00100, Nairobi, Kenya Phone 0722980511/0733515310 Email Address: Muiya.Bernard@Ku.Ac.Ke Bmuiya@Hotmail.Com
Lecturer-Department of Sociology Kenyatta University P.O. Box 43844- 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Phone 0722980511/0733515310 Email address: muiya.bernard@ku.ac.ke bmuiya@hotmail.com Qualifications PhD, Sociology, Kenyatta University, Kenya MA, Sociology, University of Nairobi Postgraduate Diploma in Education, University of Nairobi BA, Kenyatta University, Kenya Fellowship Fellow of the African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (ADDRF) PUBLICATIONS Muiya, B. M. (2010). The effects of cost-sharing on healthcare services provision in Kenya: Utilization, Management and Access. Lambard Educational Publishers. Muiya, B. M. (2014 –awaiting publication). Equity in healthcare provision: ensuring social protection in health through health insurance in Kenya. The Politics of Social Protection in Kenya Fifty Years after Political Independence. Nairobi: French Institute for Research in Africa (IFRA- Nairobi). Muiya, B. M. (2014, June). The nature, challenges and consequences of urban youth unemployment: A case of Nairobi City, Kenya. Horizon Research Publishing. Muiya, B. M., & Kamau, A. (2013, November). Universal health care in Kenya: Opportunities and challenges for the informal sector workers. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(11). 2 1 UNIVERSITY LEVEL TEACHING MATERIAL Maina, L. & Muiya, B. M. (2015) Crime Analysis & Prevention. Online Learning Material for the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University Muiya, B. M. (2015) Introduction to Criminology. Online Learning Material for the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University Muiya, B. M. (2015) Fundamentals of sociology. Online Learning Material for the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University Muiya, B. M. (ed) (2015) Research methods & statistics. Online Learning Material for the Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning, Kenyatta University Muiya, B.
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