



An interesting chapte n i Scottisr h history might he written regarding the origin and continuance of " bands" or bonds, leagues, mutual indentures, arid covenants generally, having for their objects the protection of individuals, clans, or families, and the nation, or of certain rights, privileges, or possessions, personal or national, when these were menaced. Assurance f thio s s character, give d receivedan n n somi , e simple a bindinmanner y b e r consideregb o , writy ma , a primitivd e custom e example e covenantTh th . f o s s referred recordean o t n di d e Holth y Scripture sf Christiao wer a eer copiee nth civilisationn di d an , invested similar agreements wit a morh e binding force supposee b o t d resule th f thio t s religious association earln importand A y.an t compact, fraught with very happy result r Scotland sfo e Bru d Th s tha san f o wa ,t three gallant outlaws, as referred to in Balfour's Annals (i. 89), under yeae th r 1306, thus:—"This zeir ea niivtual s thewa r l endenture made betuix Sr of Erole, Sr Neill Campbell of Lochaw, and Sr Alexander Setton, Knights, at the abbey of Londors, to defend King Eobert and hes croune to the last of ther hloodes and fortunes; wpone the sealling of the said indenture, they solemly toke the Sacrament at St Maries altar, in the said abbey-churche." For consolidating their personal power and influence as chieftains, head f familiesso r head,o f burghso s givwelo s t a , s ela them indisputable rights over the lives and possessions of their retainers and allies, the head-men e ,Highland th e botLowlands th n i h d an s , exacted these bond f manreno s d indenturesan t o thas , t their increased powes a r justices becam emenaca e Crowconstio t botth d o ht n an - tutional government. Consequently e Estateth , f Scotlano s d fount i d imperative, in 1424, by chapter 5 (Act, Part. Scot., ii. 7), to make illegal "BANDS COVENANTR O " 7 16 SCOTLANDN I S .

all bands, leagues, and risings of the commons in burghs under pain of confiscation of goods, and the offenders' lives being at the King's will. This enactment was extended in 1503 (c. 43; c. 33) to apply to land- ward districts; but afterwards, in 1584 (c. 4), and in 1585 (c. 6), this stringent enactment was modified so as not to apply to bands or conven- tions for the maintenance of those laws and liberties in church and state already declared to be lawful. This statute was again, ratified on 16th January 1661 (Charle , Act.s12 II.. c Parl., Scot., vii. 12). Thu lae wsth stood till 24th June 1662, whe e "Acnth t (12, vii. 377-8) for Preservatio s MajestieHi f no s Person, Authoriti Governmentd ean " embodied certain clauses declarin l leagueal g d covenantan s e b o t s " rebellious and treasonable," and " The " and " The Solemn League and Covenant," in particular, to be "in themselffs unlawful Oaths." By Act 5 (1685) the covenants were again made treasonable (Act. Parl. Scot., viii. 461). While this latter Act may be inferred to bo annulled by certain restrictive Acts passed at the Revolu- s finalltionwa ) y, 12 tharepeale . f ] 1666 StatutEdw(c o 7 [ t 2 .y b d e Law Revision (Scotland) Act 1906 [c. 38]. alss i t oI worth f notyo e thae Privth t y Council Minutes record many bond agreementd san s entered into between parties which were referred to the Privy Council for their imprimatur, so that the principals might contract mutuall e considereb o t y d dishonest, perjurers d impiouan , s men, should they brea e deee termth th k d f o ssanctione e lawth . y b d offendee Th r thus constituted himsel criminaa f l punishabl lawy eb . In all likelihood the early British Protestants, as Wycliffites, Lollards, Gospellers Testamentarsw Ne , , Sacramentars, Heretics, long held them- selves togethe y secreb r t bond f communiono s f whico , h onle th y faintest traces are preserved. In 's day, Sir George Douglas brother to the Earl of Angus, the Earl of Cassillis, the Earl of Glencairn, and John Erskine of Dun, agreed to protect the feeble cause of . Bothwell, honoutooo t , w e Ormistobrokvo th r s ehi n bond entered into for the protection of Wishart (Knox, i. 134-141). reture Th Knof no Scotlano xt 155n di 5 mad framine eth bond a f go , 168 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOOIETY, FEHRUARY 10, 1908.

a religioubot f o h d politicaan s l character, binding influential Scots Evangelical Protestants together, absolutely imperative. Their peril create e opportunityth d . Consequently Knox himself narrates that, afte toua r f preachino r e winteth f n 1555-56i go r , he-went norto t h Dun, and there ministered " the Table of the Lord Jesus " to " gentilmen e Mernseoth f praisede ,b whod thio constantliGo y ,t , sda remano ed n ei same th e doctrin, -which then thei professed witto t , , that thei refuissed all societie with idolatrie, and band thame selfis to the uttermost of thare poweris, to manteane the trew preaching of the Evangell of Jesus Christ, should asGo d offer unto thame preacheari oportunitied an s " (Knox, i. , 250)r M'CriD . e concluded that this confederation originatee th d first covenant. Knox a doe t s recor no s wa y tha s term it t dsa i t r o s written deed. Kno agais e e incitexleaderwa Refore th nth th f f o ro sm movement meeo t n Edinburghi t d Decembe3r n o , r 1557 d subscriban , e "The Commo r Godlno y Band, f whic"o a hcop s ypreservei Nationae th n di l Museu Antiquitief mo s (Knox . 273i , , 274 . 674-vi , 6 ; Calderwood. i , 326; Keith, i. 154; National MSS. of Scotland, iii., plate xi., facsimile). extane Th t example only bear e signatureth s f Archibaldo s ] Erif eo Ergyl, Glencarne, Mortoun, Archibald] Lord of Lome, Jhoue Erskyne. Knox, however, inform subscribes thas wa u s t i t "y d manb y otheris.'' . The next bond of similar import was that of the Congregation, sub- scribed Mai f Pertht "o A lasy e j "th ,tda 1559 "y Archb , . Ergyle, James Stewart, Mathovv Campbell of Teringland, Glencarne, E. Lord Boyd, TJchiltrie " (Knox, i. 344, 345 ; vi. 24). "A Geiierall Band," signe n Edinburgi d n 13to h h July 1559s i , recorded in The Register of the Session of St Andrews (i. pp. 6, 7 ; y FleminHa . D gedit r (Scot.D . Hist. Soc.)). Othere th bond r fo s protectio e Congregatioth f o n n were entere e mosth f dto intoe on , interesting bein e -Leitth g h Covenant f dato , e 27th April 1560, preservew e no Hamilto, th n i d n archives. Afte e Reformatioth r e mosth n t important bons thawa dt which "BANDS" OR COVENANTS IN SCOTLAND. 169

