ED 283 307 it 192 419 AUTHOR Brandenburg, Sara A., Ed.; Vanderheiden, Gregg ., Ed. Communication, Control, and Computer Access for Disabled and Elderly Individuals. ResourceBook 3: Software and Hardware. Rehab/Education Technology ResourceBook Series-. INSTITUTION Wisconsin Univ., Madison. Trace Ceater. SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, DC. REPORT NO ISBN-0-316-896144 PUB_DATE 87 GRANT G008300045 NOTE 502p.; A product of the kesea= and Development Center on Communication, Control, and ComputerAccess for Handicapped Individuals, For ResourceBnoks1 and 2,_see BC 192 417-418. AVAILABLE FROMTrace Research and De-..elopment Center 5-151 Weisman Center, 1500 Highland Ave., Hadison, WI 53705-2280. PUB TYPE Reference MaterialS = Dire toties/Catalogs (132) =RS PRICE MF02/PC21 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Accessibility (for DisableOr ; *Comptvers; *computer Software; *Disabilities; *Electronic Equipment; Input Output Devices; Older Adults; Tactile Adaptation ABSTRACT One of a series of three resource guides concerned with communication, control, andcomputer access for the disabled or the elderly, the book foccseson hardware and software. The gnide' 13 chapters_each cover products with thesame primary function. Cross reference_indexes allow access to listings of productsby function, input/output feature,and computer model. Switchesare listed_ separately by input/output features. Typically providedfor each product are usually an illustration, the productname, vendor, size, weight, power source, connector_type,cost, and a description. Part I, "Computer Adaptations," presents_the followingtypes of items: modifications for standard keyboards; alternate inputsusable with all softWare; input devices usable with onlysome software; input adapters for computers; alternate displaysystems usable with all software; Braille printers and tactile displaycomponents; speech synthesizers; and other software and hardWare adaptations.Part II, " for Special Ed and Rehab,"includes software for administration and management; assessment;education, training, and therapy; recreation; and petsonal toolsor aids. Appendixes include a list Of additional sources of information,a glossary, addresses of manufacturers listed with their products,and an alphabetical listing of all products in the 3-bookseries. (DB)

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"I- This is Resource Book® 3 of a three-book set inaugurating the Rehab/Education Technology Resource Book® Series. Although most readers will probably use the full series, each book is writtenso that it can:be:used independently. All the cross-reference indexes include all of the products from all of the bookS.

Other books in the set are: Resource Book® 1: Communication Aids Resource Book® 2: Switches and Environmental Controls Rehab/Education lechnology Resource BookSeries: Communication, Control, andComputer Access for Disabled and ElderlyIndividuals

ResoureeBook 3: Software andHardware

Sara A. Brandenburg,,.A.,C.C.0 Gregg C. Vanderheiden, Ph..

Writers Dale Bengston Petir Borden Sara Brandenburg Cynthia Cress

els COLLEGE-HILL PRESS A College-Hill Publication Ldtte, Brown, and Company Botontlbronto/San Diego College-Hill Tress A Division of Little, Brown and Company (inc.) 34 Beacon Street Boston, Massachusetts 02108

©1987 by Itace Research and Development Center, Waisman Center on Mental Retardation and Human Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

All rights, including that of translation, reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced; storied in _a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, tnechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher and the copyright holder.

Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data

Communic_Ition,-control, and computer access for disabled and elderly IndMduals.

(Rehab/education technology resourcebook series) Bibliography. Includes index. Content: 1. Communication aids2. Switches and environmental controls -7 3, SoftWare and hardware. 1.Self-help devices for the disabledCatalogs. 2.Communicationdevices for the disabled -= Catalogs. 3.Computerized self-help devices fo' the handicapped Catalogs. I. Brandenburg; Sara A:, 1950- II. Vanderheiden; Gregg C., 1949- Ill: Berrston, Dale IV. riéS. HV1569.5.C67 1987 621.38 86-28320

ISBN 0-316-896144 Acknowledgements

Many thanks to the team that has workedso hard to make this information as accurate as possibleMary Ann Kreider, Sandy Stern, Janet Gortney, and Katherine 'Keefe. To Candace Eill-Veg,, on whose original work the Trace Center Resoureebook Series has been based. To the Trace Center staff who provide on-goingsupport Sharon Esser, Cynthia Farrell, and Connie Brunkér. To Roger cy Smith; fcr administrative diplomacy and iconic creativity. To Barry Rodgers, for his advice and assistance in the final stages of the project To ChriStine ThOmpson, for her word processing mag:c. Special thankg to Peter Borden, Cynthia Cress and Dale Bengston for becoming so involved and knowledgeable.

And to David Kelso for computer wizarilry. Sara Brandenburg Gregg Vanderheiden

Produced at the_Trace R&D Center WaiSman CenterUniversity of Wisconsin in cooperation with RESNA-Association for Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology Work leading to these books was funded in part by the _ National Institute of HandLapped Research, U.S. Department of Education, Grant Number 0008300045. Preface: How to Use the Books

Overview With the rapid growth of technology applied_to theareas of augmentative communication, special education, and rehabilitation, the taskof identifying the appropriate technological_ tools (aids)can be overwhelming. We wrote the Rehab/Education Technology Resourcebook Seriesto allow you to quickly identify promiting tools so you can focus moreenergy on applying them successfully. In addition, we believe that looking through these bookscan help you to understand the huge 1varicty of currently available_ tools, the kinds ofnee& they attempt to address, and the capabilities of the people whocan make use of them.

The Books Include Special Devices and Software The Rehab/Education Technology Resourcebooks includeproducts designed specifically for elderly people and people with disabilities._Book 1 covers communicatiOn aids, Book 2 covers switches and environmentalcontrols, and Book 3 covert computer software and hardware. The books also includeproducts that Were originally designed for use by ordinary people butare marketed specially for elderly or disabled people. Productt marketed for the general public which couldbe useful to people with ditabilities or elderly people could not be included in theResourcebookt due to the volume of material. For example; general educational softwareand ttandard word processing programs can be useful to people with disabilitiet butthere are too many to include.AppcndiA A, Additional Resources, can guideyou to sources of further information on these types of products.

Each Chapter Covers Products With the Same PrimaryFunctiOn Each chapter contains all the products with thesame primary function arranged alphabetically. The chapter title identifies the primary functionof the products that appear in it and the first page of each chapter has a brief explanation of the meaning of the title and the scope of the chapter.

Special Indexes Help You Find Products That meetspotigt Nee& We have included special Cross Reference Indexesto help youSearch for available products to meet specific needs. The Cross-Reference Indekeslocated near the back of the books allow you to find products by function,by input feature; by output feature, and by computer. A separate Cross Reference Indexfor switches allows you to search for twitches by input/output feature. ALL the Cross Reference Indexes include ALL the products from ALL three books. The codes used in each index, and their meaning,are listedon each index title page. Cross reference codes, italicized_and enclosed in parentheses;follow each entry. The book=page numbers_for the product descriptioncome after the cross reference codes. For example, a product that is on page 125 of book 3 will have thenolation 3=125.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware vii 7 Preface; How to Use the Books

How to Find All the Products That HaVe 6 Certain Function Most products have more than one functiOn,sO you can' find all the products fora particular function by looking in the chapteron that function; To find all the produns that can provide a certain function lookin Cross Reference Index 1, Products Listed by Function. The additionalfuncticn codes assigned toa product follow the product name. TheYare italicized and enclosed in parentheses. For Example: If you are looking fora COmmunieation aid that can also be usedas an alternate input to computers,firSt find the Code fistat the beginning of the Cross Reference Index 1, Products LiSted by Function;Note that "Electronic Communication and Writing Aid" is code EAand that "Alternate Input Adaptable for Use With All Software" is code TW:Now find the ElectrOnic_Communication and Writing Aid section by looking forthe title a1phabetically. Then going down the list of products under the EA title,note thoSe prodUctS that have the TW function code in the italicized list ofcodes next tO each product. The codesare contained in parentheses and_ look like(ODS,PW,TW,WP). Finally, use the book-page number (e:. 3-90) following the cOdeSto find the corresponding product description. FOr curricular skills the codes makea distinction betWeen Early Skills () thatare prereadingi Later Skills () that involvereading or later reasoning skills;_ Calculation skills (CN) for math, ActivitieSOf Daily LiVing (AM and Vocational skills (VO). Therapies have beendiStingdiShed in the cedes by the broadcategories Speech Therapy (ST), Language Therapy(LT), and_ Cognitive Rehabilitation (CR). If you're not sure_ of the specific categoryuse the general category "Educaticn, Training, and Therapy Software"(ET) to find all products in the (ES,LS,CN,AD,VO,ST,LT,CR) categories;

How to Find All the Products ThatHave a r)esired Input/Output Feature The easiest way to find all the produttS Witha giVen input or output feature is touse Cross Reference Index 2, Productt_LittedBy Input/Output Feature and Cross Reference Index 3, SwitcheS LiSted ByInput/Output Feature. Just lookup the feature, all the products inany of the three books with that feattae will be listed. For Example! If you are looking for voiceOtitput Software to teach keyboarding skills to a blind student, youare ldbking fOr the function "Keyboard Training" and the feature "Speech Output". FirSt4 goto the_code list at the beginning of Cross Reference Index 2,:Products Listed ByInput/Output Feature. Find the Function code for "Keyboard Training_Program" whichis KB. Then in the index lookup "OtitpUt/Display: Speech Output fODS}" alphabeticallyby title. Under the title in the list of all speech output products loOkfor thoSe With the (KB) function code indicating that they provide trainingin the ifse Of the keyboard. Theseare the products with both the function 'KeyboardTraining" and the feature "Speech Output". Noting the associated book-pagenumbers allows you to lookup the produtt descriptions formore information.

How to Find All the Products fora Given Computer All product descriptions include computermodel. If you want to use computer model as a primary search, hoWever,you can use Cross Reference Index 4, Products Listed by Computer. For Example: To locate all_the productSfor an IBM computer used for cognitive retraining, you go to Cross Reference Indek 4,Products Listed by Computer and look up IBM computer. Then in that listof products you note entries with the CR code. via lesource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Preface: How to Use the Books

"Compatibles" are not listed unlesS a product iS deSignedspecifically for that computer. In all cases, contact the manufacturer to determine whethera given product will work with a "compatible" computer.

How to Find a Manufacturer's Address The manufacturers with their addresses and phone numbersare listed in Appendix C, along with a list of their products thatare included in the three books. Since pioducts can be handled by several distributorswe have attempted to identify an original manufacturer whenever possible. Contact themanufacturer for the nearest dealer.

How to Look Up a Product by Nathe If you know the name of a product andWant to find out the page of its product description use Appendix D, Alphabetical Listing of AllProducts. It contains an alphabetical listing of all productS in all three books.

Products Are Not Indexed by Disability Products are not indexed by disability sincewe believe that this is not a useful approach. While some products are clearly for theviSually impaired, nonvocal, physically impaired, etc., many products could_be t.teclby people with any disability, just as standard software can be used by people with disabilitiesusing appropriate access tools. For these reaSonS we believe that emphasis shouldmove away from etiology label to a concentration on the functions thatare required, and the specific input and output featureS necessary to make that functionaccessible to the person.

A Caution: We Make No Endorsementg The_information contained in produ-ct en-tries iS Eicit dValuative;and_inclusion in these books does not imply recommendation drendorsement We have made every effort to -Ariake the entries conSiStent and informativebut because we are not able to use every product ourselves, the description includes only what theproduct is designed to do and not hoW effectively the productdoes it. The product descriptions have been Written based upon information provided bythe manufacturers. The entries, including prices, were confirmed with themand are accurate as of September 1986. The_books are intended as_ a starting point. Yournext step after finding a promising product description_will be to contact the manufacturerdirectly. Ask them for detailed information regarding system prices, compatibility,possible trial periods, training; support and repair packageS, etc.

These Books Can Help You Find the Tools. It IS Up ToYou To Make Them Useful. Since the Trace Center did itS first reSource list and guidesin 1979, the increase in both the number and the quality Of aids for people withdisabilities has keen incredible. The point Must be made; however, that while these aidscan open many doors, they are only toolsnot solutions. Now that thereare tools to work with, it is the knowledgeable; creative application of these tools and theongoing support for the people using them that will truly make the difference inimproving the lives of elderly people and people with disabilities.

Resource Rook 3: Compger Software and Hardware IX Update Form

A "fourth" Resourcebook will be published in Fall 1987, the UPDATEof all three books in the Resourcebook Series. This UPDATE will include new entries, informationon discontinued entries, and a complete, neWly updated set of cross-reference indexeswith book-page locations for all four books. Application Tips submitted by people withdisabilities, family members, and the professionals working with them will also be included.

If you have information on new products (software, hardWare,devices, non-electronic, etc.) or products we have missed, please let us knOW. COpy thi§liage andmail to: Trace R&D Center Information Project S-151 Waisman Center University of Wisconsin-Madison 1500 Highland Avenue Madison, WI 53705 Or give us a call at 608/263=5403. NAME OF PRODUCT: MANUFACTURER: COST: FUNCTION(S): ALL LEADS: INPUT TYPE: INPUT METHOD: INPUT DISPLAY SYSTEM: IF SWITCH, OR ALLOWS SWITCH INPUT, NUMBEROF SWITCHES: ANY INPUT ACCELERATION OR EXPANSION TECHNIQUE? YES NO IF SO, DESCRIBE: OUTPUTS: DESCRIPTION:



Re-sotiree Ito-ok 3: Computer Software and Hardware xi 1 0 Summary Table of Contents

Preface: How to Use the Books

Part I: Computer Adaptations

Chapter 1:Modifications for Standard Keyboards 1 Keyguarft keylatches, foot operated shift controls, and software adaptations for rearranging or modifying the operation of the standard computer keyboard

Chapter 2:Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software 21 Alternate input systems which- are only designed to work with all of the standard software which is written for the computer. This includa sysrems which work directly with all software, as wellas interfaces which require some adaptor in order to work with all software.Standard keyboard modifications arc in the previous chapter.

Chapter 3:Input Devices Usable with Only Some Software 59 Input devices for computers which only work with specific software programs, and cannot be used for complete access to the computer.

Chapter 4:Input Adapters for Computers 67 Special adapters that go between switches, controls, keyboards, etc, and the standard computer in order to allow them to work together.

Chapter 5:Alternate Display Systeitit USable with All Software 79 Large print, voice,' Braille, , or other output systems which are designed to be wed by individualt who cannotsee or use the standard computer display.Systems in this chapter are usable with all software written for the computer.

Chapter 6:Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components 103 Braille and other tactile devices which work with only specific software programs, and which do not allow full access to the computer.

Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers 113 Hardware and software based voice synthesizers that are designed to be used by other application progranm

Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware AdaptatiOns 127 Disk loaders, special desks, devices to slow down computers, screen print rcutines, software conversion programs; and other miscellaneous adaptztions for tomputers.

1 1

Resource &Olt 3: Computer Software and Hardware /tut Summary Table of Contents

Part II: Application Software for Special Edand Rehab

Chapter 9:Administration and manago* Software 145 Software application programs Oat _dealUith administrationOr managerial functions of the rehabilitatiOn Or Special education professions. Thit includet programs .fo:reporting, charting, tracking, organizing; job matching, etc..

Chapter lir:Assessment Software 169 Softwareapplicationsprograms whose primaryfunctionis evaluation. These programsgenerallyinclude some data collection, charting; or reporting functions

Chapter 11: Education; Training, and ThetapySoftivate 185 Applications software and software/hardware packages designed to educate, train, or facilitate therapy.

Chapter 12: Recreation Software 297 Software programswhoseprimaryfunctionistoprovide recreation.

Cha2ter 13:Personal Tool or Aid Softwate 305 Software programs designed to be used on a long-term basis by an:individual as a personal tool or prosthetic aid. Thit includei programs that facilitate an individual's ability to communicate, write, draw, control, move about, etc..

Part HI: Cross Reference Indexes

Index 1:Products Listed by Function -351

Index 2:Products Listed by Input/Output Feature 371

Index 3:Switches listed by Input/Output Feature 385

Index 4:Products Listed by Computer 391


Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information A-1

Appendix : Glossary B-1

Appendix 0 Manufacturers Listed with their Products C-1

Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of all Products D-1

1 2 xiv Reource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Detailed Table of Contents

Preface: HOW to USe the BOoks

Chapter 1:Modifications for Standard Keyboards 1

CTRL & Adaptive Program 3 Dvorak Keyboard Converter 3 Dvorak Keyboard Modification Pigrams 4 Filth 4 Handi-Keys- 5 Hope 5 FIX-20 Protective Cover 6 Key Latchec 6 Key Tronic Plug-Compatible Keyboards 7 Keyboard Covers 7 Keyer 8 Keyguard 8 Keyguard 9 Keyguard 9 Keyguards 10 Kcyguards 10 Keyguards 11 Keyguards 11 Keyguards 12 Keylocks 12 Key locks 13 Keyshieldc 13 MacroWorkg 14 Moistvm Guard 14 Moisture Guard 15 One Finger 15 PC Assisted Keyboard 16 PC=Pt dal 16 ProKey 17 Repeat Defeat 17 SafeSkin Keyboard Protector 18 Srnartkey 18 Stick-On Keylocks 19 SuperKey 19 XtraKey 20

Chapter 2:Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software 21 Access-Ability 23 ACS Medium Computer System 23 Adaptive Firmware Card 24 ALTKEY 24 Compudapter 25 Computer Entry Terminal 25 Coretechs VET3 26 DART-..i000 26 Eart 27 EDACTS KeybOard 27 Elementary MOD Keyboard System 28

Resource Ilook 3: Computer Software end Hardware xv 13 Detailed Table or Contents

Enable Writer 28 EXPAND 29 Ekpanded Computer Keyboards 29 Expanded Keybroardt 30 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Firm Ware Cards 50 Expanded Keyboards for the Talking Bliss Apple 31 Finger Tip Controller 11 Footmotrse 32 Game Paddle for Apple II Computers 32 Head Mister 33 Intro Voice I & II 33 Intro Voice III 14 Intro Vcice_V Keatylioard 35 Keyboard 35 Keyport 300 36 Keyport 60 16 KeyWorkt 37 King Keyboard 17 Kurzweil Voicesystem 38 Lite Touch 38 Mind Matter 39 Mini Keyboard 39 MOD Keyboard System 40 Mbrie:Code Based Keyboard Emulator 40 MOUth Op-erated Controller for Quack 41 PC AID 41 PC Reader 42 PC &rial AID 42 Pretture &ntitive Expanded Keyboard 43 Pronounce 43 Puffin Morse Code Entry System 44 quadLynx Trackball 44 OuickWord 45 Ready Reader 45 Remote Keyboard for the Apple 11+ and lie 46 SAR-10 Voice Plus 46 &reenkeys 47 Spetial Inputs Ditk 47 Speech Recognition Keyboard 48 SR-100 Voice Input Terminal 48 TI=Specch 49 Tongue Contrbller 49 Unicorn Expanded KeytiGard 50 VocaLink CSRB-LC VocaLink Series 4000 51 &A Link SYS3X1 VocaLink VRT300 52 Voice Card 52 Voice Command System 53 VOict Communications Option 53 Voice Communications System 54 Voice Driver 54 Voice Systems Package 55 VoiceSeribe=1000 55 Voieeseribe-20000 56 VTR 6050 Series II 56 Zygo TETRAscan II 57

Chapter 3:Input Devices Usable with Only Some Software 59

Commodore Light Pen 61 DP-200 Connected Sp-cc-eh Recognizer 61 xvi Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 4 Detailed Table of Contents

Gibson Light Pen System 62 KoalaPad 62 Muppet Learning Key% 63 Omnibo 63 PowerPad 64 Ten Key Board 64 Touch Window 65 VS1000 Voice Communications Device 65

Chapter 4:Input Adapters for Computers 67

Apple Adaptor 69 Apple Computer Input Adapter 69 Apple He Input Adapter 70 Apple Switch Interface 70 Interface ffox for Apple He 71 Keyboard Interface for Apple Ile 71 Keyboard Interfaces 72 Keysean 72 Multiple Switch Sox for the Adaptive Firmware Card 73 Paddle Adapple 73 Paddle Panel 74 PSS Joystick Adapter 74 R/S II &ries Wireless Link 75 Switch Adapter for Apple lie and II+ Computers 75 Switch Interface 76 TV Game-2 76 Wireless Data Transmission System 77

Chapter 5:Alternate Display Systems Usabk with All Software 79

Artic Vision 81 AudiBraille Computer 81 Basic Interpreter for the Blind 82 Ikamscope II 82 Brailink III 83 Braille Display Processor 83 BraT 84 Compu-Lenz 84 Enable Reader 85 Enhanced PC Talking Program 85 Expand-a-View 86 Freedom 1 86 inLARGE 87 Talker 87 Keynote 88 Large Print Display Processor 88 LimeLight 89 Lyon Large Print Program 89 Magic Keyboard 90 MagniLink Optacon 91 PC Lem 91 PC Speak 92 PC Vert 92 PC Voice 93 PC-Braille 93 Print-it 94 ProTERM 94 PROVCX 95 SCAT (Screen Articulator) 95 Screen-Talk Pro 96

Resource 11(rok 3: Compiter Software and Hardware xvii 15 Detailed Table of Contents

Soft Vert 96 Talking TermExec 97 Tall Talk Prints 97 Tall Talk Screens 98 Textalker.Blind and Other Echo Utilities 98 VP 99 Vantage 99 Vert Plus 100 Viewscan Text System 100 Vista 101 Words-to-Voice 101

Chapter 6:Braille Printers and Tactile DiSplay Components 103

BETA-X3 Thiel Braille Printer 105 Cranmer Modified 105 Electronic Typing Fingett 106 INDEX 106 MBOSS=1 107 Microbrailler 2400 107 MPRINT 108 Ohtsuki Printer 108 Perional Brailler 109 Romeo Brailler 109 TED-600 Text Embossing Devitt- 110 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser 110 VersaBraille 111 VersaPoint Braille EmlioaSer 111

Chapter 7: Speech Syhthesiteit 113 CallText 5000 115 CallText 5050 115 Cricket 116 DECtalk 116 Echo + 117 Echo GP 117 Echo PC2 118 Intex-Talker 118 Mockingboard 119 Person? Speech System 119 Slotbuster 120 SmoothTalker 12A Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) 121 Super Voice 121 Supertalker 122 SynPhonik 100 122 SynPhonix 200 123 Synphonix jr 123 Type-'-Talk 124 Ufonic Voice System 124 Voice Master 125 Votalker AP 125 Votalker C-64 126 Votalker IB 126

Chapter 8: Other Software and HardwareAdaptations 127

Apple DOS 33 Manual 129 CompuDesk HCP 129 Disk Guide 130 xviii Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware DetailCd Table of Contents

E- Port Plug__ 130 Easy-LOad-A-Diskate 131 Echo Enhancement Box 131 Echo/Cricket Training Disk 132 EZBAS 132 Finger Print 133 Firm Grip Joystick Holder 133 Fliptrack Learning Tape Tutorials 134 Florida Scanner 134 Governor 135 Handi-Routine 135 Kennedy Switch Key Software 136 Lenipen PC 136 LittleJack 137 Master Talker 13/ Modular Turntable Desk 138 Multi-Game Iloarrl 138 Multiporr 139 Prairie Power Portable IIc System 139 Response Optimizer 140 SAYIT-- 140 Scanning Conversion Program 141 Scootcr Zero Force Game Port 141 Tilt Table 142 Triple Dump 142 Western Center Echo + Synthesizer Package 143 Wheeled Floor Station 143

Chapter 9:Administration and Management Soft vare 145

Ability-Achievement Discrepancy 147 AIMstar 147 Articulation Error Analysis 148 Articulation Error Analysis (AEA) 148 Articulator Goals and Objectives for Speech 149 ASIEP Computer Scoring and Interpretation 149 Automated IEP SystemandProfessional Goal Banks 150 Automated IEP System and SCOR Goal Banks 150 Child Placement Report Writer 151 Clinical Data Manager 151 Compuscore: For the Scales of Independent Behavior 152 DPS:Decision Pathing System 152 DPSHELP 153 ESS Rehabware 153 Explorer 154 Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment 154 Hyper_nasality 155 IEP Manager, Revised 155 IEP Writer 156 Individual Performance Graph Pak 156 Individualized Planning System 157 -Wear Objective Mastery Report 157 Language Intervention Planner 158 Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis (PELSA) 158 PEPPER 159 PIAT Error Analysis Report 159 Picapad 160 Planning Individualized Speech & Language Intervention 160 PRE-MOD II 161 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) 161 Sound Search II 162 Stanford-Binet Computer Report(SB-CR) 162 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report 163

Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware xix JI 17 Detailed Table of Contents

VOC Matching and VOC Report 163 WAIS-Riter 'BASIC' 164 Wechlsler Adult Intelligence Scale:Revisal (WAIS-R) 164 WISC-R Compilation: What To Do NO4V._ 165 WISC:R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) 165 WISC-Ritet 'BASIC' 166 WISC-Riter Complete 166 Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error AnalysisReport 167 Word Class Inventory for School Age Children 157

Chapter 10:Aksessment Software 169 ACES 171 Assessr..r.nt of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech 171 Audible Career Explorer 172 Button Count Switch Assessment 172 CARA 173 Catch the Cow 173 Comprehensive I-honemic Inventoy .or Children, 2.0 174 Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis 174 Computer Managed Screening Test 175 DPS:BCP 175 Evaluaticro System 176 Functional Skills Screening Inventory 176 Game Power for Phonics, Mk 177 Job Search and Local Job Bank 177 JOBS System 178 MESA 178 Micro-LADS 179 Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Arcot (MECA) 179 Pitture Scanner - Software for Assessment 180 Process Analysis Vertion 2.0 180 SAGE System 181 Single Switch Assessment Program 181 Single-Input Assessment Software 182 Software Simulations of COmmunication Prosheses 182 Touch Corn 183 Visagraph Eye-Movement Recording System 183 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & TrainingProgs. 184

Chapter 11:Education, Training, and Therapy SoftWare 185

Amdemics with Scanning: Language Arts 188 Academics with Scanning: Math 188 with Tom and Andy 189 Anatomy_and Physiology of the Speech and HearingMech 189 Aphasia Series: I through VIII 190 Apple Demo Ditk 190 Arithmetic 12, and 3 with Speech -191 Audio Braille Game Tutorial 191 Batic Language Series-Spatial Concepts 192 Basic Vocabulary Builder on Computer 192 Bear Jam 193 Blisspen 193 Blittymbolics: Bliss Drills 194 BlissyMbol Concepts 194 Bobcat 195 Braille Trainer 195 Brains 196 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series 196 CASPT 197 Catagorical Reasoning I and II 197

Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Detailed Table of Contents

Chatterbox Dictionary 198 Choice Maker I 198 Cloze-Plus Program 199 Cognitive Rchabilitation Series 199 Cogrehab Vol 1 200 Cogrehab Vol. 2 200 Cogrehab Vol 3 201 Cogrehab VoL 4 701 Coinsnkeys 202 Color Thu 202 Complete Spelling Program 203 Comprehension Power Program_ 203 Omputer Anisted Instruction in Phonological Process 204 Computer Courseware for the Exceptional Student- 204 Computer CUP 205 Computer Managed Articulation Treatment 205 Computer Managed Language Treatment 206 Computer Progs. for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab 206 Computerized Reading for Aphasirc 207 Computerized Training Systems (CTS): Nuts & Bolts 207 Concept Formation: Shape Matching 208 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development 208 Counting Critters 209 CREATE 209 CTS: Electronic Assembly & Soldering 210 Deafsign 210 Drills in Language Concepts 211 Early Learning I 211 Early Learning II 212 Edmark Reading Program, Level 1 212 Edufun 213 Elephant Ears 213 Ezploratory Play 214 EZ Pilot for Power Pad 214 Fact Muter 215 Fay's Word Rally 215 Far That Math Woman 216 Far The Word Hunter 216 Finger Speller 217 Fingerspeller 217 First Categories 218 First Shapes 218 First VerbK- 219 First Words 219 First Words II 220 Floppy rciches-Series 220 Following Directions 221 Foundations I 221 Foundations II 222 Fun With Math 222 Function Recognition 223 Getting Started in Arithmetic Series (and Sam's Store ) 223 Guessing and Thinking- 224 :2 Handicapped Arithmetic Flash Cards 224 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs 225 HELP Lingu id isks 225 Holidays 226 I Can Talk 226 IDEA_ Cat 227 Idioms in America 227 Job Readiness Series 228 Job Survival Seriec 228 K..S - Cognitive Educational System 229 Kennedy Handi-Math Program 229

Resource Book 3: Comprj Software and Hardware xxi Detailed Table 9f Contents

K,,,hoarder 230 Keytkgirding For The Dyslexic 230 Keyboarding fcir the Physically Handicapped 231 Keyboarding for the \ritually Limited 231 Keyboarding with One Hand Keys to Succesc Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children 232 Keytalk 731 Kiadermath 'I 233 Language LAB 234 Language_Stimulation Series 234 Learning Left and Right 735 Learning Workthop 735 Lenical 236 Letter Find 236 Lightpen Programi for Special Education I & II 237 Lip-Reader Trainer 237 Listen to Learn 238 Logic Matter 238 Logo Touch-I-colt for the Power Pad 239 Magic Slate 239 Math Disk 240 Math Power Peogrim 240 Math Scan 241 Math Scratchpad I 241 Math Scratchpad II 242 Mathtalk 242 Maze 243 Memory I 243 Memory II 244 Memory Patternt 244 Micro Speech Lab 245 Micro-Interpreter I (Fingerspeller) 245 Micro-Interpreter II (CAV-ASL) 246 Minimal Contra& Therapy 246 Mix 'N Match 247 Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs 247 Morse C6de 248 Mouse Math 248 Natural Language Processing Program 249 011ie Series 249 One Handed Typing 250 Paint With Wordt 250 PAVE Perceptual Accuracy/Visual EfficiencyTraining 251 PC MOrte Code 251 PC-Fingert 252 Phonics; Text; and Oraphict 252 Phonological Process Tutor 253 Pictures Programs: I, II and III 253 Pll - Persona hied Information for Independence 254 Point and Read 254 Point to Pictures Development Kit 255 Point to Pictures 1. tion Kit-- 255 Point to Pietures Le n Masterc 256 Power Pad Programm 256 Preposition Recogniti 257 Primer 83 257 Problem &Airing 258 Processing Fower Pr Ogrim 258 Purposeful Patterns, Purpoeful Symliols, What Belongs? -259 Quiet Duck Learning Seriec 259 Rabbit Scanner 260 Race the Clock 260 Rate Drill in Articelation, Language and Fluency 261 Reading Around Words Program 261 xxii Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Detailed Table of Contents

Reading Recognition 262 Remedial Secondary or Adult Education Programs 262 Representational Play 263 sAID: Say as I Do 263 Sarah arid Her Friendc 264 Scan & Speak 264 Sight Word Spellinw- 265 SimpleCom I: Yes/No Communication 265 SimpleCom II: Needs/Wants Communication 266 Smart Shaper 266 Soft Tools '83; '84, '85 267 Software for Visually Impaired Children 267 Sound Ideas 268 Sound Matth 268 Special Education (Elementary): Paks for Special Needs 269 Special Needs Volume 1 - Spelling 269 Special Needs Volume 2 - Simulations & Drills 270 Special Skill Builders I & 11 270 SpeechMaster 271 Spell-A-Vision 271 Speller Utee 272 Spelling Tutor 272 Spellist 273 Study Buddy 273 Sunny Days 74 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) 274 Survival Words 275 Switchmaster 275 Symbol Writer 276 TAG: Talking Animated Graphirs 276 Talk About A Walk 277 Talking Apple Literacy Kit 277 Talking Han& 278 Talking Riddles 278 Talking Scanner 279 Talking Text Writer 279 Talking Unicorn. 280 Target 280 Task Master 281 Teaching Vocabulary LinguiDisks-- 281 The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper - Prepositions 282 The Lost R - Reasoning 282 Touch and Match 283 Touch and See 283 Toy Aasessor 284 Toy Scanner 284 Trace Math Aid 285 Twenty Categor;es 285 Typt N' Parrot 286 Type-Talk 286 Understanding Questions, Sentences I & 11, Stories 287 VARP: Vocal Abuse Reduction Program 287 Video Voice 288 Visi-Pitch Model 6095 288 Aid 289 Visual Recognition 289 Visual/Reading Drilla Visuospatial Skills 290 Voice English Language Development 291 Voice Math 291 Voice Reading Ability Drill 292 WALC LinguiDisks 292 Ways to Play 293 Ward Memory Programs 203

Reource 'look 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware xxiii 71 Detailed Table of Contents

Word Recognition 294 WorldofCounting 294 Write 295 Writingto Read 295

Chapter 12:Retreation Software _297 Blazizg Paddles 799 CreativityTool Box 799 Dot & Draw 300 H:1 Handicapred Word Games 100 Magic Music Teacher 301 Motor_ Training Games 301 PIC Man 302 Picture Perfect 302 Single Sw tch Game Library_ ._303

Chapter 13: Pergo-nal Tool or Aid Software 305 AARON -307 Appliance Genie 307 Audin Scan 308 Automatic Form Writer 308 109 Blittymbolics: iMiss Library 309 Blinymb-olicc Blitiboard 310 Braille Translation SoftWire 310 Braille7Talk 311 Cacti Word Processor 311 Calc-Talk 312 CHPI Apple Tool Kit- 312 Classy Letterheads - Speaki 313 Comm-Prog 313 COMMUllicator 314 Communitree - First and Second Editions 314 Computerized Enabling System 315 Control Without Keyboards 315 Dusbury 316 E-ZPilot II Authoring SystemandTraining Package 316 Eitsy Programmer 317 Elettronic 31 Day Calendar 517 FastAccess San Talker 318 File-Talk 318 Graphics Magician Jr. 319 Graphics Magician Painter 319 Handi-Writer Version 351 320 Hot Dors 320 illustrations 321 Illustrationt 321 Joywriter 322 Kid Talk 322 Large Print Word Processor 323 Large Type 323 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbruati_ 324 Lister Talker 324 LOVE 325 Mat-Apple Communication Aid 325 Magic Cymbals 326 Magnicomp 326 Maur Maker 327 Micro Braille Micro Illustrate'. 328 xxiv Resoutee Book 3 Computer Softwareand Hardware DetailedTable of Contents

Morser 328 Multi-Sean _329 MultiScribe 329 Peachy Writer Bold 330 Personal Money Management 330 Picture Communication 331 Prompt-Writer 331 ProWORDS 132 Quick Talk 332 Rapsheet 333 RIC Easy Talker 333 Say D 134 Sentence-Scan 334 Speak Up 335 Speak-A-Label 335 Speech Writer 136 Super Cranmer Graphics Package 136 Super Shape Draw & Animate 137 Talk II 137 Talker 338 Talking Aid 338 Talking BlissApple 339 Talking Sensible Speller 339 TalkingTranscend Talking Wheelchair Talking Word Board 341 Talking Writcr 341 Tally-Talk 342 342 Textalk 343 Textwriter 2.0 343 Touch_& Speak 144 TRAX PAX Talking Checkbook 144 TRAX PAX Talking File Box 345 Type& Speak. 345 Ultimate Banker 346 Ultimate File Cabinet 146 VERBal STAR 347 VIC-20 Scanner 347 Word Communication 148 Word-Talk _348 -10 Powerhouse Computer Interface 349

Index 1:Products Listed by Function 351

Index 2:Products Listed by Input/Output Feature 371

Index 3:Switches Listed by Input/Output Feature 385

Index 4:Products Listed by Computer 391

Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information A-1

Appendix B: Glossary B-1

Appendix C: Manufacturers Listed with their Products C-1

Appendix D. Alphabetical Listing of all Products D-1

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware xxv PR Chapter 1

Modifications for Standard Keyboards

This chapter contains modifications to _the computer's standard keyboard. This includes both_ hardware (keyguards, key latches, foot operated shift keys, etc.) and software adaptations ('sticky key", keyboard repeat rate, keyboard rearranging, and similar software modifications to the keyboard routines of the computer). Related functions found in the cross_reference indexes are Keyguard (KG) and Other Adaptation_ (OA).A related input featureis Abbreviation Expansion (lEA); which includes products which use macros. Appendix A includes many information summaries of interest to disabled con iput er users.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 1: Modifications for StandardKeyboards

The following prOdOct tritrien appear in this chapter:

CTRL & ALT Key Adaptive Program 3-3 Dvorak Keyboard Convener Dvorak Keyboard Modification Programs 3-4 Filar 34 Handi-Keyi 3-5 :tope3-5 _ HX-20 Protective Cover3-6 Key Latches3-6 Key Tronic Plug-CoMpatible Keyboards 3-7 Keyboard Covers3-7 Keyer3-8 Keyguard 3-8 Keyguard3-9 Keyguard3-9 Keyguards 3-10 Keyguards3-10 Keyguards3-11 Keyguards3-11 Keyguards3-12 Keylocks3-12 Kcylocks3-13 Keyshields3-13 MacroWorks3-14 Moisture Guard3-14 Moisture Guard3-15 One Finger3-15 PC Assisted Keyboard3-16 PC-Pedal3-16 ProKey3-17 Repeat Defeat3-17 Ufakin Keyboard Protector3-18 Smartkey-3-18 Stick-On Keylocks3.19 SOperKey3-19 XtraKey 3-20

The following products from other chapters can also be us-ed as Mcidifications for Standard Keyboard=

Adaptive Firmware Cirri 3-24 Cacti Word Processor3-311 CHPI Apple ToolKit 3-312 Keyworks3-37 Prompt-Writer3-331 Quad-Independence Typewriter-Printer System1-73 OuickWord3-45 Special Inputs Disk 3-47

2 Resource Book 1 ComputerSoftware and Hardware Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: CTRL & ALT Key Adaptive Program Vend Or Murray, Fr. Bradley (for information) Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $10.00

CTRL and ALT Key Adaptive Program- is a program that allows one-finger operation cif keys which normally have to be pressed at the same timeas another key. The program isclesigned to reside in Merriory and be in effect while_the user is running standard isoftware applications programs. Typing CONTROL, SHIFT, or ALT will automatically affect the next keystroke striking CONTROL and then "a" triggers CONTROL=A). Successive keystrokesare not affected. CONTROL-ALT-DELETE combination (system re-boot) can also be executed sequentially. Certain prbgraMS have been tested and found compatible with thisprogram, while others have been found intompatible.Contact the manufacturer for details.The program is not copy- protected, and the cost covers updates.

Product Name: Dvorak Keyboard Converter Vendor Typewriting Institute for the Handicapped Computer: Apple Ile, IBM PC family Cost: $650.00

No Photograph Available

DVotak Keybdard Coverters _are alternate computer keyboards_ithat function exactly like the standard keyboard but have the keys laid out in the Dvorak configuration,a system that reduces strain and increases efficiency for a person typing with onlyone hand.The DVorak laybut distributes the typing_load more evenly foreach finger on the one-hand typist's hand than does the standard layout. Right handed and left handed models are available.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 26 Chapter 1: Modifications for StandardKeyboards

Product Name: Dvorak KeyboardModification Programs Vendor: Dvorak International Computer: Apple II family, Apple , Commodore 64, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact manufacturer

Dvorak International carriesmany programS which allow _the user_to keyboard to the Dvorak configuration. remap the computer Pr_ogramS for the IBM-PC family ofcomputers include PC/Dvorak ($25.00).Prograins for the- Apple II family of for the Apple He ($25.00) and Magic computers include_Switch to Dvorak Keyboard, firmware for the Apple II+ ($49.95).A Program called Macqwerty reconfigures theMacintoSh keyboard to the Dvorakcustom layout Available for the Commodore 64 is DV Typer_($34.95).A SciftWare typing tutorial (DvorakQED Typing. Made Easy) iS available for the IBM($59.95),Keyboard oVerlays are availableas well ($26.95). One-handed Dvorak layoutsare also available; contact Dvorak International. Dvorak International also_provides listingSof other programs sold directly by thevendors that will change the .They will Algo provide informationon software typing trainingfor Dvorak typewriters; keyboardoverlays, and custom keyboards. International for r.,iore information. Contact Dvorak

Product Name: Filch Vendor Kinetic Designs, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Electronic Cost: $50.00

Filch is a program that alters some of the ways that keys function on an IBM-PC First,Filch overrides the auto=repeat function ofall keys on the keyboard.This override function automatically ceases whena key_ iSpresSed more than twice in succession,in order to accommOdate circumstances in -which theuser desireS the auto-repeat to_operate (suchas movement). _Second, Filch makes_/he CONTROL, ALT, and rightSHIFT keys into toggles, permitting one-finger operation.Filch also assigns audio feedback of these three keys. differing tones to each of Filch Will operate with any program that does not also tamper with the BIOS(keyboard interpretation program) of the PCas long as the keyboard interrupts are shared.

4 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 27 Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Handi-Keys Vendor: McCuiston, Ronald S. Computer: TRS-80 Model II Manual Form: Printed Cost $40.00

Handi,Keys allows the user to redefine the standard QWERTY computer keyboardto suit individual need& Handi,Keys consists of two BASIC program& One of the programs redefines ihe keyboard to the user's specification& The other program available accepts any textas input and gives statistical analysis as output.

Product Name: Hope Vendor: Micro Connection, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost $59.95

Hope is a keyboard modification _program for the 1BM-PC and compatibles that affects the CONTROL, ALTERNATE, and SHIFT keys. An additional version is available for the Apple which changes the function of the ESCAPE and CONTROL keys for one finger operation. Hope sets these keys so that they only _need to be pressed once before another key is pressed rather than held down while another key is pressed.Hope is designed for single-finger or ieadstick typists. Hope is transparent to most commercially available software. Dne disk drive or a hard disk is required to run Hope.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 5 28 Chapter L Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: HX-20 Protective Cover p II- - , Vendor: Adaptive Communication Systems,Inc. Computer: Ep3on HX20 Cost: $24.95

The HX-20 Protective Cover isa clear plastic keyboard cover. The Protective Coverprevents moisture from entering the computer throughthe keyboard, and does not interfere with normal operation of the keyboard. the

Product Name: Key Latchcs Vendor: Words+, Inc. Computer: Epson HX20 Cost $35.00

TheSe key latches are designed to allow latchingon/off operation of keys which_o_therwiseJhave to be held down while another key is_ pressed.They are available for the SHIFT, CONTROL, and GRAPHICS keys on the Epson HX-20portable computer, as well as communicationaids based on that computer (see PortableVoice, Words+). available. A power switch extensionis also

6 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware

, 29 Chapter 1: Modifications ror Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Key Tronic Plug-Compatible Keyboards Vendor: Key Tronic Computer: IBM PC family, IBM PC jr Cost: $159.004255.00

No Plied Ograpb Available

Key Tronic Plug=Compatible Keyboardsare keyboards which function like their standard counterparts; but offer different laymits. Am Ong_ the layout features_ offeredare function keys along the top of the board (rather thanon the left as on a standard IBM-PC keyboard); separate cursor and numeric keypads, and different locations forsome of the non- keys. Price differs between madels of the keyboards. The KB 5150 ($159.00)has the same layout as a standard PC/XT, with different quality and features, includingPCir options for adaptations for ont=finger typing._ The KB 5151 ($25500) has the layout alterationsdescribed above, and can be changed to Dvorak :configuration witha conversion kit (extra). These keyboards are available for the 1BM-PC, XT, and PCir, andsome models have special handicapped versions available. Contact the manufacturer for details.

Product Name: Keyboard Covers Vendor Steven E. Kanor, Ph.D., Inc. Computer: Apple II family Cost: $35.00

Keyboard Covers are a set of hinged plaStie plates thatgo aver a standard keyboard.: They are designed for use with:computer programs which require Only_one or a few keys to be pressed. Spetial biiMpers are placed on_the bottom of eachcover over the desired keys. When the cal/dr is struck, the bumpetS strike the desired keys; Keyboard Coversare:attached to the keyboard with hook-and-loop material, and can be used in one,two, or four striking area configurations;

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware t; 3 0 Chapter 1: Modifications lor Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Keyer Vendor: Covington Group Computer: NEC, TRS-80 Model 100, TRS-80 Model 200 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $19.95

Keyer is a program that allows theuser to "move" the location of keys on the keyboard toany desired alternate location. Keyer may be Use&to re-define the keyboard in a Dvorak or one- hand layout. It is available on cassette for the Tandy 100,Tandy 200 and NEC 820IA computers. Keyer can be used with most a/1 standard software.

Product Name: Keyguard Vendor: Adaptive Communication Systems. Inc. Computer Epson HX20 mIl 410M - -13-11-0-11-0 Aggega Cost: $95.00 See Oa .I I I I I 1 1 I I 1

I I I I MI OM MI t* _

This Keyguard is designed for the keyboard of the EpsonHX,20. It is designed to prevent the single finger, mouthstick, or headstick typist from makingaccidental key presses. The keyboard configuration will work with Adaptive Communication Systems'various communication aids based on the Epson HX=20 as well.

Resource llook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 31 Chapter 1: Modifications for StandardKeyboards

Product Name: Keyguard Vendor ComputAbility Corporation Computer Apple IIc, Apple He

vo, Cost: $79.95


This Keyguard_ is_ deti ned forthe single finger, mouthstickor headstick typist, preventing unwanted key presses. Latchingmechanisms are provided for the SHIFT This keyguard is available for theApple IIe and IIc. and CONTROL keys. and may be removed atany time. It attaches to the keyboard withVelcro,

Product Name: Keyguard Vendor Zygc Industries, Inc. Computer Cost: $100.00

No Photopaph Mailable

This keyguard is made oftransparent plaStic. Square holesare located above eath key position. The keyguard proiridesa surface on which to rest the hands while inadvertent keystrokes. typing and preventS This keyguard is designed to fit the Sharp Memowriter. This han(:-heldportable writing aid is no longer made, but for those who have theMemowriter, this keyguard is still available.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 9 Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyi:voards

Product Name: Keyguards Vendor: COPH-2 Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile, TRS-80 Model I, TRS-80 Model III Cost: $30.00

No Photopaph Available

These stencil-like keyguards are made of brushed aluminum andare easily removable and replaceable on the keyboard. These keyguards are available through COPH-2 to its members. Options include wire forms that can be attached to hold down certain keysso that multiple key entries may be made.Contact COPH-2 for information on obtaining membership and keyguards.


Product Name: Keyguards Vendor: Developmental Equipment Computer Apple II family, Commodore 64, IBM PC jr, VIC 20 Cost: $8950

These Keyguards promote accuracy in keypressing by single finger, headstick,or mouthstick typists._ Latching mechanisms are provided to hold down the SHIFT and CONTROL keys. These Keyguards are available for the Apple II+,_ He; and IIc, Commodore 64 and VIC-20, and IBM-PCjr. Keyguards are easily removable from the keyboard.

10 Resource 'look 3: Computer goftware and Hardware 3 3 Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Keyguards Vendor: Prentke Romich Company CoMPUter: Apple II family; Apple Macintosh, Atari, Commodore 64, Franklin family, IBM PC family, TI 99/4A Cost: $85.00 - $100.00

These keyguards are made of dark brown plasticand have 0.6"-diameter holes for each key location. The keyguard prevents theuser from Inadvertently pressing more than one key ata time. These feature keylocks to hold down keys suchas SHIFT that must be depressed at the same time as other keys.The IBM PC model utilizes software to allow singlefinger input rather than keylocks. _Hook-and-loop type fastenersare provided for attaching and detatching from the keyboard.For custom keyguards for computer brandsnot listed, contact Prentke Romich.

Product Name: Keyguards Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Commodore 64, IBM PC family, VIC 20 Cost: $44.00 - $174.50

These keyguards are metal Shields with holesover the key positions which help prevent the unintentional activation Of more than One keyat a time; Keyguards_are available for the Commodore 64 and VIC720,the IBM-PC; and the Apple He, II+, and lIc.The Commodore and Apple He and II+ models havespaces for the installation of keylocks (extra; see entry for Keylocks: TASH, Inc.).Mount with velcro (provided).

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 11 :r 24 Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards INNIIMMICMINOM

Product Name: Keyguards Vendor: Words+, Inc. Computer Apple IIc, Apple He, Epson HX20, 4,000'0000000004#04P' . ... =0 Grid 0000 Cost: $50.00- $75.00

This keyguard iS niade cif ABS plasticand has hook-and-loop fasteners for attaching itto the keyboara. Round holes above each keyprovide a guide for the finger the inadvertent pressing of keys. or pointer and prevent

Product Name: Keylocks Vendor: Adaptive Technology, Inc._ Computer Apple II family, Apple Macintosh, IBM PC family, IBM PC jr Cost $10.00


These Keylocks are designed for holescorresponding to the CONTROL, SHIFT, or ESCAPE keys on a Keyshield (see entry,same _manufacturer).Keylocks can also be threaded intoany open hole_ on the keyshield to hold other keys. Keylocksallow the single finger, headstick,or mouthstick typist to toggle these keyson and off.

-1= 12 ReSbdree &kik 3: Computer Software andHardware_ Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Keylocks Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Commodore 64, VIC 20 Cost: $44.00

These keylocks fasten to the right side_ of the keyboardThey are engaged hy pushing on one side of the levers and released by pushingon the other side. The Apple He and II+ models control the SHIFT and CONTROL keys; the Commodore VIC-20and 64 models co:7trol the CONTROL and COMMODORE keys.

Product Name: Keyshields Vendor Adaptive Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family, Apple Macintosh, cAir*CZ04,', _ IBM PC family; IBM PC jr _2411111:!.7" nl 9' . Cost: $15.00$25.00 tot Eli .446641 J

Key ShieldS are plastic kemards designedto provide _a disabled computer user access to all keyboard keys while preventing accidental keypresses. Key Shields are also available in custom formats (only selected keys exposed), oras dust covers (no keys exposed). Keylocks, latching devices designed to hold down the SHIFT,CONTROL, ESC, or other keys, are also available. For details, see the separate entry in this book.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 13 Chapter 1: Mixlifications for StandardKeyboards

Product Name: MacroWoiks Vendor: Beagle Bros., Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95

Macro Works is designed to alloW one- keystroke commandswhen using Appleworks.Any series of keystrokes can be converted intda one keystroke Appleworks command (macro),and the program also contains_ 25 built-inmacros. The prOgram may be installedon your Appleworks disc, hard diSk, RAM diskor Unidisk 3.5. MacroWorks also contains three otherAppleWorks-related program& Multi-ColumnPrinter prints word processor files in side-by-sidecolumns for newspaper layout File Analyzerprints 5 sorted list of every word ina file, indicating number of occurencesper word and average word length. Catalog Alphabetizer izintsa sorted list of all the files on a disk.

Product Name: Moist,ire Guard Vendor: Developmental Equipment Computer: Apple H family 1 Cost: $24.95

Moisture Guards are flexible clear plastickeyboard covers that protect the keyboardfrom moisture without altering normalkeyboard use. II+, Ile, and He. Moisture Guards are available for the Apple

14 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 37 Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Moisture Guard Vendor: Words+, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Epson HX20, Grid, IBM PC family Cost $25.00

Moisture Guard is a clear plastic cover for the keys ofa computer or communication aid. The cover allows keys to be pressed, but prevents liquids, dust, and dirt from gettingon or between the keys.

Product Name: One Finger Vendor: Trace Center Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Electronic Cost $10.00

One _Finger _is designed to allow theone finger, headstick, or mouthstick computer user touse standard software for the IBM PC, PC/XT, PC_r and the IBM AT. The program remains resident in the computer once invokedAlthough each model handles the keyboarda bit differently, the program is able to determine which isbring tised.The program allows one. finger use of the Shift keys, and Alt key.Depressing and releasing one of these keyS once makes it active for thenext key-.Depressing it twice locks that key until itis unlocked by depreSting it again. One Finger also allows:manual turning on and off of the program; audible feedback on the states of the shift keys and when theprogram is manually turned on or off, user selectable delay timeon the automatic repeat of the keys from 0.5 to 60 seconds in 0.1 second intervals, and automatic turningoff of the progrAm if a shift plus another key are held down at the same time.

Resource Biiok 3: Computer Software and Hardware 15 3-8 Chapter L Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: PC Assisted Keyboard Vendor: Designing Aids for Disabled Adults Computer: IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

PC Assisted Keyboard is aprogram that allows keys on the keyboard to be redefined. Oncethe user has redefined a key, pressing that key will sendto _the computer the new character associated withit. The program redefines thekeyboard into aspecialone-fingered configuration; and allows SHIFT, CONTROL, andALT keys to toggle on and off. PC Assisted Keyboard is compatible withmost software.

,A41110111._ Product Name: PC-Pedal Vendor: Brown & Company, Inc. 1 Computer IBM PC family tr- Cost: $79.95

PC-Pedal is a single foot-pedal switch thatactS as any of several keys on 'the computer's keyboard, permittink one-handed computing.Two versions are_available: the Standard, which can control _the_SFHFT, ALTERNATE, or CONTROL keys, and_the Enhanced, Which can control any desired _key._ Either versiOnnigy also be used to teMporarily redefine thespace bar as a -, so that the user_ does not needto move from the home position to perform this function. To choose which key thepedal will emulate, the iiSer presses the pedal ano simultaneously preSSet the desired special key. When the_pedalis subsecluently pressed, it will act as the defined-key- until it is redefinedin the same manner. Any_single switchmay be substituted for the pedal; and itmay be mounted anywhere that the user may best operate it. All setup software iS included with PC-Pedal. PC-Pedal_plugs into the standard parallelport of the computer._ A _printer may be plugged into the back of the PC-Pedal plug, and thetWd *ill not interfere with each other.

16 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 1: Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: ProKey Vendor RoseSoft, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $129.95

Pro Key is a keyboard en'tancementprogram that allows the user to _type long character strings or _groups of commancE Cmacros') by entering two keystrokes.Nei Key allows the user to include fixed or variaEe-length pauses inmacros. Up to 300 macros may be defined, storing a total of 30,000 charaetcrs.Macros are called up by a multiple charactername, and may be created and edited while another program is running. Programincludes a one key feature for operation of shift and control keys. ProKey version 4.0 works with thenew IBM enhanced keyboards.Contact manufacturer for details.

Product Name: Repeat Defeat s. Vendor Life Science Associates Computer Apple He

yoursel!1.1f e Cost: $29.95 Cirr thc_ to -ip11M t: IS

t!,11. os,11- 111

Repeat Defeat is a integrated circuit socket that disables theauto-re eat function of an Apple He keyboard. Repeat Defeat plugs intoan existing chip's socket (834,the chip then plugs into Repeat Defeat. Repeat Defeatcan be installed by an average user instructions are included), and comes with an on/off switch thatcan be mounted outside the computer's housing, so that normal keyboard operation for typing is possible.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 17 40 Chapter 1: Modifications for StandardKeyboards

Product Name: SafeSkin Keyboard Protector Vendor: Merritt Computer Products, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $24.95429.95

No Ph OtOgripb Available

Safe Skin Keyboard Protectors prevent damage to the keyboard resulting from liquidspills, foreign_matter,and other hazards. Safe Skin isprecision molded to fit the exact keyboard and is virtually tranSparent, contours of the making keytops and any side markings clearlyvisible.It remains in place during Iceyboarduse. SafeSkin is curiently_available fora wide variety ofpersonal computers and workstations, including_ the Apple II Series of_computers, the Macintosh Commodore 64 and VIC 20;TRS-80 Model III, Epson HX=20, Radio Shack Model100, IBM PC,IBM XT, IBM AT, IBM 3270& 3180, IBM 3278 & 3101, the Hewlett Packardseries, and many others.Custom covers are available. Contact the Manufacturer fora full listing.

Product Name: Smartkey Vendor: Software Research Technologies Computer Any CP/M Computer, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95 - 59.95

SmartKey is a prOgrain that allows the_user to define macros:_strings of characters thatare triggered:by _typing a single character.Macros can be_used to reduce theamount of typing an individual has to do to createa text, enter commands, etc.Up to 60;000 characters can be generated with a Single key_stroke, andmultiple keystrokes can AM be Used instance, "SY" for "Sititetely Ybiirs"). as triggers (for SmartKey has various features, includingPCKey, a feature that allows theuser to change the layout of the keyboard (which keys correspondto which characters) and allows the SHIFT and CONTROL keys to toggleon and off.

18 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter :Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Product Name: Stick-On Key locks Vendor: Extensions for Independence . Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $14.95 - $24.95

Stick-On Key locks are levers that stick to the side of a computer keyboard andcan be uSed to lock_ down keys (Such as CONTROL) that frequently must be pressedat the same time as another key.The loCks tan be operated by a light touch with a pointing device suchas a mouthstick. Stick-On Keylocks are available in three models: Standard (fits most Apples, and ALT keyson IBMs), Special (suited to many other key configurations), and Custom (made to order).

Product Name: SuperKey Vendor: Borland International Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $69.95

SuperKey is a keyboard enhancement program for the IBM-PC. SuperKey allows theuser to store several frequently-used commands or long phrases and retrieve them with two keystrokes. SuperKey also allows the user to cut and paste text between applications programs, and create single-page help screens for each set of macros created. The user may include fixedor variable- length pauSes in macros. SuperKey will also turn off the screen if the keyboard is not touched for a user-specified time.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 19 42 Chapter L Modifications for Standard Keyboards

Pro& Ct Name: XtraKey Vendor: Xpert Software Computer Any CP/M Compuwr Manual FOrn: Printed Cost: $25.00 - $29.95

XtraKey it a program That allows "macros':to be_defined fOr keys on the computer keyboard.A macro is a String of characters whichcan be activated by typing One Character. Theuser can assign up to seven differentmacros to eaCh key, and by selectins the matrOSet and then depressing a key, the user selects that stringof characters for that key. The lengthof each character string is limited only by theamount of memory the USer wishes toconsume. Defined macros can alsb be set up so as to activate othermacros if desired. Though the regular retail price of XtraKeyis $29.95, a discount price of $20.00 is customers with disabilities. offered to

20 Resource Book 1 Computer Software and Hardware ? 43 Chapter 2

Alternate Itits Usable with All Software

This clwpter includes alternate input systems whichcan be used directly and are transparent, or in conjunction with some adapter (transparent access with adapter) to control any standard software written for the computer. Modifications to the standard computer keyboardare not included in this category, even _though they are alsotransparent.This chapter includes only alternate inputs. Transparent alternate inputsystems for the mouse and other standard inputs as well as alternativesto keyboard input are found here. Related inpialora put features found in thecross reference indexes include Speech Recognition (ITS), Switch Input (lTl), Pressure Sensitive (IT?) and L.ight Sensitive Zoptical (ITL), etc.Other related input features include Morse Code (IEM), Scanning (IMS) and Directed Scanning (IMX). Appendix A includesinformationbriefsincludingNewsletters and Publications of Interest to Disabled Computer Users, Associations and Selj Help Groups, Computer Assessment and Training Programs for the Disabled, etc.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 21 t 4 4 Chapter 1 Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

The following product entries Eyyper 1-66 EyeTypes Mcidel 200 1.66 appear in this chapter: Handy Terminal _1-67 HeadSwitch 2-18 Aais-Ability 3-23 'COMM 1-68 'S Malcom Computer System 3-23 Kennedy Switch_ Key Software 3-136 A.....aptote Firmware Card 3-24 Light_Talker 148 ALTKEY 3-24 Minspeak 1 1-70 Compudapter 3-23 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC 1-71 Computer Entry Terminal 3-25 ScanPAC/Epson 1-74 Coretecht VET3 3-26 Small Ta'k 1-75 DART-5000 3-26 SpeechAid 1-76 Eats 3-27 SpeechPAC/Epson 1-76 EDACTS Keyboard 3-22 Touch Talker 1-80 Elementary MOD Keyboard System 3-28 Trine System (ACS) 1-80 Enable Writer 3-28 Trine System (Words+) 1-81 r.XPAND 3-29 Zygo Model 100 1-85 Expanded Computer Keyboards 3-29 Zygo scanWRITER 1-86 Expanded Keyboards 3-30 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Firmware Cards 3-30 Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple 3-31 FingerTip Controller 3-31 Footmouse 3-32 Game Paddle for Apple II Computers 3-32 HeadMaster 3-33 IntroVoice I It. II 3-33 IntroVoice III 3-34 IntroVoice V 3-34 Keasyboird 3-35 Keylioixd Emulator 3-35 Keyport 300 3-36 Keyport 60 3-36 Keyworki 3-37 King KeyWard -3-37 Kurzweil Voicesystem 341 Lite Touch 3-38-_ Mind iitcster 3-39 Mini Keyboard 3-39 MOD Keyboard Systert 3-40 Morse-Code Based Keyboard Emulator 3-40 Moutk Operated Controller for Quads 3-41 PC AID 3-41 PC Reader 3-42 PC Serial AID 3-42 _ Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard 3-43 Pronounce 3-43 Puffin Morse Code Entry System 3-44 quadLynx Trackball 3-44 QuickWotd 3-45 Ready Reader 3-45 Remote Keyboard for the Apple II+ and Ile 3-46 SAR-10 Voice Plus 3-46 reenleys 3-47 Special Inputs Disk 3-47 Speech Recognition Keyboard 3-48 SR-100 Voice Input Terminal 3-48 li.Sper.1 3-49 Tongue COntroller 3-49 Unicorn EXpandtdReytioird 3-50 VocaLink CSRB-LC 3-30 VocaLink Series- 4000 3-51 VocaLink SYS300 3-31_ VocaLink VRT300 3-52 Voice Card 3-52 Voice Command System 3-53 Voice Communications Option 3-53 Voice Communications System 3-54 Voice Driver 3-54 Voice Systems Package 3-55 Voicescribe-1000 3-55 Voicescribe-20000 3-56 VTR 6050 Series II 3-56 Zygo TETRAscan II 3-57

The following products from other chapters can altO be used as Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software (Transpareat Input

BraMak III 3.83 Butler-in-a-Box 2-46 Canon Communicator 1411-63 Equalizer 1-64 Express 3 1-65

22 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 45 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

dionwtha Product Name: Access-Ability Vendor: Kingware Computer: Commodore 64 Cost $79.00

Access-Ability is a program that allows the user to type in characterson the Commodore 64 computer by sipping and puffing on a tube. When the user sips, the programgenerateS A krie Of daShes;_during blowing, a series of dot&The dots and dashes stop when the sipping or puffing action stops. In this way, the user transmits to the computera modifie&Morse code that contains characters equivalent to each character on the computer's keyboard. Two "keystrokes" will call up at any tune a =list of the codes.The speed at which the dots and dashes are generated during sipping and puffing is user-adjustable. Two specially defined key combinations will turn on and off a -character repeat function (useful for moving the cursor).Provision is made for operating keys such as SHIFT which is norMally depressedat the same time as another key. This program is not fully transparent. A number of ofiginal and public domainprograms are included on the program disk. A copy of the word prdeeS.sing Orogram SpeedScript which is adapted for Access Ability is also included.

Product Name: ACS Medicom Computer System Vendor: ACS Telecom Computer: IBM PC family Cost $5,000.00 - $19,000.00

No PhotovaphAvailable

ACS Medicom Computer System is a complete system for communication, environmental control, and computer access based on two IBM-PC compatible computer& Thetwo computers are connected as a_parallel syStdm, and allow the user access to all IBM,PC software. Two input systems are provide& voice and switch.The voice input system allowS the user to create vocabularies of utterances which the computer will recognize and acceptas input The switch input system allows the user to enter data with a single switch, multiple switches,or a joystick A-voice output option is available that reads the contents of thescreen back to the user via a speech synthesizer.With the ACS Medicom Computer System, the user mayrun standard software, control various appliances with BSR X-10 control modules, dial and talkon the telephone, or communicate via computer networks. The ACS Medicom Computer System can also be used for wheelchair and robotics control. Various expansion options are available. Cost of the system willvary depending on the features desired. Contact manufacturer for details on price.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 23 4 6 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All&oftWare

Product Name: Adaptive Firmware Card Vendor Adaptive Peripherals, Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple Ile AMR Cost: $400

The Adaptive Firmware Card allows physicallydisabled persons to run commercially available educational; business; or user-written software_using any ot sixteen special input methods.The special input methods possible with the AdaptiveFirmware Card include single switch; and dual switch (scanning and Morge Code), expandedkeyboard capabilities, and keybdardaSsisting features for individuals using a headpointing deviceor a single _finger. The Adaptive Firmware Card alSo offers game paddle emulation anda slowdown , allowing the user to operate some arcade=type garbes with one or _two switches.The Adaptive Firm*are Card doesnot interfere with the use of the computer keyboardwhen installed. Special feature software is included. TheAdaptive Firmware Card is compatible withsoftware using the Language Card (Pascal, etc.) and is compatible withthe Z-80 (CP/M) card.Talking Scanner, a program_ br adding voiceoutput to the scanning arrays, is included with the Adaptive Firmware Card (See entry).

Product Name: ALTKEY Vendor_ Dept of Physical Medicine & Rehab,U of Michigan Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact developer

ALTKEY is designed for auser who must control a personal computer_usinga single switch. It gives the single -Mitchuser direct control over virtually all commercially availablesoftware for the IBM-PC and IBM=PC compatible& RegUlarkeyboard function is unaffected. ALTKEY is liaded automatically_when thecomputer is powered up. Any of the shift keyson the keyboard _(Alt, Ctil, Shift)may be brought out to an external sWitch Withtwo solder connection& _Different Scan trees can be loaded_ fromfloppy _disk files.This iS a memory- resident program which implementsa programmable n-dimensionalikeyboardscanner.It gives the user access to all the keys and key combinationson a standard IBM-PC keyboard. The scan tree may be arbitrarily cornplex andmay be freely edited by the user.

24 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 4 7 Chapter Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Compudapter Vendor R/M Systems Computer Apple II family Cost: $1,300.00

Compudapter is an alternate computer keyboard that allows theuser to select characters by scanningThe keyboard consists of a scanning array that stands upright attachedto a horizontal panel that contains three switches: one for scanning horizontally,one for scanning vertically, and ove for selecting a character once it has been reached. The scanningarray is comprised of six rows four containing standard keyboard characters, and the remainingtwo rows can be user programmed for options of commands for Applewriter, Appleworks, LOGO,or other Apple commands. Shift and control options are_two key functions. The three switchesare activated by skin contact (no pressure necessary). A five-position adjustment varies theresponse time of the switches Switch activation is signalled bya tone and light signals on the panel. Compudapter functions exactly as a standard keyboard would, and doesnot interfere with such auxilliary devices as disc drives or the game input.Input jacks are provided so that other switches can be used in place of those that come with the Compudapter.

Product Name: Computer Entry Terminal COIF- CET Vendor Prentice Romich CoMpany Computer Apple II+, Apple He, Franklin 1000, adanaddaagimAgi-1- . IBM PC family dadadadaatmaadot. Cost: $1,49200 e!!dddelkidddidooldtithl adaddadadadad4 4141Asiddaidade4Miamt!LL OAa flu_ AA --44-44itto

The Computer Entry Terminal is an alternate computer keyboard that can be operated by direct selection with an optical pointer, or by scanning with single; dual;or multiple switches. Scanning can be automatic, row-and-column; or directed.Output from the Computer Entry Terminal is in the form of ASCII., a keyboard emulating interface (extra) is required for the to act as a keyboard.Approximately 250 characters can be stored in the terminal's memory before being sent to the computer. The Com_puter Entry Terminal comes with two overlays (QWERTY and scanning) anda battery charger/power supply.Prentke Romich offers keyboard emulating interfaces for the IBM-PC, Apple II+ and He and Franklin 1000. An optical pointer or switchesare also required for operation.

Resource Book 3: Compvter Software and Hardware 25 4 8 Chapter Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Coretechs VET3 Vendor Scott Instruments Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $8,995.00

Coretechs VET3 iS a &Vice that allowsspoken phrases:to serve at inputto a computer. The user creates ai vocabulary of up to 200 words; letters;or phrases for each application. Theuser trains the VET3 to recognize theseshort_utterances, and to assign each trainedutterance a sequence of charaCterS. VVhen the trained phraseis spoken izto a microphone connectedto the VET3; the assigned sequence ofcharacters is sent to theconiputer ag keyboard input Tne standard ke0oard may remain activewhile the VET3 is inusc. The VET3 allows continuous speech; that iS, there need beno unnatural pauset betWeeit _words.Additional 20word vocabularies may be created, 3toredand recalled when needed. Mestages stored and played back, A built-in can also be digitally program for facilitating vocabulary preparation isprovided. Coretechs VET3 is an external VET3 is unit usable with various_ computersystems.Output from the via an RS-232 serialport.Telephone interface and Memoryexpansion options available. This it the new product fromScott and replacet the Shadow/VET,

Product Name: DART-5000 Vendor Dragon Systems, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $5995.00

*000 --4101111111111111101

DART-5000 is a complete computer workstation with voice input capability.The system comes with a full 1000-word activevocabulary with the capability forup to 5000 word effective vocabulary through word completionsoftware. Once the user has programmedthe system to recognize particUlar utterances, thesecan serve as input to the computer. Theuser can define what input a particularutterance will trigger.The system comes witha MS DOS-based microcomputer and vocabularymanagement software.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 4 9 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Ears Vendor Speech Sy Stems: Illinois Computer: TRS-80 Color Cost: $99.95

Ears is a voice input system for the Tandy Color Computer; Thesystem consists of a hardware pack; microphone; and demonstration programs. Thetiger trains the system ta recognize certain utterances, and to associate them with particular characters,words,commands, etc. When the user speaks_ a trained Utteraned into the microphone; Ears sends theprogrammed set of characters as input to the computer. Ears may alSO be used in conjunction with the SuperVoice speech synthesizer (see entry) to outfit programs for voice input and output. Some adaptersare required.

Product Name: EDACTS Keyboard Vendor: Pa-Da Enterprises Computer: Commodore 64 Cost: $1995.00

No Photograph Available

The EDACTS Keyboard (Everyone Deserves A ChatiedTO Speak) is an oversized keyboard connected to _in internal circuit board froma Commodore:611 computer. Price includes cost Of Commodore_64._ The keyboard contains 80 pushbutton keys, each 3/4"square,_hinged on the furthest away from the user.Keys are CelOr coded_ (alpha-numeric keys-cursormovement; function;iet4 Keys are separated horizontally by Sthall Verticaldividing walls; The rows are r apart and each is 318" higher than the precedingone. There_ are two modes of operation; One requires a:single key_ piek and the other requirestwo presses consecutively. The second option reduces unintentional Icey entries. A beep SoundS Whena key press is accepted (after each key press in single hit mode, after two consecutive iii_dotible_hit Mode). Certain keys (shift,control; caps _ori, ete;) arc_ electronically latched to be controlled by pressing:onlyone key at a time. A COMvoice speech SyntheSizer and_ VICcontrollerallow speechoutput and environmental control (purchased svarately, made by GenetiS). The EDACTScan also function as input toother computer systems, with appropriate interfaces and .Contact manufacturer fordetails;

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 27 t. 0 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All goftWare

Product Name Elementary MOD Keyboard System Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Cost: $230.00

No Photograph Available

The Elementary MOD Keyboard issithilar in concept to the MOD Keyboard,procliding an economical computer access system.Thisversion hag been designed primarily foreducational applications where a teacher, rather than thedisabled user,would createor edit the screen pages. Just as with the MOD, simplified "keyboardson the screen" can be created for interaction with each program being run on the hostcomputer. The EMK is intended for severely physically handicapped students who require larp_lettersand clear presentation of items; Thereare many options for scanning method and timingintervals. Single, dual or multiple Switch inputmay be used. Characters displayedon the screen may be nointal size or double height. Anyitein on the screen can be defined to transmit_ a characteror message different_than the label, so that long words or phrases can be represented_byabbreviations. _The EMK SyStem consists ofa VIC 20 computer, monitor, Elementary MOD cartridge,interconnection kit, and switch interface.A speech synthesizer can be usedas the Output device rather than the host language Version of EMOD is also available. computer. A French

Product Name: Enable Writer Vendor: Enable Software Company Comptter: TRS=80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost$79.00

Enable Writer is a Program that allowscharacters to be "typed" into thecomputer using a joystick. An array of keyboard charactersappears and remains at the bottom of the screen. Using the joystick, the user manipulatesa blinking cursor around thisarray. When the user reaches the desired character, thecursor iS held on that character :for a certain minimum number of blinks, and that character resistersas input. The Speed Of the cursor movement and the minimum number of blinks arebothadjustable. With Enable Writer, the uSer hasaccess to the disk operatins system (TRSDOSI3), the BASIC language, and the word _porcessingand database programs thatare provided with Enable Writer. This adaptationis not fully transparent - that is, it will not work with all softwarefor the Radio Shack coinputers. A compatible joystick is requiredto use Enable Writer.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: EXPAND Vendor: Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehab., U of Michigan Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact developer

EXPAND is a scrolling terminal program designed to improve therate of text output for individuals with restricted typing/ininit speeds.The user enters text via the keyboard ofan Apple II family. computer;After each keystroke the program presents a _group Of up to 10 possible expansions for the abbreviation represented 13y _the keys alreadyenteredThese abbreviation-expansion combinations have been selected and stored previously bythe user. At any time the user may select one of these choices. The program then removes the abbreviation and stibstitutes the expansion in the text stream. EXPAND can be used as a stand-alone systemor as an input device to a second computer.

Product Name: Expanded Computer Keyboards Vendor: EKEG Elecironics Company LTD Computer: Apple II+, Apple He, Commodore 64, IBM PC family ongannummoma1111111111011M111111111111 minursgaummem Cost: $750.00 - $975.00 asummormseumi

Expanded Computer Keyboards are large panels thatare designed to _operate exactly like Standard cOmputer keyboards; but have substantially _larger keys. These keyboards containtheir own microprocessor and connect_ in such a way that the standard keyboard_can_ remain in operation as well. Latching switches are provided for those keys such as SHIFT whichWould normally have to be held down at the same time as another key.Keyboards are flat Which allows Overlays to be added. A light shows when a key is latched. Expanded Computer Keyboards send the same output to the computeras the standard_keyboard to which they are equivalent, allowing the user to perform all the same_functions. Eipanded KeybOardS are available for the Apple II+ and He, for the Commodore 64, and for theIl3M-PC models. Keyguards are available for the Apple 1BM-PC, and Commodore models (extra).

Resource Book 3: Complter &oftware and Hardware 29 Chapter 2 : Alternate Inputs Usable with All&oftware

Product Name: Expanded Keyboards Vendor Words+, Inc. Computer Apple II family Cost: Contact manufacturer

These Expanded Keybbards are large panels of microswitches. The switcheScan be_grouped into .keys of various sizes, andmay be programmed to actas an alternate keyboard for various Words+ communication devicesas well AS an Apple lie computer. Overlayscan be treated to indicate which areas Serveas which characters or functions. The cost of manufacturing the keyboard Contact the manufacturer. depends upon the number and size ofthe keys desired.

'N. Product Name: Expanded Keyboards forthe Adaptive Firmware Cards Vendor EICEG Electronics CompanyLTD Computer Apple Apple He Cost: $250.00 - $350.00

Expanded KeYboards for Use VwitiitheAdaptive Firniware Cardsare alternate keyboards designed for uSe with the Trace Center'sTalking_ BlissApple program; Unlike EKEG'sother keyboards for the BliSsAppleprogram, these do not contain a inicrOprocesSar, with an Apple II+or Ife equipped with an Adaptive Firmware Card but must be used Seattle). (Adaptive Peripherals, Two models of these Expanded Keyboardsare available, one with 48 1" squares and 1" squares. Keyguardsare available for both (extra). one with 128

30 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 53 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple Vendor: EKEG Electronics Company LTD Computer: Apple II family Cost: $850.00 - $975.00

MAFOUG 4MIRMIPSOtle swanwato

Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple are keyboards witha great number of squares, all the correct size for standard bliss stamps. The Keyboards have been designedfor use with the Trace Center's Talking BlistApple program, but containa small microprocessing_unit and can send serial ASCII to any computer or device that will accept it through a..1 RS232 port. Overlays for the Keyboards are user-definable. Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple come in two models. One has 512 7/8squares, measures 19" x 31", and weighs 8 lbs., the other has 220 r squares, measures 15" x 21, and weighs 6 lbs. Keyguards for both models are available (extra).

Product Name: FingerTip Controller Vendo: KY Enterprises/Custom Computer Solutions Computer: Apple II family, Atari, Commodore 64, NEC Cost: $15.00

FingerTip Controller includes five SOft---tOtirh buttons which simulate the action ofa standard joystick to control screen movement in four directions, with the fifth buttonto fire or initiate action. A left hand model of the _controller is available. The FingerTip Controller is connected to the computers with a 9-pin DIN jack.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 5 4 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with AllSoftware

Product Name: Footmouse Vendor: Versätron Corporation Computer IBM PC family Cost: $225.00

Footmouse is a cursor control device operated remains on_ the floor, and the by foot movement The base of theFoottnouse left, or right motion. cursor is moved by Sliding the foot over the base inan up, down, Footinciuse performs all the functiOnt -ofthe Standard keyboardcursor keys, including auto-repeat if held dcwn.Footmouse plugs in between the keyboardand the computer, and does not interfere with normalkeyboard operations when inuse.

Product Name: Game Paddle for AppleII Computers Vendor TASH, Inc. Computer Apple II family Cost: $198.00

Game Paddle for Apple II ComputerSiS a proportional control that duplicateSthe function of standard Apple game paddles. Theknob is a large ball and the base hasa non-slip bottom. Meitibn Of the knob is approximatelylinear. An adapter is required touse this game paddle (extra; see entry fOr Switch Adapterfor Apple II Computers). A jack (1/8 . phone)is provided so that a switch may be connected for software requiring switch selectionor a fire button. use with


32 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 55 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: HeadMaster Vendor Personics Corporation

_ Computer Apple Macintosh Cost: See below

HeadMaster is a headpointing system that replaces themouse and keyboard of an Apple MacintOSh. An iiltrasoilic: transmitting unit_sits_atop the Mac monitor aud sends signalsto_ a lightweiAht headset that the user WearS.Headmaster translates changes in the user's head position into changes in the cursor's position on thescreen. This positioning is relative; i.e., the uSer dOetnot have to center hiF_head directly in front of the screen.Lightly puffing into a tube connected to the hea&et is equivalent to pressing themouse button.A program, ScreenTyper, is installed as a deSk atceSsOry, which, when activated, displaysa two-line full function keyboard at the bottom of the Mac screen. Theuser types in characters by pointing the cUrScir to this keyboard image and puffing into the tube. HeadMaster andScreenTyper are transparent to all available Mat Software aad provide complete access to the MacIntosh. HeidMaster is sold complete with a Macintosh. A 512Kor Mac Plus model is required. Hard diSk and Printer are options;Price will vary depending on what elementsare included in the package; Headmaster components are available separately at $750.00.

Product Name: IntroVoice I & II Vendor Voice Connection Computer Apple II family Cost: $795.00 - $995.00


IntroVoice I and II are similar systems, both allowing spoken utterancesto serve as input to an Apple computer. The user trains_the system to Tecognize certain utterances, and_to associate each of those Littetahcet With a -character or string of characters. When theuser speaks the trained utterance into a witrophotte, the charactersare sent to the computer as keyboard input. Each utterance:may be 0,8 to 1-25 seconds long. IntroVoicecomes with Circuit boardS, manual, MicrOphone and software for creating and storing vocabularies. IntrOVOice I_ tan ACCOMMtidate Up to 50 charactersper utterance and up to 80 utterances per vocabulary; the numbers for IntrciVoite II are 80 and 160.IntroVoice H also has various additionalfeatures;includingvoiceactivatedon/offandstandby,voiceactivated OPEN/CLOSED APPLE commands; repeat function, and vocabulary management_programs that allow applications tiZograms and vocabularies to be loaded by voice (programs optional with IntroVoice I).

Resource Etook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 33 # _ (1; 11 5R Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All &oftsvare

Product Name: IntroVoice UI Vendor: Voice Connecticon CoMputer IBM PC fárrifly Cost: $995.00

IntroVoicc III isacombination:keyboard and voice inputsystem for an IBM-PC. The keyboard plugs _in_the same as a standard keyboard, andoffers separate numeric andcursor keypads, top row function keys, and a voice On/off key. The voiceinput system can be trained to recognize utterances of up to 125 seconds_in length, and progranimedto enter a particular character string (1 to 76 characters long) for each trainedutterance the uSer speaks into the system's microphone. The_user_can construct separate vocabularies foreach application, and store them foruse when needed (maximum 160 words per vocabiilary),Software _provided incloksa program to create and store vocabulary, one to:load_anapplications program and its vocabulary byvoice, and one with pre=programmed vocabulariesfor some popular applications progrops. Introvoice with microphone, manual, and software. III comes

Product Name: IntroVoice V Vendor: Voice ConnecticiR Computer IBM PC family Cost $495.00


IntroVoiceiV is a_ voice _inputsystem frit the IBM-PC _The user trains thesystem _to recognize certain spoken utterances(upto_125_seconds long), and then programs strings of character& When the these utterances to_togget user speaks a trained titteitate intO tne system'smicro_Oionc. the:programmed string-of- charactersis: sent to the computer- as- if it _were input from_ keyboard.Sets of __trained utterancet the itiAy be_ -created for each applications,_program; these vocabularies can Containup_to_40()_utterancesiapiece. Subgroups withuia vocabulary may alit, be created.- The number of characterstriggered by tath utterance de-ponds memory the us,..r -is, willing_ to consume; the upon haw much maximum number of thOtatterS is 1,00aThe Microphone car,: .e turned on andoff by Vtlidd ebminancL Software provided ineliideS aprogram to assist_the-Uter_in creating vocabulariesand a prograin with =pre-programmed vocabulariesfor certainpnpular applicationssdftware. The system includes a PC board, tnicorphone,manual; and software

tiPiMitsAr Resource Book 3: Computer&oftWare and Hardware 57 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Keasyboard c Vendor: Parallel Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Cost: $750D0

Keasyboard is a computer keyboard requiring no pressure to operate. Theuser simply places a finger for pointer, etc,) over the desired- key, and the interruption of lighton the surface of the key registers a keysirole. Keasyboard's output to the computer is thesame as that of a standard keyboard. Keasyboara comes with a built-in keyguard. CONTROL, ALT, SHIFT, or any other desired keycan be set to latch (factory modification). Multiple character kay layouts can also be programmed at the factory.The Keasyboard connects directly to the Apple IIe; other Apples require modification.

Product Name: Keyboard Emulator Vendor: Crabapple Systems Computerr. Apple II family Cost: Contact manufacturer

No Photograpp Await, le

Keyboard Emulator is A circuit card that allows the PowerPad (see entry, Dunamis, Inc.)to be used as an alternate kcyboard for the Apple He and II± The PowerPad's membrane surface is converted to areas representing keys on the Apple computer. Each "key" is 15"sq.uare. _The layout contains the F4.f3 function keys. An overlay of the keyboard layout is provided. One- finger operation is pouible. A PowerPad is required (extra).The Keyboard Emulator card plugs into the Apple, and the PowerPad plugs into itThe standard keyboard can remain operational. The developer has prototypes of the Keyhoard Emulator and plans to have it commercially availablein 1987; Contact Crabapple Systems for current status and price.

Resource Book 3: ter Software and Hardware 35 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with=4.0.1. MI Software

Pivauct Name: Keyport 300 Vendor Polytel Computer lroducts Corporation Computer: IBM PC family Cost $195.00


Keyport 300 is a 300-key alternate keYboard for theIBM-PC. Using the acOnipaglYeinkgerftware (included), the user _can assignany_ sesies of comthafids di characters to_A sin on the Keyport 300's membrane surface. Differentpattern§ Of key assignmentscoo be and thtn recalled when running theappropriate piece of awlications Oftware. Theuser can place different custom overlayson thel(cyport_corresponding to these diffoent le5' assignment pattern&Each key on the Keyport 300is _0.5 inches square; larger key% can asSigning several adjacent keys thesame value. Keyport 300 plugs into thegame port of the computer, and can be usedat the saine time a§ the standard keyboard(If the computer does not havean active game port, it mu5t be outfitted with One; contact your computer dealer.)KeyPort 300 will work with virtu4lly anY applications softWare.



,r; :" Yq., Product Name: Keyport 60 ; . 11: 11;.'1:,4 Vendor: Polytel Computer Products Corporation Computer IBM PC family Cost: $119.00

tsA .4 I

Key_port 60 is-a- small membrane keYboard consisting_of60 0657 sqlttare Using the_ accompanying_ softwarei(included), eachkeyibn :the _Keypott 6ti -on be assigneda series of characters which then. will be_triggeredwhen that key Us pressed Standard keyboard can_ beactiveat the same time. Patterns of key disk and _then- recalled, allowing the: user to _havea separate custom-6tLkey forany applications_program. Overlayscan be plated On the Keyport's surface_ to ihdicato which trigger wh:ch characters Or commands. Larger key areas keys the same value. ai.e- ean be Obtained byassigning adjacent

Keyport 60 plugs-into the IBM's_game piart (If the computer_ does not_ have a ii abeeti vaet:isixaernc.17 it must be outfitted with one; contact pl oonr gt ; ythiritomptiter dealer.) Keyport 60can__ the top of an IBM keyboard with adhesive pads with virtually any applications software. (provided). ICeyport 60 will work

36 Resource Wook 3: ComputerSoftware and Hardwat e 59 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software ..MIM=.CM.C17.1.11

Product Name: Keyworks Vendor: Alpha Software Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $89.95

Keyworks is a keyboard enhancer program that: allows the user to type longstr ings of characters or commands Ctnacros") by typinga two key combination. Keyworks also offers pos17 up menus of available macros, full screen editing of macros while running another program, and a DOS window. Both fixed and variable-length pauses are available within predefined macros. Pop-up menus of available macros may be designed and named by theuser.

Product Name: King Keyboard Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer Apple He Cost: $930.00- $1,400.00

King Keyboard is an expanded version of the Apple IIe keyboard, with 125" diameter keys. The keys are slightly recessed so that the board's surface actsas a keyguard. Operating the keys requires 200 gm of pressure.When _used with the Adaptive Firmware Card (Adaptive Peripherals, Inc.), all keys can be redefined_ so that they enter desired words, characters,or phrases: up to 128 messages can be stored and retrieved. Key response timecan also be varied, and SHIFT and COMTROL keysiare latched. When used with Keyscan II and the Keyboard Interface fur Apple lie (TASH, Inc), Xing. Keyboard-provides adjustable keyresponse time, audio feedback, indicator lights_for SHIFT and CONTROLlatching, entry of eightcommon commands with two keys, and a special key layout where the most commonly used keys are closest to the center and bottom of the board. King Keyboard must be lased with one of the above adaptive systems. When used with the Adaptive Firmware Card, King Keyboard may not operate with all Ile programs.

VORer Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 37 en Chapter Alternate Inputs Usable ivith AB Software -"NNW

Product Name: Kurzweil Voicesystem Vendor: Kurzweil Applied fatelligences Computer: All (Hardware Ittdependent) Cost: $6500.00

Voicesystem is a device that allows spoken Worthand phrases to serve as input to a coinhtter. Voicesystem can recognize up to 1000user-programniable iiadranceS, each elf whichcan be to several seconds long. -Different USerscan store different vocabularies. Voicesystem can be hooked to Many CoMputersthrough an RS-232 .Software is available to allow the user to defineVoicesystem's input as keyboard inbutin order to allow standard software to be run transparently. Contactthe manufacturer for details_


Product Name: Lite Touch Vendor: Lovejoy Electronics Computer: Apple II family, Commodore64, IBM PC family Cost: $695.00

Lite Touch is a light activated joyStickemulator. Four sensors are attachedto the frame of the computer screen, one to eath Side.In addition, up to fourmore sensors may be placed at the corners. The user wears an opticalpointer attached tothe head, or some othkr part of the body. The pointer is directed at the firstfour sensors in order to emulate the four directionsof movement of a joystick. The additionalsensors each act as the "fire" buttoti, _The sensors plug into an external receiving unit, whithin turn plugs into the computer's joystick (or port. game) input Lite Touch can be ursedto run any program, ig_ame2 etc. that USeSa switch-type joystick for input. An option for emuloting propOrtibrial joysticksis in development.Lenses of different focal lengths are available for thepointer. A Word prOceising program thatuses joystick input, called Joywriter, is available (seeentry; Green Software)._ The foursensors have tf)ioi-plogs attached, and two of them may be used as dual switchinput ViA the Adaptive Firmware Cardor the PC AID (see entries, Adaptive PeripheralSand Designing Aids for Disabled Adu1t6),

38 Resource Book 3: ComPuter Software andHardware 61 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product NaMe: Mind Master Vendor: Behavioral Engineering CoMPuter: Apple II family Cost: $124.95

The Mind Master isau alternate game paddle input deVice for the Apple II thatmeasures small changes in the electriAl conductivity of the user'sskin (GSR) and translateS the fluctuation into a like that of tht normal game paddle Nomovement is required by the user who simply rests two fingers of otie hand on two electrodes of thesensor unit Progjams running on the Apple II are controlltd by the user's skinresponses to brain activity. (Similar to the way one measure on a lie detectur works.) The Mind Master plup into the Applegame port with no modification. Wraps are included to provide the option ofmtaching the MindMaster to the fingertips. Game paddle button must be controlled separately if required by agame.

W eelI. I Nis

Product Name: Mini Keyboard Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computerr. Apple He Cost: $204.00

Mini Keyboard is a small_ 9in !keyboard with closelyspaced keys. A SMall probe with a concluttive_ tip -is used to _select keys; almostno farce is requiredIf used with the Adaptive Firmware Card (Adaptift PeripheralS), all: keyS_Oh Mini Keyboard can be redefined toenter desired characters; wotoior phrase& upi to 128_ messages Can be Stored_ and _retrieved.: Key response time will also 1:iv:variable and SHIFT andCONTROL keys Will latch.If used with Keyscati -II and Keyboord Interface_forthe lAppleiille -(TASH, Inc), Milli Keyboard offers variable key-response twit; aodio feedbaCk, indieatorlights:for CONTROL and SHIFT latching, entry of-eight common tomniands with two keystrokes,adjuStable atitb-repeat, and a key layout that poSitions the most pottutionly usedkeys at the front and center. Mini Keyboard must too used withone of_ the _above adaptive systems.Not all Apple He software will run if the Maptive FirmwareCard iS uSed

Resource likook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 39 Chapter Alternate Inputs Utab le with All Software

Product Name: MOD Keyboard System Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple He, Commodore 64, IBM PC family Cost: $205.00 11111Mat

The MOD KeybOard System is a scanning alternatecomputer input system incorporating a Commodore VIC=20 computer anda color video MOnitor. Keyboard display pages are shown on the VIC-20's videa_monitor, and the user makes selectiOnSby_Scanning with a three, four,or five pOSition switch. These pages; whiehiein be definedand edited by the user; are used to compose segments of text. Once composed, these segments of text; up to threelines long, are sent on to another computer as keyboard input.Individual keyboard Pages can 5onSiSt of characters, words, phrases; commands; orany combination of thete.Up to 30 custom keyboard display pages tan be Stored on each Commodore cartridge. The MOD KeybOard System's text editing sySteiri canalso be used to cmate messages up to 18 lines long; which can then be printedor spoken directly with a Ofinter nr speech synthesizer (Odra). An educational version; in which aninstructor wouldcreate the keyboard pages, is also available. Various interfaces and cables_ arenecessary in order to use MOV for computer input. Contact the mantifacturer for details of interfaceS and peripherals.

Isfess. ,A.011.01111MII

Product Name: Morse-Code Based Keyboard Emulator Vendor: Words+, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Cost: $395.00

Morse Code Based Keyboard Emulator is a hardware and Soft Waresystem that allows Morse code to Serve as keyboard input.The user enters Morse code on a switeh ccinnectedto the emulatOrs and the emulator sends the Morse characters to thecompliter as ifthey were characters entered on a standard keyboard. A standard keyboard can be in operation simultaneously with the Keyborizi4 Emulator.Audio feedback is included.

40 u0s Resource Rook 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All 5oftware

Product Name: Mouth Operated Controller for Quads Vendor: KY Enterprises/Custom Computer Solutions Computer: Apple II family, Atari, Commodore Cost: $50.00

Mouth Operated Controlfer for Quads isan alternative joystick. The user moves a lev_er with his tonigue in order to eiteente _jo_y_stick movementsand sips and puffs on a tube in orderto operate the fire, reset, And galne select buttons. The system functionsas a directional control that keeps rate constant And can change direction; The system- is fully cotftatible with- the Ataricomputers; some modifications must_ be made for someLof the:othercomp4ters. These can be dOne by KYEnterprises for the cost_ of postage, or KY Enterprises will sen4 instructions. Contact manufacturerfor further information.

Product Name: PC AID Vendor Designing Aids for Disabled Adults Computer IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Cost: $150.00

PC AID. isa device that allows various alternative methods_ of input to be used with th IBM- PC. The techniques that c,an be used include scanning,single and dual switch morse cotie, and assiSted keyboaro operarioit PC AID, provides custom:zed sca..ning_arrays, on=line help screens, and allows redetimition of Morse code and redefinition of keyson the keyboard, including one-finger use of keyboard. PC A.I.D. pIuglitto the tonlputer's parallelport; a similar aid for use with the serial port is the PC Serial A.I.D. (see entry, sanle manufacturer), The_ device normallyplugged into the parallel port can be plugged into the back of the PC A.I.D. PC AID. willrun transparently with nnost software.

Resonect Dank 3: Computer Software and Hardware 41 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All &oftware

Product Name: PC Reader Vendor Maryland Computer Services, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $2,995.00

No Pliotopaph Available

Pe Reader is a device whichuses optical character recognition to scan a _printed text, identify the characters, and transfer them to thecomputer as a teit file in electronic form, Once the text is in the computer; the user may format itprint it, have itSpoken Via a sPeech synthesizer, and so forth as a regular text file. PC Readercan read paps from_3.5" x 3:," to 8.5" X 14", and can read a variety of standard typestyles in 10or 12 characters per inch_ or proportional spacing. Pages must be fed in one at a time, and the systemcan scan a single page in 25 seconds. Contact the manufacturer about whichtype styles and sizes can be read.


Product Name: PC Serial AID Vendor Designing Aids for Disabled Adults COmputer: IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Cost: $250.00

Serial AY 'I). is _a device that iillows variousalternathe methods of input to be used with the T-PC.i 'A ; methods :of are- scanning, single and diial SWiten _morse :code, assisted .ardialtei.c.^.tive keyboard mput (maximum size 8x-16 keys), and rilidtiii10 switch itiput: PC -cUttomized_scinning_arrays; on-line helpscreens, and allows redfinition of and redefinition of ke,s or the standard keyboard, including adaptationsfor one- .'-ration of keyboard; plugs into the computer's serial port, and is compatible Withititi5t SOftware. A devi:e ; ,:vth parallel ports is the PC A.I.D. (seeentry, same m4nufaeturer).

11110 2 Rewurce Ir.ciok 3: Cmnputer Software and Iliiiihrare Chailet 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Prmluct Name: Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard

; Vendor: Cacti Computer Services 4.1. . \ "Z Computer Apple II family, Commodore 64 ":" Cost: See below

Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keybr R large membrane keyboardprovided with programming, overlaysand a lent.. s a Commodore or Apple Computer Keyboard. The Pressure Sensitive Expanded Ke, .ied complete, ready to boot. Two versions of the keyboard aie .'te first, based on the Unicorn Expanded Keyboard and the Adaptive Firnr-: expensive ($70).00) but will operate with all software; this model is available .de. II+, and Commodore PET/CBM. The second, based on the Ke Port, is less eXpeosive. .00) and i.available for the Apple He, II+, IIc, and Commodore C ,but will not work witiia. prr;

Product Name: Pronounce Vendor Microphonics Technology Corporation Computer IBM PC family Cost $695.00

Pronounce is a voice input SyStem for the IBM-PC consistingof a microphone, a circuit card, and special software. Pronounce Will learna word or phrase after having been exposed to it only once. The user can then define the utteranceS he hasstored as commands for any standard software; Up_to 128 utterances of 03 to 2 secondS' durationcan be stored in a single vocabulary, and the number of vocabularies possible is limited onlyby available memory of computer. Utterances of several Words can alSo be interlinked. Commandstriggered by Pronounce can be up to 255 keystrokes long. Pronounce requires_68K of RAM tooperate, and works with most MS-DOS and PC-DOS software products. Contact manufacturer regardingcompatibility of specific software.

Resource Book 3: Computer &Aware and Hardware 43 66 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with MI Software

Product Name: Puffin Morse Code EntrySystem Vendor: Regenesis Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Electronic Cost: See below

Puffin Morse Code Entry System isan easy set of Morse Code that allows the user all the IBM keYs. User adjustable input to emulate rate of I to 40 Words per minute is possible.An on-line manual, pop-up help screen, andauto reconfiguration are provilJed. The system requires an IBM PC game port, and two switches. Protramor XT is or available compatible with a itinimum of 256K ofmemory, a for cost of disk; a $10 donation forhandling and shipping is encouraged. Contactmanufacturer for additional information.

Product Name: quadLynx Trackball VendOr Honeywell DiscInstruments Subsidiary Computer: Apple Macintosh Cost: $129.00

No Photograph Available

The quadLynx Trackball plugs directly into the mouse port of the Macintosh and handlesall software just_as the mouse would. The trackballis set in a stationary base, andis.designed for precise cursor manipulation,versatilityand ease-of-use. Because its construction eliminates accumulation, reliability is increased. dust

1.1111M1111114& - Alias 44 Rewurce Book 3 : Computer Software andHardware Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with MI Software

Product Name: Quick Word Vendor: Enter Set, Inc. Computer: Apple Macintosh Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.00

Quick Word isan abbreviation expansion _program for the Apple Macintosh computer. QuiekWord allows theuser to create custom abbreviations for frequently-used words, phrases, or formulas. Abbreviations 6re-_expanded automaticallyas they are typed on the keyboard. Expansion tables may be edited while theuser is working in anOther programMultiple expansion tables may be created and used from_ withinany application.All OcpansiOn table§ may be saved_ to_ and loaded from a different disk drive than the workingone QuickWord comes with its own buiwin for maintaining abbreviatiOn tables.All standard Macintosh OPTION, SHIFT-OPTION, and COMMANDcharacter keys may be incorporated into QuickWord abbrevia/ions. Abbreviationscan be no longer than 4 characters.

Product Name: Ready Reader Vendor: Maryland Computer Services, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $11,500.00

No Photograph Available

Ready Reader is a device which uses optical chancter recognition toscan a printed text, identify the characters, and then transfer these charactersto a compute/ as a text file in electronic form. Once the text is in a computer, the usermay format it, print it. and So forth as a regular text file. Ready Reader is a large unit designed to feed andprocess batches of pages. Contact the manufacturer about which styles and sizes oftype can be scanned, and which computers are compatible with the system.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 45 Chapter 2. Alternate Inputs Usable with AllSoftware

Product Name: Remote Keyboard for the Apple II+ and Ik Vendor': EKEG Electronics Company LTD Computer: Apple H family Cost: $750.00

Remote Keyboards for the Apple_H+and He are alternate keyboards for thesecomputers that are modified_to allow operation With Onehand, stylus; headstick, or mouthstick. of keys _arexxactly the Size and layout same_as _the Standard ; but_ several featureshave _been added. SHIFT and CONTROL keysare latching, repeat tittle iS adjustable forthe II+ version, and can be extended up to 5 reecinds, anda special joystick that tan be operated by headstickor mouthstick has been added, allowing the USeraccess to graphics programs that requirea joyStick. Remote Keyboards for the Apple_ II+and He Send the Same outputto the computer as their standard counterparts, and plug intothe keyboard and game paddle sockets.They are niounted on that allow raising, lowering,and tilting.

Product Name: SAR-10 Voice Plus Vendor NEC America, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $599.00


1 1;c SA-10 Voice . voice recognition and audio-responseb .ird for the MM:PC that 3nOWS voice to be usai_is input. The SAR40 can Le trained to recognizeutterance5 of 0.2 to 2 s-:A!CakiSin duration. rile user assigns each trainedutterance a wlue, a string of ASCII charact_rs. Whzn a tiaincword or phrase is_spoken intoa microphone connected to the SAR- 10, the assigned 6 SCri chv,-actersare sent to the cornputer as transpare.nt keyboardinput. Up to 250 words of vt,;_tculalvcan be stored in the Card% -Memory. The SAR40 VoicePlus can also digitize, sko:e, a3id play backspoken words and phrases. The SARI° VO;. Phis voice iiiput comes with built-in software to help with assigning andprogramming a..ld output lincluding the atSignthentof macro4 A floppy disk. withsome additional prognimmingsoftware is also provided. A microphone isrequired to use the SAR-10 for voice input; an externalspeaker for voice output is optional (both extra).

46 Resomece Book 3: Computer SoftWare and Hardware 69 Chapter 2: Ahernate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Screenkeys Vendor: Words r, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Cost: $995.00

Screenkeys is a hardware and software package that allows keyboardinput to be generated iiSing Only head movertient The yrograna createsa graphic image of the_camputer_ keyboard on a_ second monitar. The iiSer wears a headset witl, an optical sensor device built into it.By directing the sensor toward the week the tit4-moves a dot around _the keyboard image. _By holding the dat on a particular "key" for a certain (adjustable) periodof time, the user sends that charactn" :bailie computer justas- if it were standard_ keyboard input. Activating a SHIFT, A LT or CONTROL key ante tic:ads that 1:- for the next character only; activating twice ina row latches that key on until it is releawd b) being actiVated again. The opticalsensor may also be attached to another part of the body if desired. A second monitor is required ta Lisa Screcnkeys. The monitormust be either a color computer monitor or a particular type of TV set. Contact the manufacturer;

Product Name: Special Inputs Disk Vemior Washington Research Foundation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

The Special Inputs_ Disk isa software programto_ allow alternate methods, similar to the function of the Adaptive _FirrnWath Card (seeseparate_ entry)_ for some_ software .The S_pecial Inputs -Di_71 offers several altertiatiVeStO Standard _keyboard input These alterratives include single switch scanning i(automatic and -Manual); Maise Code withOne -at twn switches;and ass!sted keyboard (standard keyboard Nv-- ith _switches_ substituted far the SHIFT and -CONTROL keys). Each alternate input Method includes every symbol and _function of the standard keyboerd as well as a repeat ftintion;Many :Commercially available software_p_ragramsare accessible with the alternate inputs jti the Special MOB Disk, althoughsonic modifications may be required; Special inputs -can be controlled in 5ever al different ways: game paddle buttons; Apple _keyson Apple fie or IIc, or other switches. AdapterS are available to adapt most switches for the Apple: contact manufacturer for further information.

1/401.01.00.0....." Xtesource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 47 ' r' 70 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable withAll Software

ProdUct Name: Speech Recognition Keyboard 11 1_1 1 1 1111111'1111II Vendor: Key Tronic A 1 1.1,11 11.1' T: Computer IBM PC family Cost: $995.00

Se0,13 Recognition Keyboard isa standard IBM-PC-compatible keyboard that also providesthe of el,',..tring charactersor commands by_2ipeaking iato a microphone. SpeechRecognition fe:,_vboal4 plugS in exactly likea stand2rd Il3M=PC kcybo4rd, and spoken input is accepted ' coulip4ter by as equivalent to regular Ic.!yboarv: Maximum voca: ilary is 160 wordsor nni maximum length for 4-./..chifitt',-Frr.Ateis 125 sec. Vocabulary ,-.1c1 speech recognition be rustomizfd to accomodat.e the indivtialai user. adset with micTophor.,:. an extial (foot) switch, and vocabulary an provided wit; the keyboard. managethent software are

Product Name: SR-100 Voice Input 1 errtinal VendOr: NEC America, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $2000.0


The SR-100 Voice Input Terminalis an eiternal unit that recoin:zos speechinwq, assigns user, programmed strings of characters to therecognized words and phrzec, and sendsthese triggered respOnSek to a host computer. The SR400can operate in a normal or a high speed input mode. In the hcintial iricide, themaximum vocabulary is 120 wordS; ih the highspeed mod& it is 10 words. The SR400 can be trainedto recognize a word after oneeXposure to the word (pass). TWo passes are requiredto train for the hih speed mode. Maximum lengthof an utterance is 2.0 seconds for the normalmode, 4.0 second ,or the high Sneed mode. Output options are RS-232C,CCITT V.24 and V.28, and NEC Astra Systetn.

48 Resource Book 3 : Computer Software andHardware Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: TI-Speech Vendor: Texas Instruments, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Cost: $1,150.00

No Photograph Available

TI-Speech isa hardware and software package that allows voice to serve as inp- synthesized voice to serve as output.The user trains the system to recognize certain short utterances. These utterances can then be programmed to trigger certain charactersor commands as input to the computer Synthesized speech can also be programmedto serve as output from an applications program; for instance a verbal prompt may he automatically given at a particular point in a progra5n. The hardware consists of a circuit card, a microphone, anda speaker; the software con-.3,6ts of a programming guide, a vocabulary managementprogram, and a program that allows characters to be entered as on the standard keyboard. Two optional packages are also available (extr4 TI-Speech Phone Manager, which allows TI- Speech's capabilities to be used in telecommunication; and TI-Speech Application Toolkit, which helps develop further applications, including text-to-speech.


Product Name: Tongue Controller Vendor KY Enterprises/Custom Computer SOlutions Computer Apple II family, Atari, Commodore 64, NEC Cost: $40.00

No Photograph Available

Tongue controller is a modified tdephone touch pad which includes four directional switchesto control screen movement, and action, reset, and select switches. The Tongue Controllerconnects to the computer with a Scpin DIN jack, and requires an activation pressure of 0.5oz. to trigger the switch.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 49 72 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable withAll Software

Product Name: UnicOrn Expanded Keyboard Vendor Unicorn Engineering Coinpany ettOCOCC,C:r,C=Cnn Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile, Apple II famiiy ' 1 C3 SE3Cat3E013CIZELJEL-=.11 Cost: $295.00 = $350.00 COCCEECO2ED3FEEE3 CIDOBEEECEE2DEESEE'D COOESSEEEE-MEEL30030 Ca:3000GMEECCOOLL3 -7-7-

Unicorn Expanded Keyboard isa programmable membrane keyboard with 128 touch-sensitive arcaS ("keys"). Any key or group of keyscan be defined by the user to represent any string of characters up to 40 characters long Customkeyboard layouts can be Stored on disk- andused when desired. CustomoverlayS may be created for each layout. Each key and the keys are Spaced area is 0.8" square, at 1.25" center-to=center. A time delay requires thata key,be pressed for a certain (adjustable) arnount of time beforeactivation. procedures for creating custom layouts. Instructions contain step-by-step An Adaptive Firmware Card iS requited to tine the Unicorn with standardsoftware {See entry). Ten overlays With transparentsheet coers Are provided; othersare available. A keyguard also available from manUfacturer,contact for details.Price difference reflects added feata:c.., $350,00 is for a unit witha 16 foot cable.

Próduci Name: VocaLink CSRWLC Vendor Interstate Voice Products Computer IBM PC family Cost: $1,250.00

The VocaLink Connected Stiteeh Recognition_Board (CSRB) is_a voicerecognition device for the IBM-PC The CSRBallows the user to define :up to 240 wordsor commands for operation of standard software. TheCSRB must be "trained"_to recognize the user'S Voicepattern for each Word or command used; Nitonce trained; the device recognizes vocabillary With Wok The CSRB does not accuracy. occupy ahy of the computer's availablememory_ while operating,The keyboard remains active while theCSRB iS in use, and may be usedat any time, Software is provided to help the iiSercreate vocabularies.Starter vocabularies are also provided for popular applications prOgranis. some An optional vOice outputdevice is available for use in conjunction manufacturer for details. with the CSRB, Contact the

sewas. 50 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 73 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

PrOduct Name: VocaLink Series 4000 Vendor Interstate Voice Products Computer DEC, IBM PC family Cost: $5,200.00

No Photograph Available

VocaLink Series 4000 is a Noice recognition system designedto provide voice input to a computer. The user trains the system to recognize certain spoken utterancefrom 1.0 to 2;0 seconds long), and to associatt them with characters or strins of characters. These characters can then be sent to a computer as inputThe Series 4110owill accept continuous speech; ,innatural pauses between words are not necessary_ Ur to 100:wordsor phrases can be stored in the system's memory at a time, and any number of:, ocabuiaries for differentusers or different applications may be stored on cartridges and loaded when needed. Software is provided to help the user train the system and create and manage vocabularies. Programming of thesystem is done by connecting ti to an IBM-PC or compatible computer; The VocaLink Series 4000 is an external unit, and will _work with various computers.The system sends a stream of ASCII characters, and can work with any computer accepting such input via an RS-232. port. A headset with microphone is provided. Amore extensive software package for vocabulary management, the Voice Planner, is also available (extra).

Product Name: VocaLink SYS300 Vendor: Interstate Voice Products Cost: $1,495.00

No Photograph Available

VocaLink S'/';300 is a voice recoL ition system designed for voice input in conjunction witha data terminal.The user trains the system to tecognize certain spoken utterances (up to 15 seconds long).rfic user programs each utterance to send a parncular characteror string 3f characters to the terniinal ana/or to the host computer system. Up to 200 words of vocabulary may be in use at one time, Extra vabularies for different speakers or different applications may be stored on tihost corncoiter and then downloaded to the SYS300 when needed. The SYS300 can operate either in half duplex mode, where characters coming from the SYS300 are sent to the hosx, commiter and to the terminal separately; or in full duplex mode, where the characters sent to the host are routed from there back to the terminal display.Contact the manufacturer about which systems the SYS300 can be used in conjunction with.

Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 51 74 Chapter 2: Alternate InputsUsable with All Soft=1..... Ware

Product Name: VocaLink VWOM Vendor: Interstate Voice Products Computer: Terminal Cost $1010.00

iioPhe(oirr011 Arsailabli

VocaLink VRT300 isa voice input system for use withdata terminalS.The user trains the system to reCOgnize certain spokenutterances and to associate eachone % a character or string of characters. Whenthe user speakS a trained phrase intoa microphone, the programmed characters are sent to the terminaland/or the host computersystem as keyboard input. The specifications of the VRT300 are similar ito _the VocaLink SYS300_ (seeentryi Interstate Voice Products); The difference isthat the SYS300 is internal circuit Card _designed an external unit, while the VRT300 is:an to :plug ihto _particular models_of dataterminAls.Compatible models include. the DEC VT100, the C.hall CIT 101, and the Plessy PT 100-B the SYS300, the VRT300can operate in either full or half duplex m-Ae. terminais.Like

" Product Name: Voice Caid Vendor Votan CoMputer IBM PC : Cost: :3200.00- $2700A

The Vbice Card is a plug-in circuit card for the IBM-PC andzompatib!es thot provides capability to enter _data andcommands by voice. the recognized When spoken continuously Utterances of mord thanone word can be continuous voice teitiplates and (without pauses)-. The card'smemory cart store up to 300 templates can be stored uP to 425 isOlated (one-word) voice teniplate.Additional in the computer's memory and retrievedWhen_ needed. The computer's keyboara continues tooperate While the Voice Card is_ digitize; store; and play back engaged.The Voice, Card can also _speech, So pre-recordedspeech output _can alk,) be addedto programs with the card. Input andoutput for the Voice cardcan be transmitted via telephone. Several software optionSare available for the Voice Card, allowsa single utterance to tiigger a including VaieeKey ($ program that Uevelopment Toolkit that sequence of up to SO characters) 4nda Software allows the development of variouscustom applicati_ons, including telephone answering anddialing. RAM to operate.) (Software iS eitia, andrequires an extra disk drive and 256K

IOW 52 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software

Product Name: Voice Command System Vendor Words+, Inc. Computer: IBM pc family Cost $995.00

Voice Command System is 4 voice input plug-in card for IBM;PC computers and compatibleS. The SyStem_operates by voice input and produces signals that emulate the standardcomputer keyboard. The system must he trained to recognize individual utterances, hutonce an utterance has been trained, the user can program the system to senda particular character or string of characters to the computer when that word or phrase is "heard" by the system. Theuser speaks the words or phrases into a ulicrophone. The PC-Command software (included) allows theuser to create niehus for control of computer functions and input of data,

Product NaMe: Voice Communications Option Vendor IBM Entry System Division Computer IBM pC AT, IBM PC family Cost $1295.00

No Photograph Availahft

Voice Communications Option is a system consisting of an adaptive circuit card which allows voice input control, voice Output,and phone control with an IBM-PC, ATor XT flrnputer. The system_ comes with the circuit card, an operating subsystem disk, and a demonstration disk. The operating subsystem allows programs that operate with the Voice Communications Option to be set up and riin more easily htid to function as a "voice input" option to the keyboard. The demo disk contains hands-on demobstration of various potential Uses. Programs already available for the Voke Communications Option include software to make the IBM=PC function as an ao%werin$ machine, dial preprogrammed numbers,or speak screen contents. To act as a TDD, the Voice Communications Option can provide speech_output overa standard telephone.An awhoring system is available for creating programs thatuse voice command as mput.

WM. Resource Book 3: Com n Software and Hardware 53 Chapter 2: Alternate Inputs Usablewith MI Software

Product Name: Voice Communications System Vendor: ITT Information Systms Computer: IBM PC family, ITT Cost: $1350.00

Voice CommunicationsSystem is a deVice tiizt allows spoken words ITT XTRA_computer. to be uwl as input toan The system can be to recognize a word spoken by niore _thanone indiVidual. Individual _vocabulariesea-n be stoted and retalled; each vocabulary worth long. It: system also reeognizes can be up,to 200 ringback, and can_ treat standard teleThont sighali for dialtonai busy signal, and them as commands. Included with the Voice CoMmanicationsSystem software is a program capable:of_accepting voice commands, recognizingthen, and matching their( -with a pre-definedsequence of keyStrOkeS.Once these are assigned appropriately, standard software willrun transparently. The system consists of an internal circuit card; and options: a inittophOne/speager pod,headset, and a program (ITTVoice Executive) that offers _an:appointment calendar with built-in reminder; telephone directory_ withauto-diali and telephone answeringand inessage taking. System options can recognize standardtelephone signalS fOt dial tone, busy signal, and ringback, and can treat themas commands Id allow optional call answering.


ProdUct Name: Voice Driver Vendor: Voice Recognition Symms Computer: Apple II family, IBM pc family Cost: $995.00- $1,395.00

The Voice Driver is computer. Once thea voice input systeth that allows spokenutterances to serve as iqput toa utterance system has been trained to reCOgniie an Utterance,the kiser assigns that a strir.4 of characters, which are sent to the computeras keyboard input when that word or phrase is spokeninto a microPhOne. The VoiceiDrivercan store up to go (or optional 169)utterance,responsesets in_ its 8K (or_ 16K) Meindry. Other vocabularies and retrieVed. may be stored on disk A.11 versions of the VoiceDriver _are completely transparent forany software. The keyboard remainsactive while the Voice Driver is in The Voice Drivercomes with its own microphone. use, and tnay be used $imultaneously. Opticin-s includean FM wireless microphone andgatware Written specifically for the voice driver. Contact the manufacturer forhunt information. downgraded for word Systems can ?ccupgraded Or capacity (80 or 1614 by swappingan integrated circuitcard. A demonstration/tutorialvideotape is also available to interestedparties.

54 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 7 7 JavIEU :z aienaany sinduI algesa qmit wv aJeAtlios

janpuJd Ripetsi aa!oA suialsics ageloud unp_uaA '0E11 uapicituop yvEn 3,1 Ainuej lenuew :num 'adnloHany `3!uoi13313 pampa 4503 CODZI$ (giemiJos)

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oopt-oq!JO'sao!oix si e 3310n Indt,4 unisAs 111!* E 3g) o le!lualod 1110m-000i "AitInqu3on ata iosn so!eil inalsa ap02.0301 il!ELI9a S300E.1311n trogs) ni 5pI0 10 Xsasenid PUB sarepossE zsatil gaVtleialln 411Aik. Jeinamtd- at!) um/A& u E Indu! ..ialndwoo alp Josn sleods rotqui) aot1a1411 ! olu tuotido.ouu 341 laiDelego Jo_ Jo 1)21111=5'0A 2uuls s1a1aent3 s! luas atu ..131ndn103 0001-aq!-aroA o2eped sjs!sti6 jo Ile letua2u11 1113.1p pip oqi !pdpiaj Iv nue) 15211190:111103 a3106. tio11110301 `31iik1jos `uoilelugulnoop pu? 13)1m:duct 33PA palunpau fueilqAa31 Apon oleAmos 41Im 11Ism SOCISIN pd 01EM1JOS

03-Itasall rog Jamdtuo3 aiemuns pun amAtineR Chapter 2:Alternr., 'lie with All Software

Product Name: Voicescribe-70000 Vendor: Dragon Systems, Inc. Computer: IBM PC AT, IRE. PC family Cost: See below

No Photograph Available

Voicescribe-2M is a voice input_system witha potential 20,000-word vocabulary. Initially the system requires a training time of _only_ 30 minutes (rapid enrollment) to recognize utterances. These pattern& are then associated with particular charactersor strings _of characters;The utterance patterns are stored in memory; and when the user speaks a trained word or phrase into a microphonei the programmed input is sent to the computer via RS-232 serial ASCII. Voicescribe 20000 package consists of an internal _circuit card_for the IBM PC and compatibles, voice recognition software, documentationi and DragonKEY voice activated utility software Voicescribe-2000 will not be available until 1987- contact the manufacturer for final pricing and more information. The cost of the complete system will be under $10,000.00.

Product Name: VTR 6050 Series II Vendor: Votan ,Ay Computer: Aii (Hardware Iridependent)

111110001111111111111 Cost: $3500.00 - $4800.00


The VTR 6050 Series H voice terminal is a device that allows voice_to be usedas input to any computer accepting RS-232 input. The user programs the VTR 6050 unit to_associate certain utterances with strings of ASCII characters (up to 30 characters in length).These strings can then be_ sent to the host computer as RS-232 input. Up to 20 strings can De stored ina buffer before being transmitted;Individual vocabularies of ur....Tances can contain up to 150 wor-' apiece; the number of potential vocabularies is limited only by the amount of memory accessible to the VTR 6050The VTR 6050 can also accept and execute commands sent from the host computer; and can digitize; store, and play back voice messages. Input ancl output can be sent via telephone. The vTR also has a built=in floppy drive forextra vocabulary storage.

wraram..raramirarerac- S6 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 2 1 'Itc .e Inputs Usable with MI So:tware 4010=1111610.111fter...... ,

Product Name Zygo TETRAscan II Vendor Zygo Industries, Inc. Computer Apple II family, Commodore 64, IBM PC family Cost: $2,050.00

Zygo TETRAscan II is- an 4iternate computer keyboard thatuses scanning. Each selection area represents a key on a computer keyboarcl. The user may make. seiections bya patented, row, and-column scanning methoi (single switch),or by directed scanning (multiple switches). Speed and timing of scannin$ are adjuStable.4K of user-programmable memory allows the user to program information into 1516 locations so that selection ofa single message area sends a Combination of characters to the computer. Audible feedback is provided- for each "key" activation. The cost of TETRAscan depends upon thetype of computer interface desired.Some of the connectors inclue a 7-pin ON jack for multi-switch, a mini-phone plug for single switch,or two 16-pin flat ribbon connectors for the computer. Complete standard keyboardkey selections are available for all comput6,s for which interfaces are availabi (U.S. Patent no. 4."Q115)

Resource Book 3: Computtr Software and Hardware 57 R ' Chapter 3

Input Devices Usable with Only Some Software

This drapter includes devices thjt can be used with _computers but which do not provide transparent access.These input devices are designed to be used in conjunction with other special software rather than being usable as an alternate input with standard software _If a transparent adapter_ is available_ for _an input device, then it is listed in Chapter 2.Only input devices for which transparent adaptors are not availableare placed in this sectiom Related inpta and output features found in the cross reference indexes include Speech Recognition (ITS), Pressure Sensitwe (ITP), and light SensitivelOptical (ITL). Appendix A contains information briefs of interest, including Newsletters and Publications; Associations and Self-Help Groups, Training Programs in Special Education and Technology, etc.

Resource Book 3: Computer Softwore and Hardware 81 Chapter 3: Input Devices Usable with OnlySome Software

Tbe following iTrodict entries appear in this chapter:

Commodore Li_gbt Pen341 DP-200 Connected Spezia Recognizer3-61 Gibson Lieu Pen System3-62 Koala Pad3-62 Muppet Learning Keys3-63 Omnibos3-63 Power Pad3-64 rea-Key Board3-64 TouchWindow 3-65 VSI030 Voice CommunicationsDevice 3-63

The following products from Other chapters can also be uted as Input Devices Usable with Only Some Software

VoiceMaster 3-125

=Na.i.j."mAIt, Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 82 Chapter 3: Input Devices Usable with Only Some Software

Product Name: Commodore Ligh: Pen Vendor: Design Technology Computer Commodore 64 Cost: $210.00

No Photograph allable

CornmOdore Light Pen is a hardwaresoftware package that allows input to thecomputer ft pointing a special pen (inclu.led) at a computer screen. A version witha headset for holding t pen includes a software package for creating menus for selecting choices or drawing. If me: . are created properly, Selection can be done from up to 10 feet away. The Commodore Light Pen Plugs into the computer's joystick port.

Product Name: DP-200 Connecte Speech Recognizer Vendor NEC America, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $7500.00


The DP:200 Connected Speech Recognizer is an external unit that recognizes speech input, assigns user:programmed strings of characters to the recognized words and phrases, and sends these triggered responses to a host computer.It consists of a speech recognition unit and a terminal unit The terminal unit has a display where commandsappear so that the uSer can edit theni before sending them on to the host computer. The DP-200 can recognize either continuous utterances (nci pauses between words) or discrete_words (single-word utterances). In either case, the maximum durat:on of a single utterance is 4.0 seconds, and the entireutterance is used to call up a single selection. The unit is not able to break continu(us speech into individual wordS. The Dr'-200 Connected Speech Recognizer package consists of the speech recognizer unit, the terminal unit (Which can be operated remotely), a microPhone,_a remote_switch, and the necessary cables. Output interface options included are RS:232C, RS-422, and GPIB. The DP-200 can also be cquippoa and programmed for audio response.The 50 word vocabulary can be .ith optiOnal boarcls. Contact the manufacturer for details.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 61 83 3: Input Devices Usable with Only &ome&oftware

Product Nzme: Gibson Light Pen System Vendor: Koala Technologies Corporation Computer Apple II family Cost: $274.95

Gibson1 Light Pen System isan altcrnative input device that allows theuser to specify a particular position on a computer's displayscreen by pointing to it with the light pen. The pen plugs into one Apple I/0 slot. The Uibson Light Pen System package includesfive prOgrarriS for use with the light n, one of which allows the user to create custonlized lightpen programs. The system will wo, I': with any black-and-white or color monitor except those with manufacturer). with long persistence green phosphors (check

Product Name: KoalaPad 4401W Vendor: Koala Technologies Corporation Computer: Apple Ile, Apple Ile Cost: $13930

KbalaPad is a pressure-sensitive graphics_ tablet.Used with the proper software, KoalaPad allows the user to select a positionon the computer display 5creen by touching the tablet with finger or stylus. a KoalaPad comes with twoprograms: KoalaPainter and Graphks Exhibitor.

Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and HardWare Chapter 3: Input Devices Usable with Only Su 'ofiware

Product Name: Muppet Lear. ng Keys Vendor Sunburst Communications -1

111T-'-- Computer Apple II family Cast: $79.95

Muppet Le,f. 'ing Key; is an expanded membrane keyboard for the Apple II's. Thekeyboard's 83 keys are co,:ered with color :artoons of Jim Henson's MuppetS charactersillustrating the various functions of the keys. Mnppet Learringvs ..:2t equivalent to a standard Apple II keyboard_but must be used with some program that meaning for each key or group of keys.The program provided with the keyboard uses caior animated graphics andmusi,. to teach letterS, numbers, and colors. Some Other programs available which use the Muppet Keysare the PEAL Series (PEAL Software) and the Magic Slate (Sunburst Commuflications).Contact Sunburst about other programs available or in development.

Product Name: Omnibox Vendor: Expen Systems Software. The. Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile Cost: $249.00

Omnibox is an adaptive device that allows theuse of one to four switches and one to four battery-operated devices while _also _providing inputto a Apple II+ or Ile.amnibox also contains an internal clock (II+ and Ile do not), and is useful for runningprograms that require i:Ontrol of timing for both switch input and switchoutput. Omnibox consists of a circuit card that must be installed in the computer and an external box that switchinputs and outputs are plugged into. Omnibox's external unit connects directly into the peripheral card of theApple_ II+ or Ile. Omnibox comes with three training programs: Switchmaster, ToyAssessor, and Toy Scanner (included in price).

Resource Book 3 .,Comput ftwure and Hardware 63 Chapter 3: Input Mvices Usable with Only SomeSoftware

Product Name: PowerPad Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple Ile, Atari 400, Atari 800, Commodore 64, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Color, VIC 20 Cost: $99.95 a

PowerPad is a flexible alternate computerinput consisting of a _grid of 1.4_400 microSwitches covered with a 12x 12plastic pad. Depending upon the program used, the surfacc ofthe PowerPad can be divided up manyways yiel6ing different sized activationareas. Overlays can then be custom designed to Indicate what each"key on the PrwerPad Signifies in that program's configuration. PowerPad connects to the game port of,:riost computer& Many programs h3ve been developed for the PowerPad which are useful foraugmentative crihnicatii.- or for rehabilitation training and education. Authoringprograms are also avahe for the PowerPad. (Cclitact manufacturer.) 7ng one's own program

111,1MiiF 111MIN

Produce Name: Ten Key Board Vendor: EKEG Electronics C3iiipany LTD 3 Computer Apple II+, Apple He 7 Cost: $350.00


Ten Key Board is a alternate keyboard for theApple II+ or IIe computers consisting often 2" squares, each of which cOriesponds to a digitzero through nine, and a larger . Ten Key Board is designed foruse with the Trace _Comter s Talking BlissApple program, withwhich it can be used to accelerate the selectiOn OfSymbols, by bypassing the scanning otherwise necessary for selection. The Board can also be used with overlaysfor a child with a maximum Bliss vocabulary of nine syMbol& Ten KeyBoard can also be used with Otherprograms which allow the user to input using the numbers zere throughnine. Ten Key Board plugs into the numeric keypadsocket of the Ile and behind the keyboard of the II+. A keyguard for the Board is available (extra).

Resource Book 3: Computer &Aware andHardware Chapter 3: Input Devices Usable with Onlyme Software

Product Name: Touch Window Vendor Personal Touch Corporation Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC fa:n.0, Cost: $199.95 - $229.95

Touch Window is a tra.,sparent plaStic screen that fitsover a computer monitor. When Touch Window is used with the right software, touching thescreen with finger, stylus, etc. will generate input to the computer; Selection of commands, composition of graphics, and otherfunctions can be performed. PresSure activates only the pixel at _thevery center of the area touched. Touch Window can be removed from the monitor and used likea graphics tablet Software produced by the manufacturer for use with Touch Windowincludes programs for ,Vord processing, spread sheets, _management informationsystems, recreation, education, and writing customized programs.Software has also been written for Touch Window by other companies. Contact the manufacturer for details.


Product Name: VSi00c Voice Cemmunicat .ons Device Vendor: Sphere Technologies, Inc. Computer IBM 3270 Cost: See below

NO Ph Oiograpb Available

VS1000 Voice CominunicatiOnS Device is an external voice recognitionunit that allows data to be entered by voice on individual terininals connectedto an IBM 3270 systern Once the VS1000 is trained to recognize particularutterances, these utterances can be used tb triggdr a particluar input The VS1;00 also allows theuser of an individual terminal to change the format of his individUal Screenso that it shows only the information that user need', to see; This individual formatting will not affect the rest of the mainframesystem; The VS1CO3 is not designed for use ona (microcomputer) but is meant for USe With an individual terminal in a mainframe system.The manufacturer On provide more information oh specific applications andcost; however, iepeated callsto Manufacturer to verify information have notoeen returned. R7

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 65 Chapter 4

Input Adapters for Computers

This chapter Covers special adapters that go between adaptive interfaces (switches, controls; keyboards; etc) and the standard computer. These c'eapters have no function in and of :hems&except to act as an_adapter allow the interface to be plugged into the compute.% Keyboard ...4ilating interface adapters and r.lo. smulating interface adapters are .-zcluded in this chapter. Related fiinetións found in the cross refei ence indexes include Keyboard Emulating Interface (KE) and Switch or Control 'V). Appendix -A provides a wide variety of resources of interest to disabled computer users such as Newsletters and Publications, Associations and Self- Ilelp Groups, Additional Resources of Information, etc.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 6 7 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

The rtillowing prnduct ett i appear in this chapter:

AppleAdaptor 3-69 Apple Computer Input Adapter3-69 Apple Ile Input Adapter3,70 Apple Switch Interface3.70 Interface Box for Apple Ile3-71 Keyboard Interface for Apple ll.3-71 Keyboard Interfaces3-72 Keyscan II3-72 Multiple Switch Bei for the Adaptive Firmware Cird 3-73 Paddle Adapple_3-73 Paddlt P4bel 3-74 pss JoystickAdaptik :3-74 RA IISeries Wireless Unk__3-75 Switcli_Adapter for Apple Ile and II. Computen 3-75 Switch interface 3-76 TV Game-2 3-76 Wireless Data Transmiuio:.Smell 3-77

The following products from other chapters can also be use as Input Adapters for Computers:

Adaptive Firmware Clue! 3-24

68 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 89 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers 71111L-

Pr6dUct Name: Apple Adaptor Vendor KY Enterprises/Custom Computer Solutions Computer Apple II family Cei! $1500

No Photograph Available

Apple -Adaptor is a device that 8110WS Atari-comi;atible joyStickS to be uSed on Apple II+, 3, Ile and IIc computers:


Product Name: Apple Computer Input Adapter Vendor: Steven E. Kanor, PhD, Inc. Computer; Apple II family Cost: $40.00

Apple Computer Input Adapter is an adapter which allows special single or dual switches to be used with appropr;3te software. The Adapter accepts one or two switches and connects to the I/O port of an Apple computer.

Resnurce IIVook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 69 91) Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

Product NalTIZ'Apple Ile Input Adapter Vendor: Life SL:ence Associates Computer: Apple Ile Cost: $89.00

The Apple Ile Input Adapter plugsinto the Apple game port andaccepts input from a single switch. Any single switch witha mini or micro-phone plug may be used withthe Apple Ile Input Adapter. The Adaptercan accept 1 - 3 diff:=7fent inpuK Sample applications on diskette. are included


Product Name: Apple Switch Interface Vendor Ptcntke Romich Company Computer: Apple II family Cost: $43.00 - $89.00


Apple Switch Interface isan cd,oter that allows any single &Witch_to be used in place of thi: pushbutton on a joystickor gailic paddle.This interface allows those Whocannot press the buttons on a joystick (orgame paddle) to use joystick/paddle-operated software.

ffMN, 1-71 -.M,MWMCC=.a, 70 Resource llook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 91 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

Product Name: Interface Box for Apple Ile giosesi 14 " Vendor ComputAbility Corporation Computer Apple II family Cost: $35.00

The Interface Box for the Apple Ile allows input to be madeto the computer by one or two switches. It plugs into the game port of the Apple Ile witha 16 pin connector and aliows use of any switches with mini-phone plugs.


Product Name: Keyboard I ierface for Apple 4111 Ile Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple He Cost: $182.50


Ktyboard Interface for Apple II is an internal :circuit card_useuto _interface certain-alternate keyLjards -with ,the-Arple Ile computer._ keyboards are_ the Apple King Keyboard, _MOD Keyboard System, K:ng Keyboard, and -Mini Ic4yboard (TASH, Inc.). The lattertwo keyboards require a iecond special interface unit to be connected as well (extra,see entry for Keyscan II). This interface unit instaP.; ía Slot 1 of the compoter.

Awanwiminramor _.asammac wommion ,rBlok n-ipuwr 3oftwart aLd Hardware 71 92 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

Product Name: Keyboard Interfaces Prentke Rom Company Computer Apple II f::'y, IBM PC family Cosh $275.00 - $475 0(

Keyboard InterfaceS are adaptive &Vices that accept ASCIIcharacters from some input device (such as an electronic communicatiOn aid) and translatethem into signals that a computer win interpret as keys .okes from a standard keyboard (seegloSSary: keyboard emulating interface). The standard keyboard can remain active while the interfaceis connected. Keyboard Interfacesareavailableforvariouscomputers. For information aboutthe compatibilty of a particular input device, contact PrentkeRornich.

