haa acquired the Roosevelt. Mills XMater shopping ease: conditiona curtallMltotteadance at ^fundamental, concept o f nuclbar pensation benellts in tbs Man­ wisthji isolationist complacency WPOP-Ed. P. Morgan' PubOiMn __ CIO leaders ssy President Elsen­ lUlHILE naau and ara aubjact to changa til sponsor 4' Salk v|tqcine clinic for retail atore in Rockville. Meanwhile. Ely Segal, a apokea- last nigtat’a m ee^g of thCVoca- OPEN MONDAYS ' Pb—niii October 1. m n physics for a period of some SO chester area continued to rise last Occaaioiiany, the routine obitu­ which drestmed that we were some- ■i-/ I WHAY—Encore Theater h'ow not involved in what was gtH hower and Vice Preddent Nixon are without notlca. WCW—Good Evening Muile all local intereated high school The addiUon of tha Roosevelt tlonal-j^rlculhiM Conailting Com-i Beery B***»><^ years, the “ principle of conserva- week, with the State Labor De­ aries come close to missing a man WKNB—Evening Serenade xtudenta in the near future, at a Mills store la In line with the ex- ^ i to the mittee. Tho^attending were Wal­ doUdeye. Bntrred at the ait^sther, which is often an In­ ing on in the world. “Sympathetic" with jheir hopes MARLOW'S WTIC—News of the World Maacheater. Conn., ai tioa of parity," has been suddenly partment reporting 679 clalmanU He was dashing and dapper, a WHAY—Open Uouss date yet to be named. Dr. M. H. ter Jacoliy; «unaultant in agricul­ evitable consequence of sticking to for extension of ths minimum WCUO—RvourO Keeus WDRC—Amos and Andy STeari^rcoSle^n'ind'^irto r 'DIAMOI^9 $7r to ^ i00y 1 acourga and nuisance to some, _ WPOP—Gabriel Heattlr Little of WiUlmantic will adminla- tural education for the State De­ ______B W *R A T «i shattered and destroyed by ex­ the dignified facts of a. man's wage law to workers not now ISHOE REPAiRl WKNB—P.11. l l U - -Se Sivlle .tore at 210 "‘'“•'Oy- , partm ent. of Education t Dr. W. I CHECK OUR PRICES—THEN SHOP AROUND | Payable la Adraaoe______and a hero to many othera. But traiC—R o m Hlllrr ter, the vaccine- • periments conducted donm at Co­ This is 10 per cent more than carter. |a >w e r s t r e e t t ^ R U - ^ Kolby ' WHAY—FbmUy Rosary A ll atudenU wlihing to receive Main St. will be known aa the, Thla expansion will facilitate the Ctiria Helaler, Regional District 8 the 613 reported for the preceding what ought to be remembered covered by It. WtXIC—Good Eveninr^venins UoM ‘ Huxle I WE BELIEVE YOU WILL COME BACK * ••aa«••••••••••******** So it has been, to eomc extent, A group of labor union leaders FLOOR LEVEL WPOP—Waxwotke the vaccine .will contact Mra. Clar­ Maneheater Mills Facton- Store j introducUon of new “ lerve-your- lerlntendent; John Hiitchinaon, lumbia University.'' week. about him is that be never bsid any 4ilS- WKNU-^Haner Dale I EASY TERMS OR PAY CASH AND SAVE | _ __oaa**************** with the niensory of Walter E. met with Elsenhower at 'th# 'White W nt'—One Han't Femlly ence Grant before Jan. 21 for ap­ and will use the familiar Manches-: ae*f" counters to carry maai dia­ .ndover, and George Wasniewakl, ifOBtlW aaaaaaa•«*•«•••****• Those news writers' who have The situation at the local de­ hesitancy about standing forward WUAY-Open. Boune WDRC—E. R, Murrow Batterson, the poor little grand­ House yesterday after Congress WCCC—Recuro RSvut pointments. ler MllU shield In all Ha future ad-! P l«y« o f discount-priced apparel, Qolcheater. t r i^ to make the thing intelligible partment’s unemployment com­ when some cause in whieh-he be­ WPOP-Sav It With Huxld I^Mlt2V^e«aod»«****************f * son of ths founder of the Travel­ had received the Presldedl’s re­ WKNB—P.M. Arthur J. Lewis — .vertlaing. • ‘ | Work has tiaq been atart^ to A- m eetng -will be oailed again de Copy .to .^laymen liken the “co'iservation •aet-q pensation offlee mirrored thst of lieved was looking -for a leader, WTIC—Roe's Milter i HI UP^Toll^FOR YOUr' olTWATWI ers Insurance Co., long-time stor­ and might, otherwise, have gone quest for broadened coverage of WDRO-Cai Kolby WHAY—Polka Parir Arthur J. Lewis, 72, Wllliman- W ill Carry Same Goods (convert the basemcRt of theXlan- in February- to formally organize MKiraica OP the State, according to ths weekly the law. The labor officials. also WPOP—Waxvorks WtIcU—Good Evening Good Hune of parity law” to a situation in report o f State Labor Commission­ my petrel of the Hartford and leaderleas. Perhaps, aa a.-acion of WKNB—Platter Party tic, died Sunday at hia home after The Rpekville outlet, with lO.OOO cheater store to a selling area, the committee and to plan the cur­ n iB A880C1ATBD PKJdB '../Uepliaat with His Trunk lunched with Vice-President Nixon. WINDOW SHADES 4:Sa— ■ - Tba AaaomudpTeM ia exctuBrely which two photographs are taken, er Renato E. Ricciutl. state political scene, twice Hart­ Travelers, he could afford the lux­ WMAY—Betty Kimball W n c —Bob Hope a short illness. He leaves a son; square feet of shopping area, will j providing an additional 1.1,000 riculum and facilities required. CAMERAS — SHAVERS CLOCKS aalitIM to the uae renubUcattoa m Packed' ford mayor, and leader and fighter About 20 million workers still WASHAILE ' WCCC—Reoord Revue WDRC—R. Q. Lewie three daughters, including Mrs. carry the same merchandise and | square feet of ahoppUig'ar^a down- A major objective will )>e to it one of the object Itself, the other He said claims througbout the ury of suinding for his convictions, WPOP—Detective GREETING CARDS — GIFTS — RINGS au aewejMaaetrtw CTedM to tt, « The African Elephant (or Ele- In many, many causes. "are not covered by the.law Which WKNB—PAI. S:IS- * Fred Soracchl of Columbia; four departments aa the local store. stairs.- correlate a sound academic pro­ aal idbei alee credited la thla Mper o f .the object as reflected in a State rose to 33,966 from 36,067. but it was nevertheless a luxury WTIO—Roes Mfil.r phaa Africamis as it's called on the Many o f the facts hsvt been re­ requires employers doing business INTERSTATE WDRU-MIal Kolby WHAY—Polka Parly brothers; three slaters; live grand­ Discount-priced coats, suits, linge­ gram with the vocatipnal-agricul- Z d aJao UM KcaJ aews pubUehod here, Most of the increase, he said, was for his city and stats, also, to WCUO-Good Evening Good Muale A sporting goods department, "ail itghU M ripabUcatloa o( epecial mirror. Under the old “ parity S64.000 Question Television Show) attributable to claims resulting called. but little of -the atmos­ know that he was always booted iii Interstate commerce to pay WPOP—Vtoxworka children and several nieces and rie, dresses, mens work-clothes and already operatlpg in the basement, ture studies so tlmt interested stu- atapatebea herein are alee reaereed. aometimes attains a height Of 9 AQUA SHADES 41'.44“ . WKNB—Platter Party law," it was held that, ‘although from year-end inventory-taking phere. and aputred, ready to ride. workers at least 91 an hour for a WHAY—Betty Kimball w n c —Bob Hope nephews. aportsweai'. Infants and .childrens Is only one the many new de­ de'hUi w’ill he able to continue at Shop At Gaudet's-^lt Pays or 10 feet and their weight ranges 40-hour week. Some 34 million WCCO-Rocoril Review - WDRC—Eddy Arnold Funeral services were held a collage or advanced school of fbit aerrlce cUent o» N. B. A. ietT- one picture would be reversed, shutdowns and seasonal layoffs, There was one consistent st- M AT Made to Order WPOP—onicial I>ateUne . apparel and a shoe department for partments being planned. The ex­ between. 4,000 and 9,000 pounds de­ mosphtrs throughout his career. workers come under its provi­ WKNB—P.M. Wednesda.v at 8:15 a.m. from Kll- the entire fam ily will be sold. pansion program, which will make ' agriculture. *^K £ ^era RepreeenUtlTee; The both pictures would be the same, mostly in apparel and coiutruc- f As99 with Your Rellers WTIC—Radio Lana aiM - JuUua Uatheva S i^ t l daera — New pending on how many peanuts tion industries. I t was an atmosphere of challenge sions. WDRO—Cal Kolby WIIAY—Polka Parly lourey Bros. Funeral Home in Featured also' will he “ music to Manrhtotar Mills a complete dis- I There will be another meeting with no real difference between they've had for lunch. Elephants ‘Jehovahs’ Slate Repeating his previous request Wnc-Gllderaleeve this evening at 8 at the Marlbor- These Isyoffa have been re­ to sanctimonious hypocrisy. Full Line of Custom WPOP—Waxworks Willimantic, with a requiem high buy by," convenient shopping countr-departihent atore, ia sched- ‘ •s^’sss^ OP them. have enormous strength but on the sponsible for some of the increase In one sense. Batterson could for extension of the law's coverage, • :SS— WDRO-Robert Q. LewU Mass In St. Joseph's (Thurch a t 9. carte, speed check-out aystein and ' uled^to be completed by this spring.'■ oughousrh ElementaryBlementarv SchoolSchool. Advertise In 'The Herald— It Pays ; CnttfUUtTlONB. ______^ other hand they're extremely gen­ WHAY—Record Radi* WPOP—Mjatery Tima Now a Columbia group says in claims here. afford such an attitude, for his 3-Dav Convention Eisenhower did not specify what VENETIAN lUNDS WtXXI—Racord Ravtaw ||4S— Burial was in St. Joseph's Ceme tle. which makes them of great In Manchestsr, Initial claims, bread and butter obviously did not groups o f workers he .wants in­ WKNB—P.M. WHAY—Polka Party tery. a2!!.^•r■n^5S5?^e'»^(ty‘^ there ia a difference, which is value for hea\'y work," traiaporta- cluded, Secretary of Labor WTIC—News VmC-lGIlderaleeve which indicate new periods of un­ depend Upon what he did in the The Rockville congregation of WDRC—News Reporter more real than the mere reversal tipn and Tarxan Movies. Elephants Mitchell la expected to detail the WDRC—Robert Q. Lewla VS3SSSSS‘^ : > J i '‘? S ^ employment, accounted for 177 of realm of public affaire and poli- Jehovah's Witnesses has' made E. A. JOHNSON WPOP—Bob and Ray WPOP—Mystery Tima Maneheater Evening Herald C»- HOMER UUGHLIN'S i J r ^ ^enoheeter Krealna Herald. administration’s plans later. •US— of the Image. A nd the fact that travel in herds but occa- the total. W omen- accounted for Uat______to attend-a 9-day conven- • :#e- tambia correspondent, Mrs. Frank r ~ I 77^______. -1 J Wonally a stray or "rdfU*,” win The AFL-CIO ateo backs snlH^ WHAY—Record Radio there la a difference makes a 910, or 46.1 per cent, o f the In another tense, it involved t’-oq at New Britain January PAIlfPDOs W(XX>-Racord Review WUAY—Night Watch Marehlaa tel^hone AOademy 8- leave the pack and take up with a ovbrsll figure. daring and risk, for it meant dis­ crease in the minimum wage to WKNB—ISvenlnx Benerade w n c —At the U.N. 90604 i S T u S d v -i difference to a good many phyal- group of outsiders |i.e„ Republi­ 18-20. Oebrge Kalina, presiding 91-29 an hour. But Eisenhower WriC—lUSU Radio Lana - WDRO—The World Tonight SSr WednSday-5ii. aa_Tu—<*?. Manchester was one of Uui 14 pleasure and a degree of ostracism minister of the group said the af­ 723 Main St.. TeL Ml 9-4501 WDRC—Cal Kolby WPOP—Modern Sounds ciste working in the nuclear field. can Party). A fuU-groWn Elephant offices reporting increases in made no such recommendation. a:IS- Pbr TbjirJSS^l ► • on the pa-rt of the world into which' fair will be held at the New Brit­ WPOP—Bob and Ray WHAY—Night Walch Working under the old mistaken with accessories (optonal) can claims last week, Howsvsr, of the he had been bom. His particular •:IS- cost as much as 9,000 dollars ain High School. Some 1,600 dele- WHAY—Bwinx Itoiy w n c —At the V Ji. Engineers Elect O w SflM U tM D o; 10;«) aed* law, they have been knocking at 19 offices in the State, it ranked peers did not alwrays admire Ms-f!'gatea are expepted to attend from WCCC—Rioord Ravlew WDRC—The World Tonight r^ha-wHiai aoteapl Saturday — P.O.B'. (Female or Bull) and a 16th in the number o f claimants. aometimes spectacular indepen­ WKNB—livening Benerade WPOP—Modern Sounds the wrong door in their search for MaasachusetU and ConnActicut. baby Elephant can be had for 1,000 Waterbury led all offlees, with dence of thought and action. 'They WTIC—lUKU Radio Lana •:I4- P&W Aide Head important answers. Now they dollars. Or two for 1500 If you're "The object of the program," WDRO-Cai Kolby WHAY—Night Walrh r Thn»da.v, January 47 5,495. sometimes thought of him as a Kalina said, “ is to equip every one WPOP—Bob and Ray 'WTIC—Sloan Foundation Sertea ' have to-start looking for a new looking for big bargains. troublesome, traitorous upstart liSS— _ WDRC—Rues Naughton W. Paul Eddy, chief of engineer­ of J.ihovah'a Witnesses to make PROTECT YOUR FLOOR WHAY—Bwing l£aty WPOP—Modem Sounds door. This Is healthy, because now who used' cheap showmanship practical use of the Bible in WCCC—Record Review ing operations at the Pratt * StnuiKc Hope merely to glorify himself. t : U - Whitney Alrcraf Dhlslon, United they have a greater chance of preaching and helping to fortify WKNB—Kvening Benerade WHAY—Night Watch Vets to Organize Their resentment was under­ PROM STORMY WEATHER WTIC—KWU Radio Lana . wnc—Sloan B\>undallon lerles Aircraft Corp., Fast Hartford, haa It la atranpo Indeed wrhen be- finding real and accurate answers. A Thought for Today the sidritual - orale of the people WDRC—Today In Sporta WDRC—Ruaa Naughton standable. A fter all, the period In in their community.’’ WPOP—Mutlc and New* . WPOP—Modern Sounds been elected president of the So- UeVera in democracy nnd da- ■pouored by the MsMbester cietv of Automotive EJnglneeca If, at thla point, our undar- Barracks Sundaym which he was poUtically active He pointed out that those of the • :H - ia:ae- apiaera of .Oommunlam have to Ooonell 9t Ohwrebaa. was. for the city of Hartford, one WHAY—Dateline (S A E ) for 1957. it was announced atanding fails ua, it atill can turn congregations •who wished to sym- WCCC—Oood mvenlne Good Muale WHAY—Night Watch Truly axquisite cMm hope that pn election will come of contented double machine cor­ Vi" HEAVY WEIGHT RUIIER RUNNER WTIC—Robert McCormick back to the main story. Some­ X meeting to organise a local bolixe their dedication to God by WKNB—Evening Serenade last night. ruption which had the tacit hies— WTIC-News .. WDRC—Ru*x Naughton Eddy, 56. has lieen active In lo­ out all rlfh t for the CommunlaU We Belteve "barracks" of World War 1 vetsr- water immersion would have the WPOP—Modern Sounds diimerware youll bt thing that has been held to be ing of the city's finest cltisens so ■rows ...... S1.1T Hs. ft. WDRC—News Reporler cal and national programs of the and not turn into any clear vic­ We believe in God. ans USA, Inc., will be held at the opportunity t do so, aa this would WPOP—News a valid acientifle asaiimption for We believe In Jesus Oirist. long as it did not bother them. •'.IS— WHAY—Night Walch society since he joineu it in 1937. tory for their opponcnU. be part of the program. . WHAY-«port 8polllgbt_ ^ . WTIC—Carling Con.ervaUon proud to ownl 90 years has suddenly been chal­ We believe in the Holy Spirit. State Armory Sunday at 3 n.m. And, in the state, it was the per­ Bliiolt Wc Hr. ft. WDRC—>Rufia Naughton He v;aa vice-president in 1955 and iod o f the unquestioned one man A special feature of the Satur­ WCCC—Good Evening Gdod Mualo T e t that has to be the hope lenged, and perhaps smashed. We believe In the Bible. The purpose of thla veterans day program will be the showing WKNB—Evening Serenade WPOP—Modem Sounds ia a former chairman of the south­ supremacy of J. Henry Roraback, WTIC—Sporta ie:se- ern New Ehigland bectlon w'hlch for the election thla veekend in We believe in Man. organisation,.^ 'according to Stats of the film made by the Wateh- Mode "Rubbor-liks" ...... 22e Hs. ft. WHAY—Night ’ft’atch ■Where la truth ? Never, It would with a wonderful political ma­ WDRC—Weather and Zalman encompasses Connecticut. and We believe In Salvation fr&m Sin. Commander Joseph M d er, is to tov.-er Society, entitled “The Hap- WPOP—Lawrence Welk WTIC—Jane Plckene Poland. I f the Communlata do all seem, at any particular time or chine which had superlative dis­ WDRC—Rue* Naughton western Maq.vachusetts. Wo believe in Christian Experi­ obtain a 9100 a month pension, plneae of the New World Society." • :M - lipbtt Gomulka, the champion of ciplinary control over distinguish­ WHAY—Dinner Data _ ^ , WPOP—Modem Sound. A native of Syracuse, N. Y „ theory point in human progress. ence. “ with no strings attache,” for all Jo'jn .Stuefloten o f New York WCCC—Oood Evening Good Mu.le veterans of the first world war. ed citisena as well as over ward i e : » - Fddy atteiLei ’ public schocl there Poland'a peaceful partial revolu­ Rather, it is a i^ y s the knowl­ We believe in Oirlatian Perfec­ will )>c the featured speaker o f the WKNB—Alan Brown w h a y - -Nlgnt Watch heelers. WTIC—Let George Do It and graduated from Syrkciiae Uni- tion, survived, and can continue tion. Those eligible to join the group event. He -will appear on the pro­ WTIC-Fred Warinx edge o f a particular moment aub- In politics, then, Batterson was WDRC—Guv T-ombardo WDRC—Rtif* Nauxhlon v'er8lt,v in 1923 xvith a Bachelor of We believe in the Church.- are men who served in the armed gram all three days, and will de- WPOP—Mel Allen to exact and enjoy concessions ject to what the future may independent, honest, and .-some­ WPOP^Modern Sounds Science degree in Cliemlcal En­ We believe in the Kingdom of forces from April 6, 1917 to July Hver/the main lecture at 9 p.m. S:tS— U:se- from Russia because he has reveal. God. 33, 1921. Crider adde. The veter­ what liberal in a time when the WHAY—Dlnnar Data ^ „ , tVHAY—Nlte Watch gineering He joined Pratt * Whit­ Sunday. His subject is, “I^hiat WCCC—Good Eveninx Good Muale ans also must be over 60 years mood -was one of placid content­ WTIC—New* ney Aircraft ax' materials engi­ proved that his course o f things We believe in the Divine Judg­ Will Armageddon Mean for You?" WKNB—Serenade WDRC—New. A Weather ment. of age to recei-ve the propose ment with handsome fronts s|td WTIC—Three Star Extra neer Jan. 1, 1944, after 15 .years in Ppland can bo kept safe for The public is Inrited. WPOP—Modem Sound. More “ Realistic” pension. hidden unpleasantness. He really ____ WDRC—Lowell Thomaa Il:ia - of materials engineering work We believe in Eternal Life. WPOP—Meet the Artlit WHAY—Nlte Walch Russia. Crider said there are over 1,100 was a Republican asset, of course, •vlth General Motors Corp. He was The irony of congressional aenti- DIES DURING STORM l:ea- w n c —Siwrta Final But if the Polish people let their eligible veterans in the Manches­ in a particular way which- never WHAY—Encore Theater ^ ■ WDRC—Rum Naughton appointed to his present position ment which would rather., give ter area. pleased some Republicans too Middletown, Jan. 17 (A^--Guy * ■ TEL. MItcheU 9-0868 WCCC—Good Evenlna Good Munc WPOP—Modern Sound. in Jnnuarj’ 1958. own antl-Communist sentiment Truck and Car WKNB—Evening Serenade II-.ae- away guns that kill than dollars A Hartford Barracks of the or­ much, F. Randall, 80, collapsed and died Eddy has served on various na­ carry the day at the polls, then WTIC—Dick Burtel WHAY—Nigm Symphony which might heat Is nothing new. ganisation was set up at the State TTie sanctimonious - hypocris.v yesterday while shoveling snow 109 CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER WDRC—Amo.1 end Andy WTIC—Starlight Serenadt tional committees for the SAE that could mean the end of Oo- Crash at Bolton which angered Batterson most was on the driveway of his home. He WPOP—Fulton Lewie WDRC—Ru*. Naughton Now it Is in the offing again. Armorj’ in that city,-Sunday. WPOP—Modem Sound* and has lao delivered several that of prohibition, and his enissd- had a heart attack^ 1:IS— mulka. and his brand , o f partial in r«pf.rf. fifn s(» MntlmMlC W'llAY—Encore Theater ll:4S- techneial papers at its annual — Bolton, Jan. 17 (Special)—T wu ------iTHB— w ra SAVED— WCCC—Good Eveninx Good Huxle WHAY-.Mt* Watch revolution, and it would challenge WKNB—Allenr Brown wnc- Stnrllghi Serenadt meetings. He Is widely knowm in ia crystaUlxinf in two directiona motor vehicles collided here about New Haven, Jan. 17 (AV-Police the metallurgical field and has Russia with a choice of letting WDRC—Night Owl on th# proposed new American 5 p.m. yesterday on Route 6, ac­ said ths three chlMrsn o f Mrs. pioneered many of its develop­ \.^land, and therefore Ehist Oer- TeleviBion Proeram* policy for the Near East. In cording to State Police. Hshrietta Mundley,' 34, left alone ment* during the past 20 years. y, -go; or o f trying to hold A truck driven by Ray Hicklnga, while she visited an injured rela­ On Page Two He haa also written several tech­ ons direction, the Senate would Deaths Last Night by sheer force o f arms, S3. RFD 3, Coventry, and an auto tive r.earby, accidentally turned on nics' artlclea for engineering pub­ grant the President the power to driven by Msrtin Lynch. 49, RFD 3, the stove i;a8 jets yesterday and geography does tie the lications. use American troops in the region Manchester, were Involved in the were overcome. A ll recovered. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at Germany to that of and arm other nations in the re­ mishap. ALLIED TV SERVICE Pasadena, Calif.—Princess Oralnl, Poland, h. is doubtful that suiy Police said that Hickings’ truck BIANCRESTER 76, widow of Domlnlco Orslnt, who gion. In ■ the other direction, the fightflig in RoTand could be local­ was plowing the highway which C A House Call ! was Prince assistant to the Holy Senate, would hold up approval of was covered with snow when he hit i See at Rome, and Mother of Mrs. ised, as in H i l a r y . It is also PRESCRIPTIONS Q I d w Plus Parte Uf the Eisenhower pe- ‘ ^ ••WBcWIvBr" 4 "riod, we ha\w not yet reachod that ^ COMPLETER PIECES ALSO AVAILABU AT LOW, LOW PRICESl atete o f affairs. That means we SWIFT^S SWEET RASHER BACON U), 4 9 c 116 East Center St. Sage-AUen. Hartford 2, Conn. Sairt CsMnsrr Maer Ifaiem conUniie qtardiog the greatest, Avoilsble AFTER the third week, Feb. and theresHef, — one piece With each $5.00 our tax * that-day when we | theck -.4 . .. . '. . . 1 .CO.D...... C h arge ...... teiasftita R lato hard doUars.; PiMse add 9% Conrt. sales tax. ^ ' can' GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. SEE THE EXTRA BONUS PIECES TOO! t 4 ^ ,j| fa begin to cut HIGHUND a evsaanry wm*. of Sstgo-AAsa, Bast Hartford' if open Teeedtor U M agb 2IS MAIN STREEt MANCHES1 317 HIGHLAND ^T.. MANCHiSfER Ml 3-427i S ata^ 9;M A. M. te 6.f6 P. N.; Pridair p. M. START YOUR SOON! . _. 1 4iy. iobetously, has coNNicrieur-diiMCM sitvici 1 , PA sex 161 . NIW NAVSR I \* * ■ - T ■Bw I '. / - ' ..V y- > t i ^ f '

