M Ash (†) I C Cunningham W W Scott

SYLLABUS OF SCOTTISH CARTULARIES Lib. (Bann.Cl., ed. T.Thomson, 1841)

Compiled by MA, 12/09/74; checked and completed by ICC, 01/08/97; checked by WWS, 01/12/99.

No.1-451, pp.1-420. MA included only those totally without date; remainder added by ICC. Documents are not numbered in the printed text; these have been assigned by ICC for convenience.

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No.1, pp.1-2 Marches of lands of Kirkness: ?1395 [Date: prob. same as no.2]

No.2, pp.2-5 Instr. of perambulation of baronies of Kirkness and Lochore: 6.7.1395 [a.p. Bened. XIII 1. Ind. 3. Thomas de Karnes, n.p.]

No.3, pp.6-11 Winton, Andrew of, pr. of Loch Leven: instr. of process against William de Berkeley, ld of Collairney: 19.2.1407 [a.p. Bened. XIII 13. Ind.13. Corr. to n.s. William de Karnes, n.p.]

No.4, pp.11-14 Karnes, Thomas de, rector of Seton: transumpt of doc.s anent land of Bollgyne: 11.2.1411 [At St Andrews. d. Merc. a.p. Bened. XIII 17. Ind. 3. Corr. to n.s. Richard de Crag, n.p.]

No.5, pp.15-19 Scheves, John de, rector of Arbuthnott: transumpt of doc.s anent land of Bollgyne: 22.12.1413 [At St Andrews. a.p. Bened. XIII 20. Ind. 7. Patrick de Symonton, n.p.]

No.6, pp.19-20 Winton, Andrew of, pr. of Loch Leven: libel in case as no.3: 1411

No.7, pp.21-2 Citation of William de Berkeley: 28.10.1411 [At St Andrews]

No.8, p.23 Excerpt from Scotichronicon vii.1 [= vi.49]

No.9, pp.24-5 Nicholas V, pope: eating of milk products on fast days: 21.2.1451 [At Rome. 9 Kal. Mar. a.p. 4. Corr. to n.s.]

No.10, p.26 John, pr. of St Andrews: supersession of citation: 7.6.1253


[At St Andrews. 7 Id. Jun.] No.11, p.27 Laurence, archd. of St Andrews: receipt to pr. and conv. of lands of : 1212 x [Date: follows from no.320]

No.12, p.27 Pr. of St Cyrus: teinds: 20.6.1235 [d. Merc. prox. ante fest. S Joh. Bapt. (24 Jun.)]

No.13, pp.28-39 Valuation lists

No.14, p.40 Gilbert, pr. of St Andrews: agreement with Bernard Fraser of Drem to have chapel on his lands: 1197 x 1199 [Date: grantor. Bernard Fraser prob. the 2nd of that name (Sc.P. vii.418-19). See also no.327]

No.15, pp.40-1 Maule, William, of Fowlis: grant of living of Foulis to his nephew Thomas: 1156 x 1194, prob. 1160 x 1180 [Date: grant of Foulis to St Andrews (1156 x 1160, cf. no.24 and 77) x d. of grantor (1194 at latest, RRS ii no.302); grantor not in royal acts after 1173 x 1178, RRS ii no.151]

No.16, pp.41-2 Mortimer, Roger: conf. of no.15: 13.4.1189 x 15.2.1198 [Date: Richard clerk of bp el. of St Andrews]

No.17, p.42 Innocent IV, pope: freedom from duty on purchases: 27.4.1246 [At Lyons. 5 Kal. Mai. a.p. 3]

No.18, p.43 Robert, bp of St Andrews: Loch Leven priory: 1152 x 1159 [Date: William abb. of Holyrood x grantor]

No.19, p.44 Malcolm, e. of Fife: quitclaim of rights in land of Athmore: 9.1245

No.20, pp.44-5 Hugh, bp of St Andrews: half merk from Dairsie Mill: 1187 [Date: during period when Hugh acts as bp (Chron. Melr. 45), before his deposition (16.1.1188)]

No.21, p.45 Roger, bp el.of St Andrews: lands of Duff Cupar: 13.4.1189 x 15.2.1198 [Date: bp el.]

No.22, pp.47-8 Lucius II, pope: general conf.: 14.5.1144 [At Lateran. ESC no.165. 2 Id. Mai. a.p. 1. Ind.7]

No.23, pp.48-50 Eugenius III, pope: general conf.: 30.8.1147 [At Auxerre. ESC no.181. 3 Kal. Sep. a.p. 3. Ind.10]

No.24, pp.51-3 Adrian IV, pope: general conf.: 9.8.1156 [At Narni. 5 Id. Aug. a.p. 2. Ind. 4]


No.25, pp.53-6 Alexander III, pope: general conf.: 31.12.1163 [At Sens. 2 Kal. Jan. a.p. 5. Ind. 11]

No.26, pp.56-62 Lucius III, pope: general conf.: 30.3.1183 [At Velletri. 3 Kal. Apr. a.p. 2. Ind. 1]

No.27, pp.62-7 Gregory VIII, pope: general conf.: 15.11.1187 [At Ferrara. 17 Kal. Dec. a.p. 1. Ind. 6]

No.28, pp.67-71 Clement III, pope: general conf.: 9.1.1188 [At Pisa. 5 Id. Jan. a.p. 1. Ind. 6. Corr. to n.s.]

No.29, pp.71-6 Innocent III, pope: general conf.: 8.6.1206 [At Ferentino. 6 Id. Jun. a.p. 9. Ind. 8 (should be 9)]

No.30, pp.76-81 Honorius III, pope: general conf.: 4.11.1216 [At Lateran. 2 Non. Nov. a.p. 1. Ind. 5]

No.31, pp.81-2 Alexander III, pope: general conf.: 17.1, 1166 x 1181, prob. 1174 or 1176 or 1178 [At Anagni. 16 Kal. Feb. Year: reference to bp Richard x d. pope; prob., see Scot. Pont. no.82]

No.32, pp.82-3 Alexander III, pope: conf. of ch. of Dairsie: 21.11.1180 [At Frascati. 11 Kal. Dec. Year: no.32A x d. of pope]

No.32A, p.83 Alexis, papal legate: restoration of ch. of Dairsie: 1180 [Date: presence of grantor in Scotland. Included in no.32]

No.33, pp.83-4 Lucius III, pope: conf. of ch. of Haddington: 18.1, 1182 x 1185, poss. 1183 x or 1184 x [At Verona. 15 Kal. Feb. Year: pope, poss. same as no.34. Scot. Pont. no.125: 1185]

No.34, p.84 Lucius III, pope: teinds and administration of ch.s: 11.1, 1183 x 1185, poss. 1184 x [At Verona. 3 Id. Jan. Year: mention of John bp of Dunkeld and Hugh bp of St Andrews (doubtful if they were app. by 11.1.1183). Scot. Pont. no.124: 1185]

No.35, p.85 Innocent III, pope: protection of ch.s: 9.6.1206 [At Ferentino. 5 Id. Jun. a.p. 9]

No.36, pp.85-6 Innocent III, pope: conf. of teinds of Leuchars: 14.3.1207 [At Lateran. 2 Id. Mar. a.p. 10]


No.37, pp.86-7 Honorius III, pope: canons, teinds, etc.: 28.5.1219 [At St Peter's. 5 Kal. Jun. a.p. 3]

No.38, pp.87-8 Honorius III, pope: protection: 28.5.1219 [Ar St Peter's. 5 Kal. Jun. a.p. 3]

No.39, pp.88-9 Gregory IX, pope: conf. of ch. of Dull: 25.5.1232 [At Spoleto. 8 Kal. Jun. a.p. 6. (Mentions Hugh bp of Dunkeld as though alive)]

No.40, p.89 Innocent IV, pope: admission of canons: 21.7.1245 [At Lyons. 12 Kal. Aug. a.p. 3]

No.41, p.90 Innocent IV, pope: excommunication: 21.7.1245 [At Lyons. 12 Kal. Aug. a.p. 3]

No.42, pp.90-1 Innocent IV, pope: admission to pensions or benefices: 15.5.1246 [At Lyons. Id. Mai. a.p. 3]

No.43, p.91 Innocent IV, pope: rights to ch.s in dioceses of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Aberdeen: 30.6.1246 [At Lyons. 2 Kal. Jul. a.p. 4]

No.44, pp.92-5 Innocent IV, pope: general conf.: 13.6.1246 [At Lyons. Id. Jun. a.p. 3. Ind. 4]

No.45, pp.95-6 Innocent IV, pope: conf. of right of patronage of ch. of Dull: 15.7.1245 [At Lyons. Id. Jul. a.p. 3]

No.46, p.96 Innocent IV, pope: canons: 1.6.1248 [At Lyons. Kal. Jun. a.p. 5]

No.47, p.97 Innocent IV, pope: lands not to be alienated: 7.5.1248 [At Lyons. Non. Mai. a.p. 5]

No.48, pp.97-8 Innocent IV, pope: freedom to buy: 11.5.1248 [At Lyons. 5 Id. Mai. a.p. 5]

No.49, p.98 Innocent IV, pope: prov. to pensions and benefices: 1.6.1248 [At Lyons. Kal. Jun. a.p. 5]

No.50, pp.98-102 Innocent IV, pope: general conf.: 19.6.1248 [At Lyons. 13 Kal. Jul. a.p. 5. Ind. 6]


No.51, pp.103-6 Innocent IV, pope: general conf.: 19.6.1248 [At Lyons. 13 Kal. Jul. a.p. 5. Ind. 6]

No.52, pp.106-7 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Naughton: 18.9.1202 x 1204 [Date: transl. of bp x d. of e. Duncan (app. of Laurence as off. 21.5.1203 x 18.8.1204 might be closer terminus ante)]

No.53, p.107 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: presentation of Richard de Thouni to ch. of Forgan: 1209 x 1212 [Date: Laurence archd. x Edward, chapl.]

No.54, pp.107-8 Laurence, archd.of St Andrews: statement conc. ch. of Naughton: 9.12.1238 x 29.3.1240 [Date: d. of bp William x d./dem. of archd.]

No.55, p.108 Hay, Peter, and Margery Lascelles: ch. of Naughton: 1269 x 1273 [Date: William pr. of May x Thomas abb. of Lindores]

No.56, p.109 Lascelles, Margery, widow: ch. of Naughton: 10.1266 [At St Andrews]

No.57, pp.109-10 Moray, Sir Alexander, s. of Sir Richard and Margery Lascelles: ch. of Naughton: 12.5.1268 [At St Andrews. 4 Id. Mai.]

