6 Cold beverages: Fresh Soya Bean, Juice, Cincau Juice, Calamansi Juice with Asam Boi, Katira Juice, Blackcurrant , Nescafe Ice, Lemonade

Hot beverages: Coffee and

Appetizer spread

6 Local salads: Pecal, Kerabu Taugeh, Buah, Bilis dan Tempe, Kerabu Kacang Botol, Kerabu jantung pisang, pegaga dan udang kering, Urap kacang panjang dan udang 5 types of Jeruk Buah-buah Keropok ikan, Keropok Udang, Kerupok Sayur, Kerupok Belinjau

6 types of crudités (-ulam): Jantung Pisang, kacang panjang, Kacang bendi, Tempe, Tomato, Petai, Timun, Kobis : Kicap, Sambal Jawa, Sambal Asam

1 type of serunding: Serunding Kelapa

Authentic Malaysian Masak Spread

Steamed White Rice Nasi Tomato Bubur Lambuk with Condiments Kawah Assam Pedas Sayur Lemak Lodeh with Home-made Sambal Ayam Masak Kurma Siput Sedut Chili Padi Ikan Patin


Counter Spread

1) station: Pilihan sup ayam, sup ekor, sup kambing dan sup perut 2) Roasted Whole Lamb: Special marinated lamb roasted to perfection with Chef Johari's Spiced Rice 3) & Otah-Otah: Otah-Otah, Satay Kambing dan Satay Ayam with condiments 4) stall: Freshly open durian 5) Yong Tau Fu Station: Assorted Mix Yong Tau Fu with Choice of Sauces 6) Ice Cream Station: Vanilla, Chocolate, Yam, Strawberry, Peppermint and Butterscott 7) Fruit stall: Watermelon, Honey dew, Papaya, Pineapple, Cempedak, Banana, Jack fruit 8) buah-buahan

Dessert spread

6 types of malay : Seri Muka, Kuih Lapis, Bingka Ubi, Bingka Keledek, Lepat Ubi, Lepat Pisang, Kuih Kasturi, Tepung Pelita, Kuih Bom, Kuih Kemboja, Tepung Talam, Talam Suji

4 types of malay traditional sweet delicacies: Kerepek Ubi, Kerepek Pisang, Tempeyek, Kurma

Puddings and Jellies: Mango pudding, Honey Dew pudding, Coconut pudding, Grape Jelly, Strawberry Jelly

2 types of sweet : Pengat durian, , Bubur pulut hitam, Bubur kacang, Pengat pisang



6 Cold beverages: Fresh Soya Bean, Bandung Juice, Cincau Juice, Calamansi Juice with Asam Boi, Katira Juice, Blackcurrant drink, Nescafe Ice, Lemonade

Hot beverages: Coffee and Teh Tarik

Appetizer spread

6 Local salads: Pecal, Kerabu Taugeh, Acar Buah, Bilis dan Tempe, Kerabu Kacang Botol, Kerabu jantung pisang, Urap pegaga dan udang kering, Urap kacang panjang dan udang 5 types of Jeruk Buah-buah Keropok ikan, Keropok Udang, Kerupok Sayur, Kerupok Belinjau

6 types of crudités (ulam-ulam): Jantung Pisang, kacang panjang, Kacang bendi, Tempe, Tomato, Petai, Timun, Kobis Condiments: Sambal Kicap, Sambal Jawa, Sambal Asam

1 type of serunding: Serunding Kelapa

Authentic Malaysian Masak Spread

Steamed White Rice Bubur Lambuk with Condiments Gulai Kawah Paru Sambal Stir-fry Mixed Vegetables Ikan Bakar with Home-made Sambal Mee Kari Udang Sambal Petai Ikan Keli Berlada


