Nanomanufacturing University of Michigan ME599-002 |Winter 2010 00: Introduc9on January 6, 2010 John Hart
[email protected] h?p:// ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 1 Today’s agenda § What is nanotechnology/nanomanufacturing and why is it important? § Some history § Course specificaons § Examples of nanomanufacturing research, applicaons, and emerging trends § IntroducPons § Advice for taking this course ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 2 Today’s readings (@ctools) § Feynman (1959), There’s plenty of room at the boom § Gimzewski (2008), Nanotechnology: the endgame of materialism § Foley and Hersam (2006), Assessing the need for nanotechnology educaon reform in the United States § ASTM (2006), Standard terminology relang to nanotechnology § AugusPne (2008), Scilence § Nature Nanotechnology (2009), The other nanotech + a few more.. ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 3 Definion Nanotechnology is the ability to understand, control, and manipulate maer at the level of individual atoms and molecules …in order to create materials, devices, and systems with fundamentally new properes and funcons because of their small structure. …employing the atomic and molecular interacons to develop efficient manufacturing methods. - Naonal Science Foundaon (NSF) - Naonal Nanotechnology IniPave (NNI) (M. Roco, Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, p. 3-2) ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 4 What fields does nanotechnology include? Porter and YouPe, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009. ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 5 Porter and YouPe, Nature Nanotechnology, 2009. ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 6 Length scales ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 7 Beneath 1 millimeter h?p:// ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 8 Lots of atoms! Roduner, Nanoscopic Materials. ©2010 | A.J. Hart | 9 Nano is not new… US Patent, 1889 Duomo di Milano ©2010 | A.J.