Roy Mottahedeh | 416 pages | 01 Dec 2008 | Oneworld Publications | 9781851686162 | English | London, United Kingdom The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran PDF Book

The fire started outside three entrance doors to the main hall after the attackers allegedly dropped a match into the petrol. Instead it follows the intellectual life of a boy of a traditional mullah family from his childhood in the 40s of the 20th century through his education and up to the revolution of This book examines the life and thought of Ahmad Riza Khan - , the legendary leader of the 20th-century Ahl-e Sunnat movement, who represented a strong tendency in South Asian Islam which is sufi, ritualistic, intercessionary, and hierarchical in It does not warrant that reviews are accurate. Share Share. According to Middle East expert Daniel L. Our membership in ETAS has temporarily doubled our digital collections, adding 3 million additional items. You know the saying: There's no time like the present While in prison, Ali had come "close to despair, and he thanked God The true story of a young mullah, his life in the sacred shrine city of Qom, and the dramatic events of the Revolution, this enthralling account paints a vivid picture of contemporary Iran, while providing a panoramic survey of Muslim, Shi'ite and Persian culture from the Middle Ages to the current day. Read an excerpt of this book! He was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Council on Foreign Relations and has served as a series editor for several academic publishers. These three seemingly differing groups fought the same war, but for different reasons. I read this book primarily because I wanted to un This was all right, but it was sort of a stumbling book upon which to begin my investigations on Islam and Middle Eastern Nations. Stay informed. Often misunderstood and underappreciated, social anxiety is one of the most prevalent psychological problems in I can believe they did, but I have not investigated this question. Sep 24, Matthew Trevithick rated it it was amazing. Your Name:. In a country famous for having the most CCTVs in the world, how safe are For more information on what data is contained in the cookies, please see our Cookie Policy. Readers also enjoyed. Mottahedeh starts each chapter with a sort of historical fiction slice of life, following a stock cleric from the s through to the Revolution. From the effect of Leftist intellectuals, to western interference to the gradually growing political importance of juriconsults and mullahs, it makes it easier to understand and appreciate political change in the complex entity that is Iran. Ali prays that "the intellectual tradition he has so painstakingly mastered should not be lost in the storm. Edited by IdentifierBot. There, she described an imaginary mass books burning by the Islamists after the revolution. I wonder whether we owe him the idea of the canon in the Western literature as well. But difficult. Learn about the virtual Library Leaders Forum happening this month. Blanchard The Brits who effectively ruled there together with the Russians for 2 centuries are hardly mentioned. George St. Sign Up. The author has quite brilliantly managed to explain this phenomenon using Iranian characters set in a story juxtaposed with the politial history of Iran. Behrouz Vossoughi. The scope of the book is really incredible and it would difficult to do it all justice in any summation, but Mottahedeh somehow manages to chart the origins of modern day Iranian thought deep in its ancient history. Loading Related Books. Community Reviews. No one saw it coming. In this respect, Dr. Is there a problem with an e-resource? Mottahedeh discusses Mossadegh's attempts to court the Americans for support against the British, and then while striving for nationalism by reclaiming Iran's oil industry and ousting the British, that he still wavered with regard to external pressures, by allowing himself to be influenced by the Persian Communist Party, which was backed by Russia, and eventually brought about his downfall. In Islam in particular, it seems the devil was associated with the creative impulses as well. Even for a serious reader of serious books, rarely does a reader come across a book so exquisitely written that it reminds her the true purpose, perhaps with a capital P, of an art form. Sufi believed that Satan was so devoted to God that he just could not accept a bow from anyone else. A book full of cultural, religious and political history of Iran. The part about the 20th century was a bit more messy, but that's understandable: a lot happened in that time. He was a product of two worlds, the traditional madrassah, and the new secular system. As far as painting this portrait, the book only half-delivered. The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran Writer

There is plenty of delightful back and forth on many subjects; reconciling modernity and religion for example. About this document click for more. Other editions. It's good. To choose between fundamentalism and modernism - liberalism, between traditional values and western values, between Islam and persecution, between Iran and exile. Religion and politics were now meshing as a single force. Ayatollah Khomeini also studied and privately taught it. I wanted to learn about this incident because I understand it to be one of the reasons for Middle Eastern nations' resentment toward the USA, but it was documented in this book in a way that didn't give me a solid basis for evaluating it either way. Sign in. Share on Twitter Twitter. It tells the story of revolutionary Iran through the experiences of Ali Hashemi, a composite character largely based on an acquaintance of the author. Big business, eccentric loners, lobbyists, fraudsters, senior trade unionists, and dodgy wheeler-dealers have all been rubbing shoulders with the most senior politicians in Suitable for all levels of graduate and undergraduate readership. The fabric of this eclectic society did not unravel, as one might hastily observe, rather, it began to ravel, pulling society together through nationalism and erasing the gray area. Therefore on the topic of Islam and modern Middle Eastern Countries, I have higher expectations for other books I'll read on the topic. The weakness of the book is predictable. Mottahedeh believes that "Skepticism seems to have lived a secret half-life throughout the history of the Iranian Islamic tradition Home 1 Books 2. My understanding is that those establishments were the only place for a brighter boy to be educated. Retrieved 2 March April 1, Sobhe Emruz wrote "Don't make us disclose who were really behind the Cinema Rex fire. I have a huge reading list to follow up now, and I just wish more of it was available in English. I read this to learn more after reading All the Shah's Men. Download for print-disabled. But there is a lot more including secular tradition, sufism, manichaeism and zoroastrism, It is great in its scope and not very difficult to read. Edition Notes Bibliography: p. Despite what some reviewers quoted on my copy say about the author making the subject accessible to the ordinary reader, I feel it is challenging to navigate for someone without much background in the subject I have a little background in Iranian history, without which I would have been quite lost. Kayhan Life. Even for a serious reader of serious books, rarely does a reader come across a book so exquisitely written that it reminds her the true purpose, perhaps with a capital P, of an art form. November 3, One of his most widely distributed articles, which has been translated into many languages, was his critique of Huntington's theory of the clash of civilizations. They were the centres of the formal Islamic learning not very different from the Medieval universities. Iran's history is investigated from the point of view of its most important leaders and thinkers, dating from Avicenna and even earlier to Khomeini and his contemporaries. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. I truly could not put it down. Apr 19, Fiza Irfan rated it really liked it. Enlarge cover. Mottahedeh uses the story of Ali as a starting point to examining the history and ideas that led to the Is This was one of the best non-fiction books I have ever read. University of Toronto Libraries St. Mottahedeh discusses Mossadegh's attempts to court the Americans for support against the British, and then while striving for nationalism by reclaiming Iran's oil industry and ousting the British, that he still wavered with regard to external pressures, by allowing himself to be influenced by the Persian Communist Party, which was backed by Russia, and eventually brought about his downfall. More filters. The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran Reviews