t -. ; • ; • V, t,- f I V i- ■ 7 " A - h 7 - ■ 1 " T v\ MANCHXftTfiB BVENIKG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 17. 1987 rxoE m 0- . -t ■r* NANGHESTER E v i s i n g HERALD, MANCHESTER,' CONN, THURSDAY. JANUARY 17, 1957 P A G E f i E V l N ntchad up during a routine check beta amounting te '"aeveral dol­ said they asked where Mrs. Mc- rested Michael Dowd. $6, who at- Rockville; .Irving* Gustefaon, 103 lyn 8t, Rockville; Alfred LTBspsr- lars.*.' ■ Ctuney wax and the youth replied;;' ISMdly admitted the aaaualt. Bridge S t; Peggy Dood, Wapping; ance.'Si S t John St.; James Byrne, B50, with 12 Fliers, led to the arreot of Reid, alao a dren in 'Ifbutlis Seized Negro, late teat night.at the New. The money hidden on Mra.Mc-i "She on Windsor S t" Dat. Sgt. Thomas J. Kelahaw, Ronald COwlea, 197 Hilliard St; WUUmantic; Merritt' Salmon, 84 your decision.” those countries who, have found- owrning and carrying guna, as well Cluney’a peraon was not found The Anglins.said as they drove a veteran of the Rawn Beat de­ Mrs. Dorothy LonO, Andover; Mra. Helaina Rd.; Mrs.' Plena Robert,' Crashes , in Alaska White alao asylum here, Skating Schedule Raven home of hte 'aieter, Mra. U.S. Raps Red V ■ ^ aa using cars in the commission of Green PTA Holdt Uicille Onea. 37 Shapherd St. unUl a medical examiner began an out of the parking lot the youth tail. said ha knew Rutstein for Joan 'White. RFD 3, Andover; Mra. $33 W. Middle Tpke.; Willie Malr, ' Allens whq are admitted to per- 'Th e right of asylum fro^n the a crime. These hills were intro­ years. * n.anent residency are eubj^t to the As K ^ers of According to McDotaald, a pair axamination of tha body yesterday got baeic Info tha rear Seat of Mrs. NadJa Cobb, East Hartford; MnC 30 Florence St; Mra. Violet Hans- (UaalteMd rroas rags Gas) oppressions and <- deprivation - of \ All, the7 town - supervised duced at the request of the State Potluck Supper of Mexican cowboy boote figured in afternoon; McCIuney's car. "He waa. always afraid, espe­ Lillian Twer<3y, 4 Driva D; Mrs. oom, Hartford; Albert Willis, S3 Oaim on Tw6 laws , of the atatea where they-re­ llbertica in those countries Is one skdting'rinks will be open tp- Police. the a'treat of 'Whitehead, who had A preliminary, medical 1: a p o r t Mrs. McCluney waa b house- cially tinea he' waa bast up two Anna WUskopp, 107 Eldridge 1^;' Delmont S t; John Horan, 29 St of the regular waather oba^ation side. 'They have the same obliga­ of, the strongest principles, of our day. ' „ yeara ago." tions as citizens to „ive'proper sup­ T}ie Manchester'Green. PTA held .Hartford Pair left Hartford for a Job in Simabury- •aid tha woman had been bashed kaeping Hide at the hospital. William Auden, .9 Durkin S t; John John St; Mn. Lenora Edwarda, mlsalona carried on m the north. 'ovemment, and a principle which Skating at Center Springs TO SHAME, MEN! McDonald aald after the boota eight Umea on the head with a Rutetein. M. was slain Jan. • HUdltch, 58 Summer « t ; Oifford RFD 3, Rockvllte; Oaral Grant The plane was attaohed to tha 55th Czech Children port, care and education to their JtMs dedicated to protect. Pond w ill he from 3 to 10 a potluck supper last night in ths children. > Pety Hike Stillwater, Okla (>P) r- Neld* . (O atteoei from. Fikc* Om ) were found in Rutateln’a aecond- hhint instrument. It added that and hia body waa left in his second Skoog, 38 Padcard St.; Mrs. Claire RFD 3, Manchester; Robert Weather Reconnaissance Squad­ "The United States government p.m., and Charter Oak Park School cafeteria. Mrs. 'Theodore •ha had died 10 to 13 hours befora hand clothing stora under a brown Pierre, 64 Village St. RockviUe; Wierzchowekl, 35 N. School St; "In decidir," a question involving Ruth' Snodgrass, Oklahoma AAM hand atore. furniture truckman ron. • (Osattnued frooi Page One)' has never and will never -Interfere will be open from 1:30 to 10 freshman from Wagnoer, can Cummings, hospitality chairmen, Ctapt.'JTo^ph r. McDonald Philip Sandler of Hartford told of ' the body waa .discovared in tha overcoat. Hospital Notes Peter Lok, Glastonbury; Mrs. Donald Murray, 126 Hdaine Rd^; First reports were that the .the custody of children o f realdent with the free, voluntary decisions p.m. The Center Spring ,An'- (Continued from Page One' Willlmantlc - Putnam - ^ sto n line, . Police said he had been clubbed Maria Bergeron. Bait Hartford; put to ahamc many of Oklahoma's and her committee, arranged the * rattboiT WM th« apparent mo- giving the boote to a hitchhikar be ibloodspattared car. Donna'Pood, Wapping; Mrs. Pahk- wreckage waa bui;ning. , , - have th; Semensky family ^gb back aliens, the court should I'.ihesltat- o f any nationals to return to their nex will be available for hockey which the railroad says would Cost earned from Wyoming to Hartfhrd, i Mrs. McCauney, an employs at to death. HS waa hit four times Jade Smith, Somen. ingiy apply the same standard aa male marksmen; The brunette table decorations dnd food. Parents Taday: IM konen and son; RFP 2. Rockville. It was 17 degrees abova Mro in country of origin. from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. each state employe a 360 yearly too much In repairs to he profit- coed has seven -wins in southwest­ tlT« la the clubbinf of Mra. Me-1 ..Whitehead arrired in Hartford tha U.8. veterans Hoipltel in near­ in tt>e face and forehaad, ]>olice ADMITTED TODAY: Albert DISCHARGED TODAY: Mary the sub-arctic region. to their European home. in a normal case— the welfare of pay increase, snd include as reg- At the iaistness meeting -which ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Ella- " I t will, however, .scrutinize The ski t -ail at Mt. Nebo will able. ern rifle meets, and recently ..auBfy, who Bvad at the aame ad- New Yaar’a Eve. - by Newington, had been mUting raported. RowcU, 618 Center St'. / Cunningham. Coventry; Jamei The B-50 is a' Boeing-mader 4-en­ He eraphbrize'l that the Jud:?e the children, both for the imroMl- eVsry such case to make certain tilar psy a $180 yearly cost of Other hills Introduced yesterday followed, fluoridation of the water Blnca Tuesday night When police came to tha atore abetii Kuzmickas, Enileld; Unda he open again from 6 to 9 p.m. scored 40 bullseyes*'‘in 40 shots to supply was voted on and app^ed. ■ Areaa aa Reid. The two murdcra were among BIRTHS YESTTERDAY; A eon Iroitfield, 413 W, Middle Tpke.; An­ gine bomber, converted to weather **ia hot required to givO the Might- qte present and for ,the future. that the decision to return is a living bonus they now get. would: Win first place In a National Rifle r: MoDonald aald It waa known in seven in the Hartford area within A co-worker, Mrs, Alfred after the slaying was reported, Doody, Coventry; Romeo J. Routier to Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Mertall, 35 drew Binheiraer, 11 Market. St., observation rarposca. "The fact that the proposed voluntary one rather than one in­ Give another two years of life to Allow financing of the 3347 mil­ The PTA project for this year, the.v found a 36-inch length of eat head to, any efforts by Czech Assn, contest for women. draperies and window decoratione' . the naiflibortiood that Mra. M^^ a m


RELIABLE X Porterhouse or Sirloin MEAT VALUES! Don’t be misled by the low price of these steaks I 7 A *P boinon Thrift Waric with low p r ^ galort! la fact, <|tiality. And quality comes Unt at AfcPl BEtra>good They’re not ordinary quality. The.v’re "Super-Right", COMf fll...YeU*ll AteP oneouragM thrift mrery week. . . hy steedOy buys ere Bsdutivee: Jane Parker Baked Goods, cut from-tender corn-fed beef , . . juicy, flavorful and f AVI AT AtPI iuscioiis . . . sold with a money back guarantee of cont- ■mintefaih^ the kweet poeeihle pricee, conmstent with Ann Page Fine Foods and A iP pramfUDi-qiialky Coffee. plete satisfaction. Be SU RE with a "Super-Right” fine quality steak! r ANN PAGE HNE FOODSI C O M E IMPERIAL STAINLESS STEEL CHICK THIS S E E . . . & SlHSATIOm Y O U ' L L P Coffee Prices ^ A gain! AtP VAlUll SUPER­ S A V E *' Beautiful, glistening knivee, hollow ground RIGHT for long-lfl.iting sharpnew with iamou.i Won- A T A a P I d«-Wood Handles that won't bum, chip or HEAVY RICH AN D FUlt-BOOlED VIGOROUS AND WINfY warp. . BEANS')^ CORN'-F€D 14.E. SAG 1-lR. iAG NOVy jft J P C WITH ANY ONLY 0 9 PURCHASE! STEER A N N P A C i What a bright way to start 1957... FRfiE—Knife block and gift box when you BEEF LB have purchased 4 Steak Knives! PIACH, I^INIAMLI «r A P ilC O T with lower coffee prices!. And leave it to your Ihnfty AoP to do it up” right by cutting the price of not Super-Right, Lesn, just one coffee...but fhrse popular H A M B U R G Freshly Ground lb 34« PICNICS Smoked Super Right O R A N G iF blends... Red Circle, Boksr and I B s l' s O O 4 to 6 Lb. Avy. Lb Pure Preserves I AfeP Brand vacuum-packed Coffee! SUPER-RIGHT TOP •VAC ^ L O R I D A BTEAKS ROUND OR CUBE Change to one of these grand coffeei CHICKEN LIVERS ^4 T lb bbox ; r 1.49 , : r L LB , 3 9 ' = today. Enjoy finer flavor . . . and SUPER­ Lb Bag Lb Bag HEAT AND SERVE m w C SWEET & JUICY save! Save! SAVE! SAUSAGE M EAT RIGHT 3 - 79' 2 -> 49 F I S H C A K E S IN BULK i . 4 5 ' A glorious spread selection. . . you never tasted finer! E I C U C T I / * I ^ C CAP'N JOHN'S 10OZ w -C CANNED CHICKEN “S ™1.29 ^ l I V l V D , HEAT and SERVE 2 PKGS 0 3 V ■ ■ ' X - . - ANN PAGE Good Hows for Vdaom-fatkrm -rKH AivrrveCofho Lwwwnlovorsi m 0 1 CENTER SLICES of BONELESS HAM >99* Soup tomato 4 CANS v a c u u m BONELESS ONIONS PACKED Extra .delicious served GRAND WITH STEAKS A wondarful aelection for haarty cold-weather appetites 1 Coffee BY THE with ANN PAGE PINE­ PIECE ANN PAGE SPARKLi APPLE PRESERVE used IN BULK LBS Thrifty Shoppers Choose JANE PARKER Baked Goods! Super- ior a luscious glaze! Right PKGS Puddings 4 SMOKED JANI PARKR LAMI fPKIALI BANANAS 2 LBS ‘ ‘ So imooth and rich-taating... and ready in a jiffy! • SKINLESS, DE-FATTED, LB LARGE ANN PAGE ILIOW CAULIFLOWER HEAD WO WASTE ■ FANCY MUSHROOMS WHITE LB R C O . 4 9 4 A wonderful tinie-aaver...eooka up firm, jret tender I' ' Here's a mouth-watering taste trea t. . . Jane Parker Pine­ SILVERBROOK 4VSOZ IQC . ' .1 ' apple Pie, baked to perfection and brought to you oven-freMiI Sunshine Cheez It Crackers . fKC I ” FRESH CREAMERY SELECT i ILB WITH PORK & TOMATO SAUCE’or BOSTON STYLE SPKIALI Nobisco Premium Crackers check this amazing JANI PARKH .i- IONA TOMATOES QUALITY I # CANS 28* Educator Butter Cookies lOOZ MgC lz_ l introductory oiierl Butter fKG 4 3 WHOLI KiRNBL I LB 1 OZ CHICKthU>F.niE-SEA 7 0Z 4 AC ' B s u n s 2 2 5 * JANE PARKER While Tuna era.ni 4Sc CAN <0 ' A..P CORN OUR FINEST QUALITY CANS Famous Funk & Wagnalls Universal Standard ANOEl SOFT fK.CS AAC You can't beat Ann Page Beans for tasty one-dish megis! WHITE SLICED I J ^ C Z 70* Facial Tissues WHITE, 2 OF 400 w T , UllOZLOAF MO. ate SULTANA J LB Downy Flake Woffles ALWAYS STRJCTLY FROZEN 3 ;K cs4 r 25 Volume Encyclopedia ANN PAGE SALAD PINT QUART Ahray* a favorite. . .oad a reel mhiel OoldcB e p e i^ eeke aad tangjp FRESH, GRADE "A' . TbMATOES fin e QUALITY CANS MINUTE W.AIO 12 OZ fruH jeDy aaolR a roiwbiaatina auK tmptaaae die wtiek fmntly. Oronge Juice t-4 e i » n i 33( CAN JANE PARKER Regularly 21* 2 VOIUMI NO. 1 ONLY- JAM PARKM SPKIALI Nyldiige Spien^s ILBIOZ OF2 • ' OF4 3 1 Dressing ' ' FKG ^ g C , ’C- ' 33 49 ■SELECT QUALITY IONA PEAS CANS ^Bouillon Cubes heri ox ieef, chicken omj Raisin^" 2x 35* 12 .0 X. Ab extra-good flavor accent for lunchbox aandwichat 1 LAICI SIZi •OX chunky Chocolate Bars 6 for 25 RILIAill - • -I 0 FOR •K C M Q C I I5H OZ WHh ••ch S 2 J0 Jelly Suffer Demits JANCPAItMli OT6 4 7 GREEN BEANS SELECTED QUAIITY a__ FurchtM . . . 4*411 a CANS ^ •KG M |C »..49‘ AUMeit MW Mf*a« .,. tM» velum* Th*r«*l<*r Diimer Rolls JANEPAXKH Of IS 41 MG.59g with -ANY FUR- Thcee potato ddpo on topo latoalel Th$y*fO perfect feg porffea i DOWN 14* DOZEN RILIAILi CHASE O NIY wen«lerful in place of potetoea for a qnick-flx meet FROM LAST YEAR WAX BEANS SELECTED QUALITY ' S^per M ” rkets told 9 9 c 2 3T for $4.00 Ek HI EACH St»n yeur » t of 23 F*«k*d Mih ftdt »*(•■ A m m iU sit •unMM< Un M ., Jh . I f t iHKth. M ancM fuail, 1 .Klait,. with Vol. 1 rhli wMhI *nd l*ic]n«lienl JUST IIDUCIDI r " — , . ” V ^ I eiRBErS BART FOODS , 1LB1 0 Z. WESSONOIt FlUFFO Special |4* Sale! C R I A M S T Y U CANS IVORY SNOW TIDE Strained 4-'»**4r IIOUID SHORTENING ' GOtDEN SHORTENING 16 Our Own Tea togs for only IF A*P Corn FOK Speedier dishw am in o TIDE'S IN - DIRT'S OUT PWTtjy «u«n 49‘ - IL1 UR37‘ IUC4R99E , Strnwberries Janier 2 j*“ 29' when yev buy-4S at the u«M me 33' ukiiti mt 32‘ p ‘ . ja reguUjr prioel A&P^OUR FINEST QUALITY M 10 OZ ILBIOZ d e x o l a CANS .n^w V FROZEN FRESH i p PKGS 1 CWSCO S PK AND SPAN Relinble Pens « r CHEER WISK lIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS 1 IT'S digestiiue NO RINSING-NO WIPING UFE FOR COLORS AND irO U lb DETERGENT 1 IUCAMJJ^ SUCANf9^ Bams 2;;;^3r ' f««27* UR(Km32‘ FROZEN A&P PEAS 2 33 I QT14 OZ tIULAR CAN 3 S‘ ^A&P't Own All-Purpose - -4 Cut Com 2 10 ez PKGS 35^ GAN . :V.-- Oil for Baking, Frying : ,1 ' i' WMITI HQUSE-THERE'S NONE fiEHERI and Delicious Salads! W«x BegRi 2 XKPKU 45' IN PACK JOY UQUID DETER6 ENT '^ O j X Y D O l TWENtV MULE TEAM 'j" pin t BQT QUART BQT DUZ EVAPORATED M ILK OF6 PetfftWi^V^tir 2^ 35' FOR AU FINE WASHAIUS . lerax . <‘^•19' . UB140Z •riuian; new wMitmEss DUZ DOES EVERYTHING . 3 f 5 9 ^ •e n u j]* Oiicken Piet *um2S^ 'l . WHITE ,HOi!SE INSTANT UUMPU 33* • 64 OUR OWN TEA BAGS 48‘ CUANS OltTY .hands ' . V- '■-•‘Y'' "CAN •' * 'ijel ’ ‘ - .... . -1. . J ■ • - .V. • ''t ‘ ■'/ GALLON tA,N-2.(l!9 |grffXeFHCAR]fi< ; fancy Peot 2**'**«m| 5^ > P R Y fifilLK /..H... . ' '1 : -W-G/ P Tt.-cis fo r TASTE oiul SAVINGS - W \ •'- 'W . ------•'* . ' ■ ♦ -0 • . • MteiRRMIReMlMIMMIf^^ 4 ■ '1 '• ‘ \ t S. , \ i ’ > .-V'' ’--V J\'- - f ' -J 4 ’ ' A, ’\ ■■ / . 4 i - . v !;• ,. ri. ¥ 4 ' _ ; ■ ‘s»’'V'' '* V .-'*{•"• i' J li-', .. J' i r-. ' -I - V . . ... ' ■ - . ' - ■■''V’rJ:

't'. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER^ OONNw THURSDAY, JANUARY 17. 1957 PA€ MANCHESTER BVEN^G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, JANUARY IT. 1957. m m PM » H u m p h f^ A i n Views $12fOOO Pledged MMH Drive In Memory of W* J . '^hornton House Launches

A $12 000 gift 1«M. b«*n aub-«ainc« 19S2. WlUiam J. Thomtw •crlbwl to tho ManchMter M«ini>-Twm« c]«:t«d to w rv« on the BoMtl -j-j Hoapital bulMUag fuhd in i o f TVuetee* of Mnncbeeter Me- in'traory of WllUnm J. Thornton m o ri*l HoeplUl for «-y#*r Unnj. by Wa^doW, Mr*. Alice F. Thom- ^Being a veteran of World War I, (OMTtimMd from Thge One) ton, and hla aon William B. Thom- the Veterans Organisations chose him to represent them on the UeS. Convinced ty in ths edmlntJLraUon at aS,” toil- he said. The gift, which la the fiw t me- Board on each of these occasions.' ■lorial aubacripUoo to be an- Carrj’ oa TraditioB Hours after ths news conferMee muacad waa given "aa tangible, “ Bv making this gift.” Smith Poles Seeking the queation of his leaving WM continued.' ::rte Thornton family Is put point-blank and Humehiieir living evidence o f Ule memory of scoffed St the idea. William J. Thornton and hla goOd carrying on b tradition of sharing "That’s ridiculous.’’ he aaiA win toward the commiinity where ! In the community’s responsibility Reds of ensuring adeipiate hospital "111 leave some day, o f eouziM, he hved." " ! but thla budget won’t have eajr- ThU eeetribuUon will asimre facilities for all of us living in the a' fr ^ Page One) area that the hospital serves. thing to do with It." the eraation o f an electrocardlo- . He named one' thing that might graphy and baaal metabolUm room j "Their public-spirited partlcipa- of ths solidarity of ^ l ccountries Uon In this most important project of the SocisUBt (Oqm:munist) make him leave—cutting on the ground floor o f the new and running deficlta to cure n de­ wing o f the expanded hoapltal, sets an example that surely will be camp." The statement was issuediied.at at the pression. in a t waa another aur- which will be eatabllshed In Thora- followed by others." Through the memorial plan of end of a 5-day visit by Com!omm}i ^inist irise. because President BiaeB* ton’a memory. Chinese Premier Chou Ehi-lal to hower has said that tax reductieai Played Pronlnent Bole In Town his committee. Smith went on to explain, residents of the area' may Warsaw. and public works are in the gov- Until hla death in 1955, Thorn­ It accused the United States of, emment's arsenal of antidtpeae- . . . ton played a prominent part in 4 ;ive amounts that make it possible to construct and equip beds, rooms, trying to "subjugate" the Middle weapons. And. said Eises- the life o f hia community. Hla departments, or whose floors In the East by economic and military ;er three yeXra ago, "we Mtaii many actlvltiee Included: St. hospiUl Which they or their fami­ preasurea and of threatening "the noV^hestitate to use any or aU o f Mary’a Church: directorehlpa with lies may see in day-to-day use as national -liberation Intereats" of theaV weapons as the aituatlMi The Mancheatar Trust Co. and long as they live. peoples in the .Far East. It also many^qulre." Manchester Savlhgs and Loan charged that the North Atlantic Humpl^ey said he wasn’t erttS-^ Aaen.; member of the State House By these subscriptioiu, he added, cising thb, administration for ths individuals and families may eatab- Alliance has aggreseive aintis. of Representatives; and, in 1921 T h e statement' Immediately size o f th e ^ d g e fi But he said the founder of the Manchester Sand lish units In the hospital as me- rising trend\pf federal budgets moriala to relatives, friends, rw raised questione In* offlctsl quar- A Gravel Oo., o f which hia aon is "ahould prom pt^be stopped." others they nu y wish to honor, or teri here as to whether the Polish now president. - First National Stores" basic position WS.S now changing. The Peace-Time Reeord In making public the subscrip­ to stand aS evidence of their own The size of the budget, a record concern for the health and welfare best Informed officials said, how­ tion. Robert H. Smith, chairman ever, that there as yet no for a peace year ani'tha fifth hlgli- o f the men, women and children business policy is very, very •im- was of the fund's memorial gifts com­ basts for s decision that this is est In the nation's hlatery, spurred of the community, where they live mittee. said “it is most fitting the ple: To^ bring you MORE food true. congreaaional demands' fo r sharp first subscription to be announced and prosper. On the contrary, they said, Oo- cuta in appropriatlona, bn wMek "The memisnal plan will have by our committee, should come mulka has been under great pres- spending is based. great appeal for all." the commit­ and BETTER food at LOWER from a family whose name has siirea to modify his position from Although contemplated speiu tee chairman said, “ who recognise long been associated with the hos- Russian leaders, from pro-Russian in the coming fiscal year w o u t the critical need for expanding our prices. First National agrees with plUl." elements In his own party, atid nearly $S billion more than in ' Smith recalled th at three times hospital facilities.” probably also from ' Chou. It had current year, the budget EisSB- you that “ W H EN Y O U SHOP to be expected, they said, that he hower sent to Congress would be and his associatca might make a in balance for the third year In n FOR FOOD, THE THING TO tactical retreat. row, assuming anticipated 1n- Windows Smtuhed in Home Thus the statement 'is not re­ creaaes in goveriiment income are SAVE IS MONEY”. garded hfre as marking a real- re­ borne out. ' Of Floridn Bias Ban Leader versal of Poland's drive toward in­ The Preeident forecast a yaar- dependence but rather at most as a end surplus o f $1,800,000,0$0 diversion from the main direction which he said would be applied In­ YOUR BEST COFFEE BUYS I I TallahMsee. Fla.. Jan. IT 0P>—fa t his house Tuesday night but of that drive. ward reduction of the $272 bUUan Windows in the house of ap Inte-Tsald he had not Some authorities are privately national debt, now coating nere ■rafion leader were reported i have been thrown through his win- EXCLUSIVE apprehensive about the- holding of than $7 billions annually in intenat amuhed by gunfire last night dur-! ^ w s on two oMssions. parliamentary elections in Poland charges. inv meetlnr Of the Negro Inter i The council is spearheading a “Meat is the biggest single item in my food budget. That’s why I always next Sunday. None would predict Some members are known to a i i c ^ c a ! ">ove to integrate city b i ^ here. Typical examples of First National Stores' big everyday valoea. It’s values like these OFFER! any outbreaks of violence, but the feel that if Congress could cut th$ possibility of trouble always exists planntd spending total several bil­ I h e ^ r d w waa the most r e -jlU spokesmen said an attorney is and hundreds. more that make it possible to save at First NationaL buy FINAST meals—the prices arc lower and the quality is guaraiiteedl” Hssl rsiiilant hsndiss, brast comprsisien cent in a long series In smoulder-! studying the city a plan to a ^ g n Richmond where the situation ia tense. lion more, there might to enough S I n t e w a ^ ^ c u l U e s here. 1 seats to both races and that the rivals. Hsavy, poliihsd sisinissi stsoL Last fall's violent rebellion in of a surplus to provide tax reliaf in *^ b o u ^ 0 white personsattended . C3ouncU pUns no action wtU the Hungary aroused speculation here 1958, a congreaaional election yanr. /' luild a cempisis 7-piocs sal. Add a pises the Coimdll meeting. They w ere. attorney makes his report J . COPLEY 2-OZ JAR that sooner or later the same thtnj^ No eooner had Eisenhowai'a Identified as students at Florida At Miami, tw’o teenage N e g r w Mild and Mellow LB BAG s wtsk. might occur in Poland. budget meesaga been reaid than a State University. They w e re sat down in the front of a T r a ^ t 87‘ Privately, U.S. officials are hop­ partisan argument broke out Ml scattered through the church Co. bus last night and refused tp ing that no such thing wili happen. the House floor. wh«re the m eetlnr was held. move to the rear but left the ve­ KIIAG 2 .5 5 They’re certain it would bring Chairman (^nnon (D-Mq) ot tha T h e Rev. C. K. Steele, president hicle when policemen told them ”15e OH Sale" CTN OF 100 swift and brutal Russian military House Appropriations committee of the Council, told the meeting to. TEA BACS °—“ action probably put an end to the called the budget. "infistJonaay.” that "no group of Negroes -could No arrests were made. Polish independence movement. And he-complained that "thera la move freely in and out of white First Ipeldeat CORNED BEEF An even greater fear Is that no retrenchmenti- no-econeiwyA communities as long as young­ I t was the first reported taici- u* open fighting in Poland would set *New-Fomid’ fioUcitude sters have been moving in our dent since the Miami Council of Kybo All Purpose 10-LB BAG off an exploeion in eastern Ger­ Up jumped Rep. Halleck of In­ community throwing rocks and the N A A C P advised Negro bus FINAST FLOUR many which could in turn Involve dians, the assistant House Itopub- shooting guns without being ar­ patrons to "sit anywhere they W eit Germany. That would raise llcsn leader, to say that Cannon rested.” please.” The Council took the ac­ Rich Full-Bodiad LB BAG 9 9 1 en extremely serioiu danger of was showing a "newfound eoUei- BrekMi by Bbotgua Bsllqta tion Tuesday. 