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At a Meeting of the Committee of Management of


President, December 4. 1829,

Resolved, That a Manuscript Chronicle of Affairs in Scot- land, by an anonymous writer during the latter part of the Sixteenth

Century, in the possession of Sir John Maxwell of Pollock, Baronet, and communicated to the Club in the view of its publication, be forth- with printed under the superintendance of Thomas Thomson, Esq.

Vice-President, for the use of the Members.

Extractedfrom the Minutes of the Club.

D. LAING, Secretary.












95 WALTER C. TREVELYAN, ESQ. PATRICK FRASER TYTLER, ESQ. ADAM URQUHART, ESQ. RIGHT HON. SIR GEORGE WARRENDER, BART THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON WRANGHAM. Of the author or compiler of the following " Diurnal," nothing is known, or seems likely to be discovered. The manuscript from which it has been printed, came into the possession of the family of its present owner in the reign of Charles II,* and appears to be of the latter end of the sixteenth, or the beginning of the seventeenth centurv.

It is obviously the work of an ignorant, and often careless transcriber ; whose frequent mistakes, in the names of persons and places, are not the most important or perplexing of his apparent deviations from the original. Some errors however are of a kind which cannot be fairly ascribed to the mere negligence of transcription, and with which the original author may be more justly presumed to have been chargeable.

To those who are at all acquainted with the minute details of Scot- tish history in the sixteenth century, a very slight perusal of the work will suggest, that, in its different parts, it is of very unequal value.

From the era of the battle of Floddon, and the death of King- James the Fourth, in the year 1513, at which it commences, down to the termination of the government of the Earl of Arran in 1553, its details, comparatively meagre, and occasionally inaccurate, are obviously not recorded by a contemporary chronicler, but must have been derived from tradition and other imperfect sources. Yet even in this first and

* one of the blank leaves prefixed to the " On M.S. there is this inscription : John Max- " well of Pollok aught this book by gift of a freind, 22d March (1678)." He was created a

Knight Baronet in 1C82, and in l6'99 appointed a Lord of Session, and Lord Justice Clerk. ;

least valuable portion of the work, will be 'found many minute facts and notices that would be vainly looked for in the ordinary histories of the reign of King James the Fifth, and the first ten years of the reign of Queen Mary.

The next, and the most considerable portion of the work, begin-

ning at the year 1557, and ending in June 1572, bears evident

marks of having been written by a contemporary observer, residing in

Edinburgh, and probably employed in some subordinate official situa-

tion, not very remote from the Court, yet not of such a kind as to

afford him accurate or confidential intelligence in matters not obvious

to all the world. On the most important and most dubious facts in

this eventful period of Scottish history, our journalist will probably not

be thought to have thrown any new or strong light ; yet in his

register of local occurrences, and temporary feelings and observa-

tions, there is much, not to be found elsewhere, that cannot fail to

interest the students of Scottish history, and which may help to correct

or confirm the evidence of which they were previously in possession.

To this largest portion of the work, succeeds the third and last

which professes to resume the events of the history from the commence-

ment of the regency of the Queen dowager Mary of Guise, in 1554,

but which, in its details, adds little to the preceding narrative ; and,

omitting entirely a period of ten years prior to 1571, becomes really

valuable from the continuation of the narrative of events down to its

abrupt conclusion in the month of July 1575.

These different portions of the Work may be readily discriminated

in the following pages without the aid of more minute reference. To have separated them under distinct heads, would have heen an easy task ; and in a publication for popular use, it might have been deemed expedient to reduce the whole contents of the manuscript into a more regular and continuous series. This however would have been a departure from the avowed intentions of those for whose gratification the present work has been undertaken, and whose objects have been to preserve and render somewhat more accessible the original and genuine materials of the history of Scotland. On the plan, accordingly, that has been followed in several preceding publications made under the same authority, the text of the manuscript has been literally adopted, without the exercise of any critical discretion, unless in a few

instances of palpable omission or notorious error ; and even in these, the necessary corrections have been introduced in such a way as still to leave the actual readings of the manuscript completely manifest.

From this rule, the only deviation that has been hazarded, or of which

it is necessary to apprise the reader, has been in the subdivision and

punctuation of sentences, which in the manuscript are frequently such

as entirely to mar the meaning of the writer, and to demonstrate that

the transcriber had not the slightest comprehension of the sense of the


The manuscript is without any title ; and that which has been

adopted, and prefixed to the following pages, seems to correspond with

the age of the composition, and sufficiently to indicate its nature and


January 1833.






the firft, the tuantie In wpoune tua day of februar [nynt day of September] a. 1. c the geir of God J"1 v and threttene geiris, king James the fourt was flaine in the feild of Flowdane be our auld inymies of Ingland. Thair was in this feild mony of theScottis nobillis flane. They ar to fay, Alex' archibifchope of Sandlandrois and commendatare of Dunfermeline and Coldinghame, fone naturall to the faid king, the bifchope of the Ylis, commendatare of Abirbrothok and Ycolmkill, James Stewart abbot of Melros and bro- ther to the Laird of Innermeith, the erllis of Bothwill, Lennox, Arroll, Crawfurd, Cathnes, Montrois and Caflillis, lordis geifter, Erfkine, Inner- meith, lord Sinclare of Orknay, Homes Falcaftell, Colwill and Robert [fir Robert Colwill of] Ochiltre, with many vtheris. Afoir his deceis a litill, he pail in Ingland with the powar of Scotland, and

faigeit the caftell of Norhame and gat it, quhilk he kell doun ; and als

gat Furde and Werk, quhilkis he keft doun, with mony vtheris honfiis. And giff he haid vlit the counfall of his lordis that tyme, he mycht have

gottin the caftell of Berwick, and had cummit hame with greit honour.

Bot allace, he adherit to the counfall of ftrangeris, and fwa come of it.

It is to be remembrit, that the faid king James the fourt, maift nobill ;

4 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1514. and vailgeand in armes, [was] gritumlie given to polacie and bigging Halyrudhous and Kintyer, the houflis of Edin- of palaceis ; quhilk wer brugh, Striueling and Falkland ; and gevin gritturalie to bigging of ichippis and greit devyfare thereof ; ane greit fauorare of all wertew

and fcience ; foundare of mony religious places, as Gray Freris of

Striueling, Elgin and Air, with mony vthiris, with the college of the caftell of Striueling, and dottit with dignities and privelegeis, and gaif mony benefices and chaipllanrijs to it ; and quha favorit all cunnyng and religious men weill. He was verray mercyfull to his fubiectis ; greit of fpreit he was, and ftoudious in bigging of kirkis, fercheing of reli&is

of fanctis, and gaif mony ornamentis and chalifces to the faid kirkis ; he was large of almoufs, and devoit of hering of mels and devyne feruice. He coverrit nevir his heid in the kirk. Thair wes greit peace and juf- tice in his tyme, and wes verry vyifs in all his deidis ; bot witbout coun- fall of fpirituall eftaitt, he gaif all benefices that vaikit in his tyme to his familiaris, by the ordoure of law with electioun of religious men,

greit fkaith this and aganis the law of God, quhair of come on realme ; for the quhilk, God Almychtie forgif him, and tak him in his mercie.

This molt nobill prince, afoir he part to the feild, he deliuerit his fone to bifchope Williame Elphingftoun of Abirdene in keiping, and maid his teftament, in the quhilk he conftitute and ordanit quene Margaret, dochter to the king of Norroway [Ingland,] his maift derreft fpous, tutrix tel-

all counfall of the lordis, bot it leftit tamentare ; quha did with nocht the quene being with child that tyme, and efterwardis deliuerit of ane fone, quhilk deceiffit and wes burijt in Cambulkynneth. At this tyme thair wes ane counfall of the lordis in Dumferineling, and na thing done thairto, bot ipoken of. And it is to be remembrit, that this king James the fourt rang xv [xxv] geiris and twa [thre] monethis ; and als to re- m c member that this nobill king, in the geir of God J v geiris or thairby, in the fpace of aucht dais he raid to Sanct Douthois his allane, be Abir- 1514—1515. IN SCOTLAND. 5 dene and Elgyn, being ane lang way, and returnit be the fame way to

the caftell of Striueling ; quhilk wes neuer fene done be any king be- fore nor falbe neuer efter.

m c In the gere of God J v and fouretene geris, the caftell of Norhame in Ingland wes biggit agane, be tollerance of my lord Home and the pryoure of Caldftreame, quhilk was caftin doun be vmquhile the kingis grace foirfaid. At the mertymes in the faid geir, vmquhile the kingis gracis fpous, quene Margaret, convenit hir lordis at Perth, quhair thair wes mony materis treitit ; and thair the laid quenis grace chefit to

hir hufband, Archibald erle of Angus, ane man of fair perlbnage ; bot the reft of the lordis wes nocht contentit thairwith, and thai wer haldin be the quenis grace the faid erllis enymyes ; and thair wes tane James

Betoun bifchope of Glaigow, chancellare of this realme, be fum fecu-

laris, quha wes denuncit curfit for that caus ; thair wes no feruice done in the quenis grace prefence, nor git in the dyoceis quhair the perfonis duelt. All the court was rewlit be the erlis of Angus, Mr Gawin

Dowglas, and the Drummondis, but nocht weill. And heirefter the quenis grace, with hir hufband, paft to the caftell of Striueling to haue tane the king hir fone by llycht furth of the faid caftell, and to haue tane him to fum vther place for feir of the governour, quha wes then in

France ; bot thaj failgeit of thair purpoifs. m c The famyn geir £J v xv] at the Witfonday, Johne duke of Albanie come into Scotland and landit at Dumbartaue,and thair wes reffaueitwith greit honour, and convoyit to Edinburgh with ane greit cumpany with greit blythnes and glore, and thair wes conflitute and maid governour of

this realme ; and fone thairefter held ane parliament, and rell'auit the

eftaittis homage of the lordis and thre ; quhair thair wes mony thingis done for the weill of this cuntrey. Evill doaris wes punnefit ; amang the quhilkis ane Petir Moffet, ane greit rever and theif, wes heidit, and for exampill of vtheris, his head wes put on the weft port of Edinburgh. 6 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1515—1516.

c In the geir of God J 00 v and ffyvetene geris, thair wes ane greit

1 difcord betnix the governour and Alex lord Home : the governour

gadderit his affiftaris aganis the laid lord, hot than be counfall and la-

bour of the reft of the lordis, the laid lord Home come in to the go-

vernour and reffauit peace fra the faid governour ; bot it leftit nocht.

The fame geir, king James the fyft, and his modir the quene, held the

Caftell of Striueling to haue affaigit the fame ; bot the king, being of foure geiris of aige, with his moder paft and met the laid governour with the kej'is of the faid caftell. The governour maid faith and homage to the kingis grace, and ther aggreit weill togidder, and depairtit fyndrie agane. m c Wpoun the ffyft day of Aprile, the geir of God J v and fextene geris, the erle of Angus with the Homes, come furtht of Ingland to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the audit day of Aprile, thair wes certane ambaffatouris lent to Ingland for peace, callit Dauid Arnot, bifchope of Galloway, the laird of Balwerie, knycht, and Mr James Ogilbie, abbot of Dry-

burgh ; and the fame day Monneur de Planis, Frenfche ambaffadour, paft af Scotland throw Ingland to France.

Vpoun the nynt day of Aprile, Alex1 lord Home was reftorit chan-

cellare [chalmerlane] of Scotland, and to all his poffeHiouns and offices,

and weill reffauit be the governour in the caftell of Edinburghe.

In this faid moneth, thair was ane woman callit Helena Grant, ane

anarcadell £ancarfadell] inclofit in the Grenelyid.

Vpoun the aucht day of Julij, the geir of God foirfaid, thair was

callit befoir the governour, the erlis of Glencairne and Eglingtoun, for

flauchter maid be thair foneis.

Wpoun the xxij day of februare [September,] was tane in the palice

of Halyrudhous, Alexr lord Home chancellare [chalmerlane] foirfaid, Andro Ker of Pharnyhirlt, and maifter Williame Home, quha was put

in prefoune. 1516—1521. IN SCOTLAND. 7

Vpoune the audit day of October, the laid Alexr lord Home chan-

cellare [chalmerlane] foirfaid, was beheidit in Edinburghe, allegeit for na vthcr caus bot fuifering the bigging of Norhame. And the nynt

day of the lamyne moneth, the laid Mr Williame Home was beheidit,

in prefence of the governour.

f0 c geir . . Vpoun the xxix day of Merch, the of God J v . . geiris, the governour refiauit the knichtheid of the Cokkill fra the king of Franceis

ambafiadouris in the abbay of Halyrudhous. In this geir was ane

dilcord betuix the quenis grace and the erle of Angus ; efter the quhilk

fho marijt Harie Stewart, fecund brothir to the lord of Avindaill. c Vpoun the laft day of Aprile, the yeir of God Jni v and tuentie geris, the mailter of Eglingtoun and fchir Patrik Hamiltone, wer flaine

in Edinburgh be Archibald erle of Angus, and the principallis of the


Vpoun the xxv day of Noueniber, monfieur Alloway, [ Aubigny] callit

Robert Stewart, come out of France be fee, and landit at Dunbar. ro c , >* * Wpoun the tuantie day of Julij, the geir of God J v and xxj geris, Archibald erle of Angus come to Edinburghe, and thair caufit tak af

the tolbuith thairof my lord Homes heid> and his broderis, and de-

liuerit thame to George Home, and Dauid Homes of Wedderburne,

than at the borne ; and within twa dais therefter, he brocht in the faid

George and Dauid Homes in Edinburghe, quhair thaj remanit thre

dayis. The fame geir, the lairdis of Haltoun, Calder, Corftorphin

gounger, and Pomphraftoun come with ane greit cumpany to Edin-

burghe aganis the commontie thairof, quhair thej gat no honour, bot wer expellit fchamefullie. c Vpoun the fyrft day of November, the geir of God Jm v and tuantie- twa [tuentie ane] geiris, Johne duke of Albany, and gouernour of this

realme, come the fecund tyme out of France to Edinburgh, and de-

pryvit the proveift and bailleis cholin therin. 8 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1522—1524.

m c Vpoun the trinitie fonday, the geir of God foirfaid, [J v xxij] thair come out of France ftyve hundreth frenfche men of weir, and remanit in

Edinburghe on the governour. In this menetyme, the Inglifmen invadit

our bordararis, the erlle of Surrie being thair lieutennent, and keft doun

thehous of Blacater, Nifbet, Wodderburne, Ceffurd, with mony vtheris,

to the nomber of xx and maa, with convoy of Scottifmen, as was alledgit.

Wpoun the ffyrft day of September, [October] the governour maid

ane convocatioun of tins realme vpoun Roiling mure ; and vpoun the

fourtene day tberof, the governour depairtit to France, and aflignit the

affumptione day of our Lady nixtocum to his returning. m c Vpoun the xxiij day of September, [J v xxiij] the Inglifmen come to Teviotdaill and brynt Jedburgh, with the reft of Ceffurd, thej being ane

greit cumpanie ; and of tins realme the erle of Argyle was maid lieuten-

nent, quha was, with generall convocatioun, to haue met the Inglifmen

the day foirfaid. Johne duke of Albany, governour, come to Scotland

the thrid tyme, with fyftie fyve fchippis furneift with frenchemen of

weir, meikill artailgeir and victuallis, in fupport of this realme. Vpoun the xx day of October, the governour, with confent of the

lordis, paft with ane greit cumpanie aganis the Inglifmen, and remanit

ane certane tyme on the iyid of Twead, becaus the wattir was greit,

and affaigit the caftell of Wark, and na thing done.

Vpoun the tent day of Nouember, Johne Campbell, than of Calder,

flew Lachlane Makcleane in his bed, wnder fcilence of nycht, being

than afoir aggreit of all debaittis. c Wpoun the tuantie day of Maij, the geir of God J ni v tuantie thrie [four] geiris, Johne duke of Albany, departit with his company to France,

thair to remayne thre monethis, havand the confent of the king and

f'uld caftell Striueling fo. 3. a. lordis ; and that the king remaine in the of ; and promefit to mak na peace with England during the laid fpace; quha cam

neuer in Scotland. In this mene tyme, the kingis grace left the caftell 1524. IN SCOTLAND. 9

of Striviling, and come to Edinburgh with his moder quene Mar-

garet, with the eirllis of Arrane, Leuenox, Crawfurde, Mortoun,

and niony vther temporall lordis, as Borthwick, Erfkene ; fpirituall,

archbifchope of St Androis, &c. chancellare, the bifchoppis of Glal- gow and Dunkeld, the abbotis of Halyrudhous, Cambufkynneth and

Paiflay Shaw of ; quhome the communitie of the faid burghe of Edinburgh reffauit with greit trivmpht and honnoure. Vpone

fonday following, all the faidis lordis maid ther homage and aithe of

fidelitie to the kingis grace, in the palice of Halyrudhous.

Wpoun the Lambes day, the king defyrit fra all his officiaris renun-

ciatioun of thair offices leillis, haiftellie without farder and any delay ; and about that fame tyme, the erle of Angus come quietlie out of France

to Scotland.

Wpoun the xviij day of Auguft, maifter Frances Bothwill, proveft

of Edinburgh, wes deprivit fra the faid office, and my lord Maxwell

placit therin be the kingis grace.

Vpoun the xxij day of Auguft, the king maid his folempnit entree with the lordis in the tolbuytht of Edinburghe, with fceptour, crovne

and fword of honour ; and that fame day, James Betoun, archebifchope of Sanfilandrois, chancellare of this realme, and Gawin Dunbar, bifchope of Aberdene, wer wardit in the caftell of Edinbrughe, becaus thej wald not renunce the leillis and i'ubfcriptioune maid to them of befoir

of Albanie, the reft of all lordis be Johne duke and the renunceand ; quhairfoir all the kirkis of thar dyocies wer interdyted in during thair wairding.

In this laid geir, efter Candelmes, the erllis of Angus, Lennox,

Argyle, with thair freind James archbifchope of Sanclandrois,

Gilbert bifchope of Abirdene, and thair favouraris convenit in Dal- keith, and come to Edinburghe, to haue affeigeit the kingis grace, being thair with his moder, the erllis of Arrane, Eglintoun, and mony B 10 DIURNAL OP OCCURRENTS 1525—1528.

vtheris. And thair thaj reJOTauit the king, and was aggreit, and thre

erllis to haue his body in keping thair quarter about, quhilkis wer the

erllis of Angus, Argyle and Arroll. And firft the erle of Angus be-

gane, and vald on na wayifs pairt with him, quhilk caufit greit difcord. c In the geir of God, J™ v xxy geiris, the king of France, callit Frances, was tane be the Spangeardis. And the next geir therefter he

was redemit, and his tua fones laid for him.

f0 c fo. Wpoun the ellewint day of Julij, 3. b. the geir of God J v xxvj gens, Makclelane, laird of Bumbie, was fiane in fanct Gelis kirk

« in Edinburgh, at the north dur therof, be the lairdis of Lochinvar and Drumlanrick.

Wpoun the xxiiij day of Julij, the feild of Melrols was ftrikkin,

quhair the King being thair againe his will with the Dowglaffes, thair was flane Andro Ker of Ceffurd, be Walter Scott of Buckclewche.

Vpoun the ferd day of September the feild of Linlithgow was ftricken,

quhair the erle of Levenox, and the laird of Howftoun, and diuers

vtheris wer llane, quha come aganis the Kingis grace with his command,

he lang haldin with the Douglaffis aganis his will, as laid is. c Vpone the fext day of Maij, the geir of God J00 v xxvij geiris, Rome was put to lak be the duke of Burdoun, [Bourbon] quhair the

faid duke was flane, and Paip Clement tane.

Vpoun the laft day of Februare, Maifter Patrik Hamilton, abbot of

Feirne, was brynt in Sanclandrois.

c In the geir of God Jft) v tuantie audit geiris, the kingis grace by

flicht wan away fra the Douglaffis ; and thairefter the erle of Angus,

chancellare, and Archibald [Douglas,] thefaurare, and George Dow-

glas, wer commandit wnder the paine of lel'emaieftie, that nane of

thame nor thair familiaris cum neir the king be tuelf myllis ; the king

being in Striveling, and the laid erle and his affiftaris beand in Ediu-

burghe, gadderaud on baith the fydis. Vpoun the fecund day of Julij, 152S. IN SCOTLAND. 11 tbe laid erle with his freindis depairtit of Edinburgh, the king cumand

it to the laid hurgho with difplait baner ; quhair was decreitit be the kingis grace and his Lordis, that the faid eric fuld be wardit in the north begond Spey, and George and Archibald to be wairdit in the caftell of Edinburgh, quhilk thaj refuifeit ; and thairefter thaj wer all fummond to the Parliament to be haldin in Edinburgh the thrid day of September nixtocum. In this menetyme, the faid eric was depryvit of his offices, and in his place was enterit the bifchope of Glafgow.

Archibald was depryvit of the thelaurarie, and placit thairin Robert

Cairncorfe, abbot of Halyrudhous. And als was tane fra the faid

Archibald the privie feill, and was givin to the bifchope of Dunkell ; and

George [James] Coilwill of Vchiltrie was chofin comprollare, and in this

mene tyme was ilark watchcing in Edinburgh about the kingis grace.

Vpoun the xx day of Julij, the kingis grace paft to Striueling, and

thair held his chekker.

Wpoun the xxvj day of Auguft, Archibald erle of Angus cam to fo. 4. a.

Edinburgh with ane hundrcth horfe men, aganis the tyme of the Parlia-

ment, to have prevenit the kingis cuming ; and incontinent come to

my lord Maxvell, proved: of the faid burgh, and the laird of Loch-

invar with thair freindis, with the communitie of the faid burgh;

quha caulit the faid erle leif the toun. Heirat was mony hurt with

hagbuttis, and cfter this greit and dark waitches wer in Edinburgh.

Wpoun the ffyft day of September, the laid Archibald erle of Angus,

and Alexander Drnmmond of Carnok, was foirfaltit in this Parliament and all that haid cumpanie with thame wer put to the home. And the famen nicht the faidis perlonis brynt Cranftoun and Cowifland, and

all fkaith tak the guidis being therintill ; quha did great to mony puir commounis.

Wpoun the xx day of October, the king convenit all his lordis and

feruandis to feige Temptalloun ; and in the mene tyme, the king being 12 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1528. in Edinburgh, the faid erle fend his lettres of obedience to the kingis grace, promittand to delyuer to his grace the faid caftell, his heretage, honour and lyif being iaulf ; the king heiring that, was content to fulfil his defyres, bot it tuik na effe6l, for the king was vtherwayis coun- fallit therfra.

Wpoun the xxv day of the faid moneth, the faige was laid to the faid caftell, quhilk laftit ten dayis continewallie, bot it was ftill haldin and evill done.

Wpoun the third day of November, the Scottis and Inglis comniuTaris

convenit in Bervick, for treating of peace and guid ordoure.

Vpoun the fame day, the king maid ane folempnit aith, that the

erle of Angus nor his freindis fuld never be relfauit be him, and als

the lordis maid thair aithis, that they fuld neuer requeft for thame.

Vpoun the feird day of Nouember, the faid faige was fkalit, and the

nixt nycht thairefter, the faid erle ilew Dauid Falcoun [Falconer] in

Dirltoun, capitane of the kingis grace futemen. And in this mene

tyme, the faid kingis grace haid greit fufpicioun of the temporall lordis,

becaus thaj favourit fum pairt the Douglaflis.

Vpoun the xx day of the faid moneth of November, ane fchip callit

the Lytill Mertene brak befyid Innerwick, ladynit full of precious

merchandices ; and the erle of Angus fervandis maid ane prey and

reif thairof, and ftraik the merchandis thairin.

In this mene tyme the erle of Argyle was maid lieutennent, the erllis

Bothwill and vtheris refufand the famyne ; and thairefter the erle of

Angus was expellit out of Coldinghame be the lieutennent and the Homes.

In the moneth of December, thair was fyve geiris peace proclamit

betuix Ingland and Scotland, to begin in the moneth of Januar. And

Do6lour Magnus, Inglis ambafladour, come to Scotland, and confirmit

the faid peace, and fpak fecreitlie with the king. 1528—1529. IN SCOTLAND. 13

In the moneth of Februare, the Erie of Bothwell was maid Lieuten- nent, and gat the faid office in heretage, with the hous of Temptalloun.

About this tyme, the abbot of Halyrudhous and James Colvill wer depryvit fra thair offices, and Robert Bartane was maid thefaurare in the place of the faid abbot. And als the faid Robert was maid comp- rollare, greit cuftomar, maifter of artalgeirie and confervatoure of the myndis of Scotland. And in tbis mene tyme, thair come ane ambaila- dour fra the quene of Vngarie, accumpanyit with feven horfis of tryne, throw Ingland, for treiting of mariage betnix our kingis grace, the emprioure Charles liftar, and als being hir fifter.

Vpoun the firft day of Marche, Johne Blacatar of Tullyallane, with his preill Fchir Williame Lowthiane, and thrie vtheris his feruandis, flew

James Inglis, abbot of Culrol's, belyid the laid . . . . ; and at the croce of

Edinburgh the faid preift was degradit of his ordouris be fevin bifchopis, quhair the faid laird and preift was heidit ; and the faidis feruandis wer tane furth of the girth of Torphichin, be fchir James Hamiltoun of

Fynnart, and reftorit frie, becaus the llauchter was forthocht fellony. In this laid moneth, the erle of Murray was maid lieutennent in Scotland.

c Vpoun the fyft day of Aprile, the geir of God J00 v xxix geiris, thair was ane day fett betuix the erllis of Surry and Northumberland,

Inglifmen, for making of guid ordour on the bordouris, and reftitutione

of goodis tane on baith the fydis in the tyme of peace ; was differrit for differrence of place of meitting, for Scottis wald haue met in Scot- land, and Inglifmen in England. And thairfoir meffage was fend, and come to both the kingis, for dreffmg heirof.

Vpoun the xvj day of Maij, thair was ane greit conventione of the kingis grace and lordis in Edinburgh, and raid all the Parliament to the tolbuith, and thair remaynit quhill foure houris at evin. And at this parliament was wardit in the caftell of the faid burghe, the erle Bothwill,

the lord Maxwall, the laird Buckclewch and Mark Ker ; andheirin was 14 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1529—1531.

foirfaltit the laird of Hynderland, callit Henryfone, [WUIiam

Cockburn] and condempnit to be kangit, and thairefter was lieidit.

Vpone the xviij of maij, A dame Scott of Thirlftane [Tuihelaw] was

heidit. Wpoun the fame day the laird of Drundanrik wes wardit in

the Infcbe ; Mark Ker and the laird of Coldaneknowis wairdit in the

Blaknefs ; the lairdis of Bnckcleuth and Farnykirft wer wardit in

Falkland ; and the laird of Pohvart, lord Home, and the laird of

Johnftoun wer wardit in the caitell of Doun in Monteith. In the fame

moneth, the peft begowth hi Edinburgh, in ane i'mythis hous callit Williame Mure, maifter Adame Otterburne than being proved, quha

maid greit labouris to l'uppres the fame.

Vpoun the xxvj day of Julij, the kingis grace maid ane raid vpoun

the theves, and tuik of thame to the nomber of xxxij perfonis of the

greiteft of thame, nameit Armeftrangis, Ellottis, Littdlis, Irwenis, with


In this tyme, thair came out of Ingland tua ambaffadouris to Scot-

land, with wreittingis bearing in effect for reflitutione of guid ordoure for baith the bordcuris, and for refloiring of the erle of Angus to his awne rowme. And in the mene tyme, Ancram in Teviotdaill was brynt be the Inglifmene. m c Vpoun the xxvj day of March, the geir of God J v xxxj geiris, James Hay bifchope of Rofs, and maifter Thomas Erfkin, fecretare, wer fend ambaffatouris to France, for treiting of mariage betuix our

kingis grace and the faid king of France dochter. Vpoun the day of Aprile, Johnne Scott was wardit in the

caftell of Edinburght, for not obeying of ane decreit obtenit aganis

him be James Lawfone of Hieriggis ; the quhiik Johnne Scott faftit

without meit or drink of veritie xxxij dayes, exceptand ane drink

of watter euerie day.

f c Vpoun the xxiiij day of Aprile, [xxvij day of Maij J ° v xxxij,] it 1532. IN SCOTLAND. 15 is ilatute and ordanit be the kingis grace and lordis, that the feat of the colledge of Juftice fuld be fevin of the wyfeft, maift cunnyng of fpirituall men, and fevin of the wyfeft, maift cunnyng' temporall men, with ane fpirituall prefnlent.

In this mene tyme it was grantit to the kingis grace be the fpirituall men, for ane geirlie taxt, befoir grantit to him be the Papis legat, Sil- r0 uefter Darone, that the king fuld haue lxxxiiij doucatis payit within

foure seiris ; the lordis of the college of Jullice, fould haue benefices c or penfionis affignit to thamc geirlie, within J 00 nu ducattis. In this geir was ane greit objuratioun of the fauouraris of Mertene

Lutar, in the abbay of Halyrudkous. And als in this geir was tane the

tent penny of all the benefices of this realme abone xxii. to be payit to

the kingis grace for thric geiris following.

Wpoun the xxvj day of Aprile, thair came ane ambaifadour fra the fo.

Empriour of tytill, with the ordour of the goldin fleis to the kingis grace.

In this tyme, the laird of Johneftoun tuik the greit theif callit

George Scott of the Boig, quha did greit ikaith to the commouns,

it byrnand thair houflls, wyfis and bairnes queik ; quhairfoir was ordanit be the kingis grace, that he fhouid be brynt quick, quhilk was done,

byndand him to ane ftaik, and was brynt ; quhilk deid was neuer fene

in this realme of befoir, nor will not be heirefter.

Vpoun the fext day of October, Johnne Scott, quha faftit as faid is,

was brocht naikit to the crocc of Edinburgh, quhair he preitchit pub-

lietlie, the famyne quhilk fading was be the helpe of the virgin Marie.

About this tyme was ane greit difcord betuix the pryour of Pittin-

weme and the laird of Ardrois, in the quhilk was tua men fiane. Vpoun the xxv day of Januar, the erle of Bothwill and Adame

Dundas wer wardit in the caftell of Edinburgh, for allegeit fecreit

commouning with Inglis men.

Vpoun the nynt day of Februar, the kingis grace gat grant of ane 16 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1532.

geirlie contributioun to the college of Juftice, andane geirly taxt of the

kirk men ; aganis the quhilk was Gawin bii'chope of Abirdene ; and als

in the name of the remanent kirkmen appelit thairfra. In this mene

tyme the king of Ceprcs come to Scotland, and with him twa fervandis

in fupport, becaus he was baneift out of his awin cuntrie. In this

jeir was indulgence of grace gottin to the Blak Freris of Edinburgh,

be Johne duke of Albany, fuintyme governour of this realme, quhilk

leftit geir and day. m c Vpoun the fevintene day of Maij, the geir of God J v xxxij geiris, thair was ane fingulare battill in the palice of Halyrudhous, in prefence of the kingis grace, betuix Johne Dowglas of Drumlanrick, and

[the laird] of Hempiffeild, defendare, and was iinderit without fkaith,

and aggreit at that tyme at the Kingis command.

Vpoun the aucht day of October, ane greit pairt of the toun was

brynt be fuddane fyre ; and vpone the tent day, James Stewart erle of Murray was proclamit generall Lieutennent and wardane of the

marches in the Merfe and Teviotdaill.

Vpoun the xvj day of Oclober, Coldinghame was brunt be Inglif-

men and Dowglas ; and it was ordanit, that all maner of man fould ft>. c. a. meit the Lieutennent on the bordoure in thre quarteris. And in the

mene tyme, meffage was fent to the king of Ingland quhy the peace

was brokin ; who anfuerit, we had brokin the band maid betuix ws and

the empriour, and delyrit the erle of Angus with his freindis to be

reftorit againe. Efter this the Scotifmen defendit thamefelffis aganis

the Inglifmen on the bordouris, and enterit oft tymes in Ingland, and

gat mony prelbnaris and greit prayis.

In this mene tyme thair come ane meffage from the king of France,

requyrand quhidder the weir was movit be Scottis or Inglifmen, that

was done as faid is. The anfuer thairof was fend be Dauid Betoun,

abbot of Abirbrothok, to the faid king of France. 15-3'2—1534. IN SCOTLAND. 17

Vpoun the fevint day of March, Siluelter Darionis, legat to the Paip, departit out of Edinburgh to Rome. Vpoun the third day of the famyne moneth, maiiter Williame Stew- art, bifchope of Abirdene, depertit of tins realiue to Londane, he beand thefaurare of Scotland enterit Reid, abbot of Kinlofs, and fchir Walter

Ogilbie of Douglas, [Dunlugus ?] knycht, accumpaneit with ane greit cumpany, as [fchir David] Barklay of Cullerny, the air of Balwerie, the lairdis of Mynto, Elphingftoun, the perlbun of Kincarne, Mr Walter

Boy is, perlbne of Snaw, Robert Gray of Medytene, maifter Williame

Stewart, viccar at Pitcaitland, in ambafTadouris weill apparelit in all fortis, with nyne mulis in thair caryage, and hyngand at thame bellis of bluer overgilt with gold.

c Vpoun the xix day of Aprile, the geir of God J 00 v xxxiij geiris, James Betoun, archbifcbope of Sanctandrois, fubfpecl; of the cryme of leifmaienie, was committed in keping to the erle of Rothes and to the bilchope of Galloway, and all his feruandis difchargit fra him, exceptand tuelf maill neceffar.

In this mene tyme, thair come ane heremeit, callit Thomas Douchtie, in Scotland, quhahaid bein lang capitane [captive ?] befoir the Turk, as was allegit, and brocht ane ymage of our Lady with him, and foundit the cheppill of Laureit befyid Muffilburgh.

Vpoun the xxij day of Aprile, thair come ane Frenfche ambaffatour throw Ingland in Scotland, to treit peace betuix thame. And thair- efter Mr Adame Ottirburne, and James Colvill of Eilter Vemyis, commiffar, war ordaynit to pas to the New caftell for peace. And the faid Mr Adame Ottirburne to remayne in Ingland quhill the cuming of ane greiter ambairatour.

f0 c Vpoun the tent day of Maij, the geir of God v xxxiiij geiris, J f . v _ b- Walter Scott of Buckclewch was convi6lit of Lefmaieftie, in the Juf- c 18 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1534.

tice air haldin at Jedburgh ; and eftir was put in waird in the caftell of Edinhurghe, quhair he remaynit quhill the kingis deceis.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Julij, the pryour of Durahame, callit Doc- tour Magnus, come furth of Durhame in ambaffatorie to Scotland, with thre fcoir horfinen, for confirinatioun of peace and changeing of feillis, and veill reffauit ; and efter his depairting, Robert lleid, abbot of

Kinlofs, paft for the feillis of England.

Vpoun the third day of Julij, bifchope William Stewart with his company, and fchir Adame Ottirburne wes maid knichtis in Ingland, come thairfra to Scotland.

Vpoun the fevint day thairof, the Parliament was begune and haldin in Edinburgh, and mony thingis treatit for the commoun weill of this realme. And heirefter the king was at the hunting in the park of

Striueling, quhair be chance he fell af his horfe, and evill hurt on the fyid and arme.

Vpoun the fyft day of Auguft, Williame bifchope of Abirdene, the erle of Murray and my lord Erfkene, raid as ambalFatouris throw

Ingland to France, for manage of the duke of Wandomis dauchter to the kingis grace.

Vpoun the xxyj day of Auguft, thair was callit befoir the bifchope of

Rofs, be ane commiflioun of the bifchope of San6tandrois, for the

opynions of Mertene Luter, thir perfbnis followand, fchir William

Kirk chaiplane, Adame Deir, Johnne Stewart in Leith,

Hamiltoun, filter lone to the fcherreife of Linlithgow, with Mr William

Johnnefloun, with fmdrie vtheris baith men and vemen in Edinburgh, in prefence of the kingis grace and chargeris, viz. bifchopis, preiflis, blak freris and gray, in folempt proceffioun, and brynt thair faggatis with thair opynionis.

Vpoun the xxyj day of Auguft, Mr Normond Govrlay wes firft ab-

iurit, fyne callit, and thairefter degradit for herelie ; and ane Dauid 1531—1535. IN SCOTLAND. 19

Strathque wald not obiure, hot was conftant, who was brynt with the faid Normand.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the fame moneth, thair was ane condamnit

and declarit curfit. The fchereflf of Linlithgow, callit James Hamiltoun of Kyncavill, Mr William Johnftoun, and Mr Henrie Anderfone.

Wpoun the xxix day, Archibald Dowglas being baneift into Ingland f«. 7-

furth of this realme, and at the kingis grace home, come in prefence

of the kingis grace in the park of Striueling, and thair humblie pat himfelf in the kingis grace will ; quha was commandit to pas to Leith,

with Robert Bartane thair ; and thairefter at the will of the kingis grace paft to France, quhair he deceiffit in Paris.

Vpoun the audit day of Februare, thair come ane ambaffatour out of Ingland, callit William, fone to the erle of Surreye, with certane greit horflis to the kingis grace, with xxx horns in tryne, with the ordour of the knycht of the gartare.

Vpoun the xxj day of Februare, the kingis grace reuauit the ordour

of the gairter in the abbay of Halyrudhous, with greit folempnitie. m c Vpoun the penult day of Auguft, the geir of God J v xxxv geiris, 1 Alex Cant, burges of Edinburgh, was llane in the nycht in his awne hous, be his leruand and his guidmoder, callit Alyfone Eouche, his

wyfF, callit Katherine Mayne, being prefent, and guiltie thairof as wes


Vpoun the fecund day of September, the faids Katherine Mayne and

Helyfoune Ilouche wer put in prefoun, and was convictit for the faid

ilauchter, and the faid Alyfone drownit, and Katherine relervit becaus fho was with child.

In the moneth of Nouember thair come ane Inglis ambaffadour with

1'extene horfs in tryne, to infek this realme with herefie, quhilk was in

England amangis thame, bot throw the grace of God he come no fpeid,

but depaiitit with repulfe. 20 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1535—1536.

Vpoun the xxiiij of Januare, fchir Patrik Hepburne of Wachtone

was convidtit be ane affyfe, for ane difcord betuix him and James Sin-

clare of Stevinftoun, brother to the laird of Rolling, and thairefter put

in waird in the caftell of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xxvj day of Januare, the laird of Petflego with his com-

plices was fummond to wnderly the law, for ane difcord betuix him

and the fchereffe of ; quha compeirit not, and wes put to

the borne for nocht compeirance.

Vpoun the xiij day of Februare, lord Williame, with vther foure

Lordis of Ingland, came as ambaffatouris, with xl horns in tryne, quhair

thej gat prefence of the kingis grace in SainStandrois.

Vpoun the xxj day thairof, Symon Armftrang wes drawin, hangit

and quarterit. Vpoun the fex day of Merch, the faids ambaffatouris paft out of

Sandtandrois, to pas thair tyme in this realme, and left fum of thair

feruandis thair behind thame.

Vpoun the ellevint day of Merch, thair was ane provinciall counfall

of the hail! prelatis of this realme haldin in the Blak Freris of Edin-

burgh, quhair thej ratifijt the a6tis and ftatutis maid befoir be ane com-

miffioun of the Papis honour, with fum additionis ; the laid counfell

leftit quhill the xvij of the faid monethe. fo. 7. b. Vpoun the xiij day of March, fchir Adame Ottirburne was lent as

ambaffadour to England, with audit hors in tryne, for treiting of cer-

tane fecreit byfines betuix the twa kingis graces ; and in his being in

Ingland, quene Agnes [Anne] of Ingland wes convictit of leifmajeftie

in Londone. In the mene tyme the Inglis ambaffatour being in this

realme. 01 c Vpoun the laft day of Junij, the geir of God J v xxxvj geiris, thair was ane hngulare fechting betuix the Johnltounis on the ane

pairt, twa Moffettis and Gyrie Panago on the vther pairt, in prefence 1536. IN SCOTLAND. 21

of the kingis grace ; and the Johneftouns gat the viiStorie of the faid

Gyrie, quha was flane, and ane Moffeit on the ane fyid, and ane Johne- ftoun on the vther fyid.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Jnlij, the kingis grace, be the awyife of the counfall, dreft fyve fchippis in Leith. In the quhilk fchippia the kingis

grace tuik voiage to France ; with him fchir James Hamiltoun of Fyn-

nart, knycht, and ane hnndreth gentilmen ; quhair be tempeft and contrarious wyndis, was compel] it to land in Quhytheirne in Galloway; howbeit his grace purpolit to fade in France, to hane vefyit the duk of

Wandones dochter or he had bene knawin, quhome he purpoht to haue marijt.

Vpoun the ffyrft day of September, the kingis grace tuik agane fchipbuird at Leith with his nobillis ; thai are to fay, the erllis of

Ergyle, Rothes, Arrane, the lordis Flemyng, Maxwell, the lairdis

Lochinvar, Drumlanrick, the abbot of Abbirbrothok, the pryour of

Pettinweme, witli vtheris, to the nomber of levin fchippis ; quhair they gat ane fair wynd, and on the tent day therefter, the king landit with his corapanie in Deip.

Vpoun the xxvj day of November, the kingis grace was contractu on the eldeft dochter of the king of France, callit Magdalene, with greit honour.

Vpoun fyrft day of Januare, being new geir day, the kingis grace was marijt on the faid Magdalene, at Pareis, in the kirk of Sanct- genuefa, and mony nobill men of France was thair prefent ; thai ar to fay, the Dolphin, the duke of Orliance, of Navorne, the duke of Giweis, the duke of Wandoun, and the Cardinall. In the tyme our kingis grace was in the realm e, he gaif all benefices that waikit, and fred all prefonaris and wardarris at his cuming, and difponit vpoun all thingis that was thair fa lang as he remaynit, as he haid bein king thairof. 22 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1537—1538.

Vpoun the xvij day of Maij, being Whitfonday evin, the geir of God jco v^ xxxvij geiris, the kingis grace with his quene, quha fchippit at

Deip of befoir, was convoyit be the admirall of France throw the feyis, and wer all, to the nomber of xv fchippis, with ane gailgeoun full of

artailgery, landit at Leith ; and come to Edinburgh with ane greit cumpany of Frenfchemen and Frenfche ladyis. The quenis grace de- ceffit within the palice of Halyrudhous, vpoun the fevint of Julij nixt thairefter.

In this niene tyme, the maifter of Forbes was accufit of treflbne be the laird of Lenturk, and was put in waird in the caftell of Edinburgh.

In the faid moneth of Julij, the lady Glammis, lifter to Archibald

erle of Angus, wes accuffit for trelTone ; hir hufband, Archibald

Campbell of Skippnilche, hir fone the lord Glammes of xvj geiris of aige, ane harbour Johne Lyoun, and ane prcift, all accufit in the tolbuith of Edinburgh. The faid lady wes condampnit to be brynt

quhill deid ; fho deit, and hir hufband, fone and the reft ordaynit to remaine in prei'one in the caftell of Edinburgh foirfaid.

Vpoun the xiij day of Julij, the maifter of Forbes was conviclit for

treffoune, and drawin, hangit and heidit.

c Vpoun the xvij day of the geir of God J f° v xxxviij geris, the lord Maxwell paft ambaffatour to France, for treiting of

mariage with the duke of Loraneis dauchter ; quhome he brocht to

Scotland on Trinitie fonday, and landit at Sandtandrois ; and thair

the kingis grace and the faid Marie wer fpoufit ; quhair the archbifchope of Glafgow with greit glorie, and mony of the nobill men of Scotland

wer prefent. On fan6t Margaretis day thairefter, fho maid her entres

in Edinburgh with greit trivmphe, and als with ordour of the haill

nobillis ; hir grace come in firft at the Weft Port, and raid doun the

hie gait to the abbay of Halyrudhous, with greit fportis playit to hir

grace throw all the pairtis of the toun. 1538— 15-11. IN SCOTLAND. 23

Vpoun the xij day of October, Mr Adame Ottirburne wes commandit in waird to Dumbartane. c In the geir of God Jf0 v xxxix geiris, the Quenis grace was lichter of ane young Prince in Sanctandrois, and wes thair hovin be Margaret the kingis modor, lifter to king Harie of England, his godmoder, and the abbot of Abbirbrothok, and the bill-hope of Glafgow, chancel- lare, his godfaderis ; and was nameit James, Prince of Scotland.

Vpoun the xxij day of Februare, the Quenis grace was crounit in the abbay kirk of Halyrudhous, be faid abbot of Abirbrothok, quha fang mels that day. f0 Vpone the xvj day of Auguft, the geir of God J v c xl geris, l'chir James Hamiltoun of Fynnart, knycht, was convictit be ane affyife, and heidit at the fkaffald at the trone of Edinburgh, the kingis grace being in Seytoun.

Vpoun the lalt day of Februar, thair was ane certane of perfones

acculit for herefie in abbay kirk of Halyrudhous ; and thair was con-

dempnit twa blak freris, ane channon of San6tandrois, the vicar of

D.ollour ; ane preift and ane lawit man duelt in Stirling, wer brynt

the l'ame day on the caftell hill of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xiij day of Marche, thair was ane Parliament haldin in

Edinburgh; the haill thing that was, thelandis of fchir James Hamiltoun, the landis of the lord Glammes, the landes of my lord Colwin, the

landis of Avingdaill, Lidifdaill, and mony vtheris landis, war brocht in

to the Kingis hous.

In this geir thair fell ane greit llorme at Sanctandroisday of lhaw,

leflit quhill caris and fonday in Lentrone ; quhilk tyme thair wes ane

infynit of all beftiall deid throw violence of the laid llorme, mony

foullis diet, and mony flockis pareift in lhow. f0 c In the geir of God J v xlj geiris, the queue being in Falkland,

was lychter of ane fone callit Robert, and was callit Duke, quha, 24 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1542.

deceiffit within twa dayes eftir his birth ; the Prince James deceffit afoir him twa dayes, and wer burijt in the ahbay of Halyrudhous, quhilk was ane fair deid to this realme.

In the monethe of Maij, the lord Erroll marijt the erle of Lennox liftar, quha bure him ane daughter ; his landis was tailgeit. The laird

Logie was maid erlle.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of November, Margaret quene to king James the ferd, and lifter to Harie king of Ingland, deceiffit, and was burijt in Sanct Johnneftoun. c The geir of God J ro v xlij geiris, efter this the thevis break the trewis betuix Ingland and Scotland, the kingis grace of this realme fend James Lermounth, his maifter houfhold to Ingland, on the elle- vint day of Julij, to heir the kingis mynd thairin. And thairefter lend the lordis Efkene and Orknay as commiffaris to Ingland, quhair they met the duke of Northphok, the duke of Soffok, the lord privie leill, into York in Ingland, and thair thai decerniet weir. The faidis commiffiaris and maifter houfhold come to Edinburgh, and fhew the kingis grace the fame, quha, with awyifs of his counfell, fend throw all this realme and raifit his army.

Vpoun the xxiij day of October, the duke of Northphok come to

Bervick, with fourtene thowfand men of Ingland ; the kingis grace heiring thairof, come to Lawder with his army, and remanit thair the fpace of thrie dais.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of October, the Inglifmen come on Scottis

ground, and lay ftill fra monunday to fattirday ; quha fkalit thair armie and paft haine, a littill fkaith done be thame. And the kingis grace in lykwyifs fkalit his army, and come to Halyrudhous the morne thairefter.

Vpoun fancl Bartilmois day, [Auguft 24] fyve thowfand Inglifmen come in Teviotdaill ; the erle of Huntlie, lieutennent, being in Jed- ;

1542. IN SCOTLAND. 25

burgh, the borderaris gadderit, and in the breaking of the day come

in tbair f'vcht, and fcbortlie difcomfeft the faid Inglifmen on Haldoun

rig : thair was ilane of Inglifmen fyvetene hundreth or thairby, and

fyvetcne hundreth tane ; thir ar the principallis, Mr Lowis, [Bowes]

maifter of the faid oift, his broder Richard, and Johne Merchell of

Berwick and [ ] of Wethringtoun, fchir Roger Licence, [?] and

fchir Cuthbert Recaill, [?] wardane, with mony vtheris, brynt meikill

of the debaitabill land in Ingland.

Wpoun the xxvij day of November, the Scottifmen was difcomfeift ft. 9.

at the Solane mols, [Solway mofs] quhilk was ane vnhappie raid, begylit

be thair awne gyding ; and thair was tane of Scottis, the erllis of Caf-

fillis and Glencairne, lordis Fleyming, Maxwell, Somerweill, Oliphant,

lairdis of Aytoun, Langtoun, Ormeftoun, Wachtoun, Colltoun, Cragie,

Moncreiff, and mony of the kingis grace familiar fervandis, and mony

vther gentilmen, war all tane be our awne theves and put in Ingland

quha wes all haid to Londone. The kingis grace heirat tuke greit

diipleifour, quha paft to Falkland and thair lay l'eik.

Ypone the audit day of December, Marie quene of Scottis was lychter of ane virgen, nameit Marie, princes of Scotland. And vpoun

the xiiij day of the laid moneth, the kingis grace deceiint in Falkland,

quhair foir thair was greit murnyng in Scotland.

Vpoun the audit day of Januare, vmquhile the kingis grace was burijt

befyid his tua fones in the abbay of Halyrudhous.

Vpoun the day of the princes was crounit in Striue-

ling with greit trivmphe.

Vpoun the tent day of Januare, the erle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, was maid protedour and governour of the quenis grace, becaufe he

was narreft the croun ; quha was proclamit governour at the mercat croce of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xviij day of Januar, George Dowglas was fouerit to come D 26 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1542.

and fpeak with the governour ; who gat his peax and the erle of Angus peace, quhilk Avas proclamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, the wand of peace was reflauit for the famyne, quho come to Scotland to the faid day. Certane of the lordis wes not content thairof. The car- dinall, who was the bifchope of Sandlandrois, was the haill gyder of the court vnto this tyme the erle of Angus come hanie, quha pail fra the counfall of the governour.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Januare, the prefonaris quha was tane to

Ingland come hame to Edinburgh, and left pleidges behind thame for

to enter at palmefonday ; and the erle of Bothwill come and convoyit thame to the faid burgh.

Vpoun the xxvj day, the faid cardinall was put in preffoune in Dal- keith ; throw quhais takking thair was na dew feruice done in na dyo- cies, nor to na maner of greit men nor finall, except thame the gover- nour gart feme on force : he was changit out of Dalkeith to Seytoun, and thair fra to Blaknes, and fyne to Sandlandrois, thair to remayne induring the governouris will. This (as was faid) was done be the counfall of the erle of Angus, quhais purpois was to deftroy the kirk- men and thair religioun. The lordis quha wes preflbunaris in Ingland maid ane band to the king of Ingland, that als fone as our young quenis grace come to ten geiris of aige, that ilio fhould marie the prince of Ingland. The faidis lordis caufit the governour confent to the famyne, the cardinall being in prefone, as faid is ; and peace to be roborat and bund vp in aither fyid, and all faltis redrefllt. The cardi- nall Avith many vtheris nobillis vald nocht affent heirto, quhilk caufit greit divifioun in this realme ; the king of Ingland perlaueand the famyne, gadderit ane greit army to come on ws the nixt fommer.

Vpoun the fex day of Februar, the lord Glammes marijt Elizabeth

Keith with greit trivmphe, lifter to the erle Merchell. 1.3 1-2—1513. IN SCOTLAND. 27

Vpoun the penult day of Februar, the governour fired the Inglis pre- i'ounaris tanc at Haldoun Rig, to enter at Witfonday nixtocum on thair plegeis.

Vpoun the xiij day of March, thair was ane Parliament proelarait to be haldin at Edinburgh, and all the lordis come thairto except the erle of Argyle. And thair the crle of Angus was reftorit to his landis,

and deliuerit to him the caftell of Temptallone ; the lord Glammes

was releivit of prefoune, and got all his landis ; the erle Bothwill was

reftorit to Liddifdaill ; and thair thai ratify t his governourfchip. And the fame day the communitie of Edinburgh and Leith wes in honouris on the calfay. n1 c Vpoun the penult day of March the geir of God J v xliij geiris, the erle of Lennox come out of France as ambaffatour, and landit at

Dumbartane, quhair he remaynit certane fpace, and efter paft to Glaf- gow, quhair thair was many of the nobilitie met him.

Vpoun the tent day of Aprile, the erle of Angus marijt the lord

Maxwellis dauchter. And on the famen day the cardinall was releivit

out of captivitie, and to pas quhair he pleifit, and gat the court ingyding.

Vpoun the xiij day of Aprile, the erle of Lennox cam to Edinburgh

to fpeik with the governour, and the erle of Argyle with him, and

mony vther greit nobillis ; thair was ane greit counfell haldin in the laid burgh, quhilk wes vnknawin.

Vpoun the fyft day of Maij, George Dowglas was fend as ambaffadour

to Ingland to treat peace, who gat ane monethis peace, and come to

Edinburgh with his anfuer.

Vpone the xj day of Julij he paft againe, and come with anfuer to my

lord governour, quha gat ten geiris peace on that promeis to bynd vp

mariage with the prince of Ingland and our quenis grace, as is afoir-

faid ; they confentand thairto, and plegeis to be laid thairvpone, and

fyvetene ladies of Ingland to haue our princes in keping ; quhilk was :


grantit be the governour and his counfale. In this menetyme, the In-

glifmen wes heryand privilie in Teviotdaill. And vpoun the fext day

thairof, thair was ane greit counfale in San6landrois, be the cardinall,

the erlis of Lennox, Argyle, Huntlie, and Bothwill, the lord Home,

with mony vther gentilmen of the weft and north pairtis, quha decernit

to come contrair the governour, becaus of his mifgyding, and tuke no

heid to thame, but to new opyniouns of herefie ; the quhilk lordis all

places, ilk gadderit fo. 10. with ane confent paft to thair and ane thair awne

folkis. In this mene tyme thair was ane Inglis amballatour hand in

Scotland, quha remainit be the fpace of ane geir to heir the lordis opynioun.

Vpoun the xxj day of Julij, the faids lordis come out of Striueling

to Leith, to the nomber of ten thowfand men ; the erle Bothwill met

thame, the lord Home, the Keris and Scottis, and lay ftill fyve or fax

dayes, and the governour, the erle of Angus and George Dowglas, quha vald have brocht the Inglifmen to Edinburgh, war not certane

lordis paft betuix the pairtis ; hot the lordis on na wayifs wald not

aggrie, exceptand the quenis grace and princes war delyuerit to thair

paft to Stirling faid governour, quhilk was done ; quha with the quenis

grace and princes, and thair wes four lordis that keipit thame : thaj

ar to fay, the lords Erfkin, Grahame, Sane Johne and Levingftoun

the governour fould haue delyuerit the caftell of Edinburgh, quhilk

was nocht done ; the laird of Wachtoun being capitane thairof, was be-

trailit be the laid governour, and put out thairof; the laird of Stane-

hous maid capitane. Vpoun the penult day of October, the king of France fend in Scot- f0 land x crownis and fiftie peice of artailgerie, with ane of his houl-

hald men nameit Mr Cowpar : Than come ane counfellour of Rome,

quha brocht fra the Paip and Patriark, with powar to waill all the

bowis of the benefices, to debait the realme, quhair thai landit at Dun- 1543. IN SCOTLAND. oy

bartane. All this money wes delyuerit to the lord Lennox, capitane of

Dunbartane caflell.

Vpoun the laft day of October, the abbot of Paiflay tuke the lord

Maxvell and the lord Somerveill as amballatouris fent to the erles of

Caffillis and Glencarne with lettres in Ingland ; quha paffand, the lord

Maxwell was tane and put in prefone in the caftell of Edinburghe, and

the lord Somervell in Blaknes. In this moneth of October, about the fourt day, the governour fent George Dowglas about peace, fhawand

that thai had brokin firft. And the famin day the laid ambalTatour, Mr Saidler, paft to Temptalloun, and remaynit thairquhill the faid George come haine.

Vpoun the thrid day thairefter, the governour with the cardinall come

to Dalkeith, and was latt in wnder peace ; hot quhen thaj come in, thai pat the lord furth, bot the dungeoun waskeipit be Mr George Dowglas his fone, and gevin over within ane hour. In this tyme thair was ane greit herefie in Dundie ; thair thaj diftroyit the kirkis, and wald haue de- ltroyit Abirbrothok kirk, war not the lord Ogilbie.

Vpoun the xxvj day of November, the gouernour and the cardinall cumand to Sane Jonfloun, tuik the lord Gray and pat him in waird in

Draffane. And the lordis Glammes and Ogilbie come to the governour ; quliilk foure wer gadderit with Mr Henrie Balnavis to the faid gover- nour and his companie.

thrid Vpone the day of December, thair was ane Parliament haldin fo. m. b. in Edinburgh, and the lordis came in all, exceptand the erle of Lennox and the reft quha came contrair the governour at Leith. In the quhilk

Parliament vmquhile fchir James Hamiltouns fone was reftoirit to his

landis, and James Colvillis fone to his landis of eifter Weymes ; and thair the band of France was renewit. And the contract betuix Ing- land and Scotland concernyng the mariage foirfaid, was decernit null 30 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1543. and of nanc avail], becaus they brak the peace, and tuke our Scottis i'chippis and brynt and herijt the fame.

Vpoun the xij day of December, George Dowglas come out of Ing-

land, and immediatlie eftir his cuming paft to Temptallonn, and brocht

furth thairof Mr Saidlair, Inglifman.

Vpoun the xvj day of December, thair came ane herald out of Ing-

land callit Harie Jlaa, and gaif vj) peace betuix Scotland and Ingland.

In this menetyme the quenis grace drowarie paft on her fute to our

Lady Laureit, praying for peace amang hir lordis with the realme of

Ingland, and remaynit thair be the fpace of xx dayis in hir prayeris.

Vpoun the day of Januare, the erllis of Angus, Lennox, Caf-

iillis, and lord Kilmawris, gadderit ane greit armie, to the nomber of

foure thowfand, and come to Leith. And als George Dowglas came

c fra Berwick, with v of Merfs men to the governour, and come that

nycht to Muflilburgh. And thair the erle of Bothwill with the toun

of Edinburgh cheft the faid men out of Myflilburghe, and thair tuik

Symiune Pannago, capitane of Coldinghame, with lindrie vtheris ; and

the faid George fled to the faid goAr ernour to Stirling, with mony of

the faid men who was with him, and thai come to Edinburgh, and

thair he remanit with his lordis, and the reft lay ftill at Leith fyve or

lax dayis readdie for battell. The cardinall with the erle of Argyle

come to the governour with ane greit oift, and lindrie lordis with

thame, and the reft come in the governonris will thair ; the faid George

Dowglas was wardit in the caftell of Edinburgh, for the guid rewle of

: himfelf ; and the erle Cainllis and lord Kilmawris wardit ficlyk The

erle of Lennox fuld haue delyuerit the money come out of France,

and the caftell of Dunbartane, quha flaw away, and wald not give na pledge nor na vther thing.

Vpoun the xxviij day of Januare, the governour with his lordis paft

to Sanctiohnftoun and Dundie, and brunt mony lymmeris in the faid 1544. IN SCOTLAND. 31 tolbuis, and the waftland lordis promeift to come with him for miniflra-

tioun of juitice, quha come nocht thair. James Lerinounth vmquhile the king-is maiiler honfliald, and pat him in Sanctandrois, and the laird of Dun in Blaknes. f0 c Vponn the firft day of Aprile, the geir of God J v xliiij geiris, the governour, the cardinal!, the erllis Argyle, Bothwill, with mony vtheris lordis, convenit be oppin proclamatioun at Glafgow, and faigit the cal-

tell thairof and fteipill, quhilk was keipit be the erle of Lennox and his

complices, quhairat was great llanchter, quhilk was givin over be the

laid eric. Thair wcr hangit xviij men be the governour as traitouris ;

thair wes tane my lord Maxwell, the erle of Angus, James of Park-

heid, and James of the Watter, and haid to Hamiltoun, and thair put in captivitie.

Vpoun the tliricl day of Apryle, the governour with his complices wan Cruikftoun, the principall hous of the earle of Lennox.

Vpoun the firft day of Maij, the Inglifmen come in Scotland be fea to the number of thre hundryth faillis, and landit at Leith ; and that fame nycht the toun of Edinburgh come furth in thair licht, bot the proveift Mr Adame Otterburne betralit thame and fled hame.

Vpoun the fourt day of Maij, the Inglifmen come to Edinburgh, and wan the faniin with litill debait maid againes thame ; and thair-

efter faigit the caftell thairof, but thaj wer litill or nathing the better, for the caftell flew many of thair men ; and thairefter, vpoun the faxt

day, they brynt Edinburght and Ipulgeit the famin, fyne paft to Leith againe without any impediment. Vpone the quhilk day, thair came f0 from Berwick of Inglilinen he land iiij horfs men, and come to Leith that faniin nvcht, bot Hope done to thame be Scottis men.

Vpoun the fevint day, all the Inglifmen both on horfs and fute come to Edinburgh, and brynt and heryit it agane.

Vpoun the aucht day, the governour being in the waft pairtis gadder- 32 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1544.

and aganis the lord Levenox, fend to intret peace with Inglifs men, quha

wald on nawayifs tak nor give. And the famin day thai paft to Craig-

millar, quhilk was haiftilie gevin to thame, promcfand to keip the famyne

Avithout fkaith ; quhilk promes thai break, and brunt and deftroyit the

faid hous.

Vpoun the xv day of Maij, the horfmen raid to Newbottill andbrynt

it, and OAverlaw Dalkeith be the moyane of George Dowglas, and

brynt many vther tounes thairabout ; na fkaith was done to any kirkis,

exceptand thai diftroyit the abbay of Newbottill : And the famin nycht

thai returnit to Leith, and na fkayth done to thame be Scottis.

Vpoun the faxtene day of Maij, the haill army raifs and come to

Seytoun ; and or thai depairtit of Leith thaj fett the fame all in fyre,

with the fchippis thairin, and fend thair fchippis away be fea, and did

na fkaith to Muffilburgh at thair cuming. And on the morne thaj brynt Hadintoun, Stentoun, Benteltoun, Markle and Prefloun, and

that nycht laid thair camp at fo. n. b. The morne being the auchtene day, thaj raifs and brunt Dunbar, and

all that coift fyid, and geid throw the pethis and muris ; and Teviot-

daill gadderit, and nothing done ; and on the xxx day thai paft to Ber-

wick with meikill trivmphe, and thair was na hurt done to thame be

Scottis ; thair fchippis wes cumit befoir them, hot all the Merfs was

diftroyit be the men thairin.

Vpoun the tuantie fourt day of Maij, the governour was gadderit to

the noumber of J^ men, and the erle of Glencairne come out of Glaf- c gow with his freindis to the nomber of v , quhair thir pairties met on

the mure of Glafgow, and it was cruellie fochtin ; bot at the laft the

erle of Glencarne with his company fled, and the laid erlis lone callit

Androw was flanc, with mony vtheris of that pairtie. On the gover-

nouris pairtie was flane the laird of Colmfkeith, his maifter houfhald,

with tuelf vther fmall men ; and thairefter the faid governour paft to 1544. IN SCOTLAND. 33

the tonn of Glafgow and ipouljeit the famyne, and left littill thair-


Vpoun tlie xxviij day of Maij, the erle of Lennox fchippit at Dun-

bertane and faillit to Ingland, and left thair the erle of Glencarne capitane thairof quhill his returnying, qnhair he was reflauit with greit

honnour ; and thair marijt the erle of Angus dochter, fdter [filler dochter] to king Harie of Ingland, and gat greit giftis with hir givin him at the faid mariage.

Vpoun the thrid day of Junij, thair was ane generall counfall haldin at Stirling, quhairat was all the nohillis of Scotland, exceptand the erle

of Lennox and Glencarne ; qnhair the governour was diichargit of his audtoritie, and maid proclamatiouns throw the realme that nane obeyit him as governour. And als thair thaj chent thrie erlis, thrie lords,

bifchopis, thrie abbotts, to be the fecreit counfale thrie ; quhilk laftit nocht lang, for euerie lord did for his awne particulare proffeit, and tuke na heid of the commoun weill, bot tholit the Inglifmen and thevis to overrin this realme. Thair was na credit amang the nobilitie at this prefent.

00 c Vpoun the tent day of Julij, J iij Scottifmen raid in Ingland, and brunt and herijt certane townes on the bordouris vnto Tilmouth ; and in thair returning thai remanit lang on the faige of ane houfe in Ing- land ; and on Sancl Barbareis evin, the Inglifmen being in Jedburgh come on the Scottis to the nomber of fyve thowfand men, quhair thair

was flane of Inglifmen bot few, of Scottis llane L, and tane xviij fcoir ofgentilmen, the laird of Cokburne, Johne Home of with mony vtheris gentilmen of the Merfe.

Vpoun the xiiij day of Julij, the erle of Angus was proclamit lieu-

tennent, and commandit the realme to follow him with foure dayis

victuall, in ane houris warning, to pas on the aid enemies of Ingland.

Wpoun the xvij day of Julij, the erle Bothwill come with the nom- f». 12. E S4> DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1544. ber of c v men to Leith, and thair manit twa fchippis ; ane Dwtche fchipe full of merchandice, and ane Scottis weir fchip, quha tuke thame to

Abirlady, and difponit thairvpone at his pleal'our.

Vpoun the xx day, the erle Bothwill beand riding to ane tryft fet be him to aggre the lord Lovat and the captane of Clanronald, and or the faid erle come, the faids pairties met, thaj being greit nomberis of c c viij men, the ane , the vther v , quha was all flane exceptand foure on the lord Lovatts fyid, and on the vther fyid twa, quhilk was flayit thair

efter the laid erllis curuing. Vpone the xxj day, the laird of Pharny- hirft was tane be the Inglifmen.

Vpoun the xxij day, the erle Rothes, lordis Gray and Glammes

and Ogilbie, quha raifit ane greit powar and come to SancT; Johnlloun,

being for the adlioun of Johne Chartouris ; the faidis perfonis beand

clymand the brig, was put abak be the lordis Ruthven, Drummond,

and the laird of Cragie. On the faid lord Grayis fyid was flane xl, the

lord Glammes tane, and mony hurt on that fyid. Na lkaith done on

the vther fyid.

Vpoun the laft day of Julij, thair was ane Parliament fould have

bene haldin in Edinburgh ; and the governour with his complices fur-

neift the toun and held it, becaus he gat word the quenis grace drow-

arie was cummit out of Striueling to the Parliament ; becaus thaj git

being in hir company wes full of diffait, Iho pall to Stirling with meikle

ordinance, and fua the Parliament was flayit.

Vpoun the tent day of Auguft, thair come tuelf Inglis fchippis and lay

in this firth, quhilk was brocht heir be certane of Scottis tratouris, quha

brynt the weir fchipe in Abirlady, and thair remanit be the lpace of ten

dayis. And thair was certane fchippis cumand with Scottis merchan-

deis, and certane Frenchmen thairin, tuke the Inglis admirall and vther

tua fchippis with vi6luallis, and brocht thame to Leith, and difponit

thairvpone as thai plealit. 1541. IN SCOTLAND. 35

And on the i'amin day the erll of Leuenox come out of Ingland to Dunbartane.

And vpoun the xj day, the Inglifmen to the nomber of ane thowfand

horfs come and brynt Sandlbothanis ; and thair thai wer cheft be the

Scottis to Reftoun ; thair the beand Hand to the number of c vij men, quhair the Scottis wer cheft ; Alexander Home and his fone tane, and vald not i'uffer him to come hame nowther for ranfone nor on plegeis ; thair was na help maid be the lordis ; the lord Home paft and repaft to Ingland when he pleiiit, fo the pover was herijt.

Wpoun the tuelf day thair was tane be Inglifmen the laird of Inner- wik, the laird of Pilrik, with vtheris to the nomber of xxiiij, and flew tuelf burgeffis of Dunbar, with greit pray of guidis tane be thame.

Vpoun the xvij day of Auguft, thegovernour tuik the lord Sancliohne, the lairdis of Caldar and Dundas, quha was put in Blaknes ; and on

Santcuthbartis day eftir, George Dowglas tuik the lord Borthvick and put him in Dalkeith, to freith the laird of Calder.

Vpoun the xvj day of September, the erle of Bothwill was haldin in f . 12. t>. captivitie be the ladie within Borthwick, vnto the tyme hir hulband was maid frie.

Vpoun the fourt day of October thair was ane proclamatioune throw the realme, that all maner of men fuld meit the lieutennent on Gladif-

mure ; quha geid to Dunbar, and remanit thair fyve dayis ; quha come with his army to Muftlburgh, and thair tuke James Preftoun, quha was heidit in Edinburgh.

Vpoun the fevint day, my lord Borthwick was releivit out of Dal- keith, quha come hame and friethit the erle Bothvill.

In this moneth my lord Angus, leivtennent, raid to Jedburgh to the quenis grace, and remanit thair audit dayis, and did na fortifeing to the

cuntry aganis the Inglifmen, quha came fra Kirktoun to Sowtray, and caufit all thame that thai fand betuix the places weir ane reid croce. 36 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1544.

Vpoun the fyft day of November, the governour held ane Parliament in Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xiij day of November, the quenis grace drowriare held ane

Parliament in Striueling ; and thairefter the pairtijs fuld haue met and

itayit in hope of aggreance ; and the cardinall raid betuix thame, quha

come to Edinburgh and tuke the governour to Stirling with him, quhair

guid aggreance was maid, to be bund to hir grace and twentie foure

lordis counfall.

Vpoun the faxtene day the governour, with confent of the quenis

grace and lordis of fecreit counlall, caulit proclame throw all the realme,

That our fouerane ladyis lieges be reddie with xx dayis viftuall to pas

to the bordouris, and meit him at Dunbar the penult day of the faid moneth.

Vpoun the faid penult day of November, the lordis all convenit at 00 Dunbar to the nomber of vij men ; thej tuke vioage, and tuik out of

the caftell therof ane cannon, with mony vther fmall pecis, and pail to

Coldinghame that nycht, quhilk was kepit be Inglifmen, qidiairat thej

fchot, and litle fkath done ; and on the morne the Scottis without any

lkaith fled mifordourlie : The Inglifmen perfaueand this, twa thowfand

of thame followit the chails to Cockburne, quha durft not byid and flryik.

Of this oift the erle Angus haid the wangaird ; thair was with him the

erllis of Camllis, Glencarne, the lordis Somervill, Fleyming, geifter,

the fcherefFe of air, quha did full febillie. In the reirward was the erle

of Bothwill, quha baid ftiflie quhill he micht no moir. George Dow-

glas had the wyte heirof, for he faid the Inglifmen was x"1 men Hand

within the faid toun ; the invintioun wes faiffit on chance be the erle of

Bothwill. The cuntre was all Inglifmen fworne, feing na help ; and

in the mene tyme the eift Lowthiane and Teviotdaill wes herijt and

brunt. Vpoun the aucht day of December, the quenis grace, the governour, 1544. IN SCOTLAND. 37

and the haill reft, except the duke of Lennox, come to Edinburgh,

quhair it was ordanit that ilk penny land of aid extent to pay xij fhil- fo. 13. a.

lings, that the lieutennent mycht haue xxyj 00 pundis, to perfurneifs ane

thowfand horfmen for thrie monethis ; for this cans the lairdis of Low-

thiane cam not to him, for this faid importabill chairge.

Vpoun the xvij day of December the lieutennent paft to Hadding- toun, quhair thair fuld haue met him the lardis of Lowthiane, quha

come nocht ; and thairefter paft to Tamptalloun, and thair held his

gule, and tuik litill heid to the cuntrie, but leit thame doe for thame-

felfis, quhilk caufit the cuntrie to be cleane herijt ; the cuntrie leiand

na helpe of the lieutennent, maid bandis amangis thame felfHs that ilk

ane fould help vtheris, quhairamang was greit watches, ilk ane efter

his degrie.

Vpoun the firft day of Januare, the captane of Wark, namit Johne

Ker, come with the number of nyne fcoir of men and brynt Sowtray

and Fawlay ; and thairefter the lairdis of the cuntrie follovit thame, and

tuke xxiiij of thair men, bot nane flane.

Vpoun the day of Januare, the garyfoun that lay in Cold-

inghame to the nomber of vj xx come and brynt Morhame, Bathgait,

Stunpath, and Datrie, quha wes helpit be our fals Scotts, for Lawder

was i'worne all Inglifmen ; the wardane of Ingland delt thair landis to

quhome he pleifit.

Vpoun the xx day of Januare, the Inglifmen brunt Petcokis and c Fawnylaw, quha wer ij men. And thair followit thame the lairdis of

Bafs, Spot, Stanypeth, Quhittinghame, and Oliuer Sinclare, to the

nomber of vij**, and thair followit thame with litill fpeid. The lieu-

tennent thair was tane. Capitane lord Bewis and tua hundreth of his

men of Inglifmene, thair ftaill being neir c hand to the nomber xiij , come

on the Scottis and recover it viij** of thair men, bot thair capitane come

to Edinburgh ; thair was not many flane at this chels. 38 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1541—1545.

Vpoun the xxiij day of Februar, the governour come to Lauder,

quhair thair was ane proclamatioun maid, that all maner of man fould

pas with him ; the cuntrie wald not ryifs, becaus the erle of Angus and

George Dowglas was with him, quha wer euer falfe as thaj allegit.

The governour heirefter raid to Melrofs, and thair was fchir Rauff 00 Everis, wardane of Ingland, haueand iiij men with him, and Teviot- f0 daill to the nomber of j men, come and met the governour, quha raid to Jedburgh.

Vpoun the penult day of Februar the governour come to the faid

toun of Jedburgh, qubairat was fochtin cruellie ; the governour gaif

bakis and fled ower the watter of Tweid ; the Inglifmen beleivit to haue

gottin the governour be George Dowglas diflait, bot he was counfallit

be his lordis to come bak. The Inglifmen paft towardis Berwick, and

the governour come to Melrofs and remanit on his freindis, quha come m fo. 13. b. to him to the number of ij men, and thaj fet vpoun the Inglilhien

agane at Ancrum mure. And thair fchir Rauff Everis, capitane and

wardane, was llane, with lord Briame Ogill, the lord Caufter, [?J the lord Halkerftoun, [HaggerftounJ with mony vther gentilmen of Ing-

land : Thair was tane the governour of Indeandis maifter leware,

fchir Johne of Dalvaveir, [DellaveFJ Robert of Colunwood, lord Corn-

wall, fchir Johne Wedderingtoun, and ane Rauff Londinar, with mony ro of all the haill baronis of Ingland, to the nomber of tua men : and the

reft fled, and verry few of Scottis was ourtane or llane. And thairefter

the governour paft to Coldinghame, quhilk was left waift at his cuming, and George Dowglas maid capitane thairof, and gaif certane gunnaris

to keipe the faid hous, and als the hous of Wedderburne wes gottin,

alfo all thaj that was fworn Inglifmen gat thair remiffioun fra the go-

vernour and the quenis grace. This feild foirfaid brocht this realme

to the auld mercheis, quhilk was Inglifmen fworne. ro c Vpoun the laft day of Maij, the geir of God J v xlv geiris the 1515. IN SCOTLAND. 39

rr) c c king of France fend ij gunnaris, iij bairdit horfs, and ij archearis of the gaird, and landit at Dumbartane with greit provifioun, and thair wageis payit for fax monethis to cum, and filuer to fie ij"' Scottis for the laid lex monethis fpace.

Vpoun the fourt day of Junij thir Frenchemen come out of Dunbar- tane, quhair thaj wer reflauit be the quenis grace and governour with

greit dignitie ; the principal! of thame was callit Monfieur Lorge Mont- gomery, quha was weill treitit be the quenis grace. Vpone the fame

[day,] the bifchope of Glafgow pleit with the cardinall about the ber- ing of his croce in bis dyocie, and baith thair croceis was brokin in the kirk of Glafgow throw thair flryving for the famin. And on the fame day thair wes ane generall conventioun proclamit, to be haldin in Stir-

ling the xxiiij of this inflant.

Wpoun the faid xxiiij day of Junij, the lordis all convenit at Striueling,

and thair confentit to raife thair armie and meit the governour at Rofline

mure the xxviij day of Julij, and pas with the Frenchemen on thair

aid enemies. Vpon the xxviij day of Julij, the governour with certane lordis come to Rofline mure, and becaus the northland men and my

lord Argile come not, thairfoir was the raid continewit vnto the fext of Auguil. The erle of Argyle mycht not come becaus he haid weir

with the lordis of the His, and mycht not leiff his cuntrie.

Wpoun the nynt day of Auguft, the governour with his company maid thair mouftouris on Fawnerig mure, to the nomber of xxx00 men, m by the Frenchemen, quha was iij . And the fame day at evin they

pall in England, and brunt Cornwall and Tilmouth, Edderflie, Brank-

ftoun, with lindrie vtheris tounis thairabout, and thair did na vther

thing, to thair lak and greit dilhonour.

In this tyme the pelt was wonder greit in all burrowis townis of this fo. U.

realme, quhair mony peipill diet with greit fkant and want of victuallis.

Wpoun the tent day of Auguft the faidis Scottis was pairtit in thrie 40 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1545.

batellis ; in the wangaird the erle of Angus, Merchell, Arroll, Glen- came and Caflillis, lordis Gray, Glammis, geifter ; in the reirward,

erllis Huntlie, Bothwill, lordis Ruthven, Drummond, Borthik, Flem- the bodie yng, Home ; in the myddill ward, the governour with of the realme and Frenchemen, with twa wyngis, the ane lord Seytoun, laird

of Bafs, and mony vtheris gentilmene, the other the laird of Buck-

clewche, with all Liddifdaill and Teviotdaill ; and on this ordour raid in Ingland, and brunt Tweifdaill, Grendounrig, the greit toure new

bigging, and Dudie, with the touris thairof; and thair was on the

00 lpeid, thaj Pethrig of Inglifmen vj ; the Scottis follovit with haid

vincuft all the faid Inglifinen.

Vpoun the xiij day of Auguft, the Scottis men come hame throw the diffait of George Dowglas and the wangaird, quha wald not pas agane throw his tyifting. Vpoun the nynt day of September, the Inglifmen come in Scotland to the nomber of xvm men, the erle Herfyid [Hertford] thair capitane, and brunt Ednem, Lang Birgam, Kellb, with mony vther tounis thair, c and brunt Melrols. The erle Bothwill and lord Home, being xv men, was chafit, Patrik Home tane, and xj of his men flane.

Wpoun the xij day of September, the governour gadderit and arryvit on the Grene Law, to the nomber of ten m men, and throw counfall of the erle of Angus, thaj fkalit and come hame. The Inglifmen herijt the Merfs, and brunt all Coldinghame, quha remaynit in Scotland xv dayis without any battell. Vpoun the xxvj day of September, the Homes wan eift Nifbet, and tuik the laird thairof and pat him in the caftell of Home ; and the laird of Langtoun tane in finance for I'uffering of the Inglifmen. Vpoun the xxviij day of September, the Parliament was haldin in Linlithgow, quhair the maift pairt of the nobillis wes. It was iufpeclit thaj come for land, becaus few was at the Parliament befoir. In this 1545. IN SCOTLAND. 41

Parliament was foirfaltit the erle of Lennox, his brother, the bifchope

of Cathnes, and the laird of Tulibarden wes relpletit. Thair landis wes

delt, pairt to the erle of Argyle, maifter of Sympill, and pairt to the

erle of Huntlie, quha gat the bifchoprik of Cathnes at this parliament.

The lordis made ane taxt throw the realme, of ilk pvind land of aid extent, to pay viij fhillingis to fie men on the bordouris ; and Monfieur

c c Lorge feit v in the Merfs, and v in Tevidaill for L dayis on his awne expenflis, quhilk laftit quhill alhallomels.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of October, the lord Maxwell delyuerit Carlaue- rok to the Inglifmen, quhilk was greit difcomfort to the cuntrie.

Vpoun the day of October, the governour, the cardinall, and fo. u. b. audit bii'choppis and abbottis, held ane counfall, qidiair newer ane tem-

porall man was •, and thair was decernit, that all maner of man fould meit the governour at Carlauerok with ten dayis vidluall, the fecond

thair day of November ; quhilk, at cuming, wes left waift, and thairof was maid capitane the laird of Correis brother, callit Bannatyne.

Wpoun the xx day of November, thair was ane proclamatioun maid, that all maner of man fould meit the governour in Drumfreis the xxj nixtocum.

Wpoun the faid xxj day, the lordis convenit at Drumfreis, and faigit

Lochmaben and Traif, quhilk was in my lord Maxwellis handis, quhilk was gevin over tua or thrie dayes efter be appointment. My lord

Maxwell wes had to Drumfreis with certane Inglifmen as ane trea-

tour ; the laird of Lochinvar was maid capitane of Lochmabane, and the laird of Garroleis capitane of the Treif. The erle of Angus come not to the raid, becaus the lord Maxwell was his guidfather.

Wpoun the xvj day of Januar, the governour and the cardinall, to the nomber of v c men, pall to Ormeftoun, and the goung laird of

Calder ; thaj war all brocht and put in the caftell of Edinburgh ; and F 42 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1546.

the laird of Ormeftoun, and the goung laird of Calder followand, was

tane be the capitane, callit James Hatniltoun of Stanehous. f0 c Wpoun the xxviij day of Merche, the geir of God J v xlvj geiris, thair was ane generall counfale haldin in Sandtandrois be the fpirituall

eftate, and thair George Vifchart was brunt, and na vther thing done.

Wpoun the xxix day of Maij, Normond Leilie, fecond fone to the

erle Rothes, with William Kirkadie, goung laird of Grange [Jand

vther is,] to the nomber of xviij perfones, come vnto the caftell of

Sandtandrois, and thair mordreft James cardinall, greit chancellar

of Scotland, in his bed, the faid Normond being his awne fecreit

feruand, and gat greit ritches thairin. The lardis eldeft ibne to the

faid gouernour, being than in the faid place of Grange, Petmillie, Mr

Henrie Balnaves, Johne Knox preacher, being ane prieft,

Carmichaell, with niony vtheris gentilmen, tuke pairt of the faid

trelfoun. In this mene tyme, about the aucht of Maij, the erle of

Angus gat Abirbrothok, and gaiff it to his baftard fone George. James

Bettoun, the cardinallis brother fone, was defraudit fra the richt thairof

be call of court. Wpoun the tent day of Junij, the erle of Huntlie was maid chancellar

of Scotland, quhilk vmquhile the cardinall haid.

Wpoun the xv day, the governour paft to Dunbartane, and faigit the

famyne ; thair was in the faid caflell the erle of Lennox, his brother

the bifchope of Cathnes, with certane vtheris, quhilk was givin over be

full fair, for the governour appoyntment ; quhilk doing thaj rewit never keipit ane word of his promeflis. Wpoun the tent day of Auguft, thair was ane Parliament haldin in

Edinburgh, in the quhilk was forfaltit all the foirfaidis perfones quha

was at the flauchter of the cardinall ; and this realme dividit in four

quarteris, ilk quarter to cum to Sanclandrois, and to remayne thair xx

days thair tyme about. 1547- IN SCOTLAND. 43

Wpoun the firft day of September, Louthiane begane the firil xx day is.

In this mene tyrae, the caftell of San6tandrois wes provydit with all maner of ordinance alfweill as mycht be devyfit, the wallis rycht ftronglie ituffit with faill. The erle of Rothes ila quietlie to Denmark, and tuik greit ritches with him.

Wpoun the xxvj day of October, William Kircaldie of Grange, younger, pall to Ingland for fupplie, with quhome come the maifter of wark of Ingland with audit fchippis to Ipy the faid hous.

Wpone the xx day of November, Mr Henrie Balnaves, with the joung perfone of Rothes, paft agane to Ingland, and promeift the caftell to the King, fua he wald fupport thame, quhilk he promeift to


Wpoun the xx day of December, the governour aggreit with the

foirfaidis perfonis in the laid caftell on this maner, thaj to brink ftill the

caftell ay and quhill thair ablolutioun tane out of Rome, and thaj to

delyuer the faid caftell to the gouernouris brother, quha was maid bif-

chope of Sanctandrois, and thaj to be reftorit to thair heritage and geir

tane be the laid governour ; and for fulfilling heirof, the governour

gaif his eldeft lone in pledge, and thaj deliuerit out of the faid caftell

ane lone of the laird of Grangeis, and ane fone of the laird of Petmilleis, with fundrie vtheris.

ai c Wpoun the nynt day of Apryle, the geir of God J v xlvij geiris, the Inglifmen come in at the weft bordouris to the nomber of v 00 men,

peace beand maid betuix ws and thame, and tuke the laird of Johnftoun

and his brother, the abbot of Sallet, with mony Johnftounis, and awav with thame.

Wpoun the xix day of Apryle, thair was ane proclamatioun maid,

that all maner of man lbuld meit the governour at Langholme, quhilk

thaj l'aigit. The erle of Huntlie haid ane wangaird, and the faid hous

was gevin over on this conditioun, that the laird of Johnftoun, and all -14 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1547- the reft of that cuntrie, fuld be delyuerit, quhilk was done, the hous

geid at Durris, caffin down ; and thairefter the governour Ewis and doun the watter of Ewis, hot our owin thevis of Tindaill and Ewifdaill come to the gouernour, quha was fworne Inglifmen, for he brynt all thair cornis and houffis, quhair the governour remaynit ten dayis ; hot in thair returning, they had ewill wedder.

Wpoun the xxiiij day of Julij, the king- of France fend in Scotland xvj galgeons to faige Sanclandrois, quhilk wes feigit, layand thair artil- gerie in the abbay thairof, with tuelf cannonis on the foirentres, quha wan it in thrie houris eftir thar cuming, and tuke the aid and goung lairdis of Grange, Normound Leflie, the laird of Petmillie, Mr Henry

Balnavis, and Johne Knox, with mony vtheris, to the nomber of fex

l'coire perfones, and caryit thame all away to France, and tuik the c lpolgie of the faid caftell, quhilk was worth j j™ pundis, and tuke doun the hous.

Wpoun the fevin day of Auguft, thir foirfaid galgeonis paft away, quhairin was the perfones abonewrittin haid to France.

Wpoun the fourt day of September, the erle Hertffurd, protedtour of n1 Ingland, come to Scotland, with the nomber of vij horffmen, and

the maift pairt of thame bairdit, and come throw the merfs to Salt Prei-

toun, and lay thair twa dais ; and the famyne day, the governour come r0 to Muffelburgh to the nomber of xx men.

Wpoun the ix day of September, the Inglifmen come to Fawfyid in

c fyve oftis, and chant the Scottis borderaris, and flew of thame iij fute-

men waittand on the fpoilgie ; thair wes mony pure Inglifmen tane.

Wpoun the tent day, being Sattirday, callit blak Sattirday, the In-

glifmen raifit thair camp, and come forward, and ficlyk the Scottis paft

in the battell, that is to fay, the erle of Angus had the wangard, the

governour the myddil ward, and the erle of Huntlie the reirward,

quha in this ordour paft to ;

1547- IN SCOTLAND. 45

The Ingliimen pafl ficlyke in thre ; the lord Gray the bairdit horis, the erle Warwik the wangaird, the prote6tour the reirward ; and on this maner thai met the lord Gray with the bairdit horfs, quhairin was all their traift, and ordaynit to have ourridin the wangaird of the

Scottis, quha futtit thair fperis, and flew the bairdit horfs and men, to the nomber of thre fcoir ; then the reft fled, and the Scottis drew neir and neir, quha eicapit the Inglifs cannonis, and flew the bairdit horfs, quhairin was all thair traift. The Inglifmen begouth to gif bakkis, and to rouk and round, fayand it was ane greit matter to brek the Scottis the Scottis perfaueand this, incontinent fled, and the Inglifmen followit,

f0 and chafit thame to Edinburgh ; quhairof wes tane and flane vij Scottis men, of Inglifmen flane fex hundreth ; thair wes flane of Scottis, my lord Flemyng, the maifter of Erfkine, maifteris of Grahame, Levingftoun,

Ogilbie, Itofs, with mony gentilmen ; thair wes tane the erle Huntlie, lord filler, maifter of Sinclare, the laird of Rolling, with mony vtheris.

Wpoun the xj day of September, the Inglifmen come to Leith, and remanit thair audit dayis. And in the mene tyme, thaj fend to San6l- colmes Inche, to ftope that na uther fchippis come to Leith, vnto the tyme thaj paft thairfra ; and heirefter thay paft throw Lauder, and fend all thair prefonaris be fey to Ingland, and brunt Edmeftoun and Cran- ftoun, and lay faigeand Home, quhilk thaj gat, and fchir Edward Dudlie maid capitane thairof ; and thairefter paft to aid Roxburgh, quhilk thaj gat xv dayes efter thair cuming, and maid fchir Ralf Bawmer capitane tliairof, quha was reffauit in England with greit trivmph. The foirfaid fchippis paft to Brochtie befyd Dundie, and biggit certane timber graith thair, and maid thair ane ftrength. The governour gettand witt therof, paft with his cumpany and iaigit the famyn, quhairat was flane Gawin

Hamiltoun, with mony utheris of the governouris fervandis ; and left it vnwyne, and come to Sancliohnftoun. And in the mene tyme, certane c Frenchemen to the nomber of ij ; the governour with the faid Frenche- 46 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1547—1548. men, paft and faigit the faid place, bot nathing done thairto, throw trefloun among thame felffis, and come hame ; thair wes trewis tane for ane quhyle.

Wpoun the xxij day of Februar, the lordGray come to Hadintoun with

tua thowfand men, with all the Merfs and Teviotdaill, and gat all the

houflis of Tyne, and tuke plegis of all gentilmen thaj gat, quha did na

fkaith, bot pait for the thing that thaj tuke, and depairtit hame eftir that

thaj haid remaynit foure dayes ; and in this tyme, the cuntrie, for the

maift pairt, was of the opinioun of Inglifmen. The Inglifmen paffand

to burne Drumlanrik, the thevis tuke pairt with the Scottis, and pat

thame abake, and fua thaj pairtis come to the auld ftyle agane. And

vpoun the xxiiij day, the Inglifmen being all out of Scotland ; the gover- nour paft and brynt Ormiftoun, and wan the hous of Saltounhall, and

hangit all thame that wes thairin, and caflen doun to the eird; and heir-

efter Hallis was randerit to the Scottis agane.

Wpoun the xxviij day of Februar, my lord Gray come to Hadingtoun

ro it with vj men, biggand with fowhes and the blokhous ; quhilk beand

compleit, thaj wan geifter, and tuik all that was thairin quhilk was ro haldin be Frenchemen ; quha thairefter paft in England, and left ij men behind him in Hadingtoune, and fchir James Wilfurde capitane

generall, and the toun weill artailgerijt. m c In the moneth of Maij, the geir of God J v xlviij geris, thair come

out of France ane Frencheman, callit Monfieur Dofie [Defle], with viij ct)

callit Rangeleil's 07 men ; and als ane Dutche man with j Doutchemen,

and landit at Leith to the nomber of faxfcoir faillis, and brocht with

thame ane defone of cannonis with vther fmall pieces, and come to

Edinburgh, defyrand fra the quene drowriare, and the governour the

princes, of the caftell of Dunbar and Blaknes or thaj raid pas to the

faige of Hadingtoun, quhilk wes grantit. And thairefter thaj paft to

the toun of Hadingtoun, and for Availing of thair folkis, paft to the 1548. IN SCOTLAND. Yj abbay tbairof, and thair held ane parliament. And tbair was confirmit

the iaidis petitiouns of the laid king of France and onr princes to marie

the laid king-is fone, and the governour to bruik the laid office induring the les aige of the princes, and inimediatlie Dunbar and Blaknes was deliuerit to the Frenchemen.

Wpon the xxv day of Julij, the princes pall to France to be brocht

vp vnder the feir of God.

In the moneth of Auguft, efter lang fchoting at the laid toun, thaj fo. ic. b.

belevit to haue wyne the famyne ; the Inglifmen Ikarmifclied thame oft,

quhilk was to thair awne Ikaith. In this mene tyme, the lord Bryis, wardane of Ingland, and Mr Palmer wes cumand to Hadingtoun to

c releif the toun, with the nomber of xiiij men, quha was chaiflit be

Frenchemen thamefelffis, tane with tuelf hundreth, and thair was flane

ane hundreth, the reft gat away. And in the faid moneth, the erle of

Schrewifbarie, and the lord Gray, come with xvm men to Hading-

toun, quhais cuming caufit the Scottis and Frenche fkaill, and come to

Muflilburgh. The Scottifmen gadderit, and come to the faid toun of

Muffilburgh ; the Inglifmen come to Abirladie, and tuke victuallis

thairout to furneis Hadingtoun, and als forthit Dunglas ; the Scottis

camp raife, and paft, and fkarmifchit the toun of Hadingtoun, quhair c thair wes flane of Inglifmen ij be the Frenchemen, and mony tane. The

Scottis, throw fkant of vicluall, raifit thair camp, and come to Edin-

burgh, quhilk caus the Inglifmen dantoun all eift Louthiane, and

Frenchmen come to Leith, quhar thaj lay ftill all that winter.

Wpoun the fecund day of Februare, the erle Huntlie being in cap-

tivitie in Ingland, come privilie away to Scotland, quhair he was relfauit

with blythnes ; and throw his counfall that famyne day, caulit the

Frenchemen pas to Jedburgh, to remayne thair to the tyme thaj wer for fend ; quhair thaj lay be the fpace of tua monethis at the hous of Farnyhirft, quhilk they wan. ;


c Wpoun the tent day of Aprile, the geir of God Jnl v xlix geiris, the

Frenchemen was put af Jedburgh be the Inglil'men, and thaj brynt it,

and als herijt the faid toun, quha pail all nycht to Ingland.

In this mene tyme, monlieur Tarmes, Frenchman, landit at Dun- c bartane with tua hundreth horfs men and viij futemen ; the lame tyme

the Inglis fchippis come to Inchekeith, and biggit ane ftark forth thairof, c and capitane Kakkour with vj men put thairin. And thairefter, mon-

lieur Dane pall out of Leith with all the galgeonis fchippis and bottia

of Leith, and paft to Inchekeitb, and lay thairat ; tbe capitane was flane

c tbairof and iij of his men, and fchortlie wan it, and tuke baith men

and artailjerie thairin, and maid it mair llrength nor it was, and

Frencbemen thairin ; and thairefter monfieur Dofie pall to France, and

left his men to monfieur Termes, and tuke with him certane Inglifmen

tane heir. The faid monfieur Termes biggit tbe Lufnes, to the effecl; the %

vicluallis fould pas toHaddingtoun ; all the cornis wes dillroyit thairabout,

fo. 17. a. with the cattell ; and quhen the faid toun of Haddingtoun wes not habill c to be keipit, the Scottis come to the nomber of iij men, and lay thairat.

Wpoun the xiij day of September, thair come Inglifmen to Hadding- f0 toun to the nomber of ihj , and the Scottis railit tbair camp, and paft

to Tranent.

Wpoun the xiiij day tbairof, the Inglifmen paft out of Haddingtoun,

and brunt it and Leidingtoun, and paft away witbout any battell, for

the pell and hungar was rycht evill amangis tham, quha mycht remayne

na langer thairin. m . Wpoun the xx day of Odlober, the Scottis being ten , arrayit on

returnit, and fkalit hame throw the Burrowmure of Edinburgh ; quha

counfall of the erle Huntlie. Wpoun the day of October, fchir Thomas Hofcroft [Holcroft]

and fchir Thomas Laik come out of Ingland to intreit for prefonaris

the bifchope of Sanctandrois, the lord Erlkene and monfieur Dofie met 1549. IN SCOTLAND. 49

thame, quliair ilk ane delyuerit thair prefonaris ; and the laid Inglifmen

defyrit pace for ane quhyle, qubill thair realme wer ftablifit, quhilk was

grantit ; and or thair cuming hame the proteclour wes put in the Tour of Londoun. And in this mene tyme, the Frenchemen lay heryand Louthiane and the cuntrie, quha wer fworne Inglifmen.

Wpoun the xvj day of December, the caftell of Home was wvn fra

Inglifmen, quhairat was fevin men flane of Inglis. At this tyme come c v Gafkonis out of France, quha brocht meikill money with thame.

Wpoun the I'ext day of Februare, the Frenchmen wan the Forth of

Brochtie. The Inglifmen perfaueand this, fend to Monfieur Termes,

defyrand to pas out of the caftell with bag and baggage and artailgerie,

quhilk was denijt, hot that ilk man to pas with als meikill as he mycht

beir. And finallie [efter] this, thaj depairtit, and paft to thair fchipis,

quhilk was lyand befyd the caftell : Thaj war blyth in hart that thaj

efcapit with thair lyffis.

Wpoun the penult day of Januare, the Inglifmen come in be Dow- glas [Dunglas,] and brunt Duthrej and Stanypeth ; quha beleivit to have gottin the Scottis lewtennent in Nether Keith, hot fchir Thomas

Helcroft come in be Lawder, and come the fame nycht to Lauder toun,

thair and remaynit with the pailgeonis, quha wer all harneift men ; and c he fend iiij bordareris away, quha brunt the Coittes, Nather Cranftoun,

Cowflane, and Litill Preftoun. And or the morne, thaj brunt tutf

barnysairdis in Nether Keith, befyd the plaice thairof, with mony hous

that ftabliihit thair hors in the place ; and the Scottis come fa nar

hand, that thaj tarijt nocht, bot paft away with all fpulgie thaj mycht get. Scottis followit to ftragill The thame the ; quhair the Inglis tuke, the Scottis gaif bakkis, and the Inglis followit. Thair was flane Johne

Sinclare of Herffurde, with lex vtheris ; thair was tane the laird of Elphingftoun and Tempitfhall, with fex fcoir vther gentilmen. The

Inglifmen paft to thair ftaill, and thair raife and paft hame. G 50 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1550.

fo. 17. b. In the moneth of Februar, the erle Huntleis eldeft fone marijt the

governouris daughter with greit trivmph.

Wpoun the xxiiij day of March, thair was ane counfall haldin in

Edinburgh, quhairin it was ordanit to pas and faige Lauder, and all

maner of man to meit the governour the penult of this inftant at Lauder. m c Wpoun the penult day of March J v and fyftie geris, the gover- nour come and lay at Lawder, with Dutche, Frenche and Gafkins.

And finally, the capitane gaif it over be appointment, that is to fay, he

and all his men to pas with thair vapones without ony fkayth in Ing-

frie, to leif all thair monitioun land, ranfone and behind thame ; quhilk

was grantit, the hous delyuerit, and Frenchemen put thairin ; thaj lav

at the laid hous xv dayes.

In this moneth, about the fext day, thair come word fra the king of

France, that he had traited peace with Ingland for himfelf and this

realme induring the kingis lyftyme ; and all the ftrenthis maid in Scot-

land be the Inglifmen to be diftroyit. And in this meane tyme, Dun-

glas was randerit be the Inglis commiilaris, quha was commandit to

confirme the laid peace, quhilk place wes delyuerit to the Frenchemen.

The Inglis commuTaris was fchir Robert Bewis, fchir Thomas Helcroft,

fchir Johne Hamiltoun, and Mr Breane. The Scottis commiffaris wes my lord Home, Alexander Home, Mr John Bellenden juflice dark,

with findrie vtheris gentilmen, and the faid peace confirmed amangis thame. Wpoun the audit day of Auguft, the quenis grace drowriar fchippit

at Leith, with fax galgeonis of France, and paft thairto with moiiy greit

men of Scotland : thaj ar to fay, the erlis Huntlie, Merchell, Sudder-

land, Caflillis, Menteith, lordis Home, Flemyng, Maxwell, the bifchopis

of Cathnes and Galloway, the abbot of Dunfermling, the priour of

Sanctandrois, callit lord James, baftard lone to umquhile the kingis 1550—1557- IN SCOTLAND. 51 grace, and the governouris eltlelt lone, with mony vtheris. And in thair palling, his grace lend the mailter of Erfkene, and Mr Henrie

Sinclare ambaiTatouris throw Ingland to Flanders, for pace to the em- priour, becaus all vther natiouns lend to requyre him for peace. All

the this tyme wes at guid reft, except he and the empriour ; the

Frenchemen noi paft all away, for Moniieur Dolie was left lientennent to thatno and Dntche men vnto hir graces returning. The quenis

grace wes weill treitit be the haill court of France ; in hir abfence the governour proclaimit ane generall air throw all Scotland, to be haldin quhair it held befoir, quhilk was continewit for the fpace of twa geiris.

c About the Sanclandrois day, in the geir of God J -* v Lj geiris, the quenis grace drowriare come out of France throw Ingland, weill con-

voyit with all natiouns to Scotland ; and in this geir, all wes at guid reft, exceptand the laird of Ceffurde and Fernyhirft with thair com- plices flew fchir Walter Scott laird of Balclewche, in Edinburgh, quha

was ane valgeand guid knycht. For that caus the governour raid in

Teviotdaill with mony gentilmen, to bak and pvnifh thame for the faid

flauchter. m c In the geir of God J v Lij and Liij geiris, Marie quene drowriare of Scotland reffauit the aufiloritie fra my lord duke in the Parliament

haldin in the laid day [geir?] at Edinburgh, and that becaus all the

lordis of Scotland wer aganis him in the laid Parliament.

Wpone the day of the geir of God foirfaid, George

erle of Huntlie was commandit and put in waird within the caftell of

Edinburgh, and thair remanit ane certane fpace, and wes delyuerit furth

of the faid captivitie be greit fowmes of money, and renuncit all the

takis quhilk he haid of the erldome of Murray and Rofs, lordfchip of

Ardmanoch and Orknay, to the faid Marie quene and than regent. c Wpoun the laft day of December, the geir of God J"5 v lvij geiris, the toun of Calice was won be the duke of Guyeis. 52 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1557—1559.

Wpoun the audit day of Februar, the geir of God foirfaid, certane

commilfionaris chol'm be the thre eftaites of this realme for tlie treiting

and letting furth of our fouerane ladies mariage in France with the

doulphin thairof, tuke the fey ; and be heavie, greit and intolerable

tempeftis, pairt of thair fchippis wer perift in thair palTage. Off the

quhilkis comniiffionaris, thir ar thair names, James archbifchope of Glafgow, Robert bifchope of Orknay, George erle of Rothes, Gilbert

erle of Caffillis thefaurar, James commendatare of Sanctandrois, James

lord Fleyming, George lord Setoun, and John Erfkene of Dun.

f c Vpoun the xxv day of Aprile, the geir of God J ° v lviij geiris, Marie quene of Scottis was marijt vpone Franceis, dolphin of Viennoyis, eldelt

fone to Henry king of France, with greit nobilitie, in the toun of Paris.

Vpoun the penult day of September, the geir foirfaid, the commiffion-

aris quhilk pall into France for treiting of the quenis mariage, returnit

and come in Scotland, quhairof the names ar befoir fpecifiet, and the lord erle of Rothes and Calhllis, and James Flemying deceiffit in Deip ; and the bifchope of Orknay deceiffit on his returneing in the laid toun

of Deip alfua.

Wpoun the penult day of Nouember, the geir of God foirfaid, Marie

quene regent ordanit ane Parliament to be haldin in Edinburgh, quhair-

intill it was condefcendit be the thre eftaites, except my lord duke, that the

croun of Scotland lhould pas to France, havand this name to be ane

fo. 18. b. matrimonial croun, and faid dolphine to be crownit thairwith ; on this

conditioun, gif our quenis grace deceiffit without laufull airis of hir

bodie, that the faid dolphine immediatlie eftir hir deceis fall renunce,

reiigne, difcharge and quytclame all richt quhilk he lies haid or may

haue to the croun matrimoniall, without any impediment. f0 c Wpoun the xxiiij day of Apryle, the geir of God J v Lix geiris, peace was proclamit betuix Ingland and Scotland, and the forthe of

Aymouth decernit to be caifin down. ;

1559. IN SCOTLAND. 53

Wpoun the tuantie audit day of Junij 1559, the blak freris and gray of Edinburgh wes put to fack be the erllis of Ergyle and Glencarne, the pryour of Sanctandrois and lord Ruthven, quha was callit the congre- gatioun, and the quenis grace depairtit to Dunbar.

Wpoun the xiij day of Julij 1559 geiris, the pryour of Sanctandros and the erle of Glencairne, with the congregatioun, paft to the abbay of Halyrudhous, and thair tuke and intromeittit with the quenis imis of the cungehous, and brocht the famyne vp to Edinburgh, to his awine bulging, quhairat the quenis grace regent was verry difcontentit and thairefter vpon the xxiiij day of the faid moneth and geir foirfaid, my lord duke, my lord of Huntlie, my lord Bothwill, my lord geifter, my lord Brothwik, my lord Levingftoun, and my lord Home, with vtheris diverfe barronis and my lord DolTell, come with certane Frenche- men and Scottis men to the toun of Leith, quhair it iuld haue bein fochtin betuix thame and the congregatioun, wer with ane appointment

was maid be thame ; and efter the faid appointment, the congregatioun depairtit, and fwa the quenis grace come to Edinburgh vpoun the xxiij

day of Julij thairefter. Wpoun the xix day of Februar 1559, the quenis grace and monfieur

Doffell caufit call the forth of Leith to ane greit ftrenth, and vi6luall

the famyn to ane greit darth.

Vpoun the xxiij day of the faid moneth and geir foirfaid, the bifchope c of Amyance and capitane Delabrolche, accumpanyit with viij men,

come out of France be fea, and landit in the havin of Leith ; and vpone

the xxviij day, my lord dukis fone come in Scotland throw Ingland out

of France quietlie.

Vpoun the xviij day of October, the geir of God foirfaid, the lordis

of the congregatioun come to the burgh of Edinburgh, accumpanyit with 00 vij men, to feige the faid toun of Leith, and the quenis grace de-

pairtit fra her palice, accumpanyit with monfieur Doffell, my lordis of 54 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1559-

Sanctandrois, Glafgow and Dunkell, and my lord Seytoun, to the faid toun of Leith.

Vpoun the laft day of Odlober, geir of God foirfaid, the laird of

Ormeftoun come from Berwik, with certane gold to haue furneilt the

congregatioun, and in his coming he was tane be my lord Bothwill,

and cruellie hurt, and the faid money takin fra him.

Vpone the firft day of November, the geir of God foirfaid, the

Frenchemen come furth of the toun of Leith to haue tane vi6tuallis,

and the congregatioun ifchit furth of the toun of Edinburgh with tbair

men of weir and artailgerie, and fchot fra the mornyng quhill none of

the laid day at the toun of Leitb, and at nane of [at none ?3 the laid ra Frenchemen ifchit furth of Leith to the nomber of ij men, and come

on force vpon the faid congregatioun, quha gaif bakkis, left thair artail-

artailgerie the tranfportit to Leith, chafit gerie ; qubilk Frenchemen and the congregatioun to the portis of Edinburgh, to thair greit fchame

and lak ; and in thair cuming vp the Cannogait, the laid Frenche-

men baith reft, lpoilgeit and flew baith man and wyff that thaj culd apprehend.

And als vpone the faxt day of the faid monetb, the faid Frenchemen

depairtit fra Leith, to haue herijt the laird of Brunltouns place ; the

congregatioun thairof being adverteifit, come furth of Edinburgh vpoun

thame, and met thame befyed Reftalrig, quhair it was cruellie fkar-

mifchit and fochtin be the Ipace of thrie houris continowallie, quhill at

the laft the congregatioun gaif bakkis, and fled to Edinburgh again.

In this fkarmifli wes flain xxv perfones of the congregatioun, and als

tane of thame fyve fcoir faxtene men. And the faid day at evin in the

nycht, the congregatioun depairtit furth of Edinburgh to Lynlithquo,

and left thair artailgerie void vpoun the calfay lyand, and the toun

defolate ; and the capitane of the caftell tuke in the famyn vpoun the

fevint day of October befoir written. The Frenchemen thinkand na les 1559. IN SCOTLAND. 5.0 than tliaj haid won the laid toun of Edinburgh, come in the town with fex handfenjies, and lodgit in the famyn, to the greit hurt of the inha- bitants thairof.

Vpoun the xiiij [xxiiij] day of December, the jeir of God foirfaid, quhilk wes §ule evin, the faid Frenchemen depairtit furth of Edinburgh to Striueling be land, and thairefter came to the tother fyid of Forth, to Bruntheland and Kinghorne, and fpulgeit the famyn, and purpofit

to haue pall to Sanclandrois.

Vpone the xi day of Januar, geir of God foirfaid, ane capitane callit capitane Mertene, crowner of the haill Frenchemen, landit in Leith

havin ; and in the nicht thairefter certane men of the congregatioun come and reft the fchip that the laid crowner come in, furth of the faid raid of

Leith, to the greit difpleilbur of the Frenchemen, the principall quhairof was Androw Saudis, than indueller in Leith.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Januare 1559, thair arryvit in the mornyng

f°. 20. b. aucht greit fchippis of Ingland in the raid of Leith ; and in thair arryv-

ing, thaj tuke capitane Cullane, and capitane Farnay, lieutennent to

capitane Pyrroit, and als ane vther fchip callit the Hoy, quhilk was to

pas to Fyif with monitioun to furneis the Frenche camp being thair,

as is afoir written. And in the famyn day, the Frenchemen feand the

Inglifs fchippis arryvand in the laid raid, left thair firft purpofe, and

returnit agane to Stirling. And in thair returnyng, the congregatioun

pall befoir thame all the way, and left na victuallis to thame be the

famyn, quhilk caufit thame fullene greit hungar and penuritie of victu-

allis ; and the faid congregatioun cuttit the brig of Tullybody, to that

effe6l that the Frenche camp fuld not haue paffage be the lame, and

the laid Frenchemen to get ane way to pas our, tuke doun the timber

of the kirk of Tullybodie, and maid ane fure paffage our the faid brig,

baith for horfmen and futemen, and come the xxviij day of the lamyn

moneth to Stirling, &c. at evin. 56 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1559—1560.

Vpoun the xxiij day of Februar 1559. the lordis commifhonaris of the congregatioun, viz. the pryour of Sanctandrois, lord Ruthven, the laird of Pittaro, the goung laird of Lethingtoun, and Mr Henrie Balna- vis, fchippit in Pittinwene, accumpanyit with levin fchippis of Ingland, and landit the xiiij ^xxiiij the in vpoun J day of famyn Berwick ; and als the mailter of Maxwell be land come to the faid toun of Berwik.

Vpoun the xv day of March 1559, the Frenchemen paft to Glafgow, and chaifit the congregatioun furth of the famyne, and remaynit thair twa nychtis, and than come to Linlithgow, quhairin thaj lay quhill the

xxvij day of the famyne moneth ; and in thair palling to Glafgow, and returnyng fra the famyne, thaj Ipoulgeit all the cuntrie quhair thair paffage lay. And thairefter when thaj come to Linlithqw, the Frenche- men was purpofit to haue paft to Hamiltoun for deftrufilioun of the famyne ; bot thair come word that the Inglifmen was cuming in, quhilk ftayit that purpoife.

And vpoun the xvij [xxij] day of Merche, the geir of God 1560, the Frenche army being in Lynlithqw, ran the forray about Lynlithqw be the fpace of fax myles, and brocht in all the cattell, horfs, and vther geir that mycht be gottin thair, to the great diftrufitioun of the cuntry.

Vpoun the penult day of March, the geir of God 1560 geiris, the lnglifs army come in Scottis ground, for lupport of the lordis of c the congregatioun, to the nomber of vro fute men, and xviij lycht

horfemen and dimilances ; the lieutennent generall wes my lord Gray,

the capitane of the dimilances wes l'chir George , the capitane of the lycht horfmen Ichir Hary Percie, and the capitane of the haill futemen was fchir James Croftes capitane of Berwik, and come to Preftoun.

And vpone the firft day of Aprile, the quenis grace regent paft fra

Halyrudhous to the caftell of Edinburgh, and remaynit thair during the affege following, accumpanyit with the archbifchope of Sanctandrois, 1560. IN SCOTLAND. 57

bifchopes of Dunkeld, Dunblane, my lord Halyrudbous, and the arch-

bifchope of Glafgow, and my lord Seytoun, pall doun and remaynit in Leith with monfieur Doflell, Labrofs, the counpt Martik, [Martigues]

and the bifchope [of] Amyance.

Vpone the Text day of Aprile, the geir of God foirfaid, the Inglif-

men railit thair army and camp fra Prelloun, and came in ane greit

ordour of weir to Reftalrig ; quhair, at thair Cuming with the Scottis r0 Lordis, quhilk was of the nomber of iij horfemen, it was crewellie

lkarmilt betuixt the hagbutteris of the Inglis and Frenchemene, quhilk

wes ftandand or thair aiming in four arrayit cumpanyes, to the lpace of

quhill laft ourl'ett ane hour ; at the the Frenchemen wes be the lycht c horfemen of Scottis and Inglis, and of thame flane forty, and J tane or

thairby ; of Inglis tua flane, and diuerl'e hurt : and thairefter the Inglif-

men campit about the kirk of Reftalrig and place therof, and caifl thair


Vpoun the fevint day of Apryle, the geir of God foirfaid, the Inglif-

men landit thair greit artailjerie, quhilk was laid on the eift iyid of the

toun of Leith, to the nomber of tuelf greit cannons, and xv fmall pecis, quhilk thaj brocht be land, togidder with pulder and monitioun.

And vpone the xiiij day of Aprile, quhilk was pafche day, thair come to Muflilburgh ane capitane callit fchir Ralf Saidlar, with certane horfemen and futemen to the Inglis army. And the famyn day at nicht the caftell of Blaknes wes tane be the fchirreffe of Lynlithqw.

And vpoun the xv day of the moneth and geir of God foirfaid, at 1:2 houris befoir none, thair come out of Leith at the port callit Sancl

Anthones port, the crowner of the Frenchemen, with him xl horfemen and xxx hagbuteris, and raid the reddie way to the Inglis trioleins ; and in the menetyme the Frenche futemen, to the nomber of Jco men, all hagbutaris, ifchit forth of the port quhilk ftandis vpone the linkis, and come haiftilie vpone the iaids trinfhis, and was als lone at the laidis H 58 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560.

trinfchis as wes the faid Frenche horfemen ; and thaj quhilk wer in the

trinfches, being nocht weill aduerteift, bot fome fleipand, fome vakand,

haiftilie rufchit to armour, and come befoir the faidis trinfchis and met

thame, qnhair it was crewellie fochtin be fwordis. In the mene tynie, c the watch of the Inglifs horfemen, being ij horfemen, brak vpone the

faid Frenchemen with mettelable andacitie, and pat thame perforce ane

greit way bak. And git, throw greit and continwall fchoting of hag-

butis, the Inglifs horffmen wes put abak, and fyne the Frenchemen

enterit within the trinfchis, and flew all that abaid thair force, and tuke

away ane anfengie, and dang tua naillis in the touch hollis of the tua

fmall peices of ordinance being in the trinlchis for the tyme. And in

the mene tyme, the Inglifs army and camp cam fordwart with the faid

horfemen, and chaiffit thame cruellie to the wallis of Leith and in at

c thair portis. At this fkirmilt was flane of Inglis ij xl futemen, with

xx fo. 21. b. certane dimilances, and fex fcoir hurt ; of Frenchemen iij flane or

mae, and diuerfe hurt, bot newer ane tane on aither fyid.

Vpone the tuantie day of Apryle foirfaid, the laird of Ormeftoun,

with certane horfemen, awatit Frenchemen quhilk was in Dunbar, quhen

thaj wer cumand furth to hunt, and tuik of thame to the nomber of lix

perionis, of the quhilkis was capitane Pirret, capitane Hay, and fyve or

fax flane.

Vpoun the xxv day of Aprile at nycht, the Inglis camp and fettis

quhilk was liand at the kirk and place of Reftalrig, changit thair camp

to Pilrig vpoun the watter of Leith. And in the famyn nycht the

trinfches wes caflin ; and on the morne, quhilk was the 26 day in the

mornyng, the artailgerie wes convoyit to the faid place, except fa meikill

as was left in the trinches befyid the Halkhill.

Vpoun the laft day of Aprile 1560, thair was ane pairt of the toun

of Leith brunt be ane fuddane fyre, throw chanceing of fyre in ane cer-

tane powder being in ane gairdhous within Leith. ;

1560. IN SCOTLAND. 59

Vpoun the ferd day of Maij, the lordis and gentilmen of Louthian come into the congregatioun, and fubferyvit the new band and con- fidderatioun : and vpone the levint day, the Inglis and Scottis army cauiit ane certane of men of weir to pas to the wallis of Leith, thair to ally gif thair ladderis wer convenient and lang aneuch ; at the quhilk doing thair was crucll flauchter on aither lyid of men, hot thair was maift Oane of Scottis and Inglis, and that to the nomber of four hundreth.

Wpoun the tent day of Junij, the geir foiriaid, Marie quene dowriare and regent of this realme of Scotland, at 12 houris at evin, deceiffit in the caltell of Edinburgh ; and maid the erle of Merchell, and i'chir Johne

Campbell of Lundy knycht, hir executouris in Scotland.