An incredibly important book about Iran if a bit dry at times. This book was first published in A part of Iran which is most often overshadowed by religion and politics of today's world. Ali prays that "the intellectual tradition he has so painstakingly mastered should not be lost in the storm. It is strange we do not hear about him that much nowadays. From the effect of Leftist intellectuals, to western interference to the gradually growing political importance of juriconsults and mullahs, it makes it easier to understand and appreciate political change in the complex e I expected a chronological rundown of modern era Iran, but instead got something which much more relevant and valuable. Retrieved 1 January I think I'll go through the book once again quickly to note down all the important names and search for them on Wikipedia. Professor Mottahedeh began his teaching career at Princeton University in October 13, It tells the story of revolutionary Iran through the experiences of Ali Hashemi, a composite character largely based on an acquaintance of the author. Ali's character is delightfully refreshing from a western point of view, lending great insight into the life of the mullah, and giving a new understanding to the rise of Khomeini. M discusses the transition of the system with the implementation of the secular school system, in the 20th century, the brainchild of Isa Sadiq, in which the era of the maktab, the Quran school, ends and the madrassah barely survives. The book is bracketed by the events of the Iranian Revolution and was published around the time that the revolution occurred. On 19 August at the Cinema Rex in Abadan, Iran, hundreds of people were watching The Deer [10] when, at , four men barred the doors of the cinema and doused it with petrol from a can. As Sheikh Ansari taught, matters were settled according to "reason or tradition. The preferred secular education made an appeal to the Iranian youth The selection is very subjective and far from a comprehensive. Ambiguity must survive, gray is good. For more information on what data is contained in the cookies, please see our Cookie Policy. On the superficial level, the book goal is to explain what has lead to the Islamic Revolution in

The Mantle of the Prophet: Religion and Politics in Iran Read Online

Unable to escape from the building, everyone inside the cinema died in the conflagration. Mottahedeh, Roy P. Abadan , Iran. The Physical Object Pagination p. Not in Library. But he by himself received revelations and wrote scripture. Ali, the main character of the book has had a spiritual teacher of efran outside the madreseh system and he has achieved the state when he could see everything around him as just a form of light. Sep 06, Edith rated it it was amazing Shelves: books-i-own , history , persia , highlyrecommended. Paperback , pages. Mottahedeh starts each chapter with a sort of historical fiction slice of life, following a stock cleric from the s through to the Revolution. July 31, By guiding the reader through two thousand years of history, he retains that Persian culture has always managed to survive. Please read, you will not be sorry. As Dr. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. There is speculation over the actual number of casualties incurred during the fire. Retrieved 6 May They taught something which is known as trivium in the West: grammar, rhetoric and logic. Sign in and save to read later. The selection is very subjective and far from a comprehensive. But difficult. Suddenly, for hundreds of thousands, the movement was their own business. But its special angle is not found elsewhere, and provides a remarkable, nuanced introduction to contemporary Iran through the life of one of its intellectual figures. Dec 04, Tariq Mahmood rated it really liked it Shelves: iran. It tells the story of revolutionary Iran through the experiences of Ali Hashemi, a composite character largely based on an acquaintance of the author. He sets the intimate biography of a young cleric against the vast epic of Iranian thought from Zoroaster to Avicenna, Kasravi to Khomeini. Just as they had taken a leading role in the Tobacco Protests of , and during the Constitutional Revolution of , mullahs were taking centre stage once again. The circumstances under which the fire was set did not aid the Shah's pleas of innocence. Blanchard George St. See more about this book on Archive. One the one hand, Mottahedeh tellls the fictional story of a mullah named Ali, who comes from a prominent sayyed family in Qom, and his journey through the Islamic learning system from Qom to Najaf and to the Universit of the Tehran from around the 50s until a few years after the revolution. This website requires cookies to provide all of its features. The book alternates between two threads. The Book Drawn from the first-hand accounts of eyewitnesses, Roy Mottahedeh's absorbing tale of Islam and Politics in revolutionary Iran is widely regarded as one of the best records of that turbulent time ever written. According to Middle East expert Daniel L. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. The backbone is a narrative of the life story of a mullah from a wealthy Sayyid mullah family from the holy city of Qom, but most of it is an intellectual history of Iran, told through the lens of the life and work of various influential men in Iranian cultural history. This is a breathtaking intellectual history of Iran, starting from its pre-Islamic history all the way up the present day, and narrated alongside the story of one man in particular: a mullah trained in modern Iran's Shia seminaries. Save on Nonfiction Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. And in fact I did not enjoy the first chapter that much. 37.pdf