No.58, p.110 Innocent IV, pope: retention of possessions: 27.4.1248 [At Lyons (“Lundon.” text). 5 Kal. Mai. a.p. 5]

No.59, p.111 Lucius III, pope: treatment of malefactors: 28.3, 1182 x 1185, prob. 1182 [At Velletri. 5 Kal. Apr. Year: grantor; prob. Barrow, Kinninmonth 109n. Scot. 1183]

No.60, pp.111-12 William, bp of Brechin: insp. of no.60A: 29.4.1276 [At Montrose. d. Merc. prox. ante fest. app. Phil. & Jac. (1 May)]

No.60A, pp.111-12 Innocent IV, pope: privileges: 21.7.1246 [At Lyons. 12 Kal. Aug. a.p. 3]

No.61, pp.113-18 Historical notes

No.62, p.118 Lacy, Hugh de, e. of Ulster: ch.s of Ruskath and Carlingford: 20.4.1227 x 30.9.1237 [Date: de Lacy's restoration as e. x no.63] No.63, p.119 Henry III, king of England: conf. of no.62: 30.9 .1237 [At Sherburn. a.r. 21]

No.64, p.120 Lamberton, William, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Dairsie: 31.1.1301 [At St Andrews. d. Mart. prox. ante fest. Purif. BVM (2 Feb.). Corr. to n.s.]

No.65, pp.121-2 John, pr. of St Andrews: conf. to Loch Leven of possessions in barony of Kirkness: 1.8, prob. 1268 [At St Andrews. Kal. Aug. 1248 (but not bp in 1248; LX > XL; another ch. to Loch Leven in 1268, St A. Univ. Mun. SL 110/4/01). Cf. no.127]

No.66, pp.122-3 Robert, bp of St Andrews: conc. foundation: 1144 [ESC no.162]

No.67, p.124 Robert, bp of St Andrews: toft of archd. Matthew in St Andrews: 1147 x 1159 [ESC no.265. Date: Matthew archd. x bp]

No.68, p.124 Robert, bp of St Andrews: 3 tofts in St Andrews: 1147 x 1159 [Date: Matthew archd. x bp; prob. early, as John styled bp's nephew, not chanc.]

No.69, p.125 Robert, bp of St Andrews: altar gifts: 24.5.1153 x 1159 [Date: Osbert abb. of Jedburgh x bp; John again nephew]

No.70, p.125 Robert, bp of St Andrews: land of Kinninmonth and toft in Kilrymont: 1152 x 1153, poss. 1152 [ESC p.447. Date: William abb. of Holyrood x no.146, poss. x no.146; see Barrow, Kinninmonth, p.111]

No.71, p.126 Robert, bp of St Andrews: freedom of priory elections: 24.5.1153 x 1159 [Date: Osbert abb. of Jedburgh x bp; prob.late, as John styled chanc.]

No.72, pp.126-7 Arnold, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Rossie: 20.11.1160 x 13.9.1162 [Date: bp (poss. early)]

No.73, p.127 Arnold, bp of St Andrews: lands by the road between the burgh and the new hospital: 20.11.1160 x 13.9.1162 [Date: bp (perh. at time of cons. - witn. by royal chamb. and 2 Kelso monks)]

No.74, p.128 Arnold, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Portmoak: 20.11.1160 x 1161 [Date: cons. bp x William bp of Moray as legate]

No.75, p.128 Arnold, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Dairsie and carucate of land: 20.11.1160 x 13.9.1162 [Date: bp]

No.76, p.129 Arnold, bp of St Andrews: all altarage gift: 20.11.1160 x 13.9.1162, prob. Xmas 1160 [Date: bp., prob. at royal court (witn.) following cons.]

No.77, pp.130-2 Arnold, bp of St Andrews: general conf.: 29.11.1160 x 13.9.1162, prob. Xmas 1160 [Date: John abb. of Kelso x bp, prob. as no.76 (though William bp of Moray not described as legate)]

No.78, pp.132-3 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Holy Trinity, St Andrews: 28.3.1165 x 1169, prob. 28.3.1165 [Date: bp x d. Gregory bp of Dunkeld (d. Samson bp of Brechin or Laurence bp of Dunblane, if known exactly, might give closer terminus ante); prob. at cons., cf. no.93]

No.79, p.133 Richard, bp of St Andrews: pentecostal procession gifts: 28.3.1165 x 32.9.1168 [Date: bp x no.185]

No.80, p.134 Richard, bp of St Andrews: toft in St Andrews: 28.3.1165 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: bp (poss. late [MA] or early [WWS - Albin chapl.])]

No.81, p.134 Richard, bp of St Andrews: lands about Stravithie: 2.4.1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x d. bp]

No.82, p.135 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Haddington: 28.3.1165 x 1178 (?13.5), poss. 1172 x [Date: bp; poss. Walter archd. of St Andrews]

No.83, pp.135-6 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Markinch: 28.3.1165 x 1169 [Date: bp x Gregory bp of Dunkeld]

No.84, p.136 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Lathrisk: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp]

No.85, p.137 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Cupar: 28.3.1165 x 2.4.1172 [Date: bp x Matthew archd. of St Andrews]

No.86, pp.137-8 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Kennoway: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp] No.87, p.138 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of St Cyrus: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp]

No.88, pp.138-9 Richard, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Inchture: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp]

No.89, p.139 Richard, bp of St Andrews: toft in St Andrews: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp]

No.90, p.140 Richard, bp of St Andrews: land of Helin (sc. Sluthagh): 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp (perh. late, as Odo is styled seneschal, and his successor Hugh is pincerna)]

No.91, pp.140-1 Richard, bp of St Andrews: lands of Denork, etc.: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp (perh. early, as Odo is styled dapifer)]

No.92, p.141 Richard, bp of St Andrews: lands between Godric Sterecrags and Rathelpie: 1172 x 1178 (?13.5) [Date: Walter archd. of St Andrews x d. bp (perh. late, as Odo is styled seneschal)]

No.93, pp.141-4 Richard, bp of St Andrews: general conf.: 28.3.1165 x 8.12.1166, prob. 28.3.1165 [Date: cons. bp x d. Gospatric e. of Dunbar, prob. on or soon after cons.]

No.94, pp.144-7 Hugh, bp of St Andrews: general conf.: 1178 x 17.9.1184, prob. 1178 [Date: cons. bp x d. Simon bp of Moray, prob. at or soon after cons.]

No.95, pp.147-9 Hugh, bp of St Andrews: conf. of royal donation: 1178 x 30.12.1184, prob. 1178 [Date: cons. bp x d. Andrew bp of Caithness; similar but reduced witn. list as no.94]

No.96, pp.149-52 Roger, bp of St Andrews: general conf.: 15.2.1198 x 24.3.1199, prob. 15.2.1198 [Date: bp x Archibald abb. of Dunfermline and Robert abb. of Scone; prob. at cons.]

No.97, p.153 Roger, bp el.of St Andrews: ch. of Haddington: 13.4.1189 x 15.2.1198, poss. 1194 x [Date: el. x cons. of bp; poss. Ranulf off. of St Andrews]

No.98, pp.153-4 Roger, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Forgan: 17.6.1200 [15 Kal. Jul. a.p. 3]

No.99, p.154 Roger, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Portmoak: 15.2.1198 x 6.6.1199 [Date: bp x Ranulf archd. of St Andrews]

No.100, pp.154-5 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Naughton: 20.9.1202 x 18.8.1204 [Date: bp x Laurence off. of St Andrews]

No.101, pp.155-6 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: ch.s of St Andrews and Linlithgow: 20.9.1202 x 18.8.1204 [Date: bp x Laurence off. of St Andrews]

No.102, pp.156-7 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Lathrisk and chapels of Kettle and Foulis: 1222 x 1235, prob. 1230 x [Date: David of Berwick (= Bernham) witn.; prob., see Watt, Graduates 41]

No.103, p.157 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Foulis: 1222 x 1235, poss. 1230 x [Date: as no.102]

No.104, p.158 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: conf. of valuation of vicarage of Haddington: x 9.7.1238, prob. c.1235 x [Date: x bp; see Watt, Fasti 319]

No.105, p.159 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: conf. of valuation of vicarage of Linlithgow: x 9.7.1238, prob. c.1235 x [Date: as no.104]

No.106, p.160 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Scoonie: 1211 x 9.7.1238, poss. 1231 x 1233 [Date: William archd. of Lothian x d. bp; poss., if archd. is Bondington, and favoured by witn.]

No.107, pp.160-1 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: conf. of no.79: 1222 x 1235, prob. 1230 x [Date: as no.102]

No.108, pp.161-2 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Longforgan: 22.1.1240 x 19.6.1248, poss. x 1245 [Date: bp x no.50; poss. Andrew de Aberdeen off.]

No.109, pp.162-3 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ordinance on ch. of Rossie: 1240 , prob. 10.11 [At Inchmurdo. Date: prob. same as no.110]

No.110, pp.163-4 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Rossie: 10.11.1240 [At Inchmurdo. 4 Id. Nov.]

No.111, pp.164-5 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: teinds of Leuchars: 20.12.1240 [At Tyninghame. 13 Kal. Jan.]

No.112, p.165 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Kennoway: 10.11.1240 [At Inchmurdo. 4 Id. Nov.]

No.113, p.166 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch.s of Markinch, Cupar, and St Cyrus: 20.12.1240 [At Tyninghame. 13 Kal. Jan.]

No.114, pp.167-8 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch.s of Haddington and Linlithgow: 20.12.1240 [At Tyninghame. 13 Kal. Jan.]

No.115, p.168 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Scoonie: 4.11.1241 [At Lossie. prid. Non. Nov.]

No.116, p.169 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Linlithgow and chapels of Binny and Tartraven: 7.1246

No.117, pp.170-1 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: conf. of no.103: 22.1.1240 x 26.4.1253, poss. x 1242 [Date: bp; poss. William Mortimer as off., though he is not so styled]

No.118, p.171 Gamelin, bp of St Andrews: free election of priors: 26.12.1255 x 29.4.1271, poss. 1264 [Date: bp; poss. during vacancy following d. of pr. Gilbert (though it is addressed to pr. and canons)]

No.119, pp.171-2 Gamelin, bp of St Andrews: vicarage settlement of ch. of Holy Trinity, St Andrews: 26.12.1255 x 29.4.1271 [Date: bp]

No.120, p.173 Gamelin, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Lathrisk and chapel of Kettle: 2.2.1259 [At St Andrews. d. Purif. BVM. Corr. to n.s.]