Product 1,7,11m. K.-yscan II Vendor TASH, Inc. Computer Apple Ile Cost: $450.00

Keyscan II is an_adaptive circuit card that isnecessary to connect a Mini Keyboaru or a King Keyboard (TASH, Inc) to an Apple He. The keyboard plugs intoKeyscan II, and Keyscan II plugs into the Keyboard Interface for the Applc II (TASH, Inc). Theinterface plugs into the computer.When the system is so configure& the alternate keyboard willact exactly as a standard keyboard, enabling the tisto run an He software.

-1111011MIalr 72 Resource Rook 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers OSIMMNINS

Product Name: Multiple Switch Box for the Adaptive Firm ,vare Card 4f' Vendor: ComputAbility Corporation Computer: Apple II farniy Cost: $99.95


Multiple Switch Box is an adaptive device used with the AdaptiveFirmware Card to connect vp tO eight Single Switches. Switches can be used to send selected commandsto the Computer. FoLi specially designed picture switchesare also included with the kit. This Multiple Switch Boxuses an Adaptive Firmware Card 1. sep:(rate entry, Adaptive Peripherals).


Product Name: Paddle Adapple Vendor ComputAbility Corporation Computer Apple II family " Cost: $35.00

The Paddle-Adapple is an interface that allows two differenttypes of sWitches to be attached to the computer at the same time. The switchesmay then be used at the same time or separately. Contact mantifacturer for more information about whattypes of connectors are used with the Paddle Adapple.

IWsource Ilciok 3: Computer Software and Hardware 73 9 4 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

Product Name: Paddle Panel Vendor Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer Apple IIc, Apple He, Atari, IBM PC family Cost: $40.00

The Paddle Panel is a replacement for handheld gamepaddledeviceS deSigned to allow better control as well as bilateral manipulation activities. Paddle Panelhas two buttons zad two knob controls, and plugs directly into the game I/0 porton the back of the computer.

Product Name: PSS Joystick Adapter Vendor Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile Cost $35.00

No Photograph Available

PSS JOyStick Adapter is an adapter to allow utilizationof digital type joyStickS with the Apple computer. One flip SWitth toggles from normal operationto rtick mode. Regular Apple controllers can be pluggedinto the Apple Ile with no interference from this device. A Select-A-Tort device is recommended foruse with an Apple II+; contact Psychological Software Services Inc. for more information.

74 Resource Book 3 : Computer Software and Hardware 95 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

Product Name: R/S II Series WireleSS Link Vendor: Communications Applied Technology 47tiraputer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $3500.00

The R/S H Series Wireless Link is a system that -ansmits speechfrom a remote location to the voice input module Of a computer; The userspe.lks into a microphone connected tei a pörtable transmitter uriit, arid thiS trarismitter sends the signal via _radio_wave to a stationary receiver unit conm.:eted directly to a co.lputer's voice input moaule. The R/S II Seriescan also be equipped with irwut circivry to accept audio signals sent back front the toinputer'swaiee input Module. The R/S II Series Wireless_ Link does not actuaily provide inputto -a computer, but rather transmits aw-lio to_ an existing voice input module_ hookedup to an existino computer.The system has designed to work with any ihput rn-odrile. An IBM-PC type expansion beiard verior of the oase radio is available.Cost for system includes headset, houiing for 10 hour duty .;cle, battery pack, charger, base radio, and interconnect cableto r.ognizer.

Product Name: Switch Adapter tor Apple He and II+ Computers Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Cost: $103.00 a


Switch Adapter for Apr* Tie and H-4- Computers isa junction box that accepts input from single, dual, or multiple swii._ es ind sends it to the game input of thecotnputer. The SWitch Adapter prorri_ptS the user tr; ask wnat type of switch is being used, and adaptsto this SWitch accordingly. This adapter mounti directly into the game port; Directions for converting a standard Applegames controller to match the connector on the Adapter are provided.

Resource Sook 3: Com uter Software stud Hardware 75 6 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers

Product Name: Switch Interface Vendor Developmental Equipment Computer: Apple II family Cost: $35.00

This Switch Interface adapts an -_Appe computerso thai tNVO SN itches can be_ operat,A with these interfaces: Two models: are available:one plug!. into the gathe pcitt on the back of the computer, and the other plugs into the game I/0 of the mother hoardto the computer.

PrOditet Name: TV Game-2 Vendor DUzIT Control Systems Group, Inc. Computer Atari 2600 Cost: $620.00

TV Game-2 is an adaptive device that allows theuSer to perforM the_func_tions of the Atari 2600 Videb game control unit using the controls ofa DUzIT DLT, DLT=X, br MCB wheelchair-based environmental control system. TV Game-2 allows theuser to control the "reser and "option" features of the Atari unit, and toprogram transformation parameters, including source and timing rules. TV Game:2 comes with an Atari 2600.

76 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 97 Chapter 4: Input Adapters for Computers =111111=17.

rrcduct Name: Wireless Data Transmission System Vendor: Prentke Romich Company Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $599.00

Wireless Data Transmission System is a system, consistingof a portable transmitter and a stationaryreceiver,thattransmitstheASCIIoutputfromaportablecomputeror communication aid to a stationary computeror environmental control system.The Small portable transmitter connects to the portable input device (computeror communication aid) and transmits its output via- radio waves to a stationary transmitter, which is connectedto the stationary computer or environmental control system. The tranSmitter unitreceives its power from the portable input device, and the receiver gets its from the host stationarydevice. Various portable input de."ces and various stationarycomputers oi environmental controls will work with the Wireless Data Transmission System. Contact the manufacturerfor information about compatibility.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 77 Chapter 5

Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

This cirapter covers large print, voice, &ale or other (e.g.,_Morse) output systems which can be used to supplement or in lieu of the standard computer display.These systems must be usable with all software (or essentidly all software) for the computer in order to be included in this chapter. Braille printers could be construed as_fitting in this chapter, since hooking them up instead of a printer _to a regular computer would cause then: to print out Grade I Braille from any printing software. Since they do not provide full access to all software; kowever, they would be found in Cramer 6, Braille PrimersITactile Displays Usable with Some Software. Some of the related functions found in the cross reference indexes are Large Print (LP), Screen Display to Voice (SV) and Braille (BR). Appendix iAinclUdesinformation and resource _listingsonOptical Character Recognition Scanners (an alternate input that is useful to blind persons), Selected Information Resources_ for Blind and Visually Impaired Individuals,ComputerAssessment/TrainingProgramsforDisabled Individuals, and Additional Information Resources.


Resource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware 79 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with AllSoftware

The following product entries appear in this chapter

Artie Vision 3-81 Audi Braille Computer 3-81 Basic Interpreter for the Blind 3-82 Beamscope II 3-82 Brailink III 3-83 Braille Display Proceasor 3-83 BraT 3-84 Cornpu-Lenz 3-84 Erable Reader 3-85 Enhanctd PC Talking Program 3-85 Expand-a-View 345 Freedom 1 3-86 inLARGE 3-87 K Talker 3.87 Keynote 348 large-Print Display Processor 3-88 LimeLight 349 Uon Urge Print Program 3-89 Magic Xeyliard 3-90 MagniLidk 3-90 Optaeon 3-91 PC Leas 3-911 PC Speak 3-92 PC Vert 3-92 PC Voice 3-93 PC-Braille 3-93 Print-it 3-94 2roTERM 3-94 PROVOX 3-95 SCAT (Screen Articulator) 3-95 Screen-Talk Pro 3-96 Soft Vert 3-96 Talking TermExec 3-97 Tall Talk Prints 3-97 Tall Talk Screens 3-98 Textaiker.Blind and Other Echo Utilities 3-98 v.p. j-99 Vantage 3-99 Vert Plus 4.100_ Viewscan_Text System 3-100 Vista 3-101 Words-to-Voitt 3-101

The following_products from other chapters can also be toed svs Alternate Display or Output Systems Usable with All Software

Microbrailler 2400 3-107

80 ReStititte BtiOk Computer Software and Hardware 1-0-0 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Artie Vision Vendor: Artie Technologies Computer Apple He, IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $395.00

Artie Vision (Articulate _Vision) is a software package that processesscreen and keyboard output into speech. TWO Modes Of operation are available. In the Ap-Track mode (Application Tracking), much speech output iS automatic and follows the application:The Review mode, which can be entered at a%, time with a single keyStroke, allows thescreen to be read in a directed fashion: Reading modes include character, word, line, sentence and paragraph. User options can be changed from Review mode at any time; Ten windows nine user definable, are USed ta read portions of thescreen upon demand from either Ap-Track or Review.Frequently used functiOns can be controlled withone hand. Automatic speech clearing allows quick movement around thescreen _with single keystrokes withoutlistening to unwanted text An IBM/XT or PC or compatible with 256Kmemory is the minimal suggested computer configuration.

1111116ftwois Product Name: AudiBraille Computer Vendor: Triformation Systems, Inc. Computer: Any CP/M Computer Cost: $6850.00


AudiBraille Coniputer is a complete microcomputer System Witha 24character LCD display; a 24-character refreshable braille display; and a speech synthesizer_ for voiceoutput The computer has 64K tif Usable memory;_arid_uses the CP/M . Two disk drives,a full_key-board with 17 fiiiittiOn keys,: 2 RS=232C Serial:ports, and built,in calculator keypadare provided:Software Trovided includes t'iictionary for adding -special pronunciation to the synthesizer's progamming; a search mode for locating text, anda "scratch pad" function that allows the user to interrupt any program to take notes. Qptions for_the AudiBraille Computer: include a remote braille keyboard for direct_entry of grade 2 'oraille; a standard monitor, and a remote . The AudiBraille Computer can drive both standard ink and braille printers.

Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 81

1 0_1 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable withAll Software

Produd Name: Basic Interpreter for the Blind Vendor: Schaefer, James S. Computerr. TRS-80 Mode: I Manual Form: Printed Cost: $15.00

The Basic Interpreter for the Blind is designed_togive verbal commands and prompts to visually impaired or blind computer programmer&The program allows the blind userto proofread, correct., and edit programs "on screen." The Basic Interpreter synthesizer. speaks the commands via a speech A Radio Shack or Votrax Type 'N' Talk speech synthesizeris required. A version for the IBM is under development; contact manufacturerfor details.

Product Name: Bearnscopt II Vendor: International Marketing Services, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $64.90 - $205.95

Beamscope II is a fresnel lens that will enlarge the characterson a TV screen irom two to four times their normal size when placed in front ofthe TV. Foul" different modelsare available to fit three screen sizes. Model TS=25 iS designed for11"-1=5", enlarging the screen diagonal to 25" ($64.90); Model TS-30 fits 17"-19" screens, enlarging thediagonal to 30" ($74.90); TS-41 Deluxe fits 19'-26" screens, enlarging the picture to 41" ($205.94 The firstthree models have a metal frame. The Deluxe model has a wood frame.The construction of the fresnel lens is designed maintain image clarity. to International Marketing Services also manufactures Comp-Lenz,a fresnel lens that has been coupled with a special glare _filter, specifically foruse with computer monitors. Compu-Lenz (see separate entry) fits the IBM-PC andmost other computers witii monitors of similar size. B'eamscope II has been used with monitors that donot meet those size specifications. Contact manufacturer for details.

82 IWsource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 102 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

I Product Name: Brailink III Vendor: SABRE Computers International, LTD Computer: Any CP/M Computer Cost: $8,800.00

Brailink is a braille output computer terminal that produces a dynamic 48 cell braille display. rho system operates with either thestandard QWERTY or braille:shorthand keyboards, andcan scan with cursor controls across a full screen 80 columns wide, showing 40 columns (half of a screen line) displayed at one time. The system includes a built-in digital minicassette tape drive, interface connections for a peripheral terminal, up to 9600 BAUD transmission capability, and a built-in carrying case for easy portability. Users must specify computer to be used with the Brailink III when they order,so that the proper components for that system can be included.

Product Name: Braille Display Processor Vendor: VTEK Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Cost $3495.00



Braille Display Processor is a device that displays the characters thatappear on a computer monitor as braille characters on a refreshable braille display. A 20-character "window"can be moved around the screen, and the characters in that window appear on the Braille Display Processor's display. Various keys are provided for directing the movement of the window. In the "cursor" mode, the braille display indicates the location of the cursor by row and column. In the 7read" modes, text is 6isplard on the braille display. The cursor itself may be displayedas the 20th character during editing. The system consists of an external unit with display and control keys and a circuit Lard that fits in any expansion slot in the computer.

Resource Book 3: Computer %aware and Hardware 83 03 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with AllSoftware

Product Name: BraT Vendor: Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer: IBM PC ;wilily Manual Forin: Braille/Tactile, Electronic; rrinted Cost: $295.00

BraT is aisoftware package designedto _allow the VersaBraille H system (see entry, Telesensory Systems, Inc.)_ito be used as a braille-screen -readingand navigating System for an :IBM-PC VersaBraille II is a portable device witha 20-character refteshable braille display. With BiaT, this display COMiStS of a akharacter segment of whateverappears an_ the IBWC's monitor._ A highlight= appears on- the-IBM _screen to indicatewhat area_ is currently displayedon the VersaBraille._This area can:be moveday using the regular IBM Ciirsat keys 6r_by special BraT commands. BraT commandscan also be used to determine_ the appearance of text (underline, invezse video, etc.) and the poSition of the displayarea by line and column. BraT' comes in the form of two disks,one for the IBM and one for the VersaBraille. BraT will work with Mast programs on the IBM-PC.

Product Name: Compu-Lenz Vendor: International Marketing Ser Aces, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $189.95

CompuLenz is a screen magnifier (fresnel lens). and glarefilter that fits on an existing monitor. Compu-Lenz displays the entire screen, magnifying itto approximately twice the area. Compu-Lenz fits the IBM-PC and most othercomputers with monitors of similar size. For other size monitors see BEAMSCOPE (separate entry).

84 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 104 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Enable Reader Vendor: Enable Software Company Computer Any CP/M Computer, IBM PC family, TRS=80 Model IV Manual Form: Audiotape, Electronic Cost: $250.00 - $500.00

Enable Reader Speech System is a program that, when used in conjunctionwith a speech synthesizer, will speak __the__contents of the computerscreen. Enable Reader uses the combination of the CONTROL and right SHIFT keysas a toggle-type switch by_ which the user can switch from the "Read" mode to the "Input" mode, and vice versa. In _the 'Read" motle the user can command the progTam to speak all or part of the screen; in the "Input" mode theuser runs whatever_other program it is he wants to run; Once transferred to a computer'S operating svs:cm disk, Enable aeader loads and runs automaticallyEnable Reader functions with tIECtalk, Echo GP,Speeth +, Votalker, and_ Votrax PSS speechsynthesizers. Enable Reader is compatible with various computers, dependingupon the operating system they useEirallie Reader 2.0 supports__ TRSDOS 6.x; CP/M 2.2, NEWDOS/80, TRSDOS 1.3,aud MULTIDOS 3.0 operating systems; Enable Reader 3.0 supports MSDOS. Contact manufacturerto be sure of compatibility with a particular computer.

Product Name: Enhanced PC Talking Program Vendor: Computer Conversations Computer: IBM PC AT, IBM PC family, IBM PC jr, TRS-80 Model I, TRS-80 Model III Manual Form: Braille/Tactile, Electronic, Printed Cost: $500.00 - $700.00

The Talking Program is a_screcni display and keyboardto :voice output program for visually impaired computer users. The Talking Programmay _be used to:speak entire words_Lor to speak letter-by-letten _Letters may_ be- identified as-upper or-lowercase if the user desires. The Talking Program also may speak_ or ignore punctuation; and inform theuser of the row and column position of the cursor.All_ functions and commands can' be user ronfigured by programming unique sequences- of keys to control functions.The :voice function may be turned ofi, but control and escape keystrokes are still spoken asan aid to the user. A speenh synthesizerisrequired foreffectiveuse of The Talking Program; contact manufacturer for details.

Resource Rik& 3 : Computer Software and Hardware 85 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with AllSoftware

Product Name: Expand-a-View Vendor: ARTS Computer Products, Inc. Computer IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost $495.00

Expand-a-View is a version of PC Lens('e entry, ARTS_Computer Products) designedto operate on IBM lap-top computers and coMpatibles. Charactersare enlarged, spread apart, and colored (optional). TheTrogram stores the characters that would normally go to the display screen in a buffer, then sends them line by line to the displayas enlarged characters. All ASCII characters can be displayed. Expand-a View works with allline oriented software on PC DOS and MS DOSIBM compatibles that support a color graphics card (require4

Product Name: Freedom I Vendor: Interface Systems Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Electronic, Printed Cost: $499.00

Freedom 1 is a transparent talkingscreen ieview program for the IBM-PC and its compatibleS, and the DEC rainbow. - keyis used to switch from the applications (actual prosram) mode to the review (screen reading): mode. Once ia the- review mOde,the iiSer cah Use single keys to execute a number of commands; including character; word, line, andscreen readiag silent tUrSor movement reverse reading and placement and seeking oftext markers; ESCAPE brings the user back into the applications: mode and usercan turn: on a cursor joining mode which automatically moves the cursor back to theirint-where reading frOnt the readiag Mode stopped. Freedom 1 Version 2 allows automatic joining ofapplications and review cursorsand has art option to allow users to create theirown interactive commands with single or limited keys. Freedom 1 does not actually produce voice output, but functionswith various commercially available speech synthesizers. Contact manufacturerfor deta:ls.

Resource Wook 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware ng Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: inLARGE Vendor: Berkeley System Design Computer: Apple Macintosh Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $95.00

inLarge is a software application which magnifies anything that normallyappears on the Macintosh display by a factor of 2 to 16 times.Characters as wen as graphics are enlarged. inLarge automatically follows the user's keystrokes andmouse movements without interfering with the application program.The location of the cursor in _the enlatged character mode directly corresponds to the location of the cursor in the standard character mode Both black- on-white and white-on-black displays are possible. In Read Mode inLarge automatically scrolls the screen to the left. When in Read Mode, movement of the mouse side_to side controls the scrolling or heading speed. Movement of the mouse up and down selects the lines being displayed. Inlarge works with all software on the Macintosh and handles graphics, text, windows and all features of the Macintosh.

Product Name: K Talker Vendor: K Talker Sales Computer: Any CP/M Computer Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $250.00

K Talker is a program that provides spoken output of the contents of thecomputer screen. K Talker is designed- to work with the MAI operating system. Theprogram provides the user with the following capabilities: the ability to he3r charactersas they are _entered _on the keyboard; the ability to hear words as they are sent to dr: computer'sscreen from application programs, the ability to review what has been sent to the screen, and the ability to bypass the computer and go directly to the synthesizer. K Talker requires a speech synthesizer, and computer using the CP/M operatingsystem and having a port to which ihe speech gnthesizer can- be connected. Thisprogram is used on the Kaypro 485 and Model II, and is being revised. Contact manufacturer for informationon new version of program. 107

esource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware 87 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usablewith All &oftWare

Product Name: Keynote Vendor: Sensory Aids Corporation Computer: Apple II family, IBM 3270, IBM PC family, Terminal Manual Form: Audiotape, Electronic, Printed Cost: $2,470.00 Pt,

Keynote is a portable word prricessor,_notetaktrand information storage device that talksto the user. By incorporating a miniature portable disk drive,Keynote is able to store up to 100pages of information on each 3 112" disk. Thekeyboard hassufficient memory for 14 fullytyped pages Which can be ownized into 10separate documents. Keynote retains informationeven when the poWer is Off.Information can be printed outon the built-in microprinter; or an electronic typewriter or printer can be usedto give full page layout. Optional software is available for the Keynotewhich allows it to act as a separate terminalfor popular computers.These terminal programsare available for both microcomputer and mainframe systems. Contact the manufacturerfor details.

Product Name: Large Print Display Processor Vendor: VTEK Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Cost: $2695.00 t.

111L,fill oPPRP

Larke Print Display Processor isa peripheral device which enlarges the text thatappears on a computer's monitor screen. Textcan be enlarged tip to sixteen times- its original size. Thearea to be enlarged can be moved around usinga joystick control._ The area enlarged can be made to follow the screen cursor A single linemay be isolated for viewing, and the screen imagecan be positive or negative. The Large Print DisplayProcessor does not-enlarge graphicS. The device requires no additional SoftWare tooperate, and does not affect the operation of standard software running while it is in use. The Large PrintDisplay Processor also does not occupyany of the computer% memory while inuse. An IBM color _graphics adapter is requiredto use the IBM version, if both large print and standard are to be viewed on thesame display. Otherwise two monitors are required.

Resource Ironic 1 COMputer Software and Hardware 108 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Lime Light Vendor: Apercom Corporation Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $3,950.00

1 he Limelight is a large-print device that projects the contents ofa computer screen onto a wall or screen. Anything that is displayed on the computer'S standard monitor also will be projected by Limelight including graphics. Limelight is designed to be visible in lightedroomS, and focus, brightness, and contrast are easily adjustable. Also available with Limelight are a variety of projectionscreens, a data switcher that allows up to 40 computers to send data to Limelight, and video adapters and cabling for computers that are not able to produce the correct video signal.

Product Name: Lyon Large Print Program Vendor: Computer Diskcourse Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $490.00

The Lyon Large Print Program is an interactive program that will work with most off-the-shelf word processing and database_ programs. On:screen letters may be frothone to four inches in height; In interactive mode; large print characters are displayed in one scrolling lineacross the bottom of the screen as the user types. A large print text editor (EDLYON) is included with the program. A color graphics monitor is requi.ed to run the Lyon Large Print Program. An optional Lyon Large Print Color Card smooths the large characters and allows for larger type.Contact the vendor for details.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 89 1n9 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with AllSoftware

PetidUtt Name: Magic Keyboard Vendor: Woodsmith Software Computer:_Any CP/M Computer, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $4450

Magic Keyboard is a translationprogram using graphieS_ to createlarge character sets andseven type styles readable by people with low vision.In _addition tti the seven double high, slightly larger-than double Wide_type styles, theprogram includes a 'Auare fonr that enlarges well; With virtually no diagonals. The ,prograin iS reportedlyable to print characters up to _100 feet talL And sideways:to 12 _inches._ Data- can -be -tittered fromAny standard word processing file (Magic KeybOard translatek WordStar files directly), or-fromdirect :type- mode one line ata time; The direct_type_mode featUreS page formatting and onlineediting. The user can delete and insert a Character, word or line;- move a line; adjuStMargins: and indentation; and jumpto the beginning and end _of the line. The system has fontsup to 112 " tall Which can be doubled or quadrupled while still maintaining good quality. For information regarding the printers whichare supported by the software, contact the manufacturer;

Product Name: MagniLink VëfldOr Elayo Americas, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Cost: $2675.00

No Photograph Available

Magnilink is a closecEcircuit televisionsystem consisting of 1a small TV camera, a base unit, and any_ black-and-white TV Set; The camera is used toscan-a text (or_ photo, etc), and the image is then magnified and_ brOadeaSt to_the TVset via the base unit On a 24" screen, Magnilink tan provide up to_ 54 times magnification. AriothetVerSiOn Of Magnilink (Magnilink CC) broadcasts to a computer monitor, other versions allow the userto view both magnified text and computer screen display simultanecinsly in a split-screen format. The camera_ unit is_ available in font Models:hand-held, typewriter, long-range,_and coiriputer terminal (mounts:on terminal and magnifies Screen).Other accessories are available that allow additional modifications to the system, suchas power from a car battery unit; contact manufacturer for details.

90 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Optacon Vendor: Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer: Cost: $4695.00

Optacon is a portable tactile reading_ system which giyeS theuser direct access to printed material A hand-held camera (about the size of a cigarette li_g_hter) is scannedacross the printed page. The retina of that camera perceives the contrast between the li_ght page and dark print and sends the image to a vibrating tactile array. The user rests the index fingeron that tactile array and is able to feel the_ letters move underneath the fingers.The entire unitis approximately the size of a portable cassette recorder. Several optional lenses are available (magnifying lens, typewriter lens,computer lens); contact manufacturer for details.

Product Name: PC Lens Vendor: ARTS Computer Products, Inc. Computer IBM PC faMily Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00

PC Lens is a program designed tci make characterson a computer screen easier to _read. Characters appear enlarged, Spread ApArt, and colored (optional).The section of the normal display that appears enlarged on the screen may be moved about automaticallyor may be moved manually, both horizontally and vertically, iising_the cursor keys. PC Lens commandsare executed using the function keys_ (Both cursor and function keys remain free for otheruses as well.) PC Lens shows all the 255 IBM characters Sent to the displayscreen. It does not work with graphics. PC Lens works on PC DOS and MS DOS computers supporting standard IBM software and video cards. A monochrome and a color adapter card are required,even if onlya color monitor is used. PC Combo is also available. It combines all the features of PC Lens and PC Voice.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 91 1 1 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable With All Software

Product Name: PC Speak Vendor: Solutions By Example Computer: IBM PC family, IBM PC jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $475.00

PC Speak iS a talking display program that speaks thecontents of the display screen. The user can at any time suspend OperatiOn of the applications program that he is workingon, and direct PC Speak to speak the contents of the screen by the letter, bythe word, or by the line. Tones reflect the position of the cursor, and theprogram can be instructed to state the cursor position or the status of keys such as . Punctuationcan be spoken or silent (pauses of variuus lengths).

PC Speak requitet a tekt-to-Speech synthesizer anda parallel or serial adapter as appropriate for the synthesizer. PC Speak Will work with almostany applications program on the IBM-PC. PC Speak jr, a version of PC Speak for the IBM PC jr, is alSo available.

Product Name: PC Vert Vendor: Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Cost: $3800.00

No Photograph Available

PC Vert is a voice output system consisting of a hardWare unitadded to an IBM-PC-system. PC Vert allows the user to hear what is on thescreen spoken by syntheized voice. The program operateS in tWO Modes. In the on-line made; thecursor acts like a standard cursor,and each character can be spokeu as it it entered.In the review mode; the first cursor is frozen and-a second cursor moves through the text as the telt iS read back inany size segment desired (character; word; line, etc).All commands are activated with minimal keystrokes within the home rdiv raiip of_ the keyboard; When in the review mode, the editingcursor can be merged at any time with the tevieW curSor for the purpose of making corrections.Speed of sroken output is user adjustable. Various options for PC Vert are available, including 3278 Vert,a program and circuit card that alloWs PC Vert to be used in a mainframe terminal emulation mode, and VertQwerty, a word processing program.

92 Resource Itook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 112 Chapter Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: PC Voice Vendor: ARTS Computer Products, Inc. Cmnputer: IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact manufacturer

PC Voice is a program that speaks the contents of the computerscreen via a speech synthesizer (extra). The speech folloWS the standard cursor, speaking the text that itmoves across. The user may move the segment to be reviewed around the screen uSing the standard cursor keys. The area being reviewed_is always displayed in reverse video. Custom pronunciations of words and abbreviations are definable. All 255 IBM characters may be spokenas well. PC Voice works on all PC DOS and MS DOS computers supporting standard IBM software.A color or monochrome graphics adapter card is required, as is a compatible speech synthesizer. PC Combo is also available. It combines all the features of PC Lens and PC Voice.

Product Name: PC-Braille Vendor: Triformation Systems Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $3500.00

PC-Braille is a hardware package that provides for braille Outputon an IBM-PC. The package consists of an internal circuit card for the computer, a connecting cable, and a refreghable braille display and scanning keypad Information already stored=in fileson the IBM can be rcad on the refreshable 24-character braille display display. PC-Brailleis tralisparent to other software and allows the user to have full screen orientation.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 93 Chapter 5: Alienist, Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Print-it Vendor Textprint Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile, Franklin family Cost: $199.00

Print-it is a serial and parallel_ printer interface card that_alien. 'lie contents of virtually any screen in virtually any program to beTrinted on a_printer (Braille or regular) or sent to avoice synthesizer. Even those programs which do not allow printingfrom within the program Will allow Printit to print the contents of thescreen at any time. Printing is triggered by pressing a special button, and can be done_ on_ a dot-matrixor letter-quality printer. Commands are also provided for determining special print conditions, suchas printing a double-siie or reverse image.Print-it can also send non-graphic data toa speech synthesizer, for obtaining speech output for programs that cannot otherwise be persuadedto "talk."Entire screen contents are sent each time Print-it is activated. A chartis provided showing the settings to be used: for variouSprinters. Ccintact the manufacturer about the compatibility of a particular printer. Aprogram tailed Save=it, designed to work with Print-it, is also available.Save-it saves to a disk the same material that Print-it sends the printer.

Product Name: ProTERM Vendor: MicroTalk Software Computer. Apple II family Manual Form: Audiotape, Electronic, Printed Cost: $150.00$195.00

ProTERM is a machine language program that transformsan Apple_ IIc or enhanced Ile intO talking intelligent terrninal, i.e., it allowsany text that can be displayed on the screen to be be spoken, incluthng- files of data transferred to the user'scomputer from another.Files created on a computer with ProTERM in operation can also be transferred to another systeM tratiSparently. ProTERM can be run under the ProDOS operatingsystem,irtwhir eaSeitWillload automatically when the computer is turnedon. ProTERM has the - ni of reading every keystroke as it is entered, and undesired characterscan be shut off so that they won't read aloud. ProTERM also has an abbreviation expansion option. 128K and a_ Super Serial Card are required touse ProTERM with the Apple Ile. A Cricket speech synthesizer it _required on the Ile;an Echo II or Echo+ on the Ile. ProTERM Plus, a version of ProTERM With the capability of communicating using theX-Modem protocol, is available at additional cost.

94 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 114 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: PROVOX Vendor: Kansys, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Braille/Tactile, Electronic, Printed Cost: $295.00

PROVOX is designed to give the com uter user control of voice output in both D:rect and Review modes. Once installed, PRO VOX outputs most keystrokes andscreen display. The user can interrupt speech output to skip over portions of screen display, cause the repetition of previously spoken output, locate the cursor, or read only highlightedareas.Other options include moving up or down the screen one line ata time and restricting voice output to a specified window. The user can specify whether or not silent characters suchas 'return' or '' are spoken. Currently, PROVOX supports five voice synthesizers. Contact the manufacturer for details. There are three versions of the program which support the voice synthesizers. A thirty minute demonstration package is available for $75:00 which can be appliedto the total purchase price. Subsequent versions will be available to licensed users ata reduced cost:

Product Name: SCAT (Screen Articulator) Vendor: RC Systems, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $19.95

SCAT is a program designed to be used with RC System's Slot-Buster multifunction card.It enables a visually impaired Apple user to gainaccess to many unprotected programs, through automatic _keyboard and program synthesized speech feedback and built-inscreen review features.It_ is compatible with_ Braille Edit; BEX, ProWords, ProTerm, APH Apple Presents Apple, Teacher's Pet, Speaking Speller, Applesoft, Integer Basic, and others.: In Echo/Textalker emulation mode it works with most programs written for the Echo speech synthesizer.The advanced screen review capabilities include string search, and built-in commandsare included for setting punctuation levels, speech rate, volume, word delay,,and other features. SCAT works with most DOS systems, including D0S33, ProntoDOS, Diversi-DOS, andProDOS. Documentation includes manual and text fileson disk. A talking version of the Slot-Buster manual is available (extra). 115 Resource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware 95 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with AllSoftware

Product Name: Screen:Talk Pro Vendor Computer Aids Corporation Computer IBM PC farnily Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $395.00

Screen-Talk Pro provides spoken output frommost applications programs that run on the IBM- PC and compatibles.All information shown on the computerscreen may be spoken aloud. Keys may be spoken as they are typed,or the display may be reviewed letter:by letter, word-by- word; line-by-line, or by specific_columns. Upto three "windows" may be 'defined to control which_ different areas of thescreen will be spoken. Speech may be silenced momentarilyor turned off entirely at any time. Four modesgovern the voicing of punctuation marks and other special characters. Variousson-screen search and videoattribute capabilities are also included. Screen-Talk Pro comes bundled with a ProKeyprogram (see entry) to make Screen-Talk Pro interactive with applications programs. Screen-Talksupports most commercially available speech synthesizers, as well as many internal and externalmodems.

Product Narte: Soft Vert Vendor Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Braille/Tactile Cost: $399.00

Soft Vert is a program that works_inconjunction wi peech synthesizer (extra) to provide spoken output of the material thatappears onOwcorn; screen. In the edit mode, each letter can be spoken by a voice synthesizer as it is typed in. c review mode, any size segment of text (character, word, line, etc.) can be read back by /nthesizer.The "route" command automatically brings the edit cursor _to the locationof th( :w cursor for making corrections. The "Stop" command stops the reviewprocess within a few ,ds of the moment it is entered. Soft Vert works with a number of commerciallyavailable speech synthesizers.

96 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware.' 1 6 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Talking Term Exec Vendor Exec Software, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $95.00

Talking TermEkee is a screen voice output package for Apple computers which provides voice as well as screen butput of information. A special buffer_ zone allows theuser to continue operation of a computer program ahead of voice output The speechcan catch up with the screen output by utilizing the same mechanism that Term Exec employs tci perform simultaneous echo printing with a slow printer. The program requires an Echo II speech synthesizer for voice output capabilitie&

Product Name: Tall Talk Prints Vendor Speech Enterprises Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $60.00

Tall Talk Prints is :a program that provides large print characterson a printer, and optional Vciitt output through a speech synthesizer; forany compatible applications progam. Tall Talk Prints is loaded before the application&program and in effect magnifies and reads aloud the screen's content& 18 point type size (025" = 033) iS prOVided. Tall Talk Prints will not work with every applicationsiproram. Also, ProDOS System Utilities (Or Siinilar) are required to translate ProDOS textfiles:into DOS files forlarge print conversions. A compatible primer and speech synthesizer (if desired)are required to use Tall: Talk Prints. Contact the manufacturer about compatibility.Three TEX=TALK Fonts Disks providing additional are available. 117 O111, Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 97 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Tall Talk Screens Vendor Speech Enterprises Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cos6 $45.00

Tall Talk Screens _is a-program that provides large print characterson the screen andoptional voice output through a speech synthesizer lot any comp_atible applicationsprogram. Tall Talk Screens is loaded before_ the applications program and:in_ effect magnifies andreads aloud the screen's content& Tall Talk Screens may be_ used to_simply add these:alternate outputs to the screen displays in programs, or it may be used as a utility for programming large print and voice into programs; Tall Talk Screens will not work with every applicationsprogram. Contact the manufacturer fOr information on what programs are compatibleior test programs using Tall Talk Screens. A compatible speech synthesizer is required for voice output.

Product Name: Tex:alker.Blind and Other Echo Utilitis Vendor: Street Electronics Corporation Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: See below

Textalker is one of the programs thatcomes_on the utility disk included with the purchase of a speech synthesizer from_Street Electronic& Textalker isa text-to-speech program with unlimited vocabulary; The program allows the contents of thecomputer _screen to be read back via a speech synthesizer while an applicationsprogram is bring: run. Characters can also be echoed back one at a time as they are entered. Also includedon the disk are Echo Com, a program which allows -the teacher to create menus of words and phrases whichcan be accessed with a minimal number of keystrokes for use in augmentative communicationtraining EchoWords is a fixed dictionary of 700 words in female voice.

98 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 118 11.11M Chapter -'5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software Product Name: V.P. Vendor Maryland Computer Services, Inc. Compfiter IBM PC family Cost: $3,900.00

V.P. is an external component for the IBM-PC that provides spokenoutput of the contents of the computer screen. Two separate cursors are provided;one that functions like the normal cursor for editing and adding text, and another that follows what is being read back by the V.P.'s built-in speech synthesizer.The reading cursor and the writing cursor can each be routed automatically to the other's position with a single keystroke. Eithercursor can be pOsitioned by tow and column, or by a search for a particular word or words; The readcursor can read by the character,_by the word, by the line, or by larger segments of text; Pronunciation,rate of speech, and how numbers are to 13e spoken are all user-adjustable. Graphics characterscan be Spoken, as can such features as colors and other visual enhancements. Macros (one keystroke entersup tO 30 characters) can be created, and an enunciator key will allow all keysto announce their function rather than execute it.

Product Name: Vantage Vendor Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer Cost: $2495.00

Vantage is a closed circuit television system that magnifiesany printed text. The user positions text under a camera, and the text appears, enlarged 3 to 45 times,on a video screen. The min- glare screen can be raised, lowered, and tilted.Added underlining and overlining are possible, and a split screen can be used to view two texts. Vantagecan also act as a monitor for Vista, an image enlarging system for the IBM-PC (see entry, Telesensory Systems, Inc.).


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 99 If Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with Software

Product Name: Vert Plus Vendor Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $2495.00

Vert Plus is a program that provides voiceoutput of the material displayed _on the computer screen. Vert Plus offers the same features as Soft Vert (seeentry, Telesensory Systems, Inc.), but is compatible with, and comes equipped with, Plus). a CallText speech synthesizer (see entry, Speech

Product Name: Viewscan Text System VendOr Sensory Aids Corporation Computer Apple II family, IBM 3270, IBM PC family Cost: $4,890.00- $5,890.00

Viewscan Text SyStem is a combination_electroniclarge _print display _arJ portable computer. The _computer is a modified Epson HX=20, witha standard size 80-character LCD display and small built-in printer. The LCD is used= only for_displayof the opening menu, and does not function_ when Operating the Viewscan TextSystem. A small hand-held camera iS passedacross a written text, and the text Scanned by thecamera appears on the large print display in letters up to r high. Text created and edited on the portablecomputer can also be viewed on the large print display.The system has a built-in calculator and wordprocessing functions.If only reading_of printed tekt is desired, the large print displayunit and miniature camera separate from the computer. can be used Various hardware and softwareackages are available for the Viewscan TextSystem, including programs for word processing, database management, and spreadsheets;as well as systenis that allow the VTS to be uSed asa keyboard for the IBM-PC or a terminal for an IBM mainframe. For price and compatibilty information,contact the manufacturer.

100 Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 120 Chapter 5: Alternate Display Systems Usable with All Software

Product Name: Vista Vendor Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $1,700


Vista is a hardware and software package that allowsa portion of the screen display to be selected and enlarged. The system consists ofan internal circuit card, a program on disk, and a mouse. By pressing certain buttons on the mouse and moving the mouse, theuser can enlarge an area of the screen, move the area to be enlarged around the screen, mask off onlyone line for viewing, jump from the end of one line to the beginning of another,and stretch an image taller or wider. Magnification can be from 3 to 16 times. Vista uses the existing color or monochrome monitor, will work withmost 211 software, and will magnify graphics and other screen attributes.

Product Name: Words-to-Voice Vendor: Totec Company, LTD Computer: IBM PC family Cost: $6500.00 - $9000.00

Words-to-Voice is a complete system for optical character reading and wordprocessing. The system consists _of an IBM-PC, a DECtalk speech synthesizer, a Totec optical character reader,a printer, and three programs on disk.The optical character reader scans over a typed text, ildentifies the characters, and transmits this information to thecomputer as electronic text. Once the text is in the computer, it can be printedon the printer or spoken by the synthesizer. The three programs for the computer are a communicationsprogram, a word processing program, andavoiceoutputprogram (EnhancedTalking PC Program;seeentry,Computer Conversations). Each component of the Words-to-Voice system ic availableseparately.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Liii Chapter 6

Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

This chapter includes devices that have either Brailleor other tactile output. Devices in _this category are not systems in themselves, butare meant to be components that are wed with other special software.Braille deviceS are often sold both separately and with software packages. If sold separately, they are listed here. If sold as part Of a package, theyare listed either in Chapter 2 (if they allow transparentaccess to standard software programS) or in Ckapter 13, Personal Tool or Aid Software (if theyare used with special stand-alone application software for blind persons). Related feature codes foutud in the cross reference indexes include Braille output (ODB) and TactilelBraille Display (ODT). Appendix A contains various information summaries such as Information Resources for Blind and Visually Impaired Individual&


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 103 Chapter 6: Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

The following product entries appear in this chapter

BETA-X3 Thiel Braille Printer 3-105 Cranmer Modified Perkins Brailler 3-105 Electronic Typing Fingers 3-106 INDEX 3-106 MBOSS-I 3-107 Microbrailler 2400 3-107 MPRINT 3-108 Ohtsuki Printer 3-108 Personal Brai Her 3-109 Romeo Braille: 3-109 TED-WI-Text Embcssing Device 3-110 TRI-1713 Braille Terminal Embosser 3-110 ersaBraille_ 3-111 VcruPOint Braille Embrisser 3-111

The following_products from other chapters can also be sued as Braille Printers or Tactile Display Componentm

Brailink III 3-83 BraT 3-84 Optacon 3-91


104 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 6: Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

Product Name: BETA-X3 Thiel Braille Printer AMR Vendor: VTEK _ COmputer: All (Hardware Independent) 74.41eft,.. Cost: $17,495.00

BETA X-3 is a_portable braille printer basedon the Thiel Printer technology. The user may either enter braille on the BETA X-3's keyboardor input computer braille text from a computer. Grades 1 and 2 braille, notation and mathematic scriptcan be printed, and 6- or 8-dot braille are supported. Different braille character sets suchas may be selected. Raised dot graphics can be created_ as well.11 to 42 characters per line and 10 to 39 linesper page are possible. The BETA X-3 uses tractorpaper feed; Text sent to the BETA X-3 from another &Vice must be alreadytranslated if the user desires grade 2 braille. ASCII characters sent will be printedas the equivalent (uncontracted) braille. An alphanumeric keyboard is available at extracost ($450.00); contact manufacturer for details.

Product Name: Cranmer Modified Perkins Brailler Vendor Maryland Computer Services, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $2,550.00

No Photograph Available

Cranmer ModifiediPerkins Brailler is a device whiehacts as braille printer and typewriter. The user _cam znter text on the _device's_ braille keybOard and print it out for review;or a computer braille file may be fed in (via a serial port) and printed.The device is equipped with a 4,000 character buffer for printing from computer files.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 105 Chapter 6: Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

Product Name: Electronic Typing Fingers Vendor: Personal Micro Computers, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Cost: $295.00

Electronic Typing Fingers (ETF430) is an adapter for the IBM brailletypewriter to allow computer output of braille. A parallel printer interface is required.

Product Name: INDEX Vendor: VTEK Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $4395.00

INDEX is a braille printer that embosses at a rate of 20 charactersper second Text can either be entered on INDEX's braille keyboard or input froman existing braille text _file composed on a microcomputer. Qperating settings for printing can also be entered frdin INDEX's keyboard. INDEX ha§ a 22K RAM memory, and can produce multiple copies automatically. INDEX connects to a microcomputer's RS-232 serial port.

1 25

106 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 6: Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

Product Name: MBOSS-1 Vendor VTEIC Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $3,225.00

MBOSS-1 is a braille _printer that _prints at a rate of 10 charactersper second MBOSS-1 uses continuous form tractor feed, and will accommodate paperup to 13" wide. Braille can be printed in 6- or &dot format MBOSS-1 will translate ASCII characters into AmericanStandard -Braille, 40 characters per line With a Maximum page length of 27 lines. Audio indicatorsare provided that signal on, off and alert conditions (such aspaper out). MBOSS4 can feceiVe_teit ouput from any device witha RS-232 serial port or Centronics=type parallel port. MBOSS=1 can only print grade 2 braille files if those filesare already in grade 2 form when sent to the MBOSS-L


Product Name: Microbrailler 2400 Vendor: Triformation Systems, Inc. Computer Any CP/M Computer Cost: $5750.00

MicroBrailler 2400 is_a ibraille_data_ entry, and text editing_ device witha 24-character refreshable braille display. The Mitrobrailler has a ieVen-key electronic keyboard (one_for each brpilledot and:one-key:for -spacing) plus six -Opetat:onal keys, a cassette storagesystem that _uses standard audio cassettes, and :two RS-232C inputiciutput_potts.Text entered on the keybOard can _be reVidiVed On thediSplaYi thoved,_added; deleted_ or sent to cassette storageor -another:device._ Up to- MOO- paget: Of braille tekt eah be Stored on one 90-minute cassette. The input/outputports allowthe text -to- be Seta to ptititetg Or computers as:either brailleor standard text. _Single character commands are_ provided for configuring -either portThe_ two can be configiiked independently; for instance in order to drive a standard anda braille printer at the same time. Text tan be Sent or received (for inStance froman optical character reader) in the form of ASCII.

1P6 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 107 Chapter fx Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

it111 Product Name: MPRINT Vendor: VTEIC Computen All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $695.00 - $875.00

MPRINT is a _device that connects toa PerkinS Brailler and Sends the same characters being embossed on the Perkins to a standard printerto be printed as Standard alphabetic characters. Each line on the Perkins appearS asan individual line on the ink printer.Preset default positions are provided for margins, capitalizatiOn, andspacing: MPRINT automatically expands grade two braille into full ASCII text for printing.Alternatively, the uSer can print the grade tWo -characters directly for learning and reviewing. The above features are available far both the MPRINTMessage Center _($695.00) and the MPRINT Writer ($875.00). The MPRINT Writer has additionalfeatures, such as more flexible formatting and the ability_to delete the last few characterssent. Most standard serial or parallel printers will work with MPRINT.

Proe ict Name: Ohtsuki Printer Vendor: Ohtsuki Communication Products, Inc. Cdinputee: Apple H family, IBM PC family Cost: $4,980.00

No Photograph Available

Ohtsuki Printer is a _braille printer capable of producingparallel _litieS of braille and standard ink print The user sends the printera grade 1 or grade 2 braille file Via a computer's serialor parallel port, and the printer can print only standard inkprint (dat matrix), Only braille, or both types on alternate lines.The speed of printing is slightly lower when bothtypes are used. Grade 2 braille can also be printed, but only if theuser has the necessary translation software on the computer. Either single sheet paper or continuous feed paperMay be used. The manufacturer is able to provided thenecessary brailling paper and the ink cartridges for ink printing. Contact them about the cost

108 Resource Ilook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter C- Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

Product Name: Personal Brailler Vendor: Triformation Systems, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) 41111Mur Cost: $3450.00

Personal Waffler is a braille printer that can print characters andsome graphics. Any standard text_in electronic form can be sent to the Personal Brailler, which will translate it into&rade 1 braille, including eliminating word breaks at_the ends of lines. The Persona; Braillerwill also accept Grade 2 braille from a computer braille translation program: In the graphics mode, 120 dots can be embossed across a 4haracter line usinga vertical matrix of four dots minimum; Audible and on-line/off-line and paper out signalsare provided.Page length can be 25 or 27 lines. Communication with other devices (computers, modems, etc.)can be in either ASCII or Baudot (TDD) code.

Product Name: Romeo Brailler Vendor: Maryland Computer Services, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $2,750

No Photograph Available

Romeo Brailler is a braille printer capable of printing grade 1or "computee braille (from a computer text file) at a speed of up to 20 characters per second. Theuser can either send the device a computer braille text file via a Centronics parallel interfaceor an RS-232C serial interface, or type braille text in _directly on an optional external braille keyboard (extra). The Romeo prints in 6:d0t braille with 42 cells to the line. An audiblepaper out detector is provided. The Romeo uses tractor feed paper, and comes ina suitcase-style case with handle.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 109 Chapter 6: Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

Pruduct Naine: TED-600 Text Embossing Device Vendor. Triformation Systems, Inc. Computer:- All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $37,500.00

TED-600 Text Embossins Device _is_ a high speed braille printerthat embosses two pages simultaneously on a single sheet, at aspeed of 600 linesper minute. An LCD display reports the unit' s status and informs the operator ofany changes in the system. By pushing a feW buttons, the operator can also confirm the status of the device's electronics andembossing system. Using infrared optical scanners, the TED400 is able tO monitor itsembossing cycles and inform the operator of any problem; pinpointing the location of the difficulty. Thc TED-600 can be adjusted to work with virtuallyany device that sends ASCII via an RS:232 port, if that device is capable of braille translation.


Product Name: TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser Vendor: Triformation Systems, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $12,500.00

TRI-17G Braille Terminal Embosser is a braille printer that eftibossesat a speed of 170 characters per second; The TRI-170 will automatically_tranglate computer braille filek intograde 1 braille; translating any unusual punctuation=pr_ numeric characters intO their COnventional braille counterparts, preventing word breaks at_the end oflines; and applying correctbraille capitalization procedures._ If a_ text is not already formattedfor braille; the TRI-170 can create 40-Character lines, avoid word breaks-, and maintain the triginalteit'S Margins; A paper-saving feature permits up to 31 lines to be fiton a standard braille page, gad an automatic page numbering function can be turnedon aii_off with a switch. :A keyboard is provided that allows short texts to be entered directly, the TRI:170 acting as a brailletypewriter. The TRI-170 can receive text in either ASCIIor Baudot (TDD) code.

110 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 129 111 Chapter 6: Braille Printers and Tactile Display Components

Product Name: VersaBraille Vendor: Telesensory System& Inc. Computerr. All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $6495.00 - $6750.00

VersaBraille is a_portable computing and word processing:device:with a 20-character refreshable braille display.: The user can enter text on VersaBraille's braille keyboard; and read this texton the- display, which -consists- of -a- set of 20 cellS; eaCh with a _group of small reeds thatcan be electronically :raised to form braille characters (a refreshable braille display).Computer braille text_can also_be transmitted between the VersaBraille and a standard computer in the form of ASCII text files. Two models are available, the original VersaBraille ($6750.00) and VersaBraille II ($6495.00). The original VerasBraille_ uses_ a icassette drive -for- storage; VersaBraille- II -usesamini-disk. VersaBraille_ II has more sophisticated _word processing: built in;Both can be interfaced with modems.Various software is available for _both; including a word processor for the first VersaBraille called- -VersaText (VersaText System& Inc.;contact_ Telesensory Systems for informatior). __A _version_ _of the Duxbury Braille Translator (translates between grades 1 and 2 braille) is available for the VersaBraille.

Product Name: VersaPoint Vendor: Telesensory Systems, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $3,895.00

No Photograph Available

VersaPoint Braille Embosser s, 20 character per second braille embosser. The system has a moveable platen which allow; fae VersaPoint to place a braille dot anywhere on the page. VersaPoint uses solenoids to gmerate: its braille character& Each _solenoid only _needs:to braille four cells per line; which reduc.s_strain on the embossing heads. Paper type and width areuser selectable up to 13 inches. Ven;aPoint uses tractor fed paper with a 30000 character buffer; and uses standard parallel and seral port&All configuration control parameters are easily set through the control panel rather than dip switches. The placement of the braille dots are completely software controlled; which enables potential development of _graphics packages represented by dots, or sideways embossing _to allow printing of a_ full screen of information that_ _retains: exact screen format; these adaptations are in development by manufacturer.The VersaPoint is available with an optional carrying case; contact manufacturer for details.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 111 - t Chapter 7

Speech Synthesizers

This _chapter includes both hardware and software speech synthesizers which are designed to be stand-alone components used by other application programs. Products in this category do not themselves provide transparent access to_ standard computers, although they may be used in conjunction with another piece of software to provide that function. Related function codes found in the cross reference indexes include Screen to Voice (SV), Phone Control (PC) and Education/Training/Therapy (ET)


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 113 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers NMI=ENWIWNIIM.

The following product tattles appear la this chapter:

WTiat 50130 3415 UillTut 5050 3415 Cocket 3-114 DECtalk_ 3_216 Echo + Echo GPi 3-117_ Ekto PC2 3-118I tette-Talker _3-118 Mockiagboard 3419 Personal Speech System 3-119 Slotbuster 3420 SmoothTalker 3-120 Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) 3-111 Super Voice 3-121 Supertalker 3-122 SynPhonis 100 3-122 SynPhonix 200 3-123 Synplumix ir 3-123 Type-N-Talk 3-124 Ufonic Voice System 3-124 VOicci Master 3-125 VOUlkti AP 3-125 VOUlkdi C44 3-126 Votalker 113 3-126

114 Resource Ilook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 1 2 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: CallText 5000 Vendor Speech Plus, Inc. Computer IBM PC family -A Cost: $3225.00

CallText 5000 is an_internal _circuit card that provides highly intelligible synthesizedspeech output for the IBM-PC. CallText 5000 converts any sequence of ASCII characters routedto it into English speech. A speaker can be connected directly to the board. CallText 5000can also answer incoming phone calls; send a synthesized speech message, and dial outgoing calls. Three different male voices are provided For information about what programs designed for voice outputare compatible with CallText 5000 (such as screen display to voice output programs), contact the manufacturer.

Product Name: CallText 5050 Vendor Speech Plus, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) amEllOl Cost: $3900.00

CallTeit 5050is an external module that cot-Ivens output from a computer _into highly intelligible synthesized English speech. CallText 5050 connects to a computer's RS-232 port, and converts the outgoing ASCII characters into speech according to its programmed rules of pronounciation.A_ number of special pronunciation modes, such asletter by letter or abbreviation expanding, are also possible. An external speaker can be connected directly to the unit (extra),CallTent 5050 can also answer incoming phone calls, send a synthesized speech message, and dial ,iutgoing calls. Three different male voices are provided. For additional costr_the system can be_adapted to handle up to five channels of data input/output (for example, five different phone calls). For information on how CallText 5050can be used for voice output for particular programs, contact the manufacturer.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 115 133 =Chapter 7: Spech Synthesizers Product Name: Cricket Vendor Street Electronics Corporation Computer: Apple IIc Cost: $149.95

7- - - ' i,4.--te, t-- ''' I. 4E.044 -'-'--'''.t., 4 --"'''-

Cricket is _a speech synthesizer for the AppleHe. The Cricket is an external unit witha built:in speaker. Two voices are provide&a natural sounding female voice with a limited vocabulary (700 wordq and a robOtic Voice withan unlimited vocabulary (works by pronunciation rules). The Cricket has a built-in clock, externalvolume control, and headphone jack._ Simple commands are used to control the rate of speech(regular or fast), output mode (spoken, printed to the screen, or both), _and how the textis read (letter by letter, word by word; how much punctuation is spoken). The Cricket also hasmusic and sound effects capabilities. The Cricket functions withmany different programs. manufacturer. See other entries or consult the

Product Name: DECtalk Vendor: Digital Equipment Corporation Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $4000.00- 24000.00


DECtalk is a full-featured voice synthesizercompatible With most computer systems; DECtalk offers:six different voiteSL(both male andfemale, child and adult) andmore natural Sentenee rhythm and intonafion.-DECtalkconverts text sent from the' host computer toa pronuntiation code usir& a combination of dictionaries andletter-to-sound _rule&DECtalk then takes into consideration_surrounding_words and their effectson indiVidual pronunciationi, Rateiof speech is adjustable from 120 te 350 *ordsper minute-. DECtalk provides a user-specified dictionary for commonly used acronytriS, trade teriiiS,_and specialword& DECtalk may "speak" through itS internal speaker, headphones,an external Speaker, di over the telephone. DECtalk accepts input fromany computer through a standard RS-232C communicationsport. For a demonstration of DECtalkover the telephone, interested parties call (617) 493-TALK.

116 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 134 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Echo + Vendor: Street Electronics Corporation Computer: Apple II+, Apple Ile Cost: $149.00

Echo + is a speech synthesizer for the Apple IIe and II+. The Echo+ consists of and internal circuit card with a speaker. The Echo + has two voices:a natural sounding female voice with a limited vocabulary (700 words) anda robotic voice with an unlimited vocabulary (works by pronunciation rule4 Simple commandsare used to control the rate of speech (regular or fast), output mode fspOken, printed to the screen, or bot4 and how the textis read (leer by letter, word by word; how much punctuation is spoken).Pitch and volume are also adjustable, anda headphone jack is provided;Sound and music capabilities are also featured. The Echo + is a descendent of the original Echo H, and will workwith Echo II software. The Echo + requires 64K of memory (128K for the female voice). andcomes with a number of demonstration and utility programs. Many voice outputprograms are compatible with the Echo +; see other entries Nr consult the manufacturer.

Product Name: Echo GP Vendor: Street Electronics Corporation Computer. All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $249.95

No Photograph Available

Echo__GP (general purpose) speech synthesizer isan external unit that connects to a computer's RS-232 serial port. The Echo GP comes witha single robotic voice with unlimited vocabulary. Text is spoken according to a set of phonetic rules built into the GP'smicroprocessor. Simple commands are used to control the rate of speech (regularor fast ). output _mode (spoken, printed to the screen, or both); and how the text is read (letter by letter; word by ward; bowmuch pronunciation is spoken); Pitch and volume levelsare also adjustable. The Echo GP has a built- in speaker, an 4xternal volume control, and a 1;700 character buffer that allows thecomputer to send output to the synthesizer faster than the synthesizercan speak it. The Echo GP connects to a computer's RS-232 serial port, and is compatible withvirtually any computer so equipped.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 117 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Pteiduct Name: Echo PC2 Vendor Street Electronics Corporation Computer IBM PC family Cosh $149.95

Echo PC2 is a speech synthesizer kir theIBM-?C, The Echo PC2 consists of an_internalcircuit card and a speaker. The Echo PC2 isprovidef, with tWo voices:a natural sounding female voice with a_limited vocabulary (700 words)and a zobotic voice with an unlimitedvocabulary (works by pronunciation rules).Simple COMmands serve to control therate of speech (regiilar _of fast).output mode (spokenprinted t6 thescrëcO, or bOth);_and how thetext is read (letter by letter, Word by word; how much pronunciationis spoken). Pitch and volume a headphone jack is provided. are adjustable, and The Echo PC:2: works withmost IBM CoMpatibles and will fit into the PC Some software is included; for information xrti short trots. screen reading programs) is designed to aboutwork whether particular special software (suchas a manufacturer. with the Echo PC2, contact thesoftware

Product Name: Intex-Talker Vendor: Intex Micro Systems Corporation Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost $345.00

IntevTalker is a text-to-speech synthesizerthat can pronounce phonemes, letters, words,lines, or whole bodies of text Intex-Talker hasvariable _pitch and intonation, andcan produce musical tones. This synthesizer recognizes all ASCIIcharacters, and can speak punctuation if desired. Intex-Talker works with anycomputer having RS-232C or serial or parallel ASCIIas output. Options include a 2.7X buffer,an 81C user-programmable memory, a 161C vocabulary module, a built-in speaker (all extra). and

118 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 136 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Mockingboard Vendor: Sweet Micro Systems Computer Apple II family Cost: $124.95 - $195.00 ttt

Mockingboard is a self-contained speech synthesizer for the Apple II family of computers. Mockingboard also offers full music capabilities (six voices simultaneously over an eight octave rans4 Mockingboard will pronounce text word-by-word or letter-by-letter as the user desires. Voice qualities may also be adjusted to suit the individual user. Different versions of the Mockingboard are available with various featureS and for different Apple II-series computers.Contact the manufacturer for details, and for information on software written for the Mockingboard.

Product Name: Personal Speech System Vendor Votrax International, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $449.00

Personal Speech System_ (PSS) is a selfontained external speech synthesizer that connects to the serial or parallel port of a computer. Data sent to that port goes to the PSS as it would normally go to a_printer, and comes out as synthesized speech from the system's internal speaker. Pronunciation is determined by phonetic rules progammed into the PSS. gptional phonetic rules for exceptions and abbreviations may be programmecLin by the user, and text may be sent_in standard orthographic or special phonetic spellings. The PSS has music capabilities. A 3,500 character buffer is provided, so that no delay in speech transmission occurs. Inflection, rate and amplitude of the speech are all adjustable. The PSS also_has its own auxiliary serial and parallel ?orts, so a printer can remain connected while the PSS is hooked up. Contact the manufacturer about voice-output stware written for the PSS.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 119 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Slotbuster Vendor: RC Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II+, Apple He, Apple II family Cost: $179.95- $229.95

Slotbuster is a multifunction circuit card that will fitin any expansion slot of the Apple II, He, or II+.Slotbuster can function _as a speech syntheSiier,a serial printer port (RS-232C), and a character buffer. The speech synthesizer has built=infirmware that prdvides the phonetic rules for English pronunciation; an auxilliaryset of up to 1,000 rules can- be created And Stored by the user. The synthesizer can speak text by the word, by the character,or phonetically, and the sound can_ come through the internal Apple speakerOr through an external speaker (not included). Variou& features of speechare adjustable,including articulation, inflection, vocal tract frequency, glide, pitch, rate, volume,_ punctuation level, andvideo echo on/off. The Serial printer port functions as a standard RS-232C port does;a parallel printer port is also available. The buffer holds at least tWOO characters andup to 24K of outpiit so that those characters can be fed to a printer or the synthesizer while the computer is used for othertaSks. Tot-Buster is available for $229.95 withor for $179.95 without the synthesizer. Options include 81( or 16K additions to the buffer'smemory.

Product Name: SmoothTalker Vendor First , Inc. Computer Apple Macintosh Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.95

Smooth Talker is a high quality text-tors_peech synthesizerfor a Macintosh computer. Smooth Talker can proofread out loud most of the material indocuments produced by word processing, sprehdsheet, and database documents,as Weil as BASIC program& It does not; however, operate at the same time- as any ot these program& SmoothTalker providescapabilities for either male or female voices _and has intonation rules basedon sentence sturcture. SmoothTalker takes advantage of the advanced sound system in the MacIntoshand therefore needs no hardware other than the MacIntosh itself to produce synthesized speech.

120 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and HardWare 138 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) Vendor: Tronix Publishing, Inc. Computer _Apple II_ family, Atari 800, Atari 800XL, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.95 - $99.95

Software Automatic Mouth_is a speech _synthesizer- in the- form of an internal circuit-card with a speaker mounted on it;The card_ plugs into: an expansion _slot in the computer, and converts characters that go to the computer's monitor into Englishispeech;_ according_to pre-programmed phonetic- rules. Phonetic spelling can also be-used. Separate speed,_ pitch, and inflection controls are provide& A disk_containing the documentation and rules for phonetic spelling is included. Software Automatic Mouth ;ncludes both a disk and a_circuit card for the Apple II series-. For the Atari 800, 800XL, and Commodore 64, the SAM includes only a disk; an external circuit card is not needed because of the advanced sound circuits in these computers.

Product Name: Super Voice Vendoi: Speech Systems: Illinois Computer TRS-80 Color Cost: $79.95

No Photograph Available

Super Voice is a speech unthesizer for the Tandy Color Computer. Super Voice is capable of speech, singing; and sound effects.16 speaking speeds, 16 volume levels, 8 articulation rates, 255 vocal tract filter settings, 64 phonemes; and 8 inflection speeds are offered. Memory of 32K and some special adapter cables are required.If purchased with Ears system (see entry) price for Super Voice is discounted to $59.95. Contact the manufacturer.

1 3 9

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 121 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Supertalker Vendor: Mountain Computer Computer Apple II fathily, IBM PC family Cost: $199.00


Supertalker is a hardware and softwarepackage designed for addiiik speechoutput to programs. The hardware component consistsof an internal circuit card anda microphone.The user speaks_phrases into the Mitrophore; andthe system processes this Speech intoa digital_ pattern Which can be stored in the call:fttnerhory system or on a disk._ The software providedoffers the user utility programs for adjusting how the sound is storedand for adding the spoken phrasesat desired points in a prograin (Verbalprompts, etc)._ BASIC computer coMmandsmay also be used to call up stored phraseS. Abont 120 secondsof speech can be stored oh Voice output is through a builvai speaker. a standard diskette. Supertalker is not a speech synthesizer.Instead of using prograthmed phoneticrules to create artificial speech ficith ten; theSupertalker digitizes,or digitally records,phrases that are spoken into it; much like a tape recOrder.Each phrase to be played backmust first be recorded Speech quality is adjustable by_ changing theAniount of digitization doneito the speechsample. Two models are available; Supertalker SD200(Apple II) and Supertalker II (1BM-PC).

Product Name: SynPhonix 100 Vendor Artie Technologies Computer: Apple H family Cost: $155.00- $1250.00

The SynPhonix 100 isa speech synthesizer for the Apple II familyof computers.The Synphonix 100 offers unlimited vocabularyof phonetic synthesized speech. -The devicemay also be used to produce music, simulatesinging, and_produce sound effects_Various characteristics of the speech,_including rate, pitch,and amplitude are adjustable.The SynPhonix_ 100 is an internal circuit card for the Apple II.Voice output may be made through theSynPhonix speaker, the Apple's internal speaker,or Any external speaker. . . . Various software tomes with theSynPhonix 100, includingprograms for text-to-speech, creating fixed vocabulary files, anda demonstration program Optionalprograms available at extra cost include propams for creating andmanaging vocabularies. A version of ArtieScreen Reader, a screen reading and navigation program (see entry), isavailable in a package with the SynPhonix 100. The cost with the Artic ScreenReader included is $1250.00.

122 Resource Itook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 140 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: SynPhonix 200 Vendor Artic Technologies Computer IBM PC AT, IBM PC femily Cost: $225.00

The SynPhonix 200 is a speech synthesizer on an internal circuit card for the IBM-PC and compatibles. The SynPhonix 200 offers an unlimited vocabulary of phonetic synthesized speech. The device may also be used to produce music, simulate singing, and produce sound effects. Various characteristics of the speech are adjustable, including rate, pitch, and amplitude. Voice output may be made through the SynPhonix speaker or any external speaker. Various software comes with the SynPhonix 200 including programs for text-to-speech, creating fixed vocabulary files, and a demonstration program. Optional programs available at extra cost include programs for creating and managing vocabularies, and PortTalk, which allows output to be routeJ to the SynPhonix 200 as if it were a printer.Artic Vision, a screen reading and navigating program (see entry), is available for the SynPhonix 200.

Product Name: Synphonix jr Vendor: Artic Technologies Computer: IBM PC jr Cost: $175.00

The SynPhonix jr is a speech synthesizer for the IBM-PCjr. The1 SynPhonix jr offers unlimited vocabulary of phonetic synthesized speech.The device may also be used to produce music, sound effects, or simulate singing Various characteristics of the speech are adjustable, including rate, pitch, and amplitude. The SynPhonix jr is a circuit card which fits into the internal modem slot of the IBM-PCjr. Voice output may be made through the SynPhonix speaker or an external speaker. Various software _comes with the SynPhonix jr, including programs for text-to-speech, creating fixed vocabulary files, and a demonstration program. Optional programs available at extra cost include programs for creating and managing vocabulariet, and PortTalk, which routes output to the SynPhonix as if it were a printer. 141

Resource Book 3 : Computer Software and Hardware 123 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Type2N-Talk Vendor Votrax International, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $299.00 NI/ MIRMUNM

Type-'N-Talk is a_ self-contained speech SyntheSizerthat connects: to a computer's serialport. Output can be _routed to the Type-'N;Talk justAS itiS frequently_ routed to a printeror a monitor. _Any characters sent:to the Type-'N-Talkwill be spoken as English wordsi accordingto the synthesizer's built4n rules of pronunciationText may be sent in either standard orthographic or phonetic spellingS. A 750 Charaeterbuffer is provided; allowing for no delay in voice transmission; Volume and frequency ofspeech are adjustable. Contact the manufacturer for information aboutsoftware written for use with the Typl-'N-Talk.

Product Name: Ufonic Voice System Vendor Josten's Learning Systems Computer Apple II family Cost: $350.00 - 495.00

Ufonic Voice Systeni is a combination ofan internal circuit card and eiterhal audio amplifier that provides digitized speech output forsoftware.The circuit card fitS into expansion slot in an Apple II or He. any available Ufonic is available without the externalamplifier, in which case listening must be done with headphones. Ufonic operates only witha special line of compatible educational software (extra); contact manufacturer for details.

Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hard*are Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name: Voice Master Vendor Covox, Computer: Apple II family, Atari, Commodore 128, Commodore 64 Cast: $89.95

Voice Master is a hardware/software system that allows speech to be added toprograms. Words or phrases to be reproduced are spoken into a microphone, and the hardware component (the speech and music processor) converts the sound wave into a digital pattern (speech digitization, not speech synthes4 This digital pattern can then be stored on disk, and intcgrated into a program so that phrases or words are spoken at particular paints in the program. Music and sounds can also be stored.Once the sound is processed and stored, it may be played back without the use of the hardware component,using the computer's internal speaker. Using the software provided, the_user can train the computer to recognize short utterances and accept them as input (up to 32 phrases at a time), process a melody and have it appearas musical notation, and display the voice's fundamental pitch across time in the form of a bar graph. Voice_Master is aot a speech synthesizer. Afl sounds the user intends to play back must first be digitally recorded_ (digitized) before they can be played back. Voice Master plugs into the joystick adapter. Headset with earphone and microphone is included.

Product Name: Votalker AP Vendor: Votrax International, Inc. Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile, Apple II family Cost: $179.00

Votalker -APt is a speech sythesizer for an Apple II computer.The system consists of an internal circuit card with a built-in speaker and a jack for adding an external speaker if desired. The user modifies a particular program so that it routes characters to the Votalker, just as they might be routed to a monitor or a printer. These characters are then spoken as English words, according to the synthesizer's pm-programmed phonetic rules.Four different voices may be used; two may be further customized by the user.Pitch, inflection, and amplitude (volume) are adjustable. A vocabulary file is provided which can be used to store special pronunciations. Votalker AP fits into an expansion slot in the computer.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 125 Chapter 7: Speech Synthesizers

Product Name Votalker C34 Vefidijr: Votrax International, Inc. Computer: Commodore 64 Cost $99.95

Votalker C-64 is a Speech synthesizer_for the Commodore64 computer.The system is an external box with built-in Speaker.Commands in BASIC langua_ge can be used to direct characters to be sent to the syntneSizer, arid also to _Modifythe synthesizer's operation. Characters directed to the synthesizerare spoken aS Englith worth, aceording to the device's pre-programmed phonetie rule&Three modes of speech can be seletted: conversational (punctuation not spoken), verbatith (punctuation_spoke4and character (each character spoken separately ) A screen echoing feature allows all teit goingto the monitor to be spoken as it appears :Volume and pitch are controllable With comniandS;an external knob on the unit is used to adjust the speech rate. Votalker C=64 plugs directly into the CoMmodore 64or Commodore 128 expansion port.

Product Name: Votalker IB Vendor Votrax International, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Cost: $249.00

Votalker IB is a_ speech SytheSiter fOr iti XT, AT;_computers and compatibles. The system _consists of an- internal circuit card with a bnilt-inspeaker and a jack for adding an external speaker if desired. Theuser modifies a orticular progtaM SO that it routes charactersto the Votalker, just as they inight ba routedto a:monitor or a printer. These characters_ are then spoken as English words; according tO the synthesizer'spre-programmmed phonetic rules Four different voices may be used;_two may be furthercUstomited by the user.Pitch, inflection, and amplitude (volume) are adjustable. A vocabulary fileis provided which can be used to store special pronunciations. Votalker IB fits into an expansion slot in the computer.

126 Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 144 Chapter 8

Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

This chapter includes miscellaneous adaptations which do not fit into the other input and output adaptations chapters and which are not, by themselves, application programs. For example, disk loaders, special desks, devices that slow computers down, images, or saftware that will convert keyboard programs into scanning programs are found in this chapter.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 127 Chapter & Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

The :nitowing product ankles appear in this Chapter

Apple DOS 3i Manual3-129 CompuDeskHCP 3-129 Disk Guide3-130 E-Z Port Plug_1-130 Eary-Load-A-Dhikette3-1_31 Echo Enhanalment Box3-131 Echo/CricketTrainingDisk 3-131 EZBAS 3.131 Finger Print3-133 Firm Grip Joystick Holder3-133 Fliptrack Learning Tape Tutorials3-134 Florida Scanner3-134 GrWernor3-135 Hindi-Routine3-135 Kensiy_Siritch Key Software3-136 unipen_PC_3-136 Littlaith3-D7 Master Talker _3437 Modular Twin Turntable Draik3-138 Multi-S:4ms Board3-138 Multipart3439 Prairie Power Portable He System3-139 Response Optimizer3-140 SAYIT3-140 Scanning Conversion Program3-141 Scooter Zero Force Game Port3-141 TiltTable 3-142 Triple Dump3-142 Western Center Echo + Synthesizer Package3-143 Wheeled Floor Station3-143

The foltowing produtft from other chaptecn can aiso be used as Other Software or Hardware Adaptatioan

HX-20 Protective Cover3-6 Moisture Guard3-14 Moisture Guard3-15 Print-it3-94 RIS U Series Wireless Link 3-75 SateSkin Keyboard Protector3-18 Wireless Data Transmission System3-77


Resource Bcwk 3: Computer Software and Hardware INNIMI Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Apple DOS 33 Manual Vendor Computers to Help reople, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic Cost: $50.00

This DOS_ 33 Manual is presented as ASCII text files on five disks.The DOS 3.3 Manual is designed for physically disabled or visually impaired individuals who are unable touse a standard printed manual. If the computer cannot display lower case (eg. Apple a simple program must be written to convert _the lower case letters of this DOS manual to upper case. Self-contained documentation is provided.

Product Name: CompuDesk HCP

4c. Vendor: R.J. Cooper & Associates Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $999.95 = $1199.95

CompuDesk HCP is an adjustable workstation designed specifically for the _disabled computer user.The adjustable main work area cranks u_p and down up to twelve inches in order to accommodate a variety of wheelchair heights. CompuDesk HCP is designed so that the user's arms will be naturally positioned for increasec: efficiency and comfort CompuDesk HCP will accommodate a microcomputer, a monitor, a printer; external disk drives, printer paper, an expanded keyboard, and other necessary materials. The height of the user's chair should be specified when ordering. The non-motorized version of CompuDesk is $999.95; the motorized version is $1199.95.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 129 Chapter & Other &oftware and Hardware Adaptations

PrOd int Name: Disk Guide Vendor: TASH, Inc. Computer: Apple H family Cost: $44.00

Disk Guide is a molded plastic base_ thatrettS in front of an Apple Disk drive.The guide provideS a channel fora disk to be rested in while it it being Slid into the drive. Thisguide will allow hand, foot, or mouthstick to be usedto insert a disk. Disk Guides are available in two models:one for single disk drives and one for dual.

Product Name: E-Z Port Plug Vendor: Versa Computing, Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Cost $24.95

The E=Z Port Plug bringsa 16 pin game port socket out of the Apple computerso that the user does not need to reach inside thecomputer in order to connect a device to thegame port connector. E-Z Port Plug can be used with the Apple II+ or the Apple Hf,

==111111110111 130 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 148 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Easy-Load-A-Diskette Vendor Extensions for Indepe,-nce Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $12.00

Easy:Load-a-Diskette is a tray allowing floppy disks to be rested on a surface parallel to the opening of a disk drive and then slid into the drive.The system can he operated by most persons using hand, foot, mouthstick, or headwand for manipulation. The tray attaches to the outside of the drive with adhesive. Easy-Load-a-Diskette trays come in two lengths.Options include a disk storage case (extr4 wire hangers which attach to disks, and a special hook to grasp the hangers with (extra; for headwand and mouthstick users).

Product Name: Echo Enhancement Box Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer Any CP/M Computer, Apple II+, Apple He, IBM PC family Cost: $40.00

No Photograph Available

Echo Enhancement Box is a speech accessory to be used with the EchoII or Echo+ speech synthesizers. The box plugs inside the Apple to the speaker jack, and onthe other end to the speaker:box where the:Echo speaker plugs in; this allows external controlof the Echo volume with a large knob.The Box also offers two sizes of headphone jacks,and a jack for tape recorder to store speech output. An Echo H or Echo+ speech synthesizer is required.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 131 41. 1 -4 Chapter 8: Other Software and HardwareAdaptations

Product Name: Echo/Cricket Training Disk Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $10.00

Echd/Cricket Disk Tutorial isa voice output training program which explains controls, screen review options, the speech synthesizers. and other features of the Echo II, Echo+,and Cricket

An Echo II, Echo +, or Cricket speechsynthesizer is required if speech output isdesired.

Product Name: EZBAS Vendor: ComputAbility Corporation Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $165.00

EZBAS is an authoring program that allows the user to insert siigle Switch inputcommands into BASIC programs. Contactmanufacturer for information about switch interfaces,switches, and joysticks compatible as input in conjunctionwith EZBAS commands.

132 Resource Book 3 : Computer Software andHardware Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Finger Print Vendor: Comp Tech Systems Design Computer: Apple IIc, Apple He Cost: $149.00 - $177.00

No Photovaph Available

Finger Print is a program that allows the contents of the screen to be printed at any point in a program; Finger Print consists of an internal circuit card for the computer with a button wired to it.The button can be mounted in a convenient place outside the computer,.Pressing the button causes a menu to pop up on the screen, offering the user various printing options, including cropping, magnification, color changes, and saving screen image to or display from the disk. Finger Print will work with both serial and parallel printers, and will support color printersas well.

Product Name: Firm Grip Joystick Holder Vendor: Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer: All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $40.00

No Pliotosrapli Available

The Firm Grip Joystick Holder was designed to allow easy use of the joystick for persons with limited or no use of one hand. Two straps hold the joystick in place, while four suction cups on the bottom of the device secure it to a flat surface in front of your computer. An optional plexiglass undersheet ($20.00) provides a workspace and assures a good hold for the suction cups.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 133 Chapter 8: Other &oftware and Hardware Adaptations

Peciddet Name: Fliptrack Learning Tape Tutorials Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer Cost: $57.00 to $95.00

No Plietograph Available

The Fl_iptrack Learning Tapes area series of audio "how to" courses for the computeruser. These tutorials cover everything from "howto Use an IBM-PC to "Using MS-DOS" to_a wide variety of instruction in popular word proceSsing andsoftware packages. Although these tapes were not developed specifically for disabledpersons, they are helpful for persons who have difficulties reading or handling printed materials. For a complete listing of Fliptrackcourses available, contact Speech Enterprises.

Product Name: Florida Scanner Vendor. Rushakoff; G.E Computer. Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $45.00

Florida Scanner is a Utilityprogram_ designed to assist programmers in modifyingor creating Applesoft programs that may be operated bya single switch.Florida Scanner includes a scanning subroltine, a single switch menuprogram, and a sample single switchgame. A single switch plugged into the Apple'sgame port is reciuired to operate programs converted with the Florida Scanner.

134 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 152 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Governor Vendor: TASH, Inc. Comnuter: Apple II+, Apple He Cost: $198.00

Governor is a_ speed control card to slow down computergames. Once the card is installed, the Speed at which the various game functions runcan be set by entering certain characters on the computer's keyboard. The Governor unit measures g x 3" x 0.5" and weighs 033 lbs.

Product Name: Handi-ROutine Vendor ComputAbility Corporation COmputer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost $55.00

Handi-Routine allows the user tosimulate keyboard_entry to any Applesdft Basicprogram with one to _three switches;Input is entered via a simple step scanning routine. As selectiOns are made, they are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Handi-Routine isa conversion program, and does not allow keyboard input to programs after conversion. A switch interface and one to three switches are required to operate programs converted with Handi-Routine.

1 5 3

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 135 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Prckliitt Naine: Kennedy Switch Key Software Vendor: Kennedy Memorial Hospital for Children Education Dept. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $100.00

The Kennedy Switch Key Software Program_represents a user-friendly enhancement of the link between_ the Adaptive FirmWare Card arid the Unicorn ExpandedKeyboard for flexible, alternative Appk Ile computer access by individuals for Whomuse of a scanning-switch system Or Standard keyboard is impossible or tediously inefficient dueto cbMbined physical/motor, visual/perceptnal arid/or eognitive/memory difficulties.The program allows teachers and clinicians to design and StOre a virtually unlimited number of_ directselection input devices in the form of customized_keyi:eardsor switchbOardS taildred to the specific needs and skills of the user and the input reqnirements of the commercial software intendedfOr Ilse. Kennedy Switch Key Software SitriPliftek the process of__keyboard reconfiguration,making it easier to quickly design custom-tailored keyboards that allow theuse of standard educational software by multi- handicapped clients.

Product Name: Lenipen PC Vendor: Duncan-Atwell Computerized Technologies, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00

Lenipen PC is a system that allows various input methodS tO be usedto create color graphics on the computer screen. Programs provided allow for animation,flowcharts, organizational charts, computer-aided design, graphic database presentation, andan "Executive Presentation Facility" for aidins in video production. The Various input devices_ thatcan be used are the Lenipen Light Pen (include4 the Mouse, LogimouSe, the KoalaPadtouch tablet, joystick, and the standard keyboard. Simulated examples of techniquesare provided. The Lenipen system is compatible withany Epson compatible dot-matrix printer, and Quadjet, IBM and IDS color printers. A color graphicS card is required. Thecards Lenipen supports include the IBM Enhanced Graphics Card (EGA).

136 Resource Book 3: Computer SoftWare and Hardware i 5 4 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: LittleJack Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer Apple II+, Apple Ile Cost: $24.95

No Phototritott Aitailatik

LittleJack is a. computer headphone set for Apple II, II+ and IIecomputers. The headphone allows one user to listen to ,7omputer output without disturbing others,and can be easily unplugged for normal computer sound.

Product Name: Master Talker Vendon SEI (Shwa EnterpriSes, Inc.) Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $45.00

Master Talker is a program that addS Voice output to Sliwa Enterprises' line ofeducational software for the Apple II family.Master Talker iS loaded before the other software product, and modifies it so that it can be used by someone who cannot see thescreen.Text can be Spoken by the letter or by the word, and speechcan be sped up, slowed down, interrupted, and increased or decreased in volume by the user. Master_Talker is designed to be used specifically witha line of educational software made by Stiwa Enterprises, Inc. A utilities option is provided thatcan help add voice to certain other programs. A Speech synthesizer compatible with the computer used is required torun Master Talker. Contact the manufacturer.


oe- Resource Book 3: Computte Software and Hardware 137 Chapter & Other &Oftware and Hard*are Adaptations

Product Name: Modular Twin Turntable Desk Vendor: Extensions for Independence Computer All (Hardware Independent) Cost: $71100 - $1,19100

Modular Twin-Turntable Desks are U-shaped tables with two large turntables builtinto them. The turntables can be easily rotated by a non-functonal handor mouthstick to give the user access to any object on either table without excessive reaching. Smaller Single=Turntable Desks are also available.


Product Name: Multi-Game Board Vendor KY Enterprises/Custom Computer Solutions Computer: Atari 2600 Cost: $50.00

No Photograph Availabli

Multi=Game Board is a single button that allows_ theuser to change between up to eight computer_games an a cartridge by operating A Single button. The Multi-Game _Boardmeasures 15" x 5", and uses a 9-pin DIN jack. Approximately 1oz. of pressure iS required to activate the Switch. Contact manufacturer for more information or details concerning this product.

138 Resource }look 3: Computer Software and Har4ware 1 56 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Multiport Vendor Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer Apple Hc, Apple Ile, IBM PC family TT Cost: $60.00

No Pbotograpb Available

Multiport is a game peripheral port adapter that allows theuser o select between different game control devices with a single switch, without unplugging different devices. Three devices can be switch selected on the Apple computers and two devices on the IBM.

Product Name: Prairie Power Portable IIc System Vendor Lind Electronic Design Computer Apple Hc Cost: $150.00

Prairie Power Portable IIc System is a package that allows an Apple IIc to be carried _likea brief case and _used independent of external power (Le, wall oulets). The package consists ofa case, a 12V rechargeable battery pack, a battery charger; aridconnecting cables. A thin flat LCD display screen that serves in place of a video monitor must be purchased separately. The display slores in a pocket in the case for travel and stands at an angle on top of the computer for use. The system with the display will operate for up to 8 hours on a charge Audible signalsare provided which warn the user when power is running low. Voltage protection circuitry is provided to prevent overcharging and to protect the memory. The Prairie Power Portable IIc System does not come with the Ik computer.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 139 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

emulftursitriwo, Product Name: Response Optimizer Vendor: Icon Peripherals Computer: Apple II family Cost: $95.00 4

Responte Optimizer is a device that slows down theApple computer to match individual user needs. The Optimizer consists ofan internal circuit card and an external control box, and is transparent to all software programs.

Product Name: SAYIT Vendor: Baysik Speech Computer TRS-80 Model I, TRS-80 Model III Manual Form: Printed Cost: $125.00

SAYIT adds a "say" command and four speech modesto TRS-80 basic so that any program may be modified to "speak" desired Messaps.Speech modes include Type 'N' Talk text-to-syeech, soundspelling, modified IPA, and talking keyboard. Speechmodes may be used alone, in any combination, or all concurrently. All standard printableASCII characters may be pronounced with soundspelling. Modified IPAmay be used to speak foreign languages. A Spanish version of SAYIT is available. A Votrax Type 'N' Talk speech synthesizer is requiredto operate SAYIT.

140 Resource lio-ok 3: Computer Software and Hardware 158 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Scanning Conversion Program Vendor First Broward Development Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $94.00

Scanning Ccinversion Program is used with modified Applesoft programs _that accept input from the standard keyboard so that they may be operated by a single twitch. A disk withseven Applesoft games already modified for use with scannins is included with purchase. A scanning array with user adjustable rate is incorporated into the modified programs. Manufacturer can modify additional Applesoft game programs for a separate fee (contact manufacturer for details).

Product Name: Scooter Zero Force Game Port Vendor: Ohm/Electronics Computer Apple Ile, Apple II family Cost: $22.50 - $38.50

Scooter Zero Force Game Port is an alternate I/O game port. Game paddleS, etc. are plugged into zero force by iplacing the plug in Zero Force's socket (Zero Force offers no resistance) and flipping a lever to lock the plug in place. A two foot cable allows the port to be mounted at the front of the computer. Scooter Zero Force Game Port comes in two models: one with one socket and one with two sockets. The two socket model will not operate with the KoalaPad.

1 5 9

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 141 Chapter & Other &oftware and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Tilt Table Vendor: Developmental Equipment COmputer: Apple II family Cost: $6930

The Tilt Table increases the visibility and accessibilityof the tompUter keyboard.The Tilt Table slants the keyboard toward theuser allowing better access for users in wheelchairs. The angle of the slant is adjustable.This table is designed for use with the Apple II computers. series of

Product Name: Triple Dump Vendor: CompTech Systems Design Computer: Apple IIc, Apple He Cost: $9.95

No Photograph Avrilable

Triple Dump is a program that allows theuse;- Iv print graphics or text to a black=and-white dot- matrix printer from the disk.Options include the ability to crop, scale, rotate, and pictures and text. magnify

142 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 6 0 Chapter 8: Other Software and Hardware Adaptations

Product Name: Western Center Echo + Synthesizer Package Vendor: Western_ Center for Microcomputers in Special Education Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family CoSt: $199.00 - $245.00

No Pbotograpb_ Avatiabk

The system from Western Center consists of the Echo + speech synthesizer from Street Electronics (see separate entry) with an external speaker unit That incorporates three high- quality speakers and provides knobs for both volume and pitch contrOl.The Speaker unit contains headphones and a headphone jack. The Echo + can be used_with _the Apple II+ or Apple lie, or IBM PC family; Two models are available for the Apple for different prices: one has a single knob for external volume control ($199.00) and the other has both volume and pitch controls ($245.00). The IBM-PC model comes with only external volume control ($245.04

Product Name: Wheeled Floor Station Vendor: Zygo Industries, Inc. Computer All (Hardware Independen ) Cost: $500.00

,o-r Static: a wood-grain ILminated wooden cabinet designed to hold a complete ijustable height st,e:ves and a handle for pulling are provided. Casters .:,. .

1 61

AINI.1.211 Rescarce Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 143 ' t Chapter 9

Administration and : ent Softvvi:c

This _chapter includes software application programs _that deal with the administration _or management functions of rehabilitation or special education professionals. Programs must he specifically designed for rehabilitationorspecialeducationprofessionals,andinclude1EP programs, reporting; charting, tracking, organizing and matching (e.g., job matching) activities. Related function codes found the cross reference index include Analysis and Reporting (AR),_Indiv:dual Education Planning (1E), Vocational (V0), Language Therapy (LT ) and Speech Therapy (ST). Appendix A includes an information summary about other Software Resources.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 145 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

The following product entries appem. In Mb Chaplet.:

Ability-Achievement Discrepancy 3-147 AINHUi 3-147 Atticulition Error Analysis 3-148 ArticuUtion Error Analysis (AEA) 3-148 ArricuMtOt_ Gall kid Objectives for Speech 3-149 ASIEP COthputer Scoring Ind InterpremtiOn 3-149 Automated_IEP System and Profasicitial Goal Hanka _3430 Automated_IEP SysteM and SCOR GOO Banks _3450 Child Placement Report _Writer 3-151 Clinical Data Manager 3-151 Compuscorc For the Sca lei of Independent Behavior 3-152 DPEDecision Pathing System 3-152 DPEHELP 3-153 ESS Rehabware 3-153 Explorer 3-154 Frenchay Dysarthris Assessment 3-154 Hypernasality 3-155 IEP Manager, Revised 3-155 IEP Writer 3-156 Individual Performance itraph Pak 3-156 IndividualiZed Planning System 3-157 Obj&iive Mastery Report 3-157 Language Intervenuon- Planner 3-158 Putot Eiiy Unguage &le Analysis (PELSA) 3-158 PEPPER 3-159 PIAT Error Ana lyul Report 3-159 [neve& 3460 Planning Individualized Speech & Language Intervention 3-160 PRE-10 '' 11 3-161 SALT made Analysis of Language Tr-, ,0s) 3-161 Sound Search II 3-162 Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB- -CR) 3-162 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report 3-163 VOC-Mitching and VOC Report 3-163 WAIS-Riter MASIC 3-164 Weehlder_Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) 3-164 WISC-R Compilation Wliat To Do llowz 3-165 WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) 3-165 WISC-Riter 'BASIC 3464_ WISCnRitet Complete 3-166_ Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Err Or Analysis Report 3-167 Word Class Inventory for School Age Children 3-167

The following products from other chapters csn also be used for Administration or Management:

JOBS System 3-178

146 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Ability-Achievement Discrepancy Vendor Southern Micro Systems Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $89.95

Ability-Achievement Discrepancyisan assessment program for description of academic achievement. The program provides a student profile comparison of Ability Test ResultS and Standardized Achievement Test Results, with reports of correlation, discrepancy scores, and a lower bound score. The progi am includes one program disk and one backup, one data disk (which can be copied), and user manual.

Product Name: AIMstar Vendor: ASIEP Education Company Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $163.00

AIMSTAR is designed to reduce teacher time spent in _graphin_gand charting data; and performing rate and error analyses. This is intended to make the daily charting used in data- based teaching_ techniques more efficient. Charts can be drawn to simulate a six-cycle behavior chart; behavior charts with time spans of 30-60-100 days, and provide a learning trend line for the most recent six days of data. AIMSTAR tracks program components such as skill; program; AIM ciate, AIM kate, program objective, antecedent, correct movement; incorrect movement, consequence for correct and for incorrect. AIMSTAR is available for the Apple II+ and Ile.The i.,rogram comes with a Demo Disk, a back-up disk, and users manual. The Demo Disk is availab:e separately for $19.95.

14 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 147 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Articulation Error Analysis Vendor: Communication Skill Builders Ccuipater Api.le II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $89.95

Articulation Error Analysis is_designed to arialyieinformation you get from standardized teStS. The report :does the following:lists all errored sounds tested; calculates:percentages; shows Si:41nd substitutions, distortions; and omissions forinitial, medial, and final positions and lists thorn in order of predominance;groups errored phonemes by articulatory feature; and leaves space for written comments.


Product Name: Articulation Error Analysis (AEA) Vendor: Southern Micro Systems Computer Apple II family Manual Form-. Printed Cost; $89.95

Articulation E 1.7-,sr. Analysis (AEA) a test analysis program_dcsig-ned to_ ObjecTivcly analyze articulation errors ct-..tained iliroup',1.: theuse_ of any standard articulation instrument, or by other re' 'ible means; Printout is 1:2 nag. &rendingon amount of information to be displayed. Systeigi requires a print.r con .)itit,!e with theApple II family. Program includes two disks (onc is a ',:m,.k=up) and

====CINEW 148 Resource Boot 3: Computer Software and Hardware 105 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: A7ticulator Goals and Objectives for Speech Vendor UNITED Educationcl Services, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, TRS=80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Pr;- !ed Cost: $65.00

Articulator Goals and Objectives for Speech is an IEP wiiting orogram that is designed to help the speeeb-language pathologist write simple, easy to read speech IEPs. The program generates a complete listing of goals and objectives with minimal_ input, based on information on the limited number of phonemes in the English language.Program requires one disk drive, 48K memory, and an 80 column printer; contact manufacWrer for details.

Praduct Name: ASIEP Computer Scoring and Interpretation Vendor: ASIEP Education Company Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $149.00

This program is IdeLiignedto score and_ interpret_ the Autism_ Screening _Instrument {or Educational P'anning. The program provides a profile for each of the five subtest&__Standar-1 scores,_ language cgscores and_percentiles- are computed from raw data input.PrOfile _Chart§ and raw score reports can be printed out. Individual student data can be saved on a data disk. ASIEP_Computer_Scaring and Interpretation Program Tuns on_the__Apple Ile, and on tlie Apple II+ and Ile With 80 column card. The program and the ASIEP Testing Kit Can be purchased together for $289.00.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 149 Chapter 9: Administration and Management &oftwrare

Product Name: Automated IEP System and Professional Goal Banks Vendor: Harding & Harris, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $200.00

The Aceniat.-t: I7P ..lanages over 120 files;merpc; data with studcnt_IEP's, and provides unlimiteJ cap -..ity to-cate and use goal banks and IT:P& prram has a master .'isk with which tezsch a master IEP formTI' form c:1:i then be tred as a_templaso that standard ink.n.,tior. does not have to be ertlered forev ry Student Student disks store student IEP's (5 studc net diSk in the Apple J7, version 14 students per disk in the IBM version). The Professional BankS component alio ss the tcacher tocrte goals or use those provided. Goal Bank disks_are availatie for Comcnc?;:':cat...lri Discirders,Physical Therapy, and Daily Living Ski,:3s,Jearning to Learn, Physicai-Sens3ry=Moter=Perceptnal,Speech-Language-Reading, Mathematics-Spelling-Handwriting, P.C.:, Jcational Level 1, Prevocational Level2. The Automated IEP System costs $200.00 f(r the Apple II family of computers, $350.00 for the IBM-PC family of computers. Goal Bank dvsks are $30.00 each for bothcomputers, $200.00 for the complete set; The Oisks are copyabe and theprogram comes With a macte.r disk.

Product Name: Automated IEP Systein and SCOR Goal Banks Vendor: LinguiSystems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Fon,Printed Cost: $200.00, $59.00

Thz SCOR Goal Banks (Sequential CommunicatiOn ObjectiVeSior Remediation)provide goals and objectives t6 be used with the Automated IEP $-ystem. Thesystern consists of five types of disks. The_SySteiti MaSter disk is used to write diagnostics;recommendations, impressions, and IEP goals and objectives. The Screen GeneratOr diSkis ased ta_choose from four _possible IEP formats or to create a custom format. The Goal Bank I `aSter diSkis USed to develop and store goals and objective& The Rules and Regulations diskis used to generate the federal, state, 'rid local guidelines for the user's area.Three student IEP disks are Lscd to hold five complete student IEPs each, with goals and objectives. The Automated IEP System is $200.00. An additional10 student IEP disks cost $70.00. SCOR Goal Banks cost $59.00.

150 Resource Book Computer Software and Hatd*aee Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Child Placement Report Writcr Vendor UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $65.00

Child Placement Report Writer is a program to assist in writing reports when referring students for special services.The program is designed for use in preparing comprehensive evaluation reports for children who fall into one of three handicapping conditions:learning disabled, mentally retarded; or emotionally handicapped. The program requires ond disk drive, 481C of memory, and an 80 column printer.

Product Name: Clinical Data Manager Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $135.00

The Clinical Data Manager is a basic data calculation and patient file storage packageto help speech-language pathologists, psychologists, and others involved in patient testing save time and maintain records more efficiently. The program includes preselectable calculation of high/low values, rante, arithmetic mean, median, mode, percent, variance, and standard deviation. Patient data for calculation can be entered from keyboard or disk. The results of calculationscan be displayed in tabular and graphic form. Unlimited numbers of patient filescan be created, and all can be updated, deleted, and locked for security. Printed copies of all or part ofany file arc available.

1E8 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 151 Chapter 9:r*.dministration and Management &oftware

Product Name: Compuscore: For the Scales of Independent Behavior Vendor: DLM Teaching Resources Corriputer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $89.00

Cornpuscore: For the _Scales of Independent Behavior is_a psycho-educational assessment program for computerized scoring of standardized teSt.The program provides a two-page printout of raw scores, cluster scores,age scores, instructional ranges, difference scures, standard scores, percentile ranks, relative performance indexes, and functional levelsbased on age and cogizve ability. The program alsO Scores the four problem behavior indexes. ystem ri'luires two disk drives and an 80-column printer.

Product Name: DPS:Decision Pathing System Vendor VORT Corporation Computer Apple II family; IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $195.00

The DPS-Decision PathinSystem is designed for staffuSe in managing IEP's, preparing lesson plans and developing curriculum. It can also be usedto allow students to explore and make decisions from real life choice§ or curriculum created by theteacher. A visual branching process lets the user progress easily through choiteS and decisionsto reach specific objectives.Helpful hints and suggestions can be included onIcreen in the curriculum lessons. Help screens and a backup disk are included.Printouts are possible for assessment objectives, progress reports, formal IEPs, and lesson plans.

152 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: DPS:HELP Vendor VORT Corporation Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $370.00

DPS:HELP is a software version of HELP (the Hawaii Early Learning Profile). HELPcovers over 650 skills in 6 developmental areas: cognitive, fine motor, language, gross motor, social, and self-help.This computerized version provides a database program including the skills and activities frorr. HELP. Planned and recorded progress can be charted for each child. Contact the manufacturer for more details about the use of HELP.

Product Name: ESS Rehabware Vendor Easter Seal Systems Computer All (Hardware Independent) Manual Form: Printed Cost: $600 - $3500

ESS Rehabware is: a series of administrative and _clinical support programs written _on. the Informix commercial data muse.The programs available are the Camp Manager; which helps withclientinformationmanagementand-- other-managementactivities;Vocational Rehabilitation Database Sy:-;tem, which is desicned to aid__with _ciient data collection for both inpatient and outpatient service; EarlY Childhood Medical Rehabilitation; _which _evaluates program objectives; writes_ program :plans, arid tracks client progress; iNeighbor-to-NeighbOr Campaign,- whichisdesignedtohelp manage -door-to-doorfundraising; Comprehensive Computerized Early _Childhood Syster ;;_which is designed for managing_ aspects of the Project Memphis Model for_individoal± program ;plarming and_ _evaluation; Equipment_ Loan Cost Recovery Systern;_and_ Medical Rehabilitation System, which is a client-information tracking system to- -help with- billing and accounting. Software operates en any (Xenix) or MS=DOS compatible computers; Contact the manufacturer for information about the type of computer systems that are applicable; 1.70

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 153 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Softwarr

Product Name: Explorer Vendor: UNITED Educational Ser, Icts, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $65.00

Explorer is a com uter program that aids in the interpretationof the WISC-R. The Explorer requirLs two disk drives, 48K of memory, and an 80 columnprinter.

Product Name: Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.00

This program analyzes dysarttria assessmentscores, compares them to stored program dam, and provides a differential diagnosis for fivetypes of dysarthria: spastic, mixed, pyramidal, cerebellar, and flaccid. The Frenchay Dysarthria Assessmentsoftware is desiped to make the test faster and easier to use.The program features graphic display ofpatient performance profile end diagnosis.

154 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 171 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Hypernasality Vendor Harding & Harris, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $149.95

The results of an oral peripheral evaluation and the client's effort to articulate specific words are entered in the computer. This program then determines if the disorder etiology is structural or functional, lists the possible primary and secondary diagnostic conditions, and provides detailedanalysistables summarizing theresultsoftheevaluation. Specialtreatment recommendations are broken down into 10 basic categories, each containinga sequencial list of behavioral treatment objectives. Eight analysis tables summarize the results.

Product Name: IEP Manager, Revised Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer Manual Form: Printed Cost $443.00

IEP Manager - Revised is a computerized system that will generate individualized educationP1 programs (IEPs) based on teacher judgment or test data. Program is designed for use with eithc: handicapped or non-handicapped students_frompreschool through sixth grade, or jurnior high school sPidents with learning problems.The IEP Manager uses a source of _1600 measurable objectives which cover 15 academic and social areas. The teacher selectsone of 16 objectives in each area for each grade level to be printed on the IEP, adds any teacher produced objectives, and allows the program to print a complete IEP for that student. IEP Manager objectivesare also available in hard copy. Cintact manufacturer for details concerning computers with which IEP Manager can be used.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 155 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: IEP Writer Vendor: Parrot Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $5930

IEP Writer helps design and produce IEPs. Theuser :.n:crs items into the goals, objectives, procedures, materials, and criteria libraries.Each item enftered has its own reference number. The user then prints a book of libraries to refer_to when constructing IEPs. IEPs are generated by calling the library entries by number. Each IEP is personalizedfor the individual client with his or her own name appearing as part of the goals and objectives.Entries may be added or changed at any time.

Prodip,:t Name: Individual Performance Graph Pak Vendor: Parrot Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $79.50

This program is designed to store and display clinical data ofperformance and progresS. Results for up to 24 indiViduals may be stored. Displays of performanceare presented in graphic format to the screen or a dot=matrix printer. Performance datator each :ndividual may include up to ten different graphs with between one and three behaviorsper graph. The user controls the magnitude of scores possible per graph and whether thescores will be presented as percentages, frequencies, or frequency/minute. At least 27 different printers and 28 different interface boardsare supported.Contact the Manufacturer for details.

156 Resource Book 3 : Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Individualized Planning System Vendor Learning Tools, Inc. Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: See below

The Individualized Planning System (IPS) is the second in a series of threeprograms. IPS is designed to provide an interactive menu-driven and user-defined report generator.It can be used to organize, manage; access; and print data on each studentor client; the capability to create IEPs is included. The firstprogram in the series, Curriculum Management System, isa morebasicprogram fororganizing client _goals andobjectives. Thethirdprogram, Administrative Planning System, is a more extensive system designed to be integrated with IPS. APS allows the user to sort, select, list, and count IPS information for a number of clients. The first two programs n:quire 128K of computer memory. The third (APS) calls fora hard disk built into the computer. The price of Curriculum Management system is $295.00; IPS is $895.00; APS is $1,795.00.

Product Name: J-Wear Objective Mastery Report Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $395.00

J-Wear Objective Mastery Report is an instructional management program which allows the user to monitor the progress of students based__on their sequential performance on the Woodcock-Johnson Psych3-Educational Battery.The objective mastery report lists specific instructional objectives that the test results indicate the student has mastered, and also pnntsa set of instructional objectives projected to be mastered during the next marking period (based on student's performance on previous test).The program stores student performance records which can be updated at any time.

1 74

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 157

t Chapter 9: Adrinistration net '. .ware

11111111111111O1 - =W. .'nOIMM.77:MCM7C--

Product Name: Language Intervention Planner. Vendor Parrot Software Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Print d Cast: $7930

LIP is a program to helpa speech-language pathologist develop goals and objectives inan organized form for children with language delay.The program contains goals and objectives based on analyses of development of languagecontent, form, and use.The goals and objectives for preverbal and early verbal utterancesare based on a function, or pragmatic orientation. Goals and objectives are selected by numberand printed in a format with performance. room to evaluate

Product Name: Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis (PELSA) Vendor: Parrot Software Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Feral: :-"rinted Cost: $12950

PESLA is designed to doa grammatical analysis of a language sample.The user types and translates a language sample ofup to 100 utterances. The computer then analyzes the sample and provides the following analyses:percentage correct of vecific demonstratives, locatives, pronouns, articles, conjunctions, prepositions, possessives; comparatives.. uperlatives, copula be, modals past_tense markers, andpresent progressive markers.In addition, the user is provided with a list of auxillary + verb, infinitive,past tense, and _present progressive verb_forms. At the end of the analysis there is asummary table of the i?ercentage correct of all of the above grammatical markers_, number of affirmative,negative, and question sentence types, number of utterances, number of words used, and mean length ofresponse. Other program features include: language sample editing, printout of results, printout ofcorpus, ability to save a corpus for later retrieval and analysis, anda tutorial for coding pine sample.Another program, Parrot Language Sample Utility allowsuser to modifyif;LSA to analyse transcript information according to any coding scheme.

158 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 175 Chapter 9: Administration and 7,17' .ment Software WO/ 7.171.latel

PrOduct Name: PEPPER Vendor: Software Development & Distribution Center Computer: IBM PC fainily Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00

PEPPER: Programs to Examine Phonetic and Phonologic_ Evaluation Records isa series of speech: analysis programs designed to examine phonetic, phonologic, and prosodicaspects of normal and disordered speech.Speech transcripts can be entered using broad (IPA) or mare narrow phonetic transcription systems for single or multiple samples. Ten analysis programs provide Quantitative profiles of consonants, vowels, diphthongs; by segment; word; position, feature; and phonological process.: Flexible output programs allow theuser to select and order speech tokens for individualized _qualitative analyses, including:Structural Statistics, Percentage of Cons mants Correct, a series of Articulation Tests, Natural F'honologic Process Analysis, and Word Lists. Reference data for L11 analyses allow client and subject profiles to be comparedto profiles of other speech-normal and speech-delayed children. PrograM includes four diSks, phonetic keyboard template, and_forms_for keepi h!.System requires two disk drives, dot matrix printer, and display device foran IBM PC; AT. 0- XT:

Product Name: PIAT Error Analysis Report Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer: Apple TI family, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model la, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $395.00

PIAT Error Analysis Report (PEAR) is an analysis and reportinsprogram which provides diagnostic and instructional planning information from results of the Peabody Individual -hievemeni: Test (PIAT). A student's performance can be analyzed on four subtestareas of the PIAT:mathematics, reading recosnition, reading comprehension, and spelling. PEAR includes program disks with backups, and manual with documentation.

1 76

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and li:rdware 159 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

PrOduct Name: Picapad Vendor: Sunset Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $100 for 1 yr. lease

P:capad is a test analysis and scoringprogram for the language assessment test called the PICA (1981 versio4 The program calculates all 98 values forthe PICA including subtest and madality means and pereentiles, hi-lo, and peak mean difference. The Picapad also rank orderssubtests, stores, and prints results of analysis. A one year lease for Picapad costs $100.00; lease for additionalyears costs $50.00 per year.

Product Name: Planning Individualized Speech & Language Intervention Vendor: Communication Skill Builders Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $89.95

Planning Individualized Speech and Language InterventionPropams contains the 267 objectives from the book of the Same name. The goalsare written for each of 29 areas categorized as: Preverbal; Early Language, Articulation, Language, AuditoryProcessing, Voice; and Fluency. The student's identifying information is typf.:din. _Appropriate goalS are selected and keyed in using the manual and the book (included with the software)as a guide. The computer Will print them out fully.PrintoutS automatically put the student'sname and the page number at the top of each page of objectives.Only the goals, long-range objectives, and short-term objectives chosen are -listed. Room is left after eaCh objective fornotes, evaluation, the date therapy was initiated and the date accomplished.

160 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 177 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: PRE-MOD II Vendor: ASIEP Education Company Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $109.00

PRE-MOD II is a behavior management diagnostic tool for the Apple H series of computers. The program takes a cognitive1 as well as a behavioral approach to behavior management. The teacher or specialist responds to a series of questions about a students behavior. The program provides performance objectives and suggests specific interventions. The PRE-MOD II includes a Users Manual, program and back-up disks, and test s5ens.

Product Name: SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) Vendor: Language Analysis Lab, Waisman Center Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $395.00

SALT is a language analysis toal with many coding_ and analysis options that can be selected and combined to meet each user's specific needs. Options are available for either a standard set analyses or user-created analyses.Standard SALT_ performs over 50:analyses of language les of any length or number, with flexible transcript coding and editing; Analyses_inelude ,7ies af:total, complete, and incomplete utterances; total words, root words; TTR_ and ,Brown's stage and related normative data; pauses, transcript duration, morpheme analysis: .-Jrance attempts/minute, words/minute; number of _utterances -by length; :number of turns by .iterance length; word frequencies for question wards, negatives; conjunctions,_ auxiliary verbs, semi-auxiliary verbs, 8 types of pronouns, omitted word roots or bound morphemes; _and user coded worck A second option for individually created coding uses SALT to sort and identify utterances coJed for search by an individual scheme. SALTcan: be directed to find any symbols, words, or co:rbinations of items, before, after, or with other items of interestThe Apple II version requires 128K memory; the IBM-PC/XT/AT version requires 256K memory.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Sound Search II Vendor: Harding & Harris, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $12995 for set

Sound Search II contains a unique classification of the 1000MOSt frequently used words. Words are cross-refereneed and classified according to the major linguistic features typicallyused in various professional SettingS Sikh aS speech therapy; teaching andresearch. The program can be used to provide assistance in _planning and SelectingWords/phrases/sentences for treatment of voice disorders (contexts; emphasison specific articuiatiOnfeatiireS, etc.), hearing impairment (phoneme centered therapy; material for auditory discriminationtraining), artitulation th:trapy (generate lists with specific SOUnd cOntexts), aphasia-apraxia-dysarthria Second Language therapy. therapy, and Englisu as a The comp:ete Sound Searrh II systemcontains seven disks ($129.95).Each disk can also be purchased individually ($2995). Sdundsare grouped in the following categories:r-l-s-z, p-b-t-d-k- g; m-n-ng-f-v-th, ts=c1t=sh-zh, vowels, and dipthongsContact the manufacturer for further information:

Product Name: Stanford-Binc: Computer Report (SB-CR) Vendorr. Southern Micro Systems Computer Apple II faiiiily; IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00

Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB-CR) is a teSt analysisand reporting program that generates a psychological report based on performance on the Stanford=Binet IntelligenceSea:T.. Thc results may be a component ofa final report or used in writing one. Program requires two disk drives for operation.

162 Resource 'look 3: Computer Software and Hardware 1 79 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software =or

Product Name: UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $695.00

UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report is an expanded version of the UNISTAR I program, desi_gric.° to assistwith writing prepatory reports for IEPs forlearning disabled, educable me_uIy nandicapped, or high risk students at all g:ade levels.The program has ken expand, to include a comprehensive set of goals and objectives for Life Skills abilities.

Product Name: VOC Matching and VOC Report Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59500 arki :!:110.00

VOC Matching is:a management system which utilizes the results of other Conoverprograms: Career Planning System, Math on the Job; MECA Work Samples (see entry), Job Search and Local Job Bank (see entry). The program identifies vocational competencies and special services that Lre necessary in order to obtain employment within an interest arca. VOC Report is a "word Processing" type program which summarizes vocational, educational,and personal data on person's background and assessment information. Itisintended to standardize a reporting format which includes important aspects of a vocational report. VOC Report summarizes the information gained from the VOC Matching program listed above. Contact the manufacturer for further details.


Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 163 Chapter 9: Administr-lon and Managment Software

Product Name: WAIS-Riter 'BASIC' Vendor: Southern Micro SystertiS Computer. Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $199.00

WAIS=Riter 'BASIC' is a test anatysis and repartinzprogram that provides complete calculationS and comparisons A scaled scores in the WAIS-R (Wechsler AdultIntelligence ScaIe - The user enters the subtest scores. VT(). PIQ, and FSIQ,and the program develops an individualized report or data Thescor.. )nt any achievement test can be entered. WAIS- Riter 'Basic' can be personalized usingan ec.,ing feature. The program is available for the IBM-PC family and the AppleIle and IIc, but on the Apple II+. will not rim

Product Name: Wechlsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc.

Computer Apple II family, IF 3.,C TRS-80 "2-1odel III, TRS-60 IV Manual Firm: Printed Cost: $495.00

WechSler Adult Intelligence Scale- Revised (WAIS-R) Computer Report is a computerized analysis program to facilitate interpretation of the WAIS-R.The program performs calculations and comparisons of the scaled scores. Program includes manual and two disks (oneis a back-up).

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 181 Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Nime: WISC-R Compilation: What To DO Now... Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer. _Apple L_family. TRS-80 Model III. TRS:-.7.3 Model IV Mlnual Form: Printed Cost: $65.00

WISC-R Compilation:What to do now dint you know the score (Computer Edition) is computerized version of the WISC-R Compilation by \A, hitworth & Sutton. Program is designed to help identify practical and concrete objectives forei.ediaavitiës based on WISC-R subtest scores. Program requires two disk drives, 48K of memory, and an 80 column printer.

ii1= ILICINta

Product Natrie: WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer: Apple II farriily, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00

WISC.-4Z Computer Report (WISC-RCR) is a test compilat;on and reporting program for the WISC-R. The pro_gram is designed to help prepare a ccmprehensive psychological report based on student pertormance on the test. Program includes two disks (one is a back-up), manual, and teacher's guide.

1 R2

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 165 Chapter 9: Actrtinistration gnd Management Software

Product Name: WISCiliter Vendor Southern Micro Systems Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Prinied Cost: $199.00

WISC-Riter 'BASIC' is _a_ _test analysis and reportingprogram that provide§ cornputer,assisted interpretatidri of the WISC-R. The user enters WISC-R subtestscores, VIQ, PIQ, and FISQ, to generate a 3-4 page report The 'user has th r.:. option to includeor bypass enterin$ information from any achievement test. WISC-Riter 'BASIC'can be personalized using an editing feature. Program includes two disks (one isa back-up), manual, and teacher's guide.The program is available for the IBM=PC family and the Apple Ileand IIc, but will not run on the Apple II+.

Product Name: WISC-Rite. Complete Vendor: Southern Micro Systems Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00

WISC-Riter Computer Report _(WISC=RCR) isa test compilation and reporting program for the WISC-R. The program is designed to helpprepare a compre .msive psychOlogical report based on student perforMance on the test An editing feature allowsthe report to be personalized. Program includes two disks _(one iS a back-up), manual,and teacher's guide.The program is available for the IBM-PC family and the Apple Ileand 11c, but will not run on the II+.

166 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 9: Administration and Management Software

Product Name: Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report Vendor UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer Apple II familY, IBM PC_family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00

Woodcock Reading Mastery TeSts Error Analysis Report (WAR) isa tcst analysis program designed to provide a corr prehensivt. error analysis of results of the Woodco,..:k ReadingMastery Tests. The error analysis eni be usul as diagnostic information for ins;ru.:Conal planning for individual students. WEAR includes two disks (one is a back=up), anda manual.

Product Name: Wo: d Class Inventory for School Age Children Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $65.00

This program providesa fast referential semantic arrC sis of- any 50=utterance language sample. There is_sutomatic: aiding of the part of speech for OC#-80% of :the words inmost _samples. The following information in analyzed:oVerall_ semantic diversity (number _of different words compared --to numberiof total wordqacross=eategoty diversity(e.g.i_number ofnouns compared to riiiniber of total words), ,:wit'ain-category_ diversity (e.g., number of differentnouns eompured to total nouns), 'arid fre0driei dirstribiitión for each_ word _ina sample.Language samples_ and analysi:; can be pririt-d oi.t.DottitheritatiOn provideS _tables of normative data (ages 2-15) for .ompar3tive purposes, wi tgsted nt.:..rpret:ve guidelines.

1 YA

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 167 Chapter 10

Assessment Software

This zhapter includes applicationprograms whose primary function is an evaluative one. _1 f the prog;,,a's primary function isto provide therapy, but it invOlves dcua tracking or assessmerucomponents, it will be found in Chapter 14 EducationlTrainingITherapy andcrr.5: referenced in the index list for AssessmemIf the program isprb:arily _meant to assess or evaluate; it will be listod in this chapter andcross referenced in the ind r list for Education/Training/Therapy. Related functions inthe cross reference indexes include Analysis and Reporting (AR),EducationlTraininglTherapy (ET); Adaptive DailyLiving (AD). Vocational (V0); etc.

Appendix Aincludeslistingsof ServiceCentersandComputer AssessmentlTraining Centers for Disabled !nc:.3uals.

1 S 5

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 169 Chapter 10: Assessment Software

The following product entries Logo TouchToMs forthe PowerPad 3-219 Memory Patterns 3-244 appcir, in this chapter Trainiog Games 3-301 Muhl-input Selector 1-24 ACES 1/71 Multi-Scan 3-329 Assessment 01 Intelligibility of Dysarthric Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis Speech 3-171_ (PELSA) 3-158 Audible Career Explorer 3-172 Perceptual MOtOr Trainer 1-24 Button Count Switch Asaessment 3-172 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC 1-71 CARA 3-173 Poc-Ett System 1-25 Catch the Cow 3-173 Point to Pictures Development Kit 3-255 Comprehensive Phonemic Inventory for Point to ,Nctures Discrimination Kit1.255 Children, 2.0- 3-174 Practice_Communication Cards 1-55 Computer Managed Articulation PRE-MOD11_3-16/ .7.nsgriosis 3-174 Primer SI 3-257 Computer Managed Screening Test 3-175 Puil'N_Bur-ter Switeh _2-81 DPS.BCP 3-175 Push,On-Pnih-Off Module 1-25_ = E4aluvion System 3-176 Quiet _Duck Learning Serita 3-23; Functional Skills Sep-, ling Inventory 3-176 Rabbit Scanner _3-260 Game _Pi:4er for Phonics, Plus 3-177 Reading_ Recognition 3-262 Joh_Search_and_Liical Job Bank 3-177 Sequential Scanner 1-26 JOBS_Sytteth 3-178 Signal Buzzer 3-82 MESA_ 3-178 Small Clock Communicator 1-26 Micro-LADS 3-779 = Sound Match 3-268 Microcomputer _Evaluation Of Carter Areas Special Inputs Disk 3-47 (MECA) 3-179 Speller Teller 1-27 Picturelcnnner -_Softwart for STP` '1-L1TE 1-28 Assessment 3-180 Sct-v-.. Words 3-275 Process Analysis Vsnion 2.0 3-180 Latch 1-28 SAGE System 3-181 Switch-Latch 1-29 Singh; Switch Assesament Program 118/ Switchmaster 3-275 Single-Input Assessment Software 3-1_82 SymbOl Tra.rung_Display 1-29 Software Simulations of Communication Symbol Writer 1276 Prostheses 3-182 Tape-A-Me-nape 7-10 Touch Corn 3-183 Target 280 Visagraph Eye-Movement Recordit., The Adven.urrs otlimmy Jumper - System 3-183 ,_ftepositiout 1-282 _ Visuil/Perceptual Te.ting & mrr and_C2cuiriter 1-3/ Training Prop. 3-184 imer Module 1-31 oy Ada ?tea Cable 1-32 v Assr-sw- 3-284 Cable i-32 Scanner 3-284 The following prOducts from c oyPAC 5.33 Chapters can alto be used !;-, Training Aid 2 1-31 Assessment (Evalualior4 Tri-Respander 1-34 Variable Position Scanner /-34 Venascan 1-35 Ability Switch Tester 1-15 Vibrating Sack 1-35 AbleNet Control Unit 1-15 Visual Recognition 3-289 Active Stimulation Programmer 1-16 Voice Mate II1-36 Activity Board 1-16 Word recognition 3-794 Apple Demo Disk 3-190 Zygo Mo-del 16C 1-36 Appliance Genie 3-307 Zygo Model 20- 1-37 Battery Adapter 1-17 Zygo Model 21S 1:37 Battery Device Adapter 1-17 Zygo Model 4 2=85 Ettery Interface 1-18 Beeper 2-75 Call Bell 2-76 Cali Signal 2 2-76 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Trzining Series 3-196 Choice-Board 1-42 Clock Communicator 1-18 Com Board I-19 Communiclock 1-19 Compartmentalized Communicator 1-20 Computerized-Reading for Aphasics 3-207 Control_Without Keyboards 3-315 COntrolPAC_2-48 couneet_mwwe 1-20 CREATE _3-209 Dekfligui 3-210 Jelay Timer_1-21 Dial Scan 1-21 Dual Channel Utching Switch Interface 1-22 Dual Switch Latehand Timer 1-22 ETran Scanner__/-23 Fact Ktaster 3-213_ Fierspeller 3-217 1 i-Key_s_15 ms in America 3-227 Job Readiness Scrim 1228 Keyboarding*ir the Physically Handicapped 3-231 Learning Workshop 3-235 Lenical 3-236 Lighted Extra Loud Siinalling Buzzer 2-79 Lighted Signalling Buzzer 2-79 Lighted VibratingSignalling Buzzer 1-23 Lip-Reader Trainer 3-237 LogicMaster 3-238

170 Resource Book 3: C mputer Software and Hardware 6 Chapter 10: Assessment Softviare

Product Name: ACES Vendor Words+, Inc. Computer: IBM PC famly Manual Form: Printed Cost: $9995.00

ACES (Augmentative CommunicationEvaluationSystem)isaeompleteprofessional workstation for client evaluation._ The System consists ofa microcomputer with 640K of RAM and two disk drives, a hard digit (20MB), colOr and monochrome graphics cards_and monitors;a letter-quality printer, a speech synthesizer, several switches and -controls, and SoftWare including word processing, database, DOS; and utility programs, plus :Lc special ACES software.ACES_is designed to guide the uSer through the augmentative commun:cation evaluationprocess, assisting by keeping track of client information and test reSultS.Once testing is complete, ACES proVides a generic device recommendation (type of device, nota specific manufacturer). The system includes the ability to test the client's potential to use a particular type of system by emulating its method of operation.


Product Name: Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric SpLech Vendor C.C. PublicationS, Ine. Computer Apple II family Manual Form Printed Cost: $130.00

This is a tool for quantifying single-word Wigibility, Sentence intelligibility, and speaking rate of adult and adolescent dysarthric speakers. The software automatically and randomly selects 50 words arid 20 sentences from hundreds of stimuli containedin the program.All data is automatically stored and scored.The program includes a manual for administration and interpretation of results, as well as discussion of the theroetical and research bases for thetest.

1 7 -:= Resource ffook 3: Computer Software and hardware 171 Chapter M. kssessment Software

Product Name: Audible Career Explorer Vendor: Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer Apple He, IBM PC family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $900.00

ACE is designed for use by visually impairedpersons; and by those with limited literacy Skill& It helps students/clients explorecareer options. ACE haS been designed for ease of use with special education student&Every question, instruction and ansWer are spoken bythe Echo speech Synthesizer.A software tutorial allows students touse ACE independently.The 10 number keys are used for input Career related questionsarc asked about vocational intere5ts, aptitudes and temperments, and about the physical demandsand environmental conditions under which _the user is willing and ableto work.Answers are then cornpared Withover 600 occupation& A list of suitable careers is generatedalong with a _description of each onr. Descriptions can be spoken or printed out foruse by the vocational counselor. ACE cannot be used with the Apple Ile. An A;'ple He witha hard disk drive is required. An IBM version is available. Check with thr manufacturer for further details.

Product Name: ButtonCount Switch Assessment Vendor ButtonCount Software Company Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printcd Cost: $30.00

ButtcnCount Switch AF.cessmcnt is designedto 11.31p determine thr; moSt suitable switch foran individual and the optimal positioning of the switch. A varietyor switches can be attached to the compilter with_an adapter (not included). Thecomputer provides visual reinforcement as the ustr acti.1 ites *he switei. Th.! program counts and analyzes the nurntmi zfrcsponses over time. ReSults can be compared across differeet switches fordifferent buly can be p nte:: out. rface positions. Data

ANI(MINI r S 84 . ., L7.1=7PC,M0. .=1/1ML. 17' Rtscf rce Book 3: Computer Softwal and 1-113.13*if Chapter 10: Assessment Suftware

Product Name: CARA '3outhern Micro System Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $1 49.00

CARA is a tool for reading assessment.It is not a test, and is not tied to any specific test or set of tests The teacher gath -Ts information about the student, including any test results, samples of daily work, personal data, etc. The validity of the information used is assumed. No minimum amount of information is required. Drawing on the information provided, the program analyzes the data to provide defensible judgements and conclusions. CARA can be used with students grades one through twelve. The reading assessment results can be printed out.

Product Name: Ca h he Cow Vendor: Birch, Jana Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $10.00

Catch the Cow is a scanning training program for single or dual switch training. The program presents an array of boxes, one of which contains a graphic cow, and the user must press a switch when an arrow scans to the box with the cow. The program progresses to more difficult arrays if user successfully selects three display& The arrays increasein difficulty by number of squares to scan, with four levels of 2, 4, 12 (4 x 3 m: .r_ix), and 36 (6 x 6 matrix). Users must press switch twine to select correct box in mairix aIrays. Scan speed and type of scanning (automatic or manual) are user-adjustable. Program requires an Apple II series computer and some type of adaptive switch control suitable for an Apple. The program can use single switch control, or manual dual switch, where one switch moves the pointer and one switch selects the itein.

1S9 311= Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 173 Chapter 10: Acsesment Software 111orliat

Product Name: Comprehensive Phonemic Inventory for Children, 10 Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.00

This data-based_proram _prbVideS asSessmentand analysis of children's artitulationerrors, and up _to13 pages of analytical and therapeiitieinformation based on the child\age and performance Ware&There are 89 _picture plates (colOr or Monochrome)that appc a.! on the monitor. The clinician is ableto code articulatory attempts for_ additional substitDrionsand modifications. Arlalyses identify defeetiVe soundsystems and specific errors within e:ich systein; errors in manner and place of artitiilation _Aridvoicing; Consonants and vowels (pure, dipthongized and retroflexed)are analyzed.NoritiatiVe data for ages four through eiehtis included. Physiological arid accoustical goalsfor therapy are listed, and word pairs speecIlly targeted to remediate the defective soundsystems are provided.

Product Name: Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis VludOr COmmunication Skill Builders Computer Apple II family Manual Fonn: Printed Cost: $59.95

Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosisis an _articulaticintest given completely at the computer. Administration tiMe is similar to that ofconventional articulation tests. Readerscan read the stimulus sentences On the ScreenAn elicited sentence format is used withnonreadefs. Each sound_ is presented in_pre= and pott;vOcalicpesitions and no consonantsare abutting ihe consonants being testa Single phonemes, blends ot bcithcan be tested. Stimulability can also be testedAfter testing, the Computer willgenerate a four-page analysis of error patterns by distinctive features an :2! other categories.Individual student informationcan be Stored on the data disk for immediate retrieval atany time.Test results for 100 students Reports can be printed as needed. can be stored.

174 Resource Book 3: Cvmputer SoftwarC andHardware 19-0- Chapter 10: Assessment Software

Preliuct Name: Computer Managed Screening Test Vendor Communication Skill Builders Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $79.95

The Cornput r Managed Screening Test presents 32 test items for evaluation inthe areas of articulatior. .eceptive language, expressive language,voice and fluency.Administration of the test takes arwoximately 2 112- 4 minutes. The clinician reads the instructions from thescreen. When tilt:.ent responds, the clinician keys in whether the response was corrector incorrect. After tes: reports will be generated that iist every response of _every chiid, score each subtest, compute r kh child's chronological age, and break down the results ofa class by six-rhonth age groups.

Product Name DPS:BCP Vendor: VORT Corporation Computer Apple If family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $390.00

DPS:BCP is a software database version of the BCP_(khavioral CharacteriIticsProgression) system developed by the Santa Cruz County Office of Education. The routinin the BCP help with assessment, objective setting, and instruction.This computerized ye.n contains the behaViors and methods from 55 BCP goal areas, and permits dataentry and progress tracking. Contact the manufacturer for more informationon the uses of the BCP system.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 175 Chapter 10: Assessment Software

Product Name: Evaluation System Vendor: ComputAbilit:. Corporation Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $385.00

Thc Evaluation System is a package of about 100programs on six dislo, The Evaluation System iS designed to aid the rehabilitation specialist inassessing disabled i,,viduals and determining the proper type of augmentative communicationaid.The Evaluation System allows input by one to tive switches, or a joystick. A switch interface is providcd andSIA itch and/or joystick input devices are required to operate the Evaluation System.

Prödtict Name: Functional Skills Screening Inventory Vendor: Functional Resources Enterprises Computer Apple IIe, IBM PC family Manual Forx: Printed Cost: $340.00 - $380.00

The_ Functional Skills Screening,InventOry(FSSI! critetion-basect behavioral checklist to be used in _fiatUral settings to:assess critical:jivingi wo7king skills Of perSciiiS with moderate to severe- handitapping eonditiom__It can beusee to asess current ftinetiOning and identify placement needs and optionS.: FSSIcan also be:used to identify and prioritize training needs and goals, document progress in trainingand facilitate_ transition to ndult living. The checklist of 343 iteinS represents samples of skills requiredkr functioning at variOUS leve!s of independence in society. The program comptiteS all- scores; andrecords and prints out comments about the individual's performance en any item.--System requites:twodisk drives and_an 80 column_eard for operation. TwO related programs are! also available;Group Data Irograinto compile indivithtal assessmentg_into pimp profiles;iand TrainingEdition, forself evalnation prbgram placement FSSI is available _för IBMicomputers and:compatibles for $380.00, and for Appk 111E ebinputers for $340.00: A demonstration diskis available for $17:50.

176 Resource &kik 3: Computer &Aware and Hardware Chapter 10: Assessment Software .111 I11.1111iNIMM

Product Name: Game Power for Phonics, Plus Vendon Spin-A-Test Pub1ishinc7 Con ny Computer: Apple IL family, Co.iimodore 64, IBM PC family, IBM PC ir, TRS-80 Model III, TRS=80 Model IV Manual Form.. Printed Cost: $75.00

Game Power for Phonics, Plus is a computerized d19Erios1s and immediate reference to 241 structural and phonetic parts of words in the flrm of circular games. Reading instruction is individualized as much as possible.Any word part that is an obstacle to a student may be emphasized and reinforced in a challenging game format. Over 1,687 _games are availableon one side of the disk. The 7P1us" in the program name refers to the integration of diagnoses and th: game technique, the addition of comprehension games, the option for teacherr, to add wor-!. into a game, and the variety of language arts games in the inc..tx.

Product Name: Job Search and Local Job Bank Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00 and moo

The Job Search program consists of 1,1364 job titles and the following data for each: _physical demands, working conditions, general educational developmett, specific vocational preparation, aptitudes, interests, and temperments. A job search is based on the participant's interest, ability and on the basis of current academic level of functioning.The vocational counselor can increase the GED level (General Educational Development) by one or more levels in order to complete a job search which is slightly above the client's current academic level of functioning. The Local Job Bank is a data-based management program designed to store informationon emplovTrs in a geographical area. The program ties into the Job Search programproviding a way Of making the results of the Job Search useful.The user must enter data on local employers. 193

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 177 Chapter 10: Assessment Software .11111i-

Product Name: JOBS System Vendor: Control Data Corporation Computer: Apple II family, Control Data, IBM PC family, TRS-SO Model I Manual Form: Printed Cost: $1500.00 - $7500.00

JOBS (JObr OOrtuniiy Based Search)system offers assessment and helPs identify appropriate jobq for diSab ed individuals. JOBS_matchestest results with job titles from the Department of Labor's listing of over 12,000 jobs. Descriptionsof appropriate jobs are then printed mit witha list of the industries where the jobSMay be found. A hard disk is required to operate the JOBSsystem. Price of the systerii depends on the type of databaseS used with theprogram; options include listings by types of industries,area of the country, or availability of training at job site.Some of these,otions require additional hardware. Contact manufactrrer for details.

Product Name MESA Vendor: Valpar International Computer Apple H family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printcd Cost: $3975.03 - $6750.00

MESA (Microcomputer Evaluation andScreening Assessment) is a progyam that provides baseline data for development ofan individual education, training, and employment plan,or for more extensive vocational evaluation.Various exercises and screening procedurescan be conducted. A skill profile of a specific jobor training program can be created with the help of the MESA and the evaluee's performancecan be compared to this profile. MESA also helps the user generate a summary report MESA is available in 1 station ($3975.00), 2station ($4975.00), or 4 station ($6750.00) models.

178 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 4 Chapter 10: Assessment Software

Product Name: Micro-LADS Vendor Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form Printed Cost: $150.00 - $750.00

Micro-LADS (Microcomputer Language Assessment and Development System) isa series of seven diskettes, each of which is designed to teach a particular category of fundamental syntactic rules. The student is offered a phrase (spoken and writtenon the screen) and a choice of three graphics. The student is asked to choose which graphic corresponds to the phrase. Selections can be made with the , a single switch (scanning mode), thearrow keys, a game controller (extra), or a touch sensitive screen (extra). An Echo II or Cricket speech sythesizer is required to use Micro-LADS (extra). The disksare available individually or in partial or complete sets.

