SEC.INF/18/07/Rev.5 15 June 2007 ENGLISH only Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Final List of Participants for the OSCE CONFERENCE ON COMBATING DISCRIMINATION AND PROMOTING MUTUAL RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING Follow-up to the Cordoba Conference on Anti-Semitism and Other Forms of Intolerance 7 and 8 June 2007 Bucharest, Romania (Please note that in accordance with previous notes, the deadline for changes expired on 7 June 2007, 12 noon. Any further comments will not be taken into consideration.) OSCE CONFERENCE ON COMBATING DISCRIMINATION AND PROMOTING MUTUAL RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING Bucharest , 7 - 8 June 2007 First Name Family Name Title/Position Address Phone Fax E-mail DELEGATIONS ALBANIA Amb Zef MAZI Ambassador Reisnerstrasse 27/6A +43 1 3288710 +43 1 3288711
[email protected] Head of Delegation A-1030 Vienna, Austria Permanent Mission of Albania Amb Dashnor DERVISHI Ambassador Albanian Albanian Embassy in
[email protected] Embassy in Romania Romania Mr Thanas POÇI General Director for Social Rruga e Durresit 83 +355 423 07 19 +355 4232 412
[email protected] State Service Tirana Albania Mr Panajot LARO Director Rruga e Durresit 83 +355 084 645 57 +355 024 69 331 Tirana,Albania GERMANY/EU Mr Gernot ERLER Minister of State +49 30 18 17 2450
[email protected] Amb Benedikt HALLER Ambassador +49 30 18 17 2767 Special Representative for Relations with Jewish Organizations and Issues relating to Anti-Semitism Mr Hans-Jörg NEUMANN Deputy Head First Counsellor, German Embassy Bucharest Mr Robert SIEGFRIED Second Secretary German Embassy Bucharest Mr Helmut KULITZ Counsellor Metternichgasse 3 +43 1 711 54 190 +49 18 88 175 51 13
[email protected] Permanent Mission of 1030 Vienna Germany to the OSCE Austria Mr Peter WIRKNER Scientific Director, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 +49 0 227 73503 +49 0 227 76503
[email protected] Assistant to Prof.