No.121, p.174 Gamelin, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Forgan in Fife: 19.3.1270 [At Inchmurdo. 14 Kal. Apr. Corr. to n.s.]

No.122, p.175 Richard, bp of St Andrews: abbey of Loch Leven and appurtenances: 28.3.1165 x 1169 [Date: cons. of bp x d. Gregory, bp of Dunkeld]

No.123, pp.175-6 Norham, Henry of, pr of St Andrews: conf. of foundation of Loch Leven hospital and grant of Monzie: 1225 x 21.5.1236 [Date: pr.]

No.124, p.176 Norham, Henry of, pr of St Andrews: teinds of barley to Loch Leven hospital: 1225 x 21.5.1236 [Date: pr.]

No.125, pp.176-8 John, pr of St Andrews: barony of Kirkness to Peter Champneys in liferent: 19.5.1280 x 6.1295 [Date: cons. bp Fraser x his departure for France]

No.126, p.178 John, abb. of Dunfermline: quitclaim of half merk from Bolgy: 1252 x 1256 [Date: abb.]

No.127, pp.178-9 Gamelin, bp of St Andrews: conf. of no.65: 2.9, prob. 1268 [Inchmurdo. 4 Non. Sep. 1248. See on no.65]

No.128, pp.179-80 Richard, bp of St Andrews: land held by Malsnauch: 1165 x 2.4.1172 [Date: Andrew archd. of Lothian x no.217]

No.129, p.180 Lindsay, William de: half carrucate to ch. of St Giles at Binns (Linlithgow): 1171 x 1194 [Date: Nicholas abb. of Cambuskenneth x Aiulf dean of Lothian]

No.130, pp.180-1 David I, king: ch. of Haddington: c.1136 x 1141, poss. 1138 x [At Haddington. ChDdI no.85. Date: William Comyn chanc. x Nicholas pr. of Scone; poss. after John bp of Glasgow returned home]

No.131, pp.181-2 David I, king: Clerkington to ch. of Haddington: 14.6, 1140 x 1147, prob. 1140 [At Perth. ChDdI no.86. 18 Kal. Jul. Year: Dionysius pr. of Scone x John bp. of Glasgow; prob. if Robert de Sigillo is the bp of London, who appears to have visited Scotland only in 1140]

No.132, p.182 David I, king: fishing and toft in Berwick: 1124 x 24.5.1153, prob. 1140 [At Roxburgh. ChDdI no.92. Date: king; prob. as no.131]

No.133, p.183 David I, king: net in water of Tay: 1136 x 24.5.1153, prob. 1140 [At Scone. ChDdI no.88. Date: e. Duncan x king; prob. as no.131]

No.134, p.183 David I, king: no poinding: 1124 x 24.5.1153, prob. c.1135 x 1144 [At Roxburgh. ChDdI no.100. Date: king; prob. Herbert chamb. and inclusion of sheriffs x om. of pr. and canons]

No.135, pp.183-4 David I, king: brieve anent building material from wood at Clackmannan: 1147 x 24.5.1153, poss. x 1152 [At Stirling. ChDdI no.154. Date: William abb. of Stirling x king; poss. x the abb.]

No.136, p.184 David I, king: toft in Clackmannan: 1150 x 24.5.1153 [At Clackmannan. ChDdI no.206. Walter de Bidun chanc. x king]

No.137, p.184 David I, king: toft in Berwick: 1152 x 24.5.1153 [At St Andrews. ChDdI no.215. William abb. of Holyrood x king]

No.138, p.185 David I, king: toft in Haddington: c.1136 x 12.6.1152, poss. 1145 or 1150 x [At Scone. ChDdI no.157. Gregory bp of Dunkeld x e. Henry; poss. Andrew bp of Caithness or if Walter = chanc.]

No.139, p.185 David I, king: 40/- per annum: c.1136 x 24.5.1153, prob. 1144 [At Kinross. ChDdI no.127. Date: e. Duncan x king; prob. same as no.147 (place, witnesses, handwriting)]

No.140, p.186 David I, king: Keledees of Kilrymont to be canons: 1150 x 24.5.1153 [ChDdI no.209. Date: Walter chanc. x king]

No.141, pp.186-7 David I, king: ch. of Linlithgow: c.1136 x c.1141, poss. c.1140 x [At Kinross. ChDdI no.94. Date: William Comyn chanc.; poss. from mention of canons]

No.142, p.187 David I, king: ch. of Longforgan (clarification of part of no.147): 1150 x 12.6.1152 [At Scone. ChDdI no.173. Date: Walter de Bidun chanc. x d. e. Henry; “prob. 1150” ChDdI)]

No.143, pp.187-8 David I, king: toft in Perth to Baldwin his client: 1145 x 24.5.1153 [At Scone. ChDdI no.176. Date: Andrew bp of Caithness x king]

No.144, p.188 David I, king: ch. of Linlithgow: c.1136 x c.1141, poss. c.1140 x [At Kinross. ChDdI no.93. Date: William Comyn chanc.; poss. approx. same date as no.141]

No.145, pp.188-9 David I, king: Loch Leven: 1150 x 24.5.1153, poss. x 12.6.1152 [At Berwick. ChDdI no.208. Date: Walter de Bidun chanc. x king; poss. x e. Henry]

No.146, p.189 David I, king: conf. of no.70: 1152 x 24.5.1153, poss. 1152 [At Stirling. ChDdI no.153. Date: no.70 x king; poss. by William abb. of Stirling]

No.147, pp.189-91 David I, king: general conf. (of no.66, 134) and grant: 1144 x , prob. 1144 [At Kinross. ChDdI no.126. Date: no.66 x , prob. soon after no.66)]

No.148, pp.191-2 Henry, earl: Clerkington and toft in Haddington to ch. of Haddington: 1140 x 12.6.1152, poss. 1141 [At Haddington. ChDdI no.116. Date: Ingram chanc. x d. earl; poss. because seems close to no.131]

No.149, pp.192-3 Henry, earl: general conf.: 1136 x 12.6.1152, poss. 1144 [At Kilrymont. ChDdI no.129. Date: e. Duncan x d. earl; poss. shortly after no.66]

No.150, p.193 David I, king: protection for brothers of Hospital: c.1136 x 24.5.1153, poss. 1150 x [At Clackmannan. ChDdI no.207. Date: Herbert chamb. x king; poss. Simon s. of Michael x]

No.151, pp.193-4 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of ch. of St Andrews: 24.5.1163 x 20.9.1164 [RRS i no.239. Date: Robert abb. of Scone x Herbert bp of Glasgow, Ingram chanc.]

No.152, pp.194-5 Malcolm IV, king: common of pasture for Hospital animals: 24.5.1153 x 1159 [At Clackmannan. RRS i no.124. Date: king x Nicholas clerk]

No.153, p.195 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of lands of Kenly to Hospital: 24.5.1153 x 1162 [At Kinross. RRS i no.125. Date: king x Hugh de Moreville]

No.154, pp.195-6 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of carucate in Kedlock to Hospital: 24.5.1153 x 9.12.1165 [At Dunfermline. RRS i no.138. Date: king]

No.155, p.196 Malcolm IV, king: protection for Hospital: 24.5.1153 x 1162 [At Berwick. RRS i no.170. Date: king x Walter de Bidun chanc. ("William" in doc.)]

No.156, pp.196-7 Malcolm IV, king: carucate in Naughton: 1159 x 1164 [At Stirling. RRS i no.228. Date: Nicholas chamb.]

No.157, p.197 Malcolm IV, king: net in water of Perth: 24.5.1153 x 1159 [At Dunfermline. RRS i no.119. Date: king x Nicholas clerk]

No.158, pp.197-8 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of ch. of Longforgan (? no.142), and half carucate of its land: 24.5.1153 x 1162, poss. x 8.4.1156 [At Perth. RRS i no.122. Date: king x Hugh de Moreville; poss. same as no.171]

No.159, p.198 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of altar portions: 24.5.1153 x 24.1.1162, poss. 9.6.1154 x [At Edinburgh. RRS i no.159. Date: king x William bp of Moray; poss. if abb. of Dunfermline is Geoffrey II]

No.160, p.199 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of no.76: 20.11.1160 x 13.9.1162

[At St Andrews. RRS i no.176. Date: Arnold bp of St Andrews. E. Fergus prob.a mistake for Ferteth]

No.161, p.199 Malcolm IV, king: fugitives from Kinninmonth: 24.5.1153 x 1162 [At Kinross. RRS i no.167. Date: king x Walter de Bidun chanc., Hugh de Moreville]

No.162, p.200 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of grants to Matthew archd. of St Andrews: 24.5.1153 x 1159, poss. x 8.4.1156 [At Perth. RRS i no.120. Date: king x Nicholas clerk; poss. if same date as no.171]

No.163, pp.200-1 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of ch. of Rossie: 20.11.1160 x 13.9.1162 [At Eldbotle, par. of Dirleton. RRS i no.194. Date: Arnold bp of St Andrews]

No.164, p.201 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of fishing in Berwick (no.132): 24.5.1153 x 24.1.1162 [At Edinburgh. RRS i no.160. Date: king x William bp of Moray]

No.165, pp.201-2 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of chapel of Inchture: 24.5.1163 x 20.9.1164 [At St Andrews. RRS i no.240. Date: Robert abb. of Scone x Ingram chanc.]

No.166, p.202 Malcolm IV, king: mandate anent teinds: 1161 x 20.9.1164 [At Kinross. RRS i no.233. Date: Ingram chanc.]

No.167, pp.202-3 Malcolm IV, king: precept anent free pasage across the Forth: 24.5.1153 x 1160 [At Dunfermline. RRS i no.126. Date: king x Robert pr of St Andrews]

No.168, p.203 Malcolm IV, king: conf. of agreement with Keledees: 24.5.1153 x 24.1.1162 [At Perth. RRS i no.173. Date: king x William bp of Moray]

No.169, p.203 Malcolm IV, king: land in Perth to his man Baldwin: 24.5.1153 x 1162 [At Berwick. RRS i no.171. Date: king x Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.170, p.204 Malcolm IV, king: buildings of Baldwin, lorimer in Perth: 1159 x 1164 [At Roxburgh. RRS i no.221. Date: Nicholas chamb.]