resulted from a scare caused by Popish intrigues in 1580. King James personally superintended its creation, which he entrusted to his chaplain t I appeare. d unde e titlth re "ane shord an t general Confession e truth e f o Christiane e Fayt Religiond han e accord- ing to Godis Vorde, and Actis of our Perlament, subscryued by e Kingith s s HousholdMaiestihi d an e , with sindrie otherise th o t , glorie of , and good example of all men att Edinburght, the 28 day of Januare 1580, and 14 yeare of his Maiesties reigne." It was subscribed first by King James and by many nobles and gentlemen. e originaTh s i preservel e Advocatesth n i d ' Library e (Booksth f o Universall Kirk, ii. 515-518). This bon alss di o know King'e "s nTh a s Confession, Covenant,"e "Th " "The National Covenant," "The Confession of Faith," "The Second Confession of Faith," and " The ." The National Covenant, published and subscribed in Greyfriars' Church, Edinburgh, on 1st March 1638, is an instrument embodying Nationae th l Covenan f 1580-1o t , together witsupplementso tw h e th , one specifyin Acte gth f Parliamen so t suppressing Poper establishind yan g Protestantism e otheth d r declarinan , g tha s subscriberit t s defendee dth established faitd forboran he innovationth e e Church—canonsth n i s , liturgy, etc.—introduce y Kingb d s Jame d Charlesan s , which were abjured as "heads of Papistrie" (Act. Parl. Scot,, v. 294-298; Large Declaration, 57). Soleme Th n Leagu Covenand ean simplf a 164 o ts 3wa e treaty between Scotlan Englandd dan , "For Defencd an , Religionf o e e Th , Honour and Happiness of the King, and the Peace and Safety of the three Kingdoms of Scotland, England, and ." Its object was the preservation of the Reformed religion in the , and the reformation of religion in Englainl and Ireland, "according to the Word of God, and the example of the best Reformed Churches." The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland accepted this League on 17th August 1643 e Conventioth , f Estate o nsame th en so date d an , the parliament men of England, the commons, and some peers, on the 170 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 10, 1908.

25th September'folio wing (Act. Parl. Scot., . 41-3vi ; Peterkin, Records, 353, . 362GardinerE . S ; , Hist. Great Civil War, . i 234 , 235, citing The Covenant, etc. . . . E, 70, 22. On 23rd June 1650, King Charles II. subscribed the covenants with speciaa l declaratory oath thereanent a vesse n i t Speya l,y whilla -e h e mouth. The original document is preserved in the Bodleian Library, an catalogues di d " Clarendon MSS. , fol40 ., 80."

EXTANT SCOTTISE COPIETH F SO H COVENANTS. r DaviD d Laing n y 24t1847o , Ma he Societ, reath o dt Antiquarief o y f o s Scotland a paper entitled " The Names of some of the Persons who have Original Copies of our Covenants, National and Solemn League.'1 It was publishe e Proceedings,th n di vol . 238-5iv . 0 (Edin., 1863)e followinTh . g notes supplement that catalogue of Covenants, some of which cannot now be traced :— E COMMONTH ) GODLIH (1 O , B BAND . ProceedingsCf . f Societyo f Anti-o quaries of Scotland, iv. 243 ; xii. 216-217. This interesting parchment, measuring 20Jx 15|- inches a fin n ei , stat f preservationo e s preservei , d an d displaye e Scottisth n i dh National Museu f Antiquitiemo n Edinburgi s h reduceA . 7) d . (photographic(Catal.,OA . No ) facsimile e appearTh n i s , . KJ .y Hewisob , 12 . volp n. i .( , 1908). s founwa d t I amon e papere Erskinegth th f o s f Littlo s e Sauchy. Pre- sented by Captain John Cunningham in 1877. [A copy of THE EDINBURGH GENERALL BAND, of 13th July 1559, is preserve e Registerth e Kirk th n i df o Session e d CityParishth an f o t S of Andrews, mdlix.-mdlxiii . Misc.Cf . Mait. Club, 1843 . 211hi , ; of. Register, edit. Dr D. Hay Fleming, i., pref., vii. pp. 6, 7 (Scot. Hist. Soc.).] (2) THE EDINBURGH BOND, subscribed on 27th April 1560, which Dr Laing t traceno s preserved i , di n Hamiltodi n Palace skie whicn s o Th ni . t hi written is abraded, wrinkled, and mutilated, having four holes through it. It measures 26 20ix J inchess signei t y I Chatelheraultb d. , Arran, Huntly, Argyll, Glen cairn, Eothes, Morton, James Stewart (Regent Moray) e abbotth , s of Kinloss, Cupar, and Kilwinning, and many others. Cf. Hist. MSS. Com. Rep., XL, vi. 43, for text. A reduced facsimile appears in The Covenanters, vol. i. p. 28. ) 156(3 7 Bon Glasgon di w University Library. On a separate parchment sheet this document is described as " The Original Bond subscribe . [lettere EarlM th f y eo b ds deface d rewrittean d n Murray] Regent, with most of the Nobility, Gentry and Burgesses [at] the Coronation [in] Defence of King James 6th, anno 1567." Among many signatures appear Mortoun, Mar, James Stewart, Ruthven, , Methven, Tulibardin, Dalyell, Bargany, Eraser of that Ilk, Alexander, of Galloway, the Commendator Culrosf so d Cambuskennethsan mand an , y others parche Th . - "BANDS" OK COVENANTS IN SCOTLAND. 171

ment measures 46jjX 11J; inches. It was one of three such deeds "Given to e librarth f Glasgoo y w Coleg y Johb e. [letter C n s defaced], 1696," during Dunlop's priiicipalship texe printes i tTh . Calderwoodn di . 378-8ii , e th 3 ; subscribers' name alse sar o giveBookee . Kirk,Th U n n e . i ther110oi th f d .ean (4) 1572-8 Bon Glasgon di w University Library. The above-mentioned parchment sheet indexed another deed entitled " Ane Originall Bond containing ane Confession of Keligion in the tyme of Morion's Regency [1572-8] subscribe Churchmen.y db " This parchment, subscribey db sir seveo x n persons—signatures difficul o makt t e out—measures 2Hxl3 inches and is in a good state of preservation. [1589 Bond thirA . d Covenan thus same swa th lost t ew I n i tfoli. no s i o described: "Ane Bon f Associatioo d r defenc e Protestanfo n th f eo t Eeligion agains e detestablth t e Conspiracy, then calle e Holth d y League, mady b e Foreign Papists, whic s subscribehwa Kiny b d g Ja., wit greaha t numbef o r Nobilite th Burgessd yan , anno 1589. copA thif "o y s documen preserves i t d among the Wodrow MSS. in the Advocates' Library, fol. Ixiv. 75. It is printe Calderwoodn di , Hist., . 49-52.v ] KING-'E TH ) S (5 CONCESSION, 1580-1 . Proc.Cf . Sac. Antiq. f Scotland,o . iv 24 3; National MSS. of Scotland, iii. Ixx ; .reduce d facsimil Tlien ei Covenanters, originae Th . 102i . l parchment dee s preservei d Advocatese th n i d ' Library. Nine hol a blot d e san disfigur e skin eth draf A preserve.s i t Registee th n di r House, Edinburgh. The deed was subscribed on 28th January 1581. The writing is much faded, but the signatures of King James, Lennox, Morton, Argyll, Ruthven, Johnr "M e Crag," Duncanson othed ,an r thirty-one subscribers are still discernible. It measures 23 inches square. [The King, Lennox, Huntly, and ninety-six others signed another copy of this Confession on 25th February 1588 ; the deed was preserved among the muniments at Pollok (Proc. Soe. Antiq., foundt e cannoI b . 244) copA iv w .parf .y to no thif to s Covenant appears in the Record of Laureations of the in 1585, d graduatean s thereafter signe t di (Gatal. f Grad.,o Edin., 1858) t I begin. s wit finisheallhe d ""W an s with " fearful judgment." Amon signaturee gth s are: (1585 Johii)r "M e Craig," " ," " Patrik Home " ; "Jhon e Earl of Gowrye" (1598); (July 23, 1631) " Robertus Leighton"; (1645) " "; (1647 ) " Jacobus Kirktoun. Row. ,Cf " Hist., 74-77. There is in the possession of the Presbytery of , and now bound up with vol. i. (1581-9) of their Records, a manuscript with the following heading: "Ane Schort and generall Confessione of ye trew Christiane faithe and Religione according to God's word and actis of our pliaments Subseryved be ye King's Majestie and his househald, w* sindrie uthers, to ye glorie of god and gude exampil t Edinbrugl menA a f , o l e xxvii hth ofy fda iJanuar zeie y ,f ro