Wpone the xviij day of Junij, the geir of God foiriaid, thair came c ane certane men of weir of Frenchemen, of the nomber of iij , to the mount Pellein, quhair thair brak vpone thame certane horiemen of Ing- land, to the nomber of xxx, and chaiffit the Frenchemen to Leith, and flew of the famyn xl, and tuike levin ; and of Inglifmen was llane bot ane trumpetour.

Vpone the xvj day of Junij 1560, thair come to the burgh of Edin- burgh four ambaffiitouris, with ane certane of horliinen, to the nomber of xlij, of twa France and tua of Ingland ; quhilkis tua in France, the ane is callit monfieur de llandane, brother to couute Hols Fokko, [Ro-

chefoucault] and the vther the bifchope of Wallange ; and the names of thame of Ingland was i'ecretarie Cycill do<5lour and Wottoun ; quhilk, quhen thaj come tolleftalrig, the greit and I'm all ordinance of the camp was for noviltie fchot diverfe tymes in prefens of the laidis ambaflatouris and thairefter the Frenchemen was ludgit in Mr Johne Itobertouns ludging, and the Inglii'men in Mr Thomas M c Calseaneis ludgeing.

Vpoun the xvij day of Junij 1 560, thair was tane trewis betuix the fu- 22. a.

Inglifmen and the Scottis, and the Frenchemen in Leith on that vther 60 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560.

quliilkis to indure for fyve dais, quhilk procurat be pairt ; trewis was the ambaffatouris of baith the realmes.

Vpoun the 6 day of Julij 1560, the duik of Northfolk came to the camp befyid Leith, in ane quyet iuaner in the nycht, and vefeit the laid camp and forth of Leith, and haiftilie depairtit without knowlege of the peopill of Berwik.

The dait of the peax of the randering of Leith, is the lext of Julij

1560 : Efter that the ambaffatouris of France and Ingland had com- monit and finallie concludit vpoun all debaitis, contraverfies and materis concernyng the affaiging of Leith, depairting of the French men, and randering of the toun of Leith, then the heraldis of Scotland paft to the mercat croce of the burgh of Edinburgh, and maid this proclamatioun following : that is to fay,

To the loving and the maift puiffant Lord, and to the confort

of all guid Criftianis,

The maift puiffant prence and prences, maift criftin king and quene Francis and Marie, be the grace of God king and quene of France and

Scotland, &c. ; and the maift puiffant princes Elizabeth, be the famyne grace quene of Ingland, Ireland, and defendar of the faith, &c. ; It is accordit and reconfiliatioun of peace and amitie, the quhilk is to be in-

uiolablie obfervit betuix thame, thair fubjefilis, realmes and cuntries :

And thairfoir, into the name of the faidis princes and princeffis, It is

commandit and expreflie injoynit, to all maner of perfonis that ar vnder thair obedience, or being in thair fervices, fra this day furth to decift

and ceis fra all hoftilitie, baith be fea and land, and to kepe and obferve

guid peace the ane with the vtheris, vnder the pane to thame that does

in the contrair of thair greit perrell.

Vpoun the xv day of Julij 1560, the Inglis army reteirit to Muffil- 15G0. IN SCOTLAND. 6l

burgb, and the Frenekemen imbarkit ; and als certane pionaris enterit

to labour for the demolitioun of the forth of Leith.

And vpoun the xviij day of Julij, the Inglifs ambaflatouris depairtit

to fchippis depairtit Ingland, and the furth of the raid ; quhilkis con-

tinewallie remaynit fra the xxiiij day of Januar vnto the famyne day.

Vpoun the fir ft day of Auguft, the Parliament tuke begyning, and

few or na lordis come to the famyn quhill the aucht day of the famyn

moneth. Thir ar the names of the temporall lordis and erlis being

thairat : my lord duke, my lord of Arrane, the erlis of Merchaell, Ar- gyle, my lord Gordoun for the erle of Huntlie, the erle of Mortoun,

Caffillis, Cathnes, Rothes, my lordis Atliole, Crawfurde, Glencairne,

Sutherland, Menteith, my lordis Ruthvene, Glammis, Erfkene, Boyid,

Ochiltrie, Cairleill, maifter of Maxwell, my lord Levingttoun, Ogilbie

and Somerveill ; and paft to the tolbuith in thair maner, without fcep-

fo 22 •>. tour, f'word or croun. And als thir ar the names of the bifcbopis con- - - venit to the famyn : the archbifchope of Sandtandrois, the bifchope of

Dunkeld, Illis, Cathnes and Ergyle, the abbottis of Cowper, Lindoris,

Culrofs, Halyrudhous, Coldinghame, Dufdeir, Kinlofs, Deir, New ab- bay. As for the archbifchope of Sanctandrois and the bifchope of Dun-

keld, [thaj] raid not fra the abbay to the tolbuith, bot remanit in thair

ludgeing, quhill the faidis perfonis, accumpanyit with certane barronis,

come to the laid tolbuith, becaus thaj wer at divifioun.

Thir ar the names of the lordis articlis in Parliament : that is to fay,

for the kirkmen, tbe bifcbopis of Galloway, Ergyle, priour of San6l-

androis, &c. the commendataris of Abirbrothik, Kilvyning, the abbottis

of Lundoris, Newbottell, Pettinweme, Culrofs. For tbe lordis, my

lord duke, the erlis of Ergyle, Merchell, Mortoun, Atholl, Glencarne,

the lordis Erfkene, Ruthvene, Lindfay and Boyd. For the baronis,

the maifter Maxwell, the lairdis of Tullibardin, Lochinvar, Cunnyn-

gbameheid, Pittarro and laird of Lundie. For the commiflionaris of 62 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560.

burrowes, James Barroun proveft of Edinburgh, Dunclie,

Patrik Benllbun, proveft of Perth, Abirdene, Sanclandrois, Glafgow,

Striueling, Linlithgow, Jedward, Cowper. And vpone the xx day of

Auguft, the haill lordis pail to the tolbuith, and thair proponit ane

lang tractive, callit the confeflloun of our faith. And als thair wes de-

fyrit ane taxt to be liftit vp, for the addreiling of certane ambaffatouris

to France, for approving and confermyng of certane articles maid betuix

the nobilitie and France ; and als vpoun certane articles quhilk fuld be

maid in the laid Parliament ; and als to pas to Ingland, to treat ane of majellie manage betuix the count Arrane and thequenis of Ingland ; ni quhilk taxt was grantit of the f'owme of xx pundis ; and als the con-

trail maid betuix Ingland and the nobilitie was ratefeijtand confirmit in

the faid Parliament. And vpoun the xxiiij day of Auguft thairefter,

the l'aidis nobilitie and lordis paft to the tolbuith, and ther chefit xxiiij

regcntis, of the quhilk thir ar the names : The duke, the count of Ar-

rane, the erlis of Huntlie, Ergyll, Merchell, Glencairne, Rothes, Men-

teith and Mortoun ; lordis, the pryoure of Sanclandrois, Ruthvene, Erfkyne, Boyd, Ochiltre, the maifter Maxwell, my lord Sant Johnc,

the lord Lindfay ; barronis, the laird of Drumlanrik, Cunynghameheid,

Pittarro, Dwne, Lundy, the goung laird of Lethingtoun.

Vpoun the xxiij day of September, the geir of God 1560 geiris, James lord of San6liohne was direclit as ambaiiatour, and depairtit to France

throw the realme of Ingland, to obtene the confirmatioun of the a6lis

maid in the Parliament foirfaid. fo. 23. a. And vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth and geir, my lord duke and the count of Arrane his lone, depairtit to call doun my lord Sem-

pillis hous.

And vpoun the xj and xij dayis of October 1560, the erlis of Mor- toun and Glencairne, and the laird of Lethingtoun, depairtit from

Edinburgh towart Ingland as ambaffatouris, accumpanyit with Liiij loGO. IN SCOTLAND. 63 horlis, to tre.it manage with the quenis majeftie of Ingland, and to thank her of the great benefeittis done to thame.

Vpoun the xiiij day of October foirlaid, the caftell of Sempill was tane be my lord duke.

Vpoun the xxiiij day thairof, Dauid, fone to my lord duke, come

furth of France into the toun of Edinburgh ; and the famyn day the goung laird of Farny deliuerit himfelff furth of the caftell of Dunbar.

Vpoun the faxt day of December, the geir of God 1560 geiris,

Francis, king of France and Scotland, deceiifit.

Vpoun the xix day of December foirlaid, my lord of Sanct Johne come to Edinburgh fra France.

Vpoun the thrid day of Januar, the geir of God foirlaid, the ambaffa- touris which depairtit to Ingland returnit and come to Edinburgh, at fyve houris at evin, furth of Ingland.

Vpoun the xv day of the laid moneth and geir, thair come to Edin-

burgh to the conventiouns, the lord duke, his fones, the erlis of Argyle,

Mortoun, Itothes, Crawfurd, Merchell, Glencairne, Callillis, Mon-

teith, the lordis Erfkin, Ruthvene, maifter of Maxvell, my lord Ochil-

tre, Boyd, Somerveill, and lord James : and efter thair paffing to the

tolbuith, Johne Knox defyrit the lordis to fubfcrive ane buik, quhairinto

was contenit, that thair fould be in this realme tuelf fuperattendentis,

thir to geirlie 00 efter thair and everie ane of have j merkis, and deceis c thair wyffis and bairnes to have v merkis, and everie minifter to haue

c iiij merkis, and euerie reader fex lcoir pundis: and efter fum greit difpu-

tatioun, fum fubfcrivit the laid buik, and vtheris denyitthe famin; of the

quhilkis was mylordis Erfkene, Crawfurd, Caffillis, Somervill, with vtheris.

And vpoun the laft day of Januar, thair wes certane commiffionaris

chofin to pas in France, to delyre our quenis grace to cum to Scotland, off

the quhilkis thir ar the names: my lord James, the abottis of Kilwynning

and Newbottill, and the laird of Pittarro ; bot that tuke not effect. 61 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560—1561.

Vpoun the xxix day of Januar, the erle of Eglintoun and the ahhot

of Dunferling paft to France furth of Dunbar.

Vpoun the xviij day of Februar 1560, the lairdis of Cragmillar, Fyn-

later, Blanerne and Robert Leflie, come furth of France fra the

quenis grace, with ane conimiffioun to certane nobill men to cans ane

Parliament be haldin, for dew obedience to be maid to the quenis

grace ; and vpoun the xxj day of Februar my lord Bothwill landit in Scotland out of France.

Vpoun the nynt day of Merche 1560, Mr Johne Spottifwod, per-

fone of Calder, wes chofin and eleclit fuperattendent betuix Striueling and Dunbair.

Vpoun the xj day of Merche the geir foiri'aid, ane ambaffatour callit

Monfieur Newill [Noailles] come fra our fouerane Ladie out of

France to the burgh of Edinburgh, for balding of the faid Parliament,

quhilk wes ordanit to be convenitthe xx day of Maij thairefter.

Vpoun the xvj day of Merche 1560, at tuelf houris at evin, the corpis

of vmquhile Marie quene dowriare and regent of Scotland wes tane

fecreitlie furth of the caftell of Edinburgh, and put in the fchipe in

Leith to be had to France, and the perfone of Eglifliame paft thairwith.

Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth of Merche 1560, James pry-

our of San6tandrois, Williame lord Levingftoun, Alexander lord Sal-

toun, James commendatare of Sancl Colmes Inche, and vtheris, tulce

thair vioagc to the realme of France throw Ingland be poift, to delyre

the quenis majeftie of Scotland to cum in the famin, and all wes cled

in dule weid, without ane conimiffioun.

Vpoun the xxix day of Maij, the geir of God 1561 geiris, my lord James come home furth of France, without any conimiffioun.

Vpoun the fevint day of Junij, the geir foirfaid, monfieur Newell, Frencheman, ambaffatour, departit furth of Edinburgh in France,

hot what was his aniiier na man can tell. ;

1561. IN SCOTLAND. 65

Ypoun the xxj day of Julij, the seir foirfaid, Archibald Dowglas of Kilipindie, proveft of Edinburgh, Dauid Symmer and Adame Foular-

toun, bailies of the lamyn, caufit ane cordinare fervand, callit James

Killone, to vnderly the law in the tolbuith of Edinburgh, for the cuming

in the toune of Edinburgh, and playing with Robene Hud ; and for that

caus thair was certane craftilinenis l'ervandis put to the borne of befoir,

of the quliilk the laid James Kellone wes ane; and caufit the afiyiis quhilk thaj had eleclit of thair affillaris pas thairvpone, quha condamnit him to

be hang-it. And thair efter the craftifmen maid greit foliitatiouns at the handis of the faid proveit, Johne Knox miniiter and the bailies, to have gottin him relevit, promitting that he fuld doe ony thing poffible to be done liilfand his lyif, quha wald doe nathing bot have him hangit. And quhen the tyme of the poore mans hanging approchit, and that the poore man wes cumand to the jibbet with the ledder vpone the quhilk the laid cordinar iuld have been hangit, the craftifmennis childer and i'ervandis paft to armour; and firft thaj howlit Alexander Guthrie, and proveit and baillies, in the faid Alexanderis writting buith, and fyne come doune agane to the croce, and dang doun the jibbet, and brak it a. in pecis, and thairefter paft to the tolbuith, quhilk wes then fleikkit and quhen thaj culd nocht apprehend the keyis thairof, thaj brocht foir hamberis and dang vp the famyn tolbuith dure perforce, the proveit, baillies and vtheris luikand thairvpoun ; and when the laid dure wes broken vp, ane part of thame pall in the lamyn, and nocht allanerlie brocht the faid condampnit cordiner furth of the laid tolbuith, bot alio all the remanand prelbnaris being thairintill ; and this done, thaj palt doun the hie gait, to have paft furth at the nether bow, quhilk wes then iteikit, and becaus thaj culd nocht get furth thairat, thaj palt vp the hie

gait agane ; and in the mene tyme the proveft, baillies and thair aflif- taris, being in the writting buith of Alexander Guthrie, palt to the tol-

buith ; and in thair palling vp the laid gait, thaj being in the tolbuyth 66 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1561. as faid is, fchot forth at the faid fervandis ane dag, and hurt ane fer- vand of the craftifmennis. That being done, thair was nathing hot tak and flay, that is, the ane pairt Ichotand forth and caftand ftanes, the vther pairt Ichotand hagbutis in agane ; and fua the craftifmennis fer- vandis held them continewallie fra thre houris efternone quhill aucht at

even, and never ane man of the toun fterit to defend thair proveil and baillies. And than thaj fend to the maiileris of the craftifmen to caus thanie, gif they mycht, to flay the faidis fervandis; quhapurpofit to flay the famen, bot thaj culd nocht come to pas, but the fervandis faid that thaj vald have ane revenge for the man quhilk was hurt. And thairefter the proveft fend ane meffenger to the conftable of the caftell to cum to

allay the matter, quha came j and he, with the maiftaris of the craftif- mene treitit on this maner, that the proveft and badges fould difcharge all maner of adtiouns quhilk thaj had aganes the faidis craftifchilder in ony tyme bygane, and chairgit all thair maiftaris to reffave them in fer- vice as thaj did of befoir, and promittit neuer to perfew thame in tyme to cum for the famen. And this being- done and proclamit, thaj fkalit,

and the proveft and bailies come forth of the tolbuith.

Vpoun the xix day of Auguft lxj, Marie, quene of Scaftis, oure

fouerane ladie, arryvit in the raid of Leith, at fex houris in the mornyng,

accumpanyit onlie with tuagallionis ; and thair come with hir in cumpany

monlieur Domell, the grand pryour, monfieur marques, [d'Elbeuf]the faid

quenes grace moder broder,togidder with monfieur Daiiguill, [d'Amville]

fecond lone to the conftable of France, with certane vther nobill gentil-

men ; and at ten houris the famen day, hir hienes landit vpoun the fchoir

of Leith, and remanit in Andro Lambis hous be the fpace of ane hour,

and thairefter wes convoyit vp to hir palice of Halyrudhous.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Auguft, quhilk wes Sonday, the quenes grace

caulit fay mes in hir hienes chappell within hir palace of Halyrudhous,

quhairat the lordis of the congregatioun wes grittumlie annoyit. 1561. IN SCOTLAND. 67

Vpoun the laft day of Auguft lxj, the toun of Edinburgh maid the fo. 24. b. banket to moniieur Domell, the grand pryour, marques and moniieur

Danguill, in ane honourable maner, within the lugeing fumtyme per- tenying to the cardinall.

Vpoun the firil day of September, the faid moniieur Domell depairtit with the twa gaillionis quhilk brocht the quenes grace hame to France, and his broder remanit in Scotland.

Vpoun the fecund day of September lxj, the quenes grace maid hir entres in the burgh of Edinburgh on this maner. Hir hienes depairtit of Halyrudhous, and raid be the lang gait on the north fyid of the faid burgh, vnto the tyme fcho come to the cartel 1, quheir wes ane get maid to hir, at the quhilk fcho, accumpanijt with the maift pairt of the nobilitie of Scotland except my lord duke and his fone, come in and raid vp the caftell bank to the caftell, and dynit thairin ; and quhen flio had dynit at tuelf houris, hir hienes come furth of the laid caftell towart the faid burgh, at quhilk depairting the artailgerie fchot vehementlie. And thair- efter, quhen flio was rydand down the caftellhill, thair met hir hienes ane convoy of the goung mene of the faid burgh, to the nomber of fyftie, or thairby, thair bodeis and theis coveritwith geallow taffateis, thair arm es and leggs fra the kne doun bair, cullorit with blak, in maner of Moris, vpon thair heiddes blak hattis, and on thair faces blak vifouris, in thair mowthis rings, garnefit with intellable preciousftaneis, about thair neckkis,

leggis and armes infynit of chenis of gold ; togidder with faxtene of the maift honeft men of the toun, cled in veluot gownis and veluot bonettis,

quhilk hienes berand and gangand about the paill wnder the her raid ; quhilk paill wes of fyne purpour veluet lynit with reid taffateis, freingiet with gold and filk; and efter thame wes ane cart with certane bairnes, to- gidder with ane coffer quhairin wes the copburd and propyne quhilk i'uld

be propynit to hir hienes ; and quhen hir grace come fordwart to the butter trone of the laid burgh, the nobilitie and convoy foirfaid preced- 08 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1561.

and, at the quhilk butter trone tbair was ane port made of tymber, in

maift honourable maner, cullorit with fyne cullouris, hungin with fyn- barneis drie armes ; vpon the quhilk port wes fingand certane in the

maift hevinlie wyis ; vnder the quhilk port tbair wes ane cloud opynnand

with four levis, in the quhilk was put ane bony barne. And quhen the quenes hienes was cumand throw the laid port, the faid cloude opynnit,

and the barne difcendit doun as it had bene ane angell, and deliuerit to

hir hienes the keyis of the toun, togidder with ane bybill and ane pfalme

buik, coveritwith fynepurpouritveluot; andefter the faidbarnehadfpoken fo. 25. lbme fmall fpeitches, he deliuerit alfua to hir hienes thre writtingis, the

tennour thairof is vncertane. That being done, the barne afcendit in the

cloud, and the faid clud ftekit ; and thairefter the quenis grace come doun

to the tolbuith, at the quhilk was vpoun twa fkaffattis, ane abone

and ane vnder that ; vpone the vnder was lituat ane fair wirgin, callit Fortoune, vnder the quhilk was thrie fair virgynnis, all cled in maift pre-

cious attyrement, callit Juftice and Policie. And efter

ane litell lpeitche maid tbair, the quenis grace come to the croce, quhair

tbair was ftandand four fair virgynnis, cled in the maift hevenlie clething,

and fra the quhilk croce the wyne ran out at the fpouttis in greit abun-

cafting glaffis dance ; tbair wes the noyifs of pepill the with wyne. This being done, our fouerane ladie come to the fait trone, quhair

thair wes fum lpekaris ; and efter ane litell lpeitche, thaj brunt vpoun

the fkaffet maid at the faid trone, the maner of ane facrifice ; and fwa

that being done, flio depairtit to the nether bow, quhair thair wes ane

vther fkaffet maid, havand ane dragoun in the famyn, with fome fpeiches;

and efter that the dragoun was brynt, and the quenis grace hard ane

pfalme fong, hir hienes paft to hir abbay of Halyrudhous with the faid

convoy and nobilities ; and thair the bairneis quhilk was in the cairt with the propyne maid lbme lpeitche concernyng the putting away of

the mefs, and thairefter fang ane pfalme ; and this being done, the cart 1561. IN SCOTLAND. G

come to Edinburgh, and the faid honeft men remaynit in hir vtter chalmer, and deiyred hir grace to reffaue the faid copeburd, quhilk wes f0 ij reffauit the fa- double ourgilt ; the price thairof wes merkis ; quha myne, and thankit thamc thairof. And fua the honeft men and convoy come to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xj day of September Ixj, the quenis grace depairtit fnrth of Edinburgh to Linlithgow, quhair tho remaynit tua dais.

Vpoun the xiij day of the faid moneth, hir hienes depairtit to Striue- ling, and remanit thair vther tua days. And lyne depairtit af Striue- ling, and paft to Kincardin, quhair fho remaynit tua nychtis ; and vpoun the xiij [xvij ] day iho come to Sanfil Johnftoun, quhair thair wes ane honourable entrie maid to her; and vpoun the xix day thairof Iho come to the burgh of Dundie, quhair fho was honourablie reffauit, and maid to her ane honourable entres.

Vpoun the laft day of September, Archibald Dowglas was electit pro- veft of Edinburgh. And vpoun the fecund day of October lxj, the laid Archibald Dowglas, with the baillies and counfale, caufit ane pro- clamatioun be proclameit at the croce of Edinburgh, be James Drum- mond trumpeter, and Richart Trolhope maffer, Commanding and chargeing all and fyndry monks, freris, prieftis and all vtheris papiftis and prophane perfonis, to pas furth of Edinburgh within xxiiij houris next efter following, vnder the payne of burnying of difobeyaris vpoun the cheik, and barling of thame throw the toun in ane cart ; at the quhilk proclamation!! the quenis grace was verry commouit.

Vpoun the nynt day of October, Monfieur Danguill and the grand fo. 25. b. pryour, quha come in Scotland with the quenis grace, depairtit throwout

Ingland to France at ix houris befoir none. And the famyn day, Mr Thomas Makcalgean wes chofin proveft of Edinburgh, and Archibald

Dowglas difchargit, for making of the proclamatioun foirfaid without the quenis awyife, togidder with all the bailgies. 70 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1561.

Vpoun the xiij day of October lxj geiris, my lord James chofin lieu-

tennent raid furth of Edinburgh to Jedburgh to bald ane juftice court. Vpoun the xix day of December, my lord duks men awatit vpoun the

calfay of Edinburgh, to haue flane James erle of Bothwill ; and the faid

erle havand myance thairof, rafit his freindis, purpofmg to haue cumin

to the faid calfay, and to haue put my lord dukis men thairfra, war not

the quenis grace caufit the erle of Huntlie and lord James to aftay the faid

tumult ; and vpoun the xxj day of the laid moneth, the erle Bothwill

depairtit with his freindis furth of Edinburgh at the quenis command.

And vpoun the xxiij day of the famyne moneth, the kirkmen and fpi-

rituall, being defyrit be the quenis grace, and the lordis of the congre-

gatioun, thair aduerfaries, to refigne thair benefices in the quenis graces

handis, thairwith to remayne perpetuallie, and to difpone be hir at hir

pleafour ; it was grantit be the laid lpirilualitie, that the quenis grace

fould haue the thrid pairt of thair benefices to hir vie for this inftant

geir to cum ; and for that caus hir hienes promittit to caus thame be

obeyit of thair faidis benefices in tyme to cum.

Vpoun the fevint day of Februare, Ixi geiris, James commendatour

of Sanctandrois was maid be our fouerane ladie erle of Mar ; and

vpoun the viij day of the faid moneth, the faid erle of [Mar3 was marijt vpoun Agnes Keith, dauchter to Williame erle Merchell, in the kirk

of San6lgeill in Edinburgh, with lik folemnitie as the lyk hes not bene

i'ein befoir ; the haill nobilitie of this realme being thair prefent, and convoyit thame doun to the abbay of Halyrudhous, quhair the banket wes maid, and the quenis grace thairat. And the laid day at evin,

efter greit and diverie baling, and calling of fyre ballis, fyre fperis and

rynning with horfis, the quenis grace created and maid thir perfonis

following knychtis, and indewit thame with the honour thairof ; that

is to lay, fchir Johne Ogilbie of Auchindoun knycht, Coline Campbell

of knycht, l'chir Johne Vifchart of Pittarro knycht, fchir 1561—1562. IN SCOTLAND. 71

Lermonth of Derfy knycht, fchir Alexander Dunbar of

Cumnock knycht, fchir Dauid Murray of Balvaird knycht, fchir Williame

Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, fchir Johne Stewart of Traquair knycht, fchir Johne Stewart of Minto knicht, fchir Matho Campbell of Lundy knycht.

And vpoun the nynt day of Februar at evin, the quenis grace and fc>. 26. the remanent lordis come vp in ane honourabill maner fra the palice of

Halyrudhous, to the cardinallis ludging in the Blak Freir wynd, quhilk wes preparit and hung maift honourable ; and thair hir hienes fowpit

and the reft with her ; and efter fupper the honeft goung men in the toun come with ane convoy to hir, and vther fum come with merfchance, weill accouterit in mafry, and thairefter depairtit to the laid palice.

And the famyn nycht Thomas Grahame, comptroller to the quenis grace, deceffit in the cunjie hous befyid Halyrudhous.

And vpone the xvj day of the faid moneth, fchir Johne Wiichart of

Pittarro knycht was maid comptroller.

And vpoun the xviij day thair come ane goung man fra Swadin to the quenis grace.

Vpoun the penult day of Februar, the geir of God 1561 geiris, Mar- ques departit furth of Halyrudhous fra the quenis grace to Fraunce. Vpoun the xxv day of Merche 1562, my lordis of Arrane, quha was eldeft fone to James duke of Chattellaralt, and Bothwill, wer aggreit be Johne Knox miniiler, and thairefter raid and fpak with the duke. And vpoun the xxix day of Merche, my lord of Arrane come furth of the palice of Kynneill, ia ane franyfy in the nycht, at ane heich wyndo, and paft to the quenis grace at Falkland, and fayid to hir that my lord duke his fader, and my lord Bothwill and Gawin commendatare of

Kilwynning, had confpirit aganis the quenis grace and lord James.

And vpone the laft day of Marche, my lord Bothwill and the com- mendatare of Kilwynning wer commandit in waird, in the palice in 72 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1562.

Falkland ; and als my lord of Arrane wes commandit in lyk maner in waird thairintill.

Vpoun the xv day of Apryle, thair was ane conventioun ordanit to

for tryell of the convene in Sanetandrois taking matter abonewrittin ; and thair compeirit certane lordis to the famyne.

And vpoun the xviij day thairof, my lord duk raid to the quenis grace in Sandlandrois, quhairintill he purgit himfelf of the confpiracie foirfaid in hir prel'ens.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Apryle, the geir of God foirfaid, ane ambaf- fatour arryvit out of Swadyne, callit Here Petir Groif of Quhitfum bervy, and lugeit in the toun of Leith quhill the quenis grace come over the watter ; and his purpofe of his cuming was for mariage of hir hienes to thair King.

Vpoun the xxvij day of Apryle, the caftell of Dunbartane wes de- liuerit be my lord duk to capitane Anftruther, in the name and behalf of the quenis grace. Vpoun the ferd day of Maij, my lordis Arrol [Arrane,] Bothwill, and the commendatare of Kilwynning, come fra SamSlandrois to the burgh of

Edinburgh in this maner ; that is to lay, my lord Arrane was convoyijt in the quenis graces cofche, becaus of the frenafie foirfaid ; and the erle Bothwill and my lord commendatare of Kilwynnyng raid, convoyit with xxiiij horffinen, quhairof was principall capitane Stewart, capitane of the quenis gaird. Vpoun the nynt day of Maij, the ambaffatour of Swadin come fra the toun of Leith to the burgh of Edinburgh, and lugeit in Mr Henrie Lawderis lugeing, quhairto he was convoyit honorablie.

Vpoun the xvij day of Maij, my lord Fleyming was marijt in the quenis park. Vpoun the xxv day of Maij, the iecretare goung laird of Lething- toun, depairtit of Edinburgh to Ingland, as ambafTatour to the quenis ;

1562. IN SCOTLAND. 73

maieftie of Ingland, to convene vpone certane articles concerning the

quenis majeftie of Scotland and the quenis hienes of Ingland meit-

ting within the realme of Ingland.

Vpoun the firft day of Jnnij 1502, the ambaffatour of Swadene de-

pairtit to Leith with his anfuer, and imbarkit that nycht at ten houris at

nicbt, and obtenit ane fair wynd.

Vpoun the xij day of Julij, the geir of God foirfaid, the fecretar the

goung laird of Lethingtoun come to Edinburgh furth of Ingland, and

paft to Striueling to the quenis grace.

Vpoun the penult day of Auguft in the nicht, the famen geir, James

erle Bothwill break the waird of the caftell of Edinburgh, and depairtit

to the Armitaige.

Vpoun the day of 1562, the quenis grace paft to

Abirdene, quhair hir entres wes maid honourable.

And thairefter, vpoun the day of , fho paft to

Innernefs. At hir cuming thairto, hir majeftie defyrit to have had the

caftell of Innernes ; and the capitane thairof, callit George Gordoun anfuerit and laid he wald nocht deliuer the caftell vnto hir vnto the tyme he gat ane anfuer fra my lord Gordoun his maifter ; efter the quhilk anfuer, the quenis grace caulit feige the faid place and caftell and in the affaiging thairof, the capitane gaif over the caftell to the quenis majeftie; quhilk capitane, vpoun the 13 day of the laid moneth,

caulit hang over the brig of Innernefs.

Vpoun the xxviij of October, my lord of Huntlie was lyand with

c ane army of folkis at Lochfkene, to the nomber of viij men, to have cumin againes my lord of Murray and vtheris quha was with the quenis grace, and counfalit hir hienes to put the faid earle to the home. The gentilmen of the cuntrey paft the famyn day furth of Abirdene in thair beft array ; the principalis quhairof wes the erle of Erroll, my lord

Forbes, and the laird of Balquhaine, as wangaird, and Johne pryour of K ;


Coldinghame, with fome horffmen. And efter thaj haid chafit the erle fo. 27. Huntlie and his cumpany fex niyles fra Lochfkene, to ane place callit

Correchie, and fkarmifchand with hirn, thaj fend word to my lord of

Murray, to come with the Louthiane men quha wer thair at that tyme

quha come, and at thair cuming the wangaird maid thame the battell hot incontinent thairefter thai fled vpoun the gentilmen of Louthiane,

and as fum fayis, purpoling to haue caufit thame to flie and to be our-

run, to the effe6t the erle of Huntlie mycht haue obtenit the viclorie ;

bot the faid gentilmen of Louthiane fluid fermlie ftill, and the faid

erllis cumpany, cumand vpoun the laid gentilmene of Lowthiane, was

put vpoun thair bakkis with fpeiris, and thairefter fled, quhair followit

greit flauchter. In this conflict the faid erle of Huntlie was tane be ane Andro Reidpeth, ane of our fouerane ladies gaird, quha put him

vpone his horfe to haue brocht him to the quenis majeftie ; bot howfein

he was fet vpoun horiback, incontinent thairefter he briftit and fwelt,

fua that he lpak not one word, bot deceilfit. And Jolme and Adame

Gordounis, fones to the laid erle, wer tane, and baith brocbt to the

quenis majeftie to Abirdene, with fome vtheris prefonaris ; and als tbair

xx perfonis or thairby flane of the erle of Huntlies was yj cumpany, and ane man of the quenis gaird flane. Vpoun the fecund day of November, the faid Johne Gordoun was

vtheris four perfonis with him, to the juftifijt in Abirdene, and deith ;

and the quenis grace gaif Adame Gordoun his lyff, and caufit the faid

earlis bodie to be brocht to Edinburgh : and fua the quenis grace de-

pairtit of Abirdene the third day of Nouember.

Vpoun the xxj day of Nouember, the quenis majeftie came to the

abbay of Halyrudhous fra the northland.

Vpoun the xxvj day of the faid moneth of November, my lord duk

come to Edinburgh with George lord Gordoun, eldeft fone to the laid

vmquhile George erle of Huntlie, quha was commandit to bring the faid 1560—1563. IN SCOTLAND. 75 lord Gordoun to the quenis majeftie. And vpoun the xxviij day of the famine moneth, the faid George lord Gordoun was put in captivitie and waird within the callell of Edinburgh, accumpanijt with the quenis grace men of amies, and tane furth of my lord dukis lugeing in the

Kirk of feild wynd, and led to the faid caftell the laid day at tua houris efternone.

Vpoun the audit day of Februar 1562 seiris, George lord Gordoun was put to the knowlege of ane aifyifs, and was he the famin convidlit and declarit tratour, and put agane in the caftell of Edinburgh ; and vpoun the xj day of the laid moneth, the laid George lord Gordoun was tranfportit furth of the caftell of Edinburgh to the caftell of Dunbar, and thair put in frie waird.

Vpoun the xiij day of the faid moneth, Williame Maitland, appeir- fo. 27. i>. and of Lethingtoun, and fecretar to our fouerane ladie, depairtit furth of Edinburgh to France in ambaflatorie, to quhat effecl; non knowis.

Vpoun the xv day of Februar, thair was ane proclamatioun of ane parliament maid at Edinburgh, to be haldin in the fame the xx day of

Maij nixtocum, chargeing the prelattis, baronis and eftaittis of this realme to compeir thairat. And vpone the xvj day, thair was ane proclama- tioun maid anent the keping of lentrone.

Vpoun the xix day of Maij 156-3, the bifchope of Sanelandrois com-

peirit, and wnderlyit the law for breking of the acl anent the faying of mefs ; and efter greit debait, reflbneing and communicatioun had in the counfell be the proteftantis, quha was bent evin to the dead aganis the faid archbifchope and vtheris kirkmen, the faid archbifchope paft to

the tolbuyth and become in the quenis will ; and fua the quenis grace

commandit him to pas to the caftell of Edinburgh induring hir will, to

foirfaid appeis the furiofitie ; quhairin he enterit vpone the xx day of

the faid moneth of Maij, at audit houris befoirnone ; and the pryour

of Quhitherne wes commandit in captivitie in Dunbartane. And vpoun 76 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565.

the xxj day, the remanent preiftis qnhilk wes liimmond, tholit the law,

and fura of thame put in waird in fum tovnis, and fum of thame relevit vpoun cautioun.

Vpoun the laid xx day of Maij, the parliament was affixit, and the

foytis callit thairof. And vpoun the xxvj day of the faid moneth of Maij, the quenis ma-

jeftie come to the tolbuith of Edinburgh, with the lordis of parliament,

in the maift honourable maner, and paft thairin ; and efter that lho

haid maid hir propofitioun and orilbun in parliament, the lordis client

the lordis of the articles as efter followis ; they ar to lay, for the fpiri-

tualitie, the bifchopes of Dunkeld, Murray, Rols, and Dunblane, the

abbottis of Halyrudhous, Coldingharoe, fancl Colmis Inche, and pryour

of Portmook ; for the baronis, the lord duk, the erllis of Murray, Mor-

toun and Glencairne ; and for the commilfaris of burrowes, the pro-

veftis of Edinburgh, Dundie and Pearth ; and efter the chefing of the

quhilkis, our fouerane ladie paft to the abbay agane. Thir ar the

names of thame that buir the croun, fceptour and fword ; my lord duke,

the croun, the erle of Ergyle, the fceptour, and the erle of Murray,

the fword of honour.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the laid moneth, the quenis majeltie come to

the tolbuith of Edinburgh and lordis of parliament, at ane efternone,

and foirfaltit George erle of Huntlie, being in the laid tolbuyth in ane

kill, and George lord Gordoun, his eldeft lone decernit to pas to Dun-

fo. 28, bar agane ; and als Alexander erle of Sutherland wes foirfaltit, and

the faidis erlis armes reven and deletit furth of memorie. And as the

faidis erlis of Huntlies wyff and bairnes, thaj war continewit vnto the

third day of Junij nixtocum.

Vpoun the ferd day of Junij, the geir of God 1563 geiris, Williame Dowglas of Quhittinghame paft as ambaffatour to the king of Denmark,

to get doun ane toll quhilk he cauht our Scottifmen to pay ; that is to fay, 1563—1564. IN SCOTLAND. 77

c the J d. of the guidis of ewerik fchip paffand to Danfkene, in con- trair auld vfe and cuftame.

Vponn the fecund day of Julij, the geir of God 1563, ane reuerend fader in God, Hearie bifchope of Rofs, tuke fchipburd to pas to France to get rerueid of ane confermeit ftein.

Vpoun the xiiij of Julij, the geir foirfaid, the faid William Dowglas of Quhittinghame arryvit at Leith at ten houris at evin, out of Den- mark, and obtenit not his defyris as he wold fra the faid king- of Den- mark.

Vpoun the xxij day of September, the geir of God foirfaid, Matho fumtyme erle of Levinax, wes be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, relaxit fra the proces of our fouerane ladies home, be fchir Robert Foirman of Luthrie, knycht lyoun king of amies, and all the officiaris of armes, and deliuerit the wand of peax to Johne erle of Athole, quha relfavit the famyn in the faid erlis name.

Wpoun the xxiij day of September, the geir of God 1564 geiris, the faid Matho erle of Lennox come to the abbay of Halyrudhous, in this

maner ; that is to fay, he had rydand befoir tuelf gentilmen clethit in veluot coittis, with cheingies about thair nekkis, vpoune fair horflis, and behind him xxx vther gentilmen and fervandis rydand vpoun guid horffis, clethit all in ane gray leveray coittis, and come to my lord Halyrudhous lugeing befyid the faid abbay, quhilk wes preparit for him in the niaift honourable maner. And incontinent efter his cuming to the faid abbay, ane honourable man wes fend be our fouerane Lady to the faid erle, to

cum and gif hir prefens ; quhilk he did in preiens of the mailt pairt of the nobilitie of this realme, and commonit with the quenis majeflie ane certane fpace, and fyne depairtit to his faid ludgeing agane.

Vpoun the xxviij day of September, the geir foirfaid, Henrie bifchope of Rofs was fchorne of the flane in Pareis.

Vpoun the nynt day of October, the geir of God 1564 geiris, Matho ?S DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1564. erle of Lennox was reftorit to his landis, heritage and guid fame, be

oppin proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of the burgh of Edin-

burgh, at xij houris befoir none, and rehabillit, &c. conforme to our ibuerane ladies greit feill fchawin thairvpone ; and the dome of foir- c faltour led vpon him the firft day of October, Jco v xlv geiris, annullit, revokit, refcindit and caffit be our faid Ibuerane ladie.

The famin day and hour, thair was ane Parliament proclamit at the

mercat croce, to be haldin at Edinburgh the ferd day of December nixtocum following.

Vpoun the xxvij day of the faid moneth of October 1564, James duk

of Chattellarault, erle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, and Matho erle of

Lennox, lord Dernlie, wes finallie aggreit in our fouerane ladies palice

of Halyrudhous, be our fouerane ladie and lordis of hir fecreit coun-

fell, and fchuik handis togidder, and drank euery ane to vther.

Vpoun the fext day of December 1564, the quenis majeftie and

lordis of Scotland, except my lordis duk, Ergyle, Glencarne and Eg-

lingtoun, paft to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and thair callit the fum-

mondis of reduclioun of the forfeiting of the laid erle of Lennox, and

chefit lordis of the articles ; and thairefter paft to the abbay of Halyrud-

hous. In this Parliament, thair wes for the pairt of kirkmene, Johne

archbifchope of Sanclandrois, Robert bifchope of Dunkeld, Patrik

bifchope of Murray, quha wer not adioynit to the religioun. In the

pafling vp fra the faid abbay to the tolbuyth foirfaid, James erle of

Murray bure the croun, Johne erle of Athole the fceptour, and Dauid

erle of Crawfurd the fword of honour.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth, the geir of God abone writtin,

the haill lordis of this realme, with the fpiritualitie foirfaid, with the

quenis majeftie, in maift noble and honourable maner paft to the foir-

nameit tolbuith ; and thair, efter lang difputatioun concerning the

reduftioun of the faid forfaltour, the famin was decernit in parliament 1561—1565. IN SCOTLAND. 79 to be caflit, annullit and decernit of nane avail], for the cauffis con-

tenit in the faid fummondis of reduelioun ; and ordaynit be the faidis

lordis of articles and parliament, that the faid Mathow erle of Lennox

liihl be reftorit in integrum to the landis, rowmes and poflelliouns

qnhilkis he haid, or was in the tyme of the faid foirfaltour ; and als to his gnde name and fame, &c. And in the palling to the faid tolbuyth

and retnrnyng thairfra, my lord dnk bnir the croun, my lord of Er- gyle the fceptonr, and my lord of Murray the fword. In this Parlia-

ment thair was nathing done, except the reductioun of the faid proces

of forfaltoure.

Vponn the fecund day of Jannare, the geir of God 1564< geiris, ane

reverend fader in God, Henrie bifchope of Rofs, deceillit in the toun

of Pareis in France, of his auld meladie of ane confermit ftane.

Vpoun the xiij day of Februar, the geir of God foirfaid, Henrie lord

Dernlie, eldeil lone to Matho erle of Lennox, come to Edinburgh be

poll fra Ingland, and wes lugeit in my lord Seytonns lugeing in the Cannongait befyid Edinburgh.

Vponn the xxv day of Maij, the geir of God 1565 seiris, Henrie

Stewart was maid knycht of Torboltoun, lord Ardmannoch, and erle

of Rols in Striveling.

the xxij day of Julij Henrie erle of Rofs, lord Vpoun 1565, Arman- f . 29. noch and Torboltoun knycht, was proclamit in the paroche kirk of

Sandlgeill, in Halyrudhous, and in the chepall royall, to be marijt

with Marie, be the grace of God quene of Scottis ; and the famyn

day, betuix thre and four houris efternone, the faid erle of Rols was

maid dnk of Albany, with greit magnificence, be our fouerane, in the

abbay of Halyrudhous.

Vpoun the xxiij day of Julij, the geir of God foirfaid, thair wes ane

proclamatioun maid at the croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all our foue-

rane ladies leisres to addrefs thame in feir of weir to come to Edin- SO DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565. burgh with xv dayis furneiffing, efter thair cuming thair to, to await vpoun the quenis majellie.

Vpoun the xxviij [xxviiij] day of Julij 1565, the laid Henrie king, and

Marie quene of Scottis, wes raarijt in the chapell of Halyrudhous, at lex houris in the mornyng, be Mr Johne Sinclare deane of Reftalrig, with greit magnificence, accumpanyit with the haill nobilitie of this realme.

Vpoun the firft day of Auguft, the geir of God foirfaid, thair was ane charge direclit be the king, quene and fecreit counfell, chargeing James erle of Murray to compeir bcfoir tharue within xlviij houris efter the chairge, wnder the pane of rebellioune and putting of him to the home, quhilkis failgeing, to denunce him rebell and put him to the home.

Vpoun the thrid day of Auguft 1565, at ellevin houris befoir none,

George lord Gordoun, eldeft fone to vmquhile George erle of Huntlie, was be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, be our fbueranes heraldis, relaxit fra.the proces of horn, and reffavit to peace, and gaif him licence and tollerance to rel'ort, pas and repas quhair he pleilfis, in any pairt of this realme.

Vpoun the fyrft day of Auguft, the geir of God foirfaid, the faid

George lord Gordoun gaif prefens to the king and quene in the palice of Halyrudhous, quhair he was gentilly intertenyit be thame. The famin day thair come ane Inglis ambaflatour from Ingland to our foueranis.

Vpoun the fext day of the laid moneth of Auguft 1565, thair was ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, commanding all and fyndrie erllis, lordis, baronis, frehaldars, gentilmen and fubftantious gemen men, to addres thame with xv dayes victuallis, to pas and con- voy the king and quene to the pairtis of Fyff, vnder the paynes of tynfall of lyif, landis and goodis. And als commanding all and fyndrie the inhabitantis of the burgh of Edinburgh, betuix fextie and fextene, to addrefs thame on the famyn maner, vnder the panes foirfaidis. 1565. IN SCOTLAND. SI

Vpoun the famin day, James erle of Murray wes denuncit our fo- f . 29. b.

ueranis rebel], and put to thair home be oppen proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, be Piter Thomfone herald.

Vpoun the fevint day of the laid moneth of Auguft 1565, Andro erle of Rothes, Williame Kyrkaldie of Grange knycht, and Mr James Ha- liburtoune tutour of Pitcur, wes denuncit our foueranis rebellis, and put to the borne at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, betuix xj and tuelf houris befoirnone, be oppin proclamatioun.

Vpoun the xvj day of the faid moneth, the faid Inglis ambaffatour reffavit his anfuer of the writtingis fend [bej the quenis majeftie of Ing- land to our foueranis.

Vpoun the xix day of Auguft, the king come to Sanclgellis kirk to

the preitching, and Johne Knox preachit ; quhairat he was crabbit, and cauiit difcharge the faid Johne of his preitching.

Upoun the xxij day of Auguft, the geir of God 1565 geris, thair was ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all our ibueranes liegis, alfweill to burgh as to land, regalitie as to royalitie, to addrefs thame to come to Edinburgh vpoun the xxv day of the faid moneth, with xv dayis vidtuallis, to pas with thair majefties quhair thaj falbe commandit.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Auguft, Archibald Dowglas of Kilfpindie,

proveft of Edinburgh, was difchargit of the laid proveftrie be ane writ-

ting fend be our foveranis to the counfall of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xxv day thairof, George lord Gordoun was reftorit be

oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to his fame,

honour and dignitie, and to the lordfchipe of Gordoun, be Lyon king

of amies and his herauldis. The famin day, Johne Johnftoun and

James Nicolfone, writtaris, fled of Edinburgh to the lordis, banift as is

afoirfaid of our foueranis.

Vpoun the famyn day, Symon Preltoun of Craigmillar wes eledlit L 82 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565. and chofin proveft of Edinburgh, in place of the faid Archibald Dowglas. Vpoun the xxvj day of Auguft, our foueranis depairtit of Edinburgh with the haill cumpany to the weft pairtis, [to] dant the erle of Murray and his afliftaris following, and tuke with thaine fex pecis of artailgerie.

Vpoun the laft day of Auguft, the geir of God abonewrittin, at fy\e houris efternone, the lordis, aduerfaris to our foueranis, cam accumpany- it with fex hunder men on horfs or thairby to the burgh of Edinburgh, and come in the famin. The principallis of this tvmult wes James duke of Chattellaralt, erle of Arrane, James erle of Murray, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Andro erle of Rothes, Robert lord Boyd, Andro lord

Vchiltrie, the laird of Grange, and the tutour of Pitcur, with diuerfe vtheris barronis and gentilmen. And at thair incuming in Edinburgh, the capitane of the caftell thairof fchot thrie or four peice of ordinance

at thame ; and that done, thaj lugeit this nycht in the faid toun.

And vpoun the firft day of September 1565, at ten houris at evin, the capitane of the faid caftell of Edinburgh, nameit Alexander Erfkene, brother to Johne lord Erfkene, fend ane meftinger to James erle of Murray, chargeing the haill foirfaidis lordis in our foueranis names, to pas and remove furth of the faid burgh of Edinburgh within tua houris nixt efter the faid chairge, with certificatioun and thaj failgeit he wald fchote at thame, conforme to chairge of our foueranis directit to him thairvpone.

And becaus the faidis lordis depairtit nocht fo hayftillie as the faid capi- tane thocht expedient, he caufit the gunnaris fchote thre peice of ordinance doun in the toun, and brek fome pairtis of the tenementis thairof ; and fua the faidis lordis depairtit of Edinburgh at xij houris at evin or thair- by, and raid to Lanerk, in the quhilk Johne maifter of Maxvell met thame, and fra thine furth paft all to Drumfreis. Vpoun the tent day of September 1565 geris, thair wes ane procla- 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 83

matioun maid at Edinburgh, chargeing all and fyndrie our foueranis

liegis, betuix fextie and fextene, to be in readines to pas with our fo-

ueranis as thaj falbe cominandit, with xx dayis vicluallis, vpoun thrie dayis warnyng.

Vpoun the xvij day of September, thair was ane proclaraatioun maid at Edinburgh, chargeing all and fyndrie our foueranis lieges duelling within the flierefdomes of Edinburgh principall, within the conftabularie of Hadingtoun, Lynlithgow, Striveling, Air, Dunbartane, Renfrew, Vigtoun, Dunfreis, Fyff, Clakmannan, Kynrofs, ltewartries of Kirk-

cudbrycht, Menteith, Stratherne, Kyncleven, baillieries of Kyll, Car- rik and Cwnynghame, alfweill to burgh as to land, regalitie as royaltie, and all vtheris fenfibill perfonis duelland within the laidis boundis, to addres thame with xx dayis provilioun, and pailgeonis to ly on the feildis,

to meit our foueranis at Striueling the laft day of September, to pas quhair thaj falbe commandit.

Vpoun the famin xvij day, James erle Bothwill arryvit in Scotland out of France.

Vpoun the xix day of September 1565, the king and quenis majefties come to Edinburgh fra Striveling.

Vpoun the xx day of September, the faid James erle Bothwill gat

prefens of our ibueranis in Halyrudhous, and was thankfullie reffauit of thame.

Vpoun the xxvij day of the faid moneth of September, James duke of Chattellaralt, erle of Arrane, Alexander erle of Glencarne, and Ga- win commendatare of Kilwynnyng, wer denuncit our foueranis rebellis, and put to thair home, and all thair movabill guidis decernit to be elcheit, at the mercat croce of Edinburgh. And the faniin day, our fo- ueranis caufit certane of the principallis of Edinburgh to come to thame to Halyrudhous ; and efter thair cuming, fum of frie will, and fum brocht aganis thair will, our fouerane lady maid ane orifoun to thame, 84 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565.

fo. 30. b. defyrieing thame to lend to hir certane ibwmes of money, quhilk thaj

refuiffit to doe ; and thairfoir thaj war commandit to remayne in waird

within the auld tuire qnhairin my lord of Murray lugeit, quhairin thaj


Vpoun the xxix day of September, thair was certane of the faidis

principallis to the nomher of fex put in waird within the caftell of Edin-

burgh, to thole the lawis for certane crymes ; and becaus thaj appoyntit

with our foueranis, thaj wer put to libertie. Vpoun the fext day of October 1565, the principallis of the faid burgh of Edinburgh aggreit with our foueranis in this maner, to lend

thair majefties ten thowiand merkis, vpoun the fuperiouritie of Leith,

vnder the reverfioun, and thaj to have the infeftment thairof, bot nocht

to haue any intromiffioun thairwith wnto the feift of pafche nixtocum ;

and als gaif to thair hieneffis ane thowfand pundis, to fuffer the haill

toun to remayne at hame. For this fowme of ten thowiand merkis,

thaj ftentit all maner of perfonis duelland within the faid burgh,

and borrowit thair extent fra thame, and pait the famin to our foue-

l-anis. Vpoun the audit day of October, George Lord Gordoun wes, be

oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, be Lyon her-

auld king of armes, and vtheris liis breder, with ane greit folempnitie,

reftorit to all landis and annuelrentis that George erle of Huntlie his

fader diet veftit and felit in, and maid earle of Huntlie. Vpoun the famin day, our foueranis with thair army depairtit of Edinburgh towart Biggar.

Vpoun the tent day of the laid moneth of October, the proveft, bail-

lies, counfall, and deacones and commvnitie pait doun to Leith, and

thair in the tolbuyth thairof reifauit ftait and feifing of the faid fupe-

riouritie of Leith.

Vpoun the ellevint day of Odtober, Johne Wifchart of Pittarro, 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 85

knycht, laft comptroller to our foueranis, wes denuncit thair rebell at

the croce of Edinburgh, and the maifter of Maxwell continewit.

Vpoun the xviij day of the laid moneth of October, our foueranis lord and ladie come to Edinburgh fra the laid raid, in the quhilk thair wes nathing done, except the maifter of Maxwell come to thame in

Dumfreis, and tuke his eldeft lone in plege for guid rewle ; and left my lord Botbwill in Drumfreis with tua bandis of futemen, and tua bandis of horffmen, to keip good ordour in thaj pairtis. As for the lordis

quhilks our foueranis focht, thaj all fled in England ; and as wes re- portit, fum of thame paft to the court of Ingland to impetrat fupport aganis our faid foueranis.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of October, James erle of Mortoun caufit dely- uer the caftell of Temptalloun to John erle of Athole, be the defyre of our laidis foueranis, and George Drummond maid capitane thairof.

Vpoun the xviij and xix dayes of December, at ellevin houris befoir fo. si. none, Archibald erle of Ergyle, James erle of Murray, Androw erle of

Rothes, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Robert lord Boyd, Andro lord

Vchiltrie, Williame Kirkcaklie of Grange, knycht, Mr James Halibur- toune, proveft of Dundie, Mr Johne Wod of Pitmillie soung of Canno, Johne Cunnynghame of Cwynghamheid, Cunnyng- bame, maifter of Glencarne, Wallace of Carnell, Mr James Fullartoune of Dreghorne, Hew Montgomerie of Heffdheid,

Montgomerie of Giflin, Johne Lokkart of Bar, Williame Campbell, tu- tour of Cefnok, Robert Campbell of Kyngeanclewch, James Campbell of Ardkinglas, Mr Andro Hay, perfone of Renfrew, Maifter James Walker, perfone of Inchecalseoch, Williame Sympill of Cathcart, Ro- bert Sympill of Foulvod, David Orme, chalmerlane of San6landrois,

Thomas Scott of Hanyng, Kneland of that Ilk, Johne Craw- furd, bailgie of the Monkland, Alexander Quhitlaw of Newgrange, Mr Robert Hamiltoun, George Montgomery, burges of Dunbartane, Jonet 86 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565.

Campbell, Barbour, her ibne, Patrik Home, Jefper Home,

and George Home, with vtheris diuerfs, war fummond, efter that ane

greit pairt of them wer relaxit fra our foueranes borne, and fummond

xij to compeir in the parliament the day of Marche nixtocuni ; quhilk

parliament fall begin the ferd day of Februar, in Edinburgh, to heir and he the dome of forfaltour ordourlie led aganis thame, for the crymes committit be thame contenit in the faid fummondis, be Lyoun

king of armes, and vtheris his herauldis, at the mercat croce of Edin- burgh.

Vpoun the xix day foirfaid, the geir of God abonewritten, George

lord Seytoun arryvit out of France in Scotland. Vpoun the xx day of Januar 1565, Gawin, abbot of Kilwynning,

caulit deliuer the caftellis of Hamiltoun and DrafFen to our i'oueranis

doaris, and thairefter obtenit ane appointment to my lord duk than in

Ingland in this maner ; that he fuld haue licence to pas to the pairtis of France and Flanderis, and thair to remayne for fyve geirs, and to cans

him be anfuerit of his leiving in Scotland ; and he and all his freindis,

kinlinen and thair tennentis to be deleit out of forfaltour, and gaif him

and thame ane remiffioun for all crymes committit be him and thame

befoir the day of the dait of his faid remiffioun.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the faid moneth of Januar, the geir of God

1565 geris, the faid Gawin abbot of Kilwynnpig, and his freindis, de-

pairtit furth of Edinburgh towart Ingland to my lord duk, to pas with

him in France, and fraucht ane fchip callit Brakwinrahame, to convoy

him thairto. Vpoun Monunday the ferd day of Februar, the geir of God foirfaid,

thair come ane ambaffatour out of the realm e of France, callit Monfieur

Rambollat, with xxxvj horfe in tryne, gentilmen, throw Ingland, to Ha- fo. 31. b. lyrudhous, quhair the king and quenis majefties wes for the tyme,

accumpanyit with thair nobillis. And incontinent efter his lychting the 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 87

laid ambaflatour gat prefens of thair graces, and thairefter depairtit to

Henrie Kynloches lugeing in the Cannogait befyid Edinburgh.

Vpoun the tent day of the faid moneth of Februar, the geir of God

foirfaid, at xij houris befoir none, the kingis majeitie, aceumpanyit with

his nobillis in Halyrudhous, reflauit the ordour of Knychtheid of the

cokill fra the faid Rambolat ambaflatour foirfaid, with great magnifi-

cence. And efter the reffauing of the famen, the king and quenis ma- jellies, aceumpanyit with the laid ambaflatour and lordis, paft to the

mefs j hot the maift pairt of the iaidis lordis remanit thairfra. And the

iamin nycht at evin, our foueranis maid ane banket to the ambaflatour

foirfaid, in the auld chappell of Halyrudhous, quhilk wes reapparrellit

with fyne tapeftrie and hung magnificentlie, be the faidis lordis maid

the mafkery efter flipper in ane honourable maner. And vpoun the

ellevint day of tbe faid moneth, the king and epiene in lyikmanner ban-

kettit the famin ambaflatour •, and at evin our foueranis maid the mafkrie

and mumfchance, in the quhilk the quenis grace, and all hir Maries and

ladies wer all cled in men's apperrell ; and everie ane of thanie pre-

i'entit ane quhingar, bravelie and maift artificiallie made and embroi-

derit with gold, to the faid ambaflatour and his gentilmen, euerie ane

of thame according to his eftate. And vpoun the tuelf day of the faid

moneth and geir foirfaid, the king, quene and ambaflatouris foirfaidis,

wes bankettit in the caftell of Edinburgh, at none, be Johne erle of

Mar, lord Erfkin ; and efter thair depairting furth of the faid caftell, the

artailgerie ichote in greit abundance, and fua raid to the abbay at evin.

Vpoun the xiiij day of Februar, the faid ambaflatour depairtit, at twa

houris efternone, af Edinburgh towart Ingland.

Vpoun the xyi day of the faid moneth of Februar, the geir of God

abonewritten, Johne Johneftoun, writtar, come fra Ingland to Edin-

burgh, and thairefter wes examinatit be our foueranis and iecret coun-

fall, vpone certane fecreitis concernyng the lordis quha depairtit to 88 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565.

Ingland, and affiftance of the famyn, quha, as it was allegit, plainelie confeft that Mr Randell, Inglifnian, agent in Scotland for the quene of

Ingland, delyuerit to the laid Johne Johnftoun thre thowfand crownis

in Edinburgh, to be delyuerit to the faidis lordis in San6tandrois ; at the quhilk our foueranis wes difcontentit, and commandit the laid Mr

Randell to cum to the laid abbay ; at his cuming, the laid Johne Johne- ftoun verifijt the famin in his faice. The quenis majeilie and counfell awylit thairvpone, and delirit the faid ambaffatour to depairt within xiiij dayes next after to the pairties of Ingland.

Wpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth of Februar, James erle Both- will, lord Hallis and Crichtoun, was marijt vpon Jeane Gordon, doch- ter to vmquhile George erle of Huntlie, in the abbay kirk of Halyrud- hous, with greit nobilitie and magnificence. Vpoun the fecund day of March 15G5, the laid Mr Randell, agent to the quenis majeftie of Ingland, depairtit af Edinburgh to Ingland, according to the charge given to him of befoir.

The quhilk day it was ordanit be the minifteris, exhortaris and reidaris of this realme, that thaj fuld begyn ane public!; abftinence fra that day audit houris afternone, quhilk was Settirday, vnto Sonday at fy ve houris at evin, and than to tak bot bread and drink, and that in ane fober ma- ner, during the quhilk tynie the people to be occupyit in prayeris and heiring the word of God ; and alfmeikill to be done the nixt Sonday thairefter, for to pray to the eternall God that he wald aftene [laftene] and pacifie his angerie wraith quhilk appeirandlie is to come vpoun ws for our fynnis, and fpeciallie that God wald inform, mollifie and mak loft the hartis of our foueranis towardis our nobilitie quhilkis ar now banift in

Ingland, at the parliament prefent quhairintill thaj ar fummond to com- peir the xij day of this moneth of Merche inftant, to heir and fie the dome of foirfaltour led and deduceit aganes thame for the crymes of lefmaieftie conteinit thairin. 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 89

Vpoun the f'evint day of Merche, the geir of God abonewritten, our

fouerane ladie Marie, be the grace of God, quene of Scotts, come with

her nobilitie, fpiritualitie and ternporalitie, to the toun of Edinburgh,

to cllec~l and cheife the lordis of articles of parliament. In hir majefties

cuming thairto, George lord Gordoun, eldeft fone to vmquhile George

erle of Huntlio, bure the croune, James erle of Bothwill the ceptour,

and Dauid erle of Crawfurd the fword of honour. The kingis maiellie

paft nocht to the tolbuith this day. The names of the lordis of articles

ar thir ; for the fpiritualitie, Johne archbifchope of Sanctandrois, Ro- bert bifchop of Dunkeld, Johne bilchope of Brechin, Adame bifchope

of Orknay, Alexander bifchope of Galloway, Johne commendatare of

Lindoris, Johne commendatar of Balmerinoch ; and for the temporali-

tie, George erle of Huntlie, James erle Bothwill, James erle Mortoun,

Williame erle Merfchell, Dauid erle of Crawfurd, Johne erle of Athole,

Matho erle of Lennox ; with the commiffionaris of burrowes. And the lordis being chofin in this maner, the faid George erle of Huntlie and

Alexander erle of Sutherland, was reftorit to thair haill heritage, and nathing mair done for this tyme.

Vpoun the nynt day of Merche, the geir of God 15G5 geris, quhilk

wes Settirday, at aucht houris at evin, ane Italiane callit fengeour Da-

uid Richio, quha wes principall fecretare to our fouerane ladie in the

Frenche toung, heft belovit be hir of all hir feruandis, wes crwellie flane

be the perfonis following and thair complices, in our foueranis chalmer,

thair palice within of Halyrudhous, on this maner ; that is to fay, Pa-

trik lord Ruthvene, Williame maifter of Ruthvene, Patrik Murray of fo. 32. b.

Tibbermure, Patrik Bellendene of Stane hous, brother to fchir Johne Bellendene of Achnoule, knycht, juftice clerk, George Dowglas, Andro

Ker of Fawdownfyid, fchir Henrie gair Giffert gounger of Scherefhall, with certane vtheris thair complices (the Kingis grace being principall herof), come vp throw the kingis chalmer be that paffage that 90 DIURNAL OF OCCUR RENTS 1565.

comes to the quenis chalmer thairfra privilie ; the quenis grace, the

countes of Ergyle, and the laid Dauid being talkand togidder at the quenis burde, quhair her majeftie haid fowpit in her cabonate, and come

in feir of weir in the laid cabonate ; and efter fyndrie wordis faid be

my lord Ruthvene to the quene, thaj pullit the faid feingour Dauid furth

of the laid cabonate, nochtwithftanding that our fouerane ladie befocht

thame for the reward of God to l'auf his lyfe, and that he fled to hir for

his refuge, git thaj vmnercifully had him to that chamber quhair hir

majeftie eittis, and thair crewellie and maift lhamefully flew and mur-

derit him with quhingaris ; it is faid he had twa and fyftie ftrakis in

his bodie. And efter his flaughter, the faidis malefactouris fteikit the

getis of the palice of Halyrudhous, and wald thole nane to enter in the

laid palice bot thais that wer of thair opinioune. And it is laid that

this flaughter wes confpirit be the king, the erle of Lennox his fader,

the erle of Mortoun, my lord Ruthvene, and my lord Lyndfay, with

thair afliftaris and counfalouris, quhome was judgit to be the goung

laird of Lethingtoune fecretare, Mr James M'Gill of Rankelour nethir,

clerk of thair regifter, togidder with the haill nobilitie quha wes as than

baniil in England for the crymes befoirmentionat ; and that the king

lend word to James erle of Murray, audit days befoir the committing

of the laid flaughter, to Ingland, to caus him come doun fra Newcaftell

to Berwick, to be in redines thair quhen he fent about him. In the

mene tyme of the faid flaughter, the erllis of Himtlie and Bothwill being

inclufit within the laid palice of Halyrudhous, feirand thair lyfis, brak

doun thair chamber windo and come doun be ane coird on the bakfyid

thairof, and depairtit thairfra. Than the king tuke all the keyis of the

palice and deliuerit thame to James erle of Mortoun, quha tholit na

man to remaine within the fame bot thaj quha afliflit in this interprife.

The cry and noyas rais in lie maner throw the Cannogait, that it was faid

that the quenis grace was haldin in captivitie, and feingour Dauid flane; 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 91 quhairthrow the common bell rang in fik fort that euerie man pail to armour, and rufcb.it doun with Svmon Preiloun of Craigmillar thair proveft, to Halyrudhous, willing to baue deliuerit the quenis grace, and

revengit the caus foiriaid ; but thair wes fik alteratioun and feir amangis the men of Edinburgh, that thair wes nathing interprvfit ; hot that the kingis grace tuik vpoun his honeflie that the quene was Weill and na- thing effrayit, howbeit the veritie thairof was contrair, and thairefter the provelt come hame with his inhabitantis of Edinburgh. Our foue- rane ladie tuik fik dollour and difplefour for committing of the laid

Uauchter in hir prefens, be hir hufband and the complices foirfaidis, fo fchainefullie, that flio was in danger and perrell in pairting with hir child, quhairwith fho was verry greit. Neuirtheles fho was halden in cap- tivitie within hir chalmer, that naperfoun nor perfonis mycht come and l'peik with hir, but thaj quhome thaj plefit. And fua the palice of Haly- rudhous wes haldin in this ftreit mancr the tent day of Aprile

[March]; vpoun the quhilk day, at nync houris befoir none, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, in the kingis name, chargeing all and findrie the erllis, lordis, barronis and bifchopis, that come of befoir to Edinburgh to the parliament, to depairt of the famin within thre houris, vnder the pane of treffoun. And thair was ane vther proclamatioun maid the famyne day, that nane fould weir vaponis vpoun the gait, wnder the pane of deid. And als vpoun the iamyn tent day, at audit houris at evin, James erle of Murray, Andro erle of Rothes, James Kirkcaldie of Grange, fchir Johne Wifchart of Pittarro knycht, and James Haliburtoun, tutour of Pitcur, with thair fervandis, quha was banift in Ingland, as laid is, come to the faid palice of Haly- rudhous, convoyit with Alexander lord Home, fra Berwik, at the kingis command, and my lord Boyd, ane of the faidis lordis, come to Edin- burgh the faid tent day.

And all the ellevint day of March 1565, our laid fouerane ladie wes 92 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565.

haldin in captivitie within hir faid clialmer in Halyrudhous quhill evin.

And at evin it was convenit betuix our laid fouerane ladie, and all the

lordis committaris of the flauchter foirfaid, except my lord Ruthvene,

quhome flio wald not thole to come in hir prefens, becaus be was the

principall man that come in hir cabonate to committ the faid flauchter,

and with all the remanent lordis baneift of befoir, as faid is, that hir

majeftie wald give thame remiffioun for all the crymes bygane, vnto the

faid ellevint day ; and albeit llio wald fubfcryve tbair remiffioun inftant-

lie, flio faid, in refpecT; flio was haldin in captivitie, it wald doe thame

na guid. And to fatiffie thame mair plelandlie, fbo faid Ibo wald pas

the morne, God willing, to the tolbuyth, and thair, be confent in par-

liament, mak ane acl cf remiffioun to thame all for the crymes abone-

writtin, quhilk wald be of mair ftrength nor any vtber remiffioun.

And this faid, flio drank to euerie ane of thame in fpeciall. And then,

fen that hir majeftie haid promittit to thame thair remiffioun in nianer

foirfaid, fbo deiyrit thame that thaj wald deliuer the keyis of hir palice to

hir fervandis, and hir majefties chamber to be keepit be hir guard, as

the famin was of befoir, fwa that flio mycht tak reft this nycht to come,

becaus tbir twa nychtis bygane hir majeftie haid tane na reft. The fb. 33. b. laidis lordis heirand our fouerane ladie, as it appeirit to be, fo gratious

to thame as to grant thame remiffioun be adl of parliament for all thair

trelpaffis bigane, condifcendit to hir defyre, and delyuerit the keyis of

the faid palice of Halyrudhous to hir awn fervandis, and the gaird to

kepe hir chamber as of befoir. And the faidis lordis depairtit euerie

ane of thame to thair lugeing, and left the faid palice woyid, as faid is.

The famin nycht, about niydnycht, our fouerane ladie, with the king

hir bufband, accumpanyit with levin bors, depairtit privilie fra the

laid palice of Halyrudhous to the caftell of Dunbar, with maift poffible

diligence that culd be, vnwitting of the lordis foirfaidis, and left thair

lervandis to kepe Halyrudhous. And liia our fouerane ladie being 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 93 haldin in captivitie in mailer foirfaid, wes deliuerit thairfra be the wif-

dome and power of God, quha will not thoill nor permit his awne

onyntit lieutennentis to be thrallit be tbair fiubie&is, bot will deliuer

thame fra all inconvenientis.

Vpoun the tuelf day of Marche 15C5, the laidis lordis, haueand know-

lege of our foueranis haiftie depairting- toward Dunbar, wes grittumlie

commouit fur thair negligence and facilnes in giving our fouerano ladie

credence towart the giving of thair remiffionis, and leiving of the laid

palice of Halyrudhous void, as is befoir mentionat ; and als was in ane

maner difparit, and condifcendit erar to hafert the famin vpoun the

chance of battell, than continwallie to be in feir of thair life as thaj

war. Neuirtheles the laidis lordis and gentilmen that wer fummond to

compeir in the parliament foirfaid, to heir and fie thame decernit be

decreit the faid day, to haue forfaltit thair landis and guidis for the

crymes of treffone contein[it] in the faid fummondis, compeirit in the faid

tolbuyth of Edinburgh at tuelf houris befoirnone, and maid thair pro-

teftatiouns that thaj compeirit the faid tuelf day of Merch, to the quhilk

thaj Aver befoir fummond ; and na perfone nor perfonis faid or proponit

any thing aganis thame. Aganis the quhilk proteftationis, Mr Robert

Crichtoun, aduocat to our foueranes, being prefent, objefilit, and alle-

git that the lordis of articles was commandit be the proclamatioun of our

i'ouerane lord, maid at Edinburgh the teat day of the faid moneth, to

depairt thairfra within thrie houris, wilder the pane of treffoune ; fua thaj

beying the famyn wes abfent, and thairfoir thair proteftatiouns fould

nocht nor audit nocht be of any auaill, for the reffoun foirfaid.

Vpoun the xv day of Merche, the geir of God foirfaid, thair was ane

proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all

and fyndre erllis, lordis, barronis, frehaldaris, gentilmen and fubilantious

yemen men, to addres thame in feir of weir with thair houfhaldis and

freindis, to meit our foueranes at Muffilburgh vpoun fonday the xvij 9* DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565. fo. 34. day of the faid moneth of Merche, with audit dais vicluallis, to pas

with thair majefties quhair thaj falbe commandit, vnder the pane of tyn-

fell of lyf, landis and guidis. This proclamatioun was maid to put the

lordis, comrnittaris of the flauchter foirfaid, and thair complices, furth

of Edinburgh, quhairintill thaj remanit fen the committing- thairof, and was in purpofe to haue mantenit the faid toun, and was fieand men of

weir for the fame effect.

Vpoun the famyne day, my lord Mortoun was commandit and char-

geit be ane herald, to delyuer to our foueranis the caftell and place of

Temptalloun, wnder the pane of treffoun.

Vpoun the xvij day of Merche, quhilk Aves Sonday, the haill lordis,

committaris of the flauchter and crymes abonewrittin, with the lordis

that was banift in Ingland of befoir, (except Alexander erle of Glen-

cairne, quha raid to Dunbar to fpeak with our foueranis,) with all thair

complices and men of weir, with dollorous hartis departit of Edinburgh

towart Lynlithgow, at levin houris in the mornyng. And vpoun the

fame day, Johne Knox, minilter of Edinburgh, inlyikwyefs depairtit

of the faid burgh at tua houris efternone, with ane greit murnyng of

the godlie of religioun.

Vpoun the faid day, the laid caftell of Temptallone was delyuerit to

our foueranis, and Robert Lawder gounger of Bafs maid capitane thair-

of. And vpone the famyne day, James erll Bothwill gat the abbacie

of Haddingtoun fra our foueranis, quhilk the laid fecretare haid of be-


Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth of March, our foueranis lord

and ladie accumpanijt with tua thowfand horfimen come to Edinburgh,

and lugeit not in thair palice of Halyrudhous, bot lugeit in my lord

Homes lugeing, callit the auld bifchope of Dunkell his lugeing, anent

the fait trone in Edinburgh ; and the lordis being with thame for the

tyme, wes lugeit round about thame within the faid burgh ; and thair 1565. IN SCOTLAND. 95 majefties caufit certane bandis of men of weir, that thaj caufit fie, to luge in the faid burgh, and kepe the pairtis thairof nycht and day.

Vpoun the xx day of the laid moneth of Marche, the geir of God 1565 geiris, thair wes lettres direct be our foueranis to command and

chairge James erle of Mortoun, Patrik lord Ruthvene, Patrik lord

Lindfay, Williame maifter of Ruthvene, George Dowglas, lone natu-

rall to Archibald erle of Angus that lait deceiflit, Androw Ker of Faw- dounfyid, Williame Dowglas of Quhittinghame, Mr Archibald Dow- glas, perfone of Dowglas, Johne Cockburne of Ormeftoun, Williame

Lawder of Haltoun, Sandilandis of Calder, Gif- fart of Scherefhall, Williame Dowglas of Lochlevin, Men- teith fear of Kerfs, Patrik Murray of Tibbermure, James Wod of

Bonytoun, Patrik Ballendene of Stannous, brother to 1'chir Johne Bal- lendene of Auchnoule knycht, Juftice Clerk, Thomas Scott of Cam- bufmichaell, Alexander Ruthvene, brother to the laid lord Ruthvene,

Dauid Lindfay of Pyotftoun, with thair complices, to compeir befoir our faidis foueranis vpoun the fext day nixt after the charge, to anfuer to fick things as falbe laid to thair chairge at thair cuming, vnder the fo. 34. b. paine of rebellioun and putting of thame to the borne, and failgeing thairof, to put thame to our foueranis borne.

Vpoun the famin day, Mr James Balfour, minifter at Flifk, returnit out of Linlithgow fra the erllis of Ergyle and Murray to Edinburgh, and aggreit with thame in our foueranis name, that thaj with the re- manent of thair complices, quha fuld haue bein forfaltit in parliament befoir reherfit, fuld pas to thair awne houllis and places refpecliue, thair

to remane vnto the tyme our faid foueranis fend about thame heirefter.

The faids erle of Murray and Ergyle being weill contentit with our fo-

ueranis will and mynd, depairtit fra Lynlitbgow as faid is. And vpoun

the faid day of the moneth and geir foirlaid, George erle of Huntlie 96 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1565.

was maid Chancellare, in place of James erle of Mortoun, and maid his

aith befoir the Lords of Seflioun thairvpone.

Vpoun the famyn day, Mr James M'Gill of Rankelour nethir, clerk

of regifter, as fufpectit ane of the counfalouris of the conlpiracie foirfaid,

was chargit be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh,

to compeir befoir our foueranis and lordis of fecreit counfale, vpoun the

third day nixt thairefter, wnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of

him to the home, and failgeing thairof, to put him to the home, and

efcheit, &c.

Vpoun the faid xxj day, thair wes ane act of fecreit counfall proclamit

at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, declaring our fouerane lordis inno-

cencie twitching the flauchter laitlie committit, confpiracie and deten-

tioun of our fouerane ladie in the abbay of Halyrudhous in captivitie,

and that he wes nowther art nor pairt thairof ; bot that he in fa far

ovirfaw himfelf, that he confentit to bring hame my lordis of Murray,

Rothes and Glencarne, with thair complices, out of Ingland, without

confent and fauour of our fouerane ladie.

Vpoun the tuantie twa day of the faid moneth, thair was ane procla-

matioun maid at the laid mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing James

goung cuttillar, Robert Cwnynghame, Robert Watfone, Alexander

Guthrie, Edward Hope, George Smaw, Alexander Clark, Patrik Cranftoun, Andro Armftrange, Thomas Broun, Williame Johneftoun, burgeffis of Edinburgh, and Williame Quhyte cordinar, duelland in the Canongat, as affifteris and fortifearis of the faidis committaris of the

flauchter foirfaid, in keping the faid pal ice of Halyrudhous during our fouerane ladies detentioun thairin, to compeir perfonally befoir our foueranis and lordis of hir fecreit counfall, wpoun the third day nixt efter the chairge, wnder the pane of rebellioun, &c.

Vpoun all the nyntene, twentie and twentie ane dayis relpecliue of

Marche foirfaid, our foueranis caufit put of the inhabitants of Edin- 1565—1566. IN SCOTLAND. 97 burgh, to the nomber of twentie or tlirettie perfonis, in waird, with- in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, to vnderly the law for keiping of the faid palice of Halyrudhous the tynie that our louerane ladie wes dete- nit thairin, be the lordis foiriaidis, committaris of the flauchter befoir-

writtin, quha fand fouertie euerie ane of thame, wnder the pane of ane fo. :t.-,. thowfand pundis, to enter within the faid waird within four houris next efter thaj fifld happin to be chargit thairto. And vpoun that maner thaj wer relevit of waird.

Vpoun the laid twentie twa day of Merche foirfaid, James Dowglas of Drumlanrig wes put in waird within the caitell of Edinburgh,

Dowglas, fone naturall to the laid James, wes put in waird within the caftell of Blaiknes, and Home of Wedder- burne wes commandit in waird in the cuntrie of Galloway ; all thir perfonis wes fufpectit for ainfting of the lordis confpiratouris foiriaidis, in thair treffounable acliouns.

Vpoun the lamin day, Mr James Balfour, perlbne of Flilk, was maid, be our foueranis, dark of thair regifter, in the place of the laid Mr James

M'Gill, and acceptit the faid office vpoun him, in prefens of the lordis of feiuoun.

Vpoun the twentie fyft day of the faid moneth of Merche 1566, Mr

James M'Gill, iuratyme clerk of regifter, wes denuncit rebell, and put to the home at the mercat croce of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the twentie nynt day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mor- toun, "William maifter of Ruthvene, with certane vtheris thair colliggis, wer denuncit our fouerane lordis rebellis, and put to the home at the faid mercat croce, and all thair movabill guidis decernit to be efcheit.

Vpoun the firft day of Aprile 1566, Thomas Scott of Cambufmichell, ane of the perfonis fummondit to compeir befoir our foueranis and lordis of fecreit counlall, as faid is, wes tane of befoir ; and our foueranis put the faid Thomas, and Johne Mowbray and Williame Harlaw, faidler N 98 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1566.

burgefTis of Edinburgh, to the knowlege of ane affiyfs, for the keiping and deteining of our fouerane ladie within the palice of Halyrudhous,

efter that feingeour Dauid was flane, be the quhilk affyifs thaj wer all

convict, and decernit to be hangit, quarterit and drawin. Vpoun the fecund day of Aprile, the geir foirfaid, Patrik lord Ruth-

vene, Alexander Ruthvene, Patrik Murray of Tibbermuir, with ane

certane of his complices, wer decernit our fouerane lordis rebellis, and

put to the home, for noncompeirance befoir thame and the lordis of

thair fecreit counfall, to anfuer for the flauchter of the laid vmquhile

feingeour Dauid.

Vpoun the lamyn day, the geir foirfaid, the faid Thomas Scott wes hangit, quarterit and drawin for the cryme befoir reherfit,

vpoun ane fkaffalt at the mercat croce of Edinburgh. And the faidis Johne Mowbray and Williame Harlaw wes brocht thairto, to have

fufferit ; bot our foueranis, movit with mercie, gaif thame thair lyffis,

bot thair guidis war confifcat, and thair perl'onis baneift this realme

during thair majefties plel'our. Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth of Aprile, the geir of God

1566 geris, betuix thre and foure houris in the morning, Johne Sinclare,

be the mercie of God bifchope of Brechin and dean of Reftalrig, deceiffit

in James Moi'manis hous in Frofteris Wynd within Edinburgh. This Johne wes broder germane to vmquhile Henrie, bifchope of Rofs,that de- o. ceiffit in Pareis in France. Sik twa honeft and cunning letterit men as

thir wes, will be feindill or rather neuer fene to coine of ane hous and

familie of this realme ; the ane for his lingular eruditioun had in the

lawis for adminiftratioun of juftice in ane common wealth, the vther

for his fingulare intelligence had in theologie, and in lykwife the lawis,

and wer baith prelidentis of the college of juftice the tymes of thair


Vpoun the twantie ane day of the faid moneth the corpis of vmquhile 1566. IN SCOTLAND. 99

George erle of Huntlie, wes tranlportit forth of Edinburgh, north

our eirdit [nocht euir ?J of befoir, to Strathbogy. Vpoune the faid twantie ane day of Aprile, the geir of God abone-

written, Archibald erle of Ergyle, James erle of Murray, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Thomas lord Boyd, and Andro lord Vchiltrie come to the burgh of Edinburgh, and thairefter pall to the caftell of the

lamin, to our lbueranis lord and ladie, and gat prefens of thame ; and

thairefter our foueranis caufit mak ane proclamatioun at the mercat

croce of the faid burgh, that nane of our faidis foueranis liegis fuld

mak any convocatioun with vtheris, or ony, to invaid vtheris for any

auld feid or malice contra6tit be any perfone aganis utheris, during our

lbueranis remayning within the caftell of Edinburgh. And this procla-

matioun wes maid for the inimitie that was betuix the erllis of Huntlie, Bothwell, and my lord of Murray.

Wpoun the twentie fex day of Apryle foirfaid, James erle of Arrane,

eldeft fbne to James duk of Chattellaralt, wes relevit furth of waird of

the caftell of Edinburgh, quhairintill he had remanit be the lpace of four

geiris of befoir, wilder cautioun and fouertie that he fould pas to Ha-

miltoun, and thair vie his paftyme be the fpace of thre myles thairabout,

and that he fould mak na perturbatioun in the cuntrie, vnder the pane

of twentie thowland pundis ; for him wes fouertie Archibald erle of

Ergyle, James erle of Murray, and vtheris his freindis and gentilmen

to releif thame.

Vpoun the thrittene day of Maij, the geir of God 1566, Patrik lord

Ruthvene, quha wes expelit laitlie to Ingland out of Scotland, for the

flauchter of feingeour Dauid, as is befoir mentionet, wes depairtit in the

new caftell in Ingland.

Vpoun the auchtene day of Maij the geir of God foirfaid, Mr James

M'Gill of Rankellour nethir was relaxit fra the home, at the mercat

croce of Edinburgh be oppin proclamatioun, and licence givin to him 100 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1566. to pas and repas quhair he pleiffis, provyding he refort nocht within tna myllis towart the court.

Vpoun the famin day, fchir Johne Bellendene of Auchnoule, knycht, wes permittit to come to Edinburgh be our foueranis, and come thair to the faid day, to purge himfelf of art and part coimfall or affiltance of the

fiauchter of vmquhile feingeour Dauid, in prefens of the fecreit counfall.

And i'ua he did, and wes fund clene of the famyn be the faid counfall.

Vpoun the nyntene day of Junij, the geir of God foirfaid, James

prince of Scotland was borne in the caftell of Edinburgh of his moder.

Eftir his birth, all the artailgerie of the caftell fchot, and banefyris wer

i'ett furth in all pairtis for joy of the famyn.

Vpoun the fevint day of October 1566 geiris, our fouerane ladie,

accumpanyit with the nobilitie of this realme, depairtit af Edinburgh

towartis Jedburgh, to bald ane juftice air thair, quhilk wes proclamit to

be haldin thair vpoun the audit day of the famyn moneth.

Vpoun the famyn day, James erle Bothwell, lord Hailis of Crych-

toun, being fend be our foueranis to bring in certane thevis and male-

faclouris of Liddifdaill to the juftice air, to be pvneift for thair deme-

ntis, and he being ferchand the feildis about the Hermitage, eftir that

he had takin certane of the faidis thevis, and had put thame in the place

of the faid Hermitage in prefoun, chancit vpone ane theif callit Johne

Eluat of the park. And efter he had takin him, the faid Johne fpeirit

gif he wald faif his lyff ; the laid erle Bothwill laid gif ane affyifs wald

mak him clene, he wes hertlie contentit, bot he behuvit to pas to the

quenis grace. The faid Johne heirand thaj wordis, ilipis fra his horfe

to have rvne away ; bot in the lychting, the faid erle fchot him with

ane dag in the body, and lychtit doun to haue taken him agane ; and

followand feirfelie vpoun the faid theif, the faid erle flipit ower ane

fouch, and tomblit doun the fame, quhair throw he was fa hurt that

he fwownit. The laid Johne perfaueand himfelf fchot, and the erle ;

1566. IN SCOTLAND. 101 fallin, he geid to him quhair he lay, and gaif him thrie woundis, ane in the bodie, ane in the heid, and ane in the hand ; and my lord gaif him twa ftraikis with ane qnhingar at the paip, and the faid theif depairtit and my lord lay in fwoun, quhill his leruantis come and carijt him to the Hermitage. At his cuming thairto, the iaidis thevis, quhilk was in preloune in the laid Hermitage, had gottin furth thairof, and wes mail- teris of the laid place, and wald not let my lord Bothwill in the laid place, quhill ane callit Robert Eliot of the Schaw come and laid, that gif thaj wald let in my lord Bothwill, he wald faif all thair lyvis,

and let thame gang hame ; and iua thaj leit my lord in ; and gif he had not gottin in at that tyme, he and all his cumpany haid been flane. And the faid theif that hurt my lord Bothwill, deceillit within ane myle, vpone ane hill, of the woundis gottin fra my lord Bothwill of befoir.

Vpoun the fyftene day of the faid moneth of October, our fouerane ladie raid fra Jedburgh to the Hermitage, quhairin my lord Bothwill was liand in mending of his woundis, and fpak with the laid erle, and returnit agane the lamyne nycht to Jedburgh.

Vpoun the twentie fyft day of the laid moneth, the quenis majeftie, to. 36. b. throw hir great ryding befoir reherht, wes fa hevilie vexit with the bet feveris, that thair was nane that belevit that lho fuld leive, and lay fra nyne houres to ane efternone as flio haid bein deid, hot thairefter con- valefcit and become better, quhairfoir was maid publicl prayaris in all pairtis. All the tyme of our fouerane ladies being in Jedburgh, the kingis grace wes nocht with the quene, bot was with his fader, halkand

and huntand, the well pairtis of this realme ; fo i'one as he wes adver- teift of hir infirmitie, he come to Edinburgh vpon the twantie fevint day at evin, and raid to the quenis grace to Jedburgh vpoun the twantie audit day in the mornyng. And efter his cuming to the laid burgh,

he was not fo weill intertynijt as neid fuld haue bene ; and vpoun the

( 1 102 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1566. twantie nyne day, he returnit thairfra without tarying to Edinburgh, and thairefter paft to Striueling. Vpoun the fecund day of November, the geir of God 1566 jeris, thair come ane noble man of France, callit Counte de Bryan, accum- panijt with threttie twa horl's of tryne, as lend fra Charles the maill criftiane king of France, to bapteis our foueranis fone and prince of this

arryvit at Halyrudhous the faid day, and wes realme in his name ; quha honourablie convoyit be the gentilmene of Lowthiane vntill he come to Inchebuchlin bray, and thairefter be the proveft and burgeflis of Edin- burgh vnto his cuming to his lugeing, quhilk was in Henrie Kynloches hous befyid the abbay. Alfua he was convoyit be Mr James Balfour,

clerk of our foueranis regiiler, quha was diredlit be our lbuerane lady

to inter tynie the faid ambaffatour vntill hir cummyng. Vpoun the twentie day of November, the geir of God abonewrittin, our lbuerane ladie, efter that fho had riddin fra Jedburgh throw all the Merle, come to Craigmillar befyid Edinburgh. And vpoun the twentie ane day of the faid moneth, the faid Counte

raid furth of his lugeing in the Cannongat to the faid place of Craig-

millar, and thair gat prefens of our fouerane ladie. Vpoun the fevint day of December 1566, our fouerane ladie come

furth of Craigmillar to the place of Halyrudhous, and remaynit thair vnto the tent day of the famin moneth, vpon the quhilk hir hienes de-

pairtit fra the faid palice towart Striueling.

Vpoun the laid tent day of December, the erle of Bedfurd, accum-

panyit with fourty horfsmen Inglifmen, come as ambaffatour fra the

quenis majeftie of Ingland, to nominat ane woman in Scotland to be cummar to our foueranis to the bapteifmg of our prince thair fone, to

the burgh of Edinburgh, and wes lugeit in my lord dukis lugeing at the

kirk of feild. In his cuming in Edinburgh, he was honourablie con-

voyit be the gentilmen of Lowthian, bot for the maift part be thame of 1566. IN SCOTLAND. 103 the religioun, becaus the laid erle favourit the fame grittumlie, and wes ane greit helpe to the lordis of this realme baneift in Ingland of befoir of the religioun. The laid erle brocht ane font fra the quenis grace of

Ingland of twa ftane wecht to be prefentit to our foueranis, in the quhilk thair fone and our prince fould be baptifit in ; the fame wes of

fyne gold ; and he brocht ane rignne with ane ltane, to be deliuerit to the laid woman quha lould occupy the place of the quenis grace of

Ingland in the tyme of the laid bapteling, the valour thairof wes eftimat to be worth

Vpoun the tuelf day of the faid moneth, the faid Counte of Bryane depairtit fra the Cannongait to Striueling, accumpanijt be George lord

Seytoun and his freindis.

Vpoun the thrittene day of the faid moneth, the erle of Bedfurd, con- voyit be the commendatare of Abirbrothok and his freindis, depairtit of

Edinburgh, and raid to Striueling; and vpoun the 14 day of the famin moneth, at his cuming thairto, he gat prel'ens of our fouerane ladie, and prefentit to hir the foirnameit font of fyne gold of tua ilanes of weicht or thairby.

Vpoun the fevintene day of December, quhilk was twifday, the geir of God abonewrittin, the prince was bapteift, and nameit Charles James, on this maner. The faid prince was borne out of his chalmer to the cheppell be the Frenche ambalfadour, my ladie of Ergyle, cummer for the quene of Ingland be commiffioun, and Monfieur Lacrok for the

duke of Savoy. And fua the prince being convoyit, all the barronis and gentilmen bure priccattis of waix, quha fluid on rank on ilk iyid, fra

the princes chalmer dur to the faid chappell ; and nixt the laid Frenche

ambaflatour, ane greit ferge of walx be the erle of Athole, the lalt fatt

be the erle of Eglingtoun, the cude be the lord Sympill, the baling and

the lawar be the lord Rofs ; and at the chappall dore the prince was

reflauit be my lord of Sanetandrois, quha was executour officij in ponti- 104. DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1566.

ficalibus, with ftaf, mytoure, croce and the reft ; collaterallis to him wes

the biichopis of Dunkell [and] Dunblane, with thair rockattis and

huidis ; and als affiftit with rockattis and huidis, the bifchope of Rofs,

the pryour of Quhitherne, and findrie vthers with lerpclaithes and huidis ;

and the haill college of the chappell royall, with thair habittis and vmaift

coppis. The faid prince was bapteift in the laid font, and thir folerapni-

ties endit be neir fyve houris eftirnone, with finging and playing on

organis. At this tyme my lordis Huntlie, Murray, Bothwill, nor the

Inglis ambaflatour, come nocht within the laid chappell, becaus it was

done againft the poyntis of thair religioun. This done, thaj all paft to

the greit hall to the fuppe*r, quhair at ane tabill fat the quenis majeftie to. 37. b. at mydburd, the French ambaflatour at the rycht hand, the Inglis am-

baflatour at hir left hand, and Moniieur de Lacrok ambaflatour for

Savoy at the burd-end. And thair iervit the quenis majeftie, the erle

of Huntlie, carvoure, the erle of Murray, coppar, and the erle of Both-

will, fewar. The French ambaflatour was fervit be the erle of Mar,

carvoure, the erle of Calhlis, coppar, and the erle of Athole, fewar.

The Inglis ambaflatour, be the erle of Eglingtoun, coppar ; the erle of

Rothes, carvoure, and the erle of Crawfurd, fewar. The duke of Sa-

voyis ambaflatour be the maifter Maxwell, carvour, and the lord Boyd,

coppar, and the lord Levingftoun fewar. The ordour of the cuming of

the meit was this, efter the herauldis, maifleris, trumpetouris and

iwefcheouris, being thre maifter houlhaldis in rank, viz. Fyndlater in

the niydis, Seinjour Francifco de Buffo at the rycht hand, and Gilbert

Balfour at the left, thair come in George lord Seytoun, him allane ; and

efter him come Archibald erle of Ergile, allane ; and ilk ane of thame

bure ane fair quhite ftaff in thair handis ; and the lordis, barronis and

nobillis bure fair greit torches, quhilk wer in greit haboundance, and

weill ordourit ; and efter danfing and playing in haboundance, the faidis

lordis that nycht depairtit to thair lugeingis. 1566. IN SCOTLAND. 105

Vpoun the nyntene day, the quenis majeftie maid ane bankett to the

faidis ambaflatouris and lordis, in ane verry diligate faflbune at evin ;

thair wes mafry and playing- in all fortis, befoir fupper ; than ane fort

haldin in Striueling belyid the kirk-yaird, qnhairin wes artailgerie,

fchote fyre ballis, fyre fperis, and all vtheris thingis plefand for the licht

of man ; this done, our lbuerane ladie part to the cartel], and thair

maid James prince of Scotland the duke of Rothillay, erle of Kyle, Carrick and Cunnynghame, and barroun of the barronie of Renfrew, and maid certane knychtis.

Vpoun the twantie-twa day of December, the faidis ambaffaddouris

of France and Ingland depairtit of Striueling, the French ambaifadour

towart Edinburgh, and the Inglis ambaffatour towart Perth and SancT-

androii's, to be bankettit with the pryour thairof.

Vpoun the fourtene day of Januar 1566, our fouerane ladie come

with James prince of Scotland towart Edinburgh, togidder with the

haill nobilitie, except the kingis grace hir hulband, quha than wes lying

feik in the caftell of Glafgow in the polkis.

Vpoun the twantie day of the faid moneth, our fouerane ladie de- pairtit fra Edinburgh to Glafgow, to he how her faid hulband did, and

remaynit thair be the fpace of ten or tuelf dayes ; and come with hir faid hufband to Edinburgh vpoun the firft day of Februar. He was lugeit in the proveiftis hous of the Kirk of feild, and Iho was lugeit

in the abbay ; all the tyme that hir faid hulband wes lugeit thair, fho come to corfe him.

Vpoun the tent day of Februar, at twa houris befoir none in the mor- nyng, thair come certane tratouris to the faid proveiftis hous, quhairin wes our foueranis hufband Henrie, and ane feruand of his, callit Wil-

liame Tailgeour, Hand in thair naikit beddis ; and thair privilie, with wrang keyis opnit the durres, and come in vpoun the faid prince, and thair without mercie wyrreit him and his laid feruand in thair beddis j o 106 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1566. and thairefter tuke him and his feruand furth of that hous, and keift him naikit in ane gaird begond the theif raw, and fyne come to the hous agane and blew the hous in the air, fwa that thair remanit nocht ane ftane vpoun ane vther vndiitroyit. This treffoun wes of lang tyme

befoir conlpirit, and that be the quenis maift familiars ; and beeaus it mould haue bene the lefs fufpectit, thaj blew the faid hous in the air, to

caus the pepill vnderftand that it wes ane fuddane fyre. And at fyve

houris the faid day, the faid prince and his feruand wes fundin lying

deid in the faid gaird, and was tane in to ane hons in the Kirk of feild,

and laid quhill thaj war burijt. It was faid that mony greit men wes

confentaris to this treffounable deid, quhilk the lyke wes neuer hard nor

fene in this realme. In the firft the devyfaris and doaris thairof wes, as

is allegit, James erle Bothwill, quha wes than mair, as wes reportit,

familiare with the quenis majeftie nor honeftie requyrit ; James Ormef-

toun of that Ilk, Hob Ormeftoun his fader broder, Johne Hepburne

of Boltoun, Hay gounger of Talla, and vtheris fervandis

of the faid erlis.

Vponn the fourtene day of Febrnar foirfaid, the corpis of the faid vm-

quhile Henrie king of Scottis, and fpous to our fouerane ladie, wes burijt

in Halyrudhous, befyid king James the fyft, in his fepulture, quietlie.

Vponn the fextene day of the faid moneth of Februar, our fouerane

ladie paft fra Halyrudhous to Seytoun, and left the erlis of Huntlie and

Bothwill in the palice of Halyrudhous, to keip the prince vnto hir re-


Vpoun the twantie fevint day of the faid moneth, thair was ane pro-

clamatioun maid at Edinburgh, for ane parliament to be haldin in the famyne, the fourtene day of Apryle nixtocum, with continuatioun of

dayes, and fummond all eftaittis thairto.

Vpoun the nynetene day of Februar foirfaid, our fouerane ladie, accum-

panyit with certane of her nobilitie, come fra Seytoun to Halyrudhous. 1566—1567- IN SCOTLAND. 107

Vpoun the famyn day, ane arabaflatour callit Mr Kellingraif, of the . 38. i>. quenis majeilie of Ingland, come to Halyrudhous, and was lugeit in

Johne Brownia hous in the Black Frier Wynd in Edinburgh.

Vpoun the tuantie day of the faid moneth, the laid ambaffatour gat prefens of our fouerane ladie, and deliuerit certane writtis to hir, the contentia quhairof ar vncertane.

Vpoun the fourtene day of Marche, the geir of God 1566 geir, the faid ambaflatour depairtit towartis Ingland.

Vpoun the nynetene day of the faid moneth, James prince of Scot- land depairtit of Halyrudhous to the caftell of Striueling, to be deliuerit to Johne erle of Mar, in keiping-; and wes convoyit be George erle of

Huntlie, and Archibald erle of Ergyle, and deliuerit to the laid erle of

Mar, vpoun the twentie day of the faid moneth.

Vpoun the twentie ane day of the laid moneth, Johne erle of Mar havand the caftell of Edinburgh in his handis, deliuerit the famyn to our fouerane ladie, quha caufit fchir James Colburne of Scarling reffaue the famin, and maid capitane thairof. This deliuerance wes maid fairaganes the will of the inhabitantis of Edinburgh, becaus the laid erle of Mar wes ane guid man, and na oppreffour of the faidis inhabitantis.

Vpoun the twentie aucht day of Merche, the geir of God 1567 geris,

James erle of Bothwill fuld haue underlyit the law, of his awne will, for the flauchter of the king, becaus of the murmuring of the peipill ; the farnyn wes continowit vnto the tuelf day of Aprile nixtocum.

Vpoun the fevint day of the moneth of Aprile, James erle of Murray, baftard brother to our fouerane ladie, feing the greit cummar that is appeirand to cum to this realme, obtenit our foueranis licence to pas to the pairtis of France, Flanderis, or ony vther pairtis beyond ley, and depairtit fra Edinburgh to Ingland thair to remayne for the fpace of v geiris.

Vpoun the tuelf day of Apryle, the geir of God abonewritten, James 108 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567.

king foirfaid erle Bothwill vnderlyit the law for the flauchter of the ;

and becaus the erle of Levinox wald haue cumin to haue perfewit the

laid erle Bothwill, the quenis grace dil'chargit him to come, hot if he

cam, to cum with his awine houlhald. And thairfoir he come not, hot

lend ane fervand of his, callit Robert Cwnynghame, to perfew in his name, quha compeirit and tuke documentis that nathing that wes done

be ony affyils that day i'uld be prejudiciall to the faid erle of Lennox,

in refpecl that his maifter wes fummonit for that effecl of befoir, and

thairefter dil'chargit, and licklyk proteilit for wilfull errour. The names

fo. 39. of the affyifs ar thir ; the erle of Callillis, the erle of Cathnes, the erle of Rothes, my lord of Abirbrothok, the lord Oliphant, lord Harreis, the

lord Rofs, the lord Sympill, the lord Boyd, the maifter of Forbes, the

lairdis of Lochinvar, Barnbowgall, Boyne, Langtoun, and Cambulhe-

thane ; and be the fame, the laid erle Bothwill wes maid clane of the laid

flauchter, albeit that it was havilie murmurit that he was gyltie thairof. Wpoun the fevintene day of the faid moneth, our fouerane lady,

accumpanyit with the haill nobilitie (except James duke of Chattella-

rault, Matho erle of Lennox, and James erle of Murray) paft fra the

palice of Halyrudhous to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh in thair honourable

thairfra, maner ; in thair vppafling and dow ncuming Archibald erle of Ergyle bure the croun, James erle of Bothwill the l'ceptour, and Dauid

erle of Crawfurd the fword of honour. At hir cuming to the tolbuith,

hir majefae maid hir propofitioun thairefter exponit how that John erle

of Mar was ane trew and faithfull fervand to hir hienes in the keiping

of the cattell of Edinburgh, and that his fader wes aftricYit be fouerties

in parliament for fure keiping thairof for our foueranis vtilitie and

wcill, and that he had deliuerit the faid caftell to hir majeftie at hir re-

queft. Quhairfoir fho dil'chargit him and his fouerties of all paynes that

thai wer bund to hir for the laid caftell in any tyme bigane, with the

awyil's of the thrie eftaittis ; and thaireftir chefit the lordis of the articles. 1567- IN SCOTLAND. 109

Vpoun the twantie nyne day of Apryle, our fbuerane ladie com with the laid nobilitie to the parliament, and come to the tolbuith ; and thair

the proces of foirfaltour, quhilk wes led vpoun George erle of Huntlie,

lord Gordoun his lone, Adam Gordoun his fone, alfua John erle of

Sutherland and all thair freindis wes reduceit, and certane adtis wes

maid thairefter ; ane towelling the religioun and men beneficit that wes

marijt difpenfand thairwith ; ane vther twehing the electioun of l'um

perfons in the placeis of vtheris quha was deid, and furth of this realme

to decide the law of obliuioun in all adliounis quhairin the famyne

wes allegit. The third was twitching certane tickettis and wreittingis,

put vp efter the llauchter of the king, defaming diuerfe perfonis without

aliurance thairof, that nane l'uld fet thame vp, write nor dyte thame, or

gif thaj faw thame, thaj l'uld diftroy thame, and na copyfe to be tane

thairof ; with certificatioun gif thaj be fund in doand the famin, thaj fuld

be pvneift as principall doaris thairof. And in thair vpcuming, my lord of Ergyle bure the croun, my lord Bothwill the fceptour, and my lord of

Crawfurd the fword ; and in thair palling doun fra the laid tolbuyth to

the abbay, my lord Huntlie buir the croun, my lord of Ergyll the fcep-

tour, and my lord Bothwill the fword.

Wpoun the famyne day, Matho erle of Levinox depairtit in ane fchip, f . 39. i>.

accumpanijt with tuelf perfonis and himfelf, to the realme of Ingland at

the weft fey.

Vpoun the twantie ane day of Aprile, our fouerane ladie paft fra

Edinburgh to Striueling to vefie the prince.

And vpoun the twantie fourt day of Aprile, quhilk wes fandt Markis

evin, our fouerane lady beand rydand fra Striueling, quhairto iho paft a

lytill of befoir to velie liir fone as faid is to Edinburgh, James erle of

Bothwill, accumpanijt with fevin or aucht hundreth men and freinds,

quhome he caufit beleive that he vald ryid vpoun the thevis of Liddif-

daill, met our fouerane ladie betuix Kirkliftoun and Edinburgh, at ane 110 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567- place callit the Briggis, accumpanyit with ane few number, and thair tuik hir perfone to the caftell of Dunbar. The rumour of the reviffing of hir majeftie come to the proveft of Edinburgh, incontinent the com- moun bell rang, and the inhabitants thairof ran to armour and wappyn-

nis, the portes wes fteikit, the artailgerie of the caftell fchot ; and the mater, as is reportit, wes devifit be hir hienes awne confent, to caus the

rumour pas that he had ravift hir ; bot it was ratber done for the ftanche of the mouthes of the peopill, that allegit that the laid erle wes mair familiar with hir grace lang of befoir nor honeftie requyrit, as wes weill provin be this accompt foirfaid. Vpoun the famin day, it wes alledgit that it wes devilit that William Maitland gounger of Lething- ton, fecretare to our fouerane ladie, being in hir cumpany the tyme

foirfaid, luld have bene flane ; neuirtheles he and George erle of

Huntlie chancellare wes taikin to Dunbar, and thair haldin in captivitie for a lpace.

Vpoun the penult day of Aprile, the a6lioun of dyvorce wes intentit be Jeane Gordouii countes of Bothwill, aganis James erle of Bothwill, for committing of adulterie with Crawfurd fervand to the faid

countes, befoir the commilTaris of Edinburgh ; vpoun the laft day of the faid moneth witnefiis wes examinat thairvpone.

Vpoun the third day of Maij 1567, the fentence of divorce wes pro- nuncit be the commiffaris of Edinburgh, decernyng and ordayning the faid Jeane Gordoun to be fre to inary qidiair flio pleht, and the faid earle Bothwill to be ane adulterar. This dy vorcement wes maid to the effect that the faid erle luld marie the quenis majeftie.

Vpoun the fext day of Maij, the quenis majeftie, accumpanyit with

James erle Bothwill, George erle Huntlie, Williame Maitland of Leth-

ingtoun gounger, and all that the laid erle Bothwill micht . . ., come fra

Dunbar to Edinburgh ; and at thair cuming thairto, the artailgarie of

the caftell fchot maift magnificentlie ; and thairefter came in at the weft 1567- IN SCOTLAND. Ill port of the laid burgh, and raid vp the bow to the caltell, the laid erle

Bothwill leidand the quenis majeltie by the bridill as captyve.

Wpoun the aucht day of the laid moneth befoir none, Marie, be the fo. 40. grace of God, quene of Scottis, wes proclamit in the palice of Halyrud- hous, to be marijt with the faid James erle Bothwill. The lame nycht

Mr James Balfour, clerk of regifter, wes maid capitane of the caltell of

Edinburgh, and refaving the keyis thairof fra the laird of Skarling, thane capitane of the fame.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth of Maij, our fouerane ladie and the faid erle Bothwill wes proclamit in the college kirk of San6t

Geill to be marijt togidder.

Vpoun the ellevint day of the faid moneth, our fouerane ladie and the faid erle Bothwill come furth of the caltell of Edinburgh, and wes lugeit in the abbay.

Vpoun the tuelf day thairof, betuix levin and aucht houris at evin,

James erle Bothwill wes maid duk of Orknay and getland, with greit magnificence, and four knychtis wes maid thairat; viz. James Cokburne of Langtoun, Patrik Quhitlaw of that Ilk, James Ormeftoun of that

Ilk, and Alexander Hepburne of Benftoun ; and thair wes few or nane of the nobilitie thairat.

Vpoun the fyftene day of Maij 1567, Marie, be the grace of God quene of Scottis, wes marijt on James Duke of Orknay, erle Bothwill, lord Haillis, Crychtoun and Liddifdail, great Admirall of Scotland, in the palice of Halyrudhous, within the auld chappell, be Adame bifchope uf Orknay, not with the mefs bot with preitching, at ten houris afoir none. Thair wes not many of the nobilitie of this realme thairat, ex- cept the erle Crawfurd, the erle Huntlie, the erle Sutherland, my lordis Abirbrothok, Olyphant, Flemynge, Levingftoun, Glamis and Boyd,

Johne archbifchope of San6bandrois, the bilchope of Dunblane, the

Lifchope of Rots, Orknay, with certane vtheris fmall gentillmene 112 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567-

quha awatit vpone the faid Duke of Orknay. At this marriage thair

wes nathir plefour nor paftyme vfit as vfe wes wont to be vfit quhen princes wes marijt.

Vpoun the penult day of Maij, the geir of God abonewrittin, thair

wes ane proclamatioun maidatEdinburgh, chargeing all and findrie erllis,

lordis, barrouns and frehalderis, to addrefs thame to meit hir majeftie,

and the Duk hir lpous at Melrofs, the xiij day of Julij nixtocum, vnder

the pane of deid.

Vpoun the fyft Junij, the fecretare, fufpedtand his lyff, left our foue- rane ladie and the court, and depairtit to the Callendar.

Vpoun the fevint day thairof, our fouerane ladie depairtit fra Edin-

burgh to Borthvik, towart the laid raid.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth, James Cokburne of Skarling wes proclamit comptrollar at the croce of Edinburgh, and maid vpoun the fevint day thairof.

Vpoun the tent day of the faid moneth of Junij 1567. James erle of

Mortoun, and Alexander lord Home, accumpanyit with the nomber of c v or vj men, come to the palice of Borthuick, quhair the quenis majeftie and James duk of Orknay hir fpouswes for the tyme, and thocht thair to

haue gottin and takin the faid duike ; bot he depairtit thairfra quietlie the lame nycht, and raid to Dunbar. The faidis lordis knowand the famyn, come to Dalkeith, and thairefter to Edinburgh, vpoun the ellevint day thairof. Quhene come thair [thaj] met with Johne erle of Mar, lord

Erfkene, Robert lord Sympill, lord Lindfay, Williame Murray of

Tullibardin, knycht, with diuerfe cumpanies of gentilmene ; and at thair cuming thairto, the inhabitantis thairof belevit that the caftell fhould

have fchot at thame ; bot thaj come fra the Burrowmure to the Kowgait

Poirt, and break vp the iamyn, and iyne come vp Nydryis wynd ; and thairefter thaj oppinit and break vp all the remanent portis, without onv impediment maid ather be the caftell or the inhabitantis of the toun ; 1567- IN SCOTLAND. 113 and tbairefter pail to the mercat croce and maid ane proclamatioun, allegeand that vmquhile Henrie king of Scottis wes laitlie crwellie mur- therit within the nycht, and that thaj war cumin to iearch and i'eik the doaris thairof, that thaj niycht be pvneift according to thair fa6tis.

The fainin day thair wes ane proclamatioun maid be our fouerane lady, chargeing all fenfabill perfonis betuix l'extie and fextene, to addres thame to cum to Borthuik to releve hir and hir Ipous, wnder the pane of deid. Ane vther, chargeing thame to cum to Edinburgh, to pas with thair lieutennent quhair it fould be commandit thame, vnder the famen pane. At levin houris at evin thair wes ane proclamatioun to haue bein proclamit, direcl; be the quenis grace, defyring all perfonis that come with the perfonis abonewrittin, to depairt hame to thair awne houffis, that thaj fould haue ane remiffioun for quhatunnevir cryme

committit be thame of befoir ; [hot] the faidis lordis wald not thole the herauldis to proclame the famin, hot tuik thame and held thame at thair pleifour.

Wpone the famyne day, the quenis grace, cled in menis clething, came fra Borthvik to Dunbar with greit diligence.

Vpoun the famyne day, George erle of Huntlie, archbifchope of

Sanclandrois, Alexander bifchope of Galloway, Johne bifchope of

Rofs, Claud Hamiltoun, goungeft fone to James duke of Chattillaralt,

Gavin commendatare of Kilwynning, Balfour deane of

Glafgow, and Mr Dauid Chalmer proveft of Crychtoun, for thair faiftie and refuge paft to the caftell of Edinburgh, beleiving to haue gottin releif be the quenis majeftie and hir hulband.

Vpoun the fourtene day of Junij 1567, Johne erle of Athole come accumpanyit with ane greit number of people to Edinburgh, to tak pairt with the faidis lordis for pvnilhment of the flauchter abonewrittin, quhairwith was the soung laird of Lethingtoun, fecretar foirfaid, quha depairtit fra the court of befoir as faid is.


Wpoun the famyne day, the quenis majeftie being in Dunbar, gart mak ane proclamatioun in all pairtis about hir, to cum and meit hir at

Muffilburgh vpone the xv day of the faid moneth, at aucht in the mornyng, and promittit if fho bruikit hir lyif, Iho fhould be vpoun the xv day foirfaid in Leith or in Edinburgh, in contrair the willis and myndis of the lordis foirfaidis.

Vpoun the faid fourtene day of Junij, at ten houris befoir none, the quenis majeftie and hir folkis, accumpanyit with ane greit number of folkis, come fra Dunbar towart Seytoun, and remaynit thair vnto the xv day of the faid moneth, quhilk wes londay. And vpoun the famin fourtene day, at ellevin houris at evin, word come to the lordis being in Edinburgh, that the quenis majeftie and hir fpous and thar army was cummand vpoun thame, ather to caus thame depairt the faid toun or els to fecht thairfoir. The famyn being reherfit to the faidis lordis, thaj caufit convene thair folkis togidder with greit diligence, depairtit furth of the faid toun on feit to meit hir in feir of weir, ather to revenge hir vmquhile hufbandis flauchter, or ellis all adtiounis to die. And or thaj culd be weill inftru6lit, the quenis grace wes come to [ ] bray

with hir folkis ; and the lordis maid greit haift quhill thaj come to Mag- dalene brig at Muffilburgh, and thair the tua armies being in vtheris ficht, ftraw continewallie fra v houris on the mornyng quhill xij houris

aganis vtheris, to haue the preeminance and adwantage of the fone ; and thairefter the lordis ftrawe fua for the lone, that thaj paffit to Coufland, and the quenis grace and hir army remaynit vpone the heicht of Car-

barry hill, quhair thaj lay quhill aucht houris at evin. And efter lang

Ipeitche paffand betuix thame, the lordis condifcendit aither to haue the

quenis hufband and hirfelf deliuerit to thame, or ellis to haffert thair

lyves ; and paffand fordwart to fecht our fouerane ladie, hir majeftie

caufit hir hulband to depairt towart Dunbar, and fho on frie will

come to my lord Home, quha wes on the wangaird ; and fua the 1567- IN SCOTLAND. 115 quenis grace army depairtit, and the lordis and hir majeitie come to Edinburgh without any maner of fcheiding of blood.

The f'amyn day the quenis majeftie caufit mak proclamatioun in the

camp, that quha fould fla ane erle fuld haue ane xl pund land, ane lord xx ti. land, ane barroun x ft. land, and ane gemane his efcheit.

And quhen fho come to Edinburgh, flio wes lugeit in James Hen- derfones hous of Fordell, being thane the pro veil of Edinburghis hous quhairin he reniaynit. The principallis of the perfewaris of this ac-

tioun wer James erle of Mortone, Johne erle of Athole, Johne erle of

Mar, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Alexander lord Home, Johne lord

Lindfay, Williame lord Ruthvene, Grahame niaifter of

Montroils, lord Sanchar, and Williame Murray of Tulli- bardin knycht, with diuerfe vtheris barronis, as Drumlangrig auld and goung, goung Cel'furd, Grange and vtheris.

Vpoun the faxtene day of Junij, at 10 houris at evin, our fouerane

lady wes convoyit be the l'aidis lordis to the palice of Halyrudhous ; and thairefter the famyn nycht flio wes convoyit to Lochlevin, thairin to remayne during the lordis will, quhairin flio wes put vpoun the xvij day of Junij.

Wpoun the famyn xvj day, Sebaftiane Frencheman, fufpectit for the fo. 41. t>. art and pairt of the flauchter of vmquhile the king foirlaid, wes takin

and put in captivitie within the tolbuith of Edinburgh.

Vpone the fevintene day of the faid moneth, Williame Blacader capi-

tane, fufpeciit in lykwife for the faid flauchter, wes takin be capitane

Johne Clerk, fervand to the king of Denmark, quha come heir to raii'e

men of weir vpoun the fey quhen he wes fleand away, and brocht to

the burgh of Edinburgh, and put in the tolbuyth thairof. Vpoun the twentie third day of Junij, the geir of God abonewrittine,

thair come ane ambafladar fra the King of France throw Ingland to

Edinburgh to our fouerane ladie, callit Monfieur Deweileroy. 116 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567-

Vpoun the famin day, Mr Johne [James] Balfour, capitane of the faid

caftell, gaif to the lordis foirfaidis the peace of artailgerie to defend the

toun of Edinburgh with, incaife of inuaiioun, aganes the f'ouerane lady,

incontrair the tennour of his promeis maid be him to hir and hir hufband

of befoir. Vpoun the twantie fourt day of Junij, being mydfomer day, William

Blacader foirfaid vnderlyit ane affyife for the cruell and abhominable murther committed vpoun the kingis grace in the Kirk of Feild, in the

tolbuyth of Edinburgh, quhairby he was condempnit as ane traitour ;

and he, beand the fame day put to death and hangit and quarterit thair-

foir, befoir his death confeffit and grantit that he was newer airt nor

pairt of that flauchter, as he wald anfuer to the eternall God on the day

of judgement. The affyife wer of the gentilmen of Lennox, for the

maift pairt vaffallis and fervandis to the erle thairof. Vpoun the twentie fevint day of Junij foirfaid, Alexander erle of Glencarne wes directit be the lordis of nobilitie to {peak with the erle

of Ergyle. Vpoun the lamin day, the Frenche ambaffatour, becaus he culd get

na licience of the lordis to fpeak with the quenis majeftie, depairtit to- wartis Ingland to France. Vpoun the lamin day, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the mer-

cat croce of Edinburgh, makand narratioun that James erle Bothwill

haid not only conipyrit the kingis grace flauchter, bot alfo haid put handis

in him, and wes the principall flayer of him ; and that he to cullour the mater haid revifht the quenis grace and marijt hir, incontrair to the law

of God and man, he beand marijt of befoir with Jeane Gordoun, doch-

ter to vmquhile George erle of Huntlie ; thairfoir the lordis of fecreit

counfell promittit to quhatfumevir perfone or perfonis that wald bring

the laid erle Bothwill to thame, thaj lbuld haue ane thowfand crownis. Vpoun the penult day of Junij 1567, Monfieur la Crok, ambaffatour 1567- IN SCOTLAND. 117 for the king of France, depairtit towartis Ingland with great celeritie

and diligence ; and that becaus it was allegit that the lordis haldaris of the queue in captivitie wald not let him i'peak hir majeftie.

