THE Inventory of the contents of the Charter Chest of the Earldom of ,vigtown, from which the following is now printed, was drawn up in the year 1681 on the succession John, 6th Earl of Wigtown, who succeeded his father, \Yilliam,. 5th Earl, on his death on 8th April 1681. The volume which originally had belonged to Thomas Hill of the Register of Sasines, Glasgow, was latterly in the possession of the late Sir William Fraser, Deputy Keeper of the Records, and was presented to the Library of the Lyon Office by his 'frustees. The writs, many of which are of great historical interest, the family of Fleming having always been closely associated with the Royal Family, date from the year 1214 onwards, and relate to lands in the counties of Aberdeen, Ayr, Dumba~on, Forfar, Haddington, Lanark, Peebles, Perth, Renfrew, Roxburgh, Selkirk, Stirling and Wigtown, as well as to the offices of Great Chamberlain of Scotland, Usher of the King's Household and the Sheriffships of Dun1barton, Peebles and Roxburgh. Some of these documents have been printed in various works, and reference is made to Hunter's Biggar and the House of Fleming, Antiquities of Aberdeen and Banff, Holyrood Charters, Crawfurd's Peerage, Spalding Club Miscellany, &c., where they will be found.


I-INVENTORY of the Writs and Evidents of the Lands and Barony of Lenzie, Lands of Cumbernauld and Others.

1. A Charter granted by King Alexander I I. to William Cumming of all the lands of Lennoch, now Lenzie, which King \Villiam, his father, had in his own hand on the day in which he gave it to the said William, by the same boundings, with all these pertinents with which the said King \ViUiam had it in his own hand when he gave it to him, to be holden of the said King Alexander in fee and heri­ tage, &c., for the service of one knight and soldier, accordi1_1g to the tenor of King William's Charter granted to him thereof. Witnesses, William, Bishop of St. Andrews ; William de Bosco, Chancellor ; Thomas, Earl of Athole; Walter, son of Allan Stewart; Robert of Loudon, the King's brother; Henry of Baillol ; John of Haya ; John of Maccuswell; Galfrid, son of Richard. Dated at Edin­ burgh the 22nd of September. There is neither year of God nor king's reign set down, but he succeeded to the Crown Anno, 1214. Nota.-There is a seal appended, but now broke in green wax, but of much lesser size than is now used. 2. A Charter granted by William Cumming, Earl of Buchan, to Robert of \Vardroba of his fourth part of Drumry in Lenzy ( or Legney), to be holden of him for payment of some iron spurs, except the king's foreign service in so far as extended to so much land ; sealed, but without date. Witnesses, Walter, Abbot of Deer; Walter Cumming, William Cumming, clerk, his son ; Robert of M ufort, Robert of Marhaugh, Rodolphus Pauntolf, Philip of Melgedrum, Walter and Roger, clerks. 3. A Transumpt under the hand of Sir John Skeen of Curriehill, clerk of register, of a Charter granted by David I I., King of Scotland, to Sir Malcolm Fleming, knight, and the heirs-male of his body for his homage and worthy services, of the lands of Farynes, Deall, Rynes and the burgh of Wigtoun, with their whole pertinents, and all the king's lands of the whole sheriffdom of Wigtoun, bounded from the head of the \Vater of Creech along the said water into the sea where the Water of Creech runs in, and so along the sea to Molerennyswage, and from thence by the said sea to the old bounds of the Earldom of Carrick until ye come to the foresaid head of the \\later of Creech, with the advocation of the churches and right of patronage of the monasteries and abbacies existing within the sheriffdom, reserving to His Majesty the right of patronage of the Episcopal See of \Vhytehorn or Galloway in the vacancy of the See, with all its pertinents and liberties whatsoever. A 2 Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wigtown

By which Charter, the king for him and his heirs, allowed the bur­ gesses of \Vigtoun the same libertys in all things which they rightly had in the time of his predecessors, the kings of Scotland. And also because the said place of \Vigtoun was looked upon as the principal. manor of the whole sheriffdom of Wigtoun, the king ordained and for ever confirmed that the said Malcolm and his heirs should for ever take the name of Earl, and should be called the Earls of Wigtoun, and did further erect the same in a• free regality with power to judge upon the four articles of the Crown, giving the said Earl and his heirs the services of five knights or soldiers in the king's army. Dated at Air the 9th day of November, the 13th year of that king's reign, the year of God 1343. Witnesses, Robert, Stewart of Scotland, the king's nephew ; John Randell, Earl of Murray, Lord Annandale and Man ; Patrick of Dunbar, Earl of March ; :Maurice of Murray, Thomas of Carnock, Chancellor, and Philip of l\1elgedrum, knights. 4. A Charter granted by Malcoim Fleming, Earl of Wigtoun, and Lord of Lenzie to Malcolm Fleming Lord (or Laird) of Biggar, his kinsman, of all that his lands of Auchmoir, with the pertinents wadsett to him by Sir Thomas Morham, knight, late of that Ilk, for 200 merks sterling, sealed and dated at Dumbritton 18th April 1357. 5. A Charter by King David I I. of Scotland to Malcolm Fleming of Biggar of all these lands, with the pertinents, which were the deceased John Kennedy's within the barony of Lenzie (or Leigney) which were then fallen in His :Majesty's hands through the forfei­ ture of the said John, to be holden for service, used and wont. \Vitnesses, \Villiam, Bishop_ of St. Andrews ; Patrick, Bishop of Brech in, Chancellor of Scotland ; Robert, Stewart of Scotland, Earl of Strathern, _the king's nephew; Patrick, Earl of March and Murray ; William, Lord of Douglas ; William of Livingstoun and Robert of Erskyn, knights. Dated at Dumbritton the I Ith of January and of the king's reign the 28th year, 1357. Sealed. 6. A Charter granted by said David I I., King of Scotland, to Malcolm Fleming of Biggar, and Christian, his spouse, and longest liver of them two, and the heirs lawfully to have been procreated betwixt them, all which failling, to the heirs of the said Malcolm, of these lands, with the pertinents, which pertained sometime to John Kennedy, within the barony of Lenzie, then fallen to His Majesty through the forfeiture of said John for service used and wont. Witnesses, William and Patrick, Bishops of St. Andrews and Brechin, the last being Chancellor; Robert, Stewart of Scotland, Earl of Strathern, the king's nephew ; William, Earl of Douglas ; Robert of Erskyn and Archibald of Douglas, knights. Sealed and dated at 6th April and 32nd year of that king's reign, the year of God 1361. 7. A Charter by Thomas Fleming, Earl of Wigtoun, whereby for the feuds betwixt him and the great men and inhabitants of the Earldom of \Vigtoun, and for £500 sterling payed hi1n by Archihald of Douglas, knight of Galloway, he dispones to the said Archibald the foresaid Earldon1 ,vith the pertinents. Sealed and dated at Edinburgh 16th February 1371. 8. A Charter of Confirmation granted by Robert I I., King of Scotland, under the Great Seal, whereby he confirms a Charter granted by Thomas Fleming, Laird of Fullwood, to William Boyd, son to the deceast Sir Thomas Boyd, knight, of a wadsett of all his lands lying within the barony of Lenzie, for £80 sterling, under rever­ sion in manner therein mentioned. The Charter confirmed is dated at Cumbernauld in Martinmas 1372, and the Charter of Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wiglounz. 3

Cvnfirmation is dated at Kinghorn the 20th day of June and fourth. year of his reign I 374. · 9. A Renunciation in form of a Charter of Vendition by \Villiam Boyd, son to the deceased Sir Thomas Boyd, knight, of the foresaid wadsett right made to him by the above designed Thomas Fleming, in favour of Malcolm Fleming of Biggar, and Christian, his spouse. Seal_ed and dated at Cumbernauld on l\1artinmas, in the year 1372. 10. A Charter under the Great Seal by David, King of Scotland, confirm­ ing a Charter granted by Thomas Fleming, Earl of Wigtoun; to Sir Robert Erskyn, Laird of that Ilk, of the lands of Easter Croy and Wester Croy, Auchinboll arid others, to be holden of the · granter for payment of two pennies silver in name of blanch-farm at the principal messuage of the said barony at Whitsunday, for all ward, relief, marriage, suits of court and other burden ,vhatso­ ever. The witnesses to the Charter confirmed, Adam, ; our Lord Robert, Stewart of Scotland and Earl of Strathern, John of Danielstoun and John of Lyle, knights ; John Kennedy, Malcolm Fleming, his cousin, and many others. The Charter of Confirmation is sealed and dated at Edinburgh the :?5th January and 35th year of that king's reign, being the year of God 1363-4. Witnesses thereto, William, Bishop of St. Andrews; Patrick, , Chancellor; Robert, Stewart of Scot­ land, Earl of Strathem, the king's nephew ; William, Earl of Douglas; Archibald of Douglas and William of Dyssingtoun, knights. 11. A Charter granted by King Robert II. to Malcolm Fleming of Biggar of the barony of Lenzie, with the pertinents, upon the resignation of Thomas Fleming, to be holden for service used and wont. Witnesses, William, Bishop of St. Andrews, and John, Bishop of Dunkeld, Chancellor ; John of Carrick, His Majesty's first begotten, Stewart of Scotland ; Robert, Earl of Fyfe, and Monteith, his son ; William, Earl of Douglas and of Mar, bis kinsman ; James of Lyndsay, his nephew, and Robert of Erskyn, his kinsman, knights. At Glasgow, ·the 20th of September and 12th_ of his reign, I 382. 1 ~- A Mortification granted by David Fleming, Lord of Biggar and Lenzie, whereby he mortifys to Almighty God and the blessed Virgin Mary and to the chappell of the said Blessed Virgin in Kirkintilloch, for the salvation of the souls of his parents, wife and others, his whole lands of Drurntieblae, with the pertinents and miln thereof, lying within the barony of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dunbritton, reserving to him and his heirs the punishment of delinquents in the Creenwood of the said lands, when the chaplains or any of them shall be complained upon, and bearing a clause that whenever he should infeft the chaplains in lands of the like or a greater value of old extent, then he and his should return to the possession of the said lands of Druntieblae. \Vitnesses to the Charter, Mathew, Bishop of Glasgow ; Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Monteith ; Lord :Murdoch,· his son and heir; Patrick of Kincardine, \Villiam of Graham, John of Livingstoun, Laird of Callender, knights; Thomas Boyd, Laird of Kilmarnock; Alexander of Livingston, vVilliam of Hamilton and \Villiam of Boyd, together with copies of three donations, one by \Villiarn, son of Thorold, and the last two by the Cummings, Earls of Buchan, of the church of Kirkintilloch to the abbacy of Cambus­ kenneth, without dates. 13. A Charter of Confirmation of the said Mortification under the Great Seal granted by Robert II I., King of Scotland. \Vitnesses, Walter, 4 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£g-town. ------Bishop of St. Andrews ; Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chance11or ; his eldest son David, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick and Athole, Stewart of Scotland ; Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Monteith, his brother-german; Archibald, Earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway, James of Douglas, Lord or Laird of Dalkeith and Thomas cf Erskyn, his beloved kinsman, knights ; dated at the Isle of Arran the 17th day of August and of that king's reign the tenth year, being the year of our Lord 1399. r4. An Indenture past betwixt the Abbot and Convent of the Abbey of Holyrood house on the one part, and David Fleming, Lord of Biggar and of Lenzie, on the other, in relation to three donations made by him to them, one of twenty merks of annual rent for their Prayer and a singing perpetually at the Altar of St. Nicholas in the said abbey, where he had ordained his sepulture, and another of an annual rent of 5 merks for their making perpetual prayer and repairing St. Nicholas Altar, both within and without, with the glass windows and his arms in them, and a third of an annual rent of£ 1o for making perpetual prayer for the souls of him and his, this last redeemable for paying of £100, and with several other conditions therein mentioned, sealed and dated 25 November 1399. [if., Holyrood Charters, 109-1 I 1, 226-227.] 1 5. A Charter by Robert I I I., King of Scotland, to Malcolm Fleming, son and heir of David Fleming of Biggar, knight, and the heirs­ male of his body, which failing to David Fleming, the second son, and the heirs-male of his body, which failing to the said Sir David his nearest and lawful heirs whatsomever, reserving Sir David's liferent,to be holden for services used and wont, of the Castle of Cumbernauld, with these five merk lands in which it is situated, with the pertinents, the lands of Badshery, the lands of Dirletry or Dillator~ the lands of Auchinstarie with pertinents and with the ground of the place or old Castle of Kirkintilloch, with all the particoals of land lying within the town of Kirkintilloch and foreagainst the said old castle, with the forest of Cumemauld and miln of Badsherry, and a yearly annual rent of 6 merks to be uplifted out of the said town of Kirkintilloch, which were heritably the said David's, and had been resigned by him in presence of William Stewart of Jedworth, knight; Mr. vValter Forrest, Canonist of Aberdeen; Walter of Tulloch ; Reginald of Crawford ; the King's secretary and l\tl uthaias de Laikie. Sealed and dated at Scone the 7th day of March I 400-1 years and II th year of that King's reign. Witnesses, David, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick and Athole, Stewart of Scotland ; Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Monteith, his brother german, Archibald, Earl of Douglas, Lord Galloway ; James of Douglas, Laird of Dalkeith and Thomas of Erskyn, knights, his cousins. 16. A Transumpt of the said Charter by way of Instrument under the sign and hand of James Gibson, notar, dated 21st April 1426. 17. An Instrument taken upon Sir William of Hamilton, Sir John of Hamilton and some other persons, their acknowledging their misdeed to Sir David Fleming before several friends named in the Instrument and putting themselves, their lives and goods in his will, in which writ it is observeable that he is oft termed Lord in the English part of it. This is under the sign and subscription of John Ochiltree, notar, dated 17th April 1404. 18. A Charter by King Robert III., to Sir David Fleming of Biggar, knight, of all and sundry the penny land of Barbeck and 5everal others designed and lying in the Earldom of Carrick. Witnesses, Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor ; Adam Forrester, knight ; l\Ir. \Valter Forrester, secretary; John of Crauford, the King's Charter Chest of the Earldoni of Uizgtozvn. 5

derk, dated at Linlithgow 24th August 1404 and fifteenth year of that King's reign. Sealed. 19. A Charter granted by King Robert I I I. to David Fleming of Biggar, knight, of all and ha,11 the lands and barony of Cavers with the pertinents lying within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh, and the office of sheriff of the said sberiffdom which had fallen in the King's hands by reason that they had formerly belonged to Isobell, Countess of Mar, and had recognosced by her selling the same to Archibald of Douglas, her cousin, without the King's licence, who was superior, to be holden of the King for services used and wont. Witnesses, Henry, Bishop of St. Andrew's ; Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor; Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fyfe and Monteith, his brother german ; Archibald, Earl of Douglas, Lord Galloway ; James of Douglas, Lord or Laird of Dalkeith, and Robert of Erskyn, knights, his cousins. Dated at Erskyn the 10th of August 1405 and sixteenth year of his reign. Sealed. 20. Indenture or Agreement made and past betwixt Alexander Stewart, Earl of Mar, on the one part, and Sir David Fleming, Laird of Biggar, on the other, whereby the Earl of 1\1 ar quits his pretences to Cavers and the shireship of Roxburgh, and promises his kindness and support, and to deliver the writs, and on the other part, the said Sir David gives to the Earl all the lands of the barony of ~'lonecabo pertaining to him because of his wife, for all the days of the life of Dame Isobell, Countess to the said Ear!, and if h1s lady should survive the said Sir David and deny the said command, then Sir David obliges himself to give as much land or annual rent in some convenient place as should agree to the said lands so long as the said Countess of Mar should live. Witnesses, the Duke of Albany, the Earl of Orkney, William the Graham, John of Ochiltree, and Sir John of Goos bay, chaplain. Sealed and dated 24th August 1405. · 21. A Collation by way of Instrument by James, Bishop of Glasgow, to Sir William Lyndsay to be chaplain of the Chaplainry of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Kirkintilloch, presented by John, Lord Fleming, under the sign and subscription of Thomas Sibbald, notar. Dated 24th December 1418. Sealed. 22. An Instrument taken upon the resignation of Agnes Paa and Edana Logan of the lands of Gartangaber, lying within the barony or lordship of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dunbritton, in the hands and in favour of Malcolm Fleming of Biggar, John Hawick, notar. Dated Anno 1439. 23. An Instrument taken by Robert Fleming, son and heir to said Malcolm Fleming of Biggar, in presence of the Sheriff-Depute of Linlithgow, upon the sentence pronounced against the said Malcolm as being unlawfully done and protesting that nothing should follow thereon. John of Lowdon, notar. Dated 7th January 1440. 24. An Instrument taken by Robert Fleming's procurator before the Earl of Douglas, Justice-General besouth Forth, against the sentence of death of Malcolm Fleming, Robert Straw, notar. Dated 13th February 1441. 25. An Instrument taken by Sir Hugh of Lennox, Chaplain ot Sir Robert Fleming, Laird of Biggar, upon his presenting to \Villiam Crighton, knight, Chancellor of Scotland, petitions for Brieves on the lands and third of lands lying in the several shires of Scotland belonging to the said Robert and Elizabeth Stewart, his mother, in which Malcolm Fleming died last vest as of fee, to which the Chancellor delayed to give answer for eight days 6 Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wiglown.

promising then to answer the petitions and grant the Brieves. John of l\iouffat, notar, dated the pen ult day of March 1441. 26. A Brief directed in the name of King James to the Sheriff of Lanark, dated I st January 144 r. 27. The Special Service of the said Robert Fleming as heir to l\1alcolm,. his father, in the Barony and Lordship of Lenzie. Dated the pen ult day of January I 443. 28. An Instrument of Sasine taken in favour of the said Robert Fleming of the said lands and barony, taken at Kirkintilloch, the 3rd of March I 443- John Wishart, notar. 29. An Instrument taken in presence of the said Robert Fleming and four Bishops upon Sir Alexander Livingstoun of Callendar his purging himself upon oath of having given any council, assistance or consent to the death and slaughter of said Malcolm Fleming his father, dated 16th August 1443. N otars, Gavin Bready and Sir John Acheray. 30. Transumpt by way of Charter by King James II. transuming several Charters there insert, and particularly a Charter _by King David to Thomas Fleming, Earl of Wigtoun, of the said Earldom of Wigtoun and pertinents, as fully as Malcolm Fleming, Earl of \Vigtoun, his grandfather, enjoyed the same, suspending always for certain causes the Regality; this was dated the 20th January and thirty-sixth year of his reign, Anno Domini 1365. Witnesses, William, Bishop of Saint Andrews ; Patrick, Bishop of Brechin, Chancellor ; Robert, Stewart of Scotland, Earl of Strathem, the King's nephew ; \\1illiam, Earl of Douglas; Robert of Erskyn, Archibald of Douglas; Walter of Haliburton; and William pf Dyssington, knights. Transuming a Charter of Confirmation by Robert, King of Scotland, of a Charter granted by said Thomas Fleming, Earl of Wigtoun, of the said Earldom to Archibald of Douglas, dated at Edinburgh the 8th of February 1371. \Vitnesses to this Charter of King Robert's, William and Patrick, Bishops of St. Andrews and Brechin; John, the King's eldest son, Earl of Carrick and Stewart of Scotland ; Robert, Earl of Fife and i1onteith, his son ; William, Earl of Douglas; John of Carrick, Chancellor; Hugh of Egglington and Robert of Erskyn, knights. Dated at Strivelling, the second year of the King's reign, 1372. ·1 ransuming a Charter confirming the conditions and contracts past betwixt the said Archibald of Douglas, knight, and Thomas, Earl of Wigtoun, on the one and other parts. Witnesses, William, Bishop of St. Andrews; John, the King's eldest son, Earl of Carrick and Stewart of Scotland ; Robert, Earl of Fife and Monteith, his well-beloved son; William, Earl of Douglas; John · of Carrie, Canon of Glasgow, Chancellor; Hugh. of Egglingtoun and Robert of Erskyne, kn1ghts, dated at Scoon the 9th March and second year of King Robert's reign. Transuming another Charter granted· by David, King of Scotland, to Archibald of Douglas, knight, of all the King's lands in Galloway, bounded in manner therein mentioned, to be holden as freely as Ed\vard of Bruyse, the King's unde, held the same before for a payment of a white rose at the Castle of Dumfries at l.ambass, in name of blanch farm, dated at Edinburgh the 18th day of September and fortieth year of his reign, Anno Domini 1339. \Vitnesses \Villiam, Bishop of St. Andrews ; Patrick, Bishop of Brechin, Chancellor ; Robert, Stewart of Scotland, his nephew ; , Earl of Carrick; George, Earl of March; Robert of Erskyne, Walter of Lesly, Walter of Halyburton, Alexander of Lindsay, John of Herres, knights. Transuming a Charter by the. said King Robert to Thomas of Murray, Pannetarius (Butler Charter Chest of the Earldont of "fV£g-town. 7

or Pander) of Scotland, of the Barony of Haick and Barony of Spruistoun, lying in the Sheriffdom of Roxburgh. Witnesses, William, Bishop of St. Andrews ; Patrick, Bishop of Brechin, Chancellor ; Robert, Stewart of Scotland, Earl of Strathern ; Patrick, Earl of 1\-Iarch and l\1urray ; Thomas, Earl of 1\-Iar; \Villiam of Keith, his Majesty's Mareschall of Scotland; William of Dyssington and Robert of Erskyn, knights,

stand in others mutual defence and in reciprocal kindness for all the days of their life against all men, excepting their alleadgeance to the king, and excepting the Lord Fleming's Bond made to the Lord Livingstoun and Lord Hamilton, and excepting the Lord Kennedy's former bonds to , Bishop of St. Andrews, the Earl of Crawford, the Lord Montgomorie, Lord Maxwell, Lord Boyd, Lord Livingston, Lord Hamilton and Lord Cathcart ; and that the Lord Fleming should be of speciall use to the king so long as the said Lord Kennedy and Sir Alexander were his servants, and that he should give them warning if any should offer to take away the king from them, and they on the other hand were to procure the casualties of his estate, when fallen in the king's hands, at an easy rate. Sealed and dated the 10th of February 1465. 34. An Indenture past betwixt the saids noble Lords, Robert, Lord Fleming, and Gilbert, Lord Kennedy, promising to suffer an assise to be held at a justice air in Dumbarton in relation to their debates and controversies. Witnesses, Colin, Earl of Argyle, master of household to the king; William, Lord Forbes; Sir Alexander Boyd of Drun1coall, Sir John Colquhoun of that ilk, comptroller, knights ; :Mr. Archibald of Whitelaw, secretary; Walter of T,veedie, Walter Somerveill of Baitlaw and Sir John Laing, publick notary. Dated 10th February 1465 and sealed. 35. An Instrument taken before arbiter conveened at Edinburgh upon the Lord Fleming and his son their willingness to submit to the sentence dated 26th April 1465. Witnesses, James, Lord Living­ stoun ; James, Lord Hamilton, William of Douglas, guardian or tutor; John, Lord Somerveill; l\1r. James Lindsay, keeper of the privy seall; Sir Alexander Home of that Ilk, knight; Andrew Ker of Cessfoord, and John Shaw; Thomas Unthank, notar, dated 26th April 1465.

.)..,6 . Two Instruments taken in presence of Sir John Houston of that Ilk, and William Sympill, son and appea.rand heir of Robert Sympill of Elistoun, the king's justices of the sheriffdom of Dunbritton, in the Justice Court there, by Robert, Lord Fleming, against the serving of the Brieves of Gilbert, Lord Kennedy, to the lands of Kirkintilloch, commonly called Eastermains, Wester mains, Shirway, Badcow, Bar and Wester Gartshoar, lying in the barony of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dumbritton, where, by his procurator therein named, he gave his objection against the legality of the process, dated 14th October 1465; George Ga1breath, notar. Witnesses, Henry, Abbot of Paisley; Sir Andrew Stewart, Chancellor of Scotland ; John Stewart, Lord of Darnley ; and several others. 37. An Instrument taken in the hands of the same notar at the same place and on the said day by the said Lord Fleming and his procurator against the sentence given in favour of said Lord Kennedy, declaring it to be ill, false, stinking and rotten ; and therefore asking burgh and protesting for remeid of law. This was done before the witnesses immediately above named. An Instrument taken by Robert, Lord Fleming, in the hands of Andrew Hynd, notar at Kirkintilloch, protesting that he had come that length with bis ordinary attenders from his Castle of Cumbernauld in order to have corr.peared at Dunbritton at the Court, but that he was then presently informed that Gilbert, Lord Kennedy, his adversary, was come to Dunbritton with an army and a great multitude of men, so that there was not tutus accessus to him, and therefore he could not personally compear, but must Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown. 9

do it only by his procurators. This instrument is dated the 15th day of April 1466. 39. An Instrument taken at Dumbarton in the hands of the said Andrew Hynd upon the 15th day of April 1466, bearing that Malcolm, son and appearand heir to the said Robert, Lord Fleming, in his father's name appeals from the Court. 40. Three Instruments of the same tenor taken in the hands of the said Andrew Hynd upon the foresaid day, bearing that both the Lord Fleming's son and the o_ther party compeared with several of their friends and procurators before the said justices at Dumbritton and pleaded their cause hlnc lnde, and that my Lord Fleming's procurator, Robert Reid, declined the judges and all the members of Court against what they should do to his prejudice in that matter. The witnesses, John Stewart, Lord of Darnlie ; William, Lord of Crichton ; Robert, Lord of Boyd, and others. 41. Another Instrument taken the same day in the hands of George Gaurach, notar, upon the High Street of Dunbritton against the inclosing of the inquest. 42. Three Instruments of protest or diseasin taken upon the ground of controverted lands (and a little after the Lord Kennedy had taken his sasine), by the said :Malcolm, son to the said Lord Fleming, in name of himself and his said father and his own son, David, protesting against the said sasine and annulling the same by the symbols of earth and stone as an intrusion proceeding upon the illegal sentence of the late inquest at Dunbritton. All three are of the same tenor, and dated the 17th of April 1466. Notar, Andrew Hynd. 43. A Transumpt by way of Instrument of the Testament of Elizabeth Stewart, Lady Biggar, whereby she constitutes Robert, Lord Fleming, her son, her executor, and of an instrument taken upon his acceptance. This is under the sign and subscription of James Darron, notar, and dated 4th January 1472. · 44. An Instrument taken in the hands of James Gray, notar, upon James Livingstoun, son to Alexander, Lord Livingstoun, his declaring upon oath that he would marry the noble Lady Betty Fleming, daughter to Robert, Lord Fleming, dated the 1st November 1472. 45. An Instrument taken by Robert, Lord Fleming, upon an arrestment laid upon some goods belonging to his son, dated 3rd June 1479. James Darron, notar. 46. Another Instrument taken in the Court of Lenzie upon an offer to redeliver these goods upon payment of a debt due to the father, dated 9th July 1479. James Darron, notar. 47. A Remission under the Great Seal by King James III. to Robert, Lord Fleming, for his depredations committed upon the Lord Hamilton and other crimes generally therein mentioned, dated at Peebles the 12th day of July and of that king's reign the twentieth year, bemg the year of God 1480. 48. An Instrument of Resignation made by Robert, Lord Fleming, for resigning in the hands of King James I I I., his superior not only of all and haill his lands and barony of Lenzie, with the pertinents, and all and sundry his lands of Cumernauld, with the castle and forrest thereof, with the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Dumbritton, but also his lands of the barony of Biggar and lands of Thankertoun, with the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, and the eight merk land lying in the barony of Monycabo within the sheriffdom of Aberdeen, and the twenty-four merk lands of Lowre, with the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of 10 Charter Chest oj the Earldom o.f Wzgtown.

Forfar, and the twenty-four merk lands of Dunbulls, with the pertinents, lying within the barony of Forgoundenny within the sheriffdom of Perth, and the lands of the barony of U chtermony or Altarmony (now called Auchtermony or Antermony), dated 19th September 1480. Sealed. · 49. Two Charters under the Great Seal proceeding upon the said resignation in favour of David Fleming, knight, son to the deceast l\:lalcolm Fleming and grandchild and heir to Robert, Lord Fleming, father to the said Malcolm, of the whole lands above resigned, to be holden of the king for payment of the rights and services used and wont, reserving always Robert, Lord .Fleming, his liferent of the said lands with the profits of the tenendries, presentation of chm:ches and chaplainries, and with the wards, marriages, reliefs, courts and escheats, herezelds, blood wits, merchete, mulierum and all other profits, &c. \Vitnesses, William, Arch11ishop of St. Andrews ; John, Bishop ofGlasgow, and William, Bishop of l\iurray, keeper of the Privy Seal; Andrew, Lord Evandale, Chancellor; Colin, Earl of Argyle, Lord Cai:npbell and Lorn, the king's master household ; David, Earl of Crawford, Lord Lindsay ; John, Lord Carlyle ; Mr. Archibald Whitelaw ; Archdeacon of Lowden, the king's secretary; and l\1r. Alexander Inglish, of Dunkeld, clerk to the registers and rolls. Dated 24th October 1480 [cl Reg. Mag. Sig. 1453]. 50. An Instrument of Sasine in favour of the said David Fleming under the sign and subscription of James Darron, notar, following upon a precept of sasine relative to the said Charter directed to the sheriff of Dumbritton for infefting him in the barony of Lenzie (which precept is wanting). The instrument is dated 2nd December 1480. ~ 1. Another Sasine of the same date and proceeding as above, of the lands of Curnernauld Castle and Forrest thereof. James Darron, likeways notar. 52. A Transumpt by way of instrument of the foresaid Charter granted by King James to David Fleming, the grandchild above named, by a noble Lady Elizabeth Livingstoun, relict of the said ?vlalcolrn. John of Goldsmith, notar, dated 18th of October 1483. 53. The Service of John Fleming, brother and heir to the said deceast David Fleming, in all and haill the lands and barony of Lenzie and forty merk lands of the said barony, and in the Castle and Forrest of Cumernauld, with the pertinents thereof. This bears the new extent of these lands to be£ 120 : 6 : 8 and the old extent £ 100 : 6: 8. The principal persons of the inquest are John Porterfield of that Ilk, Robert Noble of Fermer, Nicolas Bunten of Ardach, Robert Boyd of Badenhaugh, WiJliam Gartshoar of that Ilk, and others; dated at Dumbritton, the 18th of April 1497. 54. An Instrument under the sign and subscription of Robert Cunningham, notar, by John, Lo'rd Fleming, against Robert Small, king's officer at Durnbritton, in relation to the \\Tong indorsing the king's letters against \Villiarn Fleming of Bord, which the said officer excuses by alledging that the complainer had indorsed them him­ self because he could neither read nor write. This instrument is dated 6th February 1500. 55. A Brieve for serving John, Lord Fleming, heir to Robert, Lord Fleming, his grandfather, in the lands wherein the grandfather died last vest and seased, dated 30th June in the eleventh year of the reign of King James IV., being 1500: This is wanting. 56. A Discharge by way of Instrument by Janet Hepburn, daughter to of Rowiestoun, to John, Lord Fleming, of 200 merks. Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wigtown. I I

Robert CuI?-ningham, notar, dated 1st June 1500. Amongst the witnesses there is George Fleming of Kilmacom. 57. A Charter granted by John, Lord Fleming, to William Fleming, Laird of Bord, of his lands of Nether Auchinreoch, with the pertinents lying in the barony of Auchtermony, within the sheriffdom of Striveling, to be holden of the granter blanch, and that in excam­ bion with Menzean, sold by Bord, lying in the barony of Oliver Castle and sheriffdom of Peebles, to the said Lord, dated at Glasgow the 3rd of January 1502. Sealed. 58. A Sasine following upon the foresaid Charter in favour of William Fleming of Bord. Walter Logan, notar, dated the 17th of September I 502. . 59. A Commission under the Great Seal by King James V. to John, Lord Fleming of Biggar and Cumernauld, and to Mr. James Ogilvie, first master of requests, his majesty's counsellors, who had been formerly his ambassadors abroad, making and constituting them his majesty's commissioners deputies, procurators and special messengers, for receiving in his majesty's name, and in name of his dearest mother and of the Kingdom, the sum of 100,000 franks French monie from Lodovick, King of France, or his commissaries, and arms, matches, bombards and other warlike ammunition to have been sent by him to the king for strengthening of the Kingdom, and to grant discharges thereof accordingly. Dated at Perth the 5th of December 1513, and of that king's reign the first year. 6o. An Instrument taken upon the sentence of divorce pronounced by the judges therein named, betwixt John, Lord Fleming, and Lady Margaret Stewart, upon the account that one James Lindsay, cousin german with the Lord F~ming, had known her before the marriage. Dated 25th October 15 1 5. William Dick, notar. Nota.-The two following writs don't relate to my Lord Fleming, but because they are lying among the writs, and follow in the order of time, they are subjoined. 61. An Instrument taken upon an Agreement past betwixt William Fleming of Boghall on the one part, and Alexander Rattray in Pitcur and George Halyburton of Gask on the other, whereby they become obliged not only to_ pursue the said William for warrandice of the lands and milne of Pitcur and others therein mentioned. David Barr, notar, dated 6th June 1518. 62. Letter of Slains granted by Patrick Barclay of Tolly, and several others of that name, his cousins, to James Crichton of Frendraught, knight, for making an onsett upon the said Tolly, and killing Gilbert Barclay, his near kinsman. This is signed by Tolly and the fath~r of the defunct and two others of that name, but the heads and most principal kinsman on the father and mother's side are there named thus, John Chalmer of Torri es, Alexander Chalmer ; James J ohnstoun of that Ilk ; William Johnstoun ; Alexander Innes of that Ilk; Robert Innes of Rothnakenzie; Robert Innes of Invermarkie; \Valter Innes ofTowthis ; Patrick Innes and Thomas Innes, brothers to Inverrnarkie ; and Crichton's accom­ plices are named to be severals of his own name ; Alexander Leslie of Wardes; several of the name of Guthrie, Craig, Irvine, Allardice and others. Dated 21st September 1518. 63. A Commission under the Great Seal by King James V. to John, Lord Fleming of Biggar and Cumernauld, and Baron of the baromes of Lenzie and Thankertoun, therein designed the .king's cousin and counsellor and great chamberlain of the Kingdom, to be his Ambassador to Francis I., King of France, for managing certain 1 2 Charter Chest of the Earfdo,n of· Wigtown.

matters committed to him for the common good, and specially to desire that king to send home John, Duke of Albany, the king's tutor, to be Governour of the Kingdom. Dated at Dundee 7th March I 519, and seventh year of that kints reign. 64. A Commission and power givtn to John Thorntoun, Canon of Glas­ gow, by Cardinal Antonius in name of Pope Paul I I I., and by his express mandate, impowering him to dispense for five years with twenty copulations, viz., twenty men and as many women marrying or lying together incestuously or within the degrees forbidden. This proceeds upon a petition of James Salmond, a clerk in Glasgow, and sealed and dated at St. Peter's in Rome the 5th of the calends of November, and fourth of the Pope's reign. (28 October I 537.) 65. An Instrument taken by Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus, upon consignation of a certain sum in the hands of John, Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain of Scotland, John Terrean, notar, dated 2nd April 1 52 I. This appears to have been done at Rhoan in France, but it is so ill cut with rats that the true substance cannot be known. 66. An Indenture past betwixt l\Ialcolm, Lord Fleming, on the one part, and John Arthur, wright, on the other, whereby the said John becomes obliged to work to the said Lord, and not to pass from his service so long as he has labour to do, for which cause my Lord gives him during his life the two husband lands and maillings in Cumernauld which John Wright and John Anderson had before, with the pa~iurage of three cows and one horse yearly, within the Horse wand or Forrest of Cumernauld, attour the soumes of cattel pertaining to the said two husband lands, and also give him the office of forrestership of the whole Forrest of Cumernauld, with the fees and duties thereto ~elonging without payment of maills or grassums, and to give him meal and drink when he was at my Lord's service, with this provision, that the liferent right should be null if he absented from the service. This is dated 7th March I 524. 67. A Brieve or precept forth of the Chancery in name of King James V. relative to a retour directed to the sheriff of Dunbritton for infefting Malcolm, Lord Fleming, as son and heir to the deceast John, ·Lord Fleming, his fath~r, in all and haill the lands and barony of Lenzie and all and haill the lands of Cumernauld Castle and Forrest thereof, and pertinents lying within the 5heriff­ dom of Dunbritton. Dated 11th March in twelfth vear of the king's reign, 1525, together with the retour itself, Jdated 21st February I 524. 68. An I nstrurnent of Sasine following thereon under the sign and sub­ scription of Gavin Clerk taken at Cumernauld, and dated 26th April I 525. 69. A Letter of Respite by King James V. to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, and diverse other gentlemen therein named, for their treasonable conversing with Alexander Forrester and several other Englishmen in the time of war. The respite to continue for the space of nine­ teen years, dated 16th August 1 526 and thirteenth year of the king's reign. 70. The Pope's Letter of Dispensation to dispense with the marriage of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, and Joan or Janet Stewart, their being within the 3rd degree, they doing penance as is therein contained for their marrying without dispensation·; given at Rome in the first year of Pope Clement VII th (1523). 71. A Ratification of the said Dispensation dated the same year. This is wanting. Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 13

72. A Transumpt by way of Instrument of John, Lord Fleming's testa­ ment. Dated the 21st of November 1526. Michaell Fleming, notar. Nota.-Thcre is a Charter of Confirmation and new erection of the two burghs of barony of Biggar and Kirkintilloch by King James V. under the Great Seal. Dated 21st November 1526, which may be seen in the inventary of the old writs of Biggar. 7J An Instrument taken by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, upon his requiring Michaell M'Quhen, burges of Edinburgh, for himself and in name of David, Abbot of Saulsat his colleague, to prove before a com­ petent judge the violence they all edged had been done them in uplifting of the fruits of the priory of Whitehorn, extending to £486 : 7 : 4, betwixt that and Palm Sunday then next, protesting if they did not in manner therein specified. Dated 11th August I 530 ; Henry Lauder, notar. 74. An Instrument taken at the marriage of Robert Stirling of Ballinkeir and Mariota Fleming, natural daughter to William Fleming ot' Boghall, in the church of Calder, on a Dispensation from Mr. Gilbert Strachan, canonist of Aberdeen and commissionary from the apostolic See for that effect. Dated 11th June 1536; David Hugons, notar. 75. A Letter directed to John Livingston of lVIanerstoun and his wife by John Reyard, General of the Order of the Minorities in Scotland, thanking them for their kindness to the Order, and recommending it to all the brethren and sisters of that Order to make prayer for them ; daterl in the convent at Striveling, 3rd December I 535. 76. A Dispensation by John Thorntoun, apostolick protonotary, &c., as being the Pope's commissioner in that part, for the marriage of William Fleming of Bord, and Agnes Livingstoun of l'vlanerstoun, albeit they were with the fourth degree of consanguinity. Dated Anno 1536 ; William Meldrum, notar. 77. An Instrument of Resignation by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, personally, in King James Vth's hands, of his lands and barony of U chtern1ony, £50 of annual rent to be uplifted forth of the lands of Kerse per­ taining to the abbot and convent of Holyroodhouse, lying within the sheriffdom of Striveling, the lands and barony of Lenzie, with the town of Kirkintilloch, £ 5 lands of Cummernauld Mains, Castle and free Forrest of the sa1ne lying within the sheriffdom of Uun­ britton, £3 lands of the Mains of Boghall, town and burgh of Biggar and acres about the same, lands and barony of Thanker­ toun and Biggar lying within the sheriffdorn of Lanerk, lands of Ovennenzean, Kingildoors, superiority of the half-lands of Glen­ rusco, an acre of the lands of Oli vercastle, lands of U ri~land, Miln thereof, Logan, l\1osfenan and others lying- within the sheriffdom of Peebles, £ 16 land of Lowr lying within the sheriffdom of Forfar, £16 land of Dunbulls lying within the sheriffdom of Perth, and £3 land of Frissells land in the constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh. Dated 9th April 1538 ; John Guthrie, notar. 78. A Charter granted by King James V. to the said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, then High Chamberlain of Scotland, containing an erection of Auchtermony, the yearly annual rent out of Kers, and the lands of Lenzie and Forrest of Cumbernauld into a new barony, to be called the barony of Cumbernauld, and Cumbernauld to be the messuage for taking sasine ; and of the lands and barony of Lenzie, with the town and burgh of Kirkintilloch, into another new barony, to be called the barony of Lenzie, and the town of Kirkin­ tilloch to be the place for sasine ; and of Boghall, with the town and 14 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown.

burgh of Biggar and acres thereabout, into a new barony, to be called the barony of Boghall, and the manor place of Boghall to l>e the messuage ; and the lands and barony of Thankertoun and Biggar into a new barony, to be called the barony of Thankertoun, and the town of Thankertoun to be the messuage ; and of the lands of Overmenzean, superiority of the half of Glenrusco and the other lands mentioned in the resignation, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles with the Frisells lands, into another barony, to· be called the barony of Mosfenan, and the manor of Mosfenan to be the principal messuage ; and further contains a grant that Cumernauld and Forrest thereof, lands and mains of Boghall and town and burgh of Biggar and acres, with advocation and donation of the churches and chaplainries belonging thereto, shall thereafter hold blanch. This Charter is dated 9th April 1538. Witnesses, Gavin, , Chancellor; George, Bishop of Dunkeld ; Henry, Bishop of Galloway; James, Earl of Murray, the King's brother; Archibald, Earl of Argyll, master household; Hugh, Earl of Eglintoun ; · Patrick, Prior of St. Andrews ; Alexander, Abbot of Cumbuskenneth ; :\lr. Thomas Erskyn of Brechin, secretary; James Colvill of Easter \Veims, comptroller and director of the Chancellary, and Mr. James Fowlis of Colington, -clerk to His Majesty's Rolls and Council [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1774]. 79. A Precept of Sasine relative thereto, and of the date thereof. 80. A Sasine taken upon the said precept of the foresaid new barony of Lenzie,. comprehending as above, taken at Kirkintilloch upon the 8th day of June 1538. Andrew Freesom, notar. 8 J. An Instrument of Sasine also upon the foresaid precept of the barony of Cumernauld, comprehending as above, under the sign and sub­ scription of Gilbert Mill, notar ; dated the 9th of September 1538. A Decreet of Perambulation proceeding upon brieves of perambula­ tion in relation to the right marches and divisions betwixt the lands of Gartshoar, pertaining in property to 1\ilalcolm, Lord Fleming, on the one part, and the lands of Badenheath, which pertained here­ tably to William Boyd and Margaret Somerveill, his wife, on the other part, lying within the sheriffdom of Dunbritton, which is done by Mr. Hugh Rigg, justice-depute to the Earl of Argyle, justice­ general, and by an inquest of persons therein named ; dated 22nd October I 538, under the Seals of the inquest. An Instrument of Sasine of the twenty-four merk land of Lowr, pro­ ceeding likeways upon the foresaid precept in favour of said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, taken at Lowr upon the 9th of June 1 539. Gilbert Mill, notar. A Decreet of Absolvitor obtained before the Lords of Council and Session by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, absolving him from the action intended against him by William Fleming of Bord, for delivering to him of a letter of reversion of the lands of Smithstoun lying within the barony of Lenzie, alleged to have been granted by Patrick Colquhoun to William's grandfather; dated the 19th of December I 539· A Bond by Malcolm, Prior of Whytehorn, with consent of the convent thereof, whereby he obliges himself to pay to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his brother, 500 merks for his brother's relief, pro tanto, of their sister :Margaret's tocher with John Cunningham, appearand heir of Glengarnock ; dated and sealed the 3rd of February I 540. 86. Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his latter will and testament, dated the 15th of February:1546. Charter Chest of the Earldorn of Wzglown. IS

87. A Dispensation by John Stevenson, designed as in the writ as having a mediat commission from the Pope, for the marriage of N inian Bruce and Margaret Livingstoun, albeit within the third and fourth degrees of consanguinity, dated 7th February 1546-7. Attested by Andrew 1\1 ill, notar. 88. A Service of Terce before the Macers at Edinburgh in favour of Lady Janet ·Stewart, relict of the dect:ased Malcolm, Lord Fleming, to a third of her lord's lands, dated 2nd November 1547, under the seals of the inquest, together with an extract of the same under the sign · and subscription of John Mosman, notar, and clerk to the Court. 89. The Service of James, Lord Fleming, as heir to the deceast Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his father, who died in the battle of Pinkiecleugh, before the Macers, dated 20th May 1549, under the seals of the inquest, with another principal double thereof also under the seals of the inquest, together with a double of the same. 90. A Precept of Sasine relative thereto in Queen Mary's name, directed to the sheriff of Dunbritton, for taking sasine in the barony of - Lenzie c?mprehending Kirkintilloch, dated 25th September 1549. - 91. An Instrument of Sasine taken thereupon the last day of September I 549. Gilbert Mill, notar. 92. A Sasine of the lands and barony of Uchtermony and Cumbemauld the said last day of September I 549. Gilbert Mill, notar. Nota.-The precept which is the warrant of this last sasine is wanting. 93. Decreet of Absolvitor by the Justice Deputes, contributed by Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Justice General, assoilzying the said James, Lord Fleming, John Fleming, his natural brother, John Fleming, younger of Boghall, and diverse others their complices for being art and part of the alledged oppression done to John Crichton, tutor of Sanquhar, his natural son, and other servants, their wounding William Crichton in his left hand and killing of , their servant. This is done by an inquest and under the Royal Seal, dated 3rd February 1542. 94. A Gift and Commission to James, Lord Fleming, to be Great Chamberlain of Scotland for his lifetime, with power to him to make deputes, and . narrates his father Malcolm, who was Great Chamberlain, his dying in the battle of Pinkiecleugh for the queen, and his own good services done to her. This is given with consent of James, Duke of Chatelereault, Earl of Arran and Lord Hamilton, the queen's tutor and protector and governor of the kingdom ; is under the Great Seal, and· dated at Hamilton 12th November 1553. 95. A Gift of Nonentry by said Queen l\lary, with consent of the above named govern our, to the said James, Lord Fleming, of the ward and nonentry dutys of several lands therein named which pertained to the deceast William; Lord Crichton of Sanquhar, under the Privy Seal, and dated 24th June and eleventh year of her reign I 553. 96 A Commission under the Testimony of the Great Seal by the said queen to him as Justiciary for apprehending, judging and punish­ ing John Lennie in Auchmony, suspected of theft, pickeries, &c., dated at Edinburgh the 20th day of January and fourteenth year of her reign I 5 55. 97. A Discharge of £1000 given by William, Lord Livingstoun, to James, Lord Fleming, dated the 28th day of December 1555 years, which he was obliged to pay to him for relief of the Lady Fleming, his mother. 98. A Commission under the quarter Seal by Queen Mary constituting J 6 Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wigtown.

the said James, Lord Fleming, warden of the West Marches and lieutenant of the Middle :Marches towards England, and also justiciary within the said bounds; dated at the queen's house at Aberdeen the 10th day of October 1556 years. 99. Instructions given by the queen mother and Regent and Council, subscribed with the queen's own hand in the said year ! 5 56.

