Monthly Bulletin April 2011 Issue No. 14 Covering the period 1-31 March Christo as tables EU leaders focus on economy and Libya new proposal in Council of the European Union negotiations

President Demetris Christo as and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu held further sessions of UN-sponsored negotiations on a Cyprus settlement in Nicosia on 4, 9, 18, 23 and 30 March. In a new initiative on 23 March, President Christo as proposed that a census should be held in the Government-controlled and Turkish-occupied areas of Cyprus, under the auspices of the UN. Responding to the call by UN Secretary General Ban Ki- moon for practical steps to give impetus to the negotiating process, the President Ŗ$TWUUGNUYGNEQOG2TGUKFGPV%JTKUVQſCUKUITGGVGFD[*GTOCP8CP4QORW[VJG'WTQRGCP%QWPEKN2TGUKFGPV explained that the results of an independent The adoption of a comprehensive package census would provide essential data for The European Council also adopted of measures to respond to the global the Euro Plus Pact, as agreed by the euro the resolution of the dicult issue of the nancial crisis was the central theme of the large number of settlers brought illegally area Heads of State and Government on 11 Spring European Council on 24-25 March. March. Speaking on 11 March, President into the occupied area from Turkey since Speaking after the summit, President Christo as welcomed the goals expressed the Turkish invasion in 1974. However, the Christo as said that the package of measures in the Pact, stating that it is important that proposal elicited no positive response from was the result of long consultations during member states retain the power to decide Mr Eroglu. which Cyprus put forward its concerns their own national policies and measures to Speaking in Nicosia on 17 March at a and positions. “Our main concerns were to achieve these goals. conference on Cyprus organised by The safeguard our philosophy for a social state Economist weekly journal (see page 3), and to make sure that the particularities Libya President Christo as reported that in the of small member states were taken into Central in the discussions at the Spring negotiations on issues concerning territory, account”, stated the President, adding that European Council was also the situation settlers, security, guarantees and property Cyprus has consistently put forward these in Libya. President Christo as expressed rights “there has been no substantive positions during the discussions. deep concern at the current developments, convergence”. Since the arrival of Mr Eroglu In this context, the President reported stressing that priority should be given in the Turkish Cypriot leadership in May that Cyprus had submitted with Malta a to achieving an immediate cease re by 2010, he said, progress in the negotiations joint declaration in which the two countries all parties concerned and to protect the had been minimal, so that there remained a underlined that a common corporate tax civilians. basis should respect the comparative and “huge gap between the positions of the two “The international community”, he competitive advantage of member states. He sides”. said, “must only undertake actions that added that discussions would continue on are absolutely necessary for the bene t of Concern about the lack of progress in the basis of proposals from the Commission. the talks was expressed by UN Secretary the Libyan people and in accordance with Cyprus and Malta also submitted a joint UN Security Council Resolution 1973”. The General Ban Ki-moon on 4 March in his latest declaration concerning the setting up of the President added that “the international report on Cyprus to the Security Council. European Stability Mechanism (ESM), which Noting that “it is important that the parties will succeed the European Financial Stability community must not undertake any actions reach convergences on the outstanding core Facility (EFSF) in 2013. In the declaration which might lead to a longstanding dispute issues as soon as possible”, he wrote that it was underlined that the provision that in Libya or to the division of the country”. He the leaders “must demonstrate courageous the ESM would be activated only when the also underlined that the process of transition and dedicated leadership and take practical stability of the eurozone as a whole is at risk, to democracy must remain in the hands of steps to bring the negotiations to a does not exclude any eurozone member the Libyan people and that “any involvement conclusion”.‰ state from receiving nancial assistance by the EU should only be undertaken on the from the ESM, if the need arises. invitation of the parties concerned”.‰