god lm vc Ixx e fourteixy zeird An ns Majeste' hi xei f o r w s no Regn d An e subscryvi Ministere th e b t d Reider e an sevangel th f so f Jesuo l s Christ wil n bounde Presbyteriy e th f so y Sterlinf e brugo i da th t hA gthairo e th f ld m zeigo e v f c o Th rIxxxvii io fzeirs. " signaturee Th s appende e thosdar f Jameo e s Andersone (Stirling), Henry Levingstoun t Ninians)e(S , Andro Murdo (Kippen), William Couper (Both- kenner), Alexander Fargy (Logie), Henrie Laing (Airth), Alexr. Wallace (Clackmannan), Andro Foster (Falkirk), Robert Mentayth (Alva) d Johan , n 172 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 10, 1908.

Duncansone, ministers y foub rd an Readers—on• f whoo e' a i mJame s Duncansone, the Clerk. A'folio printed broadsheet wit titl Shorththe e General"Ane eand l Confession Credee oth f , Christian Fait Religion,d han " wit date hth e t Holyrudhous"A e 1580 the 2 day of March," and the printer's name, " Imprented at Edinburgh be Robert Lekprewike, preserves "i Advocatese th n di ' Librar y: Wodrow MSS., xliii. fol . . 8 Thi M. 6 . s probabl e firsth t s yi printe d e Confessioncopth f o y . No signature addede sar . A printed copy of the Confession is appended to Craig's own Catechism (12mo) (1581), the signatures being omitted. Aldis, List, 176.] GENERAA [ L BAND, 1588 (Proc. Soc. Antiq., . e 244)originaiv Th . l deed, formerly preserve e Universitth n di y Library, Glasgow s gonha , e amissing. " The generall band subscryvit be his Hienes (King James) and divers of his Esteatis," is mentioned in the Convention of Estates on 27th July 1588 (Beg. Privy Council, iv. 300). This Band was printed with the Confession of Faith in 1590 by Waldegrave. Cf. Aldis, List, 211 ; Dickson and Edmond, Annals of Scottish Printing, pp. 406-409.] (6) "The Copy of the General Band and Act of Counsail," 1589-90, in Advocates' Library (Boole j.text8 . Kirk,U 74 . e ,oii th f759-61) drafe f Th o t. this Covenant, 4 pp. fol., is preserved in the Wodrow MSS., Ixiv. 75 fol. It is smalla n i , crabbed hand beard an ,hav o st e been " signe t Edr a te sex th f . o t March [1590] and of our reigne the 23 year." Cf. Calderwood, v. 49-52, 90. A draft of the 1589 Band is preserved in the Register House, Edinburgh. The Band, signed at Aberdeen in March 1593, is printed in Calderwood, Hist., v. 233-5, 773. Cf. Wodrow MSS., fol. xliii. 43. Cf. Privy Counc. Bee., iv. 254 note note7 46 , . [1590. THE CONFESSION OF FAITH : Trinity College, Cambridge. Press mark, . via8 Edin., , 6 . 1590. 7x5 inches: printed.] (7) 1638 Covenant in the Museum of the Corporation of Edinburgh. This magnificent parchmen excellencer pa s i t Covenane th s preservei f 1638o t t I . d framed an d betwee sheeto ntw glass f skine so Th ,. probably deera tha f s o ti , largese th t engrossed wit Covenante hth measured an , f inches43 s lon 46d g§an inches broad. Both sides are fully occupied with the names, initials, and marks of subscribers, 3250 in all—1350 on one side and 1900 on the other. The ski large n "shows on writtee cut o d wa hole t san tw I Jame e n.b s Davie, Schoolmaiste Edinburghe.n ri " Immediately belo termCovenante e wth th f so , but in smaller script and clearer ink, appears the following addendum (of 30th August 1639) embodying the Determination of Glasgow Assembly : " The articl f thio e s Covenan e firsth t t t whica subscriptio s hwe n referree th o t d determinatio Generae th f no l Assemblie being determined therebd ,an fyve yth e articles of Perthe, the governement of the Kirk by , the civill places and powe Kirkmenf ro , upo reasone nth groundd san s containee actie th th f so n d i General Assemblie, declared to be unlawful within this Kirk, wee subscribe accordin determinatioe th o gt n foirsaid " (Peterkin, Records, ; Scottish 8 20 Hist, and Life, 1902 . 98)p , . Then follow these name n ordei s : rMontrose , Rothes, Eglinton, Cassillis, Lothian, Boyd, Forrester, Wemyss, Yester, Sinclare, Elcho, Lindesay, Cranstoune, Loudoun, Johnstoun, Balmerino, Flemyng, Lyoned an , e nobilityotherth f o s . Then follo e leadinth w g laird d memberan s f o s "BANDS" OR COVENANTS IN SCOTLAND. 173