Wpoun the ferd day of Julij 1567, the proveft, baillies, counlall, f„. 4_> deaconis, inhabitantis, and burgeffis of the burgh of Edinburgh paft in feir of weir to the lynkis of Leith, and maid thair moyfteris thair. And in the raene tyme, the proveft and tua of the bailgies, accumpanyit with diuerfe of the honeiieft burgeffis of the faid burgh, held ane court vpoune the tolbuyth ftair of Leith, and creatit baillies, ferjantis, clerkis, and demftaris, and tuik poffeffioun thairof be wertew of thair infeftment maid be the quenis grace to thame thairvpone. Vpoun the famin day, William Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun depairtit furth of Edinburgh as fend be the lordis haldaris of the quenis grace in captivitie, to fpeak with Archibald erle of Ergyle twitching all

thingis concerning thair purpoife ; becaufe it was laid that the laid erle and vtheris of the nobilitie to ane greit number, purpofit to deliuer the quenis grace furth of captivitie, or els to die ; bot it wes not knowin quhat wes done betuix thame.

Vpoun the xv and xvj dayes of Julij, the lordis caufit ftreik the quenis wark in xx fhilling, xxx Hulling, and x Hulling peices, quhilk extendit to audit ftane wecht.

Vpoun the famin day, Nicolafs [Throgmorton] ambaffatour to the quene of Ingland, come to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the fevintene day of Julij 1567, James erle Bothwill, Robert alias Hob Ormeftoun, his fader broder, Adame Murray, Williame Mur- ray brother, Johne Hepburne of Boltoun, Johne Hay gounger of

Tallo, Patrik Wilfone, Pareis Frencheman, with diuerfe vtheris thair complices, for not finding of fouertie to compeir to vnderly the law for airt and pairt of the kingis flauchter, wes denuncit rebellis, and put to the home at the mercat croce of Edinburgh. 118 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567-

Vpoun the tuentie fevin day of Julij 1567, the lordis of the nobilitie

paft furth of Edinburgh to Stirling, and tuik with tliame the croun, fcheptour and fword of Scotland, to croun thairwith James prince of

Scotland. Vpoun the famin day, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the croce

of Edinburgh, defyring the erlis, lordis, barronis to cum to Striueling

to the coronatioun of the prince.

Vpoun the xxix day of Julij inflant, this coronatioun, as is allegit, wes proponit be the quenis majeftie in Lochlevin, quhair iho wes cap-

quhairto iho confentit, be reffoun, it is faid, that if fho haid tiue thairin ; not confentit thairto, fho fuld haue bein pwniit to the death for the

llauchter of hir hufband.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Julij 1567, the quenis majeftie demittit

be hir lettres wnder the privie feill, the auctoritie and goverment

of the realme in fauouris of the prince hir deireft lone. The famyn day

be hir vtheris lettres, fho conftitute hir brother James erle of Murray,

lord Abirnethie, regent of hir faid fone the prince, his realme and

lieges, he than beand abfent in the pairtis of Prance.

the tuantie nynt day of Julij 1567, James prince of Scotland fo 42. b. Vpoun wes crownit in the parifli kirk of Stirling be ane commifhoun givin be

the quenis majeftie, fho being in Lochlevin, dire&it to the faidis lordis

haldaris of hir in captivitie to doe the iamyne in this maner. The

countes of Mar bure doun the faid prince fra the caftell of Striviling to

the kirk, and all the faid nobilitie befoir reherlit ; thay ar to fay, James

erle of Mortoun, Johne erle of Athole, Johne erle of Mar, Alexander

erle of Glencairne, Alexander lord Home, John lord Lindfay, Williame

lord Ruthvene, the lord Sanchar, with certane vtheris fmall barronis, the exhortatioun come doun with him to the laid kirk ; and done, Adame bilchope of Orknay anoyntit the faid prince, and Johne erle of the commiflioun foirfaid Athole put the croun on his head, according to ; 1567- IN SCOTLAND. 119 and this done, tliaj pafl to the faid caftell. In thair palling vp, the erle of Athole bure the cronn, the erle of Mortoun the fceptour, and the erle of Glencairne the i'word of honour, and the erle of Mar bure the king in his amies. In this mene tyme, the inhabitants of Striviling, with the men of weir, ftude vpoun the cailell of Striuiling in feir of weir; and the doing heirof continowit fra tua houris efternone to fyve

houris ; and thir wer the haill nobillis that wer at his corronatioun, or confentit thairto, quhilkis wer but ane fmall number in refpe6t of the nobilitie.

Wpoun the ellevint day of Auguft, James erle of Murray come to

Edinburgh furth of France ; at his cuming thairto, the haill lordis foir-

faidis paft to meit him, and alfe the ambalfatour of Ingland met him.

It was laid that he wes to be cholin governour to the faid prince, as

thairefter followit.

Wpoun the famin day, thair come ane Frenche ambaflatour with the

erle of Murray, callit Monfieur de Lyngrerell, [Ligneroll] ane gen-

tilman of the kingis majefties of France chalmer, and wes lugeit in

Harie Kinlochis in the Canongait.

Wpoun the fyftene day of the famin moneth, James erle of Murray

paft to Lochlevin to lpeak with the quenis grace ; and at his cuming

thairto, the quenis majeftie defyrit him effe6luouflie to reflaue the office

of regentrie of this realme vpoun him, albeit it was fair aganis his will.

Wpoun the xix day of Auguft, the faidis lordis fend four fchipis to

tak James erle of Bothwill, quhairof wer capitanes Williame Murray of

c Tullibardin, and Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, with iiij hag-


Vpoun the xxij day of Auguft foirfaid, James erle of Murray wes

proclamit, at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, onlie regent to James be

the grace of God king of Scottis, with great magnificence and folemp-

nitie, according to the commiflloun maid to him be our ibuerane ladie. 120 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567-

Vpoun the famyn day, James Cockburne of Scarling, Alexander Hepburn of Richardfone, and Williame Edmonftoun lone to vmquhile Edmonlloune perfone of Lawder, compeirit to vnderly the law for the flauchter of vmquhile Henrie Stewart, fpous to the quenis majeftie, as thaj that wer fummond thairto of befoir ; and becaus thaj wer elane thairof, thaj wer continewit to the xxij day of September nixt eftir following. Vpoun the tuantie fevint day of Auguft 1567, the faid French ara- baffatour, callit Moniieur de Lynggeloll, depairtit fra Edinburgh to

France. It was faid that he wes hevilie offendit with the faidis lordis, becaus he culd not get prefens of the quenis majeftie and fpeich of hir, and thairfoir perfwd his voage to France with greit celeritie. Vpoun the xxix day of the i'amin moneth, Schir Nicolas Throgmertene ambaffatour to the quene of Ingland, depairtit af Edinburgh to Ingland.

Vpoun the firlt day of September 1567. thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at Edinburgh, commanding all and findrie our fouerane lordis lieges, betuix lextie and fextene, to be in readines with xx dayes victuall, in feir of weir, vpoune four dayes warnyng, to pas quhair thaj falbe commandit, wnder the payne of deith. Vpoun the i'amin day, thair wes ane proclamatioun twching the new cuingee to be maid in our fouerane lordis name, that is to fay, xx fhilling, xxx milling, and x fhilling peices.

Vpoun the firft day of September 1567, Mr James Balfour being capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, and that maid and put in be James erle Bothwill, fauld the lamin to James erle of Murray regent, for \m pund in hand, xxx chalderis vi6luall in lyfrent to be deliuerit out of the pryourie of Sanetandrois to his fone in heritage, and the pryourie of

Pettinweyme to himielf ; and delyuerit the faid caftell to the faid erle, quha lay that nycht thairin. It was heavilie murmurit amangis the

peopill, that the faid Mr James haid treatouroullie diflauit our fouerane 1567. !>>T SCOTLAND. 121

lady and the i'aid crle Bothwill, quha gaif him lie faith and trewth as to

mak him capitane thairof, and then he to diffaue thaine in maner foir-

l'aid ; bot this for the maift part was done becaus it was allegit that lie

was gyltie of the kingis llaucliter, and to releif him thairof he did the iamyne.

Vpoun the tent day of September 1567, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Robert lord Boyd, Williame lord Levingftoun and Gavin commenda-

tare of Kilwynning, come to this burgh of Edinburgh to intercommoun

with the regent and lordis foirfaidis, tuitching the corronatioun of the

king, and the redemptioun of the quenis grace furth of captivitie.

Vpoun the famyn day, Alexander Durhame fervand to vmquhile the kingis grace, as fulpedtit of his death, wes brocht to Edinburgh, and

put in the tolbuyth thairof.

Vpoun the famyn day, Patrik Quhitlaw of that Ilk, knycht, capitane

of the caftell of Dunbar, wes denuncit rebell and put to the borne at the mercat croce of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the ellevint day of the faid moneth, John Hay gounger of

Tallo, ane of the alledgit flayaris of the king, wes brocht to the burgh

ofEdinburgh be the lord Lindfay, and put in the caftell thairof. This

Johne Hay paft to OrknS^with James erle Bothwill, and quhen the

fchippis fend be the regent and lordis to Orknay and Zetland,: for [to]

-'" invaid the faid erle and his fchippis, the faid Johne, and Jalies Rofs f°- i>. ane fervant man, conducit ane fifcheing boit of Pittinweme to ^ranfport thame to Lowthiane, quhilk bote come to Pittinweme, and caufit fhaw to the lord Lindlay that lik ane man and "jfervant wes come thair with thame, quha caulit tak thaine and bring thame to Edinburgh asifaid is.

Vpoun the thrittene- day of the laid moneth, the laid Johne Hay goungar of Tallo wes examinat be the iaidis lordis in the faid caftell.

Vpoun the laniin day, the faid Patrik Quhitlaw of that Ilk, knycht, capitane of the faid caftell, wes chargeit be ane herald, callit Adame Q 122 DTURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 156?.

M' Culloch, to delyuer to the faid regent the faid caftell, wnder the pane of treifone, within xxiiij honris, quha refuifht the famyne. Vpoun the lamin day, Williame Hephurne, Adam Hepburne, broder of the laird of Wauchtoun, with diuerfe fuldereis being in the faid caftell, fummond of befoir to compeir and vnderly the law for the faid llanchter, wer denuncit rebellis and put to the home.

In this mene tyme, all the baronis of Lowthiane and Fyiff wes writtin

for to come to Edinburgh, to fubfcriue the fortificatioun of the kingis

coronatioun, and profecutioun of wmquhile the kingis flauchter ; quha

come all and fubfcryvit, except Patrik Hepburn of Wauchtoun, quha

come to Edinburgh at the faid command and wretting, bot he wald onnawyifs fubfcriue, and thairfoir he wes commandit to remayne in

Edinburgh in waird, quha remanit quhill the fevint day of October ; quhome my lord regent gaif licence to depairt hame, bot quhat he wn-

derftude no man can tell ; he hailtilie efter his depairting, paft to the

caftell of Dunbar, thairin to remayne quhill better fortune chancit.

Vpoun the xj and tuelf dayes of the moneth of October, the faidis

lordis, regent and his complices, with the faidis lordis commiffionaris

befoir reherlit, intercommounit vpone the poyntis of thair commiffioun

this maner, that all at large ; and fua it was concludit and aggreit on

thingis fuld ftand in the famyn forme and effect without alteratioun, to

the tyme James Duk of Chattellaralt come furth of France.

Vpoun the xiij day, the laid erle of Ergyle, lordis Levingftoun, Boyd, and abbot of Kylwinning, depairtit af Edinburgh towartis Hamiltoun. Vpoun the fourtene day of the faid moneth, the fchippis that paft of

befoir for apprehending the erle Bothwill and his complices, flayeris of

the kingis grace, as is befoir reherlit, to the pairtis of Orknay and get-

land, arryvit and come to Leith and Dundee, fruftrat of thair pray.

The haill thing thaj did the time of thair paflage wes, they paft to Ork-

nay, and thairefter gettand knowledge quhair the faid erle with his 1567. IN SCOTLAND. 123 complices wes, paft and faillit thairfra to getland. And vpoun the xxv day of Auguft laft by paft, thaj forgadderit with certane fchippis apper- tening to the faid erle and his complices, in quhome wes Danid Witter

and Adame Blacader pirrattis ; and the fchipp callit the Vnicorne, being formeft of the fchippis, perfanand the faid erllis fchippis, maift vehement- lie come vpoun ane rok and brak in pecis, and the capitanes and men of weir being thairin, with greit difficultie efcapit ; and fwa throw helpe of the remanent fchippis, thair wes na perl'onis tint, except onlie the bottome of the fchipp, and gat artaillgerie with the vicluallis. In this mene tyme, the faidis erllis fchippis paft to ane place quhair the faid erle and his complices, being in the tyme foirfaid vpoun the He of getland, at his dinner with Olave Sinclare foude of getland, come thairfra to thame and fchippit, and thairefter paft to the fey, quhair he culd not be apprehendit, hot returnit as laid is emptie.

Vpoun the day of the faid moneth, James erle Bothwill and his complices efchapit in maner foirfaid, and come to the coift of Nor- roway, quhair thaj foirgadderit with ane fchip of Lubky, [Lubeck] and tuik hir. The capitane of Birrame [ Bergen] in Norroway heirand that the faid fchip was tane, addreffit tua greit fchippis to tak the laid erle, and come vpoun him and his company, and put [thame] in preffoun in Birrhame, hot himfelf wes put in frie waird.

Vpoun the xxj day of the faid moneth of September, Gawin abbot of

Kilwynning depairtit af Scotland towart Ingland, to fpeik with my lord duke and the erle of Arrane.

Vpoun the famin day, the haill men of weir being in Edinburgh de- pairtit thairfra towart Dunbar, to affeige the famyne, and hald the caftell thairof fra vi6luallis, and careit with thame iij peices of artailjerie.

Vpoun the xxij day of the faid moneth, thair was ane parliament pro- clamit to be haldin at Edinburgh, the fyftene day of December nixto- cum, and fummond all pairties havand entres thairto. 124 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567.

Ane vtber proclamatioun dii'chargeing all tliriddis of beneficeis gevin for commoun kirkis and vtheris, fet in tak or penfioun be our fouerane lady in any tyme bygane.

Ane vther proclamatioun difchargeing all liecencis for transporting of victuall furth of this realme.

The third proclamatioun dii'chargeing all liecencis givin to remayne and byid at hame fra oiftis and raidis, and noncompeiring vpoun inqueftis.

Vpoun the xxiij day of September 156J, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at Edinburgh the famin day, chargeing all and findrie our foue- rane lordis liegis, betuix fextie and fextene, duelland within the boundis of Lynlithgow, Edinburgh and Hadingtoun, to addres thame in feir of weir, to meit the erle of Murray vpoun the xxvj day, to pas with him quhair thaj falbe commandit, with xx dayes vicStuall, vnder the pane of


Vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth, the faid erle of Murray gaif in keiping the caitell of Edinburgh to William Kirkcaldie of Grange, and maid him capitane thairof, and reffauit the keyis of the famyne.

Vpoun the xxvj day of the laid moneth, the faid regent fend to

affaige the faid caftell of Dunbar, foure cannonis, twa grofs culver- ingis, and ane battart furth of the caftell of Edinburgh towart the faid caftell.

Vpoun the xxvj day of the faid moneth, the faid erle of Murray re-

gent paft himfelf, accumpanijt with certane perfonis of the fchiris about

Edinburgh, according to the faid proclamatioun, towartis Dunbar.

In the myntyme of this preparatioun to affaige the laid caftell, the

capitane of the caftell of Dunbar and his cumpany maid daylie flauchter vpoun the fuddartis perfewand the fame.

Vpoun the famyn day, thair paft ithandlie travellouris with powder,

bullettis and all vtheris neceffaris thingis, convenient and ganand for

the faid affage, and all furth of the caitell of Edinburgh. 1567- IN SCOTLAND. 125

Vpoun the firft day of O&ober 1567, the faid caftell of Dunbar wes randerit, be appointment maid with Patrik Quhytlaw of that ilk, capi- tane thairof, and the faid regent ; and the famin thairefter fpuljeit, and all the artailgerie ponder and bullettis tane out of the fame, and brocht to Edinburgh caftell ; and the faid caftell of Dunbar wes anis decernit to be caffin doun to the ground, hot thairefter it was ordaynit to be keipit be the burgh of Dunbar quhill ane parliament, and than to adwyfe quhidder the famin fuld be caffin doun or not.

Vpoun the third day of the faid moneth, James, erle Bothwill and his complices wer relaxit fra the borne.

Vpoun the fext day of October foirlaid, James erle Bothwill and his complices foirfaidis, wer fummond at the mercat croce of Edinburgh,

fo 45 ' to compeir in tbe faid parliament nixtocum vpoun the nyntene day of '

December, to vnderly the judgement of the thrie eftaittis thairof, for the cruell murthering of the king foirfaid, and to heir and fie thame- felffis forfaltit thairfoir.

Vpoun the famyn day, the laid regent and the remanent lordis quhilkis wer at Dunbar come to Edinburgh.

In all this tyme, fra the quenis grace putting in captivitie vnto this tyme, the thevis of Liddifdaill maid greit hirfchip on the puir laubour-

aris of tbe ground, and that throw wanting of juftice ; for tbe realme • wes fo dewydit in lyndrie fadiounis and confpiratiounis that thair wes na audoritie obeyit, nor na juftice execute.

Vpoun the fevint day of Odober 1567, my lord regent diredit Wil- liame Stewart Rofs, herauld, away to Denmark to the king thairof, to obtene his favour for delyuering to thame of James erle Bothwill, vpoun thair expenffis.

Vpoun the audit day of October, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid

at Edinburgh, commanding our foueranis liegis to meit the regent at

Peblis the audit of November nixtocum, to pas vpoun the thevis. 126 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567.

Vpoun the xiiij day of October, Johne Lord Harreis, wardane of

the weft merchis towardis England, come to Edinburgh to fpeik with

my lord regent, alfweill concernying his awine effairis as twitching the

faidis thevis and malefactouris within his jurifdictioun ; for vnto this

tyme the faid lord was of that opinioun, to haue haid the quenis ma-

jeftie delyuerit furth of captivitie ; and fua he wes fend about be the

faid regent ; And or he wald come, Johne Gordoun of Lochinvar

come befoir him to the faid regent, and obtenit licience to the faid lord,

incaife thaj aggreit nocht, to depairt hame agane vnharmit ; bot of befoir

thair wes ane proclamatioun maid, to pas vpoun the thevis of Ewifdaill

and Eikdaill.

Vpoun the xvj day of December 1567. quhilk wes the fecund day of

the parliament, my lord regent caufit ane certane nomber of men, bodin

in feir of weir, to cum furth of Dundee, Perth and Leith, to ftand

with the burgh of Edinburgh and men of weir, the faid day, vpoun the

calfay thairof. And thairefter my lord regent, accumpanyijt with cer-

tane lordis of the nobilitie, paft to the tolbuyth. My lord of Angus,

being ane bairne of xii geiris of aige, bure the croun, George erle of Huntlie the fceptour, and Archibald erle of Ergyle the l'word of honour,

to the faid tolbuyth, and chefit the lordis of the articles, quhairof thair

names followis : viz. George erle of Huntlie, Archibald erle of Ergyle,

James erle of Mortoun, Johne erle of Athole, Johne erle of Mar,

Alexander erle of Glencarne, Patrik bifchope of Murray, Adame bifchope

of Orknay, Alexander bifchope of Galloway, Alexander lord Home, Williame lord Ruthuene, Johne lord Lindfay, the abbottis of Dun-

of Pittin- . h. fermling, Santcolmes Inche, Newbottill, the commendatare weme, with certane vtheris lmall barronis and commiffionaris of bur-

laid to lord regentis luge- rowes ; and fua returnit fra the tolbuyth my

ing, quhair he wes lugeit in the bifchope of Dunkell his lugeing, for-

anentis the fait trone in Edinburgh. 1567- IN SCOTLx\ND. 127

Vpoun the tuantie day of December, quhilk wes Sattirday, the geir of God abonewrittin, the laid lord regent, accumpanyit with the laid erle Botli- nobilitie, paft to the tolbuyth ; and thair caulit call James will, James Ormeftoun of that ilk, Hob Ormeftonn his fader broder, with certane vtheris fervandis, fummond of befoir to compeir in the laid

Parliament, to vnderly the jugement of the lamyne for the kingis

nocht : And thairefter thaj wer forfaltit of ilauchter ; qnha comperit thair lyff, landis and guidis, and thair armes reiffin, and decernit be the

laidis lordis articles to haue bein co-criminal of the kingis Ilauchter ; and fua returnit hame agane to the faid regentis lugeing.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth of December 1567, the laid regent paft to the laid tolbuyth, and thair ratifijt certane actis maid be the laidis lordis in Parliament. Vpoun the third day of Januar 1567, Johne Hay gounger of Tallo, £j^ Johne Hepburne of Boltoun, Dalgleis, and

Powry, fervandis to James erle Bothwill, being tane in getland, and

Edinburgh, and Orknay, lang imprefonit within the caftell of Edin-

burgh, efter lang inquilitioun, thaj wer put to the knowlege of ane affyifs,

quhairby thaj wer all fylit and condempnit to be hangit, quarterit and

drawin. And at the tyme of thair accufatioun, thaj grantit and confeft

that thaj, with James erle Bothwill, James Ormeftoun of that ilk, Hob

Ormeftoun his fader broder, Pareis Frencheman, Patrik Wilfone,

quhilk mountis to nyne perfonis, wer the principall llayeris of him, be

blawing of the lugeing quhairin he wes in the air be great vehemencie

of powlder, quhilk they haid layid thair, lie not knowing thairof. And

alfe the faid Johne Hay confeflit, in prefens of the haill peopill, that

the faid erle Bothwill, George erle Huntlie, Archibald erle of Ergyle,

Williame Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun, fecretar, Mr James Bal-

four, than dark of regifter, with diuerfe vtheris nobillis of this realme,

maid ane band and fubfcryuit the deid of the faid king, quhairto the 128 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1567—1568.

quenis grace confentit. And efter this the faidis perfonis wes quarterit

and drawin, and thair bodies caltin into ane greit fyre to be brunt in

powder. Ane marvellous thing, that the faid Mr James Balfour and

Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun, being as is notourlie kend the princi-

pall devyferis and counfallouris, and alfe fublcryvaris in this a6l vnle-

fum and abhominable, that thaj wer the firft that euer left and betrayit

fo. 4G. the faidis quenis grace and the lordis abonewrittin, quhom of befoir thaj

counfalit, and come to the faid regent and his partakeris, the ane be

delyuerance of the faid caftell to him, the vther be paffing in proper

perfoun to fecht aganis thame quhairwith of befoir he haid fubl'cryvit.

Bot the eternall God of his greit mercie inftrudtit the faid regent to

puneis thame, and all theife quha wes any airt or pairt thairof. As twitching the erle of Mortounis pairt thairin, the laid Johne Hay of £(J&}~ Tal lp oppinlie confeflit, that he faw not the fubfcriptioun of the faid erle in the faid band, but that he laid my lord Bothwill fayd to him that he

haid fubl'cryvit the fame ; and thairfoir, becaus he faw nocht his fub-

fcriptioune as he faw of the reft, he wald nowther clenge nor fyle him.

All thir lordis befoir reherlit, [bot] James erle of Bothwill, wes at this

Parliament, and remaynit ftill in this toun, quhill the voyce was that the

faidis perfonis fould thole and fuflfer for thair demeretis ; than inconti-

nent thaj depairtit thairfra, quhilk makis the matter befoir reherfit fub-

fcryvit be the faidis perfonis handis the moir probable.

Vpoun the xj day of March 1567, James erle of Murray, accumpa-

nyit with certane of the nobilitie, come to the citie of Glalgow, and

thair held ane juftice air court of the fcherefdomes of Dunbartane and

Renfrew, and puneift certane greit thevis and malefa6louris, oppref-

fouris and thevis, to the nomber of xxij perfonis. Vpoun the tuantie audit day of Apryle 1568, thair come an ambaffa-

dour fra the king of France, callit Monlieur de Bewmont, with fyve

horfis in tryne, to my lord regent in Glafgow, and gat prefens of him 1568. IN SCOTLAND. 129 vpoun the penult day thairof, quhais petitioun wes to requyre the laid

regent to put the quenis majeftie to libertie; quha wald not grant the lame. Vpoun the fecund day of Maij 1568, quhilk wes funday, betuix levin

and aucht houris at evin, our fouerane ladie being, in captivitie within the caftell of Lochlevin, wes delyuerit thairfra throw the helpe and

convoy of George Dowglas broder to the laird of Lochlevin ; and thair-

efter come to the Quenis ferry, and pall thairfra to ane place callit

Nidrie, perteyning to George lord Seytoun, and remanit thair be the

fpace of twa houris; quhairfra lho, accumpanyit with certane perfonis, pall

to Hammiltoun, quhair iho tuke reft. The convoyaris of the quenis grace

furth of captivitie, was George Dowglas foirlaid, ane boye callit

Crawfurde. The names of thame that was awautand on hir to convoy

hir away wer George lord Seytoun, Alexander Hepburne of Quhit-

lbune, James Hamiltoun of Rochbank, lir Johne Beytoun broder to

James Archbilhope of Glafgow, with thair pairtakaris to the number of


Wpoun the third day of Maij 1568, thair come witneffing to fo. 4C. b.

my lord regent that hir majeftie wes delyuerit, quhairat the faid

regent and lordis wer lair amazed. Thairefter thair wes nathing bot

ewerie perfoun that lowit the quenis grace aflerublit to hir, and thaj

quha affiftit to my lord regent aflemblit to him, quhairvpone followit appeirance of great cummaris.

Vpoun the famyn day, the quenis grace fend ane gentilman to my

lord regent, defyring him to lat hir have hir awne place and crowne agane, quha anfuerit thai wald nocht.

Vpoun the ferd day of Maij 1568, the faid ambaflatour of France pall

to Hamiltoun fra Glalgow to fpeak with the quenis majeftie.

Vpoun the xiiij day of Maij 1568, the quenis grace, accumpanyit

with lord Claud Hamiltoun, ferd fone to James duk of Chattellarault,

Archibald erle of Ergyle, lieutennent, Hew erle of Eglingtoun, 130 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1568. erle of Caffilis, Androw erle of Rothes, George lord Seytoun, Johne lord Herreis, lord Somerveill, Johne lord Flemyng, Williame lord Levinftoun, Thomas lord Boyd, lord Rots, Matho Camp- bell of Loudoune knycht, fchereff of Air, fir James Hamiltoun of Craw- furd Jon Knycht, togidder with thair freindis to the nomber of vfn perfonis or thairby, all bodin in feir of weir, paft furth of the toun of

Hamiltoun, to haue paft to the caftell of Dunbartane, for to haue put our iouerane ladie for prefervatioun of hir bodie.

James erle of Murray, lord Abirneathie, regent [to] James king of

Scottis being adverteifed thairof, come furth of the cittie of Glalgow to ane village callit Langfyid, accumpanyit with James erle of Mortoun,

Johne erle of Mar, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Alexander lord

Home, Patrik lord Lindfay, Williame lord Ruthvene, maifter f0 of Grahame, and vtheris barronis, to the nomber of iij perfonis. And at thair cuming thairto, thaj ftellit thair artailjerie and fchot everie ane

at vther ; and fua the Hamiltounis and thair affiftaris beand on the wan- gaird on the quenis fyid, all being on fute except Johne lord Herreis and his men, horffmen being on thair wing, let vpoun James erle of

Mortoun and Alexander lord Home, being of my lord regentis wan- gaird, quhome betuix it wes cruellie fochtin be the fpace of ane hour,

quhill at the laft the Hamiltounis being inclufit with ane narrow paffage

in fauld dykkis, and my lord Herreis, being ane pairt of thair wing,

maid thame na fupport, all overfett with thair adverlaries, gaif bakis and

liaill ftaill fled. The feing the l'amyn fled in lykwyifs ; quhair thair-

efter wes nathing hard bot crying of deid pepill ; and fua the chaife laft-

ed be the fpace of tua houris or thairby. Our Iouerane ladie being

neirby, fled with ane chofin cumpanie to Drumfreis.

In this battell wes flane of Hamiltounis and vtheris to the nomber c xx of ij perfonis being of the quenis fyd, and tane to the number of viij

perfonis or thairby. Off the quhilkis the principallis ar thir ; George 1568. IN SCOTLAND. 131 lord Seytoun, Matho Campbell of Loudoune knycht, fchereff of Air, fir James Hamiltoun of Crawfurd Joline Knycht, Mr Williame Scott of Balwerie knycht, Alexander Hamiltoun of Inerwik, James Heriot of Trabrowne, John and James Hamiltons of Graing, James Hamilton of

Kincavill, Danid Hamiltoun ane of the brether of Bothuilhauch, Alex- ander Bailgie of Littilgill, Murheid of Lauchope, with diuerie

principallis abonewrittin brocht certane vthei-is gentilmen ; quhilkis wes with my lord regent to the burgh of Edinburgh, and thair put in the captivitie in the caftell thairof, upoun the xviij day of Maij. Vpoun the nyntene day of Maij 156S, my lord regent caufit ane pro- clamatioun to be maid at the burgh of Edinburgh, chargeing all and iindrie earles, lordis, barronis and fubftantious gentilmen, alfweill to

burgh as to land, to addres thame to be in feir of weir, with fyftene

dayes victual], to meit the laid regent at the toun of Biggar, vpoun the

tent day of Junij nixtocum, to pas forward quhair thaj l'albe commandit,

vnder the pane of deith and tinl'ell of landis and guidis.

Vpoun the nyntene day of the laid moneth, our fouerane ladie, ac-

cumpanyit with certane of hir nobilitie, paft fra Drumfreis to the toun

honourablie reflauit thairintill be the of Carlile in lngland ; quha was lord Scrope capitane thairof.

Vpoun the xxj day of the find moneth of Maij, my lord regent foir-

iaid, caufit Hamiltoun of Innerwik, Sir James Hamiltoun of

Crawfurd Johne knycht, James Hamiltoun gounger of Kincavill, James Hamiltoun and Johne Hamiltouns of Grange, Mureheid of

Lauchope, Alexander Bailgie of Littilgill, Arthour Hamiltoun of Mir-

ritoun, Johne Hamiltoun fone to Johne Bifchope of Sandtandrois, and

Dauid Hamiltoun broder to the guidman of Bothuilehauch, to be put

to the knowlege of ane aflyils, and all thair handis bundin ; bot my lord

regent of his mercie caufit loufe thair handis, and bring thame to the

caftell of Edinburgh, thairin to remayne at his will. 132 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1568.

Vpoun the xxij day of the laid moneth of Maij, James erle of Mur- ray, regent foirfaid, departit of Edinburgh to Striueling to vihe his wyff, quha wes deliuerit of ane woman cheild, and cauiit baptife the fame. Vpoun the xxvj day of the fame moneth, thair come certane of men

of weir, quhilk wes liand in Glafgow and Hamiltoun, to Edinburgh ; and brocht with thaine xiij cartis, chargeit with coffaris perteyning to James duk of Chattellarault, lord Hamiltoun, quhilk wer in his places of Hamiltoun, Draffen and Kynneill, and put in the i'aidis coffaris in the caftell of Edinburgh.

In all this tyme, my lord regent cauiit chairge all and findrie bar- ronis and gentiltnen quha affiftit to the quenis majeftie in the battell

foirfaid, to delyuer thair places and houffis to him, wnder the pane of

to deliuerit the famyn, and ipeciallie all the houffis treffoun ; quhom wes compeir of Louthiane ; and alfe fummond the haill gentilmen thairof to

befoir him and the lordis of fecreit counfall, vnder the faid pane ; and

alfe difponit the efcheittis of the i'aidis perfonis being in the faid battell,

the quhairthrow the haill pure to the perfonis being with him for tyme ; commounis being with the quenis grace wer aluterlie hereit.

Vpoun the fyft day of Junij 1568, Johne archbifchope of Sanctan-

drois, Williame bifchope of Abirdene, Johne bifchope of Rofs, Malcolme commendatare of Quhithorne, Mr Dauid Chalmer proveft of Creich-

toun, with diuerfe vtheris kirkmen, for non compeirance befoir the lord

regent, wer denuncit rebellis, and put to the home at the mercat croce

of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the viij day of the faid moneth, the laidis perlbnis wer relaxit

fra the faid proces of home.

Vpoun the xj day of the faid moneth, James erle of Murray, lord

Abirnethie, regent of this realme, accumpanyit with the erle of Mortoun and my lord Home, depairtit af Edinburgh to Biggar, and tuik the men of weir with thame, with thrie peices of fmall artailgerie. ;

1568. IN SCOTLAND- 133

Vpoun the xij day of the faid moneth, the laid regent put ane certane

powder in the place of Striueling, [Scraling] and demolifhed the liimin ;

and thairefter pait to the place of Kenmure, perteining to Johne Gordoun

of Lochinvar, and thair keift doun the famin to the ground ; and thairfra

paft to the toun of Drumfreis, and tuik the caftellis of Lochmabane,

Annand, Hoddoune, and placeit certane men in thame ; and alfe Ipak

with my lord Scrope, and depairtit thairfra towards Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xxij day of Junij 15G8, certane prefonaris tane be my

lord regent at Langfjid, and conviclit at Edinburgh and put in the

caftell thairof, were tane furth of the famyn and convoyit to Newhavin,

to be traniportit be fey and put in captivitie in Blaknes. All this tyme

my lord regent caufit fumond diuerie perfonis to compeir in ane Parlia-

ment the xviij day of Augull, quhilk fall begin the xj day of Julij nixto-

cum, to heir thame foirfaltit for the aflifting with the quenis majeltie.

Vpone the xxv day of the laid moneth of Junij, James erle of Mur- fo.

ray regent come to Edinburgh with his army and men of weir fra the

laid raid ; in the quhilk thair wes litle or nathing done bot the deftruc- tioun of the i'aidis places, and als of verry mony cornis. And als thair wes mony pure folk herijt be the way ; bot neuer ane greit man wald come in or affift to thame.

Memorandum, that Johne lord Herreis and Johne lord Eleyming, at the tyme of our louerane ladies palling in Carlile, paft to Londoune to

the quenis grace of Ingland and counfale, to treit for the quenis ma- jeltie concernyng hir releif.

Vpoun the lait day of Junij foirfaid, James erle of Murray regent lent to the quenis majeftie foure coffaris with abulgementis to Carleil and becaus Williame Douglas gounger of Drumlanrig knycht, being maid wardane vpoun the well merchis of Scotland, had aduerteift my lord regent that he feirit greit troublis in thaj partis to be maid be his aduerfaris, and culd not hald that cuntrie wnder his dominioun, with- 134 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1568.

out he haid certane men of weir to defend him ; quhom to he lend ane band of men of weir, quha convoyit the faidis coffaris.

Vpoun the famyne laft day of Junij, my lord regent being aduerteift be my lord Sympill, lieutennent in the weft cuntrie, that Archibald erle of Ergyle and his affiftaris, fauouraris of the quenis grace, wes gad-

derand ane affemble and conveinand in weirlie maner, to pas to Glal-

gow to burne and diftroy all thame that affiftit with my lord regent in

tymes bypaft, fend ane vther band of men of weir with ane peice of

lmall artailgerie to Glafgow.

In this tyme the maift pairt of the greit men of the north convenit

thamefelffis, and band thame to alhft altogidder for releiving of our

lbuerane ladie ; and als the nobilitie of the weft pairtis for the fame

effect. And the quenis grace wes tranfportit fra Cairleil to Boltoun in

Ingland ; and my lord Harreis paft in England to the court, to treat

vpoun all thingis concernyng the quenis grace for hir weill, and returnit agane. Vpoun the fourtene of Auguft, the geir of God abonewrittin, Patrik

Hepburne perl'one of Kynmoir, and lone naturall to Patrik bilchope of Murray, being takin be the lordis of Ruthvene and Lindfay in Scone,

and brocht to Striueling to the regent, and thair examinat vpoun the

conlpiratioun of the faid regentis flauchter ; and thairefter brocht to

Edinburgh, and thairvpone examinat diuerfe tymes ; quha confeffit and

reveillit the haill maner of the faid conlpiratioun, and quha wes his

complices in the fame.

In this mene tyme, George erle of Huntlie, Dauid erle of Crawfurd,

and all the maift pairt of the nobilitie of the north, affemblit thamefelfis

togidder and come fordwart to meit Archibald erle of Ergyle, the erlis

of Caffillis, Eglintoun, my lordis of Herreis and vtheris in the weft

pairtis, quha in lykwyifs affemblit thamefelffis togidder all in feir of

weir, and purpolit to meit at Drumchoirling mure, and thair to come 1568. IN SCOTLAND. 135

fordwart to Edinburgh aganis the faid regent ; and that becaus thaj wer for the maiit pairt fummond to the Parliament following, to be foirfaltit thairin.

Wpone the xvj day of Auguft, the geir of God abonewrittin, ray lord regent, accumpanyit with the erlis of Mortoun, Glencarne and

Mar, lordis of Lindfay, Sympill, Cathcart, and diuerfe vtheris gentilmen and barronis, paft to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh to hald the Parliament foirfaid, and thair eleclit certane lordis of the articles, of the quhilkis thir are the names :

In the palling to the laid tolbuyth, James erle of Mortoun bure the croun, Alexander erle of Glencarne the fceptour, and Johne erle of

Mar the l'word of honour ; as for the bifchopes, thair wes nane thair but bifchope of Orknay, Patrik bifchope Adame and of Murray ; quhilk

bifchope of Murray wes wardit in Edinburgh of befoir, and thairfoir durft not difobey.

Vpoun the xviij day of Auguft, my lord regent, accumpanyit with

James erle of Mortoun quha bure the croun, Alexander erle of Glen- carne quha bure the fceptour, Johne erle of Mar quha bure the fword

of honour, the lordis Home, Lindfay, Sympill, Borthuik, maifter of Montroifs, Buquhane, the fecretare, the bifchope of Murray and Ork- nay, the commendataris of Dryburgh, Cambulkyneth, Balmerinoch, Dunfermling, Coldinghame, Halyrudhous, Pettinweme, and priour of Portmook, the lord of SancT; Johne, with vther barronis, paft to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and thair caulit call all and fyndrie the perfonis quha wes fummond of befoir to compeir in the faid Parliament, to heir and fie thamefelfBs foirfaltit for the crymes contenit in the faid ium-

mondis, and caufit reid the famyn ; and thairefter the lordis of articles paft to the counlale. 136 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1568.

Vpoun the famyne day, Archibald erle of Ergyle come to Glafgow

with ane greit cumpany of men, and affaigit the caftell thairof, and the

laird of Mynto being thairin. Vpoun the nyntene day of the faid moneth of Anguft, James erle of Murray regent paft to the faid tolbuyth of Edinburgh, accumpanyit

with the erlis, lordis, barronis and prelatis foirfaidis, and thair forfaltit

the perlonis following : viz. Johne archbifchope of San6landrois, Claud Hamiltoun, third fone to James duke of Chattellarault, Patrik Quhitlaw fo. 49. of that ilk, Harie Hepburne of Wefterfortoun, Patrik Hepburne of Kirkland, Patrik Hepburne of Quhytcaftell, Alexander Hepburne of Quhitloun, Mr Thomas Hepburne perfone of Auld Hampftokis, James Hamiltoun of Sprouftoun, Johne bifchope of Rofs, capitane Robert Lawder, James Hamiltoun of Rouchbank, Ferdinond Home of Brome-

hous, Mr Dauid Chalmer proveft of Crychtoun, Mr Johne Hamiltoun perfone of Dunbar, Francis Tennent burges of Edinburgh, Andro Hamiltoun of Goflingtoun, Andro Hamiltoun of Cochnocht, Johne

Hamiltoun his fone and air, Johne Hamiltoun of Stanehous, Andro Hamiltoun of Leckprewik, Mr James Hamiltoun of Nelifland, Alex- ander Hamiltoun of Netherfeild, Robert Hamiltoun chamberlane of Kilwynning, Robert Hamiltoun of Game, James Hamiltoun of Wod-

hall, Johne Hamiltoun maffer, Dauid Hamiltoun fone to the guidman

of Bothuilhauche, Alexander Hamiltoun of Torbray, [Someruell of Tor-

brax,] Gilbert abbot of Newabbay, and Thomas abbot of Halywod.

All the remanent perfonis wes continewit vnto the xxiiij day of this moneth, vnder conditioun that thaj betuix and the faid day fuld come

in, and be wnder the obedience of the kingis majeftie, vtherwayis thaj

wald be all forfaltit. All the lairdis of Lowthian fand cautioun, and

come in, as faid is.

In this mene tyme, the erles of Ergyle, Huntlie, Caffillis, Eglintoun, Crawfurd, and vtheris lordis that fauorit the quenis grace aclioun, con- 15G8. IN SCOTLAND. 137 venit thamefelfis in Glafgow in feir of weir, to haue come aganis my hot the quenis lord regent to haue ftayit the Parliament abonewrittin ; o-race wreitt out of Ingland to the faidis lordis, that thaj ihould not

thair wryting, ikaillit proceid nor gang fordwart ; and thaj obeying to thair folkis, and depairtit to thair awne boundis.

Vpoun the xxij day of the faid moneth of Auguft, thair wes ane commiffioun fend be my lord regent, with ane gentilman callit Gawin

Elphingftoun, to the king of Denmark, to defyre him to fend to the laid regent, James fumtyme erle of Bothwill, principall flayer of vmquhile

Henrie king of Scottis, that he mycht be punilt conforme to his deme- ritis, according to the promeis maid to him be the faid kingis ambaffa-

thairfoir haid obtenit tour now being in Scotland thairvpone ; quha licience fra the laid regent to raife ij"7 men of weir, and tranfport thame to Denmark, for outfetting of the king of Denmark his weir aganis the king- of Swadin.

Vpoun the famin day, Dauid Lindfay of wes maid lyoun herauld king of armes, in place of Williame Stewart, quho wes de- pryvit of the faid office, as fugitive for the confpyring of the regentis flauchter.

Vpoun the xxiij day of Auguft, thair wes ane proclamatioun mad at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all and findrie our foueranis liegis betuix fextie and fextene, alfweill regalitie as royal tie, to burgh as to land, to be in reddines vpoun fex dayes warnyng, with ane monethis fo. 49. b. viclnall, to pas quhair thaj falbe commandit, wnder the pane of tinfell of lyff, landis and guidis.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth, the faid James erle of Mur- ray regent, accumpanyit with the perfonis of the nobilitie befoir reherfit, and in the fame maner as is befoir mentionat, paft to the tolbuyth of

Edinburgh, and thair caulit call Hew erle of Eglintoun, Gilbert erle of

Caflillis, Johne lord Flemyng, Johne lord Herries, Williame Maxwell


his fone and appeirand air, Johne Fleyrning of Boighall, Williame lord

geiiter, Williame Sinclare of Rolling, James Cokburne of Scarling, Johne Gordoun of Lochinvar, Patrik Hepburne gounger of Wauch-

toune, Adame Hepburne of Smetoun, Williame Hepburne of Gilmor-

toun, Newtoun of that ilk, Congiltoun of that

ilk, the twa Hamiltouns of Torreus, Dauid Hamiltoun of Fingaltoun, Hamiltoun of Caudell and Wardlaw of Torry,

to compeir in the faid Parliament, to anfuer to the pointis of the faid

lummondis ; and becaus thaj compeirit not, nor maid no diligence at

my lord regentis hand to obtene fauour, it was woted in Parliament, and

thaj fundin gyltie of the poyntis contenit in the faid fummondis ; it was

decernit that thaj haid incur rit tbe panes of forfaltouris, bot becaus my

lord regent, thinkand that he wold nocht fchaw himfelff to be fa vnmer-

cifull as to pronunce the faid dome vpoun thame, he of his mercie fu-

perceidit the pronunciatioun of the faid dome vnto fik ane day as he

thocht refonabill, to the effect that the faidis perfonis in the mene tyme

mycht acknowlege thair fault committit firil towartis God, and lyne be

reconceillit to thair king thair native prince ; and fiia if thaj did not at

the day that he pleifit, the faid dome wald be pronuncit. It is faid that

this continowatioun wes done at the requeft of the quenis grace of Ing-

land, as the proceidingis heirefter will teftifie. Vpoun the audit day of September, ane callit James Dalgleifche mer-

chand, brocht in the peft in Edinburgh. Vpoun the xxvij day of September 1568, James erle of Murray regent

of this realme, accumpanyit with James erle of Mortoune, Patrik lord

Lindlay, Williame Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun lecreter, Robert

bil'chope of Orknay, Robert commendatour of Dunfermling, Mr James Balnavis of Halhill, i. M'Gill of Rankeillour nether, and Mr Henrie as

chofin for the pairt of the faid regent, to reffoun vpoun certane debaittis and complaintis to be givin be Marie quene of Scottis, now being fled 156S. IN SCOTLAND. 189

in Ingland for refuge, befoir the quene and counfale of Ingland, de- pairtit from Scotland in Ingland, ane hundretli horlis in tryne, towart

York, as place appoyntit for the fame. Vpoun the fecund day of October, Johne bifchope of Rofs, Gawin conuuendatour of Kilwynnyng, Johne lord Herreis, Williame lord

Levingftoun, Thomas lord Boyd, the lairdis of Lochinvar, Scirling, llofling and Gartulie Barclay, accumpanyit with xxiij horflmen in tryne, as commiffionaris cholin be the faid quene of Scotland, come to the toun of York.

Vpoun the ferd day of the laid moneth, my lord regent and his cum- pany come to the faid toun of York ; vpoun the quhilk day the com- mifiaris forfaidis for the quenis pairt raid furth of the faid toun, and met the duk of Norfolk and the erle of Suffex, with fir Rauf Saidler with thame, accumpanyit with ane thowfand horffmen, quha come to

York as ambaffatouris to the quene of Ingland ; and fua the faid regent wes gentillie reffavit be the faid duik, bot thair wes nawther ane word betuix the Scottis ambaffatouris, lameikill as ane degaird.

Vpoun the fecund day of Nouember, George lord Seytoun wes fred furth of the caftell of Edinburgh, vpoun conditioun to entir thairin agane quhen he falbe requyrit be the capitane thairof.

All the tyme fen the depairting of my lord regent to Ingland, the lordis his adverfareis wes makand conventiouns and convocatiouns, in fik maner that or his returnyng agane, quhilk wes vpoun the fecund day of Februar to Edinburgh, thay haid gottin the caftell is of DrafFane, ltoilin, and vtheris places had in keiping be my lord regent of befoir. Vpoun the fourt day of Februar 1568, my lord regent, accumpanyit with ane greit pairt of his nobilitie, raid to Striueling to vifie the king.

Vpoun the xxv day of Februar 1568, James duk of Chattellarault,

erle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, my lord Harreis, and my lord Boyd,

accumpanyit with vtheris gentilmen, come furth of Ingland to Drumfreis. 140 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1568.

In this mene tyme, my lord regent caufit mak ane proclamatioun

throwout all the boundis of Louthian, Fyiff, Striueling, Perth and

Stratharne, chargeing all and fyndrie our fouerane lordis liegis, to ad- fo. 50. b. dres thamefelffis in feir of weir, to meit his grace in Glafgow vpoun the

tent day of the moneth of March, with xx dayis vi&uall.

Vpoun the faid tent day of March, my lord regent, accumpanyit

with his nobilitie and army foirfaidis, to cum to Glafgow, mynding to

haue paft to Hamiltoun to haue fubdewit the to

the obedience of the king, quhar as thaj wald nocht acknowlege the

fame ; bot the matter wes committit betuix my lord regent and duke

foirfaid, that vpoun the xiij day of the faid moneth of March, it was ap-

poyntit in maner following ; that is to fay, it is defirit vpoun the pairt

of my lord regent, that the duke and his adherentis fall recognofce the

king and his audloritie, and acknowlege thamefelfis to be his fubjectis,

and confequentlie promeis vnto him fervice, obedience and fidelitie in

all tymes cuniing, as vnto thair fouerane lord.

It is defyrit vpoun the pairt of the duke, that thaj acknowlegeing the

king, &c. as is afoirfaid, falbe admittit euerie nobillman to haue his owne

place in counlale and vtherwayes, as the borne counfallouris of the

realme, and as thair prediceffouris lies bene in all tymes of vtheris

princes of this realme ; and that my lord regent, beirand the kingis

auctoritie, falbe fworne folempnitlie fra that fordward to behave himfelf

vprightlie and indifferentlie to thame as to the remanent nobilmen of

the realme, in all thair honelt and juft cauffis, without particularitie or remembrance of ony offence conceavit amongis thame during the tyme

of thair contraverfies.

Item, that fik perfonis as hes bein foirfaltit of law for ferving of the

quene, for refuiffing of thair obedience to the king, &c. being content in

tymes cuming to behave thamefelfis as faithfull fubje6lis to the king,

and acknowlege thair obedience to him, falbe reftorit to thair landis, 1568. IN SCOTLAND. 141

boundis and pofTelnouns, notvvithilanding- the dome of forfaltour aganis

thame, provyding alwayes that this benefeit fall nocht be extendit to

thame that lies bene forfaltit for airt and pairt of our fouerane lordis

faderis flauchter.

Item, that my lord regent and remanent nobilmen joynit with him-

l'elf, condifcend to fik heidis [and] articles as may redound to our foue-

rane lordis moderis honour adwancement and commoditie, and may fo. 51.

bell ferue hir turne ; provyding that the lame be nocht prejudiciall to

the king and his foueranitie, quhairvpone dependis the fecuritie of all the nobillmen and vtheris profelnng thamefelfis to be fubjedlis, nor git prejudiciall in ony poynt of thair fuirtie. [And] becaus my lord regent and vtheris on his pairt ar alfe weill content to yield to the refibnable defyris foirfaidis, as to crave thair performance of his defyre towartis the kingis obedience at thair handis, and will weill that all come in togidder and at a tyme, and that public lafer can nocht ferue to devyife the thingis that ar neceffer to be done to the quene, it is thocht con- venient, that vpoun the tent day of Apryle nixtocum, ialbe affemblit and convenit togidder in Edinburgh in quiet and peceable maner, thir per- fonis following, viz. my lord regent, the duk of Chattellaralt, the erliis of Huntlie, Argyle, Athole, Mortoun, Mar, Glencarne, and lord Har- reis ; and incails ony of thir nyne be abfent throw feiknes or vther laufull impediment, ane vther nobillman of that pairtie falbe cholin to lupplie his rowme, and thair, in freindlie maner, treat, conclude and aggrie vpoun lik heidis as lalbe performit to the quene. And quhat the laidis perfonis, or maift pairt of thame findis may redound to hir honour, without prejudice to the king and fecuritie foirfaid, the haill nobilmene on baith the fydis fall condifcend thairto. And for fuir cuming of the nobilnien foirfaid, my lord lies vpoun his honour promeift that thaj may come faiflie, without any danger to thame in thair cuming, remayn- ing and returnyng. 142 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1568.

In the inene tynie it is aggreit, that the duk of Chattellaralt and

vtheris his adherentis foirfaidis, fall nocht challenge, vfe nor execute

ony au6loritie of lieutenandrie or vtherwayes, grantit to thame be the pretendit commiffioun of the quene our fouerane lordis moder, nor

mak impediment to officiaris of armes to execute lettres in the kingis

name, and my lord regentis, throchout the haill realme, and euerie pairt

thairof as occalioun femes. Alwayes in the mene tyme, it is my lord

regentis mynd to execute na lettres and chargeis, quhairby the laid duke

and his adherentis may be prejugeit or tuichit in thair perlbnis, landis

or guidis, bot onlie be this article is menit, that na impediment falbe

maid to the aucloritie in the mene tyme.

Becaus the forcis man be prefentlie diffoluit, quhairby na iniurie be

done to any fubjeeT; of the realme be way of deid ; and reffounable it fo. 51. b. is, that fecuritie be maid to my lord regent for performeing of thair

pairt of the articles foirfaidis, he performeand to thame fa far thairof

as concernis thair pairt ; thairfoir the dukis grace, the erle of Caffillis,

the lord Herreis fall prefentlie enter fufficient plegeis, to remane with

my lord regent quhill thair pairt of the faidis articles be performed, that

is to fay, ane of the dukis fonnis, the erle of Caffillis, or his broder, and

the faid lord Herreis eldeft fone.

Vpoun the fourtene day of the faid moneth of March, my lord regent,

my lord duke, and the remanent lordis of the army foirfaid, with Johne

archbiihope of San6landrois, depairtit of Glafgow [and] paft to Striue-

ling, quhair my lord duke law the kingis grace, quhilk he haid nocht

fene of befoir ; and enterit the laid bifchope of Sanctandrois a plege for

him within the faid caftell of Striueling, becaus nane of his fonis wald

enter thairfoir ; the erle of Caffillis and the lord Herreis in lykwyife

enterit thamefelffis within the faid caftell, to remayne quhill thair fouer-

ties come to releif thame.

Vpoun the xxj day of March, my lord regent raid to the fouth bor- 156S—1569. IN SCOTLAND. 143 daris to meit with ane lord of Inglaiul, to mak f'um ordour to ltanche the crueltie of the thevis, quha had contiuwallie reft and ilane fen his depairting to Inglaud.

Vpoun the xxj, xxij and xxiij dayes of the faid moneth of March, George lord Seytoun, Matho fcherefe of Air, and Schir James

Hamiltoun, with certane vtheris being captiue within the caitell of Edinburgh fen the Maij laft, wes put to fredome and libertie,

vpoun cautiouns to enter how fone ' thaj be requyrit be my lord regent thairto.

All this tyine, my lord of Huntlie maid greit perfequutioun vpone thame that adherit to the kingis obedience, tuke diuerfe thair places, and fpoulgeit thair guidis, and wes cummand with ane army to Brechin to haue inwadit the men of Angus and Fyff, war nocht this appoint- ment itopit the lame.

In this mene tyine, thair wes greit hoftilitie and crueltie vfit in France betuix the king and the prince of Condy about religioun, and vtheris de- baittis amangis thame in the cuntrey of Schirrene, [Charente] quhair the laid prince wes flane, with certane of his men at Schirrene be the faid

kingis broder ; and alfe in Flanderis betuix duke de Alua, lieutennent to the king of Spane, and the prince of Orange, quha obtenit fupport of certane dukis of Almaney to obtene his landis agane in Flanderis,

quhairfra he wes banift for the religionis cans ; bot the faid duke re- fiftit him in fik maner, that he wes conftranit to leif Flanderis and pas vpoun the bordaris of quhair euill treatit France, he wes be the f . 52. king thairof.

Vpoun the nynt da)' of Aprile 1569, James erle of Murray regent, come to Edinburgh fra the raid abonewrittin vpoun the thevis, quham

with paft ane cumpany of Ingltimen to have apprehendit thame ; bot the laidis thevis keipit thamefelffis in fie maner that the faid regent gat nane thairof, nor did li till vther thing thair, except he brint and reft 144 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569. the places of Mangerftoun and Quliittak, with diuerfe vtheris houffis pertening to the faidis thevis.

Vpoun the famin day, the erle of Caflillis, ray lordis Maxwell and Herreis, come to Edinburgh to the conventioun. Vpoun the tent day of the famin moneth, James duke of Chattella- rault, erle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, accumpanyit with the abbot of

Kylwynning, come to Edinburgh to the faid conventioun. Vpoun the fextene day of Aprile 1569, Johne lord Herreis wes put in the caftell of Edinburgh in waird at audit houris at evin, becaus he wald nocht acknowlege the kingis audtoritie, nor my lord regent ; and my lord duke retenit and haldin in captivitie within my lord regentis chalmer all that nycht, and all the xvij day of Apryle, quhill the auchtene day of Aprile at nyne houris befoir none ; at the quhilk tyme he wes convoyit to the faid caftell of Edinburgh, and put in captivitie thairin for the caus foirfaidis.

Vpoun the xviij day of Maij, the geir of God abonewrittin, James erle of Murray regent paft of Edinburgh, to pas to the north pairtis of this realme, to dant the infolence of George erle Huntlie, quha with his complices dailie and hourlie waiftit and diftroyit the guidis and geir of all thaine that afliftit the kingis auftoritie, and tuke thair

houffis and places in the quenis name as hir lieutennent ; quha paft to

Sanclandrois in Fyff, quhair the faid erle of Huntlie come and convenit with my lord regent for hirafelf and his freindis ; and thairefter my lord regent paft to Abirdene, and thair fummond all theis perfonis quha tuke pairt with the faidis erle of Huntlie, to compeir befoir the faid re-

gent in the tolbuyth of Abirdene, to vnderly the law for fik crymes as wes be thame committit. And becaus ihaj durft not vnderly the law,

thaj componit with his grace for greit fowmes of money. And thair-

efter he paft to Elgin and Innernes, quhair in lyikwyfe the affiftaris of

the faid erle of Huntlie wer callit ; bot thaj componit for fik fowmes of 1569- IN SCOTLAND 145 money as thaj. wer not habill to pay, for thair wes neuer fene nor hard in this realme in tymes bygane that fie mene gentillmen as thir ar that payit fie greit fowmes of money as thaj did. In this mene tyme, thair wes nane within the boundis of the north hot thaj wer fubdewit to the fo. 52. t>. kingis aiuStoritie, and wer compellit to acknowledge the famin.

In this mene lealone, Thomas lord Boyd come fra the quene and counlale of Ingland with writtingis, and ane commiffioun to defyre my lord regent and his counlale that he mycht aclioun befoir the commif- faris of Edinburgh, twicheing devorce betuix James erle Bothuill and the quenis majeftie, and to haue thair confentis that the quenis grace mycht be marijt vpon the erle of Nortlifolk, and that hir majeftie micht be reftorit to hir croun and realme, quhairof fho wes laitlie difpofeft, ficlyk as fho wes befoir fho wes depofit of hir aucloritie royall. Off the quhilk demandis, the xxv day of Julij nixtocum wes affignit to the faid

lord Boyd to reffaue ane anliier in Perth ; to the whilk day the maift pairt of the nobilitie wes writtin for ; and at the quhilk day it is faid, that it wes decreitit [be the]counfale, that ane honourable man fliould pas to the quene and counfale of Ingland with ane wreitting, declaring that my lord regent nor his counlale wald nather confent that the quenis grace of Scotland fould be feparated fra the faid erle Bothwile, nor git that fho fould marie agane, nor wald reffaue hir to hir aucloritie, realme nor honour, bot wald mantene and defend the audloritie of the king hir lone prefentlie eftablifhed aganis quhatlumeuer perfonis per- fewaris thairfoir.

In my lord regentis paffing to the north, he caufit burne certane witches in Sanclandrois, and in his returning, he caufit burne ane vther cumpanie of witches in Dundie.

In this mene tyme, thair wes greit perfecutioun done in Flanderis be duke de Alua, lieutennent to the kinge of Spange, vpoun the profeffouris of Chriftis religioun, and be the king of France vpoun thame in the T 146 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569. cuntrey of France, fua that the profeflouris of Goddis word wer not onlie banifled out of thair cuntries, bot alfwa maiil crewallie put to the deith. For that caus, thair raife ane greit divilioun and dilcenlioun be- tuix the king of France, and ane pairt of his nobilitie, quhilkis wer the admirall, with prince of Condy, the diuerfe vtheris ; quha being perfewit extremelie be the king of France efter the ilauchter of the faid prince of Condie, wer conitranit to feik fupport at the dukis of Almaine, cpiha

fupportit thame with ane certane men of weir ; of the quhilkis, thair capitane wes the duke de Pontis, with quhome and his afliftaris on that ane pairt, and the king of France on the vther pairt, the inhabitantis of the faid realme ar rnaift grevouflie wexit prefentlie, and fua horrible flauchteris havand the dominioun abone the vther, that the lyk thairof wes neuer heirtofoir hard nor fene.

Vpoun the fyft day of Auguft 1569. Williame Stewart, fumtyme lyoun king of amies, being fufpeclit for airt and pairt of the confpirand of my lord regentis Ilauchter, and brocht to the caftell of Edinburgh out of Dunbartane, and als Pareis frencheman, being brocht out of

Denmark, and ane of the flayaris of our fouerane lordis fader, to the faid caftell of Edinburgh, wer baith tane owt of the faid caftell to

San6tandrois, thair to be puneift according to thair demerittis.

Vpoun the famyne day, Alexander Home of Reidbrayes wes diredlit be my lord regent to the quenis grace of Ingland, with ane anfuer of the writtingis brocht of befoir be Mr Johne Wod fra the faid quenis grace to my lord regent, and als be my lord Boyd, twitching the reftoring of our fouerane ladie to hir honour, croun and audloritie royall, and de- fyring of devorcement as is befoir reherfit.

Vpoun the xv day of the faid moneth, Williame Stewart being con-

vi6tit for witcherie, wes brunt, and the faid Pareis conviclit for ane of the flayaris of the king, wes hangit in Sandlandrois. Vpoun the xxj day of Auguft, the faid Alexander Home returnit 1569. IN SCOTLAND. 117 furth of Ingland to Edinburgh to my lord regent, with ane aniuer fru the quenis majeftie of Ingland, and paft to Striueling thairwith. Efter his cuming, my lord regent caufit wreit for all the nobilitie, to cum to

Striueling for adwyfing vpoun the laid aniuer.

In all this geir preceiding, the pell being in Edinburgh, Leith and

Cannongait, thair wes ane verrie greit darth in this realme, fua that the boll of eit meill wes fauld for iij pundis xij lhillingis, the boll of quheite for iiij pundis x lhillingis, and the boll of beir for iij pundis. Vpoun the xxix day of this laid moneth, in the mornyng befoir none, bot or twa efternone, vpoun the fame day, the boll of ait meill wes fauld for xl

lhillingis, xxxviij lhillingis, and xxxvj lhillingis ; the boll of quheit for

L lhillingis, and the beir for xxxiij lhillingis.

Vpoun the famin day, iuaifter Thomas Flemyng, broder to Johne

Flemyng of Boighall, come out of Ingland fra the quenis majeftie thair- of to Striueling to my lord regentis grace.

In this mene tyme, thair wes ane conventioun in Dunkeld of thir

lordis following, viz. the erlis of Athole, Crawfurd, the lordis of Ogil-

bie, Ruthvene, the fecretarie, my lord Seytoun, with diuerfe vtheris.

It is faid that thaj wer at the hunting thair, bot the famin wes heavilie

murmurit that thaj wer dewyling fum thingis twitching the quenis

cuming hame, and the wraiking of James erle of Mortoun and his


Vpoun the lecund day of September, Johne erle of Athole, Williame

Maitland jounger of Lethingtoun fecretare, come furth of Dunkeld to

Striueling to the conventioun abonewrittin ; and vpoun the third day

thairof, my lord regent, the erlis of Mar, Mortoun, Athole and Glen-

came, and my lord Sympill, with my lord fecretare, all being fitting in

counfale in the caftell of Striueling, thair come in the famin ane gentil-

man callit Thomas Crawfurd, quha fell doun vpoun his kneyis, and de-

iyrit jullice to be done vpoun tbe faid fecretare and Mr James Balfour 148 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569-

pryour of Pittenweme, and tuke in hand that he wald perfew thame for

airt and pairt of the flauchter of the kingis fader his maifter. The faid

fecretar being thair prefent, alledging him to be innocent of the cryme

foirl'aid, offerit to find cautioun vvnder quhat panes my lord regent

pleifit, that he fliould compeir quhat tyine he fould be laufullie chargit

thairto, and fuld vnderly the jugement of ane aifyifs thairfoir. The faid

Thomas alle°-it, that the cryme quhairof the faid fecretare wes to be

accufit of, wes treffoun, and thairfoir he audit nocht to be lattin furth vpoun cautioun, bot aucht and tfbuld remayne in waird quhill he wer

aither clengit or fylit thairof. Vpoun the quhilk, the faidis lordis ad-

wyfit and fand, that the faid fecretare aucht and fould remayne in waird

ay and quhill he wer maid clane or foule of the faid cryme, and fua he Striueling wes commandit to remayne in waird within the caftell of ; at

the quhilk commandement and chairge, Johne erle of Athole wes won- derous heavilie offendit and commovit, becaus the faid fecretare come with him to the faid counfell, &c.

tak and apprehend Mr James Balfour as fufpecl fo. 54. To pas quietlie, and to

of the faid flauchter, quha apprehendit the faid Mr James in his place

of Monymeill, and brocht him and George his brother to the faid caftell

of Striueling, quhair thaj ar detenit in captivitie and prefoune.

It was faid that this wes ane drawin and devifit purpois, lang of befoir

confaivit be my lord regent, the erlis of Mortoun and thair affiftaris,

becaus the faid erle of Mortoun, and the faid fecretarie, and Mr James thairfoir the faid erle Mortoun, Balfour haitit vtheris to the death ; and

fearing that the faidis fecretarie and Mr James Balfour, with the erle

of Athole, lordis Home and Seytoun and thair affiftaris, fould per- forme the thing that thaj haid, at the faid counfale be thame haldin at Dunkeld, devyfit of befoir, or at leaft fufpe&it be thame to have bene 1569- IN SCOTLAND. 149

devyfit ; to witt, to haue afliilit to the hamebringing of the quenis grace, and reftoiring of hir to the croun agane, quhilk wald haue bene thair

diftructioune in cace the fame wer performed ; and becaus thaj culd gett na vther cryme to lay to thair ehairge, quhairby thaj mycht haue maid thame odious to the people, and commandit thame in waird be the cryme of the kingis flauchter, thaj devyfit the faid Thomas Crawfurd to cum in in counfale and delait thame as faid is.

Vpoun the fyft day of the laid moneth of September 1569, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at Edinburgh, chargeing allperfonis to convene at Hawik vpoun the Text day of Oclober nixtocum, to pas vpoun the thevis for ftancheing of thame.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth of September, my lord regent come to Edinburgh, and brocht to the fame with him the faid Williame

Maitland younger of Lethingtoun fecretarie, and put him in Dauid

Forrefteris hous in Edinburgh in waird, thairin to haue remanit quhill fo. 54. t>. his grace haid provydit fum warding place for him ; bot the capitane of

Edinburgh tuik him thairfra, and put him within the caftell of Edin- burgh in the nycht ; howbeit the lame wes in ane pairt vnknowin to my lord regent, for it wes not his mynd that he fliould haue bene put in the faid caftell ; for he fuipedtit the faid capitane that he lufit the faid fecretare la wele, that he wald not delyuer him agane quhen he wes requyrit to vnderly the law, knawing alfua the malice that the faid regent bure to the laid fecretare.

As for Mr James Balfour, he wes permittit and tholit to pas to Sanct- androis, thair to remayne [in] frie waird, vnder cautioun and fouertie for the fowme of xf0 pund, for the quhilk certane barronis in Fyf wes fouertie.

Vpoun the xiij day of the faid moneth of September, my lord regent depairtit afF Edinburgh to Kelfo, accumpanyit onlie with ane hundreth men of weir ; for it wes well judgit that all the maift pairt of the nobili- 150 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569- tie haid left him, and that thaj wer delyrous to bring hame the quenis grace agane out of Iagland.

Vpoun the firft day of October 1569, Mr Robert Pitcarne goung abbot of Dunfermling, paft as ambaffadour directit fra my lord regent to the quenis majeftie of Ingland, with ane certane anfuer of wreittingis brocht to the faid regent fra the quenis grace be Alexander Home of Northberwik.

In this mene tyme, James erle of Murray lord regent continwallie abaid in Kelfo, fra the xiij day of September vnto the xvj day of Octo- ber, quhairvpoun he depairtit with his army, according to the proclama- tioun, vpoun the thevis.

In the fame feafoun, Marie quene of Scottis, moder to James now

king of Scottis, being fled in Ingland as is abonereherfit, wes (be the

moyance and addres of the duk of Northfolk in Ingland, in reddines to

haue cuming in Scotland, to have obtenit agane hir croun and auctori-

tie,) floppit of the quenis majeftie of Ingland, and that pairt of the

counfale thairof that favourit our laid king and his regent foirfaid, vnto

the tyme the faid quenis grace of Ingland and hir counfale wer forther

advyfit thairof; and becaus the faid duk of Northfolk tuke pairt

with our faid quenis grace, he wes put in waird within the tour of Londoun.

Vpoun the third day of October foirfaid, thair wes ane battell ftrikin

in France betuix the king thairof and the admirall, quha wes principall

of the proteftanis, at Loudoun befyd Poteris, quhair it wes cruellie

fochin betuix thame, bot the king wes victorious. In this conflict wer f0 ilane of the admirallis cumpany extending to xiiij men, and the admi-

rall fled to ane toun neirby with his horfmene ; and the king haid flane c in his army certane Frenchmen to the nomber of iij or thairby.

Vpoun the fecund day of Nouember 1569> the commendatare of

Dunfermling, quha depairtit laitlie of befoir fra Edinburgh towartis the 1569- IN SCOTLAND. 151 quene of Ingland, come to the burgh of Edinburgh, and obtenit all his deiyris at the quene of Ingland. Vpoun the third day of the lamyne moneth of Nouember, my lord regent returnit fra the raid to Edinburgh, and brocht with him ceutane plegis for the thevis, extending to the nomber of lx. It is faid that

thair wes lik obedience maid be the faid thevis to the faid regent, as the

Jvk wes neuer done to na king in na mans dayes of befoir. And at

his cuniing to Edinburgh, he diftributit the iaidis plegis amongis certane

barronis of this realme, to be keipit be thame induring my lord regentis

will and mynd, for keiping of guid reule in the cuntrie in tymes cuming.

Vpoun the xvij day of Nouember foirfaid, George lord Seatoun, fuf-

peclit as fauourar of the quene, wes commandit in waird within the

caftell of Blaknes, thairin to remayne vpoun his awne expenlhs induring

my lord regentis will.

In this mene tyme, Williame Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun wes

to vnderly the law vpoun the xxj day of this inftant ; and becaus ray

lord regent fearing that the faid fecretaris freindis wes to come the famin

day to him for his defence in greit nwmer, thairfoir he dilchargit thame

to cum bot with thair freindis houfhald men.

Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth of Nouember, the fentence of foirfaltour wes pronuncit aganis Johne lord Flemyng, and Johne

Fleyming of Boighall, for the keiping and balding of the caftell of Dun-

bartane aganis the kingis majeftie.

Vpoun the xxj daye of the faid moneth of Nouember, becaus my lord

fecretare wes to thole the law the lamin day, thair wes fik ane great

conventioun of the people in the toun of Edinburgh, that it wes fpoken

that my lord regent wes almaift aftonift to hald the laid day of law, be-

caus of thame that affiitit with the laid fecretarie, and fiia dryvand owir

faid the day quhill it wes almaift xij houris ; at the quhilk tyme, Johne

commendatare of Coldinghame, Mr Robert Maitland dene of Abirdene, 152 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569-

and Mr Clement Litill aduocat,paft to thetolbuith of Edinburgh, and thair fo. 55. b. proteftit in the name of the faid fecretare that he wes reddie to cum to

vnderly the law for the cryme laid to his chairge, and that thair wes na

perfoune reddie thair to perfew him, and thairfoir that the faidis lettres

fould defert in thamefelff, and relivit fra the pane thairof. All this tyme my lord Home remaynit in this toun of Edinburgh, accumpanyt

with my lord fecretaris freindis in greit nowmer ; bot my lord of Mor-

toun, quha fhould haue perfewit the faid fecretare, come nocht to Edin-

burgh quhill the xxij day of the faid moneth, in fik tyme of day as my lord Home wes depairtit of this faid burgh towartis the Merfe, and then

to cum to Edinburgh with ane greit cumpany of folkis.

Vpoun the laid xxj day of Nouember, thair come novellis to my

lord regent from Ingland, that thair wes ane greit tumult in England,

maid be the duke of Northfolkis freindis aganis the quenis majeftie of

Ingland, and that the erlis of Northumberland and Weftcumberland, and

my lord Daries, [Dacres] with thair affiftaris, haid maid conventioun of

thair freindis in armour in the north pairtis of that realme of Ingland, and

paft to Durhame quhair thaj come ; and in all places quhair thaj come,

detrudit the miniftarie of Goddis word, and imputt in thair places

preiftis to celebrat mefs againe, and maid publift proclamatioun throw

all the boundis of thair jurifdidlioun, to convene with thame in the

fulfilling thair wicked interpryffis ; and fua thir novallis, as wes re-

portit, wes the ane of the principall cauffis of the defering of the faid

day of law.

In all this tyme the tumult in Ingland grew ay the mair and mair, in

lie lort and maner that the famin is habill to be fochin betuix the quenis

grace of Ingland and the faidis lordis of the nobilitie haiililie, without

the quenis pairt be the fonar reddie.

Vpoun the fyftene day of December 1569, Archibald erle of Ergyle

come to Edinburgh to fpeik with my lord regent, and wes convoyit 15G9. IN* SCOTLAND. 153 thairto be Johne lord Erfkin. The faid erle fpak nocht with my lord regent fen the battell of Langfyd vnto this day.

In this niene tyme, the maifter of Ghrame wes fend diuerfe tymes to Johne lord Flemyng, being within the caftell of Dunbartane and hald- and the fame, to treat with the faid lord tuiching the deliuerance of culd not aggrie to- the faid caltell ; and thaj commounit thairvpone, bot gidder vpoun the articles qnhilkis my lord Flemying defyrit.

Vpoun the lamin day, the laird of Borg and his freindis convenit f . 56. thamel'elffis togidder, and convoyit to the faid caftell of Dumbartane in the mornyng certane key and laidis of meill, and thairefter depairted, quhairof my lord Flemyng wes verry glaid ; bot quhen the lamin come to my lord regentis earis, he wes havilie difcontentit thairwith, and wes verry angry at the capitanis and men of weir being than in the toun of

Dunbartane, that tholit the laid furnifching to pas to the faid caftell

Wpoun the auchtene day of December foirfaid, thair wes ane procla-

matioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all and lindrie

our fouerane lordis liegis, betuix fextie and fextene, als wele to burgh as to land, regalitie as royaltie, within the fcherefdomes of Louthiane, Hadingtoun, Lynlitbgow, Berwik, Roxburgh and Peblis, and the owir

ward of Cliddifdaill, to meit my lord regent in Peblis, weill bodin in

feir of weir, with ten dayis victuallis, the tuantie day of the faid moneth,

to pas quhair thaj falbe commandit.

Vpoun the xx day of the faid moneth, my lord regent depairtit af

Edinburgh to Peblis. The toun of Edinburgh furnifhit to the faid raid c j men of warre.

This raid wes maid becaus it wes reportit to my lord regent, that the

lordis of Ingland quha haid maid ane infurre6tioun aganis the quene

thairof, wes fled fra the quenis folkis perfewaris of thame, and wes of

purpois to haue fled in Scotland ; and thairfoir my lordis regent and

vtheris preift thamefelfis at this tyme to refill thame at the weft bordaris. U 154 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569.

This fame day the Erie of Ergyle departit towartis caftell Campbell fra Edinburgh, accumpanyit with my lord of Mar.

Nota, the taking- of the erle of Northumberland.

Vpoun the xxv day of the faid moneth of December, my lord regent convenit with Mairtene Eliot, that he ibuld betraifs Thomas erle of

Northumberland, cpiha wes fled in Liddildaill out of Ingland for refuge, in this maner ; that is to fay, the faid Martine caufit Heckie Army- ftrang defyre my lord of Northumberland to cum and fpeik with him vnder tryft, and caufed the laid erle beleive that, efter fpeiking, gif my lord regent wald perfew him, that he and his freindis fould tak plane pairt with the erle of Northumberland. And when the faid erle come with the faid Hekkie Armyftrang to fpeik the faid Martine, he caufed certane licht horlinen of my lord regentis with vtheris his freindis to ly at a wait, and quhen thaj fould fie the faid erle and the faid Martine

lpeking togidder, that thaj fuld come and tak the faid erle ; and fua as wes devylit, fua come to pas. And the faid erle being tane vnder traift as faid is, certane of his affiftaris followed and perfewed the faid Mar-

tine and his cumpany, purpofing to haue releivit the laid erle ; and in

thair perforce, capitane Johne Borthwik, capitan of my lord regentis

horlinen, wes llane ; and the remanent raid to Hawik, quhairto thaj

erle, thairefter brocht the laid and to Jedburgh ; quha gat na prefens of my lord regent quhill the xxvij day of December, at the quhilk tyme

thaj wer cumand to Edinburgh. In this tyme, the laird of Ormeftoun,

being at the home for the kingis llauchter, and his pairttakeris, fpoul-

geit the faid erle of Northumberlandis hous, and his wyff of all hir jewellis, his cleithing and poife. It is faid thaj fpoulgeit hir of xxx**

of Portingall ducatts, with all his abulgementis and cleithing perteyning

to him and hir. Efter this the faid erlis wyfe wes intertenyt be Alex- ander lord Home honourablie.

Vpoun the penult day of the faid moneth, my lord regent accumpanyit 1569. IN SCOTLAND. 155

with the faid erle of Northumberland, come to Edinburgh ; and the laid erle wes lugeit in Alexander Clarkis hous in Edinburgh, burges thairof, in Blaiklokis cloiis.

In this mene tyme the erle of Weftcumberland wes in Teviotdaill, and wes reffavit be the laird of Phernyhirft, and wald nocht onnawayes rander him to my lord regent, albeit he wes, as it wes laid, requyrit to doe the fame vnder greit panis. Vpoun the fecund day of Januar, my lord regent tuik his vioage, and come of Edinburgh to Dunbartane, onlie to obtene the faid caftell thairof be appointment, or elfe to continew the affaige of the fame. Vpoun the famin day, the faid erle of Northumberland wes convovit be my lord regent furth of Edinburgh to Lochlevin, thairin to re- niayne induring his will. And thairefter the faid regent pall to Dun- bartane, and maid moyane for the caftell thairof ; bot quhen thaj wer commandit vpoun the deliuerance thairof, Mr Thomas Flemying, bro-

der to the laird of Boighall, arry vit in Lochryane with twa greit fchippis

furth of France, laidin with all maner of furneifhing of vicluallis be- langing to the balding of ane caftell ; and fra the tyme the lord Flem-

yng had bein furelie aduerteift thairof, he wald onnawayes commoun

forther vpoun the randering of the faid caftell.

Vpoun the xvj day of the faid moneth of Januar, thair come to Edin-

burgh ane ambaffatour directit fra the quenis majeflie of Ingland to my

lord regent, callit fchir Harie Goittis, ather to defyre the erle of

Northumberlane to be randerit to the quenis grace of Ingland, or els

to know the mynd of the lord regent and the nobilitie tuiching the re-

ftoring of the quene [to] libertie and honour. And vpoun the xviij

day of the faid moneth, the faid ambaffatour paft from Edinburgh to

Striueling to my lord regent, and returnit thairfra to Edinburgh vpoun

the xx day of the famin moneth, to haue remaynit in Edinburgh vnto

the cuming of my lord regent thairto. 156 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569-

Nota, the flauchter of James erle of Murray regent.

Vpoun the xxiij day of the faid inoneth of Januar being monunday 1569, my lord regent being in Linlithgow in Charlis Drummondis hous, and when he wes ryding throw Linlithgow, purpofing to come to Edin- burgh, he wes fchot with ane hagbute be James Hamiltoun of Bothuil-

hauch in his wambe ; of the quhilk fchot he deceiffit at xj houris at evin in

tbe palace of Linlithgow that famin nycht ; and thairefter his dead corpis wes tranflated to Striueling, quhair it wes burijt in the chappell thair-

of. This James Hamiltoun of Bothuilehauch lay at await to commit

in this flauchter, in the bifchope of Sanctandrois ludgeing Linlithgow ; and efter that the deid wes done, he depairtit at ane poltrum get and wes not tane, for he haid diuerfe perfonis his affiftaris awaitand vpoun

him for his releif ; the laid lugeing incontinent thairefter wes alluterlie

burnt with fyre.

The deid of my lord regent wes the caus of great dollour to all thame

of Chryftis religioun, and the caus of raifing of great tumult and vp-

roare in this realme amang the nobilitie thairof, for he was the defendar

of the weidow and fatherles, bot the vfing of ane ftrangeris particular

counfale, by the nobilitie, was his diftruelioun.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth, the fouldiouris being at the

feige of the caftell of Dunbartane, heirand of my lord regentis deceis,

depairted from Dunbartane towartis Striueling to the kingis grace, and

left the faid feige.

In this mene tyme, Johne lord Flemyng reffauit the faidis fchippis

and men, and the vicluallis thairof he caufit be put in the faid caftell,

and thairefter put his fouldiouris in the toun of Dunbartane. Wpoun the third and ferd dayes of Februar, Archibald erle of Ergyle, and the Hamiltounis, convenit in Dunbartane with Johne lord Flemying,

and commounit togidder tuitching all materis, and depairted thairfra.

Vpoun the firft day of the faid moneth of Februar, James erle of ;

1569. IN SCOTLAND. 157

Mortoun come to Edinburgh, and that be the foliftatioun of the bail-

leis of the faid burgh, for halding of the femoun within the fame ; and

thairfoir ane certane of the faid toun raid furth thairof, and convoyit fo. 57. b.

the faid erle thairto, quhairin he wes lugeit in my lord regentis lugeing.

Vpoun the audit day of the faid moneth of Februar, Johne erle of

Mar, lord Erfkin, accumpanyit with Alexander erle of Glencarne, and

vtheris his freindis and fouldiouris, returneing fra the faid fege of Dun-

bartane, come to Edinburgh for keiping of the day of conventioun ap-

poyntit to be in Edinburgh the tent day of this inilant, for taking ordour

of the flauchter of my lord regent, and for the gouernament of this

realme, the famyn being as it war heidles and maifterles in this tyme.

In all this mene tyme, the lairdis of Phirnihirft and Balclewcht, with

the erle of Weftmureland, paft to Ingland, and brunt, herijt and maid great flauchter thairin.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth of Februar, maifter Randell agent for the quenis majeftie of Ingland come to Edinburgh to this con- ventioun foirfaid.

In this mene tyme, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Johne lord Flemyng, and the Hamiltouns, fend James Campbell of Ardkinglas to the faidis lordis and erlis, defyring thame to acknowlege na au6loritie bot the

quenis aucloritie, and thame as hir lieutennentis ; and as tuitching the laid murther, thaj fould be willing to pvneis the famyne vpone the com- mittaris thairof, and that they mould not think that the haill Hamil- touns wer the committaris of the famyne, albeit that he was of that fur- name that did the deid.

Vpoun the tuelf day of the famyne moneth, Johne erle of Athole come to Edinburgh to the conventioun foirfaid.

Vpoun the xiij day of the moneth foirfaid, thair wes ane proclama- tioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, makand declaratioun of the crwell murther committit be the Hamiltouns vpoun my lord regent ;

158 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569- and thairfoir inhibite all and findrie our foueranis liegis, that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to affift, fortifie or mantene the faidis Hamiltouns in the defence of the laid murther, with certificatioun gif thaj did thaj fould be haldin as partakeris and committaris of the famyn in tyme to cum.

Vpoun the xiiij day of the faid moneth, being tyifdaye, my lord re-

gentis corpis being brocht in ane bote be ley fra Striueling to Leith,

quhair it wes keipit in Johne Wairdlaw his hous, and thairefter caryit

to the place of Halyrudhous, wes traniportit fra the faid palace of Haly-

rudhous to the college krrk of San6tgeill in this maner ; that is to fay,

William Kircaldie of Grange knycht, raid fra the laid palice in dule

weid, beirand ane penfall quhairin wes contenit ane reid lyoun ; efter

him followit Coluill of Cleifche, mailer houlhald to the laid

regent, with ane vther penfell quhairin wes contenit my lord regentis

armes and bage ; efter thame wes the erlis of Athole, Mar, Glencarne,

lordis of Ruthvene, Methvene, maifter of Grahame, lord Lindfay, with

diuerfe vtheris barronis, beirand the faidis corpis to the laid college kirk of

San6tgeill, quhairin the famyne wes placeit befoir the pulpett ; and thair-

efter Johne Knox minifter maid ane lamentable fermond tuitching the

laid murther ; the lamin being done, the faid corpis wes burijt in i'ancT:

Anthoneis yle within the faid college kirk.

Vpoun the famin day, William Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun

lecretare wes brocht furth of the caftell of Edinburgh, quhairin he wes

captiue, to the tolbuyth thairof, to the counfall be the defyre of the lordis

thairof. Efter his cuming, he maid ane perfite orratione, quhairintill

he lamentit the death and murther of my lord regent, and maid his

purgatioun of the horrible cryme, quhairfoir he wes (as he allegit) put

in captivitie, in fie fort and maner that all the confciences of the lordis

foirfaidis, ge of his verrye innemeis, judgit him to be innocent thairof

quhairvpone thaj maid ane a6t of fecreit counfale, and fua daylie thair-

efter he come to the counfale. 1569. IN SCOTLAND. 159

Scliortlie efter my lordis of fecreit counfales conventioun in Edin- burgh, maifter Randell fchew his writtingis to the counfall foirfaid ; the contentis quhairof wer, that gif thaj fould tak diligence vpoun the keip- ing of the kingis grace in furitie, and to keip the conditionis maid be my lord regent to the quenis grace of Ingland in all pointis, the faid quenis majeftie wald caufe retene and bald the quenis grace of Scotland in furer firmance and keiping nor flio wes keipit of befoir, and als fould mantene the laid kingis aufiloritie with men of weir and money, vnto

the tyme his grace fould be vniuerfallie obeyit throuchout all this realme : quhairto thaj all condifcendit.

Vpoun the famin day of Februar, the geir of God foirfaid, the lordis of fecreit counlall continewit thair conventioun vnto the ferd day of

March nixtocum, quhairat the haill nobilitie of this realme is ordanit to convein, and thair to reffoun on all materis als wele concerning the commounwele as the flauchter of my lord regent, bot principallie tuitch-

ing the regiment of this realme , and i'ua vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, thaj depairtit af Edinburgh to thair places. The haill nobilitie that convenit to this conventioun wer James erle of Mortoun,

Johne erle of Athole, Johne erle of Mar, Alexander erle of Glencarne, the maifter of Grahame, the erle of Buchane, the lordis of Lindlay, my lord Ruthvene, my lord Methvene, my lord Cathcart, my lord Glam- mis, my lord Someruill, my lord Vchiltrie, the lairdis of Tullibardin, Bowgony, Blairquhan, Lochlevin, the laird of Grange, capitane of the

caftell of Edinburgh, with diuerfe vtheris fmall barronis, and fmall gen-

tilmene, to ane fmall nowmer ; and becaus thaj wer not of that validitie and ftrength as thaj belevit to haue bene or thair cuming to Edinburgh, thaj maid the continewatioun foirfaid ; for it is faid that the faid now-

mer being convenit, wes drawin in fyndrie jugementis 3nd fadtionis ;

ane pairt, to cheis certane regentis to gouerne this realme, and to fo. 58. b.

revenge the regentis flauchter ; ane vther pairt wes myndit to haue l60 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENIS 15&.). the quene haine agane, and to have this realme reulit be hir and hir counfall.

Vpoun the xvij day of the faid moneth, thair conuenit in the cittie of

Glalgow, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Johne commendatar of Abirbrothok,

Claud Hamiltoun fonis to James duke of Chattellarault, erle of Arrane,

Hew erle of Eglintoun, Robert lord Boyd, Johne lord Flemyng, the maifter of Hereis, the lairdis of Lochinvar, Pharnihirft, Buckclewche,

Scarling, with diuerfe vtheris barronis and gentilmene, to the nowmer of and thair held counfale and purpoife tuitching the letting

furth of the quenis auctoritie, and obeying of hir lieutennentis vnto hir hamecuming within this realme. Vpoun the xx day of the laid moneth, thair wes ane proclamatioun

maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all and findrie our fouerane lordis liegis betuix fextie and fextene, alfueill regalitie as roy-

altie, to burgh as to land, that thaj be in reddines wele bodin in feir of

weir, with xv dayes victuallis, within xxiiij houris warneing, to pas with

the lordis of the nobilitie quhair thaj falbe commandit, vnder the pane

of tiniell of lyff, landis and guidis. Vpoun the famyne day, thair wes ane vther proclamatioun, inhibiting

all and lindrie our foueranis liegis, that nane of thame tak vpoun hand

to afljft, fortifie, mantene or ryd with the lairdis of Pharnihirft, Buck-

cleuch, and thair partakeris and afliitaris, in Ingland, for making of de-

pridatiounis thairin, vnder the pane of deith. Vpoun the xxv day of the faid moneth, Archibald erle of Ergyle and Robert lord Boyd come to Dalkeith, quhair thaj commounit with

James erle of Mortoun and Williame Maitland gounger of Lething-

toun, tuitching all debaittis quhilk wer in contraverfie amangis the no-

bilitie of this realme, and Ipeciallie anents the hambringing of the quenis

majeftie furth of Ingland, and reffaueing of hir in hir auctoritie and

place agane ; bot quhat wes concludit tharin, few or nane wes pairtici- 1569- IN SCOTLAND. lfll pant thairof. And in the treating of tliir thingis, the faidis peribnis re- manit togidder be the fpace of tua dayes or thairby. At the quhilk con- ventioun and melting', Mr Randell the qnenis agent of Ingland, being than in Edinburgh, heirand and knowand the (aid conventioun, be quhat menis I knaw noclit, wes convoyit of Edinburgh be Mr Archibald Dou- glas, ane man that haid the haill goverment and gyding of the laid erle of Mortoun, to the place of Dalkeith foirfaid, quha wes at his cuming

reffavit be the faid erle of Mortoun ; bot how lone the faid erle of Er- gyle faw him, he and his colliges foirfaidis wes naway contentit thair- with, bot maift vehementlie reprotchit him, faying, it wes not for the wele of the cuntrie that lie ane perfonage as he fould be permittit and tholit to remayne thairin, to mak tumult and difcord amangis the nobi- litie of this realme, and to be the inftrument to caus euerie ane of thame hait vtheris to the death, for the plefour of the quene of Ingland, and weilfare of hir realme : Bot it fould nocht ly in hir power to doe the fame : Theirfoir he beleivit in God, that the faid nobilitie wald nocht heir to hir fair wordis and feingeat, bot wald aggrie all debaittis amano- thamefelfis, and thairefter procure the deliuerance of the quenis grace

of Scotland, at the quene of Inglands handis with plefour ; and gif iho wald not let hir depairt of Ingland with plefour, the faid nobilitie fuld obtene help, gif the famin wer to [be] fundin within the empyr, to caus the faid quene of Scotland to be delyuerit, aganis the quene of Ing- landis will. And this endit, the faid maifter Randell depairted to Edin- burgh agane.

Vpoun the third day of March, the haill Hamiltonis, accumpanijt with

Archibald erle of Ergyle, Robert lord Boyd, and vtheris thair freindis,

come to Lynlithqw, quhair thaj lay vnto the ferd day of the famin ; at the quhilk tyme, James duke of Chattellarault, erle of Arrane, being than in captivitie within the caftell of Edinburgh, heiring of the faid alfemblie, wreat to the faids freindis to remove fra the laid toun of Lin- x 162 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569-

lithqw till Hamiltoun, qubill Johne erle of Mar be paft to Edinburgh ;

for it was reportit to tbe faid duke, gif tbe faidis Hamiltouns wald re-

mayne in tbe faid toun of Linlythqw, it wald haue bene the caus of

fcheding of blood, and thairtbrow flopping of the conventioun laitlie to

be maid in Edinburgh ; at the requeft of the quhilk wreitting, the

faidis Hamiltonis depairtit to Hamiltoun. Vpoun the firft day of the

faid monetb, Archibald erle of Ergyle departit towartis Striueling to

fpeik with the laid earle of Mar, and to convoy him to Edinburgh to the

laid conventioun. In this mene tyme, the erle of Weftmureland come

to the faid burgh of Linlithqw, and exponit in prefens of the faidis erlis

of Ergyle, lord Boyd, Hamiltonis and lairdis of Lochinver, how that

it wes nocht vnknowin to thame that he wes bannift and expellit furth

of the realme of Ingland, with his freindis and pairtakeris, for the quene

of Scotlandis caus, and that thair wes na greit man in the realme of

Ingland (thrie being excepted) bot thaj fubfcryvit that thing that he fub-

icriuit ; and thairfoir he exhortit thame to be frenk and fordwart in the

mantenance of the laid quenis au6toritie of Scotland ; and gif thaj wald

doe the famyne, it is faid that he promittit to thame that he and his af- c liftaris in Ingland lbuld furneis to thame v men of weir for geir and c day, and fould lend to thame fameikill bluer as wald fuftene vtheris v

men during the faid fpace ; for he affured thame, that or witfonday nixtocum, thair wald be few or nane greit men in Ingland, bot thaj wald

• be in Scotland for thair refuge. Attour he promeift, that he fould find

the moyane to caus Northumberland, Cumberland and Weftmureland

to cum vnder tbe dominioun of Scotland, gif thaj wald be ftiff in thair

maifteris opinioune ; and that the marches betuix Ingland [and] Scot-

land fould be at Newcaftell ; and gif thaj wald not credit this, he wes con-

tent to remayne in prefone vnto the tyme they fuld performe the famyn.

And this endit, the Hamiltonis tuik him to Hamiltoun, and depairtit fra

Linlythqw ; bot this tuik no effect. 1560. IN SCOTLAND. 163

Vpoun the vij day of the faid moneth of March, George erle of

Huntlie, Johne erle of Athole, Dauid erle of Crawfurd, the lord Ogiluy, the lord Home, the lord Seytoun, the mailter of Forbes, the laird of

Tullibardin and my lord fecretare, being all of ane fadioun raynd and will to haue the quenis grace rignand, come all togidder to Edinburgh to this conventioun.

Vpoun the audit day of the faid moneth, Johne erle of Mar, Alex- ander erle of Glencarne, Robert lord Sympill, Patrick lord Lindfay,

accumpanijt with thair freindis, come fra Striueling towartis Linlith-

qw ; and at thair cuming thairto, the men of weir and thaj brint the faid toun and lugeing pertenyng to capitane James Mure, with ane

cloifs and barne gaird full of cornis ; at the quhilk, my lord of Ergyle

and Boyd, being then in the laid toun, and liand thair for the aflurance

of the Hamiltonis, wes gretumlie offendit. And ftia this being done, the

laidis erlis of Mar, Glencarne, lord Symple, Lindfay, and thair pairta- c karis, to the nowmer of iij horfe, come to Edinburgh at vij houris at evin.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth, thair wes ane proclamatioun

maid at the croce of Edinburgh, difchargeing and inhibiting all maner

of perfonis (the toun of Edinburgh being alwayis exceptit), that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to weir jak, culvering, dag or vther wapynnis,

or to invaid any perfonis thairwith, vnder the pane of deith.

In this mene tyme, the erlis of Huntlie, Athole, Crawfurd, the lordis

of Home, Ogiluy and Seytoun, the capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh,

Mr James Balfour, the lairdis of Tullibardin, Lochinver and vtheris

thair pairtakeris, held thair counfale in my lord fecretaris lugeing, and

the vther lordis and erlis in my lord of Mortouns lugeing. The laid

capitane of the foirfaid caftell labourit gretumlie amangis thame for ane

appointment, bot it come not to pas.

Vpoun the famin audit day of March, my lord of Ergyle, and my 164 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569-

lord Boyd, knowing that my lord of Mar had brokin promeis, in that

he raifit fyre in Linlithqw, as thaj allegit, incontrair the promeis maid

be him of befoir, wald onnawayes come to the faid conventioun, bot de-

pairtit from Linlithqw towart Keir. The laird of Lochinvar and the fo. 60. fcherefe of Air, being thane with the faid erle, come to Edinburgh. This depairting of my lord Ergyle wes the caus of ane great anger to

the lordis affembland for the pairt of the quenis majeftie, and als wes

the mene that the l'aidis lordis never creditit ane word that wes aither

promittit or fpokin be the lordis alliftaris of the kingis audtoritie thair-


In this mene tyme, James erle of Mortoun, Johne erle of Mar, and

the remanent thair affiftaris, wer confultand with Mr Randell, tuitching

the obtenyng of fupport at the quene of Inglandis handis for mantenance

of the kino-is auetoritie, and to caus him report to his maiftres the mater

maift convenient and plauiible for hir eiris to thair effect ; and one the

vther fyid, the faid Mr Randell diffuadit the faidis erllis to appoint or

aggrie with thair compeditouris, promeifing, if thaj wald nocht aggrie,

that the quenis majeftie fould furneis thame baith men and money at

thair awne plelbure, &c.

\ r poun the xj day of the faid moneth of March, George erle of

Huntlie, Dauid erle of Crawfurd, and James lord Ogilwy, raid of Edin-

burgh to Archibald erle of Ergyle in Linlithqw, to pacifie him of the wraith confauit be him for the burning of the lugeing in Linlithqw, as or thair is befoir mentionate ; bot the faid erle of Ergyle, cuming to

Linlithqw, wes depairtit towartes Ergyle, and wald on nawayes come

erlis and lordis returnit agane to to this faid conventioun ; quhilkis

Edinburgh vpoun the xij day of the moneth foirfaid at evin.

Vpoun the xiij day of the moneth abonewrittin, Alexander lord

Home, wardane of the eift merchis anentis Ingland, fearing the man-

naffing and boiling of my lord Hinfdaill gouernour of Berwick, quha ;

1569- IN SCOTLAND. 165 gaif vp peace to the laird of Phernyhirft, wardane of the midill marchis of Scotland foiranents Ingland, and denuncit to him weir of befoir, de- pairtit of Edinburgh towartis the faidis eiit marchis, to relift the faid lord Hunnifdaillis invafioun, if he ony fould mak.

Vpoun the xiiij day of the faid moneth, George erle of Huntlie,

Danid erle of Crawfurd, James lord Ogilwy, depairtit af Edinburgh fra the faid conventioun towartis Linlithqw.

Vpoun the xv day thairof, Johne erle of Athole depairted of the faid burghe.

In this conventioun abonereherfit thair wes nathing concludit, becaus of the diuerlitie of oppiniouns of baith the faidis pairties ; bot thaj de- pairted thairfra appeirandlie as euerie man to the king, in the boundis quhairin he regnit. Bot my lord fecretare, as it is laid, had fubftraelit himfelf, my lord Athole, my lord Home, and the capitane of the caftell, fra the lordis fauouraris of the king, fua that thaj wer all bent for the

bringing hame of the quenis majeilie ; and becaus the erlis of Mortoun,

Mar, Glencarne, and my lordis Lindfay and Symple with thair allift- aris, wald not affent thairto, the conventioun depairtit as laid is. Efter fi>. 60. b. the depairting of the quhilk conventioun, the faidis erlis of Mortoun,

Mar and Glencarne, with thair affifiaris, convenit in the tolbuith of

Edinburgh, willing to cheife ane regent or ma ; and to that effect dif- putit vpone the validitie of the commiffioun grantit be the quenis grace in Lochlevin thairvpon. It wes fund be thame fufficient and good bot efter lang reffoning, the mater wes left as the fame wes begune.

In this mene tyme, the faidis erllis and lordis for the quenis pairte held thair conventioun in Dunkeld, devyfing belt to bring hame the quenis grace vpoun the xx day of the faid moneth. The men of weir gat fra the faidis lordis, euerie fouldiour xl fhillingis, in pairt of payment

of aucht monethis wages awand to thame ; the faidis lordis behovit to doe the lamin, becaus it is faid that my lordis of Glencarne and Symple 166 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1569. durft on nawayis pas liame for feir of the Hamiltonis, and thairfoir the i'aidis lordis conducit the faidis men of weir to pas weft throw with thame, for prelerving of the Hamiltounis foirfaidis for the regentis flauchter.

Vpoun the famin day, Johne [erle of Mar,] lord Erfkin, Alexander

erle of Glencarne, and Robert Lord Sympill, depairtit af Edinburgh

fra the laid conventioun.

Vpoun the xxj day of the faid moneth, ane ambaffatour come fra the

king of France callit Monlieur Berack, [ Verac] ane of the verlottis of his

chamber, at Dunbartane, with certane gentilmen, and brocht fra the laid

king to euerie greit man of the nobilitie, ane wretting fubfcryuit with

his hand, for mantenance of the allia betuix the laid king and thame,

and als for the mantenance of the quenis aucloritie, being at this tyme

captivr e in Ingland.

Vpoun the xxij day of the faid moneth, Mr Randell accumpanyit

with the men of weir depairted af Edinburgh towartis Striueling, be

the Quenis Ferie, to the counfale thair to be haldin vpoun the xxv day

of this inflant nixtocum ; for la it wes convenit amangis the faid erllis

and lordis fauouraris of the kingis au6loritie, to convene thame for

palling as is faid vpoun the Hamiltouns, for revenging of my lord re-

gentis flauchter.

In this mene tyme, it wes devyfit be the faidis erllis and lordis fa-

uouraris of his aucloritie, that Mr Michell Elphinftoun fuld pas with

diligence to the quene of Ingland, for obteining of ane iaulf conduct

to ane wyfe man of the faidis lordis pairtakeris with the laid aucto-

ritie, to come to the faid quenis grace of Ingland, to intercommoun vpoun certane conditionis and bandis to be made betuix hir majeftie

and the faidis lordis, for mantenance of the kingis auctoritie, and de-

tentioun of the quenis grace his moder in Ingland ; bot the fame come

not to pas. 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 167

Wpoun the xxv day of the laid moneth, 1570, the laird of Gairtullie fo-6i. come from Ingland, fra the quenis grace of Scotland, to my lord of Mar and vtheris lordis, for reteining and keiping of Mr lone in Scotland, and

to adheyir to hir and hir afliftaris within this realme ; and aflurit thame gif thaj wald nockt, that the king of France and hir freindis wald re- nenge hir caus, and put hir in hir awne auctoritie incontrair thair myndis and willis, and that loner nor thaj belevit.

Vpoun the penult day of the laid moneth, thair convenit in Nydrj, ane place perteining to my lord Seytoun, bewelt Edinburgh be the ipace of 7 myllis, my lordis of Flemyng, Seytoun, fecretare, and the bifchope of Sandtandrois, togidder with the adwyl'e and counfall of the haill earllis and lordis pairtakaris with the quenis majeftie, to confult vpone the deliuerance of my lord duke and Johne lord Herries furth of the cailell of Edinburgh ; and als vpoun the place quhair the faid

Frenche ambalTadour fuld meit with the vtheris lordis thair aduerfaris ; and als vpoun the anfuer to be givin to the faid Mr Randell, tuitching

certane defyris of the quene of Ingland ; for fho labourit alwayis that the quenis majeftie of Scotland fuld on nawayis be mantenit be hir awne iubjecf is, nor favourit be the fame. Thaj dewyfit to convene the haill perfonis fauouraris of the quene in Linlithqw, vpoun the aucht day of Apryle nixtocum.

Vpoun the laft day of March, the geir of God abonewrittin, Johne lord Herreis wes deliuerit furth of captivitie of the caftell of Edinburgh, vpoun cautioun and plege of his eldeft fone. The faid lord wes de- tenit in the faid cailell fra the 16 day of Apryle 1569, vnto this day foiriaid.

Vpoun the ferd day of Apryle 1570, Mr Randell, amballadour for the quenis majeftie of Ingland, depairted af Edinburgh towartis Ber- wick, and wes convoyit be the gentilmen of Louthiane thairto, becaus the faid ambalfadour feared diuerfe perfonis afliftaris of the quenis grace, 168 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570. and als certane perfonis rebellis of Ingland, quha was werry bent to haue vnbefett him in the waij betuix Edinburgh and Berwick.

In this mene tyme, thair wes certane merchandis of Edinburgh and

Leith that had bocht certane quheit, and wald haue fchippit the fame to haue tranfportit it to France, incontrair the afitis of Parliament maid

thairvpone ; and becaus the craftifmen of the faid burgh of Edinburgh fufpec~t.it the magiftratis of the faid burgh, aither to be participant with the faid tranfportaris thairof, or els to haue owerfene the tranfporting of the famyne, or haue winkit thairat, thaj pall to Leith and thair ferchit and locht the faid quheit, and onlie apprehendit ane quan- tise thairof; bot in the feiking and fearching of the fame, thaj appre- hendit diuerfe forbiddin gudis, lie as butter and talloune, and caufit the famen be vpbrocht to Edinburgh, and put in the flefche mercat thairof, quhill ordour wer takin be the magiftratis of the faid burgh thairintill. Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth of Apryle, 1570, thair con- venit in Linlithqw, according to thair former appointment, the erlis of Huntlie, Ergile, Crawfurd, Athole and Caffillis, the lordis of Home, Flemyng, Boyd, Seytoun, geifter, Someruile, Oliphant, Ogilwy and lord Hareis, my lord fecretare, Mr James Balfour prefident of the

College of Juftice, togidder with Monfieur Verac ambaffatour for the king of France, the erle of Weftmureland and lord Darces banift of

Ingland, with diuerfs thair freindis gentilmene, and confultit vpoun the faid ambalfatouris commilfioun, and caus anfuer to be givine thair- vpoun to him.

Vpoun the xj day of the faid moneth, James Herriot of Trabroune wes direct be the faidis lordis of the nobilitie, to the proveft, balgies and counfale of Edinburgh, to haue licence and tollerance to cum to the laid burgh, for conlulting of fie materis as thaj had ado concernyng the

grantit with this conditioun, that commounwelth ; quhilk licence wes 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 169 na Inglifman rebell to the quenis majeftie of Ingland fuld cum in the faid burgh.

Vpoun the xiij day thairof, Johne erle of Athole paft fra the conven- tioune to Striueling, to intercommoun with the earlis of Mortoun and Mar tuitching the heidis of the ambaffatouris anfuer, and vtheris pro- ponit be the faidis lordis to thame, concernyng the cominoune wealth.

Wpoun the lamyn xiij day of Apryle, the remanent of the faidis erlis and lordis come from Linlithqw to Edinburgh, except my lord Home, that paft to Leithe becaus of the cumpany of the faid Inglifmen, bot vpoun the xiiij day of the fame he come thairto. c The erle of Ergile wes accumpanyit with iij Irifchemen in abirchonis, and the remanent lordis with thair freindis fubftantiouflie.

Vpoun the xiiij day of the moneth foiriaid, thair come word to the faidis erlis and lordis in Edinburgh, that the erle of Suffikkis, prefident of §ork and lieutennent to the quene of Ingland, wes cumin to Ber- wick, accumpanyit with vij or viij thowfand men of weir, purpofing to invaid Teviotdaill and the Merfs with fyre and fword ; the faidis erlis and lordis heiring of the fame, fend James Heriot of Trabroune to

Berwick to the laid erle, with writtingis to ftay quhill forther com- moning mycht be haid betuix the faidis lordis and him concernyng his proceidingis, bot the lame culd not be hard.

Vpoun the xv day thairof, Johne erle of Athole, quha raid of Lin- lithqw to Striueling to fpeik with the erlis of Mortoun and Mar and thair adherentis, tuitching the materis debetabill amangis the faidis lordis, come from Striueling to Edinburgh, and tauld the faidis lordis being thair, that it was convenit that ane certane of baith the faidis parties fuld convene vther in Craigmillar or Ormeftoun, to reffoune vpoun the faidis debaittis, vpoun the xviij day of this inftant, and wes in ane allured hope that thaj wald aggrie : Bot the fame fucceidit nocht as wes belevit. Y ;


Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, Johne erle of Athole, Johne comrnendatour of Coldinghame and Robert lord Boyd, pall of Edin- burgh to Dalkeith, to meit thair as thair appointment wes ; at thair cuming thairto, thair met thame James lord Mortoun and Robert com- mendatour of Dunfermling, as havand commiffioun of thair adherentis, and commovnit vpoun all maner of thingis debaitable amongis thame

bot efter lang commoning, thaj left the mater war nor thaj fand the

fame ; and fua vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, the faid erle of

Athole and lordis of his pairt come to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the famin day, Johne Lord Flemyng, and the ambaffadour of

the Frenche king, depairtit of Edinburgh towartis Dunbartane, for the

furthering of the faid ambaifatour to pas to France. Nota, the burnying of Pharnyhirft.

Vpoun the famin day, the erle of Sufikkis, capitane and lieutennent

foirfaid, with his haill army foirfaid, come to Scotland to Pharnyhirft,

and brunt and flew all thame that withflude thair force ; my lord Home

wald onnaway be affured with thame, and thairfoir thaj brunt fa meikill

of his landis as thaj mycht be maifteris owir ; bot his haill freindis wer

allured with the laidis Inglifmene, and thairfoir the faid lord culd nocht

be of powar to refill thair forces ; bot git thair laikit in him nathing that

mycht appertene to ane forcie campioune, for in thair palling to Phar-

nihirft he continwallie fkirmifchit with thame, and in fo doing he haid

certane of his men flane.

Vpoun the nyntene day of the faid moneth of Apryle, the thrie hun-

dreth Irifche men that come to Edinburgh with my lord Ergyle, de-

pairtit thairfra to thair awne cuntrie.

Vpoun the faid day, the haill lordis, accumpanyit with the lordis

of counfale, pall to counfale in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and votit

anent the deliuerance of James Duke of Chattellarault, and the re-

manent prefonaris in the caflell of Edinburgh, furth of the famyne. It 15?0. IN SCOTLAND. 171

wes fundin be the faidis lordis that thaj i'ould be deliuerit thairfra ; and

thairfoir thaj ordane the capitane of the laid caftell to put the laid duke

and the remanent perfonis to libertie. The lame day, the mailer of

Hareis, fchir James HamUtonis eldelt fone, and the fchereff of Air his

eldefl fone, wer put to friedome and libertie.

Vpoun the xx day of the moneth foirfaid, the faid ambalTatour of

France depairted of Dunbartane to France.

Vpoun the faid day, James duke of Chattellarault, erle of Arrane,

lord Hamiltoun, wes put to fredome and libertie furth of the laid caftell,

quhairin he wes detenit be the fpace of ane geir and twa dayis ; and

thairefter pall to counfall, and concludit to haue thair freindis in readi-

nes to the firft of Maij nixtocum.

In all this tyme, on the xvij day of this moneth, the faid erle of

Sufikkis and his army, brunt, herijt and diftroyitfa meikill of the Merfe

and Teviotdaill as they mycht be maifteris of, of thaj perfonis onlie

that raid in Ingland of befoir, and affegit the caftell and place of Phar-

nihirft, and demolifched the fame ; and thairefter pall to Hawik and to

Branxholme, and brunt and herijt the fame ; and thairefter returnit agane to Jedburgh and Kellb, quhair thaj remanit be the fpace of ane day, and paft agane to Berwick.

Vpoun the xxj day of the faid moneth, Archibald erle of Ergyle,

with certane vtheris lordis, depairted of Edinburgh to prepair thair folkis

aganis the firft day of Maij nixtocum.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the laid moneth of Aprile, James erle of Mortoun, purpofing to haue cuming to Edinburgh with ane gadering

of people, to haue put James duke of Chattellarault and George erle of

Huntlie, with vtheris his freindis being than in Edinburgh to ane fmall

nowmer, furth of the fame, and that be the perfuafioun of certane

burgeffis of Edinburgh, bot he wes Itopit be the laird of Grange capitane thairof. 172 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

Vpoun the xxvij day of the faid moneth, the faid erle of Sufikkis with

the faid army come agane from Berwik towartis Home, purpofmg t©~

have affeigit the famyn. Vpoun the xxviij day of Apryle, James duk of Chattellarault, George

erle of Huntlie, David erle of Crawfurd, and diuerfe vtheris lordis,

baronis and gentilmene being than in Edinburgh, depairted thairfra to Linlithqw, with certane men of weare quhilkis thaj had privilie conducit,

becaus thaj wer informit that James erle of Mortoun wald come to

Edinburgh with the faidis Inglifmen vpoun the penult day of this faid moneth, incontrair thair mynd and will, and als becaus the magiftratis

of Edinburgh defyrit thame humanlie to depairt thairfra, conliddering

that if thaj remanit thairin, and the laid Inglifmen come to thair faid

burgh, and thaj not being of that puiflance to mak tbair awne patriae gude, the fame wald be hurtfull to the faid burgh. Nota, the wynning of Home.

Vpoun the famin xxviij day, at vj houris befoir none, the affeige wes

layd to Home vnto twa houris efternone ; at the quhilk tyme William e

Trottar capitane thairof come furth of the faniin, and treattit it with the

faid Inglifmen on this maner, that the haill perfonis being thairintill to

be faulf, and the place and guidis being thairintill to be randerit to the

faidis Inglifmen ; and fua the famyne place wes randerit to the faidis

Inglifmen. In the faid place wes the haill guidis and geir pertenying

to the haill tennentis of my lord Home, quhair throw the faidis puir ten-

nentis wer aluterlie herijt. Vpoun the penult day of Apryle 1570, the erle of Mortoune, accum-

panyit with his freindis, paft to Linlithqw to convoy Johne erle of Mar

to Edinburgh, quhair thaj come the fame nycht thairto. In the cum-

ing to Linlithqw of the faid erle of Mar, the Hamiltonis come furth

of Linlithqw to the Avane brig, and arrayit thamefelfs in battell thair, to. 63. and belevit that the faid erle of Mar wald haue fouchen ; bot he and 15?0. IN SCOTLAND. 173

his folkis palt abone Man well owir at the furd, and abone Linlithqw, and refiiifit battell ; and thairefter pail throw Torphichin craigis, and thair met with the faid erle of Mortoun, quhair thaj joynit all togidder, and come to Edinburgh at xij houris in the famin nycht.

Vpoun the third day of the faid moneth of Maij, thair was ane act proclamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, beirand in effect that it wes concludit, vpoun the ferd day of Aprile, be the nobilitie, that thaj fould convene in Edinburgh agane vpoun tbis fame day for mantenance of Goddis glorie, and handling of peace and concord betuix the twa realmes, viz. Ingland and Scotland. Neurtheles thair wes certane re- bellis of the quenis majeilie of Ingland that had relortit within this realme, quhomto affiftit fome of the faid nobilitie, nocht onlie in thair rebellious deidis, bot paft to armes purpofing to break the peace betuix the faidis realmes ; thairfoir it wes concludit be ane pairt of the faid nobilitie, tbat ane maffer fould pas to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and als that lettres fhould be direct to the heid burgh of all the fchyres of this realme, commanding all and findrie our foueranis leigis, alfueill regalitie as royaltie, to burgh as to land, betuix fextie and fextene geiris, that thaj be in readines in feir of weare, with xv dayis provifioun, within xxiiij houris warnyng, to pas fordwart as thaj falbe commandit vnder the pane of dead. In this mene tyme, Alexander Home of Mander- ftoun, and Johne Cunnynghame of Drumquhaffill, pall of Edinburgh to

Berwik to bring in the Inglis army as wes fpokin. Wpoun the ferd day of the faid moneth of Maij, the faidis Alexander Home and Johne

Cunnynghame of Drumquhaffill, cumand fra Berwik to Edinburgh, tuik and apprehendit Mr Thomas Maitland, broder to my lord fecretare and the young ladie of Clarkingtoun, quha wes paffand to Berwick with ane anfuer to the erle of Suffikis of ane lettre fend be the faid erle to the faid fecretare, and put the faidis perfonis in captivitie in Williame

Lafonis hous in the heid of Leith Wynd befyd Edinburgh. 174 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

Vpoun the fame day, the Inglilmen come from Berwick towartis Faft- caftell, and reffauit the keyis thairof fra my lady Homes fervand.

Vpoun the fyft day of the moneth foirfaid, thair wes ane proclama-

tioun maid at Edinburgh be found of trumpet, commanding all and fin-

drie our foueranes liegis, betuix fextie and fextene, alfwele regalitie as

royaltie, to burgh as to land, to cum to Edinburgh vpoun the aucht

day of this inftant, with aucht dayis victuall, wele bodin in feir of warre,

to pas fordwart vpoun the kingis rehellis quhair thaj falbe commandit,

vnder the pane of tynfell of lyf, landis and guidis. \»un the famin day, the faid Mr Thomas Maitland wes tranlportit

funjjof the faid Williame Lawfonis hous to Leith, quhair he wes put

ie bote and tranfportit to the caftell of Striueling, and thairefter

i^uerit to the erle of Glencarne to redeme Androw his fone, &c.

Iota, the quenis authoritie proclamit.

Vpoun the fext day thairof, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at

^Linlithqw in the quenis name, commanding all perfonis to be readie

to pas with James duke of Chattellarault, George erle of Huntlie and

Archibald erle of Ergyle, hir lieutennentis, quhair thaj fuld be com-

mandit, vnder the pane of deith. In this mene tyme, the capitane of

the caftell of Edinburgh, callit fchir Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange

knycht, maid greit preparatioun for the faid caftell, becaus the faid

capitane wes informit that the Inglifmene wald lege the famin.