No.171, p.204 Malcolm IV, king: toft in Perth to his client Baldwin (? conf. of no.143): 24.5.1153 x 8.4.156 [At Perth. RRS i no.121. Date: king x Walter de Ryedale]

No.172, p.205 Malcolm IV, king: half carucate in shire of Longforgan: 24.5.1153 x 1162, poss. x 8.4.1156 [At Perth. RRS i no.123. Date: king x Hugh de Moreville; poss. same as no.171]

No.173, pp.205-7 Malcolm IV, king: general conf.: 25.3.1160 x 24.3.1161, poss. 20.11.1160 [At St Andrews. RRS i no.174. UL 1160; king at St Andrews 20.11]

No.174, pp.207-8 Warenne, Ada de, ct.ess: toft in Haddington: 24.5.1153 x 9.12.1165 [Date: Ada mother of king x Thorald archd.]

No.175, p.208 Warenne, Ada de, ct.ess: land in Crail: 24.5.1153 x 2.4.1172 [Date: Ada mother of king x no.200]

No.176, pp.208-9 Warenne, Ada de, ct.ess: land of Pitmilly: 24.5.1153 x 1178 [Date: Ada mother of king x her d.; poss. after no.177 (RRS ii no.29 n.)]

No.177, p.209 Warenne, Ada de, ct.ess: 1 merk to be given by Malise of Pitmilly: 24.5.1153 x 2.4.1172 [Date: Ada mother of king x no.200]

No.178, p.210 William I, king: conf. of no.176 and 175: 1173 x 1178 [At Kinghorn. RRS ii no.170. Date: royal style x Richard bp of Dunkeld, Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.179, pp.210-11 William I, king: common of pasture for Hospital animals: 9.12.1165 x 1171 [At Yarrow Meres. RRS ii no.77. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.]

No.180, p.211 William I, king: conf. to Hospital of lands of Kenly (cf. no.153): 9.12.1165 x 1171 [At Yarrow Meres. RRS ii no.76. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.] No.181, pp.211-12 William I, king: protection of Hospital: 9.12.1165 x 1171 [At Dunfermline. RRS ii no.24. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.]

No.182, p.212 William I, king: conf. of carucate of Kedlock: 1173 x 1178 [At Kinghorn. RRS ii no.169. Date: royal style x Richard bp of Dunkeld, Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.183, pp.213-16 William I, king: general conf.: 9.12.1165 x 9.8.1170, prob. x 1166 [At Dunfermline. RRS ii no.28. Date: king x Richard chapl.; prob. early in reign]

No.184, p.217 William I, king: conf. of no.128: 9.12.1165 x 2.4.1172 [At Perth. RRS ii no.13. Date: king x Matthew archd.]

No.185, pp.217-18 William I, king: conf. of no.79: 1166 x 23.9.1168 [At Edinburgh. RRS ii no.37. Date: Waltheof e. of Dunbar x Ralph Malchael]

No.186, p.218 William I, king: ch. of St Cyrus: 2.4.1172 x 1173 [At Kinghorn. RRS ii no.134. Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x royal style]

No.187, pp.218-19 William I, king: ch. of Inchture: 9.12.1165 x 9.8.1170 [At Dunfermline. RRS ii no.23. Date: king x Richard chapl.]

No.188, p.219 William I, king: conf. of no.145: 9.12.1165 x 1171 [At Forfar. RRS ii no.112. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.]

No.189, pp.219-20 William I, king: conf. of abbey of Loch Leven (? of no.18): 9.12.1165 x 1171 [At St Andrews. RRS ii no.33. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.]

No.190, p.220 William I, king: conf. of no.215, 217: 1173 x 1178 [At Perth. RRS ii no.151. Date: royal style x Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.191, pp.220-1 William I, king: conf. of no.224: 9.8.1170 x 1171 [At Kinghorn. RRS ii no.129. Date: Richard bp of Dunkeld x Nicholas chanc.]

No.192, p.221 William I, king: conf. of no.137: 9.12.1165 x 1171 [St Andrews. RRS ii no.32. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.]

No.193, p.222 William I, king: conf. of no.82 (cf. no.341): 14.5.1175 x 1178 [At Haddington. RRS ii no.173. Date: Laurence abb. of Melrose; prob. same as no.341]

No.194, pp.222-3 William I, king: conf. of no.142, 158 and 172: 9.12.1165 x 20.12.1170 [Alyth. RRS ii no.110. Date: king x Fulk abb. of Cupar] No.195, p.223 William I, king: conf. of no.216, 219, and grant of Strathmiglo: 1173 x 1178 [At Kinghorn. RRS ii no.168. Date: royal style x Richard bp of Dunkeld, Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.196, p.224 William I, king: conf. of no.236: 1173 x 1178 [At Perth. RRS ii no.150. Date: royal style x Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.197, pp.224-5 William I, king: conf. of half of “Hadgillin”: 1173 x 1178 [At Perth. RRS ii no.149. Date: royal style x Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.198, p.225 William I, king: mandate anent teinds: 9.12.1165 x 1171 [At Traquair. RRS ii no.71. Date: king x Nicholas chanc.]

No.199, pp.225-6 William I, king: protection: 9.8.1170 x 1171 [At St Andrews. RRS ii no.127. Date: Richard bp of Dunkeld x Nicholas chanc.]

No.200, p.226 William I, king: conf. of no.177 and 175: 9.12.1165 x 2.4.1172 [At Dunfermline. RRS ii no.29. Date: king x Matthew archd.]

No.201, pp.226-7 William I, king: conf. of no.213: 1173 x 1190

[At Jedburgh. RRS ii no.247. Date: royal style x Richard de Moreville (1178, prob. 1180 x 1185 RRS)]

No.202, p.227 William I, king: precept on wood from Banchory: 1171 x 1174 [At Crail. RRS ii no.128. Date: Gilbert e. of Strathearn x royal style]

No.203, pp.227-8 William I, king: conf. of no.248: 1173 x 1178 [At Kinghorn. RRS ii no.167. Date: royal style x Richard bp of Dunkeld, Walter de Bidun chanc.]

No.204, p.228 William I, king: 40s. from burgh of Crail: 4.1189 x 1194 [At St Andrews. RRS ii no.329. Date: Hugh chanc. x Robert chapl. and lack of date]

No.205, pp.228-9 William I, king: 1 merk from ferm of Crail: 14.1 , 1205 x 1210 [At Crail. RRS ii no.490. Year: William Cumin justiciar and Malcolm e. of Fife x William del Bois clerk (therefore x 1211; not 1211 as king ill) (RRS 1209 x)]

No.206, pp.229-30 William I, king: conf. of ch. of St Cyrus with chapel of St Regulus and land: 4.1189 x 1195 [At Montrose. RRS ii no.352. Date: Hugh chanc. x lack of date]

No.207, pp.230-1 William I, king: general conf. (no.222, 247, 241 and others): 4.1189 x 1195 [At Perth. RRS ii no.333. Date: Hugh chanc. x lack of date] No.208, pp.232-6 Alexander II, king: general conf.: 29.8 .1228 [At Selkirk. RRS Hdl no.125. a.r. 14]

No.209, pp.236-7 Alexander II, king: right to purchase: 12.4 .1228 [At Perth. RRS Hdl no.119. a.r. 14]

No.210, p.237 David, e. of Huntingdon: land of Longforgan: 20.9.1202 x 6.7.1208 [Date: bp William x David Lindsay not justiciar (RRS ii no.481)]

No.211, p.238 David, e. of Huntingdon: cain of St Cyrus: 1178 x 17.6.1219, poss. 1185 x [Date: acquisition of St Cyrus (RRS ii no.205) x d. grantor; poss. because of style; perhaps at same time as no.206]

No.212, pp.238-9 David, e. of Huntingdon: toft in Dundee: c.1190 x 1204 [Date: Guy abb. of Lindores x Alan s. Walter, e. Duncan]

No.213, p.239 David, e. of Huntingdon: 2 carucates in Kennethmont: 2.4.1172 x 1190, poss. 1185 x [Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x no.201; poss. because of style (“prob. 1178” RRS ii no.247n.)]

No.214, pp.240-1 John, of Scotland, e. of Chester and Huntingdon: conf. of no.210- 12: 21.11.1232 x 6.6.1237

[Date: John as e.]

No.215, p.241 Duncan, e. of Fife: ch. of Scoonie: 2.4.1172 x 1178 [Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x RRS ii no.151]

No.216, pp.241-2 Duncan, e. of Fife: ch. of Cupar: 31.12.1163 x 1178 [Date: no.25 x no.195)]

No.217, pp.242-3 Duncan, e. of Fife: ch. of Markinch: c.1165 x 1171 [Date: Malcolm judex (?)]

No.218, p.243 Duncan, e. of Fife: chapel of Kettle: c.1165 x 1171 [Date: prob. same as no.217; by 1171-8 annexed to parish of Markinch]

No.219, pp.243-4 Duncan, e. of Fife: pond of Nydie mill: x 1178 [Date: x no.195]

No.220, p.244 Malcolm, s. of e. Duncan: conf. of no.216, 217, 215 and 218: c.1180 x 1198 [Date: Alan s. of Simon and Odo of Kinninmonth (certainly x 1204)]

No.221, p.245 Malcolm, e. of Fife: toft in Markinch: 1204 x 1230 [Date: grantor]

No.222, pp.245-6 Malcolm, e. of Atholl: ch. of Dull: c.1170 x 1178 [Date: ? x no.291]

No.223, p.246 Henry, e. of Atholl: conf. of no.222: 13.4.1189 x 15.2.1198 [Date: el. x cons. of bp Roger; poss. late, as Malise judex of Atholl is witn.]

No.224, pp.246-7 Morgrund, e. of Mar: ch. of Tarland: 28.3.1165 x 1171 [Date: bp Richard x no.191]

No.225, p.248 Morgrund, e. of Mar: conf. of no.228: 1160 x 1178 [Date: marriage of Ela to e. of Fife (x 1159) x ct.ess Ada; poss. same as no.226]

No.226, pp.248-9 Morgrund, e. of Mar: half carucate at Inverinche: 1160 x 1178 [Date: marriage of Ela to e. of Fife (x 1159) x ct.ess Ada; poss. same as no.225]

No.227, p.249 Agnes, ct.ess of Mar: half carucate at Inverinche: 1160 x 1178 [Date: marriage of Ela to e. of Fife (x 1159) x ct.ess Ada; poss. same as no.225]

No.228, pp.249-50 Agnes, ct.ess of Mar: ch. of Migvie: 1163 x 1178 [Date: no.25 x no.225]

No.229, p.250 Comyn, William, e. of Buchan: half merk from Inverinch: 1214 x 1233, poss. 1219 x 1225 [Date: grantor; poss. ?]