Concerns about Turkey’s nuclear plans ‡ Christofias visits Israel and West Bank ‡ Famagusta “arrests” condemned ‡ New Cypriot Ambassador to Belgium‡ University of Cyprus expands Concern about Turkish nuclear plans Turkish Cypriots take A call for collective action by the EU towards neighbouring countries” as regards regarding the proposed construction of a nuclear safety and reiterated Cyprus’ strong protest to Brussels nuclear power station at Akkuyu, on the concern about Turkey’s plans to build a seismologically unstable southern coast of nuclear power station at Akkuyu. In this Turkish Cypriot trade unionists opposed Turkey, was made by President Demetris respect, he called on EU member states, in a to the austerity package and privatisation Christo as during discussions on nuclear collective action, to exert pressure on Turkey measures imposed in the occupied area at safety at the European Council in Brussels on so that it reviewed its plans. Cyprus’ concerns the behest of Turkey, having stated a further 24-25 March, in the wake of the crisis at the were echoed by other European leaders, mass demonstration on 2 March in the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan caused by as well as by Greek Cypriot and Turkish occupied area, brought their protest to EU the earthquake on 11 March. Cypriot parties and environmental groups. headquarters on 22 March. Demonstrating Speaking on 25 March, President zThe Cyprus House of Representatives on outside the building, Christo as welcomed the reference in the 17 March adopted a resolution urging the the trade unionists complained in particular European Council Conclusions that “the international community to persuade Turkey that Turkish Cypriot identity is being eroded highest standards for nuclear safety should to review its plan to construct a nuclear by the large number of settlers being be implemented and continuously improved power station at Akkuyu. Calling on the EU brought illegally into the occupied area in the EU and promoted internationally”, in particular to monitor Turkey’s intended from Turkey.‰ stressing that nuclear safety “cannot stop at programme closely, the House recalled its our borders”. resolution of July 2008 expressing concern He further said that recent events in about the short distance between the Japan “force all of us to be more demanding Akkuyu site and Cyprus.‰ New ambassador to Belgium presents Christo as visits Israel and West Bank her credentials Joint exploitation of the large natural gas President Christo as was accompanied The new Ambassador of the Republic of reserves thought to lie in the Cypriot and by a large business delegation with a view to Cyprus to the Kingdom of Belgium, Mrs Israeli exclusive economic zones in the giving impetus to Cypriot-Israeli economic Athena Mavronicola-Droushiotis, presented Eastern Mediterranean featured prominently relations. Four bilateral agreements signed her credentials to His Majesty the King of in talks which President Demetris Christo as during the visit included a memorandum Belgium, Albert II, at an ocial ceremony had during a visit to Israel on 13-15 March. It of understanding on co-operation between held at the Laken Royal Palace in Brussels on was the rst visit to Israel by a Cypriot head the Cyprus and Tel Aviv stock exchanges. 16 March. of state for 11 years. During the talks with President Shimon

Cyprus News Agency Following the presentation of the Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin credentials, the Ambassador was received Netanyahu, President Christo as rearmed by King Albert II in a private meeting. The Cyprus’ support for a two-state solution to Ambassador briefed His Majsesty on the the Israeli-Palestinian conict with a state of course of the negotiations and the latest Israel and a state of Palestine living side by developments on the Cyprus problem. Mrs side in peace and security. Mavronicola-Droushiotis also referred to the President Christo as then undertook strong ties between Cyprus and Belgium a visit to the Palestinian Authority in and expressed her willingness to work Ramallah on the West Bank. In talks with towards the further enhancement of the President Mahmoud Abbas, President relations between the two countries. Christo as reiterated Cyprus’ support for King Albert II referred to the latest a two-state solution and also announced developments in the Middle East and in a Cypriot donation of US$1 million for the North Africa and expressed special interest tJerusalem talks... President Christo as (left) confers with construction of a new hospital on the West in the important role of Cyprus as a bridge Israeli President Shimon Peres. Bank.‰ between Europe and the countries of the region. He also expressed interest in the forthcoming Cypriot Presidency of the Council of the EU and in the challenges that Cyprus will face both at the political and the Strong protests at Famagusta “arrests” economic levels.