Vpoun the vij day of the faid moneth of Maij, Robert commendatare

of Dunfermling depairted af Edinburgh towartis Ingland, with certane

men to convoy him to Berwick, quhair he tuke poft to Londoun to the

quenis majeftie of Ingland, for mantening of certane men of weir, and

munitioun for mantenance of the kingis auctoritie, and fuppreffing of

that pairt of the nobilitie affiftand to the quene his moder.

Vpoun the aucht day of the faid moneth, thair wes ane a6t of the

lordis of fecreit counfall, afliftaris of the kingis majeftie, proclamit at 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 175 the mercat croce of the burgh of Edinburgh, declaring how certane of the kingis rebellis haid maid ane proclamatioun in the burgh of Lin-

lithqw, vpoun the vj of this inftant, in the kingis moderis name and auctoritie, tending thairthrow to fuppres and doun thring the king hir tones auctoritie lauchfullie eftablifhed, and to erec~l and fett vp the

au6toritie of his faid moder ; mynding lykwayes thairby to wrak and

all theis nobillmen afiiftaris of the put to fak auctoritie of the king ; and thairfoir ordanit ane maffer to pas to the mercat croce of the burgh

of Edinburgh, and all vtheris places neidfull, to inhibite all and findrie

officiaris of armes, that nane of thame tak vpoun hand to mak any of

the faidis proclamations vnder the pane of deid ; and als to chairge all

and fyndrie fchereffis, ftewartis, proveftis, auldermen and bailgies of

burrowes, that thaj nor nane of thame thole or permitt the faidis rebel-

lis to cum to thair tounis to proclaime the faidis proclamatiouns, with

certificatioun if thaj doe, thaj falbe repute and haldin as pairtakeris with

the faidis rebellis. And gif the iaids officiaris chances to cum to ony

of the faidis burrowes to mak the faidis proclamationis, to tak and ap-

prehend thame and put thame in captivitie, and to detene thame thair-

intill vnto the tyme the lordis of fecreit counfall tak ordour thairanent.

Vpoun the xj day of Maij, thair departed from Edinburgh towards

Berwick Dowglas, fone and appeirand air to Archibald Dow-

glas of Kilfpindie, aclit plege for James erle of Mortoun,

Erfkin, fone to James Erfkin, as plege for Johne erle of Mar, Johne

lord Vchiltrie for himfelf, Lindlay, fone to the laird of Poy-

atftoun, as plege for Patrik lord Lindfay, Cunnyghame, fone

to Cunnynghame of Watterftoun, Hew as plege for Alexander erle of f . 64.

Glencarne, Allefter Ruthvene, broder to Williame lord Ruthvene, as

pleige for the faid lord ; quhilkis pleidges enterit in the faid toun of

Berwick vpoun the xij day of the faid moneth.

Nota, the aiming of the Tnglilmen to diftroy Hamiltoun. 176 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

Vpoun the famin xij day of Maij, Williaine Dowir,[Drowrie]governour

of Berwick and lieutennent to the quene of Ingland, with Matho erle of

Lennox, with ane thowfand futemen, viz. hagbuteris and pickmene, and

thrie hundreth horfemen and demilances, togidder with four peices of

artailjerie callit fecrettis, [come] fra Berwick to Dunbar, and thairefter

come fra Dunbar to Edinburgh vpoun the xiij day thairof. In all thair

cuming, the faidis men of weare tuik nathing bot that thaj payit for.

The caus of thair cuming in this cuntrie wes, to mantene the kingis

audloritie, and to pwneis the horrible ilauchter of the regent.

In this mene tyme, James duke of Chattellarault, and the remanent

lordis affiflaris of the quenis majeftie in Scotland, wes alTeigand the

caftell of Glafgow, quhilk wes thane haldin be Johne Stewart of Mynto

knycht in contrair thame ; bot thaj culd not get the famyne, for it wes

fa weill and manfullie defendit that the faidis lordis men of weir wer

put thairfra, and mony of thame hurt and flane thairat ; bot how fone

the faidis lordis wer aduerteift that the faid Inglifmen wer purpofit to

cum to the faid cittie of Glafgow, thaj fkaillit. The inbringaris of thir faid Inglifmen, ftrangers of this realme, wer

James erle of Mortoun, Johne erle of Mar, Alexander erle of Glen-

carne, Williaine lord Ruthvene, Johne lord Glammis, Patrik lord Lind-

fay, Johne lord Vchiltrie, lord Methvene, Alexander lord

Saltoun, with certane greit barronis, viz. Bargany, Blairquhane, Drum-

langrig auld and goung, goung Ceffurd, Balwaird, Lochlevin,

Douglas his brother, namit erle of Buchane, with ane £ew nowmer of vther mene gentilmene. Vpoun the xv day of the faid moneth of Maij, thair wes ane procla-

matioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all and fin-

drie our fouerane lordis liegis, betuix fextie and fextene, alfwele re- gain ie as royaltie, to burgh as to land, to convene and meit in Linlith- qw in feir of weir, vpoun the xvj day thairof, with xv dayis provifioun, 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 177

to pas fordwart quhair thaj lalbe commandit, vnder the pane of tinfell

of lyf, landis and guidis.

Nota, the burning of the palace and caftell of Hamiltoun.

Vpoun the xvj day of the laid moneth, the army of Inglilinen, accum- paneyit with the haill lordis, partakaris with the king, depairted of Edin- burgh to Glafgow to retene the caftell thairof, affeigit be thair adnerl'aries.

And thairefter pall to Linlithqw, and thairfra to Strineling, and fyne fo. G4. b.

to Glalgow ; and vpoun the xx day of the laid moneth, the faidis lordis,

with the Inglis army, come fra Glafgow to the toun of Hamiltoun, and thair thaj herijt, wallit and demolifched all the landis and houffis of the

frindis and partakaris of my lord duke, in lie fort and maner as the lyk

in this realme lies nocht bene hard befoir, continwallie vnto the xxvj day

of the faid moneth. At the quhilk day, ane grofs culuering and ane

moyane come to the laid toun of Hamiltoun from Strineling to lege the

caftell of Hamiltoun, than being haldin. And thairwith, vpone the 20

day thairof, thaj fchot at the faid caftell ; bot becaus the lame wes nocht

liable to defend the vehemence of the laid artailgerie, and thairfoir the

laid caftell wes randerit, the lyvis and geir of thame that keipit it

being faulf ; and efter the faid caftell wes randerit, it wes brint with

fyre, and the toun and palice of Hamiltoun thairwith brunt and demo-


And vpoun the 28 day, the faidis lordis come to Linlithqw ; in thair

turning from Hamiltoun, thaj hereit all the Monkland, the land of Dunhaichin boundis, the lord Flemyngs boundis, my lord Le-

vingftonis boundis, togidder with all thair pure tennentis and freindis, in

lie maner that na hart can think thairon bot the fame moft be dolorous.

Thir ar the names of caftellis, palices, houffis, and places quhilk wer

brint and caftin doun in Cliddifdaill. In the firft, the caftell, palice and

toun of Hamiltoun, the place of Roploch, the place of Stanehous, the

place of Pedderifburne, the place of Laichope, the place of Orbiftoun, ;


Garing, the Haggis, the Torrence, Siluertonghil], with diuerle vther

places pertenying to the faidis Hamiltonis and thair adherentis. Vpoun the famin day, Williame Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun,

iecretare, depairted from the caftell of Edinburgh towartis Dunkeld to ane conventioun.

Vpoun the 29 day of Maij, the faidis lordis, with the Inglis army, pall

fra Linlithqw to the palice of Kynneill, and thair brunt the fame with

fyre, and als the places of Pardovane, Bynning, Kircabell,[Kincavell] the

Peill of Levingftoun, my lord dukis lugeing in Linlithqw, with vtheris

gentilmens houlfis, and thairefter come to Edinburgh the fame nycht. Vpoun the famyne day, Robert lord Sympill wes takin prefonar be Arthour Hamiltoun of Myretoun in the place of Myltoun, and takin

thairfra to Draffane. The faid lord Symple wes ane greit innemy to the

Hamiltonis, and tuik vp wrangouflie and be force the haill dewties of

the abbay of Paflay, thir diuerfe geiris bigane, fra the abbot thairof

haid great caus blyth his quhairfoir the faid Hamiltonis to be at taking ;

and thairefter he was delyuerit to the erle of Ergyle to be keipit in Er-

gile, &c. Vpoun the penult day of Maij, Patrik lord Lindfay, Williame lord Ruthvene, and Williame Dowglas of Lochlevin, depairted of Edinburgh

to Stromiglo, and tuik Alexander Hamiltoun of Innerweik, and Johne

Hamiltoun, callit Johne of Cumnok, and led thame away prefonaris with thame.

Vpoun the firft day of Junij, the Inglis army depairted fra Edinburgh towart Berwick, and tuke Charles Drummond, proveft of Linlithqw,

away with thame to Berwick, becaus he wald nocht giue plegis to thame

that the burgh of Linlithqw fuld nocht refTaue the Hamiltonis in the

faid toun ; and ficklyk tuke the proveft of Haddingtoun ; bot thaj wer

all delyuerit agane thairefter.

Vpoun the fourt day of the faid moneth of Junij, the pledgis quhilk 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 179 wer deliuerit in Ingland for fulfilling of certano conditiounis to the quenis grace of Ingland, com to Edinburgh from Berwick.

Vpoun the fevint day of Junij foirfaid, Robert [Pitcairne] goung commendatare of Dunfermling, ambaffadour for the lordis affiftaris to the kingis au6toritie, returnit from the quenis majeftie of Ingland to Dal- keith, accumpanyit with Mr Randell, agent to the quenis grace foirfaid ; quhilk ambaffadour depairted from Edinburgh towartis Lundoun vpone the 7 day of JVIaij lailbypaft.

Vpoun the 16 day of the faid moneth of Junij, James erle of Mor- toun and Mr Randell, accumpanyit with thair men of weare, paft from

Edinburgh to Striueling to ane conventioun. It wes prefumit that the conuentioun wes to elect and cheis Matho erle of Levinox, regent to the kingis grace, his realme and legis.

In this conventioun thair wes nathing done, bot onlie the faidis lordis maid Matho erle of Lennox the kingis lieutennent vnto the 12 day of

Julij nixtocum. This wes done at the commandement of the quene of

Ingland, quha defyrit the laidis lordis to continew the fame vnto the laid day. This being done, the faidis lordis directit thair writtingis to the laid quene, to know hir mynd tuitching the eledlioun of the faid regent at the laid day, quha wald doe nathing in that behalf without hir expres confent thairto.

Vpoun the penult day of the faid moneth, George auld commenda- tare of Dunfermling, landit in Fyif furth of France, quha haid remanit thairin ten geiris befoir.

Vpoun the ferd day of the moneth of Julij, at 10 houris at nycht, 1570, thair wes ane earth quaik in the cittie of Glafgow, and laftit bot ane ichort fpace, bot it caufit the inhabitants of the faid cittie to be in great terrour and feir.

In this tyme, thair wes ane monftrous fifche fene in Lochfyne, havand greit ene in the head thairof, and at liim tymes wald ftand abone the 180 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

watter as heich as the mail of a f'chippe ; and the laid haid vpoun the heid thairof [twa crounis, the ane ?] abone litill, and the doun maift croun

meikill ; quhilk wes reportit be vyfe men that the fame wes ane iigne, and takning of ane fuddane alteratioun within this realme.

Vpoun the xvij day of Julij 1570foirfaid, Matho erle of Lennox, lord

Dernlie, wes ele6tit and chofin tutour, governour and regent of James king of Scottis, vnto the tyme he may be liable to governe his realme himfelff, and thairfoir commandit all and findrie our foueranis liegis to obey to his faid regent during the laid fpace. The ele6touris of the faid

Matho in regent, wer James erle of Mortoun, Archibald erle of Angus,

Johne erle of Mar, Alexander erle of Glencarne, erle of Men- teith, erle of Buchane, Patrik lord Lindfay, John lord Glam- mis, Williame lord Ruthvene, lord Methvene, the lord Cairlele, with diuerfe certane baronis, with the commiffionaris of burrowis, with cer- tane prelattis, abbottis and pryouris, togidder with the haill miniileris

and fuperintendentis ; and the proclamatioun and publicatioun thairof

wes maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh at thre houris at efternone,

be found of trumpet, be the lyoun king at amies, heraldis, purfevantis

and mauTeris to ane great nowmer. This eleclioun wes maid be adwyie

of the quene of Ingland.

Vpoun the 19 Julij, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat

croce of Edinburgh, commanding and chargeing, in our foueranis name,

all and lindrie our fouerane liegis betuix fextie and fextene, als wele to

burgh as to land, regalitie as royaltie, to addres thame in feir of weir,

to meit my lord regent at Linlithqw vpoun the fecund day of Auguft

nixtocum, vnder the payne of tinfall of lyfe, landis and guidis.

In this mene tyme, Johne Cunnyghame of Drumquhaffell wes maid

half thefaurer, with Mr Robert Ritchartfone that wes thefaurer of befoir.

Vpoun the 25 day of the laid nioneth of Julij 1570, Matho erle of Lennox, regent, depairted from Edinburgh to Striueling, accumpanyit 181 1570. IN SCOTLAND. with ane fmall nowmer of men, to mak preparatioun for the conventioun that erle of Huntlie, ahonewritten ; becaus he wes fuirlie informit the Ergyle, my lord duk, and vtheris favouraris of the quenis auetoritie, purpolit to be in Linlithqw, thair to hald conventioun vpoun the 7 day

is to Hope of Auguft nixtocum ; and thairfoir my lord regentis intentioun the faid conventioune gif he may. The Hamiltonis, heiring that my lord regent wes to cum to Striueling, convenit thamelelffis vpoun the

23 day of the laid moneth in Draffane, and depairted thairfrato Kallan- dar wood, to the nowmer of 80 horfmen and fyftie hagbuttaris, and lay thair in a wait all the 14 day of Julij inftant, to haue tane or flane my lord regent, or my lord of Mar, gif thaj had refortit in thaj pairtis ; bot the mater fucceidit nocht as thaj belevit, for my lord regent depairted not from Edinburgh to Striueling vnto the 25 day of the faid moneth, and fua thaj wer fruftrat of thair opinioune. The knawledge of this confpiracie cumand to my lord regentis earis, he caidit apprehend tua of

to. the faidis conlpiratouris ; the ane of thame callit Barclay, the m.

vther Dow ; and efter tryell tane thairin, the faid Bar- clay wes hangit in Striueling, and the vther wes fauffit vpoun cautioun.

In this mene tyme, thair wes ane finall peace betuix Charles king of

France and his counfale, and the king of Naverne, the quene his mo-

der, the admirall, and all thair affiftaris, tuitching the contraverlie of

religioun vnder certane conditionis.

Vpoun the 3 day of the moneth of Auguft, Matho erle of Lennox,

regent, James erle of Mortoun, Johne erle of Mar, Alexander erle of

Glencarne, with diuerfe vtheris lordis and barronis, according to the

proclamatioun, convenit in Linlithqw, quhair be thair convenyng, cer-

tane aittis and peis growand thairabout wes in fum pairt diltroyit and

eittin be thair horfe. In this mene tyme, thair come word to my lord

regent, that the erle of Huntlie wes cumand with all his forces to win the abbay of Abirbrothok, quhilk wes thane haldin be George Dowglas, 182 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570. baftard lone to the erle of Angous, fra my lord of Abirbrothok, quha

wes fone to duke Harniltoun ; and that the faid erle of Huntlie wes to cum to Linlithqw with the remanent of the erllis and lordis, affiftaris to the quene, gif he wer nocht ftopit.

Vpoun the fyft day of the fame moneth, James erle of Mortoun, with ane certane of chofin horffmen, depairtit fra Linlithqw to Striueling,

and thairfra to Pearth ; and he accumpanyit with the burrowis of Perth and Dundie, togidder with my lordis of Ruthvene, Glammis, Methvene,

Lindfay, and vtheris thair favouraris, paft fra the faid burgh of Perth to

Brechin quietlie, beleiving to haue apprehendit thair the erle of Craw- furd, and lord Ogilvy, and certane men of weare, horfmen and fute- men, quhilkis wer thair remayning and abbyding the cuming of the faid erle of Huntlie, to haue paft with him to the remanent lordis fauoraris of the quene foirfaid. Or thair cuming to the laid toun of Brechin, the erle of Crawfurd, [and] lord Ogilvy, being aduerteift thairof, paft fra the

faid toun of Brechin towartis Abirdene ; bot thaj left thair men of weir

in the faid toun in the ftepill and caftell thairof, quha at the cuming of

the faid erle of Mortoun thairto, vpon mononday the vij day of this in-

ftant, fchott furth of the faidis ftepill and caftell, and flew and hurt ibme

of his men. Notwithftanding the famin, the laid earle remanit thairin,

purpofing not to depairt thairfra vnto the tyme the faidis places wer

wone ; and for that effect fend to Striueling for amunitioun to ding

the lame with, becaus the capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh haid re-

futed to lend them artailgerie.

Vpoun the faid 7 day of the faid moneth, Matho erle of Lennox re-

gent, paft from Linlithqw to Striueling, with the remanent of the army

that convenit at Linlithqw. Vpoun the famyne day, thair wes ane parliament in the kingis name,

proclamit to be haldin in Edinburgh vpoun the tent of October nixto- cum. Vpoun the 8 day of the faid moneth, thair wes ane proclamatioun 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 183 in Edinburgh, inhibiting all perlonis, that nane of thame p relume to difpute vpoun the kingis auetoritie vnder the pane of confifcatioun of

all thair guidis moweable, and pvneifching of thair perlonis ; and the delaiteris thairof fall haue the third pairt of the perlonis guidis that cora- mittis the cryme forfaid, the fame being cleirlie provine.

Vpoun the lamyne day, my lord regent paft fra Striueling to Perth,

thairfra to helpe the faid erle of Mortoun in his progres, and to Dundie ; and fra Dundie to the laid toun of Brechin, becauie it wes murmurit that the erle of Huntlie was to cum for relkewing of the faidis places haillily.

Nota, the raid of Brechin.

Vpoun the tuelt day of the faid moneth of Auguft, the laid caftell of

Brechin wes randerit to my lord regent, becaus the erle of Huntlie and

vtheris erlis and lordis come not to refkew the faidis fuddartis being

thair, according to thair promeis maid to thame, and thaj become in

his will cauiit haill ; quha tak the capitanis and fuddartis being thairin, c 1. perfonis. thairefter extending to j and And vpoun the xij day of the famyne moneth, being Sattirday, he caufit juftifie in Brechin 31

perfonis, off the quhilkis the names followis ; viz. Alexander Couttis, capitano James Mure, capitan Adame Dudoip, ferjand Walter Darg,

ferjant Patrik Mylne, Johne Reid elder cordinar in the Kowgait, Ro-

bert Gibfone cordiner thair, Andro Boyd in Dunbartane, George Maxwell, Johne Norwell, Alexander Hamiltoun, Johne Hamiltoun elder, Johne Rannald, Charles Broun, Robert Dickfone, Alexander Morifoune, Andro Denis, Matho Baird, Johne George, Johne Ken- nedie, Williame George, Thomas Wobftar, Johne Langmure, Williame Bryce, Johne Cant, Thomas Hamiltoun gounger, Downy Merchell, Dauid Loch, Johne Gordoun. Alexander Gordoun fumtyme fervand

to Mr Dauid Chahner, was laulf, for hinging of the reft. Barthilmo

Henderfoun efcapit that nycht that the caftell wes randerit, and thair- 184 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570. efter wes apprehendit and takin in Dundie, quhair he wes juftifiit to the death vpoun the xiiij day of Auguft inftant ; and capitane Wemis gatt his liffe, be paying of certane fowmes of money, and his haill fud-

dartis ; and this being done, my lord regent returnit to Striueling. The deathis of thir perfonis wer grittumlie bevalit be mony.

In this mene tyme, Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, heirand that at this tyme thair wes ane army of Ingland to cum in Scotland haiftilie, and als that duke Aluais army wes vpoun the fey, incertane quhairto he wald pas thairwith, and als that the king of France wes makand ane vther army, and he fearing the cuming of thais armyis in Scotland, maid furnilhing and preparatioun in the faid caftell for the defence thairof, in fie maner that the lyk in our dayis wes not hard nor fene.

Vpoun the 21 day of Auguft foirfaid, my lord regent paft fra Striue- ling to lege the caftell of Doun in Menteith, perteining to James Stewart commendatare of Sanct Colmes Inche in heritage, and gat the iamyne randerit to him vpoun appointment, vpoun the 25 day of the faid moneth.

In this mene tyme, the erle of Suffex, lieutennent to the quene of Ingland, accumpaniit with ane army of 4000 men, come to Annand, and thairfra to Drumfreis ; and in thair cuming in thaj brint and call doun the places and toure of Hoddum, Annand, Kowhill, Carlauerok,

Cloilburne, Tynwell, Boynel'chaw, and brint certane houffis in the toun of Drumfreis, and ran the forray 14 mylis from Drumfreis, and reft and fpoulgeit all that thaj mycht gett, and thairefter returnit in Ing- land. Attour in this lame tyme, thair arryvit in Abirdene ane pynnage, quhairin wer twa Spangeardis, fervandis of the duke de Alua, lieuten- nent to the king of Spayne, directit with Mr Johne Hamiltoun perfone of Dunbar fra the laid duke to George erle of Huntlie, and the rema- nent erlis and lordis affiftaris of the quene. It is faid that the iaidis 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 185 perfonis haid brocht to the faidis erllis 600 hagbuttis, 600 beidpeices and corilattis, and 3000 pikkis, togidder with vij peice of ordinance, to remayne and abyd thair vnto the tyme the laid dukis army wer cum- ing, quhilk wes as tbaj allegit in readines to imbark at thair depairting

of Flanderis ; and efter tbaj haid Ipokin with the faidis earlis, tbaj de- parted to Flanders agane. Vpoun the 24 day of Auguft, George lord Seytoun, accunipanyit with the countes of Northumberland and vther gentilmene, embarkit at Abirdene and paft to Flanderis, to obtene fup- port at duke de Alua aganis the lord regent.

Vpoun the 24 day of the laid moneth, ane fervand of my lord re- gentis callit Maifter Mwn, being dire6lit fra my lord regent to pas to

Ingland to his wyff, with certane writtingis, reflauit writtingis privilie fra certane perfonis fauouraris of the kingis moder, to convoy the lame

to hir in Ingland ; and my lord regent being aduerteilt thairof, caulit tak his laid fervand betuix Edinburgh and Muflilburgh, quhom with thaj land writtingis to the number of 74, direct fra iindrie great mene

to the laid quene, bot the maiil pairt thairof wer all written in fypheris ; and thairefter caufit put the faid Mr Mwn in captivitie in the caflell of

Doun, and remanit thair vnto the penult day of the faid moneth, vpoun the quhilk he wes convoyit in cumpany with my lord regent to Edin- burgh.

Vpoun the 29 day of the faid moneth, dame Marie [Pieris], auld fc «7. t>. ladv Seytoun, and Robert Seytoun hir fone, wes brocht to Edinburgh to be accufit vpoun the writting foiriaid, fend to the quene and hir dauchter with Mr Mwn.

Vpoun the laft day of Auguft 1570, Robert goung commendatare of

Dunfermling, wes maid i'ecretare in the place of Williame Maitland younger of Lethingtoun, and obtenit the fignettis deliuerit to him.

Vpoun the firft day of September 1570, thair wer tua perfonis brint

in the caftell hill of Edinburgh for the committing of the horrible finne 2 A 180 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

of ibdame ; the ane thairof wes callit Johne Swan alias Reidpeth, the vther of the fame, Johne Litftar blak fmyth. In no tyme heirtofoir wes it hard that any perfonis in this cuntrie wes fnndin gyltie of this cryme.

Vpoun the fourt day of the faid moneth of September, the faid auld

ladie Seytoun and Robert hir fone wes put to the knowlege of ane affife,

in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, for the writting and conl'aving of the faid

writting, calling thairin the kingis audtoritie ane vfurpit audtoritie, and

the niantenaris of the kingis audtoritie vfurparis of audloritie, with fic-

in the kingis lyk vtheris blafphemous wordis ; quha became and my

declarit his will, that thaj find lord regentis will thairfoir ; quha fould

cautioun and fouertie, that thaj in no tyme thairefter fould wreat to the

kingis moder, vnto the tyme my lord regent and his counfall wer ad-

uerteift thairof ; and fua wes lattin frie.

In all this tyme fen my lord regentis returning from Brechin, the

haill lordis and erlis affiftaris to the quene, wer at ane counfall in the

Balloch abone Dunkeld ; bot quhat wes concludit amangis thame

in that counfall, the famin as git is not revelit ; bot it is faid thaj fiib-

fcryvit ane lettre tuitching the fulfilling and obferving of certane

articles to thame be the quene of Ingland, for the deliverance of the

quene the kingis moder. Vpoun the fevint day of the faid moneth, Robert Hepburne fecund fone

to Patrik Hepburne of Wauchtoun, wes in Bachat [Bathcat] cumand to

vifie his freindis in Louthiane ; and the goung lairdis of Apilgirth and

Carmichaell, accumpanyit with certane of my lord of Mortonis fervandis,

havand knowlege thairof, and lyand in await at the kirk of Bachat for

apprehending of him, l'ett vpone him thair ; he being alone with ane

boy fled, and thaj chafit him continwallie fra the faid place quhill he

come to the caftell of Edinburgh, quhairin he wes reffauit with great wes paffand in at the faid caftell difficultie ; for quhen the faid Robert

gett, his aduerfaries wer at Patrik Edgar his hous end : Ane thing to 15?0. IN SCOTLAND. 187 be wounderit at that he culd efcape the handis of the faidis perionis,

confiddering thair multitude and als weill horfit as he wes ; and he being ryding vpoun ane broun naig, culd neuer haue fpace to change of the lamyn vpoun his led horfe, bot continwallie raid quhill he come to the caftell foirlaid ; bot his perfewaris not onlie changit horfe, bot alfua did call from thame l'aiddelis and vther geir, to mak licht for perfewing of him. My lord regent and my lord Mortoun wer verry difcontent at the capitane of the caftell for reffaving of him thairin. It is fpokan that the faid Robert wes betrayit be ane James Hering his compangeoun.

Vpoun the famyne day, thair arryvit at Dunbartane ane pynnage out of France, and monfieur Berar[Verac]ambaflatour to the king of France, quha wes in Scotland in the moneth of Aprile of befoir, as is befoir reherlit, and brocht certane furneiiching and munitioun to the caflell thairof.

Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth, the faid Robert Hepburne wes deliuerit be the capitane of the caftell to my lord regent, vnder conditioun that nathing f'ould be laid to his chairge, bot that the crymes of the kingis flauchter, and the lying in await laitlie for my lord regentis llauchter betuix Linlithqw and the fullgirk [Falkirk] ; quhilk Robert wes hartlie contentit to be deliuerit vpoun that conditioun.

Vpoun the tent day of the faid moneth, fchir Johne Ballendene of

Auchnoule knycht, Jullice Clerk, and Mr Archibald Dowglas, paft of

Edinburgh as commiffionaris to commoun with the erle of Southfex in

Anweik, lieutennent to the quene of Ingland, tuitching diuerfe materis anent the mantenance of the kingis aucloritie, and to obtene ane faulf- condudl to James erle of Mortoun, to pas in Ingland for treating of fie effaires as the quenis majeltie thocht to be done.

In this mene tyme, all the barronis, erlis and lordis within Louthiane,

Fyff and Angus, and als in mony vther pairtis of this realme, wer char- iot to come in and obey to the kingis auctoritie, vnder fie great panis 188 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

as is contenit in the lettres direclit thairvpone, bot few or nane cora- Johnftoune, come peirit ; bot the lairdis of Buckcleuch, Pharnihirft and

this fame tyme to Edinburgh, to appoint with my lord regent for feir

laid of Ingland ; bot thaj depairtit agane vnaggreit with the regent. Vpoun the 18 day of the faid moneth, Robert Hepburne wes deli-

uerit be my lord regent to James erle of Mortoun, to be put in capti-

pleafit wes in Dalkeith caftell, and de- vitie quhair he ; quhan he put

tenit captive thairin. The lame day Johne erle of Mar and Alexander

erle of Glencarne come to Edinburgh, for treating of certane materis concernyng the anfuer to diuerfe writtingis fent be the faid quene of

Ingland to the regent.

Vpoun the faid xviij day of September, thair wes ane decreit of foir-

faultour givin aganis the archbifchope of Glafgow, decernyng him to

haue foirfaltit his faid benefice for not compeirance befoir my lord re-

gentis grace, and als becaus he wes ane fauourar of the quene and hir

fo. 68. b. audloritie. This decreit wes pronuncit and givin in the chekker hous,

at the lalt trone callit Robilbnis Land, the laid day.

In this mene tyme, it wes finallie appointit and aggreit betuix the

quene of Ingland and Johne bifchope of Rol's, in name and behalf of

the Kingis moder, tuitching all debaittis and contraverfies betuix thame,

and that vpoun certane conditionis and articles ; quhilkis conditionis and

articles wes fend, as wes fpokin, to my lord regent, and als to that pairt

of the nobilitie afliftaris to the quenis grace of this realme, to advyle

thairwith ; and certane of baith the faidis pairties defyrit to come to

Londoun, to treat finallie in the faidis materis, and baith the faidis

pairties to defift and ceis fra hurting and harming of vtheris vnto thair

; bot this returning ; quhairat the faid regent wes na way content wes done to dryve tyme with France, as wes alledgit.

Vpoun the £4- day of September, maifter Johne Kello, miniller at

Spott, murdrilt [Margaret] Thomfone, his fpous, maift crewellie ; the 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 189 committing quhairof wes ane great fclander and reproche to the kirk of

God in this realme. Vpoun the 21 day of September, thair come ane ambaflatour from the quene of Ingland callit Clintoun, fone and air to my lord

Clint, admirall of Ingland, in Edinburgh, to treat in the faidis materis, viz. with the faid regent and his affiflaris tuitching the bringing hame of the quenis grace, and thair fecuritie to be haid of hir grace for thair

faltis bygane ; and als to treat with the nobilitie fauouraris of the quene, tuitching the fecviritie to be maid be thame for keiping of the l'aidis con- ditionis betuix the faidis princeffis in tyme to cum.

Vpoun the 17 day of September 1570, William Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun, Johne commendatare of Coldinghame, and Mr Thomas

Maitland his brithren, and Gawin commendatare of Kilwynning, wer denuncit our i'oueranis rebellis, and put to the borne at the mercat croce of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the laft day of the laid moneth, James duke of Chattellarault, erle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, wes denuncit our foueranis rebell, and put to the borne at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, for not compeirance befoir my lord regent and lordis of fecreit counfall, to anfuer fie thingis as fuld haue bene laid to his chairge.

In this mene tyme, my lord regent dire6lit miffives to all gentillmen his fauouraris, to addres thame with thair freindis and houflialdis in feir of weir, to cum to Edinburgh vpoun the aucht day of October nixto- cum, for halding of the parliament forfaid vpoun the tent thairof.

In this fame tyme, thair wes ane conventioun in Strabogy of the maiil pairt of the nobilitie favouraris and affiftaris of the quene the kingis moder, confulting vpoun materis concerning hir delyuerie.

Vpoun the fecund day of October 1570, the faid Mr Johne Kello, fo. 60. miniiler foirfaid, vncompellit or coadlit be ony maner of perlbne, hot of his awne frie will, come to Edinburgh willinglie, to thoill and fuffer the 190 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

death for the faid cryme ; quhair he vpoun the fourt day of the faid mo- neth, efter his notable confeflione thairof, and wounderfull conuerfioune efter fa greit temptatioun, vnderlyit the jugement of ane affyfe, and thairby wes condempnit to be hangit to the death, and his bodie adjud-

git to be brint ; as he wes the fame day at the fait trone of the burgh of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the fame day, Dauid erle of Crawfurd come to Edinburgh to ap- point with my lord regentis grace, and lordis of fecreit counfall, tuitching

all materis ; becaus his cornis, guidis and geir wer vnder thair feit, and micht haue bene diftroyit at thair plelbur.

In this niene tyme, James erle of Mortoun wes maid fcherefF princi- pall of Edinburgh, and conftable in Haddingtoun, and obtenit the fame in heritage fra my lord regent, be reffoun of foirfaltour led vpone the

erle of Bothuile.

Nota, the parliament quhairin Matho erle of Lennox wes confirmit


Vpoun the 13 day of October 1570, my lord regent, accumpanyit

with the bilchopes of Cathnes, Brechin, and Orknay, the erlis of Mor- toun, Crawfurd, Mar, Monteith, the maifter of Montrois, Buchane, the

maifter Merfchell, the abbottis of Dunfermling, now fecretare, George

Dowglas commendatare of Abirbrothok, Balmerinoch, lord Robert pri- our of Quhitherne, Dryburgh, Cambufkyneth, Culros, Portmook, and

the lordis of Lindfay, Ruthvene, Glammis, Borthwik, geifter, Sinclare, Cathcart, Methvene, and Vchiltrie, and my lord Torphichin, togidder

with the haill commiffionaris of burrowis, pad vpoun fute fra my lord

regentis lugeing to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and thair client the lordis

articles, viz. the erles of Mortoun chancelare, Mar, Crawfurd, the

maifter Grahame, the bilchopes of Cathnes, Brechin, and Orknay, the

commendataris of Dunferling, Balmerinoche and Porthmook, the lordis

of Lindfay and Ruthvene, with Mr James M'Gill clerk regifter, provelt 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 191

of Edinburgh, and Mr James Haliburtoun, proveit of Dundie ; and thaj

pail to counlale, and concludit, that for inlaiking of juftice within this

roalme, neceffar it wes to cheis ane regent and tutour to the kingis

grace ; and als that it wes fundin be the faidis lordis of articles, that the

a£t maid in fecreit counfale in this prefent geir, beirand ane perfone

contenit in the commiffioun maid be the kingis moder anent the gover-

nament of this realme mycht vfe the fame, fua that the remanent per-

fonis thairin contenit ather ablentit thamefelfis, or wald nocht accept the

laid chairge vpoun thame ; and thairfoir it wes fundine that the erle of

Lennox maid regent and tutour to the kingis grace of befoir in fecreit

counfale, mycht juftlie vfe the laid office in tyme to cum, as vmquhile

James erle of Murray vfit the lame of befoir, vnto the perfyte geiris and fo. 69. t>.

tyme contenit in the faid commillioun. Attour the faidis eftaittis rati-

fijt the faid acl:, and als all a6lis maid anent the freedome of halie kirk,

fen the 58 geir of God, and thairefter continewit the faid parliament

vnto the 12 day of Januar nixtocum, to remayne in the fame effecl as

the lame is now. It is to be notit, that in thair palling to the faid tol-

buyth, remayning in the lame, nor jit returneing thairfra, thair wes nather croun, fceptre nor fword in this parliament borne, for thaj haid

nane bot quhilk wes in the caftell of Edinburgh, and the capitane thair- of wald not deliuer the fame to thame, for na treatice that culd be maid


This fame day, the erle of Glencarne being in this toun, wald not

ailiit to this parliament, bot depairtit of Edinburgh, becaus my lord re- gent wald nocht giue to him the archbifhoprick of Glafgow.

Vpoun the fame day, thair come writtingis to the faid regent and his

auiftaris, from the quene of Ingland, defyring his grace and certane of his

wile men to cum to Londoun, to reffoun befoir hir hienes and hir con-

fall, tuitching all materis debetabill betuix thame and the kingis moder.

Vpoun the 14 day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortone, Johne 192 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

lord Glammis, and Robert coinmendatare of Dunfermling, wer chofin

to pas to Ingland for the effec~l foirfaid ; bot on the fame day, thair

wes ane taxt raifit of l'S"1 pund to mak thair expenffis with, bot the fame

haiftilie tuik na effedl. In all this mene tyme, thair wes commoning

betuix the ambaffatouris of the quene of Ingland and the quene of Scot-

land, for treating of all thingis debetable amangis thame.

Vpoun the 20 day of the faid moneth of October, my lord regent and

his fecrete counfall gaif fpeciall commiffioun to Andro Cunnynghame,

capitane to his hienes lichthorfmen, and Thomas Crawfurd, capitane

of ane hundreth futemene, to pas to Hamiltoun, and to all perfonis

houffis and bonndis quha affiftit the quene, and thairfoir wer foirfaltit,

and thair threfchit owt thair cornes, caft doun thair houffis, diftroyit

orchardis gairdis or pitie thair woodis, and without commiferatioun ;

and in fpeciall vpoun the faidis Hamiltonis and thair affiftaris, and that

for the crewell flauchter of James erle of Murray lait regent : this wes

done to pay the faidis horlTmen and futemen thair wages with.

Vpoun the fainin day, capitane Dauid Home paft, at command of ane

commiffioun of my lord regent, with his cumpany of men of weir, to

Lethingtoun, to thrache out the cornes, and intromett with the guidis

and geir perteining to Williame Maitland gounger of Lethingtoun, be- fo. 70. caus he was ane of the principallis that haid fallin and declynit fra the

kingis aucloritie, and ane of the mantenaris of the quenis au6toritie.

All this wes done incontrair the tennour of the appointment and heidis

convenit vpoun betuix the erle of Suffex, lieutennent to the quene of

Ingland in the noith pairtis thairof, and in name and behalf of ray

lord regent, and of all theis profeffand the kingis aucloiitie within Scot-

land, and James duke of Chattellarault, George erle of Huntlie, and

Archibald erle of Ergyle, in name and behalf of all theis profeffand

it is the quenis aucloritie within the faid realme ; qubairin contenit that

baith the faidis pairties fuld abftene from all hoftilitie or invading of 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 193 vtheris from the tuelf day of September vnto the 12 day of Nouember nixtocum.

In all this tyme, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid in France, throw out all the portis and heavinis thairof, that na fchipp nor merchand guidis of

Scotland refort within the boundis and hevines of the lamyne with thair

merchandice and guidis, without the quenis cocket hade ; and becaufe diuerfe fchippis part thairto without the faid cokquet, the i'amyne wer hal- din with the guidis being thairintill, and all the laidis fchippis intromettit with and taken vp as efcheit, bot wer dimittit agane bythe quenis requeft.

Vpoun the fecund day of Nouember 1570, thair come ane lervand of the erle of Southfex, callit maifter Wrocht, with writtingis fra the faid erle to my lord regent and his affillaris, declaring thame to haue brokin the appointment maid betuix the quene of Ingland and the quene of

Scotland and thame, in that thaj haue intromettit and thrafchin out

diuerfe gentilmens cornis profeffand the quenis authoritie in Scotland ; quhairfoir he requyrit the laid regent and lordis of fecreit counfall, to caus rander and delyuer agane the guidis and geir intromettit with be thame and thair men of wear, to the perl'onis fra quhom thaj haue tane the famyne, with certificatioun to thame, and thaj failgeit, that the quene of Ingland wald tak fie ordour thairintill as thaj wald nawayes ftand

content thairwith ; and to defift and ceis fra all trubling and molefting of the laidis perfonis, or intrometting with thair guidis and geir induring the tyme of thair treatice foirfaid, and in fpeciall from intrometting with the guidis and cornis pertening to William Maitland gounger of Le- thingtoun and his brethrin. Notwithftanding of this laid writting, thaj eaulit threfche out the laid cornis, and fauld the famyne as thaj plefit.

Vpoun the 6 day of November, Thomas Barrie meffinger, being con- vicYit for fangeing of my lord regentis hand wreit, wes adiugit be ane affyfe to want his richt hand, quhilk hand wes ftrikin fra him vpoune the mercat croce of Edinburgh the fame day. 2 B ;


Nota, the hereing of Bothuile Mure.

Vpoun the 12 day of the faid moneth, capitane Andro Cunnyghame

and capitane Thomas Crawford, accumpanyit with ane certane men of

weare, depairtit af Glafgow, and paft in the nycht to Bothuile Mure,

fo. 70. b. quhair thaj reft and fpoulgeit all the inhabitantis and tennentis thairof and becaus the Hamiltonis wes gadderand to refkew the faidis gudis,

thaj ferit to returne agane to the faid toun of Glafgow, bot come to Edinburgh with the fame. Thaj brocht to the laid burgh of Edinburgh

400 key and oxin, 600 fcheip, and 60 meris and flaigis ; this done, thaj

pait to my lord regent, he being in Dalkeith, and knew his mynd, quhid-

der thaj fould tak ane conipoutioun from the puir tennentis, awnaris

of the fainyne, or nocht ; bot the mater wes fa vnmercifullie handlit, that

the faidis guidis wes proclamit be found of drum and trumpete, to be

lauld be quhatfumeuer perfonis that wald by the famyne. This wes

done be commiffioun of my lord regent as is befoir reherfit. To heir the

voyce and lamentable crying of the faidis pure tennentis, for the vnmer-

cifull rubrie and opprellioun committit vpoun the faidis perfonis be the

faid men of weir, it wald maid ane ftane hartit man to greit and be-

vail. Bot cry quhat thaj wald cry, and lament as thaj plealit, thair wes

nane that obtenit confort at thair vnmercifull handis ; for quhen the faidis pover creatouris maid thair complaint to the faid regent, he wald nocht

heir thame, quhill that the faid oppreffioun wes cryifc out vpoune be Johne Craig minifter. And than the faid regent and lordis of fecreit

counfale ordanit that the ane half of the faidis guidis be randerit agane

to the faidis pover tennentis ; bot or this tyme, the faid men of weare

hade iparfallit the belt of thame, and thane the faidis pover tennentis

wer conftranit ather to tak agane the ane half of the worft of the faidis

guidis that wer left behind, or els thaj wald nocht haue gottin nathing. Vpoun the 14 day of the faid moneth, Mr Robert Pitcarne goiing commendatare of Dunfermling, fecretare to the kingis grace, depairtit 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 195 of Edinburgh towartis Ingland as ambaflatour for mv lord regent, and that pairt of the nobilitie affiftand to the kingis auctoritie, to know the mynd and will of the quene of Ingland tuitching the deliuerance of the quene foirfaid, or els to know gif any vther greit mene of the faid nobi- litie fould come to hir majeftie for the effe6l foirfaid.

Vpoun the faid day, the laid men of weare depairtit aff Edinburgh towartis Glafgow, to fpoill and raif the remanent of the faidis duks ten- nentis, gif the famin mycht be done be thair puiflance.

Vpoun the 21 day of the faid moneth, Mr Mwn wes put to the know- lege of ane afTyfe, for the tranfporting of writtingis to the quenis grace of

Scotland to Ingland, and thairby wes convict, bot fentence nocht pro-

nuncit, and put in prefone agane within the caftell of Doun ; and thair- efter wes hangit on ane gibbatt.

Vpoun the 25 day of the faid moneth, Mr Foullar, ane fervand of my fo. 71. lord regentis, come by poft to the faid regent, bot quhat his erandis wes nane culd be certifijt, except familiaris of Court. In all this tyme, thair wes litill or na affemblie of nobillmene towartis my lord regent, becaus he wes feiklie, and come nocht furth of his hous in Edinburgh.

Vpoun the 28 day of the moneth of November foirfaid, thair come writtingis fra the quenis majeftie of Ingland to Mr Randell, requyring him to come to Londoune to hir grace, for treating of fie materis as hir hienes hade to doe.

In all this tyme, my lord regent wes feik, and keipit his privie chalmer, that he nather refoirtit to preitching nor counfell.

Vpoun the 7 day of December, thair wes ane day of law betuix the

Hoppringillis and Eluottis in Edinburgh, quhairin the ane pairtie fet vpoun the vther, and hade nocht the toun of Edinburgh raid thame, thair haid bene greit flauchter done the faid day.

Vpoun the aucht day of the laid moneth, William lord Levingltoune,

Alexander bilchope of Athenis, as ambairatouris for the pairt of the no- 196 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570. bilitie affiftand to the quene the kingis moder, depairtit towartis Ingland to the quene and counfale thairof, to reffoun with thame, and to treat for the delyuerance of the faid quene the kingis nioder out of Ing- land, quhairintill lho hes bene detenit as captiue, gif the famyne mycht be done. Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth, Patrik Mofcrope, fone to Mr Johne Mofcrope aduocate, and Ewfame M'Callgeane fone [dochter] and onlie appeirand air to Mr Thomas M'alleane, ane of the fenatouris of the college of Juftice, wer marijt in the faidis Thomas Makcail- geonis hous within Edinburgh, bot nocht be permiffioun of the kirk,

and that for feir of tumult to haue bene maid be Archibald Ruth-

vene, broder to Williame lord Ruthvene, quha allegit that he haid

the firft promeis of hir, and vpoun the famyn haid focietie with hir

perfbne. This ordour of mariage indurit in ane maner an fclander to

the kirk of God.

Vpoun the fextene day of the faid moneth, wes tane in Edinburgh be Alexander Home of Manderftoun, for confpyring of my lord regentis

ilauchter, ane callit Cowpar, being in Ingland.

In this mene tyme, the kingis moder wes ftrickin with fie infirmitie,

that na man belevit any vther thing of hir to come bot death ; bot efter

lang infirmitie fho convalefled agane. Vpoun the 16 day of the faid moneth, William Maitland gounger of

Lethingtoun, fumtyme fecretare, Johne commendatare of Coldinghame, Mr Thomas Maitland his brethreine, and James commendatar of Sanc~t- colmes infche, wes fummond be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat

croce of Edinburgh, to compeir within the tolbuyth of the famyn, the 29 day of Januar nixtocum, to heir thame foirfaltit for certane crymes

of treffoune allegit be thame committit. Vpoun the 18 day of the laid moneth, the goiing laird of Garneleis

feit 30 fouldiouris to affaige Conglintoune. 157Q. IN SCOTLAND. 197

Nota, the breking of the tolbuith dure of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the 21 day of December foirfaid, Williame Kirkcaldie of fo. 71. b.

Grange knycht, capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, caufit Johne Kirk-

caldie burges of Kingorne, and vther fyve of his houlhald fervandis, to

pas to the toun of Leith ; and thair thaj being all arryvit and bodin in feir of weir, lay in await vpoun auld feid and foirthocht felonie, and let

vpoun Henrie Seytoun, fervand to the laird of Durie, and crewellie

flew him. Quhilkis perlbnis efter the committing of the laid flauchter, returnit to the caftell of Edinburgh, and in thair returneing, thair wes ane of the faidis perfonis tane, callit James Flemyng ; and the tyme of the vther fyvis cuming to the laid caftell, the faid capitane caulit ane nowmer of fuddartis to cum furth of the faid caftell, to reflaue thame at the end of the bank ; quhilk wes ane evident figne and taikning that the faid capitane wes the caufer of the faid flauchter, or at the leift, the famin wes committit with his adviffe and knowlege. And the laid James Fle- myng being tane and put in captivitie within the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, tbarin to haue remanit vnto the tyme he fould bene put to the knowlege of ane affyfe ; bot the lamin nicht betuix fevin houris and audit at evin, the faid capitane fend doun ane nowmer of fuddartis, and vtheris his fervantis, all bodin in feir of weir, to the laid tolbuyth, and thair brek vp the dore of the famyne and enterit thairin, and perforce reft away th laid James Fleniyng to the faid caftell ; my lord regent being in his

lugeing within the faid burgh, quha maid na obftacle thairto ; and in the taking of the faid James furth, the capitane caulit fchute 7 peice of lmall ordinance ovir the toun, bot the famyne did not hurt to na per- fone. In all this tyme, nather the proveft and bailleis of Edinburgh maid ather convening of the toun or reliftence in this mater, bot contenit

thamelelris within thair houlTis ; for it is faid that thair wes many inhabi- taris of Edinburgh at the doing heirof priuilie, quhilk caufit the rema- nent to contene in quietnes. 198 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1570.

In this mene tyme, the faidis horfmen and futemene paft from Glaf-

gow to Kilvynning, and thair reft and fpoulgeit the poore labouraris of

the ground pertening to the faid abbacie.

Vpoun the firft day of Januar, Mr Randell agent for the quene of

Ingland, depairtit of Edinburgh towartis Ingland, and wes convoyit to Dalkeith be the proveft of Edinburgh, Mr James M'Gill and certane

vther honeft men thairof. Vpoun the ferd day of the faid moneth of Januar 1570, the capitane

of the caftell of Edinburgh caufit all his freindis to convene in Edin-

burgh, to confult and adwys with thame anent the fatiffaelioun and of-

fer to be maid and offerit to the faid vmquhile Henrie Seytoun, laitlie

flane in maner foirfaid ; quhilk conventioune maid ane dredour vpoun fo. 72. diuerfe inhabitants of Edinburgh in fie fort, that it wes commandit be

the magiftratis, that all perfonis duelland in Edinburgh fuld haue thair

wappynnis in reddines.

Vpoun the xij day of the faid moneth of Januar, thair fuld haue bene

conventioun of the nobilitie favouraris of the king in Edinburgh ; bot the

laid nobilitie come not thairto the faid day, bot thaj convenit vpoun the

18 day of the faid moneth. This conventioun wes ordanit for treiting of

certane effaires perteining to the quene of Ingland, for prefervatioun of

the kingis auctoritie, and anent the depefcheing of James erle of Mor-

toun, quha wes in purpois to pas in Ingland for treiting of the famyne.

Vpoun the 16 day of the moneth foirfaid, Robert lord Sympill wes

convoyit out of Ergyle to Draffane.

Vpoun the 17 day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortoun and

Robert lord Boyd, as commiffionaris for that pairt of the nobilitie affift-

and to the quene, convenit in Corftorphin place, and thair remanit com-

moning vpone the effaires betuix thame vnto evine.

Vpoun the faid day at evin, the Hamiltonis come to Paiflay, and thair

tuik thair abbay thairof fra the lord Sympelis feruandis, quha haid re- 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 199

teinit the famyne fra the abbot thairof, fra the feild of Langfyde vnto

this day.

Vpoun the 22 day of the faid moneth, the parliament wes continewit

vnto the 24 day of Maij nixtocum, and proclamit at the mercat croce

vpoun the 23 thairof.

Vpoun the famyne day, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at Edin- burgh, chargeing all and findrie liegis betuix fextie and fextene, to be in

reddines in feir of weir, with 15 dayes provihoune, to meit the regent at lie ane place as ialbe appointit within 24 houris warnyng, vnder the pane of tintell of lyff, landis and guidis. Vpoun the27 day ofJanuar, my lord regent brakhiscumpany ofhorfmene.

Vpoun the fame day, his grace depairted af Edinburgh towartis Stri- ueling, accumpanyit with Johne erle of Mar and my lord Glencarne, and the erle of Mortoun paft to Dalkeith. Vpoun the tuantie audit day, Williame Kilcadie of Grange knycht, capitane of Edinburgh caftell, come to the fermoune to Sancl Geillis kirk.

Vpoun the third day of Februar, thair wes ane broder and iiftar, callit

Bonaris, brunt on the caftellhill of Edinburgh, becaus thaj hade carnale copulatioun togidder.

Vpoun the fourt day of the faid moneth of Februar, James erle of

Mortoun, accumpanyit with Mr James M'Gill clerk of regifter, and proveft of Edinburgh, as ambaffatouris for the kingis grace, paft to Ber- wick in thair wayage to the court of Ingland.

Vpoun the famin day, the capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh feit ane hundreth fuddartis, and held ane gaird hous in Patrik Eggaris land at the caftellhill, and maid capitane James Melvill thair capitane.

Vpoun the firft day of the faid moneth, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the croce of Edinburgh, chargeing all and findrie our foueranis legeis betuix fextie and fextene, and vtheris fenfable perfonis, alfueill regalitie as royaltie, to burgh as to land, to addres thame in feir of .


fo. 72. b. weir, with xv dayes vicluallis, to meitmylord regent in Glafgow vponn

the 14 day thairof, vnder the pane of tinfell of lyif, landis and guidis.

This raid wes maid to win Paflay agane.

Nota, the taking of Paiflay.

Vpoun the fext day of the faid moneth of Fehruar, my lord regentis

fuddartis, accumpanyit with my lord Sympillis freindis and vtheris thair

affiftaris, paft to Paflay and lay about the famin ; and efter fum aflurance

tane betuix the faid place and thame, the famin place wes randerit vpoun

the xvij day of the famyne moneth to my lord regent, and all the per-

fonis being thairintill, extending to 30 perfonis, become in his will

and mercie. And fua my lord regent, accumpanyit with the haill army,

come to Glafgow agane, and brocht the faidis perfonis with him thairto,

vpone the 18 day thairof; and ane pairt thairof put in the caftell of Glaigow, and ane vther pairt returnit with the fuddartis, abyding the

will and mercie of my lord regent foirfaid. Vpoun the famyn auchtene day of Februar, Claud Hamiltoun, accum-

panyit with fome of his freindis, tuik and apprehendit certane gentilmen

that wes paffand to the raid, and put thame in Craignathane, purpofing

gif my lord regent difponit vpoun the perfonis being in Paflay, to dilpone

lykwayes vpoun the faidis gentilmene ; bot thaj wer demittit thairefter.

In all this tyme, the king of Frances ambaffadour wes lying in Ing-

land, for obtening deliuerance of the kingis moder.

Vpoun thelQday of the faid moneth, thair come gentilmen frathequene

of Ingland, to flay my lord regent af ony forder proceiding aganis the Ha-

miltonis during the abftenance, cmhilk wes vnto the firft of Merch nixtocum

Vpoun the fevint day of March 1572, [1570] thir perfonis following,

being fuddartis in the place of Paflay the tyme the fame wes randerit, wer

hangit on the eifter Burrow Mure of Glafgow, for thair balding of the

laid place aganis the king and his hienes regent incontrair thair promeis

maid to him of befoir j thaj ar to fay, Johne Hamiltoun furiour, Paris 1570. IN SCOTLAND. 201

Hamiltoun, William Schirrilaw, William Donaldfone, Johne Arbukill,

George Nafmyth, Johne Haiftie, Thomas Towcht, and Donald Scherar.

Schir Thomas Dikfone granter of Paflay, Michael Hamiltoun and Johne

Walker being in lykwyis conviclit, wes tane to the gallowes and gat

thair lyves, and thairefter dimittit and put to libertie with the remanent

pover perlbnis that wes in the laid place, except Andro Hamiltonis

fonnis of the Cochtnach, quha wes put in waird thairefter.

Vpoun the aucht day of the faid moneth, thair come writtingis from

the quene of Ingland to the capitane of Edinburgh caftell, and to my lord regent, to continew the abftenence vnto the firft day of Apryle nixtocum, in the fame nianer as it wes of befoir.

fo 3 - Vpoun the nynt day of the laid moneth, Matho erle of Lennox regent - ?

depairted fra Glafgow towart Carrik, with his freindis and men of weare.

Thispaffing of my lord regentis wes, becaus Gilbert erle of Caffillis wes to perfew the laird of Bargany for his hous of Dummure, [Dunure] tane be the faid laird fra the laid earle of befoir ; and the faid regent, myndit to affift the faid laird of Bargany, pall to Air, and thair re- manit quhill thair wes ane affurance takin betuix the faidis pairties, and thairefter returnit to Glafgow on the 16 day of this inftant.

In all this tyme, the capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh maid greit • furneffing and preparatioune for the keiping of the faid caftell.

And ficlyk in this tyme, thair wer certane reprehenfionis fett vp in diverfe places in Edinburgh vpoun Johne Knox, makand mentioun that it is ane minifteris dewtie to pray for all thame that wer fallin, and re- quyrit him to pray for the quene his fouerane, with certificatioun and he failgeit, at the nixt aflemblie thair flioidd be fie ordour tane thairin as thaj fhould nocht be thairwith content ; quha maid anfuer thairto publicllie in pulpett, that fho wes neuer, nor fall neuer be his fouerane, and thairfoir he wes nocht addeitit to pray for hir, nor wald nocht pray for hir ; quhairat the maift pairt of the peopill grudgit. 2 c 202 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Wpoun the nyntene day of March foirfaid, thair wes ane proclama-

tioun maid be Williame Logane meffar, at the mercat croce of Edin-

burgh, makand mentioun that the kingis majeftie and his regent, being

aduerteift that the laird of Grange, capitane of Edinburgh caftell, haid

conducit ane certane men of weare, tending thairthi-ow to fubvert the

kingis au6toritie, commanding thairfoir all and lindrie the faidis men of

weare to leif the faid capitane within thrie dayes nixt efter this proclam-

atioun, vnder the pane of death ; and als inhibiting all vtheris perlbnis,

that nane of thame affiit nor ferve the faid capitane in ony tyme to cum,

vnder the faid pane. And vpoun the famyne day, at four efternone,

the faid capitane caulit his drum to pas throw Edinburgh, defyring all

maner of fuddartis that wald tak wages vnder capitane Meluile, to be

with thair armes at the caftell hill the morne, thair to reffaue thair wages,

notwithftanding of the former proclamatioun ; and vpoun the 20 day of

the faid moneth, the laid capitane of the faid caftell caulit ane certane of

his fuddartis to watche the palice of Halyrudhous, and ly nichtlie thairin.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the faid moneth, 157 1» the capitane of the laid

caftell caulit tak the ftepul of SanclGeillis kirk and man thefamyne, incon-

trair the mynd and will of the inhabitants of Edinburgh, mynding thair- fo. 73. b. throw that my lord regent fhould haue entrie in the fame. In the nycht

befoir, Dauid Lautie writtar to the fignet in Edinburgh was inuadit be

Thomas Douglas, and the maift pairt of his formeft fingar ftrukin fra him. Nota, the taking of Dunbartane. Vpoun the fecund day of Aprile 1571> Johne Cunyghame of Drum-

quhaflill, accumpanijt with capitanis Thomas Crawfurd and Dauid

Home, and thair men of weare, in the dawing of the fame day paft to

the faid caftell of Dunbartane, and thair pat ledderis to the wallis thairof,

and pall owir the fame, and or euer any of the keiparis thairof wer ad-

uerteift, thaj wer in the middis of the laid caftell, and tuke the famyne.

In this mene tyme, Johne lord Flemyng, capitane of the faid caftell, 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 203

in boit furtk of the laid caftell with vtheris fyve perfonis, elcapit ane ; Johne archbifchope of Sanc~landrois,monneur Berac [Verac] ambaffatour to the king- of France, and Johne Flemyng of Boighall, being in the faid place and nocht hable to refifl thair enemies, fled to Wallace tour, quhair thaj remanit ane certane fpace, and thairefter randerit thamefelfis. This faid caftell wes ftollin be trealbun of ane Robifone, quha wes watchman thairin of befoir, and knew all the fecreit pafiages thairof of befoir, and of his gude lone, be the perfnafioun of the faidis lairdis of Drumquhaf- lill and Thomas Crawfurd, quha conducit the faidis watches for money.

In the tyme of the taking of the faid place, thair wer thrie or four per- fonis flane of thame that wer thairin, hot neuer ane ilane of the per- fewaris. At ten houris of the famyne day, my lord regent come to the faid place and dynit thairin, for the fame wes weill furneift in all thingis.

The faidis lairdis of Drumquhaffill and capitane Thomas Crawfurd wer

maid equall capitanis thairof. It is heir to be notit, that thair wes greit

munitiounandfurneiflingperteningto theking of France in the faid caftell.

Vpoun the fourt day of the faid moneth, Johne archbifchope of Sandt- androis, and Johne Flemyng in Boighall, wer brocht fra the faid caftell to Striueling caftell, quhair thaj wer imprefonit.

Vpoun the fyft day of Apryle foirfaid, George erle of Huntlie, accum-

panyit with fex perfonis, come to the caftell of Edinburgh, and wes

reffauit thairin ; the tyme of his incuming thairto, thair wes findrie laid

for his taking, bot he efchewit as laid is.

Vpoun the fext day of the fame moneth, Claud Hamiltoun come to

Richartftoun, and thair tuik and apprehendit Henrie Drumond ofRich-

artftoun to Draffan, and tuik ane fervand of Mr George Buchannandis

keiper of the privie feill, and his belt horfe, quhairvpone the faid Claud

is gat as laid certane money, and tuik him in lykwayis to Hamiltoun ;

bot the faid Henrie Drumond wes thairefter dimittit, at the requeft of

the erle of Huntlie and the capitane of Edinburgh caftell. 204 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1 571

Nota, the bifchope of Sandtandrois death.

faid ib. 74. Vpoun the Setterday, the fevint day of the moneth of Apryle, the bifchope of Sanctandrois being accufit be my lord Ruthvene, my

lord Juflice Clark and Mr George Buchannan, of four heidis ; to wit,

the kingis murthour ; the murthour of vmquhile my lord regent ; the

confpiracie of the taking of the caftell of Striueling with the king the

tyme of my lord regentis murthour foirlaid ; and for lying in watche for

my lord regent now prefent at the Callandar wod befyde the Falkirk :

His anfuer to the firft heid wes, that he knew nathing of the kingis

murther, and that he wes fa innocent thairof that he wald not afk God

mercie thairfoir. And albeit thair wes ane preift brocht befoir him,

callit fchir Thomas Robefone, fumtyme maifter of the icule of Pallay,

fchawand that he wes defyrit to cum and heir the confeflioun of ane

Johne Hamiltoun, callit blak Johne, feruand for the tyme to the faid

bilchope, and that the faid Johne fould haue faid in his confeffioun, that

the thing that maift trublit his confcience quhen he diet wes that he

wes prefent at the executioun of the kingis murther, at the command

of his maifter the bifchope ; and howbeit this preift deponit not onlie

his confcience vpoun this without the bifchopis prefens, and alfwa in his

prefens affirmet the fame, git the bifchope denyit the fame planelie, that

the preift fynnit deadlie, alledgeand that he nather knew any thing of

the man departand, that he offendit in reveilling his confeflioun ; and

iiia he continowit to the death in his denyall that he haid na knowlege

of the kingis murthour. As for thir vther twa heidis, anentis the con-

fpiracie aganis the king in the caftell of the toun of Striueling, and lying as to in wait for the regent now prefent, he denyit the fame ; bot the

lord regentis, albeit he denyit the lame in the begining, git vpoun the

lkaffald, betuix fyve and fex houris efternone, he confeflit that he knew

not onlie the regentis murthour and ftopit it nocht, (as he mycht haue

done gif he haid pleafed,) bot alfo that he furtherit the committing of :

15?1. IN SCOTLAND. <205

the fame, off the quhilk he repentit and afkit God mercie. And being

farder accufit, g-if any of his furname or freindis wes vpoun the connfall

thairof, he anfuerit that he wald accufe na man at that tyme bot himfelf.

As tuitching his religioun, I reaffonit with him, and cnld find nathing bot

that he wes ane papyft, and exhortit fik as wer neir hand vponn the

fcaffold to abyd at the catholick faith, fua he termit the papiftrie. And

in the caftell he defyrit fome papift preiit to quhom he mycht confes

him, and of quhome he mycht reffaue confnlatioun [abfolutionn ?] of his

fynnis, according to the ordour of the kirk, (as he fpak ;) and fua he

continowit to the death in his papiftrie as he levit. As the bell ftruik

houris at evin, at the Striueling at 6 he wes hangit mercat croce of vpoun f . 74. b.

the jebat, on the quhilk wes writtin thir tua verles following

Crefce diufelix arbor, femperque vireto

Frondibus, vt nobis talia pomaferas.

Vpoun the aucht day of the faid moneth, Alexander M'Cullo purfe- vant paft to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, thair to haue proclamit ane letter, makand mentioun that thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the faid croce of befoir, inhibiting all our foueranis liegis that nane of thame lliould adheir, pas in wage, mantene aither or fupplie Williame Kir-

caldie of Grange knycht, capitane of Edinburgh caftell, vnder the

paine of deid : Nochtheles the laid fchir Williame hes not onlie feit

diuerfe men of weir fince fyne, bot als convenit diuerfe perfonis of the

nobilitie the kingis rebellis within the laid caftell, for dounthringing of

the kingis auctoritie ; chargeing thairfoir all his majefties lieges, that

nane of thame ayd, fupplie, fortifie or mantene the faid capitane in mo-

ney or vicluelis, vnder the laid pane. Bot or he culd cry his oyeflis, he

wes tane be the faidis capitanis fuddartis, the laidis lettres tane fra him,

and he tane to the laid caftell. 206 DIURNAL OF OCCUERENTS 1571.

Vpoun the tent day of the laid moneth of Apryle, Williame Mait- land gounger of Lethingtoun, fumtyme fecretare, arryvit furth of Abir-

dene in the raid of Leith in ane fchipe, accumpanyit with capitane Cul- lane and fum men of weare of the erle of Huntlies, and wes brocht in

ane cheir from Leith to the caftell of Edinburgh vpone the xj day of the

famyn ; he wes convoyit fra the faid toun of Leith to the faid caftell be

the capitanis fouldiouris.

Vpoun the tent day of the faid moneth, my lord regent maid procla- mationis, chargeing all perfonis of this rcalme to meit him at Linlithgow,

to pas with him quhair thaj falbe commandit, vnder the pane of deith.

Vpoun the third [xiij ?] day of the faid moneth, fchir Williame Kircaldie

of Grange knycht, capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, caufit Thomas Joung meffar pas to the mercat croce of the faid burgh, and thair pro-

clamit this lettre following :

Till all and findrie nobilmen, barronis, gentilmen and vtheris liegis

out throuch all Scotland, I fchir William Kircaldie of Grange knycht,

capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, makis manifeft and declaris, that

forfamekle as Matho erle of Lennox having vnlauchtfullie intrufit him

felff in the regiment of this realme, he laitlie cauiit publeis fmdrie let-

tres at diuerfe burrowis of the fame, full of calumneis, injureis and

vntrew reportis aganis me, be perfuafioun of certane factious perfonis,

enymies to thair native cuntrie, and to all fie as tendis to the libertie

thairof ; and in effect commanding and chargeing, on his pretendit

maner, all men, and fpeciallie my freindis, fervandis and men of weare,

quhom I haid conducit for prefervatioun of the faid caftell, till abandoun appeir, that he and leif me and my fervice ; to the end, as cleirlie may

mycht mair eafilie betray and fuppres the famyne, thairby to continew

in his deteftable tyrannie, to the vter fubverfioun of the eftate, lawis

reiff heir- and libertie of this our natiue cuntrie ; for quhat crueltie,

fchippis, oppreffioune, diftruclioune of policie he and his factioune lies 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 207 vlit and done tyme bygane, I leif to be judgit be 50111- wifdomes, as ane thing niair nor notourlie knowin. And albeit I am provoikit be the faidis lettres to raak plane demonftratioune of all my proceidingis in tyme bypaft, and that for defence of my honour, git I will defer the famyne to tyme niair convenient ; at qubat tyme I intend, God willing, to mak knawin to the warld my trew and honeft mynd, firil towart my

in God and libertie of this realme ; git culd I not omit the mene tyme to mak ane fummar anfuer to fome heidis mentioned in the faidis lettres, and namelie, quhair he alledgis that I haue deuifit mifcheif, treafoune and confpiracie aganis this my natiue cuntrey, as lettres of myne ap-

prehendit in Dunbartane bearis ; I am affurit that neuer he or na vther man is liable to lait lee any fie lettres of myne, for I am content to allowe all lettres writtin be me befoir the haill warld, quhilk falbe fund honeft

and profitable for this trublit cuntrie ; and falbe at all tymes anfuerable to the laws, at the command of laM'full magiftrates, for ony treffoune that can or may be laid to my chairge be him or ony of his adherentis ; for I haue hafarid my felf lyfe for the defence of Scotland quhen he wes aganis it. And if any gentilman vndefamit, of my qualitie and degrie, of his fac- tioun, or perteining to him, will lay the contrare heirof bott I am ane trew fcottifman, I will fay he will fjpeik vntrewlie, and leis falflie in his throat, and denuncis be thir prefentis to quhatfumeuer perfone will tak the querrell on hand, that I lalbe readie to fecht with him on horl- bak or on fute, at tyme and place to be appointit, according to the law of amies. Forther accompt of my doingis I will not giue to the laid erle of Lennox, quhas vfurpit regiment I newir did acknowlege, nor git intendis to doe, bot rather oppofit myfelf from the begyning, and euer fenfyne to the famin. How I haue behavit myfelf in keiping and vfe-

ing of the faid caftell, without violence and injurie, and how uprychtlie

I meanit anent this realme, and pacificatioun of the prefent troublis, I call

God to witnes maift earneftlie, and all vther gude mene within Edinburgh, 208 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571. and vtheris within the riche of this hous. [Warning] heirfoir all gttid Scottifmen, and thame that trewlie feiris God without hepocrifie, as thaj tender the libertie and weilfair of this thair native cuntrie, to con- cure and affift me in keiping and defending of the faid hous, aganis quhatfumevir perfonis that fall happin to invaid me, my freindis and pairtakaris, or the faid caftell ; as I fall be readie to mantene and defend euerie ane of thame, incaife thaj be invadit be any vnlawfull meanis for that caus, or ony vther caus vnder cullour thairof ; certifeing all fie as will not concur with me in the caus and querrell foirfaid, that I will be thair vnfreind at my power. Difchargeing my felf to thame be thir prefentis, quhilk I thocht guid to notifie to all the good fubjeclis of this

protefling befoir God and the warld, I mene nothing bot to be realme ; readie to mantene the trew religioun eftablifhed in this realme, with the commounwele and libertie of my cuntrie, without ony kynd of particu- laritie of my owne.

Vpoun the xiiij day of the faid moneth, my lord Maxvell, my lord

Hereis, and the laird of Lochinvar, come to Edinburgh caftell to the

conventioun foirfaid. Vpoun the famyne day, thair paft ane proclamatioun throw Edinburgh

be found of trumpet, defyring all perfonis that will tak fie wnder capi-

tane Sinclar, to cum and reffaue thair wages in the cardinallis gaird, and give vp thair names.

Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, the faidis lord Herreis, and the

laird of Lochinvar, depairtit af Edinburgh to meit Alexander bilchope of

afliftaris [ Athenis,] ambaffatour for the pairt of the nobilitie to the quene, quha wes remayning at Carlile vnto the tyme thaj come to convoy him. Vpoun the nyntene day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortoun, Robert commendatare of Dunfermling, and Mr James M'Gill, ambaf-

iatour for the kingis pairt, come af Ingland to Temptalloune. Vpoun the tuantie ane day of the faid moneth, Patrik Ogilby wes 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 209 tane and put in captivitie in the caftell of Edinburgh for confpyring of the capitanis flauchter, and betraying of the faid place.

Vpoun the xiiij day of Apryle foirfaid, ane cumpany of the baillies «,. ;«. and counfale of Edinburgh paft to Dalkeith to fpeik with the proweft,

Mr James M'gill, tuitching the eftait of Edinburgh. Wpoun the faiuyne day, Gawin commendatare of Kilwynning come to Edinburgh, and lpak with the capitane of Edinburgh caftell.

Vpoun the 22 day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortoun, ac- cumpanyit with his freinds, pail fra Dalkeith to Striueling, to fpeik with my lord regent tuitching the proceidings of Ingland. Wpoun the 26 day of the laid moneth, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at Striueling croce, chargeing all and iindrie our fouerane lordis liegis betuix fextie and fextene, alfwele to burgh as land, regalitie as royaltie, in feir of weir, to meit my lord regent in Linlithqw the nyn- tene day of JMaij nixtocum, with fyftene dayes vicluall, to pas quhair thaj lalbe commandit, vnder the pane of tinfell of lyff, landis and guidis.

Vpoun the tuantie fevint day thairof, the faid erle of Mortoune come to Dalkeith, accumpanyit with the haill men of weir.

Vpoun the famyne day, the erlis of Caffillis and Eglingtoun wer put in waird, the faid erle of Caffillis in Dunbartane, and the laid erle of

Eglingtoun in Doun caftell, be my lord regent.

Wpoun the famyne nycht, the capitane of Edinburgh caftell caufit tak all the artailgerie perteneing to Edinburgh, and put thame in the faid caftell, and als ane certane of pikkis in likwyife pertenying to the faid toun.

Wpoun the penult day of the faid moneth, at tua houris in the mor- nyng, capitanes Melvile and Cullane come to Andro Henryfonis hous, and thair apprehendit the faid Androw, capitane Johne Adamel'one,

Dauid Adamfone and vtheris perfonis being in the faid hous, to the nowmer of aucht perlbnis, quhome the faidis capitanis fand all in ar- mour. The caus of this mater wes, becaus it wes jugit that the laid An- 2 D 210 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

dro haid lugeit Hew Tod, feruitour to the thefaurer, quha wes enemie

to the capitane of Edinburgh caftell. Efter thair taking- thaj wer put

in the faid caftell, and detenit in ftrait captivitie thairin.

Wpoun the famyne day, at elevin houris befoir none, being fonday,

the capitanis Home and Ranifay, accumpaneit with certane horffmen, to

the nowmer of xl in the haill, come to [fra] Dalkeith towartis Leith ; and

in thair paffing thairto, thaj maid ane affray at the nather bow, and thair-

efter thaj paft to Leith, and maid ane proclamatioun to all perfonis to cum

to Dalkeith, and reflaue wages of my lord Mortoun. And that done thai

returnit agane to Dalkeith, [Edinburgh] ? and at thair cuming thairto, paft

vp Leith wynd and come to the faid nethir boll, and fchot in hagbuttis

at the fame be the lpace of half ane hour or thairby, quhairby certane fo. 76. b. perfonis of the laid toun wer hurt, quhilk caufit ane terrour to the peo-

ple ; and this endit, thaj paft doun San6l Marie wynd towart Dalkeith,

quhill thaj come neir the Polburne at the end of the Burrow Mure.

In this raene tyme, the capitane of Edinburgh caftell caufit his men

of weare to convene, and paft furth and followit thame, accumpanyit

with George erle of Huntlie, Alexander lord Home, Johne commen-

datare of Coldinghame, and Gawin commendatare of Kilwynnyng,

being all the nowmer of borffmen, and twa hundreth fute- men or thairby, and thairefter paft furth of the faid toun at the Kirk of quhair the faid capitanis Feild port, and come to the faid Burrowmure ; and horfmen met, and maid great fkirmifliing, quhill at laft the faidis

capitanis and lordis that come out of Edinburgh wer conftranit to reteir

followit, quhill thaj come to the Kirk thairto ; and fwa the vther pairtie

of Feild port, and put thame thairin be force. In this fkirmifh were

flane diuerfe fuddartis and horns on my lord regentis pairtie, and diuerfe

on the capitane of Edinburghis pairt, and inony hurt on baith, bot nevir ane worthie man on ather fyid ather flane or hurt. This done, my lord

regentis capitanis paft to Dalkeith. 1571. IN SCOTLAND. '211

Vpoun the lafl day of the faid moneth, the erle of Mortoun, acciun- panyit with his freindis, raid to Glencarne [Glencorfe ?] kirk, and met with Robert lord Boyid, and commounit with him concernyng ane con- cord and aggrement to be maid betuix the nobilitie.

Vpoun the famyne day, the capitane of Edinburgh caftell caulit niak ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh be Alex- ander Forrefter purfevant, makand mentioun, that quhat perfoune duel- land in the (iunyn declarit nocht his mynd and guidwill towards him and his, and that tbaj fhould depairt of Edinburgh within fex houris nixt thairefter ; bot the faid capitane wes mitigated in this the fame nycht.

Vpoun the firft of Maij, the faid Robert lord Boyd come to the faid caftell, and fpak with the capitane thairof as is faid, tuitching the ap- pointment, and depairted agane vpoun the fecund thairof to the faid erle of Mortoun.

Vpoun the faid day, the faid capitane caulit mak abone the butter trone ane baftalgie with ane port, at Beffie Beaties hous, in the paffage to the over boll.

Wpoun the famyne day, the laird of Gairtullie come owt of Ingland, and brocht with him certane gold fra the quene, the kingis moder, as is faid.

Vpoun the ferd day of the faid moneth, James duke of Chattellarault

to c come Edinburgh to the capitane thairof, accumpanyit with iij horf- mene, and ane hundreth hagbutaris, to keip the parliament foirfaid. It is heir to be nottit, that the Ilamiltonis come not in Edinburgh fen my lord regentis flauchter vnto this tyme.

Wpoun this faid day, the men of weare fteipill of the flappit all the fb. 77. pendis of the kirk, for keiping thairof aganis my lord regent.

Wpoun the fyft day thairof, Johne Knox, minifter at Edinburgh, de-

pairtit thairfra, for feir of the faidis Hamiltonis. ;


Nota, the inbringing of the money to the capitane of the caftell.

Wpoun the audit day of the faid moneth, Mr James Kirkcaldie, bro- ther to the capitane of Edinburgh caftell, arryvit out of France in the raid of Leith in ane pink, and brocht with him 10°° crownis of the fone, with ane greit number of hagbittis, corflattis and mirriounis, togidder with fum vyne, extending in the haill to vij drachtis, fra the king thairof quhilk money and munitioun wes brocht to the faid caftell this fame day. And becaus James erle of Mortoun wes in Dalkeith, accumpanyit with the regentis hagbuttaris, the haill men of weare, baith horftmen and futemen, paft af Edinburgh to Leith, and remanit thair vnto the tyme the faidis haill gold and munitione wer tranfportit to the faid caftell. The cuming of this caufit the faid capitanis factioun to be verry glaid. Vpoun the nynt day of the faid moneth, Matho erle of Lennox re- gent, come fra Striueling to Linlithqw, to keipe the day of the procla- matioun for balding of the parliament folloving. Vpoun the famyne day, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Johne commendatare of Abirbrothok and Robert lord Boyd, accumpanyit with Ix horfmene or thairby, come to Edinburgh at 10 houris at nycht for defence thairof.

In all this tyme, the faidis lordis and capitane being in Edinburgh, maid greit preparatioun for the defence of the faidis toun and caftell fra the invalioun of my lord regent and his adherentis ; and ordanyit the to keip fra famyn to be keipit in this maner ; capitane Melvile Halker- ftonis wynd to Leith wynd, and thairfra to Sanct Marie wynd to the keipe thairfra Kowgait port, and all the wallis ; capitane Cullane to vnto the Gray Freir port ; and capitane fra the Weft port. Wpoun the tent day of the famyne moneth, thair wes ane proclama- tioun maid at Edinburgh croce, niakand mentioun that the lords of the nobilitie ar informit that thair ar fum perfonis induellars in this burgh, and thair feruands, that revellis the fecreitis of the nobilitie to the erle of Lennox and Mortoune and thair facYioun, to thair havie dampnage 1571. IN SCOTLAND. '218

and £kaith ; thairfoir commandit all the faids perfonis to reraowe furth

of the laid toun within thrie houris, vnder the pane of incarceratioune

and punifiing, according to the will and pleflbur of the faidis lordis ; and

als, that no induellar within this burgh prei'ume to cum to vifie the

wallis thairof the tyme of the perfute of the fame, vnder the faid pane.

Memorandum, to note in this tyme of Johne Scott, Williame Val- fi>. 77. t>.

lace and Johne Gibfone, fcrybes of the Seffioun, wer compellit be the

lordis in Edinburgh to deliuer to thame all the buikis of Parliament

and roll is thairof.

Nota, the feige of Edinburghe.

Vpoun the fewint day of the laid month, Matho erle of Lennox re-

gent, accumpanyit with the haill his affiftaris and vtheris perfonis ad-

debtit to keip this proclamatioun foirfaid, come to Leith. In his cuming

thairto, James erle of Mortoun met with him with mony folkis, and this

proclamatioun wes maid to bald this Parliament following ; and gif he fbidd be ftoppit to come thairto, he wald affeige the burgh of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xiij day of May 1571, the laird of Pharnihirft come to

Edinburgh with lxxx horflmen to fupport the capitane thairof, albeit thair wer diuerfe laid to ftopp him in the way.

Wpoun the i'amyne nicht, my lord regentis men of weare come in the nycht to the dow craig abone the Trinitie college befyid Edinburgh, and thair keift ane forth, and placit thair thrie peice of ordinance thairin, to ding and feige the north eift quarter of the faid burghe.

Vpoun the famyne nycht, thair come certane fuddartis of my lord regentis to Williame Lawfonis hous befyid the nether boll, and fchot

in at the famin ; quhilk wes the caus of the flauchter of lindrie perfonis, alfwele of men of weare as of lindrie vther povir perfonis of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the faid xiij day of the laid moneth, the lordis of the nobilitie eaufit tak findrie burgeffis of Edinburgh, fearing thame to be partakaris with my lord regent, and held thame in captivitie during the faid lege. 214 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Vpoun the xiiij day of the faid moneth, the capitane caufit big- vp

the port of the nethir boll with ftane and faill. And thairefter my

lord regent come to the Cannogait, quhilk caufit the capitane fchoot

in the famin, to the great terrour and flauchter of fum people thairof;

and efter his cuming thairto, he paft to Williame Oikis hous in the

Cannogat, within the fredome of Edinburgh, and thair fenfit the Par-

liament ; and thairefter returnit to Leith, meaning thairby that and the

faid Parliament wer haldin within the freidom of Edinburgh, albeit

the famyne wes nocht within the portis thairof, it fould be valiable


Vpoun the famyne day, the prefonaris fummond of befoir to compeir

in this Parliament, pail to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and thair tuik in-

ftrumentis that thaj wer readdie to anfuer thairin as accordit of the law. fi>. ;b. Wpoun the xv day of the faid moneth, the faid capitane and lords

brocht ane double cannone to the Blak Freir gaird, and thair ftellit the

famyne, and fchot at the faid Williame Lawfonis hous, and did greit

Ikaith in the heid of the Cannogait to the houilis thairof.

Vpoun the xvj day thairof, the laid regent come to the faid Canno-

gait, accumpan) it with James Erie of Mortoun, Johne erle of Mar,

Alexander erle of Glencairne, Dauid erle of Crawfurd, the erle of Menteith, the maifter Merfchall, the erle Buchan, the lords of Ruth-

vene and Lindfay, with diuerfe vtheris thair affifteris, and thair paft to

the faid Williame Coikyis hous, fituat in the faid Cannogait and within

the freidome of Edinburgh foirfaid, and thair pronuncit the dome of

forfaltour aganis Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun gounger, Johne

commendatare of Coldinghame, and Mr Thomas Maitland his brother,

Gawin commendatare of Kilwynning, William Hamiltoun fone naturall

to vmquhile the archbifchope of Sanfitandrois ; and thairefter continewit

the faid Parliament vnto the third day of Auguft nixtocum, to be

haldin in Striueling, and thairefter paft to the Cannocroce and maid 15?1. IN SCOTLAND. 215

proclamatioun thairof, and raif thair armes ; and this done tbaj de- parted to Leith. In all this tyrne the great ordinance fchot out of

Edinburgh and the callell thairof, that the famyne did greit fkaith to the Cannogait, and flew diuerfe perfonis being in cumpany with the laid regent.

Vpoun the famyne day, my lordis Maxwell and Herreis and the laird

xx of Lochinver come to Edinburgh, accumpanyit with xij of good horff- men, to the fupport of the lords being tbairin, and difcuraging of my lord regentis cumpany.

Vpoun the 17 day of the famyne monetb, the men of weare in Edin-

burgh bruit ane barne in Plelantis pertenying to Johne Willbne ; and in the famyne nycht thaj brint ane tenement of land in Sanctmarie wynd, apperteining to vmquhile D Dalgleis, and that becaus my lord regentis luddartis enterit thairin, and flew and hurt diuerfe perfonis owt of the famin.

Vpoun the famin day, Archibald erle of Ergyle and Robert lord

Boyd depairted of Edinburgh to thair jflaces.

Vpoun the 19 day of the faid monetb, my lord regent and Mortoun depairted fra Halyrudhous with thair men of weare and artailjerie to

Leith, and left the faid fege, and left certane woll and ikenis behind thame, quhilk thaj caufit bring fra the faid toun of Leith to the Canno- gait, to ramforce thair trinfches ; quhilkis woll and fkenis the luddartis of the nobilitie apprebendit, and allegit the lamin to appertene to thame juillie be the law of armeis ; and thairefter wer redemit be money fra thame be the awnaris of the fame.

Vpoun the xx day of the faid monetb, the faidis regent and erle of

Mortoun, with thair affiftaris and men of weare, depairtit fra Leith to- wartis Corftorphin craigis ; and quhen thaj come thairto, my lord regent to. 78.

accumpanyit with the erle of Mar and xl horffmen depairtit thairfra to Striueling ; and my lord Mortoun accumpanyit with all the remanent 216 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

haill in thair palling to array and fuddartis, paft to Dalkeith ; quhair the lame, the haill lords of the nobilitie being- in Edinburgh, paft with thair cumpanyis and fuddartis furth of the laid burgh, and followit efter the laid regent and his affiftaris quhill thaj come to Corftorphin ; bot or thaj come thairto, the faids regent and the erle of Mar wer depairted

thairfra ; and ray lord of Mortoun paft of Corftorphin to Dalkeith be

Langhirdmeftoune, quhome on the faids lords of the nobilitie followit, and offerit thair to haue fochtin with thame, and lichtit doun from thair

horffis for the fame effect, and put thame fra thame ; bot my lord of

Mortoun on nawayis wald tarie, bot paft away throw Braidis craigis to

Dalkeith. It is faid that the caus of this haiftie paffage wes, becaus his fuddartis wantit baith powder and bullatis. Vpoun the famyne day, the burgeffis of Edinburgh quhilk wer takin of befoir for fufpitioun, wer dimittit and put to libertie. Vpoun the 22 day of the faid moneth, my lordis of Maxvell,

Herreis, and the laird of Lochinvar, depairtit from Edinburgh to thair places.

In this tyme, thair wes conventioun ordanit to be in Edinburgh be the lordis of the nobilitie, vpoun the viij day of Junij nixtocum.

Vpoun the xxiij day of the laid moneth, Claud Hamiltoun accum- panyit with his fadaris luddartis depairtit fra Edinburgh to Hamiltoun. Vpoun the famyne day, my lord of Mortoun maid ane proclamatioun in Dalkeith, inhibiting all perfonis to bring any vi6luallis or furneiffing

to Edinburgh, vnder the pane of efcheiting of the lame ; and becaus thaj wer diuerfe pover perfonis, fum with fifche, linn with coillis and fum with aill refortand towartis the faid burgh, the laid erlis horfmen and futemene reft thair horffis and guidis fra thame, and continewallie ftop- pit the fame. Vpoun the famyne day, Johne Hamiltoun, Hamiltoun, and

Hamiltoun, ibnnis to Andro Hamiltoun of Cochnoch, being 1571- IN SCOTLAND. 217 in captivitie within the caftell of Glalgow, for balding- of Pallay, and having- licence and libcrtie freilie to pas within the famin, maid ane

trane ; and quhen the capitane of the faid caftell wes pad farth thairof with his haill feruandis, thrie onlie except, the l'aids Hamiltonis pur- poling to betray and tak the laid caftell, wylit the l'aids thrie feruands furth of the fainyne, alledging that thaj wald gang to play in the clofe

thairof, as thair accuftmnate vie wes ; and quhen thaj wer paffand thairto, the laidis Hamiltonis come abak agane, and ane enterit in the dungeoune, and held the famin fra twa houris till audit houris at evin.

{o - In this mene tyme, the laird of Mynto convenit the haill toun of Glaf- - ?9 gow and alTeigit the faid caftell ; and becaus the faids Hamiltonis wer but thrie perfonis in the faid caftell, with ane vtber man that haid flane his wyffis lifter and thair imprifonit thairfoir, the famin wes takin agane, and the perfonis put in fickar firmance and prefoun agane.

In the taking agane of the faid hous, thair wes tua perfonis ftane.

The famin nicht Claud Hamiltoun come to Glafgow at xj houris in the nicht, to haue fupportit the laidis Hamiltonis, bot or his cuming thairto the faid place wes takin, as laid is.

Vpounthetwentie fevintday of thefaid moneth, William Durie[Drury] merfcheall of Berweik, come fra Dalkeith to Edinburgh as commiffionar fend be the quene of Ingland, and efter his cuming, commonit with the capitane of the caftell thairof. It is faid that his cuming wes to fie gif the faid capitane wald bald the laid caftell on the kingis name and my lord regentis, quhilk gif he wald nocht doe, the quenis forces of Ing- land wald afluritlie allay him. Quha aniuerit that he wald acknowledge the king as prince of Scotland, bot as for Matho erle of Lennox, he neuir acknowlegit him, nor git wald neuir acknowlege him, as his re- gent and his, and that becaus he wes fworne Inglifman ; and that, al- beit the faid quene of Ingland wald owirhaill for ane tyme ane pairt of this cuntrie, he doutit nocht bot God and thair confederatis wald re- 218 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571. uenge the famin as thaj haue done in tymes paft. And thairefter the faid Williame Dourie paft efter fuppar to the laid caftell, and thair re- manit quhill ten houris at evin. And vpoun the xxviij day thairof, the faid Williame Dowrie paft to Striueling, and thair fpak with my lord

the erle of Mar concernyng the effaris of the faid regent and quene ; and thairefter returnit to Edinburgh vpoun the xxix day of the famin moneth ; and eftir his cuming he loupit in the caftell, and depairtit to Dalkeith vpoun the penult day of the moneth foirfaid, quhair he dynit, and fyne depairtit to Quhittinghame, and from thence to Berweik. In this mene tyme, baith the pairties maid greit diligence in feing of men of weare.

Vpoun the laft day of the faid moneth of Maij, Claud Hamiltoun come to Edinburgh with his men of weare, and brocht with him Ro- bert lord Sempile, quha wes continwallie haldin in prefoune be the faid

fra day of Maij vnto the laft day Claud, the 29 1570, of Maij 1571 ; and efter his cuming he wes keipit with the faid Hamiltonis ftraitlie.

In this mene tyme, my lord regent caufit mak lindry proclamatiounis,

chargeing all and findrie our fouerane lordis liegis betuix fextie and

fextene, to be in reddines in feir of weare, with xv dayis vidluallis, to

pas with his grace quhair thaj falbe commandit vpoun 24 houris warn-

yng, vnder the pane of tynfell of lyff, lands and gudis.

Vpoun the fecund day of Junij 1571, all the horfmen and futemen

of the nobilitie being in Edinburgh depairtit from the lame towards Dal-

keith, with twa peice of fmall cairtit ordinance, quhill thaj come to the

Schirefhalmure, quhair thaj remanit ane certane fpace, abyding the erle

of Mortonis furthcuming, quha wes than in Dalkeith with my lord

regentis men of weare. And at his furth cuming, it wes crwellie fkir-

miffit betuix the faids pairties ; and the day being fa ranye that fcantlie

hagbutis mycht fchute for rainyn, the faids horfmen and futemen of the

nobilitie quha come furth of the faid burgh of Edinburgh wer conltranit

to reteir towartis the fame. In thair reteiring, it chancit that the fud- 1571. TN SCOTLAND. 219

(hutis of the nobilitie wanting' pulder, come to capitane Melvill defyr-

brak vp thairof, ing him to gif thame poulder ; quha ane barrell and in the delyuering to thame the famin, the faid barrell of ponder tuik in fyre, qnhilk brint the faid capitane Meluilc with diuerfe fuddartis thair being for the tyme, that it wes ane lamentable thing to behold. This luddane chance brocht ane greit feir vpoun the faids fuddartis of the nobilitie, that had nocht bene the better goverment, the famin had bene

the cans of the dillructioun of the haill cumpanyis ; bot in thair re- turneiog thaj keipit thamfelffis la clois, that almolt thaj did no fkaith nor reffauit no fkaith, vnto the tyme thaj come to the brig end quhilk merchis with the burrow mure of Edinburgh, quhair thair my lord of

Mortonis fuddartis following crewallie and owir fuilochlie ovir the

burne of the faid brig, vpoun the laids horfmen and futemen of the faid

nobilitie, and than thaj leing thair aduantage returnit agane, and brak

abak vpoun thame with fik violence, that the faids fuddartis of my lord

Mortoun culd nocht refill the famin. In this haill fkyirmifs, thair wes

ane fuddart flane in the pairt of the nobilitie, and capitane James Hal-

karlloiin with fome horfmen and fum fute men tane, and fum horf-

men thairof hurt ; and on my lord of Mortonis pairt, thair wes ane gen-

tilman callit Andro Haliburton tane ; the goung laird of Carmichaell,

Robert Hepburne and diuerfe vthers, hurt ; 26 fuddartis tane, and

four perfonis flane, of the quhilks, Adame Wauchope, feruand to

the clerk of regilter, wes ane. This done, the faids perfouns of the

nobilitie come to Edinburgh, and my lord of Mortonis folkis to Dalkeith.

Wpoun the yj day of Junij foirfaid, capitane James Meluile, brint in

maner foirfaid with pouder, wes burijt according to the rait of armes,

and capitane Dauid Meluile furrogat in his place. And vpoun the

famyn day thair wes ane commandement gevin be the lordis of the no-

bilitie in Edinburgh, to tir and tak doun all the tymmer werk of all 220 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

houffis in Leith Wynd and Sanclmarie Wynd, hurtfull or mycht hurt

the helping- of this burghe.

In this niene tyme, the inhabitantis of Edinburgh left nathing in the

iamyn vntranfportit that mycht be tranfportit thairfra.

Vpoun the aucht day of the faid moneth, tbe lords and capitane foir-

laid, caufit all the durris and windois of all tbe tenements and lands of

the weft fyid of Sandtmarie Wynd to be biggit vp and clofit, and maid

vther greit preparatiouu for defence of the faid burgh of Edinburghe. Wpoun the famin day, my lord Maxwell, Johne lord Herreis and

Johne Gordoun of Lochinvar come to Edinburgh to this conventioun,

with Alexander bill-hope of Galloway.

Vpoun the tent day of the moneth abonewrittin, Walter Scott of

Buckcleuche, Ker of Pharnyhirft come to this laid conventione.

Vpoun the ellevint day thairof, the lord Somervile come in lykwyife

thairto ; bot the remanent nocht bot paft hame.

Nota, the Parliament haldin be the nobilitie.

Vpoun the tuelt day of the faid moneth, James duke of Chattellarault,

George erle of Huntlie, Gawin archbifchope of Sanclandros, George bifchope of Dunkell, Alexander bifchope of Galloway, the cormniffion- aris for the bifchopis of Abirdene and Murray, Claud Hamiltoun abbot of Paflay, the commiffionar of the abbot of Abirbrothok, Johne com- mendatare of Coldinghame, the commendatare of the Newabbay, the commiffionar of Halyrudhous, the pryour of Pettinweme, the lords Home, Maxwell and Someruile, the commiffionaris of the burrowis of Jedburgh, Dumfres, Abirdene, Elgin, Forres and Innernes, paft from the caftell of Edinburgh to the tolbuyth thairof; and thair the parlia- ment being fenfit and foittis callit, thair wes ane l'upplicatioun givin in, in the quenis name, makand mentioun, that it wes nocht vnknowin to thame how that fho wes tane be ane certane of hir rebellious fubjeclis, and imprefonit be thame in the caftell of Lochlevin, quhair flio wes conftranit :

1571. IN SCOTLAND. 221

be thame, and that for feir of hir lyff, to fubfcriue ane commifiioun for

dimiflioune of hir croun and auctoritie royall, in fauouris of hir onlie fone

and infant James prince of Scotland : And being aduerteift be Schir

Nicolas Frogmartene, [Throgmorton] that gif Ilio did nocht the famin,

that it wald coft hir hir lyiff, and flio to elchew the raig did the famin

Vpone the quhilk, delyrit the laid nobilitie to conlidder, gif the fubfcry-

veing of the laid commidioun, and iiirrogating of Matho erle of Lennox

in hir place, wes laufullie or ordonrlie done or nocht, according to the

law of God, man, or nature ; and that gif the faid Matho erle of Lennox

wes ane apt and habill man to governe fie ane commoun welth as this.

Efter the reiding of the quhilk fupplicatioun, the heidis thairof being dewlie reflonit and wotit, it wes fundin be the eftaitts foirfaids, that the faid quene wes compel! it, for feir of hir lyff, to fubfcryve the laid com- mifiioun, and thairfoir decernit the lamyne, and all that followit thair- vpone, of nane awaill, force nor effect from the begining, and to ceis heirefter, and ordanit ane a6l of parliament to be maid thairvpone. This

done, the faid nobilitie palt to the faid caftell, and in thair palling thair- fo. 80. b. to, my lord duke bure the croun, my lord Huntlie the l'ceptoure, and my lord Home the fword of honour. It is to be notit, that my lord

Harreis fengeit himfelf feik, and come nocht to the tolbuyth this day, for quhat caus no man knowis. Vpone the famin day, William Dowrie

[Drury] merfchaell of Berwik, come to the faid nobilitie to Edinburgh as ambaffadour from the quene of Ingland.

Wpone the thrittene day of Junij 1571, the faid Williame Dourie depairted fra Edinburgh to Striueling to fpeik with my lord regent.

Nota, the quenis aucioritie proclamit.

Vpoun the famyn day, the lords of the nobilitie being in Edinburgh,

cauiit publeis the faid fupplicatioun, and act of parliament maid thair- vpone, at the mercat croce of the laid burgh, and ordanit all lettres heir- efter to pas in hir name, and all proclamations in lyikwyile to be direct 222 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

in hir name in tyme to cum ; and als it wes ftatute and ordanit, that the religioune and preitching of Goddis word now vfit ainangs the liegis of this realme, be inmouablie obferuit in all tymes to cum, and that the mi- nifteris of the famyne mak daylie prayars in thar fermonds for the quene,

the prince hir lone, and the haill nobilitie ; and this done, the caftell fchote greit ordinance.

Vpoun the famyn day, the lords of the nobilitie being aduerteift that capitane Michaell Wemis having on his chairge lxxx fuddartis or thair- by, wes cum fro Dundie to Kirkcaldie, to haue cumm to James erle of

Mortoun, incontrair the iaids lords, to the toun of Dalkeith, the faids lords caufit man ane fchipe callit barkwindance, with foure boittis with men of weare, to the nowmer of aucht fcoir of fuddartis, with capitane

Cullane and Mr James Kirkcaldie, brother to Schir William Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, capitane of Edinburgh caftell, to await vpoun the owircuming of the faid capitane Michaell Wemis and his luddartis, for taking thairof, and paft furth of the havin of Leith for the fame effect the iamin day at viij houris at evin. The laid James erle of Mortoun heir- ing of this proceiding, and being in Dalkyth, came this fame nycht to

the toun of Leith, accumpanyit with his haill fuddartis and freindis in

the boundis of Louthane, Merfe, and louth pairts round about him that

wald affift to him ; and efter his cuming thairto, he purpofit to haue

apprehendit and tane the l'aidis fuddartis and men that wer in the fchipe

and boittis. And about nyne or ten houris of the xiiij day of the faid

moneth befoir none, the faids capitane Michaell Wemis and his men

come in twa crayaris from Kirkcaldie. In thair cuming, the faids boittis

and fchippis chacit thame begond the Inche, in the quhilk, thaj appre-

hendit ane of the faids crearis, quhairin wes xxv fuddartis and

Michaell, lieutennent to the laid capitane Wemis ; and the vther crayer

fled to Abirlady, quhair the faid capitane, accumpanyit with L fuddartis,

paft thairfra without delay to Dalkeith, quhair thaj wer honeftlie relfauit. 1571- IN SCOTLAND. 223

In all this xiiij day, the faids men of wearre of the nobilitie being- in the f»- 81. faid fchipe and boittis, cnld nocht guidlie land for feir of the {aid erle of

Mortonn, quha wes Hand about ane greit pairt of the coift fyid, await- and thairvpone incaice thaj landit in the fouth pairt of the famin ; but the faids men of warre perfaving thaj mycht nocht guidlie land than without greit flauchter of thair men, and eminent danger in the haill,

thaj pall to Brintyland and thair gat vidluallis ; and incontinent thair- efter, pall to the fey and failit thair quhill the famyne nycht at midnycht, quhair thaj landit neir Crawmound ; and thairefter come vpone the xv day thairof to Corftorphin cragis, and thairfra to Edinburgh, without any danger done to thamo be the laid erle of Mortoun or his folkis, Hand in wait for the fame pnrpofe. And the capitane of Edinburgh caftell, at thair cuming to the famin, caufit fchute iiij peice of greit ordinance, and

thairefter put thair faids prefonaris in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, with

greit mirth and pleifour of thair affiftaris. It is alfua of veritie, that the

faids lords of the nobilitie, feing thair men of wearre being in the faids

fchipps and boittis wer of mynd to land vpoun the faid xiiij day, ifchit

with thair horfmene and futemen towards Leith in thair fupport, pur-

pofing, gif thaj had landit, outlier to haue relevit thame, or els to haue

all deit. In this mene tyme, thair wes furn fkirmifhing betuix the iaids

pairteis, the erle of Mortoun beleivand that the faids men of weir wer

in the faid fchipe and boittis, durft nocht land, fend to Striueling to my

lord regent, defyring him effecluouflie to cum and fuppoirt him in the

taking of the finds men of wearre ; bot or his cuming, the faids men of

weare wer efcapit, as faid is.

Vpoun the fourtene day of Junij foirfaid, Johne Hamiltoun, fone to

Androw Hamiltoun of Cochnoch, wes beheadit for the interpryfmg of

the taking of Glafgow caftell.

Vpoun the xv day of Julij, William Durrie [Drury] come to Leith

to the faid erle of Mortoun. ;


It is alfua to be notit, that the miniftaris of Edinburgh maid nather

prayars nor preitching fra the xiij day of Junij vnto the becaus it

wes injoynit to thame to pray for the quene in the famin, be the lords

of the nobilitie.

In this mene tyme, my lord regent caulit fummond findrie perfonis,

nobilmen and barronis, alfiftaris to the quene, to compeir in parliament to be haldin in Striueling the xviij [xxviij] day of Auguft nixtocum, to heir thame foirfaltit for certane crymes of treffone contenit in the laid fummondis.

Nota, the difconfutoure done at the querrell hollis befyd Halyrudhous.

Vpoun the xvj day of the laid moneth, being Sattirday, James erle of

Mortoun being in Leith, and accumpanyit with the maift pairt of his freinds and cuntriemen, with the regentis haill men of wearre, come furth of Leith to the Halkhill, and thair put thair men in array and als the lordis of the nobilitie, viz. the erle of Huntlie, my lord Home, my lord Harreis, my lord Claud Hamiltoun, Gawin coinmenda- tare of Kilwyning, and Johne commendatare of Coldinghame, with all thair forces and men of weare haid be thame in Edinburgh, ifchit furth of Edinburgh with twa peices of fmali ordinance, to the querrell holis abone the abbay of Halyrudhous, quhair thaj arrayit thair horfmen and liiddartis betuix the querrell holis and the laid Halkhill. And Schir

Williame Drowarie Inglifman, being with the faid erle of Mortoun, la- bourit and travelit this day betuix the faids parteis in lie fort, that it wes convenit betuix thame that ane man fhould pas in midfield betuix thame

and waif his hatt, and than euerie pairtie to reteir hame ; bot in this mene tyme, the erle of Mortouns haill horfmen brak with ane fchout and cry vpoun the nobilities horfmen, quha newer maid counter to rei- fut thame, bot continwallie fled vnto the tyme thaj come to thair awne futemen, quha maid all maner of manlie reliilance to thair aduerfaris as

culd be devyiit ; bot pairtlie owirrunne with thair awne horfmen, and 1571- IN SCOTLAND. 225 pairtlie with thair enemies horfmene, the l'aidis pover fuddartis wer com- pellit to giue bakkis, and fua baith the horfinen and fiitemen of the faid

nobilitie fled in at the watter geitt befyid the abbay foiriiiid ; on quhom followit the faid erle of Mortonis folkis, and continwallie tuke and flew of thame quhill thaj come to Edinburgh. In this conflict wes flane the laid Gawin commendatare of Kilwynning with xxiiij fuddartis of

the nobilitie or thairby ; Alexander lord Home tane with James Cul- lane, Alexander Bog anlengie to capitane Dauid Meluile with the faid enfengie, and lxx fuddartis or thairby, with the faids tua peices of ordi-

nance, with lindrie horfmen ; and all thir prefonaris wer tane to Leith and put in the tolbuyth thairof. And of the erle of Mortonis pairtie wes flane Gawin Home fueddart, and capitane Michaell Wemes tane, bot or he wes tane he wes hurt, quhairof he deceiffit heirefter.

This conflict wes ane greit difconfetoure to the saidis lordis of the nobilitie, for nocht allanerlie wes thair men tane and flane, bot alfua the haill amies and horffis of tharae that efcapit wer for the maift pairt tint and perifched. It is gretumlie murmurit that the faid Williame

Drowarie wes the ondrawer of this mifcheiff, and diflaver of the quenis pairtie. Attour it is alfua faid that Johne lord Harreis is gretumlie murmurit in confulting this deid, becaus he commonit with the auld laird of Drumlangrig on the day befoir, and als that he and his cum- pany wer the laiteft that come furth of Edinburgh to the faid place quhair the faid conflicT; wes, and the lbnell that fled thairfra, albeit thaj wer neireit to the faid Cannogaitt.

Vpoun the xvij day of the faid moneth, Matho erle of Lennox regent fo. and Johne erle of Mar come to Leith.

Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, thair wes ane Parliament proclamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh be the lords being thairin, in the quenis name, to be haldin in the famyn vpoun the third day of Augufl; nixtocum.


Vpoun the famyne day, the faid l'chir Williame Drowarie came from

Leith to Edinburgh ; and thairefter pail to Leith ; and thairefter maid iindry viages betuix Leith and Edinburgh for treating of aggrement betuix the parteis being thairintill, bot the fame tuik no effect.

In this mene tyme, it is devyiit be my lord regent and his counfale, that the cuntrie falbe devydit in four quarteris, and that euerie quarter fall remayne in Leith thair turne about, for keiping thairof and affeidg- ing of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the 20 day of the faid moneth of Junij, the lordis of the no- bilitie being in Edinburgh, cauiit elecl Thomas Ker of Pharnyhirft knycht proveft of Edinburgh, Cuthbert Ramfay, Thomas Hamiltoun,

Halbert Maxwell, and Hew Lauder bailleis of the famyne, with all

vther membaris of court and counfale ; and maid public!; proclamatioun thairof at the mercat croce of the faid burgh, and caufit nychtlie the quarteris of this toun waitche the wallis thairof. In all this tyme thair wes greit labouring maid betuix the faids twa pairteis for releiving of prefonaris ; and als thair wes placit in the fteiple of Edinburgh on the famyne day thrie peices of brafin ordinance, with vi6tuallis and vtheris

neceffaris for defending of the famyne ; and ficlyk all the wallis, foufies

and portis of the faid burgh wer newlie biggit and repairit, for the de-

fending and balding thairof.

Vpoun the xxj day of the laid moneth, Alexander lord Home paft

from Leith be fey to Temptalloun, thair to remayne in captivitie and prefoune induring my lord regents will and mynd. This imprefoning

of the faid lord Hume in Temptalloun wes ane greit dollour to him,

becaus he wes in his enemies handis, viz. my lord Mortonis.

Vpoun the 23 day of the faid moneth, James Douglas of Drumlang-

rig, paffand hame fra Leith, wes tane be Dauid Spens of Wormeftoun,

with fyve peribnis and 22 horfe with him ; the laird of Apilgirth hurt

in taking Capitane of the garifone of horfmene, and the young Lardis 1571. IN SCOTLAND. '2-27 of Druinlanrig and Apilgirthe wer cliacit, and efter the taking of the laid Laird of Drumlangrig, he wes imprefonit in Edinburgh Castell.

Vpoun the famin day Mr Robert Richartfone wes changit, and Wil- liam Lord Ruthven put in his place in office foirfaid. In this mene

c tynie certane of the burgeflis of Edinburgh, to the number of ij or thair- by, privilie paft furth of Edinburgh to Leith, and thair remanit ; and maid capitane amangis thame Adame Fullartoun, and ane anfengie ; purpofmg thairthrow to tak plane pairt with the lordis affiftaris of the king in the perfute of Edinburgh toune, and all thame afliftand to the quene being thairintill.

Vpoun the xxv day of the laid monetb, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh in the quenis name, commanding all and iindrie mercbands, craftifmen and vtheris inhabitants of the faid ft burgh quha hes laitlie depairtit furth of the fame, to refort and repair agane thairto within xxiiij houris nixt efter the faid chairge, wnder the pane of confifcatioun of all thair moveable guidis, and puneilfing of thair perfonis to the vtermoft rigour gif thaj can be apprehendit.

Vpoun the famyne day thair wes ane fummondis of foirfaltour execute at the mercate croce of Edinburgh in tbe quenis name, fumonding thir perfonis following ; thay ar to lay, Johne lord Glammis, Adame bif- chope of Orknay, Robert fucceffour to Dunfermling, Robert commen- datare of San6tmarie yle, James Ricbartfone his fone, James Liddell fewar of Sanctinarie yle, Mr James M'Gill of Rankelour nethir, Mr James M'Gill his fone, fchir Johne Stewart of Mynto knycbt, Matho Stewart his fone and appeirand air, Alexander Stewart gounger of Gar- leyis, George Haliburtoun of Petcure, Mr James Halyburtoun proveft of Dundie, George Dowglas of Parkheid, George Cwnnyghame of

Drumquhaffell, Andro Ker of Fawdounfyid, James Richartfone fone to

Robert commendatare of Sanctmarie yle, Andro lord Vchiltrie, Alexan- der Home of Manderftoun, Alexander Home bis lone and appeirand air. 228 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Vpoun the faid xxvj and xxvij dayes refpecliue of Junij, the perfonis

following wer fumond at the mercat croce of Edinburgh ; viz. Andro maifter of Errole, Johne lord Glammis, Andro lord Vchiltrie, A dame bifchope of Orknay, Robert fucceffour to Dunfermling, Mr Robert

Ritchardfone commendatare of Sanctmarie yle, James Richartfoun his

lone naturall, James Liddell fewar of Sanfilmarie yle, Mr James M'Gill

of Rankellour nethir, Mr James M'Gill his lone and appeirand air,

Alexander Home of Manderltoun, Alexander Home his fone and ap-

peirand air, Dauid Home his fecund fone, James Forrefter of Corftor-

phin, Walter Ker of Ceffurd knycht, Ker his fone and ap-

peirand air, Alexander Home of Houtounhall, Johne Cunnyghame of

Drumquhaffill, Johne Cunnyghame his lone and appeirand air, Johne

Stewart of Mynto knycht, Matho Stewart his fone and appeirand air,

George Haliburtoun of Pitcure knycht, Mr James Halyburton proveft

of Dundie, Andro Ker of Fawdounfyid, Mr Michaell Elphingftoun,

Patrik Murray of Tibbermure, George Dowglas of Parkheid, Alexander Home of Northberwik, capitane David Home, Alexander Stewart fear

of Garleyis, Johne Bofwell of Affleck, Gilbert Afflecl of that ilk,

Johne Afflek of Wodhill, Dauid Durie of that ilk, George Durie his broder, Andro Durie his broder, James Durie his broder, Peiter Durie of the Grange, Johne Anftryuzir of that ilk, Johne Reid of Aikinheid, Thomas Scott of Abbotfhall, Patrik Howftoun of Craigtoun, Williame Dowglas of Lochlevin, George Monro of Dawachartie, Andro Monro his fone, the baillies, counfale and communitie of Dundie, Henrie

Durie baftard fone to Robert commendatare of Dunfermling, and Johne

Pitcarne, fon to vmquhile Pitcarne, to compeir in Parliament to

be haldin in the quenis name in Edinburgh, the audit day of Auguft

nixtocum, to heir and lie thame and ilk ane of thame foirfaltit, for the crymes of treffoun contenit in the faid lummonds.

"\ rpoun the l'amyne day thair wes ane proclamatioun maid in Leith 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 229 in the king-is name, that na perfone hant or cum to Leith without thaj remayne thairintill, vnder the pane of punelfing of thair perfonis.

Nota, the new calling- of the forth of Leith. Vpoun the lamyne day my lord regent caufit call and eredl agane the fowlies and wallis of Leith, purpofing to haue lyin thairin for balding of vi6luallis fra Edinburgh, beleiving thairthrow that the lordis of the nobilitie with thair men of weare being thairintill wald leave the fame. Vpoun the penult day of the famyne moneth, thair arryvit ane fchip in the raid of Leith callit the Andro, in the rpihilk thair wes ten hun- dreth hagbuttis, tua hundreth corflattis, tua hundryth heid peices, with

e v bullattis, with ane certane of fall peiter fend be the king of France to the lordis of the nobilitie and capitane of Edinburgh caftell, togidder

00 with the fowme of vj li of gold and filuer. Quhilk munitioun

my lords regent and Mortoun caufit tak and apprehend furth of the faid

l'chipe and put in Leith ; bot Johne Chilblme inbringer of the famin,

heiring that the faidis Regent and Mortoun wer in the faid toun of

Leith, in the nycht befoir the arryving of the faid fchipe in the raid

foirlaid, depairted and pall furth of the fchipe foirfaid, and tuik with

him the coffer quhairin the faid gold and fduer wes, and pall thairwith

vpoun the coift fyid of Fyff ; bot howfein the regent wes aduerteill thair-

of, Patrik lord Lindlay wes direcYit to feik him vpone the laft day of the

laid moneth.

Vpoun the faid lail day of the faid moneth of Julij, [Junij] the faid

Johne Chifolme wes apprehendit and tane be the faid Lord Lyndfay,

ro c and he with the fowme of iij v merkis of filuer wes brocht to Leith.

Vpoun the ferd day of the faid moneth, [of Julij] the lordis of the no-

bilitie being in Edinburgh having perfyte knawlege that my lord regent

haid fend ane boitt out of Leith ladin with ane greit pairt of the bell hag-

buttis, harnes, pulder,falt peteir and bullattis that he tuik furth of the faid

fchippe callit the Androw of befoir, to the caftell of Striueling, caufit ;


Spens of Wormiitoun capitane of fyftie horfmen, with xx horfmen of his cumpany, pafs quietlie of Edinburgh at thrie houris in the mornyng to the Quenis ferray, quhair thaj tuik ane boitt and en-

terit thairin ; and thairefter paft vpoun the faid boitt ladin with muni- tioun as laid is, and a litill or no debat being maid to thame be the defendaris that wes in the faid boitt, thaj enterit and tuik fa many of the faid hagbuttis and heidpecis as thaj mycht guidlie tranfport with thame, and all the remanent thaj keift in the fey ground ; and this done thaj returnit to Edinburgh with 10 prefonaris, being in the faid boitt the tynie of the taking thairof.

Nota, the interchange of Drumlangrig for Home.

Vpoun the fyft day of the faid moneth, Alexander lord Home wes releivit and delyuerit for James Dowglas of Drumlangrig, vpoun the

Gallowlie betuix Edinburgh and Leith. This interchange wes fair in- contrair the willis and mynds of the freinds of the faid lord Home, be- caus he being tane it wes neuir thair mynd that he fuld be releivit thinking that he being detenit in captivitie, thaj mycht be kingis in his boundis, and vptak his leiving at thair awne plefour ; bot the Dou- glaffis wald on nawayis the laird of Drumlangrig to ly in captivitie.

Vpoun the famyne day, monfieur Werack ambaflatour for the king of France come to the raid of Leith, and wes tane perforce be my lord regents men of weare to the toun thairof, quhair he prefentit to the faid regent certane wreittingis fend be the faid king of France to him, requyring him to rander and delyuer to the faid ambaflatour all muni- tioun, wynis and vtheris apperteining to the king of France being in

Dunbartane the tyme of the taking thairof; bot thaj held the laid am- baflatour, and ftruik vp the writtis fend to the nobilitie afliflaris to the quene fra his maifter the king of France, quhairat he wes gretumlie

commovit ; amangis the quhilkis thaj gat ane minute of the haill fowme givin to the faid John Schifolme, and accufit him fa fcharplie thair- 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 231 vpone, that he wes conftranit to bring the haill gold to tlianie fra James commendatare of Sanctcolme, quha thane haid it in his keiping, quhair- with the faid regent conducit c j horlmen. Vpoun the fext da)- of the laid inoneth, James erle of Mortoune hav- ing indignatioun at James Cunnyghame of Druinquhaffill, principall counfallour of my lord regent, pairtlie for fending away of the muni- tionn out of Leith that wes caftin in the fey as is abonewrittin, without awife of the fecreit counfale, and pairtlie for the reuling of the faid re- gent in findrie thingis by the faid erllis counfale, (for he thocht that the laid regent fnould doe nathing of any wecht without his awyfe haid thairto,) purpofit to haue flane the faid laird of Drumquhaffill ; and the faid regent being quietlie aduerteift of the fame, caufit the laird of Drum- quhaffill to depairt towartis Striueling, that he fould nevir luik vpoun the faid lard of Drumquhaffill. Efter quhas depairting, the faid erle of Mortoun wes verry commovit that he haid efcapit, and thairfoir pur- pofit, without any farther delay, to haue left my lord regent and paft to

Dalkeith ; bot the faid regent heirand thairof, come to the faid erle of

Mortoun, and referrit all thingis in his will, and promittit to doe nor difpone ony maner of thing in tymecuming without his awyfe. This done, the faid earle remaynit ftill in Leith.