No.230, p.251 Comyn, William, e. of Buchan: ch. of Kennoway: 1214 x 1233, poss. c.1220-1 x 1224 [Date: grantor; poss. Germanus pr. of Restennet (?)]

No.231, pp.251-2 Comyn, William, e. of Buchan: land of Kenmuch: 1214 x 1233, poss. c.1220-1 x 1224 [Date: grantor; poss. Germanus pr. of Restennet (?)]

No.232, p.252 Comyn, William, e. of Buchan: distraint of men in Kenmuch: 1214 x 1233, poss. c.1220-1 x 1224 [Date: grantor; poss. Germanus pr. of Restennet (?)]

No.233, pp.252-3 Margery, ct.ess of Buchan: half merk from Inverinch: 1214 x 1233, poss. 1219 x 1225 [Date: e. of Buchan; poss. ?; same as no.229]

No.234, p.253 Margery, ct.ess of Buchan: ch. of Kennoway: 1214 x 1233, poss. c.1220-1 x 1224 [Date: e. of Buchan; poss. ?; same time as no.230]

No.235, p.254 Margery, ct.ess of Buchan: land of Kenmuch: 1214 x 1233, poss. x 1224 [Date: e. of Buchan; poss. ?; same time as no.231]

No.236, pp.254-5 Ness, s. of William: ch. of Lathrisk: c.1170 x 1178 [Date: Henry judex (Barrow, Kingdom of the Scots, 78) x no.196]

No.237, pp.255-6 Quincy, Seier de, e. of Winchester: 3 merks from Leuchars mill: 1207 x 1219, poss. 1218 [Date: grantor; poss., grantor in Scotland]

No.238, pp.256-7 Quincy, Roger de, heir to Seier: conf. of no.237: 1207 x 1219, poss. 1218 [Date: prob. same as no.237]

No.239, p.257 Alan, s. of Walter, steward: half carucate in Unthank: 1177 x 1185 [Date: Alan x David not e.]

No.240, p.258 Walter, s. of Alan II, steward: conf. of no.239: 1204 x 1241 [Date: grantor; poss. early, from witn. Robert Montgomery, tenant temp. Alan and Walter I, and Mr Isaac (= Scot, not known after 1213; Watt Graduates), but these uncertain and deed feels more like 1219 x]

No.241, pp.258-9 Merleswain, s. of Colban: ch. of Kennoway and lands of Kilmux: 1172 x 1178 [Date: Robert dean of Fife (Watt, Fasti, 314)]

No.242, pp.259-60 Merleswain, s. of Merleswain: ch. of Kennoway and lands of Kilmux: 1165 x 1172 [Date: Odo bp's seneschal; Colban e. of Buchan suggests late (witn. of no.241 and 242 very similar)]

No.243, p.260 Lascelles, Alan, II, and Julianne de Somerville: “mother ch.” of Forgan with chapel at Naughton and carucate of land: 10.1199 x 7.7.1202 [Date: John archd. of Lothian x d. bp Roger]

No.244, p.261 Lovel, Henry: 2 bovates in Branxholm: 1163 x 30.3.1183 [Date: no.25 x no.26]

No.245, pp.261-2 Lovel, Richard, ld of Hawick: conf. of no.244: ? 1190-1200 [Date: grantor is s. of Henry (no.244), who is now d.] No.246, pp.262-3 Christina, dr of Walter Corbet: Martin s. of Uviet: ?1212 x 1228 [Date: first appearance of Simon and Laurence, provosts of St Andrews x succ. Duncan e. of Mar

No.247, pp.263-4 Walter, of Lundin: 20 acres by Lundin Loch: x 1195 [Date: x no.207]

No.248, p.264 Walter, s. of Philip: land of Adhebrecces: x 1178 [Date: x no.203]

No.249, pp.264-5 Maule, William: chapel of Fowlis Easter: x 9.8.1170 [Date: x no.183. Cf. no.15

No.250, pp.265-6 Mortimer, Hugh: chapel of Fowlis Easter and land granted by William Maule: c.1225 x 1235 [Date: period when David Bernham was in household of bp Malvoisin]

No.251, pp.266-7 Lamberton, William: ch. of Bourtie: 1174 x 20.8.1199, poss. c.1180 x [Date: Alexander sher. of Stirling x no.299]

No.252, p.267 Lamberton, William: 12 acres in Bourtie to ch. of Bourtie: 1172 x 20.8.1199 [Date: ? (“prob. after 1189 x 1194” MA; ? before no.251)]

No.253, pp.267-8 Lamberton, Alexander, s. of William: conf. of no.251-2: 1222 x 9.7.1238 [Date: succ. Duncan e. of Mar x d. bp Malvoisin]

No.254, p.268 Abernethy, Laurence: 10/- from Ballinbreich: 13th cent. (x 1246, poss. 1230s) [Date: grantor, and witn. Robert, chapl. of Methven, Mr Peter de Castiltarris and Mr Yvo]

No.255, p.269 John, s. of Michael: half merk from brewhouse of Morecambus: early 13th cent. (?1st decade) [Date: witn. William Wiville and Richard Monypenny]

No.256, pp.269-70 Scot, Gilbert, s. of Ewan of Monorgan, and his wife Christine, dr of Merleswain: 13 acres on the Pillic next to the mill: c.1190-1200 [Date: witn. William Gifford infeft with nearby Tealing and Powgavie 1189 x 1195]

No.257, p.270 Scot, Magnus, s. of Gilbert: conf. of no.256: early 13th cent. (prob. 2nd decade) [Date: witn. Mr Adam Ovid] No.258, p.271 Revel, Henry, and his wife Margaret, dr of Orm of Abernethy: land at Balmerino: ? c.1180 [Date: ? shortly after infeftment with Coultra (RRS ii no.174, 152)]

No.259, pp.271-2 Stawell, Adam de, nephew of Henry Revel: conf. of no.258: early 13th cent. [Date: witn. Adam of Kinninmonth]

No.260, pp.272-3 Bernham, Robert, burg. of Berwick: 4s. from land in Berwick: 8.10.1235 x 1.10.1239 [Date: David Bernham chamb.]

No.261, p.273 Winton, Henry de: 2 bovates in Lindores: early 13th cent., ? 1212 x 1215 [Date: witn. Adam of Kinninmonth, William Wiville, and Simon and Lawrence provosts of St Andrews]

No.262, p.274 Lascelles, Richard de: 3 acres in Friarton: 1230s [Date: witn. Henry of Norham]

No.263, pp.274-5 Lascelles, Alan, s. of Walter de: 2 acres in Forgan: early 13th cent. [Date: ? shortly after grant of ch. of Forgan; Geoffrey sheriff of Crail suggests 1st decade]

No.264, p.275 Lascelles, Duncan de: 2 acres in Seggin (Forgan parish): early 13th cent. [Date: x no.350 (1260); common witn. with no.263]

No.265, p.276 Adam, s. of Abraham of Lour: 3 acres in Lour: 1170s [= no.351. Date: if witn. Ranulf = witn. in no.291; suits known endowments of the period]

No.266, pp.276-7 Strachan, Waldeve of: land of “Blaregeroq” (? Kirkton Muir, nr Banchory): 1235 x 1239 [Date: Mr Henry of Norham x Laurence archd. of St Andrews (?)]

No.267, pp.277-8 Montfort, John de: 12d. from ferm of Pitcullo: x 14.3.1207

[Date: x no.36]

No.268, p.278 William, s. of e. Patrick, and his wife Christine Corbet: res. of Martin s. of Uviet: 1212 x 1232 [Date: no.246 x d. e. Patrick]

No.269, p.279 Wyrfaud, Roger: land of Scotston in Conveth parish: 9.7.1238 x 12.5.1250, poss. c.1245 [Date: Adam archd. of St Andrews; before no.278]

No.270, pp.279-80 Arbroath, chapter of: conf. of no.269: 9.7.1238 x 12.5.1250, poss. c.1245 [Date: same time as no.269]

No.271, p.280 Stirling, Alexander: obligation anent chapel of Laurenceton: 5.12.1243 [At Ormiston. Non. Dec.]

No.272, p.281 Adam, s. of Odo: land in St Andrews: 22.1.1240 x 12.5.1250 [Date: bp Bernham x Adam archd. of St Andrews]

No.273, p.282 Malcolm, e. of Fife: res. of rights in Achmore: 9.1245

No.274, pp.282-3 Comyn, Alexander, e. of Buchan: conf. of no.229 and 233: 1244 x 1289, prob. early [Date: grantor]

No.275, p.283 Merlay, Roger de, tercius: 1 acre in Kettle: 1239 x 1265 [Date: grantor (W.P. Hedley, Northumberland Families, i.197-8)]

No.276, p.284 Gifford, Hugh, s. of John: land of Petpont: 1240 x 1250 [Date: A. (Adam/Abel) archd. of St Andrews]

No.277, pp.284-5 Hugh, of Nydie: sale of tenement in St Andrews: 1240 x c.1250 [Date: cf. no.272]

No.278, pp.285-6 Berkeley, Richenda, dr of William, widow: land in Conveth to Roger Wyrfaud: (9.7.1238 x 12.5.1250) x , poss. c.1245 x [Date: no.269 (when Richenda’s husb. alive) x ]

No.279, pp.286-7 Robert, abb. of Arbroath: conf. of no.269: 15.12.1261 [At Arbroath. d. Jov. prox. post fest. S Luciae virg. (13 Dec.)]

