MAYOR of LONDON the Mayor's Culture Strategy
CULT URAL MAYOR OF LONDON The Mayor ’s Culture Strategy – Achievements and next steps METRO POLIS Cultural Metropolis 2014 Achievements and next steps Special thanks to David Shrigley for providing Contents the artwork on pages: 1, 8, 18, 24, 34, 58, 74, 84 7 Mayor’s foreword 9 Executive summary 21 Introduction 1 25 Culture and London 2012 2 35 Maintaining London’s position as a world city for culture 3 59 Widening the reach 4 75 Education and skills 5 85 Infrastructure, environment and the public realm 105 Appendix Mayor’s foreword Great cities are defined by their history. After the spectacular success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the cultural celebrations of summer 2012, the temptation is to sit on our laurels, to rest and contemplate our achievements. London’s cultural industry is famous for its innovation and experimentation, its entrepreneurial energy and risk taking. This is why the music, books, art, theatre shows and films we make are enjoyed around the world. Certainly, our artists and businesses aren’t looking back. As I write, producers across London are developing film projects, museum curators are planning exhibitions and designers are getting excited about the upcoming fashion season. For them to succeed, London government must We are also, of course, helping tell the story be just as fast-moving and forward-looking. Working of London’s cultural pre-eminence to the rest of closely with the industry, and with invaluable advice the world and to the people who live here. London’s and support of the London Cultural Strategy Group, culture and heritage is cited again and again as the in particular the Chair, Iwona Blazwick, we at City Hall main reason overseas tourists visit the capital.
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