Vpoun the fevint day of the faid moneth, the haill merchandis, craf- tifinen and perfonis remanand within Edinburgh, maid thair mouftaris in the gray frear kirk yaird j promitting to affift the capitane of Edin- burgh caftell in c the quenis actioun. The nowmer thairof, wer vj men fo. 84. or thairby. This mouftour wes maid becaus that the auld proveft and bailleis of the laid burgh haid left the fame, and paft with ane greit now- mer of the inhabitaris thairof to Leith, and thair maid thair muftouris, c quhilkis extendit to iij men or thairby. For this wappinfchawing, my lord regent buir greit indignatioun at the tounis men remaning thairin.

Vpoun the famyn day, capitane James Cullane wes put in Leith to 232 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571. the knawlege of ane afTyfe, quhairby he wes conviclit for cuming aganis the king incontrair his promeis maid of befoir, bot na executioun done vpoun him this day.

Vpoun the nynt day of the famin moneth, thair come certane men of wearre from Leith to the palice of Halyrudhous, quhairof Andro Mit- chell wes capitane, and thair ranforcit the foirgett thairof, purpoling to remayne thairin.

Vpoun the famyne day, thair wer certane perfonis fiimmondit in

Edinburgh, to compeir in the parliament to be haldin thairin the 27 day of

Auguft nixtocum, to heir thame foirfaltit for certane poyntis of treflbune contenit in the faid fummondis.

Vpoun the xiij day of the laid moneth, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at Edinburgh croce, commanding all inhabitantis of the famin that hes pall furth of the laid burgh, and lies not borne wappins aganis the quenis majeilie, that thaj refort agane to the fame within xxiiij houris,

and falbe hairtlie reflauit thairin ; with certificatioun, gif thaj doe not, thaj falbe repute and haldin as the quenis enemies in tyme to cum ; and als commanding all thais perlbnis quha hes depairtit and borne armour aganis hir, that thaj inlykwyifs repair agane to the burgh foirfaid within

the laid fpace ; and thaj findand cautioun for keiping of good ordour in tyme tocum, falbe reffauit thankfullie thairin, with certificatioun gif thaj doe nocht, that thair goods and geir falbe intromeittit with as el- cheit, and thair wyffs and barnes expellit furth of the faid burgh of Edin- burgh with thame, and thair to remayne induring the lordis of the no- bilities will and mynd.

Attour it is to be notit, that at this tyme the haill perfonis inhabitaris in Edinburgh remanand within the famin, wer reddie at euerie fkirmeis in armes, to pas with the faids lords alfiitaris to the quene out of the

faid burgh, for mantenance of the quenis adlioun ; quhairat the burgeflis being in Leith wes maift havilie offendit. 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 233

Vpoun the xiiij day of the faid moneth, Robert lord Semple wes put to fredorae and libertie be the lords of the nobilitie affiitaris to the quene, forth of the fatuin, quha paft hanie vpone certane conditiouns.

Vpoun the xvij day of the laid moneth, capitane James Cullane being convict, as is abonereherfit, wes beheadit on the linkis of Leith, quhair- at the lordis of the nobilitie wes gretumlie annoyit, promeifing and awowing, gif thaj can apprehend any of thair aduerfaris, that thaj in lykmaner lould be handillit.

Vpoun the xviij day of the laid moneth, Naper of Merching- fo. 84. b. floun knycht wes tane, and brocht to Edinburgh caftell be the laird of

Mynto and his cumpany.

Vpoun the faruyne day, Mongo Fairlie, Johne Harwod, Hew Broun, and Robert Cunnyghame, all burgeffis of Edinburgh, wer put to the knowlege of ane aflyle for mantenyng of the kingis aucloritie, and affift- ing of his regent ; for the quhilkis thaj became in will ; bot the quenis lieutennentis and lordis continewit the faid mater vnto the morne thair- efter, to adwyl'e quhidder thaj wald tak the laids perfonis in will or nocht, and thairfoir ordanyit the laid allyfe to convene the laid morne.

Vpoun the famin xix day, Johne Dowglas of the Scheill wes put to the knawlege of ane aflyle for fyndrie odious crymes, quha in lykwys wes continewit vnto the day of the faid moneth, and thairfoir con-

tinewit vnto the 21 day of the famin ; and thairefter the of the laids perfonis fand fouertie to enter agane vpoun xxiiij houris warnyng, and wer put to libertie, and vtheris that wald nocht find fouertie wer lialdin in prefoun.

Vpoun the faid xx day of Julij, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at

Edinburgh croce, inhibiting all maner of perfonis, that nane of thame

bant nor retort to Leith vnder the payne of death ; and als that na per- fone refortand in Edinburgh prelentlie, outher eit with thair horflls, or

caus fcheir vther mens cornes vnder the faid payne. 2 G 234 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

In this mene tyme, James erle of Mortoun paft from Leith to Striue- ling, quhair thair met him the maiiler of Caffillis, Hew erle of Egling- toun, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Johne erle of Mar, with James Hamil- toun of Crawfurdjohne, Robert lord Boyd, with fyndrie vtheris barrouns and gentilmen, for to intercommoun tuitching the pacefeing of this pre-

regnis within this realme for the audtoritie of the fent debaite that fame ;

bot in no maner thaj culd aggrie thairvpone, and fua depairtit as thaj come, except that thaj concludit to meit agane vpoun the nynt day of Anguft nixtocum in Striueling onlie.

Vpoun the laid 20 day of the faid moneth, Cuthbert Ramfay burges

of Edinburgh wes proclamit the quenis cuftumar in Edinburgh, and iearcheoure within the fame, in the rowme and place of Robert Wat-

fone lait cuftumare thairof ; and inhihitioun maid, that na maner of

goodis be tranfportit furth of this realme vncuftumate be the quenis cuf-

tumare, wnder the pane of confifcatioun of the fame at the port quhair

the fainyne falbe tranfportit to, aither in France or Flandars. It is to

be notit heir, that all guidis that ar to be tranfportit pay double cuftome.

In all this tyme, thair wes continwall fkirmiffing betuix Edinburgh

and Leith, and diuerfe men and horfs flane on baith the pairties, bot for

the maift pairt of the regentis pairt.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Julij 1571 foirfaid, thair wes ane fowfie maid

in the blak freir gaird, to place greit ordinance thairin to ding the pa-

lice of Halyrudhous thairwith.

And vpoun the lamyne day, James erle of Mortone returnit from

Striueling to Leith fra the conventioun abonewrittin.

Vpoun the xxv day of the laid moneth, the capitane of Edinburgh caftell

caufit bring owt ane cannoin and great culvering owt of the famin,andpla-

cit the faid ordinance in the blak freir gaird to ding the abbay thairwith.

And on the fame day at efternone, thaj fchote at the faid palice of

Halyrudhous diuerfe tymes, bot thefamyne did litle or na hurt to thefamin. 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 235

Vpoun the famyne day, Mr Cace Inglifman come to Edinburgh caftell from the quene of Ingland, with writtings tuitching ane abftenance to be tane amangis the nobilitie, and fua depairted thairfra with ane anluer.

Vpoun the xxvj day of the lame, the lordis of the nobilitie affiftand to the quene, condifcendit to the laid abftinence, bot the regent and his affiftaris wald not grant thairto, quhairat the quene of Ingland wes gre- tumlie offendit as wes reportit.

In this mene tyme, my lord regent caulit mak proclamatiounis in

Perth, Dundie and all vtheris burrowes in Fyff and Angus, chargeing the inhabitants thairof to addres thame to meit him in feir of weir in Leith, with xx dayes victuallis, vnder the pane of tinfell of lyf, lands and guids.

Vpoun the xxvij day of the faid moneth, Striueling l'chire, Dunbar- tane fchire, the fchirefdome of Air, Kyle, Carrik and Cunnyghame come to Leith, thair to ferue thair induring xxiiij dayes.

Vpoun the firft day of Auguit the geir of God abonewritten, thair wes ane low ferryit in Williame Dauidfonis hous, neither in Edinburgh, of xiij gryfis, off the quhilkis, thair wes ane a monftoure. It haid the gruntill thairof in the heich of the heid of the fame, and wnder that it haid twa ene, ane noifs and mouth, ane brow, ane chyke ane toung and

luggis lyk to the fimilitude of all man in fortis ; the remanent thairofwes

lyk ane vther gryfe without hair ; this protendit fum mifcheiffto this burgh.

Vpoun the fecund day of the faid moneth, thair wer certane perfonis

xx of Edinburgh fled thairfra to Leith, to the nowmer of iiij or thairby,

llimmondit to compeir befoir the quenis lieutennentis vpoun the fext

day nixt efter the chairge, to anfuer to fie thingis as falbe laid to thair

chairge, vnder the paine of rebellioun and putting of thame to the

home ; and failgeing thairof, to put thame thairto.

Wpoun the third day of the faid moneth, the parliament proclamit be

the quenis lieutennentis in hir name, wes affixit in Edinburgh and the

foittis callit and ordanyit to ryne vnto the tyme the fame wer diffoluit. 236 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571 .

Vpoun the famhi day, the parliament proclamit in the kingis name

wes affixit, and the foittis callit in Striueling, and ordanit the famin

to rin quhill it be farder difloluit. ft. 85. b. Vpoun the aucht day of the faid moneth, the quenis lieutennentis pad

to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and thair callit the fummondis of foirfal-

tour raifit aganis Johne lord Glammis and his affiflaris foirfaids, and continewit the lame.

Vpoun the famyne day, James erle of Mortoun paft to Striueling to

meit with Archibald erle of Ergyle and his adherentis, conforme to his

promeis maid of befoir.

Vpoun the tent day of the famyne moneth, Alexander Jardane

gounger of Apilgarth, with ten of his men and cumpany, wes tane be the

lairds of Buckcleuch, Wormiftoun and Howmod, [?] and thair cumpany,

and brocht to Edinburgh captiues, and ane of his cumpany llane, and verry mony of horfs and men on baith fydis hurt, bot monyeft on my

lord regents fyid, for it wes crewallie fochtin befoir the faids perfonis

wer takin.

In this mene tyme, thair wes ane affemblie of the minifteris in Striue-

ling, quhair it wes concludit amangsthame, that na miniiter mould pray

in thair fermouns for the quene, and fand fault with Alexander bifchope

of Galloway, minifter at Edinburgh, becaus he prayit for the laid quene ;

aganis the quhilk act Johne Craig opponit.

Vpoun the xiij day of the faid moneth, the duke and erle of Huntlie,

lieutennent to the quene, accumpanyit with Alexander lord Home and

vtheris of the nobilitie, paft to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh ; and thair

fittand in parliament, the thrie eftaittis foirfaltit Johne lord Glammis

and Robert lord Uchiltrie, Adame bifchope of Orknay, Robert fuccef-

four of Dunfermling, Mr Robert Ritchartfone, commendatare of Sancl

Marie yle, James Ritchartfone his fone naturall, James Lidderdaill fewar

of Sanclmarie yle, Mr James M'Gill of Rankellour nether, Mr James 1571. I* SCOTLAND. 237

M'Gill his Cone and appeirand air, Alexander Home of Manderfloun,

Alexander Home his fone and appeirand air, Dauid Home his fecund fone, Alexander Home of Huutounhall, Johne Stewart of Mynto,

Matho Stewart his fone, George Halyburtoun of Pitcurr knycht, Mr James Halyburtoun proveft of Dundie, Andro Ker of Fawdoun fyid,

Patrik Murray of Tibbarmuir, Alexander Home of North Berwik, capi- tane Dauid Home, Alexander Stewart fear of Garnleis, Johne Bofwell of Affleck, Gilbert Affleck of that ilk, Johne Affleft of Wodhill, Dauid

Durrie of that ilk, George Durrie his broder, Andro Durrie his broder,

James Durrie his brother, Piter Durrie of the Grange, Johne Anitruther of that ilk, Johne Reid of Aikinheid, Patrick Jonftoun of Craigtoun,

George Monro of Dawachcartie, Andro Monro of Newmoir, the bail- leis counfale and communitie of Dundie, Henrie Durrie baftard fone to

Robert commendatare of Dunferling, Mr Johne Pitcarne, Thomas Rid-

peth, James Home of Finlas knycht, James Carmichaell, Alexander f . 8«.

Gardene, for certane crymes and poyntis of treffoune contenit in the

finds fummonds ; and continewit the dome of foirfaltour vpoun the re- manent perfonis contenit in the fummondis vnto the xxvj of this inftant, and als continewit the faid parliament quhill it be fully dilfoluit ; and thairefter the faids lieutennentis part to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and caufit the heraulds mak public!; proclamatioun of the faid dome of foirfaltour, and raiff the faids perfonis amies, and ordanit thame to be

deleite out of the buikis of armes ; and the faidis perfonis guidis and

lands to be efclieit to our fouerane ladie and inbrocht to hir vie ; and decernit the faid burgh of Dundie to haue tint the fredome thairof, and the perfonis inhabitaris thairof to haue tint lyff, lands and guids. And this done, thaj paft to the caltell with fword, fceptour and croun.

All this tyme, the burgh of Edinburgh ilute vpoun the calfay thairof in feir of weir, according to thair auld vfe.

In this mene tyme, Archibald erle of Ergyle, accumpanyit with Ro- 238 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571. bert lord Boyd, being at the conventioun in Striueling, met with James erle of Mortoun, and tbair aggreit with him in all thingis in fie fort, that he became the kings man, and wald acknawlege his auctoritie fa

lang as the kingis moder remaynit furth of this realme ; for doing of the quhilk, he obtenit the promeis of ane benefice.

And als in this fame tyme, my lord regent feit certane men of wearre, c to the number of iij attour his men of weare, lua that his haill men of c c furmontis to vj futemen wearre and j horfmen, quhairwith his grace purpofit to affault Edinburgh ; and the inhabitantis of the fame heirand thairof, maid fa greit labouris in calling of the fowfies thairof, and bigg- ing of the ruinous wallis of the fame, that the laid burgh wes newir la ftrong lince it got the firft name. The names of the capitans of my lordis regentis men of weare ar, capitanis Thomas Crawfurd, Dauid Home, Andro Lamby, Andro Mitchell, Johne Chifolme and Walter

Aikman. The names of the quenis futemen ar, capitanis Arthour Ha- miltoun, James Bruce, Dauid Meluile, James Halkerftoun, Gilbert Montgomery, with Adame Fullartoun with Edinburgh band. The number of thair men of weare ar fex hundreth futemen, and ane hun- dreth horfmen or thairby. This defeftioun of the faid earle of Ergyle wes in ane maner ane dilcouragement to all thame profefland the quenis aucloritie, becaus he newir acknowlegeit the kingis au6loritie vnto this

tyme ; bot the greedie and infatiable appetite of benefices wes the mail! caus thairof, for in his tyme, thair wes nane that wes brocht wnder the kingis obedience bot for reward aither givin or promeifed.

And als he wes gretumlie perfuadit heirto be Robert lord Boyd, quha perfuadit the Kirk to pairt the faid erle and his wyff, and to marie his dauchter, quha wes marijt vpoun the soung laird of Cunnyghameheid of befoir.

Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, Johne Adamfone bailgie, Edward Jonitoun, Mathew Jamiefone, Robert Johneftoun, Alexander 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 239

Birth, Joline CreyS Johne Fergufoun, Charles Geddes, Johne

Morrefone elder, Johne Morreione joungar, James Inglls merchand,

Andro Sklaiter, Johne Johneftoun writtar, James Millar writtar, Gil- bert Thornetoun writtar, Williame Harlaw faidlar, Alexander Harwod, Lyoune Finewein, Adame Fullartoun, Robert Johneftoun brother to the kird of Elphingftoun, Robert Gray, Mungo Ruffell, Dauid Mor- reis, Mr Michaell Chilholme, Gilbert Dick, Williame Ramfay, Robert Gourlay, Andro Craig, James Rannald draper, and Johne Blakburne younger, wer denuncit our fouerane ladies rebellis, and put to the home, and als thair movable guidis decernit to be efcheit to hir vfe for thair contemptioun.

About this tyine, Monlieur Verac, ambaffatour to the king of France, tane and haldin be my lord regent in Leith, wes tranflaitit thairfra, and put in captivitie in the caftell of San6landrois.

Vpoun the twentie day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortoun,

Johne erle of Mar, come to Leith to my lord regent, with thair freindis in his fupport and ayd.

Vpoun the xxij day of the faid moneth, my lord regent and lords,

profefland the kingis audloritie, feing thaj culd nocht obtene entrie in

the burgh of Edinburgh, inventit ane flicht of weir, to be done and ad-

uenturit be thame in maner following, to witt ; thaj caufit the bandis of the men of weare, quhairof wes capitane Thomas Crawfurd, Dauid

Home, and Andro Lamby, to fort from Leith with thair men of weare,

and placit thame quietlie in the nicht befoir in findrie cloiflis, houflis

and barnes thairof, nixt adjacent to the nethir bow of the laid burgh

of Edinburgh ; and als caufit vther tua bandis of futemene come to the

abbay, and thair ftand in array quhill thaj fould be aduerteirt be found

of trumpett to cum to the faidis vtheris thrie bands Hand nixt the faid

nethir boll. And quhen this wes performed, it wes devyfit that nyne

horfis fould come to the faid port from Leith, ladyenit with meill, and 240 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 15?1.

convoyit be fex fuddartis in armour in millaris weid ; and quhen the

iaidis portis fould haue opynit to lat in the faid meill, the faidis foul-

diouris convoyaris thairof fould purpouflie eaft doun the faids leids in the to. 87. middis of the port of the fame, and thaj to haue flane the keiparis thair-

of; and in this mene tyme, the faids thrie capitanis lyand narreft the

port to haue enterit in thairat, and thairefter to haue caufit thair rema-

nent compangeonis to haue refortit to thame ; and than thaj all to haue

pall vp the gait of the faid burgh, and to haue flane all that wald gan-

ftand thame ; for this micht haue bene verray eafilie done gif this devyfe

had tane effect, for the tyme appoyntit of thair cuming in the faid burgh

wes to be at fyve houris in the mornyng, betuix the depairting of the

nycht watche and the entering of the day watche ; bot the eternall God knawing the cruell murther that wald haue bene done and committit

vpoun innocent pover perfonis of the faid burgh, wyteles of the balding

thairof, wald not thole this interpryfe to tak fucceffe, bot evin quhen

the faid meill wes almaift at the faid port, and the faid men of weare

ilandand in clois heids in readines to haue enterit at the bak of the

famyne, movit Thomas Barrie fumtyme meffar, to pas furth of the laid

port doun to the faid Cannogait to haue fene his awne hous, quhair in

his faid paffage he perfavit the faidis ambuflimentis of men of weare,

and with celeritie returnit and warnit the watche men and keiparis of

fteik the famin quicklie, the faid port ; quhilk caufit thame to and fua

this devyfe and interpryfe tuke na profperous effecl; ; bot the faids men

of weare depairted with dollorous hartis, all difapoyntit of thair fecreit

interpryfe, awowand to flay the faid Thomas Barrie gif euer thaj heir-

efter culd apprehend him, for the reveilling thairof. The quenis lieu-

tennentis rewardit the faid Thomas Barrie honeftlie.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the laid moneth, my lord regent, the erllis of Mortoun and Mar, accumpanyit with certane vtheris barronis and gen-

tillmen, and ane certane of men of weir, pall to Striueling fra Leith, 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 241

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the laid moneth, my lord regent, the erllis of Mortoun and Mar, accurapanyit with certane vtheris barronis and gen- tillmen and ane certane of men of weir, paft to Striueling fra Leith, thair to hald the parliament vpoun the xxviij day of the moneth foirfaid,

for forfalting of all perfonis fummond affiftand to the quene ; and thaj left in the faid toun of Leith, for keiping thairof from the invalioun of

Edinburgh, fyve bands of men of weare, with ane hundreth horffmen, togidder with Edinburgh peopill and Leith.

Vpoun the xxv day of the laid moneth, thair paft furth of Leith to the burgh of Jedburgh xxx hagbuttaris, for manteining of the faid burgh aganis the invafioun of the laird of Pharnyhirft.

Vpoun the xxvij day of the faid moneth, the lords and capitan of

Edinburgh caftell caufit big ane new port at the nethir boll of the faid burgh, within the auld port of the fame, of aifler wark in the maift ftrenthie maner ; and tuik to big the famyne with all the aifler ftanis to. 87. that Alexander Clerk haid gadderit of the kirk of Reftalrig to big his hous with, and als all ftanis and lyme gadderit be Neil Lange to big his hous with.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the faid moneth, Dauid Spens of Wormiftoun, accumpanyit with ix horfmen, paft to Sandlandrois ; and Monlieur

Verac ambaflatour, being in captivitie in the caftell thairof be the com- mand of my lord regent, and efter fuppar repoifand him out of the portis thairof, wes convoyit and brocht be the faid laird of Wormeftoun fra the faid citie to Edinburgh, quhairto thaj come vpoun the xxix day of the moneth foirfaid. The lords and gentilmen being in Edinburgh wes gre- tumlie rejoyfit at thair cuming. Vpoun the famyne day, Carrutheris of Howmendis paft of Edinburgh to the Byris, and thair brocht away lx oxin and key appertening to Patrik lord Lindfay and his tennentis, with iindrie borffis. 2 H 242 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Nota, the parliament haldin be the king in Striueling.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the faid moneth, James be the grace of god king of Scottis, being of the aige of fyve geiris, accumpanyit with Matho erle of Lennox his guidfchir and regent, James erle of Mortoun, and the remanent of his nobilitie particularlie writtin in the foirfaltour fol- lowing maid be him, being cled maift magnificentlie with rob royall, raid fra the caftell of Striueling to the tolbuyth thairof. And at his cuming thairto, he maid this orifoune following fittand in jugement, viz.

My lordis and vtheris trew fubjedlis, we ar convenit heir as I wnder- ftand to doe juftice, and becaus my aige will nocht fiiffer me to doe my chairge be my felf, I haue givin my powar to my guidfchir as regent, and gow to doe ; and gow will anfuer to God and to me heirefter, &c.

And this donn, thaj callit the fummondis of foirfaltour vpoun my lord duke and his adherents, and thairefter nominat the lordis of the articles, and thairefter the king pail to the caftell agane. In his palling to the tolbuyth and returnyng thairfra, Alexander erle of Glencarne bure the fword, the erle of Crawfurd the fceptour, and the erle of Angus the croun. It is heir to be notit, that the croun, fceptour and fword wer all new maid, becaus the auld croun, fceptour and fword wes in the caftell of Edinburgh, quhairwith the quenis lieutennentis in Edinburgh held the parliament, and maid foirfaltour following. Vpoun the tuantie nynt day of the faid moneth, James duke of Chat- tellarault, George erle of Huntlie, Alexander lord Home, accumpanyit with diuerfe prelatis and barronis, paft to the tolbuith of Edinburgh ; and thair fittand in parliament, the thrie eftaitts thair being convenit, foirfal- tit Matho erle of Lennox, James erle of Mortoun, Johne erle of Mar, Mr Robert Dowglas pretendit erle of Buchane, Patrik lord Lindlay of the Byris, Williame lord Hay of geifter, Allane lord Cathcart, Adame commendatare of Cambufkenneth, Dauid commendatare of Drybruch and Inchemahomo, Walter commendatare of Kinlofs and Bellie, [Bewly] 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 243

Alexander commendatare of Culrofs, Joline commendatare of Balmeri-

noch, Johne priour of Portmook, Mr George Buckannan penlionar of

Corfragwell, George Dowglas baftard fone to vmquhile Archibald erle of

Angus, James Dowglas of Drumlangrik knycht, Williame Dowglas of Hawik knycht his fone, James Johneitoun of Wefteraw, Johne Carmi- chaell of that ilk, Walter Ker of Cel'furd knycht, Williame Ker his fone

and appeirand air, Johne Jardane of Apilgirth, Alexander Jardane his fone and appeirand air, Williame Dowglas of Glenbervie, Johne Pollok of that ilk, Johne Lindlay of Covingtoun, Thomas Kennedy of Bargany, Mr Johne Fullartoun of Dryhorne, Johne Dalrumpill of

James Chalmer of Gaitgirthe, Cathcart of Carlingtoun, Patrik

Houftoun of that ilk, Robert Semple of Foulwood, Stewart of Bafcrube, Johne Schaw of Grenok, James Galbraith of Kilcreuch,

James Seytoun of Towch, Mr Johne Elphingfloun perfone of Inner- nathie, Walter Lekkie of that ilk, Johne Ogilvy of Innerquharitie, James Ougilby of Powrie, James Lovel fear of Ballumbie, James Stew- art commendatare of Sanclxolmes Inche, Patrik Wood of Bonytoun, Williame Tyrie of Drumkilbo, Straquhane of Thorneton,

Straquhane his lone and appeirand air, Johne Broun of Cultermanis, Umphray M'Gowall of Garthland, Keith of the Craig of In- nerugy, the proveft, baillies, counfale and communitie of Jedburgh, the proveft, baillies, counfale and communitie of the cittie of Glafgow, Alexander Murray of Balwaird knycht, Andro Murray of Ardingolk knycht, Wardlaw fear of Torry, Williame Dow- glas of George Dowglas his [fone ] Robert Campbell of Kingecleuch, Williame Campbell his fone and appeirand air, Dauid Pitcarne of Drummis, maifter Johne Pitcarne, Thomas Trumbill of Bedroull, Turnbill his fone and appeirand air, Johne Calder of Afloune, Williame Forbes of Touy, Robert Monro of

Foul is, Guthrie of that ilk, Johne Rofs of Craigie, James Ros 244 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

his broder, Williame Moncreiff of that ilk, Williame Moncreiff his fone,

Williame Sibbat of that ilk, George Haddene of Glennegas, Johne

Craigingailt of that ilk, Robert Dowglas of the Manyes, Hew Wallace

of Cornenale, Thomas Reidpeth of that ilk, James Lauder tutour of

Lauder, Williame Fearing fear of that ilk, James Kininmonth, Archibald

Preftoun of Alifeild, [Vallifield] Preftoun his fone and appeirand air, Johne Hume of Blacader, Archibald Hume perfone of Dunfe, James

Erfkene of Litill Sanquhar, Robert Erfkene his fone and appeirand air, Dauid Orme of Lethame, Dauid Lindfay fumtyme lyoun king of armes, George Dowglas of Parkheid, Thomas Scott of Abbotfhall,

Scott his fone and appeirand air, Williame Dowglas of Lochlevin, Johne

Cunnyghame of Drumquhaffel, Johne Cunnyghame his fone and appeir-

and air, Dauid Fairlie of that ilk, Johne and Williame Fairlies his fones, Robert Cairnecorce of Clumiilie, Mr Richard Strang aduocat, Thomas Johnelloun of Craigoburne, Johne Stewart, Alexander Dog and Wil-

liame Tyrie, feruands to James commendatare of Sanclcolmes Inche, Robert Buchannan of Lanay, Roger Grier of Lag, Johne Crawfurd of

Schaw, Dauid Reid of the third pairt, Adame Douglas of the Watter-

fyid, Adame Fullertoun burges of Edinburgh, Robert Watfone, Dauid

Kinloch, Frances Kinloch his fone, Johne Adamefone, Gilbert Dick, Thomas Dauidfone, Patrik Dauidfone herauld, Mr Michaell Chiiholme,

Andro Sinclare, Peter Turnet, Johne Arnot, Andro Craig burgeffis of

the faid burgh, and Cuthbert Fergufoune in the cannogaitt, for certane

crymes and poyntis of treffoune contenit in the fummondis diredlit thair-

vpone ; and decernit the faids perfonis and ilk ane of thame to haue tint

and foirfaltit thair lyvis, lands and guidis, and ordaynit thair armes to be

riffin, and thair names and armes to be eleidit [deletit]out of the buikis

thairof for euer ; and als the faids burrowes to haue tint thair friedomes

for euer, and the inhabitaris thairof to haue foirfaltit thair lyvis, lands

and guids. And thairefter the faidis lieutennentis and nobilitie, with 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 245 fword, fceptour and croun, paft to the mercat croce of Edinburgh, and

thuir caufit proclame the laid foirfaltour.

Vpoun the penult day of the laid moneth, Matho erle of Lennox re- gent to James, be the grace of God king of Scottis, accumpanyit with

James erle of Mortoun, Archibald erle of Angus, Johne erle of Mar,

Dauid erle of Crawfurd, Alexander erle of Glencarne, erle of

Montrois, Mr Robert Dowglas, erle of Buchane and the erle Suther- land, the lordis of Ruthvene, Glammis, Simple, Uchiltrie, Cathcart,

Methvene, Sanct Johnis ; prelattis, the archbifchope of Sanctandrois, Orknay, abbotts of Dunfermling, Abirbrothok, Balmerinoch, Quhit- herne, Dryburgh, Cambulkenneth, Kinlofs, Culrols, Corfragwell, Port- mook, and fancl; Marie yle, the commiffionaris of the burrowis of Edin- burgh, Perth, Striueling, Linlithqw, Irwin, Dundie, Sanctandrois,

Glalgow, Coupar, Dunbar, Haddingtoun, Craill, North Berweik, Air and Montrois, raid fra the caflell of Striueling to the tolbuyth of the fame ; and thair at his cuming in the fame efter thaj callit the fum- mondis of foirfaltour vpone the duke and the perfonis following, thay ar to fay, James duke of Chattellarault, George erle of Huntlie, Schir

Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, Sir James Balfour, Robert f<>. 89. Meluile of Cairny, Dauid Seytoun of Parbroith, Alexander Crychtoun of Drylaw, Walter Ker of Pharnyhirft, Johne Hamiltoun fumtyme com- mendatare of Abirbrothok, Adame Gordoun, Andro Melvile, Dauid of Killbowoy, the bifchope of Dunkell, the bifchope of Abir- dene, the bifchope of Murray, the bifchope of Galloway, Gilbert Bal- four of Wefteraw, Robert Balfour his broder, James Borthuik,

Borthuik of Collylaw, George Berclay of that ilk, Johne Cranftoun of

Moreltoune, Bailzie of Cormeftoun, Dauid Spens of

Wormiftoun, Johne Maitland gounger of Auchingaffill, Thomas Ker of Cavers, Thomas Hamiltoun of Preiftfeild, Mr Archibald Hamiltoun viccar of Halbert Maxwell in Edinburgh, Mr Johne Mof- 246 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

crope, Patrik Mofcrope his fone, and Robert Gourlay feruand to my

lord duke, for certane poyntis and crymes of treflbun contenit in the

faid fummondis direcl; thairvpone ; and decernit thame to haue tint thair

lands, lyves and guids thairfoir, and thair armes decernit to be revinand

deletit furth of the buik of armes. Thir ar the names of the perfonis

vpoune quhome the faid dome wes fufpendit, to witt, Alexander lord

Home, Mr Johne Home his baftard lone, the laird of Bucleuch,the laird of

Torry, the laird of Pittarro, and Alexander Drumond of Medop. And

this done, the parliament wes ordanit to rin quhill it wer farther diffoluit.

Vpoun the famyne day thair wes twa greit fkirmiffings betuix thame

of Leith and Edinburgh ; in the quhilkis Mr James Haliburtoun proveit

of Dundie and crownar to my lord regentis men of weare, wes tane and

brocht to Edinburgh caflle, with diuerfe and lindrie vtheris fuddartis and men of Edinburgh being in Leith, to the nowmer of L or thairby, and of

thame flane to the nowmer of tuentie fyve ; and on the quenis fyid thair

wes tane Frances Tennent and vtheris fuddartis and burgeffis of Edin-

burgh, to the nowmer of xx or thairby, and of thame flane ten or thairby,

bot verry few hurt ; bot of my lord regentis fyid ther wes many hurt, and

that be the quenis horfmene. Bot haid not bene the laft fkirmeis wes in

the nycht, thair wald have bene ane infinite flauchter, for the chace come

in Edinburgh, and my lord regentis pairtie followit to the portis thairof,

bot neuer ane culd ken ane vther ; and ficlyk the quenis horfmen come

vpone the backis of the regentis fuddartis and maid ane great flauchter,

and chacit thame in at the portis of Leith, and tuik mony prelbnaris,

and relevit my lord Home quha wes tane the fame nicht.

Vpone the laft day of the faid moneth, Archibald erle of Ergyle,

Gilbert erle of Caflillis, and Hew erle of Eglingtoun come to Striueling,

to appreif the faid parliament. fo. 89. b. Vpoun the fecund day of September 1571, the laird of Howmends

accumpanyit with vhj xx horfmen and Lx hagbuttaris, paft from Edin- 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 247

burgh to the Byris to haue caftin doun the fame ; bot it wes weill gar-

neiil with men of weare that it culd not be gottin, and fua thaj returnit

to Edinburgh frullrat of thair interpryfe.

Nota, the palling to Striueling and llauchter of my lord regent.

Vpoun the third day of the laid moneth of September at vj houris at

evin, George erle of Huntlie ane of the quenis lieutennentis, ac-

cumpanyit with the lairds of Bucleugh, Pharnihirft, and Wormeitoun, xx and Howmends, to the nowmer of iijc horhnen, togidder with iiij

fuddartis all horlit, quhairof wer principallis George Bell and Johne

Calder, fengeand thame, and caufand the rumoure and voce to ryie

that thaj wer to pas to Jedburgh, pall to Striueling, and come thairto

vpone the ferd day of the laid moneth, betuix thrie and four houris in

the mornyng ; at the quhilk tynie Matho erle of Lennox regent, Archi-

bald erle of Ergyle, James erle of Mortoun, Gilbert erle of Caffillis,

Alexander erle of Glencarne, Hew erle of Eglintoun, the erllis of

Montroifs and Buchane, the lordis of Ruthvene, Glammis, Simple,

Vchiltrie, Cathcart, Methven, with diuerfe and findrie barronis and gentilmen to ane greit nowmer, being in the faid burgh, the faid lieu- tennent and his affiitaris pall in the lame be

And thair the hagbuttaris and fpeirmen pall vp the gait thairof, and crewallie fchote at all perfonis thair enemies, in fie fort and maner that thair wes few or nane that maid refiilance to thair invafioun. And thairefter thaj pall to my lord regentis hous, and on force dang vp the geit and durris thairof, and brocht him without doun the hie ftreit

thairof towartis the netbir portis of the fame ; and ficlyk tuik James erle of Mortoun, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Hew erle of Egling- toun, Gilbert erle of Caffillis, Williame lord Ruthvene, with diuerfe and findrie vtheris gentilmene thair being for the tyme, furth of thair lugeingis, and brocht thame doun the faid gait to the faid nether port.

And the faidis lieutennentis horfmen and futemen, feing na impediment 248 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

to be maid to thame, brak vp ftabillis and mercband buithes, and

oppinlie maid fpoulgie of all borfe and vtheris guidis that thaj mycht

owirtak, qubill the lieutennent wes paffand with the faidis prefonaris

out at the faid port to cum to Edinburgh, quhairon followit ane certane

of armit men of the faid burgh ; and or thaj come to the faid port, it wes crewellie fochtin betuix the faid regentis mene, and ane few nowmer of the faids lieutennentis, thair remainand thair for the fo. 90. tranfporting of the faidis prefonaris, that thaj wer conftranit to leive

the faids prefonaris behind thame and efchew the prefent danger.

In this mene tyme, my lord Regent being in the laird of Wormef-

tonis hands, feiring that he fould be reft fra him, wes fchote with ane

dag be the faid James Cadaris, throw the flank and abone the henche,

quhairthrow he fell doun in ane trance dead to the grovind ; and finallie

the faid regentis folks chacit the faid lieutennent and his folkis to Sancl

Ninianis kirk. In this mene tyme, James erle of Mortoun wes relevit,

and the laird of Bucleuch his taker tane in Striueling as prefonare with

him ; for haid not bene that the laid laird of Bucleuch awaitit all this

tyme vpone the faid erle of Mortoun, vndoubtedlie he wald haue bene

flane ; and the laid laird of Wormeftoun awaitand vpoun the faid

regent, wes crewallie flane be Williame lord Cathcart efter he wald

haue bene tane, fair aganis my lord regentis will, for he faint him to

the vtermofl of his powar. And thairefter the faids erllis and lords

efcapit in maner forfaid, come to the faid regent and tuik him to the

caftell of Striueling, quhair he deceiffit of the faid fchote the fame

day at four houris efternbne. Thair wes flane on my lord regentis fyid

in this conflict, Alexander Stewart goungar of Garnleis, and George

Ruthvene broder to Williame lord Ruthvene, with xiiij vthir gentil-

nien, bot few or nane tane, and xxxiij perfonis hurt neir to the death,

for the mailt pairt thairof wes fchot with puifonit bullattis, bot few or

nane tane ; and of the faid lieutennentis folkis vj perfonis flane, and 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 249

xxvj perfonis tane, of the quhilkis the laird of Bucleuch wes ane ; the laid George Bell and James Calder wes in lyik inaner tane, and nane hurtit. Thair wer tane furth of Striueling be the faids lieutennentis c cumpany ij Lxxxxvj hors pertenyng to the faids erlis and lordis and thair ieruandis, qnhilk wes ane of the principall caulfis that thaj mycht

not follow vpoun thair aduerfaries ; attour thair wes tane and reft innumerable of merchand guidis and geir furth of the faid burgh of

Striueling, perteining almaift to the merchantis of Striueling and Edin- burgh, be the faid lieutennentis horfmene and fuddartis. It is heir to be lamentit for the death of the faid regent, quha mycht haue lievit in

Ingland with greit eife, wer not he wes fend about be great men of this realme to accept ane chairge vpoun him that he wes not liable to per- forme or gyde. Als the death of the faid laird of Wormiftoun is gre- tumlie to be bewaillit for, for he wes in all his lyff fa gentill, fa humane, fakynd, la bardie, and fa prolperous and happie in all his warris, that his lyik eithlie culd not heirtofoir be fundin. Attour this greit interpryfe is ft. 90. b. gretumlie of all people to be commendit, and in ane maner wonderit at, and gif the famyne haid not bein done in thir our dayes, it haid bein to

c ws ane thing almaift vncredible, that iiij horfmen and fourfcoir fuddartis paft from Edinburgh to Striueling, and thair did to fa mony thair ene- mies as wes than thair convenit fa greit ane ruffill as thaj did, and re- turnit agane with fie fpoulgie and guidis with fa litill harme reffauit of thair faids enemeis, the lyk heirof lies neuer or feindill bein hard or fene in this cuntrey of befoir. It is heir to be notit, that oft tymes God caufis men to fall in the fame lhair that thaj prepair for vtheris.

Nota, the erle of Mar chofin third regent.

Vpone the famyne day, Johneerle of Mar weselectit and cholin regent to the kingis majeftie, his realme and liegis, in the place of the faid vmquhile

Matho erle of Lennox, be the faid nobilitie in Striueling in the foirfaid par- liament, and maid publicatioun of the famin at the mercat croce thairof. 2i ;


Vpoun the aucht day of the faid moneth, George Bell lieutennent to capitane Gilbert Montgomery, being tane in Striueling, wes hangit and James Cadder lieutennent to capitane James Bruce, being ficlyk tane in Striueling in foirfaid, maner wes brokin on the root ; quhairat the quenis lieutennentis and hir men of weare wer moft grevoullie ofFendit.

Vpoun the tent day of the laid moneth, the laids lieutennentis wes myndit to haue put the tutour of Pitcur, tane of befoir, to death, for the llauchter of the laid Johne Bell and Johne Calder, gif the deaconis of the craftis of Edinburgh haid not maid the mair requeil thairfoir.

Vpoun the lamyne day, Patrik lord Lindfay lieutennent to vmquhile the lait regent, remainand in Leith, tuik and apprehendit the auld laird of Maquhany and findrie vtheris gentilmen of FyfF, purpofing to haue put thame and vtheris prefonaris tane in Leith to the death, incaice the faid tutour of Pitcur haid bein put to death this day.

Vpoun the xj day of the faid moneth, Johne erle of Mar regent, ac- cumpanyit with James erle of Mortoun, come from Striueling to Leith, and maid thair ane proclamatioun, chargeing all our foueranis liegis to addres thame in feir of weir with xl dayes vi6tuallis, to meit the faid regent at Leith vpoun the firft of October nixtocum, vnder the pane of tinfell of lyff, lands and guids, for the affeiging of Edinburghe.

In all this tyme thair wes great preparatioun maid on aither fyid of

the pairties conteinand, the ane to perfew and the vther to defend. Vpoun the fecund day of October, fchir James Balfour wes eleclit

proveft of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the third day thairof, capitane Hew Lauder wes maid ferjand

major to the haill men of weare in Edinburgh. Vpoun the famyne day, the laid men of wearr caufit all the houlhs

of Leith and Sancl Marie wyndis heidis to be tane doun, for difapoynt-

ing of thair aduerfaries purpofe, quhairthrow the awnaris thairof incur-

rit greit lkaith. 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 251

Vpoun the ferd day of the faid moneth, Johne erle of Mar regent come from Striueling to Leith to this feige, and caufit ane grofs culuer- iiig and batter to be tranlportit fra Dunbartane to Leith, for the wyning of Edinburgh thairwith ; the feir quhairof caufit mony per- fonis of Edinburgh to depairt thairfra.

Vpoun the nynt day of the famyne moneth, my lord regent accum- panyit with his army come from Leith to the Cannogait, and brocht with him nyne peices of fmall ordinance and greit thairto, and caufit call trinfcheis in the Plefanis.

In this fame day the Theiff Raw and Potterraw wer baith brint with fyre.

In this mene tyme, Adame Gordoun broder to the erle of Huntlie, accumpanyit with his freinds, met with the haill Forbeffis, quhonie be- tuix it wes crewallie fochtin ; bot the faid Adame obtenit victorie, and

c perfonis. tuke and flew j and xx Vpoun the tent day of the faid moneth, thaj placit tua peice of fmall

ordinance vpoun Sailis berrie to ding Edinburgh with ; the ane thairof brak the fame day : and the capitane of Edinburgh caufit put ane can- noune in the Blak Freir gaird, to fchote in the Cannogait.

Vpoun the threttene day of the faid moneth, the faid artailgerie wes placit in Plefanis, quhairwith thaj dung Adame Fullartouns hous and platforme maid thairvpone all this day, and fchote thairat xxxij fchotis of greit ordinance, quhairwith thaj did litill or na lkaith to the faid hous and platforme.

Vpoun the fevintene day of the laid moneth, the faid artailgerie wes tranfportit from the eift fyid of Plefanis to Johne Adamefonis hous, quhairwith thaj fchote at the fouth waill and blok hous of Edinburgh, all the faid xvij and xviij dayes of the moneth foirfaid continwallie, quhairthrow ane pairt of the faids wallis wer caftin doun, and ane vther pairt hoillit ; the number of the haill fchote of great ordinances that 252 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571 wes fchote at this feige wer xiiij** or thairby ; and the wallis being in this maner dung, it wes belevit that thair lhould haue bene ane affalt maid thairat without delay. Bot the perfewaris perfawing the faids wallis fa waliantlie caftin within defendit as thaj wer, left purpois, and continewit ftill at the faid feige quhill the xx day of this laid moneth, quhairvpone thaj depairtit with thair army and ordinance to the Cannogait ; in the quhilk palfage ane of thair greit peices of ordi- nance larit, quhilk caufit thame mak great labouris to get owt the fame agane in this nycht. And fua the haill army, vpone the xxj day thairof, with the faid ordinance part to Leith.

The leiving of this feige in maner foirfaid, wes the caus of ane great dollour to all the inhabitants of Edinburgh, that palt owt of the fame of befoir for the affegeing thairof; for nocht onlie ane great multitude of the fame paft thairfra efter the firll feige, bot alfua thair haill confederals and fauouraris, be thair perfuafioun, beleiving alfuritlie that without Hope the faid toun wald be tane befoir this fecund feige, in lyik maner depairtit thairfra, fua that almaift euerie tent burges remanit nocht thairin ; bot fua many as remanyit within the fame maid fie purveance and ordour, and tuik fie labouris vpoun

thame in calling of the fowfeyis, waching and warding and defending

of the wallis thairof, incace the faids wallis haid bene fualtit, that it wes

ane mervelous thing to behold ; for the haill inhabitants of the faid burgh remaneand thairin wouk continwallie, fra the tyme that the faid

ordinance fchote quhill the fame wes left. The nowmer of the perfons c that wer flane of the perfewaris wesj perfonis or thairby, and of

the defendaris xvj perfonis or thairby. In this mene tyme the tour

of the auld tolbuyth wes tane doun.

Wpoun the xiiij day of the faid moneth, James Cunnyghame, brother

to the laird of Drumquhaffell, wes fend be my lord regent and his

affiftaris to the quenis majeftie of Ingland, for men, munitioun and 1571- IN SCOTLAND. 253 money, for furth fetting of the kingis au6loritie, and in fpeciall for affaigeing of Edinburgh agane.

Vpoune the xxvj day of the faid nioneth, the maiflbnis enterit to big vp the ruinous wallis of Edinburgh laitlie dung doune.

Vpoun the xxix day of the faid moneth, George erle of Huntlie fend to Adame Gordoun his broder fourtie fuddartis with capitane Thomas

Ker, to helpe the faid Adame to fubdew the quenis enemies in the North pairtis of this realme, and to refill the invafioun of Johne lord Glammis, lieutennent conllitute be the king to goe aganes the laid quenis fauour- aris in the North. Thir fuddartis wer convoyit from Edinburgh to «>• 92.

Crawmond, and thair fchippit in ane crear the fame nicht, and landit in

at Abirdene ; in the quhilk crear maifter James Kirkcaldie, broder to

Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, wes carijt and tranfportit to

Abirdene vpoun the penult day of the laid moneth at aucht houris at

evin, and remanit thair quhill the third day of Nouember, quhar he gat ane pink and pall to Elandaris thairin, and thairfra to France, thair to obtene ayd and fupport at the king thairof for refilling of the forces of

this haiililie to refort. Ingland ; quhilkis aifiiritlie wes beleivit in cuntrie

At the quhilk paflage my lord regent and his affillaris wer gretumlie commowit.

In this mene tyme, the duke of Northfolk and the bifchope of Ros

wer baith put in captivitie in the tour of Londoun, for alfilling of the

quene of Scotland, and favoring of hir and hir a6lioun.

In this fame tyme, my lord regent fent capitane Chilholme with ane

hundreth hagbuttaris to my lord Forbes, to invaid Adame Gordoun


Vpoun the fecund day of Nouember, James Cunnyghame broder to

the laird of Drumquhaffill returnit from Ingland, quha caufit the rumour

ryile, that Inglilinen wer haiilily to cum in this realme for mantenying

pf the kingis audloritie. 254 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Vpoun the 6 day of the faid moneth, Mr Caice Inglilman come fra the quene of Ingland to my lord regent, for treating of peace of the lordis affiftaris of the quene, conforme to the laid quene of Inglands commiffioun gevin to the lord Hunnifdaill thairvpone.

Vpoun the levint day of the laid moneth, the faid Mr Caice come from Leith, with certane writtingis fra the confall of Ingland to the lieu-

tennent in Edinburgh, requyring thame to fend thair ambaffatouris to

meit in Berwick with my lord Hunnifdaill, quhair thair fall meit thame

treat certane of the regentis pairtie to amitie and concord ; quha fend

thair anfuer with Andro Mel vile thairof to Berwick with the faid Mr

Caice. This lord Hunnifdaill haid ane commiffioune of the quene and

confale of Ingland to treat the laid peace gif the famin culd be done,

bot he wes ane greit enemie to all thame that affiftit the quene of Scot-

land or hir actioun now in hand ; bot all done be Ingland to dryve

tyme, this wes wrocht quhill thaj wer readie with thair army.

In this mene tyme, Adame Gordoun maid great labouris in bringing

the quenis enemies in the North to hir oppinioune, and fpeciallie vpoun

the Forbeffis.

Vpoun the xij day of Nouember foirfaid, thair wer liimmond at the mercat croce of Edinburgh lord Forbes, maifter of Forbes, with the principalis of the faids Forbeffis, and Gilbert erle of

Caffillis and all his freinds, to compeir in the tolbuyth of Edinburgh

vpoun the tent day of December nixtocum, to heir thame and ilk ane

of thame decernit be decreit of parliament to haue tint thair ly vis, lands

and guidis for the cauffis contenit in the faid fummonds.

Vpoun the famyne day, it wes grantit to capitane Richard Skowgall c futemen quhilkis he raifit. that he fhould be maid capitane of j In this tyme, the nobilitie in Edinburgh maid great labouris to haue

haid Johne Craig minifter to preach, bot he wald not come. Vpoun the fevintene day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortoun, 1571. IN SCOTLAND 255

Robert fucceffbur to Dunfermling, as ambaffatouris for the king, pad from Leith to Berwik to commoun with the faid lord Hunnifdaill, for obtenying of men and munitioun to feige Edinburgh and the caftell thairof; albeit thaj cauiit the rumour pas that thaj paft for peace thairto.

Vpoun the tuantie day of the faid moneth, the maifter of Forbes, lieutennent to the king, accumpanyit with his haill freindis and twa bandis of hagbuttaris, quhairof capitanis Chifliolme and Wedderburne c wer capitanis, extending in the haill to the nowmer of viij men or thairby, pait from Coway towartis Abirdene, for danting and fupprefiing of Adame Gordoun, and all thame that affiftit the quenis auctoritie in the North ; the faid Adame than being in Abirdene, accumpanyit with

100 his freindis and capltane Ker, extending to 9 men or thairby ; and the faid maifter Forbes being cum owir the brig of Abirdene, the faid Adame

mett him ; quhair it wes cruellie fochtin be the fpace of ane hour betuix thame, quhill at laft the laid maifter of Forbes and his folkis gaif bakkis <°- 93.

and fled, quhom on folio wit the laid Adame and chacit thame four

rnyllis. In this battell wes ftane capitane Chiiholme, with the maift

pairt haill of the men of weare, with xv gentilmen Forbeffis ; the haill nowmer flane in this conflict wer thrie hundreth men, and twa hundreth

tane with the laid maifter Forbes lieutennent ; and of the faid Adames c pairtie flane ij . This vi6torie wes the caus of great obedience in the

North to the quene. In this fame moneth, the laid Adame Gordoun fend

capitane Ker to the place of Toway, requyring the ladie thairof to rander

the place of Carrigill [Corgarffe] to him in the quenis name, quhilk flio

wald nawayes doe ; quhairof the faid Adame having knowlege, movit in

iyre towartis hir, caufit raife fyre thairintill, quhairin fho, hir dauchteris

and vtheris perfonis wer diftroyit, to the nowmer of xxvij or thairby.

In this mene tyme, the laird of Parbroth tuik the caftell of Brochtie,

to the difpleifour of the burgh of Dundie, quha wes great enemies to

all thame affiftand the quenis auctoritie. 256 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Vpone the laft day of the faid moneth, James erle of Mortoun, and

Robert commendatare of Dunfermling foirfaid, returnit fra Ingland

to Leith, but munitioun or men of wearre quhairfoir thaj pafl.

Vpone the tent day of December 1571 at four houris at none, capi- xx tane James Halkerftoun, with iiij fouldiouris wnder his chairge, paft

furth rafchlie to the nobilitie, to haue brocht vivaris to the burgh of

Edinburgh, for quhome the vther enemies in Leith had lyin at wait the

nycht preceiding, in nomber of iij men, at the park dyk, and fua the faid

capitane wes takin and his fouldiouris foirfaidis ; and alfua takin of thair

faclioun capitane George Mitchell, be way of rafchnes as faid is.

Vpone the fextene day of the laid moneth, the horfmen in Edinburgh

tuik certane burgeffis quha wer pafland betuix Leith and the abbay.

The xxiij, the regent paft to Striueling fra Leith.

Vpoun the laft day of the moneth of December, thair wes takin be the

horfmen foirfaid, within the toun of Tranent in tyme of the hie mercat

thairof, certane merchands burgeffis of Edinburgh, and brocht falflie to

the faid burgh at four houris efternone or thairby ; quhilk interpryfe

wes bardie to be done be ten horfmene.

Vpoun the fecund day of Januar 1571. thair come from Leith to

Edinburgh caftell, to the nobilitie for the quenis pairt, ane ambaffatour

of the quene of Inglandis, nameit fchir Harie Carray, fone to the laird

Holmfdane, with fevin hors of tryne, and remanyit thairin all nycht. fo. 93. b. He wes met be the nobilities horfmen midgait, and honourable accum-

thairefter to Leith. Efter his panyit as faid is ; quha depairtit the morne away pafling Dawling hanfengie to capitane Bruce, with xvj

horffmen, paft af Edinburgh to the pairtis of Cliddifdaill, and fra thine

to Lennox, quhair thaj herijt the pooris in thaj pairtis, but mercie quhair

euer thaj gat fupperiouritie over thame.

Vpoun the fyft day of the faid moneth, lord Maxwell, accum- panyit with L horifmen, come to Dalkeith as the rumour geid, for in- 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 257

treating of mariage betuix him and Dowglas, lifter to George erle of

Angus, and vpoun the fext day paft to Leith to the erle of Mortoun for

the fame effect. Nota, not in weirlyk maner.

Vpoun thenynt day, the regent foirfaid, and Archibald erle of Ergyle

with vtheris, come fra Striueling to Leith.

Vpoun the fyftene day of Januar lxxj, George erle of Huntlie, lieu-

tennent afoirfaid, come to commoning with lord Grahame at

the Grenefyid, betuix Leith and Dunbar ^Edinburgh ?]

Vpoun the xvij day, the faid erle of Ergyle and lord Grahame paft

fra Hallmond to Leith.

Vpoun the xviij day at tuelf houris efternone, at the mercat croce,

Hew erle of Eglingtoun, erle of Monteith, lord

Boyd, and Hamiltoun his lone and air, Campbell of

Lowdoun his fone and air, &c.

wer fummonit vpone poyntis of treffoune, to compeir befoir the quenis

lieutennentis in the tolbuyth thairof, the third day of March thairefter,

to heir thame and euerie ane of thame decernit to tyne honour, heri-

tage, lyff, lands and guids for euer.

Vpoun the ferd day of Februar lxxj geiris, Mr James M'Gillis duel- ling hous in Edinburgh wes caftin doun to the ground.

Vpoun the fyft day of Februar lxxj geiris at nyne houris at nycht, capitane Alexander Trotar, Smyth his handlengie, and James

Oliphant handfengie to capitane Melvile, c fuddartis, paft to with j Edin- burgh with Ker of Pharnihirft, guidfbne to the laird of Grange,

towartis the burghe of Jedburgh, for diftru6lioun thairof as his enemie , quhilk wiage tuik na good fucceffe.

Vpoun the l'evint day thairof at tuelf houris at none, thair paft to-

xx wartis Dalkeith, pertenyng to James erle of Mortoun, viij hagbuttaris, futemen, and lxxx horfmene, quhair thaj raifit fyre in greit habundance to the greit greif of the inhabitantis tbairof, and returnit faiflie to the 2k ;


burgh of Edinburgh agane at aucht houris at evin ; albeit the vther

perfones thair enemies lay at wait, and miflit at the plefour of God.

Vpoun the xj day, Schir James Hamiltoun come to Edinburgh be

refioun of the fummondis of treffoun raifit as is afoirfaid ; and, as the

brute of the peopill wes, appointit with the duke concernyng all materis fo. 94. variable betuix thame. The fame day James lord Herreis come thairto

in quiet maner, and paft to Leith the morne thairefter.

Vpoun the tent day of the moneth and geir foirfaid, the faid

Smyth and Oliphant handfengies afoirnameit, and thair fouldi-

ouris that paft with Pharnihirft for the effecT; befoir fpecifeit, war defait

at diflait Hawik be of thair horlinen, quhilk wer bordouraris and thevis ; and the perfewar of thame, Williame lord Ruthvene, lieutennent orda-

nit at that prefent, and thefaurar to the king, being thair with tua bands

of futemen hagbutaris, viz. Lambie and Aikman, with ailiftance of the

cuntrie, hardly brak vpoun thame, and conftranit thame to fubmit

thamefelfis in will, be reflbne of the faid horfinens efchewing, quhilk

thaj did and wer difarmit, and promittit to pas towartis Edinburgh for

feiking of releif, vpoun promeis of entrie agane quhen the faid lieuten-

fould fulfillit nent call for thame ; quhilk promeis wes not nor obferuit and the faid Ker of Pharnihirft wes chant fourtene myles

with the inair be the laidis perfonis, and efcapit, Trotar and vtheris with

him ; and fua thair wes takin to Leith the faids twa capitanis, a ferjand

naineit Jafper Home, and levin of the hableft i'ouldiouris, quhairof

Jackfone fchottar of the fyre dartis wes ane at quhome thaj buir

great hatrit.

Vpoun the xv day of Februar lxxj, thair wes ane lugeing in Now-

dries wynd pertenyng to ane burges of Edinburgh, quha haid efchewit

furth thairof, nameit Nicoll Wdwart, but rewth dal'chit to eird for his contemptioun. 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 259

This day at evin, Pharnyhirft and Trotar come to Edinburgh and vtheris with thame.

Vpoun the xvij day thairof lord Maxwell accompleift the band of matrimonie with Dowglas, filter to Archibald erle of

Angus in Dalkeith, and liia fubfcryvit to acknowlege the kingis auctoritie.

Vpoun the xix day thairof, being faftrinfevin, at tua houris efternone,

George lord Seytoun come to the caftell of Edinburgh, accumpanyit with ane fervand, quha obtenit palTage throw Ingland in fimilitude of ane nierchand ; this feruand wes ane bordourar nameit Eickie.

The famyne day at the hour foirfaid, thair come to Leith fra Ingland in commiffioun, Mr Randell, and Schir Williame Drowrie generall to the capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, directit as the rumour of the commoun peipill geid fra the lord Hinnifdaill fra him in favouris of the kingis lordis in Leith, and not be commiffioun of the quene thairof ; at thair arryving in Leith, all munitioun being thair wes difchargit.

Vpoun the tuantie ane day, the faids ambaftatouris come to Edinburgh caftell fra Leith, quha wer met midgait be George lord Seytoun and certane of the nobilities horfmen ; and at thair entrie within the weft port thairof, thair wes difchargit owt of the faid caftell all kynd of mu- nitioun in great habundance, quhilk wes done as the rumour geid rather for the occafioun of the laid nobill lordis returnyng, than for the vtheris perlbnis as faid is. Thaj remanit quhill fex at evin in the laid caftell, and depairtit to Leith, and Mr Archibald Douglas with thame, quha favourit nocht the faid lord Seytoun.

Vpoun the xxv and xxvij dayes thairof, the faidis ambalTatouris come fra Leith to the nobilitie in Edinburgh, and tuik na effecL

Vpoun the third day of March lxxj geiris, capitane

James Halkerftoun, and certane of the nobilities horfmen, and fyftie hagbutaris paft furth tymouflie in the mornyng for inbringing of viveris to the burgh of Edinburgh, quhairof Williame lord Ruthvene and 260 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

lord Methven his guid broder having knowlege, come furth in

Leith in number of ane hundryth horfs to tbe Burrowmure, traiftand to haue gottin the {'aids perfonis in gyrne, albeit thaj wer admoniflied thair-

of, and approchit neir thair ftrenths ; and efter thair viewing a fchort fpace vpoun the faid mure, and euerie horfman preickand at vther, thaj paft throw the Seynis towartis Wrichthouffis, and fyne to the Dene, a dricht fra l'chote of the callell, quha wes haldin occupeyit be the lordis horfmene, quhilkis wer nocht fyftie at that prefent ; and the faids lordis being pafland in to Brochtoune towartis hamewartis, it fortunit ane peice of artalgerie wes fchote furth of the caftell, quhilk chancit to licht vpoun

the faid lord Methvene ; the vehemencie quhairof pairtit his bodie in twa pairtis, and hisricht arme fra him, and his horfs heid alfua, and wes flane, quhairof the licht wes forrowfull, he being ane man not pafland xxiiij geiris of aige.

Vpoun the nynt day of March Lxxi geiris, Hamiltoun, fpous to George erle of Huntlie come to Leith, quha wes tbankfullie reflauit be the lordis thair, and accumpanyit to Edinburgh be Mr Archibald

Dowglas and findrie vtheris. Nota, that fho gat na paflage be Striue- ling, as fho truftit to haue obtenit. In this mene tyme, difpofitiouns of lands wer givin be the lieutennentis vnder tbe privie feill.

Vpoun the tent daythairof, thair wes xv of capitane George Mitchell fouldiouris takin be the lordis horlmen in the park, and prefentit befoir the lords in the tolbuyth, quha thairefter wer put in the proveft mer- fchallis handis in firmance, and keipit lang thairefter. This day thair paft tuentie lex louldiouris to Corftorphin, for flaying of vivaris to cum to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the xj day at tua houris efternone, Patrik Gordoun, third brodir to the erle of Huntlie, paft with xxx gentilmen of the faid erllis towartis Craigingait to thair paftyme, feiring no harme of thair aduer- faris. Nochttheles, capitane Dauid Home having knowlege of thame, J 572. IN SCOTLAND. 261 come feirilie from Leith with Ix fuddartis, tending to haue gottin thame in gyrne, and conftranit thame to tak Dingwall for thair refuge, becaus thair wer na hagbuttis with thame, and thair wes wehemencie on ather lyid, quhilk laftit twa houris, and fua flachter, capitane Alexander Trotar

Ichote in the thie.

Vpoun the tuelf day of March, the regent paft to Striueling be occa- fioun of feiknes.

Be this mene tyme, thair wes ane cungiehous eredlit in the caftell of

Edinburgh, efter the xxx {hillings peice of the quene.

Vpoun the threttene day of the faid moneth, the place of Lething- toune wes gottin be flicht of the fecretaris freinds ; and vpoun the xiij day, thair paft certane fouldiouris out of Edinburgh for keiping thairof.

This day Richard Jackfone and fex vther fouldouris brak waird in

Leith wnder nycht and come to Edinburgh, vtherwyfe wald haue bein juftifeit.

Vpoun the xv day, the faid place wes randerit agane to capitane

Dauid Home, quha come with his lbuldiours for perfute thairof, be ref- foun the interpryfaris thairof wer appeirand to heritages, and for feir of tinfell thairof, be relToun that the vther wer principallis of the feildis

and micht owirthrow thame did as lyklieft ; the principall wes young

Newtoun and vtheris.

Vpoun the tuentie day thairof, thair paft to Edinburgh fourtie fer- vands of Pharnyhirftis, to the fteidis pertenyng to the erle of Mortoun, nameit Crwdonis eift and weft, and Sandie Riggis, and railit fyre thair-

to, to the greit greiff of the inhabitantis thairof.

Vpoun the xxvj day, the regent come to Leith agane fra Striueling.

Vpoun the xj day of Apryle Ixxij, be oppin proclamatioun at the

mercat croce of Edinburgh, all affurances givin to ony perfone or per-

lbnis be the lieutennentis wer difchargit, and fpeciallio the erle of Mor- tonis tennentis ; efter the quhilk, the lordis horfmen paft furth and 262 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

herijt the Quenis ferrie and vther pairtis thairabout, to the great greiff

of the poveris.

This day foirfaid, and tua dayes efter, pover women that wer caryand

coillis to Edinburgh wer beraift of thauie. Vpoun the nyntene day of the faid moneth, the regentis horfmen

palt and brak all colpat wyndaris within four myllis to Edinburgh, fua

in that the faid burgh fhould not be fervit elding ; quhilk turnit to the

hurt of the inhabitantis of Edinburgh that efchewit, quhais houffis wer

pullit doun for the fame caus. The xxj day, thair come levin fouldiouris of capitane George Mit-

chellis furth of the abbay to Edinburgh, in armour, be occafioun of

creweltie vfit amangis thame felffis in hanging.

The xxij day, thair wes ane minifter namit Robert Waueh juftifeit, as fo. 95. b. the rumour geid, be reffoun of ane word fpeiking contrair the lordis of

the kingis factioun, quha wes extramelie pynnit in the beittis lang of

befoir, and borne to the jebbat.

Vpoun the xxiiij day, efter fevin houris at evin, thair wes fex of

capitane Mitchellis fouldiouris flane throw occalioun of drunkinnes, be

capitane James Bruce and few with him. Vpoun the xxvj day of Apryle Lxxij, at aucht houris at evin or

thairby, thair wer tuentie of capitane Richard Skougallis fouldiouris,

with his lieutennent and ferjand, paffand as the rumour geid towartis Blaknes, quha wer defait be thrie hundreth horfinene that wer liand at

wait at Crawmond vpoun Claud Hamilton fone to the duke, and thair

maift crwellie but mercie flew fyftene of the faidis fouldiouris, be reffoun

thaj wer difapoyntit of thair vther interpryfe, and tuike the faid lieu- tennent nameit Quheit, and ferjand nameit Smyth,

and thrie of the hableft of the faidis fouldiouris, and hangit thame at lieutennentis thair returneing unto Leith hot forder order ; quhairat the

wer greatlie movit, and caufit hang the morne thairefter twa of thair 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 263

ibuldiouris vpoun ane trie behind Movtrays hous, in ficht of tliair ad-

uerfaris, in lycht, quha hang ane day, and wer takin away in the nycht

be the f'aidis aduerfaris. This foirfaid crueltie tendit nather to Godis glorie nor good confcience as appeirit.

Vpoun the fyft day of Maij, capitane Richard Skougall wes flane at

Merchingltoun vpoun fuddantie and ralhnes, quha deceiffit the ellevint


Vpoun the xviij day of Maij lxxij, thair come to Leith ane ambafla- tour fra the king of France nameit Monfieur Lacrok, a man of good knawlege, with horfe in tryne, to intreat for peace betuix the pairties ; at the quhilk tyme of his entrie, the haill inhabitaris and re-

manaris within the burgh of Edinburgh wer in thair armour wpone the feildis in iicht of thair aduerfaris, quha difchargit fyve peices of artail-

Serie at thame, and did na fkaith.

Vpoun the xxj day, the foirnameit ambaffatour come to Edinburgh

caftell, met be George lord Seytoun, at quhais entrie certane mvnitioun

wes difchargit ; quha paft the fame nycht to Leith agane, and lugeit in

Mr Johne Loganes lugeing thair.

And vpoun the xxvij day, the laid ambaffatour come to Edinburgh

caftell as is affoirfaid, and tuik no effe6t.

In this moneth of Maij, Johne lord Flemyng arryvit at Quhithorne

in Galloway, furth of the pairtis of France quhairto he paft lang of


Thair wes in this foirlaid moneth greit penuritie and fcant of

vivaris within the burgh of Edinburgh, fua that all wes at ane exceid-

ing darth. Nochttheles the remaneris thairin abaid patientlie, and fo. 96.

wer of good comfort, and vfit all plefouris quhilkis wer wont to be

vfit in the faid moneth of Maij in aid tymes, viz. Robin Hude and Litill Johne.

Vpoun the fevint day of Junij, George lord Seytoun paft with tua 264 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. bands of futemen towartis Weft Nidrie, bot obftacle aitber of Corftor- pbin or Reidball.

Vpoun the tent day thairof, George erle of Huntlie lieutennent to the quene, with the haill horfmen and futemen, fouldiouris and bur- geflis, inhabitaris in Edinburgh, paft towartis Merchingftoun with ane

cannoun, to have afleigit the fame, at tua houris efternone, quhairat thaj remanit quhill four houris thairefter, and difchargit the faid can-

none oft tymes thairat, and maid greit flappis in the wall ; quhairat the keiparis of the faid place, being bot men, and the principall com- mander abfent, vnbethocht thame felffis that thaj wer nocht of poflibi- litie to detene it fra thair faids aduerfaris. Ane of thame nameit Alex- ander Felde fouldiour, be adwyce of the remanent, feing ane of his broder flane, paft to the wall heid, benevolentlie to haue randerit the laid place, fua that the faid lieutennent wald giue thair lyves and bag- gage faif. Nochttheles he perfawit ayd approching fra Leith, and faid

vnto the remanent, be of good confort, for helpe is at hand ; vpoun the quhilk fpeaking, everie of thame incuragit vtheris ; and fua the faid lieutennent perfauand his aduerfareis cumand throw the Wyndiegoll, flaying of farder perfewing of the faid place, paft to thame and the laids inhabitaris with him. Nochttheles the laids burgeffis of Edinburgh being verijt and irkit of thair trubill preceiding, having na fpace to

efchew from thair aduerfaries, gaif bakkis, and fua being rafhlie fol- lowit vpoun, thair wes takin xxx and flane fex perfonis or thairby ; the faid cannoun efcapit and brocht faiflie to the Weft Port of Edinburgh.

This day the faid lieutennentis horfe wes fchot wnder him, quhilk wes ane great terrour to the remanent being with him at that prefent.

Vpoun the xiij day thair come xl leid of meill to the burgh of Edin- burgh vnder filence of nycht, fra the faid lord Seytoun be Corftorphin bot impediment, convoyit be thrittie horfmen, to the greit greit of thame in Leith. I57& IN SCOTLAND. 2G5

Wpoun the xiiij day, thair wes fyvetene of the inhabitaris of Edin-

burgh put to the knawlege of ane affyfe, for affiftance of the lieutennent,

within the tolbuyth of Leith, of the quhilk thair wes lex juftifeit, viz.

hangit, quhairof the names ar, Thomas Mitchelfone merchand, James

Dalgell burges, fchir Williame Makkie fcoolemaifter, Alexander Soufie cramer, Muttok fouldiour and cordonar, and

Bow Peter ane fouldiour. This wes done to giue terrour to the re-

manent that efcapit, nocht to affift the faids lieutennentis in the lyk in-

fo. terpryflis, albeit the faidis perfonis wer coaclit to doe the fame ; the 96. b. reft wer continewit. It is heir to be notit, that thaj quha efchewit out of Edinburgh, wer the principallis occafiouns of the foirfaidis perfonis diilrudlionis.

Vpoun the xv day, the caryaris of the vicluall afoir namit wes taikin be Boyd keipar of the Reidhall, palTand to hamewartis agane, and thar nages alfua, about xij hours at none or thairby, the number xj goung boyes, and call in preloun thairintill, quhairat the lord Seytoun wes heichtlie movit.

Wpoun the xx day of the faid moneth, thair wes proclamatioun maid in Leith, chargeand all maner of perfonis to meit his regent at Carn- wath the xxiiij day of the lame. Vpoun the quhilk day the faid regent pall thairto, and fua tuik forder jornay vpoun Cliddildaill, traiftand to haue gott in obedience of the Hamiltonis. &c. &c. &c.


n1 c Wpoun the tuelf day of Apryle, the geir of God J v liiij geiris, Marie quene drowriare of Scotland, moder to Marie quene of Scottis, wes inaugurat in the audtoritie, and maid regent in this realme be the

thrie eftaittis of parliament haldin at Edinburgh the famyne day, be

demiffioun of James duke of Chatellarault, erle of Arrane, lord Hamil- toun, prote6lour and governour to the faid Marie quene of Scottis be

the fpace of xij geiris of befoir. This inauguratioun of the faid quene

regent wes maid be the faid haill thrie eftaittis, rather defyreing ane

ftranger to ring and empire over thame, than ane native fcottifman.

For the quhilk dimiffioun maid be the faid duik, he wes difchargit of all

maner of thingis intromettit with be him pertening to James the firft [fifth] king of the Scottis, fader to the laid Marie quene of Scottis, the tyme of

his deceis ; and alfe of all maner of thingis vptane and intromettit with

be the faid duke, pertenyng to the faid quene of Scottis induring hir

minoritie and les aige, afoir the day of the laid renunciatioun and di-

miflioun. Efter the quhilk inauguratioun, the faid quene regent maid

George erle of Huntlie chancellar, Gilbert erle of Camllis thefaurar; con-

tinewit Williame commendatare of Culrofs in the office of comptrollarie;

Donald abbot of Cowpar wes maid keipar of the privie feill, and Dauid

bifchope of Rois continewit in the office of fecretarie.

Wpoun the day of , the geir of God foirfaid, George

erle of Huntlie chancellar, wes be the procuratioun of Gilbert erle of

Caffillis thefaurar, for the flauchter of vmquhile M'Intofckie, com-

mandit and put in captivitie and warde within the caftell of Edinburgh,

quhairin he remanit ane certane fpace, and wes delyuerit furth of the

faid caftell be delyuerance of greit fowmes of money to the faid quene

regent, and renunceing of his takkis quhilkis he hade of the erldome of 1557- IN SCOTLAND. 267

Murray, Rofs, Orknay, and the lordfchipe of Ardmanoch, in favouris of the croun.

In the moneth of Julij 1556, the faid quene regent held juftice airis in Innernes, and thairfra in Elgine, and thairfra in Banff, and thair- efter in Abirdene.

In this fame tyrne, George erle of Cathnes being delatit in the faid juftice air of Innernes, for committing of diuerfe and manifold foule and odious crymes, and accufit thairfoir, becaus the laid regent culd not get ane vnl'ufpecl; affile to him, he wes put in captivitie in the caftell of In- nernes, and thairefter tranfportit to Edinburgh caftell, quhairin he re- manit ane certane fpace, and thairefter wes put to friedome and libertie be ane great compofitioun of money.

In all the tyme of thir airis, John maifter of Maxwell wes commandit

in waird, fumtymes in caftell Dingwall, fumtym in Innernes, in Elgin,

and quhilis in Abirdene, quhill he wes put to libertie vpoun cautioun.

In the moneth of October, the geir of God abonewrittin, Patrik erle

of Bothuile, lieutennent at Annand for danting of the thevis, deceffit. Vpoun the fecund day of October 1557, thair wes [ane] army orda-

nit and preparit to convene at Maxwelheuch, and to pas in Ingland.

And quhen the faid quene regent and the haill nobilitie convenit, and

nathing fufpectit bot that Werk or Norhame fuld haue bene demoliffed

and caftin doun, and the great ordinance tranfportit owir Tweid for

doing thairof, and monlieur Doffell with ane certane Frenfche men

of wearr reddie to execute the faid interpryfe, the faids haill nobilitie

wer repugnant thairto, and fkalit thair faid army, to the great difplefour

of the faid regent, and fhame of this cuntrie.

Vpoun the laft day of December, the geir of God abonewrittin, the

toun and fortalice of Calice wes win be the duke of Guyfe, quhilk haid

c bein haldin be the kingis of Ingland from France be the fpace of ij

geiris and mair. 268 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1558.

fo. 97. b. Vpoun the audit day of Februar, the geir of God abonereherfit, thair

wes certane commiflionaris chofin be the thrie eftaittis of this realme, for

treating- and fetting furth of our fouerane ladies manage in France with

Frances dulphin thairof, tuke fchipeburd, and be great tempeftis pairt

of their fchippis perifched in thair paffage. Off the quhilkis cominiffion-

aris thir ar the names, James archbifchope of Glafgow, Robert bifchope

of Orknay, Gilbert erle of Caffillis thefaurar, George erle of Rothes, James commendatare of Sanctandrois, James lord Fleming of Cummar-

nald, George lord Seytoun, and Johne Erlkin of Dvn ; and thajrefter

landit at Calice, and paft to Pareis. Vpoun the xxv day of Apryle 1558, Marie quene of Scotland wes

marijt vpoun Francis dulphin of Viennoyis, eldeft ibne and air to Henrie king of France, with great magnificence, in the citie of Pareis.

Vpoun the penult day of September, the geir foirl'aid, ane pairt of

the commiflionaris quhilk paft in France for treating of the quenis ma- nage, returnit and arryvit in Scotland, off the quhilkis the names fob

lowes, viz. James archbifchope of Glafgow, James commendatare of

Sanctandrois, George lord Seytoun, and Johne Erfkin of Dvn ; bot Ro-

bert bifchope of Orknay, Gilbert erle of Caffillis, George erle of Rothes and James lord Flemyng, deceiffit in France. It wes hevilie murmurit

in this cuntrie, that the faids nobilmen wer poifonit in the faids pairtis.

Vpoun the penult of Nouember, in the geir abonewrittin, Marie quene regent ordanit ane parliament to be haldin in Edinburgh, quhair-

intill it wes aggreit fullie amangis the thrie eflaitts of this realme, that the croun of the famyne fuld pas to France, havand this name, to be ane

matrimoniall croun, and the dauphin to be crownit thairwith ; vnder

conditioun gif the quenis grace deceiffit without lawfull airis of hir

bodie, that he fould claim na farther richt thairto, but immediately efter

hir deceis, fall renunce all rycht quhilk he haid to the laid matrimoniall

croun, without any farder impediment. ;

1559. IN SCOTLAND. 269

Vpoun the xiij day of Apryle 1559, peace wes proclamit betuix Ing- land and Scotland, and the forth of Eymouth ordanit to be caffin donn. Vpoun the fourtene day of Junij, thegeir of God abonereherfit,the Black and Gray Freris of Edinburgh wer demoliffed and caftin doun aluterlie,

and all the chepellis and collegis about the faid burgh with thair gairds

wer in lykwyife diftroyit ; and the images and altaris of Sanclgeilis kirk

diftroyit and brint, bot [be] the erlis of Ergyle and Glencarne, the pryour fo. 98.

of Sanctandrois and lord Ruthvene, callit the congregatioun ; and the

quene regent, not content of thir proceidingis, depairtit to Dunbar.

In all this tyme, all kirkmennis goodis and geir wer fpoulgeit and reft fra thame, in euerie place quhair the famyne culd be apprehendit for euerie man for the mail! pairt that culd get any thing pertenyng to any kirkmen, thocht the fame as wele won geir.

Vpoun the 21 day of Julij, the geir abonereherfit, James commen- datare of Sanctandrois and Alexander erle of Glencarne, with thair afllftaris callit the congregatioun, paft from Edinburgh to Halyrudhous, and thair tuik and intromettit with the irnis of the cungehous, and brocht the fame to the faid burgh of Edinburgh, to the faid priour of

Sandlandrois lugeing being thairin ; the faid quene regent being in Dun- bar, accumpanyit with James duke of Chattellaralt, George erle of

Huntlie, James erle of Bothuile, my lordis of Home, geifter, Borthwick and Levingftoun, with diuerfe vtheris barronis, heiring of the finds pro- ceedings, wes gretumlie annoyit thairat.

And thairfoir vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth, the erllis and lords foirfaids, accumpanyit with monfieur DofTell and certane Frenche- men his fouldiouris, and vtheris barronis and gentilmen, to the nowmer

it fuld of J* men or thairby, come from Dunbar to Leith, quhair haue bene fouchin betuix thame and the faids lords of the congrega- tioun, war not thair wes ane appointment maid betuix thame, that the

{aids lordis of the congregatioun fould incontinent difpatch thame of 270 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1559-

Edinburgh. And fua thaj did ; and the faid quene come to Edinburgh

vpoun the xxviij day of the faid moneth thairefter.

Vpoun the nyntene day of September, in the geir of God foirfaid,

the quenis grace regent and monfieur Doffell, fearing the faids lords of

the congregatioun, caufit call and forth Leith to ane greit ftrenth, and

victuall the famin to ane greit derth.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth, the geir of God abone-

writtin, the bifchope of Amiance and Monfieur La Brofche, accumpa-

nyit with viij c men of weare, come furth of France, and landit in Leith.

Vpoun the xxviij day of the faid moneth, James Hamiltoun, eldeft

fone to James duke of Chattellaralt, come furth of France, throw

Ingland to Scotland. Efter his cuming, my lord duke his father af-

fiftit to the faids lords of [the] congregatioun, and left the quene regent,

of October, in the geir foirfaid, fo. 98. b. Vpoun the xviij day of the moneth the lordis of the congregatioun come to the burgh of Edinburgh, ac-

cumpanijt with vij 00 men, purpofing to feige Leith. And the laid quene Regent, accumpanyit with Monfieur Doffell, the bifchope of Amianes, Monfieur La Brofche, Johne archbilchope of Sanctandros, James archbifchope of Glafgow, George bifchope of Dunkeld and George Lord Seytoun, paft the famyne day from Halyrudhous to Leith.

And vpoun the laft day .of October in the faid geir, the laird of Or-

meftoun in Louthian being in Berwik, with certane gold to hawe furneiit

the lordis of the congregatioun thairwith, wes tane be James Erie of

Bothuile, and in his taking was ewill hurt, and the faid gold tane from him.

Vpoun the firft day of November, the geir of God foirfaid, the Frenche men of weare being in Leith, ifchit furth of the fame to haue tane vic- ifchit furth of Edin- tual! is. And the lordis of the congregatioun burgh with their men of weare and artailgerie, and ftellit the lame abone

the querrell hoilis at the abbey, and fchote thairwith fra the mornyng

quhill none at the faid toun of Leith. At none, the faid Frenchmen 1559- IN SCOTLAND. 271

come furt h of Leith to the nowmer of ij m men, and cam maifterfullie

on the faids lords of the congregatioun, quhar thaj wer ftandand at the faid artailgerie, quha at thair cuming fled to Edinburgh, quha fol- lowit on thame quhill thaj come to Edinburgh portis ; and thairefter returnit agane, and tuik the faid artailgerie to the faid toun of Leith, to thair aduerfaries greit rebuik. In the faid Frenchemens cuming vp the

Cannogait, thaj fpoulgeit and flew all maner of perfonis that thaj culd apprehend.

Vpoun the famyne day, James lord Arrane, willing to haue ane amendis vpoun James erle Bothuile for the taking of the gold foirfaid fra the faid laird Ormeftoun in maner foirfaid, pall from Edinburgh to

Crichtoun ; and at thair cuming thairto, James erle Bothuile being afoir aduerteift efchewit ; and becaus thaj culd not apprehend him, thaj fpoulgeit the faid place of Crychtoun of the innumerable fubftance being thairintill. This done, thaj returnit to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the fext day of the faid moneth, the laid Frenchmen ifchit furth of Leith to haue herijt Bruntftoun. The lordis of the congregatioun being aduertift thairof, come furth of Edinburgh vpoun thame, and met thame at Reftalrig. It was crwellie fkirmiffit be the fpace of thrie houris continwally, quhill at the laft the futemen of the faid congrega- tioun, nocht fupportit be thair horfmen as thaj fuld haue bene, wer con- ftrainit to flie to Edinburgh. In this Ikirmeis was flane xxv perfonis of to. 99. c the congregatioun, and of tane xyj perfonis, thame j and led captives to Leith ; and on the vther fyid, few or nane flane or tane.

In the fame nycht, the faids lordis of the congregatioun departit from Edinburgh to Linlithqw, and left thair artailgerie flandand woid vpoun Edinburgh callay, and the laid toun in point of deftruetion.

Johne lord Erlkin, capitane of the caftell of the faid burgh, caufit im- bring the faid artailgerie in the faid caftell.

Vpoun the fevint day of the faid moneth of October, the laid quene 272 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1559.

regent and Frenchmen, thinkand be the depairtour of thair enemies na

les vi6lorie fallen to thame as if thaj haid win the laid burgh be force,

enterit in the famyne, and ludgeit lex anfengies thairin, to the greit in-

quietnes of the inhabitants thairof.

It is heir to be notit, that befoir this tyme thair wes neuer ane ftran-

ger men of weare lugeit in the faid burgh.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of December, the geir of God abonewritten,

qubilk wes 3u ^ e evin, the faids Frenche men paft from Edinburgh to

Striueling be land ; and thairefter come on the north fyid of Forth to

Bruntyland and Kingorne, fpoulgeing the famyne, purpofing to haue

gone to San6tandrois.

Vpoun the xj of Januar, the geir foirfaid, ane gentill man callit Mar-

teis, crownar of the haill Frenchemen, arryvit in Leith havin.

In the nixt nicht thairefter, certane perfonis in Leith of the congre-

gatioun palt to the raid of Leith, and thair reft away the i'chipe that the

faid crownar arryvit in, quhairin wes the laid crownaris haill cleithing,

horfs and armour. The principall taker of this Ichippe wes Andro

Sandes, than induellar in Leith.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Januar foirfaid, thair arryvit in the mornyng

aucht greit fchippes of Ingland in the raid of Leith, and in thair arryv-

ing thaj tuik capitane James Cullane and capitane Farny, lieutennent to

capitane Pirroit, being in ane pink ; and alfe ane vther fchipe callit the

Hoy, quhilkis wer to pas in FyfF with mvnitioun to furneis the Frenche

campt, being thair, as is befoir writtin. And the famyne day the

Frenchmen feand the faidis Inglis fchippes arryvand in the faid raid,

left thair firft purpois, and returnit agane to Striueling ; and in thair

returneing thairto, the congregatioun paft befoir them all the way, and

left na vidluallis to thame be the fame, quhilk caulit the faids Frenche-

men to fuftene greit hungar and penuritie of vidluallis ; and alfe the

faid congregatioun cuttit the brig of Tillibodie to the effect that the faid ;

1559- IN SCOTLAND. ' 273

Frenche camp fhould haue na paffage throw the fame. And the faid

Frenchemen, to get ane way to pas ovir the faid watter, tuik doun the

timber of the Ttdlibodie kirk, and ane fure paffage owir the faid brig

and fua thaj come to Striueling vponn the xxviij day of the laid moneth,

at evin.

Vpoun the xxiij day of Februar in the geir foirfaid, the pryour of

Sancl;androis, Patrik Lord Ruthvene, William Maitland gounger of Le-

thingtoun, Schir Johne Wifchart of Pittarro knycht and Mr Henrie Bal-

naves of Halgairdis, as commillionaris for the congregatioun, fchipit at

Pittinweme, accnmpanyit with vij Inglifche fchippis, and paft thairfra to

the toun of Berwik, and qidiair thaj landit vpoun the xxiiij day of the faid moneth. Johne maifter of Maxwell come thair to thame to mak ane

band and confideratioun with the quene of Ingland and her peipill, ac-

cording to the band maid betuix France and Scotland. The making of

this band was to obtene army out of Ingland to put away the Frenche-

men out of this realme, quhilkis wer than doand greit harme in the fame, and for caus of religioun. It wes almoft done. Vpoun the xv day of March, the geir of God abonewrittin, the haill Frenchemen quhilk wer in Striueling paft to Glafgow, and thair chacit the congregatioun furth of the fame, and remaynit thair tua nichtis, and then come to Linlithqw, quhair thaj lay waiftand and deftroyand the pover peopill thairabout, vnto the xxvij day of the faid moneth.

In thair palling to Glafgow, and returneing thairfra, thaj herijt and fpoulgeit all the cuntrey quhair thair paffage lay. It wes alfua devyfit amangis thame to pas to Hamiltoun for diftructioun thairof ; but the rumour raife of the fuddane incuming of the Inglis army, quhilk flayit thair purpois.

Vpoun the faid xxvij day of March 1560, the French army being in

Linlithqw, raid ane forray about the fame be the fpace of v mylis, and 274 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560.

brocht to Leith all the cattell, horlis and vther geir that thaj mycht

apprehend, to the great diftrudtioun of the cuntrey.

Vpoun the penult day of the faid moneth in the faid geir, the Inglis

army come in Scottis ground for l'upport of the lordis of the con-

c gregatioun, to the nownier \m futemen, and ij licht horfmen and

demilances. The lieutennent general! to thame wes the Lord Gray of

England ; the capitane of the demilances wes Schir George Howard j to. 100. the capitane of the licht horfmen, Schir Harie Pairfay, and the capitane

of the haill futemen wes fchir James Croftis capitane of Berwick ; thaj

come thairfra to Preltoun.

Vpoun the firft day of Apryle the geir of God abonementionat, Marie

quene regent pall from Halyrudhous to the caftell of Edinburgh, thair

to remayne induring the feige following, accumpanyit with Johne archbifchope of Sanctandrois, the bifchopes of Dunkell and Dunblane. The commendatare of Halyrudhous, the archbifchope of Glafgow and George lord Seytoun, paft to Leith with monfieur Doffell, La-

brofche, the compt Martis and the bifchope of Amiance, and thair re-

manit the haill tyme of the feige thairof.

Vpoun the vj day of Apryle foirfaid, in the geir afoir writtin, the

Inglifmen raLGt thair army and camp fra Preftoun, and came in ordour

thair of weir to Reftalrig ; quhair at cuming, with the Scottis army, f0 quhilkis wer of the nowmer of iij horfmen, it wes crwellie fkirmiffit

betuix the hagbutaris of the French and Inglifmen. The faid Frenchmen

were ftandand or the Inglifmen cuming, at the Halkhill in four arrayit

cumpanyis ; and thair made great debait be the fpace of anehour, quhill

at laft the laid Frenfchemen, owerl'ett with the Inglis and Scottis horf-

men, reteirit to Leith, quhair in thair pafling thairto thair wer flane of

c thairby of flane thame xl, and of thame tane j or ; and Inglifmen twa and lindrie hurt. And this done the Inglifmen campit about the kirk

of Reftalrig and place thairof, and call thair trinfchis. 1560. IN SCOTLAND. 275

Vpoun the vij day of the laid moneth, the faids Inglifhien landit

thair greit ordinance and artailserie at the Fichat burne, and placit

thame on the eift fyid of the toun of Leith, to the nomber of xij greit doubill and fingill cannonis and fyftene fmall pecis, quhilkis thaj brocht to land, togidder with powder and munitioun.

Vpoun the xiiij day of Apryle foirfaid, being pafch day, thair come to Muflilburgh ane capitane namit Ichir Rauff Saidillar, with certane

horfmen and futemen to the Inglis army. Vpoun the famyne day at

nicht, the caftell of Blaknes wes tane be the fchireff of Linlithqw.

Vpoun the xv day of the faid moneth of Apryle at none, thair come furth of Leith, at the port callit San6tanthonies port, the crowner of

the Frenche men, accumpanyit with xl horfmen and thrittie hagbutaris, and raid the reddie way to the Inglis trinfches. And in this mene tyme f0 the Frenche futemen to the nomber of J men, all hagbuttaris, ifchit

furth at the port, Hand vpoun the linkis, and cam als haiftilie vpoun the fo. 100. b.

faids trinfches as the faid Frenche horfmene. And thaj quhilk wer in

the trinfchis not being weill aduerteift of thair cuming, bot fome fleipand,

fome walkand, haiftilie rufchit to armour, and cam befoir the faids trin- fches, and thair met thame, quhair it wes crewallie fochin be fwordis. c In this mene tyme, the wache of the Inglis horfmen, being ij men,

brak upoun the laid Frenfchemen with intellable audacitie, and put

thame be force ane great away abak ; and git throw great and contin- wall fchooting of hagbutaris, the Inglis horfmen wer put abak. And

thairefter the faids Frenfchemen enterit within the faids trinfches, and

flew all that abaid thair force, and carijt away ane anfenjie with thame,

and dang twa naillis in the tuitch hoilis of tua fmall peices of ordinance

being in the faids trinfches for the tyme. In this mene tyme the Inglis

army come fordwart with the faid horfmen, and chacit thame crwellie

to the wallis of Leith and in at the portis thairof. At this fldrmifhe

c wes flane of Inglis futemen ij lx, with certane demilances, and ane 276 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560. hundreth and xx hurt or thairby, quhairof many of tbame heirefter de- ceiffit ; and of Frenchemen lx flane or thairby, and findrie of thame hurt, bot newer ane tane on aither fyid.

Vpoun the xx day of the faid moneth, the laird of Ormeftoun with certane horfmen awaitit certane Frenchemen quhilks wer in the caf- tell of Dunbar, quhen thaj wer cumand furth of the lame to hunt, and tuik of thame lix perfonis ; off the quhilkis wer capitane Pirroyt and

capitane Hay ; and v or vj flane.

Vpoun the xxv day of the faid moneth in the nycht, the Inglis camp quhilk lay at the kirk of Reftalrig with the Scottis, changit thair camp

to Pilrig vpoun the watter of Leith ; and in the faid nycht the trinfches

wer callin ; and on the morne, quhilk wes the xxvj day of the famyn, in the mornyng, the artailgarie wes convoyit to the laid place, except fa meikill as wes left in the trinfchis befyid the Halkhill.

Vpoun the laft day of Apryle the geir of God abonewrittine, thair chancit ane pairt of the toun of Leith to be brint, be ane fuddane fyre in ane certane pouder being in the gardhous within Leith.

Vpoun the ferd day of Maij, the geir foirfaid, the barronis and gen- tilmen of Louthiane come in to Edinburgh to the lords of the congre- gatioun, and fubfcryvit the new band and confideratioun. Vpoun the fevint day of Maij, the Inglis men and Scottis army caiifit ane certane men of wearr to pas to the wallis of Leith, purpofing to affault the famin, and for this effect thaj maid certane leddaris. In this doing thair wes fiauchter maid on ather fyid, bot thair wes the greiter fiauchter be ovir far maid vpoun the Inglis and Scottis per- fewaris of the faids wallis, and that be the nomber of iiijc perfonis. And this done thaj left the perfewing of the iaids wallis any farther. Vpoun the tent of Junij, the geir of God abonewrittin, Marie quene dowariare and regent of this realme, at xij houris at evin de- ceiffit in the caftell of Edinburgh, and maid the erle Merfchall and 1560. IN SCOTLAND. 277

fchir Johne Campbell of Lundie knycht hir executouris. Befoir hir

depairting, flio caufit fetch to hir James duke of Chattellarault, James

commendatare of Sanctandi-ois and vtheris lordis affeidgeris of Leith,

and at thair cuming flio exhortit thame to be faitbfull and obedient

fubjectis to the quenis grace hir dauchter, quha j)romittit to doe the

fame ; bot as thaj fulfillit the laid promeis thair proceidingis will teftifie.

Vpoun the xiiij day of the laid moneth of Junij, thair come certane

Frenchemen out of Leith, to the nomber of thrie hundreth or thairby,

to Mont Pellem, ane forth fituat vnder the Halkhill, quhair thair brak

vpoun thame certane horfmen Inglifmen, and chafit the laid Frenche-

men to Leith agane. In the faid chace thair wer flane of Frenchemen

xl, and of Inglilinen ane trumpetour.

Vpoun the xvj day of the faid moneth of Junij, thair come to Edin- burgh four ambaffatouris, with thair tryne of horfmen to the nomber

of xl ; tua of the faids ambaffatouris for the pairt of France, and twa

for Ingland. The Frenche ambaffatouris wer callit monlieur de Ran-

dane, broder to count Rofs Fokko, and the bil'chope of Wallange ; the

names of the Inglis ambaffatouris wer the iecretare Cicill and do6lour

Wittoune. At thair cuming to Reitalrig, all the ordinance of the Inglis

camp fchote for noveltie diuerfe tymes in prefens of the faids ambaffa-

touris. This done thaj come to Edinburgh, and wer lugit in the fame.

Vpoun the xvij of the laid moneth, thair wes affurance and trewis

tane betuix the Inglis and Scottiimen on that ane pairt, and the Frenche

men in Leith on that vther pairt, for fyve dayis following to indure. Thir trewis wer procurit be the faids ambaffatouris.

Vpoun the vj day of Julij, Thomas duke of Northfolk come to the

campe befyd Leith, in quiet maner in the nycht, and vifeit the faid

camp and forth of Leith, and haiftilie depairtit thairfra without knaw- lege of the pepill of Berwik.

Vpoun the vj day of Julij, it wes concludit and finallie endit betuix 278 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560. fo. 101. b. the faids ambaffatouris, tuitching all debaittis, contraverfies and ma-

teris concernyng the affeiging of Leith, depairting of the Frenchemen

thairfra, and randering of the fame ; and the faid peax daitit this faid day. Vpoun the fevint day of the faid nioneth, efter the concluding of the

treatife foirfaid, the heraldis of Scotland paft to the mercat croce of

Edinburgh, and thair maid this proclamatioun following :

To the loving of the maift puiffant lord, and the confort of all good Chriftianis.

The maift puiffant prince and princes, criftin king and quene, Frances and Marie, be the grace of God king and quene of France and Scot-

land, and the maift puiffant princes Elizabeth, be the fame grace quene

of Ingland, Irland and defendar of the faith, &c. ; It is concordit, and

ane reconciliatioun of peax and amitie, the quhilk is to be inviolablie

obferuit betuix thame, thair fubjedlis, realmes and cuntries ; and thair-

foir in the names of the faids prince and princeflis, it is commandit and

exprellie injoynit to all maner of perfonis that ar vnder thair obedience,

or being in thair fervices, fra this day furth to delift and ceis fra all

hoftilitie baith be fey and be land, and to keipe and obferve good peax

the ane to the vther, vnder the pane to thame does in the contrair of

thair greit perrell. Vpoun the xv day of Julij foirfaid, the Inglis army reteirit to Muflil-

burgh, and the Frenchemen with bag and baggage embarkit ; and als

thair wer certane pionaris enterit to the wallis of Leith for the demo-

lutioun thairof.

Vpoun the xviij day of the faid moneth, the Inglis ambaffatouris de-

pairtit to Ingland, and the Inglis fchippis paft furth of the raid of Leith,

quhilkis lay continwallie fen the xxiiij day of Januar laft wes thairin.

Vpoun the firft day of Auguft, the geir of God abonewrittin, ane 1560. IN SCOTLAND. 279 parliament tuik begyning, hot few or na lordis come quhill the aucht day thairof. Thir ar the names of the temporall erllis and lordis being thairat, viz. my lord duke, my lord Arrane his fone, the lord Gor- doun for the erle of Huntlie his fader, the erllis of Ergyle, Merfchall,

Mortoun, Rothes, Caffillis, Cathnes, Suthirland, Athole, Crawfurd, Glencarne and Menteith, the lordis Ruthven, Glammis, Erlkin, Boyd,

Vchiltrie, Carlile, Johne maifter Maxwell, the lord Levingitoun,

Ogilvy and Someruile ; and paft to the tolbuyth in thair maner, with- out lceptour, i'word or croun. And als thir ar the names of the fpiritu- alitie that convenit thairin : the archbifchope of Sanctandrois, the bif- chopes of Dunkeld, His, Cathnes and Ergyle, the commendatare of the pryorie of San6tandros, Abirbrothok, Kilwynning, Newbottill,

Pittinweme, the abbots of Cowpar, Lundoris, Culros, Halirudhous, fo. 102.

Coldinghame, Durildeir, Kinlofs, Deir, Newabbay. The faids bifchopis of Sanclandros and Dunkell raid not fra the abbay to the tolbuyth, bot remanit in thair lugeing quhill thaj, accutnpanyit with certane barronis, wer fechit to the faid tolbuyth, becaus the faids bifchops wer gretumlie haitit be the proteftantis of the religioun. Thir ar the names of the lordis articles of the parliament, viz. the bifchopis of Cathnes and Er- gyle, the pryour of Sanctandrois, the commendataris of Abirbrothok,

Kilwynning, the abbottis of Lundoris, Newbottill, Pittinweme and

Culrofs ; the duke, the erllis of Ergyle, Merchall, Mortoun, Athole and Glencarne, the lordis of Erlkin, Ruthvene, Lindlay and Boyd, the maifter Maxwell, the lairds of Tullibardin, Lochinvar, Cunning-

hamheid, Pittarro and Lundie ; the commiffionaris of burrowes, the

proveftis of Edinburgh, Dundie, Patrik Brufoune, James Barrone, the

proveftis of Perth, Abirdene, San6tandrois, Glafgow, Striueling, Linlith- gow, Jedburgh, Cowpar.

And vpoun the xx day of the famyne moneth, the haill lordis paft to

the tolbuyth, and thair efter lang reffoning of findrie materis concern- 280 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560.

yng the commoun wele of this realme, the miniftaris prefentit in the

fame ane tracture callit the confeffioun of our faith ; quhilk being raid,

wes reflavit and admittit thairin. And als the goung laird of Lething- toun fecretare maid ane orifoune, in the quhilk he pantit furth and de-

clarit the great buntifulnes, ayd and fupport fchawin and done to thame the be the quene of Ingland, in the affifting of thame at fege of Leith ;

and als declarit that thair wer certane ambaffatouris to be lend to

France, for obtenyng of confirmatioun of certane articles maid betuix

the nobilitie and France, and vpoun certane articles maid in this faid

parliament ; and als to pas to the faid quene of Ingland to thank hir

hienes thairfoir, and gif poflible wer to treate manage betuix James

counte Arrane and the faid quene of Ingland ; for perforating quhairof 01 ane taxt of xx lib. wes grantit in the faid parliament. Attour, the

contract and band maid betuix the faid quene of Ingland and the laid

nobilitie wes, in the lamyne parliament, be the thrie eftaitts thairof,

ratifeit, approvit and confirmit in all poyntis, efter the tennour thairof.

Vpoun the xxiiij day of Auguft, the faids lords of the nobilitie palt

to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and thair eledtit xxiiij regentis ; off the

quhilkis thir names followis, viz. the duke, the compt of Arrane his

fone, the erllis of Huntlie, Ergyle, Merfchall, Glencarne, Rothes,

Menteith and Mortoun ; lords, the priour of Sanctandrois, Ruthven, to. 102. b. Erfkene, Boyd, Vchiltrie, the maifter of Maxwell, my lord San6l-

johne, the lordis Lindfay ; barronis, the lairdis of Drumlangrig, Cun-

nyghameheid, Dvn, Lundie, Pittaro, the goung laird of Lethingtoun.

Vpoun the xxiij day of September, the geir of God foirfaid, James

lord of SancTjohne wes diredtit as ambaffatour to France throw Ingland,

to obtene confirmatioun of the quenis grace of this realme and hir fpous,

vpoun the aclis maid of the parliament foirfaid.

Vpoun the xiij day of the faid moneth, James duk of Chattellarault

and my lord of Arrane paft to caft doun my lord Sempillis hous. 1560. IN SCOTLAND. 281

Vpoun the xj and xij dayes of Odlober, the geir of God abonewrittin,

James erle of Mortoun, Alexander erle of Glencarne and Williame

Maitland goungar of Letkingtoun fecretar, pall fra Edinburgh towartis

Ingland as ambairatouris for the nobilitie, accumpanyit with liiij horfe of tryne, to treat manage with the quenis majeftie of Ingland, and thank hir for the great benefeitis done to thame.

Vpoun the xiij day of October foirfaid, the caltell of Semple wes tane be the laid duik.

Vpoun the xiiij day of October, Dauid Hamiltoun fone to my lord duik come furth of France to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the famyne day the goung laird of Pharnay, being captive in

Dunbar, delyuerit himl'elf thairfra.

Vpoun the i'ext day of December 1560 foirl'aid, Francis king of France and fpous to Marie quene of Scottis deceiffit.

Vpoun the 19 dayofDecember foirfaid, James lord Sancljohne come furth of France to Edinburgh, and obtenit litill or nathing of his errands expeid.

Vpoun the third day of Januar, the ambaffatouris quhilk pall to Ing- land for treating of the mariage foirfaid, returnit to Edinburgh at fyve houris at evin, and brocht with thame Johne Willokis wyff.

Vpoun the xv day of the laid moneth, thair come to this conventioun my lord duke and his fonnis, the erllis of Ergyle, Mortoun, Rothes,

Crawfurd, Merfchaell, Glencarne, Caffillis, Menteith, the lordis of

Erfkene, Ruthvene, maifter of Maxvell, James commendatare of San6l- androis, the lordis Vchiltrie, Boyd and Somervile. And efter thair palling to the tolbuith, Johne Knox niinilter requyrit the lordis to fuf- tene ane book, quhairinto wes contenit that thaj fuld ordane in this realme xij fuperintendentis, and euerie ane of thame to haue geirlie

m merkis for the ftipendis and efter thair deceiffis, thair wyfes j ; and c bairnes to haue v merkis ; and euerie minifter to haue geirlie iiij c x merkis, and euerie reidar vj* pundis. And efter fum great dil'puta- 2 N 282 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1560. tioun, fome of the faids erllis and lordis fubfery vit the laid buik, and fum vtheris denyit the lame, off the quhilkis wer my lordis Erfkene,

Crawfurd, Caffillis and Somervile, with diuerfe vtheris.

Vpoun the lail day of the laid moneth, thair wer certane commiffion- aris chofin to pas to France, for hame bringing- of the quenis grace with-

in this realme, off the quhilkis thir ar the names ; James commendatare of Sanctandrois, Gawin commendatare of Kilwynning, Marc commen-

datare of Newbottill and Johne Wifchart of Pittarro j bot this ambaf- ladarie tuik nane effect.

Vpoun the xxix day of the faid moneth of Januar, Hew erle of Eg- lintoun and George commendatare of Dunfermling pall furth of Dun- bar to France.

Vpone the auchtene day of Februar, the lairds of Craigmiller and

Finlater, Blanerne and Robert Leilie, come furth of France from the quenis grace, with ane commiffioun to certane nobilmene to caus affix ane parliament to be haldin, for dew obedience to be maid to the quenis grace as thair fouerane.

Vpoun the xxj day of Februar, James erle Bothuile landit in Scotland owt of France.

Vpoun the nynt day of March, Mr Johne Spottifwod perfone of

Calder wes eledtit and chofin fuperintendent fra Striueling to Dunbar.

Vpoun the xj day of March foirfaid, ane ambaffatour callit monlieur

Newall come fra the quenis grace of France to Edinburgh, for halding of the faid parliament, quhilk wes ordanit to be continewit vnto the xx day of Maij nixt thairefter.

Vpoun the xvj day of the faid moneth of March, at xij houris in the nycht, the corpes of vmquhile Marie quene dowriare of Scotland and regent, wes convoyit fecretlie furth of the caltell of Edinburgh and put in ane fchip in Leith, and convoyit thairfra to France be Mr Archibald

Crawfurd perfone of Eigltihame, quhair fho wes honourable burijt. ;

1561. IN SCOTLAND. 283

Vpoun the xviij day of the inoneth foirfaid, James commendatare of Sanclandrois, Williame lord Levingftoun, Alexander lord Saltoun, James commendatare of SancTxolmes Inche and vtheris, tuik thair vio- age to the realme of France throw Ingland be poll, to requyre the quenis majeftie to cum to hir awne realme, all being cled in dule weid bot thaj haid na commiilioun to doe the fame.

Vpoun the xxix day of Maij 1561, the faid James commendatar of Sanctandrois returnit out of France without ony commiflioun brocht hame with him. Vpoun the fevint day of Junij, the geir of God abonewrittin, mon- fieur Newall Frenche man ambaflatour, depairtit fra Edinburgh to France agane.

Vpoun the xxj day of Junij, Archibald Dowglas of Killpindie pro-

vefl of Edinburgh, Dauid Symmer and Adame Fullartoun bailleis of

the famyne, caufit ane cordinare feruant callit James Gilloun, takin of f . 103. b.

befoir for playing in Edinburgh with Robene Hude, to wnderly the

law and put him to the knawlege of ane affyifs, quhilk thaj haid eledlit

of thair favouraris, qidia with fchort deliberatioun condempnit him to

be hangit for the faid cryme. And the deaconis of the craftifmene,

fearing vproare, maid great fbliftatiouns at the hands of the I'aids proveft

and bailleis, and als requyrit Johne Knox minifter, for elchewing of

tumult, to fuperceid the executioun of him vnto the tyme thaj fuld ad-

uerteis my lord duke thairof, and than if it wes his mynd and will that

he fhould be difponit vpoun, the laid deaconis and craftifmen lbuld

thaj convoy him thairto ; quha anfuerit that culd na way Hope the exe-

cutioun of juftice. Quhen the tyme of the faid pover mans hanging

approchit, and that the hangman wes cumand to the jibbat with the

ledder, vpoun the quhilk the laid cordinare mould haue bene hangit,

ane certane and remanent craftif'childer, quha wes put to the home

with the faid Gillone for the laid Robene Huides playes, and vtheris 284 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1561.

thair afliftaris and favouraris, pall to wappynnis ; and thaj brak donn

the faid jibbat, and then chacit the faid proveft, baillies and Alexander

Guthrie in the laid Alexanderis writting buith, and held thame thairin ;

and thairefter pall to the tolbuytb, and becaus the faniyne wes fteikit,

and onnawayes culd get the keyis thairof, thay brak the faid tolbuyth

dore with foire hamberis perforce, (the faids proveft and baillies luik-

and thairon,) and not onlie put thaj the faid Gillone to fredome and

libertie, and brocht him furth of the laid tolbuyth, bot all'ua the re-

manent prelbnaris being thairintill. And this done, the faids craftif-

mens feruandis, with the faid condempnit cordonar, paft doun to the

nethir bow to haue paft furth thairat, bot becaus the famyne or thair

cuming thairto wes clolit, thaj paft vp agane the hie ilreit of the faid

burgh to the caftell hill. And in this mene tyme, the faids proveft and

bailleis and thair afliftaris being in the writting buith of the faid Alex-

ander Guthrie, paft and enterit in the faid tolbuyth ; and in the faids

feruandis paflage vp the hie Ilreit, thaj ichote furth thairof at thame

ane dag, and hurt ane feruand of the faids childer. This being done,

thair wes nathing vther but the ane pairtie fchuteand out and cattand

ftanis furth of the faid tolbuyth, and the vther pairtie fchuteand hag-

fo. 104. buttis in the fame agane ; and fua the craftifmens feruands abonewrittin,

held and incloiit the laid proveft and baillies continwallie in the faid

tolbuith, fra thrie houris efternone quhill audit houris at evin, and na

of faid preaflit to releive thair faid baillies man the toun proveft and ;

and than thaj fend to the mailleris of the caftell, to caus thame, if thaj

mycht, ftay the faids feruandis ; quha maid ane maner to doe the fame,

bot thaj culd not bring the fame to ane finall end ; for the faids fer-

uands wald onnawayis ftay fra thair faid purpois quhill thaj haid revengit

the hurting of ane of thame. And thairefter the conftable of the caftell

come doun thairfra, and he with the faids mailleris treatit betuix the

faids pairties in this maner ; that the faids proveft and baillies fall remit 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 285

to the laids craftis childer all adlioun, cryme and offenffis that thaj haid

committit aganis thame in ony tyme bygane, and band and obleift thame

nevir to perfew thame thairfoir, and als commandit thair maifteris to

reflaue thame agane in thair ferueis as thaj did befoir. And this being

proclamit at the mercat croce, thaj Ikalit, and the faids proveft and

bailies come furth of the faid tolbuyth, &c. &c.

Wpone the tent day of December, the geir of God Jf0 v c lxxj geiris, the fuddartis of the nobilitie come on the burrow mure befyid the Figgat

burne, betuix and the abbay, to await on vidtuallis and coillis to haue

come to the toun ; bot the haill number of Leith, to the nowmer of c c v futemen and ij horfinen, come throw the Windie govile, quhair thaj

befoir, haid bene all the nycht betuix thame and the toun ; quhair wes tane capitane James Halkerftoun and Johne Smyth handfengie to capitane Trottar, to the number of lxx fuddartis, and all for the maift pairt hurt, and four flane, bot nevir ane of the toun of Leith ather tane or flane; except capitane Mitchell keipar of the palice of Halyrudhous, quha wes tane at the kirk of feild port and eivill hurt. The foirfaidis prefonaris wer fone heirefter delyuerit vpoun cautioun for payment of rainfomis.

Vpoun the xxiij day, certane horfmen of Edinburgh, to the nomber of lx, paft to the links of Leith, and thair tuik nyne burgeffis of Edin- burgh playand at the golf, and flew thrie that refuiflit to be tane.

Vpoun the laft day, fir Williame Drowriare Inglifman, ambalfatour for the queue of Ingland, come to Leith for fie cauffis as falbemanifeft heirefter.

Vpoun the fecund day of Januar, the faid ambaffatour come to the fo- 104. b. callell of Edinburgh, as wes allegit for treiting of peace.

Vpoun the fyft day, the laid ambaffatour paft towart Beruik of Leith to Loundoun, bot few or nane can lhaw the effect of his cuming. 286 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

The fame day Archibald erle of Ergyle, Johnelord Herreis and Johne lord Maxwell come to the toun of Leith, and gaif dew obedience to the

Kingis auctoritie, and promittit to fortifie the famyne efter thair powar.

Vpoun the xj day of Januar in the nycht, certane men of wear paft of the toun of Edinburgh, to the nomber of lx futemen and xxx horf- men, and tuik audit cairtis of wyne, with fum filuer wefchell, with habundance weyld meitt, quhilk wes palTand to Dalkeith to the hand- fafting of the faid Johne lord Maxvell and the affiftaris of the erle of

Angus, as wes allegit.

Vpoun the xv day, thair wes ane commoun at the Grenefyid betuix

Edinburgh and Leith, be George erle of Huntlie on the ane pairt, and the erle of Montrois, for treating of peace. The faid erle of Huntlie wes determinat to give nathing, except thaj fortefeit the quenis aueto- ritie, now prefent captiue in Ingland, and be all means to labour for fair delyuerance, quhilk wes not grantit.

Vpoun the faxtene, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the bulwark of

Leith, chargeing all earlis, lordis,barronis and cominiffionaris of burrowes, with all vther the kingis grace trew fubjectis, to addres thame to the parliament to be haldin in Leith the penult day of Februar nixtocum.

Vpoun the xviij day, the erle of Eglintoun and fchir James Hamil-

toun of Craufurdjohne knycht, with mony vtheris, wer fummond at

the mercat croce of Edinburgh be oppin proclamatioun, to compeir at

Edinburgh the thrid day of March nixtocum, to vnderly the law for

certane crymes of treffoun committit be thame aganis the aufitoritie of

the kingis [quenis] majeftie, now prefent captive in Ingland, vnder the

pane of forfalting.

Vpoun the 20, the faid fchir James Hamiltoun come to Edinburgh,

and brocht the faid erllis commiffioun with him, quha agreit with the

laid duik and erle of Huntlie leiutennentis to the quene.

Vpoun the xxj day, the haill burgeflis and craftiimen of Edinburgh, 1571 IN SCOTLAND. 237 now prel'ent fugitive in Leith, wer be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, fiimmoncl to vnderly the law within lex dayes efter the faid proclamatioun, wnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the home ; and if thaj failgeit, the faid fex dayes being bypaft, to de- nunce thame our fouerane ladies rebellis, and put thame to the home.

In this mene tyme wes Adame of Gordoun, brother to the laid erle ft. 105. of Huntlie, dantounand the north pairtis of this realme, in taking of houflis, and puneilhing of thair perfonis that wald not acknowlege na- wayis the audloritie of the quene, and him as hir lieutennent in the north pairtis ; and lord Claud Hamiltoun, third fone to my lord duik, alfua dantonit the weft pairtis in the lamyn maner.

Vpoun the fourt day of Februar, James erle of Mortoun paft of

Leith with certane men of wearre, to the Grange, appertenyng to Wil- liame Kirkcaldie capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh, and thair diftroyit the famyne, and als his place callit the Halgairds, and brint and fpoul- geit the cornis thairabout.

Vpoun the fyft day, Androw Ker of Ceffurde paft of Edinburgh with ane hundreth horfmen and fevin [hundreth] futemen, chofm furth of the haill cumpanyis of Edinburgh, to Jedburgh, to burne and ipoulgie the famyne.

L Vpoun the levint day, thair paft furth of Edinburgh iij futemen and xxx horfmen, to the toun of Dalkeith, and thair brint and fpoulgeit cer- tane houflis, and flew vj perfonis of the toun ; and mycht not haue fpace to burne the haill toun, becaus the army of Leith with expedi- tioun baith on hori'e and fute ; bot thaj without any impediment come to Edinburgh at nycht, betuix viij and nyne at evin.

The famyne day thair wes ane proclamatioun at Leith, commandand all and lindrie lords, barronis and friehaldaris, to pas and follow my lord Ruthvene with ten dayes victuall to Jedburgh, as lieutennent in the fouth for the king, vnder the pane of deid. 288 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571.

Vpoun the tent day, the haill futemen quha pail out of Edinburgh to

Jedburgh, beand allane without horfrnen, wer all tane be the laid lord

Ruthvene betuix tua hillis, and as the commoune wes, thaj wer dif- fauit be thair horfrnen. The principall of the horfrnen wes the lavd of Buckcleuch. The capitanis of the futemen wer Alexander Trottar, and Johne Smyth handfengie, and capitane Oliphant lieutennent.

The faid capitane Trottar wan away, and the vther tua capitanis wer lbuertie for the haill fuddartis entres ; and be reffoun the proveft of

Dundie, the laird of Appilgirth and vtheris wer fuffered to pas to

Leyth vnder fouertie, wald not enter, thaj beand oft defyrit, for that caus the quenis lieutennentis wald not fuffer the faids fuddartis to entir, bot tholit the faids capitanis be haldin captive.

Vpoun the 17 thair wes ane proclamatioun maid, that na perfone fuld refort and furneis the burgh of Edinburgh with na vicluallis nor

coillis, vnder the pane of efcheiting of thair guidis, and puniffing of

thair perfonis to deid. Vpoun the xix day, being fafternelevin, George lord Seytoun come

out of Flanderis throw Ingland to the caftell of Edinburgh, as fchip

brokin, and as ane merchand.

The famyne day, Mr Cairie merchell of Beruik, togidder with Mr

Randell ambalfatouris for the quene of Ingland, come with fextene horfe

of tryne to Leith ; at quhas cuming the haill artailgerie of the wall

thairof fchot. In this mene tyme wes ane lugeing of Mr James

M'Gillis in Edinburgh, betuix the croce and the trone, diftroyit ; the

grund and the haill tymber werk of Nicol Vdwartishous in Niddries wynd

diftroyit be the fuddartis of Edinburgh, be reffoun of the inlaik of fyre.