No.280, p.287 Ness, s. of William: ch. of Leuchars: 2.4.1172 x 4.8.1188 [Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x no.285]

No.281, pp.287-8 Orabill, ct.ess of Mar: conf. of no.280: 2.4.1172 x 4.8.1188 [Date: same as no.280]

No.282, p.288 Matthew, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of no.280: 2.4.1172 x 4.8.1188 [Date: same as no.280]

No.283, pp.288-9 Duncan, e. of Fife: conf. of no.280: 2.4.1172 x 4.8.1188 [Date: same as no.280]

No.284, p.289 William I, king: conf. of no.280: 1175 x 1190 [At Crail. RRS ii no.271. Date: Jocelin bp of Glasgow x Richard de Moreville]

No.285, pp.289-90 Hugh, bp of St Andrews: conf. of no.280: 1179 x 4.8.1188, poss. c.15.3.1187 [Date: Henry abb. of Arbroath x grantor; poss. when bp Hugh cons. Richard bp of Moray, as witn. include abb. of Kinloss and archd. of Moray]

No.286, pp.290-1 Orabil, dr Ness of Leuchars: davach “Ichtar hathyn”: 2.4.1172 x 1197, prob. 1187 x [Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x no.287; prob. ? ]

No.287, p.291 Quincy, Seyer de: conf. of no.286: 1192 x 1207 [Date: witn. Robert de Quincy (abroad till c.1192) x grantor e. of Winchester (d. of Robert de Qunicy may be earlier terminus ante - that is after RRS ii no.428, 20.8.1200 x 1203, poss. 1201)]

No.288, pp.292-3 Simon, s. Simon of Kinnear: land in Kedlock: mid 13th cent., x 25.4.1251 [Date: x no.290; grantor's father attested 1230-40]

No.289, p.293 Boswell, John, kt: 12d. of rent of “Herdesleia”: late 12th cent. [Date: witn. Hugh Normanville, parson of Triburg]

No.290, p.294 Alexander III, king: conf. of no.288: 25.4 .1251 [At Haddington. RRS Hdl no.5. a.r. 2]

No.291, pp.294-5 Richard, bp of Dunkeld: conf. of ch. of Dull: 9.8.1170 x 1178 [Date: grantor]

No.292, p.295 John, bp of Dunkeld: conf. of ch. of Dull: 1188 x 1203, poss. early [Date: grantor; poss. soon after his return from exile]

No.293, pp.295-6 Hugh, bp of Dunkeld: conf. of ch. of Dull: 4.7.1225 x 6.1.1230 [Date: R. abb. of Scone x d. bp]

No.294, pp.296-7 Dunkeld, chapter of: conf. of no.293: 4.7.1225 x 6.1.1230 [Date: shortly after no.293]

No.295, p.297 Hugh, bp of Dunkeld: conf. of payment by William Comyn: 1221 x 6.1.1230 [Date: William archd. of Dunkeld x d. bp] No.296, p.297 Edward, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Tarland: 28.3.1165 x 1171, prob. late [Date: no.224 x d. bp]

No.297, p.298 Matthew, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Tarland: 2.4.1172 x 1179 [Date: bp]

No.298, pp.298-9 Matthew, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Migvie: 2.4.1172 x 1179 [Date: as no.297 (same witn.)]

No.299, p.299 Matthew, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Bourtie: 1175 x 20.8.1199, prob. late 1180s or 1190s, poss. 1195 x [Date: Simon archd. of Aberdeen x d. bp; prob. because of bp’s movements, poss. after d. of Odo of Kinninmonth]

No.300, pp.299-300 Adam, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Tarland: 1208 x 1226, prob. early [Date: bp x Omer archd. of Aberdeen]

No.301, pp.300-1 Adam, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Migvie: 1208 x 1226 [Date: bp x Omer archd. of Aberdeen]

No.302, p.301 Adam, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Bourtie: 1208 x 1226 [Date: bp x Omer archd. of Aberdeen]

No.303, pp.301-2 Gilbert, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch.s of Tarland and Migvie: 1228 x 17.6.1239, prob. early [Date: grantor]

No.304, p.302 Gilbert, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Bourtie: 1228 x 17.6.1239, prob. early [Date: grantor]

No.305, p.303 Ralph, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Bourtie: 23.10.1240 [At St Andrews. die S Roman. ep.]

No.306, pp.303-4 Ralph, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of ch. of Bourtie: 28.4.1244 [At Aberdeen. die S Vital. m.]

No.307, pp.304-5 Aberdeen, chapter of: conf. of ch.s of Bourtie, Tarland and Migvie: 24.4.1243 [in crast. S Georg. m. (23 Apr.)]

No.308, pp.305-6 Ralph, bp of Aberdeen: institution of Robert de la Runce: 28.4.1244 x 13.5.1247 [Date: no.306 x d. bp]

No.309, p.306 Bernham, David, bp of St Andrews: benefice of Dairsie to his clerk John, s. of John de Cellario: 22.1.1240 x 5.8.1245 [Date: cons. bp x Walter Mortimer, off. of St Andrews (though he is not so styled in doc.)]

No.310, pp.306-7 Walter, pr. of St Andrews, and conv.: Kedlock to Alan s. of Simon: 2.4.1172 x 15.2.1198, poss. 1190 x [Date: Matthew bp of Aberdeen x pr. Walter; poss. ? (MA, thesis p.266). Cf. no.331]

No.311, pp.307-8 Geoffrey, bp of Dunkeld: conf. of ch. of Dull: 26.4.1245 [d. Merc. prox. post Dom. quasimodo (23 Apr.)]

No.312, p.309 Richard, bp of Dunkeld: conf. of ch. of Dull: 26.12.1255 x 1261 [Date: Gamelin bp of St Andrews x Walter abb. of Arbroath]

No.313, pp.309-10 Duncan, s. of Michael: lands and mill of Cairns: 1240 x 12.5.1250, poss. c.1248 [Date: Adam archd. of St Andrews; poss. Barrow, Scottish Tradition, 31]

No.314, pp.310-11 Gamelin, bp of St Andrews: ch. of Forgan (Fife): 29.1.1267 [At Dairsie. 4 Kal. Feb. Corr. to n.s.]

No.315, pp.311-12 William, e. of Mar: conf. of ch.s of Tarland and Migvie: 23.1.1268 [At Falkland. 10 Kal. Feb. Corr. to n.s.]

No.316, pp.312-13 William, e. of Mar: conf. of land in Tarland: 21.1.1268 [At Falkland. 12 Kal. Feb. Corr. to n.s.]

No.317, p.313 Hay, William de, butler to king: 1 carucate in Pitmilly on 20 year lease: c.1172 [Date: to take effect at Martinmas after Henry II's expedition to Ireland (1171-2); cf. RRS ii no.435n.]

No.318, pp.313-14 Hay, Eve, and her son David: agreement anent no.317: x 1205 [Date: x no.319]

No.319, p.314 William I, king: conf. of no.318: 1201 x 1205 [RRS ii no.435. Date: d. William de Hay x William Comyn not justic. ]

No.320, pp.315-16 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: settlement between pr. and chapter and Laurence archd. of St Andrews: 1212

No.321, pp.316-18 Walter, bp of Glasgow, abb. of Melrose, and R. archd. of Glasgow, papal judges: controversy between priory and Patrick, master of the schools of St Andrews: 2.11.1208 x 1215, poss. x 5.8.1213 [Date: cons. bp x his going to IV Lateran Council; poss. if the abb. of Melrose is A(dam) (A. om. before Abbas), cf. no.390, Kelso Lib. no.246 ]

No.322, pp.318-19 Gilbert, pr. of St Andrews, and chapter: agreement with Keledees on lands and rights: 15.2.1198 x 20.8.1199 [Date: bp Roger x d. Matthew bp of Aberdeen; prob. near time of cons. and before bp's departure for England early in 1199]

No.323, p.319 Richard, bp of St Andrews, and Walter, archd. of St Andrews: agreement between ch. of Linlithgow and chapel of Torphichen: 1173 x 1178 [Date: archd. x bp]

No.324, p.320 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: settlement between Holyrood and Hospitallers on the teinds and gifts of Ogilface: 1211 x c.1213 [Date: Simon pr. of St Andrews x Isaac Scot (Watt Graduates)]

No.325, p.321 Thorald, Alexander, s. of William: 2 bovates in Ochiltree to ch. of St Michael's, Linlithgow: 1183 x 1198 [Date: return of John bp of Dunkeld x Archibald abb. of Dunfermline]

No.326, pp.321-2 Thorald, Alexander, s. of William: agreement of no.325: 1183 x 1198 [Date: as no.325]

No.327, p.322 Pr. and chapter of St Andrews, and William Fraser: private chapel at Drem: 1197 x 1199 [Identical to no.14, except that pr. here is “S.” by mistake]

No.328, p.323 Walter, pr. of St Andrews, conv., and Hugh abb. and conv. of Newbattle: agreement on teinds of Bearford, Cresswell and Prora: 1195

No.329, pp.323-4 Canons of St Andrews and Dryburgh: agreement on teinds of Bangelawe: 1222

No.330, pp.324-5 Henry, pr. of St Andrews, and chapter: William de Gullane to have oratory at Stevenston: 1225 x 1236 [Date: Henry pr.]

No.331, p.325 Walter, pr. of St Andrews: Kedlack to Alan s. of Simon: 2.4.1172 x 15.2.1198, poss. 1190 x [= no.310]

No.332, pp.325-6 Chapter of St Andrews, and William Gifford: agreement on land of Penpunt: 1.9.1196 x early 13th cent.

[Abbreviated version of NLS, Adv.MS.15.1.18, no.100, which includes grant of Tealing to chapter; that was granted to Gifford 1.9 1196 x 1201 (RRS ii no.418) and lost by St Andrews early 13th cent.]

No.333, pp.326-7 Henry pr. and conv. of St Andrews, A. bp and chapter of Moray, Lady Muriel of Rothes, and Hospital of St Nicholas near Bridge of Spey: agreement anent ch. of Rothes: 1235

No.334, p.327 Rector of Markinch, Simon pr. and conv. of St Andrews, and William parson of Kilgour: agreement anent teinds of Petthechelac: 1224

No.335, p.328 John pr. and chapter of St Andrews: licence to Duncan Ramsay to have chapel at Clatto: 22.1.1240 x 26.4.1253 [Date: bp Bernham (A. archd. ambiguous)]

No.336, p.329 Thomas pr. and chapter of St Andrews, and Gellin, s. of Gilchrist Maccussegerri: exchange of Scoonie for “Gariad” and office of bearer of reliquary box: 1199 x 1209 [Date: pr. Thomas x archd. Ralph]

No.337, pp.329-31 Pr. and convent of St Andrews, master and nuns of Haddington: agreement anent teinds of Stevenston, etc.: 1245

No.338, p.331 Walter, master, and prioress and nuns of Haddington: resignation from dispute over teinds of king's garden: 6.10.1245 [Date: die S. Fid. virg.]

