Sir Henry Trueman Wood on Exhibitions, Where the Knowledge of Inventions That Jan
FEBRUARY 23, 1929] NATURE 285 Evans, Dr. Thurnam,andProfs. Gaudry, Steenstrup, manifold fields in which he laboured, will sincerely Capellini, Broca, Rti.timeyer, and Virchow. In this regret the disappearance of his well-known tall and book Boyd Dawkins draws the important conclu spare but distinguished figure, which is so well Rion that "it is unlikely that man lived in Europe portrayed by Herkomer in his oil painting which in the Pliocene age" ... but that "he appears hangs in the council room of the Royal Society of just in the Pleistocene stage in the evolution of Arts, in the home which Robert Adam, one of the mammalian life in which he might be expected to famous brother architects, built for the Society in appear." He divided palreolithic man into two 1774, in John Street, Adelphi. Here he did much great groups, river-drift man and cave man; a for the Society, as secretary, for thirty-eight years, classification which is accepted in a broad way to and was largely instrumental in bringing together day, but the differentiation into the several stages a galaxy of talent which included Sir William that has resulted from the researches of later ob Siemens, Sir Frederick Bramwell, Sir Frederick servers he was never inclined to accept ; he was not, Abel, Sir Douglas Galton, Sir Richard Webster, Sir indeed, willing even to accept the classification of John Wolfe Barry, Sir William Preece, Sir William deMortilletwithoutreserve. "Early Man in Britain," Abney, Lord Sanderson, and many others, all of ho·wever, is still in demand, and is an example of his whom were chairmen of the council during his extremely clear and logical presentation of facts, secretaryship.
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