‰ Mario Cianchetti Mario The Cyprus Government, European Mariya Nedelcheva, the Bishop of Neapolis Parliament President Jerzy Buzek and other Porfyrios and two more civilians. European leaders protested vigorously at the Former Cypriot MEP Yiannakis Matsis “arrest” on 12 March by Turkish occupation and Loizos Afxentiou of the Famagusta forces of a nine-member delegation, Refugee Movement were held by the including one Cypriot and three foreign Turkish Cypriot “authorities” until being MEPs, in the fenced-o Varosha district of brought before a so-called “court” on 14 occupied Famagusta. The visitors had been March and ned 200 Turkish lira. assessing the level of the destruction of the The President of the European People’s cultural heritage in the area, particularly Party Wilfred Martens issued a strong its Christian Orthodox churches and statement on 14 March in which he monuments. expressed his “astonishment” at the “arrests”, Occupation forces promptly released stressing that "the Turkish military forces Cypriot MEP Eleni Theocharous, Polish do not have the right to arrest current and MEPs Jaroslaw Walesa (the son of Lech former European parliamentarians and ŖNew Ambassador... Mrs Mavronicola-Droushiotis Walesa) and Artur Zasada, Bulgarian MEP other European citizens".‰ presents her credentials to King Albert II of Belgium. Marcoullis attends The Economist leadership conference The Fourth Cyprus Summit organised in business ties with Russia, boosted by the EU Transport Council The Economist

Council of the European Union Nicosia by weekly journal signature of a double taxation treaty during on 17-18 March was attended by political the state visit to Cyprus of President Dmitry leaders and economic analysts from Cyprus Medvedev in October 2010, was stressed by and abroad, with President Demetris Sergey Vasiliev of the Russian Chamber of Christo as as the guest of honour. The Commerce. He reported that bilateral trade conference was entitled “Leadership between the two countries had doubled strategy for Cyprus’ unity and prosperity”, a in 2010 and that two-way investment is broad theme which covered issues such as increasing rapidly. It was also noted that the state of the Cyprus economy, Cyprus- tourist arrivals from Russia had increased by Russia business ties and shipping. 50 per cent in 2010, to an all-time record of Finance Minister Charilaos Stavrakis 230,000. gave an upbeat account of the state of The likely bene ts of a Cyprus settlement Cyprus’ economy, saying that the global for the merchant shipping industry were nancial crisis had been handled by the highlighted by Communications and Works Government in an eective way. He noted Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, who tMrs Kozakou-Marcoullis at the EU Transport Council. that the GDP growth rate in 2010 was in said that the aggregate “peace dividend” Attending a session of the EU Council the range 0.9-1 per cent, the third highest that would accrue to the two Cypriot of Transport Ministers in Brussels on 31 among the 17 euro-zone members and the communities, Greece, Turkey and the EU March, Cyprus’ Communications and fourth best in the EU as a whole. Estimates as a whole is estimated at several hundred Works Minister Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis of likely growth in 2011, he said, were in billion euros annually. In contrast, she expressed disappointment that Cyprus has the 1.5 per cent range, as the Government said, the existing Turkish embargo on not been invited to participate in the 4th continues to tackle structural problems. shipping from Cyprus is costing the Cypriot Ministerial Convention of the International The growing importance of Cyprus’ Government over €140 million a year.‰ Transport Forum (ITF) in Leipzig in May. The reason, said Mrs Marcoullis, is that Turkey has repeatedly vetoed Cyprus’ application to join the ITF, in direct breach University of Cyprus enhances its status of its commitments to the EU. She called on Two important developments, one involving for Research, Technological Development fellow EU Ministers, in a spirit of solidarity, European funding, have con rmed the and Innovation (DESMI 2008), which is co- to support Cyprus’ application, noting that position of the University of Cyprus (UCY) sponsored by Cyprus and the European Cyprus is a leading maritime country with 12 as a leading centre of academic research, Regional Development Fund with a budget per cent of the European shipping register furthering its aim to be included in listings of over €5 million. and 25 per cent of world ship management of the world’s top 500 universities later in The House of Representatives on 24 activity. It was also recalled that 16 per 2011. March approved