No.339, pp.332-3 John, ab. of Lindores, pr. of May and pr. of Lindores, papal judges: agreement on lands of ch. of Tarland and Migvie: 1242

No.340, pp.333-4 Alexander, of St Martin: 5/- from the ch. of Barra: 1178 [Date: Hugh, bp. el.]

No.341, p.334 Chapter and nuns of Haddington: portions of the ch. of Haddington: 23.5.1175 x 13.5.1178 [Date: cons. Jocelin bp of Glasgow x d. bp Richard; prob. same as no.193]

No.342, pp.334-5 Alexander III, king: conf. of no.278: 9.3 .1251 [At Crail. RRS Hdl no.4. a.r. 2] No.343, p.335 Wyrfaude, Roger: land in Conveth: 1258 x 29.4.1271 [Date: ? return x d. of bp Gamelin (prob. early)]

No.344, p.336 Quincy, Roger de, e. of Winton: statement on rights in ch. of Lathrisk and chapel of Kettle: 22.9.1257 [At Lathrisk. die S Macr. & soc.]

No.345, p.337 Quincy, Roger de, e. of Winton: ch. of Lathrisk and chapel of Kettle: 22.9.1257

[Date: same as no.344]

No.346, p.338 Richard, bp of St Andrews: precept to provost and of St Andrews anent the building of a new cathedral: 1162 x 1178 [Date: grantor (prob. early)]

No.347, pp.338-9 Pr. and conv. of St Andrews: agreement anent teinds of Bearford, Cresswell and Prora: 2.2.1278 [ad fest. purif. BVM. Corr. to n.s.]

No.348, pp.339-40 Ballas, Gilbert de: making pond for Dairsie mill on his land: 8.9.1288 [At Cupar. die nativ. BVM]

No.349, pp.340-1 Moray, Alexander, Sir: insp. of no.264: 1260

No.350, p.341 Moray, Alexander, Sir: conf. of 1 acre in Seggin: 26.9.1281 [At Newton. d. Ven. prox. post fest. S Matth. ap. (21 Sep.)]

No.351, p.342 Adam, s. of Abraham of Lur: = no.265

No.352, p.343 Rents of land in Linlithgow

No.353, pp.343-4 Land in Berwick

No.354, p.344 Teinds of mills in Linlithgow: 1282

No.355, p.345 Rents from town of Crail

No.356, p.345 Our rents in Haddington

No.357, p.346 Lascelles, Serlo de: restoration of land of Ryhinche in Forgan (Fife): 3.10.1288 [Note only. 5 Non. Oct.]

No.358, pp.346-7 Falletauch: quitclaim of right in land of Drunkarauch: 13.10.1260 [Note of hearing at Perth before deputes of the Justice of Scotia. d. Merc. prox. ante fest. S Luc. ev. (18 Oct.)]

No.359, p.347 Laurence, archd.of St Andrews: quitclaim of certain judicial rights: 1212 x [Date: no.320 x ]

No.360, p.348 Note of dedication of ch.s: 19.5.1242 - 13.8.1243 [14 Kal. Jun.; Id. Aug.]

No.361, p.349 John, pr. of St Andrews: hearing at Dull and homage to St Andrews by Colin s. of Angus and Bridin s. of Angus: 12.2.1265 [Note only. d. Iov. prox. post fest. S Scolast. virg. (10 Feb.). Corr. to n.s.]

No.362, p.349 Homage by Andrew s. of Gilmore: 6.3.1270 [Note only. die S Baldred. Corr. to n.s.]

No.363, p.350 Innocent III, pope: appointment of abb.s of Arbroath, Cupar and Lindores as judges delegate in case anent ch. of Leuchars: 24.10.1205 [At Rome. 9 Kal. Nov. a.p. 8]

No.364, pp.350-1 Innocent III, pope: urges judges delegate to act on no.363: 7.6.1206 [At Ferentino. 7 Id. Jun. a.p. 9]

No.365, p.351 Innocent III, pope: appointment of abb.s of Melrose, Dryburgh and Jedburgh as judges delegate in case anent ch.s of Leuchars and Lathrisk: 9.6.1206 [At Ferentino. 5 Id. Jun. a.p. 9]

No.366, p.352 Innocent III, pope: appointment of bp of Brechin, abb. of Scone and pr. of Arbroath to examine case of ch. of Leuchars: 6.6.1207 [At Viterbo. 8 Id. Jun. a.p. 10]

No.367, p.353 Hugh, bp of St Andrews, and Duncan e. of Fife: cyrograph agreement anent Dairsie Mill: 1182 x 1187, prob. 1187 [Date: while Hugh recognised as bp, prob. when he is known to have been active in Scotland]

No.368, p.354 Quincy, Robert de: grant of land at Forfar to M. Roger d’Argentin: 1165 x 1200 [Date: in reign of king William (cf. RRS ii no.572) and while grantor active in Scotland]

No.369, pp.355-8 Valuations of ch.s and benefices in diocese of Aberdeen

No.370, p.358 Valuations of church lands of abbacy of Lindores

No.371, pp.359-60 Valuations of lands of abbacy of Lindores

No.372, pp.360-1 Valuations of bishoprics of Scotland

No.373, p.361 Rents to pr. and canons of Monymusk: 8.9.1268 [in fest. nativ. BVM]

No.374, p.362 Duncan, e. of Mar: grant to Monymusk of ch. of Leochel: 1222 x 1244 [Date: grantor]

No.375, p.362 William, e. of Mar: statement to Peter bp of Aberdeen that seal affixed to enclosed doc. is understood to be his father's: 13.5.1247 x 1256 [Date: bp Peter]

No.376, p.363 Alexander II, king: letters patent on events surrounding no.374: 1222 x 8.7.1249, prob. x 1244 [RRS Hdl no.338. Date: no.374 x d. king; prob. x d. e. Duncan]

No.377, pp.363-4 Colin, usher: grant to Monymusk of half davoch of land on which ch. of Leochel is built: poss. c.1232 [Date: Colin Durward witn. to RRS Hdl. Alex. II no.161, 5.10.1232]

No.378, p.364 Montfichet, Philip, and his wife Anna, dr of dec. Colin: grant to Monymusk of full rights in lands of Leochel: c.1232 x [At Leochel. Date: after d. of Colin]

No.379, p.365 Thomas, royal doorward: grant to Monymusk of ch. of Alford: x 1228 [Date: x no.380, and grantor’s latest of royal act, no.124, 17.7.1228]

No.380, p.365 Adam, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of no.379: 29.1.1208 x 1228 [Date: grantor]

No.381, p.366 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: grant to Monymusk of ch. of Keig: 1228 x 9.7.1238 [Date: no.383 (joint gift) x d. grantor]

No.382, p.366 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: grant to Monymusk of 2 acres of land in Keig: 22.1.1240 x 26.4.1253, prob. 1245 x [Date: grantor; prob. after no.372-3]

No.383, p.367 Gilbert, bp of Aberdeen: grant to Monymusk of ch. of Keig: 1228 x 1239, prob. x 9.7.1238 [Date: grantor; prob. same time as no.381] No.384, p.367 Duncan, e. of Mar: grant to Monymusk of ch. of Kindrochit: 1222 x 1239 [Date: grantor x no.385]

No.385, p.368 Gilbert, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of no.384: 1228 x 1239 [Date: grantor]

No.386, pp.368-9 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: mandate for reorganising the Culdees of Monymusk: 1211 x [Date: PSAS xxxxix, 44]

No.387, p.369 Bernham, David de, bp of St Andrews: grant to Monymusk of “Dolbethoc” (? Kinbattock): 22.1.1240 x 19.5.1245 [Date: grantor x no.392]

No.388, p.369 Thomas, royal doorward: grant to Monymusk of barley and cheese from “Outhirheycht”: early 13th cent., x 1227 [Date: period of grantor, x "W." abb. of Holyrood]

No.389, p.370 Roger / Fergus, e. of Buchan: grant to Monymusk of grain and cheese from “Feodarg”: 1187 x c.1212 [Date: grantor]

No.390, pp.370-2 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews, and Culdees of Monymusk, before papal judges delegate: reorganisation as Augustinians: 23.3.1210 x 1211 [Date: no.390A x Thomas pr. of St Andrews; see Aberdeen Reg. ii 264-6]

No.390A, p.370 Innocent III, pope: mandate to judges: 23.3.1210 [At Lateran. 10 Kal. Apr. a.p. 13. Included in no.390]

No.391, p.372 Innocent IV, pope: conf. to Monymusk of ch.s of Alford, Leochel, Keig and Kindrochit: 28.5.1245 [At Lyons. 5 Kal. Jun. a.p. 2]

No.392, p.373 Innocent IV, pope: conf. to Monymusk of ch.s of Dolbettock, Leochel and Eglismencyttock: 19.5.1245 [Lyons. 14 Kal. Jun. a.p. 2]

No.393, pp.373-4 Gilchrist, e. of Mar: grant to Monymusk of ch. of Leochel: 1187 x 13.10.1207 [Date: grantor x no.394]

No.394, p.374 John, bp of Aberdeen: conf. of no.393: 1199 x 13.10.1207, prob. late [Date: grantor; ref. to Culdees suggests period shortly before reform]

No.395, p.374 John, bp of Aberdeen: conf. to Monymusk of ch.s of Leochel, Ruchanen and Invernochan: 1199 x 13.10.1207, prob. late [Date: grantor; ref. to Culdees suggests period shortly before reform]

No.396, p.375 John, bp of Aberdeen: conf. to Monymusk of ch. and lands of Alford: 1199 x 13.10.1207, prob. late [Date: grantor; prob. same time as no.394-5]

No.397, pp.375-6 Innocent III, pope: conf. to Monymusk of ch.s of Alford, Leochel and Nemoth: 20.6, 1198 x 1216; prob. c.1207 [At Viterbo. 12 Kal. Jul. Year: grantor, prob. soon after no.393]

No.398, pp.376-7 Melville, Gregory, kt: maintainance of his chapel at Tartreven: 1267 x 29.4.1271 [Date: archd. of Lothian x bp Gamelin]

No.399, p.378 Fragment of rental of land in St Andrews

No.400, p.379 Patrick I (?), e. of Dunbar: [unknown]: c.1200 x 1232 [Date: grantor. Charter defaced]

No.401, p.379 Patrick II, e. of Dunbar: grant to May of lands in Lammermuir: 1271 x 1279, poss. 1274 x [Date: bp of St Andrews; defaced, but poss. same witn. as no.402]

No.402, p.380 Patrick II, e. of Dunbar: grant to May of 1 cow: 1274 x 1279 [Date: Nicholas abb. of Lindores x d. William Wishart bp of St Andrews]

No.403, p.380 John, s. of Michael: grant to May of land of Mayschelis in Lambermuir: c.1200 x c1226, prob. early [Date: x no.404, prob. suggested by witn.]