Counter Spread

1) Soup station: Pilihan sup ayam, sup ekor, sup kambing dan sup perut 2) Roasted Whole Lamb: Special marinated lamb roasted to perfection with Chef Johari's Spiced Rice 3) Satay & Otah-Otah: Otah-Otah, Satay Kambing dan Satay Ayam with condiments 4) Durian stall: Freshly open durian 5) Yong Tau Fu Station: Assorted Mix Yong Tau Fu with Choice of Sauces 6) Ice Cream Station: Vanilla, Chocolate, Yam, Strawberry, Peppermint and Butterscott 7) Fruit stall: Watermelon, Honey dew, Papaya, Pineapple, Cempedak, Banana, Jack fruit 8) Rojak buah-buahan

Dessert spread

6 types of malay kuih: Seri Muka, Kuih Lapis, Bingka Ubi, Bingka Keledek, Lepat Ubi, Lepat Pisang, Kuih Kasturi, Tepung Pelita, Kuih Bom, Kuih Kemboja, Tepung Talam, Talam Suji

4 types of malay traditional sweet delicacies: Kerepek Ubi, Kerepek Pisang, Tempeyek, Kurma

Puddings and Jellies: Mango pudding, Honey Dew pudding, Coconut pudding, Grape Jelly, Strawberry Jelly

2 types of sweet porridges: Pengat durian, Bubur cha cha, Bubur pulut hitam, Bubur kacang, Pengat pisang



6 Cold beverages: Fresh Soya Bean, Bandung Juice, Cincau Juice, Calamansi Juice with Asam Boi, Katira Juice, Blackcurrant drink, Nescafe Ice, Lemonade

Hot beverages: Coffee and Teh Tarik

Appetizer spread

6 Local salads: Pecal, Kerabu Taugeh, Acar Buah, Bilis dan Tempe, Kerabu Kacang Botol, Kerabu jantung pisang, Urap pegaga dan udang kering, Urap kacang panjang dan udang 5 types of Jeruk Buah-buah Keropok ikan, Keropok Udang, Kerupok Sayur, Kerupok Belinjau

6 types of crudités (ulam-ulam): Jantung Pisang, kacang panjang, Kacang bendi, Tempe, Tomato, Petai, Timun, Kobis Condiments: Sambal Kicap, Sambal Jawa, Sambal Asam

1 type of serunding: Serunding Kelapa

Authentic Malaysian Masak Spread

Steamed White Rice Bubur Lambuk with Condiments Gulai Kawah Kambing Kuzi Sayur Labu Masak Lemak Ikan Bakar with Home-made Sambal Kuah Ayam Percik Selatan Sotong Masak Hitam Ikan Masak Masik Chili


Counter Spread

1) Soup station: Pilihan sup ayam, sup ekor, sup kambing dan sup perut 2) Roasted Whole Lamb: Special marinated lamb roasted to perfection with Chef Johari's Spiced Rice 3) Satay & Otah-Otah: Otah-Otah, Satay Kambing dan Satay Ayam with condiments 4) Durian stall: Freshly open durian 5) Yong Tau Fu Station: Assorted Mix Yong Tau Fu with Choice of Sauces 6) Ice Cream Station: Vanilla, Chocolate, Yam, Strawberry, Peppermint and Butterscott 7) Fruit stall: Watermelon, Honey dew, Papaya, Pineapple, Cempedak, Banana, Jack fruit 8) Rojak buah-buahan

Dessert spread

6 types of malay kuih: Seri Muka, Kuih Lapis, Bingka Ubi, Bingka Keledek, Lepat Ubi, Lepat Pisang, Kuih Kasturi, Tepung Pelita, Kuih Bom, Kuih Kemboja, Tepung Talam, Talam Suji

4 types of malay traditional sweet delicacies: Kerepek Ubi, Kerepek Pisang, Tempeyek, Kurma

Puddings and Jellies: Mango pudding, Honey Dew pudding, Coconut pudding, Grape Jelly, Strawberry Jelly

2 types of sweet porridges: Pengat durian, Bubur cha cha, Bubur pulut hitam, Bubur kacang, Pengat pisang