Product Name: Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Areas (MECA) Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: See below

MECA is a series of vocational assessment packages with "hands-on" simulation of tasks within a trade area. Each package contains_ three Worlc Samples, a Learning Activity Packet (LAP), and one Math on the Job program. The Work Samples break down job-related tasks intosteps, which are presented with graphics and written instructions at the bottom of thecomputer screen. The LAP presents basic academic skills activities relevant to thecareer area covered, and math on the Job applies different math skills in selected occupational tasks. Software and training_ manuals are sold separately for all MECA kits for $250.00per kit. MECA kits are also sold with necessary hardware and supplies to complete tasks in training packages. These range from $350.00 - $725.00 includin& automotive, building maintenznce, _graphic design, cosmetology, custodial housekeeping, electronics, small engines, food service, business & office, health care, manufacturins, construction, distribution, horticulture, and computers. Systemcan be used with optional color monitor, or cassette player and cassette control device (CCD) for audio screen information for low or non readers. 1 9 5 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 179 Chapter 10: Assessment Software

Produ Ct Name: Picture Scanner- Software for Assessment Vendor RI Cooper & AsSociates Corti Pater: Apple 11 family Manual Form: Printed Cost: See below

Picture Scanner is aprogram which reqUireS the user to activatea single switch. One picture at a time appears on_ the computer screen, and a Speechsynthesizer speaks the appropriate word for each picture. The instructorprompts the student verbally to select the picture. The does so by pressing a single switch. student An Echo speech synthesizer anda Single-switch adapter for the computer'sgame port are required to use Picture Scannner.The graphics can be created by variousmeans, and the program is adaptable. The source code (a printedcopy of the program) and the program on disk are available as public domain Material andmay be copied. handling, and disk. Cost is $10.00 to cover shipping,

Product Name: Process Analysis Version2.0 Vendor Parrot Software Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $7950

This program is designedto analyze phonetic reSponses to 59 stimuli, 14 ofwhich contain initial clusters. After phonetic responsesto the 59 stimuli are entered, theprogram does Sour different analyse& These are:initial poSition processes; final positionprocesses, initial poSitibn Phonetic inventory; and final position phoneticifiVentdry. software to show phonetic characters The key'board has been modified by the may be stored on the disk and analyzedon at the screen for data entry. Up to 12 speech samples printed. any time. Results may be displayed on thescreen or

180 Resource Bikik 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 10: Assessment Software

Product Name: SAGE System Vendor: Control Data Corporation Computerr. IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $6,995.00

The SAGE system provides vocational aptitude testing in order to describe vocational skills and recommend appropriate training and jobs for a_ an individual with disabilitie&Tbe_system consist& of a test protocol and a series of isolated units designed to test specific skills. SAGE'S five units present 152 real work activities covering all occupationalareas, designed to do the followingmeasure general development in reasoning, math, and language; assess verbal, numerical, spatial, form, clerical, motor, finger, manual, and eye-hand-foot aptitudes; describe work attitudes, interpersonal relationships, and worker temperament traits. The SAGE system test results can beiautomatically scored when usinga reading device for the separate units in conjunction with an IBM-PC.

Product Name: Single Switch Assessment Program Vendor: Rushakoff, G.E. Computerr. Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Single Switch Assessment Program is designed to provide the clinician with dataon what sort of single switch should be implemented for a_particular individual, and where the switch should be placed. Single Switch A-sessment Program is not a speed test, buta tool for finding the mean "normal response" time of an individual using various switches and switch placement& All data may be stored on disk and/or printed out for comparison and assessment. A single switch (plugged into the game port) is required.Single Switch Assessment Program may be returned to the manufacturer for a refund within four weeks of purchase if buyer is not satisfied. Contact the vendor for details.


Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 181 Chapter 10: Assessment &oftware

Product Name: Single-Input Assessment Software Vendor: Developmental Equipment Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $6750

Single =Input Assessment Software isa program designed to evaluate an individual to determine the correct single switch forthatindividual. Single-Input Control Assessment collects information on movement, site, interface, and position. may be stored on disk. All performance and assessment data A switch interface and several single switchesare required for Single-Input Control Assessment.

Product Name: Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses Vendor: Communication Habilitation Service Computer: Commodore 64 Manual Form: Prir.ted Cost: Contact developer

This set Of five software sithulationswas developed in oaler to_ provide skill ASSeSsMent and training to help match a candidate for a Voiceoutput communication prosthesis with the appropriate technicaraid. The series consists of fiVeprograms. Keyspeak 1 uses direct selection with the keyboard. Words or phrasesare spoken by_ the speech synthesizer or printed_on the screen. Each key may be prOgrammed with eightdifferent words.Lexicon iSuser programmable. Keyspeak 2 uses direct ielecticiri ofa three digit code on the keyboard. One thousand words/phrases can be programmed bythe user.Comspeak Uses direct keyboard selectiOn with one to three charactercodes personally chosen to reflect letter abbreviationsor semantic compaction. COmscan asSetseS scanning skillsthrough presentation_of a variety Of grids a 6, 12, or 30 cells) on the nitniitor.Manual scan, automatic; or_ row-columnscan techniques may be selected :Compaduses direct selection on the Po Wer Pad. symbol- type are user specifiable; Lexicon and The developer may be contacted by Mail for infOimationon price and availability.

182 Resource Wouk 3 : Computer Stiftware and Hardware Chapter 10: Assessment Software

Product Name: Touch Com Vendor: Developmental Equipment Computer Apple II family Mr.nual Form: Printed Cost $128.00

Thu eh Com is a program designed :to assess and train an individual who will be usingan electronic communication _device with voice _output.Touch :Corn uses the PowerPad (see separate entry in this book) as a selection panel. The symbols placed on the PowerPadare user definable, as are the corresponding phrases spoken. Spoken phrases and theircOrresponding locations on the PowerPad may be stored on disk.Multiple overlays and phrases may be constructed. A PowerPad and an Echo II voice synthesizer are required to operate Touch Corn.

Product Name: Visagraph Eye-Movement Recording System Vendor Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $990.00

The Visagiaph Eye=Movement Recording System recordseye mavements during reading and provides analysis of readint_performance via a viewer which interfaces with the Apple II+ and Apple He computer& Student's eye movements are sampled 50 times per second.Results are then presented in graph form as calculations of reading performance efficiency (number of firations and resression& average span of recognition, average duration _of fixation, readingrate with: comprehension, etc.).The graph can be displayed oti the ftionitOr Or printed out.A Sithulation of the reader's visual performance can also be displayedon the monitor. Cost of $990.00 includes both software and interface board for the Apple II series.


Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 183 Chapter 10: Ass&sment Software

Product Name: Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Progs. Vendor: Educational Electronic Techniques, LTD Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $650.00 for set

This is an 8 program14_disk _integrated sciftWaré package designed to aid_in_thediagnosis and treatMent of visual/perceptual dysfunction.ReSpOntet are made either directlyon the screen using the GibSon Light Penor by using a single switch. When tWitch input isselected, the programs utilize simple scanning routines with_ switchor space bar.All 8 programs arc onone diSk accessed throughmenus., other disks intliidetacktip_disks,screen disks, and a template disk. Programs include: N/isual Field;Figure-Ground, Visual Diterimination, DotPatterns, Maze Test, Visual Memory, Visual Scanning1 and Visual Scannlng 2.utihg the Template disk and the software sold with the Gibson LightPen (eicti4 a teacher or therapist_tancreate graphics to rtin with the program& In additionto on-screen results, all of theprograms have the option of priLting Out the Statistical summariespnerated If printing iS desired, the Grappler+interface card is required for_ graphics capabilities.System requirements are a color monitor,a Gibson Light Pen, and 48-64K ofmemory, depending on computer used Videotape available on loan at no cost. demonstrations are

184 Resource Rix& 3: Computer Software and Hardware24j Chapter 11

Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Thischapterincludesapplicationsoftware and softwarelhardware packages whose primary function is to educate, train, or facilitate therapy. A large percentage Of the entries in this chapter could be cross listed with Assessment (AS) or Analysis/Reporting (AR) functions because of built-in data tracking components% If thereis a testing component in an EducationlTraining1Therapy program, itwill be cross referenced with Assessment. However, even those programs in this section that do not have an evaluathv component can often be used creatively for assessment purposes. Many related functions appear in the indexes. Some of these are Early Skills (prereading, ES), Later Skills (involve some reading, LS), Math and Calculation (CHI Keyboardins Training (KB), Language Therapy and Development (LT), Speech Therapy (ST), Sign LanguagelFingerspelling (SI) and Cognitive Retraining (CR). Appendix A includes an information summary onother Software Resources, both printed guides and resource centers.

2 '11

Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 185 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy Software ..=mr

The following produCt entries I ,an Talk 3-226 Soft Took '83,14, '85 3-267 appear In Mk Chaplet: IDEA Cit 3-227 Software fOr Vistially Impaired Children 3-267 Arnerica 3-227 Sound Idecai 3-268= JOb RinesaUries 3-228 Sound Match 3-268 Academics with Sunning Language Inb Survival Series- 3-228 Special_Education (Eleinentityk PSIS far Ars 3-38 ILLS - Cognitive_Educauonal System 3-229 Special_Needs 3-269 Audio-US withSclnuinç Math 3-188 Kennedy }Candi-lath Program 3-229 Special Needs Volume I - Spelling 3-269 Alphabet with_Thas and Andy 3:189 Keyboarder 3-2301_ 1 Special Needs Volume 2 - Simulations @ Anatomy anttPhytiolOgy Of the Speech and Keyboarding Fcir ThaDrileitie 3250 Drills 3270 Hearing PAW& 3-189 Keyboasiing for thaPhyriWly Special Skill Builders I & II 3-270 Apbasia_Seriem I Sunup vin 3-190 Handicapped 3-232 SpeechMaster 3-271 Apple Demo Disk 3-190 Keyboarding teethe Visually UtTrited 3-231 Spell-A-Vision 3271 Arithmetic KZ, and2 with SpetiCh___3-191 Keyboarding with One Hand I-232 Speller Bee 3-272 Audio Braille Game Tutorial 3-191 Keys to Success Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Spelling Tutor 3-272 Basic Language Seria-Spatial Conapti 3-192 Children 3-232 Spellist 3-273 Basic Vocabulary Builder on Computer 3-192 Keytalk 3-233 Study Buddy 3-273 Bear Jam 3.193 Kindermath II 3-233 Sunny Days 3-274 Blisspen 3-Z93 Language L.A.B. 3-234 Siieloinding Patterns (and other Blissymbolice /3liss Drills 3-194 Languqe Stimulation Series 3-234 pregriiiii) 3-274 Blissymbolice Blisaymbol Concepts 3-194 Learning Left and Right 3-235 SUrviiiiil Wadi 3475 !robes 3-195 Learning Workshop 3-235 Smitehriiiitar 3-275 Braille Trainer 3-195 Unica. 3-236 Simbol_Writer 3-276 Brainz 3.196 Utter Find 3-236 TAG: TCking Animated Graphics 3-276 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series 1-196 Ughipen Prigrams for Spcsial Education I & Talk About A Walk_ 3-277 CASPT- 3-197 = ir 3-237 Talking Appk Literity Kit 3277 -tagoricil Reasoning I and II 3-197 Lip-RSder Trainer 3-237 Talking Han& 3-278= Chitterbox Dictionary 3-198 tistento Leery 3-238 Talking Riddlet 3-278 Chi:4a_ Maker I 3-198 LegieloWter---3-218 Talking Scanner 3-279 Clrize-Flus_Pregrain 3-199 Lifsgb TO-UM-bola for the PowerPad 3-239 Talking Text Writer 3-279 Cognititot Rthibilitation Series 3-199 Megic_Skik 3-239 Talking Unicorn 3-280 Ceogralb VoL 1 3-200 Meth DU 3-240 Target_ 3-280 COptUb VOL 2 3=200 Math Power_PrOgram 3-240 Task Master 3281 Math Scan 3-241 Colgteab VOL 3 3201 Teaching_Vocatulary LinguiDiski 3-281 CogircUb VOL 4_ 3-201 Math StraktiW I 3-241 The_Adventures of Jimmy Jumper. - Coinlinkeys 3-202 Math Stratcht II 3-242 Prepositions 3-282_ Color: Pint 3-202 = Matlitalk 3-242 The Lost RReasoning 3-282 Complete Spelling PrOgriiii 3-203 Mut 3-243 Touch and Match 3-283 Comprehension Power PrOgram 3:203 Memory l_ 3-243 Touch and See 3-283 Computer 2WsistW Instruction in Phonological Memory II 3-244 Toy Assessor 3-284 __Process 3-204 Memory Patters 3444 Toy Scanner 3-284 Computer CouraewiTre fOr the EU:trio:mai Micro Speech Lab 3-245 Trace Math Aid 3-285 Student 3-204 Micro-Interpreter Ii(Fingtrapeiler) 3-245 Twenty Categories 3-283 Computer CUP 3-205 Micro-Interpreter II (CAV-AS4 3-246 Type N' Parrot 3-286 Coen puter_Managed_ Articulation Minimal Contrast Therapy 3-246 Type-Talk 3-286 Treatment_ 3405 Mix 'N latch 3-247 Understanding_Questions, Sentences I & II, Computer Managed Language Titatment 3-206 Morse Code & Scanning Practice Stories 3-287 Ccenputer Progefor Neuropsycholegital Programs 3-247 VP 'Vocal Abuse Reduction Program 3-287 Testing@ Rehab. 3-204 _ Morse Code Drills 3-248 Videii Voice 3-288 Computerized Reading for_Aphuici_ 3-207 Mouse Math 3-248 Viii-Pitch Model 6095 3-288 Computerized Training Systems (CTS) Nuts & Natural Language Processing Program 3-249 VbilikSpeech Aid 3-289 Bolts 3-207 011ie Series 3-249 EnVxignition 3-289 Concept Formation: Shape Matching 3-208 One Handed Typing 3-250 Vilmal/Rediria Drills 3-290 Core Reading and Vocabulary Paint With Words 3-250 ViaUdipitill Skill% 3-290 Development 3-208 PAVE Perceptual Accuracy/Visual Efficiency Voice Eflglisl Language Development 3-291 Counting Critters 3-209 Training 3-251 Voice lath3-291:1- 1- CREATE 3-209 PC Morse Code 3-251 Voice _Beading:Ability DaIl 3-292 CTS: Electronic Assembly & Soldering 3-210 PC-Fingers 3-252 WALC LingUiDUS 3-292 Ltairsiaii 3-210 Phenics, Text, and Graphics 3-252 Ways to Play 3493 Drills in Lauguage Concepts 3-211 PhOiTolegitil Process Tutor 3-253 Word Memory IrcogrIMS 3-293 Early Leirning I 3-211 MMUS Priograms I, II and III 3-253 Word_Rmognition 3-294 FSly Leateina II 3-212 PU PasSiiilifed information for World of CounGng 3-294 Edmark Reiding Program, Level I 3-212 lkoSpen&nce 3-254 Write 34_95 &kin@ 3-213 Point madit.e 3-2541 W riting to Read 3-295 Elept ECU_ 3-213 Point to Picurra De*Oripment Kit 3-255 Exploratory Pby 3414 = Point to PiatTres Dikrimination Kit 3-255 EZ_Pilot for POwerPSI 3-214 loirit_to Pietas In Phn_Masters 3-256 Fact_Masteri3-215 1 PowsPad_Programmmg Km 3-256 Fars Word@ally 3-215 Preposition Recognition 3-257 The rolloiving products from other Far That MEI Woman 3,216 Primer SI 3-257 chapters can also be used tor Far The Word Hunter 3-216 Prolgem Solving_ 3-458_ Eduadloth TrainWg, or Therapy: FingerSpeller 3-217 Proceseing_Power Protrus_3-258 Fingerspeller 3-217 Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, What First Catelories 3-218 Bebop/ 3-259 Ability Swikh Tester 1-15-- First Shapes 3-238 Quiet Duck Learning Series 3-259 AbleNet ConSOI Unit 1-15 First Verbs 3-219 Rabbit Scanner 3-260 ACES 1,171 Irma Words 3-219 1Wre the Clock 3-260 ActiveStimulation l'rograrnmer 1-16 First Words II 2420 Rite-Drill in Articulation. Language and Airraii Floppy TimelsesSexies MMUS* 3.261 Appliance Genie 3-307 170116Wing Directions 3-211 Reading ArSoid Words Program 3-261 Asaflez Model TS 2-7 .onr.tions I 3.221 Readisg Iccignation 3-262 Battery Adavter 127 Foutions 3-222 Reseditlcon@ary or Adult Educstioe Battery Device Adaptsz 1-17 Fu. WitleMAth 3422 ftogranu 3-262 Battery Interface 1-112 Funcrift 3-223 RepresenStind-at Way 3-263 Blazing Paddles 3-29So GettftSWASI in Arithrnetic Series (and SAID Says 3-263 Blusymbol Vocabulary Stamps 1-41 Sam% SUMO_ 3-223 I Sarah_and Wet Frlcódt 3-264 Blissymbolice Blissboard 3-310 Gussing_and Trung 3-224 Sean & Speak 3-264 Brighter-Pathways Communication Symbols litiliandicapped Arithmetic FlWt Cards 3-224 Sight Word Spelling 3465 = Ind Grids 1-41 Hand/Eye CoorchnaWn Programs 3-225 SimpkCoes L Ires/NoComm tion 3-265 tat the Cow 3-173 HELP Linguidisks 3-225 SimpleCom_EL Netds/Wss CW'MeJloard 1-42 Holidays 3-226 Communication 3.266 Croa_Communicator 1-18 Smart Shaper 3-266 CosTi Board 1-19

186 Resource Ronk 3: Computer Softwaee and Flardwar2 2 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Commut,icatios Sheets 1-44 Touch & Speak 3-344 Communiclock 149 Touch 'N Talk Communication Board Mt Compartmentalized Communicator 1-20 Touch 'N Talk Communication Stickers 1-59 Computer Keyboard Switch 2-11 Touch 'N Talk Micros 1-59 Computer Plate Switch 2-11 Touch Com 3483 Cifiltifil-Witbout Keyboards 3-315 Toy Adapter Cable 1-32 ontial'AC 2-48_ Toy Cable 1-32 Core Picture Vocaladary 1-44 ToyPAC 1-33 Counter Module_1-20 Traininit Md 2 1-33 Creadvity Tool _Boa 3-299 Tri-Responder 1-34 Delay Timer 1-21 Uifink Voice System 3424 Dial Scan 1-21 Unipix 140 Dot & Maw 1-300 POSition Scanner 1-31 umacr 3475 V cruse= 1J-35 Dual Channel Latching Switch Interface 1-22 Vibrag Sik _1-33 Dual Switch Latch and Timer 142 Vbagraph Eye-Idovenient Recording E-Tran Scanner 1-23 System 3483 Eknientary MOD Keyboard System 3-28 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Evaluation System 3476 Training Frogs 3-184 Expanded Keyboards for Speak /4' Spell 145 Voice Mate II 1-36 Eye Transfer Cifinniunkation System 1-45 Zygo Model 100 1-85 Eye-COM 445 Zygo Mode116C 1-36 Eye-COM Hard 146 Zygo Model 20 1-37 Eliptrack Learning Tape Tutorials 3434 Zygo Model 21S 1-37 rcitaUtiCts 147 Game_ Power fed- Mania, Plus 3477 ILLIWndlifipped WOOTGames 3400 Help 1de to Help_Myklf 1-47 Individualized CoMmuniation Systems 1-48 Kennedy Switch Rey Software 3-136 Kid Talk __3-322

L. %Ulric_ Paintbrush 3-324 _ LifeExperiencea Communication IGt _ 1-48 Lielted -VibraWill Amain& Buzzer 1-23 Mac-Apple Corifinuification Aid 3-325 Mai& Music Teacher _3-301 Micro Illustrator 3-328 Micro-LADS 3479 Mini Talking Card Ruder 1-70 Motor Training Gaines 3-301 Multi-Inpot Selector 1-24 Multi-Scan 3-329 Muppet Learning_Keys 3-63 Nu-Vue-Cue 149 Oakland Schools Picture Dktionary 1-49 Oniniliot 3-63 Opticommunicator 1-50 PeriMptal Motor Trainer 1-24 PhiStoTAC/EitilPAC 1-71 PIC MU= 3:102 PI-Vitird Solid 140 PICSYMS tegeriifilDittitiiiiry 141 Picifigran I&ifigtiuM Cifiiimunication (PIC) 1-51 Picture Communication _3-131 Picture CcownuiicariOn Symbols, Hook I and Book II 142 Picture Scarifier - Software fel' Amassment 3480_ Pictum_YourBlissymbols 1-52 Pictures, Please! 143 Poc-Ett System 1-25 Practice Communieaon Cards 1-33 Prism Communication Tray 1-55 Push-On-Push-Off Module 1-25 Senteoce-Scui 3-334 Soluential Scanner 1-26 &lisle Switch Amassment Program 3481 Sin& Switch Game Library 3-303 Single-Input Aniessment Software 3-182 &nail Clock Conununicator 1-26 Wigwam Smulitions of Communication Prontrifi--- 3-1112 Sonoms_ oift 1-27 SpiM uptu Dk 3-47 Spelkr Teller 1-2r STIM-U-LITE 1411 Super_Craifiner Graphic* Package 3-336 Switch Latch 1,74 Switch_LaMb 1-29 Switchboard 1-77 Symbol Training Display 1-29 Talking BlissAppk 3-339 Talking Paddles 1-56 Talking Pictures Communication Board 1-57 Talking Picture; Riu I, n, and III 1-57 Talking Writer 3-341 Tami-A-Measage 1-30 Teirtilkimillind and Other Echo Utilities 3-9e; TIGERbook- 1-30 Timer iifid -Comptes. 1-31 Tinkt Module 7-31 2 3

Retource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 187 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Academics with Scanning: Language Arts Vendor: Washington Research Foundation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Academics with Scanning LanguageArts is a wilting aid program designedto help the disabled student do schoolwork. Programs include"Ward Attack; 'Vrossword: and"Phonics Machine." A teacher mutt _type in word lists.,crosSword shapes, or phonics worksheetsfrom the student's own materials. The student thenuses one switch ("Word Attack") or two switches "Phonics Machine") to complete work ("Crossword: lists are included. on the screen or to produce printed output Sample word Two switches must be substituted foror wired in parallel with the Applegame buttons through the game I/0 port. A printer isrecommended but not required.

Product Name: Academics with Scanning:Math Vendor: Washington Research Foundation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Academics with Scanning: Mathis an electronic math worksInetprogram for theph ysica y disabled stUdent Problem setsor WorkSheets are typed in bya teacher, and the student uses one or_ two switches to solve problems and _produceoutput to the screen or printer.Programs include "Addition with Carrying:"Subtraction with Borrowing:. "MultipleDigit Multiplication: "Long Division," "Constructive GeOmetry:"Fractions," and "Story Problems." Academicswith Scanning Math is suitable for grades3 through 7. One or two micrOswitches must be substituted for or wired in parallel with theApple game buttons through thegame I10 port A printer is not reouired, butis recommended.

188 Resource Rook 3 Computer SoftWare and Itaidwaie Chapter 11Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Preduct Name: Alphabet with Tom and Andy Vendor: Dunamis, Inc Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

Alphabet with Tom and Andy is:an alphabet training program which familiarizes children with the alphabet and teaches the position of those letters on the_ keyboard._ Program includes three activities:Press and See, A Letter Makes a Word, and Matching Program.The program provides rezord-keeping for data evaluation and progress evaluation. Use of PowerPad for input is optional (see entry); program will run with the keyboard.

Product Name: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mech. Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $350.00

This is an independent study supplement designed to complement introductory course outlines in the anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing. A question-answer format is used and explanations of incorrect answers clarify the subject matter. A demonstration disk is available for $10.00.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 189 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software ANI=11v.

Product Name: Aphasia Series:I through VIII Vendor: Parrot Software Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.50 each

These programs are designed for aphasics andothers with reading and comprehension problems, and operate With a_Single switchor space ban In Aphasia I (Noun-_Associatiori) and_Aphasia II (Opposites-Similarities) the Client Must matcha word to an appropriate onei from 10 words On the screen;Aphasia III (Categories)- operates: in thesame_iway, except that the clinician can control the tithe necessary_ fora response (from 3-_to 30 seconds).Aphasia _IV (Reading Comprehension) COntains 10 stories with_ adultthemes, with 1:teral and_ inferential leVelS. A reading cursor can highlight otie line Of thestory at a_time to help people with: visual:problems. Aphasia V (Sentence Completion) presents_thoicesof words to fill in a sentence blank, from choices that ate Seinantically_or visuallysimilan-or not similar.Aphasia _VI (Definitions) is identical except :that three definitionsare presented as options fon a- word; foreigo labgaageor user-defined definitions ate possible._ AphasiaVII (Picture Identification) flashes_picturesand asks uSer to Spell thename of the object, highlighting incorrect letters; Aphasia VIII (Picture Naming) displayt a picture anduser chooses correct name from three options.

Product Name: Appk Demo Disk Vendorr. Zygo Industries, Inc. Computerr. Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $75.00

Apple Demo DiSk iS a program_ that demonstrates theoperation of various alternate modes of computenioperatiOn USed by disabled people.Input methods demonstrated include direct selection using the keyboard, god Scanning usingone switch, two switches, and the keyboard. Output Modes demonstrated include_printedtext, Synthesized speech, sound, and graphics (large print, BlisS syMbolS, etc.);The same programs designed for demonstrating theUse of these systems to non-users May also be used toassess which methods work best for a client. Various peripheraldevices (switches, speech synthesizer,etc.)are requiredto runthis demonstration program (extra).

190 RfTsource Book 3: Computer Software and Hareware 206 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Arithmetic 1,2, and 3 with Speech Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $105.00 (or see text)

TheSe_pidgrims provide drill and practice on the four arithmetic operationsand practice in solving_simple word problem& Because theywere written specifically for use with the ECHO II, there is correct pronunciation of mathematical syMbols andtwo digit number& The teacher or Student can set the level of difficulty of the problems,thescore is given at the end of each progratn, and antothatic record-keeping capabilities are included. All threeprograms include an introduction to the keyboardArithnietic 1 covers addition; subtraction; multiplication and division of whole numbers and word problems ($75.00).Arithrrietic 2 covers mixed operation& two=Step probleins, and problems with missing elements ($75.00).Arithmetic 3 contains timed drills on addition, subtractiOn, multiplication, division and mixedoperations using whole numbers. A timed game for two players is included ($60.00).

Product Name: Audio Braille Game Tutorial Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $30.00

Audio Braille Game 1 utorial iS a braille trainingprogram to help teach braille contractions. The program includes seven games to practice the folloWing contractions:short form words, one cell upper sign& lower whole word signs, two cell initial letter signs,upper whole word signs, and one cell lower signs. Stimuli can be presented either alphabeticallyor in random order. System requires an Echo + or Echo II speech synthesizer for voiceoutput capabilities.

2 (1 7 alsamm Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 191 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Basic Language SerieS:Spatial Concepts Vendor: C.C. Publications,. Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $24995

Tweniy four basic spatial concepts are presented withmore than 100 graphic illustrations and speech instructions.Teachers can adjust response time to meet individual sttident'S need& Immediate feedback for each task is given.Reproducible worksheets are included with the software. An Echo + or Cricket speech synthesizer is required forthe programs to operate properly.

Product Name: Basic Vocabulary Builder on Computer Vendor Ballard & Tighe, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $49.95

Basic Vocabulary Builder on_ Computer _consists of twenty-fourlessons that reinforce 272 common nouns,adjectives and verbs._ Ft is a menu-drivenprogram _which allows the user- to choose_ from_ any_of _the twenty-three lessons atany of three levers of difficulty offered by the program. Each lesson: includes nouns, adjectives,and- verbs, ahd toVeit -One facet Of_ eVeryday life.Most lessons reinforce twelve words-.Each word appear& on all three levelsi With a different activity on each_ level._In: lessons 1 - 18 level A is: noun identification, level Bis pluralization of -noun, and level -C is agreement ofnoun With_ detriOnstrative adjective&_In kssons 19 - 20-, level A :deals _with identification_of verb, level B withagitetrient Of Verb With pditotial pronouns; and level C with identification of verb. The- program utilizes color graphics, randOm_ presentatien, and time_ and point: accumulationin each lesson.It is available for_the Apple II + and Apple He.It is _also aVailable in Spanish; French; German and Italian. An Echo + speech synthesizer is required fot VOitdOutpiit.

192 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 208 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Bear Jam Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple Ile, Atari 400, Atari 800, Commodore 128, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost $3995

Bear Jam is an educational pre-reading program which providespractice in basic visual skills inVOlVedinlaterlearning; including observing similarities, recognizing_ differences,and distinguishing patterns. The program includes 6games with different user specifiable levels of difficulty, to train familiarity with shapes and colors. The programrequires a Power Pad (see entry) and has animation, music, and color reinforcement forcorrect answers.

Product Name: Blisspen Vendor Developmental Equipment Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $4730

Blisspen is a program that allout the uSer to write and edit stories usingBlissymbols. Over 200 vocabulary words have been included corresponding to the themegoing on a trip." The topic available is open ended; and should allow for several different storiesto be written by each user. A switch interface arid Single switch or the keyboardmay be used to operate Blisspen. A printer is recommended for output.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 193 p Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name. Blissymbolics: Bliss Drills Vendor MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $43.00

Bliss Drills is a series of drills used to teach . USin7sWitching device; game paddle, or simple keyboard Contact, the student tries to match two idc,.:ical SyMbolS,Or to match words with their icorresponding symbols.The teacher can use the Blissymbolics Blissboardor the Blissymbolics Bliss Library to create and store additionalsets of symbols for use in drills. For ages Preschool- Adult.

Pr cidtiet Name: Blissymbolics: Blissymbol Concepts Vendor: MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $44.00

Blissymbol ConceptS is a prograiii thatuses Blissymbols to teach the recognition and application of several basic concepts. Concepts taught include distinguishingleft from rigbt, determining the spacial location of objects, and describing the sizeand quantity of objects.For ages Preschool - Adult, Keyboard or a single switch may be used for input; the singleswitch is extra, and will require some type of single switch interface.

194 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 210 Chapter lb Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Bobcat Vendor: Hoefer, Computerr. Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $15.00

Bobcat is_a tutorial program for sighted Braille transcribers. Bobcatcovers the first ten lessons Of the Offitial Braille Training Manual, Theprogram randomly selects examples, offers a prompting optiori, and carries a second-try feature. Bobcatuses the keys "x, c, z, j, k, and 1" on the standard keyboard to correspond to the six cells of Braille.

Product Name: Braille Trainer Vendor: Raised Dot Computing Computerr. Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $100.004300.00

The Braille Trainer _offers transcribers-in-training programmed instruction, drillsand feedbaek Lmitig the Apple keyboard in Braille imode, studentscan check their accuracy through back translation. The Voice output version sharpens the brailling skills of blindpersons, Braille Trainer is-available in three fOritiS. BTP Withscreen output only is_$100.00, BTP with Echo/Cricket output is also $100.00. A BTP School Pack, tonSiSting of 5copies of the program, iS Available for $300.00. Contact the manufacturer for details.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 195 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Brainz Vendor Bainurn Dunbar, Inc. Computer Apple IIc, Apple Ile Manual Form: Printed Cost: $230.00

Brainz is ari authoringprogram that allows an instructor to create leSSOng for Students.The program uses menus to offer the instructor options in constructingthe lessons. GraphicS, text, and questions (multiple choice, fill in theblank, word matching; and direct questions)may be used. A special format called Word Flashing(the student matches a word wall its category)is also provided. NO prOgramming knowledgeis required to set up lessons With Brainz.Brainz flashes a message for wrong angWerS, and keepsthe student's score. Charactersare available for questiOns in English, Spanish, German, aridFrench. A large type version with English charactersis now available.

Product Name: CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series Vendor Network Services Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: See below

CAPTAIN *as designed to train basic cognitive ons; including attention,_concentration, memory, vigil-al/Motor, and reasoning skills; The C AIN System contittt Of 21 programs in three modules: attention skillg, visual/motor skills_ conceptual skills.It utilizeS the Apple Mouse, a Trackball; a special joysticksystem, or a S. Pi& 'Visual Control System to control the systeth.The VCS option enables CAPTAINtc -ontrolled with head_ movement and breathing AttionS.The mouse or trackball inputrecio,, only one hand.Program op/ions include three levels Of difficulty in thegame-like skill trainingiassessmerit mOdeor training Mode, time of the trial, and presenceOr abSence of visual cues or prompts; The complete CAPTAIN system includes fivedisks. Each of the three modules ison a disk, the System Master is for record management_andback-up, and a data disk is included.Individual modules for the Apple are $325.00 and $795.00for a complete set and a complete set for the IBM is $895.00.

196 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 212 Chapter th Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: CASPT Vendor: R.J. Cooper & Associates Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.95

CASPT is a program that uses voice input to provide speech impaired individualS witha meanS of improving pronunciation of targets. CASPT analyzes targets spoken by theuser, and matcheS them With pre-programmed target phonemes. The program takes the_form ofa video game(s): the user moves through the game based on the quality of responses.If the phoneme given by the user does not adequately match the target, the program does not respond. Atarget can be a phoneme, word, or short phrase. CASPT requires some hardware in addition to the software. Contact the manufacturer for details.

Product Name: Catagorical Reasoning I and II Vendor: Parrot Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $6950 each

Catagorical Reasoning I and II are programs which train skills in determination of categories of various nouns.Catagorical Reasoning I presents_ a short list of words and askS the uSer to choose which of three categories apply to that listThe program then displays the category name OVer the target list and asks which of a _secondlist of three words should also be included in the same category. Catagorical Reasoning II lists five words and asks which_ doesnot belong, followed by presentation of a choice of three reasons why that word is different.Last, the program presents a choice of five words, to select a word to replace the word that didn't fit in the category. Both programs use large characters, include authoring systems, and can be operated with the space bar or a single switch with the proper interface. The total number of problems is 200, and users can make additional items themselves.

ZINEL21=MM=1.1111=EZMillili=r1:11= Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 197 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Chatterbox Dictionary Vendor: Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems Omnputer Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00

The Chatterbox Dictionary uses voice input andvoice_ Output to develop vocabulary_skills. Vocabulary categorieS include:community signs, body parts,food, clothing, etc. During training, each word is presented aSan illustration, in printed form and is spoken by the speech synthesizer; The student repeats the wordtO train the voice recognition componen_t in theway that the student says it After training, each vocabularyitem is displayed again.If the student does not identify it correctly, thecorrect name is spoken by the speech synthesizer. The student gets two more opportunitieS tO identify the vocabulary item. Chatterbox Dictionary requires an Apple lle,and will not work with an Apple Iic.The program comes with the software and a Sony headset/microphone. TheEcho (II or +) speech synthesizer and Introvoice input Moduleare not included.

Product Name: Choice Maker I Vendor Microcomputer Systems for the Handicapped Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $75.00

Choice Maker I is an early childhood trainingprOgram_ designed to _teach children to_make choices about which :objects in the environmentthey WiSh to control. The program teaches cause/effect relationships, picture/object correlations,switch/picture/object correlations, picture discrimination, and scanning. The program also collectsand analyzes performance data. A variety of peripherals can be used With thesystem, including speech synthesizers, keyboard modifications, or switches. Contact manufacturer fordetails.

198 Resource llook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 4 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Cloze-Plus Program Vendor Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.00 each

Cloie-PhiS Prograni is a vocabulary and comprehension skills training program whichuses structured cloze sentences (context sentences with one key word missina Three types of tasks for comprehension and vocabulary input are included.Meaning Completion Cloze presents a paragraph with_ a missing word and asks users to select the correct choice frOm fOilS. Vocabulary in_ Context asks a content question based on a paragraph in which the target word meaning can be inferred from context.Syntax Completion Cloze presents a sentence with a missin,g word and asks user to type in the correct word. User can request clueson any of the tasks by pressing space bar. ClozeTlus program is available for six reading levels with 20 lessons each for grade 3 to 8.

Product Name: Cognitive Rehabilitation Series Vendor Hartley Courseware, Inc. Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.004595.00

This series_ was developed to address a variety of organizational deficits whith Often result from traumatic _brain injury_ andi other_ neurologic:impairments. The series consists of fiveseparate program _diSkS.The first four disks deal with the_ target_ concep_ts of Categorization (fits and misfits); Sequencing, Association, and Memory. The_ fifth_ diSk isan authOring program that allows a clinician to expand or individualize activities from the four etititetit diskS. All leSS-OnS_ are_ preSented in a large_easy-to-read _upper/lower case letterset.Visual distractions are avoided unleSS they are part of_ the therapy. Instructional design options allow the_clinician to _control the number of---Tresentations; the niimber Of triet befOreanswers are given, the parameters on which a lesson terminates,_ iand other- -factors which- may be requiredto meet individual patient needs.The non,licensed _version of the series: consists of the four content disks for $195.00. The licenSed version ineudeS all 5programs and permission to make multiple copies for $595.00. 215

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 199 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Cogrehab Vol. 1 Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model I, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Forne Printed Cost $250.00

Cogrehab VoL1 iS a memory andperceptual practice _program With eighttasks addressing different skills in these areas. Thetasks in Vol. 1 address: speed reading ofword liSts, reaction time to visual stimuli, speed ofshape-matching, free memory recall,memory span capacity, mnemonic memory for word series,nonverbal sequence memory, andtwo administrative functions for keeping records and computingvisual field information. keyboard. Input is made via the

Product Name: Cogrehab Vol. 2 Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer: Apple II family, TRS=80 ModelI, TRS-80 Model III. TRS-S0 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.00

Cogrehab Vol. 2 is_ a _perceptualassessment and training program for visualperception and memory. The program consists of six tasks addressingskills in these areas, including:line bisection of horizontal and verticallines, eye movement exercises withhorizontal scanning, nonverbal shape matching, visualsearchforunusualshapes, and Single and Double Simultaneous Stimulation (SDSST).Input is made via the cornputer keyboard.

7.1.171, 200 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 216 Chapter It Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Cogrehab Vol. 3 Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer Apple II family, TRSO Model I, TRS-80 Model III; TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $95.00

Cogrehab Vol. 3 iS a menidry training program designed particularlyto supplement other therapy activities as homework. The program consists of five tasks, each addressinga different skill area, including:immediate memory recall, associative memory recall, recall of block patterns, advanced verbal memory exercise, and readingmemory exercises.

Product Name: Cogrehab Vol. 4 Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost $95.00

Cogrehab Vol. 4 is a cognitive rehabilitation program which concentrateson three broad behavioral levels: attention; scanning, and problem solving. Theprogram consists of three tasks, each_ of which addreSSeS one of the areas of concentration, including:visual attention and vigilance, UR and R/L scanning practice, and problem solving about logicalsequences in number series. Input is made via the computer keyboard.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 201 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Coinsnkeys Vendor Castle Special Computer Services,Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Commodore64, IBM PC family, IBM PC jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $45.00

Ceinsnkeys is a coin recognition andcounting Practice program with voiceoutput options. Ta Sks in prOgram include identifying coins byspoken name, identifying coins byspoken value, identifying the torriputer keys byname, practice counting orie-tO-one, and practice counting simulated coins, bills. A speech synthesizer is required for voiceoutput (not included with program). Program also includes instructions so that coinscan be mounted on the keyboard; contact manufacturer details. for

Pruduct Name: Color Find Vendor Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $14.95

Color Find is a color recognition and_matchingprogram for preschool children. The program presentS large blocks of one of nine colorson the computer screen, and vocalizes instructions such as "press red".Color stickers corresponding to these colorsare placed on the keyboard. The child is required topress the color key corresponding to the matched. screen prompt color to be An Echo II Speech Synthesiier and color monitorfor the Apple II are required for operation.

allow VMnIMMI 202 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 218 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Complete Spelling Program Vendor Special Learning Ed Software (SLED) Computer Apple II family, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $199.00 - $230.00

Complete Spelling Program consists of instructionaLactivities inspelling designed far students with spelling deficits or _specific learning disabilities, from fourthgrade to adultThe comprehensive; self-contained program includes five basic spellingrules, exceptions and generalizations, and provides repetitive exercises and reinforcement.The program featureS: tutorials for each rule, drill and practice, graphics, student pacing,correct answers and summary performance with the option to proceed availableon request

Praduct Name: Comprehension Power Program Vendor: Instructiunal/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.00

Comprehension Power Program isa reading improvement program designed to improve comprehension and study skills strategies through reading practice. Theprogram series consists Of 12 four disk sets spanning _reading levels 1-11 Reading practice is conducted_in threeStepS: vocabulary introditetiOn of key words, optional untimed preview of portions ofreadin selections, and comprehensive reading presentation of text line by line in shortsegments. Each segment is followed by comprehension questions, and text presentation canvary from 30-650 words per minute. Other analysis functions andsummary data are available in program.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 203 Chapter 11: EducatioN Training, and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Computer AsSiSted InStruction iii Phonological Process Vetidoe: C011ege-Hill Press Computer Apple H family Manual Form: printed Cost: $65.00

This _programis designed as an introdüctiön to phonological analysis fOr clinicians and university student&It teaches the fifteen most commonly occurringprocesses and applies the concepts to the analysis of disordered speech._ Programfeatures include an interactive question- answer fotriiat, reinforcement of correctresponses, and clarificatiOn Of incorrectresponses. Numerous help streetiS are provided to assist theuser in remembering and leArning process abbreviations and coding.The user controls pace ofprogress and can go back to review material which has been covered beforeproceeding.

Product Nanie: Computer Courseware for the Exceptional Student Vendor: Communication Skill Builders Computer Apple II family Manual FOrM: Printed Cost: $99.95(set),$39.95each

This is a set of three prograMS that providedrill and practice in the skill areas of keyboarding, spelling, And arithmetic KEYBOARD teachesa student how to_use the_cornputer keyboard. One_grOup Of letters_ or numbers is presentedin each lettOn. SPELLING provides drill and practice of 280 wordS identified by grade level._ ARITHMETICoffers drill and practice in addition; subtraction, multiplication, anddivision for whole numbers 0-99. All three Programs offer immediate feedback,a screen display with minimal distractions, ability to change or correct responses, and unlimited opportunitiesto respond.

204 Resource Bwk 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter lb Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Computer CUP Vendor: Amidon Publications Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.95/set;see text

Computer CUP (Conte t UnderStanding Program) consists of six setson nine disks designed to teach basic concepts.Each set presents different concepts.Set 1 teaches top, through, away from, next to, inside; middle; farthest; set 2- around, over, between, nearest, torner,_behind,row; Set 3=center, Side, beldw, right-left, forWard; above; separated, in order; set 4-some/notmaray, few, widest, most, whole, secondithird, SeVeral, almost; set 5= half,as many, not first or last, medium- sized, zero, every; pair, equal, least; set 6- different, after, beginning, other, alike, matches, alWays/never, skip. Presentations remain on the screen until a respone is made. The keyboard is used as input. Each Set is $39.95, or the complete series is $22930. Student performance sheets and a class record sheet are included.

Product Name: Computer Managed Articulation Treatment Vendor: Communication Skill Builders Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.95

This set of drill and practice exercises foeuses on 10 sounds= S,L,R,P,T,CH,SH,F,K, and TH (unvoiced). The program progresses through 12 treatment levels, from the sound in isolation, through elicited sentences; to spontaneous speech. Students read and repeat the stiMuliiS presented on the screen. An elicited sentence formatcan be used_ with nonreaders. The clinician keys in the correctness of theresponse. The computer reinforces correct responses and determines when to print out progress reports for each student whenever needed. The coiliputer-generated report shows the date of each session, total number of responses, number of correct responses, and the highest level of achievement.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 205 Chapter Hi Education, Training, mild Therapy Software

Product Name: Computer Managed Language Treatment Vendor: Communication Skill Builders Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $79.95

This program contains lessons in four languageskill areas (colors, number&_prepositions, utterance lengt14 In each lesson the computerpresents Stimulus sentences on the screen and the Student is to follow the directions (e.g., tells thestudent where to place a block in the preposition lesson).In the Mean Length of Utterance lesson the screen. student repeats sentences shown on the A graph of student progress appearson the screen with every lesson: The printed report gives the date, total number ofresponse& number of correct responses, percentage correct and the highest step ichieved for that session.

Product Name: Computer Progs. for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab. Wildör Sbordone, Robert, PhD Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.00 each

The Sbordone-Halli Memory Battery (only pi.ograthavailable for IBM) provides the automatic assessment of 18 memory functions, and StatiStical analySis of theresult& The Digit-Digit II test trains visual perceptual and motor skills, and speedof togniti-ve Inticessing. User must k.c?tea displayed number_ from 1=9 Ona hOrizontal_array, and then locate another number located directly below and enter thaton a keyboard Three additional programs are designed to operate as a sequence; _requiring increasing levels Of attention and MeMory. TheComplex-Attention Rehabilitation Program presents theuser with a visual tratking tatk of increasing difficulty usin_g_a joystick. Problem Solving I teaches theuser to tolerate increasingi levels of frustration to complete a moblem solving tatk.Probleni SolVing II presents a series of increasingly complex problem solving tasks,_ each of which adjustin leVel of difficulty to the patient's pl.:rformance and provides immediate feedbacktothepatierit. All programs provide performance data and analysis and_comparison _of patientscores.Each program can operate with an Echo II speech synthesizer for atiditcity feedback(optional).

Resource Book 3: Computer!. Software and Hardware 222 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Computerized Reading for Aphasics Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00each, $395.00set

This_ program package reinforces basic reading skills in adults.The client reads the stimulus word or phrase_and selects the appropriate respo_nse from_ three to five possible choices._ There are 50- to 75 drills (stimulus word/phrase plus multiple_ choice responses), each pre-selectable and modifiable.__: The therapist _or _teacher -can select up to three presentations of each drill:pre- training, training; post-training.Response choices are randomized.Lesson: statistics (pre- and post4raining error rates and response _times) are automatically calculated, displayed; stored and printed. Input is via the computer keyboard. The program is available as a_ full set ofi_ nine topics or individually by topic.Reading recognition_ and comprehension drills cover these topics: associated nouns, modifiers; antonyms, closure, definitions, categories, synonyms, nonasSociated nouns, and yes-no questions. A demonstration disk is available for $10.00.

Product Name: Computerized Training Systems (CTS): Nuts & Bolts Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer Apple II family Manual Fgrm: Printed Cost:$495.00 - $795.00

Computerized Training Systems (CTS): Nuts &Bolts System is a vocational training program to teach mechanical assembly skills.Nuts & Bolts systematically teaches how to perform 24 assembly tasks using Exploded View Assembly Drawings, pictorial representation illustrating the assembly or disassembly of a unit which has several removable parts. Different skill levels vary how much the task is broken down for the user, and a variety of instructor options are available to modify features of the program. The system utilizes graphics (a color monitor can be used) and an optional Echo II Speech Synthesizer. For $495.00, the system includes 18 disks and a training manual. The system with hardware for assembling parts sells for $795.00. 223

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 207 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy Software

Product Nanie: Concept Formation:Shape Matching Vendor Conover Company, The Com Outer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $39.95

Shape Matching is_a shape recognitiontraining prograrn designedto teach preacademic and prereading skillS. The program_teachesthe recognition of sik basic shapes: triangle; semi-circle, and Star.Shapes to be matched cross, square, circle, and the user operates the are presented at the bottom of thescreen space bar and return key to selectresponses.The task varies in difficulty aS a function of numberof distractors, color cues, and matched distractors. the elimination of incorrectly

Product Name: Core Reading andVocabulary Development Vendor: Educational Activities, Inc. Computer. Apple II family, Commodore 64, IBM PC family, IBM PC jr, TRS-80Model TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost $599.00 for set

Core_ Reading and VocabularyDevelopment is _a language Skills training levels of 1.0 to 3.0, intended for program for reading older children and adultsStudentS begin with 35 basic words and progress to over 20G throughvarious activities.Tasks include reading, timed reading, question/answer, visual-memorydevelopment, spelling, writing; andproblems that model and encourage thinking, vocabulary development, andphonetic patterns. Price listed is for complete set of 18 disks, 18 back-up disks, 108 reproducibleactivity masters, and a teacher's guide. Contact manufacturer formore information.

203 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 2 4 Chapter IL Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Counting Critters Vendor MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.00

Counting Critters is a mathmatics training program to provide practice in basic number skillS for preschool and kindergarten aged children;Five different programs provide tasks such as matching identical numerals, counting safari animals, and playing othergames to sharpen skills at working with numbers from one to twenty. Input can be made via the keyboard or a single switch. Single switch input will requirea proper interface.

Product Name: CREATE Vendor CREATE Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed 0 Cost: $375.00 (set)

CREATE is a set of evaluation and treatment exercises for use in cognitive rehabilitation therapy.There are six programs.ORIENTATIOls incorporates 50 questions relating to pertinent information in reference to Terson, place, and time.VISUAL MEMORY offers flexibility in length of exposure_ time and complexity of numbers, words, and figures formemory retention. VISUAL DISCRIMINATION presents figure, shape,_size and_ color trials that allow for contrast and comparison in feature analysis. VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION requires theclientto maneuver through mazesvaryinginwidthand complexityofdesign. VISUOSPATIAL CONCEPTS _reinforces spatial relationships between objects with graphic designs. VISUAL ORGANIZATION uses a multiple choke format to find the missingpart to complete a figure, and includes the dimension of figure-ground analysis. Resultscan be printed out; The set of all 6 programs is $37510-.__Each individual program is $65.00. A demonstration disk of all six programs is available for $2.00. ======Resource Book 3: Comtieroftware and Hardware 209 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product NaMe: CTS: Electronic Assembly & Soldering Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00$795.00

CTS: Electronic Assembly & Soldering isa vocational training program to teach_ basic_ _ electronic assembly, soldering safety, andproper soldering and desoldering techniques. Program is adaptable to user skill level and tasksto be learned.systedi includes professional tools necessary for training, a parts tray, associated hardware, andpackage case, as Well as software training disks.Voice output via a speech synthesizer isprovided for users with reading difficulty. The system is sold intwo forms:the complete kit with hardware andsoftware is $795.00 and the software and manuals aloneare $495.00.

Product Name: Deafsign Vendor: Advanced Computer Services Computer. TRS-80 Model III Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: See below

DeafSign is a tutorial program thatuses video graphics and accbmpanying text to teachfinger spelling.Deafsign comes with tutorial demonstration,quizzing, and graded testing functions. The program features continual studentinteraction and a translating section thatinterprets typed words, letters, or phrases andconverts them to finger spelling. computer keyboar& Input is made via the Cassette version is $49.95. DiSk withoutTRS-DOS is $59.95. Disk with TRS-DOS is $69.95.

.11!11MIZIMM- 210 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Drills in Language Concepts Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00eac%, $765.00set

This program package reinforces basic language skills in sentence level:drills; kis appropriate for adults or children reading at approximately the fourth grade level.The client reads the stimulus sentence:that appears on the monitor and selects the appropriateresponse from a list of three-to five possible choices. Stimulus sentences are preselectable and _modifiable Theteacher or therapist can_ select up to three presentations of each drill:pre-training, training,:and_ post- training__Lesson statistics(pre- and post-training errorrates and response times) are automatically calculated, displaye& stored, and_i3rinted4 Theprogram_ is available as a full set of 18 topics ($765.00), in sets of any 12 topics ($540.00), sets of any 6- topics ($285M),or_ individually ($50.00) Topics include:pronouns, adjectives, plural nouns, past_ tense vrrbs, abbreviations, contractions,synonyms, _homonyms,_prefixes/suffixes,prepositions,adverbs,noun-verb agreement, numbers, negatives, comparisons, antonyms, homonyms II, and analogies.Selections are made on the computer keyboard.

Product Name: Early Learning I Vendor: Mamie Systems Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $45.00

Early Learning I is a program for teaching recognition of colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. The four lessons included are: Matching Colors, Learning Shapes, Counting Numbers, andLetter Match. All have the option of being controlled with a single switch, joystick,or paddles; in the single switch mode, the program asks for a yes or no response withno as default value. A speech synthesizer responds with spoken yes or no, or some otheruser programmed signal for reinforcement. An Echo II speech synthesizer is required to run Early Learning I.For the Matching Colors lesson a color monitor is required.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 211 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy &oftware

Product Name: Early Learning II Vendor Marble Systems Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Early Learning II isa program for teaching additiOn and number sequencing.The lessons Early Addition I_ and II teach addition_with the graphic _preSehtation of objectsfor reinforcement. The lessons Sequencing Up andSequencing Down teach numberseqUences by requesting the student to fill in a missing number.All fonr lessons have the options ofsingle switch control and synthesized voice reinforcement.All lessons have increasing levels ofdifficulty. An Echo speech synthesizer is requiredfor the option of voice reinforcement.

Product Name: Edmark Reading Program,Level 1 Vendor: Edmark Corporation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $450.00 -$600

This is the software version ofthe Edmark _Reading Program,a highly repetetive sight word approach for students fromage three to adult. The student no keyboard use is required. Theisame_prereqUititeS uses a joystick to_ make seleetiorts, Of the printed program apply: the_student must be_able to point, say or signback a response-, and have enoughreceptive language to understand theicues. Lessons movefrom_ pre-reading matching tei *Ord words to:pictures; matching phrases recognition, matching to pictures, and_ short illustrated stories. AManagethent System allows the teacher to maintain dataon up to 30 Students at one time. Use of an Echo speech synthesizer:isoptional to provide Verbal_cues and reinforcement that differs to suit student response._TheEdmark Reading Program for $450.00 conristsof one system disk and 15 :lesson disks. For $580.00the System also includesa joystick and Speech synthesizer; a back--up disk is also included fora package price of $600.0a

212 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 228 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software MINIMINIV

Product Name: Edufun Vendor: Terpenning, Joseph L. Computer: TRS-80 Model III Manual Form: Printed Cost: $10.00

Edufun i a skill building program offering progressively more difficult problems isn addition. subtraction and multiplication, stories displayedat an increasing rate to develop reading speed, and a spelling improvement tutorial uSinga look and remember concept:For every problem answered correctly, a star is printed on thescreen.Correct anSwers appear for each incorrect response.Edufun displays 32 characters per line to increasetext readability. Program is operated from keyboard input.

Product Name: Elephant Ears Vendor: Ballard & Tighe, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.00

Elephant Ea:s uses animation to visually illustrate positionconcepts while displaying the words for beginning readeis. Program providmspoken words insynthesized speech SO that the student who cannot read can use theprogram; Fifteen_prepositions are covered. Instructional practice is followed by review or assessment sections. The studenthas the opportunity to try again if incorrect. Reporting and compilation of performante dataispossible for teachers or administrators; Elephant Ears is available for the Apple II +or He; and comes in English (with potential for voice output), or in an English and Spanish version (no voice output).An Echo + speech synthesizer is required for voice output when applicable.

229_ Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 213 4, Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Exploratory Play Vendor: PEAL Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $120.00

Exploratory Playis a program designedto teach physically and Mentally handicapped students to communicate by indicating drawingsrepresenting desired activities Or Object&Color line drawings (included) are assernbredas overlays for a membrane keyboard.When the Child presses a picture on the membrane_keyboard,an identical graphic appears on the screen and the corresponcling word is spoken bya speech synthesizer. ExploratOry Play is Meant for students with a developthental AO of eighteenmonths to three years. A Muppet Learning Keys membrane keyboardis required for inpuL An Echo IIor Echo + iS rtquired to use Exploratory Play withan Apple IIe; a Cricket is required for the IIc.Toys corresponding to the overlay symbolsare available from Peal. options are at extra cost. All of these peripherals and

Product Name: EZ Pilot for PowerPad Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manua/ Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

EZ Pilot for PowerPad is_an authoringsystem designed for teachers,parents and studentS Who are mit experienced computerprogrammers, employing Only eight main command& Lessons and language eXperience _storiesthat include colorful graphicscan be created Applications programs using an Echo + or Echo II_ speechsynthesizer art alsO possible. Several demonstration lessons on the sample disk helpteach the command& Graphics are created with the MiCroIllustrator program and thePowerPad (also from Dtiriamis; see entrie4 A PoWerPad and an Echo_+: or:Echo II speechsynthesizer are required to run thesystem. A general version of the EZ Pilot iS availablefrom Hartley Courseware.

214 Re&ource Wook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 230 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Fact Master Vendor: Morning Star Software, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $40.00 each

Fact Master is a math training program with 26 levels for each learningprogram. Each level consists of a set of related facts that are introduced by modelling Types of facts covered in different packages are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.Fact Master recitlires immediate, delayed and random responses for each fact, and follows up with practice lessons and mastery tests.The system collects, analyzes, and reports performance data.Input is via the computer keyboard.

Product Name: Fay's Word Rally Vendor: Didatech Software, LTD Computer: Apple II family, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95 - $49.95

Fay's Word Rally is. designed. to provide. a motivating format for improvement of reading skills. The student has to race through a maze to find the correct word to matcha clue given at the bottom of the screen. The program contains 720 words, clues, and pictures _graded into 80sets of 9 words. An authoring system lets the _teacher create individualized words, clues, and pictures. The home edition of the program is $29.95, the school edition costs $49.95. Lab packsare also available. Input to the program is via the computer keyboard.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 215 Chapter 11: alueation, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Fay: That Math Woman Vendor: Didatech Software, LTD Computer: Apple II family, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost:$29.95 - $39.95

FAY is a who helpseiildren develóp a firmgrasp of basic math concepts using number lines. FAY shows thechIld's answer by Walking, line. or leaping along the number In multiplication and division FAYmakes leaps to reinforce the concept of'groups of' equal numbers. Her stepsor leaps are i.,ccompanied with soundto help the ehild count along. FAY always shows the correctanswer when necessary. The child's progresscan be evaluated by printing their errors andanswers. Input to the program is via thecomputer keyboard. The home edition of theprogram is $2995. The school edition is $39.95. available. Lab packs are also


Product Name: Fay: The Word Hunter Vendor: Didatech Software, LTD Computer: Apple II family, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost:$29.95 - $39.95

Fay: The WOrd Hunter is designedto help students becOme Mcire Motivatedto improve spelling. Fay searches for_words hidden inan_underwater_grid. When a -weird iS Ideated,Fay's laser fires and the target word is exposed.The program contains 3,000 frequentlyuted words and emphasizes the 200 most commonlymisspelled words. An authoringsystem allows creation of individualized word lists. Input to theprogram is via the computer keyboard. The home edition is $29.95. Theschool edition costs $39.95. Lab packsare also available.

216 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 232 Chapter 1E Euucation, Trainin& and Therapy Software

Product Name: Finger Speller Vendor: Clinical Speech Systems, Inc. Computer: Apple Macintosh Manual Form: Printed Cost: $10.00

Finger Speller is a program to teach finger spelling on the Macintosh. Graphics of the different hand positions can be printed out.The program is not copy-protected, and may be freely distributed as share-ware.The developer will send it to those interested for $10.00 to cover expenses.

Product Name: Fingerspeller Vendor: Specialsoft Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $199.00

Fingerspeller is a program designed to teach the manual alphabet. The program can generatea line drawing on the computer screen of each of the 26 hand signs.Fingerspeller contains a program that displays the signs with their meaning one at a time, a program that drills and tests the student, a similar program that has voice output, and a program that develops reading rarc by projecting sequences of up to 120 signs at an adjustable rate. An Echo or Cricket speech synthesizer is required to use Fingerspeller with voice output (extra, model dependent upon computer). A program called Fingernumbers which teaches the mamial numbers from 0-999,999 is also available (extra).


ira MPANZIONIMM6 el==== Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 217 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: First Categories Vendor Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $120.00

First Categories is a program designedto teach the catesorization of nouns. Using thekeyboard or an available single switch input option, the studentlearns to classify 60nouns in _six categories. The scanning speed and numberof times each position will be scannedbefore continuing to the next stimulus presentationare both user adjustable._The first level of training uses graphics, text, and speech to train nouns from eachcategory. The second, third and test levels use text and speech only;some reading skills are required for these levels. An Echo I/ or Cricket speech synthesizer isrequired to use First Categories (extra). switch and interface are optional (extra). A single

Product Name: First Shapes Vendor First Byte, Inc. Computer Apple Macintosh, Atari ST family, Commodore Amiga Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95 - $59.95

First Shapes utilizes graphic representationsof concepts and tht built-in speech capabilitiesof the Macintosh and Amiga to allew non-readingstudents to use the program independently. A character named Ted.E.Bear providesdirections, perSonalized comments and reinforcementthat can be designed by a teacher or parent. The prograti haSSeveral learning modules. In Shapes, the child can naine the baSic shapes, makeTed.E.Bear talk, and make Shapes changein size. The Toy Factory gives the Student the opportunityto_combine shapes to build tnyS. Each student has a Toy BoYcfor storage, viewing ariddeletion of to_ys. In_the Toy Fair, students selectshapeS named by the Bear to win an arcadesame. Make a Match Game focuSes on matching of shapes and_ toys, with three levels of difficulty.Helper Controls allow an adult to individualize activities,chanse speech controls, Make reward on learning activities. messages; set levels of difficulty, and turn off or Price range dependson which computer the softWart Will be used With: contact manufacturer for details.

218 Resource Book Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: First Verbs Vendor Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $200.00

_. First Verbs is a program that uses animated picturet to train verb comprehension_for 40 verbs. The student is offered two animated graphics and asked (with synthesizedspeech) which one represents a g:iven verb. The possible answers are scanned. Choicescan be made either with a single or dual switch (extra) or from the computer keyboard. The synthesizedvoice is female. An Echo II or Cricket speech sythesizer is required touse First Verbs (extra).

Product Name: First Words Ven&,:-: Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $185.00

First Words is a program that uses graphics and synthesized speechto teach and tett 50 high frequency nouns. The progam Uses the female voice_provided with the Echoor Cricket speech synthesizer.The student is presented with tWo graphict and askedto decide which one represents a particular noun. The choices are scanneii, and selectionscAri be made with a single Or dual switch, on a touch sensitive screen, or on the computer keyboard (switchor touch screen extra). An Echo II or Cricket speech synthesizer is required touse First Words (extra).


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 219 Chapter 11: Education, Trainin& and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: First Words II Vendor: Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer. Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $200.00

First Words His an extension of First Words, providing50more nouns for the student tO learn to identify. The female voice provided with the EchoorCricket-speech :synthesizer asks the student to choose which of two graphicsrepresents a givennoun. The ehoices are scanned; and selections may be made witha single or dual switch, ona touch sensitive Screen, or on the computer keyboard (switch or touch screen extra). An Echo II or Cricket speech synthesizer is requiredto useFirst Words II (extra).

Product Name: Floppy Teaches...Series Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95 - $39.95 each

Floppy Teaches...Series isa series of letter and noncept training games to teach letter formation and recognition; and visual matching skillS.Five different programs are available, each of which provide various levels of difficultyand program optionS. FlOppy Teaches Howto Print Letters and Numerals draws each strokeof=a letter or numeral on the screen andprompts the child to print the same onpaper. Froppy Teaches Letter _and Numeral Recognition presentsa capital or smalLietter or numeral 0-91 andthe user must find it from among agroup of four or more options. Floppy Teaches_ What is Missing? presents whOlt ObjettS(perscin, house, car) and visually signals the user to selett the missingpart of the object from two -albite& Floppy Teaches Same and Different presents pictures ofobjects and letters and asks the user to decide which are same or different,m different levelt Of tompleicity.Floppy Teaches Match-Ups in Mazes presents matching objects suchas knife and fork and nionerals with number words, and asks the user to move an item througha maze to its corresponding item.

220 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Following Directions Vendon Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $225.00

This two-disk program provides practice in followingone and two step directions.Multiple levels present the exercises in progressivelymore difficult steps. The directions are spoken by the speech synthesizer in a female voice, a design feature intended for nonreaders.Inputis made by the student on the computer keyboard. The Echo II or Echo + speech synthesizeriis required torun Following Directions on the Apple Ile or II+; the Cricket is required for the Tic.

Product Name: Foundations I Vendor: Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computen_Apple II family, Atari, IBM PC fani4, IBM PC jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $250.00$300.00

Foundations I _is a series of seven types of visual and auditory reaction trainingprograms. Simple Visual Reaction Time I-II records reaction time_toa square presented randomly in time and place.Visual Reaction Stimulus Discrimination I-II records reaction to choice of colored square presented at random interval&Visual Reaction Differential Response records rightor left reaction to a square presented on either side of a vertical line.Visual Reaction Auditory Prestimulus operates like Simple Visual Reaction; but includesa tone prior to the square, to signal to inhibit response. Simple Auditory Reactionmeasures response time to a tone. Visual Scanning _records accuracy and speed of user response to a randomly presented variation ina tracking line.Visual Discrimination Differential Response I & II requires user to makea discrimination between two possible stimuli, and respond with either the leftor right hand. All programs require use of joystick for operation. 211

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 221 Cnapter 11: Education, Trainin& and TherapySoftware 4===Mli,

Product Name: Foundations II Vendor: Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Atari, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $300.00 - $350.00

Foundations II is a teriet of_seven types of visual scanning, tracking, andreaction training program&Visual_ Reaction Multiple Stimuli records reactiontime to change in stimuli -OW. Visual Trieking records percentsuccess of_ reaction to change in Color of a randomly tracking stimulus.Vitiial Scanning II records reaction time andsuccess to tecOgnize a_cluster _of digits surroundirkg -a _presented target symbol (e.g #, or VA Visual Scanning III retordssearch reaction times for user to scan one_ vertical columnof letters to select a pairs of lettersto match a corresponding _pair_of _highlighted letters._ Multiple AttentiOn/Resprinserequires the user to control the needles Of 1;5 dials to stay within=atargFt zone. Complex Attention records speech and accuracy at indicating if thesum of three single digits is odd or even.Simultaneous MilltiPle Attention =records success at determiningwhen Moving stimuli surrounda target colored block. JOYStick input is used and datais collected for all programs. A color monitor iS reqiiired torun Foundations II;

Product Name: Fun With Math Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computen Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Fun With Math is a program that teaches maththrough the use of ten games. Thegames may be run with just the screen display,or may be run with both the screen display and a speech synthesizer for voice output. Theprogram is designed so that no distracting sound effects will be generated and no graphics characters willbe spoken through the speech synthesizer. Fun With Math requires an Apple Ileor II+ with at least 48K of memory and one disk drive. An Echo speech synthesizeris required for voice output.Contact manufacturer for details regarding math concepts thatare covered.

222 ReS0iitte !kink COMputer Software and Hardware 2 a8 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Function Recognition Vendor: Brain-Link Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $109.00


Ftinetibri 1Z-66:ignition_ is a_word comprehension.program which contains sixunits that teach comprehension of verbs. ThiS Orogram can run independentlyor as a companion to the Word Recognition program (see entry by same trianufattUrer).The verbs chosen for the Function Recognition program are designed to complement thenouns chosen for Word Recognition, to allow comparison of noun arid verb comprehension abilities if thetwo programs are used together. Verbs are spoken oy the Speech digitiier (see belmq The client isto select the verb which has been spoken from an array of drawings. Input can be via keyboard; joystick; or Koala Pad.The required speech digitizeris the Mountain Computer Supertalker SD200 (see separate entry).

Product Name: Getting Started in Arithmetic Series (and Sam's Store) Vendor AIMS Media Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95 each (see text)

Getting Started in Arithmetic consists of four disks,_one each for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, plus a fifth disk called Sam's Store thatcovers counting change in a story problem format The programs feature large print and voice output for instructionsand reinforcement Low resolution graphics are used to generate less detailed largecharacter images for low vision Student& Each disk contains fromsix to eight programs, all menu-driven. Menus are in print format The speed of the lesson is user--defined, and the programs wait for theuser to press a key before continuing The fifth disk is included for free to those ordering all four of the other disks.A supplemental videotape is also available.Contact the manufacturer for more information. Voiceoutput is optional, and if desired the user needs an Echo speech synthesizer (modeldependent on the Apple II family computer being used).

.9 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 223 Chapter 11Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Natne: Guessing and Thinking Vendor: MECC (Minne:. )ta Educational Computing Consortium) Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed


Guessing_and Thinking consistt of three programs designed forgrades 6 through 9."Herkle" teaches the student how to lor.:ate points Ona number line, "and "Bagels" and "Numbers" heip sharpen logic_skills. The pi ogram is operated using computer keyboard input. Contact manufacturer for additional inforthation.

Product Name: H:2 Handicapped Arithmetic Flash Cards Vendor: E. David & Associates Computer: TRS-80 Model III Manual Form: Printed Cost: $24.95

11:2 Handicapped Arithmetic Flash Cards iS a math practiceprogram for persons unable to type on a standard keyboard. The program provides seven units with practice in simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Contact the manufacturerfor further information about input methods using this program.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 240 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Hand/Eye Coordination Programs Vendor: Edutek Corporation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $45.00 for set

Hand/Eye Coordination_ Pi-Ott-anis _is a set of__ fiveprograms designed to train perception and coordination, Cooperation Maze is:_a gaind feu._ twousers; who move _a cursor:cooperatively througha maze:to avoid obstacles. Write it in COlbt it a beginning keyboardtraining program which displays in large; colored print any:. letters; numbers,or symbols typed Oil the IceybOatd. Make a:Tune allows persons with_no musical knowledge to_create and play tunes of up to ten notes; by selecting_from notes-displayed as a scale and ChOoting Whi,:her notes should be fastor slow; The program coordinates a colored light show with the melody andVariationS. Ccimputer Palette allows user to create pictures in 16 colors by_ "pulling":colors froma graphic palette with the screen -curtor. _Pictures can be gored, edited, _filed; and displayed;_The Typewriter Practice Programiallows the user to operate the keyboard AS a typewriter withsome editing functions, With audible clicks to simulate a typewriten Programs require a single disk drive, game paddles or joysticks forsome programs, and optional color monitor. Price for set of programs is $45.00, or separately for $21100- $25.00.

Product Name: HELP Linguidisiv: Vendor: LinguiSystems, Inc. Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95

The HELP Linguidisks _providedrillon associations through functions and attributes, categorization through completion ond labeling tasks, and questions by answering Wh-quettions. The program can be used by all ages, but requires basicreading skills. The keyboard is usedfor input. Automatic scoring is a feature of the prograth. Scores can be reviewed on thescreen or can be printed out for a permanent record.


MC+ Resource BoOk 3: Computer Software and Hardware 225 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Holidays Vendor: Sunset Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95

Holidays is a special topic vocabulary trainingprogram to teach the names of twelve holidays. The program presents drawings representinga holiday, and user is asked to enter the holiday or any other_ teacher=tpecified target word.Task cues such as lettercues, multiple choices, modeling, and copying wordscan be adjusted to match user skill level. Program alsosaves and analyzes user performance, andcan produce homework based on user mistakes. operated from keyboard input. Program is

Product Name: I Can Talk Vendor: Soft Cole Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $74.95

I Can Talk is a program designed to teachscannin_g selection for communication. Theprogram has a communication option anda teaching option. In the communication mode, thescreen is divided into a grid of sixteensquares, each containing a word and a picture representing that word. A cursor scans through thesquareS, and the student makes selections by activatinga single switch plugged into thegame _port of the Apple. When the selection is made,a speech synthesizer speaks a phrase pertainingto the word.In the teaching mode, the speech synthesizer speaks a phrage and the studentmust choose which of four words (with pictures) matches the phrasm A compatible speech_ synthesizer (Echoor Cricket; see entries) is required to run I Can Talk. The manufacturer will add custom words andpictures to the program at additional cost.

226 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: IDEA Cat Vendor: Ballard & Tighe, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $142.00 each level

IDEA CATIComputer Assisted Teathing) WAS degignedto supplement and reinforce the IDEA Oral Language Program, a developmental Eriglish=as.4=Secorid Language(ESL) program that teacheS basie oral language skills in a diagnostic-prescriptive framework. IDEACAT can alSo be used to train bagie language Skills for any other ESLprograms, if needed.Vocabulary, following directions, descriptive words, grammatic structdre, articulationand verbal expression skills are taught in three difficulty levels (additional levelsare being deveroped). Level I is also available in Spanish; without speech output options; The_program comes in Mb sets Of three disks each for the Apple II+or IIe. Speech is available on the IDEA CAT disks, and requires an Echo + speech synthesizer. Theprogram will function Without the synthesizer; however.Accessories for the Echo + sold separately by Ballard & Tighe include stered earphones and volume control (Magic II)or mono earphones. Contact the manufacturer for more detailed informaticin Oti the language structures covered inLevel I and Level II.

PrOduct Name: Idioms in America Vendor: Communication Skill Builders Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.95

Two word idiom lessont each present 4 groups of 10 idioms with their meanings.Students read the idiom in a sentence, read its definition, and then create originalsentence& using that idiom. The sentences can be printed out, or the computercan say the Sentences if an Echo speech synthesizer is used. Comprehension can be checked with two multiple choice quizzes that correspondto the lessons. The program presents an idiom in a sentence and then gives the student fourpossible meanings. Positive feedback is given for correct answers, corrective feedbackfor errors.Program is operated using keyboard input.

243 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 227 Chapter lb Falucation, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Job Readines Serie Vendor: MCE Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $199.95 for series

Job Readiness Series is a vocational trainingprogram that helps teach job readiness skills and behaviors in four different program& Job Attitude&Assessment and Improvement evaluates and recommends ways to improve attitudes for jobsucces& Filling Out Job Applications leads users step-by=step through completing a job application.Successful Job Interviewing teaches users tips on how to plan and implement a successful interview. Resumes MadeEasy uses a conversational style to motivate studentsto think about and develop their resumes. Reading level of the programs is rated grades 3to 4, while the interest level is rated grade 9 to adult. Each of the four programs is also offered separatelyfor $54.95 each.


Product Name: Job Survival Ser;es Vendor: MCE Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $149.95 for series

Job Survival Series is a vocational trainingprogram in three parts designed to train job skillS and work habits. First Dayon the Job teaches how to make a good impression with employers through job simulations, decision making and seeingconsequences of choice& Personal Habits for Job Success presents and analyzes user's abilityto make positive decisions in fáur sithulated on-thejob situations. Work Habits for Job Successteaches aspects of good WOrk habits and provides insight into probablesuccess on a job given good habits. Program series is available in two reading levels:grades 2-3 and 5-6. Each program in the series is also available separately for $54.95.

228 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 2 4 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

PrOduct Name: K.L.S.- Cognitive Educational System Vendor Lambert Software Company Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $275.00 (see below)

The Copitive Educational SYStern is a series of 38programs with a variety of stimuli tO teach perception, memory and problem solVing skills_The programs have varying degrees of difficulty, from very low level tasks tO leSSons dealing with higherlevel skills.Stimuli are priniarily graphics rather than printed words. The_entire systeth cOnSistS of six disks; available for the entire Apple II familyof computers. Three of the disks provide a record keeping feature, three_ donot;There are two of the sub- systems that can be purchased separately fOr $75.00 each. Memdry MaSter is designedas a short term memory aid.Fun With Poker deals with higher level perceptualskills. Contact manufacturer for more information.

Product Name: Kennedy Handi-Math Program Vendor Kennedy Memorial Hospital for Children Education Dept. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $100.00

The Kennedy Handi-Math Program provides multi-handicapped Childrenwith a computer based developmental Math CurrietOum; encompassing skills from countingthrough simple division.It turns the computer screen into a flexible work space for students whoare unable to utilize_a pencil and paper due to physical/motor limitationS.It enables the student to direct cursor movements, top-to-bottom and left-to-right as they compute probleing Whichrequire regrouping,. This provides the Student witha problem solving experience with the ability to delete and manipulate on-seteen inforthation and activity;There are 42 teacher determined pafameters available within the software to individualize the reinforceMentschedule, visual and auditory feedback, large or small character size, user-input requirements andlevel of difficulty.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 229 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Keyboarder Vendor Sunset Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

Keyboarder is a program designed to teach the positionof letter and number keyS on the computer's keyboard.Sound and large-size characters are use& An image of thekeyboard appears on the screen, and the user is prompted to select a certain letter.Incorrect responses elicit a cue showing the location of the correctresponse.Contact manufacturer for details regarding description of the type ofprompts, and types of reinforcement for answers.

Product Name: Keyboarding For The Dyslexic Vendor Educational Electronic Techniques, LTD Computer A pie II family, Atari 800, Atari 800 L, Commodore 64, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $149.95


Keyboarding For The Dyslexic is a visually cued keyboarlingprogram designed _to meet the Specifie needs of individuals with dyslexia and_other_ perceptual disabilities.Each lesson incorporates the "split screen" approach;The upper screen sequentially monitors the user's performance on the lower screen thereby_ providingimmediate reinforcement and eliminating frustration. _After mastery of the first_ 10 lessons, thebasic elements of word processing are intrdthiced. The user is able to type,save, recall and print. All 10 lessons may be accompanied by optional audiocassettes that are simultaneously presented and synchronized with the keyboarding lesson ($50.00 extra).

230 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 246 Chapter 11: Ellucation, Training, and Therapy Software

Prcithict Name: Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped Vendor: Gregg/McGraw-Hill Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS=80 Model IV Manual Form Printed Cost: $145.00

KeYboardingJor the physically Handicapped isa tOuch=typing tutorial program for disabled indiVichials. The program provides theuser with many optionS fOr -combinations of fingers on either or bOth handS to be used during typing.Each option contains a chart showing which fingers to use for the horne-row keys and Whichto uSe to reach other keys. Separate speed tests and drill materials help the user to build keyboard typingskills. Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped is availablefor the Apple II series with 128K, the IBM-PC, and the TRS-80 Model III or 4.

Product Name: Keyboarding for the Visually Limited Vendor: Educational ElectrOnic Techniques, LTD CoMpiiter: Apple II family, Atari 800, Commodore 64, TRS;80 Mcidel III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $149.95

Keyboarding for_ the _ViSually Lithited iSa program that instructs visually impaired individuals in the use of a keyboard. The Programuses large print readout, and also instructs theuser in the baSicS of word processing. Keyboarding for the VisuallyLimited can provide full printout. After_mastery of the first 10 lesSons, the basic elements ofword processing are introduced. The user is able to type, save, recall, afid Optional audio cassettes (extra)are available for synchronized use with each lesson.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 231 kc Chapter IF Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Keyboarding with One Hand Vendor Educational Electronic Techniques, LTD Computer Apple II+, Apple H family, Atari, Commodore 64, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cost: $149.95

Keyboarding with One Hand is a program that instructs and drillsan individual with use of only one hand in_ efficient keyboarding The program allows full printout. AftermaStery of the first 10 lessons the basic elements of word processingare introduced. The user is able to type, save, recall, and print with this program. Keyboarding with One Hand consists of two disks, one containing instruction material, another containing a series of drills.

Product Name: Keys to Success: Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Braille/Tactile, Printed Cost: $35.00

Keys to Success: Computer Keyboard Skills for Blind Children isa voice output program to help blind and partially sighted children learn the computer keyboard layout Programincludes keyboard tutorial, keyboard practice, timed keyboard practice, anda timed game for two players. System requires an Echo II for voice output capabilities.

232 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter II: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Keytalk Vendor: PEAL Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.00

Keytalk is a beginning reading program designed to teach physicallyor mentally handicapped students to structure spoken language by using a computer to read and:write. The student is encouraged by the teacher to_spell out_the names of objectsor aciivities he is interested in as a way of communicating those interests.As the student enters letters on the keybOard, they appear on the screen and a speech synthesizer speaks them aloud. Words and sentences can be Spoken by pressing the space bar, or sentences can be heard by putting in punctuation marks. Results can also be printed. Keytalk can function as an electronic communication aidas well. Keytalk is_meant for use with students with a developmental age of three tO eight years. An Adaptive Firthware Card is requiredifor operation with the Unicorn Expanded Keyboard. An Echo II or Echo+ is required to use Keytalk with the Apple Heor II+; a Cricket is required for the IIc.

Product Name: Kindermath II Vendor: Kindermath Computer: Apple H family, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.004330.00

Kindermath is a series of 90 different lessons for development of math skills. A joystick is used for input; and feedback is given by both the visual display and the speech SyntheSizer.The programs include:Sets, Numerals; Shapes; Patterns and Concepts, Math Signs, Addition and Subtrattion, and Math SkillsAssessment Lessons areself-paced. Teachers can assess developmental levels of their students using a placement test that cOMes with the software. Scores for each lesson are displayed.

Pike§ vary dependi ;on _the computer.The complete 13 disk system costs $150.00 for Commodore computers and $330.00 for Apple computers. Individualprograms may bepurchased separately, and a free demon tration disk is available. The series also comes ina print format with marnpulatives. 249

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 233 Chapter IL Education, Training, and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Language L.A.B. Vendor: Specialsoft Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $399.00

Language LAB. is a set of four programs for teaching basiclanguage skills. Flashcard displays single symbols (pictures, shapes, letters, etc) With theircorresponding words. Comboard displays a clock face with a pointer hand that_moves, pointing in turn to various v_mbols;the student tries to select a target symbol by activatinga single switch. Tutor/Trainer displays an array of symbols with a cursor that scans from_one to the nextAgain, the selection is made with a single switch. Tutor/Tester works like Tutor/Trainer, butallows the instructor to offer target sentences rather than simply target words. Language L.A.B; comes with two :extra disks containing fourextra Sets Of symbols for use in designing lessons, and license to duplicate disks.A video tape demonstrating how to use the system comes with purchase. Additional picture setscan be added for different topics (clothing, functions; feelings, etc.) for $99.00 each.

Product NaMe: Language Stimulation Series Vendor: Aspen Systems Corporation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $55.00/disk

The Language Stimulation Series includes eight programsdesigned to teach the following:(1) sentence completion:semantics; M rebuilding sentencéS:Syntai, (3) grammatical judgement: syntax, (4) associative naming:mixed cues,15) sentenct tOMpletions:Syntax, (6) selecting itiOdifiers:semantic, (7)reading comprehension:inference, and (8) reading comprehension: reference. Programs use keyboard input to operateprogram activities; Language Stimulation Series are sold for $55.00 per disk. ContactrrianufaOurcr for information concerning prices for series of disks, or for questions regardingcontent of each program.

234 Resource Ilook 3: Computer Software and Hardware _ 250 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Learning Left and Right Vendor: Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $150.00

The concepts of left and right andcrossover are presented in ten levels of training-. The speech synthesizer instructs students and animated characters providespositive feedback.Realistic drawings of hands and objectsare used throughout the program.Lesson presentation can be individualized to meet the needs of each student, andlesson summaries can be printed out in hard copy. An Echo II or Echo + speech synthesizer is requiredfor use with the Apple II+ or He, and the Cricket is required for use with the Apple Hc.

Product Name: Learning Workshop Vendorr. C.C. Publications, Inc Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95each, S189.95set

The Learning Workshop is a four,disk package to teach numericaland alphabetical order, time- telling_ and calendar reading skills. Demonstration of eachskill is followed by _practice and testing. _Reproducible worksheets are included aiso.Teachers can modify the criteria to meet the level of the studentThe program allows for selection of the number of trial andtest problems, and the criteria for mastery and continuance. Program isoperated by keyboard input. The Learning Workshop package is soldas a set for $189.95, or by individual programs for $49.95 each.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 235 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Lenical Vendor: Duncan-Atwell Computerized Technologies, Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $595.00

Lenical (Computer Aided Learning) system is an aiithOringprogram that permits the creation of scientific courses such as Chemistry; Mathematics, Architecture,etc. The inttructor can use text, graphics, sound; animation, and speech output tocreate lessons, drills, and tests. A graphically presented "hosr can be made to speak tti the Student. InPut devices thatmay be used for student responses include the Lenipen light pen, a cursor, mouse, touch tablet, or joystick (all extra). Lenical requires a color graphics adapter card for color graphics. Amongthe cards supported is the IBM Enhanced Graphics Card (EGA); Contact the manufacturerfor more information on compatible speech synthesizers for use with Lenical authoring program.

Product Name: Letter Find Vendor: Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

Letter Find is a training program to teach young visually impairedchildren the position of keys on the keyboard. The teacher can define a range of letters or numbers for the children to find and_place, and whether the program should proceed through thatrange of letters in alphabetical or random order. The computer provides verbal promptS of Correctness ofanswers, and collects data on number of correct answers The program also includes auditoryaddition drills. The program uses an Echo II speech synthesizer. Manufacturers recommendthat braille labels be applied to keys for easier access.

236 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 252 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Lightpen Programs for Special Education I & II Vendor: Computer Island Computerr. TRS-80 Color Manual Form: Printed Cost: $44.95 each

Lightpen Programs for Special Education are two_programs, each gearedat different age or skill leVels, which teach and test basic concept& _The student makes selections frommenus offerred by the prograni. Selections are made by pointing to the choiceon the screen with a light pen (include/4 Lightpen Programs I covers addition, multiplication, shape series thatching; andword rhyming __Lightpen Programs II includes Men of Discovery, Mixed Math, World Capitals, Computer Terms, and Twentieth Century. Contact manufacturer for further information on hardware characteristics of the hghtpenfor use with this program.

Product Name: Lip-Reader Trziner Vendor: Universe Electric Research Company Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $125.00

Lip-Reader_Trainer is a program designed to teach and drill lip-reading by presentin_g animated VerSiOnS Of mouth positions on the computer screen.The instructor types in phonetic characters, and the mouth positions for each of them appearon the Screen.Pre-programined sequences of characters may be used for drills._ Sequences _of words or sentenceS up to 115 characters in length may be programmed and stored. The program can maintain files of student responses. The Lip-Reader Trainer is capable of lip-synchronized speech if used witha speech synthesiier (extra): contact manufacturer for information about compatible units.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 237 _,777. (7 I Chapter IL Education, Training, and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Listen to Learn Vendor: IBM Coxporation Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.00

Listen to Learn is a voice output word processingprogram designed to enhance reading, writing and yelling skills.Different presentation and play-back modesare possible with the prOgram; text presented to the user may be displayed on the mbnitor and spokenat the same time, or userS May type their own text then listenas it is spoken. Words, letterS, and phrases can be repeated as Many times as needed and teacherscan customize text for presentation in language lessons. A user's manual with suggestions foruse in teaching is included with software.

Product Name: LogicMaster Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Atari 400, Atari 800, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.95

LogicMaster is a logic development and problem-solvinggame which can be used With thOte advanced learnin_gi disabled and behaviorallydiSOrdered individuals.The: goal of each game is to solve a secret code made up of shapes and colors placed in VariouspoSitioim The teacher may cOntrol the amount of feedback givenas clued_ and _the length and content of the Secret codes. The Commodore and Atari versions are cartridge based. The PowerPad (also from Dunamis, see separate entry) is recjtiired asinput device for program operation.

238 Resdiiret Biiok 1 Computer Software and Hardware 254 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Logo Touch Tools for the PqwerPad Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

Logo Touch Tools for the Power Pad is a eolleetion of demonstration_programs designedto help users adapt and enhance Terapin LOGO 2.0 -or abOVe. The Touch Tools are designedto given persons with a wide _variety of visual, motor, and cognitive skills AtceSS to the computer. The programs allow the Power Pad (See separate entry) to be used as an alternative keyboard for several applications, including single keystroke LOGO, letter; shape, and numberidentification activities, and access to synthesized speech. An Apple II+ inuSt_have at least 64K of memory to operate with this_program. TheApple He uses a _special configuntion for speech output, which includes a super-serial card, Votrax Personal Speech System, and cable to hookotrax up to the card.Contact Manufacturer for compatibility and cost information.

Product Name: Magic Slate Vendor: Sunburst Communications Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.95

Magic Slate is a word processing package with three levels of proficienty Whiehcorrespond to three different _character_ sizes displayed Lon thescreen and in hardcopy printout.The three levels of difficulty are: 20-ccillinifi level With basic features,i40-column level withmore advanced features for students_in intermediate grades, and 80-column level with the features foundin most word processing programs. General commands ate introdUted in the firSttwo levels; additional commands are added at the third level. The elementary level with the 20-column display provide& large printon the display and the prinout, makingitusefultO stiidentSwith limitedvision. A student handbook which accompanies the program is in large print.

M-5 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 239 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Math Disk Vendor Washington Research Foundation Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $25.00

Math Disk is a math drill/worksheetarea program that accepts keyboard input or any of the input methods included onthe SpecialInputs Disk (sde,J.ntry,Washington Research Foundation). The program "Math 1111rill"displays pre-selected math problems for student practice. Math Disk also contains severalprograms from the Academics with Scanning: Math disk (see entry). For use with special inputs,one or two microswitches must be substituted for or wired in parallel with the Apple game buttons through thegame I/0 port.

Product Name: Math Power Program Vendor Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $160.00 each

Math Power Program is a basic math computationalskills program fcir addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of either whole numbers, fractionsor decimals, and percentS (each type of number is taught in a different set of lesson4 Eachlesson is conducted in thLee steps. First the user watches the program completea math probleM. Then the user tries a similar problem with guidance from the program. Finally, theuser is presented with a series of practice examples exemplifying the step criteria. Theprogram reacts with confirmation, correction, or additional probizins or cues dependingon user responses. A total of 12 disks are available, sold in packages offour each for whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents.

240 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 256 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Math Scan Vendor: Ankney, Barry IL COmputer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $20.00

Math Scan is an on-screen math worksheet operated by selecting numerals froma scanning array. The array is also presented on the screen. The user selects by scanning with agame controller or a sinfgle switch. All numerals are 1" high on thescreen. An instructor may create problem sets, or the _program will generate them. Student responsesmay be recorded on disk, printed on paper, or both. Math Scan is available in addition and subtraction versions.Multiplication and division are available upon request. A single switch interface is required to operate Math Scan witha single switch.

Product Name: Math Scratchpad I Vendor: Zygo Industries, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00

.3cratchparl is a screen editi.lg program which allows the screen of the computer to be ; n releclicnic paper and"The program allows the cursor to be moved to the ,-..:place i.a calculation rr2re easily than would be possible with standard cursor Sim; k routines for additic. subtraction, multiplication, and division are provided, .athematical equ2tions. TI;; information can be printed exactly as it appears on the 1. 'ip screens are available at any time.

257 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 241 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Math Scratchpad II Vendor: Zygo Industries, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00

Math Scratchpad II is a screen editing progrAm idthematics. The program allows the computer screen to be usedas an "electronic T. ncil," proViding cursor movement that is specially adapted to the circumstancesof ,alculations. Greek characters and special math symbols for algebra, calculls,ar and printed out. be produced, stored on disk,

Product Name: Mathtalk Vendor: First Byte, Inc. Computer Apple Macintosh, Atari ST family, Commodore Amiga Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95 - $79.95

Math Talk is designed to improve basic addition,subtraction, multiplication and division skills. Each child can progress independently, prOgressingat their own rate.The built-in speech synthesis technology of the Macintosh, Atari, andthe Amiga allow the program's "tutor", Professor Matt A. Matics, to give verbal directionsto the student. There are several learning modules.In Math Book, the Student enters problems that relateto homeworkskills being worked on in class, and can receiVe tutorial help. Solve Itguides the student through problems with graphic and spoken assistance by the"Profess Or" when answers are incorrector help is requested. Scoreboard is a test simulation mode whichmeasures improvement. Table Talk and Mystery Number are skill buildinggames, and Record Files lets the user or teacher save scores from Table Talk, Mystery Number and Scoreboard.

242 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 258 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Maze Vendor Computers to Help People. Inc. Computer Apple II family 1.1- anual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Maze is a recreation and training program thatuses color; graphics, and sound to guide the user through a maze. Mazes may be designed by the user, Or a teacheror parent. The user guides the cursor throught the maze by pressing keys on the keyboard. If a voice synthesizer is used, the words "up," "down," "left," and right"accompany selections.

Product Name: Memory i Vendor Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer: Apple II family, Atari, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $225.00

Memory I is a series of four different types ofmemory training programs. Spatial memory asks users to learn an escape route from a concentric maze; Where a correctguess advances the user and incorrect returns the cursor to the_beginning. Verbal Meinory(Sequenced Words) presents a Series of Nerds and asks the user to select the same words from an array of sixteen words, in the Order that they were presented; Auditory Memorypresents one or more tones that seem to slide up or down the scale and asks theuser to reproduce the series of up/down combinations. Visual/Spatial Memory presents a symbol in a 5x4 matriX, then aSks theuser to recognize what syrribol was seen from an array of ten symbols, and whereon a blank array the symbol was presented. Program requires joystick to operate.

2 F

Resource Book 3: romputer Software and Hardware 243 " Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software =.

Product Name: Memory II Vendor: Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer Apple II family, Atari, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $300.00

Memory II is a series Of differentmemory training programs, an advanced version of Memory I (see _entry Spatial Memory (Objects/Locations) presentSan airaY of 30 objects with a frame briefly around one or two objects;user must recall and select framed itein.Visual Memory (Sequenced/Spatial) asks the user_to recall which of twelvesquares changed colors, firSt a single square change then a sequence of color changes. Recognition Recall 1,2,3presents 19 objects for a clinician-set period of time (from a few seconds toover a minute), then asks _the user to recall Which piCtures_ were seen_ froma list of 90 words. Verbal Meniory (Categorizing) asks theuser to categorize 20 wcirdS into one of fourgroups (such as _foods, animals, colors), then after completion of task to recall as many of the twenty wordsas possible. Prograins require use of either keyboardor joystick.

Product Name: Memory Patterns Vendor: Brain-Link Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $79.00

Memory Patterns is amemory evaluation and practice program fOr Vitualmemory. The program presents a pattern of colored squareson a grid and the user must subsequently recreate the pattern using a joystick. A modificationof this program,_ called Memory Sequences, ;s Sithifar but develops the patternone colored square at a time. Treatment parameters specifiable. are user- Memory Patterns requiresa joystick and a color monitor for operation. Contact manufacturer for details.

illICIINIMEM139911 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 260 Chapter IL Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Micro Speech Lab Vendor: Software Research Corporation Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $1,450.00

Micro Speech Lab is a hardware/softwareiTackage designed for thecapture and in-depth analysis of speech or other signals on the IBM-PC and compatibles.Signal input, waveform display, audio output, analysis and file managementcan be performed. The program allows the user to splice a sound sample in both visual and auditory mode and to condition the signal segment to required specification&_ Thelollowing Parameters are user secifiable: samplingrate of up to 20,000 per second, or 25,00D with an IBM AT; segment duration ofup to 64,000 sample points; a quantizing rate of or 1CL bit, and simultaneous pitch and amplitude display. Each Micro Speech Lab package contains adata acquisition board, hardware, software, microphones, headphones, and documentation.Additional modules are available for use vOt the package.

Product Name: Micro-Interpreter I (Fingerspeller) Vendor: Microtech Consulting Company Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95

Micro-Intv-preter 1 (Fir,.4e.7.,:7;z1ler) is a pro_grarn- -for teaching and drilling ASL fingerspelling. Thc dYogram displays a graphic of a hand posed asa particular AK:-etter. Words can be entered (Up. to 30 characters tong) and then spelled back at variable speed: Signs and series of signs can appear coned 0uncaptioned. The user can alSo test hiS own compreheriSion of fingeispelling A graphics aGapier iervored !1-) run the IBM-PC version of Micro-Interpreter I.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 245 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Micro-InterpriAer II (CAV-ASL) Vendor Microtech Consulting Convany Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $695.0

Micro-Interpreter II (CAV-ASL: A Computerized AnimatedVocabulary of the American Sign Language) is a program that displays wards in ASLas compute; animation on the Screen. A line. drawing of a persongoes through the gestures of an ASL word when that word is entered by the user. Motion of the animated figurecan be sped up, slowed down, or frozen.English captions can be turned on or off.A series of words can be Stored and then read backin sequence as signs. The signs are grouped categoricallyn 15 diskettes. Two disk drives and 48K of memoryare required to run Micro-Interpreter II.

Product Name: Minimal Contrast Therapy Vendor Parrot Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.50

Minimal Contrast Therapy is a treatmentprogram for children with unintelligible speech. The user selects three phonoirgical processes which contribute toa child's unintelligible speech. A series of minima! nairs are displayedon the screen in picture form. T!'_e child iS then instructed to play a_game in which he mustmove the target_word into a box on_theleft side of the Screen. He is informed that the picture will onlymove if he says the target word correctly. Correct and incoirect responses are_recordedby the computer and disPlayed in graphic form characteristic iNf a m;iltiple-bascline design. Recordsof up to 12 clients may be kePt on the disk at one time. Prograni was recently revised to include improvedgraphics. Users can ,:end in old copies of program with $15.00 to receivea new copy.

246 Resource Woo3: Computer Software and Hardware 262 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Mix 'N Match Vendor: Marble Systems Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Match ;I; a program_designedito teach identification of objects by size; shape, and color. Sort:T:1; uo. .reaches classification of obj.....ts .by shape anti color;_ Count the_ Shapes teaches ..ficati:,--t! by -shape, color, -and size; Match the Zihtiw:-. teaches relationsh; between objectS; .Ccimis Next teaches patte-.iis io a sf:.ituence.All four lessons the options of sit4;:e .,;wit.:h input and synthesized voice reinf,rccment. A monitor is revired L run MI- N Match. An Echo II speech synthesizer is required for the voice outptit option.

Product Name: Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs Vendor: Washington Research Foundation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed (.t:$25.00

Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs provide a person lealnizz to use a single or dual switch with practice in a: variety of sca..Ining and Morse code tasks.Morse code practice includes copying and spelling words ("M.C. Double-Talk"), shooting dawn requested words and letters ("M.C. Dragon"), knocking down the alphabet in any order ("M.C. Alphabounce"), and selecting numbers CM.C. Tic-Tac-Toe3 Pr icticeinseveral scanning techniques includes printing large text on the screen or on _an c.?*:onal printer. Row/column and row/column step scanning practice ("Musical Sean"), and group/item selection from a single line array at the bottom of the screen ("Scan Talk") are also provided. One or two microswitch,2s must be substituted for or wired in parallel with the game buttons through the game I/0 port. 213

Resource 11( ok 3: Computer Software and Hardware 247 Chapter II: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Morse Code Drills Vendor: Personally Developed Software Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $14.95

Morse Code Drills is a drill and practiceprogram deSigned to teach the dot arid dashpatterns for each letter of Morse code. Theprogram presents Morse code patterns both visually and auditorally, with variable pitch and speed. pressing a designated key. Users can pause at any time in the programby

The program operates on IBMcomputers and requires DOS 1.0, 2.0. 2.1, 3.0,or 3.1.

Product Name: Mouse Math Vendor: Ballard & Tighe, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $30.00

Mouse Math uses graphie mice marching in and out to provide mcitivation and abstractcounting during various math_activities, Skillscovered include addition by 1,2,3,4,5; 1to 5, and 1 to 9; and subtracting by_ 1,2,3,4,5., 1 to 5,arid 1 to 9.Math facts are presented orally by theSpeech synthesizer. Menus are provided forselection Of baSic category and level of difficulty.If the student answers eight of thelastten questions inaleVelcorrectly, the program will automatically return the Sttident to the mainmenu. If the student doeS not answer the last eight out of ten correctly, the program will cOntinue to drillthe student with questions on that level. Mcuse Math is available for the Apple II+ and He. The Echo + or Echo II SpeechSynthesizer is required if the speech outputaspect of the program is to be utilized, but the without it. program will run

Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 264 Chapter 11: FAucation, Training, and Therapy Software "PC.11.1.

Product Name: Natural Language Processing Program Vendor: Educational Audiology Programs, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $159.00

Natural Language Processing :Program: is a _language structure: practice __program which uses stories and Short lessons to train semantic and syntactic rules within a natural language context The .program: presents stories in dialogue Lforms followed _by lessons which_ require_ supplying misstn_g words in sentences based on the story text. The lessons give a sentence with- a blank and choices of words for the blank; and_the user _has three options of type:of response required: recognition mode which is_ operated only by a few keys, recall mode which uses keyboard_ to tyoe in word responses; and recognition mode moving arrow which allows responses by pressing ohiy the space bar. The NLP Program includes written text of the stories: and lessons as well: as :the computer program and manual.The program includes capabilities for teacherS to develop their own Stories and lessons.

Product Naine: 011ie Series Vendor: C.C. Public ltions, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Fonn: Printed Cost: $49.95each, $429.95set

The 011ie Series emphasizes basic skills and concepts.Students learn to discriminate objects, shapes, letters and short words; to match upper and lower case !eters; to match beginning and ending letters;to remember objects, letters and words; to remember sequences presented visually;to distinguish between common reversals; to match beginning sounds and letters,; and to recognize numerals and match them to sets of objects. Two of the 011ie programs, 011ie Hears and Remembers! and 011ie Hears and Sequences! teach and test auditory skills, and require an Echo + or C-:^ket speech synthesizer. Only the two and the return key are used. Animated graphics present the tasks.After practice; students are tested. Immediate feedback, adjustat!e criteria, and a reward routine are a part of the programs.Relaied wOrksheets are included with the software. The $429.95 price is for a set of nine programs. It does not include 011ie Hears & Remembers and Sequences!. These two programs are $49.95 each. 2E5 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 249 Chapter IL Education, Training, andTherapy &oftware

Product Name: One Handed Typing Vendor: Jones, Matthew Computer: Any CP/M Computer, Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

One Handed Typing is a prograth deVelopedto teach a 16 year old student with cerebral palsyto type with bne hand;It is described as easy td liSe, andas appropriate for students from secOnd grade through adults. It iS available_forthe Apple Ile and IIc, CP/M (with MBASIC),and MS- DOS computers. A singlecopy is $29.95, or a copy license that allows theuser to make Multiple copies, e.g., for use throughout a school district, is available for $99.9'

Product Name: Paint With Words Vendor: MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.00

Paint With Words allows the student of the screen. to create pictures by choosing words printedat the bottom If the Ufonic ie Sysiem is used (see separate entry), natural-soundingvoice will be added to assist in wordrc cogn.ticn. The pictures which have been created and printed. can be saved

250 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: PAVE: Perceptual Accuracy/Visual Efficiency Training Vendor Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $80.00

PAVE: Perceptual Accuracy/Visual Efficiency Training is a perceptual training program which is designed to build visual/functional and percepival skills which form the basis for fluent silent reading.The program has two steps:Visual Efficiency (scanning) and Perceptual Accuracy (flash) exercises,For Visual Efficiency, a target number or letter is presented and three numbers or letters per line- scan randomly from left to right at prescribed rates of 10-120 lines per minute. Users must either press space bar each time target appears or count and enter total number of appearances. For Perceptual Accuracy, one to twelve numbers or lettersare flashed at preassigned exposure speeds. Depending on skill level and choice of exposure mode, th e. user either types in target item from memory or a choice of items, Numbrr of flashesper exposure decreases with increasing difficulty level.Performance data can be collected and stored by program.

Product Nartie: PC Mbite COde Vendor Personally De !loped Software Computer IBM PC family Manual Foram Printed Cost: $19.95

PC Morse Code is a training program specially designed to teach Morse code:The program breaks down the alphabet, numbers, and special symbolsinto small groups. These groups can be learned interactively with the computer and practiced individually, at variable transmission speed from 5 to 60 words per minute Online dictionary contains more than 6,000 words and Morse code translations. Morse code units and special symbols are presented auditorally as well as on the keyboard. The program requires DOS 10, 2.1, 3.0, or 3.1.


Resource Book 3 : Computer Software and Hardware 251 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySöftwãrë

Product Name: PC-Fingers Vendor: Midwest Health Programs, Inc. Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.95

PC-Fingers is a program_ ft:4' teaching anddrilling ASL fingerspelling. Each Alphabet character appearson the screen as a line graphic of American Manual Various levels of instructional difficulty a hand posed for that letter. are available with the program, and_ the advancedlevel (which displays whole words and phrases)can be run at speeds from 1.3 to 11.8 signsper second. An IBM color graphics adapter card anda color Monitor are required to use PC-Fingers.

Product Name: Phonics, TeXt, and Graphics Vendor: Washington ReSearch Foundation Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Phonics, Text, and Graphics is by any of the_input techniquesa set of prOgrarns designed :to be operated bykeybnatd Input; r on the Special Inputs Disk (see entry; WashingtonReSeatch Foundtion)._ With. the _'Text Editorand "Di2wing programs, the ifsermay_ write text or draw pictures, save completed WOrk,and print_the_ result A teacher_may use the "WOrksheet _Writer to enter pages from the student'sOWii phcinics workbook. The student thenmay use "PhonieS Editor to call up and _complete_worksheet&Sarriple_ pages _are includedon the disk, and a written tutorial is in-chided todemonstrate the use of "Phonics Edit-Or." For use with any of the SpecialInput& one or two:rnicroswitchesmuSt be substituted for, or wired in parallel with the Applegame buttons through the game I/0 port.

252 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftWare and Hardware 2C8 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name Phonological Process Tutor Vendor Parrot Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $6950

This program was designed to provide practice to individuals interested in learning how to find phonological processes in unintelligible assumes that the user is familiar with the concept of phonotogical processes and wants practice identifying processes before attempting_to do a process analysis for a real speech sample. There are four graded levels of practice. The program contains 400 different problems presented in random sequence. Words are presented using large-type International Phonetic Alphabet characters: User responses to the first three levels require entry of two letter process abbreviations from a pool of 18 different processes.If the user forgets appropriate keys during a session, a picture of the keyboard can be displayed. Process definitions and correct examples are given when the user makes incorrect r(sponses. An evaluation of performance is supplied at the end of each lesson.

Product Name: Pictures Programs: I, II and III Vendor Parrot Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.50 each

The three Pictures Programs are:I- Function Pictures, II-Association Pictures, and III- Rhyming Pictures.Each program has two levels of operaiion.The first level teaches the name of pictures displayed on the screen.The second ievel teaches the function, an association or a rhyme of the pictures displayed. In each program six color pictures are displayed at a time. Responses are made by pressing the space bar and the Return key; OT by a single switch plugged into the game port. The programs may be purchased individually ($59.50) or as a set ($159.50).


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 253 Chapter 11: Exlucation, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: PII- Personalized Information for Independence Vendor UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual nit= Printed Cost: $49.95

PII - PertOnal Information forIndependence is a utility and trainingprogram to help students learn individualited perSonal informationthatis important in daily living.PII presents directives such as 'Type in yciur nameand auditory and visual reinforcerSare presented when initial response is_ accurate; if inaccurate,directive can he repeate.iup to three times. Program includes a total of 30 possible directives,and tcacher has the option to omit of various directives presented. or limit the number Information may be presented in threeModes:continuous visual cue; visual cue that re-Mains for3-9 seconds, and no visualcue. PII also collects progress data for each individual, includingspeed, accuracy, number of correct mode. responses and in what

Product Name: Point and Read Vendor: Micro=Ed Computer Commodore 64, CommodoreAmiga Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95 - $99.95 each

Point and Read iS a beginning readingtraining_program that teaches word attack skills usually taught in kindergarten tO third grade.The program teaches more than 1,000 Words,primarily by associa:ing certain letter arrangerntrits withtheir corresponding patterns of sound. Forwords where Sound and letter correspondenceare irregular, those irregularly spelled wordsare taught as sight words. A light pen is used throughout theinstructional phase of everyprogram with the Commodore 64, and Voice andmouse is used for instruction with the Commodore Amiga In the program, the user prOceedStO a more difficult set of exercises onlywhen he Or she has achieved perfect performanceon word attack problems. Eight program setS total are available,in four packages of varying priceS; packageone and two, with three_disks, are $7495 each, and packagesthree and four, with frour diSkS are $99.95 each.A light pen is necessary for operatiop withthe Commodore 64. Nothing extra isneassary to operate program with the Amiga, soldas a single disk for $29.95. Contact manufacturer for details.

254 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and lkirdware 270 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy software IMO A===.21111111111e,

Product Name: Point to Pictures Development Kit Vendor: R.J. Cooper & Associates Computer: Apple Ii family Manual Form: Printel Cost: $99.95

Point to Pictures Development Kit is a software package that allows_the user to offer graphics and_ written content to create matching and communicationS teStS.The User makes selections from a PowerPad (see entry, Dunamis, Inc) based on target pictures or letters placedon the screen by the program. POint tci Pictures monitors, reinforces and/or _corrects the user's pointing response. Reinforcement is via a speech synthesizer or digitizer. Point to Pictures may also be used for simple voice communication with the addition of a voice synthesizer. A PowerPad and Echo speech synthesizer (extra) are required to use Point to Pictures Development Kit; a color monitor is recommended but not required.

Product Name: Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit Vendor: R.J. Cooper & Associries Computer: Apple II family Maqual Form: Printed cost: S9 95

The Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit is a program that allows low functioning individuals to control battery operated toys with a PowerPad and a computer,When the _user touches a defined_location on the POwerPad, a graphic image appears on the monitor;a phrase is spoken by a speech synthesizer, and the toy stays on as long as presstrre is Maintained. A PowerPad is required to operate the Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit (extra; see entry, Dunamis, Inc.). The kit conies with the software, two switch modified battery operated toys, an interface box (required for hooking the toys to the computer), two six foot cables for the toys, and a flat-pad switch.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardw...e 255 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software -Aim-....mmownssiovirmi.

Pr (*duct Nanvt! Point to Pictures Lesson Plan Masters Vendor: R.J. Cooper & Associates Computer Apple 11+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95 each

Point to Pictures Lesson Plan Mastersare a set of pre-authoredlesson plan disks f.T the Pointto Pictures Development Kit and the Pointto Pictures Discrimination Kit (see entries, R.J. Cooper & Associates). Point to Pictures Lesson PlanMasters provide leSsons that give female speech, and provide picture overlays for the Power Pad.

Five lesson plans are available: Letters, Numbers,Colors, Shapes, and Reinforceable Objects.A Power Pad (extra) is required touse the Point to Pictures Lesson Plan Masters.

Product Name: Power Pad Programming Kit Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Avle II family, Atari 400, Atari 800, Commodore 64, VIC 20 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $24.95

ThiS isa design ACHA that enables teachers,:developerS Andparents_ who have a working knowledge of BASIC programminglanguage to develop customized Software foruse with the PowerPad. Tht manual explains in detailhow the PowerPad talks to the computer andprovides information about the inner workings Of thePad.Five sample programs are included. A button-mapper lets the programmer layout keys to the size requirements of the student.

256 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware andHardware 272 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Preposition Recognition Vendor: Brain-Link Software Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Co St: $129.00

Preposition Recognition is an auditory comprehension practice program for prepositions. Four digits are displayed in different locations around a common object on the computer screen, and the user is asked via the speech digitizer to find a certain location such as "behind the doe'. The program also collects and analyzes client performance data. A joystick, keyboard, or Koala pad can be used for input

Preposition Recognition requires a dual disk drive and a Mountain Computer Supertalker SD)0 speech digitizer (see entry).

Product Name: Primer 83 Vendor Dynacomp, Inc. Computer: Apple H fjmily Manual Form: Audiotape, Printcd COSe $99.95

Primer 83 is a user oriented graphics program for individuals with dyslexia and related disorders. Primer 83 allows di:-..gnosis of specific difficulties in letter recognition; alteration of character fonts and presentation time to improve discrimination; instantaneous recognition training for common words and sentence structures; and synthesized music with cadence-synchronized visual presentation of lyrics, including a song editor.Primer 83 enhances user motivation through rapid feedback and adaptive drills.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 257 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware =MY",

Prod Oct NaMe: Problem Solving Vendor Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer Apple II family, Atari Manual Ford': Printed Cost: $300.00

Problem Solving is a series of fourtypes of programs that train aspects of problemsolving. Number Manipulations ULM includesa visual serial addition task where the usermust add each of a series Of numbersto its predecessor_ in the series tO gea series of totals; a sequencin_g task where the user reordersa string of digits by moving portions of the String towardthe left until the string is in ascendingsequence, and a -ingle_digit addition task which to three Series be added simultaneously. requires that up Checker Eichange asks theusert...) exchange_ the positions of the tWo setson a checkerboard using correct checker Moves buttrz jumps. Knight's Challenge asks the user th -compete with_thecomputer to move a single knight chesspiece across the board to the other side. Maze Puzzle 1,11randomly generates amaze with only one solution fdr the user to follow;computer tracks wrong turnings and delays.Higher levels of difficulty are possible within Mostprograms.

Product Name: Processing POWer Program Vendor Instructional/Communications TechnolOgy, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $180.00 each set

Processing Power Program is a perceptual training prograth thatiSdesigned to reduce perceptual confusion and iinprove readingrate and comprehension in Silent and oralreading: For silent reading, theprogram first reviews key VoCabulary, then_presents stationary training, .vhere individual words ofa text are scanned quickly Up the Sereenso that user does not_ have move eyes tn read text.This is followed by_presentatiOn OffiVe words per line of text at 111e rates or Sean pattern, anda comprehension check for reading aCcuracy.For oral Juin; words:for users to read aloud are presented firstin widely spaced units, increasing from we word per line to five words per line in standardtext forthat. Processing Power Program is availablein different reading levels levels of elementary or mature students. or topics, tailored to different

..:1=1191ini 258 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, What Belongs? Vendor: Greentree Group, The Computer. Apple II family, Commodore 64, IPM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost $5ft00 - $200.00 each

Purposeful Patterns is a multi-level program designed for retraining visuahspatial perception and memory skiils.Nine different tasks, using combinations of color, shape and design,_ are presented.It is available for the Apple II series, IBM-PC and Commodore 64, and costs $200.00. Purposeful Symbols is similar in_format to Purposeful Patterns; but consists of matching tasks involving letters and numbers.It is available for the Apple II series, and c:osts $50:00.What Belongs? is a program designed for retraining memory and logical reasoning skillS.Three programs consist of multiple choice, fillin the blank and fill in the missng letter.What Belongs? is available for the Apple II series and the 1BM-PC, and soon for the C6mmodorc 64. Purposeful Symbols and What Belongs? both sell for $50.00 each; Purposeful Patterns sells__for voaoa Demo disks can be ordered for $10.00 for each program plus $2.50 shipping and handling. The demo may be returned within 30 days with refund or apply towards purchase.

Product Name: Quiet Duck Learning Series Vendor: Computer Talk Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC family, TRS-80 Color, TRS_,80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV, Tandy 2000 Manual Form: Printed Cost $132.80set (see text)

The Quiet Duck Learning Series is a _package of reading and spelling programs specifically designed with the Learning Disabled studentin mind. Itprovides a clear, uncluttered presentation and easy-to-use format appropriate for easily distracted individuals. The Seriescan be used as a diagnostic _tool and for pre- and post-testing of specific lessons.Responses arc scored and errors filed for teacher review and analysis of students' strengths and weaknesses. The teacher can choose _to use pre-packaged word lists or can develop individualized lists to match the -learning_ objectives of each student. A pace-setting option, allows information to be presented to_eachistudent as rapidly or as slowly as his needs demand. Quiet Duck promotes consistent left,)-right progression in reading. Characters_ appear on:the screen in sequence and force the student's eyes to _scan with proper directionality.Additionally, the student has an opportunity to practice keyboard operation while learning to read and spell.It is available on riccrttrcAn IBM version will be available soon. 2 7

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 259 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy Sof twart.

Product Name: Rabbit Scanner Vendor: Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

The Rabbit S.:anner isa scanning training program thatuses a graphic of a rabbit hopping acrosS the screen. The rabbit hopsacross 'the screen in a single horizontal line, anda carat is pluced in cud of five positionson the screen. When the rabbit reaches the trIggers a game paddle, adapted switch carrot, the aild records performance. (adapte:- required), or the space bar.The pr, Jam

Product Name: Race the Clock Vendor: Methods & Solutions, Inc. Comptiter Apple II family, IBM PCfamily, IBM PC jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.99

Race the Clock is a leatriinggame designed atter the popular "COntenttation" trieS to match pictures with pictures, game. The user picturek With Words; or words withwotds. Each box in the array presented on the screencan display a verb or an animated_ figure action: Selections May be made using acting out the verb'§ the Clock is equipped with the keyboard, a monSe, or a joystick(not :included). Race a "challenge upgrade option," whichallows varioriS skill levels involved to bc adjusted, independentof each other.

260 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 11Educat;9n, Training, and Therapy Sof -e

Product Name: Rate Drill in Articulation, Language and Fluency Vendor: UNITED Educational Services, Inc Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.00 - $129.00

Rate Drill in: Art iculaton, Language; arrl Fluency (RALF) is a training program for practice in rate of speech. Each (Articulation; _Language;or Fluency) allows the_ user to perform drills on either sentence or paragraph units in two._ different imodes:determining aci_ual word,per- minute-(WPM) rates in_pri,-cAc. pre-selecting -WPM rates for cach stimulus. A feature Of the program called Inflection alloy.-- j-e. user to practice the same sentence or paragraph units, with selected words capitalized for greater emphasis or stress; In Part I (Articulation), the following.phonemes are reprcsented with.five different_sentence or paragraph combinations-eath:- /r-1, is/,. /z/_, /thi (voiced and unvoice:/shi, and /ch/. In Patt II (Language); the concepts represented plurals; prepositions, tensing, pu-session, f.._nd negation.

In Part_ III; five differtAt paragraphs practice various rate_ drills. _.A disk Ir. avai!a!-)le separately for each part, or as ;3 package: price for the package alone is $99.00, or for p- 7kage pile an cditor which allows the user to program additional matenals, $129.00.

Product Name: Reading Around W-ordS P:ogram Vendor Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer: Apple II 1 nrnily Manual F9rm: Prirr.:6

cost: $15a00 each z

Reading Around Words Program is a vocabulary training program designed to expaPd word knowledge through structured context analysis strategies and multiple exposures to words. Each level of the program presents 20 lessons that introduce 12 words per lesson. For each lesson, a context sentence with a choice of items to complete the sentence is presented.Next, a paragraph including the target word and clues to meaning are presented, followed by a multiple choice question to test comprehension.If user misses the item, the same paragraph with underlined clues will appear, followed by a clarification paragraph if the item is still missed. Lastly, the context sentence is presented and user spells missing target word. Nine different sets of 20 lessons are available, for users at reading levels from grades 4 to 12.

2 77

Resource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware 261 Chapter II: Elucation. Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Reading Recognition Vendor Brain-Link Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $79.00

Reading _Recognition _is a_program designed to teach single word- recognition_ ina format WhiCh allows response input_ either_ throtigh_keybbard,_ jOyst1; or Koala Pad (all extra)._ ThetaSk reciniies the student to inatch_asti-mulus-word Whith iS :le center of the screen with_one of four_werdS in the periphery; _Theprogram can be used -to traih the L.prchension of_ noun-verb, categery-member, opposite, similaritY,_andotner.word_relationshipsf he program also Offers _a stimulus delay-mode -so-_ that it_can he used. to enhance short_ term itemory for the_ Stimuli. COntrOl of lesson parameters, adding ofnew itcri-iS with program re;t0:-. and dzl.. collection and analyS capability is provided inprogram:

Produet Nainei Remedial Secondaryor Adult Ethication Programs Vei,ior. Hartley Courseware, Inc. COMputer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $485.00

Remedial Secondary or Adult EducationPrOgramt are a Series ofprograms designed for training language and other remedialskillswith older StulentS.Programs are described as having large, easy-to-read letterS, Unclutteredscreens, con.sistent entry procedures and carefully sequenced lessons; Many of the_programscan be Modified to allow the teacher_to tailorcontent to individual differences; Theprograms in this set are for beginning level readers, butdo i;ot have elementary graphicsor stories;'The programs Word Families II, Opposites, Vocabulary-Controlled, Money!Motiey!, Hotrionyms,Capitalization, Vowels, Create Spell-It, _and WhO-What-Where-When-Why. A Cassette Control electronic Device is also included in the package.ThiS device allows_ the computer to_activatea Standard cassette tape recorder.Lesson vocabularyt_directions,_ definitions,or any oral presentation can be retorded. Thetape will then be synchronized directly with thepretentatiori on the computer. Programsin the set which ean utilize the CCD are Vowels andCreateSpell-It. Contact the manufacturer which use the CCD. for other programs

262 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Produd Name: Rerreruitational Play Vendor PEAL Software Computer Apple 11 family Manual Form: Printed Cost $120.00

Representational Play is a program designed to teach mentallyOr physically handicapped Students to Communicate by selecting pictures of desired objectsor activities.Color line drawings (included) are assembled as overlays fora membrane keyboardWhen the student presses a picture on the membrane keyboard, an identical graphic appearson the screen and a speech synthesizer speaks the corresponding word. RepresentatiOnal PlayiS meant for students With a developmental age of twenty-four monthsto five years.Representational Play is an advanced version of Exploratory Play (see separate listing) with differentplay activities ard language levels used. A Muppet Learning Keys membrane keyboard is required for input. An EchoII or Echo+ is required to use Representational Play with an Apple He;a Cricket is required for the IIc. Toys corresponding to the picture symbols are available from Peal. (All extra.)

Product Name: SAID: Say as I Do Vendor Conover Company, The Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $129.95

SAID: Say As I DO is a SerieS Of fOur programs to train word recognitionand matching skills. The four programs are: Sav As I Do, Crane Gaine, AStrciWords,_ and StudentData Disk Say As I Do presents one of five iarget words witha picture, and gradually fadeS picture cues to train word recognition. Crane _Game presents word recognitionin a game format where users must use ajoystick to match a target %NOP:1 to a Selettion word which scrolls across the bottom of the Screen. Astrowords uses a space game format to presenta target word with a missing letter, and the user must select the proper letter to fill in the blank. Student datastores, recallS, and user performance data from the other programs. System requires an Echo II Speech Synthesizer, jo3&tick, andcan be used with optional printer or color monitor contact manufacturer for details. 279

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 263 Chaptet 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Sarah and Her Friends Vendor: Rhiannon Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact manufacturer

Sarah and her Friends_is an animated graphic adventurefor prereaders designed to teach cause and effect. The program uses th: Escape, Return andSpace Bar keys onl:, and runs on the Apple II computers. any of Contact the manufacturer forrn information about the program such as details of operation, intended users, and price.

Product Name: & Speak Vendor Communication Enhadcement Clinic Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $75.00

Scan & Speak is a scanning communicationprogram contr011ed by a joyStick button or a switch adapted to perform the same function. TheuserlaV choose between large or Small text in the scanning cell&, and stored messages may be spoken whena cell is selected. Output may be spoken through a voice synthesiteror printed. Either the Votrax Type 'N Talk, Votrax Personal SpeeLn ,-,ystem;or an Echo + or Echo II speech synthesizer can be used, with appropriate program ver,ion. Contact the manufacturerfor details.

264 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 2 SO Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Seftware EMMEN.

Product Name: Sight Word Spelling Vendor: Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer: Apple II fami,y Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

Sight Word Spelling is a spelling practiceprogram for common words and number SequenceS. The program presents teacher-generated lists often items each; which can include of up to 6 letters or numbers of up to 3 digits. Theprogram vocaliZes each letter or nurntzr ,)f the target item for the user to duplicate with the keyboard.Length of display, time, voitunc, and pitch of voice are User-specifiable. Program is intendedfor students at a first or second grade level of spelling. Program requires an Echo II speech synthesizerfor operation.

Product Name: _Simplerc, 1 I: Yes/No Communication Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed


SimpleCom I:Yes/No Communication is a commuhicaticin outputprogram for expressing simple daily living needs and training early communication skillS.The pregraM utilizes training Sequences that help the user in yes/n) differentiation, andare designed to facilitate cause:effect association. The teather rho/ Modify prompts, reinforceitients, and speechoutput of synthesizer. Th- program operates witha PowerPad (see entry) and an Echo+ or Echo II speech synther!zer, both extra; con'' manufacturer for details.

2 S 1

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 265 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: SimpleCom IINeeds/Wants Communication Vendor ilunamis, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Forw_''rinted Cost: $49-95

Simple Com II:Needs/Wants Communication is a voice output prograra for communication of basic needs and wants. The r lgram contains a list of 10 basic needs includinggo to bathroom, drink, eat, go OutSide, help, l)._rt, music, play, sleep, and watch TV. Theseneeds are displayed with large graphic symbols, and user activates voice output by touching PowerPad.Additional needs or wants car. be added by drawing other symbols with the MicroIlluStratorprogram (see separate entry). A PowerPad (see entry) and E:ho-t- o Echb II speech synthesizerare required for operation (extra). Manufacturer can also custom design the needsmenu at additional.-.:ost contact manufacturer for details.

GO% C.0111111.,,CMICIMI10

Product Name: Smart Shaper Vendor Psycholosical Software Services, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $25.00

Smart Shaper consists of eight programs designed to provide basic low levelexer-ases in matching, shape recognition, concepts of same and different, and counting. Keyboardin_put is used to operate programs.Contact manufacturer for more detailed information on types of programs and applications.

266 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 282 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Soft Tools '83, '84, '85 Vendor: Cognitive Rehabilitation Computer Appleil_family, Atari, Commodore 64, IBM PC family .!anual Form: Printed Cost: $35.00 each

The Soft Tools pro rams:are menu driven disk versions ofcomputer programs published in each issue of Cognitive Rehabilitation, a bimonthly publication. Soft Tools '83-isavailable for Apple and Atari computers, and includes titles such as Anticipation, Colormatch,Countdown, Drawit, Driver, Peek, Visual Search, and others.Soft Tools '84 is avaiiable for Apple. Atari and IBM computers, and includes Bakes Dozen, City Mapi Descript Stats, Interce_pt, Sequential,and other& Soft Tools '85 is available for all computers asted above plusthe Commodore computer, and includes _Alphabet, _Alphabetizing, Circlematch, Digit/Symbol, Dot-to-Dot,Guess Which, Patterns and Sequences, Seq Memory, and others. Contact Cognitive Rehabilitation for further information about SoftTools programs,

Product Name: Software for Visually Impaired Children Vendor: Sensory Aids Foundation Computer Apple IIc, Apple Ile Manual Form: Braille/Tactile, Printed Cost: $50.00

This software is a set of four ms using synthesized speech output. Onc program teacl,r.s typing; another is a spelling program that allows the studentto compile a list of 20 speliii words and to practice spelling them The thirdprogram (Echotext) allows the instructoi to create sets of multiple choice questions for the student toanswer, and the fourth program (Create) allows the instructor to generate lessons.The programs are designed for ually impaired children in grades three through six. All fOur programs come on one disk. An Echo II speech synthesizer is requiredt,run :* programs. 23

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 267 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Sound Ideas Vendor Houghton Mifflin Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact manufacturer

Sound Ideas is an iearly reading trainingprogram designed to help users decode appropriate sounds from printed words.Three types of programs are available for eitherconsonants or vowels, and each program contains several levels of difficulty.The Sound Idea, Consonants program provides seven diskt covering 17 consonants; th, sh, and ch sounds, anda consonant review. Sound Ideas, Vowels includes five diskt covering long and short forms of thevowels and the "y" sound. Sound Ideas Word Attack coversmore complex phonic constructions, with consonant clusters, vowel and consonant digraphs, and ending consonants. Program requires an Echo + speech synthesizer for voiceoutput.Price of $522.00 includes all three programs Wits an Echo + board.Programs are also told separately, at different prices: Vowels ($156.00), Conso:iants ($195.00), and Word Attack($.1"1,00). Contact manufacturer for &tr. ils.


Product Name: Sound Match Vendor.: Schneier Communication Unit Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Sound Match _is a program ithat_p_resentg the user Witha variety bf_ sounds Or noises requiring grosr, levels of auditory discriminadon and matchingThe, user maket telectiOns With a single switeh.The matchirg activities are apilicable for visually impairedor physically disabled rungsten who are bung introduced to tne computer for the -firstum: and who require training 1:1 aucliory attention and single mit& iigeu. itch irl.erface and speech synthi-.7izer-%r tte c_ Tater are required.

S. Ammo',M., AO, ,^14111W.M.,- 111..4 a:M.1MM 268 Resource Book 3: Computer ,kofts,, Are a 4 e sft Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software +=WM,

Product Name: Special Education (Elementary): '4"-.3 for Special Neec vendor Hartley Course-, 2, Inc. Computer: Apple II fa, Manual Form: Print:- Cost: $533.40

This is a set of Hartley programs that have been developed for childrenwho have learning problems.The programs use large easy-to-read letters, unclutteredscreens, consistent entry procedures and careadly sequenced lessons. Most of theprograms can be modified to allow the teacher to tailor content to individual differences. The STecial Education (Elementary) pak containsprograms that have been used with children with mental ages of 3.5 to 8.These include Colors and Shapes, Pattern and Sequence, Letter Recognition, Littie Riddles;Number WordsLevel 1, Size and Logic, Senseand Nonsense, Vowels, Word- Families, Scuff y and Friends; and Vocabulary Dolchwith CCD.The CCD ICassete Control Devicel allows the computer to activatea standard cassette tape recorder. Vocabulary words, directions; definitions, or any oral presentationcan be recorded, and then will be synchronized directly with the presentatimon the computer. Some of the programs from the Early Discoveries Series use only the Space Bar and Return keysto operate.


Produet-Na-ne: Special Needs Volume 1- Spellin Vendor: -MECCi(Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer: -Apple II family manuäl Foein: Printed Cost $44.00

Special Needs Volume 1- Spelling is a spelling tutorial program for physically handicapped students. Twenty drills are included in the package. Students may prattice spelling individually or in teams. The game paddies or any key on the keyboard may be used to make selections from the screen. Special Needs Volume 1 is designed for gradestwo through six.

MI1111MiiMint Resource Ilook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 269 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware "MEW- IiIINOW

Product Mame: Sj;,.-.cial Needs Volume 2- Simulations & Drills Vendor: MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $44.00

Special Nei.ds Volume 2_7 Simulations & Drillsconsists of five programs providing practice ina number of areas. "Arithmetic Practice"drills thestudent in the fdur basic_arilbmetic operations; "Change" pi ()vides practice in making change;_"OdellWoods" and "Odell Lake" simulatea _food web; and "Wrong Note" provides practice in comparingmusical pitch patte!n Special Nee& Volume "z is designed for individual studentUse, but may be used by several :::51'dentsas a team. Se leCtions may be made with thegame paddles or on the keyboard. Special Needs Volume 2 is designed for grades 2 through 6.


Peoduct Name: Special Skill Builders I & II Vendor Compu-Tations, Inc. Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95 each

Special, Ski, Builders I is a set of learningand drill programs covering counting, color and shape recognition, and a number DrillSpecial Skill Builders II is a continuation of SpecialSkill Builders I which includes four pre=reading trainingprogram& Alpha Drill requires the user to indicate when a randomly displayed loWerCage chalacter matches an upper case lethr at the top Of the screen. Alphabet Line asks theuser to fill in a miSSing letter in a section of the alphabet. Number Line does the Same fora missing number in a sequence of numbers. Inside Out asks the user toindic._zte when variouS Shapes moving about thescreen appear inside a rectangle. Program also includes teacher managetrient files,and Speed of presentation can be adjusted. Program uses keyboard and/orgame paddle input, and system is password protected.

270 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: SpeechMaster Vendor Speech Master Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $249.95

' ?eechmaster providesaspectralanalysis of the acousticalcharacteristics of phonemes ,:cording_ to frequency, energy, power, intensity, and duration.It was designed for ase in the i-lerapy setting. 2ontact the manufacturer for information on the types of displays that can be used for graphic presentation of the spectral analyses, and what types of printers will work.

Product Name: Spell-A-Vision Vendor: Cross Educational Software Computer Apple II family, Commodore 64, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $19.95 each

Spell-A-Visian is a spelling and vocabulary practice program for isolated wards and words in sentence& The program is designed for the age range third gradthrough adul:. The user spells tlict target word in one of two situations; after seein$ the word irk. list; or by guessing the word from the context of a sentence which uses or defines the word The program includes eight disks which increase in complexity, for a total of 8000 words.Target words are displayed in large letters on the screen; Custom spelling lists can be entered by users with _a built-in text editor of the Apple and IBM versions cf the program. Programs are also available at $150.00 fora sei of 8 disks with student n:ouse.

2R 7

Resource Wool. 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 271 Chapter it: Diuration, Training, and TherapySoftware NWOMMONCZNIN .1.1111.111

Product Name: Speller Bee Vendor: Firs: Byte, Inc. Computer Apple Macintosh, iVari ST family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95- $79.95

Speller Bee is part of the "talkingnOtebook series" from %-;rst Byte.Originally_ designed for preschool through eighth grade. SpellerBee teatheS speli.,..g with drill; practice,and_ games. Users can enter their own vcicabulary andspelling lists or uSe those included withthe program. The program allowsusers to pate th nSelves, control pronunciation and printout lists.It is menu-driven; using an iceri-hased format.A manual supplements the provides follow-up activif onscreen help menus and The price for the Commocipre Amigais $59.95 and tLe Atari ST costs $49.95.

Product Name: Spelling Tutor Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer. Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Spelling Tutor is a spelling practice;?!Dgram with voice output Options useful for_ program operation and testing functions.Ptoe) m Lllows creation and testing ofspelling liSts, with different _user options withintesting tritieti:fl proceed, cue, repeator list spelling words. An additional feature allOwsuse of the Study '&.:dy progrant (extra:see entry) to create vocabulary or word lists for use as spelling words in SpellingTut-or. robotic voice are available. Witt options of either femaleor Program requires use ef Echo+, Echo II,or C..;cket sPeech synthesizer for voice output.

272 Resource Wook 3: Computer Software andHardware 2SS Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Spellist Vendor Castle Special Computer Services Computer Apple II frnii PC family, IBM PC jr Manunl Form: Princd $45:00

Spellist is a spelling training _program which provides practice _at spelling fromcomputer, generated dictatioit Program includes options of standard lists of 16 wordS eachor customized word lists, where the program voices the targei word,pronounce5 each letter as the user spells the target, prompts and reinforces resporises. Spellist is suitable for use by multiple students in a classroom; a speech synthesizer is required for the central classroom computer. Contact manufacnirc:r for details.

Product Name: Study Buddy Vendor Speech Enteiprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Study, Buddy_is an educational study prOgram that allows the user to enter words followed bya definition or concept description.Up tO 50 wordS may be entered, for presentation in interactive tutorial fashion utilizing voice output.User enters the word then is prompted to type the meaning, with review and repeat options. An Echo II, Echo+, or Cricket speech synthesizer is required for voice output option.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 273 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy Software

Product Name: Sunny Days Vendor: Developmental Equipment Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00

Sunny Days is an instructionalprogram designed to improve the user's word recognition, spelling, and reading skills. SunnyDays allows the teacher to select froma set of over 100 core ords or create custom word lists.All programs are presented in controlled with a single switch. game format and may be A switch interface anda single switch are required to operate Sunny Days.