regulations for a UCY cent of EU-registered ships cannot dock at On 17 March it was announced that postgraduate studies school intended to Turkish ports because of Turkey’s embargo the UCY had launched four research upgrade postgraduate programmes and on vessels from Cyprus dating from 1997. programmes, covering the science of water to strengthen the UCY’s links with other zWhilst in Brussels, Mrs Marcoullis briefed management, human cognitive processes, European universities. It is hoped that more her fellow ministers on the candidacy for biotechnology and molecular virology, and Cypriots will be persuaded to undertake the post of secretary general of the London- intelligent systems. The programmes are their postgraduate studies in Cyprus and based International Maritime Organisation being funded by the Research Promotion also that more students will be attracted (IMO) of Andreas Chrysostomou from Foundation via the Framework Programme from overseas.‰ Cyprus. Currently chairman of the IMO’s marine environment protection committee, Mr Chrysostomou is running against ve other candidates to succeed Efthimios E. Austrian Minister urges Turkish side to move Mitropoulos (Greece). The new secretary Hope that progress could soon be made EU “but without discounts”. He stressed general will be elected by the IMO board in in the negotiations for a settlement of that “they have to meet their obligations late June, for approval by the IMO assembly the longstanding Cyprus problem was towards the EU, including those that in November.‰ expressed by Austria’s European and concern Cyprus”, and that “there can be no International Aairs Minister Michael free ride and no special treatment whether Spindelegger on 24 March during an ocial the candidate is a small or large country”.‰ €80m EIB loan signed visit to Cyprus at the invitation of Cypriot Cyprus News Agency Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou. Finance Minister Charilaos Stravrakis on Speaking at a press conference with Mr 18 March signed a loan contract with the Kyprianou, the Austrian Minister said that European Investment Bank (EIB) for the “we would like to see progress in these receipt of €80 million for the improvement negotiations from the Turkish side”, adding of Cyprus’ high-speed road network. Mr that after the elections due in Turkey in June Stavrakis said that in 2010 the EIB had will be “the moment to ask for progress”. granted loans to Cyprus totalling a record Asked about Turkey’s EU accession aims, he €460 million. stressed that Ankara had “no special modus” Communications and Works Minister and had to ful l all relevant conditions. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis said that projects Mr Kyprianou described Austria as “one to be nanced included the widening of of the closest partners of Cyprus in the EU”, the highways running into Nicosia and saying that “we see eye to eye on many connecting port with the Limassol- issues”. He reiterated that Cyprus is ready tClose EU partner... Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou Pafos highway.‰ to agree to the accession of Turkey to the (right) with Austrian Minister Michael Spindelegger. N otes & N ews CING zLawyer Eliza Savvides was on 16 March contributing to Cyprus’ target of meeting 13 installed by President Demetris Christo as per cent of its energy needs from renewable as Cyprus’ Ombudswoman - ocially sources by 2020. The President said that “the head of the Oce of the Commissioner for development of renewable energy sources Administration - in succession to Eliana in Cyprus is on a very good track”, although Nicolaou, who was thanked for her work he warned that renewable energy sources during two six-year terms in the post. The alone are not enough to solve Cyprus’ President said that the Oce had been energy problem. Five more wind farms are invested with all legal powers necessary for it under construction in Cyprus. to provide a check on state actions involving zThe Permanent Representation of Cyprus tBreakthrough on Down’s... Dr Patsalis with assistants citizens, adding that his Government saw it to the EU organised on 30 March in Brussels Elisavet Papageorgiou (left) and Evdokia Tsaliki. as a complementary institution. He further an event to mark the International Day of noted that the Council of Ministers had “La Francophonie”. The event, which was Patsalis, director of the Cyprus Institute recently extended the responsibility of the held under the auspices of Commissioner of Neurology and Genetics (CING), Ombudswoman for human rights. for Education, Culture, Multilingualism announced on 8 March the discovery of a zFigures released by Eurostat on 30 March and Youth, Mrs Androulla Vassiliou, was new non-invasive method of diagnosing showed that in 2010 Cyprus