UF Graduate Behind Fraternity
.he ndeu a ne _ti A decade in sound . APPLAUSE Vols beat 2) short-handed Gators .16 THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. UF graduate murdered behind fraternity By MIKE BRUSCELL \% it 'I A ,nc.IIt I III, wAr litir awthe ra r Alligator Writ n .U~e s elw~ 1w1 ilsi 1 e Xt 1n I sIt(,w 1 1 the i s A orner I student died Wtdnesdav \['I the .,iir~iim w'[ wi l ItHd 1 1o1 11 1 11 1 I i -las morning several hours alter he was Shot in 'rietds I)f .anId 1 1Th IoI o What tI II 11xtvI n th1I I 1 x 'I e lie lace during an argument neaT a .rat r xh ch1 r L ir 1hind k ar a iell s id I'i Was m r I(: 'A ill inly house, Gamesville police said pulled p behmI dthei Ithe J.irrt I LTT 1 1 'uspec ts, dest ribed by po- ld, t, ,L tiI li 4 Ronald Worth Willis, 21, died at 928 a m ]nnh1:1 11, e r I e I 1 [ice dS two black males ap- d I' at Alachua General Hospilal WilIswas sho 'roxtim ately feettall with otherthe oth irt i a il'Ar Alphl kI n ani I [ ' s f\t I e by an suspect unknown from an estimated large b dds, left their dark ini thr (iii by onei stlsjie( I I| otl t ] Nm , 1 1 To , ;),,]I I Ntlp two to three feetaway, police spokeswoman colored dcar and approached ocher susper shut Wills wiih a lIt Sadie Darnell said Will' Car His friends are Willis chrome hand gun Boll s, is An 1 1[ 1 L mPI t Mu td Shortly after2 a n , Wilhis dropped off two not be ing identified because no suspect ran to the ar and drove awAv, Darncillsul riends at their car behind the PITKappa have ITbeen arrested The men and Wills Willis friend, who waS nilt mtIir4'dl, dit4A ,t Murder r ITT Alpha fraternity house on the 1900 block of Clinic plan caters to women Infirmary director agrees to separate-care proposal By MIKE CARR Abigatcr Wrti r After six wceIs Ii toniplan]oit , ptot[ (: Col II)To laitlah1 C.C I w nI('-.
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