Product Name: Surrounding Patterns (andother programs) Vendor: Strawberry Hill Knowledge Software, Inc. Computer: Apt-le II family Manual Form: Printed Cost See below

SURROUNDING PATTERNS _iSdesigned _to_ develop visual perception,se4en-64; and reasoning skills.The student -copies progressivelymore complex designs composed of sihiple shapes in different_ _colors._ Thecompater is programmed not to _accepta wrong_answer. PETER'S GROWING PATTERNS _andWHAT'S NEXTdevelop skillsin re-Cognition of a pattern and the-ability to generate the rieit_element in :the sequence. DifferentpatternS are f:ireated using common shapes, objectsot lihes as building blocks._ Thereare five levels of difficulty. An editor feature :is_included.- HOBO'S LUCK. isa race game played_ with four differt.zt colored dice appearingon the :screen that helps to develop attention;group play; sequencing; and relationship behVeeti Siniple numbersand counting The keyboard or a joystickcan be used for input. Only the keys being usedare active. A color monitor is necessary touse color features in the seqUenting.ptograms. A home version of the software programs costs $20.00 each;teacher's versions are $55.00 each.

274 Resource Rook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware 290 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Survival Words Vendor: Conover Company, The Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $139.95

Survival Words is a set of programs designed to teach words for community living, including "exit," "ped xing," "out of order," and "phone."Graphics and verbal reinforcement are incorporated inthe learning exercises.Instruction, review, and evaluation functions are included. Input may be made via the keyboard or with a joystick.An Echo + voice synthesizer is required for verbal reinforcement during use of Survival Words.

Product Name: Switchmaster Vendor: Expert Systems Software, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: Comes with Omnibox

Switchmaster isa triinitg program designed to teach the operation of switches through reinforcement. The exact conditions of training programs designed with Switchmastermay be Varied to comply with the teacher's goals. Switchmaster allows the teachertb Specify the length Of a training Session, the_toy used for reinforcement, and the maximum and minimum duration of reinforcement kr eath _Switch Closure. Switchmaster records the number of switchclosures, the total duration of switch closure, the average duration of switch closure, and thepercent of the session time during which the switch was closed. SWitchmaster requires aii Omniboit for timing and for interfacing the switches andtoys with the Apple.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 275 Chapter 11: Education, Training,and Therapy &oftware

Product Name: Symbol Writer Vendor! Developmental Equipment Computer. Apple II family MAntIal Fordl: Printed Cost $95.00

Symbol Writer is a program designed for children learningto me a single s7vitch. Theprogram is designed to help teach cause and effectusinga computer. Theuser scans through groups of symbols presented to insure successfulselections. Two and three wordsentences are created from the given vocabulary along withanimation and voice output. A switch interface anda single switch, or a PowerPad (see required to operate Symbol Writer. separate entry in this book)are

Product Name: TAG: Talking Animated Graphics Vendor PJ Software Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost $50.00

TAG iS composed of a number of computer generated pictureswhich are displayed when selected keys are typed._Alternate input devices Whichcan be 1,:ied include the UnicOrn Expanded Keyboard, and switches.The graphic_pictures are designedto be easily recognized everyday objects and activities.Some of the graphicsare animated while others are static. Many also have sourrieffectsor music built in. A word or phrase can be spoken by an Echo sPeech synthesizer. to accompany each graphic can be used in eaily chi:Ace-making activities. Used without the monitor inview, the program The cost of $50.00 includes up to 15 pictures. Additional existingnictures can be added for $5.00 each. New picturescan be developed for $25.00 = $50.00 manufacturer fof details. per picture (approximate).Contact

276 RtTsot. ce Book 3: Computer goftwareand Hardware 292 Chapter lb Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Talk About A Walk Vendor: College-Hill Press Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00

Talk about a Walk is desgned toencourage verbal expression and:facilitate comprehension of common nouns. Using any key on the keyboard,_the student guidesan animated dog through a house, moving -from room to room and looking through windFows;to locate _familiar: household objects pictured:(or named) at the bottom of thescreen. Objects are found in logical locations, tonle in plain view,_ some hidden (e.g; socks inside a dresser ina bedroom). Finding an object produces both visual and auditory reinforcement. The rate at which the program runs cAn be adjusted.

Product Name: Talking Apple Literacy Kit Vendor: American Printing House for the Blind (APH) Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $4357 - $81.68

The Talking Apple Literacy Kit (TALK,' isa set of materials designed to provide visuallY impaired children and adults_with_their firstexposure to microcomputers. Tactile, auditory and visual experienzel are tilted. The Teacher Kit includes IIcomputer parts for tactile inspection, a keyboard model with brailled keys a teacher's manual (inprint and on cassette), three braille reference guides, and two pieces of speech-output software. The SOftware is designed to run on the Apple He and requiresan Echo II or Echo + speech synthesizer. It includes the following programs: Talking Apple PresentsApple (an introduction to Apple computers), and Talking Writer (a program that containsa typing tutor, three games, and an introductory word processing program. The student's versionof TALK is $43.57; the teacher's iS $81.68.


Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 277 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy Software

Product Name: Talking Hands Vendor: EBSCO Curriculum Materials Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $44.95

Talking Hands is a sign languagedrill and practice program for trainingand communication With the manual alphabet. Theprogram will diSplay handsigns for letters from Ato Z as typed. Also, the prOgram will generate fiverandom handsigns on thescreen for drill, and display the correct letter if necessary. Up to 36messages of ten lines in length can be storedon disk for practice, and speed of sign presentationcan be user-specified.

Product Name: Talking Riddles Vendor: Cross Educational Software Computee: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $24 95

Talking Riddles is a spelling andeducational practice program with voiceoutput. One game format presents 120 riddles in_hangmanformat where the user mustguess the answer by typing letters. Another format has 91 Sayingsto be guessed from short spoken clues. A thirdformat contains 112 adjectives and 112 similes, forusers to match a noun to fit a simile. An Echo II speech synthesizer is requiredfor voice output.

278 Resouite &kik 3 Computer Software andHardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Talking Scanner Vendor: Adaptive Peripherals, Inc. Computer Apple He Manual Form: Electronic Cost: Complimentary

The Talking Scanner disk allows the creation anduse of customized scanning arrays that talk, useful to single switch users who have difficulty seeingor reading the visual display.The Scanner does not provide a way of making otherprograms talk if they are not already designed to do so; speech _is added only_t0_ the scanning _choices. A WriteprOgrani ia nadd to create customized acanning arrays. A Talk program is usedto implement the arrays. Talking Scanner requires an Apple He with 128K (i.e. 80 coiumncard with extended memory), Adaptive Firmware Card 2e with a setup disk dated 8/84or later, Echo speech synthesizer, and single switch. The Scanner should work with allor nearly all programa that do not use the extended 80 column card themselves. Talking Scanner is shippedwith new Adaptive Firmware Cards. It may also be copied fromanyone who has a copy, or Adaptive Peripherals will send a complimentary copy upon request.

Product Name: Talking Text Writer Vendor Scholastic Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $149.95 - $249.95

Talking Text Writer is a word processingprogram with voice output for beginning readers and writers. The user types any letters, _words,sentences, etc, and the_program speaks the text aloud. As a word processor, Talking Text Writer allows theuser to insert, move, copy, alter, and delete text Text can be shown in three sizes: 20, 40, and 80 columns oftext. Text background in the 20 column mode can vary between 12 different cobrs.Other features include:word processor interface for younger children; on-line helpscreens, printing by letter, word, paragraph, etc.; control of speech output speed; and a dictionary bait forscreen display of words and definitions. System requirements are a 128K Ain) le IIeor IIc with80 column card. A school version includes program and data disks, an Echo + board from StreetElectronicS, and handbook. Home version includes same components without backup disks. Schoolversions without Echo with educator discount are sold for $149.95. Lab packsare also available. 295

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 279 Chapter 11: Education, Training,and Therapy Software

Product Name: Talking Unicorn Vendor: Adaptive Peripherals, Inc. Computer: Apple He Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: Complimentary

The Talking Unicorn disk allowsthe user to add speech still use it to operate other output to the Unicorn keyboard and program, but not to the program'sprogramg transparently. This addsspeech to the user'sinput to the output the program does not providea way of making programs talk. The mesSagd that is spok,endoes not have to be thesame as the message that is sent to the computer to operate theapplication program. System requirements includean Apple He _with 128K (Le.including ari 80 COlUrtin card extended memory), an AdaptiveFirmware Cata with with Echo speech svathesiter._ The a setup disk dated 8/84 tot lateri andan do not use thi extended 80Talking:Unicorn should work withall or nearly_all progratiSthat COlumn card themselves.Apple WOrks Will work; but limited to_10K rather than55K At stattiip. The-program it will be shipped along With is menu driven. Talking Unicorn is new AFCs and Uriitorn E-pandediKeyboards,_it may be copiedfrom someone who_ has the program,_or AdaptivePeripherals will send Talking Scanner and TalkingWord Board). a complimentary set (includes

Product Name: Target Vendor Communication 2nhancementClinic Computer: Apple II family, VIC 20 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $35.00

Target is a practiceprogram designed to teach row/column, scanning. Targetmay also serve as a communication stepped, d;rected, and latched divided into seven different program_The video- displaymay be square arrays containing 1, 4,9, 16, 25, 36,or 49 frames. Scanning is controlled by the button ofa joystick in standard or adapted form. overlayS may be attachedto the display. To accent the arrays, acetate Instructions for makingacetate overlays are included with regarding the availability ofcustom hardware modifications.the program. Contact the vendor

tIMMICIMINg 280 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftwareand Hardware 29S Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Task Master Vendor: Life Science Associates Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.00

Task Master is an authóringprogram which enable.; the USer to design rehabititationand training tasks in six areas:scanning,_ attention/arousal,memory, sequencing, pair identification, and readilg. The program is menu drivenand alloWs the user to write customized instructions to set up individuallied tasks; using theirown stimuli (e.g shopping lists, patient's names, etc)or built-in stimuli included with program.Stimulus position, timing, sequencing, etc definable, and tasks can be saved and reuSed. are all user-

Product Name: Teaching Vocabulary LinguiDisks Vendor: LinguiSystems Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.00

Teaching_ Vocabulary LinguiDisks contain 2300words and their definitions. Theprograms are in the form _of a quiz game, and can be operatedby students independently. Itwas desigped for Students in kindergarten through eighth gradewith vocabulary problems. The score automatically. program keeps Teachin& Vocabulary LinguiDisks requirestWo ditk drives. A printer is opti ial. Asystem back-up is included For an additional $34.95, HelpManuals on LinguiDisks will be available for the Apple; for additional information,contact manufacturer.

Resource &Mt 3: Computer Software and Hardware 281 Chapter 11: Rducation, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper - Prepositions Vendor Handicapppd Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper Prepositionsis a story presentationprogram which emphasizes preptitional concept& Thestory of_ a young rabbit, Jimmy Jumper,is presented with synthesized speech and graphics,which illustrate prepositions suchat on, Over, under, beside, and between. The childuses a game paddle, adaptive switch, or thespace bar to either make the rabbit move in themanner specified by the preposition or advance the screen. story screen by An Echo II speech synthesizer is requiredfor operation.

Product Name: The Lost RReasoning Vendor: MCE Inc. Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cosh $54.95

The Lost RReasoning is an interactive problem solving_proram designed to address thinking and reasoning skills.The program addressesreasoning_ s ills to solve problems, analyze statements, understand patterns,_and make decision& Theprogram covers the topics of patterns and sequence, diagrammed sets, quantitativeimplications, logic puzzles, _truth,nonsense and opinion. Each topic offers three levels ofdifficulty for solving puzzles and problems. Reading level for the program is grade 2-3.

282 Reouro Rol* 3 COmputer Software and Hardware Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

PrOduct Name Touch and Match Vendor: Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

Touch and Match is designed to develop theabiliq to find differences and similaritiesamong categories of object& and to match these objectsbased on their similarities or difference& Three main activities focus on matching identical pictures, finding %thichpicture goes with another, and which picture does not belong. Over 190 pictures of common objects inseven categories are included. Teachers 1càñ pick the category of objects to be addressed for each student Featuresinclude data on right and wrong answers and a test mode.Selections are made by pointing to and pressinga picture on the Touch Window (see entry, Personal Touch;also available from HCCCP).

Product Name Touch and See Vendor: Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Project Computer: Apple II fainily Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.95

Touch and See is designed to teach matching ofsimilar objects, while developing attention and short term memory skill&Twelve boxes _with pictures or words beneath themare displayed. When a box is pressed, it revealsa shappicture, letter or word. The matching boxmust then be found. Eight different levels of itemscan be presented for matching, including shapes, upper case letter& lower case letters, upper and lower case letters, nuinbers, words, and words. pictures, pictures and The teacher has the option of selecting how _muchtime children will have to complete the lesson(30, 45, 60 or 90 seconds). With theTouch Window (see entry, Personal Touch), touching the boxes on the screen reveals what is underneathwithout using the keyboard.

299 Resource !kook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 283 Chapter lb Education, Training, andTherapy Software

Product Name: Toy Assessor Vendor: Expert Systems Software,Inc. Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: Comes with Omnibox

Toy Assessor_ is a teaining prograrn designed to teach switch operationuSing two _switches and two toys (or other reinforcers). ToyASsessor allows the teacher toprogram which switch will activate which reinforcer, andat what point one switch-reinforcer pairwill stop operating and the other will start. The teachercan also_set the duration of reinfOrcement for each the names assigned to the closure, and movements and reinforcer& for each switch.Toy Assessor reports and charts the number of switch closuresduring each minute of disk or printed out. a session. Charts can be saved to Toy Assessor requiresan Omnibox for timing and for interfacing matrix printer with Grappler=compatible switches to the Apple. A dot- printer interface is required forprinting charts.

Product Name: Toy Scanner Vendor: Expert Systems Software, Inc. Computer: Apple 11+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: Comes with Omnibox

ToyiScanner is a scanning training prOgiattitdesigned to_teach the basics of scanningwhile still reinforcing the:act of :triggeringa switch. -For each trial, a synibol for:a in one of four boxes displayed toy appears randomly on the screen. A cursor then scans the boxesfrom left to right. If a switch isactivated whilethe editor is in the box with thetoy symbol, a tOy it activated far a pre-determined length of time.Toy Scanner allows the teacher reinforcer duration, and _the to :pre-set Scahhing speed, maximum number of cycles of the cursorfor each trial.The program records the total niiiiiber ofcorrects, incorrects, and no teSponses, and trial the correct box, theselected box, and the number of also for each cloture. scanning cycles before the switch Toy scanner requiresan Omnibox for timing and for interfacinga single switch with the Apple.

284 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware andHardware 3 .A) Chapter lb Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Trace Math Aid Vendor Computers to Help People, Inc. Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost $15.00

The Trace Math Aid is a program designed to assist physically disabledstudentS in doing math exercises._ The MAO Aid does_ not generate math problemsor _correct them; it only acts as a worksheet_ area suited to single=finger or headStick typiSts.Special _functions of Math Aid include on-screen borrowing and carrying operations.When finiShed working problems, the Student may print them on a printer orsave worksheets on disk for future reference. Worksheets may also be prepared in advance bya teacher or student.

Product Name: Twenty Categories Vendor Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $200.00

Twenty Categories uses _multiple choice questions to _improve cateprizationskills.Three hundred nouns in 20 categories are containedon tWo ditkt. Two question formats are available (Which noun fits a category or which category_a noun belongs to).Simple menuS let the teacher or clinician select the categories to be coverect_ the criteria to end the lesson, and the question format. The voice and animated charactercan be turned off if they are not appropriate for _the client.Lesson and test summaries automatically keep track of the student's performanceand can be printed out for a permanent record. This program requires an Echo or Cricket speech synthesizer tooperate.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 285 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Pröduct Name: Type N' Parrot Vendor: Schneier Communication Unit Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $30.00

Type N' Parrot is a proram 4esigned to fainiliarize the user with theprocess of hearing information typed in on t e keyboard spokenag syntheSiied voice output Theuser types_in a word or phrase, and:a menu lets him choose whether to have the tekt spokenletter by letter as it is typed in, or spoken in its entiretyaftet it has been typed in. The text typed but hot to disk (Le; not permanently). in can be saved, A speech synthesizer compatible withthe computer 0-ed is required in orderto operate Type N' Parrot Contact the manufacturerfor more information.

Product Name: Type-Talk Vendor: Lorin Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost S4995

Type:Talk includes _six educationalmodules desi tied to fainiliarize _visually_impaired students with QWERTY and computer _keyboardingMo ules for all gix ltveN Of learningare arranged to build on increasirn familiarity:With thekeyboard; Provides 12 tutorials thatcover the entire Apple keyboard= The-program _thenprovides letteiand word drills to reinforce the tutOrialS. Letter Speak_ and Word Speak verballyrepeat keysttitikeS and words_ enteredat thei keyboard. Pressing_ the:Escape key:will switch=theAceyboard out of "perform" and into"announce" mode; in which _each key _is identified PressingEscape again returns the user td the drill. includes a _Text File program that The Software Word Dt3Il. allowS teachers tO create word lists for studentsto practice in The programs come on one diskfor the Apple He and He computers with64K of RAM. An Echo II; Echo + or Cricket speechsynthesizer is required

Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware andHardwar Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software IMP

Pr6duct Name: Understanding Questions, Sentences I & II, Stories Vendor: Sunset Software Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95 439.95

Understandinv Questions, --Stories and Sentences. . _ I & II are four reading_ Comprehension programs which target different skills._ _UnderstandinQuestions_program askS "Wh" queStithis tO which the user --responds by selectingan appropriate answer- --from-i-two-ipresented_thoiceS. Understanding -Stories program _first presents short written paragraphs_whichAhe _user: reads, then questions related to the information-in--the-storyare presented. UnderStanding Sentences I: AbtUrdities presents an_.absurd sentence_ and_asks the user:to- select- -which word doetnot Make sense-in the -sentente. Unde-rstanding Sentences H:_ Abstract Meaning_ presents_ sentences that are proverbs or _cliches, and -the patient- chooses thecorrect meaning of the sentence.All reSponses are multiple choice anal require theuser to select a number correSponding to the answer.

Product Name: VARP: Vocal Abuse Reduction Program Vendol=: College-Hill Press Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $165.00

VARP is a step-bpstep interVehtionprogram _for the clinical management of voice disorders resulting from vocal abuse or misuse.It can be used with adults or childre7%Color graphic illustrations and full explariations of :patient/family responsibilitiesand parLicipation in the program to encourage patient understanding _and involvement.The _program includeS data gathering, calculatiOn, and Storage capabilities, includinga chart of patient vocal abuse behavior with percentase increases or decreases Over time. Thisis designed to graphically demons:rate patient progress over time; and to relieve the clinician of chartingand record keeping duties. A demonstration disk is available for $11a00


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 287 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy Software

Product Name: Video Voice Vendor Micro Video Computer Apple Ile Manual Form: Printed Cost $2,995.00

Video Voice is a speech trainingsystem that displays a speaker's voicepattern graphically on a computer screen. The speaker's speechpattern can be compared to a modelpattern stored in memory.Alternate modes allow the student's patternto overlay or "gobble up" the teacher's model. Scorecards, adjustable performancegoalS, cartoon reinforcement, and IEPrecordkeeping are standard. Resultt and records may be printedout. Pitch; loudness, and rhythm displaysare included in the package. A color monitor and drives are required touse Video Voice. two disk

Product Name: VitiTitch Model 6095 Vendor: Kay Elemetrics Corporation COmputer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $2950.00

VitiTitch Model_6095 isa system that displays Variout qualities of speechvisually on an Apple II screen. Speech parameters thatcan be_viewed include pitch, intensity; glottalonset, V.O.T hard attack,vocal roughness; and timing.In therapy, a model vOice patterncan be stored on the screen and then displayed for comparison to a client'sspeech pattern. Visi-Pitch consists ofan eicternal electronic unit, an internal circuitCard, and special software. Data also be printed out on the screen can The Visi;Pitch software and 16K of storeddata occupy 64K on the Apple A portableversion of the visipitch G087DS weighs 24 lbs.,8" x 13" x 165', and costs $4495.00

288 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardwitre Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Visible Speech Aid Vendor: Software Research Corporation Computer: Apple II+, Apple Ile Manual Form: Printed Cost: $675.00

Visible Speech Aid is a _combination_ hardware andsoftware package that displays various tharatteristics of a person's voice as patternson a computer screen.The User speaks into a microphone lincluded) which is connected toa speech processing unit (an internal circuit card in the computer).The com_puter then displays the utteranceas one of various __patterns, depending on which characteristic needsto be analyzed.Pitch, amplitude and rhythmcan ty: displayed, and compared to target models.A game called Duck Walk isfeatured that encourages young users to sustain their phonation. Visible Speech Aid is intended as a teaching toolrather than an analytic tool: it provides quantification of speech characteristics. nc

Product Name: ViSUal Redognition Vendor: Brain-Link Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.00

Visual Recognition is a visual perceptual trainingprogram which provides practice selecting a target item from several visually_ similar items.The user selectS a stimulus (suchas letters, colors, shapes, letter combinations) from four items whichin some way match the target. Responses are Made with a joystick, and donot require use of the keyboard. Visual Recognition requires an external joystick for operation;contact manufacturer for details.

3 5

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 289 Chapter 11. Education, Training, and TherapySoftware

Product Name: Visual/Reading Drills Vendor: Sunset Software CoMputer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $79.95

Visual/Reading Drill:is a _series of perceptual and re-:ding:tasks for words in 20 separate categories. Task titles include Matrix Match,T=ScOpe 'qper, Stars, Baker's Dozen, Picnic, and Maze Printer.Task parameters are user-wecifiable dndclient performance is recorded by piogram. Input to computer is operated from the keyboard.

Product Name: Visuospatial Skills Vendor: Psychological Software Services, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $300.00

Visuospatial Skills is A series of six visualspatial training programs. Maze LII records timeand errors for user to maneuver_through a floor plan as rapidlyas possible without hitting the walls. Ctibe-in-the-Box LII records time intervals foruser to keep a cursor in a randomly jumping frame. Line Orientation 1,11 displaysan array of lines and aSkS the USer to rotatea single line on the right of the screen to matcha randomly selected item in the array, Matching either visually or from memory. Fine Motorasks user to maneuver thecursor along a track on the Screen at a fast but steady pace (cursor_ willditappear briefly if user proceeds too quickly); prOgrani records time and number of restarts.Visnal PerceptiOn (Closure and Integrationof Parts) records success at recognizinga shape from visual presentation througha vertical slit sweeping across the screen, exposing onlya portion at a time._ Paddle Ball asks user to intercept a ball at the bottom of screen withgame paddle to keep it in play. Programs require use of paddlesor joystick; contact triaritifattiirer for details;

290 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware3'16 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: VOice Eng liSh Language Development Vendor: Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems Computer: Apple lle Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00

Voice English Language Development uses voice input and voice outputto improve language Skills;Words, phrases and sentences are presented in sequential leSsOnS.During training the Student repeats the stimulus item which is presented graphically and_ is spoken bythe speech synthesizer.After trAining, each item is presented again. _If the studeat doesnot respond correctly, the item is spoken by the speech synthesizer.The Student then gets two more opportunities to provide the correct language structure. Voice Englith Language Development requires an Apple Ile, and willnot work with the Apple IIc. The program includes the software and a Sony headset/microphone. The Echo(II or +) speech synthesizer and Introvoice input module muest be purchased separately.

Product Name: Voice Math Vendor: Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems Computer: Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00

Voice Math uses voice input and voice output _to improve math skills.Math skills covered include numbers, time; dates and shapes. During trainingitemsare presented bcith On the screen and by the speech synthesizer; The student repeats thatitem to train the voice recognitibn unit in the way that student says _it.After training, items are presented on the screen and the child responds verbally.If the student is_incorrect, the correct response is spoken by thespeech synthesizer; The student then gets two more opportunitiesto answer. Voice Math requires_ an Apple He, and will not work_with the Apple IIc.The program includes the software and a Sony headset/microphone. The Echo (IIor +) speech synthesizer and the Introvoice input module must be purchased separately.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 291 Chapter 11: Education, Training, andTherapy &oftware

Product Name: Voice Reading AbilityDrill Vendor: Chatterbox Voice LearningSystems Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $295.00

The Voice Reading Ability Drilluses voice input and Voice outputto improve reading skills. During training,_each word ispresented as an illustration, in printed speech synthesizer. The student form, and spoken by the the way that student reptatS the word to txain the voicerecognition component in says it.After training, each word is printedon the screen. _If the Student reads it aloud accurately, the illustrationis presented along witha tune. If not; the correct word is spoken by the speechsynthesizer. The student then Word. gets two more opportunities to read the The programincludes15disk sides, headSet/microphoneand complete docintentation. Approximately _800 wordsare organized into 4 levelS:120 short vowel words, 120_ short vowel/consonant blend words, 120 longvowel and vowel blend words, and program will not run on the Apple IIc. Echo II 200 sight words. The input incidule are not included. or Echo + speech synthesizer and Introvoice

Product Name: WALC LinguiDisks Vendor: LinguiSystems, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.00

This program puts theWorkbooks for Adil!' computer._The areas covered include: (wage and Cognition (WALC) onto the Apple language; general_ information, 4.. ization, problem solving, inconsistenciesof reading for rehension, answering yes andno questions, analogies; sentence completions,and OtherS. latic scoring_ is a part of the can be personalized for each client.The set II program. Data record disk. s one system disk, one utility disk, andone

292 Resource Book 3: ComputerSoftware and Hardware 3[)S Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Ways to Play Vendor: Words+, Inc: Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.00

Ways to _Play is a Software package containing several videogames and putties that require only single switch activation to play. The fourgames included on the basic disk are Bomber, Cram, Tic-Tac=Toe,_ arid Trader. AdditiOnal games currently availableare Hangman and Towers of Hanoi (extr4 Additional games are planned. An adapter for single switch input to the computer is provided with the package.

Product Name: Word Memory Programs Vendor Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $65.00 each

Word Memory Programs is a word recognition and visualmemory training program preserted in three steps. Step 1: Word Scan presentsa targ,et word in a sentence, followed by random word drills three words per line which scan left to right at 30-180 wordsper minute. The student must count each appearance of tht target word either by hitting space baror counting silently. Step 1 Word Flash presents the same target words in sentenctSas in Step 1 except that the target word is missing from the sentence; users must enter missing word by Selectingit from foils or typing it from memory, depending on difficulty level selectedStep 3: Follow-up reports on student success on hard and easy words, and stores performance data for lateruse. Word Memory Programs are available in two levels of difficulty,with choice of vocabulary options selected from basal reading seriesor manufacturer developed reading vocabularies. Contact manufacturer for details. 3 09

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 293 Chapter 11: Education, Training,and Therapy Software

Product Name: Word Recognition Vendor: Brain-Link Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $169.00

Word Recognition iS an auditorycomprehension program that providespractice at recognizing words spoken by a speech digitizer.The package consists of six programS,three each for word and color recognition, each of whichincrease in difficulty fromone to three word sequences. The user selects from graphicdrawings displayed on the vocalization of the target word. screen in response to computer The Word Recognition progranirequires dual disk drives anda Mountain Computer Supertalker SD200 speech digitizer (see entry).Input can be made via keyboard, joystick,or a Koala Pad.

Product Name: World of Counting Vendor Educomp Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $29.95

The World of Counting iSa Software package designedto_ teach baSic counting principles. Music and sound effectsare used tO teihforce positiveresponses. The World of Counting also automatically scores and recordsresponse times and allows the user to skipto any level in the program at any time. A final test is providedat the end. A color monitor is recommtndedWhen running The World of Counting.The World of Counting may be easily modifiedby anyone familiar with the ApplePilot programming language. Manufacturercan be contacted by mail.

294 Resource Rook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware3 Chapter 11: Education, Training, and Therapy Software

Product Name: Write Vendor: Computers to Help People, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Write is a prógram that displays up to twenty wordsOr phraSeS in large type on the screen, and the user is prompted to copy the v. -;d letter by letterat the top of the screen. Sentences build up at the bottom, The USer May also write words without copying, andnew words may be entered into the available list on=the=spot. SentenceS conStriictedmay then be printed or spoken through a voice synthesizer. Write also allows theuser to match letter by letter. Words may be spoken letter by letter, a word at a time,or a sentence at a time. Write features an automatic shift and audible feedback whena key is pressed.

Product Name: Writing to Read Vendor IBM Corporation Computer: IBM PC Jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $72500

Writing to Read is a tomputer-based instructionalsystem designed to develop kindergarten- first grade writing and reading skillS. The prograM uSesa digitized voice attachment card to introduce the individual:_phonemic sounds of the alphabet. USerSare presented with the computer as a tool to begin to use written language to represent spokenlanguage. Th.., progr m is multi-sensory, self-paced, and interactive. Writing requires an IBM PCir with 128KMernOty, dOuble=Sided disks and BASIC cartridge; and the PCjr Color Display_ PCir Speech Attachment is alsonecessary fOr voice output capabilities. Program also inclUdeS TeaCher's Manual which:explainsprogram, concepts, learning strategies, and use of program as part of an integrated curriculiiiii. Contactmanufacturer for details.

311 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 295 Chapter 12

Recreation Software

Thirs diapter includes programs whose primaryfunction is to prov4de recreation. If a program Iras a game format, butthe primary_ function is education and training, it will be listed in Chapter 11,but will also be found in index A; Products Listed By Fuñctiöñ under theRecreation listing. Related functions ih the cross reference indexesinclude Drawing (DR), Games (GA) and Education/Training/Therapy(ET). Appendix A includes an informationsummary dealing with other Software Resources.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 297 Chapter 12: Recreation Software


The following product entries appear in this chapter

Blazing Paddies 3-299 Creativity Tool Box 3-299 Dot & Draw 3-300 H3 Handicapped Wo.c! Gaines 3-300 Magic Music Teacher 3-301 Mom Training Games 3-301 PIC Man 3-302 Picture Perfect 3-302 Single Switch Game Library 3-303

The following producU from other chapters can al.o be used for Recreation:

Audio Braille Game Tutorial 3-191 Equalizer 144 Gibson Litht- Pen System 3-62 Graphics Magician 3r. 3-319 Graphics Magician Painter 3-319 14:2 Handicapped Arithmetic Flash Cards 3-224 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs 3-225 Paintbnish 3-324 Ute Much 3-38- LivtnaCenter III 1-69 Mast I-243 Micto lllUsttitot 13-328 Mind_Muter_ 3-39 Morse Code & Scanning Pnictite Prgirama 3-247 Phonies, Texu and Graphitx 3-252 PowerPad 3-64 Race the Clock 3-260 Super Shape Draw & Animate 3-337 Talking Wheelchair 3-340 Touch Window 3-65 ToyPA-2 1-33 Ways to Play 3-293

3 3

298 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 12: Recreation Software

Product Name: Blazing Paddles Vendor Baudville Computer Apple II family, Atari, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost $34.95$49.95

Blazing Paddles is a graphics program that allowscolor graPhies to be creatcd using_a variety of inPut devices. The user can paint with a variety of strokes, andadd geometric shapes and text. COlOr Mixing Makes possibleover 200 textured hues. A Zoom feature allowS pixel editing A window feature allows sectiOnS Of the sereento be moved or duplicated. A variety of shapes and text fontsare provided, and more are also available atextra cost. Compatible input devices include Koala Pad, AppleGraphics Tablet, Apple MOuse, Tech Sketch Light Per4 and ahy joystickor similar paddle port device.Contact the Mainifacturtr about printer compatibility. The Commodore 64 and Atari 800 versionscost $34.95. The Apple version iS Pficed at $49.95.

Product Name: Creativity Tool Box Vendor Titania PublicatiOns Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $44.95

Creativity Tool Box is a drawi.i,program which allows users to create instant graphics or people at the touch of a key. Other capabilities includewriting poetry or music, and drawing letters in 72 different types or sizes. Theprogram operates using a graphics pad type device. Contact manufacturer for further informationon requirements and features of this program.

3 1 4

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 299 Chapter 12: Recreation Software

Product Name: Dot & Draw VendOr: Titania Publications Computer Apple II family, Commodore 128, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95

Dot & Draw is a drawing program whichallows users to draw and play "follow the dots"with original pictures or the program's picture&Pictures can then be painted withup to 300 colors and patterns. Game can be playedat two levels of difficulty.

Product Name: H:1 Handicapped Word Games Vendor E David & Associates Computer: Commodore 64, TRS-80 Model III Manual Form: Printed Cost: $24.95

H:1 Handicapped Word Gamesis a variation of the gameS "hangman" and "scramble" made accessible to persons unable to accurately touchthe computer console key& In this version,both the unknown word and definitionare displayed, to practice both vocabulary and spelling skills. Vocabulary and definitions are user-specifiable.


300 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 12: Recreation Software

Product Name: Magic Music Teacher Vendor: Educational Software Review Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $69.95

Matit- Music Teather is music training program designedto teach basics of melody- and rhythm. The program includes- four -Suzuki-style acovies to teach :melody and rhythm_for users from five to adultThe Magic Music Teacher addresses skills ih auditory discrimination,sequencing, listening, hand-eye coordination; and elementarycomputer use. Options with the- prograin inclUde an Echoor Cricket speech_ synthesizer, a Koala Pad, Of adaptive switching devices (all extra). Contact mAnufActurdr fordetaiN.

Product Name: Motor Training Games Vendor: Washington Research Foundation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $15.00

MOtor Training Games are recreation/trainingprograms for the Apple family of computers. Motor Training Games are operated byone or:two motor movements, and are designed to acquaint disabled individUals With cOntrol switches ina comfortable; low-stress atmosRhere. Motor Training Games are also designed to aid therapists in evaluatingand refining the motor abilities of a particular user. Motor Training Games consistsof fourteen games appropriate for preschool through teen users; or higher, One or two mitroswitches muSt be substituted for,or wired in parallel with the Apple game buttons through the pme I/0 _port. An older Versiorof Motor Training Games that runs on either DOS 32 or 3.3 is available from Computers to Help People,Inc. (see address list).


Resource Bcvak 3: Computer Software and Hardware 301 Chapter 12: Recreation Software

Product Name: PIC Man Vendor: Developmental Equipment Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $5430

PIC Man is a Logo-based drawing_program activated by a Single switch.Commands are displayed at the bottom of thescreen in Blissymbols.Prograrns may range from simple choice selection to multiple choice Selection. one A switch interface and a single switchare required to operate PIC Man.

Product Name: Picture Perfect Vendor Methods & Solutions, Inc. Computerr. Apple II family. IBM PC family, IBM PC jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $39.99

Picture Perfect is _a drawing_prtlgram designedfOr children. Drawings_ can be created byfree= form drawing or by Selectingany of 100 pre-drawn pictintS, Which can be added intoexisting composition& The menu of options offeredthe user also includes the ability to select different types of renderinglline, shading, etc).Input to the progam can be via keyboard,joyStick, or mouse; but a joystick is required for draWing.Picture Perfect is equipped witha "challenge Upgrade option," which allows variousaspects of the program to be set for varying skill levels. These aspects can be adjusted independentof each other. A joystick is required touse Picture Perfect.


302 Rt source Ilook 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 12: Recreation Software

Product Name: Single Switch Game Library Vendor: Rushakoff, G.E. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: See below

Single Switch Game Library _is a set of games modified with the Florida Scanner (see separate ehtry in this book) so that they may be played with a single switch. The Library contains a single switch game menu so that the user may switch between games easily. Gamesare designed for ages 6 to l& Included are "Guess the Numbee ($5.00), "Hangman" ($10.00); "Magic Cards" ($5.00), "Fur Trader" ($10,00), "Samurai Sword" ($5.00), and "Swords & Sorcery" ($5.00), Please include $5.00 for disk and postage. A single switch plugged into the game port is required for operation.

3 I

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 303 Chapter 13

Personal Toolor Aid Software

This chapter contains software programs that are designed to be usedon a long term basis by an individual as a personal tool or prosthetic aid. This includes programs _which facilitate an individual's ability to communicate, write,_draw; control; and move about; Programs whose primary function is to facilitate the developement of writing or conversation skills are in az? Education and Training and Therapy chapter.Special word processor.s, Braille notebooks, Braille translators, environmental control systems, etc. will be found in this chapi.f.

Related functions in_the cross reference indexes include ConversationlInteraction(CI),Braille(BR),WordProcessing (WP) Environmental Control (EC), etc. Appendix A contains information summaries on avariety of topics includingSoftware Resources,Net.vorksIBulletin Boards1Databases, Newsletters and Publications, etc.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 305 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid &oftware

The following product entries The following products from other appear in this chapter chapters can also be used as a Personal Tool Or Ai& AARON_ 3-307 Appliance Genie 3-347 Gibirm Light_Pin System 3-62 Audio Scan 3-308 Governor 1335 Automatic Form Writer 3-308 Keynote 3-88 _ HEX 3-309 MagicSlete 3-239 _ Blisaymbolice Bliss Library 3-309 Response Optimixer 3-140 Blissymbolicc Blissboard 3-310 VersaBraille 3-111 Brai!le Translation Software 3-310 Viewscan Text System 3-100 Braille-Talk 3-311 e:ti-Word lirocessor 3-311 Ci le-Tilk 3-312 CHPI Apple Tool Kit 3-317 Classy Utterheads - Speak] 3-313 COMM-Pt* 3-313 CommuiriatOr 3-314 Cosnasunitite - First and &eiond Editions 3-314 Computerized Enabling SyStem 3.315 Control Without Keyboatts 3-315 Duidniry Braille TranslitOr 3-316 E-Z Pilot II Authoring Systent and Training Packase 3-316 Easy Programmer 3-317 Electronic 31 Day Calendar 3-317 Fast Access Scan Talker 3-318 File-Talk 3-318 Graphics Magician Jr. 3-319 Graphics Magician Painter 3-319 Handi-Writer Version 331 3-320 Hit Ijois 3-320 Illustrations 3-321 Illustrations 3-321 Jnywritcr 3422 Kid Talk- 3-122 Large Print Wiird Processor 3-323 Urgeiype 3-323 Lea 'Uttrie Piiiitbrush 3-324 Late TVket 3-324 LIVE 3-321_ Mac-Apple COriiiiiiiiiication A id 3-325 Magic Cymbill _3-326 Magnicomp 3-326 Message Maker 3,327 Micro Braille 3-327 Micsollluscritor 3-328 Morin 3-328 Multi4can 3-329_ MultiScriba 3-329 Peachy_ Writer Bold 3-330 Personal Money_Managemeitt 3-330 Picture Communication 3-331 Prompt-Writer 3-331 ProWORDS 3-332 Quick Talk 3-332 Rambeet 3-333 RIC Easy Talker 3-333 Say It 3-334 Sentence-Scan 3-334 Speak Up 3-335 Speak-A-Label 3-335 Speech Writer 3-336 Super Cranmer Graphics Package 3-336 Super Shape Draw & Animate 3-337 Talk II 3-337 Talker 3-338 Talking Aid 3-338 Talking BlissApple 3-339 Talking Sensible Speller 3-339 lking Transcend II 3-340 Talking Wheelchair 3-340 Taking WiSid lkiird 3-341 TWking Writer 3:341 13-342 Tete-Talk 3-142 Tertalk 3-143 Textwrfter 20 _ 3-343 Tomb_ &Spea4 3-344- TRAX FAX Talking ChtekbOok 1:344 TRAX PAX Talking File BO: 3-345 Type &Speak 3-341 Ultimate Banker_ 3,346 Ultimate File Cabinet 3-346 VERBal STAR 3-347 VIC-20 Scanner _3-347 Word Communication 3-348 Word-Talk 3-348 Powerhouae Computer Interface 3-349 3 0 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: AARON Vendor AESIR Software Engineering Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $350.00

AARON is a row/column scanning communication and writing program that anticipates the characters most likely to be selected by the user. Over time; AARON also automatically adjusts which letters are anticipated, based on the users's selections. AARON may storeup to five screens, of commonly-used phrases which may be programmed by the user. Scanning rate is user adjustable. A color monitor irequired to operate AARON.

Product Name: Appliance Genie Vendor Schneier Communication Unit Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $30.00

Appliance Genie is a pictographic ertvironmental control system. The program places graphic representations and werds for each of three electrical appliances on the computer screen._ The user selects the desired appliance by scanning_ with a single switch or by using the keybeard. The program turns on the selected appliance through an environmental control interface (not included). Both a single switch interface and an environmental control interface are required to operate the Appliance Genie, Contact the manufacturer about which interfaces are compatible.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 307 Chapter 13: Personal Twolor Aid Software

Product Name: Audio Scan Vendor: DevelopmentalEquipment Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: st9Q.5j

Audio Stan iscommunication program handicap& Words designed for individuals withboth physical and visual are spoken in set:pence, and theuser makes selections with a single The user's vocabulary isstored in a branched "tree"system. switch. A switch interface, Audio Scan. a single switch, and an Echo IIvoice synthesizer arerequired to operate

Product Name: AutomaticForm Writer Vendor: Maryland ComputerServices, Inc. Computer: Manual Form: Printed Cost: Contact manufacturer

Automatic Fain Writer isa Program designed torun on a computer with synthesized output_ The system vocallyproMpts the user so thattle speech fOrM that theuser will be dealing with must be can enter data into form& Eachtype of allows custOm printingformats to be created separately pfogrammed. Theprogram also on to a standard fOrm. so that the data that the Userenters can bP printed Contact the manufacturerfor information about what and what the price of thesystem will be. computer system the programcan run on,

3r 2

308 Resource Book 3: ComputerBoftware and Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: BEX Vendor: Raised Dot Computing Computer: Apple lIc, Apple He Manual Form: Audiotape, Braille/Tactile, Printed Cosft $400.00

BEX is a word processor for the Apple IIe and Ho thatcan create large _print, braille, or synthesized speech output.Large print can appear on the screen or compatible dot-matrix printers. BEX can translate standard print fileS tO grade 2 braille, andcan also back-translate grade 2 braille files to print.BEX's word processing functions include editing, reviewing, changing, page numbering, creating running heads, and setting margins and tabs.Three preview modes create an txact image of the printedor embossed page for visual and voice review. Cursor control allows for movement by character, word,Sentence, or paragraph, with or without speech output. BEX can be learned at three levels of complexity. BEX is_ strictly software (four diskS); hardware Must be 13urehased separately.BEX supports braille output to every braille embosser and deviceoil the market; many printers and speech synthesizers are compatible as well.Some interface devices may be required.Contact th,.. manufacturer for details.

Product Name: Blissymbolics: Bliss Library Vendor: MECC(Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed CoSt: $96.00

Bliss Library is a set of three diSketteS containing nearly 1500 Blissymbols. The symbolscan either be displayed on the screen or printed on a graphicS printer. Printed symbolscan be used for communization boards, Blissymbolics tL a for stories, or teaching, tools.The program requires a DOS for the ApPle of at least 33. This librarycan be useful to programmers or teachers developing instructional programs using Blissymbolics.

_323 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 309 Chapter 13: Personal Toolcr Aid Software

Product Name: BliSSymbolics: Blissboaid Veiulor MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost $44.00

This 13ackage_ _consists Of bothprinted and computerized i./-r-Sions switching :advice, game paddles of the Blissboard.Any Or Simple keyboard contactenters one Symbol at a time_ tocreate Sentenes. Blissboard offers the optiOnof 'displaying the word correspondingto each symbol. Rei.alts can be printed usinga graphics printer. For ages Preschool- Adult.

Product Name: Braille TranslationSoftware Vendor: Maryland Computer Services,Inc. Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $495.00

Braille Translation software iSa program designed to take entered on a computer; a _standard text file that has been convert it to grade 2 (contracted) braille, andprint it on a braille printer (not part of the packag4 Afeature iprovided for adding correctionsto the translation, and saving those corrections for futureuse. Contact the manufacturer forinformation about what supported. computers and what braille printersare

3 4

310 Rewurce Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Braille-Talk Vendor: Computer Aids CorporatiOn Computer Apple II family, IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $125.00 - $195.00

Braille-Talk is a Grade One Or Twci Braille translatorprogram with voice output.Braille-Talk allows standard text to be translated into Braille fOr emboSsitig. No prior knowledgeof text-to- Braille translation is necessary to operate Braille-Talk. Information displayedon the screen is simultaneously spoken as each key is type&Speech output may be momentarily silenced Or turned off entirely at any time. Braille-Talk supports a variety of Braille printersas well as most commercially available speech synthesiztrs.

Product Name: Cacti Word Processor Vendor Cacti Computer Services Computer Apple II family, Commodore, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost See below

Cacti Computer Services will write custom software for Apple, Commodoreor IBM computers if a handicapped person is unable to find appropriate software fora particular activity or purpose. One of the programs that has been written is a simple word processor which operates without the requirement of using.multiple keyS (e.g., Control P) forsome function& This word processor does all the simple activities (save, load, insert, delete, change) but does not do the fancier wocl processing functions like blockmoves. Everything is controlled with single key presses.

The Cacti Word Processor costs $25.00 for institutions, but is free to handicapped ndividualsi or with the purchase of their Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (seeseparate entry).


Resource llook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 311 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid Software

Product Name: Ca lc-Talk Vendor: Computer Aids Corporation Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $75.00

Ca Ic-Talk is a voice -outputprogram that changes the standard APplekeyboard into a 24 function calculator _With ten Memories. In addition to voice output, CaIc-Talk displays characters that are nearly an inch highfor Visually, impaired included are trigonometric, logarithms, users.Ali scientific functions are spoken. exponents, and roots. All entries, functions andanswers Ca lc-Talk supports most commerciallyavailable voice synthesizers.

Product Name: CHPI Apple Tool Kit Vendor Computers to Help People, Inc. COmputer: Apple H family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $15.00

The CHPI Apple :Tool Kit iS deSignedfor individuals who art blind, deaf Andblind, have difficulty operating a kgyboaid,or whO typd using a single tinger or headstick. TheTool Kit includes a word proCessingprosram with special features for the single fingeror headstick typist, a smart terminal prOgram, andoffers Braille and sradetwo Braille output to a Braille printer or paperless Brailler. Morse code outputis also provided, and may besent to an internal or external speaker, or headphones. Documentationis self-contained.

326 312 Rewurce Itocik 3 : CoMputer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Praduct Name: Classy Letterheads- Speak! Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer Apple 11 family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $35.00

Classy Letterheads- Speak! is a printing utility prograrn designed to add personalized large print (18 Point type size, 025"- 033') headers or footers to letterheads, memos, announcements, etc. Claggy Letterheads may also be used to generate forms. Theprogram is designed to be used in 20-column text on the ITIOhitor With Speech output, butmay be used without speech: Three TEX-TALK Fonts Disks with additional typefacesare available for use with Classy Letterheads. 64K and two disk drives are required,as well as a speech synthesizer if speech output is desired. Contact the manufacturer about compatibility of particular printersor speech synthesizers.

Product Name: Comm-Prog Vendor: Cacti Computer Services Computer: Apple II family, Commodore Manual Form: Printed Cost: See bek v

Comm-Prog_ is a communicatiOn prógram that allows theuser to communicate by selecting words and phrases from menus on the Screen. With Single keyStrokes. Theuser presses the first letter Of the_desired word; and a menu of nine wordsappears bh the screen. The user may either select one of thoSe words with a single keystrokeor press the initial letter again to call up the next list of words beginning with that letter: Provision is madeto type in words letter by letter whka are not in the programmeri VotabUlary. Comm-Prog costs i$25.00 for institutions, but is alsO shipped free withthe purchase of the Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (seeentry, Cacti Computer Services).


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 313 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid goftware

Product Name: Communicator Vendor: Prometheus Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.00

The Cbinmunicator is a single svitch teit editingprogram that accepts input froina microswitth or the "fire" buttonon a joystick.Selections are made froman array uting row/column scanning. The scannir,gsrid is layed out actordingto letter frequency of use, and the scanning rate is user adjustable.The Communicator maystore up to ten pages of text at time. The program automaticallyshutt off if not used for a offers an alarm signal. some time. The Comrivinicator also A microswitch must be wired inparallel to the "fire" button Ofa joystick for alternate switch operation. The joystick controlsscanning rate while the switch selectsletters.

Product Name: Communitree- First and Second Editions Vendor: Communitree Group Computer Apple II family, IBM PCfamily Manual Form: Printed Cost: $145.00- $295.00

CommuniTree- First and Second Editionsare intelligent metsage networks designedin a database format.Messages are placed where theywill be best seen by the CommuniTree users gainaccess to jhe central computer by calling receiver. seven level pattword protection from a remote location. A both sender and receiver. system and_priVate sbctions of thetree allow for privacy for CommuniTree may also actas a public ,as a private professional exchangebetween colleagues, oras both at the same time. CommuniTree allowt the disabled_user to work at home, contact remote around quickly and easily; locations, and move messages arid data A Hayes MictomodetriIIisrequired to remotely contact both Cothinunitree- First Edition is designed for the Apple II series CommuniTree editions. Second Edition isan expanded version that runs aud cbsts $145.00. Communitree - Edition has eXpanded on the IBM PC, and costs $295.00. The SeCOnd message capacity,allows uploading anddownloading of DOS filet, and supports most modems. COfitactmanufacturer for details.

314 Resource Wok 3: Computer Softwareand Hardare 328 Chapter 13: Pemonal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Computerized Enabling System Vendor: Computerized Enabling Systems Computer: Commodore 64 Manual Form: Electronic Cost: $1500.00 = 4400.00

The Computerized Enabling Sy Stem (CES) isa multiple function program with telephone and environmental control, wor processing, andcompUter programming capabilities. The CES will store several _hundred telephone numbers and control Over 200Separate remote locations if proper control modules are in place, The CES is flexible, allowing theuser to purchase only the functions desired. Additional functionsmay be added at a later time. All selections and control functionsmay be made with a single switch or a joystick.

Product Name: Control Without Keyboards Vendor: J. Jordan & Associates Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $299.00

Control Without Keyboards is a software package thatcan be used in conjunction with the PowerPad to create custom communication aids. An overlay withuser-defined symbols is laid an the PowerPact the desired voice or printed output for each definedarea of the PowerPad is then stored on the computer using_ the Control Without Keyboardsprogram. When the user presses a defined area of the PowerPad, a voice sythesizer speaks the desired word, phrAse,etc, A_ printer can provide output as well, The number ofcustom keyboards that can be created, stored, and recalled depends on the diskS used: One disk will hold 5templates.

Control Without _Keyboards requiresa PowerPad and an Echo II speech operation. A CWK Template Design Kit is available atno charge; return it to the manufaLturer with an order and the template defined will be shipped withthe software package. 329

Resource Wook 3: Compute.. oftware and Hare mare 315 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Duxbury Braille Translator Vendor, Duxbury Systems, Inc. CediPtiter Any CP/M Computer, Apple II family, IBM 3270, IBM PC family Manual Form: Braille/Tactile, Electronic, Printed Cost: $495.00 - $895.00

The Duxbury Braille TranslatOr ita text-to-Braille and Braille-to-text translation program as well as a word processor. This translator allowsa sighted person with no Knowledge of Braille to type and edit text; and format it into Braille. The DuxburyBraille Translator is capable of g_rade 1 and grade 2 Braille output in American; British,Spanish, and Arabic, and grade 1 Braille in four other languages.The system is compatible with hard and softcopy Braille output devices, and large print output devices. A neW MS-DOS Version of the Duxbury Braille'Translator can be uSed with Most word processing programs. A version is also available whichruns on the Versabraille II (see entry, Telesensory Systems).

Product Name: E-2 Pilot II Authoring System and Training Package Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost $79.95 - $219.95

E=Z PilOt AUthdring System_ is_a computer programming authoring SyStem fora basic programming language called PILOT. PILOT isa languagF similar in structure but Simpler than BASIC; designed for treating lessOnt and interactivetutorials over any subject. The Authoring SYstem provides capabilities for developing _lessonsor story programs with optional sound or graphics, when using an Echo IIor Cricket speech synthesizer arid graphics pad (contact manufacturer for detailt)._ The prograin_is_designedto utilize both large print and Speech output simultaneously. This system sells for $79.95and includes sample lessons, tutorial and authoring diskS, and technical handbook. E=Z _Pilot II Training Package isa separate introductory computer prOgramming training package, to train students toprogram_ in PILOT; and to construct simple prOgramsor write lessons; The package sells fOr $239.95 and includesa Lstudent manual, instructions and recomthendations for :lesson development,at wellas PILOT programdisks,technical instructions, and tutorial and samplelesson disks.

316 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware 330 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Easy Programmer Vendor: Grimaldi & James Computer Apple Ile Manual Form: Printed Cost: See below

Easy Programmer is a program that permitsan Apple computer to be_operated without touching the keyboard. The user can create a program in BASIC langnage. Theuser selects commands or characters from menus presented on the screen by Easy Programmer. Easy Programmeruses a special control panel consisting of five buttons: four move the cursor in four directions; the fifth enters the character selected. Esay Programmer requires the enhanced Apple He with 128K. Thecurrent version of Easy Frogrammer is in the public domain. The price of $2.00covers the cost of handling, copying the program on tO a diSk (person ordering must provide the disk), a manual for theprogram, and plans for constructing the control system.Construction of the control system is simple, and requires only the ability to solder.

Product Name: Electronic 31 Day Calendar Vendor Computer Users of America Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $15.00

The Electronic 31 Day Calendar is_ a voice output appointmentbook that stores up to five entries per day and entries up to 31 days ahead. New entriesmay be made at any time, and appointments may be looked up for a certain dayor for all days between certain dates. Each month is stored separately on disk andmay be loaded at any time. For the IBM version, an Echo PC is required.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 317 Chapter 13: Personal rool or Aid Software

Product Name: Fast Access Scan Talker Vendor: Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $100.00

Fast Access Scan Talker (FAST) isa program that alloWs an Apple II cotriputer to be usedas a scanning communication aid. FAST is_used inconjunction with another program by thesame manufacturer Speak Up.With 'Speak Up the user tan create, define,and store the pronounciation_ of words; with FAST, words andphases can be stored in 20 files of phrases each, and recalied by scanning selection. up to 40 scanning speeds. FAST has two scanning modes and 40 FAST requires an Echo IIor Cricket speech synthesizer and a single switch for operation.

Product Name: File-Talk Vendor: Computer Aids Corporation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.00

File:Talk is a voice output _databasemanagement pi-6gram Whieh allows creation of files, searches, sorts, and other database functioninstantaneously. RecordS can contain 250 fields, with 3K of information, andcan be sorted any time. _Other features includeon-screen arithmetic computations, auto _modem dialing, date and tithe custom letters, and lists. fields display; and printing of mailiag labels, A speech synthesizer is required for voiceoutput, and system is compatible with most printers; contact manufacturer for details.

318 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardWare Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Graphics Magician Jr. Vendor Polarware Computer Apple II family, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $19.95


Graphics Magician Jr. is a drawing program that isa basic version of the Graphics Magician Painter (see entry )The program allows the user to do freehand drawing, picture magnification, and automatic color fill. Requires no knowledge of programming.

Product Name: Graphics Magician Painter Vendor Polarware Computer Apple II family, Apple Macintosh, Atari, Commodore 64, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $24.95 - $49.95

Graphics Magician Painter is a design package which allows theuser to draw with computer graphic& The drawing program lets you draw freehand, using geometric shapes, in 3-p,from different perspectives, and with automatic color fills.Versions for the Apple and Macintosh include art animator which allows creation of animations witha shape editor, path editor, and choreographer. Use of the animator version requiressome knowledge of programming.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 319 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Handi-Writer Version 3.51 Vendor: HFB Enterprises Computer TRS-80 Color Manual For= Printed Cost: $16.95

Handi-Writer Version 3.51 isa comniunicatiOn program for the TRS-80- Color Computer.One or two users may operate _Handi-W:iterat the same time, uSing joysticksor five-button keypads, MeSsages constructed may be printedout on an optional printer. Handi-Writermay also be used to evaluate a user's math and language abilities.The manufactuter offers custom programming services to Handi-Writer purchasers forindividual tailoring of word lists and appliancenames.

Product Name: Hot Dots Vendor: Raised Dot Computing Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Electronic, Printed Cost: $30. 00

Hot Dots is a program for the IBM;PCthat allows the user to translate standardprint text files to grade two braille and to output the braille Megtd a variety of biaille printer& Hot dotscan also tranglate grade two braille filesto standard print text files.Hot dots includes a global search and replace feature (useful for changingtext and for adjusting braille translation) anda formatting feature (useful for switchingbetween braille and print page layouts). There isalso a speech interface compatible withmost popular IBM Speech syntheSizers. Hot Dots requireS 128K ofmemory and at least one disk drive. Contact the manufacturerfor information about the compatibility of HotDots with particular printersor speech synthesizers.


320 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Illustrations Vendor: Lorin Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $115.00

Illustration is a graphics dump program for the_Apple_ He andApPle He with 64K RAM-. The prograth allows the user to_ print out pictures -from thescreen to a raised dot tactile graphic representation. Any drawing_tool can be used (es; koala pad,power pad mouse) to create the picture&Once the pictures have been treated andare displayed on the: screen, Illustrations allows them to: be printed in raised dot form usingOne Of these braille printers:Perkins Cranther Modified_Brailler,_Ohtsuki BT5000,or the Personal_ Brailler (See spearate entries for these in Book 3, Chapter 6)._Two features in the :program designed toincrease usefulnetS include the ability to pick which panel will be printed, andthe ability to print borders (making it easier to fit panels together).

Product Name: Illustrations Vendor Speech Enterprises Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $115.00

IlluStratiOnS is a graphics program that allows creation of dot graphicsfor braille output The prosram can create tactile representations of objects using raised dot outlines.The program "shows" the user how to draw a figure th fitonto a brailled page, and can save and print one to six pictures per file. A braille printer Stieh as the Obtsuki Printer/Brailleror the Cranrner Modified Perkins Brailler is required for brAille Output; contact manufacturer for compatabilityof other braille printers. Illustrations is not speech compatible.PrOgram can also utilize optional Apple Mouse Paint Program, Koala or PowerPad for input; contact manufacturerfor details.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 321 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid Software IIIMINIMIN.1111

Product Name: Joywriter Vendor: Green Software Computer: Commodore 128, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $199.00

Joywriter is a wordprocessing prOgrattiWith various input and output option:Users can access all functions With -singleor double switches, joystick, or Lite Touch (seeseparate entry). Program is menu-driven and allOwsaccess to all standard keyboard functions si-iCh as shiftand caps lock with the matrix on screen.The program provides_ singlescreen scanning, with tWo windows showing; one presenting thescan matrix With alphabet and computer commands, presenting the last five lines of text being and the other viewing the entire document Written Separate command provide theoption of at once. Program provides_other word processingfunctions like move and copy blocks of tent, Search and replace,delete or other disk operations. Price includes right to tradeprogram in fOr Upgraded versions fora small fee.Prograrri it not copy-protected and users maycopy for their own personal use.Vet-Mons of Joywriter for the Apple and_IBM computers are infinal stages of development and should Contact manufacturer for inforMatiOn. be available shortly. copy is desired. System requires 64K of memory afida printer if hard

Product Name: Kid Talk Vendor: First Byte, Inc. Computer: Apple Macintosh, Atari ST family, Commodore Amiga Manual Form: Printed Cost: $49.95- $79.95

Kid Talk is a basic wordprocessor program for the Macintosh that _provides unlimited speech_ capabilities.The program speaks written input telct to sentence. Program is intended for on line either by letter, word or by from the menu. use by grade levels 1-6. Users control volume, rateand pitch Kid Talk provideS Male_or female voice outpuit through Smooth Talker software,also by First Byte (separate entry). Contactmanufacturer for details. Price varies by the Atari version is $49.95, the Amiga type of computer used: vertion is $59.95, and the Macintosh versionis $79.95.


322 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Namc Large Print Word Processor Vendor Bayman, Benjamin Computer Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $15.00

This program functions like an ordinary wordprocessor; except that as keys are _pressed the characters that appear on the screen are large and of highcontrast. The white characters on a black background are approximately 1" high, 3/4" wide, witha 314" space between the characters. The program is on a cartridge that plugs into the back of the Commodore64. The program becomes active as soon as the computer is turned on. If the user also hasia disk or tape drive, then theprogram can store text, or read from disk or tape.Conversely; the system can be used as a reading machine, convertingtext from disk or tape to large characters on the monitor screen, _under the control of iheuser. The developer proposes this as a low-cost system, requiring the computer (about S140.00), a printer (about $150.00), and the cartridge (about $aw for the hardware).Contact the developer for further details.

Product Name: Large Type Vendor: National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering Computer IBM PC family, TRS-80 Model I, TRS-80 Model III, TRS-80 Model IV Manual Form: Printed Cort: $19.95 - $29.95

arge Type is a large print word processing program for Tandy and IBM computer& Large Fype displays large characters on the computerscreen at all times, and text may be printed out n standard size or large type.As a_ 32-character lineis entered, it may be edited and .eformatted before it is p:inted. Large Type is not stored in the computer'smemory, and does iot limit the amount of text that may be generated.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 323 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush Vendor: Dunamis; Inc. Computer: Atari 400, Atari 800, Commodore64 Manual Form: Printed Cost $29.95

Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush isa graphicS program thatuses the PowerPad (See entry).The program allows user ta create _multiEcalored electrahicfinger painting, that can be modified. Drawings can be stored ta disk forlater retrieval and display.Versions of this programarc available for the Commodore 64, theAtari 400, and the Atari 800.

Product Name: Lister Talker Vendor: CiderWare Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Bralle/Taetile, Electronic, Printed Cost: $129.00

Lister Talker is a voice output databaseprograin_ for the Apple II family.The number Of records and the size of the fields ineach record is limited by diskspace and computer memory. Printed output may be arrangedto suit the user's specificatiOns. output for all on-screen functions. Lister Talker offers voice The Echo Il voice synthesizer is requiredto operate Lister Talker.

3 38

324 Resource }Wok 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: LoVE Vendor: Finally Software Computer: Apple Macintosh Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $149.95

LoVE (Low Vision Editor) is a word processingprogram for the Macintosh with both large type and speech output Text can be read back,saying each letter, Word, sentence, or the entire document_ _OptionS are controlled throughpull-down menus or command keys.The user controls speed and pitch. Speech synthesis IS a standard availablefeature of the Macintosh; no ditternal synthesizer is required. Written characterscan be expanded to 2 inches on the regular Macintosh screen. With purchase of an optional adapter that is attachedto the Macintosh, characters can be enlarged upto 12 inches on a 23 inch TVor monitor. The adapter costs $899.00. Monitors and wall projection systems are also available.

Product Name: Mac-Apple Communication Aid Vendor: Computers to Help People, Inc. Computer Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $45.00

The Mac=Apple COmmunicatiOn Aid isa_ communication & writing progmm that may be controlled by switches Or ah eXpanded, mini;or standard keyboard.The user may perform simple text editing and calculation functionS With Mac-Apple,and compile stored words, phrases and sentences and-select them later. Mac-Apple automaticallyplaceS two spaces at the end of a sehtehte, and capitaliies the next word entered.Also included in MaC-Aplle are several programs that May be Used to train users in switch input; and word andnumber i !cognition. This program runs on the Apple II computer, but doesnot function with Macintosh computer, despite the name.

: 3:19

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 325 Chapter 13: Personal rool or Aid Software

Product Name: Magic Cymbals Vendoe: Schneier Communication Unit Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $125.00

Magic Cymbals is_ a prograM déSignéd foruse as aI/vocal"communication syStem for non- speaking pre- or non-reading individUalt.Semantically organized pictographic symbolsappPear on the screen and are selected by single switch scanning.Single Word utterances or whole phrases constructed from the syinbolsare spoken by a speech synthesizer (not inclUded). This program is user alterable. An Echo H or Cricket speech synthesizercompatible with the coMputer used is required.The Apple He version recluiresan extended 80-column card.

Product Name: Magnicomp Vendor: Elayo Americas, Inc. Computer Apple H family Manual Form Audiotape, Printed Cost: $295.00

Magnicomp is_ a program that magnifiesthe tekt on the screen of an Apple IIcomputer. Magnicomp allows the user torun_any program on the COmptiter with a choice oftext magnification of two tithes or four times normalsize. Malnicov Occupies one disk drive and 34K of memory while in use.Magnicomp will not operate with commercialsoftware; it will only magnify what the user enters into thecoMputer. Magnicomp comes with a master disk with reference manual,a backup disk, and an instructional audio cassette.


326 Resource Book 3: Computer &OftWare and HirdWare Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Message Maker Vendor: Communication Enhancement Clinic Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00 - $75.00

Message Maker is a communication program designedto _communicate words and phrases with a minimum of keystrokes or switch closures.Message Maker maintains an alphabetical list of words and stores phrases alphabetically as well. Pre-defined wmds, phrases,and directly entered text may be mixed in any combination to form messages. Theprogram allows up to 20,000 total characters of words or phrases to be stored.Messages of up to 200 characters each may be printed, spoken and/or saved. Input is made to Message Maker via direct selection from theApple keyboard or with a single switch; the keyboard version is $50.00 and the switch versionis $75.00. Output may be printed, or spoken if used with the Echo, Cricket,or external speech synthesizers.

Product Name: Micro Braille Vendor Micro Engineering Computer: IBM PC family, IBM PC jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $125.00

Micro Braille is a braille word processin,gprogram for the IBM-PC for sighted transcribers. Used with the right hardware (see below), Micro Braille will display25 lines (a full page) of braille characters on the comnuter's monitor.Input to the program is typed and the screen displays braille dots corresponding_ to the letters.Besides usual word processing features (including page numbering and running heads), braillepage breaks (a line of ) and braille guide dots can be added. Thou_gh it does not require a color monitor, Micro Braille does requirea color graphics adapter board. A standard 200 line monochrome monitor will work;an IBM 360 line monitor will not work. Micro Braille will interface with various braille embossers acceptingserial input. Contact manufacturer for details. 341

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 327 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Micro Illustrator Vendor: Dunamis, Inc. Computer: Apple H family, Atari 400, Atari 800 Manual Form: Printed Cost:$49.95

Micro Illustrator is a graphics piogiarn thatoperates by simple touch commands.Users can create; revise, adapt,and combine pictures, designs, diagrams,colors, and texture& Designscan also be mixed, expandedor reduced. All drawings can be stored to disk and retrieved display or modification. for later Requires use of PowerPad (see entry); contactDunamis for details.

Product Name: Morser Vendor: Rehab Technology, Inc. Computer: TRS-80 Color Manual Form: Printed


Morser is a program which allows the TRS4i0Color Computer to be used as a wordprocessor with single switch morse code input Theword processing functions include the abilityto enter text_clear the screen, erase single characters, and insertcharacters. The speed of Morse code input can be adjusted by theuser, and changed at any time. In addition to the program and thecomputer, the user will need a single switch, a computer monitor (or TV set), a printer if desired, and variousconnectors (all extra).

342 328 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software 111=1111TMEW

Product Name: Multi-Scan Vendor: Words+, Inc Computer: Apple II family, IBM PC fainily, IBM PC Jr Manual Form: Printed Cost: $80.00

Mülti-Sciii is a program that allows thescreen of the computer to be used as a Seanning commUnitation aid.The instructor designs a grid of communication_ symbolson a sheet of transparent plastic and places it on the computer screen.Through a system of menus, the instructor selects the number of scanning pOsitions, the scanningspeed, and; if desired, the word or phrase that will be spoken by a speech synthesizer whena particular selection is made. A lighted area on thd Screen moves through the positionson the grid, and the user makes the selection by activating a single switch. A Personal Speech System (see entry, Votrax) and thenecessary adaptive hardware is required to usd Multi- can with voice output.

Product Name: MultiScribe Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $59.95

MultiScribe is a word processing prograin that allows the Apple Ileand IIc program to function similarly to Macintosh MacWrite. The program alloWS enlargedprint capabilities of: various Sizek tip to 3" in height, selected by optionsin menus for_type font, character size and style: Text can be entered With the keyboard or _mouse, and theprogram menus ap_p_roximate a 40-Ctilumn size. Other word proteSSing Capabilities include fourprint modes; full text editing options, and ProDOS file handling functions. MUltiScribe_ is_ not _speech-compatible, butithas operated successfully with_ the_ AdaptiVe Firtri*ard Card and Unicorn Keyboard (see:other entries). Theprogram was developed primarily for creating large print heading rather than specifically suited forpersons with disability, extended use requires frequent saving to disk of large printdocuments longer than 2-3 pages. Contact manufacturer for details. 343

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 329 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Peachy Writer Bold Vendor: Cross Educational Software Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $24.95

Peachy Writer Bold is a line-orientedtext editor deSigned Specifically for visually impaired users. Letters on screen are large;_double sized, and 20 letters fiton a single line. The lines are numbered, and the screen can display up to 12 linesat once Input to the program is through the computer keyboard. Full editing functions are provided for the PeachyWriter Bold program.

Product Name: Personal Money Management Vendor: Computer Users of America Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $20.00

Personal Money Management is One of seVenSoftware packages that utilize synthesized speech available from Computer Users of Anierica.It is a tWo-fold program w.hat handles income and expense& Income is entered and can be sorted by iteni nameor month; totalled for an item or a month. A report can be_ printed and entriesexamine& The sanie options are available when expenses are entered. When the program first runs, theuser is prompted as to the last expense number that was used. The Echo PC speech synthesizer is required.

34 4

330 Resmirce Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Picture Communication Vendor: ComputAbility Corporation Computer Apple II family Manual Forin: Electronic, Printed Cost: $115.00 - $20(100

Picture Communication is a communicationprogram that presents vocabulary on_ the screen sixteen pictures at a time. The user may choose from pictogramvocabulary set& Selections are made via row-and-column scanning.Selections are displayed at the bottom of the Screen and spoken through an Echo II speech synthesizer. Picture Communication is available with child and adultvocabulary levels, and accepting single, dual, or joystick input A speech synthesizer is required.


Product Name: Prompt-Writer Vendor: Syn-Talk Systems and Services Computer IBM PC AT, IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $770.00 - $1500.00

Prompt-Writer is a_hardware and software package for wordprocessing with voice output.It consists of a software program,a KeyTronics 5151 keyboard, and a Votrax speech synthesizer. Options in Prompt-Writer's programare_ always given in the form Of Menus, and actions such as cursor movement are executed with function keys (the KeyTronic board has40 of them) lath than CONTROL-key combination& The cursor is movedaround the text by the paragraph, tI word; or the punctuation_mark. Theprogram has only one read-back key, and it depends upon which mode the nser is=in what is_read back when the keyiS presSed. Tekt can be read with or without punctuation.Pressing an "identify" key causes function keysto speak their function rather than f.:cute it "Audible Windowing" allows theuser to move back and forth between up to four files at once. Custom configuration to any printer_is includedin the Prompt-Writer software price; $770 includes the software and configuration servicesonly, and $1500.00 indudeS the entire hardware, software, and configuration package.

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 331 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid &oftware

Product Name: ProWORDS Vendor. MicroTalk Software Computee: Apple Ik, Apple Ile Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost $195.00

ProWORDS iS a talking wordprocessing program for the Apple automatic forMatting of Irs.ProWORDS_ does text, or the user can make use_ ofsuch formatting capiabilitieSas changing _martins, pagination,paragraph indentation, mtiltipleline spacing, etc; reads screen content aloud whenthe cursor is moved The program word, or letter. _Capital letters over text.Text tan be spoken by line, are spoken in a rai-sed pitch; and carriagereturns are signalled by a tont. PrOWORDS offers the option ofhaving each keystroke Spokenas it is entered. 128K of RAM is reqUiredto run ProWORDS. A Cricket speech Apple Hc, an Echo Hor Echo+ for the He. ProWORDS is synthesizer is required for the is not copy protected. compatible with most printers, and

Product Name: Quick Talk Vendor: Schneier CommunicationUnit Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $45.00

Quick Talk isa protrath that allows an Apple communication aid.1 he user (or an assistant) computer to function as an electronic keyboard, and associates them types in the desired spoken phraseson the with short letter or nurithercodes.Thereafter when a code is entered on the keyboard,a speech synthesizer will Speak the phrase Quick Talk can also be uted assigned to that code. modem. to auto-dial phone numbers, if thecomputer used is equipped fora A speech synthesizer compatiblewith the computer used is requiredin order to operate Quick Talk. The computer must beequipped for a modem in orderto use the auto-dial function.


332 Resource llook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tootor Aid Software

Product Name: Rapsheet Vendor BAUD Computer Apple II family, IBM PCfamily Manual FOrm: Electronic, Printed Cost: $7.50 or $35.00

Rapsheet is a spreadsheet program designed to work with popular speechsynthesizers Which is being made availableas "shareware". It is described AS a Simple but hold up to 132 labels, functional program_ It can constants, and formulas in its six-column by22-row matrix. Special voice features allow columns to be readvertically as well as reviewing individualrows or cell contents. The Apple version of Rapsheetrequires an Kr-tolurnn Apple Ileor IIc and the Echci =I= or Cricket speech synthesizer. The 1BM-PCversion works With Screen,Talkand the PC Talking Program with a speech synthesiier._Rapsheet is available from BAUD, group for talking computer a nation-wide user's users for $7,50 The program is also available_fromthe cleVeioperior $35.00, which includesa print copy of the manual anda 90-minute audio cassette tutorial. For this option, contact BillGrimm, P.O.Box 10367, Fort Wayne, IN address/phone will change in 46852. The BAUD new location; October, 19d6; If unable to contact 'BAUD,contact Bill Grimm for

Product NEme: RIC Easy Talker Vendor Rehabilitation Institute ofChicago Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $135.00

RIC Easy Talker isan auditory scanning prOgräth designed for with independently expressing individuals who have difficulty _basic nee s, feelings; and/or ideasvia oral _s_peech or Written communication.The RIC Easy Talker featuresan Auditory scanning alphanumefic display.Speed of the cursoris uker-adjustable. matrix Memory storage and retrieval capabilitieS. The user tan controlword/phrase/sentence There is quick retrieval of "emergency"or frequently used messages. A utilityprogram allows keyboard entry of vocabulary/messages Speech outgut and_ printoutput are available. into memory. written communication. The program includes editingcapabilities for A Switch interface and VotraxPersonal Speech System is neededfor operation of prograii (extra). Optional printer isrecommended for written Output 347

Resource Book 3 CompAer Softwareand Hardware 333 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

PrOduct Name: Say It Vendor Schneier Communication Unit Computer Apple II family Manual Fain: Printed Cost: $40.00

Say It is a program that allows an Apple computer to be used as a scanning communication aid. The program presents menus on the screen and reads off the options (words or phrases) in a low tone of voice. When the desired phrase is reached, the user activates a single switch, and a speech synthesizer speaks the phrase in a louder tone of voice ("classroom" 1eve4 Ability to use thc keyboard is required in order to build the lexicon of phrases. Output from Say It may be printed as well, if the computer is so equipped. To operate Say It, a speech synthesizer compatible with the computer used is required.

Product Name: Sentence-Scan Vendor: Computers to Help People, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $25.00

Sentence-Scan is a communication program that accepts input from the computer keyboard, ora single or dual switch. A teacher or parent may enter up to twenty lists of words whichmay be selected by the user. Word lists are 'displayed in large type on the screen. The user selects the desired words from these lists. Selections may be printed or spoken throup a voice synthesizer. Scanning delay; audible feedback when a selection is made, automatic shift, and four selection modes are provided.


334 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Speak Up Vendor: Laureate Learning Systems, Inc. COM puten Apple II family Manual Form: Pfinted Cost: $95.00

Speak Up isa program that allows an Apple II computer to be used as ai scanning cemmunicatioft aid. Words and phrases and their pronour.ciationscan be designated and stored in a "dictionary" for later use. The dictionary comes with 349 pre-programmed words. Words and phases Can then oe recalled on the screen and spoken with a speech synthesizer. An Edio II Or Cricket speech synthesizer is required to use Speak Up. :An additional dictionary of 1500 words is available (extra, requires one additional disk driv4 Speak Upcan be used in conjunction with Fast Access Scan Talker.

Product Name: Speak-A-Label Vendor: Computer Users of America Computer: IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $20.00

Speak-A=Label is a voice output mailing list that stores 500 names and addresses. More thanone file name may be used, allowing_ for multiple, separate lists.Names and addresses in the lists may be edited, deleted, sorted, and printed in one of four ways. Addresses may be printed on an interactiVe "yeerno" basis; a specific number of labels for a particularname may be printed; The entire list may be printed, or a report may be printed in alphabetic order. For the IBM version, an Echo PC is required.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 335 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid Software

Prnduct Name: Speech Writer Vendor: Computer Users ofAmerica ComPriter IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost $75.00

Speech Writer is a- talkingword processing_program Files can be chained in _printing, that Lllows 43 single spacedpages per file. offerS word wrap; line so clocument length is not practicallylimited. Speech Writer numbers,spoken punctuation marks,numbers, and special symbols, full editing features. Threecommand help screenS and the user may know if the are provided. With the voice -outputfeatur caps lock is on or off, read backa current line or a series of sequential lines, read the current word,or spell a line. The space bar the right margin produces creates one audio tone and reaching by Speech Writer. a different tone. Capital letters andblank spaces are also indicated An Echo PC is requiredto run Speech Writer. The Assembler language. prograin is available in bothBasic and

Product Name: Super CranmerGraphics Package Vendor Raised Dot Computing Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $200.00

The Super Cranmer GraphicsPackage software is a "screen dot drawing ofany image drawn on the Apple dump" program which willcreate a becomes a dot on the braillepaper. screen; each lit pixel on the Applescreen Graphic material tail firstbe drawn on the Power Pad Microillustrator, When this file and saved as a fileon diSk uthig is loaded into the Apple,the screen imagecan be sent to the Cranmer Modified PerkinsBrailler using the SuperCranmer Graphics Package. software/hardware combinationallows the creation of graphic This impaired in less time and withgreater ease. materials for the visually

350 336 Resource Rook 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Super Shape Draw & Animate Vendor: Titania Publcations Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $34.95

Super Shape Draw & Animate is a drawing program that utilizesa vector shape-creating utility to provide horizontal, vertical, and diagonal plotting moves; Users can define number of shapes in a table, view and edit them, or animate shapes with specialstop action sequences. Drawings can be saved to disk and retrieved for later viewing or modification.

Product Name: Talk H Vendor: Rushakoff, G.E. Computer: Apple H family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $90.00

Talk II is a speech output communicationprogram for the Apple II series. Talk H stores up to 4,000 words and phrases and 400 sentences. All words, phrases andsentences may be changed at any time by the user. Messages may be spoken through a speech synthesizeror printed on an optional printer. All messages may also be storedon disk for future reference. One disk drive and a speech synthesizer (Echo H, see entry) and/or printerare required.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 337 Chapter 13: Perkonal Toolor Aid Software

Product Name: Talker Vendor: Finally Software Computer:, Apple Macintosh, Commodore Amiga Manual Form: Printed Cost: $69.96

Talker iS a word processor that reads text aloud as Iheuser types, by the word, letter,or sentence. The program can also be usedto read back the entire documentor selected portions. All versions work With_ the computer'smouse; which can be uSed to highlight the text Speech can be adjusted by volume, to be read. pitch, tone, and speakingrate. Users tah Choose a maleor feinale voice;The Macintosh and Atari ST versidnsincorporate Smooth Talker, a software speech Synthesizer by First Byte.The Amiga version takeS advantageof the Amiga's built=in speech synthesis.. Speech characteristicsof a particular file remain in memorywhen the file is stored, so they are automaticallySet for use the next time the file is called. Talker cari be operated by pull-downmenus, typed cornmands, or function keys. Theprogram includes a dictionary feature thatallows users tei teach the program pronounced words. Talker unusual or differently can read standard ASCII files from other word processingprograms.

Product Name: Talking Aid Vendor: Microcomputer Systems for the Handicapped Computer: Atari, Commodore 64 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $20.00

Talking a communication _program designed to increaseefficiency of screen-based interaction.The system displaysuser pre-programmed phraSeS or sentenceson_ the computer screen and a stanaing method is used to select words.Word stored are Organized into categories and a category_ is maned tiy selectinga label (such as Orases, places, people, ABC's) and displaying words within;System includes recommendations for pin-eases fOr individual needs. customizing the words and System requires two switchesor controllers and a T.V. or monitor.


338 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Ald Software

Product Name: Talking Bliss Apple Vendor: Trace Center Computer: Apple II+, Apple He Manual Form: Printed Cost: $37.10

The Talking Bliss Apple _program is a Blissymbol communicationprogram for the Apple II family of computer& Input for the Talking BlissApplemay come from a variety of sources, including a single switch, the standard keyboard,or many communication aids. The program contains a library of 1,400 Blissymbol& and additional symbolsmay be added to suit the user's individual need& At the user's command, the Talking BlissApplemay display, speak, and/or print symbol messages and corresponding Englishmessages. One diskdrive and a monitor are require& Votrax speech synthesizer, printer, and serial/parallel board for communication with other devicesare optional. _The source code for the Talking BlissApple is available on five disks.Interested parties must have the FORTH 1.7 language in order to mcdify the source code.

Product Name: Talking Sensible Speller Vendor: Computer Aids Corporation Computer: Apple II Lmily Manual Form: Audiotape, P. inted Cost: $150.00

n enhanced zrsion of the spell checker Sensible Speller, this program allows visually impaired to _L.-.1rtext _spelled; : Ifeatures an 80,000 word- dictionary from _Random House. inelitne,a tally of vows in_ the document, a listing _of all words, a listing of -unique qud a liotnz of =spelled wcrds (these may be sent toa_ printer). Misspellecriwords may . -ced text individually or ,f1.)bally, and the program adds new words to the dictionary at rum WorkS With WORD-TALK files. An Echo II or Cricket speech synthesizer is rt to!.)eitc the system.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 339 Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Talking Transcend II Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $195.00

Talking Transcend II is a voiceoutput convers:' program. n industry standard telecommunications This telecommunicationsprogran iy rricnu operated and runs froman intelligent terminal. Features include: uplea(4 :,1 flies, keyboard and log-on verify file trar;fers, capture and printerbuffc: macros, An Echo II or Echo+ is required for%/eke r.:Iti;

Product Name: Talking Wheelchair Vendor: Computers to Help People, Inc. Computer: Atari 400, Atari 800 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $15.00

TalkinWheelchair is_a portable cominunicationsystem with voice output based on the Atari 400 or : h computer and designed to_ bemounted into a Wheelchair foruse. Two programs are provided. SPEAK2..10E containsten sets of ten pre=prograinmed sentences; each ofwhich the user can retrieve with a two-nuMber code. The secondprograth, WORDSJOE, offers a mehu from which the user _may selectany of 35 Screens of words, each screen organizedalphabetically or by _topicAll selections are made with single keystrokesand do not require the use of the RETUR/4 key. Once a message is composed,it can be spoken through a speech synthesizer. The two prograMs mentioned aboveare available from the manufacturer listed,as is a complete instruction manual on putting thesystem together. The person putting thesystem together must purchase the parts and assemble them; thewheelchair laptray must be custom made forthe user. Computers to Help People, Inc estimatesthe total cost of the project at about WOG.

340 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

PrOduct Name: Talking Word Board Vendor: Adaptive Peripherals, Inc. Computer Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic Cost: Complimentary

The Talking Word Board allows the Unicorn Keyboardto be converted into a "talking" communication board. Tne Talking Word Board isnon-transparent This means it may only be used by itself,_ hOt With Other piograms.The text being spoken will appearon the monitor screen, but it is recommended that the monitor be turned off when theprogram is being used to facilitate eye contact between theuser and the_ communication partner. Up to nine different levels may be defined for any one customized file. The Talking Word Board is included withnew Unicorn Keyboards. It may also be copied from anyone who has the pro3ram, or Adaptive Peripherals will senda complimentary set (with Talking Unicorn and Talking Scanner)upon request.

PrOduct Narn: Talking Writer Vendor: Cross Educational Software Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $49.95

Talking Writer is a voice output word processingprogram.Letters or whole words may be spoken as they appear on the screen. Punctuation andbackspaces are also spoken. Textmay be printed out in characters double the normal size.Text can be entered, inserted, deleted, and edited. The Echo + is required torun Talking Writer.


-111 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 341 Chapter L3: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: Tally-Talk Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form Printed Cost: $175.00- $200.00

Tally-Talk is a simplified version of a spreadsheetprogram compatible with speech andlbr braille_ output The program allows incorporation offormulas, and can be used for personalor small business management tomanage accounts receivable and payable, billingi inventory, and other bills or calculations. Tally-Talk is :compatible with the Ohtsuki BT-5000and Cranther Modified Braille Embosser (see separate entries) for optional braille output For speechoutput, an Echo II, Echo+, or Cricket speech synthesizer is required; contact manufacturerfor details.

Product Name: Tele-Talk Vendor: Computer Users of America Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost $15.00

Tele-Talk is a phone and address fileprogram with voice autput capabilities. Tele-Talk holds up to 300 names, aiidresses, phone numbers andmemos and information may be looked up by whole name or part of a name. A series of persons having thesame last name may also be called up. The screen display may then be spoken word by word,or spelled. Addresses may be added or deleted at a..y time. An Echo PC speech synthesizer is required.

35 6

342 Resource likook 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware Chapter 13:P, rsonal -"';'91 or Aid Software /Ca

Product Name: Textz,,lk Vendor: Assembly Corner Computer: Apple Macintosh Manual Form: Printed Cost $150.00

Textalk is a Macintosh word processor for the visually impaired that features three sizes of magnified type and speech generation. With Textalk, the user can insauct the program to read any part of the text aloud, in a voice adjustable in both speed and pitch. The program is also capable of reading text as it is typed. Textalk features two windows and a memory-resident desk accessory that enables the user to open a magnifying window in another application.

Preiduct Name: Texm.,ier 2.0 Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer. Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $75.00

Tcx,Writer 2.0 _is a ward -processor program.for the Apr.:IIe or Hc_computers. The progam incluck-si i,nge of editing functions, printing _option:, text and disk management ociions and can be !tied_ without the speech option if needed._ The system provides voicing for ker:trokes, !ab an,' punctuation marks, and built-in speech controls, The Texlwr*,i..:. requir:s an Echo II; :Echo+, or_ Cricket eech_synthesizer for operatiom The progrriri is..o! (on, protected and is compatible with Disk Quik (Contact manufacturer for dOtail4


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 343 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid Software

Product Name: Touch & Speak Vendor: CommunicationEnhancement Clinic Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $75.00

Touch & Speak is a communication program designedfor keyboard, expandedkeyboa:d, or membrane keyboardusers.Pressing a key ora desired location on the keyboard speaks a stored wordor phrase. Up_ te 128 words immediately Touch & Speak or phiasf. may be stored on each of fivelevels. may alSo be used with any symbolsystem that the user may require. Input is made to Touch &Speak via the Apple keyboard spoken through a voice synthesizer. or an expanded keyboard. Output is

Product Name: TRAX PAXTAking Checkbook Vendor: SOFT-X COmPuter: Apple II family Manual Form: Audiotape,Braille/Tactile, Printed Cost: $60.00

TRAX_ FAX Checkbook is designed At a talkingmeans of maintaining Checking_or chal-ge accounts including three and retrieval _of account information, and ddressing_ the enVeldpe&There:are two ways proVided check printing, the Search/Edit function to search through account Or the Search/List function. Codestan be Used to Indicate allitc1s of A -certain ty;)e; There isa "macro" Option that allow& theuser to SAVe keystrokes_by entering abbrevirition of ui5 to threecharacters. How well the check an functions work depend§ printing and envelope addressing on the type of printer. Contact themanufacturer for detail, TRAX_ PAX Checkbookruns on the Apple IIe with an_exten-ded H or Echo +, or the AppleIIc using the Cricket. Because 80 column card usingan Echo used by si htedrersons (with or without the speech it_is screen orient'A, itcan also be alone for $f.00 or together with synthesizer). Checkbookcan be purchased TRAX PAX File Box (seeseparate entry) for $75.00.

344 Resource Book 3: ComputerSoftware ah ardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: TRAX PAX Talking File Box Vendor: SOFT=X Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Audiotape, Braille/ f actile, Printed Cost: $2100

TRAX PAXTalking File Box is a filing type program with synthesized _speech output. The ucer crea'es files; and each record m a file will contain up to_ six lines of_ information. The most commou use for the -program wouid be to storts name and address files.The user can scan thrc.s,ph files for _an item;_make plintouts (page or lzbel), address envelopes (including return addn =.:. c-r not); and_ print many iden'tical lateis._ Useful utilities inch 'ed on the diskare: Type ko hinter, Copy Disks, and Initialize C.4ata Disks. The program_ is flenu-driven. The title of each menu is announced and the corn_plAer then beeps and waits for the user to make a choice. 1)ressing the spcebariU allow the user to hear the whole menu read. TRAX PAX File Box ru2s th:-. Apple:He with extended_80 column card and Echo II_or Echo srxech synthesizer. -c.r the Apple He Ising the Cricket. Because it is screen orented, it can be used by sighted per.-olls also (without the speech synthesizerl File Box can be purchased alone tor $25:00 or together with TRAX PAX Checkbook (see separate entry) for $75:00.

Product Name: Type & Speak Vendor: Communication Enhancement Clinic Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $50.00

Type & Speak is a voice output program for the Apple II. The user may choose to have each letter spoken as it is typed; or have an entire message spckett at once._ Text may be modified before or after itis spoken; or it may be spoken repeatedly:Type & Speak holds only one message in memory at a time, and does not store text for future retrieval. Input is made to Type & Speak via the Apple keyboard or a single switch scanning array. Ouptut may be sent to a voice syntheer or a printer.

3 9

Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 345 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid Scftware

Product Name: Ultimate Banker Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $40.00

Ultimate Banker isc, .orce output finance rnanagemei, fogram for a 128K Apple He or Ile with ProDOS capabilities.__The system canfacilitatebanking transactions checkwriting formats, withdifferent menus to suit skill levels. or provide throUgh the computer keyboard. Input to the program is provided The system requiresan Echo or Cricket speech synthesizerto operate.

Product Name: Ultimate FileCabinet Vendor: Speech Enterprises Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Printed Cost: woo

Ultimate File Cabinet isa talking database management capabilities for a 128K Apple program with multiple search IIe or IIC The system providesdifferent menus for differentskill levels. Input to theprogram is provided through thecomputer keyboard. Ultimate File Cabinetuses Apple ProDOS and requires synthesizer. use of an Echo or Cricket speech

360 vm, 346 Resource 1took 3: ComputerSoftware and Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software

Product Name: VERBal STAR Vendor Computer Conversations Computer IBM PC family Manual Form: Printed Cost: $99.95

VERBal STAR is simple to use, yet full-featured word processing program with synthesized speech _output of screen information:. Text can be spoken letter by letter as it is entered. Text which has been entered can be read back by line or by section, for content or for detailed proofreading with spellins, punctuation, and capitalization turned on. When a is pressed, the program tells the user what is happening. VERBal STAR can be used with most voice synthesizer& Contact the manufacturer for more information.

Product Name: VIC-20 Scanner Vendor Courage Center Computer: VIC 20 Manual Form: Printed Cost: $20.00

VIC-20 Scanner is a program that presents the user With menus of letters, words and phraseson the computer screen. The user creates messages by scanning the array and selecting characters Using the fire button on a joystick or the Fl key on the keyboard. The scanningcursor is an underline character. A joystick for the computer is required in order to operate the VIC=20 Scanner.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 347 Chapter 13: Personal Toolor Aid Software

Product Name: Word Communication Vendor ComputAbility Corporation Computer: Apple II family Manual Form: Electronic, Printed Cost: $115.00- $200.00

Word Communication iS a scanning communication program that aeceptsinput from a singleor dual switch,_Or a joystick. Selectionsmay be made via timed sequential step scanning; scanning, timed row/column Stanning sequential or row/column scanning. As WordSor letters are selected, messages_ forth at the_bottom of thescreen.Input is printed at the bottom ofthe Streen and spoken through an ECHO II speechsynthesizer (extra). Input may be made to WordConimunication wih a singleci dual switch, or a joystick. The program comes with an interface boxand adult or child vocabulary.

Product Name: Word-Talk Vendor Computer Aids Corporation Computer: Apple II family, IBM PCfamily Manual Form: Audiotape, Printed Cost: $195.00 - $245.00

Word-Talk is a full-fea`tured Wordprocess' well as screen display. Keys program that offers syntheSized speechoutput as mav be echoeo as they are typed,or reviewed as letters, full words, lines, or complete scree'. Entire documents uses the standard 80 cOlt;trai by 24 line display,may also be read from start to finish. Word=Talk operations; simple instilic.;as. and offers featureS suchas cut and paste re:formatting. block operations,search-and-replace operations, file merge, and idipordexport fe-,ures. Speechmay be momentarily silenced or turned off at any time. Rate of speechmay be set to cny of three levels. entirely Word-Talk is compatible w;th variety of printers. most commercially available speechsynthesizers as well asa

..0111.1111W 348 Resource Book 3: Computer Softwareand Hardware Chapter 13: Personal Tool or Aid Software wmaxwerwlNworsem

Pr6duct Name: X-10 Powerhouse Computer Interface Vendor: X-10(USA); :nc. Computer: Apple He, Apple Ile Manual Form: Printed Cost:$69.99 - $79.99

X=10 Powerhouse Computer Interfaceisa system for remote appliance control using a microcomputer (not included). The system consists of a computer control panel that connects_to the computer and a series of X-10 Control Modules isee entry for IISR X=10 System, X40 (USA), Inc.) that control individual appliances, lamps, thermostats, etc. An image ofa particular room appears On the computer Monitor, and the user adds a symbol for each appliance to be controlled in that room.Once the image of the room is composed, and the appropriate appliances are plugged into their control modules in that room, the usermay display the room ori the computer screen and control the appliances with a joystick. The joystick may also be used to initially select the desired room. Various typesofcontrol modules withvarious power ratingsareavailablefrom the manufacturer.Cost of the system will vary depending on the number and type of controls desired. Contact manufacturer about size, weight, power source, and connectortype.


Reaturce Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 349 Index 1

Products Listed by Function

This index includes lists of products according to Function. Every prodnct in the three books with a given function will appear in that list.V`itlun each list productc are arranged alphabetically.Following the product name in parentheses are the other functions (coded) assigned to that product. For example, if you were looking for an aid for Conversation/Interaction and wanted to find an aid that could als-o perform wordprocessing functions you would look through theConversation/Interaction(CI) function list and note -all of those products with the _WP (word processing) code.You would then look at the product deseriptions for the several entries meeting both of those needs and contact the manufacturers of those devices you felt best suited the client;

3C 4

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 351 Index 1: PrEglucts Listed by FUNCTION

The following is the order of the Functions The following is a list of the Functioncodes by which products in this indexare listed: which may appear in parentheses after items in this index: Aeti9Aties of Daily Livini (AD} Administration and Management (AM) AD Attivitiei tif Daily Living Alternate Display Systems Usable_with All Software(TO) AL Artificial Larynx Alternate Inputs Adaptable for Use with All Software AM Administration or Management (Transparent With) (TM AP Antlibring Program Alternate Inputs Utab le With All Soltware (T1) AR AnalysittotReporting Software Analysis and Reporting Software (AR) AS Assessment (EvaltiatiOn) Artificial Larynxes (AL) BD Braille Printer or Tactile Display (Component) Aument (EValtiation) (AS) BP Bekik/Paper Handling Authoring Programs (AP) BR Braille Ekiok/Paper Handling {BP} CI Braille MR} Convers

.01:11MINIM 352 Resource Book 3: Computer Software andHardware Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION

BraT (1311,13R.TE.TL) 3-84 Compu-Lenz (LP) 3-84 Enable Reader (SV) 3-85 Activities of Daily Living {AD} Enhanced PC Talking Program (SV) 3-85 Expand-a-View (LP) 3-86 Functional Skills Screening Inventory (ARAS.V0) 3-176 Freedom 1(SV) 3-86 Pll - Personalized Information for Independence inLARGE (LP) 3-87 (AR,CR.ET.LS) 3-254 K Talker (SV) 3-87 Survival Words (AS,ET,LS,LT) 3-275 Keynote (PA.PW,SV.TL.WP) 3-88 Large Print Display Processor (LP) 3-88 LimeLight (LP) 3-89 Lyon Large Print Program (LP) 3-89 Administration and Management {AM} Magic Keyboard (LP) 3-90 MagniLink (LP) 3-90 Ability-Achievement Discrepancy (AR) 3-147 AlMstar (AR) 3-147 Microbrailler 2400 (1311,PW,WP) 3-107 Articulation Error Analysis (AKST) 3-148 Optacon (BIALP) 3-91 PC Lens (LP) 3-91 Articulation Error Analysis (AEA) (AR,ST) 3-148 PC Speak (SV) 3-92 Articulator Goals and Objectives for Speech (1EST) 3-149 PC Vert (SV) 3-92 ASIEP Computer Scoring and Interpretation (AR) 3-149 PC Voim (SV) 3-93 Automated 1EP Sy Stem and Professional Goal Banks PC-Braille (BR) 3-93 (1E) 3-150 Print-it (OA) 3-94 Automated 1EP System and SCOR Goal Banks (1E) 3-150 Child Placement Report Writer (AR) 3-151 ProTERM (SV,TE) 3-94 Clinical Data Manager (AR) 3-151 PROVOX (SV) 3-95 SCAT (5 -reed Articulator) (SV) 3-95 Compuscore: For the Scales of Independent Behavior Screen-Talk Pro (SV) 3-96 (AR) 3-152 Soft Vert (sv) 3-96 DPS:Decisioo Padang System (APJE) 3-152 DPS:HELP (ARJE) 3-153 Talking TermExec (SV) 3-97 Tall Talk Prints (LP,SV) 3-97 ESS Rehabware 3453 Tall Talk Screens (LP,SV) 3-98 Explorer TAR) 3-154 Textalker.Blind and Other Echo Utilities (ET.SV) 3-98 Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (AR,ST) 3-154 VT. (sv) 3-99 Hypernasality (ARST) 3-155 IEP Manner, Revised (1E) 3-155 Vantage (LP) 3-99 IEP Writer_(ARJE3T) 3-156 Vert Plus _(SV) 3-100 Viewscan Text System (CN,LP.PA,PW.TE,WP) 3-100 Individual Performance Graph Pak (AR) 3-156 Vista (LP) 3-101 Individualized Planning System (AR) 3-157 JAYear Objective Masmry Report (AR) 3-157 Words-to-Voice (SV,WP) 3-101 JOBS System (AR,AS,V0) 3-178 Language Intervention Planner (ARZT) 1-158 Parrot any Unguage Sample Analysts (PELSA) Alternate Inputs Adaptable for Use with All (AR.A.S.LT) 3-158 PEPPER (ARST) 3-159_ Software (Transparent With) {TW} PIAT Error Analysis Report (AR) 3-159 Picapad (AR,CR) 3-160 Canon Communicator M (CLEA,PW,TI) 1-63 Planning Individur"zed Speech & Language Intervention Deuce (ECM) 2-18 (ARJE) 3460 Equalizer (C1,13R,RAJW,REXI,WP) 1-64 EXPAND (Tr) 3-29 PRE-MOD II(AR.A.,) 3-161 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) Expanded Keyboards (T1) 3-30 Express 3 (C1.EA.EC.PW.T1) 1-65 (AR,LT) 3-161 Sound Search IL (ST) 3462_ Game Paddle for Apple II Computers (SW,T1) 3.32 Handy Terminal (EA.PW.T1) 1-67 Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SW-CR) (Ari ,-162 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report (1E) 3-163 ICOMM (C1.EA.PW.T1) 1.68 VOC Matching and_VOC Report (AR.V0) 3-16; Light Talker (C1.EAxc.pivx1) 1-68 WAIS-Riter 'BASIC' (AR) 3-164 Minspeak 1 (C1.EA.EC.PWX1) 1-70 Wechletr Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) MOD Keyboard System (CLT1) 3-40 (AR) 3-164 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (AS,C1EA,ECET,PW,T1) 1-71 WL1C-R Compilation: --What To Do Now_ (AR) 3-165 ScanPAC/Epson (C1.EA,EC,PW,T1) 1-74 WISC-R Computer_Report (WISC-RCR) (AR) 3-165 Small Talk (C1.CN,EA,PW,SV.T1,WP) 1-75 WISC-Riter 'BASIC' (AR) 3-166 SpeechAid (CI,EA.PW X1) 1-76 WISC-Riter Complete (AR) 3-166 SpeechPACIEpson (C1.EA,EC,PW,T1) 1-76 _ Touch Talker (C1.EA,PWX1) 1-80 Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysts' Report Trine System (ACS) (C1,EA,PWX1,91P) 1-80 (AR) 3-167 Trine System (Words+) (C1.EA.PW,T1,WP) 1-81 Word Class Inventory for School Age Children (AR,LT) 3-167 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard (T1) 3-50 Zygo Model 100 (CLEA,ET,PW,T1) 1-85 Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA,ECPW,I) 1-86 Alternate Disnlay Systems Usable with All Software {I 0) Artie Vision (SV) 3-81 Alternate Inputs Usable with All Software all AudiBraille Computer (11R,SV) 3-V Access-Ability 3-23 Basic Interpreter for the Blind (sv) 1-82 ACS Medicom Computer System (C1,EC,PCXL) 3-23 Beamscope II (LP) 3-82 Adaptive Firmware Card (1A,KE,KM,StV) 3-21 Brailink UI (BO,BR.T1) 3-83 .ALTKEY 3-24 Braille Display Processor (BR) 3=83 Brailink UI (13D,8RX0) 3-83

Rtsource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 353 Index I: Prodals List 1-11k :ON .11 ,m_ a.mnnosow m,r

Butler-in a-Box (Et:-.PC) 2-46 Voice Command System 3-53 Canon Cottimunitacot M (C1.EA.PW.Tw) 1-6z Compudapter 3-25 Voim Communications Option(PC.SV-1-4 3-53 Voice Communications System (PC)3-54 Computer Entry Terminal 3-23 Voice Driver Coretecto VkT3 3-26 DART=5000 iivP) 3-26 Voift Systems Package (SV1 3-55 Ears 3-21 Voiceicribe-1000 3-53 Voicescribe,20000 _3-56 EDACTS Keyboard (Cl EC.WP) J VTR 6050 Series II 3-56 Eleitientary MOD Keyboard System 'CLET;LP)3-28 Enable Writer 3-28 Z*ko Model 100 (C1,EAET,pW.TW) 1-85 Zygo scan_WRITER (C1XA.EC.PWXW) Evalizel (CLDR.EA.PW.AE.Tw.svp) 1-64 1-86 EXPAND (My 3-29 Zygo TETRAstan II3-57 Expanded Computer Keyboarch (KG) 340 Expanded KeyboTarth rrwi 3.30 Etpiiiided Keyboards for the Adaptive FirmwareCards 340 Analysis and Reporting Software {AR} ExpandeZ Keyboards for the Talking BlitsApple(KG) 3-31 Express 3 (C1XA.EC.PW.71v) 1-65 Ability-Achievement Discrepancy (Am)3-147 EyeTyper (C1.EA.E0 1-66 AlMsur (AM) 3-147 EyeTyper Model 200 (C1ZWEC.PC.Pw)/=6-6 Alphabet with Tom and Andy (ES,I FinrerTip Controller (SW) 3-31 7) 3-189 Arithmetic la, and 3 with Speech(CN.ET.1.S.SV) 3-191 Footmouse (MT ) 3-32 Articulation Erre.. Analysis (AM.ST) Game Paddle for Apple II Computers 3-148 (S19.71 v) 3-32 Articulation Error Analysis (AEA)(AMJT) 3-148 Handy_Termimil (EA.PW.TW) 1-67 ASIEP Computer Scoring and Interpretation(AM) 3-149 Held SwitAl (SW) 2-18 ASS=MICtit of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech HeadMaster (847') 3-33 (ASST) 3-171 ICOMM (CCEA.PWXW) 1.68 Audible Career Explorer (ASNO) 3-172 IntroVoice I & II 3-33 CARA (AS.LS) 3-173 IntroVoire III 3,34 Child Placement Report Writer (AM)3-151 IntroVoict V 3.34 Choice Maker I_ (ES:ET) 3-198 Keasyboard (KG) 3-35 Clinical Data Manager (AM) 3-151 Kennedy:Switch Key Software (C1.ET.OA) 3-136 Comprehension Power Program i' 3-203 Keyboard Emulator 3:35 Comprehensive Phonemic Inventory for Children,2 0 Keytio-rt 330 3-36 (AS.ST) 3-174 Keyport 60 3-36 Compuscore: For the Scales of Independent RehaVior Keyworka (KM) 3-37 (AM) 3-152 _ King Keyboard _3-37 Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis(AST) 3-174 Kurzweil Voixsystem 3-38 Computer Managed Articulation Treatment Light_Talker (CLEA.EC.Pw-Tw) 1-68 (ETAT) 3-205 Computer Managed Language Treatment(ET.I.T) 3-206 Lite Touch _(DR.GA.RE)_3-38 Computer Managed Screening Test (ALLTIT) Mind Master (GAJtE) 3-39 3-173 Computer Prop. for Neuropsychological resting& Rehab. Mini Keyhoard 3:39 (CK-XT.LS) 3-206 Minspeak 1(C1-EA.EC.PW.TWI 1-70 Omnputerized Reading for Aphasics(A.S.CR.ET,LS) 3-207 MOD Keyboard System (Ctzw) 3:40 CREATE (A.tcR.ES.E.'45) 3-209 Morse-Codt Bated Keyboard Emulator 3-40 DPS:HELP (AACIE) 3-153 Minch Operated Controller for Quads(SW) 3-41 Explorer (AM) 3.154 PC AID 3-41 Fact Master (AS,CNXT) 3-215 PC Reackr 3-42 Fingerspeller (AS.E7'.S1) 3-217 PC Serial AID 3-42 FelloWing Directions JES.ET) 3-221 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (AS.CLEA.ECET.P19.Tw) 1-71 Foundations I (CR;ES.ET) 3-221 Pres-sure Censitive Expanded Keyboard3-43 FG:atidation II (CR.ESRT) 3-222 Pronounce 3-41 Dysarthria Assessment (AM,ST) 3-154 Puffin Mate Cckke Entry System 3-44 Funct;.c-:. Recognition (CR.ES.ET) 3-223 ciiiidLynx Trackball (NT) 3-44 Fur tion4i Skills Screening InventoryfAD.AS.v0) 3-176 QuickWord (DS;KMNP) 3-45 Handi-Keys (AS.KM) 3-5 Ready Reader 3-45 HELP Linguidisks (CR,ET.LS.LT) 3-225 Remote :Leyboard for the Apple II-4- and Ile(DR) 3-46 Holidays (CP IT.LS.LT) 3-226 SAR,10Noice Plus 3-46 Hypernasali! AMAT) 3-155 ScanPAC/Epson (C1.EA.L-C.9;9.7-W) 1-74 IEP Writer (AMJCST) 3-156 Screenkeys 3-47 Individual Performance Graph Pak(AM) 3-156 Small Talk (C1-CN.EA.PW.Sv-Tw-WP)1-75 Individualized Planning System (AM) 3-157 Smcial Inputs Disk (ALET.KM) 3-47 3-Wear Objectii,e Mastery Report (AM) Speech Recognition Keyboard 3-48 3-157 Job Search and Local Job Bank (AS.VO)3:127 SpeechAid (CLEA,PW.Tw) 1-76 JOBS System (Al.LAS.V0) 3-178 SpeechPAC/Epson (CLEA.EC.PWXW) 1-76 Lingtiage InterVention Planner (AMLT)3-138 SR-100 Voice Input Terminal 3-48 Language LAB. 'APXS.ET.LT) 3-234 TI-Speech 3-49 Mathtalk (CN.Ef) 3-242 Tongue Controllsr (SW) 3-49 Memory Patterns (A.S.E.T.ET.LT) 3-244 Touch _Talker (CUA,PW.TW) 1-80 MESA (AS.V01 3,178 Trine System (ACS) (CLEA.PW.TW.WP) 1-80 Micro Sptech Lab (ET,ST) 3-245 Trine System (Words+) (CLEA.psv.Tiv,9/P)1-81 Minimal Contrast Therapy (ET4T) 3-246 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard (TW) 3-50 Mix 'N Match (ES,ET) 3-247 VocaLink CSRB-LC 3-50 Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis (PELSA) VocaLink Series_ 9000 3-31 (AM.AS.LT) 3-158 VocaLink SYS300 3=51 PEPPER (AM.ST) 3459 VocaLink VRT300 3-52 PIAT Error Analysis Report (AM) 3-159 Voice Card 3-52 3f17 Picapad (AM,CR) 3-160

354 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftwareand Hardware Index ucts !isted by FUNCTION

war' ...01111sinlisam+ .

PH - Perrotalized_Information for Independence Choice &art: (....14A)1-42 I (ADXR.ETJ.3) 3-254 ClockCommunicator(CLETXR) 1-18 Planning Individualized Speech & Language Intervention Com Board(CLETXR) 1-19 (AMJE) 3-160 Communiclock(C1.E7.T11) 1.19 Point to Pictures Oevelopment Kit(AP.AS.E5,E-T) 3-255 Compartmentalized Communicator(CLETXR) 1-20 _ Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit(AS.ES,ETXR) 3-255 Compreheinive Phonemic Inventory foi Children, 2.0 PRE-MOD II(AM.-AS) 3-161 (ARST) 3-174 Preposition Recognition(CR.ES.ET.I.x) 3-257 Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis(AR.ST) 3-174 Process-Analysis Version2.O(ASST) 3-180 Computer Managed Screening Test(AILLT,ST) 3-175 Reading Recognition(..t5XTS) 3-262 Compineriied Reading:for Aphasics(ARCR.ETIS) 3-207 SAGE Sy Stern(AS.V0) 3-181 Control Without Keyboards(CLET.PA) 3-315 SALT(Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) ControlPAC(EC.ET) 2-48 _ (AMJX) 3-161 Counter Module(1ETZ11)_1-20 !Angle-Input Airesinient Software(AS.ET,TR) 3-182 CREATE(AR.CRXS,ET,LS) 3-209 Stanford-Binet Computer:Report (SB-CR)(AM) 3-162 Desiftigii (ET.s1)3-210 Switchmaster (A.T.ELET) 3-275 Delay Tinier(EC,ETXR) 1-21 Teichingyeicabidary LinguiDisks(ET.LT) 3-281 Dial Scan(cr.ErxR) 1-21 Toy Asseuor(ALEUT) 3-284 DPS:BCP(AP,ET) 3-175 Toy Smnner(MAT) 3-284 Dual Channel Latching Switch Interface(EC.ET.TR) 1-22 Twenty Categories(ET.I.S) 3-285 Dual Switch Latch and Timer(EC.ET.TR) 1-22 Video Voice(ETST1_3-288 E-Tran Scanner(CLET.TR) 1-23 Visi-14tch MWel 6095(ETST) Evaluation System (Eh3476 Visual Reonnition(A5.ES.ET.1.1) 3-289 FactMaSter (ARXN,ET) 3-215 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Progs. Fingeittiell-er(AR,E7.S1) 3-217 (A5rR.ES.ET) 3-183 Functional Skills Screening Inventory(AD.ARY0) 3-176 Viiimapatial Skills(C1LET) 3-290 Game Power for Phonics, Plus(ET.I.S) 3-177 VOCMatching AndNOC Report(AM.V0) 3463 Handi-Keys(AR.KAI) 3-5 WAIS-Riter 'BASIC(AM) 3-164 Idioms in America(ETJ.S.1.1) 3-227 Weehlsler Adult kitelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Job Readinat :Swift (Er.v0) 3-228 (AM) 3-164 Jeib Sesiteh and Local Job Bank(AR.V0) 3-177 WISC-R Compilation: What To r)o Now...(AM) 3-165 JOBS System(AM.ARY0) 3-178 _ WISC-R_Computer Report (WISC-RCR)(AM) 3-165 Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped(ET.K8) 3-231 WISC-Riter 13ASIC (-fix)3-166 Learning Wrirkshop (ES:Er)3 715 WISC-Riter Complete(Am) 3-166 LenicalfAP.ET) 3-236_ Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report Lighted Extra Loud Signalling 13.1zzer(Ci 4,70R) 2-79 (AM)_ 3-167 Lighted Signalling Buzzer (CACI R)2-79 Word Class Inventory ior School Age Children( 11T) 3-167 Lighted Vibrating Signalling Buzzer(ET,TR) 1-23 Word Recognition(AS,ESSTJX) 3-294 Lip-Rcader Trainer(ET:LR) 3:237 World of Counting(CN,ET) 3-294 LogicMaster1ET.1.5) 3-238 Logo TouchTools for the PowerPad(ES,ET) 3-239 Memory Patterns(AR.ES,ET.LT) 3-244 MESA(ARy0) 3-178 Artificial Larynxes {AL} Micro-LADS(E.T.LT) 3.17P Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Areas (Mi'CA) Cooper _Rand Electronic Speech Aid(SA) ; 3 Electronic Artificial Larynx (SA) 1-3 MOt(vof 4 jra-in"ingGames(ET.GA,RE) 3-301 Neovox (sA)1-4 Multi-Input Selector(ECETXR) 1-24 P.O. Vox _(s-t) 1-4 Multi-Scan(C1.ET.PA.T11) 3-329 P.O. Vox Companion(SA) 1-5 Parrot Easy Unguage Sample Analysis (PEL.SA) ISA) 1-5 Servo: _(AM.AR.I.X) 3-158 Venti-Voice(SA) 1-6 Perceptual Motor Trainer(ET.TR) 1-24 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC(C1,EA.EC,ET,PW.T1.TW) 1-71 Picture Scanner - Software for Assessment(ET) 3-180 Assessment (Evaluation) {AS} Poc-Ett System(rix-rxR) 1-25 Point to Pictures Development Kit(AP.AR.ESET) 3-255 Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit(AR.ES.ET.TR) 3-255 Ability Switch Tester(ETXR) 1-15 Practice_Communication Cards(CLET.NA) 1-55 AbleNet Control Unit(EC.ET.TR) 1-15 PRE-MOD II(AM,AR) 3-161 ACES(ET) 3-171 Active Stimulation Programmer Primer 83(Eta) 3-257 _ (ECETXR) 1-16 Process Analysis Version 2.0 Activity WoTird(ECXR) 1-16 (ARST) 3-180 Puff'N Buzzer Switch1CM.T1D 2-81 Apple-Demo Disk1E7_1_3-190 Push-On-Push-Off Module(EC,ETTR) 1-25 Apcliance Genie(ECXTYA) 3-307 Atieslunent of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech Quiet Dikk Learning Series(ET.KB.LS) 3-259 (mur) 3-171 Rabbit Scanner(ES,ET) 3-260 Reading Recognition(AlLET.1.S) 3462 Audible Career ExplOrer(ARY0) 3-172 SAGE System(AR.V0) 3-181 Battery AdapterfETSKTRLI-17 Battniy Device Adapter(ETXR) 1-17 Sequential Scanner(CLETXR) 1-26 Signal Buzzer(Cma-R) 242 MttEtyInterface (tr.ra)1-18 Weeper(CMTR) 2-75 Single Switch Assessment Program(ETXR) 3-181 Single-Input Assessment Software(AR.ETXR) 3-182 ButtonCount Switch Assessment3-172 Call Well(Clint) 2:76 Small Clock Communicator(CLETXR) 1-26 Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses Call Signal 2(CALTR) 2-76 (CLET) 3-182 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series(CR.ES.ET.1-S) 3-196 CARA Sound Match(ES.ET) 3-268 (AXIS) 3-173 Special Inputs Disk (rr,s8cr1) 3-47 Catch the Cow(ET) 3-173 3 Sp:Ala Tellerr''.r-12)1-27 IMNMNIALwzsI1 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 355 Index t Products Listed by FUNCTION

_ STIM-U-LITE (ESATYR) 1-2E Touch Turner (EC) 2-67 SurViVal Words (AD4T4-31-7.) 3-273 Switch Lab& (Ecrr.TR) 1-28 Switch Latch (ECATYR) 1-29 SWitchmuter (ARAS.ET) 3-273 Braille {BR} Symbol Training Display (E7711) 1-29 Symbol WriW (ES.ET.GA) 3-276 AudiBraille Computer (SVX0) 3-81 Tape-A-Message (ET.PCXR) 1-30 Audio Braille Gatne Tutorial (ET,GARE) 3-191 Target (CLETXR) 3-280 BETA-X3 Thiel Braille Printer (80) 3-1o5 The Adventures ol Jimmy JumperPrepositions BEX (LP,PA.S9.WP) 3-309 (ES.ET.I.T) 3-282 Bobcat (ET) 3-195 Timer sod Counter (ECATyR) 1-31 Brailink Ill (BOXIXO) 3-83 Tirber Module (ECAT,TR) 1-31 Braille Display Processor (TO) 3-83 Touch Com _(CLETXR) :3483 Braille Trainer (ET.SV) Toy Adapter Cable (EUW.TR) 1-32 Braille Translation Software (PA) :i-310 Toy Assessor (AR.ESAT) 3-284 Braille-Talk (P-Alv) 3-311 Toy Cable (ET.SIV_YR) _1-32 BraT (BDXEXL.TO) 3-84 Toy_Scanner (ARAT) 3-283 CHPI Apple Tool Kit (KM.PA.TL.WP) 3-312 ToyPAC (EC.ET.RE,TR) 1-33 Cranmer Modified Perkins Brailler (BD) 3-105 Training Aid 2 (EC-ETXR) 1-33 DuxbUry Braille Tranilator (PA) 3-316 Tri-Responder (ET,T1) 1:34 Electronic Typing Fingers (BD) 3-106 Variable POiition Scanner (CLETXR)1-34 Hot Dots (PA) 3-320 Versascan ICIATXR) 1-35 Illustrations (DR,PA) 3-321 Vibrating Sack (ETXR) 145 Illustrations (PAl 3-321 Visagraph Eye-Movement Recording_System(ET) 3-183 INDEX (8p) 3-106 Visual Recognition_ (A11A-S.ETIZ) 3-289 MBOSS-1 (BD) 3-107 VisualiPermptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Prop. Micro Braille (PA-WP) 3-327 (AR.CR.ES.ET) 3-184 MPIUNT (BD) 3-108 Voice Mate II (ETXR) 1-36 Ohtsuki Printer (BD) 3-108 Word Recognition (AR,ESAT.I.T) 3-294 PC-Braille (ro) 3-93 Zygo Model 16C (CLETXR) 1-36 Personal_Brailler (EDXEXL) 3-109 Zygo Model 20_ (ETXR) 1-37 ROmeo Brailler (BD) 3-109 Zygo Model 2IS (ETYR) 1-37 Super Cranmer Graphics Package (ET.PA) 3-136 Zygo Model 4 (CMXR) 2-85 TED,600_Text Embossing Device (BD) 3-110 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser (BDTETL)3-110 (80.PA.Tv1) 3411 Authoring Programs {AP} c-.safoint Braille Embosser (BD) 3 HI Blissymboliat Bliss Library (PA) 3-309 Brainz (ET) 3-196 Calculation/Math Aids {CN} Commodore Light Pen (1311JD) 3-61 Creativity Tool Wo: (DRAT.RE) 3-299 Academies with Scanninx _Math (ET) 3-188 DPS:BCP (ASAT)_3-175 Arithmetic 1;2, and 3 with Speech (ARAT.1.5.5V)3-191 DPS:Decision Pathing System (AMJE) 3-152 Calc-Talk (LP,PA.SV) 3-312 E-Z Pilot H Authoring System and Training Package Coinsnkeyi (ESAT;KB) 3-202 (PA) 3-316 Computer Courftware for the Exceptional Studcnt EZ Pilot for PowerPad (ET) 3-214 (ET.X13.L.$) 3-204 Fay: The Word Hunter (ET.LS) 3-216 Counting Critters (ES.ET) 3-209 Florida Scanner (OA) _3-134 Early uaraiag II (ES.ET) 3-212 Handi-Routine_ (OA) 3-135 Edufun (ET.L.5) 3-213 Language L.A.B. (ARASAT.LT) 3-234 Fact Master (ARASAT) 3-215 Lenical 3-236 Fay: That Math Wolnin (ET) 3-216 Master Talker (04UV) 3-137 Fun With Math (ET.SV) 3-222 Point to Picturcs Development Kit (AR.A.S.ES.ET)3-255 Getting Started in Arithmetic Scriet (and Sam's Store) PowerPad Programming Kit (ET) 3-256 (ET,LP.LS.SV) 3-223 SAYIT (OA) 3-140 Guessing and Thinking (ET,LS) 3-224_ Scanning Conversion Program (OA) 3-141 H:2 Handicappe4 Arithmetic Math Cards (ET.LS.RE)3-224 Software for Visually Impaired Children (E7.K13.1...5,SV)3-267 Kennetly Handi-Math Proiram (ET.LS) 3-229 Task Master (MET) 3-281 Kindermath 11 (ESAT) 3-233 Type-Talk (ETX11) 3-286 Letter Find (ES.ET,ICB,SV) 3-236 Lifestyle Personal Communicator (C1.PC.TD.TL) 1-91 Lightpen Programs for Special Education I & II(Erd...5) 3.737 Living Center III (CIAA.EC.RE.WP) 1-69 BoOk/Paper Handling {BP} Mac-Apple Communication Aid (C1.DR.ES.E7.PA,WP) 3-325 Math Disk (ET) 3-240 Automaddak Page Turner (EC) 2-45 Math Power Program (ET.I.5) 3-240 Automatic_Page Turner (EC) 246 Math Scan (ET) 1241 Easy File Tray, Desk Organizer (EC) 2-51 Math &ratchpad I(er') 3-241 Electric Copyholders _(IEC) 2-52 Math Scratchpad II _(ET) 3-242 Gewa Page_Turner (EC) 2-55 Mathtalk (AR.ET) 3-242 Motorized Easel_ (EC) 2-58 Mouse Math (ET) 3-248 Mouth Held Page Turners (PT) 1-11 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Mouthvicks (PT) 1-11 (Cl.EAXW.WP) 1-71 Psge Turner (EC) 2-60 Small Talk (C1,EA,PW.V.T1,TW.WP) 1-75 Saltus Reader (EC) 2-62 3G9 Smart nhaper (CitES.E7) 3-266

Resource Irook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION

Special Nee& Volume 2 - Simulations & Drills (ET.LS) 3-270 Understanding Questions, Sentences I & II, Stories Special Skill Builders I & II (ES.ET) 3-270 (ETS) 3-287 Trace Math Aid (ET) 3-285 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Progs. Ultimate EUinker (PA.FV) 3-346 (AR.A.S.ES.ET) 3-184 Viewscan Text System (LP.PA.PW.TE.TO.WP) 3-100 Visual/Reading Drills (Eras) 3-290 Voice Math (ET) 3-291 Visuospatial Skilli (AlLET) 3-290 World of Counting (AR.ET3-294 WALC LinguiDisks (ET.LS,LT) 3-292 Word Memory Programs (Eta') 3-797

Call, Monitoring, and Memory Systems {CM} Conversation/Interaction {CI} Accularm (TR) 2-75 Asaflex Model TS (ET.SW) 2-7 AARON (PICWP) 3-307 Automatic Mange Dialer (EC.PC) 2-45 ACS Medicom Computer System (EC.PC,TI.TL) 23 Weeper (AS,TR) 2-75 AllTalk (EkETXR) 1-63 Call Bell IAS.TR)_ 2-76 Ameorn_C (PCXDXL) 1-89 Call Signal 2 (ASXR) 2-76 Audio Scan (PA) 3-308 12Y00e Monitor 2-77 Blissymbol Vocabulary Stamps (Er4) 1-41 E-Z Call 2-77 Blissymbolicw Blissboard (ET.PA) 3310 Electronic Calendars and Pocket Secretaries 2-78 Brighter Pathways Communication Symbols and Grids EZRA (CLEC.PC) 2-54 (ETNA) 141 Intercom Unicontrol (EC) 2-78 Canon Communicator M (EA.PWTLTW) I-63 Lightal Extra Loud Signalling Buzzer (ASXR) 2-79 Cleo Communication Board INA) 1-42 Lighted Signalling Buzzer (ASXR) 2-79 Clock Communicator (ASXT.TR) 1-18 Linear Alert ET-1A 2-80 COM 2300 (PC.TD.TL) I-89 Medical Alert 2-80 Com Board (AS.ET.TR) 14° MicroDEC n (EC.PC) 2-57 Comm-Prog (PA)_3-313 PA-I Portable Alarm 2-81 Communication Binder (Pi /4) 1-43 Puff'N Buzzer Switch (AS.TR) 2-81 Communication Folder (NA) 1-43 Signal Buzzer IAS.TR) 2-82 Communication Sheets (ETNA) 1-44 Silent Page System 2-82 Communiclock (AS.ET.TR) 1-19 Smarthome I(EC.PC) 2-63 Compartmentalized Communicator (AS.ET.TR) 1-20 Sound Monitor 2-83 Computerized Enabling System (EC,PA.PC.PIP) 3-315 TOSC-2 Environmental Control System (EC,PC) 2-67 Control Without Keyboards (AS.ET.PA) 3.315 Voice of Help 7 Core Picture Vocabulary (ETNA) 144 Watchman 2-84 Dial Scan (AS,ETXR) 1-21 Wireless Alerting 17152-84 Dvorak One-Hand Typewriter (EA,pW) 1-64 Zygo Model 4 (Ai.. 2-85 E-Tran Scanner (AS,ET,TR) 1.23 Echo 2000 (PCXDXL) 1-90 EDACTS Keylioard (ECTIWP) 3-27 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (ET,LP,T1) 3-28 Cognitive Rehabilitation {CR} Equalizer (DRXA.PW-R871XW,WP) 1-64 Express 3 (EA.EC.PW,TI,TW) 1-65 AphasiaSerics: I through VIII (ET;LS) 3-190 Eye Transfer Communication System (ETNA) 1-45 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series (AS.ES.ET.LS) 3-196 Eye-Com (ETNA) 1-45 Catagorical Reasoning I and II (ET) 3497 Eye-Corn Board (ETNA) 1-46 Cognitive Rehabilitation Series (ET.1.3) 3-199 EyeTyper (EA.ECX1) 1-66 Cogrehab VoL 1 (ET.LS) 3-200 EyeTyper Model 200 (EA,EC.PC.PW.T1) 1-66 Cogrehal, VoL 2 (ET.LS) 3-200 EZBAS (OA) 3-132 Cogrehab Vol. 3 (ELLS) 3-201 EZRA (CM.EC.PCJ 2-54 Cogrehab VoL 4 (F.T.LS) 3-201 Fut Amen Scan Talker (PA) 3-318 Computer Prop, for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab. Flescom (EA.EC) 1-67 (AR,ET,U) 3-206 Fold-It System_ (NA) 1-46_ Computerized Reading for Aphasics (AR.AS,ET.I.S) 3-201 Handi-Writer Version 331 (PA) 3-320 CREATE (AR,AS.ES.ET.LS) 3-209 Help MC to HelVMyself (ETNA) 1-47 Foundations I (ALEUT) 3-221 I_Can Talk (ESXTZTXR) 3-226 Foundations II IAR.ELETI 3-222 ICOMM (EA.PW.TLTW) 1-68 Functical Recognition (ARXS-.ET) 3-223 Individualized Communication Systems (ET,NA) I-48 HELP Linguidisks (AR.ELLS,LT) 3-225 Intele-Type (PCXDXL.WP) 1-90 Holidays (AR,ET.LS,LT) 3426 Kennedy Switch Key Software (ET.DA,T1) 3-136 - Cognitive Educational System (ET) 3-229 Life Experiences Communication Kit (ETNA) 1-48 Memory I(E.S.ET.I.S) 3-243 Lifestyle Personal Communicator (CN.PC,TD.TL) 1-91 Memory II (ES-.ETIS) 3-244 Light Talker fEA,EC,PW,71.TW) 1-68 Picapld (A14.AR) 3:160 Lightwriter (EAXG,PW) 1-69 Pictures Proparnw 1, II and III(ES,ET.LS) 3-253 Living Center III (CN,E4EC,RE.WP) 1-69 PII - Personalized Information for Independence Mac-Apple Communication Aid (CN,DR,E8.ET.PANP) 3-325 (ADAR.ET.LS) 3-254 Magic Cymbals (PA) 3-326 Preposition Recognition (AR.ES.87,LT) 3-257 Message Maker (PA) 3-327 Purpostful Patterns, Purposeful Symb-ols, What Belongs/ Mini Talking Card Reader (EA,ET) I-TO (ES.ELLS) 3-259 Minicorn H (PW,TD,TL) 1-92 Sraart Shafer (CN.ESAT) 3-266 Minspeak 1 (EA.EC,P91.11.TW) I-TO Slt Tools '83, '84, '85 (ES.ET.LS.LT) 3.267 MOD Keyboard System 17.1X9i) 3-4C 5,-rounding Patterns (and other programs) (ES,ET,LS) 3-274 Multi-Scan (AS,ET.PA.TR) 3-329 Task_Master (AP.ET) 3-281 Nu-Vue-Cue IETNAJ 1-49 The Lost R Reasoning (ET.I.S; 3-282 370Oakland Schools Picture Dictionary (Er.n A) 1.49 ,1110; VINOMMOISMICI. Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hard re 357 !fides L Products Listed by FUNCTION 1.=1