Vpoun the xxj day, the faid ambaffatour, togidder with Mr Archibald

Dowglas, come to the caftell of Edinburgh, and wes met be my lord

Seytoun and vtheris at the Gallowlie betuix Leith and Edinburgh ; at

quhais cuming to Edinburgh, fum of the wallis of the toun of Edinburgh 1571. IN SCOTLAND. 289 and artailjerie thairof fchote. The faid merfchell of Edinburgh [Berwick] wes euer fufpeclit, becaufe he vfit to the faid caftell ofter nor neid ; and efter lang tarie this nycht, he paft to Leith ; the caufe of quhais cuming is not knowin hot the iecreit counfall of baith the pairties.

In this menetymethewedder wes vehement cald, and thecoilliswerverie fcant in Edinburgh; for thairwes nane that tranfportit coillis to Edinburgh but behuifit thame to pay tribute to capitane Mitchell, ilk burden vj pence.

About the fame day, lord Claud Hamiltoun manit the caftell of Black- nes, and placit men of weir thairin, and thairefter paft to Kilwynyng. This wes not without vice of Alexander Stewart, capitane thairof, and that becaus he wes chargeit to rander the famyne to the regent, vnder the pane of trefloune.

Siclyk George lord Seytoun fend llim fuddartis of Edinburgh, to keip his place callit Weft Nydrie, for deftroying of the fame.

Vpoun the 27 day.the faids ambaffatouris come to the caftell of Edinburgh, quhair thaj dynit, and efter none requyrit the capitane quhom of held he the caftell, quha delyrit to fie thair commiflioun in that pairt, quhilk wes refuiffit ; thairfoir na anfuer wes obtenit, for at evin thaj paft to Leith.

Vpoun the laft day, my lord Lindiay fet ane tryft to haue fpokin my lord Seatoun on the Gallowlie, quhilk tryft my lord Seytoun being paf- fand thairto, wes ftopit be ane horfman in Leith callit Seytoun, quha fhew him that the haill power of Leith wes Hand about for his flauchter ; and throw counfall he turnit agane bak to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the fecund day of March, Johne Lindfay of Colvingtoun and f . 106. ten vther perfonis wer tane and brocht to Edinburgh, quha had meikel

appertenit to James money on thame, paffand to Leith ; quhilk money erle of Mortoun.

Vpoun the third day of March, being the firft day of the parliament in Leith, the haill cumpanyis thairof come about the toun of Edinburgh, to the numer of thrie hundreth horfmen and futemene, and paft this 2 o 290 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1571. way following to the park, and paft to the Burrowmure, and the fute-

men returnit in at the Windie goule. The futemen paft be the Wrichtis

houflis to the Dene and to Brochttoun. With ane fchote of the caftell

Andro lord Methvene wes flane, togidder with fevin vther horfmen,

quha wes flane in diuerfe pairtis about the laid toun, and tua futemen

flane in Leith craigis, and money hurt ; bot neuer ane of Edinburgh

flane or fchote, be refloun thaj durft nocht pas far fra the'toun.

Vpoun the fourt day of March, the randering of the caftell of Blaknes

wes confirmit to the lordis of Edinburgh, the quenis partakaris, in this

maner ; the faid Alexander Stewart to remayne capitane ; the laird of

Boghall being thairin captive, wes maid conftable ; and the faid Alex-

ander, his fone and air, randerit in the caftell of Edinburgh, as pledge

for fouertie.

Vpoun the xj day, the caftell of Lethingtoun wes tane, and mannit

be fum of the fecretaris freinds ; but incontinent my lord Ruthven, with

the haill Leith, lay thairat horfmen of come and ; quhilk wes randerit the 15 day of March, be compofltioun that the haldaris thairof fuld pas

frie without hurt thairfra, with bag and baggage.

In this mene tyme, my lord Ruthven paft as lieutennent for the king

in the fouth, quha brint and deftroyit the laird of Pharnyhirftis corne,

houffis and cattell.

Vpoun the xix day, the horfmen of Edinburgh paft out on the nycht,

and brint the faids riges, [Sandie riges] and the Golden edge pertenyng to

my lord Mortoun, with all amies [cornes] being thairin ; and be the hame-

cuming tuik lvj horfs, with aill, with mony cattell quhilk wes paffand to

Leith, diftroyit the aill, and fend the faid horfs and oxin to Teviotdaill.

Vpoun the fyft day of Apryle, the haill cumpany of Leith horfmen

and futemen come betuix xij houris and efternone, and brak the toun

in mylnes the Den ; quhair in thair hame palling thair wes great fkirmif-

ling betuix thame and the cumpanyes of Edinburgh, quhill efter fex at 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 291

evin ; of the cumpanyes of Leith ilane fex, and tuo of Edinburgh, with

mony vtheris hurt and lame on baith iydis, and nane tane. fo , )06 . b . In this mene tyme, the Inglis ambalfatour pall throw the cuntrey to

vine the ltrenthis of the fame, quhilk wes in the hands of the fauouraris

of the king ; fie as Sanclandros, Perth, Dundie, Striueling ; and thair-

efter come to Reftalrig, quhair thaj wer lugeit. And the quenis haill

tapeftrie wes delyuerit out of the caftell of Edinburgh to thame, be

command of writtingis fend be hir to the capitane ; and als the regent

and the kingis fauouraris haid ftuffit the houffis of Craigmillar, Merching- ftoun, Sclatfurd, Reidhall, Corftorphin, and the college thairof, and the abbay, with all places about the toun of Edinburgh. This wes done for

Hoping of the vidluallis and vtheris neceffaris for furneifing of the toun

of Edinburgh, quhilk wes done as wes commounlie fpookin be the avice

of the Inglis ambaffatouris ; the faids regentis lettand furth be his pro-

clamatioun, that quhatf'umeuer come with any furneiffing to Edinburgh,

the man to be hangit, and the woman drownit ; notwithstanding the

poore obftant not, bot come in the nycht with burdingis of meill, malt,

fait, and vtheris neceffaris ; gea, thaj wald bring the fifche betuix thair

leigis. The quenis lieutennentis maid proclamatiounis, givand and

grantand licience to all travellaris to pas and repas.

About this tyme, thair wes ane cungie hous in the caftell of Edin-

burgh, quhilk cungeit the auld cungie of the quene ; quhilk wes xxx, xx, and x shilling peices, togidder with the cungie of the plackis cungeit

be vmquhile the quene regent.

Vpoun the xij day, the cumpany of Leith having tane tua pooremen

and fex women, quha wes in the nycht bringing malt, meill and coillis

to Edinburgh, wes brint on the cheik lyk thevis, quhilk caufit ane terrour

and feir on the poore travelaris to come thairto ; bot git thaj left nor

forburne not.

Vpoun the xv day, the fuddartis of the Blaknes part ovir the watter 292 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

in ane bott furneift with thrie peice of ordinance, and fpoul^eit the

tounis of the coift fyid ; and als wan the houffis of Ryfith, quhairin thaj

gat greit ritches, and come without hurt to the faid Blaknes. The fame tyme Mr Archibald Douglas, perlbne of Dunglas, Thomas

Bynning his feruand and Seand ane Frencheman, quha come out of

Flanderis fra duk de Alua, wes tane and put in captivitie, the faid fer-

vand for the tranfporting of gold fra the laid duke in ane frear of feggis, m conteinand v lib. ; and the faid Mr Archibald convoyit the fame to

the caflell of Edinburgh. The faid Mr Archibald and his feruand con- fo. 107. fpyrit the flauchter of James erle of Mortoun, for the faid feruand fhould

fchote him with ane dag, bot his peice faillit and niifga. The faid Mr

Archibald wes put in captivitie in Lochlevin, and the faid Thomas

Bynning his feruand wes delyuerit to the merfchall of Bervick his fer-

uand at his defyre.

The lame nycht certane of the men of Leith come to Reftalrig, and

tuik out of the ambalTatouris lugeing ane of his feruands, quha had brocht

gold fra the quene of this realme, now prefent captivie in Ingland ; and

within few dayes delyuerit agane to the ambaffatour the faid gold to

Edinburgh faif.

Vpoun the xvj, thair wes ane horfman in Edinburgh, callit Dauid

Armeftrang, [and]] George Johneftoun, feruitouris to Alexander lord

Home, Dauid Carruderes and Walter Trumbill beand tane the xv day

be the men of Leith, wer acculit in Leith for certane crymes, as being

in Striueling the regentis flauchter, at and the burneing of Dalkeith ; for the quhilk thaj wer condamnit and hangit. Thair wes ane tumult

in Leith for the faid Walter Trumbill, for the maifter of Ruthven wald

haue faint his lyff, bot the futemen wald nocht fuffer the fame. The

quenis lieutennentis perfewand that by and attour mony writtingis, thaj

thocht thaj wald not thoill this wrang, as hanging of tane men, burne-

ing of poore folk on the cheik, and that of thair awne natioun, paft 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 293

immediatlie to the tolbuyth of Edinburgh, and efter fex houris at evin

accufit Archibald Dowglas, alias callit Archie Glen, feruitour to Johne

Bannatyne of Auchnoule juftice dark, and four vther fiiddartis quhilk

wer tane of befoir, for thair treflTounable ryding and weiring of armes

aganis the quene and hir lieutennentis, and for airt and pairt of the

burnyng of the laird of Pharnyherft his cornis ; for the quhilk thaj wer

condempnit and hangit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh.

It wes ane havie matter to fhaw the oppreffioun done be the pairtie

in Leith to the poore commounis about Edinburgh, quha caufit the haill

inhabitaris of the Cannogait to flit and come to Leith. And quhen thaj come thairto, thaj wairdit the maift ritche men, becaus thaj refuiffit to pay ane ftent to the regent. And als all inhabitouris within twa myles to Edinburgh wer conftranit to leave thair houffis and lands, to that

effect Edinburgh fould haue na furneiffing, and damnit poore men and women to the deid for inbringing of vicStuallis to Edinburgh.

Vpoun the day of Apryle, thair wes ane weir f'chipe paft out of the fchoir of Leith, weill furniiliit with artalgerie, to afleige the caltell

fo - 107 b - of Blaknes, bot thaj being lying thairat, wer drawin out of that pairt - throw the tempeft of winds, and fuftenit greit danger.

Vpoun the xxj day, the faid Mr Carteir [Carie] to the caltell of

Edinburgh convoyit be Johne lord Harreis, to tak his leive be relfon he wes fend for to Ingland.

The fame day thair wes ane minifter hangit in Leith, and borne to jybbit, becaus he wes birfit with the buttis. The principall caus wes, that he faid to the erle of Mortoun, that he defendit ane vnjuft caus, and that he wald repent quhen na tyme wes to repent. And quhen he wes requyrit be quhome he wes commandit to fay the famyne, he an- fuerit and faid, be the halie fpreit.

Wpoun the 22 day, the faids ambaffatouris of Ingland paft of Reftalrig to Beruik, towart Londoun. 29* DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

Wpone the xxiiij at evin, efter the watche wes fet, thair come certane

fuddartis out of the abbay to the nethir bow of Edinburgh, and fchote

thair culveringis ; fome of the tounis fuddartis fchot furth, and chacit thame to the abbay, quhair thair wes fevin fiane with fwords, and neuer

ane fiane or hurt with artalgerie ; and of the tounis fuddartis, findrie

hurt with ftaffis in thair outcuming of the invar clofe of the faid abbay. Wpoun the xxv day at evin, certane fuddartis of Edinburgh wnder the charge of capitane Skowgall, to the nomber of xxx, being paffand

to the Blaknes in purpois to haif paft to Adanie Gordoun, brother to

George erle of Huntlie, wer tane be fum of the horfmen of Leith ; and

efter thair wappinis wer randerit, thaj flew of thame xv, and tuik thair

lieutennent Patrik Quheit and ferjand Smyth, quha wer evill hurt, and or

thaj come to the toun of Leith haid almoft loft thair lyif ; nevirtheles

thaj wer led to the jibbat and hangit without law. The reft come to Edinburgh.

Wpoun the faid day, the pairtie in Edinburgh paft to the Multrayes

in the hill befyid the toun, and thair hangit twa fuddartis that wes tane

of befoir, and gaiff ane vther his fyff at the requeift of the fecretar ; and

publi6tlie takand God to witnes that thaj did nathing bot compulfioun,

and that thaj wer conftranit to doe as thair enemies does to thame.

Vpoun the xxviij day, the fuddartis of Edinburgh, with certane horf-

men, paft out of Edinburgh to the new brig betuix and Corftorphin, to

haue brocht fome victuallis ; quhair the lairds of Corftorphin come on fo. 108. thame with fome fuddartis, of the quhilk twa wer fiane and twa tane,

with mony hurt ; and immediatlie efter thair incuming to the toun, paft

to Multras hill and thair hangit the faids tua fuddartis. The fame nycht,

the fuddartis of Leith come to the faid hill and cuttit doun the deid men,

and als diftroyit the growand tries thairabout quhairon the fuddartis wer

hangit. Thir warres wer callit amang the peopill the Dowglas wearres.

The fame day, thair wes ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 295

Edinburgh, makand mentioun that Mr Robert Maitland dene of Abir- dene, ane of the i'enatouris of the college of juftice, Mr Hendrie An- derfone [Edward Henry ton ?] doctour of the lawis, Mr Clement Littill and Alexander Sim, aduocattis, commiflaris of Edinburghe, Johne

Johneftoun clerk, Mr George Sinclare confirmar of the teftamentis, and

Duncane Levingftoun cottar, wes prefent in Leith partakaris with the king and rebel'.is to the quene and hir lieutennentis, thairfoir difchairgit thame of thair offices in that pairt for euer, and conftitute and ordanit

Mr James Quheit and fum aduocattis commiffaris of the laid burgh, and

Mitchell Marjoriebankis thair clerk, and thaj to fitt and minifter juftice to thame that requyrit the famin in the quenis name. Bot thaj gott aither littill or nathing adoe.

The houffis and ludgeings that wer diftroyit in Edinburgh this moneth foirfaid, wer Mr Johne Preftonis hous, and Johne Ramfayes adjacent in Fofterfwynd, and Robert Watfonis thair ; the timber of the quhilk wes fauld to be fyre, and wyit in the tolbuith of Edinburgh, xij pence the ftane ; and for inlaik of the quhilk and victuallis, thair paft mony houlbaldaris out of Edinburgh to Leith.

Wpoun the third day of Maij, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid in

Leith, that na perlbun nor perfonis that tranlportit thamefelf out of

Edinburgh fen mertymes, remayne in Leith without ane licence grantit to thame be the regent, vnder the pane of hanging of the man, drown- yng of the woman, and burning of the barnes in the cheik.

Vpoun the v day, the cumpany of Edinburgh paft furth and feigit

Merchingftoun ; quha wan all the pairtis thairof except the dunceoun, quhilk in the wes certane fuddartis in Leith ; the haill houffis wes

Ipoulgeit and brunt, to haue iinokit the men of the dungeoun out ; but

the cuntrie feand the fyre, raife with the pover of Leith and put the

men of Edinburgh thairfra without flauchter, bot fyndrie hurt.

The fame day, Mr Carie, ambaffatour for the quene of Ingland, come 296 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572

out of Berwik with fex horfmen to the caftell of Edinburgh, and that

nycht paft to Leith.

In this mene tyme wes Hand in Ingland the conftablis fone in Pareis fo. 108. b. of France, and monheur Lacrok, ainbaffatouris for the king of France,

for delyuering of the quene of Scotland now captiue in Ingland, and

this nocht allanerlie in the king of France his name, hot als in all

criftiane king-is name.

The fext day, the fuddartis of Edinburgh fet in fyre Mr Archibald

Grahmes hous, befyid the eift end of the fouth loche in the burrowmure.

Wpoun the tent day, capitane Skougall depairtit at the plefour of

God, of ane hurt quhilk he got at the foirfaid ieige of Merchingftoun,

and eirdit in Sancl Geillis kirk gaird in Edinburgh with great trivmphe.

Vpoun the xiij day, thair wes tua men and ane woman hangit in

Welter Edmonfloun, for bringing of leikis and fait to Edinburgh. This

wes done without avife of the lordis, bot quhen thaj got knowlege thaj

wer verie grittumlie commovit at the burgeffis of Edinburgh, quha wes

the caus heirof.

The famyne day, thair come ane Inglis poft to Edinburgh and fyne to

Leith, to l'eik ane licience to ane Frenche and Inglis ambaffatour to

of baith the pairties, him [cum] thairto ; quhilk he obtenit and depairtit

thairwith to Ingland.

Vpoun the xvij day, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid in Leith, that

nane tuik vpoun hand to truble or moleft the faids ambaffatouris outlier

in word or deid, quha ar to cum for treitment of vnitie betuix the tua

pairties now prelent in Edinburgh and Leith.

Wpoun the xviij day, monheur Lacrok ambaffatour for the king of

France, with fex horfe in tryne, and fchir Williame Drowrie ambaffatour

for the quene of Ingland, with xv horfe in tryne, come to Leith out of

Beruik ; at quhais cuming the artalgerie thairof fchote. The faid monheur

Lacrok wes lugeit in Leith, and the faid vther ambaffatour in Edinburgh. 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 297

Vpoun the xx day, the faid monfieur Lacrok fend ane trumpetour to

the toun of Edinburgh for monfieur Warlok, [Verac] quhilk wes tane

out of Sanclandrois foirfaid, at quhaia command he depairtit to Leith.

Vpoun the xxj day, the faid monfieur Lacrok and "VValrok depairtit out of Leith to Reftalrig, quhair the faid fchir Williame Drowrie come

with thame, on the north fyid of Edinburgh, to the caftell of the famyne ; at quhais cuming the haill artalgerie of the caftell and toun fchote ;

the fuddartis Hand betuix the well port and the ovirbow ; the inhabi-

taris of the toun in ane haill knot at the butter trone in feir of weir ;

the capitane of the caftell put the faids ambalfatouris at the nethir geit

and convoyit thame in the caftell, quha efter lang commoning the lordis,

depairtit the fame nycht to Leith.

The fame nycht, the fuddartis of Leith met togidder, and paft quietlie '& 109> to Weftnydrie perteining to my lord Seytoun, to have gottin the famyne,

quhilk wes promittit to haue bene betrayit and delyuerit be ane luddart

thairin, quhilk wes vnder the chairge of capitane Skougall. This faid

fuddart fchew the haill maner to the capitane and fuddartis being thair

with him, and bad thame beare quheit quhill the tyme thaj ledderit the

wallis. At the quhilk tyme the pairtie without, fettand to thair leddaris,

and mony fuddartis thairon to haue clume the faid caftell, thair being

great giftis hyngand about the heid of the wallis be towis, quhilk wes

cuttit be the pairtie thairin, and lattin fall on thame clymmand ; be the quhilk thair wes greit llauchter to the nummber of xvij, and xv lamit, and the reft chacit to Corftorphine.

At this tyme wes ane cungie diuifit and cungeit in Dalkeith of filuer, quhilk wes half merk peices and xl pennie peices, being bot flycht, and

vj pennies fyne layit money ; on the ane fyid the lyoun, togidder with this fubfcriptioun following thairabout ; jacobvs dei gratia rex scoto-

kum ; and on the vther fyd ane croce, in maner of the auld plackis, with this infcriptioun ; salvvm fac popvlvm tvvm dne. 1572. a p 298 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1*572.

and proclamit in Leith to haue paflage throw the realme as fufficient

and laufull money, vnder the paines contenit in the act of parliament.

The famyne having the caus in Edinburgh, and as wes alledgit con-

tirfeit in the caftell of Edinburgh, for keiping of the fynit money cun-

geit of befoir, quhilk wes bocht in Leith, the xxx s. peice for xxxij s.

the xx s. peice for xxj s. and the x S. peice for x s. vj pennies, quhilk

wes brokin and tane furth of the realme. And the pairtie of Edinburgh

perfawand, wald cungie na mair thairof.

Vpoun the xxvij day of Maij, the merfchaell of Beruik come out of

Reftalrig to the caftell of Edinburgh, to treat fum buffines, and thair-

efter paft to Reftalrig ; monfieur Lacrok, as wes allegit, haldin in cap-

tiuitie in Leith, and to be put in Lochlevin captiue, vnto the tyme

thaj obtenit thair will of the toun of Edinburgh. This wes not done without the counfell of Inglifmen, be refloun of the great hungar

in Edinburgh. Wpoun the tuantie audit day, Johne lord Flemyng come out of France

to Scotland, and landit at the weft feyis, quha brocht meikill money with

him. The fauouraris of the quene wes ay awantand of the filuer, bot

not of men ; and quhen thaj gat the fame, thaj culd not fpair the poore

luddartis wages, but fufferit thame to fteill away ane and ane to Leith,

for great hungar thaj haid. a. ion. b. Vpoun the day of Maij, the erle of Northumberland, Inglifman,

was delyuerit out of Lochlevin to the quene of Ingland feruands, quha

wes convoyit be fum Scottis men to Berwick, and thane tane to Lon-

doun. The quhilk wes done for the lowme of ten thoufand pund, quhilk

wes delyuerit to the erle of Mar regent, and erle of Mortoun, quha

mycht haue haid fra the faid erle xviij 00 pundis, to haue reiftanit in

Lochlevin at thair command. This fait wes done for fum vther caus nor

we know, to the great lchame of this realme, to fteale fa noble a man ane

prefonar, gea, that come in this realme for faiftie of his lyff; quha wes 1572- IN SCOTLAND. 299 lone efter his cuming to Londoun lieidit, quarterit and drawin. This laid erle wes lang of befoir put to the borne, for fortifieing and defend- ing of vmquhile James erle of Murray, and the faid erle of Mortoun, the tyme thaj wer banilit of Scotland be vmquhile the king, and quene now captive in Ingland, and put thame faif in Scotland. Juge £e thairfoir his reward.

In this mene tyme wes the victuallis deir and leant in Edinburgh ; and thair wes many of thrittie men mylnes that grand quheit, malt

and aittis ; the aill x d. the poynt, the carcage of beifF xij li. the peck of meill viij s. the fait iij s. the peck, the quheit v 5. the peick, the peick of peis v s. vj d. the heir iij s. vj d.

Thir ar the houffis that wer diftroyit this nioneth ; to wit, Mr James

Watfonis hous in the fifche mercat, the erle of Maris now prefent regent lugeing in the kowgait, Mr Johne Preftonis in the frierwynd, Dauid

Kinloch baxteris houfe in Dalgleifch clofs, Helene Achefonis hous thairin, and Mr Dauid M'Gill his lugeing in Francis Tennentis cloifs.

Vpoun the vj day of Junij, at xij houris at evin, George lord Seytoun, with xl horiinen and lum hagbuttaris paft furth of Edinburgh to Nidrie, quhairfra capitane James Bruce paft to the peill of Levingftoun.

Vpoun the fevint day, Mr Carie, ambaffatour for the quene of Ing- land, paft to Beruik haiftilie, and that becaus ane of his fervands wes dung in Leith be the luddartis thairin.

Vpoun the viij day, capitane Johne Smyth handfengie to Trottar, and fo. no. capitane James Oliphant, handfengie to Maling, quha wes as faid is tane at Jedburgh, togidder with wther tua luddartis, wes delyuerit to Edin- burgh, for vther four quhilk wes delyuerit out of Edinburgh to Leith, and fra this tyme furth hanging of tane men on baith fydis wer difchargit.

Wpoun the tent day, the maift pairt of the horfmen and futemen in

Leith paft and raid to aflaige Nydrie. The haill cumpany of Edin- burgh, baith toun men and vther men, paft to Merchingftoun with ane 300 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

cannoune and ane double mynioun, with the quhilk thaj peircit the

wallis thairof. The horfmen rydand about Braid and vtber places

thairabout, brocht to the toun xl heid of nolt, greit and fmall ; and in

the mene tyme, tbaj beand at fpeiking with the hous on the randering

thairof, the cuntrie about Muffelburgh and vtberis pairtis being warnit, come throw the Windie goule to the Burrowmure, and by the merchis

thairon, quhair thaj hoverit the toun ; and fuddartis of Edinburgh fear-

ing that, left the hous, and fend the cannone to the toun, followand on

thame, and chacit thanie throw the Windie goule, and paft doun Sandl-

marie wynd to win betuix thame and Leith. The laid cuntrie men re-

maynit at the querrell hoillis abone the abbay, quhair the regent come out of Leith and met thame, quha fchote dilpytfullie the pairtie of Edin-

burgh without. We ruchit on thame, and incontinent thairefter gaif

bakis and fled, cafland thair wappinis fra thame for haift to win the

toun of Edinburgh, all becaus thair wes fum of the horfmen wes come

with my lord Mortoun fra Nydrie to the faid eft'ecl. Thair wes Turn

llauchter on baith fyddis, 4 of Leith and 5 of Edinburgh, with xv bur-

geffis and craftifmen of Edinburgh tane to Leith, and tua of Merchin-

ftonis fuddartis tane. The leiving of the hous of Merchingfloun wes

capitane Hew Lauder, callit ferjand majour ; becaus the capitane thairof marijt the faid Hew his fiflar ; and als wes fufpectit of the fkaith the toun men gott at this chaifs, becaus he promittit in hechting to caus the toun men doe or die ; bot he wes hurt at this chaifs ; and als George

erle of Huntlies horfs wes flane wnder him, be ane fchote that come out

of the palice of Halyrudhous.

Vpoun the xiij day, at tua houris in the mornyng, thair come to

Edinburgh fra Weft Nydrie, xl laidis of meill, quhilk wes put in the tolbuyth to mak mercat of. The lame day, Thomas Merfchelfoun merchand, James Dalgell mer-

chand, and Alexander Foufie cramer, fchir William e Nicki e proveft, [preift] ;

1572. IN SCOTLAND. 301

Alexander Bow and Johne Mittok cordonar, burgeflis of Edinburgh,

quha wes tane in Leitb, at this laft chad's, wes accufit in Leith for di-

flru6lioun of the policie of Edinburgh be the burgeflis now prefent in

Leith ; the preift accufit for faying of mefs, quha wes condamnit be ane

aflyfe, and thairefter hangit ; the reft wer fuperceidit.

Vpoun the xv day, George lord Seytounis men, quha brocht the meill

foirfaid to Edinburgh, wer tane pafland to Nydrie be James Foullis of

Collingtoun, and delyuerit to the laird of Corftorphin.

The fame nycht, the laird of Armhill wes tane out of his bed, and

tane to Nydrie be the faid lord Seytouns feruandis ; and als wes tane

xl travellaris fervandis to the laird of Refurries, quha wes pafland to

Leith for to by meill, and put in prefoun in Nydrie, and all thair money tane fra thame.

Vpoun the xv day, Dauid Kinlochis lugeing on the foirgaitt wes dif- troyit, becaus it wes notoriouflie knawin that he and Adame Fullartoun wes the haill inftrument of the doun putting of the men hangit foirfaid.

And this day the foirfaid meill wes maid mercat of in this maner : ilk cumpany of fuddartis four punds, and ilk hous halder in Edinburgh ane peick, fauld for iiij s. vj d. ; the aill wes fauld for 12 d. fum for fourtene penneis, and vther fum for xvj d. the pynt.

Vpoun the xviij day, thair come fra Nydrie wefter xvj laid of meill to

Edinburgh, quhilk wes bocht [brocht] be the faid laird of Lochinvaris

[Lochnoreis] fervands aganis thair will, thair fold for ix s. the peck xj vnce of quheit bread gaif 8 d. and bappis of nyne for xij d. quhilk wes fauld be Williame Paterfoun baxter, and a lyk ftuff.

The fame day at xj houris, the horfmen of Edinburgh brocht thairto x vij" and xij fcheip goung and auld, quhilk wes delt amangis the horf- men and futemen.

And at audit houris, the laid horfmen and the haill futemen of Edin- burgh paft to Alexander Pereis hous, callit the draik myre, beyond Mer- 302 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. chingiloun, and brocht to Edinburgh xxvij laid of quheit and beir, togid- der with ane hundryth burding or mae, quhilk pertenit to the faid Alex- ander, with mony geifs and cochill foules ; and nocht (as wes allegit) without the faid Alexanders will.

Wpoun the xxj day, thair wes ane proclamatioun in Leith, command- and all maner of man in Edinburgh to come furth, with bag and bag- gage, and pas quhair thaj pleifit without moleflatioun, notwithftanding thair remayning hes bein the greit occafioun of cummeris, and this li- cience to left to the xxiiij day in the mornyng, to all men to pas and repas. In the quhilk fpace, many paft out of Edinburgh, and na hurt maid be the pairtie of Edinburgh in thair paffing. The faids perfonis that depairtit, wer within lex dayes vncourteouflie hangit, baith in thair body and goods.

Vpoun the xxiij daye, Johne erle of Mar regent, paft ovir the watter, to haue paft to Striueling, to prepair for the raid foirfaid to be maid on

Clyd, quhilk wes haililie left woyd be the inhabitaris thairof, and tyrit be thair felffis. Thair wes diftroyit at this raid the haill fruittis

about Hamiltoun and Boddelhaughe, with kill and barne ; and my lord Sempill put in the pallace of Paflay with ane cumpany of i'uddartis ; and he wes namit lieutennent in the weft for the pairt of the king.

Vpoun the faid xxiij day in the nycht, Andro Ker of Pharnihirft come with his fone and air to Pharnihirft.

Vpoun the laid day, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to all maner of maltmen, to fell na deirar malt nor xx s. the boll or [of] cheritit malt, and the aill four viij penneis the poynt, vnder the payne of efcheitting of thair goods. Afoir this pro- clamatioun the aill wes fauld for xvj d. the pynt. This proclamatioun did na fteid, bot maid the drink fcanter in the faid toun. Vpoun the xxvj day, Johne Lord Flemyng come to Edinburgh, ac- cumpa nyitwith xxx horfs. 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 303

Vpoun the xxvij day, capitane James Bruce and James Halkerftoun come to Edinburgh with xx laid of meill, and with great carriage of butter and cheis, and fyndrie kynd of foullis. The fame nycht, at nyne houris at evin, capitane Wauchope and his fuddartis patt of Edinburgh to Nydrie, convoyit with lxxx horfmen, quha pall ovir the wattir to Abirdene.

Vpoun the penult day, in the mornyng, xxiiij of the horfmen return-

and to the faid toun of Edinburgh with xl oxin and vtheris fmall goodis,

wes perfewit be Patrik Home in the Heucht, capitane to the regentis

lichthorfmen, with his horfmen, to the nowmer of four fcoir ; notwitk-

ftanding thaj dryvand of the goods and haldand of the laid regentis horf-

men quhill thaj come to Merchingltoun, quhair the fuddartis thairof

ilhit furth, and perforce drew the goodis abaik, the laid xxiiij horfmen

of Edinburgh haueand no refuge, lichtit and faucht creuallie, quhill thaj

wer relevit be the futemen of Edinburgh. Thair wes llane at this raidfo. in. b.

the capitane Home, Patrik Home of Polwart, and foure vther gentil-

men, tua tane, and mony hurt, and neuir ane of the horfmen of Edin-

burgh llane, bot fum hurt, and ane fute fuddart llane of the wall of

Merchingltoun. The houffis that wer diltroyit that moneth in Edin-

burgh for laik of fyre, wer Johne Frear merchand, Charles Studeman

cuik at the cannogait port, vmquhile Matho Kennoth flefliour thair,

Harie Barrell flelheour in Befwynd, James Joufie merchand in Lintonis

cloifs, and Andro Skleatter. The lieutennentis to the quene difchargit

that na hous fould be diftroyit in the foirgaitt heirefter.

Vpoun the third day of Julij, Archibald Naper of Imbillie [Edin-

bellie] knycht, wes fummond to haue compeirit befoir the quenis lieu-

tennentis and hir counlale, the vij of this inllant, wnder the payne of

rebellioun and putting of him to the borne.

Vpoun the fourt day, Mr Carrie, Inglifman, come out of Ingland to

Iteltalrig. 304 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

Wpoun the fyft day, thair come xv fuddartis, Frenfchmen, fra Leith, quha wes tane be the men of Leith in ane weir fchip, and wer caufit ferue aganis thair will. Thaj paffand throw the toun to the caftell about the tolbuyth, met Johne lord Fleming-, and throw greit blythnes fchote

laid hurt be the thair wollie ; and be the laft manis peice the lord wes fkalpis of the ftanis in baith thair leigis. Thair wes nathing in his peice bot paper and powder allanerlie.

Vpoun the fyft, betuix ane and tua in the mornyng, Adame Gordoun, brother to George erle of Huntlie, and lieutennent to the quene in the north, beand cuming to Brechin, quhair the erle of Buchane, lieutennent c in the north for the [tyme] being, with the nowmar of iij horfmen on the wech out with the toun, war chefit to Brechin be the faid Adame. xx Thair wes flane at this chace xxxix horfmen, and ix and ten tane.

The lordis and gentilmen wan away be changing of horfs. And efter this viclorie, the faid Adame pall to the kirk of Brechin, and made his devotioun, thankand God of his viclorie be the fpace of ane hour.

Thairefter he caufit bring befoir him all the haill preffonaris (quha be- lewit nathing bot deid), and faid to thame in this maner : My freinds and brethren, haue in remembrance how God hes grantit to me vidlo- rie and our hand in gow, grantand me the fame vand and fching to puneifs gow, quhairwith my vmquhile father and brother wer puneift at the Bank of Fair ; and fince lyne, of the great llauchter maid on the quenis grace trew fubjeclis, and maift filthilie of the hanging of my fuddartis heir be the erle of Lennox ; and fince lyne, be the hanging of ten men in Leith, with vther wnlawfull ac~lis done contrair the lawis thair dominioun, as ge ar of amies ; and douts nocht gif I wer vnder vnder myne, that I fould die the deith maift crewallie. git notwith- ftanding, my good brethren and cuntriemen, be nocht affrayit, nor feir nocht, for at this prefent ge fall incure na danger of gour bodies, bot falbe treatit as brethrine ; and fall doe to go^ efter the commandment 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 305

of God, in doing gow good for evil], forgetting the crewaltie done to

the quene and hir faithfull fubjeelis, and reffavand gow as hir faithfull

fubie6lis in tymecuming. Quha promittit to doe the lame, and for

i'uritie heirof ilk ane fand fouertie.

Efter the quhilk the regent pall haiftilie out of Striueling to Dundie,

chargeand all maner of man to follow him with xx dayes vidluallis, on

the faid Adame Gordoun. Bot thair wald neuer ane man in thaj pairtis

obey the chairge, be relfoun of the band maid of befoir, and of the

great gentilnes of the laid Adame.

Wpoun the tent day, Johne lord Sempill, with ane cumpany of lud-

dartis, beand cum out of Hamiltoun to the wod thairof, to tak and ap-

prehend poore folkis geir that wes hid thairin, wer chacit to the faid c palice be Claud Lord Hamiltoun, to the nowmer of iij horfs. In this ehace wes flane xlij, and xiiij tane. The laid Claud remanit about the place, and fend for ma of the cuntrie, to hald thame thairin, becaus

thaj wantit victuallis.

Wpoun the xij day, Mr Carie, Inglifman, ambaffatour foirfaid, come to the caftell of Edinburgh, and returnit the fame nycht to Leith.

Wpoun the faid day, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid in all pairtis of the eift, chargeing all maner of men to addres thame in feir of weir, with ane moneths vi6tuallis, the xviij of this inftant, to ly about Edin- burgh, vnder the pane of tinfell of land, lyff and goods.

Wpoun the xiij day, the haill inhabitaris of the Lennox, and all vtheris thair partakaris come with great furneiffing to the palice of Hamiltoun, and depairtit agane without hurt.

Wpone the xiiij day, ane proclamatioun wes maid at the Cannogait croce, in the kingis name, chargeing all inhabitaris within the abbay and Raf- tallrig to pas out of the fame within xxiiij houris efter the charge, vnder the pane of deid, to that effect that fuddartis mycht be placit thairin.

The fame day-monlieur Lacrokis guid fone come out of France to 2 Q 306 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

Leith, with ane new coniraiffioun fra the king of France and quene of

Ingland, as poft diligent.

Vpoun the xv day, the king of France and quene of Inglands ambaf- fadors, togidder with the faid poll, gaif in thair petitioun to the regent and counfale in Leyth, quhilk wes to requyre thame with certane ab-

ftinence ; hot thaj gaif in haiftie anfuer, bit tuik maner to adwyfe thair-

on j and that fame nycht thaj paft to [fra] Leith.

Wpoun the xvij day, the laird of Tullibardin come out of Leith to

Edinburgh, to fpeik the l'aids lordis, and thairefter depairted to Leith.

Wpoun the xix day, the faids Frenche men and Inglis ambaflatour

come out of Leith to Edinburgh, to requyre ane anfuer to thair foirfaid

petitioun. The lieutennentis and lordis of the quene referrit thair caus

in the king of France and the quene of Inglands will, and quhat the

faids ambaffatouris wald command thame to doe in thair name, to vnder-

ly the fame ; and efter the obtenyng of this anfuer, depairtit to Leith.

Wpoun the xxij day, being the Magdalen day, the faids ambaflatouris

obtenit the felf fame anfuer of the regent and lordis of Leith, partakeris

for the king, and in the mene tyme grantit twa monethis abltinence.

And the fame day the faids ambaffatouris come to the caftell of Edin- burgh, and confirmit the farnyne with thame.

Afoir this day, thair wes ane great darth and fcantnes of vidluallis in

Edinburgh, quhilk caufit the men of weir fteill away to Leith for hun-

gar. The meill gaif xij fhillingis the peck ; the peck of fait xij fhil-

lingis ; the boll of quheit x pundis ; the boll of malt x pundis ; the

carcage of beif xvj pundis ; the fcheij} bouk iiij merkis, and verrie littil

to be gottin on this pryce. And the faniyne day efternone, the vi6luallis

quhilk wes keipit to ane darth wes brocht to Leith and fauld, the meill

for v fhillingis the peck, the fait v fhillingis, the boll of malt vj pundis,

and verie meikill bread baikin, that it that wes fauld for xvj penneis

wes fauld for fex penneis, the muttoun bouk xx fhillingis. Thanks to God. ;

1572. IN SCOTLAND. 307

In this mene tyme, Andro Ker of Pharnyhirft, lieutennent for the quene in the foutli, hangit ten burgeffis of Jedburgh, and als brint and diftroyit thair elding about the toun.

Vpoun the xvij day, being Sonday, thair wes ane proclamatioun in the quenis name at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, commandand and chargeand all maner of perfonis within the faid burgh not to diftroy nor tak doun any hous or tymber thairof, vnder the payne of deid, &c.

Befoir the proclamatioun, thir ar the names of the houffis that wer f . 113.

caftin doun for inlaik of fyre : the laird of Hattonis bak lugeing on the

Leith fyid of the croce ; the laird of Collingtonis hous in Forreftaris wynd wes half tirrit, and flayit be the lordis ; Patrik Schangs hous in

the hie gaitt foirnent the Freiar wynd heid ; James goung cutlar, on

the bak fyid thairof; Andro Henryfone anent the Stinking ftyle

George Strang at the Ovirboll ; Johne Sympi'onis merchand in Peiblis

wynd ; Johne Stoddartis thair ; Johne Carnoehane thair ; Johne Ache-

fone merchand in Nydries wynd, evill handlit within, and flayit be compo-

c litioun ; Mr Robert Puchartfonis lugeing thair, and Mr James M Gillis

lugeing at the Mufe wall. The nowmer of the houffis that wer caftin

doun in Edinburgh wer xxxij or thairby, with findrie fmall houffis.

Wpoun the faid xxvij day, the faids ambaffatouris come to Edinburgh

at aucht in the mornyng, and efter xij houris depairtit to Leith.

The fame day the haill artailgerie in Edinburgh, about the wallis, on

the fteipill heid of Sandtgeill and Kirk of feild, wer tane to the caftell

of Edinburgh ; and ficlyk the artailgerie of Leith wer tane of the wallis

thairof, and tranfportit in the kingis werk.

Vpoun the xxix day of the faid moneth, the faid monfieur Lacrok,

anibaffatour for the king of France, and Mr Drawrie ambaffatour for the

quene of Ingland, depairtit out of Reftalrig to Edinburgh, and returnit

thairto the fame nycht.

Vpoun the penult day, the faids ambaffatouris come to Edinburgh 308 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

out of Reflalrig, at vj houris at evin come to the croce of Edinburgh,

with the lordis being in Edinburgh for the tyme, quhilk wes coverit maift

honourablie with tapeflrie, and proclamit this proclamatioun following be

found of trumpettis and heraulds with thair coattis of armour : We, the

noble men of the realme of Scotland vnderfubfcryvand, followand the

inftance and exhortation that the ambaflatouris of the mail! criftian king

of France and the quenis majeftie of Ingland makis vnto ws,for our felffis,

our affiftaris, partakaris and fie as depend on ws, be the tennour heirof

fueris and promeiffis ane ceffatioun and abftinence from hoftilitie betuix

ws and our aduerfaris that prefentlie be in armes aganis ws, thair afiiil-

aris, partakaris and fie as depend on thame, to begin this prefent day,

and to indure quhill tua monethis be fully outrun ; during the quhilks

we obleilT ws, and promeiff that with all finceritie and furitie the

faid abftinence of weir and cefiatioun from hoftilitie fall continew ; and

fa fone as may be, that the nobilitie and eftaittis of this realme fall

afTemble and advyfe to rander the realme peceable, and eftableifche

ane good and ane generall peace, quhilkis with tbair cumpanyis falbe [in

full] furitie in thair cuming to the place, remanyng or returneing thair-

fra, during the laid fpace of tua monethis. And that fa [haly] ane

wark be nocht retardit, we accord that during the trewis and abftinence,

[twa, thre, foure or fyve,]] ma or fewar, of athir pairtis may [commu-

nicat] togidder in all furitie, in fie place as falbe aggreit vpoun, to

oppin vp the meanis for the mair facill attenyng to ane good peace.

And gif it chancis, quhilk God forbid, that at the affemblie of the faids

lordis of nobilitie and eftait, the faids peax and reconciliatioun may nocht

be concludit, we be the tennour heirof for our pairtis, referris the dif-

ferences betuix ws, [als weill of the abftinence as of the peax ar con- ferrit,] to the arbitrament of the maift criftiane king of France and quenis majeftie of Ingland, and promilfis faith on our honouris, to ac- cept [and hald] the conditionis concernyng the peace [and abftinence] 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 309 quhilk thair majefties fall propone to ws, provyding that the [abftinence or pacificatioun that may follow thairupoun, on na wyes tuitche the

king our fouerane lord, or his eflaitt to the preiudice thairof, and that

the] perfonis heirefter exceptit be fubjec~t to the jugement and execu-

tioun of the law, the faid abftinence notwithftanding : thai ar to fay,

James lumtyme erle of Bothuile, Johne [James] Ormeftoun fumtyme

of that ilk, Patrik Hepbume lumtyme of Beinftoun, Patrik Willbun

fumtyme fervand to the faid erle, James Hamiltoun fumtyme of

Boithuellhauch, Johne Hamiltoun [fumtyme proweft of Bothuile,] his broder, with the haill theiffis and brokin men of the bordouris, inhabit- aris thairof and of the Hielands, difturbaris of the public! peax betuix this realme and Ingland, and oppreffouris of the peceabill fubje6lis of this realme. Provyding alwayes that fo many of the faid bordoraris or hieland

men as lies tane pairt with any of the pairties, be not during the abftinence

perfewit for thingis bypaft [of] it thaj haue done at the commandement of aither pairtie. And we will promeis on our honouris, that we fall cover nane of thair faltis, bot onlie lie as hes bein direcllie done in our

gif the abftinence thaj doe wrang to querrell ; during any man, we confent for the fame thaj be puneift as apperteins ; and we feik for thame na impunitie for thair attemptatis committit aganis Ingland, bot wnder- ftands that thaj falbe [anfuerable] for the fame, conforme to the lawes

of the bordaris. And to the end [that] the fubjedtis of this realme may

[find] thamfelffis prefentlie [fumthing] difchargit of the burdeing of the weir, and may with the greater defyre imbrace the peace, quhen it iall ft. 114. pleis God to fend it, we aggrie that during the laid abftinence all the fubjeclis of this realme, of quhatfumevir qualitie or conditioun thaj be of, (except befoir exceptit,) may frielie and liberallie traphick, hant, lpeik and converfe togidder ower all the pairtis of this realme, ontrublit, mo-

leftit or impafchit ather in bodie or guids, be word or deid, in the lawis

or befyd the law [for thingis paft,] and takis our faids aduerfaris now 310 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

bearing amies aganis ws, thair affiftaris and partakaris, and fie as depends

on thame, mutual in our prote<5tioun, mentenyng and comforting faith-

fullie togidder ane another aganis all [iniurie] that may be done be ws

or ony that we promeis for, or be any of thame quha ar enemies to peax.

Mairower, to mak ane menis of the peax the mair [facill,] and that be

familiar communicatioun and converfatioun the hartis of thame that able

hes [bene] offendit maybe molefeit and inducit to forgett thingis that ar

paffit, be conferance to be haid with fum of our aduerfaris ; and thairefter

acknowlege that we are membaris of ane bodie, beand of ane cuntrie and

naturall Scottifmen, the converfatioun and communicatioun fall on

nawayes be forbiddine be ws to thame, bot promittis that with all liber-

tie ower all places, tounis and rowmes quhair euer it may be, provyd-

ing [that] the toun of Edinburgh be prefentlie and firft of all fett at fie

libertie as it wes [in befoir the king oure fouerane lordis guidfehir and

late regent departit furth of the fame, vpoun] the 27 day of Januar the

geir of God 1570 geris, and the caftell thairof to be keipit [with] na

it greater garifoune nor wes at that tyme ; [as alfwa all the] vther tounis

of this realme prefentlie be fett at fie libertie and be maid patent, fua

that na place thairof falbe withhaldin, fortifeit or garnifit, faiffand the

caftellis and fortreffis that of [all ancienitie] and befoir thir trublis hes

bene accuftumit to be fortifeit and gairdit ; and that be this mene all

men [or thair] feruands, without feir of weir or [violence may frelie enter and] duell in thair awne houffis as thai pleis induring thefaids trewis

and abftinence. And foriameikill as mony perfonis within this realme

hes induring thir trublis l'eifit thamefelffis in vther menis landis, quhair-

vpoune thair is prefentlie fru6lis that may be colledtit and won during the

faid abftinence, of the quhilk debait [may follow that may flop or hinder

the gude] and holie effecl; that is to be hopit of the laid peax, we thairfoir

accord and aggre,that thaj quhilk hes thefaids lands fall not preis to lift the

fpeciallie the cornis, but fall leive the ftakit in fo. in. b. faid fruit, and famyne heap 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 311 vpoun the laid feild or in the grange, vntuichit or difponit vpoun ony way quhill the end of the laid abitinence. And for obferving and fulfilling of all this abonefpecifeit, we obleil's ws vpoun our faithis and honouris, and be our i'olemnit aiths, and that we fall gar the haill be keipit be our felffis, our adherentis and partakaris with ws. In witnes heirof we haue fiibfcryvit thir prefentis with our hands at Edinburgh and Leith, the penult day of Julij 1572.

And efter the faid proclamatioun, the peice of ordinance fchott af the wall ; and immediatlie efter this, the pairtie of Leith pail to the fchyre and in lyikmaner maid publicatioun heirof; and in lyk maner thairefter thaj fchot thair ordinance. This beand done be the fuddartis of Leith, the pairties wer difchargit of waching, and of thair quarteris and guard houflis, quha oppinit the portis, and all men frie to pas and repas.

Wpoun the laft day, the burgeffis, craftil'men and fuddartis of Leith come with difplayit banar to Edinburgh, without any Hope or impedi-

c xx ment, to the nwmer of v hagbutteris and iij pettmen.

Wpoun the firfl day of Augult, Johne erle of Mar regent, James erle of Mortoun, Alexander maifter of Glencarne, Williame lord Ruth-

c ven, Johne lord Lindfay, with vtheris to the nowmer of ij horfmen, come out of Leith to Edinburgh, to remayne thairin for communica- tioun, conforme to the proclamatioun. And efter thair cuming, pall to the croce, and maid of new publicatioun of the proclamatioun foirfaid in the kingis name, quhilk caufit the inhabitaris remanaris in the toun to be vnder greit terrour and feir.

The famyne day, the faids ambaffatouris come fra Reftalrig to the

caftell of Edinburgh. Wpoun the fecund day, Mr Drowrie ambafladour Inglifman, am-

bafladour for the quene of Ingland, depairtit of Edinburgh to Beruik. The fame day, James duk of Chattellarault, lord Hamiltoun, George

erle of Huntlie, lieutennentis for the quene, and George lord Seytoun 312 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

c haill fuddartis, accumpanyit with depairtit of Edinburgh with the j horfs, to thair awne houffis. Wpoun the fourt day, monfieur Lacrokis guid fone paft of Edinburgh be land to France. Wpoun the fex day, the faid lord regent and haill horfmen part of

Edinburgh to Striueling.

In this mene tyme, the haill cumpany of the fuddartis that wer in

Leith wer placit in the burgeffis and craftifmens houffis that remanit, the tyme of the troublis, in Edinburgh, quhilk wes ane havie difplefour to thame.

Wpoun the xj day, monfieur Lacrok ambaffatour for the king of

France depairtit of the abbay of Halyrudhous to Striueling.

Wpoun the xviij day, thair wes ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, difchargeing quhatlumevir cungie that wes cungeit in the caftell the tyme of the cummeris, and that it fuld not haue the courfe of vfuall money, and to be efcheit quhair it may be apprehendit. Wpoun the xx day, the faid Frenche ambaflatour come out of Striue-

ling to the abbay of Halyrudhous.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, being San6l Bartolmois day, at iij houris in the mornyng, the duk of Geis maid at the command of the king of France ane greit flauchter on the congregatioun in Pareis, thaj beand all thair at ane conventioun with the king ; the admirall, efter he wes

ftickit, he wes harlit throw the toun, and thairefter hangit ; quhilk wes 00 ane havie caice to the nowmer of ij men, wyff and barnis. This wes

decreitit in the confall of Trent be thir perfonis following ; the paip,

the empres, the king of France, Spane, Portingall, the duk of Bauer, with mony vther grit men, and that neuer ane of that religioun left on

lyff quhair thaj mycht be apprehendit.

Wpoun the firft day of September, Johne lord Flemyng depairtit of

the caftell of Edinburgh to Biggar. 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 313

Wpone the fext day, the faid Johne [lord] Flemyng depairtit at the plefour of God. It wes laid that he wes poyfonit.

Wpoun the xiij day, Mr Killingravar, ambaflatour for the quene of Ingland, come out of Beruik to Leith.

Wpoun the xviij day, monfieur Lacroks guid lone come out of France

to Leith.

Wpoun the xxj day, monfieur Lacroks guid fone and the faid Inglis

ambaflatour come to the caftell of Edinburgh, and thair fpak the capi-

tane and lordis thairin, and thairefter depairtit to thair lugeingis, the

Frenchmen to Leith, and the Inglis to Dauid Forreftaris lugeing abone

the tolbuith.

Wpoun the xxij day, Johne erle of Mar, regent to the nobilitie in

that fa<5lioun, come to Leith out of Striueling.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, the erlis of Ergyle and Glencarne come out

of Leith to Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xxv day, the faid ambaflatour come to the caftell of Edin-

burgh, and thair intercommonit with the capitane, quha defyrit the men

of weir to be difchargit out of Edinburgh, and the merchands and craftis f . 115. b.

to reule and aggrie amang thamefelffis, as thaj wont of auld, quhilk wes

refuifit. The Frenche ambaffatouris defyrit baith the pairteis to be bund

to fortifie the king of France, quhilk wes refuifit be the regent and his

partakaris. The Inglis ambaffatouris requyrit, in lyikmaner, the forti-

ficatioun of the quene thair miftres, quhilk wes refuiffit be the caftell.

Wpoun the xxvj day, Johne erle of Mar regent, James erle of Mor-

toun, Alexander erle of Glencarne, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Archi-

bald erle of Angus, Alexander lord Lindlay, lordis Boyd, Ruthvene,

Ilarreis, Maxwell, abbottis of Dunfermling, Newbottill, togidder with

mony barronis, come out of Leith to Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xxvij day, the faidis ambaffatouris come out of Leith to

the tolbuvth of Edinburgh, and thair commonit with the lords quhome 2 R 314 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. to cum [quho cum] out of the caftell, Johne bifchope of Galloway, and

Mr James Balfour pryour of Pettinveme, as conimiflionaris for the quenis lieutennentis, togidder with Williame Eicling of Petadry, con-

ftable of the caftell of Edinburgh, quha gaif in thair petitioun following :

All the perfonis principallis of the caftell for thamefelfEs, the capitans that hes feruit or feruis thair fuddartis, and all vtheris that hes tane pairt with thame, defyris, be declaratour [of] parliament, to be difchargit of all crymes committit be thame, or ony of thame, fen the beginning of the

troublis ; and all a6lis, fentences, and proceflis quhatfumevir led aganis thame, outlier in parliament, befoir the regent and lords of counfall, the juftice or his deputtis, or ony vther juges, to be declarit null and of nane effedt ; and all proceflis writtingis thairanent to be cancellat and obliturat, and thaj to be enterit prefent to thair rowmes, heritages and pofleflionis ; and na perfone or perfonis injure or fclander thame for any caus or occafioun bygane, vnder the pane of deid.

Item, thaj defyrit ane dil'charge to the capitane of the intromiflioun with the jewell is and moveablis in the caftell.

Item, difcharge of all the commoun guids of Edinburgh intromettit with be thame.

Item, the caftell of Blaknes with fufficient artailgarie, prouiflioune for keiping thairof, and the geirlie rent for thair fuftentatioune.

Item, that the airis of the lord Flemyng and Wirmfoun, and vther that wer flane and deit in that caus, fould enter to thair heritage and rowmes, notwithftanding thair foirfaltour, and lykas thaj haid not bene foirfaltit.

Item, the hous of Home and Falfcaftell, with the lands and maynes thairof, and Coldinghame, to be delyuerit to my lord Home, and Johne commandatare of Coldinghame, and the quene of Ingland to mantene thame in inbringing thairof. Item, the capitane defyres xx00 merkis to be payit to him in money

to euerie his debtis. ;

1572. IN SCOTLAND. 315

Item, my lord Mortoun to rcnunce and giue ovir to the capitane the fuperioritie of the lands of Grange, and Tyrie land, within the bar- ronie of Abirdene.

Item, thaj defyre ane vther rowme lyand within the faid barro- nie, quhairvnto he allegis his prediceffouris to haue bene kyndlie tennents.

Item, thaj defyre the caftell of Edinburgh to be affignit and put in the hands of the erle of Rothes, and he to keip the famyne quhill the king be xvj geiris of aige, with the artailgerie and munitioune.

Item, thaj defyre licience to lb many as thaj think meitt, to pas to

France, or quhair thaj pleis.

Item, that the capitane may fend in ony of his to fpeik with the quene fociallie.

Item, ane difcharge of the fpoulgie of San6landrois.

Item, the capitane defyres my lord Glammis to renunce the lands of

Kinghorne, and fuperioritie thairof.

Item, for fulfilling of the premiffis, thaj defyre the erle of Rothes to be cautioun and fouertie, in maift ftraiteft maner, to bund as thaj fall devyfe.

And efter the reiding heirof, and the quhilk thaj remanit fra nyne in the mornyng quhill xij houris, and fra ij efternone quhill lex at evin, quhan thair wes nathing done, bot thocht beft and convenient to fend for the erle Huntlie, and new abftinence to be for viij dayes.

Wpoun the penult day, being Monday, thair wes ane proclamatioun

at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, niakand mentioun that the maift pairt

of the nobilitie haid convenit and willing to aggrie ; beleivand in God,

that gif the haill nobilitie wer convenit, that good appoyntment wald

proceid ; thairfoir ordyning ane new abftinence to be in the fame force

and effect quhill Monday nextocum, at fex houris in the mornyng

throw the quhilk beleivand the famyne fhould tak ane good end ; and 316 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. commandit all and findrie to keip the fame induring the faid fpace, vnder the pane of deid.

In the mene tyme, the theiffis maid great heirfchipps in the cuntrie on the poore commouns. Wpoun the thrid day of Odlober, thair wes ane proclamatioun maid at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, commandand and chargeand all and findrie liegis and fubjedlis, profefiburs of Chryftis evangell, of all the reformit kirkis within this realme, that thaj and euerie particular kirk, dire6l commiffionaris fufficientlie authorifit to the burgh of Edinburgh, or quhair the regent falbe for the tyme, the xx day of October inftant, to confult and deliberat vpoun fie eventouris, [materis and overtouris] and refilling of the furious rage and [lawles crweltie] of the bloodie and treffonable papiflis executouris of the terrible confall of Trent, and to [aduance] Gods glorie and trew religioun.

Wpoun the fyft day, ane new abflinence fra all hollilitie, to indure to the 9 day of this inftant, in the fame force and effecl; as of befoir. This done at the mercat croce of Edinburgh be found of trumpet.

Wpoun the vj day, monfieur Lacrok, with his good fone, depairtit of Leith to Beruik towartis France.

Wpoun the vij day, thair wes ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, makand mentioun of the greit heirfchipis that the theifis

haid maid, and makis daylie on the poore ; thairfoir ehargeing all and findrie, alfweill to burgh as to land, to meit my lord regent at Jedburgh the xxij of this inftant, with xx dayis vicluallis, to ryd vpone the thevis.

Wpoun the viij day of October, thair wes ane new abfiinence pro- clamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to indure quhill the vj day of

December nixtocum to that effect, in the mene tyme, that the nobilitie may confult on ane perpetuall peace.

Wpoun the tent day, Johne erle of Mar regent paft of Edinburgh to

Striueling, havie in hart, be reffoun he wes willing to haue grantit the 1.372. IN SCOTLAND. 317

foirfaids petitionis to the detenaris of the caflell of Edinburgh, and my

lord Mortoun wald not luffer the fame.

Wpoun the xviij day, Johne erle of Mar, Lord Erfkene, &c. regent

of this realme, deceiffit in the caftell of Striueling, at the plefour of

God. And in his lettre and teilament, he left the keiping of the kingis

grace and cailell of Striueling to Alexander his brother, maifter of

Erlkene, and the laird of Tillibarne. The maill caus of his deid wes

that he lufit peace, and culd nocht haue the fame. Wpoun the xx day of October, the miniflaris of Scotland, togidder

with the comnriilionaris of the haill kirk thairof, maid thir articles fol-

lowing, quhilk wes prefentit to the fecreit confall.

The affemblie of the kirk convenit at Edinburgh, according to the

proclamatioun, Firft, hes thocht expedient in fa far as this prefent conven-

tioun is inftitute to provyd remeid aganis the treffonable crweltie of the

papiftis, and to refift the famyne, to mitigat the wrath and indignatioun of

God, quhairby thaj ar lleirit vp aganis ws for our Cnnis, thair falbe ane

publict humiliatioun of all thame that feiris God and profeflis his trew

religioun, with publicl prayer and falling throch out this haill realme,

to begin the xxiij day of Nouember nixttocum, and to end the laft day

of the faid moneth. And to the effect that thaj quha ar notorious of-

fendaris [and publick flanderers of] the kirk may be brocht to amend-

ment of lyflf, or els be excludit furth of the focietie of the faithfull, it is

thocht expedient, [that betuixt this and the xxiij] day of Nouember, in

all provincis and paroche kirks quhair the ordour of difcipline is, the

luperintendants commifiionars of cuntries, miniilaris and eldaris, fall call

befoir thame at appointit dayes all notorious oflendaris within thair jurif- r . 117.

diclionis, fie as murthoreris and affiftaris of murthoreris, adulteraris, furnicatouris, roberis of the patrimonie of the kirk or vther menis pof-

feihouns, and ficlyk vtheris [criminal] perfonis in all eftaitts, beginand at the miniiterie and nobilitie, and fa proceiding to all vtheris, that 318 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. wickitnes and fuch hynous crymes that offendis the majeftie of God may he purgit furth of this cuntrie. And fpeciallie, that it may be knowin that miniftaris quha audit be good exempel, alfueill be doelrine as lyff, to provok vtheris to godlie converfatioun be not exemit, bot rather firfl tryit, it is thocht neceflar that all fuperintendants and com- milfionaris of cuntries tak diligent inquifitioun of the lyfe of all minif- taris, exhortaris, and reidaris, quhat faltis falbe fund, feveir corredlione to follow thairvpone, according to the natur of the cryme. And incaice miniftaris fould conceall thair awin iinperfedtionis, that all men be re- quyrit to declair [to] the fuperintendantis and the commiffionaris the vyces that thaj knaw to be in thame. And in lykwayes, becaus in the reformatioun of the nobilitie confiftis the cheiff exampill of the haill cuntrie, we crave nocht onlie [a general] reformatioun of fuch imper- fectiouns as ar in thame, but als that [fuch] vycis as in particular lalbe gevin to thame be amendit ; fie as that thaj be reformit in the wrangous vfing of the patrimonie of the kirk, applying the fame to their particular vfe, to the hurt of the minifterie, the fcullis, and poore. And that the commonis [may be eafed] be thame, baith in paying of their teinds and vtheris dewties, in refpe<5t of thair great pouertie ; and that thaj may amend thair great negligence in tymes paft, in puneiffing of vyces throchout this haill realme, ficlyk as infeft, adulterie, bloodfcheding,

and forcerie, &c. ; and that thair may be notabill perfonis deput with

commiffionaris for that effect to execute the fame ; and that fie as haue

reffauit [commiffion] alreadie, to be chargit to proceid thairin, and that

the adlis of parliament and counfaillis maid aganis the brekaris of the Sabbath day [may be likewife] execute. Onto the quhilk heids contenit

in this article, we defyre my lord regents grace [and counfell] to aggrie,

and to authorife the fame. Secundlie, as concernyng the papiftis that

be in this cuntrie git remanyng, that thaj without all exceptionis of

perfonis grit or fmall falbe chargit, alfueill be the confall as minifterie, ;

1572. IN SCOTLAND. 319 to compeir at certane dayes, as falbe appoyntit, [before fuch as the kirk and counfell ihall appoint] to giue confeffioun of thair faith, according to the acts of parliament, and [fuch as have] nocht recantit, to mak thair publicl recantationis ; and thaj hat ar excommunicat for that caus, to vnderly he injunctiouns as falbe laid to thair chairge ; and gif any of thame failjies heirin, their haill guids and geir to be confifcat, fo. 117. b.

and thame felffis banift off the cuntrie ; and thaj that ar [beneficed]

difponit qualifeit perfonis perfonis, thair benefices to waik and to be to ; and if thaj (being decernit to be banift) be fundin heirefter in the cun- trie, it falbe lefiim to all the fubjeclis in this realme to invaid thame, and euerie ane of thame, to the deith, as enemies to God, the king, the

kirk, and the commoun weill of the realme ; and that lie as be convicl; be the law alreadie, or may be convicl:, be execute with all rigour and all vtheris that be excommunicat for ony vther cryme or offence, lalbe callit lykwayes to particular dyatis, to fatiffie the kirk, or els to

incure the lyk panis and punifment as is befoir fpecifeit ; and that thaj that refetts and mantenis thame, [if after due admonition they defift not from their company] falbe haldin partakaris with thame, and be comptit in the rank of papiftis to be punift in femblable maner.

And forder, we defyre [that] the acl of parliament be put to execu- tioun, that nane be admittit to publicl offices of counfall, feflioun, or vtherwayis, that ar knawin to be papiftis, or mantenearis or fauoraris

of papiftis. Alfo, becaus thair is mefs [faid] in certane places of this

cuntrie, as in auld Abirdene, Dunkeld, Paflay, Eiglingtoune, that thair

be a fpeciall day affignit, to affemble all the profeflouris of the reli-

gione in places nixt adjacent to the [boundis] quhair the laid meflis ar

vfit, for apprehending of the mefs layaris ; and alio the heiraris to

vnderly the law. Lykwayes, incaifs this prefent [diuifioune] tak fum

aggrement and concord, that nane be comprehendit thairin bot lie as falbe

obleift for the mantenance of the religioun aganis the enemies thairof. 320 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

Attour, that all fuch perfonis, as haue (fen the reformatioun began)

focht from the paip billis or benefices, falbe haldin as papiftis, and

pvnift thairfoir, conforme to the acT; of parliament ; and that all pro-

felfouris of the religioun having- benefices, and able to preitch, may be

chairgit to [to do] thair office, feing that it is not reffonable that thaj

tak vp the leiving, and remayne ydill. Thirdly, for refilling of the

papiftis of forane cuntries, alfweill within [as without] that my lord

regents grace and nobilitie fall caus fuch ordour, that ane leg and confederacie be maid with our nychtbouris of Ingland, and vther cun-

tries reformit and profefling the trew religioun, that we and thaj be

joynit togidder in mutuall amitie, and focietie, to fupport euerie ane

vther, quhenfoeuer tyme or occafioun fall ferue for mantenance of

religioun, and refifting of the enemies thairof. Lykas, that ane folemp-

nit band and aith may be maid be all thame that be profeffouris of the

evangell within this realme, to joine thamefelffis togidder, and be reddie

at [all occafions] for refifting the enemies foirfaids. And gif any beis

negligent thairin, he falbe haldin for ane falfe broder, f . 118- fund and cxcom- municatioun to proceid agans him.

Wpoun the 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 dayes of Nouember, the nobilitie

wnderwrittin convenit in Edinburgh, and chefit and electit James erle

of Mortoun regent. Thay ar to fay, the erllis Angus, Glencarne, Caf-

fillis, Crawfurd, Buchane, Montrois, lordis Ruthven, Glammis, Lindfay,

Maxvell, Simpill, Borthuik, Louitt, gefter, Cathcart, prelattis, bifchopis, Mr Johne Dowglas of San6tandrois, abbot of Arbrothe, George Dow-

glas, Orknay, abbot of Dunfermling.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, the faid erle of Mortoun wes be oppin [procla-

matioun] at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, public!; regent of this realme.

The fame day, Johne Knox minifter deceiflit in Edinburgh, quha haid,

as wes allegit, the maiit pairt of the wyt of all the cummeris in Scotland

fen the flauchter of vmquhile the cardinall. 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 321

In this niene tyme wes ane greit feirlie in Montrois. Be the (pace of fex honris, the watter thairof wes dry in the fey, and during the quhilk ipace the peopill paft within the faid fey, and got lindrie filches ; and efter the quhilk fpace, the peopill on the lands perfewand the wattir as ane popill pitt, fra the quhilk thaj fled to land, and iyne it wes ley agane fuddenlie, and neuer nane pereift heirinto. Als thair wes ane

hill callit quhilk brint be the faid fpace ; men rydand be the way, the nienis and coillis [tailis ?] of thair horflis brunt, ge the wands of

the way, the ftalfis in thair hands thair hands brint ; pure men palfand on brint, and quhen tbaj wald dicht of the fyre thairof, it wald entres agane.

Vpoun the firll day of Nouember, ane parliament proclamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to be haldin in the tolbuith of the faid burgh the xv day of Januar nixtocum.

Wpoun the fyft day, ane new abftinence proclamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to indure quhill Monday nixt at xij houris, quhill the nobilitie wer better confultit on ane langer abftinence.

Wpoun the viij day, ane new abftinence proclamit at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to indure in the fame force and effecl; as the firft, quhill the firft day of Januar nixtocum, at fex houris in the mornyng.

Vpoun the xj day, Mr Killingrawe, Inglifman, ambalfatour [fra3 the quene of Ingland, paft of Edinburgh to Berwik towartis Londoun.

Wpone the xx day, Mr Killingrave come out of Ingland to the burgh of Edinburgh.

In this mene tyme, James erle of Mortoun regent lay deidlie feik of

rumburlfanes, and war nocht he wes cuttit he haid loft the lyff ; his grace

wes lugeit in Williame Craikis lugeing, on the fouth fyid of the trone

in Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xxij day, thair wes ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, makand mentioun of the great trubles that haid incurrit

in tymes bygane on the inhabitaris in Edinburgh, and of greit Ikaith

2 s 322 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. ft. us. b. thaj haid fuftenit thairthrow, my lord regents grace nather willing him-

felf to be inflrnment of weir, bot rather the Hopper and doun thrower

of iniquitie ; thairfoir chargeing all and findrie our fouerane lords liegis,

alfueill men of weir as any vther, that nane tuik vpoun hand nather befoir

the furth paffing of the abftinence, [nor] thairefter, to molell, truble or in-

vaid be any maner of way, the burgeflis and craftiimen or any vther that

remanit in the toun of Edinburgh induring the foirfaid trublis, aither in

body or goods, vnder the pane of deid, quhilk fuld be execute with all

rigour on the contemnaris heirof. It wes faid that my lord Lindfay,

being chofm proveft of Edinburgh, wes the inftrument of this proclama-

tioun, and wald onnawayis accept the fame office without thaj quha

remanit in Edinburgh wer reffauit in fauouris, to the effect he may

obtene all thair favouris.

Wpoun the xxviij day, Mr Killingraw paft of Edinburgh, to fpeik

the erllis of Huntlie and lords of the quenis actioun for mair abltinence,

quhilk thaj ratifeit, bot the regent wald nocht without the delyverance

of the caftell.

Induring the tyme of the abftinence, the burgeflis and craftis quha

remanit in Edinburgh fen the begyning of the cummeris, alfueill thaj

that paft out of lait to Leith or ony vther pairt, as thaj quha remanit

all the tyme, wer compellit to recant oppinlie in the kirk in the tyme

of preitching, and find fouertie to vnderly the law. Wpoun gule day, the xxv day of December, the toun of Edinburgh

begane to big thair fortreflis of diffet and mik, betuix the thevis hoill

and Befs wynd tua eln thick, and on the gait betuix the auld tolbuyth

and the vther fyid of the gait tua fpeir heicht, and of the fame thicknes,

for Hoping of the caftell.

Wpoun the xxvij day, Mr Killingraw come to Edinburgh out of Sancljohneftoun.

Wpoun the xxix day of December, capitans Home and Aikman, with 1572. IN SCOTLAND. 323 thair bands of fuddartis, changit thair gairdhous fra the kirk of Sanct- geill to the caflell hill, capitanis Crawfurd and Lambie to the Weft

Port, to that effect the fuddartis of the caftell fuld nocht ifche to get any neceffaris. It wes laid the caftell wes verie fcant of watter.

Wpoun the firft day of Januar, at fex houris in the mornyng, thair wes ane peice of ordinance fchot of the caftell wall, in warnyng that trewis wes outrune and gevin vp.

Wpoun the fecund day, being Fryday, thair wes ane greit fifche mercat, fra the Freir wynd heid to Nydries wynd heid, on baith fyds of the gait ; off the quhilk the caftell got ane licht, and fchot fex fchot

of cannoun doun the gait, be the quhilk as god wald thair wes nane

llane bot ane, and mony hurt ; bot throw the air of the faid bullats the fifches wes blawin athort the gait, and fklaittis in fie abundance as wes

mervelous to fie.

The famyn day Mr Killingraw pall of Edinburgh to Beruik.

Wpoun the tent day, the faid Mr Killingraw come fra Beruik, and fo. 119. f0 brocht with him L. lib. to fie men of weir for fortefeying of the

kings gracis a6lioun.

Wpoun the faid day, Mr James Balfour perfoun of Flifk and pryour

of Pettinvene, wes be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edin-

burgh relaxit fra the borne, and reftorit to all his rowmes and bounds,

his efter out togidder with findrie vtheris freinds ; quha the fame come

of the caftell, and depairtit ovir the watter without any impediment.

Wpoun the xij day, ane proclamatioun ovir the caftell wall be ane

herauld ; firft, commandand all and findrie the quenis gracis trew lub-

jedtis, wyffis and barnis, to pas out of the toun, or als to hald thame

by the gait ; ficlyk commandand and chargeand hir gracis rebellis and

tratouris, to depas thame out of the toun betuix this and the xv of

this inftant, wnder the hieft pane and chairge that efter may follow ;

ficlyk commandand and chargeand James erle of Mortoun, as thaj al- 324 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572. legit pretendit regent, Mr James Balfour, Gilbert Balfour, to compeir in the caftell of Edinburgh the xv day, vnder the pane of rebellioun and putting of thame to the borne.

Wpoun the xiij day, Archibald erle of Angus, Archibald erle of

Ergyle, erllis Caffillis, Glencarne, Montroifs, the lords Boyd, Maxwell,

Simpill, Ruthvene and Lome, and fchir James Hamiltoun, come to

Edinburgh to the parliament.

Wpoun the xvij day, the nobilitie with my lord regent paft throw

San6tgeillis kirk, at ane entres maid throw the tolbuyth wall, to the laigh counfall hous of the toun on the weft fyid of the tolbuyth, and thair cheifs the lordis of the articles, and returnit the fame way ; the erle of Angus bure the croun, the erle of Ergyle the fceptour, and

the erle of Mortoun the fword of honour ; thir jewallis wer maid of brace, and doubill ourgilt with gold, becaus the principall jewellis wer in the caftell of Edinburgh and mycht not be haid.

The famin day, it wes commandit be oppin proclamatioun, that nane fould moleft nor invaid ane vther induring the parliament, vnder the

pane of deid ; bot in the mene tyme the caftell fchot continewallie.

Wpoun the xxvj, Mr James Kirkcaldie, brother to the caj>itane of

the caftell of Edinburgh, come out of France and landit at the Blaknes, quha brocht with him U double douccattis, quhilk wes the quenis gracis drowarie in France.

The faid day, the faid lord regent and nobilitie paft the fame way

throw the kirk to the tolbuyth, without herauld or trumpetour ; the

erle of Angus bure the croun, the erle of Ergyle the fceptour, and the

erle of Montroifs the fword of honour ; and remanit in the laid coun- fall hous the lpace of thrie houris, and ratifeit all thingis fen the corro- natioun of the king be his regentis and nobilitie in his name. Wpoun the xxvij day, the laird of Carmichall, togidder with capitane Lambie, togidder with lx horfmen and als mony futemen, paft of Edin- 1572. IN SCOTLAND. S25

burgh to the Blaknes ; quhilk fuld haue bene randerit to thame efter thair cuming, hot throw chance the defendaris wer vigilant and gaif nocht credit to the watchmen. It wes allegit that Gilbert Balfour, bro- '«• J19. b. der to the perl'oun of Fliik, fuld haue diflauit the fame.

In this mene tyme wes greit diftrudtioun of all bigingis neireft the caftell, in all pairtis, and mair fkaith done to the bigingis thairabout nor any fkaith that wes done the tyme of the troublis.

Wpone the third day of Februar, being fafterinfevin, the caftell of

Blaknes wes randerit, and the mony foirlaid, to the regent, and all the

writting the faid Mr James brocht out of France, on this conditioun ; the laid Mr James to remayne thairin in waird quhill the regent wer farther

adwyfit ; the capitane to remayne capitane thairof, finding fouertie to be ane trew lubjecT; to the king.

This mony geir befoir, fafterinfevin wes fendill fene fall on this day efter Candilmes day, and it lall not abill be fene in our dayes.

Wpoune the levin day, the men of the caftell ifchit and brunt the mane barne and SancTgeillis kirk, and fchot continwallie enduring the fyre, that nane fuld red nor Hope the famin.

Wpoun the viij day, the capitane of Blaknes come to Edinburgh, to find his fouertie to the regent ; and he being thair, Mr James Kirk- caldie tryftit fex fuddartis to tak his pairt in defending of him and the faid hous, and thaj fuld want nathing quha affentit ; and armit thame incontinent and come to the hall, quhair thaj tuik Mr James Stewart, brother to the faid capitane, and all the laif his partakaris, and pat thame all in iyrnes ; and als tuik the haill wemen in ane place, and put

thame in ane lockit hous, to the effect na fcry fould arryfe ; thairefter thaj lap on horfs, and paft vp and doun the cuntrie, and requirit vietu- allis to capitane Lambie for payment, or els he wald come and tak the lame perforce. The pure of the cuntrie wes feirit at his defyre, becaus the faid capitane wes ane tirrane, and come to the caftell with xviij heid 326 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1572.

of nolt, and nyne pokkis meill and malt. Bot quhen thaj come tbaj

wer not fufferit to pas furth, bot keipit quiet for feiring. At evin,

Archibald Stewart, capitane, come out of Edinburgh to the faid caftell,

knawing nathing ; and quhen he wes enterit, he wes tane and laid

in the iyrnes. Then the travellaris foirfaids and wemen wes put out

of the place.

The fame nycht come out of Hadingtoun to the faid callell xviij fud-

dartis to thair defence. This being done, the faid Mr James gawe 00 amangs the fuddartis ij pundis.

Wpoun the xj day, the faid Mr James his wyff come to him out of fo. 120. Edinburgh, and efter lang talking, tuik hir leif ; and defyrit him with

his luddartis to convoy hir, becaus capitane Lambie wes ane attending

hir hir, and wald lpouljie ; quhilk he did, and returning agane, culd

haue na entres, bot wes fteikit to the doore be him in quhome he lip-

pinit maill in. And incontinent the faid capitane Lambie come, and tuik

the laid Mr James and all his fuddartis to Linlithgow. It is faid that

this wes done throw the policie of his faid wyff.

Wpoun the xij day, the faid Mr James Kirkcaldie wes tranfportit out

of Linlithgow to Edinburgh with fyve fuddartis, to the regentis lugeing

at the trone.

The faid day, the fuddartis of the caftell of Edinburgh ifchit, and let

in fyre fum houffis vnder the wall, quhilk happit fra hous to hous throw

the maifterie of ane grit wynd, and come eilt the gait to Befs wynd at

viij the kirk end of Sanctgeill ; quhilk laftit quhill [fra] houris quhill tua

in the mornyng, throw the quhilk wes meikill malt and beir diftroyit in

killis and barnis. Thair wes nane that preilt to red the famyne bot the

toun men. The fuddartis left thair trinfches, and fpoulgeit the houffis,

and pure folk that wes carijt fra hous to hous for faifgard of the fame.

Wpoun the xiij day of Februar, the fuddartis of the faid caltell ifchit

and come throw the trinfches to the butter trone, neuer ane fuddart ;

1572. IN SCOTLAND. 327

being thairin, andfyrit baith thefyddis of the gait ; bot throve the grace of god the fame wes ibne red, and tbaj chaflit to the laid caftell. For this caus wes ane proclamatioun maid, that all thak houflis fuld be tirrit, and all hedder ftakis to be tranfportit at thair awine bounds and brunt and ilk man in Edinburgh to haue his lumes full of watter in the nynt

[nycht,] wnder the pane of deid.

Wpoun the xiiij day, Archibald erle of Ergyle, Johne lord Boyd, Robert abbot of Dunfermling, and Johne Bannatyne of Auchnoule knycht, juftice dark, commiffionaris for the kingis grace and regent, pail of Edinburgh to Pearth, to commoun with the lordis of the quenis factioun.

Wpoun the xvj day, my lord regent pail of Edinburgh to Dalkeith, and tuik with him Mr James Kirkcaldie, quhair he wes deteinit captiue ; and the faid nycht the regent returnit to Edinburgh.

The fainyne day, Schir Williame Kirkcaldie of Grang knycht, capi- tane of the caftell of Edinburgh, wes put to the home at the croce of Edinburgh.

The fame day, lord Johne Hamiltoun abbot of Arbroath, pail be the quenis ferrie to Perth to the conventioun, quhair or his cuming wes the

it erle of Huntlie ; quhair wes concludit and aggreit in this manner fol- lowing, and that my lord regent and lord Huntlie fuld meit and ratifie the fame. The tennour of the articles followes.

In this mene tyrne, Adame of Gordoun come on the nycht on my to. 120. i>. lord Louitt, and maifter of Forbes, togidder with Malcolmc Tofche in f0 iiij Abirdene, quha wes to the nowmer of men ; quha fled thairof, and grit flauchter of baith fydis. The faid Adame wes haldin ane valgeand man of weir.

Wpoun the xviij day, ray lord regent pail of Edinburgh to Abirdour, 328 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1573. quhair my lord Huntlie met him, and confirmit all the faids articles foirfaids, and ordanit all the nobilitie of Scotland to convene in Edin- burgh the xv of March nixtocum. Wpoun the penult day, my lord regent come to Edinburgh fra this communicatioun, and my lord Huntlie wes haiftit hame to ftay his


Wpoun the laft day, Mr Killingraw, ambaflatour foirfaid for the quene of Ingland, paft to the caftell of Edinburgh with the faidis articles, and

defyrit the deteineris of the faid caftell to confirme and ratifie the fame ; quha wald nocht without the king of France command, and the quenis grace now prefent captiue in Ingland. Wpoun the xvj day of March, my lord regent paft of Edinburgh to

the abbay of Halyrudhous, tbairin to remayne.

Wpoun the firft day of Apryle, certane wrichtes come out of Ingland

to Leith, to prepair and mak gabiouns reddie to the cuming of ane

armie and artailjerie out of Ingland, for affaiging of the caftell. Wpoun the fourt day of Apryle, ane abftinence tane betuix the re-

gent and the caftell of Edinburgh, quhill the nynt of the laid moneth, to

that effect that intercommouning mycht be haid in hope of peax.

The faid day, Johne erle of Rothes paft to the caftell to coniult with

the capitane for peax. The fame day, Archibald erle of Ergyle come to Edinburgh.

Wpoun the l'ext day, the faid erle of Rothes and Robert lord Boyd,

treitting paft agane to the faid caftell for of peax ; quha wald on na

maner of way concord, bot efter the maner of the articles quhilk thaj

gave in to thair aduerfaris the xxvj of Auguft anno 1572. The fame day, Johne erle of Athole come to Edinburgh. The faid

erle come neuer to hoftilitie, fen the begynning of the trewis, to nane of

the pairties. c viij Inglifmen Wpoun the day of Apryle, j peonarjs come to Edin- 1573. IN SCOTLAND. 329

burgh, and wes bettit [billetit] on honeft houfhaldaris thairof ; ficlyk thair come be fey to Leith out of Striueling certane peices of artailgerie, for affaiging of the faid caftell.

The fame day, George lord Seytoun wes chargit to waird to the caftell of Dunbartane, becaus he reffauit fum writtingis out of the caftell

of Edinburgh ; and ficlyk the lairdis of Fawfyd and Elphingftoun.

Wpoun the xj day, the faids erle of Athole depairtit out of Edin- burgh to Athole.

The lame day, the faids pyonaris begouth to call thair fowlies about the caftell of Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xiij day, ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edin- burgh, chargeing all and lindrie our fouerane lords liegis, that nane

fould tak vpoun hand to deny the quene of Inglands lieutennent, fchir

Williame Drowrie, maifter of the armie that wer to come, of meit,

drink or bedding, on thair reffonable expenffis, nor to doe thame na

maner of wrang vnder the pane of deid ; the quhilk fuld be execute with all the rigour.

Wpoun the xv day, the faids pynoris havand affixit ane braid laill betuix thame and the caftell on the ... of the fame, to that effect that thaj fuld not be fene work, the liiddartis of the caftell ifchit and brint the faid laill, and flew lindrie of the faids pynoris, and depairtit agane to the faid caftell.

The lame day, Archibald Dowglas younger of Kilfpindie, Johne

Cunnyghame, baftard fone to the erle of Glencarne, the maifter of

Ruthven, and Simple, fone to my lord Simple, paft of Haly-

rudhous to Berwik, as pleidges for the armie and artailgerie that is to

cum to Scotland, for affeiging of the caftell.

In this mene tyme, my lord Seytoun wes relevit of waird, and fand

fouertie to fortifie the kingis au6loritie, vnder the pane of x10 pundis.

Wpoun the xx day of Apryle, fchir Williame Drowrie, lieutennent 2 T 330 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 157S.

c for the quene of Ingland, come to Leith with v hagbuttis, and vij fcoir

jtikmen, vnder iij handfengies.

Wpoun the xxij day of Apryle, George erle of Huntlie come to the

abbay of Halyrudhous to the parliament, and wes lugeit in Andro

Chalmeris hous at the abbay.

Wpoun the xxiij day, the great Onell come in to Edinburgh, and gawe in ane coinplent aganis Angus M'Coneill, becaus he wald not be

fubdewit to the erle of Ergyle.

Wpoun the xxv day, the faid Inglis army come to Edinburgh, and

tuik the trinfches about the caftell ; on the quhilk tyme wes great flauch-

ter of the faid Inglifs men, and mony hurt.

The fame day, the faid lieutennent, and Mr James Halyburtoun of

Pitcur knycht, crownar to the haill Scottis cumpanys, pad to the caftell

of Edinburgh, and defyrit in the kingis name the fword, i'ceptour and

crowne ; to quhome the capitane anfuerit and faid, Thaj jewellis he

wald nocht delyuer to ane certane of the nobilitie, be reffoun he reffavit

the famyne with thair haill confentis, and vnto the tyme the haill de-

fyrit the fame he wald not delyver. Thay als requyrit him to give over

the caftell to the king ; quha anfuerit, that he fould not give fa fuddantlie,

bot defyrit the laft day of Junij to advyfe thairin, quhilk wes refuifit.

Wpoun the xxvj day, thair arryvit in the raid of Leith thrie houlkis

of Ingland, ladunit with ane cannone ryell, four fingill cannounis,

ix grofs culveringis, four pottin peices, with ane Scottis peice les nor

cannoun, quhilk wes tane be the Inglifmen at feild ane the of Flodane ; fo. 121. b. iho wes callit ane of the levin liftaris ; and fyve vther fmall braffin

peices, with ane great quantitie of pouldar and bullatis ; and the fame

nycht at nyne houris at evin, the faids houlkis come in the raid of Leith.

Wpoun the xxvij day, handfengie of Scotland, and bag thairof, wes

let on the caftell heid of Edinburgh.

Wpoun the laid day, my lord regent with the nobilitie come fra 1573. IN SCOTLAND. 331

the abbay of Halyrudhous to the tolbuyth, to cheis the lords articles of

quhilk wer for the fpiritualitie, Mr Johne Dowglas bifchope parliament ; of Sanctandros, Andro bifchope of Orknay and Johne commendatare

of Dunfermling ; for the temporalitie, Archibald erle of Angus, Ar- chibald erle of Ergyle, Johne lord Boyd ; for the commiffionaris of burro wis, Adame Fullartoun burges of Edinburgh, and Mr Johne Halyburtoun proveft of Dundie.

Wpone the penult day of Apryle, the faid Inglis artailgarie wes loft and ftockit vpoun the fchoir of Leith, togidder with xxco bullatis grit and linall, and laftis of pulder.

Wpone the laft day of Apryle, the regentis grace with the nobilitie paft out of the tour of the abbay, throw the inwart cloifs to the north hall thairof; the erle of Ergyle [bure] the fword of honour, and the erle

of Angus the crown ; and thair, efter lang confultatioun, reftorit James

duke of Chattellarault, erle Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, with his tua fonis,

the faid erle of Huntlie, Mr James Balfour perfone of Flifk, and the

commendatare of the Newabbay ; and thairefter foirfaltit Alexander

lord Home, Mr Johne Home his lone, and Williame Haitling of Pitra-

die conftable of the caftell, and James Mofman goldfmyth, with all the

reft of the remanis within the caftell of Edinburgh greit and fmall,

quha wes not foirfaltit at Striueling.

Wpoun the xij, xiij and xiiij dayes of Maij, in the nycht, the laid

artailgarie of Ingland wes placit about the caftell of Edinburgh, for

alTaiging thairof, in this maner. On the north fyid of Mr Johne Thorn-

touns lugeing on the caftell hill, lay the cannoune ryell, and tua can-

nounis, forthit ftrenthlie with gabiouns ; on the croftis of the gray freris,

callit Lawfonis croft, lay thrie grofs culvering ; at the toun, and on

Scottis croftis lay lex grofs culveringis ; abone the weft fyid of SancT;-

cuthbertis kirk lay tua Scottis iyrone peicies ; at the north fyid, the

Scottis grofs culveringis, and my lord Ergylis cannoun, with four pott 332 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 157S.

peices ; at the lang gait on the eift fyid of the faid pot peices thairfra,

and pairt of Buckcleuches, and thairfra ane fpace lay thrie fmall peices ;

with ilrenthie and deip trinfcheis in all pairtis. All the tyme of the

placeing of the fame, thair wes neuer ane fchot out of the caftell.

Wpoun the xvj Maij, ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edin-

burgh, chargeing all perfonis that tuik wages within the toun the tyme

of the cummeris, to depairt of the famyne within xxiiij houris, vnder the

fo. 122. pane of warding and efcheiting of all thair goods ; and ficlyk command-

and all wyms and barnes, having thair hufbands or fadderis in the caftell

of Edinburgh, in lyk maner to depairt out of the faid toun vnder the fame pane.

Wpoun the xvij day, being trinitie fonday, at tua efternone, the faid

Inglis artailgarie begouth to fchute in all pairtis of the caftell, and laftit

quhill viij at evin ; thair wes mony Inglifmen flane be the hagbuttis of

the caftell.

Wpoun the xxij day, the fouth quarter of the toure of the caftell,

callit Dauids toure, fell throw the vehement and continuall fchuting,

togidder with fome of the foir wall, and of the heid wall befyd fanct

Margaretis get.

Wpoun the xxiij day, thair arryvit in Leith vther fex peice of ordi- nance out of Ingland.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, the eift quarter of the faid tour fell, with the

north quarteris of the port culgeis ; the tour als callit Wallace tour,

with fome mair of the foirwall, notwithftanding the caftell men kuft

thair hand with fchutting of fmall artailgerie ; bot the greit ordinance of

the caftell wes commandit.

Wpoun the xxvj day, the haill cumpanyis of Scotland and Ingland,

being quietlie convenit at vij houris in the mornyng, paft with ledders

ane half [to] the blokhous, the vther half to fancT: Katherins get on the

weft fyid, quhair the fyid wes fchote doun, quhair it wes cruellie fochtin. 1573. IN SCOTLAND. 333

The perfeuaris on the weftfyid wes cruellie repulfit, nocht without great

llauchter, hot the blokhous wes win, becaus thair wes nane thairin hot

tua perfonis, the ane tane [flane] and the vther tane, quhair thair wes

grit flanchter. This alTault laftit fra vij in the mornyng quhill 10 houris.

The fame day, the merfchell of Berwik, lieutennent for the quene of

Ingland, requyrit fra the callell certane fpace of abftinence, for inter-

commoning to inak agriement, gif it mycht be haid ; at the quhilk, the

regent wes verry commowit, be reflbun this wes done without his aduyfe.

Wpoun the xxvij day, the faid generall foirfaid paft within the blok- hous of the laid cailell, quhill the capitane thairof come to the foirwall

in his with ane quheit wand hand ; quha defyrit, as of befoir, the firlt articles to be confirmit and be the quene of Ingland, otherwayes he rather the will of nor wald byd god finder with the famyne caftell ; hot the regent denyit, and wald not iiiffer to fend to the quene of Ing- land thairfoir.

Wpoun the xxix day of Maij, the laid caftell wes randerit on this ap- pointment ; the haill noblemen thairin to cum in the quene of Inglands will ; onnawayes wald know the regent ; and the fuddartis and vtheris thairin to cum furth with bag and baggage. Bot in thair outcuming, thaj wer fpoulgeit, and fpoulgie of the haill chalmeris of the cannoun [com- moun ?3 geir, and boundance of fait bacone, beif and meill, to the heirfchip

122 b- of mony inhabitaris in Edinburgh, quha put thair goods thairin. The f°- - noblemen paft to the laid lieutennentis lugeing, callit Gourlayes lugeing, thair to remayne quhill farder aduertifment come fra the quene of Ing- land. George Dowglas brother in law to the faid regent, and capitane of Dowglas, and [wes] maid capitane of the caftell of Edinburgh.

Wpoun the third day of Junij, at thrie houris in the mornyng, Wil- liame Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, fumtyme capitane of the caftell' of

Edinburgh, fchir Williame Maitland lecretar, Alexander lord Home,

Johne bifchope of Dunkeld, Johne commendatare of Coldinghame, 334. DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1573.

Robert Logane of Reftalrig, Williame Haitling of Pittardy, the laird of Drylaw, James Mofman goldiinyth, Williame Cokir goldfmyth, and

Cuthbert Ramlay burges of Edinburgh, paft of Edinburgh to Leith with the quene of Inglands lieutennent foirfaid, and efter thame at ten houris the haill rojes [regentis] armie pall of Edinburgh to Leith.

About this tyme, Mr Archibald Douglas wes reftorit to libertie out of waird.

Wpoun the 4 day, the haill artailjarie wes imbarkit in Leith to pas

to Ingland. Notwithftanding of the greit fpoulgie of the caftell foirfaid,

the jewellis and artailgarie pertenyng to the king wes not handlit, nor the belt of the foirfaids lords geir, quhilk wes delyuerit to thame at the command of the faid lieutennent.

Wpoun the nynt day of Junij, fchir Williame Maitland goungar of

Leithingtoun, l'umtyme fecretar, depairtit at the plelTour of god in

Leith, and incontinent without any moir wes laid in leid in the bedhous

of Leith ; bot within few dayes na man durft com neir for evill fair.

Wpoun the tent day, the faids Inglis barkis paft away out of the raid

of Leith to Ingland with the artailgarie.

Wpoun the xij day, my lord regent depairtit of Edinburgh to Striue-

ling to the mariage following.

Wpoun the xiij day, Archibald erle of Angus wes marijt in the hie

kirk of Striueling with vmquhile my lord Erfkine laft regentis dauchter

natural 1.

Wpoun the laid day, thair come ane poll diligent out of Ingland,

and paft fone efter his cuming to Striueling.

Wpoun the xv day, my laid lord regent and ambaflatour foirfaid come

out of Striueling to the abbay of Halyrudhous.

Wpoun the laid day, the faid prefonaris wer, at the command of the

quene of Ingland, delyuerit to the regent in the abbay, thair to re-

mayne quhill farder aduertifment of the laid quene of Ingland. 1573. IN SCOTLAND. 335

with The faid day, the Inglis army depairtit of Leith to Haddingtoun haift. ^-reit expeditioun, becaus thaj wer requyrit in

Wpoun the xviij day, my lord Home wes tranfportit out of the abbay to the caftell of Edinburgh. Wpoun the xx day, the pledges foirfaids, quha paft in Ingland for reftoring of the armie and artailgerie abonementionat, come to Edin- burgh out of Berwik.

Wpoun the xxij day, the workmen and maiffonis enterit to the biging f . 123. of the caftell, quhair the tour wes and blokhous.

Wpoun the xxiij day, the caitell and place of Abirbrothok wes [dely- verit,] at the regentis command, to Arthour Granger burges of Edin- burgh, in name of Johne Hamiltoun abbot thairof, fone to my lord duk.

In this mene tyme, mony goung and valgeand men paft of this realme

to Flanderis for i'erving of the quene of Ering, to Swadene ; [and] [prince of Orange] contrair duke de Alua, lieutennent to the king of

Spangie, for expelling of him and his religioune, that is to fay, the mefs.

Wpoun the fecund day of Julij, Robert lord Sempill wes relaxit fra the proces of hornyng, and quha immediatlie randerit the palice of

Hamiltoun to lord Claud Hamiltoun, at the command of my lord regent,

and in the mene tyme to tranfport hisgeir within the l'pace of fex dayes.

Wpoun the third day, William lord of Levingftoun come out of Ing-

land to Edinburgh, quha haid bene all this tyme in Ingland with the

quene, now prelent captiue and delyuerit in prefoune.

Wpoun the third day of Auguft, Mr James Kirkcaldie and James

Cokir goldfmyth, burges of Edinburgh, wes convict in the tolbuyth of

Edinburgh be ane affyfs for treffone, and condampnit to be hangit.

Williame Kirkcaldie of Grange knycht, fumtyme capitane of the callell

of Edinburgh, and James Molinan goldfmyth, wer harlit in tua cairtis

bakwart fra the abbay to the croce of Edinburgh, quhair thaj, with the

foirfaid Mr James and James Cockie, wer hangit ; this wes done at the ;


command of the quene of Ingland, the toun of Edinburgh all being in

feir of weir ; and thairefter wer quarterit.

Wpoun the fourt day, my lord Coldinghame, brother to vmquhile the

fecretare, wes tranlportit to the abbay of Halyrudhous, and thairefter to the Callandar.

Wpoun the xiij day, fchir Johne Forrefter, wardane of the meddil

marchis in Ingland, come to the abbay of Halyrudhous out of Ingland

as ambaflatour, with Lx hors in tryne.

Wpoun the xv day, the faid ambaflatour depairtit of Edinburgh to

Ingland ; his cuming wes to mak ane [raid] on the thevis, bayth be

thair natioun and this.

The fame day, ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce of Edinburgh,

chargeing all and lindrie the inhabitaris of Edinburgh and all vtheris,

to meit my lord regent his grace at the Peblis, the xx of this inftant,

with 20 dayis vidluallis, to pas on the thevis ; for the quhilk caus, the

toun of Edinburgh gawe ane compofitioun and ftent to the regent, to

that effect that thaj mycht remayne at hame.

In this mene tyme, the haill, at the leift the maift pairt, of the burgeffis

and craftifmen quha remanit the tyme of the cummaris in Edinburgh,

being fummondit to vnderly the law, behovit to compone for thair lyff

and the leift that any man payit wes xx merkis, and thaj that haid nocht

to pay wer continewit to the third day of the air, with xv dayes war-

nyng, to be haldin within thair fcherefdome. This compofitioun fuld to. 123. b. haue bene equallie diftributed betuix the regent and the burgeffis that

haid thair houflis diftroyit, bot the regent caufit bring the haill to the

caftell of Edinburgh, and wald not pairt with ane penny ; for the

quhilk cauffis the burgeffis ftayit and wald not perfew nane heirefter,

be occafioun thaj wer nocht the better, and als thairthrow obtenit the

indignatioun of thair nychtbouris. God of his grace grant the pure

confolatioun, for thaj thoill grit trubill. 1573. IN SCOTLAND. 337

Wpoun the xxiiij day, my lord regent depairtit of Halyrudhous to

Dalkeitli, in viage of tlie raid foirlaid.

The xxv day, my lord regent nail; of Dalkeith with ane greit oyll to 00 c iiij erle him with Pehlis, to the numer of ; quhair the of Ergyle met j with c carriage quha the faid day pall ford wart to Jed- horfmen, j men ; burgh, quhair i'oine thevis come in and gave in band for the reft, and

fome plegis wes delyuerit to the regent for good ordour ; bot or thaj wald obey, thair cornis and houffis wer diftroyit, with greit fpouljie of thair goods.

Wpoun the penult day, my lord regent with the oift returnit out of

Jedburgh to Dalkeith.

Nochtwithilanding of this raid, the haill thevis convenit, and herijt the cuntrie, followand ay on the oift.

Wpoun the third day of September, my lord regentis grace come out of Dalkeith to the abbay of Halyrudhous.

xx Wpoun the xx and xxj day, vij or thairby of thevis come to the

plegis reft regent, and for the ; quha wes put in prefoune, fum in the caftell of Edinburgh, fum in the tolbuyth thairof, and fum in the north- land. This wes done, becaus thaj wer aduerteift that my lord regent wes incontinent to come on thame.

In this mene tyme, the burgellis and craftifmen and vtheris quha remanit in the toun the tyme of the cummeris, wer chargit that thaj, on thair awne expends, mycht mak blak gray gounis, with the quhilk thaj flood at the kirk dore, ane hour befoir the preitching, or afoir the mi-

nifter or tyme thairof; that thaj did, by and attour the mony charges

thaj wer put to of befoir ; and thaj that mycht not buy, borrowit fra

thair nychtbour ; quhilk gounis wer decernit to be delt to the poore.

The [xij day] of September, Archibald erle of Ergyle depairtit at the

pleffour of almychtie god in Ergyle iuddenlie, and his broder iucceidit.

Wpoun the xij day of October, the regentis grace wes proclamit at 2 U 338 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1573. the mercat croce of Edinburgh, generall collectour of the thirds of all benefices, and he to mak payment to the Minifters of thair ftipendis ; for the quhilk caus the minifteris wer nocht content.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, my lord Glammis wes proclaniit chancellour of Scotland.

Wpoun the tent day [of November], the regent paft to Jedburgh, to

hald ane air ; quhair he wes fet quietlie be i'um of the thevis on Johne

Ormeftoun of that ilk, alias callit the blak laird of Onneftoun, fleipand in Halkwod, quha wes tanc and brocht to the faid regent.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, the laid laird wes brocht out of Jedburgh to the caftell of Edinburgh.

Vpoun the viij day [of December], my lord regent come fra Jedburgh

to the abbay of Halyrudhous, fra the foirlaid air ; at the quhilk he got grit Ibwmes of money. And he that haid nocht to pay for thair com- pofitioun, behovit to find fouertie, quhilk thaj paft to the ftreit, and beigit the f'amyn fra honeft men, els thaj wald haue been hangit.

Wpoun the xj, xij, and xiij dayes, the laid laird of Ormeftoun wes examinat in the caftell of Edinburgh, for the fiauchter of vmquhile

Henrie king, hulband to the quene, quha for the fame caus now is

affirmit prefent captiue in Ingland ; quha that the faid kingis grace wes neuer tuchit be menis hands, bot allanerlie blawin in the air, be the craft and lpeciall adwyfs of Mr James Balfour, perfoun of Elifk, quha put vnder the faid vmquhile kingis bed all the powder, and with his awne

hands pat in the lint (as he haid be narratioun). And incaice the trance

haid not paint ford wart, he haid preparit xiij falfs keyis, to haue opinit

the lockis, and to haue put hands in him. And als to my lord Bothuill,

he fliew him the hand writtis of vmquhile the erle of Ergyle, the erle

of Huntlie, the l'ecretar, and Mr James Balfour ; and defyrit him, as

he laid, to be ane of the deid doaris. And on Fryday afoir the flauch-

ter, agane he requyrit him, quhairto he anfuerit, Schir, my confeience ;

1573. IN SCOTLAND. 339 is feirit to put hands on ane innocent. The faid lord faid, Now, fen I haue twyfe fchawin sow, ather mon ge confent, or doe war. For the quhilk, as he laid, he feingeit him to he leik, and lay in his bed, quhill

Sounday at evin, that thaj wer paffand to thair purpois, the laid lord

fend for him, quhair he met thame ; that he faid, Ormeftoun, ge knaw my mynd, tary and await vpoun me. Bot, as he faid, he come agane to his bed in Thomas Henrifonis hous in Cuns clos, and wes thair be the fpace of twa houris befoir the murthour, as the faid houlhold culd

teftifie ; and this wes all he knew, get nochthelefs, on tyfday thair- efter, being faflrinfevin, he fpeirit at the faid lord, and vtheris quha hes alradie tholit for the faid murthour, how the faid king wes fiane ; bot he culd neuer haue na wnderftanding bot that he wes blawin in the air be the violence of the poulder.

AVpoun the xiiij day, the laid, laird wes harlit out of the caftell of

Edinburgh, quhair he confeflit the laid foirfaid word oppinlie ; quha wes

thairefter hangit and quarterit, and his bodie brint. The faid laird diet

penitent of all his linnes, and faid, that the principall caus of his deid. wes

the crewell murthour he maid on ane pure man quha had bairnes mony ;

and afkit the haill peopill foirgiffance in his name, and foirgaif all men.

Wpoun the xxj day, the regent depairted of Halyrudhous to Had-

dingtoun, thair to bald ane air, quhilk begouth the lame day.

Wpoun the xxv day, certane burgellis and craftifmen, to the nowmer

x of vj* , wer fummond at the mercat croce of Edinburgh, to compeir in

Haddingtoun to the air of the fext day of Januar nixtocum.

The regent wes hevilie murmurit be the commonis, becaus of the greit

oppreifioun of the pure ; quha laid oppinlie, that he fuld not be in Scotland

that haid geir, bot he fuld haue ane pairt of it, or els he fuld be puneift

for thair wes nane in Scotland bot he haid to lay to thair chairge.

In this mene tyme, Johne bifchope of Eos wes relevit out of capti-

vitie furth of the caftell of Londoun, and [went] as amhaflatour for the 340 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1574.

quene, now captive, to France, with fex horflis in tryne, and als the haill

expenflis, bot the quene wes in i'eiking grace cuming in Ingland, wes

payit be the king of France.

The fame tyme, the bifchope of Dunkell wes relcvit out of the 131ak-

nes, and wardit in his awne lugeing. fo. 125, Wpoun the xxiiij day [of Januar], the faid regent come out of Had-

dingtoun fra the airis, to Dalkeith ; at the quhilk thair wes fevin per-

fonis hangit, and greit puneiffing of the pvire in thair goods, an

ritclies greit pittie of mefs clothes and bakis brunt ; quhilk wes ane to

fie, for it mycht haue bene diftributed to the pure, quha haid grit mifter

of cleithing, and deit for fait thairof.

Wpoun the xxv day, the faid regent come out of Dalkeith to the abbay.

Wpoun the 10 day [of Februar] the erle of Ergyle and his lpous wes

put to the home, for non delyuerance of . . . pretious ftanis that pertenis

to the quenis grace.

Wpoun the xxij day, ane proclamatioun at the mercat croce, charge-

ing all and findrie perfonia that nane tak vpoun hand to eit flefch in

lentrin, vnder the panis contenit in the act of parliament.

Wpoun the fyft day of March, the faid erle of Ergyle and his laid

fpous wer relaxit fra the proces of hornyng, vnto the fex day of Apryle nixtocum.

Wpoun the pafche day, the xj of Apryle, Robert Drummond, alias

Doclour Handie, flew himfelff as followes. He havand ane wyff of

his awne, wes fund with ane vther ; and wes baith tane and put in the

thokis[ftokes]efterthepreitching,efter thriehouris efternone,at the croce

of Edinburgh, quhair mailt cuftumance of peipill war, becaufe he wes

oftin tymes of befoir fund with hir, and puneilt firlt be publicl repent-

ance in the kirk. Secundlie, be the pane of bauifching the toun of

Edinburgh. And thairefter the magiftratis being movit with pittie,

brocht him in the toun, becaus he haid bene ane lang fervand, and ane 157k IN SCOTLAND. 341

greit feikar and apprehendar of all preiftis and papiftis. He being- brocht

to the toun and rciliiuit in favouris agane, be wes apprehendit and

brocht to the croce foirlaid with the woman, quhair he fuld haue re-

manit quhill Tex at evin, and efter brint in the cheik ; fchortlie, thair

being great fcience of peipill about thame, and the doctour Handle being

in ane greit furie, laid, Qubat vonder ge ? I fall giue gow raoir occa-

fioun to vonder ; fua, fuddentlie he tuik bis awne knyfF, quha ftruik bim-

felf thryce or four tymes foiranence the hart, with the quhilk he de-

pairtit. This done, the maginratis caulit harrell him in ane cairt throw

the toun, and the bloodie knyfF borne behind in his hand ; and on the

morne harlit in the fame maner to the gallowes of the burrowmure,

quhair be wes burijt.

Wpoun the xvij day of Apryle, f'chir Walter Scott of Balcleuch knycht, ft. 125. b.

depairtit at the plefour of god in Hawik.

Wpoun the fourt day of Maij, thair wes ane preilt hangit in Glafgow,

callit for faying of mes.

Wpoun the tuentie fourt day of Maij, the erle of Ergyle and his laid

wyff wer denuncit rebellis, and j)iit to the borne at the mercat croce of

Edinburgh, becaus thaj wer relaxit for delyuerance of the laids precious

ftanis, ami refuiffit agane.

Wpoun the xj day [of Junij,] Mr Killingraw Inglifman, come out of

Ingland as ambaflatour to the regentis grace.

Wpoun the fourt day of Julij, George erle of Huntlie come to Leith, and wes chargit to waird in Galloway to the Callendare, [Kenmore ?] the laird of Lochinvaris place.

Wpoun the laft day, Mr Johne Dowglas, bifchope of Sanclandros and general of Sanclandros depairtit at the plefour of God.

Wpoun the firil day of Augnft, lord Claud Hamiltoun fecund fone to the duks grace, wes mareit one George lord Seytouns daughter in eifl Nydrie, with great triumpht. 342 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1574..

Wpoun the fecund day, my lord regent paffand to Striueling, be the

way paft to Nydrie, quhair he remanit ane certane fpace ; and thairefter

depairtit to Striueling, of purpois to pas to the erle of Huntlies freinds,

to hald ane air in that cuntrie.

Wpoun the firft day of September, the faid lord Huntlie come out

of Galloway to Hamiltoun. In the mene tyme that he wes in Gallo-

way, he with his freinds, the laird of Lochinver beand paifand to ane

hunting, wer aduerteift that the laird of Apilgirth, with vtheris his com-

plices, wer Hand in wait to haue flane thame ; git thaj railit thair freinds thairabout, and be thair force of men efchapit.

Wpoun the nynt day, the regentis grace come out of the north to the

cailell of Edinburgh, quhair the peipill thairabout gat na kyndnes, bot

wes handlit as vtheris foirfaid at the airis.

Wpoun the xj day, the regentis grace paft out of Edinburgh to Dalkeith.

Wpoun the xij day [of October,] my lord regent being halkand be-

tuix Temptalloun and Dalkeith, and als wes ftruckin be his horfs

quhairon he raid.

Wpoun the xiiij day, the pell come to Leith be ane paffanger quha

come out of Ingland, and fmdrie diet thairin or it wes knowin.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, the peft enterit in Edinburgh, brocht in be

ane dochter of Maluis Curll out of Kirkcaldie ; the coil wes evill infectit

be the faid peft, bot God be prafit it wes fone ftayit out of Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xvij day ofNouember, the lordis ofconfall and feffioun,togidder

with all judges of Edinburgh, ftayit fra miniftratioun of jufticefor feir of

the pell, quhilk wes in mony places in this realme, bot weill in Edinburgh.

In this mene tyme, my lord regentis grace fkalit his hous and men of

weir, and wes bot fex in houfhald ; I know nocht quhidder for feir of

the pell [or] for fparing of the expenffis.

Wpoun the xxiij day of November, the erle of Glencarne depairtit at

the plefour of God. 1574a IN SCOTLAND. 343

Wpoun the xvij day [of December ?] the erle of Huntlie come out of Galloway to Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xx day of Januar, James erle [duk] of Chattellarault, fo. 126. erle of Arrane, lord Hamiltoun, depairted at the plefour of god in Ha- miltoun, and wes burijt in the college of Hamiltoun. Wpoun the fecund day of Februar, Williame Naiper of Wrichthous, and

Nicoll Vdwartburgefs of Edinburgh and bailjiethairof, Alexander Vd wart,

Williame Littell, Henrie Nilbit, Johne Morifoune alias prince Morefoune, and Thomas Aikinlieid.burgeflis of the faid burgh and confall thairof, wer chargit to waird to the places wnderwrittin vnder the pane of treffoun.

Wpoun the fourt day, the faid Williame Naper, Nicoll Vduart and

Alexander Vduart, pall of Edinburgh to the caftell of Dunbartane ;

Thomas Aikinheid and Williame Nifbet, to the caftell of Doun ; and the

remanent foirfaids perlbnis to the palice of Linlithqw ; thair to remayne vpoune thair awne expenlhs, be refToune thaj wer convict for tranfport- ing of gold and bluer out of the realme.

Wpoun the xx day of Februar, the erle of Ergyle being relaxit fra the home, come to Edinburgh to ane conventioun that is to be haldin in Halyrudhous the xxv day of this inftant.

In this mene tyme, thair wes ane greit derth in the realme of Scotland of all kynd of vi6luallis.

Wpoun the tuantie ane day of Februar, the erlis of Athole, Merichall,

Rothes, Montroils, lord Ruthven, Lindfay and Louet, come to Edin- burgh to ane conventioune.

Wpoun the 22 day, the erles of Montgomeri, Caffillis, lordis Boyd,

Simple and Somerveill, come to Edinburgh to the effecl; foirfaid.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, the bailgies and burgeffis foirfaid quha wer im- prefonit come to Edinburgh out of waird.

Wpoun the xxv day of Februar the confall fat doun. The lixme day the lordis Harreis and Maxwell come to the faid conventioune ; and 344 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1574.

the fame day Johne lord of Abirbrothok, Claud lord Hamiltoun, abbot

of Paflay bis broder, beand cumand to the conventioun, wes ftopit be

ane poft of my lord regentis. Wpoun tbe xxvj day, tbe laird of Lochinvar [and] fchir James Balfour

perfone of Flifk, come to the conventioune.

Wpoun tbe penult day, tbe erlis of Huntlie and Glencarne, and lord

Elpbingftoune, come to Edinburgh.

Wpoun tbe fuiirt day of March, thair wes ane proclamatioun at the

mercat croce of Edinburgh to the effeel wnderwrittin ; off the quhilk

the tennour followes : James be the grace of God king of Scottis, to

our louittis ; forfameikill as the regentis grace

and eftaittis affemblit at this prefent conventioun, havarid confideratioun of the great inconveniences that nowproceids amang our fouerane lords

lieges in defalt of vicluallis and all vthcr merchandice and guids that ar

put to derth and raifit, and put to exhorhitant pryces, and haldin and

abftraclit fra mercattis throw occalioun of greit quantitie of fals coun-

terfit money, plakis and lyounis, vthcrwayes callit hardheidis, ftruckin

in cungie in the tyme of the gouernament of the quene drowarier and

regent our fouerane lordis gudame of good memorie ; as all'ua of fals

cungearis, nocht allanerlie within this realme, bot alfua without the

fame ; fa fubtillie and in lie fort of mettell, that it is verie hard to the ft. 126. b. ignorantis to decerne and knaw the trew fra the fals. Thairfoir the

regentis grace, with the mature aduyfe and deliberatioun of the eftaites,

prefentlie convenit for the weill of our fouerane lordis liegis, efchewing

of derth and mony and vther inconvenientis, lies ordanit and ordaynes

the faids new plakis laft cungeit to haue cours and palfage amangis all

our fouerane lordis hedges in tyme cuming efter this prefent proclama-

tioune, for tua penneis the peice, and all the faids lyounis, vtherwayis

callit hardheids, for ane penny the peice ; and that nane of our fouerane

lordis leigis falbe haldin to reffaue the faids plackis and hardheidis efter 1574. IN SCOTLAND. 345

this prefent proclamatioun of ony derare avale and price nor is abone

fpecifiit ; attour becaus it is weill knawin that the greateft part of the

faidis plakkis and hardheidis now pafiing in this realme ar and lies

bene adulterat, fals and counterfait, als weill within this realme as

occalioun of derth, ar be ac"l of parlia- without ; quhilk being the cheif

ment maid of befoir, ordanit to be clippit. Thairfoir ordanis and com-

mandis all perfonis haveris of the faids new plackis and hardheidis in thair

hands, to bring and fend the famyne to our faid fouerane lordis cungie-

hous to Johne Carmichaell wardane thairof, to be fene and confidderit

be him James Gray finkar, Johne Hart and Nicoll Syme appointit

vilitouris thairof, or ony of thame with the laid Johne Carmichaell, be-

tuix the dait heirof and the xx day of November nixtocum, to the effect

that lie as thaj fall find fals and counterfait may be inftantlie clippit

doun and put in ane clofs lockit coffar vpoun the count and inventare

of the quantitie reffavit fra euerie perfone. And fie of the lame money

as beis fund of the lawfull and trew cunj^ie of this realme to be thus

faid delyuerit agane to the awner merkit ty be the James Gray, and ; quhilk plakis and hardheidis fa merkit, fall haue cours and pallage thairefter for the availl and pryces abonewrittin, bot ony ftope or con-

tradidlioun ; with certificatioun that fie of the new plackis and hard- heidis as fall not be vifite and in this fort merkit betuix and the faid day, fall na way haue cours nor paflage thairefter amang our foueranis

Hedges, bot the perfonis quhatfumeuer, or with quhom thaj falbe fund thairefter unmerkit, falbe perfewit and puneift as willfull out- puttaris and changearis of fals and corrupt money. According to the lawis of the realme, the quhilk to doe, &c. at Halyrudhous the fecund of March 1574, of the regent the 8 geir.

Everie ilk day efter this proclamatioun, induring the conventioun, the pure verijtand band the regent and haill lords oppenlie in thair prefentis, quhen everthajpaflorrepaftfra the abbay, quhilk weshavie and lamentable to heir. 2x 34.6 DTURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1574.

The fame day, the erle of Ergyle come to Edinburgh to the foirfaid conventioune.

Vpoun the vij day, the faid erle wes relaxit fra the home, and his

wyff, quha delyuerit the tua pretious flanis to the regent, for the qubilk

caus thaj wer put to the home,

the conventioun fkalit ; in the quhilk thair fo. 127. The fame day, wes many

thingis treitit quhilk I culd not prei'entlie haue to manifefl, hot the

famyne wilbe ratifeit in the nixt parliament, quhilk is to be fchortlie.

The fame day, Johne Hamiltoun abbot of Abirbrothok, with his L brother lord Claud, come to the Cannogait, accumpanyt with iij hori's

quha wes lugit in Margarett Paulis lugeing, to the effect following.

