Heiny to Receive Doctorate Degree
CRl ,TIE RION .._o_r_M_e_s,_,_, _....... ___ .fflL....-~---~-- - _..;__,/_c_o_LL_f~Gf VOL XXXIII GRAND JUNCTION, COLO., JUNE 6, 1956 No. 23 So1phomore~s to Attend Commencenr1ent Exercies Friday· Morning at 10:30 Anna C. Petteys, Brush, Colo., Mac Kendrick, AA; · Lula Y. fylc Sanford, Dip; Barbara Schwaba will deliver the keynote address new, AS; Kal C .. M1.ckelsen, AS; to approximately 105 graduating uer, AA; Walter B. Schwietert, sophomores of Mesa College at, Wiliam -D .. Miller, AA; Marilyn AS; Bernard Shaw, AA; Frank L '. Commencement excercises in the G. Mistler, AA; Jess David Mit Shea, AS; Leon G. Shell AS· colleg,e auditorium, June 8. Ex chell, AS; Thomas Morrish AA Vaughn D. Shell, AS; Pauline A: ercises are scheduled to get un Ralph Moyer, AA; Donaid D~ derway at 10:30 Frid,ay morning Shiolas, AA; · Patricia M. Smith, in the Mesa College orchestra, Mundell, AA; Willis N eisus, AS; Dip; Harold E. Smith~ Dip; John under direction of Harry Hammer Delores Neilsen, AA; S. J. orcon A. Sullivan, AS; Faith L. Sundal playing the Processional, "Aida n~r, AS; Lola J. Orton, AC; Tra AS; Ross L. Talbott, AS; ,J:>hi1i~ ,,, by ,Verdi. , vis L. Park, AC; Leo A. Patricks, D. Tesitor, AS; Robert L. Towers, Mrs. Petteys, who is co-pub AS; Donald K Pauly, AA; Tedra "Made it!" Books fly as graduating sophomore Roger Carson lisher with her husband of the I Payne, AA; Gordon C. Place, Dip; Dalton D. Walters, AS; leaps from the main entrance of the Alma Mater, diploma (or Sterling , Journal Advocate, re AS; Rol;>ert Price, AA; Eva B.
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