Opticommumrator (ETNA) 1-50 Trine System (ACS)(EA.Piv,Ti.TW.WP) 1-80 PACA t Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Trine System (Words+) (CN.KB,pw,wp) 1-71 (AAJW.Ti.Tvi.ivp) 1-81 Type & Speak(PASV) 3-345 PbotoPAC/EvalPAC(ASAA.EC,FT.PW.T1.71v) 1.71 Unipix(ET,NA) 140 PIC Word Board(ETNA) 1-50 Variable Position Scanner(AS.F.T.TR) 1-34 PICSYMS Categorical Dictionary (er)4A) Versascan(ASATXR) 1-35 Communication (PIC)(ETNA) 1-51 Y1C-20Scanner(PA,Wp) 3-347 Picture Communication (E7.PN) 3,331 Vocaid(EA) 1-82 Picture Communication Symbob; filook I and BookII VOIS130 (EA) 1-82 = (ETNA) 1-52 Piettire Your Blisambols VOIS 115(EA) 1-83 (ETNA) 1.52 VOIS 140(EA) 1-83 Pictures, Please!(ET)4A) 1-53 VOIS 150(EA) 1-84 Poc-Ett System (.43A-7%7K) 1-25 WOLF(EA.TR) 1-84 Focket-Siied Communication Book(NA) 1-53 Word Board(NA) 1-60 Porta Book(NA) 1-54_ Porta Printer Plus Word Communication(PA) 3-348 M:.0 (TD.TE) 1-92 Write(ET.LS,SV) 3-295 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD(PCXDXL) 1-93 Zygo Model 100(EAATRWX1Xvi) 1-85 Porta Printer Plus MP4OD(PCXDXL) 1-93 Zygo Model 16C Porta Vie* Junior/Model 32 (ro.7-4) 1-94_ (AS.ETXR) 146 Zygo Notebook(EAPi v,Wp) 1-85 Partable Communication Boards(NA) 1-54 Zygo scanWRITER EAAC;PF/x1.TW) 1-86 Portable Pocket_Typewriter/Computer(EA.PW) 1.72 Portable Viiice II (EK.Pw)3-72 Practice Communication Cards(ASATNA) 1:55 Print-k-Call(PCXD.TL) 1-94 DatabaSe Management/Spreadsheets {DS} Prism Coiniounscation Tray(ETNA) 1-55 Quick Talk (Pa.PC)3-332 COmMtinitree - First and Second Editions(PA,TL) 3.314 RIC Easy Talker(PA) 3-333 File-Talk(PA,Sv) 3-318 Say It (PA) 3-334 Lister _Talker(PA.SV) 3-324 Say-It-All and Say-It-All Super Plus(EA.Piv) 1-73 QuickWord(KMX1,WP) 3-45 Scan & Speak(ETXR) 3-264 Rapsheet_ (PASv)3-333 ScanPAC/Epson(EA.EC.pWX1Xlv) 1-74 Speak-A-Label(PA.SV) 3-335 SCANWOLF(EAXR) 1-74 Tally-Talk(PA) 3-342 Sentence-Scan (ET.Pa)3-334 Touch Window(DR::D.RE,WP) 3-65 quential Scanner(ASATTR) 1-26 UltimateFile Cabinet(PA) 3-346 SimpleCom I: Yes/NoCommuniation(ETXR) 3-265 SimpleCom 11 Needs/WM:At COrrinitinication(ET,TR) 3-266 SMall Clock CommunicatorIASATXR3 1-26 Small Talk (cNAA;PWSVXIXWAPP)1-75 Drawing {DR} Software SimulatiOnt of Communication Prostheses (AS,FT) 3-182 Blazing Paddles(ETRE; 3-299 SonomaVoice(ETXR) 1-27 Commodore Light Pen (APJD) 3-61 Speak _Up(PA) 3-333 CreatiVity Tool BoxjAPAT,RE) 3-299 Siiecial Friend Speech Prosthesis(EA) 1-75 DOt & Draw_(ET.GA.RE) 3-300 SpeeehAid(EA.PWX1XW) 1-7r Equalizer(C1AA.Pw.RE.T1,TW.WP) 1-64 SpeechPAC/Egs-on(EA.EC.Pw.f.1.11v) 1-76 GibsTori Light Pen System(GAID.PARE) 3-62 SpeechPad(EA) 1-77 Graphics Magician Jr.(PA,RE) 3-319 Speller Teller(ASATIR) 1-27 Graphia Magician Painter(PARE) 3-319 551-100 CommunicatorITD.T:..) 1-95 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs(ES.ET,RE) 3-225 SSI-220 Communicatorf7DXL) 1-95 Illustrations (Bir.Pa)3-321 SSI-240 Communicator_(TDXL) 1-96 KoalaPad(ID) 3-62 Superprint 100, 200.403 (PC.TD.TL) 1-96 Lenipen PC(OA) 3-136 Switchboard (E4.E77)1-77 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush(ET,PA,RE) 3-324 Talk Board(NA) 1-56 LiteTouch(GA.REX1) 3-38 Talk H(PA) 3-337 Mac-Apple Communication Aid(C1,CPIASAT,PA,WP) 3-325 Talk Tone T DX Lk 1-97 Micro Illustrator(EX,PA,RE) 3-328 Talking 100JEARCRW,WP) 1-78 Phonic:4 Tett, and Graphics(ET.RE.WP) 3 252 Talking 100 Communicator(EA) 1-78 PIC Man(ETRE) 3-302 Talking AidIpA) 3-338 Picture Perfect(RE) 3-302 Talking BlissApple(ETA) 3-339 PowerPad(1D.RE) 3-64 Talking Paddles (ET.NA) 1-56 Remote Keyboard for the Apple II+ and Ilc(T1) 3=46 Talking Pictures Communication_Board(ET.NA) 1:57 Super Shape 3raw & Animate(PARE) 3-337 Talking Picture4 Kits I; II, and III(ETNA) 1-57 Touch Winclov(DS.ID,RE,WP) 3-65 Talking Wheelchair(GARARE.WP) 3-340 Talking Word Soard(PA) 3-341 Target (K.SATXR)3480 TeleBraille(PC.TD.TL) 1-97 Early Skills (Pre-Reading) {ES} Telewriter(TDXL,WP) 1-98 TIM(EA.PW.WP) 1:79 Alphabet with Tom and Andy(AR.ET) 3-189 Tinacithy Communicatimis PackagefEA.Pw) 1-79 Batic Language Series-Spatial Concepts(ETAT) 3-192 Touch & Speak_JET,-.[XR) Bear Jam(ET)_3-193 Touch 'N Talk CoMmuniuttion Board(ET)IA) 1-58 Blitsymbolicx Bliss Drills(ET) 3-194 TotiCh 'N Talk Comr-unication Notebook(NA) 1-58 BlissymbolicK Blissymbol Concepts(ET) 3-194 Touch 74 Talk Commudiation Stickers(ETNA) 1-59 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series(AS,CR.ET.LS) 3-196 Touch 'N Talk Micrcs (ET,NA)1-59 Chatterbox Dictionary(ET,LT) 3-198 Touch Corn(AS.ET.TR) 3-183 Choice Maker I(ARAT) 3-198 I TcII fF MI' Tr 7-$4,)1.84 371 Coinsnkeys (CNA-7%KB)3-202

358 Resource Book 1 Computer &)ftwareand Hardware Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION

Color Find_(ET) 3-202 Academics with Scanning: Language Arts (LS) 3-188 Computer CUP (ET.LT) 3-205 Academics with Scanning: Math (CN) 3-188 Concept ition: Shape Matching (ET) 3-208 ACES (AS) 3-171 Countingt:tzters (CN).,r) 3-209 Acti,re Stimulation Programmer( t:.3.EC.TR) 1-16 CREATE (ARAS,CR,ETJS) 3-209 AilTatk (CI-X.4.TR) 1-63 Early Learniir. (Er) '2!) Alphabet With Tom and Andy (AR,ES) 3-189 Early Learnirt, 07N,ET; 3-212 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hcaring Mech. Editiark Reacting_ _Program, _Level 1(ET.1-.7) 3-2:1 /sr) 3-789 Elephant 'Ears_ lLT,LT) 3-213 Aphasia Series:I through VIII (CR.LS) 3-190 Exploratory ?lay (ET,LT) 3-214 Apple Demo Disk (AS) 3-190 First Categories (ET,L.S.LT) 3-218 Appliance Genie (AS.EC,PA) 3-307 First Shapes (FT) 3-218 Arithmetic 1,2, and 3 with Speech (AR.C14.1-SSV) 3-191 First Verb: (ET.LT ) 3-219 Asaflex_ModeLTS (tAisw) 2-7 First Words (ET.I.T) -3-219 AUdio Braille Ganit Tutorial (8R,GA,RE) 3-191 First Words II(E7c1:1') 3-220 Basic Language Series-Spatial Concepts (E.S.L.T ) 3-192 Floppy TeachesSeries (ET) 3-220 Basic Vocabulary Builder on Computer (LS.L7') 3-192 Following Directions (MUT) 3-721 Battery Adarfiter (AS,SW,TR) 1-17 Foundatiow L (AR.C8ET) 3421 Battery Device Adaptc....tks TR) 1-17 Foundations II (AR.CR.V") 3 fl Battery Interfate (4nt) 1.18 Function Recognition (AR :R.ET) 3-223 Bear Jam (ES) 3-193 Hand/Eye OSOrdination Programs (DR.ET.RE) 3-225 Blazing Paddles (DR.RE) 3-299 I Czn Talk (cLic.i.s.rni.1.226 Blisspen(L.,v) 3-193 IDEA Cat (E71S.1.T) 3-227 Blissymbol Vocabulary Stamps (CLNA) 1-41 Kid Talk (ET.PASV.WP) 3-322 Blissymbolics: Bliss:Drills (ES) 3-194 Kindermath I!(i.'14ET) 3-233 Blissymbolic= Blissboard (C1.PA) 3-310 Language_LAB.: (A-F3LET;LT) 3-234 Blissymbolics Bliszymbol Concepts (ESI 294 Learning Left and Right (LT) 3-235 Bobcat OR) 3-195 Learning Workshw (AS.ET) 3-235 Braille Trainer (138-Sv) 3-195 L etter_Find _(CNXTJ(13JV) 3-236 Brainz (AP) 3-196 L-4->go TbuchToola for the PowerPad fAS.ET)_3-239 Brighter Pathways Communication Symbbls and Grids Mac-Apple Communication Aid (C1.CN,DR.ET,PA;WP) 3-325 (CLNA) 1-41 Memory L (CRX7-23) 3-243 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series (AS.cR.ES.LS) 3-196 Memory II(CR.ET.LS) 37244 CASPT, (ST) 3-197 Memory Patterns (AR.AS.ET;LT) 3-244 Catagoricil Reasoning I and II (CR) 3-197 MiX 'N /...!stch (AR.ET) Catcn the Cow (As) 3-173 011iC Series (ET) 3-249 Chatterbox Dictionary (E.S.I.T) 3-198 Paint-_With Words (ET) 3-250_i_ Choice Board (AS.NAi 1-42 Pictures Programc I, II and HI (CR.ET.LS) 3-253 Choice Maker I (AXES) 3-198 Point to Pictures Development Kit _(AP.AR.AS.E7) 3-255 Clock Communicator (AS.C1.TR) Ooint to Pictures Discritaination Kit (AR.11-f.ET.TR) 3-255 Cloze-Plus Program OM 3-199 Point to_Pictures-Lesson Plan Masters (Ell 3-256 :aitive Rehabilitation Series Prec:sition Recognition i(AR,CR.ET.L.T) 3-257 Cogrehab Vol. 1 (cius) I-zoo Purposeful Patterns; Purposeful Symbols, What Belongs? Cogrehab Vol. 2 (cR.Ls) 3-200 :(C-R.E7.1.S) 3-259 Cogrehab Vol. 3 (CRXS) 3-201 Rabbit Scanner (sS.ET) 3-260 Cogrehab Vol. 4 (MIS) 3-201 RepresentationaLPlay (ETXT) 3-263 Coinsnkeys (CN.ESX13) 3-202 SAID: Uy as I DO (ET) 3-263 Color_Find (ES) 3-202 Urah and Her Friends (ET) _3-264 COM aoard (AS.C1.TR) 1-19 Smart Shaper (C141.C1LET) 3-266 Communication Sheets _XI.NA) Soft Tools '83, '84, '85 (CR.ET.LS.LT) 3-267 Communiclock ( kW1.TR) 1-19 Sound Mech (AS.ET) 4-268 Compartinentalited Communicator (AS.C1.78) Special Education (Elementary) Paks ft,: Special Needs Complete Spelling Program (Ls) 3-203 (ETLS) 3=269 C...):).1prehension Power Program (AR.LS) 3-203 Special Skill Builders I & IL _(CNXT) 3-2r '0 AtSitted Initruction in Phonological Process STIM-U-LITE (7LsxrxR)ir.28 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) (CR.E7.1..$) 3-274 ComTulte3;2"Co ursware if& the Eaceptional Studcnt Switchmaster (AR,ASIT) 3-275 (C11.1C13.LS) 3-204 Symbol_Writer (A-SXT4-4) 3-276 Computer CUP (ES,LT) 3-205 TAG-. Talkm_g Animated Graphics (ET) 3-276 Computer Keyboard SWiteh (SW) 2 Talk About A Walk (ET.I.I) 3-277 _ Computer Managed Articulation TIL_Ament (ARST) 3-205 The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper- Prepositions Computer Managed Language Treatment (AR.LT ) 3-206 (AS.ET.LT) 3-282 Computer Plate Switch (SW) 2-11 Touch and Match (ET) 3-283 Computer Frogs. for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab. Touch and See (ET) 3-283 (AR.CR.L.S) 3-206 Toy Assessor (AR,AS.ETJ Computerited Reading for Aphasics (AR.AS,CR.L.S) 3-207 Visual Recognition__ (ARAS;ETXT) 3-289 Computerized Training Systems (CTS): Nuts & Bolts Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Progs. _ (VO) 3-207 (AR.AS.CR.ET)-_ 3-184 Conant FOrthation: Shape Matching (ES) 3-208 Word Recognition (AR.AS.ET.LT) 3494 Control Without Keyboards (AS;Cl.PA) 3-315 ControlPAC _(ALEC) 2-48 Core Picture Vocabulary (CLNA) 1-44 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (LS) 3:208 Edueationi Trainin& and Therapy {ET} Counter MOdule (AS,TR) 1-20 Ability Switch Tester (AS.TR) 1-15 Counting Critters_CCP/) 3-209 AbleNet Control Unit (A5.EC.711) 1.15 CREATE (ARASX11.ES;L5) 3-209 372CrUtivity Tool Box (AP,1311.RE) 3-299

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 359 Index L Products Listed by FUNCTION

A.M.111. CTS: Elect onic itsumbly & Soldering (VO) 3:210 L:43`Lectric Paintbrush(DR,PA,RE) 3-324 Dear:0(AS,S1) 3-210 Letter Find (CN.ES,R13.SV) 3-236 Delay Timer (As_,EC.Ta_i_1-21 Life EiPeriencesCominunication Kit (C: )1-48 Dial Scan (es*,C1XR)1-21 Lightei2 Vibrating Signalling Buzzer (As, A)1-23 Dot & Draw (DR,GA.RE) 3-300 ijghtpea Programs for Special Education I & II(CN.LS) 3-237 DPS:ECP PAS) 3-175 Lip=Reader Trainer (AS.LR) 3-237 Dritls Langtlape Concepts(LS.LTI 3-211 Listell to Learn (LSNP) 3-238 Dual Charm, -.fling Switch Interface(A.T.EC.TR) 1-22 LogicKyster (AS.r.8) 3-238 Dual Switch and Timer (;ECTR)1-22 Log_o TouchTools for the PowerPad (AS,ES)3-239 E-Tran Scannei ASkt.zit)1-23 Mac-Apple_Communication Aid(C1,CN.DR.E.S.PA.WP) 3-325 Early Learning I(ES) 3-211 MagidMusic Teacher (GA.RE) 3-301 Early Learning II(Cti.ES) 3-212 Magic Slate tL,P.L.S.PA.WP) 3-239 Edmark Reading PrOgram, Level 1(ES.L.5) 3-212 Math Disk(CN) 3-240 Edufun (CN.L.S)3-213 Math FoWer Program (CN.L.S; 3-240 Elementary MOD Keyboard System(C1.1.P.7.1) 3-28 Math Scan(CN) 3-241 El, phant Fars(ES2X) 3-213 Math Scratchpad I(CN) 3-241 Evaluation System lAs) 3,176 Math Scratchpad IIfCN) 3-242 Expanded Keyboards for SpeAr N' Spcll(EAX111 1=65 MathtalkLAR,CN) 3-242 Exploratory Play(ES.LT) 3-214 Mazi(GA.RE) 3-243 Eye Transfer Communication Sys'zmIC1.NA) Memory I(CR,ES,LS) 3-243 Eye-Corn(C-127A) 1-45 Memory U(CR;ES;LS) 3-244 (C1.NAt -06 Eye-Com Efoard Memory Patterns(AR.AS.ES.LT) 3-244 EZ Pilot for PrrverPat. ; 3-214 MiCTO Illustrator (DR.P&RE)3-328 Fact Master (AaAs,cti)3-215 Micro Speech Lab_ (AR.ST) 3-245 Fay's Word Rally(LS) 3-215 Mierb-biterpreter I (Fingerspeller) (u) Fay: That Math _Woman 2.,5 (CN) 3-V6 Micro-Interpreter H (CAV-ASL)(St) 3-246 Fay: The Word Hunter (iPds) 3. ..;- Micro-_LADS(XSXT) 3479 FingerSpeller(51) 3-217 Mini Talking Card 113zader(CLEA) 1-70 (ARASJ1)3-217 Fingerspeller Minimal Contrast Therapy (ARr)3-246 First Categories (ES.L.S.ez) 3-218 Mix 'N Match (ALES)J-247 First Shapes(ES) 3-218 Mbrie Cbde & Scanning Practice Programs(GA,RE) 3-247 First Verbs(ESZT) 3-279 Morse Code Drills3-2(: First Words(ES,LT) 3-219 Motor Training Games PE) 3-301 First Words II(z.s.r,T)3-220 Mouse Math(CN) 3-248 Fliptrack Learning Tape Tutorials(OA) 3 134 Multi-Input Selector (tS;EC.-T8) -24 Floppy TeachesSeries (..8)3.220 Multi-San (ts.C1,4-z8)3-329 Following Directions_(AXES) 3-22/ Miippet Learning_ KeysI(,AJD) 3-63 Foto Series (WA) 1-47 Natural Language Processing Program(L7 ) 3-24i Foundations I(AR,CR.ES) 3-221 Nu-Vue--Cue(C1,14A) 1-49 Foundations II (AR,CR.ES) 222 Oak:arid Schools Pic. Dictionary (Ctdm) 1-49 Fun With_Math (Ctist')3-222 011ie Series(ES) 34:49 Function Recognition(AR.CR.ES) 3-223 Omnibox (larit) 1-6' Game Power for Phonics, Plus _(AS48) 3-177 One Handed TypingLIC13) 3-250 Getting Started in iaithitttio 5;:ries (and Sam's Store) Opticommunicator (C1)VA) 1-50 (CN.LP.I.S..)V) 3-2' 1 Paint With Words(ES) 3-250 Guessing_and Think LCNX.S) 3-224 PAVE: Percrptual Accuracy/VisuM Efficiency Training H:1 Handicapt*dWC,f0 Games (GA,LS.RE) 3-300 (LS) 3-251 H:2 Hiiiidiaipped Aritnmetic Flash Cards(CN,LS,RE) 3-224 PC MOM Code3-251 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs (D8.ES.RE)3.225 PC-Fingers(SI) 3 252 HELP Linguidisks ( i/t.Citd.S.LT) 3-225 Perceptual Motor_T-; 1-24 Help Me to Help Myself (AS,TR) ICI.NA) 1-47 Phonia, Text, andGzzrhics (DR.RE,WP) 3-252 Ho-Jays (Ait_cR.i.S.ez) 3-226 Phonological Process (ST) 3-253 I_Can Ulk ic1,ES.t.r.z8)3-276 PhotoPACIEvalPAC; " IDEA Cat(E.S.L.S.LT) 3-227_ PIC Man (Dteke) ldioms in_America (4J48,0')3-227 PIC Word Board (C1.1061 1-50 Individualised Communication Systems (C1.NA)1-48 PICSYMS Categorical Dictionary (ctd44) lob Readiness Series 1-51 ,)i3-228 PittOgram Ideogram Communication (PIC)(CNA) 1-51 Job Survival Series_IVO) 3-228 Picture Communication(C1.PA) 3-331 _ K.LS - COgriitiVe Educational System(CR13-229 Picture Communication SyMbolt, &kik I and Book Kennedy Handi-Math Program(CN,LS) 3-229 (C1.NA) 1-52 Kennedy Switch Key Software (C1.0AX1) 3-136 Picture Scanner - Software for Assessment(AS) 3-180 Keyboarder(IC1LLP) 3-230 Picture Your Blitsymbols(C1,NA) 1-52 Keyboarding For The Dyslexic (x/r.z8.WP)3,230 Pictures Programs: I, II and HI ( 3-233 Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped(AS.KI3) 3-231 Pictures, Please!fCI.NA) 1-53 Keyboarding for the Visually Limited_(K13,LP.WP) 3.231 PH - Perronalized Information for Independence Keyboarding with One Hand(KB.Wp) 3-232 (AG.AR,CR,LS) 3-254 Keys to &sem= Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children Poc-Ett System_ (AS,C1,TR)7-23 (krixe)3-232 Point and Read (LS) 3-254 Keytalk (KILLS.SV.WP) 3-233 Point to Pictures Development Kit(APAR.AS.E5) 3-255 Kid Talk(ES.PA;SV,WP) 3:322 Point to Pictures Discrinfination Kit(AR,A.S.E.S.TR) 3.255 Kindermath II(CN.ES) 3-233 Point tb Pittiirea Letion Plan Masters (ES) 3-256 Language L.A.&(AP;AR.ES.rf) 3-234 PowerPad Programming Kit(AP) 3-256 Unguage Stimulation Series (adz)3-234 Practice Communication airds Learning Left and Right (AS,C1,NA) 1-55 (ES) 3-235 Preposition Recognition(AR.CR.ES.LT) 3-257 Learning Workshop (A-us) 3-235 Primer 83 (AS./..5)3-257 Lenical (AP.A5) 3-236 3 73 Prism Communiation Tray (cubs) 1-35 Resource Boi)k 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION ommomolr

Problem 5- 3 258 TeLtalker.Blind and Other Echo Utilities(Sv.T0) 3-98 Proce.vsing )r Prograin(LS) 3-258 The Adv tntures of Jimmy JumperPrepositions Purposeful ra;:crns, Purposeful Symbols, Whi.. Belongs? (as.E.s.t.7) 3-282 (C_R.ES-1-S) 3459 The Lost-R Reasoning(CR.LS) 3-282 Put-On-Push-Off Module(AS.ECTR) 1-25 TIGERbook_ /7-ai1-30 Quiet Duck LearningSeries_ (ASA8.L5) 3259 Timer and Counter (a.s.EC.Ta)1-31 Rabbit Scanner (1LS.ES) 3-260 Timer Module(ASXC.T13) 1,31 Race the Clock (GaitE)3-260 Touch &_Speak4C1YATR) 3-344 Rate Drill in_ Articulation, Language andFiuty Tiatith 'N Talk Conimunication Board(Cl.NA) 1-58 (LTST) 3-261 Touch 'N Talk Communication Stickers(CLNAj 1-59 Reading Around Words Program (14) 761 Touch 'N Talk Micros;COM) 1.59 Reading Recognition (Aa.a.S.1.4)3-262 Touch and Match(ES4 3-253 Remedial icndary ol Adult Edutation Programs Touch and SecJES.! 3-283 (LS.LT) 3-262 Touch COM(AS.CITR) 3:183 Representational Play(E.S.LT)3-263 Toy Adapter Cable-(AS,SW::"R) 1-32 sAID: Sayas I_Do(ES) 3-263 Toy Assessor (aa.AS,ES) 3-2S4 Sarah and Her Friends(ES) 3-264 Toy Cable(ASSPITR) 1-32 Scan & Speak(CUR) 3-264 T1-.yScanner(AR.ASI 3-284 Sentence-an(Cl.PA) 3-334 ToyPACLAS.LCAEXR) 1-33 Sequential Scanner (as,C1,7*.e)1-26 Mite Math Aid(C14) 3285 Sight Word Spelling (LTSV) 3-265 Trainiug Aid 2 (a.s_EC.Ta)1-33 SimpleCom L Yes/No Communication(CUR) 3-265 Tri-Responder(AST8) 1-33 SimpleCorn IL Needs/Wants Communication(C1,TR) 3-266 Twenty Cztepories(AR.LS) 3-285 Single Switch ASSOMMCM PtogtaM (AS.TR)3-181 Type N' Parrot(XDSV) 3-286 Single Switch Game Library(GA.RE) 3-303 Type-Talk(4P.14-8)3-286 Single-Input Assessment Software(ARAS.TR) 3-182 Ufonic ystein (Ss) 3-124 Small Clock Communicattir(AS,CLTR) 1-26 tinders( en .g Questions, Sentences I & II, Stories Smart Shaper(C14,Ck.ESL 3-266 (CRIS)3-237 Solt Tools SI '84, '85_(CRJES.L.S.LT) 3-267 UniPii (rtivi1-60 Software for Visually Impaired Children(AP.K.G.L.:.,51. ) 3.267 &Anne; .4S,C1.TR) 1-34 Software simulations of Communication Prosthese. \ ARP: ''-sal Prcgram(ST) 3-287 (aS.C/)3-182 VerSaSC (", -35 onomaVoice(C1.TR) 1-27 Vibra, s.:. 1-35 Sound Ideas(LS) 3-268 .;.t..tri I Sound Match(ASXS) 3-268 Visagraph Em.Moveme It Recording System (as)3 ,R3 Special Education (Eiementary): Paks for Special Needs Visi,Pitch Model 6095(ARST)3:288 (ES.LS) 3-269 Vitible Speech Aid(ST) 3-289 Special Inputs Disk cA.S.X14,71) 3-47 Recopnition_(ARAS.ES.LT) 3-289_ Special Needs Volume , - Spelling ...SL3-269 VISUal/Per. !ptuAlDiagnottic Testin3 & Training i'rogs. Special Needs Volume 2_- Simulations & Drills ic1.1..$) 3-270 taa.AS.Ca.Es03-184 Special Skill Builucis I & IT ; iv,E.$)3-170 Visual/Reading Drills(CR.LS) 290 SpeechMaster(ST) 3-271 V.sucispatial Skint(k1..CR)3-290 Speli-A-Vision_(1z)_3-271 Voice English Language Development(LT) 3-291 Speller Bee(LS) 3-272 Voice Mate II (AS;TR) 1-38 Speller Teller(A.S.C1.TR) 1-27 Voice Math(C1V) 3-29: Spelling Tutor _(1.$)3-172 Voice Reading Ability Drill (a)3-292 SpellLst (IS) 3-273 WALC LinguiDisks(CR.L.S.LT) 3-292 STIM-U-LITE (as.Es.ra)1-28 WayS ;.-.3Play(GA.RE) 3-293 Study Buddy3-273 Word Memory Programs(CR.LS) 3-293 Sunny Days(ES) 3:274 Word Recopition (aa,As,E.s.t7) 3-294 Super Cranmer Gra_phics Package(BR.PA) 3-336 World of Counting(AILCN) 3-294 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) (CR.Es,Ls)3-274 Write fax, /vs Sqrvival Words ( Writing to lef d, :S) 3-295 Switch Latch (AS.EC.TR)1-28 Zygo Model AZ(CI.EA.P91,TITW) 1-85 Switch Latch(ILUC.TR) 129 Zygo Model I6C(A,S.CITR)_ 1-36 Switchboard(C1,EA) 1.77 Zygo Model 20_(ASTR) 1-37 SwitchmasterLAR.AS.ES)3 275 ZIgo Model 21S(AS.TR) 1-37 Symbol Training Display (AS'TR) 1-29 Syml:tol Writer(A.S.ES,GA) 3-276 TAG: Talking Animated Graphics (ES) 3-276 Talk About A Walk(ES.LT) 3-277 Electronic Communication and Writing Talking Apple Literacy Kit(GA.KB.WP) 3-277 Aids {EA} Talking BlissApple ( Talking Hands(S1)3-278 AllTalk (C1.E7.Ta) 1-61 Talking Paddles(Cl.NA) 1-56 Canon. Communicator M (C"/ rw,Ti.Tw)1-63 Talking Pictures Communication Board(C1;NA) 1-57 Dvorak One:Hand Typewriter (Cl,Pw)1-64 Talking Pictura, Kits I, II, and III(C1.NA) 1-57 Equalizer Kl.riit.Pw.RE.7/xwmP1 144 Talking Riddles ii-st3-778 Expanded Ktybdardi for Speak N' Spell(eT,TR)1-65 Talking Scanner (Sy)3-279 Express 3 (CI.EC.PW.TLTW)1-65 Talking Text Writer (Ltsv.soP)3-279 EyeTyper(C1.ECX1)1-66 Talking Unicorn (N)3-280 EyeTyper Model 200(C1,,EC.PC.PW.T1) 1-66 Talking Writer(111-,LPYA3V.WP) 3-341 Flexcom(CLEC) 1-67 _ Tape-A-Message (aS.PC.Ta) 1-30 Handy Terminal(PWX1TW) 7-67 arget (A.s,CI.T/t)3-280 ICOMM(C1,13*.T1.TW) 1-68 Task Master(AP.CR) 3-281 _ Light TalkerrCLEC.PKTI.TIV)1-68 Teadsing Vocabulary LinguiDiski(AR.LT) 3-281 3 74 Lightivriter (C/JrG)Ptv) 1-69

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 361 Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION


Living Center III (CT.CXECRENP) 1-69 Head Control for Wheelchairs (siv) 2-17 Mini Talkutg Card Reader (C1,ET) 1-70 Infrared Remote Control 2-56 Minspeak 1(C1.EC.PW.T1.7T4) 1-70 Intercom Unicontrol (CAI) 2-78 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Jurribb Phene with 9 W. nories (Pc) 2-56 (C1.CM.Pir.WPJ 1-71 Light Talker (CLEA.PW11XW) 1-68 Phot(,? 4C/EvalPAC (AS.CI.EC.ET.PWX1.TW) 1-71 Living Center III (CLCIV.EA.RE.WP) 169 Portabie Pocket Typewriter/Computer (C11/) 1-72 MECCA (PC) 2-57 Portable Voitx, II ICIPW) 1-72 MicroDEC II _(CM,PC) 2-57 Ouad-Ind-pendence Typewriter-Printer System (KM 4P)1-73 Minspeak (CI.EA.PW.TI.TW ) 1-70 Say-It-All and Say-It-All Super Plus (C1.PW) 1-73 Motbrited EaSel (8P) 2-58 SeanPACLEpson (C1XCPWX1XtV) 1=74 Multi-Input Selector (AS.ET.TR) 1-2 SCANWOLF (C1XR) 1-74 No-Touch (PC) 2-58 Small_Talk_ CW,W5V,11r_WilVP) 1-75 On/Off Remote Switch 2-39 Special Friend Speech Prosthetis (C1) 1-75 Operator Dialer (PC) 2-59 SpeechAid (C1.PW.T1.TW) 1-76 Page Turner (87 SpeeehPAC/Epson _(C1..X.PW.T1.TIV) 1-76 PhotoPAC/Eva' ."-T.PW.TI.TW) 1-71 SpeechPad (C1) 1-77 Push-On-Push-Ol. (AS.ET.TR) 1-25 Switchboard (CUT) 1-77 Radio Remote Co- 2-60 Talking 100 i(CI.PCPWWP) 1-78 Radio Unicontrol Talking 100 ComMuttitatbr tcti 1=78 Raised Fax-Phte TIM (CI.PW,WP) 1-79 Remote Ccintrol &onic Switch 2-6' Timothy Communications Package (cid ,1-79 Saltus Reader (8P) 2-62 Touch Talker (Cl.PW,T1.7*/) 1:80 ScanPAC/Epson (ClzAyvinxiv) 1-74 Trine System (ACS) (CI.PWX1XW,WP) 1-80 SMarthoine 1(CAI.PC) 2-63 Trine Systercs(Words+) (CI,PSV.T1.TWSVP) 1-81 Sound Activated Light Switch 2-63 Typewriters for the Visually Impaired (ptv) 141 SpeechPACEpson (CLEA.PW.T1.TW) 1-76 Vocaid (C1) 1-82 Switch Latch (AS.ET.TR) 1-28 VOIS 130 (C1) 1-87 Switch Latch (AS.ET.TR) 1-29 VOIS 135 (C1) 1-83 Tape Recorder Aid 244 VOISM (C1) 1-63 Tarie Recorder with Switch Adapter 2-64 VOIS_150 (Cl) 1-84 Teleph.coe Holder & Line Connector (Pc) 2-65 WOLF (C1.TR) 1-84 Telephone On/Off Latch (PC) 2-65 Zygo Model 100 (CIXT.PW.T1-.Tw) 1-85 Telephone Ring Indicator (PC) 2-66 Zygo Notebook (Ci.PW.wp) 1:85 Television Channel Selector 2-66 Zygo scauWRITER (CI.EC.Ptv.T1,TW) 1-86 Timer and Counter (AS.ET.TR) 1-31 Timer Module (AS.ETIT) 1-31 TOSC-2_Environmental ("outs.System (cm,Pc) 2-67 Touch T%trner (Hp) 2:67 Environmatal Controls {EC} ToyPAC IA.S.ET.REX111 1-33 Training Aid 2 (AS.ET.TR1 1-33 AbleNet Cotarbi Unit (A.S.ET.TR) 1-15 TV Converter 2-6S ACS Medi..orn Computer System (C1.PCXI.TL) 3-23 Ultra 4 Remote System 2-61' Active Sao' 2tion Programmer (AS,ET.TR) 1 16 Unidialer _(Pa) 2-69 Activity F. rd (AS.TR) 1-16 UrtiverSal T,:t;ephone Adapter (PC) 2-69 Appliance ,7tnie_ (AZET.PA) _1,307 VocaLink Ctllular Module (Pr) 2-70 Automaddiik_ Page Thrner (BP) 2-45 Whistleswitch Remote Control 2-70 Automatic Message Dialer (CM.PC) 2-45 X-10 Powerhouse Computer Interface (PA) 3-349 Automatic Pas, Turner -(8P) 2-46 X-10 System 2-71 Butler-in-a,Box (PCX1) 2-46 Command Telephone System (eC) 7-47 Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA.PWTI,TW) 1-86 Computerized Enabling System (C:pA,PCWP) 3-315 Control_1_ (PC) 2-47 ControlPAC (ALET) 2-48 Games {GA} Delay Tinter_ (11-S,ET,TR) 1-21 Deuce (PCXW) 2-48 Audio Braille Game Tutorial (8R.ET.RE) 3-191 Directel (PC) 2-49 Dot & Draw (DR.E7.11E) 3-300 Dual Channel Latching Switch Interface (AS,ET,Tx, 1-22 Gibson Light Pen System (DRJAPA,RE) 3-62 Dual Switch_Latch and Timer (AS,ET.TR) 1-22 Governor (0A.PA) 3-135 Dual Tape Ccintrol 2-49 Handicapped Word Games (ET.L.S,RE) 3-300 Dynamate 1200 (PC) 2-50 Lite Touch (DR.RE.71) 3-38 Dynamate 2000 (PC) 240 Magic Music Teacher (ET,RE) 3-301 Easicbtder 2-51 Maze (ET,RE) 3-243 iasy File Tray; Desk Organizer (BP) 2-51 Mind Master (REX1) 3-39 EDACTS_ Keyboard (C1X1.WP) J:27 Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs (ET.RE) 3-247 Electrit Copyholders (8P) 2-52 Motor Training Games (AS,ET.RE) 3-301 Environmental Control _2,52 Multi-Game Board (OA) 3-138 Environmental Control Systerti2-53 Muppet Learning Keys (ET.113) 3-63 Expanded Key_hoard for Automatic Telephone (PC) 2-53 Rate the Chick (ETRE) 3-260 Express 3 (CLEA.PWWW) 1-63 Response Optimizer (0.1.PA) 3-140 EyeTyper (CLEA.T1) 1-66 Single Switch Game Library (ET.RE) 3-303 EyeTyper Model 200_ (CLEAPCPW.T1) 1-66 Symbol Writer (A.S.ES.ET) 3-276 EZRA (CLCMPC) 2-54 Talking Apple Literacy Kit (ET.KB,WP) 3-277 Flezcom (C1.EA) 1-67 Talking Wheelchair (CIPA.RE,WP) 3-340 Fone Holder (PC) 2-54_ Ways to Play (ET,RE) 3-293 Gewa Page Turner 48P) 245 Giant Filth Button Telephone Adapter (PC) 2-55 3 75

362 Rekiiitte &kik 3: COmputer Software and Hardware Index 1: Products Listed by FUNCTION

IEP and IPP {IE} Keys toiSuccess: Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children (ETSY) 3-232 Articulator Goals and Objectives forSpc (AMST) 3-149 Keytalk (ET.LS,SV.P/Pj3-133 Automated IEP System and Professional Gc.. Banks Letter Find tCN:ESXT.SV) 3236 (AM) 3-150_ One Handed Typing(ET) 3-250 Automated IEP System and SCOR Goal Banks(Am i3-110 Quiet Duck Learning Series (A5,E7.L.3)3-259 DPS:Decision Pathing System(AM.AP) 3-152 Software _for _Visually Impaired Children(AP.ET.L.S.Sv) 3267 DPS:HELP(AMAR) 3-153 Talking Apple Literacy Kit(ETDA.WP) 3-177 IEP Manager, Revised(AM) 3-155 Talking Writer(ET.I.P.PA.SV.WP) 3-;41 1EP Writer(AM.ARST) 3-156 Type N' Parrot (ET.SV)3-286 Planning Individualized Speech & Language Intervention Type-Talk (AP.ET)3-286 (AM.AR) 3-160 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report(AM) 3-163 Keyguards {KG} Input Adapters fOr Computers fiAl Expanded Computer Keyboards (T I) 3-29 Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple(TI) 3-31 Adaptive Firmware Card(KE.KM-59/.7.1) Keasyboard(T1) 3-35 Apple Adapior (sa) 3-69 Keyguard(KM) 3-8 Apple Computer Input Adapter (Dv)3-69 Keyguard (rs4)3-9 Apple He Input Adapter (SW)3-70 Keyguard(KM) 3-9 Apple Switch Interface (Svi)3-70 Keyguards (Au)3-10 Interface Box for Apple Ile (Pk1.2/ keyguards(KM, 4.:1, Keyboard Interfacc for Apple lie E) 3.71 Keyguards (KM) 4-1' Keyboard Interfaces(KEI 3-72 Keyguards (1C1i0 311 Kcyscan II(KE) 3-71 Keyguards (Km)3 12 Multiple Switch Box for the Adapnve Firmwarc Card3 '3 Keysbields (Km)3-13 Paddle Adapple3-73 Lightwriter (CLEA,PW) 1-69 Paddle Parir'3-74 Rai-ed T.:toe-Plate(EC.PC) 2-61 PSS Joystit kdapter 3-74 R/S II Ser.-. Wireless Link(OA) 3-75 Switch Adapter for Apple He and 11+ Computers(SW) 3-75 Switch Interface (51) 3-76 Language Therapy/Development {LT} TV Game-2(SW) 3-76 Wireless Data Transmission System(OA) 3-77 Basic Language Series-Spatial Concepts(ES,ET)3-192 Basic Vocabulary Builder on Computer(ETU) 3-192 Chattc:..41 Dictionary,FS.ET) 3-198 Compute, CUP-(E.S.ET) 3-2.15 Input Dev: with Only Some Corr, uter Managed Language Treatment (Aker) 1-206 Software Computer Managed Screening Test(ARASST)3473 La-./..tage Concepts(ET.L.5) 3-211 Commodore Light Pen(APDR) 3-6. Ekphant Ears (ESXT) 3-213 DP-200 Connected Speech Recognizer 3-41 Exploratory PNy (EsET) 3.114 :2105,0h LightPen System (DRDA-.PA.RE) 3-61 First Categori.- i 3-218 KoataPad(DR) 3-62 First Verbs(ESXT) 3-219 Muppet Learning 14..tiys(ET.GA) 3-63 First Words(ES.ET) 3-219 Omnibox(ETTO; 3-63 First Words II(15;ET) 3-220 PowerFad (DititE) 3-64 HELP Linguidisks(AR,CR,ELLS) 3-223 Ten Key Board3-64 Holidays (Ait,CR.Er.t.$)3-226 Touch Window(DRDSXE.WP) 3-65 I Can Talk (ILES.ETXR)3-126 Voice Master(SS) 3-125 IDEA Cat (ES.ET.LS)3-227 VS1000 "lice Communications Device3-65 Idioms in America (AS.ET.LS) 3-227 Language Intervention Planner(AMAR) 3-158 Language LA.B.(APAR.ES,ET) 3-234 Language Stimulation Series(ET.LS) 3-234 Keyboard EnitilL:iiLi; Interfaces (Adapters Memory _Patterns(ARAS-.ES;ET) 3-244 Only) {KE} Miero-LADS (AS.57) 3-179 Natural Language Processing ProgramIET )_ 3-149 Adaptive Firmware Card thit.Km,sw.21) 3-24 ParrtoAtmErRy.AsLa)gisn 3-usage Sample Analysis (PELSA) Keyhoard Interface for Apple lle(IA) 3-71 Keyboard Interfaces(IA) 3-72 PrepositioniRecosnition(AR.CR.ES.FT) 3-257 Keyscan II(IA) 3-72 Rate Drill in Articulation, Language and Fluency (LT.ST) 3-261 Remedial SOndary or Adult Education Programs (ET-X.S) 3-262 Keyboarding Trailing Programs {KB} Representational Play(E.S.ET) 3-163 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) Coinsnkeys(C/4,ES.E7) 3-102 _ __ (AMAR1 3-161 Computer Cci.rsewa e for the Exceptional Student &oft Tools '83, '84, '85(CR.E.S.ET.1.5) 3-267 (CN.ET.1.81LY'r Survival Words (AD-AS.ET.Ls)3-275 keyboarder ter-LP) 3-230 aa1Abt A'441k(EUT) 3:277 Keyhoarding For The Dyslexic(ET.L.S.WP) 3-230 Teaching Vocabulary LinguiDisks(AR.ET) 3-281 Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped (tS,ET)3-231 The AdNentures of Jimmy Jumper - Prepositions Keyboarding for ihe Vhtually Limited tET.LP,svP)3-231 _ (A.T-.E.s,E7)3-282 Keyboarding with One Hand(ET.WP) 3-132 Visual Recognition(AR.AS.E.S.ET) 3-289

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 363 Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION

Voice Enghsh Language Deopment (tT) 3-291 Game POW& for Phonics, Plus (AS.ET) 3-177 WALC LinguiDisks (CR.E.7.e..5) 3-292 Getting-Started in Arithroetic Series (and Sam's Store) Word Class Inventory for School Age ChildrentaM.Aft) 3-167 (CN.ETXP.SY) 3-223 WOM Reciagnitibn (ARAS.ES.ET) 3-294 Guersing and Thinking (CPI.ET) 3-224 H:1 Handicapped Word Games (ET.C.A.RE) 3-300 H:2 Handicapped Arithmetic Flash Cards(CN.ET.RE) 3-224 Large Print Output {LP} HELP Linguidisks (AR.C8.17.1S) 3-225 Holidays (AR.CR.ET.L.Tk 3-226 Beamscope II (TO) 3-82 IDEA Cat (ESXTXT) 3-227 BEX48)1.PA.SV.WP) 3-309 Idioms in America (ASET.L.T) 3-227 Ca Ic-Talk (CN.PA.SV) 3-312 Kennedy Handi-Math Program (Cv.ET) 3-229 Classy Letterheads - Speaki (PA.SV.w", 3 313 Keyboarding For The Dysle?.ic (E-,EB.WP) 3-230 Compu-Unt (TO) 344 Keytalk (Erxes-v.v/n) 3-233 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (C1.ET.T1) 3-28 Lariguaie Stimulation_Series ifr.T.I.T) 3-234 Lightpeo Programs for Special Education I & II Expand-a-View (TO) 346 _ (C)1,ET) 3-237 11:tett tO Utirn (LT.WP) 3-238 Getting Started in Arithmetic Seri= (and Sam's Store) (CN.ET.L.5sv) 3.223 4cMaster (AS.ET) 3-238 inLARGE (TO) 3-87 M:Agic Slate (,67:LP.PA.WP) 3-239 ioyWriter (PA) 3.322 Math Power Program (CN.ET) 3.240 Memory I Keyboarder (ET.813) 3-230 (C8.ES.ET_I 3-243 Memory II (C8-.EszT) 3-244 _ Keyboardinglor the_Visually Limited (ET.KB.WP) 3-231 Urge Print Display Pr6cerior (TO) 3-88 PAVE Percephial Accuracy/Visual Efficiency Training Large Print Word Processor (PA.WP) 3-323 (ET) 3-251_ Large Type (P-,CWP) 3-323 Pictures Programr_ L II and III (CR.E.S.ET) 3-253 L:meLight (ro) 340 Pll - Personalized Information for Independence LOVE fPA_SV.WP) 3-325 (AD.AR.CR.ET) 3-254 Lyon Large Print Program (ro) 349 Point and Read (ET) 3-234 Magic Keyboard (TO; 3-90 Primer 83 (AS.E7) 3-257 Magic &Ate (ET,LS.PA.WP) 3-239 Processing 7ower Program (ET) .3-258 Magnicomp (PA) 3-326 Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symhols, Whit Belongs? Magni Link (TO) 3-90 (CR.ES.ET) 3-257 Multi Scribe_ (PANP) 3-329 Quiet Duck Learntag Series (AS.ETJCB) 3-259 Optacon (87).TO) 3-93 Reading Around Words Program (LT) 3461 PC Lens (TO) 3-91 Reading Recognition (AR.AS.ET) 3.262 Fcachy Writer Bold (PA) 3-330 Remedial Secondary or Adult Education Programs (27.1,T) 3-262 Talking Writer (ET.KB.PA,SV.WP) 3-341 Till Talk Prints (SV.T/2/ 3-97 Sight Word Spelling (ET,SV) Tall Talk Screen ( 3-98 Soft Tools '81 '84, '85 (CR.E.S.ET.LT) 3.267 Testa lk (PA-(V.WP) 3-343 Software (or Visually Impaired 0.'ldren ;fi.P.ET.KILSV)3-267 Vantage (TO) 3-99 jound Ideas (ET) 3,268 Viewscan Text System (CN.PA.P?:.TE.T039P) 3400 Special Education (Elementary): Paks for Special Needs Vista (TO) 3-101 fES,ET) 3-269 Special Needs Volume 1 (E ) 3-269 Special Needs Volun. - S'imulations & Drills (CN,ET) 3-270 Spell-A-Vision (ET( 3-2/1 Later Skills (Includes Reading) {LS} Speller Bee (ET) 3-272 Spelling Tutor (ET) 3-272 Academics with Scanning Lingnage Arts (ET) 3-188 Spellist (ET) 3 273 Aphasia Scrim I through VIII ICR.ET) 3-190 Sunny Days (ET) 3-274 Arithmetic 1,2, and_ 3 with Speech (AR.CN.ET.SV) 3-191 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) (CR,ES.ET) 3-274 Survival Words (41),A.S.ET.I.T) 3-275 Bsic Vcicabulary Builder en Computer (ET.L.T)3-192 Blisspen rET) 3493 Talking Riddles (ET) 3-278 CAPTAIN: Co;nitive Training Scrin (AS.CR.ES.ET) 3-196 Talking Text Writer (ET,SV.Wp) 3-279 CARA (AR.A.9; The Lost R - Reasoning (CR.ET) 3-282 Cloze-Plus Progritm rET) 3-119 Twenty Categories (AR,ET) 3-285 Cognitive Rehabilitation Series (CRET) 3-199 Understanding Questions, Sentences I & II, Storics Cogrehab Vol. 1(CR.ET) 3-200 _(CR,ET) 3-287 Cogrehab Vol. 2 (CR.ET) 3-200 Visual/Reading Drills (CR.ET) 3-290 Cogrehab VoL 3 (CR,ET) 3-201 Voice Leading Ability Drill (ET) 3-292 Cogrchab Vol. 4 (CR,ET) 3-201 WALC LinguiDisks (CR,ET.LT) 3-292 Complete Spelling Program (ET) 3-203 Word Memory Programs (CLET) 3-293 Comprehension Power Program (AR.ET) 3-203 Write (CI.ETS9) 3-295 Co intoner Courseware for the Exceptional Student Writing to Read (ET) 3-295 (CPIXT.E8) 3-204 Computer Progs. for Neuropsychological Testing A Rehab. (AR,CR.ET) 206 Comp:rized Reading for Aphasics (AR.A.S.CR,ET) 3-207 Lipreading (Speech Reading) {L11} Core Reading and VOCJ ilary Development (Er) 3-208 Lip-Reader Trainer (AS,ET) 3-237 CREATE (AR.AS.CP 3-209 Drills in Language C, ,ts(ET-.1.2) 1-211 Edniark Reading Progisin, !Ave 1(ES, )3-211 Edufun (GNAT) 3-213 Modifications for Standard Keyboards {K Fay's_Word Rally (ET) 3-215 Fay The Word Hunter (AP.E7 ) 3-216 Adaptive Firmware Card (1A.KE.SW.T1) 3-14 First Categories (ES.ET.LT) 3-218 Cacti Word Processor (PA.WP) 3-311

Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION

CHPI Apple Tool Kit (71R,A.TLY/P) 3-312 Pictogram Ideogram Communication (PIC) (CI.E-7) /5/ CTRL & ALT Key Adaptive Program 3-3 Picture-Communication Symbols, Book I and Book II D.orak Keyboard Converter 3-3 = (CLET) 142 Dvorak Keyboard Modification Programs 3-4 Picture Your Blissymbols (CLET) 1-52 Filch 3-4 Pictures, Please! (CLET) 1-53 Handi-Keys (ALAS) 3-5 Pocket-Sized Communication Book (CI) 1-53 Hope 3_4 Porta Book (CI) 1-54 HX-20 Protective Cover (OA) 3-6 Portable _Communication Boards (C7) 7-54 Key Latches 3-6 Practice Communication Cards (As.CI.ET) 1.55 Key Tronic Plug-Compatible Keyboards 3.7 P-imn Communication Tray (CUT) 1-55 Keyboard Covers 3-7 Board (CI) 1-56 Keyer 3-8 ,rig Paddles (CI.ET) 1-56 Keyguard (KG) 3-8 L.1king Pictures Communication Board (CLET) 1-57 Keyguard (KG) 1 9 Talking r_,:tures; Kits f;11; and III (Cur) 1.57 Keyguard (KG) 3-9 Toucl, N ralk Communication Ejoard (CI.ET) 1-58 Keyguards (KG) 3-70 Touch 'N Tall- Communication Notebook (CI) 1-58 Keyguards (KG) 3-10 Touch '14 Talk Communicatioa Stickers (C1.ET) 159 Keyguards (KG) 3-II Touch 'N Talk Micros (ox/-) 1 59 Keyguards (KG) 3-11 Unipix (CI,ET) 1-60 Keyguards (KG) 3-12 Word Board (c7) 7-60 Keylocks 3-12 Keylocks 3-13 Keyshields (KG) 3-13 Ktyworks (TN_ 5-37 Other Software and Hardwa-e MacroWorks 3-74 Adaptations {OA} Moisture Gin-rd (OA) 3-14 Moisture Gua!d (OA) 3-75 Apple DOS 33 Manual 3-129 One Finger 3-2.5 CompuDesk HCP 3-129 PC Aiiiited Keyboard 3-16 Disk Guide 3-130 PC-Pedal (SW) 3-16 E-Z Port Plug 3-130 ProKey 347 Easy-Load-A-Diskette 3-131 Prompt-Writer (PA.SV.WP) 3-331 Echo Enhancement Box (W) 3-131 _)uad-lndependence Typwriter-Printer System (E.S.WP)1.73 Echo/Cricket Training Disk (SV) 3-132 OuickWord - 45 EZBAS (C1) 3-132 Repeat De Finger Print 3-133 SeeSkin ir (OA) 3-18 Firm Grip Joystick Holder 3-133 Smartkel F"ptrack Learning Tape Tutorials (ET) 3-134 Special fri, (RS.ET.TI) 3-47 Florida Scanner (A)') 3-134 St:ek K ;19 Governor (DA-.PA) 3-135 Superkey 3-1k Handi-Routine (AP) 3-135 XtraKey 3-20 HX-20 Protective Cover (KM) 3-6 Kenneiy_Switch Key Software (CI.ETri) 3-136 Lenipen PC (DR) 3-136 Littlelack (SV) 3-137 Mouse and Touch Pad Emulation {MT} Master 'Talker _-(ALSV) 3-737 MOdula7 Twin Turntable Desk 3-13R Footmouse (TI) 3-32 Moisture Guard (KM) 3-14 HeadMaster (TI) 3-33 Moisture Guard (Km) 3-15 quadLynx Trackball (TI) 3-44 Board (GA) 3-138

Multiport 3-139_ __ Prairie Power Portable Ilc System 1PWi 3.139 Print-it (TO) 3-94 Non-Electronic Communication Aids {NA} R/S II Series Wireless Link (IA) 3-75 Blissymtiol Vocabulary Stamps (C Response Optimizer (GA.PA) 3-140 T) 1-41 SafeSkin Kryboard Protector (KM) 3.18 Brighter Pathways Communicatiorymbols and Grids _(CLET) 1-41 SAYIT (tr) 3440 Choice Board (As,ET) 1-42 Scanning Conversion Program (AP) 3-141 Cleo Communication Board (0) SCOOter ZVI) Force Game Port 3-141 Tilt Table 3-142 Communication Binder (CI) 1-43 Communication Folder (CI) 1-43 Triple Dump 3-142 Communication Sheets (cl,ET) 7-44 Western CenterEcho + Synti..sizer Pack ige (SV) 3-143 Core Picture Vocabulary (cur) 1-44 Wheeled Floor Station 3.143 Eye Transfer Caammunication System (C1.E7) 1-45 Wireless Data Transmission System (IA) 3-77 Eye-Com (cur) 7-45 Eye-Cnin aoard (CI,ET) 1-46 Fold-it System (CI) 1-46 Personal Tools or Aids (for Speaking, Writing, Foto Series (ET) 1-47 Help MI to Help Myself (Cur) 1-47 Drawing, Controlling, etc.) {PA} Individualized Communication Systems (CLET) 1-48 AARON (771.WP) 3-307 Life Experienm Communication Kit (CI.ET) 7-48 Appliance tie= (AS,ECET) 3-307 Nu-Vueue (CI,ET) 1-49 Audio SCan (CI) 3-308 Oakland Schools Picture Dictionary (CLET) 1-49 Automatic Form Writer (SV.V0) 3-308 Opticommunicator (CI,ET) 1-50 PIC Word Board (CI.ET) 1-50 BEX (11R.I.A.W.WP) 3-309 Blissymbolioe Bliss Library (AP) 3-309 PICSYMS Categorical Dictionary (CUT) 1-51 3 78Blissymbolicx BIWboard (CUT) 3-370

Resource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware 365 Index Products Listed by FUNCTION ,ar..E.OMMINNEMww-

Bra!! le in: islazion &ftware (BR) 3-310 J:tahic.Tots. Type & Speak (C1SV) 3-345 /4.2ft.Si") 3-ill Ultimate Ranker (CNS7) 3-346 -ti W(Arl (CP1 WP) 3-311 Ultimate-File Cab,liet (DS) 3-346 CA1.1 s'y Y VEREtil STAR (SV.P/P) 3347 Appie hr.)? Kix A-6:j1167) 3-312 VersaBraille (1113.11R.WP) 3-111 C!assy Leterbeads - il-P5V.WP) 3-313 VIC720 Scanner (CI,WP) 3-347 Comrr-Prog (1:1) 3-31? Viewscan Text Sysum (CN.LP.PW.TE.TO.WP) 3-100 (..3mmunicatot (WP) 3-314 Word Communication (a) 3-348 Communitree - First and_Second Editions(DS.TL) 3-314 Word-Talk (5V.P/P) 3-348 Computerized Enabling System (C1EC.PC.WP) 3-315 X-10 Powerhouse Computer Interface (EC)3-349 Control Without Keyboards (AS.CLET)3-315 DuibUry Braille Translator (BR) 3-316 E-Z Pilot II Anil...wing System and Training Package I (AP) 3-316 Phone Control/Access {PC} Easy Prnrammer 3-317 Electronic 3tDay_Calendar (SV) 3:317 ACS Medicom Computer System.rI.EC.TI.TL) 3 23 Fast AcTecTs &an Talker (C1) 3-318 Ameorn C (CLTD-XL) 3-89 File-Talk (125.5y) 3-318 Amplified Transmitter Handsets (SAYA) 1-3 Gibson Light Pen System (oR.Gaio./tE) 3-62 Automatic Message Dialer (cm.EC) 2-45 Govw-nor (GA.0A) 3-135 Butler-in-a-Box (ECX1) 2-46 Graphics Magician Jr. (DR.RE) 3-319 CallTert 5000 (SS) 3-115 Graphics Magician Painter (DR.RE) 3-319 CallText 5050 (SS) 3-115 Handi-Writer Version 351 (C1) 3-320 COM 2000 1C1XD.TL; 149 Hot Dots (BR)_3-320 COnlitlatd Telephone System (EC) 2-47 Illustrations (BRIM?) 3-321 Computerized Enabling System (CLEC.PA,WP) 3-315 IlltYstiltiotit (BB) 3-321 Controi 1(EC) 2-47 Joywriter (LP! 3-322 Dece. (EC.TW) 248 Keynote (PWSVXrX12-,WP) 3-88 Dir/..eizi (EC) 2-49- Kid Talk (ES.ET.S%.WP) 3-322 Dynamate 1200 (EC) 2-50 Large Print Word Processor (LP.WP) 3-323 Dynamate 2000 (EC) 2-50 Large Type_ (LPN") 3-323 Echo 2000 (CIXDXL) 1-90 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrushi (D1LET.RE) 3-324 Expanded Keyboard_ for Automatic Telephone (So 2-53 Lister Talker (DS.SV) 3-324 EyeTyper Model 2(X) (CI.Ea.EC.PWX1) 1-66 UNE (LPSV-NP) 3-325 EZRA i(ClEM,EC) 2-54 Mac-Apple Communication Aid (CLCN.DR.ES.ETIVP)3-325 Fone Holder (EC) 2-54 Magic Cymbals (C1) 3-326 Giant Piith_BUtten Telephone Adapter (EC) 2-55 Magic Slate (ET.LP.LS.WP) 3-239 WI, se' for Speech Amplification (SA,VA) 1-4 Mapicomp (LP) 3-326 Laelr174pe (MD:7LN?) 140 Message Maker (C1) 3-327 t.:.^6e With 9 Memories (Ea 2-56 Micro Braille (BR.WPI 3-327 Personal Communicator (Cf.C1vXD.71) 1-91 Micro Illustrator (05,E12E) 3-328 1 4 -(EC) 2-57 Morser_ (WP) 3-328 MicroDC.0 II (CMEC) 2-57 Multi-Sean (AS.CLETXR) 3-329 No-Touti: _(EC) 2-58 MukiScribe fl.p.WP) 3-329 Operator Dialet (EC) 2--59 Peachy Writer Bold (LP) 3-330 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD (C1,TDXL) 1-93 Pertoriad Money Management_ (se) 3-330 Porta Printer Plus MP4OD (C1XDXL) 1-93 Picture Communication (CLEF) 3-331 Print-A-Call (c1.Tarc) 1.94 Prompt-Writer (KM,SV,WP) 3-331 Quick Talk (CLPA) 3-332 ProWORDS (SV.WP) 3-332 Raised Face-Plate (EC.KG) 2-6' Quick Talk (C1C) 3-332 Smarthome I (CMEC) 2-61 Rapsheet (DS.SV) 3-333 Superprint_100; 200; 400 (CLTDIL) 1-96 Response Optimizer_ (GA.13A) 3-140 Talking 100 (CLEA,PW.WP) 1-78 R1C_Easy Talker (C/) 3-333 TapE7A-Messar JASETXR) 1-30 Say It(C1) 3-334 TeleBraille_faXDXLI 7-97 Sentence-Scan (CLET) 3-334 Telephone Helder & LiGe Connector (EC) 2-65 Speak Up (C1) 3-335 Telephone On/Off Latch (EC) 2-65 Speak-A-Label (DS.Sy) 3-335 Telephone Rirg Indie-ator (EC) 2-66 Speeck Writer (SY-MP) 3-336 TOSC-2 EnVirbainental CoLLsol System (CM.EC)2-67 Super Cranmer Graphics Package (MIXT) 3-336 Unidialer (EC) 2-69 Super Shape Draw & Animate (DR,RE) 3-337 Universal Telephone Adapter (Et) 2=69 Talk II (C1) 3-337 VocaLink Cellular Module (EC) 2-70 Talker (5V,WP) 3338 Voice Communications Option (SV,T1-XL) 3-53 Talking Aid (a) 3-338 Voice Communications System (T1) 3-54 Talking BlissApple (Cixt.) 3-339 Talking Sensible Speller (SV) 3-339 Talking Transcend II fTL) 3-340 Talking Wheelchair (CLGA.RE.WP) 3:340 Pointing and Typing Aids 'PT} Talking Word &gird (C1) 3-341 Talking Writer (ET.KB.LPSV.WP) 3-341 AD-1 Standard Pointer1-9 Tally,Talk (DS) 3-342 Adjustable Head Fointer :=9 Tele-Talk (SV) 3-342 Adjuitable Head Pointer 1-9 Textalk_ (LPSY.WP) 3-343 Adjustable Head Pointer /4) Tertwriter 2.0 (SV,WP) 3-343 Clear-VieW Head Pointer HO Touch & Speak (c1.4-rxR) 3-344 3 79 HeYer-Abadie Modular Mouthstick1-10 TR AX PAX Talking Checkbook (SV) 3-344 Light Pointer1.// _ TRAX PAX Talking File Eiox (SY) 3-345 Mouth Held Page Turners (BP) 1-11

mum Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 1: Products Listed by FUNCTION

Mouthtticks (sP) bit Touch Window (DR.DS.1D.WP) 3-65 Tzlking Beam 1-12 ToyPAC (AS.EC.ET.TR) 1-33 Viewpoint Opties Indicator 6 1-12 Ways to Play (ET,GA) 3-293

Portable Writing {PW} Screen (DiSOlay) to Voice {SV}

Canon Communicator M (CLEA.TI.TW) 1-63 ArithMetie 1,2, ahd 3 With Speech (AR.CN.ET,LS) 3-191 Dvorak One-Hand Typewriter (CLEA) 1-64 Artie Vision (TO) 3-81 ualizer (CLDR.EA.RE.TI.TW.WP) 1-64 AudiBrailleComputer (BR.T0j 3-81 Express 3 (Cl.EA.EC.7.1.Tw)j-05 Atiternatie _Feint Writer (PAyo) 3-308 EyeTyper Model 203 (C1XA.EC.PC,T1) 1:66 Basic Interpreter for the Blind (TO) 3-82 Handy Terminal (EA.T1.TP1) 1-67 BEX (101-.LPX1WP) 3-309 ICOMM (CLEAXLTW) 1.68_ Braille Trainer (BR.ET) 3-195 Keynote _(PA.SV-.TI-TO.WP) 3-88 Braille-Talk ILIRXA) 3-311 Light Talker (CLEA.EC.TI-TW) 1-68 Calc-Talk (CNXPJ'A)=3-312 Lithtwriter (CLEA.KGL 1-69 Classy Leticiteidi - Speak! (LP.PA.WP) 3-313 Microbrailler 2400 (BDXO.WP) 3-107 Eatio + -(55) 3-117 Mintcom II (CLTD.TL) 1-92 Echo Enhancement Box (OA) 3-131 Minspeak 1 ICLEA.ECTLTW) 1-79 EChO/Cricket Training Disk (OA) 3-132 FACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Electronic 31 DayCalendar (PA) 3-317 (C1,CN.EA.WP) 1-71 Enable Reader= (TO) 3-85 PhittOPAC/EvalPAc7 (AS,CLEA.ECET.TLTW) 1-71 Enhariced PC Talking Program (TO) 3-85 Portable Pocket_Typewriter/Computer (CLEA) 1-72 File-Talk (DS.P.41 3-318 Portable Voice II (CLEA) 142_ Freedom 1 (TO) 3-86 Prairie Power Portable Be System (OA) 3-1- 39 Fun With Math (our) 3-222 Say-ti-AILand Say-It-AU Super Plus (CLEA) 1-73 Getting Started in Arithmetic Series (and Sam's Store) SciriPAC/Epson (CI,EA.EC,T1XW) 1-74 (CN.ET,LP,1.5) 3-223 Small Talk (CLCN4A5y.T1.TP/NP) 1-75 Inter -Talker (SS) 3-118 SpeechAid_ fax-xxr.774) 1-76 K Talker (TO) 3-87 SpeechPAC/Epson (CLEA.ECTLTW) 1-76 Keynote ( 3-88 Talking 100 (CLEALPC": P) 1-78 Ker to Suocesk Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children TIM (C1.F;1.a ') 1-79 3-232 Timothy Commuvic:tions Package (CLEA) 1-79 Kcytale (E7.R8.1.S.W)') 3-233 Touch Talker_ (CLEA.T1-.TW) 1-80 Kid Talk (ES.ET.PA.WP) 3-322 rrine (ACS) Ici,Etraw.wp) 14a Letter _Find (CW.ES.ET..8) 3-236 Trine S7 item (Worels+)_ (cLEA.71,7-Kw_p) 141 Lister Talker (DS.PA) 3-324 Typewriters ior_the Visually Impaired (SA) 1-81 LittleJack MO 3-1P Viewstan Text Sy.;tem (CtLI.P.PA.TEXO.WP) 3-100 LAVE (LP.PANP) 3-325 Zygo Model 100 (CuA,rtxt.riv) 1-85 Matter Talker (AP.OA) 3-137 Zygo Notebook_(0-.EA.9/P) 1-85 pC Speak (TO) 3-92 Zygo hcahWPITER (CLEA.EC,T1.Tw) 1-86 PC Vert (TO) 3-92 PC Voice- (To) 3-93 Personal_Money Management (PA) 3=330 Rcc- cation IRE} Prompt-Writer (KM,PA,WP) 3-331 ProTERM a-Exo_ .1-94 PROVOX ITO) 3-95 Aud:3 &aline Game Tutorial (BR.ET.GA) 3-191 Pr:)WORDS -(PA.WP)_ 3-332 Blazing Paddles (DR,ET) 3-209 Rapsheet (DS,A) 3-333 Creativity Tool Box (AP.DR.E1) 3499 Dot & Draw (DRXTGA) 3-300_ SCAT (reen Articulator) (TO) 3-95 Screen-Talk Pro 0'9) 3-96 Eq_ualizer (C1DR-.EAPWX1XV,Wp) 1.64 Sight_ Word Speilinp Gibson Light Pen System (DR,GAjD,PA) 3-62 'ET..1.3) 3-265 SmallIlk (cf.c.- ri'A.Pwyl,TWWP) 1-75 Graphics Magician Jr. (DR.PA_)_3-319 SmoothTalker r*..3-120 Graphics Magician_Painter (DR.PA) 3-319 Soft Vert (TO) 3-96 H:1 Har apKd Word Games fETGALS) 3-300 SoftWare for Visually Impaircd Children (AP,ET,KB,LS)3 1,, 7 if..ndicapped Arithmetic Flash Cards (cAt.ET.L.5) 3-2,4 ak-A-Label (DS.PA) 1-335 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs (DR.ES.ET) 3-225 Lee 'Lectric Paintbrush (DR.ET.PA) 3-324 Si.--ech Writer (PA.:VP) 1336 Lite-Touli (DRGA-1) 3-38 SciPhonix 100 (SS) 3-122 ^.'alker (PANP) 3-338 Living Ceiv (C1.-CN.EA.EC,WP) 1-69 Magic Music Teaeier (ETGA) 3-301 e.itirter (ET) 3-279 -2al1cing Sensible Speller _(PA) 3-339 Maze (ET,GA) Mieroilltulkator ,DR,ZT,PA) 3-328 TermExec (TO) 3-97 Mind Ma:ter (GA.T1)_3-39 Tett Writer (Erdsmp) 3-279 -1.11king 7!nicorn (o) 3-280 Morse Code & r:'.--anning Practice 'rograms 3-247 Talkin; W:riter je.g.LP,pmvp) 3-341 Motor Train!- g Games r ASETGA 3-301 "Pill 'raw. Prints (LP.TO) 3-97 11ics,-Text-, mid Graphics (DR.ETNP) 3-2- 52 PIC.att (nRAT) 3-302 elk Screent (LP-.To) 3-98 , lk (PA) 3442 Fict:;re. Ferteet (DR) 3-.10' Pobfe. Nei (DAJo) 3454 (LP,PA,SvP)i 3-343 -.rA'kerAlinci and Other Echo Clinic! (ET.7.6 ) 3-98 Ram the Clock (Er).7A) Tr : Sin/le Switeh t, me Lib, Et 4 ,r 2.0 (PA.WP) 3-343 (ET.C_ .; 103_ t'AX Talking Checkbook (PA) _3-344 Sup.. Shape Pcs". & Auu -:c rpt;..'.3P ' TrAing Wheetu...iir (ca. '..JC PAX Tatting Fe Box (PA) 3-345 ... A.W7) 3 34o . .i8 leak (c/,...!) 1-343

41116, ...NPR .0 :IMMO 1....IMMIN qekn Irc '4 ir.ter &oftwf.tre and Hardware 367 Index I: Products Listed by FUNCTION ,a=.-

Type N' Parrot(ET-KO) 3-288 Ultimate Banker(CN.PA) 3-346 Telecommunication {TO V.P. 1'6) 3309 Ar!: VERBal STAR(PANp) 3-347 Medicorn Computer Systerr'CI.ECYE.T1)3-23 C(C1J0CYD) 1-89 Vert Plus(TO) 3-150 e.raT(802R.TE.TO) 3-84 Voice Communications -.:r ITL) 3-53 Voice Systems Package r713 CHPI Apple Tool Kit(13R.KM.I ,3-311 LOM 2000(C1CYD) 1-89 Western Center &ho + Sv ck ag e(OA) 3.143 Communitree - First and Secc ns(D.S.PA) WOrd:Talk(PA.Ivp) ;- Echo 2000_(C1,pC.T1)3 1-90 Words-to-Voice(TONP 3 imele-Type Write(CEET,LS) 3-295 (C1,C7D,Wp, eynote(PA.P9/..W.To.svp Lifestyle Personal COMM unicate- TD) 1-91 (C1.14VXD) I 92 Signing {SI} Personal Brailler(BaBilrE) 3-109 Porta Printer Plus MP20,e1TD) 1-92 DcafsignIAS.ET)_3-210 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD ,,-/Pr'DI ri FingerSpetler(ET) 3-217 Porta Printer Plus MP4OD (C1,pc.ID)1-93 Fingerspeller (aa.a.S.ET)3-217 Porta View Junior/Model 32(C1.TD) 1-94 Micro-Interpreter I (Fingerspeller)(ET) 3-245 Print-A-Call(C1,PCYD) 1-94 SSI-100 Communicator Micro-Interpreter II (CAV-ASL) (ET)3-246 (Ci.TD) 1-95 PC-Fingers(Er) 3-252 SSI-220 Communicator(C1.TD) 1-95 Talking Hands (Er)3-278 SSI-240 Communicator(CI.TD) 1-96 Superprint 100, 200, 400(CI,PC.771) 1-96 Talk Tone(C1.TD1 1-97 Talking Transcend II(PA) 3-340 Speeth Aidt {SA} TeleBraille(C1,pC.TD) 1-97 Telewriter(Ci.TD,v/P) 1-98 Amplified Transmitter Handsets (Pc,v)1-3 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser(11D.11R.TE) 3-110 COoper Rand Electronic Speech Aid(AL) 1-3 Voice Communications Option(PCSv.T1) 3-53 Electronic Artificial Larynx(AL) 1-3 Handaet tor Speech Amplification(pc.vA) 1-4 Neovox(AL) 1-4 P.O. VoxIAL) Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf P.O. Vox Companion(AL) 1-5 (TDD's) {TB} Rand Voice Amplifier(VA) 1-5 Servos(AL) 1-5 Amcom C(C1.PC.TE) 1-89 Venti-Voice(AL) 1-6 COM 2096-C1J,C.Te) 1-69 Voicette(VA) 1-6 Echo 207 f.PCXL) ,-90 (tpc.71wP; /.9(. Lifestyle P, aa...:Ommunicato, rAl.pc.T L) 1-91 Lifettyle ..ommunicator Expanded Kry1-..iard1-91 Speech Therapy (not Language Therapy) {ST} Minicom 15(rig.: zj t-s4 PortaPtinterAus MP20(C1.71.) 1-92 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mech. Porta Printer Plus MP2OD(C1.1.C.77..) 1-93 (Er) 34E9_ Porta Printer Plus MP4OD(C1.PC.TL) 1-93 Articulation Error Analysis(AM,AR) 3-148 Porta View Junior/Model 32 K7,7-I 7-94 Articulrtion Error Analysis (AEA)(AMAR)_ 3-148 Print-A-Call(C1,PC,TE) 1-94 Articviator Goals and Objectivet fOr Speech(A81,1E) 3-149 SSI-100 Communicator(CUL) 1-95 Atsessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech SSI-220 Communicator(CUL) 1-95 iR,AS) 3-171 SSI-240 Communicator(C1.TL) 1-96 CASPT_(ET) 3-197 Superprint 100, 200, 400(Ci.PC.TL) 1-96 COmivehensive Phonemic Inventory for Children, 2.0 Talk Tone(CITE) 1-97 (AR-As)3-174 TeleBraille(C1.PC.TL) 1-97 Computer Atsisted Instruction in Phonological Process Telewriter(C1.TL,Wp) 1-98 (ET)3-204 Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis(AR.AS) 3-174 Computer Managed Articulation TreatmentL(AR.Er)3-205 Computer Managed Screening Test(AR.A.5.L.T) 3-175 Terminal Emulators (Special Only) {TO FTenchay Dysarthria Atiettrbent(AM,AR) 3-154 Itypernasality(AM,AR) 3-115 BraT(81).11R.TLX0) 3-84 IEP Writer (amAEJE)3-136 Personal Brailler(B13.11R.TL) 3-109 Micro Speech Lab(ARET) 3-245 ProTERM(SV.TO) 3-94 Minimal Contrast Therapy(AkET) 3-246 TRL-170 Braille Terminal Emboaser(110.11R,TL) 3-110 PEPPER(AMAR) 3-139 Viewscan Text System(CN.I.P.PA,PW.TO.WP) 3-100 Phonological PrOCESS Tutor(ET) 3-253 Process Analysis Version 2.0(ARM) 3-180 Rate Dot in Articulation, Language and Flue.ncy (ET.LT, 3-261 Training And Communication Initiation Sound Search II(AM):3-162 Aids {TR} SpecchMaster (ET)3-271 VARP: Vocal Abuse Reduction Program(ET) 3-287 Ability Switch Tester(AS.ET) 1-15 Video Voice(AR;ET) 3-288 AbleNet Control Unit(A.S.EC.ET) 1-15 Visi-Pitch MOdel 6095(ARET) 3-288 Accularm (CM)2-75 Visible Speech Aid(ET) 3-289 Active Stimulation Programmer(115,EC.ET) 1-16 Activity Board(AS.EC) 1-16 3 SI AllTalk(CI.EA.ET) 1-63

368 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 1: PrcAucts Listed by FUNCTION MINI=111.1111

Battery Adapter (ASETSW) 1-17 Job Readiness S-cries(A.S.ET) 1228 Battery Device. Adapter (AS.ET) 1 17 kb Scarch and Local Job Bank (AR.AS) 3-177 Battery Interface(A.C.17) 1-18 Job Survival Series (ET) 3-228 Beeper (XSZA JOBS System (AM,AR.AS) - 178 Call Bell (AS,CM) MESA (ALAS) 1178 Call Signal 2 (AS-CM) ;6 Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Arcas (MECA) Clock Communicator (AS,CIAT) I8 (AS) 3-179 Com Board (ASCLET) 1-19 SAGE System (ALAS) 3,181 _(kr-ClET) 1-19 VOC Matching and VOC Report (AM.AR) 3-163 tmentalized Communicator (AS.C1.ET) 1-20 Cintc Module LASXT) 1-20 ie.:2,y Timer (AS,ECAT) 1-21 Dial Sian (AS-CLET) 1-21 Voice Amplifiers {VA} Dual Channel Latching Switch Interface (A.S.EC.ET) 1-22 Dual Switrh Latch and Timer (AS.ECIT) 1-22 Ampli(ier; Tranmitter Handsets rPCS4) 1 3 E-Tran Scanner (AS,CLET) 1 23 Handset for Speech Amplification (PC,SA) 1-4 Expanded Keyboards for Speak N' Spell (EA.ET) 1-65 Rand Voice Amplifier (SA) 1-5 I Can Talk (CLESIT;:n 3-276 Voicette (SA) 7-6 Lighted Extra Lewd signalling Buzzer (AS.CM) 2-79 Lighted Signalling Buzzer (4s.csr) 2-79 I.-.iet.ed Vibrating Signalling Buzzer (4s.eri 1-23 Mui:i-Input Selector (AS.EC.ET) 1-24 Word Processing (Wriling) {WP} Multi-Scan J_AS,CLET.PA) 3-329 Gumbo: (ETJD) 1-63 AARON 1C1PAJ_ 3-37 Perceptual Motor Trainer (MAT) 1-24 BEX (13RIPXASV) 3-309 Poe_ :zit System (M.CLET) 1-25 Cacti Word Processor (KM P.41 I 311 Point to_Pictures Discrimination Kit (AILAS.ES.ET) 3-255 CHPI Apple Tool Kit11.R.1-..s:.RA.T.L.! 3-312 Puff'N Buzzer Switch (AS,CM) 2-81 Classy Letterheach - Speak! (1..P.PASV)3 313 Push-On-Push-Off Module (ASACET) 1-25 Communicator (PA) 3-314 Scan_& Sptak (CLET) 3-264 Computerized Enabling System (C1,F.C.PA.PC) 3-315 SCANWOLF (CLEA) 1-74 DART-5000 (T1) 3-26 Sequential Scanner (AS.CLET) 1-26 EDACTS Keyboard (cixcri)I.:- Signal Buzzer (AS-CM) 242 Equalizer (CLDRAA.PW.REXLIV ) 5A SimpleCom I: Yes/No Communication (CLET) 3-265 Intele-Type_ (CPC.TD.11) 1-90 SimpleCorn II: Needs/Wants Communication (CLET) 3-266 Keyboarding For The Dyslexic .r.irs.L.S± 3-230 Single Switch Ass-esainent Program (MET) 3-181 Keyboarding for the Visually itr,KB,LP, 3-231 Single-Input Assessment Software _CALMAT) 3-182 Ketioaruing with One Hann , ;32 Small Clock Communicatoi (AS.CLET) 1-26 Keynete (PA.PW.SV,TL,TO) 3-88 SonomaVoice (CLET) 1-27 Keytalk (ET:8'11E3SY) 3-233 Speller Teller (AS,CLAT) 1-27 Kid Talk (ES.ET,PASV) 3-322 STIM-U-LITE (MASAT) 1-28 Large Print Word Processor 11.P.PA) Latch (AS.EC.ET) 1-28 Large Type (LP.PA) 3-323 Switch Latch (ASACET) 1-29 Listen to Learn (ET.LS) 3-238 Symb.:-.1 Training Display (Asxn Living Center III (CLEW.EA.EC,RE) 1-69 Tar-A-Message (ASET.PC) 1-30 UNE (LP,PASV) 3-325 (AS-CLET) 3-280 Mac-Apple Communication Aid (C1.7.7N.DR,ES.ET.PA) 3-325 TIGERbo-ok (ET) 1:10 Magic Slate (ET.LPAS.PA; 3-239 Timer and Counter (A.S.EC.ETJ 1-31 Micro Braille (138,A) 3-327 Timer Module (MACET) 1-31 Microbrailler 2400 (BD.PW.TO) 3-107 Touch & Speak (CLET.PA) 3-344 Morser (PA) 3-328 Touch Com (ASCIAT) 3-183 Multikribt (LP,PA) 3-329 Toy Adapter Cable (ASETSW) 1-32 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Toy Cable (ASE7SW) 1-32 = = (C1Z1LEA,W) 1-71 ToyPAC (ASXCET.RE) 1-33 Ph9nics, Text, and Graphics (DR,ET.RE) 3-252 Training Aid 2 (ASEC,ET) 1-33 Prompt-_Writer (kM,PASV) 3-331 Tri-Responder (AS,ET) 1-34 ProWORDS (PA,SV) 3-332 Variable Position tiner (AS-CLET) 1-34 Quad-Independence Typewriter-rrinter Systcm (EA.KM) 1-73 Versascan 1-35 QuickWord (D.7.81874) 345 Vibrating Sack (M.ET) 1-35 Small Talk (CLCN.EA,PWSV.T1TW) 1-75 VO!.:".t MEW II (AS,ET) 146 Speech Writer (PASV) 3-336 WCF (CLEA) 1-84 Talker (PASV) 3-338 Zygo Model 16C (AS.C127) 1-36 Talking 100 (CLEA.PC.PW) 1-78 Zygo Mcidel 20 (AS,ET) 1-37 Talking Apple_Literacy Kit (ET,GA.KB) 3-277 Zygo Model 21S LASAT) 1-37 Talking Text Writer (ETASSV) 3-7'9 Zygo Model 4 (AS.C1 4) 2-85 Talking Wheelchair (CLGA.PA.RE) 3-340 Talking Writer (Er-,,KB.LP.PA,SV) 3-341 Telewriter (CLTD.TL) 1-98 Textalk (l.P.PASV) 3-343 Vocational IVO} Textwriter 20 (PASV) 3-343 TIM (CLEA.PW) 1-79 Audible Career Explorer (AR,AS) 3-172 Touch Window (DR,123,1D.RE) 3-65 Automatic Form Writer (PASV) 1308 Trine System (ACS) (CLEA-.PW.TI.TIV) 1-80 CrAnputeriied Training Systems (CTS): Nuts & Bolts Trine System (Words+) (CLEA,PWTLTW) 1-81 (ET) 3-207 VERBal STAR (PASV) 3-347 CT& Electronic ASTembly & Soldering (En 3-210 Versalkaille (811-.88,A) 3-111 Functional Skills Screening Inventory (ADAR.AS) 3-176 VIC-20 Scanner (CLPA) 3-347 :19_2 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 369 Index L Prmlucts Listed by FUNCTION

Views= Text System (CN.LP.PA.PW.TE3-0) Word-Talk (PASV) 3-348 Words-to-Voice (SVIO) 3.101 Zygo Notebook (CLEA.PW) 1-83

3 3

370 Resource Book 3 : Computer &awareand Rardivare Index 2

Produc46 LiAed by Iiiput/Outtitit Feature

This index inc!udes lists of products (except switcheS) oe-cordiiig io Input and Output reatures considered_useful in _a search. Each liSt includesany peoduct in the three books with that feature.Products are arranged olphobetieolly within each list. The function codes assignedto that product follOW iii paretithese.-. Switehes are listed separately in Index 3. For example, if y.ou are looking for a word processhigprograni with both large:print and synthesized speech output, you would go to the liSt titled 'Output Displa) :Large Print'. As you_loOk through the list j,-OU WoUld note tbase products with the function codes WP (word processing) and SV e.-ereen dtspinto voice). _By searching in this manner you would identify &beams that 'reel the function/ feature criteria You would thengo to individual product descriptions to check on_thetype of computer, oge ,..ppropriateness; additional features,etc. Once the sedttll has been narrowed; the t.!1..wfacturer would be call mi for up=tadate informationon the product.


Resource 'look 3: Computer Software and Hardware 371 Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

The followingis the order of the Features The following is a lisi of the Function by which products in this index are listed: which may appear in parenthesc- afte, Rom in this index: Input Expand/Accel:Abbreviation Expansion (MA) Input Expand/Aceel:Encoding (Chart or Memory AD Activities of Daily Living Bued) (lEE) AL Artificial Larynx Input Expand/Accel:Levels or Pages (IEL1 AM Administration or Manzesuient Input Expand/Aced:Morse (IEM) AP Authoring PrOgrarn Input Expand/ Accel:Predictive (IEP) AR Analysis or Reporting Software AS Assessment (Evaluatiqn) BD Braille Printer or Theta,: Display (Component) Input Method: Directed Scanning {IMX} BP Book/Paper Handling Input Method: Scanning (IMSI BR Braille CI Conversation/Interaction CM Call, Monitoring, or Memory System Input Symtiol System:Auditory Presentation (eg Auditory CN CalLalation/Matb Aid Scanning) (ISH) Ci Cognitive Rehabilitation Input Symbol System:Bliss Symbols (ISS) DR Drawing Input Symbol System:Photos/Pictures/Line Drawings (ISP) DS Database Managentent/Spreadsheet Input Symbol System:User Selectable Symbols (ISUI EA Electronic Communication or Writing Aid Input Symbol System:Whole Words {ISW} EC Environmental Control ES Earl; Skillt (Pre:Raiding) ET Education; Training, or Therapy Input Type: Air (Sip/Puff) {ITA} GA Game Input Type: Contact (Zero Prenure) (ITC) IA Input Adapter for Computer Input Type: Eye Movement and Eye Gaze (ITE) ID Input Dettice Utable with Only Some Software Input Type: Head Controlled {ITH} IE IEP or IPP Input Type: Joystick/Wobblestick (IV) KB Keyboarding Training Program Input Type: Light Sensitive (Optical) {LTL KE Keyboard Eioulating Interface Input Type: Noise (Sound or Vocalization) (ITN) KG Keyguard Input Type: OCR (Optical Character Recognition) (ITO) KM Modification for Standard Keyboard Input Type: Pressure Sensitive (ITN LP Large Print Output Input Type: Speech Recognition (ITS) LR Lipreading (Speech Reading) Input Type: Wireless (ITW) LS Later Skilliffnelndes Reading) LT Unguage Therapy/Development MT Mouse or Touch Pad Emulation Output/Display:Braille Printer (ODB) NA Non-Electronic Communication Aid Output/DisplayDeaf Baudot (for TDD's) (ODD) OA Other Software or Hardware Adaptation Output/Display:Ideographic/Pictographic Symbols (ODI) PA Personal Tool tit Aid (for Sneaking, Writing, Output/DisplayLarge Print IODLI Drawing, Controlling, em) Output/Display:Modem (ASCII) (ODM) PC Phone Control/Access Output/Display:Speech Output (ODS) PT Fointing or Typing Aid Output/Display:Tactile/Braille Display (Dynamic) (ODT) PW Portable Writing RE Recreation SA Speech Aid Switch Inputs: Uses Analog Control (SIA) SI Signing Switch Input= Uses Dual Switch (S1_2} SS Speech Synthcsizer Switch Input= Uses Joystick (4 or 5 Switches) (SU) ST Speech Therapy (not Language Therapy) Switch Input= Uses Keyboard (16 Switches and up) (SIK) SV Screen (Display) to Voice Switch Input= Uses Multiple Switches (3 to 15 SW Switch or Control SiVitchts) (SIM) TD Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) Switch Inputs: Uses Single Switch {SU} TE (Special Only) TI Alternate Input Usable with All Software TL Telecommunication Terminal Emulating Outputs (0DX) TO Alternate Display System Usable with All Software TR Training or Communication Initiation Aid TW Alternate Input Adaptable for Use with All Software (Transprent With) VA Voice Amplifier VO Vocational WP Word Processing (Writing) 3R 5

372 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses (A.S.CI.ET) 3482 SonomaVoice (CI,ET.TR) 1-27 Input Expandaccel: Abbreviation Special Friend Speech Prosthesis (CI.EA) 1-75 Expansion {WA} Talking Word Board (CI.PA) 3-341 Target (A.S,CIET.TR) 3-280 AARON (C1-.PA.Wp) 3-307 TI M (C1X,/a*sv.Wp) 1-79 ACES (A.S.ET) 3-171 Timothy Communications Package (C1.EA.P1v) 1-79 ACS Medicom Computer System ICI.EC.X.TIIL) 3-23 Touch & Speak ICI.ET.PA.TR) 3-344 Adaptive Firmware Card (1t.imirm.siv.rt) 3-24 Touch Com (ILS.CI.ETXR) 3-183 EXPAND (TI.T1v) 3-29 Touch Talker (CLEA,piv.TI.Tiv) 1-80 Express 3 ICI,EA,EC,W,TI,Tiv)- 1-65 VOIS 130 (CI.EA) 1-82 EyaTyper Model 200 (C1.EAXC,PC.7,1v.TI) 1-66 V0IS135 (CIXA) 1-83 ICOMM fCI.EA.PWXI.Tiv) 1-68 WOLF (CI.EA.TR) 1-84 Keyworks (KM,TI) 3-37 Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA.EC,Piv.Ti.Tiv) 1-86 Lifestyle Personal Communicator (C1,CN.PC:771.n) 1-91 Zygo TETRAscan II (n) 3-57 Light Talker (CI.EA.EC.Piv.TI.TW) 1-68 64acroWorks (KM) 3-14 PC -AID _(TI)_3-41 PC Serial AID (TI) 3-42 Input Expand/Accel: Morse {IEM} PhotoPACEvaIPAC LASV,EA.EC.ET.Pw.T1,Tiv) 1-71 Portable Voice II(CLEA.piv) 1-72 Access-Ability 3-23 Pro Key (cm) 3-17 ACES (4dx-r) 3-171 _ ProTERM (SV.TE,TOI 3-94 Adarive Firmware Card (IA.KE.KM.S1v.T1) 3-24 QuiekWord (DS.KM.Ti.WP) 3-45 Deuce IEC,PC.TWL 2-48 ScanPAC/Epson (CLEA.EC.Piv.TI.Tiv) 1-74 ICOMM (CIXAJlivjgjW) 1-68 Smartkey !KM) 3-18 Math Disk (CN i:T) 3-240 Sliftware Simulations of Co.nmunication Prostheses Morse Code & sling Practice Programs (ET.GA.RE) 3-247 (A.S.CI.ET) 3-182 Morm Code Drills _(ET) 3-248 _ SpeechAid_fCLEA.PWX1.TW) 1-76 Morse-Code Baied Keyliciard Emulator (n) 3-40 SpeechPAC/Epson (CI,EA.EC.Psv.TI.TW) 1-76 Morser (pA.Wp) 3-328 Super Key (KML3-19- PC AID (T1) 3-41 Taiking_100 Communicator (CLEA) 1-78 PC Morse Gide (ET) 3-251 Touch Talker (C-I.EA.PW.TI,Tw) 1-80 Phonics, Text, and Graphics (DR.ET.RE.WP) 3-252 Trine System (ACS) (CI,EA_,PW.TaW.WP)_ 1-80 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (AS.C1,EA.EC2T.P1V.T1,TW) 1-71 Trine System (Words+) (CI.EA.10w31.TIV.wP) 1-81 Portable Voice II (CLEA,PW) 1-72 V.P. (SV.TO) 3-99 Puffin Morse Code Entry System (TI) 3-44 Voice Communications System (PC.TI) 3-54 Special Inputs Disk (A.S.ET.KM.TI) 3-47 XtraKey (KM) 3-20 Zygo Notebook (C1,EA,piv.ivP) 1-85 Input Expand/Accel: Predictive {IEP} Input Expand/Accel: Encoding (Chart or ACES (A.S.ET) 3-171 Memory Based) fIEE) Comm-Prog (C1,1*A) 3-313 MicroDEC II (CM.EC.PC) 2-57 ACES 4 )_ 3473 PACA (Portable Anticipatory (nmrnunic2tion Aid) Apple Demo Disk (4S,ET) 3-190 (CI.CN.EA,p1V.ivp) 1-71 Canon Communicator M (CLEA.PW.71.TW) 1-63 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CI.ET.LP.TI) 3-28 Light Talker (CI.EA.EC.PW.T1.71v) 1-68 Message Maker (CI.PA) 3.327 Input Method: Directed Scanning {IMX} Minspeak 1 (CI.EA.EC.Pw.TI.TW) 1-70 ACES (A.S.ET) 3-171 MOD Keyboard System (axl,Tw) 3-40 Adaptive Firmware Card (IA.KE.KM.SW.T1) 3-24 Ouick_Talk_ (C1jaAjac) 3-332 Cemputer Entry Terminal (TI) 3-25 RIC Easy Talker (CI,PA) 3-333 Easy Programmer (PA) 3-317 Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CI.ET,LP.TI) 3-28 (cs.cur) 3-182 Enable Writer (TII 3-28 Talk II (CUM) 3-337 Talking Wheelchair (CI.OAA.RE,WP) 3-340 Express 3 ( 1-65 Joywriter (LP,PA) 3-322 Touch _Talker (c-I.EA,vvxmv) 1-80 Light Talker (a X-A.E-CPWX1XW) 1-68 VOIS 140 (CI.EA) 1-83 MOD Keylioard System (CI.TI.Tw) 3-40 VOIS 150 (CLEA) 1-84 PhotoPAC/EvaiPACi(AS.C1.E41-W_XT.PWX1.TW) 1-71 Word Communication (C1,PA) 3-348 ScanPAC/Epson (CIXA.ECXWXIXW) 1-74 Switchboard (CLEA.ET) 1-77 Word_Communication (C1,p4) 3-348 Input Expand/Accek Levels or Pages DELI X-10 Powerhouse Computer Interface (EC-,PA) 3-349

ACES (A-LET) 3471 Elandi4VriMr Version 151 (C1,1,A) 3-320 Input Methoch Scanning {IMS} Likht Talker (a .EA.EC.Pw 2.71 v ) 1-68 Prism Communication Tray (CI.ET.NA) 1-55 AARON (CI.PAWP) 3;307 Uy It(C1,13A) 3-334 :Academics with Scanning: Language Arts (ET,E-S) 3-188 SCANWOLF (CI.EA.TR) 1-74 Ai:ademics with Scanning Math (CN,ET) 3-188 3R6 Resource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware 373 Index Prwducts Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

ACES (AtET) 3-171 ScanPAC/Epson (CLEA.EC.PWX1XW) 1-74 Adaptive Firmware Card (1A.RE.KM.SWX1) 3-24 SCANWOLF (CLEAXR) 1-74 ALTKEY (T11 3-24 ntence-Scan (C1.ET.PA) 3-334 Apple Demo Disk (AS.ET) 3-190 SeQuential Scanner (AS,CLETXRT 1-26 Appliance Genie (AUC,ELPA) 3-307 Single Switch Game Library (E74A.RE) 3-303 Audio Scan (CLPA) 3-308 Single-Input Atstssment Software (AR.AS,ETXR) 3-182 Blisspen izr-4.11 3-191 Small Clock Communicator jAS,CI,ETXX) 1-26 Blissymliolicic Bliss Drills (ES,ET) 3-194 Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses Blissymbolict Blissboard KLELPA) 3-310 (AS.CLET) 3:182 Blissymbolicm Blissymbol Concepts (ES,ET) 3-194 Special Friend Speech Prosthesis (CLEA) 1-75 Catch the Cow (AS,ET) 3-173 Special Inputs Disk (AS;ETJCALTI) 3-47 Choice Maker I (AR.ES.ET) 3-198 Special Needs Volume 1 - Spelling (ELLS) 3-269 Clock_Communicator (ASXUTXR) 1-18 Special Needs Volume 2 - Simulations & Drills Corn Hoard (A.S.CLETXR) 1-19 tchcrrxs) 3-270 Cornm-Prog ICI,PA) 3-313 SpellerLTeller (AS.C1XT.TR) 1:27 Communicator (PAWP) 3-314 Sunny Days (ELLS) 3-274 Communiclock (AS.CLELTR) 1-19 Switchboard (CUA.ET) 1-77 Compartmentalized Communicator (AS.C1,ETXR) 1-20 Symbol_Writer (A.S.ES,ET.GA) 3476 Cornpudapter (T1) 3-25 TAG: Talking Animated Graphics (RUT) 3-276 Computer Entry Terminal (T1) 3-25 Taik H (CAVA) 3-337 Computerized Enabling System ( 3-315 Talking 100 Communicator (CLEA) 1-78 Control 1 IRC-fC) 2-47 Talking Aid (CLPA) 3-338 Counting Critters (CN.ES,ET) 3-209 Talkino. BlissApple (CULPA) 3-339 Deuce (EC,PC,7W)2-48 Talking Scanner (ET3V) 3-273 Dial Scan (AW1XTTR) 1-21 Target (A.S.CLETXR) 3-280 E-Tran Scanner (A.S.CLETXR) 1-23 Television Channel Selector (EC) 2-66 Easicorder (EC) 2-51 TIM (CT.EAJW.WP) 1-79 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (C1,ELLPX1) 3-28 Timothy COmmunications Package (CLEA,Pw) 1-79 Equalizer (C1,111LE4,PW,REXIXiv,ivp) 1-64 TOSC-2 Environmental Control System (cscrEc.Pc) 2-67 Express 3 ja.EA.ECPWWW) 1-65 Toy_Scanner (AR,AIXT) 3-284 EZBAS (C1.0A) 3-132 ToyPAC (AS.EC,ET.REYR) 1-33 EZRA (C1,CM.EC.PC) 2-54 Variable Position Scanner (AS,CLELTR) 1-34 Fast Access Scan Talker _,(CLPA) 3-318 Yer-me-an (AS41.ETXR) 141 First Categories (ES.ET-LS.LT) 3-218 VIC-20 Scanner (CI.I.A.Wp) 3-347 First Verbs (ES.ET.1.7) 3-219 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Progs. First Words (ES,ET.L.T) 3-219 (AR,A34R.ELET) 3:184 First Words II (ES,ELLT) 3-220 VOIS 150 (CUAT 1-84 Flexcom (CUA.EC) 1-67 Ways to Play (L7O-AXE) 3-293 Florida Scanner (AP-OA) 3-134 Word Communication (CLPA) 3-348 Handi-Routine (AP,OA) 3-135 X-I0 System (EC) 2-71 Handi-Writer Version 331 (Cl,PA) 3-320 Zygo Model 100_ (CUA.ELPWWW) 1-85 I Can Talk (CLES,ET;LTXR) 3-226 Zygo Model 16C (AS.C1,ELTR) 1-36 ICOMM (C1.EA.PWX1XW) 1-68 Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA.EC,PWX1XW) 1-86 Joywriter (LP.PA) 3-322 Zygo TETRAwan II (T1) 3-57 Kennedy Switch Key Software (C1TOA.T1) 3-136 Language LAB. (AP.AR.ES.ET.LT) 3-234 Light Talker (CLEA.EC.PICTIXW) 1-68 Living Center III (C1XN.EAX-C.RE.WP) 1-69 Input Symbol System: Auditory Presentation (eg Mac-Apple Communicaticn Aid (CLCN.DR.ES,ET,PA,WP) 3-325 Auditory SCanning) {ISH} Magic Cymbals (C1,PA) 3-.T26 Math Disk (CN.ET) 3-240 Audio Sean (CLPA) 3-308 Math Scan (CN,ET) 3-241 Letter_ Find_ (CNXSXTXH3V) 3-236 MECCA (EC-,C) 2-57 RIC Easy Talker (C1,pA) 3-333 Message Maker (CLPA) 3-327 Say It (C1,PA) 3-334 Micro-LADS (A5.ET.1-1) 3479 Sight Word Spelling (ET,LSSV) 3-265 MicroDEC II (CMXC,C) 2-57 MOD Keylicard System (C1.71.TW) 3-40 Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs (ELGA.RE) 3-247 MotorMaiaing Games ()CUT.GA-RE) 3-301 Input Symbol System: Bliss Symbols {ISS} Multi-Scan (A.S.CLET,PAXR) 3-329 Omniboz -(I,T.IDXR-1 3-63 Blisspen (ELLS) 3493 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Blissymbol Vombulary Stamps (CLET.NA) 1-41 (CLCN.EA.PW.WP) 1-71 Blissymbolic= Bliss Drills fES,ET3 3-194 PC AID (TO 3-41 Blissymbolicv Bliss_Library (AP-,PA) 3-309 PC SerintAID (TI)3-421 Blissymbolits Blissb-o-ard (CLET,A) 3-310 Phonics, Test, and Graphics (DR,ET,RE,WP) 3-252 Blissymbolic= Blissymbol Concepts (ES,ET) 3-194 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (A5.V.EA.EC.ET.PWX1Xw) 1-71 PIC Man (DR-ETRE) 3-302 PIC Man (DRATAE)-.1.-302 Picture Communication (CLET,PA) 3-331 Picture Communication (CLET,PA) 3-331 Picture Your Blissymbols (C;.ET.NA) 1-52 Poc-Ett System (A.S.CLETXR) 1-25 Talking BlissApple (CLETYA) 3-339 Portable_ Voicx II (CLEA.PW) 1-72 Ten Key Board (ID) 3-64 Rabbit Scanner (AS.ES,ET) 3-260 RIC Easy Talker (CLIDA) 3-333 Say It (C1X-A) 3-334 Sean & Spesk (C1.ETXR) 3-264 Scanning Conversion Program (APOA) 3-141 3 7 374 Resource Rook 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Input Symbol System: Photos/Pictures/Line Mini Talking Card Reader (CI.EA.ET) 1-70 Drawings {ISP} Minspeak 1 (CI.EA.EC.PW.TI.TW) 1-70 Opticommunicak or (CIETNA) 1-50 Appliance Genie (iCS.EC.ET,PA) 3-307 PhotoPAC/EvatPAC (AS.C1,EA,EC.ET.PW,TI,TW) 1-71 Bear Jam (Esx-r) 3-193 PIC Word Board (CIETNA) 1-50 Brighter Pathways Communication Symbols and Grids poe,Ett_Syststa (AS.4.72T.TR) 1-25 (Cu:um) 1-41 Pocket-Sized Commiinication Wook (CINA) 1-53 Choice Board (A.S.ET.NA) 1-42 Porta Book _X-1.1V-A)- 1-54 Cle0 Communication Board (CI,NA) 1-42 Portable Communication Boards (CI,NA) 1-54 Communication Sheets (C1,ETNA) 1-44 Portable Voice II (CZ PW) 172 Core Picture Vocabulary (CI.ET.NA) 1-44 PowerPad tDR,ID,REk I-64 Exploratory Play IES.ET.I.T) 3-214 Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (TI) 3-43 EyeTypdr (C1EAXCX1) 1-66 Prism Communication Tray (CI,ETNA) 1-55 Foto &ries (ET.NA) 1-47 Sean & Speak fCI,ET.TR) 3-264 Help Me to Help Myself (CI.ETNA) 1-47 ScanT'ACtEpson (Cl.EA.EC.PW.TETW) 1-74 I Qrl Talk (CLES.ET,LT.TR) 3-226 SCANWOLF (CI,EA.TR) 1-74 Language L.A.B. (AP.AR,ES.ET.LT) 3-234 Sequential Scanner (AS.CI,ET.Tk) 1-26 Life Experiences Communication Kit (CIET)A) 1-48 SinipleCom L_ Yes/No Communication (C1.ET,TR) 3-265 Magic Cymbals (C1,PA) 3-326 Small Clock Communicator (A.s,cr.Er.rx) 1-26 Oakland &chools Picture Dictionary (CI.ET.NA) 1-49 Software Simulations of Commuoication Prostheses Opticommunicator (CIXT)A) 1-50 (kS.C1XT) 3-182 PICSYMS Categorical Dictionary (CLETNA) 1-51 SpeechPad (CI,EA) 1-77 Pictogram Ideogram Communication (PIC) (CLET,NA) I-SI Speller- Tar JAS.CI,ET.TRI 1-27 Picture Communication (CunpA) 3-331 Switchboard (CI.EA,ET) 1-77 Pictut4A:Plt (C1XT.NA) 1-53 Symliol Training Display (AS.ET.TR) 1-29 Point to Pictures ifevelopment Kit (AP.AR.AS.ES,ET) 3255 Talking Paddles- fC1-.ET.NA) 1-56 Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit (AR.A.LES.ETIR) 3-255 Talking Pictures Communication Board (C1,ET,NA) 1-57 Point U0 Pictures Lesson Plan Masters (ES.ET) 3-256 Talking Word Board (C1,PA) 3-341 Practice Communication Cards (AS,CI.ET.NA) 1-55 Target (ASX'1,ET.TR) 3-280 Representational Play (ES.ET.LT) 3-263 Ten Xey Board (1D) 3-64 SimpleCom 11NeedWWants Communication (CI.ET,TR) 3-266 TIGERliook (ET.TR) Speller Teller (AS4I.ET,TR) 1-27 Touch & Speak (CIET.PA,TR) 3-344 Talking Paddles (CIET.NA) 1-56 Touch 'N Talk Communication Board (CI.E7 NA) 1-58 Talking Pictures Communication Woard (CI.ET.NA) 1-57 Touch 'N Talk Commur- stion Notebook (CINA) 1-58 Talking Pictures, Kits L II. and III (CI,ET,NA) 1-57 Touch Com (AseuTxRL Touch 'N Talk Communication Stickers (C1,17,NA) 1-59 Touch Talker (C1.EA.PwX TW) 1-80 Touch 'N Talk Micros (CI.ET.NA) 1-59 Tri-Responder (AS,ET.TR) 1-34 Tri-Respor ler (AS.ET,TR) 1-34 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard (TI.T W) 3-50 Unipix (C7XF)JA) 1-60 Variable Position Scnner (AS.CI,ET,TRI 1-34 Vocaid (CI,EA) 1-82 Versascan (JIS.CI,ET.TR) 1-35 Vocz:d ICI,EA) 1-82 VOIS 130 (CLEA) 1-82 VOIS 135 (CI,EA) 1-83 Input Symbol System: User Selectable VOIS 140 (C1XA) 1-83 Symbols {ISU} VOIS 150 (CI,EA) 1-84 WOLF (CI,EAIR) 1-84 ACES (AS,ET) 3411 Zygo Model 100 (CI.EET.PWWW) 1-85 Activity Woard (AS,ECTR) 1-16 Zyge Model 105C (ASXI.ET.TR) 1-36 fel,EA.Erxfi) 1-63 Zygo TETRAscan II(rI) 3-57 Choice_Board (ALSXTNA) 1-42 Clock Communicator (AS.CI.Er.TR) 1-18 Com Board (AS.V.ET.TR) 1-19 Communication Binder (CNA) 1-43 Input Symbol System: Whole Words {ISW} Communication Folder (CI,NA) AARON -(CI,PA,WP) 3-307 CommuniclOCk (AS.CUTYR) 1-19 Adaptive Firmware Card (IA.KF,KM,SW,T1) 3-24 Compartmentaliztd Communicator (AS.ClET.TR) 1-20 Comm-Prog (CI.PA) 3-313 Control Without Keyboards (AS.CI,ET.PA) 3-315 Compudapter (TI) Dial Scan IAS.a.ETXR) 1-21 Computer Entry Termiaal AT1) 3-25 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Firmware Qrds DP-200 Connected Speech Recognizer (ID) 3-61 (T1) 3-30 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CI.E7.LP.T1) 3-28 Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple (TG,TI) 3-31 Expanded Keyboards for Speak N' Spell (EA.ET.TR) 1-65 Express 3 (CI.EA.EC.PWV.TW) 1-65 EyeTyper (CI,EA.EC.TI) 1-66 Eye Transfer Communication System (CI,ET.NA) 1-45 Eyeom Board (cixr.N4) 1-46 Help Me to Help Myself JCI,ET.NA) 1-47 Lean Talk (CIXSXTXTYR) 3-226 EyeTyper (ci.EA.EC.77) 1456 ICOMM ( 1-68 EyeTyper Model 200 CCI.EA.EaPC.PW.T1) 1-66 King Keyboard-fin .1-37 Flexcorn (CIZA.EC) 1-67 Mac-Apple Commun;mtion Aid (C1XN.DR.ES.ET.PA,WP) 3-325 Fold-It System (C.I.NA) 1-46 Message Maker (CI.PA) 3-327 Individualized Communication Systems (CIET.NA) 1-48 MOD Keyboard System ( 3-40 Keyboard Emulator (ri) 3-35 Pronounce (TI) 3-43 Keyp-ort 300 (T1) 3-16 Sentencecan (CIET,PA) 3-334 Keyport 60 171) 3-36 Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses King Keyboard (rI) 3-37 I 1(A5,CI,LT) 3-182 Ligbt Talker (C1.EA.ECPW,T1.7-W) 1-68 Talk II (cl,PA) 3-337 Logo TouchTools for the PowerPad (AS,ES.ET) 3-239 3 R8Talking 100 Communicator (C1,EA) 1-78 Resource Book & Computer Software and Pardware 375 Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Talking Wheelchair (CLGA.P-A.RE.WP) 3-340 Kindermath if(C14.E.LET) 3-233 TIM (CLEA.PW.WP) 149 Light Talker JCI.E_A.EC.PW-Tt.TW) 1.68 Vocaid (CLEA) 142 Memory L (CRXLET.LS) 3-243 Voice8CribC-1000_(T1) 3-35 Memory II (CR.ES.ET.LS) 3444 Voicescribe43000 (TI) 3-56 Memory Patterns (AitAS.ES.U.I.T) 3-244 VOIS 130 (ELEA) 1-82 MOD Keyboard System (C1X1.TW) 3-40 VS1000 Voice Communications Device (W) 3-65 Motorized Easel (BP.EC) 2-58 Word Communication (CLPA) 3-348 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (ALCLEA,ECET.Piv.TI,TW) 1-71 Picture Perfect (DICRE) 3-302 Preposition Recognition (AR.CR.ES.ET.LT) 3-257 Race the Clock (ET.GA-RE) 3-260 Input Type: Air (Sip/Puff) {ITA} Reading_ Recognition (ALASAT.L.5) 3-262 SAID: Say as I Do (ES.ET1 3-263 CAPTAIN; _Cognitive Training Series (AS.CR.ELET.LS) 3-196 ScanPAC/Epson (CLEA.ECPW.TI.TW) 1-74 Directet (EC.PC) 3.49 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) (CRELET.LS) 3-274 Puffisl Maier Switch fAS.CM.TR) 2-81 Survival Words (AD.ASZT,LS.LTI 3-275 Voice of Help (CM) 2-83 Visual Recognition (A_RAIXS-X-Thr) 3-289 Visuospatial Skills (ARXR.ET) 3-290 VOIS ISO (CLEA) 1-84 Input Type: Contact (Zero Pressure) {ITC} Word Communication (CIfA) 3-348 Word_Recognition_(ARASELET,LT) 3-294 Compudapter (TI) 3-25 X-l0 Powerhouse Computer Interface (EC.PA) 3-349 Keasyboard (KGXI) 3-35 Input Type: Light Sensitive (Optical) {ITL}

Input Type: Eye Movement and Eye ACES (A-SXT) 3-171 Gaze {ITE} Blaz...te Paddles (DR.ET.RE) 3-299 CommoOre Light Pen (AP.DR.IGJ 3-61 Choice Board -(A.S.ET.NA) 1-42 Computer Entry Terminal (T1) 3-25 Eye Transfer Cornmunicaticn System (CLFT.NA) 1-45 Control!' AC (ALEC,ET) 2-48 Eye-Coin (CLET.NA) 1-45 Express 3 (CLEA.EC.PWXIXW) L-65 Eye-Com Board (CLET.NA) 1.46 Gibson_ Light Pen System (DRZAJD.PARE) 3-62 EyeTyper (CLEA.EC.TI) 1-66 Light Pointer (PT) 1-11 EyeTyper Model 200 (CLEA.EC.PC.PWX1) 1.66 Light Talker (CLEA,EC.PW.TI.TW) 1.68 Nu-Vue-Cue (CLET.NA) 1-49 Lightpen Programs for Special Education I & II Opticommunicator (CLET,NA) 1-50 (CN.ET.LS) 3-237 Symbol Training Display (AsxrxR) 1-29 Lite Touch (DR,GA.REXI) 3-31 _ PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (AS.CLEA.EC.ET.PW.TI.TW) 3-71 Point and Read (ET.LS) 3-254 Screenkeys (TI) 3-47 Input Type: Head Controlled {ITH} Talking Beam (PT) 1-12 Talking BlissApple (CI.ET.PA) 3-339 CAPTAIN: Cagnitive Training Ssries (ALCR.E.S.ET.LS) 3 '96 HeadMaster (MTXI) 3-33 Viewpoint OpticaL:ndicator 6_ (PT) 1-12 _ Light Talker (CLEA.EC.PW.TLTW) 1-68 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Progs. Lite Touch (DR,GAJLEXI) 3-31 (AR,AS,CR.E.S.ET) 3-184 PhotoPACIEvalPAC (ALCLEA.EC.ET.PW.T1.139) 3-71 Screenkeys (T1) 3-47 Input Type: Noise (Sound or Vocalization) {ITN} Input Type: Joystick/Wobblestick {ITJ} Silent Page System (CM) 2-82 ACS Medicom Computer System (CLEC,PC.TI.TL) 3-23 Sound Activated Light Switch (EC) 2.63 Apple Adaptor --(1.4.3W)-3-69 Sound Monitor (CM) 2-83 CAPTAIN:_ Cognitive:Training Series (AS.CR.ES.ET2S) 3496 Watchman (CM) 244 Computer Entof Terminal (TI) 3-25 Whistleswitch Remote Control (EC) 2-70 Computer Prop. forNeuropsychological Testing & Rehab. Wireless Alerting Systems (CM) 2-84 (ARXRXTI.S) 3-206 Computerized-Enabling System (CLEC.PA.PC.WP) 3-315 ControlPAC ims-xczn 2-48 Editrark Reading Program, Level 1 (ELET,LS) 3-212 Input Type: OCR (Optical Character Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CLET.LP.TI) 3-28 Recognition) {ITO} Enable: Writer : (T!) 3-28 Evaluation System MUT) 3478 PC Reader (T1) 3-42 Express 3 -(C1.EA.EC.PW.TI.TW) 1-65 Ready Reader (Tl) 3-45 EZBAS (C1-0.4) 3-132 Words-to-Voice (5V.TO.SVP) 3-101 Foundations I (AR.CR.ES.ET) 3-221 Foundations -II- -/AxgR.E.s_m_ 3-222 Function Recognition _(lat.CR-JESAT) 3-223 Dame Paddle-for Apple II Computers (SW.TI.TW) 3-32 Input Type: Pressure Sensitive {ITP} Graphics Magician Jr. (DR.P.RE) 3-319 Activity Board (ALECXR) Graphics Magician Painter (DR,AXE) 3-319 Adaptive Firmware Card (IAXE.K14.-SWX1) 3-24 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs (DP.ELET.RE) 3-2253 9 AllTalk (CLEA.ET.TR) 1-63 376 Resource Book 3: Computer Software anHardware Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Alphabet with Tom and Andy (ARXSAT) 3-189 Reading Recognition (AR,AS,ET.LS) 3-262 Bear Jam (ESXT) _3-193 Remote Keyboard_for the Apple II+ and iIe (DR.TI) 3-46 CAPTAIN: cognitive Training Seriei (AS,CR.ES.ET.LS) 3-196 Representational Play (ES,ETXT) 3-263 Choice Board (AS.ETNA) 1-42 Say-It-All and Say-It-All Super Plus (CIXA.PW) 1-73 Choice Maker I (AR-ESA-7) _3-198 Signal Buzzer ( 2-82 Cleo Communication Board (CI,NA) 1-42 SimpleCom I: Yes/No Communication (CLET.TR) 3-265 Coinsnkeys (CNXIETXB)_3-202 SimpleCom II: Needs/Wants Communication (CIXTXR) 3-266 Communication Binder (CI,NA) 1-43 Soft Vert _(SVX()) 3-96 Communication Folde.. (CI,NA) 1-43 Software Simulations of Communication Prostheses Communi Cation §s (CIXT,NA) 1-44 (ASEIXT) 3-182 _ COntrol Without KeybOardi (A.S.CIXT,A) 3:315 &ononiaVoice (CI,ETXR) 1-27 Core Picture Vocabulary (C1,ET,NA) 1-44 Special Friend Speech Prosthesis (CI.EA) 1-75 Creativity-Tool Box (APDRAT.RE) 3-299 SpeechAid (CI.EA.PW-XI,TW) 1-76 Door Monitor (cm) 2-77 SpeechPad (CIXA) 1-77 E-Z Call (CM ) 2-77 STIM-U-LITE (AUSAT.TR) 1-28 EDACTS Kerboard (C1.EC.T11VP) 3-27 Super Cranmer Graphics Package (BR.ET,PA) 3-336 Environmental C;ontrol (EC) 2-52 Symtial Training Display (AS,ET.TR) 1-29 Environmental Control System (EC) 2-53 Symbol Writer (A.S.ESXT.GA) 3-276 Expanded Conir uter Keyboards (Karl) 1-29 TAO: Talking Animated Graphics (ES.ET) 3-276 Expanded Keylibard for Automatic Telephone (EC.PC) 2-53 Talking 100 (CI,EA.PC.PW.WP) 1-78 Expanded Keyboards (TI,TW) 3-30 Talking BlissApple (CI,ET,PA) 3-339 Expanded Keyboards for Speak 14' SpelL (EAXTX R1_ 1-65 Talking Paddles 1C1XT,NA) 1-56 Expanded Keyticiardi for the Adaptive Firmware Cards Talking Pictures Communication Board (CI.Er,NA) 1-57 (TI) 3-30 Talking Pictures, Kits I, II,-and III (CI,ETNA) 1-57 Expanded Keybotuds for the Talking BlissApple (arl) 3-31 Talking Unicorn (ET,SV) 3-280 Exploratory Play (ES,ETXT) 3-214 Talking Word Board (CI,PA) 3-341 EZ Pilot for PowerPad (APAT) 3-214 Tape-A-Message fAS,ET.PC.TR) 1-30 FingerTip Controller (SWX1) 3-31 Ten Rey Board (1D) 3-64 Fold-It System (CI,NA) 1-46 TIGERb-Ook (ET.TR) 1-30 Footmouse (MT.TI) 3-32 Tongue Controller WW.TI 3-49 Function Recognition_ (ANEW-XSA-7 ) 3-223 Tovch &Speak ArI,ET,A.T/t) 3-344 Graphics Magician Painter (DR,PA,RE) 3-319 Touch 9N Talk Communication Board (CI.Er.N A) 1-58 Help Me to- Help Myself ICUT,NA) 1-47 Touch 14 Talk Communication Notebook (CI.NA) 1-58 Individualized Communication Systems (C1.ET.NA) 1-48 Touch 9N Talk Micros (CI,ET,NA) 1-59 Jumbb Phone with 9 Memories (EC,PC) 2-56 Touch and Match (ESXT) 3-283 Kennedy Switch Key Software (CI,ETDA.TI) 3-136 Touch and See (ES,E771 3-283 Keyboard Covers (KM) 3-7 Touch Corn (ASEUTXR) 3-183 Keyboard Emulator (TI) 3-35 Touch Talker (CI,FA.PW.TI,TW) 1-80 Keyport 300 _CTI) 3-36 Touch Window (DR.DLID.RE.WP) 3-65 Keyport 60 (71) 3-36 Tri-Responder (ASATXR) 1-34 Kini Keybbard (TI) 3-37 TV Converter (EC) 2-68

KoalaPad (DP.-.ID) 3,62:_ Ultra 4 Remote System (Ec) 2-68 Lenical (AP.ASAT) 3-236 Unicorn Expnded Keyboard (n .7w ) 3-50 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush (DR,ET,PA,RE) 3-324 Unidialer (EC.PC) 2-69 Life Experiences Communication Kit (cutte 4) 1-48 Unipix (CI.ET.NA) 1-60- Lifestyle Personal Qunmunicator Expanded Keyboard Vert Plus (sv.TO) 3-100 LTD) 1-91 VIC-20 Scanner (CI.PANP) 3-347 Linear Alert ET-1A (CM) 2-80 Vocaid (CIXA) 1-82 LogicMaster (ASATAS) 3-238 VOIS 130 (CIXA) I42 Logo TouchTools for the PowcrPild (AUS.LT) 3-239 VOIS 135 (CIXA) 1-83 Math Scn (CNXT) 3-241 VOIS 140 (CUA) 1-83 Memory Patterns (AR-A5-ESA-T.1.T) 3-244 VOIS 150 (CIXAI 1-84 Micro Illustrator IDR-ET.PLRE) ;428 WOLF (CIXAXR) 1-84 Mini Keybourd (TI) 3-39 Word Board (CIRA) 1-60 Minspeak 1 (CIXA-EC.PW.71,TW) 1-70 Word Recognition (AR,AUS.ETXT) 3-294 MOD Keyboard_ System 1C1X1jW) 3-40 Mouth Operated Controller for Quads (SW.TI) 3-41 Multi-Game Board (GA.041 3-138 Muppet Learnhag Keys (ET.GA-1D) 3-63 Input Type: Speech Recognition {ITS} Natural Language Processing Program (ETXT) 3-249 PC AID (TI),3-4L Access-Ability (TI) 3-23 PC Serial AID (T7) 3-42 ACS Medicom Computer System (CI.EC.PC.TI.TL) 3-23 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC I-71 Butler,in-a-Box (ECZC-X1) 2-46 PIC Word Board (CUT-NA) 140 CASPT (ET.ST) 3-197 Pratt-Sited COmmunicatiOn WOOk (C1,NA) 1=53 Chatterbox_Dictionary (ES,ETXT) 3-198 Point to Pictures DevehAiment-Kit (AP.AR-ASXSAT) 3-255 iminand Telephone System (ECPC) 2-47 Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit (AR.AUSXT.TR) 3-255 Coretechs VET3 (TI) 3-26 NAM till Pittiiret LesMin Plaii Masted (es:ET) 3456 DART-5000 (Tr-WM 3-26 Porta Book- ICI,NA) 1-54- DP-200 Connected Speech Recognizer (ID) 3-61 Portable Communication Boards (CI.NA) 1-54 Ears (TI) i3-27_ Fortable Voice II (CI.ELPW) 1-72 IntroVoice I & II rro 3-33 PowerPad (DR,IDAE) 3-64 IntroVoice UI (TI) 3-34 PowerPad Programming Kit (M),ET) 3-256 IntroVoice V (TI) 3-34 Prepcitititin Rettigiiitiot (ARER.ESX7.1.7) 3-257 Kurzweil Voicesystem (TI) 3-38 Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (TI) 3-43 Micro Sretth Llb (ARATJT) 3-245 QuickWord (DS-AWIXINP) 3-43 No'quch (EC.PC) 2-58

R&ource WoOk 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware 377 Index 2 Przx Wets Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Paddle Adapple 3:73 Illustrations- (BR.PA) 3-321 Point and Read IET,LS) 3-254 INDEX (BARR) 3-106 Pronounce (T1)__3-43 MBOS.C1 (11D.BRL3-107 RiS II Serial Wireless Link (1A.0,4) 3-75 Micro Braille _(111tPAR,.°) 3-327 SAR-10 Voice-Plus (T1) _3-46 Microbrailler 2400 (8D.PW,TO,WP) 3-107 Speech_Recognition Keyboard (TI) 3-48 MPRINT (811.BR) 3-108 Speech Matter (Ersr) j-tir Ohtsuki Printer (B1M3R) 3-108 SR-100-Voice Input Terminal (7l) 3-48 Personal Brailler (80.BR,TE,TL) 3-109 Talking 100 (CLEA.PC.PW.WP) 148 Romeo Brailler (11D.13R) 3-109 TI-Speech (T1) 3-49 Super Cranmer Graphics Package (BR.ET.PA) 3-336 Video Voice ( 3-286 Tally-Talk (DS.PA) 3-342 Visi,Pitch Model 6095 (AR.ETST) 3:288 TED-600- Text Embossing Device (8D.BR) 3-110 Visible Speech Aid (ET.ST) 3-289 TeleBraille (C1XCYDYL) 1-97 VocaLink Cellular Module (EC.PC) 2-70 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser (8D.RR,TE,TL) 3-110 VocaLink CSRB-LC_ (T1) 3:50 VersaBraille (8P,BR,PANP) 3-111 Vita Link Seriet 4= (T1) 3-51 VersaPoint Braille Embosser (BARR) 3-111 Ver.2 Link SYS300- rrn 3-51: VocaLink VRT300 (TI) 3=52 Voice Card (T1) 3-52 Voice Command System _(Tl) 3-53 Output/Display: Deaf Baudot (for Voice Communications Option (PC,sv.n.n) 3-53 TDD's) {ODD} Voice Communications System (PC,T1) 3-54 Voix Priver (rI) 3-54 Anscom C (C1.PC.TD.TL) 1-89 Voice Eng !bib Unguage Development (ET,LT) 3-291 BraT (BABILTEXL,T01 3-84 Voice Matter (16.5S) 3-125 COM 2000 (C1XCXDXL) 1-89 Voice Math (C NAT) 3-291 Intele-Type (CI,PC,TD.TL,WP) 1-90 Voice ReadingiAbility Drill (ET,LS) 3-292 Lifestyle Personal Communicator (CLCN.PC,TD.TL) 1-91 Voitt Sy Stems Package (S1',T1) 3-55 Minicom II (CUWYD.TL) 1-92 Voicescribe-1000 4(T1)_ 3-51 _ Porta Printer Plus MP20 (C.TD.TL) 1-92 Voicescrib8-20000 (T1) 3-56 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD (C1.PC.TD,TL) 1-93 VOIS 150 (C1.EA) 1-84 Porta Printer Plus MP4OD (Cl.PC.TD,TL) 1-93 VS1000 Voice Communications Device (1)1 3-65 Porta View Junior/Model 32 (C1.TD.TL) 1-94 VTR 6050 Series U (Ti) 3=56 SSI-1130 Communicator (C1.2"DXL) 1-95 SSI-220 Communicator (C1,TD,TL) 1-95 SSI-240 Communicator (calm) 1-96 Superprint 100_, 200, 400 (CI.PCXDXL) 1-96 Input Type: Wireless {ITW} Talk_Tone (CuarL) 1-97 TeleBraille (CI.Pc.ran.) 1-97 Deuce (EC.PC,TW) 2-48 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser (RARR.TEIL) 3-110 Environmental Control (EC) 2-52 Environmental Control System (EC) 2-53 EZRA (C1CM.EC,PC) 2,54 Flexcom (C1XA.EC) 1-67 Output/Display: Ideographic/Pictographic Infrared Remote Control (EC) 2-56 Symbols {ODI} MECCA (EC.PC) 2-57 On/Off_ftemote Switch (EC) 2-59 Blissymbolicc Bliss Library (AP.PA) 3-309 R/S II Series Wireless Link (1A,OA) 3-75 Blissymbolics: Blissnoard (C1,ET.PA) 3-310 Radio Remote Control (EC) 2-60 Talking BlissApple (CI,ET.PA) 3-339 Radio Unicontrol (Ec) 2-61 Remote Control Sonic Switch (EC) 2-62 Smarthome I (CXEC,C) 2-63_ Sound Activate7d Light SWirch (EC) 2:63 Output/Display: Large Print {ODL} Television-Channel Selector (EC) 2-66 TOSC-2 Environmental Control System (CM.EC.PC)2-67 Alnhabet with Tom and Andy_ (AR.ES,ET) 3-189 TV Converter (EC) 2-68 Apple Demo_ Disk (ASET) 3-190 Ultra 4 Remote System (EC) 2-68 fkamseope II (LP,TO) 3-82 Voice_of Help (C1 4) 2-83 BEX laki.P_XA,SY,WP) 3-309 Whistleswitch Remote Control (EC) 2-70 Brains IXP-XT) 3-196 Wireless Data Transmission System (1A0A) 3-77 Calc-Talk (CN.L.P.PA.SV) 3-312 ClasSy Letterheads - Speak! (LP-.PA4V.WP) 3-313 Compu-Lenz (LP.TO) 3-84 E=Z Pilot II Authoring System and Training Package Output/Display: Braille Printer {ODB} (AP-.PA) 3.316_ ElemenMry MOD Keynoard System (C1,ETLP.T1) 3-28 AndiBraille Computer (1112.SY,T0):3-81 Expand-a-View (LP,TO) 3-86 BETA-X3 Thiel Braille Printer (1113.11R) 3=105 Finger Print (OA) 3-133 BEX (1311,LP.PA.SV,WP) 3-10 Getting Started in Arithmetic Series (and Sam's Store) Braille Translation Software (8R-.PA) 3-310 (CN,ET,LP.I.S.SV) 3-223 Braille-Talk (BR,A.SV) 3-311 inLARGE (EPXO) 3-87 BraT (13D.BR.TEXL-TO) 3-84 loywriter (LP.PA) 3-322 Apple Tool Kit (13RXM.PA.TL=WP) 3-312 Ker.iiedy Handi-Math Progain (CN,ET.LS) 3-229 Cranmer Modified Perkins Muller (811.BR) 3-105 Keyboarder (ETJCBJ;P) 3-230 Duxbury Braille Translator (8R.PA) 3-316 Keynoarding for the Visually Limited (ET.K8,LP.WP) 3-231 Electronic Typing Fingers (8D.BLI 3-106 Large Print Display Processor (Lrxo) 3-88 Hot Dots (811-,A) 3-320 Large Print Word Processor (LP.PA.WP) 3:323 illustrations (8141311.PA) 3-321 3 91 Large Type (LP.PA.WP) 3-323

378 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 2: Products Listed by INPUTiOUTPUT FEATURE

