t|V " '> ' "-^',3' ;,h V-*'’ i.r ’ ^r. •:' • * V' / % l .vt-- V ■ V WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1«, 1W7 / ' ) p a g e t w e k t y ^ u i .4.*y )' iHanr^Btfr lEWnittg Ji^roUt rnmmfmmmmmm, , si'iiiiii , '| j , Average Daily Net Pj'ess Run For Uie M'eek Baded ,Thf..Weather' - 1^. Leonard F. Mencser, direc­ Garden'/Restaurant, 2,849; Tha. January 12, 19*7 ren eeat e f D. B. WMtlMr Beifiy p ' tor of the Bureau of Dental H y­ Elks Card Event Rebats,'2,811; Staul's Paint, 2,804; About Town ^giene, gave a talk on Fluoridation ScKack-Kotsch Wedding S M ^ No. 4, 2 763; Hilinskl’s OoBtinued celd toalgllt,.oeeellkw- Suiloco, 2,734; Fogarty Bros., 2,732; FEATURED AT at the Lincoln FTA meeting Mon­ Has New Leader 12,389 al Hght *B«w likbn tnalght i>r early i' S w tlo n o f olMcora will be held day evening. He quoted statistics Quish Funeral Home, 2,638. ^ Friday. Low 0 t<r It). ligh t ‘ at the meeting of the French Club showing a 65 per cent deducUpn The 4XXXX teao> took over the' Member of the Audit ending, somewhat, milder Friday.' 'Of Mencheeter Fridey night at 8 in tooth decay in areas where it lead from The Manchester Herald DORSEY FURNITURE Bureau ef Olmilatloa nigh la 20s. -■ i; ' 'i f A o’clock In Tinker Hall. Following is used. Following his talk, the last night after the 18th aitting - f Washington PTA Mancheiter-^A (Aty o/ f'iUago Charm the xneetlng. whist will be played unit voted unanimously for fluori­ the Elka Setback Tov.mariient at 71 EAST CENTER ST.—TEL. MI 3-7576 a id refreshments serred. dation Of the town’s water supply. the Elks Home. ■ ' ' * ,,- Tours Museum OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 Grade 4 pupils won the attendance Team poipv totals and. their VOL. LXXVI. NO. 91 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1957 ((Taaalfled AdvertlMng ea Page 1C) PRICE FIV^.^BNTS f The ladles Aid Society of the banner with the largest number of standings Include: .Smanuel Lutheran Church will parents present. I j/The Washington PTA held its ■ 7 ^ .................... ' '.;fi The 4XXXX, 8,(M9: Manchester monthly meetiiw in the cafeteria o f' meet tomorrow aftefnoon at 2 E ven in g Herald, 3,048: .The CHECK-UP o'clock at the church. This is the the Waddell School laat evening. i FREE All YW CA activities scheduled Heights. 3,015; . Diamond Jim's, President Howard Chace met with' meeting postponed from last to be held at the Community Y 3,015; Joe's Barber Shop, 3,001; ON YOUR week. WM the executive, committee at 7:30. A have been canceled until Friday yichl's R A T V , 2,983; 4 Deuces, short business mfeeting at 8 o'clock | morning because of lack of heat In 2,947; Elkc. No. 1893, 2.938; Oliva's followed. ■ I Twins, a son ,arti a oaughter. the building. The YW C A office Eisso, g,936; Anderson’s Painters, were bom at thi St. Francis Hos­ Mrs. John Reedy conducted the HOOVER CLEANER will blso be closed. 2,934; Man..‘-ester Trust, 2,917; pital on 3 * ^ 14 to Mr. and Mrs. members on a tour of the Luts by specially trained Hoover representative. Bring yoars alls Anti- Patten's B tllder’s, 2,903. ert .Wrote, 24 Saulters Rd. Museum. A number of new objects in or phone us and we will pick it up. Members of the Girl Scout Petersen's Milkmen, 2,803; V4D. junior camp committee will meet have been acquired and added to 2,892; Woody's Wonders. 2,89l; the Colonial and Indian exhibits. ,.-x3 e^_ge e J. Dormer, son of Ur. and tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock TRADE YOUR OLD CLEANER IN "Mrs. John M. Dormer. 758 Porter Capitol Elquipment, 2,885; Walnut Alter the tour, Mrs. John Ross at the Girl Scout office, 983 Main Clippers, 2,869; State Shoe .Repair, and her refreshment committee St., was chosen recently n "Bache­ St. They are remgjned to bring lor of Rensselaer," an honor, be- 2,857; Leone's TriWklng, 2.851; served cake and coffee. box lunches. atowed upon sophomores at Rens- I aelaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, The banquet In honor of Cliff ■ y . Y „ in recognl'i;onj)f outstand­ ing athletic performance during Herring being held tonight by the. Manchester Custodians Club of the their freshman year. He is in the metallurgical engineering depart­ Board of Education at the Italian American Club has been postponed H a le 's ment. and is a moicber of Alpha until further notice because of thC Chi Rho fraternity. snowstorm. E’robe Told Save Party diet S.C. FuMell S. Allen. BIG VALUES IN FIN€ The Syrlan-Lebanese American t ACRIC FESTIVAL IB, son W'Mrs. Lionel Beaulieu, 31 Women’s (31ub of Hartford