12-OZ FANCY BRISKET much more general conflict. tude" about the effects o f inflatton After he went home. Steels re­ A federal judge has ruled MIRABEL - Pure JARS Lean, Tender, Corned Briskets LB sn the American people. H a llo ^ ported two windows of hla home kOami's bus segregation laws un- a u i a c 2 . 9 1 . APPLE JELLY said that in past years Caimem had been broken by shotgun pel- oonstltutional but the formal or­ Cured in our own Gov't Inspected Plant was one of those "feeding thirst leU. He also said the window of der has not been made. The city Diplomats Say Bres of Inflation rather than try­ a car owned by Dr. M. C. W il­ of Miami, in answering the ruling, FINAST ing to put them out.” 12-OZ JAR In an Interview today, Ri^. Ta­ liams. Negro dentist who is the said Negroes who brought a bus Smoethy or Crunchy OounciVs seerstary, waa amazed integration suit failed to show the PEANUT BUTTER Kremlin Fears ber o f New York, senior RapuUi- with a brick. The car had been city was enforcing segregation can member o f the Appropriatlona parked near the church. ordinances. The N A A C P then ad- Copiley committee, said the budget "can Steele's home is next door to rised Negroes to take any , seat 1-LB Ike’s Doctrine snd w ill’’ be cut by Congrese. the church. Members of his family they chose. * REGULAR or D RIFT SUNSHINE KRISPY - Fresh Crisp PKGS "There is a tremendous lot o f were not a honse. Little If any racial mingling has ■ 1.' CRACKERS EiADY TO lA t • LEAN TENDER (OmntiRoea «roYi Page Oae) waste, eepccially in the defense de­ Steele said a gun had been fired been apparent. partment," Taber said. FULL SHANK POETION the heels of the Britiah-French in­ While there has beon some la- Vacuum Packed LB CAN RNAST lOXES vasion of Egypt, was a mistake. Hatlon, he added, three-fourths said, as decided at Monday's meet­ It came in the Truman administra­ ■ I) i" Choate, C of C, ing. 1.03 Luxury Quahly I OF 400< " I f the military aapecti. had been tion. A committee will be appointed FACIAL TISSUES dropped or minimized, the pro­ I \ •» .V gram would have been hard to Rep. Reed of New York, top Ito- Rockville, Says by the Board of Directors, made up publican on the tax-writing Hous* o f a repreaenlative from each clas- b eaC one comnerted. One diplomat after diacuasing Ways and Means committeo. nsM $16,000 Pledged aiflcatlon. These reju-esentatives, to he found the budget “ needlessly be temporary chairmen, will ,i the Eisenhower proposale with So­ / high.” tom chooee a committee from their PLUMP MEATY LB viet leaders said he believes the Rockville. Jan. 17 (Special!— plan ’’atlll has the Soviet bosaea In the Sensto, Democratic Lead­ respective clsaalficatloh- l^ationat CtlruA Jed iva t! er Lyndon B. Johnson o f Tsxns Vincent A. Choate, executive secre­ Tha chairman will find out from, off balance. They fear it and are tary of the Rockville Area Cham- FRESH FOWL said "it will take' considemblb seeking effective means of com­ his committee what important time to go through all o f the itsms l^ r of Commerce, reported today itema they would like coafidcred batting it." approximately $16,000 in pledged Another diplomat told a report­ and determine whether the tjr^ for the work program. ' *' 7-RIB CUT - Lean and Tender READY fO COOK - Vh-2'h lb average of spending requested ia neeas- membership had been rec^ved. Choate said a questionnaire is er: "They* know public attacks on lary, wise, snd adapted to our He stressed that the M v e for being, mailed this week te all loeai the plan are not enough and that needs.’’ , membership has not ended. The FLORIDA they must themselves offer some industries as a first step toward LB Sen. Ives.- « l- N Y ), citing total membership now stands at positive program if they hope to compiling Information which will FOR Pork Roast Fresh Chickens >39< p r o s i t of a w r d auccesaiveI :year 201, out of about 350 prospects. be vital to the Chamber th its pro­ continue holding .the spotlight Pink of White Meat with the Arab nations." The' aith a balanced' budget, Although the attorneys have motion work. rhetorically; '• > 4-6 LB AVEftAGE MILDLY SEASONED Kremlin is desperately seeking joined up 100 per cent, the doctors "W hat could speak* bettor fiir something more effective thAi a and dentists are still hesitating, the soundness of the Eisanhowar mere propaganda fight, the diplo­ Ralph H. Gibson, president, said. GRAPEFRUir administration's policies 7" LB Choate stressed that the (Thamf' Nautilus Nears mats said. I t Saiisage Meat »39< They agreed Uust, despite boasts her of Commerce is a business and needs a downtown office as soon ' First Refueling PLOEiOA o f prosperity, the Soviet Union is as possible. . c 4-6 U AVERAGE SKINLESS iri ho condition to match U.S. of­ Polish Reds Purge m . Ripe and Sweat fers of economic help in the Mid­ A committee charged with secur­ Washington,- Jan. 17 yP)—The TEMPLE ORANGES ing an office and consisting of dle East. Nautilus, world's first stemic "Heavy demands at' home and List of Candidates Werner Kunsli, Charles- Chilberg submrrine, soon \rill undergo her and Dr. Vernon Thomas, will meet TEXAS Smoked Picnics» < within the family o f satellites is first refueling after logging more ‘45 39 m (Coatbrned from ra g * O ) tomorrow at lO am. FLORIDA ’• Sweet and Juicy 5-LB lA G placing a severe strain on the So­ than 55,000 milee in two years of Snew Whii. viet Union’s own liquid ? re­ First choice for the Chamber of­ HEAD. cruis'ing. sources," one source observed. Front" capdidstea made up a f fice la the space formerly used by ^ / The Navy announced ysaterdsy 2y* " ‘Toda;^ the satellitea are leaning Communists and represenUUvas the telephone company on Park C o d F i l l e t of other Communist-spprevsd that "history's first atomic ship .K on the Soviet Union instead of > Place. refueling operation'’ will take contributing to its development parties The by-laara committee, made up CAUFORNIA - SUNKIST FOR' b r D c c o l i place this sp.ring. It-said “ special "And the cost of keeping other- As a result, 723 cahdidstea wars of Seabury Lewis, Atty. George Lemons c a u e o k m a . - m m put forward for the 459. seato to Gorsky and Thomas Wolff, met to­ equipment and techniques" will be J/./..J Fresh Sliced >ast .European Communist na­ uaed. Urge lunehts ^ ICH ^ ^ tions in even a fairly'healthy con­ the Polish PsrtUsment. ’Th« Cmn- day. Little action can be taken on munists hope to get .at leaat half the work program until the by-laws The refueling will be handled dition gets higher and higher each by the Ele'cttic Boat Division of year.” of the places. arc cstabllabed. Choate said. Recently, however, signs that the Of 26 . items brought up at the the General Dymunics <>rp., pre­ Bubiished agreements with oth­ V. lU sumably at Groton, Conn., wherti er Communist nations in the last voters might mark o ff Commtudst first meeting of the Chamber, the' EVAIKEUNE - EVAIKWATED candidates in large numbers have following seemed dominant, Choate the pjbm iu^e bras built. two , months reflect the heavy' 'Tha Nautilus began cruising two drain on Soviet foreign exchange resulted in an intensive Red cem- said: Sell Rockville to Rockville, -First piece offered ifili weak is thii sturdy, peign to get voters to leavt their better the eenrice tb preaent indua- years ago today. Since then the . YO R GARDEN - ‘CONCENTRATED - FR 02EN and food rtgerves by Poland, Ro­ triea, improve rural-urban relation- vessel has covered .55,000 shiles. uieful ipatuis. And with it, you gel a mania and Eqst Germany, as well ballots luBnsrked. Under the alee- , MILK tion rules, this would constitute 4 I: ahipa. and improve parking faclU- moetiy while submerged. BEHY ALDEN -SLICED ENRICHED SNCIAL THIS WEEK iisinlast Ileal wall rack absolutely FREE as smaller demands by other Com­ hi tlea and traffic control. The Navy said' the uranium core munist countries. vote for the Communist caadl- dioate la anxloua to inatall wel- to hold^ your cernplale tall ' "Tbit economic picture, ehows dstes, w'ho head the lists in all dis­ of the submarine's reactor b ill be 14%-OZ CANS tricts. , , come algns on the highway! leading removed and sert to the Atomic 7 T the Soviet Union's master into Rockville, he amd. Ife believes Ttssrmy Ommission's test la^ra- PUMPERNICKiL BREAD - 21‘ ORANGE JUICE 4 - S9 planners will be - slow In recom­ Jnformed sources a l^ have ex­ city Miould advertise itself juat toryiB Idaho. It'w ill be examined mending an attempt t o . match pected lOore than 30. of the leediii|f as much as any buainess. The signs Recommended For Babies NUSlUey • Mia candidates outside the United there and the unused part o t the SPEOALTHtS W WEEK in American dollars with Soviet be has in mind would be bUlboard- uranium will be reclaimed for ^ Delicious For Dessert and Schqel lunches ms Id-OZ.FKG 49c rubles in the Middle East," a dip­ • Workers party to to removed from YOUn UST BUAD BUYI ’IWMETHING NEW SPECIAL Angel Cake the election Ust. 1 snd cost about 21,000 each, he future use. CHUN IUN€ CHINESE - AMERICAN FOODS SliSOUSY - CheceWe Fudge lomatic aource said. 2S PEACH PIE F IN A S T - FROZEN EACH 49< NEHRU RAPS ARMS UNK It. was tolievod MorawaU op­ Choate waa pleased with the in­ 12-OZ FKG T A X PA1tVMENTS UP Iced Walnut 35 Frosting Mix 33c ■ New Delhi, Jah. .17 (4P)—Prime posed the campaign for unmarlud terest shown by the Greater Rock­ Chicken Chov^ Mein can 43c | \, Minister Nehru today said the ballots. The Communiat party e ^ Hartford, Jan. 17 (Pi—State Tax CAT FOOD • "It's All FiiK" ville Ministerial Assn, in the Cham­ W hiteBread YOR GARDEN 2 9-OZ VbR GARDEN 2 12-OZ Eisenhower doctrine-on the Middle gan ’Trybona Ludu'Said both he and Commissirner' John L. Sullivan ber of Commerce. He has been in­ Chow Mein Noodles 16c | D^o^ Diflareiit Flavor V'. Potato Puffs Fresh Frozen PKGS 39< Leaf Spinach fresh Frozen PKGS 3-Little Kittens 3 S-OZCANS 23c East Could make the situation Krezel "made propagazida against vited to speak to the group Feb. 11 eaid yesterday that tax coUecUons • ETTY ALDEN 33< ORUANS • Ttsiy Dog Cssdy there "more difficult’’ because It the National FVont’’ and therefare at 11 a.m. in 8t. John’s Church. are running million ahead of YOR GARDEN O KK>Z J C , YOR GARDEN 0 12-OZ links military aid with economic "they cannot to candidatos on be­ The program of wo-k is to be de­ the last fiscal year at the. half­ Chinese Dinner 49c t OraUge- DOUIltS 25 7-01 NCOS 3 | e Ffosh Frozm A PkGS " § 3 * Chojipeil Spinach Lolli-Pups 2 assistance. - half of the National rzont.’’ rr-i.- cided by the Chamber itself, Choate Reg er Thin Sliced Brussel Sprouts Fresh Frozen A PKGS ' way point. ■ Mushroom Cnow Mein 89c | HAsn "To give economic help to these The paper added that it waa tee 4OZI0X 17c countriee is good," Nehru' told late to substitute other candidates Chicken chow Mein ..««« 65c I "-ly sMeiMTiMm«c Dog Yummies newsmen when he arrived from for them. - ' WE RESERVE THE RIGHT FIRST ^ n a t i o n a l ^ STORES •uears • CMtun Calcutta, "but to tie Up .'with mili­ The . non-Commnoiat. Union ’ of Beef Chop Suey ^ m a lp a k 5 3 c | PCO ICll iPl® ea ch e LIMIT q Ua NTITIIS BM-CZ PKO 33e tary help ties It. up with, the Cold Democratic Youth was disserved' Skywatch Schedule ^ Chocolate Chip War and makes the situation more under pressure from the Red party. difficult." » The move l^vea only.two tolerated » . J Kehru'a comments to far on the political youth groups, the Unlmt of , TtUmy. ga s/ 18 LGE PKG 3 3 « Eisenhower proposals are con­ Socialist Youth and the Uniim,ef jWidiught - 2 a.m...... VMhafesifeers Needed BCDCh-Nut SlFiined leby foeds 4 41< N iblots Corn 2 g ^ 3 3 ‘ I v o r y S o a p ■ ' 2 i £ 2 9 « , Ivory Fiakos C a i m y S o a p A ^ 3 5 . Tide *' A Wsihdsy Wonder LGE PKG 32< sidered moderate. Informants say Rural Youth. Both ere dominated $ a.m. ^ 6 a.m.' ofiiatesiteers Needed this is due partly to the influence by former 'ieedera o f the S U ta- sum, r-S a.m. Vrioateera Nepded *) A i. ■ / ' of hla-recent talks with the Amer­ era Polish Yqath ssaociation, .m, • $ a.m. Veloatcers Needed' ■/,- ican President and partly to' 'The Union of Dsmocratic Youth am, -10 am* Celcstw King Sirathad Meets far Babies LGE PKG 3 3 < C m a y S o a p Blue O e te r^ ^ . LGE PKG 3 2 < Nsbru'a dSsire to see.how the Mid­ was set up Idst fall in ths fizet . 0 a.m. — Noon Celeste King 2 * J i S ^ 4 5 * 2 s ^ 3 5 « I v o r y S o a p I v o r y S m w 2 K E 2 5 . Qiaer 'V dle East .countries react to the flush of democratization which let- Burr Stephens Mary Stephens' ■A' : /• new Anssrican-policy:. - lowed Qomulka's return to BOW * . rNfcrma Pickering Gail Burnells Syrian President Shukri A i Ku- It was refuaed official regtstritted . 4pm.lom - .2$ p.mpm...... :'...,...... '.Tlmmsa Hickey > i 0 1 1 2 , /’ ■ ■ 3 3 « watly also srfived today for a requited for all orgsslpto i.pkfls. • $ Am...... Sinitat Johnson ' ' Graau Giant Poas 2 ’^ 3 9 « L n v n S o n p ForTbiHemls^- 2 I S , 2 I < i v o r y S o a p O x y d o l ■■■ w i * LGE PKG 3 3 * u |e p k g ''''3 2 « p.m* - 4 p.m, ■ r ‘ - jr% Draft state visit with Nghnir “A Uoiu. • Rm. • lO p.in...... OIlv* Ray Alice Fhigaa ^ ...... -■ ' ' ■ - . V t . • ■ -j •' raft-pm-~>_l|EMhB|ht ;.joecph M S r^ ' were expected to dwell heavily- an -1- v: i i B i g i m / ' '1 Iwkfod on top of Manchester Pollee SU'tkm., . ! ■' .| H iM regiator at Civil/DefenM Headquarters, Mualeipnll .'■ fe HpilpM-Meiidiiy, Wodaaeday. FHdhy freeia to $ p .« . .(V .'\ •

■ V:Ai; P ’ ■ • ■ V ' - P i ' ' / V. iin PAGE TE N S‘

Best in meats

Wo'ro mighty proud of tha fact that mora pao* pla ara earning to POPULAR for thair maafi. Double They'va discovared, as you will too, that P. B. M. I Popular Better Meats) ara outstanding for World Green quality, flavor and value. POPULAR sells aniy U.S.D.A. choice grades . . . carefully cut and ^aiosaiy-trimmed. So, this wpakewd -and-avary- # •N, weekend shop POPULAR and enjoy good eat* I f, m a ia c ing with P. B, M. . . .The Best in Meats. J. V EVERY WEDNESDAY CHO ICE STEER BEEF SUP lETTUCE ORANGES CRISPY — FRESH LUXURY EATIHQ ORANOU ^ Save... LB. OPEN EVERY Worid Green CHUCK ROAST i Full Shank ft) Thurs.""Fri. till 9p.m. 1 2 ^ 3 9 ^ STAMPS Ready Hams . Half TIM BMW DIUIXI Boneless For Hundreds of lb Pot Roast Choice Beef 2MalUtf PvuLte. - ^vmt A ll 6vm*. tU. WvdA - At QumvI l4*Um l Beautiful 20-V01UME Native Fowl Waybest lb BANANAS . U’ PINEAPPLES S ,. 3^ BELGIAN ENDIVE Highly NuWtiou* Free Gifts SP A N ISH ONIONS 2 >,,25* K A LE Lew in Celeriei 19* SHALLOTS Boneless ENCYCLOPEDIA lb for the Greatest Variety Brisket JI91.12 Add Zait ta -Head Cut of FREE Gifts W ^USTARD^REENS . ly SaUd *r Swp~ NOW Long Island lb • \-/i Lb. 0 9 C SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS rClO* Fruits & Vegetables By The EXTRA FRENCH FRIES Amer. Bologna Piece Lb. id iS C RIB LOIN ^ LEAN, CKjn ft END ® Nepco TRIMMED ^ I MARGARINE 2 ;^ 43^ Fronkfurts Skinless ■ .f- Looking For Good Potatbes? .SMAUu, LBAjr;. TENDER ' ’ LEAjt, b&ATY PEAS, CORN Dairy Foods EVAPORATED MILK SMOKED BUTTS >, 59c 49c , 2 ;Ji^ 33' '■ Real < " 7 0 V-.-, .WBHPAK ^ CheesO Cooper Lb. # y C CHEF SALAD OIL &W Friends Pea Beans WE’VE GOT IM UM B FORES CHOPS, STEWS . Lb. 35c *111' TAaTy CBEAMYM Y • Till Tall 16 Oz: Can Muenster Cheese SAUSABE MEAT 4tc SHORTENING - 8 5 ' Tiiys -SumUtg You may think^ood'potatoes can’t be found SKINLESS FRANKS ... l, 49e RIAI^ CAARI LADOIE lOY^CHICKiN 4 For but that’s probably because you haven’t tried Cheez Whiz “"‘s' o,. j.r 29c ____ y n i l r l l U U GROUND HORSEMtAT ^ u m AQ lOROEN'S 3 7 ‘ 2 Popular. WE’VE' GOT. ’EM! MAINE LIME­ CaoktRSalaR SHRIMP VEmEP VivB 59c STONE POTATOES. Good for boiling, bak­ oirii CREAM CHEESE Cream Cheese 39c *®*r8a V ing or French frying and they stay'WHITE GRAND UNION jpOUD CUTS HEINZ CHILI SAUCE '5‘ W* V AND MEALY. Get some tonight You’ll say Kraft’s O O Pickle and Pimento Loaf, Macaroni and — 3 41* they’re the best ever! ' Slice and ^ k e 4 # 7 C CookieRoll Cheese Lobf or Bologna - 6 oz. pkg, 4 b4p C giD FOftSI AOIO HEINZ MUSTARD Light Yalew irlV Frozen Foods ?59 CHEDDAR CHEESE I ex. EXTRA L O i JPASCAL SWEET JUICY BEST FOR EATING (t Jar SHARP ‘lb. O # 'iSirds Eye SIOUX BEE HONEY 37' CELERY TANGERINES BOSCfEARS Fish Sticks pkg. 35c ------— 1— ALLSWEET , Birds 'BUMBLEBEE ^ . NYLONGE 6RIEN GIANT - SALAD DRESSING KRAFT KRAFT SALTS^ Green Peas Eyee,. m2. Pkgq.35c DRESSING PARTY-SNACKS AAARGARINE CLAM CHOWDER 'Popufita 6 oz. 4% I" TLJNA SPONGES ■iSS? CORN MIRACLE WHIP Hafian tai. AAV SUPER MARKETS Orange Juice cn, 2 Cans Chunk Style f be*. 9 0 ^ UghtMaatA «„ M s i i r i ’dSy r r i s * S l^ . bet. 2 W X81* ^Lr4y Dozen 2 -4 5 . " I 'ill- ...mi -...... ; I FOX YOUX LAUNDXT WASHDAY MIRACLE ' GRANDMA BROWN'S CONTE " “"y. “ V ILEACH FOX x a YOin w ash IT FLOATS nwE — ^ x o ^ Brands You Know... Mobnlife Mallows Otb Fkg. lO JC -TIDE BEAN SOUP PIZZA MIX We feature at all times one of the finest «nd most varied selecli^of fruits and CLOROX SURF , IVORYSOAP IVORY SOAP IVORY SNOW. vegetables in town. Wfi CAN ASSURE YOU, 'TOO; THAT NONE OP OUR STOCK BurVy Yiaras ^ Tji oc. ekg. 3 3 c ^ Savings You L ik e ... ' WAS*‘TOUCHED” during the recent bitter cq|d. Deliveries from iparket to store P»- IIP fj x i r , i 77*> . 4 s 2 r R :S 1 7 ’ XS3* 79* V 'ir 8 9 * > •- Mirsr have bden made heate'd trucks. . , ' v Keebler SVltlnes , 1 Pkg. 2 7 c V iLk II ir i n v,-^ ■ NAuaco cipBEai: pkANvr wiirrrKit . -4t3 * Pius World Green Stamps,. Hinyg, aT ^ * Wnm^try Soap 3 g- 2^ I PalmoUw Soap 4 2J 35® I Pilniollvt .Soap ’ 2 t£j28® I Cathiiwre Bouqu«t42- 35® • Vel £•» ' Ad Kur rowa« \ ^ 33® I Fmiw Nq^SiSm ^ 0|F \ !•. ■ Sandwich i i ‘ 6 Nab Pack 2 Sc ^ w PAkKAPE, MIDDI.E TURNPIKE WEST oiut BROAD STREET* >*ANCHESTIR •\ I . \ \ .V 4 i ;\\v ^ ,V; --'V- .■ V • K ... IHIgti liMMed Nataa . ' t' 'and thuh * put* him' undar' work­ won their flrat spurs ih the com Ite'phm Wait*, ’diractof of ad- men's compensation." petiUve wrorld Of economics, who. mlsaiona at Hamilton Collage, Clin­ “ I don't need to tail you that this learned the basic principles of ton, New York, Ulkad with senior would strike at the heart of the business aa newapaparboys T" Hospital to Receive Bequest boys at th* high achool last week Ltttl* Merchant Plan and th* basis Earlier, Richard Cv Steele, presi­ DELIVERY regarding antranca to Hamilton of Oi^r distribution system. dent of the New England Daily College. Move to 7-Cent Paper Cripple U ttie Merchant Plan Newspaper Assn., described th e' O f $16^350 from Mrs, Bilson John V. Gosniy, Wbrid Radio " It sounds plaiisihle but on ex­ newspaper as "the largest Individ­ >ArUiar Dni| Stem Ulasionary Fallowship, Inc., show-, amination you wilt sea how it will ;^.Bo*ton, Jan. 17 iAh—William9 "And ,w* all will to' on firmer ual salsa item in the United ad a film antitlad, ‘‘ConflicUon;" cripple our U tU * Merchant Plan State*. llAckvlIle, J«n. li- -^plaiui mad* (or th* annual Blu* dapicUng tha work of his orgahi- Dwight, president Ot th* American | ground—the new’apaper. the adver- that down through th* yaar* hks Newapaper Publlahars Aaan., aays'the T u b llc -lf aom* of the Staela, general manager of the ItockrtU* City Hoapltat ,^(11' r«c«lve | and Gold banquat to b* h*Id Pab. satjpn In* operating th* “Voice of worked so beneflelally to th* nawra- Worcaatar. Telegram and Gazette, a baquaat o( $10,350 (rom tbajlO. the Andes," in Ecuador. “ the tVind toward* th* y.^entl J*^^***?''^ paperboy as wail a* th'a newspaper newspaper will increase now that I the sale of our paper*, said "mor* copiaa of th* daily!, aatat* of Anna Bilaon, hdapltal of- 4-H Snppar Staima Club to Moot and th* general public. newspapen are sold every day in ' th* newsprint manufacturers arel Dwight-, v/ho also I* president ficlala announoajt today. Vamon i-H Town Oommitta* Rockvllla SUmp Club will ma.t "That boy, who nOw buys and the United States than bottles of Tho rniin, conatltutin$r Am-balf of will hold a potliick auppdr Satur- at T;80 p.m.,.Saturday in Sykea heaping another piica increase on 1 *011 managing editor of the Holy- sell* on hia own, laarna early in 'oke Transcript-Telegram, added milk, packs of cigarettes, loaves of th* raaldue of tha aatata, ndll ba day at 6:30 p. ih. in tha Vamon School. » Ufa the fundameiitala of economies, bread, or' anything else.” known aa tha Anna and Albert Bll-1 Methodiat Church'. > - Plana ar* being formulated tor Speaking last night at a dinner. that the transi^lo.i front 5 to 7 (hat th* reward* go to those with That Inttrprtt lilt aon Fund. It will be invaatad by th e! The auppar la for paranta o^ an axhtbitlon and stamp auction to meatlng of tne New England Asso- rents for the price of a neW’spaper initiative and Ihduatry, that char­ WithMOfThtFaadlr truateaa of tha hoepltal and the in- membara, leadara. town com- b* held In about a memth. elation of Circulation Managers, "shouldn’t be difficult for th* prod­ acter means much—that bby would eome uaad for the faneral naeda of: mittaa membara and anyone Inter Rafraahmenta will b* sarvad'un­ Dwight aaid uct la worth more than that and be alappad under th * strait JOHN B. BURKE that oTfanltation. i eated In 4-H work. der th* Buparvtaion of George Gaall. ‘'■nil* new’ $4 a ton jump (in more. The public can be cCunted on jacket of government working FOOD SALE A recant trend toward charitable ; • “ r^- NorUieaot FTA H i* club Invltas anyone Intar- newsprint price') means an. extrac­ to pay for value.” regulations. FUNISALHOMI tion of $28 millions anhually'from andowmanta by rdaldenta In mem-': Northaaat PTA will meat Mon- aatad In atamp csllaeting or Invest­ He also told the gathering that ” 1 wonder," Dwight continued, TEL. MI B O M - ory o f a relative or friend la wel- day. at 8 p,m. • in N o r t h a a a t ing to Join- the American newspapers. The "another major con'iern oi oura to­ "what support this - proposal to i Saturday, Jail. 19,9 a.m. corned by hoapltal authoritlek, they School. Post ORIe* PosittoBS newapapars simply cannpl absorb day is the So-called model work­ ellminat* th* independent nawq-! HALE'S STORE 17 EAST OBNTBB tX. . aald. Individual lift * constitute ani -A talk on achool and home aafa- Applicatlona for aubatltut* clerk all of this if they are to stay ftnaii- man's compensat'on proposal- a paperboy will feceiv* from th e; AMBULANCE •BBnCBi lncraaaing;ly Important part of en- y will be riven followinr tha ra- and aubatltut* clerk-carrier posi­ clally aound and continue' to be : plan that would put the newspaper- le^on- of successful A m e r i c a n | BY 80ROPTIMISTS dowment funds: porta from committees and from tions in the Rockvill* Post CMflce boy In th* categor5 ’ 0f an employe leaden in all walks of Ilf* who Th'a Rockville City Hospital ha* th* Board of Education oMerver. must b* postmarked no later than recently established the Betsy The meeting will eonclud* with Jan. 32, it haa baen announced. Tucker and Frederick Bradley a social hour and refreahmants The deadlln* data la an amend­ Funds and has a consolidated fund served by fifth grad* room moth- ment to th* examination announce­ which incorporataS' small gifts and 'ers. ments Issued by the U.