100. A Charter granted by James, Lord Fleming, to John Fleming, his brother german, of his whole lands, to be holden of the queen, reserving his own liferent, and with a provision that the same shall be redeemable by the heirs male of his body, if he should have any, by payment of l,20 Scots in manner mentioned in the Charter, and with this provision also that he shall be liable to pay such and such provisions to his daughters, dated 15th January 1557. 101. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal by said Queen Mary of the Charter above written, dated 17th January r 557 and the si~teenth year of her reign. [if., Reg. Mag. Sig. 1237]. 102. Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid first Charter, dated 19th January I 557. 103. Sasine following upon the said precept, dated the 20th, 21st and 22nd days of January 1557, James Harlaw, notar; together with a Transumpt thereof before the lords of Council and Session upon the 20th of January 1630; together also with another principal Sasine following upon the said precept of the lands and barony of Auchtermony, annual rent out of Kerse and lands of Cumernauld, dated 19th February 1557. Gilbert Law, notar. 104. A Bond by the said James, Lord Fleming, to the said John Fleming, his brother, whereby he became obliged to pay to his said brother l4000 Scots, and to infeft him in lands to the value, at the sight of friends in satisfaction of his bairns' part of goods, a legacy and the maills and dutys of certain lands left to him by his father, which had been intromitted with by the said lord. This makes mention of the said James, Lord Fleming, his being appointed one of the commissioners to pass to the parts of France for contracting the marriage betwixt the queen and my Lord Dauphin of France ; is under my Lord's Seal, and dated the 3rd of February 1557. 105. An Assignation by said James, Lord Fleming, making mention of his being ready to depart for France to the marriage of his sovereign, and that he had, upon consideration of his having no heirs male gotten of his body, and to the end that his lands and living might remain with his sirname, granted in favour of his brother the Charter and precept of Sasine of his estate above mentioned, under reversion in manner therein contained, and he being still desirous to continue the estate in his own sirname, therefore, in case he should have no heirs male of his own body, or in case he did not redeem in his own life, or that his brother should have no heirs male of his own body, then and in these cases he assigned John Fleming of Boghal1 and his heirs male, which failing, William Fleming of the Bord and his heirs male, which failing, William Fleming of Barrochan and his heirs male, which failing, his own nearest heirs male, being of the sirname of Fleming, in and to the restrictions, provisions and reversion contained, and in relative to the foresaid nght granted by him to his. brother of the estate in the cases aforesaid, with power to redeem, &c., debarring them always to redeem from his brother in his life, or from his heirs male, if he should have any, and providing they should pay the portions of his own daughters in the case above written, if his brother should not pay them in his lifetime; dated the 4!h February 1557. Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 1 7

106. A Letter of Reversion granted by the said John Fleming to the said James, Lord Fleming, making mention of the foresaid Charter and Infeftment, and declaring the same redeemable to his said brother and the heirs male gotten or to be gotten of his body, and his assignees, by payment of £20 Scots in St. Geills Church of Edinburgh in manner at length therein contained, sealed and dated at Paris 10th March 1557. Witnesses, James, Archbishop of Glasgow ; Robert, Bishop of Orkney ; George, Earl of Rothes ; Gilbert, Earl of Cassillis ; James, Commendator of the Priory of St. Andrews ; George, Lord Seton ; John Erskyn of Dun and others ; with another Assignation of the same date assigning them ut supra in so far as concerned the lands of Dripps and others therein mentioned, lying within the stewartry of Strathern and sheriffdoms of Perth and Peebles respectively, together with a procuratory signed by said John Fleming at Paris, 6th June I 558, for consenting notwithstanding of his infeftment to his brothers alienating such of the lands as he should think fit. 107. Two other Assignations granted by the said James, Lord Fleming, to young Boghall and his other friends above named, of the same nature with the former Assignation, sealed and dated at Paris, 13th Marc~ I 557, and before the same witnesses who sign to the reversion. 108. An Obligement by Queen Mary, signed and under her Signet Seal, obliging herself to pay to the Earl of Athole £500 in part of the 2000 merks which James, Lord Fleming, was obliged to pay to the said earl in tother with Margaret Fleming, Mistress of Erskyn; dated at Striveling the 1st day of April 1557. 109. A Tack by Malcolm, Commendator and Convent of \Vhitehorn, to John Fleming and Margaret Hamilton, therein designed, their well beloved servants, and longest liver, of the five merk land of Creathdo for the space of nineteen years. Sealed and dated the day of 1558. 110. A Gift by Queen Mary under the Privy Seal to John, Lord Fleming, of twenty chalders of oatmeall yearly, to be paid out of the queen's thirds of benefices, because he had bestowed his whole time in her service, and had a good mind and will to serve her in all time coming ; dated 28th December 1562. 1 r 1. A precept of Sasine granted by James, Earl of Mortoun, Chanc_ellor of Scotland, under his Seal of date 16th May 1564, in obedience to the Lords of Council their decreet and letters of four forms, for infefting John, Lord Fleming, in the lands of Kilbocko, with advocation and donation of benefices, with tenants, tennendries, &c., lying within the regality of Dalkeith and sheriffdom of Peebles. 112. Gift and Commission under the Broad Seal to John, Lord Fleming, of the office of Great Chamberlain of Scotland, which maketh mention of his father, Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his dying Great Chamberlain, at the Battle of Pinkiecleugh, with several of his kinsmen and clients, and the late James, Lord Fleming, eldest son to the said Malcolm, his dying in Her Majesty's service in France, and his own good services ; dated the last day of June I 565. 113. A Letter of Reversion granted by \Villiam Stark of Auchinstarie to John, Lord Fleming, declaring the five merk land of N etherwood, lying in the barony of Lenzie, disponed by the said ;Lord to him, to be redeemable by payment of 700 merks in_ manner therein specified ; dated 7th 1\'larch 1565 and sealed. 114. A Gift under the Privy Seal granting and disponing to J ohu, Lord Fleming (for -his continual service to the quee_n since her infancy B I 8 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown.

without compensation, and for his service against the rebellious people of Nidsdale, &c.), of the third of the rents of the Priory of Whytehorn, ay, and while 1000 merks should be made up to him of yearly rent. 115. A Commission by said Queen Mary under the Testimony of the Great Seal making and constituting the said John, Lord Fleming, to be justiciary within the sheriffdom of Peebles and Overward of Clydesdale ; sealed and dated the 28th March I 567. 116. A Gift by Queen Mary under the Privy Seal to Malcolm Fleming, brother's son to John Fleming of Boghall, of the parsonage and vicarage teinds of Kilbryde, otherways called the c;hantorie of Glasgow, then fallen in Her Majesty's hands thro' the decease of . . . Balladen, with power to 1him to dispone the samen teinds with the kirklands, manses, gleibs, yards and pertinents belonging to the prebendarie of Kilbryde, at his pleasure, and with power to him to create commissars for administration of justice _within the jurisdiction thereof, and to do all other things that any chantor or person lawfully presented might do therein. This gift is dated at Wingdfield the 4th of June I 56<). 117. A copy or an extract of a Sasine taken of the half lands of Shirvey, lying within the barony of Lenzie, in favour of Mr. Thomas Fleming in liferent for all the days of his life, upon John, Lord Fleming, his precept. The Sasine is dated the 12th of l\.fay 1559. Gilbert Law, the notar's name, is set to this, but whether it be a copy or an extract cannot be well known. 118. The Testament dative of Malcolm, Commendator of Whytehorn, given up and confirmed by John, Lord Fleming, before the commissars of Edinburgh upon the penult day of March 1569. 119. A Summons of Error against the servers of Patrick Kincaid of that Ilk as heir to William Kincaid, his brother, in the lands of lt)chbellie, at the instance of John, Lord Fleming. This is in King James Vl.'s name, under the testimony of the Great Seal, and dated 5th of April the tenth year of his reign 1577. With indorsations on the back. 120. A copy of the Testament of Elizabeth Ross, Lady Fleming, wherein she makes John, Earl of Athole, her brother-in-law, John, Lord Fleming, her son, and Thomas Scott of Abbotshall, her brother, her executors, dated 14th April 1578. 121. An Act of Parliament under the hand of Alexander Hay, Clerk Register, whereby the King and Estates of Parliament do grant to John, Lord Fleming, therein designed John Fleming, son lawfull to umquhill John, late Lord Fleming, that he should have the benefit of the Grace and Conditions made at the pacifications of Perth the 23rd of February 1572, ratified in the Parliament I 573, and allow­ ing the said John the security of his life and bruicking the lands and goods which sometime pertained to John, Lord Fleming, his father (who it seems had been forfeit by the prevailing party who stood for the king for adhereing to the queen's interest), providing always that the heritable Disposition of the lands of Edmonstoun to James, Earl of Morton, nor the sum consigned by him for redemption of the Barony of Kilbocko disponed to him by reason of escheat, and also that the town and lands of Cambusdrennie and Westwood, lying within the sheriffdom of Perth, possessed by Adam, Commendator of Cambuskenneth, were not comprehended under the pacification and restitution until the said Abbot were satisfied of the teinds of the parochin of Lenzie, which the said umquhill Lord Fleming had withheld from him for two years therein named, and providing that the same should not prejudice the king Charter Chest of the Earldo1n .of Wigto1vn. 19

of the said John, Lord Fleming's ward and marriage, and that the same should not be extended to the murthers of the king's father and two regents; dated 7th November 1579. 122. A Letter of Dispensation under the Signet for serving of John, Lord Fleming, heir to John, Lord Fleming, his father, Dame Elizabeth Ross, his mother, and umquhile James, Lord Fleming, his uncle, and Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his grandfather, notwithstanding his minority; dated 3rd July 1580. 123. A General Retour of John, Lord Fleming, as heir to said deceast Elizabeth Ross; Lady Fleming, his mother; dated 26th July 1580. 124. His Speciall Retour as heir to his father, uncle and grandfather in his whole lands, dated 26th July I 580, with· a procuratory granted for that effect. 125. A Sasine following upon a precept relative to the foresaid Retour of the Lands and Baronies of Cumbernauld and Lenzie comptehend­ ing as is therein specified, dated 8th October 1580 ; William Houston, notar. The precept is wanting, but dated 17th September 1580. 126. A Letter of Reversic,n granted by John, Lord Fleming, son and heir to umquhile John, Lord Fleming, with advice of his curators, to John Fleming of Boghall, granting the lands of Boghall, Milton and Arratshill, lying in manner therein mentioned, to be redeemable to the said John Fleming and the heirs male of his body, for a rose noble. Sealed and dated 10th May 1582. 127. Assignation by John, Earl of ~ontrose, donator to the ward and marriage of the said John, Lord Fleming, in favour of the Lord Fleming himself, and that in contemplation of the maniage then contracted betwixt him and Mrs. Lilias Graham, daughter to the said earl, dated 7th February 1583. Together with the gift itself, dated 20th May 1579. 128~ Act of Curatory of the said John, Lord Fleming, under the hand of George Hay, Clerk Register, bearing that he having first chosen [Esme] Duke of Lennox, John, Earl of l\iontrose, Alexander, Master of Livingstoun and Dan1e Margaret Fleming, Countess of Athole, his curators, conform to a former Act of Curatorie, and in regard that the Duke of Lennox ,vas since dead and the Countess of Athole rendered incapable, throw the censures of the Church against her, it was therefor necessary to choose new ones in addition to the rest, and therefore electing Mr. John Maitland of Thirlestains and Alexander ·Bruce of Airth, knight, curators !n place of the Duke of Lennox and Countess of Athole; dated 28th March I 584. 129. A Letter of Reversion signed and sealed granted by John Wallace, in Johnstoun and Isabell Fleming, his spouse, granting an annual rent of 200 merks upliftable out of the lands of Wester mains and Kirkintilloch, disponed by the said John, Lord Fleming, with consent of his curators, to them lying within the barony of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dunbritton, to be redeemable to him and his for payment of 200 merks Scots; dated 19th July 1 585. 130. A Letter of Reversion by Sir Alexander Bruce of Airth, knight, and John Bruce, his third lawful son, to John, Lord Fleming, of an annualrent of six merks forth of the lands and barony of Lenzie, by payment of 160 merks; sealed and dated 12th June , 587. 131. A Charter by King James VI. under His Majesty's Great Seal to John, Lord Fleming, and his heirs male and of tailzie therein named, of his whole lands and others therein mentioned, then holden of the king, containing an erection thereof into a free 20 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W-igtown.

lordship and barony to be called the lordship of Cumernauld, and ordaining Cumernauld to be the messuage for taking sasine, and also containing a de novodamus an erection of Biggar and Kirkintilloch into burghs of barony, with liberty of weekly mer~ats and a yearly free fair in each, that in Biggar on the 19th of June called St. Peter's Day, and that in Kirkintilloch on St. Andrew's Day. The principal lands contained in this charter are the lands and barony of Auchtermony, lying in Strivelingshire ; the lands and barony of Lenzie, town and lands of Kirkintilloch, the £5 lands of Cumernauld, Mains, Castle and forrest thereof, &c., lying in Dumbrittonshire ; the £3 lands of the :Mains of Boghall, burgh of Biggar and acres, lying about the same lands and barony of Biggar, lying in Lanarkshire ; lands of Menzean, Over Kingildoors, superiority of the half lands of Glenrusco, and one acre of land of Olivercastle, Urisland, Mill thereof, Logan, Mossfenan, quarter of Chappellgill and Cardrono, lying in the shire of Peebles ; half of the lands of Sunderland, with tower and fortalice, lying in the sheriffdom of Selkirk ; and the twenty-four merk lands of Lowr, lying in the sheriffdom of Forfar, the twenty-four merk lands ofDunbulls, lying in the sheriffdom of Perth, and lands of Frissellsland, · ex­ tending to £3 lands, lying in the constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh. The charter proceeds upon my Lord Fleming's own resignation. The reddendo's are these, for Cumer­ nauld, Boghall, town and burgh of Biggar and acres, a pair of gilt spurs in name of blanch farm, for the barony of Auchtermony another pair of gilt spurs, if asked, and for all the rest with the mills and patronages, the service of ward, relief and marriage, which is there taxed, the wards and nonentry to be £1000 Scots during all the time thereof, 300 merks for the relief and 1200 merks for the marriage, and contains provisions to my lord's daughter in case the estate falls to heirs male not of his body, the said daughters always upon payment, renouncing all interest to the lands contained in the Charter, and likeways the other lands underwritten holden of other superiors, viz: -·T-helands and barony of Kilbocho and patronage of the Church thereof, land of Glenquhom, and quarter lands of Smellhop, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, the lands of Edmistoun, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, the lands of Harbertshire, lying within the sheriffdom of Strive]ing, the lands lying betwixt the water and moss of Cambusdrenie, Westwood, Bad and Drips, lying within the stewartry of Strathem and sheriffdom of Striveling. The Charter is dated at Holyrood­ house 18th January 1588-9 [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1616]. 132. Precept of Sasine relative to the said Charter, the date thereof which with the Instrument of Resignation is wanting.

I 33. Two principal Instruments of Sasine taken upon the said precept of Cumernauld, 1st April 1589, two notars subscribing each of them, viz :-Thomas Inglis and William Fleming. 134. A Letter of Reversion, Mr. Alexander Bruce of Airth and Alexander Bruce, his son, liferenter and feear respective, to John, Lord Fleming, of an annualrent of 100 merks to be uplifted forth of the lands and barony of Lenzie, redeemable for 1000 merks Scots ; dated the day of 1 588, subscribed by the granters, but the witnesses do not sign.

I 35· A Commission under the Testimony of the Great Seal to the Macers of Session to sit as judges to the serving of John, Lord Fleming, as heir to the deceast John, Lord Fleming, his father, in all the larrds and others wherein he died last vest and seased, lying within the sheriffdom of Dunbritton; dated 26th -February I 588. .Charter Chest of the .E:arld6,m of W£gtown. 21

136. John, Lord Fleming, his Burgess Ticket of the burgh of Perth, dated 12th December I 589. 137. A Letter of Reversion by William ~ionteith of Kerse to John, Lord · Fleming, of an annual rent of £240, to have been uplifted forth of the lands and barony of Lenzie, granting the same to be redeem­ able for p~yment of 3000 merks. Sealed and dated 5th October I 590. Witnesses are insert therein, but do not sign. 138. A copy of a Charter granted by John, Lord Fleming, to William Stark of Auchinstarie, in liferent, and William Stark, his grand­ child, in fee, of the two merk land of Dullatour, lying within the barony of Lenzie to be holden feu. Dated 21st July 1590. These lands are now redisponed to the Earl of Wigtoun, 1712. I 39. A Resignation and Renunciation ad remanentiam not only of the said two merk land, but also of the w~ole four merk land of Dullatour to the said John, Lord Fleming. Sealed and dated the 11th of August 1593. 140. A Renunciation granted by Sir \Villiam Livingstoun of Demechester, knight, to John, Lord Fleming, of the lands of easter and wester mains of Kirkintilloch and other lands, lying in the baronies of Lenzie and Auchtermony, dated 19th February 1594. Registered in the books of Council 22nd February I 594. · 141. A Bond or Oblig~ment granted by for entering John Fraser in the House of Cumernauld, under the pain of 1000 merks, dated 15th July 1594. This is wanting. 142. A Procuratory of Resignation by' John, Lord Fleming, for resigning his whole lands, at least those holding of the King, in His Majesty's hands for new infeftment to himself and the heirs male of his· body, which failing, to Alexander Fleming of Barrochan and the heirs male of his body, which failing, to my lord's other heirs male, which failing, to his other heirs and assignees whatsoever bearing the name and arms of Fleming, under certain provisions therein contained ; dated at Edinburgh the 6th day of July I 594. This is wanting. · 143. Ane Instrument of Resignation following thereon, Thomas Harvie, notar; dated the last day of January 1 595-6. 144. A Charter under the Great Seal following upon the said resignation, wherein (as is informed) is contained the patronage of certain churches in the south and other privileges, and is said to be dated the last of January I 595-6 [cf. Reg. Mag. Sig. 402]. l\Tota.-This Charter is wanting, but thought to be lying at Edinburgh, being set down in a former inventary. 145. A Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid Charter. 146. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept. Nota.-The said Precept and Instrument are both wanting, and not so much as mentioned in the former inventary, but 'tis presumed they have been, and therefor here marked. Though 'tis also probable that they have stopt in regard of the new Resignation following. 147. A new Procuratory of Resignation made by said John, Lord Fleming, for resigning his haill lands hol~en of the king in his then majesty's hands, for new infeftment to himself and the heirs male of his body, which failing, to Alexander Flemi_ng of Barrochan, and the heirs male of his body; which failing, to the said Lord Fleming his nearest heirs male whatsoever bearing the arms and sirname of Fleming, which yet failing, to his nearest and lawful heirs and assignees whatsoever, bearing this provision, that 22 Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wigtown.

if he shall not have heirs male of his own body, but only daughters, then the other heirs male succeeding were to pay 20,000 merks to one daughter, and 20,000 if two and 40,000 merks if more, upon payment whereof the said daughters should be obliged to denude not only of the lands holden of the king, but also of other superiors before and therein named in favour of the said heirs male; sealed and dated at Edinburgh 8th July 1595. 148. Instrument of Resignation following upon the said procuratory, dated the day of , notar. 149. A Charter under the Great Seal proceeding upon the said resigna- tion, dated the day of 1596. 1 50. Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid Charter and of the date thereof. Nota.-Whether these have been or not is dubious, there being none of them at present in the Charter Chest, but yet 'tis likely they have been expede in regard of the following sasine and that new resignation was made as above, and therefore place left for them here. 151. Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept, dated 15th November I 596; , notar. Nota.-This not being in the Charter Chest and yet marked in the former inventary is set qown as worded there, tho' it would be doubtful whether this has proceeded upon the first or second Charter and precept mentioned above, and which cannot be cleared without seeing of all the writs following upon each of the said Resignations. 1 52. A Renunciation granted by James Russell of Garbethill of the lands thereof, dated 10th April 1595. 153. A Renunciation by the Laird of Airth to John, Lord Fleming, of an annual rent of £240 forth of the lands and barony of Lenzie, with a procuratory of Resignation ad remanentlan_; dated 12th November 1595, registered in the books of Council and Session the 26th January thereafter. 154. A Renunciation by_ William Monteith of Kerse to the said John, Lord Fleming, of an annual rent of £240 out of the lands of Lenzie ; dated I 5th December 1595, reg1ster.ed in the books of Council and Session 26th January thereafter. I 55. A Revocation done by way of instrument by John, Lord Fleming, of the grants and concessions he had made and other things he had done the time of his minority; dated 13th !\'larch 1596. 156. The Gift of the Esch eat of John, Lord Fleming, under the Privy Seal to John Stark for my lord's behoof, he being denounced for not renouncing the lands of Kilbocko to the Earl of Mar when he was forfeit; dated 19th June r 596. 157. A Precept of clare cons/at granted by the said John, Lord Fleming, to Agnes Fleming, as daughter and heir to the deceast John Fleming of Bord, in the lands of Bord and others, lying in the barony of Lenzie, and all and haill the lands of Nether Auchinreoch, lying within the parochin of Campsie, and she1 iffdom of Striveling ; all which held of my Lord, sealed and dated the penult day of January I 597. I 58. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept, dated day of ; , notar. I 59. A Renunciation and Resignation made by the said Agnes Fleming, with consent of John Lindsay, younger of Covingtoun, her then appearand husband, and her other curators therein mentioned, of Charttr Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 23

the said lands of Bord and Nether Auchinreoch, in favours of John, Lord Fleming, her superior ad perpetua1n remanentiam, and that in implement of a tripartite contract betwixt the said noble lord on the one part, John Lindsay, elder of Covingtoun, and his said son on the second part, and the said Agnes and her curators on the third part ; sealed with her seal and dated the 1st ·of February 1597. 160. An Instrument taken upon the said Re~ignation ad remanentiam under the hands of two notars, viz., George Hutchison and Jacob Duncan, sealed and dated the 1st of Februa1 y 1 597. 161. Another Renunciation and Resignation of the same tenor only enumerating the particular lands resigned more fully granted by her, her said appearand husband and curators ; sealed and of the date of the f-ormer. · 162. An Instrument of Resignation taken accordingly with the said particular enumeration of the lands, of the same date and under the hands of the some notar as the first instrument. 163. A new Resignation and Renunciation of the tenor of the former but expressing the lands something more generally as in the first, granted by said Agnes Fleming after her marriage, with consent of her husband, to the said John, Lord Fleming ; sealed and dated the last day of April 1598. 164- An Instrument taken thereupon of the same date under the hand of George Hutcheson, notar. 165. Another Renunciation and Resignation of the same date and tenor with the last, only enumerating the towns more fully. 166. An Instrument taken thereupon, George Hutchison, notar, being of the date thereof. 167. The said Agnes Fleming, her Act of Curatory, dated the 27th of October 1597. 168. Her General Retour as heir to her father of the sa1ne date. 169. A Sasine in favours of John Lyndsay, younger of Arthurshiell, dated 13th February I 597. 170. A letter of Reversion by Sir William Livingstoun of Kilsyth, knight, · to John, Lord Fleming, declaring the £ 5 land of Westermains of Kirkintilloch and five merk land of Easter Mains thereof and several other lands mentioned in the said reversion, to be redeem­ able on payment of 6000 merks ; signed and sealed and dated 15th December 1598. 171. A Letter of Reversion by Alexander and Thon1as Somerveills to John, Lord Fleming, granting the lands of Overcroy and others therein mentioned, lying within the barony of Lenzie, to be redeem­ able for payment of 800 n1erks ; dated the 5th of January 1601. 172. A Liferent Sasine taken in favour of Lady Jean Fleming, lawful daughter to the said John, Lord Fleming, Lady Loudon, in the lands of Torringein and others therein mentioned. Dated the 23rd and 24th days of January 1604; James Duncan, notar; registered in the Register of Sasines kept at Ayr the 2nd March thereafter. 173. A Renunciation and Grant of Redemption of the foresaid lands of Kirkintilloch and others, by Kilsyth, in favour of the Lord Fleming, dated the 16th of October 1605. Registered in the books of Council upon the 26th day of the same month. 174. John, Lord Fleming, his Patent of Honour under the Broad Seal, granted by King James VI., dated at Whitehall 19th March 1009, 24 Charter Chest of the Earldonz of W£gtown.

whereby he is created Earl of Wigtoun, &c., warranting John, Earl of Montrose, his majesty's commissioner, and failing of him, Alexander, Earl of Dunfermline, chancellor, to inaugurat and invest him accordingly. 175. An Act extracted out of the books of the Lyon King at Arms of the investiture and creation of the said earl, dated 1st July 16o6; signed by Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, Lyon, and Thomas Drysdale, Isla Her'!-uld. 176. Draught of a signature on parchment prepared to have been past King James Vl.'s hand, in favour of the said John, Earl of Wig­ toun, of a grant of the lands of Galloway, which were sometime Malcolm, Earl of Wigtoun's, given him by King David I I., but this was never past. 177. A Procuratory of Resignation granted by the said John, Earl of Wigtoun, Lord Fleming and Cumernauld, &c., in implement of his ob]igement for that effect contained in the contract matrimonial} made and past betwixt John, Lord Fleming, master of Wigtoun, his eldest son, and Dame Margaret Livingstoun, second lawful daughter procreated betwixt Alexander, Earl of Linlithgow, Lord Livingstoun and Callander, and Dame Helenor Hay, Countess of Linlithgow, his spouse, with consent therein specified, on the one and other parts, for resigning the lands of Castlerankine, compre­ hending Easter Seymore, Wester Seymore and Blacksmtddies, the lands of Ballenknocks, easter and wester lands of Thomastoun, easter and wester lands of Doups, Brackeleys, Cowdounhill and Glenhead in the hands of Sinclair of Roslyn, superior, and sicklike for resigning the lands of Drips and others, lying within the barony of Kincarn, stewartry of Strathern and sheriffdom of Perth, in the hands of the Earl of Perth, the lands of Glenquotho and Quarter Chapell, lying within the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles, in the hands of the Lord Vester, superior, and the lands of Smellhope, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, in the hands of Charles Geddes of Rauthan, immediate superior, and the six merk land of Glentoirs, lying in the barony of Munkland and sheriffdom of Lanerk, for new infeftment to be given to the said John, Lord Fleming, master of Wigtoun, and the heirs male · to be procreated of that marriage, which failing, to the heirs male of his body in any other marriage, which failing, to return to the said earl and his heirs of tailzie mentioned in his last infeftments; dated 2nd Sept em her I 609. 178. Procuratory granted by the said earl for resigning- the lordship of Cumernauld, comprehending all his other lands holden of the king, in his majesty's hands for new liferent infeftment of a part thereof to the said mistress of \Vigtoun, and fee infefment to his son 'and the other heirs above mentioned, and under the reserva­ tions in the other procuratory and of the same date. 179. An Instrument of Resignation made in exchequer upon the said last procuratory, Richard Carse, notar; dated 24th August 1614. 180. A Charter under the Great Seal proceeding upon the said resigna­ tion made in Exchequer, dated 25th August 1614, comprehending. the office of principal janitor or keeper of the king's house, with power to make deputes, &c., the barony of Thankertoun and a yearly annual rent out of the Kerse, which were resigned by the Lord Thirlestoun, containing a de novodamus adding the fishing of Carron, bounded in manner therein specified, to the lands of Thankertoun, and erecting all with the burghs of Biggar and Kirkintilloch into the lordship and barony of Cumernauld, which Cumernauld is to be the principal messuage, and my lord to be liable to no other head courts but these of Dumbarton, the Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 25

reddendo's for Cumernaul

191. A Disposition granted by the said James Fleming, with consent therein specified in favour of the· said John, Earl of Wigtoun, of the foresaid six merk land of Overcroy, the yearly annual rent and others wherein he was so infeft, containing therein a procuratory of resignation ad re1nanentiam J. dated the 22nd and 24th day of February and March respectively, 1627. 192. The Instrument of Resignation ad re1nanentiam followmg there• upon, John Ker, notar, dated 28th February 1628. 193. The said earl his burgess ticket of Lanark, dated 9th April 1628. 194. John, .Lord Fleming, his retour, as heir to John, Earl of Wigtoun, his· father, in the lands of Glenquotho and Quarter Chapell, lying in the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles, dated 17th April 1628. 195. A Decreet Arbitrall in parchment by the Lords of Council and Session, dated 17th December 1630, in the mutual depending process betwixt John, Earl of Cassillis on the one part, and John, Earl of Wigtoun, and John, Earl of Lauderdale, on the other, whereby the Lords by way of arbitration do decem the baronies of Lenzie, Thankertown, Easter Mains, Wester l\,fains and others, lying in the barony of Lenzie which had been long controverted, to belong to the Earl of Wigtoun, and assoilzied him from the Earl of Cassillis pursuits, and on the other part assoilzied the Earl of Cassillis from the old claims at the Earl of Wigtoun and his predecessors instance for any lands contained in ·the three old Charters he had produced, and which were then possessed by the Earl of Cassillis. This is subscribed by the Earl of·Cassillis. 196. A Ratification of the said Decreet Arbitral under the clerk of registers hand's, dated 21st December 1630, whereby the parties submitters and named ratified the decreet arbitral and written in presence of the Lords, in the terms and according to the tenor of the decreet and renounced judicially hz"nc lnde. 197. A Letter of Reversion granted by Mr. John Hay, parson of Renfrew, and his spouse, granting two annual rents forth of Lenzie and Cumernauld, to be redemable to John, Earl of Wigtoun, and John, Lord Fleming, his eldest lawful son, by payment of the sum of 10,000 merks ; dated 22nd May 1632. 198. A Procuratory granted by the said John, Earl of Wigtoun, and William Livingstoun of Kilsyth, as assignees to the reversion made by Sir James Douglas of Mordingtoun, in favours of Alexander, Earl of Linlithgow, for redeeming the lands and barony of Calendar, wadset to the said Sir James for 100,000 merks, for making premonition to the said Sir James to receive his monie; dated 16th February 1633, together with another procuratory granted by the said earl alone. 199. An Instrument of premonition following upon the said procuratory, dated 5th March said year, not signed. 200. A Decreet of Declarator in favour 01 the Earl of Wigtoun and Kilsyth, 1634. This 1nay be given up, or may be found in the bundles of the decreets. 201. An Instrument of Resignation by John, Earl of Wigtoun, and John, Lord Fleming, his son, for resigning certain parts of the baronies of Cumemauld and Lenzie in the King's hands for new liferent infeftment to Lady Jean Drummond, lawful daughter to John, Earl of Perth, and then spouse to the said John, Lord Fleming, in liferent, ay and while her other liferent provision provided to her by contract of marriage (by decease of Dame Margaret Livingstoun, Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 27

CountessofWigtoun), be payable to her; dated 1st February 1634, Mr. John Drummond, notar. 202. An Instrument of Resignation of the estate of \Vigtoun made by John, Earl of Wigtoun, in favour and for new infeftment of a part thereof, to John, Lord Fleming, his eldest lawful son and appearand heir, and Lady Jean Drummond, daughter to the Earl of Perth, and spouse to the said Lord, and longest liver of them two, in conjunct fee and to the heirs male to be procreated betwixt them, which failing, to his heirs male and assignees whatsoever, and of the rest of said estate in favour of the said John, Lord Fleming, himself and his heirs male, &c., reserving the Earl of Wigtoun's liferent. This proceeds on a procuratory of resignation contained in the said Lord Fleming hi-s contract of marriage with the said lady, dated at the Canongate and Richmont, 10th and II th days of August and September 1633. This sasine is under the subscription of James Drummond, notar, and dated 1st February 1634. 203. An Instrument of Resignation made in Exchequer of the teind- sheaves and other teinds, parsonage and vicarage of the parochin of Lenzie, for new infeftment thereof in favour of John, -Lord Fleming, son and heir to John, Earl of Wigtoun, and his heirs therein mentioned. This proceeds on a procuratory granted by John, Earl of Mar, Lord Erskine and Garrioch, contained in a contract made and past betwixt him on the one part, and the said John, Earl of Wigtoun, on the other part, of the date the 15th of March 1633, whereby the said Earl of Mar sold to him the said teinds, and upon an assignation of the said procuratory made by the said Earl of Wigtoun to his said son, dated 24th January 1634. Mr. James Drum111ond is notar to the instrument, which is dated the I st February the same year. 204. A Charter granted by King Charles I., of ever blessed memory upon the foresaid Resignations to the said John, Lord Fleming, and his lady, by, the divisions above and therein mentioned of the whole lands and teinds which were erected in a lordship to be called the lordship of Cumbemauld as said is, there is contained the lands of Castlerankine, comprehending Seymores, Black Smiddie, Ballinkeir and Mill thereof, Ballinknock, Thomastoun, Doups, Brackinleys, Cowdoun hill, Glenside, lying within the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Striveling ; the 6 merk lands of old extent of Glentoirs, lying within the barony of l\iunkland and sheriffdom of Lanark ; the lands of Kingildoors, alias Chappell Kingildoors, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, with advocation donation and right of patronage of the churches ·of Stobo, Drumelzear, Dawick and Broughton, these last three being pertinents of the first ; all and haill the lands and barony of Denny, lying within the lordship of Torphichen and sheriffdom of Striveling; all and haill the teinds, parsonage and vicarage of the parochin of Lenzie, lying within the sheriffdom of Dumbritton ; the fourth part of the lands of Rachan, Glenhighden, Glenhowden and Glenquhom, the lands of Cardons and pertinents, &c., lying within the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, which last lands belonged to Malcolm, sometime Lord Fleming, great grand­ father to the said Earl of Wigtoun, and were apprised from said John, Earl of \Vigtoun, his great grandchild, by John, Earl of Lauderdale, John Fleming of Cardon and Beatrix Douglas, his spouse, at the instance of the said John, Lord Fleming, for payment of the sum of £25,032 Scots of principal, £1251 monie foresaid of sheriff fee, dated 9th July 1632, allowed 9th December said year. This Charter contains a new erection of the burghs of barony of Biggar and Kirkintilloch and of the whole lands, offices, teinds, 28 Charter Chest of the Earldo1n o.f J,,f7£gtown.

&c. into a whole and free lordship and barony to be called the lordship and barony of Cumernauld, the house of Cumernauld built or to be built to be the messuage for sasine, with an express exemption from answering at any other head courts of any sheriff­ dom except Dumbarton, with a de novodamus; dated at Holyrood­ house the 1st of February 1634. 205. A Precept under the Quarter Seal relative to the said Charter and of the date thereo£ 2o6. An Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, Mr. Henry Scott, notar, dated 16th July 1634. Registered in the Particular Register for the sheriffdom of Oum barton, the last day of August thereafter. 207. A Bond granted by James, Lord Livingstoun of Almond, then Earl of Calendar, for relief of John, Earl of \Vigtoun, of 29,000 merks, containing a disposition and a precept of sasine for infefting him in the barony of Calendar for his relief, as said is ; dated I I th l\farch 1639. 208. A Sasine following thereupon, dated 20th May said year, registered at Stri veling I 2th July thereafter. 209. A claim of the same by the Earl of Wigtoun out of the Estate of ~alendar, when the earl was forfeit by the usurper Cromwell, entered amongst the claims by Brian Clerk 26th Jtme 1654, with an old Instrument of Requisition relating to the said debt. 210. Generali Retour of John, Earl of Wigtoun as heir to John, Earl of Wigtoun, his father, dated 5th l\farch 1658. 21 1. An Instrument of Resignation proceeding upon a procuratory granted by the said John, Earl of Wigtoun, and contained in the Co.ntract of Marriage made and past betwixt John, Lord Fleming, his eldest lawful son, and his said father, on the one part, and Lady Anna Ker, therein designed sister-in-law to the Earl of Roxburgh, and daughter to umquhile Harie, Lord Ker, with advice of the· said Earl Roxburgh and Dame Margaret Hay, Countess of Cassillis, her mother, on the other part, dated 6th December 1660, made in Exchequer in favour of the said John, Lord Fleming, and his lady, by the divisions therein specified and under the reservation of the earl's liferent. The instrument is under the hand of Robert Hay, notar and dated 15th July 1661. 212. A Charter un9er the Great Seal following upon the said Resignation of the said whole lands, containing a de novoda1nus bearing the patronage of th~ new churc~, lately bui~t in the east end of the parochin of Lenz1e, by the said Earl of W1gtoun, as well as the old parochin and church in the burgh of Kirkintilloch, and all other churches built and to be built in the said parochin, parsonage and vicarage thereof, with a new erection of the two burghs of Biggar .and Kirkintilloch, and changing their weekly mercat from Sunday to Saturday, and uniting and erecting all into a free earldom, lord­ ship and barony to be called henceforth the earldom of \Vigtoun, lordship and barony of Cumernauld, with freedom from giving suits at any other bead court than Dumbarton, dated at Whitehall 10th May 1662, by which it may be observed that the lands of Castle­ rankin pay one penny silver or a pair of white spurs or eight pennies monie at the market cross of Edinburgh at the term of Whitsunday yearly in name of blanch farm, if it be asked, allenarly, and the patronage of Stobo comprehending the other churches above named parsonage and vicarage thereof, held also blanch for pay­ ment of a penny, and the lands and barony of Denny pay £10 of feu-duty as a part of 50 merks contained in my Lord Torphichen's infeftments, without duplication of the feu, at the entry of each heir, and for the 6 merk lands of old extent of Glentoirs £4 : 3 : 4, two bolls multure oats or 5s. for each boll in the option of the Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 29

payer, as the feu-farm duty thereof, and doubling the same at the first year of the entry of the heir, with three suits at three head courts in the barony of Munkland yearly; the barony of Thankertoun is in that Charter yet simple ward, and the reddendo of the teind sheaves, parsonage and vicarage, of the paroch church of Lenzie, 30s. as a proportion of the blanch farm duty payable to the king for the lordship of Cardross, of which lordship the monastery of Cambuskenneth is a proper part and pertinent, to which monastery the said teinds belong, and that for the Lord Cardross' relief of contained in the Earl of Mar's infeftment, and the patronage and teinds of the east and west churches and parochins of Lenzie, a penny in name of blanch, with a dispensa­ tion to serve in minority the ward lands. 213. A Precept under the Quarter Seal relative thereto and of the date of the same. 214. An Instrument of Sasine taken thereupon under the sign and subscription of Robert Hay, notar, dated 30th May 1663, registered in the General Register at Edinburgh 8th June said year. 2 I 5. A Precept under the Quarter Seal relative to a Charter under the Great Seal in favour of John, Earl of Wigtoun, upon his own Resignation of the lands and barony of Thankertoun and Fishing of Carron called Bothkenner, dated at Whitehall 13th February 1666, which not improbably has been to get the ward holding taxt, but the lands being now sold, Thankertoun to Sir William Purves and the fishing to Bruce of N ewtoun, 'tis probable that the Instrument of Resignation, Charter and Seasine have been delivered up and this only neglected. 216. A Commission under the Privy Seal for serving William, Earl of Wigtoun, heir in general and special to John, Earl of Wigtoun, his brother, before the Sheriff of Striveling, ,nd July 1668. 217. General Retour of William, Earl of .Wigtoun, as brother and heir to the last Earl of Wigtoun, 5th August I 668, but not signed. 21 8. Special Retour, of the said William, Earl of \Vigtoun, as heir to his said brother in his whole lands, except Thankertoun and the Fishing of Carron, of the same date with the former. 219. Precept under the Quarter Seal proceeding upon the said Retour. Date wanting. 220. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept, Thomas Walker, notar, dated 4th November 1668, registered in the . General Register at Edinburgh the 15th of December thereafter. 221. A Precept under the Signet proceeding upon a Signature past King Charles I I. liand at Whitehall, 18th August 1669, of all William, Earl of Wigtoun, his lands, containing a de novodamus, an erection of the town of ( which is supposed to be the town of Cumernauld) into a burgh of barony with a weekly mercat and two yearly fairs, and adding two new yearly fairs to Kirkintilloch and Biggar, bes~des the two old ones, and an union and erection of all into the Earldom of Wigtoun, lordship and barony of Cumernauld. This has proceeded on the earl's own resignation and is tailzied to himself and the heirs male of his body, which failing, to l\1r. Charles Fleming, his brother, and his heirs male, . which failing, to Sir William Fleming, vice chamberlane, ·and his heirs male, which failing, to Lieutenant Colonel Fleming and his heirs male, which failing, to Lady Jean Fleming, his niece, daughter to his elder brother John, after Countess of Panmure, and her heirs male, which ~ailing, to his own 30 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

eldest daughter and her heirs male, which failing, to Lady Margaret Fleming, his aunt, and her heirs male, which failing, to his own nearest heirs male, which all failing, to his own nearest heirs and assignees whatsoever bearing his title, name and arms. Nota.- It seems the Charter and Sasine upon th1s have never been expede, nor is the procuratory and Instrument of Resignation to be seen. 222. A Precept of Sasine under the Quarter Seal relative to a Charter under the Great Seal upon the said \Villiam, Earl of Wigtoun's resignation, dated 1st December 1671, for infefting Lady Henrietta Seton in liferent in her jointer lands therein mentioned. Nota.-I t would seem the Countess or the Earl of Dunfermline, her brother, have the Sasine and Charter whereon it proceeded. 223. The Special Retour of John, present Earl of Wigtoun, as heir to William, Earl of \Vigtoun, his father, in his whole estate, dated 19th October 1681. This service was before the Sheriff Depute of Striveling. The lands are therein enumerated as in the former precept under the Signet (see 221), and the earl is expressly served to three burghs of barony of Kirkintilloch, Cumernauld and Biggar, and the taxtward duties of the ward lands are restricted in respect Wester Garshoar was sold off by the said earl to Alexander Garshoar. 224. A Precept under the Quarter Seal proceeding upon the said Retour, dated 4th November 1681. 225. An Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, dated 8th November 1681, Mr. James Fleming, Notar, registered in the Generali Register of Sasines kept at Edinburgh the 20th of December the same year.

I 1.-\VRITS and others of Lands \Vhich have sometime belonged to the Earl of Wigtoun's predecessors, and are long since alienated, except Frissell's Lands, and of other Writs which cannot properly be brought in under any other head without confounding the order designed in the present Inventar.

226. A Charter by King David under the Great Seal to Malcolm Fleming, knight, for his homage and service of the whole lands of Laudernes in Galloway, within the sheriffdom of Dumfries, falling to the king by forfeiture, in excambion for the lands of Mochrum, which the king had formerly given him heritably by charter, the reddendo is service used and wont. Witnesses, Alexander, Roger and Adam, Bishops of Aberdeen, Ross and Brechin ; William, Earl of Ross ; Maurice of Murray, William of Douglas, Lord of Liddisdale, Thomas of Carnoch, Chancellor, and Philip of Melgedrum, knights ; given in plain Council at Restennet 18th June and fourteenth year of that king's reign, being 1343. 227. A Charter by \Villiam Moir, knight, Laird of Abercorn, to his cousin David Fleming, of his haill lands of the Forrest of Torwood, with pasturage and foggage and with the· office of Forrestrie of the same, t.o be holden of the king as he himself had holden it for service used and wont ; sealed, but without date. Witnesses, David and Robert, Dukes of Rothesay and Albany; David, Earl Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown.

of Craufurd ; Patrick of Graham, John of Weems, knights ; Alexander of Livingstoun, Hugh of Alderstoun and Robert of Parkdevine. 228. A Charter of Confirmation of the Charter immediately above written by Robert III., King of Scotland, sealed and dated at Dunbritten the 4th of August and ninth year of his reign I 398. Witnesses, Walter, Bishop of St. Andrews, and Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor; Davi

as is therein set down ; sealed and dated at Haddingtoun I 5th August 1404. 234. An Instrument of Sasine of Robert Fleming, Laird of Cumernauld, bearing that he came to the town of Blance in the const~bulary of Haddingtoun and there declared that the deceased Sir Malcolm Fleming, his father, had died last vest and seased in the quarter of all these lands, with the pertinents, and that he the said Robert was nearest and lawful heir to the said lVIalcolm of the said fourth part of Blance, and that there had been unjust possessions and intrusions against the order of law, as he was informed upon the said quarter, and particularly an unjust sasine, intrusion and possession given to Alice of Hay, spouse to Sir \\Tilliam of Hay, Laird of Vester, of the said lands, in prejudice of the said Robert his right, which sasine therefore the said Robert in so far as he could by Jaw did interrupt and annul by casting out earth and stone, and protested that that sasine granted to Alice might not prejudge his right. This is dated 25th April 1446 ; William · Harper, notar. 235. A Precept of Sasine under the Quarter Seal by King Robert directed to the sheriff of Haddingtoun for giving sasine to his cousin, David Fleming, of the said lands of Blance, which lately belonged to Malcolm Fleming, his father, which he had given to the said David, notwithstanding that Malcolm, his father, as he was in­ formed had been forfeit; given at Linlithgow 27th November and ninth.. year of that king's reign I 398. 236. A Charter by Robert, perpetual Commendator of Holyrood-house, near Edinburgh, and Convent thereof of the Order of St. Augustin, within the Diocese of St. Andrews, whereby for the causes therein mentioned, and particularly for several sums of money paid by a noble an

by virtue of a precept directed likeways forth of the Chancery; dated 3rd June 1524. Andrew Walsh, notar. 239. A Procuratory of Resignation, Richard of Spotswood, so~ ~iid heir · to the deceased Alexander of Spotswood, · for ·resig·ning'1in the hands of Robert Fleming of Cumernauld, his superiori_ty o(all that half carrucats or plough of land, with the pertinents, which is _cailed Frissellsland, lying betwixt the lands of Adolristoon and U ckestoun, within the constabulary of Haddingtoun·and shenffdom of Edinburgh, sealed and dated at Haddingtoun the 24th __ of July 1456. Cumernauld, October 29th, 1730. This paper giv'en to Mr. William Johnston to Edinburgh. . . · · · · -·., . . . ' . . 240. A Charter granted by Robert, Commendator of Holyrood-house, near Edinburgh, of the Order of St. Augustine, to James, .. _Earl of Arran, in liferent, and James Hamilton, his eldest son,and the heirs male of his body, which failing to the heirs of tailzie at lengt~ men­ tioned in the Charter, of all and haill his lands of Easter· S'alcoats, Wester Salcoats, three oxengate and an half of lands with three coallands of Salcoats, lying•in the regality of _H_olyrood, .. a~d also · all and haill their lands of Inchcarsieback with the third' part of Polmonth, mill thereof, lands of little Kerse; land·s .of. Riadeni lands of Whiteside, 1ands of Nether Gelstouri;: la.n"ds of:l>ungals- . toun, Brokenheugh or Ridheugh, Clerkstoun,- "lands·_ off i]:Irigs, lands-of Mune!atis, lands of Letha~, land~ ?f lands of Calcoats, with the common fishmg of Re1dcoble~ and common fishing· within the lordship of Kerse, within the limits: and shores of the sea, within their bounds, with all and sundry houses, &c., lying in the foresaid barony and regality, -to be. holden·:for pay­ ment of the feu-duty therein mentioned ; sealed and .d~ted- the 24th July 1551. _. . . . . -· 241. A Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid Charter and· of the date thereof. ·· Nota.--Both the said Charter and Precept are attested:by the said Commendator in presence of John D'ennes, clerk public. . . , .. 242. A Charter by King Robert I. confirming the Concession-- and Re­ nunciation which Lambert Su tar made for him and his h~irs~- of: all the right an·d claim he had or could have to the half land .of Kirk­ toun and fourth part land of Eastertoun, which lies in the '.barony of Gothery, in the sheriffdom· of Forfar, dated at Aberbi-othock 1st May and seventeenth year of his reign, being they~~~ of God 1322. Witnesses, Bernard, Abbot of Arb1'.oath, _Chancellor, Walter, Stewart of Scotland, and James, Lord of Douglas, knights~· 24} A Charter ·by William Striveling of Keir to Mariot Fleming, daughter to Robert Fleming, his spouse; in liferent, and their children to be procreated in fee, of his lands ·of Balquhomrie lying in the barony of Lesly and sheriffdom of Fife, of all and haill his lands of Cocklaws and half lands of Lumbanny, which were John Harlaw's, lying in the barony of Balnabrich and sheri.fl"dom· fpresaid, dated the I st of lVIarch 1472. 244. A Charter by James, Earl of Mortoun, to William Monteith, younger of Kerse, of the lands of Bodonlyes, lying in the barony .of Robertoun and sheriffdom of Lanark, on his father's resignation, and Janet, his spouse, to be holden ward. Dated 17th March 1460.

I I I.-\VRITS of the Lands of Bord belonging . to the Flemings, Lairds of Bord, and ,vhich Lands ,vere since acquired by the Earl of Wigtoun's prede·cessors. 245. A· Charter by Robert of Erskine, Lord or Laird of that: Ilk, tCl 34 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

Patrick Fleming, second son to Malco)m Fleming, Lord or Laird of Biggar, of his whole lands lying in the barony of Lenzie-viz., the lands of Bord, the lands of Treonries, lands of Croy, Easter and Wester Smythstoun, lands of Ballach and lands of Ardrie with the pertinents, in exchange for the lands of Dalnotrie, Garscadden, which belonged to the said Patrick, in the earldom of Lennox, within the sheriffdom of Dumbar.ton, to be holden of the Baron of Lenzie, who should be for the time, as freely as the said Robert of Erskyn held the same himself, and as the Charter granted by Thomas Fleming, Baron of Lenzie, to him thereupon did bear, giving the service tised and wont and contained in the Charter. It bears a regress to the said Patrick to his own lands of Dalnotrie and Garscadden, if the heirs of Lenzie shall recover Bord after the peace betwixt England and Scotland. Witnesses, Robert, Stewart of Scotland ; John Stewart, Earl of Kyle, Earl of Carrick; Patrick of Graham, son and heir of David of Graham, Laird of Dundas ; William of Galbreath; Murdoch of Lenenany, and others. Dated at Edinburgh the 17th of Aprjl 1369; at least it looks to be Sexagesimo nono, but.cannot be well read. 246. A Charter of Confirmation of the foresaid Charter under the Great Seal, by Robert I I., King of Scotland. Witnesses, William, Bishop of St. Andrews, and Patrick~ Bishop of Aberdeen ; John, the king's eldest son, Earl of Canick and Stewart of Scotland; Robert, Earl of Fife and Monteith, his beloved son; William, E~rl cf Douglas; John de Carrick, Chancellor; James of Lindsay, the king's. nephew, and Hugh of Eglingtoun, knights; dated at Striveling 24th August and third year of his reign 1373. 247. A Testificate, by William of Seton, knight, of that Ilk, testifying that upon the information and petition of said Patrick Fleming, that he might have the said lands of Bord to burgh from David Fleming, Laird of Biggar and Lenzie, brother to said Seton, the same were accordingly given to burgh. Witnesses, Andrew of Hamil~on, William of Boyd, Alexander of Seton, John of Scougall and Pat.rick of Winton, dated 14th June 1400. The Testificat itself is dated at Seton 14th May 1402. 248. A Renunciation and Resignation by James Fleming, son and heir of the said deceased Patrick Fleming, to his cousin, Malcolm Fleming, Lor

2 50. A Bond by James Fleming, son and heir of Patrick Fleming, Laird of the Bord, whereby he becomes obliged to David Fleming, son of umquhile David Fleming, Lord of Biggar, for his help and council, that how soon he should recover his lands of Bord in the shire of Dumbarton, his lands of Menzean in the shire of Peebles and lands of Monicabo in the shire of Aberdeen, either by the help and council of the said David, or otherways, he should infeft the said David wherever he liked best, to be holden as freely as he held the same himself. This is dated the last day save one of the month of January 142 5. 251. A Grant and Gift by said James Fleming to the already named David for his council and help to him thankfully done, of all his full right and claim that. he had or might have, as heir to his father, Patrick, to the lands of Bord and l\iienzean, or any other lands that pertained or might pertain to him. Sealed and dated at Aberdeen 26th January 1425. 252. An Indenture or Agreement made and passed betwixt John, Lord Fleming, and William Fleming of the Hord, on the one and other parts, ·whereby the Lord Fleming became obliged to pay several sums of money, and William discharges him of all others ; written on paper and dated 8th May I 500. · 253. A Charter by John, Lord Fleming, to William Fleming of Bord of his lands of Nether Auchinreoch, lying in the barony of Auchter­ mony, in exchange for his lands of Menzean, lying in the barony of. Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles, to-be holden blanch ; sealed and dated 3rd January I 502. 254. A Charter granted by William Fleming of Bord to George Colquhoun of his lands of Smythstoun, lying in the barony of Lenzie, to be holden of him blench ; sealed and dated I I th May I 502. 25 5. An Instrument taken upon William Fleming of Bord, his appealing in a cause betwixt him and Janet Fleming, his daughter, moved before the commissar of Glasgow; dated 13th December 1502; William Black, notar. 256. A Sasinegiven by William Fleming of Bord to his son and apparent · heir, of the lands of Bord, reserving his liferent ; dated I 5th January 1503; James Dawsey, notar. 257. A Charter by George Colquhoun of Glen to John, Lord Fleming, of his lands of Smithstoun, to be holden of himself blench; dated 7th July T 509 and sealed. 2 58. A Precept of Sasine following upon the said Charter, dated the 8th day of the same month. 2 59. An Instrument of Sasine· following on the said Precept, dated 24th April 1510 ; John Stirling, notar. 260. An Instrument taken by James Fleming of Bord, that George Home, son and apparent heir of George Home of Broxmouth, and heir of the deceased 1\1:argaret Fleming, his mother, and in implement of an agreement betwixt him, and that the said George should renounce his infeftment in Croyhill, Overcroy and pertinents, lying in the barony of Lenzie, obtained of the king, because the said James, over lord of the same, refused to give sasine, the said George being obliged· to give him new sasine thereof, to be holden of himself, and that being done, the said George should give a reversion to James redeemable for the sum of 400 merks. The instrument makes mention of a former instrument where William Fleming did, in presence of his said son and apparent heir, heritably infeft the said Margaret Fleming, his daughter, in these lands, until he or his heir should pay-300 merks of tocher, and that 3:6 _ Charter Chest of the Earldonz of Wzgtown.

she thereupon had declared it redeemable to his heirs. This last instrument upon Hon1e's reversion is dated 10th March I 5, 5 ; John Jackson, notar. 261. A Letter of Reversion by John, Lord Fleming, to James Fleming of Bord granting the lands of Auchinreoch and .Auchtermony, lying in the shire of Striveling, re

ing ·my Lord Fleming's procurators to be cited, dated 15th January I 532. 275. A Precept ofSasine granted by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in obedience to the citations given him in the first, second and third forms of the chancellary, under protestation that he had only granted it for fear of losing his superiority ; sealed and signed the 6th day of March I 533. 276. An Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, dated 16th May 1533 ; James Livingstone, notar. 277. An Instrument taken at Glasgow, upon George Colquhoun, his judicial confession, that he had given \¥illiam Fleming of Bord, great grandfather to the said William Fleming of Bord, a reversion of the lands of Smythfield for the sum of 120 · merks, dated 4th November 1535 ; Thomas Hamilton, notar. 278. An Instrument of William Livingstone of Kilsyth granting a redemption of some of the lands of Croy, and discharging and renouncing the infeftments thereof, dated 23rd May I 537 ; Patrick Porterfield, notar. 279. A Letter of Reversion by John Livingstone of Mannertown, and Janet Livingstone, his daughter, to William Fleming o( Bord granting an annual rent of sixteen merks out of the said lands, to be re­ deemable for eleven score of merks ; dated 22nd August 1540 years. 280. A Charter (in obedience to a decreet of the Lords of Session) of the lands· of Auchinreoch, which bv the said decreet were found law­ fully redeemed by William Fleming of Bord, granted by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in favour of the said William Fleming, of the same lands to be holden blench; dated 18th February 1541. Nota.-The sasine is wanting. 281. A Precept of Sasine relative thereto, and of the same date. · 282. A Precept of Clare Constat by James, Lord Fleming, to \¥illiam · Fleming, son and heir to the last William Fleming of Bord, of the said lands ; sealed and dated 7th March 1 549. 283. An Instrument of Sasine in paper upon the last precept and of the same dated therewith; Gilbert Law, notar. 284. An Instrument of Sasine of the lands of Auchinreoch by James, Lord Fleming, to William Fleming, son and heir to the said deceased William Fleming of Bord, dated 1 Ith .September 1550; Gilbert Law, notar. Nota.-The precept is wanting. 285. A Precept of Clare Constat by Barbara, Lady Fleming, for infefting James Fleming, her brother-german and heir to William Fleming of Bord, in Nether Auchinreocb ; sealed and dated 2nd April 1571. 286. A Precept of Clare Constat by John, Lord Fleming, for infefting James Fleming, grandchild to umquhile William Fleming of Bord, in Nether Auchinreoc:h, sealed and dated last April 1506, which should be (as is supposed) 1560. 287. A Remission and Discharge to James Fleming of Bord, son to umquhile George Fleming, and heir to umquhile William Fleming of Bord, bis grandfa~ther, of the unlaws wherein his father was adjudged as cautioner for his tenants, who were present at a slaughter therein mentioned; elated 21st July and twenty-sixth year of the king's reign, being under the signet. 288. A Sasine given by John Fleming of Bord to John Fleming, elder, of Ballach, of the lands of Auchinreoch and Bord, dated 12th October 1574; Gilbert Law, notar. 38 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wzgtown.