will Overland S t> W en tly participated Hoods Steal San Francisco. Jan. 17 f/Pi — meet Jan. 24 at the Avery Me­ with the 11th Akborne DivUlon in The San Francisco Westher Bu­ And Nation, morial, , Hartford. Dr, and Mrs. Hundreds of yards of fine fabrics from well known mills at tiOW, reau has atopped quoting odda in •W ar Hawk," a field training ex­ YARDAGE! LOW pricesJ A wonderful opportunity to purchase beautiful fab­ Douglas Rugh will give a talk on Its foree-asts. ercise in Gerjtany. A. gunner in rics for dresses, skirts* aprons, draperies, spreads, kitchen printSi the Middle East. ' ' Union Dues “ It .was understood by most Battery C of, the division's 88'h cafe curtains, etc. Field ArUllery BatUlion, w en • V people but misinterpreted by . The Rev. C. Henry Anderson of others, weatherman R. Corday tered the Army in Jani.ki, ■ ■■ Wsshington, Jan. 17 (rf*)— and arrived overseas last March. Emanuel Luthman Church an- I The Se.iate investigations Counts said yeaterday. Washington. Jan. 17 - cancellatirn of the Bible FINE QUALITY SPRING and SUMMER The bureau recently had start­ Harold E. Stasaen today might at the church, and subcommittee, in a row with Mrs. Sherry'Jochimsen. general I SM ART ed quoting so-many-chances-out branded “frauduiert” a tele­ chairman of t h e Housewives' S t G. Albert Pearson lias a balky witness and his law-j of-10 odda on the possibility of Bowling Leagues, reporu that all called 6K^ the rehearsals of both I PRINTED yer, heard charges today of rain during the day. gram over his nanjis urging league activities have been post­ choirs toni COTTONS To avoid anv confiiaion with the Republican National com^ “ hoodlum” influence and the ganihling, the bureau now will poned for the remainder of the I “ stealing” of funds in New mittee to keep the partv and w e ^ because of trouble In the The Connecticlit^Assoclation of AND SOLID COLORS aimpl.v report for example. "30 Local Public Welfata^^dmlnistra- York City labor unions. per cent chance of rain," Counts countr.v “safe" from Vice heating system at the Y. The re­ COTTONS Pre.sident Nixon and Sen: spective chairmen, Mrs. Mary tors wHll meet tomorrow at-12:30 • T h e name of Jolm iJohnny Dio) said. WUlhide and Mrs. Eloise Janicke p.m. at the Oakdale 'Titv^n in Dioguardia. a gangster indicted i William F. Knowland. (Monday). Helen McComb‘ (Tues­ Wallingford. Speaker is JosepltM. in connection with the acid blind­ I Tho telegram' was a brief sen- Loughlin, commissioner of fina: day), and Mrs. Celeste Sheldon You'll want to buy more than one ing of la'oor columnist Victor Rie- j sation in maneuvering over the (Thursday) are requested to call for the State of Connecticut. ' I • Colorful kitchen prints and sel, popi>ed up quickly in the pub­ China Upholds . approaching election of a new Re- Mrs. Jochlmsen tonight at her dress length of these beautiful ' cafe curtain prints. lic hearing. I publiimn national chairman to home on 41 Jarvis Rd. Eleanor Duse Lodge,' Daughters qualit.v cottons. Wrangling ataited shortly after ; succeed Leonard Hall who has re- ' of Italy, has canceled its meeting Ktlwin BuBkrr Photo. I • Gold tone prints. Robert F. Kennedy, aubcommittee Soviet Acts in signed effective Feb. 1 . ' Boatswain’s Mate-Alan J. Rice, schedui^ for tonight on account X MRS. RONALD OSCAR SCHACK • Beautiful crease resistant, pre­ Ak-o>o-thah! Ah-o-o-d-ah! counsel, was called as a witness Rep. B. Carroll Reece of Ten­ of the storm. It will be held Jan. 23. to trace the history of AFL-CIO eon of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Rice shrunk finest quality prjnts. I • Crease resistant no-iron prints. Jambe, a five-year-old orang-utan, is having more fun than a nessee. a committee member and Teamsters Union I.SK’al ‘JS4, Ken- 76 Russell St., recently completed with matching headpiece. Her old junglefui o£ monkeyw a-s he rides a coin-operated mechanicsit Hungary Strife • onetime national chairman. toW Because o f the weather, the Miss Irene Ann 'l^msch, daugh­ I nedy said he agreed with Cliair- ]i-eporters he had received the lele- the military police course at the fashioned bouquc.t was formed of • Preshrunk, crease re.sistant I • Fine quality solid color cottons elephant sit the Jungleland, sii -animal compound at Thousand meeting on job descriptions for ter of Mr. anti Mrs. George Roth. Yard. man McClellan iD-Ark.l tliat the 'gram from Stamford, Conn., Army's European Intelligence, tea roses. finest plain broadcloth. Yard , and broadcloth.
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