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Moeseneder CH Et Al C ONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 2 Martin Baehr Eric G. Matthews Zoologische Staatssammlung South Australian Museum Münchhausenstraße 21 North Terrace 81247 München, Germany Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Australia Alberto Ballerio Viale Venezia 45 Sławomir Mazur I-25123 Brescia, Italy Department of Forest Protection and Ecology Warsaw University of Life Sciences Hermes E. Escalona Nowoursynowska 159 Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig 02–776 Warszawa, Poland Centre for Molecular Biodiversity Research Adenauerallee 160, Chris H. Moeseneder 53113 Bonn, Germany Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, CSIRO Queensland Biosciences Precinct, Martin Fikáček 306 Carmody Road, Department of Entomology St. Lucia, Queensland 4067 National Museum Natural History Australia Cirkusová 1740 CZ-193 00 Praha 9 - Horní Počernice Chris A.M. Reid Czech Republic Australian Museum 6 College Street Nicole L. Gunter Sydney, New South Wales 2010 Department of Invertebrate Zoology Australia Cleveland Museum of Natural History Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA Owen D. Seeman Queensland Museum, W. Eugene Hall PO Box 3300, University of Arizona Insect Collection South Brisbane, Queensland 4101 Department of Entomology Australia 1140 E. South Campus Dr Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA Chris Watts South Australian Museum Lars Hendrich North Terrace Zoologische Staatssammlung Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Münchhausenstraße 21 Australia 81247 München, Germany Tom A. Weir Paul M. Hutchinson Australian National Insect Collection Quarantine WA, CSIRO Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, GPO Box 1700 Level 1, 24 Fricker Road, Canberra, ACT 2601 Perth Airport WA 6105, Australia Australia Mengjie Jin Kipling W. Will School of Life Sciences Essig Museum of Entomology Sun Yat-Sen University University of California, Berkeley Guangzhou 510275, China Berkeley, California 94720, USA Tomáš Lackner Yu-Lingzi Zhou Zoologische Staatssammlung Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution Münchhausenstraße 21 Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 81247 München, Germany 1 Beichen West Road, Cate Lemann Beijing 100101, China CSIRO Peter Zwick Australian National Insect Collection Schwarzer Stock 9 GPO Box 1700 D-36110 Schlitz, Germany Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia 00-Prelims.indd 5 13/12/18 2:54 PM 34. SCARABAEIDAE: CETONIINAE LEACH, 1815 Christian H. Moeseneder, Tom A. Weir, Cate Lemann and Paul M. Hutchinson while the Schizorrhinini (111 species) evolved in situ and dispersed from there into the Oriental regions, where they are now highly speciose and occur as far as Sri Lanka. Some Australian cetoniines, namely Dilochrosis atripennis (Macleay) and Dilochrosis brownii (Kirby) have spread over a large part of the continent and are found along the East Coast but also in WA. From the arid centre of Australia few species are known (Moeseneder & Hutchinson 2016) but current collecting effort is yielding new species in such poorly collected regions. No cetoniine species are known to have been introduced by humans to Australia. Within the continent, however, Protaetia fusca (Herbst) and Glycyphana stolata (Fabricius) were unintentionally transported from their original eastern states range into WA where they have become established. As an attractive group, cetoniines have received much attention but also turmoil from the beginning of taxonomy. The placement and grouping of species within the Scarabaeoidea and the names of taxa were subject to many changes. Linneaus (1758) grouped the species which are now in the subfamily Cetoniinae with all other Scarabaeoidea in Scarabaeus. The subfamily was named by Fabricius (1775) who created Cetonia for all current Cetoniinae. Donovan (1805) described the first species in endemic genera. Leach (1815) placed his family Cetonida under Fig. 34.0. Bisallardiana philippei (Allard). tribe Scarabaeides. The genus Schizorhina which held most Common names. Flower beetles, flower chafers. subsequently described Australian cetoniines was described by Kirby (1825). W. S. Macleay (1838) created an elaborate system Introduction. In Australia the cosmopolitan subfamily with four levels under Cetonidae, which included, for example, Cetoniinae currently contains 141 species in 3 tribes and 37 Insulares, a taxon containing Madagascan and Australasian genera. 68% of genera and 90% of species are endemic to this species; Valgus Scriba within the genus Trichinus Kirby; and the continent. Worldwide there are 4273 described cetoniine species Australian cetoniine species with a pronotal lobe in Gymnetinus in 485 genera (Krajčík 2012). Macleay. Burmeister (1842) presented a key to the known species The Cetoniinae are a conspicuous group of insects and of Schizorrhinidae (it included species from Africa, Madagascar several species are known to the public in flight and as flower- and Australia) and Cetoniades genuini (all current Cetoniini). W. visitors in suburban backyards, for example the ‘Cowboy J. Macleay (1863), created subsection Lenosoma within Cetonia Beetle’ (Chondropyga dorsalis (Donovan)) and the ‘Fiddler F. for C. fulgens Macleay and other small species. Van de Poll Beetle’ (Eupoecila australasiae (Donovan)). Adult beetles (1886) recognised the consistency of male genitalia within range in size from less than 5 mm (Microvalgus Kraatz) to genera. Gemminger & von Harold (1869) listed all Australian 45 mm (Dilochrosis Thomson), but the majority are medium- species under genus Schizorhina Kirby. Thomson (1878, 1880) sized beetles. While a few species are well known and reared described genera in Schizorhina. Kraatz (1880) dealt largely for education and by hobbyists, little or nothing is understood with classification, often based on the writing of other authors of the biology of most Australian cetoniines. Some species are rather than his own inspection, and created more genera for the so rarely collected that only several specimens have ever been 40 diverse species remaining in genus Schizorhina Kirby [as found and the females of six species are unknown. In several Schizorrhina (sic)]; ten of these are still valid. Schoch’s important large genera, such as Microvalgus, few biological or ecological papers (Schoch 1894, 1895, 1896) presented keys to genera observations of Australian species have been published. and a catalogue of cetoniines based mainly on distribution and Cetoniines occur in all Australian states, with the tropical shape and extent of mesoventral process. In the Schizorrhinini north Queensland region especially rich in species and he separated those with a lancet-shaped process (Hemipharidae) Tasmania particularly poor and represented only by the and those without (Diaphonidae). In the Cetonini he created the genus Microvalgus. Krikken (1984) suggested the following subtribe Glycyphanidae which included Protaetia Burmeister biogeography for the Australian cetoniines: the Cetoniini and Glycyphana Burmeister. Lea (1914) inspected a large and Charitovalgus Kolbe (14 species) invaded from the amount of material, providing distribution information and in Oriental region, Microvalgus (16 species) represent an depth morphological work, often based on colour and unusual ancient Gondwanan element (with extant members in Africa) specimens, but he ignored male genital construction entirely. 34_Subfamily_Cetoniine.indd 1 13/12/18 3:46 pm 2 Australian Beetles This is the only work that dealt with Australian Microvalgus, compiled from Alderson (1976), Armstrong (1979), Bacchus naming 11 of the 17 species. Schenkling presented a catalogue (1974), Froggatt (1894, 1907, 1914), Golding (2009), (Schenkling 1921) based on Schoch’s divisions and listed Hasenpusch & Moeseneder (2010), Hawkeswood (1981, 1982, Valginae genera without tribes. Bacchus (1974) revised the 2002), Hawkeswood & Turner (2003, 2007), Hiller (1990), Australian Glycyphana. Krikken (1978) provided morphological Matthews (1984), Moeseneder et al. (2014), Moeseneder and diagnosis for the Valgini (as Valginae) and supported Arrow Cook (2014), Moeseneder & Hutchinson (2012), Moore (1987), (1910) in his division of the valgines into two groups. Early Reid & Bulbert (2002), Simpson (1990), Tepper (1887), Webb workers who described the most species (numbers of those still (1987), Williams & Adam (1998) and Zietek (2008). valid in parentheses) were: Lea (28), Janson (15), W. J. Macleay In some genera (Tapinoschema Thomson, most Chondropyga (15), Blackburn (6) and Thomson (6). Taxonomic work after Kraatz, Diaphonia Newman, Grandaustralis Hutchinson and Schenkling is discussed in the classification section. Moeseneder, Navigator Moeseneder & Hutchinson and some In recent times, Bacchus (1974) published a review of the Pseudoclithria van de Poll) adults are infrequently or never Australian species of Glycyphana. Since then several authors encountered on flowers. The males have enlarged antennal provided publications and online resources about the Australian clubs and are observed flying most likely in search of sedentary cetoniines, most of general nature, elaborately figured and females. The females of six species are not known (all are excluding Valgini: the Beetles of the World series by Rigout & known in the flower-visiting group). Sexual dimorphism is Allard (1997) and Allard (1995a, 1995b) on Schizorhinini with pronounced with females having heavier build and darker monographs on Lomaptera Gory and Percheron, Ischiopsopha coloration. Usually males are found more commonly. Gestro and Mycterophallus van de Poll, (the three books in this Most Australian cetoniines can be
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    COLEOPTERA II CÉTONIDES PAR -j* A. BOURGOIN (Moulignon, France) Distribué le 30 septembre 1933. Vol. IV, fasc. 9 (1). CÉTONIDES PAR f A. BOURGOIN (Moulignon, France) Qu'il me soit permis d'adresser ici mes remercîments à M. le Dr Yan Straelen pour la confiance qu'il m'a témoignée en me confiant l'étude des Cétonides recueillis par LL. AA. RR. le Prince Léopold et la Princesse A'strid de Belgique au cours de leur voyage aux Indes néerlandaises. J'ai énuméré les genres et les espèces dans l'ordre qui m'a semblé le plus logique, sans tenir compte des divisions en groupes et en tribus, car un même genre est souvent placé, selon les auteurs qui l'ont étudié, tantôt dans l'un, tantôt dans l'autre de ces groupes et tribus. Cette classification, basée parfois sur un caractère commun peu important, conduit à des groupements qui sont loin d'être naturels; un entomologue mettra les Clinteria parmi les Oxythyréides, un autre parmi les Gymnétides; tel auteur trouve que certains Elaphinis sont des Goliathides, un autre crée pour eux une section : les Elaphinides, dans laquelle il case les Trymodera et les Phonotaenia. On pourrait multiplier ces exemples qui prouvent que ces groupements n'ont qu'une importance très secondaire, mais peuvent induire en erreur en laissant supposer, entre certains genres, une affinité qui n'existe pas. J'ajoute à ce travail quelques remarques concernant des espèces affines, non récoltées par l'expédition belge. Seules celles rapportées par celle-ci sont numé¬ rotées. 4 f A. BOURGOIN. — CËTONIDES Gen.
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