289. A Letter of Reversion by John Stark, son to William Stark, with consent of his father, to John Fleming of Bord, of the lands of Nether Auchinreoch, redeemable for 120 merks ; sealed and dated 3rd N ovem her J 576. . 290. Another Letter of Reversion by said John Stark, with consent of his father, to John Fleming of Bord, of the £5 lands of Nether Auchinreoch, redeemable for thirty-two merks; dated the 10th of January I 578. 291. An Assignation by Janet Crichton, relict of umquhile William Fleming of Bord, to John, Lord Fleming, of the mails and duties of her liferent lands and terce; dated 17th of November 1593. 292. A Precept of Clare Constat granted by John, Lord Fleming, for infefting Agnes Fleming, lawful daughter and heir to the deceased John Fleming of Bord, in the lands of Bord, Croy, Croyhil1, Auchinreoch, Ballaches ; Ardries and Auchinbrae ; sealed and dated the penult day of January 1597. Nota.-The sasine is wanting, but the said precept and sasine are repeated, and the dispositions and resignations ad remanentiam made to her and her own resignation of her said whole lands in favour of John, Lord Fleming, · are to be found among the writs of Lenzie. 293. A bundle containing some writs of the land of Auchinreoch granted to John Kincaid, and James Fleming of Bord, his special retour as heir to William Fleming, his father, in anno I 505.

IV.-RIGHTS of principal Usher Keeper of the King's house and bedchamber, and several Precepts of Ex­ chequer Commissions and others granted to the late Earl of Wigtown, Sir William and Robert Flemings. 294. A Gift by Queen Mary under the Privy Seal making, constituting and ordaining her loved cousin John, Lord Fleming, master usher of her majesty's chambers during his life, with power to him to exercise it by himself or deputes, for whom he is to answer· and sicklike, and as freely as any her ushers brooked the same at any time by­ gone, and assigning him to all the fees, privileges profits, casualties and duties thereof, used and wont; this is directed to the treasurer and comptroller, and ordains them to make thankful payment of the fees of the said office which should be allowed yearly in the exchequer by the auditors; dated 25th July 1565 and twenty-third year of her reign. 295. A Gift by King James VI. under the Great Seal, to John, Lord Fleming, making him usher or j~nitor of his house for his lifetime, with power to create deputes, &c., and to exercise it a:s freely as any other in that office, and specially as the predecessors of said John, Lord Fleming, had possessed the said office many years past the memory of man, with the fees, commodities, privileges, &c., used and wont; dated 18th September 1583. ·296. Another Gift by said King James VI. to said John, Lord Fleming, and his heirs male heretably, of• the said office of janitor and principal usher of the king's house and bedchamber, with power to depute, and with all fees, &c. Witnesses, John, Lord Hamilton, commendator of A berbrothock ; Archibald, Earl of Angus, Lord Palkeith and Abernethie; Sir John Maitland, knight, chancellor and secretary; Patrick, Archbishop of St. Andrews; Walter, commendator of Blantyre, keeper of the privy seal; Alexander Hay of Easter Kennett, register ; Sir Lodowicl{ Ball~den L"'harter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 39

of Auchnoull, knight, Justice Clerk ; and ]\,Ir. Alexander Scot, director of the Chancery ; dated the penult day of_J uly 1587. No/a.-This office is contained in the Earl of Wigtown's Charter of Resignation, 1614, with a clause de novodamus, an

1'jo3:. An:. In~trument_ or Protestation taken against the Keeper of the · ·Great Seal in name of the Earl ·of Wigtown, that the· seal should not be appended to Langtoun's gift, and his producing the Acts of Exchequer formerly_ mentioned ; George Ogill, notar, dated 26th . January 1647. • ' ·304.- An Act- of Protestation in the _Parliament of Perth I 650 for the Earl of Wigtown against the ratifying of Langtoun's right. ·IJ6S~•-An Instrument taken by Major John Fleming against Langtoun, · . upon the 1st of January 1651, before his majesty and the nobility - as Fea:dy in their robes to solemnise the Coronation at Scone, · effering to serve that day as gentleman usher; James Christie -notar.. Jo6. :An Act of -Exchequer, 24th June 1661, ordaining·a letter_ of King Charles I I. to be registered, whereby the king ordered payment to be made of 20;000 merks according to his royal father's agreement with the Earl of Wigtown. The letter is dated at Whitehall 166o. 307_; A Pre_cept in King Charles L's reign signed by the Lords of ' · the Treasury at that time, on the receiver's ordering them to pay to)he then Earl of Wigtown 6ooo pounds Scots, or the one half of £ 1000 sterling, for resigning his said office of usher ; dated I 5th August 1649, neither accepted nor paid. 308. · Instructions under King James VI.'s hand how to manage the office of.usher and other domestic offices. -The two following precepts may properly enough come in here :- , 309. A .Precept by the Lords of the Treasury for the time_ on the receivers, · · for paying to Sir WilJiam Fleming, son to the Earl of Wigtown, £200 sterling for his pension Martinmas and Whitsunday terms, 1641 and 1642; dated 12th July 1642. · Jio~-: Another Precept by the Lords Commissioners for the Treasury upon the receivers for paying to the said Sir William as his pension for tbe ter·m of Whitsunday preceding the date thereof~ which js 12th June 1668. JII.'Jobn, Earl of Wigtown, his ticket as burges and guild brother of Edinburgh, dated 8th October 1660. . 312 A Gift under the Privy Seal by King Charles I. to Sir ·william ·· -- · Fleming, therein designed \Villiam Fleming, son lawful to the . Earl of Wigtown, of £200 sterling; dated at Whitehall 19th June 1641. 313. Two Writs on parchment by the States General of the united provinces to said Sir William Fleming under their seal ; it is supposed to be in relation to arms then sending over. for the king; dated in May -16 - years. 314. A- Commission by King Charles II. to Sir Robert Fleming to be Cornet of his majesty's person or lifeguard of horse, under the com_mand of the Earl of N ev\l·burgh, captain thereof; dated the last · of.July -1662. 315. A Commission by King Charles I I. to \Villi am Fleming, afterwards Earl of Wigtown, to be ensign in General Thomas Dalziel's own company of foot; dated 26th July 1667. 3r6. William; Earl of Wigtown, his burges ticket of Edinburgh, dated 25th· l\1ay 1677. 317. A Coriu~1ission by King Charles II. to William, Earl or°Wigtown, · making him captain of the company of foot in the garison of Dumbarton and commander of the said Castle; dated at Whitehall 7th February 1673, approved in council the 27th of February the said year. ·charter [nest -of the Earldom of Wigtown. -41

318. An old torn and eaten parchment in French which cannot be read, · but has the King of France his seal appended to it in the month of January I 55 years. It seems to be a pass.

V.-CONTRACTS of MARRIAGE of the Earl of Wigtown's family and Discharges of Tochers, and some last Wills and Testaments.

319. Two Discharges by Alexander, Lord Livingstone, to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, the first of the sum of 500 merks, and dated 27th July 1546, and the other of the sum of 350 merks in part of a greater sum for the tocher of Janet Fleming, his daughter, married: to John Livingstone, the granter's son and apparent heir, dated 26th June 1547. 320. Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his codicil or additional Testament, 5th September 1547, whereby among other things he declared that he then owed the Lord Livingstone the rest of his daughter's· tocher, being 1050 merks ; signed M. Chamberlain. 321. A Contract of Marriage betwixt John Cunningham, younger, of Glengarnock, with consent of William Cunningham of Glengamock, his father, on the one part, and Margaret Fleming, sister to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, with consent of her said brother, on the other, the tocher is 1700 merks payable at the seYeral terms there- . ii! specified ; dated 12th December 1540. 322. A Discharge of said tocher, dated I 5th November 1544. 323. A Discharge on parchment by William, Earl of :Montrose, tQ ,said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of 500 merks in complete payment of 3500 of tocher with his daughter Margaret Fleming, married to Robert Graham, son and apparent heir to the said earl ; sealed and dated 6th January 1546. 324. An Obligement by Barbara Hamilton, relict of umquhile Gordon, with consent of John, Archbishop of , her curator, making mention that her said lord had infeft her for all the days of her life in conjunct fee in the whole profits of the two parts of the towns in the barony of Lenzie, yet that she should not up take the same so long as the said lord and his heirs suffered her peaceably to uptake the rents of the barony of Harbertshire, &c.; dated 23rd December 1553. 325. A Discharge by Robert, Lord Crichton of Sanquhar, with consent of his curators, to James, Lord Fleming, for all that he could pretend against him for his sustentation and living of whatsoever ward and blench lands pertaining to him, contained in the gifts made to the said lord of his ward nonentry and relief, and assigned by him to whatsoever person or persons before the 16th of June 1556, which is the date of said discharge. 326. James, Lord Fleming, his latter Will and Testament, dated (as is thought at Deep) the 8th of November 1558. 327. A Contract of Iviarriage betwixt John, Lord Fleming, and John Fleming of Boghall as cautioner for him, on the one part, and Elizabeth Ross, oye and heir of umquhile Ninian Ross of Racket, with consent of \VilHam Maitland of Leidington, younger, and others, her curators, whereby in contemplation of the marriage, she becomes obliged to infeft him and herself in conjunct fee and the heirs to be gotten betwixt them, which failing, her own heirs, in all lands and heritages to which she should happen to succeed, _42 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W-igtown.

as heir to her grandfather, or any other her predecessors, and in case they should compone for her right of these lands, then the said Lord Fleming and his cautioner became obliged to employ the composition upon lands and to conceive the infeftipents as above ; dated 22nd February I 57 I. 328. A Discharge by:James Douglas of Drumlangrig and Mrs. Mary Fleming, his spouse, to John, Lord Fleming, of 6ooo merks of tocher promised him with his sister ; dated 7th February 1588. 329. A, Discharge by John Maitland of Thirlestoun knight, chancellor -and secretary, and Dame Jane Fleming, his spouse, to John, Lord Fleming, of a certain sum as at Whitsunday's term mail then last of the barony of Thankertoun, Kers and others ; dated 20th June . . 1589. 330. A Discharge by John Lindsay of Covington ta John, Lord Fleming, of the sum of 8000 merks as tocher with Agnes Fleming, only daughter bairn and heir to John Fleming of Bord ; dated 13th November 16o2, registered in the books of Council 13th November said year. 33 I. Two Extracts of a Contract of Marriage betwixt John, Master of Wigtown, with consent of John, Earl of Wigtown, bis father, and Mrs. Margaret Livingstone, second lawful daughter procreated betwixt Alexander, Lord Livingstone, and Dame Helenor Hay, his spouse, the tocher 28,000 merks ; dated in the month of February 1609, registered in the books of Council and Session 20th June said year. 332. A Discharge granted by Hugh, Lord Loudo_n, of Mrs. Jean fleming, her tocher, being 21,000 merks, to John,. Earl of Wigtown ; dated 6th June 1609, wanting. 33.5. A Contract of Marriage betwixt James Fleming of Boghall, second lawful son to John, Earl of Wig town, with consent of his said father, and Janet Brusben, eldest lawful daughter to John Brushbene of Bishoptoun, with consent of her father, the tocher 8000 merks; dated 7th November 1612. 334. A Discharge by Sir John Charteris of Amisfield, of 9000 merks as the tocher of Mrs. Margaret Fleming-, sister to the Earl of Wigtown ; dated 1614, wanting. 335. A Discharge by Sir William Livingstone of Kilsyth, one of the senators of the College of Justice, and l\iir. Alexander Livingstone, advocate, of the sum of I 2,000 merks as the tocher of Anna Fleming, lawful daughter to the Earl of Wigtown, married to William Livingstone, younger of Kilsyth ; dated 16th May 1610, registered in the books of Council and Session 2nd November 1617. 336. A Contract of Marriage betwixt David Murray of Hallmyre, after­ wards of Stenhope, and Lady Lilias Fleming, lawful sister to John, Earl of \Vigtown, with consent therein specified, in place of tocher there is an obligement by the Earl to entertain them and to breed their children and to give a tack of the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, mentioned in the contract, to which the earl had right ; dated pen ult October 1627. 337. A Discharge by Lady Rachel Fleming of her tocher with George Lindsay of Covingtoun ; dated 3 rst March 1630, wanting 338. Discharge by Lady Lilias Fleming to the Earl of Wigtown, her brother, of 9000 merks as her portion natural ; dated 15th August 1627, wanting. 339. A Contract of Marriage betwixt Archibald Stewart, younger, of finnertoun, with consent of Archibqld Stewart, elder? of Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 43

Finnertoun, his father, and Lady Mary ·Fleming, sister to John, Earl of Wigtown, the. tocher 10,000 merks ; dated the 14th of February 1634. 340. A Discharge of the foresaid tocher, of the date of the contract. 341. A Contract of Marriage betwixt John, Earl of Wigtown, and Lady Jean Drummond, daughter to the Earl of Perth, with consent therein specified ; dated 10th March 1653. Wanting. 342. A Discharge by Robert, Lord Boyd, to John, Earl of Wigtown, of 15,000 merks in part of 25,000 merks of tocher with Lady Anna Fleming, the said earl's daughter, dated 18th July 1640, with a retired Bond of Relief by said Earl of \Vigtown anll his son to said Lord Boyd for 6ooo merks of the foresaid tocher, and a discharge by the said Lady Boyd, after her lord's death, of the other 10,000 merks of her tocher; 1641. 343. Discharge, Sir Robert Greerson of Lag to John, Earl of Vvigtown, and John, Lord Fleming, his eldest lawful son, of 12,000 as tocher with Lady Jean Fleming, ~he said earl's youngest daughter, married to John Greerson, Lag's eldest son, conform to the contract of marriage, dated 19th October 1641. The discharge is dated 4th February 1643, registered in the books of Council and Session the 4th of April the said year. 344. A Discharge and Renunciation, John, Earl ~f Wigtown, to John, Lord Fleming, of Dame Margaret Livingstone, her infeftment in the lands of Thankertoun ; 'dated 6th March 1644, wanting. 345. Backbond by Sir David Murray of Stenhope making 1nention of a bond of 10,000 merks granted by the Earl of Wigtown, yet that he should not make use of said bond against him or his, but only to be a ground of apprising of the lands of Glenquotho and Quarter­ chappell, lying with the barony of Drumelzear and sheriffdom of Peebles, holden of the Lord Vester ward, and which lands the said John, Earl of Wigtown, and John, Lord Fleming his son, had disponed to said Sten hope heretably and irredeemably; dated 20th February 1645. 346. Contract of Marriage betwixt David, Earl of \Veems, and Dame Helenor Fleming, eldest lawful daughter to and with consent of John, Earl of Wigtown, her father, and with advice of John, Lord Fleming, her brother, and Dame Margaret Livingstone, Countess of Wigtown, her mother, the tocher 20,000 merks, dated 4th April 1650. 347. A Discharge of said tocher, 26th January 1652. 348. Contract of Marriage betwixt John, Lord Fleming, with consent of John, Earl of Wigtown, his father, and Lady Anna Ker, daughter to the deceased Harry, Lord Ker, eldest son to Robert, Earl of Roxburgh, and Dame Margaret Hay, spouse to the said Lord Ker, thereafter Countess of Cassills, her mother, with consent of William, Earl of Roxburgh, her brother-in-law, and her said mother, tocher 50,000 merks ; dated 5th December 1660. 349. Contract of Marriage betwixt William, Earl of Wigtown, and Lady Henrietta Seaton, lawful daughter to Charles, Earl of lJunfermline, and Alexander, Lord Fivy, her brother; dated 8th September 1670 ; tocher 20,000 merks. 350. Contract of Marriage betwixt George, Earl of Panmure, and Lady Jean Fleming, lawful daughter procreated betwixt the deceased John, Earl ofWigtown, and Lady Anna Ker, with consent therein specified; dated 6thDec~mber 1677; tocher 50,000 merks. Wanting 351. Contract of 1\1:arriage past betwixt Mr. Harry Maule of Kellie, youngest lawful son to the deceased Geor~e, Earl of Pa.nmure, anq · 44 · Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

brother to the last above named George, and Lady Mary Fleming, lawful daughter procreated betwtxt the said \Villiarn, Earl of \Vigtown, and Danie Henrietta Seaton, his spouse, now Countess of Crawford, with consent of John, no,v Earl of \Vigto,yn, _her brother ; dated 7th March I 69 5 ; tocher I 8,000 merks.

35 2- Contract of Marriage betwixt Malcolm, Master of Fleming, and Janet Stewart, daughter to the Countess of Bothwell, dated at Edinburgh the penult day of February the year of God 1523 ; toe her ·2 500 merks.

VI.-INVENT ARY of the Writs and Evidents of the Teinds of the Earl of Wigto,vn's whole lands; Writs and Evidents of the Teinds of the Lordship of Lenzie, Kil bride, Bonhath and Glentoirs. 353. An Indenture or Contract past behvixt William of B]ackburn, Abbot of Cambuskennf!th, and David, Lord Fleming, in relation to the teinds of Lenz1e; dated 30th September 1398. 354. A Tack set by Henry Arnot, Abbot of Cambuskenneth, to Robert, Lord Fleming, of the teinds of St. Ninian's Church of Kirkintilloch ; dated 30th April 1482. 355. Ratification under the Great Seal by King James V. of a

364. Another Tack by Adam, Commendator of Cambuskenneth,. •, ,\'.it~ consent of the Convent thereof, to John, Lord Fleming, making mention that he and his predecessors had been of a long time tacksmen and possessors of teinds sheaves of the parochin and church of Lenzie, lying in the diocese of Glasgow, and pertaining to the said Abbey, as a part of the patrimony thereof, for payment of the tackduty. undermentioned, conform to the old assedation then produced, therefore they of new set the said teinds to the said noble lord and his heirs therein mentioned for the soace of his life and nineteen years thereafter, he paying yearly, in name of tackduty, the sum of £80 at Whitsunday and Martinmas by equal portions, and they beeting and repairing the church of Lenzie, and furnishing bread and wine for administration of the Communion. This contains not only a clause of ,Yarrandice, but also an oblige­ ment at issue of the tack to renew the same, they paying 300 merks of grassum ; sealed and dated 6th February 1587. 365. Another Tack of the same teinds upon the same narrative, and of the date of the former, but conceived to the said John, Lord Fleming, and an heir male lawful gotten or to have been gotten of his body, which failing, to his nearest and lawful heir ri1ale that should happen to be served and retoured to him, during all the .days of their lifetime successive after others, and to the heirs male of the said heir male gotten or to be gotten, or lawfully succeeding as said is, or their assignees, for the space of nineteen years next and immediately following the decease of the said heir male, for payment of the same tackduty, and they became obliged to !enew the tack for the grassum of 300 merks. 366. A Bond by Adam, Commendator of Cambuskenneth and Convent thereof, with one consent, making mention that a noble Lord John, Lord Fleming, and his predecessors had been a long time tacksmen and old possessors of the tein

371. A Tack by John, Earl of Mar, Lord Erskine and Garrioch, as heretable proprietor of the teind sheaves and other teinds, parsonage and vicarage above and after mentioned, with consent of Dame l\1ary Stewart, his lady, and of Captain Alexander Ersky~, their second son, to John, Earl of Wigtown, his heirs male and of tailzie succeeding to him in lordship of Lenzie, formerly belonging to the Abbots of Cambuskenneth, and thereafter erected, with the whole temporal lands which pertained of old to the said Abbacy of Cambuskenneth, Abbacy of Dryburgh and Prior of Inchmahom, by King James VI. into a temporal lordship to be called the lord­ ship of Cardross, and were disponed by the said King James to said J oho, Earl of Mar, and that for five nineteen years after the said John, Earl of \Vigtown his entry, for the yearly tack duty of 36s. 4d. and 30s. of blench duty to the king, and relieving the Earls of Mar of the minister's stipend~ communion elements, taxations,. reparations of churches, annuities, &c. This tack is dated 15th March 1633, duly ratified by the Countess of Mar the 19th day of the same month, all registered in the books of Council and Session upon the 5th day of July 1634. 372. A Contract of Aiienation past betwixt the said Earl and Countess of Mar and their said son, on the one part, and John, Earl of Wig­ town, on the other, of the date of the foresaid tack, whereby they set heritably a,nd irredeemably to the said John, Earl of Wigtown, and his heirs and others therein mentioned, all and hail the teind sheaves and other teinds, as well parsonage as vicarage, with all rents, fruits, profits and emoluments of the said parish church and • parochin of Lenzie and pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Dumbarton, containing procuratory of resignation and other clauses ; ratified Judicially by the said Countess upon the I 5th of March 1633, registered in the books of Council and Session the 5th July 1634. 373. A Disposition by the said John, Earl of Wigtown, to John, Lord Fleming, Master of Wigtown, his son, containing an assignation to the Earl of Mar's disposition and procuratory therein contained, but reserving the Earl's own liferent ; dated 4th January 1634, registered in the books of Council and Session 11th July 1636. 37 4. A Decreet of Augmentation obtained before the commission for- plantation of churches, &c., augmenting the stipend of the minister of Lenzie in manner therein contained ; dated the 26th of February 1634. 3i5- Another Decreet of the said Lords Commissioners for plantation of churches, &c., separating and disjoining from the said paroch . church and parochin of Lenzie, the towns and lands therein designed lying in the east end of the said parochin, and erecting and incorporating the same into a new paroch church to be built in the east end of the paroch towards Cumbernauld, and modifying the constant stipend thereof; dated 22nd February 1650. 376. A Transumpt of a tack of the teinds of the paroch church and parochin of Kilbride, made by Mr. John Colvil, Chancellor of Glasgow, to · Hamilton of Pile and Robert Hamilton of Newhouse ; dated I 3th July I 583, wanting. 377. A Contract betwixt John, Lord Fleming, and Robert Boyd of anent the teinds of Bonhath ; dated 3rd and 16th days of July 1634, wanting. 378. A small bundle of Inhibitions and others relating to the lands of Lenzie. 379. A Tack by way of Contract betwixt Walter, Bishop of Brechin, and Sub-dean of Glasgow, with consent of the Dean and Chapter Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown. 47

thereof, and with consent of Robert Hamilton· of Torens and Mr. John Dunlop of Gairnkirk for all right they had to the tacks of the sub-deanry of Glasgow set by umquhile Mr. Patrick Walkinshaw, Sub-dean thereof, for many years then to run, to umquhile Walter, Commendator of Blantyre, and his heirs, by virtue of whatsoever tack made in their favours by William, Lord Blantyre, conform to their right, dated 6th and 8th days of April 1633, registered in the books of Session the same year, on the one part, and John, Earl of Wigtown, and John, Lord Fleming, his son, heritable proprietors of the lands of Easter and Wester Glentoirs, lying within the barony of Munkland and sub­ deanry of Glasgow, on the other, narrating the Act of Parliament 28th June 1633, whereby the said Sub-dean was allowed to set the fruits and rents of the said sub-deanry to the heritors of the lands for the space of three nineteen years, for yearly payment of the old rental bolls, to which the king gave his consent, therefore they set the teinds of Glentoirs to the said earl and his son for three nineteen years, and they on the other side became obliged to pay to the said Sub-dean and his successors, or to the above-named Mr. Robert Hamilton and Mr. John Dunlop, so long as their right lasted, the number of eight bolls meal, as being the old rental teind bolls used and wont to be paid. 380. A bundle containing certain Writs, such as presentations in relation to the Chaplainry of the Virgin Mary, \vithin the burgh of Kirkintilloch and diocese of Glasgow, and lying within the lord­ ship of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dumbarton, whereof the Earl of Wigtown and his predecessors have been and are undoubted patrons. 1Vota.-The last presentation "found is by John, Earl of Wigtown, to Mr. James Fleming, and contains precept of sasine, and he accordingly is infeft thereupon.

VII.-\VRITS and EVIDENTS of the 'feinds of the Lands and Baronies of Biggar and Thankertoun. 381. A Tack by John, Lord Maitland of Thirlestoun, knight, Chancellor of Scotland, Walter, commendator of Blantyre, and others, com­ missioners specially constitute by John, Lord Fleming, to sell and wadset such of his land and benefices as they should think fit in his absence out of the kingdom, to William Fleming, then servant to the said chancellor, of the parsonage and vicarage teinds of "Biggar, .then vacant in my Lord Fleming's hands, during all the days of the said William Fleming his life ; sealed and dated I 6th January I 590. 382. A Ratification by John, Lord Fleming, undoubted Patron of the parochin and parish Church of Biggar, lying in the sheriffdom of Lanark, of the foresaid tack made to William Fleming by the commissioners above named; dated 3rd June 1605. 383. A Tack or Sub-tack by the said William Fleming, parson and vicar of Biggar, with consent of the said John, Lord Fleming, patron, to John, Master of Fleming, his heirs male and assignees, of the teind sheaves and other teind, parsonage and vicarage, of the said parochin of Biggar, for all the years of the granter's lifetime ; dated 19th June 16o5. 384. Another Tack granted by the said parson and patron. to the said l\1aster of Fleming, of the said teinds, for all the days of the Master's lifetime, dated 19th June 1605; this tackduty in both and the above written tacks is £40. · 48 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown ..

-585 .. A Discharge by the said William Fleming to the said Master of Fleming of the foresaid tackduty for all the days of the said William his lifetime ; dated the pen ult day of July 1605 . . N.B.-This John, Master of Fleming, died in lvlay 1650~ 386. A Tack by Mr. Thomas Campbell, then parson and vicar of Biggar, to John, Earl of Wigtown, of the foresaid teinds of Biggar, for the said Mr. Thomas his lifetime, for payment of four chalders oat teind meal betwixt Yule and Candlemas, and relieving him of the communion elements and of all stents, taxations, &c. ; dated I 3th February 1607. A Decreet of the Lords of Session in favour of John, Master of .Wigtown, and John, Earl of Wigtown, his father, against the heritors, feuars, fermorers, tenants, t_acksmen, possessors and other intromitters with the fruits, rents and duties of the parsonage and vicarage of Biggar, and the said Mr. Thomas Campbell, parson and vicar thereof, for his interest, decerning and ordaining letters of four forms to be directed (each form to be execute after other in forty-eight hours, and the warding place to be the Castle of Blackness in case of disobedience), charging all and sundry the said heritors, &c. to pay the said teinds, &c. to the said pursuer during all the years of the foresaid tack ; dated the 17th of December 1607, and the said letters of four forms. 388.. A Decreet of Prorogation by the commissioners for plantation of churches, &c., whereby the commissioners did unite and annex the church and parochin of Thankertoun to the church and parochin of Biggar, and decerned the Earl of Wigtown, patron and tacksman of both these churches and teinds thereof, to provide and entertain a passage boat upon the Water of Clyde betwixt the two parochins, and modified the minister's stipend and necessary money for the communion elements in manner specified in the said decreet, and for these causes the said lords added to the years of the three tacks then produced of the said teinds of Biggar the space of four nineteen years, to begin at the issue of these tacks, and likeways prorogued the tacks of the teinds of Thankertoun accordingly; dated 5th December 1617. 1V.B. - As the Master of Wigtown, the tacksman, died only in May 1650, so these four nineteen years did not expire till 1726. A Disposition by \Villiam Fleming, Provost of Biggar, of the whole teinds, fruits, rents, &c. of the provostry thereof, to John Fleming, eldest lawful son to John, Master of Wigtown, his heirs or assignees; dated 18th March 1619. 39o. A bundle of several tacks, presentations, inhibitions and other writs, relative to the teinds . of Biggar, parsonage and vicarage, and · provostry thereof, and prebendaries of the collegiat church there, and to the teinds of Thankertoun, which were a part of the same.

VIII.-WRITS and EVIDENTS of the Teinds of Glenquhom.

391. A Tack granted by Alexander Fleming, parson and vicar of the parish church of Glenquhom, with advice and consent of John, Lord· Fleming, patron of the said church, to John, master ·of Fleming, son and apparent heir to the said John, Lord Fleming, during his lifetime, and to his heirs for nineteen years thereafter, Charter Chest of the Earldom of tVigtown. 49

the parsonage and vicarage of the said parochin of Glenquhom, with the teinds, fruits, rents, &c., for payment of 300 merks of tack­ duty and grassum upon the lands of Smellhope; dated 5th December 1600. 392. Two Letters of Tack by the said Alexander Fleming-, parson and vicar of the Parish Church of Glenquhom, with consent of the said l:,ord Fleming, patron to said John, :Master of Fleming, his eldest lawful son, of the teind sheaves and small teinds, parsonage and vicarage of the Parish Church of Glenquhorn, lying within the diocese of Glasgow and sheriffdorn of Peebles, for all the days of the master's lifetime, and after his decease to his heir male during all the ·days of his lifet1me, and to the said heir his heir male for nineteen years and after that for other nineteen years, for the· yearly tack duty of 300 merks; dated 20th February 16)1: 393. A Tack by Mr. James Lowrie, prebendar of the prebendary of · Glenquhom, one of the canons and prebends of the Chapel Royal of Striveling, and parson and vicar of the parochin of Glenquhom, and of the parsonage and vicarage thereof, as being one of the churches of the Chapel Royal of Striveling, lying within the diocese of Glasgow and sheriffdom of Peebles, with consent of William, Bishop of Galloway, Dean of the said Chapel Royal, and with con­ sent of the chapter and remanent canons and prebends of the said ✓ Chapel Royal, to John, Master of Wigtown, Lord Fleming, of the teinds aforesaid, for th~ granter's lifetime arid five years there­ after, for payment of fifty merks of tack-duty and the minister's stipend, being 300 merks, besides all taxations and impositions re:eairings, beet ins, &c. ; sealed and dated 26th July 1618. 394. A Decreet of Platt and Prorogation, dated 29th July 1618, whereby the commissioners for plantation of Churches, &c., on account of stipend paid forth of the said teinds, added to the years of the foresaid tack four liferents and four nineteen years, and granted a new tack accordingly, and modified the stipend ; dated 29th July 1618. 395. A Charter of Confirmation by King James VI. under the Privy Seal, confirming and ratifying both the foresaid tacks and decreet ; dated 2nd December 1623. 396. A bundle of tacks, inhibitions, presentations and other writs relating to the teinds of Glenquhom.

IX.-\VRITS and EVIDENTS of the Teinds of Stobo, which also comprehends Drumelzear, Da·wick and Broughton. 397. A Decreet of Augmentation and Prorogation, dated the last of January 1618, which makes mention of the minister of Drumelzear's then present modified stipend and of the production of a tack by James Tweedie of Drumelzear and his procurators in his name, made and granted by l\Ir. Archibald Row, parson of Stobo, under which the churches of Drumelzear, Dawick and Broughto~ were comprehended, and whereof they are proper parts and pendicles, with consent of the Bishop, Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Glasgow, to James Tweedie of Dreva during his lifetime, and to his heirs and assignees for nineteen years, of the two part of the parsonage of Stobo and the other three churches and teind sheaves thereof, lying within the sheriff

ment of £,20, and further, of a third tack made to him by Mr. Alexander Greig, minister at Drumelzear and vicar of Stobo, of the vicarage teinds thereof for payment of l,60, whereby the said Lord's commissioners augment the stipend out of the tein_ds in manner specified in the decreet, and therefore add to the space and years respective yet to run of the foresaid three tacks twenty­ one years to each after expiring of the years· of the tacks, and so renewed the tacks accordingly. 398. A Contract of Alienation made and past betwixt John, Earl of Wigtown, on the one part, and John, Viscount of Lauderdale, on the other, making mention of a Charter and Infeftment under the Great and Privy Seal of the date at Linlithgow 23rd March 1593, in favours of John, Lord Thirlestoun, father to the said Viscount, th~n designed Chancellor, and Dame Jean Fleming, his spouse, ·in liferent, and the said viscount, therein designed Master of Thirlestoun, and his heirs male therein mentioned, heritably of the ad vocation, donation and full right of patronage of the churches of Drume]zear, Stobo, Dawick and Broughton, which right of patronage comprehended the parsonage and ,·icarage of Stobo, whereof the other three churches, parsonage and vicarage are pertinents, with power to present and making mention of the presentation he had given to Mr. Thomas Hog to the said parsonage, comprehending as said is, lying within the parochin of Peebles, with all teinds, manses, glebes, &c., and of the decreet recovered by the said Mr. Thomas Hog before the session against all liable in payment, and. also mentioning a bond granted by said Mr. Thomas to set in tack and assedation to the said viscount, or any other person he should name, his or their heirs or assignees, of the said parsonage and vicarage of the teind sheaves, &c., for all the days of his lifetime and five years thereafter, for yearly payment of the modified stipend there condescended on to him and succeeding ministers, as the modified stipend appointed -by the Lords Commissioners of Parliament, and subsuming that seeing the said Earl of Wigtown had paid him 21,000 merks, therefore he, with consent of the said Mr. Thomas Hog, sold and disponed to the said Earl of Wigtown the patronage and whole teinds aforesaid mentioned, and assigned him to Mr. Hog's hon<;{, which contract contains procuratory of resignation and diverse other clauses; registered in the books of Council and Session the 20th November 1621. 399. A Bundle containing Bonds granted by the said Mr. Thomas Hog and succeeding parsons: diverse tacks, rights of teinds made by the Earl of \Vigtown to the Earls of Tweeddale, Stenhope and others, with several inhibitions and other writs relating to the teinds, whereof the most material (if thought necessary) may be inventoried with conveniency.

X.-INVENTORY of the old \Vrits (at least of so many of them as are extant) of the Lands and Barony of Biggar, and of the Lands under written, viz., Glenquotho, Overmenzean, Glenhighden, Glenho,vden, Smellhops, U risland, Kilbocho, Torpedo, Sunderland, Mosfennan, Logan, Frude, Glenrusco_ and Henderland, until they come to be comprehended in the Infeftments ,vith the rest of the Estate now belonging · to the Earl of Wigtown. 400. A Charter by Malcolm Fleming, knight, Lord (or Laird) of Biggar Charter Chest of the .Earldom of Wigtown. ~ I

to his beloved son, Patrick Fleming, for his faithful service done to him, of all his lands lying in the barony of Olivercastle, within the sheriffdom of Peebles, to wit his lands of Overrnenzean, Glenrusco, with their pertinents, to be holden of the granter in free blench for payment of a penny, if asked, for and in place of the ward, reliefs, marriage, suits of Court and all other burden ; sealed at Cumbernauld the 7th of November 1395. 401. A Charter of Confirmation of the foresaid Charter, granted by King Robert I II. under the Great Seal, and dated 22nd June an9- eighth year of his reign, which may be 1397. Witnesses, Walter, Bishop of St. Andrews ; Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor ; the king's eldest son, David, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick and Stewart of Scotland ; Robert, Duke of Albany, Earl of Fife and Monteith, his brother german ; Archibald, Earl of. Douglas, Lord Galloway ; James of Douglas, Laird of Dalkeith, and Thomas of Erskine, the king's cousins and beloved knights, apud Lithgu. 402. A Charter by said Robert, King of Scotland, to David Flemmg of Biggar, knight, of all and haill the half of the lands of Cumbusbaron an

lands and annual rent had belonged to the said Malcolm, and which he had resigned for new infeftment to himself and lady and the heirs male to be procreated betwixt them ; which failing, his nearest and lawful heirs whatsoever, to be holden of the king for service used and wont. Witnesses, Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen, Chancellor ; Walter, Bishop of Brech in ; John, Abbot of Holyroodhouse ; John, Earl of Buchan, the governor's son ; Robert of Maxwell of Calderwood, and John Forrester of Corstorphine, knights, and Andrew of Hawick, Rector of Listoun, h1s secretary, at Perth, the 28th June 1413 and eighth year of his gubernatorship. 405. A Transumpt by way of Instrument of King Robert's confim1ation above written (No. 401) ; William Cranston, notar, dated 22nd December 1416. 4o6. A Transumpt by way of Instrument of a Charter granted by James Fleming, son and heir of Patrick Fleming, renouncing and disponing in favours of his cousin Malcqlm Fleming, Laird of Biggar, all right and title which he had or might have to the lands of Overmenzean or Glenrusco and pertinents, lying in the barony of O1ivercast1e and sheriffdom of Peebles, and also in the lands of Bord, lying in the barony of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dunbarton, with a clause of absolute warrandice, and with this condition, that if he or his should question the right granted in judgment or out with the same, that then it should be leisom to the said Malcolm to recur to his right of Monicabbock, which he had disponed to the said James. Witnesses to the Charter, the noble and potent Lords or Lairds William, Lord of Graha:m, John of Seaton, Laird of that Ilk, knights ; Thomas Boyd, Laird of Kilmarnock ; William of Somerville, son and heir to Thon1as, Lord of Somerville ; David of Hamilton, Thomas of Lows and others, at the castle of Cumernauld 3rd November 1421 ; likeas of another writ made and granted by said James Fleming, whereby he remitted to the said Malcolm Fleming, Lord of Biggar, and his complices having art or part of the decease of the said Patrick Fleming, his father, and of all rancor he had conceived against him by reason of the said death, and all action competent to him thereanent in ample forn1 of the date of the foresaid Charter; James Gilbert, notar to the transumpt. 407. A Charter granted by Wilham Porteous, son and heir to John Porteous of vVhitsland, to \Villiam Brown, son and heir of John Brown of Hartrey, for his counsel and help, of all and hail that half of his lands of Mosfennan and Logan with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, which belonged to Christian Brown, mother to the said \Villiam, and which she had resigned ,vith consent of her husband, to be holden by the said \Villiam and the heirs male of his body ; which failing, to John Brown, his father, and the heirs male to be procreated betwixt him and the said Christian; which failing, to the said William Brown, his nearest and lawful heirs, as well female as male, for payment of two pennies in name of blench. Witnesses, James of Tweedie c.f Drumelzear, Patrick of Lows of l\1erns, Walter Hunter of Polemood, Thomas Frizell of Frude, William Geddes of Ladyhood, James Bowmaker of Cardon, and Patrick Porteous of Glenquhom. Sealed and dated at l\1osfennan the 14th of August 1539. ·408. A Sasine of the lands of Frude given both by the Lord Vester and Lord Fleming's bailie, to William Fras_er of Frude, the lands lie in the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles; dated 13th of _May 1445. . Charter Chest of the Earldom of· Wig-town. 53

409. A Precept of Sasine granted by King James I I. for infefting Robert, Lord Fleming, in the lands of Biggar and patronage of the church and hospital, dated 31st May 1446. This is relative to a Charter proceeding upon the personal resignation of David, Lord Hay of Vester. Nota.-The Charter and Sasine are both wanting. 410. A Charter granted by King James II. whereby for the love and favour he had to Robert Fleming of Biggar, he mal{es the town of Biggar, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, a free burgh of barony, with all privileges, and particularly a weekly market on Thursday, to be holden of his Majesty; given under the Great Seal at Edinburgh the last day of :March 1451 and fifteenth year of his reign. [cf. Reg. Mag. Sig. 439.] 411. A Charter by Robert, Lord Fleming, to his cousin William Fleming, son and apparent heir of James Fleming of Bord, of the £10 land of Overmenzean, with the pertinents, within the sheriffdom of Peebles, upon the father's resignation and reserving the mother's liferent of a terce ; sealed, but without date and witnesses. 412. An Instrument taken before the Sheriff of Peebles in relation to the serving of the King's Brief by an inquest about the deterrning the differences betwixt Robert, Lord Fleming, and David Hay of Vester, knight, about the la·nds of Glenquotho and who was last vest and sased therein; dated 13th April 1459. 413. An Instrument taken against the Lord Kennedy anent the lands of Kirkintilloch, dated 14th April 1466, wanting. 414. Another Instrument taken by Robert Fleming, son to. the Lord Fleming, in name of his father, brother and nephew, against certain gentlemen who pretend a commission from my Lord Kennedy to uplift the rents of \\tester Mains, Easter Mains and Cowshirway, Wecker and Wester Gartshoar, dated 25th May 1466; Andrew Hynd, notar. _4 I 5. An Instrument taken upon the deposition of a witness in relation to the controversy about the marches betwixt the lands of Stirling and Edmonstoun, dated 11th February 1467; John of Crawford, notar. 416. A Decreet by the Commissars of Glasgow in the process depend­ ing betwixt Robert, Lord Fleming, and David Hay of Yester concerning the patronage of the church of Biggar, decerning the patronage thereof (upon a full hearing) to belong to the Lord Fleming as the true legal only lawful and undoubted patron of the church of Biggar, and decerning the Lord Yester in the expenses of the pursuit; pronounced at Glasgow the last day of July 1467. The Instrument extended thereupon is under the hand of John Preston, notar. 417. A Charter by King James III. of Scotland to Robert, Lord Fleming, of all and hail the lands of Biggar, with the pertinents and patronage of the church of Biggar, and hospital thereof, all which David Hay of Vester had resigned in exchange to the said Robert of his lands in the barony of Olivercastle and half of Kingildoors, with the superiorities of the tenandries of Frude, Polmood, Cockland and Glenquhotho, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, disponed by him to J ohB Hay, son and apparent heir to the said navid, by way of excambion as said is, both to be holden ·ward; dated at Edinburgh the 20th day of June 1470 and tenth · year of that King's reign. \Vitnesses, Thomas, Bishop of Aberdeen, .Keeper of the Privy Seal ; \Villiam, Bishop of Orkney ; Andrew, Lord Evan dale, Chancellor ; Colin, Earl of Argyle, L91:d Lorn~ Master household ; Mr. William Knowes, preceptor of Torphichen, 54 Charter Chest of tlze Earidom of Wiglown.

Treasurer ; David of Guthrie, Comptroller, and Archibald of Whitelaw, Archdean of Lowden, secretary. 418. An Instrument of Sasine of the said lands of Biggar and patronage, dated 19th June 1470, proceeding upon a precept under the Quarter Seal in King James Ill's name; John Crawford, notar. ·419. A Charter of Renunciation by Duncan Bully, parson of the parish church of Kinnell, to William Bully, his brother, Chaplain of the Altar of Holyrood, founded and situated in the parish church of the burgh of Stirling, and his heirs and assignees, of all the right he had to that tenement, with the pertinents, lying within the middle row of the said burgh. bounded in manner mentioned in the Charter, holden of the Lord Fleming ; dated at Stirling 25th February 1471. 420. The special service of Robert, Lord Fleming, as heir to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his father, in the lands and baronies of Biggar, with the tenandries thereof, and with the advocation and patronage of the church of Biggar and hospital of the same, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, holden ward of the king ; dated 22nd February 14 72. 421. A Procuratory of Resignation by James, Earl of Mortoun, Lord Dalkeith, for resigning all and sundry the lands of Edmonstoun and Wintermuir, lying in the barony of Biggar and sheriffdom of Lanark, in the hands of a noble and potent Lord Robert, Lord Fleming, superior of the foresaid lands; sealed and dated at Dalkeith 15th July 1476. 422. An Instrument of Resignation following upon the said Procuratory, · dated the 16th day of the same month. Alexander Micheau, notar. 423. A Charter granted by the said Robert, Lord Fleming, and Baron of the barony of Biggar, superior of the said lands of Edmonstoun and Wintermuir, to James Douglas, Earl of Mortoun and Lord of l)alkeith, for his homage and service manifoldly done and to be done, to be holden for service of ward and relief and one suit at the head court of Biggar; sealed and dated 18th July 1476. 424- Precept of Sasine relative thereto and of the same date therewith. 425. An Instrument attesting the tenor of the writs following and the reading and publishing the same, viz., a Decreet of the Lords against Roq_ert Burn, William Gartshoar of that Ilk and others, to deliver again and restore to Robert Fleming, son and heir to Robert,· Lord Fleming, certain cows and other goods for the skaith they had done in wasting his lands. Letters of poinding raised in the king's name upon the said decreet against the forenamed persons. Letters of procuratory granted by the said Robert Fleming to certain persons therein named for receiving the sums contained in the decreet and letters, a discharge by the said Robert to the forenamed persons upon payment, the said Robert having borrowed the Seal of Andrew, Lord Gray, to affix to the said last discharge. The Instrument is dated 3rd June 1479; Thomas Atkinson, notar. 426. An Instrument of Resignation made by John Carlyle of that Ilk, knight, as procurator for and in name and behalf of an honourable and noble man, Sir Robert Fleming, knight, by virtue of the letters of procuratory granred thereanent, of all and hail his lands and barony of Lenzie, with the pertinents, and all and hail his· lands and barony of Biggar and Thankertoun, and also of all and sundry 'his lands of Cumernauld with the castle and forest there­ of, the eight merk lands lying in the barony of Monicabbock, with­ in the sheriffdom of Aberdeen, and 24 merk lands of Lowr lying Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown, 55

~n Forfarshire, and 24 merk lands of Dunbulls lying 1n Perthshire, anci the lands of the barony of U chtermony lying in the sheriffdom of Stirling, in the king's hands for new infeftment to David Fleming, knight, apparent heir to the said Sir Robert Fleming, knight, dated in Anno 1480; John Rollo and Robert Fullarton, notars. An Instrument taken upon two agreements whereby Robert, Lord Fleming, agreed to put Sir David Fleming, knight, his grandchild son and heir of umquhile Malcolm Fleming, in the fee of all his lands, reserving for his own liferent thereof, and to Margaret Lindsay her liferent, of the barony of Thankertoun in so far as might extend to £100 worth of land, and the rest of the said £100 worth to be assigned out of the barony of Biggar in warrandice of the barony of Thankertoun, and £20 worth of land to be reserved to the said Lord Fleming and the heirs male lawfully to be gotten betwixt him and the said Margaret, which failing, to the said Lord Fleming his heirs _whatsover, and the Lord Fleming constitutes procurators for resigning his said lands in the hands of the respec­ tive superiors, in the other agreement he names the lands that shall be reserved for the £20 to himself, and also condescends on the lands reserved to the lady, and he consents that said David have the power of redeeming the wadsets, the said Lord having always his liferent; dated the 29th of September 1480; Patrick M 'Culloch, notar. Ari Instrument taken upon the resignation of the said Margaret Lindsay, daughter to John Lindsay of Covingtoun, in the hands of the said Robert, Lord Fleming, of all the right she had in life­ rent, or othenvays, to all and sundry the lands and others given her by her said lord before the making said resignation and her infeftments thereof; dated 2nd October 1480; William Allardice, notar. An _Instrument of Sasine in favour of the said Sir David Fleming, son to l\1alcolm Fleming of Monicabbock, and grandchild and heir to the said Robert, Lord Fleming, 1n the lands and barony of Biggar, ,vith the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, and proceeding upon a precept relative. to a charter granted him under the Great Seal, upon his said grandfather's resignation, con­ taining also other lands, the Sasine is dated ~7th November 1480; James Darrow, notar. Nota.-The Precept of Sasine is wanting, but the Charter is to be found among the writs of Lenzie. • 430. An Instrument of Resignation by William Fraser of Frude of the lands of Frude, lying within the barony of Olivercastle, in the hands of John, Lord Hay of Yester, superior, in favour of William Frissell, son and heir of the deceased Simon Frissell, reserving the said William his own liferent and his wife's terce ; dated 8th February 1490. 431. An Instrument of Resignation taken by Walter Ker of Cessfoord, upon \Villiam Ker of l\1ercingtoun, William Pringle in Cessfoord, and John Ker in Cairntoun, their resigning their lands of Rachan, Glenhighden and Glenquhom, lying in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles; dated 19th October 1491 ; Thomas Brown and John Wayeck, notars. 432. An Instrument of Sasine in favour of William Frissell, son of the said Simon Frissell abovenamed, of the lands of Frude, proceeding upon William Frissell of Frude's resignation and the Lord Yester's Precept ·of Sasine; dated 8th November 1492; Andrew Young, notar. 56 Charier Chest of the Earldom of TVig-town .