^. Civil helps to cover hospital costs that Arrangements ar* in charge of Service Regional Director. Thera patients ar* not charged for, offi-- ' sociation. School. 28 In Southington. Any members The local group will hold an in­ Interested In attending can con­ ' His talk is the fourth in a series ter-church meeting Feb. 18 at on "Growth aijd Its Complexities," tact her regarding reservationi, 1 Union Congregational Church to Mrs. Bury said. | sponsored by the Rural Vernon hear reports of the new radio- School Assn. The auxiliary plans a Public Dr. Edgren has been with the television department of the Hart­ Grocery Social for Jan. 23 at 8 in ford Council and to consider con­ Institute since March, 1950, except the GAR rooilis, Joltowing a short : tinuing flnandal support during for wXlur of duty as a captain in 19.57. husineas meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. | FREOH PRODUCE the-Air Force. He was educated at Shirley Novak and Mre. Norine ' Washington State College and Arrangements for the tradition­ O'Brien ar* In charge. j served with hospitals in Seattle be­ al Good Friday service April 19 will be made by the Rev. Mr. Mrs. J. .Andrew “ mill ! FANCY LUSCIOUS. SWEET fore coming to Connecticut. Mrs. Anna 'We«r Traill. 72, of 1 The doctor is a member of the Foulkee. The service will be held from noon to 3 p.m. at St. John's 120 W. Main St., wife of J. Andrew j American Medical Association, Traill, died ji'ddenly yesterday af- | TEMPLE ORANGES Hartford County Medical Society, Church, with sermons by min­ isters of the association. temoon at her home. American Psychiatric Association. B om 'Feb. 32, 1884. in Broad Hartford Paychlatric Association Also being' planned is the tradi­ SWEET. JUICY tional Easter Sunrise Service held Brook, ahe wai the daughter of the and Asylum Hill Congregational late Louia and Mary Meyer Weber, Church, on Fox Hill. Miss Antoinette Bierce of Union Congregational and had lived In Rockville moet of The speaker will be introduced her Ufe. TANGERINES by Mrs. Martin Lehan. chairman of Church, the Rev. Norman Speli- tlie program committee, and Mrs. I P**!®*" of Rockville Methodist Basidea her hiuihand ahe lea.'ea J a eon. Arthur F. Adame, Alexan­ George Hammer. A coffee hour will Church, and the Rev. Rodman D EXTRA FANCY. ALL-PURPOSE dria; V*.: three atateri Mr*. Frank follow in the cafeteria. . ' Cart, pastor of First Congrega-• Inauguration Invitation tlonal Church of 'Vernon are the Ulitach and Mrs. Jedm Burke, both Ralph H. Gibson, president of committee in charge. of Rockville, and Mre. William BALDWIN APPLES the Rockville Area Chamber of Dance Club Grows Dunn. Ansonia; and two brothers, Commerce, and an active political Membership in th* Vernon Paul R. Weber, Roc. vlll*. and W il­ FANCY FRESH, WHITE ' worker during the recent senatori­ Square Dance Club will reach the liam P. Weber, Stafford Springs. al campaign, has received an invi­ 100-couple mark \^en .15 new The . liberal will be held tomor­ tation to attend President Eisen­ couples tre velcomed into the club row at 2 p.io. at the Ladd Funeral’ CAULIFLOWER Extra Large Head hower's inauguration ceremonies at a special dance Saturday night. Home, with th* Rev. Paul J. Bow­ in Washington. Gibsbn said the Chirl Johnston, teacher and cal. :■ man, pastor of Union Congrega­ A tional Church, officiating. invitation includes all events ex­ for the club,'^ does not plan any Giait Size Instant cept the Inguapamtlon Ball. He :jnore beginners' classes in Vernon Burial ’Will be in Grove Hill CHA^ and SANBORN COFFEE said he and his wife hope to be this year, ! ut may start classes in Cemetery. Jumbo able to go. Manchester and Wapplngvshortly, Friends may call at th* funeral TOMATO JUICE .Tesso Rich Flaverful 48 Os. C am toO C Church .Annual Meeting he said. home today from 3 to 6 and 7 to ■ Union Congregational Church The club is organising an exhibi­ 9 p.m. will hold its annual dinner meeting tion group U promote Intereet in Laetor E. Peterson GLORIETTA PEACHES Halves or Slices Big 28 Oc. Can tonight at 8:30 .-o'clock in the square dancing as an adult recrea­ Th* funeral of Lester E. Peter­ church hall. tion. The gro.ip will exhibi square son, 59, of 9 Walnut St., who died The Rev. Carl S. Hansen, As­ dancing for church grouf-s. PTA Monday at Rockville City Hospital, GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS Golden Harvest 2 Js^s 29c sociate Superintendent in Christian and charitable organisation*, s u it ­ was. held today at St. Paul's Education of the State Conference, ing Feb. 15. Mr*. Eldna Johnston, Church. Huntington.' Born Dec. 10, 1897 in Shelton, will apeak at the business meeting secretary’, is in charge of arrange­ Swett Lift Milk Tall Can* etartlng^ at 7:46. ments. he was the son pf the 1st* John and Rockville Baptist Churchy will U.AR .Award Given Sarah CawthrS Peteraon. He lived Y FROZEN FOODS hold its annual meetinjg at' 7:80 Patricia Pllaka, Rockville High and worked aa a earpentar In Book MatebN L l^ ^ 2 eartona 27e tonight.. Action will be- taken on .School senior, has been awarded Rockvill* many years. aw N E T L i r e the reaigpation of tha Rev. 'Edwin the 1937 Good Citlsenahlp Award Burial was in Lawn Cemetery, SwMt Lift Faeiali 2 L g pkgs. 39o A. Broolm, pastor, in addition, to of Rockville High School by the Huntington. Local arrangements were in charge of th* Burke Strawborrios election of officers and reading of Connecticut Daughters of th* Calq cans American Revolution. Funeral Home. Cat or Doc Food 4 49o reports. _ _ _ _ _ - BIRDS RYBJ ' ’ The annual parish meeting of St. Candidates for this award are NE7VMBOT8 W AN TED : The .Tohn’s Episcopal Church .Mrtlt bev chosen on the ha«i* of dependabil­ Saiada Tta Bast 48 Cetnil 49o ity, service, leadership, and patriot­ Herald has good payto'g route* Potato Faflies 2 rkgs. 33o held at 8 p.m. Monday in the< apaa In the dowatowa bnsineaa aee- ism.’ ■ church hall. ttoa of Reekvilla, aad la the Jasso Fniao Juioo 4)t. Bel. t S t Reports of organisations and of Mias Pliaka has been activ* in Prospect St. ares. Roya liitereated SW EET LIFE EDUCATOR the Vestrj’ will be presented. In ad­ Student Council, Athletic Assn., ahonM ea li. the Herald *Mce, dition to the proposed budget for Leaders Club, Girls Athletic Assn., TReanaat $-Sl$t, ar Mr. Aadarson, firaiMfniit Juioo 2 Cans 27o Chooolato Brahami S as. Pkg. 25c the coming year. New Officers will Dance Group and Glee Club. She la Mancheator. Mltohell $-5131. be elected at the close of the meet- secretary of her class, president of Pkg!* BONELESS U. S. CHOICE InK- the chorus and capUin of the girls' Versaa and Tatoattvllla .aawa Craokor Barrel Ckoooo 39o Pack lit to Meet ' varsity basketball team. She is also Itcana are nandled ' tliraagli Tlie Cub Scouts of Pack 119 will ai^member of tha National Honor Herald** RaekvUto Rnrean.' 7. W'. meet tonight at the Elk* Club. Society and was a delegate to Mala St.,; toleplieaa TBeasant Award* will be presented and Girls’ State. to tllt. FREE! with $3.9 in Register Tapes! POTROAST OLD MSHIONEIISTONEWARE Tender,’ Juicy trimmed MIXING gW irrS PREMIUM ^ BOWL SET For. Frjing Ala* kanaUfiil Chickens or. Broiling tm i pink *n* ehsreeal Fancy, Plump Ciloica F I Notiva Poujltry •— Diroct Frooi Oar PoroM ta You* Native Fowl Ijirg*_ dinnare. Lean, Tasty PARKADE Smoked Picnics Short Phank Small, Lean -A- Spare Ribo Kiesh, Meaty Manchastar SlMppio^ Porkoda— W. Middk TampMie IMSBMBt.MOMMNIVI Porkoda Stora Opoa Wodnasday. Thursday ood Friday TM 9 9-I2S1 /render 505 MoIr St. Start Opot Thursday TM 9 9-S090 Chuck Steak FIsyorful SPECIAL Skinless Franks Honor Maid FRESH NATIVE OVEN HEADY FANCY FRESH GRADE "A~ MEDIUM FOWL lb 39' EGGS 2 <>0^89' OPEN THURSDAY UNTIL 8:30 P. M. --“ FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M; TRY OUR DEUCIOUS BftIffiECUiD CHICKENS each OONVKNnCNOE POULTRY PARTS "BUY THE PARTS YOU UKE tE S r' BREASTS, LEGS, LIVERS, WINGS, BACKS^and NECKS, GIZZARDS

TO OOTaBTy' PLENTY OF FREE PAfUdiM# 7 y . I ■ • ■ ■ iir, - f*' ■'■■f.y. ■■■..'*■■■ yj^-- ■ ■ ' pf - ■ ■ R'l.-v <•■.•■ ,J ' ' '■ m ' ;■ ■ . ;^-. ^ ■ -I M ■' -■■ V - s'.- ■•• ‘ - t •' ’ ■i ''.'- ■ ■ . ' V ■■ ■ ■ . ;•■■■■ ^ ■ : ^ FOURTEEN ' aCANCHESTEB EVRNINO HEBALD, iCANCHBStBR. OONN« THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1967 ) lUNCaqEBlia EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1967 i ■ on THE s. Herald Angle Dempisey’s Life Berrios Upset Expansion PAT BOLDUC ' NBA Decisi LouisviUe Shows Signs UnMd on TV In Boston Ring Rule Knocked A ialotut Sporte Editor One-Man Team \ Hits Conqji^iror; By Gil CadilH Semi-Pro Basketball ^^Wqmen'a teaihe repreacntlng Ray- Show on G>ast Out by Coaches Ona thing certiin, it will he bestoe concluded a succbsaful 1958 Of Becoming Top Clnb -. t many moona before the Central campaign with a combined 1Q5-18 won and lost record. The Cardinals Of W imf Pep HbUjrwood. Jan. IT ( » —Thre« ot Boeton, Jan. 17 UR—Miguel Ber- NewOrleans, Jan. 17 (/P)— Oonnectieut Baaketbail League th» four haavywelghU of the rloa’ upset loss td' Gil Cadltlf rtvalo tbe old Eastern League in stood a t '87-13 and the Brekcttee New York, Jan. 17 (S*)— Kentucky, the state renowned for zoartnc ’9M were reunited last added further confusion today to The Football Rules Commit­ thrills, j^ son n el and specta.tor at 38-5. Milwaukee, Jan. 17 (i^P)— swift race horses, has come ujp with two crack college basket­ night on the' •*Thli Is Your life ” boxing’s unsettled featherweight tee of the National CollegiaU appeaL n !a became , quite evident Names In tiie News Spindl:^e(rKed Sandy Saddler, ball teams in the Kentucky Wildcats and Louisville’s Cardi­ televlBloa inogiam. dlvleion. Athletic Assn, diagnosed the after viewing four of the top ;^O nIy this past the ASA no lodger the boss of the nals. And the Cards are showing signs of becoming the top CadlUJ beat Berrloe, the second^ to t ^ nine-team climilt ! *" Jack DamMey, tula Angel Flrpo game "pretty good as it is retired former softball playtra' in featherweights in the eyes ...... ■—------^eam in the territo^. and Oeotge C aiii^ ler participated rated feather contender, on a split namely the Green Manor Pros, un­ decision in a nationally televised today,” but cracked down a4ring on salactiona. In Court Case Bight's show was In Hollywood Le* the OCaSL can boaat of only one Sounds like a good Idea for Con­ nation shows “he la unable to Kentucky’s Wildcats, Idle last on Stadium, where 8,000 specta- Cadllll, who weighed lCTt4 and The committee, endowed by the such player In magical Bobby fight." night, are rated fourth in the latest rs watched Dempsey’s life unfold. who is an unranked club fighter Herb Score Not Taking Any Chances , NCAA with final aay on football necticut.. .Five good reasons why Washington, Jan. 17 (ff) — The g Knight of the Pacers. The Incom­ Harvey Sterkel ia tha No. 1 pitch­ Sandy was injured in an auto ’Aaaooiated Press poll. They show Johnny Suldenberg, who twice from San BVanclaco, won on the Clavaland’s Herb Score has all the equipment, but the left-hander doesn't take things for grant­ legislation. Imposed a 15-yard pen­ parable Knight although seem­ accident laat - July and hasn’t government contended today that .an 11-3 mark. identical -99-98 point-system vot­ ed. He keeps a steady off-season conditioning program in a Cleveland gymnasium. This pulley alty for protective face mask er in tha country: 1. Won 30 profeasional football is a buaineaa went 10 rounds with the Manassa ingly slowed down some, attracted games and lost only three. 2. fought since. He last defended the Only two other clubs among the -Mauler, said neither, was paldJor ing of ReferOe Bkldie Bradley and exercise should help keep his average high. grabbing and declined to expand 500 fans when he brought his New 126-pound title on Jan. 18. 1956 _ and ought to be subject to federal Judge JcUinny Savko. Judge Joe the present subetltutlon rule. -ttrst 20 aaw action last night. Seat- their bout at Goldfield, Nev. Britain - teammates- into town for antitrust laws. Ue (No. 7 ) defeated PorUand State Fred FUltm told of hlS bout with Santarpto voted for Berrios, 98- E. E. (Ted) Wieman, committee, the Philippines in tha 13th round. Solicitor General J. Lee Ranking their losing battle against the 4. Chalked up 14 no-hitters. 5. In and Oklahoma A AM (No. 10) Jack in lOU when "It took only 18 99. secretary and athletic director at Proa. Otherwise, Green Manor Third 'nma Title Leat took this poeltlon in a. brief filed seconds of the first round for Berrios had hoped to move im­ the University of Denver, said ths the World'Tourhameht he gave up This marks the third time, in with the Supreme .Court, which beat Oklahoma 57-43. 25-man. group felt the practice of drew only 300 fans against Marco just three earned runs' in 51 in­ Dempsey to win and lO of them mediately into a bout with tlu^No. Rookie DeFelice in Nets, Polo and less than 800 personh and out of the ring, that Saddler scheduled oral argumenta thU Byracoae Wins Easily were used In ocuiitlng me out.” 1 ranked feather contender, CHierlf grabbing the masks could lead to nings while compiling ' a 5-2 rec­ has lost the championship. He first afternoon (about 2!80 p.m.. EST) In other gamea, Maryland “dangerous altustlons.’’ were on hand tor laat Sunday’a ord; lost a 1-0 duel although giv­ Carpeotler Beports Hamla of Algiers, which might S t Cyril’s encounter at the new lost it to Willie Pep on a 15-round in a suit charging the N a t i o n a I whipped Georgetown (DC) 82-69, Carpentier) France’s "Orchid settle the vacated title. EnforcMneot Up to Refs ing up only two hits and also decision Feb. 11, 1949 after he had Clemaon nlpp^ Furman 80-77 In high school gym. dropped a '3-2 verdict' while notch­ Football League (NFL) seeks to Barber at Work Man” who lost to Dempsey In Jer­ Dull, Dreary Contest Strict enforcement of the new won it from tha Hartford, Conn., tnonopolize pro football. overtime. Syracuse trounced Penn Terry Sawchuk Suspended ban will be left to the officials, No Drawing Power ing 97 ... .Stan (Junie) Sal MagUe shaves hlmseU sey City In 1931, told of the fourth It was a duU, dreary contest Manager George Mitchell of Fancy-Dan tour months earlier. The suit was filed by Wlillam State 75-45 and ViUano'va dumped round "When Jack hit me with a most of the way with CadlUi ap- Crisler aaid. Brazauakas expects his Army dis­ Then, on Dec. 14, 1954. the NBA Penn 63-47. as close with an electric rsanr Green Manor would do well to charge early thia spring and will Radovlch, former lineman for the as he does batters with a bs9e- terrific left to my midsection and liarently winning on hia Jabs and Expansion of the aubsUtution dethroned Saddler tor falling to University of Southern CaUforiiia Boston, jan. 17 (JF)— Rookief^^^ofiiplctely well the club will wel-9Hershey has won six of seven rule, proposed by retired Oilum- ■witch h i a remaining league rejoin the Burnside Dovalettes. Louisville, which has loet only ball. But The Barber asourw followed with a rlght.to the Jaw.” tls elusiveness.' come him with o ^ n arms. Btaits since then. defend his crown within a . six and the Detroit Lions. Radovich to CanisluB 78-74 and St. Louis 93- "And don’t fo « e t the Berrios, weighing 138 K, lost Norm DeFelice took over as bla University Coach Lou Little amea over to the Verplanck one of New England’s top arrays you that the Vandyke will be Sawchuk le considered by many Sehool elnce It is doubtful if clubs months period. The New York claims 3105,000 in damages from 77, had an easy time of it against round,” quipped Dempsey. "TfiST much of his lustre in the slow the ’ regular The 27 - year - old Sawchuk in­ as a representative of the Ameri­ for the past 10 seasons. State Athletic Commission de­ only a fond memory when ha 7 the NFL, Ita commiseloner, Bert formed Schmidt of his sudden de­ as the top tender in hockey. can Football Coaches Assn., met like Stratford. Milford, Holyoke. Eastern Kentucky. All five of its resumea his comeback With tiM was pretty good, too.” o, Good Look at Pictures contest which was attended by a goalie today with three-time He draws a salary reported as clined to take aimllar action.' Bell, the nine remaining clubs that Carpentier, now a Paris jcafe sparse gathering of 382. cision to quit Tuesdsy and then with strong opposition, Crisler Chicopee and Danielson will draw starting players scored In double Brooklyn Dodgers this sprliiff. Gene Fullmer, left ahd Manager Marv Jenson take a good high as 315,000 a year, but told enough _to pay expenses at the High School Jayyeet Tha New York Commission also were in the league in 1948, and figures with Bill Darrsgh leading owner, was followed by Flrpo, After saying his fighter would Veziha Trophy winner Terry disappeared. He told Schmidt he said. leans toward Saddler in the latest look at tha picture of the new champ’s fight with Sugar Ray planned to return to his home 'in Schmidt 'Tuesday he "didn't care high school. Currently in the ncidst of a three- others. the parade with 28 points. wealthy Argentine busineasman. Robinson. The smile on hia face gives you a rough idea of the return to Callfomla and then de­ Sawchuk suspended for quit­ Under the plan offered by Little, game losing streak, tha Manches­ hassle. who talked of how he' knocked Milford, Mich., but it was believed about the money.” aubstitutes as well, as starters Mitchell hai a strong quintet Rado-vich eaye he waa boy­ The OlUahoma Aggies - Sooner Vtah Stroiig Boy'a slant on a return match. cide upon future plans, CadiUl’s ting the He won the Vexina Trophy for ter High jy cagers hope to surpaaa “ Wa’ra not going to take any cotted bocauee he jumped from liempsey out of the ring in the first manager, Sid Flaherty, ttfid news­ club and. pulling a disappearing he was in seclusion in Boston. He . . . would be permitted to return to and some pretty fair players in man’s championihip away if he’s game waa a rough one. Joe King of Detroit Bows has a plane reservation to fly to 1 •»‘w ing the fewest goals three Art Quimbty. M e I Kleckner, last year’s poor 4-10 won and 1 at the lions to the Loe Angeles Dons Oklahoma and Joe Crutchfield of round, only to lose in the second by men he thought Saddler would act. the game once each quarter. The record. Thus far Ck>ach Ray Kor- got a legitimate reason tor not a knockout at die hands of the en­ present rule allows only starting 'Wally Erbenprela and Tommy of the defunct All America Con­ AAM were ejected for scuffling seek restoration. TTie 28-yaar-old DeFelice. who tom orrw “ ^nlng for an [ « ®mie n^ave? busieski’s quintet has managed fighting," said Chairman Julius ference. He alto lays the NFL pre- raged Dempsey.' Fl’" " ' Big Uayiws iik Coitraott "The NBA action will stick.” started out 19W-57 sea^n « • Canadian television; '^?sson playera to return once each period. Byrnes but the Proa lack a stand­ Helfand in New York. “ His condi­ under the basket. After a relative­ To Canadiens fh o i^ t he was the winner wheif h'S Crisler said the committee felt out tha caliber of Jackie Allen, three victories in nine starts. venta playera from becoming free ly slow start, Oklahoma AAM Flaherty said, “ but I don't think a spare g o ^ e for Herahey The Jayvees have averaged .44 tion will be determined shortly agente by use of » contract re- asBt Dettqpasy eprawllag Into fh* the public wants to accept a fight­ the change could lead to a return Kenny Goodwin. Al Palmleri, and the New York Commission forged to a 48-30 lead in the second American Hockey League, will be en fu r ^ players win just go out points while winning over Bulkaley ■erve clause and a blacklist. The seats. er who has not beaten the cham- in the net for tonight's gam e of platoon system football. Hs Knight, G eorge Feigenbaum. will act accordingly.” half. In Oose Tilt SiV* j wjd work a little harder,” Schmidt ■aid schools with large aquads Johnny Green or Red Gavello to 51-44, Hartford 46-22 and Meriden reserve clause binde a player to a Dempsey laid he was eo stunned Parnell, Adcock Si^, plon. The NBA move should shock against the Detroit Red Wings at waastrickenirith InfecUous m ono-!,^,d ..There are 16 players on Helfand explained he half order­ Maryland led Georgetown by 30 by Flrpo that "I didn’t know that could train specialists in offense catch the crowd's fancy. 