Parliament: S[ir] H[ew] Campbell, the lairds of Drumlanrig, Lag, Duncrub, Craigdarroch, Keir, Kowallan, Gaitgirth, S[ir] D[imoan] Campbell of Auchin- breck, and scores of others. On the fifth line appears " S[ir] A[ndro] Moray of Balvaird " ; on the eighth line, "Alex. Henderson, Leu chars"; on the ninth line " M[r] Patrik Henrysone publict lector" (the reader of St Giles in July 1637); on the twenty-fifth line " Johne Cunynghame till daith," written as others e witar h reddish pigment f bloodo s a , . Grahames, Murrays, Hays, Shaws, Lawmonths, Semples, Johnstones, of their particular "ilks," subscribe. Archibald] Jhonston (afterwards Lord Wariston) "Esignd an . s; Johneston e with my \ / is also appended. On it one pious wish is thus expressed : " Exurgat Deus et dissipentur omnes inimici eius, Johannes Paulicius manu propria." " Mr Andro Cant" made a clear subscription, as did , ministe Irvinen ri , Harie Rollok, ministe Edinburghn ri , many dames, doctors, advocates, ministers, magistrates ; and illiterates made marks or penned huge initial letters. Notaries signed on behalf of many others. A notarial attestation, "At the South Kirk of Edinburgh the threttein, tweritie, and xxvii dayis of March 1638," indicates that this deed was subscribed before the 1638 Glasgow Assembly. A reduced facsimile appears in The Covenantors, vol. i., . 264'p . Of. Act. Parl. Scot., llth June 1640 . 292-8v , . (8) 1638 Covenant in the Scottish National Museum of Antiquities,Edinburgh. Pres . s markThi18 . s ,OA irregularl y dressed skin, measurin 28x J1 g 3 inches , is punctured with twelve holes. Has small writing ; no ornamental capitals. s threHa e hundred signature s: Montrose, etc., some Argyleshire lairds; notable in centre " Mr Alexander Henderson, Leuchars." Lacks Glasgow Determination above signatures fains ha t addendbu , t bottoma . Inscribed " For the Burghe and Parochin of Dumbarton." Presented by Alexander Fergusson of Craigdarroch, 1784. (9) 1638 Covenan Scottise th n ti h National Museu Antiquitiesmf o , Edinburgh. Pres . s Thimark28 . s untrimmeOA , d skin measures inches4 292 £x , wite hth usual signature f Montroseso , Cassillis manf o d y an ,Ayrshir e lairds, Cunning- hamheid, Carberry, Cairnhill, Innerkip, Rowallan. Was subscribed by three hundred persons in , probably in May bole ; among others by Jane Stewart, Margaret Stuart, Anna Stewart, Elizabeth Stewart. Presentey b d Thomas Eattra 1782n yi . (10) 1638 Covenan Scottise th n i t h National Museu Antiquitiesf mo , Edin- burgh. Press mark, OA. 25. This example is faintly written, has no border, and measures 22£ x 20^ inches; is signed by Eothes, Montrose, and other members of the Tables : " S.A. Murray of Balvaird," " George Wynrame of Liberton." It lacks Glasgow Determination. Presented by Thomas Rattray in 1782. (11) 1638 Covenant in the Scottish National Museum of Antiquities, Edin- burgh. Press mark, OA.21. This fine example, somewhat similar to that pre- served in the New College, Edinburgh, measures 32-| x 26| inches ; has a pink- coloured border, with pattern picked out in white, and some words picked out in red and gold ; was " written be Johne Laurie, writer in Edinburgh." It bears thirty-two e Privnameth f y(o sCouncil ) still visibl d otheran e s undecipher- e Glasgoth s ha wable t I Determination. s threha et I larg. e e holeth n i s 4 17 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , FEBRUAR , 190810 Y .

presentes wa centre skine Societ th t th I f .o Joho e t dy y b n Lesli 1784n ei . A reduced facsimile appears in The Covenanters, vol. i. p. 306. (12) 1638 Covenant in the Scottish National Museum of Antiquities, Edin- burgh. This Covenant, formerly possesse y Misb d s Agnes Black, Perths i , assigned to no district. It is described in Proc. Soc. Antiq., xii. 63, 64. The parchment measures inche3 292 Jx s carefull i s; y writte s beeha n; washed by some restorative ; has signatures of nobles, and one hundred signatures of ministers and landowners, among others being Mr John Adamson, Principal of Edinburgh College, Fouli f Colintono s r JohM , n Sken f Halzairdso e r M , Alexander Henderson, Leuchars, Graeme of Inchbraikie, and other Graemes. (13) 1638 Covenant in Advocates' Library. This example measures 41 x 32J inches; has plain script, no capitals ; a little torn. Signed April 1638. Subscribed on both sides with five hundred signatures of nobility, gentry persond an , s fro l quartersmal , probabl t Edinburghya . (14) 1638 Covenant in Advocates' Library. This magnificent example, measurin inches2 3 x 0 s framei g,4 d exhibite an de Laig th n hi d Parliament Houses datei t I d. 12th January 163 9; writte y "Williab n m Aytoun, Maison, d presentean " Williay b d m Aytoun, juniore Librarth o t , n 1703yi . It is written in double columns, with some of the letters in gold. In circles roun e edg de th names th e , of Montrose, Argyll, other nobles memberd an , f so Parliament are subscribed. It contains the Glasgow Determination in a special paragraph at the bottom. It was engraved in facsimile by Davidson, Edinburgh (Proc. Sec. Antiq., iv. 246) reduceA . d facsimile appear Covenanters,e Th n si . vol336p . i .. (15) 1638 Covenant in Advocates' Library. A parchment similar to the above, measurin inchesg§ 3222 ^ x alss i , o preserve Advocatese th n di ' Library. There is a border ornament, capitals in gold letters, special words in red capitals ; has signatures of J. Leslie, J. Mar, Rothes, Dunfermline, Sinclare, Loudoiin, Forester . ErskineJ , , Boyd, Balmerino, Linlithgow . GordonG , d an , no others. Has Glasgow Determination. In splendid condition: similar to Laurie's wor Covenann ko U.Fn i t . Church College Hall. (16) 1638 Covenant in Advocates' Library. This parchment, very red- stained, measures inches writte9 s 31i 2 Jd x an ,cursivn i e line witw n fe i s ha Gothic text. "B. M. M'Ghie wrotte it." It has Glasgow Determination at e dee th e food; f abou th o hundreo t tw t d signatures e lasth ,t being . "W Burnett": among others, Fraser . DalyellJ , , " John Lewis, prouest, Pat. Thomson, baillie," and other bailies. It is probably the Covenant of Peebles. A facsimile of the Covenant for the Burgh of Peebles was engraved, as state Daviy db d Laing Proc.n i , Soc. Antiq., . 247iv . Of. facsimil Schencky eb . (17) 1638 Covenan Advocatesn i t ' Library, Edinburgh. This shield-shaped parchment measures 34 x 284- inches ; is subscribed by hundreds on both sides, probabl; has r , Ay beside t ya e nameth s f Rotheso s , Montrose . HomeJ d an ,, " , ministe t Ayr,a r " Robert Gordoune th s ha ,; r provosAy f o t notarial attestation, "decimo tertio Mertii, 1638," by George Maxwell. Of. Advertiser,r Ay Octobeh 8t r 187 4; Scot. Nat. Mem., 89-90. "BANDS" OK COVENANTS IN SCOTLAND. 175