.433· A Transumpt of a Sasine given by Thomas Dickson of Ormistoun of his lands of Glenhighden and Glenquhom, lying in the barony of Glenquhom and shetiffdom of Peebles, to Thomas Dickson, his son, and Elizabeth Ker, his spouse, and the longest liver of them,. their heirs, &c., conform to a Charter granted by the said Thomas. The date of the Sasine was 27th August 1495, and the date of the Transumpt 27th April I 516 ; John Reid, notar. 434- A Charter granted by William Fleming of Torpedo to Robert Fleming, his brother-german, of his lands of Torpedo with the pertinents, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, reserving only to himself the mansion house and two acres of land lying on the north end of it, to be holden from the granter of the House of St. John of Jerusalem of Torphichen, within the Kingdom of Scotland, and their successors, blench for payment of forty pennies, if asked ; sealed and dated at Peebles 4th February 1496. 435. A Confirmation by William, Laird of St. John of Jerusalem of Torphichen, confirming the foresaid Charter; sealed and dated 4th March 1496. 436. Service of William Flemjng as heir to the deceased J oho Fleming of Torpedo, his father, in the lands of Torpedo; dated the 2nd N ovem 1:>er, 1496. 437. A Precept of Sasine by John, Lord Fleming, Baron of Biggar and Superior of the lands of Edmonstoun and Little Wintermuir, to James Douglas, son and apparent heir to John, Earl of Mortoun, of these lands of Edmonstoun, and Little Wintermuir, lying in the barony of Biggar and sheriffdom of Lanark, which belonged to James, Earl of Mortoun goodsir to the said James ; sealed and dated 4th January 1497, together with a transumpt of a sasine following thereupon, dated the I 8th of the same month ; John Couts, notar to the Transumpt, which is newly come to hand. The service of John, Lord Fleming, as heir to Sir David Fleming, his brother, jn the lands of Biggar, annual rents and pertinents; lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark ; dated 26th April 1497. 439- An Instrument of Sasine in the said lands following upon the precept of Sasine directed forth of the Chancellary, relative to the Retour above written in favour of the said John, Lord Fleming ; dated 19th July said year; , notar. 44o. A Letter of Reversion by Archibald, Earl of Angus, to John, Lord Fleming, granting the lands and barony of Biggar wadset to him, to be redeemable by payment of 900 merks Scots ; sealed and dated 15th February I 498. 441. A Sasine granted by George Porteous of Glenkirk, as superior, propriis rnanibus, to \Villiam Frissell of Frude, and Agnes Johnston, his spouse, of the lands of l\1osfennan; d_ated 19th May 1498; Thomas Crawford, notar. 442. A Renunciation and Grant of Redemption by Archibald, Earl of Angus, Lord Douglas, to John, Lord Fleming, of the ,vadset of Biggar; sealed and dated 12th August 1499. 443· A Procuratory of Resignation by the Earl of Angus for resigning the lands and barony of Biggar, in King James IV. his hands as superior ; sealed and dated 12th August 1499. 444· A ~recept of Sasine hy John, Lord Hay of Vester, for infefting William Frissell in his lands of Frude, which he had resigned in his hands, dated 28th July I 500. A Precept of Sasine for infeft­ ing Catherine Frissell as heir to Frissell, her father, in the lands of Wester Smallhops, by George.Geddes as superior thereof, dated the day of . An Instrument taken Charter Chest of the Earldonz oj·W?gtown. 57

upon the election made by the Lord Fleming·and parishioners of Biggar of James Fleming of Bog hall, to the office of parochial clerk of the said parochin then vacant through the death of ·George Fleming last possessor ; dated 6th March 1509. · 445. A Charter by King James IV. to his daily servant, lvlr. John Murray · _of Blackbarony, of all aud haill the lands of Overmenzean, lying in the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles, as having formerly belonged to John, Lord Fleming, and recognosed in his · majesty's hands, and bearing that my Lord Fleming had after de­ clarator given his consent in form of instrument that said l\'.Jr. John· should have these lands to be united and annexed to the barony of Hatton Murray, alias Black barony; dated c3:t Edinburgh 9th June 1 508 and twentieth year of his reign. Witnesses, William, Bishop of Aberdeen, Keeper of the Privy Seal ; Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Lord Campbell, master household ; Patrick, Earl of Borthwell, Lord Hailes ; Mathew, Earl of Lennox, Lord· Darnley; Alex­ ander, Lord Home, Great Chamberlain ; Andrew, Lord .Gray, Justiciary; James, Abbot of Dunfermline, treasurer; Mr. Gavin Dunbar, Archdeacon of St. Andrews, clerk to the Council Registers and Rolls [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 3241]. 446. An Instrument taken upon William Fleming of Bord, his promising to deliver up the writs and evidents of the lands of Overmenzean and Glenrusco, which he had in his custody, to the end a disposi­ tion might be drawn to be signed by said William in favour of John Murray of Sandlahill, the said John paying him £80 Scots or giving surety therefor; dated 2nd May 1502; James Young, notar. · · · 447. A Sasine on a precept relative to the Charter above mentioned, in favour of Mr. John Murray of Blackbarony in the said lands of Ovennenzean, with the pertinents, the precept is directed. forth of the Chancery, and the sasine is dated 10th July 1508; John Dickieson, notar. 448. A Precept of Sasine by John, Lord Hay of Vester, Baron .of Oliver­ castle, for infefting William Fri-ssell in the lands of Frude, lying within the said barony and sheriffdom of Lanark ; dated 28th March 1512. 449. A Sasine in favour of the said William thereupon,-dated 28th of l\,larch 1512 ; Thomas H ugons, notar. 450. A Charter by John, Lord Hay of Vester, making mention that the lands and barony of Olivercastle had been recognosed lately in the king's hands, and that the king had given a new infeftment to him as s'on and heir to the deceased John Hay of Vester, and mention­ ing that Archibald Di:kson had the lands of Glenqutho before the said recognition, which tenantry had been recognosed with the rest of the barony, and that the said Archibald had - payed a propor­ tional part of the composition effeiring to these lands, therefore he disponed to him the lands of Glenqutho to be holden wc1:rd ; sealed and dated 16th June 1512. · · 451. A Sasine upon a precept directed forth of the Chancellary in favour of John, Lord Fleming, of the lands and barony of Biggar, ad voca­ tions and donations of the churches and chaplainries thereof; dated i 8th February I 5 1 5 ; William Hunter, notar. 452. A Sasine in favour of the said John, Lord Fleming, of the barony of Thankertoun, of the same date and notar with the former-. 453. A Charter under the Great Seal granted by King James V. with consent of his cousin and tutor, John, Duke of Albany, Protector and Governor, to John, Lord Fleming, of all and haill his.lands and baronies of Biggar and Thankertoun, with tenants, tenandries and 58 Charter Chest o/ the Earldom o/ Wigtown.

services of free tenants, with advocation and donation of the churches and chaplainries thereof, and pertinents, lying in the sheriffdom of Lanark; upon the resignation of Margaret Stewart, . Lady Fleming,. and the rept:ted wife of the said John, to be holden ward. Witnesses, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, Chancellor; David, Bishop of Galloway, chaplain of the Church of Stirling ; Andrew, ; David, Bishop of Argyle ; Alex­ ander, Earl of Huntly; Lord Badenoch; Colin, Earl of Argyle; John, Earl of Lennox ; Hugh, Earl of Eglington ; William, Lord Borthwick ; John, Prior of St. Andrews and vicar general of the See in the vacancy of James, Postulatus of Dunfermline, treasurer; George, Abbot of Holyroodhouse, Keeper of the Privy Seal; Mr. Gavin Dunbar, Archdean of St. Andrews, clerk of the Register Rolls and Council ; James Ogilvie, Master of Requests ;- dated at Edinburgh the 26th of October I 51 5 and third year of his reign [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 50 ]. 454· l\ilargaret Stewart's Resignation upon which the foresaid Cha..rter proceeded, of the date of the Charter ; John Guilemy and Richard Cock, notars. 455. A Protestation by way of Instrument, John, Lord Fleming's pro- curators against the Sheriff-depute of Lanark, that they should not proceed in the service of Robert Tinto of Crimpcramp to serve him to the lands of Muirhouse, in the barony of Thankertoun, in respect the barony was recognosed to the king, my lord being absent in the king's service; dated 17th January 1513. 456. An Instrument taken upon an Indenture or Agreement past upon the 12th day of May 1513 betwixt John, Lord Fleming, on the one part, and the said Mr. John Murray of Blackbarony on the other, whereby Blackbarony consented that my lord should be infeft in the lands of Bankeir, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, which were apprised for the sum of 400 merks, and thereafter assigned to said Mr. John, and he and his spouse infeft therein, which afterwards were recognosed to the king, who gifted the composition to him, and on the other side the said Lord Fleming consents to the infeftment given by the king to the said Mr. John of the lands of Overmenzean, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, upon the condition of two reversions to be granted by the, said Mr. John, one containing the sum of £129: 10s. and the other one the like sum, he getting seven years tack after redemption for payment of £ 10 yearly ; the instrument dated 10th May 1513 ; William Haly- burton and John Dickson, notars. . ·: 457. A Gift and Commission for the sheriffship of Tweeddale and Peebles by King James V. to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, and his heirs under the Great Seal; dated at Perth the 1st December and eighteenth year of his reign, 1531. 458. An Instrument taken by John, Lord Fleming, against the king's treasurer, factor or clerk, upon the offer made him of£ 100 of money and a pledge of silver work, for as much as due by him for the ward of the lands of Frude, and marriage of the heir thereof; dated 15th March 1520 ; John Bannatyne, notar. 459. An Instrument taken upon William Porteous, son and heir (as he said) of John Porteous of Glenkirk, his becoming obliged to give to John Tweedie of Drumelzear a letter of assignation in due form upon the nonentry of all and sundry the lands of Mosfennan and Logan, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, when it should happen the said William to obtain sasine and lawful entry to these lands, as de presenti the said William assigned the said nonentry .Charier Chest of the EarldoJJz of W-igtown. 59

duties until the lawful entry of the righteous heir ; dated 3rd July 1521 ; James Meldrum, notar. 46o. An Assignation by Patrick Dickson to John, ·Lord Flen1ing, of a letter of reversion n1ade to him by Walter Hunter of Polmode, upon the redemption and outquitting from him of his lands called the quarter and a part of Glenquhotho, lying in the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles, for the sum of ninety merks, in manner at length therein contained ; sealed and dated the last of April 1523. 461. Three Instruments on one parchment and another on a parchment apart concerning the service of Catherine Frissell, grandchild and heir to William Frissell of Frude; dated I Ith, 14th and 20th days of June 1523; Alexande_r Young and William Rutherford, notars. 462. A Precept of Sasine by John, Lord Hay of Yester, for infefting Katherine Frissell, as heir to her said grandfather in the said lands of Frude; dated 16th July 1523. Nota.-The sasine is wanting. 463. An Instrument taken by Malcolm, Lord Fle1ning, that the agree­ ments he had made with the Tweedies of Drumelzear, for giving them the ward and marriage of Frude, and sending Catherine Frissell there with her writs and evidents, was only granted by him for delivery of his brother Malcolm, Robert Stewart, heir of Minto, and William Fleming of Boghall, who \"\rere his pledges and cautioners, and who were kept prisoners by John and James Tweedies, and only out. of fear that if he should refuse to stand to his agreements, and if they should so much as know that he would not perform, there n1ight great danger ensue, and therefore, pro­ tested that his consent might not prejudge him, but that he might resile, time and place convenient; dated 17th November 1524; Jacob Stantoun, notar. 464. An Instni1nent taken upon Catherine Frissell, Lady Frude, her pro­ testing that in regard she was compelled to go to Drurnelzeai- for the liberation of her husband, Malcolm Fleming, and the other gentlemen above named, that therefore what she should act or do there should not be prejudicial to her, her estate or marriage, n·or to her said husband, her lawful assignee, but that all should be safe and all remede of law competent; dated·25th November 1524; Michaell Fleming, notar. 4~5. An Instniment taken at the place· of· Orumelzear upon· Thomas · -Kincaid of that Ilk, his going there and giving Catherine Frissell, Lady Frude, an

patronage of the churches and chaplainries thereof, upon a precept forth of the Chancellary. The sasine is dated penult April 1525 ; William Hunter, notar. Nota.-The retour to which the foresaid precept relates com-. prehends many other lands, and is to be found in No. 67. _469. An Instrument of Sasine to :Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of the superiority of the £ 10 lands of N ewtoun and Brakenrig, lying in the barony of Evandale and sheriffdom of Lanark, upon a precept forth of the Chancellery; dated 3rd June I 525. 470. An Instrument taken upan Walter Hunter of Polmood, his granting the lands of Glenquhotho and Quarter, to be lawfully redeemed by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, and that he therefore resigned the same in his favour ; dated 24th November 1525 ; l\1r. John Chapman, notar. 471. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal by King James V. to his well beloved cousin and counsellor, Malcolm, Lord Fleming, whereby he confirms the Charters formerly granted by his pre­ decessors erecting the two towns of Biggar and Kirkintilloch into free burghs of barony, with all privileges belonging thereto, such · as weekly markets &c., and of new erects the same ; this Charter is dated at Edinburgh the 21st day of November I 526, and of that king's reign the fourteenth year. Witnesses, Gavin, Archbishop 01 Glasgow; George, Bishop of Dunkeld, Keeper of the Privy Seal; Gavin, Bishop of Aberdeen, clerk of the Rolls, Register and Council ; Archibald, Earl of Angus, Lord Douglas ; James, Earl of Arran, Lord Hamilton ; Robert, Lord Maxwell; Patrick, Prior of the Metropolitan Church of St. Andrews ; \Villiam, Abbot of Holyroodhom,e, near Edinburgh ; Archibald Douglas, Provost of Edinburgh, treasurer, and James Colville, comptroller and director of the Chancellary. 472. An Instrument of Sasine to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, Chamberlain, of the £5 lands of Quarter in the sheriffdom of Peebles, upon a Precept of Sas_ine granted by vVilliam Porteous of Glenkirk, relative to a Charter made thereupon, to be holden ward of the granter; dated 22nd February 1527-8 ; Andrew Brown, notar. The Charter whereupon it proceeds being granted 20th November I 527. 473. A Charter a me granted by William· Porteous of Glenkirk to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of all and sundry the lands of Logan, Mosfennan, Quarter and Chappellgill, to be holden ward of the king ; sealed and dated 9th July I 5 27. 47 4. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal by King James V., dated 8th August I 527, confirming the foresaid Charter. Witnesses James, Archb1shop of St. Andrews ; Gavin, Bishop of Aberdeen, clerk to the Register, Rolls and Council ; George, Bishop of Dunkeld ; Henry, Bishop of Galloway ; George, Earl of Rothes ; Patrick, Prior of St. Andrews; William, Abbot of Holyroodhouse; Archibald Douglas of Killspindie, treasurer ; Mr. Thomas Erskine of Hattoun, secretary ; and James Colvill of Ochiltree, comptroller and director of the Chancellary [ cf. Reg. l\lag. Sig. 487 ]. "47 5. A Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid Charter, dated the 9th of July 1 527. - :476. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept under the hand of Andrew Brown, notar, dated I 7th March I 527-8. :477. A gift under the Privy Seal of the Laird of Drumelzear. and others, his complices. who were fug-itives from the law and. denounced to .Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown. -61

the horn, their escheat goods to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, dated 21st October 1528. 478. A Confirmation by King James V. under the testimony of the Great Seal of a decreet arbitral pronounced by the Lords of Council, dated 4th March 1530, and relative to a compromise or agreement made betwixt him and John and James Tweedies, elder and younger of Drumelzear, and to the several processes depending betwixt them, slaughters, depredations, &c., committed the one upon the other, young Tweedies marrying of the Lady Frude, alledged to pertain to the Lord Fleming's brother, by which the Lords decerned John Tweedie of Drumelzear to found a Chaplainry in the church of Biggar and to give the chaplain .£40 of yearly stipend out of his lands and heritages, to pray for the soul of umqu1lile John, Lord Fleming, the Lords Fleming to have the patronage. They ordain James Tweedie, the apparent heir of Drumelzear, and all the other persops guilty of the slaughter to go out of the Kingdoms of Scotland and.England within the space of one-quarter of a year, and to remain there three years during the king's will. They also decem the parties to take one another by the hand in the king and council's presence and engage for their respective kins and followers, remitting hz"nc inde all slaughters, &c., and as to the marriage of the lady Frude alleged to pertain to the said · Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his brother, they ordained the Tweedies to cause her infeft, heritably and irredeemably, the said Malcolm and his assignees in the .£4 : 10s. land cf old extent of Mosfennan, the 40s. land of old extent of Smallhope and mill of the same, and 40s. land called U risland, which extend in whole to an £8 : 1os. land of old extent, lying with the sheriffdom of Peebles, to be holden as freely as the Lord Fleming could devise, at least 1n as good land lying in as good a place and of as great avail. And the Lords reduced all processes, apprisings and decreets which the said Lord Fleming had against the Tweedies, and this to be with­ out prejudice of the concord made betwixt Malcolm, Lord Fleming, on the one part, and the lairds of Glenkirk and Polmood on the other part, and of the satisfaction made by them to the said Lord Fleming, and they decern the faillie to be 10,000 merks. The king's confirmation is dated at Edinburgh 22nd :March and eighteenth year of his reign, I 531. 479. A Procuratory of Resignation by the said Catherine FrisselJ, Lady Frude, with consent of James Tweedie, her husband, for resigning her £4 : 10s. land of old extent of l\Iosfe'nnan, lying in the barony of Glenqubom and sheriffdom of Peebles, in the bands of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, ad perpetuam remanentiam; dated 23rd . March I 530 and sealed. 480. An Instrument of Resignation ad remanentiam following thereupon ; dated 5th October the same year; Gilbert Mill, notar. 481. A Charter a me granted by the said Lady Frude, with consentforesaid, in obedience to the foresaid decreet arbitral and the right of the said lady her marriage, heritably all and haill her lands of Over Smellhopes, lying the barony of Glenquhom a~d sheriffdom of Peebles, to be holden of George Geddes of Cuthell, her superior, for payment of 4s. : 8d. in name of blench farm ; sealed and dated 12th July 1531. 482. A Charter of Confirmation granted by said George Geddes of Cuthell, superior of the foresaid lands, confirming the Charter immediately above written ; sealed and dated 2nd October 1531 ... 483. Another Charter granted by the said Lady Frude, with consent of her said husband, in implement as said is to the said· Malcolm, Lord fleming, of all and haill her 40s. land of old extent of U risland, . . 62 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wi,Rtown.

with the mill thereof, lying in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriff­ dom of Peebles, to be holden ward of the king ; dated 26th March I 531. 484. A Precept of Sasine relative thereto, dated 26th March said year. 485. A Bond of Warrandice granted by John Tweedie, elder of Drumel­ zear, making mention that the Lady Frude, with consent of her husband, his son, had for fulfilling the decreet arbitral by the Lords of Council betwixt Malcolm, Lord Fleming, and him, and for the slaughter of John, Lord Fleming, father to the said Malcolm, com­ mitted by James Tweedie, his son and apparent heir, and his complices, and for the profit of the said Lady Frude, her marriage, disponed to the said lord, his heirs and assignees, her £4: 10s. land of Mosfennan, 40s. land of Smallhops and 40s. land of U risland, therefore he, in the terms of the decreet, obliges him and his heirs · to warrant the said alienation in the most strict -form ; sealed and dated 23rd March 1530. 486. A Charter granted by the foresaid John Tweedie of Drumelzear, mentioning the foresaid slaughter, and whereby in obedience to the decreet arbitral he gave, granted and confirmed to Sir Andrew .Brown and his successors, chaplains, who shall pray and sing mass for the salvation of the soul of the deceased John, Lord Fleming, in the parish church of Biggar, a yearly annual rent of £10 Scots yearly, to be taken at two terms in the year therein mentioned, forth of all and haill his lands of Drumelzear, with the pertinents, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, ay and while be or his heirs should infeft the said chaplain and his said successors in the like yearly annual rent forth of other lands as proper, to be holden of the granter and his heirs z"n ferpetua elemosyna, and declaring the Lord Fleming and his heirs to be undoubted patrons of the said chaplainry; sealed and dated 10th August 1531. 487. A Precept of Sasine relati\·e thereto and of the same date thereof. 488. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal by King James V. · confirming the foresaid Charter. Witnesses, Gavin, Bishop of Aberdeen, Clerk of Register and Council; Gavin, Archbishop of Glasgow, Chancellor; Henry, Bishop of Galloway; James, Earl of Murray, the king-'s brother ; Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lorn, master household; Hugh, Earl of Eg-Iinton, Lord Montgomery; . Patrick, Prior of St. Andrews, Treasurer; Thomas Erskyn of Hattoun, secretary ; and James Colvill of East Weems, comptroller and director of the Chancellary ; sealed and dated 2nd December 1531 and of the king's reign the nineteenth year [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1093]. 489. An extract of the Justice Court holden at Edinburgh in presence of the king, upon Monday, 16th May 1530, and under the seal of the office (James, Earl of Murray; John, Lord Erskine, and William Scott of Balwearie being justices), against William Cockburn .of Henderland, indicated as being art and part in the treasonable in bringing of Alexander Forrester and his son, Englishmen, to the robbing of Alexander Somerville, and also being art and part in bringing certain Englishmen at another time to the depredation of Glenquhom, and for being guilty of common theft, and the receipt of theft, &c., and found guilty by an assize, by which sentence he is forfeit in life and fortune and by the king's grace ordained to be beheaded. Signed by Nicolas Crawford, Clerk to the J usticia·ry, who designs himself general Clerk of the J usticiary. 490. Letters of publication under the signet by King James V., dated 8th April 1532, that none of those in Annandale bring goods within the bounds of Tweedale fo~ grassing under the pain of escheating them. Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£g-town. 63

491. A Charter under tht Great Seal to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of all and haill the lands of Cardrono, with the pertinents, lying within the s.heriffdom of Peebles, as having sometime belonged to William Govan and fallen in the king's hands by service of ward and relief, and as duly apprised for the sum of £500 as for bygone nonentry duties by the space of fifty years, and £25 of sheriff fee, conform to the decreet of apprising, led and deduced thereanent at the instance e,f the said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, as the king's donator to· the said nonentries, dated 8th May 1 534 ; the Witnesses are almost the same with those named to the Charter of Confirma­ tion No. 488, only there is added Alexander, Abbot of Cambus­ kenneth, and James F oulis of Colington, designed clerk to the Register and Rolls_ and Council [ cf. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1385]. 492. A Precept of Sasine following upon the said Charter, dated 18th May 1534. 493. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept, dated I 7th June the same year, Gilbert Mill, notar. 494. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal, dated I st July 1534, confirming a Charter a me granted by John Dickieson of Ormestoun to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of all and haill his fourth part of all and sundry the lands of Rachan, Glenhighden, Glenquhotho and Glenhowden, with the pertinents, lying within the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom <'f Peebles, to be holden · ward of the king ; dated 18th June 15:4· The witnesses to this Charter are almost the same with these in the last [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1395]. . Nota.-The Sasine upon the Charter confirmed is wanting. 495. An Instrument of Sasine of the 30s. lands of Glenhighden and 16s. lands of Glenquhotho, lying within the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, upon Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his Precept of Sasine, in favours of James Bowmaker of Cardon. The sasine is dated 19th October I 534 ; John Johnstone, notar. 496. A Letter of Reversion by the said James Bowmaker granting the said lands to he redeemable to the said lord by payment of 100 merks; sealed and dated 23rd October 1534. 497. A Contract and Agreement betwixt Andrew Murray of Blackbarony and Malcolm, Lord Fleming, on the one and other parts, whereby the said Andrew renounces his right to the lands of Overmenzean, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, in favour of the said Lord Fleming, and he on the other hand becomes obliged and finds caution to said Andrew for 360 merks. This Contract is attested by two notars, viz., Thomas Manhums and George Cuyk ; dated 16th March 153 5. 498. A Charter by James, Earl of Mortoun, Lord Dalkeith, to John · Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his heirs and assignees, of all and haill his lands of the barony of Kilbocko, with tenants, tenandries and service of free tenants thereof, with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the Church of Kilbocko, and pertinents thereof, lying within the regality of Dalkeith and sheriffdom of Peebles, reserving always to the granter and his successors the right and privileges of regality within the said lands, to be holden of the granter blench ; sealed and dated 22nd July I 535. 499. The Contract past betwixt the said Earl of Mortoun and Lord Fleming whereupon the foresaid Charter proceeded, the price of the lands being 4000 merks, signed by both parties, wherein it is observeable that the Lord Fleming- sig-ns only Ml. Chamberlain i ,94 .Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

it is also signed by Edward Dickson, notar, and of the same date with the Charter. 500. A Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid Charter, both signed and sealed of the same date therewith . . 501 ~ An Instrument of Sasine follo-..ving thereupon,. dated 28th . . September I 535 ; Gilbert l\1ill, notar. 502. Consent by Mr. William Douglas, Chancellor of Dunkeld, -to the relaxation made or to be made by the king upon the interdiction made against James, Earl of Morton, for alienation of any of his lands to the effect the said earl might sell his barony of Kilbocko, property and tenantry thereof, advocation and donation of the

benefices and pertinents, to Malcolm1 Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain of Scotland; dated 1st August T 535. __ , .. - - . . 503. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal, '.?6th September 1535 ; the former Witnesses are here again repeated with the addition of William, Earl of Montrose. 504. The King's Confirmation under the Testimony of the Great Seal of · the decreet of Registration by the Lords of Council ordaining- the licence granted by the king under the signet and consent of the aforesaid named Chancellor of Dunkeld, allowing· the Earl of Morton to sell the lands above named to the said Lord Fleming, notwithstanding the inhibition and interdiction in the contrary, which interdiction the king thereby cassis and annuls, and grants the alienation to be as good as if the interdiction had not been in so far as concerns the said vendition to be registrate, ,vhich licence was subscribed by the king and under his signet and dated 13th August 1535. The decreet of the Lords is of the. same date, and the confirmation is dated 14th October thereafter. 505. An Instrument taken upon the Lord Fleming's paying the whole price of the lands of the Earl of Morton and the earl's discharging the same; dated 17th September r 535 ; Edward Dickson, notar. 506. An Instrument taken by my Lord Fleming upon his fulfilling to William Govan of Cardrono his part of the agreement made betwixt them, and specially about the procuring a Charter of Confirmation from the king of the said lands, which he then actually delivered to him ; this instrument is dated 3rd September 1535 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 507. A Bond granted by Robert Crichton of Quarter to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain of Scotlamd, making mention that the said lord had granted him a letter of reversion for redeeming any part of the £5 land of Quarter, within the sheriffdom of Peebles, which were apprised to him and the legal at the outrunning, there­ fore he obliged himself that the granting of the· letter of reversion should not be hurtful to the said lord otherways but for the redemption of the lands allenarly, and that the said Robert .nqr his should pretend no other action by virtue of the said letter ; sealed and dated 8th June I 534. 508. A Precept of Sasine by 1'1alcolm, Lord Fleming, for infefting Richard Brown, son and apparent heir to Andrew Brown of Hartry, and Janet Fleming, dau&"hter_ to the. said lord, his wife, and' longest liver of them two, thetr heirs, &c.~ m the £ 5 lands of Easter Hartry, lying in the barony of Kilbocko and sheriffdom of Peebles, relative to a Charter made thereanent; the precept is dated 23rd Septembe1 1536, and signed Ml. Chamberlain. .. · 5o9. A Precept under the Testimony of the Great Seal for infefting the said Lord Fleming in the lands of Overmenzean, with the pertinents; this proceeds upon a Bill given in by my lord, showing that he (harter_ Chest of tlze .c:arldom of Wig-town. _65

had redeemed the said lands from Mr. John Murray of, Black­ barony conform to a Letter of Reversion made thereanent and Blackbarony's confessing the same. This precept is directed to the sheriff of Peebles, and dated 6th July J 537 and twenty-fourth year of the king's reign. 510. An Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, and dated 18th July 1537 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 511. An Instrument _of Sasine in favour of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in the lands of Overkingildoors, extending to a three merk land, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles and £50 _upliftable out of Kers, dated 18th July 1537; Gilbert :Mill, notar. The precept whereupon this instrument proceeds is relative to a Charter. . 512. An Instrument of Resignation of the lands of Easter Hartry by Andrew Brown of Hartry in the hands of :Malcolm, Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain of Scotland and superior . thereof, for new infeftment to Richard Brown, his son, and · Janet Fleming, his spouse, and· their heirs, dated 9th August 1537 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 5-13. An Instrument of Sasine of the said lands of Easter Hartry in favour of the said Richard Brown and Janet Fleming, his spouse, dated 25th September said year; Gilbert Mill, notar. 5t4. An Instrument of Sasine proceeding upon a precept directed out of the Chancellary under the testimony of the Great Seal, by" King James V., relative to the Charter, dated 1538, containing the Lord Fleming, his whole lands, to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of the Mains . of Boghall, town and burgh of Biggar and acres thereof, dated 22nd 1\1 ay 1538 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 515 .. Another Instrument proceeding as above of the lands and barony of Than_kertoun and Biggar, of the same date with the former and . under- the hand of the same notar. 516. A third Instrument of Sasine proceeding likeways as above, dated 23rd of the same month, and under the sign and subscription of the same notar, of the lands of Mossfennan, Overmenzean, Over­ kingildoors., superiority of the half lands of Glenrusco, acre of land of Olivercastle, lands of Urisland and Mill thereof, lands of Logan, · Quarter, Chappelgill, Cardrono, and lands of Frissellsland. Nota.-The- Charter is among the writs of Lenzie (see No. 78). 517. A Gift granted by King James V. to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in Iiferent during all the days of his lifetime, of the sheriffship. of Tweedale and Peel;>les, with the fees and duties thereof; dated at Edinburgh 21st February 1539. · 518. A Precept under the Quarter Seal relative thereto. 519; A. Sasine of the said office following thereupon ; dated 20th l\1arch the same year ; Gilbert :VIill, notar. 520. A Gift of the ward, relief, nonentry and marriage of the said . l_\1alcolm, Lord Fleming, to James and John. Flemings. and their _assign_ees; dated 25th August 1536. · 521. The King's Confirmation of the lands of Glenquhotho and others, to .· the Lord Crichton and Elizabeth Fleming his spouse ; dated 24th March- 1540. 522. A Writ by Gavin, Commendator of the Benedictine Order, making mention of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his intention of building a · · · to the Blessed Virgin :Mary in the town of Biggar, lying within the diocese of Glasgow, and that the Abbots of Kelso had got the right of patronage of the church of Thankertoun from my Lord Fleming's predecessors, and that all of· them in these E 66 Charter Chest of the Earldonz oj· W-iglown.

evil times in the increase of Lutheranism being obliged to con­ tribute to so good a work, and that the Lord Fleming might not be diverted from so good a resolution, nor receive any prejudice by their having the patronage of Thankertoun, therefore they, with . consent of David Hamilton, present rector of the said church, again transferred to and upon the said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in name of the college so to be founded and built by him the fore­ said right of patronage of the church of Thankertoun, the whole rents and emoluments thereof, as well as the vicarage in so far as they had right, to be divided and distributed to one or more of the prebencls of the said collegiate church, the said church of Thanker­ toun being always provided with a vicar pensioner for doing duty to the parishioners, &c., to have twenty merks Scots out of the first and readiest of the teinds of the said parochin, with house, yard and 4 acres of land in name of yearly stipend, desiring therefore the Archbishop of Glasgow to approve and confirm the foresaid grant, and impowering procurators to compear before him and publicly consent to the said deed ; sealed and dated at Kelso 26th November 15,io, together with the Archbishop of Glasgow his ratification thereof annexed to it on another parchment, and under his seal, dated at Edinburgh 1st May 1542. 523. An Instrument of Resignation made personally by a noble and potent · Lord James, Earl of Morton, Lord of Dalkeith, of all and hail his lands of Edmonstoun, with tenants, tenendries and pertinents, lying within the barony of Biggar and sheriffdom of Lanark, in the hands of Malcolm, Lord Fleming., also personally present ad perpetuam remanentiam; dated 5th March I 541 ; Alexander Young, notar. 524. A Bond of Warrandice l)y the Earl of Morton to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of the foresaid lands ; dated 5th March I 541. A Charter by King James V., after l1is majority, under the Great Seal, to l\1alcolm, Lord Fleming, for his good service, of all and haill the half of the lands of Sunderland, with tower, fortalice and mill thereof, with the sink pertaining thereto, lying within the sheriffdom of Selkirk, which fell in his Majesty's hands through the forfeiture of \Villiam Cockburn of Henderland, former heritor thereof, and gifted by the king in his minority, to be holden ward ; dated at Stirling I 8th June 1 541, and twenty-eighth year of his reign. Witnesses, Gavin, Archbishop of Glasgow, Chancellor; George, Bishop of Dunkeld; James, Earl of Arran, Lord Hamilton; Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Lord Campbell and Lorn ; Sir Thomas Erskyn of Brechin, knight, secretary ; James Kirkcaldie of Grange, treasurer; David Wood of Craig, comptroller: Mr. James Foulis, of Colington, clerk of register; and Thomas llelladen of Auchnoull, clerk to the Justiciary and director of the Chancellary [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 2379]. A Precept of Sasine relative thereto, and of the date thereof. . An Instrun1ent of Sasine following upon the said precept, taken at Sunderlandhall, near the Pill, dated 8th August 1541 ; Ninian Bredan, notar. · Another Sasine taken upon the same precept at the principal mansion of Sunderland, dated 7th September 1541 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his writ of foundation of the Collegiate Church of Biggar, dated 16th January 1545, whereby he, for the causes at length therein mentioned, to the glory and honour of the high and undivided Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and the immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord, for Charter Chest of the Earltlom of JVigtown. 67

the safety of the soul of King James V., late King of Scotland of most worthy memory, and for the safety of the Cardinal legat's soul, and for the salvation of his own soul and Joan Stewart, his wife, sister to the said serene king, and for the souls of his parents, benefactors, friends, kinsmen, predecessors and successors, and of all faithful deceased, and principally for the souls of those from whom he had taken goods unjustly, or done injury unto and had not satisfied and compensated either by wishes, prayers or price, with consent of Gavin, Archbishop of Glasgow, Dean and Chapter thereof, did found, dote and effectually erect a college or collegiate · church, with the collegial honour, dignity and pre-eminency out of the parish churches, chaplainries, parochial clerkships, hospitals heritably belonging to him, and out of his other goods bestowed by God upon him, for one provost, eight canons and prebends, and four boys having children's voices, and six poor men, to be provided in manner therein at length set down, reserving to himself and wife, during their respective lifetimes, and afterwards to his heirs and successors, the right of presentation and right of collation of the provost to the Archbishop: of Glasgow, and that of the prebends to the provost, bestowing upon him the rents, fruits and emoluments of the parochin and parish church of Thankertoun, with the mains and glebe thereof,. be always supplying the charge there by another ·in manner therein specified ; then follows all the prebends, titles, offices and stipends, the r.hildren and poor, their . aliments and habits, then condescends upon the order of prayer and number of masses, and contains many other clauses not necessary to be inserted here ; subscribed and sealed by the said Lord Fleming, and h~ving the Archbishop of Glasgow's seal and the seal of his Chapter also appended thereto, this writ of foundation is signed M. L. Chan1berlain, and directed to David, the Cardinal, who was Archbishop of St. Andrews and Primate of all Scotland, and· then the Pope's Legate, a latere. Witnesses, William and Robert, Bishops of Dunblane and Orkney ; John, Abbot of Paisley ; Thomas, Commendator of Dryburgh ; Malcolm, Prior of White­ horn ; \Villiam, Earl of Montrose ; John, Lord Erskine ; Alex­ ander, Lord Livingstone ; John Lindsay of Covington and William Fleming of Boghall, Thomas Kincaid of that Ilk and Andrew Brown of Hartry. 530. The Pope's Legate'.3 confirmation of the foresaid writ of foundation, dated 14th March I 54 5. · 531. The Archbishop of Glasgow's Collation of Thomas Chappel to the parsonage of the church of Biggar, upon Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his presentation, sealed and done by way of Instrument; Hugh Currie, notar ; dated I 7th April I 54 5. 532. The Archbishop's Collation also by way of Instrument to the Chaplain of the chaplainrie of Biggar. 533. A Renunciation and Grant of Redemption by way of Instrument of the 50 shilling lands of Wintermuir, lying in the sheriffdom of Lanark, by Quintin I uglis to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, as being assignee, constitute to the -reversion by James, Earl of Morton ; dated 16th August I 542 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. . 534. A Discharge under the Privy Seal by Queen Mary to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of the reversion made by him to James, Earl of Morton, of the lands and barony of Kilbocko, property and tennendry thereof, advocation and donation of the churches and chaplainries, &c., and which reversion the earl had assigned to the queen's father, the earl, paying him the sum contained in the reversjon ; dated I 7th January 1 543, together with another of the same. 68 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

535. Tack by Queen ~ary under the Privy Seal to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, of the £10 lands of Henderland, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, for the space of eleven years, he paying tack-duty therein specified; dated penult January 1542. 536. A Letter of Licence under the Signet to James, Earl of Morton, to sell the lands of Kilbocko to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, notwith­ standing of any inhibition or interdiction made in the contrary, which interdiction the king thereby annuls and holds the alienation to be made as good as if the interdiction had not been, ordering the Chancellor, clerk of Register and Council to cause registrate the ~ame licence ; dated 19th July 1530. No/a.-This is signed by the king as well as signetted. 5 37. A Renunciation by Thomas Marjoribanks and his spouse of the lands of Harbertshire, dated 2nd September 1542. No/a.-This being ,.. ·rong placed here, the writ itself is not put up, but to be found among the writs of Herbertshire. 538. James, Lord Fleming, his Instrument of Sasine of the lands and mains of Bog hall, town and burgh of Biggar and acres thereof; dated 9th November 1549; Thomas Johnstone, no.tar. 539· His Sasine in the lands of Overmenzean, Overkingildoors, superiority of the half lands of Glenrusco, acre of land of Olivercastle, lands of Urisland, Miln thereof, Logan, Mosfennan, Quarter Chappelgill and Cardrono, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, and the £3 land of Frissells land lying within the constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh ; dated 9th November I 549 ; Thomas Johnstone, notar. Nota.-Both these Sasines proceed upon precepts directed forth of the chancellary relative to my Lord's retour as heir to his father, Malcolm, who died at Pinkiecleugh. 540. A Writ or Gift of Dotation by way of letter by Robert, Commendator of the Monastery of Holyroodhouse, near Edinburgh, in the diocese of St. Andrews, of the Order of the regular Canons of Saint Augustine, directed to Andrew, Bishop of Galloway, making mention of the foundation of the Collegiate Church of Biggar, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin l\:lary, made by the· deceased l\1alcolm, Lord Fleming, as is before mentioned, and that James, Lord Fleming, had supplicated them that they, as having the right of patronage and the right of the vicarage of the pa.rochin and parish church of Dunroad, within the diocese of Galloway, belonging to them, might dote the fruits and rents of the said parochin to the foresaid Collegiate Church, to the end it might be annexed thereto, and that therefore they have doted the same accordingly, and for that cause request the Bishop to ratify the said Union and Incorporation in favours of the Lord Fleming; sealed and dated 5th March 1555. 541. A Precept of Clare Constat by James, Earl of Morton, for infefting James, Lord Fleming, as son and heir of the deceased Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in all and haill the lands and barony of Kilbocko and patronage of the church thereof, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles ; sealed and dated 2nd September 1 550. 542. A Sasine following upon the said precept, dated 16th September I 550 ; Gilbert Mil1, notar. 543. A Precept of Sasine by Robert, Commendator of Holyroodhouse, near Edinburgh, with consent of the Convent, to James, Lord Fleming, of all and haill the lands of Sauchton and Plewlands, Com Mills and Walk Mills ot Sauchton, mill lands, multures, &c., .Charter Chest of the Earldo,n of Wigtown. 69

lying in the barony and regality of Brughtoun, relative to a Charter made him thereupon; sealed and dated 5th l\farch 155 r. 544- A Tack by Queen Mary under the Privy Seal to the said James, Lord Fleming, his heirs and assignees, of the £ 10 land of Hender­ land, which his father had formerly in t~ck, and which was the property of Cockburn of Henderland, who had been forfeit, and that for the space of nineteen years for the yearly tack duty of f;20; dated 18th November 1554; item, another in anno 1552 for the space of nineteen years. 545. Two principal Retours of James, Lord Fleming, as heir to his father, Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in all and hail the lands of Glen­ quhotho and Quarter Chappel, with the pertinents, lying within the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles; dated 7th May 1555. 546. A Confirmation and Ratification by Queen Mary under her Privy Seal, ratifying the union of the parochin church of Dunroad, with its fruits and rents, to the Collegiate Church of Biggar, dated 14th May 15 56 ; this granted by the queen as patron of the Abbey of Holyroodhouse, reserving always to her and her successors the suffrage of devout orisons and prayers of the said vicar, all before the granting. 547. A Charter by James, Lord Fleming, to his brother John, of the lands of Kilbocko, patronage of the benefice, tenents, tenendries and others belonging thereto, to be holden blench, and contains a reservation to him and his heirs male by the payment of a certain sum therein specified ; sealed and dated I 5th January 15 57. 548. A Precept of Sasine relative to the foresaid Charter, and dated 19th same month. 549. An Instrmnent of Sasine following upon the foresaid precept, dated . 20th of the same month ; James Harlaw, notar. 5 50. An Obligement by said James, Lord Fleming, to his said brother, making mention of his being to go quickly out of the country as one of the commic;sioners for the queen's marriage, and that for keeping up his family he had infeft his brother John in a,1 his lands holden of the queen, and got him confirmed, and had infeft him also in his lands holden blench of any other superior to be holden of his granter, and that he was willing that his whole other lands, annual rents, rooms and possessions pertaining to him and holden of any other superior whatsoever n1anner of way, should remain likeways with his said brother and heirs male, &c., there­ fore became obliged to infeft the said John Fleming, his brother, in all and haill his lands of Drips, Cambusdrennie, Westwood and Bad, and the lands of Quarter Chappel and Glenquhotho, to be holden of the superiors thereof, reserving always his own liferent, · and under the provision of his said brothers granting him a letter of reversion in favour of himself and the heirs male of his body ; sealed and dated 3rd February I 557. 551. A Letter of Reversion granted by Mr. Thomas Fleming, burges of Edinburgh, to James, Lord Fleming, of an annual rent of £32 Scots, upliftable forth of the lands of Edmonstone, lying in the sheriff

the lands of Drips, Cambusdrennie, Westwood and· Bad, an acre less, which extends to a £5 land, an acre less, with the pertinents lying within the stewartry of Strathern and sheriffdom of Perth, and also all and haill the east half of the lands of Quarter Chappel and Glenquhotho, an acre less, lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles, to be redeemable to the said lord and the heirs male of his body for £10 Scots; sealed and dated at Paris 10th March I 557 ; all the other commissioners then in France being witnesses. 554. A Letter and Commission of Bailliary granted by said James, Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain, to John Fleming, young Laird. of Boghall, and his deputes, with power to hold courts in his absence out of the Kingdom, and to oversee his chamberlains, and dated 6th February 1557; signed, Ja. Chamberlain. 55 5. A Renunciation and Discharge of Reversion under the Great Seal, of the lands and barony of Kilbocko and patronages belonging thereto, granted by Francis and Mary, King and Queen of Scotland, Dauphin and Dauphiness of France, to John, brother and heir to James I I I., Lord Fleming, and that upon the account of the eminent services done by the said James, Lord Fleming, his eldest brother, and Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his father, therein particularly condescended on; dated at Paris 16th January 1558, the first and tenth year of their reigns, where it is observable that they take the title of King and Queen of England and Ireland, _~nd make it the first year of their reign in these kingdoms. 556. A Gift under the Privy Seal by the said Queen Mary to the said Lord Fleming of the nonentry duties of the house and fortalice of Boghall ; dated 6th March I 562, and of her reign the _t_wenty­ first year. 557. Another Gift by the said Queen Mary of the wards and nonentries of the lands and baronies, patronages of churches and benefices lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, and of the annual rent out of Kers, lying within the shire of Stirling ; dated the last day of July year foresaid. 558. An Agreement and Submission betwixt John, Lord Erskine, on the one part, and John, Lord Fleming, on the other, referring to certain arbiters therein designed their differences relating to the bounds

•• 1 and marches betwixt the lands of Walston and Elsherigle belong­ ing to my Lord Erskine, and the land of Edmondst<>un belonging to my Lord Fleming ; dated in anno 1562. 559. An Instrument of Sasine in favour of John, Lord Fleming, of the superiority lands of Kilbocko, with the patronage of the benefices, lying within the constabulary of Haddington and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, proceeding upon a decreet of the lords and letters of four forms directed against the superior ; dated 20th l\1ay 1564. It seems that Jean Fleming, daughter to Lord James, had served heir to her father in these lands, but that the lords had decerned her to lose the property during her life; James Miller, notar. 560. A Decreet of Declarator of Rede~ption at the instance of James, Earl of Morton, chancellor, agamst John, Lord Fleming, dated 24th January 1567, of the said lands of Kilbocko. A Summons of Removing at the instance of John Somerville in Cambusnethen and his spouse against the Tweedies of Drumelzear and others, to remove from the lands of Kingildoors, &c. ; dated the 1st of April 1 569, with the executions on the back thereof. 562. A Presentatic~m by John, Lord Fleming, to \Villi_am Fleming, son to John Flemmg of Carwood, of the provostsh1p of the Collegiate Charter Chest of the Ea,rl,tom of Wig-town. 71

Church of Biggar, parsonage and vicarage thereof; sealed and dated 1st January 1573. 563. A Decreet of the Lords for succeeding in the vice at the instance of John Somerveiiie an

:57i. A Decreet of ·Reduction· of the Lords of Council, dated 20th July 1583, at the instance of John, Lord Fleming, a1_1d his curato!s against John, Earl ofMorton, Lord Maxwell, reducing the foresa1d decreet of redemption at the last Earl of Morton's instance mentioned above, in relation fa the said lands and barony of Kilbocko, with the Charter precept and Sasine following thereon, in favour of the said Earl of Morton. 572. A Proc.ess managed before the Regality Court of Dalkeith in relation to my · Lord Fleming's service in · the said lands of Kilbocko, . instruments being taken by my Lord Fleming- against the bailie .. · '··for not proceeding in the service ; these minutes are extracted by Archibald Myles, notar and clerk to the service. ' · 573. An Instrument taken by my Lord Fleming upon his requiring the · Earl of Morton to infeft him in the lands of Kilbocko ; dated

l •• • : 29th March I 583 ; James M'Calla, notar. _5.74 .. A Precept of -Sa.sine granted by the said John, Earl of Morton, · . : Lord Maxwell~ for infefting the said John, Lord Fleming, in the said lands ·and barony of Kilbocko, _and this in obedience to the king's .precept; sealed and dated 12th April 1584. ·. 575-: Two· Instruments of Sa.sine followin·g upon the said precept, dat~d · 14th April I 584 ; Thomas Lyndsay, notar. · 576 .. A Gift by King . James VI. under the Pri~y Seal to John, Lord Fleming, of the nonentry duties of Kilbocko; dated 26th May 1584-_ , 577. A Charter under the Great Seal to Mr. John Maitland of Thirlestqne and Mrs. Jean Fleming, his spouse,. above named, and their heirs, of the lands and barony of Thankerton and Biggar, and annual rent out of Kers ; dated penult October 1583 [cf. Reg. Mag. . Sig. 622]. -_ 578. A Precept of Sasine relative thereto and of the date thereof. 579. An · Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, dated the 18th May 1 584 ; John Mushet, clerk. . , 580. A. Signature superscribed by King James VI. to John,. Lord .· Fleming, of all and haill the £ 10 lands of Henderland, which my Lord Fleming's predecessors had in tack, the reddendo, £20 : 3 : 4 ; dated in anno 1584, but it seems the infeftment has never been further expede. 581. A Tack by said King James to John, Lord Fleming, of. the said lands of Henderland, lying in the ~hire of Peebles, for the space of nineteen years for l,20 yearly of tack duty; dated 29th May 1580 and under the Privy _Seal. ' 582. A Letter of· Reversion by John Geddes, brother germ an to Charles Geddes of Rachan, in favour of John, Lord Fleming, granting the lands of Smellhope, U risland, mill of Glenquhom, . milnlands thereof, &c., lying in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, as principal, and in warrandice the lands of Havyside lying in the barony• of Biggar and sheriffdom of Lanark, to b~ redeemable for payment of the sum of 1000 merks ; dated 8th April 1589. 583. A Letter of Reversion by John Jackson, merchant in Edinburgh, of an annual rent of £42 forth of the town and. lands of Edmonstoun lying in the barony of Biggar and sheriffdom of Lanark, redeemabl~ for £420; dated in the year I 590. · 584~ A Letter of Reversion by George Geddes, brother german to Charles Geddes _of Rachan, and Esther Fleming, his spouse, to John, Lord Flem mg, of an annual rent / 42 forth of his lordship. Charter·- ·chest of the Earldom of· w£gto1vti. 73

lands of Edmonstoun, lying within the shire of Lanark, redeemable for £420 ; dated in anno I 590. -585. An Instrument of Resignation by William Ker of Mercingtoun, John Ker in Cardrono and William Pringle of Cessford, of the "lands of Rachan, Glenhighden and Glenquhotho, lying in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, in the kiµg:s hands for new infeftment to Thomas Dickson of Ormistoun; dated 23rd October 1591 ; Umphry Mill, notar. 586. A Charter by John, Lord Thirlestone, Chancellor, with consent of Jean Fleming, his spouse, to Anna Maitland, his lawful daughter; and her heirs therein mentioned, among whom Robert Maitland in Auchincruike is named, of all and haill the town and lands of Darnick Brigend, the lands of the mains of the monastery of Haddington, the lands and barony of Thankertoun, and several other lands mentioned in the Charter, reserving his own liferent ; this Charter contains precept of sasine . and several other provisions, sealed both with his own and lady's seals,- dated 8th iAugust 1592. · 587. A Letter of Reversion by Sir John Taylor of Cumbertrees to John, . Lord Fleming, of an annual rent of 23 bolls meal, 8 bolls bear and 10 bolls oats of the measure of Kilbride, forth of the lands of Miltoun and milnlands thereof and lands, Antsholl (Arrotshole) lying. in the parochin and barony of Kilbride and sheriffdom of Lanark, for 1800 merks, all pennies placks and eight penny pieces ex~epted ; sealed and dated in the year 1 592 . . 588. :.A Decreet of the Lords, 26th November 1593, at the instance of William Fleming, lawful son to umquhile John Fleming of Carwood, against the feuars, farmourersi:, parishioners, tenants, tacksmen, rentaiiers and all others addebted in payment of the teinds, fruits, rents and emoluments of the provostry of the College of Biggar and the parsonage and vicarage of Thankertoun united and annexed to the said provostrie, and all and sundry other teinds, fruits, rents, &c., belonging thereto, in four forms, and each form to be executed after other in forty-eight hours, and the warding place to be the Castle of Dumbarton, to readily ·answer, obey and make payment to the said William of the foresaid teinds, &c. for the crops therein mentioned, and in time coming during his life. · 589. The said Letters of four forms, dated 26th November 1593. 590. An Instrument of premonition by John, Lord Fleming, to . . . · Fleming, his natural son, in order to redeem the lands of Edmonstoun; dated 5th April I 594. 591. An Instrument of Consignation following thereupon ; 18th May I 594, Thomas Inglis, notar. · 592. A Decreet of Declarator of Redemption of the said lands, 7~h March 1594. . 593. A Decreet of Declarator in.favo_ur of the Earl of Morton in relation to the lands of Kilbocko ; dated 15th July I 594; wanting. 594. An Instrument of Resignation and Di mission, Mr. John Hepburn, . rector and vicar of the parish church of Glenquhom, in the king's hands, of all and haill the parsonage and vicarage of the said . parochin, with the rents, fruits, &c. ; dated last January 1595 : Thomas Harvie, notar. · 595~ A Discharge by William Scott to my Lord Fleming of all bygone Jealls and his renunciation of nine oxgate and half oxgate of land in Biggar;. dated 19th February I 59S· · .74 Cha1,ter Chest of the Earldom of Wzgtown.

