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Traditional Christmas Music

Traditional Christmas Music


MUSIC for TWO Flute, Oboe or and Flute, Oboe or Violin




Table of Contents

Angels We Have Heard on High Traditional 8

Away in a Manger Traditional 3

Coventry Carol Traditional 19

Deck the Halls Traditional 4

For Unto Us a Child is Born from The Messiah George Frederick Handel 6

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Traditional 16

Good Christian Men, Rejoice Traditional 5 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing SampleFelix Mendelssohn 17 Jolly Old Saint Nicholas Traditional 14

Nutcracker, The Peter Ilyich Tschaikovsky

Dance of the Reed Flutes 11

Music Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy 13

Overture 9

Trepak 12

O Little Town of Bethlehem Lewis H. Redner 7

Silent Night Franz Gruber & Rev. Joseph Mohr 10

Sing We Now of Christmas Noel Nouvelet French Traditional 1

Wassail Song Traditional 15

We Three Kings of Orient Are John Henry Hopkins 18

We Wish You a Merry Christmas Traditional 2

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