It is much stained. Has no reference to Glasgow Determination. It records about five hundre d fiftan dy names. Plain caligraph o ornamentan y; l capitals. Presente Lory db d Cowa hid snan nephews Edinburgh. Cf . Courant, 14th January 1875. (18) 1638 Covenan n Advocatesi t ' Library. This example, covered with four hundred and thirty-two signatures, measures 32^ x 34| inches; has indistinct script; signe Montrosey b d , Boyd, Loudoun ,. CochraneJ Keir r Si , , W. Riccartoune, Dalmahoy, Sha Sauchief wo , Lugton, " David Hom t Ladyea - o referencn kir s kha " o ; Glasgot e s subscriptionha w; notary b s y George Aytoun 22nd-25tn ,o (Marchf o y hda einscriptione 1th ) 163d an 8 ; , " Ex dono Mri Adami Coult Adar M " m(?)A ministe.Col s wa t t Inveresra 1643n ki . (19) 1580-1 Covenant subscribed in 1638—in Advocates' Library. This printed document (quarto with blank pages) No. 34. 5. 15, is the King's Con- fession of 1580 (signed by Hamilton, Traquair, Roxburgh, and the Privy Council on 22nd September 1638 at Holyroodhouse); attested by "J. Prymrois." It was also signed in Kirriemuir, Aberbrothock, Arbuthnot, , Aly th, Forfar, and other parishes in Forfarshire, by nine hundred and thirteen persons . PeterkinCf . , Records,. 84 (20) 1638 Covenan Advocatesn i t ' Library. This example measure 25x ^5 s3 inches s veri ; y cracke d; cornerp tor botn to no f s signe i o h s; Lesliey b d , Amout, Argyll, Montrose, Cassillis, Sir R. Moray, Sir Thomas Hope, Ja. Sword, W. Hamilton, M. Gibsone Durie, S. J. Rutherfurd, G. Gordone, and four others. It records Glasgow Determination. Caligraphy small ; no ornamental capitals. (21) 1638 Covenan n Registei t r House, Edinburgh (Hist. Dept, Q. 133). This example, measuring 24^-x22-|- inches, is very small compared with other s i signe s; y Montroseb d , Rothes, Lothian, Boyd, Lyone, Humf o e Polwarth, Sir Duncan Campbell of Auchinbreck, and other peers and members of Parliament. James Cheyne subscribe s penmaa e sdeedo th N f .o n Glasgow Determination. (22) 1638 Covenant in Register House (Q. 134A.). This document was subscribed in Borgue, Kirkcudbrightshire, and is dated 22nd April 1638. It measure 7 inchess 2 thre x Ha 5 e2 .s hole n parchmenti s s GlasgoHa . w Determination on back with many signatures following. (23) Humble Supplication and Confession in Register House (Q. 134B). It was signed in Edinburgh on 12th August 1639 by Lennox, Hamilton, Traquair, Argyll, Marischal, Wigtoune, Buccleuch, " J. E. Southerland " (his first signature), " S. Jo. Maitland " (Lauderdale), A. Johnston (Wariston), and one hundred and twenty others. Measures 34^x36 inches. Has Glasgow Determination. (24) 1638 Covenant in Register House (Q. 135). This covenant measures e paris th e bon r th Gartlyf ho fo ds 26x1 wa dateo ,n t I 2s . inchesha d an , Strathbogie, and is subscribed by William Reid, the parish , and twenty-five other persons. On the edge is written boldly "J. Huntlye." Huntly signe King'e dth s Confessio 163n ni 9 (Spalding . 88)i , . This dees di writte papern no . George Jope, notary, sign somer sfo . 6 17 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , FEBRUAR , 1908Y10 .

(25) Edinburgh Confession and Supplication in Register House (Q. 136). It is on parchment, dated 12th August 1639. Measures 42 x 27Jr inches. Has no signatures Glasgos Ha . w Determination. (26) 1581 Covenan n i Registet r Hous . 137)(Q e . This parchment, measuring 20^x10^ inches, contain e e Confession th th sa cop f s i o y d an , Covenant signe t da Holyroo d Hous n 20to e h September 1639 namee th , s attache t beindno g holograph. Three paper sheet Registen si r Ho . vis138e(Q ) for n incompletma e copf yo the Confession. None of the examples of the Covenant in the Register House fine ar e copies somd nearlan e , ear y undecipherable. (27) 1638 Covenan Collegw Ne n eti Library, Edinburgh. This parchment, bequeathed by the late Earl of Dalhousie, measures 37 x 27, inches ; is framed and exhibited ; is subscribed by Rothes, Montrose, Boyd, and eight hundred others. Lacks the Glasgow Determination ; is disfigured by one hole. [Up till lately other three Covenants were preserve thin di s Librarye On . was without signatures ; another was signed by Argyll and other nobles ; and a third, soile yellowd dan , sai havo dt e been signe t Nortda h Leith d manha , y signatures. These three have gone amissing.] (28) 1638 Covenant in New College Hall, Edinburgh. This fine example measures 38 x 32 inches; has ornamental border and capitals in gold; was written by John Laurie in Edinburgh ; subscribed by one hundred and eighty persons, includin noblese gth , Rothes, Lindesay, Ker ministerd an , Muthillf so , Fyvie, Stonykirk, by bailies and counsellors at Lauder. Many subscriptions are faded. It was bequeathed by the Rev. Dr . Is framed and exhibited. It has the Glasgow Determination. (29) 1638 Covenant in Library of General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh. This interesting deed was presented by James Wilson, blacksmith, foot of Liberton's Wynd, to the Incorporation of Hammermen, who n 1876i , , presentee Generath o t t i dl Assembly t I measure.7 2 x 5 3 s inches. It has the usual signatures, Montrose excepted, as well as those of some Dumfriesshire and Ayrshire lairds, notable as Covenanters and sufferers —Craigdarroch (Ferguson), Johne Kirk f Sundyvelo , Riddell, . J Lauri e (Maxwelton)—i hundree on eightl d nal d an y names. " Alexander Henderson, Leu chars," subscribed this parchment. It is in good state of preservation ; a full skin, blotsuntrimmew fe .a s Glasgoha d; w Determinatio s absenti n . It was subscribed at various places and also by notaries. Cf. Proc. Soc. Antiq., . 239iv , 242. (30) 1638 Covenant in Edinburgh University Library. This example measures 3 inche27a 2 whit ^x s i se; uncut skin, frame s signei ; d y b d Montrose, Rothes d othean , r . memberDalyellJ e r Tablesth Si f ,y o sb , Craigdarroch, J. Erskine of Dun, many Grahames, Ja. Sharp (Govan), Robertson (Cluny) . M'Kaile—iH r hundreM o , tw l nal d subscribers t I lack. s Glasgoe th w Determination. (31) 1638 Covenan Riccartonn i t , Currie. This example properte th w no ,y r JameoSi f . Gibson-CraigH s s signe wa , n 18to d h October 1638 (?), among others, by Argyll, Mar, Maitland (Lauderdale). Cf. Prod Soc. Antiq., iv. 247. "BANDS COVENANTR O " 7 17 SCOTLANDN I S . writtes i t largI a title somn nd i e th e an s han e letterha d; s beegoln si ha n d; repaired. Of. Letter from present possessor. facsimilA [ fina f eeo exampl e 163th f 8eo Covenant, with beautiful border and three large capitals, and signed by Argyll, Eothes, Montrose, Cassillis, Lothian, "Wemyss, Thos. Hope, A. Jhonstoun—fifty signatures in all—appears in the Nat. MSS., iii., No. xcvii. There is no reference to the depository of this Covenant—one of the few signed by Argyll. It has the Glasgow Determi- unlikt no nation s i e t Laurie'I . s work.] (32) 1638 Covenan Newbattln i t e Abbey. This example, ove yara r d square, was subscribe abouy db hundree on t d persons, including Lothian, Sinclair, Wemyss, s foldeetci d cutt I .an d . "John Laurie write n Edinburgh,i r " who wrot Covenane eth Collegew t preserveNe e , th Edinburgh n i d , appended his name as a witness. (33) 1638 Covenant in Duns Castle. This example was " written be Johne Trotter nottar publict" ; has about one hundred signatures. It lacks the Glasgow Determination Scot.. Cf . ; BrownHist, Life,d 0 an 10 , Covenantersf o the Merse, 24, 82. (34) 1638 Covenant in Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow. This example, formerly the property of David Pulsifer, and purchased by Glasgow Corpora- tior £50fo n s ,framedi d hangan , n Kelvingrovi s e Museum t I measure. s 28^ x 37 inches; has a strip cut off the lower edge; has two holes in parch- ment ; is signed by Eothes, Montrose, etc.—twenty nobles, fifty barons, seventy ministers d subscriberan , s from various counties s GlasgoHa . w Assembly Determination at foot. Has " The Confessioune of Faithe " written on back. Cf. Scot. Nat. Mem., 1890. Conditio90 . ,p n fair. (35) 1638 Covenan n Librari t f Universito y f Glasgowyo . This example, on a skin with neck-piece retained at bottom, is in good condition; measures inche4 332 Jx s; wa s probably signe n Argyleshiredi , having signaturef o s Colin Campbell of Strachur, James Couper, George Hutcheson, Andro Park, David Mitchell, Jhon Liddell, Jame Willia, Or s m Broune . GrahameJ , d an , others; no nobles or barons sign. On the back is written: "May 20, 1782. Presente e Universitth o t d f Glasgo o yr Jame M y wb s Wardrop, merchant in Glasgow." No Glasgow Assembly Determination. Cf. Proc. Soc. Antig., . 239iv . (36) 1638 Covenant in Mitchell Library, Glasgow. This unevenly cut parchment, 27ix2l£ inchese propertth s i , f Glasgoyo w Corporations wa ; probably the Covenant signed at Biggar in 1638 (as indicated on the back of the deed) s purchasewa ; n Aprii d e librarl th e 187sal f th f Joho e yo t 5 a n Young, F.S.A. r £100s subscribefo i , t I . Eothesy b d , Montrosee on d an , hundre fiftd dan y subscribers t lackI .Glasgoe sth w Determination. (37) 1638 Covenan Mitcheln i t l Library. This example, measuring 30|-x 331- inches, is unsigned ; was beautifully engrossed by William Lawrie in Edinburgh ; has ornamental border, and opening words in gold ; was bought along with the former example. It shows the Glasgow Determination. (38) 1638 Covenant preserve n Hamiltodi n Palace. This parchmenn i s i t perfect condition excepuppee th t a tr left corner, whic s tornhi t measureI . s VOL. XLII. 12 178 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 10, 1908.