596. · A Renunciation by John Geddes of the tack of Glenquhom Mill Smellhops and Urisland; dated 18th March I 595. · 597. A Renunciation and Grant of Redemption, the said John Geddes to my Lord Fleming of Smellhops, U risland and Glenquhom, wadset . for 1000 merks; dated 11th November I 595. 598. A Sasine of John Lindsay, younger of Covington, and Agnes Fleming, his future spouse, of the lands of Cowburn, lying within the barony of Ballernock and sheriffdom of Edin burgh, proceeding upon a Charter and Precept granted by John Lindsay, elder of Cov1ngtoun, relative to a contract of marriage; the sasine is dated 24th February 1597 ; Thomas Lindsay, notar. 599. A Letter of Reversion by Malcolm Fleming of Cardrona to John, Lord Fleming, of the lands of Smallhops, the lands of Glenquhom, and the pertinents lying within the parochin and barony of Glen­ quhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, for 2000 merks; dated the 14th of June 16o4. 600. A Liferent Sasine to Lady Margaret Livingstoun, daughter to Alex­ ander, Earl of Linlithgow, and then apparent spouse to John, Master of Wigtoun, of the lands of Bog hall, Biggar, Rachans and others therein mentioned, proceeding upon John, Earl of Wig­ toun, his Charter and Precept granted thereanent ; the sasine is dated 24th and 25th days of February 1609; Robert Ker, notar. ·001. A Sasine of the lands of Logan to Gilbert Brown of Hartry, as grandchild and heir to Andrew Brown of Hartry, proceeding upon a Precept of clare constat granted him by John, Earl of Wjgtoun, Lord Fleming and Cumbemauld, -superior of the said lands; this sasine is dated 6th May 16n ; Andrew Hay, notar. 602. A Gift and Disposition by John, Master of \Vigtown, patron of the College Church of Biggar and prebendaries thereof, with consent of William Fleming, provost of the said Collegiate Church, of all right he had to the collation and admission of prebends thereof, by the foundation of the same, in favour of James Duncan during all the days of his lifetime, of that prebendarie to which the lands of Overauchinreoch, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Auchtermony and sheriffdom of Stirling, and two acres of land lying within the town and territory of Kirkintilloch, being a part thereof; dated 14th May 1616. 6o3. A Decreet of the Lords by way of .arbitration, dated 10th March 1620, whereby they reduce a deci-eet arbitral pronounced by certain arbiters therein named, in relation to the differences depending betwixt the Earl of \Vigtown and James Tweedie of Drumelzear, in so far as concerns some points thereof, and parti­ cularly concerning the lands of Chappel Kingildoors, and decerns several things to be done by the one party to the other. 604. A Discharge by George Porteous, son to umquhile Thomas Porteous of Frude, to Jean Tweedie, relict of the said defunct, of her intromission with his goods; dated 6th June 1620. 605. James Geddes's retour as heir male to George Geddes of Edmon­ stoun in an annual rent of £42, to be uplifted forth of Edmonstoun; dated 16th January 162 I. 6o6. An Instrument of Resignation made in Exchequer of the lands of Kingildoors, alias Chappel Kingildoors, patronages of the churches of Drumelzear, Stobo, Dawick and Broughton, by John, Earl of Wigtown, and John, Viscount of Lauderdale, Lord Thirle­ stone, respective in favour and for new infeftment to the said John, Earl of Wigtown, and his heirs male and of tailzie therein men­ tioned; dated 17th July 1621 ; John Ker, notar. .Charter·~ Chest· ·of the Earldom of Wigtoim.z. \·-7-5

;6o7~: :A. Charter under the Great Seal to John, Earl of Wigtown, and his ' heirs male and of tailzie mentioned in his infeftments, of all and haill the said lands of Kingildoors, alias Chappel Kingildoors, with houses, biggings, &c., lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, and all and sundry immunities and casualties pertaining to the said lands, and also the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the churches of Drumelzear, Stobo, Dawick and Broughton, which right of patronage of the church of Stobo is declared to compre­ hend the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the other churches of Dru_melzear, Dawick and Broughton as pendicle!i ; the Charter as to the lands proceeds upon the Earl of Wigtown's own resignation and the patronages upon the Viscount of Lauderdale's, the reddendo of Kingildoors is 13 merks 6 shillings and 8 pence scots at Whitsunday upon the lanqs in name of blench farm if asked, and that for relief of the Earl of Haddington, and his heirs pr,, tanto, of a part of the blench duty payable by them for the lands and lordship of Melrose, whereof Chappell Kingildoors is a part, and the reddendo of the patronages is a penny in name of blench, if asked; the Charter contains a clause de novodanzus. Witnesses, James, Marquis of Hamilton, Earl of Arran, Lord Evan, George, ~arl Marshall,. Lord Keith, Marshall of Scotland ; Alexander, Earl ·of Dunfermline ; and Thomas, Earl of Melrose, &c., secretary, Richa:rd Cockburn, younger of Clarkington, keeper of the Great Seal ; George Hay of Kingfauns, clerk of register and rolls ; Sir John Cockburn of Ormistoun, Justice clerk ; and· Sir John Scott of Scotstarvat, director of the chancellary; dated 17th July 1621 [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 208]. · 6Ci8. A ·Precept under the Quarter Seal relative thereto and of the same date therewith (wanting). 609~ Two Instruments of Sasine following upon the said precept, both dated 13th August 1621 ; James Duncan, notar ; both registered in the General Register Qf-Sasines and Reversions kept at Edinburgh, the 12th of September thereafter. 610. A scroil on parchment of a Charter by John, Earl of Wigtown, con­ firming another Charter insert therein by John Govan of Cardrono to William Govan, his son and apparent heir, and Marjory Murray, his spouse, of the lands of Cardrono, lying within the sheriffdom of Peebles, to' be holden \vard of the Earl of Wigtown ; the Charter confirmed is dated 9th N O\'ember 1626. 611. A Discharge by Margaret l'urvis, with consent of Mr. Robert M'Gil1, advocate, her spouse, and him for himself, to John, Earl of Wigtown, for the sum of 300 merks and annual rents thereof owing to her by Alexander Fleming, the earFs brother, and Thomas Fleming of Broug·hton by bond; dated 13th June 1626. 612. A bundle containing a Decreet of Registration obtained by Jean Tweedie, relict of umquhile Thomas Porteous of Frude, before the lords, against John, Earl of \Vigtown, designed in the bond under written Master of Wigtoun, for payment of the sum of 1000 merks, contained in a bond granted by the said earl to the said defunct ; dated I 5th June 1626, with a decreet of suspension, letters of horning, a?signation of the debts to Robert Corsby, intimation and discharge of all by said Robert Corsby to the earl ; which discharge is dated 3rd February 1627. 613. An Instrument taken by John, Earl of Wigtown, and his Procurators, . against John, Lord Hay of Vester, sheriff of Peebles, requiring him upon the disobeying the former precept directed against him fortlJ of the Chancery, to infeft the said earl upon the precept then offered to him as sheriff, in the lands of Glenquhotho and ~ .Charter Chest oj the Earldom of Wigtown.

Quarter Chappell, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles ; this is dated 29th August 1628. 614. The procuratory for taking the foresaid instrument, dated 5th August. year foresaid. 615. An instrument taken upon the presenting of another precept directed to the Sheiff-Depute, and his likeways refusing the same ; dated 4th September 1628 ; Thomas Moffat, N otar. 616. A Gift of Provostry of the College Church of Biggar by John, Earl of Wigtown, Lord Fleming and Cumbernauld, patron thereof, and fruits, rents, emoluments and casualties of th~ same, to Patrick Fleming of Ballach during all the days of his lifetime; sealed and dated last March 1631. 617. A Decreet of Apprising at the instance of John, Lord Fleming, Master of Wigtown, against John, Earl of Lauderdale, Malcolm Fleming in Cardrono, his spouse, and several others, of the lands of Rachan, Glen high ton and Glenquhotho, lying within- the barony of Glenquhom, for payment_ of £25,032 principal and of£ 1251 : 12s. of sheriff fee; allowed 9th December 1633. 618. A Letter of Reversion by John Dickson to John, Earl of Wigtown, of the lands and barony of Biggar; dated 5th March 1629, registered in the General Register kept at Edinburgh 8th April thereafter. • 619~ A Decreet of Removing at the Earl of Wigtown's instance against the · : - tenants of Biggar, Thankertoun and · others therein specified ; dated 28th July 1629. 620. A Renuciation by James Geddes to the Earl of Wigtown of an annual rent and his infeftment of the lands of Edmonstoun ; dated 20th July 1649, registered in the General Register of Sasines and Reversions kept at Edinburgh 30th July 1649. 621. A Renunciation and Discharge by James Geddes of Rachan of a Tack of Edmonstoun Mill, with the teinds of Glenquhotho and Glenhigh­ d.en set by John, Lord Fleming, baron of the barony of Biggar, to George Geddes, his servant, his heirs and assignees, to which Tack said James had right by assignation. The Renunciation is dated 1st September 1652. 622. A Tack set by Patrick Dickson to John, Lord Fleming, his heirs or assignees of a 6 merk 3 shilling 4 pence lands of Glenquhotho for 19 years and from 19 years in 19 for ever more for the payment of £4 : 3 : 4 yearly ; dated 30th April 1523. . Nota.-The progress of the securities of Biggar are contained in the following Infeftments of the Earl ofWigtown's whole estate, and to be found in the Inventory and among the new Writs of Lenzie.

XL-INVENTORY of the old Writs and Evidents of the Barony of Harbertshire, comprehending therein the Lands of Seymore, Castlerankine, Balleinkeir or Bankeir, Ballanknock, Thomastoun, Doups, Brachan­ leys, Rashiehill, Co\vdonhill, Glenhead, &c., lying within the Sheriffdom of Stirling. 623. A Charter granted by Archibald, Earl ·of Douglas, Lord Galloway and Annandale, to his cousin Malcolm Fleming of all· and haill his land$ of Castlerankin, with the· :pertinents lying in the sheriffdom Charter Chest of the Earldom of W-igtown. 77

of Stirling, to be holden of himself for a pair of gilt spurs at the feast of Whitsunday each year at the capital messuage of the said lands, if asked. Witnesses, John of Seaton ; William of Douglas of Drumlangrig ; and John Forrester, knights ;. Alexander of Seaton and William ofTowrs, armour bearer; sealed but without date, together with a Decreet of Transumpt thereof, dated 6th May 1413. 624. A Precept of Sasine relative to the said Charter, sealed and dated 10th of April in the year of God 1415. 625. A Transumpt or Instrument taken by Robert Fleming, Laird of Cumernauld, upon his production of a writ made by Malcolm Fleming, Lord of Wigtown and Lord of Lenzie, wherebf he dis­ poned to Malcolm Fleming, laird of Biggar, his dearest cousin, his whole lands of Sichmore, with the pertinents, wadset to him by Sir Thomas Morham, knight, late of that Ilk, for 200 merks sterling, conform to the writings made betwixt them thereupon, to be holden of the granter blench, which writ is sealed and dated the 13th of April 1396. The Instrument is under the signs and subscriptions of James Sparkle and Thomas Atchison, notars, and dated 13th April 1449. Auchmoir, vlde No. 4. · 626. Another Transumpt or Instrument taken same day and in the hands of the notars above named, upon his production of a certain Charter of the deceased Sir Thomas of Morham, knight, whereby he. impignorated to Malcolm Fleming of Foul wood all his lands of Sichmore, in the tenement of Dunipace, for 200 merks sterling; to be holden as freely as he held the same until the day of redemption, with this provision, that the rents of the lands he should receive . should not be ascribed in payment of the P.rincipal sum ; this Charter was sealed and dated in presence of David of Graham, Thomas of Haya, John of Lindsay, knights, and others, at Dum­ barton the Mi>nday before All Saints' Day [28 October] 13-14 years. 627. A Discharge by William, Earl of Orkney, Lord Sinclair, whereby he grants him to have received and fully to have been paid by the hands of a nobleman Robert, Lord Fleming of Cumemauld, even full satisfaction and payment of aJI fruits, mails and profits what­ soever received and uptaken by whilome Sir David Fleming, Lord of Cumernauld, knight, Grandsire to the said Robert, and by Malcolm Fleming, father to the said Robert, and by _the said l;{ob_ert himself, of all and sundry the lands of Symore, Ballankeir, Thomastoun and Ballanknock, with their pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, unto that day, and therefore discharging the same ; sealed and dated at Edin­ burgh the 3rd of April 1450. 628. A Charter granted by Robert, Lord Fleming, to Mathew Forrester · -of all and sundry the lands under written, viz., the 2 merkland of the lands particularly therein named, lying within the tenendry of Castlerankine, barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, to be holden blench for the payment of a penny if asked ; sealed and dated 29th June 1462. · 629. A Precept of Sasine following upon the said Charter, sealed and dated 4th July thereafter. 630. A Letter of Reversion by William of Stirling of the Keir to a noble Lord Robert, Lord Fleming, and his heirs, for redeeming the lands of Ballankeir and the 'Mill, lying within the barony of : Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, and wadset to him in payment of 500 merks; dated at Stirling 10th February 1472. 78 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W-ig-tow;t.

631. Another Charter granted by the said Lord Fleming, with consent of ' : Malcolm, his son and apparent heir, to the above named Mathew Forrester, burges of Stirling, of the foresaid lands of Easter Seymore, lying as said is, for payment of a rose in name of blench. farm if asked ; sealed and dated 22nd October 1472. 632. · A Precept of Sasine relative thereto and of the same date therewith. 633. An Instrument of Sasine following thereon, dated 20th October ·said year; Richard Smythstoun, notar. .634. A Renunci~tion and Resignation by way of Instrument by Christian Hepburn,· one of the daughters of Alexander Hepburn of G.argunnock, of the lands of Thomastoun Easter and Wester, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, in favour of Robert, Lord Fleming, and declared upon oath that she had not the Charter and Sasine thereof; but that she was fully paid of the debt owing by him to her; dated 19th June 1480; James Darraw, notar. 635. A Procuratory by the said Christian Hepburn for making formal · resignation of the said lands in favour of the said _Lord Fleming; dated the said day and year above written. 636. An Instrument taken upon Robert, Lord Fleming's, declaring that he had unjustly vexed ( upon misinformation) Mathew Forrester in his possession of a piece of land, called Browinsh, being a per­ tinent of Seymore and that therefore he had renounced it ; dated 11th S_eptember 1480; James Daraw, notar. · 637. A Procurator of Resignation by Robert, Lord Fleming, for resigning all and haill his lands of Seymores, Ballankeir, &c., lying within the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling; sealed and dated 19th September 1480. · Nota.-T-his is in Latin and directed to the Baron of the barony of Haroertshire, superior. 638. A Letter of Reversion by the aforesaid Mathew Forrester granting the foresaid lands of Easter Seymore so disponed to him by Robert, Lord Fleming, to be redeemable to Sir David Fleming, . said Robert's grandchild and apparent heir, for the sum of 400 merks; sealed and dated 2nd November 1480. 639. A Procuratory of Resignation by said Mathew Forrester for resign­ , ing his foresaid wadset lands in the hands of Robert, Lord Fleming, superior, in favours of Duncan Forrester, his son : sealed and dated 14th May 1486. 640. A Precept of clare constat by Robert, Lord Fleming, for infefting Andrew Forrester, son and heir to the said umquhile Mathew Forrester, in the said lands of Easter Seymore with the pertinents, and in the lands of Castlerankine with the pertinents; sealed and dated 6th August 1486. 641. The said Duncan, his sasine following thereupon, dated 17th August said year ; Alexander Fraser, notar. 642. A Precept of clare constat by George Sinclair, baron of Harbert- . shire, son and apparent heir of Sir Oliver Sinclair of Roslin, Knight, with consent of said Sir Oliver, his father and tutor, for infefting John Fleming, knight, as heir to Robert, Lord Fleming, his grandfather, in all and hail his lands of Castlerankin, Easter and Wester Seymores, Ballankeir, :Mill thereof, all and haill the lands of Ballanknock, Easter and \Vester Thomastoun, Doups and Brackanlees, lying in the sheriffdom of Stirling, is sealed and dated at Roslin last March 1492. Nota.-The said John, Lord Fleming's retour before the sheriff of Stirling to which this precept relates is-wanting. . . Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wzgtown. 79

643. A Procuratory of Resignation by Duncan Forrester of. Skipinsh, knight, and comptroller to the king, for resigning in the hands of John, Lord Fleming, his ]ands of Easter Seymore, with the per­ . tinents, and lands of Castlerankin, lying as above, for new infeft­ ment to Walter Forrester, his son and apparent heir ; dated at Edinburgh 16th Nove1nber 1497. 644. An Instrument of Resignation following thereupon wherein the said Duncan is designed of Torwood ; dated 27th· November · 1498; Thomas Kirkaldie, notar. 645. A Renunciation and Resignation by way of Instrument by Robert . Burn in favour of John, Lord Fleming, of all and sundry the lands of Castlerankin, with the pertinents, lying as ;bove, whereby he became obliged to deliver the evidents of the lands within forty · days ; dated 22nd June 1499 ; Thomas Kirkaldie, notar. 646 .. A Precept of Sasine granted by the above named George and · Oliver_ Sinclairs, father and son, superiors of the lands above and ' , underwritten, for infefting Alexander Seaton of Touch Frissell, · ·knight, in all and hail the MiU of. Ballinkeir, milnlands, water- . 'gangs, multures and sequells thereof, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, as being apprised from the Lord Fleming for the sum of 300 merks and assigned to the said Alexander ; this precept relates to a charter granted there­ anent, and is sealed and dated at Edinburgh 1st February 1504. 647. A Sasine following thereupon; dated 20th :March 1_504; William Clerk, notar. .648. A Letter of Reversion by Alexander Seaton of Touch Frissell, knight, to John, Lord Fleming, of the lands of Wester Seymore,. apprised as above ; dated 23rd January 1 506. 649. A Sasine, John, Lord Fleming, of the lands of Easter Seymore, Easter and Wester Thomastouns and Ballanknock, with the per­ tinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, upon a precept from Oliver Sinclair of Roslin ; the instrument is dated 27th January 151 1 ; Edward Spittle, notar. Another Sasine, the said John, Lord Fleming, upon said Sir Oliver Sinclair's precept of all and sundry the lands of Easter Castle­ rankin, Wester Castlerankin, Easter Seymores, EasterThomastoun, Wester Thomastoun, Ballanknock, with the pertinents,. lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling ; dated 27th January 1511 ; Edward Spittel, notar. · 651. A Precept of Sasine by the said Sir Oliver Sinclair, baron of Harbertshire, after the recognosing of his said barony and new infeftment thereof, and by deliverance of the Lords of Council, in favour of John, Lord Fleming, of all and haill the lands of Easter Castlerankin, Wester Castlerankin, Brakenleys, Easter Seymore, Wester Seymore, Easter Thomastoun, \Vester Thom_astoun, and Ballanknock, lying in the foresaid barony and sheriffdom ; sealed and dated I st April 1511. 652. An Instrument taken by John, Lord Fleming, upon his presenting to the said Oliver Sinclair the king's letters for new infeftment to 'him of certain lands, lying in the barony of Harbertshire, and requiring him to give him sasine accordingly, because the king had remitted him his part of the composition upon the account of the . rec;ognition of the said barony, and protesting that if he did not infeft him before Mart1nmas he might not be prejudged, to which the other answered- that he was content to infeft hinl, but he would first see the old writs before the forfeitures and. the ·letter of allocation for his part of the composition for the ·recognition, and So Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown~

the doubles of the king's letters ; dated 29th September .I 51 I _; John Jackson, notar. Another instrument taken by the said John, Lord Fleming, upon his requiring said Oliver Sinclair, in presence of the Archbishop of Saint Andrews, who was Chancellor and according to the king's letters and precept then pi:o- · duced, to infeft him in such of the lands of Harbertshire as were named in the letters, to which the other answered that he was ready to obey the king's letters and infeft the said lord, time and place convenient, according to the tenor of his old infeftments ; dated 30th October 1511 ; John Lockhart, notar. 653. A Third Instrument taken by the said John, Lord Fleming, against said Oliver Sinclair, in presence of the Lords of Council, to the effect foresaid ; William Halyburton, notar ; together with the said lords their sentence and decreet in the premises, under the registers subscription of the date of the second instrument.. 654. A Precept by the said Oliver Sinclair, knight, ·Baron of the barony of Harbertshire, for infefting the said John, Lord Fleming, in all and haill the lands of Easter Castlerankine, \Vester Castlerankin, · Doups, Brakenleys, Easter Seymore, Easter Thoinastoun and Ballanknock, lying in the foresaid barony; dated 10th November 15 I I. 655. Another Precept of Sasine by the said Oliver Sinclair, knight, for infefting the ·said Lord Fleming in the lands of Wester Seymore, with the pertinents, wherein Alexander Seaton, then de~igned of Tilliebodie, knight, had been infeft upon an apprising, arid for which he had given a letter of reversion to the Lord Fleming, and thereafter renounced the same. This precept is in obedience· to the king's letters by the Lords of Council, and is sealed and dated 16th April I 5 I 2. · 656. A Sasine, Alexander Livingstone of Dunipace, in the lands ,of - Castlerankine and the east part of Rashhill, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling ; dated 12th May 1512 ; Edward Spittell, notar. 657. A Letter of Reversion by the said Alexander Livingstone to John, Lord Fleming, of the said lands, being six merks worth and nine shillings worth of the lands of Castlerankine and Rashhill, lying within the lordship of Harbertshire, for the sum of 16o merks ; sealed and dated the 20th of May 1512. · 658. John, Lord Fleming, his Sasine, of the lands of Wester Seymore upon Sir Oliver Sinclair's precept above mentioned ; dated 18th May 1512 ; John Stirling, notar. · . , 659. An Instrument taken by said Oliver Sinclair upon his offering to infeft said John, Lord Fleming, in his lands, lying in the barony of Harbertshire, if he would show his old infeftments, or otherways to infeft him with a reference to said old infeftments; dated 9th May I 513; Jasper Main, notar. 660. Another Instrument of the same tenor and date; Alexander.Young, notar. 661. An Instrument taken upon the Resignation of Mr. John l\Iurray~of Blackbarony, in presence of the Lords of Council sitting- in judg­ ment, at the desire of John, Lord Fleming, in the hands of the said Oliver Sinclair, knight, as Baron of Harbertshire, of the lands of Bankeir, with the pertinents, lying in the said barony, by excambion made betwixt the said Mr. John and Lord Fleming . for the lands of Overmenzean, and further bearmg that ~he said John, Lord Fleming, in presence of the said lords, had presented to the said Sir Oliver a public instrument under the sign ctnd sub- Charter ·thest of the Earldonz of Wigtown. 81

scription of Alexander Morton, upon the resignation made by Alexander Seaton of Touchfrissell, knight. of all right and title he had to the Miln of Ballankeir, milnland, milnlead, multures and sequels thereof, in favour of the said John, Lord Fleming. This is dated 12th May 1513; William Halyburton, notar. 662. A Charter by said Oliver Sinclair of Roslyn, knight, to John, Lord Fleming, of all and haill his lands of Castlerankine, lying within the said barony, which barony had recognosed in the king's hands through alienation of the greater part thereof, without his consent, which nevertheless upon a composition the king had given him of new, and John, Lord Fleming, having paid a part of the said com­ position in proportion to his lands, to wit of the sum of 980 merks, for his relief pro tanto, therefore he gave said new Charter of the lands above named, to be holden by payment of a pair of gilt spurs in name of blench farm if it be asked allenarly; sealed and dated 13th May 1513. 663. A Precept of Sasine by John, Lord Fleming, for infefting Walter Forrester of Torwood, knight, in all and haill the half lands of Castlerankine, lying in the barony of Harbertshire; sealed and dated 16th July 1513. 664. A Letter of Reversion by said Walter Forrester granting the said lands to be redeemable to my lord for 1000 merks; sealed and dated 18th July 1513. 665. Another Letter of Reversion by said Walter Forrester to the said John, Lord Fleming, granting the lands of Easter Seymore, within the same barony, to be redeemable to the said lord for 400 merks; sealed and dated 21st July 1513. 666. A Discharge by Sir Duncan Forrester of Garden and said Walter Forrester of Tonvood, knights, to John, Lord Fleming, and his heirs of all the maills of the lands of Easter Seymores and Castlerankine, of all the terms they were in the hands of Sir Oliver Sinclair, and· taken up by him before the entry of the said lord thereto; dated 16th July I 513. 667. A Retour of Malcolm, Lord Fleming, as heir to John, Lord Fleming his father, in the lands of Castlerankine and others therein mentioned; dated 21st February 1524, which is put among the writs of Lenzie and marked No. 67. 668. A Summons of Errors at the instance of Sir William Sinclair of Roslin, knight, for reducing the service of Malcolm, Lord Fleming. as heir to John, Lord Fleming, his father,. in the lands of Castlerankine, within the barony of Harbertshire, because the retour duties had been undervalued, this is under the testimony of the Great Seal ; dated 14th July [ I 52 5] and twelfth year of the king's reign. 669. A Precept of Clare constat, Sir William Sinclair of Roslyn for infefting the said Malcolm. Lord Fleming, in the lands of Castlerankine; dated 12th March I 524, he always doing what he ought to do before sasine, together with a notarial double thereof. 670. An Instrument, taken on the part of said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, upon the execution of the king:s precept against Sir William Sinclair, for infefting him in Castlerankine ; dated 13th March 1524; James Banatyne, notar. 671. Another Instrument, taken upon said William Sinclaiis offer concerning the premises ; Mr. John Chapman, notar; dated 14th May 1524. 672~ Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his Instrument of Sasine, in the said lands f 82 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

of Castlerankine upon Sir Oliver's precept ; dated 20th March I 524 ; Andrew Brown, notar. 673. A Letter of Reversion by Hugh Douglas, burges of Edinburgh, and Marion Brown, his spouse, granting the lands of Bankeir, Mill and . mill lands thereof, lying within the barony of Harbertshire, to be redeemable to said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, for 400 merks Scots ; sealed and dated 29th July 1538, with an obligement by them not to uplift more than four chalders of meal, of the same date with the reversion, the contract of wadset made betwixt them concern­ ing the said lands and others ; dated .17th November 1600. 67 4. A Letter of Reversion by Thomas :Marjoribanks, burges of Edin­ burgh, Janet Purves, h1s spouse, and Robert Marjoribanks, their son, of the lands of Bankeir Mill and mill lands thereof, to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, for 400 merks ; sealed and dated 16th May 1539. 675. An Obligement by the forenamed persons to the said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, not to uplift more than four chalders of victual yearly out of the said lands until the day of redemption, but to let the remainder go to n1y lord's own use ; sealed and dated the said 16th of May 1 539. 676. A Charter by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, great chamberlain of Scotland, to his natural son John, for his lifetime, of the two merk lands of Brakenleys, two merk land of Glenhead and others, lying within the said barony of Harbertshire, to be holden blench ; sealed and dated 29th September 1541, signed Ml. Chamberlain, with an attested double thereof; James Cald wall, notar. 677. A Renunciation and Grant of Redemption by way of instrument under the sign and subscription of Gilbert Miln, notar, made and . granted by Thomas Marjoribanks, his wife and son above named, of the four pound lands of Hatbertshire, lying in the barony thereof, and of the lands of Goveside, lying within the barony of Biggar, in favour of the said Malcolm, Lord Fleming ; dated the 2nd of Septem her 1 542. 678. The Service of James, Lord Fleming, as son and heir to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, who died under the queen's banner in the Battle of Pinkiecleugh, in all and haill the foresaid land of Castlerankin and pertinents, under the seals of the inquest ; dated 20th May 1 549. 679. A Precept of Clare cons/at by Sir William Sinclair of Roslyn, baron of Harbertshire, for infefting James, Lord Fleming, son and heir to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in the lands of Castlerankine and pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire ; dated 27th March I 549· 680. An Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, dated 3rd June said year ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 681. A Charter granted by said James, Lord Fleming, to John Fleming, who afterwards succeeded to him, of all and hail his lands of Harbertshire, lying in the sheriffdom of Stirling, redeemable always to himself and the heirs male of his body therein mentioned; sealed and dated 2nd February I 557. 682. A Precept of Sas1ne relative thereto and of the date thereof. 683. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept; dated 25th February said year; Gilbert Law, notar. 684. A Gift of the Ward and .Nonentries of the east half lands of Auchincleoch and half mill of the same and their pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire, and also of the wester half of the said lands and mill thereof, which whole lands pertained to Robert Graham, son and heir to umquhile John Graham, in favour of Charter Chest of the Earldo1n of Wig-town. 83

William, Lord Livingstone; sealed and dated 4th November 1559. 685. A Precept of Sasine, Sir William Sinclair of Roslyn, for infefting John, Lord Fleming, as brother and heir to the deceased James, Lord Fleming, in the lands of Castlerankine, with the pertinents, and this in obedience to a decreet of the lords, and because Jean Fleming, his brother's daughter, had lost her superiority by not entering heir to her father (John being only basely infeft formerly) ; sealed and dated 17th May 1564. 686. John, Lord Fleming, ,his Sasine (whereof there are two doubles) following on the said Precept; dated the 20th day of same month; Alexander Robertson, notar. 687~ An Instrument taken at.executing the King's Precept directed out of the Chancellary called Meminimus against Sir William Sinclair and Edward Sinclair, his son, feear of Harbertshire, to infeft John, Lord Fleming, as heir to the last deceased John, Lord Fleming, his father, in the said lands of Castlerankine; dated 5th September 1580. 688. A Precept ofSasine by Edward Sinclair, fear,and Sir William Sinclair, liferenter, of the lands of Roslyn in Harbertshire, for infefting said John, Lord Fleming, as heir to the deceased John, Lord Fleming, his father, in regard he had been allowed by the king to serve heir and have the benefit of the pacification in all and haill the lands of Castlerankine, lying as above; sealed and dated 25th September 1580. 689. His Sasine following thereupon. 10th October 1580; James Mushet, . notar. · 690. Another Sasine of the same lands proceeding upon the king's . precept directed to the sheriff of Stirling ; dated 5th October 158o. The Sasine is of the same date with the former, and under the sign and subscription of the same notar. Item his retour as heir in special to his father in the said lands to which the foresaid precept relates ; dated 3rd July 1580. 6

Ballenknocks, Easter and Wester Thomastouns, lands of Doups, Brakenleys, Cowdounhill and Glenhead, marshes, muirs, &c., all lying within the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, to be holden blench of the granter for a pair of gilt spurs, and containing Precept of Sasine; sealed and dated 25th July 16oo. 696. A Sasine following upon the said Charter containing Precept of Sasine, therein dated last April 16o2 ; James Duncan, notar ; registered in the secretary's register kept at Stirling the 2nd of June thereafter. 697. A Letter of Reversion by l\i1r. Thomas ·Rollo, advocate, and Grizell Scott, his spouse, to John, Lord Fleming, and his lady, of the town and lands of Westwood, lying within the barony of Kincardine and stewartry of Strathern, as principal, and Castlerankine, Brakenleys, &c., lying within the barony of Harbertshire, in warrandice, for 3000 merks; dated in the year 16 and sealed. Wanting. 698. A Discharge by William Sinclair, son and apparent heir to Sir William Sinclair of Roslyn, ,vith consent of his father as adminis­ trator, and he for himself, to John, Lord Fleming, for the sum of 7000 merks in full of 14,000 merks payable by the said lord to them, in virtue of the contract above mentioned as the price of Castlerankine, and therefore discharging him and his cautioner therein named; dated 19th November 1601, registered i_n the books of Council and Session the 21st of the same month. · 699. A Renunciation and Grant of Redemption by Mr. Thomas Rollock and his spouse to John, ·Lord Fleming, and his lady, of the lands of Castlerankine, Brakenle) s, Doups and Cowdounhill and of the infeftments thereof; dated 26th October 16o5, registered in the books of Council and Session the same day. 700. A Charter de nze by John, Earl of Wigtown, to John, Lord Fleming, Master of Wigtown, his son, and Lady Margaret Livingstone, his lady, and his heirs therein mentioned, under the provisions and restrictions therein contained, of all and haill his lands of Easter and \Vester Castlerankines, Easter and Wester Seymores, Black­ smiduies, Ballankeir and mill thereof, Easter and v.,r ester Ballan­ knocks, Easter and Wester Thomastouns, Doups, Brakenleys, Cowdonhills and Glenhead, all lying within the barony of Harbert­ shire and sheriffdom of Stirling; all and sundry the lands of Drips, Cambusdrennie, Westwood and Bad, lying in the barony of Kin­ cardine, stewartry of Strathern and sheriffdom of Perth ; all and haill the 6 merk lands of old extent of Glentoirs, in the barony of Munkland and sheriffdom of Lanark ; all and haill the lands of Over Srnallhops, in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, and all and haill the lands of Glenquhotho, Quarter and Chappell, lying in the barony of Olivercastle and sheriffdom of Peebles, to be hold blench of the granter, and reserving the earl's liferent ; sealed and dated at Edinburgh 2nd September 1609. 701. A Charter a me by said John, Earl of Wigtown, to said Master of Wigtown and his lady, of the whole lands above written lying within Harbertshire, to be holden blench of the superior, and con­ taining Precept of Sasine; dated 16th July 1613. 702. An instrument ofSasine following upon the said Charter and Precept; dated 18th Septen1ber 1613; James Duncan, notar. 703. A Contract and Disposition betwixt Sir William Sinclair of Roslyn, elder, and William Sinclair of Pentland, his son, dated 24th January 1624, whereby the father dispones to the son the lands above mentioned belonging to the Earl of Wigtown in the barony of Harbertshire, and grants procuratory of resig-nation for that Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wzglown. 85

effect; registered in the books of Council and Session 19th March 1632. 704. A Precept of Sasine, unsigned, by Sir William Sinclair to John, formally designed l\tlaster, now Earl of Wigtown, as heir to his said father, in the whole lands of Harbertshire ; anno 1628. 705. A Disposition by William Sinclair of Pentland, son and heir to Sir William Sinclair of Roslyn, to John, 2nd Earl of Wigtown, of the whole lands of Harbertshire above designed, dated 20th March 1632, whereby he assigns him to the procuratory of resignation contained in his father's disposition above written. 7o6. An Instrument of Resignation by Sir William Sinclair, elder, of Roslyn, in virtue of the procuratory of resignation contained in said disposition made by him with consent by George, Lord Ramsay of Dalhousie, and Andrew Hay, servitor to the Archbishop of St. Andrews, donator to Sir William's escheat, for their interests, in favour of said William Sinclair of Pentland, his son and apparent heir, of the date above specified, registered in the Books 0£ Council and Session 9th March 1632, of the said_ whole lands often above mentioned, with the addition of the lands of Devons, all being parts and pendicles of the lands of Castlerankine, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffom of Stirling, in the king's hands for new lnfefment to the said John, Earl of Wigtown, and his heirs therein mentioned, as assignees constitute by said William Sinclair of Pent­ land to the procuratory, resignation and disposition thereof granted him by his father by virtue of the disposition and assignation made by the said William of the said lands, disposition and procuratory. This Instrument of Resignation is dated 16th June 1630. 707. A Charter under the Great Seal upon the foresaid Resignation, dated 16th June 1632, together with the past signature, which is the ground thereof [cf. Reg. l\,lag. Sig. 1988]. 708. A Precept of Sasine relative to the said Charter and of the date thereof under the quarter seal. 709. Two Instruments of Sasine following upon the said precept, dated 18th August 1632 ; John Ker, notar, both registered in the General Register of Sasines and Reversions kept at Edinburgh 29th September thereafter. 710. A Sasine of Alexander and William Fleming, lawful sons to John, Earl of Wigtown, in two respective annual rents effeiring to the principal sums of 10,000 merks, each upliftable forth of the lands of Harbertshire, barony of Denny and lands of Catscleugh, under the provisions therein mentioned, and proceeding upon a precept granted them by the Earl and Master of Wigtown ; dated 5th April 1636, and the sasine is of the same date ; 1\1:r. Henry Scott, notar, registered in the register of sasines kept at Stirling 1st June there­ after. 711. An Inventory of the Writs and Evidents produced by the Lord Fleming in his debate with Roslyn in relation to the lands above written. 712. Roslyn's Retour, anno 1636. 713. An agreement betwixt John, Lord Fleming, and ].\Ir. John Murray in relation to the wadset of the lands of Bankeir and l\ienzean ; dated 29th January I 506. Nota.-The rights of these foregoing lands are continued in the Infeftments of the Estate and the new progress thereof to be found among the new Writs of Lenzie. 86 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

XII.-INVENTORY of the old Writs and Evidents of the Lands of Catscleugh, lying ,vithin the Barony of Harbertshire and Sheriffdom of Stirling. 714 A Charter granted by John of Blair of Adamtoun to Alexander of Livingstone· of Callendar, called a noble and potent man, for his good council manifoldly given and to be given, of all and sundry the lands of Catscleugh, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, to be holden blench for payment of a penny Scots money, if required, sealed and dated at Stirling 26th January 1425. Witnesses, Patrick of Callendar, Abbot of Cambuskenneth ; Sir William of Airtp. of Plan, knight ; Archibald of Cunningham of Auchinbowy, Sheriff of Stirling; Henry of Livingstone of Mannerstoun ; Sir David Whyte, Prior of the Monastery of Cambuskenneth; William of Mortonvile of Bothadrock ; John N ormanvile of Gargunnock ; Richinald of Fullartoun; Robert of Livingstone of Callendar; John of Livingstone of Calandar; Malcolm of Forrester of Pettincoskan and Richard of Redheugh of Quarrell. 715. Another Charter by said John Blair of Adamtoun to the said Alexander of Livingstone of Callendar of the same lands, to be holden of the Laird of Harbertshire and his heirs, for payment of half a stone of white wax in the name of blench farm at Whitsunday, if asked ; dated and sealed at Stirling 10th September 1425. Witne~ses, the Abbot of Cambuskenneth ; Archibald of Cuningham of Auchinbowy, Sheriff of Stirling ; Henry of Livingstone of l\ilanerstoun; Sir David White, Prior of the said Monastery; John ofNormavile ofGargunnock: William of l\1ortonvile ofBuchadrock; Richinald of Fullartoun ; Robert, Henry and John of Livingstones of Callendar; Malcolm of Forrester; Richard of Reidheugh of Quarrell. · · 716. A Charter of Confirmation by Egidea, Countess of Orkney, Lady ot . and barony of Harbertshire of the foresaid last Charter, sealed and dated at Dysart in Fife 12th February 1425-6. Witnesses, Mr. William Mois, Andrew of Balfour, Robert of Bruce, William of Bruce, Thomas of Chattc. 717. A Charter by Archibald, Duke of Turrin, Earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway and Annadale, and of the superiority of the barony of Harbertshire, confirming both the Charter confirmed and the former Charter of Confirmation ; sealed and dated at his Castle of Bothwell. Witnesses, Thomas Somerville of Carnwacht, John Inglis of Mannor, Sir William of Muirhead, knight, of Lochop, and Sir Thomas Hart, knight, and others. 718. A Sasine given to James, Lord Livingstone, son and heir to James, first Lord Livingstone, conform to a new Charter granted to him by William, Earl of Orkney, Lord of Harbertshire, and to a Precept of Sasine; dated 25th November 1467. 1Vota.-The Charter and precept are wanting. 719. A Precept of Clare constat granted by George Sinclair, son·and apparent heir of Oliver Sinclair, knight and feear of the barony of Harbertshire, for infefting James, Lord Livingstone, as heir to James, Lord Livingstone, his uncle, in the lands of Catscleugh, lying as above ; dated at Roslyn 28th May 1498 and sealed. 720. A Sasine following upon the said precept, dated 1st June 1498, John l\il acnuckle, notar. Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wig-town. 87

721. A Precept of Clare constat by said George Sinclair, feear of Harbert­ shire, and Oliver Sinclair, of Roslyn, knight, his father, for infefting William, Lord Livingstone, as son and heir to the deceased James, Lord Livingstone, in the foresaid lands ; sealed and dated 2nd March 1502. 722. A Sasine following upon the said precept, dated 24th March 1 503 ; Gavin Clerk, notar. 723. A Charter under the Great Seal by King James IV. to Alexander Livingstone, feear of Callendar, and Janet Stewart, his spouse, and longest liver and the heirs therein. mentioned, of all and haill the lands of Catscleugh, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Harbertshire and sheriffdom of Stirling, as being fallen in his Majesty's hands through the recognosing of the superiority of said barony, formerly belonging to said Oliver Sinclair of Roslyn, to be holden of the king, for payment of half a pound of wax, as was formerly paid to said Oliver, in name of blench farm, if asked; dated 14th January 1512. Witnesses, Alexander, Archbishop of St. Andrews, Chancellor ; William, Bishop of Aberdeen, Keeper of the Privy Seal; Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Master Household; Alexander, Lord Home, Great Chamberlain ; Andrew, Lord Gray, Justiciary; Mr. Gawin Dunbar, Register; Patrick Paniter or Butler, Rector of Tannadyce and Secretary ; Robert Colvill of Ochiltree, Director of the Chancellary; dated 14th January 1512, and twenty-fifth year of the reign [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 3802]. · 724- A Precept of Sasine under the Quarter Seal relative to the foresaid Charter and of the date thereof. 725. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept; dated 6th February 1512; Edward Spittall, notar. 726. A Protestation taken by said Oliver Sinclair against the foresaid Sasine upon the ground of the lands; dated last February 1512; Robert Cunningham, notar. 727. A Gift under the Privy Seal by Queen Mary to William, Lord· Livingstone, of the nonentry, mails, farms and duties of the said . lands of Catscleugh ; dated 16th May 1566. 728. A Precept directed forth of the Chancellary relative to a retour for · serving of Willian1, Lord Livingstone, heir to the deceased Alexander, Lord Livingstone, his father, in the said lands of Catscleugh ; dated 2nd December, with the instruments of Sasine following thereupon, dated 8th May thereafter 1567 ; John Graham, notar ; stitched together with an attorny, a transumpt by way of instrument of said Sasine 15th January I 592 ; James Miller, notar. 729. A Letter of Reversion by \Villiam Stark of Auchinstary and John Stark, his son, granting the said lands of Catscleugh wadset to them, to be redeemable for 6oo merks; dated 1st January 1582. 730. The Charter granted by \Villiam, Lord Livingstone, to the said William and John Starks of the foresaid wadset, to be holden of the granter, dated 17th September 1 582, with the said William and John Starks their renunciation,· discharge and grant of redemption, written on the back thereof of the foresaid infeft­ ment ; dated 12th June 1 584. 73 I. A Precept of Sasine out of the Chancellary relative to a retour for infefting Alexander Livingstone, son and heir to the deceased William, Lord Livingstone, in the said lands of Catscleugh ; dated last January 1592. 732. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept ; dated 21st February said year; John Mushet, notar. 88 Charter Chest of the Earldom ·o; W£gtown.

733. An Instrument of Resignation made in exchequer of the said lands by James, Lord Livingstone of Almond, for new infeftment to John, Earl of Wigtown, in liferent, and John, Lord Fleming, his son, in fee, Richard Guthrie, notar, dated 24th December 1634. The procuratory is dated 4th April said year, but neither the procuratory nor disposition of the lands, nor yet said James, Lord Livingstone's, own infeftments are seen. 734. A past Signature thereupon, dated 24th December 1634. 735. A Charter under the Great Seal accordingly and of the same date with the signature, the reddendo half a pound of wax in name of blench, if asked. The witnesses, J anies, :Marquis of Hamilton, Earl of Arran and Cambridge, Lord Aven and lnverdale; William, Earl Marischall, Lord Keith and Altrie, Marshall of Scotland ; Thomas, Earl of Haddington, Lord Binning and Byres, Keeper of the Privy Seal ; William, Earl of Stirling, Viscount of Canada, and Lord Alexander of Tilliebodie, principal Secretary ; Sir John Hay of Barow, Register, and Sir John Scot of Scotstarvat, Director of the Chancellary [ cf. Reg. Mag. Sig. 2~3]. 736. A Precept of Sasine under the Quarter Seal relative to the foresaid Charter and of the date thereo£ 737. A Sasine following upon the said Precept, dated last of April 1636, Mr. Henry Scott, notar ; registered in the register of Sasines and Reversions kept at Stirling I st June thereafter. 738. A Renunciation ad remanentianz of an annual rent of fifty merks forth of the said lands of Catscleugh, by Agnes Sinclair, dated 8th June 1 598 ; James Duncan and Thomas Am brose, notars. Nota.-After this the said lands of Catscleugh are ingrossed in the writs and evidents of the Earl of Wigtoun's whole estate holden of the king, and are to be found among the new writs.