44-43 and bowing to Laat Hartford, club. lladdler into making a quick title the Boston Garden. msease) and this team and one man won’t ed Charley Johnston, Saddler's points at one point in another New York. Jan. 17' (ff)—The X had won untU the next day.” and defense and still another unit Fans at the Pros' three recent twice, 56-44 and 60-46, Windliam Loeing out in the lower courts, rough game. Fifty pcreonal fouls defense 'ahd thus get back into lifettme Bim May Rhsult sidelined for two weeks last month. make or break it.’’ 50-33. Hall i9-34, Biilkelay 49-48 manager, to bring the fighter to Radmich api^led to the supreme Montreal Canadieiui rapidty are good graces. DeFelice replaced him in the Bos­ both ways. home contests have been extreme­ the commission’s office tomorrow were called and Nick Davis of Sawchuk i/as suspended by the The playera outwardly express "The feeling among committee ly . quiet and have display^ only and Bristol 66-47. Rival clubs have Court. making a shambles o f the Nattoosl Mantle Asking $60,000 "When I had Bobo Olson I in­ Bruins yesterday leas than 24 ton goal. averaged 48 points each contest. for a physical examination. How­ Maryland and Ken PIchette of Hockey League race. sisted on three or four champion­ confidence in DeFellce’s ability, members," he said, "ia that we’ve sporadic response or applause to ever, since Johnston's wife Is hos­ ‘Friend of the Court* Georgetown 'were put off the floor hours after he told club officials Since Terry’s return, the Bruins but on the ice are inclined to play got a pretty good game just as it any eye-catching basket or spec­ Two juniors, Bob Flaka and The government entered the After a slow start they aow Pettit Retains ship bouts a year. A champion he was quitting hockey. The have won three games, lost four pitalized in Miami, he aaid it for fighting. It was the Terpa’ should either be ready to defend a much more defensive game to ia and there’s no sense in chang­ tacular play. It haa been a far diminutive Bobby Dalfle spear­ would be all right tor the exam to case as a “friend of the court." hold a five-point margin over the New York, Jan. 17 <^P)—The signing of veteran southpaw suspension could result in a life­ ami tied one—dropping from first give the rookie added protection. head the Red and White'a offeh fourth straight 'Victory' and put frequently or retire.” > ing it,” different crowd than the one that be postponed until the following The business of professional their season's recozd at 9-5. second place Detroit Red Wbigs Mel (No Hit) Parnell and rookie outfielder Marty Keough time ban against Sawchuk, one of to third place, seven points behind With Norm in the nets la.st month. T he committee also took action formally packed the Armory when sive attack with 79 and 74 tallies,' Green Manor Prepares football enjoys no general exemp­ following n 8-2 triumph over ttie Scoring Edge the NHL's top-paid players. Friday. Georgetown la 7-4. was announced today by the Boston Red Sox as major league Montreal and two behind Detroit. Boston won three, loet three and to strengthen what Olsler termed the Manchester Guards, Nasslff respectively. Both should be strong “I asked Johnston several weeks tion from the Sherman (anti­ Toronto Maple Leafs in the i jogiM’s “The suspension stands unless Defence, who hadn’t played in tied one. contenders tor starting varsity Bill Yarborough climaxed a clubs continued to line up their players for the 1957 baseball sideline administration. The rules Arms and British Americana held ago when Saddler would be ready trust)' Act,” Rankiii’s brief said. brilliant (Tlemson career by lead­ lone game last night New York—•nie midway point we find that Terry is still a sick a game .until called up by the "You can't lose a Vesina Trophy will now specify that a marked the )>asketball spotlight; berths next season. It wouldn’t be The government contended the in the 1956-87 NBA season finds season. 7 ------:------man,” Coach Milt Schmidt said. and he told me In about a i x For Milford Here Friday ing the Tigers to their 'victory. The victory stretched the Bruins the first time, moved into winner and not feel it." said oiie area two feet from the sidelihe But as one fan recently com- surprising to see the aggressive weeks,” Helfand explained. "The lower courts were wrrong in saying Canadiens' unbeaten streak to nine defending champions In command The 34-year-old Parnell hurled iUIKI® “ If he is, then I'll be the first to the No. I goalie’s spot at Herahey player in summin'g up the situa­ Daigle take over the role ci.rrent' Hs scored 32 points, including all markers between the 35-yard lines inented, “ Who can get excited six weeks were up yesterday and the Supreme Court's decision on four Clemaon made iP the over­ games put together vrith eight vic­ In four of the five individual a no-hitter against the go to his aid, and when )te is when he returned to the Bears. tion. wiU be designated team areas. over a Central League game after l.y held down by-anuther little-man, ' baseball required a rul' ^*;^i;|Hawks’ Victory 1 aent'-hlm a wire asking him to The Milford time. The six-foot senior, who has tories and one Ue. ToronUYs'defeat races, but the^re being forced to White Sox isst season. Keough, Players, coacbea and team attend­ watching Manchester High SeRooTTLeLeo Cyr next winter. Fiske’a beat ing that “Frofesalonal football, no : record or near-record perform­ hit 818 With San Francisco in the ______^ ■ appear before our commission to­ the opposition tor the unbeaten lege, later tranaferrlng to Baldwrln- used up hie eligibility under A t­ iept the Leals from streteUng I ants run the risk of drawing .a in action?” There’s no doubt that night can e against Meriden when morrow. 1 had no advance notice matter how interstate its charac­ their one-point margia over ttie ances to hold their poatUona. Pacific Coast League Iasi year, hut Green Manor Pros tomorrow eve­ Wallace in Ohio. lantic Coast Conference roles, Paced by Pettit RESTAVRANT LEAGUE 15-yard for being outside the schoolboys have taken the play he scored 19 markers while Daigle, that the NBA was going to act ning in an important Central Con­ ter, is not subject to the Sher­ New York Rangers in their duel tor Laat season’a champa who are was sidelined much o f the season the marked area. away from the semi-pros. a fine playmaker and outaide shoot­ man Act.” jiroke 19 scliool scoring records again netting the pace half way with a broken ankle. Only three games separate -the when it did but knew they were necticut League tusale scheduled Expected to atari in the back- in finishing with 1,553 points for the fourth and last poMtkm hi the top three clubs. League-leading American League Umps The ednunittee went onto two er, caged 18; points in the second as anxious as we are to get the for the Verplanck School surface. court for the Cfiiiefs, will be Joe The Supreme Ctourt haa held Stanley Cup playoffs. iJ i tbrougli the current campaign’s Third baseman 'Eddie Mathews, New York. Jan. 17 (jR — Bob other areas to prompt enforce­ Bulkeley encounter. that baseball is not a businees 85 games. 288-gama achedule are Bob Pettit who hit 37 home runs and drove j pettit wasn’t able to lead the Miller’s (52-20) maintained their Notes on Softball situation cleared up." Game time will be 8:15, preceded Gaetano and Jackie Reynolds, Winning Strenk Montreal scored ell o f ttn ge.Js pace with a 3-1 win over Garden ment of a rule and clarify another. GUier Top Scorers Ptoaa to See NBA subject to federal antitruet laws. o f St. Loula In scoring. Noil John­ in 96 runs, c»me to terms with the i Western All-Stars to victory ovar ■ Crisler said game officials will According to Bails and Strikes, Somewhat slowed down after a by a 7 o’clock prelim. ' Gaetano is well known for his ex- Radovich’a lawyers, however, Vinnie Cohen got Syracuse back in the second period with. Jean ston of Philadelphia in field goal Milwaukee Braves yesterday. He i the East at Boston Tuesday night Restaurant (10-62) and third place Johnston, who also manages in the 'Victory col-mn. Mis 23 Bellveau, Hen.*! Richard and Oiclde To Enforce Mound Rule be asked to give closer attention cdficial newspaper of the Amateur fast start. Jack Gustafson trails heavyweight champ Archie Moore, Manchseter’s high flying aggte-jpioiu with Hillhouse and later cited high court decisions putting accuracy. Bill Sbarman of Boston inked a one-year contract calling j but hia 26 points played a big role Walnut Grill (49-23) gained a simi­ to a center tilting the ball to more Softball Assn. (ASA). Japan is gation can ill-afford to take the' with Qulnnlpiac College. Reimolda points sparked hie team, which Moore coming through. Moere's in free throw efficiency and Bqb lar victory over Villa Louisa (32 in the scoring parade with 47 tal­ said he waa “going to aue the NBA professional boxing and legitimate for abou«^ 382,000. .First baseman i last night in handing Rochester its than the 4 degrees as allowed un­ highly interested in fulfilling all lies, three more than teammate downstate aquad lighUy. Boasting ^ho stands 6-2 also received his theater bookings under antitrust had an eight game winning streak goal wee his 21st o f tbe sseswi and Cousy of Boston in asaiats. Joe Adcock, a 38-homer men in ! fourth straight defeat as the St. 40). But fifth place Bolton Lake requirements necessary to pave tor a million dollars,” when in­ a lineup dotted with former col- ^ schoolboy training under Sam ■napped by Pittsburgh Monday hia ninth against Toronto. Chicago, Jan. 17 pitchers will’ be en­ pect for futiua Manchester teams. tion. “I’ll sue every member of the NFL attorneys replied in their day. 108-106 in overtime in the NBA’s decreases the neutral zone at the 1957 World Touriiament (men and Junior Terry Cunningham, up with outstanding scholastic stars from on to play at Providence College. brief that "the pattern of the or­ Vlllanova l:eld Penn without a made a battle o f it in the final peri­ break the grip on laaderahlps by The World C ha^ion Yankees Walnut’s Elmo Gavello paced all forced strictly in spring training and during the season. Cal NBA, too, for taking away the the Greater New Haven area, the only game. line of scrimmage. women). Japan now has 7,000 soft- tha varsity at tha outsat o f tha saa- .Reserves Include Jerry Appuzo, ganization and operation of pro­ fleld goal for the fin t 10 minutes od ea Sid tonlth and Dick Duff ' last year’s title winners. Pettit, received the' signed contracts of Pettit, who tallied only 12 -points keglera with singles of 130 and 145 Hubbard, the head umpire, said after the second day of meet- ball teams with women out-num­ livelihood of a boy becaiue he Chiefs could be the first to pin a while grabbing; a 16-2 lead In the Five-Yard Penalty son, follows with 25 markars while waa hurt in an accident and hasn’t from Colorado University, Ron­ fessional football le identical '^th beat goalie Jacquea Plante. the *86 backboard champ, is run' three of their younger playejs—in- in the All-Star game, dropped in and a three-game total of 394. inga on new rules that the ^, ’Violation qf the rule draws a bering the men-----All-Star game loss on Coach Eddie Rosmarln’s nightcap o f a doubleheader in Bing second. Others included Ed Pagani 125- George Cushing (28), Skip Fisher recovered enough to fight again. nie Krause of the University of that of organized baseball.’ flelder Tom Carroll, John 26 last night including two free must deliver the ball within 20 five-yard penalty, he said, and of­ held last July in Stratford also quintet. Bridgeport, and Jack Katrick and They added that “radio-televt Philadelphia. Temple romped over A I>ottlt forged ahead again in hla Blanchard and outfielder Marvin throws with 1:23 left to tie the 867, OiarUe Whalen 125-125-361. er conscious of thb fact that he proved a financial auccess since a (90), Bob Neil (13), Pat MlstratU “Who'a got that kind of money?” seconds after receiving it from the ficials will be. instructed to give (13) and aophomore Phil Pineo Seaman with Visitors Jerry Mason, Milford High School Sion aspects involved in the presen­ Scranton 73-57 in the opener. battle with Paul Ariatn of Phil­ Zipfel—but were unable to make score at 08. and send the game into Mike Zwlck 125-358, Bill Sheekey catcher or another teammate. The doesn’t have to dilly daily.” check for 3540.80 w’as forwarded waa the retort from Fred Baddy, Standings Jammed greater heed to its enforcement. (.10) trail in that otdar. chairman of tha NBA’a R atin g Leading the Milford team, 3-3 stars. tation of profeasional football do Elsewhere, Rax Leach’s 29 points adelphia for scoring honors, with any headway with Mickey Mantle, overtime. 138-345, Pete Kcmdra 126-340, Paul old rule said the pitcher had 20 If the pitcher takes more than By BOB OOU8Y The type of football to be used to the national office of the ASA on the season’s record, will be led Bowling Green to a 94-82 vic< 983 points to the Warrior star’s In the overtime period, it was Correnti 129, Mike Brosowski 128,, 20 seconds to deliver, the umpire Question: A passed ball hits an One nice thing Korbuaiaaki ia Committee. “ W# no longer con­ Oulmby SUII Out not constitute a basis tor distin­ their star centerfielder. seconds to pitch after toeing the has been the subject of some con- by Raybestos, co-sponsors of the veteran Gua Seaman. 6-3, former guishing this case from the b u s- tory over Western Michigan; La.- In American Lenip 977. ' Pettit's 37J1 average per Mantle, who returned his first big Charlie Share who came Chris Deci 139 and A1 Bertussi 128. may call a ball. offensive playei^s hands and event. The money was then sent giving numerous boys an opportun­ sider Saddler the champion. He ia With Art Quimby still expected rubber. flision, Cri.sler said. The rule has ity to play since no lass than 18 captain of • the University of ball cases.” fayette hit on 82 of 44 free throws game is topped in all-time records contract unsigned, had a 30 min­ through. He scored six of the Hubbard consulted wUh James bounce! off. He takea three ateps to the Boys Club of America and not doing the division any good.” to be sidelined due to an- Injury, .“All the delay had come after been amended so that any leather- players have seen service in the Saddy said, however, that the Bridgeport team, and the holder to beat Muhlenberg 82-78; St. New York. Jan. 17 (JR—Tiu only by the 38.1 oarried into the ute "exploratory talk” with Lee Hawlu’ 10 points.' Scoring honors, Gallagher, former business mana­ to reach it, then ktarta dribbling covered ball or rubber ball b^ mu­ will be used for the purchase of of numerous scoring honors. Lin­ second half of the 1980 season by the pitcher took hia poaltton,” Hub­ ger of the (Chicago Chiba and chair­ nine gamea to date and that ia NBA would “ Bide iU time linUl it the Pros will have to put forth Michi-ers of Vermont shot a blls WtuaUon at tha top of the Ameri­ MacFhli, the team’s personnel di­ however, went to Rochester’s bard said. “They take off their cap, down the court. Doesn’t the first tual consent may be luied, out the softball equipment and promotion ing up writh Seaman at the for­ tering 58 per cent from the floor George Mikan o f Minneapolis. Maurice Stokes, who tsllied 31 man of the Baseball Rules - Com­ the way it should be on a JV squad. learns the outcome of the New their best effort. Starting at cen­ can Hockey League was • IltUa rector. Mickey is believed to be Wesleyan Five fix their hair, hitch their britches, time he touched the ball constitute ball put into play at the kickoff of'the sport.. .At, its first annual ward spot will be Harry Bosley, ter will be Burr Carlson, with high Politicians Roam to down Air Force Academy 85-69 more Jammed today as the leeult ' Jomiston is third i^th- 906 ssking for 380J)00 on the strength points and cam« up with 33 rS' mittee, about the new rule charg­ dribbling? mcstlng this .. month in Phoenix, Perhaps it should b - pointed out York Mahiinatlon. Saddler will >s and talk to the infielders. must ' be usi^ throughout the that laat year's club dropped tour an All-New Ihigland selection scoring Mel Kleckner and Wally and Army ended a five-game of Herahey’s 4-0 victory'over ttw points, making thin the first time of his triple (MtHlng, runs batted bounds. ing a strike against the batter if Answer: Ne. He did not' have game. Arlz., the AS'a will formally in­ given every bit of consideration. If while at Hillhouse High in New ‘ three players have totalled more Eastern Ol^’tsloii “We know the fans aren't. too he is hit by a pitcRed ball iii the tilts by three points or less and he la unable to fight that’s a dif­ WldhoTm at forwards. The guard Basketball Floor losing atreak by whipping Penn Springfield Indiana which moved N in and home ru>^. success and his Returns Home control of the ball. The committee also cut doyn on stitute a Hall of Fame. Details Naven. After high school Bosley than 900 polnta by ifild aaaaon. W L concerned with long games. Their strike zone. will ^ flnalizad after a close study another by only alx markars. And ferent atory." slots will be filled by two of the MiUUry 81-81, the Bears into a Ue for first place most valuable player designation. Q. A player goes uj to grab a the margin of error on controver­ staffed at Quinnlpiac College. beet backcourt men in the league, Sharman’s .923 free throw per- Boston ...... 23 peeve is against Ml this' fooling “It will be a dead ball," Hub­ rebound, geia the ball, then falls of a number of recommendations the feeling here is that the 1956- Saddler could not be reached di­ 6oIlege Park, Md.. Jan. 17 (ff) — with the Providence Reds. Jackie Jensen of the Boston Red around, which is senseless delay. sial touchdown plays. Olsler said Juihping center for the visitors Wally Ehrenprels and .Tommy The Beers blanked the Indians . oentage and Sttdtea* 883 rebound Philadelphia . . . . -1.. 21 Saturday Night bard said. “Thia is consistent with to the floor. H e: olds the ball tight­ pfflclal.s have been comnl«iin'-'" at the Pboenlx sessions: It will be 57 edition \/jtl concl'jde its 14-game rect. But a apokaaman tor Sandy Without a speaker to call, them to recoveries are new mid-aeaaon Sox and Wally Moon of the St. This la what we’re going to try to schedule with a 6-9 record. I'va wrlll he 8-7 Frank McDermott. Mc­ Byrnes. The regular reserves will in the only league gahu last- night Loula Cards naraea on the New York ...... 19 the rule railing a ball dead on a ly, rolls over and gets up dribbling. that decorative patterns in the end the first on a national scope for declared, “ He's na anxious to get or der, a group of Republican and Baron GEM Line records. Johnston’s .483 field goal Syracuse ...... 16 atop." hit batsman. If a runner breaks the organization.. .Men and been wrong before? going again as they are but he Dermott, who 'wrill be the tallest be on hand to spell the starters DepwcraUc pongrearmen roamed to run their total points to 48 on line. Jensen, a 818 hitter, was the Should a referee call a held ball zone often maKe the end zone man on the floor Friday, played if need be. pereentage haa been exceeded only Western Division Chach John Wood’s Wesleyan He added that “in the spring for another base, he will have to while the player ia on the floor 7 haa to wait on the doctor's OK.' the baaketbail court in organized, 21 victories and three Uen. The three times at this point first Boston player to aigh. Moon baaketbail chib moves back onto its boundaries difficult to see. Such Dominates Scoring Reds have the same number of Fort Wayne ...... 19 18 games we hope to make the pitch-' return.” A. No. patterns now, he said, 'must be confusion last night. hit .298 and will get atPund 318,’- Rochester ...... 20 21 horns floor Saturday after three points with 20 triumphs 'and five' OOO for hia .’57 efforts. away games in which the Cardinals Q. What happens if the official two feet from these lines. The 10-minute game, played at Ues. Minneapolis ..jT.. . . 18 21 scorer neglects to notify officials halfUme of the Maryland-GeorgS' New York—The Cleveland Bar­ Infieldera Randy- Jackson and St LouU ...... 16 21 garnered their firat two wins of the Indian^^dle Until Tuesday^ BiggRtt Draw ii Bolley Ball on GEM line of Fred Glover, Bo Al Nicholson and Larry Eeldel Champ Leads Way Charley Neal of Brooklyn and season. that a player haa committed the town collegiate game, ended in a ■coredjn the first period at 1B:S1 Thursday’s Schedule Pirates Bank Heavily on Long fifth foul and finds it out after 108-108 Ue. . Elik and Jimmy Moore dominated Johnny Temple of Cincinnati came S t Louis vs. Fort Wsiyhe at Wesleyan will face a aeldbm-win- College Basketball Local Sport the American . Hockey League when ^ringfield goalie Don Sim­ In S^ash Event to terms. So did pitcher Hoyt Wil­ ning Middlebury quintet at the the' player haa ac'.red a couple of HoheniKal Paces All Scorers The coinpetitors used a reguIS' Philadelphia. baskets? \ ' ' : ■coring lists after Sunday’s games, mons waa cut on the face making a helm of, the New York Giants, Wesleyan court at 8:15 p.m. Satur­ East Wilt the Stilt Lures Sellouts tion balk and ehet a', regulr.tion as Elik led the league with 83 save. After he returned to the lee S>-racuse at Philadelphia. To Carry Cleanup Bat in 1957 A. He should sound his h on the baskets, but both partl,s. ihtro- catcher Mack Burk of niiladeiphia New York vi. Minneapolis at day. Leicester .Acadsmy will face Syracuse 75. Penn State 45. Chatter points, Glover was second with 62 the remaining time waa added to Boston. Jan. IT (R—Defending and outfielder Jim Plsoni of Kan­ the Wesleyan Jayvees in a prelim­ naoment the lllegnl player’s tesun By PAT BOLDUC < will conclude their season aghlnst ^ c e d several amendment^ to the Champion Mrs. Perry Constable of Lacrosse, Wls. Vlllanova 83. Pennsylvania 47. end. Moore Ued . Paul Larivee of the aecond period and Arnle R uH- sas (Sty. inary game at 8:S0 p.m. Pittsburgh, Pa. (8V-Elve years has the bnIL (hen notify the ref­ Temple 73, Scranton 57. Already at the three-quarter four consecutive CCIL rivals in And He’« Only Kansas Soph game known as basketball; Princeton, N. J., led the way into Wednesday's Result their chase tor another league, Providence for third,, each with man lost no time stretching Hcr- Wood will atari Jay dobbledick, ago a tail, rugged 25-year-old first eree. All points scored count, LaFayette 82, Muhlenberg 78. mark of their 15-game schedule, ANNUAL BANQUET of the There were nine men on each 88 points. Elik scored . six points shey’s advantage to three goals. the quarterfinals of the National St. Louts 108, Rochester 106, John Watson and Pete Lund in the Q. Do top-notch dribblers all use championship; Doug Mohns, speedy defenseman (Overtime). baseman, eager to make the big Geneva 75. Carnegie Tech 71. , tha once-beaten Manchester In­ Manchester Coon and Fox C?lub Lawrrence, Kan.-'-Wllton Cham­ aquad and none was pigeon-holed during the past week to raiM hla The fourth tally came off the stlek Women’s S q ^ h championships front line with Cliff Hordlow and leagues, volunteered for a left- the same atyle ? today at the Harvard Cfiub, of the' Boston Bruins, first skated raday’s Schedule Army 81, Penn Military 61. dians now prepare for Tuesday Top Polnt-Oetters will be held Saturday evening, Jan. berlain is a young inan with many because they all took the floor.at totals to 81 goals and 32. assists, of Bob Solinger In the final eension. Dick Cassie as guards. Middlebury handed catching experiment. It A. Everybody has hla own' way St. Francis (Pa) 73, West­ night’s game against Hartford 26 at t ^ Rosemount Restaurant the same time. Hie usual plan of Mra Conatable, top-aeeded in at the age of three in a rink, built Syracuse vs. Philadelphia at will probably counter with a start­ Co-Captain N o (■ m Hohanthal probleme—most of theih for Uni­ and pass Larivee who was held the tournament, advanced through by four older brothers in his own Boston. fizzled and he was released and of doing things, but In dribbling minster. (Pa) 8l. Public in Hartford. After a second on Rt. 88, .Bolton. A venison end versity Of Kansas basketball op­ attack was three- men in the back poinUess after leading tbe circuit YALE STRSAK INTACT ing luieup of Captain Charlie Sykea, picked UR by the S t Louis Browns. one bnalc rale niwnys appUea: Keep leads all scorers with 123 pointpdn yeatarday’a second round by brees- back yard in Capreol,' Ontario. St? Louis at Boston. , Drexel 102, Swarthmora 80. meeting with the Owls, the locale turkey dinner will be served. Sec­ ponents. court and six In Uie front court. the previoua week. Glover scored Middletown, .'an. 17 (ff)—Yale Jim Wagner, Davb Barenborg, the biall ha low na possible. The Vermont 86, Middlebury 71. 