1. PaDIL Species Factsheet

Scientific Name: fusca (Herbst, 1790) (Coleoptera: : Cetoniinae: )

Common Name Mango Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/maf-border/Pest/Main/140413

Image Library New Zealand Biosecurity Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/maf-border/

Partners for New Zealand Biosecurity image library

Landcare Research — Manaaki Whenua http://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/

MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries) http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/ 2. Species Information

2.1. Details Specimen Contact: MAF Plant Health & Environment Laboratory - [email protected] Author: MAF Plant Health & Environment Laboratory Citation: MAF Plant Health & Environment Laboratory (2011) Mango Flower Beetle()Updated on 4/17/2014 Available online: PaDIL - http://www.padil.gov.au Image Use: Free for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY- NC 4.0)

2.2. URL Live link: http://www.padil.gov.au/maf-border/Pest/Main/140413

2.3. Facets Groups: Commodity Overview: Horticulture Commodity Type: Citrus produce, Stored product, Mango Status: NZ - Exotic Pest Status: 0 Unknown Distribution: 0 Unknown Host Family: 0 Unknown

2.4. Other Names Cetoniafusca Herbst., 1790 Grubworm Scarab Beetle White Grub

2.5. Diagnostic Notes **Adult**

Length 14.9-16.4 mm, width 8.4-9.9 mm. Form slightly triangular, widest at humeral angle. Flattened dorsally, head barely visible from above. Colour coppery black; pronotum and elytra dull brownish green. Dorsally, patterns of scales variable; elytron surface matte and somewhat velvety. Head with elongate, coarse, setabearing punctures; setae flattened, scale-like; punctures separated by their diameter or less, not as dense on clypeus; anterior clypeal margin nearly truncate, very weakly emarginate medially; frons with a rounded, longitudinal carina medially. 10 antennomeres. Pronotum narrower than base of elytra, strongly narrowed anteriorly, anterior margin strongly convex, feebly emarginate, posterior margin emarginate in front of scutellum; scutellum visible. Each elytron terminates in a spine at the sutural apex. Mesosternum with intercoxal process large, anterior margin weakly rounded, emarginate medially on lateral margin. Abdomen with sterna 2-6 with irregular, transverse rows of c-shaped punctures bearing scale-like setae, each with a large tomentose patch on each side of middle. Anterior tibia tridentate. Middle and hind tibia with apex tridentate; 2 apical spurs present, slender, bluntly pointed, inner spur slighty longer than outer. Claws curved, simple, lacking teeth. Pygidium exposed.


- Cartwright, O.L. & Gordon, R. (1971). Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae. _Insects of Micronesia_, 17(4): 257-296.

- Woodruff, R.E. (2006). The Asian mango flower beetle, _Protaetia fusca_ (Herbst), and _Euphoria sepulcralis_ (Fabricius) in Florida and the West Indies (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). _Insecta Mundi_, 20: 227-231.

2.6. References - Cartwright, O.L. & Gordon, R. (1971). Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae. _Insects of Micronesia_, 17(4): 257-296. - Woodruff, R.E. (2006). The Asian mango flower beetle, _Protaetia fusca_ (Herbst), and _Euphoria sepulcralis_ (Fabricius) in Florida and the West Indies (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae). _Insecta Mundi_, 20: 227-231. 3. Diagnostic Images

COL220 COL220 Dorsal - Adult: Caroline Harding MAF Head Oblique - Adult: Caroline Harding MAF

COL220 COL220 Lateral - Adult: Caroline Harding MAF Posterior Oblique - Adult: Caroline Harding MAF

COL220 COL220 Pronotum - Adult: Caroline Harding MAF Ventral - Adult: Caroline Harding MAF

Results Generated: Saturday, September 25, 2021