Wpoun the viij day, betuix xj and xij houris in the day, the faid Johne abbot of Abirbrothok, togidder with his broder Lord Claud, in

the invart clois of the abbay, prefentit ane naikit fword be the poynt to

(0. 124. b. the erle of Angus, for the llauchter of umquhile James Johnelloun of

Wefterhall, feruitour to the faid erle ; and Gawin Hamiltoun of Replach, Johne Hamiltoun of Brounhall, Johne Hamiltoun of Haggis, Williame Hamiltoun of Mumathane, Robert Hamiltoun of Nathane, and Robert Hamiltoun of Haillis, Arthour Hamiltoun of Morentoun,

and Johne Hamiltoun of Newtoun, ilk ane of thame efter vther in lyk-

maner, prefentit ane naikit fword to George Dowglas, capitanc of the

to laird Kirkmichael, caftell of Edinburgh ; quhilk he delyuerit the of be- caus he wes neireft of kin to the faid vmquhile James Johneftoun. And

thairefter the faids Hamiltouns pall to the regentis chamber, his grace

in meittand thame at the fute of [the] turgryfe ; quha imbracit thame

ane freindlie maner, and remanit with him the denner.

Wpoun the tent day, the regentis grace paft of Edinburgh to Dalkeith.

The faid day, the faids Hamiltonis pall of the Cannogait to Hamiltoun.

All the tyme of thair remanyng, thaj wer honorablie treitit with the

haill nobilitie, and fpeciallie banketit with the erle of Angus the chan- 1575. IN SCOTLAND. 34,7

cellour, and not without caus, be reflbun thaj wer neir of blood ; bot

my lord Seytoun wes hcvilie commovit at tlic foirfaid homage.

In this mene tyme, my lord regentis grace tuik vp ane hnndryth horfmcn, for quhat caus nanc can tell.

In this mene tyme wes grit diftractioun betuix the magiftratis and

burgeflis of Edinburgh on that ane pairt, and the craftis on that vther

pairt, hurtand the craftifmen of thair laid privileiges findric wayes ; fie

00 difchargeand to faill thair pundis byand as without pak wer worth j ;

gold and pretious ftanis, quhilk appcrtenit to the goldlinythis ; and that

na hydis, ilefche, talloun, or candill, flane within the toun, to be fauld

to any outduellaris of the toun ; quhilk being reilonit befoir the regent

and lecreit counfall, the faids burgeflis wer decernit to haue als grit

ftrenth as of befoir.

Wpoun the xviij dayof March, the haill flefcheouris of Edinburgh

wer fummond to vnderly the law, the xxvj of Apryle nixtocum, for re- vgraiting of mercattis. This wes done be the burgeflis inventionis.

Wpoun the xxvj day of March, thair wes ane proclamatioun at the

mercat croce of Edinburgh, commandand and chargeand, that nane

within this realmc refuifs any mercatis or hard hydis, or half merk

pieces, wnder the pane of deid.

Wpoun the xviij day of Aprile, thir actis following, quhilk wer fet

out at the conveniioun and printit, wer proclamit at the mercat croce

of Edinburgh ; thaj ar to lay, firft, commandand and chargeing all

wappinfliawin to be keipit throw the realme at tua termes in the geir,

the xx day of Julij, and the tent day of October ; ane adl and procla-

matioun anent the making of iyrnes and ftokis for punifment of offen-

daris, and bigging and rej>airing of commoune prefonis ; and ane act

and proclamatioun anent lchutting of culvering and daggis, or beiring and weiring of the fame ; ane acl; and proclamatioun of forbidding of

all men to ryd or gang in hunting or balking on thair nychtbouris 34,8 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 1575.

fo. 125. growand cornis ; ane a6l and proclamatioim, that na pure or beggaris

fuld be fufferit to remayne bot within the parochin quhair thaj wer

borne, &c. as at mair lenth is contenit in the iaids aelis.

Wpoun the xxvj day, the faid flefcheouris of Edinburgh compeirit, to

haue thollit law conforme to the fummonds, and wes continewit quhill

the morne.

Wpoun the xxvij day, the faid afiTyifs of the flefcheouris, quha wer

merchantis, fatt fra xj houris afoir none quhill efter viij at evin, and

culd not find na pynt quhairon to fyle them ; quhilk wes continewit

quhill Monday the xxix of this inftant.

Wpoun the faid xxix day, the faid flefcheouris wer convicT; on this

poynt, that thaj maid merchandice out of plane mercatis and oppin c faires ; thairfoir thaj fand fouertie particularlie, vnder the pane of v

merkis, not to buy any goods outwith the pairt of Edinburgh, bot in

commoun mercattis or oppin faires, vnder the pane of deid, and to

enter in waird within fex dayes warnyng, gif thaj fatiffeit nocht the

regentis grace, fo. 127, Wpoun the 3 day of Maij, my ladie Angus depairtit at the plefour of

god, quha wes oppinit and bowellit.

Wpoun the vj day, the faid vmquhile ladie wes eirdit in the abbay of

Halyrudhous in the kingis tomb, maid newlines as faid is.

Wpoun the tent day, my lord regentis grace depairtit of Edinburgh

to Abirdour.

Wpoun the fecund day [of Junij], Alexander lord Home wes relevit

out of the caftell of Edinburgh, and wardit in his awne lugeing in the

heid of the Freir wynd, quha wes carijt thairto in ane bed, be reffone of

his great infirmitie of feiknes.

Wpoun the vij day of Julij, fchir Johne Forreftar, wardane on the

fouth of Ingland, and the laird of Carmichaell, wardane for the pairt of

the Scottis, beingconvenit at the Reid fyid [ Reidfwyre] at the day of tre w, \

1575. IN SCOTLAND 349

for delyuering of certane offendaris, the Scottis, conforme tb the equitie,

delyuerit the offendaris on thair fyid, and thaireftcr defyrit at the laid

wardane of Ingland to delyuer, quha faid thair wes eneuch done that

day, and wald continevv his delyvering quhill ane new day ; hot the

Scottis anfuerit, in fa far as thaj haid done that became thame in thair

fouerane lords name, thaj in lykmaner aucht to fulfill. At the quhilk

commoning, the faid fchir Johne Forrefter grew heicbt in confait, and

het in commonyng, laid the faid Carmichaell wes nocht to be comparit

to him. Schortlie efter lang heicbt talk, ane bufchment of Inglis bow-

men fchot their arrowes away the cumpany of Scottis, quhairof wer

llane the faid lordis fillers fone, ane vther, and the faid laird hurt, with

lindrie vtheris ; git nochttheles the Scottis, being few in number, defyrit

to his folkis the Inglis wardane ftay ; quha cryed with ane loud voyce,

Hay, ftay, quha wold not ftay. The Scottis thairefter gaif bakkis ' be

the fpace of half ane mylne, quhill the laird of Mow, quha wes flane,

the bailgie of Jedburgh, and the cuntrie met thame ; quhair it wes

crewallie fochtin, and the Inglii'men chafit within thair bordaris ; xxiiij

flane, quhairof wes the erle of Bedfurds fone, and fchir Johne Hering

knycbt, quha wes flane ; and the faid wardane tane, with findrie vtheris c wer brocht to Jedburgh, to the number of iij ; fchir Francis Ruffell to tbe number of xxx landit mene.

Wpoun the xiiij day, the faid Inglis prefonaris wer brocht out of fo. 127. b.

Jedburgh to Dalkeith to the regents grace, quha wes weill treittit.

Wpoun the xv day, my lord regentis grace fend and chargit the ma- giftratis of Edinburgh to tak vp ane dittay of the inhabitouris of the faid toun, for ditting of thame to ane air to be haldin in the tolbuyth thairof

the xxvj of this inftant ; for the quhilk caus, the haill craftis wer warnit

to the confall quha defyrit to aflyft the burgeffis, to that effect thaj

mycht mak, and to gif the faid regent ; hot the craftis allanerlie refuifit,

and tuik thame to the regentis will. •350 DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS, &c. 1575.

Wpoun the xviij day, fchir Joline Bannatyne of Auclinoule knycht, iuftice dark, part at command of the regent to Berwik, for intercom- monyng of gude reule on the hordour.

Wpoun the xx day, the faid juftice clark returnit to Edinburgh.

Wpoun the xxj day, Mr Killingraw, ambaflatour for the quene of

Ingland, come with xxx horfs in tryne to Dalkeith ; and efter quhais cuming, the faid Johne Forrefter and wardane, with the reft of the prefo- naris, paft of Dalkeith in purpois to Londoun. It wes faid that thaj wer fend for be the quene of Ingland.

Wpoun the xxij day, the faid ambaflatour come to Edinburgh, and wes lugeit in Robert Kers lugeing at the fait trone, in Mr Johne Abir- crumbies lugeing.

Wpoun the xxiiij day, my lord regentis grace come to the place of

Halyrudhous fra Dalkeith.

Wpoun the xxvj day, the juftice air of Edinburgh wes continewit quhill the fourt day of October nixtocum.

Wpoun the day of Julij, the laird of Lochlevin, erle Buchane, and his brother George Dowglas younger brother, quha wes the convoy of the quene out of Lochlevin, George Dowglas now bifchope of Murray,

of m fet for the flauchter with vtheria diuerfs, to the number j men, wer of Johne Hamiltoun abbot of Abirbrothok, fecund fone to vmquhile the dukis grace, bot be aduerteifment he wan away verie cunnyiiglie.

Wpoun the xxvij day, Adame Gordoun, brother to George erle of

Huntlie, with xx gentilmen, qidia depairtit with him to France, come

out thairof throw Flanderis to Scotland, and landit at Leith ; quha come at the command of the regent, becaufe he lend for him and his cumpany maift effecluollie, and defyrit thame to cum the faid way, to that effefil thaj iuld nocht be perfewit with Inglilmen. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. ' 3 ^

^'238 &/ ;


Abbotshall, 228. See Scott, ThomaB. Lennox, proclaimed Lieutenant, summons army, 33, 35; leads vanguard, 36, 38, 40, gets Aberbrotlioek, 42 Aberbrotlioek, Abbot, Commendator, Lord of, 3, 16, 21, 23, 41 ; ; vanguard 243, (referred to as 42, 61, 103, los, ill, 160, L82, 190,212,220,245,279,320, has 1547, 44, 182, 257 George), 286. 327, 335, 314, 34b', 350. See also Beaton, David ; Hamilton, Angus, Archibald Douglas, 8th Earl of (born c. 1555, suc- John ; Douglas, George. 126, 313, 320, Aberdeen, 5, 73, 74, 144, 184, 185, 206, 253, 267, 303, 327. ceeded 1557, died 1588), bears crown 1567, ; 1574, 346. Old Aberdeen, 319. Tolbootli, 144. Brig, 255. 324, 331 marriage 1573, 334 ; Chancellor, Aberdeen, Barony of, 315. Angus, Lady, death of, 1575, 348. Aberdeen, Bishops of, 4, 9, 16, 17, IS, 220, 245. See also Dun- Annan, 184, 267. Castle, 133. bar, Gavin; Stewart, William ; Elphiustone, William. Annan lese majesty, Aberdeen, Dean of, 151, 295^ Anne (Boleyn), Queen of England, convicted of Aberdeen, Provosts of, 62, 279. 1536, 20. Aberdour, 327, 348. Anstruther, Captain John, Dumbarton Castle delivered to, 1562, 72. Aberlady, Ships burned at, 1544, 34 ; English come to, 1548, Anstruther, John, of that Ilk, summoned 1571, 228, 237. 47 ; Crayer flees to, 1571, 222. Abernethy, Lord (Earl of Moray), US, 130. Anweik (Alnwick), 187. Adamson, Bailie John, 23S, 244, 251. Applegarth, Laird of (Jardiue), 226, 227, 236, 243, 288, 342. Adamson, Captain John, apprehended 1571, 209. Arbroath, See Aberbrothock. Adamson, David, apprehended 1571, 209. Arbuckle, John, soldier, hanged, 1570, 201. Ardingask, 243. See Murray, Sir Andrew. Admiral, of Scotland, 111; English, 34. 3 Affleck, Gilbert, of that Ilk, 228, 237. Ardkinglas, 85. See Campbell, James. Affleck, John, of Wodhill, 228, 237. Ardmannoch and Tarbolton, Lord (Darnley, 1565), 79. Aikenhead, 228. See Reid, John. Ardmannoch, Lordship of, 267. Aikenhead, Thomas, burgess, warded 1574, 343. Ardross, Laird of, 15. Aikman, hagbuter, 258. Argyle, 164, 198. Aikman, Captain Walter, 238, 322. Argyle, Bishop of, 61, 279. Aitchisou, Helen, house of, 299. Argyle, Countess of (1565), 90, 103, 340, 341. Aitchison, John, Merchant, house of, damaged, 1572, 307. Argyle (Ergyle), Colin Campbell, 3rd Earl of (succeeded Albany, John Stewart, Duke of (succeeded 14S5, died 1536), 1513, died 1529), made Lieutenant 1523, 8, 9, 10; made Lieutenant 1528, 12. lands at Dumbarton, 1515, 5, 6 ; comes to Edinburgh, 1521, 7; departs to France, 1522, returns 1523, again de- Argyle, Archibald Campbell, 4th Earl of, (succeeded 1529, 31 of the Isles parts 1524, 8, 9, 16. died 1558), 21, 27, 28, 30, ; war with Lords 1545, 39 gets forfeited lands, 41.: Albany, Duke of (Darnlev), 79. ; Alloway (Aubigny, Monsieur), 7. Argyle, Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of, (succeeded 1558, Almaney (Germany), Dukes of, 143, 146. died 1573), sacks Blackfriars and Greyfriars, 1559, 53; Almshouses. See Bedhouse. 61; chosen a Regent, 1560, 62; comes to Convention, Alnwick (Anweiek), 187. 1561, 62; bears Sceptre, 1563, 76, 78, 85, 95, 99, 104, 107; Alva, Duke of, 143, 145, 184, 185, 292, 335. bears Crown, 1567, 108, 109, 116, 117, 121, 122; bears Ambassadors (Scottish), to England, 1516, 6; 1536, 20; 1543, Sword of Honour, 1567, 120, 127, 129, 134; besieges Glas- to Castle, 1568, 136, 141, 152, 151, 1511, 157, 160, 161, 162, 27 ; 1560, 62 ; 1562, 72 ; 1568, 139; to London, 1533, 17 ; gow 174 custody of England, 1570, 194, 199, 208; to Flanders, 1550, 51; to 163, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171, ; gets Lord burns France, 1531, 14; 153S, 22; 1574, 339, 340; to Denmark, Sempill, 1570, 178, 181, 246, 247, 257 ; St. Giles' 1563, 76. images, &c, 1559, 269, 279, 280, 281, 286, 313, 324, 327, 328, Articles, ; Ambassadors (English), 12, 14, 28, 29, 59, 61, 80, 88, 102, 107, 330 ; chosen a Lord of the 1573, 331 death, 117, 119, 120, 157, 159, 161, 164, 166, 167, 179, 195, 198, 221, 1573, 337, 338. J ,u, 259. 277. 288, 295, 305, 307, 313, 328, 336, 350. Argyle, Colin Campbell, 0th Earl of (succeeded brother, 1573, succession 337 put to horn 1574, released Ambassadors (French), 6, 7, 27 (Lennox, 1543), 59, S6, S7, 115, died 15S4), ; 340; 116, 117, 119, 120, 128, 263 (1572), 220, 270, 277,282,283, again put to horn 341, released 1575, 343 ; comes to Con- 296, 307 (1572), 313, 316. vention 346. of, abducted 1572, 301. Ambassadors (Queen Mary's), 1561, 64 ; 1570, 195. Armhill, Laird Ambassadors (Emperor's), 15 Armstrongs, border thieves, 14. Amiens, Bishop of, lands at Leith, 1559, 53, 57, 270, 274. Armour 110, Corslets 185, Headpieces 185, Jak 163, Morions Ancrum, burnt by English, 1529, 14. 210, Visors 67. Ancrum Muir, Battle of, 1545, 38. (Restored Scotland to Old Arms. See Artillery. Dag, 66, 100, 163, 292, 347. Marches). Arms, Book of, 246. Andro, The, Ship, arrives at Leith from France, 1571, 229. Armstrang, David, hanged 1572, 292. Angus (County), 143, 187, 235. Armstrang, Symon, hanged 1536, 20. Angus, Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of (born 1489, suc- Armstrange, Andro, summoned 1565, 96. ceeded e. 1513, died 1557), marries Queen Margaret, 1514, Army, 114. 154. 5, 6; discord with Queen, 7, 9; King kept by, 1525, 10; Armystrang, Hekkie, borderer (1569), of Galloway, 1516, 6. Chancellor, 1528, 10 ; forfeited, deprived of office, 1528, 11 Arnot, David, Bishop expelled from Coldingham, 12; restoring of, 1529, 14, 16, Arnot, John, burgess, forfeited 1571, 244. 1st Earl of (born c. 1475, created 22; comes to Scotland, 1543, 26 ; restored to lands, marries Arran, James Hamilton, died ?1529), comes with King to Edinburgh, Lord Maxwell's daughter, 1543, 27, 28 ; gathers army, Earl, 1503, 1544, 30; taken at Glasgow 31; daughter married to 1524, 9. ;;;; ;


Arran, James Hamilton, 2nd Earl of, (born c. 1517, suc- Balfour, Robert (brother of Gilbert), forfeiture 1571, 245.

ceeded 1529, created Duke of Chatelherault in France, Balfour, , Dean of Glasgow, 113. 1550, died 1575), accompanies King to France, 153G, 21 Balloon, 186.

made Governor 1543, 25, 26 ; frees English prisoners, 27 Ballumbie, 243. See Lovel, James. ;

28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ; discharged of authority, 1541, 33, 34, Balmer, Sir Ralph, made Captain of Roxburgh, 1547, 45.

35, 36 ; comes to Jedburgh, 1545, 38 ; to Roslin Muir, 31) Balmerinoch, John, Commendator of, a Lord of Articles 1565,

invades England, 40, 41; besieges Dumbarton, 1540, 42; 89, 135, 190, 243 ; Abbot, 245. 43, 41, 45, 4ti, 47; comes to Lauder, 1550; daughter's Balnaves, Henry, of Halliill, 29; takes part in Cardinal's

marriage, 50 ; (as Duke of Chatelherault) rides in Teviot- murder 1546, 42 ; passes to England, 43 ; taken, 1547, 14;

dale, 51 ; resigns authority to Queen Dowager 1552-3, 51; lands at Berwick 1560, 56, 138 ; a Commissioner for Con- 52, 61, 62; takes Castle Sempill 1560, 63, 67, 70, 71, gregation 1559, 273.

('; 72, 74, 75 ; bears Crown, 1563, 76, 78, 70, 82 ; denounced Balquhan, Laird of Leslie), in vanguard, 1562, 73. 1565, 83, 86, 09, 10S, 113, 122, 123, 129, 136, 139, 140, Balvaird, 71. See Murray, Sir David. 141, 142, 144, 160; confined in Castle, 1569, 161, 167, Balweary, 131. See Scott, Sir William. 17U; released 1570, 171, 172, 1,-1; besieges Glasgow, 176, Bal weary, Laird of, Ambassador to England, 1516, 6. 182; comes to Edinburgh, 1571, 211, 220; bears Crown, Balweary, Heir of, accompanies Bishop of Aberdeen to 1571, 221, 226, 212; summons of forfeiture, 245, 246, 262, London 1533, 17.

demits Governship, 1554, 266, 269, 270, 277, 279 ; elected Bands : For Queen Mary's marriage, 26; of France renewed

a Regent, 1560, 280; takes Castle Sempill, 281, 286; re- 1543, 29 ; of Lords of Lothian 1560, 59.

stored 1573, 331 ; death 1575, 343 ; 350 (See also Hamilton, Banff, 267. Lord). Bannatyne, (Laird of, Correis brother), made Captain Arran, James Hamilton, 3rd Earl of, son of preceding of Cierlaverock 1545, 41. (born c. 1537, courtesy Earl from 1550, succeeded his father Bannatyne, Sir John, of Auchnoule. See Bellenden. 105. L575, died 1609), goes to France 1550, 51 ; in Parliament, Banquets, 67, 70, 87,

1560, 61 ; proposed marriage to English Queen, 62 ; chosen Baptism (James VI), 103.

a Kegent, besieges Sempill, 62, 63, 67, 71 ; warded, Barbour, (son of Janet Campbell), S6.

1562, 72, 78, 82 ; denounced, 1565, 83 ; released from Barclay, hanged 1570, 181. Castle, 1566, 99, 123; comes to Scotland, 1559, 270; passes Barclay, Sir David, of Cullernie, 17.

to Crichton, 271 ; elected a Regent. 1560, 280. Barclay, George, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 245. Arrol. See Errol. Bargany (Bowgony), 159, 176, 201. .S'ee Kennedy, Thomas. Articles, Lord of the(inParliament), 61, 89, 93, 108,135,190,279. Barkwindance, 222. See also Brakwinrahame.

Artillery, 22, 57, 67, 82 ; Batter, 251 ; Cannons, Great, 57 Barnbogle, Laird of, 108. Royal, 330; Culverins, 163, 234, 330; Pottin Pieces Barr, 85. See Lockhart, John. (Mortars), 330; Touch Holes of Ordnance, 58. Barrell, Henry, flesher, house destroyed 1572, 303. Artillery, Master of, 13. See Barton, Robert. Barrie, Thomas, messenger, hand struck off, 1570,193, 240. Assembly of the Kirk, 236, 317. Barron, James, Commissioner of Burghs, 62, 279. Assessment, 1544, 37. Barton, Robert, Conservator of Mines 1529, made Treasurer, Assise, 108, 116, 186. Master of Artillery, &c, 13, 19. Assise, knowledge of, 127. Bascrube, 243. See Stewart. Astoune, 243. See Calder, John. Bass, Laird of, 37, 94. See Lauder, Robert. Athens, Alexander, Bishop of, 195, 208. Bathcat, 186.

Athole, John Stewart, 4th Earl of (born ? , succeeded 1542, Bathgate, burnt 1546, 37.

died 1579) ; in Parliament 1560, 61, 77 ; bears Sceptre, 1564, Bavaria (Bauer), Duke of, 312.

78 ; Tantallon Castle delivered to, 1565, 85 ; a Lord of the Beaton, David, Abbot of Aberbrothock 1532, 16 ; at marriage

Articles, 89, 103, 101; comes to Edinburgh 1567, 113, 115, of James V. 1536, 21 ; Cardinal, guider of Court, im- 118; bears Crown, 119, 126, 141, 147, US, 157, 158, 159, 163, prisoned 1543, 26; relieved, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 39, 41;

165, 168, 169, 170 ; in Parliament 1560, 279 ; comes to Edin- murdered 1516 (called "James"), 42, 67.

burgh 1573, 328, 329, 343. Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow 1514, 5 ; Archbishop

Andrews 1524 ; warded in Edinburgh Castle, 9 Aubigny, Monsieur. See Stewart, Robert. of St. ; Auchindoun, 70. See Ogilvie, Sir John. suspect of lese majestie 1533, 17. Auchingassill, 245. See Maitland, John. Beaton, James (Cardinal's nephew), defrauded of Aber- Auchinleck (Affleck), 228. See Boswell, John. brothock 1546, 42. Auchnoule (Achnoule), 89. See Bannatyne, Bellenden. Beaton, Sir John, at Queen Mary's escape, 1568, 129. Avon Bridge (West Lothian), 172. Beaumont (Bewmont), Mons de, French Ambassador 1568, 128. Avondale (Avihgdale), Lands of, confiscated, 23. Beattie, Bessie, bastalzie made at house of, 1571, 211. Avondale, Andrew Stewart, 2nd Lord of (succeeded c. 1489 Bedford, Earl of, English Ambassador 1566, 102, 103, 349. killed at Flodden 1513), 7, brother of Harry Stewart. Bedrule, 243. See Turnbull, Thomas. Ayr, 4, 201. Beggars, 348 (to remain in parish of birth). 250. Ayr, Sheriff of (Campbell), 36, 130, 131, 143, 164, 171, 257, Bell, George, horseman, 247 ; taken 1571, 249; hanged, Ayre (Circuit Court), 18; General, proclaimed by Governor, Bellenden (or Bannatyne), Sir John, of Auchnoule, Justice

Scots Commissary 1550, 50, 89, 95 ; acquitted of 1550 ; 51, 100, 267, 338, 339, 340, 350. Clerk,

Ayton, Laird of (Home), taken 1542, 25. Rizzio's murder 1566, 100 ; a Commissioner 1570, 187, 293, to 350. 327 ; passes Berwick 1575, Bailzie, Alexander, of Little Gill, taken prisoner 1568, 131. Bellenden, Patrick, of Stanehouse, brother of Sir John B. of Bailzie, of Cormiston (Biggar), 245. Auchinoule, 89, 95. Bailzie of the Monkland, S5. Benefices, 21. 319. Bailleries of Kyle, Carrick, and Cunningham, 83. Benefices, Bowis (? Bolls) of, 28. Baillies (Bailies), 65. Benefices, resignation of, 70. Baird, Matthew (Brechin), 183. Benefices, Tenth Penny of, granted to King 1532, 15. Balfour, George (brother of James), 148. Beniston (Benston), 309. See Hepburn, Patrick. Balfour, Gilbert, of Westeraw, 101, 245, 324, 325. Benson, Patrick, Commissioner of Burghs, 62. Balfour, James, Parson of Flisk, 95 ; made Clerk of Register, Benteston, burnt 1544, 32. gives artillery 1566, 97, 102 ; made Captain of Castle, 111 ; Bergen, 123. 120, 127, Castle, meeting of Commissioners at, 152S, 12; to Lords, 116 ; delivers Castle to Regent 1567, Berwick, 3; Norfolk comes to 1542, 24, 30, 31, 32, 54, 56, 60, 90, 128, 147 ; apprehended, 118, 149, 163 ; President of College Duke of 245 (Sir James Bal- 168, 169, 171, 172, 254, 270, 273, 277, 285, 293, 295, 296, of Justice 1570, 168 ; forfeiture 1571, 167, of Pittenweeni 299, 313, 350. four) ; elected Provost 1571, 250 ; Prior 298, of (Sir James Crofts), 1560. 56, 274. 1572, 314 ; relaxed from horn 1572, 323 ; summoned, 324; Berwick, Captain 1569 (Lord Hunsdale [?Hunsdon]), restored 1573, 331 ; accused of Darnley's murder, 338 Berwick, Governor of, comes to Convention 1574, 344. 164, 176. ;


Berwick, Marshall of, 1571 (Sir William Drury), comes to Boyd, Keeper of the Reidhall 1572, 265. Edinburgh, 217, 288, 289, 292, 298, 333. Boyd, John (?) Lord(V) goes to Perth 1572, 327, 331. Bible delivered to Queen Mary 1061, 08. Boyd, Robert, 5th Lord (succeeded r. 155s, din! 159m, chosen

Biggar, 84, 131, 132, S13, 313. as a Regent 1560, 62 ; comes to Convention 1561, i.: Binning, place of, burnt 1570, 178. 91, 104, 108, 111, 121, 122, 14i;. 160, 161, 163, 161, 168, 170, Binning, Thomas (servant), 292. 198, 211, 212, 234, 238, 257, 279, 280, 281, 313, 324, 328, Blacader, Adam (pirate), L23. 343. Blacater, John, of Tullyallan, slays Inglis 1529, 13. Boyd, Thomas, 6th Lord (succeeded 1590, died 1611), comes to Blacater, William, Captain, apprehended 1567, 115; hanged, Edinburgh 1566, 99, 130, 139, 145. 116, Boyne, Laird of, on Bothwell's Assise 1567, 108. Blackadder, 244. See Hume, John. Brakwinraliame, same as Barkwindance, 86, 222. Blackadder House, destroyed, 1622, 8. Brankstoun, burnt 1545, 39. Blackburn, John, Yr., put to horn 1571, 239. Branxholme (Hawick), burnt 1570, 171. Black Friars, Indulgence to, 16; condemned for heresy 1511,23. Breane, English Commissary 1550, 50. Blackness Castle (West Lothian), Mark Ker and Laird of Brechin, 143, 182, 183, 186, 304. Cowdenknowes warded in, 1529, 14, 26, 29; Erskine of Brechin Kirk, 304.

Dun put in, 1544, 31 ; Lord St. John and others put in, 35, Brechin, Bishop of (John Sinclair, 1505), 89, 98, 190. 46; delivered to French 1548, 47; taken 1560, 57. 97, 133, Briggis, The (Kirkliston), 110.

161, 262, 275, 289. 290, 291, 292, 293, 294 : Bishop of Dun- Broomhouse, 136. Ste Home, Ferdinard.

keld relieved from, 1574, 340. Broughty, English ships pass to, besieged 1547, 45 ; Fort won

Blairquhan (Ayrshire), Laird of, 159, 176. by French 1550, 49 ; Castle taken 1571. 255. Blanerne (Berwickshire), Laird of (Lumsden), comes from Brown, Charles (Brechin), justified 1570, 183. Queen in France 1561, 64, 282. Brown, Hew, tried, 1571, 233. Blyth, Alexander, put to horn 1571, 238, 239. Brown, John, of Cultermains, 243. Bog, Alexander, ansenzie taken prisoner 1571, 225. Brown, Thomas, burgess, charged 1565, 96. Boghall, 203. See Fleming, John. Brownhall, 346. See Hamilton, John. Boll of Meal, price 1569. 1 17. Bruce, Captain James, 238, 250, 256, 262, 299; comes with food Bolton, 127. See Hepburn, John, to Edinburgh 1572, 303. Bolton (Yorkshire), Queen transported to, 1568, 134. Brunstane, place of Laird of attacked 1559, 54. Bombie, 10. See Bumbie. Brusoune (?Bryson), Patrick, 279, Bonars (brother and sister), burnt 1570, 199. Bryan, Counte de (?Comte de Brienne), comes to James VI. 's Bonnington (Bonnyton), 95. See Wood, James. baptism 1566, 102, 103, 104. Bonshaw (Boyneschaw), Dumfriesshire, burnt 1570, 184. Bryce, William (Brechin), justified 1570, 183. Borders, restitution of order in, 1531, 14, 142, 350. Bryis, Lord, warden of England, 47. Borders, West, attacked by English 1547. 43. Buccleueh (Selkirkshire), 341. Borg (?Borgue), Laird of, conveys provisions 1569, 153. Buccleuch, Laird of, 10. 13, 14, 220. See Scott, Walter.

Borthwick, Bothwell held in, 1544 ; released, 35, 112, 113. Buchan (Buquhane), Secretary, 135. Borthwick, of Collylaw, forfeited 1571, 245. Buchan, Robert Douglas, 4th Earl of (in right of his wife Borthwick, James, forfeited 1571, 245. Christina Stewart, Countess of Buchan), died ?15S0; at

Borthwick, John, Captain, slain 1569, 154. Convention 1569, 159, 176, 180, 214, 242, 245 : at Parliament

Borthwick, John, 6th Lord of (succeeded ?1543, died 1566), in Stirling 1571, 245, 247 ; lieutenant in North 1572, 304, put in Dalkeith 1544, 35, 40, 53. 320, 350. Borthwick, William, 5th Lord of (succeeded 1513, died 1543), Buchan, Master of, 190. accompanies King to Edinburgh 1524, 9. Buchanan, George, Keeper of Privy Seal 1571, 203, 204, pen- Borthwick, William, 7th Lord of (succeeded 1566, died 1582), sioner of Corsragwell, 243. in Parliament 1568, 135, 190, 320. Buchanan, Robert, of Leny, forfeited 1571, 244. Boswell, George, of Affleck, summoned 1571, 228. Bumbie (Bombie), Laird of (McLellan), slain 1526, 10. Boswell, John, of Affleck, forfeited 1571, 237. Burgess of Dumbarton, 85. Bothwell, Adam Hepburn, 2nd Earl of (born 1492, succeeded Burghs, Commissioners of, 89. 1508, killed at Flodden 1513), 3. Burntisland (Brintyland), French come to 1559, 55, 223, 272. Bothwell, Countess of, divorced 1567, 110. Busso, Seigneur Francisco de, at baptism of James VI., Bothwell, Francis, Provost of Edinburgh 1524, deprived of 104. office, 9. Byres, The, 61, 241, 242. See Lindsay, Lord. Bothwell, Patrick Hepburn, 3rd Earl of (horn 1512, succeeded

1513, died 1556), 12 ; lieutenant, 13; warded 1529, 13; Cace (Caice), Mr (Englishman), 235, 254. made , warded 1533, 15, 26; Governship ratified 1543, 27, 28, 30, Cadder. See Calder.

31, 33, 34 ; freed 1544, 35, 36, 40 ; death 1556. 267. Cffirlaverock, delivered to English 1545, 41. Bothwell, James Hepburn. 4th Earl of (born 1535, succeeded Cairncross, Robert, Abbot of Holyrood, Treasurer 1528, 11, 13. 1556, created Duke of Orkney 1567, died 1578), comes to Cairncross, Robert, of Clumislie, forfeited 1571, 214. Leith 1559, 53; takes gold from Laird of Ormiston, 54; Cairny. See Melville, Robert.

arrives from France 1561, 64. 70. 71, 72 ; breaks ward 1562, Caithness, William Sinclair, 2nd Earl of ; death at Flodden, 3.

73 ; arrives in Scotland 1565, 83, 85 ; marriage 1565, 88 Caithness, George Sinclair, 4th Earl of (succeeded 1529, < i<

bears sceptre, 89, 90; gets Abbey of Haddington, 94, 99; 1582), in Parliament 1560, 61, 108 ; delated 1557, 267, 279. takes John Elliot 1566, 100; wounded, 101, 104; accused And see Orkney, Lord). of Darnley's murder 1566, 106, 107, 108; bears sceptre 1567, Caithness, Bishop of (Robert Stewart), 1546,41,42, 50, 61, 190,

109; divorced, 110 ; married to Queen Mary, 111, 112, 114, 279. 116. denounced rebel, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122; escapes, 123; Calais, taken by Duke of Guise 1557, 51, 267, 268.

released from horn, 125 ; forfeited, 127. 128, 137 ; question Calder (Cadder, Caderis), James, shoots Regent Lennox 1571,

of divorce 1569, 145, 190, 269, 270, 271, 282, 309, 338. 248 ; captured, 249 ; broken on wheel, 250. Bothwell, Provost of, 309. Calder, John, of Aston, ferfeited 1571, 243, 247, 249, 250. Bothwellhaugh, 156. See Hamilton, James. Calder, Laird of, 7, 35. See Sandilands, Sir James. Bourbon, Duke of, sacks Rome 1527, slain, 10. Calder, Parson of, 64. 282. Bow, Alexander, burgess, tried 1572, 301. Calder, Thane of, S. See Campbell, John. Bowgony (?Bargany), Laird of. 159. Callander, The, 112, 336. 341. Bowes (Bewis), Lord, English Captain, 27. Callendar Wood (Falkirk!, 181, 204. Bowes, Richard, brother of Sir Robert, taken 1542, 25. Calsay (street), honours on 1543, 27. Bowes, Sir Robert, taken on Hadden Rig 1542. 25. Cambuskenneth, Abbot of. 9, 245; Commendator of, 135, 242 ; Bowes (Bewis), Sir Robert, English Commissary 1550, 50. burial of prince at 1514, 4. Bovis, Walter, Parson of Snaw 1533, 17. Cambusmichael, 95. See Scott, Thomas. Boyd, Andrew, justified 1570, 183. Cambusnethan, Laird of, 108. INDEX

Campbell, Archibald, of Skippnische, accused of treason 1537, Chatelherault, Duke of. See Arran, Earl of. Chisholm, Captain John, 238, 253, 255. Campbell, Sir Colin, knighted 1561, 70. Chisholm, John, apprehended 1571, 229, 230. Campbell, James, of Ardkinglas, summoned 1565, 85, 157. Chisholm, Michael, put to horn 1571, 239, 244. Campbell, Janet, summoned 1565, 86. Ciphers (Sypheris), 1S5. Campbell, John, Thane of Calder, slays McLean 1523, 8. Clanronald, Captain of, 34. Campbell, Sir John, of Lundy, Executor of Queen Dowager Clark, Alexander, 96, 241. 1560, 59, 277. Cleish, 158. See Colville. Campbell, Sir Matthew, of Lundy, 71. Clement, Pope, taken 1527, 10. Campbell, Sir Matthew, of Loudoun, Sheriff of Ayr, 130, 131, Clerk, Captain John, servant to King of Denmark, 115. son heir, and summoned 1571, 257. Clerk Register, 190, 219. Campbell, Robert, of Kynzeancleuch, 85 ; forfeited 1571, Clerkington "young lady of," 173. 213. Clinton, Lord, Admiral of England, 189. Campbell, William, tutor of Cessnock, summoned 1565, 85. Clinton, (son), English Ambassador, 189. Campbell, William (son of Robert), forfeited 1571, 243. Closeburn, destroyed 1570, 184. Cant, Alexander, slain 1535, 19. Clumislie, 244. See Cairncross, Robert. Cant, John (Brechin), justified 1570, 1S3. Clyde, 302. Canno (property), S5. Clydesdale, 177, 250, 265. Carberry Hill, battle at, 1567, 114. Coalstoun, Laird of (Broun), taken 1545, 38. Cardinal, 26. See Beaton, David. Cochnocht. See Hamilton, Andrew. Cardinal (of Guise), at. marriage of James V. 1537, 21. Cockburn, English pursue Scots to, 1544, 36. Carey (Carray), Sir Harry, English Ambassador 1571, 256; Cockburn, James, of Langton, knighted 1567, 10S, 111. Marshal of Berwick, 288; Ambassador, 293, 295, 299, 3u3 Cockburn, James, of Scarling, made Captain of Castle 1567, 305. 107, 120, 138. Carlaverock (Ca?rlaverock), destroyed 1570, 1S4. Cockburn, John, of Ormiston, summoned 1565, 25, 42, 56, 58, Carlington, 243. See Cathcart. 95. Carlyle (Oasrlele), Michael Carlyle, 4th Lord of (succeeded Cockburn, Laird of, taken 1544, 36. 1526, died 1575), in Parliament 1560, 61, ISO, 279. Cockburn, William (called Henryson), of Hynderland, be- Carlisle (town), 131, 133, 134, 208. headed 1529, 14. Carmichael, participant in Cardinal's murder 1546, 42. Cokir (Coekie), James, goldsmith, hanged 1573, 335. Carmichael, James, forfeited 1571, 237. Cokir, William, goldsmith, goes to Leith 1573, 334. Carmichael, of John, that Ilk, 186, 219, 243, 324 ; Scots warden Coikye, William, house of, 214. 1575, 315, 348, 349. Coinage (cunzee), 117, 120, 344, 345. Carne.ll, 85. See Wallace. Coittes, The, burnt 1549, 49. Carnochane, John, house of destroyed 1572, 307. Coldaneknowes (Cowdenknowes), Laird of, warded 1529, 14. Carnwath, meeting at, 1572, 265. Colden Edge, burnt 1571, 290. Carrick, James, Prince of Scotland, created Earl of, 1567, 105. Coldingham, Angus expelled from, 1528, 12; burnt 1532, 16, Carrick, Regent goes to. 1570, 201. 30 ; Lords attack 1544, 36, 37. 38 ; burnt 1545, 40, 314. Carruthers, of? Horsmendis, raids The Byres 1571, 241. Coldingham, Abbot of, 61, 76, 279. Carruthers, David, hanged 1572, 292. Coldingham, Commendator of, 1513, Alexander Stewart, 3, Carver, 104. 135, 151, 170; 1570, John Maitland, 189, 196, 210, 214, 220, Cassillis, Earl of, David Kennedy, 3rd Lord Kennedy, created 224, 314, 333, 336. Earl of Cassillis 1509, killed 3. at Flodden 1513, Coldingham, Prior of, 1562, John ? Stewart, 73. , Cassillis, Gilbert Kennedy, 3rd Earl of (born 1515, succeeded Coldstream, Prior of (1514), 5. 1527, died 155S), taken at Solway Moss 1542, 25, 29, 30, 36, College of Justice, instituted 1532. 15 ; grantto, 16; President

40 ; sails to France 1550, 50 ; Treasurer 1554, 266 ; a Com- of, 98, 168 ; Senator of, 196, 295. missioner to France, dies at Dieppe 155S, 52, 268. Collylaw, 245. See Borthwick. Cassillis, Gilbert Kennedy, 4th Earl of (succeeded 1558, died Colmskeith, Laird of, slain, 1544, 32.

1576), at Parliament 15G0, 61 ; comes to Convention 1561, Colunwood, Robert of. taken 1545, 38.

63 ; at baptism of James VI. 1566, 104 ; at assize 1567, 108 ; Colville (Colwill) , killed at Flodden, 3.

at Langside 1568, 130, 134, 136, 137, 142 ; comes to Con- Colville, of Cleish, Regent's Master Household, 1569, vention 1569, 144: 1570, 168, 201; warded 1571, 209; at 158.

Parliament 1571, 246, 247 ; summoned, 254, 279, 2S1 ; sub- Colville, Sir James, of Ochiltree (afterwards of Easter

scribes John Knox's book 1561, 282, 320, 324 ; comes to Wemyss), Controller 1528, 11 ; deprived of Controllership Convention 1575, 343. 1529, 13; Commissar 1534, 17; son of, restored to lands Castle Campbell (Dollar), 154. 1543 29. Cathcart, of Carlington, forfeited 1571, 243. Colville,' Sir Robert, of Ochiltree, death at Flodden, 3. Cathcart, 85. See. Sempill, William. Colwin, Lord ('Sir James Colville), lands of, confiscated 1541,

Cathcart, Alan, 4th Lord of (succeeded 1547, died 161S) ; at 23.

Convention 1569, 159, 190 ; in Parliament 1571, 242, 245, Colvington (Covington), 2S9. See Lindsay, John. 247; (named William) slays Laird of Wormiston 1571, Commissaries, Scottish and English convene 1528, 12; Scottish 248, 320. 1542, 24. Caudell, 138. Set Hamilton. Commissaries of Edinburgh, 110, 145 ; (1572) Alexander Sim, Causter, Lord (English Peer), slain 1545, 38. 295.

Cavers. See Ker, Thomas. Commissioners, Scottish and English meet, 1528, 12 ; English Cecil, William, Secretary (Lord Burleigh), English Ambassador and Scottish, 50; 1558, for treating of Queen's marriage, to comes to Edinburgh 1560, 59, 277. 52 : of Burghs 1500, 62 ; for France 1561, 63 ; England

Cessford, 228. See Ker, Sir Walter. 1570, 187 ; for Queen's marriage 1558, 26S ; to France 1560,

Cessford House, destroyed 1522, 8. 282 ; of Church 1572, 316, 317, 31S ; King's 1572, 327. Cessnock, Tutor of, 85. See Campbell, William. Common Bell, 110. Chalmer, David, Provost of Crichton 1568, 113, 136, 1S3. Common Good, 314. Chalmers, Andrew, Huntly lodged in house of, 1573, 330. Composition (Feudal), 336. Chalmers, James, of Gaitgarth, forfeited 1571, 243. Comptroller, King's, 1528, James Colville of Ochiltree, 11.

Chancellor, , 1514, 5 ; 1524, 9 ; Huntly 42 146. 1546, ; Conde, Admiral, 1566, 95; Morton 1570, 190; Huntly 1554, 266; Glaramis Conde, Prince of, 143, 146.

1573, 33S : Angus 1574, 346. Confession of Faith, proposed 1560, 62 ; admitted 280, 319. Chancellor, Lord Home, 1516 (? Chamberlain), 6. Confirmar of the Testaments 1572 (George Sinclair), 295. Charente (Schirrene), 143. Confiscation (of Papists' goods and gear) 1572, 319.

Charles Y. , Emperor, 13. Congalton, of that Ilk, summoned 1568, 138. Charles, King of France, 102, 181. Conglinton (? Congalton), besieged 1570, 196. INDEX

Congregation, pass to Holyrood L669, 53; light with French, Crichton, ProvoBt of (David Chalmer), 113, 136. Robert, Advocate 93. 54; cut Tullibody Bridge, 55 , Lords of Lothian come into, Crichton, < 274. 1500, 59; destroy altars 1659; 269, 270. ( 'rofts, Sir James, laptain of Footmen (English), 56, Congregation, Lords of the, annoyed, 1661, GO, 271. Crookston, taken 1544, 31. Constable of Castle, sent for, 1661, 66, 284, 314. Cross, dispute as to bearing of, 1545, 39. Constable of Prance, son of, 66, Crossraguel(Corsragwell),Pensionerof,1571(GeorgeBuehanan) Constable in Haddington, Karl of Morton made, 1570, 190. 243. Constabularies of Haddington, Linlithgow, &c, levies of, Crossraguel, Abbot of, 1571, 245. 1503, Bummoned, 83. Crown, to be matrimonial 1558, 52; borne by Duke 76, 324. Convention, in Edinburgh 1529, 18; at Stirling 1545, 39 ; in 89, 208, 279; borne by Angus 1572, Leith 1561,63; in St. Andrews 1502,72; Kdinburgh 1569, 167, Crowner, of Frenchmen (Captain "Martane"), lands at 162, 163, 165, 166; Linlithgow 1670, 168; Stirling 1570, 179; 1500, 55, conies out of Leith, 67. Strabogy, lt>9; Kdinburgh, 1670, 198; 1671,216; 1575,343, Crudonis, burnt 1572, 201. 345, 346. Cullane, Captain James, taken by English 1560, 55, 206, 209, > Coquille (Cokhill), Knighthood of the, 7, 87. 212 °22 * 25 "31 233 272 Cordiner, 65, 183. Culross, Ab'bot of (James Inglis, 1529), 13, 01, 245, 279. 243 Corgarff (Carrigill), Strathdon, Aberdeenshire, burnt 1571,255. Culross, Commendator of 1500, 01 ; Alexander, 1571, ; Cormiston, 245. See Baillie. William, 1554, 266. C'ornenale, 244. See Wallace, Hew. Culross, Prior of, 1570, 190. Cornwall (fCornhill), burnt 1545, 39. Culverin, 163, 234, 330. Cornwall, Lord (English Peer), 38. Cumberland, 102. JOS. Lord. Coronation of Queen 1540, 23 ; of King 1567, 118, 121. Cumbernauld. See Fleming, 337. Correehie, Huntly chased to, 1562, 74. Cummaris, The (Troubles), 312, 320, 321, 322, 332, 336, Correis, Laird of, 41. Cumnock. See Dunbar, Sir Alexander ; Hamilton, John. Corslets, 185. Cunningham, Captain Andrew, 192, 194. Costumar, Queen's, 234. Cunningham, Hew, of Waterston (son of), 175. Council, in Edinburgh 1543, 27; Secret, chosen 1544, 33; Cunningham, George, of Drumwhassle, 227. General, at Stirling. 33; of Prelates 1530, 20; of Bishops Cunningham, James, 231, 252, 253. Cunninghamhead, 85. 1545, 41 ; at St. Andrews 154(5, 42 ; 1550, 50. Cunningham, John, of Council and Session, Lords of, 342. Cunningham, John, son of Earl of Glencairn, 329. Counterfeit Money, 344. Cunningham, John, of Drumwhassel (i), brings in English

; Dumbarton Cousland, burnt 1528, 11, 49, 114. army 1570, 173 ; made Treasurer, 180 takes Coutts, Alexander, justified in Brechin, 1570, 183. Castle 1571, 202, 203, 228, 244. Covington, 243. See Lindsay, John. Cunningham, John, of Drumwhassel (ii), 244 1565 Coway ('.' Cowie, Kincardineshire), 255. Cunningham, Robert, burgess of Edinburgh, charged Cowhill, burnt 1570, 1S4. 96, 233. Cowper, (from France), 1570, 28. Cunningham, Robert (Bothwell's servant), 108. Cowper (? Cupar, Fife), taken 1570, 196. Cunninghame, Baillerie of, 83. Craftischilder, 66, 283. Cunninghame, Earl of (James VI.), 105. chosen Craftsman, 65, 66, 347. Cunninghamhead, Laird of (John Cunningham), 01 ; Craig, Andrew, put to horn 1571, 239, 244. as Regent 1500, 02; summoned 1505, 85; marriage 1571, Craig, John, minister, 194, 236, 254. 238; in Parliament 1500, 279, 280. Craig, William, lodging of, 321. Cupar, Abbot of, (1560), 61, 279. Craigie, Laird of, taken 1542, 25, 34. Cupar, Commissioners of, 245. Craigieburn, 244. See Johnstone, Thomas. Cupar, Provost of, 62, 279. Craiginguilt, John, of that Ilk, 244. Cupbearer (Coppar), 104. Craigingate (? Craigengelt), 260. Curl, Malise, daughter of, 342. Craignethan, 200. Customar (Receiver of Duties), 13. See Barton, Robert. Craigton, 22S. See Houston, Patrick. Cyphers, 185. Craigton, 237. See Johnston, Patrick. Cyprus, King of, 16. Crail, Commissioners of, 245. Cramond, 223, 253, 262. Dacres, Lord (English Peer), 152, 168. Cranston, burnt lo2S and 1547, 11, 45. Dalgleish, (Bothwell's servant), 127. 215. Cranston, John, of Marston, 245. Dalgleish, , tenement of, burnt 1571, Cranston, Nether, burnt 1549, 49. Dalgleish, James, merchant, brings pest 1508, 138. Cranston, Patrick, burgess, charged 1505, 96. Dalkeith Castle, Robert Hepburn detained in, 1570, 188. Crawfurd, John Lindsay, 0th Earl of (succeeded ? 1495), death Dalkeith, Convention of Peers at. 1524, 9; Cardinal imprisoned at Flodden 1513, 3. in, 1543, 20, 29. 32, 35, 112, 179, 194, 198, 222, 257, 286, 287, Crawfurd, David Lindsay, Sth Earl of (succeeded 1517, died 292, 297, 349, 350. 1542), accompanies King to Edinburgh, 1524, 9. Dalkeith, place of, Mr Randolph (Randell), conveyed to, Crawfurd, David Lindsay, 10th Earl of (succeeded 1558, died 1569, 101.

1573), in Parliament 1500, 01 ; conies to Convention 1501, Dallaval, Sir John, taken 1545, 38. 243. 63; bears Sword of Honour 1504. 78. S9 ; at King's baptism Dalrymple, John, of , in Parliament 1571, 300. 1566, 104 ; bears Sword of Honour 1507, 108, 109 ; at Dalzell, James, Burgess of Edinburgh, 265, Queen's marriage 1507, 111, 134, 136; at Convention in D'Amville (Danguill), Marshall, conies with Mary 1561, 06, Dunkeld 1509. 147 163, 104, 165; at Convention in Lin- 67, 69.

lithgow 1570, 168, 172. 1S2 ; chosen a Lord of Articles 1570, Dancing, 104.

190, 279, 281, 282 ; at Convention 1572, 320. Danskene (? Dantzig), 77. Crawfurd, Archibald, Parson of Eaglesham, 64, 2S2. Darg, Sergeant Walter, 183. Crawfurd, John, Bailie of the Monkland, So. Darnley, Henry Stewart, Lord (son of Earl of Lennox), comes Crawfurd, John, of Schaw, forfeited 1571, 244. to agreement with Duke 1504, 78; comes to Edinburgh, < Yawfurd, Captain Thomas, 192, 193, 2t>2 203, 238, 239, 323. proclaimed in St. Giles, made Duke of Albany 1505, 79; Crawfurd, (servant to Countess of Bothwell), 110. marries Queen Marv 80, 81, SO; receives knighthood of

Crawfurd, (boy) convovs Queen Mary from Lochleven, the Coquille, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 99 ; illness at Glasgow 1507, 129. 105; murder and burial, 106, 120. Crawfurdjohn. See Hamilton, Sir James. Darone, Silvester, Pope's Legate 1532, 15, 17. Creych, John, denounced 1571, 239. Datrie, burnt 1545, 37. Crichton, Alexander, of Drylaw, 245, 334. Dauphin of France, at James V.'s marriage 1537, 21.

Crichton, 271 : Lord Arran goes to, 1559. Dauphin of France, Queen Mary's marriage to, 1558 ; matri- Crichton, Lord Hailes of (Bothwell), 88, 100. monial Crown for, 52. ;;


Davidson, Patrick, Herald, summoned 1571, 244. Douglas, (sister of Earl of Angus), 257. Davidson, Thomas, summoned 1571, 244. Douglas, (son of Archibald of Kilspindie), 175. Davidson, William, Flesher, 235. Douglas, Thomas, invades David Lautie, W.S., 1571, 202. Dawling, Handsenzie, 256. Douglas, William, of Glenbervie, forfeited 1571, 243. Deacons, of the Crafts, 250. Douglas, William, of Whittinghame, follows English 1544, 37; Deer, Abbot of, 1560, 61, 279. Ambassador to Denmark 1563, 76, 77 ; charged 1565, 95, Deir, Adam, called before Bishop 1534, 18. 178 ; summoned 1571, 228. Delabrosche, Captain (Sieur Jacques de la Brosse), lands at Douglas, William of , forfeited 1571, 243. Leith 1560, 53. Douglases, The, 7 ; King's escape from, 1528, 10. Delator, 183. Doune, Laird of (Sir James Stewart), chosen a Regent, 1560, Demilances, 56, 58, 176, 274. 62. D'Elbeuf, Marquis, comes with Queen from France 1561, 6(j, Doune Castle, Lord Hume and others warded in, 1529, 14 67, 71. besieged 1570, 184, 185, 195, 209, 343. Denis, Andrew, justified 1570, 183. Dow, tried 1570, 181. Dessie, Dosie, Mons. (Andre de Montalembert, Seigneur Dowachartie, 228. See Monro, George. D'Esse), comes from France, 1518, 46, 48. Dowry, Queen's, brought from France 1572, 324. Denmark, 125, 140. Dossell, Lord. See D'Oysel. Denmark, of, King 76, 115, 137. D'Oysel (Dosie), Mons, left lieutenant 1550, 51 ; comes to Leith Dersy, 71. See Learmouth, Sir. 1559, 53, 57, 267, 269, 270, 274. Deweileroy, Mons, French Ambassador, 115. Draffane, Lanarkshire, Lord Gray warded in, 1543, 29; Castle Dick, Gilbert, denounced 1571, 239, 244. delivered 1565,86, 139, 178, 181; Lord Semple taken to, Dickson, Robert, justified 1570, 183. 1570, 198, 203. Dickson, Sir Thomas, " Granter" of Paisley, hanged 1570, 201. Dreghorn (Dryhorn). See Fullarton, John.

Dieppe, King lands at, 1536, 21 ; sails from, 1537, 22. Drumkilbo, 243. See Tyrie, William. Dingwall, near Kirk of Field, 261. Drumlanrig, burnt 1547, 46, 230. Dingwall Castle, Master of Maxwell warded in, 1557, 267. Drumlanrig, Laird of, slays McLellan 1528, 10 ; warded 1529, Dirleton, David Falconer, slain at, 1528, 12. 14 ; accompanies Kingto France 1536, 21 ; chosen a Regent Dog, Alexander, forfeited 1571, 244. 1560, 62, 115, 176, 225 ; elected a Regent 1560, 280. See also Dollar, Vicar of (Thomas Forrest), condemned for heresy, 23. Douglas, Sir James. Domell, Mons, comes with Queen from France, 1561, 66; Drummis. See Pitcairn, David. departs, 67. Drummond, Alexander, of Carnock, forfeited 1528,11. Donaldson, William, hanged 1570, 201. Drummond, Alexander, of Medop, doom suspended 1571, 246. Dose. See D'Oysel. Drummond, Charles, Provost of Linlithgow, taken 1570, 178. Doucats (Ducats), 15, 324. Drummond, David, 2nd Lord (succeeded 1519, died 1571), at Doughty, Thomas, hermit, founds Loretto 1534, 17. St. Johnston (Perth) Brig, 1544, 34, 40. Douglas Wars, 294. Drummond, George, made Captain of Tantallon, 1565, 85. Douglas, Adam, of the Waterside, 244. Drummond, Henry, of Richartstoun, taken to Draffane 1571, Douglas, Archibald, treasurer 1528, 10; deprived of office, 11; 203. dies in Paris 1534, 19. Drummond, James, trumpeter, 69. Douglas, Archibald, of Kilspindie, Provost of Edinburgh, Drummond, Robert (alias Doctor Handie), commits suicide condemns James Kellone 1561, 65; elected Provost, 69; 1574, 340. discharged 1565, 81, 82, 175. 283, 329. Drummonds, Court ruled by, 1514, 5. Douglas, Archibald, Parson of Douglas, 95, 292. Drumsboreland Moor, meeting on, 1568, 134. Douglas, Archibald, of Whittinghame, 161, 1S7, 259, 260, 288. Drumwhassell (Drumquhassell). See Cunningham, John. Douglas, Archibald (alias Archie Glen), hung 1572, 293. Drury, Sir William, Governor of Berwick, comes with army Douglas, Gavin, a ruler of Court 1514, 5. to Edinburgh 1570, 176,217,218; Ambassador 1571, 221, George, of Rizzio's murderers, 89. Douglas, one 1565, 223, 224, 225, 226, 259 ; Ambassador 1571, 285, 296, 297, 307 ; Douglas, George, Regent Morton's brother-in-law, captain of comes to Leith with army 1573, 329, 330. Edinburgh Castle, 333. Dryburgh, Abbot of, 6, 245. Douglas, George, Bishop of Murray, 1575, 350. Dryburgh, Commendator of (1568 and 1571), 135, 242. Douglas, George (brother of Earl of Angus), not to come near Dryburgh, Prior of (1570?), 190. King 1528, 10; warded in castle, 11; "souerit" 1543, 25; Drylaw. See Crichton, Alexander. Ambassador, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32 ; takes Lord Borthwick Dryhome. See Fullarton, John. 1544, 35, 36; made Captain of Coldingham 1545, 38, 40. Dudie (place), burnt 1545, 40. Douglas, George (son of Earl of Angus), given Aberbrothock Dudley, Sir Edward, made Captain of Home Castle 1547, 45. 1546, 42, 95, 181, 190, 243, 320. Duke (of Chatelherault). See under Arran, Earl of. Douglas, George (son of Sir Win. Douglas of Lochleven), 243. Duke's son (Earl of Arran), comes to Scotland 1559, 53. Douglas, George (brother of Lochleven), convoys Queen Mary Dumbarton, Albany lands at, 1515, 5; Adam Otterborn warded

1568, 129, 350. in, 1538, 23; Lennox lands at, 1543, 27 ; sails from, 1544,

Douglas, George, of Parkhead, summoned 1571, 227, 228; 33; comes to, 35; French gunners, &c, land at, 1545, 39 ; forfeited 244. besieged 1546, 42; French land at, 1519, 48, 75, 146, 166, Douglas, James, of Parkhead, 31. 170, 1S7, 202, 207, 230, 251.

Douglas, Sir James, of Drumlanrig (born 1 198, succeeded 1513, Dumbarton Castle, Lennox, Captain of, 1543, 29, 30 ; delivered

died 1578), 62 ; warded 1566, 97, 115, 176, 225 ; taken 1571, by Duke 1562, 72, 130, 151, 153, 155 ; siege left off 1569, 156,

226 ; imprisoned in Castle, 227 ; relieved, 230 ; forfeited, 157 ; captured 1571, 202 ; Lord Seton warded in, 1573, 329, 243, 280. See also Drumlanrig. 343. Douglas, John (son of James of Drumlanrig), warded in Black- Dumbarton, Burgess of, 85. ness 1566, 97. Dumbarton, Sheriffdom of, 128.

Douglas, John, of Drumlanrig, 10, 14 ; battle in Holyrood Dumfries, meeting at, 1545, 41, 82, S5, 130, 131, 133, 139, 1S4 1532, 16, 21. Commissioner of, 220. Douglas, John, Bishop of St. Andrews, at Convention 1572, Dun, 31. See Erskine, John.

320, 331 ; death 1574, 341. Dunbar, 7 ; burnt 1544. 32, 35 : Lords convene at, 1544, 36

Douglas, John, of the Seheill, put on trial 1571, 233. delivered to French 1548, 47, 53, 58, 64. 76, 112 ; Queen

Douslas, Robert (brother of Lochleven, named "pretended" comes to, 1567, 113, 114 , besieged 1567. 123, 269, 281, 282.

Earl of Buchan), 176, 242. 245. See also Buchan, Earl of. Dunbar Castle, cannon taken out of, 1544, 36, 46 ; Lord Gordon " Douglas, Robert, of the Manyes," forfeited 1571, 244. warded in, 1563, 75 ; Queen departs to, 1565, 92, 93, 110,

Douglas, Sir William, of Hawick (younger of Drumlanrig), 121 ; Patrick Whitlaw charged to deliver 1567, 122 ; be-

133, 176 ; forfeited 1571, 243. sieged 124 ; surrendered, 125, 276. Douglas, Sir William, of Lochleven, charged 1565, 95, 176, 178; Dunbar, Burgesses of, slain 1544, 35.

summoned 1571, 22S ; forfeited 244. Dunbar, Commissioner of, 245. INDEX

of 1569, 151. Dunbar, sir Alexander, of Cumnock, 71. Elliot, Martin, betrays Earl Northumberland Schaw, I'll. Dunbar, Gavin, Bishop uf Aberdeen, warded 1.524, '.I. Elliot, Robert, of the II, 197'. Dunbar, Parson of (John Hamilton!, lot), 1st. Elliots, Border thieves, Denmark 1568, 137. Dunblane, Bishop of, L560, 57, f6, 104, 111,274. Elphinstone, Gavin, sent to Innernathie, forfeited 1571, 243. Dundaa, Adam, warded 1532, 15. Elphinstone, John, Parson of of ('.'Alexander Elphinstone, 2nd Baron, Dundas, Laird of (.' of that Ilk), put in Blackness 1544, 35. Elphinstone, Laird died at Pinkie 1547), goes to Dundee, heresy in, 151"'. 29; burnings in, 30; Queen comes born? 1510, succeeded 1613,

1 1.">, London 1533, 17. to, 1561, tit), 126 ; witches burnt at, 1669, 183, 222, 236; 3rd Baron, born 1530, succeeded loses freedom 1571, 237, L'55, 305. Elphinstone, Laird of (Robert, 239, 3.29 comes to Edin- Dundee, Bailies of, 228, 237. 1547, died 1602), taken 1550, 49, ; Dundee, Commissioner of, 245. burgh 1575, 344. goes England 160; summoned Dundee, Provost of, 62, 76, 85, 191, 227, 228, 237, 240, 279, 288, Elphinstone, Michael, to 1569, 331. 1571, 228. 1513, 4. Dunfermline, Abbot of, 50, 04, 126, 150, W0, 192, 245, 313, 320, Elphinstone, William, Bishop of Aberdeen, from 1532, peace 827. And tee Pitcairn, Robert. Emperor (Charles V.). Ambassador 15; Dunfermline, Commendator of, 3, 135, 138, 150, 170, 174, 179, desired with, 1550, 51. ('.' of St. 1S5, 194. 208, 227, 228, 282, 331. And see Pitcairn, Robert; Empress, The Emperor), decrees massacre Bar- Stewart, Alexander. tholomew, 1572, 312. return 1543, Dunfermline, Robert, successor of, 236, 237, 255, 256. England, invasion of, 1513, 3, 6; prisoners from, peace with given up, 30 Dunglass, 47, 49, 50. 26; contract with annulled, 29; ; invasion of, 1545, 39, 4(1, 45, 46 Dunglass, Parson of (Archibald Douglas, 1572), 292. raid by Scots in 1544, 33; ; Dunnaichin, 177. contract made by nobility with, ratified 1560, 62; Scots to, 62, 69, 79, 139, 259, 267 peace proclaimed Dunkeld, Convention in, 1569, 147, 148, 165 ; Convention in, Ambassadors ; 27'-'. 1570, 178, 186, 319. with, 1559, 269, 270; ships from arrive, to, Dunkeld, Bishop of, 1524? Gavin Douglas, 9; 152s, George England, King of, 4, 16, 26 ; St. Andrews Castle promised

Crichton, 11 ; 1559, Robert Crichton (1650-1571), 54, 57, 61, 1547, 43, 267. marriage to Arran, luOO, 62, 63, 76, 78, 89, 94, 104, 126, 220, 245, 270, 274, 279, 333, 340. England. Queen of, proposed Dunkeld, Lord Hume's Auld Lodging of Bishop of, 94. 73 81, 102, 103, 150, 151, 152, 153, 159, 161, 217 ; band made Dunlop, Captain Adam, 183. with, 1559, 273, 280, 298, 306,308, 350, Dunse, Parson of (Archibald Hume, 1571), 244. England, Master of Works of, comes with supplies, 1547, 43. Dunure (Dummure), Laird of Bargany's house at, 201. England, Prince of, band for marriage of, 1542, 26, 27. Duplessis (De Planis), French Ambassador, 1516, 6. England, Protector of (Hertford), comes to Scotland, 1547, 44. Durham, 152. England, Warden of, 37, 348, 349. Durham, Alexander (Darnley's servant), put in Tolbooth English invade Scotland 1523, 8 ; dismiss army 1542, 24 ; de- 1567, 121. feated at Haddon Rig, 25 ; land at Leith, take and burn Abbey, Durham, Prior of (Dr Magnus, English Ambassador), 18. Edinburgh 1544, 31 ; destroy Newbattle burn Durie, Andrew (brother of David), summoned 1571, 228, 237. Leith, 32; attack Jedburgh, 33; burn St. Bathans, 35; Petcokis and Fawnylaw 1545, 37 Durie, David, of that Ilk, 197, 228, 237. pursue Scots, 36 ; burn ; Durie, George (brother of David), 228, 237. go to Berwick, defeated at Ancrum Muir, 38 ; invade Scot- Borders, Durie, Henry (son of Commendator of Dunfermline), 228, 237. land, harry the Merse, 40 ; attack West 43 ;

; Scotland, 1548, 46 prisoners Durie, James (brother of David), 228, 237. chase Scots 1547, 45 out of ; Haddington, 48 desire peace, Durie, Peter, of the Grange, 228, 237. sent to France, 48 ; come to ; to Scotland 56 Durisdeer, Abbot of, 1560, 61, 279. depart to their ships, 49 ; army comes 1560, ; Dutchmen, land at Leith 1548, 46; left in Scotland 1550, 51. leave Preston for Restalrig, 57 ; attack French, 58, 59 (at Musselburgh, 60, 143, 273, 274 Duthry (Duthrie), burnt 1550, 49. Mount Pellem) ; retire to ; come to Edinburgh 1573, 330, 350. 1530, 1534, Eaglesham, Parson of (Archibald Crawfurd, 1560), 64, 282. English Ambassador 1528, Dr Magnus, 12 ; 14; 18; Earthquake in Glasgow, 1570, 179. 1534, Lord William (Howard), 19; comes to infect king- East Lothian harried 1544, 36. dom with heresy 1535, 19, 20, 28 ; Sir Ralph Sadler, 1543, Edderslie, burnt 1545, 39. 29, 61, 63; Thomas Randolph, 1565, 88, 119; Sir Nicolas

Edgar, Patrick, land of, at Castlehill, 186, 199. Throgmorton, 1567, 120, 277, 291 ; Sir Harry Carey, 1571, Edinbellie. See Napier, Sir Archibald. 256, 295: Sir William Drury, 296, 306; Thomas Killin- 350. Edinburgh. The entries relating to Edinburgli and the places gravar, 313 ; Sir John Forrester, 1576, 336, near it, are shoum at the end of the Index. English Bowmen, 1575, 349. Edmonston, Parson of Lauder, 120. English ships arrive in Forth 1544, taken, 31 ; come to Inch- 55. Edmonston, Wester, 3 persons hanged in, 1572, 296. keith 1549, 48 ; arrive at Leith 1560, Edmonston, William, 120. Entry of Queen Mary to Edinburgh 1561, 67. Edmonstone (Edmestoun), burnt 1547, 45. Errol (Arroll), William Hay, 4th Earl of (succeeded 1507), Ednam, burnt 1545, 40. killed at Flodden 1513, 3.

Eglinton, Mass said at, 1572, 319. Errol, William Hay, 6th Earl of (succeeded 1522, died 1541) ; of, 24. Eglinton, Hugh Montgomerie, 1st Earl of (born c. 1460, guardian of king, 1524, 10 ; marriage 1542, created Earl 1507, died 1545), called before Governor 1516, Errol, George Hay, 7th Earl of (succeeded 1541, died 1574), 6, 9. 1545, 40, 73. Eglinton, Hugh Montgomerie, 3rd Earl of (succeeded 1546, Errol, Master of (Andrew Hay, died 15S5), summoned 1571,

died 1585), goes to France 1561, 64, 78 ; at baptism of 228. Orange), Scots serve 335. James VI. 1566, 103, 104, 129, 134 ; favours Queen 1568, Bring, Queen of (Prince of 1573, 136, 137, 160; warded in Doune Castle 1571, 209, 234; in Erskine, Alexander (brother of Lord Erskine), sent as left of king 317. Parliament 1571, 246; taken, 247; summoned, 257; goes messenger to Moray 1565, 82 ; keeper 1572, to France 1560, 282; summoned 1571, 286. Erskine, Robert, 4th Lord (succeeded c. 1509), killed at Eglinton, Master of (John Montgomerie), slain by Angus Flodden, 3. 1520, in "Cleanse the Causey," 7. Erskine, John, 5th Lord (succeeded 1513, died c. 1555), 9;

Eickie, Lord Seton's servant, 259. Ambassador to France 1534, 18; Commissioner 1542, 24 ; Eicling, William, of Petadry, Constable of Edinburgh Castle. keeper of Queen 1543, 28, 48. See Haitling, Sir William of Pitradie. Erskine, John, 6th Lord (succeeded c. 1555, created Earl of

Elders, 317. Mar 1565, died 1572), 61 ; chosen a Regent 1560, 62 ; comes Elgin, 5; Regent goes to, 15G9, 144; Justice Ayre at, 1556, 267. to Convention 1561, 63, 82, 87, 112, 153, 157; Captain of

Elgin, Commissioner of, 220. Edinburgh Castle 1559. 271. 279, 280 ; at Convention 1560, Elizabeth, Queen, peace with, 1560, 60, 278, 280. See also 281, 282, 334. See also under Mar, Earl of. England, Queen of. Erskine, Robert, Master of, slain at Fawside 1547, 45. Elliot, John, of the Park, 100. Erskine, Thomas, Master of, sent to Flanders, ? 1550, 51. ;


Erskine, James, of Little Sanquhar, forfeited Battle 1571, 244. Flodden, at, 1513 ; peers killed at, 3, 330. Erskine, (James's son), pledge for Mar, 1570, 175. Footmen, King's, 12, 56, 254. Erskine, John, of Dun, put in Blackness 1544, 31 ; a Com- Forbes, John, Master of, beheaded 1537, 22. missioner 155S, 52, 208 ; a Regent, 1560, 280. Forbes, John, Master of, at Both well's assize 1567, 108 ; comes Erskine, Robert, Yr., of Little Sanquhar, 244. to Convention 1569, 163 ; summoned 1571, 254, 255, 327. Erskine, Thomas, secretary, sent to France 1529, 14 Forbes, William, of Tony, forfeited 1571, 213. Eskdale, 122. Forbes, William, 7th Lord (succeeded 1547, died 1593), passes Everis (? Eure), Sir Ralph, warden of England, slain 1545, 38. f urth of Aberdeen 1562, 73, 253, 254. Ewes, Water of, 44. Forbeses, The, 251, 254. Ewis Durris, Governor stays at, 1547, 44. Ford Castle, capture of, 1513, 3. Ewesdale, thieves of, 44, 12(3. Fordell, 115. See Henderson, James. Excommunication, 319, 320. Foreman, Sir Robert, of Luthrie, Lyon King of Arms, 77. Exhorters, 318. Forres, Commissioner of, 220. Eyemouth (Aymouth) Fort, to be cast down, 1559, 52, 269. Forrester, Alexander, Pursuivant, 211. Forrester, David (lodging of), 313. Fair, Bank of (Hill of Fare, Aberdeenshire), 304. Forrester, Sir James, of Corstorphine, summoned 1571, 228. Fairlie, David, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 244. Forrester, Sir John, English Ambassador, 336 ; taken prisoner Fairlie, John and William, his sons, forfeited, 244. at the Reidswyre 1575, 348, 349, 350. Fairlie, Mungo, put on trial 1571, 233. Fort built on Inchkeith 1549, 48. Fairs, 348. Forth, Frenchmen cross, 1559, 55, 272. Fala, burnt 1545, 37. Forty pound land, 115. Falcastell. See Home of Fast Castle. Foude (Sheriff) of Zetland, 1567 (Olave Sinclair), 123. Falconer, David, Captain of King's footmen, slain 1528, 12. Foulis, 243. See Monro, Robert. Falkirk (The Falkirk), 187, 204. Foulis, James, of Colinton, takes Lord Seton's man 1572, 301. Falkland Palace, building of, 4; Buccleuch, warded in, 1529, Foulard (? Fulword), 85. See Semple (Sympill), Robert. 14;,birth of Prince at, 1541, 23; death of James V. at Foullar, Mr (Regent's servant), 195. 1542, 25, 71, 72. Fousie, Alexander, Cramer (Pedlar), tried 1572, 300. Famine, 1560, 147. France, 5; M. de Planis returns to, 1516, 6; Duke of Albany Fare, Hill of, 304. See Fair, Bank of. comes from, 1521, 7 ; troops come from, 1522 ; Albany de- Farnay, Captain, taken by English 1560, 53, 272. parts to, returns from, 1523, again departs to, 1524, 8 Farrowing, 235. Ambassadors to, 1531, 14 ; 1534, 18 ; Archibald Douglas Fast Castle, English get keys of, 1570, 174 ; to be delivered to goes to, 19; Lennox comes from, 1541, 27; Band with, Lord Home 1572, 314. renewed 1543, 29 ; M. Desse comes from, 1548, 46 ; Court Fasting, 317. of treats Queen Dowager well, 1550, 51 ; Lord St. John Fawdonside. See Ker, Andrew. goes to, 1560, 62 ; Ambassadors to, 1560, 280 ; Articles Fawnrig Muir, army musters on, 1545, 39. made by Nobles with, 62 ; Earl of Eglinton and others go Fawside, Battle of (Pinkie), 1547, 44. to, 1561, 61. 67, 69, 71, 75 ; Bishop of Ross goes to, 1563, Fawside, Laird of, warded 1573, 329. 77, 107, 267, 268, 270, 298, 340, 350. Fearing, William, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571,244. France, Admiral of, 22. Feirne (Fearn), Abbot of, 10. See Hamilton, Patrick. France, Dauphin of (Francis), marries Queen Mary, 1558, 268. Felde, Alexander (soldier), 264. of : Francis I., taken Spaniards France, King by 1526, 10, 16 ; Ferguson, Cuthbert, forfeited 1571, 244. sends money and artillery 1543, 28 ; sends gunners 1545, Ferguson, John, put to horn 1571, 239, 39 ; Henry II., sends galleons 1547, 44 ; agreement with, Fernie (Pharnay), Laird of, escapes from Dunbar 1560, 63, 1548, 47, 52, 60; Francis II., death of, 1560, 63; Charles 2S1. IX., 102, 115, 117, 143, 145, 146, 167, 184, 203, 229,230; Fernihurst (Pharnihurst, Pharnyhirst), Laird of, slays Scott Henry II.. 268; Francis II., 278, 281; Charles IX., 296, of Buccleuch, 51. See also Ker, Andrew, and Sir Thomas. 306, 308, 312. Fernihurst, taken by French 1548, 47 ; burnt 1570, 170 ; Castle Francis I., King of France, taken by Spaniards, 1526, 10.

demolished, 171 ; servants of, 261. Francis II., King of France, 60 ; death of, 1560, 63, 278, 281. Fife, in, French camp 1559, 55, SO, 143, 179, 187, 229, 235, 250, 272. French Ambassador, 6, 7, 17, 119, 12S, 129, 166, 167, 168, 170, Findlater, Laird of, comes from Queen in France 1561, 64 171, 200, 263, 277. 313. 104, 282. French Army, 273 ; soldiers of, 304. Finewein, Lyoune, put to horn 1571, 239. Frenchmen, arrive in Edinburgh 1522, 8 ; take English ships Fingalton, 138. See Hamilton, David. 1544, 34 ; muster on Fawnrig Muir 1545, 39; received by Finlas, 237- See Home, Sir James. Queen and Governor, 39; in middle guard, 40; besiege Fire in Edinburgh, 1532, 16. Broughty 1547, 46 ; chase English 1348, 47 ; driven from Fireworks (Fire Balls, Spears), 70, 105. Jedburgh 1549, occupy Inchkeith, 48; harryjLothian, take Fish, Monstrous, in Loch Fyne, 1570, 179. Broughty Fort, 49 ; left in Scotland 1550, 51 ; come out of

Flanders, 86, 107, 143, 145, 185, 234, 253, 288, 292, 335, 350. ; Leith 1559, 54 lodge in Edinburgh, depart to Stirling, 55 ; Fleming, Malcolm, 3rd Lord (born c 1494, succeeded 1524, pass to Glasgow 1560, 56; skirmish with English. 57; died 1547), goes to France 1536, 21 ; taken prisoner 1542, horsemen chased to Leith, 53; leave Leith, 60; embark 25, 36 ; in rearguard 1545, 40 ; slain at Fawside 1547, 45. 61, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 306. Fleming, James, 4th Lord, of Cumbernauld (succeeded 1547. Frenchmen, Croivner of the, 275. diedl558); sails to France, 1550, 50; a Commissioner, dies Frier, John, house of destroyed 1572, 303. at Dieppe, 1558, 52, 268. Fullarton, Adam, Bailie of Edinburgh 1561, 65, 283; made Fleming, John, 5th Lord (succeeded 1558, died 15)72, at Queen Captain 1571, 227. 238; denounced, 239; forfeited, 244 Mary's marriage 1567, 111; at Langside 1368, 130 ; goes to house destroyed, 251, 301, 331. 133 London, ; summoned 1568, 137 ; forfeited 1569, 151, Fullarton, John, of Dreghorn, forfeited 1571, 243.

153, 155, 156, 157 ; at Convention in Glasgow 1569, 160, 167; Fynnart, 13. See Hamilton, Sir James. at Convention in Linlithgow 1570, 168; goes to Dumbar-

ton, 170 ; bounds harried, 177 ; escapes from Dumbarton Gates (Goittis), Sir Harry, English Ambassador 1569, 155.

Castle 1571, 202, 263 ; returns from France 1572, 298, 302, Gaitgarth (? Gadgirth, Ayrshire), 203. See Chalmers, James. 304; goes to Biggar, 312; his death 1572, 313, 314. Galleons, French, 22, 4 4, 50, 66, 67. Fleming, James, rescued from Tolbooth 1570, 197. Galloway, 97, 263, 341, 342, 343. Fleming, of John, Boghall, summoned 1568, 138 ; forfeited Galloway, Bishop of, 1516, David Arnot, 6; 1533, Henry 147, 151, 155. 1569, Weems, 17 ; 1550, Andrew Durie, 50 ; 1560, Alexander Fleming, Thomas (brother of John F.), 147, 155. Gordon (Titular Archbishop of Athens), a Lord of the Fleshers, summoned for regrating 1575, 347, 348. Articles, 61, 89, 113, 126, 220, 236, 245, 314. Flisk, minister at, 1565, James Balfour, 95, 97, 323, 325, Garden, Alexander, forfeited 1571. 237. 331, 338, 344. Garing (Clydesdale), burnt 1571, 178. INDEX

Game, 136. See Hamilton, Robert. Gordon, Adam (Huntly's son), taken 1562, 74 ; forfeiture re-

Garnleys (? Garlics), 196. See Stewart, Alexander. duced 1567, 109 ; forfeiture 1571, 245 ; defeats theForbeses

Garroleis (?Garlie9), Laird of ; made Captain of Th reave IMS, 1571, 251, 253, 251, 255,237, 291; chases Earl of Buchan

41. 1572, 304, 305 ; defeats Lord Louitt (Lovat), 327 ; lands at Garter, Order of the, received by King 1636, 19. Leith 1575, 350. Garthland, 243. See MoGowall, Umphray. Gordon, Alexander (David Chalmers' servant), saved 1570, 183. Gartully ('Grantully), Laird of, comes from England 1571, 211. Gordon, George, Captain of Inverness Castle, banged 1562, 73. Gascons come from France 1649, 49. Gordon, George, Lord (Huntly's eldest son), warded in Castle Geddes, Charles, denounced 1671, 239. 1562, 75; forfeited 1563, 76; relaxed from horn 1565, 80; received George, John and William, justified 1670, 183. by King and Queen, 80 ; restored, 81 ; made Earl Germany. See Almanie. of Huntly 1565, 84 ; bears Crown 1565, 89, 109, 279 (nee also Gibson, John, Scribe of the Session, 213. under Huntly, 5th Earl of). Gibson, Robert, Cordincr, justified 1570, 183. Gordon, Jean (Huntly's daugbti r), married to Bothwell 1565,

Giffen, 85. See Montgomerie. 88 ; divorces him 1567, 110, 116. Gitfert Yr. of Sheritfhall, charged with Rizzio's murder Gordon, John, of Lochmvar, 126, 133, 13S; comes to Con- 1565, 89, 95. vention 1571, 220 {see also Lochinvar, Laird of). Gilbert, Bishop of Aberdeen 1524 (error for Gavin), 9. Gordon, John (Brechin), 183. Gillon, James, Cordincr, condemned 1661, 283. Gordon, Patrick (Huntly's brother), attacked by David Home Gilmerton, 138. See Hepburn, William. 1571, 260. Gladsmuir, Army to meet on, 1544, 35. Goslington, 136. See Hamilton, Andrew. Glamis, Lady (Janet Douglas) condemned for treason and Governor, 5, 6, 7, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 41,

burnt 1537, 22. 42, 43, 44, 51. And see Albany, Duke of ; Arran, Earl of. Glamis, John Lyon, Ttb Lord (born C 1521, snecceded 1528, Graham, Archibald, house of, set. on fire 1572, 296. died r. 155M, accused of treason 1537. 22; lands forfeited Graham, John, Master of Graham (afterwards 3rd Earl of

1541, 23; marries Elizabeth Keith 1543, 26, 29; taken at Montrose 1571), at Langside 1568, 130, 153, 15S ; at Con-

Perth Bridge 1514, 34 ; in vanguard 1545, 40. vention 1570, 159. Glamis, John Lyon, 8th Lord (born r. 1544, succeeded c. 1558, Graham, John, Master of Montrose (? Graham), at Carberry

died 1578), in Parliament 1560, 61 ; at Queen's marriage 1567, 115; chosen a Lord of the Articles 1570, 190; at

1567, 111 ; at Convention 1570, 159, 176, ISO, 182 ; at Parlia- Greenside 1571, 257 (called Lord Graham). ment 1570, 1110; goes to England, 192; sunimom-d 1571, Graham, Robert, Lord (eldest son of Earl of Montrose, and

227, 22S, 236, 245, 253, 279, 315, 320 ; Chancellor 1573, 338. slain at Pinkie 1547), a Keeper of the Queen 1543, 28.

Glasgow, Archbishop of, 1514, James Beaton, 5 ; 1524, Gavin Graham, Robert, Masterof Graham, slain at Fawside, 1547, 45. Dunbar, 9, 11, 23, 39; 1558, James Beaton, 52, 54, 57, 129, Graham, Thomas, Comptroller to Queen, dies 1562, 71. 188, 191, 268, 270, 274. Grain Prices, 1569, 147.

Glasgow Burgh Muir, soldiers hanged on, 1570, 200. Grand Prior, comes with Queen 1561, 66 ; banquet to, 67 ;

Glasgow Castle, besieged by Lords, 1544, 31 ; Darnley lies returns to France, 69. sick in, 1566, 105; besieged 1568, 136; besieged 1570, 176, Grange, 131, 228. And see Durie, Peter; Hamilton, John and 177, 223. James. Glasgow, Commissioner of, 245. Grange (? Burntisland), 71. See Kirkcaldy, Sir William.

Glasgow, Dean of, 1567 ( Balfour), 113. Grange (Graing), Lands of (Aberdeenshire), 315. Glasgow, Provost of, 62, 243, 279. Granger, Arthur, Burgess, Aberbrothock delivered to, 1573, at, Glasgow, Queen goes to, 1541, 27 ; Lords meet 1544, 31 ; 335.

laid waste, 33 ; Frenchmen pass to, 1559, 56, 105 ; Regent Grant, Helena, ancarsadell (anchorite), enclosed in Greenside,

holds justice Ayre at, 1567, 128, 129 ; Regent comes to 1516, 6. Langside from, 1568, 130; Regent conies to, 140; departs Granter (Granitor), (Granary Keeper), of Paisley, convicted

from, 142 : Convention in, 1569, 160 ; earthquake in, 1570, but. released 1570, 201.

179, 200 ; Frenchmen chase congregation from, 1559, 273. Gray, James, "Sinker" (Die Cutter), 345. Glen, Archie (Archibald Douglas!, hanged 1572, 293. Gray, Lord (Lord Grey of Wilton), Lieutenant General of

Glenbervie, 243. See Douglas William. English Army, comes to Haddington 1548, 47 ; comes to Glencairn, Cuthbert Cunningham, 2nd Earl of (succeeded Scotland 1560', 56, 274. c. 1492, died c. 1540), called before Governor 1516,6. Gray, Patrick, 4th Lord (succeeded c. 1541, died 1584), warded Glencairn, William Cunningham, 3rd Earl of (succeeded c. in Draffane 1543, 29; repulsed at St. Johnston 1541, 34; " 1541, died e. 1548), taken at Solway Moss 1542, 25, 29 in vanguard 1545, 40 ; has "bairdit horse 1547, 45.

(Lord Eilmaurg) comes with army to Leith 1544, 30 ; de- Gray, Robert, of Medytene, goes to London, 1533, 17. feated and his son Andrew slain on Glasgow Muir 1544, Gray, Robert, denounced rebel 1571, 239. 32; Captain of Dumbarton, 33, 36. Greenlaw, Governor arrives at, 1545; returns home, 40. Glencairn, Alexander Cunningham, 4th Earl of (succeeded Greenock (Grenok), 243. See Schaw, John.

c. 1548, died c. 1574) ; sacks Black and Grey Friars, 1559, Grendonrig, burnt 1545, 40.

53 ; in Parliament 1560, 61 ; chosen as a Regent 1560, 62 Greyfriars, at Ayr, Elgin, and Stirling, founding of by Ambassador to England, 62; at Convention 1561, 63 James IV., 4.

a Lord of the Articles 1563. 76 ; comes to Edinburgh 1565, Grierson, Roger, of Lag, forfeited 1571, 244.

82 ; denounced as rebel, 83 ; summoned, S5, 94, 96 ; goes Groif, Herr Peter, of Whitsumberoy, Swedish Ambassador,

to Castle 1566, 99, 115, 116 ; at Coronation of James VI. 1562, 72.

1567, 118 ; bears sword of honour, 119 ; chosen a Lord of Guard, Middle, 40. the Articles, 126; at Langside 156S, 130; at Parliament, Guise, Duke of, 21, 267, 312. 135, 141, 147; at Convention 1569, 157, 158, 159, 163, 165, Gunners, sent from France 1545, 39. 166; Thomas Maitland delivered to, in redemption of his Guthrie, Alexander, housed in writing booth 1561,65; charged son Andrew 1570, 174, 175; an inbringer of the English, 1565, 96, 284. 176, 180; at Convention in Linlithgow, 181, 188, 191, 199; Guthrie.of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 243.

taken 1571, 217, 269, 279, 280, 28! ; comes from Leith to Edinburgh 1572, 313, 320; at Parliament 1572, 324, 329; Hadden (Haldon) Rig, English discomfitted on, 1543, 25; death 1574. 342. prisoners taken at, freed, 27. Glencairn. Master of (Alexander Cunningham), summoned Haddene (Haldane), George, of Glennegas (Gleneagles), for- 1565, 85, 311. feited 1571, 244. Glencorse Kirk, 211. Haddington, burnt 1544, 32; Lieutenant goes to, 37; be-

Gleneagles, 244. See Haldane, George. sieged 1548. 46 ; Lord Gray comes to, 46 ; Lord Brewis

Goittis (Gates), Sir Harry, English Ambassador, comes to comes to, 47 ; Scots come to, 48, 326, 335, 339. 340. Edinburgh 1569, 155. Haddington, Abbacy of, obtained by Bothwell, 1565, 94. Golf, 285. Haddington, Commissioner of, 245. Golden Fleece, Order of, 15. Haddington, Provost of, 1570, 178. ;;


Hagbutters, attack English trenches 1560, 57, 119, 247, 274. Hamilton, (nephew of Sheriff of Linlithgow), burns his Haggerston, Lord (English Peer), slain at Aneruni Muir, faggots 1534, 18. 1545, 38. Hamilton, James, Yr., of Kincavil, to be tried 1568, 131. Haggis, The, burnt 1570, 178. Hamilton, Sir James, of Crawfordjohn, makes for Dum-

Haggis (? ), 340. See Hamilton, John. barton Castle 1568, 130; captured, 131 ; freed from Castle Hailes, 346. See Hamilton, Robert. 1569, 143; eldest son of freed 1570, 171, 234, 258; sum- Hailes (Hallis), rendered to Scots 1548, 46. moned 1571, 2S0; in Parliament 1572, 324. Hailes, Crichton and Liddesdale, Lord (Bothwell), 88, 100, Hamilton, James, of Nelisland, forfeited 1508, 136. 111. Hamilton, James, of Rochbank, helps Queen Mary to escape

Haining (Hanyng), 85. See Scott, Thomas. from Lochleven 1568, 129 ; forfeited 136. Haitling (Eicling), Sir William, of Pitradie, Constable of Hamilton, James, of Sprouston, forfeited 1568, 136. Edinburgh Castle, forfeited 1573, 331, 334. Hamilton, James, of Stonehouse, made Captain of Castle Haliburton, Andrew, taken 1571, 219. 1543, 28, 42. Haliburton, Sir George, of Pitcur, summoned 1571, 227, 228; Hamilton, James, of Woodhill, forfeited 1568, 136, forfeited, 237. Hamilton, John, Archbishop of St. Andrews 156S, 131. Haliburton, Mr James, Tutor of Pitcur, Provost of Dundee, Hamilton, Sir John, English Commissary 1550, 50.

and Crowner, denounced 1565, 81 ; summoned 1565, 85 Hamilton, Lord, 25, 7S, 139, 144, 171, 266, 331. And see comes to Holyrood, 91; chosen a Lord of the Articles Arran, Earl of.

1570, 191 ; summoned 1571, 227, 228; forfeited, 237 ; taken Hamilton, Lord John (Chatelherault's second son), Abbot of Arbroath, forfeited to Castle, 246 ; passes to Edinburgh Castle to demand 1571, 245; goes to Convention at Crown Jewels 1573, 330. Perth 1572, 327, 335, 346, 350. Haliburton, Mr John, Provost of Dundee, chosen a Lord of Hamilton, John (elder), hanged at Brechin 1570, 1S3. the Articles 1573, 331. Hamilton, John, Parson of Dunbar, forfeited 1508, 136, 184. Halkerston, Captain James, taken 1571, 219, 23S, 256, 259, 285 Hamilton, John, furrier, hanged 1570, 200. brings victuals to town 1572, 303. Hamilton, John, Bishop's servant, confession of, 204. Hallhill (Hallyards), 13S, 273. See Balnaves, Henry. Hamilton, John (son of Andrew Hamilton of Cochnoch) for-

Halton, 95. See Lauder, William. feited 1568, 130 ; attempts to take Glasgow Castle 1571,

Halton, Laird of, conies to Edinburgh 1521, 7. 216 ; beheaded, 223. Halzairds, burnt 1571, 287. Hamilton, John, Provost of Bothwell, 309.

Hamilton Castle, delivered 1565, S6 ; destroyed 1570, 177 Hamilton, John, of Brownhall, presents naked sword to rendered 1573, 335. George Douglas, 1574, 346. Hamilton, College of, Duke of Chatelherault buried in, 1575, Hamilton, John and James, of Grange, tried 1568, 131. 343. Hamilton, John, of Haggis, presents naked sword to George Hamilton, Duke of. See Arran, Earl of. Douglas, 1574, 346.

Hamilton, Alexander, of Innerwick, arrested 1568, 131 ; taken Hamilton, John, of Newton, presents naked sword to George prisoner 1570, 178. Douglas, 1574, 346. Hamilton, Alexander, executed at Brechin 1570, 183. Hamilton, John, of Cumnock, taken prisoner 1570, 178. Hamilton, Alexander, of Nethertield, forfeited 1568, 136. Hamilton, John, of Stonehouse, forfeited 156S, 136. Hamilton, Alexander, of Torbray, forfeitad 1568, 136. Hamilton, John, Macer, forfeited 1568, 136.

Hamilton, Angus and others taken to, 1544, 31 ; French make Hamilton, John (son of John, Bishop of St. Andrews), tried for, 1560, 56, 99, 122, 129, 130, 140, 162, 175; destroyed by 1568, 131. English 1570, 177, 203, 257, 273, 302, 305, 342, 343, 346. Hamilton, Michael, hanged, 1570, 201.

Hamilton, Andrew, of Cochnacht, forfeited 1508, 136 ; sons of, Hamilton, Paris, hanged, 1570, 200, 201. warded 1570, 201, 216, 217, 223. Hamilton, Sir Patrick, killed by Angus, 1520, 7. Hamilton, Andrew, of Goslington, forfeited 1568, 136. Hamilton, Patrick, burnt, 1528, 10. Hamilton, Andrew, of Leckprivick, forfeited 1568, 136. Hamilton, Robert (Burgess of Dumbarton), summoned, 1565, Hamilton, Archibald, Vicar, forfeited 1571, 245. 85. Hamilton, Captain Arthur, of Mirritoun (Morenton), arrested Hamilton, Robert of Game, forfeited 1508, 136.

1568, 131 ; takes Lord Sempill prisoner 1570, 178, 238 Hamilton, Robert, Chamberlain of Kilwinning, forfeited presents sword to George Douglas 1574, 346. 1568, 136. Hamilton, Lord Claud (youngest son of Chatelherault), passes Hamilton, Robert, of Hailes, presents naked sword to George 346. to Castle 1567, 113, 129 ; forfeited 1568, 136 ; at Convention Douglas, 1574, Robert, of Nethane, presents naked sword to 1569, 160, 200 ; takes Henry Drummond 1571, 203, 216, 217 ; Hamilton,

brings Lord Semple to Edinburgh, 218 ; Abbot of Paisley, George Douglas, 1574, 346. in Parliament 1571, 220, 224, 262, 287; mans Blackness Hamilton, Thomas, of Priestfield, at Parliament 1571, 245. Castle, 289; chases Lord Sempill 1572, 305; Hamilton Hamilton, Thomas, Yr., executed 1570, 183. Palace rendered to, 1573, 335; ("second" son) marries Hamilton, Thomas, elected Bailie 1571, 226. Lord Seton's daughter 1574, 341, 344; presents naked Hamilton, William (son of Archbishop of St. Andrews), for- sword to Earl of Angus 1574, 346. feited 1571, 214. Hamilton, David (brother of Bothwellhaugh), to be tried 1588, Hamilton, William of Murnathane, presents naked sword to 131. George Douglas, 1574, 346. Hamilton, David (son of Bothwellhaugh), forfeited 156S, 136. Hamilton, of Gander, summoned 1568, 13S. Hamilton, David, of Fingalton, summoned 1568, 138. Hamilton, (George, Earl of Huntly's spouse), comes to Hamilton, David (son of Duke of Chatelherault), comes from Leith, 1571, 260. France to Edinburgh 1560, 63, 281. Hamiltons, of Torrence, summoned 1568, 138. Hamilton, Gavin, " Governor's servant," slain at Pinkie, 1547, Hamiltons, The, 130, 156, 157, 15S, 161, 162, 163, 166, 172, 178, 45. 181, 194, 198, 200, 211, 217, 265. Hamilton, Gavin, of Reploch, presents naked sword to George Handie, Dr., 340, 341. See Drummond, Robert. Douglas 1574, 346. Hangings, 65, 116, 146. Hamilton, James, of Bothwellhaugh, shoots Regent Moray Harlaw, William, Saddler, Burgess of Edinburgh, condemned 1566, put to horn 1571, 239. 1569, 156, 309. to be hanged 97 ; Hamilton, James (Chatelherault's eldest son). Earl of Arran, Harris, John Lord, 134. See Herries, Lord. comes from France to Scotland 1559, 270, 271, See also Harrying (hereing) of Bothwell Muir 1570, 194. Arran, Earl of. Hart, John, Visitor of Cunzie House, 345. Hamilton, Sir James, of Finnart, takes Blacatar's servants Harwood, Alexander, put to horn 1571, 239. Burgess, put to knowledge of an assise 1571, out of girth of Torphichen 1529, 13 ; goes with King to Harwood, John,

France 1536, 21 ; beheaded 1540, lands confiscated, 23 233. son of, restored to lands 1543, 29. Hastie, John, hanged 1570, 201. Hamilton, James, of Kincavil, Sheriff of Linlithgow, declared Hatton, Laird of, back lodging of, burnt 1572, 307. cursed 1534, 19; taken 1568, 131. Hawick, Convention at, 1569, 149, 154, 171, 258, 341. INDEX 11

Hawick, 243. See Douglas, Sir William. Hinnisdaill. See Hunsdon, Lord. Hawking and Hunting, 101. Hoddam Castle, taken 1568, 133; burnt 1570, 184. Hawkwood (Halkwood), 338. Holcroft, Sir Thomas, English Commissary, conies from Eng- Hay, Andrew, Parson of Kcnfrcw, summoned 1505, 85. land 1549, 4S, 49 ; peace confirmed 1650, 50. Hay, Captain, taken 1560, 5S, 276. Holmsdane. See Hunsdon, Lord. to Hay, James, Bishop of Ross, sent Ambassador France Holyroodhouse, Abbot of, 9 ; 1528, Robert Cairncross, 11, 13, 1531, 11. 61, 76, 279. Jolin, Talla, in Darnley's murder, IOC Hay, Yr. of concerned ; Holyroodhouse, Commendator of, 135, 274.

put to horn in Castle, ; condemned, Holyroodhouse, 1507, 117 ; put 121 Commissioner of, 220.

127 : confesses, 128. Holyroodhouse, Keeper of (Captain Mitchell, 1571), 285. 11 iv, William, 5th Lord, of Yester (born c. 1537, succeeded Hnlywood (Halywod), Thomas, Abbot of, 1568, 136. c. 1555, died 1586), in Parliament 1571, 242. Homage to King, 9. Headpieces, 185. Home, Alexander, 3rd Lord (succeeded 150G), tolerates re- of, in Hempsfield, Laird has battle Holyroodhouse 1532, 1G. building of Norham Castle 1514, 5 ; discord with Governor Henderson, escapes Bartholomew, from Edinburgh Castle 1515, G ; restored Chamberlain 1516, 6 ; beheaded 1516, 7. 1570, 183. Home, George, 4th Lord (succeeded 1516, died 1547), warded Henderson, James, of Fordell, Provost of Edinburgh, Queen in Doune Castle 1529, 14; at Council 1543, 28, 35; in rear- lodged in house of, 15G7, 115. guard 1515, 40. Henry, King of Scots, 80, 89, 113, 137, 338. See Darnley, Home, Alexander, 5th Lord (succeeded 1547, died 1575), a

Earl of. Commissary 1550, peace confirmed, 50 ; sails to France, 50; 33. Henry VIII., King of England (1539), 23, comes to Leith 1559, 53, 91 ; goes to Borthwick "Palace" Henry II., King of France (1558), 52. 1567, 112; Queen comes to, 114; at King's Coronation William. Henryson. See Cockburn, 1567, 118 ; chosen a Lord of the Articles, 126 ; at Langside Henryson, Andrew, apprehended 1571, 20!) ; house burnt 1572, 1568, 130, 135, 14S, 152, 154; comes to Convention 1569, 307. 163; warden of East Marches, 164, 165; at Convention in Anderson), Henryson, Edward (? Henry LL.D., discharged of Linlithgow 1570, 168, 169; his lands burnt, 221 ; comes to office 1572, 295. Halkhill, 224; taken prisoner, 225; kept in Tantallon, Henryson, Thomas, house of, 339. 226 ; relieved, 230, 246 ; with Queen Regent 1559, 2G9. 292, of Smeaton, brother of Laird of Hepburn, Adam, Wachton, 314 ; forfeited 1573, 331 ; passes to Leith, 333; transported

to horn 151)7, 122 ; summoned 1568, 128. put to Castle 1573, 335 ; relieved 1575, 348. Hepburn, Alexander, of Benston, knighted 1507, 111. Home (? Sir Cuthbert), of Fast Castle, killed at Flodden Hepburn, Alexander, of Richardson, tried for Darnley's 1513, 3. murder 1567, 120, Home, Lady, servant of, gives keys of Fast Castle to English Hepburn, Alexander, of Whitsoune, convoys Queen Mary 1570, 174.

1568, 129 ; forfeited, 136. Home, Alexander, taken prisoner with son, 1544, 35. Hepburn, Harry, of Westerfortune, forfeited 1568, 136. Home, Alexander, of Redbraes, directed to Queen of England Hepburn, John, of Bolton, concerned in Darnley's murder 1569, 146.

1566, 106; put to horn 15G7, 117; condemned, 127. Home. Alexander, of Howtonhall (? Huntonhall), summoned

; Hepburn, Patrick, Bishop of Moray, 134 warded 15G8, 1571, 228 ; forfeited, 237. 135. Home, Alexander, of Manderston, passes to Berwick 1570, of "Kynmoir,"son of Hepburn, Patrick, of Beniston, Parson 173, 196 ; summoned 1571, 227, 228 ; forfeited, 237.

Patrick, Bishop of Moray, makes confession 1568, 134 ; Home, Alexander, Yr., of Manderston, summoned 1571, 227,

excepted from abstinence 1572, 309. 228 ; forfeited, 237. Hepburn, Patrick, of Kirkland, forfeited 15G8, 136. Home, Alexander, of North Berwick, writings brought by of warded 153G, 20; taken Hepburn, Sir Patrick, Wachton, from Queen of England to Regent 1569, 150 ; summoned " 1542, 25 ; betrayed 1543, 28 ; refuses to subscribe forti- 1571,228; forfeited 237. fication" 1567, 122, 138, 1S6. Home, Captain David, passes to Lethington 1570, 192; passes Hepburn, Patrick, Yr. of Wachton, summoned 1568, 138. to Dumbarton, takes Castle 1571, 202; goes to Leith, 210 ; forfeited 15GS, 13G. Hepburn, Patrick, of Whitcastle, summoned, 228 ; forfeited, 237, 238, 239 ; attacks Huntly, of Patrick H. of Wachton), Hepburn, Robert (second son Sir 260; place of Lethington rendered to, 1572, 261 ; changes to escapes to Castle 1570, 186, 187 ; delivered Morton, 188 ; Guardhouse from St. Giles to Castlehill, 322. hurt 1571, 219. Home, David, of Wedderburh, Lord Home's head delivered Hepburn, Thomas, Parson of Oldhamstocks, forfeited 1568, to, 1521, 7. 136. Home, of Wedderburn, warded in Galloway 1566, 97. Hepburn, William, of Gilmerton, put to horn 1567, 122; Home, David (second son of Manderston), summoned 1571,

summoned 1568, 138. 228 ; forfeited, 237. Heralds, 30, 60, 81, 113, 244, 278. Home, Ferdinand, of Broomhouse, forfeited 1568, 136. Heresy, 18, 19, 23, 29. Home, Gavin, soldier, slain 1571, 225. Heron (Hering), Sir John, English knight, slain 1575, 349. Home, George, Lord Home's head delivered to 1521, 7. Heriot, James, of Trabrowne, taken prisoner at Langside Home, Geerge, summoned 1565, 86. 1568, 131, 1G8, 169. Home, Sir James, of Finlas, forfeited 1571, 237,

Hermit (Thomas Doughty), 17. Home, Jasper, summoned 1565, 86 ; sergeant taken to Leith Hermitage (Armitage), 73, 100, 101. See Bothwell, Earl of. 1571, 258. (Sir Maxwell, c. 1512, Herries, John Lord John born married Home, John, of , taken prisoner 1544, 33. 1548, died 1583, husband of Agnes Herries of Terregles), Home, John (son of Lord Home), sentence suspended 1571,

at Langside 1568, 130; goes to London, 133, 134 ; summoned, 246; forfeited 1573, 331.

137 ; goes to York as Commissioner for Queen, 139, 141, Home, Patrick, taken prisoner 1545, 40. at, 142; at Convention in Linlithgow 1570, 168 ; Convention Home, Patrick, summoned 1565, 86.

in Castle 1571, 208, 215, 216, 220, 221, 224, 225, 25S (called Home, Patrick, of Polwarth, warded 1529, 14 ; slain 1572, 303.

comes to Leith. 286 ; convoys Mr Cary 1572, 293 James), ; Home, William (brother of 3rd Lord Hume), imprisoned 1516,

comes from Leith to Edinburgh, 313 ; comes to Con- 6 ; beheaded, 7.

vention 1574, 343. Home Castle, Laird of Nisbet put in, 1545, 40 ; taken 1547, 45 ;

Herries, Master of, at Convention in Glasgow 1569, 1G0 ; freed won from English 1549, 49; taken by English 1570, 172; 1570, 171. to be delivered to Lord Home 1572, 314. Herring, James, betrays Robert Hepburn 1570, 187. Homes, The, come to Edinburgh 1516, 6. Hertford, Earl of, English captain, comes to Scotland 1545, Hood, Robin, playing, 65, 283.

40 ; Protector of England, comes to Scotland 1547, 44. Hoods, 104. Hesselhead, 85. See Montgomery, Hew. Hope, Edward, charged 1565, 96. Heucht, Patrick Home in the, 303. Hoppringles, "day of law" between, and Elliots, 1570, 195. Highlands, The, 309. See Pringles. 12 INDEX

Horn, putting to the, 11, 65, 97, 98, 117, 189, 287 ; relaxation James IV., killed at Flodden 1513, 3; character, &c, of, 4. V., to from, 77, 80, 316. James surrendered Parliament 1515, 6 ; to remain in Horse, Bairded, sent from France 1545, 39. Stirling Castle 1524,8; solemn entry to Edinburgh, 9; • Household, King's Master of, 1542 (Learmonth), 24, 31. escapes from Douglases 1528, 10, 11, 12, 13 ; marriage 1534

Houston, Laird of, slain 1526, 10. fall from horse, 18 ; receives Order of Garter 1535, 19 ; Houston, Patrick, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 243. sails for Fiance 1536, lands at Dieppe, contracted to Magdalen of France, Houston, Patrick, of Craigton, summoned 1571, 228. married at Paris 1537, 21 ; married Howard, Sir George, Captain of English Demilances, 274. to Mary of Lorraine 1538, 22; scales army 1542, 24 • death Howard, Lord William, comes as Ambassador from England, 1542, burial 1543, 25, 106, 266. 19. James, Prince of Scotland, birth and death 1539-40, 23, 24. 246, 247. VI., birth 1506, 102; Howmendis, 241, See Carruthers. James 100, baptism, 103, 104 ; made Duke of Howmod, Laird of, takes Alexander Jardine 1571, 236. Rothesay, &c.,'105, 106 ; taken to Stirling 1567, 107, 109; Howtonhall (Huntonhall), 228, 237. Set Home, Alexander. Coronation 15«7, 118, 119, 121, 122, 130, 150, 180, 221; Hoy, The (French Ship), 55, 272. Orison by, 1571, 242, 315, 317, 344. Hume, Archibald, Parson of Dunse, forfeited 1571, 244. James, Lord (James Stewart, afterwards Earl of Moray, 50, Hume, John, of Blackadder, forfeited 1571, 244. 63, 64, 70, 71. See also Moray, Earl of. Hungary, Queen of, 13. Jamieson, Matthew, put to horn" 1571, 238. Hunsdon(Hinnisdaill, Hinsdale, Holmsdare, Hunsdale), Lord, Jardine, Alexander, of Applegarth, taken prisoner 1571, 236 ; Governor of Berwick, 164, 165, 254, 255, 256, 259. forfeited 1571, 243. Huntly, George Gordon, 4th Earl of (succeeded 1524, died Jardine, John, of Applegarth, forfeited 1571, 243. 1562), lieutenant at Haldon Rig 1542. 24; at Council 1543, Jedburgh, burnt by English 1523, 8, 18; English in, 1544, 33;

; fight 28 ; in rearguard 1545, 40 ; gets lands, 41 made Chancellor at, 1545, 38 ; French pass to, 1548, 47 ; expelled from,

1546, 42 ; has vanguard 1547, 43 ; has rearguard at Fal- 1549, 48, 70; Queen goes to, 1566, 100, 101, 154, 171, 241, side, 44; taken prisoner, 45; escapes 1549, 47, 48; son 247, 257, 287, 288, 299, 307, 316, 337, 338, 349.

marries Governor's daughter 1550, 50 ; sails to France, 50 ; Jedburgh, Bailie of, 319.

warded in Castle, released 1553, 51 ; comes to Leith 1559, Jedburgh, Commissioner of Burgh of, 220.

53, 61 ; chosen a Regent 1560. 62, 70, 73 ; taken prisoner Jedburgh, Provost of, 62, 243, 279.

; body Jewels, Queen's, 340. at Corrichie 1562, dies, 74 ; forfeited 76, 84, 88, 89

transported to Strathbogie 1566, 99; forfeiture reduced Johnston, Laird of, warded 1529, 14 ; takes George Scott of 1532, 1567, 109 ; made Chancellor ? 1554. 266, 269, 279, 2S0. the Boig 15; taken by English 1547, 43; comes to Huntly, George Gordon, 5th Earl of (succeeded 1562, died Edinburgh 1570, 188.

1576). in Holyroodhouse 1565, 90 ; made Chancellor 1565, Johnstons and Moffats, fight between 1536, 20. 95, 96, 104; left in Holyroodhouse 1567, 106; convoys Johnston, Edward, put to horn 1571, 238. Prince James to Stirling, 107; forfeiture reduced 109, 110; Johnston, George, servitor to Lord Hume, hanged 1572, 292. at Queen's marriage to Bothwell 1567, 111; takes refuge Johnston, James, of Westeraw (Westerhall), forfeited 1571, in Castle, 113; in Parliament 1567; carries sceptre, 126, 243, 346.

127, 134, 136, 141 ; coming with army to Brechin 1569, 143 ; Johnston, John, Writer, banished 1565, 81 ; comes to Edin-

burgh 1566, ; at Convention 1569, 163, 164, 165; at Convention 1570, 87 examined, 8S ; put to horn 1571, 239 ; dis- 168, 171, 172, 174, 181, 182, 183, 184; comes to Castle 1571, charged of office 1572, 295.

203, 206 ; at Parliament 1571, 220 ; bears sceptre, 221 ; at Johnston, Patrick, of Craigton, forfeited 1571, 237. Halkhill, 224; forfeiture, 245; passes to Stirling, 247; Johnston, Robert, put to horn 1571, 238. passes with army to Merchiston 1572, 264; treats for Johnston, Robert (brother to Laird of Elphinstone), put to peace 1571, 286, 287, 294; horse shot under him 1572. ?C0, horn 1571, 239.

304, 315 ; at Convention 1572, 327, 32H ; comes to Parlia- Johnston, Thomas, of Craigieburn. forfeited 1571, 244.

1573, 330 ; Johnston, William, with ment restored, 331, 338, 341, 342, 343, 350. burns faggots opinions 1534, 18 ; Hynderland, Laird of, 14. See Cockburn, William. cursed, 19. Icolmkill (Ycolmkill), Commendator of. 1513, 3. Johnston. William, Burgess, summoned 1565, 96. Inch, The, Laird of Drumlanrig, warded in, 1529, 14, 222. Jousie, James, Merchant, house of destroyed for lack of fire Inchbucklin Bray (near Musselburgh), 102. 1572, 303. Inchcailloch, Parson of (James Walker), 85. Justice Ayre, 18, 51, 100, 128, 129, 207. 338, 339, 340, 350.

Inchkeith, English ships come to, 1549 ; forfeited, 48. Justice Clerk, 89, 95, 187, 293, 327, 350. Inehmahome, Commendator of, 1571, 242. Justice, College of, 15. See College.

' Indeand ' (? Ireland), Governor of, 1545, 38. Justice Court, 70. Indulgence of Grace, to the Black Friars 1532, 16. Kakkour, Captain, put in Inchkeith 1549, 48, Infeftment, 117. Keeper of Privy Seal 1554, 266. Inglis, James, Abbot of Culross, slain 1529, 13. Keir, Lord Mar goes toward, 1569, 164. Innermeith, Thomas Stewart, 2nd Lord (succeeded c. 1489), Keith, of the Craig of Inverugie, forfeited 1571, 243. killed at Flodden 1513, 3. His brother, see Stewart, Keith, Agnes, Earl of Mar married to, 1562, 70. James, Abbot of Melrose. Keith, Elizabeth, Lord Glammis married to, 1543, 26. Innernathie, Parson of, 243. See Elphingston, John. Keith, Nether, burnt 1550, 49. Innerquhairtie, 243. Set Ogilvie, John. Kello, John, minister of Spott, murders his wife 1570, 1SS,

Innerwick, wreck of ship at, 1528, 12. 189 ; hanged, 190. Innerwick, Laird of, taken prisoner 1544, 35. And see Hamil- Kelso, burnt by English 1545, 40, 149, 150, 171. ton, Alexander. Kenmore (Kynmoir), Parson of (Patrick Hepburn), 134. Inquisition. 318. Kenmure, place of, destroyed 1568, 133, 341. Inverness, Queen goes to, 1562, 73; Regent goes to, 1569, 144; Kennedy, John, hanged 1570, 183.

Justice Ayre held at, 1557, 267. Kennedy, Thomas, of Bargany, 201 ; forfeited 1571, 243. Inverness, Commissioner of Burgh of. 220, Kennoth, Matthew, flesher, house of, burnt 1572, 303.

Inverness Castle, ceded to Queen 1562, 73 ; Earl of Caithness Ker, Sir Andrew, of Cessford, slain 1526, 10. warded in, 1557, 267. Ker, Andrew, of Cessford, pillages Jedburgh 1571, 2S7, Inverugie, Craig of. 243. See Keith. Ker, Andrew. Yr. of Cessford, 115; inbringer of English Ireland, Governor of. See "Indeand." 1570, 176, 228.

Ireland, Queen of (Elizabeth), 278. Ker. Andrew, of Faldonside, summoned 1565, S9, 95 ; forfeited Irishmen return to Ireland 1570, 170. 1671, 227. 228. 237.

Irvine, Commissioner of, 245. Ker, Andrew, of Fernihurst, taken in Holyroodhouse 1516, 6 ; Irvines, Border Tbieves, 14. warded in Falkland 1529, 14; taken by the English 1544, Isles. Bishop of the, 1513, George Hepburn, 3; 1560? John 34. Campbell (John Carswell, titular), 61, 279. Ker, John, Captain of Wark, burns Soulra and Fala 1544, 37. Jackson, Richard "shooter of fire-darts," 1571, 258; breaks Ker, Mark, warded in Edinburgh Castle 1529, 13 ; in Black- ward 1572, 261. ness, 14. ;


Ker, Thomas, of Cavera, forfeited 1571,245. Lacroc, Mons. (for the Duke of Savoy), at Prince James' Ker, Sir Thomas, of Ferniluirst, comes to Convention 1571, baptism 1566, 103, 104; (French Ambassador) goes to 220; Provost of Edinburgh, 326, 257; defeated, 258.259, England 1507, 116; comes to Leith 1572, 263, 296; goes to

302; (Andro) hangs Jedburgh hurgesies 1572, 3U7. Restalrig, 297, 298, son 305, son 312, son 313 ; departs with Ker, Captain Thomas, sent with soldiers to Adam Gordon son to France, 316. L571, 253, 256. Lady Laursit (Loretto), Queen Dowager goes to, 1545, 30, Ker, Sir Walter, of Cessford, slavs Laird of Bnccleuch 1551, Lag, 244. See Grierson, Roger. summoned -- s forfeited 243. I.ake il.aik). Sir Thomas, (nines from England 1519, 48. 61; 1571, I 1571, Ker, Walter, of Ferniluirst, forfeited 1671, 245. Lambie, Captain Andrew, Queen in house of, 1561, 66, 238, Ker, William (son of Sir Walter), forfeited 1571, 243. 239, 258, 323; goes to Blackness 1572, 324, 325; takes Kers, come to Leith 1543, 28. James Kirkcaldy to Linlithgow, 326. Kilcrouch, 243. See Galbraith, James. Lanark, 82. Killbowry, David of, forfeited 1571, 245. Lange, Neil, stones of house of, taken for Castle 1571, 241. Killigrew, Henry, English Ambassador, conies to Edinburgh Langhirdmestoune (Longhermiston), 216.

1567, 107 ; comes to Leith 1572, 313, 321, 322, 323 ; goes to Langholm, besieged, surrendered 1547, 43, 14.