33 x 26 inches. It is an specimen, and, among others, appear the names of "Master Alexander Cant, student of Theologie in Aberdeen," "Patrik Cramond, preacher to the Earl of Fyffe," "J. Southerland," Sir H. Campbell, fiar of Auchinbreck," and subscribers in Ardersier, Fetteresso, Aberdeen, and Drum. Has Glasgow Determination in. centre of the Covenant. (39) 1638 Covenant in possession of Alfred Morrison, Esq., Fonthill House, Hindon. Not examined. Cf. Hist. MSS. Com. Rep., ix. ii. 431. (40) 1638 Covenant preserve n Saltoudi n Hall Andrey b , w Mansie Talbot Fletcher, Esq. It is a splendid example ; measures 38| x 23 inches ; similar to that preserved in the Advocates' Library ; it was also written by " William Aytoun, Maison n gole titli th s d ei "; e namelettersth enclose e d sar an , n di circles, and include " J. Southerland." Cf. Proc. Soc. Antiq., iv. 248. (41) 1638 Covenant preserve n Knodi x College, Toronto. This beautifully engrossed Covenane copth f yo formerls wa t y preserve n dPrestonfieli d House, Edinburg r W M .sols Browny db wa h; , bookseller, Edinburgh r £27fo , o t , the Hon. W. M. Clark, Lt.-Governor of Ontario, in 1906. (Brown's CataL, 163, 31. t )measureI s 38x39J r s writteincheswa Jamey t I b n . s Cheyne. It is subscribed.by the members of "The Tables" and a few others, including Andrer "M w Fairful t Leith,a l " afterward bittesa r opponen Covenanterse th f o t , and Archbishop of Glasgow. (42) 1638 Covenan n Britisti h Museum (Add. Charters, 1380). This parch- ment measures 33 x 26 inches ; signatures begin with Montrose and Rothes; statements on back of Covenant indicate that it was subscribed at the end of March and beginning of April 1638 in Peebles, Stobo, Athelstone (Eddleston), Skirling, Newlands, and Traquair. Cf. Proc. Soc. Antiq., iv. 247. The copy therein mentioned as marked 5961 was not reported as catalogued in 1907. (43) 1638 Covenant in British Museum (Add. MSS. 4851). This parchment measures 44 x 37f inches ; the first signatures are Montrose and Rothes ; apparently subscribe t a Edinburghd s wordha ; s " writte e Williab n m Cummin t Edr.ea " (44) 1638 Covenant, preserve Caversn di . This deed parchmena , 8 2 x 6 3 t inches, was subscribed by Montrose, Lothian, and " The Tables," and by Sir William Dougla f Caverso s s sonhi , , Archibald d manan , y border lairdd an s their dependents. Some appear to have signed in blood. This Covenant wa sr Tividail, probabls "Fo wa d y"an signe t Jedburghda . s framedIi t , and e hanglibrarth n i f sCaver yo s House . StewartCf . , Hawick d Teviotdalean Covenanters, 188 5; Lette r from present possessors ,s Palme CaptaiMr d r an n Dougla f Caverso s , Roxburghshire. (45) 1638 Covenan e Bodleiath n i t n Library, Oxford. This fine example, measuring 31 j x 27J inches, has a floral edge and ornamental capital. It was Hone th gife f th .o t General Charles Ross f Balnagouo e casa n 172ei n i s i 8 ; . Muse(S E . 276 c . 80 o, 247) t I bear . e nameth s f thirto s y nobles, Argyll, Kothes, Montrose, Kenmore, Kirkcudbright, etc. The Glasgow Determination is in a different ink. (46) 1638 Covenan n Triniti t y College Library, Cambridge. This well- preserved example, on a white skin measuring 26 x 24^ inches, is framed for exhibition. The first signature, that of Montrose, is nearly obliterated. It "BANDS COVENANTR O " 9 17 SCOTLANDN I S .