XIII.-INVENTORY of the \Vrits and Evidents of the Lands and Barony of Dennie, Mill of Dennie, Privilege of Regality, and others aftermentioned, lying within the Sheriffdom of Stirling. 739. A Confirmation by King James II I. of a Decreet of the Council at the instance of Robert, Lord Fleming, against Patrick, Lord Glamis, for five merks yearly, the years therein specified, extending to thirty merks Scots, resting to him out of Forgoun Denny, and ordaining the Lord Glamis lands to be poinded and distrinzied for the same ; the confirmation is under the Quarter Seal and is dated 23rd January 1467. 740. Another Confirmation by the same king of another decreet of the Lords of Council at the instance of said Robert, Lord Fleming, against ~lexander, Lo1:d Glamis, not only or~aining him to pay . to the said Lord Flemmg five rnerks yearly withheld of the mails of the £10 lands of Forgoundenny, but also decerning him to warrant to the said Robert, Lord Fleming, the foresaid lands for all the time contained in the contract betwixt umquhile Patrick Lord Glamis, and the said Robert, Lord Fleming, thereupon ; thi~ is also under the testimony of the Great Seal and dated 25th January and seventh year of his reign 1467. · . 741. A Letter of Tack granted by George Dundas, knight, Lord of the Templehouse of St. John of Torphichen, to a noble and mighty Lord John, Lord Fleming, for all the days of his lifetime of all Charter Chest of the Earldo1n of Wigtown. 89

and haill, the said George his lands of Temple Denny, with the pertinents, lying within the sheriffdom of Stirling, with a power of bailiary within the bounds of the said lands, and contains a discharge of the rents of the lands during his life ; sealed and dated 14th June I 5 I 5 ; signed, George, Lord St. John. 742. A Charter by James Sandilands, Lord and Baron of the barony of Torphichen, to Thomas Inglis, portioner of Auldliston, his chamberlain, of all and sundry his feu farm victual payable to him by the tenants of the barony of Denny, for the farms of the Mill thereof, proportionally to their lands and according to use and wont, extending yearly to 38 bolls farm meal lying in the barony of Denny, regality of Torphichen and sheriffdom of Stirling, to be holden of the granter feu for payment to him during his life of 1,6 : 3: 4, and after the decease of the said James Sandilands, to the king, his successors and comptrollers, of the same sum for Torphichen's relief of 500 merks as the feu farm duty contained in his infeftments, and besides, to Torphichen's heirs one penny money in name of blench farm, if asked ; this contains Precept of Sasine, is sealed and dated at Hayards 4th March 1577 ; signed James, Lord of Torphichen, and marked to be produced before the Lords of the Commission 8th December I 586. 743. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said precept contained in the above written Charter, dated 7th March I 577 ; , notar. 744. A Disposition and Commission of bailiary by James Sandilands, Lord of Torphichen, and his tutors, whereby they make and constitute John, Lord Fleming, bailie, of all and haill the lands and barony of Denny, lying within the sheriffdom of Stirling, in ample form, only the half of the casualties of the Court is to come to the granter, with power to create deputes, &c., and that for the space of three years after the date, which is 5th March 1585 ; signed only by the tutor. 745. A Charter of Confirmation by King James VI. confirming the fore­ said Charter granted by Torphichen to Thomas Inglis; sealed and dated at Holyroodhouse 20th i\'.Iay 1 587. Witnesses, John, Lord · Hamilton, Commendator of the Monastery of Aberbrothock ; Archbald, Earl of Angus, Lord Douglas, Dalkeith and Abernethy ; Patrick, Archbishop of St. Andrews ; Walter, Prior of Blantyre, keeper of the Privy Seal ; Sir John Maitland of Thirleston, Secretary ; Alexander Hay of Easter Kennet, Register ; Sir Lodovick Balladen, Justice Clerk, and Mr. Robert Scot, Director of the. Chancellary [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1254]. 746. ·Letters of four forms at the instance of John, Lord Fleming, against Robert Lindsay of Dunroad, and J obns Livingstones, elder and younger of Dm)ipace, who had intruded ~nto the office of bailiary during the said lord's forfeiture, to desist therefrom, &c. ; dated 1st August I 587. Another of the same. 747. An Instrument taken upon the said Robert Lindsay of Dunroad's repossessing my Lord Fleming to the office of bailiary, in obedience to the charge ; dated 27th Septem her I 587 ; William Fleming, notar. · 748. A Renunciation by John Livingstone, younger of Dunipace, whereby he renounces in favour of the Lord Fleming all the right he hath to the office of bailiary in the barony of Denny, and assigned him to his right and title thereof; dated 17th August I 588. 749. A Charter by James, Lord Torphichen, to Thon1as Inglis, younger, his heirs and assignees, of all and haill his meal of the barony of Denny, with the Shielhill dam and aquaduct or lead, with all 90 Charter Chest o.f the Earldo1n of Wigtown.

houses, yards and astricted multures and sequells thereof, paid by the tenants of the said barony proportionally and according to use and wont, extending in the whole to thirty-eight bolls farm meal, to be holden of the granter and his successors lords of Torphichen and barons of the barony of Denny, for payment of 4 bolls meal, or 3 shillings 4 pence for each boll thereof, in the option of the feuar, in name of feu farm, and doubling the feu farm the first year of the entry of each heir, and giving three suits at the Court of the said barony. This Charter contains Precept of Sasine, and is sealed and dated at Calder 1608. 750. An Assignation by James, Lord Torphichen, to John, Earl of Wigtown,of all reversions and conditions of reversions made to the said lord's grand uncle by Sir Alexander Bruce of Airth, for re­ demption of £20 out of the lands and barony of Denny ; dated 6th April 16o8. 751. A Disposition by James, Lord Torphichen, heritably and irredeemably to John, Earl of Wigtown, and his heirs of tailzie mentioned in his infeftments, of all and sundry the lands and barony of Denny, houses, yarcls, parts, pendicles, and pertinents thereof, pertaining tu him either in property or tennendry, with the castle, tower, fortalice, &c., mill, mill-lands, millhill, multures, sucken and knaveship thereof, coals, coalheughs, &c~, free privilege of regality of the said barony, with all other privileges, and whole pertinents of the same, lying within the lordship of Torphichen and sheriffdom of Stirling, or which the disponer or any other, his pre­ decessors, preceptors or lords of Torpbichen or St. John, had enjoyed in any time by gone or contained in the old infeftments or erections of the same, and also the whole other liberties and privileges of said lands and barony contained in the infeftments acquired by the said James, Lord of Torphichen, or St. John, expressed in• his infeftments, charters and rights made to him by Queen Mary; dated 6th April 1608. 752. A Procuratory of Resignation the said James, Lord of Torphichen, relative to his disposition abeve written for resigning, his said lands and harony of Denny, &c. in the king's hands for new infeftment to the said John, Earl of Wigtown; sealed and dated 21st June 1609. 753· A Charter granted by James, Lord of Torphichen, of the foresaid lands and barony of Denny and others above written, to John, Earl of Wigtown, to .be holden feu of the king and his successors for payment of £10 Scots yearly, which was the old and pro­ portional feu-duty paid for the barony of Denny and its parts and pendicles for the relief of the said Lords of Torphichen of the sum of 500 merks of feu-duty contained in their old infeftments, and· that without the said John, Earl of \Vigtown, his heirs and successors their doubling the feu at their entries- thereto ; dated and sealed at Edinburgh 21st June 1609, and is marked on the back to be recorded in the books of Exchequer 17th March 1656. 754. Two Sasines following thereupon, the one on parchment, the other on paper ; dated I 5th July 16o9; William Fleming, notar. 755. A Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal of the Charter above written; dated at Edinburgh 10th July 1612. Witnesses, J arnes, l\Iarquis of Hamilton, Earl of Arran, Lord Aven and Aberbrothock, &c. ; George, Earl Marishall, Lord Keith, Marishall of Scotland ; Alexander, Earl of Dunfermline, Lord Fyvie and Urquhart, Chancellor; Alexander flay, Secretary ; Richard Cockburn, younger of Clerkington, Keeper of the Great Seal ; Thomas Hamilton of Byres, Clerk of Register, all knights, and Mr. John Scott of Scotstarvat, Director of the Chancellery. Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. at.,

756. A Sasine to Thomas Inglis of the Mill of Denny, &c., mentioned in my Lord Torphichen's Charter, No. 749; dated 5th June 1609 ; Samuel West, notar. 757. A Disposition by said Thomas Inglis to James Inglis, Provost of Glasgow, his brother german, of the said Mill of Denny, &c., con­ taining Procuratory of Resignation ; dated 18th February 1613. 7 58. A Charter de 1ne relative to the said Disposition ; dated 18th February I 6 I 3. 7 59. A Sasine following upon the said Charter ; dated 14th April said . year; John Thomson,_ notar. 76o. A Charter a 1ne relative to the said Disposition, 18th February 1613. 761. An Instrument of Sasine following upon the said Charter; dated 1 1th November 161 5 ; Alexander Neilson, notar. 762. A Disposition by John, Earl of Wigtown, to John Cleland, of the lands and barony of Denny, containing Procuratory of Resignation ; dated last December 1615. 763- A Charter granted by the said John, Earl of Wig town, to the said John Cleland, to be holden of the king, containing Precept of Sasine, and dated said l~st December 1615. 764. The said John Cleland his Sasine following on the said Charter and precept; dated 1st January 1616; James Duncan, not~r. 765. A Disposition and Alienation by said John Cleland to John, Master of Wigtown, Lord_Fleming, son and apparent heir to the said John, Earl of Wigtown, of the said lands and barony of Denny ; dated 3rd January 1616. 766. A Charter a 1ne relative to the foresaid Disposition of the foresaid lands and barony, to be holden of the king for payment of [, 12 Scots in name of feu ; sealed and dated at Dunipace 3rd January 1616. 767. An Instrument of Sasine following thereupon, dated 4th January 1616; James Duncan, notar. 768. A Charter of Confirmation granted by King James VI. under the Great Seal, confirming John Cleland's infeftment ; dated 9th January 1616[if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1366]. 769. Another Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seal confirming the Charter and Sasine above written in favour of the Master of Wigtown, dated 18th January 1619. Witnesses, James, Marquis of Hamilton ; George, Earl of Marishall, Lord Keith and Altrie, Marishall of the Kingdom ; Alexander, Earl of Dunfermline, Lord Fyvie, Chancellor ; Thomas, Lord Binning, Secretary ; Sir Richard Cockburn, younger of Clarkington, keeper of the Great Seal ; Sir George Hay of Neather Liff, clerk register ; Sir John Cockburn of Ormistone, justice clerk ; Sir John Scot of Scotstarvat, Director of the Chancellary. 770. An Assignation by John, Earl of Wigtown, to John, Master of Wigtown, Lord Fleming, his son, of the reversion of the lands and barony of Denny granted by Mrs. Jean Fleming, the earl's daughter, to the effect that he might redeem the wadset for payment of the sum due thereupon; dated 1st April 1619, sub­ scribed by himself and three notars because of his infirmity. 77 1. The Procuratory for making premonition and the whole order of redemption, at least a copy of the same, but the instruments put up are not signed and the principals are not yet seen. 772. A Disposition by James Inglis, provost of Glasgow, to John, Earl of Wigtown, and his heirs therein mentioned, of the mill of the 92 Charter Chest of .the Earldom of W£gtown.

barony of Denny, astricted multures, &c., containing Procuratory of-Resignation ad remanentia1n; dated 5th August 1619. 773. An Instrument of Resignation ad re11zanentianz following upon. the procuratory contained in the foresaid disposition; dated 10th August 1619; John Ker, notar. 774. A Disposition by John Cuthell of Stoniewood, with consent of John Cuthell, younger, his son and apparent heir, liferenter and feear respective of the cornmill after specified, and they both, with consent of Margaret Livingstone and Agnes Muirhead, their respective spouses, to John, Earl of Wigtown, and Dame Margaret Livingstone, Countess of Wigtown, his spouse, and the heirs therein n1entioned, of all and haill the corn mill, then situated and standing upon the water of Carron, within the territory and bounds of their eighteen shilling lands of Stoniewood, which the granters then held in fen and heritage of the said earl, as being a part and pertinent of the barony of Denny, together with that part and portion of the lands of Stoniewood upon the east neck thereof, as was then marched and ordained for a sheillinghill to the said mill, with a sufficient passage for horse and leads be­ twixt the said mill and sheillinghill upon the southside of his yard and coalhouse be-east the mi11, as the said gate and hill were then possessed by the granters, with dam inlaying and water going from the said water of Carron, and the said mill, the mill stones, wheels, stool, staples, hoops, happer, and all necessaries pertain­ ing thereto as she was going. This contains Procuratory of Resignation ad re1nanentia11z and is dated at Callendar of Falkirk 10th September 1619, with Agnes Muirhead spouse to the said John Cuthell, younger, her judicial ratification before the com­ missar of Stirling; dated 3rd November thereafter. 77 5. An Instrument of Resignation ad remanentia,n following upon the said Procuratory and Disposition ; dated 5th February 1620; James Duncan, notar, registered in the general register of sasines and reversions at Edinburgh the 19th of the same month. 776. A Precept of clar~ constat (not signed) by John, Earl of Wigtown, for infeftment James Forrester of GarJen, knight, as heir to James Forrester of Garden, his father, in all and whole the lands of l\1yetthill with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Denny and sheriffdom of Stirling. 777. A Procuratory of Resignation by John, Earl of Wigtown, of all and haill the lands and barony of Denny, privileges of regality, mill, · milnlands, &c., together with the office of principal huisar and keeper of his majesty's house and chamber, with all the privileges thereof, in favour and for new infeftment of the same to John, Lord Fleming, his son, and the heirs male to be procreated be­ twixt him and Lady Jean Drummond, his spouse, which failing, to his other heirs therein mentioned, reserving the earl's liferent of the said lands ; dated last January 1634. 778. An Instrument of Resignation following thereupon, dated 1st February 1634. Nota.-The rest of the securities and progress of these lands are contained in the earl's infeftments of his whole estate, and to be found among the new writs of Lenzie.

XlV.-INVEN'fORY of the vVrits and Evidents of Dun­ bulls, lying in the Sheriffdom of Perth.

779. An Instrument taken by Robert, Lord Fleming, upon the debate managed before the king's council betwixt him and Patrick, L~rd Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 93

Glamis, in relation to the excambion of the lands of Pitkennie, Corvence and Balverdie for the lands of Dunbulls, the Lord Crichton being chancellor for the time, and present, John, Earl of Athole; George, Earl of Angus, and George, Earl of Caithness; Thomas, Lord Erskine ; Alexander, Lord Montgomerie; William, Lord Somerville; John, Lord of Lindsay; William, Lord Darnlie; Robert of Livingstone of Drumrie, knight; John of Ogilvie of Lontraithen ; John Maxwell of Calderwood ; dated 3rd l'J:arch 1452. 780. An Instrument of Resignation made by Patrick Lyon, Lord Glamis, of all and sundry the lands of Dunbulls, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of Forgoandeveny and sheriffdom of Perth, in the hands of John of the Isles, Earl of Ross, for new infeftment to Robert, Lord Fleming, conform to the Lord Glamis, his procuratory made thereanent. The instrument is dated 11th November 1457; Jacob de Veke, notar. 781. A Charter by the said John, Earl of Ross, Lord of the Isles, to Robert, Lord Fleming, of the foresaid lands of Dunbulls and pertinents, lying as said is, proceeding upon the said Lord Glamis his resignation immediately aforesaid mentioned, to be holden blench, dated 6th December 1457. Witnesses, Celestin of the Isles and Lochenlie; John Ross of Balnagown; John Monroe of Foulis; William Urquhart of Cromarty; Alexander Fleming; Sir Thomas , chaplain; John Vaus of Lochieslyne, John Nicholson of Dingwall ; and James de Veke. 782. A Precept of Sasine relative to the said Charter, dated the 10th of the same month. 783. A Testificate or Instrument of said Robert, Lord Fleming, hts sasine in the said lands of Dunbulls, signed and sealed by Walter Oliphant, the bailie who gave it ; dated I Ith l\fay 1459. 784. A Bond of \Varrandice granted by Patrick, Lord Glamis, making mention of the excambion, and obliging not only to warrant and defend upon due intimation, but also in case of eviction dispones to him his twenty-four merk lands of Coull, lying within the barony of Tannadyce and sheriffdom of Forfar; dated at Perth 21st October 1458. 785. A Sasine, Sir David Fleming of Biggar, son of the deceased :Malcolm Fleming, and grandchild and heir of Robert, Lord Fleming, of the twenty-four merk lands of Dunbulls, lying in the barony of Forgoundenny and sheriffdom of Perth, upon Lord Robert's resignation; dated 19th February I 480; John Kinninmonth, notar. 786 The Precept whereupon the said Sasine proceeded, being relative to a charter; dated 21st November and twentieth of the king's reign, being ~480. 787. A Procuratory of Resignation by Robert, Lord Flemmg, for resigning the said lands of Dunbulls, within the barony of Forgoundenny and sheriffdom of Perth, in the hands of John, Lord of the Isles and Baron of Kinedward, superior thereof; sealed and dated 19th September I 480. 788. A Decreet of the Lords of Council (27th March 1482) of Reduction, ex capite interdictionis, against John of Bruys, reducing what rights, heritable or in liferent, Robert, Lord Fleming, had given him after the publication of his interdiction. Nota.-The Lords at this time were the Archbishops of St. Andrews and Glasgow; Bishops of Dunkeld and Ross ; Andrew, Lord Avendale, Chancellor; John, Lord Darnley; 94 Charter Chest _of the Earldonz of Wigtown.

Robert, Lord Lyle ; l\1r. Archibald Whitelaw, secretary; and Mr. John Ross of Montgreenan. 789. A Ratification under the Testimony of the Great Seal by King James I I I. of the said sentence and decreet ; dated 5th April 1482. 790. A Service of Retour of Sir John Fleming, knight, as heir to the deceased Sir David Fleming, knight, his brother, in the said lands of Dunbulls, lying as said is ; dated 2nd May 1482. 791. The said Sir John Fleming his sasine of the said lands proceeding upon a precept directed forth o( the ChanceJlary, relative to the foresaid retour; this is dated I st June 1492 ; Richard Drummond, notar. j92. An Instrument, John, Lord Fleming, upon his offering to fulfil the agreement betwixt him and Robert Bruce of Stonehouse, in relation to t_he controversies depending betwixt them, and particularly in relation to the twelve merk lands of Dunbulls, clain1ed by the said Robert in heritage; dated 17th October 1494; William Lamb and Mathew Dowell, notars. 792. A. A Sasine, Malcolm, Lord Fleming, Great Chamberlain of Scotland, proceeding upon a precept relative to a charter granted by King James V. to him of haill lands then holding of the king, and among others of the said twenty-four merk lands of Dunbulls, lying as said is ; dated 4th June 1539 ; Gilbert :Mill, notar. 793 .. A bundle containing copies of several charters and other writs taken out mostly relating to the said lands of Dunbulls, likeways to· the lands of Lowr, and some other lands which belonged to the _said Lord Fleming. 794. A· Sasine, .James, Lord Fleming, of the said lands as heir to. the . . deceased Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his father, who deceased at Pinkiecleugh, and that in his minority conform to a dispensation granted to the heirs of all those who died in that battle ; this is dated 8th October I 549 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 795. A Precept of Sasine by said James, Lord Fleming, for infefting his brother John in the said lands ; sealed and dated 15th January I 557. 796. The said John his Sasine following thereupon, dated 26th February IS Si ; Allan Justice, notar. . . 797. An Assignation by said Lord James to his brother John, at the time of his going to France, to certain r~versions therein mentioned, one by William Dishingtoun of Montrose to urnquhile Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his father, of half the lands of Lowr and Dunbulls, redeemable for 500 merks, and another by Henry Drummond of Rickarton, to James, Lore! Fleming, of the lands of Drips, Cambusdrenny, \Vestwood a:nd Bad, redeemable for the sum of 1200 merks, two letters of reversion made by James and Katherine Adamsons of the land and barony of Auchtermony, each for 500 merks, and to two reversions by John Gray and Katherine Auchinleck in Lowr of the half lands of Lowr, lying in F 9rfarshire, each for 500 merks, a reversion granted by Thomas Fleming and Isabel Gray of two annual rents forth of Edmonston containing the sum of £400, and to the reversion of the lands of Lenzie, granted by Margaret Hamilton to said Lord James, for payment of 6oo merks yearly during her life; sealed and dated 15th January 1557. 798. A Renunciation by Mungo and John Grahams of their possession of Wester Dun bulls, in favour of John, Lord Fleming ; dated 23rd May I 586. 799. An Attested Copy of a Feu Charter granted by John, Lord Fleming, Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 95

to David Brown and his spouse and their heirs therein specified, of the half lands of Dunbulls for payment of£, 16, and doubling the feu farm and serving upon their own expenses, when required, con­ taining a clause de non a!ienando and precept of sasine; dated 14th December I 596; George Hutche~on, notar. 800. An Attested Copy of an Obligement or Bond· of Warran dice by said John, Lord Fleming, to said David Brown and bis spouse and their foresaids, for warranting their said lands, and containing an assignation to the . tack of teinds of the same ; dated 14th December I 596 ; George Hutcheson, notar. 8o1. Another attested copy of an Obligement of Relief by said David Brown to said John, Lord Fleming, relating to a tack of the fore­ said teinds of the half lands of Dunbulls, &c., set by the Bishop of Dunkeld to John Graham of Balgown, and a decreet-arbitral pro­ nounced by the arbiters therein named, on a submission betwixt the said Lord Fleming and John Graham; dated 14th December 1 596, and attested by said George Hutcheson. 802. A Tack of three acres of the west half lands of Dunbulls and teinds thereof, with three soumes grass therein mentioned. set by the said David Brown and Margaret Home, his spouse, to John Belmein, and that upon said Lord Fleming's advancing to them a certain sum of money and other causes therein specified, for the space of three years; dated 14th December I 596 . . Nota.-The subsequent rights of Dunbulls being engrossed and continued 1n the Earl of Wigtown and his predecessors, infeftments of their whole estate are to be found among. the writs of the lordship of Lenzie and Cumemauld.

. . XV~-INVENTORY of the old Writs of the six merk Lands of Glentoirs, lying within the sheriffdom of Lanark, acquired_ from the Abbot and Convent of N ewbottle. 803. A Precept of Sasine granted by !\-lark, Abbot of N ewbottle, to John, Lord Fleming, of the six merk lands of old extent of Easter and \Vester Glentoirs, lying in the barony of M unkland and sheriffdom of Lanark ; dated in anno 1 569. This is relative to a Charter which is wanting. 804. A Charter by Mark, perpetual Comm~ndator of the Monastery of Newbottle and Convent thereof, with advice and consent of the said convent, to John Fleming, eldest lawful son to the then deceased John, Lord Fleming, his heirs, successors and assignees, of all and haill the six merks lands of old extent of Glentoirs, with the pertinents, lying in the barony of 1\'Iunkland and the sheriffdom of Lanark, to be holden of the said commendator and convent feu for payment to them of six merks Scots money and two bolls mul­ ture oats, or five shillings for each boll thereof, in the option of the said John Fleming and his foresaids, as being the old rental of said lands, and in augmentation three shillings four pence, extend­ ing together to six merks three shillings four pence, besides the said victual or price thereof foresaid, at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas by equal portions in name of feu farm, and doub­ ling the feu farm at the entry of each heir, and giving suits at three head courts. This is ·sealed, subscribed and dated at Edinburgh 21st February 1575. 805. A Sasine following upon said Charter, dated 9th March I 57 5 ; Gilbert Law, notar. · 8o6. A Charter by John, Earl of Wigtown, Lord Fleming- and Ctnner- 96 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

nauld, to John, Lord Fleming, Master of Wigtown, his son, and Lady Margaret Livingstone, his lady, and their heirs therein mentioned, in implement of their contract of marriage, pro tanto of the six merk lands of Glentoirs, to be holden of the lawful superiors for the reddendo above set down, reserving the said earl's liferent, containing Precept of Sasine; dated 6th July 1613. 807. The said Master of Wigtown and his lady their Instrument of Sasine following upon the said Charter and Precept ; dated 13th September 1613 ; James Duncan, notar. Wanting. 808. The said John, Master of Wigtown, his Sasine, of the said lands of Glentoirs and of Harbertshire, Drips, Smallhops, Bad and others ; dated 13th, 14th and 18th days of September 1613. Nota.-This Instrument is marked in the old Inventory, but neither it nor the grounds whereupon it proceeded are seen. 809. A Precept of clare constat,.Sir James Cleland of Munkland, knight, then superior of the said lands of Glentoirs, to John, Earl of Wigtown, as son and heir to the deceased John, Earl of Wigtown, for infefting him in all and hail the six merk lands of old extent of Glentoirs,. lying in the barony of Munkland and sheri:ffdom of Lanark, holden of old of the convent and commendator of New­ bottle and then of him in feu (arm, contaimng a de novodamus. The reddendo is six merks three shillings and four pence Scots and two bolls multure, or five shillings Scots for each bsll, in the option of the feuar, as the yearly rent of the said lands used and wont at the feast and term of Whitsunday and Martin mas by equal portions, and doubling the feu farm at the entry of each heir and giving suit at three head courts of the barony of Munkland ; dated 15th March 1620. 810. Two Instruments of Sasine following upon the said Precept, dated 18th May 1620; James Duncan, notar; both registered in the General Register kept at Edinburgh the 22nd day of the said month. 811. A Tack of the teind sheaves and parsonage teinds of the lands of Glentoirs, Easter and Wester, lands of Bogside, with their per­ tinents, extending to a six merk lands of old extent, lying within the subdeanry of Glasgow and parochin of Munkland, by Walter, Bishop of Brechin and Subdean of Glasgow, with consent of the dean and chapter to John, Earl of Wigtown, and John, Lord Fleming, his son, and longest liver of them two, their heirs, assignees and subtenants, and that during the space of three nine­ teen years after their entry, which was thereby declared to be in anno 1636, for the tack-duty of eight bolls meal good and suffi­ cient stuff old rental teind boll used and wont betwixt Yule and Candlemas yearly, or within sixty days thereafter, and this in im­ plement of a contract past betwixt the said earl and dean ; dated in the said year 1636. Nola. - There is another principal double of this Tack inven­ toried and put up amongst the writs of the teinds of the whole lands. Nota.-The said lands of Glentoirs being afterwards ingrossed in my lord's infeftments with the other lands, they are to be seen among the writs of the lordship of Lenzie.

XVI.-INVENTORY of the Writs and Evidents of the House in Glasgow which pertains to the Earl of Wigtown.

812! A. F~u Charter by Mr. James Thorntoun, Chanter of Murray and Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 97

parson of the parsonage of Ancrum, with consent of the Dean, Canons and Chapter of Glasgow, to Gilbert Thorntoun, writer, his cousin, and Katherine Stewart his spouse, and the longest liver, their heirs, &c., of all and haill his tenement of land, high and laigh, back and fore, with the yard thereof and pertinents, lying within the city of Glasgow, adjacent to the Bishop's yard and palace on the west and south parts, betwixt the mansion of the chaplains on the north and the highway on the ea5t parts, which had been built by his predecessor and which was never in his rental, to be holden of the said chanter and his successors in feu farm, for payment to the chaplains of Glasgow and their successors, who feued out the said mansion and ground thereof, fifty shillings yearly as the old farm, and to himself and his heirs of two shillings in augmentation, and the heirs doubling the feu farm. This, con­ taining Precept of Sasine, is sealed and dated the 20th September and October 1573. 813. Their Sasine follo,ving thereon, 17th October 1573; Henry Gibson, notar. 814. A Charter under the Great Seal confirming the foresaid Charter; dated 23rd October 1573 and seventh year of King James VI. his reign [if. Reg. Mag. Sig. 2148]. 815. A Precept of clare constat granted by Mr. Hector Douglas, rector of Ancrum, superior of the said house, for infefting Margaret, Helen and Agnes Thorntouns, daughters to the said deceased Gilbert Thomtoun, in the house, tenement and yard aforesaid; dated at Edinburgh 29th December 1 580, reserving the mother's liferent. 816. The said daughters their Sasine following upon the said precept ; dated 30th January 1581 ; Henry Gibson and Robert Blair, notars. 817. A Contract of Alienation betwixt the said daughters and their mother and Robert Graham of Knockdolian and Elizabeth Sempill, his spouse, on the one and other parts, whereby the mother, as taking burden upon her for the daughters, sells the house, tenement and yard above written to the said Robert Graham; dated 20th February 1581. 818. A Decreet of Suspension at the instance of the Lord Boyd against the said Katherine Stewart, suspending her charge to remove from the house until the reparations laid out by him upon it (after the house was ruined by the French) were made up; dated last May I 58 I. · Wan ting. Two Charters of Alienation granted by Robert Graham of Auchinlui, son and heir to the foresaid Robert Graham of Knockdolian, to John, Master of Montrose (in implement of his part of a contract past betwixt the said master and him thereanent), to be holden of the king by virtue of annexation of church lands to the crown, and his coming in place of the Rector of Ancrum, former. superior thereof, for payment of two shillings to the king in name of feu, and doubling the feu farm duty at the entry of the heir, and like­ ways paying to the regents and masters of the college of Glasgow their oeconomus and factors yearly fifty shillings, which was formerly paid to the chaplains as above ; sealed and dated at Glasgow 26th April 1606. 820. A Sasine both in favour of the said Robert .Graham and Master of Montrose, his proceeding upon a precept directed forth of the chancellary relative to his retour as heir to Robert Graham of Knockdolian, his father, and the master's Sasine being given and takenjJropriis manibus. This instrument is dated 26th April 16o6; George Hutcheson, notar to both infeftments. The instrument is G 98 Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown.

registered in the particular Register of Sasines and Reversions at Glasgow. Nota.--Robert Graham is there designed of Grougar. 821. A Disposition of the foresaid house, tenement and yard granted by John, Earl of Montrose, to his nephew John, Earl of Wigtown; dated 29th December 1624. 822. A Charter by the said Earl of Montrose to the said John, Earl of Wigtown, and his heirs therein mentioned, in implement of the disposition above mentioRed, of the foresaid house, tenement and yard, with the pertinents, to be hold-en of the king for payment to him and the college of Glasgow as 21.bove respective. This contains Precept of Sasine and is dated 21st December 1624. 823. The said Earl of Wigtown's Sasine following thereon; 10th February 1625 ; \Villiam Fleming, notar. Nota.-N o infeftment nor progress seen of this house since the year 1625. December 29th, 1712.-The papers relating to the house in Glasgow are taken out and given up to Robert Thomson, who bought the same.

XVII.-INVENTORY of the old •vVrits of an yearly annual rent of £ 50 sterling, payable forth of the Lands of Abbotskers, flowing from the Abbots of Holyroodhouse and alienated and disponed in favour .of the Earl of Roxburgh. · 824. A Charter under the Great Seal granted by Walter Stewart of Scotland to Sir Malcolm Fleming of £ I 3 : 6 : 8 yearly to be uplifted forth of the yearly rents of his barony of Kers due by religious men, the abbot and convent of the Holy Cross or Rood of Edinburgh ; sealed and dated at the Feast of St. Dunstan, 1321. 825. A Charter granted by King Robert II. to David .Fleming of £50 sterling of annual rent due to his majesty out of the lands of Kers, payable at Whitsunday and Martinmas yearly, to be holden blench for payment of a penny at Falkirk; dated This is wanting. 826. A Charter under the Great Seal granted by Robert II I., King of Scotland, to his cousin David Fleming of £50 sterling of annual rent due to him by religious men, the abbot and convent and their successors for the time, of the monastery of Holyroodhouse, yearly forth of the lands of Kers, lying in the shire of Stirling, at Whit­ sunday and Martinmas by equal portions, for payment of a penny money in name of blench farm at Falkirk each year, if asked, at the Feast of St. John the Baptist; dated at Scone, 14th March 1391, .being the first year of the reign. \Vitnesses, Walter and Mathew, Bishops of. St. Andrews and Glasgow; Robert, Earl of Fife and Monteath, his dearest brother ; Archibald, Earl of Douglas, Lord Galloway ; James Douglas, Lord of Dalkeith; Sir Thomas of Erskine, Sir Patrick of Graham and Sir Robert of Danielston, the king's cousins and knights ; Alexander of Cockburn of Langton, keeper of the Great Seal [if. Reg. l\Iag. Sig. folio vol. p. 200]. 827. An Indenture and Agreement betwixt John, Abbot of Holyroodhouse and Convent thereof, on the one part, and David Fleming, Lord of Biggar, on the other, whereby the abbot and convent sets to him all their lands of Letham, with the pertinents lying within the sheriffdom of Stirling, for the said David his lifetime for ten merks yearly, with the office of iusticiary, chamberlainry and bailliary of Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wig-town. 99

all their lands of Kers and all their other lands within the sheriffdom of Stirling and constabularly of Lin]ithgow, the said abbot and convent having their incomes of court, escheats and herezalds, &c. as of before, and the said Da\·id was to have for his offices eleven oxengate of land in the said barony, viz., Amons flat, Small burns flat, Quilkle flat, in mea.Iling for six merks, and John of Ochiltree of Linlithgow was to have the mailing of certain other lands therein mentioned for £3 : 3: 4 yearly to be paid by the said David, and several other clauses mentioned in said agreement, which is dated 16th November 1399. 828. A Service or Retour of John of Hamilton of Bouthernock to Robert of Hamilton, his grandfather, in an annual rent of ten merks forth of these annual r~nts out of the lands of Kers and Drips, belonging to Robert, Lord Fleming, Laird of Biggar, lying in the abbots land of Holyroodhouse and sheriffdom of Stirling; dated 9th November 1462. . 829. A Procuratory by Robert, Lord Fleming, for resigning in the hands of James I I I., King of Scotland, all and ha ill ane yearly. annual rent of £40 Scots, to be uplifted at Whitsunday and Martinmas by equal portions, forth of all and haill his lands of Abbotskers in the sheriffdom of Stirling, and also the capital lands and messuage of Olivercastle in the sheriffdom of Peebles; dated and sealed _at Edinburgh 20th December 1480. 830. An Instrument of Resignation following thereupon ; dated 19th April 1481 ; John Pollock, notar. Nota.-Among the procurators is John, Lord of Carlisle. 831. A Sasine proceeding upon a precept forth of the Chancellary in favours of Sir David Fleming, knight, grandchil

resignation, of all and hail the £ 50 of annual rent to be uplifted forth of the said lands of Kers and pertinents belonging to the Abbot and Convent of Holyrood, lying in the shire of Stirling, and the lands of Overkingildoors, lying in the shire of Peebles; dated I I th July and 24th year of his reign I 537. 836. An Instrument of Resignation of the annual rent of £50 to be uplifted forth of the said lands of Kers and of the lands of Over Kingildoors, extending to a 3 merk and a half merk land, made by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, in the king's hands in favour of himself and Janet Stewart, his spouse ; dated II th July I 537 ; John Guthrie, notar. 837. A Charter under the Great Seal following upon the said resignation, to be holden blench for payment of a penny at the Church of Falkirk ; dated 11th july I 537. Witness~s, Gavin, Archbishop of Glasgow, Chancellor; George, Bishop of Dunkeld; Henry, Bishop of Galloway, King's Chaplain at Stirling ; James, E~rl of Murray and Archibald, Earl of Argyle, Master Household; Hugh, Earl of Eglinton, Lord Maxwell; Patrick, Prior of St. Andrews; Robert, Abbot of Holyroodhouse, Treasurer; David, Abbot of Aberbrothock, keeper of the Great Seal ; Sir Thomas Erskine of Brech in, Secretary ; Sir James Colville of Easter Weems, Comp­ troller and Director of the Chancellary, and Mr. James Foulis of Colinton, Register [cf. Reg. Mag. Sig. 1687]. 838. The said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, and his lady's sasine following upon a precept relative to the foresaid Charter; dated 14th July I 537 ; Gilbert Mill, notar. 839. An Obligement to James, Lord Flen1ing, to infeft John Fleming, his brother-german, in respect of his going to France,and that he had no heirs-male of his body, in all and hail the lands of Drips, Cambus­ drennie, West wood and Bad, the lands of Quarter Chappell and Glenquotho, the lands of Thankertoun, and £ 50 yearly out of the lands of Kers, under provision and reversion in manner therein mentioned; sealed and dated the 3rd of February 1557. · 840. The said John Fleming, his Sasine of the said yearly annual rent, upon a precept granted by his brother James, Lord Fleming, for that effect; dated 19th February 1557. Wanting. 841. An Instrument upon John, Lord Fleming, his requiring my Lord and · Lady Holyroodhouse to pay some bygone annual rents due to him forth of Kers ; dated 7th August 1 560 ; John Darow, notar. This is only a copy thereof attested by Gilbert Law, notar. 842. John, Lord Fleming, son and heir to the last John, Lord Fleming, his Sasine, in the said yearly annual rent of £ 50 Scots, to be up­ lifted forth of the said lands of Abbotskers. This proceeds upon a precept forth of the Chancellary relative to his retour ; dated 26th September 1580, the sasine is dated 10th October the said year; John Mushet, notar. Another of the same. The rest of the rights of the said annual rent, so long as it con­ tinued in the Earl of Wigtown's family, are engrossed in the infeft­ ments of his other lands, and to be found among the writs of Lenzie, but it is now sold off as above, to the Earl of Roxburgh as is supposed. XVIII.-INVENTORY of the Writs and Evidents of the Lands of Monicabbock, Auchloun, Moness, Balnakedle and Tulliehaff, lying in Aberdeenshire, and Lands of Lowr, IJrumglay, Totherstoun and others, lying in F orfarshire. 843. A Charter granted by Henry of Brogan, Laird of Auchlown, to Lnarter Chest of the Earldom of 1¥-igtown. IOI

Thomas of Lask, Laird of that Ilk, his cousin, of the half part of his lands of Auchloun, the half of his lands of Moness and Mill thereof, half part of his lands of Balnakedle and half part of his lands of Tulliehaff, lying within the barony of Kinedward and sheriffdom of Aberdeen, to be holden of the Laird of Kined ward, superior thereof; dated 10th 1\-iay 1390. Witnesses, Thomas of Haya,constable of Scotland; Alexander Fraser, sheriff of Aberdeen ; and diverse others. 844. Another Charter granted by said Henry of Brogan, Laird of Auch­ loun, to John of F othes, his dearest father, of the half part of the lands of Auchloun, the half part of his lands of Moness, with the mill thereof, the half part of his lands of Balnakedle and the half part of his lands of Tulliehaff, with the pertinents, in the lordship of Kinedward and sheriffdom of Aberdeen, to be holden of the Laird of Kinedward, without any reclaiming or contradiction on the part of the granter, the father paying for a service to the king in so far as extends to the said half land, and to the superior his service used and wont ; dated and sealed 10th May 1390. Wit­ nesses, Thomas of Haya, constable of Scotland; Alexander Fraser, sheriff of Aberdeen, knight, and others. 845. A Charter of Confirmation by James Lindsay, Lord of Buchan, of the above written Charter granted to Thomas of Lask; sealed and dated at Aberdeen 21st October 1391. 846. A Confirmation of the other Charter to John of F othes ; sealed and of the same date with the former. 847. A Charter by Thomas of Lask and John of F othes, son of 'Allan, to David Fleming, of all and haill the lands of Auchloun, to be holden of the superior ; dated and sealed at Aberdeen 20th August I 392. Witnesses, Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen ; Alexander, Bishop of Moray, and Stephen, Bishop of Brechin ; Sir Patrick of Graham ; Thomas of Erskine ; Robert of Danielston ; and Alexander, sheriff of Aberdeen ; John Fraser, Laird of Forglan ; Walter of Tulloch, &c. 848. A Renunciation by Alicia de Fucbes, spouse to Henry of Brogan, in favour of the said David Fleming, of all right she had to the said lands of Auchloun; sealed and dated at Aberdeen 20th August 1392. 849. An Instrument taken upon Christian of Brogan, wife to John of Allan, and sister and nearest heir to Henry of Brogan, Laird of Auchloun, an infected leper, her coming to Aberdeen, and there in the presence of the Bishop of Aberdeen and in presence of a great many nobles, viz., Robert of Keith, son and heir of John of Keith ; John Lyon, Lord of Glamis, Sir John of Ram organ, William of Kebbertoun, William of Langen, Canons of the Church of Aberdeen ; William of Tulloch, Laird of Bonningtoun ; William of Hamilton ; Alexander of Stratchakin, John Forrester and others; renouncing and making over, with consent of her husband, to Sir David Fleming, son and heir to Sir Malcolm Fleming, Lord of Biggar, all right or title which she had or might have to the said lands of Auchlown, with the pertinents, by reason of succession or otherways, and swore upon the holy Evangel to perfect the security, and again upon her coming to the lands of Auchloun in Buchan in order to the perfecting of the security having a wr-itten right thereof in her hand, and her renouncing there a11 right and title, &c., and putting the said David in her place, and upon Alicia de Brogan, wife to the said Henry, her consenting to the same for all right she had or might have by reason of te1 ce. Witnesses to this last part, these named before and Thomas de Lask and John de Fuches and David Bannerman ; dated 27th and 28th of August 1392 ; Thomas de Cunningham, notar. 102 Charter Chest oj the Earldo1n of iVigtown.

850. A Charter of Confirmation by Euphemia, Countess of Ross, con~ firming the foresaid charter granted to David Fleming, of the lands above designed ; sealed and dated at Stirling 1st October 1392. \Vitnesses, Dougall, Bishop of Dunblane ; Patrick, Prior of the isle of St. Combs ; i\1 urdoch, son and heir of the Earl of Fife, GoYernor; \Valter of Buchanan; John of :Monteith; Robert of N ormanveill, and others. 851. A Procuratory by Marjory of Rossie, relict of the deceased John of Rossie, in Angus, for resigning all and haill her lands of Tullie­ quhorthie, lying in the she1iffdom of Aberdeen, in the hands ot Malcolm Fleming, Lord of Biggar and Auchloun, dated at Bonnington in Angus, 1st November 1406. 852. A Sasine to John Fleming of Cumberriauld of all and sundry the lands of Craig and Tullymade, lying in the barony of Monicabbock and sheriffdom of Aberdeen; dated 3rd December 1501 ; John Howdinam, notar. 8 53. An attested double of a Letter of Re\·ersion by Walter Ogilvie of Badenspink to Malcolm, Lord Fleming, his heirs and assignees, granting the lands and barony of Monicabbock and fishings of the same, lying within the sheriffdom of Aberdeen, to be redeem­ able for .£1200, with a sufficient tack bearing herezelds, merchets and escheats for the term of six years after the redemption, and obliging himself then to renounce that my lord might have regress and ingress to the said lands and fishings in the same manner as be(ore the wadset; dated at Edinburgh 6th March I 525 ; David Michelson, notar to the said transumpt. 854. A Letter of Regress under the Privy Seal in favour of the said Malcolm, Lord Fleming, declaring that upon the redemption he and his shall have free ingress and regress in and to the foresaid baronies, to be holden of. the king as before; dated 7th March l 52 5. 855. An Instrument taken upon the Lord Fleming's paying the sum upon the wadset and giving the assedation and the said Walter Ogilvie his renouncing in the terms of the Letter of Reversion. This is dated 26th l\1ay I 531 ; David Nicolson, notar. 8 56. A Precept of Sasi ne by John Fleming, baron of the barony of Monicabbock, for infefting Alexander Seaton of Tillicbodie, knight, in the lands of Tulliemade, miltoun of Elrigg and mill of Covell, lying in the barony of Monicabock and sheriffdom of Aberdeen, and two annual rents upliftable forth of the lands, in respect the barony had recognosed to the king and my Lord Fleming having paid a composition and got a new infeftment, was ordained to give new infeftment to the vassals and heritable tenants, this precept is relative to a charter granted thereanent; sealed but wants date. 857. A Sasine given to Robert Fleming of Biggar in all the lands he had in· the sheriffdorn of F orfar, to \Vit Lowr, Drumglay, Drun1death and Totherstoun. This sasine is given by the sheriff of the said shire of Forfar and sealed with his seal, and dated 15th February 1443. 858. A Summons under the testimony of the Great Seal against Euphan · Livingstone, relict to l\lalcolm Fleming, and \Villiam Fleming, then her spouse, at the instance of John, Lord Fleming, for relieving George, Earl of Huntly, of thirty-two merks for sixteen years past out of the farms and rents of the lands of Monicabbock belonging to the said Earl of Huntly, and which she and her said husband had uplifted out of the lands of Drips, which were excambed by the said earl and her deceased husband in exchange for the Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 103

said lands and annual rents out of Monicabbock as he alledged; dated 18th September and 6th year of King James his reign. 859. A Bond given by Henry Forbes of Kinneller to Malcolm Fleming, baron of Monicabbock, making mention of a tack of the lands of Monicabbock for seven years, therefore to pay the tack duty and defend the lands and maintain the tenants in manner therein mentioned ; dated 12th February 1465. 86o. A Transumpt by way of Instrument of sasine of the third part lands of Pitcu1T, with the pertinents, lands of Brownland, half of the· mill of Kethness with four acres of land thereof, mill of Essie, and a three shilling annual rent out of the said mill, lying within the sheriffdom of F orfar, to John Fleming of Boghall, and this proceeds upon a precept of·sasine by King James III.; George Galbreath, notar. The sasine is dated 4th June 1445. The transumpt is dated 3rd July 1518; Thomas Foulis, notar. 861. A Liferent Charter by John, Lord Fleming, to John Drummond of Cargill of his ten merk lands of Lowrand of these twenty merk lands which his son, Robert Fleming, lately had, lying in the sheriffdom of F orfar ; sealed and dated I 3th October I 490. These lands were long since sold off, but some further progress of Lowr may be found in my lord's predecessor'3 general infeft­ ments of their estate.

XIX.-INVENTORY of Diverse old Writs, being for the most part Wadsets and Infeftments of some parts of the estate no\v redeemed, or relating to lands which have been long since alienated, as also of Bonds of Manrent and some more material Writs after con­ descended. 862. A bundle, being two papers contam1ng some of the vVrits of Thankertoun. These in all appearance being only omitted to have been given up at the time when the rest of the writs were delivered to Sir William Purves, to whom the lands and barony of Thanker­ toun were disponed, the one a summons of declarator, dated 4th June 1582, the other a sasine, dated 2nd May 1617. It may only be worth the noticing here that it appears by an old Inventory of these writs that the oldest of them in the person of the Lord Fleming were in anno 1465, but these, it is thought, were not the original rights thereo£ 863. A bundle of the Writs and Evidents of the lands of Carwood, and some acres and houses in Biggar, which being a feu given off by the Earl of Wigtown's predecessors and holden of them, came afterwards back into their hands both by conveyances and resigna­ tions ad remanentz'am from the creditors and from the proprietors, the Earls of Wigtown having paid the debts and cleared the incumbrances. This fen belonged to the name of Carwood, and Janet Carwood, the heiress, marrying one Fleming, supposed to be a cousin of the Lord Fleming's, continued in that name till the property of the lands returnell again to the family, of the which writs and creditors diligences, if particular inventory be thought any way needful, the same may be done with a great deal of ease. Nota.-The most considerable creditors have been Stirling of Glorret, who, being infeft in the foresaid lands, he has resigned the same in favour of the Earl of Wigtown ad r~manentz'a11z. 104 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown.

864. A bundle containing some Writs of the lands of Car.dons and both halfs thereof, as well the half which belonged to Robert Chrichton of Quarter, as that half thereof which belonged to James Baillie of Hills, all lying within the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, both halfs held of the Earls of Wig town ward, both halfs came thereafter to belong to one l\i1alcolm Fleming and thereafter to William Fleming, brother to Barochan, and were dispone~ to John, Earl of Wigtown, in liferent, and John, Lord Fleming, his son, in fee, by the said William Fleming and Malcolm I· leming, his son, and Beatrix Douglas, his spouse. 865. A bundle containing the old Writs of Drips, Cambusdrenny, West­ wood and Bad, with the mill built upon Cambusdrenny mill lands, multures, with the ferry cobble and fishings on the Water of Forth, lying within the barony and parochin of Kincardine and stewartry of Strathem, which were acquired from the Earls of Huntly and holden of the Earl of Perth's predecessors by the Lords Fleming blench, parts of them were wadset to Forrester of Torwood and others, and at last alienated and disponed by John, Earl of Wigtown, and John, Lord Fleming, to John, Earl of Perth, conform to a contract of disposition and alienation past betwixt them thereanent ; dated 22nd and 27th days of March 1673, containing a procuratory of resignation ad remanen!z"am thereintil, and which contract with the subscribed inventory of the writs is put up in the bundle of dispositions. 866. A bundle of the old Writs and Evidents of the barony of A11chtermony, of old called Altermony, lying within the earldom of Lennox and sheriffdom of Stirling, which were holden of the Stewarts of Scotland blench, and being resigned in the king's hands by William of:Melgedrum, son to William of Melgedrum of Auchneve, and l\1argaret, his spouse, Robert I I., King of Scotland, dispones the same to his beloved son John Lyon, knight, Chamberlain of Scotland (in which Charter, John, the king's eldest son, Earl of Carrick and Stewart of Sco~land; Robert, Earl of Fife and Monteith, his son, William, Earl of Douglas and Mar; James of Lyndsay, his lawful nephew, and Alexander of Lyndsay, his cousin, are witnesses; dated 22nd of June [1379] and 9th year of the king's reign), and the said lands were afterwards disponed by way of excambion by the Lord Glamis to the Lord Fleming, there being a Charter by King James I. to Robert Fleming of Biggar of the said lands, and which are now alienated and sold off. Nota.-It seems the lands of Auchinreoch, the lands of Belleston and Inch break were parts and pertinents of the said barony. 867. A bundle consisting for the most part of attorneys, unsigned charters and precepts, charges to compt and reckon, scrolls of old inventories, infeftments and such like old writs of no consequence, only there is a sasine of the lands of Arthurshiell lying within the lordship of Liberton, barony of Carnwath and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, to John Lyndsay, upon John Lindsay of Covington his father's precept. 868. A small bundle of Writs relating to the lands of Cardross, lying within the sheriffdom of Dumbarton, and the lands of Southcains lying within the sheriffdom of Boot, which were given by Queen Mary to John, Lord Fleming, about the year 1557. 869. A bundle of the Writs and Evidents of Overcroy, Cr.aigend and Escheinbeuch, lying in the barony of Lenzie, which were feued out by John, then Master, afterwards Earl of Wigtown, to William Fleming, to be holden feu for payment of eight merks thirteen shillings and four pence with the teinds of the said lands and Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 105

sicklike, containing the rights of an annualrent forth of Sheills and Sheillhill, lying in the barony of Biggar. 870. A bundle of Lady Lilias Fleming's liferent rights of the lands of Hallmyre, Boghouse, Densie, Stobo, mill of Stobo and others, flowing from David Murray of Hallmyre, afterwards Stenhope, her husband. 871. A bundle of the Writs and Securities of the debt due to Sir William Fleming, which fell to Lady Jean Fleming, Countess of Panmure, his grandniece, as heir of line to him, and assigned by her to her lord. 872. A bundle of Bonds of Manrent granted to the Earl of Wigtown's predecessors and such like papers. 873. A bundle containing several parchments, being Charters, Sasines and Renunciations of annual rents and wadsets granted to and by creditors on the estate of Wigtown, which are aftermentioned, viz.; a Charter by John, Earl of Wig town, with consent of John, Lord Fleming, his son, to Mr. John Hay, rector of Renfrew, of the two annual rents therein mentioned to be uplifted out of the lands and baronies of Lenzie and Cumernauld, dated 22nd May 1632. An instrument of sasine in favour of Lady Lilias and Helen Flemings of two respective annual rents to be uplifted out of the lands and baronies of Lenzie, Biggar and Auchtermony, dated 2nd April 1636 ; Mr. Harry Scott, notar. Another sasine of two annual rents upliftable forth of the same lands and baronies in favour of Ladies Jean and Anna Flemings, dated last April 1636 ; Mr. Harry Scot, notar. A Charter of wad set by John, Earl of Wigtown, and John, Lord Fleming, to James Shaw in Glentoir of the room of Fauniefide, dated in anno 1655. An Instrument of Sasine in favour of .Robert Murray, bailie in Edinburgh, of an annual rent upliftable out of the lands of Westerraw of Biggar, dated 24th November 1657 ; James Crichton, notar. A Sasine to Sir George Lockhart of the five shilling lands of Spittell, the lands of Canvood and others, redeemable in manner therein mentioned, dated in anno 1669. A Sasine by Alexander Myil, as assignee, by Bishop Ramsay and his spouse in the lands of Wester Gartshoar, anno 1666.. A Precept of clare constat by John, Lord Fleming, for infefting Andrew Brown of Hartree, as heir to Andrew Brown, his grandfather, in the lands of Logan, lying in the barony of Glenquhom, anno 1587. -A Sasine, Lieutenant-Colonel John Fleming of the five merk land of Smithstoun and others, lying within the barony of Lenzie, upon the disposition and precept of Lady Lilias Fleming, therein designed second lawful daughter to the deceased John, Earl of Wigtown, with consent of Richard Storie, her husband, redeemable in manner therein mentioned, dated 28th November 1673. An Instrument of Resignation ad re1nanentz"am of the same to the Earl of Wigtown, anno 1673. 874. A small bundle relating to the sale of the lands of Edmonstoun and Wintermuir sold to Christopher Baillie of Walstoun.

