'11clair Comment ,On Local Sealfishery VAUXHALL PRESENTS S2095 THE DAILY N'EWS CHOPIN anllable d I ' Nova Motors Ltd. Vol. 64. No~ 6.5 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1957 (Price 5 cents) Charles Hutton &Sons ammarskjold Confers With Nasser Withdraw From scribes Sealing Negev Desert By WILTON WYNN 'Dangerou_s' CAIRO (AP> - U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold is taking the line that Israel will OTTAWA (CP) - Fisheries Minister Sinclair, have to withdraw from a little triangle in the = 9rcp!,ic description Thursday of Labrador Negev Desert to establish legal right to send ships sealing operatjons, expressed more through the Suez Canal. for the seal hunters than for their This was reported by informed diplomats as Hammarskjold met Egyptian President Nasser Michael Starr, PC • Ontario, asked him in Thursday to explore Middle East issues. They in· "'mnnc whether the ar.nualspring seal hunt elude such varied problems as the Gaza Strip, rried aut humanely. Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba that have become Mr. Sinclair said that if the question referred 1 snarled in the same ball of •wine. hunters, sealing was "the most dangerous THE ANNUAL 1\lEETING of the fro\'inclal Girl Guide Association of ~cwfoundland wa." h&1d at Geor,.;e Stree'. Because one topic almost always leads to disasrceable work done by any fishermen l:niled Church Uclure Hall on Wednesday e1•ening. The picture shows, left to right:--Miss Edith Alderrlice. 1 the others they began th~:ir talks at Nasser's bonor:1r~· member who conducted the election of officers: Lad~· Walsh. representing Lad~· Outerbridge. Honorar\' . ' Canada". President; Mrs. Eric Cook, Provincial Commissioner: Miss Edith Manuel. Honorary Treasurer, giving her rc- ·house Without an agenda. The hunters lived in small, crowded boats. port of the ~·ear's work, and Mrs. Kevin McGrath, Honorary Secretary.-maUy News Photo). Before they met, Hammarskrold talked With ~tn end ~unters often were lost on the ice. Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi for E · ~ np,.,. ~mr nrru:.• 1 -- B d E::"hfth ·' :. lhr :~dult ftn .. seal hunting ls really necessary, ermu a three hours. ~ buil ._1 .• , ;!h ri!l·~s and: and whether the rate of kill h so,------­ ~lt\SY SESSIONS ~--· - __ .. __ _ 1 U"<' C'r J ., ,. >;:'!('<\ inst~ntJ 1• 1 high that seals may be in dan~r 1 In between he held session< wit!1 lies fully comply with their 194~ t;-; "rx ·• . "" thr back of I of becoming as rare Bs buffaloes. L d . ~!aj.-Gen. E. L. M.. Burns: UN I armistice agree~ent. a state of . ! :•w "d• 1lt, were ~lr. Sinclair sald It Is a com- ea ers Emergenev Force Commander· war no longer w1ll ex1st. -~ ,.,.1\>i'd "bu.t that, mercia! operation which has been Dr. Ralph. Bunch·~. UN undersec: ·!IAN ISRAELI SHIPS 1 Discuss Common Problems hunlm~ opera- carried on for at least 300 years. retary; Lt .• Gen. Raymond A.J Egypt_ has indicated she inten_ds i It yielded leather, seal ol\, baby By LLOYD McDONALD I Gua Strip, tbe Gulf of Aqaba and • the extent that Cyprus must be: White House press secretary, and Wheeler, in charge of the UN.~ conhn\.le to keep Israeli shiP· I, .• ,_•, .• ,; whether the I Continued on page 18) · Canadla~ Preu Staff Writer 1 the Sue~ Canal." - retained as a key Western defence , P-eter Hope, London ~reign office ' clearance operations in the Suez Ping out of her ~errltorlal waters TUCKERS TOWN, BermuRa NO DETAILS GIVEN base in the Mlddie East. 1spokesman. [Canal, and other aide~. oeca~se she consrders ~erseU still (CP)-Brltish and American lead· Spoksmen for tlle British And Thursday's meeting oPened wit.."\ i . 1 The connettion bt!tw-een the lit- tee_hmcally_ at war wrth Israel ers met Thursday around the con· American sides refused to g0 into formal statements by both leaders 1 The atmosphere was nollccably I tlc trian~le in the Negev, the so- 1Th1s position could ap]lly to tlle ferencc table not to talk about details of the talks. touching on world problems in a bt!tter when scp- called El Auja demi:itarized zone, Gulf of Aqaba as well as the York Court I th_a~ Wedn-::~day 1 spUt mllk Jn the past but to decide It was .understood, howCYell,-,tlllt _genera 1 way, Eisenhower ex- ~rate Bnhsh and Amerlc:o bnef· · and lsrael's rights in the Suez canal. 1 how to face common problems In Macmillan. fee~ the quesllon r:rf pressed mutua~ confidence and un- mgs .wcr_e held, Both Hagel\, anrt 1 Can:~!