Lime Light _(LPXO) 3-89 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (ET,LS) 3-208 LoVE (LP.PASV.WP) 1323 CREATE (AR,ASXR.ES.ET.LS) 3-209 Lyon Large Print Program (LP.TO) 3-89 Cricket (SS) 3-116 Magic Keyboard (L,PX0) 3.90 CTS: Electronic Assembly & Soldering (ET,V0) 3-210 Magic Slate (ET.L.P.L.S.PANP) 3-239 DECtalk (SS) 3-116 Magnicomp (-LP.PA) 3-326 E-Z Pilot II Authoring System and Training Package Magni Link (LP70; 3-90 _ 1AP.PA) 3-316_ Morse Ccide & Scanning Practice Programs (ET.GA,RE) 3-247 Early Learning I(E.S.ET) 3-211 Multi Scribe- (LP.PA.P1P) 3-329 Early Learning II (CN.ES.ET) 3-212 Optacoa (13D.LPX0) 3-91 Echo + (SSSV) 3-117 PC Lens (LP,TO) 3-91 Echo GP (SS) ; 117 Peachy Writer Bold (LP, A) 3-330 Echo PC2 (SS) 3-118 StlittaC-111 (CLET.PA) 3-334 &ho/Cricket Training Disk (OASV) 3-132 Spell-A-Vision (ET.LS) 3-271 EDACTS Keytioird ICI.EC.T1,WP) 3-27 Talking Text Writer (ET.L.S.SV.WP) 1-279 Edmark Reading Piogram, Level 1 (ES.ET.LS) 3-212 Talking Writer (E7.111.2.P.PASV,WP) 3-341 Electronic 31 Day Calendar (PASV) 3-317 Tall Talk Prints (LP, 3-97 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (C1,ET,LP,T1) 3-28 Tall Talk Screens ( 3-98 Elephant Ears (E.S.ET,LT) 3-213 Texts lk (LP.PASV.WP) 3-343 Enable Reader (SV,T0) 3=85 Triple Dump (OA) 3-142 Enhanced PC Talking Program (SV.TO) 3-85 Viewscan Text System (CN,LP,PA,PW,TE.TO.PIP) 3-100 Equalizer (C1J1R.E.I7W.RE.713-W.WP)_1-454 Vista (LPX0) 3-101 Expanded Keylioards for Speak N' Spell (EAET.TR) 1-65 Write (CIAT.L.s.81) 3-295 Exploratory Play (ES.ET,LT) 3-214 EyeTyper (C1EAXC-11) 1-66 EyeTyper Model 2C (C1.EA.EC.PC.PW.T1) 1-66 EZ Pilot tor Power Pad (APAT) 3-214 Output/Display: Modem (ASCII) {ODM} Fast Access Scan Talker (C1,PA) 3-318 File-Talk (0.5.PASV) 3-318 BraT (813.1111,TEXL,TO) 3-84 Fingerspeller (ARALETS1) 3-217 Echo WOO- IMPC.TATLI 1-90 First Categories rta,a).LUT) 3-218 Handy_Terminal (EA,W37JW) 1-67 First Shapes (EsAT) 3-218 Intele-Type (C1.PCTATL.WP) 1-90 First Verbs (ES.EF.LT) 3-219 Keynote PA.PW.SV,TLYO,WP) 3-88 First Words _( ,L) ) 3-219 Lifestyle Personal Communicator (aral,PCXDXL) 1-91 First Words II (E.s.ELLT) 3-220 Porta Printer Plus MP20 (C1,TATL) 1-92 Following Directions (AR.ES.ET) 3-221 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD fCI.PC.TATL) 1-93 Frrx-domI Isv-J-o) 3-86 Superprint 100, 200, 400 (a.PC-XDXL) 1-96 Fun With Math (CR.ET.SV) 3-222 Tele Braille (C1.PCTATL) 1-97 Funs' an Recognition (AR.CR.ES.ET) 3-223 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser (1113.BR.TEXL) 3-110 Getting Started in Arithmetic Scrim. (and Sam's Store) (CN.ET.LP.L.S5V) 3-223 Hot Dots 113R,P4) 3-320 I Cart Talk (ra.s.c..uxR) 3-226 Output/Display: Speech Output {ODS} ICOMM (CLEA.PKTI.TW) 1-68 IDEA Cat (ESA-F.14LT) 3-227 ACES (AS-.ET ) 3-171 Idiomsiii Ameriai (LS.ET,LS.LT) 3-277 ACS Medicom Computer System (C1.EC.PC,T1XL) 3-23 Intex-Talker (SS,SV) 3-118 All Talk_ (C1-.EAZ7XR) 1-63 K Talker (SVZO) 3-87 Apple Demo Dist (Aszr) 3.190 Keynote (PA.PWSVXI:XO,WP) 3-88 Arithmetic -L2,-and 3 with Speech (AR.cNX1*-1-s5v) 3-191 Keys to Succes= Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children Artie Vision (S9j0): 3-81 (ETX13.SV) 3-232 Audible Career Explorer (AR.AS,V0) 3-122 Keytalk (ETXII.LSSV,WP) 3-233 Audi Braille Comuter Il3R,Sy.TOL 3-81 Kid Talk (ES.ET,PASV.WP) 3-322 Audio Braille Game Tutorial (8RXT.GXRE) 3-191 Kinderrnath II ICN,ES.ET) 3-233 Audio Scan (C1.PA) 3-308 Unguage LA.I1 (APAR.ES.ET.LT) 3-234 Automatic Form Writer jPASV.V0) 3-308 Learning Left and Right (8.s.Er) 3-235 Basic Interpreteefor the Bliad_(SVX0) 3-82 LenicaL IAPAS.ET) 3-236 Wasic Language Serim-Spatial Concepts (ES.ET.LT) 3-192 Letter Find (CN.ES.ET.KBSV) 3-236 Bear Jam (E.S.ET) 3-193 Lifestyle Personal-Communicator (C1rN,PC,TD.TL) 1-91 BEX_ (11WYA.SV.WP) 3-309 Light Talker (Crx-AC,FWX1YW) 1-68 Braille Trainer (ER.ET.SV) 3495 Lightwriter (C1.EA.KG.PW) 1-69 Braille-Talk_ (13R;PASV) 3-311 Lip-Reader Trainer IA.SET.L.R) 3-237 Butler-in-a-DA (EC.PC31) 246 Listen tn Learn (EZLS.P1P) 3-238 Ca ic-Talk- (CN.L.P.PA.SV) 3-312 Lister Talker (13S.PA.SV) 3-324 Call Text 5000 (PCSS) 3-1)3 Living Center III (C1.CN.EA.EC,RE.WP) 1-69 CallTett 5050 (PCSS) I-115 I.;ogo TouchTivls for the PowerPad (AS.E.S.ET) 3-239 Chatterbox Dictionary fES.ET,LT) 3-198 LeVE (LP.PASKsvP) 3-325 Choiceivlaker I (M1JESXT) 3-198 Magic Cymbals (C1JPA) 3-326 Clatty Letterheads - Speak!(.' P.PASV.WP) 3-313 Magic Music Teacher (ET.0A.RE)3:301 Coinsnkeys (CNX.S.ETX13) 3-202 Master Talker (APAA.SV) 3-137 Color Find_ (ESXT) 3-202 Mathtalk (AACNAT) 3-242 Computer Prop. for Neuropsycnological Testing & Rehab. Maze (ET,GA.RE) 3-243 (A&CLET,LS) 3-206 Memory Patterns _(AR.AS.ES.ET.L.T) 1244 ComputeriAFed Enabling System (C1.EC.PA.PC.P1P) 3-315 Message Maker (CryA) 3-327 COmputeriited Training Systems (CTS): Nuts & Bolts Micro-LADS (A.s.Erjx) 3-179 (LT.V0) 3-207 Mini Talking Card Reader 1C1.EA-ET) 1-70 Control Without Key War& (A5X1.ET.PA) 3415 t) na Tinspeak 1 (C1A---C-,W713-W) 1-70 Resource %Oh 3: Computer Software and Hardware 379 Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Mix_'N Match (ARXSAT) 3-247 Talk II (CI.PAL 3-337 Wicking liciard (SS) 3-119 Talker (1r_ASV.WP) 3-338 MOD:Keyboard System: (C121.TW) 3-40 100 (CIXA.PC.PW.WP) 1-78 Mouse:Math (CN.FT) 3-248 Talking 100 Communicator (CIXA) 1-78 Multi-Scan (AS.CIXT,PA.TR) 3-319 Talking Aid (CIXA) 3-338 011ie Series (ESAT) 3-249 Talking Apple Literacy Kit (ET,GA,KB,WP) 3-277 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Talking BlissApple (CI.ELPA) 3-339 (CI,CN,EA.PW.WP) 1.71 Talking Riddla (ELLS) 3-228 Faint With Words (ESXT) 3-250 Talking Scanner (ETSV) 3-279 PC Speak av,To) 3-92 Talking Sensible Spellez (PASV) 3.339 PC Vert (SV.TO1 3-92 Talking TermExec (SKTO) 3-92 PC Voice _(SVX0) _3-93 Talking Text Writer (Erhs, I3-279 Personal Wiley Management (PA.SV) 3-330 Talking Transcend II (PAYE) 3-340 Personal Speech System _(5s) 3419 Talking Unicorn ( 3-289 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (itSri.EA.EC:ET.PW-TIXiv) 1-7 I Talking Wheelchair (1.71.GA,PA.RE,WP) 3-340 Pietiire Scantier - Software for Assessment (AS.ET) 3-180 Talking Word Board (CIXA) 3-341 Pll - Personalized Information for Independence Talking Writer (ETXBIP.PASV.WP) 3-341 _ (AD.131.CRXT-LS) 3-254 Tall Talk Prints (LPSVX0) 3-97 Point to Pictures Development Kit (APARAS,ES,E71 3-255 Tall Talk Scree= (LPSV.TO) 3-98 Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit (ARAS.ES.ETXR) 3-255 Tally-Talk (0.5.PA) 3-342 Pointto Pictures Ltson Plan Masters (r.S.r, ) 3-256 Tape-A-Messap (AS.ELPC,TR) 1-30 Portable Voice IL (CLEA.PW) I-7) Target (AS,CIXTXR) 3-280 Preposition Recognition (AR.CRXS.ELLT) 3-257 Tele-Talk (PASS') 3-342 Prompt-Writer (KM.PASV,WP) 3-331 Textalk (LP.PASV.WPI 3-343 ProTERM (SV.TEXO) 3-94 Textalkerlilind andOther Echo Utilities (ELSV,TO) 3:98 PROVOX (SW.TO) 3-95 The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper - Prepositions ProWORDS (PA.11,3VP) 3-332 (ASXS.ETIT,L3-282 Quick Talk (CI.PA.PC) 3-332 TIGERbook (ETXR) 1-30 Rapsheet i(D.S.PA=SV) 3-333 TIM (CI.EA,PW.WP) 1-79 Reading Recognition (ARAS.Er.t.S) 3:267 Timothy Communications Package (C1.EA,PW) 1-79 Representational Play (ESETXT) 3-263 Touch & Speak (CLET.PA.TR) 3-344 RIC Easy Talker (CI.PA) 3-333 Touch Corn (AS,CIXTXR) 3-183 SAR-10 Voice Plws 346 Touch Talker : ( 1-so Say It(CI,PA) 3-334 TRAX PAX Talking Checkbook (PA,SV) 3-344 Say4t-All and Say-It-All Super Plus (CLEA.PW) 1-73 TRAX PAX Talking File Box (PASV) 3-345 SAYIT _(APIJA) 3-140 Trine System (ACS) (CIXA.PWWW.WP) 1-80 Scan & Speak (CIXT.TR) 3-264 Trine System (Worts+) (CIXA)5'WW.wP1 1-81 ScanPAC/Epson- (C1.EA.ECPWX1.7-W) 1-74 Twenty Categories (AR.ELLS) 3-285 SCANWOLF (C1XAXR) 1=74 Type & Speak (CUA.SV) 3-345 SCAT (Screen Articiator) (SVX0) 3-95 Type kV Parrot (ELEBSV) 3-286 Screen-Talk Pro (Sv.2-69) 3-96 Type-'N-Talk (SS) 3-124 Sentence-Scan (C1XT.PA) 3-334 Type-Talk (AP.ELKB) 3-286 Sight Word Spelling_ ( 3-265 Ufonic Voice_System (MSS) 3-124 SimpleCom L Yes/No _Communication_ (CIXTXR) 3465 Ultimate Banker (CN.I-M.SV) 3-346 SimpleCom Needs/Wants Ornimunication (CIXTXR) 3-266 Ultimate File Cabinet (DS.PA) 3-346 SlotbUster ($S) 3-120 (SVX1.7) 3.99 Small Talk (C1XN.EA=PWSVX1X1V,WP) 1-75 VERBal STAR (PA_SV,WP) 3-347 Smootifralker (51SV) 3-120 Vert Plus (SVX0) 3-100 Soft Vert (SVXO) 3-96 VisuaL Reeognition (AR.AS.ES.ELLT) 3-289 Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) (SS) 3-121 Vocaid (CIXA) 1-82 Software for Visually Impaired Children Voice Card (71) 3-52 _ (AP.Etire.t.ssy)-3.267 VoiCe Communications Option (PCSVXIX L) 3-53 Software_Simulations of Communication Prostheses Voice English Language Development (ET,LT) 3-291 (ASX1.87) 3-182 Voice Mager (lass) 3-125 SonornaVoice MIXT.T111 1-27 VoiM Mate II (AS.ET.TR) 1-36 Sound Ideas (ET-LS) 3-268 Voice Math (CNXT) 3-29I Sound Match (AS.ES.ET) 3-268 Voice ReadingAbility Drill (ETXS) 3-292 Speak Up (CI.P.S) 3-335 Voice Systems Package (SV.TI) 3-55 Speak-A-Label 4DSI.A.5V) 3-335 VOIS 110 (CIXA) 1-82 Special Friend Speech Prosthesis (CIXA) 1-75 VOIS 135 (C1XA) 1-83 Speech Writer IPA-SYMP) 3-336 VOIS 140 (CIXA) 1-83 SpeechAid_f_CIXA;PWXIXW) 1=76 VOIS 150 JCI.E4) 1-84 SpeethPAC/Fpson (CLEA.EC.PWXIXW) 1-76 Votalker AP (SS) 3-125 SpeechPad (CLEA) 1-77 Votalker C-64 (SS) 3-126 Speller Bee (ELLS) 3:272 Votalker IB (SS) 1-126 Spelling Tutor (p'.4.1) 3-272 VTR 6050 Series II (27) 3-56 Speflist (ETXS) 3-273 Western Center Echo + Synthesizer Package 2'3 Study Buddy (ET) 3-273 WOLF_ (CIXAXR) 1-84 Super Voice (SS) 3-121 Word Recognition (AR.A.S.E.S.ET,LT) 3-294 Supertalker (SS) 3422 Word-Talk (PA.SV.WP) 3-348 StitVival Wads (ADAS.ET.LS.LX) 3-275 Words-to-Voice (SVX(YAVP) 3-101 Symbol-Writer fASX.S.ELOA) 3-276 Write (C1XT.LSSV) 3-295 SynPhonix 100 (SSW) 3-122 Zygo scanWRITER (CI.EA.EC.Pw.TIXW) 1-86 SyiiPhiniii 200 (SS) 3-123 Synplionix jr($5) 3-123 TAG: Talking Anirmw.d Graphics (ES.ET) 3-27633

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Output/Display: Tactile/Braille Display Touch Turner (8P.EC) 247 (Dynamic) {ODT} Toy Assessor (ARALELET) 3-284 Training Aid 2 fALEC.ETXR) 1-33 Audi Braille Computer JeRav.7,") 3-81 Ultra 4 Remote System (EC) 2-68 Brailink III (13D,BRXI.TO) 3-83 Versascan (ALCLET.T8) 1-38 Braille Display Processor (812.TO) 3-83 Voice Mate II (ALET.TR) 1-36 Opt8C00 (11D.I.PX0) 3-91 Word Communication (CIXA) 3-348 Zygo Model 16C (ALCI.ETXR) 1-36 PC-Braille (BRX-0) 3-93 Silent Page System (cso 2-82 Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA.EC,PW.TI,TW) 1-86 VersaBraille (BD.BR.PA.WP) 3-111

Switch Inputs:_ Uses Joystick (4 or 5 Switch Inputs: Uses Analog Control {SIM Switches) {SIP

Mind Master (GA,REX1) 3-39 ACS Medicom Computer System (CLEC.PCXIXL) 3-23 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training_Series (ALCR.ELET,LS) 3-196 Computer Prog.c. for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab. (AR,CR.ET,LS) ;-206 Switch Inputs: Uses Dual Switch {S12} Edmark Reading Program, Level 1 ( 3-212 EZBAS (C1.0A) 3-132 AbilitSwitch Tester (ALETXR) I-15 Foundations I (AR.CR.ELET) 3-221 Academics with Scanning: Language Arts (ET.LS) 3-188 Function Recognition (AR,CR.ELET) 3-223 Academics with &canninic Math (CN,ET) 3-188 Game Padile for Apple II Computers (SW,TI.TW) 3-32 ACES (AS.ET) 3-171 Lite Touch (13R.GA,RE.TI) 3-38 Adaptive Firmware Card (1A,KE,KMSWX1) 3-24 Memory I(CR,ES-X-T.LS) 3-243 Apple Computer Input Adapter (1A.SW) 3-69 Memory II (CR.ELET.LS) 3-744 Apple Demo Disk (AS.E71 3-190 Memory Patterns (ARAIES.ET.LT) 1244 Call Signali (AS.CMXR) 2-76 MOD Keyboard System (C1X1Xlv) 3-40 Catch the Cow (ALET) 3-173 Picture Perfect (DR,RE) 3-302 Com-Board (As,c1.ET,TR) 1-19 Preposition Recomition (AR,CR,ELET,LT) 3-257 Compartmentalized Communicator (AS.CLETXR) 1-20 Race the _Clock IETGAAE) 3-260 Computer Entry Terminal (TI) 3-25 Reading Recognition (ARAS.ET.LS) 3-262 Control 1 JEC.PC) 2-47 sma Say as I Do (ELET) 3-263 Deuce_ (ECXCXW) 2-48 Special Skill Builders I & 11 (CNXS.ET) 3-270 Dual Channel Latching Switch Interface (ALECET.TR) 1-22 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) (CR.E.S.ET.LS) 3-274 Dual Switch Latch and Timer (ALECETXR) 1-22 Survival Words (ADALET.LS,LT1 3-275 Dual Tape Control (EC) 2-49 Visual Recogrfition (AR.ASXSXT.LT) 3-289 Electric Copyholders (BP.EC) 2-52 Visuospatial Skills (AR.CR.ET) 3-290 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CLET,LPX1) 3-28 VOIS 150 (CLEA) 1-84 Evaluation System (ASXT) 3-178 Word_Recognition (ARAS:ELETXT) 3-294 First Verbs (ES.ET.LT) 3-219 X-10 Powerhouse Computer Interface (EC.PA) 3-349 First Words (E.S.ET) 3-219 First Words Il (ES7TXT) 3-220 Hanch-Routine (AP,OA) 3-135 Interface Box for Apple Ile (1ASW) 3-71 Switch Inputs: Uses Keyboard (16 Switches and Keyboard Covers (KM) 3-7 up) {SIK} Light Talker (CLEA.EC.PW.TI.TW) 1-68 Math Disk JCN_ET) 3-240 Coretechs VET3 3-26 MECCA (tC,C) 2-57 Expanded Computer Keyboards (KGX1)_3-29 MicroDEC II (C1I.EC.PC) 2-57 Expanded Keylioardi for the Adaptive Firmware Cards Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs (ETGA,RE) 3-247 (TI) 3-30 Morse-Code Ilmd Keyboard Emulator (TI) 3-40 Keasyboard (KGXI) 3-33 Motor Training Games (AS.ET.GA.RE) 3-301 Keyport 300 (Tl) 3-36 OrnnibOx (ET.IDXR) 3-83 Keyport 60 (Tt) PACA (PorMble Anticipatory Communication Aid) King Keyboatd (T1) 3-37 (CI.C81.EA.PW,WP) 1-71 Mini Keybbird (Tl) 3-39 PC AID (17) 3-41 Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (Il) 3-43 PC Serial AID (71)_3-.1 Remote Keykoard for the Apple 11+ and Ile (DR.T.I) 3-46 Phonics,Text, and GraPhics (DR,ET,RCWP) 3-252 SAR-10-Voice Plus (Tz) 3-40 PhotoPAC/EvaIPAC (AS.C1X-A.ECX7.Pwv.7-w) 1-71 Screenkeys (T_I)_ 3-47 Picture Communication (CLET.PA) 3-331 Special Friend Speech Prosthesis (CLEA) 1-75 Poc-Ett System (AS.CLET.TRI 1-25 Speech Recognition Keyboard (T1L3-48 Portable-Voice II (CIXAJ'W) 1-72 SpeechPAC/Epson (C1XA.EC.PWX1XW) 1-76 ScanPAC/Epson (CLEA.EC.PW.TIXW) 1-74 SR-100 Voice Input Terminal (T1) 3-48 Sentence-Scan (CLET,PA) 3-334 TI-Speech (T) 3-49 Special Inputs DU (A5XTX11.77) 3-47 Trine System (ACS) (CIZA.PWX1XW,WP) 1-80 Speller Teller (ALCIETXR) 1-27 Unicorn Expanded Keybbard (T1.TW) 3-50 Switch Adapter for Applelle and II+ Computers (IA.SW) 3-75 Vocal(' (CLEA) 142 Switzh Inwrfue (WI) 3-76 VoraLink CSRB-LC (T1) 3-80 Switch Latch (ALEC.ETXR) 1-29 Zygo Notebook (CLEA.PW.WP) 1-85 Switchboard (CLEA.ET) 1-77 Talking Aid (CLPA) 3-338 Television Channel Selector (EC) 2-66 Timer and Counter (ALECATXR) 1-31 TOSC-2 Environmental Control System (CM.EC.PC) 247 394

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 381 Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Switch Input.% _Uses Multiple Switches (3 to 15 EZRA (Cl.CM.EC.PC) 244 Switches) {SIM} Fast Access Scan Talker (CI.PA) 3-318 First Categories fESET;LEXT) 3-218 Compartmentalized Communicator (A.S.CI.ET.TR) 1-20 First Verbs (ES.ET.LT; 3419 Compudapter fri) 3-25 First Words (ES.ET.LT) 3-219 Easy Programmer (PA) 3-317 First Words II (ES.ET.LT) 3-220 EZBAS 1CI.0A) 3=132 Flexcom (C1,EA.EC) 1-67 Finger Tip Controller (Swn) 3-31 Florida Scanner (AP.04) 3-134 Footmonsc (MTXI) 3-32 Game Paddle for Apple II Computers (SW.TI.TW) 3-32 Gewa Page Turner (BPEC) 2-55 Gewa Page Turner (13r.EC) 2-55 Keyboard Covers (RIO 3-7 Handi-Routine IAP,OA) 3-135 Lite Touch (DR4A.REX1) 3-38 HeadMaster (farm 3-33 Multi-Input Selector (AS.EC.ETXR) 1-24 I Can Talk (CLES.ET.LTXR) 3-226 Multiple Switch Box for the Adaptive Firmware Card ICOMM- (ci.EA.Pctraw)i 1-68 (IA) 3-73 Language" LAB. (APAR:ESA-7%LT) 3:234 Tape Recorder with Switch Adapter (EC) 2-64 Light Talker (CI.EA.EC.PWWW) 1-68 Timothy_Communications Package (CI.EA.PW) 1-79 Lighted Vibratins Signalling Buzzer (AS.ETXR) 1-23 Tongue Controller (SWXI) 3-49 Living Center III (CI.CN.EA,EC.RE.WP) 1-69 Ultra 4 Remote System jEC) 2-68 Mac-Apple Communication Aid (CI.CN,DR.E.S.ET.PA.WP) 3-325 Zygo Model 100 (CIXE.ET,W.TLTW) 1-85 Magic Cymbals (C1.PA) 3-326 Zygo TETRAscan II(TI) 3-57 Math Disk (MET) 3-240 Math Scan- (CN,ET) 3-241 Message Maker (C1;PE) 3-327 Micro-LADS -ms.-17.1.71 3479 Switch Input= Uses Single Switch {SI1) MicroDEC II (CII.EC-PC) 2-57 Mix 'N_Match (AltESAT) 3-247 Ability Switch Tester (As.anra) 1-15 MOD Keybriard System (CI.TI.TW) 3-40 AbleNet Control Unit (AS.EC.ETXR) I-Is Morse Code & Scanning Practice Programs (ET.CA.RE) 3-247 Academics with Scanning Language Arts (ET24)3-188 Morser(P3tWp) 3-328 Academics with Sanning Math (CN.ET) 3-188 Motor Training Games (AS.ET.GA.RE) 3-301 Aceess-Ability (TI) 3-23 Motorized Easel (ar.EC) 2-58 ACES (A.S.ETJ 1-171 MoutluOperated Controller for Quads (S19.TI) 341 ACS Medicom CompuMr System (CI.EC.PCXIXL) 3-23 Multi-Game aciard (CADA) 3-138 Adaptive Firmware Card (IA.KE.11145W.TI) 3-24 Multi-Sean itASX1.ET.PAXA) 3-329 ALTKEY 3-74 Omnibox (ETJDXR) 1-63 AphaOw &den i_through VIII (ClrET.L.1) 1-190 On/Off Remote Switch (EC) 2-59 Apple Computer Input Adapter (IA,SW) 3-69 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) Apple Demo-Disk (AS.ET) 3-190 (CLCWX-M'W.WP) 1-71 Apple Ile:Input Adapter (1A,SW) 340 PC AID (TI) 3-41 Apple Switch Interface (USW) 3-70 PC Serial_ AID (r_r1 _3-42 Appliance Genie (A-ticxr,rA) 3-307 Phonicc Texc and Graphics (DR.ET.RE.WP) 3-252 Audio Sam -(C1,A) 3-308 PhotoPAC/EVaIPAC (AS.CLEE.EC.ET.FWXIXW) 1-71 Automatic Message Dialer (CM.EC.PC) 2-45 PIC Man -(128.ET.RE) 3-302 Automatic Page Turrm (RP-.EC) 2-46 Picture Communication (crxr.pA) 3.331 Battery Adapter (ASXTSWXR) 1-17 Pictures Programc I, II arid III (CR.E.S.ET.LS) 3-253 Battery 15eVice Adapter (AS.ETXR) 1-17 Poc-Ett System (AS.CIATXR) 1-25 Battery Interface -_ (AS.ETXR) 1-18 Portable Voice II (CIXA.PW) 3-72 Blisspen (Er-xs)-3-273_ = Prism Communication Tray (CIAT,NA) 1-55 Blitsymlicilieg BUM Drills (ES.ET) 3-194 Push-On-Push-Off :Module fAtEC.ETXR) 1-25 Blissyrnbolicx Blissboard faX77A) 3-310 Rabbit Sumner rkS;E5E71 3-260 Blisaymbolice_ BlissymW1 Concepts (ES.ET) 3-194 Remote Control Sonic Switch (EC) 2-62 ButtonCount Switch Assessment (AS) 3-172 RIC Easy Talker (CLPA)_3-333 Call Signal 2 (AS.CMX11) 2-76 Saltus Reader (13P;EC) 242 CAPTAIR _Cognitive Training Series (A.S.CRES.ET.I.S)3-196 Say It (CI.PA) 3-334 titgeiricril Reasoning I and II (CUT) 3-197 Scan & Speak (CIATI81_3-264 Catch-the Cow (A3JT1 3-173 ScanPAC/Epon (C7.EAXCPICTI.1w) 1-74 Cnoice_Maker I (ALES.ET) 3:I98 SCANWOLF (CI,EAXR) 1.74 Cl6ck Coniinunicator (A.S.CLETXR) 1-18 Sentence-Scan (CI .ET.PA) 3-334 Com Board (A.S.C_I.ETXR) 1-19 Sequential Smmuer (lUX7.ET.TR) 1-26 CommuniftWir -(PA.WP) 3:314 Single Switch Assessment Program (AS,ETXR) 3-181 Communiclock (A.T.CI.ETXR) 1-19_ Single Switeh_Game Library (ET.G-4.EE) 3-303 Computer Entry Terminal (T1) 3-25 Single-Input Assssment Software (A.R.AS.ETXR) 3-182 Counter Module (4S.ETXR) 1-20 Small Clock Communicator (A.S.V.ETXR) 1-26 Counting_Critters (CN.ES.ET) _3-209 Sound Match (AS.E.S.ET1 3468 Delay Timer JAS.EC.ETXR) 1-27 Special Friend Speech Prosthesis (CI,EA) 1-75 Dial Scarr (XSR1.ETX8) 12-1 Special Inputs DiskjAs.Er.runi 3-47 Dual Switch Latch and 1 uner (ASEC.ETXR) 1-22 Special Needs Volume 1 - Spelling (ET.1.4) 3-269 Dual Tape Control (EC) 2-49 Special Neds Volume 2 - SimirlatiOni & Drills E-Tran &CUM.! (AS.CI.ETXR) 1-23 (CN.ET.L.S) 3-270 Early Le.aaing I (ELET1 3-211 Sunny Days (ETXS) 3-274 Early Learning U (CN;ESXT) 3-212 Swimh Adapter for Apple He and II+ Computers (IA.SW) 3-75 EsYsicOrder (EC) 2;51 Switch Interface (1A.Sil 3-76 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CI-.ETWI) 3-28 SwitchiLatch (ASEC-4771) 1-29 Environmental COUtrol (EC) 2-52 Switchbeard (CLEA.ET) 1-77 Evaluation System (AS.ET) 3-176 Svitchmaster (AR.A.S.ES.ET) 3-275 3 95 Symbol Wriwr (AS.F.S.ET.GA) 3476

382 Resource Bk 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 2: Products Listed by INPUT/OUTPUT FEATURE

Talk:IL (Cl.PA) 3-337 Talking MI Communicator (C1.EA) 1-78 Talking Bliss Apple (CLEX.PA) 3-339 Target :((5r1.ETXR) 3-280 Television Channel &elector (EC) 2-66 The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper - Prepositions (M.ES.ETXT) 3-282 Timer and Counter (AS.EC.ET.TR) 1-31 Timer Module (A.S.ECETXR) 1-31 Touch Turner (8P.EC) 247 Toy Adapter Cable MS.ET.SW.TR) 1-32 Toy Cable (AS2T-AWXR) 1-32 Toy Scanner (AR.A.S.ET) 3-284 ToyPAC IAS.K.ET,REPt) 1-33 Training Aid 2 (uc-x-rxR) 1-33 Variable Position Scanner (AS.C1.ET.TR) 1-34 Versascan AS.CLET.TR)_ 1-35 Vibrating Sack (ASAT.TR) 1-35 VOIS 150 (C1.EA) 1-84 Ways to Play (ET.GA;RE) 3-293 Word Communication (C1.PA) 3-348 Zygo Model 100 (C1.EA.ET,PW.T1.TW) 1-45 Zygo Model_16C_MS-41.1TXR) 1-36 Zygo scanWRITER (CI.EA.EC.P1V.T1.TIV) 1-86 Zygo TETRAscan II(T1) 3-57

Terminal Emulating Outputs {ODX}

ProTERM (SV.TE.TO) 3-94


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 383 Index 3

Switches Listed by Input/Output Feature

This index includes all switches listed by the type of input and by the numbEr af sWitches. Within Each list the sWitches are listed alphabetically.


Resource Book 3 : Computer Software and Hardware 385 Index 3: SWITCHES Listed by Input/Output Feature

The following is the order of the The following is a list of the Input/Output Input/Output Features by which products Feature codes which may appear in in this index are listed: parentheses after items in this index:

Input Type: Air (Sip/Puff) {ITA} ITA Input Type: Air (Sip/Puff) Input Type: Contact (Zero Pressure) {ITC} ITC Input Type: Contact (Zero Pressure) Input Type: Eye Movement and Eye Gaze {ITE} ITE Input Type: Eye Movement _or Eye Gaze Input Type: Joystick/Wobblestick {MI ITJ Input Type Joystick/Wobblestick Input Type: Light Sensitive (Optical) {ITLI ITL Input TypeLight Sensitive (Optical) Input Type: Movement Activated fITMI ITM Inj.t Type: Movement Activated Input Type: Noise (Sound or Vocalization) fITNI ITN InpIt Type: Noise (Sound or Vocalization) Input Type: Pressure Sensitive {ITP} ITP Input Type: Pressure Sensitive

SO1 Switch Outputs:Single Switch Switch Outputs: Dual Switch {S02} SO2 Switch Output=Dual Switch Switch Outputs: Joystick (4 or 5 Switches) ISOJI SOJ Switch Outputs:Joystick (4 or 5 Switches) Switch Outp 'at Multiple SWitchet (3 to 15 Switches) {SOMI SOM Switch Outputs:Multiple switches (3 to 15 Switches) Switch Outputs: Sinee Switch {SOI}

3 ns

386 Resource }look 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 3: SWITCHES Listed by Input/Output Feature

Input Type: Noise (Sound or Vocalization) {ITN} Input Type: Air (Sip/Puff) {ITA} Asaflex Model TS (ricrim./TP.son 2-7 Voice Activated Switch (501) 2-40 4-Pneumatic Switch (SOM) 2-3 Air Switdi (501) 2-6 Dual Pneumatic Switch (502) 2-13 Mini Joystick with Pneumatic Switch (ITJ.S0J)2-24 Input Type: Pressure Sensitive {ITP} Pneumatic Switch(502)2-30 Pneumatic Switch(502)2-31 4-Piate Switch (SOM) 2-3 Pneumatic Switch(502)2-31 4-Pushbutton Switch (SOK) 2-3 Puff Switch (SO1) 2-32 5-Pushbutton Switch (SOW) 2-4 Sip & Puff Switch (501) 2-35 5-Tread Switch Slot Control (SOM) 2-4 AbleNet Switch 100 (scn) 2-5 Air Cushion Switch (SW) 2-5 Air Cushion Switch (Single or Dual) (501.502) 2-5 Input Type: Contact (Zero Pressure) {ITC} Air Switch Kits 1'501) 2-6 Arm Slot Control (SOW) 2-6 Asaflex Model TS (ITM.ITN.ITP.S01) 2-7 Armslot Switch Controller (SOW) 2 7 Capacitive Touchplate Interface (SOM) 2-10 Asaflex Model TS (ITC.ITM.ITN.501) 2-7 Cylindrical Touch Switch (502) 2-12 Bite Switch (501) 2-8 Dual Touch Pad Switch (502) 2-15 Body Switch (S011 2-8 Magnetic Finger Switch (17M.S01) 2-22 Button Switch (501) 2-9 P-Switch (IT7iITP.S01) 2-26 Button Switch (S0)) 2-9 Button Switch J502) 2-9 Cap Switch (501) 2-10 Input Type: Eye Movement and Eye Chin Switch (502) 2-10 Clamp-On Bump Switch (501) 2-11 Gaze {ITE} Computer Keyboard Switch (S01) 2-11 Computer Plate Switch (S01) 2-1/ Infrared Switch (ITLJTM.S01) 2-19 Cup Switch (501) 2-12 Developmental Lever Control (502) 2-12 Double Push Panel (502) 2-13 Input Type: Joystick/Wobblestick IITJ} Dual Plate Switch_ (502) 2-13 Dual Pushbutton Switch (502) 2-14 4-Switch Joystick (SW) 2-4 Dual Rocking Lever Switch (502) 2-14 Joystick (50.11_2-19 Dual Tongue Switch (502) 2-14 Joystick with Pad Switch (TTP,S0)) 2-19 Flat Air Cushion Switch (SO1) 2-16 Micro Joystick with Push Switch (ITP,S0J) 2-23 Flex Switch (1TM,501) 2-16 Microswitch Joystick (SW) 2-24 Grasp_Switch (501) 2-16 Mini Joystick with Pneumatic Switch (1TA.SW) 2-24 Grip Switch (501) 2 17 Mini Joystick with Push Switch (ITP.S0J) 2-25 Hand Switch (501) 2.17 Modified Joystick (501) 2-25 Head Switch aim 248 PRC Joystick (SW) 232 Head Switch (501) 2-18 Touch Sensitive Joystick Control (501) 2-38 Joystick with Pad Switch (ITJ.S0J) 2-19 LT. Switch (501) 2-20 Leaf Switch (501) 2-20 Leaf Switch (301) 2-20 Input Type: Light Sensitive (Optical) {ITL} Leaf Switch (S01) 2-21 Left/Right Rocker Switch (502) 2-21 Infrared Switch (ITEJTM.S01) 2-19 Lever Switch (502) 2-21 Photo Cell Switch (1TM.S01) 2-27 L.-ever Switch (SW) 2-22 Light Touch Lever Switch (S01) 2-22 Membrane Plate Switch (501) 2-23 Micro Joystick with Push Switch (1TJ.S0J) 2-23 Input Type: Movement Activated {ITM} Mini Cup Switch (SOI) 2-24 Mini Joystick *ith Push Switch (ITLSOJ) 2-25 Asaflex Model TS (ITC.ITN.ITP,SOI) 2-7 Mini Rocking Lever Switch (502) 2-25 Barrel Switch (SOlj 2-7 Mounting Switch (501) 2.26 Brow Wrinkle Switch (501) 2-8 P-Switch (ITC-1TM401) 2-26 Eycbrow Switch (S01) 2-15 Paddle Switch (501) 2-26 Finger Flex Switch 1501) 2-15 Penta Switch (50M) 2-27 Flex Switch (ITPS01) 2-16 Pillow_Switch (501) 2-27 Head Control for Wheelchairs (SW) 2-17 Pinch Switch (S0)) 2-28 Headband Switch 001) 2-18 Plate Switch (501) 2-28 Infrared Switch (ITLITL401) 2-19 Plate Switch (501) 2-28 Magnetic Finger Switch (ITC.S01) 2-22 Plate Switch (S0)) 2-29 Mercury Tilt Switch (501) 2-23 Plate Switch (501) 2-29 P-Switch (ITCJTP,501) 2-26 Plate Switch (S01) 2-29 Photo Call Switch(ITL.S01) 2-27 Plate Switch On Stand (S01) 2-30 Tilt Switch(S01)2-37 Platform Switch (501) 2-30 Tilt Switch(501)2-37 Pointer Selection Switch (SOW) 2-31 Tip Switch(501)2-38 Pressure Switch (SW) 2-32 Pushbutton Switch (S01) 2-33 3 99

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 387 Index 3: SWITCHES Listed by Input/Output Feature

Rocker Switch (502) 2-33 Capacitive Touchphte Interface (ITC) 2-10 Rocker Switch_ (502) 2-33 Penta Switch (ITP) 2-27 Rocking Platt Switch (502) 2=34 Pointer Selection Switch (ITP) 2-31 Round Pid S*itch (501) 2.34 Wafer Switch (iTP) 2-40 Single Push Panel (501) 2-34 Single Rocking Lever Switch (S01) 2-35 oft Switch (501) 2-35 Sponge Nurse Call Switch (S01) 2-36 Switch Outputs: Single Switch IS011 Square Pad Switdi (S01) 2-56 Squeeze Type Switches (501) 2-36 Ableblet Switch 100 (1TP) 2-5 Thumb Switch (501) 2-37 Air Cushion Switch (177) 2-5 Tongue Switch (502) 2-38 Air Cushion Switch (Single or Dual) (ITP,S02) 2-5 Touch Switch (501) 2-39 Air Switch (ITA) 2-6 Tread Switch (501) 2-39 Air Switch KitS_(1TP) 2-6 Treadle Switch_ (501)2-39 Asaflex Model TS (ITC,ITM,ITNJTP) 2-7 Vertical Plate Switch(501)2-40 Barrel Switch (ITM) 2-7 Wafer Switch (50M)2-40 Bite Switch (ITP) 2-8 Wobble Switch (.501)2-41 aody Switch (ITP) 2-8 Wobble Switch (501)2-41 Brow Wrinkle Switch (ITM) 2-8 Wobble Switch (501)2-41 Button Switch (1TP) 2-9 Button Switch (ITP) 2-9 Cap Switch (ITP) 2-10 Clamp-On Bump Switch (ITP) 2-11 Switch Outputg Dual Switch {S02} Computer Keyboard Switch (ITP) 2-11 Computer Plate Switch (ITP) 2-11 Air Cushion Switch (Single or Dual) (122,...so1) 2-5 Cup Switch (1TP) 2-12 Button Switch (ITP) 2-9 Eyebrow Switch (ITM) 2-15 Chin Switch (IrP) 2:10 Finger Flex Switch (ITM) 2-15 Cylindrical Touch Switch (ITC) 2-12 Flat Air Cushion Switch (ITP) 2-16 Developmental Lever Control (ITP) 2-12 Flex Switch (1714117) 2-16 DOublt Ptith Panel (ITP) 2-13 Grasp Switch (1TP) 2-16 Dual Plate Switch (ITP) 2-13 Grip Switch (ITP) 2-17 Dual Pneumatic Switth (ITA) 2-13 Hand Switch (Ir?) 247 Dual PUthbutton Switch (ITP) 2-14 Head Switch (1TP) 2-18 Dual Rocking Lever Switch (1TP) 2-14 Head Switch (ITP) 2-18 Dual Tongue Switch (ITP) 2:14 Headband Switch (um) 2-18 Dual Touch Pad Switch (1TC) 2-13 Infrared Switch (1TEJTLJTM) 2-19 Left/Right Rocker Switch (IT?) 2-21 LT. Switch (ITP) 240 LeVer SIT/itch (ITP) 2-21 Leaf Switch (ITP) 2-20 Mini Rocking Lever Switch (ITP) 2-25 Uaf Switch (ITP) 2-20 Pneumatic Switch 11TA) 2-30 Leaf Switch (1779_ 2-21 Pneumatic Switch (ITA) 2-31 Lever Switch (1TP) _2-22 Pneumatic Switch (IT).j 2-31 Light Touch Lever Switch (ITP) 2-22 Rocker Switch (ITP) 2-33 Magnetic Finger Switch (ITC,ITM) 2-22 Rocker Switch (ITP) 2-33 Membrane Plate Switch (1TP) 2-23 Rocking Plate Switch (1TP) 2-34 Mercury Tilt Switch (ITM) 2-23 Tongue Switch (ITP) 2-38 Mini Cup Switch (ITP) 2-24 Mounting Switch (1T?) 2-26 P-Switch (ITC,ITM.ITP) 2-26 Paddle Switch (ITP) 2-26 Switch Outputg Joystick (4 or 5 Photo Cell Switch (171,ITA I) 2-27 SWitches) {SOJ} Pillow Switch (ITP) 2-27 Pinch Switch (if?) 2-28 4-Switch Joystick (ITJ) 2-4 Plate Switth (11?) 2-28 Head Control for Wheelchairs (I2m) 2-17 Plate Switch (ITP) 2-28 Joyatiek (ITJ) 2-19 Plate Switch (ITP) 2-29 Joystick with_Pad_SWitCh (ITJ.ITP) 2-19 Plate Switch (ITP) 2-29 Micro Joystick with Push Switch (ITJJTP) 2-23 Plate Switch (ITP) 2-29 MittotWitch Joystick (ITJ) 2-24 Plate Switch On Stand (ITP) 2-30 Mini Joystick with Pneumatic Switch (1TAJTJ) 2-24 Platform Switch (1TP) 2-30 Mini_ Joystick with Push Switch (ITLITP) 2-25 Pressure Switch (1711 2-32 Medified Joystick (ITI) 2-25 Puff Switch _(1TA) 2-32 PRC Joystick (ITJ) 2-32 Pushbutton Switch (ITP) 2-33 Round Pad Switch (1TP) 2-34 Single Push Panel (1TP) 2-34 Single Rocking Lever Switch (ITP) 2-35 Switch Outputs: Multiple switches (3 to 15 Sip & Puff Switch (ITA) 2-35 Switches) ISOM} Soft Switch (ITP) 2-,35 SpOnge NUM Call Switch (ITP) 2-36 4-Plate Switch (ITP) 2-3 Square Pad Switch (ITP) 2-36 4-Pneumatic Switch (ITA) 2-3 Squeeze_Type Switches (IT?) 2-36 4-Pushbutton Switch (1TP) 2-3 Thumb Switch (ITP) 2-37 5-Pushbutton Switch (ITP) 2-4 Tilt Switch (ITM) t-37 5-Tread Switch Slot Control (ITP) 2-4 Tilt swita (ITM) 2-37 Arm SloLControl (1TP) 2-6 Tip Switch (ITM) 2-38 Armslot Switch Controller (ITP) 2-7 4 0 Touch Sensitive Joystick Control (17V) 2-38 388 Resource Kook 3: Computer Software.. and Hardware Index 3: SWITCHES Listed by Input/Output Feature

Touch Switch (177) 2-39 Tread Switch (l170) 1-39 Treadle Switch (I'M 1-39 Vertieal PlaW Switch UT?) 2-40 Voice Activated -Switch (ITN) 1-40 Wobble Switch (l170) 1-41 Wribble Switch (lTP) 2=41 Wobble Switch M71 2-41


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 389 Index 4

Products Listed by Computer

This index lists all products for each computer, followed by the functions of that product and the book-page location.Whenever possible the computer family has been specified.The listings for specific models within that family generally include only those products made specifically for that model (e.g., a keyguard) or with clearly stated restrictions regarding certain models. In all other cases, including those where software compatibilitywithall models inthe family isnot clearly specified, the computer family has been used.The manufacturer should always be contacted for up-to-date information on which models a program works with. For example, someone interested in saftware for the IBM PC jr. should check both the IBM PC'fr. and IBM family lists. The manufacturer of the software that is identified as meeting the function needs and having the necessary input and output features should then be contacted to determine whether the program will run on the IBM PC jr.

4 2

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 391 Index 4: Products Listed by COMPUTER

The following is the order of the Computers The following is a list of the Function codes by which products in this index are listed: which may appear in paretheses after items in this index: All Computers (Hardware Independent) (ALL) Any CP/M Computer (CPM) AD Activities of Daily Living Apple II family (model not specified) IA2) AL Artificial Larynx Apple II+ 1.A2+) AM Administration or Management Apple Ile IA2C) AP Anthoring Program Apple Ile (A2E) AR Analysis or Reporting Software Apple Macintosh family (AM) AS Assessment (Evaluation) Atari (model not specified) IR) BD Braille Printer or Tactile Display (Component) Atari 2600 IR26) BP Bobk/Paper Handling Atari 400 IR4) BR Braille Atari 800 028} CI Conversation/Intera ction Atari 800XL (R8X) CM Call, Monitoring, or Memory System Atari ST family IRS) CH Calculation/Math Aid Commodore (model not specified) IC) CR Cognitive Rehabilitation Commodore 128 (1C12} DR Drawing Commodore 64 {1264} DS Database Management/Spreadsheet Commodore Amiga ICA) EA Electronic Communication or Writing Aid Commodore VIC 20 (CV2) EC Environmental Control DEC (m6del not specified) ID) ES Early Skills (Pre-Reading) Epson HX20 IEH2) ET Education, Training, or Therapy IBM 3270 (137) GA Game IBM PC AT (IPA) IA Input Adapter for Computer IBM PC family (model not specified) (IP) ID Input Device Usable with Only Some Software IBM PC k (IFJ) IE IEP or IPP NEC (model not specified) (NE) KB Keyboarding Training Program Other - Control Data (KJ KE Keyboard Emulating Interface Other - Franklin 1000 (OF1) KG Keyguard Other - Franklin family (model not specified) (OF) KM Miklification for Standard Keyboard Other - Grid (OG) LP Large Print Output Other - ITT (01) LR Lipreading (Speech_ Reading) Other - Terminal (type not specified) (0T) LS Later skim (Includes Reading) Other - Zenith 10Z) LT Language Therapy/Development TRS-50 Color IT8CY MT Mouse or Touch Pad Emulation TRS-80 MUdel 100 (TP1) NA Non-Electronic Communication Aid TRS-80 Model 200 (TP2) OA Other &oftware or Hardware Adaptation TRS-80 Model I(T81) PA Personal Tool or Aid (for Speaking, Writing, TRS=80 Model II (T821 Drawing, Controlling, etc.) TRS-80 Model III (T83) PC Phone Control/Access TRS-80 Model IV (T84) PT Pointing or Typing Aid Tandy 2000 (T20) PW Portable Writing Tandy/Radio Shack (model not specified) IT} RE Recreation Texas Instrument TI 99/4A (X94) SA Speech Aid SI Signing SS Speech Synthesizer ST Speech Therapy (not Language Therapy) SV Screen (Display) to Voice SW Switch or Control TD Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) TE Terminal Emulator (Special Only) TI Alternate Input Usable with All Software TL Telecommunication TO Alternate Display System Usable with All Software TR Training or Communication Initiation Aid TW Alternate Input Adaptable for Use with All Softwarc (Transparent With) VA Voice Amplifier VO Vocational WP Word Processing (Writing)

392 Resource llo-ok 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 4: Products Listed by COMPUTER

Aphasia Series:I through VIII(CR.ET.LS) 3-190 Apple Adaptor (1A,SW) 3-69 Apple Computer Input Adapter (1,41.EW) 3-69 All Computers (Hardware Independent) {ALL} Apple Demo Disk (AS.ET) 3-190 Apple DOS 33 Manual(OA) 3-129 Beamscope II(LP.TO) 3-82 Apple Switch Interface(1AP/) 3-70 BETA-X3 Thiel Braille Printer(BD.13R) 3-105 Appliance Genie (AS.EC.ET.PA) 3-307 Butler-in-a-Box(EC.PC.T1) 2-46 Articulation Error Analysis (AMAR.ST) 3-148 CallText 5050(PC.SS) 3-115 Articulation Error Analysis (AEA) (AALARST) 3-148 Compu-Lenz_ILPX0)3-84 Articulator: Goals and Objectives for Speech(AMJE.ST) 3-149 CompuDesk HCP(OA) 3-129 ASIEP Computer Scoring andInterpretation(AM.AR) 3-149 Coretechs VET3frI) 3-26 Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech Cranmer Modified Perkirts Brailler(BD.BP) 3-105 (AR.A.C.sT) 3471 DECtalk(SS) 3-116 Audio Braille Game Tuto:ial(BR.ET,GA,RE) 3-191 DP-200 Connected Speech Recognizer(ID) 3-61 Audio Scan(C1.12A) 3-308 Easy-Load-A-Diskette(OA) 3-131 Automated IEP System and Professional Goal Banks Echo GP(SS) 3-117 (AMJE) 3150 ESSRehabware(TM) 3-153 Automated IEP System and SCOR Goal Banks(AMJE)3-150 EyeTyper Model200 (CLEA.EC.PC.Pw.TI) 1-66 Basic Language Series-Spatial Concepts(ESET.LT) 3-192 Firm Grip Joystick Holder(OA) 3-133 Basic Vocabulary Builder en Computer(ET.L.S.LT) 3-192 INDEX (13D,BR) 3-106 Blazing Paddles (DR.ET,RE) 3-299 Intex-Talker(SS.SV) 3-118 Blisspen (ELLS) 3-193 Kurzweil Voicesystem(TI) 3-38 Blissymbolics: Bliss Drills (ES.ET) 3-194 Left/Right Rocker Switch (3144v) 2.21 Blissymboliew Bliss Library (AP,PA)3-309 Lime Light(LP.TO) 3-89 Blissymbolics: Blissboard ICI.ET.PA) 3-310 MBOSS-1 (BD,BR) 3-107 Blissymbolics: Blissymbol Concepts (ES.ET) 3-194 Modular Twin Turntable Desk(OA) 3-138 Braille Display Processor (sR.TO)3-83 MPRINT (BD,BR) 3-108 Braille Trainer (BR.ET,SV) 3-195 Personal Brailler(ITD.BR.TE,71) 3-109 (BR.PA.SV) 3-311 Personal Speech System(SS) 3-119 ButtonCount Switch Assessment(AS) 3-172 R/S II Series Wireless Link(IADA) 3-75 Cacti_ Word Processor(KM.PA.WP) 3-311 Ready Reader(TIJ 3-45 Calc-Talk (C14.1.P.PA,SV) 3-312 Romeo Brailler(11413R) 3-109 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series(AS,CR.E.S.ET.LS) 3-196 &afeSkin Keyboard Protector(KAIDA) 3-18 CARA_ (AR.AS,LS) 3-173 SR-100 Voice Input Terminal(TI) 3-48 CASPT (ET.ST) 3497 Stick-On_ Key locks (icid)349 Catagorical Reasoning I and II(CR.ET) 3-197 TED4X1 Text Embossing Device(13D.BR) 3-110 Catch the Cow (AS,ET) 3-173 Touch 'N Talk Micros (CLET.NA)1-59 Child Placement Report Writer(AM,AR) 3-151 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser(BD,BR.TE.TL) 3-110 Choice Maker I(AR.ES.ET) 3-198 Type-'N-Talk (SS) 3-124 CHPI Apple Tool Kit(BR.XMJ'AXL.WP) 3-312 Versa Braille(11D.13R.PA.WP) 3-111 Classy Letterheads - Speak! (LP.PASV.WP) 3-313 Versa Point Braille Emboner(BD.13R) 3-111 Clinical Data Manager (AMARJ 3-151 Vertical Plate Switch (SW) 2-40 Cloze-PlusFrogram (ETS) 3-199 Voice Activated Switch (ss1)2-40 Cognitive Rehabilitation Series (CR.ET.LS) 3-199 VTR 6050_Series II (ri)3-56 Cogrehab Vol. 1 (CR.ET,LS) 3-200 Wheeled Floor Station(OA) 3-143 Cogrehab Vol. 2(CR,ET.LS) 3-200 Wireless Data Transmission System (1ADA) 3-77 Cogrehab Vol. 3 (CR.ET.LS) 3-201 Wobble Switch (SW) 2-41 Cogrehab Vol. 4 (CR.ET.LS) 3-201 Coinsnkeys(C6LES,ET.K8) 3-202 Color Find (ES.ET) 3-202 Comm-Prog1C1.12A) 3-313 Any CP/M Computer {CPM} Communicator IPA.WP) 3-314 Communitree - First and Second Editions(DS.PA.TL) 3-314 Audi Braille Computerj13ILSVIO) 3-81 Complete Spelling Progra (ET.LS) 3-203 Brailink III(ED.AR.T1XD) 3-83 Comprehension Power Program (AR.ET.LSI 3-203 _ Duxbury Braille Translator(BR.PA) 3-316 Comprehensive Phonemic Inventory for Children, 2.0 Echo Enhancement Box (0A.SV) 3-131 IAR.AS.ST) 3-174 Enable Reader(SVX0) 3-85 Compudapter(T1) 3-25 K Talker (SV,T0) 3-87 Compuscore: For the Scales of Independent Behavior Magic Keyboard (LPIO) 3-90 (AM.AR) 3-152 Microbrailler_2400 (BD.PW,TD.WP) 3-107 Computer 'misted Instruction in Phonological Process One Handed Typing (ET,K11) 3-250 (ET.ST) 3-204 Smartkey (KM)3-18 Computer Courseware for the Exceptional Student XtraKey (KM) 3-20 (CN.ET.KB.LS) 3-204 omputer CUP(ES.ET.I.T) 3-205 omputer Managed Articulation Diagnosis (AR,ASST) 3-174 Computer Managed Articulation Treatment(AR,ETJT) 3-205 Apple II family (model not specified) {A2} Computer Managed Language Treatment (AR,ET,LT) 3-206 (AR.AS.LTJT) 3-173 Ability-Achievement Discrepancy(AhLAR) 3-147 Computer Managed Screening Test Computer Progs. for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab. Aademics with Seaniiing :Language Arts(ET.L.5) 3-188 (AR,CR.E7'.i.$)3-206 Academics with Scanning Math(CALET) 3-188 AlMstar (AMAR) 3-147 Computerized Reading for Aphasia (AR.AS,CR.ET.LS) 3-207 Computerized Training Systems (CTS): Nuts & Bolts Alphatiet with Tom and Andy (AR.E.s.ET)3-189 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mech. (ET.VO) 3-207 (ETST) 3-189 Concept Formation: Shape Matching(ES.ET) 3-208 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (ET,LS)3-208 4 0 4 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 393 Index 4: Products Listed by COMPUTER

Counting Critters(CN.E.S.ET) 3-209 Job Survival Series1ET,y0) 3-228 CREATE(AR.AS,CPES-209 JOBS System(ANIAR.RS,V0) 3-178 Creativity Tool Box (APXPLET-8E) 3-299 K.L.S. - Cognitive Educational System(CPET) 3.229 CTS: Electronic Aisembly & Soldering(ET,V0) 3-210 Keasyboard(KG,T1) 3-35 Disk Guide(04 3-130 Kennedy Handi-Mathikogram(CN,ET.L1) 3-229 Dot &Draw (DRXT4kRE) 3-300 Kennedy Switch Key Software(CI.EPOA,T1) 3-136 DPS:BCP(APAS,ET) 3-175 Keyboard Covers(Km) 3-7 DPS:Decision Pathing System(AM,APIE) 3-152 Keyboard Emulator(71) 3-33 DP&HELP (AmaRJE)3-153 Keyboard Interfaces(1AXE) 3-72 Drills in Language Concepts(ET.L.5,LT) 3-211 Keyboarder(ET.K8.1,1 3-230 Duxbury Braille Translator(BR.PA) 3-316 Keyboarding For The_Dyslexie(Er.KB.L.S.WP) 3-230 Dvorak Keyboard Modification Programs(Kai) 3-4 Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped(AS.ET.KR) 3-231 E-Z Pilot II Authoring System and Training Package Keyboarding for the Visually Limited(ET.KB,LP.WP) 3-231 jAPPA) 3-316 Keyboarding with One Hand(ET,KB.WP) 3-232 Early Learning I(ESET) 3-211 Keyguards(KG.KM) 3-10 Early Learning II(CN.E.5,ET) 3-212 Keyguards(KG.1111) 3-11 Echo/Cricket Training Disk(0.4.511) 3-132 Keyguards(KG.1111) 3-11 Edrnark Reading Program, Level 1(ES,ET.LS) 3-212 Keylocks(KM) 3-12 Elephant- Ears(ES,ET.L71 3-213 Keylocks(KM) 3-13 Evaluation System (kur) 3-176 Keynote(PA.PW.SY.TL.TONP) 348 EXPAND ( 3-29 Keys toSUM:3XComp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children Expanded Keyboards(TIYW) 3-30 (ETXBSV) 3-232 Expanded Keybwrds for the Talking BlizApple(KG.T1) 3-31 Keyshields(KG.KM) 3-13 Exploratory Play(ES,ET,LT) 3-214 Keytalk(ETXB.L.S.SV.WP) 3-233 Explorer(AM.AR) 1-154 Kindermath II(CN.ELET) 3-233 EyeTyper(C1EA.ECT1) 1-66 language Intervention Planner (Am,AR,LT)3-158 EZ Pilot for PowerPad(APET) 3-214 language LAB.(APAR.E.`) 3-234 EZBAS(CIDA) 3-132 Language Stimulation Seria (er.r.s.LT)3-234 Fut Master(AR.AS.CN.17) 3-215 large Print Display Processor(LPTO) 3-88 Fast Access Scan Talker(C1,PA) 3-318 Learning Left and Right(ELET) 3-235 Fay's Word Rally(ETXS) 3-215 Learning Workshop(AS.ES,ET) 3.235 Fay: That Math Woman(CN,ET) 3-216 Letter Find(CN.E.S.ET.KB.SV) 3-236 Fay: The Word Hunter(APET,LS) 3-216 Lip-Reader Trainer(AS.ET.1..R) 3-237 File-Talk(DS.PA...1V) 3-318 Lister Talker(DS.PASV) 3-324 Fingerspeller(APAS,ET.S1) 3-217 Lite Touch(DR,GA,RE.T1) 3-38 FingerTip ControllerAsw.m3-31 LogicMaster(AS.ET.LS1 3-238 First Categories(ESXT,LSZT) 3-218 Logo Touchrools for the PowerPad(AS.E.S.ET) 3-239 First Verbs(ES,ET,LT) 3-219 Mac-Apple Communication Aid (CI.CN.DR.ES,ET.PANP) 3-325 First Words(ES,ET.LT) 3-214 MacroWorks (Km) 3-14 First Words II(ESXTXT) 3-220 Magic Cymbals(C1,PA) 3-326 Floppy reachet...Series(ES,ET) 3-220 Magic Music Teacher(ET,GA.RE) 3-301 Florida &canner(APDA) 3-134 Magic Slate (ET.LP.LS,PA.WP) 3-139 Following Directions(AR.E.S.Et ) 3-221 Magnicomp(LPPA) 3-326 Foundations I(AR,CR.E.S.17)3-221 MagniLink (LPX0) 3-90 Foundations H(AR.CR.ES,ET) 3-222 Master Talker(APDA,SV) 3-137 Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment(AM.ARST) 3-154 Math Disk(CN,ET) 3-240 Fun With Math(CN,ET,SV) 3-222 Math Power Program (CIV.17.4.5) 3-240 Function Recognition (AR.CR,E.s.17)3-223 Math Scan 1CN.ET) 3-241 Game Paddle for Apple II_Computers(SWX1TW) 3-32 Math kratchpad I(CN,ET) 3-241 Game Power for Phonics, Plus (AS.ETLS)3477 Math kratchpad ii(CNET) 3-242 Getting Started in Arithmetic Series (and Sam's Store) Maze(ET.GA.RE) 3.243 (CNTZPASSV)_ 3-223 Memory I(CR.ES.ET.I.S) 3-243 Gibson Light Pen System(DR.GAJD,PA.RE) 3-62 Memory II (CR.ES.ET.L.5) 3-244 Graphics Magician Jr.(DR,PA,REJ 3-319 Memory Patterns (AR.A5.E5,87.LT) 3-244 Graphics Magician Painter(DPPA.RE) 3.319 MESA(ARAS.V0) 3-178 Guessing and Thinking(CN,ET,LS) 3-224 MessageMaker(c1,pAk3-327 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs(DR.ES,ET.RE) 3-225 Micro Illustrator(DR.ET,PA,RE) 3-328 Handi-Routine(4P.0.4) 3-135 Micro-Interpreter 1 (Fingerspeller)(ET.S!) 3-245 Head Switch(SW.T1) 2-18 Micro-Interpreter II (CAV-ASL)(E7..51) 3-246 HELP Linguidisks(AR.CPET,LS,LT) 3-225 Micro-LADS(ILLETZT) 3-179 Holidays(.4R,CRXTXS,LT) 3-226 Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Areas (MECA) Hope(KM) 3-5 (AS,V0) 3-179 Hypernasality(AMAR,ST) 3-155 MicroDEC II(CM,ECXC) 2-57 I_Can Talk (C1X-SXTZTYR)3-226 Mind Master(0A,RET1) 3-39 IDEA Cat(ES,ET.LS,LT) 3-227 Minimal Contrast TherapyJAPET,ST) 3-246 Idioms in America(AS,ET.LS,LT) 3-227 Mix 'N Match(AR,ES2T) 3-247 IEP Writer(AM.ARJE4T) 3456 Mockingboard(SS) 3-119 Illustrations (BtoR,RA) 3-321 Modified Joystick15W) 2-25 Illustrations(WA) 3-321 Moisture Guard(KMOA) 3-14 Individml Performance Graph Pak(AM.AR) 3-156 Moisture Guard(K14,0A) 3-15 Individualized Planning System(AMAR) 3-157 Morse Code & Seanning Practice Programs(ET,GA,RE) 3.247 Interface Box_for Apple Ile(1A.SW) 3-71 Motor Training Games (A.S.ET,GA.RE) 3-301 IntroVoice I & II(T1) 3-33 Mouse Math (CN,ET) 3-248 J-Wear Objective Mastery Report(AM,AR) 3-157 Mouth Operated Controller for Quads (Sw.ri)3-41 Job Readiness Series ( Multi-Scan(AS.C1,ET.PA.TR) 3-329 Job Scarch and Lo-cal Job Bank(AR.AS,V0) 3-177 4

394 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 4: Products Listed by COMPUTER M.1=11=

Multiple Switch /Vox for the Adaptive Firmware Card Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) (SS) 3-121 (hs) 3-73 Sound Ideas (ETES) 3-268 Multi Scribe (LP,,kWP) 3-329 Sound Match (ASES.ET) 3-26A Muppet Learning Keys (ET.GAJD) 3-63 Sound Search II (AM.ST) 3-162 Natural Language Processing Program (ET,LT) 3-249 Speak Up (C1,PA) 3-335 Ohtsuki Printer (BOAR) 3-11q Special Education (Elementary): Paks for Special Needs 011ie kries (ES.ET) 3-249 (ESET.LS) 3-269 One Handed Typing (ETXB) 3-250 Special Inputs Dtsk (AS.ET,KM.T1) 3-47 Paddle Adapple (hA) 3-73 Special Needs Volume I - Spelling (ETES) 3-269 Paint With Words (ES.ET) 3-250 Special Needs Volume 2 - Simulations & Drills Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis (PELSA) (CN.ET.LS)_ 3-270 __(utots.A.s.t.T) Special Skill Builders I & II(CNES.ET) 3-270 PAVE Perceptual Accuracy/Visual Efficiency Training SpeechMaster (ETST) 3-271 (ET.LS) 3-251 Spell-A-Vision (Enz.$) 3-271 Peachy Writer Bold (LP.PA) 3-350 Spelling Tutor (ET.LS) 3-272 Phonics, Text, and Graphics (DR.ET.RE.ivP) 3-252 Spellist (ET,LS)_3-273 _ Phonological Process Tutor (87,47) 3-253 Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB=CR) (AM.AR) 3-162 PIAT Dror Analysis Report (AM.AR) 3-159 Study Buddy a-rj 3-273 PIC Man (DRET.RE) 3-302 Sunny Days (ETES) 3-274 Picapad (AAVAR;CR) 3-160 Super Cranmer Graphics Package (BR.ET,PA) 3-336 Picture Communication (CLET,PA) 3-331 Super Shape Draw & Animate (DR.PA.RE) 3-337 Picture Perfect (MAE) 3-302 Superuilker (SS) 3-122 Picture Scanner - Software for Assessment (ASET) 3-180 Surrounding Patterns (and other programs) (CR.ES.F.T.LS) 3-274 Pictures Programic I, II and III (CRESET.LS) 3-253 Survival Words (AD.A.S.ET,LSET) 3-275 Pll - Personalized Information for Independence Switch Interface (1A.S1) 3-76 (AD,ARrRET,LS) 3-254 Switchmaster (AR.AS.ESETJ 3-275 Planning_Individualized Speech & Language Intervention Symbol Writer (liSES.ET.GA) 3-276 (AMARJE) 3-160 SynPhonix (SS,SV) 3-122 Point to Pictures Etevelopment Kit (AP,AR.AS.ES.ET) 3-255 TAG: Talking Animated Graphics_JES.ET) 3-276 Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit (AR,ASESET.TR) 3-255 Talk About A Walk (ESETET) 3-277 PowerPad_Programming Kit (APET) 3-256 Talk II(C1,PA) 3-337 PRE-MOD II (AM.AR.AS) 3-161 Talking Apple Literacy Kit (ETZA.KB.WP) 3-277 Preposition Recognition (AR.CRES.ETET) 3-257 Talking Han& (FM) 3-278 Pressure_Seasitive Expanded Keyboard (n) 3-43 Talking Riddles (ET.LS) 3-278 Primer 83 (ASET.I.S) 3-257 Talking Sensible Speller (PASV) 3-339 Problem Solving 1ET) 3-219 Talking TermExec (SV.TO) 3-97 Process Analysis Version 21) (AILASST) 3-180 Talking Text Writer (ET.LS,SV.WP) 3-279 Processing Power ''rograin (ET,LS) 3-258 Talking Transcend LI (PA.TL) 3-340 ProTERM ISV.TE.2:11 3-94 Talking Word Board (CI.PA) 3-341 Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, What Belongs? Talking Writer (67.11B.LP,PA,SV.WP) 3-341 (CRESETES) 3-259 Tall Talk Prints (LP.SV70) 3-97 Quick Talk 1C1,PA.PC)_3-332 rall Talk Screens (LP.SV.TO) 3-98 Quiet Duck Learning Series (AS.ETXB.LS) 3-259 Tally-Talk _(DS,PA1 3-342 Rabbit Scanner (ASES.ET) 3-260 Target (145.CIETYR) 3-280 Race the Clock (ET.G101E) 3-260 Task Master (AP.CR.ET) 3-281 Rapsheet (DS,PASV) 3-333 Teaching Vocabulary LinguiDisks (AR,Er LT) 3-281 Rate Drill in Articulation, Language and Fluency Textalkeralind and Other aho Utilities (67.5V,TO) 3-98 (ETETAT) 3-261_ Textwriter 2.0 (PA,SV.WP) 3-343 Reading Around Words Program (ETES) 3-261 The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper - Prepositions Reading, Recognition (AR,ASET,LS) 3-262 (*S.E.S.ETET) 3-282 Remedial Secondary or Adult Education Programs The Lost R Reasoning (CR.ET,LS) 3-282 (ET.L.S.11) 3-262 Tilt Table (OA) 3-142 Remote Keyboard for the Apple II+ and He (DR.T1) 3-46 Tongue Controller (sw.r1) 3-49 Representational Play (ESET.LT) 3-263 Touch & Speak (CLET,PA.TR) 3-344 Response Optimizer (GA.O.A.PA) 3-140 Touch and Match 1E1E7) 3-283 RIC Easy Talker (C1,PAL1-333 Touch and See (ES,ET) 3-283 SAID: Say s I Do (ES,ET) 3-263 Touch Com (A.S.CLET.TR) 3-183 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) Touch Window (DR,DS,ID.RE.WP) 3-65 (AM,AR,LT) 3-161 Trace Matti Aid (CN.ET) 3-285 Sarah and Her Friends (ESET) 3-264 TRAX PAX Talking Checkbook (PASV) 3-344 Say It(C1,PA) 3-334 TRAX PAX Talking File Box (PASV) 3-345 Scan & Speak (CLET,TR) 3-264 Twenty Categories (AR.ETES) 3-285 Scanning Conversion Program (AP.OA) 3-141 Type & Speak (C1,PA,SV) 3-345 SCAT (Screen Articulator) (5VX0) 3-95 Type ls"' _Parrot (ET,ElLSV) 3-286 Scooter Zero Force Game Port (OA) 3-141 Type-Talk (AP.ET,101) 3-286 Sentence-Scan (CLET,PA) 3-334 Ufonic Voice System (ET.SS) 3-124 Sight Word Spelling 167.L.S.SV) 3-265 Ultimate Banker (CN.P.A.IV) 3-346 SimpleCom L Yes/No Communication_ (C)X7,TR) 3-265 Ultimate File Cabinet (DS,PA) 3-346 Simplem IL Needs/Wants Communication (CLET.TR) 3-266 Understanding Questions, Sentences I & II, Stories Single Switch Assessment-Program (AS.ET.Tk) 3-181 (CRATES) 3-287 _ Single Switch Game Library (ET.GA.RE) 3-303 Unicorn Expanded Keybblrd (rixw) 3-50 Single-Input Assessment Iciftware (AR,ASET.TR) 3-182 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report (A16.1E) 3-163 Slotbuster_(SS) 3-120 VARP: Vocal Abuse Reduction Program (Ersr) 3.287 Smart Shaper (CN.classr) 3-266 Viewscan Text System (CN,LP.PA.PW.TE.TO.WP) 3-100 Smarthome I (CM.EC.PC) 2-63 Visagraph Eye-Movement Recording_Systcm (ASET) 3-183 Soft Tools '83, '84, '85 (CRES.ET.L.S.LT) 3-267 Visi-Pitch Model 6095 (ARETST) 3-288 4 f) Resource Book 3: Computer Software end Hardware 395 Index 4: Prmlucts Listed by COMPUTER

Visual Recognition_ (AR,ASXS.ET.L.T) 3-289 Zygo Model 100 (CLEA.ET,PKTLTW) 1-85 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Prop. Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA.EC.PKTI.TW) 1-86 (AR.AS.CR.E.S,ET) 3-184 Visual/Reading Drills (CRx27..$) 3-290 V isuospatial Skills (AR.CILET) 3-290 VOC Matchinvand VOC Report (AM.AR.V0) 3-163 Apple Ik IA2C1 Voice Driver (71) 3-54 Voice Matter (ID.SS) 3-125 BEX (RILLP,PASV,WP) 3-309 Votalker AP (SS) 3-125 Brainz (AP.ET) 3-196 WAI&Riter 'BASIC' (A-MAR) 3-164 Cricket_(SS) 3416 WALC LinguiDisks (CR.ET.LS.LT) 3-292 Finger Print (OA) 3-133 Ways to Play (ET.GA.RE) 3-293 Keyguard (KG,KM) 3-9 Wechlsler Adult Intelligen= (WAIS-R) Keyguards (micht) 3-12 (AM.AR) 3-164 KoalaPad (OLIO) 3-62 Western Center Echo + Synthesizer Package (0A,SV) 3-143 Multiport (OA) 3-139 WISC-R Compilatios What To Do Now:. (AM.AR) 3-163 Paddle Panel (IA) 3-74 WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) (AM.AR) 3-165 Prairie Power Portable IIc System (0A.PW) 3-139 WISC-Riter 'BASIC' (AM.AR) 3-166 ProWORDS (PA.SV.WP) 3-332 WISC-RiWr CompleW (AM.AR) 3-166 Software for Visually Impaired Children Woo-dcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report (AP.ET.KILLSSV) 3.267 (AMAR) 3-167 Triple Dump (OA) 3-142 Word Class Inventory for khool Age Children X-10 Powerhoule Computer Interface (EC,PA) 3-349 (AM.AR.LT) 3-167 Word Communication (CI.PA) 3-348 Word Memory Programs (CR.ET.LS) 3-293 Word Recognition (AR.AS.ELET,LT) 3-294 Apple He {A2E} Word,Talk_ (PASV,WP) 3-348 World of Counting (ARCN.ET) 3-294 Adaptive Firmware Card (IA.KE-KM.SW,T1) 3-24 Write (CI.ET.LSSV) 3-295 Apple He Input Adapter (IASW) 3-70 Zygo TETRAlcan II(Tl) 3-37 Arithmetic 1,2, and 3 with Speech (AR.CN.ET.LS.SV) 3-191 Artie Vision (SV,TO) 3-81 Audible Career Explorer (AR.AS.VO) 3-172 Bear Jam (ES.ET) S-193 Apple II+ {A2-1-} BEX (BRZPYASV,WP) 3-309 Brainz (AP.ET) 3-196 Adaptive Firmware Card (IA.KE.KMSWXI) 3-24 Canon Communicator M (CtEA_PSVX1,TSV) 1-63 Arithmetic 1,2 and 3 with Speech (AR,CN,ET.I.S.SV) 3-191 Chatterbox_Dictionary (ES.ELLT) 3-198 Canon Communicator M (CLEA,PW,TI,TW) 1-63 Computer Entry Terminal (TI) 3-25 Computer Entry Terminal (Ti) 3-25 Control Without Keyboards (AS,CLET,PA) 3-313 Control Without Keyboards (AS.CI.ET.PA) 3-313 Dvorak Keyboard Converter (KM) 3-3 E-Z Port Plug (OA) 3-130 E-Z Port Plug (OA) 3-130 Echo + (SSSV) 3-117_ Easy Propammer IPA) 3-317 Echo Enhancement Box (0A.SV) 3431 Echo + (SSSV) 3-117_ Elementary MOD Keyboard System ICLET,LP,T1) 3-28 Echo Enhancement Box (0A.SV) 3-131 Expanded Computer Keyboards (KG,TI)_3-29 Elementary MOD Keyboard System (CLET.I.P,TI) 3-28 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Firmware Cards Expanded Computer Keyboards (KG,T1) 3-29 (TI) 3-30 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Firmware Cards Express 3 (CLEA.EC.PWWW) 1-65 (TI) .3-30 Flexcom (CI.EA.EC) 1-67 Express 3 (CLEA.EC,PKTI,TW) 1-65 Governor fGA.0A.PA) 3-135 Finger Print (OA) 3-133 ICOMM (CLEA.PWX17W) 1-68 Flexcom (CLEA,EC) 1-67 Keyboarding with One Hand (ET,KB,WP) 3-232 Functional Skills kreening Inventory (AD,AR.AS.V0) 3-176 Keyguards IKG,KM) 340 Governor (GA.0A.PA) 3-135 Light Talker (CLEAI-C.PWVYW) 1-68 ICOMM (CLEA.PW,TIXW) 1-68 LittleJack (OASV) 3-137 Keyboard Interface for Apple Be (IA,KE) 3-71 Minspeak 1 (CLEA.EC.PW,TLTW) 1-70 Keyguard (KG.KM) 3-9 MOD Keyboard System (CIXIXW) 3-40 Keyguards (KG,KM) 3-10 Omnibox (ET.ID,TR) 3-63 Keyguards (KG,KM) 3-12 Point to-Pictures Lesson Plan Masters (ES.ET) 3-736 Keyscan II(IA.KE) 3-72 PowerPad (DRJO.RE) 3-64 King Keyboard (T1) 3-37 Print-it (0A.TO) 3-94 KoalaPad (DR.ID) 3-62 PSS Joystick Adapter (IA) 3-74 Light Talker (CI ,EA.EC,PW TI ,TW )1-68 Slotbuster(SS) 3-120 LittleJack (OASV) 3-137 SpeechAid (CI.EA.PW.T1.TW) 1-76 Mini KeyNaard (TI) 3-39 Switch Adapter for Appk Ile and II+ Computers (IA,SW) 3-75 Minspeak 1 (CLEA,EC,PW,TLTW.I 1-70 Talking BlissApple (C1X7.PA) 3-339 MOD Keyboard System (CLTI.TW) 3-40 Ten Key lloard (ID) 3-64 Mul'aport (OA) 3-139 Touch Talker fCI.EA.PWZIXW) 1-80 Omnibox jET.ID,TRI 3-63 Toy Assessor (AK.AS.ES,ET) 3-284 Paddle Panel ((Al 174 Toy Scanner (AR,ASET) 3-284 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (AS,C1.EA.EC.E7'.PW.TI.TW) 1-71 Trine System (ACS) (CI.EA,PW,TLTW,WP) 1-80 Point to Pictures Lesson Plan Masters (ES.ET) 3 256 Trine System (Words+) (C1EA.PW,T1,TW,WP) 1-81 PowerPad (DR.ID,RE) 3-64 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard ( 3-50 Print-it (0A.TO) 3-94 Visible Speech Aid (ET.ST) 3-289 ProWORDS (PA,SV,WP) 3-332 Voice Reading Ability Drill (ET,LS) 3-292 ri 7 PSS Joystick Adapter (1.4) 3-74 Vt.talker AP (SS) 3-125 4 Repeat Defeat (KM) 3-17

396 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 4: Prmlucts Listed by COMPUTER

ScanPAC/Epson (CLEAXC.Pwx1.71v) 1-74 Atari 2600 {R26} Scooter Zero Force Game Port (OA) 3-141 Slotbuster L5S) 3-120 Multi-Game Board (DADA) 3-138 Software for Visually Impaired Children TV Game-2 (IASW) 3-76 (AP.ET.RB.L.S,SV) 3-267 Speech Aid (CLEA.PW.TLTW) 1-76 SpeechPAC/Epson ( /-m Switch-Adapter for Apple We and II+ Computers (1Asw) 3-75 Atari 400 {R4} Talking Bliss Apple (CLET.pA) 3-339 Talking Scanner (ET.D/) 3-279 Bear Jatti (ESzT) 3-193 Talking Unicorn (E 7 ,SV) 3-280 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush (DR.ET,A.RE) 3-324 Ten Key Woard um 3-64 LogicMaster (AS.ET.I.S) 3-238 Touch Talker (c/X1PW.TIXiv) 1-80 Micro Illustrator (DR.ELPA.RE) 3-328 Toy AsftSsor (AR.AS.ES.ET) 3-284 PowerPad (DR.ID.RE) 3-64 Toy Scanner- (AR.AS.ET) 3-284 PowerPad Programming Kit (Ap.ET) 3-256 Trine System (ACS) (,Trjw.v/p) 1-80 Talking Wheelchair (CLGA.pA.RENP) 3-340 Trine System (Words+) (CLEA.PW.TI.TW.WP) I-81 Triple Dump (OA) 3442 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard (Tuw) 3-50 Video Voice (AR.ET,ST) 3-288 Atari 800 {R8} Visible Speech Aid (ELST) 3-289 Voice English Language Development (ELLT) 3-291 Bear Jam (ES27)_1193_ Voice Math (CN.ET) 3-291 Keyboarding For The Dyslexic (ET.RB,Ls.wp) 3-230 Voice Reading Ability Drill (ELLS) 3-292 Keyboarding for the Visually Limited (ET.128.1.p.wp) 3-231 VoUlker AP (SS) 3-125 Le4A 'Lectric Paintbrush (DILET.PA,RE) 3-324 X-IO Powerhouse Computer Interface (Ec.pA) 3-349 LogicMaster (AS.ET.LS) 3-238 Zygo Model100 (CI.EAXT.Pw.nyw) 1-85 Micro Illustrator 1DR.ET,PA.RE) 3-328 Zygo scanWRITER (CLEA.EC.PW.TLTW) 1-86 PowerPad (DR.717.RE) 3-64 PowerPad Programming Kit (Ap,ET) 3-256 Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) (SS) 3-121 Talking Wheelchair (CLGA.pA,RE,wp) 3-340 Apple Macintosh family {AM} Dvorak Keyboard Modification Programs (Km) 3-4 FingerSpeller ( 3-217 Atari 800XL {R8X} First Shapes (E.S.ETL 3-218 Graphics Magician Painter (DR.PA.RE) 3-319 Keyboarding For The Dyslexic (ET,KILLS.wp) 3-230 HeadMaster (MT:rt) 3-33 Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) (SS) 3-121 inLARGE (LPy0) 3-87 Keyguards (KG.Kh I) 341 Keyloeks (EM) 3-12 Keyshields (KG.Xiii) 3-13 Atari ST family {RS} Kid Taik (E.S.ET.PA-SV.WP) 3-322 LoVE (LP.PA,SV,v/t) 3-325 First_Shapes (ELM 3-218 Mathtalk (AR.CNXT) 3-242 Kid Talk (ES.ET.PASV.v/P) 3-322 quadLynx Trackbuil (MT.TI) 3-44 Mathtalk (AILCN.ET) _3442 (NickWord (DS.Ichul,v/p) 3-45 Speller Bee (ET.1S) 3-272 Smarthome I (CM.EC.PC) 2-63 SmoothTalker (SS,SV) 3-120 Speller Bee (ELLS) 3-272 Talker (pAS11.v/P) 3-338 Commodore (model not specified) {C} Textalk (LP.PA.SV.v/P) 3-343 Cacti Word Processor (Khf.pA,rvp) 3-311 Comm-Prog (CI,10.4) 3-313 Mouth Operated Controller for Quads (Sw.T1) 3-41 Atari (model not specified) {R}

Blazing Paddles (DR.ELRE) .1-299 FingerTip Controller (Siv.TI) 3-31 Commodore 128 {C12} Foundations I (AR,CRXS.ET) 3-221 Foundations II (AR.CILES.ET) 3-222 Bear Jam (E.S.ET) .1-193 Graphics Magician Painter (DR,A.RE) Dot & Draw (DR.ELGA.RE) 3-300 Head Switch (-tyl.T1) 248_ Joywriter (LP,rA) 3-322 Keyb-carding with One Hand (ETXR,WP) 3-232 Voice Master (IDSS) 3-125 Keyguards (_KG.K14) 341 Memory 1 (CR.ES.E74S) 3-243 Memory II (CRJES.ELLS) 3-244 Commodore 64 {C64} Modified Joystick ISvo 2-25 Month Operated Controller for Quads (Siv.T1) 3-41 Access-Ability (TI) 3-23 Paddle Panel (IA) 3-74 Wear Jam (ES.ET) 3-193 Problem Solving (ET) 3-258 Blazing Paddles (DR.ET.RE) 3-299 Soft Tools '83, '84, '85 (CR,E5.ET.I.S.LT1 3-267 Bobcat (BRXT) 3-195 Talking Aid (CI.pA) 3-338 Coinsnkeys (CN,ES.ET.KB) 3-202 Tongue Controller _ISW.71.) 3-49 Cocomodore Light Pen (Ap.DRJD) 3-61 Voice Master (ID.55) 3-125 Complete Spelling Program (ELLS) 3-203 Computerized Enabling System (CLEC.PA,10C.wp) 3-315

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 397 Index 4: Products Listed by COMPUTER

Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (E7.1.3) 3-208 Epson HX20 {EH2} Dot &Draw (DIUST--aVRE) 3-300 Dvoralc_Keylward Modification Programs (Km) 34 HX-20 Protective Cover (K1.1.0.4) 3-6 EDAM'S Keylioard (CI,EC.77.91p) 3-27 Key Latches (KM) 3-6 Expanded Computer_Keyboards (1cD.T1) 3-29 Keyguard (KG.xhi) 3-8 Fay's_Word Rally (ET.1Z) 3-215 Keyguards (KG.KM) 3-12 Fay: That Math Wallin (CN.ET) 3-216 Moisture Guard (104.0A) 3-15 Fay. The Word Hunter _(ALET.I.S) 3-216 Portable Voice II (CLEA.Pw) 1-72 FingerTip Controller _(SW,77) 3-31 Game POwer for Phonics, Plus ms.Er.t.$) 3-177 Graphics Magician Jr. (014.PA.KE) 3-319 Graphics_Magiciiir_Painter (DR.PA.RE) 3-319 IBM 3270 {137} H:l Handicapiied Word Games (ET,OLL.S.RE) 3-300 Head Switch (SW.73) 3-18 Duxbury Braille Tramlator (BR.PA) 3-316 Joywriter (LA)_3-322- Keynote (PA.pwsV.TL.TO.WP) 3-88 Keyloarding For The Djilexic (ET,K8,1-5.WP) 3-230 Viewscan Text System (CLLP.PA.PW.TEXONP) 3-100 Keyboarding for the Visually Limited (ET.KILLP,WP) 3-231 VSI000 Voice Communications Device (ID) 3-63 Keyboarding with One Hand (ET.KB.Wp) 3-232 Keyguards (KG.K144) 3-10 Keyguards (KG.KM) 3-11 Keyguards (KGX111) 3-11 IBM PC AT {IPA} Keylocks (KM) 3-13 Kindermath II (CLESZT) 3-233 Artic Vision (SV.70) 341 Large Print Word Pro(Tesaor (LP,pA.V/P) 3-323 Enhanced PC Talking Program (S4f,To) 345 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush (DK.ET.PA.RE) 3-324 Expand-a-View (Lp.70) 3-86 Lite Touch (DLGAALTI) 3-38 PC AID _(T1) 3-41 UsgicMmer (AS.ET2.1) 3-238 PC Antsted Keyboard (KM) 346 MOD Keyboard System (caLrw) 3-40 PC Serial AID (T1) 3-42 Modified Joystick (sw) 2-25 PC Voice (SV.TO) 3-93 Point and Read (Ma) 3-254 Prompt-Writer (KM,L4,SV,WP) 3-331 PowerPad (DLID,REJ 3-64 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) PowerPad Programming Kit CALE?) 3-256 1.414.44113.T1 3-161 Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (Tl) 3. a SynPhonix 200 (SS) 3-123 Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, What Belongs? Voice Communications Option (PC.SV.71.TL) 3-53 _ (CR.ES.P.13.S) 3-259 Voicescribe-I000 (77) 3-55 Soft Tools '83, '84, '85 (CR.ESET,I.S.I.T) 3-267 Voicescribe=20000 (TI) 346 Software Automatic Mouth (SAM) (SS) 3-121 Software Simulations of CoMmunication Prostheses (AS,C1.ET) 3-182 Spell-A-Vision (ET.1.5) 3-271 IBM PC family (model not specified) {IP} Talking Aid (CI.PA) 3:358 Tiinothy Communications Package (CI,EAJIW) 1-79 AACAROEs N(As(ETJCLPA.3-Wplai 3-107 Tongue _Controller (SWXI) 3-49 Voice Master (ID-SS) 3-125 ACS Medicom Computer System (CI.EC.PC.T1.TL) 3-23 Votalker C-64 (5S) 3-126 ALTKEY (T1) 3-24 Zygo TETRAscan II(T1) 3-37 Aphasia Seri= I throush VIII (CR.ET,L.5) 3-190 Artic Vision (SV.70) 3-81 Audible Career Explorer (AR.AS.V0) 3-172 Automated IEP System and Professional Goal Banks Commodcre Amiga {CA} IAMJE) 3-150_ Braille Display Processor (BR,TO, 3-83 First Shapes (ES,ET) 3-218 Braille Translation Software (ELLA) 3-310 Kid Talk (ESXT.PA.SV.wp) 3-322 Braille-Talk (I?axA3v) 3-311 Mathtalk (ALCNXT) 3-242 BraT (BD,BLTEXI.,TO) 3-84 Point and Read (ET,1.S) 3-254 Cacti Word Processor (KM,PA.WP) 3-311 Talker (PA.SVWP) 3.338 CallText 5000 (PC4S) 3-115 Canon Communicator M (C1,EA,PW,Tlyw) 1-63 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series (AS.CR.ES.ET.LS) 3-196 Cognitive Rehabilitation Uries (CLET.LS) 3-199 Commodore VIC 20 {CV2} Cogrehab Vol. 1 (CLETJ.S) 3-200 Cogrehab Vol. 4 tCLET.L.S1 3-201 Keyguards (KG.Km) 1-10 Coinsnkeys (CAVES.ET:KII) 3-202 Keyguards (1(0.713 4) 3-11 Communitree - First and Second Editions (DS,PA.T1.) 3-314 Keylocks (KM) 3-13 Compuscore: For tne Scales of Independent Behavior PowerPad (DRJD,RE) 3-64 _ (AMAR)_3-132 PowerPad Programming Kit (ALET) 3-256 Computer Entry Terminal (T1) 3-25 Target (AS.C1.2T,TR) 3-280 Computer Frogs. for Neuropsychological Testing & Rehab. VIC-20 Scanner (Ci.PA.WP) 3-347 (ARLLET.LS) 3-206 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (ET.LS) 3-208 CTRL & ALT Key Adaptive Program (Km) 3-3 DART-5000 WP) 3-26 DEC (model not specified) {D} DPS:BCP (AP.AS.ET1 3-175 DPS:Decision Pathing System(AMALIE) 3-152 VocaLink Series 4000 (T1) 3-51 DPS:HELP (AMALIE) 3-153 4 99 Duxbury Braille Translator (8LPA) 3-316 7 ,brorak Keyboard Converter (Cho 3-3

398 Resource &mit 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 4: Products Listed by COMPUTER

Dvorak Keyboard Modification Programs (KM) 34 PC Voice (51,1-0) 3-93 Echo Enhancement Box (0A.SV) 3-131 PC-Braille (BR.TO) 3-93 Echo PC2 (SS) 3-118 PC-Fingers JET,SI) 3-252 Electronic 31 Day Calendar (PA.TV) 3-317 PC,Pedal (ichaw) 3-16 Electronic Typing Fingers (13D.BR) 3-106 PEPPER (AMAR.ST) 3-159 Enable Reader (5V.TO) 3-85 Personal Money Management (PA.SV) 3-330 Enhanced PC Talking Program (SV.TO) 3-85 PIAT Error Analysis Report (AM.AR) 3-159 Expand-a-View (LP.TO) 3-86 Picture Perfect (DR.RE) 3-302 Expanded Computer Keyboards (KG,TI) 3-29 PowerPad (DRJD,RE) 3-64 Express 3 (CIXA.EC,PWX1XW) 1-65 ProKey (KM) 3-17 EyeTyper (CLEA.EC.TI) 1-66 Prompt-Writer (KM.PA,SV.WP) 3-331 Filch (K M) 34 Pronounce (T1) _3-43 Flexcom (CLEA.EC) 1-67 PROVOX (5V.TO) 3,95 Footmouse (Mx!) 3-32 Puffin Morse Code Entry System (Ti) 3-44 Foundations I(AR,CR.ES.ETJ 3-221 Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, What Belongs? Foundations II (AR,CLES.ET) 3-222 (CR.ES.ETXS) 3-259 Freedom 1(5V.To) 3-86 Quiet Duck Learning Series (AS.ET.KB.LS) 3-259 Functional Skills Screening Inventory (ADAR.AS.VO) 3-176 Race the Clock (ET,GA,RE) 3-260 Game Power for Phonics, Plus (AS.ET.LS) 3-177 Rapaheet (DS.PAJV) 3-333 Graphics Magician Painter (DR.PA.RE) 3-319 SAGE System (ARA5.V0) 3-181 Hope (KM) 3-5 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts) Hot Dots (BR.PA) 3-320 (AMAILLT) 3-161 ICOMM (CLEA.PW.TI,TW) 1-68 SAR-10 Voice Plus (T7) 3-46 Individualized Planning System (AMAR) 3-157 Screen-Talk Pro ISVX0) 3-96 IntroVeiM Ill (TI) 3-34 .r.eenkeys (TI) 3-47 IntroVoice V (TI) 3-34 Smarthome I (CM,EC.PC) 2-63 I-Wear Objective Mastery Report (AMAR) 3-157 Smartkey (KM) 3-18 JOBS System (AM.AILAS.VO) 3-17a Soft Tools '83, '84, '85 (CR.ES.ETJ4.LT) 3-267 Key Tronic Plut-Compatible Keyboards (KII) 3-7 Soft Vert (SVX0) 3-96 Keyboard Interfaces (IA.KE) 3-72 Speak-A-Label (DS,PASII) 3-335 Keybo-arding for the Physically Handicapped (AS,ET.KB) 3-231 Speech Recognition Keyboard (T) 3-48 Keyboarding with One Hand (ET,KILWP) 3-232 Speech Writer fP*V.V p) 3-336 Keyguards (KO.KM) 3-11 SpeechAid (CIXA-PWX1.TiV) 1-76 Keyguards (KGXM) 3-11 Spell-A-Vision (ET.LS) 3-271 Keylocks (1Km) 3-12 Spenist (ET.4S) 3-273 Keynote (PA.PWVXE.TO.WP) 3-88 Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB-CR) (AM,AR) 3-162 Keyport 300 (TI) 3-36 SuperKey 11L-343 3-19 Keyport 60 (Tl) 3-36 Supertalker_(SS) 3-122 Keyshields (KG.KM) 3.13 SynPhonix =I (SS) 3-123 Keyworks (KM.TI) 3-37 Tele-Talk (PA,SV) 3-342 Large Print Display Processor (LP.TO) 3-88 TI-Speeelt (TI) 3-49 Large Type (LP.PANP) 3-323 Touch Talker (CLEA,PWXIXW) 1-80 Lenical (AP.A.LETJ 3-236 Touch Window (D1LDSJD.RE.WP) 3-65 Lznipen PC (DR.OA) 3-136 Trine System (ACS) (CI.EA,PWXIXW.WP) 1-80 Light Talker (CLEA.EC.PWXIXW) 1-68 Trine System (Words+) (CLEA.PW.TI,TW.WP) 1-81 Listen_ to Learn (LT.L.S.WP) 3-238 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report (AMJE) 3-163 Lite Touch (DR.OA.REX1) 3-38 (Sv.To) 3.99 Lyon Large Print Program (LPXO) 3-89 VERBal STAR (PASV.WP) 3-347 Magic Keyboard (LPX0) 3-90 Vert Plus (SVY0) 3-100 Memory I(CR.ES.ET.LS) 3-243 Viewscan Text System (CN.LP,PA,PW,TE,TO,WP) 3-100 Memory II (CR,ES,ETJ.5) 3-244 Vista (LP.TO) 3-101 MESA_ (ARAS.VO) 3-178 VomLink CSRB-LC (T7) 3-50 Micro Braille (8R,PA.WP) 3-327 VocaLink Semi 4000 (Ti) 3-51 Micro Speech Lab (AR.ET.ST) 3-245 Voice Card (TI) 3-52 Miero-Inlerpreter I (Fingerspeller) (ET,SI) 3-245 Voice Command System_ (TI) 3-53 Minspeak 1(CLEA.EC.PW.T1,TW) 1-70 Voice Communications Option (PC.SVX1X1-) 3-53 MOD Keyboard System (CLTI.TW) 3-40 Voice Communications System (PC.TI) 3-54 Moisture Guard (KM.I3A) 3-15 Voice Driver (TI) 3-54 Morse Code Drills (ET) 3-248 Voice Systems Package (5V,TI) 3-55 Morseode Based Keyboard Emulator (TI) 3-40 Voicescribe-1000 (T1) 3-55 Multi-San (AS.C1.ET.PA.TR) 3-329 Voicescribe-20000 3-56 Multiport (OA) 3-139 Votalker IB (SS) 3-126 Ohtsuki Printer (BDJ3R) 3-108 WAIS-Riter 'BASIC' (AM.AR) 3-164 One Finger (KM) 3.15 Wechlsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) One- Handed Typing (ET,K13) 3-250 fAM,AR) 3464 Paddle_Panel (1.4) 3-74 Western Center Echo + Synthesizer_Package (0A.SV) 3-143 Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis (PELSA) WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) (AM.AR) 3-165 (AMAR,AS.LT) 3-158 WISC-Riter 'BASIC' (AMAR) 3-166 PC AID (71)-341 WISC-Riter_Complete (AM,AR) 3-166 PC Assisted Keyboard (KM) 3-16 Wtaidcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report PC Lens (LP.TO) 3-91 (AM,AR) 3467 PC Morse Code (ET) 3-251 Word-Talk (PAV.IVP) 3-348 PC Reader (T1) 3-42 W 4s:to-Voice (sv.ToNp) 3-101 PC Serial AID fTI) 3-42 scanWRITER (CLEA.EC.PWXIXW) 1-86 PC Speak (SVYO) 3-92 .YZIg TETRAscan II (TI) 3-57 PC Vert (5V.TO) 3-92 410 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 399 Index &t Prwlucts Listed by COMPUTER

IBM PC jr TRS-80 Color {T8C} Coiasnkeys (CN.E.LET.K8) 3-202 Ears (Ty) 3-27 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (ELLS)3-208 Handl-Writer Version 3.51 (C1.PA) 3-.320 Enhanced PC Talking Program (SVX0) 3-85 Lighttien Programs for Special Education I & II Foundations I_ (AR,cR.Esx7") 3-221 (CN.ELLS) 3-237 Game Power for Phonics, Plus (A.S.ET.LS) 3477 Morser (PAJVP) 3-328 Key Tronic Plug-Compatible Keyboards (Km) 3-7 FolverPad (DR.ID.RE) 3-64 Keyguards (KG,KM) 3.10 Quiet Duck Learning Series (AS.ET.X11.1...5) 3-259 Key locks (KM) 3-12 Super Voice (55) 3421 Keyshields (KG.KM) 3-13 Micro Braille (BR.PA.WP) 3:327 Multi-.Vcan (AS,C1,ET.PA.TR) 3-329 PC Speak (SV.TO) 3-92i TRS-80 Model 100 {TP1} Picture Perfect (DRAE) 3-302 Race the Clock (ET,GA.RE) 3-260 Keyer (KM) 3-8 Spellist (ET.LS) 3-273 Talking 100 (C1X.43.C.Pw.wp) 1-78 Synphonix jr(SS) 3-123 Writing to Read (ET.L.S) 3-295 TRS-80 Model 200 {TP2} NEC (model not specified) {NE} Keyer (KM) 3-8 FingerTip Controller (Sw.21) 3-31 Head Switch (SW.T1) 2-18 Keyer (KM) 3-8 TRS-80 Model I IT811 Modified_ Joystick (SW) 2-25 Tongue Controller (SW.T1) 3-49 Basic Interpreter for the Blind (SV,TO) 3-82 Cogrehab Vol. 1(CR,ET.L.S) 3-200 Cogrehab Vol. 2 (CRXTJ3) 3-200 Cogrehab Vol. 3 (CR,ET.LS) 3-201 Other - Control Data {OC} Enhanced PC Talkins Program (SV.TO) 3-85 JOBS System (AICARAS,V0) 3-178 JOBS System (AM.AR.AS.V0) 3-178 Keyguards (KCI.irsi) 3-10 Large Type 11.P.PA,WP) 3-323 SAYIT (AP.OA) 3-140 Other - Franklin 1000 {0F1} Computer Entry Terminal (TI) 3-25 TRS-80 Model II {T82}

Handi-Keys (AR.AS.KM) 3-3 Other - Franklin family (model not specified) {OF} TRS-80 Model III {T83} Keyguards (KG.KM) 3-11 Print-it (0A.TO) 3-94 Articulator Goals and Objectives for Speech (AMJEST) 3-149 Child _Placement Report Writer (AM,AR) 3-151 Ugrehab Vol. 1(CR,ET.L.5) 3-200 Cogrehab Vol. 2 (CR.ET.LS) 3-200 Other - Grid {0G} Cogrebab Vol: 3 (CR,ET.1.3) 3401 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (ET.I.S) 3-208 Keyguards (KG.KM) 3-12 Deafsign fAS,ELS1) 3-210 Moisture Guard (K14,0A) 3-13 Maim (CN,ET.LS) 3-213 Enable Writer fT1) 3-28 Enhanced PC Talking Program (SV,TO) 3-85 Explorer (AmitR) 3-154 Other - ITT {On Came Power for Phonics, Plus (AS.ET.L5) 3-177 H:1_ Handicapped Word Games (ET,GA.LS,RE) 3-300 Voice Communications System (pC,T1) 3-54 H:2 Handieapptd Arithmetie Flath Cardt (CN,ET.LS,RE) 3-224 Keybbarding For The Dyslexic (ET.KILLS,Wp) 3-230 Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped (AS,ET,KB) 3.231 Keyboarding for the Visually Limited (ELKII,LP,WP) 3-231 OtherTeentinal (type not specified) {Or keylioarding with One Hand (ET,KB,WP) 3-232 Keyguards (KG.KM) 3-10 VntaLink SYS3IX1 (T1) 3151 Large Tyrfe (1.P.PA.Wia) 3:323 VocaLiak VRT300 (T1) 3-52 PIAT Error Analysis Report (AM.AR) 3-159 Quiet_Duck Learning Series (AS.ET,KILLS) 3-259 SAYIT (AP,OA) 3-140 Other - Zenith {OZ} Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB-CR) (AM.ARI 1462 Wechlsler Adult Intelligence Sale-ReVised (WAIS-R) (AMAR) 3-164 Smarthome I(CM.EC,PC) 2-63 WISC-R Compilation: What To Do_ Now... (AM.AR) 3-165 411 WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) (AMAR) 3465

400 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Index 4: Produds Listed by COMPUTER

Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report (AM.AR) 3-167

TRS-80 Model IV {T84} Articulator Goals and Objectives for Speech (AM,IEST) 3-149 Child Placement Report Writer (,AM.AR) 3-151 Cogrehab VoL 1 (CR.ET.L5) 3-200 Cogrehab Vol. 2 (riaTxs) 3-200 Cogrehab VoL 3 (CR.E7.2.5) 3-201 Core Reading and Vocabulary Development (Eta) 3408 Enable Reader (gV.TO) 3-85 Enable Writer (TI) 3-28 Explorer (AMAR) 3-154 Game Power for Phonics, Plus (AS-.ET.LS) 3-177 Keylaaarling For The Dyslexic (ET,KB,LS,WP) 3-230 Keyboarding for the Physically Handicapped (AS.ET,ICB) 3431 Keyboarding for the Visually Limited (ETJCB,LP,WP) 3-231 Keylioarding with One Hand (ET.KB,WP) 3-232 Large Type (LP.PA-We) 3-323 PIAT Error Analysis Report (AMAR) 3-159 Quiet Duck Learning &cries (AS.ET.R13.1..5) 3-259 Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB-CR) (AM.AR) 3-162 Wechlsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) (AM.Aln 3-164 WISC-R Compilation: What To Do Now_ (AscAto 3-165 WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) (AM,AR) 3-165 Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report (AMAR) 3-167

Tandy 2000 {T20} Quiet Duck Learning Series (A.5,ET,ICIUS) 3.259

Tandy/Radio Shack (model not specified) {T}

Smarthome I(CM.EC,PC) 2:63

Texas Instrument TI 99/4A {X94}

Keyguards (KG.KM) 3-11

412 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 401 Appendik

Additional Sources of Information

This appendix includes resource lists and sources of information about a variety of topics relevant tc the application of technology in special education, rehabilitation and augmentative communication. The information provided is not evaluative and inclusion on any of the Information Summaries does not imply endorsement or recommendation. A listing of the Information Summary titles is provided on the next page.


Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware A-1 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Selected Software Resources A-3 Selected Newsletters and Journals A-6

Networks, Bulletin Boards and Databases A=13

Associations/Advocacy Groups/Self-Help Groups A-17 Training Programs in Technology in Special Education A-21 Computer Assessment/Training Programs for Disabled Individuals A-24 Information on Adaptive Toys and Toy Modifications A-27 Selected Information Resources for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Individuals A-29 Selected Information Resources for Blind arid Visually Impaired Individuals A-31 Additional Information Resources A-35 Selected Bibliography of Videotapes on Augmentative Communication and Computer Access for Handicapped Individuals A-216 Service Centers A-52 Portable Typewriters A-59 Optical Character Rccognition Scanners A-60

Portable Battery-Operated Printers A-61

A-2 Resource Bmk 3: &oftware and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Selected Software Resources

This_ list contains two sections, with information on SOFTWARE DIRECTORIES and SOFTWARE INFORMATION SERVICES No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list.Contact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

Software Directories and Guides The Educational Software Catalog Soft-Kat Inc. Special Times Crestwticd Co. Free PD. Box 04606; Dept KIK COL Milwaukee, WI 53204 Dept C 414/3510311 1696 Massachusetts Avenue Includes chart showing curriculum goalsIskills and grade Cambridge, MA 02138 levels; and which programs focus on these skills. 800/6370047 Free catalog of software selected specifically for Software Recommended for Special Populations children with learning disabilities. Over 100 programs, Dr. Eydie Sloane by subject area. FDLRSouth 9220 SW 52nd Terrace The Educational Software Catalog Miami, FL. 33165 Computer Option 305/274-3501 85 Market Street Alphabetically lists programs in major curriculum areas Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (language arts; math; social studies; science; 914/471-2765 careerlvocational education, speechllanguage, 100 pages; current educational software for Apple, IBM, survivallindependent living skills, leisure activities, word and Conunodore, by subject area; 500+ titles. processinglutilities, computer scienceltecViology and recommendations for (I) hearing impaired, vision Public Domain Software on File, Apple Il Series Col ection impaired, motor impaired, mentally retarded or learning Facts on File Publications disabled and (2) abilitylinterest level - preschool, 460 Park Avenue South elementary, junior, senior and adult. New York, NY 10016 212/6832244 The Specialware Directory: A Guide to Software For Special Currently gathering arui evaluating public domain Education software for IBM, Macintosh; and CPIM. 819.50 The Oryx Press Software Directory of Free Educational Material and Special 2214 N. Central at Encanto Education Software Suite 104 $30.130 Phoenix, AZ 85044 Eduntion MSOCiates Comprehensive reference of programs from more than P.O. Box 35221 100 companies: Programs are indexed by curriculum area Phoenix, AZ 85069 (further divided Into specific skill areas), exceptionality, hardware, use Of special peripherals for input and output, level (early childkciod, primary, intermediate jr. Special Apple Speech-Large Print Resource Lists /ugh, sr: /Ugh; tau* basic education, professional). 810.00 Programs for special education admin. are included Access Unlimited Srieech Enterprises (authoring systems, learner evaluation and apeessment, P.O. Bol 7986 records maintenancelgeneral administration and Houston, TX 77270 management, teacher utilities). 713/461-1666


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A=3 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

The 1986 Edit:tuba"' Software Preview Guide The Special Directory ICCE (International Council for Computers in Education) LINC Resources University of Oregon 3857 North High Street 1787 Agate Street Columbus, OH 43214 Edgene, OR 97401923 614/263-2123 503/686-4414 Lists over 400 titles of favorably reviewed software for Family Guide to Educational Software 1C12 classroom use by curriculum area. LF. Garlinghouse, Inc. 320 SW 33rd Street Only the Reit Mk Discriminating Software Guide P.O.Box 299 For Preschool-Grade 12 Topeka, KS 66601-0299 1986 edition 913/267-2490 Education News Service see Publications section) P.O. llox 1789 Grmichtel, CA 95609 Educational Software for the School American Educational Computer 916/483-6159 2450 Embarcadero Way 916/488-4623 Anannual report by the editors af Scliaol Tech News. Palo Alto, CA 94303 Descriptions of 168 new programs that received highest agreement of top quality from 22 evaluation services, Directory of Educational Computing Resources and a listing of 54 runners-up programs and the 113 Classroom Computer Learning highest rated programs from 1985. 5616 West Carmel Street Cicero, IL 60650 Technology in_Curriculum (TIC) Project Technology Unit The Yellow Book: A Parent's Guide to Teacher Tested California Dept. of Education Educational Software 721 Capitol Mall 1985 cramento, CA 95814 Garland Publishing, Inc. 916/324-1961 1.1.: Madison Avenue 4 resource guides (math. tang. arts, science, historyisocial New York, NY 10016 sci.) which explain keriv 100 video and 500 software programs fit into the CurrickluM with ap-ecified /jail:Mg IBM Special Eduution Rsourcet Guide to Adaptive objectives: 5-10 detailed lesson plans using programs Devices; Software, and Services for Special Education, for different grades in each subject area Data related Vocational Rehabilitation, and Employers sOftware (Apple 11) merges information in the resource National Support Center for Person with Disabilities guides electronically. This is expected to be a Modll for P.O. Box 2150 other states; each public scfrool in Calif. received a copy. Atlanta, GA 30055 A limited number are available for other educators: 444/238:3206 800/426-2133 Compilation of Clinical Software For Aphasia Rehabilitation ;aid Cognitive Retraining The Rehab/Education Technology Resourcebook Series: Clinical 2850 Windeintre Resourcetiobk 3, SoftVare and Hardware Birmingham, MI 48008 1986 Trace Research and Development Center Compuwr Use m Social Services 15(X) Highland Aveuue Network Software Clearinghouse S-151 Waisman The Graduate School of Social Work Madison; WI 53705 University of Denver 608/262-6966 Denver, CO 80208-0274 3031871/2915 Curriculum Software Group Software for use in human services. P.O. Box 189 Selma, OR 97538 Survey of Existing Courseware 503/597=2424 Education Turnkey SYstems, Inc. Software for special education. 256 N. Washington Street Falls Church, VA 22046 703/536-2310


A-4 Resource liwk 3: &oftware and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Cuitrini Soft Wife Fcir Ute in Rehabilitation Facilities An Upchte on Software in Cognitive Rehabilitation The Sheltered Workshop; Inc. William Lynch P.O. Box 1206 May/June, 1986 208 N. 4th Street Cognitive Rehabilitation West Meinpliii, AR 72301 6555 Carrollton Avenue 501/732-2750 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Programs include: Individual Program Planning, 317/257-9672 JobIClient Matching, Piece Rate Payroll,Contribution Recording System, Leave Record, and Client Data softwore-triforrnah-nn-Services Management; Connecticut Special Education Network/Software Evaluation Courseware in Special Education ConnSENSE School Book Branch Box U-64 Alberta Education Glenbrook Road 10410 - 121 Street University_of Connecticut Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5N 1L2 Storni, CT 06268 4031427-2767 203/486-4034 Available on diskette, usable with DB Master program. Concerned with evaluating courseware for disabled students. Has telecommunications system for special Personal CciitipUter SOftware education administrators, and a telecommunication IBM National Support Cent.r for Persons with Disabilities project for disabled students. P.O. Box 2150 Atlanta, GA 30055 Special Education Software Center 404/238-3206 Building B, Room S312 8001425;2133 333 RavenswoOd Avenue Menlo_ Park; CA 94025 Siiecial Education Software Review For Technical Assistance: 800/223-2711 Ma Pfeiffer (editor) For Technical_Arsistance (City):_800/435=7639 3807 Northwood Avenue For Software I formatiom 8D01327=5892 Peoria, IL 61514 Free access to the Center's software database and 309/685-8262 information services. Can retrieve lzy any or all of these categories: curriculum or skill term; academic readiness Microgram or iiitekeit level; handicapping condition; type of Educational Products Information Exchange computer; peripherals required; primary users; type of instruction. Center staff mail out a printout of all P.O. Box 839 Water Mill, NY 11976 references found, or Can send electronically to SpecialNet, CoMpuServe, or Hel pNet (see "Networks"). 516/283-4922 An info sheet listing hands-on evaluation of products available. Funded by US Dept. of Education The Digest of Software ReviewE Education 301 West Mesa_ Disability, Electronic Aids Rf ference Service (DEARS) Freino, CA 93704 Miss Helen M. Townley 209/431-8300 117, Wiekhiim Chase 1000+ review extracts from 150 joUrnali and Magazines; W. Wickham Kent, ENGLAND BR4 OBQ monthly issues and circulation indexes by title, subject, publisher and computer (Ap, Ct, Corn, IBM, DEC,T RS- 01-777 7560 80)

Educational Software First Software Corporation available at computer dealers A quarterly catalog of bestselling educational products for Apple, IBM and Commodore 64 computers.

417 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-5 1111...Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Selected Newsletters and Journals

This list is divided into serums of publications with ififorinatioii for COmputerusers-with dtobilities, and those_ using computers to teach persons with disabilities, andinformation on the area of augmentative communication. No recommendations Or endOrternentsare implied by inclusion in this list. Contact each resource for specific, upto=dateinformation.

Journal for Computer Users in Speech and Hearing Rehabilitaticiti GaZette COMputer Users in Speech and Hearing (CUSH) Gawtte International Networking Institute khool of Hearing and Speech Sciences 4502 Maryland Avenue Ohio State University St. Louis, MO 63108 Athens, _OH 45701 314/361-0475 614/594=6168 A bi-atuuud iaternalional journal on the subject of Publishes trumuscripts dealing with computr independent living: Published by disabled individuals, it applications in diagnosis, treatment, and delivery of features articles on travel, book _reviews; technological services to communicatively handicapped persons. equipment and friendi around the world. Inc !fades thftwarelhardware reviews, new product announcements and summaries. TRAINING, The Magazine of Human Resource Development Lakewood Publications, Inc. Amerian Journal of Ckictipational Therapy The Lakewood Building American Occupational Therapy Association 50 S. 9th Street 1383 Piccard Drive Minneapolit, MN 55402 Rockville, MD 20850 612/333-0471 3011948-9626 Articles concerning training disabled employees to do Publication that lists new approaches, practices, research, their jobi in corporate and industrial seuinssas well as educational activities and professional trends in making jobs accessible tO disabled people. Concentrates occupational therapy. on adapting existing business equipment.

SERC Newsletter Ruralink Connecticut Specuil Education Resource Center ACRES Hartford Graduate Center 359 Miller Hill 275 Windsor Street W. WA University Hirtford, CT 06120 Bellingham; WA 98225 203/246-8514 206/676-3576 Outlines the Special Education Resource Center's Each isiue Containi a Section on technology. inservice activitio, and lists new acquisitions; including Additionally, varioid Other Sections report latest professional books, instructional materials and technological and adaptive devices for rural disabled microcomputer software.

Electronic Edumtion, Rural Special Education Technology Electronic Communications, Inc. Nitional Rural Development Institute 1311 Executive Center Drive 359 Miller Hall Snite 220 W. WA University Tallahame, FL 32301 Bellingham, WA 98225 904/878-4178 211516763576 EleCtronic Educalion features educational Uses of the Each issue cOntains tectioni oh resour es, problems and microcomputer. Has carried articles on computer strategies; many of which are related to technology for applications in special education. handicapped persons. A recent issue was devoted exclusively to technology.

418 5,

A-6 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Apvendix k Additional Sources of Information

Education Computer News Rehabilitation Digest Capitol PUblicitices Canadian Relvbilitation Council for the Disabled 1300 N. 17th Sueet One Yonge Street Arlington; VA 22209 Suite 2110 703/528-5400 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5E 1E5 Bi=niatuhly newsletter ttat reports on computer advances 416/862-0340 in education. Reports on teacher training, software Each issue contains the feature,"Let's Get Technical," purchasing; obsolescence, new products, reiearch, highlighting technology and aids to daily living. legislation, state and local news, meetings and Additional-0,, computer technology is a regular feature. conventions. The Exceptional Children COgnitive Rehabilitation Psy Ed Corporation 6555 Carrollton Avenue 605 Commonwealth Avenue Indiarkapol* IN 46220 Roston, MA 02215 317/2574672 617/536-8961 Bimonthly jountal that includes articles on the use of Covers technology and exceptional children as well as computers in cognitive retraining, software reviews, and new technological developments. Devotes one issue each printed source aide to allow readerS to program new year strictly to technology. applications. Eduattion of the Handicapped MAINSTREAM; Maga.tne of the Able Disabled Capitol Publications Exploding Myths, Inc. 1300 N. 17th Street 2973 Beech Street Arlington, VA 22209 Sin Diego, CA 92102 703/528-5400 619/234-3138 Bimonthly newsletter containing current informatton Covers independent living and employment related about_ federal, state, and local efforts to educate technology. Alio Carries feature articles on individuals handicapped children. Covers new laws and regulations, with various handicapping conditions. court cases and film:ling.

BYTE Moving Forward 70 Main Street P.O. Box 1304 Peterborough, NH 03458 La Canada, CA 91011 603/924-9281 818/952-1340 BYTE is et monthly magazine covering general compuier Features articles on various disabilities as well as regular applications: The magazine has occasional articles on items regarding technology and disabled people. computer applications for disabled individuals. Paraplegia News Education Update 5201 N. 19th Avenue 111 Aii6ciatioti for Retarded Citizens of Georgia Phoenix, AZ 85015 1851 Ram Runway #102 602/246-9426 Colley Park; GA 30337 Offers information on spinal cord injury issues to 404/761-2745 disabled individuals and to the professional community. Coktairti attieleS reteVant tO parents educating each Includes articles on accessibility, research, recreation, other: Techmological aids and assistive devices are legislation, and new products. frequently featured. Personal Computer Opportunities for the Handicapped Input/Output P.O. Box 374 669 CAsleton AVenue Spicer, MN 56288 Staten Wand, NY 10301 612/796;5765 718/984-1526 This periodical is published by handicapped students in VieWrioint the isheiv York City Pablic Schools. It ServeS as a Center for Information Resources clearinghouse for technology in Special Education. University of Pennsylvania 4025 Chestnut Street, 3rd Floor:T7 Philadelphia, PA 19104-3054 215/898-8108 A publication designed to address the community of individuals interested in training and placement of handicapped persons in the area of data processing.

1`, 4 1 9

Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-7 Appendix A: Additional Sourcs of Information

Washington Apple Pi Journal The Mobility Rag Washington Apple N The Advocado Press; Inc. 8227 Woodmont Avenue Sox 145 Suite 201 lAuitville, KY 40205-54 Bethesda, MD 23814 5021459-5343 301/654-8060 Deals with social change and political issues affecting Feature reviews of microcomputer hardware and the dikability eights _movement. Frequently contains Saft Ware. It also serves as a type of computer bulletin articlesieegatding the kelevance of technology and board for individuals wishing to meet andlor help other announcements about new technology. computer users. ConnSENSE Bulletin Link-and-GO Connecticut Special Education Resource Center COPH Bulletin Hartford Graduate Center COPH-2 275 Windsor Street 2030 Irving Park R- oad Hartford; CT 06120 Chicago; IL 60618 203/246-8514 31214774813 Cottraikt tevies of software as they apply to special Periodkali dedic- ated tO handicapped persons whouse needs students. DAS Upeoming events and technological personal compiders. Quarterly. breakthroughs for people with disabilitiesas well as resource and reference information. On-Line Today CompuServe, Inc. Bright Futures 5000 Arlington_Centre Blvd. Easter Seal Children't Center Colurnbus, OH 43220 3161 Maple Drive, NE This periodical informs subscribers go CompuServe's Atlanta, GA 30335 Handicapped User's Database about new technologies 404/261=6262 and services available on the database. Offers advice foe pee-school computing, including articles on successfid softwea e utilized both in therapy Accent on Living and the classroom. Also covers questions and answers Box 700 detiVed from letters to the editor. Bloomington, IL 61701 509/378-2961 Awareness Quarterly. _information for physically disabled NAPVI P.O. Box 180806 Austin, TX 78718 The Disabled Challenger InCider Kissick's Consultants; Inc. CW Communicationt/Peterbbrough 1615 &outh Fourth P.O. Box 911 Apt. #M-3210 Farmingdale, NY 11737-9811 Minneapolis, MN 55454 Monthly Magazine that deals with the Apple II series of Quarterly newsletter. Each isswe featuresone disabled computers. Articles, reviews, including educational ixeieng and one nondisabled person with positive software outlooks. Counterpoint Bits and Pieces 9618 Percussion Way Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commit Sion Library Vienna, VA 02180 Room 331 703/281-3601 20 Park Plaza Quarterly newspaper sponsored by the National Wdston, MA 0211- 6 Association of State Directors of Special Education. 6171727-1140 (voise and TDD) Practiat,teiearch outcomes, trends and advancements in kbi-monsfily newsletter and acquisitions list .of the special education. Matiachigietts_Rehabilliation Commission Library. The Ubrary has a large collection of disabilitY and Disability News OnLine rehabilitation information. 257 Center Lane Levittown, NY 11756

4 20

A-8 Resource ilook 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional &ources of Information

SENSUS COPH Bulletin Technology Update 2030 Irving Park Road Sensory Aids Formation Chicago, IL 60618 399 Sherman Avenue, Suite 12 Committee on Personal Computers and the Handicapped; Palo Alto, CA 94306 Quarterly. Quarterly. Cue Newsletter P.O. Box 18547 UpatABLE San Jose, CA 95158 DATA Institute Bimonthly; Special education news and kiformation on 4407 Eighth Street NE educational software. Withingtiati, DC 20017 Quarterly newsletter with Abledata current events, Current DATA questions and answers, related information sources and D-Aut Institute user success stories. A component of the Abledata User's The Catholic University of America Group. 4407 8th Si.. N.E San Jose, CA 95158 Bulletins of &ience and Technology for the Handicapped Free of charge. FDLRS-South American Association for the Advancement of Science Exceptional Technology Office oi Opportunities in Science 9220 SW 52 Terrace 1776 Massathusetts Ave. N.W. Miami, FL 33615 Washington; DC 20005 305/274-3501 202/467-4400 Quarterly. !naiades announcements of products, Micro Scope meetings; scholarships, grams, resource lists, and HCCCP summaries of current research. 7938 Chestnut Kansas City, MO 64132 The Catalyst 816/363V6136 1259 El Camino Real Quarterly newsletter of the Handicapped Children'.: Suite 275 Computer Cooperative Project. Includes software Menlo Park, CA 94025 review and application tips. 415/326-6997 Bimonthly; Newstetter of the Western Center for Network Microcomputers in SpeciEducation, Inc.; Information No charge. on products, research, and applications. 2520 Broadway Drive Minneapolis, MN 55110 Closing the Gap Bimonthly Instructional newsletter listing materials P.O. Bei 68 available from the Minnesota Educational Computing Henderson, MN 56044 Consortium. 6121248-3294 Bimonthly. Information on the use of computers in Re:Able special education and rehabilitation, including software Re:Able Publishing aad kardware reviews, user comments, articles, and P.O. llox 381 suggestions. Bellflower, CA 90706 Rimonthly; Provides announcements and articles on Computer Disability News su-cessful computer applications. Free of charge. National Easter Scai Society Rehabilitation Technology Review 2023 W. Ogden Ave. RESNA Chicago; IL 60612 DOI Connecticut Avenue NW 312/243-8400 Suite 700 Quarterly; Announcements regarding products, software, Washington, DC 20036 meetings, grants; interviews with leaders in the field. 2021857-1199 "Left to Our Own Devices"


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-9 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

The Sloane Reort Elettronit Learning 9220 SW 52nd Terrace Scholastic, Inc. Miami; FL 33155 P.O. Box 645 305/251-2199 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Bithaithly. AVailable on cassette._Information on the computer industry, toftWare and hardWare reviews, Family Computing consumer tips, and product information. Schollatic, Inc. 351 Garver Road Teaching Research Newsletter P.O. Box 2700 Special Education Department Monroe; OH 45050-9998 Monmouth, OR 97361 503/813-1220 Journal of Educational Technology Systems Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. Trade-aomp, Trade-a-Disk 120 Marine Street P.O. &I 671 Farmingdale, WY 11735 Bethel Park, PA 15102 Monthly; For those wanting to buy, sell, or trade new or Cued computer hardware and saftware. Journal of SpecilS Education Technology Managing Editor Exceptional Child Center VME (Volunteers for Medical Engineering, Inc) UMC 7 68 11728 Mays Chapel Rbid Utah State University Lutherville, MD 21093 Logan, Utah 84322 3011252-7834 Quarterly; Information, research, and reports of innovative practices applicable to educational technology. Classroom Computer News International Educations, Inc. Perional Computing 51 Spring Street Hayden Publishing Company Watertown, MA 02172 10 Mulholland Drive Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 The Computing Teacher School Tech News $2130/yr. 332.95/yr. 135 Education 1787 Agate Street Education News Service University of Oregon P.O. Box 1789 Eugene; OR 97403 Carminhael, CA 95609 503/686-4414 916/483-6159 9 (August-Junel The journal of ICCE 916/488-4623 (International Council of ComptiterS in Education). 7 issueslyr, Sept-May; yearly index. Articles,news -Ankles; cohanas of various interest areas (logo, math, briefs, new produas and resources, software evaluations. language arts, sciences) software rcviews, new products, calendarsluPdates. Computer Review-For Apple Users in Speech and Hearing 324.95/yr. Educational Dealer P.O. Box_1139 Pitman Learning Stitt con*, PA 16814 19 Davis Drive Monthly newsletter. Tips and trickS, software evaluation, Belmont; CA 94002 articlesi question-and-answer column.

Educational Teehnology Computers and the GT Student Educational Technology Publications CreatiVe CeniPater Enterprises 720 Palisade Avenue 3002 Roatirike Circle Englewricid Clifft, NJ 07632 LaFayette; IN 47905 201/871-4007 Quarterly; software reviews, articles,


A-I0 ReS-ource Ilook 3: Software and Hardware Apiwndix A: Additional Sources of Information

SIG Bulletin Disabled USA 133 Edue Talon President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped University of Oregon 1111 20th Street NW Eugene, OR 97403 Washington, DC 20210 Quarterly; is a forum for ICCE special interest groups 202/653-5044 to exchange information. One SIG is the SIGSPED - for Special Education. Communieititit Together Blissymbolics Communication Institute Computers and Complex Thinking Newsletter 350 Rumsey Road Janice Patterson Toronto Ontario, Canada M4G 1R8 National Center in Effective Secondary Schools 416/4238116 School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison Communicating Together is a quarterly journal published 1025 West Johnson Street by the Blissymbolics Communication Institute. Madison, WI 53706 Application of Blissynibols and information useful in 608/263-4200 implementing cdl augmentative communication systems are provided: Heath Clciser Look Resource Center International Rehabilitation Review Box 1492 432 ?ark Avenue South Washington, DC 20013 NeW York, NY 10016 202/8334707 217/869-0460 Quarterly. Software in the Classroom, A Newsletter for Social Studies Teachers The Advocate John Ruggiero NSAC Free 1234 Massathusetts Avenue NW Focus Media, Inc. Suite 1017 839 SteWart Avenue Washington, DC 20005 P.O. Box 865 2021783=0125 Garden City, NY 11530 Contains cwrent information relating microcomputers to 800/645=8989 the teaching of autistic children. Also lists information 5161794-8900 (NY) concerning conferences relating to computers and autism. Quarterly. Journal of Learning Disability Update 5613 W. Cermik Rciad ERIC awl", IL 60650 Council for Eaceptional Children Includes section on computers in the schools. 1920 Assotiation Drive Reston; VA 22091 Current Expressions 703/620-3660 Prentke Romich Company SCinianflUOJ 1022 Heyl Road Wooster, OH 44691 Rehab Brief Quarterly; Product information, articles on system users. PSI International 200 Little Falls Street Augmentative and Alternative Communication Suite 104 Williams and Wilkins Falk; Church, VA 22046 428 E Preston Street Monday newsletter each focusing on a specific topic Baltimore, MD 21202 Journal focuses on non-verbal communication, integration The Compu-Tech Connection theory, technology, systems development, assessment, Research and Training Center treatment and education of alternative systems users. Stout Vocational Rehabilitation &hool of Education & Human Services University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, WI 54751 Quarterly newsletter; Product and resource descriptions.

423 Resolute Boök 3: SOftware and Hardware A=11 Appendix k Additional Sources of Information

ALS Association Newsletter ALS Association Boa 5951 Sherman Oat, CA 91403 8181990-2151 Contains summaries of available computer-assisted communication appliances and devices. New developments in the cornpiaer-assisted communication field are covered in each issue.

Communi-Collegist Callier Center for Communication Disorders 1966 Inwo5d Road University of Texas Dallas, TX 75225 214/71330113 Provides current information on augmentative communication materials, equipment, and literature.

Assistive Devices News Pennsylvania Assistive Device Center Elizatiethtown Hospital and Rehabilitation Center Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717/3674161 Monthly;_Provides product information; announcements, and conference reports. Focuses on augmentative comnuarication, and includes information on computer access peripherals%)

Communication Outlook Circulation Manager Michigan State University 405 Computer Center East Lansing MI 48824-1042 517/353-1:11i70 Quarterly; Focuses exclusively on communication aids and techniques%

Developmental Equipment Newsletter 981 Winnetka Terrace Lake Zurich, IL 60047 312/438-3476 Product updates on augmentative communication and computer accesi devices; articles sharing useful equipment applications.

Blindness and Vision-Impairments

See Information Resources on Access to Computers for Blind and Visually Impaired.

Deafness and Hsarinit Impairments

See Information Resources for the Deaf

4 4

A42 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Networks, Bulletin Boards ar d Databa-ces

nit is a summary of databases and computerizd networks of interest to people with disabilities and those working with them.No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list.Contact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

Roliotics Information KendalINET (BRS) Kendall Demonstration Elementary School EIC/Intelligence, Inc. 800 Florida Avenue NE 48 West Mth Street Wathington, DC 20002 New Yak, NY 10018 2011651-5260 (voice or TDD) 2111944-8500 A computer network developed specifically for schools Database with journals, Woks, technical reports, and and programs serving hearing impaired students. conference proceedings dealing with robotics. Etectronic bulletin bocrds on new kardware, solutions to technical problems; what works well with deaf students, Oii-Line Microcomputer Guide and Directory discussions of trends. Ali educational software (BRS) clearinghouie listing programs in use or under evaluation On-Line, Inc. at KDES or other sckools and programs for tke deaf. 11 TannerrLane Electronic mail system, computer pen pal project. Wititosi, CT 06883 203/227-8466 ARTN (Advanced Rehabilitation Technology Network) Database with listings of software, including ACS -Medicom descriptives, reviews, arid producer comment. No 25825 Eshelthan Avenue gametentertainment software. LomiU, CA 90717 A network for rehab centers in N. America designed and 4 Sight* Network managed by ACS Medicom._ Intended to provide a key to National information System for the Visually Impaired more effective use of cill-rekab databases. Information 16625 Grand River is availdole on research & techtdcal information, prodact Detroit, MI 48227 information & test results, funding; legislative/legal 3131272-3900 efforts, educatiomemployment. As well as electronic Teleconferencing; bulletin board; and database for blind mail and data, ARTN stations will be able to run and use persons and those working with them. Database any _program on the fileserver (e4., Lotus 1-2-3 and information is available on rehabilitation resources, DBase III Plus; etc.). 25 rognd one sites began using public policy, cidendar of events; software descriptions ARTN in June 1986. and reviews; a multihandicapped blind conference; specialized training facilities, low vision, job exchange, AppleCider BBS tecknological aids and assistive devices, and occupational Greg Troliaugh informwimr. 39-44 24th Street; Apt 3B Long Island City, NY 11101 CompuServe 718/4824/88 (voice) P.O. Box 20212 718/482-0089 (modem) 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd. A bulletin board service designed to provide support to Columbus, OH 43220 all computer users.with special emphasis on making 800/818-8199 information available to disabled persons regarding the A nationwide database with bulletin boards that provide use of the computer for productive work and information on handicapped persons, issues, technology, rehabilitation. and statistics, among other things.

425 7I Resotme Book 3 : Software and Hardware A-13 Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

CTG Solutions Rural Rehabilitation Technologies Database Cl Osing the Gap University of North Dakota PG Box 68 Medical Center, Rehabilitation Hospital Henderson, MN 56044 Hai 8202 612/248-3294 Grand Forks, ND 58202 A database with information_on computer technology for 701/780-2489 persons wUh disabilities. Information on_hardware, This organization maintains a database containing software; publications; organizations; an4 information akout technological devices of interest to practices/procedures is available at a_cost of $10-.00 per disabled people. inquiry. Anitisal meMbership fee will be initiated in October; 1986. Mail or phone inquiries; operator sends a Tech-Net printed document; Psi-Tech Program Concepts for Independent Living CompuHelp Operations Center National Association of Blind and Visually Impaired 2203 Airport Way South Computer Users Suite 310 P.O. Box 1352 &cattle, WA 98134 Roseville; CA 95661-1352 206/343-0670 91617116-3923, modem A nationwide information network for the disabled 916/783-0364, veice community. Four available databases service referral, A menu-driven database and bulletin_koard for use by equipment exchange, publication referral and talent blind and visually impaired computer users. information registry (able-bodied Voliatteers). Planned database: on hardWare, softWare, pitblications in braille or tape, civililegal rights, peer interest groups, open bulletin self-help groups, blind computer user groups, etc. No board for information sharing. charge; $10.001year donation is requested. 24 hours per day. JAN(Job Accommodation Network) P.O. }lot 1168 Logo Class Penpal Network Morgantown, WV 26505 Ruffncr Hill 304/293-7186 (general information) University of VirginL 800/526-7234 Charlottesville; VA 22903 A computerized catalog of solutions to accommodate 804/924-3332 futuctional access limitation.t in Work environinents. It The netWOrk matches participating Logo teachers and was developed to promote the hiring and advancement of tkeir classes with other counterparts from around the people with organizations. US, Canada, or overseas, by grads level, Logo experience, interests, and computer compatibility. ABLEDATA National Rehabilitation Information Center Rare Disease Database The Catholic Univertity of America !IORD 4407 Eighth Street NE Box 8293 Washineoui DC 20017 New Fairfield, CT 06812 202/6354090 203/746-6518 A computerized listing of commercially available ThiS Lc a Searchable database on CompuServe, accessible products for rehabilitation and independent living. with a PC and a modem. Contains health related information with resources that can be contacted for Accent on Information further assistance. P.O. Bex 700 Bloomington, IL 61701 Compurve 309/378-2961 (1) HUD (Handicapped User's Database) A computerized product database organized by Rear 4 categories of equipment and by disability function. Furry Court Lancaster; OH 43130

The Disability Forum Daveed Mandell P.O. DA 3557 Berkeley, CA 94703 Information sharing, experience sharing; Also Tke Mainstream Center, Round Hill Road, Northhampton, MA 010604199. 426

A-14 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional &ources of Information

ADDS (Assistive Device Database System) CUSSNet (Computer Use in Social Services Network) American International Data Search, Inc. Division of Social Work 2326 Fair Oaks Boulevard East Cup lina University Suim C Greenville, NC 27834 Sacramento, CA 95825 Computerized inventory Of commercially available and 800/275437(X) public domain kown services software. One component M223-2437 (lifornia residents) specializes in info on computers and handicapped users. A source of information on adaptivii equipment programs Classification by special interest group available. Local and other resources. Requests can be made via computer, and national blilletin boards, downloading of public mail, or the toll free number. domian toftware; skills bank, special interest groups. Teaching materials; reports; literature concerned with the AdVecNet education of disabled children and adults. The National Center for Reseuch in Vocational Education OR: Dick Schotch, School of Social Work, University of Ohio State University Texas at Arlington, P.O. Box 19129, Arlington, TX 1960 Kenny Road 76019. Columbus, OH 43210 800/848-4815 DEAF-NET 614/486-3655 (in Ohio) SRI International A communications network for vocational educators; 333 Raven-mood Avenue includes The Vocational Education Special Needs Menlo Park, CA 94025 Newswire. 415!859-2236 A computer network designed for but not limited to the CONFER hearing impaired: Blissymbdics Communication Institute 350 Rumsey Road EIES (Electronic Information Exchange System) Toronto; Ontario M40 1R8 Computerized Conferencing and Communications Center 406/424-3806 New Jersey Institute of Technology A computer conferencmg network that enables users to 323 High Street establish curd participwe in technalogy-related forums Newark, NJ 07102 and conferences regarding individuals. 201/641-5321 Currently investigating the use of the EIES System to CRISP (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific allow people with disabilities, the homebound, and senior Projects) citizens to communicate among themselves and with National Inititute of Health others. Westwood Building; Room 148 5333 Westbard Avenue ECER, ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Bethesda, MD 20205 Council for Exceptional Children 301/4W7543 1920 Association Drive A scientific base of information developed from recent Reston, VA 22091 government health research. 703/6201660 ECER is the ERIC dwabase: It has educational BDIS (Center for Birth Defects Information Services) materials (including special education), reports, 171 Harrison Avenue bibliographic information, available via computer, Bcitiai, MA 02111 microfiche, or paper copy. 617/956-7400 A computerized database of articles, diagnostic test HELPNET cases, and an undiagnosed birth defects registry. Special Education &oftware Center Building B, Room S312 National Computer Bulletin Board Directory 333 Ravenswood Avenue Thomu Wnorowski Menlo Park, CA 800/435-7639 (access) (except Alaska and $2.00 Hawaii) 3352 Chelsea Circle 800/223-2711 (technical information) Ann Arbor, MI 48104 800/327-5892 (software information) Lists more than 1400 bibliographies. On-line access id the Special Education Software Center. With a modem and telecommunications software; the center can be contacted via a toll-free number. Future plans include bulletin boards where software subroutines developed as a part of technical assistance activities are made available. No charge.

