Edexcel GCSE History Paper 3 - Revision Checklist Section/topic Revised (how?) Practised? The 1.1 The origins of the Weimar Republic

Setting up the Weimar Republic, (weaknesses and strengths) 1.2 Early challenges to the Republic 1919-23 Unpopularity, Treaty of Versailles, Challenges from the left and right wing (Spartacist Uprising & Kapp Putsch, Occupation of the Ruhr, Hyperinflation, Putsch) 1.3 The recovery of the Republic 1924-29 Role of Stresemann (Economy – Dawes and Young Plan, Rentenmark. Foreign Policy – Locarno Pact, League of Nations, Kellogg-Briand Pact. Impact of these. 1.4 Changes in society 1924-29 Living standards – employment, wages, housing. Women – at work and leisure. Cultural changes – Art, architecture, cinema, opposition Hitler’s rise to power 1919-33 2.1 Early development of the Nazi Party 1920-22

Birth of the Nazi party, Hitler’s role, Nazi leadership, organisation, Nazi policy, SA Nazi lean years (Not doing well) 1923-29 Munich Putsch and its consequences, , party reorganisation, national party and headquarters, SS, Conference 2.3 Growth in Nazi support 1929-32 Wall Street crash and impact, unemployment, failures of the Weimar Republic, Communist

support, sense of unity, appeal of Hitler and SA to big businesses, workers, middle class, farmers, women and young people 2.4 How Hitler became chancellor 1932-33 Hitler trying and failing to be president, turns to trying to be chancellor, failure of other chancellors, Hitler appointed chancellor (they think they can control him) Nazi control and dictatorship 1933-39 3.1 The creation of a dictatorship Reichstag fire. Enabling Act, Removing opposition, Night of the Long Knives, Death of Hindenburg 3.2 The police state Role of SS, SD, Gestapo. Concentration camps, controlling the legal system (courts and judges) Controlling religion (Catholic and Protestant Church). Reich Church 3.3 Controlling and influencing attitudes Goebbels and propaganda, The media – newspapers, radio, rallies, controlling sport – Berlin Olympics of 1936. Control of Art, culture, architecture, music, literature, film 3.4 Opposition, resistance and conformity Why people supported the Nazis. Resistance – Protestant and Catholic Churches, role of Martin Niemoller. Youth – Eldelweiss Pirates, Swing Youth Life in Nazi Germany 1933-39 4.1 Nazi policies towards women Nazi views on women & family, policies towards women, women and unemployment, appearance of women 4.2 Nazi policies towards the young Aim towards the young, Hitler Youth and their training, League of German Maidens, Nazi education, Nazi curriculum 4.3 Employment and living standards Nazi and unemployment – statistics, National Labour Service (RAD), National Labour Service (DAF) –Strength through joy, Beauty of Labour. Living standards, Rearmament 4.4 The Persecution of minorities Nazi racial beliefs, racial hygiene, Anti Semitism roots, treatment of Slavs, Gypsies, Homosexuals, disabilities. Persecution of the Jews up until 1939 Edexcel GCSE History Paper 3 - GERMANY PLC Skills Checklist

Question 1: “Give two things you can infer from Source A…” (4 marks) Key Skill: Infer (work out) two things from the source that are not directly shown. Back this up with detail from the source.

Question 2: “Explain why…” (12 marks) Key Skill: Identify 3 factors that caused the change mentioned in the question. 3 clear PEE paragraphs, one of which goes beyond the bullet points.

Question 3a: “How useful are Sources B and C for an enquiry into…” (8 Marks) Key Skills: • Describe the content of the source • Use your own knowledge to show why content is useful • Identify one of Nature/Origin/Purpose • Say how this makes the source useful • Say how this could limit its usefulness

Question 3b: “What is the main difference between the views of Interpretation 1 and Interpretation 2?” (4 marks) Key Skills: • Summarise view of Interpretation 1 • Summarise view of Interpretation 2 • Clearly state what the difference is between these views

Question 3c: “Suggest one reason why Interpretations 1 and 2 give different views.” (4 marks) Key Skills: • Match Sources B and C to the two interpretations • Explain how the historians may have used different sources, with reference to Sources B and C.

Question 3d: “How far do you agree with Interpretation 1 / 2?” (16 marks + 4 SPAG) Key Skills: • Write an introduction giving your view, supported by evidence • Summarise Interpretation 1 and support using detailed knowledge • Summarise Interpretation 2 and support using detailed knowledge • Write a conclusion giving your view and referring back to the knowledge used in the two central paragraphs.