is followe J. Lauderdaill by d , Dunfermline, Rothes otheand , r nobleand s barons, etc., in all one hundred and fifty names, among which appear Robert Traill, Scott of Ardross, Hamilton of Spango, T. Gourlay of Kingscraig, S. J. Mackenzie, S. J. M. Rowallan, Thomas Skene Mnnro, minister at Kilbucho, r JohSi n Brou Fordellf no , Hamilto Kilbrachmontf no . At the foot is a faint addendum, probably the Glasgow Determination. This Covenant was probably signed in Fifeshire. (47) 1638 Covenan e Kirk-Sessioth n i t n Record f Galstono s . This example is bound wit h voluma Sessioe th f o en Records, 11x7 inches e CovenanTh . t occupies hala eigh d e fsignature th pagean t d san s three pages morewa t I . subscribed at Galston Church on 3rd January 1640. Cf. Note from Rev. J. A. Hogg, Ministe f Galstono r , 1907. (48, 49, 50, 51) Two examples in Penicuik House, and two in Dundas Castle, mentioned in Dr Laing's report (Proc. Soc. Antiq., iv. 240, 248), if still existing, were t wer sought availablbu no r e fo t r thiefo s report. ) 163854 (52, .53 , Three printed e CovenantcopieTh f d Accounto s an f o Proceedings in Cambridge University Library. Press mark, 8. 28. 19. (55) 1638. A printed copy in Trinity College, Cambridge. Press mark, K. 15. -10. (9). (56) 1638 Covenant with Glasgow Determination, signed by twenty-one persons ; is incorporated in the Minute Book of Dalkeith Presbytery. It was probabl d Junan yey signe1639Ma n i d. (57) 1638 Covenant in Monimail Kirk Session Record, 10 pp. It bears to have been subscribed " At the Kirk of Monymaill the auchtene day of March the year of God 1638," and is signed by the minister and a large number of parishioners. (58) 1638 Covenant in Mellerstain House. This parchment measures 26jr x 25 inches; is not ornamented ; has suffered from damp ; subscribed by Rothes, Cassillis, Lothian, Yester, Boyd, Balmerino, Johnstoun, and Lindsay. Among other signatures are those of Dundas of that Ilk, Rig of Carberrie, Murra f Blackbaronyo y , Hepburn f Smetouiio e . RotlokRo , , Porterfielf o d that Ilk, Mr James Daes, minister at Ersiltoime, " Mr Jo (?) Schaw Reidar at Kire th Ersiltoun.f ko " Ther aboue ear t 120 signatures t bearI Declara.e sth - tion of 20th December 1638. This copy may be regarded as the Earlston one. (59) 1638 Covenant in Melville House, Collessie. This example was dis- coverede room th a cupboar f n Melvillen e o i swainscoi th e n on t i d I f o .t bears several family signatures, both Melvill d Lesliean e . Particulart ye t sno received. (60) 1638 Covenant in possession of Mr David Hunter, S.S.C., exhibited in Parliament Hall, Edinburgh, in April 1884 (cf. Scotsman, 17th April 1884). This exampl t examineye t eno writery db . e NationaCopth A [ f o y l Covenant, vellum, issued from Edinburgn i h November 1638, exhibited by Miss Pearson, 5 Pitt Street, Edinburgh, to the Society of Antiquaries on 14th May 1877, has riot been traced by me. Cf, Proc. Soc. Antiq., xii. 215, 216.] 0 18 PROCEEDING SOCIETYE TH F O S , FEBRUARY 10, 1908.

EXTANT COPIES OF THE BRITISH SOLEMN LEAGUE AND COVENANT. ) 164(1 3 Solemn Leagu Covenand ean Bodleiae th n i t n Library (Eng. Hist., . Thi3) . sd example Solemth f o en Leagu d Covenantan e , printen i d Edinburgh by Evan Tyler in 1643, with pages for subscription, bears to have been signe t "a d Edinburg n Templi h o oriental! 3 Octobe1 , r 1643,y b " ninety-four persons, including Loudoun, Dunfermline, Leven . LauderdaillJ , , Argyll, Balmerino, Cassillis, Forrester, Lindesay . MJ , . Hamilton, Wemyss, Sinclare, Balcarres . Jhonston. A alss , owa signet I t Edinburga d h 8t n o h January 1644 n 13tO . h Octobes subscribewa t i r y Stepheb d n Marshall, W. Armyne, Vane, Edward Bowles ; on 22nd December 1643 by Hatcher, Darley, Robert Goodwin, Robert Fenwick, Robert Barwis; and on 7th Novembe Angusy b r , Brodie oncs d otherswa ean , t possesseI . Williay db m Ermyn, Bisho Durhamf po . This Covenant is noteworthy as being the deed subscribed by the Com- missio Churche th f no , Committe Estatesf e Engliseo th d an h, Commissioners (Peterkin, Records, 395). (2) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant. Examples in the Bodleian Library : (1) Press mark, 56. 1643. 1. Lond. Husbands, 8 pp. printed. (2) Ibid. (Ash. 1214)) Bawl(3 . . 165, Edin., 1648, Evan Tyler. Subscribe sixty-siy b d x persons (among others " W. Thomson, Minister," " in the parochine of Traquair." (4) Lond., 1645. One sheet: Carte papers 65. f. 267. No signatures. ) 164(3 3 Foedus Pactum, etc. Covenan e BodleiaLatin i tth n i n Library. t subscribedLond.no : 5 , ) Anothe . 1644(2 B . . 7 .. Thv r . example4 . , Pamph. . 164463 . .2 (4) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in Oxford. This is the famous bond signed by King Charles Second, in 1650, and is preserved in the (Jlar. MSS. 40. f. 80. in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. The parchment measures 30j? x 24| inches and bears only the monarch's signature. It is endorsed by A. Johnston (Wariston) and by A. Ker, Clerk to the General Assembly. A reduced facsimile appears in The Covenanters, vol. ii. p. 2. "NationaA [ l Covenan d Soleman t n Leagu d Covenanean t subscribey b d King Charles the Second at his coronation, anno 1651," was sold at the Burton- Constable sal n 26teo h June 1889 . Burnet.Cf , not0 Hist.,20 e . i (Airy' s edition, 1897). (5) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant (printed by Evan Tyler, Edinburgh, t 1643AndrewS n i ) s University Library. Thia quarto s i s . Press mark, CG. 3, 13. The Covenant covers five pages and part of sixth. The volume contains four relative documents blan8 2 d k an ,page signaturesr fo s s i t I . subscribe e magistratesth y b d , professors, students d parishioneran , t S f o s Andrews between 164 d 1651l ove3al an rn ,i 1440 persons, including Rothes, , Wood M'Wardd an , . signs three times; second dat f signineo g 31st December 1648 . reduceCf . d facsimil pagea f eo , with signatures, in The Covenanters, vol. i. p. 360. Cf. Dr Hay Fleming's Guide to St Andrews, 1902, pp. 34-35. (6) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in St Andrews University Library. Another example, leather boun d; presente Thomay db s Gillespie, 1829. Press "BANDS COVENANTR O " 1 18 SCOTLANDN I S .