-4 427

Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-15 Appendix k. Additional &ources of InfOrmation

HEX Center for Special Eduzatiofi Technology (Handicapped Edwation Exchange) Technology Information Exchange 11.523 Charlton Drive Eiceional Children Silver Sprin MD 20902 1920 Aticiciation Drive 3011681-7372 Reston; VA 22091 Acomputerized bulletin hoard availabte throiigh the 800/345-8324 public telephone network. Free services are offered for 703/620F3660 tkose involved In the education of the handicapped. Two electronic- bulletin bdards Offering hews about special education tectowlogy and frifOtitiatioki [rem other NTIS (National Technical Information Service) special educators. Information is primarily on hvw the Department of Comnierce technology is used, rather than on the products. 5285 Port Royal Road Information arid fact sheets available at no charge. Springfield, VA 22161-2200 70374874600 general information LINC Resourcm Inc. 703/487-4642 computer searchet 3857 N. High Street 703/487-4640 documents ColumbuS, -OH 43214 Aleading source for government research and reports. 6141263-5462 Dma searches on topics are published and available for A computerized database of the software Pr instruction, order. Personal assistance, administration; and testing. Free searches. UNET The M.US.E User's Network Mitilicomputer Education Applications Network Western Illinois University 256 North Washington Street Maeomb IL 61455 Falls Church, VA 22091 309/298-2257 703/536-2310 An electronic bulletin board for computer imers; program An information exchange network for special educators. devetopers, and idikeitors; information on computeruse in speciW education, forian fOr information and idea TRAIN sharing; and access to public donrain s-oftWate retevant Suite 101 to the field. On-line 24 hoursIday, 7 dayslweek. No Nesharniny Plaza 11 membership charge. Benialem, PA 19020 215/6394513 Well-Net A database of testing, training Yesources, assesSment, and (CHIP - Community Health Information Project) workshop materials used in special edwation. Inservice 222-C View Street NetwOrk for professionals in special education. Mountain View, CA 94141 415/968-8798 ources of -Additionill-Thformatton 415/9684126 A nationwide electronic bulletin board for the disabled. NO Membership fee. The Complete Handbook of Personal Computer Communication: Everything You Need to Know to Go Online with the World NARIC (Natienal Rehabilitation Information Center) St. Martin's Press See ABLEDATA 175 5th Avenue New York NY 10010 REHABDATA 212/6r 7-5151 SeeABLEDATA Online Databases that Include Rehabilitation Information Specialnet Sharon McFarland National Association of State Directors of Special Education NARIC 2021 K Street NW, Suite 315 The Catholic University of America Washington; DC 20006 4407 Eighth Avenue NE 202/296-1800 Washington, DC 20017 Thii hitivork features telephone access, electronic mad, 202/635-5822 bultetin and data collection in the area of special education.


A46 Resource Bwk 3: &oftware and Hardware Appendix M Additional Sources of Information

Associations/Advocacy Groups/Self-Help Groups

The groups andorganizationslistedbelow areconcernedwiththeeducation, rehabilitation, and employment of severely disabled individual& No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list. Contact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Association of Electronic Cottagers Medicine 677 Canyon Crest Drive 2315 WeStWOOd Avenue Sierra Madre, CA 91024 P.O. Box 11083 Orgaaization designed ta support people who work in Richmond, VA 23230 their _homes with personal computers. Meithers can M/355=0147 obtain marketing assistance and business consultation. Professional orgatUzation concentrating on the latest Information can be obt(Uned through CompuServe. developments in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Association of Computer Educators, Inc. Association for the Development of Computer-Based 751 Band Avenue Education and Training Staten Island NY 10310 Withingt00 University 718/596-5708 Miller Hall 409 New York state area. Facilitates information sharing, Bellingham; WA 98225 promotes equitable use af computers by all students. 206/676-2860 Association for pi ofessionals involved in computer-based BMUG education and training. Membership benefits include S40/year, includes bi-annual newsletter, help-line annual conference, newsletter, quarterly journal and 1442 A Walnut Street #62 local chapter& Berkeley CA 94709 Macintosh Users Group; one of the Group's SIGs is American Oct upational Therapy Association concerned with educational applications. 1383 Piccard Drive Rockville, MD 20850 Bcoston Computer Society 101/9484626 1 Central Plaza AOT A is a nationwide organization of professionals Bostcn MA 02108 concerned with all aspects of the occupational therapy 617/367-8080 field. The organization publishes the American Journal of Occupational Therapy. California Governor's Committee for Employment of the Handicapped ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) 800 Capitol Mall 10801 Rockville Pike Sacramento CA 95814 Rockville; MD 20852 916/323-2545 301/897-5700 ASH A is involved in a number of different applications Committee on Personal Computers and the Handicappcd of compwer techuology, ithluding administration, clinic, therapeutic, educational, and research. (COPH-2) 2030 W. Irving Park Road Chicago IL 60618 Center for Computer Assistance to the Disabled (C-CAD) 312/728-9879 P.O. Box 314 312/477-1813 Hunt TX 76053 Information and technical consultation. 817/273-2084

429 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-17 Appendix A Additional Sources of Information

Community Health Information Project (CHIP) Easter Seal Systems 222C View Street 2023 W. Ogden Mountain View CA 94041 Chicago; IL 60612 415/%8-8798 312/243-8400 This orgatuzation sPonsors grants for software CompuNet developm-ent for disabled persons, and is developing Robert Mauro regional adaptive device centers. Provides education, Disability News On Line training, and discounts on selected computer systems. 257 Center Lane LeVittown, NY 11756 Federation for Children with Special Needs Supkort network for employed, disabled men and women 312 Stuart Street who use computers to earn a living. Second Floor Boston, MA 02116 Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center 617/482-2915 Mohegan Community College Coalition of parent organizations offering technical Norwich, CT 06360 assistance ard resource information on children with 203/836-5250 various disabilities-. This organization acts as a referral agency for people needing information about services for handicapped FIGHT (Family Interest Group Head Trauma), Int Library people. 1370 Wellesley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Cobrdinating Council for Handicapped Children 611/478-6477 220 South State Street Offers advice, information, and materials (for a Room 412 returnable deposit) on head trauma, rehabilitation, Chicago, IL 60604 medical care, and adaptive lifestyles. 312/939-3513 Provides training programs on special education rights GeOrgia aimpUter Pfograrnmer Group and services for parents and professionals. 7.201 Glenwood Avenue SE Atlanta, GA 30316 Council for Exceptional Children 404/894=3972 1920 Association Drive 404/874-8371 Reston, VA 22091-1589 703/620-3660 Iowa Computer-Assisted Rehabilitation Group (ICARG) The major national association of special education Mr. Jim Worchard teacheti, adMinistrators, and university students training Northgate Manor to be teackers. Publishes Exceptional Children and Waukon IA 52172 Teaching Exceptional Children. IS/VAC (International Society for Augmentative and Council on Assistive Devices and Listening Systems Alternative Communication) P.O. Box 32227 P. O. Rol 1762 Washington, DC 2111N17 Statiod R Tim prim-ry goal of this organnation of manufacturers Toronto, Ontario M4G 4A3 and distributors is to alert the generd public to ways in 416/424-3806 which electronic devices and systems can help hearing An information and referral organization for individuals Unpaired persons cope more iffeetively with their concerned with and/or working with Communication disability. disorders. Publishes Communication Outlook and Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Disabled Interest Group of the San Diego Computer SocieW (DIGSIG) LIFT, Inc. Milton Blackstone 350 Pfingsten 1301 Dell Crest Lane Suite 303 La Jolla CA 92037 North Brook IL 60062 619/459-8255 312/564-9004 Not-for-profit contract programming company that identifies, trains, and kres physically handicapped individuals for major corporations.

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A-18 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Muscular Dystrophy Association NSAC (National Society for Children and Adults with 810 7th Avenue Autism) NeW York, NY 10019 1234 Massachusetts Avenue NW 212/586-0808 Suite 1017 Local chapters, clinics, referral services. Bimonthly Washineon, . DC 20005 newsletter, quarterly publication. 202/783-0125 NSAC Is a natiorwl_service and avacacy organization Music Therapy Aticeiation for people with autism. Special services are offered on a 25 Gettati Avenue local level as well as public policyadvocacy and Brooklyn, NY 11209 information and referral-services being_offered on a 718/745-9231 national scale; This organization provides information Provides services for disabled people interested in relating to computers and autistic children. computer-generated music systems. Services include consulting and system set-up. Ohio Coalition for the Education of the Handicapped 933 High Street NAHSA (National Association of Hearing and Speech Suite 200-H Action) Worthington, OH 43085 10801 RtXkvillt Pike 614/431-1307 Rockville, MD 20852 Currently developing a statewide database of agencies 3011897-5700 serving handicapped children. A consumer advocacy group fa: speech and hearing impaired persons mud for dreaf persons. PACER 4826 Chicago Avenue South National Down Syndrome Congress Minneapolis, MN 55417 1800 Dempster 612/827-2966 Park Ridge, IL 60068 PACER provides information, training and assistance to 312/823-7550 parents of handicapped children. Advice is offered in Auri organization of parents and professionals that the areas of appropriate education and interpretation of provides information on services for persons with Down legal riglus. Syndrome. Quadriplegics Communications Group, Inc. National Head Injury Foundation, Inc. 407-333 Stradbrook P.O. /Vox 567 Winnipeg Manitoba R3L 0J5 Framingham MA 31701 617/879-7473 SIGSPED International Council for Computers in Education National Parent Chain, Inc. 1787 Agate Street 867C High Street Eugene OR 97403-1923 Worthington, OH 43805 503/686-4414 614/431-1911 Special interest group for computers in special This organization operates a Special Net Bulletin Board education. dedicated to information about special education. Special Interest Group for Computers and Physically National PC Vis. Users Group Handicapped (SIOCAPH) 1504 E. 711t Place, #1308 do Association for Computing Machinery Tulsa OK 74136 11 West 42nd Street 918/492-0511 New York NY 10036 Or 130 Hosmer Drive, Syracuse NY 13209, phone Karen Anderson, Director; Rochester, NY , 7161427-1834 3151635-9209 TASH (The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps) National Spinal Cord Injury Association 7010 Roosevelt Way NE 149 California Street Seattle, WA 98115 Newton, MA 02158 206/523-8446 617/964=0521 Offers information on severe-profound handicaps Provides information or referrals for the direct raze of (particularly severe retardation). Maintains an extensive para- or quadriplegic persons. Publishes a variety of bookstore of books and papers regarding persons with materials for rehabilitation professionals and persons severe handicaps. Produces assistive devices. with spinal cord injuries.

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Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-I9 Appendix A: Additirmal Sources of Inforination

The ALS Atrociation Box 5951 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818/990-2151 This national organization acts as a referral service for computers and computer assisted communication devices to ALS patients. Most such patients depend on compwers to etwble them to communicate with others.

The DirabW Children's Computer Group Fairmont School 724 Kearny Street El Cerrito, CA 94530 415/52&DCCG

VIEWPOINT do Physimilly Handicapped Training Center University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA 19104 215/898-8108

Washington Apple Pi 8227 Wiicidinont Avenue Suitt 201 Bethesda, MD 20814 301/654-8060 Organization of Apple computer users who meet and discuss all aspects of Apple computem Many of the topics are applicable to disabled individmals. The organization publishes Washington Apple Pi Journal.


A-7.0 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Training Programs in Technology in Special Education

ThisliStconMinsinformationonNnthdegreeprogramsaddworkshop/training opportunitiesintheareaofcomputerapplicationsfordisabledpersons. No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list.Contact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

ACTT Curriculum (Activating Children Through Computer Resource Center Technology) 207 N. San Marco Avenue 27 Horrabin Hall St. Augustine, FL 32084 Western Illinois University 904/8244691, eg. 581 Macomb; IL 61455 Provides computer training and technical support to 3091298-1014 teachers of blind students and teachers of deaf students. Project ACTT was a Madei demonstration project funded in 1983 to develop a microcomputer curriculum- Department of Spnial Education model for ages birth-6; The computer was added to the Charles A. MacArthur, Ph.D. existing setting to foster a sense of autonomy and control University of Maryland over the environment through environmental control, used College Park, MD 23742 as a communicfflion device, as a tool to draw or write, 3011454-6921 and at a teaching device. Adaptive peripherals allowed Computer technology in special education doctoral several handicapped children to be part of group of program. activities, and it was found that social interaction was equalized somewhal by computer use in small and large Department of Special Education groups. Dr. Jean Fleischner Dr. Robert Kretschmer Carroll Center for the Blind Boi 223 770 Centre Street Teachers College NeWton, MA 02158-2597 Columbia University Annual summer training program for special educators New Yott NY 10027 (introduction to computers and access devices; access 212/678-38&3 devices for the Apple, access devices for the IBM ) and In cooperation with tht College's Jepartnrent of blind teenagers (word processmg). Communication; Computing; and Technology in Education, an MA. in Learning Disabilities or EdD. in Center for Ltarning & Technology Special Education, involving the application and State University of New York at Buffalo development of technology. 217 Baldy Hall Buffalo, NY 14260 Department of Special Education 7161636-2110 University of Arkansas-Little Rock Incorporates an interdisciplinary approach to integrating 33rd and University new techithlogy into education. Goals include Little Rock, AR 72204 investigating fundamental questions, constructing 5011569-3335 prototypes and establishing relationships between Teaches future rehabilitation and special education industry and education. professionals computer use for a wide range of purposes. Involved in a variety of research projects, Computer and Information Science Department particularly regarding the use of bar code technology. University of Massachusetts A305 Graduate Research Center Amherst, MA 01003 413/545-2744 Conducts research in design of single-switch scanning systems. Involved in the development and application of microcomputer programs for single-switch scanning. Evaluates software systems for the disabled.

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Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-2I Appendix k. Additional Sources of InfOrmation

Division of Rehabilitation Services (TN) M.U.S.E. Trainer Project 400 Deaderick Street (Microcomputer Use in Special Education) Suite 1100 27 Horrabin Hall Nashville, TN 37219 Western Illinois University 61/741:5644 Macomb IL 61455 Tke division is on-line with Special Net, RekabNet, 309/298-1072 Deaf Net; SCAN, HEX; and ABLEDATti It provides MIIS.E. is designed to give participants expertise to take statewide staff training in the uses_of microcomputers in advantage of technology and the ability to train others in rehabilitation fOr Vocational rehabilitation counselori. the use of computers with disabled persons. The 7 graduate tevel courses inclittle: Microcomputer Education Division Applications in Educwion; Tke Young ChildLearning Johns Hopkitis University with technology; Microcomputer Technology in the 100 Whitehead Hall Elementary & Middle Schools; Modification of Raltimore,_MD 21045 Microcomputers for Children or Special Needs; 301/338-8273 Reluxbilitation Application of Microcomputers by the Johns Hopkins offers both a Masters and a Doctoral Handicapped; Seminar in Instructional Strategies; program in Special Education Technology. The Practicum in Training Teachers to Use Microcomputers; Education Division conducts research on integrating Modification of Microcomputers for Children with tacrocomputers into the special education classroom. Special Needs; Field Practicwn in Technology ApplicationsRehabilitation of Adults. Gallaudet College Mrx Karen Simpson Micro Abilities Graduate Admissions Counselor 98 Main Street 800 Florida Avenue NE Suite 232 WiWiington, DC 20002 Tiburon; CA 94920 202/651-5070 41.5/435-2966 800/672-7620, etc. 5070 Offers training to education and rehabilitation Master of Setence in Educational Technology: Special professionals and provides appropriate computer-related Educwion/Deafness. devices to work directly with clients: Assists disabled people with independent living skills. Itutiqite on Learning-Rued Tools for Special Populations University of Virginia Microcomputer Resource Center Charlottesville, VA 22903 St. Martin's College 804/924-7107 Lacy-, WA 98503 The Institute was held Jime 16 - July 5, 1986:Activities 206/438-4334 to enhance use of computer applications and technology Provides the opportunity for educators and others to in special education and clinical settings included use of review and evaluate different computer systems, learner-based software such as 1000, MPAL (a LOGO- software aral other instructional materials. A variety of like language which pernuts use of interactive videodisk, classes are offered rdated to new uses of technology. speech synthesizer and animation), PC Storyboard, and Listen to Learn (a talking word processor). Participants have the of a computer and ntodem during the following year to exckange ideas and information.

Lesley College Graduate School Rebecca Corwin, Assistant Professor Computers and Education: Focus on Learners with Special Net& Division of Education and Special Education 29 Everett Street Cambridge, MA 02238 617/868-9600, ext. 371 Courses blend theoreticd and field-based work; Master's Degree or Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study; Program includes introductory level programming languages, software evaluation, applications for special needs learners, and curriculum integration.


Rem:puree 'look 3: &oftware and Hardware Awndix A: Additional Sources of Information

Project KUSzE. Special Education Technology Resource 27 Horrabin Hall Emmanuel College Library Western Illinois University Third Floor Maomb, IL 61455 300 The Fenway 3091298-1634 ootton, MA 02115 309/298-1014 617/232-7913 Project M.U.S.E. is a federally funded program with the The center maintains a software lending library, model primary purpose of training special education teachers adaptive hardware learning lab, and a variety of teacher to use computers in their classrooms; MVS.E. &so training opportunities for special educators. identifies; ovaluates and catalogs hardware and software that is designed for or can be Modified for use with Euter Seil Children's Center handicapped ckldren. UNET is the user's network for 3161 Maple Drive, NE information sharing, questions-and-answers; or problem Atlanta, GA 30305 solving. Workshops /presentations/training can be 404/261-6262 arranged. Possible topics include: Microcomputer Use Offers advice and training for computer use with pre- and the Handicapped Mid; Mts and for Babies; school handicapped children. Includes diagnoctic Lntroduction to Logo; Software Evaluation; Adapting services for saidents regarding computers, peripherals Peripherals; Using Switches with Handicapped Children; and appropriate software. Integrating the Microcomputer in the Classroom; Learning from Computer Games; Word Processing; Computers as a Third Wave Tool.

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center University of Oregon 217 Clinical Services Building Eugene, OR 97405 503/686-3585 Administers the 'Community Living" Bulktin Board on Special Net; Develops interactive video for mildly handicapped individuals. Organizes the local Special Interest Group for SpeCial Educators of ICCE.

Resource Center Colorado eiSter Seal Soci ty, Inc. 609 W. Littleton Blvd. Littleton, CO 80120 303/795=2016 Offers a variety of compwer services for disabled people, including computer camps; workshops for disabled individaals, teachers and therapists; and information on computers and adaptive equipment.

Selettive Systems for Living 2500 Riverside Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55454 612/375-0153 Provides workshops on special input devices, environmental control devices and word processing. Assists clients in procuring systems. Working to link handicapped people to computers and employment.

SETUP Special Education Technology Users Project 3430 Leahi Avenue Honolulu, HI 96815 803/737-2377 SETUP is a federally funded project that trains special education teachers in the state of Hawaii to utilize the computer as a tool for computer managed instruction and computer assisted instruction.

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Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-23 Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Computer Assessment/Training Programs for Disabled Individuals

This list contains information on programs and organizations that provide training for disabled persons involving the use of computers. No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list.Contact each resource for more specific and up-to- date information.

Cerebral Palsy Foundation of South Arizona Sister Kenny Institute 4710 E. 29th DAC W. 800 E. 28th Street at Chicago Avenue Tucson; Arizona 85711 Minneapolis, MN 55407 602/747-6809 612/874-4175 Involves basic remediation and rehabilitation, vocational This organization uses computer programs to provide counselling and research on the use of technology with language and cognitive therapy to adults with neurologic individuals with severe and profound handicaps. injuries.

Florida Diagnostic Learning Resources Services (FDLRS) Living Systems/ITD 9220 SW 52 Terrace 2160 & Lamar Miami, FL 33165 Oxford, Mississipi 38655 3051274-3501 601/234=0158 Offers diagnostics for computer compatibility for Has a microcomputer laboratory equipped to evaluate disabled people, inservke training, computer information and to develop hardware and software which will resources, as well as software and hardware evaluation. provide capability to disabled individuals.

Du Page Easter Seal Treatment Center, Inc. Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio 830 & Addison Miami Valley Hospital Villa Park, IL 60181 One Wyoming Street 312/620-4433 Dayton, OH 45409 The center specializes in tht use of personal computers in 513/220-2063 therapy. The Institute uses computers to help brain injured individuals nwke mathnum use tf their abilities. Focus is Adaptive Computer Technology Center on cognitive and linguistic retraining using Kennedy Memorial Flospital microcomputers as therapeutic tools. 30 Warren Street Brighton; MA 02135 Yankton Area Adjustment Training Center 617/254-3800 909 W. 23rd Street Utilizes and provides instruction in the use of computer- Yankton; SD 57078 based tecknelogy to enhance learning, leisure, 605/665-2518 commwrication, prevocational skill development, Provides computer-assisted learning on the Apple He for independent living, and environmental control. area special education students. Focus includes job skills; job readiness skills, math skills, time and money John A. Coleman School skills, pedestrian safety, and motivation. New York Foundling Hospital 1175 Third Avenue Technical Resource Center New York; NY 10032 1820 Richmond Road SW 212/472,3322, ext. 629 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2T 5C7 The .SChtiol uses computers daily with multiply 403/229-7875 handicapped children (ages I-10) to achieve a variety of Provides information and one-month loan of devices in basic educational goals. the areas of adaptive toys, communication aids, daily living aids, inventory control and microcomputers. It offers assessment au' consultation.


A=24 Resource Wook 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Sunny Hill Hospital for Children Disabled Programmers, Inc 1644 Slocan Street P.O. Box 23118 Vancouver, Britiiii Columbia VSM 3E8 San Jose, CA 95153 604/434-1331 408/629-3700 Offers assessment and training of physically disabled DPI is an organization that trains disabled individuals to children for access to microcomputers for education, become computer programmers. DPI's Micro recreation, and communication. Applications Development Lab develops and designs adaptive devices. Va Itnit International Corporation Box 5767 BIPED Corporation (Business Information Processing Tucsoa AZ 85703 Education for the Disabled) 602/293-1510 26 Palmer's Hill Road Develops eusessmetu equipmens used by professionals Stanford, CT 06902 for working with people with various disabilities. Offers 203/324-3935 vocational assessment using microcomputers. Teaches computer programming to physically disabled indivithials at two different locations (Stanford, CT, and Resources for Living Independently Center White Plains, NY ). Courses available tuition free to 4721 Pine Street disabled individuals. Philadelphia, PA 19143-1809 215/471-2265, 2266 LIFT, Inc. 215/471-2267 (TDD) 350 Pfingsten Provides computer training to disabled consumers as one Suite 103 of its services. Northbrook, IL 60062 312/564-9005 Pearson Society for Assessment and Computer Training Offers help and training in hiring handicapped 700 West 57th Avenue individuals as computer programmers. Vancouver, BC CANADA V6P 1S1 604/321-3231 Project Cable Three main objectives: provide assessment of aptitude Carroll Center for the Blind and compatibilitywith computers, provide intensive 770 Centre Street training on the IBM-PC, and teach job search skills and Newton, MA 02158-2597 provide employment assistance. 617/969-6200 Provides computer assessment, computer training (on Orange County Department of Education adaptive devices). and software, professional training, 200 Kalmus Drive resources (on devices), and word processing for visually Costa Mesa CA 92626 impaired high school students. 714/966140 The Educational Technology/Special Schools' goal is to Association of Rehabilitation Programs in Data Processing provide opportunities for students to learn how to P.O. Box 2404 become more independent in their present and future Gaithersburg, MD 20879 environments. 301X68=6142 Organization offering nxionwide data processing Electronic University training to disabled people. Tele Learning Systems, Inc 505 Beach Street Maryland Rehabilitation Center San Francisco, CA 94133 2301 Argonne Drive 415/928-2800 Baltimore, MD 21218 Offers home courses (including tutoring) on personal 3011366-8800, ext 231 improvement, business and professional skills, and Provides evaluation of computer applications best suited credit/degree programs via computers. Provides for enhancing a disabled person's vocation. Acts as a counseling, an electronic library and a seminar series. diagnostic resource center in setting disabled students' vocational goals. Los Angeles Unified School District 15530 Hesby Encino, CA 91436 8111/997-2330 Provides microcomputer training to special education students. Computers are adapted to meet individual special nezds. Emphasis is on vocational, recreational, andlor independent living skills.


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-25 Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Project Enhance Variety Clab Minneapolis Public Schools Community Education Warwick Hotel 1006AV. Lake Street 17th and Locust Streets Minneapolic MN 55408 Philadelphia, PA 19103 612/348-6799 2151735-0803 Offeri beginning computer programming grid word This organization offers vocational and rehabilitation processing classes for physkally disabled adults as well training on the use of microcomputers. asbeginning computer classes for mentally retarded adults to reinforce academic skills and independent Texas State Technical Institute living Ski Hi Drafting and Detign TSTI Waco Handicapiied Access Center Waco, TX 76705 Duluth Public Library 8171799=3611, eit. 3200 520 W. Superior Street TSTI Offers a course in COMputer Aided Drafting for Duluth, MN 55802 physically handicapped students. The objective is to 2181723-3809 helP Students prepare for careers in drafting and Trains disabled persons u1 tke use of tke Apple lle. industrial design. Applications include word processing, data base; AppleSaft Basic, Logo, etc. Product information on C-CAD (Center for Computer Assistance to the Disabled) software, hardware, and adaptations is available. 2501 Avenue .1 Suite 100 LD. Cone& Writert FrOject Arlingon, TX 76001 University of Minnesota 8171640=6613 216 Pillsbury Drive SE This is an organization that provides computer training Minneapolis, MN 55455 and job placement for disabled persons. 612/376-1672 Provides trairUng caul practice in word processing to Concepts for Independent Living college-level learning disabled writers. Working papers 2203 Airport Way South on compiled research is diStributed by mail at cost. Suite 310 Seattle; WA 98134 Federation of the Handicapped, Inc. 206/343-0670 211 W. 14th Street Thii organization is dedicated to developing and New York, NY 10011 expanding opkortanities for independent living for all 212/242-9050 disabled people. The Federation trains disabled individuals in word processing and general education. Computers to Help People, Int. 1221 W. Johnson Street Compute Able Network Midi Son, WI 53715 P.O. Box 1706 608/257-5917 Portland, OR 97207 Provides disabled people with vocational training in 503/644-2940 computer operation. Also sells software designed for Assists individwals with various disabilities to adapt and physically disabled people. utilize the rapid advances in computer technology.

STORER Computer Access Center Cleveland Society for the Blind 1909 E 101St Street Cleveland; OH 44106 2161791-8118 Offiri orientation, evaluation,_training, engineering suppoq and system rental to blind or visually impaired individuals. Goals are to expaird access to educational and vocational opportunities through computerlprint technology.


A-26 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Information on Adaptive Toys and Toy Modifications

The followinj pages contain information regarding adapted toys and toy mdditications to allow single switch control. No recommendations or endorsements arc implied by inclusion on this list Contact each resource for mote specific and up-to-date information.

Books and Pamvhlets Technology for Independent Living Sourcebook Alexandra Enders (ed.) Switching Mechanisms for Special NeedsA Project Manual 1984 William M. Lynn RESNA S630 1101 Connaticut Avenue National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Materials Suite 700 113 Old USDA Building Washington, DC 20036 Oklahoma State University 202/8574199 Stillwater, OK 74078 This book contains a comprehensive listing of 405/624-7650 associations; toy libraries in each state, and This project manual first explains how switches wcrk by manufacturers arid distributors of special toys. presenting basic electronics principles, and then provides step-by-step instructions for building several types of Guidelines for Adapting Toys for the Physically Handicapped switches anil accessories. Jayne Higgins 1982 Play: Children's Busine.A Guide to Play Materials California Avenue School 1974 215 West California Avenue Association for Childhood Education Internatiolal Vista, CA Washington, D.C.: Association for Childhood Education Touch Toys and How to Make Them Homemade Battery Powered Toys and Educational Devices 1984 for Severely Handicapped Children S3.00 + AG for postage 1980 Touch Toys Linda J. Burkhardt P.O. llox 2224 8503 Rhode Island Avenue Rockville, MD 20852 College Park, MD 20740 This is an instruction book on how to make over 100 toys for the blind. Checks payable to: Touch Toy. More Homemade Battery Devices for Severely Handicapped Children with Suggested Activities Toy Modification Note: Build-it-Yourself-Battery-Insert 1982 GE. Vanderheiden Linda J. Burkhardt 1982 8503 Rhode Island Avenue Trace Center College Park, MD 29740 1500 Highland Avenue 5451 Waisman Center Madison, WI 53705 Homemade Switches and Toy Adaptations for Early Training with Nonspeaking Persons 608/262-6966 1984 William B. Coker, Jr. Cincinnati Center for Developmental Disabilities 3300 Elland Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45229 LS1ISS 15,1, pp32-35. (Reprints)

Toys and Games for Educationally Handicapped Children 1969 Buist, Charlotte & Schulman, Jayne Springfield, IL Thomas Publishing

Resarsce 'dook 3: Software and Hard.,e A-2 Appendix A: Additional &ources of Information

Strategies for Helping Severely and Multiply Handicapped "Active Simulatioc Program" Citirtn-s Dr. Edmond Zurornski Whethered, J. Greer, R. Anderson, and S. Odle (edx) Handicapped Children's Technological Services. Inc. 1982 P.O. Box 7 University Park Press Foster,_ RI 02825 Baltimore, MD 4011 397:7666 "Active Simulation Program" offer a series of technical From Toys to Computerx Access for the Physically Disabled newsletters and an equipment development manual; Child markets his products commercially. C. Wright and M. Nomura 1985 "Special Populations Catalogue" $17.00 (4th elieS), $20.00 (1st class) Pius $1.11 outside U.S. Flaghiiiiie, Inc. Chrictitte Wright 18 W. 18th Street P.O. Box 700242 New York; NY 10011 San Jose, CA 95170 212/989-9700

Associations and Organizations Behavioraids Social Technology Product LEKOTEK 1210 Alameda Drive 613 Dempster Tempe, AZ 85282 EVanston, IL 60201 312/328-0001 Kaye'S Kids A nonprofit resource center with specialized play 1010 E. Pettigrew Street materials, therapy equipment, and books for loan. Durham, NC 27701-4299 919/683-1051 ACTIVE Play MatterINTLA A Declaration of Independence Seabrook House Adaptive Aids Darkei Line P.O. Flo: 13178 Potters Bar, Herts, ENGLAND EN6 2HL Tu,:ton, AZ 85732

USAToy Library Asse,:iation (USA-TLA) Toyt for Slietial Children Judith lacuzzi, Exec. Divc.,.or Steven Kanor; PhD 1800 Pickwick Avenue 101 Lefurgy Avenue Glenview, IL 60025 Havings on Hudson, NY 10706 312/724-7700 Toy library, information on ada ptive toys, newsletter. Zygo Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 1008 Catalogs Foreland, OR 97297=1008 503/297-1725 Compu-Robot $34.95 Comp Tech Systems Design Handicapped Children's Technological Services, Inc. P.O. Box 7 P.O. &I 516 Hastings; MN 55033 Foster, RI 02825 An audio-controlled robot; Easy-to-use; programmable, rementbers up to 48 commands, 3 speed, right and left The Able Child turn, u-turn, pause. Uses 4 AA-batteries. 325 Will Street New York, NY 10014 Arroyo & Attotiattli 88-45 79th Avenue Glendale, NY 11385 718/849-9306

Automated Therapy Systems Harding and Harris P.O. Box 1599 Orem, UT 84057


4-28 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Selected Information Resources for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Individuals

Th Alowing list contains information on information resources for the deaf or hearing impaired: books and printed materials, organizations, newsletters and periodicals, and companies.Check the Additional Resources and Newsletters resource lists for further information. No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list. Contact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

Books-and-Other-Printed-Materials Kelston School for Deaf Children Private lUg A Catilog_of Captioned Educational Videotapes New Lynn National Technical Ingitute for the Deaf (NTID) Auckland Rochester Institute of Technology Australia 874-859 Division of Public Affairs, Department V Uses computer technology to aid language development One Loinb Memorial Drive for hearing impaired students. Provides courses in P.O. Box 9887 commercial applications for teenage and adult deaf Rochester; NY 14623-0887 students as well as parents, and acts as a resource 716/475-6400 center.

College and Career Programs for Deaf Students Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf $5.00 (1 to 4 copies) 3417 Volta Place NW Gallaudet College Washington, DC 20007 Center for Atsetsment and Demographic Studies 2021337:5220 Kendall Green National organization offering support services to deaf Washington, DC 20002 individuals. A guide to evaluating college programs, and information on more than 130 programs, including available support National Information Center on Deafness services. Gallaudet College 800 Florida Avenue Oreanizations Washington, DC 20002 202/651-5109 Foundation for Communication for the Disabled Provides either direct information or appropriate references to deaf or hearing impaired individuals. The 31 Southampton Row London, ENGLAND WC1B 51-11 center also publishes brief bibliographies and narrative fact sheets on requested topics free of charge. 014054019

National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NITD) Rochester Institute of Technology Division of Public Affairs, Department V One Lomb Memorial DriVe P.O. Box 9887 Rochester, NY 14623-0887 716/475-6400 The world's largest technical college for deaf stUdents, offering ihe opportunity for deaf students to go to college in a hearing environment to facilitate transilion to a hearing society (15,000 hearing students; 1.250 college- age deaf students). Funded by the U.S. Department of EdUcation.

National Attotiatioi the Deaf 814 Thayer Avc Silver Spring; MD 20910 3011587-1788 (voice and TDD

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Resource Wook 3: Software and Hardware A=29 ApOndix k. Additional Sources of Information

News letters-and Other Periodicals Breakthrough Trust Communication Centre 5 Moreland Court The Voice Moreland Street 2939 Hollandale Nottingham, ENGLAND NG2 3GS Dalls, TX 75234 2141349-3271 (voice or MD) The Deaf Factory Store Bimonthly publication. Information for hearing impaired 5010 Branchirille Road people on adaptive devices -and coMputer access College Park, MD 20740 equipnwnt selection. 301/772-1565 3011722-2493 TDD Shhh (Self-Help for Hard of Hearing People) Products include computer and TDD software. 7800 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda, _MD 20814 KroWti Retearch, 3311657--2248 (voice) 6300 Arizona Circle 3011657-2249 (MY) Los Angeles; CA 90045 Bimonthly. A journal about hearing loss. 213/641-4306 (Voice/TDD)

American Anla ls of the Deaf Palmetto Technologies P.O. Boi 2605 P.O. Box 498 Columbia, MD 21045 Duncan, SC 29334 101/461-7400 Journal for professionals working with deaf and hearing 803/439-4309 (Voice or TDD) impaired indiViduals. Specialized Systems, Inc. Hearing ItittruMents 11339 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 Box 6079 714/455-9000 Duluth; MN 55806 714/481-6060 Newsounds 3M Company Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf 1417 Volta Place NW Business Communication Products Division Wathingted, DC 201337 220-9W 3M Center St. Paul, MN 55144 2021337-5220 Newsounds is a newsletter for deaf and hearing 61217334852 impaired individuals that is published alternately with the Volta Review (see below). It contains information on Ultratec, Inc. conferences concerning microcomputers. 6442 Normaridy Lane Madiion, WI 53719 Volta Review 608/273-0707 Alexander Graham Bell .Usociation for the Deaf Products include computer interface. 3417 Volta Place NW Washington, DC 20007 202/337-5220 This journal for hearing impaired people reports on a variety af technology-related topics and issues.


American Communications Corporation 180 RoberU Street East Hartford, CT 06108 203/289-3491 Am-Com I, LUV 1.

Garid 17 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344 612/941-5464 800/328-4827, ext. 1400 442

A=30 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Selected Information Resources for Blind and Visually Impaired Individuals

This list containsusefulsources of information (lioriks andpublications, newsletters/periodicals, organizations and companies) for blind and visually impaired computer users.No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list. Contact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

Reeks and--PiiblicatiOns The Resource Manual, 2nd Edition Projett CABLE Touch Toys and How to Make Them (Computer Access for the Blind in Education and 1984 Employment S100 + 6O fr- postage $25 .00 Touch Ti,y_s The Carroll Center for the Blind .0. Box 2224 Project CABLE Rockville, MD 20852 770 Centre Street This is an instruction book on how to make over 100 toys Newton, MA 02159 for the blind. Checks payable fo: Touch Toy. This mmud includes carriculum; evaluation forms; lesson plans and resources to assist in setting up or running a Computer Equipment and Aids for the Blind and Visually program. Other topics covered include funding and Impaired staffing. Computer Center for the Visually Impaired Baruch College An Evaluation of IBM PC Access Systems for the Blind and 17 Lexington Avenue Visually Impaired aot 515 C-TEC New York, NY 10010 IBM PC Access Evaluation The result of eght year.? experience educating blind and kosory Aids Foundation visually impau !el stUdents in computer techiwlogy, the 399 Sherman Avenue, Suite 12 book lists_hardware, software, periph2rals; researchers, Palo Alto, CA 94306 training; ami demonstration centers; products in_ 415/4935000 development _rid a checklist af technical considerations 415-225L0430 and advice on how to select equipment appropriate to specific needs. How Can We Compute? Kathe Nolan The Future of Work for Disabled People: Employment and $14.95 the New Technology VTEK S10.00 print or cassette 1625 Olympic Blvd. Publications and Information &ervices &anta Monica, CA 90404 American Foundation for the Blind 800/345-2256 15 West 16th Street (CA)800/521-5605 New York, NY 10011 Canada, Alaska 213/4525Sr66 A compilation of papers presented at the May, 1985 Cassette recordings of eight half-hour radio segments on symposium of the same name, cospcnsored by APB and the subject of _computer access & adaptive devices for the President's Committee on Employment of the blind & visually impaired people. The series is directed Handicapped. toward the beginning, elementary-level computer user & will cover basic pritrciples of computer use. Moderated The Ultimate Guide by Jerry Kuns, program director of C-T C (Computer $16.95 braille and anette, $19.95 print Training and Evaluation Center). National Braille Press 88 S. Stephen Street aostciii, MA 02115 Assists in selecting peripherals for blind computer users: modems, braille primers, inkprint printers, speech synthesizers, paperless braille devices, odds and ends.


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-31 Appendix k. Additional gources of Information

The First and Second Beginner's Guides to Personal Computer Assisted Learning fix the Vitually Handicapped Computers for the Blind and Visually Impaired Research Center for the Education of the Visually The National Braille Press Handicapped 88 South_Stephen Street Selly Witk Hotiae Boston, MA 02115 59 Selly Wick Road 617/266-6160 Birmingham ENGLAND B29 7JE The basic concepts, and reviews of popular systems by 021-471-1303 blind users. The second Guide is a continuation, not a replacement of the first. Raised Dot Computing Newsletter David Holladay/Caryn Navy Newsletters and Other Periodicals 408 &outh aaldWin Street Madison, WI 53703 Dialogue 608/257-9595 general Dialogue Publications 608/2574833 technical 3100 Oak Park Avenue Monthly; explores microcomputer applications for the Ber Wyk', IL 60402 visually impaired. 312/749-1908 This publication; available in Braille; levge print, cassette, Microcomputer News for Teachers of Blind Students or reCorded disk carries columns that highlight computer Catherine Mack and access technology for blind and visually impaired Florida School for the Bind persons. 207 St Augultine St. Augustine, FL 32084 BAUD 904/824-1654 Audio-Tech Laboratories 1158 Stewart Avenue Talking Book and Braille Book Review flethpage, NY 11714 Library of Congress 516/433-0171 Washington, DC 20542 Bimonthly; This cassette newsletter contains information Contains descriptions of books newly printed in Braille on associated access eevices for microcomputers for and a list of Braille magazines. Talking Book Topics is blind liters. A free claisified Section allows contributors publiihed bimonthly and distributed free to blind and to list their services and products for sale. physically impaired individuali.

Visualtek Newsletter Library of Congress Visualtek, Inc. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically 1610 26th Street Handicapped &Alta Monita , CA 90404 1291 Taylor Street 2131829-6841 Washington, DC 20542 202/287-9281 Journal of Visual Impairmer and Blindness Bimonthly. Free to the blind. Circulation Manager JVIB Aids and Appliances Review 15 West 16th Street Carroll Centre for the Blind New YOrk, NY 10011 770 Centre Strett Monthly, Sept-lune; Research reviews, applications, and Newton; MA 02158 articles on special topics. 617/979-6200 Quarterly; a compreliensive review of aids for the blind. The Communicator Issues 9 and 10 covered voice output computer aids; Rollie 4, Boit 26 Issue II covered braille oriented computer aids. Hicksville, VA 24343 703/766-3869 Softyme A biMonthly newsletter designed to provide information P.O. Box 299 fd teacheri (if the visually handicapped. Emphasis is on Newport, RI 02840 advances in tecknology and how they are being used. A bimonthly magazine on Apple disks. Most of its Includes teaching hints, software reviews, user comments, programs are usable with the Echo II speech synthesizer. and suggestions. Available in large or regular print or on tape

4 4 4

A-32 Rewurce Wook 3: &oftware and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of InfOrmation

Softdisk Magazette Orzanizations PD. Rai 30008 Shrevepat, LA 71130 Sherry Lowry 318/868-7247 Speech Enterprises A magazine on Apple disks; features articles and pn. Box 7986 programs, most usable with the Echo 11 speech Houstor,_ TX 77270 syntkesizer. 713/4614666 Distributes and develops large print and voice output Apple Talk software for other product& Special Apple _Speech - Jeff Weiss Large Print Resource List is available for $10.00. $10.00/year Catalog of products available for $3.00 print, $5.00 3015 South Tyler Street disk, and $750 Braille. Little Rock, AR 72204 A quarterly magazine, available on disk, for computer American Printing House for the Blind users with speech synthesizers. P.O. Box 6085 Louisville, KY 40206 SEtISUS 502/895-2405 kasory Aids Foundation Producers of software for visually handicapped children 399 Sherman Avenue; Suite 12 below college level. A PH also published User Manuals Palo Alto, CA 94306 in Braille for Apple computers. 415/329=0430 Quarterly newsletter with information regarding Braille Institute technologyand vision impairment. Spring, 1986 issue of 741 No. Vermont Avenue SENSUS dealt with accessible educational software Los Angeles, CA 90029 blind and partially sighted people. 213/66M111 This organization acts as a technological resource center Technology Update for both visually and physically handicapped Sensory Aids Foundation individuals. 399 Sherman Avenue, Suite 12 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Braille Board 415/329-0430 Nick Uotson Newsletter with information regarding technology and 904/433-5325 vision impairment. A computer bulletin board oriented toward blind computer users. The Visual Field Florida Instructional Materials Center Home Study Computer Literacy Course 5002 North Lois Avenue Hadley Sehool for the Blind Tampa, FL 33614 700 Elm Street Quarterly newsletter on products, projects, conferences, Winnetka, IL 60093 etc. 800/323=4238 (In Illinois, 312/446-8111) AFB NeWs American Foundation for the Blind C-TEC (Computer Training and Evaluation Center) 15 West 16th Street knsory Aids Foundation New York, NY 10011 399 Sherman Avenue, Suite 12 2121620-2020 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Monaly publication. Information on the field of 415/329-0430 blindness and low vision. reaches blind and visually impaired persons to use computer access devices. Provides a center for Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness equipment, resource lists, purchasing guidelines and American Federation for the Blind evaluations of specialized hardware and software. 15 West 16th Street New York, NY 10011 212/620-2020 Monthly September-June


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-33 Appendix k Additional Sources of Information

Sensory Assistanct_Center Blind Appk Users Group Department of Justice Hekn Keller National Center 10th and COnstitution,_NW 111 Middleneck Road Wiington, DC 20530 Sands Point, NY 11050 202/633-5104 516/944-8900 Thii organization is a service and_training center for blind and vision=impaired federal iMPloyees. Services Harvey Lauer inclide training in the use Of Computers and Blind Rehabilitation Technology Specialist demonstrations of new mud existing devices. Blind Cenitr 124 Veteram Hospital National Association of Blind and Visually Impaired Hines, IL 60141 Computer Users 312/143-7959 P.O. Bak 1352_ Information on various types of computer aids and their Roseville; CA 95661-1352 application. 9161786-3923 (modem) 916/783-:1364 (voice) Low Vision Services & Aids for the 30's A nonprofit, charitable cOrkOraticiii with the piirpose of American Foundation for the Blind gathering and siuring usefid information fOr blind and 15 Weit 16th Street visually_impaired computer _users; and providing a New York, NY 10011 mechanism for ongiiing exchange of data between Pamphlets, hterature;. services for blind. manufactiirers, self-help groups, interested partiei, and the blind community. Runs COMptillelp databaSE and bulletin board. (See Networks, Bulletin Boards and Information on Blind Access Databases.) Nationai Association for the Visually Handicapped 22 West 21st Street New York, NY 10010 National Technology Center 212/889-3141 John DeWitt, EValuation Coordinator Ali-6 a San Francisco offic American Foundation for the Blind 15 West 16th Street NeW York, NY 16011 National Braille Press, Inc. 212/620-2051 88 & Stephen Street Evaluates products; user network; database information. Boston; MA 02115 A resource for blind and visually impaired persons and 617/266-6160 involved professionals. Beginner's guide to personal _computers, many printer and modem manuals transcribed in Braille. The Carr-611 Center for the Blind 770 Center Street National Federation for the Blind Newton; MA 02158 Committee on Evaluation of Technology 617/969-6200 1800 Johnston Street Various pliblications; computer training (Project Cable) Baltimore, MD 21230 cud otker educational programs. 101/659-9314

Computer Users of America Sensory Aids Foundation Duane Fischer 399 Sherman Avenue Suite 12 5028 Merit Drive Palo Alto, CA 94302 Flint, MI 48506 415/329-3430 313/736-3774 Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Science 4 Sights Network Rehabilitation Engineering Center National InformatiOn System for the Visually Impaired 2200 Webster Street 16625 Grand River San Francisco, CA 94115 Detroit, MI 48227 415/563-2323 313/272-3900 Volunteer Braiilists, Inc. Joe Giovanelli 5930 Old Sauk Road Audio-Tech Lalioritories Madison, WI 53705 1158 Stewart Avenue Will transcribe papers, books, etc. into Braille. Bethpage, NY 11714 516/433-0171


A-34 Resource Bwok 3: &oftware and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Additional Information Resources

This resource list provides information on additional bboks, pamphlets and organizations of general interest to disabled persons and those working with them. No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this list.Contact each resource for more specific and up-w-date information.

5clected Books And PamphleU Ten Keys $198.00 (starter issue); S125.00 renewal, supplements) HEATH Resource Center Aids Unlimited, Inc. (Health Education and the Handicapped Center) 1101 North Calvert Street Nafional Clearinghouse on Post-Secondary Education for Suite 405 Handicapped Individuals Baltimore MD 21202 1 Dupont Circle NW 3011659-0232 Washington, DC 20036 Set of notebooks with tabs, separated into five sections 202/93M320 including information on assistive devices, information on 800/54-HEATH implementation of 504, court decisions, books, Disseminates information about educational support publications, services and funding. Starter issue servicesi polkies, procedures, adaptations, and (containing all previous supplements) and 11 monthly opportunities for disabled students. Prepares and supplements. $198.oa Renewal, 12 supplements, $125.00 dissemiiwes Ike HEATH Resource Directory and a year. newsletter three times a year. Publications from NARIC Computer Technology for the Handicapped: Applications '85 NARIC Selected Proceedings of the 1985 Closing the Gap Conference 4407 Eighth Street NE Grogan, Michael The Catholic University of America 1986 Washington, DC 2E1017 $19.95 202/635-5826 (Voice/TDD) Computer Technology for the Handicapped. The Proceedings 800134-NARIC (voice/TDD) (information line) of the 1984 Closing the Gap Conference Periodical List: A Guide to Disability-Related Journals Grogan, M. and Hagen, D. and Newsletters; The Author's Handbook A Guide to 1985 Professional Jour na!SL in Rehabilitation: Resource $17.95 Directory: A State Guide to Disability-Related These proceedings of the CTG Conference presentations Informasion; Computer Access and Applications for provide information on application of computers for Career Counseling with Vocational Rehabilitation Clients; disabled persons. Computers in Vocational Rehabilitation: Current Trends and Future Applications; Low Cost Approaches to Compilation of Clinical Software for Aphasic Rehabilitation Technology and Disability; Use of Computers in wad Cognitive Retraining. Expanding the Employment Opportunities for Persons Brubaker, Susan Howell, and Rolnick, Michael I. with Disabilities 1984 $6995 Quick Guide to Resources in Special Education Technology This compilation provides descriptions of software Bob Reid and Iiane Herera Shepard programs and their charackristics for use in Sector Project microcomputer-assisted aphasia rehabilitation and Utah State Office of Education cognitive retraining. Special alucation &ection Developmental Center for Handicapped Persons Utah State University Logan, UT


Resource Book 3 : Software and Hardware A-35 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Special Education Applications for Power Pad Computer Technology and Persons with Disabilities Dunamis; Inc. Proceedings 28% Buford Highway 1985 Duluth, GA 30136 $1195 404/476=4934 Office of Disabled Student Services California State University, Northridge A-&udy Of- Cominunication Aid Research, Prescriptionand 18111 Nordhoff Street Commercialization in the United Kingdom and the Northridge, CA 91330 Netherlands. Focuses on 27 of the presentations at the conference of Richard A. Foulds the same name, held in October 1985. $1.50 World Rehabilitation Fund; Inc. Speech Symms for Your Microcomputer 400 East 34th Street Gary Shade NC* York, NY 115016 Wayne Green Publications Group Attn: Diane Wood, Project Director Route 101 Includes service delivery nuldels, aid demonstration Peterborough, NY 03458 centers, available communication aids, and Voice input and output systems for the handicapped; low microcomputer-based communication. cost to complex; evaluation criteria.

Communication Interaction Between Aided and Natural Computers, Education, and Special Needs Speakert A State-of-the-Art Report E. Faul Goldenberg et al. Arlene W. Kraat 1984 $10.95 $14.95 Trace ResearCh_and Development Center This book provides a practical introduction to theuse of 8-1:51 WaWnati Center the computer as a tool for special needs educationas it 1500 Highland Avenue relates to communication, access and motivation. Case Madison, WI 53705 studies and a guide for implementation are included. 6087262-6966 A compilation of publisked arid unpublished research, Technology for Independent Living Sourcebook clinical observations and perspectives of aid users. Alexandra Enders, OTR (Editor) Sponsored by I PCAS: The International Project on 1984 Communication Aids -"or the Speech Impaired $25.00 RISNA Uw..d Equipment Mark A Strategy for Cutting 1101 Connecticut Avenue NW Equipment Costs Suite 700 _ $9.00 Washington DC 20036 Metropolitan Center for 1. n..lent Livg 202/857-1199 1821 University This Sourcebook provides an exhaustive listing of Suite N350 resources for individuals with disabilities and the St. Paul, MN 55104 professionals working with tkem. lt also contains helpful 612/64-8342 (voice) brief articles explaining major concepts, philosophies, 612/646-6048 (TED) and technical information of relevance to the areas covered. Recognizing and Enhancing .r.c of Your Group Horn. T.lients Features of Commercially Avai:able Communication Aids Beverly Vicker A. Kraat and M. Silver 1985 Prentke Romich Company Development Trsining Center 1022 Heyl Road Attn: DTC Library Wooster OH 44691 2853 East Tenth Stree 216/262-1984 Bloomington, IN 4745 This chart visually displays functions of most of the 812/335-6508 major commercially available aids; many are useful for computer access. Non-PRC aids are included.


A=36 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Access tO Computers for the Physically Handicapped Personal Computers and Special Needs Publication ACPH-4 2/84 Frank G. Bowe 1984 1984 No charge for single copy Sybex, Inc. Prentke Romich 2344 6th Street 1022 Heyl Road Berkeley CA 94710 Wooster OH 44691 800/227:2346 21612624984 This book shows how computers can be used by Tlds product brochure attempts to promote a greater individuals with different disabilities, in part by sharing awareness of computer-related PRC products, which the stories of people who are using computers now. provide access to computers for disabled people. Personal Computers and the Disabled Guidelines for the Design of Oirtiputeri and Inforniation Peter A. McWilliams Processing Systems to Increase Their Acceis by Persons Will 1984 Disabilities Quantum Press Gregg C. Vanderheiden and Charles C. Lee (Coordinators) Doubleday and Company, Inc. 19116 Garden City NY nate R&D Center This book gives an introduction and overview of the $7-.40 computer and its potential applications for disabled These Guidelines are a result of industrylgovernmentl individuals. Includes comprehensive resource listings of researcherkonsumer cooperative effort to shay the associations, federal government agencies, state agencies, design of computers and develop recomnendations for etc: modifications to make them more accessible. The particular focus Of these Gitidelihei is the abilitY for Handbook of Microcomputers in Special Education disabled persons to use standard computers and Michael M. Berhmann software; The Guidelines are continually revised based 1984 upon the work of the committee Anyone may participate College Hill Prets by securing t copy of the Giddetines, reviewing them, and 4284 4Ist Street sending in commehts. San Diego CA 92105 This book provides an overview of computer applications Personal Computers and the DisabledA Resource Guide in special education in a way that generates enthusiasm No charge for a single copy and decreases the fear of using computers. Apple Computer 20525 Mariani Avenue Handbook of Microcomputer Applications in Communication Cupertino CA 95014 Disorders 408/996-1010 Arthur H. khwartz Telex 171-576 College-Hill Press 4284 41st Street I'm Handicapped How Can I Use Computers? San Diego CA 92105 The HatOrapped's Source This book focuses on the understanding and application J.A. Prest. . Corporation of the computer by agencies, clinics, and clinicians. 60 Page Rtad Included are evaluation measures for hardware and Clifton NJ 07012 software, steps in implementation, and possible funding 201/777-2700 strategies. his pampleet gives an introduction to the basic parts of ,:ennputer ,ind how it cas be used y disabled Learning Disabled Students and Computers: A Teacher's individuals. Guidebook ICCE (International Council for Computers in Education) :nLea:nint, Resources for Users of ;AM Personal University of Oregon o F.:uters 1787 Agate Strzet Eugene, OR 97403 A c from lb, 1984.

4 9

Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-37 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Microcomputer Resource Book for Special Education Tell 'eiti Ware Dolores Hagen $10.00 (ASCII text files on Apple DOS 33 disk) 1984 1714 Olson Way Prentice-Hall, Inc. MarshalltOWn IA 50158 NO Old Tappau Road Over 200 addresses of sources_useful in application of Old Tappan JH 07675 Apple computers with special education students; e_g, 800/336-0338 SUpplieri Of Apple compatible parts and accessories, This book gives an overview of current applicationsor suppliers Of i-oftWake for the handicapped, organizations Individuals With disabilities. and individuals with further information, collections of public domain educational software. IBM Special Education Resources Guide to Adaptive DeVites, Software, and Services for Special Education, Computer Use in Cognitive Retraining Vocational Rehabilimtion and Employers 1984 National Support Center for Persons with Disabilities $1.25 P.O. Box 7150 National Head Injury Foundation Atlanta GA 30055 P.O. Bo c 567 404/238-3206 Framington MA 01701 A listing of resources related to microcomputer use by 6171819-7473 persons With diiabilities. rwerview and considerations for determining ;e of computer technology in cognitive Computer Technology for the Handicapped in Spr.cial :Oography with information on software, Education and Rehabilitation: Resource Gr de I and 42ions, articles, resources. ICCE (Interutional Council for ComputersV Education) University of Oregon -wet Applitationt for Speech--Language Services in 1787 Agate Street Eugene OR 97403 lang ';',1ndem,

SoftWare Selection, Evaluation and Organitati.:A Everybody's Terhnology: A Sharing of Ideas in Augmentative ICCE (International Council for Computers in Education) Communication University of Oregon Charlel Goris:Monis 1787 Agate Street Chart:se-mit EnV. Eugene, OR 97403 P.O. Box 419 Jean Talan Station Interactive Video in Special and General Ed: A Development Montreal; Quebec MS 2Z3 Manual ICCE (International Council for Computers in Education) Programming Equity into Comp.: 1r Education University of Oregon $9.95 1787 Agate Sire= Pitjett cifi Equal Education Rights Eugene, OR 97403 1413 K Street Washington, DC 20005 Indiana Assistive Device Resource Directory A kit tO evaluate the accessibility of computer resources Instructional Materials Center to disabled students, girls, minorities and low:income Indiana Department of Education students Box 100, BUtlei UniVersity Indianapolis IN 46208 Proceedings of the National Conference on Microcomputers 317/927-0219 in Special Education Directory to help Indiana service providers match those Hartford,Connecticut March 1983 needing assistance to peopte and product sources. CEC 5512 Resource/contact persons far non-vocal communication in 1920 Association Drive Indiana and a listing of the equipment they have are Reston, VA 22901 included. Microcomputers in Special Education: An Introduction to Instructional Applications Budoff, Milton Thormann 1985 $1995 This book introduces special education teachers and administrators to microcomputers and how they can be used in special education settings.


A-38 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Apiwndix it: Additional Sources of Information

Coinputer Technology for the Handicapped in Special Data Referral Network Education and Rehabilitation Mobility Special Servicex, Inc ICCE - International Council for Computers in Education 190 Sumner Street University of Oregon Boston, MA 02052 1787 Agate Street 617/891-8858 Eugene, OR 97403 Data Referral Network provides "one-stop shopping" for disabled individuals. (New York residents must call: Careers, Computers, and the Handicapped 80019624480, ext. 333) Michael Bender, Nancy Pin-Milburn, Lee Richmond Pro-Ed Governor's Advocacy Council for Persons with Disabilities 1318 Dale Street Suite 100 Orzanintions Rale.gli,_ NC 27605 919/733-9250 Education Turnkey Institute This organization is a resource center for disabled 256 N. Washinron Street persons in North Carolina. Falk -Church, VA 22046 703/536-2310 Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Library Provides information services and training on technology use in special education. Also conducts surveys of state Room 331 and local education associations for publishers and 20 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 developers; 6171727-1140 (voice and TDD) This library is dedkated exclusively to literature about Computer Users in Speech and Hearing (CUSH) disabled people Information about computers and School of Speech and Hearing Sciences adaptive devices is available free of charge to Ohio University handicapped people. Athens, OH 45701 614/594-6168 CUSH is an organization of speech pathologists and Fiat Dibi audiologists involved in the application of computer Disability Information Brokerage System Pa Box 1285 technOtogy in tht communication sciences. Information is exchanged through journals and a software lending Tucson, AZ 85702-12 library. 6021791=4393 A resource sharing network that provides a vide range of resources including information on new technological SEDL/Regional Rehabilitation Exchange developments regarding computers as well as 211 E 7th Street augmentative comnumication and rehabilitation devices. Austin, TX 78701 512/476-6861 This project identifies exemplary practices and National Center for Health Statistics programs. The core area is "High Technology 3700 East-West Highway Applictilions in the Vocational Rehabilitation Process." Hyattsville, MD 20782 Technical assistance in this area is provided. 301/436-8500

Fairfax County Public Schools Easter Seal Children's Center 10310 Layton Hall Drive 3161 Maple Drive, NE Fairfax, VA 22030 Atlanta, GA 30305 703/691-2186 404/261-6262 Resource center for technology for handicapped students Offers advice and training for computer use with pre- in piiblic scheols. Have explored computer applications school handicapped children. Includes diagnostic in the following areas: computer literacy, Citl, services for students regarding computers, peripherals communication assistance and vocational training. and appropriate software.

East Range Developmental Achievement Blissymbolics Communication Institute 800 A Avenue 350 Rumsey Road Eveleth, MN 55754 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4G 1R8 218/744-5130 416/424-3805 An exchange network for information on the use of Support cmd educational group involved in the design of microcomputers by persons with developmental compiler programs using Blissymbols. Resource center disabilities. for the use of Blissymbols. Distribute programs using Blissymbols for augmentative communication.


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-39 Appendix k. Additional Sourcel. of Information

Bureau ol Education for Exceptional Students Job Accommodation Network (JAN) Florida Bureau of Education for Exceptional Students Box 468 Knott Building MorgantoWn, WV 26505 Tallahassee, FL 32301 800/526-7234 914/488-4245 A :;ervice of thz President's Committee on Employment State Educate-, Agency providinghands-on training for of the Handicapped, operated by NIHR (National microcomputer use to _teachers and stwdents._ Acts as a Institrae of Handicapped Research) and RSA resource center for anyone wanting infornration (kekabilitation Services Adrninistration). Provides a free regarding technology and students with disabilities. information system for employers regarding job Modifications and accommodations. Includes equipment Acee:ta/Abilitiei Modification& site modifications, and redesign of job P.O. lEW1 458 functions to suit functional limitations. Mill Valley; CA 94942 4151388-3250 ERIC Clearinghouse_on Handicapped and Gifted Children AcceSSIAbilities maintains a data base of resources for The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) physiedly impaired individual& The data base contains 1920 Association Drive information on services, aids, and adaptive devices. The Rettbn, VA 22091 data is not yet electronically accessible. 703/620-3660 Disabled or gifted children; produces one database, Connecticut Special Education Resource Center ECER (reiearch and related literature), and offers HartfOrd Graduate Center searches Of the ERIC database; publishes fact sheets 275 Windsor Street and brief bibliographies on topics of current interest; Hartford, CA 06120 responds to information requests. 205/2641514 Offers inservice training on microcomputer use in special SECTOR Project education. Acts as a resource Center for computer Kim Allard, Director software, professional books, tests, and instrwctional UMC 68 materials. Runs an annual summer conference. Utah State University Logan, UT 84322 ABLENET 801/753-7973 Cerebral Patty Center Grim-Midway Building Center for Multisensory Learning 1821 University Avenue Linda De Lucchi St. Paul, MN 55104 La*rence Hall af Science 612/331-5958 University of California ABLENET provides information on technological devices Berkeley; CA 94720 and support services for children and adults with severe 415/642-8941 or profcnind disabilities. FDLRS/EAST National Organization on Disability (NOD) Eileen Pracek, Director 2100 Pennsylvania Avenue NW 1450 Martin Blvd. Suite 234 Merritt Island, FL 32952 Washington, DC 20037 202/293-5968 3051631-1921 202/293-5968 (TDD) NOD offers information and referral services to all Atsociation for Retarded Citizens (ARC) of the US handicapped individuals. The Prganization is community- Bioengineering Program based and supports a national network of disabled P.O. Box 6109 people working together for change. 2501 Avenue J Arlington, TX 76006 NIRE (National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering) 819/640-0204 97 Decker Road Technology for mentally retarded persons; Adapts Butler, NJ 07405 currently available assistive devices for use by retarded 201/$38-2500 persons; devetops new assistive devices when needed; This organization is an information and referral -center consolidates information on the use of technical aids into technology resource library. for disabled persons seeking rehabilitation with the help of tc..hnology.


A-40 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Computer Options NEISS 85 Market Street New England Institute of Sensory Scittnce Poughketplie, NY 12601 71 Plenant Street 914/471-2765 Worcester; MA 01609 Workshops, service and consultation to schools, facilities 617/791-4303 and individnals interested in using compeers with_ Information center on technology for people with irtdirapped ckldren. Quarterly newsletter (free) with hearing, visual; balance and touch disabilities. Also new products; unique applications, and more. Also has provides information on organizations and special Educational Software Catalog (free)SOO titles by services for people with sensory disabilities. subject area. HELPLINE National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials Pracon, Inc. (NCRTM) 10390 Democracy Lane Oklahoma State University Fairfax, VA 22030 115 Old USDA Building Prepares lists of assistive devices. Checklists distributed Stillwater, OK 74078 primarily to physicians' offices to be given to patients as Provides information on rehabilitation with primary needed. Lists are sent in response to the checklists emphasis on training materials for use by educators or received, with occasional further searches for special disabled persons or counselors. Publishes the NCIIRTM products. Free of charge, funded by Merck, Sharp, & Menuo (quarterly) to help disseminate information. Dohme.

Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute Mill Neck Foundation, Inc. Materials Development Center (MDC) P.O. Box 100 UniVertity of Wilcontin:Staut Mill Neck, NY -11765 MenbMonie, WI 54751 Telecommunication van designed as a mobile learning lab 715/232-1342 and demonstrationunit for TDDs. Travels in an Vocational evaluation and work adjustment; collects, interstate area in the northeastern region. develops, and disseminates information and materials on vocatiotud evedwaion and vk ad justment, including she Kinsmen Rehabilitation Fou'ation of British Columbia use of technology: 2256 west 12th Avenue Vancouver; British Columbia V6K 2N5 National Information Center on Deafness Information center on resources for persons with Gallaudet College disabilities. ICR1S database, soon to be available, will KO Florida Avenue NE include information on technology, organizations and Wahington, DC 20002 other resources. 202/651-5109 (voice/TDD) Deafness and hearing loss: centralized source of C-CAD (Center for Computer Assistance to the Disablcd) information on deafness; responds to inquiries from 2501 Avenue parents; professionals. and deaf individuals; Suite 1(X) dissernintles fact Meets, rcsow-ce listings, and '9:her Arlington, TX 76011 materia;r. 817/640-6613 Generates the donation of computers, peripherals, and Tech-Tapes software from commercial organizations for placement SuSan Elting (donation or on loan) to disabled clients: Maintains computer database of resources of information. 19?C? Assc..;:ttion Drive Considts and responds rrequests for information about Reston, 'IA 22091 special adaptations or i.- 5difications to computers for PXo"A .)=TECH use by the disabled. Series cf taped me.sso,Te.;; spiv. :al education technology. Tapes are 41.,c:!uhle 6 PM to 1 PM Monday- AIDLINE Friday. Staff willtr arid aand!e requests from I Associated Enterprise Development, Inc. PM to 6 P1.1 120 Admiral Cochrane Drive Annapolis, MD 21401 301/841-6920 Taped messages about technology for people with disability. Suspended, but group is looking for funding to continue project.

453 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-41 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

The Technial Resource Center Office of Special Education 1820 Richmond Road SW Apple Computer, Inc. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2T 5C7 20525 Mariani Avenue 4037229=7875 Cupertino, CA 95014 Does assessments arml provides tectuacal aids to help 408/9W1010 disabled persons better realize educational; vocational, Thrc:igh tks office, Apple works with key education, social and independent living potentials. Consults on the rehabilitation4 advocacy organizations nationwide to selection, operation, and application af aids. Equipment identify the computer-related needs of disabled is loaned for trial use arid assessment. Educates individuals and to assist in the development of responsive professionals. Maintains computerized library of programs. information. Arkansas Rehabilitation Research and Training Center in TASH (The Atiociation for the Severely Handimpped) Vocal Rehabilitation 1600 West Armory Way Publications Department Seattle, WA 98119 P.O. Box 1358 206/283-5055 Hot Springs, ..15.171902 Free description af research reports, reference materials, Personal Computet 0,1portunities for the Handicapped and training programs published by the Center. P.O. Box 374 Spicer, MN 56288 UNC Raciurces. Int 6121796-5765 3857 N. High Street This organization is dedicated to helping disabled Columbus, OH 43214 individuals acquire job skills and jobs with personal 614/263-5462 computers. A market linkage special education project, LINK receives Office of Sptcial Education Program productS, National Technology Center evaluates them for commercial and not-for-profit American Foundation for the Blind, Int. distribution potential, and assists developers in 15 West 16th Street marketing. Examptes: "We Are One," a video to increase New York,NY 10011 sensitivity between physirally handicapped and 212/620-2000 rwnhandicapped persons; "Education, Career The Center has three components: Nasional Technology Development drid the Physically Disabled:7h _Takes All Data Base; Evaluations; Research and Development. Pans," a mam:ill of activities for s:erely _disabled and Provides a resource for blind and visually impaired sensory impeared preschoolers; "Optacon Instruction persons and professionals who work with them. Manual For Childrenr "Yes; You Can! The Severely Communicatively Impaired Child in the Classrooni," NTID (National Technical Institute for the Deaf) including 14 videotapes and manual. 1 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester,NY 14623 Closing The Gap, Inc. 716/4764C10 P.O. Box 68 TNs organizasion of Ike US. Department of Education is 1.1tnderson, MN 56044 a resource center for technical education for deaf and 612/248=3294 hearing impaired people. National and regional conferences, workshops and training. Also operates a bookstore and publishes a Western Center for Microcomputers in Special Education newspaper dedicated to the latest in technology for 1259 El Cimino Real disabled people. &site 275 Menlo Park; CA 94025 DADA (DeSigning Aids for Disabled Adults) 415/32676997 1024 Dupont Street PUbliShei The Catalyst (Uarterly). Provides information Unit 5 on computer ce-i pher_rls for use by handicapped Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 2A2 416/631494 Helps to train disabled adults and health care professionals in the use of new and existirtechnology, researches and develops low-cost technical aids, runs workshops.

A-42 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

PJ-LLRS.T. LINK Assistive Device Information Network (Physicsny Handicapped Information Resource Service on Division of Developmental Disabilities TeChnology) University Hospital School Kitehener-Waterloo Services for the Physically Disabled Iowa City IA 52242 75 King Street South 319-5564 Suite 606 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 1P2 Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) 519485-4540 National Institute of Education Provieks physically disabled individuals with 551:X/ New Jersey Avenue, NW oppor amities for hands-on computer experience and Up- Washington, DC 20001 -dizte information bn computers and technical aids or 202/254-5500 (management) Education; collects and disseminates educational documents to teachers, administrators, rescatc;iers, AS.OSE (Nationai Association of State Directors of Special swims and wirer interested persons: Consists of 16 ion) clearinghouses located across the country, each 7:321 K Stir= NW inecializing in a particidar subject area related to

et'ngicT.1-, ;...1C20006 /1.196-1Ffr.* NARICNational Rehabili:ation Information Center 4407 Eight Street, NE Research and Deveit:pn.!,1t. Ccn:er on C. 'rrrounication; The Catholic University of America Control, And Compul r.i Acces,s Washington DC 20017 Rf!'print Dzpartrnr. a' 2021635-5826 Waiman Center 202/635 5884 (TDD) 1500 Highkaad Avenue 800134-NARIC Madison, WI 53705 NARIC is a rehabilitation information service research 608/2624966 library funded by tke National Institute of Handicapped Free listing of research reports and reference materials Research, U.S, Department of Education, to provide published by the center. access to N1HR and RSA (Rehabilitation Services Administration) funded reports and information on Special Education Software Center assistive devices; and to disseminate other rehabilitation Building B, Room S312 related information resources. NARIC has these 333 Ravenswood Avenue resources: REHAB DATA is a computerized listing of Menlo Park CA 94025 over 10,000 NIHR and RSA materials, selected reports 800/3274892 (software information) of journal articles, audiovisual materials, and 8001223-2711 (technical assistance) commercial publications. _REHAB DAT A's phone is 800/435-7639 (TTY) 2021635-5a2. ABLEDATA is a computerized listing of Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, Special over 10,000 commercially available aids for Education Programs, Division of Educational .!:er -ices rehabilitation and independent living; from simple to sophisticated (e.g.; personal care; seating; transportation; DATA Institute home management, etc.). To retrieve information, contact 4407 Eighth Street NE an information In-oker, or ABLEDATA a 2021635-6090. The Catholic University of America Custom database searches are a minimum of $1000 for Washingon, DC 20017 the first set of up to 100 citations, then $5.00 for each 202/635=5826 additional set of 100. Both are also available for direct D:ATA has an organIzational relationship with NARIC. public access through BRS (Bibliographic Retrieval It was formed to foster broad-based research; Services). For more information, contact BRS, Route I, educational programs, and other services related to the Latham, NY HO, phone 8001833407 (in New York, application of tecknology in rehabilitation and special 5181783-1161). educwion. D:ATA paliss documents and proauces a quarterly newsletterCurrent D:AT A: Rehabilitation Project Learning Programs, Inc. Research Reviews ($9.00 each) are a cooperative effi P.O. Box 2002 of N AR1C ela NCRE (National Council on Chico CA 95927 Rehabilitwion Edircation) and summarize research 916/893-4223 literature on key topics in rehabilitation (e.g., Computers and Vocational _Education: Current Trends and Future Applications; Computer A, cess and Applications for Career Counseling,- etc.

Resource Book 3: &oftware and Hardware A-43 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

PSI-TECH Program Center for Special Education Technology Concepts for Independent Living Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Operations Center 1920 Association Drive 2203 Airport Way South Reston VA 22091 Suite 310 703/620-3660 &eattle WA 98134 300/34TECH 206/343-0670 A part of the National titillative On Technatogy anti the Division for Disorders of Development and Learning Disabled, a program in which the Reagan administrwion University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invited aerospace companies to apply the space program BiologicSciences Research Center 220 H technotogical know-how to the needs of the disabled. Chard Hill NC 27514 Operates Tech-Net (see Networks.) 919/9r 5171 I vlic) Indiana Department of Educc Instructional Materials Center/Handicapped Exceptic,.. c:chnology Box UM 9220 SW 52 Terrace Butler University Miami FL 33165 Indianapolis IN 46208 305/274=3501 317/927-0392 317/927-0219 MECC (Minnesota Educational Compiting Consortium) Missouri LINC 3490 Lexington Avenue North Assistive Devices Service St. Paul, MN 55112 609 Maryland 612/638-0627 Columbia MO 65211 800/392-0533 TAM 314/882-2733 (in Missouri) (Technology and Mcdia for Eiceptional Individuals) Provides information,technical assistance,inservice, and Institute for the Study of Eikei;tional Children materials pertaining to vocational education for Department of Special Education Individuals experiencing handicaps. The Assistive DP e University of Maryland Service provides information on adaptive equipment College Park MD 20742 (computer access, switching devices, communication aids, low-cost adaptations) for persons with handicaps in DCCG Resource Center Missouri. (Disabled Children Computer Group) Fairmont School PAM Physically Impaired Association 724 Kearney Street Assistance Center El Cervito CA 94530 601 W. Mapk 415/528-DCCG Lansing MI 43906 800/426-7426 Project M.U.S.E. 517/371:5897 (in Michigan) (Microcomputer Use in Special Education) Provides information and technical assistance to 27 Horrabin Hall disabled individuals and service providers in the Western Illinois University selection, development or adaptat',7n of devices. Macomb IL 61455 Project Threshokl Rancho Los Amigos Hospital National Information Center for Handicapped Children and Youth 7601 East Imperial Highway P.O. Boi 1492 500 HUT Washington DC 20013 Downey CA 90242 703/522-3332 213/922-8116 Prepares News Digest, Transition Summary, and fact sheets. Responds to information requests and provides JWK International Corporation names of local resources. Prbject EDUTECH, Log P 7616 Little River Turnpike Annandale; VA 22003 804/750-0500


411=11=KOZZ- A-44 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Trace Research and Development Center on Communialtion, Control, and Computer Access for Handicapped Individuals 1500 Highland Avenue 5-151 Waisman Center Madison WI 53705 608/2624966 6081263-5408 (Information Resources)

CITH (Center for lanovation in Teaching the Handicapped) Indiana University 2805 Eat 10th Street Rciom 150 Bloomington IL 47405 812/335-5847 A research and information center for new teaching materials in special education.

Sector Project Special Education Communication Technology On-Line Resource 'IMC 68 Jtah State University ,..ogan, UT 84322 8011753-7973 8011750F2087 A compwerized listing of special education resources and reviews of Computer Assisted Instruction materials.

Compute Able Network Kevin Mills, Dennis Kviz P.O. Ebt 1706 Portland OR 97207 503/644-2940 Non-prafit organization; provides information, &dining, problem-solving sessions, individual consultations, field testing, market research, conferences, vendor training.


Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware t-45 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Selected Bibliography of Videotapes on Augmentative Communication and Computer Access for Handicapped Individuals

Prepared for the Trace Resource Book Series by Beverly Vicker Indiana University DcvelOpmental Training Center 2853 E. 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47405

A special thanks must be extended to the people who Lee Kweller's Ba; Mitzvah provided information to help expedite this project. In CNN/TV arid NBC particular, the contributions af Gregg Vanderheiden and 1985 Sara Brandenburg from the Trace C-riter, Judy VHS, 3/4"; 10 minutes Montgomery from FouniWn Valley School District, and Artificial Language Laboratory S'ally Blackstone from ASH A must be acknowledged. 405 Computer Center Thanks must also be given to Henry Schroeder, the East Laming, MI 48824-1042 director of the Developmental Training Center, for his This tape consists of several short clips of tapes that support for this project. appeared on the above listed TV networks. The tapes include an interview with Lee and his mother, and shows All of the tapes listed in this bibliography have not been him using his voice output communication device at his personally reviewed; so the information in the abstract Bar Mitzvah. reflects, in many cases, a description of content by the producing organization. Much of the information was PM Magazine's "Jim Brooks" gathered through telephone contacts. PM Magazine 1981 An apology is extended to any individual or organization VHS; 3/4"; 5 minutes whose video production(s)were overlooked and Artificial Language Laboratory subsequently not fisted. Please send me the appropriate 405 Computer Center information; and I'll include it at the time of a East Lansing, MI 48824-1042 subsequent revision. This tape segment shows an interview with Jim Brooks, who was a client at the Artificial Language Laboratory. ID #VT-3 The tape is available as a separate tape or on Prentke Romich Company combination tape with "Finding a Voice" and "A Gift for VHS; 55 minutes Serena." Prentke Rottlidi Company 1022 Heyl Road Minspeak Wooster, OH 44691 Council for Exceptional Children 2l612621984 1984 The tape contains three_segme7t.- with Barry Rornic); I) VHS; 17 minutes Considerations for selectins :he most appropriate Prentke Romich Company communication aid (discusvs ,Aultiple considerations 1022 Heyl Road influent-int the final selection_of the most appropriat, Wooster, OH 43691 communicationaidfor specific- useri ri), 2) Light TalCr 2161262-1984 and Touch Talker Communication Systems (provides an Bruce Baker, the linguist who developed Mins peak, is overview Of these two systems and compares and traerviewed aboia the conceptual development of it. (On contrast-access means, saftware, ana mod, lar tape with VT-I wig: the Lainey System and "A Special capdlilities), and 3) Light raihy__Selection Techniques Magic." (discussesstandard selection techniques available in the Light Talker ComMunication Aid). 458

A46 Resource Book 3 : Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional &ources of Information farlfM/I.

SymbolE. Bilingual Augmentative Communication by d CerebrAl Blissyml*olics Communication Institute Palsied Adolescent VHS 5 minutes Brown Center for Altertwivr Communication and Lauren Productions Environmental Control 56 Shaftsbury Avenue 1984 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4T 1A3 3/4"; 12 minutes. This animated video demonstrates the usage of Research Dissemination, Ecluc,tion and Training Blissymbols for preschoolers. Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago 345 E. Superior Street Lainey Chlugo; IL 60611 University of Tennessee 312/908/6184 1985 Can also be available in 112" format with sufficient VHS; 13 1/2 minutes advance notice. This videotape focuses on a unique Prentke Romich Company solution to a cerebral palsied adolescent's need and 1022 Heyl Road desire to communicate to his friends in Spanish as well as Wooster; OH 44691 in English via his newly acquired electronic 216/262-1984 communicasion device with synthesized speech. lt The tape shows an integrated system of technical aids in encompasses not only _the evaluation and selection tiw areas of comnwnication; computer access and procedure for use and prescription af the communication mobility. The system is in use by_Lainey Marty, a sixteen- system, but also the hierarchy involved in the training year-old public sckool stUdent. On tape VT--1 with "A stages. Special Magic" and Bruce Baker on Minspeak. Tape also available in 314" or 1/2" rape from University of Alternatives for the Speechless: Communication in a Multi- Tennessee Rehabilitation Department, 682 Court Avenue, Handicapped Setting. Memphis TN 38163. Mary Blake Huer and Janice Williams 3/4 or VHS 1/2"; 20 minutes. Send blank VHS and $10.00 Disabled Access to Technological Advances Mary Blake Huer Access to Independence, Inc. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 1986 Department of Communication Disorders, Roseman 1020 VHS, Beta; 23 minutes Whitewater, WI 53190 Access to Independence, Inc. 414/472-1485 1954 East Washington Avenue A videotape presented at the 1980 ASH A convention. Madison; WI 53704 Black-and-white taped segments of 6 individuals using 608/251-7575 Bliss symbols, signs, hand pointing, eyegaze, typing, and Thisvideotape shows how computer technology can be light beam pointer for communication. used to enhance employment options in a variety of fields for persons with severe physical disabilities. A Special Magic Featured are three people using computer technology to University of Tennessee Rehabilitation Engineering Centcr help achieve their employment vials; a counselor using 1979 computer retraining drills and training in word VH 20 minutes. processing; a planner using a lap computer with a speech Prentke Romich Company synthesizer for communication and as a keyboard 1022 Heyl Road emulator to access the Office compute, ; a law student Wooster, OH 44691 describing how word processing and access to legal 216/262-1984 databases will make him more productive. or from the REC at Memphis, 682 Court, Memphis TN 38163, 901/528-6445. Eye Scan This tape shows Lainey Martz from the videotape Artificial Language Laboratory "Layiey" as a nine-year-old. The central theme of the 1984 tape involves an introduction to the field of rehabilitation VHS, 3/4"; 30 minutes engineering. Artificial Language Laboratory 405 Computer Center East Lansing, MI 48824:1042 This video documents the evaluation of a 6-year-old using an eye scanning device.

Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-47 Appendix A.Additional Sources of Information

A cat for Serena Talk Is No: a Fonr-Letter Word WDIV TV, Detroit Sally Bl. 7kstone and Lucinda Cassatt-Jones 1982 1986 VHS; 3/4"; 20 minute VHS, 3/4"; 16 minute Artificial Language Laboratory Publications Department 405 C6mputer Center American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Eut Lansing. MI 48824-1042 10801 Rockville Pike rhis tape documents the searchof a family for a RcickVille, MD 20852 coMinunication enhancement system for 9-year-old 301/897-5700 Serena. John Eidenberg describes the various This video presents an overview of the area of approacfras taken al the Artificial Language Laboratory augmentative communication and illustrates the diversity to help provide Serena with an augmentative means for Of individifedi With Severe expressive communication communication. The tape is available separately or on a disorders; and the variety Of techniqueS, strategies and combination tape with "Find ;g a Voice," and PM aids used to circumvent the communication problem. An Magazine's segment on Jim Brooks. initructional guide is also included.

Access System for Augmentative Communication Apple Computer, Inc. Elaine Heated and Barbara Strohback 10 minutes 45 secondx free loan VHS, Beta, 3/4"; 57 minutes Apple Computer, Inc. Purchase only: Office of Special Education VTI (Voice Tapes, Inc.) 20525 Mariani Avenue The target &faience fOr this tape, which includes a Cupertino, CA 95014 packet of discussion witerials, includes pre-service 408/996-1010 students and professionals with minimal exposure to this A demonstrtion of how computers are affecting the lives area. The content includes a discussion of systems for of d;sabled children and adults aagirfentative written and spot communkation as well as a discussion of low technology systems and a To Say I Am philosophical overview of concepts involved in Kpc-,E TV; Judy Montgomery, Consultant augmentative programming. 1980 VHS, Betamax; 3/4"; 30 minutes Personal Computing. Help for the HandicappedThe National Lawren Productions, Inc. Fair P.O. Mit 666 Paul Hazan Mendocino, CA 95460 1981 This_tape originally aired on PLS stwions as a general Betainair, 9:41 minutes public awareness tape. It includeza 20-page viewers Paul Hazan guide. It presents introductory information about Johns Hopkim University asmssnrent and programming, and depicts some Applied Physics Laboratory augmentative communication devices such as the ZYGO Johns Hopkins Roa.i 100, The tape was made at Plavan School, Anaheim, Lintel, MD 20810 California. 301/953-7100 This is a videotape of the 1981 Johns Hopkins University To Be Like Anyone Else National Fair. The tape includes demonstration ofan Crippled Children's Hospital and South Dakota Dept. of eyaracker communication system, &pocket Education telecommircator for the deaf, LipReader/Trainer 1984 program package; a reading mackne for the blind and VHS, 3/4"; 29 minutes dyslexic, a motor handicapped support system; programs Speech Department for the learning disabled, Microbraille system (a Crippled Children's Hospital and Scha sot ware program). 2501 West 26th Street Sioux Falli, SD 57105 This video densonstrates the usage of augmentative communication devices by nuiltiply handicapped children in a va-iety of real-life situations.

4 60 A-48 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Personal Computinic Help for the Handicapped Gerald GoldbergOptical Headpointer Paul Hazan 3/4", VHS, Betamax 22 minutes 1%1 General Accounting Office 3/4", VHS, &tams: 4410 Street NW Paul Hazan Room 5741 Johas Hopkins University Washington, DC 20548 Applied Physics Laboratory 2021275-3597 Johns Hopkins Road This videotape illustrates the long range optical pointer Laurel; MD 20810 developed at the Trace R&D Center in use by Gerry 3011953-7100 Goldberg, who has muscidar dystrophy. This captioned tape oialines the poteruials of the microcomputer to aid blind, deaf, and physically Dependence to Independence disabled individuals in everyday situations. A brief Elaine Trefler, University of Tennessee Rehabilitation review of microcomputer uses is presented. Engineering 19$6 Now I Can Speak VHS, Ma, 3/4"; 15 minutes Bliasymbolics Communication Institute Association for Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology 1981 (RESNA) VHS, Beta; 20 minutes Suite 703 Lauren Pr&luctions 1101 Connecticut Avenue NW 56 Shaftsbury Avenue Washington, DC 20036 Toronto; Ontario; Canada M4T 1A3 - 2021857-1199 The videotape shows the versatility af communication and This videotape presents a broader view of rehabilitation interaction styles of adults and children who use Bliss techtiology as it applies to communication, etc. An symbols: Fow-teen different variations of use are shown, overview of nation-wide research projects ond .vervice i.e., use of eye gaze, use with signing, etc. related issues are presented.

Mr. Symbol Man From Silence to Solist Canadian Broadcasting System Consultant, Shirley 1982 McNaughton) VHS; 3/4"; 27 minutes 1975 Media Resource Center VHS, Beta; 60 minutes Meyers Children's Rehabilitation Institute National Film Board 444 S 44th Street 1257 Avenue of the Americas Omaha; NE 68131 New York; NY 10020 402/559-7467 Also from: Benchmark Films, Inc. This videotape follows the development of P.O. BOX 315 communication skills, both oral speech and augmentative Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 skills; of a boy from age 4 to age ll. The tape The video describes the life and work of Charles K. Bliss. demonstrates for parents, etc., that the use of It also shows segments demonstrating Bliss symbol users augmentative devices, ru:ther manudl communicattt during the early stages of the Ontario Crippled boards nor electronic devices, prevent the child PI 1 Children's Centre Project. developing oral speech skills that are possible wham me parameters of his neurological abilities. Hullaballo at High Rock Crippled Children's School and Hospital Finding a Voice 1986 Noa Series VHS, 314"; 12 minutes 1982 Speech Department 3/4", VHS; Betamal; 60 minutes Crippled Children's Hospital and School Time-Life Videos 2501 West 26th Street WGBH Educational Foundation Sioux Falls, SD 57105 100 Eisenhower Drive This videotape demonstrates the creative process of Paramis; NJ_ 07652 producing a play by communication handicapped This tape shows several augmentative system users. The children u.sing augmentative devices. The tape shows the focus of this tape is on the development of one system studerus and interviews with the various service staff who for an individual, and a demonstration of it. A were involved in the process. description of other systems is presented, as well as an interview with John Eulenberg.

Resource Book 3: &oftware and Hardware A-49 Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

BreakThru A Voice Within Blissymbolics Communication Institute Judy Montgomery and Sallie Dashiell 1981 1987 VH% 50 minute VHS; 8 minutes Lauren Productions Lawren Productions 56 Shaftsbury Avenue P.O. Box 666 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4T 1A3 Mendocino; CA 95460 This video documents the lives of three nonspeaking This videotape shows a representative sample of the wide persons within the context of their fam1lies andlor range Of augmentative systems that can be used in public residentialleducational facility. Although all three school programs to facilitate academic and interaction peopte (a 9-year-old, an 18-year-old, and a 30-year-old) tasks for nonspeaking children age three to 22 years. The use Blissymbols this is incidental to the thrust of the videotape will be available in February of 1987. videotape: Computer Access for Disabled Individuals Augmentative Crrnmunication Training: Action Modules Trace R&D Center VHS, Beta, 3/4"; 20-30 minutes 1986 1987 VHS; 16 minuteg $15.00 Dr: Albert Caik Trace R&D Ccntcr California Statc University S-151 Waisman Center Anistive Device Center, 6000 J Street 1500 Highland Avenue crarnento, CA 95819 Madison, WI 5 705 916/278-6422 608/262--6966 This will be commercially available by the fall of 1987; Thisiopen captioned videotape demonstrateS nit-rent the disteibutor has not yet been identified. A companion computer access techniques for physically disabled, syllabus will accompany each Of the six tapes in this blind, and visually impaired individuals-. The impact of series: The tapes will co,er the topic of an overview of the ability to use computers and the importance of the field of augmeruative and alternative communication, ensuring easy access to future computer systems is evaluation of physical; cognitive; and language abilities, discussed: Prepared for the NIIMOSERS Initiative on decision-making, i.e., achieving an interface between needs Comi-Atter Access. and abilities, different types of options, and training clients to use a system. Computer Programmer Training for the Handicapped T0')DCOMP Aaron 1919, 1983 Trace Center VHS, Betamax, 3/4"; 24 minutcs 1984 Dr. Wilson AESIR Software Engineering TODDCOMP P.O. Box 5383 University of Missouri Extension Riverdale, CA 93650 Attitudinal barriers, however, need to be changed, according Jacrgte line Able, direct,of Speech Pathology at St. to thc text; so that thc disabled can have appropriate Agnes Hospital,Fresuo, ;alifornia, discusses different opportunities for education and employment! needs foraugmentative communication systems within the 3141449-3481 hospital for both short-term and long-term patients. This tape is directed w business and industry employers, Sieve Able, a sOftware engineer for Aesir saftware demonstrating the qualifications of the disabled in the engineering; demonstrates the Aaron software r.str;1, area of computer programming. lt analyzes several which runs on an IBMIPC and presents a scanWri: training programs from candidate selection to job keyboard screen. The user must be able to control a placement, emphasizing the goal of independence for the SWitch: the program "learns" from past experience (i.e., disabled. use'. 1,:iguage style). The software package is $350.00 Feeling Free $75.00/tape to purchase, $25.00 to rent NCHRTM Oklahoma State University 115 Old USDA Building Stillwater, OK 74078 405/624-7650 6 112-videotapes to help others share 'he lives and feelings of handicapped children. Originally shown on public television. 4 2

A-50 Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information =MIN [11.....11Ws. 111,11161, MAIM .

Videot4pes Available from IBM IBM Stxcial _Education Programs 1300 Rockville Pike Rockville 2ike, MD 20.352 301,197:385; At My.Ftngertips (Telesensory Systems, :nc.); Equal to the Task (Telesensoty Systerr,.; Inc.); Ilere I Am: The International Games for the D:.,abled; IBM; Writing to Read; 1984 Easter Seal Computer Camp; Visualtek Ptoduzt Demonstration Video

Auttie Education Program Videotape vr VHS; $49.95 ASIEP Education Company P.O. BOX 12147 Portland; OR 97212 5031236-1317 A 25-minute color vieeotape shOlWing how to teach_ nonverbal students using a communication focused langucge curriculum Includes how to teach sign use, sign-speech procedures; how to teach sign and sound pairing, how to teach speech initiation, and hoW to use peer tutors.

Oh Uy What They See: An Introduction w Indirect Language Stimulation Techniques 112" VHS, 112" Beta, 3/4"; $295.00 ASIEP Education Company PO. Box 12147 Portland, OR 97212 503/2..W1317 Anhtration and adultIckld interactions are used to explain and demonstrate indirect language stimulation techniques. Model training sessions show staff. parents, and adult caregivers how to incorporate techniques with daily routines. A viewer's guide reviews each language development technique demonstrated in the videotape.


Resource Book 3: Software and Har vare A-51 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Service Centers

No recommendations or endorsements are implied by inclusion on this listContact each resource for more specific and up-to-date information.

A labimi Blissymbolics Resource Center Melvin S. Cohen, Ph.D., Director Communication Habilitation Service Department of Speech & Language Development Pam Elder; MA CCC Loma Linda University Medical Center 201 Sleepy Hollow Circle Lorna Linda CA 92354 Birmingham AL 35216 714/824-4401 2051871-2766 Casa Colina Hospital Non-Oral Communication Program Arizona Charles Johnson, MA, CCC 255 East Bonita Avenue Cerebral Pair,' Foundation of South Arizona PornbnaCA 91767 4710 E. 29th DAC W. 717/593-7521 Tucson; Arizon-a 85711 602/747-6809 Children's Hospital & Health Center Involves basic remediation and rehat:litation, vocational Speech, Hearing & NetirOr;enSory Center tOurts-elliii_g and research on the use of technology with Chris Hagen, PhD.; Director individuals with severe and profound handicaps. Speech-Language Pathology Depar 8001 Fiat Street The SPEAC Center San Diego CA 92123 Mary Christen, MA 6191576-5837 63136 North Seventh Street Phoenix AZ 85014 Children's Hospital at StanfOrd 602/263-0770 Rehabilitation Engineering Center Margaret R. Barker, MS Arizona Training Program 520 Willa* Road Susan Neidliner Palo Alto CA 94304 Auxiliary Communication Assessment 4151327-4800 eat 345 3727 Eatt McDowall Road Phoenix AZ 850'..'S UCLA Intervention PrOgrain 602/275-7821, ext. 348 Dr. Judy Howard, Mediczl Director 23-10 Rehabilitation Center Children's Achievement Center for Developmental Delays KM Veteran Avenue 3825 East Second Street Los Angeles CA 90024 Tucson AZ 85716 2131825-4821 602/325-1517 Glendale Adventist Hospital California Beth Pioli, Director Non-Speech Communication Program Assistive Device Center, California State University- 1509 Wilkie Terrace Sattarriento Glendale CA 91026 Colette aieman, PhD, Co-Director 818/240-8000, eat 416 Albert M. Cook, PhD; Co-Director 6000 "J" Street Sacramento CA 95819 916/454-6422


A-52 Resource Rook 3: Software and Hardware Appendix k. Additional Sources of Information

Fitzsimmons Army Hospital Ncki:Oril Communication Center East Colfax Avenue JUdy Mont/ornery, MA, CCC Aurora,_ CO 80045-5001 9675 Warner Avenue 203736141241 Fountain Valley CA 92708 Poudre Valley Hotpital 7141964-2014 1024 Lemay Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80024 Non-Verbal Assessment Program 303/482-4111 Sally Cckik, ktA, CCC, Teacher Coordinator Les Angeles Unified School District Connecticut do Widney High School 2302 South Gramerey_Place Newington Children 'a Hospital Los Anse lei CA 90018 Lynn Graff, Speech and Hearing 213/732-1976 181 East Cedar Street Newington, CT 06111 Nciethridge Hospital Medical Center 203/667-5200 Gail L Pickering, Program COordinator Innovative Communications Aids for the Non Verbal (ICAN) Connecticut Center for the Non-Vocal 183200 Rosco Boulevard leis Fishman Northridge, CA 91328 130 Hunting Street 818/8858500 Bridgeport, CT 06606 203/334-2118 Rancho LOS Amigos Hospital Frank DeRuyder, Ph.D., Director District of Columbia Communication Disorders Department 7601 East Imperial Highway Communication Aids Education Software DOWney, CA 90242 Susan A. Brummell, MS. 213/922-7682 Speech & Lingnage Pathologist 3177 18th StreeN.W. White Memorial Medical Center Washington, DC 20010 1720 Brooklyn Avenue 462-1187 Los Angeles, CA 90033-2481 202/899-5891 (Messages) 213/922-7682 Florida SDSU Asstive Device Assessment Program Clinical Training Center Florida Diagnostic Learning Resources Services FDLRS) College of Human Services 9220 SW 52 Terrace Safi DiegO State University Miami; FL 33165 San Diego; CA 92182-0446 305/274-3$01 619;265-6121 Offeri diathoities for CoMpUter compatibility for disabled people, inservice training, computer information Non-Oral Communication Services: Community Based Service resources; as well as software and hardware evaluation. 294 Carl, #16 San rrancisco, CA 9411'7 The Communication System Evaluation Center 415/664-2274 Edythe F. Finkley, Evaluation Team Leader &andra Osborn, Senior Presentor COW-a& P.O. Box 271 Orlando, FL 32802 Rocky Mountain Regional Center 305/423:9212 Boulder Memorial Hospital 305/422-3200, ext. 692 311 Mapleton Boulder, CO 80302 illineis 303/441-0461 Du Page &titer Seal Treatment Center, Inc. 830 S. Addison Villa Park; IL 60181 312/620-4433 The center specializes in the use of personal computers in therapy.

4 65

Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware A-53 Appendix k Additional Sources of Information

Alan J. Brown Center for Alternative Communication & Kansas Environmental Control Jerri Voda, MS, CCC-SP Institute of Logopedics Augmentative Communication Program Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago 2400 Jardine Drive 345 East Superior Street Wichita, KS 67219 Chlogo; IL 60611 316/262-8271 312/908-2556 800/835-1043

Gottfreid Speech Pusociation Kentucky Ann B. Kanter; MA, CCC-Sp Center for Non-speech Communication Redwood School and Rehabilitation Center 1535 Lake Look :load Debra Maly, MA, CCC, Speech Dept Head Northbrook, IL 60062 71 Orphanage Road 312)564-9230 Fort Mitchell, KY 41017 606/331-0880 State of Illinois Lee Ann Vicars Maryland Anna Mental Health and Development Center Rehabilitation Services United Cerebral Palsy of Central Maryland 1000 North Main Street Noreen Rysticken Anna, IL 63906 Non-Vocal Communication 618/833-5161 Derry Preschool 18 Delrey Avenue Center for Communication Disorders Ltd. Catonsville, MD 21228 18019 Dixie Highway 301/744-3151 HomeWood, IL 60430 312/7997520 Maryland Rehabilitation Center 2301 Argonne Drive Indiana Baltimore, MD 21218 301/366-8800 Rehabilitation Technology 301/366-6608 (TTY) Larry Whitehead 615 North Mialigan Street Kennedy Institute South Bend, IN 46601 Sally Blackstone, PhD. 219/284-7134 707 North Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205 Fort_Wayne State Hospital & Training Center 301/522-5450 Pat Jonaltis Speech and Hearing Department Massachusetts 4900 St Joe Road Ft. Wayne, IN 46815 Adaptive Computer Technology Center 219/485-7554, ext. 647 Kennedy Memorial Hosrital 30 Warren Street Porter County Special Education Coop Brighton, MA 02135 Neil Carpenter 617/254-3800 750 Ransom Road Utilizes and provides instruction in the use of computer- Valparaiso, IN 46383 based technotogy to enhance learning, leisure, 219/464-9607 communication, prevocational skill development, independent living, and environmental control. Memorial Hospital Mark Russel Children's Hospital Medical Center Assistive Device Resource Center Howard Shane, Ph.D. ,15 North Michigan Communication Enhancement Clinic h Bend; IN 46601 300 L-ongwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 2191284-7134 617/735-6466

4 n 6

Resource Book 3: Software and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Massachmettx Hospital School Minnesota Carol Sargent, OTR/L Adaptive Equipment Sister Kenny Institute nton, MA 02021 800 E. 28th Street at Chicago Avenue 617/828-2440 Minneapolis, MN 55407 612/874-4175 Non-Vocl Commurxi...-ation Resource C.-r (NVCRC) This organization uses computer programs to provide Ellen Kravitz language and cognitive therapy to adults with neurologic Speech and Hearing Department injuries. Fernald State School Box 158 United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota, Inc. Belmont, MA 02178 223 So Griggs-Midway Building 617/894-3600, ext 2352 or 2285 1821 University Avolue St. Paul, MN 55104 Speech, hearing, Language 6121646-7588 New England Medical Center No evaluations, but operates a loan bank of 181 Harrison Avenue communication equipment for p;ofessionals in the area to Boston, MA 02110 allow assessment of the approp-Futeness of a device for 617/956-5300 a client.

New England Medical Center, Inc. Cambridge Area Developmental Rehabilitation and Dr. Bruce Gans Education (CADRE) Special Equipment Clinic 430 N.W. Eighth Street 171 Harrison Avenue Cambridge, MN 55008 Boston, MA 02111 612/689=4466 (afternoons) 617/956-5625 Courage Center Michign Bill Margolis 3915 Golden Valley Road Golden Valley, MN 55422 Oakland Schools Learning As.essment Clinic Ina Kirsten, Commuuicztio71 Cceso Itant/Clinician 6121588-0811 Communication Enhancr.mcni Center 2100 Pontiac Lake Road Pontiac, MI 48054 313/858-1901 Living Systemk/ITD 2160 S Lamar Jackson County Intermediate School District Oxford, Mississippi 38655 Dianne Taulbee, Supervisor 601/234-0158 :,700 Browns Lake Road Has a microcomputer laboratory equipped to evaluate P.O. Box 1160 and to develop hardware and software which will Jackson, MI 49201 provide capability to disabled individuals. 517/787-2800 Missouri Communication Enrichment Resource Center (CERC) Leonard Reznierski, Ph.D. Jewish Hospital Northville Public Schools Occupational Therapy Department 501 West Main Street 216 5 Kings Highway Northville; MI 48167 St. Louis, MO 63110 314/454-7752 313/349-3400, ext. 277 Using microcomputer technology, the Jewish Hospital offers complete assessment and treatment for disabled Mott Children's Health Center people. Teaches microcomputer use as a tool for Joan Todoroff rehabilitation as well as for vocational training. 806 Weit 6th Avenue Flint, MI 4850: 313/767-5750


Resource Bcfok 1 Software and Hardware A-55 Appendix A: A.!-.7itional Sources of Information P,Aramiar

Nebraska Carol Cohen, Director Schneier Communication Unit Barkley Memoriid Ceraer 1603 Court Street University of Nebratka-Lincolo Syracuse, NY 13208 42nd and Holdrege 315/455-5726 Lincoln, NE 68583-0731 4021472-5459 Non-Vocal Communication Group of Greater New York Arlene Kraat New Jersey Queen's College 1940 Parsons Boulevar0 Cerebral Palsy Association of Middleszx County Whitestone, NY 11257 Travis M. Tallman, CCC-Sp 718/520-7000 t ctor, Spc:,-ch Pathology 718/670-4222 Roosevelt Pae. Oak Drive Rochester Institute ofTechnology Edison, Nj 08837 The Office of Special Services 1 Lomb Memorial Drive Children's Seashore House P.0.Box 9887 Joan Brune, MS, CCC Rochester, NY 14623-0887 4100 Atlantic Avenuit 716/475-2832 1 O. Box 4111 Atlantic City, NJ 08404 North Carolina C.1%1345-5191 Division of Disordersof Development and Learning Children's Specialized Hospital Patricia Porter Kim Jolie, MA, CCC-SP University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Augmentative Communication Services Biological Science Research #220H 33 New Providence Road Chapel Hill, NC 44691 Westfield-Mountainside, NJ 07091 919/262-1984 201/233-3720 phi() New-Mexico Rehabilitation Institute of Ohio Clinical Microcomputer Laboratory Miami 'falley Hospital GarY Riiihakoff One Wyoming Street Depacanent of Speee, Dayton; Oh 45499 New Mexico State University 513/220-2063 Las Cruces, NM 88003 The uses co;nputers to help brain injured individuats r.lake maximum use of their abilities. Focus is New York on cognitive riAl linguistic retraining using microcomputers as therapeutic tools. John A. Coleman School New York Foundling Hospital Prentke Romich Ccmpany 1175 Third Avenue 1022 Hey! Road New York, NY 10032 Wooster, OH 44691 212/472-3322; ext. 629 216/262-1984 The School uses computers daily with multiply handicapped children (ages 1-10) to achieve a variety of OreitOn basic educational goals. Gooil Umaritan Hospital The Burke Rehabilitation Center Margaret Rnssitano, MA 785 Mamaroneck Avenue 1015 N.W. 22nd Avenue White Plains, NY I''405 Portland, OR 97210 914/9480050 503/229-7711 Cerebral Palsy Center


A-56 Resource Book 3 Software and Hardware Appendix k Additional &ources of Information

PettrtvIvania Children's Orthopedic Hospital and Medical Center Marny Isaman Special Edu and Aiiistive Device Center Communicative Ditsorders Mary /lady 4800 Sand Point Way N.E. Elizabethtown Rehabilitation Hospital Seattle, WA 98105 Elizabethtown, PA 17022 206/536-2191 717/367-1161; ext. 315 University of Washington Hospital 5outh Dakota Communication Augmentation Center BB 919 Health Scier.ces Building RI-30 Yankton Area Adjustment Training Center Seattle; WA 98195 939 W. 23rd Street 206/543-3674 Yankton, SD 57078 605/665-2518 Wiscunsin Provides computer-assisieJ learning on the Apre Ile for area special education stuZents. Focus inclides job Communication Aids and Systems Clinic skills; job readiness skills, math skills, time and money Donna De Pape skills, pedestrian safet.), and 1;?...1iv.ui, S-120 Waisman Center 1500 Highland Avenue Crippled Children's Hospital and School Madison, WI 5.005 2501 West 26th Street 608/263-.1522 Siout Fallt, SD 57105 60513364840 Trace Center Commun:,.?uor. Developmeni Program Sara Brandenburg Tennessee S-157 Waisman Center 1500 Highland Avenue University of Tennessee Madison, WI 53705 Elaine Trefler, OTR 6081263-5697 Rehabilitation Engineering Center 682 Court Avenue Curative Rehabilita:ion Centet Memphis, TN 3R163 1000 Mirth 92nd Strutt 901/528-6445 Wauwatosa, WI 53226 414/259-1414 Toms Canada Callier Center for Communication Disorders Delva Culp Technical Rmurct ter 1966 Inwood Road 1820 Richmond Rote S Dallas, TX 75235 Calgary, A!ber,z T2T 5C7 214/783--3033 403/229.7875 Provides informaiion and one-month loan of devices in Education Service Cen, Region 20 the areas of adaptive toys, communicat4, .4ids, daily Dennis Dildy living aids, inventory control and microcomputers. It Community Based Services offers assessment and consultation. 1314 Hines Avenue San Antonio, TX 78208 Sunny Hill Hospital for Children 512/271-7611 3644 Slocan Street Vancouver, British Columbia V5M 3E8 Washineton 604/434-1331 Offers assessment and traitUng of physically disabled children for access to microcomputers for education, Gordon R. Hauck SehbOl recreation, and communication. Lake Wnhington School District 11133 N.W. 65th Kirkland, WA 98033 Bloorview Children's Hospital 25 Buchan Court 204/822-9588 Willowdale, Ontario, Canada M2I 4S9 416/494-2222

Resource Wook 3: &oftware and Hardware A-57 Appendix k ::;ional Sources of Information SUWON,

The Hugh MacMillan Medical Centre Penny Parnes, Director 350 Rumsey Road Toronto, Ontario WIG 1R8 416/425--6220

The Kinsman Reh4hilitation I-jundation Technical Aids Program 2256 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia V6K 2N5 112-800-663-1555

Corm Road Hospital 63 Gorge Road East Victoria, British Columbia V9A 1L2 604/386-2464


A-58 Resource Ikkok 3 &oftware and Hardware Appendix A: Additional &ources of Information

Portable Typewriters

This i3 a listing of commercially marrofactured portable typewriters (weighing IV:than 10 pounds).No recomrnenda-..ons or endorsements are implied by inclusion on ;:iislist. Contact each resource forore specific and up-to-date information.

Royal Alpha 100 Canon Typestar 5, Typestar 6 $199.99 $225.00 No LCD; 32=charatter recall; slam d typ,ng paper, 15 ckaracter display: one-line memory, 30-character key single sheets only; weight 10 lbs.; ear parts warranty buffer; automatic retzw.n; underlining; uses standard only Xerox or simdar paper; no roll attachments; 90-day factory warranty. Sharp PA 1003 $350.0Z 8.7K wlexpan,:don (5 112 pages); uses thernfal or bond paper, single sheets only; weight 8.4 lbs.; 26 abbreviations. 90-day parts and labor warrantY, factory

Silvet Reed RX-300 $795.03 Prints 16 charactersisecond; types. in pica, elite, mini; 8K memory; can plug into any computer z.nd act as a letter quality printer. 6-month warranty.

Silver Reed EXD-10 $195.93 15-char r iine;_ minimal memory; weight 5 lbs.; uses single t zets of thermal or bond paper; dot matrix print. 6 mom:, warranty kart #5394 $11900, $219.uo Single page memory; weiAiu 4 Ihs.; ases single sheets of bond or thermal paper; made by .9rother. 1-year parts and labor warranty.

Brother EP-44 $200.00 16-character LCD; 3IK memory (1 112 pages); uses singte sheets of bond or therinal paper; roll attachment included: 90-day labor werranty, 1-year parts warranty; some parts guaranteed longer.

Brothc EP-22 $129.00; $99.00 16-character LCD; 2K memory; uses single sheets of bond or thermal paper; roll attachments are available. 90-day labor warranty, 1-year parts warranty; some parts guaranteed longer.

4 71

Resource Wook 3: &oftware and Hardware V.59 Appendix A: Additional Sources of Information

Optical Character Recognition Scanners

GCR scanners allow computer users to enter printed documents into the computer without retyping. The traditional application of scanners hws been id prevent rekeying dbennienti such as insurance forms, legal materials, medical charts, or books. Theyare also of great use _to blind computer_ users as an alternate input device.However, they have been unreliable (even 99% reliability means 15 errors/page), inflexible, bulky, and high prieed, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. More recently, several companies have offered products in the $10,000-$50,000 range.

l'Jew OCR scanners are _now introduced at lower prices. An overview of devclopments in OCR scanning technology cam be found in the August; 1986 istile of PC World("ScannercGainingRecognition,"BillCrider). No recOriimendationsor endorsements are impli-zd by inclusion on this list. Conta,-t each resource fnr more specific and up to-date inforr,.:.tion.

E-Scan JetReider List price $2,495.00 List price $2,950.00 (With WIPS and OCR software) Teernr.i, Ine. Datacopy Corporation 6225 Cochran Ftria 1215 Terra_Bella Avenue Solon; OH 44139 Mountain View, CA 94043 2161.49-0600 415/965-7900 Or ijectronic Information Technolog)c Inc., 373 Route 46 West, Fairfield, NJ 07006, 2011227-1447. PC:Sean List price $1,9f leztPac Sof^warc $595.00 IX-12 Dest Corporation List price under S2,C, /CR software ;:snd interfate 1201 Ca tiiiai Court bnard Y,ilpiter, CA 9503; Canon U.S.A., Inc. 408/946-710u 1 Canon Plaza Lake Sts,..'..css; NY 11042 MS--2(5) 516/488-6700 (systems division ) List price $1,700.00 Eyestir 200) Microtek Lab, Inc IX-8 16901 S. Western Avenue List price_around $1,000.00 with interface board Gardena, CA 90247 Canon U.S.A., Inc. 213/521-2121 1 Canon Platt Lake Success; N` 11042 Other companies working on low-cost sheet scanners costing 516/488-6700 (systems division) $1,50042,000: Sharp Electronics Corporation OCR Software Ricoh Corporation List price $595.00 OCR Systems, Inc. 3430 Progress Drive, Suite I 1-95 Industrial Park Bensalem, PA 19020 215/638-2174

Model 730 List price $4,9501X) (wit!. WIf S) Daticopy Corporatior Ictrra Bella A vc 1..7c Mountasu View, ;4043 415/965-7900

4 2

A40 Resource Wook 3: Sof tware and Hardware Appendix A: Additional Sources of Infoemation

Portable Battery-Operated Printers

This list contains information on portable, battery-operable printers that could be used with communimtion aids with RS232 output No recommendations or endorsem;:nts are implied by inclusion on this list.Contact individual manufacturers for current price and other inforn.;tion.

Axonix Thin Print SO $2791:00 Axonix Corporation 417 Wakara Way Salt Like City, UT 84108 800/821-7093 80 or 136 columnslline; 4 lbs; re:hargeable battery and AC adapwr; serial or parallel interface; thermal printing.

Epsou Letter Jet Portable Printer Erion America; Inc 23610 Telo Street Torrance, CA 90505 213/534-4234 LiOuweight; rechargeable battery and 6 volt adaptor to allow printing during recharging; v.-ry of print styles and features; ink jet printing; parallel intirface.

Laptopp Oa-the-Ca Portable Printer ¶149.95 i-aptopp Systems 515 Calle San Pablo Department 1 Camarillo-, CA 93010

800/LAP-TOPP _ 805/482.4699 (in California) Less than 3 lbs. (with batteries); goes 2 hours on batte-y power; 4 ckaractzr types; thermal priming; parallel interface.

Hush-80 Prautt r Ergo Systems, inc.__ 303-3 Cobveation Way Redwood City; CA 94063 800/222-HUSH 415/1615966 25 oz.; 80-colwnn; rechargeable battery option: thermal printing; parallel; RS232 or Commodore interface.

NEC PC-8221A Contact_fo, more information: 'r GO Industries. Inc. P.O. llot 1008 Portland, OR 503/297-1724 Small, 40-column pr'raer (4" x 6")

4 73

Resource Wook 3: Software and Hardware Appendix B


;Iendix includes terminaogy found in the .product _descriptions :,:mgla be new or ulfamiliar to many ::?aders, The glossary does not

. . mpt _tobe all-inclusive .for the field of computer applications in special itication and rehabilitation augmentative communication, rather it serves to clarify possible points of confusion in the boas.


Re.Vource Rook 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware B-1 (ppendix B Glossary ONW11.3903.414. Mr ... : e.::1123s5on Anabhreviion expansion program alloma person entering text or on 1. 7 communication aid to enter a long str.:_ng of characters (a "macro") by typing in one 9r aw defined characters (the abbreviation). This sytem can save the typing time and effort

Applications program Any program that enables int-. user to accomplishsome task using a computer, but not a task relevant only to the computer's operation. instance; a word orocessing program would be_ an applications program; because it enables thewer to create, edit and print text. But a program that strictly performs the function of speaking thecontents of the computer screen via a speech synthesizer (a "talking screen" program) isfnogram thnt pertains mainly to the way in which the computer func;:ions, and therefore wuuld not be considered an applications program.

Artificial Larynx An electronic. device. which generates a tone to replace or enhance lost vocal tone. The tone is transmitted from the device either directly to IN.: user's throat or (via a tube) into the nose or mouth. The user articulates the tone into speechri the normal manner.

ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standardized system which assigns letters, numbersand various other characters each theirown code. This allows information to be transferred successfully from one computer or peripheral to another via Various interfaces, h is important to note, however, that simply becauseone device produces ASCII output and another accepts ASCII input does not mean that they will necessarilyoperate flawlessly in conjunction with one another.

Authoring Progn.-31 A program which is designed user in creating programs suited to different situations. An authoring program for educattvii, tor example; might allow several different types of tests to be created, each with its own rn,.ans of recording and analyzingscores.

Auto-RepeatThe feature on computer keyboards which causes a particular character to repeat for as long as its key is depressed. This feature is fairly universal; it usually takes effect aftera short delay. Hardware and software systems which disable the auto-repeat functionare available for some ccmputers.

Baudot The _information exchange code most commoniy used by TDD,. (Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf). Most TDDs transmit only Baudot, butsome offer the option of transmitting ASCII code as well. ASCII is used by computers when thcv communicate telephonically. The two codes are not compatible.

Buffer A set of Memory circuits which are designed to store excess input until itcan be accepted, or excess output until it can be sent A printer; for instance, may havea buffer for storing text which is being sent to it from a computer faster than the printercan physicall) print it.

Communication aidAny device or system which augments a person's ability to commur-cate. This term can cover non-electronic devices such as communication boar is,or devices such as portable communication systems which allow the user to print and speak iyped-in 4 75

Resource Wo-ok 3: Computer Software and Hardware Appendix B: Glossary

Control, controllerTechnically this term may be uscd for any switch or switch-like device which is used t.: control some system (computer, wheelchair, etc) Typically it is applied to devices which incorporate several switches and which control a system in several ways; e.g., a joystick uscd to control a video game.

CP/M Control Program for Microcomputers. An operating system developed by Digital Research, Inc for a particular family of microprocessors. See operating system.

Cursor The graphic character on a computcr screen which indicatcs the point at which text is being added or edited.

Disabase A body of information that is stored and manipulpted on a computer. A database management program is typically used to enter, edit, store, and manipulate this information.

DigitizerSee speech digitizer.

Direct SelectionAny technique for selecting choices in which a person points directly to the desired choice. This contrasts with scanning, in which choice are offered sequentially and the user signals when the selection is reached. Methods of i-Frect selection include pointing; pressing various keys on a keyboard, or eye gaze selection. Gencmlly speaking, direct selection methods allow selections to bc made more rapidly. See also scanning.

DiskOne type of system for storing data in electronic form. The term "hard disk" refers to a large-carmeity disk that must be permanently installed in a computer. "Floppy disk" or "diskette" are tarns used to refer to the type oi disk that is portable, and which is inserteo n the computer (in the disl_ ,rive) for use and is removed from the computer when no longer in use. The term "d:sk by itse:f usually refers to a diskette.

DOS Disk Operating Sysxm. See operating system.

Emulator A device which initates the action of another. A 1,:aninl emulator, for instance, is a system which is not a terminal per se, but is designed to . perate 1,7c one.

Enc6ding A type of technique for increasing the nk, ber of selections possible on an electronic co-niintinication aid. The ustr enters Lin L1phanumeric code, and the chacters of the code determine, whica letter; word; phrafe; etc is called up. Thus an electronic communication aid with ten keys might have 1G00 possible selections, ea.711 formed by pressing some three-key combinatior. Fee also levels.

FFn.i.ware A program or programs -toi-e.? ;n c:tcn.'ry, rather than in a disk or tape storage sys-n. Op;ional tirmware for Tric c37. soid as a circuit board (or "card') which fifs one oi the st era option sk, (Cr. This is not a strictly observed term; an!,rograir tiny brefe.-red tr -re

W=IMMMINIMMIIMIM//iiiii:=W..11111111r .111,. ,111..11111.1 . Softvi-are and Hardware B-3 Appendix B: Glossary

Hardware Any component of an electronic System (Such aS a computer system) whichis tangible; e.g., a computer, a monitor, a disk drive, a printer, etc. Thiscategory contrasts with software, which describes those components which t only of electron ignals; e.g., programs, text files, anc.' ^ther quantities of i, !;_.--matton that can be stored a disk or in a computer's memory. -1 tth a program on a flor py disk is commonly IT...2,c1 to as software, technically the did( i. rdware and the program on it is software.

Host computerIn a computer system where variou:i terminals (Orcon putc-s conn :led in a network) ar.. used to send input to a central computer, the centralco- Ipute corn-nonly referred to as the hoSt computer. See also terminal.

InputAny information entered into a computer by the useror sent to the computer by another device. See output.

InterfaceThe point at which tWo electronic devices, such a computer anda printer, communicate with each other. Also, an electrical connector or adaptive device which allows thc interface to work properly.

JackIn a male-female electrical connection, the jack is the female connector. See plug.

Keyboard Emulating Interface (KEDIf SOMe deViee such as a communication aid is. 2,c1 as an alternate keyboard for a computer, some system is usually required to allow the t communicate successfully. A KEI takes the keystrokes frri the alternat eyboa_rd akes thcm appear to file computer as indistinguishable from kr:_irlkeson th i. irmal keyboard. Some communication aid systems contain a KEI. Othersa; ,;,ned to with a Standard KEI (one which complies with the standard industry protocol) J the latter casthe aid plugs into the KEI, whirh plugs into the computer like a ordinary .:eybdard.

Keyguard A plate which fits over the top 6f a keyboard and has holesover !, )rne or all of the keys. A keyguard can allow the user a place to rest the hands while typing, but primarilyit is desigriedito prevent inadvertent key presses caused bypoor motor control or other factors. Key latches, devices which hold down keys such as SHIFT,are commonly available with keyguards, and cm facilitate one-finger typing.

Keypad A somewhat loosely used and nOt Strictly defined terM, key pad usually refersto any keyboard having significantly fewer keys than_a standard typewriteror computer keyboard. Anything called a keypad can also be accurately referred toas a keyboard or part of a keyboard. The term often refers to the special separate set of numericor cursor keys on some computer keyboards:

LatchingSee toggle.

LCD, LED Liquid Crystal Display znd Light Emitting Diode. Theseare types of display systems. LEDs are the type of displays; commonly used on calculators, which glow andcome in various colors: red, blue, green, etc. LCD displays are alsocommon on calculators, but are gray and do not glow. 4 77

Resource Book 3 Computer Software and Hardware Appendix B: Glossary


Levels A system similar to encrAing whereby the number of potential selections on an electronic communication : be greater than the numbcr of butions, keys, or scanning positions it tr=t,. .,;- 31..c, . s oneselection to choose a level; each kVthen has a different programmed value y. button, etc. Levels are sometimes known as pageS."

Light /IraAn input device operated by pointing to locations on a computer's video screen. The deNlce fesernbles a pen, and requires some special program to operate. Commonly uscd to make gel -ctfons from menus or to create graphics.

Load To transfer a program from storage in memory (for instance on disk ) to a computer's RAM. A program must be loaded in order to be run. See also RAM.

Macri,A string of characters triggered by a defined shorter set of char ,,:tcrs. See also abbreviation expansion.

Mainframe A term frequently used to distinguish large computer systcrm: :tom mini- or microcomputers. A mainframe system is often designed to receive input from a number of terminals.

Membrane keyboard A i:eyboard whose individual keys are located under -.fl,!able surface with no openings in it. The user activates the keys by pressing on the mcmi-;,e.

Memory A system for storing data (information or programs) electronically: stored on tapes; on disks; or in circuitry: The two typz-s of memory in the circ computer are ROM and RAM (see these definitions).

A set of selections presenl-d to the user of a computer or electronic aid, usually on a screen or other electronic display. If a program is "menu-driven," thiS usually means that user can execute it largely by selecting from menus which the program offers.

Microcomputer An individual and discrete computer system, such as the type most people purchase for home use. This term contrasts with maintrame, a term commonly used to describe larger computer systems which accept input fromarious terminals, and which generally have larger memory and processing capacities.

Micn-processor The heart of a microcomputer system, the microprocessor is the circuitry that actually does the "cornputing." Any device which contains a microprocessor, even if it is not a computer per se, can be referred to as "microprocessor-based."

Modem A device which can transmit computer data over telephone lines.

Monitoc The TV=like device which displays a video image of the data entered on a computer. Commonly referred to simply as the screen, or sometimes the CRT. 4 78

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware B-5 Appendix R Glossary

Operating System The program that allows the various parts ofa computer system (the disk, the monitor, printers, etc.) to "talk" to each other; The operatingsystem is usually the first thing "lciaded" after a computer is turned on, as most otherprograms require it in order to run.

Optical character reader (OCR) A device which can optically analyze a printed teit,recogniie the letters or other characters, and store this information asa computer tekt file. OCRs are usually limited to recognizing the styles and sizes of type for which theyare programmed.

OutputAnything produced by a computer or any other device, andsent outward from that device. Output may be sent to another computer, to a peripheral,or to some display system such as a monitor;

Overl.i:,A group of symbols, pictures, words, characters, etc. whichare placed over the keyh ird of a computer or communication device, or over the display ofa communication de The overlay usually reflects what output will be generated whena key is pressed or a ';on is made, but for devices with no output other than the indication thata selection has made, the symbol itself may serve as the message communicated.

Parallel port One type of interlace wherebya computer or communication device is connected ..triother computer or communication device, or to some peripheral inputor cr;tput device. he connection is frequently located on the back panel ofa microcomputer.

Peripheral Any hardware that is separate from thecomputer itSelf: printerS: sp:1,:ch synthesizers: disk drives, etc.

Phonetrie, phonetic spelling A phoneme is a single discrete unit of sound used inspeech. Phonetie spelling _uses a character for each phoneme, rather than representingpronunciation indirectly as standard spelling does.

PlugIn an electrical connection using a male anda female connector, the plug is the male connector. In this volume, the term plug has been_ frequentlY used solelyto indicate the size and type of connector, and may refer to a device which is actually outfitted witha jack.Sc,:e also jack.

Port An input/output connection on a computer. Frequently locatedon the back panel of microcomputers.

PositionAny potentially selectable area in a scanningarray; for insta a 10 x 10 array may have 100 positions. When a position is selected, it is considereda select, Positions are also knowh as locations.

ProgramA_series of instructions to a computer. A program is what allows the computeruser to_execute sorm_task on the computer (see software). Commercially available prograrfisare frequently sold stored on disks, but programsmay also be Written directly on a computer or purchased in firmware form (see firmware). 479

B-6 Resource Bin* 3 : Computer &oftware and HardWare Appendix B: Glossary .MNINIENCOMMINWO

RAM Random Access Memory. This is the type of memory in a computer where data is placed while it is in use. A program on a disk, for instance, is loaded into the computer's RAM before being run. RAM is cleared when a computer is shut off, however, and so the program must be stored again after being used. Computers are often described in terms of their RAM capacity: a 128K" computer has a RAM capacity of appximately 128,000 bytes (characters) of information. See also disk, memory, ROM.

Refreshable braille displayAlso known as a dynamic brail!e display, this type o1 system uses a set of braille cells, each consisting of six or eight retractable electronically operated reeds. An electronic code sent to the system raises and lowers the reeds to form braille characters which the user can sense by placing the fingers on top of the display. When the display is full, the first cell recomposes itself and the display fills up again. Some displays also scroll.

ROM Read Only Memory. This is permanent memory built into a computer's circuitry by the manufacturer. See RAM.

RS-232 An interface standard fr the serial port of a computer or microprocessor-based communicati9n devk-e: Serial ASCII code can be sent yin ;en RS-232 interface.

Scanning A techni,3ue for making selections on a cornrc:mication aid, computer, or environmental col. A.;: system. Scanning involves moving sequentially through a given set of choices, and mat.. ;g a selection when the desired position is reached. Common phya1 forms for scanning arrays arc menus on a computer screen, grids_ of squares with lights which light sequentially, and dial faces (like clocks) with pointers which revolve to point to symbols. Types of scanning include autorr -tic; manual; row-and-column, and directed. In automatic scanning, the system scans automaticali:, once started, and the user activates a switch momentarily to stop the scanning. Once stopped. ehe scanning sequence must be recommenced by another switch. In manual scanig, the user i....;tivates a switch continuously to scan the choices, releasine the switch to stop. In row-and7column scanning, the user selects first the row in a grid. then the ColtiMn. Directed scanning involveusing multiple switches or a joystick to scan in the desired direction. See also direct selection.

Semantic corroaction A technique for reducing the number of selections a user must make to gen -e 3n a voice-output communication aid. Symbols for semantic units are used rat. 'ler or letter codes (see encoding).

Serial port%.)ne type of interface for commcoic.ation between a computer or electronic communication aid and anoth e. computer, electronic :ommunication aid, or peripheral. The fact that two devices both have a serial port, however, does not automatically mean that information can be transferred ef theni flawlessly.

Software The part of a computer ystem which is not tangible, that is the programs or information that are processed by a coroputer or stored in memory. Commercially available software is usually sold in the fe-rn of a progant or programs stored on a disk. See firmware, hardware, program, disk.

4 so

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 13-7 Appendix B: Glossary

Speech digitizer A device which analyzes speech andconverts particular solnds or utteranece into digital patterns which can be stored just as other data is storedon a computer. Th.:,e digital patterns can also be reconverted into their original so'urids, allowingthe computLi to act as a digital "tape recorder." Speech digitization is also used it; voice recognition systems.See speech synthesizer, voice recognition.

Speech recognitionSee voice recognition.

Speech synthesizerIn contrast to the speech digitizer, which records and plays back whatit "hears," the speech synthesizer receives input in the form of electronictext characterF (letters, numbers, punctuation), and _converts the discrete charactersor An.rds into artificial speech. Most Speech Vnthesizers have a memory_and processingsystem that appNes standard pronunciation rules to determine the correct pronunciation. Synthesizers tendto sound more mechanical than digitizers; on the other hand they do not require that each andevery phrase to be spoken be recorded beforehand, and they tend to use less memory storage space.

Spreadsheet A type of applications program that is designed for adding, editing, and manipulating tabulated information.

SynthesizerSee speech synthesizer:

Talking screen program A program which speaks the contentS of thecomputer's screen via a speech synthesizer. Such a program is usually also equipped witha systeni that allows the user to "navigate," or find his way around the screen, without the necessity of seeing thescreen.

TDD Telecommunication Deviceior the Deaf. A device which allowsa person to transmit typed-in messages over phone lines. Most TDDs havea keyboard for sending messageS and an electronic display and/or printer for receiving them. Inmost cases, people on both ends of the line must have a TDD in order to communicate. TDDs trAnSmita Standard code (see Baudot).

Terminal A device for entering data on the type of computer system whichaccepts data from more than one source at a time. The typical terminal has a keyboard for entering data anda screen for reviewing the data entered. A terminal does notprocess information in itself, but sends it on to the host computer system.

Toggle A switching action wherein the switch is turnedon with one motion, off with another. Contrasts with momentary contact, wherein a switch remainson or off only while it is being activated by the user, reverting to its "normal" state (eitheron or off) as soon as it is no longer being activated. A common toggle switch isa wall switch for a light. This action can also be known as latching.

Touch Pad, Touch &reen Devices which allow a person to generateInput to a computer by preSsing on their surface. A touch pad is usuallya continuous membrane surface divided into areas, each of which generates a different input (a character, command, etc.). A touchscreen fits over the standard computer screen, and functions similar toa touch pad. Touch pads and screens are frequently used to make selections from menus or to create graphics. 481 B-8 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware Appendix B: Glossary .13.

TransparentUsable with all or an entire major class of software. This term is usually applied to a program or device which is usable with nearly all software appropriate to the computer system for which the program or device is designed One should never assume that a device or program is absolutely transparent to all software without chccking with the manufacturer.

Voice Recognition A technique used to recognize certain spoken utterances. A voice recognition system is "trained" ta recognize an utterance by digitally encoding it once or several times(see speech digitizer). Thereafter when the system "hears" a phrase spoken, it compares it to the patterns for the utterances it has "heard" before, and matches it to one. All utterances to be recognized must be individually trained, and due to present limits on the technology, the length of a recognized word or phrase is about two seconds. Voice recorition is commonly used in voice input systems for computers, which send a given input to the computer for each recognized utterance.

Word Processor A type of applications software that is used to enter, edit, manipulate, and format text. In order to be considered a word processing program rather than a simple text entry and editing program, a program should have fairly sophisticated capabilities.

4 R2

Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware B-9 Appendix C

Manufacturers Listed with their Products

This appendix includes the name, address, phone and a list of products for every manufacturer in the three-book series.Manufacturers are listed alphabetically;The book-page location for each of the manufacturer's products follows the i-roduct name. The appendix provides the necessary contact information about the manufacturers, and also allows you to locate a product description when all you know is the name of a manufacturer.