received addressed by the Cyprus Permanent Down’s Syndrome during pregnancy. the highest number of political asylum Representative to the EU, Ambassador Speaking at a press conference in Nicosia, Dr applications in proportion to population Andreas Mavroyiannis and the Permanent Patsalis said that the new method eliminates size in the whole of the 27-member EU. Representative of the International the risk of miscarriage and oers an accurate There were 2,875 applications, signi cantly La Francophonie precaution measure for Down’s Syndrome. fewer than in 2009 but representing 358 The innovative method, using a simple per 100,000 inhabitants, ahead of Sweden blood sample from pregnant women, is with 341 per 100,000 and Belgium with 241 expected to be introduced into clinical per 100,000. Of 2,440 asylum applications practice within the next two years, after the considered by the Cypriot authorities in completion of research in various countries. 2010, 2,015 were rejected. zThe results of the latest excavations at zA bill tabled by the Government in the the Pre-Neolithic site of Rhoudias in the House of Representatives on 10 March, and southern foothills of the Troodos Mountains expected to be adopted before the May were announced by the Antiquities parliamentary elections, provided for the Department on 15 March. Carried out banning of internet gambling in online by a Greek team from the University of casinos and the protection of juveniles Thessaloniki led by Professor Nikolaos from the vices of gambling. The bill will Efstratiou, the work has established that the create a National Gambling Authority with site was visited by hunter-gatherers in the substantial powers to enforce its provisions. period from 10,000 to 6,000 BC.‰ zAccording to the latest Eurobarometer poll conducted in November-December 2010, Cypriots are the sixth most contented tBrussels event... Celebrating La Francophonie. people in the EU with an 82 per cent Sporting highlights satisfaction with life rating, as against the EU Organisation of La Francophonie to the average of 78 per cent. The poll also showed EU, Ambassador Pietro Sicuro. Speaking Skeet shooting. Cypriot champion that 33 per cent of Cypriots believe that the at the event, Ambassador Mavroyiannis George Achilleos on 31 March won the situation of the Cyprus economy is good, stressed the signi cance of the values of silver medal in a World Cup skeet shooting whereas only 28 per cent take the same La Francophonie and said that the Cyprus competition of the International Shooting view about the European economy. Government is committed to promoting its Sport Federation (ISSF) in Sydney, Australia. zCyprus’ rst wind farm was inaugurated aims. The promotion of multilingualism can Earlier in March, Achilleos had been voted by President Christo as on 18 March serve as a vital vehicle for the promotion the world’s number one skeet shooter in at Orites in Pafos district. The privately- of multiculturalism in Europe and beyond, 2010 by the International Shooting Press owned facility has 41 turbines capable of underlined the Ambassador. Earlier in the Association. producing 83 megawatts of electricity, thus day, Ambassador Mavroyiannis hosted a Women’s football. The Canadian

Cyprus News Agency special meeting of the group of French- football team retained the Cyprus speaking Ambassadors in Brussels, presided International Women’s Cup, defeating over by the Permanent Representative of the Netherlands in the nal in Nicosia Romania, Ambassador Mihnea Motoc, and on 9 March. The annual Cyprus Cup has Ambassador Sicuro. Cyprus became ocially established itself as one of the leading an associate member of the International women’s football competitions.‰ Organisation of La Francophonie in 2006. zA new e-commerce scheme to give CYPRUS NEWS - BRUSSELS EDITION is produced monthly by the Permanent Representation of Cyprus incentives for small to medium-sized Cypriot to the EU. Editor: Maria Phanti. To receive a regular businesses to break into or expand in the copy, by post or email, please contact: The Press world of electronic trading was launched by Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Cyprus Commerce, Industry and Tourism Minister to the EU, 61 Avenue Cortenbergh, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, Tel: 02 7395188, Fax: 02 7366573, Antonis Paschalides on 23 March. Worth GOCKNRTGUUQHſEGDTWUUGNU"OHCIQXE[ €1.2 million in 2011, the scheme will enable Links Cyprus Government: companies to claim grants of up to €27,090 Ministry of Foreign Affairs: tPart of the answer... Cyprus’ rst wind farm at Orites is an to help them to sell their products on-line. Permanent Representation of Cyprus to the EU: important step in the use of renewable energy. zA research team headed by Dr Philippos