10 tilts, only two more thim team­ The resulting congestion got ing past Mrs. Richard Lincoln of But faith, guts and an uncom- retary Steve Klein would appreci­ Chamberlain, better known as ■even points during the week to won its 148th straight dual swim­ Mike PedseBo an(|’ Zing Rausa. plainlhg peraonallty finally geared higher yon go, the more, ehnnee de­ Qulnnlpiac (Conn) 04, Hillycr mate Hayes Stagner. Othsl Indians ate If membera planning to attend fairly .rough at times ri>d loads of Boston, 18-3, 15-4„ 16-3. Though in recent games, Coach Wilt the suit”, is a 7-foot Negro also pass Larivee, whUe Moqre’s ming mectoiast night, dimming Joining her in the advance were Dale Long on the comeback trail fenders have. 77. over the century mark include Co- forwarded toelr reservations be­ fouls were called. But inatead of seven points enabled him to dead­ Wesleyan 80-33. Yale dropped its Stub Makey, in his effort to find a Springfield 60, Amhetot 48. Captain Leo Cyr with 114 tallies, from Phliadelphla, Pa. Now in his debating the calls, the .Congress­ second-seeded Mra. Ann Wetxel of winning combination, haa inserted to. the majors. Now he’s 'looked 'ComlEf Jon. 19 Him 24 fore Jan. 20r'' lock the Providence center. Willie first two events of the season, the Bendy Finds Handy Man Elik u ^ n aa the cleanup hitter for the Bates 68, MIT 67. and Tom Roche with 107. Coach El­ soph'pmare season he haa more men stepped bravely, to the foul I*blladelphla; Mrs. Barbara Charlie Rand and Scott Greer In than lived up' to his prep school Marshal of Herahey rounded out 5()-yard freestyle end the 400-yard Clement of Philadelphia, seeded of 1967. MassachusetU 73. Williams T l.. TIm CONNECTICUT * gin Zaturaky’a fifth starter, junior line—and mlsaed. the top five with 50 petnta. freeatyie relay. place of Polmllo and Rausa. Several Tank Acts Tufts 67, Worcester Tech 50. W A U .Y PtMlTIN reports that billing as the greatest hasketbaU Ne. 3, and Mrs. John Carrot,, . Prior, to the holiday vacation, Released by the Pirates in 1951', Dick . Dubanoekl ' haa caked 93 he ia atill free, white and 21, well wnuam (FUh Bait) Miller, door­ fourth seeded entry .from Green­ A Major Surprise in Hockey Long bounded back last season to New- Britain Tchrs 97 Willlman- markersrto date. prot up hockey M uon began, Jim Hendy, her two victories within tha fast 88,. BOAT SHOW hentbal and five.more than RochO.. upon the birth of twins to a Mr. 16-8. Mra Clement eliminated general manager of the (Cleveland three gamM, topping Worcester were higher than those . of Several tank acts to, delight fans Stagner, only a eophomore with a of the Big Seven tournament. He a ronnihg commentary over the Bowdoin 98 Maine 83. and Mrs. Walter Eortin of East vlped out three tourney 'records ■lirs. Nancy Hunsberger of Phll- jiarons, has been putting his chest Tech andTUfts. Last year, Wesley­ heralded slugger Frank Thomas, who prefer their spprts aquatic state Armory, Hartford bright future, has converted the ‘Hartford. The Rec Department public adoress system. 1956 OLDSMOBILE , adeipbia, lS-9, 18-9. 16-9, while out —- and with good reason. an owned a 69-89 defeat by the Mid­ nttsburgh's No. 3 hitter,, who hit style have'been engaged to appear moet free throws, 85, aiz more then worker has been receiving con­ set by former Ali-Xmericas. The GOP squad 'was dihased in Mrs. Carrot outlasted Mrs. Frank He believes he has the rookie dlebury club. 25 homers and drove in 80 tallies. at the fifth annual Connecticut BIGGER and BETTER runnerup Hohenthal, 8-4 eenior. gratulatory cards and he reports Major Problema white T-eljlrts wl'Ji a bhje” R” on SUPER *'N" h o lid a y COUPE m n ia g of Fhlladeltdila, 12-15, 15- Swimming Meets Long hit only .263, but it was a Sportsmen'e and Boat. Show be- Hockey at a Glance * How to atop Chamberlain . on the back, sr'eat pants and sneak­ 10. lg -9 .16-14. of the year in the A m e rica s THAN EVERJ j _ Weakeet Department it Is embarrassing. “ I'm still a Hockey League in’ Boris (Bo) Bilk,, Hugh McOirdy's frogmen will big .263. tbla Saturday, Jan. 19 at both offense and defense are the ers. The Democrats had a red "D” New York won the Howe Cup in Stagner stands head and ahoul- local, resident, unmarried but open a 27-year-old left wringer who la take to the water agalnM the mer­ "When you’ve dug ditches, laid he State Armory in Hartford, and Wednesday’s reaulta IN PERSON to all offers” he says. major problems facing rival teams on thalr shirts. Both Uams had itbe intercity competition by de- playing his first season as a pro- men M Tale and I^ringfleld this bricks, worked in fiu;tories and running through Jan. 28.' Nattonal League ders above all Indians in the im­ "National Founda'.:oa for Infantile ; featlng Philadelphia, three There’ll be Sandy, the* Sports- Montreal 3, Toronto 2 Aa one coach put It: "If he feasional. week. The Oardinal swlmmera own have tried all kinds of Jpba to keep TV*s SUPERMAN portant foul shooting department, Y BOWUNO LEAGUE . Edward (The Stilt) Miller, the first hslf of the cam pai^. In i Tha Cardinal swlmmera had to handicap five feet high. He bal­ Charlotte 5, Johnstown 4 Tank and Stage Showa The transfer from (Jharleatown, to the storm. Another coach commented: "Oh, : f i n a l l y l a n d MERRITT hla first 35 games he showed 57' That’s Just what I like to believe I Maryland Republican, leading scor­ overcome a ten-point deficit with did.” ances everything from a doll to a Washington 7. Clinton 5 N. H, has successfully converted he will be stopped—when he grad­ points on 28 goals and. 29 assists. Hundreds of 35 of 47 charity tosses for' a laud­ BOWUNO ACTIVITIES in the er in the newly-formed Oapltol Hill only two events left in order to>gain ■Ix-foot rubber dinghy on his nose Philadelphia 2, New Havua 2 uates.” Lcaroe, topped both' teams from SL Louis, Ho. (^ 1—Frank^Lane. At that’’stage he was ohe pointy off their first victory over It was back in 1951 that I he ,knifes through the water. Sports Exhibits able 74 per cent average, .tfaat Housewives’ Leagues have bean Cbaat Branch Rickey Sr., then gennal (Tie) ^ This great athlete can jeach the floor. «n era l npnager of the St. Louis loader Paul Larivee of Provi­ Guard. He plays musical bells' with his comes reserve Bob-Lassari who haa postponed tor the reminder o f the 9H feet. That's six iilthea short pardinals, f e A happy about the dence. • ■ manager of the Pirates, .trieo to Trout Fishiilff in - hit on 13 of 20 tries tor a 65 j^r week. General Chairman Sherry Ha sank a free throw to Ue the Bedlo, hpater, jet-oway, power brakes, power steering. wWle 'With bne even left, Oiaat Gtiard nose and puffs vigorously whqn of the basket. His normal leap score at KM-all. Then hla team- two pitchers he i^aftCd at the “Elik pl^ed one tryout gam e BtiU led 41-38. In the.final event, the. make a left-handed catcher out of offered a ngarette. But perhaps . LIST 18 GAMES IN TAMPA Actual 15,000 Gal. Tank cent mark. Hohenthal (29-50), Cyr Jochlmsen reported yesterday. wall Urea, wheel discs, Iiacknp Ughte and maay ndnor league meetings in Jackson­ Long. But it didn’t work. gets him up 12Vs feet. mats., Rep. BUI Ayers of Ohio, put with CSwelandCSevefand last season and 400-yd. relay, anchor man Chip hia moat novel ability ia that of (14-26), Roche (17-37) and Du- There Is no heat at the Y and the The suit Igh jumps S^Teet-S, ether extras.'* ville. The Cards took Floyd Mkrritt never signed as a pro untU thia Mornm overcame a 7-yard deficit After lasting a .Weeks 'with being able to "talk.” The audience Tampa, Fla.- lav-T h e Ctacta- Sho^Daily 2t.10*8 P. M. baneski (17-42) trail injthat order. various league chairmen efe re­ in two more foul toesre t make it from Rlelimond and Bob Smith the Browns, he was shipped to San quested to contact Mrs. Jochlmsen runs the 440 In 49 seconds, the 108-104. . aeaaon,” says Handy. "He had been to give the Wesmen the victory. soon loses all idea of Sandy being nati Redlegs wUl play IS exhibi­ Aa a team, the Indiana have half mile In 1:58.3 and has marks ^frora the San Francisco roster. Talx about being dowh to your last rrqneiaco and wound up with New Sat. and Sun. at 41 Jarvis Rd. The Denaocrats got oqe point playing senior amateur hockey in f;-.‘ ;/■■■ ( merely a trained performer and tion garaea in, Tampa during tha made 58 per cent of their foul ahots oO feet In the shot put. ' "We tried to |^t Merritt before he the Northern Ontario League for paddle. Orleans in 19SL In the Southern : becomes firmly convinced that he 1987 spring training aeaaon. Cin- 1:30, 4:30 and 8 P. M. 01 WtH UwmlMrtain back on a foul toss by Pep. John *53 OLDS. $1095 *S1 F O R D S 5 9 S w en t. into the Yankee orgaoim- Dale Loag (ITimte with bat) and aa compared to the opposition’s One of nine children—aix girls DIngeH of Michigan and with 10 Super " t t T HiaUday Coupe. V-8 CoaverUhle. seven years, or sinca he got out of By virtue of his amaslng per­ Assn, he hit 83 hemera and drove Bobby Bragaa, tbe man who haa has human Intelligence and per­ ctonaU will train at Plant Field fine 83 pier cent average from the VnaRA LE/DS WAT tkm,” says Lane. Merritt, the ninth formance against Tufts, Pets Lund, in 108 runa. Open 1 to 11 P. M. Daily and three boya—Wilt waa born in- Oiiemberiain chose Kansas bO' ■eaonds remaining Rep. Dick Isuik- Junior hockey. been hla manager Evee of the laat sonality. bpt will play Its games, at A1 Lo­ 15-foot line. Ha.-tford. Jan. 17 (/h—Q .'-inl- Philadelphla Aug. 31.19U. He's tbe player picked in the draft, may lifted-.himself into the ranks of the pes Field, training site of the Chi­ cause he "thought Dr. Allen wassi ford o f Maryland Ued it with an­ *51 tUICK > SS95 ’ 4 9 C H E V . $ 3 9 i “ Bo looked good at the Barons A promotion to Hollywood in tow S w d y wUl appear at each Tank plac’s 6-6 Porky Vieira rolled up only athlete in the famlW. At Over­ greet coach” and because he get a chance to help the Ga^nala top 10 rebouhders among amall col­ |653 turned out to be the fmeet Show, aloiv with many other acts cago White Sox. The opening ex- other foul Mwt. Super De Luxe Hardtop. 2-Doer. •• rcUef pitcher. Although his 1988 training camp at North Ba^ and leges throughout the country. The points last night to lead hU team brook Higdi.he set a ralladelphia "wanted to escape the publicity I Taking the cue from >te)s Jack we turned him- pro, through a tiling that happered to Long. He' to roll his wrists to get more power including five major league ball hibiUon will be against the \ ^ t o ■to a 94-77 win over Ulllyer. Porky prep school record of 2,232 points in knew I would get in the East.” record was one victory and three Mountain Lakes, N«w Jersey, lad met Bobiw Bragan, now the Pi­ players, a woman alligator wres­ Sox'on Saturday, March 9. The Westland, Republican from Wash- *53 OLDS. $1195 *41 STUDE. $ 1 2 t for Birmingham in the nuke. Baldy Mackay. aecured 'by averfigaa 19.0 raboui.-s per game, Into hUrswing. With tiie Pirates in ■cored 50 points in the last -jan.e, three seasons. Hasn’t ‘Escaped Publicity ihgton whO resveC by riding an­ us from the Montreal Canadians, rate’s sophomore manager. 1955, Long hit J91, baited 16 hom­ tler, a crack marksman team and final Tampa game will be agatoat against Hillysr. and has bea.t More thaqr' 100 otdleges -put in WiU didn’t get to play under Super “88” 4-Doer. t-Door. Ajun., be appeared in 88 blithe Tufts encounter, he scored 80 Oeewge Reeves, known to TV fans , the S t .Louie CaitUnala on Tues­ other player piggy-back, both i SelHug ewd Sandelgg biamniiblie tor Omr<9 nWNi.'*- ‘ a'beaa, ,^ ]m oaad bad MLgPdla ifilds first 16 games. c he’s a cinch tq win the rookie this winter in the hopes . ■ player in history. Give i.Acuhim •-..wtw.o arenaa where MfUt la to appear has were 18 two-hitters hurled by Na- 410(1 for Mlor-hliad Ij^aators,'iayis F i n ^ ta I960, and <*«prge lUsler ma tbe easirais. Ssaidaa>aoin*- Franctoeo, outpointed, Migutl Bir- —hg ip the 3UM).000 W|d«-. Uonal League pitchers during 1968. jn 8 W BST.oBNm Er#*MnEN i I tb f i t mfiMad. It was Ml the more mnarlumle be­ year award is our leagua." the group,'. gats n'big asaist. Malar ta u ^ t him 'Caarles U. .(Wla) Green hasi ooods and two Fhl 9eta.KaM>as (on beepI eoldsold out for weeks. body haa to carry ths -h lttiv load.’’ riou, 128U. New YorkTld;,. laduiad for F ^ . 23. mtrSifIRF iner A#of ttiRtha Boston'IkAQttfMllhtm Ms team)9mm««bl andmsasi he Km mwbetlsl ’n W d vnRlrmmake it19 I Phot Allen Fieldhouse is attract' There were t t three-hitters and ■ 1 .\ team Mu m 1929. tough OB any team la the country-' ing an averi«e of 13,600 per tUD«‘ MU ens-Mttsr. .«

..A:-; : ' A,

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■ r - / " ,> ■ ■. , :

U A W ^ S T E R EVENING HERALD, V A N C H E ^ R , GONN„ THURSDAY. JANUARY r ) , 19BT P n'^l «| . " ■....-*■ lUNCHBRtnt EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY IT. 1857 PAGE SEVENTEKT Ante Odviai School 7-A MoTliiK— T ra cU a g THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! BY FAG ALT and SHORTEN Ayartatfita— F1at|P— H os Fm* SbIs 72 f Tenencnta 83 S torasa 20 114,408—THREE bedroom ranch, Bonaea Fetr S a lt 72 Wanted— Ri«l Eatato 77 LAIVON’8 DRIVmO 8dio(B|. Garage, hot water heat, immacu­ Maocliuttr't on ly tralaod ami AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. local FIVE ROOM uhheated apariment $18,000—Three bedroom Colonial, Vnion in Fourth Attempt with two BUB porches and garage. late coration, near bua and ebop- WANTED—Real estete UallnM. Probe T old certitleO tnatructor. For your oai«- and long distance moving, pack­ ping. Carlton W. Hutchins. Ml. Save Party Lakewood Circle Area ty We are trained to teaicb proper* FUNNf MOW Located in an attractive rural 818,50(1—Vacant Cape. Contact Turklngton Brok. tteany' AdwrUNMCiit ing, storage. Call ML 8-8187. Hart­ 8-5182, 8-4684. Co., 851 Center St., Manchester. ly: ML M0T5. ford CH. <-1481. TMOMKOAOMMh neighborhood in Vernon,. Conn. $16,600—Ranch—Green Manor. Organize Modes Employes Centrally located near church, MI. 3-1507. evenings MI. 9-6665 or CLASSIFIED ADVT. MANCanesran-Drivin* Academy FSkCTlCStty MANCHESTER—Six room ranch.. $1$,300—New Ranch, Bolton. ■ MI. 8-7781. Hoods Steal AndNatiori, MANCHESTER - Moving and QiFOLOTMSM' stores and bus line.' AvaileUe Ideal locaUon, convenient to bus Preferred by Army DEPT. SOURS Kuaranteee quick reauIta. '''Bxpert trucklns Go. ML 84088. Owned $16,800—Vacant Colonial. SEUVEfWMEN BOW. Toung business couple and Bchools, not water oU heat, U8T1NGS WANTED-aingle, two- Manchester Modes employes willflcsl workers, execuUvee, guards inatrucUone. C>ual*controUed car. and operated by Walter B. Per- preferred, ku. 8-9687. $30,000—Colonial Hollieter 8t. or supervisors. g : l S A^ M . tP 4 ;8 0 P. M. Call Mr. Miclette. your pcraonal VOU’VEOOTW. full cellar, garage, sensibly drioed. family fiiree-famUy, business vote in a National Labor Relations ett Jr., and William J. Ptckbi$ng. CaU A. R. WakTs A C6., 481 East $31,000—Two-family flat. Voted Three Tlinee Army Engineers miLde It eloaraptirtaaoe ohoulff there ba inetructor at PL 3-TMS. TMETIMSIN SIX ROOM duplex with kitchen property, Have many caab buyera.. Union Dues Board (NLRB) election March'S G O P Urged today they will consider the Bid- MANCHESTER Package Delivery. Middle Tpke. Mi; 8-4888. Mortgages arranged. Please call Although there have been only tack. Whereas, the HaekmaUhk, COPT CLOSING TIME TMEWORUIY caMnets. Oil burner steam heat- T. J. CROCKETT to determine whether the Interna- Ywo previous official elections, Well St, site for Nike houalng but Keeney and BidweU area would h« Light trucking and package deliv­ Georgs L. Qraziadio, Realtor. Ml. (CeatiaiMd from Page Oae) Two large pdrchei. Newly deed- HAVE MEDIUM priced housee fbr REALTOR tionsl Ladles Garment Workers Manchester Modes workers hsve (Oeatfaswd from Page Oae) prefer the original Lakewood Circle well beyond tlM atetion by two to f o r CLASSIFIED ADVT. ery. Refrlgeratora, waahert and 4 9-5878. 109 Henry Su Ganige*—Service—Storofo 10 rated, new oak’flooring'tbroughout. sale. Excellent locations. J. D. actually cast ballots three times area. three miles. MON. THRU FRI. stove moving epeelalty. . Folding Available Feb. 1. Opposite Center 2C. 8-1877 Reeidenee MI. 9-7751 len refused to gccept it from Vlr- Union (ILGWU) shall be named In a S-hour meeting today. Col. chailre for rent. ML B4788. Realty Co., John DeQuattro, Brok­ LOT —AT least 70’ frontage. Mutt on the question of whether they am etarUng an immediate bi- "Third: Thb reeidenU o f our a n a GARAGE FDR RENT. Brookfield Park. Referencel requested. er. MI. 8-6262, MI. 9-8640. have water end sewerage and be glllo. their bargaining agent. George N. Kibler, acting division 10:30 A. M. NE1V FIVE room'ranch, with baae- wanted to be represented by the vestlgation to find out who ia re­ feel that should this be gtranted to Street. CaU MI. 8-S3M after l-.SO Adults preferred, P. O. Box 866, located centrally of near a bua .• Tbs subcommittes planned a This will be the third oSIglsI ILGWU. engineer, and Col. Donald L. Mc­ the Lakewood Circle reeidauta wfco 8ATURDAT f A. M, p.m. Mspeheater, PORTER STREET area. Cuatbm ment garage and fireplace at re- sponsible for putting niy name on Millan, who commands Nike Instal- line. Tel. MI. 8-8070 after 6 p.m. ahowdown later'in the day with vote on the question In the last An election held on -March 23. have and still are usin^ utmoot PaifiDag— Paiwring 21 six room home breeseway, ga­ ' duced price. FHA and other finan­ four years. The union w'as turned It” letlons In Connecticut, outlined the ROOM hasted apartment, cial poaaibilitiee. Charles Ponti- 1963 Wes'.voided when the NLRB pi-eeaure to have the site relocatod l ou m OOOPSKAXION WILL '(SOOfiESUMr'MUIfft/.' rage, many extras, nice trees. Frank W. Brewster of Seattle, down by the workers in each of its Shortly after this, Reece eaid difficultiee, engineeringwlse and REFINISHXNG ceilinge, painting, furidshed, $18 weekly. 10 South St., $16,800. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. celli. MI. 8-8644. Auctions 78 head of ^he Teemsters union 11- backed a union claim thet the tactically in switching locations. and attain their end. It wUl dafi- BB AFFBEOIATED BiisineBS Sem cca Offered IS BirrmvTOOo • IfOU’SeTVlMGUP R o ck ^ e . TR . 8-8604. previous efforts to be named their, company had violated provisions here .that Stasaen celled him by nitely set a precedent in our town, paper hanging, walipi er hooka. TQaCPiC.' 84182, MI; 8-4684. eUte Western Conference, end bargaining agent. They also hsajrd arguments from SAMEWMEN'IOU’PE TWO-FAMILY, Aluminum storms, YOU SAVE THE MOST of the Tsft-Hartley Act. long distance telephone and denied not only ii. this matter, but on HILLS’ t e l e v is io n Service. Fully Ineured. Tel. Edward 'R , Nugent LaPoms, sacretary-treas- representaUves of the Lakewood Price. MI. B-1008. fSMiNOTMfi WMEEL BOWERS SCHOOL area. De luxe awnings, suodeck, built 1848, two- AT CONN.'S MOST THRILUNO Election Date In a re-vote ordered by the future matters, especially sfau* Available at all timea. Phllco fac­ FIVE ROOJ urer of TSSmstera Local 174 In having sent the meaeege. Cfircle area who protest the loca­ Dial Ml 3-5121 AND iMA0tGMU2ey-' partment, four room six room ranch, full cellsr, ga­ ' car ga and our tory auperviaed aervice. Tel. Ml. MOTA tenement. 8-4751. AUCTIONS ! Ssattle, who had refused yester­ Of rouree, I taka hia word for INTERIOR WALL coveringe ex­ rage, largo treei. many extras. Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-6133, day to hand over financial rec­ ganizer, has been contacting.em­ October, the union lost by nine Atty. Wesley C. dfryk who spoke area ie AA. »*»698. pertly hung. MI. 8-9808 for tree cmancc.' Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 84183, 9-4694. ployes and claims now that 70 per votes. In a second try, on July 18. that" Reece said. "It would be .‘‘We sincerely hope wo have FOUR ROOM aparunmt. 'Heat, hot One Visit Will Convince You/ ords subpoenaed by the subcom­ interesting to find out who sent against any location change. RADIO TV Service. Sewinf ma- estimate. >g. 9-4894.______• ■ mittee. cent have signed cards authorizing 1955, the union was defeated by Members of the Town Planning been able to set down on top6r water, electric remkkT^lor and Of The Fabulous Savings.... the union to bargain for them. vote of 163 to 118. it under his name.” chinea and small appliances re­ ' ’ T h u k L to’ gas stove. Rent $80. pU- 6-8406. .February 1. Rent $86 pet month, Thill Ip to siT* notict . ,t J. THOMAS win this tlim because of the prac­ facilities for such hoaxes, end not favor any bul'dlng which does ancts rspairsd. Ml. 8-8017; rssl- ______Male ) 89 ONE QUEEN ANNE divan and J. LARKIN.______of M , Chae' mberlain one side. "Conn’s Largest Auction Firm” continuing sa its president and Feb. 15 payroll.. ^ tices he aaid the company has fol­ t-8815. t y p is t ^ :l e r k including stove, refrigerator apd Rosd. WeUiPrpfleM. Conss, hav* most of its other officers kseping thet Its regulations permit it to rot conform to TPC requireibenti. denes Ml. 84880. matching chair. One console table, an application . dated Jahuanr i(, The employee who would com­ lowed in the past fe'.v yesfs. That vote ties In with the TPC ABLE TYPIST, secretary, time­ gas bill. CalLMI. 8-79M any Ume. WARREN E. HOWLAND POST AUCTION ROOMS their Jobs, VigiUo among them. prise the bargaining union are re'use servlet to persons unwill- Private Itutfructlona 28 Toung'lady for diversified eteUs- keeper, bookkeeper. Ten yeers, CaU MIv 8-4815 after 5:80. 1M7 with the Liquor Cooriol Com- "We will ask for higher wages ir.g to identify themselves upon action today in recommending the China Upholds DOORS OPENED, keys fitted, FOUR ROOM apartment. Includ­ miaalon for a Reataurant NJquor REALTOR-INSURER RT. 6 - BERLIN TURNPIKE He said that subsequently most those in production and main­ and piece rates. jot> se ..rity, and copied, vacuum cleaners, irons, Ucal typing and clerical work, five plus, office. Adaptable. Seeking permit for the m Io of alcoholic nquor of the same officera showed up as demand. Btdwell St. location. reroon als DRUMMmO lesaone — Matthew NO MONEY NEEDED! ing heat, electricity, hot water and Opp. Conn. Li. A Power Co. Bldg. tenance work, including packing Improven-entq^ In the pension pi n guns, etc., rspairsd. Shears, day 40 hour week, Monday-Fridey. local opp^unlty. MI. 9-9158. on the Dremiaep known ai “The Cort " MI, 3-1108 officer of Local 284 which he de- Ool. Kibler said the engineera Keevere, instructor. Studio, 20 age. Immediate occupancy. J. Slate Hl^way Route No. 81. Coxenti snd shipping employes. It would and other fringe benefits." he said. A subcommittee will be named went, "if it is at all poeeible, to Soviet Acts in ••FOB MEN Who care” — Dante's knives, mowers, etc., put into con­ Portland St. MI. 8-0608. Easy TAKE 3 YEARS TO PAY! Evenings. Mr. Dlmock MI. 9-6003 ambed as "only a paper union.” not Include time study men, de­ Saturday to confer With President Excellent group insurance and r Realty, MI. 9-8640, MI. 1-8076, The butlneap ii owned bjr.The Kernior The. election ■will be held in the stay at the Lekaivood Circle area.' BartwT Shop - Shi^pinf dition for coming needs. Bralth- method for beginners. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 MI. 3-6363. Aside from the officers, Kennedy signers, administrative or profes- Eisenhower and report recom­ East Center at Lenox St. Quick wslts. 03 Pearl Street hoapltaUzaUon insurance - cover­ WANTED Company. Inc., of 34 Chamberlain Road. Modes plant on Pine St. under the He said the bids already taken on Reliable, Honeet, Person Welherifield. Conn., and will b«. con­ Lola Tor Sale 79 said, the local "had no members ■ional people, office or plant cler- supervision of the NLRE. mendations on Hell's successor to Hungary Strife aervice—two barbers—free park age at minimum t«st. Paid vaca­ ducted bV THOMAS J. LARKIN, of 3« the houalng, with the Lakewood GONDESt'S T.V. Ssrvles, avaUshls BIRD, cat and dog supplies, whole­ TO TAKE OVER COVENTRY — Unfurnished four Obituary but it had seven votes" to cast in the full OOP Netlonel committee in*. Bonds—Stock! tions, nine paid holidays. Apply sale and retail. Dailylly 9I to 5 p.m. rooms and bath. Heat and hot ChamberlaiR Road, Wetherafleld. Conn., sLOT FOR SALE, Greenwood Drive. 'Teamsters union affairs. St s meeting her* next Tuesday. site as a batie, are extremely fav­ any time. Antenna converatona. • UNPAID BALANCE a. permittee. ^ orable. It would be iniposeible ^o (CeaRaaod treni Figa Oae) Pl^co fam ry aupsrvlasd aervice. M o r tg a g e 31 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday nights MONTHLY PAYMENTS water furnished. Two adults. Call ipOxl&O, A zone, city water. Price Sen. McCarthy (R-Wls) asked One Capitol Hill Republieen,' WANTED-Ride to P. W. A. third 7 to 9. Porterfield’s Route 5 and PI. 24981. Dated January. II, IWT. move the location -without taking Shift, vicinity new high school. MI. Tsi. Ml. 8-1U8. 816.78 MI. 9-9315. whether this was an election "con­ Latest Snowfall^ Icy Streets who declined to let his name be Uons to interfere in Hunganr'a In­ HOME OWNERS! Corabibe year- WONDER BAKERY Chapel, South Windsor. JA 8-3381. test between hoodlums and the new bide. 8-T34T. 8 Complete LOT FOR SALE. Manchester Road used, said today after word of the He also said that moving the site ternal affairs. CLEAN AND paint those gutters end blUs Into an caay-to-pay aec- UOCOB PERMIT Deaths good honest element" of the Team­ purported Stsssen telegram got 831 Conn. Blvd. MANCHESTER PET Center, 995 Rooms of Furniture NOTICE or application in GlMtOnbury, 100x285, city would involve a delay of eight to It accused "the government of now. Avoid costly repairs later. ond mortgage' loan coating only a Btuinen Locfitions sters union. Kennedy replied this Held Cause of Many Crashes out: * the United States, as the chief in- Ml. 1-1888. penny a month for each dollar you Main St. 8 A H Green stemps. Beautiful Weetinghoues Elec. water, prme $2000. MI. 9-9515. nine montha in getting Nike per- MI. 9-4278. Free parking. "If you For Rent 64 Thip ip to sire notice that I. DONAT Wtlliani Seundersoii would later be shown to be the Want* Committee to Choose sUgator of the Imperiallete.” of Autonobileo for ^ o 4 owe. Call Frank Burke at CH. East Hartford, Conn. Refrigerator J. DOIRON. of as' Primrope Drlyt, EapI SI case. sonsi into the housing. REFRIGwATlON sales and ssrv< 6-8887 daya or JA 9-S5S8 evsa. Con- want a pet—see ua.” Open Mon.,- BRICK BUILDING, two blocks Hartford. Conn., have filed an applica­ .William Saunderson, 47 ‘ Edger- Four inches of powdered s n o w ^ e ir H. Reid, 37. of 12 Englewood "The skids are supposed to have In answer to a question from trying to start a third vrorid war Beautiful Bedroom Suite SuburbairEor Sale 75 Kennedy skid some members with its actlvttiea in oastom BEFORE YOU BtrX a . used ear ice. Com m s^al, household, air necUcut Mortgage Exchange. GIRL FOR general laundry work. Sat. 84. Thurs, and Fri., 84. Beautiful Living Room Suite from Main St. Approximately 3800 tion dated Dec. 3Slh. 1*66. with the ton St., died at his home this teamed with near zero tempera­ Dr., this -morning slid Into been greased for Alcorn's election WilUem Allen, a TPC member, aa oee Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck condltianera.Xfrscters. A. and W. Apply in person. Maple Dry Clean­ Liquor Control Commlaatoq for a morning after a long illness. were "shifted” from Local 227 to and some of ua don’t like It. We to which of the two sites would ba Europe and the BUsenhoWSr doc­ THREE REGISTERED male Box­ Beautiful Dinette Set ■q. ft. of floor space. Close to (SrocFry BF#‘r Pfrlt: for lh« miVf o r BOLTON—$10,900. S ijlv^ra Cape, Local 284 after some controversy tures to produce extremely ha-ard- the intersection at Vf. Middle Saiss and Service, 38S Main RefrigsraUon MI. 8-1287, BU. ers A Launderers, 72 Maple St. Beautiful "De Luxe" R ai»e parking lot. MI. 84494. •Icihoiic- llquoF on ihF pr^mliFB Born Indounty Armagh. Ire­ oua driving conditions in Manches­ Tpke. and' Adams St. and hit a car believe the President should give better tacUcally,. Col. McMillan trine fo r ^ e Middle East SttML M L O ^ n . Open evenints. 8-8188, ML 8 4 0 ^ ers, six months old. MI. 9-0438 Subtil ban Market, Route 44A, Bolton. two unfinished. Four'^tears old. about unions that existed only "on the committee a choice of four or The joint dscIaraUon paraded Business fioportanitiea 32 after 6 p.m. Instead of Weetinghouse Elec. Aluminum storms, plastexed. Im­ land, Nov. 11, 1876, he had been ter yesterday snd this morning driven by Armand G. Roy, 27. of said “The Lakewood Circle area la WAITRESS WANTED. Evenings. STORE—Formerly Sears Roebuck Conn ^ . _ , a resident of MancheaSer for 58 paper.” five men from which to make the much the best.' many of tho old Cold War attache NEED A CAR? Short on a down FLOOR AND papering aervice. Regrigerator if you prefer Tb, bitpinepp .p owned by Dometilc maculate condition.' 128' (roqtage, McCarthy challenged the right Despite a full complement of 3 Drive C. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. Busl-. 8-1. Inquire CIlienti Restaurant, 14 at the Center. Desirable Main St. MIcoleltl and Donat J. Dolron X years. Until his retirement, he was selection." He said it would be better from against the West, and demanded payment or had your credit turned Floore eanded and refimehed. Also Ruga, Lamps, Tables. Linoleum trees, .view. Carlton W. Hutchins. of Reich to serve as counsel for highway department trucks, which Mr*. Gale Gardner, 17, of GlaS' nets established. Good locaUon. Depot Square. and a Feiy Other Articles locaUon, heat (Urairiied. Approxi­ Primrope Dr.. Eait Hartford. Conn:, employed sa a printer at Cheney tonbury suffered i cut lip and swol­ Stsssen sought for weeks last the point of view of acceea to the "extreme vigilance” In all Chm- down? Don't five up! For a food papering and painting. TR. 8-2071 CaU MI. 9-836S. mately 1300 sq. ft, floor space. MI. and w.ll be conducted by DONAT J. MI. 9-6132. MI. 9-4694. both VIrglllo end for Local 234. were able to clear most of the iJvestDCg— Vehicles 42 EVERYTHING DOIRON, of X Primrope Dr., *apl Broa. He was a member of St len nose when she hit her mouth on year to prevent Vice President control Bite off Keeney St. and the munist-ruled countries and a toUd deal—not thru a smaU loan com­ or TR. 5-1080. \ 9-6808 or MI. 9-8531. The Wisconsin Senator said he town’s roads, sanding operations Nixon’s renomihatlon at the GOP A VERT reaponeible poiition for a THE UNPAID Hartford. Conn.. •» SOUTH COVENTRY —Five room ry’s Episcopal (Church, Wash­ were not sufficiently prompt or the steering wheel of a car this firing site in Glastonbury. He also stand with the Soviet Union. pany—see ''Harry” at 388 Main young or middle-aged woman. Ac­ WE BUT COWS, calfe and beef DONAT J. DOIRON, was not making any - charge national convention In San Fran­ The declaration was certain to S t (Fonnerly Douglas Motors). DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Help Wanted— Female BALANCE PRICE INDUSTRIAL AREA to rent or. Dated January lib. 1967. ranch, three bedrooms, hot water ington Lodge. N o.;il7, LOL* Waah- widespread to prevent at least morning. She was treated at and aaid It would permit quicker hous­ curacy, aptitude for figurea are cattle, also entire herds. Call heat, artesian well, storm windows against Virgilio but believed there cisco. ing of key personnel, an important increase the anger of HungarUm V pany, doors and windows, custom Pella Bros. MI. 3-7405. ONLY 8458.36 lease. 3300 sq. ft. floor space, ingtotv^ocial Club and the For­ was "a direct conflict of Interest eight auto accidents attributed tb discharged from the local hoapital. inexpensive c l e a n transp^ required. This la a key position and doors, large lot, direct from factor ' allies the Army loses lU "independents.” They thought they work, guaranteed. Call MI. 8-11 PRESS OPERATOR, five day Free etorage until wanted. Free ground floor, heated, loading plat­ resters o f America. between, anyone accused of steal­ icy highways. . but local police were not informed He plugged for Gov. Christian A. tation. U you don't see what you after 6 p.m. week, numerous benefits. Apply and will merit close inveatlgatlon. delivery. Free set up by our own owner, $10,500. Willimantic HA. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Eliza­ of the accident. Herter of Massachusetts as No. 2 personnel to higher paying Indus­ had Chinese approval for tholr Apply Coca-Cola Bottling Co., 451 form, near railroad, 780’ from ing funds from the 'union and the However, the Highway Depa. t- want on pur lot look behind our 4n person New Model Laundry, 73 reUable men. Main St., Manchester. MI. 6-8043. Invitation 3-6401. beth Freebbni Saunderson; a ment's 11 trucks, together with 6 Police, meanwhile, decljrad a man on the ticket with Eisen­ tries. fight for Independence from Mos­ eCfice. Cats to suit aU purses. 888 TV SERVICEI 82.58 Mam Street, Eteat Hartford. union Itself.” McCarthy called it hower. cow control. But on his tour, Articles For Sale 45 brother, Thomas Saunderson In "vastly Improper” for a union's hired trucks worked contiiiuously 24-hour moratorium on enforce­ McMillan made it clear hia first Main, formerly Douglas Motors. work guaranteed. Calri Bob Webb. Phone Me Immediately VERNON—4*8 room ranch with Ireland;..and several, nieces and ment of the town ordinance responsibility was to provide max­ espscielly in Poland, Chou made MI. 8-8801. A BUSINESS of your own. Hours to ROYAL AND Smitii-Corona port­ Hartford CH. 7-0868 HonsM Fbr Rent 65 rloaed In breezeway and garage. lawyer to represent "a man ac­ yesterday keeping the streitH deer. Stassen’s campaign got nowhere, I—One etefiographer and to Bidders nephew87 obltglng homeowner.* to clear their however, and in the end Stasaen imum housing for personnel in hia clear he backed Moscow’s aim of I BW' WASH Stsissman,. Knur rtnnr typist for general suit vour convenience. We will able ' and standard typewriters. After 7 P.M. CH. 6-4690 Two years old. Two bedrooms, liv­ cused of stealing . . . of robbing The sanding, which was carried keeping Hungary In tha Ooihrau- SDC ROOM OapeJ^Jgd, in nice con- Sealed bids for Kitchen Equip­ The funeral will bfsheld Satur­ tha laboring man.” on at the same time as the plowing, sidewalk*. In rece’it days several was among those speaking in be- command at a meSna to keeping sedan. Radio and JMater, $300 rience net necessary, train you for this pleasant, lucra­ All makea of adding machines See It Day or Night ing room, kitchen ■with knotty pine persons have been anested for In eervlee men on whom a great nlat atreltjecket MORTEN8EN TV. Specialised RCA If you have no means of transpor­ diUon, one year lease. 8110 month. ment for the Reg. Diet. No. 9 paneling. Majiy.other extras. Lot day afternoon at 2 o’clbqk In St. McClellan ruled that McCarthy's proved useless In many instances, half of Nixon’s nenomlnatlon. Private owner. MI. heater Modes, Pine St. tive work, Avon Coemetici. Call sold or rented. Repairs on all Mary’s Episcopal Church, >dth the failure to clear their walks. Those deal of taxpayera' money has been television service. MI. 8-4641, MI. 3-5195. makea, Marlow’a. tation, I'll send my auto for you. T. J. Crockett, Realtor. MI. 8-15'77, Jr.-8r. High Lchool, Hebron. Conn., 120x210. A re'al buy at $12,600. "general principal ia absolutely because the sand was quickly Stsaaen has been among the IMS FORD PARKLAND sUUon Ree. MI. 9-7761. rector, the Rev. Alfred UNWU- arrests figure to reduce the in- ■pent PARTY PIPLARjpemoi\strators: Be No obligation. vflll be received at the Hebron. Ele- Watson Realty. TR. 5-7680, MI. correct" but aaid Reich could con­ buried by failing snow. group of Republicans who apeak of But Colonel Kibler also indicat­ wagon. Power steering, power NOW IS THE time'for thet recrea­ FOR SALE-r5S gal, drums, in good liama, officiating. Burial will tinue for the present as counsel ceasing number of suits against themselves as ‘•Libersla.” Dlffer- tion room or other alteration!. the first to s h ^ the newest. Our FOR RENT—Furnished practically men ary School, Hebron, Conn., 9-7865. Crew Stey* on Duty ed the Army wee Interested In brakes. Loaded—Save over $1200. 1967 line la reedy\for you, over 600 condition, 82.50 each. For further A— L—B— E—R—T— S until 8:00 ’ .M., January 31, 1987. In East Cemetery. or VIrglllo. He said "this commit- the town instituted by persons encea between two wings of the Also IMS Buick four-door sUtion Free planning and esUmatea. Bud­ Help Wented^Male 36 information caU The Herald, new home. Four rooms down, two VERNON—Five room ranch. One Friends may call at the Holrnei Matters were further complicat­ slipping on public walks. conforming aa nearly as possible Items in housewarW toys, noUona 48-46 Ali,YN ST., HARTFORD unfinished up. Oil hot water heat, at which time they will be publicly is not investigating individuals ed by pre-existing ice which cov­ party were most apparent In days wagm. Just like new. See these to- get terms arrenpid. Call Builder. . and novelties. Write or call coUect, phone MI. 3-5121. year old. Excellent condition, Funeral Home, 400 Main St, to­ as k^ch.” The respite in enforcing the when the late Sen. Robert A. Taft to the town's planning picture. Chess Club MI. 8-5468. fireplace. Available Feb. 1, $180. opened and read alouu. ered most of the town's roads, .in Martin Alvord, 1TC chairman, n ^ t . Fitsgsrald Motors, Rock The Housd of Plastics,\Inc., Avon, THOR SB»a-AUTOMATIC wash- The Plan and Speciflcatlone for ^ r e e bedrooms. Ceramic tile night from 7 to 9:30 and tomorrow McCarthy meintkined that some ordinance is calculated to give of Ohio was the standout figure in viUe Road, Talcottville. Open eve SHINERS (or ice fishing. Camp Write Box RG, Herald. bath. Lovely living room with fire­ from 3 to 5:30 and 7 to 9:30. an attempt to combat thir danger, homeowners sufficient time after agreed with an argument by Gryk Conn. ORchard 7-1684. JOIN A GROWING ing machine, good condition, $48. Kitchen Equipment may be ob­ investigkUng of Individuals is in­ the Highway Department, by pre­ the more Conservative group in the nlnga tUl B. _____ Meeting Road. 60c a dozen. Route Va. 8-8684. place. Full cellar. Beautiful loca­ volved. Tyralng to Reich, Mc­ the storm, to comply with the party. that Nike homes could not actu­ Officers will be elected and a Hoosehold SerTfees 86, Bolton. CaU MI. 9-6685. tained at the office of the Archi­ arrangement with the police, had tion lot 90x100. Priced' at only Carthy denqnded whether the regulation. lieece was long known as a ally conform to any zone in-town. constitution adopted at the firat 1855 FORD Cuetomline four door Offered 13*A COMPANY GAS RANGE, Florence 30” , six Wanted To Rent 68 tect, Louie J. Lral.os, 988 Farm­ $13,900. Watson Realty. TR. 6-7630, Club Hears Talk a stand'^ crew on duty last night He said the Bidwsll area Is (Wf* aedan. Radio, heater. SoUd green. WIRERS AND HOT WATER furnace, oU fired, ington Ave., West Hertford, lawyer felt "you can conscien­ Reo, 4>pen Tonight "Taft Republican.” meeting in February of tha new months old, $76. Call X(I. 8-2837 Ml. 9-7885. preparetf to rush out and sand any Tlie Recreation Depcirtment, rounded by S 2kme where the den­ Manrtieetcr Chess dub. January clearance price at $1289, WEAVING of burns, mbth holes In the growing carbide cutting pipes, nine modem radiators, con­ MANUFACTURER'S representa­ Conn. No deposit is required. tiously repreMniHhe working msn slippery area specifically called to Sen. William F.''Knowland of tool industry we need experienced after 6 p.m. tive, family of three ;Xlults desires By Vaiiderbrook which rlosed down all'its centers sity Is much greater than In AA The second meeting of the club only 8189 caah or trade. Fitsgerald and torn clothing, hosiery runs, SQLDERERS trols and tanka, 1600. 2x4s, 3x6s, The Regional District NOj/8 snd the man acciiked of steeling Its attention. California, the Senate GOP floor Zone. Motors. Inc., formerly Brunner’s, handbags repaired, sipper re­ machine operatora aiid other types sheathing, windows, 6 over one, five or six room rent in Manches­ Boa~d of Education reserve^the Wanted Real Estate 77 ■from him.- . , I’d like to know yesterday be; '.use of the storm, will be held Friday night at tha Of the motor vehicle mishaps, all leader, was also close to Taft. In The Lakewood Circle is adja­ Fast Sid# Rac. RockviUe Road, TalcottyUle, Conn. placement, umbrellas repaired, Experienced in wiring and aolder- of Industrial peraonnel. If you want ■Ingle and mullion, with frames, HOTPOINT refrigerator. Good run­ ter or vicinity. Beet of references. right to reject any or a)r Pro­ 'Louis C. Vanderbrook of the what your morals in the^gkl pro­ will be back in full operation to­ fact, Taft handpicked 'Knowlsnd men’s ahlrt coUara reversed and ing resistori, condenaors and panel a gpod job apply at office. glass doors with casings, oak RockviUe TR. 6-9663. ARE YOU CONSIDERING fession . are.” of which were quite minor, the night. cent to an AA ^ n e. A club tourney will begin next Open W1 9. ning condition. 191 Eldridge St. posals. , / Vanderbrook Nurseries gave an in­ most serious seems to be one that as hia successor as party floor Wants to Control Density replaced. Marlow’s UtUe Mend- boards. Excellent working condi­ flooring. Choman'a Housewreck­ John H; YeofnansyChalrman SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? formative talk on "Landacaplng Reich retorted that. "I 'SlM't The town operated skating areas leader when cancer forced Taft to month to determine tha strangth 0967 VOLKSWAGEN, nine pea- > ing Shop. tions from 8 e.m. to 4:S6 p.m. with ing. Can be eeen at 64 Crosby St., COMBINATION gas and oil stove. YOUNG COUPLE with two chil­ We will appraise your property thin':, my morals srs At issue. took place about 8 a.i today. ' are also acheduled to open again Alvord said the objective of the ef individual players. It will herve NEtx:0 TOOL CO.. INC. dren desire five room, reasonable Regi ina. P istri^ No. 8 Bd. for the Average Suburbanite" at PSuI Helwlg, 69, of Glastonbury, give up the post. TPC ie to control density. senger station wagon, driven only cafeteria facUitlea. East Hartford, or call MI- 8-3392. Good condition. 830. --Call MI. , , / of Education free and without any obligation. the monthly meeting of the Men- said that "In this hearing I se^ tonight. a guide to r arranging team 8,000 miles. Has radio, heater and FURNITURE repairing aiid refln- rent, unfurnished. Cell MX. 9-8300. We alio buy property for cash. Auffered "whip lash" injuries to Opposed Staaaen’a Move And Atty. John Mrosek, a. resi­ 9-1188. Hebron, Ctraecticut (^heater Garden Club held In Cen­ no conflict.” In Boston, the United States matches with other oluba in the defroator, two tone paint. It'a newi Uhing; anUquea restored. Furni­ 266 Center 8t., Pine St. entrance SALE — 33 1-8% off on 1956-1957 Selling or buying contact ms. neck, when his heed went Alcorn publicly took Issue with dent of the LAkqwood area, said future. ture Repair Sarvicf, TalcottviUe. . GRAY MANUFACTURING ter Church. Virgilio, a curly haired swarthy Weather Bureau indicated fair inaide and out. See Chet Brunner waUpaper. Green Paint and WaU- S'TANLEY BRAY, Realtor through the top of a convertibe, weather, with a possibility of Stasaen last slimmer when Stas- the eltes are comparable in a Begjnnera are invHod to the MI. 3-7449: CO. paper at the Gfeeii. Open dally 6-9 Houses For Aale ’ 72 He named .the best . typea of man, spoke In a small, nervous Mancnbqter Memorial Hospital o f­ sen was waging his campaign to number of respects, but the eharp- at Fitsgerald Motors today. Open BRAE-BURN REALTY Volco sometimes ail but Inaudible, some light snow. In store for meeting, and inatracUonal chess HILUARU ST., MANCHESTER pm .______j Musical Instrumenta 53 Ml. 3-6273. dwarf and standard evergreens for ficials reported. He was treated deny a second nomination to Vice eet point of contreet comes in oveiUngs tUl 8.______FORMICA counters, oeramio waU EAST CENTER ST.— Two apart­ Invitation to Bid foundation planting, and stressed lie refused, on grounds that an New England. will be on the prograci as -well as and floor Ulc. Let ua modernise end dlschimged in good condition. Weather official* said, "a low President Nixon. fitting into th; overall pattern of akittle'* ‘play for tha advanetd 1984 BUICK hardtop Century, red "A GOOD PLACE TO-WORK” BRECK SHAMPOO, 32 o z ./e iz e , MUSIC instrumental, rental. Com­ ment home, five rooms end bath THIS AGENCY needs Cape Cod, the importance of uatng e l o w - answer "might tend to incriminate Police ere investigating the town planning. your bathroom and kitchen. For reg. $4, now 13.80 with free plas­ each floor, new heetldg eyetem, growing and dwarf types near me." to say where he earns hia pressure system center north Of Alcorn made public Aug. 7 _ players. and Mack. January clearance. plete line of instrumente. Rental neral Construction 4-34 and 7 room singles and 2- accident. Atty. W, David Keith, another Price 81898, only 8288 cash or free etUmates caU ML A2888, The tic dispenser. RusseU's Barber applied to purchase price, Repre very large lot Call Madeline led propoaala for famUy houzesi Buyers waiting. window^ He also named the best living and whether he is a union Lake Superior, ia moving south­ letter he said he had written to Problem (er Rm Waek NURSE'S AIDE wanted, 7 a.m.