483 Appendix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

AMeriCan Painting House for the Blind Audio Tone Company Able Net (API!) 2422 West Holly, Phoenix, AZ 85009 Cerebral Pally Center, Inc., 360 Hoover Street, Dept. 00686, P.O. Box 6085. Louisville, KY (602) 254-58193 Minneap-olii,-MN 55413 40206 Talk Tone 1-47 (612) 331-5s58 (502) 895-2405 Able Net Controttliiit 2-13 Talking Apple Literacy Kit 3-277 Ab leNet Switch 100 2-5 Aurvi_Coporatien Battery Device Adapter 1-17 3517_56001_Ft?nkliri Street, Chicago, IL 60606 Amidon Publications (312) 939-0431 1966 Bertion Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116 Neovox 1-4 ACS Communications (612) 690-2401 250 Technology Circle, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Computer CUP 3-205 Baggeboda Press (800) 538-0742 1128 Rhode Island Street, Lawrence, KS 66044 DynaMite 1200 2-50 Ankiiej, Barry R. (913) 842-0490 Dynithate 2000 2-50 Rural Route, Washburn, IL 61570 PiCSYMS Categorical Dictionary 1-51 (309) 248-7447 ACS Tekcom Math &it 3-241 Bain= Dunbar, Inc 25825 Eshelman Av, Lomita, CA 90717 6427 Hilcrost, Suite 133, Houston, TX 77081 (213) 325-3055 Apercont Corporation (713) 988-0887 ACS Medicom Computer System 3-23 721 Linda Court, San Mateo, CA 94403 Brainz 3-196 (415) 572-1464 Adtuptive COMmunication Systems, Inc. LimeLight 3-89 Ballard & Tighe, Inc. 994BrOadhead Rcild, Suite 202, Coraopohs, PA 480 AtIas StreeU Brea, CA 92621 15108 Arroyo & ASAlciales (800) 321-4332, CA (714) 990-4332 (412) 264-2288 8845 /9rhAVeittie, Glendale, NY 11385 Basic Vocabulary Builder on AllTalk 1-63 (718) 849-9306 Computer 3-192 ControlPAC 2-48 Delay Timer_ 3,21 Elephant Ears 3-213 HX-20 Protectiv- Cover 3-6 E-Tran Scanner 1-23 IDEA Cat 3-227 Keyguard 34 Poc-Ett System 1-25 Mouse Math 3-248 Light Pointer HI PhotoPAC/EvalPAC 1-71 Attie Technologiiii BAUD ScanPAC/Epson 1-74 2234 Star Court, Auburn Heights, MI48057 1158 Steward Avenue, Bethpage, NY 11714 SpeechPAC/Epson 1-76 (313) 435-4222 (516) 433-0171 ToyPAC 1-33 Trine System (ACS) 1-80 Artie Vision _3-81_11 Rapsheet 3-333 SynPhonix 1011 3-122 Blazing Paddles 3-299 SynPhorsix 200 3-123 Adaptive Peripheral% Int. Synphonix jr 3-123 4529 Bagley_Avenue North-, Se-attle WA 98103 Bayman, Benjamin (206) 633-2610 3611 Abbott Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN ARTS Computer Products, Inc. 55410 Adaptive Firmware Card 3-24 145 Tremont Street, Suite 407, Boston, MA (612) 920-1358 Talking Seonner 3-279 02111 Large Print Word Processor 3-23 Talking Unicorn 3-280 (617) 4824248 Talking Ward Board 3-341 EtVand-a-View3-86 !3aysik_SAech PC LeWs 3-91 P.O. Box 891, Menlo Park, C. Adaptive Technology-,-Int. PC Voice 3-93 94126 5334 72nd Circle North, Brooklyn Center, MA (415) 854-1772 55429- SAY1T 3-140 (612) 360-0861 Asabel Engineering, Inc. N.E 320 California Street, Pullman, WA 99163 Keylocks 3-12 (509) 332-2205 Bmgk Bros, Inc. Kevshields 3-13 3990 Old Triim Avenue, Suite 102C, San Diego, Asallex Model TS 2-7 CA_ 92110 Adititeed Computer Services (619) 296-6400 Frostproof, FL 33843 &STEP Edna:anon Company_ MacroWo:ks 3-14 (813)646-6622 3216 NE 27tL PortUr4 OR 97212 (503) 236-1317 DeMaign 3-210 Bear Medical Systems,Inc. AlMstar 3-147 9340 Narnia Dr., Riverside, CA 92503 AS1EP Computer Scoring and (800) 331-2327 AESIR Software Engineering Interpretation 3-149 P.O. Box 5383, Pinedale, CA 93650 :rent i-Voice 1-6 No Phone PRE-MOD II 3-161 AARON 3-307 &Stied Sygliiita Cortiorition Behavioral Enr PD. Box 6018, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 230 Mt. Hermon 1,,oad, Stunts Valiry, CA AIMS Media (ED)) 6.W-13437, MD (301) 251-5233 95066 (408) 438-5649 6901 Wandley Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406 Language Stilrittlatitin Seriel 3 234 (800) 367-2467, (818) 785-4111 Mind Master 3-39 GettiragMrted in Arithmitit Series (and Assembly Corner Sam's State) 3-223 P.O. Box 151, Maynard, MA 01754 Berkeley System Design (617) 897-7749 1708 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709 (415) s44ms37 Alpha Software Textalk 3-343 Burlington, MA 01803 inLARGE 3-87 (617) 229-2924 xr& T Keyworks 3-37 2001 Reete 46, Pirlipp4ay, NJ 07054 Birchi Jana (8OO) 233-1222 2346 Wales Drive, Cardiff, CA 92007 (619) 942-3343 Americn Qualm:vocation Corporation Directel 2-49 _ 1040 RobertlStret, East Hartford, CT 06108 Electronic Artificial _Litytti 1-3 Catch the Cow 3-173 (203) 289-3491 Handset forSpeech Amplification 1-4 Amcom C 1-89 Medical Alert 2-80 Blissymbolia Communication Institute Qperator Dialer 2-59 3511Rumsey Road. Toronto, ON M4G IRS Raised Face-Plate 2-61 CANADA_ (416) 444-6605 Blissymbol Vocabulary Stamps 1-41 4 R 4

C-2 Resource Book 3: Computer &oftware and Hardware Appendix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

Borland Interustional CiderWare Idioms in America 3-227 4585 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 1019 Martinique, Dallas, TX 75223 Pictures, Please! 1-53 95066 (214) 827-7734, (214) 357-1276 Planning Individualized Speech & Language Intervention 3-160 (408) 438-8400 Lister Talker 3-324 Super Key 3-19 Communbmtions Applied_Technology Cleo,Inc. 11150-14,Rognr Bacon Drive, Reston, VA 22090 Brain-Linh &t*f tware 3957 Mayfield Road, Cleveland, OH (703) 481-0068 317 Montgomery, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (216) 182-9700, (1930) 32141595 R/S II 'Series Wireless Link 3-75 (313) 9954604- Adjustible Heid Pointer 1-9 Function_Recognaion 3-223 Cleo Communication Board 1-42 Memory Patterns 3-244 CommuniTree Group Preposition Recognition 3-257 Clinical Speech Systems, Inc. 470 Castro Street, Suite 207-3002, San Reading Recognition 3-262 Francisco, CA 94114 673 Pearl Street, Green Bay, WI 54304 (415) 441-1088 Visual Recognition 3-289 (414) 869-2880 Word Recognition 3-294 Cominunitree--_First and Second Finger5peller 3-217 Editioni 3-314 Brighter PaiLways P.O. Box 20101, Billings, MT 59104 Cognitive Rebabilitation CompTech Systems Design (406) 656-0045 6555_Carollton Avenue, Indianapolis, IN P.O. Box 516, Hastings, MN 55033 46220 (612) 437-1350 Brighter_Pathways Communication Symbols (317) 257-9672 Ind Gria 1-41 Finger Pent 3-133 Soft Tools '83, '84,15 3-267 Triple Dump 3-142 Brown & Company, Inc. P.O. Bo,_ 2443, South Hamilton, MA 01982 College-Hill Press Compu-TMions; Inc. (617) 468-7464 4284 41st Street, San Diego, CA 92105 EQ. _1361 50Z_Troy, MI 48099 (800) 854-2541, CA (801) 223-6057 PC-Pedal 3-16 (313) 689-5059 Anatomy ind_Physiology of the Speech and Special Skill Builders I & II 3-270 Hearing Mech. 3-189 ButtOnCount Software Company Clinical Data Manages 3-151 10148satene, Shreveport LA 71106 Comprehensive Phonemic Inventory for ComputAbility Corporation (318) 226-7806 Cladren,_2.0 _117,1 A Division of Preston, 101 Route 46 East, Pine ButtonCount Switch Assessment 3-172 Computer Assisted Instruction in Brook, /4.1 07058 Phonological Process 3-204 (201) 882-0171 CC Publications, Inc. Computerized Reading for Aphasics 3-207 Air Cushion Switch 2-3 P.O. Box 21699, Tigard,OR 97223 Drills in Language Concepts 3-211 Evaluation System 3-176 (800) 547-4800, (503) 692-66110 Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment 3-154 EZBAS 3-132 Talk About A Walk 3-277 Hand Switch 2-17 Matument ofintelligibility of Dysarthnc VARP: Vocal Abuse Reduction Handi-Rotaine 3,135 Speech 3-171 Program 3-287 Head Switch 2-18 Basic_Langusge Series-Spatial Word Class Inventory for School Age Interface Box for Apple Ile 3-71 Concepts Children 3-167 Keyguard 3-9 Learning Workshop 3-235 Multiple Switch Box for the Adaptive 011ie Series 3-249 Command Telephone System Firmware Card 3-73 5600 N, Antioch Road, Kansas City, MO 64119 Paddle Adapple 3-73 Cacti Computer Services (816) 453-2010 Picture Communication 3-331 1313 9th Street SW, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N Puff Switch 2-32 2144 CANADA Command Telephone System 2-47 Wobble Switch 2-41 (204) 857-8675 Word Communication 3-348 Cacti_ Word Processor 3-311 annmerrim_LTD Comm-Prog 3-313 E0.110L278 St. LainberC PO 14P 3N8 Computer Aids Corporation Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard 3-43 CANADK 124 West Washington Court, Lower Arcade, (514) 672-4534 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Canon U.S.A., Irk. Talking SOO 1-78 (219) 422-2424 One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042 Braille-Talk 3-311 (516) 488-6700 Communication Enhancement Clinic Calc-Talk 3-312 Canon Conimunicator M 1-63 Children's Hospital Medical Center, 300 File-Talk 3-318 Handy Terminal 1-67 Longwncid Avenue, Beaton, MA 02115 Screen-Talk Pro 3-96 (617) 735=6*66 Talking Sensible Speller 3-339 Word-Talk 3-348 CastleSpecial Computer Servkes Message Maker 3-327 Scan & Speak 3-264 9801San Gabriel Strett N.E, Albuquerque, NM 87111 Target _3-280 Computer Conversations 2350 North 4th Street, Columbus, OH 43202 (505) 293-8379 Tanen& Speak 3.34 Type & Speak 3-345 (614) 263-4324 Spellist 3-273 Coinsnkeys 3-202 Enhanced PC Talking Program 3-85 Communication Habilitation Service VERBal STAR 3-347 201 Sleepy Hollow Circle, Birmingham, AL Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of 35216 Computer Diskcourse Kansas, Inc. (205) 967-2050 10145K12I Street,Suite 204, Edmonton, AB 2021 North Old Manor, P.O. Box 8217, Wichita, Software Simulations of Communication T5N 1K5 CANADA KA 67208 Prostheses 3-182 (403) 488-4763 (316) 688-1888 Lyon Large Print Program 3-89 Variable Paiition Scinner 1-34 Communication Skill Builders 3130NorthOodge Boulevard, P.O. Box 42050-6, Computer Island Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems Toscon, A.Z85733 227 Hampton Green, Staten Island, NY 10312 29_ElklUdge Une, Dept C, Boulder, CO (602) 323-7500 (718) 948-2748 80302 Articulation Error Analysis 3-148 (800) 531-5314, TX (800) 292-5619 Lightpen Programs for Special Education I Computer Courseware for the Exceptional & II 3-237 eLatterbox Dictionary 3-198 Student 3-204 Voice English Language Development3-291 Computer Managed Articulation Voice Math 3-291 Diagnosis 3-174 Computer Talk_ Voice Reading Ability Drill 3-292 Computer Managed Articulation 1420 East Cypress Street Covina, CA 91724 Treatment 3-205 (818) 331-0413 Computer Managed Language Quiet Duck Learning Series 3-259 Cnommo Screening Test 3-175

Resource Book-3: Computer Software and Hardware A ei ApOndix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

Computer Users of America Crabapple Systems _ Portable CommuniCitiOn Bad& 1-54 5028 Merit Drive, Flint, MI 48506 118 Commercial Street, Portland, ME 04101 Single-Input AsseasMent SOftWart (313) 736-3774 (207) 7724610 Sunny Days_ 3-274 Eleetronic 31 Day Calendar 3-317 Keyboard Emulator 3-35 Switch Interface .1-76 Perionil Money Management 3-330 SpeecliPad 1-77 Switch lAtch 1-28 Speah-A-Libel 3-335 Symbol Training Display 1-29 Speech Writer 3-316 Symbol Writer 3-276 Tilt-Tilk 3-342 CREATE Tilt Table 3-142 P.O. Boa 6896, Green Bay, WI 54308 Touch Com 3-183 Computerized Enabling SysterriS CREATE 3-209 409 South Whitehall Avenue; Allehtd*d, PA Devoke Data Products 18104 Crestwood Company 1500 Martin Av., Box 58051, Santa Clara, CA (215) 820-4065 P.O. Ilox 04606, Milwaukee, WI 53204 95052 (414) 461-9876 (468) 980-1360 Computerized Enabling System 3-315 Beeper 2-75 Electric Copyholders 2-52 Comp Jters for the Physically Communiclock 1-19 Membrane Plate Switch 2-23 Dickey Engineering Handicapped Mini Talking Card Reader 1-70 7602 Talbert Avenue, Suite 5, Hunt;ngton 3 Angel Road, North Reading, MA 01864 Opticommunicator 1-50 (617) 657-3460 Beach, CA 92647 Porta Book 1-54 (714) 848-1122 Portable Pocket Typewriter/Computer 1-72 Saltus Reader 2-62 TIM 1-79 Talking Beam 1-12 Sponge Nurse Call Switch 2-36 Talking Paddles 1-56 Computers 1o_ite 1p Ptiip le Inc. Talking Pictures Communication Diditleth &iftWare, LTD 1221 Wiohn4on_Street, Madi;on, WI 53719 Weird 1-57 3812 Villain Street, Burnabyer, BC V5C 3H9 (608) 257-5917 , 237-1270 (TDD) Talking Pictures, Kits I. It, and III 1-57 CANADA Tipe-A-Message 1-30 (604) 299-4435 Apple DOS 3.3blanual 3,129 Tri-Responder 1-34 CHPI Apple Tool Kit_ 3-312 FaYs Word Rally 3-215 Mac-Apple Communication Aid 3-325 Fay That Math Woman 3,216 Maze 3-243 Cross Educational Software Fay The Word Hunter 3-216 Sentence-Scan 3-334 P.O. Box 1536, Ruston, LA 71270 Talking Wheelchair 3-340 (318) 255-8921 Digital Equipment Corporation Trace Math Aid 3-285 Peachy Writer Bold 3-330 Terminals Business Unit, 129 Parker Street, Write 3-295 Spell-A-Vision 3-271 Maynard, MA 01754 Talking Riddles 3-278 003 884-8991 Conover .oMpany, Ttie Talking Writer 3-341 DECIAlk 3-116 P.O. Bat I55_0M10, WI 54963 (414) 685-5707 CyberLYNIC_CoMputax Products, Inc. Dimattgo Products Computerized Training Systems (CTS 4822 Sterling Drive, BOUlder, CO 80301 1828 Star-Batt Drive, Rochester, MI 48036 Nuts & Bolts 3-201 (3113) 444-7733 (313) 853-2121 Concept Formatiom Slam Matching 3-208 Smarthome I 2-63 On/Off Remote Switch 2-59 CT1 Electronic Asscmbly & Soldering 3-210 Deg. Or Phokau Medicine &Rehab., U Floppy Teaches-Series 3-220 DLM Teaching Resourcus Job Search and Local Job Bank 3-177 of Michigan P.CL_Box 4000;One DLM Park, Allen, TX Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Areas 1C335 University Hospital, University of 75002 (MECA) 3-179 Michigan Med Ctr Ann Arbor, MI 48109 (800)527-4747; TX (800) 442-4711 (313) 936-7170 &tanSayas I Do 3-263 Compuscorm For the Scales of Independent STIM-U-LITE 148 ALIKEY 3-24 Behavior 3-152 SurviVal Wore 3-273 EXPAND 3-219 VOC lifitChing and VOC Report 3-163 DOMowicz, Jeff (rot -iitrOrniation) Design Technology cakeEtie InititiTte of Rehabilitation, 137 W. Control Data Corporation 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diem CA 92123 2ird Street,_Erie, PA =16507 Disability Services_ 7600 France Avenue &Will. (619) 268-8194 (814) 453-560Z (800) 223-3505 Minneapolis, MN 55435 Commodore Light Pen 3-61 (612) 853-8100 Electronic Calendars and Pocket Secretaries 2-78 JOBS System 3-178 Designing Aids for Ditabled Adults SAGE System 3-181 1024 Dupcint Street, Toromo, ON M6H 2A2 Dragon Systemst Inc. CANADA-___ 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158 COP11-2 (416) 533-4494 (617) 965-5200 2020 ItviMg rtrk Rout Chicago, IL 60618 PC All) 3-41 (312) 866-8195 DART-5000 3-26 PC Assisted Keyboard 3-16 Voimmeribe-1000_3-53 Keyguards 3-10 PC Serial AID 3-42 VOitesetibt-20000 3-56

Cobra& Ceitii Developmental Equipment DU4T Control Systems Group, Inc. Rehabilitation Engineering, Golden Valley, 981 Winnetka Terrace, Lake Zurich, IL60047 8765 Township Road #513, Shreve, OH 44676 MN 5U22 (312) 41&N176 (216) 567-2906 (612) 588-0811 AUdio SCAn 3-308 Armslot Switch Controller 2-7 VIC-20 Scanner 3-347 Battery Aapter 1-17 Bite Switch 24 Blimpeit_ 3-193 Body Switch 24 Covington Group Choice Borcl__I-42 Deuce 2-48 4519 Perry Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN Core TictureWcabulary 1-44 Dual Tape Control 2-49 55422 Dial SCSU 1-21 Dual Tongue Switch 2-14 (612) 537-4910 Systeso1-46 Fazicordex 2-51 Foto Stria 1-47 Infrared Remote Control 2-56 Keyer 3-8 KeyguMth MECCA 2-57 L.T. Switch 2-20 TV Game-2 3-76 Lcit5t3ght Rather Switch 2-21 Moisture Guard 3-14 675-D-Congir Street, Eugene, OR 97402 _ (503) 342-1271 Mounting Switch 2-26 Oaklant Schools Picture Dictionury 1-49 2851Bufordilii0way;Duluth-, GA 30136 Voice Muter 3-125 PIC Man 3,3OZ (404) 476-4934 Pictolram Ideogram Communication Alphabet with Tom and Andy 3-189 (PIC) 1-51 Bear Jam 3-193 Picture YourBlissymbols1-52 EZ Pilot for PowerPad 3-214 Plate Switch 2-28 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush 3-324

C-4 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardward S6 Appendix C MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

Lo&Master3-238 Educational Software Review Heyer-Abadie Modular Mouthstick1-10 Logo Touch Tools for the Power Pad3-239 I400_Sttuck Ave, Suite 774, Berkeley, CA Modular Twin Turntable Desk3-138 Micro Illustrator 3-328 94709 Motorized Easel2-58 Power Pad 3-64 (415) 528-2788 Quad-Independence Typewriter-Printer Power Pad Programming Kit3-256 System1-73 Simple Com I Yes/No Magic Music Teacher3-301 Stick-On Keylocks3-19 Communication3-265 Univemal Telephone Adapter2-69 Simple Cons IL Needs/Wants Kducomp Enterprises Communication3-266 191 North 650 East, Department 120, Bountiful, Fashion Able ITT 84010 5_Crescent Avenue, Box S. Rocky Hill, NJ Duncan-Atwell Computeriaed (801) 292-7102 08553 Technologies, Inc. World of Counting3-294 (609) 921-2563 1200 Salem Avenue, Hillside, NJ 07205 Remote Control Sonic Switch2-62 (201) 355-1690 Edutek Corporation Lenial 3-236 415 Cambridge, #4, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Finally Software Lenipen PC3-136 (415)325-9965 4000 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach, CA Hand/Eye Coordination Programs3-225 92663 Duxhury Systems, Inc. (714) 85434 435 Kiog Street, P.O. Box 1504, Littletown, MA EKEG Electronics Company LTD Lil/E3-325_ 81460 P.O. Box 46199,Station 0, Vancouver, BC V6R Talker 3-338 (617) 486-9766 405 CANADA Dusbury Braille Translator3-316 (604)685-7817 First Broward_ Development Activity Board5-16 Software_Division, 4987 North University Il 4:Oath-International Expanded Computer Keyboards 3-29 Drive Lauderhill, FL 33321 11-Peart Breeden; VT 05733 Expanded Keyboard for Automatic (305) 748-6506 (602) 247-6020 Telephone2-53 Scanning Conversion Program 3-141 Expanded Keyboards for Speak N' Dvorak Keyboard Modification Spell1-65 Programs3-4 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Inc _ Firmware Cards3-30 2845 Temple Avenue, LOng Beach, CA 90806 Dynacornp, Inc, Expanded Keyboards for the Talking (213) 595-7006 1064 Gravel Road, Webster, NY 14580 BlissApple3-31 First Shapes3-218 (716) 671-6160 Lifestyle Personal Communicator Expanded Kid Talk3-322 Pruner 833-237 Keyboard1-91 Mathtalk3-242 Radio Remote Control 2-60 SmoothTalker3-120 Remote Keylioard for the Apple II+ and Spelkn Bee3-272 E. David & Associates Ile3-46 22 Russett Lane, Storrs, CT 06268 Ten Key Bord3-64 (203) 429-1785 Fortress Scientific 61 Miami Street, Buffalo, NY 14204 Hi Handicapped Word Games3-300 Elayo Americas, Inc, (800) 268-7960 HI Handicapped Arithmetic Flash P.O. Box 23927, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33037 Cards3-224 (305) 563-9400 Environmental Control System2-53 1.1.r,mp3-326 Easter Seal Systems Magnilonk3-90 Fred Sammons, Inc, The National EASter Seal Society,_ 2023 W. Box 32, Brookfield, IL 60513 Ogden Avenue; Chicago; IL 60612 (800) 323-7305 (312) 243-8400 Enable Software Company 2340 Martin Luther I0ng Jr. Way, Suite B, Adjustable Head Pointer1-9 ESS Rehabware3-153 Berkely.CA_ 94704 Clear-View HPotnter1-10 COMmudication SheeU1-44 (415) 540-0389 Font Holder 2-54 EBSCO CUrriculum Mnteriat: Enable Reader3-85 GilBt Push Button Telephone Adapter2-55 P.O. Wok 1943, Birmingham, AL 35201 Enable Writer3-28 Moelisticks1-11 (800)633-8623 Talking Hands3-278 Enter&t, Inc. Functional Resources Enterprises 410Tecensend Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 2734 Trail of the Madrones, Austin, TX 78746 Edmark Corwration (415) 5413-7644 (512) 327-1741 P.O. Box 3903, Bellevue, WA 98009 QuickWord3-45 Functional Skilli krening Inventory3-176 (800) 426-0656, WA (206) 746-3900 Edmark Resding Program, Level 13-212 Ell Corporation Furalletech Systems, Inc. 1000 Lang Boulevard, Suite 5, Lansing, MI P.O. Box 190, Liberty, IA 52358 Educational Activities, Inc. 48911 (31!") 626-6101 (517) 6944737 1937 Grand Ave., Baldwin; NY 11510 Flexcom1-67 (516) 223-4666 Switehbord1-77 Core Reading and Vocabulary Gari4 Development3-208 Exec Software, Inc, 9313 Valley View Road, Eden Prune, MN 201 Waltham Street, Lexington, MA 02173 55344 Educational Audiakity Programs, Inc. (617) 862-3170 (612) 941-5464 Inn Gilpin Streeu, Denver, CO 80209 Talking TermExec 3-97 Lifestyle Personal Communicator1-91 (303) 777-0740 Natural Language Processing Program3-249 Expert SySteMs Software, Green Software side 316; 2120 Crestmoor Rout Nashville, TN 12 Cornell Street, Portland, ME 04103 Educational Electronic Techniques, LTD 37215- (267) 797-3643 (615) 292-7667 1888 Wantajth Avenue, Wantagh, NY 11793 Toywriter 3-322 (800) 4334872 Omnibox 3-63 Keylioirding For The DValexic3:230 Switchmaster 3-275 Greentree Group, The Keybearding forehe- Visually Lireited3-231 Toy Assessor 3-284 P.O. Box 28, Mohnton PA 19540 KeyWarding_with Oise Mind _3-212 Toy Scanner3-284 Visual/PerceptiW_Disignettie Testing & Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, Trainilig_Preigt_ 3-184 Extensions for Independence What Belongs? 3-259 Witt Of Help2-83 635-5 North Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos, CA 92869 (619)744-4083 ,vy Pik Tray,DeTsk Organizer 2-51 .aiy-aad-A-Diskette3-131

esource Book Computer Software and Hardware ote Appendix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Prmlucts

Gregg/McGrawaill Houghton VocaLink CSRB-LCI 3-50= Princeton Road, Highstown, NJ 08520 P.O. Bat 683, Hanover, NH 43755 VocaLink Striet11000__3-37 (314) 156-2300 (603) 448-3838 VocaLink SYS3011_ 3-51_ Key-WM:ling for the Physically Sound Ideas 3-268 VocaLink VRT300 3-52 Handicapped 3-231 Hugh MacMillan Medical Centre Totes Micro Systems Corporation Grimaldi & James 350 RiiMsey Rd, Toronto, ON M4G 1R8 725 South Adams Road, Suite Lk Birmingham, CK) Coordinator, SpeCill DI Program, 49"1 E CANADA MI 48011 Carson Street, Long Beack CA 90808 (416) 425-6220 (313) 540-7601 (213) 420-4272 Accularm 2-75 Icomm_ 1-68 Easy Programmer 3-317 Capacitive Tinieliplite Interface 2-10 hitek-Tilker 3418 Dual Channel _Wain* S*iteh Speechkd 2-76 Handiesipped Children's Computer Interface 1-22 Cooperative Project Head Control for Wheelchairs 2-17 IT: InformationSystems-_ do Sherwood Center, 7938 Chestnut, Kansas Microawitch Joystick 2-24 2350 Quake Drive, San JOM, CA 95131 City, MO 64132 (408) 945-8950 (816) 363-4606 IBM Corporation Voice Communications System 3-54 Color Find 3-202 Information Systems Group, 3113 West Benline Utter Find 3-236 Highway, Madison, WI 53713 J. Jordan & Associates Rabbit Scanner 3-260 (608) 273-5200 or 273-5292 1127 Oxford Court, Neenah, WI 54456 Sight Ward Spelling 3-265 Listen to Learn 3-231' (414) 725-9046 The Adventures of Jimmy Jumper - Writing to Read 3-295 Control Without Keyboards 3-315 = PiCOMitions 3=282 Mita Ind Mita 3-283 IBM Entry System Division Tbaeli and See 3=283 Jones, Mat/Itew 1140013urnett Bask Aultin; TX 78758 P.O. Box 82729, Fairbanks, AK 99708 (512) 838-8308 No Phone Handicapped Children's Technological Voice Communications Option 3-53 Services; Inc. Ove Handed Typing 3-250 EC?. Boil '1, Fetter, RI 02825 (401) 861-6126 Icon Periphirala Josteei Learning Systems 2901 Independence Avenue South, St. Louis &live Stimulation Progratninet 1-16 800_E Business Center Drive, Mt. Prospect, IL Park, MN 55426 60056 BarrelSwitch 2,7 (612) 933-7986 Devalopmental Lever Control 2-12 (312) 296-0510 Doubie Push Panel 2-13 Response OptiMizer J-140 Ufonic Voice System 3-124 Grasp Switch 2-16 Single Pvsh Panel 2-34 Imaginart Communication Products K Talker Sales Tilt Switch 2-37 P.O. Box I868, Idyllwild, CA 92349 P.O. Box 909, Port Townsend, WA 98368 Timer and Counter 1-31 (714) 659-5905 (206) 385-7910 Touch Sensitive Joystick Control 2-38 Eye-Com Board 1-46 K Talker 3-87 Tondo 'N Talk Communication Board 1-58 Hanky_ Ats-oCiateri Tenth 'N Tilk Communication 1750 West Jervis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60626 NOtelioeik: 148 ' slashian; AI (312) 262-9531 TOiTch 14 Talk-Communication 3234 South Villa Circle, West Allis, WI 53227 (414) 327-4051 No-Touch 2-58 Sllekeri_ 1.59 = Touch 'N Talk Mitrol 1-59 Speller Teller 1-27 Unipix 1-60 Harding & Harris, Inc. P.O. Box 1599, Orem, UT 84057 Kryn8y.v, Jitc (801) 224-2014: Innocomp 1016 ObioStreet, Lawrence, rs 66044 Innovative Computer Applications, 33195 (913) 842-4016 AutOrnita IEP SyStem and Professional Wagon Wheel, Solon, OH 44139 3450 (216) 248-6206 PROVOX 3-95 Hypernsity__3-751 Sound Semeh II 3-762 Say-It-All and Say-It-All Super Plus 1-73 KAY Elemetrics Corporation 12 Maple Avenue, Pine Brook, NJ 07058 Hartley Courseware; Inc, lastructionaliCommunictions (201) 227-2003 P.O. Box 431, Dimondale, MI 48821 rethlitilogy, Inc. Viai-Pit7ch MriZel 6095 3=288 (517) 646-6458 10-Stepar Place, Huntington Station, NY 11746 (800) 225-5428 Cognitive Rehabilitation Series 3-199 Kennedy Memorial Hospital for Children Riniedial Secondary or Adult Education Cloze-Plus ftogram 3-199 Educstion Dept ?Meath' 3462 Comprehension_Power IrrOgraIn 3-203 30_ WarrenStrett, Brighton, MA 02135 Special Edication (Elementary) Paks for Math_Power Pzogram 3-240 SprMtV N1 3-269 PAVE: PerceptualAccuracy/Vim0 (617) 254-3800, eta 189 Efficiency Training 1-251 Kennedy Handi-Math Program 3-229 Processing Power Provam 3-258 Kennedy Switch Key Software 3-136 Help Me to Help Myself Communicafion Reading Around Words Progrnm 3-261 Aids_ Visagraph Eye-Movement Recording Key Tronic 342_Acre AvenaC, Broirnsburg, IN 46112 System 3-183 (317)852-4471 P.O. Box 14687, Spokane, WA 99214 Word Memory Programs 3-293 01X1) 2624" WA: (MP) 928-8000 Help Me to Help Myself 1-47 Key Tronie Plug-COMO/table Keybbards 3:7 InterfaceSysleMs Speech Rotogidcin Keybeard 3-48 HFB Enterprises partuwOR 41X1 Maple Court, Herndon, VA 22070 (503) 256-3214 (703) 37&1843 Kindermath Freedom 1 3-86 P.O. Box 712, Devon, PA 19333 /WM-Writer Version 351 3-320 (215) 687-1331 International Marketing Services,Inc. Kindermath B 3-233 _ 220 Commerce Avenue, Port Richey, FL 33568 5200 W.68, Slawnee Mission, KS 62208 (813) 842-3331 (913) 262-7440 Kinetic Designs, Inc. Brom.r.r.p. 11 3-82 4113C Bridgeport Way; TaComs, WA 98466 Pobcat 3-195 zipu-Lenz 344 (206) 565-6727 Filch 3-4 HoneywalkDilk Insiruments Snsidiary Inlerstate_Voice Products 102st.,Ear &ueet, Oita Mesa, CA 92626 1849 W. Sequoia Avenue, Ormige, CA 92668 (714) 979-530k (80)) 824-3522 (714) 937-9010 quadLynx Trackball 3-44 VocaLink Cellular Malule 2-70 Appendix C: MANUFACIVRERS Listed with their Products

Kingware Coarehab Vol. 2 3-200 Mayer-Johnson Company Box 1567, Nome, AK 99762 Cogrebab Vol. 3 3-201 P.O. Boa AD,Solana Beech, CA 92075 (907) 443-5603 Cogrehab Vol 4 3-201 (619) 481-2489 Keys to Succesc -Comp. Keybd. Skills for Access-Ability 3-23 Blin&Children_3-232 Communication Binder 1-43 Repeat_Defeat 3.11 Communication Folder 1-43 Koala Technologies Corporation Tail Mnster 3-281 hidividualined Communication 269 Mount Herman Road, Scotts Valley, CA Systems 1-48 Life Experiences CoMmunication Xit 1-48 95066 Lind Electronic Design (4CO) 438-0946 Picture Communicanon Symbols, Book I 3857 Louisiana Avenue South, St. Louis Park, and1300k II 1-52 Gibson Light Pen System 3-62 MN 55426 Pocket-Sized Communication Book 1-53 Koala Pad 3-62 (612) 927-6303 Practice Communication Cards 1-55 Prairie Power Portable He System 3-139 Krown Research, Inc. McCuiston, Ronald S. 6300 Arizona Circle, Loi-Angeles, CA 94005 Liam niectronics 5795 Adelyn Road, Pensacola, FL 32504 (211) 641-4306 fvoice or Tr° 2055_ Corte_ del Ncgs1; Carlsbad, CA 92008 (904) 476-8916 Porta Printer Plus MPIO 1-92 (800) 421-1587 Hindi-Keys 3-5 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD 1-93 Linear Alert ET-1A 2-80 Porta Printer Plat MP4OD 1-93 Porta View Junior/Model 32 1-94 MCE Inc Print-A-Call 1-94 lAnguiSystems 157 Kaamazoo Mat, Sui:s 250, Kalamazoo, MI 716 17te Street, Moline, IL 61265 49007 (616) 345-8681 Kurzweil Applsed Intelligences l';10) 255-8463, IL (811) 851-8237 411 Waverly Oaks, Waltham, MA 02154 Teaching Vccabidary Lingua:asks 3-281 Job Readiness Series 3-228 (617)893-5151 AutomatIEP System and l"..COR Goid Job Survival Series 3-228 Blab 3-150 The Last R - Reasoning 3-282 Kurzweil Voicesystem 3-38 HELP_Linguidith 3-225 _ WALC UnguiDilks 3-292 MECC (Minnesota Educational KY Enterprises/Custom Computer Computing Consortiumi Rolutions Lorin Software 3490 Lexington Avenue, North, St. Paul, MN 3039 East 2nd Street, Long Beach, CA 90803 315 Brassie Drive, Orlando, FL 32804 55112 (213) 433-5244 (305) 423-7547 (612) 481-3500 Apple Adaptor 3-69 Illustrations 3-321 Blissyrabolica Bliss Drilla 3-194 EZRA 2-54 Type-Talk 3-286 Blissymbolice Bliss Library 3:309 FingesTip Controller 3-31 Blissymbolice BliWbeard 3-310 Head Switcls 2-18 Lovejoy Electronics BlissymbolicTc BliWyiabbl Concepts 3-194 Modilied_loystick 2-25 35CIarrison Streec Portland, ME 04102 0:Hwang Crateit 3-209 Mouth Omrated Controller for Gus& 34/ Guessing and Thinking 3-224 Multi-Game Board 3-138 (207) 774-9421 Peutt With Wet& 3-250 Tongue Controller 3-49 Lite Touch 3-38 Special Needs Volume I - Spelling 3-269 SpeciaiNeeds_Volunie 2 - Simulations & Lakeland Priiducit Luminaud, Inc. Drills 3-270 21 Binumwtiod Drive, Burnsville, MN55337 8688 Tyler Woulevird, Mentor, CYR44060 (612) 890-7123 (216) 255-9082 Med Labs Autominc Page Turner 2-46 CImp-On Buwo Switch 2-11 7036 Madera Drive, Goleta, CA 93017 Cooper Rand Electronic Speech Aid (805) 968-2486 Lambert Software Coinpany Finger Flex Switch 2-15 E-Z Call 2-77 P.O. Box 171277, San Diego, CA 92117 Headband Switch 1-18 PA-1 Portable Alarm 2-81 Magnetic Finger Switch 2-22 (619) 492 9721 Mercury Tilt Switch 2-23 ELS. - Cognitive Educational System 3-229 Pressure Switch 2-32 MedkaliEquipment Distributors, Inc. Rand Voice Amplifier 1-5 3223 South Loop 289, Suite 150, Lubbock, TX Voieette 1-6 79423 Language Analysis Lah, Weisman Center (806) 793-8421 1500 Highland Avenue; Madison; WI 53705 (608) 26,-5408 Maddak, Vac. Air Switch 2-6 Pequannock, NJ 07440 Button Switch 2-9 SALT (Systematic Analysis of Language Light Touch Lever Switch 2-22 Transcripts) 3-161 (201) 694-0500 MicroDEC II 2-57 Adjustable Head Pointer 1-10 Rocker Switch 2-33 Llitirelte Letriling Systems, Inc. AirSwitch Kits 2-6 1_Mill Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Automaddnk Page Tu_rnee 2-45 Merritt Computer Products, Inc (802) 652-4755 Mouth Held Page Turners 1-11 Page Turner 2-60 2925 LBJ Freeway, Suite 180, Dallas, TX 75234 Audible Carecr_Explorer 3-172 Plate Switch 2-28 (214) 339-0753 Fast Access Scan Talker 3-318 PuffN Buzzer Switch 2-81 SafeSkin Keyboari Protector 3-18 First Catejeories 3-218 Squeeze Type Switches 2-36 First Verbs 3-219 First Words 3-219 Methodii& _lutions, Inc First Words U 3-220 Marbk_Sydems_ 8/Montvale Avenue, StOneham, MA 02180 Following Directions 3-221 21805 Znfiserom Northeitt, CeeWr, MN 55011 (617) 438-5454 Learning Left and Right 3-235 (612) 434-3704 Picture Perfect 3-302 Micro-LADS 3-179 Early Learning I 3-211 Race the Clock 3-260 Speak Up 3.335 Early Learning _3-212 Twenty Categories 3.285 Mix 'N Match 3-247 Micro Connection, Inc. P.O. Box 198, Bedford, MA 07130 Lemeting TooK Inc Maryland Computer &erVices, Inc. (617) 2744112 686_Perassachuzetu Avenue, Cambndge, MA 3132 Southeast Jay Street, Stewart, FL 32497 HOVe 3-5 02139 (305) 2111-211811 (617) 864-8086 Autons_Forin Writer 3-308 _ Individualized Planning System 3-157 Micro Engineering BrOle Translaann Software 3-310 955 Camino La Maida, Thousand Oaks, CA Creamer Mtv4Wied Perkins Brenta 3-105 91360 Life Science Atitiociatte PC Reader 3,42 (805) 492-1003 1 Fenimore Rod, Weyport, NY 11705 Ready_ Reader 3-45 (516) 4724111 Romeo Brailler 3-109 Micro Braille 3-327 V.P. 3-99 Apple Dc thprit Adapter 3-70 Arithmetic lA mid 3 with Speech 3-191 Cogrehse Vol. 1 3-200 A n Reaource Btrok 1 Computer Software and Hardware C-7 Appendix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with theirProducts

MicrnVideo 5R-I00 Voice Input Terminal 3-48 314 N. First Street; P.O. Box 7357, Ann Arbor, Personics Corporation MI 46107 2352 Main Street, Building 2, Concord, MA (313) 996-0626 Network Services 01792 1915 Huguenot Road, Richmond, VA 23235 (617) 897-1575 Viden Voice 3-288 (804) 379-2253 HeadMaster 3-33 CAPTAIN: Cognitive Training Series 3-196 MIcro-Ect P.O. Boa 444-005, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Mimic Ear, Inc. (612) 944-8750 Ohm/Electronici 7.50_Carriino Alta, Mill Valley, CA 94941 746 Vermont StreeL PlUtifte, IL 60067 (415) 383-4000 Point and Read 3-254 (312) 359-5500 VOIS 130 1-82 Scooter Zero Force Game Port 3-141 VOIS 135 143 Microcomputer Systems for the VOIS 140 1-83 Handicapped Ohttuki Communication Products, Inc. VOIS 150 1-84 10418 Armstrong Street, Fairfaa, VA 22030 1399 Ygnacio Valley Road, Suite 24, Walnut (703) 352-3611 Crak, CA 94598 Pitts Corporation Choice Maker I 3-198 (415) 947-3148 4620 North 650 East, Provo, UT 84604 Talking Aid 3-338 Ohnuki Prinlet 3-108 (601) 225-6441 Eye-Com 1-45 Mitroidionies Technology Corporation P.O. Vox Medics!, Inc.

25_37th Stret Northeast, Suite B, Auburn, WA P.O. Box 6427, Hilton Head Island, SC 29938 P3 Saftwart_ _ 91002 (803) 686-2994 12810 NZ_135th Street, Kirkland; WA 98034 (800) 325-9206 P.0 Vox 1-4 No phone Pronounce 3-43 P.0 Vox Companion 1-5 TAG: Talking Animated Graphics 3-276

MicroTalk Software PAL-Da Enterprises POttritart 337 & Peterson Av., Louisville, KY 40206 8785 Martz-Paulin Road, Franklin, OH 45005 2600 Keilinger Road, Box 311, Geneva, IL (502) 896-1288 (513) 746-9487 60134 ProTERM 3-94 EDACTS Keyboard 3-27 (800) 323-0884 ProWORDS 3-332 Graphics Magitiari Jr. 3-379 Palmetto Technologies, Inc. Graphics Magician Painter 3-319 Microtech_ConSUlting COMpany P.O. Box 49&_Duncan,_SC 29334 206 Angie Drive, P.O. Biz 521, Cedar Falls, IA (803) 576-2886 (voice or TIN) Polytel Computer_Products Corporation 50613 Echo 2003 1-90 1250 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 310, Sunnyvale, (319) 277-6648 CA 94086 Micro-Intemreter I (Fingerspellet) .3-245 (408) 730-1147 Micro-Interpreter 11 (CAV-ASL) 3-246 Parallel SysteMS Int. P.O-Bor58435, Vancouver, BC V6P 6K2 Keyp-ort 160 3-36 CANADA Keyport 60 3-36 Midwed Health Programs, Inc. (604) 261-4106 P,O. Box 1023, Urbana, IL 61801 Keasyboard 3-35 Precision Control%_ Inc._ (217) 167-5293 e.a Box 45-,Rskelt NJ 07465 (201) 1135-5000 PC-Fingers 3-232 Patrol StiftWitri P.O. Box 1139, State college, pA 16804 COM 2000_ 1-89 Morning Star Software, Inc. (814) 2374282 Door Monitor 2-77 P.O. Box 5364, Madison, WI 53705 Sound Monitor 2-83 (608) 233-5056 Aphwsia Serism I thrisigh wn 3-190 Telephone Ring Indicator 2-66 Cuagorical Reasoning I and II 3-197 Fact Master 3-215 1EP Wiiter 3-156 Individual Performance-Graph Pak 3-156 Prtntke RomichCompany Mountain CompUter language Intervention Planner 3-138 1022 Hot Raid, Wtioster, OH 44691 360 ElPueblo Roa4 S,us Valley, CA 95066 Minimal Contrast Ti crispy 3-246 (216) 262-1984 (800) 458-030Ck (408) 438-6650 Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis Air_Cushion Switch (Siik* in* Dual) 2-5 (ELSA) 3,158 Apple Switck Interface 3-70 Supertalker 3-122 Phonological Process Tutor 3-253 Arm Slot Control 24 Pictures Progreso= L II and III 3-253 Battery Interface 1-18 Mberty, Fr. Bradley (for information) Process Analysis Version 2.0 3-180 Brow Wrinkle Switch 2-8 19 I Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20031 Call Signal 2 2-76 (202) 842-1650 PEAL BoftWire Computer Entry Terminal 3-25 CTRL & ALT Key A&ptive PrOgram 3-3 1725_Promenmie, #323, &ants Monica, CA Control 1 2-47 90401 Dual Rocking Lever Switch 2-14 (213) 451-0997 Express 3 1-65 National Institute for Rehatilitation Keyboard Interfaces 3-72 Engineerkig Exploratory Play 3-214 Keygiards 3-11 97Decker RessA Butler, NJ 07405 Ketalk_3-23k _ Light Talker 1-68 (201) 838-2300 Representational Play 3-263 Miiii Reeking Lever Switch 2-25 Large Type 3-323 Mialpak 1 =1:70 Pi-clonal Micro Computers, Inc. P,SWitthI 2-26 = 275 &nu Ana Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Pneumatic Switch 2-10 National Wchnical Systems (4118) 737-8444 PRC Joystia 2-32 26525 Gallica Valley Road, Saugus, CA 91350 Sin& Recruits Uver Saila 2-35 (213) 56841750 Eft-urostic Typing Fmgers 3-1116 Television Ch=n01 c.lertor 2-66 Sorad AnGvilW:d Ught SWitch 243 Tongue Switch 2,38 Pummel Touch Corporation Tauch_Talker 1-80 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 290, San Jose, TrainiegAid2 1-33 Nationwide Fleshing Signal ys*ems, Ine CA 95129 Versascan 1-35 8120 Fenton Street, Suite IX100, Silver Spring. MD 20910 (400 246-8822 Viewmint OpticsA_Inditator 6 1-12 Touch Window 3-65 Wireless Data Transmission System 3-77 (301) 589-6670 T1313, (301) 589-6671 Wobble Switch 2-41 Wireless Alerting Systems 2-84 Personalty Developed Software easos 326k Wdlisiglerck CT 06492 rtometheus Wtware NEC Americsk_ (800) 426-7279 551 Chesman Street. West Hempstead, NY 8 Old SortEnrs RL Mdville, NY 21747 11552 (516) 753-7361 Morse Code Drills 3-248 (516) 485-5491 PC Morse Code 3-251 D4'-200 Connected Speech Recognize,- 3-61 Communicator 3-314 SAR-10 Voice Plus 3-46

C-B Resource Book Computer Software and Hardware 4 90 Appendix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products


Psycholical Software Services, Inc. RoseSoft. Inc. Shea Protucts. Inc. 6555 Carrollton Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 4710 University Way NE, Suite 601, Seattle, 1042 West Hamlin Road, Rochester, MI 48063 46220 WA 98105 (313) 656-2281 (3171 257-9672 (206) 524-2350 Special Friend Speech Prosthesis1.75 Firm Grip JoystiekMolder 3-133 ProKey347 Founations I3-221 Siemens _Hearing Instruments, Inc. Founarions Il 3222 Rushakoll, G.E. 685 Liberty Avenue, Union, NJ 07083 Memory I 3-243 Clinica-Microcomputer_Laboratory, Box 3W, (800) 631-7965 Memory II _3-244 Department of Speech, New Mexico State Servos1-5 Multipart3-139 University, Las Cruces, NM 88003 Paddle_Panel3-14 (505) 646-2801 Froblem Solving3258 SOft COle PSS Joystick Adapter 3-74 Florida Scanner3-134 1804 Mississippi, Liwrence, KS 66044 Smart Shaper3-266 Single Switch Assessment Program3-181 (913) 842-6085 Visuospatial Skills3-290 Single Switch Game Library3-303 TrakII3:337 I Can Talk3-226 (Ned Electronics 510 Soutk Worthington Street, Oconomowoc, SABRE Computers Inter. glional, LTD SOFT-X WI 53066_ 514 Craig Lane, Villanova, PA 19085 6504 West Girard Avenue, Milwaukee, WI (414) 567-9137 (215) 525-4374 53210 (414)-445-5925 Silent Page System2-82 Brailink III3-83 TRAX PAX Talking CheckhoOk _3-344 TRAX rAx Talking File Box3-345 R.D. Oark, Inc. SbOrdone, Robert, PhD Box 21)3owling Green, IN 47833 Orange County Neuropsychological Group, (812) 986-2178 MO Warner Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA SofiCup Company 9270/1_ P.O. Box 7113, Rochester, MN 55903 Nu-Vue-Cue 149 (714) 841-6293 (507) 288-6729 Computer Progs. for Neuropsychological Timothy Communications Package1-79 Mi. Cooper & Associates Testing & Rehah3-206 2144 South 1100 East. Suite 150, Salt 'Ake City, UT 84106 Software Development & Distribution (801) 263-1388 Schaefer, James S. Center 24 Ashford Road, Jackson, NJ 08527 University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1025 West CASPT3-197 (201) 364-3095 Johnson, Madison, WI 53706 CompuDesk HCP3-129 (608) 263-9864 PictureScanner - Software for Mac Interpreter for the Blind3-82 Assessment3-180 PEPP'4R3-159 Point to Pictures Development Kit3-255 Schneler Communication_ Unit Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit3-255 Cerebra nhy _Center, 1603 Court Stree Software Rftearch Corporation Point to Pictures Lesson Plan Masters3-256 Syracuse,NY 13208 3939_QuadieSc, Victoria, BC V8X 115 (315) 455-7591 (604) 727-3744 RIM Systems Appliance Genie3-307 Micro Speech Lab3-245 22903_FereAvenue, Torrance, CA 90505 Magic Cymbals3-326 Visible Speech Aid3-289 (213) 534-1880 Quick Talk3-332 Conspudapter3-25 Say It 3-334 Software Research Technologies Sound Match3-268 2130 South Vermont Ave, Los Angeles, CA Type N' Parrot3-286 Raised Dot Computing 90307 408 S Baldwin, Madison, WI 53703 (213) 737-7663 (608) 2574595 Scholutic Software Smartkey 730 _Broadway, Deparment New York, NY 3-18 BEX 3-309 10033 3-195 Braille-Trainer (800) 325-6149; Of (212) 505-3537 Solutions By Example HotDOU3-320 P.O. Box 1532, Westford, MA 01886 Super Creamer Graphics Facge3-336 Talking Text Writer3-279 (617) -6924570 PC Spetik3-92 RC Solemn Inc. Scott Instruments 121 West Winesap Road, Bothell, WA 98012 1111 Willow Drive, Denton, TX 76201 (206) 672-6909 (817) 387-9514 Sonoma State Ilospital/Development CoreuxM VET33-26 nter SCAT (Screen Articulator)3-95 Conununication Enginee:ing. P.O. Box 1493, Slotbuster3-120 Eldridge, CA 95431 SEI (Slime Enterprises, Inc.) (707) 938-6306 Regenesis P.O. Box 105Z Yorktown, VA 23692 SonomaVoice1-27 810 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V5Z 4CS (804) 898-8386 CANADA Maker Talker3-137 (604) 929-2414, (604) 228-4711 Southern Micro Systems 716 East Davis Street, Burlington, NC 27215 Puf fir. Morse Code Entry System3-44 Sensory Aids Corporation (800) 334-5521 201 West Grand Avenue, Suite 205, Bensenville, II. 60106 Ability-Achievement Disdrepancy3347 Rehab_ Tethnology, ArricuUtiOn_Ertor Analysis (AEA)3-148 Bet US_ Aviltde, IL 62216 (312) 766-3935 CARA 3-rn (618) 654-1687 Keynote3-88 Stanford-Binet Computer Report (SB- Morser3-328 Viewscan Text System3-100 CR)3-162 WAIS-Riter 'BASIC'3-164 Rehabilitation Inititute of Chicago Sensory Aith Fountafior_ WISC-Riter 13,ZIC_3-166 Alan J. Brown Center, 345 East Superior 399 Sherman Avenue, Syte 12, Falo Alto, CA W1SC-Riter Complete3-166 Street, Chicago, II. 60611 94306_ (312) 408-2556 (415) 329-0430 Special Litarning Ed Software (SLED) RIC Easy TaW3-333 Software for Visually Impaired P.O. Box 16322, Minneapolis, MN 55416 Children3-267 (612) 926-5820 Rblannon Software COMpleft Spelling Program3-203 3717: Titan Drive, Richmond; VA 23225 Sentient Systems Technology, Inc. (804) 272-7770 5001 Baum Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 secialized_Systerns, Inc. (412) 682411 Sarah and Hzr Friends3-264 6060 Corte del Ccdro, Carlsbad, CA 92008 EyeTyper2-66 (619) 438-8800 EyeTypet Model 2001-66 01-100 Communicatar1-95 88I-220 Communicator 1-95 4 91 Resource Book Computer Software and Hardware C-9 Appendix MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

SSI-240 Conioninicator 1-96 Flat Air Cushion Switch 2-16 TASII, Grip Switch 2-17 70 Gibson Drive, Unit 1, Markt am, ON L3R SpecialSOft Joystick 2-19 2Z3 CANADA P.O. Box 1983, Santa Monica, CA 90406 Keyboard Covers 3-7 (416) 475-2212 (SOO) 421-6534 Leaf Switch 2-20 Lighted Extra Loud Signalling_Buzzer 2-79 Ability Snriteli Taint 1-15 Fingerspeller 3-217 AutOnnitic Message Dialer 2-45 Language LAS. 3-234 Lighted Signalling Buzzer 2-79 Lighted Vibrating Signalling Buzzer 1-23 Button Switch 2-9 Perceptual Motor Trainer 1-24 Call Bell 2-76 Spec Ch Enterprilei PhOto CoIl switeh 247 Cap Switch 2,10 10622Yairlane Drive; HoirstOW, TX 77024 PinthSsiitth 1248 Chin Switch 2,10 (713) 461-1666 Plate Switch 2-29 Com Board 149 Au Co Braille Game Tutorial 3-191 Plate SwitehOii Stand 2-30 CupSwitch 2-12 Classy_ Letterheads - Speakl 3-313 Push-On-Push-Off Module 1-25 Cylindrical Touch Switch 2-12 E-Z Pilot II Authoring Syetem and ItAcking Plate Switeh 2-34 Disk Guide 3-130 Training Pukaie 3-316 Sequential Scanner 1-26 Dual Switch Latch and Timer 1-22 Echo Enhancement Box 3-131 Signal _Buzzer 2-42 Dual Touch Pad Switch 2-15 Echo/Cricket Training Disk 3-132 Sip & Puff Switch_ 235 Elementary MOD Keyboard System 3-28 Fliptrack Learning Tape Tutorials 3-134 Small_Clock Communicator 1.26 Flex Switch 2-16 FuuWitb Milli 3-222 Tilt Switch 2,37 Game Paddle for Apple II Computers 3-32 llluatrationz 3:321 Timer Module 1,31 Governor 3435 Vertical Plate Switch 2-40 Intercom Unicontrol 2-78 Littiraek 3437 Toystick with Pad Switch 2-19 MUlt&-riU3-3291: Vibrating Sack 1-35 SpelliiVg Thor 3-272 Voice Activatcd Switch 2-40 Ki9b-ciaid Interface for Apple Ile 3-71 Kt ygnaidel 3-11 Study Buddy3-273-_1 Wobble Switch 2-41 TalkingTriutend II 3-340 Tall Talk Prints 3-97 _ Keyscan II 3-221 Strawberry-Hill Knowledge Software, Inc. King Keyhcard _3-37 Tall Talk Screteu 3-98 20241961-88th Avenue, Delta, BC V4C 3C9 Leaf Switch_ 2-20 _ Tally-Talk _3,342 _ CANADA Textsuiter ZO 3-343 _ Lever Switch_ 2-21 (604) 5945947 Micro Joystick with Push So/Heti 2:23 Ultimate Ranh.: 1-346 _ Ultimate File Cabinet 3-346 SurroundingPatterus (and other Mini CupSwitch-_-_2-24 I programs) 3-274 Mini Joystick with PoeumatieSWiteh 2-24 Mini Joystick with Push Switch 2-25 Siekh PIUS, Inc. Street Electronics Corporation Mini Keyboard 3-39 461 North Bernardo Avenue, Mountain View, MOD Keyboard System 3-40 CA 94043 1140 Mark Avenue, Carpenteria, CA 93013 (805) 684-4593 Penta Switch 2-27 (415) 964-7023 Pillow Switch 2-27 Crieket 3416 Plate Switch 2,29 IlTtit 5000 3:115 Echo +-_3417 allTdit 5050 3,115 Platform Switch 2-30 hiTo GP_ 3-117 Pneumatic Switch 2-31 aho PC2 L3-118 Radio Unicontrol 2-61 Speeds Products, Luc TitUlker.Blindind Other Echo Rocker Switch _2-33 32 Union Square E, New York, NY 10003 Utilitias 348 Round Pad Switch 2-34 (212) 777-2350 Soft Switch 245 Butler-in-a-Box 2-46 Sunburst Communications Square Pad Switch 2-36 39 Washington Avenue, Pleuantville, NY Switch Adapter for Apple Ile and II+ Sp4eth *debit Illinois 10570 Computers 3-75 715_Weit Main Street. Batavia, IL 60510 (914) 769-5030 Switch Latch 1-29 (312) 879-&380 Talkint100 Communicator 1-78 Magic Slate 3-239 Tape Recorder Aid 2-64 Ears 3-27 Muppet Learning Keys 3-63 Tape Recorder with Switch Adapter 2-64 Super Voice 3-121 Telephone On/Off Latch 2-65 Suns-et_Software Tip Siiitch 2-38 SpeechMaster 11750_Sdtist Roilevard, Suite 414, Los Ang:les, TOSC-2 Environmental Control 64 F.6400 South, Suite 235, Salt Lake City, UT CA 900491 System 2-67 84107 (213) 476-0245 oy_ble 1-32 (WI) 266-3356 Radars_ 3-226 rtWit SWiteh 1-39 TV 0:Mil-crier 2--68 SpeeXhMister 3-271 Keyboarder 3-230 Picapad _3-160- Ultra 4Remoft System 2-68 UnderstandintOuestions, Sentences I & Unidialeti 249_ Spherelredutologlesc Int Stories 3-287 Voice Mate II 1-36 22 Richmond Street, Providence, RI 02903 Visual/Reading Drill. 3-290 Wafer Switch 2-40 (401) 8619400 VS1000 Voice Communications Device 3.65 Sweet Mler0 SYSteitti Telautograph Corporation SO_Freeway-Drive, Cranston, RI02920 13700 Bellanca Avenue, Los Angeles, CA90045 SpiU,A.Teult Publisting Company (800) 341-8001 (213) 641-3690 3177 Weiglith Drive, Dept. CTG, Sacramento, Thlewriter 1-98 CA 95827=_ Mockingboud 3-119 (916) 369-2032 Syn-Talk Systems and_Serviees Telesensory _Systems, Inc Game Power for Phonics, Plus 3-177 70 Estero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127 455 North Bernardo Avenue, P.O. Box 7455, (415) 334-4586 Mountain View, CA 94039 (415) 960-0920 SRI DiStribiition, Inc. PtatTlpt-Wiitet 3=331 2691 Dow Avenue, Suite F, Tustin, CA 92680 EzaT 3-84 (714) 5449N1 Optacon 3-91 Vela Sytteitie Naar 3-55 TILL Instrumentation & Publishing PC Vert 3-92 Compny_ Soft Vett 3-96 IW1271751, Carrollwood Station, Tampa, TeleBraille 1-97 Steven _L_Ksnor, PhD; Inc Ft 33688 _ Vintage 3-99 8 Main Street, Hastings-on-Hudso4 NY 10706 (813) 821-5744 (813) 962-7419 Vers4Beillle_ 3411 (914) 478-0960 PIC Word_Board 1-50 VerWaniiit_Binille Embosser 3-111 Apple Computer Input Adapter 3-69 Talk Board 1-56 Vert PhTs_ 3-100 Button Switch 2-9 Word Board 1-60 Vista 3401 Clock Communicator 1-18 CoMpartmentalized Communicator 1-20 Temenning,ifoseph L. Cpute Kayliard Switch 2-11 25 Rose Hill Park, Cornwall, NY 12518 pister Thte-Switch 2-11 (914) 5343339 1,20 EnvirOnmental troi 2,52 Edufun 3-213

C40 Resource rcvok 3 Computer Soft*Ire aqd Hardware 92 Appendix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

Texu Imstrumenta; Inc. UNITED Educational Services, Inc. Votrax International, Inc. Attention: Pas% P.O. Boit 53, !.uhbock, TX P.O. Box 605,East Aurora,NY 14052 1394 Rankin Drive, Troy, MI 48083 79408 (800) 458-7900, NY (716) 652-9131 (800) 521-1350 (800) 842-2737 Articulator C..oals and Ohjectives for Personal Speech System3-119 11-Speech3-49 Speech3-149 Type--14-Tilk3-124 Vocaid1-82 Child Placement Rrport Writer3-151 Votalker AP3-125 Exp1orer3-154 YOUlker C,64.1-126 TeMprinI IEP Manager, 1W.vii 3-153 VotMkor IB3-126 22t.' yleservoir Street, Needham Heights, MA 3-Wear_Objecfive MUtery Report_3-137 3-159 02194 PIAT-Error_AnMysts Report VTEK (617) 449-5808 Pll - Persongized Information for 1625 Olympic Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA Independence3-254 90404 Print-it3-94 Rate Drill in Articulation, Language and (213)452-5966, (800) 345-2256 Fluency3,261 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report3-163 BETA-X3 Thiel-Braille Printer3-105 TIGER Communication System, Inc. Braitk-Display Processor3-83 155 E Bro-ad St., No. 325, Rochester, NY 14604 WechIsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised INDEX3-106 (716) 454-5134 (WAIS-12)3-164 WISCR Compilation: What To Do raffge_Print_Display Processor3-88 TIGERbook1-30 Now_3-165 MBOSS-1 3-107 WISC-R Computer Report (WISC- MPRINT3-108 Titania Publications RCR)3-165 Small Talk1-75 P.O. Box 2352, Eugene. OR 97402 Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error (503) 342-3030 Analysis Report3-167 Walker Equipment Corporation Creativity Tool Tkox3-299 P.O. Box 829, Highway 151 South, Ringgold, GA Dot &_Dr.Lv3-300_ Universe Electric Research Company 30736 Super SUpe Draw & Animate3-337 510 Florence Ave., St. Louis, MO 63119 (800) 426-3736 (314) 961-7253 Amplified Transmitter Hancrsets1-3 Totec Company, LTD Lip-Reader Trainer3-237 19151 Parthenia Street, Northridge, CA 91324 Washington Research Foundation (703) 486-2724 Value International Suite 322, U-District Building, 1107 N.E 45th Words-to-Voice3-101 381 East 34113-Street, Tuscon, AZ83713 Street, Seattle, WA 98105 (602) 790.7145, (602) 293-1510 (206)633-3569 Touch_ Turner MESA3-178 Academics with Scanning Language 443 View Ridge Dr, Everett, WA 98203 Arts3-188 (206) 252-1541 Academics with Scanning Math3-188 Variety Village Electrolimb Production Math Disk3-240 Touch Turner2-67 anCre Morse Co-de & Scanning Practice 3700 EranforiXAvenue,Icarborough (Torontt \ Programs 3-247 Trace Center ON MIN 202 CANADA Motor Training Games3-301 S-151 Weisman Center, 1500 Highlauc. Avenue, (416) 698-1415 Phonics,Text, and Graphics3-252 Madison, WI 53705 Prism Communication Tray1-55 Special Inputs Disk 3-47 (608) 262-6966 One Finger3-15 Versa Computing, Inc. Wayne County Intermediate School Talking BlissApple3-339 3541 Old Conejo Road, Newburg Park, CA District 91303 Attention: Greg Turner, 33500 Van Born Triformation Systems, Inc. 8135) 498-1956 Road, Wayne, MI 48184 (313) 467-1415 3102 S.E, Jay Street, Stuart, FL 33497 E-Z Port Plug3-130 (305) 283-4817 SCANWOLF1-74 WOLF1-84 AudiBraille Computer3-81 Venatron Corporation Microbrailler 24003-107 10/Placatreet, Hraldsburg, CA 95488 PC-Braille3-93 (800) 443-1550 Ways & Means Personal Brailler3-109 28001 Citrin Dr., Romulus, MI 48174 Footmouse3-32 TED-600 Text EmbossingDtvice 3-110 (313) 946.5030 TRI-170 Braille Terminal Ea xuser3-110 Voice Connection Jumbo Phone with 9 Memories2-56 Whistleswitch Remote Control2-70 Trams_ Publisbing, Inc. 17835 Skypark Circle, Suite C, Irvine, CA 92714 6295 South La Cienega Boulevard, Inglewood, Western_Center for Microcompute..s in CA. 90301- (714) 6I-2366 (213) 213-0529 IntroVoice I & U 3-33 Special Education IntroVoice III 3-34 1-259 El Camino Real, Suite 275, Menlo Park, Software Automatic Mouth (SAM)3-121 IntroVoice V 3-34 CA- 941325- (415) 326-6997 Typewriting Institute for the Voice Recognition Systems Western Center Echo + Synthesizer Handicapped 550 Battery Street, Suite 1716, San Francisco, Package3-143 3102 W. Augusta Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85(121 CA 94111 (602) 939-5344 (415) 788-2007 Woodsmith Software Dvorak Keyboard Converter 3-3 Voice Driver3-54 Route 3, Box 550 A, Nashville, IN 47448 Dvorak One-Hand Typewriter1-64 (812) 988-2137 Typewriters for the Visually Impaired1-81 VORT_Corporation Magic Keyboard3-90 P.O. Box 60132, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Ultrattt,_Inc. (415) 322-8282 Words+, Inc. 6442 NeirMandy Lline, Madison, WI 53719 1125 Stewart Court, Suite D, Sunnyvale, CA (608) 273-0707 OPS:BCP3-175 DPS:Decision Pathing System3-152 94086 Intele-Type1-90 DPS:HELP3-153 (408) 730-9588 1-92 Minioom It ACES3-171 Superprint 100,200, 4001-96 Equalizer1-64 Watchman2-84 Votan 4487 Technology Drive, Fremont, CA 94538 Expnded Keyboards3-30 (415) 490-7600 Eyebrow Switch2-15 Unicorn Engineertug Company Infrared Switch2-19 6201 Harwood Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618 Voice Card3-52 Key 1.itches3-6 (415) 428-1626 VTR 6050 Series II3-56 Keyguards 3-12 Living sUnter III1-69 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard3-50 Moisture Guard3-15 Morse-Code Based Keyboard Emulator3-40 Multi-Scan3-329

Resource Book3: Computer Software and Hardware C-11 493 Apimndix C: MANUFACTURERS Listed with their Products

PaddleSwitch_ 2-26_ Portable Voice II1-72 Screenkeys3-47 Trine System (Words+)_141 Voice Command System3.53 Ways to Play3-293

X40 ITTSA 185A Usatind Ave., Northvale, NJ 07647 (201) 784-9700 X-10 Powerhouse Computer Interface3-349 X-10 System2-71

Xpert Software 8865 Polland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 268-0112 XtriKey 3-70 Zygo Industria, P.O. Box 1008, Portland, OR 97207 (503) 297-1724 4-Plate Switch2-3 4-Pneumatic Switch 2-3 4-Pushbutton Switch2-3 4-Switch Joystick2-4 5-Pushbutton Switch 2-4 5-Tre7ad Switch Slot Control2-4 AD-1 Unnard Pointer1-9 Apple_Demo DisA3-190 Duel PUte Snitth2-13 Dual Pfieumatit Switth2-13 Dual_Pushbutton Switch2-14 Eye Transfer Onomunicatica System1-45 Oewa Page Turner2-55 Keyguard 3-9 Leaf Switch2-21_ Lev_er Switch2-22 Lightwriter1-69 Math Scratchpad I3.241_ Math Scratchpad II3-242 MultiAnpui_Selector1-24 PACA(Ponable Anticipatory Communication Aid)1-71 Plate Switch2-29 Pneumatic Switch_2-31 Pointer Selection Switch2-31 Pushbutton Switch2-33 Telephone Holder & Line Connector2-65 Thumb Switch2-37 Touch Switch2-39 Toy Adapter Cable1-32 Tread Switch2-39 Wheeled Floor Station3-143 Zyto Model 1001-85 Zygo Model 16C1-36 Zygo Model 201-37 Zyso Model 21S1.37 Zygo Model 42-85 Zygo Notebook1-85 Zygo scanWR1TER1-86 Zygo TETRAscan ll3-57

C-12 Resource Book 3: Computer Software and Hardware 494 Appendix D

Alphabetical Listing of all Products

This appendix contains an alphabetical listing of every product in the three-book series.The name of the manufacturer and book-page location follow each entry.If yov know the name of a product, this provides a quick way to find out if it is in the books.

Resource Book3: Computer Software and Hardware 495 Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of all Products

4-Plate Switch (Zygo Industries, Mc.) 2-1 _ Blissymbolicv Bliss Library (MEC!: (Minnesota Educational Computing 4-Paeumatic_SMitch_ (Eypo Industries. lac) 23_ COniortium))- 3-309 4-Pushbutton _Switch _t_Zygo Industries; Int.) 2-3 Bliiiboard (MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing 4-Switch Joystick__(Zygo I ndoutries; Inc.) Caniartiant))- 3-310 5-Pushbutton Switch (Zymt indmetriel;_inc.) 2-4 Blis7syniholic cao&pti (MECC (Minnesota Educational 5-Tread Switch Slot Control (_.Zygo Industries, Inc.) 2-4 CoMpating_CatesartiUM)) 3-194 AARON (AESIR Software Engineering) 3-307 Bobcat (Hoefer,13.) 3-195 Ability Switch Tester (TASH. Inc.) 1-15 Body Switch _ (DU3T Control Sybenis Groap, !ACT 2-8 Ability-Achievement Discrepancy (Sow tarn Micro Systems) 3-147 Brailiok Ill (SABRE CompattertinteenatiOrta4 LTD) 3-83 Able Net Control Unit (Able Net) 1-15 Braille Display Processor__ (11TEK ) 3-83 _ AbkNet Switch 100 (Able Net) 2-5 Braille Trainer_ (Raise& D_Cn Computing) 3-195 Academics with Scanning Language Arts (Washington Research Braille Translation Software (Maryland Computer Services, int.) 3-310 Foundation) 3488 Braille-Talk (Computer Aids Corporation) 3-311 ACTsdemics_with &canning Math (Washington Research Foundation) 3-188 Brainz (Bainum Dunbar; Inc.) 3-196 Kam-Ability (llingware) 3-23 BraT (Telesensory Systems, Inc.) 3-84 ACcularm_ (Hugh _Mac Milkin Medical Centre) 2-75 Brighter Pathways Communication Symbols and Grids (Brighter ACES_ (Wor-+.11.c.) 3-171 Pathways) 1-41 ACS Mtdicom Computer System (ACSTelecom)- 3-23 7row Wrinkle Switch (Prentke Romich Company) 2-8 Active Stimulation Ptogrammer (Hatidkapped Children's Technological Butler-in-a-Box (Speech Products, Inc.) 2-46 Services; Int.)__146 Button Switch (Medical Equipment Distributors, Inc.) 2-9 Activity_Board (EKEG Electramcs Company LTD) 1-16 Button Switch (Steven E. Kanor. Ph.D.. Inc.) 2-9 AD-I_Standaid_Pointer_(Zygo_ Industries. hoc) 1-9 MittonSwiteh_ (TASH, int) 2-9 Adaptive Firmware Card (Adaptive Peripherals; Inc.) 3-24 SlitCh Assessment (ButtonCount Software Company) 3-172 Adjustable Head Pointer (Cleo, Ind 1-9_ CactiWOrdPinislir COMPfair Services) 3-311 Adjustable Head Pointer (Fred Sammons, Int.) 1-9 Colt-Talk Computer ktdiCeirParatiOn) 3-312 Adjustable Head Pointer 4Maddak_Inc.) Call Bell (TASH, !AC.) 2-76 Al Mstar (AS1EP Education Company) 3-147 Call Signal/ (Prentke RinteiCh Cinitpisay) 2-76 Air Cushion Switch (Campy:Ability Corporation) 2-5 CallTeat 5000 (Speech Plus; 1st.) 3-115 Air Cushion Switch (Single or Dual) (Prentke Rontich Company) 2-5 CallThat _SAO (Speech Plus. Inc.) 3-115 Air Switch (Medical Equipment Distributors, Ise) 2-6 Canon Communicator M (Canon U.S.A..1nc.) 1-63 Air-Switch Kits (Maddak. loc.) 2-6 Cap Switch (TASICinc.3 240 (Aiaprsve Communication Systems, Int.) 1-t13 Capacitive Touchplate Interface (Hugh MacMillan Medical Centre) 2-10 Alpahet_with Tom and Andy (Dunamis. Inc.) 3-189 CAPTAIN: Cojinitive Training Series (Network Services) 3-196 ALTKEY (Di Pt. Of Phyikd Medicine & Rehab, U of Michigan) 124 CARA (Southern Micro Systems) 3-173 Ammo C (American Communication Corporation) 1-89 CASPT (RJ. Cooper 4 Associates) 3-197 Amplified Trionornitter litskats_ (Wdker Equipment Corporation) 1-3 Categorical Reasoning I and II (Parrot Software) 3-197 Anatomy and_l'hysiology of the Speech and Hearing Mech. (College-Hill Catch the Cow (Birch, Jana) 3-173 _Press) 3-189: Chatterbox Dictionary (Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems) 3-198 Aphasia Scrim I through VIII (Parrot SOftware) 3-190 Child Placement Report Writer (UNITED Educational Services, Apple Adaptor_ (ry Enterprises/Ostrom Computer Solutions) 3-69 Inc.) 3-151 Apple Computer Input Adapter (Steven E.Katior, Ph.D., Inc.) 3-69 Chin SWitch (TASH, Inc.) 2-10 Apple Demo Disk lZygoindustries,lne) 3-190 Choke Board (Developmental Equipment) 1-42 Apple DOS 3.3ManuAl_IComputers to Help People, lnc.) 3-129 Chtliee Maker-I (Microcomputer Systems for the Handicapped) 3-198 Apple Ile_InpuLAdaptec _(Life_ScPmte Associates) 3,70_ CHPI Appk Teitil_Kit (Computers to Help People, Inc.) 3-312 Apple Switch Interface _(Prentke Ramkh Company) 3-70 Clamp-Oii BUmpSwitch Luminaud, Inc.) 2-ll Appliance Genie_ ISchneier Commutation Unit) 3-307 _ ClosyUlterli-Sprakl--(-31:4-echEtitirprises) 3-313 Arithmetic 1.2,_and 3 with Speech Science Associates) 3-191 ClearNitili Head Pelt-ate (Fred Sammons, liic.) 110 Arm Slot Control (Prentke Ronsich Company) 2-6 Cleo COITIffilibititiOn Math_ (Creel, lac)-42-- Armslot Switch Controller __(D1.1-17 Control Systems Group, Inc.) 2-7 Clinicali DILI Manager (College-Hill Priii) 13-151 Artic Vision (Anic Technologies) 3-81 Clock COMMUnieitOt (Deven E Koa.or. Ph.D. 1 nc.)- 1-18 Articulation Error Analysis (Communication Skill _Builders) 1148 Close-Plus_Program (liestriktion-aliCommuutitatiOni Tichnology,lne) 3-199 Articulation Error Analysis (AEA) (Southern Micro Systems) 3-148 Cognitive Rehabilitation Stria (Hanky Coke:U.1VMM lac.) 3-199 Articulator Goals and Objectives for Speech (UNITED Educotional Cogrehah Vol. 1 (Lire Stiente doiotiotet) 3,200 Services, Inc.) 3-149 Cogrehab VoL 2 (Life Science Assotiates) 3-200 Auflex Model TS (Asahel Engineering, Inc.) 2-7 Cogrehab VoL 3 (Life Science Associates) 3-201 ASIEP Computer Scoring and Interpretation (ASIEP Education Cogrehab VoL 4 (Life Science Associates) 3-201 Company) 3-149 Coinsnkeys (Canle,Special Computer _Services, The) 3-202 AOMMulient of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech (C.C. Publications, Color Find (Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Projen) 3-202 lac.) 3-171 COM 2000 (Precision Controls; Inc.) 1-89 Audible Career Explorer (Laureate Learning Systems, Inc.) 3-172 Com Board (TASH Int.) 1-19 AndiBraille Computer (Trifarmasion Systems, Inc.) 3-81 Comm-Prost (Cacti Computer Services) 3-313 Addio Braille Game Tutorial (Speech Enterprises) 3-191 Command Telephone System (Command Telephone System) 2-47 AUdio 5dm -(Derck-pm:mai Equipment) 3-308 Commodore Light Pen (Design Technology) 3-61 AUtomadik_Page Turner (Maddak. Inc.) 2-45 Communication Binder (Mayer-Johnson Company) 1-43 AUtOkiiitalEP System and Professional Goal Banks (Harding A Harris, Communication Folder (Mayer-Johnson COMpany) 1-43 I tic) 3-130-- Communication Sheets (Fred Sammons. Inc) 1-44 AutomatW_IEP System and SCOR 0011 Wanks (LinguiSystems, Communicator (Prometheus Software) 3-315 inc.) 3-150 Communiclock (Crestwood Company) 1-19 Automatic FormWmter (Marykua Computer Services, Inc.) 3-308 Communitree - First and Second Editions (Communitree Group) 3-314 Automatic Message Dialer (TASH, lac) 2-45 Compartmentalized Communicator (Steven E. Kanor, Ph.D., Inc.) 1-20 Automatic Page Turner P-rots) 2-46 Complete Spelling Program (Special Learning Ed Software (SLED)) 3-203 Barret Switch (Handkapped Ckldren'sreehnOlogical Services, Inc.) 2-7 Comprehension Power Program (Instructional/Communications Basic Interpreter for the Blind (Scferaames-S-.) 3-82 Technology, Inc.) 3-203 Basic Language_Seriei-SpatiO ConcepM (CC Publitatkats, Inc.) 3-192 Comprehensive Phonemic Inventory for Children, 2.0 (College-Hill BasicNocubulary Builder on Computer (Ballard_& Tithe, Inc.) 3-192 Press) 3-174 Batten! AdaVer_ (Developmental Equipment) 1-17 Commi-Lenz (International Marketing Services. Inc.) 3-84 Batten( DevicoAdapter _(AbleNet) _1-17 OmtpaaPterl(RIAI Systems) 3-25 Batteu Interface_ (Prentke_ RonsickCompany) 1-18 compuDesk HCP I(Ri.COOPli-il--Aliaciities)- 3-129 Beamscopo II (Inur,-national Marketing Services. Inc.) 3-82 CanipiTstiote FOr_the SOalira of Independent Ikhavior (DLM Teaching Bear Jam (Dunamis. Incj_3-193 Resortreet) 3-151 Beeper (Crestwood Company) 2-75 COMpUter Allitted Iliatnittitin in Phonologiell Plikess BETA-X3 Thiel Braille printer (VTEIC) 3-105 ress) 3,204 BEX (Raised Dat Computing) 3-309 Computer Courseware for the Exceptional Student (Carignan-kit:ion Skill Bite Switch (D4.1-IT Control Systems Group, Inc.) 2-8 Builders)_ 3-204 Blazing Paddles (Dendvale) 3-299 Computer CUP_ (Ambito, Publirations)- 3-205 Blisspeo (Developmental Eqsdpmens) 3-193 Computer EntryTerminal_ (Prentke &Hsieh Company) 3-25 Blilsymbol Vocabulary Stamps (Blissymbolics Communication Computer Keyboard Switch (Steven_EKanor; Ph.D. Int-.) 2-11 Institute) 1-41 Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis (Communication Skill Blissymbolice Bliss Drills (MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Builderd 3-174 Consoniam)) 3-194 Computer Managed Articulation Treatment (Communication Skill Builders) 3-205 Resource gook 3: Computer &oftwafe and Hardware496 Appendix 11 Alphabetical Listing of all Products

Computer Managa LanguageTreatment (Communication Skill Electronic 31 I'My lendar(Computer Users of America) 3-317 BiuTders)_ 3406 Electronic ArtifiCialLarynx(AT-& T) 1-3 Computer liageA kniening TOL(CoguniusicanonSLR lluBders) 3-175 Electronic Calen&ail_and Pccket Scdretaries(Domawicz. Jeff (for Computer Platt Switch (Sieven_E._Katscir.Pktl. Inc.) 2-11 _ information)) 2.28 Computer Prop. for Neuropsychological Testing &Renb. (Sbordone. Electronic Typing Fingers(Persond Micro_Computers,_Inc.) 3-106 Robert. PAD) _3-206 Elementary MOD Keyboard System( TATII. inc.) 3-28 ComputerizedEnabling_Syrtem_(Computerired Enabling Systems) 3-315 Elephant Ears(Ballard A Tighe. int.) 3-213 Computerized Reading for Avhasics(College-Hill Press) 3-207 EnableReader (Enable Software Company) 345 Computerized Training Systems (CTS ) Nuts & Bolts(Conover Company. Enable Writer(Enable Softwitre Company) 3-28 The) 3-207 EnhancedPC Talking_Program (Compukr Converntions) 3-85 Concept Formation: Shape Matching(Conover Company. The) 3-208 Environmental Control(Steven E. Kane, Ph.D.. Inc.) 2-52 Control I(Prentke Romich Company) 2-47 Environmental ControlSystem (Fortress Scientific) 2-53 Control Without Keyboards(J. Jordan & Associatts) 3-315 Equalizer(!ords+. Inc.) 1-64 ControlPAC(Adaptive Communication Systems. Inc.) 2-48 ESS Rehabwarc(Easter Seal Systems) 3-153 Cooper Rand Electronic Speech Aid(Loninand. Inc.) 1-3 Evaluation System (ComputAbility Corporation) 3-176 Core Picture Vocabulary(Mvelopmental Equipment) 1-44 EXPAND(Dept. of Physical Medicine & Rehab. U of Michigan) 3-29 Core Readingand Vocabulary 1Sevelopment(Educational Activities. Expand-a-View(ARTS Computer Products, Inc.) 3-86 Inc.)3-208= Expandul Computer KeyLgards(EXEC Electronics Company LTD) 3-29 CoretecO VET3(Stan lnstratmentel 3-26 ExpandUl Keybiliii& for AutomaticTelephone (EKEG Electronics Counter Module(Steven Eire:for. Plat. inc.) 1-20_ COmpany LTD) 2-53_ Counting CrittersIMECC (Minnesota Educe:win( Computing ExpandedKeyboarth (Words+. inc.) 3-30 Consortium)) 3,209 EipandedKeybouds for Speak N' Spell(EK EG Electronics Company Creamer Modified Perkins Bullies(Maryland Computer Services. _LTD) 145 Mel 3-105 Expanded Keyboards for the Adaptive Firmware Cards(EKEG CREATE (CREATE) 3409 Electronics Company_LTD) 3-30 CreativityTool Box(Titania Publications) 3-299 Expanded Keyboards for the Talking BlissApple(EKEG Electronics Cricket(Street Electronics Corporation) 3-116 -Compaly LTD) 3-31 CTRL &ALT Key Adaptive Program(Mmtay. Fr. Bradley (for Exploratory Play(PEAL SoftwareL3-214 information)) 3-3 Explorer (UNITED Educational Services. Inc.) 3454 CTS:Electronic Assembly & Soldering(Conover COMpany. The) 3-210 Express 3 (Prentke Romich Company) 1-65 Cup Switch (TASK. Inc.) 2-12 Eye Transfer Communication System(Zygo Industries. Inc.) 1-45 Ciliadrical TouchSwitch(TASH. Inc.) 2-12 Eye-Com(Pitts Corporation) 1-45 DART-SOIXI(Dragon Systems. Inc.) 3-26 Eye-Com Board(lmaginan Communication Products) 1-46 EVenfiign(Advanced CompamServices) 3-210 Eyebrow Switch(Words+, Inc.) 2-15 DECtilk_ (DigiilEqsipment Cerporatien) 3-116 EyeTyper1(Sentientlystents Technology. inc.) 1-66 DeyTiner_fkrroyo &_.thsacitifes) 1-21 EyeTyper_MWel 200(Sentient Systems TechiSology, Inc.) 1-66 Deuce(DU-ITCOntrol _Systems Group. inc.) 2-48 EZTilot for POWerPa (Diu:anus, Inc.) 3-214 Development0 Ltver Control(Han4icapped Childrees Technological EZBAS_(ComputAbitityorporation) 3432 Services. Inc.) 2-12 EZRA (KY Enter prisei/Cenom Computer Solutions) 2-54 Dial Scan_ (Developmental Equipment) 1-21 Fact Muter_(Morning Star Software. inc.) 3-215 Directel(AT & T1 249 FastAcceix Scan Talker (Laureate Learning Systems. inc.) 3-318 Disk Guide ITASII-1m0 3-1" Fa3es_Wend _Rally_ (Didlueth Software, LTD) 3-215 DoorMonitor(Precision Controls. Inc.) 2-77 Fay: That Math Woman(Did:meth Software. LTD) 3-216 Dot & Draw(Titania Publications) 3-300 Fay: The Word Hunter(Didasech Software. LTD) 3-216 DoublePush Panel(Handicapped Children's Technological Services, Filch(Kinetic Designs. Inc.) 3-4 Inc.) 2-13 File-Talk(Computer Aids Corporation) 3-318 DP-200 Connected Speech Recognizer(NEC America. Inc.) 3-61 Finpr Flex Switch(Luminaud. Inc.) 2-15 DPSBCP(VORT Corporation) 3-175 Finpr Print(Comprech Systems Design) 3-133 DPSDecision Pathing System(VORT Corporation) 3-152 FinprSmller(Clinical Speech Systems. Inc.) 3 217 DPS:HELP (VORT Corporation) 3-153 Fingerspeller(Specialsoft) 3-217 Drills in Language Concepts(College-Hill Press) 3-211 FingerTip Controller(KY Enterprises/Custom Computer Solutions) 3-31 Dull Channel Latching Switch Interface (Hugh MacMillan Medical Firm Grip Joystick Holder(Psychological Software Services, Inc.) 3-133 Centre) 1-22 FirstCategories (Laureate Learning Systems. Inc.) 3-218 Dual Plate Switch(Zygo Industries. Inc.) 2-13 First Shapes(First Byte. Inc.) 3-218 Dual Pneumatic Switch(Zygo Industries. Inc.) 2-13 FirstVerbs (Laureate Learning Systems. Inc.) 3-219 Diiil Pnslibutton Switch-aye° lamnries, inc.) 2-14 First Words (Laureate Learning Systems. Inc.) 3-219 Dual Rocking Level iwitch(Prentke Romich Company) 2-14 First Words II(Laureate Learning Systems. Inc.) 3-220 Dell Snitch:I-itch add Timer(TASK. Inc.) 1-22 Flat Air Cuthion Switch(Steven E. Kanor. Ph.D.. Inc.) 2-16 Dual pe Control-(DU4T-Control System, Group. Inc.) 2-49 Flex Switch (TAS11,-Inc.)--2-16 Dual Teligue-Switch(DU-IT -CistorW Symenu Group. inc.) 2-14 Flexcom(FuralleutA Symems. inc.) 1-67 Dual Toua -Pad Switch(TASH. Inc.) 2-15 Fliptrnk LeArningTape Tutoriali(Speech-Enterprises) 3-134 Duxburylkaille Translator(DerlwiTry Systems. 1 nc.) _3-316 FloppyTeaches....Senes(COnover Company. Th A) 3-220 Mtn& Keyboard °Inverter (Typewriting 1 nstiiute for tn, Florida _nner(RiuUkoff, GE.) 3-134 Hilniapped)3-3 Fold-It Sytteth(Devotopmentd Eiplipment) 1-46 Dvorak Keybcatd MOdificationPrograms (Dvorak International) 3-4 Following DireZtions_(akreate Leartiing Systems. Inc.) 3-221 DvettaA One,Hand Typewriter(Typewriting Institute for the Fong/Older_(Fred SONIMOns. inc.) 2-54_ Handicapped) 244i FOotmone (Versatron COrparatunt) 3-32 Dynamite 1200(ACS Commutations) 2-50 Foto Series (Developmental Equipment)_1-47 DynaMitt 2000 (ACS Communications) 2-30 Foundations I_(PsychOlogital Software Services. inc.) 3-221_ E-Tran Scanner (Arroyo& Associates) 1-23 Foundation II (Psychological Software Services. I tic ) 3-222 E-Z Call (MedLan) 2-77 Freedom 1 (IAterface Systems) 3-86 E-Z_Pilot Il Authoring System and Training Package(Speech Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment(Collige-Hill Press) 3-154 Enterprises) 3-316 Fun With Math(Speech Enterprises) 3-222 E,ZPort _Plug-(VumCAmputing. Inc.) 3430 Function Recognition(Brain-Link Soltware) 3-223 Early Learning I(Marble_Systems) 3-211 Functional Skills Screening Inventory(Functional Resources Eady Learning II(Marble Systems) 3-212 Enterprises) 3-176 Ears(Speech Systems: Illinois) 3-27 Game Paddle for Apple II Computers(TASH,Inc.) 3-32 Easicorder(DU-1T Control Systems Group. Inc.) 2-51 Game Power for Phonics,Plus(Spin-A-Test Publishing Company) 3-177 Easy File Tray,_ Desk Organizer(Extensions for Independence) 2-51 Getting Started in Arithmetic Series (and Sam's Store)(AIMS Easy Programmer(Grimaldi & James) 1317 Media) 3-223 Easy-Load-A-Diskette(Extensions for Independence) 3-131 Gewa PageTurner (Zyio Industries, Inc.) 2-55 Echo +(Street Electronics Corporation) 3-117 Giant Push Button Telephone Adapter(Fred Sammons. Inc.) 2-55 Echo 2000(Palmetto Technologies. Inc.) 1-90 Gibson Light Pen System(Koala Technologies Corporation) 3-62 Echo Enhancement Box (SpeechEnterprises) 3-131 Governor(TASH. Inc.) 3-135 Echo OP(Street Electronics Corporation) 3-1I7 Graphics Magician Jr.(Polarware) 3-319 Echo PC2 -(Street Electronics Corporation) 3-118 Graphics Magician Painter(POlarware) 3-319 Eelici/Crieket Training Disk(Speech Enterprises) 3432 Grasp-Switch (Handicapped Chilthetei TechnAlogical Services, Inc.) 2-16 EDACTS Ktylnsnid(Pa-Da Enterprises) 347 Grip Switch E Kant. Ph.D., Inc.) 247 Ednzark Rending Pingram, Level 1-(Edmark Corporation) 3-212 Queries and Thinking(MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing &futon(TerpenMng, Joseph Lj- 3-213 Consortium)) 1424 Electric Copyholdirs(Devike Data Products) 2-32 Hi Handicapped Word Games (E David & Associates) 3-300

IZMIZI=MI.C=Z pj Resource Boo mputer Software and Hardware D-3 Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of all Products

Itiliandicapped Arithmetic Flub Cat& (E_DitiM & Associates) 3-224 Keyscan II (TASH. Inc.) 3-72 Hand Switch_lComporAbilay Corporation) 247 Keyshields (Adaptive Technology. Inc.) 3-13 Hand/Eye Coordination Programs (Edutek Corporation) 3-225 Keytalk (PEAL Software) 3-233 Handl-Keys (McCain's& Ronald S.) 3-5 Keyworks (Alpha Software) 3-37 Handi-Routine (Compri Ability_Corporation) 3-135 Kid Talk (First Byre, Inc.) 3-322 Handi-Writer-Version 3.51 (HFB Enterprises) 3-320 Kindennath 11 (Kindermathl 3-233 Handset for Speech Amplification (AT & T) 1-4 King KeyWard (TASH, Ia.) 3-37 Handy Terminal (Canon LISA. Inc.) 1-67 KoilaPid (1Coaii Tichatiogies Corporation) 3-62 Head Control for Wheelchain _Worth MacMillan Medical Centre) ;47 Kurzweil Voicesystem (Kurzweil Applied Intelligences) 3-38 Head Switch (Comput Ability Corporation) 2-18 LT. Switch (DevelopmentEquipment) 2-20 Head Switch (KY EnterprisesiCustom Computer Solutions) 2-18 Language Intervention _Planner _(Parres Software) 3-158 Headband Switch (Luminasid, Inc.) 2-18 Language LA.B. (Specialiats) 3-234 HeadMaster (Persanics Corporation) 3-33 Language Stimulation Series (k.tpen Systems Corporation) 3-234 HELP Linguidiaks (LinguiSysteam. Inc.) 3-225 Large Print Lisplay Processor (VTEK)_3-88 Help Me to Help Myself (Help Me to Help Myself CORIMMlikalion Lame Print Word _Processor (Hayman, Benjanun)_3-323 11 Large Type (National Institute for Rehabilitation Engineering) 3-323 Heyer-Abaic_Mcklular Mouthstick (Extensions for Independence) I-10 Leaf Switch (Steven &Kano-PhD., Inc.) 2-20 Holidays (Sauer Software) 3-226 Leaf Switch (TASH,_Inc.L2-20 Hope_ (Micro CillUItakM 1 nc.) 3-3 Leaf Switch (Zig° Industries, Inc4 2-21 Hot Dois (Ramed Dist Computing) 3-320 Learning Left and Right (Laureate Learning Systems. Inc.) 3-235 HX-20 Protective Cover (Allaptive rimunisnication Systems. Inc.) 3-6 Learning Workshop (CC Publications, _Inc.) 3-235 Hypernasality (Hording &liarru, loc.) 3-155 Lett/Right Rocker Swivh (Developmental Equipmema 2-21 I Can Talk (Soft Cole) 3-226 Lenical (Duncan-Atwell Computerized Teclutologies, Inc.) 3-236 ICOMM fInses Micro Systems Corporation) 1-68 Lenipen PC (Duncan-Atwell Computerized Technologies, Inc.) 3-136 IDEA Cat (3allard & Tighe, Inc.) 3427 Leo's 'Lectric Paintbrush (Dunamis. Inc.) 3-324 Idioms in America (Communication Skill Builders) 3-227 Letter Find (Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative IEP Manner, Revised (UNITED Educational Services. 1 a.) 3-155 Projia) IEP Writer (Parrot Software) 3-156 Uver Switch (TAM?, Inc.) 2-21 Illustrations (Lorin SoftwarA) 3-321 Uver_Switch (Zygo laustries. Inc.) 2-22 Illustrations (Speech Enterprises) 3-321 Life Experiences Communication Kit (Mayer-Johnson Company) 1-48 INDEX (VTEK) 3-106 Lifestyle Personal Communicator 4Garid, 1 ne.) 1-91 Individual Performance Graph Pak (Parrot Software) 3-156 Lifestyle Personil COmmunicatOrEipanded Keyreiard (EKEG Individualized Communication Systems (Mayer-Johnson Company) 1-48 Electronics CompanyLTD) 1-91 IndividWilized Planning System (Learning Tools, Inc.) 3-157 Light Pointer (AdaptiveCtimmOnkation Systems, lac.) 1-Il Infrared Remote Control (DU-IT Control Systems Group, Inc.) 2-56 Light Talker (Prelate Romicht Company) 1-68 Infrite_Snitch _(Wdrds+, Inc.) 2-19 Light Touch Lever Switch (Medical Equipment Distributors. Inc.) 2-22 inLARGE (BirkeTey System Design) 3-87 Lighted Extra Loud Signalling_Buzzer_ (Steven E. Kaner,Fh.D., Inc.) 2-79 Intele-Type (Ultrater,Ilicj 1-90 Lighted Signalling Buzzer (Steven E. Kano._ Ph.D. Inc.) 2-79 Intercom Unicontrol fralf.-11e4 2-78 Lighted Vibrating Signalling Buzzer (Steven E. Kanor,_Ph.D.. Inc.) 1-23 Interface Bo: lor Apple Ile_ (ComputAbility Corporation) 3-71 Lightpen Programs for Special Education I & II (Computer Island) 3-237 lalez7Talker (11iteshltcro Systems Corporation) 3-118 Lightwriter (Zygo Industries, Inc.) 1-69 IntroVoice I & II (Voice Connection) 3-33 LimeLight (Apercam Corporation) 3-89 IntroVoice Ill (Voice Consection) 3-34 Linear Alert ET-1A (Linear Electronics) 2-80 IntroVoice V (Yoice_Connection) 3-14 Lip-Reader Trainer (Universe Electric Remarch Company) 3-237 J-Wear Objective Mastery Report (UNITED Educational Services, Listen to Learn (IBM Corporation) 3-238 Inc.) 3-157 Lister-Talker (CiderWare) 3-324 Job Readiness Series (MCE Inc.) 3428 Lite-Touch (Lovejoy Electronics) 3-38 Job Search and Local Job Bank (Conover Company. The) 3-177 Littlaack (Speech Enterprises) 3-137 Job Survival Series INCE Inc.)_ 3-228 Livurg_nter III (Words+. Inc.) 1-69 JOBS System (Control Daus Corporation) 3-178 UsgieMastez-(Dunasiiis, Inc.) 3-238 Joystick (Steven E. Kolar, Ph.D., Inc.) 2-19 LogaTouchTooh for the PowerPad (Dunaimis, Inc.) 3-239 Joystick with Pad Switch _(T ASH, Inc.) 2-19 LoVE_ softiqTre) 3-325 Joywriter (Green Software) 3-322 Lyon Large_Pnnt Program (Computer Diskcourse) 3-89 Jumbo Phone with 9 Memories (Ways et Means) 2-56 Mac-Apple Communication Aid (Computers to Help People, Inf.) 3-325 K Taker (K Talker Sales) 3-87 MacroWorks (Beagle Bros. lac.) 3-14 - Cognitive Educational System (Lambert Software Company) 3-229 Magic Cymbals (Sehneier Cammunicatinn)rat) 3-326 Keasyboard (Parallel Systems, Inc.) 3-35 Magic Keyboind (Woodsnah Software) 3-90 Kennedy Handi-Math Program (Xennedy Memorial Hospital for Children Magic Music Teacher (EducatiOAOl 3-301 Edaation Dept.) 3-229 Magic_Slate _(Sunbursi Communicatiewm)_3-239_ KenneAy _Switch Key Software (Xeenedy Memorial Hospital for Children Magnetic Finger Switch (Lominaia, lee.) 2-22 Eduction 1Npt.) 3-136 Mignicaolp _Mayo Americas, inc.) 3-326 Key 1.4tches--(Wrirds+, Inc.) 3-6 MagniLial (Elayo Americas, Inc.1 3-90 Key Tronic_Plug-Compatible Keyboards (Key Tronic) 3-7 Master Talker (SE1 (Shwa Enterprises, lnc.)) 3-137_ Keyboard aieers (Steven E. Kawor, Ph.D., Inc.) 3-7 Math Disk (Washington Research Foundation) 3-240_ Keyboard Emulator -(Cribappie Systems) 3-35 Math Power Program (InstruetionallCommunications Technology. KeybWrd Interlace for-Apple lle (T ASH, Inc.) 3-71 Inc.) 3-240 KeybruTrd Interfaces -(Piontke Romich Company) 3-72 Math Scan LAnkney, Harry Rj 3-241 Keybooder _ (Simon Saftware) 3:210 Math Scratchpad I (Zyto Industries, Inc.) 3-241 Keyboarding FOr The Dyilezic !Educational Electronic Techniques Math Scratchpad II IZygo Industries, Inc.) 3-242 LTD) 3-230 Mathtalk (First Byte,_Inc.) 3-242 Keybouting for the Physially Handicapped (GregglkleGraw-Hill) 3-231 Maze (Computers to Help People, Inc.) 3-243 Keyboarding forithe VitUelly IUmitiW (Educational Electronic MBOSS-1 (VT EK ) 3-107 _ Techniques, LTD) 3-231 MECCA (DU-IT Control Systems Group. Inc.) 2-57 Keyboarding with Osit Hand (Education-a Electronic Techniques, Medical Alert (AT & 71) 2-80 LTD) 3-232 Membrane Plate Switch (Crestwood Company) 2-23 Keyer _(Cavington Greiff)) 3-8 Memory I (Ptycholosical Software Services, Inc.) 3-243 Keyguard (Adaptive CommlinHatiOn_Systems, Inc ) 3-8 Memory II (Psychological Software Services. Inc.) 3-244 Keyguard (Output Ability Corporation) 34 Memory Patterns (Brain-Link Software) 3-244 Keyword (ZAK Industries, 34 Mercury Tilt Switch (Luntinaud, Inc.) 2-23 Keyguarda (COPH-2) 3-10 MESA (Vapor International) 3-178 Keyguards (Developmental Equipment) 3-10 Message Maker (Communication Enhancement Clinic) 3-327 Keyguards (Premtke Remick Company) 341 Micro Braille (Micro Essineering) 3-327 Keyguards (T ASH. Inc.) 3-11 Micro Illustrator (Dunamis, Inc.) 3-328 Keyguarch (Words+, Inc.) 3-12 Mic-) Joystick with Push Switch (TASH, Inc.) 2-23 Keylocks (Adaulve Technology, Inc.) 3-12 Micro Speech Llb:(Software Nsearch Corporation) 3-245 Keylocks (TASII, Inc.) 3-13 Micro-Interpreter LIFingerspAler) -(MicrateckConsulting Company) 3-245 Keynote (Sensory Aids Corporation) 3-88 Micro-Interpreter II (CAV-ASL)4141eratechConsating Company) 3-246 Keyport 300 (Pare' Computer Products Corporation) 3-36 Micro-LADS (Lestireate learning Systems, inc.) 3-179 Keyport (Pared Computer Products Corporation) 3-36 Microbrailler 2400 (7-ritornello+ Systems, litc.)--3-107 Keys to Simms Comp. Keybd. Skills for Blind Children (Life Science Microcomputer Evaluation of Career Areas (MECA) (Conover AisocWes) 3-232 Company, The) 3-179

D-4 Rexource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 4 98 Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of all Products

MicroDECI1 1Medkai _Equipment_ Distributors. Inc.) 2-57 Phonological_Process_ Tutor (Parrot Software) 3-253 Microswitch Joyatick tHrgh MacMillan Medical Centre) 2-24 Photo Call Switch (Steven E. MAW, Ph.D. Inc.) 2-27 Mind Master (Behavioral Engineering) 3-39 PhotoPAC/EvalPAC (Adaptive ComMankation Systems,Inc.) 1-71 Mini Cup Switch ITASH. Inci 2-24 PIAT Error Analysis Report (UNITED Educational Serviret. lnc ) 1-M9 Mini Joystick with Pneumatic Switch fTASH. Inc.) 2.74 PIC Man (Developmental Eimipment) 3-302 Mini Joystick with Push Switch (TASH. Inc.) 2-25 PlC Word Board (TILE. Instrumentation a Publishing Company) I-50 Mini Keyboard (TASK. Inc.) 3-39 Picapad (Sunset Software) 3-160 Mini Rocking Lever Switch (Pretake Romich Company) 2-25 PICSYMS Categorical Dictionary (Baggeboda Press) 1-51 Mini Talking Card Reader (Crestwood Company) 1-70 Pictogram Ideogram Communication (PIC) (Developmental Minicom II (Ukratec. Inc.) 1-92 Equipment) I-5I Minimal Contrast Therapy (Parrot Software) 3-246 Picture Communication (CommaAbility Corporation) 3-331 Minspeak 1 (Prmake Rolnick Company) 1-70 Picture Communication Symbols, Book I and Book II (Mayer-Johnson Mix 'N Match (Marble Systems) 3-247 Company) 1-52 Mockingbo4rd (Sweet Mier° Systems) 3-119 Picture Perfect (Methods A-Scilutione inc.) 3-302 MOD_Keybraid System -(TILS11, lac.) 3-40 Picture Sinner - Software for Assessment (RJ. Cooper A MlialJelyilsek (MT _EnterprifesicuStom amps:ter SolWiims) 2-21 IFssociaes)_3480 Madukr Twin Turntable Da* _(tettsions for independence) 3-138 Picture Your Blissymbob (DevelOpmental Equipment)_1-52 Moiiture Guard (DeviMpmettiEqsapment) 3-14 Pictures Meanie_ L II and Ill (Parrot Software) _3-253 Moisture Gaud (Wards+, int.) 315 Pictures; Plea& (Communication skin Builders) 1-53 Morse Code &Scanning Practice Programs (Washington Research PllPersonalized Information for Independence (UNITED Educational Foundation) 3447 Services_lac,) 3454 Morse Code Drills (PersonallyDevelopedSoftwarc) 3-248 Pillow_Switch (TASIL_Inc.) 2-27 Morse-Code Based Keyboard Emulator (Words+. Inc.) 3-40 Pinch Switch (Steven E. Manor, Pk11.,inc.) 2-28 Morser (RehisibTechnology. Inc.) 3-328 Plannigi Individualized Speech & Language Intervention Motor Training Games (Washington R0'31140[11 Foundation) 3-301 i_Communication Skill Builders) 3-160 Motorized Easel (Extensionsier Independence) 2-58 Plate Switch (Developmental Equipment) 2-28 Mounting_Switch (Developmental Equipment) 2-26 Plate Switch (Maddak. Inc.) 2-28 Mouse Math (Ballard &Tighe, Inc.) 3-248 Plate Switch (Steven E. Manor, Ph.D., Inc.) 2-29 Mouth Held Page Turners (Maddak. Inc.) I-II Plate Switch (TASH. Inc.) 2-29 Mouth Operated Controller for Quads (KT Enter priseslCustom Computer Plate Switch (Zygo Industries, Inc.) 2-29 --Sithstimu) 341 Plate Switch On Stand (Steven E. Manor. Ph.D.. Inc.) 2-30 McnithatiCks "(Fred Sammons. Inc.) I-11 Platform Switch (TASII, Inc.) 2-30 MPRINT (VTEM)L 3-I08 Pneumatic Switch (Prentke-RomiCh-Company) 2-30 Multi-Oatmeal:Med (KY Exterpriies1Cussom Computer Satutions) 3-138 Pneumatic SwaTch (TABIL 2-31 Multi-Input Selector (Zygo Industries, 1 nc.) 1-24 Pneumatic Switch_ (Zygo 1:Wu:tries, Inc.)_2-31 Multi-Sean (Words+,_Inc.1 3-329 Poc-Ett_System (krroyesi 40saciates)1-25 _ Multiple Switch Box_for the Adaptive Firmware Card (ComputAbility Pocket-Sized Communication Book (Mayer-lohnson Company) 1-53 Corporation) _3,71 Point and Read (Micro-Zd) 3-254 MultiportjPsychological Scftware _Services, Inc.) 3-139 Point to Picture* Da_v_elqrnsentKit(8.1.Coopar_& Associates) 3-255 MultiScribe tSpeech EnterprMes1 3-329 Point to Pictures Discrimination Kit (RJ. Cooper a Associates) 3-255 Muppet LearningKeys (Sunburst Communications) 3-63 Point to Pictures Lesson Plan Masters (11.1. Cooper a Associates) 3-2! 6 Natural Language Processing Program (Educational Audiology Programs, Pointer Selection Switch (Zygo Industries. Inc.) 2-31 Inc.) 3-249 Porta Book (Crestwood Compa) I-54 Neovox (Amex Corporation) 1-4 Porta Printer Plus MP20 (Krown Research. Inc.) 1-92 No-Touch (Hanley Associates) 2-58 Porta Printer Plus MP2OD (Krown Research. Inc.) 1-93 Nu-Vue-Cue (M.D. Clart . Inc.) 1-49 Porta Printer Plus MP4OD (Krown Research. Inc.) 1-93 Oakland Schools Picture Dictionary (Developmental Equipment) 1-49 Porta View Junior/Mcdel 32 (Krown Research, Inc.) 1-94 Ohtittki Printer (Oksuki Communication Products, Inc.) 3-108 Portable Communication Boirdi (Developmental Equipment) I-!4 011ië Series {CC PiAilicatiotu. Inc.) 3-249 Portable F6cket Typewriter/Computer (CrestWOod Company) 1-72 Oninibor (Expert Systems-Software. Inc.) 3-63 Portable Voice II (Words+.-Ine) OrT/011 Remote Sinteh (DimangoProdUcts) 2-59 PowerPad _aliotattds. Inc.) 3-64 One Finger _(Trace Center) 3-15 PowerPad_Programming Kit (Dintands, Inc.) 3-256 One /Waded Typing_ (iones..M,Mthew) 3-250 Practice-Communication Qrth _(Mayer-Johnson Company) 1-53 Operator Dialer (AT AT) 2-59 Prairie Power Portable Ile System (Land Electronic Design) 3-139 Optacon 1Telesensor ySymems_lnc.) 3-91 PRC Joystick (Prelate _Romich Company) 2-32 Opticommunicator _ (Crestwood Company) I-50 PRE-MOD II (ASIEP EditcationCompany) 3-161 P-Switch (Prentice Romich Compeny)_2-26 Preposition Recognition (Brain-Link Software) 3-257 P.O. Vox _(PD-Vmr_Medical. Inc.) 14 Pressure Sensitive Expanded Keyboard (Cacti Computer Services) 3-43 P.O. Vox Companion (p.O. Vox Medical, Inc.) 1-5 Preuure Switch 1Luminasd. Inc.) 2-32 PA-1 Portable Alarm (Med Labs) 241 Printer 83 (Dynacomp. Inc.) 1-217 PACA (Portable Anticipatory Communication Aid) (Zygo Industries, Print-A-Call (Krown Research, Mc.) 1-94 Inc.) 1-71 Print-it iTextprint) 3-94 Paddle Adapple 1ComputAbility Corporation) 3-73 Prism Communication Tray (Variety Village Electralimb Production Paddle Panel (Povho(gical Software Services, Inc.) 3-74 Centre) I-55- Paddle Switch _(Wordite-. Inc.) 2-26 Problem Solving (Puchological Software Services. Inc.) 3-258 Pap Turner (Maddak. Inc.) 2-60 Process Analpis Version 2.0 (Parrot Software) 3-180 Paint With Words (MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Processing Power Program (InstructionallCommunications Technology. Consortium)) -3-250 Inc.) 3-258 Parrot Easy Language Sample Analysis (PELSA) (Parrot Software) 3-158 ProKey f_RoseSoft. Inc.) 3-17 PAVE: Perceptual Accuracy/Visual Efficiency Training Prompt-Writer (Syn-Talk Systems and Services) 3-321 (InstructionallContimmicatiom Technology, Inc.) 3-251 Pronounce (Microphonics Technology Corporation) 3-43 PC AID (Desijning Aids far Disabled Adults) 3-41 ProTERM (MicroTalk Software) 3-94 PC Assisted Keyboard (Designing Aids for Disabled Adults) 3-16 PROVOX (Kansys, Inc.) 3-95 PC Lens (ARTS Computer Products, Inc.) 3-91 ProWORDS (MicroTalk Software) 3-332 PC Morse Code (Personally Developed Software) 3-251 PSS Joystick Adapter (Psychological Software Services. Inc ) 3-74 PC Reader (Maryland Computer Services. Inc.) 342 Puff Switch (ComputAbility Corporation) 2-32 PC Serial AID (Designing Aids for Disabled Adults) 342 Puff'N Buzzer Switch (Maddak, Inc.) 2-81 PC Speak (Solutions By Example) 3-92 Puffin Morse Code Entry System (Regenesis) 344 PC Vert (Telesennory Systems. Inc.) 3-92 Purposeful Patterns, Purposeful Symbols, What Belongs? (Greentree PC Voice (ARTS Computer Praisers. nc.) 3-93 Group. The)- 3-259 PC-Braille (Triformation Systems. Inc.) 3-93 Push-On-Pdah-Off Mcidule (Steven E. Manor. -Ph.D. Inc.) 1-25 PC-Fingers 1Midwest-HeWikPrograms Inc.) 3-252 Pitihbutton Switch -(Zygo Industries, Inc.) 2-33 PC-Pal_ (Brown A-Coispanx-Inc.) 3-16 Quad-Independence Typewriter-Printer System (Extensions for Pencliy_WriM_IMId__(Cross EsitionW Saftware) 3-130 _ ln4ipendince) 1-71_ Pe7AU_SWitth (T-MX I tic.) 2-27 quadLynx Trackball (Honeywell Disc_1nstruments Subsidiary) 3-44 PEPPER 4SoftwareDeveMpment Aithsribation Center) 3-159 Quick _Talk (Schneer Communication Unit) 3-332 Perceptual Motor rrainer (Steven E. Manor, PhiD. inc.) 1-24 QuickWord (EnterSet, 1 nc.) 345 Personal Wainer (TriformatimuSymems, inc.) 3-109 Quiet Duck Learning Series (Computer Talk) 3-259 Personal Money Management (Computer Users of America) 3-330 R/SII_Series_Wireless Link (Communications Applied Technology) 3-75 Personal Speech_Systern_(Votrer International. Inc.) 3-119 Rabbit Scanner 4Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Phonies, Text, and Graphics (Washington Research Foundation) 3-252 Project) 3-260

Resource 1 k93: Computer Software and Hardware D-5 Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of all Products

Race the Clank (Methods &So Unison, hic.) 3-260 Special Needs Volume 2 - Simulations & Drills (MECC (Minnesota Radio Remote Control_ (EKEG Electra-MCI Company LTD) 2-60 Educational Compiains Consortium)) 37270 Radio Unicontrol (TASH, Inc.)_ 2-61 Special Skill Builders I sk II (Comm-To:ions. Inc.) 3-270 Raised Face-Plate (AT & T) 2-61 Speech Recognition Keyboard (Key Tronic) 348 Rand Voice Amplifier (Luminaud. Int) 1-5 Speech Writer (Computer Users of America) 3-336 Rapsheet (BAUD) 3-333 SpeechAid (Imes Micro Syszents Corporation) 1-76 Rate Drill in Articulation, Language and Fluency (UNITED EduCational SPeechMaster (SpeechMaster) 3-271 Services, Inc.) 3-261 SpeechPAC/Epson (Adaptive Communication Systems. Inc.) 1-76 Reading Around Words Program (InstructionallCommunitation SpeechPad (Crabapple Systems) 1-77 Technology, Inc.) 3-261 Spell-A-Vision (Cross Educational Software) 3-271 Reading Recognition (Brain-Link Softwore) 3-262 Speller Ike (First Byte. Inc.) 3-272 Ready Reader (Maryland Computer _Services, 40_349 Speller 'Mlle (Kalashian AI) 1-27 Remedial Secondary or Adult Education Programs (Hartley Courseware. Inc.) 3-262 Spelling Tater (Speech Enterprises) 3-272 SpelliSt Computer Services) 3 :73 Reinote 0:introl Sonic Switch (Fashion Able) 2-62 SpOnSe Nurse CIII Sititeh_ (Dickey Engineering) 2-36 Rernote_Keyboard for the Apple II+ and Ile (EKEG Electronics Square Pad Swikh (TASH. inc.) 2-36 Company LTD) 3-46 Squeeze Type_Switches (Maddak, Inc.) 2-36 Repeat Defeat (Life Science Associates) 3-17 SR-100 Voice InpUt TerMinal (NEC America. Inc.) 3-48 Represenational PGy (PEAL Software) 3-263 $51-11X1 Communicator (SpicedS-yoents. Inc.) 1-95 Response OpGmiTer (lcon Penn Vera's) 3-140 SSI-220 Communicator (Specialized Systems. Inc.) 1-95 RIC Easy Taker_ fRelliihration laminae of Chicago) 3-333 SSI-240 Communicator (Specialind_Systents-lnc.) 1-96 Rocker Switch (Medical EqUipmem Wink:tors. Inc.) 2-33 Stanford-Bine Computer Report (SB-CR) (Southern Micro Rocker_Switch_ (TASH,lnc.) 2-33_ Systems) 3-161 Rocking Plate Switch (Steven E. Karim, Pk13.. 1 tic.) 2-34 Stick-On Keylocks (Extensions for Independence) 3-19 Romeo Brailkr_ (Maryland Compieer Services. I ac.) 3-109 STIM-U-LITE IConorer_Company; The) 1-28 Round_Pad Switch_ (TASIL lie.) _2-34 Study Buddy (Speech Enterprises) 3-273_ SafeSkin Key_board Protector (Merritt COMpliter Nathan-S. inc.) 3-18 Sunny Days (Developmental Euipment) 3-274 SAGE System (Control Data Corporation) 3-181__ Super Cranmer Graphics Package (Raised Dot Computing) 3-336 SAID: Say u I Do _Konnver_Company, The) 3-263 Super Shape Draw & Animate (Titania Publications) 3-337 SALT (Systematic Analysis mfLanguage Transcripts) (Language Super Voice (Speech Systems: Illinois) 3-121 Analysis Lab, Waisman Center)3-161 SuperKey (Borland International) 349 Saltus Reader (Dickey Engineerinj) 2-62 Siiperprint 1110, 200, 400 (Ultratec. Inc.) 1-96 SAR-10 Voice Plus (NEC America, Inc.) 3-16 Urah and Her Friends (Rhiannon Software) 3-264 Siipertalker (Moutuain Computer) 3422 Suitt:Mains Patterns (and other programs) (Strawberry Hill Knowledge &y It (Schneier Communication Unit) 3-334 Stiftliare, -3:27 4 Uy-It-All end Uy-It-All Super Plus (Innocomp) 1-73 SUrvival Wen& (Coadver Company, The) !-275 SAYIT -(Baysik Speech) 3-140 Switch Aapter_feriApple lie and II+ Computers (TASK. Inc.) 3-75 Scan & Speak (Communication Enhancemma Clinic) 3-264 Switch Interface_ (Developmental Equipmenr) 3-76 Scanning_COnverston Program (First Broward Development) 3-141 Switch Latch (Dritikrpitnntd Equipment) 1-28 ScanPAC/214011_(Aaa *ire Communication Systems, Inc.) 2-74 Switch Latch (TAS , 1-29 SCANWOLF (Wayne LiTeurrylmermediate School District) 1-74 Switchtioard (ET1 Carparation) 1-77 SCATIStreen Atticuktor1 /RC Sysienu. Inc.) 3-93 Switchmaster (Expert Systems Uftware,lnc.) 3-275 Scooter Zero Force Game POtt_ (Ohitalietionscs) 3-141 Symbol Training Display (DevelopmeMW Equipmenr) 1-29 Screen-Talk Pro (Computer AiJ1 Corporation) 3-96 Symbol Writer (Developmental Equipment) 3-276 Screenkeys (Woritro-, inc.) 3-47 _ SynPhonix 100 (Artie Technologies) 3-122 Sentence-Sean (Conspmersto Help Peaple. hie) 3-334 SynPhonix 200 JArtic Technologies) 3-123 Sequential Scanner (Steven E. Kanto; Ph.13,. inc.) 1-26 Synphonix jr (Artie Technologies) 3-123 Servos (Siemens HearingInstrure4nn,Inc.) 1-5_ TAck Talking Animated Gragiics _(P.1 Software) 3-276 Sight Word Spelling (Handicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Talk About A Walk jCollese-Hill Press) 3-277 Project) 3-265 Talk Board (THE. Instrumentation & Publishing Company) 1-56 Signal Buzzer (Steven E. Kano,. IRO 2-82 Tilk 11 (Rushakoff. G.E.) 3-337 Silent Page System (Quest Electronics) 2-82 Tilk Tone (Audio Tone Company) 1-97 SiMpleCom L Yes/No Communication (Num/se inc.) 3-245 Talker (Finally Software) 3-338 SimpleCtini 11 Needs/Wants Communication (Dunamis, Inc.) 3-266 Talking 100 -(Commetrics, LTD) 1-78 &nee PWI-Panel (Handicapped Children's Technological Services, _Ine4 2-34 Talking 100 Ceitiiiikleator (TASK, Inc.) 1-78 Talking Aid _(/Preivimpitrer Systems for the Handicapped) 3-338 Single Rocking-Lever Switch (Prerake Romich Company ) 2-35 Talking AppleLiterky Kit (American Priming House for the Blind Single Switeh Assessment Program (Rushakoff, G.E.) 3-181 (APH)) 3-277 Single SwitehDame Library (Rushakoff, G.E.) 3-303 Talking Beam (Cr:40,06a COmpany,I 142 Single-Input Aueument &tinware (Developmenral Equipment) 3-182 Talking BlissApple: (TrtTce Cemer) 3-339 Sip & Puff Swilth (Steven E. Kanto, Ph.D.. Inc.) 2-35 Talking Hands (EBSCO CrkWim Materials) 3-278 Slotbuster (RC Symenu, Inc.) 3420 Talking Paddlu (Crenweiad Company) 1-56 Small Clock Comintinic7ski (Steven E. Kanto, Ph.D.. Inc.) 1-26 Talking Pictures Communication_BOard (Cresniniad Company) 1-57 SmallTalk (VTEK) 1-75_ Talking Pictures. Kits I. IL and III Mtn:Woad Company) 1-57 Smati_Shaper (PayikrralkaSaftvrare-Services, Inc.) 3-266 Talking Riddles (Cron Educationd Software) _3-278 Smarthotnel (CybirLYNI Colaperser _Products, Inc.) 2-63 Talking Scanner (Adaptive Peripheral:I. Int.) 3-279 Sniartkey (Sof:wore Research Techriolitglis) 3-18 Talking Sensible Speller (Computer Aids Corporation) 3-339 SmoothTalker (Firstyre,lnc.) 3-120 Talking TermExec (Ken Software, Int.) 3-97 Soft Switch_ (T_AT/4 Inc.) 2-35 Talkies Text Writer (Scholastic Sojtware) I-279 Soft Tools 113, '84; '113 (Cosnitivt _RelbilitiTtkin) 3-267 Soft Vert (relesensorySymenn,lat.)3-96 Talkins Thecend II japosch Enterprises) 3-340_ (Adaptive Peripherals; Inc.) 3-280 Software Automatic:Mouth (SAM) (Tronix_PUbliiiiiirS, 1 tic.) 3421 Talking turf's (Computers to Help People. lnc.) 3-340 Software for Visually Impaired Children (Sansory Ards Talking Foundation) 3-267 ioard (Adaptive Peripherals. inc.) 3-341 Talking (Cross Educational Software) 3-341 Software Simulations of Communication Pltiathefte Tall Tali Habilitation Service) _3-182 'Speech Enterprises) 3-97 Tall Talk s. (Speech Emerprises) 3-98 SonomaVoice (Sonoma StatcHospitatiDev4lapiMent Cenrer) 1-27 Tally-Talk Fnterprises) 3-342 Sound Activated Light Switch_ (National Tethilical Systems) 2-63 Tape Records TASK. Inc.3 2-64 Sound Ideas (Hotrytkion 11#11in) 3468 Tape Recorder with Switch Adapter (TASK. Inc.) 2-64 Sound Match Alchneier Communication Unit) 3-268 Tape-A-Message (Crestwood Company) 1-30 Sound Monitor (Precision Controls; Inc.) 2993 Target (Communication Enhancement Clinic) 3-280 Sound Search II (Hardivr_&-Harris, Inc.) 3462 Task Muter (Life Science Associates) 3-281 Speak Up (Lastreate Learning Systems_._Inc4 3-335 Teaching Vocabulary LinguiDisks (LinpaSystenui 3-281 Speak-A-Label (Computer Users of America)3-335_ TED-601) Text Embossing Device (Tr(formation Systems. Inc.) 3-110 Special Education (Elementar0 Paks for Special Needs (Hartley (Computer Users of America) 3-342 Courseware, Inc.) 3-269 nlelkiillel(reksensory Systems, Inc.) 1-97 Sprcial Friend Speech Prosthesis (Shea Prod_ucts. Inc.) 1-75 Telepholle Htilder-& Line Connector (Zygo Industries. I nc.) 2-65 Special Inputs Disk (Washington Research Foundation) 347 Telepheine Od/Off Leib (TASH. Inc.) 2-65 Spetial Needs Volume I - Spelling (MECC (Minnesota Educational TelephOne Ring Indicator (FredsIon Coturols, Inc.) 2-66 Complains Consortium)) 3-269 Tele/Won CUndel Selector (Prenrke Romich Company) 2-66 Telewritet (Telmoograph Corporation) 1-98

Resource Wook 3: Computer Software and Hardware 0. Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of at' Products

Ten Key Board (EKEG Electronics Company LTD) 3-64 VIC-20 Scanner (Courav Center) 3-347 Tesulk (.1Gsecnbly Corner) 3,341 Video Voice Plicro Video) 3-288 Texialker.Blind and Other Echo Utilities (Street Electronics Viewpoint Optical Indicator 6 (Prentice Romich Company) 1-12 Corporation) 3-98 Viewscan Text System (Sensory Aids Corporation) 3400 Testwriter_20 (SpackEnterprises) 3-343 Visagraph Eye-Movement RecordingSystem The Adyentines of limmy Jumper - Prepositions (Handicapped (Instructional/Communications Technology, Inc.) 3-183 Children's Computer Cooperative Project) 3-282 Visi-Pitch Model 6095 (Kay Elemetrics ('orporation) 3-288 The Ixat RReasoning (MCE Inc.) 3-282 Visible Speech Aid (Software Research Corporation) 3-289 Thumb Switch (Zygo laduaries. Iftc.) 2-37 Vista (Telesemory Systems. Inc.) 3-101 TI-Speech (Texas Instrumems. Incl 3-49 Visual Recognition (Brain-Link Software) 3-289 TIGERbook ITIGER Consiminication System. Inc.) 1-30 Visual/Perceptual Diagnostic Testing & Training Prop. (Educational Tilt Switch (Handicapped Children's Technological Services. Inc.) 2-37 Electronic Techniques, LTD) 3-183 Tilt Switch (Steven E. Kano,. PILD., Inc.) 2-37 Visual/Reading Drills (Sunset 3"6ftware) 3-290 Tilt Table (Developmental Equipment) 3-142 Visuospatial Skills (PsYchologica Software Services. Inc.) 3-290 TIM (Computers far the Physicaily Handicapped) 1-79 VOC-Matchina and VOC Report -(tusver Company. Tke) 3-163 Timer and Counter (Handicapped Ckildren's Technological Services. Voesid (Texas Instruntents.loc.) 1-82 Inc.) 1-31 VocaLink CailuIJ.iModule (interstate Voice Products) 3-70 Timer Module (Steven E. Kano.. Pk.D.. Inc.) 1-31 VocaLink CSRB-LCI(Interaese Witt Prodati) 3-30 Timothy Communications-Peekage (SoftCap Company) 1-79 VocaLank 5CflCL4000 (hoer:lase Voice Pr:lilies) 3-51 Tip Switch (TASH. Inc.) 12-38 Vocank 5YS300_ (Inuraisle Voice Products) 3-51_ Tongue Conuoller (Kr Eliterpriseil('istomCiimptiter Solutions) 3-49 VatiLink VRT300 (lifters:We Voice_Products) 3-52 _ Tongue 5-Witch (PiatakeWomick Company)_2-31 Voice Activated Switch (Steven E. Xanor, Inr.) 2-40 TOSC-21vuonmentAl CatUrOl System (TAS H. lacj_2-67 Voice Card_ (Volan) 3-52 Teeth &SVeahAresaurninientson_Enhase~tu Clink) 3-343 Voice Command_Sysient _(WarxistInc.) 3-53 Touch 'N TOk_Communication Board (imaginal Communication Voice Communications Option (IBM Entry System Division) 3-53 PrOdurft) 1-_58 Voice Communicsitions System (ITT Information Systems) 3-54 Touch 'N Talk_Communication Notebook (I maginart Communication Voice Driver (Voice Reco_gation Systems) 3-54 Products) I,58 Voice Enpish Language Development (Chatterbox Voice Learning Touch_'N Talk Communication Stickers (Imaginal Communication Systems) 3491 Products) 1-31 Voice Master (Carex. Inc.) 3-125 Touch 'N Talk MIC10111 (1maginart Communication Products) 1-59 Voice Mate II (TASH. Inc.) 1-36 Touch and Match (Haadicapped Children's Computer Cooperative Voice Math (Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems) 3-291 Project) 3-283 Voice of Help (Educational Electronic Techniques. LTD) 2-8; Touch and See (Handicapped Children's Compare Cooperative Voice Reading Ability Drill (Chatterbox Voice Learning Systems) 3-292 Project) 3-283 Voice Systems-Package (SRI Diaribition.-Inc.) 3-55 Touch C0111 (Developmental Equipment) 3-183 Voiceserib-e-I000-(Dragen Symons, Inc.) 1-55 Touch Sensitive Joystick Contzol (Handicapped Children's Technological Voicescribe-20000 (Dragon Systems. Inc.) 3-56 Services. Inc.) 2-38 Voicette_ inc.) 14 11 Touch Switch (Zygo latistries. Inc.) 2-39 VOIS 130 (P&nic E. la.) 142 Tbuch Talker (Prentke Roraick COmpany) 1-80 VOIS 135 (P&Itic lac.) 1-81 Touch Turner-(reech_Tureer) 2-67 VOIS140 (Phonic Ear. Inc.) 1-83 Traith Wiheroa_lPersond Muck Corporation) 3-65 VOIS 150 _(Phanit Ear,ine.) 1-84 Toy Aapter Cale (Tygo industries. Inr.) 1-32 Votalker AP _(Varms IffieJsational. Inc) 3-125 Toy Assessor_ (Expert System, Software. Inc.) 3-284 Votalker C-64 (Yams International,Inc.) 3-126 Toy Cable (TASK. lac.) 1-32 Votalker TB 11,0:nu InternationakInc.) 3-126 ToyScanner _(Espen Systems Software, Inc.) 3,284 VS1000 Voice Communications Device (Sphere Technologies. Inc.) 3-65 ToyPACiAdaptive Coninoutication Systems. IRO 1-33 VTR 6050 Series II (Vann) 3-56 Trace Math Aid (Computers to Help People. Inc.) 3-285 Wafer Switch (T ASH. Inc.) 2-40 Training Aid 2 (Prentke Ronda Company) 1-33 WAIS-Riter 'BASIC (Southern Micro Systems) 3-164 TRAX FAX Talking Checkbook (SOFT-X) 3-344 WALC LinguiDisks (LinguiSystems. Inc.) 3-292 TRAX PAX Talking File Box (SOFT-X) 3-345 Watchman (Ultrasec. Inc.) 2-84 Tread Switch (Zygo Industries. Inc.) 2-39 Ways to Play (Words+. Inc.) 3-293 Treadle Switch (TASH. Inc.) 2-39 WechIsler Adult-Intelligence Scale-Reviaed (WAIS-R) (UNITED TRI-170 Braille Terminal Embosser (Triformation Systems. Inc.) 3-110 Educational S ervices.lnc.)- 3464 Tri-Responder (Crestwood Company) 1-34 Western nter-&ho 4- Synthesizer Package /Western Center for Trine System (ACS) (Adaptive Communication Systems. Inc.) I-80 Microcomputers in Specia Edication) 3443 Trine System (Words+) (Words+. Inc.) 3-81 Wheeled FlOorStation _(Zygoln4ustries, la.) 3-143 Triple Dump (CompTech Systenu Design) 3-142 Whistleswiteh Remote Central (Ways &Means) 2-70 TV Converter- (TASK-. Inc.) 2-68 Wireless Alerting Systems (Nationwide Flashing Signal Systems. TV Game-2 (DU-1T ContrW Systems Group. 1 nc.) 3-76 la.) 2-83 Twenty Categories (reate Cell:rang System!, 1 no.) 3-285 Wireless Data Transmission System IPtetake Banish Company) 3-77 Ty'Ve &Speak (omnou&vaion EnUncement Clinic) 3-345 WISC-R Compilatiom What To Do Now_ (UNITED Educational Type PP Melat_(Sibitater Communication Unit) 3-286 Say/res./or/ 34:51 Type-14-TMk. (Veserax International inc.) 3-124 WISC-R Computer Report (WISC-RCR) (UNITED Educational Services. Type-TOk (LainSoftware) 3-286 tic.) 3461 Typewriters for the Visually Impaired (Typewriting Institute for the WISC-Riter 'BASIC _am:kern Micro Systems) 3-166 _Handicapped) 141 WISC-Riter Complete (Southern Micro Systems) 3466 Ufonic_Voice System (Josten'it Learning_Systenis) 3-124 Wobble Switch (ComputAbility Corporation) 2-41 Ultimate Banker _(Speech_Enterprises) 3-346 Wobble Switch (Preside Romich Company) 2-41 Ultimate FileCabinet (Speech Enterprises) 3-346 Wobble Switch (Steven E. Kanor. Inc.) 2-41 Ultra 4 Remote System (TASH, Inc.) 2-68 WOLF (Wayne County Intermediate School District) 1-84 Understanding_Ouestions, Sentences I & II. Stories (Sunset Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Error Analysis Report (UNITED Serware) 3487 Educational Services. Inc.) 3-167 Unicorn Expanded Keyboard (Unicorn Engineering Company) 3-50 Word Board (T.H.E. Instrumentation & Publishing Company) 1-60 Unidialer ITAS(,_ Inc.) 2-69 Word Class Inventory for School Age Children (College-Hill Unipix Ilmaginart Communication Products) 1-60 Press) 3-167 UNISTAR Pre-IEP Report (UNITED Educational Services, Inc.) 3463 Word Communication (ComputAbility Corporation) 3-348 Universal Telephone Adapter (Extensions for Independence) 2-69 Word Memory Programs (InstructionallCommunications Technology. V.P. (Maryland Computer Services. Inc.) 3-99 Inc.) 3-293 Vantage Mlesetuary System& Inc.) 3-99 Word Recognition (Brain-Link Software) 3.294 Variable Position Scanner (Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Word-Talk (Computer Aids Corporation) 3-348 Kansas. Inc.) 1-33 Words-to-Voice (Totec Company. LTD) 3-101 VARP: Vocal Abuse Reduction Program (College-Hill Press) 3-287 World of Counting (Edicomp Enter prisa)-3-294 Venti-Voice (Bear Medical Systems. Inc.) 1-6 Write (Computers to Help People, 1 no.) _3-295 VERBal STAR (Computer Conversations) 3-347 Writing to Riad (-18M Corporation) 3-295 VersaBraille (Telesenlary Systems. Inc-) 3411 X-10 POwerhouse_Computer Inlerface (X-10 (USA), Inc.) 3-339 VersaPoint Braille Embosser (Telesensory Systems. Inc.) 3-Ill X-10-Systati -(X-10-(11SA).ltic.)_2-71 Versascan (Prentice Mudd. Company) 1-35 XtralCey 1Xpert Saftware)3-20 Vert Plus (Telesensary Systems. Inc.) 3-100 Zygo MWel 100_ (Zyso halkstries. Inc.) 1-85 Vertical Plate-Switch (Steven E. Kona.. Ph.D..1nc.) 2-40 Zygo MWel 16C (Zygo Industries. 1 nc.) 3-36 Vibrating Shek (Steven E. K anor. Ph.D. 1 nc.) 1-35 Zygo Model 20 (Zygo industries. inc.) 1-37

Resource k 3: Computer Software and Hardware D-7 n1 Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of all Products

Zygo Maki 21S (Zygo Industries. lac.) 1-37 Zygo Mo Wel 4 (Zygo Industries. lac.) 245 Zyso Notatook4Zygo Imdoories. loc.) 145 Zyso scanWRITER (Zygo Industries. Inc.) 14.6 Zygo TETRAscan II (Zygo hods:tries, loc.)

Resource Book 3 : Computer Softwareand Hardware