2014 ALP Chapter
CHAPTER TWO Airport Facility Requirements ChapterChapter OneOne To properly plan for the future of Livermore DESIGN CRITERIA Municipal Airport, it is necessary to translate forecast aviation demand into the speciic types The FAA publishes Advisory Circular (AC) and quantities of facilities that can adequately 150/5300-13A, Airport Design, to guide serve the identiied demand. This chapter uses airport planning. The AC provides guidance the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) on various design elements of an airport approved forecasts, as well as established intended to maintain or improve safety at air- planning criteria, to determine the airside (i.e., ports. The design standards include airport runways, taxiways, navigational aids, marking elements such as runways, taxiways, safety and lighting) and landside (i.e., hangars, aircraft areas, and separation distances. According parking apron, and automobile parking) to the AC, "airport planning should consider facility requirements. both the present and potential aviation needs and demand associated with the airport." The objective of this effort is to identify, in Consideration should be given to planning general terms, the adequacy of the existing runway and taxiway locations that will meet airport facilities and outline what new future separation requirements even if the facilities may be needed, and when these may width, strength, and length must increase be needed to accommodate forecast demands. later. Such decisions should be supported by A recommended airport layout concept will the aviation demand forecasts, coordinated be presented that consolidates all facility with the FAA, and shown on the Airport requirements into a single development Layout Plan (ALP). concept for the airport.
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