· i, hi~ Illy important to tQ.e I Th"- F.! Auja znnr, a •li"er ·of the future, Egypt's lntoentlons is paramount. dfntanding wrfh Macmman ud Hope•sa1d the:-;,had reBche~. _m 11 - legal . mindo~d Hammarskjold, tlie &:-se_rt 19 m1les ,lon~_ on_ the ~order Prime Minister Mcmillan and He has been wondering how use said that solldanty and !nendsh1p tual agreement that tho:! bllcfmgs, 1nformanls sa1d. betiiCcn Egypt s Sma1 Pcmmul1 1 President Eioonhower, with their o! the Sue~ Canal u a blackmail bt!tll'~en the two great powers would be held_ Jointly in \he fu!urc; 1 He l1as come here, it has' been and the Is\aeli Negev, is an ex­ hi Miles of & foreign 1ecretarles and advisers, instrument by President Nasser must be the solid co'e any al- Anglo-Amcncan _rllffcr,cn~cs onr: reported, 1rith the hope of getting· ample of ~!.ld~le East _controversy. held the first fOrmal session CYf t_he I can be prevented and how the Hance of the fr~e world. the role of the ?n1ted Nallons II' as . both >ides. kJ aban_don their as- The arm1sll~~ p~ondcd that it Big Two Bermuda conference w1th Wcst~rn alliance should deal with JOINT BRIEFINGS ! reported to haH ht!en h1gh m th~ 5crtcd bclh~-:crcnt r1~hts. He has sho11ld be dem1htam~d bcc•use of the Middle East u the flnl maJor the situation should Russia back The British leader's statement· ~!1ddie East d1scussions. )!acm1l-: taken the position that if both par- Continued nn page 181 Contempt- topic of discussion. Nasser even more strongly, wa~ in the same vein and the' lan was under_st~o~ ~ ~e takmg a . -- - The talks covered, a spokesman Eisenhower Is expected to ask spirit of agreement was reflected I less than ophmlsllc, \'lCW of the i • I said, "the several urgent and im- In turn the details of British In- In the friendly relations between world body's. effeehveness Willie o· '''' Cl'1 -Slate At-1 second .Supreme Court order had Five le n .-. l.o11J, J. Le!Kowitl ·been obtained, permanently bar­ mediate question~ which eltist in tentlons as to Cypru~. Americans the British and American press I feeling that .E1senh_ower i. PJltln~ -.. ,. · '·1 hr:,•1rrs did not rlng Stahl, now in Rio d! Janeiro, the Middle East-in particular \he are in agr~ment vdth Britain to briefing officers-James Hagerty, too much faith m rt. :-., .. , ., a• ordered by a Brazil, from furtiler dealings ln '~ S.;.:11r r·llurt t.J an· securities in New York State. · ' ·_, ~r"•rclln~ R Cana: The attorney.general slated that · .c-·, .. ,l!c;rdly cost Jn· Stahl was Involved in an interna. Continues I Highway Mishap ~ ., .. '"1 tiona! fraud tllat "appears to have Doctor Adams' Trial :• · ·'.·:icc· Henry Clay caused investor~ th:! los3 of as had at'Cused Dr. Aams Df drug I Adams had prescribed lor the d). Minn. (AP.>-- . ear passing by the scene . - ··ct an order can. much as $6,800,000." By EDDY GILMORE ging to cleabh Mr., Edith Allee MAHNO~!EN, glng Mrs. Morrell with heroin- II ing woman. Fil'e youngd per_sons were khiJI.cd Chlark Hoibdah_l, 2t, Win~d.r, ·~!innd. '::.hl. :'\ew York. OHiclals saki today that Miles LONDON (AP)- Dr. John Bod- Morrell. did an about . face and testified She said paraldehyde ·:as dan- early Thurs ay m a strange c am w o came y m a secon car an I· '!i:r;, Edmon- and Stahl now are liable ({) can- kin Adama left hia murder trial There was a jaunty air about 1 there was justification for her gerous if giYen in large noses. 1 of traged1os touched off_ when . a, made another futile rescue at- on Ihis dat~ for tempt of court proeeedlng by the with a broad yaWll and. a big the fat doctor as he left London's 110 1 5 I earlier &tatement, ''\\'hat's a large dnsc?" he de-: car sheared a pale carrymg a 33,- tempt. cc,r: of an inl'sti- ittorncy-general. &mile Thunday night. Old Bailey criminal court for his ~d I 000 - 1olt electric power lill<'. · rnonlon bokerage LefKowitz claimed that through The 58-year-old• physiclan had cell In gloomy Brixton Prison. STAR WITNESS man . · 1. f th " d d . tl A puwcr plant operator at Mah- Lawrcnce hart been grilling her •·r·mlr or fire cc'' (c·ubic crnti- 110 0 'r uC<I roc on le car , ·d th h."h r · ot · , .,..,ra\1. manipulative practice~ the price just wltnes1ed another triumphant And, ther.e wu good reason for wh1ch left a h1ghwav and struck nomen .. a1 e 1e me lias n Df four hours when he &uddenly melres), !he answered. · th. · broken, but sagged near the car . , .. ,,"r~ ~l•o placed Green BRy llllnlng and Explor- courtroom performance by Gof. the physician to )'awn and flash 1 1 1 . .,_,1nrunn on lh~ atlon Ltd. stock, Jn a short period, trey Lawrence, who is def~nding a smile.
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