Castle 1573, 328, 341 ; conies to Dalkeith 1575, 55". Langraure, John, executed in Brechin 1570, 183. Battle of, Killone, James, Cordiner, condemned 1561, rescued 65. Langside, 1568, 130 ; prisoners taken at, put in Kilmaurs, Lord. See Glencairn, William, 3rd Earl of. Blackness, 133, 153, 199. Kilspindie, 65, 175, 283, 329. See Douglas, Archibald. Langton, Laird of, taken prisoner 1542, 25, 108. Kilwinning, 198. Lauchope (Laichope), place of burnt 1570, 177. Kilwinning, Gavin, Abbot and Commendator of, 61, 71, 72, Lauchope, 131. See Muirhead. 83, 86, 113, 121, 122, 123, 139, 144, 189, 214. Lauder, King conies to, 1542, 24, 37, 38, 45, 120. Kincardine, Queen passes to, 1561, 69. Lauder, Edmonston, Parson of, 1567, 120. Kincarne, Parson of (1533), 17. Lauder, Henry, lodging of, 72.

Kineavil, 131. Set Hamilton, James. Lauder, Captain Hew, elected Bailie 1571, 221! ; made Sergeant Kincavil (Kirkabell), burnt 1570, 178. Major, 250, 300. King. See James IV., V., and VI., Henry VIII. Lauder, James, tutor of Lauder, forfeited 1571, 244. King's Touch, 348. Lauder, Robert, Yr. of Bass, made Captain of Tantallon 1565, Kinghorn (Kingorne), French despoil 1559, 55, 272. 94; forfeited 1568, 136. Kinghorn, Burgess of, 197. Lauder, William, of Halton, summoned 1505, 95. Kinghorn, Lands of, Lord Glamniis to renounce, 1572, 315. Lautie, David, W.S., invaded by Thomas Douglas 1571, 202. Kininmonth, James, forfeited 1571, 244. Law of Oblivion, 109. Kinloch, David, forfeited 1571, 244. Lawson, James, of Highriggs, decree obtained by, 1531, 14. Kinloch, David, Baxter, house of destroyed 1572, 299. Lawson, William, house of, 173, 174,213, 214 (1571). Kinloch, David, lodging of on the Foregate destroyed 1572,301. Learmonth, James, Master of the King's Household, sent to Kinloch, Francis (son of David), forfeited 1571, 244. England 1542, 24, 31.

Kinloch, Henry (house of, beside Abbey), 102, 119. Learmonth, , of Dersy, knighted 1502, 71. Kinloss, Abbot of, 1533, Robert Reid, 1560, 17, 61, 245, 279. Leckie, Walter, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 243. Kinloss and Bewley, Walter, Commendator of, 1571, 242. Leekprewik, 136. See Hamilton, Andro. Kinneil Palace, Earl of Arran comes out of in a frensy 1562, Legate, Papal, 15.

71 ; burnt 1570, 17*. Leith, 19, 21, 22, 28, 30, 31; English burn 1544, 32, 33, 34, 45, Kintyer (? Kintore) Palace, building of by James IV., 4. 46, 47, 48; Fort strengthened, besieged, 1559, 53; Con-

Kirk, Sir William, Chaplain, called before Bishop of Ross gregation go to, depart from, 53, 54, 55 ; English artillery 1534, 18. laid on east side of, 1560, 57; Frenchmen come out of at

Kirkcaldy, 222 ; Pest brought from, 1574, 342. St. Anthony's port, 57 ; fire at, 58, 59, 60 ; Fort demolished,

Kirkcaldy, James, of Grange (brother of Sir William), comes 61, 66, 72, 73 ; loan to Queen on superiority of, 84, 114, 122,

to Holyrood 1565, 91 ; arrives at Leith 1571, 212, 222 ; sails 126, 147, 158, 174, 197, 222: new Casting of Fort of, 1571,

Aberdeen 1571, lands Blackness 1572, 229, ; of, 1500, 280, 2S2, 285 proclamation to 253; at 324, 325, 274, 276 siege ; at

326, 327 ; convicted of treason and banged 1573, 335. bulwark of, 1571, 286, 293, 306, 350. Kirkcaldy, Mrs James, visits her husband at ? Blackness Leith Crags, 290. 1572, 326. Leith Haven, 272. Kirkcaldy, John, Burgess of Kinghorn, 197. Leith Links. 117, 285. Kirkcaldy, Sir William, of Grange, murders Cardinal 1546, Leith, Merchants of, 168.

42 ; taken prisoner 1547, 44 ; knighted 1562, 71 ; put to Leith Roads (Raid), Queen arrives in, 1561, 66, 206, 212, 230,

horn 1565. 81, 82, 85, 115, 119 ; made captain of Edinburgh 272, 278, 330. Castle 1M'i7, 124. 158; at Convention 1570, 159; prepares Leith, Superiority of, Loan to Queen on, 1565, 34.

for defence of Castle, 184, 197 ; comes to St. Giles, 199, Leith Tolbooth (stair of), 117. 205; makes proclamation 1571, 206; removes artillery to Leith, Water of, English camp on, 1560, 58. Castle, 209, 222; forfeiture, 245; Grange destroyed, 287; Lennox, The (Dumbartonshire), 116, 256, 305.

put to horn 1572. 327, 333 ; hanged 1573, 335. Lennox, Matthew Stewart, 2nd Earl of (succeeded 1495), death Kirkland, 136. See Hepburn, Patrick. at Flodden 1513, 3. Kirkliston, 109. Lennox, John Stewart, 3rd Earl of (succeeded 1513), accom- Kirkmen, desired to resign benefices 1561, 70, 78. panies King to Edinburgh 1524, 9; slain at Linlithgow Kirkmichael, Laird of, naked sword delivered to 1574, 346. 1526, 10. Kirks, interdicted 1524, 9; destroyed 1543, 29. Lennox, Matthew Stewart, 4th Earl of (succeeded 1526. died Kirkton, English come from, to Soutra 1544, 35. 1571), Lord Erroll marries sister of, 1542, 24; comes from

Kineland (? Cleland), , of that Ilk. summoned 1565, 85. France as Ambassador 1543, 27, 28, 29, 30; surrenders

Knighthood of the Cokkill, 7 ; of the Garter, 19. Glasgow Castle 1544, 31, 32 ; sails to England, marries

Knox, John, Preacher, takes part in murder of Cardinal Earl of Angus' daughter 1544, 33 ; comes to Dumbarton,

1546, 42 ; taken prisoner at St. Andrews 1547, 44 ; at Con- 35, 37 (called Duke of Lennox) ; forfeited 1545, 41, 42;

ventions 1561 ; desires Lords to subscribe book, 63, 65, 71 relaxed from horn 1563 ; received by Queen, 77 ; restored

in St. Giles 1565, ; leaves 10S ; departs to 109 preaches 81 Edinburgh 1565, 94 ; to lands, 78, 79, 89. 90, England 1567, ;

makes sermon on Regent's murder 1569, 158, 201 ; leaves comes to Edinburgh 1570, 176; made King's Lieutenant,

Edinburgh 1571, 211, 2S1, 283; death 1572, 320. 179 ; made Reeent 1570. 180. 181, 182, 183, 181, 185, 187, 188, Kyle, Earl of, James, Prince of Scotland, created, 1566, 105. 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 190. 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, Kynzeanclewch (? Kingomcleuch), 85. See Campbell, Robert. 203, 204, 206, 207, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 224, 225. 220, 229, 230. 231, 234, 235, 238, 239, 240, 241, Labrosse, Lahroschc'Sieur de la Brosie), French Ambassador 242; forfeited 1571, 242, 245, 240; death at Stirling 1571, lands in Leith 1559, 270; remains in Leith during siege 247, 248, 2)9, 304. 1560, 274. Lent, 340, ; ;


Lenturk, Laird of, accuses Master of Forbes of treason 1567, Lochleven, Queen taken to, 1567, 115, 118, 119, 129, 155, 165, 22. 220, 292, 298, 350. Leny (Lanay), 244. See Buchanan, Robert. Lochleven, Laird of, 129, 159, 176, 228, 244, 350. See also Lese-majesty, 10, 17. Douglas, George and William. Leslie, Norman (son of Earl of Rothes), murders Cardinal Lochmaben Castle, besieged 1545, 41 ; taken by Regent 1568,

1546, 42 ; taken prisoner to France 1547, 44. 133. Leslie, Robert, comes from Queen in France 1561, 64, 282. Lochryan, 155. Letham, 244. See Orme, David. Loohskene, 73, 74. Lethington, 56, 273. Sec Maitland, William. Lockhart, John, of Bar, summoned 1565, 85. Lethington (Leidington), (now Lennoxlove), Place of, burnt Logan, John, lodging of, 263.

1549, 48, 192, 261 ; Castle taken 1571, 290. Logan, Robert, of Restalrig, goes to Leith 1573, 334. Levy, on land, 1544, 37. Logan, William, Macer, proclamation by, 1571,202. Licence, Sir Roger, slain at Haddon Rig 1542, 25. Logie, Laird of, made Earl 1542, 24. Liddell (Lidderdale), James, "Fewar" of St. Mary's Isle, Londinar, Ralph, taken prisoner at Anerum Muir 1545, 38.

summoned 1571, 227 ; forfeited 1571, 236. London, 17, 25, 133, 174, 179, 188, 191, 195, 285, 293, 298, 299, Liddesdale, Lands of confiscated 1541, 23; Bothwell restored 350.

to, 1543, 27, 40, 100 ; thieves of, 109, 125, 154. London, Tower of, Duke of Norfolk warded in, 1569, 150, 253 ; Lieutenant, King's, 12, 13, 33, 35, 37, 179. Bishop of Ross released from, 1573, 339 (Castle). Light Horsemen, Captain of, 56, 57, 192. Long Birgham burnt 1545, 40. Lignerolles(Lyngrerell), Mons. de, French Ambassador, comes Lord Justice Clerk, 204.

from France 1567, 119 ; departs to France, 120. Lords of the Articles, chosen 1567, 108, 126, 135. Lindores, John, Abbot and Commendatorof (1560), 61, 89, 279. Lords of the Congregation besiege Leith 1559, 53, 55, 66, 70. Lindsay, John, 5th Lord, of the Byres (succeeded 1526, died Lords Westland, promise to come with Governor 1544, 31.

1563) . a Lord of the Articles 1560, 61 ; chosen as a Regent Loretto, Chapel of, founded 1534, 17. 1560, 62. Loretto, Lady of, Queen Dowager's prayers for peace to, 1543, Lindsay, Patrick (also designated Alexander and John), 6th 30. Lord, of the Byres (born 1521, succeeded 1563, died 15S9); Lome, Lord (Sir Colin Campbell, brother of Archibald, Earl

concerned in Rizzio's murder 1565, 90 ; summoned, 95 of Argyle). at Parliament 1572, 324.

brings Queen to Edinburgh 1567, 115 ; at Coronation Lorraine, Mary of, marriage 153S, 22,

1567, 118; brings John Hay of Talla to Edinburgh 1567, Lothian, Lords of, refuse levy 1534, 37 ; come into Congrega- 121; at Langside 1508, 130, 134, 135, 138, 15S, 159, 163; at tion, subscribe Bond 1560, 59, 276.

Convention 1569. 165, 175; inbringer of Englishmen 1570, Lothian, Gentlemen of, at Correchie 1562, 74 ; convoy English 176, 178, ISO, 182, 190, 214, 229, 241; forfeited 1571,242; Ambassador to Berwick 1570, 167.

apprehends Laird of Maquhany 1571, 250, 280, 289 ; comes Lothian, 43 ; harried by French 1549, 49, 121, 187, 222. 270. to Edinburgh, 313: at Convention 1572, 320; chosen Lothian, Sir William, Priest, slays Abbot of Culross 1529, 13.

Provost of Edinburgh 1572, 322 ; at Convention 1575, 343. Loudon, 130, 257. See Campbell, Sir Matthew. Lindsay, John, Lord. Set Lindsay, Patrick, Lord. Loudoun (beside "Poteris," France), battle at, 1569, 150. Lindsay, Alexander, Lord. See Lindsay, Patrick, 6th Lord. Lovat (Louitt), (Hugh Fraser. 3rd Lord Fraser of, succeeded Lindsay, David, of Pyotstoun, summoned 1565, 95 ; forfeited 1524, died 1514), tight with Clanronald 1544, 34. 1571, 244. Lovat (Louitt), (Hugh Fraser, 5th Lord Fras. r of, succeeded Lindsay, Sir David, made Lyon 1568, 137. 1557, died 1577), at Convention 1572, 320, 327, 343. Lindsay, (Pyotstoun's son), pledged for Lord Lindsay Lovel, James, "fear" of Ballumbie, forfeited 1571, 243. 1570, 175. Lubeok, 123. Lindsay, John, of Covington, forfeited 1571, 243, 2S9 (Col- Luffness Fort, built 1549, 48. vington). Lundie, Laird of, a Lord of the Articles 1560, 61 ; chosen

Linlithgow, Earl of Lennox slain at, 1526, 10 ; Congregation a Regent, 62, 279, 280. See also Campbell, Sir John and 54 1560, 56 Queen depart to, 1559, ; French come to, ; goes Sir Matthew. to, 1561, 69, 94; Regent shot in, 1569, 156, 161, 162, 164, Luther, Martin (Martene Lutar), 15, 18. 165, 176, 177, 178, 271, 273, 326. Luthrie, 77. See Foreman, Sir Robert. Linlithgow Palace, death of Regent Moray in, 1569, 156, 343. Lymmeris, "burnt" 1544, 30. Linlithgow, Commissioner of, 245. Lyon Herald, 137. Linlithgow, Provost of, 62, 178, 279. Lyon King of Arms, 77, 81, 86, 244. Linlithgow, Sheriff of, 19, 275. Lyon, John, barber, accused of treason 1537, 22. Little, Clement, Advocate, 152, 295. Lyon (gold coin), 344. Little, John (Litill Johne), (a sport), 263. Little Martene, ship wrecked 1528, 12. McCallzeane, Ewfame, daughter of Thomas McCallzeane, Little, William. Burgess, warded 1574, 343. marries Patrick Moscrope 1570, 196. Littlegill, 131. See Bailzie, Alexander. McCallzene (Makcalzean), Thomas, made Provost 1561, 69; Littler, John, Blacksmith, burnt 1570, 186. Senator of the College of Justice, 196. Littles, Border thieves, 14. McOonnel, Angus, complaint against, 1573, 330. Livingston, Peel of, 178, 299. McCulloch, Adam, Herald, Captain of Castle charged by, Livingston, Alexander, 5th Lord, of Callendar (succeeded 1567, 122. proclamation 1514, died c. 1551), a Keeper of Queen and Princess 1543, McCulloch, Alexander, Pursuivant, makes 1571, 28. 205. Livingston, William, 6th Lord (succeeded c. 1551, died 1592), McDowall, Humphrey, of Garthland, forfeited 1571, 243. 1560, 61 destroyed 1572, 299. comes to Leith 1559. 53 ; at Parliament ; goes to McGill, David, lodging of

l"l ; ;it for slaughter of, 1554, 266. France 1561, 64; at baptism of James VI. 1566, Mcintosh, , Huntly warded 8. Queen's marriage to Bothwell 1567, 111, 121, 122 ; at Lang- McLean, Lauchlan, slain 1523, of Bumbie, slain 1526, 10. side 1568, 130, 139, 177 ; goes to England 1570, 195, 269, McLellan, , Laird 240. 2S3 ; comes to Edinburgh 1573, 335. Macer, 69, 104, 130, 175, 202. 206, 279, - Loan to Queen, 1565, on superiority of Leith, 84. Mackie Sir William, schoolmaster, hanged 1:>72. 265. Loch, David, executed in Brechin 1570, 183. Makgill, Sir James, of Rankeillor Nether, Clerk of Register, Loch Fyne, monstrous fish in, 179. concerned in Rizzio's murder 1565, 90; charged 96; put with goes to England 1568, 138 Lochinvar, Laird of, slays McLellan 1526, 10, 11 ; goes to horn 1566, 97 ; relaxed, 99 ;

190, ; Ambassador, 199 King to France 1536, 21; made Captain of Lochmaben Provost of Edinburgh 1570, 198 ; summoned 1571, 227, 1560, 61 ; on Bothwell's 1571, 208, 209; 1545, 41 ; a Lord of the Articles comes to Tantallon destroyed house cast down, 257, 28S, 307. assize 1567, 108, 126 ; his place of Kenmure 1508, 228 ; forfeited, 236;

163, 164, 20S, 215, 216 ; at (son of Sir James), 227, 228, 237. 133 ; summoned, 138, 160, 162, MakGill, James France, married to James V. Parliament 1560, 279, 301 (Lochnoreis), 341, 342 ; comes to Magdalene, daughter of King of Convention 1574, 344. See also Gordon, John. 1537, 21. ;;


Magnus, Dr., Prior of Durham, English Ambassador, 12, IS. Mary, Queen of Scots, birth 1542; Coronation 1543, 25; Band Maitland, John, Yr. of Atichingassill, forfeited 1571, 246. for marriage of, 1013, 26, 27; taken to Stirling, 28, 46;

Maitland, Robert, Dean of Aberdeen, protests 1669, l r>l ; Sena- marriage arrang* ment 1548, 17 ; man-it s Oauphin 1558,52,

tor of College of Justice, discharged of office 1572, 296. 60; return to Scotland desired 1561. 63 ; Ambassador from Maitland, Thomas (brother of Secretary Lethington), appre- arrives, commission from, 64; arrives at Leith 1561; at hended 1670, 173; delivered to Karl of Glencaira, 174; Holyrood, 66; entry to Edinburgh, 67,68,69,70, 71,72, 73, put to horn, 189; summoned, 196; forfeited 1571, 214. 74,75; holds Parliament. 1563, 76; receives Earl of Lennox, Maitland, Sir William, Yr. of Letbington, lands at Berwick 1504.77; holds Parliament 1564,78; married to Darnley sit. s.", to, 1500, 56; goes to Bngland as Ambassador, 62; chosen 1565, 70. 82, ; loan granted 1565, 84,85, banquet 72 to French a Regent, 62 ; Queen's Secretary, goes to England 1562, ; Ambassador, "maskine and mumschance," banquetted returns, 73 ; goes to France 10t33, 75 ; concerned in Rizzio's in Castle, 87, 88; holds Parliament LSI 9,

murder 1565, yo, 110, 113; leaves Edinburgh 1567, 117; con- 90 ; held captive, 91 ; departs to Dunbar, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, cerned in Damley's murder 1567, 127, I28j goes to England 97, 98, 99; birth of son in Castle 156G, 100; rides from

1568, 138; at Convention in Stirling 1569, 147; taken to Jedburgh to Hermitage, 101 ; comes to Craigmillar, 102 ;

Castle. 1411, lfil ; taken from Castle to Tolhooth, 158, 160 receives Karl of Bedford, 103, 104, 105 ; goes to her husband at Convention in Linlithgow 1570. Ills. L73; leaves Castle in Glasgow, 105, 106; Castle delivered to, 1567, 107; holds s 17s ; ISO, Parliament, l" , 109, marriage to Bothwell 1567, 111, Secretaryship ends 1570, 1S5 ; put to horn, 192 110; 193; summoned, 196; brought to Castle 1571, 206; for 112, 113; at Carberry Hill, 114; convoyed to Lochleven,

feited, 214, 273, 2S0, 281, 290; goes to Leith 1573, 333 115,116,117; consents to Prince's Coronation, US ; desires

death, 1573, 334, 338. Moray to receive Regency, 119, 120, 121, 124, 128 ; escapes

Maling, , Captain James Oliphant ensign to, 1572, 29!). from Lochleven 1568, 129; at Langside, flees to Dumfries,

Malt, Cheritit, prices of. 302, 306. 130 ; passes to Carlisle, 131 ; transported to Bolton, 134, Manderston, 173, 196, 227, 228. 237. See Home, Alexander. 138, 139, 142, 145, 149, 150, 151, 157, 174; her authority pro-

Mangerston (Mangerton), Liddesdale, 144. claimed 1571, 221 ; not to be prayed for, 236, 253, 266, 278; Manuel (Stirlingshire), 173. husband (Francis) dies 1560, 281, 2S2, 283, 286, 290, 296, Manyes, The, 244. See Douglas, Robert. 298, 350. Maquhany, Laird of, apprehended 1571, 250. Mass, 23, 66, 6S, 75, 87, 319, 341. Mar, Earl of (James Stewart, Commendator of St. Andrews, Master of Household, 24, 31. afterwards Regent Moray, created Earl 1561), 70. Master of Work of England 1547, 43. Mar, Earl of (John Erskine, 6th Lord Erskine, ?6th Earl of Maxwell, George, justified in Brechin 1570, 183.

Mar, [title restored 1565], died 1572) ; banquets King and Maxwell, Halbert, elected Bailie 1571, 22G ; summoned, 245.

Queen in Castle 1565, 87 ; at James VI. baptism, 104 Maxwell, Robert, 5th Lord (succeeded 1513, died 1546), made

Prince of Scotland delivered to, 1566, 107, 108, 112, 115; Provost 1524, 9, 11 ; warded in Castle 1529, 13, 21 ; Am-

at James's Coronation 1567, IIS ; bears King in his arms, bassador to France 1538, 22 ; taken prisoner 1542, 25; im-

119; a Lord of the Articles 1567, 126; at Langaide 1668, prisoned 1543, 29 ; taken at Glasgow 1544, 31 ; delivers

130, 135, 141 ; at Convention in Stirling 1569, 147, 154, 157 Caerlaverock to English 1545; taken to Dumfries, 41.

at Regent's funeral, 158 ; at Convention 1570, 159, 162, Maxwell, Robert 6th Lord (succeeded 1546, died 1552), sails to 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 172, 175; inbringer of the France 1550, 50. English 1570. 176, ISO, 181, 183; at Parliament 1570, 190, Maxwell, John, 8th Lord (born 1553, succeeded 1555, died 24u. 199, 214, 215, 218, 225, 241 ; forfeited 1571, 242, 245; 1593), comes to Convention in Edinburgh 1560, 144, 208,

chosen 3rd Regent 1571, 219, 250 ; comes to siege of Leith, 215, 216, 220, 256; marries Angus' sister 1571, 259, 286, 251, 208. 299, 302, 311, 312, 313, 316; death 1572, 317. Set 313, 320, 324, 343. alio Erskine, Lord. Maxwell, John, Master of, comes to Berwick 1560, 56; at

Mar, Countess of, bears Prince from Stirling Castle to Kirk Parliament 1560, 61 ; chosen a Regent 1560, 62, 63, 82, 85,

for Coronation 1567, 118. 104 ; warded 1557, 267, 273, 279, 280, 281. Marches, between England and Scotland, 162. Maxwell, William (son and heir of Lord Hemes), summoned Marches, Middle, Warden of, 336. 1568, 137. Marches, West, Warden of, 126. Maxwellheugh (Kelso), 267. Margaret (Tudor), Queen, Testamentary Tutrix, 1513, 4 Mayne, Katherinc (wife of Alexander Cant), convicted 1535, 19.

marriage to Angus 1514, 5, 6 ; discord with Angus ; marries Meal, Wheat, &c, Prices of, 1572, 306.

Harry Stewart 1525, 7, 9, 23 ; death 1542, 24. Medop (? Midhope), 246. See Drummond, Alexander. Earl, c, slain Marisehal, William Keith, 4th (succeeded 1527, died Melrose, Andrew Ker at, 1526, 10, 38 ; burnt 1545, 40 ; 1581), Lord Glamis marries sister of, 1543, 26; in van- assembling at 1567, 112.

guard 1545, 40, 50 ; Executor of Queen Dowager 1560, 59 Melrose, Abbot of (James Stewart), killed at Floddcn 1513, 3.

in Parliament 1560, 61 ; chosen as a Regent, 62 ; comes to Melville, Andrew, forfeited 1571, 245, 254.

Convention 1561, 63 ; daughter marries Earl of Mar Melville, David, Captain of Queen's Footmen 1571, 202, 209,

(Regent Moray) 1562, 89, 276 ; a Lord of the Articles 1560, 212, 219. 225, 23S, 257.

279, 280, 281 ; comes to Convention 1575, 343. Melville, Captain James (1570), 199. Marisehal, Master of, at Parliament 1570, 190, 214. Melville, Robert, of Cairny, forfefted 1571, 245. Marjoribanks, Mitchell, made Commissary Clerk 1572, 295. Men of War, Stranger, lodged in burgh 1559, 272. Market, High (Tranent), 256. Menteith (Perthshire), 14, 1S4.

Markets, Plain and Open Fairs, 318. Menteith, , "Fear" of Kerse, summoned 1565, 95. Markle, burnt 1544, 32. Menteith, John Graham, 4th Earl of (succeeded c. 1544, died

Marques, , goes to France 1562, 71. 1565), sails with Queen Dowager to France 1550, 50;

Marshall (Mevchcll), Downy, executed in Brechin 1570, 183. chosen a Regent 1560, 62 ; at Convention 1561, 63, 180. Marshall, John, killed 1542, 25. Menteith, William Graham, 5th Earl of (succeeded 1565, died

Marteis (Martiques, Mertene), Count, Crowner of French- 1578), in Parliament 1570, 190, 214 ; summoned 1571, 257,

men, arrives 1560, 55 ; remains in Leith 1560, 57, 272, 274. 279 ; elected a Regent 1560, 280, 281. Mary, Virgin, 15. Merks, 229, 281, 297, 314.

Mary of Lorraine, marriage to James V. 1538, 22 ; Coronation Merse, 16; destroyed 1544, 32; harried by English 1545, 40,

of, 1540, 23; birth of daughter 1542, 25; Queen Dowager 46 ; Queen rides through 1566, 102, 152, 169, 171, 222. 1512, 25; prays for peace at Loretto 1543, 30; goes to Merschelson, Thomas, merchant, accused 1572, 301.

Stirling 1544, 34, 35 ; holds Parliament, 36 ; comes to Mertene, Captain. See Marteis, Count.

Edinburgh, 37 ; receives Frenchmen 1545, 39, 46 ; sails to Messenger, 193.

France 1550, 50 ; returns 1551 ; receives authority from Methven, Henry Stewart, 2nd Lord (succeeded c. 1551, died

Duke 1553, 51 ; holds Parliament 1558, 52, 53 ; leaves Holy- 1572) ; at Regent's funeral 1569, 158 ; at Convention 1569,

rood for Leith 1559, 54 ; leaves Holyrood for Castle 1560, 159; inbringer of Englishmen 1570, 176, 180. 182; in

; dies in Castle 1560, ; body to 247, slain 1572, 290. 56 59 taken France, 64 ; Parliament 1570, 190, 245, 260;

made Regent 1554, 266, 267. 26s, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276, Michael, , Lieutenant to Captain Wemyss. taken 1571, 277, 282. 222. ;


Middle Guard of Army, 40. Morrison, John, younger, put to horn 1571, 239. Millar, to James, Writer, put horn 1571, 239. Morton, James Douglas, 3rd Earl of (succeeded c. 1515, died Milton, Place of, Lord Seinphill taken prisoner in, 1570, c. 1550), comes to Edinburgh with King 1524, 9. 178. Morton, James Douglas, 4th Earl of (born c. 1516, succeeded Mines (Myndis), Conservator of, 13. See Barton, Robert. c. 1550, died 1581) ; at Parliament 1560; a Lord of the Minister, hanged 1572, 293. Articles, 61 ; chosen a Regent, Ambassador to England, Ministers, 317, 318, 33S. 62 ; comes to Convention 1561, 63, 76; delivers Tantallon Minto, Laird of, sent to England as Ambassador, 17. See also to Athole 1565, 85, 89 ; concerned in Rizzio's murder, 90 Stewart, Sir John. charged to deliver Tantallon, 94, 95; put to horn 1566, Mirriton, 131. See Hamilton, Arthur. 07, 112, 115; at Coronation 1567, 118: bears Sceptre, 119, Mission to 1561, 64. France, 126, 12S ; at Langside 1568, 130, 135 ; goes to England, Mitchell, Captain comes Andrew, to Holyrood 1571, 232, 238, 138, 141, 147, 148, 152, 156, 157 ; at Convention 1570, 159, 285, 289. 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 160, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175; inbringer Mitchell, Captain George, taken prisoner 1571, 25fi, 260, 262. of Englishmen 1570, 176, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187 ; Mitchelson, Thomas, Merchant, hanged 1572, 265. Robert Hepburn delivered to, 1570, 188: made Sheriff of Mitre, 104. Edinburgh, 190, 191, 198, 199, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, Mittock, John, Burgess, taken in Leith 1572, 301. 219, 222, 223; comes to Hawkhill 1571, 224, 225, 226, 220, Moffat, Peter, reiver, beheaded 1515, 5. 231, 231, 236, 230, 240, 241 ; at Parliament in Stirling 1571, Moffats and Johnstons, tight between, 1536, 20. 242; forfeited 242, 24o, 247; taken prisoner, 247; relieved, Moncrieff, Laird of, taken prisoner 1542, 25. 248, 250, 256; Dalkeith burnt, 257, 261, 279; elected a 2X0, Moncrieff, William, of that Ilk, forfeited, 1571, 244. Regent 1560, 281 ; destroys the Grange 1571, 287, 2S9, Ilk, forfeited, Moncrieff, William, son of William M., of that 290, 292, 203. 298, 299, 300, 311, 313, 315, 317 ; elected Regent 1571, 244. 1572, 320; illness. 321; summoned, 323; bears sword of Money, 212, 298. honour, 324, 325, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334, 336, 337, 33S, Monimail, Place of, James Balfour apprehended in, 1560, 339; "murmurit by the Commons," 339, 340, 342; " skales 148. his house," 1574, 342, 350. Monkland, harried 1570, 177. Moscrope, John, Advocate, 196; forfeited 1571, 245. Monkland, Bailie of the, 85. Moscrope, Patrick (son of John), married 1570, 196 ; forfeited Monro, Andrew, of Newmore (son of George M.), summoned 1571, 246. 1571, 228, 237. Mossman. James, Bishop of Brechin dies in house of, 1566, Monro, George, of Dawachartie, summoned 1571, 228, 237. 98; Goldsmith, forfeited 1573, 331, 334; hanged, 335. Monro, Robert, of Foulis, forfeited 1571, 243. Mow (Roxburgh), Laird of, slain 1575, 349. Monsters, 179. 235. Mowbray, John, Saddler, burgess, hanged 1566, 97. Montgomery, Hugh, (3rd Earl of Eglinton, succeeded 1516, Muir, William, smith, pest begins in house of, 1529, 14. died 1585), conies to Convention 1574, 343. Muirhead, of Lauchope, taken prisoner at Langside 1568, 131. Montgomery, of Gitfen, summoned 1565, 85. Mun (Mwn), "Maister," Regent's servant, imprisoned in Montgomery, George, Burgess of Dumbarton, summoned Doune Castle 1570,185.

1565, 85. Murder, Rizzio's 1566, 89 ; Darnley's 1567, 106 ; Moray's 1570, Montgomery, Gilbert, Captain Queen's Footmen 1571, 238, 156. 250. Mure, Captain James, lodging of at Linlithgow burnt 1569, Montgomery, Hew, of Hesselhead, summoned 1565, 85. 163; justified in Brechin 1579, 183. Montgomery, M. Lorges, well treated by Queen 1545, 39 ; fees Murnathane, 346. See Hamilton, William. border men, 41. Murray, Earl of. See Moray, Earl of.

Montrose, William Graham, 1st Earl of (created 1503) ; killed Murray, Adam, put to horn 1567, 117. His brother, see at Flodden 1513, 3. William. Montrose, John Graham, 3rd Earl of (succeeded 1571, died Murray, Sir Alexander, of Balvaird, forfeited 1571, 243. with 1608) ; in Parliament 1571, 215, 217 ; communes Murray, Sir Andrew, of Ardingosk. forfeited 1571, 243. Huntly, 286; at Convention 1572, 320, 324, 343. Murray, Sir David, of Balvaird, knighted by Queen 1562, 71. Montrose, Master of, in Parliament. 1568, 135, 190. Murray, Patrick, of Tibbermuir, concerned in Rizzio's murder ' " ' of, 245. 08 ; 237. Montrose, great feirlie in, 1572, 321 ; Commissioner 1566, 89 ; put to horn, 95, forfeited 1571, 228, Moors (Moris), 67. Murray, Sir William, of Tullibardine, respited 1545, 41; a created Moray (Murray), James Stewart, Earl of (born 1531, Lord of the Articles 1560, 61 ; comes to Edinburgh 1567, Earl 1562, died 1570) ; Prior of St. Andrews, accompanies 112, 115. 119, 159, 163, 279, 306. 317. Queen Dowager to France 1550, 50; at Convention 1560, Murray, William, put to horn 1567, 117. goes at, 63; goes to France 1561, 64 ; chosen Lieutenant 1561; Musselburgh, Chapel of Loretto founded 1534, 17 ; Both- by to Jedburgh, made Earl of Mar, 70, 71 ; attacked well chases Merse men out of, 1-544, 30 ; English come to, Articles to, Huntly 1562, 73, 74 ; chosen a Lord of the 1563, 1544, 32, 35, 44. 47, 57 ; English retire 1560, 60, 93, 114, charged 1S5, 76 : in Parliament 1564, bears Crown, 78, 79 ; 275, 278, 300.

horn. 81, 82 ; S5, 90, 91. 95, 96, and cordiner, hanged 1572. 265. 1565, 80 ; put to summoned, Muttok, "souldiour" 99; at baptism of James VI. 1566, 104; goes to England Mylne, Sergeant Patrick, executed in Brechin 1570, 183. 1567, 107, 108 ; made Regent 1567, 118 ; returns from Myreton, 178. See Hamilton, Arthur. France, 119; Castle sold and delivered to, 120; makes Kirkcaldy Captain of Castle, 124, 128; comes to Langside X USMYTH, George, hanged on Glasgow Muir 1570, 201. 1568, 130, 131. 132. 133, 134, 135, 136. 137, 138; comes to Napier, Sir Archibald, of Merchiston, taken prisoner 1571,

York 1568, 139, 140. 141 ; sees King, 142, 143; goes north 233. Edinbellie. summoned 1572, 303. 1569, 144, 145, 146. 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 151. 155 ; Napier, Sir Archibald, of assassinated 1570, 156, 191, 299. Napier, Sir William, of Wrightshouses, warded in Dumbarton Moray, Countess of (Anne Keith), birth of daughter lo, 156S, Castle 1574, 343. 132. Navarre, King of, 21, 181. Moray, Bishop of, 76, 78, 126, 245, 350. Neilsland, 136. See Hamilton, James. Moray, Earldom of, renounced by Huntly 1557, 207. Nethane, 346. See Hamilton, Robert. Morenton, 346. See Hamilton, Arthur. Netherfield, 136. See Hamilton, Alexander. Moreston. 245. See Cranston, John. New Abbey, Gilbert, Abbot of, 1568. 61, 136, 279. Morham, burnt 1545, 37. New Abbey, Commendator of the, 220, 331. Morions (Mirrions), 212. Newbattle, burnt by English 1.544, 32. Morison, Alexander, executed in Brechin 1570, 183. Newbattle, Abbot of (Mark Ker, Father of the 1st Earl of Morison, John (alias Prince Morison), Burgess, warded in Lothian), 61, 63, 126, 313. 282. Linlithgow Palace 1574, 343. Newbattle, Commendator of ( ), 279, Morris, David, put to horn 1571, 239. Newcastle, 17, 90, 99, 162. Morrison, John, elder, put to horn 1571, 239. Newgrange, 85. See Whitelaw, Alexander. ; ;

i.\i)i:\ 17

Newnioir, 237. See Monro, Andrew. Orkney, Bishop of, Adam Bothwell, Lord of Articles, 1565, Newton, of that Ilk, forfeited 1668, 188. 89, 111, lis, 126, 135, 138, 227, 22s, 236,268. Newton, (young), 261. Orkney, Bishop of, Andrew, Lord of Articles, 1573, 331. Newton, 346. See Hamilton, John. Orkney, Cord. Set Orkney, Bishop of. Nickie, Sir William, Priest, hanged 1572, 300. Orkney, 121, 122, 127. Nicolson, James, Writar, banished 1565, 81. Orkney, Earldom of, renounced by Huntly, 1557, 267. Niddry (Midlothian), 129, 342. Orkney and Shetland, James, Earl of Bothwell, Duke of, Niddry (West Lothian), 107, 299, 300, 301. 1567, 111, 112. Niddry, West, 201, 289, 297, 300, 301. Orleans, Duke of, 21. Niabct House destroyed, 1522, 8. Orine, David, of Lethanis. Chamberlain of St. Andrews, sum- Nisbet, East, won by the Homes, 1545, 40. moned 1565, 85; forfeited 1571, 244.

Niabet, East, Laird of, taken prisoner, 1545, 40. Ormiston, Governor passes to, 1545, II ; burnt 1518, 46, 169, Nisbet, Henry or William, burgess, warded in Donne Castle, ( trmiston, Laird of, 25, 42, 54, 58, 95. See Cockburn, John. 1574, 343. Ormiston, Hob. See Ormiston, Robert. Noaillea, Antoine, Ambassador from Queen in France, comes Ormiston, James, of that Ilk (Black Laird of Ormiston), con-

to Edinburgh, 1561 ; returns to France, 64, 282, 283. cerned in Darnley's murder, 1566, 106; knighted 1567,

Norfolk, Duke of, comes to Berwick 1542, 24 ; comes to Leith forfeited, (John) excepted from abstinence, 309 111; 127; ; 1560, 60; meets Regent at York 1568, 139; proposed examined in Castle for Darnley's murder, 1573, 338

marriage of Queen to, 1569, 145 ; warded in Tower of hanged, 339. London, 150, 152, 253, 277. Ormiston, Robert alias Hob, concerned in Darnley's murder,

Norham Castle, captured 1513, 3 ; rebuilt 1514, 5, 6, 267. 1566, 106; put to horn 1567, 117, 127. North Berwick, 150, 228, 237. See Home, Alexander. Otterburn, Sir Adam, Provost of Edinburgh, 1529, 14, 17, 18;

North Berwick, Commissioner of, 245. Ambassador, 1536, 20 ; warded, 153S, 23, 31. Northumberland, 162. Northumberland, Earl of, day set between him and Surrey Paisley, Abbey of, 178.

for making good order on borders 1529, 13, 152 ; betrayed Paisler,-, Abbot of, 1524, 9, 29, 220, 344. And see Hamilton,

by Martin Elliot 1569, 154; comes to Edinburgh, 155; Lord Claud ; Shaw, Robert. sails from Aberdeen to Flanders 1570, 1S5; delivered from Paisley, Hamiltons come to, 1570, 198; taken by Regent, 200, Lochleven to Queen of England's servants, 1572, 298 201, 217, 319. beheaded, 299. Paisley Palace, Lord Semphill put in, 1572, 302. Norway, 4, 123. Paisley School, Master of, 204.

Norwell, John, justified in Brechin 1570, 183. Palmer, , comes to Haddington, 1548, 47.

Panago, Gyrie, fights with Johnston 1536, 20 ; slain, 21. Oath of Fidelity to King, 9. Pannago, Simon, Captain of Coldingham, taken prisoner, Objuration (of Reformers), 1532, 15. 1544, 30. Ochiltree, Andrew Stewart, 2nd Lord (born c. 1521, succeeded Papal Commission, 1536, 20.

e. 1548, died 1592), in Parliament 1560, 61 ; chosen as Papists, 319. a Regent, 62; comes to Convention 1501,03, 82; summoned Parbroath, 245, 255. See Seton, David.

1565, 85 ; passes to Castle 1566, 99 ; at Convention 1570, Pardovan (Linlithgow), Place of burnt, 1570, 178.

159; (John?) goes to Berwick as pledge 1570, 175; in- Paris, Archibald Douglas dies in, 1535, 19 ; James V. married

bringer of Englishmen, 190 forfeited in, 1537, 21 Queen Mary married in, 1558, 52, 77 ; Bishop 176, j 1571, 227, 228 ; ; (Robert ?) 236, 245, 279, 280, 281. of Ross dies in, 1565, 79, 98, 268, 296, 312.

Ochiltree, John, Lord. See Ochiltree, Andrew, Lord. Paris, Frenchman, put to horn, 1567, 117, 127 ; hanged in St. Ochiltree, Robert, Lord. See Ochiltree, Andrew, Lord. Andrews, 1569, 146. Ogilvie (Ogilbie, Ogilby, Ogilvy), James, 4th Lord (succeeded Park, The. See Elliot, John. c. 1513, died r. 1548), saves Arbroath Kirk 1543, 29; at St. Tarkhead, 227, 228, 244. See Douglas, George. Johnston (Perth), 1544, 34. Parkhead, James ('! Douglas) of, taken prisoner, 1544, 31. Ogilvie, James, 5th Lord (born c. 1541, succeeded c. 1548, Parliament, summons to attend, 189.

died 1606) ; in Parliament 1560, 61 ; at Convention in Parliaments, 1515, 5 ; 1529, 13 : 1534, 18 ; 1541, 23 ; 1543, 27, 29 ;

Dunkeld 1569, 147, 163, 164, 165; at Convention in Lin- 1544, 36; 1545, 40; 1546, 42; 1553, 51 : 1558, 52; 1560, 61 ;

lithgow 1570, 168, 182, 299. 1561, 64 ; 1563, 75, 76 ; 1564, 78 ; 1566, 86, 89, 93; 1567, 106,

Ogilvie, Master of, slain at Fawside (Pinkie), 1547, 45. 10S, 109, 123. 126, 127 : 1568, 133, 135, 137; 1570, 1S2, 190, Ogilbie, James, Abbot of Dryburgh, 1516, 6. 191; 1571, 199, 212, 213, 220, 224, 225. 235, 236, 241, 242, Ogilvie, James, of Powrie, forfeited 1571, 243. 246, 254; 1554, 266; 155s, 268; 1560,279; 1561,282; 1572,

Ogilbie, Sir John, of Auchindown, knighted by Queen, 1562, 286, 289 ; 1573, 321, 324, 330. 70. Paterson, William, Baxter, 301. Ogilvie, John, of Inverquharity, forfeited 1571, 243. Patriarch, 28. Ogilby, Patrick, imprisoned in Castle, 1571, 208. Patrimony of Kirk, 317, 318. Ogilbie, Sir Walter of Douglas (Dunlugus), goes as Am- Paul, Margaret, lodging of, 346. bassador to London, 1533, 17. Pedderisburn (Lanarkshire), Place of, destroyed 1570, 177. Ogle, Lord Brian, slain 1545, 38. Peebles, lieges to meet Regent at, 1567, 125, 153, 336, 337. Old Extent, Penny Land of, 36. Pellem, Mount (Leith), 277. Oldhamstocks, Parson of, Mr Thomas Hepburn, 136. Pencaitland(Piteaitland), William Stewart, Vicar of, 1534, 17. Oliphant, Laurence, 3rd Lord (succeeded c. 1516, died 1566), Penny Land, of Old Extent. 36. taken prisoner 1542, 25. Pensioner (of Corsragwell), 243. Oliphant. Laurence, 4th Lord (succeeded 1546, died 1593), at Percy, Sir Harry, Captain of Light Horse (English), 56, 274.

BothweU's Assise 1567, 108 ; at Queen's marriage to Both- Pereis, Alexander, house of, 301.

well 1567, 111 ; at Convention in Linlithgow, 1570, 168. Persecution in Flanders, 1569, 145. Oliphant, Captain James, ensign to Captain Melville, goes to Perth. See St. Johnston.

Jedburgh 1571, 297 : defeated at Hawick, 258, 288, 299. Perth, Provost of, 62, 76, 279. O'Neill (Onell), the Great, complains of Angus McConnell, Perth, Commissioner of, 245. 1573, 330. Perth, Convention of Lords at, 1514, 5. 105, 126, 145, 235, 327. Orange. Prince of, 143, 335. Pest, in Edinburgh, 1529, 14; in all Burghs 1515, 39; among 342. Orbiston (near Bothwell), Place of, burnt, 1570, 177. English 1549, 48 ; in Edinburgh 1568, 138, 147; in 1574,

Order of Garter, 19 ; of Golden Fleece, 15. Petadry, 314. See Eicling, William. Ordnance, pieces of, 58, 59, 185. Peter. Bow, soldier hanged 1572, 265. Organs (at King's baptism), 1566, 104. Pethrig, The, 6000 English on, 1545, 40. Orkney, Bishop of, Robert Reid (Lord Orkney), sent as Com- Petmillie. See Pitmillie.

missary to England 1542, 24 ; Commissioner to France, Pharnay, Pharnihurst. See Fernihurst. 1558, dies at Dieppe, 52. Pieris, Dame Mary, accused 1570, 185. ; ;


Pikes, 185. Queen, Dowager, 30. See Mary of Lorraine.

Pirret (Pyrrait, Pirrot), Captain, at Leith, 1559, 55 ; taken Queen Mary, 64. See Mary, Queen of Scots. prisoner, 1560, 58, 272, 276. Queen of England, 150. See England, Queen of. PitUarro, 56, 01, 63, 70, 84, 216, 273, 279, 280. See Wishart.Sir John. Queensferry, Queen comes to, 1568, 129, 166, 230, 262, 327. Pitcairn, David, of Drunimis, forfeited, 1571, 243. Quhittak. See Whittock.

Pitcairn, John, summoned, 1571, 228 ; forfeited, 237 243. Harry, English Herald, 30. Pitcairn, Robert, Abbot and Commendator of Dunfermline, Raa, Rambouillet, Moils., French Ambassador 1565, 86, 87. goes as Ambassador to England, 1569, 150 ; returns, 1570, Ramsay, Captain, comes to Leith 1571, 210. 179 ; King's Secretary, goes to England, 1570, 194. Ramsay, Cuthbert, elected Bailie 1571, 226; Queen's Costumer, Piteaitland, 17. See Pencaitland. 234, 334. Pitcur, Tutor of, 82, 250. See Haliburton, Mr James. Ramsay, John, house of destroyed 1572, 295. Pitcur, 227, 228, 237, 330. See Haliburton, Sir George. Ramsay, William, put to horn 1571, 239. Pitmillie (Petinillie), Laird of, 42. 43 ; taken prisoner at St. Randame, M. de (Charles de la Rochefoucald de Randome), Andrews, 1547, 44; summoned 1565 (John Wood), 85. French Ambassador 1560, 277. Pitradie, 331. See Haitling, William. 59, Randell, Mr (Thomas Randolph), English Ambassador 1505, Pitsligo, Laird of, put to horn 1536, 20. 88, 157, 159, 161, 164. 166, 167, 179, 195, 198, 259, 288. pittenweem, Lords take ship from, 1560, 56, 121, 148, 273. Rangeleiss (Dutchman), lands at Leith 1548, 46. pittenweem, Abbot of, 1560. 61. Rankeillor, Nether, 90 . See McGill, James. pittenweem, Commendator of, 126, 135, 279. Rannald, James, Draper, put to horn 1571, 239. pittenweem, Prior of, 15, 21, 220, (Balfour) 1572, 314, 323. Rannald, John, justified in Brechin 1570, 1*3. pittemweem, Priory sold to James Balfour, 1567, 120. Raploch (Replach), 346. See Hamilton, Gavin. plack (copper coin), 297, 344, 345. Raploch, Place of burnt 1570, 177. planis, M. de, French Ambassador, 1516, 6. Readers (Scripture), 318. Playing, 65, 104, 105, 263. Realm divided into quarters, 1546, 42. pledges, 151, 174, 175, 178. Rearguard, 40. pollock, John, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 243. Rebels denounced, 1567, 117. polwarth, 14, 303, See Home, Patrick. Recaill, Sir Cuthbert, killed 1542, 25. Pontis, Duke de, 146. Redbraes, 146. See Home, Alexander. Poor, The, 318. Red Cross to be worn, 1544, 35. Pope, The, 10, 15, 17. 20, 2S, 312, 320. Redhall (Reidhall), 264, 265, 291. Pope's Legate, 15, 17. 109. Pope's Honour, Commission of the, Acts of Satisfied, 1536, 20. Reduction, 78, Ref urries. Laird of (? Lefnorries), servants of, 301. Portmoak, Prior of, 1563, 76 ; 156S, 135, 190, 243, 245 (Abbot). Regalia, 9, 89, 126, 279, 324. Portingall (Portugal), Ducats, 154. 61, 76, Regency. 1507, 119. Portugal. King of, 312. Regent, US, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 12S, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, Post, English, 296. 165, 179, 180, 183, 190, 191, 247. 249, 265, 266, 2S0, 292, 293, Post Diligent, 334. 306, 316, 320, 327. 328, 333, 334, 335, 350. See also Lennox, Poteris (? Poitiers, France), 150. Earl of ; Mar, Earl of ; Moray, Earl of ; Morton, Earl of. Powder, 219. Regents chosen, 1500, 62. Powrie, 243. See Ogilvie, James. 127. Register, Clerk of, 96. Powry, , (Bothwell's servant), hanged 1567, Reid, David, of the Third Part, forfeited 1571, 244. Prayers for the Queen, 101, 201, 224. Reid, John, of Aitkenhead, summoned 1571, 22S ; forfeited 237. Preaching, 224. John, Cordiner, justified in Brechin 1570, 183. Precious Stones, Queen's, 340. Reid, Reid, Robert, Abbot of Kinloss 1533, 17, 18. Prelates, Council of, 1536, 20. Reidpath (Ridpath), Andrew, takes Huntly 1502, 74. President of College of Justice (John Sinclair), 98. Ilk, forfeited 1571, 237, 244. 274. Reidpath, Thomas, of that Preston, burnt 1544, 32 ; English come to, 1560, 56, 57, Reidswyre (Roxburghshire), Raid of the, 1575, 348. Preston, Little, burnt 1550. 49. Religion, 156. Preston, Archibald, of Valley field, forfeited 1571, 244 ; his son Religious Wars, 143, 145. forfeited, 244. to sworn Englishmen, 1545, "s, 92. Preston, James, beheaded 1544, 35. Remission Renfrew, Parson of, 1565 (Andrew Hay), 85. Preston, John, house of, destroyed 1572, 295, 299. Renfrew, Baron of (James VI.), 105. Preston, Sir Simon, of Craigmillar, elected Provost 1565, 81 Renfrew, Sheriffdom of, 128. goes to Holyrood, 91. ... desires, 1524, 9. of Valleyfield, forfeited Renunciation of Offices, King Preston, , son of Archibald P. Restalrig. Dean of, 1566 (John Sinclair), SO, 98. 1571, 244. English, chased to. 1544, 35. Prestonpans, 44. Reston, Riccarton (Kichartstoun), 203. See Drummond, Henry. Prince of Scotland, 105. Richardson, 120. See Hepburn, Alexander. Pringles, "Day of Law" between and Elliots, 1570, 195. See James (son of Robert), summoned 1571, 227, 228 ; Hoppringles. Richardson. forfeited 1571, 236. Prior, Grand, 1561, 67. a ,»,, «„ r, ISO charged 15, 22, ; Com- Richardson, Robert, Treasurer, ; 1, Prison Breaking, 65. 22S forfeited of St. Mary's Isle, summoned ; 236 Prisoners, treating for delivery of, 1549, 48. mendator lodging of, 307. Privy Seal, 11, 24, 118, 203 (Keeper, 1571), 260. Rizzio (Richio). David, Queen's Secretary, murdered 1566, 89, Proclamations. 36, 38, 41, 43. (Peace) 60, 69, 79, 80, 81, S3, 91, 98. 99, 100. 93 94 90, 106, 112, 113. 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125. 131, 119, 90, (Stewart), Prince, birth and death, 1..41, 23, 24. 153 157, 100, 163, 173, 174, 176, 182, 199, 205, 206, 208, 209, Robert Thomas, Priest, Schoolmaster, 204. 212,' 27S. 307, 308, 321, 341, 348. Robeson Sir 227. 250, 280, 287, Watchman, Dumbarton Castle, through treason Proclamations of Marriage, 1505 (Mary and Darnley), 79; Robison,' 203. 1567 (Mary and Bothwell), 111. of, 1571, Play of, 6d, 263. Protector of England, 40, 44, 45, 49. Robin Hood. (Rouchbank), 129. 136. See Hamilton, James. Provincial Council, of Prelates. 1536, 20. Rochbank 110, Rochefoucault, Count, 59 277. of Edinburgh, 9. 1 1, 31. 62. 65, 09, 76, 81, 82, 81, Provost 1, 2*. sacked by Duke of Bourbon, 152, , 10. , 115. 117. 168, 190, 198, 199, 220, 250, 279, 283, 322. See also Rome, See Sinclair. A\ ilham. Edinburgh. Roslin 20, 45, 138, 139.. the Lords get, 1569, 139. Provost Marshal, 260. Roslin Castle, Muir Convocation on, 1522. 8; Army to meet on, lo45.39. Psalm Book, OS. Roslin of, 1531, James Hay, 14, 18; 1563, Henry Sin- Pumpherston. Laird of, expelled 1521, 7. Ross Bishop 76 77. 9s, 104; 1567, John Lesley, 111, 113, 136, 139, Pursuivant, 205, 211. clair 253,' 266, 339. Pyotston (Poyatston), 95, 175. See Lindsay, David. 188, INDEX 19

in. 1542, 24, St. Johnston (Perth), burial of Queen Margaret (Darnley), 1666, 79. also Perth. Rosa, Earl of 29, 30; tightat Bridge, 1544,31,45, 69, 322. See of; renunciation of, by Hnntly, 1557, 267, (Robert Ross, Earldom baptism St Mary's Isle, Abbot, and Commendator of, 1671 Lor.l (succeeded 1556, died lo81), at, Ross James, Hi. Richardson). 227, 228, 236, 215. VI., 1566, L03, L08, 130. 236. of James St. Mary's Isle, Feuar of, 1571, (James Liddcrdalc) Ross, Robert, Master of, slain at Fawslde, 1547, 10. 121. Ross, James, Servant man, Sadler, Sir Ralph, "English Ambassador, 1513, 29, 30, 57, 139, forfeited 1671, -43. Ross, James (brother of John), 275 (Captain). forfeited 1571, 243. , , Rosa, John, of Craigie, Salset (Soulseat), Abbot of (James Johnston), taken prisoner Count. .sv»- Koclicfuiicault, C ount. Rosa Fokko, 1517, 43. ,.„_ 292. „ , Rosytlt, houses of won, 1572, . .,.., ,. , ,--„ 0th Lord of (born 1537, suc- lo58), Saltoun, Alexander Aberncthy, Leslie, 4th Earl of (succeeded WlAdied inbringer Rothes, George ceeded 1543, died 1587). goes to France 1561, 61 ; 1633, 17, 21, 34 42, 4dI; a Com- in ohargl of Beaton of Englishmen 1570, 176, 283. Dieppe l.^.s .... J.s. missioner to France, dies at and cast down 1548, 46. lrwS, died loll), Saltoun Hall, taken Rothes, Andrew Leslie, 5th Earl of (succedeed Regent, b2 conies to Saltpetre, 229. in Parliament 1560, 61 ; chosen a ; 44. Salt Preston (Prestonpans), . suminone, . 1561,63 put to horn 150... 81 82 . of Knights ot Convention ; Sandilands, Sir James, of Calder, Preceptor of VI. 1566, 104,108 130, 2, 9, 85, 91, 96 ; at, baptism James John), comes to Edinburgh (called St. John (called Lord St. to be assigned to, b',2, .>!.', o-S Blackness 280, 281; Castle 1521 7- a Keeper of Queen, 1543, 28; put, in for peace, loi3, 3„S ; John); goes to Castle to consult Regent 1560, Ambassador to France, 1544, 35 ; chosen a comes to Convention 1574, 343. summoned 1565, 95, 135, 245, 280, 281. 62 ; returns, 63 ; Rothes, Parson of, 1547, 43. Sands, Andrew, indweller in Leith, takes French ship, 15^9, Rothesay, Duke of (James VI.), 1561, lOo. Rouehe, Alison, drowned 1535, 19. Sanquhar" Lord (Edward Crichton, 7th Lord Cricbton of Roxburgh, taken 1547, 45. Sanquhar, succeeded 1561, died 1569), brings Queen to to horn 1571, 230. Russell, Mungo, put .,.,.. Edinburgh 1567, 115; at Coronation 1567, 118. taken prisoner at the Rcidsnjie laio, Russell, Sir Francis, Sanquhar, Little, 244. See Erskine, James. (succeeded 1552, died 1566). at Ruthven, Patrick, 3rd Lord Sword of Honour, 9, 61, 76, 89, 126, 279, lo:.< _.». Sceptre, Crown and sacks Greyfriars , St. Johnston Brig 1544, 34, 40 ; as a Regent l:.i.,n, 324. Lord of the Articles, 61 ; chosen 307. 56 ; a Schang, Patrick, house of, cast down, 1572, 1561, 63; concerned in Rizzio s 62; comes to Convention See Crawford, John. 9o put to horn Schaw, 244. 92 ; summoned 1565, ; murder 1565, 89, 90, Schaw, The, 101. See Elliot, Robert, 1566, 98 ; death 1566, 99. ..,..„, Douglas, John. con-, Scheill, The, 233. See Ruthven, William, 4th Lord (succeeded 1566, died 1584); put Schoolmaster, 265. cerned in Rizzio's murder, 1565,89: summoned, 95; at Corona- horn 1566, 97; at Carberry Hill 1567, Ho: house of destroyed to Langside Sclater,' Andrew, put to horn 1571, 239; the Articles, 126 ; at tion, 118 ; chosen a Lord of inbringer 1572, 303. 15S at. Convention 1570, 159, 175 ; 1568, 130, 134, ; taken in. 1568, 131. of St. Scone, Patrick Hepburn 176, 178, 180, 182, 196; accuses Bishop to Marches of English, of, 3 Queen of, 73 ; restored Old --i -4o, Scotland, Power ; Treasurer 1571, , Andrews 1571, 204, 214 ; made elected 1548 (Ancrum Muir), 38. 248 25s 259, 269, 273; at Parliament 1560, 2,9; 343 Scots, King of (Darnley), 106. Regent 1560, 280, 281, 287, 288, 290, 311, 313, 320 324, ''raid'' in Eng and a Scots defeated at, Solway Moss 1542, 25 ; Patrick, 3rd Lord Ruthven), Ruthven Alexander (brother of 33- from Coldingham, 36; false, help English, 9S pledge for his 1544 flee 1565. 95 put to horn 1566, ; return home, 40; summoned ; 1545' 37'- parted in three battles, 40; 1570, 175. 1548, 47; brother return to Edinburgh 1547, 45 ; scale Haddington (brother of William, 4th Lord Ruthven, follow Ruthven, Archibald retire to Tranent, array in Burgh Muir 1549, 48; Master of Ruthven), tumult, feared by, lo70, 196, 2!) (brother of William, 4th Lord Ruthven), 14. Ruthven, George Scott^Adam, of Tushielaw (Thirlstane), beheaded 1529, slain 1571, 248. burnt 1532, 15. ttt-h- 4thin Scott! George, of the Bog, William, Master of. See Ruthven, William, days, 14 preaches Ruthven, Scott, John, warded in Castle 1531, fasts 32 ; Lord ; Ruthven, Archibald. 1 John! Scribe of the Session, compelled to deliver Parlia- Hamilton burnt at, 1528, 10, 20; Scott, ST, ANDREWS, Patrick 213. of Prince at ment books 1571, marriage of James V. at, 1538, 22 ; birth 228; forfeited, Scott, Thomas, of Abbotshall, summoned 1571, • 1542. Council held 1539 23 Cardinal imprisoned in, 26 ; in, George Wishart burnt at, in 1543 28 31; Council held ' Abbotshall), forfeited , (son of Thomas S. of spoulzie of, 31... Scott, 1546 42 55, 72, 144, 145, 146, 119, 272, 2,87 : fortified 1571 244 Castle, Cardinal murdered in, 1516, 42 ; hanged Andrews Cambusmichael, summoned 1565, 95 ; 239. Scott', Thomas, of 1547, 43; besieged, taken and destroyed, 1547, 44, 1566 97. Andrews Priory. 120. summoned 1565 85. Stuart, Scott, Thomas, of Hanyng, Andrews, Archbishop of, 1513, Alexander 3; 1504), slays Andrew Scott Sir Walter, of Buccleuch (succeeded Beaton, 9, 17, 18: 1547, John Hamilton, 43, 1524 James of lese majesty 1534, 17 ; warded 1526, 10 ; convicted 103,111,113, 136, 142.167,203,2114, Ker 48 51 50 61 75. 78. 89. IS; slain by Kers 1552, 51. (John), 274, in Castle, 205 (death 1571). 214, 220 (? Gavin), 245, 270 (grandson of preceding, born Scott, Sir Walter, of Buccleuch 320, 331, 341. ; 1572, John Douglas, 220; deatn 279 1549 died 1574), comes to Convention 1571, Andrews, Commendator and Prior of, James Stewart, 1574| 341. of Moray), 50, 52, 53, 56, 61, 62, 64, 10,?, (afterwards Earl to Leith 1543, 28. See also Moray, Scotts, come 26,8, 269, 273, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283. footmen 155 254 ; Scougall, Captain Richard, raised 100 1, Earl of. at, Merchiston, 263, defeated at, Cramond 1572. 262 : slam Andrews, Commissioner of, 245. 294 buried in St. Giles Kirk Yard, 296, 297. Andrews, Provost of, 62, 279. Scraling, 133. See Skirling. Bartholomew's Day, 312. Scribes of the Session, 213. Bathans, burnt by English, 1544, 35. Scrope. Lord (English Peer), 131, lo3. St Colm's Inch. English send to, 1547, 45. Seals of England, IS. Abbot and Commendator of, James Stewart St. Colm's Inch. Seand (Frenchman), imprisoned 1572, 292. ((afterwards Earl of Moray), 64, 76, 126, 184, 196, 231, 243. o Sebastiane (Frenchman), imprisoned l.,6, See-alsrrM«rftv-, Earl off 244. 283. Scrot Council Lords of, chosen. I,i44. .^3. I08, lo9, 1/4, 31i. (St. Duthac), Tain, King's ride to, 4. 168. 185, |!i„. 194, St. Duthus 14 112, 147. 148, 151, 163, 165, 167, of, lo37, 21. lecretarv St. Genieve (Paris), James V. married in church Sir William, Yr. 266 2S0. And see Maitland, St. John, Lord, 28. See Sandilands, Sir James.

" ;;;


Sempill Castle, taken l.jGO, 63, 281. Sinclair, Henry, sent Ambassador to Flanders 1550, 51 Serapill, Robert, 3rd Lord (born c. 1505, succeeded 1552, died Bishop of Ross 1560 ; dies in Paris 1565, 79, 98. c. 1575), as Master of S. gets share of forfeited lands 1545, Sinclair, James, of Stevenstou, discord with Sir Patrick

41 ; at baptism of James VI. 1566, 103, 108, 112, 1:34, 135, 147, Hepburn 1535, 20.

163, 165, 166 ; taken prisoner 1570, 178 ; taken to Draifane, Sinclair, John, of Hcrsfurda, slain 1550, 49. 198, 200, 218; released 1571, 233, 245; house cast down Sinclair, John, Bishop of Brechin, and Dean of Restalrig

1560, 280 ; made Lieutenant in the West 1572, 302 ; (John) Queen and Darnley married by, 1565, 80 ; death 1566, 98. chased by Lord Sinclair, Claud Hamilton 1572, 305, 320 ; at Parlia- Olave, Foiide of Zetland, Bothwell at dinner with, ment 1572, 324, 329; renders Hamilton Palace to Lord 1567, 123. Claud Hamilton 1573, 335. Sinclair, Oliver, follows English 1544, 37. Sempill, Master of, gets share of forfeited lands, 1545, 41. Sinclair, William, of Roslin, forfeited 156S, 138. Sempill [John, of Bruntschellis], son of Lord S., 329. Sinclair, Captain, proclamation as to service under, 1571,

Sempill, Robert, of Foulwood, summoned 1505, 85 ; forfeited 208. 1571, 243. Skirling (Scraling, Scarfing), Place of demolished 1568, 133. Semphill, William, of Cathcart, summoned 1565, 85. Skirling, 138. See Cockburn, James. Sepulture, 106. Skirmishing, 234, 236. Session, Lords of, 96. Smaw (Small), George, summoned 1565, 96. Seton, George, 4th Lord (succeeded 1513, died 1549), with the Smeaton, 138. See Hepburn, Adam. wings in raid to England 1545, 40. Smyth, Sergeant John, ensign to Captain Alexander Trotter, Seton, George, 5th Lord (born 1531, succeeded 1549, died 1586, goes to Jedburgh 1571, 257 ; defeated at Hawick, 258, commands wing of army 1545, 40 to 1558, 262, 285, 288, 294, 299. ; goes France 52; to goes Leith, 57, 79 ; arrives from France 1565, 86, 103 ; Suaw, Parson of, 1533 (Walter Boyis), 17. at baptism of James VI. 1566, 104, 129; taken prisoner Snowstorm, Great, 1541, 23. 1568, 130, 131; freed from Castle 1568, 139, 143; at Con- Soldiers, 165. vention 1569, 147, 148; warded in Blackness 1569, 151, 163, Solway Moss, Scots defeated at, 1542, 25. 167; at Convention in Linlithgow 1570, 168; goes to Somerville, Hugh, 4th Lord (born c. 14S6, succeeded c. 1522,

Flanders, 185, 259, 263, 264, 268 ; chosen a Commissioner died 1549), in vanguard 1541, taken prisoner 1542, 25; im-

to go to France 1558, 268, 270 ; goes to Leith 1560, 274 ; prisoned 1543, 29.

returns from Flanders 1571, 288, 289, 297, 299, 301 ; warded Somerville, James, 5th Lord (succeeded 1519, died 1569), comes in Dumbarton Castle 1573, 329; daughter of, marries to Convention 1561, 63; at Langside 1568, 130; in Parlia- Lord Claud Hamilton 1574, 341, 317. ment 1560, 279, 281, 282. Seton, Lady, accused of conspiring against the king, 1570, Somerville, Hugh, 6th Lord (born 1547, succeeded 1569, died 185, 186. 1597), at Convention 1570, 159; comes to Convention in

Seton, Robert, 6th Lord (son of George 5th Lord S., created Linlithgow 1570, 168 ; in Parliament 1571, 220.

Earl of Winton 1600, died 1603), accused of conspiracy, Somerville, , of Tarbrax, forfeited 1568, 136. 185, 1S6. Soulseat. See Salset. Seton, David, of Parbroath, forfeited 1571,245; takes Broughty Sousie, Alexander, Cramer (Pedlar), 1572, 265.

Castle, 255. Soutra, English come to, 1544, 35 ; burnt 1545, 37. Seton, Henry, Laird of Durie's servant, slain 1570, 197, 198. Spain, King of, 143, 145, 1S4, 312, 335. Seton, James, of Touch, forfeited 1571, 243. Spearmen, 247.

Seton, , horseman, saves Lord Seton 1571, 289. Spens, David, of Wormiston (Fife), takes James Douglas of Seton (East Lothian), King in, 1540, 23, 26, 32, 106, 114. Drumlanrig, 1571, 226, 230, 236, 241, 245, 247, 248, 249.

Sewar (Sewer), 104 ; Master of the Governor of 'Indeandis,' 38. Spey, Angus to be warded beyond, 1528, 11. Shaw [Robert, Abbot], of Paisley, accompanies King to Edin- Spiritual Estate, 42. burgh, 1524, 9. Spott, Laird of (Home), follows English, 1544, 37. Shaw, John, of Greenock, forfeited 1571, 243. Spott, Minister at, 1570 (John Kello), 188. Shearer, Donald, hanged 1570, 201. Spottiswood, John, elected Superintendent 1561, 64, 282. Sheriff Principal, 190. Sprouston, 136. See Hamilton, James. Sheriffdom, of Edinburgh, levies summoned, S3; of Ayr, Stanypath, burnt 1545, 37, 49. Kyle, Carrick, and Cunningham, levies of, arrive at Leith, Stanypath, Laird of, follows English, 1544, 37. 235. State and Sasine, of superiority of Leith received, 1565, 84. Sheriffhall, 89. See Gifford, Yr. Stedman (Studeman), Charles, cook, house of destroyed, 1572, Sheriffhall, Muir, 218. 303. Shetland (Zetland), 121, 122, 123, 127. Stenton, burnt 1544, 32. Shillings, 165, 298. Stewart, Alexander. Archbishop of St. Andrews, killed at Ship, Dutch, seized by Bothwell 1514, 34. Flodden 1513, 3. Ships, Lylill Afartene, wrecked 1528, 12; Boy, taken by Stewart, Alexander, Yr. of Garlies, summoned 1571, 227, 228, English 1559, 55, 272; Brackwinrahame (Barkwindance) 237; slain 1571, 248. freighted 1565,86; manned 1572, 222; Unicorn, wrecked Stewart, Alexander, Captain of Blackness, 1571, 289, 290 at Zetland 1567, 123. taken prisoner 1572, 326. Ships, English, arrive in Firth of Forth, and captured, 1544, Stewart, Harry, marries Queen Margaret 1521, 7. 34; at Leith, 55. Stewart, Henry, 79, 120. See Darnley, Lord. Ships, Scottish, captured 1543, 30; Bothwell's at Zetland. Stewart, James. See Moray, Earl of. 1567, 123, Stewart, James, Abbot of Melrose, killed at Flodden 1513, 3. Shirlaw, William, hanged 1570, 201. Stewart, James, Commendator of St. Colm's Inch, Doune Shrewsbury, Earl of, comes to Haddington 1518, 47. Castle, surrendered to Kegcnt by, 1570, 184 ; forfeited Sibbat, William, of that Ilk, forfeited 1571, 214. 1571, 243. Signets (held bv Secretary), 185. Stewart, James (Brother of Alexander S., Captain of Black- Silvertonhill (Silvertonghill), Hamilton, burnt 1570, 178. ness), made prisoner 1572, 325. Sim, Alexander. Advocate. Commissary of Edinburgh, dis- Stewart, John, Duke of Albany, 5. See Albany, Duke of. charged of office 1572, 295. Stewart, Sir John, of Minto, knighted by Queen 1562, 71; of, cast Simpson, John, Merchant, house down, 1572, 307. holds Glasgow Castle 1570, 176; summoned 1571, 227, 228 ; Sinclair, Henry, 3rd Lord (succeeded c. 1487), death at Flodden forfeited, 237. His son, sec Stewart, Matthew. 1513, 3. Stewart, Sir John, of Traquair, knighted by Queen 1562, 71. Sinclair, William, 1th Lord (succeeded 1513, died 1570), in Stewart, John (of Leith), called before Bishop of Ross 1534, 18. Parliament 1570, 190. Stewart, John, forfeited 1571, 244. Sinclair, Master of, taken prisoner at Fawside 1547, 45. Stewart, Matthew (son of Sir John S. of Minto), summoned

Sinclair, Andrew, burgess, forfeited 1571, 244. 1571, 227, 228 ; forfeited, 237. Sinclair, George, Connrnier of the Testaments, discharged of Stewart, Robert (M. Aubigny), lands at Dunbar 1520, 7. office 1572, 295. Stewart, William, Vicar at Pencaitland, 1533, 17. INM'A 21

" Stewart, William, Bishop uf Aberdeen, Treasurer 1533, 17. "Tenpound lanil, 115. Stewart, Sir William, Boss Herald, sent to Denmark 15G7, Termes, Mons., lands at Dunbarton, 151'.'. 18, 49. 125; deprived of oftice 1668, 137; convicted for witcherie Testaments, Confirmer of the, i"'7L' (George Sinclair), 295,

and burnt 1509, 146. Teviotdale, 8, 1 I, 16, 21. 28, 32, 36, 3,8, 16, 51, 155, 169, 171, 2:io.

Stewart, , of Bascrube, forfeited 1571, 243. TheBaurer (Treasurer) to the King, 1528, Archibald Douglas, dismissed, !'_'; 1529, Stewart, , Captain of Queen's Guard, convoys Bothwell 11, Robert Barton, 13; 1533, William

1562, 72. Stewart, 17; 1570, John Cunnygliame of Drumquli.-r- < I Stcwartries, of Kirkcudbright, Mentcith, Strathearn, Kin- and Mr Robert Kitchartsone, joint treasurers, 180, 210; claven, levies of, summoned, 83. 1571, Lord Kuthven, 25s, 266. Stipends, 281, 338. Thieves, 143. Third Part, The, 244. Stirling, King in, 1528, 10, 11 ; Queen and Princess taken to, See Reid, David.

1513, 28; Council held at, 1.VI4, 33, 34 ; Convention at, Thirlstane (?). See Scott, Adam. 1545, 39 ; Frenchmen depart to, 1559, 65j Queen goes to, Thomson, Margaret, murdered 1570, 188. 1661, 69, 73, 79, 83, 139, 261, 272, 273, 2S2, 334, 342. Thomson, Peter, Herald, 81. to Stirling Castle, building of, 4, 5 ; Queen goes to, 1515, 5; King Thornton, Gilbert, Writer, put horn, 1571, 239.

meets Governor with keys, 6 ; King to remain in, 1524, 8 ; Thornton, John, lodging of on Castle Hill, 331. leaves, 9; James goes to, 1567, 107, 110, 142, 204, 229, 317. Thornton, 243. See Straquhane, Stirling, Greyfriars of, 4. Threave (Traif), besieged 1545, 41. Stirling, Kirk, 118, 334. Throgmorton, Sir Nicholas, English Ambassador 1567, 117, Stirling, Park of, 18, 19. 120, 221. Stirling, Commissioner of. 245. Tibbermuir, 89, 228, 237. See Murray, Patrick.

1 Stirling, Provost of, 02. L'7'. . Tilliebarn. See Tulliebardine. Stirlingshire, levies of, arrive at Leith, 235. Tilmouth, burnt by Scots, 1544, 33, 39. Stoddart, John, house of cast down, 1572. 307. Tinwald (Tynwall), burnt 1570, 184. Stone (disease), 77, 79. Tod, Hew, Treasurer's servant, 210. Stonehouse, 28, 42. See Hamilton, James. Tolbooth of Stirling, Parliament held in, 1571, 242. Stonehouse, 136. See Hamilton, John. Tolls, 76. Stonehouse, S9, 95. See Bellenden, Patrick. Torbrax, 136. See Somerville, Stonehouse, Place of, burnt 1570, 177. Torbray, 136. See Hamilton, Alexander. Strang, George ("at the Overboil"), house of cast down, 1572, Torches, 104. 307, Torphichen, Crags, 173; Girth of, 13. Strang, Richard, Advocate, forfeited 1571, 24 1. Torphichen, Lord (Sir James Sandilands, Knight, of Malta,

Straquiiane, , of Thornton, forfeited with his son, 1571, created, 1564, died 1579), at Parliament 1579, 190. See 243. alto Sandilands, Sir James.

Strathbogie, Huntly's body taken to, 1566, 99 ; Convention at, Torrance (Lanarkshire), burnt 1570, 178. 1570, 189. Torrance, Hamiltons of, summoned 1568, 138. Strathmiglo (Stromiglo), 178. Torry, 138. 243, 246. See Wardlaw, Strathque, David, burnt for heresy 1534, 19. Tosche, Malcolm, attacked by Adam of Gordon 1572, 327. Strengths made by the English to be destroyed, 1544, 50. Touch, 243. See Seton, James. Suffolk, Earl of, 24, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173. Tower of London, Protector put in, 1549, 49. Summonses. 125, 224, 254. Towie (Touy, Toway), Place of, burnt, 1571, 255. And see Superintendents, proposed by Knox, 1560, 63; John Spottis- Forbes, William. wood elected one, 1561, 64, 281, 282, 317, 318. Towcht, Thomas, soldier, hanged 1570, 201. Superiority of Leith, loan by Edinburgh to Queen on security Trabroune, 131, 168. See Heriot, James. of, 1565, 84. Tranent, Scots retire to, 1549, 48, 256.

Surrey, Earl of, English Lieutenant, 1522, 8, 13, 19 ; William, Traquair, 71. See Stewart, Sir John. son of, Ambassador, 1535, 19. Treason, 49, 93, 244, 257. Sussex, Earl of, 139, 184, 187, 192, 193. Treasurer. See Thesaurer. Sutherland, Earl of (John Sutherland, 10th Earl, born 1525, Treasurership (Thesaurarie), 11.

succeeded 1538, died 1567), goes to France 1550, 50 ; at Trenches, 57.

Parliament 1560, 61 ; forfeited 1563, 76 (called Alexander); Trent, Council of, 312, 316.

restored 1565, 89 (Alexander) ; forfeiture reduced 1567, Trollop, Richard, Macer, 69. 109 (John); at Mary's marriage 1567, 111, 279. Trotter, Captain Alexander, goes to Jedburgh, 1571, 257, 25S, Sutherland, Earl of (Alexander Sutherland, 11th Earl, born 259, 261, 285, 288, 299. 1552, succeeded 1567, died 1594), at Parliament in Stirling, Trotter, William, Captain of Home Castle, surrenders, 1570, 1571, 245. 172.

Swan, John, burnt 1570, 186. Truce, 1542, broken, 24 ; 1547, 46 ; 1500, 59. Sweden, 335. Trumpeter. 69, 104. Sweden, Ambassador of. 72, 73. Tullibardine, Laird of. See Murray, Sir William. Sweden, King of, 72, 137. Tullibody Bridge cut, 1559, 272. Sword of Honour, 76, 89, 126, 279, 324. Tullibody Kirk, French take timber of. 1559, 55, 273. Syme, Nicol, visitor of Cunzie House, 345. Tullyalla'ne, 13. See Blacatar, John. Symmer, David, Bailie of Edinburgh, 65, 283. Turnbull (Trumbill), Thomas, of Bedrule. forfeited 1571, 243.

Tnrnbull, , son of Thomas T. of Bedrule, 243. Taffeta, 67. Turnbull. Walter, taken prisoner, 1572. 292. Talla (Tweedsmuir), 106, 121. See Hay, John. Turnet, Peter, Burgess, forfeited 1571, 244. Tantallon (Temptalloun) Castle, besieged by King 1528, 11; Turk, Thomas Doughty, captive before the, brings image and siege raised, 12; given to Bothwell 1529, 13; delivered to founds Loret.to, 1533, 17. Angus 1543, 27; Sadler goes to, 29; George Douglas goes Tushielaw, 14. See Scott, Adam. to, 30: Lieutanant holds Yule at, 1544, 37, 85; delivered Tutor, King's (Earl of Lennox), 191. to Sovereign, 1565, 94, 208, 226, 342. Tweed. Albany halts on side of, 1523, 8, 38, 267. Tapestry, 291. Twenty pound land, 115. Tarbolton. Knight of (Damley), 79. Twizel (Tweisdaill), burnt 1545, 40. Tarmes, Mons. See Termes, Mons. Tyne, 46.

Tax, Annual, 1532, 15 ; imposed, 1545, 41 ; 1570, 192. Tynedale, Thieves of, 44. Taylor, William, Darnley's servant, 105. Tyrie, William, of Drumkilbo, forfeited 1571, 243, 244. Teinds, 318. Tyrie Land, Morton to renounce, 1572, 315. Tempitshall, Laird of, taken 1549, 49. Temptallone. See Tantallon. Udwaut, Alexander, Burgess, passes to Dumbarton Castle, Tennent, Francis, Burgess, forfeited 1568, 136, 246. 1574, 343. •J 2 INDEX

Udwart, Nicol, Bailie, 258 ; house of destroyed, 288 to ; goes White (Quheit), James, ordained Commissary 1572, 295. Dumbarton, 1574, 343. White, Lieutenant Patrick, hanged 1572, 262, 294. Unicom (Bothwell's ship), 123. White, William, Cordiner, charged 1565, 96. Whitelaw Vallence (Quhitlaw), Alexander, of Newgrange, summoned (Wallange), Bishop of, 59, 277. 1565, 85. ValleyBeld, 244. See Preston, Archibald. Whitelaw, Sir Patrick, of that Ilk, Knighted by Queen 1567, Vanguard, 40. 111; Captain of Dunbar Castle, put to horn 1567, 121 Velvet, 67, 77. ; surrenders Castle, 125 ; forfeited 1568, 136. Vendome, Duke of, James marries daughter of, 1534, 18, 21. Whithorn, James V. lauds at, 1036, ; Verac, 21 Lord Fleming arrives Mons., French Ambassador, 166, 108, 187, 203, 230, 239, at, 1572, 263. 241, 297. Whithorn, Prior of, 75, 104, 190, (Abbot), 245. Vicar, 245. Whitsoun (Whitsome, Berwickshire), 129. See Hepburn, Victuals, Price of, 299, 301, 302, 306. Alexander. Victuals, Want of, 1545, 39; 1572, 306. Whittinghame (East Lothian), 37, 95 ; Sir William Drnry Viennois, Francis, Dauphin of, 268. departs to, 1571, 218. And see Douglas, William. Virgin Mary, 15. Whittock (? Whitchester, Liddesdale), Place of burnt, Visors, 1669, 67. 144. Whitton, 136. See Hepburn, Alexander. Wachton (East Lothian), 25, 28. See Hepburn, Sir Patrick. Wilford, Sir James, Captain General, 46. Wages, of soldiers, 165. William (Howard), Lord (son of Earl of Surrey), English Walker, James, Parson of Inchecalzeoch, summoned 1565 85. Ambassador 1536, 19, 20. Walker, John, hanged 1570, 201. Willocks, John, wife of brought to Edinburgh 1560, 281. Wallace, Hew, of Cornevale, forfeited 1571, 244. Wilson, John, barn of, burnt 1571, 215. Wallace, William, Scribe of the Session, compelled to give Wilson, Patrick (Bothwell's servant), put to horn 1567, 117, up Parliament books, 1571, 213. 127, 309. Wallace, , of Carnell, summoned 1565, 85. Wirmson (? Wormiston), Lord, heirs of to be restored 1572, 314. Wallange (Valence), Bishop of, French Ambassador, 59, 277. Wishart, George, burnt at St. Andrews 1546, 42. Warden, of England, 25, 37, 38, 47; of Southern England, Wishart, Sir John, of Pittarro, Knighted by Queen 1562, 70 ; 348, 350 ; of East Marches, 164 ; of Middle Marches, 165; made Comptroller, 71; denounced rebel 1505, 84; comes of West Marches, 133. to Holyrood, 91 ; a Commissioner for the Congregation, Wand of Peace received, 1542, 26. goes to Berwick 1559, 273, 282. See also Pittarro. Wardlaw, of Torry, , summoned 1568, 13S, 243. Witch Burning, 145. Wardlaw, John, Regent's body kept in house of, 1569, 158. Witter, David, pirate, with Bothwell 1567, 123. Wark Castle, captured 1513, 3 ; besieged by Albany 1523, 8 ; Wittoune. See Wotton. John Ker, Captain of, 1544, 37, 267. Wodderbourne. See Wedderburn. Warwick, Earl of, leads English vanguard at Pinkie 1547, 45. Wood, James, of Bonnyton, charged 1565, 95. Waterside, The, 244. Sue Douglas, Adam. Wood, John, of Pitmillie, summoned 1565. 85, ? 146. Waterston, 175. See Cunningham, Hew. Wood, Patrick, of Bonnyton, forfeited 1571, 243. Watson, James, house of, destroyed 1572, 299. Woodhall, 136. See Hamilton, James. Watson, Robert, Burgess, Queen's Costumar, charged 1565, Woodhill, 228, 237. See Affleck, John. 96, 234 ; forfeited 1571, 244, 295. Wormiston, 226, 230, 241-5-7-8-9. Set Spens, David. Watter, The, James of, imprisoned 1544, 31. Wotton (Wittoune), Dr. Nicholas, English Ambassador, 1560, Wauchope, Adam, servant to Clerk of Register, slain 219. 1571, 59, 277. Wauchope, Captain, takes ship to Aberdeen 1572, 303. Writer, 239. Robert, Minister, Waugh, hanged 1572, 262. Writer to the Signet, 202.

Weapons :—Culverin, 163 ; Dag (Pistol), 66 ; Demilances, 56 ; Writing Booth, 65. Hagbut, ; 11 Headpieces, 185; Pikes, 185; Pottin Pieces Writings, sent, to England by supporters of Mary, 1S5. (Mortars), 330; Secrettis (Artillery), 176; Whinger Wrocht. Maister, servant of Earl of Sussex, 193. (Dagger), 57. Webster, executed Thomas, in Brechin 1570, 183. YaTR, Sir Henry, concerned in Rizzio's murder, 1565, S9. Wedderburn (Wodderbourne), of cast House down, 1522, 8; Yester, Lord Hay of (John Hay, 2nd Lord, succeeded c. 1508), taken by Governor, 1545, 38. death at Flodden 1513, 3. Wedderburn, See 97. Home, Yester, Lord Hay of (John Hay, 4th Lord, succeeded c. 1543, Wedderbnrn, Captain passes to Aberdeen 1571, 255. , died c. 1555), with Angus, 1544, 36; with Army, 1545, 40; Wedderington, Sir John, taken prisoner 1545, 38. See also taken prisoner at Pinkie, 1547, 45. Wethrington. Yester, Lord Hay of (William Hay, 5th Lord, succeeded Wemyss, Captain Michael (son of Sir John Wemyss), ran- 1555. died 15^'j), comes to Leith 1.559,5:',; summoned 1508, somed 1570, 1S4, 222; death of, 1571, 225. 1570, 190 forfeited 138 ; at Convention in Linlithgow- 168, ; Wemyss, Easter, lands of restored 1543, 29. 1571, 242, 269 : at Convention 1572, 320. Westerfortune, Harry. 136. See Hepburn, Yester taken, 1548, 46. Westeraw, 245. See Balfour, Gilbert. York, 139. (Westeraw), Westerhall 243, 346. See Johnston, James. York, President, of (Queen of England's Lieutenant, 1570), 169. Westcumberland (Westmorland), Earl of, 152, 155, 157, 162, 16S. Young, James, Cutler, charged 1565, 96; house of cast down, of Scotland, 162. Westmorland to come under dominion 1572, 307. Wethrington, of, prisoner 1542, 25. Set alto , taken Young, Thomas, filacer, 206. Wedderington. Yule, 37. Wheat, 168. Whitcastle (Quhytcastell), 136. See Hepburn, Patrick. Zetland, 121, 122, 123, 127. Foude of, see Sinclair, Olave. ;;


Abbey, 204. comes to, 1521, Provost and Bailie deprived office, of 7 ;

Abereromby, John, Lodging of, 350. Albany again comes to, 1521, 7 ; French men of war come

Aitchison, Helen, house of, 299. to, 1522, 8 ; King comes to, 1524, 9 ; King comes to 1528, Alexander's Writing Booth, 05. 11; Angus comes to, 11; Convention in, 1529, 13; great

fire in, 1532, 16, 17, 18 ; entry of King and Queen to, Bakkell, Henry, flesher, house of destroyed 1572, 303. 1538, 22, 24; "in honours on the calsay," 1542, 27, 30; Beattie, Bessy, Castalzie made at house of, 1571, 211. taken by English and burnt, 1544, 31, 34, 35, 42; French

Bess Wynd, 303, 322, 320. and Dutch come to, 1548, 40, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55 ; English

Blackfriars (Church), Council held in, 1530, 20; sacked 1559, camp changed to Pilrig, 1500, 58 ; French come to Mount

53 ; demolished 1559, 269. Pellem, 59, 63, 64, 65; Queen's entry to, 1501, 67, 69. 70; Blackfriars Wynd, 71, 107. Swedish Ambassador comes to, 1562, 72, 73, 75, 79, 80, 81,

Blackfriars Yard, 214, 234, 251. 82, 83; loan by to Queen, 1565, 84, 85, 80, 87 ; siege of, 1571, Blackloch's Close, 155. 213, 265, 206, 20S, 209, 270, 350. Borough Muir, Scots arrayed on, 1549, 48, 112, 210, 219, 200, Edinburgh, Bailies of, 7, 117. 285, 290, 300, 341. Edinburgh, Burgess of, 244, 331. Borough Muir Loch, 296. Edinburgh, Burgh of, 80. Braids Crags, 216, 300. Edinburgh, Commissioner of, 245. Broughton, 200, 290. Edinburgh, Council of, 117. Brown's John, House, 107. Edinburgh, Deacons of, 117. Brunstane, 271. Edinburgh, Fleshers of, 347, 348. Butter Tron, 297. See Tron, Butter. Edinburgh, Freedom of, 214. Edinburgh, Ministers of, 224. C UTONOATB (Cannogait), slaughter by French in, 1559, 54, 79, Edinburgh, Sheriffdom of, 83. 87, 90, 96, 102, 147, 214, 215, 225, 240, 244, 251, 252, 271, 293. Edinburgh, Provost of, 02, 117, 168,279; 1524, Mr. Francis 293, 340. Bothwell (deprived of office), 9; 1528, Lord Maxwell. 9, 11

Canongate Cross (Cannocrose), proclamations made at, 1571, 1529, Adam Otterburn, 14, 31 (1544) ; 1561, Thomas Mak-

; of 214 j 1572, 305. calzean, 69 1562, Archibald Douglas Kilspindie, 65, 69, Canongate Port, 303. 76, 81,82,283; 1565, Simon Preston of Craigmillar, 81, 84,

Carnochane, John, house of destroyed, 1572, 307. 110; 1567. James Henderson of Fordell, 115 ; 1570, James 1!I9, Cardinal's Lodging, Banquet in, 1501, 07, 71. McGill, Clerk Register, 190, 197, 198, 208, 209 ; 1571, " Castle Hill, Heretics and Criminals burnt on, 23, 67, 183, Sir Thomas Ker of Fernihurst (elected by Lords of the

199, 323. Nobility," 226, Sir James Balfour, 250 ; 1572, Patrick, Chalmers, Andrew, Huntly lodged in house of, 1573, 330. Lord Lindsay of the Byres, 322. Chapel Royal (Holyrood), Queen Mary married in, 1565,79; Edinburgh Castle, Lord Home received in, 1516, 6; Beaton James VI. baptised in, 1506, 104. and others warded in, 1524, 9, 13, 14 ; Bothwell warded in, Chequer, King holds, 1528, 11. 1532, 15; Sir Patrick Hepburn warded in, 1530, 20; Laird Chequer House, decree pronounced in, 1570, 188. of Wacbton, Captain, 1543, put out, Laird of Stonehouse Clark's, Alexander, House, 155. made Captain, 28; Lord Maxwell imprisoned in, 29; Coikye, William, house of, 214. George Douglas warded in, 30 ; besieged by English, 1644, Colinton, 301. See Foulis, James. 31; Governor and Cardinal put in, 1545, 41; Huntly

Corstorphine, 7, 19S, 228. 260, 264, 294, 297, 301. warded in, 1553, 51, 54 ; Queen Regent goes to, 1560, 56, 57

Corstorphine, Abbey of, 291. dies in, 1560, 59; Queen banquets in, 1561, 67 ; Bothwell

Corstorphine, College of. 291. breaks ward, 1562, 73, 75 ; Alexander Erskine, Captain,

Corstorphine Crags, 215, 216, 223. 1505, 82, 84 ; King and Queen banquet in, 1565, 87 ; James Corstorphine, Laird of, 7, 228. Douglas of Drumlanrig warded in, 1566, 97; Arran re-

Cowgate, 183, 299. leased from, 99 ; James VI. born in, 1560, 100 ; delivered Cowgate Port, 112, 212. to Queen, Sir James Cockburn of Skirling made Captain, Craig, William, lodging of, 321. 1507, 107; Huntly and others" take refuge iD, 1567, 113;

Craigmillar, burnt by English 1544, 32, 64, 81, 91, 192, 109, James Balfour, Captain, 1567, 116 ; delivered to Regent,

282, 291. 1567, 120, 121 ; Sir Patrick Whitelaw of that Ilk, Captain, Cross, Mercat. See Mercat Cross. 1507,121, 122; William Kirkcaldy of GrangemadeCaptain, Cun's Close, 339. Con's Close. 1567.124, 125; Langside prisoners put in, 131, 132, 133; Cunzie House (Mint), Irons of the, 53; Comptroller dies in, Lord Seton freed from, 1568, 139, 143; Lord Herries

71 : in Castle, 1572, 261, 291, 297, 298, 312, 345; Warden warded in, 1569. 144, 146; William Maitland of Lething- of, 345. ton warded in, 1569, 149, 158, 159, 101, 163, 167, 170; Chatel-

herault set free from, 1570, 171, 174 ; Maitland leaves,

Damleish, D , tenement of, burnt, 1571, 215. 1570, 178, 182, 184, 186, 187, 191, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202; Dalgleish Close, 299. Huntly comes to, 1571, 203, 205; Maitland brought to, Dean, The (Den), 260, 290. 1571. 206; Convention in, 1571, 208, 209, 210, 211; money Dingwall, mar Kirk of Field, 261. brought from France to, 1571, 212; siege, 215, 217, 218,

Dow Craig (above Trinity College), 213. 220, 222, 223 ; Laird of Drumlanrig imprisoned in, 1571,

Drake Myre (beyond Merchiston), 301. 227, 231 ; Napier of Merchiston brought to, 233 ; ordnance Dreghorn, 85, 243. brought out of, 234. 235, 241, 255. 256, 259, 260; Cunzie- Dunkeld, Bishop of, Lord Home's Auld Lodging of, 94. house erected in, 1572, 261, 263; Huntly warded in, 1554, 266; Earl of Caithness imprisoned in, 1556, 207, 271; to, EDiN'RrpjiH, Albany convoyed 1515, 5; Angus comes to, Queen Regent goes to, 1500, 274 ; dies in, 270 ; body con- 1516,6; Lord Homo beheaded in, 1516, 7; Angus again veyed secretly out of, 282, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290; ;


Queen's whole tapestry delivered out of, 1572, 291, 292, Leith Wynd, 173, 212, 220. 29S, 293, 2%, 297, 3o5 ; artillery taken to, 307, 310, 311, 312, Linton's Close, 303. 313, 315, 317; scant of water, 323, 325, 3211, 327; Sir William Kirkcaldy, Captain, put to horn, 1572, 327, 328, 329, 330; McCalzean, Thomas, lodging of, 57. preparations for siege, 1573, 331 ; assault, fall of David's Magdalen Bridge (west end of Musselburgh), 114. Tower and the Wallace Tower, St. 332 ; Margaret's Zet Mercat Cross, 13, 15, 25, 26 ; Peace proclaimed at, 1560, 60, 65; (gate), and St. Katherine's Zet, 332 ; surrendered, 1573, Queen comes to, 1501, 68, 69, 77, 78, 79, 80; Moray put to George Douglas made Captain, 333, 334, 342, 346 ; Lord horn at, 1565, 81, 83, 84, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 112, 113; Both- Home released from, 1575, 348. well proclaimed at. 1567, 116, 117, US; Moray proclaimed Edinburgh Castle, Captain of, 149, 159, 163, 165, 184, 197, 201, Regent at, 1567, 119, 121, 125, 132, 137, 157, 160, 163, 173, 202, 203, 222, 229, 231, 251, 271. 287, 297, 333. 335, 346. And 175, 176, 180, 193, 199, 202, 206, 211. 212, 221, 225, 226 227 see Douglas, George ; Erskine. John Lord ; Kirkcaldy, 228, 232, 233, 245, 254, 261, 278, 294, 302, 307, 312, 315, 316 Sir William of Grange. 320, 321, 323; Kirkcaldy of Grange put to horn at, 1572' Edinburgh Castle, Constable of (Sir William Haitling), 314, 327, 329, 332, 336, 33S, 339, 340. 341, 344, 347. 331. Merchiston (Merchingston), 233, 203, 204, 291, 295, 296,299, Exchequer. See Chequer. 301, 303. Mount Pellem (Pellein), ("forth situat under the Halkhill"), Figoate Burn (Fichat), 275, 285. (Now Lady Fyfe's Brae, Leith), 59, 277. Fire, 1532, 16. Moubray's House, 263. Fish Market, 299, 323. Moultrie's Hill (now Register House), 294. Fleshers summoned for regrating, 347, 34S. Mure Wall, 307. Foirgaitt, 301. Forrester's Wynd (Froster's). 98, 295, 307. Nether Bow (Boll), 65, 68, 210, 213, 214, 239, 284, 294. Forrester's, David, House, 149. Newhaven, 133. Friar Wynd, 299, 307, 323, 348. Niddry's Wynd, 112, 258, 288, 307, 323. Francis Tennant's Close 299. Over Boll (Upper Bow), 211, 307. Gallowxee, Toe (between Leith and Edinburgh), 230, 2S8, 289. Pellein, Gibbet (Jabat), 205. Mount, French come to, 1560, 57, 277. Peebles Gourlay's Lodging, 333. Wynd, 307. Pilrig, 276. Greenside, The, 6, 257, 286. Pleasanee, 215, 251. Greyfriars, sacked 1559, 53, 269. Potterow, Greyfriars Kirk Yard, 231. 251, (Polburn), Greyfriars Port, 212. Powburn 210. Priestfield, 245. Halkerston's Wynd, 212. (Querrell Hawkhill (Halkhill), 58, 224, 274, 276, 277. Quarry Holes Hoilis at the Abbey), 224, 270, 300. Queen's Park, Henderson, James, of Fordell, house of, 115. Lord Fleming married in, 1562, 72. High Street (Hie Gait), 05. Highriggs, 14. Restalrig, 271, 274, 276, 277, 291, 292, 293, 297, 298, 303, 305, 307, 334. Holyroodhouse, Abbot of (Robert Cairneross, 1528), 11, 13. 308, Restalrig, Kirk, Holyroodhouse, building of, 4, 6, 7, 9; abjuration of Luther English camp at, 1560, 57, 241, 274, 276. Robertson, in, 1532, 15; battle in, 1532, 16; Queen dies in, 1537, 22; John, Lodging of, 59. Robison's Land, 188. coronation of Queen in, 1540, 23 ; accusation of heresy in, 1541, 23; Princes buried at, 1542, 24; burial of King at,

1543, ; congregation pass to, 1559, 53 Queen St. Andrews, Bishop of, 156. 25 ; Regent lodging, St. Cuthbert's leaves, 1560, 56 ; Queen Mary arrives at, 1561, 66 ; Queen Kirk, 331. St. Giles (Sanctgellis) leaves, 1561, 67 ; returns to, 68, 70, 71 ; Queen returns to, Kirk, McLellan slain in, 1526, 10, 70, 79

1562, 74, 77 ; agreement come to in, 1564, 7S proclamation King comes to, 1565, John Knox preaches, ; 81 ; proclama-

of Queen's marriage in, 1565, 79 ; marriage in, 80 ; Both- tion of Queen's marriage in, 1567, 111, 158, 199, 269, 296,

well received in, 83 ; King receives Order of Knighthood 307, 323, 324. 325, 320 ; St. Anthony's Isle, 158 ; Steeple, 202. in, 87; Rizzio murdered in, 1565, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, St. Mary's Wynd, 210. 212, 215, 220, 250.

98, 102; baptism in Chapel Koyal, 1566, 103, 104, ; Darnley Salisbury (Salis berrie), piece of ordnance placed on, 1571, 251. buried at, 1566, 106; James VI. leaves for Stirling, 1567, Salt Tron, 126. See Tron, Salt.

107 ; proclamation and Queen's marriage to Bothwell in, Sandy Riggs (Sandie Kiggis), burnt 1572, 261, 290.

111 ; Queen conveyed to, 115; Regent's body carried to, Sciennes (Scynis), 260. 1569, 158; watched by soldiers from Castle, 1571, 202, 215, Sheriffdom, 83. 224, 232; shot at, 1571, 234, 239, 269, 270, 274, 285, 312; Slateford, 291. Regent goes to, 1573, 328, 331, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, Stinking Style, 307. 340; Convention held in. 1575, 343, 346; Lady Angus Thief Row, 106, 251. buried at, 1575, 348, 350 ; Chapel Royal, 79, 104. Holyroodhouse Quarry, 224. Thieves Hole, 322. Home, Lord, lodging of, 94. Tolbooth (Leith), State and Sasine of Superiority given to Edinburgh in, 1565, S4, 117, 265.

Tolbooth, ; solemn entry to, 1524, Inchbucklin Bray (Edgebueklin brae, E. end Musselburgh 7 King makes 9; Convention

in, 1529, 13 ; Parliament held in, 1560, 61, 62, 63, Links), 102. 65 ; Queen comes to, 1561, 68, 75, 76, 78, 89, 93, 108, 109, 115, 126, 127, Ker, Robert, lodging of, 350. 135, 136, 137, 158, 165, 170, 186, 190, 196, 197, 214, 220, 236,

Kirk of Field, Duke's lodging at, 102; Darnley lodged in 257, 279, 293, 313, 324, 337, 349 ; Door broken, 1570, 197. Provost's house of, 1566, 105; murdered there, 106, 116; Trinity College, 213. artillery at, taken to Castle, 1572, 307. Tron (Trone), Butter, 67, 68, 211, 297; Salt, 68, 94, 126, 188, Kirk of Field Port, 210, 285. 189, 190, 350. Kirk of Field Wynd, 75. Tron, Sir James Hamilton beheaded at, 1540, 23.

Lamb, Andrew, house of (Quality Street, Leith), Queen Mary Wallace Tower (Castle), 203, 332. entertained in, 1561, 66. West Port, 5, 22, 212, 264, 323. Lang Gait, 67. Windy Goule, 264. 285. 290, 300. Lawson's Croft, 331. Wrights Houses, 260, 290, 343. Leith, Sasine given to Edinburgh of Superiority of, 1565, 84, Writer to the Signet, 202. See Lautie, David. 117. Writing Booth, 65. GLOSSARY TO THE DIURNAL OF OCCURRENTS 2 GLOSSARY

Douts nocht No doubt 304 Fochin, Fochtin Fought , 150, &c. li. Foil entres m I'm,' I towager 282 44 Drachtis Drafts, loads 212 Foil-gain. High or open street 301

Drawin ( lomposed 148 Foirhamberia mers, sledge-hammers 65 '.is Drcilour Apprehension, tear I locht Forethought, premeditated 197 Dressing Arranging 13 Foirzett Foregate, Front-gate 232

Drowarie I liiw ry 324 Foranentis, Foir- Drowriare Dowager iient, Foiranence Opposite to Dryvand Forburne (time) Delay-ing 151, 188,254,303 Forcie Duelt Dwelling 23

Dule Weed Mourning Dress 04, I Fordwart Dung Broken up 299 Forfalt, foirfaltit Dungeoune Donjon, keep •J17, 295 Forfalture, Foir- Dure Door i;.-) fultour Dyk Wall 256 1'. .11 ay Dyte Indict, charge 1(H) Forsanieikill, For- samckle Effaires, Effaius Affairs ;s7. 218 Forth, Forthe Effrayit Affrighted 1)1 Forth, Forthit Etfectuouslic Strongly, earnestly, pressingly 119,223,350 Forthocht Efter After atioun Efternone Afternoon 76 Fortify, Fortifier Fort unit Eird, Eirded Earth, Interred 46, 99, - i Eit Oat 147, -:;:; Fouchen Eitlilie Easily 21! I Foude (of Zetland) Elding Fuel 262, 307 Foule EIn Ell (abt. 37 ins.) 322 Fowsies Empire Rule 266 Fra Ene Eyes 179, 235 Fraucht Eusenzie (Insignia) Ensign, Standard 22."., 326 Frear Enterit Entered .-(14 Freith, friethit Entres Interest 123, 288, 324, 326 Freinziet Bntres 321 Fuilochlie Entres Entrance 324, 32(1 Furiosity Erar Sooni r. rather 93 Furiour Escheit Forfeited, forfeiture 83, 96, &c. Furneist Escheivit Avoided, abstain-ed, escape-d 203, 221, &c. Furt.h of Edin- Furt.h setting burgh) Condition, position 209 Futtit Eventours Events, happenings 316 Ewerik Every 77 Fyle. Fylit Excniit Exempted 318 Fynit (money) Expeid Accomplished 281 Exp. mir Explained 108, 162 Gadder and, Gad- Extent (old) Valuation 37, 41 ERUTG Gatherit, Gadderit Gaif F ini,M> Weakness 93 Gaird Fader, Fadderis Father, -a 117, 14s, 332, &c. Gait Faill Turf, sods 43,214 Ganand Failzeing Failing 235 Gangand Fait Grievance, crime, want 26 Gar, Gart Fa n .1 Found 35, 14S, 2U9, &c. Gat Fanzeing Forging 193 Geir Farder, Fader Further 9, 205, 264, &c. Gentillv Fastrinseven slip.v,. Tuesday 259, 325 Gif Fatt. Salt Salt Cellar 103 Girth Fauhl Shecpfold 130 Gistis Fechtlng Fighting 20 Glore Feid Enmity 197 Goule, Govilc Feinzeatt Feigned, pretended 161, 339 Feir of War, in In array of war. equipped for war. Grace in martial show 131, 134, 140, &c. Graith Feiring Fear 326 Granter (Oranitor) Feirit Frightened, afraid 325,339 Grcit Feirlie Wonder 321 Greit Feit Hired 196, 199, 205 Gretumlie, Grit- Fencit (Fensit) Legally constituted, Fenced and suits tumlie and soittis called called (opened formally), Parliament Grudgit (Parliament) duly constituted 214, 220 Grnnd Charge pronounced to defend the sitting, willi threat of penalty upon Gruntill nny disturbing the proceedings. On this being done Parliament was Gryse as n Court. Gudame Fenzcit Feigned 221 Guid Fenzcand Deceiving 247 Guids Ferd Fourth 24, 86, 129, &c. Guid broder Ferryit Farrowed 235 Guidfather Fie, Fieand, Feing Hire. Hiring 94, 95, 218 Guidmoder Firmance Confinement 260 Guidlie GLOSSARY

Pager Guidman Laird 131 Guidschir Grandfather 242, 310 Guidsone, Gudesone Son-in-law 203, 257, 313 Gyrne GLOSSARY

Paoks Paoks Man Must 14> Ourgilt Overgilt, gilded 69, 324 Manor Authority, position, means 206, 300 Ourridin Over-ridden, crushed 45 MannasMii;; Threatening 144 Outrun Over-run 71 Masry, Maakrie Masquerades 71, 87, 105 Ourtane Overtaken 38 Masser, Maisser Macer 136. m, iso Outlier Either 233 Maynes Some Farm 3U Outsetting Assisting 137 Meikill Much, large S, 4!), ISO, 280 Overhaill, Owirhaill Oppress, carry forcibly 217 Men Main, principal 299 Oversaw, Owersene Overlooked, forgot ''-, 96. 168 Mene Mean, common 145. 170 Oversett, oursett Overcome 57,130,274 Mcne, Menis Cause, reason, means 104,310 Owir, Our Over, too (with adverb) 55, 210, 255 Menis Horses' Mams 321 Oyesses Oyez, oyez (Hear ye, hear ye) 205 Mercat, Mercattis Market, -s 168, 344, 347 Merchis Marches, confine 300 Paill Canopy 07 Pailzeon Pavilion, tent 19, s:> Merk Silver coin (value 13/4, Scots abt. 1/1.J) 347 Merkit Marked, as genuine 345 Paip Nipple 101 Merschance Merry making 71 Paip Pope 320 Pairt, Pairtis Part, Parts {i.e., territory) 118, 187, 200 Mess Mass 4, &c. Metellable Spirited 58 Pane, Panis Penalty, penalties 152, 187 Midgait Midway 256, 259 Pantit furth Painted forth, depicted 280 Mik Muck, mud 322 Parochin Parish 348 Mirriounis Morions (helmets) 212 Partakaris Associates, allies, supporters 177, 306, &c. Misga Missed fire 292 Pasche (day) Easter 57, 275 Misordourlie Disorderly, irregularly 30 Past Went 256 Mister Want, need 340 Pat Put 31, 325, 338 Moder, Model-is Mother, -s 111, 150 Peax Peace 60, 278, ic. Mon Must 339 Pendis Closes (narrow roofed passages) 211 Monitioun Ammunition 55, 57 Pen sail Flag (streamer, banneret) 158 Mony Many 23, 25, &c. Penuritie Deficiency, scarcity 20:;, 272 Monyest Most 236 Peonaris, Pyonaris Pioneers 328, 329 Mordrest Murdered 42 Perforce (in their) Scuffle, struggle 154 Morne Morrow 202 Perforce By force 65, 197, 230 Moyance Means, resources 150 Perfurneiss Furnish, equip 37 Perfyte, Perfite Perfect, complete 158, 191, 229 Moyane Negotiation ; Piece of Artillery 155, 177 Moysteris, Mustaris Musters 117, 231 Persaw, Persew, Miimsehance Masque, dumb show S7 Persewit Attack, prosecuted 10S, 140, 148, &c. Murmurit Complained against 225, 339 Persawand, Persewing Attacking 124, 204, 270, &c. Murtlier Murder 204 Persawars, Per- Prosecutors, attackers, assailants Myance Means, notice 70 seuaris 115, 145, 252, &c. Mydis Middle 104 Persawit,Persewand Perceived, perceiving 264, 260, 321, &c. Mylne Mile 349 Persone Parson, rector &c. Mylnes Mills 290 Persute Attack, assailants 115, 227 Mynding, Myndit Intending 175, 201, 202 Pethis Steep narrow paths 32 Myndis (of Scotland) Mines 13 Pikkis Pikes (Pickaxes) 209 Mynioun (Double) Cannon 300 Pink Small sailing vessel 212, 253 Pinnage, Pynnage Pinnace 184, 187 NA No 236, 259 Place Mansion House, Manor House 57. 108 Naig, nages Nags (horses) 187, 265 Plack, Plakis Copper coin 291, 344, 345 Nane None 183, 238 Pleit Debated, disputed 39 Nather, Nawther Neither 139, 145, 224 Poise Treasure 154 Nathing Nothing 286 Poist Post (conveyance) 64 Nawayes No wise 193 Pokkis Bags 326 Neid Necessity, ought 101 Polacie Improvement 4 Newlines Newly, recently 348 Policie Public place and order 206. Mill Nichtlie Nightly 202 Polkis Smallpox 105 Nixtocum Next to come 76.78 Popill Seething, bubbling 321 Noeht Not 182, 264, 205 Port Gate 68, 212, 311 Nochtheles Nevertheless 260, 263, 264 Port Culzies Portcullis 332 Nolt Black cattle 300, 326 Post Posthorse, like a cour: er ; military post Noncompeirance Non appearance 98 detachment of sold ers 195, 344 Noncompeiring Not appearing 124 Post Diligent Special or urgent cour: er 306, 334 Notourlie Commonly, generally 128, 207 Postrum Zet Postern Gate 156 Novellis News 152 Pottin Pieces, Pot Nowmar, Nowmer Number 176, 246, 285, &c. Pieces Mortars 330, 332 Nowther Neither 35, 96 Poveris, Pover Poor 35, 201, 262, &c. Nycht Night 256 Power Military force 3 Prayis Prize 16 Obeyit, To be Have full use of 70 Treassit Pressed, went forward 284 Obleiss, Obleist Oblige -d, bound 308, 319 Preikand Galloping 260 Obstant (the poor Preis, preist Attempt, -ed, went forward 310, 326 obstant not) Abstained 291 Preist Exerted 153 Occasion Reason 336 Pretendit Assumed 206 Oist, Oyst Army 25, 30, 36, &c. Prevenit Prevented, hindered 11 Onnawayes In nowise 104, 100 Priccatis Tapers 103 Oppinit and bowellit Opened and disembowelled 348 Promittit Put forward, promised 164, 300 Opponit Opposed 236 Proponit Proposed 62, 93, 118, &c. Or Before 21, 120, 274, &c. Propyne Cup, gift (generally) 07 Ordaynit Intended, appointed, designed 45, 258 Propynit Presented 67 Ordour Course, decision 157, 168 Protendit Portended 235 Orison Oration 76, 83 Puisonit Poisoned 248 GLOSSARY

Pages Puissance Power 172, 195 Pulder, Ponder, Pouldar Powder 57, 219, 330, &c. Parpois, left Desisted 252, 272 Purpour, Purpourit Purple 67, 68 Pursuit Attack 261 Put Placed 130 Pyonaris Pioneers 329 Pynnage, Pinnage Pinnace 184, 187 Pynnit in the beittis Tortured in the boots 262 QUEEKELL GLOSSARY

261 Stane, Stasia Stone 77, 117,314, 347 Threttene Thirteenth 121 1 Thirds Stark Strong 1 , 18 Thriddis State and Sasinc Investiture 84 Turing, Doun Overthrow 175 Thirty 299 . :i* ,n i.\ <>f symbols record of the Thrittie "ii of land « i deliverj and 142. . i' mi s.isuna, ,.-.. Regi iter ! Land Throch, Throchout Through, Throughout 317 Tickettis Notices, placards 109 Statute Established and Ordained 15 Tinsell, Tynsell Forfeiture, loss 80,94, 137, &c. Stuyit Stopped, checked Tint Lost Staw Stole Tir, Tin-it, Tyrit, Inn of -ed 219, 302, 307, &c. Steid, Did no Was of no use, had no effect :;<>2 Tirrane Tyrant 325 Steidis l'laces, farms 201 Tother The other 35 ml. Steik,Steikit,Stckit Close -d, Fasten -ed c.:., i;s, j|n. ,(.,.. Towis Ropes 297 Stein Stone (calculus) 77 Tractive, Tracture Treatise 62, 280 2011, 205 Stellit Set, placed 130, 214, 270 Traist, Traistand Trust -ing 45, Stent Assess, Assessment 84,2! Trance Swoon 248 Stickit Slabbed 312 Trane (Trance) Plot 217,338 Stokis Stocks 347 Treatice Arrangement, negotiation of terms 191, 193 Stope Opposition, resistance 31 Trew Truce 348 Stragill Straggling order 49 Trewth Trust 121 Straik Carried off 12 Tryne Train, retinue 13, 19, 2G3, &c. Straitlie Strictly 218 Trvst Assignation, appointment, (».) Strakis Strokes, wounds 34, 154, Straw Strove 114 Turgryfe Turngreys (winding stairs) 310 Streik the Queen's wark Impress Queen's mark on 117 Twitching, tuitching Touching, concerning 90, 109, 126, &c. Streit, Strait Strict 91, 210 Tyisting Twisting 40 Stnit Street Tyne Lose 257 Strenthie,Strenthlie Strong -ly 331,332 Tynsall Loss, forfeiture 80,94, 137, 174, &c. Strenths, Strength Forts, strongholds 45, 50, 260, &c. Tyrit Unroofed 302 Strikin Fought 150 Struik(upthewrittis Wrested, seized (the writings) j:u Umaist Uppermost, highest Stuff, a lyk All like stuff {i.e., baker's) 301 Umquhile Stuffit Supplied 291 XJnbesett Stute Stood 237 Unbethocht Sua, Swa s„ 3, 126, 127 ,205 Uncourteously Sualtit Assaulted 252 Uncustomate Subseryvit Subscribed 1M1. 259 Undefamit Substantious Substantial 80, 93 Underly -it Substantiouslie Effectually 169 Unfriend Substractit himself Withdrew from 165 Unlauchtfullie Suddantic Mishap, carelessness 263 Unlesum Suddantlie Suddenly 330 Upbrocht Suddarts Soldiers 124, 205, &c. Uptak Sueris Assures 308 Uptane Suirlie Reliably 1S1 Usit Suld Should 37 Summar Summary 207 Superceid Postpone, reprieve 138, 283, 301 Surance Security 40 Surmontis Amounts 238 Surrogat Substituted 219 Swa So Swescheouris Trumpeters Sycht Sight Syndrie Separately, sundry li, 159 Syne Since, ago, afterwards 58, 112, 177, &c.

Taffeteis Silk Taikning Signal, notice (token) 197 Tailzeit Entailed 24 Tak, Takkis Lease 51, 124, 266 Tak Begin 66 Talloune, Tellou Tallow 163, ::47 Tane Taken E 25, 146, 196, &c. Taxt Tax, impost 02 Tender, tendis Value, have regard for 20C, 20S Tending Intending 261 Tent Tenth J 16, 251, 252, &c. Thairfra Therefrom 177 Thairintill Therein 226, 227, 255 Thaj Those, they 171, 232 Thak Thatched ;;27 Than Except 223 Than Thane 8 Thesaurer -ie Treasur -er, -y 10, 11, 258 Thine Thence 82 Thir These 152, 208 Thocht Thought 208 Thole, Thoill.Thol it Suffer -ed 33, 76, 90, &c. Thrallit Enslaved 93 GLOSSARY

Pages Pages Wecht, Weicht Weight, importance 103, 231 Wrangouslie Wrongously 178, 318 Weid Dress 240 Wreat Write 186 Weill Weal, prosperity, benefit 33, 108, 13-1 Wrichtes Carpenters 328 Weill Well 5 51 91 Wrocht Worked, planned 254 Weir, Weare War 131, 134, 195, Ac. Wyit Weighed 295 Weirlie, Weirlyk Warlike 134, 257 Wyne Won 47 Wes Was, were 5, 119, 134, &c. Wyrreit Strangled 105 Weschell Plate, dishes, &c. 286 Wyt, Wyte, Wyteles Guilt, Blame; guiltless, blameless Wiage Journey 257 36, 240, 320 Will, Become in At the mercy of, subject to the sentence Yle Aisle 158 of, 183, 200, 233 Witt Information 45 Witt, To Namely Woll Wool Wollie Volley AVonk Watched Wraiking AVreaking vengeance, destroying Wraith Wrath Wi-ak and put to sak Destroy and despoil (i.e., strip of all possessions) 175