mark . ,Subscribe 43 Bk . . Row7 . Ro r ,"y ministeM b d t Aberoorne,a r y b " and for 266 parishioners, after September 1643. (7) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in Edinburgh University Library. It was printed by Evan Tyler in 1648. It belonged to Andrew Livingston ; is one of the Laing MSS., 229 ; has 6 pp. in print, 50 pp. blank ; was signed on llth April 1649, inter alias, by Edinburgh Presbytery—James Hamilton, moderator (St Giles'), John Adamson, William Arthur, Robert Douglas, John Charteris, Mr Robert Traill, M. A. Fairfull (Archbishop of Glasgow), Mr R. Baylie, William Thomson, Hew Mackaile, A. Prymerose, James Kirktoun, Mr Patrick Henderson (reader), Thomas Hoge,—a company of distinguished presbyters. Ther ninety-one ear e subscriber anothed san n o r 20th February 1650. (8) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in Edinburgh University; Edin., 1648, unbound; subscribed by three hundred and twenty-two persons "in the parish Kirk of Kilbarchan the 14th—1648:) in the presence of the Minister, Mr James Glendinning ; records the subscriptions of local families, Kings, Cochranes, Semples Knoxesd an , . (9) 1643 Foedus Sacro-sanctum pro Religione repurganda et propugnanda Honoro Pr Felicitatt ee e Regis afferenda, etc. Edin., 1643 Roberr M . t Young's Copy. No signatures. In Edinburgh University. Press mark, Dd. 7. 62. (10) 1643 Solemn Leagu Covenand ean Scottise th n i t h National Museuf mo Antiquities, Edinburgh. Press mark, O.A. 19. This example of the printed League was subscribed in Newbattle parish, among many others, by , minister there, afterwards Archbishop of Glasgow. (11) 1643. "A Solemne League and Covenant." Evan Tyler, 1643, in the Advocates' Library. Press mark, 23.3.16 : K. 199. This printed example, subscriptionsfor witpp. 14 pp. h18 bounis , subscribevellumdin was It . d at "Edin. in Eccl. occidental-i, 23 Octob. 1643," by "Mr Robert Douglas, minister," his elders and deacons, and about seven hundred and fifty persons, of whom five hundred and twenty-two subscribed personally and the rest by " loannes Nicoll scriba signeto regio, notarius publicus.'' (12) 1643. "The ' Covenant" in Trinity College, Cambridge. This dee papen do r contain a portiose Solemth f o n n Leagu d Covenanan e t subscribed by inhabitants of Swinshead in the County of Huntingdon. The documen imperfecs i t d mendedan t d showan , s fifty-one names. It measures 3 511|x -signes inches wa 30t n d o han , June 1644. (13) 1643 Solemn Leagu d Covenantan e , Lond., 1643 n Triniti , y College. Press mark, Y. 1. 33 (14) ; another, Y. 1. 52 (36); several other editions. (14) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant. (1) Ibid., Dd. 3. 37". (2) Ibid., ) Foedus(1644)7 (3 . . 24 . .37 Adam8 , . Cambridg64 . s7 e University Library. (15) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant. A copy of this Covenant is in Egertone th MSS., British Museum signatureso , n 271 . s I84 t ha 1. f . Another copy entitled "A Copy of the Covenant taken by the Lords, 15th October 1643, with their subscriptions, from ye originall on vellum, now in the hands of ye Lady Lansdowne, December 29, 1718," is in Add. MSS. 32093, f . e origina 198 t amone latteTh no th . e Lansdownes f i ro gth l e MSS.th n i British Museum. 182 PROCEEDINGS OF THK SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 10, 1908.

(16) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in New College, Edinburgh. This example belonge Edzelo dt l parish containd an , hundree son ninety-ond an d e signatures. (17) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in Hunterian Museum (Graham Copy). This cops subscribewa y d in" 1643- fouy b 9 r hundre d sixtan d y members of the University of Glasgow. It was the gift of Mr James Graham. Bot thesf ho e example describee s ar e Transactionsth n i d already referre. to d Of. reduced facsimile, in this volume, p. 378. (18) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant in Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. This cops bequeathewa y y Misb d s Brow f Lanfine o nHunteria th o t e u Museum. It contains two hundred and forty-three subscriptions ; the place of signature is not given ; it is dated 17th December 1648. Of. Tram. Glasg. Arch. seriesSoc.,w ne , iv . i 121-54. reduceA . d facsimile appear n Thei s Covenanters, vol. i. p. 360. (19) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant (Tyler, Edinburgh), in Montrose Museum n gooI . d condition. Seven pages subscribed fiftyy b firse o -th ,tw t one persons e otheth , ra notar fivy b er thre yfo e hundred others e firsTh t . subscribe Alexr. "s i rMr . Rowatt, ministe Parise th C——,f n rhi o " followey db " la. Robertoune " (Earnoc kt ha I ?).s apparently been subscribe Caddern di , Presbytery of Glasgow. (20) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant. Property of the Elgin and Moray- shire Literar Scientifid yan c Association. Exhibited in.Edinburgh Exhibition 1908; exhibit No. 1175. It is subscribed by " M. Rok Tod, minister at the Kir Rothes,f ko eldere th others d y "san b . (21) 1643 Solemn League and Covenant, illustrated by W. Hollar, is repro- duced in Green,yl Short History of the English People, iii. 1152 (Lond. 1893). [Renunciatio e Covenantth f no f e leadinScotlando th n 166i n sy b 2me g , Glencairn, Rothes, Morton, Moray, Lauderdale, eleven bishops, etc. In Register House, Hist. Dept., Divisio . 247.No ], nQ. [Covenant in Register House. Four fol. pages paper. (S. 206.) Probably a late bond. No signatures.] [Declaration signed by the nobility, clergy, barons, and commissioners of burghs as to the unlawfulness of the National Covenant and the Solemn Leagu Covenant—thred ean e deed Generan si l Register House ". DeclaraCf . - tions," printed in Miscell. Mait. Club, iii. 379-85, with facsimile.] .[Declaratio Lorde th Senatord y n san b Colleg e th f s o Justicf eo e againse th t lawfulnes e Solemth f o s n League arid Covenant. Preserve e Scottisth n i d h National Museum of Antiquities. Press mark, O.A. 24.] [The Solemn Leagu Covenantd ean , 1643 n manuscripi , t form subscribes a , d in 1648, after appointment by the Commissioners of the General Assembly, formerly belongin Miso gt s Agnes Black taked an , Americao nt s recordea , d in Proc. Soc. Antiq., xii. 63, 64, has not been traced by me.]

[The writer wil glae b lreceivo t d e corrections, suggestions d addian , - tions to the catalogue above, so that it may be made as complete and correct as possible.]