XX.-INVENTORY of a great many other Writs which concern the Earl of Wigtown but make up nothing of a progress, such as feu rights granted to the vassals, Dis­ positions, Discharges, Renounciations, Bonds, Assigna­ tions, Diligences, Tacks, Accompts and others, some of which are of great use, but· many of them serve for 106 Clzarter Chest of the Earldom of Wi"g:town.

nothing. They consist of fifty nine bundles, there being no time to make a particular inventory.

875. A bundle of the Feu Contracts past betwixt the Earls of Wigtown and Lords Fleming and the feuars of the town of Cumernauld, with a paper bearing the particular feu duties. 876. A bundle of the Feu Contracts past betwixt the Earls of Wigtown and Lords Fleming and the feuars of Harbertshire, with a paper bearing the particular reddendos. 877. A bundle of Feu Contracts and Wadsets past betwixt the Earls of Wigtown and Lords Fleming and the feuars and wadsetters of parts of the barony of Lenzie, with a paper bearing the particular reddendos. 878. A bundle of Feu Contracts past betwixt the Earls. of Wigtown and Lords Fleming and the feuars of Glentoirs, with a paper bearing the particular reddendos. 879. A bundle of principal Contracts and doubles of Dispositions past betwixt. the Earl ·of Wigtown's predecessors and several persons upon the alienation made by the earl's ancestors of certain parts and portions of the estate, viz., a disposition to Sir David Murray of Stenhop of the fourth part of the lands of Rachan, all and haill the lands of Urisland and mill thereof, a part of the lands of · Smellhop, and lying within the parochin of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles, with an assignation to the teinds. A disposition to Mr. Alexander Bartram of the lands called Lindsay lands and teinds thereof, lying within the parochin of Biggar and sheriffdom of Lanark. A disposition of warrandice relative to the foresaid last disposition of the lands of Heavyside and Spittell, and that in real security of Lindsay lands ·and teinds thereof. A disposition to Adam Murray in Cardon, brother-gennan to Stenhop, of the lands of Cardon, with a part of the lands of Glenheighton and Glenquhotho, with the manor place of Cardon and lands of Smell­ hop, excepting as is therein excepted. A disposition to Christopher Bayllie and his spouse, of the lands of Edmonston, mill and mill­ lands thereof, lands of Wintennuir, &c., all which were proper parts and pertinents of the barony of Biggar, as for the principal, and all and hail the lands of Biggar Sheills and mill of Biggar in real warrandice thereof; William Murray of Stenhop consents with an assignation to the right of the teinds with a double of the same. A disposition to Mr. Harry Scott of several oxengates of land in and about Biggar, with an assignation to the teinds of Biggar. A disposition and assignation to James Carmichae11 of certain oxengates of land lying in the parochin of Biggar, with an assignation to the rights of the teinds. Another disposition to James Carmichaell of another oxen gate of land, with a right to the teinds. A disposition to Mr. John Brown under reversion of an oxengate of land called the Mossyde of Biggar. This is by way of contract of wadset. A disposition to John Smith of some oxengates in Biggar and of the temple lands, with an assignation to the teinds. A disposition to Sir \Villiam Purvis of the lands and barony of Thankertoun, ad vocation and donation and right of patronage of the churches and chappells of the same, with a right to the teinds. A disposition to Sir David Murray of the lands of Overmenzean, the lands of Overkingildoors, otherways called Chappell Kingildoors, the acre of land of Olivercastle, the lands of Glenquhotho, Quarter and Chappell, lying in the parish of Drumel­ zear and sheriffdom of Peebles, with an assignation to the teinds. A disposition to Alexander Baillie of the lands of Sheills and Betwixt the hills, and to a part of the lands of Balwaistie, as for the Charter Chest of the Earldom of Wigtown. 107

principal, and the lands of Boghall, as for the warrandice, contain­ ing an assignation to the teinds. Disposition to George Kello and his son of two oxengates of land in Biggar to be holden feu. A copy of a feu charter to Mr. John Dickson of \~lhitslead and his son of the lands of Quarter and two parts thereof, lying in the barony of Glenquhom and sheriffdom of Peebles. 880. A great bundle of Writs relating to the tailzie of the Earl of Roxburgh's estate, of the which tailzie the Earl of Wigtown 1s one of the members. 881. A bundle relating. to the Earl of Wigtown's plea and Actions of · Reduction, I mprobation and Declarator of Redemption depending against the Laird of Kincaid and Viscount of Kilsyth, in relation to the lands of Auchinraro, Inchbreak and Inchbellie, lying within the barony ofAuchtermony and sheriffdom of Stirling, and others, with several informations and note of productions about the same. 882. A bundle consisting of five smaller bundles containing the papers relating to the Earl of Wigtown:s affairs with General Dalzell, the Viscount of Kilsyth, the Earl of Annandale and Hartfield, with a bundle of informations about the Earl of Wigtown's affairs and diligence anent Slamanno Muir, with the decreet of the Lords of Session anent the said muir, decerning what is property and what is comn-ionty to either party, with some writs relating to a trust in the person of Mr. Charles Fleming, brother to the late Earl of Wigtown, now deceased, concerning the said commonty. 883. A bundle containing these smaller bundles, viz., consisting of a copy of a Charter granted by Malcolm, Lord Fleming, Great Chamber­ lain of Scotland, to the burgesses of the burgh of barony of Kirkintilloch, of all and haill the burgage lands and tenements belonging thereto, bounded according to the bounds therein set down for payment of twelve merks Scots yearly in name of blench farm, with service used and wont to be done to the granter's predecessors, dated in the year 15 20. A contract betwixt the Earl of Wigtown and the said town of Kirkintilloch, whereby the earl disponed to them the teinds of their respective acres and lands there for the space of nineteen times nineteen years, with an obligement to renew_ aJter expiring, they paying the grassurn and entry silver and yearly tack-duties mentioned in the contract, which is dated in anno 1641. A Principal Disposition by the said burgh to the Earl of Wigtown of a part and portion of their commonty and common muir of Kirkintilloch, lying and bounded in manner there•in mentioned, dated in anno 1630, and an attested double of a Disposition granted by the Earl of Wigtown, with consent of Auchinboll, of that part and portion of land in Kirkintilloch called Gallow muir, lying and bounded in manner therein mentioned, and under the conditions therein specified, dated in anno 1670, with a submission and decreet arbitral concerning the marches. A second containing a contract bet\vixt the Earl of Wigtown and his son and _the Lord Boyd, whereby the earl and his son sell him the teinds of the £ 5 lands of Badenheath, lying in the parish of Lenzie and sheriffdom of Dumbarton, he relieving them of all stipends, &c., anno I 634, with two or three small papers relating to the said contract. A third being a decreet arbitral in relation to the debates betwixt the Earl of Wigtown and Stirling of Harbertshire about the property and commonty of certain mosses, muirs and others therein mentioned. This is dated in anno 1667, registered in the Sheriff Court books of Stirling, 4th April 1668. 884. A large bundle wrapt up in parchment consisting for the most part of retired bonds with infeftments of annual rents, contracts of wadset 108 Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown.

and others of that kind, with a copy of the reversion of the Kirk of Tweedsmuir, all which are thought to be of no moment. 88 5. A bundle of informations and others of that nature, particularly those relating to the earl's affairs with the Earl of Cassillis. 886. A bundle of several old tacks of lands, renunciations, summons, · agreements, rentals, and others relating to several parts of the earl's estate, and specially the lands lying within the barony of Biggar and sheriffdom of Peebles, particularly a small bundle relating to the lands possessed by Mr. James Threpland and Mr. John Muirland which may be more particularly considered, if thought necessary, and the few of them that are of importance may be particularly inventoried by my lord's direction and with his conveniency. 887. A bundle of Decreets, Acts and Letters both at the instance of and against the Earls of Wigtown. · 888. A bundle of old \\""rits relating to the controversy betwixt the Earl of Wigtown's predecessors on the one part and the Lairds of Drumelzear on the other, that are not particularly set down in the inventory. 889. A bundle of Discharges with a registered assignation of Colonel Cunningham's, and a registered bond by Stevenson to Bartram. Nota.-The bundles before mentioned have been glanced over, and it is thought that there are few or no material papers among them besides those taken .specially notice of, but as to the bundles following, there being no time now to examine what kind of writs they are composed of, they are therefore figured and put up by the same titles as the maker of the inventory finds them in, he being informed that there are few or no material writs an1ongst them yet it were advisable that my lord should (when he gets leisure) cause search these bundles and take out what is material leaving the rest as useless, and the same thing may be done as to many of the bundles above set down. 890. A bundle of Tacks. 891. Another bundle of Tacks. 892. A bundle of retired Bonds, Discharges and Renunciations. 893. A bundle of retired Bonds, I nfeftments and Renunciations. 894. A bundle of Renunciations of tenant's Tacks. 895. A great bundle containing- 5even lesser bundles, being retired Bonds, Contracts of Wadset and Renunciations. 896. A great bundle of cancelled Contracts and other Writs. 897. A great bundle containing several lesser ones of retired Bond Tickets and Renunciations. 898. Another large bundle containing several lesser ones of retired Bonds, Contracts of Wadset, and such like. · 899. A bundle of retired Bonds, Contracts of Wadset and Discharges. 900. A bundle of Contracts of \Vadset, Renunciations, Discharges and retired Bonds. 901. Another bundle of retired Bonds, Tickets, and Renunciations. 902. A great bundle of retired Bonds, Contracts of Wadset, &c. 903. A bundle of old papers being retired Bonds, Receipts, &c. 904. A bundle of Writs relating to some of the ladies and children of the family, their provisions. Charter Chest of the Eartdom of Wzgtown. 109

905 A bundle of Writs past betwixt the Earl of Wigtown and Lord Fleming, his son, about the year 16 l 5. 900. A bundle of retired Bonds, Discharges and \Vadsets. 907. A bundle of \Vrits relating to Kempsfield in the Earl of Hartfield's affair. 908. A bundle of papers relating to the affair betwixt the Earls of Wigtown and Cassillis. 909. A bundle of old Writs among which I find a Protestation, anno 1604~ before the Council concerning my Lord Fleming, preceed­ ing all the lords and particularly the L9rd Glamis, and that both be and the Lord Glamis were content to have it determined accord­ ing to the antiquity of their documents. 910. A bundle containing Writs of different natures such as diligences, compts, licences, contracts, particularly a contract of Sir William Fleming's, and some contracts concerning the wood of Cumernauld. 911. A great bundle containing four smaller ones of compts, discharges, receipts, and other useless papers. 912. A small bundle concerning the Marches of Fauniside. 913. A little bundle relating to the process betwixt the Earl of Wigtown and Mr. John Muirhead. 914. A very small bundle, being for the most part receipts of Mr. tt·arry Scot's accompts, and Lord Fleming's burgess ticket of Glasgow, 1614. 915. A bundle of Writs relating to the Lord Fleming's marriage, 1658. 916. A bundle of Accompts relating to the garrison in Dumbarton. 917. A bundle of old Bonds,Assignations, Homings, Inhibitions and others. 918. A bundle of Homings and Inhibitions. 919. A_ bundle of Hornings and Captions. 920. A bundle of Escheats, Inhibitions, Lawburrows, Summons and Executions. 921. A bundle of gifts of Escheats, Letters of Inhibition, Lawburrows, Summonses and others. 922. Another bundle of Escheats and Letters. 923. A small bundle of Hornings and other diligences at the Earls of Wigtown's instance against their tenants. 924. A small bundle relating to the affair betwixt the Earl of Wigtown and Mr. James Ramsay and James Dalgleish. 925. A bundle of Inhibitions of Teinds. 926. A bundle concerning the new church of Lenzie. 927. A bundle of Hornings. 928. A bundle of gifts of Escheat, Lawburrows, Summons, &c. 929. A bundle of letters and instructions from the king about the state affairs. 930. A great bundle containing lesser bundles, relating to pubhc affairs in the late troubles. 931. A bundle of diverse straggling papers, among which are some instruments, a contract of marriage of one of the lairds of Bord, a decreet arbitral betwixt the Earl of Wigtown and William Stark, and some others of lesser note. 932. A bundle of Missive Letters. 933. A bundle of old Inventories, copies of old Charters and a copy of I IO -Charter Chest of the Earldom of W£gtown.

the process concerning the priory of Whythorn, and the process against the Earl of Cassillis. The papers concerning the Earl of Roxburgh's tailzie. · Nota.-There are a great many Chamberlain accompts and other straggling papers, such as compts and missives, laid in the · lowest shuttle of the press, which are scarce worth the pains of bundling but yet may be considered at leisure.

XXL-NOTE of the Extents and Holdings of the Earl of \Vigtown's lands now in his possession either as Proprietor or Superior, as they are contained in the Retour of John, Earl of Wigtown, 19th October 1681. 934.-EXTENTS. . The Auchinreoch and other parts of A uchtermony old extent, £10 13 4 The new extent, . . 42 13 4 The new extent of the barony of Biggar, 144 0 0 The old, . 36 0 0 The new extent of the barony of Lenzie comprehending Kirkin tilloch, 300 0 0 The old, . 100 13 4 The new extent of the barony of Cumernauld, 68 0 0 The old, . 16 0 0 The new extent of Castlerankines, 72 0 0 The old, . . 18 0 0 The new extent of Glentoirs, . 8 0 0 The old, . 4 0 0 The new feu-duty of the barony of Denny, . IO 0 0 The old as much, . IO 0 0 The new of Seymores, Catscleugh, Drips, &c. IO ·o 0 The old . . . Surely wrong though thus retoured, 2 IO 0 The patronages of the two churches of Lenzie new, . 0 3 0 The old, 0 I 0 The teinds new, I 0 0 The old, 0 6 8

935.-THE HOLDINGS AND REDDENDOS. Cumernauld Mains, Forrests, &c., Mains of Boghall, town and burgh of barony of Biggar and Acres, hold blench for payment of a pair of gilt spurs. Auchinreoch, Inchbellie, Inch break and Auchinririe, as parts of the barony of Auchtermony, hold blench, paying also a pair of gilt spurs. Castlerankine, comprehending as in the retour, holds blench for pay­ ment of ·a penny with a pair of white spurs, or eightpence, at the Cross of Edinburgh, if asked. The patronage of Stobo, parsonage and vicarage, comprehending the other churches, as in the retour holds blench for payment of a penny, if sought. · _ The barony of Denny holds feu for payment of .£10, as a part of fifty merks qmtained in Lord Torphichen's infeftments, without any doubling at the heir's entry. Glentoirs holds feu for payment of six merks, three shillings and four­ pence, and 2 bolls multure oats, or five shillings for each boll, in the option of the heritor and doubling, &c., and giving suit at three· head courts of the barony of~l\1unkland. Charter Chest. of the Earldom of Wz"gtown. 1 I I

All the rest of the lands and others hold taxtward for payment of 1315 merks as a proportional part of £ 1000 (in regard of the lands sold to Gartshoar, which pays 12 5 merks thereof), and that for all the time of the ward and nonentry, and for the relief 215 merks as a part of 300 merks (Gartshoar paying eighty-five merks), and for the reddendo 1100 merks as a proportional part of 1200 merks (Gartshoar paying 100 merks), when said relief and marriage shall happen. Nola.-This of Gartshoar must be wrong in sixty merks (his Charter · is dated 24th July 1680), as his share of the relief should be only twenty-five merks, and the earl's 27 5 merks, agreeable to the proportions. The teinds of Lenzie hold blench, paying thirty shillings Scots, a pro­ portional part of the blench duty of Cardross ( of which lordship the Monastery of Cambuskenneth was sometim.e a part, as the teinds were a part of the Abba.:-y) being £30 as a part of the blench duty, payable to the lordship of Cardross, in the Earl of Mar's Charter of Erection. The old and new churches of Lenzie and teinds hold blench for pay­ ment of a penny, if asked. . The house in Glasgow pays of feu, and pays to the College the said feu, which is fifty shillings Scots.


Aberbrothock, Bernard, Abbot Argyll, David Hamilton, Bishop of, chancellor, . 30, 242 of ( I 5I 5), • · • 453 ,, David, Abbot, keeper of Arnot, David. See Galloway, Great Seal, . . . 8 37 Bishop of. Aberdeen Bishop of, Patrick ,, Henry, Abbot of Cambus- (1331), • • • • 246 kenneth (1484), . 354 ,, Alexander Kinninmond. Arran, James, Earl of, 240, 241, (1343), • • • 226 471, 525 ,, Gilbert Greenlaw (1397- Arthur, John, wright, . . . 66 1405), 13, 18, 19, 228, 229, Atholl, John, Earl of,. 108,779, 1120 231, 401-404, 847, 849 ,, Thomas, Earl of, . 1 ,, Thomas Spence (1459-80), 417 Atkinson, Thomas, notary, . 425 ,, William Elphinston (1484- Auchinleck, Katherine (1557), . 797 1515), . . • 445, 723 Avendale, Andrew, Lord, . . 832 ,, Gavin Dunbar (1525), 471, 47 4, 488, 491 Baillie, Alexander, of Boghall, 879 Acheray, Sir John, notary, . 29 ,, Christopher, of Walston, Adamson, James (1557), . . 797 874, 879 ,, Katherine, . . 797 ,, James, of Hills, . . 864 ,, Patrick. See St. Andrews, Balliol, Henry of, . 1 Archbishop of. Balfour, Andrew of, . . 716 Airth, William of, . . 403 Balladen, --, . . . 116 ,, Sir William, of Plean, Kt.. 714 ,, Sir Ludovick, of A uchnoull, Aitchison, Thomas, notary, . 625 Justice-Clerk, . . 296, 7 45 Albany, John, Duke of, 63, 453 Balman, John (1596), . . 802 ,, Murdoch, son to Robert, Bannatyne, John, notary, . . 458 Duke of, . . 403 Bannerman, David (1392), . 849 ,, Murdoch, Regent, . 850 Bar, Alexander. See Moray, ,, Robert, Duke of, 12, 13, 15, Bishop of. · 19, 20, 227-229, 401-404 Barclay, David of, . 229 Alderston, Hugh of, . . 227, 402 ,, Gilbert, . . 62 ,, William of, his son, . . 402 ,, Patrick, of Tolly, 62 Alexander I I., King, . 1 Barr, David, notary, . 61 Allardice, -, 62 B~ram,-- . 8~ Ambrose, Duncan, notary,. . 738 ,, Alexander, . . 879 ,, Thomas, notary, . 7 38 Beaton, James. See St. Andrews, Ancrum, Hector Douglas, Rector Archbishop of. of, . . . 8 I 5, 81 9 Bell, William. See St. Andrews, Anderson, J oho, Cumbernauld, . 66 Bishop of. Angus, Archibald Douglas, Earl Bellenden, Thomas, of Auchnoull, of, . 65, 440, 442, 443,471, 745 Justice-Clerk, . 52 5 Angus, George, Earl of, . . 779 See also Balladen. Annandale and Hartfield, Earl Benedictine Order, Gavin, Com- 0~ • • 882,907 mendator of, . . 522 Antonius, Cardinal, . . . 64 Bethune, Cardinal David. See Argyll, Archibald, Fourth Earl St. Andrews, Archbishop 0£ of, 78, 82, 93, 445, 488, Binning, Thomas, Lord, . 769 491, 723, 837 Black, Wiliam, notary, . . 2 54 ,, Colin, First Earl of, 31, 34, Blackburn, William of, Abbot of . 49, 52 5, .832 Cambuskenneth (1398), . 353 H I 14 Index of Persons. ------Blair, John, of A~amtoun, . 714, 71 5 Brown, Thomas, notary, . . 43 1 ,, Robert,notary,. . 816 ,, '\Villiam, younger of Blantyre, \Valter, Commendator Hartree, . 407 of, Privy Seal, . 296, 379, 381 Bruce,--, of Newton, . 215 ,, \Valter, Prior of, . 745 ,, Alexander, JI ,, William, Lord, . . 379 ,, Alexander, of Airth, . 32 Belton, Robert, burgess of ,, Sir Alexander, of Airth, Haddington, . . 233 Kt. . 128, 130, 750 Borthwick, William, Lord,. . 453 ,, l\1r. Alexander, of Airth, 134, I 53 Bothwell, Countess of, . 352 ,, Alexander, son to Alex- ,, Patrick. Earl of, . 445 ander B. of Airth, . 134 Bowmaker, James, of Carden, ,, Edward, the King's uncle, 30 407, 495, 496 ,, John, third son to Sir Alex- Bower, John, of Wauchopehead, 231 ander B. of Airth, . J 30 Boyd, Sir Alexander, of Drum- ,, John of, . 788 coall, 33, 34 ,, Ninian, 87 ,, Robert, 1st Lord ( I 46 5), ,, Robert of, . . 716 31, 33, 40 ,, Robert, of Stenhouse, . 792 ,, Robert, 5th Lord (1581), 818 Brydden, William, notary, . . 567 ,, Robert of . · 377 Buchan, Earls of, 12 ,, Robert, Lord, . 342 ,, John, Earl of, . . 404 ,, Robert, of Badinhaugh, 53 ,, William, Earl of, ~ 2 ,, Sir Thomas, Kt., of Buchanan, Walter of, . 403, 850 Kilmarnock, . 8, 9 Bully, Duncan, parson of Kinnell, 419 ,, Sir Thomas, of Kilmarnock, 12 ,, William, chaplain, Stirling, 419 ,, Thomas, of Kilmarnock, . 4q6 Bunten, Nicholas, of Ardoch, 53 ,, William, son to Sir Thomas, 8, 9 Burn, Robert, . 425, 645 ,, William, of Badenheath, . 82 ,, Wil1iam of, 12, 247 Caithness, Andrew, Bishop of ,, William, Lord (1667), . 883 (15151 . 453 Bready, Gavin, notary, 29 ,, George, Earl of, . 779 Brisbane, Janet, daughter to Caldwell, James, N.P. . 676 John B. of Bishoptoun, . 333 Callander, James, Earl of, . 207, 208 ,, John, of Bishoptoun, . . 333 ,, Patrick, Abbot of Cambus- Brech in, Bishop of, Adam ( 1343), 226 kenneth, . ·. 714 Patrick de Leuchars Cambuskenneth, Patrick, Abbot " ( I 36 I -82 ), . . 6, IO, 30 of (1425), . . 714 ,, Stephen ( 1392), • . 403, 847 ,, Adam Erskine, Commen- ,, Walter Forrester (1413), . 404 dator, 12 I, 357-360, 364, 365 ,, '\Valter \Vhiteford (163-3), ,, Alexander Mylne, Abbot of 379, 81 I ( I 525), 78, 355, 356, 361-363, 491 Brogan, Christian, spouse to ,, Henry Arnot, Abbot of (1484), John of Allan, . . 849 354 ,, Henry, of Auchlown, ,, William, of Blackbum, 843,844,849 Abbot ( 1398), . . . 353 Brown, Sir Andrew, chaplain, Campbell, Mr. Thomas, Vicar of Biggar, .· 486 Biggar, . 386, 387 ,, Andrew, notary, . 476 Cardross, Lord, . . . 2 I 2 ,, Andrew, of Hartree, 508, Carlisle, John, Lord, . 49, 830, 832 512, 529, 601, 873 Carlyle, Sir John, of that Ilk, . 426 ,, Andrew, of Hartree, . . 873 Carmichael, James, Biggar, . 879 ,, Christian, spouse to John Carnock, Sir Thomas of, Kt., B. of Hartree, . . 407 Chancellor, . . 3, 226 ,, ·- David ( 1598), 799-802 Carrick, John of, Canon of Glas- ,, Gilbert, of Hartree, . . 601 gow, Chancellor, 30, 246 ,, John, of Hartree, . 407 ,, John, Earl of, . 866, I 130 ,, John, Biggar, . 879 See Stewart, John. ,, Richard, - younger of Carse, Richard, notary, . . 179 Hartree, . 508, 512, 513 Carwood, Janet, of that Ilk, . 863 ,, Marion, spouse to Hugh Cassillis, Earl of, . 88 5, 90$, 933 Douglas, . . 67 3 ,, Gilbert, Earl of, . 106 Index of Persons. II5

Cassillis, John, Earl of, 195, 196 Crawford, Nicolas, Clerk of Cathcart, Lord, . . 33 Justic1ary, . 489 Chalmers, John, of T orries, 62 ,, Reginald of, king's secretary, 15 • Chaloner, Alexander, . 62 ,, Thomas, notary, . 441 Chapman, John, notary, 470, 67 I Crichton, George. See Dun- Chamberlain, Great, . 94, I 12, 320 blane, Bishop of. Charteris, Sir John, of Amisfield, 334 ,, Sir James, of Frendraught, 62 Chatelherault, James, Duke of, . 94 ,, James, notary, . . 873 Chatto, Thomas of, . 716 ,, Janet, relict of William Chappel, Thomas, parson of Fleming of Bord, . 291 Biggar, . 531 ,, John, tutor of Sanquhar, . 93 Charles L, King, 204, 221, 299, ,, Lord, . . 521 302, 307, 3 r 2 ,, Robert, Lord, of Sanquhar, 32 5 Charles II., King, 306, 314, 317 ,, Robert, of Quarter, . 507, 864 Chisholm, William. See Dun­ ,, Sir William, chancellor, . 25 blane, Bishop of. ,, William, Lord, of Sanquhar, Christie, James, notary, . 305 40, 95 Cleland, Sir James, of Monkland, ,, William, 93 Kt. . . 809 Cumming, Walter, . 2 ,, John, . 762-769 ,, William, of Lenzie, . I Clement VI I., Pope, . 70 ,, William, Earl of Buchan, . 2 Clerk, Brian, . 209 ,, William, clerk, his son, 2 ,, Gavin, notary, . 68, 722 Cunningham, Archibald, of ,, William, notary, . 647 Auchinbowy, sheriff of Cock, Richard, notary, . 454 Stirling, . 714, 715 Cockburn, Sir Alexander, of ,, Colonel, . 889 Langton, . 231, 232 ,, John, . apparent, of Glen- ,, Alexander, . 233 garnock, . 8 5, 321 ,, Alexander, of Langton, ,, Robert, notary, . 54, 56, 726 keeper of Great Seal, . 826 ,, Thomas, notary, . 849 ,, Sir John, of Ormiston, ,, \iVilliam, of Glengarnock, . 321 Justice Clerk, . 607, 769 Cuthell, John, of Stoniewood, . 774 , Sir Richard, younger, of ,, John, younger, of Stonie- Clerkington, Kt., keeper wood, · . 774 of Great Seal, . 607, 7 54, 769 Cuyk, George, notary, . 497 ,, William, of Henderland, 489, 524, 52 5 Dalgleish, James, . 924 ,,. Sir William, of Langton, Dalzell, General Thomas, . 31 5, 882 297,299,300, 302-305 Danielstoun, Sir John, Kt. . 10 Colquhoun, George, of Glen, ,, Sir Robert of, Kt. 403, 826, 847 254, 257-2 59, 277 Darnley, John Ste\vart, Lord, 36, 37, 40 ,, Sir John, of that Ilk, . 34 ,, John~ Lord, 3 1, 788 ,, Patrick, . 84 ,, \Villiam, Lord, . . 779 Colville, Sir James, of Ochiltree Darren, James, notary, 43, 45, 46, and Easter Weems, comp- 50, 51,429, 63~ 636 troller, 78, 471, 47 4, 488, 491 Darrow, John, notary, . 841 ,, Mr. James, Chancellor of David I I., King, 3, 5, 6, Io, 30, Glasgow, . . 376 176, 226 ,, Robert, of Ochiltree, . . 723 Davidson, John, servant, . 93 Corsby, Robert (1626), . 612 Dawsey, James, notary, . 256 Coupar, William. See Gallo- De Bosco, \i\lilliarn, Chancellor, 1 way, Bishop 0£ Deer, \Valter, Abbot ot~ 2 Coutts, James, notary, 262, 437 Dennes, John, clerk public, . 241 Crackalien, Thomas, notary, · 693 De Veke, Jacob, 780, 781 Craig,--, 62 Dick, \Villiam, notary, 60 Cranstoun, William, notary, 405 Dickson, Archibald, of Glen- Crawford, Alexander, fourth qutho, . 450 Earl of ( 1448), . ,, Edward, notary, . 499, 505 ,, David, 5th Earl of (1480), ,, John, notary, 439,447,456 33, 49, 227, 832 ,, (Dickieson) John, of Ormis- ,, John of, king's clerk, 18 ton, . • 494 I 16 Index of Persons.

Dickson, John (1629), . 618 Dunbar, Gavin. See Glasgow, ,, John, of Whitstead, . . 479 Arch bishop of. , Patrick, . . 460 ,, Patrick of, Earl of March, 3, 5, 30 ,, Patrick ( 1 52 3), . . . 622 Dunblane, Bishop of, Dugal (1405), ,, Thomas, of Ormiston, . 433 403, 850 ,, Thomas, younger, of Ormis- ,, William Chisholm (1545),. 529 ton, . . . . 4.33, 58 5 Duncan, James, notary, 172,188, Dingwall, Sir Thomas, chaplain, 781 190, 009, 695, 696, 702, Dishington, William, of Montrose, 797 767, 807, 810 Douglas, William, 6th Earl of ,, James, prebendary of Biggar ( 1441 ), Justice General, . 24 Church, . . 602 ,, Earl of ( 1600 ), . . . 694 Dundas, Sir Archibald, of that ,, Sir Archibald, Knight of Ilk, . . . . . 32 Galloway,. . 6, 7, 10, 30 ,, Sir George, Lord of Temple- Archibald, Earl of, 13, 1 5, house of Torphichen, . 741 19, 228, 401, 402, 623, 717 Dunfermline, Alexander, Earl of, ,, Archibald of, . . . 19 174,349,607,754,769 ,, Archibald, of Kilspindie, ,, James, Abbot of, . 445 Provost of Edinburgh, 471, 4i4 ,, James, Postulatus of, . 453 ,, Archibald, . . . 826 Dunkeld, Bishop of, John Peebles ,, Beatrix, spouse to John (1382), . . . . l I Fleming of Cardon, . . 204 ,, James Livington (1482), 788, 832 ,, Beatrix, spouse to Malcolm ,, George Crichton (1526-38), Fleming, . . 864 78, 471, 474, 525, 837 ,, Mr. Hector, rector of Dunlop, John, of Gamkirk, . 379 Ancrum, . . 815, 819 Dyssington, Sir William, Kt. 10, 30 ,, Hugh, burgess of Edinburgh, 673 ,, Sir James, of Dalkeith, Eglinton, Sir Hugh of, Kt. 30, 246 13, I 5, 19, 228, 401, 402, 826 ,, Hugh of, . . . 837 ,, James, Lord of, . . 30 ,, Hugh, Earl of, 78, 453, 488, 491 ,, Sir James, of Mordington, Elphinstone, William. See Aber­ 198, 199 deen, Bishop of. ,, Sir James, Lord of, . 242 Erskine, Adam, Abbot ofCambus­ ,, James; of Drumlanrig, . 328 kenneth, 357-360, 364, 365, 366 ,, James, son to Earl of Mor- ,, Captain Alexander, second ton, . . . . 437 son to Earl of Mar, 371, 372 ,, William, 5th Earl, 6, 10, ,, John, of Dun, . . 1o6 l l, 30, 246 ,, John, Lord, . 489, 529,-558 ,, and Mar, William, Earl of, 866 ,, Sir Robert, of that Ilk, ,, Sir William of, Kt. 31 5, 6, Jo, I I, 30 ,, Willia1n, guardian, . . 35 ,, Sir Robert, 19 ,, Sir William, Lord of Lid- ,, Sir Robert of, . 30 desdale, Kt. . . . 226 ,, Robert, of that Ilk, . . 245 ,, Mr. William, Chancellor of ,, Sir Thomas, Kt. (1399), Dunkeld, . . 502, 504 13, 15, 228, 401-403 ,, Sir William, of Drumlanrig, 623 ,, Mr. Thomas, of Brechin, Dowell, Matthew, notary, . . 792 secretary (1538), 78, 525, Drummond, Henry, ofRickarton, 797 826, 837, 847 ,, Jean, Lady Fleming and ,, Thomas, of Hatton, secre- Countess of Wigton, tary, . . 474, 488, 491 201,202,204,341,777 I ,, Thomas, Lord, . . . 779 ,, John, of Cargill, . 861 Evandale, Andrew, Lord, . 49, 417 ,, John, notary, 20 I, 202, 203 ,, Richard, notary, . 791 Fife and Menteith, Robert, Earl Dryburgh, Thomas, Commendator of, I I, 30, 229,-246, 826, 850, 866 of, . . 529 ,, Duke of Albany, . 1i Drysdale, Thon1as, Islay Herald, 17 5 FLEMING OF BIGGAR AND CUM­ Dunbar, Mr. Gavin, Archdeacon BERNAUI D, AFTERWARDS of St. Andrews, . 445, 453 LORDS FLEMING AND ,, Gavin. See Aberdeen, EARLS OF WIGTOWN- Bishop of. S ir Malcolm ( 1246-96 ), . . 62 5 Index of Persons. 117

FLEMING OF BIGGAR, &c. contd.­ FLEMING OF BIGGAR, &c. contd.­ Robert, of Cumbernauld (1290- I 24, 204, 230, 238, 274-276, 1314), . . . . . 62 5 280, 281, 319-321, 323, 352, Sir l\tlalcolm (1296-1314), 625,824 356, 457, 463, 465-480, 483- Sir Malcolm (1333), Earl of 488, 491-520, 522-531, 533- Wigtown ( 134 I), 3, 4, 30, I 76 536, 539-541, 545, 555, 569, David, cousin to William Moir 667-680, 792, 794, 797, 834- of Abercorn (1338), . 227, 228 838, 8 53-856, 883 Thomas, 2nd Earl of Wig- Janet Stewart, his wife, 70, 88, town (1351-82), 7-I 1, 30, 245-247 352, 529, 835-838 Sir.Malcolm, of Biggar (1346- Janet, his daughter, spouse to 82), 4-6, 9-11, 226, 232, 233, John, Lord Livingst~ne, 319, 320 235, 245, 246, 400, 401, 403, 849 Elizabeth, his daughter, spouse Christian, his spouse, . . 6, 9 of William, Lord Crichton, 52 I Patrick, his son. See Fleming Margaret, his daughter, spouse of Bord, to (1) Robert Graham, Sir David, of Biggar and Cum­ Master of Montrose, 323; bernauld (1362-1405), 12-20, ( 2) Thomas Erskine, Master 231, 232, 235, 247, 250, 353, of Mar, 108; (3) John, Earl 402, 403, 825-827, 847-850 of Atholl, . . 128 David, his second son, 15, 16,250, 2 51 Janet, his daughter, spouse to Sir Malcolm, of Biggar and Richard Brown, . 508, 512, 5 13 Cumbemauld ( 14o6-40), 1 5, John, his natural son, 93 16, 22, 24, 2-5, 27, 29, 229, JAMES, 4th LORD FLEMING 248, 249, 404, 406, 413, 420, ( I 547-58), 89-98, 100· 108,

623, 851 I 127 I 22, 124, 236, 282, ·284, John, Lord ( 1418), . . . 21 325, 326, 538-545, 547-556, Sir Robert, of Biggar, (1445- 559, 564, 569, 678-683, 685, 94), 1st LORD FLEMING, 23- 794-797, 839, 840 29, 31 -40, 42-49, 5 5, 2 34, 3 54, Barbara Hamilton, his spouse, 408-413, 419-425, 427-429, 285, 324 627-642, 739, 740, 779-783, Jean, his daughter, spouse to 785-789, 828-832, 857 John, Lord Thirlestane, 329, Malcolm. his son. See Flem- 398, 559, 569, 577-579, 586, 685 ing of Monicabock. JOHN, 5th LORD FLEMING Elizabeth, his daughter, (r558-1572), 100-106, uo- spouse to James, Lord 115, 117-122, 124, 126, 135, Livingstone, ~ 44 286, 294, 547-550, 552-553, Beatrix, his daughter, spouse 555, 556, 558-56o, 564-568, to William Stirling of Keir, 243 570, 685-688, 795-797, 803- JOHN, 2nd LORD FLEMING 805, 8 39-842 ( 1494-1524), 53-5 5, 57, 59, Elizabeth Ross, his spouse, 60, 62, 65, 67, 72, 237, 2 52, 120, 122, I 23 253, 257-259, 261, 262, 327, Mary, his daughter, spouse to 35 5, 437-440, 442, 444, 445, James Douglas of Drum- 451-453, 455, 456, 458, 46o, -lanrig, . . 328 466, 468, 478, 485, 622, 642- JOHN, 6th LORD FLEMING 655, 657-668, 713, 741, 790- (1572-16o6), 121-140, 142- 792, 833, 834, 86 l 151, 153-165, 170-173, 291, Margaret Stewart, his spouse, 292, 295, 296, 298, 328, 329, . 60, 453, 454 330, 357-366, 381-384, 391, Malcolm, his son, prior and 392, 562, 564-576, 580-582, commendator of Whithorn, 584, 587, 590-592, 595, 597, 85, 109, TIS, 463, 464, 478, 529 599, 687-691, 693-699, 744, Margaret, his daughter, spouse 746-748, 798-802, 804, 805, to John Cunningham of 842, 873,909; Ist. EARL OF Glengarnock, 85, 32r, 322 WIGTOWN (16o6-1619), 174- Robert, his son, . 861 184, 186-188, 194, 331-335, MALCOLM, 3rd LORD FLEM- 386, 387, 388, 6oo, 6o1, 700- ING (1524-1547), 60-70, 73, 702, 7 50-7 55, 762-767' 770, 77-86, 88, 89, 94, 112, 122, 806, 809, 8 I 0 118 Index of Persons.

FLEMING OF BIGGAR, &c. contd.­ FLEMING OF BIGGAR, &c. contd.­ Lilias Graham, his spouse, 127,695 Sir Robert, cornet, his son, . 314 Sarah Maxwell, his spouse, . 185 Charles, his son, . 221, 882 James, his son. See Fleming JOHN, LORD FLEMING, 211, of Boghall. 2 I 2, 348, 62 I' 87 3, 9 I 5 ; 4th Alexander, his son, . 61 I EARL OF WIGTOWN (1665- Jean, his daughter, spouse to 1668), . . 216-218, 350 George, Master of Loudoun, Anna Ker, his spouse, . 211 172, 332, 770, 873 Jean, his daughter, spouse to Anne, his daughtei;, spouse to George, Earl of Panmure, Sir William Livingstone of 221, 350, 871 Kilsyth, . . 335, 873 Lilias, his daughter, spouse to Margaret, his daughter, spouse Richard Storry, . . . 873 to Sir John Charteris of WILLIAM, 5th EARL OF WIG­ Amisfield, . . . 221, 334 TOWN (1668-1681), 216-223, Lilias, his second daughter, 315-317, l49, 351, 873 spouse to David Murray of Henrietta Seton, his spouse, Stanhope, . 336, 337, 870, 87 3 349, 35 1 Mary, spouse to Archibald Mary, his daughter, spouse to Stewart, younger, of Castle- Harry Maule of Kellie, . 351 milk and Finnertoun, 339, 340 JAMES, 6th EARL of WIG­ Rachel, his daughter, spouse TOWN (1681-1744), 223, 224, to George Lindsay of Coving- 225, 35 I, 934, 935 ton, . 337 FLEMING OF BALLACH- Helen, his daughter, . 87 3 J ohn, elder, . 288 -, natural son, . 590- 592 Patrick, . . 616 JOHN, LORD FLEMING, I 77, FLEMING OF BARROCHAN- 331, 383-385, 387, 391-393, William, . . 105, 107 600, 602, 765-767, 769, 770, Alexander, . 142, 147 8o6-8o8, 914 ; 2nd EARL 01" FLEMING OF BOGHALL- WIGTOWN, 185-189, 191- J ohn, of Boghall (1501), . 2 IO, 297, 299-304, 307, 309, William, of Bogh all ( 1518), 312, 336, 338, 339, 342-346, 61, 74,463,464,529 368, 371-373, 378, 379, 388, John, of Boghall (1542-1582), 389, 398, 399, 603, 606-616, 93, 105, 107, I 16, 126, 554 618-621, 700, 703-710, 733- James, of Boghall, son of John, 738, 772-778, 809-811, 821, 1st Earl ( 1509), . . 327, 444 823, 873, 883 John, of Boghall ( 1445), . . 86o Margaret Livingstone, his Malcolqi, brother, son to John spouse, 177, 178, 186, 201, F. of Bog hall ( 1569), . . II6 33 I, 344, 346, 600, 700-702, l\1ariota, natural daughter to 774,806,807 William F , spouse to Robert Sir William, his son, vice­ Stirling of Ballinkeir, . 74 chamberla1n, 221, 309, 310, FLEMING OF BORD­ 312, 313, 710, 871, 910 Patrick, of Bord (1369), son of Alexander, his son, . 710 Sir Malcolm F., 245-251, Eleanor, his daughter, spouse 400, 40 I, 406 to David, Earl of Wemyss, James, of Bord (1424), 248-251, 4o6 346, 347 William, of Bord (1500), 54 57, Anne, his daughter, spouse to 58, 252-256, 260, 277, 282- Robert, Lord Boyd, . 342 285, 293, 446 Jean, his daughter, spouse to · Janet, his daughter, . . 255 Sir John Grierson of Lagg, 343 James, of Bord (1505-31), JOHN, LORD FLEMING, 197, 256, 260-264, 293 201-206, 343, 345, 346, 37 3, William, of Bord ( 1531-49 ), 377, 379, 389, 617, 733-738, 76, 84, 105, 107, 263-274, 777,778, Sn, 883; 3rd EARL 277, 279-281, 287 OF WIGTOWN (1650-1665), William, of Bord ( I 549 ), 210-215, 306,311,341,348 282-284, 286, 29 I Jean Drummond, his spouse, George, . . . . . 287 201, 202, 204, 341, 777 James, of Bord (1571), . 285-287 Index of Persons. 119

FLEMING OF BORD, contd.­ Fleming, John, sen·ant to the John, of Bord ( 1 57 4-97 ), 15 7, commendator of Whithorn, 109· I 53, I 68, 288-290, 292, 330 ,, Margaret, spouse to George Agnes, his daughter, spouse to Home of Broxmouth, . 260 John Lindsay of Covington, ,, Michaell, notary, 72, 464, 465 I 57- I 68, 292, 330, 598 ,, Thomas, burgess of Edin- William, son to James F. of burgh, . . 55 I Bord, . . 41 I ,, Thomas ( 15 57 ), . • 797 FLEMING OF BROUGHTON, ,, Mr. Thomas, . I 17 Thomas of, . . 61 1 ,, William, notary, 133, 7 54 FLEMING OF CARDRONA- ,, William, . . . . 8 58 William, brother to Barrochan, 864 ,, William, parson of Biggar, Malcolm, of Cardrona, 599, 617, 864 servant to the Chancellor, John, of Cardon, . 204 381-385, 389 FLEMING OF GARWOOD, . . 863 Forbes, Harry, of Kinnellar, . 859 John, of Carwood, . 562, 588 ,, William, Lord, . . 34

William, his son1 vicar of Forrest, Mr. Walter, Canon of Biggar, 562, 588, 602 Aberdeen, . . 1 5 FLEMING OF CLOCHARN, James, Forrester, Sir Adam, Kt. . . 18 189, 191 ,, Alexande~, Englishman, 69, 489 FLEM1NG OF CUMBERNAULD, ,, Duncan, son to Matthew F. John (1501), . 852 639, 640, 641 . FLEMING OF FULLWOOD- ,, Sir Duncan,ofSkipnish and Thomas, . 8, 9, 1 1 Torwood, Kt. . . 643, 644 Malcolm (1314), . 626 ,, Sir Duncan, of Garden, Kt. 666 FLEMING OF KILMALCOLM, ,, James, senior, of Garden, . 776 George, 56 ,, Sir James, of Garden, Kt. . 776 FLEMING OF MONICABBOCK- ,, Sir John, of Corstorphine, Malcolm, son and heir to Kt. . 404, 623 Robert, 1st Lord F., 32, 35, ,, John (1392), . . 849 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 49, 52, 427, ,, Malcolm, of Pittencoshian, 429, 627, 631-633, 785, 786, 714, 715 858, 859 ,, Matthew, burgess of Stir- Sir David, his son, 42, 49-52, ling (1462), 628, 631, 636, 427, 429, 438, 627, 638, 785, 638-640 786, 790, 831-833 ,, Sir Walter, ofTorwood, son John, of Monicabbock, . . 856 to Sir Duncan F., 643,663, FLEMING OF OVERCROY, . 189, 190 664, 693 FLEMING OF TORPEDO- ,, Mr. Walter, secretary, . 18, ·231 William, . • 434-436 ,, Walter. See Brechin, Robert, his brother, 434, 435 Bishop 0£ John(1496), . • • 434 ,, of Torwood, . . . 86 5 Fleming, Alexander (1457), . 781 Foulis, Alexander, notary, . . 31 ,, Alexander, parson of Glen- ,, Mr. James, of Colinton, quhom, . 391, 392 clerk register, 78,491, 525, 837 ,, Alison, spouse to Thomas ,, Thomas, notary, . . 860 Harvie, advocate, . 691 Francis I., Dauphin of France, ,, Esther, spouse to Charles King of Scotland, 63, I 04, 55 S Geddes of Rachan, . . 584 Fraser or Frissell, Sir Alexander, ,, George, parochial clerk of Sheriff of Aberdeen, 403, Biggar, . 444 843, 844, 847 ,, Isobel, spouse to John ,, Alexander, notary, , . 641 Wallace in Johnston, . 129 ,. Catherine,ofWester Small- ,, James(1536), . 520 hopes, . . . 444 ,, James, notary, . . . 22 5 ,, Catherine, granddaughter ,, Mr. James, chaplain, Kirk- of William F., of Frude, intilloch, . . 379 461-465, 478, 479, 481-483 ,, John ( 1 536), . 520 ,, John, Cumbernauld, . . 141 ,, Major John, . . . 305 ,, John, of Forglen, 403, 847 ,, Lieut.-Colonel John (1637), ,, Simon, . . 430, 432 221, 873 ,, Thomas of Frude, 407 120 Index of Persons.

