FOES in "That Follow Was of Tho Aro at Polo While Hands Manned Right Sort, Safe Hero Moreno's." Willing Tho Tho Impatient Reply
all was silence there, if hot slumber, nignt. Fetch him hack hero ns and then he his quick tnko shelter." And joined superior. ns yon can. Toll him Fan and Ruth laying hold of tho catch these- murdering thloves," was FOES IN "That follow was of tho aro at polo while hands manned right sort, safe hero Moreno's." willing tho tho impatient reply. "Sow many aro sergeant," said Plummer. "1 wish wo In 10 minutes tho Concord wagon, Bpokes Feeny soon had tho Concord and you?" bad one or two like him." tho weather beaten with its fair froight, now trembling and ambulance safely "Oh, thero's of us was "I wish we sir. out of tho plenty hero," AMBUSH bad, Thoso greas¬ excited, was standing side by side with way. Then camo a moment Harvey's cheery answer. "Most of C ers nro worse than no guards at all. tho paymaster's ambulance. The of consultation as to which of but we've other weary ruon would bo Harvey's troop, business on band They'll sit there in the corral and smoke inulcs were unhitched and with the sad- best suited for tho oner¬ now. Y*ou wait there for id's ous just quietly papolitos by tho hour and brag about dlo horses led in to water. The post opposite tho enemy's door and a minute or two until tho how their the major then a sudden und breathless sergeant By Capt. Chas. King, U.S. A.. they fought way through and tho sergeant, prompting each oth¬ "Listenl" sileuco.
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