No.404, p.381 John, s. of Michael: grant to May of land of Mayschelis in Lambermuir: c.1200 x c.1226 [Fuller version of no.403. Date: no.403 x Robert de London]

No.405, p.382 Beauair, William de: grant to May of land in “Ardarie”: 1178 x 1214 [Date: PSAS 90, 68 {?}]

No.406, pp.382-3 Eggo, Rufus: grant to May of lands of Lingo: 1209 x c.1226 [Date: Laurence archd. of St Andrews x Robert de London]

No.407, p.383 Comyn, Alexander, e. of Buchan: grant to May of 40d or 1 lb of wax: 1244 x 1289, prob. x 1270 [Date: ?] No.408, p.384 Pr. and monks of May and Sir John Dunmore: agreement anent land of Turbrech: 1260

No.409, p.385 Dunmore, John: grant to May of land of Turbrek: 1260 x, poss. 1260 [Date: no.408 x, poss. same date]

No.410, p.386 Fraser, William, bp of St Andrews: judgement between Sir Henry Dunmore and pr. and monks of May: 4.2.1286 [At Cupar. d. lun. prox. post fest. purif. BVM (2 Feb.). Corr. to n.s.]

No.411, p.387 -- abb. of Scone, J. abb. of Lindores, and Laurence archd. of St Andrews, papal judges delegate: controversy between May and Thomas s. of Eustace of Berwick, anent land in Berwick: 1219 x 1240, poss. 1226 x [Date: John abb. of Lindores x Laurence archd. of St Andrews; poss. same as no.412]

No.412, pp.387-8 Ralph, pr. of May: copy of agreement by same judges as in no.411 in case between abb. and conv. of Reding and May and Simon “Post” of Berwick: 1226 x 1240 [Date: grantor x Laurence archd. of St Andrews]

No.413, pp.388-9 St Martin, Gilbert, of Bara: grant to May of land in Bara: 1206 x 1221 [Date: Ralph dean of Fife x no.414]

No.414, pp.389-90 John, pr. of May: conf. of no.413: 1209 x 1221 [Date: Laurence archd. of St Andrews x grantor]

No.415, pp.390-1 Mortimer, Walter, off. of St Andrews, and Baldred dean of Lothian: sentence in dispute between pr. and conv. of May and Patrick chapl. of Dunbar, anent land in Dunbar: 1242

No.416, pp.391-2 Thomas, abb. of Lindores, and pr. of Lindores, papal judges: settlement relating to May and land in Berwick: 24.10.1261 [At St Andrews. d. lun. prox. post fest. S Luc. ev. (18 Oct.)]

No.416A, p.391 Alexander IV, pope: appointment of judges: 13.1.1257 [At Lateran. Id. Jun. a.p. 3. Included in no.416]

No.417, pp.392-3 Geoffrey, abb. of Dunfermline: grant to May of teinds of Ballgally: 1238 x 5.10.1240 [Date: grantor]

No.418, p.393 John, pr. of May, and Duncan of Inchyra: agreement on fisheries on the Tay at Inchyra and Rhynd: 1206 x 1221 [Date: William abb. of Scone x John pr. of May] No.419, pp.393-5 Henry, pr. of St Andrews, Laurence archd. of St Andrews, and Ralph dean of Fife, papal judges: settlement between canons of Scone and pr. of May anent teinds of fisheries on the Tay: 1231 [At St Andrews]

No.419A, pp.393-4 Gregory IX, pope: appointment of judges: 13.5.1229 [At Perugia. 15 Kal. Jun. a.p. 3. Included in no.419]

No.420, pp.395-6 Adam, abb. of Melrose, G. pr. of Melrose, and Richard dean of Teviotdale, papal judges: settlement between pr. of May and canons of Dryburgh anent teinds of Kilrenny: 13.12.1225 [At Melrose. Id. Dec.]

No.420A, p.395 Honorius III, pope: appointment of judges: 13.8, 1216 x 1225 [At Segni. 5 Id. Aug. Year: grantor x no.420. Included in no.420]

No.421, pp.396-7 John, pr. of May, and Malcolm royal butler: chapel of Richardston: 1206 x 1209 [Date: William abb. of Scone x Ralph dean of Fife]

No.422, pp.397-8 Ferrers, William, s. of William: 2 acres of land at Leuchars: 19.5.1280 x 13.2.1295 [Date: bp William Fraser x no.425A]

No.423, pp.398-9 John, pr. of St Andrews: grant to John of Fitkill of lands of Camelon: 1324 x 1340 [Date: dean of Dunkeld x d. grantor]

No.424, pp.399-400 Pr. and conv. of St Andrews: statement on pension from lands of Kirkness of Inchyra and Petponti and teinds of Fowlis and Rossyclerach: 1333 x [Date: Halidon Hill mentioned p.400]

No.425, pp.400-2 Lamberton, William, bp of St Andrews: insp. of no.425A: 1317

No.425A, pp.400-2 Fraser, William, bp of St Andrews: conf. of no.422: 13.2.1295 [At Inchem’b’ (?Inchmurdo). Id. Feb. Corr. to n.s.]

No.426, p.402 Malveisin, William, bp of St Andrews: mandate to Ralph dean of Lothian and Mr A. de St Martin to assess the vicarage of Linlithgow: 1235 x 1238 [Date: Watt, Fasti, 319]

No.427, p.403 Ralph, dean of Lothian, and Robert de Methven (acting for Alexander de St Martin): letter announcing completion of assessment (no.426): 1235 x 1238 [Date: Watt, Fasti, 319]

No.428, p.403 Fraser, William, bp of St Andrews: mandate to dean of Linlithgow to admit Robert de Haddington to vicarage of Linlithgow: 6.4.1286 [At Inchmurdo. sabb. prox. post fest. S Ambr. ep. (4 Apr.)]

No.429, p.404 William, pr. of St Andrews: grant to Alexander Gray of half davoch in Conveth: 4.3.1348 [At St Andrews. Corr. to n.s.]

No.430, pp.404-5 John, pr. of St Andrews: grant to John Monypenny of land at Pitmilly: c.1264 [Date: John de Haddington pr. 7.4.1264 - 3.7.1304; may be part of reorganisation of Monypenny's lands illustrated in Scottish Tradition, 32-5]

No.431, p.405 Pr. and conv. of St Andrews: obligation to Galfrid of Berwick, burgess of Roxburgh, for wine supplied: x 10.6.1291 [Date: x date of payment]

No.432, p.405 Note of teinds of archd. of St Andrews

No.433, p.406 Fragment of document anent May

No.434, pp.406-7 Douglas, Archibald, 2nd duke of Touraine: 2 merks from cain of Collessie: 17.8.1424 x 25.8.1430 [Date: succ. grantor x d. Edward Lauder archd. of Lothian]

No.435, pp.407-9 Wardlaw, Henry, bp of St Andrews: prebend in ch. of Fetteresso: 5.4.1425 [At St Andrews. a. cons. 22]

No.436, pp.409-10 Trail, Walter, bp of St Andrews: excambion with ch. of Edvy and its rector: 14.7.1388 [At Arbroath]

No.437, pp.410-12 Arthur, Thomas, provost of St Andrews: instr. anent priory’s lands: 10.9.1434 [At St Andrews. a.p. Eugen. IV 4. Ind. 12. William de Boyce and Robert Short, n.p.]

No.438, pp.412-13 Martin V, pope: pr. to have mitre, etc.: 27.4.1418 [At Constance. 5 Kal. Mai. a.p. 1]

No.439, pp.413-14 Martin V, pope: conf. of ch.s etc.: 18.3.1421 [At Rome. 15 Kal. Apr. a.p. 4]

No.440, pp.414-16 Robert III, king: general conf.: 28.5.1405 [At Linlithgow. a.r. 16] No.441, pp.416-17 Robert III, king: grant of custom to bp: 4.6.1405 [At Linlithgow. a.r. 16]

No.442, pp.417-20 Kynninmond, James: instr. of homage to James Haddenston pr. of St Andrews: 19.1.1435 [At St Andrews. a.p. Eugen. IV 4. Ind. 15 (should be 13). Corr. to n.s. Robert Short, n.p.]

No.443, pp.420-1 Valognes, William de: land in Markinch: 30.11.1284 [At St Andrews. in fest. S Andr.]

No.444, pp.421-2 Bisset, James, pr. of St Andrews: obligation to Thomas pr. of Whithorn for £20: 26.1.1416 [At St Andrews. Corr. to n.s.]

No.445, pp.422-3 Bisset, James, pr. of St Andrews: lease to Thomas Stewart archd. of St Andrews of lands of Balgore and Saltcot: 5.6.1405 [At St Andrews]

No.446, pp.423-4 Haddenston, James, pr. of St Andrews, and Walter Monypenny of Kinkell: indenture of lease of East Balrymonth: 4.2.1435 [At St Andrews. Corr. to n.s. Vernacular]

No.447, pp.424-6 Kennedy, James, bp of St Andrews: agreement with chapter over oaths etc. by archd. and newly created chanc.: 1.9 , 1447 x 1449 [Date: year defaced; by erection of chanc. (Watt, Fasti, 303)]

No.448, pp.426-7 Bisset, James, pr. of St Andrews: grant to Thomas Wardlaw of tenement in St Andrews: 24.9.1410 [At St Andrews]

No.449, pp.428-9 Haddenston, James, pr. of St Andrews, conv., John Carmichael const. and prov. of St Andrews, and citizens: indenture on lease of land in St Andrews: 6.10.1434 [At St Andrews]

No.450, pp.429-32 Kynninmond, Sir James: instr. of judgement with canons: 8.5.1438 [At St Andrews. a.p. Eugen. IV 8. Ind. 1. William de Boyce, n.p.]