Fraser or Frissell, William, son to Goldsmith, John, notary, . 52, 832 Simon F. . . . 430, 432 Goosby(Busby), Sir John, chaplain, 20 ,, William, of Frude, 407,430, Gordon, Alexander, Lord, . . 324 431, 441, 444, 448, 449, 461, 462 Govan, John, of Cardrono,. . 610 Freesom, Andrew, notary, . 80 ,, William, of Cardrono, 491, 5o6 Fukes, Allan of, . . . 403, 847 ,, William, apparent of Car- ,, Alicia, spouse to Henry of drono, . . . • 610 Brogan, . . 848, 849 Graham, David, of Dundas, . 245 ,, John of, son to Allan, 403, ,, Sir David, Kt. . . 626 844, 846, 847, 849 ,, Jahn (1559), . . • 684 Fullarton, Richinald of, . 714, 715 ,, John, of Balgowan ( 1 586 ), ,, Robert, notary, . . 426 798, 801 Fyvie, Alexander, Lord, . 349 ,, Lilias, daughter to John, Earl of Montrose, Lady Galbraith, George, notary, 36, 37, 86o Fleming, . 127, 6g5 ,, William of, . . 24 5 ,, Mungo (158o), . • 798 Galfred, son of Richard, 1 ,, Sir Patrick of, · Kt. Galloway, Bishop of, Adam 227' 403, 826, 827 (1363), · · · IO ,, Patrick of, son to David G. ,, David Arnot (1515), . . 45° of Dundas, . . . 245 ,, Henry \iVeems (1538), ,, Patrick. See St. Andrews, 78,474,488,491,837 Bishop of. ,, William Coupar ( 1618), . 393 ,, Robert, son and heir to Gartshoar, Lady, . . . 368 William, Earl of Montrose, 323 · ,, William, of that Ilk, . 53, 42 5 ,, Robert, son to John G. . 684 Gaurach, George, notary, . 41 ,, Robert, of Knockdolian, Geddes, Charles, of Rachan, 817, 819, 820 177, 582, 584 ,, Robert, of Auchenlin and ,, George, . . . 444 Grange, . . . 819, 820 ,, George, of Cuthell, . 481, 482 ,, Sir William of, Kt. . 12 ,, George, of Edmonston, . 605 ,, William, the, . 20 ,, George, servant to John, ,, Sir William, Laird of Lord Fleming,. . 621 Graham, . . 248 ,, George, brother to Rachan, 584 ,, Sir William, Lord of ,, James, of Edmonston and Graham, . 406 Rachan, . 605, 620, 621 Gray, Andrew, Lord, . 445, 723 ,, John, brother to Rachan, . 582 ,, Isobel (1557), . . • 797 ,, John, Glenquhom Mill, 596, 597 ,, James, notary, . 44 ,, . William, of Ladyhood, . 407 ,, John (1557), • 797 Gibson, Henry, notary, . 813, 816 Greenlaw, George, burgess of ,, James, notary, . 16 Edinburgh, . . 32 Gilbert, James, notary, . 406 ,, Gilbert. See Aberdeen, Glamis, Alexander, Lord, . . 740 Bishop of. ,, John, Lord, . 866 Greig, Mr. Alexander, minister ,, Patrick, Lord, 7 39, 740, at Drumelzier, . . . 397 779-781, 784, 909 Grierson, John, younger of Lag, 343 Glasgow, Bishop of, Matthew ,, Sir Robert, of Lag, . . 343 Glendinning (r 382), Guilemey, John, notary, . . 454 12, 403, 826 Guthrie, . . .. 62 ,, James (1418), . . . 21 ,, David, treasurer, 32 ,, William Turnbull ( 1448), 30 ,, David, comptroller, . . 417 ,, John Laing (1480), 49, 783, 832 ,, John, notary, • 77 ,, Archbishop of, Gavin Dun- ,, Richard, notary, . . 733 bar ( r 526), 78, 471, 488, 491, 525, 529, 531, 837 Haddington, Thomas, Earl of, . 735 ,, James (1515), . • • 453 Hal yburton, George, of Gask, . 61 ,, (1557), . 106 ,, Sir Walter, Kt. . 30 ,, College of, . ' 819, 822 ,, William, notary, 456, 653, 661 ,, Dean of, . . 812 Harlaw, James, notary, 103, 549 Glendinning, Matthew. See Glas­ Hamilton of Pile, · 376 gow, Bishop of. ,, Andrew of • 247 Index of Persons. 121

Hamilton, Barbara, wife of Hay, John, younger of Yester, James, 4th Lord Fleming, 417, 450 285, relict of Alexander, ,, Sir John, of Barow, . . 735 Lord Gordon, . . 324 ,, Margaret, spouse to Henry ,, David of, . . . . 4o6 Ker, and Earl of CassiUis, ,, David, rector of Thanker- 211, 348 toun, . . . . 522 ,, Robert, notary, . . . 214 ,, David. See Argyll, Bishop ,, (Haya), Thomas of, Kt. . 626 of. ,, (Haya), Thomas of, con- ,, James, Lord, . . 35 stable, . . . 84 3, 844 ,, James, eldest son to James, ,, Sir William of Yester, . 234 Earl of Arran, . . 240, 241 Hepburn, Alexander, of Gargun- ,, James, Marquess of, nock, . . . . 634 607, 735, 755, 769 ,, Christian, his daughter, 634, 635 ,, Sir John of, . . 17 ,, Janet, daughter to John H. 56 ,, John, Lord, Commendator ,, John, of Raviestoun, . 56 of Arbroath, . . 296, 74 5 ,, Mr. John, rector of Glen- ,, John, of Baithernock, . 828 quhom, . . • . 594 ,, John. See St. Andrews, Herries, Sir John of, Kt. . . 30 Archbishop of. Hog, Mr. Thomas, parson of ,, Lord, . . 33, 47 S tobo, · . . . 398, 399 ,, Margaret ( 15 57 ), 797 Holyroodhouse, Abbot and Con- ,, Margaret, servant, - . . 109 vent of, . 14, 77 ,, Robert, of Newhouse, 376 ,, George, Abbot of, . 453 ,, Robert, of Torrens, . . 379 ,, John, Abbot of, . 404, 827 ,, Robert, grandfather of John, 828 ,, Lady (1560), . 841 ,, Thomas, notary, . 277 ,, Lord (156o), . . 841 ,, Sir Thomas, of Byres, Kt. 7 54 ,, Robert, Abbot of, . . 837 ,, William of, 12, 849 ,, Robert, Commendator of, ,, Sir William of, . 17 236, 240, 241' 540, 543 Harper, William, notary, . . 234 ,, William, Abbot of, . . 47 4 Hart, Sir Thomas, Kt. . 717 Home, Sir Alexander, of that Ilk, Harvie, Thomas, notary, . . ;94 Kt...... 35 ,, Thomas, advocate, . . 691 ,, Alexander, Lord, . 445, 723 ,, William, his grandson, . 691 ,, George, of Broxmouth, . 26o Hawick, Andrew, rector of ,, George, younger of Brox- Listoun, . . . 404 mouth, . . . 260 ,, John, notary, . . 22 ,, Margaret, spouse to David Hay, Alexander, clerk register, . 121 Brown, . . . . 802 ,, Alexander, of Easter Kennet, 745 Houstoun, Sir John, of that Ilk, 31, 36 ,, Sir Alexander, Kt, secre- . ,, William, notary, . . 12 5 tary, . • 754 Howdinam, John, notary, . . 852 ,, Alice, spouse to Sir Hugons, David, notary, 74 William Hay, . . 234 ,, Thomas, notary, . . 449 ,, Andrew, notary, . . 6o1 Hunter, Walter, of Polmood, ,, Andrew, servitor to Arch­ 460,470,478 bishop of St. Andrews, . 7o6 ,, William, notary, . 451, 468 ,, Sir David of Yester, Kt. ,, William, of Polmood, 407 412, 416, 417 Huntly, Alexander, Earl of, . 453 ,, George, clerk register, . 128 ,, George, Earl of, . 8 58 ,, George, of Kinfauns, . . 6o7 ,, Earls of, . . . . 86 5 ,, Sir George, of Nether Liff, · Hutchison, George, notary, clerk register, . . . 769 I 82, 799, 800, 820 ,, Helena, spouse · to Alex- Hynd, Andrew, notary, 38, 39, 40, 42 ander, Lord, . 177, 331 ,, (Haya), J obn of, . . 1 Inchcolm, Patrick, Prior of, . 850 ,, Mr. John, parson of Ren- Inchmahom, Patrick, Prior of, . 403 frew, 197, 873 Inglis, Mr. Alexander, Dean of ,, J obn, notary, . . . 566 Dunkeld, clerk register, . 49 ,, J obn, Lord ofYester, 430, ,, Alexander, Archdeacon of 432, 444, 448, 450, 462, 613 St. Andrews, _. . . 832 122 Index of Persons.

Inglis, James, Provost of Glas- Ker Ehzabeth, spouse to gow, 757-761, 772, 773 ' Thomas Dickson, younger ,, John, of Tarbat, . 229 of Ormiston, . 433 ,, John, of Manner, . 717 ,, Henry, Lord, . 211, 348 ,, Quinten, • 533 ,, John, notary, 192, 6o6, 773, 909 ,, Thomas, notary, 133, 591 ,, John, in Cairntoun, . . 431 ,, Thomas, portioner of Auld- ,, John, in Cardrono, . 58 5 liston, 742,743,745 ,, Robert, notary, . . 600 ,, Thomas, younger, 749, 7 56-761 ,, Walter, of Cessford, . . 431 Innes, Alexander, of that Ilk, 62 ,, William, of Mercingtoun, ,, Patrick, brother to Inver- 431, 585 markie, . 62 Kilbo, George, Biggar, . 879 ,, Robert, of Invermarkie, 62 Kilmaurs, Alexander, Lord, 31 ,, Robert, of Rothnakenzie, . 62 Kilsyth, Viscount, 881, 882 ,, Thomas, brother to Inver- Kincaid, John, . • 293 markie, 62 ,, Patrick, of that Ilk, . • _I 19 ,, Walter, of Tewthis, . 62 ,, Thomas, of that Ilk, Irvine, 62 261, 465, 529 Isles, Celestine of the, . 781 ,, Laird of, . . 881 ,, John, Lord of the, . 787 ,, William, brother to Patrick K. of that Ilk, . . 119 Jackson, John, notary, . 260, 6 52 Kincardine, Sir Patrick of, Kt. . 12 ,, John, merchant, Edinburgh, 583 Kinninmond, Alexander. See James I., King, . . 866 Aberdeen, Bishop of. ,, II., King, . 26, 30, 409, 410 Kinninmonth, John, notary, . 785 ,, III., King, 47, 48, 52, 417, Kirkcaldy, James, of Grange, 418, 739, 740, 789, 829, 832 treasurer, . 525 ,, IV., King,. 55,443,445,723 ,, Thomas, notary, . . 645 ,, V., King, 59, 62, 67, 69, 72, Knowes, Mr. William, preceptor 77, 78, 355, 453, 457, 471, of Torphichen, . 417 474, 478,488-490, 514,517, Kyle, Earl of. See Stewart, John. 524, 529, 792, 835 ,, VI., King, 119, 121, 131, Laing, Sir John, notary, 34 142, 147, 17 4, 176, 230, ,, John. See Glasgow, Bis- 308, 367, 39 5, 576, 580, hop of. 58 I, 745, 766, 8 I 4 Laikie, Mathaias of, . 15 John, Patrick, notary, . 83 I Lamb, William, notary, . 792 Johnstone, Agnes, spouse to Landals, William. See St. William Frissell of Frude, 441 Andrews, Bishop of. ,, John, of that Ilk, 62 Langer, William of, Canon of ,, John, notary, · 495 . Aberdeen, . 849 ,, Thomas, notary, 537, 539 Lask, Thomas of, . 403 ,, William, 62 ,, Thomas, of that Ilk, ,, Mr. William, • 2 39 843, 845, 847, 849 Justice, Allan, notary, · 796 Lauder, Henry, notary, 73 ,, Sir Robert, Kt. . 30 Kebbertoun, William of, Canon L,auderdale, John, Viscount, 398, of Aberdeen, . . 849 606,607,Earl of, 195, 196, Keith, John of, . . 849 204,617 ,, Robert of, son of John of K. 849 Law, Gilbert, notary, 103, 117, ,, William of, Kt., Marischall, 30 283, 288, 683, 805, 841 Kennedy, John, Lenzie, 5, 6, 10 Lennie, John, in Auchmony, . 96 ,, John, son and apparent Lennox, Duke of, . . 128 heir of Gilbert, Lord ,, Sir Hugh, chaplain, . 25 Kennedy,. 32 ,, John, Earl of, . 453 ,, Gilbert, Lord, 31-34, 36-38, 42 ,, Matthew, Earl of, . . 445 ,, Lord, 413, 414 Leslie, Alexander, of Wardes, . 62 Ker, Andrew, of Celsford, . 35 ,, Alexander, son of Countess ,, Anna, Lady Fleming, . 211 of Ross, . . 403 ,, Anna, daughter of Henry, ,, Norman of, · . • 229 Lord Ker, . 348, 350 Sir Walter, Kt. . • • 30 Index of Persons. 123

Leuchars, Patrick of. See Livingstone, James, 2nd Lord, 718,719 Brechin, Bishop of. ,, James, notary, . 276 Lindsay, Sir Alexander of, Kt. . 30 ,, James. See Dunkeld, ,, Alexander of, . 866 Bishop of. ,, Sir David, Lyon King of ,, Janet, daughter to John L. Arms, . 175 of Mannerstoun, . . 279 ,, George, of Covingtoun, . 337 ,, Sir John, Kt. of Callendar, rz ,, Sir James of, Kt. . . 11 ,, John, of Manerston, . 7 5, 279 ,, Sir James, chaplain, ,, John, son of Alexander, Kirkintilloch, . 21 Lord L. . . . 319 ,, Mr. James, Provost of ,, John, of Callendar, . 714, 715 Lincluden, 30 ,, John, elder, of Dunipace, . 7 46 ,, Mr. James, keeper of Privy ,, Johri, younger,ofDunipace, Seal,. . 35 746,748 , James, cousin to John, Lord ,, Lord, . . . 33 Fleming, . . . . 60 ,, Margaret, spouse to Mr. ,, James of, the King's Bruce, . . . 87 nephew, . . 246 ,, Margaret, Lady Wigtown, ,, James of, . . . 866 177, 178, 186,201,331, 344, 346, ,, James, of Buchan, . 84 5 600, 700, 77 4, 8o6 .,, John, Lord of the Byres, . 32 ,, Margaret spouse, to John ,, John, elder of Covington, Cuthell of Stoniewood, . 774 I 59, 330, 428, 529, 598, 867 ,, Robert of, comptroller, 30 ,, John, youngerof Covington, ,, Robert of, Drumry, . . . 32 I 59, l6o-I 66, 169, 598, 867 ,, R_obert, of Callendar, . 714, 715 ,, Sir John of, Kt. . . 626 ,, Sir Robert, Kt. of Drumrie, 779 ,, John, Lord of, . . 779 ,, Sir William, . . . 5 ,, Margaret, Lady Fleming, ,, William, Lord, . 97 427,428 ,, Sir \Villiam, of Deme- ,, Robert of Dunroad, . 746, 747 chester, Kt. . . . 140 ,, Thomas, notary, 564,565,575, 598 ,, Sir William, of Kilsyth, 170, 335 ,, Sir William, of the Byres, ,, William, of Kilsyth, 198, 199, Kt. . . 229 200, 278 Linenany, Murdoch, . . . 245 ,, William, young er, of Linlithgow, Alexander, Earl of, Kilsyth, . . . 335 177, 198, 199, 600 ,, William (1559), 684, 721, Livingstone, Agnes, of Manerston, 76 722, 728, 730, 731 ,, Alexander, . 1 2 Lockhart, Sir George, . . 873 ,, Sir Alexander, of Callendar, 29, 30 ,, John, notary, . 652 ,, Alexander, Lord, 44,319,320, 529 Logan, Edane, . . 22 ,, Alexander, Master of, . 128 ,, Walter, notary, . 58 ,, Alexander of, . 227 Loudoun, Hugh, Lord, 331 ,, Alexander, advocate,. . 335 ,, John of, notary, . . . 23 ,, Alexander, Comrnendator ,, Robe~t of, the king's brother, 1 of Cambuskenneth, . 361-363 Lows, Patrick of Mcrns, . 407 ,, Alexander, of Dunipace, 656, 657 ,, Thomas of, . . . 406 ,, Alexander, of Callendar, 714, 71 S Lowrie, Mr. James, prebendary ,, Alexander, fiar of Callendar, 72 3 of Glenquhom,. . . 393 ,, Alexander, Lord (deceased Ludovick, King of France,. 59 15671 . 728 Lyle, Sir John, Kt. . . . 10 ,, Alexander, Lord (1592), . 731 ,, Robert, Lord, . 788 ,, Elizabeth, relict of Mur- Lyon, John, of Glamis, . . 849 doch Fleming, . 52 ,, Sir John, Kt., Chamberlain, 866 ,, Euphan, relict of Malcolm / Fleming, and spouse to M 'Calla, James, . . · 573 William Fleming, . . 858 M 'Culloch,. Patrick, notary, 427 ,, Henry, of Mannerstoun, 7 I 4, 71 5 M'Gill, Robert, advocate, . . 6r I ,, Henry, of Callendar, . . 715 Macnuckle, John, notary, . . 720 ,, James, Lord, 35, 718, 719, M'Quhen, :Michael, burgess of 733, 735-737 Edinburgh, . . 73 ,, James, son of Alexander L. 44 Main, Jasper, notary, . . · 659 124 Index of Persons.

Maitland, Anna, daughter to Miller, James, notary, . 728 John, Lord Thirlestane 586 Mitchelson, David, notary, . 853 ,, Mr. John, of Thirlestane, Moffat (Mouffat), John, notary, . 25 128, 233, 569, 577 ,, Thomas, notary, . 61 5 ,, Sir John,chancellor, 296,329,745 l\1oir, Sir William, of Abercom,. 227 ,, John, Lord of Thirlestane, 381 Mois, l\i r. William, . 71 6 See also Earl and Viscount Monro, John, of Foulis, . 781 of Lauderdale. Montgomery, Alexander, Lord, ,, Sir Robert, of Thirlestane, 233 31, 33, 779 ,, Robert, in Auchincruike, . 586 Montrose, John, Master of, 819, 820; ,, \:Villiam, of ·Ledingtoun, Earl of, 127, 128, 174,821, 822 younger, . . 327 ,, William, Earl of, 323, 503, Malvoisine, William. See St. 5o4, 529 Andrews, Bishop 0£ Moray, Bishop of, Alexander Bar Manhums, Thomas, notary, . 497 ( I 392 ), · · • 403, 847 Mar, Alexander Stewart, Earl of, 20 ,, William Tulloch (1480), ,, Isobel, Countess of, . 19, 20 keeper of Privy Seal, . 49 ,, John, Earl _of, 203, 367, 369, Moray, James, Earl of, the king's 371-373 brother, . . . . 78 ,, Earl of, . . 212 ,, James, Earl of, 488, 489, ,, Thomas, Earl of, 30 491, 837 March, George, Earl of, 30 ,, John Randolph, Earl of, 3 Marhaugh, Robert of, 2 ,, Thomas Randolph, Earl of, 30 Marischall, George, Earl, 607, 754, 769 Morham, Sir Thomas, Kt. 4,825, 826 ,, William, Earl (1634), • 735 Morton, Alexander, . . 661 Marjoribanks, Robert, _son to ,, James, Earl of, 111, 121, Thomas M. . 67 4, 67 5, 677 244, 421-424, 437,498,499, ,, Thomas, . . . • 537 502,513,524,534,536,541, ,, Thomas, burgess of Edin- 56o, 568 . burgh, . . 67 4, 67 5, 677 ,, John, Earl of, 437, 571; 573, 574 Mary, Queen, 90, 95, 96, 98, 99, Mortonville, William, of Botha- IOI, 104, 108, I IO, I I 5, drock, . . 714, 715 I 16, 294, 534, 535, 544, Mosman, John, notary, . . 88 546, 550, 555-557, 727, 848 Muirhead, Agnes, spouse to John Mary of Lorraine, Queen of Cuthill of Stoniewood . 77 4 James V. . 99 ,, Mr. John, . . 913 Maule, Henry, of Kelly, . . 351 Muirhead, Sir William, Kt., Maxwell (!Vlaccuswell), John of,. 1 of Loch op, . . 7 I 7 ,, John, of Calderwood, . . 779 Muirland, Mr. John, . 886 ,, Robert, Lord, 31, 471 Murray, Adam, in Cardon, ,, Lord,. 33 brother to Stanhope, . 879 ,, Mr. . . 299 ,, Andrew, of Blackbarony, . 497 Sir Robert, of Calder- ,, David, of Hallmyre and " wood, Kt. . 404 Stanhope,. . 336,870 ,, Sarah, Lady Wigtoun, . 185 ,, Sir David, of Stanhope, 345, 879 Meldrum, James, notary, . . 459 ,, John, of Sandahill, . . 446 ,, William, notary, . 76 ,, John, of Blackbarony, Melgedrum, Sir Philip of, Kt. 2, 3, 226 445, 447, 456, 509 ,, William of, . . . 866 ,, Mr. John, of Blackbarony, 661 ,, William, of Auchneve, . 866 ,, l\fr. John, . . . . 713 ,, Margaret, his spouse, . 866 ,, l\iarjorie,spouse to William Melrose, Thomas, Earl of, . . 607 Govan of Cardrona, . . 61 o Menteith, John, of that Ilk, . 403 ,, Sir Maurice of, Kt. . 3, 226 John of, . . . 850 ,, Patrick, brother to William, 30 :' William, of Kerse, . 13 7, I 54 ,, Robert, bailie in Edin burgh, :: William, younger of Kerse, 244 873 Mill, Gilbert, notary, 81, 83, 91, ~' Thomas, butler of Scotland, 30 92, 493, 501, 5o6, 510, 511, ,, William of, . . 30 513-5 I 5, 519, 533, 542, ,, William, of Stanhope, . 879 . 677, 680, 792, 794, 8 38 ,, -, of Stanhope, • • 398 ,, Umphra, notary, • . 585 M ushet, James, notary, 689,690,732, 842 Index of Persons. 125

Mushet, John, clerk, . . 579 Po;terfield, John, of that I!k, 53 Myles, Archibald, notary, . . 572 ,, Patrick, notary, . . 278 1\-Iyll, Alexander, . 873 Preston, John, notary, . 416 Mylne, Alexander, Abbot of Pringle, William, in Cessford, . 431 Cambuskenneth (1523), 355 ,, William, of Cessford, . . 58 5 Purves, Janet, spouse to Thomas, Neilson, Alexander, notary, . 761 67 4, 67 5, 677 N ewbattle, Mark, Abbot of, 803, ,, Margaret, spouse to Robert 804,809 M'Gill, advocate, . 611 Newburgh~ Earl of, . . 314 ,, Sir William, . 21 5, 862, 879 Nicolson, David, notary, . . 855 ,, John, of Dingwall, . 781 Ram organ, Sir John, Canon of Noble, Robert, of Ferme, . 53 Aberdeen, . . 849 N ormanville, John, of Gar- Ramsay, Bessie, mother to gunnock, . . 714, 715 William Harvie, . 69 I ,, Robert of, . . 403, 8 50 ,, Bishop, . . . . 873 ,, George, Lord, of Dalhousie, 7o6 Ochiltree, John of, 20 ,, Mr. James, . . . 924 Ogill, George, notary, .. 303 Rattray, Alexander, in Pitcur, . 61 Ogilvie, James, master of requests, Reid, John, notary, . 433 59, 453 ,, Robert, procurator, . 40 ,, John, of Lentraithen, . 779 ,, Robert. See Orkney, ,, Thomas, of Clova, . . 32 Bishop of. ,, Walter, of Badenspink, 853, 855 Reyard, John, General of the Oliphant, Walter (1459), . . 783 Minorites, . . 7 5 Orkney, Bishop of, William Richard, father of Galfried, . 1 Tulloch (1470), . 417 Ridheugh, Richard, of Quarrel, ,, Robert Reid (1557) 106, 529 714, 715 ,, Egidia, Countess of, . 716 Rigg, Mr. Hugh, Justice Depute, 82 ,, Henry Sinclair, Earl of, . 231 Robert I., King, 30, 242 ; Robert, ,, William, Earl of, . 627, 718 his son, 30 ,, Earl of, 20 Robert II.. 8, I I, 30, 246, 82 5, 866 Robert III. 13, 15, 18, 19,231, Paa, Agnes, 22 235, 401-403, 826 Paisley, Henry, Abbot of, . 36, 37 Robertson, Alexander, notary, . 686 ,, John, Abbot of, . . 529 ,, John, notary, . 564 Painter, Patrick, rector ofTanna- Roger, clerk, 2 dyce, . 723 Rollo, J obn, notary, . . 426 Panmure, Countess of, . 871 ,, Thomas, advocate, . 697, 699 ,, George, Earl of, . 350 Ross, Bishop of, Roger ( 1 343), . 226 ,, George, Earl of, . 351 ,, Thomas(?) (1482), . . 788 Park, John, armour bearer, . 231 · ,, Elizabeth, Lady Fleming, Parkdevine, Robert of, . 227 120, 122, 123 Pauntolph, Rodolphus; 2 ,, Elizabeth, daughter of Peebles, John. See Dunkeld, Ninian R. of Racket, . 327 Bishop 0£ ,, Eupham, Countess of, 403, 850 Perth, Earl of, . I i7, 340 ,, Sir John, of Hawkhead, . 32 ,, Earls of, . . 865 ,, John, Earl of, Lord of the ,, John, Earl of, 201, 202, 865 Isles, . . 780, 781 Pollock, John, notary, . 830 ,, John, of Balnagowan, . 78 I Porteous, George, of Glenkirk, . 440 ,, l\1r John, of Montgreenan, 788 ,, George, son to Thomas P. ,, N inian, of Racket, . . 327 of Frude, . . . 604 ,, William, Earl of, . . 226 ,, John, of Whitsland, . · . 407 Rossie, John, of Rossie, in Angus, 8 5I ,, John, ofGlenkirk, . 459 ,, Marjorie of, relict of John ,, Patrick, of Glenquhom, 407 R. . . 851 ,, Thomas, of Frude, . . 604 Rothes, George, Earl of, . 1o6, 474 ,, William, of Glenkirk, Rothesay, David, Duke of, 459, 472, 473, 478 13, 15, 227, 228 401, 402 ,, William, younger of Whits- Roxburgh, Earl of, 211, 842. 880, 933 land, . 407 ,, Robert, Earl of, . . 348 126 Index OJr Persons.

Roxburgh, Wiiliam, Earl of, . 348 Seaton, Sir John, Kt., Laird of, . 248 Russell, James, of Garbethill, . 152 ,, Sir John, of that Ilk, Kt. . 406 Rutherford, William, . • 269 ,, Sir John of, Kt. . . . 623 ,, \Villiam, notary, . 461 ,, Sir William, of that Ilk, Kt. 247 Semple, Elizabeth, spouse to St. Andrews, Bishop of, \Villiam Robert Graham, . . 817 Malvoisine(1214), . 1 ,, Robert, of Elistoun . 36 ,, William Bell (1337), . . 246 ,, Sir William, Kt. . 31 ,, William Landal (1341-82), ,, William, son to Robert S. 36 5, 6, 10, 11, 30 Shaw, James, in Glentoir, . . 873 ,, Walter Traill (1399), ,, John, . . . . 35 I 3, 228, 40 I, 402, 826 Sibbald, Thomas, notary, . 21 ,, Henry Wardlaw (1405), 19 Sinclair, --, of Roslin, . . 177 ,, Patrick Graham ( 1465), . 33 ,,. Agnes, . . . 738 ,, Archbishop of, William ,, Ed ward, fiar of Herbert- Scheves (1480), 49, 788, 832 shire, . . 687, 688 ,, Alexander --, ( I 5I 2 ), • 72 3 ,, George, of Herbertshire, 642,646 ,, James Beaton (1527), . 474 ,, George, fiar of Herbert- ,, , Cardinal shire, . . . 719-722 (1545), . . . . 529 ,, · Sir Oliver, of Roslin, Kt. ,, John Hamilton ( 15 53), . 324 642,646,649-655,658,659, ,, (1587), 296,745 661, 662, 666, 672, 719-723, 726 ,, James, Commendator of ,, Sir William of Roslin, Kt., the Priory of, . . . 106 668-671, 679,685,687,688, ,, John, Prior of, . . 453 694, 695, 698, 703-705, 711, 712 ,, Patrick, Prior of, 78, 471, ,, William, younger, of 474, 488, 491, 837 Roslin, 698 ; of ·Pentland, St. John of Jerusalem, William, 703,705,706 Laird of, . . 435 Skene, Sir John, of Curriehill, Salmond, James, clerk, . 64 clerk register, . . 3 Sandilands, James, Lord of Tor- Small, Robert, king's officer, 54 phichen, . 742-745 Smith, John, Biggar, . . . 879 Saulsat, David, Abbot of, . 73 Smythstoun, Richard, notary, . 633 Scheves, William. See St. Somerville, Alexander, 171, 489 Andrews, Arch bishop of. ,, John,_ Lord, . . . 35 Scott, Mr. Alexander, director of ,, John, in Cambusnethan, 561, 563 Chancery, . 296 ,, Margaret, spouse to ,, Grizel, spouse to Thomas William Boyd of Baden- Rollo, advocate, . 697, 699 heath, 82 ,, Henry, notary, 206, 710, ,, Thomas, . . 171 873, 879, 914 ,, Thomas, Lord of, . . 406 ,, Mr. Robert, director of ,, Thomas, of Carnwacht, . 717 Chancery, . . 74 5 ,, Walter, of Baithlaw, . . 34 ,, Mr. John, of Scotstarvet, ,, \Villiam, son to the Laird of S. 248 director of Chancery, ,, William of, . 406 735, 755, 769 ,, William, Lord, . . 779 ,, Thomas, of Abbotshall, 1 20 Sparkle, James, notary, . 62 5 ,, 'Nilliam, of Balwearie, . 489 Spence, Thomas. See Aber- ,, William ( I 595), . • 595 deen, Bi shop of. Scougall, John of, . . . 247 Spittell, Edward, notary, 650, 656, 725 Seaton, Sir Alexander of, Kt. 30 Spotswood, Alexander of, . 239 ,, Alexander of, 247, 623 ,, Richard of, . . 2 39 ,, Sir Alexander, of Touch Stanton, Jacob, notary, . 463 Frissell, Kt. 646, 648, 661 Stark, John, . . . 156 ,, Sir Alexander, ofTullibody, ,, John of Auchinboll, . 187, 188 Kt. . . 655, 856 ,, John, son to William S. ,, George, Lord, . . 106 289, 290, 7z9, 730 ,, Henrietta, daughter to ,, Thomas, chaplain, Kirkin- Charles, Earl of Dun- tilloch, . . . 187, 188 fermline, Countess of ,, William of Auchinstarie, Crawford, . 349,351 113, 1 38, 7 29, 7 30 ._Index of Persons.

Stark, \Villiam, of Auchenreoch, Thomson, John, notary, . 7 59 289,290 ,, Robert, Glasgow, . 823 "· Willi-am, grandchild to Thornton, Agnes, daughter to William S. of Auchinstarie, • 1 38 GilbertT. 815-817 ,, William, . 93 1 ,, Gilbert, writer, . . 812, 81 5 Stevenson, --, . · 889 ,, Helen, his daughter, . 815-817 ,, John, Pope's commissioner, 87 ,, Mr. James, parson of Stewart, Allan, . 1 Ancrum, . . 812 ,, Andrew, son to Robert, ,, John, Canon of Glasgow, 64, 76 · · Earl of Fife, . 229 Thorold, father of William, 12 ,, Sir Andrew, chanc_ellor, 36, 37 Threipland, Mr. James, . 886 ,, Andrew. See Caithness, Tinto, Robert, of Crimpcran1p, . 455 Bishop of. Torphichen, James, Lord, Archibald, of Finnertoun, . .).)... "9 749-756, 935 '',, Archibald, younger, of Towrs, William of, armour Finnertoun, . 339 beare~ . 623 ,, Elizabeth, spouse of Traill, Walter. See St. Andrews, Malcolm Fleming of Bishop of. Biggar, . 2 5, 43, 404 Traquair, Earl of, . 301 ,, Janet or Joan, wife of Tulloch, Walter of, 1 5, 403, 847 Malcolm, Lord Fleming, ,, William, of Bonnington, . 849 70, 88, 352, 529, 835-838 ,, William. See Moray, ,, Janet, spouse to Alexander Bishop of. Livingstone of Callendar, 723 ,, William. See Orkney ,, John, natural brother to Bishop 0£ Robert II I. . 2 3 1 Turcan, John, notary, . 65 ,, John, Earl of Kyle and Turnbull, John, of Cavelyne, . 23 I Carrick, . 24 5, 246 Turnbull. William. See Glas- See Carrick, John, Earl of. gow, Bishop of. ,, Katherine, spouse to Tweeddale, Earl of, . . · 399 Gilbert Thornton, 812,817, 818 Tweedie, --, of Drumelzier, 56, 888 ,, Margaret, spouse to John, ,, James, of Dreva, · 397 Lord Fleming, 60, 453, 454 ,, James, of Drumelzier, ,, Mary, Countessofl\1ar, 371,372 397, 407, 6o3 ,, Lord Murdoch, . 12 ,, James, younger, of Drum- ,, Robert, Earl of Strathern, elzier, . . 465, 478, 479, 483 3, S, 6, 10, I I, 30, 24'.; ,, Jean, relict of Thomas ,, Robert, younger of l\1into, Porteous of Frude, 604, 612 463-465 ,, John, of Drumelzier, 463- ,, \Valter, I 467, 477,478,485,486 ,, Walter, of Scotland, ,, Walter of, . 34 30, 242, 824 ,, Sir William, of J edworth, 15 Unthank, Thomas, notary, . 35 Stirling, --, of Glorat, . 863 Urquhart, \Villiam, of Cromarty, 781 ,, John, notary, 259, 658 Usher of King's House, . 294-308 ,, Robert, of Ballinkeir, 74 ,, William, of Keir, . 243 Vaus, John, of Lochieslyne, ,, William of, . 630 ,, William, Earl of (1634), . 735 \Valsh, Andrew, notary, . 238 Story, Richard, . . 873 Walker, Thomas, notary, . . 220 Strachan, Alexander, of \Valkingshaw, Mr. Patrick, sub- Thornton, . 229 dean of Glasgow, . . 379 ,, (Strathakin), Alexander of, 849 Wallace, John, in Johnston, . 129 ,, M r. Gilbert, canon of Walter, clerk, 2 Aberdeen, 74 Wardlaw, Henry. See St. Straw, Robert, notary, 24 Andrews, Bishop 0£ Sutar, Lambert, . 242 W ardroba, Robert of, 2 Wayeck, John, notary, . 431 Taylor, Sir John, of Cum bertrees, 587 W emyss, David, Earl of, . . 346 Thirlestane, John, Lord, 1 80, Wemyss, Henry. See Galloway, 398,586 Bishop of. 128 Index of Persons.

Wemyss, Sir John of, Kt. . . 227 Windram, Mr. Robert of, . . 236 Whiteford, Walter. See Winton, Patrick of, . . 247 Brechin, Bishop of. Wi.shart, John, notary, 28 Whithom, Malcolm, prior of, . 529 Wood, David, of Craig, comp- See Fleming, Malcolm. troller, . . . 52 5 Whitelaw, Mr. Archibald, arch­ Wright, John, Cumbernauld, 66 dean of Lowdoun, secretary, 34, 49, 417, 788, 832 Vester, Lord, . . . 177 Whyte, Sir David, prior of Young, Alexander, notary, Cam buskenneth, . 714, 71 5 268, 461, 66o William the Lion, king, • 1 ,, James, notary, . . 446 William of Thorold, . 12 INDEX OF PLACES ......

Abbots Kers or Kerse, Stirling, Barbreck, Ayr, . . . . 18 77, 103, 180, 240, 329, 404, Bellistoun, Auchtern1ony, Stirling, 866 511, 557, 559, 824-842 · See also Inchbellie. Adolristoun, . 2 39 Betwixt the Hills, . . . 879 Amonsflat, . . . 827 Biggar Barony and Lands, 48, Annandale, . . 490 49, 131, 404,409,417, 418, Ardrie, Lenzie, . 245, 292 420-423, 426-429, 437-440, Arthurshiell, . . • . 867 442, 443, 451, 453, 468, Arrotsholl and Milntown, Lanark, 471, 515, 523, 524, 565, 126, 587 577-579, 582, 583, 595, 6oo, Auchinbrae, Lenzie, . . 292 618, 619, 621, 678, 863, Auchinreoch, Nether, Auchin- 873, 879, 886, 934, 935 raro, Auchinririe, part of ,, Burgh, 72, 77-79, 131, 180, Auchtermony, Stirling, 57, 204, 212, 221, 223, 409, 5I 5, 538 58, I 57, I 59, 253, 261, 262, ,, Church, 409, 416-418, 420, 280-286, 288-290, 292, 2.93, 451, 453, 466, 468, 478, 684, 866, 881, 934, 935 486-488, 522, 529-532, 540, Auchinstarie, Kirkintilloch, • 1 5 546, 562, 588, 6o2, 616 Auchinvole, Lenzie, . . 10 ,, Hospital, . . 409, 417, 42a Auchloan, . . . 403, 843-8 50 ,, Mains, . 180 Auchmoir, Stirling, 4- See also ,, Mill, . . . 879 Seymore. ,, Moss-syde of, . . 879 Auchtermony Barony, 48, 49, ,, Teinds, · . 381-390 57, 58, 77-79, 92, 103, 131, ,, Westerraw of, . . 873 141, 180, 253, 261, 426, Biggarshiels, . 879 6oz, 797, 833, 866, 873, 881, 935 Blackbarony, . . . . 445 Blacksmiddies, Stirling, 177, 204, 695, 700-709 Bad, Perth, I 31, 550, 553, 700- Blans, Haddington, . 232-235 709, 797,808,839,865 Blarigs, . . . . . 402 Badcow, 36 Boarriggs, Stirling. See Blarigs. Badenheath, . 82,883 Bodenleys, . • . . . 244 Badshery, Lenzie, 15 Boghall, Barony and F ortalice Ballernock Barony, . . . 598 and Mains, Renfrew, 77- Ballankeir. or Bankeir, and Mill, 79, I 26, I 31, 180, 5l 5, 538, Stiriing, 204, 456, 627, 556, 564, 565, 600, 879, 935 63::>, 637, 642, 646, 661, Boghouse Mains, . . . 870 673,674,695, 700-709, 713 Bogside, Easter and Wester, . 811 Ballinknock or Banknock, Easter Bonhath, Dumbarton, Teinds, . 377 and Wester, Stirling, 177, Bord, Dumbarton, 157, 159, 245, 204,627,642,649-651,654, 247, 249, 251, 256, 263, 695, 700-709 . 264, 279, ~88, 292, 4o6 Balloch or Boltacks, Du:Qbarton, Bothkennar, . . . . 2 I 5 245, 292 Brackenleys, Stirling, 177, 204, Balnabreich Barony, . . 243 642, 651, 654, 676, 695, Balnakedle, 843-846 697, 699, 700-709 Balquhomrie, . . 243 Brackinrig, Lanark, · . . 237, 469 Balverdie, Forfar, · 779 Brokenheugh, . 240 Balwaistie, . . 879 Brownish, . . 636 Bar, • 36 Brownlands, . 860 I 130 Index of Places.

Broughtoun Church, . 204, 6o6, 607 Cumbernauld Mains, . · 935 ,, Regality, . 236,543 ,, Teinds, 397-399 Dalkeith Regality, 111, 498-505, 572 Dalnotrie, . . . 245 Caithness Mill, . . 86o Darnick Bridgend, . 586 Caicoats, . 240 Dawyck Church and Teinds, Calder Church, . 74 Peebles, 204, 397-399, 6o6, 607 Callendar Barony, 198, 207, 209 Deall, . . 3 Cambusbarron, . . . . 402 Denny Barony and Regality, 204, . Cam busdrennie, 12 1, 131, 550, 212, 710, 739-778, 934, 935 553, 700-709, 797, 839, 865 ,, Mill, . 7 39-778 Cambuskenneth Abbey, 12, 212, Densie, . . 870 366, 367, 371, 935 Doups or Dovans, Easter and Campsie Parish, . . . 157 Wester, Stirling, 177, 204, Cardon or Cardrona, Peebles, 642, 654, 695, 699-709 131, 204, 491-493, 539, 560, Dripps, 106, 131, 177, 550, 553, 610, 864, 879 700-709, 797, 808, 839, 858, Cardross, Lordship of, 212,371, 868, 935 865,934 Carnwath Barony, . . 867 Drumdeath, • . 857 Carrick, Earldom of, . . . 3, I 8 Dr.umglay, .. . . . 857 Carron, Water of, Fishing, Drummelzear Church and Teinds, . 180, 215, 218, 774 Peebles, 204, 397-399, 606, 607 Carwood, Lanark, 863, 873 ,, Lands and Barony, 345, 486-488 .Castlerankine, Easter and Wester, ,, Parish, . . 879 Stirling, 177, 204,212,623, Drumry, Lenzie, . . 2 628, 634, 642, 643, 645, Drumtieblae, Dunbarton, . 12, 13 650, 651, 654, 656, 657, Dullator, Dilator, Doultray, 662,663,665,667,668-670, Dunbarton, 1 5, 138 672, 679, 68 5, 687, 688, Dumfries Castle, . 30 695, 697-709, 934, 935 Dunbarton Castle, 317, 588, 916 Catscleuch, Stirling, 710, 714, ,, Sheriffship, . 82 7 I 5-7 38, 934 Dunbulls, Perth, 48, 49, 77, 131, Cavers Barony, . 19, 20, 231 426, 779-802 Chappelgill, .Peebles, . 473-476, 516 Dungalstoun, . 240 Chappell Kingledoors, Peebles, Dunipace, . . 626 186, 204, 603, 606, 6o7, 879 Dunroad Church, 540,546 Clerkstoun, . . 240 Duntillie Mill, . 187 Cockland, . . 41 7 Cocklaws, . . 243 Eastroun, . . 242 Corvence, . . 779 Edrr.onstoun, Lanark, 121, 131, Coull, . . 784 415, 421-423, 437, 523, Cowburn, . . . . 598 524, 551, 558, 568, 583, Cowdounhill, Stirlin·g, 177, 204, 584, 604, 620, 797, 874 695, 699-709 ,, l\1ill, - . . 621, 879 Cowshirway, · 414 Elsherigle; . 558 Craig, . 852 Elrigs, Aberdeen, . 240 Craigend, . 869 Escheinbeuch, . . 869 Creath do, 109 Essie, F orfar, . 860 Cree, Water of, . 3 Evendale Barony, 237, 238, 469 Croy, Easter and Wester, 10,245, 278,290 Farynes, . . 3 Croyhill, . 260, 292 Faunieside, 873, 9r2 Cumbernauld Barony, 66, 77, 78, Forgandenny, Perth, 48, 49, 7 39, 81, 92, 103, 125, 131, 132, 740, 780 et seq. 141, 178, 180, 197, 201, Frissellslands, Haddington, 77-79, 20~ 212,221,223, 42~ 87~ 934 131, 239, 516, 539, 566 ,, Burgh, . 221, 223, 875 Frude, Peebles, 408, 417, 430, ,, Castle, 1 5, 38, 48, 5 1, 53, 432, 444, 448, 449, 4 58, 67, 68, 77, 131, 426 461-465 ,, Forrest, I 5, 48, 5 1, 53, 66-68, i7-79, 131, 180, 426, 910, 935 Galloway, . Index of Places. 131

Garbethill, Dunbarton, . 152 Kilbryde Barony, 1 I 6, 587 -Garscadden, Dunbarton, . . 245 ,, Church, . . . 376 -Gartingaber, Dunbarton, . 22 Kilbucho, Peebles, Barony, 111, Gartshoar, Dunbarton, 82 121, 131, 156, 498-505, 508, ,, Wester, 36, 223, 414, 873 · 534, 536, 541, 542, 547-549, -Glasgow, house in, 812-823, 935 555,559,560,570,571, 573- ,, Chantorie, . . 116 576, 593 ,, College, . . . 93 5 ,, Church, . . 498-505 -Glenhead, Stirling, 177,204, 676, Kincardine Barony, 177, 697, 69 5, 700-709 700-709, 86 5 -Glenhighden, Peebles, 204, 431, Kingedward Barony, 403, 843-846 433, 494-496, 585, 617, 879 Kingledoors, Peebles, 77, 131, ,, Teinds: . . 621 186, 204, 417, 561 Glenhowden, Peebles, . 204, 494 Kirkintilloch Barony, 31, 32, 36, 129 Glenquhom, Peebles, Barony, ,, Burgh, 72, 77-79, 131, 180, 131, 186, 204, 407, 431, 204, 212, 22 I, 223, 47 I, 433, 479-484, 489, 494- 6o2, 883 496, 582, 585, 599, 700- ,, Castle, . . 1 5 709, 864, 873, 879 ,, Chapel of the Virgin l\'fary, . _ ,, Church, . . 594 12, 380 ,, Mill, . 582, 596, 597 ,, Easter Mains of, 36, 129, ,, Teinds, . . . 391 140, I 70, l 73, 195 Glenqutho, Peebles, . 177, 183, ,, Gallowmuir, . 883 I 84, 345, 412, 417, 450, n :\luir, . . : 883 460, 470, 494-496, 521, ,, St. Ninian's Church, 12, 21,354 545, 550, 553, 585, 613, ,, W estermains of, 36, 129, 617,621,622, 700-709, 839,879 140, 170, 173, 195 ·Glenrusco, Peebles, 77-79, 131, Kirktoun, . . 242 Z48, 249, 400, 401, 406, 446, 516, 539, 566 Lauderness, Dumfries, . 226 ·Glenside, Stirling, . . . 204 Lennox, Earldom of, . 245, 866 -Glentoirs, Easter and Wester, Lenzie Barony, 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11- Lanark, 1 77, 186, 204, 212, 13, 22, 27, 28, 31, 32, 36, 379, 700-709, 803-81 I, 878, 48, 50, 53, 63, 67, 68, 77-80, 934? 935 84, 90, 9 I, 113, I I 7, 12 5, ·Gothery Barony, . 242 129-131, 134, 137-139, 141' Govell Mill, Aberdeen, . 856 153,154,157,171, 189, 195, -Goveside, Lanark, 677 197,.201, 203,204,212,245, 248,260,324,378,406, 426, Haddington Monastery, 586 797, .869, 873, 877, 883, 934 Hallmyre, . 870 ,, Church, . 926, 934, 93 5 Hartree, Easter, Peebles, 508, ,, I"einds, 353, 355, 356-366 512, 513 370-375 Hatton, Murray, . 445 Leslie Barony, . . 243 Hawick Barony, 30 Letham, . 240, 827 Heavyside, Lanark, . 582, 879 Libberton, Lordship of, 867 Hempsfield, . 907 Lindsaylands, Lanark, . 879 Henderland, . 535, 544, 580, 58 I Little Kerse, Stirling, . 140 Herbertshire Barony, Stirling, Logan, 77, 131, 407., 459, 473- . 131, 186, 204, 456, 537, 476, 5 I 6, 539, 566, 601, 873 627-738, 808, 876 Lour, Forfar, 48, 49, 77, 83, · 131, H illhead, Lanark, 426, 79~ 797,857,861 Holyrood Abbey, 14, 404, 824-842 Lumbany, . . 243 ,, Regality, . . 240 Melrose Regality, . . 186, 607 Inchbellie, Stirling, . 881, 935 l\Ienzean, or Overmenzean, Inchbreak, Stirling, . 866, 88 r, 935 Peebles, 57, 58, 77-79, 131, Inchcarsiebank, . . 240 , 248, 249, 25 I, 400, 401, , 406, 4[ 1, 445, 446, 447, Kers. See Abbots Kers. . 456, 497, 509, 510, 516, Kethness, f orfa-r, • 860 I 539, 566, 661, 713, 879 132 lndet- of Places.

Middlecraig, • . 240 St. John of Jerusalem, . 434, 435 Milton, Lanark, . 126, 587 Salcots, Easter and Wester, . 240 ,, of Elrig, . 856 Sauchton, Edinburgh, . 236, 543 Mochrum, Wigton, . . 226 Sauchton Hall, . . . . 236 Molerennyswage, . . . 3 ,, Mill and Wauchmill, . . 543 Moness and Mill, Aberdeen, 843-846 Seymore, Easter and Wester, Monicabo Barony, Aberdeen, Seamore or Sickmore, 20, 48, 49, 248, 249, 4o6, Stirling, 177, 204,623,626, 426, 852-856, 858, 859 627,631,636-63~,640,642, Monkland Barony, 177, 186,204, 643, 648-651, 654,655,658, 212, 379, 700-709, 803-811, 935 665, 666, 691, 692, 693, Mossfennan, Peebles, 77-79, 131, 695, 700-709, 934• See 407,441,459,4j3-476,478- also Auchmoir. 480; 485, 539, 566 Sheilhill, • . 869 M uirhouse, . . · 455 Sheilhill Dam, . . 749- Muneratis, . . . 240 Sheils, . • . 869 Myethill, Stirling, . 776 Shirvay, Dunbarton, . 36, I 17 Slamanan Muir, . . 882 Nether Gelstouns, • • • 240 Smallhopes, Peebles, I 31, 177, Netherwood, Dunbarton, . . 113 186, 478, 485. ,82, 596, Newbattle Monastery, . . 803 597, 599, 808, 879- Newtown of Strathaven, 237,238,469 ,, Wester, . 444 Nithsdale, . . I 14 Smallburns flat, . . 827 Smithfield, . . . . . 277 Olivercastle Barony, Peebles, Smythstoun, Easter and Wester, 57, 58, 77, I 3I, 177, 183, 84,245,254,256,873 194, ::?48, 400, 40 I, 4o6, South Cains, . • . 868 408, 417, 430, 445, 450, Spittell, Lanark, . . . 873, 879- 46o, 516, 539, 545, 566, Sprouston Barony, . • 30 613, 700-709, 829, 879 Stewarton in Cunningham, 30- Overauchinreoch, . . . 602 Stirling, Lands of, . 41 5, Overcroy, . 171, 189, 191, 26o, 869 ,, Chapel Royal, . 393-395- Overkingledoors, Peebles, 511, ,, Church, . 419 516, 539, 566, 835, 836, 899 Stobo, Peebles, . . • 8;o Oversmallbopes, . 481, 482, 700-709 ,, Church, 204, 6o6, 607, 935 ,, Mill, . . 870 Pitcur, Forfar, . 61, 860 ,, Teinds, • • 397·399' Pitkinnive, Forfar, . . · 7i9 Stoniewood, • • . . 774- Plewlands, Edinburgh, • 236, 543 Strathaven. See Newtown. Polmonth Mill, . • . 240 Strathern Stewartry, 1o6, 131, Polmood, Peebles, • . 4 17 I 77, 553- Sunderland, Selkirk, 131, 525-528, 567 Quarter, Peebles, 470, 472-476, 507, 516 Tanndyce Barony, . . 784. Quarter Chapell, 177, 183, 194, Templedenny, Stirling, . 185, 741 245, 700-709, 839, 879 Thankertoun Barony, Lanark, Quarter of Chapellgill, 131, 48, 49, 63, 77-79, I 80, 195, 539, 545, 550, 553, 566, 613 212, 215, 218, 249, 329, Quilk!e flat • . . 827 426-428, 4 52, 453, 45 5, 5 I 5, 564, 565, 569, 577· Rachan, Peebles, · 204, 431, 494, . 579,586,619,839,862, 879- 585, 600, 617, 879 ,, Church, 388, 390, 453, 522, Rankins. See Castlerankine. 529, 879 Rashhill, Stirling, . 656, 657 ,, Tei nds, 388; 390 Redden, • . . 240 ,, Vicarage, . . . . 588 Redheugh, . . . 240 Thomastoun, Easter and Wester, Reidcoble fishing, . 240 Stirling, I 77, 204, 627, Roberton Barony, . 244 634, 642, 649-65 I, 654, 695, Roslyn, . . . . 688 700-709 Roxburgh, sheriffship, :?O Torphichen, Regalityof, 204,742etseq. Rynes, \iVigtown, . 3 Torpedo, Peebles, • • 434, 436 Index of Places.

Torringein, . . . 172 U risland, Mill, . 539, 566, 879 Torwood, Stirling, . 229 Usher, Office of, . . 294-308 ,, Forest, . . 227 Totherston, Forfar, . . 857 Walston, . 558 Trionries, Dunbarton, • 2 45 W auchopehead, . . 231 Tulliehaff, . . 843-846 Wecker, - . . 414 Tullimade, Aberdeen,. 852-856 Westwood, Perth, 121, 131, 550, Tulliquhorthie, Aberdeen, . . 85 l I 553, 697, 700-709, 797, 839, 865 Tweeddale, . · 490 \Vhiteside, . . . 240 ,, Sheriffship of, 457, 517-519 Whitham Priory, 73, 114, 933 Tweedsmuir Church, . . 884 ,, See, . 3 Wigtown Burgh, 3 U chtermony. See Auchtermony. ,, Earldom, 3, 7, 30, 212, 221, 223 U ckstoun, . . . . 2 39 Wintermuir, Lanark, 421-423, Urisland, Peebles, 77, 131, 478, 437, 533, 87 4, 879 483-485, 516, 539, 582, 596, 597 Wolsey, 30