-3 Experienced men reqWed to ae- In another accid'hqt, Joseph Ver- StMsen which eaid In part: Lakewood area reaident, however, trade, balance easy bank terms. TUa Shop, Buckland. Shop, comer Oak and Spruce Sta. ■enting Olds, Selmer, 'ed Smith,nllh Realtor. MI. 9-1643. tjdhe to the Franklin School, 1151 Howard R. Hastings, Realtor. varieties of fruit-bearing shrubs, member. eastward and will cause increasing White la to play and mate in two p.m. or 3 p.m.-11- p.m. Laurel semble, wire and test Mctronic ler and Bundy. done, 41 Ekut Glastqnbury, suf­ "I am convinced thet you have felt the Bldwell site ia better from moves. Fitsgerald Motors, Inc. Formerly FLAT FINISH Holland window Manor, 81 Chestnut St. MI. 8-2824. devices. Will consider recently dis­ ------f - T T * Matter's Muaic ;alii Street. Manchester, Oon- Call MI. 9.1107 any timer and suggeated more use of them Sen. Syming (D-Mo) said he cloudiness tonight, and light snow at least two othsr points of view, Bnmner's RockviUe Rd.. Telcott- Studio, 177 McKee. Ml. .8-7800. in yards for beeuuty and to at­ fered a back Injury about 10:3’’ done ■■ deep Injury to the Presi­ White ' l l '* ahadei, made to measure.. AU charged veferans with experience GIRL'S WHITE shoe ikatea. Sjze 6. necticiit, in accordance with'plans personally is a union member end a.m., when he disregardelL a atop is likely late tonight or early to­ ■ccessibltllty to an adequate school vflle. Open evenings till 9. 8«li(«s HOMES—a«r. Cmamtrry WANTED—Two, three or four farn- tract the birds. that bis son is too and "I'm not morrow " dent of the United SUtee and tho P ...Q N 4 P...KN8 metal Venetian blinds at a new TOUNG LADY for light counter in this field. Must be famiUar With VracUcally new. Call MI. 3-'78l6. SRANK J. 8ENTIMENNO, teacher ■■4 Turn*—8lsc« I t lt and specifications p.epared by light at E. Middle Tpke., a n o'^ rk - end nearness to a good bus lino on work, 44 hour week. Apply In per­ ily house In Manchester, occupan­ He also answered members’ a.ahamed" to.say so. Virgilio said Republican party which has so P . ...QB4 P...K5 1803 OLDkMOBILE 4-door sedan, low price. Keys made whUe you electronic teat equipment. Excel­ of guitar. 'Chester Accordion C^., Jerome F. Mueller, Consulting cy not necessary. Write Box AB, er St and his car was struclK^y Hartford Rd. wait. Marlow's. son. Lynn Poultry Farms Store, lent opportunity for the right man. BLUE GLOW power stove, 8” par­ Ehtgineer, 15 Lewis Street, Hart­ many queationa regarding prun­ "I'm not ashamed" but stuck to his often and eo aignally honored N... QNl H ...Q R t hydramatic, radio, beater. Jan­ 91 Union St. Ml. 84709. ^ WALTON W. OI Herald. another vehicle operated by Ra; you .,. Gryk countered by saying that N...K3 N...Q6 Manchester Shopping Parkade. lor heater, 820. MI. 3-8769 after BEALTOa ford, ;Oonnectlcut, for the Town ing, fertilizing and winter protec­ refusal to answer. Man Hangs Self no . matter whet the Army does it uary clearance price 8775...only tion of evergreens end ihrubs. tiond Elliott. 36. Putnam. B;..Q6 K...Qft $175 cash or trade, balance easy GRAY MANUFACTURING 4:30 p.m. JUST ARRIVED, another carload UlUea fl. Oraiil / AssmIsI* of Mancbeater, will be received on Driver Arrested ‘Quite unwittingly, . . . your ill- cannot conform to soning require­ of JMssen spinet pianos,. Tour N»anb*r«: MslUsU UM»r Vanderbrook is president of the considered etatemenU appear to R ... QB3 bank terms. Fitsgerald Motors, Building— Contracting 14 PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. Am9nwt BUt^ G l^iM C*al«r St. or before 2 P.M. on Tuesday, SaVf Look-Alikes In Paris Police arrested Verdone and n Attic of Home ments. He contended thet the aitM LOVE s i^ T and chair, ideal (or Conn Electric Organ dealer. Ward February 5, 1957, at tlie office of Plant' Propagators Socie.ty, and have helped more than they have Q. ..K R 3 Inc., formerly Brunner's. Rock­ HILLIARD ST., MANCHESTER cottage, very reasonable. MI'. Wk. s-r PubKc Records charged him with disregarding a are, therefore, equal from the K.,.KN5 viUe- Rd., TMcoUviUe. Open eve- FOR TOUR remodeling, repairs or COMPANY OF AMERICA Krauae, 87 Walnut St. MI. 3-5836. the General Manager, Municipal president of the Ornamental harmed Vice President Nixon. jfilenning point of view. "A GOOD PLACE T:0 WORK” 8-8439 stop light. The Elliott vehicle slid Carl A'NAnderson, 68, a retired ninge tlU 9. ______additions call WUliam Kanehl, Building, 41 Canter Street, Man­ 8447 Growers Assn. into Verdone's car; You suggest In your letter thet I He sold the large new Keeney Contractor and Builder. MI. has an opening for a competent 10-30 .Warrantra Deed* Cheney Bros, loom fixer, hanged attempt to appraise the aentl- BOY’S ICE skates, size 5 a,nd 8.’ USED PIANO, in excellent condi­ chester, Connecticut, and. then St In another accident yeaterday, himself in the hUic of his home, 26 Street School Is rail to capacity 1860 BUICK 3-door aedan, black, 3-7773.______^ ^ stenographer. Permanent employ­ Hiking boots, size 7<3. Ski boots, sa!1 office publicly opened and Clarence H. Laklnf and Caro­ Rodney P. 8almor(e; 279 Hilliard roents of others, I hsve done so as well as the small South School. solid, good motor. Urea, January ment, attractive working condi­ ' TOOLMAKERS tion. Kemp’e, Inc, MI. 8^6680. An Inspiration! lyn M. Laking to William E. Fitz­ Edgerton St., some time early this and I find a deep and abiding re­ BIDWELL Home Improvement Co. size 8. Call MI. 9-0983 after 6 :S0. read aloud. St., hit a utility pole on Broad St., hiorning. IVater and sswgr problems are the Police Arrests clearance at $889. Easy terms end tions, short hours end five . day AND Plans and speclficatlone may be Gerald and Janice FItaGereld, spect for the Vice President who same, he argued. Alterations, additiona, garages. week, near Chambers St.; when he ap­ tradM. Fitsgerald Motors, Inc., ALL a r o u n d m e t a l obtained''at the office of the En­ property on Concord Rd. plied . his brakes and skidded in Anderson was found at 8:43 a.m. has conducted - himself with dig­ says Land Value Higher R o c t ^ e Road, Talcottville. Open Re-sidiiig speeiallste. Ea^r budg­ ACCOUNTANT CENTRAL WORKERS Oipmon0» — Watehes— Wearing Apparel^Fnra 57 gineer on and after Tuesday, Ruth H. Somerville to Cazimer order to avoid a preceding car by his daughter-in-lsw. Mra. Julia nity end ability unparalleled In the Gryk said the maximum price evenings Ull 8. et ferme. MI 94488 or TR Jewelry 48 D. Showronski and Cecelia T. Anderson, 40 Edgerton s C ^ h e n history of tho Vice Presidency.” Richard Sidellnker,. 35, Coven­ 5-9109. Pm IHbii •pM for ON January 8, 1957, upon paymant of which 'piade a right turn into • a for the Lakewood land is $24,000, try, n’as arrested by local police Growing concern needs men MENiS o v e r c o a t ! topcoat, sport Skowroiiski, property on Helaine she went to the house after he fail­ Alcorn arrived In Washington DOWNTOWN LOCATION jacket, excellent condition, very IlSOO deposit for each set of drive. 1 - . while property . valued in the yesterday snd chargra with ignor­ CARPENTRY REIPAIRg — Mtere- familiar with standard machine LEONARD'w .-YOST Jeweler, re- plans and specifications, which Rd. A car. operated by Raymond G. ed to.call at hM home to be taken early today by train but could Keeney-Bldwell-Heckmstack area, 1848 BUICK two door sedan, radio, ilr*. adjusts ■ watches expertly. reasonable, size 44. MI. 9-7470. p o r iM .c o d iiHM. w ith o 2022 ing eight parking summons iisu ^ heater, reasonable. MI. 9-3503. tione. Prompt service to small 637 Main St., Manchester tools to make a variety of simple deposit wiU be refunded if docu­ Ooltclalm Deeds - Baldwin, 37, Hartford, slid into and to his doctor. Anderson lived alone hot be reecKed for comment. would be higher oh the basis of parte. easonable prices. Open daily. Camillo Gambolatl to Town of In a second floor apartment. for Main S t violations. jobs. Reasonable prices.. Work Ml. 9-5226' / K SKI SHOBB, 9t4D, ski pants, 80-81, ments are returned in good c6ndi- bent 'over a town parking sign on a Admit* Messages Sent value established in recent sales. Policeman Emanuel Mptola ar- 1988 CADHXAC 4-door sedan, guaranteed. TRemont 5-5759. Dayehift ThUraday evenlnga. 139 Spruer fiirog rossivo ^^rm. Manchester property on Hlllterd Manchester High School driveway, Medical Examiner Dr. Robert R. In Btemford. Conn., Western He said the Army has received Street Ml. 8-4387. parka, medium, roller akatee, 8C. tion within two weeks after bids reeled Sidellnker, a MontgomOfy* model 62, aU equin>ed, dark green. Call BU. 9-0702. have been opened. St.' west of the school yesterday, police Keeney Jr. said Anderson had been Union manager Joseph McCarthy bids at the most favorable Ume of CLERK TYPISTS, stenographers, Clean working conditions, all Town of Manchester to State of Ward salesman on a warrant te- Very beauUful. January clearance Each bid : .ust be accompanied ■eld. under- a doctor's care (or some time confirmed the fact today that a year, winter, and bids taken later ■ued by Town Court. Proaecutor at 81895. Bank terms and trades. bookkeepers, assemblers, domea- benefits. . CHESTER Furriers. Furs remod­ Writo Box il Connecticut, two parcels on W. A vehicle operated by Willard C. and had evidently become despon­ Roofing—Siding 16 All ages. by a Bid Bond or.a; certified check considerable group of telegrams, would be higher. John R. FltxGerald, and was re­ See this one tonight at Fitsgerald tic workers, warehouse workers, Fuel and Feed 49>A eled, repaired, cleaned and Middle Tpke. end Center St. Roulton, 44, New Haven, yesterday dent over 111 healthL , “ No matter where you piece the part time bookkeeper. Apply Conn. for 10% of the amount of the b}d, purportedly signed by Stassen had leased under bond of $50. Me will Motors. RockvUle Road, Talcott­ RAY'S ROOFING CO.. sMflgie and glased. Work done at my home. c4 yards of 35-inch, skirt, 2% mastera of art (or centuries. This tion whan time can be of great im- tions, alck pay and accident and Apply Coca-Cola Bottling Oo., 461 theme is adapted here to a medium "There seeme to be a tuoualy rafueee to comply” with tional vice president and tales yards. feeling,” the ipokesmen said, Assembly resolution* ordering It About Town Truilera lor Sale ^ f-A sickness ineuraiice. Group Ineur. Main St., East Hartford. 1857 TELEVISION. Three famoua No. 8448 with PATT-OrRAMA thet may be done by all woiqia manegci' o? Pia Bon Ami Co., died Heating— PluoiblBg ' 17 ance and hoapitalisation benefits makea, discount prices. No jlown who like to embroider. Ybe.colOt* "that there should be no return to out of Egypt Slid “does everything yesterday In Greenwich Hospital at WANTEUJ—Experiencefl A-1 me­ payment, $3 weekly.. No payment Included ia In sizes, 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are rich and the stitchea eimpile. / conditions Which existed la the It can to turn our Vork here Into the age of 4S; He fiad been ill seven Members of Sunset Council, No. also available. GIRL years. Size 4,/'short sleeve blouse, ■^ l l ^ ltAfONITE tnUler. $800. chanic, good proposlUon. Apply in until March. Budget Center. MI. i Pattern No. 3023 contains hot-iron area which led to the explosion be­ a mockery and a aham.’’ months. 45; Degree, of Fochontas, are re­ PLUMBING , and hoabag—JUpaire Apply Local Inaaranet Axen^y haa aa opcniiif for an .ex*, 114 yerda of S5-lnck; skirt* IH tween'Egypt and TsraeL” .-1 8-WN. 8 a.m .4 p.m. and eoatract wora. Call ML 8-4041. person. Miend Motors, 868 Center! 8-4164. WANTED, transfer for design 9 '’x l8 "; ma­ He declared, "the Assembly te 'Huse was named to the Bon Ami minded M the eetbeck social to- Sale! March of Dimes St. yards. Two patterns. terial cequlrements; color chart; Fawzl Ira off a hew round of Mid- requested to decide whether or< post Jan. 1,' 1956, after a business nlght'rat 8 o'clock ebkthe home tk LLOYD'S Plumbing Service' aa- Pii^neer Parachute Co., Inc. pdrienced ^ rl to work full tine in a auNlerB efficient For these patterns, send S5c for stitch Illustrations. dlr East debate in the 90-nation not Bggresslon will be qllowed to career which included associations Mrs. Flora filracle. 6>;4 Trettra Pete Teobo's Rockville Esso Heghinug— Pfilnt aurca eatisfection, prompt aervide.' SIX DINING room chairs, sturd;^, (or bindery work In prtettlig each,' in coins, your name, sd* Send 36c in Coins, your name, ad­ General Assembly as 24 Asian and St. Prlaea will be given and re- 161 Foroat Street sU'elx for 88. Call MI. 8-6635. \ reign end rale:’’ He urged that with thk Procter A .Gamble 'in UNIOK STREET, ROCKVILLE CH. 74124, Ml. 8-8488,. plant; 4>-hoflr week, pnM 'hoU- centrally l^ te d office. Pleaaa.nt woriiiit^ eonditiiRW in drees, else d e a ir^ . and the pet- dress and the Pattern Number to African nations proposed that the the Aeesmbly uphold the U.N. Cincinnati, . as brand maMger; freehmente aerved. dfuationa Wanted-^ tern number to SUE BUBNETT^, Assembly in effect .(five Israel five CA^BUBNOIL? Mancbeater, Conn. . dajra, vacntlon - aad inenirnaee. ANNE CABOT, ‘HIE MANCHES­ cha-ter and "take all necessary tha Alber .Milling Co., as advertis­ ntEEfiURN A y f A t t i d i t , PlUmb- ' Pemala S8 MAHOGANY. 17" conwile TV eet this office thaj^^mmitiy haa throe enRieyea. If yoii de^ MANCHESTER EVENING HER-^ TER. EVENING HERALD, 1159 days to get all Ua forces out of JANUARY 20, 1957 „ moM' con . With converter. Also '8 'cubic foot steps for safeguarding peace and ing manager; snd the: Dancer- King David Lodge. No. 31, lOOF, ing and Heating Contmetora. New INSURANCE ty]dst. Blue -Oroes AfcD, 1150 AVE. AMEBICAfi, AVE. AMERICAS, NEW YORK 98. E n p t and the Gaza Strip. will iftiset tonight at 7:30 in .Odd $48.88. No down , installations, utcratidn V of< and WILL CARE TOR children, 1^-4 (n .refrigerator. Good conditian. Rea­ eire to hrthe fourth piicRtoef of thii tefifii anirwork it i f y p t , which requested the As- security.” > FitsgeraldrSample Advertising ' bUliog. 40 itour. wcek^ M.on.-Fri., ray Home While mother wqrke. MI. sonable. 1 «. 8-6661.. ■______^ Ml 3.1101 NEW YORK 88, N. Y. - N 'Ye The reeolutlra would have the Agency, as a 'rtce preaident. Fellows Hall: with' the newly In* ^11 Gos Profi|s For The Bfnefit Bunthly. AO work work. ML 8-8888 or no Sat., one Sun; In fhl». Ofee week You'U, be deUgbted with 'Um Mow. available—the colorful 1B8T aembty mratlng, did not join in >4640. ■pohsorahip-of the resolution, which Assembly n o t ^ ‘‘with' .regret and He was a graduate ef Dartmouth stalled officers 'in chaige for tho racaUon after 8 months. Air-con- THREE PINE four-drawer chests, Manckeoter. TFHto Box W, e/o Manetiettor'llenili. \ latest'eRlUwi ot ow}'pBttBn^^tm^ MgadleweMt Album dontalning dot- first time. Noble Grand Clarence 0 f Morch Of Dimes AULlfD log. Elliott Huse; two aons lind a Rster. m

1 * • A; ^ \:

■•• - i - . • ' i ■-■ V■i^^

'A •, '. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 19871 PACE EIGHTEEN ^anrbpBt^r Sunning at!’ The midweek servloo benight at an unrsasonahlSLiipMd and failed About Town 8 o'clock at the Citadel will be Jury Rejects to keep, a proper lipiikmit ’ conducted by 'retired Sergeaht The defense Said that Handler FEATURED AT CiA Pack. No. «2, of Wappirt*:, Major David Addy and Mrs. Adiiy. crashed into Jfie rear of the CUiylet will hold a food aala Saturday at It will take Ike form o f a pra.vM' > Handler Suit car which alreday was through the j Jackaon's Wayalda Maidcet, Oak­ and praise .faervire, and the public intersection when- the crash oc-i is 'Mi’dled. , 1 curredy- , , | land Rd.. Wapping. Parenta and A Hartford County Common DORSEY FURNITURE TIjib verdict was accepted and; friend! of the Cuba are aaked to' Pleas jury rejected a 3.1,000 law hrinr their donation! to the etore. The January meeting of the Con­ ‘red recorded by Judge Vine R. ! 71 EAST CENTER ST.—TEL. MI 9- 7576 at 8 a.m. Saturday. necticut Valley Section of the ^ suit brought by Morton Hsndler, trmelee. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 American Chemical Society will'be' 22, of 39__Gerar^St., .Tuesday, held at the Aahmere Inn. Windsor | The January meeting of the Paat Locks,'tomorrow night at 6:30. Dr.' after deliberating only four min­ Chief! Club of Memorial Temple. utes. . ^ P ^ i a n Siatera, will be omitted. lanTence E. Nielsen, senior acien-1 tiat, plastics division. Monsanto' The suit was brought Mgainst Peraunal Notices FREE CHECK-UP The club will meet Ba usual in Chemical Co., will present an titua-. 'Anthony Bayles. 33, of 90 Wood- ON YOUR February. trsted lecture "Exploring the Taku., bridge St., by Handler who claimed, Glacier in Alaska." . . j he wait Injured May 29, 1953. when In Memoriam Pembroke and tVheaton College his motor scooter and Bayles' car- Alumnae Cluba of the Greater In sad and iovina ni«mory of .our HOOVER CLEANER Hartford area are planning a Members of St. Margaret's Olr-1 collided at Oak and Spruce Sts. d^ar piBtPr Xatalip Rpcrio, who paan^fl rle. No. 280, Daughters of Isa­ Handler claimed Bayles was away January 37. 1M4. by apecially trained Hoover representative. Bring youra Joint Winter dance at the Hartford . negligent because, among other Golf Club. Jan. 26 from 9 p.m. to bella, and their families have been I>j*ar .SlBlpr, you ar# not forfotl*^; - ig or phone us and we will pick it up. 1 a.m. Earl Mltchell'a orcheatra invited by the Manchester R e-; things he weht through a stop sign. Thnuaii on Aarih you aro no mnro. treat Leagae to participate in! The defense countered that Hand­ .Still In mam orv you aro with un, ' will provide muair. Proceeda-wtll j ler himself was negligent because An you alwaya woro bofort. TRADE YOUR OLD CLEANER IN- be uaed for the acholarahlp fund! the Holy Hour Sunday at 8 p m. he was operating the scooter at of both clubs. in St. Bridget's Church, when the bistulsrd Photo Siatera, brother, nloic^a and nephewa. gi'sst speaker will he the Rev. Horace B. 1.4>amed John B.FalkowsId •on Shea Auxiliary. VPW. accom­ Flavian Dougherty, of Holy Fam­ panied by Mrs. Laura -Ecabert. ily Retreat House. Pair Promoted at Hadiilton Mre. Muriel Audep and MV-a. Mary LeDuc, made the annual visitation Chapman Court, Order of Ams- for the auxiliary Tuesday night to rantli. will meet In the Masonic Reorganlxatlon of the purchas-• sity in^ England from 1926-28. He | the Newington Veterans. Hospital at— HamlUon i Joined 59' thaw and eat. . . . Also Cank their Cream Checae Cake 8 Or. Tin and their Pecan Butter Cof­ PINEHURST REGULAR Mrs. Hem «m ak«r's Hoi*'! S^ o D d DffpqrtmMt bos fisk to baht, belt, fee Cake. . . . I niuit admit HAMRURG^ lb. 39e Sliced and Halvra “ melt-ln-your-mouth'' is sn Native Fowl F o r u m In Heavy Syrup fry or broil. ■ • expression used quite loosely Farni Fresh ‘Lean Beef Patties Lb. 59< Dlie^ei Wf ^ ______j, with most food hucksters, • Itaq Staw.rt but frankly I never remem­ Fryers DE LUXE CHOICE GRADE bered being-able to awallow ,■ CHOPpEaj UPTON SOUPS any of' Sara Lee’s Coffee Chicken Lega SIRLOIN PATTIES 1m Hrpeieei ql Frozen Food Csilctt . . . It . . . well melt­ work yomeoB ed, before It got there. . . Chicken Breasts lb. 89c aod momf, loll»wte9 All butter Is what does It ! AqeeWwwMd ktsbi; Specials "VnaiirpnAAed "'.c And Farmhouse Pecan' Flavorr* Pies Are Also To judge Uie quality of woolen Campbell’s Cream of Shrimp or Buy. several , material. Uqueeze It In your hand. Oj'ster Stew ^ VarieMee To Have A Little Different Allred V^egal is yeri' Buy a whole or half leg It .hould feel .mooth, rubbery . On Hand. pROiid of (the quality of of lamb . serve with and eprlngy when you open your S^up 10 Oz. aS eSIC Pinehurst Tioipiemade brown gravy, Jb a k e'd hand. If If ha. n rough fMllng, Snow Crop the grade I* inferior. i Tn the same aisle with SAUSAGE MEAT made brown potatoes and Pict­ Peas and ^ ■ . * ♦ for 31 e Frosted foods, just opposite from fresh pork and pure sweet peas. 4 or 5 chops Carrots 16 Oz. A For 3 9 c 2 for 3 U from our tasty Pictsweet spices th is. week only cut from your lamb leg, To keap the ongmoT color of Froaen Peas, you' will And 55 c ;ib. if you ask. your paatel rottotu, pet .pra. Snow Crop exceptionally d-e-I-i-clous pored packapea of tiul* in tha Grapefruit - ^ Raggedy Ann.' Elberta home afuidea ■ of your cotlona. Then ■tyle Peaches in cans. . . . sicken you Pernio Starch each luiire 6 Oz.' A For 2 9 c Save 4c this week- on either rireaa. Hilute Permo Starch', ae~ size can Sliced or halves ; . . cordlup to direction*, wifk prop. 303 cans 29c and the large arly tlmted warm water, thereby B.iiy 48 tea bag. 2’i cana only 45c. '. .Better POTATOES r.eatorinp parmeht'* oripiunt at regular price— for 35e buy a half dozen . . . and if' rotor with the *ame proea** that get 16 more for 1^1 you. are looking for some­ At Pinehurst you will find a potato foi' every tasta raatoraa ita /frm-. new finiah. thing different you will find 6 4 i . . i « > 3 for 35e right nearby or u.ie _. . * * * 2 for 29e Cinnamon. Pears To serve pixaa'pie, use clean Spiced Crabapple Idaho Bakers in 4, 6 and 10 lbs, cello sacks . , , every.’ Utchan shears to cut it into seg. '6 0 c F^permint Pears . « one selected for quality. menu and you won't tear tha Fruits and Vegetables Spk^ Pears or Maiqp Russets in 5 lb. bags at 39c bag malted cheese tqpping. Peachaa Maine Jlegulir Potatoes in lO’s at 48C ♦ e * YELLOW GLOIE TURNIPS • • • • t • 3 lbs. 19e To praveut acralchea and s p e e / A d opA&e./ SWEET POTATOES .. Marks OH upholafery taeka. place 2 lbs. m 3 Kinds of Squash this waak: adhaaiva tapa ocar f8e head of OKIOINAL. JtOQERS lUTTERNUT SQUASH .. . lb. 9e CKsck this brie* . . . Buttarnut, Acorn.and Summer Squash your hammer, before, naibnp. 8ILVEFIPLATE • Wrttf |Mr eeai, tad aS. MelHTOSH APPLES ...... 3 lbs. 39e ■ a * * !r*«, Ike ktek tf e va co rn er* this quality frMice-Aawrtece Met an! TEMPLE ORANGES, Loroe Size . dec. 79e To prevent a drawtr from be­ SERVING \ aM««HS II GRAPEFRUIT ...... nNEHURST Wonderful; Golden Calif;- Carrots and plcnt}- if the ing pulled out of a cabinet «r with your )• Ta: lecaar Sal. !. 0. Sae 4 fer SSc finest Cal^. Iceberg. 1 bewde table, fasten one end of INITIAL > 4> A. mi. Vanwe I*, g. Y. Florigolii Indian River Seedleea. - STATE BUHER a strong cord to the back of tha SETo^ ’ l , HEfIC / • taadhrMa.leiiNtlale.MiS-, drawer, the other' end to the 'A - , - - * '' w euiw s aeea M ^ Great large-juic>'Indian River Oranges, - back of a cabinet itw eSEEN STAMPS WITH CASH SAUSi Lb. 7 5 c : m 4| os* MmI hem 1%'' leivtli . i * * ■ * e ' . Reg. Slaen JUICY, PINK,.SKCLBS ' ' To maka deeoratiKa vaaea for V I ^ Q P e O L D hoapftal hhutdna, uaa odda and 2 CANS andaJbf wall paper to cover mitk The Ma r I a r iiie GI^P^FRLKir 4>o, 39c emrtana and ma .them for voessi A M A l t l C A N .* k-f- \v : ■ A ..G . A M Ik^ioua, McIntosh and. Baldwin Appleff from .J*ero‘ SPAGHETTI CORNEif MAIN qj^ OAK STMm TS '